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l88                      METALLURGY   OF   CAST   IRON.
C, and D. Sample A, which has been ground to pass a 4o-mesh sieve, gives one total, combined carbon and one graphite. Sample B gives a low silicon, a medium sulphur, a low manganese, a phosphorus which is within the Bessemer limit, and a titanium. This has been passed through a 2o-mesh sieve. Sample C gives a medium silicon, high sulphur, medium manganese, medium phosphorus, and a titanium. This has also passed a 2o-mesh sieve. Sample D gives a high silicon, low sulphur, high manganese, and high phosphorus, and has passed through a 4o-mesh sieve.
The standards are sold at the price of $5.00 per pound (a discount of 40 per cent, is allowed to colleges and dealers), and in no instance will less than one pound be sold. The samples are packed in bottles holding one-third of a pound and delivered in cases, as illustrated on page 189, holding three or four bottles according to the desires of a subscriber. One pound of the samples should furnish enough material for 36 complete analyses, or at least 200 separate determinations. The exact analyses of the samples A, B, C, and D are sent separately by mail, so that they may be placed upon bottles or kept private, as desired by the subscriber.
By addressing any member of the committee (see page 183), all orders for drillings will receive prompt attention. Money may accompany orders or be sent after receipt of drillings, as best suits the pleasure of the buyer.
To secure the first orders for standardized drillings, the author found it necessary to call upon many managers and chemists at their offices, but the good work once well under way advanced so rapidlyve proved the mixing to be all that could be desired.