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LOSS   <>!•'    IKON    BY   OXIDATION    IN    Cl'l'OLAS.
which the iron was chunked in heats Nos. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8, as well as those shown in Tables 65 and 66, where rolls are cited. The loss from heats Nos. i and 2 ran about 5 per cent, for the sand rolls and 3 per cent, for the chilled iron. When the first two heals are compared with those of the chilled iron by the
	Heat	Ural	Heat	Heat	Heat	He-at	Heat	Heat
	No. l.	No.  ...	No. J(.	No. -|.	No. .s.	No. <».	No.' >•.	No. S.
	1	£	•f.	t/.	,.	v.	«;	,:
Kind of Metal Charged.	3^	l~	1	1	"o	"o	o	"o
	•j*	•i'J	5	''J	'•J	5	D	5
Kiud ol' protee		V""						
tion    used   on	Sand	Sand	I,ead	bead	bun*"	la'nir	Sit.	si I.
coaled  rolls	Scale.	Sea Us	Wash.	Wash.	Wash.	Wash.	Soda.	So«la.
Weight   ol    nn								""
protected   and								
prut c e t  e d	11!   11)>	'•.'.. | j,,	Sj ]|(.	II	;-,, I  ]|,.t|	'V,  111',		n
riiai j.',< 'S ......... Blast put on ...... ~	II)   III'.	.',. !'">	.'. r;	, .,,			.i "t	',  ! ; '"
Protected    iron								
ninninj', .......	.'•• |.| 1,	/'.   •'. 't'	.; ''.'i			.'. ""'l	.; '"»'i'	'. ',-f|i
If 11 pro! eeted								
iron t iinnm^..,.	.V \.\		i . i ' ' •	,• ."i	. '•   ' • ' i	. i ' " '	.;. ' "»	f, ',;
IM'otrrlrd    iron								
all  down	•j.i..;1 -	'.   1"	1 "O»	•' .it1 •	.v i'.'1 '	.', II' '	/. ••"	1 "."'i
Un protected				'.				
ire>ti all down	•l.oi	i. ".',' ' .-	.j .,,»		,1 ^7		/. »'»U	.{   lit!
Wright  of   |>io : terted iron oh ' j*»S Jhs, tained........    !    ,PI/
-si Ib
<-d iron   ........      n »»/. !  r{ <»/.       f. <»*
J/>s.s of   utipro       .ilbs.i    r?lbs,"i    .'Ib..  |    lib    :    ,; ibs        \lh«<   '     .« ifr.       '{(.-, te<.'ti.'d inuj......!    »j o/. !  i.j »»/.       i , o/        11 n/         'i «».•          • o/         pi/      i«.o/
* This has rel'eirnee <o thr ,sand that burned a stale on the sand r.i-,1 toll, and whieh were eharj'.ed on one side, u htle the elullerl tolls \\ejo ehau;« d on the oth«T, of the ettpola, tor heat-, No-, land '. 1-or Itfat-. No-. •; io ;=; all t lull Hills \vc ie n-,cd jot both sides, the only «li!l'i'frui'i' ln-ill>' the .lulls i<»i itttc side xvei rotated as d«.:st.:t ihed on pa^es ,u •„ ,i j and ;i,nds pe!' (on of iron, or a ratio of 7.7 iron to i coke, in onler to deliver the melted iron in the same condition as on an ordinary day. In other words, an additional fuel consumption <>!' a little over 3,h per cent, is needed under the above conditions......................    3,658 units                            £