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KI'FIa  1'   o|-'    KM'ANSlo.N    » >N    SH 1< I N K A( IK,    K'l't.'.         3^9
ranged that the power of expansion was not sufficient to extend the distance between them, whereas No. 10 had sand ends to compose the mould, which ;j;ave lull freedom for expansion, the. same its in all other tests displayed in Fi^'s. 74 and 75- The fact that hard
'       EXPANSION SIDE. •4             1	CONTRACTION SIDE. 12*1           r,           r, r   ,    -..,1Tr,,,--j              _______    .j        „„„„„,, .„„-,.(,., ......... •„,,„-,, ..... rv-  j ................. ,™,.,.| ______ ----- „.,.,  | ...... «..„ ....... .™».»	
Test Xo. ,                            i	Sulplvur, u.n:;i I.MT c«'iit.	
1                            ' ..................... u             t „_„„,. ..... ,,-._.„„ , ,„„_,„„	Sulphur, I^.^H) I«T cM-nt.                                             4        |	Flrnt Ciwl
a                                                                                                                 I. _,.,._,„„,„,„	Sulphur, 0,<>2B ji<»r c*«nt.	
	Htilphur, U.U7fj p«»r crnt,                                            ,         (	itMMmtt <'a«t
»),                                                                            {u        — - -•,	SuJphur, o.iKK p«'r cent.	
j«                                                                        I ...... , ............... ., ..... ...................................	................. ""'                   1 Sulphur, ».-ji;s p4>r<-i>nf.                          §                           (	<'««(
	SulpJuir, O.ii'J.'i IMT ("«inf.	
8         f ............... to ........................................ . ....... „.„ .....	' "~ ....... ~                            I. Sulphur, O.IWW 1»T <TMt,                                                           (	KnurtU Citut
2             1	i     ?     ?     f     ?     ?     i	!iJt'ft<?M
M«;. 74.  -ntvarw
F !-:lKii..\\'»i"N' AMI
^rad</s of iron expand more than soft ones, and the fart that retarding expansion j^ivt'S rise to a. ^»;reater contraction than where free expansion is permitted, arc important as suj^vstinx' for works making sueh spt4-cialticsas chilled rolls, ear-wheels, etc,, in which heavyn-ill>' the .lulls i<»i itttc side xvei rotated as d«.:st.:t ihed on pa^es ,u •„ ,i j and ;i,nds pe!' (on of iron, or a ratio of 7.7 iron to i coke, in onler to deliver the melted iron in the same condition as on an ordinary day. In other words, an additional fuel consumption <>!' a little over 3,h per cent, is needed under the above conditions......................    3,658 units                            £