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Full text of "Metallurgy Of Cast Iron"

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A  factor  not  to  be lost  sight of   at this  point  is
{lu.- positive manner in which the* device here tie-seribed verifies thai then- is a moment of expan •iioti in molten iron cooling down to a solidified state. P<» demonstrate this by the device shown, it is necessary to east «»nr bar between fixed inm ends which .•annot he moved apart by the strain <>t' the expansion, ind another bar wliiili shall iiave the end at the pointer i* free in the sane! to reeurd any expansion \vhieh may uke plat-i'.
Any oiuk i'xperinu/nting' in this manner will find hat the bar left fret- t<» expand will move the pointer o the right of y.ero from one to two decrees, while the Kir east between the iron ends or yoke will not move he pointer until it starts t«> tin* left, thus showing hat iron will expand if left fret* to do so.
The author wishes  to  state  that   he  is of' the belief hat with sitf'h  a deviee as shown I'tttniders will event sally he able to utilise the  expansion of metal  to de i<»te the j;rade of  hardnes:s ell-., in  the short   period if one minute after the molten metal has been poured, ["here are several ways   in   whi«h sueh a <piit k  dc'ter ninati»»n «»!' the },;rade. rte., »»i  mrtals eonlti be praeti-ally applinl and pn*ye of   some  value to  the ntctal-ur^ieal world,
The anflinr etiiilt! detail all tlie tests which hi" has laile to show tht* I!ioveiiirli!% of llie jxiintrrs it! f'Vrry rw moments, but as It*- has ^»iven is in a praeti
,il  •«! use. all llh.i!   is   1 » ? i    !**   pli»\e file theory jut-atieed by this  paper. *«ti*'h   nunutt* fietaih*  liavi*  been miffed,     Siilliri'   if   t»» *.,iv  that   t!u   jirtiieiples in ei aivsiiiii, e«itttraeti(»n and -»tretelling presented are  nut result    of   one    *»i     two    f^peiinients,    bin    of   aamples of which in every-day practice the writer will cite further on.cibly illustrates the great reason why the founder has to fear sulphur in fuel, high-sulphur iron, and to            j