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EVILS   IN   CASTING   TEST   UARS   FLAT.               493
o«j .  (A 0^	Mode of testing.	Micrometer measurement.	Deflection.	Broke at in Ibs.	State of fracture.	Strength per Hfsq. in Ibs.
I	Top up.	•504	.180	264 -	Sound.	260
2	"	•509	-.170	260	"	25 !•
3	Top down.		.160	240	"	233
4		.526	.110	1 60	-Small flaw.	145
Difference in strength extremes of sound bars, 27 Ibs. or 11.59 Per cent. TABLE IOI.— TRANSVERSE  TEST  OF   i"  SQUARE  BARS  CAST  FLAT.
«*4 O*J i*	Mode of testing.	Micrometer measurement.	Deflection.	Broke at in Ibs.	State of fracture.	Strength per sq. in. in Ibs.
5	Top up.	i. 022	.no	1,784	Sound.	1,709
6	"	1.052	.120	1,820	"	1,645
7	Top down.	1.044	.120	1,764	"	1,618
8		1.024	.100	i, 600		1,526
Difference in strength extremes, 183 Ibs. or 11.99 per cent. TABLE IO2.—TRANSVERSE  STRENGTH   OF   I^X/  ROUND   BARS   CAST FLAT.
"8-oS	Mode of testing.	Micrometer measurement.	Deflection.	Broke at in Ibs.	State of fracture.	Strength per sq. in. in Ibs.
9	Top up.	1.161	.160	2,128	Sound.	2,010
10	"	1.140	.150	1,980	"	1,940
II	Top down.	1.171	.140	1,996	"	1,853
12		1.131	.100	1,682		1,674
Difference in strength extremes, 336 Ibs. or 20 7-100 per cent. • TABLE 103.—TRANSVERSE  TESTS  OF   Ij6" ROUND   BARS  CAST ON  END.
O.M . tfl	Mode of testing.	Micrometer measurement.	Deflection.	Broke at in Ibs.	State of fracture.	Strength per sq. in. in IDS.
	First flask.					
13 14	Cope side Nowel side	i. in 1.116	.no .110	1,760 1,772	Sound.	1,815 1,812
	Second flask.					
15	Nowel side	1.132	.III	1.772	"	1,761
16	Cope side	1. 121	.110	1,720		1,743