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Full text of "Metallurgy Of Cast Iron"

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OK   TEST   BAR   APPLIANCES,    ETC.            515
standard. To find the depth of a chill with either of these round test bars, hold the chill end (after a bar has been tested) over a solid piece of iron and strike it as seen in Fig. 125, page 522. A notch being cast in the chill end opposite the chill side, as seen at X, Fig. 103, page 482, permits the har being readily broken when held as above described. To measure the depth of a "chill," consider only that portion turned "white"
and the depth it has been chilled is to be defined by the eye.*
Knowing that the degree of fluidity has an effect and should, for close, fine work be recorded in order to make intelligent comparisons, the author has, in combination with other new features of this system, provided at U U and S S, Fig. 122, an arrangement made possible with this system, by which we can measure the
*A plan to take "blue prints, etc., of chills is seen on page 588,.