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Full text of "Metallurgy Of Cast Iron"

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The Iron used for cast I was made of all-coke pig, mixed with machinery scrap, and a little scrap steel, melted in a cupola. The mixture was intended for heavy machinery castings. Fluidity and chill not reported.
The Iron used for cast J contained some steel scrap and high sulphur pig, mixed with a No. i foundry coke pig iron, melted in a cupola. The mixture was such as was desired to give a dense, even-grained iron having high wearing qualities, impervious to steam, air, and ammonia gases. The iron was quite fluid, and gave a chill about 1-16 inch deep in the face of the test pieces.
Tran ishe	t    t     f       fi							i Tensile tests c		>f un fin-gree n i nd.
	d green sand bars.			ished dry sand bars.**				and dry ss		
1 tlH O d 'A	Diameter.	Breaking load.	Deflection.	6	Diameter.	Breaking load.	Deflection.	•si <L> "o 0 £	Diameter.	Breaking load.
179 i So	•57	200	.14	• **!87	'   .56	240	.    . 7	195	-57	5,630
	1.13	i, 860	.11	**:88	I-I5	2,080 5,810	_-.JL . i	Ictf~ 198	1.70	17,860
rSi	1.69	6,000 10,910	.10	**i89	1.68					36,820
i Si' _..__	2.15		.07	**I90	2.17	11,450	.   0		2.27	51,180
	3-40 3^96"	21,030	.06	**i9i	2,S4	21,950	. o	~**200~~~	.60	6,850 17,430
1 84 185 "186		39,500	.07		3-40	41,570	.04		i -13	
		54,660	.04	**I93	3-97	56,770 73,5oo		**2OI	1.70	45,040
	4-53	70,020	•03	**I94	4-54			**202	2.26	
** As there were no tests of finished bars in green sancl in this cast, we supplemented them with tests of unfinished bars cast in dry sand, designated by the two stars, as above.
The iron used for cast K was soft in very thin sections and also very fluid, and ran well. The mixture contained high silicon and phosphorus pig iron, stove plate*.»•    ii}H-r\'! .H»n   <»! hr. Rsrh.'tnl SlolrlciiKc .i! : •,»   l'fjii]-.y!v,iu;.i M.ii!« ,«!.'..   <•*'•, t«.Mii«! i v, I'it l:,l.ui>;, P,i,ll. The chilland j^reen sand  showedast on end, us such will tfive truer results than the [J4™inch round bar in general practice, especially in making comparison <>i; the widest ranges in grades.temper '' or damp-              ,| |