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Full text of "Metallurgy Of Cast Iron"

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T1IK    A.    i.    \     i oM \] IT TK.K  S    UKl'oKT.                    575
every effort of time and trouble ^iven to this important subject so vital to our existence. All of the members of your committee are active foundrymen, heavily burdened with responsibilities which leave little leisure for the more interesting pursuits of industrial science, yet a." little time as possible was lost, and only those investigations postponed which were not actually required for the purpose's of this report.
\\V must therefore beti.;' that our report be received, and our eommittee on slaudardi/in^ the testing of cast iron be discharged. And we further beg that permission be granted to the individual members of our committee to utilise the mass of material collected, for further investigations of interest to the foundry trade, and the publication of such results as part of the proceedings of this association.
Throughout the whole line of operations only iv«^u-lat'ly const it uted mixtures were used, the balance of the heats from which these test bars were east i;'<>in!j; directly into commercial castings of the classes drsii> nat«'d. The result :• a re then-fore entirely comparable Vii'h dailv prat'tier, and are not exceptional cases prepared specially for a i;otul showing. For purpose-of comparison },;Teen sand and dry sand bars \vi*n made side by side, even though the iron, in practice, g'ot's into only one of these classes of moulds. It was felt that comparison records were wanted just as much as spi't'ilit'ations for the separate lines of product. For this reason also we recommend one standard si/e of test bar f'«»r o*nipara{ ive purposes ouly, each class of in»n in-iii;.'. ;'i\%c%n si s special treatment for the information wauled iu daily practice, in addition,
Our studies on the shape of the test bur have resultedii!« ,«!.'..   <•*'•, t«.Mii«! i v, I'it l:,l.ui>;, P,i,ll. The chilland j^reen sand  showedast on end, us such will tfive truer results than the [J4™inch round bar in general practice, especially in making comparison <>i; the widest ranges in grades.temper '' or damp-              ,| |