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Full text of "Metallurgy Of Cast Iron"

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6 I 2                                          INDEX.
Phosphorus—-Co ntinued.                                                    PAGE.
Its influence to flux and drive off impurities............227
Methods for adding phosphorus to molten metal... .228-230 Percentages best adapted to increase fusibility of iron. . 230 Testing the fusibility of phosphorus iron mixtures. .231-232
Increased by remelting iron...................257, 304, 341
Effects of, upon chilled iron............................ 261
Percentage used in light castings...................... 282
Pig Iron-Percentages of impurities in...........................    26
Manufacture of mill cinder mixed....................31-33
Carbonizing in furnace ................................    52
High sulphur and silicon in the same grade of..........    54
Methods for moulding and pouring..................99-111
Causes for boils in making........................100, 105
Character of sand required in making..............100, 105
Cause of jump cores in making....................... .  102
Breaking and removing pig iron from casting house. .. .  106
Designs  for  patterns  for moulding....................  no
Principles involved in casting chilled or sandless........  113
Parties manufacturing machines for casting chilled......  113
The economy and advantages obtained by using chilled. .  114
Recommendations  for chilled..........................  115
Difference in the form of sand and chilled..............  116
Difficulty in controlling silicon and sulphur percentages
in making   ......................................130, 137
Changeable and constant metalloids in making........'. .  132
The grade giving the least difficulty in making..........  132
Segregation of metalloids in making................134-137
Analysis of gray spots in...............................  134
Desirability of using hot melted.......................  137
Evils of dull melted................................... 138
Mixing effects obtained by remelting...................138
Necessity of mixing blast furnace casts of..........*39-i43
Plans of mixing at furnace and foundry for charging. 140-142
Method of sampling to make analyses of.......140, 195-196
Advantage of casting chilled pig from ladles..........  142
Objectionable  methods   of   analyzing...............142, 143244