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Full text of "Metallurgy Of Cast Iron"

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614                                          INDEX.
Pig Iron—Continued.                                                             PAGE.
A good plan for beginners to follow in first purchasing.............................................200, 283
The fallacy of considering the grain of pig metal in connection with chemical analyses....................... 200
The gross weight of sand and chilled cast   ......309, 589, 590
The fallacy of claiming bad iron for ill results.........497
Pig Iron, Bessemer—
Utility of,  for certain  kinds  of castings  and  mixtures
of   ..............................................146, 157
The restrictions which define..................146, 159, 215
Impracticability of defining it from Foundry iron by fracture ........................................157, 160
Pig: Iron, Charcoal—
Highest silicon in.................................14(1, 245
Being replaced by coke and anthracite iron.....lOo, 2'*/, 279,
Pronounced character of its fracture. Hmv defined from
other irons ......................................160-261,
The element causing strength in castings made of...... 161
Deterioration of by melting in cupolas,................. 102
Peculiarity and its advantage over coke and anthracite
pitf iron often due to low sulphur............211, 212, 201
The softest strong casting made of................... 212
Difference in and advantage of cold and hot blast.,205, 274 Some special brands of strong.............274, 275, 278, 279
Pig Iron, Gray Forge and Basic-Limitation  of  dements  in.............................   *4n
Utility of and appearance of  fracture..................   14*'
Pig Iron, Hottled and White
Conditions of furnace making, and analyse-- of. .........   147
White iron strengthened by the addition of manganese. .  245
Annealing white  iron fastings.........................  2^8
Pig Iron* Ferro* Manganese •-
Spiegcleisen or Spiegel, its power tu absorb earbon. . .27, 205
Analyses of and standards for.....................•-*?• 24l
Utility  of............................... .27- -»4. -'4». W.....176-179