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Eulenberg,   Herbert,   27,   33,   269,

ayoff, 367

Euripides, 95, 220, 370
evolution, doctrine of, 3; sec Darwin
Ewers, Hans Heinz, yiff, 378
ewtge Wiederkehr^ dh) 101-2, 315
examinational tyranny, 280 ;see school


existentialism, 412, 446, 448$
Existen^philosQpbie, 449
exotic literature, 33, 72, 245 ff, 247,


E.\'perJMtettta/r&fftatt9 75
expressionism, 20, 88, 104, 335, 359$",


factories, 78, 80, 394; see machinery,
A rbeiterdicbttmg

Packet, Die9 92

Falkc, Gustav, 109

Falkentheorie, 258, 272; see Nwe//e

Fallada, Hans, 375-8

Fascism, 372, 463, 493

fate, 25iff, 260, 295

fathers, sons and daughters, set son-
father and daughter-father con-

Faulkner, William, 531

Ftf«rf, 1,3,4,102, 316,355,370,443,

Fcchner, Gustav Thcodor, 21

Federer, Heinrich, 350

feminism, 321$; see I{rawnbew$tng

femme meompnse^ 214, 234, 297

firtlge CharaktefG) 26, 153, 258; sec

Feuchtwanger, Lion, 307, 584, 398,


Feuerbach, Ansclrn, 3x2
Fischart, Johann, 272
Flaischlen, Casar, 79, 83, 101
Flake, Otto, 364-5
Florence, 161-2, 277, 311, 362
Flugdicbtung, 34, 43, 250, 533-5
Fock, Gorch, 354
Fontana, Oscar Mautus^ 526-7
Fontane, Theodor, 6, 7, 17, 342
Ford, August, 37
Forster, Georg, 343-4, 377
Franck, Hans, 266
Frank> Bruno, 257, 386-7
Frank, Leonhard, 33, z$$, 364,
Frapan, Use, 274, 322

t 60, 3 2 iff
Frauenhassery 71, 135, 141
Frederick the Great, 35, 367, 387
free rhythms,  18,  109,  155-6, 520,

540, 547, 552; see EHothmns
Freiberg, Siegfried, 530-1
JFraV BubnC) Die9 13-14, 17, 25
Freie Volksbuhne, die, 92
freic Versfiilhmgt 155, 540-1
Frciligrath, Ferdinand, 19, 20, 155,

-45» 393
French influence, 104, 123-4, 127; see

Apollinaire,   Aragon,   Breton,

Frcnssen, CJustav, 45, 83, 106, 229,

349* 35^. 379
Freud, Sigmund, 32, 220, 222, 361,

404, 417, 441-2, 449, 5°7, 543
1-reytiig, C>usta\% 2, 6, 45, 354
I'tibrer, <kr9 see Hitler
I'ukla, Ludwig, 44, 48, 50-1

Galsworthy, John, 7, 268

Can, Peter, 553

Ganghofer, Ludwig, 349!?

Gawan, 273, 291

Gtbrawhslyrik* 426

Gtdattkeni «drama9 268; -poesit9 no,

4*3»,S$«; -rowan, 6
Gdhei, Hmanuel, j6, 307
Georg von Mcintngcn, Duke, 11
George, Stefan, 5, 44, 84, 103, 117-8,

X22ff, 157, 167, l8l, 194, 206-8,

2i7» 224, 227, 329, 4x7-8, 442»

468, 516

Gtorflwntr, di€9 1 5 1 ff» 211
G^rardy» Paul, 127
GcrstSickcr, 1'Vicdrich, 377
Gessncr, Salomon, 95
Gs!mt Hermann^ 166
Ciinxkcy, !*Van2 Karl, 163, 209
Glcim, J. W. L., zn
Gobineau, Joseph Comtc dc, 99, 104
God, nature of, 173$", 459; see Gait-

Gocbbels, Dr., 148, 473, 504
Goering, Rcinhard, 395
Gocs> Albrccht, 500-1
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 3, 1:2,
27,41,74,87^02,109, 110,139,

140,  147,  157, 169, 234, 201-2,

312, 5x6-7, 322, 3*7, 397,
467, 469, 473, 547