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Salomon, Ernst von, 489

Salten, Felix, 237

Salus, Hugo, 209

Samson motif, 28, 158, 271, 367

Sand, George, 10, 80, 394

Sappho, 184, 322

Sartre, Jean-Paul, 448, 513, 539, 543

Satanism, 69, 70-1, 77, 103, 274

Schack, Adolf Graf von, 5, 20, 122

Schaeffer, Albrecht, 44, 151, 153, 364

Schafer, Oda, 545, 552

Wilhelm, 257, 266, 272, 274*1
Schaffner, Jakob, 288ff
Schaukal, Richard von, 86, 130, 192,

208-9, 210

Schaumann, Ruth, 552
Scheerbart, Paul, 61, 68
ScherTer, Thassilo von, 278
Scheler, Max, 442
Schickele, Rene, 363-4
$chicksalsdrama> 222, 260
Schiller, Friedrich, i, 2, 12-13, 28,
60, 70, 86,93,109, no, 222, 251,
259, 271, 312, 326, 344, 361, 367,

Schlaf, Johannes, 16-17, 19, 80, 85,

*55> 229, 3<>i

Schlegcl, Friedrich, 7, 137, 321
Schleswig-Holstein, 106, 109, 35 iff
Schmidtbonn, Wilhelm, 27, 269^
Schnack, Anton, 546-7

Friedrich, 378, 434, 547
Schneider, Reinhold, 4*2-3, 495#
Schnitzler,   Art[h]ur,   89,  90,   104,

211-2, 220, 228, 229#, 309, 324,

Schollmdichtungt   75,   346,   4*9 J   see

Scholz, Wilhelm von, 74, 223, 25 iff,

256, 26irT, 273
Schonherr, Karl, 238, 438
school literature, 17, 280, 282, 290-1,

Seidel, Willy, 378
Sekundenstil, 17, 25, 29
senile eroticism, 32, 34, 350,382, 478
sexualism, 28, 115-6, 142, 206, 221,
229, 246, 313, 321-2, 354, 364,

386> 397,405, 44i, 458,476,478,

Shakespeare, 9, 11,12,140,152,157,
195, 216, 271, 274, 298, 405, 408
Shelley, P. B., 68, 216, 243, 520
Silesia, 24, 26-7, 30-1, 33, 36, 62,

296, 349, 357, 382
Simmel, Georg, 159, 180, 442
SimpH^tssimus, 57, 63-4, 423
Sitten- und Tbesenstuek, 2, 11
Slav influence and colouring, 70,111;

see Russian influence
Socialism, Socialists, 3, 10, 15, 21-2,
63,76-7, 80-1, 92,100,112, 258,
308, 356,418,443,445
Sohnrey, Heinrich, 274, 347
Sohn-Vater-Rampf, 29, in, 270, 282,
284,291, 371, 389, 400,453,459,

son-mother-motif, 172, 284, 401
Sophocles, 220, 412
Sorge, Reinhard Johannes, 389
Spanish themes, influence, and col-
ouring, 33, 124-5, 194, 257-8;
— literature, 209; see Calderon,
Cervantes, Lope de Vega, Tirso
de Molina, Unamuno
Spengler, Oswald, 443, 486
Spielhagen, Friedrich, 1-4, 257, 293
Spiralenprm^ip, das, 515
Spiralroman, 532
Spitteler, Carl, 244ff, 249
Stadler, Ernst, 422-3, 425, 448
stage technique, 11-12, 389, 405
Stehr, Hermann, 80, 83, 142, 274,

296ff, 299, 304, 357
Steiner, Rudolf, 68,443

365, 375; seeL<?^r-undSchuhr-    Sternberger, Dolf, 540


Sternheim, Carl, 271, 291, 389, 393,

Schopenhauer, Arthur, 3, 65, 71, 96,            405

159, 272, 495                                  Stifter, Adalbert, 84, 151, 322, 434

Schroder, Rudolf Alexander, 62, 276,    Stirner, Max, 22, 84, 151, 322, 434,

278, 500, 538, 540                        .   Jzz

Schuler, Alfred, 110,129
Schweitzer, Albert, 362, 446
scientific novel, see machinery

Seghers, Anna, 493~5
Seidel, Ina, 343^, 4*8

Staffkwst, 19, 122; see naturalism
Storm, Theodor, 106, 109, 317, 350
Strachwitz, Moritz von, 420
Stramm, August, 388, 425
Strauss, Emil, 17, 279-81, 282, 289