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Newsletter for 


No. 1 & 2 January-February 1991 



KARACHI, PAKISTAN,14 - 21, December 1991 

Convened by 

The International Waterfowl and 

Wetlands Research Bureau 


National Council for the Conservation of 

Wildlife, Pakistan 

At the Invitation of 
The Government of Pakistan 

Cooperating Organizations : 

Asian Wetland Bureau 



Bonn Convention Secretariat 
Ramsar Convention Bureau 


The conference will address the current satus of wetlands 
and waterfowl in West and South Asia and develop strategies 
for their conservation. 

The general aims of the conference are : 

• To evaluate the status of and threats to, wetlands and 
waterfowl in West and South Asia, and to develop an 
Action Plan to implement future conservation 

• To promote regional and international cooperation for 
wetland and waterfowl conservation in the region, by 
providing an international forum for considering the 
conservation of wetlands and migratory species; 

• To promoteawaieness of, and adherance to, the Ramsar 
Convention, and to prepare for the forthcoming 
meeting of Ramsar Contracting Parties in Japan, 1993; 

• To investigate the need and potential for the 
development of an Agreement under the Bonn 
Convention, for the conservation of migratory 
waterfowl in Asia. 

• To develop a strategy for action, taking into account 
information derived from the Directory of Asian 
Wetlands and the Asiar. Waterfc -•%-". Cersu;. 

is specifically aimed at the folowing groups: 

The meeting 

• Government conservation, 
management agencies 

• Non-governmental conservation-. 

• Wetland managers and researchers 

• Waterfowl managers and researchers 

• Water resource managers and researchers 

: :-:_:-; 


The meeting will be held at the Beach Luxury Hotel, 
Karachi, purpose built for large scale conferences. The venue 
provides excellent conference facilities as well as on site 
accommodation and meals. 

Provisional Programme 

The programme will consist of invited and contributed 
papers and posters, addressing the following topics : 

• The status of wetlands and waterfowl in West and South 

• Conservation and management of wetlands and 
waterfowl in West and South Asia; 

• Research needs for wetland and waterfowl 
conservation in West and South Asia; 

• Management and administrtive procedures for wetland 
and waterfowl conservation in West and South Asia; 

• The conference will be preceeded by a training course 
for wetland managers in West and South Asia. 

Call for Papers 

Submitted papers and posters on the above topics are 
welcomed. Those wishing to present a paper or poster should 
send an English Language abstract of not more than 400 
words. Deadline for receipt of abstracts is 30 April 1991. 

Expression of Interest 

If you are interested in receiving the second announcement 
and registration form for this symposium please write to 
IWRB no later than 30 April 1991. 


IWRB was established in 1954 to stimulate international 
cooperation for the conservation of migratory waterfowl and 
their wetlands habitats. The major activities of IWRB fall into 
three categories : 

Survey and monitoring of waterfowl populations and 
wetland habitats, to identify conservation priorites, plan 
conseration actions and raise awareness of problems. 

Research into the wise use of wetlands and waterfowl, to 
ensure that management and conservation actions are based 
on sound scientific principles. 

Transfer of information between research workers 
through symposia, workshops and publications; and from 
research workers to waterfowl and wetland managers and 
government agencies through workshops training 
programmes and publications . 

Mtional Information on the Scientfic or Administrative 
* the conference please contact the persons listed below:- 

iristian Penenou and Tim Jones (Scientific), 

Simon Nash (Administrative), 

IWRB, Slimbridge, Gloucester, 

GL2 7BX, United Kingdom. 



No. 1 & 2 

Januaiy-February 1991 



• Bird Flight 

• Bird Ringing 
•Checklists of Birds 

• Bound Volumes of the Newsletter 

• The Forktail Leica Conservation Award 

• Asian Midwinter Waterfowl Census-India, January, 
4-21, 1991 

• Banal Experiments 

• ICBP National Report, India, by S.A. Hussain 

• Bird Life around Kakachi, by T. Ganesh 

• Birds of Mandi District, by Anil Mahabal and Ratin 

• Checklist of the birds of Mangalore, by Dr. A. Kumar 
and V.K. Bose 


• Greater Adjutant Stork in Upper Assam, by Dr. D. 
r Barooah 

• Large Green Barbet in Bangalore, by J.N. Prasad 

• Greater Flamingo in Kutch, by Navin N. Bapat 

• Barheaded and Greylag Geese, by Dr. J.C. Uttangi 

• Plumage of the Grey Wagtail, by K. Sathasivam 

• Identifying Birds of Prey, by William S. Clark 

• Accacia seeds for Birds, by S. Devasahayam and 
J. Rema 

• Crows with a White Shoulder, by Dr. Y.S. Parmar 

• Siberian Crane in Kutch, by Dhanraj Malik 

• New Paradise for Peregrine Falcons, by Aamir Ali 

• Bird News from Rajkot, by Anvar Babi 

• Cannibalism in Birds, from Free Press Journal 22 Dec. 

• Request for Information. Ranjit Daniels 

• Cooing of Spotted Doves, by Zafer Futehally 

• Tigers and Elephants, a Review, by Laeeq Futehally 


Bird Flight 

In the Nov/Dec issue of 1990 we published the 
Introduction to Professor S. Dhawan's Raman Memorial 
Lecture on Bird Flight. Rather than continue with 
reproducing the text and the illustrations of the subsequent 

chapters we will carry an abstract of the entire lecture in a 
later issue. But those who wish, could attempt to get a copy 
from the Raman Research Insstitute, Bangalore. 

Bird Ringing 

I have a great admiration for bird ringers, because I 
experienced the difficulties involved, during my 
participation in the bird ringing camps in the Rann of Kutch 
with the Salim Ali (BNHS) camps. Putting -up the nets in 
windy conditions, and locating them along, likely bird 
flyways, removing the birds from the nets without being 
bitten and clawed, and without damaging the bird, and the 
subsequent operations of weighing, measuring, de-ticking, 
etc, requires skill and patience. I recall that Nightjars were 
the easiest birds to handle because neither their beaks nor 
their claws were capable of hurting. The birds only open 
their gapes wide and expect insects to stream in. 

L A Hill (64 North Parade, Grantham, Lincolnshire, N 
G318 AN U.K.) in his annual Christmas Greetng says : "I 
got out a little booklet... on our House Martin operations 
this year and enclose a copy which you might find of some 
interest. I went off again to the Coto Donana at the end of 

September, returning on 1st. November We ringed 

every day during October except for three which were lost 
due to wind and rain and ringed 567 birds of 44 species 
which was quite good going. There is a large colony of 
House Martin nests on the "Town Hall" El Rocio (about 
450). The birds were just on the point of leaving for Africa 
by the time I got permission to catch any, but we got a 
dozen or so. The interesting thing was they were all in full 
moult, their primaries being almost fully replaced: here, 
ours don't start moulting before they leave. Also they had 
no bugs. I am doing a bit of de-bugging for a friend in 
Leicester University who got his Ph.D on House Martin 
fleas. Nearly all ours here have fleas (3 species) and flat flies 
(Hippoboscids). Perhaps the weather is not humid enough 
down there in Andalusia". 

The Report of the House Martin Study Group may be of 
interest to some of our readers and I will be glad to send a 
copy for the cost of xeroxing which may be about Rs.12/-. 
The Objects of the Exercise listed in the Report are to learn 

I. The number of birds returning to the breeding site 
of the previous year. Are males more loyal to the site 
than females? What about the juveniles? 

II. The movement between villages from one year to 

III. The numbers that perish while on migration 

IV. The bird's life span 

V. Fidelity between mates from one year to the next. 

Newsletter for Birdwatchers 

Checklists of Birds 

I recall having discouraged the submission of checklists 
of birds from different areas and having suggested that the 
NLBW would prefer to have observations of selected 
species, of their behaviour and of the environment i n which 
they are found. But I concede that checklists are a great help 
to visitors in a new area and three are included in this issue. 
I was glad to see that in the note on Mangalore the Malabar 
Trogon has been included. I have seen this bird only once 
in the Bori vili National Park in Bombay and that must have 
been 40 years ago. But I remember the brilliant colour of the 
male. The name of the species has been changed to the 
Southern Trogon. I find that no cuckoos have been 
mentioned in the 76 species of the Mangalore list and I 
wonder if they have been overlooked. 

The Checklist on Kakachi by T Ganesh refers to 94 
species and there appear to be far more birds of prey in 
Pondicherry than in Malabar. In the Checklist of Mandi 
District of Himachal Pradesh the author has marked with 
an asterisk the "bird species found in the Himalayan 
Ecosystem" So, all in all, checklists are not to be decried. 

Bound Volumes of the Newsletter 

At the modest price of Rs.25/- hard bound issues of 
Volume XXIX and XXX are available. Please send your 
order to S. Sridhar. 

The Forktail Leica Conservation Award 

The award which goes to the best conservation-based 
study of an Oriental bird species or habitat is worth £500/-. 
The Oriental Bird Club (The Lodge, Sandy, Bedfordshire 
SG 19 2DL U.K.) announces that Zhang Yum-Sun and He 

Fen-Qui of Beijing have won the award. They will study the 
breeding ecology of the Relict Gull Larws relictus. This bird 
was recognised as a distinct species only in 1971 and the 
birds breed in inner Mongolia. I see that in the New 
Dictionary of Birds by Sir Landsborough Thompson, there 
is a reference to Saunders Gull Larus saundersi "an inland 
species of Mongolia and Northern China" This is 
presumably the bird which is the subject of the proposed 
study and whose name is appropriately changed to relictus. 

Asian Midwinter Waterfowl Census - India, January, 

How quickly the "Januarys come and go. I believe that 
those of you who have shown an interest in the census must 
be in touch with S.A. Hussain of the BNHS. For those who 
have missed out of the Principal Dates January 12/13 
Hussain said in his circular of November 21, 1990 that "you 
may send any data collected between December 90 and 
February 91." The count form is printed in Sept.-Oct.-1990 
issue of the Newsletter. 

Banal Experiments 

We seem to have a penchant for carrying out totally 
meaningless experiments involving animals, principally 
with the object of drawing attention to the "researcher". 
Asad Rahmani of the BNHS drew my attention to the 
report in the Free Press Journal of 22-12-90 relating to 
Cannibalism in Birds. The report is reproduced in this 
issue. If birds or mice or any form of life is subjected to 
artifical conditions they will behave in an unnatural 
manner. Does it need heartless experiments of this kind to 
prove the obvious. 


S.A. HUSSAIN, Bombay Natural History Society, Hornbill House, Shaheed Bhagat Singh Road, Bombay 400 023 

Introduction & Background 

India with its variety of habitats ranging from marine 
littoral forests, both of the plains and hills ranging from dry 
thorn to evergreen and temperate, grasslands of the arid 
zone to swamps and alpine pastures up to the snowline, 
has one of the richest bird fauna in the world both in 
diversity of species and numbers of individuals. 

Protection : The general conservation situation in the 
Country is satisfactory. As of 1990, there were 48 National 
Parks and 372 Sanctuaries in India and proposals were 
being processed to increase the number of National Parks 
to 54 and Sanctuaries to 503. Though the majority are not 
specifically meant for birds, the National Parks and 
Sanctuaries protect the best available habitats in the Indian 

Biogeographic Zones thereby preserve the birds species of 
such Zones. 

However, the cause for concern is that the protected 
areas form only a small percentage of the total bird habitat. 
Habitat loss owing to human interference is the major 
reason for apprehension. Human encroachment on 
habitats for cultivation, monoculture plantations, 
submergence under impoundments for hydro-electric and 
agriculture, urbanization are some of the continuing causes 
for anxiety. 

The effect of large scale change in habitats on the smaller 
Passerine migrants with precise habitat requirements have 
not been so far examined. Migrants, among which the 
Siberian Crane, is a classic example, face multiple threats 
both in their breeding and wintering habitats. 

Newsletter for Birdwatchers 

Increasing population, new settlements on the fringe 
areas of these forests and the non-availability of fuel and 
fodder due to devastation of unprotected forest areas 
however meant that despite this approach, pressures on the 
wildlife sanctuaries kept mounting in the last decade. 

In several cases, prominently among them the 
Ranthambhore National Park, the Dudhwa National Park, 
or even the Bhimashankar Sanctuary in Maharashtra, the 
local people have actively opposed granting sanctuary or 
national park status to the forests. 

No outlay for new-projects in 8th five year plan - The 
Planning Commission, which is the policy making body 
advising the Government of India, has decided to halve the 
outlay of the Department of Power for the forthcoming 8th 
five year plan. This is expected to have a serious impact on 
the country's power development programme during the 
plan period. The outlay which has been reduced to a mere 
Rs.60,000 crore from Rs.120,000 crore, is said to be just 
enough to fund ongoing schemes. This would perhaps be 
the first time that no new power project will be initiated in 
a five year plan period. 

The pay off will be in terms of environment 
conservation and protection of habitat. Most habitat loss on 
a widespread basis has been due to the several 
power-projects that have resulted in largescale submersion 
leading to dam building and devastating mining. This 
decision is however incumbent on there being no policy 
change due to the fluctuating political situation. 

Endangered Species 

The status of the Endangered Species acts as monitor of 
the general conservation condition of the bird fauna. In 
India the endangered species have received particular 
attention from the Governments, both the Central and the 
States and from Non Governmental Organisations. It 
should also be noted that endangered species in the Indian 
Avifauna of 2060 is only about 5%. The majority of 
t endangered species are those which used to be what is 
known as Game birds among Anatidae, Phasianidae. 
Gruidae and Otididae. 

Recent researches on the Ecology of Endangered 
Species have been undertaken largely by the Bombay 
Natural History Society through Projects sponsored by the 
Government of India and funded from rupee funds held by 
the Fish and Wildlife Services of the United States 

Raptors : Altogether 104 forms, including 63 species of 
raptors are reported from the Indian subcontinent. 
Information on the breeding biology, taxonomy, food and 
feeding habits of raptors have only been scantily studied 
though many excellent species-specific studies are 
available. The only species of raptors which are studied in 
some detail in India are White-backed Vultures, Spotted 
Owlet, raptor communities in Bharatpur and the Pariah 

The Bombay Natural History Society has initiated a five 
year research project titled 'Ecology and Behaviour of 
Resident Raptors with special reference to endangered 
species'. The Principal Investigator is Mr. J.C Daniel with 
Dr. Vibhu Prakash as the Sdentist-in-charge. The project 
aims to obtain information on the distribution and 
numbers of resident raptors considered endangered or of 
specific indicator value. This will enable assessment of the 
conservation status of these populations including threats, 
identification of key areas and factors for their, 
conservation. This will later result in assessment of what 
proportion of the species' distribution is covered under the 
existing protected areas of the country and to identify 
additional areas which need to be established for their 
conservation. The project will also try to organise a captive 
breeding program, if on the basis of data collected on the 
species, such an exercisers necessary for the rehabilitation 
of any particular species. 

Of the 63 species and 41 subspecies of raptors reported 
from the subcontinent, 22 are common-resident, 12 
uncommon-resident, five rare-residents, 3 vagrants, 4 
uncommon-migrant, one rare-migratory, 5 
common-migratory, 5 common-migratory/resident, 5 
uncommon-migratory/resident and one rare-migratory/ 

Storks : The Greater Adjutant Stork is one of the world's 
rarest storks. The species has traditionally been abundant 
throughout its range in southeast Asia. The increasing 
destruction of the feeding, breeding and roosting habitat 
and loss of productivity of the wetlands, especially those 
nearby nesting areas, has led to a severe decline in the total 
population. An important population of the species still 
exists in the state of Assam in India. Prasanta Saikia and 
P.C Bhattacharjee have conducted a preliminary study of 
the nesting of the species in Assam. The Bombay Natural 
History Society has presented a research proposal for 
studying the endangered storks in India and will soon have 
it ongoing. 

Bustards : The Bombay Natural History Society studied 
the ecology of the Great Indian Bustard, Lesser Florican and 
the Bengal Horican during a long-term research project on 
the bustards. The projects' have since been completed and 
it has now been possible to determine the status of the three 
species of Indian Bustards under this programme. 

Great Indian Bustard - The project on this species 
obtained data on the present distribution and examined 
habitats presently holding populations of the same. Such 
studies helped determine whether in such habitats the 
bustards are transient or resident. In the breeding areas, 
studies focussed on recording the constraints on such areas, 
and prepared management plans for their complete 
protection. The breeding success of the species in different 
areas of its distribution was studied and investigations, 
were made on the parameters required for breeding 
success. Dispersal and seasonal movements of the bustard 

Newsletter for Birdwatchers 

helped prepare, on the basis of the data obtained, a 
management p\an lot the conservation of the bustard. 

Lesser and Bengal Floricans - The project on these species 
obtained data on the present distribution of the floricans 
and other endangered birds by field surveys and 
questionnaires. They later examined habitats presently 
holding these endangered species. The studies helped 
determine the exact breeding areas of these birds. 
Parameters on ecology and behaviour of the floricans were 
studied in great detail and on the basis of the data obtained, 
a conservation management plan was prepared. 

Cranes - The status of the Black Necked Crane in Ladakh 
has been ascertained in a collaborative programme 
between the BNHS and the Government of Jammu and 
Kashmir. The Society also monitors the alarming decline in 
the numbers of the Siberian Cranes wintering in India 
primarily at Bharatpur. We had some anxious moments 
about the status of Wintering Siberian Cranes. Only 17 
arrived last year to their traditional wintering quarters in 
the Keoladeo National Park. Unfortunately due to drastic 
changes in the habitat in the park, some of the birds left the 
park to unknown destinations in other partsof the Country 
causing an alarm amongst all bird enthusiasts. 

One lone individual wandered off to about 200 km 
South of Keoladeo National Park, Bharatpur and spent the 
entire 1988 winter at Dihaila Jheel, in the State of Madhya 
Pradesh. In the following year (1989), this particular lake 
was dry due to the failure of monsoon and no birds 
wintered there. Dwindled number of Siberian Cranes and 
their wandering off to unknown and potentially unsafe 
areas in wintering ground has created ah alarming 
situation. This year (16 November 1990) four birds have 
arrived in Keoladeo National park so far, and we hope 
some more will come. In the meantime, BNHS along with 
other NGOs and birdwatchers have spread an alert to look 
out for Siberian Cranes this winter. The main problem of 
the Cranes however remains unresolved and that is the loss 
suffered by the population in transit between the breeding 
and wintering grounds. The Government of India in the 
Ministry of Environment and Forest is now considering 
how best to involve adjoining countries in the monitoring 
of the population in transit. BNHS in collaboration with the 
Indian Space Research Organisation, ICF and Wildbird 
Society of Japan is planning tO' satellite track Common 
Cranes, as an experiment to see how best this method can 
be used to monitor the movement of Siberian Cranes in 
future. ; cii.r! 

Jerdon's Courser - A major ornithological event was the 
rediscovery of the Jerdon'S Courser under the Endangered 
Species collaborative project of the BNHS and the FWS, 
USA. The species was rediscovered in 1986, 80 years after 
it was last reported. Since the rediscovery, the species has 
been seen and photographed. The area where it was 
discovered has now been turned into a Sanctuary, the 
Lankamalai Sanctuary, specifically for the species. An 
extensive survey of the known habitat is likely to identify 

more areas of occurrence. This possibility is now being 

There were five additional sightings in the Lankamalai 
area during 1987. Two Jerdon's Coursers were seen in the 
Thurupukonda reserve forest areas in October 1988. This 
area is about 30 km south of the Lankamalai area. Recently, 
in February 1990, two individual coursers were sighted at 
the 1986 plot by Mx.S.A.Hussain along with the tribal who 
rediscovered it. Later this year, a sighting record has been 
added in the Penchalakona reserve forest, 100 km south of 
Lankamalai. This area has since been proposed as a wildlife 
sanctuary. Since the rediscovery, one national park and two 
sanctuaries are demarcated, totalling nearly 2300 sq km in 
area under protection. 

Other endangered species which acquire urgent 
attention are the Nicobar Megapodes, the Narcondam 
Hornbill in Andaman. These, particularly the single 
population of the first two species, needs to have long term 
conservation programmes designed for their survival: 

Bird Migration 

The movement of birds to the Country and within the 
country has been examined for the last two decades and 
valuable information has been obtained on the migratory 
movements between India and the USSR in the study of the 
migratory avifauna as envisaged under the convention on 
migratory Waterfowl which has been signed between the 
two Countries. Since 1987 an annual bird count on Wetland 
in collaboration with the IWRB has provided useful data 
on the Waterfowl status in the Country. 

The Bombay Natural History Society is planning to 
conduct a Bird Banding workshop for participants from 

SAARC Countries. 
Critical Habitats 

Bharatpur : A major bird habitat that has been under 
continuous study since 1980 is the Keoladeo Ghana 
National Park at Bharatpur. The BNHS and the FWS, USA, 
have collaborated to set up a Field Station to study in detail 
the Ecology of the Ghana Bird Sanctuary Ecosystem. Two 
major reports have been published and the information 
obtained is now being analysed in depth particularly with 
regards to habitat availability, food resources and breeding 
success of. resident Waterfowl. 

The ornithological studies conducted at Bharatpur 
include (1) Population studies of aquatic birds, (2) Ecology 
of migratory waterfowl, (3) Comparative ecology of the 
resident ducks, (4) Comparative ecology of the piscivorous 
birds, (5) Ecology of the Siberian Crane, : (6) Ecology of the 
Sarus Crane> (7) Ecology of the Pheasant-tailed and the 
Bronzewinged Jacana, (8) Landbird communities and (9) 

Grasslands : Due to a huge livestock population, the 
Indian grasslands are under tremendous grazing pressure 
and most of the so-called grasslands are at present in 



Newsletter for Birdwatchers 


various stages of degradation. Destruction of grasslands 
has resulted in rarity or local extinction of a large number 
of species like the Great Indian Bustard, floricans, 
blackbuck, wolf, quails, partridges, certain snakes and 
lizards; Floral composition has also changed, adversely 
affecting the most palatable species. 

The Bombay Natural History Society has recently 
initiated a 5-year research project titled 'A Study of the 
Ecology of Grasslands of Indian Plains with particular 
reference to their endangered fauna' with Dr. Asad 
Rahmani as the Principal Investigator. 

The Project aims to survey and evaluate the status of the 
subtropical grasslands of the Indian plains. The study will 
make an inventory of the major grasslands, both private 
and governmental, and to identify some for long-term 
conservation strategy. Later, this will help identify 
important grasslands from the view point of endangered 
biotic communities, both floral and faunal. 


An encouraging development in recent years is the 
number of Bird Watcher's Society and groups which have 
been established all over the country. These 
Non-Governmental Organisations take the lead in the 
conservation of bird life throughout the Country. 

Two Conferences conducted by regional birdwatching 
groups, the Pakshi Mitra Sammelan and the Decennial 
seminar of the Birdwatchers Society of Andhra Pradesh 
brought together many birdwatchers concerned with avian 
conservation of the regions. 

The Bombay Natural History Society is also planning to 
initiate and conduct the Indian Ornithological Congress. 

ICBP National Section 

Realising the need to revive the National section of the 
ICBP a circular was sent to 108 addresses in India (which 
included Individuals, Government Officials/ 
Departments, Universities, NGOs, institutions and others) 
earlier this year. These target-groups were mainly NGOs 
involved in birdwatching and nature conservation, 
University departments with active intiatives in field 
biology and environmental sciences, national-level 
institutions focusing on natural history, WWF regional 
sections, Forest Departments and known individuals with 
proven leadership abilities in conservation action. These 
groups would be most suitable in developing the ICBP 
National Section owing to their continued growing 
interests in bird conservation. 

Majority of respondees would prefer to have a NGO 
operated action plan for the ICBP National Section. See 


Table 1. 

Management and Conservation 

Proposed Amendments to the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 

Table 1. Response to Circular 

ICBP National Section 


NGO's Govt Both Don't 

should should should know 

___ operate operate operate 

NGO (44) 29 

Universities (3) 1 
Institutes (4) 2 

1 12 7 



WWF (2) 1 - - 1 

Forest Dept.(l) 1 

Individuals (2) 2 

! 1 — i 




In a move described by most Indian environmentalists 
as 'calamitous', the union cabinet of the Government of 
India has been reported to have given its approval to a 
proposed amendment in the Indian Wildlife (Protection) 
Act making hunting of protected animals legal if they stray 
outside wildlife sanctuaries or national parks. 

The need to preserve the country's natural heritage, on 
the one hand, and of satisfying the fuel and fodder needs 
of the populations dependent on the forests, on the other, 
have led to an inevitable conflict between man and animals. 
While increasing attacks of leopards and at times even 
tigers (especially in the Sundarbans area) have led to an 
occasional human casualty, grazing and felling pressures 
have devastated large parts of the wildlife sanctuaries. 

So far, successive governments have adopted a 
multipronged strategy to tackle the problem. This 
consisted of shifting human settlements from core areas of 
the parks to buffer zones, of giving rights for collection of 
minor forest produce to villagers and compensating them 
for any cattle or crop losses incurred due to wildlife attacks. 
The entire thrust of the strategy was to try and reduce 
human interference in the wilderness. It was this strategy 
which was largely responsible for the significant gains in 
the protection of wildlife in the last three decades, 
including the now famous 'Project Tiger 7 . 

The Proposed amendment making hunting of protected 
animals legal if they stray outside wildlife sanctuaries and 
national parks would in effect nullify the good work done 
in wildlife protection over the last two decades. Such an 
amendment if enforced could lead to increased poaching, 
since an animal could easily be killed inside the park and 
its carcass dragged outside the national park boundary. 
Such a retrogade step would in effect abrogate the wildlife 
Act. It would serve as a license to any would-be poacher. 
The birds immediately under threat would naturally be the 
large grassland-dwelling bustards. 

The controversial amendments to the Wildlife Act, 
which were approved by the Union Cabinet despite strong 
opposition from the environment ministry, have been 

Newsletter for Birdwatchers 

referred back to the law ministry. Besides the controversy 
over the proposed amendments to section 11(2) of the 1972 
Act, the matter is now pending with the law ministry for 
interpretation of the existing legislation also. 

The commercial exploitation of birds have also been 
strictly controlled, trade being restricted to species which 
are abundant as crop pests and have multiplied in numbers 
with easy availability of food. 

Loss of Habitat 

Habitat destruction remains the main cause for concern 
to the conservation of bird life in the Indian Sub-Continent. 

Narmada : A major cause for concern has been the 
multipurpose proposed series of dams on Narmada River 
in Central India. If implemented as envisaged, the 
multipurpose project will involve building 30 major and 
135 medium and 3000 minor dams resulting in as many 

major and minor reservoirs and a vast network of Canal 
systems and approach roads. The four major dams, namely 
Sardar Sarovar, Narmada Sagar, Omkareshwar and 
Maheshwar located in three States of the Country will 
destroy about 56547 hectares of natural forests through 
submergence alone. This will not only practically change 
the ecology of the area but also a large number of forest bird 
species will suffer due to loss of habitat. The concerned 
Governments have given assurances for implementing 
massive reforestation plans, as required by the stipulations 
laid down by the funding agency - World Bank in this case 
- it is doubtful whether this exercise will actually 
compensate even a fraction of the loss of original forests. 
The Voluntary Organisations have strongly protested 
against the implementation of these projects but the 
political and other pressures appear to be too great to be 
countered by the voluntary groups. 


Salim Ali School of Ecology, Pondkherry University, Pondicherry 605 001 

Kakachi is at one extreme of the Kalakad wild life 
sanctuary bordering the Bombay Burma tea estates. 
Situated at an altitude of c.1200 m, it experiences a cold and 
wet climatic regime most of the year with an annual 
average rainfall of about 3000 mm. The vegetation is of 
evergreen forest type dominated by Cullenia exarillata 
whose flowers are a great food source for many arboreal 
mammals including the liontailed macaque Macacasilenus. 
There are a few disturbed patches especially along the 
roads and some abandoned coffee and cardamom 
plantations which are over grown with secondary tree and 
scrub growth. Tea, coffee and other plantations cover most 
of the area around Manjolai (c.900 m) but below this moist 
to dry decidous forest extend till the plains of Manimuthar. 
Higher up towards the upper Kodayar dam site a disturbed 
forest mostly of secondary growth can be seen. This area is 
more frequented by terrestrial mammals including 
elephants and gaur. 

I had the opportunity to visit this place during the 
summer of 1990 for a period of two months. Though this 
was not a migrant season a fair number of birds was seen 
in the area including the Pied Hornbill below the Manjolai 
estates. Bird diversity tended to be more in disturbed areas 
and at elevations below 900 m. This was especially true for 
frugivore diversity at Kakachi which comprised of three 
species of bulbuls, one sp of barbet, trogons and Imperial 
pigeons. The abundance of these except the bulbuls are 
definitely low. In the two months, I could see the pigeons 
only four times and the trogons three times. Bulbuls were 
more abundant but the Black bulbuls seem to be seasonal 

and appear only when fruits were readily available. 
Similarly Lorikeets appeared only when the tree tulip came 
into flower. 

During the summer many of the resident birds were 
breeding including all the bulbuls, babblers, flycatchers, 
trogons (on a dead tree stump 10' high), spider hunters, 
small sunbirds, whistling thrush, Racket-tailed drongos 
and possibly other birds. 

Most of the bird life is encountered in one mixed flock 
in the evergreen forest followed by a lull which could last 
for many hours. The number of species comprising a mixed 
flock usually varied from eight to twelve species but 
number of individuals reached enormous levels ranging 
from 40 to 100 specially the smaller birds like white eye and 
sunbirds. It is one of those moments which every bird 
watcher would cherish especially after long hours of 
silence amidst the giants. 

The checklist accompanying this article is for only the 
areas above 900 m and therefore does not include hornbills 
and parakeets which were not seen around Kakachi and 
Kodayar during my visit. 

Checklist of Birds Around Kakachi 

Family : Phalacrocoracidae 
Little cormorant 
Large cormorant 

Family : Ardeidae 
Pond heron 

Phalacrocorax niger 
P. carbo 

Ardeola bacchus 



Newsletter for Birdwatchers 

Night heron 
Little egret 

Family : Accipitridae 

Black winged Kite 

Honey buzzard 

Pariah Kite 

Brahminy Kite 


Crested Goshawk 

Crested hawk-eagle 

Rufous bellied hawk-eagle 

Black eagle 

Crested serpent eagle 


Marsh harrier' 
Family : Falconidae 

Shaheen falcon 


Family : Phasianidae 
Grey Jungle fowl 

Family : Rallidae 

Whitebreasted waterhen 

Family : Charadriidae 
Red wattled lapwing 
Common sandpiper 

Family : Columbidae 
Imperial pigeon 
Blue rock pigeon 
Nilgiri wood pigeon 
Emerald dove 

Family : Pisttacidae 
Indian lorikeet 

Family : Cuculidae 
Common hawk-cuckoo 
Indian banded bay cuckoo 

Family : Strigidae 
Forest eagle-owl 
Brown fish owl 

Family : Apodidae 
Alpine swift 
Whiterumped spine tail 

Family : Trogonidae 
Malabar Trogon 

Family : Alcedinidae 
Threetoed kingfisher 
Common kingfisher 
White breasted kingfisher 

Family : Meropidae 

Chestnutheaded bee-eater 
Green bee-eater 

Family : Capitonidae 
Small green barbet 
Large green barbet 

Nycticorax nycticorax 

Elanus caeruleus 
Pernis ptilorhyncus 
Milvus migrans 
Haliastur indus 
Accipiter. badius 
Accipiter trivirgatus 
Spizaetus cirrhatus 
Hieraaetus kienerii 
Ictinaetus malayensis 
SpUornis cheela 
Pandion haliaetus 
Circus aeruginosus 

Falco tinnunculus 


Maurornis phoenicurus 

Vandlus indicus 
Tringa hypoleucos 
Scolopax rusticola 

Ducula badia 
Columba livia 
C. elpHnstonii 
Chalcophaps indica 

Loriculus vernalis 

Cuculus varius 
Cacomantis sonneratii 

Bubo nipalensis 
Bubo zeylonensis 

Apus melba 
Chaetura sylvatica 

Harpactes fasciatus 

Ceyx erithacus 
Alcedo atthis 
Halcyon smyrnensis 

Merops leschenaulti 
Merops orientalis 

Megalaima viridis 
Megalaima. zeylanica 

Family : Picidae 

Little scalybellied green woodpecker 

Picus myrmecophoneus 
Indian goldenbacked threetoed woodpecker 

Dinopium javanense 
Great black woodpecker 
Rufous woodpecker 

Dryocopus javensis 
Micropternus brachyurus 

Family : Pittidae 

Indian pitta 
Family : Hirundinidae 


House swallow 
Family : Laniidae 

Brown shrike 

Pitta brachyura 

Hirundo rustica 
Hirundo tahitica 

Lanius cristatus 

Family : Dicruridae 

Ashy drongo 
Family : Sturnidae 

Hill myna 
Family : Corvidae 

Whitebellied tree pie 

Jungle crow 

Family : Campephagidae 

Pied flycatcher shrike 

Scarlet minivet 
Family : Irenidae 

Goldenfronted chloropsis 

Goldmantled chloropsis 

Fairy blue bird 

Family : Pycnonotidae 
Red whiskered bulbul 
Yellow browed bulbul 
Black bulbul 
Ruby throated bulbul 

Family : Muscicapidae 

Spotted babbler 

Slatyheaded scimitar babbler 

Blackheaded babbler 

Quaker babbler 

Whitebreasted laughing thrush 

Garrulax jerdoni 

Yellowbreasted laughing thrush 

Garrulax delesserti 
Sub Family : Muscicapinae 

Brown flycatcher 

Rufous tailed flycatcher 

Redbreasted flycatcher 

Whitebellied blue flycatcher 

Nilgiiri flycatcher 

Black and Orange flycatcher 

Paradise flycatcher 

Greyheaded flycatcher 
Sub Family : Sylviinae 

Blyths reed warbler 

Dicrurus leucophaeus 

Gracula religiosa 

Dendrocitta leucogastra 
Corvus macrorhynchos 

Hemipus picatus 
Pericrocotus flammeus 

Chloropsis aurifrons 
Chloropsis cochinchinesis 
Irena puella 

Pycnonotus jocosus 
Hypsipetes indicus 
Hypsipetes madagascariensis 
Pycnonotus melanicterus 

Pellorneum ruficeps 
Pomatorhinus horsefieldii 
Rhopocichla atriceps 
Alcippe poioicephala 

Sub Family 

Blue chat 


Muscicapa latirostris 
Muscicapa ruficauda 
Muscicapa parva 
Muscicapa pallipes 
Muscicapa albicaudata 
Muscicapa nigrorufa 
Terpsiphone paradisi 
Culicicapa ceylonensis 

Acrocephlus dumetorum 
Hippolais spp 
Phylloscopus spp 

Erithacus brunneus 

Newsletter for Birdwatchers 

Malabar whistling thrush 

Family : Paridae 

Yellowcheeked tit 
Family : Sittidae 

Velvet fronted nuthatch 

Family : Motacillidae 
Nilgiri pipit 

Forest wagtail 
Grey wagtail 
Large pied wagtail 

Myiophoneus. horsfieldii 

Turdus merula 



Anthus nilghiriensis 
Anthus sp 
Motacilla indica 
Motacilla cinerea 

Motacilla maderaspatensis 


Family : Dicaeidae 
Nilgiri flowerpecker 

Family : Nedariniidae 
Small sunbird 
Little spider hunter 

Family : Zosteropidae 
White eye 

Family : Ploceidae, 
Rufousbellied munia 



Nectarinia minima 
Arachnothera longirostris 


Sub family :'Estrildinae 
Lonchura kelaarti 


Zoological Survey of India, High Altitude Zoology Field Station, Solan, (H.P.) 173 212 


A preliminary survey of the avifauna of Mandi district 
was undertaken during March, 1990. This survey is part of 
a study programme on distributional pattern of birds in the 
Western Himalayan ecosystem, particularly in the various 
districts of Himachal Pradesh. 

District Mandi is situated, in Himachal Pradesh 
(between 31 ° 13' & 32* 04' N latitude and 76' 37' & 77' 23' 
E longitude). The main rivers Beas and Sutlej and their 
tributaries form the river system in the district. The district 
has a temperate climate. Some areas of the district get cut 
off from other areas during heavy snow fall. The winter 
snow often comes down to an altitude of 1330 meters. The 
mean annual rainfall of the district is 1600 mm. The area 
under forest is around 25 percent of the total area of the 

The district being mountaineous has various places 
where altitude ranges from 800 meters to 4400 meters. The 
survey of avifauna was undertaken in the areas of 
Jogindernagar, Drang, Kamond, Sarkaghat, Bhambla, 
Rewalser lake and Mandi town where altitudinal range is 
upto 2200 meters. The birds were identified in the field with 
the help of standard books such as Ali (1949) and Ali & 
Ripley (1983). 

In general, the birds like Himalayan Giffon, 
Bluethroated Barbet, West Himalayan Greycrowned 
pygmy Woodpecker, Western Yellowbilled Blue Magpie, 
Himalayan Tree-Pie, Whitecheeked Bulbul, Straked 
Laughing Thrush, Whitethroated Fantail Flycatcher, 
Western Greenish Leaf Warbler, River Chat, Himalayan 
Blue Whistling Thrush, Himalayan Tree-Creeper and 
Cinnamon Tree-Sparrowwere commonly observed 
throughout the district. The Indian Myna has a good 
population in the district. Their communal roosts were 
noticed in most of the towns and big villages. 

Ali (1949) has described about 225 bird species 
belonging to the Western Himalayas. This includes only 
hill birds and excludes certain common birds. Altogether, 

70 different bird species belonging to 32 families and 
subfamilies are hereby recorded separately from district 
Mandi. Of these, 21 bird species are surveys will be 
undertaken in different seasons to know the total bird life 
in this district. 


1. Ali, Salim (1949) Indian Hill Birds. ' 
University Press, Bombay. 

2. Ali, Salim and Ripley Dillon S. (1983). A Pictorial 
Guide to the Birds of the Indian Subcontinent. 
Oxford University Press, New Delhi. 

A Systematic list of Birds of Mandi District (H.P.) 

(* - Bird Species confined to Himalayan Ecosystem) 

Class : AVES 

Order : Cicomiformes 

Family : Ardeidae 

1 . Egretta intermedia Median Egret 

: Falconiformes 



Family : Accipitridae 

2. Elanus caeruleus vociferus 

3. MUvus migrans 

4. Gyps himalayensis 

6. Spilornis cheela 

Family : Falconidae 

7. Falco tinnunculus 

Order : Galliformes 

Family : Phasianidae 

f 8. ArborophUa torqueola 
Order : 

Family : 

9. Vanellus indicus 
Family : 

Blackwinged Kite 
Pariah kite 

Himalayan Griffon Vulture 
Indian Whitebacked Vulture 
Crested Serpent Eagle 


. . 

Simla Hill Partridge 



Redwattled Lapwing 



Newsletter for Birdwatchers 


10. Columba livia Blue Rock Pegion 39. Tephrodornis pondicerianus Common Wood Shrike 

11. Streptopelia decaocta Ring Dove Family : Pycnonotidae 

12. Streptopeliachinpnsis Sported Dove *40. Pycnonotus leucogenys Whitecheeked Bulbul 

... . *41 Pn/"wn«nftjc rnfrrv 


13. Psittacula krameri 

14. Psittacula cyanocephala 
*15. Psittacula himalayana 

Order : Cuculiformes 

Family : Cuculidae 

16. CuculusvarM 

Order : Apodiformes 

Family : Apodidae 

17. Apusmelba 

18. Apusaffinis 
Order ; Coraciiformes 
Family :Alcedinidae 

19. Halcyon smyrnensis 
Family : Meropidae 

20. Merops orientalis 
Family : Upupidae 

21. Upupaepops 
Order : Piciformes 
Family : Capitonidae 

22. Megalaima zeylanica 

*23. Megalaima asiatica asiatica 
24. M.haemacephala indica 
Family : Picidae 

Subfamily : Picinae 

*25. Picus canus 



Order : Passeriformes 

Family : Hirundinidae 

27. Hirundosmiihiifilifera 

28. Hirundo daurica 
Family rLaniidae 

: Psittaciformes 


Roseringed Parakeet 
Blossom-headed Parakeet 
Slatyheaded Parakeet 

Common Hawk-Cuckoo 

Alpine Swift 
House Swift 

Ml. Pycnonotus cafer 

: Muscicapidae 


. ■ 

Whitebreasted Kingfisher 
Small Green Bee-eater 

Northern Green Barbet 
Blue-throated Barbet 
Crimsonbreasted Barbet 


29. Lamusvittatus 

30. Lanius schach 

Family : Dicruridae 

31. Dicrurus adsimilis 
Family : Sturnidae 

32. Acridotheres tristis 

33. Acridotheres fuscus 
Family ; Corvidae 

*34. Cissaflavirostris 

35. Dendrocittavagabunda 
*36. Dendrdcittaforrnosae 

37. Corvus splendens '• '- 1 '■ 
*38. Corvus macrorhynchos 

Indian Blacknaped Green 

W. Himalayan Greycrowned 
Pygmy Woodpecker 


Indian Wiretailed Swallow 
Redrumped Swallow 

Baybacked Shrike 
Rufousbacked Shrike 

North Indian Black Drongo 

Northern Jungle Myna 

Western Yellow-biUed 
Blue Magpie 
Northwestern Tree Pie 
West Himalayan Tree Pie 
House Crow 

Family : Campephagidae 

■ . 


Punjab Red vented Bulbul 
Family : Muscicapidae 

Subfamily :Timaliinae 

42. Chrysomma sinense Western Yellow-eyed Babbler 

43. Turdoides striatus ' Sind Jungle Babbler 

*44. Garrulax lineatus Simla Streaked laughing thrush 

Subfamily : Muscicapinae 

45. Muscicapalatirostris Brown Flycatcher 

46. Muscicapa mficauda Rufoustailed Flycatcher 

Whitebrowed Blue Hycatcher 

47. Muscicapa superciliaris 

48. Culicicapaceylonensis Northern Greyheaded 

*49.Rhipiduraalbicollis Western Whitethroated 

1-antail Hycatcher 

'. ptthotomus sutorius 
51. Phylloscopus trochiloides 

Subfamily :Sylvi'inae 

mus Tailor Bird 

Western Greenish Leaf Warbler 
*52. Seicercus xanthoschistos Western Greyheaded 

Flycatcher- Warbler 
Subfamily: Turdinae 

53. Copsychus saularis 
*54. Enicurus maculatus 

55. Saxicola caprata 

56. Saxicola ferrea 

*57. Chaimarrornis leucocephalus 

Magpie Robin 

Western Spotted Forktail 

Northern Pied Bush Chat 

Dark-grey Bush Chat 



58. Saxicoloidesfulicata Brownbacked Indian Robin 

*59. Monticola rufiventris 

*60. Myiophoneuscaeruleus 

Family : Paridae 

Subfamily : Parinae 
61. Parus major 

Family :Certhiidae 

*62. CertHa himalayana 

Family : Motacillidae 

63. Anthus trivialis 

64. Motacilla alba 

Family ; Nectariniidae 

65. Nectarinia asiatica 

Family . : : Zosteropidae 

66. Zosteropspalpebrosa 
Family : Ploceidae 
Subfamily :Passerinae 

67. Passer domesticus 
*68. Passer montanus 
%9. Passer rutilans 

Family : Emberizidae 
70. Emberizastewarti 

Chestnutbellied Rock 

Himalayan Blue 
Whistling Thrush 

Grey Tit 

Himalayan Tree Creeper 

European Tree Pipit 
Pied or White Wagtail 

Purple Sunbird 



House Sparrow 
Tree Sparrow 
Cinnamon Tree-Sparrow 





Newsletter for Birdwatchers 




Rotary Club of Mangalore/WWF-India, Karnataka - 

Situated awash the Arabian Sea on the West Coast of 
Peninsular India, wedged by the undulating ranges of the 
Ghats to if s east, Mangalore (Lat : 12-50' N, Long : 74-53' 
E) is today a burgeoning metropolis poised on the doors of 
an industrial boom, that fast promises to change it's skyline 
to grotesque proportions. Lashed by torrential downpour 
between June and September by the South- West monsoon, 
the city drenches itself with 100 - 150 inches of rain. Palm 
fronds punctuate the narrow lanes, moss lined laterite 
bricks lead to sinuous alleys with a mind boggling traffic 
somehow meandering through both. 

A rapid influx of commercial activity heralded by the 
inflow of the omnipresent petrodollar, has wrought 
irretrievable change to the green cover. The onslaught of 
progress must be accepted as inevitable. However, before 
the metamorphosis is complete, for the sake of record and 
reference, this attempt to prepare and update a checklist of 
birds found in the urban scenario is being made. The list, is 
certainly not total or comprehensive, for it omits from its 
gamut some estuarine and marine birds that populate the 
beachfront and backwaters of the 73.64 square kilometer 

This log records sightings primarily from the Attavar 
village sector of Mangalore and covers about 6 years of 
sustained work. No bird was listed unless more than one 
independent sighting was confirmed by the authors. 


'Workshop on Avifauna' October 1990. 


Little Cormorant 

Phalacrocorax niger 


Purple Heron 

Ardea purpurea 


Pond Heron 

Ardeola grayii 


Cattle Egret 



Little Egret 

Egretta garzetta 


Indian Reef Heron 

Egretta gularis 


Night Heron 

Nycticorax nycticorax 


Chestnut Bittern 

Jxobrychus cinrmmomeus 


Pariah Kite 

Milvus migrans govinda 



Haliastur indus 


Crested Serpent Eagle 

Spilornis cheela 


Blackwinged Kite 

Haliastur indus 



Accipiter badius 



Falco tinnunculus 


Red Spurfowl 

Galloperdix spadicea 


Whitebreasted Waterhen 

Amaurornis phoenicurus 


Red Wattled Lapwing 

Vanellus indicus 


Yellow Wattled Lapwing 

Vanellus malabaricus 


Blackwinged Stilt 

Himantopus himantopus 


Little Ringed Plover 

Charadrius dubius 


Brownheaded Gull 

Larus brunnicephalus 


Blue Rock Pigeon 

Columba livia 


Spotted Dove 

Slreptopelia chinensis 


Rose Ringed Parakeet 

Psittacula krameri 


Blossomheaded Parakeet 

Psittacula cyanocephala 


Indian Lorikeet 

Loriculus vernalis 



Eudynamys scolopacea 


Crow Pheasant 

Centropus sinensis 


Barn Owl 

Ty to alba 


Collared Scops Owl 

Of us bakkamoena 


Brown Hawk Owl 

Ninox scutulata 


Spotted Owlet 

Athene brama 


House Swift 

Apus affinis 


Palm Swift 

Cypsiurus parvus 


Malabar Trogon 

Harpactes fasciatus 


Small Green Bee-Eater 

Merops orientalis 


Lesser Pied Kingfisher 

Ceryle rudis 


Common Kingfisher 



Storkbilled Kingfisher 

Pelargopsis capensis 


Indian Roller 

Coracias benghalensis 


Large Green Barbet 

Megalaima zeylanica 


Coppersmith Barbet 

Megalaima haemacephala 


Goldenbacked Woodpecker 

Dinopium benghalense 


Indian Pitta 

Pitta brachyura 


Golden Oriole 

Oriolus oriolus 


Blackheaded Oriole 

Oriolus xanthornus 


Scarlet Minivet 

Pericrocotus flammeus 


Common lora 

Aegithina tiphia 


Redwhiskered Bulbul 

Pycnonotus jocosus 


Red vented Bulbul 

Pycnonotus cafer 


Black Drongo 

Dicrurus adsimilis 


Ashy (grey) Drongo 

Dicrurus leucophaeus 


Indian Tree Pie 

Dendrocitta vagabunda 


House Crow 

Corvus splendens 


Jungle Crow 

Corvus macrorhynchos 


Jungle Babbler 

Turdoides striatus 


Indian Robin 

Saxicoloides fulicata 


Magpie Robin 

Copsychus saularis 


Brown Leaf Warbler 

Phylloscopus collybitta 


Tailor Bird 

Orthotomus sutorius 


Rufousbacked Shrike 

Lanius schach 


Brown Shrike 

Lanius cristatus 


Paradise Hycatcher 

Terpsiphone paradisi 


Grey Wagtail 

Molacilla cinerea 


White (pied) WagtaU 

Motacilla alba 


Greyheaded Myna 

Stumus malabaricus 


Brahmini (blackheaded) Myna 

Stumus pagodarum 


Common Myna 

Acridotheres trislis 


Jungle Myna 

Acridotheres fuscus 


Purplerumped Sunbird 

Nectarinia zeylonica 



Nectarinia lotenia 


Tickell's Howerpecker 

Dicaeum erythrorhynchos 


Whitebacked Munia 

Lonchura Striata 


Spotted Munia 

Lonchura punctulata 


House Sparrow 

Passer domesticus 


Whitebreasted Kingfisher 

Halcyon smyrnensis 


Newsletter for Birdwatchers 



A Checklist of birds in Attavar Village, Mangalore, 
Keyemsee Annual, 1987-88 Kumar A and Bose K.V 


Dass Pharmacy, Sibsagar 785 640, Assam 

I read with great interest the article - "Discovery of Greater 
Adjutant Stork Nesting Colonies outside the protected Areas of 
Assam, India" - by P. Saikia and P.C.Bhattacharjee in vol XXX No. 
7 & 8 of the Newsletter. 

In Oct 1 990, nine nests of Greater Adjutant Stork were located 
in a village just outskirt of Sibsagar (24"40'E X 27 "N) in Upper 
Assam. The nests were situated at the height of 40-60 ft in the 
topmost layers of Bombax ceiba and Alstonia scholaris trees. The 
number of nests per tree was usually one, but on two occasions 
two nests were found per tree. Five of these nests were placed 
inside a nesting colony of 150 pairs of Openbill Storks and the 
Adjutant nests were accidentally discovered during a 
photographic expedition in the nesting colony of Openbill Storks. 

The nesting colony of the Greater Adjutant Stork was situated 
by the side of the river Dikhow (a major tributary of the 
Brahmaputra), among healthy clumps of bamboos. It is the thick 
bamboo groves which hide the nests from human eyes but the 
birds get a panoramic view of the countryside for miles together. 
Interestingly the 'bill-clattering sound' of the Great Adjutant Stork 
is similar, to the rattling sound of bamboos moving to and fro in a 
light breeze. 

But the species has a very distinct call produced during the 
early nesting period. It is a deep throated, low-pitched booming 
sound; somewhat resembling the distant growl of a tiger. The 
intensity of this low-pitched call is quite remarkable and it can be 
heard from 200 mts in a sleepy village. 

The most significant aspect of this nesting colony of Great 
Adjutant Stork was its proximity to human settlements. The 
distance between the nests and human dwelling places was found 
to be around 30-150 mts. In the Dist. of Sibsagar two other smaller 
colonies of Greater Adjutant Storks were discovered containing 
three nests in each in the same type of habitat, i.e by the side of a 
river, among bamboo groves and in proximity to human 

The site having nine nests was revisited on 9.12.90 and four 
chicks were observed in four nests, but there could be more as 
evident from two empty egg shells (diameter 5.9 cm in the smaller 
axis) found below one nest where no chick could be seen because 
of poor visibility. 

Cross, 30th Main, J.P.Nagar, Bangalore 560 078 

It is quite intriguing to note that the Large Green Barbet (LBG) 
Megalaima zeylancia (Gmelin), once considered to be common, is 
now absent in Bangalore. I have been watching birds in Bangalore 
since the last seven years, but have not come across the species. 
Several of my senior colleagues share my opinion. Instead its 

congeneric species, the Small Green Barbet(SGB) M.viridis 
(Boddaert) is the most common and abundant bird in Bangalore. 

Ghorpade and others, in their article on 'Birds of Nandi Hills' 
[NLBW: 14(5) :1 -5, 1974] state that the "Occurrence of Large Green 
Barbet and Small Green Barbet together (at Nandi) was held to be 
very significant. The former species is very common in Bangalore 
city as in New Delhi (Indian Handbook Vol.4:151) and is also fairly 
abundant at Nandi Hills". Further, they indicate that "M.viridis is 
also found in small numbers at Bangalore though it is supposed to 
be confined to the peninsular hills according to the Handbook". 
Interestingly, I have not come across LGB at Nandi Hills, about 60 
km North of Bangalore (1 3 °22'N,77 '4' E) during my visit to the hills 
on 19 October and 11 November 1990. To confirm the identity, I 
tracked all the calling Barbets, to my surprise all of them turned 
out tobeSGB's! 

Even Mr. Futehally, in his "Random notes on the birds of 
Bangalore [NLBW:14 (1):6,1974] remarks that "On 5 November 
1974, observed a pair of Large Green Barbets feeding on Fig tree 
in Palace Orchards". I have visited Place Orchards several times 
but here too, only SGB is abundant, though Mr.Futehally 
mentions them to be common in Bangalore 

With such a change of situation one does not fail to wonder as 
to what really happened to LGB? Was it ousted by SGB over the 
years? Though both the birdwatchers are reputed for their 
authentic observations on birds, have they, by chance made an 
error in their identification? This question has to be considered 
because Dr.Salim AH during his 'Birds of Mysore' survey 
(JBNHS:43:573- 595, 1943) mentions that the species (LGB) was not 
met with in the entire Mysore State! except for a specimen 
collected on 20 September 1934 at Sathyamangalam in the 
Biligirirangana Hills range. He observes SGB to be common and v 
has collected the specimen in several areas. 

Could our senior birdwatchers please clarify their 
observations and throw some light on the turn of situation with 
respect to Green Barbets in Bangalore? It would help to solve the 
puzzle that the present-day birdwatchers are faced with in 

BAP AT , Paburai Falia, Bhuj- Kachchh 370 001 

The purpose of this letter is to inform you about the latest 
position of the Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus roseus in the Great 
Rann of Kutch. Since the last few months the sighting of this 
species had become almost nil in spite of regular bird- watching 
trips by experts of the area. Hence presuming them to have 
congregated somewhere for breeding, I took the initiative of 
surveying the known breeding grounds in the Great Rann. 

The survey was undertaken in the 2nd week of January (8th 
to 10th January). I am extremely happy to inform you that I 
discovered an active breeding colony of the Greater Flamingo. 
There are about 25000 in the compact area of 'C 3000' x 300' and 
they have one chick each. I could count 20000 chicks in this colony. 
The chicks seem to be about 3 to 10 days old. 

There are three more similar breeding colonies of this species 
about 5 to 10 km from the previous one. My estimate is that there 
are 500,000 flamingos in this area. The area is popularly known as 
HANJBET and is presently 3 sq.m. in extent. 


Newsletter for Birdwatchers 

This interesting discovery was made on 9th January'91 at 
about 14.30 hours. The breeding of this species in the Great Rann 
has occurred after a gap of fifteen years. The entire survey was on 
camel back and was sponsored by the Forest Department and the 
B.S.F. authorities were also very helpful. 


UTTANGI, 36, Mission Compound, Dharwad 580 001 

The only two species of goose known to visit our country in 
large flocks today are : The Barheaded Goose, Anser indicus and 
the Greylag, Anser anser. Both of them breed in Central Asia and 
winter in the northern parts of India including Punjab, Rajasthan, 
Uttar Pradesh, Orissa, Gujarat, Madhyapradesh but, the 
Barheaded goose prefers to move further down to south India and 
today it occurs in Karnataka, Tamilnadu, Andra Pradesh and not 
in Kerala and along the coastal regions. The distribution of this 
species also needs study. The Greylag on the other hand is 
confined to colder parts of Northern India and is not reported so 
far from the south. This should be re-examined and confirmed. 
Census programmes recently carried out on the 1 2th and 13th Jan. 
1991 in the districts of Dharwad and Bellary revealed occurrence 
of one large flock of 800 Barheaded goose roosting in Tungabadra 
dam and another flock consisting of 1000 members was observed 
in a large Jheel near Naregal in Dharwad district. Other adjoining 
districts in Karnataka are also likely to attract these grainivorous 
water birds and hence it is judicious to extend survey work to 
these areas also. A rare association of 50 Brahminy ducks with 
Barheaded goose in Naregal Taulk was quite interesting to 


KUMARAN SATHASIVAM, 29, Jadamuni Koil 
Street, Madurai 625 001 

I write regarding the Grey Wagtail Motacilla caspica. The 
Handbook described the male bird in summer as having a black 
throat and the rest of the underparts bright yellow, while in winter 
it is said to have a buffish throat and paler yellowish underparts, 
brighter yellow on the vent. The female which is indistinguishable 
from the male in winter, has a buff throat and paler underparts. 

I have observed this species in a plumage that does not match 
the description either for summer or for winter. Seeing them in 
October (19th to 21st) and November (24th to 26th) at Thekady 
and in Kodaikanal on the 14th November, I noted that these birds 
had a yellow chin and throat, and yellow ventral region. The 
region in between was white. Could this be an intermediate stage 
in the transition from summer to winter plumes? I felt it was 
surprising that this has not been described, particularly as the 
birds seem to be in this livery for at least a month. On a visit in 
January to Thekady, I found the Grey wagtails to be in the winter 
plumage described in the Book. 

Incidentally, in November I found remarkably few Grey 
Wagtails at Kodaikanal and on theGhat road too. On earlier visits, 
I have seen these wagtails to be abundant both on the road and at 
Kodai. Other birds I saw on a short birding walk at Kodaikanal 
weie White-eyes, Pied Bush Chats, Rufousbacked Shrikes, 
Scimitar Babblers, Laughing Thrushes, unidentifiable Tree 
Warblers and Leaf Warblers and a Greyheaded' Bulbul. I 
undersand that the last is rarely seen. The one I saw was in a tree 
at the junction where a road branches off Lloyds Road towards 
Bear Shola Falls (very close to Hotel Jai). 

CLARK, BNHS, Bombay 

I am writing regarding two instances concerning the 
identification of Birds of Prey published in recent Newsletters. I am 
in India as an US advisor for the BNHS's Birds of Prey survey. I 
am particularly interested in the correct field identification of 
birds of prey, especially here in India. 

The first is two reports of sightings of Accipiter soloensis Grey 
Frog Hawk (as the rest of the world knows this species) in 
mainland India in nos 5-6 and 7-8. 1 have seen and photographed 
several adult male Shikras A.badius in India that appear exactly as 
the birds described by Hashim Tyabji and Asad Rahmani. I have 
examined in detail a black and white print of the bird 
photographed (at great distance) by Dr. Rahmani at Similipal NP. 
Its wingshape and colour pattern conform exactly to adult male 
Shikras I have photographed. Further, neither article mentions the 
differences in back colour one would expect : Slaty grey for Shikra 
or dark bluish-grey for Grey Frog Hawk. But the clincher is that 
neither reporter mentioned the best field mark of the Grey Frog 
Hawk - that is, its bright orange cere (See Handbook page 240). In 
the future all bird watchers in eastern India should be on the 
lookout for Grey Frog Hawks and should look carefully at hawks 
having white underwings with black tips to note the back and cere 
colours. I would love to see flight photographs of Grey Frog 
Hawks if any are taken. 

The second matter is the identification of the mystery raptor 
in no. 5-6 as Crested Goshawk by Robert Sikora in no. 7-8. 1 fully . 
concur with the identification but feel that the white "puffs" are 
in reality the under tail coverts, not the uppertail ones. It is 
common for some medium to large accipiters to use their long 
white undertail coverts as part of their display flights. Two such 
are the North American Cooper's Hawk (A.cooperi) and Northern 
Goshawk (A. gentilis). 

I enjoy reading the newsletter very much. Keep up the good 

REMA, National Research Centre for Spices, 
Marikunnu, Calicut 673 012 

Acacia Acacia auriculiformis was introduced into our campus 
at Calicut during 1984 mainly for afforesting barren hillocks. For 
the pjst two years we have been observing flocks of.jungle crows 
Corvus macrorhychos, greyheaded mynas Sturnus malabaricus and 
redwhiskered bulbuls Pycnonotusjocosus feeeding on acacia seeds 
that were exposed when the pods split during 
November-January. The acacia seed has a fleshy funiclc bright 
orangish yellow in colour and we presume that this was the main 
attraction to the birds as a source of food. Generally the birds 
swallowed the entire seed with the fleshy funicle; however on a 
few occasions we observed greyheaded mynas swallowing the 
funicle alone. The seeds may not get digested since the testa is very 
hard and we could observe intact seeds in a few faecal samples. 
The pods on the trees began to split by late November and reached 
its peak during December and the activity of the birds was also 
high during this period. By mid January most of the seeds had 
fallen down and the birds stopped visiting the trees for seeds. We 
are curious to know whether this type of activity has been 

Newsletter for Birdwatchers 


observed in other areas and whether other bird species were 
attracted to the acacia seeds. 


NARANG, Associate Professor, Dr. YASHWANT 
SINGH, Parmar University of Horticulture & Forestry, 
Solan 173 230 

Sometime back I had visited a small village about 100km from 
Solan in Himachal Pradesh. There I had observed some 
Himalayan Jungle Crows Corpus macrorhynchos intermedins which 
is a common species in Himachal Pradesh. The unusual thing 
=ibout these Crows was that majority of them had a white shoulder 
patch in their wings (Secondaries) similar to the red shoulder 
patch in Himalayan Slaty-headed Parakeets Psittacula himalayana. 
The description of this specis as given in the Handbook of Birds 
by Ali & Ripley makes no mention of such white shoulder patches. 
Very recently about fifteen days back, I saw one such crow at Solan 
proper. It does not appear to be a case of albinism. 

OF KUTCH. DHANRAJ MALIK, Camp Zainabad, Via 
Dasada 382 751, Gujarat 

While watching a flock of cranes in the Little Rann of Kutch 
on the 04.01.91, 1 saw a fairly large crane with a white plumage. 
But I thought that the sun was playing the trick, so to confirm this 
I walked up to the cranes and looked through my 60x scope and 
what did I see? The crane was a Siberian Crane Grus leucogeranus 
and I immediately recognised it as I had seen 6 in Bharatpur in 
1988. 1 could see the red face marking of the bird. But, I was still 
not sure of my sighting as I had never thought of seeing this bird 
here, so only to double check the sighting I made the flock fly and 
the bird d id have the black primaries that a Siberian Crane should 

I hope this information is enough for confirming a sighting of 
the Siberian Crane in the Little Rann of Kutch. 


AAMIR ALI, 14 ch. de la Tourelle, 1209 Geneva 

■» "Peregrine falcons are increasing in New York, attracted by 

the numbers of pigeons and sparrows and the sky scrapers which 
remind them of their native cliffs. 

There are at least 9 couples nesting in the city. In 3 years, the 
peregrine falcons have adapted to the roofs of sky scrapers, 
churches, hospitals, pillars of bridges. 

Last spring 6 out of 13 young flacons survived long enough to 
fly off, a rate better than the five in Yosemite, where there are 5 
couples nesting. 

Workers on bridges and buildings have been instructed not to 
disturb the falcons during the nesting period, so the windows 
round the nests are not washed and walls are not repainted. 

The falcons, spoilt by human contact, tend to build their nests 
rather shallow and these risk being blown away by a strong wind. 
So, friends of the birds are placing boxes filled with gravel, in 
strategic places such as the Pan Am building. 

Sometimes, the falcons are fooled by the windows, and last 
spring two were killed when they crashed into windows, 
confused by their own reflection. 

Some 15 years ago, DDT and other insecticides had reduced 
the population of peregrine flacons to about 100 couples; today 
there are some 500 in the US." 

BABI, Fauzia Bungalow, Near Amrapali Cinema, Rajkot 

This week the temperatures in the field are near freezing point 
and farmers are finding many dead birds particularly Brown 
Doves, Pigeons and Sparrows. Many farmers have come across 
slabs of ice in their water tanks. 

I had a strange experience on the night of 9th January. On two 
successive occasions within half an hour, two Brown Doves came 
into the room where I was sitting and allowed me to warm them 
up with my hands. One of these Doves had some Water-skater 
like insects on them. Farmers believe many kinds of birds carry 
parasites on themselves. I couldn't collect any samples of these 
insects as I was busy trying to warm and save the doves. 

On the 10th morning I came across another Brown Dove 
frozen to death and a dying sub-adult pigeon. This was near a 
village called Sindhevaka in Wonkoner Taluka. I spent two days 
there telling friends what they could do to help the birds - putting 
up drinking water in the sun in a sheltered place and feeding them 
in the compounds and fields. 

Around lakes and roadsides I must have seen at least a 
thousand Demoiselle cranes and a hundred or so common cranes. 
There was also one sub-adult common crane Grus grus 
accompanied by its very vigilant parents (has to be). 

I do not know if many people have seen sub-adult 
Demoiselles. Personally I think common cranes show better 
parental love. This is an interesting point. I should be glad to hear 
of other such observations. It is common knowledge that 
Saurashtra and environs have more Demoiselles than common. 
The ratio varies from year to year. Demoiselle is most abundant 
during good monsoon years and the common during lean 
periods; although the Demoiselle always of course outnumbers 
the common. I believe the common can do with scantily stocked 
fields (Groundnut left unplucked) and can also du with very little 
water around its roosting sites. I have seen vast flocks of cranes 
(both) roosting miles away from any water in the day time in the 
little Rann of Cutch round Dasada, though. 

There are reports of sightings of the Houbara Bustard 
Chlamydotis undulata around Odov and Zhizhwoda, also near 
Dasada, although fewesthan usual. Normally we have 8 to 13 jurst 
around Dasoda. 

JOURNAL, Bombay, 22 December 1990 

Interaction of common birds which live within human 
habitation indicates not only a particular type of behaviour and 
food habits but also determines which bird is more powerful than 
the other; a study said. 

The study conducted by noted ornithologist U.N. Dev at the 
aviaries on 'project bihang' under aviary condition for different 
birds, claims that whether out or inside an aviary, the animal 
behaviour and their bisics remain the same after the species 
overcomes the initial shyness. 


Newsletter for Birdwatchers 

According to Dev indication of cannibalism was found among 
the pied mynas. This happened in his study when a new pair of 
pied mynas were added to the existing four. 

There was pandemonium and loud challenge calls among 
them and within a few seconds one of the new pied mynas was 
grounded by others and pecked to death. Most surprisingly the 
dead bird was feasted upon by the killers. 

Dev said on the other hand, when the new common mynas 
were added to the existing stock of common mynas, there was no 

There were cases among the common mynas when if one of 
them broke the discipline, it was always punished by the others 
but never killed. 

The ornithologist said one day a harrier and a black bittern kite 
were found locked in a battle, talon to 'talon, for a chunk of meat. 
Ultimately the harrier lost and was killed. 

Similarly, on another occasion, while a black bittern "was 
drinking water, a harrier launched an attack on its nape and 
grounded it. This proved that the harrier could not kill a black 
bittern face to face, Dev said. 

In another study a common tree pie was released but after few 
hours it started a fight with one of the pied mynas. Ultimately, the 
pied myna was killed and eaten up by the tree pie, the 
ornithologist added. 

Dev cited an instance when a pair of red vented bulbul were 
released inside the cage where they were found happy with the 
large aviary and ripe bananas as their food. 

Suddenly, the coucal caught hold of the bulbul and killed it 
and finished off the carcass. 

DANIELS, Centre, for Ecological Sciences, Indian 
Institute of Science, Bangalore 560 012 

This letter is just to request you if you can help me with some 
literature on the biographies of some of the old British 
ornithologists in India such as Jerdon, Ferguson, Blyth, Hodgson, 
Syke, Kelaart, etc. I need this information for the chapter on the 
history of ornithology for the Western Ghats which is to go into 
the book I am preparing for OUP. Our library here is poorly 
equipped with old material on Indian ornithology. 

FUTEHALLY, 'MOITAKA', Bear Shola Road, 
Kodaikanal 624 101 

Spotted Doves are never known to coo for more than seven 
times at a stretch. One rarely finds them cooing for more than 4 or 

5 times. Kru kru kru kruuu coo coo coo coo is what one usually hears. 
But this morning for the first time I heard a bird cooing for 7 times. 
What was remarkable was that after the 6th coo there was a slight 
hesitation, and then the 7th call was half-hearted and weak. 



London £ 8.95 


London £ 8.95 

Reviewed by Mrs. Laeeq Futehally 

Normally the Newsletter caters exclusively to birds and their 
doings and even glamorous endangered species like tigers and 
elephants are not allowed to be discussed in its pages. We make 
an exception in this case not because we havea special relationship 
with this tiger or that elephant, but because our Newsletter has a 
special relationship with this particular author. Our old-time 
readers may remember that some quarter century back, Peter 
Jackson - then a resident of Delhi - used to write extremely 
knowledgeable articles for us. His most well remembered piece 
(in the Dec 71 issue) was about one full days birdwatching in 
Delhi, and what he managed to see between dawn and dark on a 
certain winters day 

In a similar way, a chapter in his Tiger book was written after 
he had followed a tiger for a whole day, carefully'recording all his 
actions, movements, food, drink and sleep. Like the good birder 
that he is, the text is made up of well organised factual details 
adding up to a complete overall picture. There are no speculations 
and no vague generalizations. 

Both these books, then, are thorough, up-to-the-minute 
accounts of these two top-of-the-pyramid animals which have 
always been so much a part of our country's life. True, most of the 
elephant material concerns the African elephant and its situation, 
but our elephants too have been faithfully dealt with. Our 
elephants are in a sense, part of our domestic economy (now 
dwindling unfortunately) as well as our wildlife. 

The tiger of course belongs only to the wild. And apart from 
its natural history, Peter Jackson also describes soberly and 
realistically the efforts made by various institutions to save it from 
extinction. Both the books are "Stories told in Coloured Pictures" 
for apart from the text, the photographs are informative, 
il'ustrative and telling, apart from being highly decorative. 

Cover: Yellow-eyed Babbler (Chrysomma sinense) is an elusive bird that forages through thick hedge, bush and bamboo 
clump in search of insects. Now and then it clambers upto an exposed reed top and utters a strong pleasant whistling song 
twee-twee-ta-whit-che and soon dives to thicket to resume its foraging. During the monsoon months, a beautiful deep cone 
shaped nest is built amongst the reeds. 

Photo by S. Sridhar 

Editor .ZAFAR FUTEHALLY, 'Moitaka', Bear Shola Road, Kodaikanal 624 101 

Printed and published by S. Sridhar at Navbharath Enterprises, Seshadripuram, Bangalore 560 020, for Private Circulation only 



Half the world's Great Bustards Otis 
tarda are resident on the steppes of 
Spain and Portugal. They depend on 
traditional, extensive cereal and dry 
grassland agriculture. With the approach 
of the single European market, the 
reduction of regional farm subsidies is 
undermining this economy. ICBP, with 
the help of the Spanish Ornithological 
Society (SEO) and Portugal's Servicio 
Nacional de Parques (SNPCN), is cur- 
rently preparing a report for the EC 
Environment Directorate that will 
include proposals for the conservation of 
Iberian bustard habitats. 

ICBP's Guy Duke, who is conducting 
the study, reports that the threats to 
Iberia's bustards are all too apparent. In 
Madrigal-Penaranda, on the northern 
Castillian plain in Spain, private compa- 
nies are erecting power lines to provide 
electricity to farmers for the pumping of 
irrigation water from the underlying 
aquifer. New crops - maize, Sugar beet, 

sunflowers and even strawberries - are 
being introduced, with little regard for 
the effect on the endangered wildlife, 
the traditional landscape (now criss- 
crossed by pylons and wires) and the 
state of the aquifer (which may be 
exhausted within a decade). 

Elsewhere, equally critical threats exist, 
including the much-documented prob- 
lem of eucalyptus plantation, and the 
parcelling of once open steppes into 
small, fenced fields. 

There is an existing EC regulation that 
provides for the financial support of 
the traditional extensive agriculture 
on which the Great Bustard depends, 
but its implementation depends largely 
on. political will. The growing co- 
operation between farmers and conser- 
vationists gives cause for some opti- 
mism, but steps must be taken immed- 
iately if Spain and Portugal are to save 
their irreplaceable Great Bustard 

Strawberry fields in previously steppe 
area of Madrigal-Penaranda, Spain. The 
sign warns "no entry - poison" (Photo: 
G. Duke) 


In March 1990, 16 ornithologists, includ- 
ing three representatives of the Seabirds 
on islands survey of ICBP's Seabird 
Specialist group (Dr N.P. Ashmole, Mrs 
M. Ashmole and Dr K.C.L. Simmons), 
gathered on the remote British island of 
Ascension. The main island, its 14 
inshore stacks and especially the satellite 
Boatswainbird Islet provide the sole 
breeding site in thousands of miles of 
the southern Atlantic Ocean for many 
tropical seabirds, including four species 
of tern, three boobies, two tropicbirds, 
an endemic frigatebird and a storm 
petrel. An increase in human use of the 
island in recent years, particularly the 
establishment of a permanent airforce 
staging base, has caused renewed con- 
cern for the wildlife. 

The group conducted surveys ot 
Ascension's birds and an assessment of 
the problems they face. The main con- 
cerns are the continued heavy predation 

by a long-established population of feral 
cats, mortality due to local sport fishing, 
human disturbance (especially on Boat- 
swainbird Islet, where most of the 
seabirds nest), and the threat of 
Japanese tuna-fishing. Since the majority 
of the human population of the island is 
transient, it is difficult to maintain 
continuity in conservation attitudes or 

They did find cause for optimism, 
however. The present Administrator of 
the island has a positive attitude to 
conservation; he has already stopped the 
dumping of all waste into the sea and has 
prohibited visits to Boatswainbird Islet, 
which was officially declared a Site of 
Special Scientific Interest and a bird 
sanctuary in June. Much remains to be 
done, but the possibility that a pro- 
gramme for the total eradication of feral 
cats on Ascension may at last be insti- 
gated is particularly good news. 

Three members of the Ascension island 
survey with sacks of Sooty Tern Sterna 
Fuscata killed by cats (Photo: J. 




i • 

The Lesser Kestrel Falco naumanni, for- 
merly a common species in many towns 
and villages of the Turkestanian-Mediter- 
ranian area, has shown a major popul- 

ation decline in large parts of its West 
Palearctic breeding range, according to 
an ICBP report published recently. The 
report, The conservation of western 
Lesser Kestrel populations (ICBP Study 
Report no. 41) was prepared for the 
Commission of the EC. 

During the past 30 years, the Lesser 
Kestrel has disappeared from six coun- 
tries and is declining dramatically in ten 
others. The main reasons for the decline 
are thought to be loss of hunting habitat 
and nesting sites. Open grassland and 
shrub areas are increasingly built on or 
converted to intensive agricultural use. 
Dilapidated buildings, which provide 

nesting sites, are being renovated or 
pulled down, and the large-scale appli- 
cation of pesticides reduces prey 

The report lists the most important 
Lesser Kestrel colonies and makes a 
number of recommendations for their 
conservation. It is hoped that a number 
of other threatened species, such as 
White Stork Ciconia ciconia, Great Bus- 
tard Otis tarda, Little Bustard Tetrax 
tetrax, Gull-billed Tern Celochelidon 
nilotica, Pin-tailed Sandgrouse Pterocles 
alchata, Hoopoe Upupa epops and Wry- 
neck lynx torquilla would also benefit 
from the proposed measures. 



— * 







by Rod Hay th e turning point 

Perversely, New Zealanders used to be 
able to boast one of the world's worst 
records for threatened and extinct birds. 
The probtems were symbolised by the 
tiny Black Robin Petroica traversi in the 
Chatham Islands, whose population in 
1979 was only five strong, with just one 
breeding female! Prospects looked 

Dramatic and imaginative intervention 
by Don Merton and his team has resulted 
in a population today of more than a 
hundred Black Robins. In more ways 
than one, the recovery of that species 
represented a turning point in the man- 
agement of New Zealand's endemic 
birds and their habitats. At one time, it 
was little more than some nature 
reserves and a lot of hope that kept a 
number of species alive. Quite recently it 
became clear that reserves and hope 
were not enough. Our birds were con- 
tinuing to succumb to the effects of 
habitat loss and the plague of foreign 
animals that had been introduced to the 


The innovative methods that brought 
about the recovery of the Black Robin 
have helped show the way in bird 
conservation in New Zealand, and lateral 
thinking now abounds. Island transfers 
were an important first step in the 
recovery of many species. Early success 
with marooning the Saddleback Philes- 
turnus carunculatus on some new island 
homes has been followed by the estab- 
lishment of populations of a number of 
other species, including Kakapo Strigops 
habroptilus and Kokako Callaeas cinerea. 
But our islands are neither limitless nor 
always the answer, and we must keep 
some of our birds on the mainland. 

Takahe (Painting: A. Robertson) 

Juvenile Black Robins (Photo: D. Merton) 

Predator and competitor control is 
becoming ever more ambitious; for 
example, in North Island an extensive 
programme to control possum (which 
compete with Kokako) and rats (which 
prey on them) has been designed so that 
the relative effect of each animal on 
Kokako can be assessed. Last year, in 
little over a week, a team from the 
Department of Scientific and Industrial 
Research and the Department of Conser- 
vation eliminated Norway rats from the 
rugged 170 ha of Breaksea Island in 
Fiordland, thereby creating a new safe 
bird haven. 

Years of effort culminated recently in 
the complete removal of possums from 
the 2,000 ha Kapiti Islands. The recovery 
in vegetation in the three to four years 
since that operation has been remark- 
able. Rats are still a problem on the 
islands however, especially for Saddle- 
backs that have been transferred from 
rat-free islands. As part of the recovery 
programme for the species, Tim Love- 
grove is trying to get the population to 
adapt to the rats by selecting for release 
birds that naturally use safe sites on their 
original island, and encouraging them to 
use roost boxes in their new home. The 
ultimate goal of the Saddleback pro- 
gramme is reintroduction of the species 
to the mainland, whilst after their suc- 
cess on Breaksea Island, the eyes of the 
rat-busters are now also turning to Kapiti. 

There are several other initiatives in 
progress too. In South Island, Black Stilt 
Himantopus novaezelandiae eggs are 
being hatched both artificially and by the 
related Pied Stilt H. leucocephalus. The 
Takahe Notomis mantelli is climbing out 
of a trough in numbers because of highly 
successful captive rearing and release 

into habitat in which deer have been 
controlled. On Little Barrier Island, Kak- 
apo are being fed a smorgasbord of nuts, 
dates, raisins and other high-value foods 
in an attempt to bring them into breed- 
ing condition more frequently than the 
"once in a few years" that seems normal 
for the species. Early results are very 

Help for the habitat 

Though recent progress in bird conser- 
vation in New Zealand still depends on 
dedicated individuals, be they students, 
-amateurs, government or conservation 
group employees, there are other things 
happening in the country that are help- 
ing. For example, the logging of native 
forest on public land has ceased, and 
logging on private land has been sev- 
erely curtailed by heavy restrictions on 
the export of indigenous timber. The 
government recently announced a 
several million dollar scheme to restore 
6,000 ha of native forest at Pureora, the 
central North Island home of the Kok- 
ako, Kaka Nestor meridionalis, and other 
rare birds. 

Corporate conservation 

A new feature in conservation in New 
Zealand is large-scale corporate sponsor- 
ship. Comalco Aluminium Company's 
million doliars towards Kakapo research 
and management follows a similarly 
generous contribution of both habitat 
and money towards Kokako protection 
by Tasman Forestry. 

Of course, not all news is good, and a 
number of species remain to be 
researched and protected. The Yellow- 
eyed Penguin Megadyptes antipodes, 
perhaps the rarest penguin in the world, 
has suffered a catastrophic population 
crash in the last few years. Safe breeding 
habitat is now extremely limited, and 
conditions at sea seem also to have 
changed. Perhaps this is a portent of 
global changes in climate? 

There are still many problems facing 
New Zealand's birds. However, the Black 
Robin's return has taught us that inter- 
vention and imagination can reap fine 

Rod Hay is Pacific Wildlife Specialist at 
the Department of Conservation, Conser- 
vation Sciences Centre, Wellington, New 





