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VOL. Vll NO, 44, 

/Jitnibw. Dttmpva. 

JcJili 'ff. 8toIce«» 






WHOLE NO. 85^ 



OUMIbttiftHKK for taking AmdavHainthe 
v, Court of (Jucco'a Hincii for tho Couolleaof 
YwVtnd P«alCenveyaoecr,<!x..HberGn,o. *} .. 

Juua 3. lew. . tf '.' 6 

Gemmisriarter In ■&* Auttn'fl MviHt, 

Otaeo oo Yongfl Htrctl. 


1 J 

:■ .i 


•" -" - ^ - , ! 

,: John T 'Otokea; 
AnoiUTKo* tfc.,4c H «iMMH I 0*»id*w«i 

GEO, HUGHES, ;-f' 

nOMMlSSIOHSR for taking Affidavits Jo the 
V^ QuconVBench, for iho i^uhUcb of Yorlc.i'ccl 
and fiunooo, ConYaytoetr, «c, &«. 

DrflWosWIlt, April, I«?7.; ( ,{? 

; ?: 


:!... t i 



WATOJI «o«I Clock H*k«r, MainAitcMKow- 
MtfWl. Alittliidiof Wolclics aod.Olocka 
f«('tir<4 In Ofder, »nd W«rr*nlc4. 
WANTBD— to AplrttullMloletnitiio Uunlnur, 

Nftwmtffeftt, iSoptombor 9, 1853. lf-32 

T* Biohop fij Sori, '.' 

BW0K*liAYEa8, flutetcni aod 0ta4%«MOM, 
Uoolcmlo I.Imo.Ae.Ao. ; , 

Molo Blrccl, Nowmtr^bl, Mty 7, "18V/, . tf-H 

BUJT.KS tn-1 TetUmcnltctn bft bad «ffoclct>''« 
tirlccs, uiHiii appHcttlon U> Tiioiia* Nik^h, *t 
ifao'OlUft Dej'^Itory, oppo^lfl HowlU'fl Hotel. 

Hewmwtal. March flMBSC. tj-10 


Wagon, Carriage 4 iNfcty/t ,V«fter, 

MAIKBweclrfftwmarkct. AU 0/dt»fcex«uU<f 
wilt Dwj.tSrl.. 

Newmubot, P< t. Cth. 1P5G. tf-v5nl 

New Waggon and Carnage .31.00, 

riHIK »/ndei8ii;oeii MHiecifttHy Irrtlinttki to \ 
1. filtnd* tu-i ilia poUle gtuwallf >'">* ho li 
Utuly opened a 


In hU now prutitiM'S Wmcirt Hlrw(, ""!\» llw- 
CathalJc ttimt<U, wli'iWf will I- (iW|)M«l I" bw 
co"> ril! onl»i» Willi rthi'.h h'* nity hi fnyrt« *^i With 

uratm 1 -. durability '.ml i|<>n<it"-h, 

C»M and oaiiiluu iho vmkiiiid hear llio \niUh 
tefore |>urcha*iit^ olauwlu.-rif. 

KtwmarVtl, May 'JO, 185G. Iy l7 

:r T)B. BEN1XEY, 



OiRw- W&r H(r<Ki,/o(A of Mow Strtd. 

*V< 20, 1857, ^^ _ tf-S 

ArmutronB Uouwo, 

A'.i l.rirttl Hom to tht fifMIH^Mt Xtirfty, 

O, W. AHMSTUOKGjfPaopftifiTos. 
Julya.lHW. 1>22 

Juat Printod, 

AND fit Bale tttlilfl Olflcc, Blah* Mauhiaok<:ittJi ( ad»|il(-d lo iho use of IJiuialora 
of&ll OeuoiutDatioua. Plico In per down, or C»3d 
j<f 100. 
Kawmarkel, Matcli 'if,, I P57. 


flUl K iitontUlor likviug again rcaurocd the abore 

i HOTlil Kapul/ully Intlruttcato the (ravvlllnjr 

puVltc thtt the o*oiuia<4 have oudvjyone a thorough 

ief air, aod he u nov prepared fo'r'ihe i* 'i ■i-'i-fu "f 

!-ix4«. 'J'he /y.4fl coutaiua I.lqttora of the btsl 
Irioda ; aiid the Larder well bupitlicd. 

JAS. FOjtSYTH. 14, 1857. tf-37 

— AUtMnA,— 


RKfllDP.NOK— formcBr occupied tyDr.Ocl- 
Iclo. ) J ,1 . - 

Aurora, March 1 1 , )8&f , , .". . tf.|) ; 

■ r 


BAltttlSTKR. Bollcltor In Clianccry, Conroyan- 
ccr, Ac, Newinartet 


t ;- 

> * 

■: I 

ft". M00EE f r. 

BARRI0T&A, Bolleltor lu Ohancory. AUomoy. 
Coavoyauear, Ac. Office— In tho Now Court; 
lloueo, neat to tho Couuly Couucll Office, Toronto. 

ToroDto.Jimofi, IB57. ' . '. . ,' 

JOiXKR. JOHBB,,«<>llcllor In Cliaocery, 
ConToyancer.drc, A-cf- ■'Office In Blgin Ituild- 
Inga, corner of Yongc and Adctnlde Blrtotv.Toron* 

Toronto.JuD e 20.1855;...' . . SMy 


ftONVKYANOKU, Land Agent, 'Ate. Comini*. 
O Blon«r In the Qiietn'e ifeiich. Office— Old 
Bland, ProKpeet 8t. PolcuU of Invention* ptocuicd 
Newmarket, 1855. . .- ..' .'ifliA 


Life Assurance Sociclyof Lohdoii, 

Capital— II alf-ii- ftlilli'n'i fcrtirJirj^ . 

• KOniCK'P 11. .SM1TU, • 

Nrtwmwkot, Nov-H, IHWi. tl-11 

"im,' $fmi- ~~- 

pjivsioiANj.suiuii:'*', f.un Mxavoniivn, 

RKBPECTKUI-IA' iuformi iho puliHe, thai h- 
bae HKhtOVt'U) to liln new protuue* on l.ydia 
Street, opposite the Woollen Fnc lory .where liu may 
be couiultcd at alt lioun, except when ahtent on 
professional Imalinna. 
Kewmiiket, May U, 1R50. 1MQ 

' Dr. HA0KETT, 

PUt'llCUtf, lURCtOK, AGCOt'OllkUH, AC. 


K3IDENCE-PiOBpectHlreel,(aail>utt Hill.) 

Nowinarheu , ■ , vGif-26 


IN. rtlunii|?j( ilihiikft for lltfl lihual pntronit^i* Ijl- 
otowtd curing tlic put fow y&ktA, rc«pvc1 fully 
iutiirtttic-nttiat lie i« now prepaid tocontrarlforihe 


and wlien rc^uircdj find u\l Maltriul&, Sliopon 

NutrmaTM.Oct.Olli. 1855, lf-3fi 


NOTARY PuhHc, pievlBelat Ltnd 
Cooteyancor, aod Afjcnt for Iho Wfo 

Mr. EflSEIJ, 


t!on of BcoU?.n(J, 


UcccinborJit, 1W0. i lf-39 

MoBora Jjirvifj ft Savib, 

AimiBTRBB, end Solicitor* in Chnncery.3, 

A/aronlc Hal). Toronto. hatcopeocJ a Branch 

fllitlr cfllco, atilfr. O. Pord'a. Aowmarltct,— iht 

win wa of tvhlcli will bo conducted by Afr. J.' J>. 

C'ainplon, an Kzperionccd Irinh BolJcit>*7. 

BlirOno of the Firm can ho jieraonnlly contolltd 
on evtty Thursday, at tho Ojflco, Newrnarkel, un- 
til further notice. , ; • 
ftowmoer- 10/A, 1853. 1/33 

' ; KEEM0TT & JOXm0a\ 

Jfir.trSllUMT, NH WJfARftWT. 


KQwinarkct,.Nor. 30,1658. 




■( . OY r. a a i. a if d, 

. Capita), fifl;«HK000 StorHng'. \ 

. : J. W. UAIIBOEI?, 
t2fl,'58. ,, . /.;. •* , ARcntKoirmarket. 

Wavld «. Ilowey, •- 

/fowff, S»5?f, iGwfage and Chnamtritat 
;] Patnltr,- ,,'.i , : '.'. 

Wife IV-8T, , ' N E W M A RKBT, 


Q HOP— ArljufninV WrfghValfotel 

jJ will I>o itd-lvcf and prcihplly e; 

i^ewtnarket, Qc«. »7, lestf^ 

Where order* 

jRazors, S^lBBora and Knives, 

/it UOUAff) asd^el, on (ha ahorteat notice/and on 
"IT reofAiJnbki tenia, by , " 

;/ i, G. A. WALbACK. 

lirlicr fihnii. . , 

SunotaWnti'ttf H. W. Bngarl'a Btoro, 
lAewinarkcjA'iV.niUr 1001,189% " H-39 


eiMl BAI-FOUili 

Atn in Sin tt , A» wwirktl 


^ *? 

irlv • i f- f - ■ a ^ * r,i U;:j m,;^i- JJ^ii-i, 


WMiJ.IK'ILyonfwUUtiOh: .1 SHOUT- 
NfhT of 


gy nothing medo to orfej on iho iatiort«^| oot'iea 
M Uic i£>it FaMiioiiftUo Htylc^ and *&*itvHt<d to Pit 

Oo«d8i»Ua4d when required* / / 


JfiiiMHOIIH Mi {rlllNiC 

[\4lfl3 SMITH, Ofgv-httf llio Cori K U8allonal 
ai>riiK!<Cf:-^Bi|^AU I'AKJt, 



Newmarket Iron Foondry. 

JAMES At Ir AN b-gBlO return thaiike for 
% * ptat favora.aud to intimate that he is pre- 
U ACHINK CASTINGS, ajul oilier ailtclee 
ttaually re<|u''«<i >n hie Hue of busttniM. 

|j> A nuinbej of SUGAR KKTiLKS, 
and STCVKS, PLOUGHS, on hand for sale. 

Newmarket, February 10tU 1854. ft-1 


Cmq > ^ Ohtaiutd at 

_>r. WASH'S Medical I fait, 


AVlXtt just ctceiud A larg- s, Jpply ; alw, the 
Uu.>iVq^ JVono'a Indian Boot PilK Hollo. 

;ut,antl Pill., iUdwava JU-Htf, Pain 

E, ». ROGERS, 

IK returning thauba for tho liberal patronage r^ - 
foredaiaco commencing huHowa in tbll pU« t 
would re*ptclfo!iyCDtifijale ihtt he is preparcdlo 
coutiaclfor tha ' 


ofalldcwraptloTiK— ^apd furouli materials orotl^T* 
vi>e t aa may bo agreed u]>on_ JIo kccjM coritt|ct- 
ly r ; ri haud, a g«^o<l aupply of >:.*)i anO li'/.-r ^ /.! i 
orders r;xccu(od in a ne&laud bub.tautial .-j&U-Wfj 
and with dtgpaUhi 
Kenrf.arke1 a 8opt^f a i857« /y3) 

William B.Sullivan, 

BAUHI^j'KH and AUoiuty a( 7.nv« Uolioloiiu 
Char«uiy» CoJivoyancc^ NoUty PuU^Afi*— 
Office, — No. 2 'Joront/j •£>!.« lco^iu! dgt^r bjjlfa of 
Fori Offiru, Tofonlo, c. v. 

November 4th t I8&8. (f*3S 


CIVIL JQ.\C3iniI.KU» f 


ritoviNCiAr, LAND smtvmvons. 

OrriCE— Ne«marlr«t, County of York. 

December SJ.185C (f-47 


v-y'« OibUatut 

Kilter Kuuk-Ac.'t v.iuivfuge, GaodOUl \vbru_ Tea, 
I'ebooy'e WHj, Vegetable AoUblUioua Tille, Bye 
Salve, Ckerry and l.uog W«t and Clitt'y Ketoral. 
The above are u-aTianled vetaulne ftota iho re- 
*jxcll»e proprifton. 

A'ewmarkct, Math 25Ui, IBM. lf-6 

ProsoutSf ProeeutH. 

JUST HECKCVED. at this offic*. a *pkodid as- 
tt-itcaeutof HOOKS, HTATlONBtlY AHB 
FANCY AHTU'UM.hMWMt for ChrfSlTOW Prt«« 

eote. Kochiigt fvr imptcUou— call aad ate, 

NE W EH A Oyt'lOK, 

Kewuiarfcet.Noy.S5, 1658. 

_ * 

WUui'i Auction & Oob-Utlwlon Store. 

'PlIK SjWriber hat ojxuel a'i Aueiir>ri i>ud 
JL 0>iaiuiui< f n M_rtound«M>r K»>t "f IX Smh- 
trlend, KaqJa.StsM, Head of Main Sir_<A, Nvw- 
toarket ' 

Ai!<o_ilauintamro W (bfl (fey of ToroatQ, S«V< 

market and auirouudiuif eouut«y will U projoptlr 

T. WINN*, .lurfi-jritvr. 
Ne«uurx«l, jjprittr^ud, |? if-jr) 

wtcm otuswoui 


«P«E above arlicla for <- ^'.'.! i j . ,- i!,« ||.i ( «- c 
J. cuawUUd at Dai. IHsita, aad VStf 

Si? ^. ? ^' ,,0 "'- ,iU,t W .: B '" 1 *' *5*5S 
Auiwa. raitUM rt-idi-jj-tadUaiicera«ha»i'ihe 

ElSVflS Uy m W _ ou ^N™* *J'U_r,cir«t., 

lu. j-U bare * : *d U. B lU.ioi-tive.Liay be u.u al 
ttt ««^ i, d Office. lf.23 

*i- KdiM. ; ti.d PuUUwia KWftffrf.1 aUv*t^.a 

•V* MV " i -;,-*'- ,J . Ui,ill, '''acvi.Yvf ninrto j.iy td- 





Q110I*— OpnuJU tie BpuHboe lilocV, Maio St, 
O ffewmulcct. 

Aug. 17, 1859. tf.97 

»r. X UACKET1V. t: . 


* i ! _ * ** 

SksiDENGE—MAPiE. ' cf.27 

rYfrw.narkel, A'ovemWr Ipth, 1858. If r 30 

'§mV8<m""& DTraSPATJOH, 

No. 35, Klitj{-at. Ko>.t Toronto, 

MI'OKTKICS. Wholwalonnd Itelail Dcakre Id 
IJfO}:«. Mtdi^iiui, Uhumicnl*, 

UoIotHj Vnroihht", Ilruihee, 
Hpifit'. Turpentine, 

I'-U-nt Dryer, Zinc Palate, 
ArlifcU* MnteriaU, Kbscacca, 
y^titoxxt ModlolzLonif 
Kftiicy fJoode, I'erfurnery, dee. 
l,iauor» for Medicinal rurposea. 
Toronto, July SOth, lb5.. 


When trio Hoatt la Light. 

H^ppy, ^ ft pp/# I* Iho homo 
When iho hearth liglitf 
'Tii. a tfoftdof hlu*h and bloom 

Whtn tho heart it light L 
Klodlj htafeo atnllci aboTa r 
Orcr at a and mead and groY<y-+ 
Oh ! llio vorld U tilted with bra 
When tho h«H l\ Hghtl - 

. Thtre !• rcwlnio tltoroleo , 
When Mio heart la light; ' 

Anel'aiio llw m.d loriKua rojolco " 

Whan tho heart la light I 
>Voi/ui *nd riarlcftctt omo ootocar, 
fimik-A and luuihlne tarrt hero, 
Making Uth a world ofchce> 

Whon Old heart U light I 

All around bToota'tht floT/t;.q i 
f Wheu tbo hfwt UUfhlJ 
Bwj]\1/,airiniy fly thalioahl 

; Wh»nthohcafthIigM f 

Iilf* li all A'tairrp ddiwiv 
'uihig like tho j>oot'a rhyme* 
Ilapay, happy la tho lira* * 

*. .: 

* /* *. 


I ;; 

- f 


f hcrf 

-appy U0 
Uim hourt 


: r 

Tho Dying Blind GUI to hor Holhor, 

v . 

* Uollicr, donn 'oh weep no mora, 

Oh # wccpno mo/ofor rnaf 
fiut«a«y t Wkan heavenfe bright a-idiey X roach 
; Swni roolfier, thai 1 1 aeoT 
Will tlio dvk lolttfrom lolna ojeg| 

That turned to eight my day« 
Aod cloudril 0)] toy chlldhooo'a boa rt 

"For irer float away T * .*\ 
Wi)ltli»fluvrcrawJio» cccoted brcain, 

laall^f thcrn t know/ 
And will iho miirniVinghrook batiivro, ~ 

I'vo loTcd 00 htre bt-ln-w T' 
' My chllil, rny God ahalJ be thy light, h 

Jo the }&m( boyond tho torn h, 
Aod ttapfo iK^ida licarcu'a crjr^Ut etrcaro, 

Urtfndlng flowcra bloom*' 

Then* mothVr I.ahall Uooir agaitf * 

The fiienda (o mo ao d<*ar # 
Who-ogonllo voicei oftli havo cheered 

My wi;ary houra wltiluhcro// 
Aii'l mothtri you v;ill follow won. 

To that c.k>tM*l worlds 
And thy faco f^en hut ia droauii; 

I ahftll In Irclli Uhold, 
OVf my lawlur'd j*ar will roll, 

T lio uiuMooflha ftMts— 
The ^oug no, moral tonguafjUi U*m t 

Ik-ivto'ft glorloua molodica/ 

' All'thai'a UautK"! w»Jtnio # 

Will l>a tli if. e ot/u aboVa, 
And wo «hatl moot t^\h\ t my child, 

fa that lajjd of ll^ht and lova/ 


* ■ 

ICif emture. ■ 

l'uro Wioie and 



Chatlercd by act of Parliament, 

O apitai lo 0,0 00 . 

Homo Oflieu Toronto, 

Ricx Lawifl, 
T. P lioi A«a, 

President, I.O.Gituoa, 

Vice I'/esdent, Tho8.Hawomh 

Gaojioa Mircmr, 


WaLtza hUcraatAKB, 

M. P. IfAtfl. 

AK«U.S MORRISON, Solicitor. 

ROHT. STANTON, Seo'y.&Trer'y. 

The fnuCcrfber has beeo duly appointed Agent 

In KcwifajW't,forlha aboTe Qompaoy, and Will 

give pcnonal attention to parliea dcalioua of effect" 

ing InerraJiceAc. 



Kew^aifeet, Feb. 17, 1954. 

./ BUTIiER, & CO., 

Oanidiaa Family flowing Machine, 

InxtnUd and Manufactured in Canada- 


A. JT. (KcCK A.CK-N, 

CAR III A. 013 MAKby»« 

IN teodering tliaiihaforroft&tort, ht cow vth 
t»at<i to hiif/iDiata that he hu pu hind f ge*«t 
a^M»r(ifu*ui of ai^llii 


W hicb, fur ueatiitta and durability, caimoi 
|'*.^cd iu , - '; i>| k* , -(.»'»3 

All Woftd^WorJt WarrAiiVdi/ptpninr.j doaein 
aiic.tand BuleUi.tial- iimiaifr*-'- '- -:• 


Oarpenttr, Joiner, Cabinet and , V*H<tiaH 
iUind Maker, y '" 

Matu Si, • Newwarkct, V 

H*wm«ilitt, 4i* IP. tftfty ' ' " 'i"' 8 : 
VlAQiatH aWk;S ' JJl.ANfsJ ., 

TJWAH awarded an Extra Pm* at tho recent 
Piorincitl Kahibilion at (be Cryatal PaUce, 

T*.'«nto, , 


The ouly perfect alogle thread Sewing JJ whine 
iceiTibtence, ifiaimpto'IiHueotiaUuctioa, eaaily ad* 
.'tiled, Imol liable to get but ofo»der, aod will do all 
ilodaof wofk,*quaAly a« veil a» Higher .Priced, 
and moiecorapHcated Hachluce. • '■ \> 

. Anyperaeu can beeooie a complele router of 
die cnacbInB,lo a Half*day*a time. Ita price brjoga 
it wllhw the reach or eTcry famiW. ' "• ™ 
; Price fifKwhioe,. Stand and Treadle complele. 


/..^. Waoufactored by 

mwmnKBT, c.w. ■ 

l«r 0;der« ad^Jreaaed lo P. t.. BUTLER e> 

G?.rNevmerk«l T C. W., will meat with prompt U- 
tenllon. ijacbim* tecurely boxed will be tent to 


Kewmaraet.Pct.eUii IBM. tf-31 

Pure Liqport _apd Ricli.Wiues. 

'TV,ij-i attention of Medieal Meiu IijVaI.Mi and 

rllK atlenlf 
^onuolieuivfe rt*juulc*l to the stock of— 

■ /f*nn<**ey'* Rraudy, 
"WvOtdPmt, . 

-. n 


llollaad'a «i 


'iotToddy \VbUlwVj. ,..')-,. 

."lilltllj; I'yftrr, Ac.ifC'O. ■ . . 

Y.yi t¥«b> by tho rfuhKriher. ' *j ' 


.\ihin.Btr*#i, Nowfiiarkel, Jut.e Hi, HUffi iMl 


TTH dtiL«aLr>,lo add It l^o to lb* Stock of Dry 
Gocdt.Orockciy, Ilaidwaraj ic . |>uuh^jd 
fioto Mr. Cavtbia, wLlehha Ut^KJi.gat $*trMy 
f^iwii^f^-^Cacoiiittotly rec^Wloga / 


pUTtlt*itt] Ut}«« Ujlu:MVtt»i which heeffcraata 
tioal) tdtaiua. 


Mai*. B(.*AVtfrii»tfc*t; |tfM 25. WW* *9I 

Jtiat Koeoived, 

tJcw KiaOriir4 t *'a|{iUfciU 
fffM. l^rhviJcrp, Petit \ Iblllkbfo, it, ( 
ciKer \«lih attire Htccl ol Uc-te # J«t|t«r« IVvl 



tcop artdrauc) Willing Ptpar, i.'Lydt^ci.i' 



.uVi-A'p. )|,Ui-: 


Pulpit Gravity. • 

A ininiiler >»as preacliin^ to a large eongre- 
galion in one 6f the .Southern States, of the 
cvrt/miy of a future judgement ! Id the gal- 
lery ait a colored girl, with a it bite . child in 
her anna, which sbe nat dancing up and down 
with commendable tlTorl, to make bahy observe 
the proprivtNsof the place. The preacher 
was too much inlereiteu in hie subject to no- 
tice the occ'aiional noiie of the infant, and at 
ihe right point in h\t diwourse, threw himself 
ioto an interesting altitude, as though he had 
suddenly heard the Grat note of the trump of 
doom, and looking towards that part of the 
church where the girl with ihe baby was tit- 
ling, he asked, in a loir, deep voice : 

< What is that 1 hear I 1 

Uefore he recovered from the oratorical 
pause, so as to answer Lis own question, the 
colored girl reipoodtd jo a low tone of voice, 
but loud enough to catch the ears of the entire 
congregation : 

* 1 don't noj aa, I spec' it is dit bert chile ; 
but indeed, ta,I has beeo a Join' all J could 
to keep lam from 'dUturbin'you.' 

It is easy to imagine that thie unexpected 
rejoinder-took the tragic out of the pieacher 
in the shortest time imaginable i and that the 
lolemottyof that judgement daj atrmoo was 
not a little dimioi>bed by the event, 

Another instance, equally •onfoundipg totfie 
minister, happened, we believe in Ricbuicnd, 
Virginia. A large congregation bad assembled 
to Bear a slraoger ofsome notoriety* 8ood 
after lie introduced his subject, the cry of' fire 1 
fire l 1 in the street, my . much distorb'd the 
congregation, find loany were about to retire, 
wben ao elderly brother rose and said i\ 

'■If the congregation' will be .eomp'ojed, I 
will step out and see if there ii toy-fire- near, 
aod report.' W'- ' ' ; '• «v.> ••» 

The, congregation became composed^ 'and 
the miolster proceeded. TaWog advantage, of 
the occurrence, be called .atleotiod lo afire ihat 
would consume tha world !— a fire that would 
burp forever* in -the pit tbat is bottomless j and 
bad jast concluded a seatenee of terrible - its. 

Curt, and not «t itbout manifest impression on 
ii'audieoee, when a voice from toe blber end 
of <he : cbu'reb, a«io Hat deaial of all lie bsd 
saidi bawled out I - ■^T'-^ .'? 

/"UjtajalscalarmV- Z '• /^"'; 
1 Xh'e effect was ludicrous ( Dl tbe eilreme. 
The old uulo returoed j but bis imporluoa re* 
iponse spoiled the force of the eloquent appeal 
from the pulpit, aod ereo tbe preacher eould 
scarce/refrain from joining la the universal 
smite 'that passed over the crJogrcgetioo; ' 
Rev. 'Mr. S, irj- preaching in. one of the 

Methodist episcopal churches io New York end 
ibere was io attendance a good old Mttbodisi 
brother, very much given to response. . Some- 
times those respoosea were not eiactly appro- 
priate, but they were always well ueaot. The 
preacher, usu»Uy,lucid, was'ratber perplexed, 
and felt it himself, He labored through his 
tii-st,aod tbep caj4'i/ 

1 Hreluien, I Uavenow rcachi 
lion of ar fiiit poial 1* ". • 

•Thank God V piously ejaculated the old 
mao, wko sat before hicn, arofoundly- in teres I. 
<d ; bdi tlw.udtapecled'reapoase.atid tbe sojj. coo/d«d' the'preaehsri 
thai it if'ii wilb difficulty he could rally himsetf 
to a conlinuance of his discourse, . . . { . 
• > ■ .".'..■ ' • 

luetiiict of Locality to AuuaaLi and Birda 

'.The ioatiuct of aniujals, io uisvy case a, la 
uckunuled^tfd to «CjUjI reason, if not to 
sur{ass it- Nnn.erousaLeedoici of ibis facul- 
ty are i*coid<d, fjflm WbitcS W.lborne 
down, 't' ttiiliiict of tceulity it 6ti< wort- 
or lt•^ r^/ii'iar to avrry otter rer of nature 
Wh^ater Lis hiid-hootes about tic house 
iiiuU l-2ie t'Jijitt'J ttit tb« t-we wrena and 
lusitins eerj-s, yetr alttr >cjr, to L_i!J in the 
cii;:b pfic?. \V* know of a f_dr, who, dciir- 

C.;i OfUalitig lliiS, iclcili-d a M(tU frOni 

jfeufol lltat hw'H tbo-it tir J.icllii^/Lbd tfSi 

csuMlu ftotice. \lt tjpUtig folw&Hig, If L« 

a s -ia asc BH& ss 

rctorncd, ivbicb bo did. Io Ihe city of Head- 
ing, in this State, is a barber, who bad erected 
&everal,(arge bird-boxes, whicb,in t>mc,^amc 
to' be inhibited by hundreds of marlios thalj 
with their children, resorted thither annually. 
One year he rrlovcd across the atrccl, taking 
with him his bird.boxes, , When spring return- 
ed, the floeka of martins came back, but not 
to their new locality, , They Ha W, es usual to 
Ihe old one, where they remained for a whole 
day, restless and lost, though tbe boxes were 
only r.ctots the afreet. At la*t, however, 
tlicV were induced r.o enter, their old bouses, 
ahifted to locality j. aod oorv, year 
after /oar/llio martini return, blaeltanipff the 
air at morning end evening, as they leave and 
return 1 to their Delta. • : -■; -' . 
j Ail even icoro. curious anecdote of the in- 
stinct of. locality has. come to us from a high- 
ly veracious' quarter. In the town of Frank- 
lin, in Venango counly, once lived a man who 
was food of beea. One mowing he observed 
four toads sitting just below bis bive. The 
next day the toads were there again, grave 
arid solemn as aphinxei before an Egyptian 
teinnje.' Ooe was black | another bright col- 
ored ; n third blind ; a fourth marked inflome 
other distinguished wuy. Thinking they tm- 
noyed the bees, and seeing they closely adhered 
c*ay after day, he put them into a bask«t,* car- 
ried ihem across the Allegany, and left them 
at the top of a hill. What was his surprise, 
Ihree weeks ofler, to find I hern ot their old 
post, ns solemn end as grave aVcvcr, Agaio 
lie removed them, taking them this lime in a 
different direction, and leaving litem at a point 
much further elf. In obout six weeks", bow. 
ever, ther were back a third time. A neigh- 
bor to whom the incident was told, aod was 
incredulous, nftxt tried lo )o->e them ; but in 
a few weeks, tbe toads were aeen one moroing 
entering tbe garden under the leadership of one 
of their number, which gave a u cheep, cheep," 
looked hack for suite, and bopped on. followed 
by' Ihe rest, until he reached his old sUlion 
under the bee-hive, where he gravely took up 
bis quarters. 

Kvery one familiar with the woods, knows 
bow easily a wild bee can he tracked to his 
hire in Ihe forest. If you lake four bees from 
a city bive, carry them to as many points of 
tbe compass wilhin any distance that can ba 
managed in an afternoon** drive, and (hen let 
them free, each bee will soar up into the air, 
and afterwards ahoot as straight as ao arrow, 
in the direction of his home, where, io due 
lime, you will find it agaio. The instinct of 
dogs and horses, in finding their way back to 
their kennels and a'ables, when their owners, 
though endowed with reason, are hopelessly 
lost, has been proved by too many well au- 
thenticated instances to be doubled, 

T|ie- observation of instinct would be a 
pleasing and instructive recreation ; and it ia 
uprising lb* i more persons do not devote 
their attention to it. To those living in the 
country the opportunities ore en frequent, that 
the neglect of them seems little short of a 
crime. A man is always belter for being 
brought inlo sympathy wilb Ihe brute creation. 
The study' or the habits of animals and birds 
enlarges the heart, and gives breadth lo the 
intellect, as well as stores the memory with a 
vast variety of curious and instructing facls. 
Audubon was as single hearted and as reverent 
as he was wise aod entertaining.— Philadel- 
phia Ledger* 

Butte ring her Heel* 

Mrs. Smith ao English lady, aod Margaret 
the kitchen maid. 

Mrs. S-^ Margaret!' 

Margaret—* Marra.' * 

Mrs; S— *A*it is Friday to-day, and Mr. 
Smith and myself are goiag to dine out, you'd 
better step the fish man and gelaoioe fre:b fish 
for your dinner.* . • ' 

s Margaret— 'Yes, marra j I'll get aome nice 
eels end fry 'em.' 

Mri S— • Margaret, you may make some 
loast for. its, if you likej here is come fresh 
butter, that you may put on your h'eels l f you 
like.' .'* .-' - • ' 

Margaret— 'Thank jeyMrs. Smith much 
obliged to ye V . .:i - 

1 After tbe lapse of ao hour or so Mr*. Smith 
got ready lo go, and calls oo Margaret to 
lock the door." '-; I- - : 
: MravSmitb-^ Margaret |»;., 
,- Margaret—-* Yea tcsro, in a few minutes.* 

Margaret hurried up stairs in her bare feet, 
wi b her slocking* itVber band, and [? thus ac- 
costed'./ Lev mistress.' '' ; - 

• What on earth are you doing with your 
atc-ejcings off, this time of day I 1 

Margaret-^* Why, raarm, you told me to 
butter my heels, aod I've bio doin' it !> 
I Mrs. S— *Oh, dear me, ow alupid these 

-. *- 

Dreu or Honesty. 

1 How happens it, Mr. Linton, Ihat, with 

Jour business, yba wear such a — a— an un- 
ishiooablo j 1 

Tbe speaker commenced in a bold rallying 
tone, but ended wilb almost a choked utter- 
ance, for she saw the sudden color, in Mr. 
Linton's cheek, and tbe flish of indignation 
from his honest eye, end his owq fell upou tha 
gotdeo bead of his caae, which he suddenly be- 
gan. to brighten. 

Mr. Linton knew tbat his overcoat was un- 
fa*bionab1e and touch wow — but be had area- 
son for* wearing it—as mosi people have, who 
spend little upon dress^aod he was brave, eye, 
noble CGOugb to wear it amid wealth and fash- 
ion, and though pained by tbe question of the 
elegantly attired man— we caonot txy fien- 
tttww — before him, he calmy answered. 

r I will teltyou, Mr, CUii|y,bow it happens. 
Some years ago when I was younger, sod knew 
less of life tbao i now do, ! was aoxious to 
acquire weattb | aod like many other - foolish 
youog meet, i considered |( trade " tbe easiest 

due, aod 'must be paid. This wilb a large 
family to support is no easy matter, even' with 
a tolerablo business. Bui by practising tlrict 
economy,-! havo reduced the aura lo less than 
one halt. My inner mao must be clothed wiih 
truth, lu»usttj, aod justice), though the outer 
may be obliged to wear ao unfashionable over- 
coat. Good day, air," 

Mi , Ulaoty bad a finely- worded apology to 
otTer, but the gentleman of integrity was walk- 
ing rapidly homeward. 

11 Mri Clarity Is oot a gentleman,' Mr. Lio- 
ton >aid to his wife a half hour later. 
^ flam afraid be; ia not aa hooest mao,' abe 
answered with emphasis. 

Mr. Linton elevated bis eyebrows' ioquir- 

lR gi/' " .' •' ",. . 

**Mr. Somersaayshe has »- failed " several 
times, paying bis creditors but a fev? cents on 
a dollar, and still seems; supplied with' oil the 
extravagances of life. Cut wh/ ia he not a 
gentleman I " 

" No gentleman ever unnecessarily injures 
Ibe feelings of another." ' 

If "Irulb. honesty, and justice" was the 
inner clothing. of every man, surety less ex- 
pensive dress would cover Ibe outer. Header, 
which Is dearer to you, "Dress or Honesty |" 

Tbe Umbrella-Biter Bit* 

Ji rained hopelessly. The clouds come down 
in sheets and iluices. : Monsieur de H— -an 
elegeot • of the first water/' found this second 
water too wet for him. He was Mended uo- 
djr aoother man's portico, and not a' Ita'ckoey 
coach or an umbrella within screaming distance. 

Suddenly round the corner came a plain 
citizen, boused under a protecting heaven of 
blue coltert and whalebone, and under this en- 
viable umbrella walked alone. A. thought 
seized Monsieur de U— — . He rushed to 
the citizen's side, and seized him affectionate- 
ly by the arm, commences the eager aarratiou 
of a toacbirfg train of even's.' Not giving bis 
astonished bearer respond, he hurries 
him along— sbaring bis ombrella, of course, as 
he goes— and clinging closely to his side', a*nd 
vociferatiog tbe most confidential cor"mr\VQiea- 
tions, lit) arriviog at a boulevard,- be ifop's" at 
a eafi, aod then, for the first time, apparently, 
takes a surprised look at the face of hiv um- 
brella lender. 

Overwhelming apologies— bad wholly mis- 
taken the person— thought it was his intimate 
friend— bega ten thousand pardons, and runs 

jfeigg anil - ^Wpl 

.Arrtul of;ilse (jitj of WMWifiOii ; , 

. :. S^. JoiVk** NavvrduVDtaKn, -for, 8tb. 

The steamer Cfiy of WdiHingtori, from Li*. 
vernool 2-lth ultimo/ passed Capo Race at 3 
o'clock on Tuesday aiternoon-V" Reradvloesaro' 
four days later than tb,oso received by tho' 
8'iropa. , .. 

Tho London Atorttirig Past, (aolf-Minfaler* 
la||) announces tho recall of Lord Napiar, and ^ 
promsitoh of Mr. Lyonsftom tfloroneeto Wash-., .-. 
mgton. 'the Post says ihe assigned caasoof 
Iho recall Is NapiirV tendency to favor tbo 
Monroe-doctriDo, The Globe, anti-Ministerial,)' 
confirms iho report, but eays Kapler will bavo 
a European Mission. 'Tbe making of ibechaago* 
is in regular course of 'diplomaiic proraoitou, 
NapEer'a conduct being perfVcilv aaiUfaotory. " 

No nowa of iho Indian Umpire, insuranco , 
Koine effected ai 36 guineas. Tho ateamer . 
Ariel, being uuable to reach Bremen owing to* 
tho ice/feturnod to Southampton. t 

The ship AgincoUrt, with 70,U(XJ ounces of 
gold bad arrived from Melbourne, 

Tho hdeptndtnc IScige eays iho English? 
Cabinet has notified Holland of its refusal to'. 
eveume tbe protectorate Sarawak. 

Tho (rial of Montalambcrl was commonced' 
at Can's on tho 24ili uli. Tho prae* was apcoiat-' 
ly forbidden lotaku notes. 

Tha Sardinian government follows tho exv 
ample of France in storing corn. 

Diplomatic letationu are expected 10 Lo re-' 
aumed between Prussia end Switzerland. 

American agenla are eaid to bo persuading' 
Denmark to aell Si. Thomas and St. John's li« 
landa lo ihe United Stales. 

Calcutta Mail, 24th October, telegraphed no' 
political no*s. .Markets buoyanl. 

Liverpool Cotlon Market, Nov. 24.— Prices* 
are without chango from quotations per Euro- 
pa. Liverpool breadetuifd generally dull.**— " 
Itichardson. Spenco & Co. report flour rory dull 
andquoiaiiona nominal— Western Canal 19s av 
SOj-Philado^hiaand Ballimoro 20s a 21s—. 
Ohio, 23s a 21s. Wheat very firm, and fine/ 
ooality had advanced Id— Western red 4s 6d aV 
fj9 3d— do. white 6s a 6s 3d— Southern wbiia 
6s 6d a 7a 3d. Corn Yety dull.— Mixed 28*-^' 
yellow 20s— while 31s a 32s. Liverpool Pro-; 
viaioiis generally dull. BieadstuQs in trifling' 
demand— prices weak aod sloady. Bacoo dalr. 
at 6?s 3d & 6ii, Liverpool Frodoco- 1 - Ashes* 
quiet,- t'ots 36$-r-PeatI» 41a. 8ugar olosed 1 
buoyant. Coffee quiet. Rice- firm. London 
Menoy Market closed on Tuesday. 23rd/ at 98J 
a 98J fur both money and account. 

A Hew United States^ 

into the coffee house. 

But tbe fun was io be io Idling Ihe story. I . *f? iac ^ ta project of uoltiog all the Brit- 
To a convulsed circle of delighted fellow dao-J"* 1 ^' 0,l!l American territories uoder a slogle 
dies, Monsieur de II was telling his adveu-l f e ^ ral government, ao as to create a counter 

lure— when by chance, placing his band oo hi 
heart, he missed the usual protruberaoce in bis 
vast pockety Tbe valuable gold watch was 
gone! In bis close clinging to Ihe apparently 
plain citizen, the gay joker had bugged a pick- 
pocket ; and— ' consequence wail' 

Hut he was, subsequently, fonder of 'a dry 
joke' than a wet one. 

\£r Oood order ii bread— disorder, slar- 

without that's iooocent 

(O He's armed 

t (Ca* Pleaiure is ihe greatest foe that hap- 
piness has. 

ff7" Weallb makes a man proud whey be 
lias little else to be proud about. 

. {Cp* He who can do all be wi*hea rarely 
does what he ought to do, 

tX7 J We can carry netting with us to tbe 
other world, aave ihe good we bare done. 

£3" When success makes a man better 
than he was before, be must be a good man 

03* A scrman In four words on the vaolty 
of earthly possessions :— ** Shrouds have no 

£j* Wheo a great man stoops, or (rips, the 
small men around bun suddenly become great- 

.tty- Siropliaity of of dress, is a 
ebarui that a woman generally admires la 
soother more than in herself. 

,07* Health is a toy that we play vritb, 
much as a child docs, tor the pleasure, teetd- 
inS'/i of breaking it. 

The ills that Flesh is Hna to*.— Of ell 
the world's maladies, the Ion of money is the 
alowtst io point of recovery. 

0y J Poelry is a crime tbat sticks to a man 
through life. It is a brand which, in the tbidst 
of ricbeS even, snme cue t* sure to Cod out aod 
reprvach him with. 

C">' Tbe rich are incliaed to believe that 
they are superior io other meo, aad other men 
do all they possibly can to fortify them ia Ihat 



(CV Piety expresses itself lo words— often 
reveals ittelf by a look. Charity etsertttt- 
self Jq gifts. A insn rnsy be full ol pity, and 
yet extremely empty-handed. 

(£y* It is more difficult to forgive an injury 
from a friend lhan from an eoeuiy. Your fa- 
vorite dog flying at your pains your a great 
deal more tbao a similar fttt-It from a siraoge 
dog. - . " 

ffUJT, Difficullies often fall away of them- 
selves before a determioation lo overcome.-^ 
• TTjere is eomsthin^ in resolutioo,' says an 
eminent writer, ■ which hss Influence beyond 
itself, aod it marches on flike a mighty ava- 
lanche. AH is prosttati&o when it appears^ — 
when bent on good it is almost the fiobfnt 

Sllitude of rain, and nbeo on evil, the most 
sngerous. It is only by habitual resolutioo 
that men sacceed to any great extent— mere 
impulses ar«£Bcieat. 

Virtu a.— The creation of tbe sculptor may 

avenue to it.- So I iovetUd the scull capital 

v^ssss^SSk aB-SSSS2e7aS 

shifSred . Ioto atoms by as opposlag powcri 
the fame of tbe warrior may no more ha bearld- 
ed by the recording mioitrel | ihe hope of tbe 
youth may b* disappointed } but tUl uticb 
hallow* (ho cottage aadsbcdsgluiy arou&dlbe 
palace— aUII not decay. 1 1 Is written oo lbs 
pillars of Ueaieo, aod reflected do»m to eirlb. 

first year my profits were rtry uoutitfactory, 
but I hoped better thinrstbe eexl'.andaokopt 
on, and the third year was obliged to close'up 
business, acd fouqd. tbat 1 was eigbteeu hun- 
dred dollars worse than nothing. Now, sir, 
to one who never Ji to pay U, elgateeo 
hundred dollara is a mere trifle, absolutely 
nolblng but to ao boost I man, who mesa i to 
pay every cent with all its .acxumuUiiijg in* 
tetcst, it is quite a SJW to liquidate, f was 
-dy'ucd lo avail. mytelf of Ihe stale law, and 
b« free from debt,. Ilul I eould &ot laict t.>y 
soul wttb, UUt-io olh^rs L - j 6-, i s 

i&! H^ MM!;* pw 1 ! 1 Hi H*M WMJUJtJjf 

ty A cerlsin lord wished Garrlok lo be a 
candidate for iho r*piCJei)taiioii ofa lx>;oug!i 
jn parljment. ' INfo, toy lord/ said ihe'aoior, 
1 1 WOUld rather play tho part ofa gnulinftii 
lilhapaiiyfftf^d |i\ pa*. 

poise to tbe growing asceodeocy of tbe Unit- 
ed Stales, is exciting intense interest, among 
Canadian poliliclaos. Federalism, combining - 
the principle of localindependence wilb' thai 
of central authority, veins admirably adapted 
to vast continents destined to receive immense 
populations. It preveots the existence of iho 
international jealousies which experience shows 
havealwaya grown-up where separate kiogdoma 
have been eatablished io contiguity to each 
other, leading to wars nhicb have retarded the 
civilization of Europe and loaded it wilb'debta. 
Uoder federalism all tbe parts obey ihe whole, 
and Ibe whole is bound Io protect all lie 
parts. Kaek State baa its own local legisla. 
lure within its own bnundary, and is a member 
of Congress nbicfa biods the whole con6edera* 
lion. When an outlaying territory sdvaneea 
in populalioo, il is not subdued as a conquest, 
bul admitted wilhin the pale of the nederatioo. 
Thus a political fraternity it recognised, which 
prerents'all uowortoy motives lo cupidity or 
ambition. This is oon of the causes of tbe ra- 
pid growth of the United Slates. Had tbe 
COOStit'Jtioo of the original thirteen Stales 
beeo exclusive, new populalioni would never 
bare massed themselves around their borders, 
fearing to be enslaved or annexed wben tbey 
became wealthy ; but no aueb fears were eo- 
terleined, industry befog certain of its retvard, 
aod ihe imall capitalist and labourer assured 
that the land which they bad reclaimed would 
ia due time be erected into an iodependant 
Stale, and form a co-ordinate and co-equal 
part of the common republic. Io some aueb 
condition now is the North Amerieso territory 
which contains one ninth of the whole area of 
the globe. ■ computed at 37,000,000 equare 
milts j Of this total, Canada measures 400, 
000 square'tniles j New Brunswick, 28.000 j 
Nova Scotia, 19,000 j Prioea Edward'e la- 
laod,200O ; aod Newfoundland 47,000 j in lie 
whole, 430,000 squire miles. ' From tbe At- 
lantic to the Pacific are '4000,000 aquara 
coilre of lerritory. Europa only eooteiaa 3^* . 
708,000, or $92,000 miles lets. The gr*a« 
provinct of Caoaaa alone is equal tar arza to 
Great Britain France aad Prussia t and iLs 
maralima proviaesa of British North America 
cover 86,000 square miles of territory. For 
the future aetllf meat of Ibis immense country 
autasmanstip is now called open to provide, 
and Sir Bulwcr I.; Eton has commenced ihe gi- 
gantic task by (oundiog British Columbia, ei 
ther to remiln a separate kingdom, or to form 
an Integral part r.f a mighty cepfederation,-^ 
Morning Iltrald, 

Kt£p Dark— Tux Foufs ahe kMPJWa 
table.— Humbug, says an exchange, is tLo 
prevaitiog spirit and subtle escesce o\ modern 
sociely. We all know il, but bow few of 
us are honest enough lo confess It. Wfcfi 
DesnenGrieden heads with a IstecOntiihutioq 
ihe subscription list of the Moral Pocktt 
Handkerchief Society for Ibe becefit of lbs 
Feejee Islanders, we all pronounce bimalujot^ 
a' respectable man and worthy clmllian-i 
knowing at tbe time that Griodea turned a puor 
widow out of doors last week e&d refused a 
dollar to keep bit dead brother's children from 
starring. When Tartuffe enters a parlour 
irreproachably exquisite in 'make up* fions, 
uuslacbio to patent leather shoes, aoy anxious 
mother emtio the less graciously upon that ex. 
cellent catch because of bis rumored villaoy to 
*arv<tt body's daugbteia ia tho lower stations in 
life t * i>o«a tbat radicot star, Mrs. Fsua-. 

[as— uld 1-r.uipas* wifa-.slune soy tha lo* 
•rilliaotly or paiticularly ia .the constellatioa 
offa>bion, becauui of tha absuyd minors, of 
her flirtationi whh that disti-guUbcd'Cou&t 
Bcls«b u h at Saragols t f Gild 
kin wilhgold sbd bow quickly lU turns dis- 
appear, lbs i -ill aod clown fuul Vaniih into It j 
air, aUibeEsilOoaMrsJ ' 
Ai.-tl of Light. K-_vji 
Uepcctable. Huib. 

IgbtwSy buotrtei an 
d^V. tha (o[kttV{' 

oil tha s'.ftj- 


v. m 

P- ' I nm y«ry much Uoub!f.d, tntdain, 
wilh cold feel SUfJ hands.' I should llipposu, 
sii, tli=l a young genilruun, who h,-« had so 
tii-ny Diltteni «i*eu linn by ihaltdlw, might 
Sl Je.vil tup hisheiidi Vto|(:|, 



T f^ 

■ ' 





r.j'^ ^y: 


>,^>*v ..... 






v- t£V 






' .^g cl^i S.'rtinn,*No. C, Wlillchutoh 
>M-.-:ec I). Mnfii'tm. 

O'ur SjIo— Ib/beil C;iolan*J. 

Lt'.oiin*cn-'^Qn»l Chimh. B 
H'«tuina— Mi"» Mosuiie 

Rand's German Pilla-J. Beniloy. 

/ Agonte for "Now Era," 


8tm Ahitjk. 

S, Smpeh. 

J.J. ftHkMur* 

C- Srotw. 

J. 'J'tnuy. 

J. M. 1UWB* * 

ivn. C*m 

II. Mn»»i:. 

II. H, Bv*K«. 

JiHiW Wi:m. 
Mi Wiu.""H. 
Wit. MoKav. 
Hunt tn, p. M. 

J&rfrW-iff irinwllnij, lhw«« our ao.l.or- 

UM .^col.. or direct ion*, iho amount, now due-, 

lurorti, • • - ; 

?•'. Hlfty,- - * .- 
l.hnUuuii, - - * 

Umt y, - • • " 

AVAh-u, - - • 
,V/rrrort, ' - • * 
Jtotinml t*tnding»- 
Quf.iiUCiUe,' - " 

tiettt'f<t(t~ "..•■" 

tittttght't andHutton, 
O/tliH'M, • - " 
' /**»« Otflmrd, • - 
J 4 tMnntilt'' t ' • * V. 
.SlnuJfciUe, - - - •gfl- 

, Mn 
i 11 

- « 
. ■< 
. ** 

- « 
. «■ 
. <f 
. *t 

- « 
. '* 

- rt 
. *i 


Bui also for the tVlhecmiliiff Tolurne 

Tra\u Timo— HowmMfcet 


0,20 a.m. 

|MoviW0 .South. 
Accommodation Tioln *'<•■« m S*B 
MflilTwIu 0,16 p.m. 

Moritra NoRTiii 

EfiE^w : : - :#£ 

mm !$**» i9# 

tivwm&tti Friday Deo. 1% ffl p.^ 
Ooneral Bamiaary- 

&:> Fleming Hi© young mnn chnrgod with 
t> c iiiur.!.r i.f lil» companion In Wellington Street* 
'WfihU, hvilcii wmmHtcd !•> aland hU trial at 
t>«r ensiling At-iae*. I>y U*t« Comer 


t<J- TI>o Annual /Mcuiing of ibo Norlh 
V.,ili flwneti A«.*lcuhurat Soubrty lakes place Ihe 
■i.,d Saturday In January uext-tbo fctb «f she 


^InUrablii Iticluio tail FiWiy ©KufnK. '** 

us an 
1ief«r« lit© 
Iiiiilmt*.' Our lowninliu, H. A. Mailinif, E-q_. t 
M. A, will aAlMM tlio luallluto till* cfoulog— 
inti '«■!/• Ulwilrtl 8tud|'i.'» 

C*}; \V« ndlicce Tca-r»'ly will bo lield 
tt Aui'oia. I»> /'« Wailayan MelhodlM dcnomlm- 
i ou.oiiKow YtaiS.Day* Tho nrowcdi wllllo 
i.p|ilitd .likwOb Hr|uMalIng tlio 4al4 Ml'w i'*'. 
toukxr. 'i'cawrvcdtl4 o'clock p.m. 

C^r Tho Lloydtown Solmo lakea place 

on die Kli luitud "of ctio $3rJ ( M we laoonecOy re- 
i«*ir(f d H J:'tt ivtfcV. It la pleiMOl lo alleud ft par* 
ij- m l.luy.ttuvn— tlmladlcaareao »ery agiacaWa 
i.u.1 rae1aM«i ohO lli*y* to well bow to p/c- 
pah) willbltif. , 

t^ - The frieods in conncclion uitli the 
UVtVyan Miahodifct 8. School In Oris p!iw. pur- 
(i -•.« holding a Holrco about the lolddtu of Jaounry 
i .*st : or eo toe. i as arraogoinoiita can bo made to 
■ ctuie en Intcrtsiing rulcilalnmrnt. 

1$j* Tho lato reception o| a IdleY from 
out Toronto Corjnpoudcol, on a mLJwL wo could 
ix*. well defvr until anollier iiiue, ea the it 
rvr.toitii would tbc-D bo ltd*, eomirtbPuj to 
d- 'vr au article fiotn •' One of lib piweujj Counuil. 1 ' 
1. wUI appear next weak. 

i./- A ineeiing of Ihd Municipal Kloclotf, 
t »v jt:iblo lo the toiutn of ihc genllemi" named 
' > ii kit week, ih« j>topk*$ ticket, will tak«t 
i ... « U ilie I'Ugla llolel, next Monday Ey*; 
ut 'i ^ «j'eloclc. Wo liupa to eeo n (utgo eUeud 



ry Parllaineiil is fuillier piufojjuod to Jan. 
it:ii»liy oiticinl pioclamution, nol ihentoineut 
l<-.\ bti-iucti. If Ibe Arsumbly meet by tbv 
£5.n, be inoiiiii i -I, il ia limo notice uoa gtwu 
fit % Knties intending lo apply for special 
■'At, ibootd now ba udveilUiuij (be notice 
<:>*!i cof. 

f^>- Prof. GcaU&m, assisted by aerctal 

ic^mbfiB of ibe Metropolitan CIiotsI Society, pur- 
voir givibg a ju. ud concert ou the 23id ln»L, in the 
K&?U> lloiel. No doubt It will be a iW.t c!sm en- 
Kiir.iumaot. We uotioo aujoug iliu performers our 
f'.ii facade, Mr. If Ukok aad daiigbter, wl-.oio inu- 
rical fibi'iiici were to hiijlily apprccULod berewmc 

\&* Tho nddreaaj of ibo dofuncl portion 
ofourMuulclpil MlaUtty.'tal least Vrhaldamoru* 
i..or » ay • in llielr ^ddretfi) was ported duilogtbe 
wfek.a.od remind* us of what la called In rulgar 
pirlscce. Ibe wotk «f'*codocb arUtocraey/ 1 — 
»..oro words than* ftenie-*" u nioie raoutb than 
biuiuh." We are suro tbll BIV oxblbltloa of their 
Mly wiU accuia tho uigupbani rclura of our whole 
Ueka .^ 

: r^y* Having iccured one of " Dick'a Dis- 
patch and Aocouniani Machine?/ 1 we eliall 
commence it* u«e In a woek or two. The 
i.jir.e of each auWriber will be printed, and 
n>'» a aiaiement of bis account given every 
wi>tkV and fixed (to each paper mailed. All 
unpaid aubicrlpiloDi will bo made up, tslbe 
roir.infiiceraeiit of Ibe en»uing- volume, la 
JV-Uiiuiy uext. 

tfp We hope our frcud* in connetion with 
l*.» Uaioo S. Gchoo), f-rsoy 'person choosiug lo 
wrfw u|*u tbo matte? under di(cu*s:ou, will be 

l''.Ji-ltd— Lvl |:<-i*oiiht t ln'fi- ■;,•', 'tnife we 
t-.ill i.tvc lo dcc!uju iiulituii j.g iluir coinmuoira. 
li'^ji. \\\ are obliged to ibis conrec, oroUe 
j uMtpli a |<ap*r rictufelvcly for ciffotcticn hi ilit 
C«rpofu|oa>. !.«t the loattxr I*e caliuty and dis- 
I atafoaMely dUcniitd— but there U no uto iu 
i:>u!iiplybig words. I 

i&" A PoMca Peitifoggor, named AUen, 

Iu rued lbs CtvttJ/Uf, lo order, so fur uweeao 
l.< *r, to repleuleii Ids pockeia, (or *)S0O^-U^ gen> 
iVtttan iir.agiolog ibis sum will re(isir wbsl beeAn- 
lidclia dsiusgcd repuisticu. The GnnlUr of tbU 
tt.»k lalrl/voasfsbira. Wo aboubj Live thooglit 
Mr. AlWo ndgbt ba*e been s&UtEcd whK Uiog .o 
{vcej.lly ftdvetilsed ( and even now. we eautot 
I ut UlU-ve tbo man U playing ft lucre Ukk, to be 
I touybl U Uit tbe public through Ute Toronto d«i - 
lv pspert Ibe wan, no doull, has a vttiruu I 
, — — .. . . ■ — . ■ 

Pass tuksc Uooap.--A cotoptny o^ travel- 
ling I ,r niLuL'f, advetilf ing ono of tbelr ubmber 
r e rl:e deal Mogul Wlxard,>e couple of* |o this place, abool teo days ago, 
\wt1icut. a Coiporaliou JictftM, and Ihen de- 
rair.i*d to pail* unknown* Viihoutpayirnj their 

|,ol.l ii'l, emounling lo eome S18. ft* ibey 
«ouU'bu*Uicf*codly cheat a landlord, ibey 
wdcW awiuola tUeir piiuler. Tba Pie** will 
n'4i* P»AlVw round os ftiianthotiibut* in. 

Zfow nunicipM BUI. 

'The following synopjis 1* a continuation of 
tho new (Municipal Acl, now in force; \\'e 
concluded lant neck with Section 185. y < 

8eo. IBO— The juiisdicOon is limiied, of 
every Council, to tbe Municipality, utiles* au- 
ihorily beyond the e&tne is expressly given j 
snd tho poitcri of itie Council mutt be.oser- 
cired b/ Ry-Latv when not otherwise riulhor- 
ixed or provided for. 

Sec. 187— Council* rrny mate regulations, 
irot conlrary to law, for governing the pro- 
ceedings of (he some — ibe conduct of mem- 
bcrs— Dnd Ilia appointing or calling of special 
■ncelings of the Council ; and generally, such 
nlhcr rrguhltons as the good of (he inhabi- 
tants of (be Municipality requires; end may 
amend alter and repeal its Uy-Lawi, tavo as 
hy this Act fc-lnctcd. V * 

Sec. IBS— An auihenlicaled Dy-Iiiw musl 
he it the seal of the Corporation, and also Ibe 
lignaluro of the (lead of the Council of the 
person preiidin*; ol llic meeting at which the 
U/-La»T* U passed, and by tie Clerk. 

Htci 189— Cer lifted copies of any 
may bo receired in eridciico in any Court of 
Justice, unless It ia specially pleaded (hat the 
Seal or onp or both of tufa signatures have 
been forged. 

Seo. 190— In case any peraon rated on tlic 
Assessment K©11 of mr Muolclpahly, ©r«f 
any locality iliereio, objects to the patting of 
a By-Law- pelilioned f it uy Ibo tohabitanta, 
be is at liberty to attend before the Council, 
cituerinpcrion or hy .Counsel or AllornC)'* l and 
if he can show that the necessary notice has 
not been given, or that the signatures are not 
genuine— or lltit il ii conlrary to llic wiihcs 
of pelilioucrs, then — 

HtO. 191 enacu that Ibe HyLaw shall not 

Sec. 102 provides for the proceedings to 
be taken where a Jly-Law is left for (he peo- 
ple lo decide by voting. The Council must 
first pass a Ity-Law fixing the limo and place 
of voting : (he JJy-Iiaw requiring the consent 
of (he etcclors wum be pubtiabed for at least 
one mouth befoxo (he final passing; notice 
must bUq be gjren when thu Council wiJI lake 
(he JIy*T«atv into consideration : (ho poll to 
he conducted the saini; si at a Municipal elec- 
(inn: thu I'ullJJook, verified by the Jtetiirn- 
mg ( 'fljeur, must be returned to (he Clerk ; 
(ha said Clerk to sum up (be votes, arid certi- 
fy the result to ihe Council. 

Seo. I9t recites Ihe course lo be taken to 
quash any By-Law, order or Resolution of 

Seo. 155— In case six calender months 
elapsed, after tbo passing of a By-Law impos- 
ing a role, before application is mode to quash 
il, (he plea cannot be entertained. 

Sec. Iflfi — Every special promulgation of 
a By-Low, of any' Municipality, must be 
through the Public Press. 

Sec. 397, Males how a By-Law inay be 
published, itnnobing a special rate. : 

Sec. 193, funmhea a blank copy of the no. 
lice required to be given, by tbe Clerk, to 
ex-try aucfa By-Law as mentioned iu'lhe pre- 
ceding section. ' 

Sec, 199— gives another blank form »n : 
which the nthounl of tbe rate must be set 

Sec. 200 - If no proceedings are taken to 

quatli a By-Law within the tiine.&pccified, tbe 
(aw becomes valid. 

Sec. 20 1— Any acts done under a By-Law, 
Order or Uesolulion, iifter being quashed, ibe 

Municipality (o be liable, and not the iodivid 
uals carrying them out. 

Sec. 202— provides that in cases where an 
individual sues the Corporation and pleads 

amends, and ihe Corporation tenders on 
amount, which afterwards (urns out lo be suf- 
ficient, the Plaintiff must pay the costs. 

Sec. 203— In case any officer of a Mu- 
nicipality neglecls or refuses lo carry into ef- 
feci a By-Law for paying a debt, such peraon 
lo he fined or imprisoned, or bolb, in the dis- 
cretion of tbe Court before tbe trial takes 

Sec. 801— Any Justice of (he Peace may 

try causes of offence against any Municipal 

Sec. 205— -The Justice may convict an 
offender on the oath or affirmation of a credt* 
ble witness, and shall award penalty or pun-. 
itbrneat, as impose J by the By. Law, with tbe' 
costs of prosecution,— which may be collected 
in tbe usual summary manner. . * 

Sec. 20G~The offender to be committed 
to the Common Gaol, Hou*e,of Correction, 
or nearest Lock-up House, in case'' of no dis- 
tress, for the term specified in Ihe By-J^aw. 

8ec. 207— Part of the fine must be paid 
lo Ihe prosecutor and part (he Corporation 
except where the Municipality is tbe prosecu- 
tor, in which case il must all be paid to ihe 

Sec. 209— slate* how debentures shall be 
issued. \ 

Sec. 210 allows tbe trabsfer r| Municipal 

Sec 212— Kmcls that (ha holder need 
not plead how be became ihe possessor*. 

Sec. 213— The iaco of the Debenture to 
I be paid, whether negotiated at or below par, 
or at a greater interest than six per cent t 

Sec. 214— No corporation (o issue a Bond 
Bill, note or Debenture for a less amount thin 
$100} if issued for -u less sum, not to be 
valid. . • 

Sec. 215— To issue any Bond, Bill, note 
or Debenture conlrary to ibis act, to be 
deemed a misdemeanor* 

W^f* 11 

See. 216--N9 Council shall hare power 
to gtre any person an exclusive right of exer- 
cising nilbln tbe Municipality any trade or 
calling, or to impose a special (ax on any per- 
son exercising the iiioe, or to require a license 

tob* laktn for exercitiag tbe tame volets au- 
thorised or required by Stilute so to do [ but 
Ite Council may direct a fee, not exceeding 
one dollar, to be paid lo ibe proper Officer for 
a certificate of coinplian/e with any regula- 
tion* i« rvgard to tuth hade or railing. . 

Pr.c. 217— Councils may giant cxcIcUre 
piiviUgrato ferrymen. 

Sec. 2lg— ConUtcU by member* villi lU 
Corporalioo^o Us y.ojg' jj | tlf if vo j,j 

in entity. 


Mr. Stiles satd (be Couoci! could do nothing 
more than urge the County Council of York 
and Peel, through their Reeve, to prosecute 
Simcoe County for, damage's. . A resolution to 
this effect was then adopted by (be Committee, 
—and tbe Clerk was also instructed to cones- 
pond with tbe Reeve of King, on the same 
subject, as that Township was also interested 
its tbe toad. 

The cossratttee then rose and tbe chairman 
reported ibe resolution lo Ibe Council. The 
report was received and adopted, and tbe 
Council adjourned one boor for dinner- 

g[^.js»wwwti mute. ' 

On tbe opening of Council'in lbs afternoon, 
tbe Reeve stated a. report Lad gone abroad 
tbit tbe Treasurer' had ool given sufficient 

patsiog into bis 
eorreet it be would 
slate for Ibe Information of tba Council, and 
all ceocemed, 'that (be total amount the 
Cleric was responsible for war $*5J7.'30cta , 
annMie held the Treasurer and bis sureties for 

'eso6o*ry _ 

Mr. Eres presented Ids report of ihe min- 
■ er in which he had expended the fund* appro- 
priated to Koad and Bridges in his Ward. 

On motion of Mr, McLsod, seconded by 
Mr. Ilolborn, Ihe reporl v?as adopted. 

The repoils ol Mr. Ilolborn, Mr. MeLeod 
and Mr. Travits, were severally (aid before Ibe 
Council, of moneys expended, aoo* adopted. 

On motion of Mr. Evet, seconded by Mr. 
Trtviis, the inspector of Houses of Public 
Enterlotomeot was paid his salary, as fixed by 

An account of 01:50 was ordered to be 
paid Ibe Reere— being law costs incurred io 
prosecuting John Gale for statute labor, on 

motion of Mr. Holbein. 

Tbe next bitiness before tbe council was 
fixing (be Cleik and Treasurer 1 ! tatsry. 

Mr. Ilolborn was nilh'og to pay a good 
public serum well— price of labor bad fallen 
a little, but be wo«ld be williogto glva biro 
£45 aod the a pay forbi* time whtleatlendiojUo 
tbs Reserve Moneys. 

Mr. MeLeod tkougbt they Ud better make 
it all o&olotap. , '\ 

Mr. Trams thought it would not do to in- 
erfaie tba salary j and yet h# thought the 
Treawrer sbould Lave sometbiog for icacsg- 
iog tba Ueterre fuod. 

Mr. Eteseooudettd £18 would aovtr tbs 
sibole, Jo lieu of all. 

However, after come further dfitullory coo. 
venation, it was agfetd to fie lU tilery at 
tti\ tid its Cisrk wes lo r-Jcs ea ediiliic- 

m % ■"-■ 

Sec. ; 219— Upon ari. application for o. | 
Wri'tol Mandamus for or against tho Cor- 
poration, tbo Coorle may, in their discretion, 
grant or refuso costs. 

' '•' (To l>e Continued] ■ '* 

• . Bust Gwlllimbory ConncH. 

The members of tho above Council met at 
(be Mansion House Sharon, on Saturday tail 
Ihe 1 Ith Inst. The Reeve II. D.Stilei, Ksq., 
occupied the chair. ' 

■ After reading and aincltoniog (he miiiules 
of last meeting, a communication from the 
Reeve of King Township, was read j a-lao, a 
private circular from Mr. McT^enr of Toronto. 

The Inspector of Houses of Public Kntcr- 
lainment, Mr. John Reid, then presented bis 
Reporl, from which we learn he made four 
lisifs through Ibe Township during (he year, 
and found all Ihe licensed houses kept in ac- 
cordance wilb the By-laws of the Municipality, 

Report received and adopted. 

Mr. Stoker, the Clerk and Treasurer, (hen 
laid beforo tho Council d return of Ihe Wild 
Land Tat levied by tbe Trustees of School 
Section No. 2— Holland Landing, making a 
demand of $2O6t0lc. The) law would no 
doubt, compel hlrn to pay it j but the Couocil 
bad made no provislonsfor these demands, and; 
he thersforo desired Ihe aulbority of Council 
(o advise It, lest they might consider Mm reek- 
lei's in Ihe expenditure of tbe fund* of the Mu- 

Tho Keerc stated there was no way io get- 
ling out of paying it \ but the amount appear- 
ed enormous. ' v ■ 

Mr. Ilolborn thought some enquiry ought 
(o be made \ and ho further considered (he 
Trustee* should have laid some particulars be- 
fore this Council when matting so large a de* 
uiand. * />; ,,! 

The subject (hen dropped. ■' 
.$y\ mailer in dispute between Mr. R. Ir< 
Sift-tod Mr. J. West, both of Holland Land- 
log^wat then laid before Ite Council by the 
Clerk. • ' 

Mr. MeLeod said, (hat some time ago lum- 
ber had been purchased from Mr. Irwin for 
the Road, which was to have been applied on 
Ids next yeo'r'a elalule labor ; but on acdount 
-of a neglect of (be Overseer lo report tbe mat- 
ter, Ihe account had not been allowed. Com- 
pensation for tbe lumber was now demanded. 

Later in ibe day, (lie Council decided they 
coutdtdo nothing in the matter— Mr. Irwjn 
must therefore look lo Mr, West for- hit pay. 

The Reeve presented a report of Ihe mon- 
eys placed in bis hands for distribution on bigh- 
wnye, '' v 

On motion of Mr. Ilolborn, seconded by 
Mr. Eves, tbe report was. received nod adopt- 
ed. ;-.•*■•;•: ' ..:. 

Mr. Tifut Willson and Mr. J. McCiure 
then came before the Council as i deputation 
from tho iokbilanta of Hol!ami<Lah ding, re- 
garding the Plank Road leading io Bradford 
known as tbe West Gwittimbury Plank Road. 
He had a petition which sat forth what (bey 

On motion Mr. MeLeod bad leave to pre- 
sent the said pelilioo. 

Mr. MeLeod then moved tbe Council into 
Committee of the whole oq tbe same— Mr 
Travits in the Chair. 

'Mr. Willson was shea allowed to make a 
Matcmeot regarding the matter,from sibicb we 
learned that ibe Company bad relinquished Ihe 
Road,— but ' not only that, Simcoe County 
aent their Surveyor to lake) up the plank 
thus making the road altogether impass- 
able. He therefore desired Ibe Council to 
lake some action. . 


al charge in bis current cccooot, for bjs l/oubla 
wilb Ibo Rcrerve money*. . |£ ■ -y 

Tha Clerk's account of £0 \ &* 3 J. includ- 
ing stationaryi posleg? and trouble \j\lh re- 
tcrvo moneys, oaroolion of Mr. Tr'avisi, fie- 
conded by Mr. Ilolborn, was ordered lo. be 

Tbe Council then adjourned sine mf 


fcTWe wish su be dint icily uoderiiood ib.l we aw r.o 
leipooilbli forOicopinloni of oar ""^ ff, " -'" 

To tht Mitor of Mr AV» Hta. . 
', Dear Knivon,— I liavo lust rHatncd from tho 
fiineralof tho Honourable Hobail Baldwin, C.U., 
whirh look place nl 2. r,il.» lo-ilay. note m- 
tcrred in lliu fumdv vaiill, close to Ms res'donco, 
si Spailinn, nenr foronlo. . 

Tim Judges Of ll»o different Couils ncicd o* 
pall-boarerfl, end nn immenso pdwcajiori was 
formed, consoling of Ibo ic/aiivc* of Ihodc- 
cearcd) tho Members of tho Kxceotivo Council, 
Ihe Lord tlisliop uf TornnSo, tho Par of Upper 
Canuln diceced in llioir into*, end Jiundiuds of 
sympathizing ficqiiaiiimnces or,« fiinnda. _ I 
rnusl nolforgnl lo rni'iition also, n dermJalion 
from (ho ciiy of Hnrnillon, compwed of llie 
ftJayor, and olber iiiOuonilsl genllomen, who 
camo expiessly to ailentl Ibo funeral. Moil of 
tho stored and places ofbusineeain the city wero 
oloaed iluriri3 tho ceremony, nn nlao in Hamil- 
ton,— ft most firalifylng inmk of reaped lo a 
great end resfKclew »nnn'» rnemwy. 

II was 4 mosl nlTeciiii^ eijfht rHst ceremony, 
arid one from which few could iloparl vnihmn 
pondering .over ihu le.i«.ou liucht byii. The 
rotiprablo Bishop, fasi approaf ning hh niniielli 
year, ctifn** out in tho damp raw tiny, and lot- 
(or«d lo (lift L'ravoof 3no to whom, in day* j-one 
by, ho bad beeil .ftiiT»0ft the only instructor \ 
wlioso whole lifo had don? ciedil lo bis worM ) 
teaching, and svbu»ooalrn ail'l peaceful dealh, 
fullofhopo forlho fuiuro, rufleu. 4 .*d a boauiiful 
lustro on llio religious doctrine* ho hi?d Imparl- 
ed. , And now thai llie man, Ihe QieixX jawyor 
and etalcamau Is e""° <0 his Insl real, lei WO 
say n fow word* in memory of hi* lifo. 

ftobctt Baldwin wai born at York, on ihe 
12th of May, 180-1, and vras ibo eon of tfiu 
BoimursLto William Warren Hildwin, and 
grAiitlnof) of Itoberl Hahlwin, of Surnniorhtll, 
near Cork* Irofand. Ho was eduoaled by 
Bishop ijiraohan, and early communeod ihu 
study of (ho low, tindnr bis leiher. Hi* euccesn 
si (he Hnr was rno&i eminent. Ho was first In 
nailneislilp wilh hi* father, and afterwords with 
his cousin, (he lion. Robert Baldwin Sullivan, 
under the firm of Baldwin & Sullivan. Ilo en- 
tered coon irdo Ibo political world, whure be 
look n prominent stand. Ho was returned fur 
York, and alierwnrds for tho Norllt Hiding of 
York. Diirinrr his twliticol catuer, hia ulrnosi 
efTaite wero diieeled lowardalho cstablishrnenl 
of a Iteaponsibfo (Joierninenl, which, nficr 
manya.*Iormyalruggle, hoelTeclpd, end which 
was almost entirely owing (o liisefTorls. He 
also in-ide llio Coiill of Chancory what it now 
is, ami was the founder of our present sy«tem 
of our Municipal InslilutioiiK. jf»j uauejected 
hy llie copstiluency ofNonh York in 1851, ninl 
from thai lime has not meddled wilb nalitienl 
pnr*uils. Ilo was married early in life, lo his 
cousin, iho fislor of llio Hon. Koborl .Sullivan, 
by whom he had four children, Iwo eons and 
(wo daughters, all of v/hoin ore Hill living. 
Hut he had to derdoielho early tr,esof bisamia-. 
bio wife, for which bo was inconsolable, ami 
which served lo throw a gloom over bis later 
years be never aurvivud again. 

Ho wasa member cfiho Cliuroh of England, 
and a Uriel Churchman ; aIao, fliled, (ill his 
dealh. tbe Prcnidency of ihu Hi bio Society. lie 
was also, for rnany years, the Trea*urerofihe 
Law Society, and as snob, beloved by the pro- 
fession, ami admired and caleemed by iho 
iludents lo whom ha was a kind friend. 
. Mr Baldwin was remarcauly simple in his 
tastes, and after he left political life ho retired, 
like the Roman ' Stales man (o his estate in (he 
country, where tbe mosl simple porsultaoccu- 
pled his oiiontion. He was unforiuuiielyiho 
viclim of a terrible and silent disease, which 
seemingly -contracted by ov«r-exerlion in hi* 
nolilical fabors.stesdilyilid lis work till on ihe 
Oils of December, when be efpiied, aged fifty- 
four year*. ' 

In his death Canada suffered a great and 
almost Irremediable hut. He was a might or- 
nament lo hie country, and his whole life was 
far beyond reproach. During his active lifu no 
base ael was ever imputed Id him, and since 
his retirement he grew to .be more and more 
respected, sa the feelings of parly died away. 
Hi* was u name which, amongst all panic*, 
commanded an involuntary return, and he was 
looked unon, and justly, ba ihe greatest orna- 
ment which lira counlry cooH boast of. 
■ Stecuetfeat in face almost ibe lasi.of great 
men of his limo. Canada lias toil a friend and 
n true eon ; — may bis life of honesty and integ- 
rity, his unimpeachable character, andhiicalin 
and religious dealh, be an examplo lo those 
eons of Canada who succeed bjni. 

*. . ClKKi. 

ToTonlo, 13ih Deo., 1859. 

The ITewmarket Union Sabbath fichosL 

7b th< Editor o/ttte #« En. 

Siai— Il will give aaiufactioa to many of your 
readers that you have opened your column* for 
Ihe diseiiMiofl of ihe subject of ihe Conjliiuiion 
of ther/ewraarkol Union Sabbalh School. — 
Much isnoianeo prevails on Ihe Aubjeci which 
U is probable will now bo dispersed. 

Your corespondent has thrown a few rays of 
light on llie mailarin hi«*i:erclie*orihe»^cHool 
"As H Was" and »A«i(Is." Ilisio bo Imped, 
thai as the first sketch is a very bare outline, 
ho will kindly frive ns another sketch "As il 
Ought 10 be." This pwpo<e.l, Ko. 3, is desira- 
ble, since It will be d 1 1 for many perMn> 
lo understand how a Sabbaih School axn be 
carried on upon a nrincinlu ol Ctirir-tjoif Union 
which shall result in the dissemination of "a 
knowledge of tho Si bio withcut note or com- 

Did the teachers in the School "As ll U'aa " 
merely hear their classes read, correct bad pro- 
nunciation, and close the books, without a word 
of exhortation or encouragement, of warning or 
advice f— We/o no prayers offered ?— no ad- 
dresses airen r— no questions asked by ibe 
scholais I— no answers given by the teachers ? 

If, as your correspondent 601rmi, " the school 
his been conducted exclusively on this princi- 
ple for ibirteea years," it would be very inter- 
esting to the religious public all ovr ihe world 
(o know how the ailention of the children is kept 
up? what rpirilaal results have appeared dur- 
ing the Vs iliirtAeu ye&ta ? arid whether ihe at. 
tendance or attention is greater or lose io Ihe 
School "A* ft fs" than In ihe School "A* it 
Wit." It ia olco difficult |o understand bow 
ihe Superintendent exerci*e<l a choice of can- 
didate* who wore lo "teaeh Ihe llible without 
ncje or cimtnent of their own or .others," unleas 
noma applicants were found unable to read cor- 
rectly, and were therefoie refused admiwlon lo 
die tin If, although (hey hid paid ibeir 25ol*. 
half-yearly, t 

In reference lo ibe sketch "Ai it I*," msny 
will fail to Hifcover any thing very dreadful in 
ihe *« mt> inquisition or enquiry acaongat the 
teachers respecting ibsir belief in "certsin doc- 
trines," for it doe* seem Io ibe majority of 
ChlisiianA that ihe Bible teaches doctrine*, and 
ihtt ** certain doctrine* " form the foundations 
of human hopes o| aalvalion, toithoLt belief in 
uhlch, oil hnoteteJge it vain. Men may wotk 
together forlho aalratioii of »oula who differ on 
ihe Question of baptism, Calranism or oaestions 
of CfaufctiOovetament ; but** Whalfvllowohip 
hath righte^oiness with unrla;Meoeafoss I and 

tahat ccraraBrtlon htih tigl* wild daifcne-Aa T 

and what concord faaih ChiM with Odtisl t or 
uhat put hull kt ih.Lt Utitvtth w j/i an in. 
fi&tll "— 2nd Cor., ir ctjip , Uih ISlh vr*. 

It would also appear aomenbat neceisary for 
iheteaehars fo the School "A* il la " to rn»ke 
Ihetnwlre* acquainied with the Bible, aud in 
Ihu aereral o!ii«e* which your correspondent 
who signs i himself A TiiCMsi, either u. ff * a 
Bible wuh some new irading*, or receives 
Mino KpUiln of l^ul, n«i considereJ by ihe 
Uiurch (fccetslly a Cannonicil U^k. If A 
IftACHutaa no kogar lucl. ihe Scripture* 
ia nu^Uoky, wiibi.i t*\% u tLtt^tfy ,|. 9 

Unb Sablwih 8«hool, bo,baavinoaV Q BloJo 
*lud/.ilofeo»bro| years ftindinrri o,ho>7pas- 
eBRr'.riT!: Ihnltbo ApoMle PAultleccrbcasomo 
who* Wont Ihlnga ready lo hand Willout bear- 
Inirthi burden." Aa Crodon'e Concprdanco 
nowbi-'O 'orora Io snoh a passage, will A rBAC«- 
cn bolmd onooph io name ihoEpiulo, chap. 
ler, oil verse. Your correspond ant complains 
thai lAiho School " As it Is " Ibo loachom.oro 
require! to boliovo In o myalory. How maby 
—or hrtb'sliovca In.iioihing. It would bb well 
for ATwciixn, and for all looohorstorccob- 
sidor wlul should bolhogtcat nim of8abbalh 
School iiblrociloii I— How can tho'tjveat object 
bo bo moil efTcclually carried put t— la il nol 
possible io sacrifice lo union principle, and to 

uniformity lift t 

Yuure, very liuly> 

' i 

Deo. 15, 1053. 


tied ataicsrhsn olill watched the progress of 
the FrovincT from whososenaie bo s7asto un» 

' So;bap a t«d quietly array, S7e firmly br. 
hevo, to that mora suro reward above. Shall 
lha Icsien of hislife bo soon forgot 1 Shall 
Ibe story of what ha has done for his naiivo 
land bo soon driven from our minds t or shall 
it not ralher bo long cherished as a pattern 
which tho iogentooi and uprlghl politici&o may 
cherish for ages to come. He bat noilefihis 
Ii)te beblod. Be it our task Io perpetuate (he 
memory of one we valued loo highly, nbilo 
amongit tit, but whose inestimable value will 
not be ^appropriated when tba lifeless form, 
now being borne to Ihe grave, baa crumbled 
into dust.— Grumbler. 

Avk'Svo* ofthe VeraXn htiil ^aiy 
of Wnohington. { 

_ , • 

IS'cw Yohk, Dec. I2lb, 1857. 
Tho Royal Mail Steamship, Persia arrived at 

3 o'clock. :/: ■, ; '. ■-.* . 

ThoCnnard Company despatched ihe •crew 
steamer SatnaU lo Now York clireel no tho 4ih 
•iislanii on tho samoday with Iho Arabia for 
llalifoXilo bo employed In mall service* be- 
tnooti Now York and Nashua. 

Tho t7f/y of tyasMngton from J.lvorpool on 
tjm fJSth, arrived rhi* overling. 

If owaanlicipilcd vint'apu Haeff, nnd by Iho 
PergiaU Tiio daily A'csVi tlunies lhal Lord Na^ 
pitfl hftf been in ouy way eonaured orei>p«rced- 
ed, and liiiileislanilaihal liaise been ptumoied 
MinlsiAPleniputontiary to Uurlin, vice Utn\ 
BJoornflld whorrllreaoiinpenaion. 

Il is cuosidemd certain lhal Ihe (irtat East- 
ern will bo ready for hoi first Irip^ lo Foriland 
by midsummer neil* 

i The London Timer, la tespomo to Iho de- 

fence by iho American prca* of Commodore 
Rev'J, reiterate* ila. ehaipe egainsl him, end 
soya lhal a comparison rfihs KnglUh. treaty, 
w'fiien cooiaini e re j j t hU-j, wiih ihe Americfn 
IreaiyV which centaine nojhl/iry, is all lhal is 
nocesja?V *0 prove if* atsertioTr* T//e tarie 
journal has aVailrlcalerticibmaDropoairronrJ- 
M^edldbemoonierriplaifox al Washington io 
placo lax lua, Urawing^ftJIesjilon tn ibo manner 
In which a like 'p,*flpoailiony»ttreaiett ol Bal- 
lon in 1773. In America self-imposed len Isx 
ceilainlyieacbusa lessoni and [bat Is thai 'it 
ia nol a bad gorernraonl that ahenales Iho me fi- 
bers of a free etrtlo. V ! • 
The British Board of Trade returns shoW.a 
falling olTof nearly jC71?,(X)0in\he valneofef* 
poris aa compared wiih Ihe »aw» months Imi 
year. William f^emon Oliver', ihe London 

The Deaf and Dumb 

lAnieollng of. Ihflaentlal genflemon was 
held last evening In Iho Si. Lawrence Hall 
to considor Iho boat means of instructing Ibo 
. find dumb populniioh. Tho Uov. Or. 
McUjiI occoplclihoeholr.ftiid mndo como 
rflmarkeperiinehtiotho object of the meel- 

ef ' Wowing resolutions wero ndnp- 

The Bieiior.moved ond tho Mayor cecon- 
dod : 

-1.— That a Municipal Institution auppor- 
led m Iho public expense; for iho education 
of Iho Deaf and Dumb, and of tho Blind, ia 
much required; ond ihsi, in iho rnoamime, n 
eocioty fnr promoting this object bo himed 
in thie city,- limiting ho operaiiona in Iho 

nintonence of Ibe Day 
n commenced by Mr. 
stroction of iho Deaf 


Jo car'ry »^fi^3H»J* e lpi jJJ 

Harcourl, In Hsldi.nsnd. ' * Wnrt Mr - ' 

07* On Wednesday, i iriat i„, 
sec. on of the Now B?i»^? M,r 

erd Seiilomow, a distanc.of ,|,m v "S"' 
wao opened for |rafH Q , r\ '. . y mHw » 
Hnowm bo completed tofe^^ 
•*• The Hamilton & !f I . 1 
im r « By a lolegroph frorMi J fth 
«o h*m thai navigation ^ \v , DC 'i * 
Canal is inclosed for iho mLXT^ 

ing it.,., to tJ*vTto^ f V?W'il. 

SfEL" "•" d P?'«r ?" "nn'^il^' 

first inemnco Io iho 
School, which has b 
J. McGann, for tho 
find Dumb. 

Hon. Georoe \V 

Dr. Jr.M.vri.-un zeeunb 

xLAn moved ond Rev, 

aiock broker, who was found giufiy of forgery 
and ipplylni/ lo h'.a own uin aec'iritics and pri- 
peily vntruated lo bis care,, hadfiecn ceuteni- 
ed (o 30 yenr« penal scrvstudo. 

The rule of insurance on the oferduo stearrt- 
ahip/rtdiari Umpire, had advanukd from 35 to 
'VJ per cenl, nveu at which, Irantaptions coulj 
nol bo effecteil nt nny cxleiil. 

Tho Canadian Ntici fins undoukod aulbor- 
ity, for saying lh»l n(ilu»ogbhor Aujedyfiudi 
il itnpouibfe fnr her and ibo PrincolConsort I* 
pay a viait io Conado, a short inlervil only will 
elapse boforo nrio uf ihe young xiiacos go 
I bora. \ 

TiioTtttAe Chronicle publishes 0>s follow, 
llie leitor from Calcuiia, daied ihe ulst Nov. 
Noihiug of importance occurred ainceyny last 
unlil Friday, when the wealher was sofine lhal 
no further pretext c/mhl Ikj adduced forVot pro- 
ceeding wiih the laying down of tho sbye end 
of the cable. The vowels accordingly pViceed- 
od in aubmorging Iho faw miles ol ahor ucable,' 
and on mnlcing a splice with iho deep ae\ .oor- 
lion uboui 5 miles of) Lougla* Head. 'This 
operation was easily p3rformcd, and it isrsuoh 
lobo regteltoJ lhal iho remaining seven o,iles 
of shore cable, lefi at Greenwich, was^noi 
brought hero and added lo ihe pari now Uid 
down. Had ibis been done, there is no dcibt 
but Iho rosult would bo eali* factory. Thii\ii 
more evidunt from Iho fad lhal aiter paas')\g 
ihn'spol where Ihe shore end terminate?, eur 
of Ihe nice, in their anxteiylo continue the u 
derlaking of Ihe small cable, discovered n kin 
w.-ia ilMuonlinned, ihouuh il ia probable iho 
Olber defects of tbe same Kind, would have been 
ih'fjcovored barf tbey pioceu.fed. This cannoi 
be said lobe giving tins rabloafair Itial, 1 am 
nol aware thai Ihe shora cable ha« Oen lasted 
aince it wae lard down, nor i* ihe ro any person 
of sufficient experience hern to do r-o. 

Tho Oalway Moo hi* co;iu!uded a contract 
with Palmer, Ihoihc-r* h Co., of Now Caatleon 
Tyno, for Iho conslruction of ihreo first class 
aide wheel sieamers lobe ready forsea,rospec- 
tiveiy in June, July and August rifizt. Thoy 
nro lo be of large capaciiy,il UtiU thai a guar- 
anteo has teen given that ihsy *hcdl ba equal 
In ihe pcifoimince of twenty miles pur hour, 
minunum speed wiih a consumption of only 70 
ton* coal per day. 


Senor Itos Dolano is said to be appolnied 
Cuplain General of Cuba, but Dancha will re- 
main at Havana until the difficulties wiih Mex- 
ico ore arranged. Tbe second divirdos of ihe 

equadron to net agaioal Mexico had Bailed. 

%~ Tllftt Ibe eociely almll bo designated, 
" Tho fJocicty for Iho inslruclion of Iho Dosf 
and llumb.nnd iho Blind," and shall con- 
aisl of such membore as ahal) pay annually 
lo ih funds the eurn of $2 or more. 

Hon, Gkorob Hrowh, M. P. P., moved, 
ond Alderman Boi)i/ro.*i seconded; 

3— Tint iho affaire of tho society afinl'l be 
rn mnged by a committee of nine, Including 
o Preeidoni, Vico-Presidonr, eSecroiarynnd 
a Treasurer, lo bo nnnunlly ohttcd fey iho 
members, el a meoiipa; to bo called fo/,ihat 
purpose on (he firai Tuesriay In February, 
and Irxr! iho provisional commitice appoint- 
ed nl Iho Iwi mesiing bo rcq'ic/ tel un- 
111 Ihe firs! onnoal meeting in 1850. 

Her. T. B. Ktixti&w moved, ftn« Rev. 
\Y. Grkoo aeconied ; , 

4— Thai on nnnual enbacrfplron of jffio, 
in ono euin, or In several of not ihm 
£1 each, shall enihlo tbo person or persons 
contributing lhal amount to nominate ono 
pupil for instruction, free of ehorge. 

Rev. Dr. Liluk .moved, and 
Crovto.v, Esq., seconded, 

0— That if the,. maintenance of (he Day 
School ehould be undertaken by (ho Sclwol 
Trustees of ihe city, iho funds of ihe So- 
ciety ahall be applied lo iho provision of 
board and lodging for indigent deaf and dumb 
who require audi aid. r-n 1 ihm tho aubscri- 
bers of on r nmbunl, to bo herenfior named, 
bIioII exercise iho power of nomination* 

Uov. Dr.UYEReojr moved, and Thomas 
Moss, ICsq., 1). A., seconded: ' 

C — That ihe onisionco of the Govern- 
men!, iho Legisloluro, Iho City Corporation', 
and the School Trmiocs bo respecifully eo- 

The/o wore Inloreeling speeches made on 
Ihe eubjecl of the education of the deaf and 
mule. Several of Ihe children wiojo/ ihe 
teacliing of ^ir. McGann were brought up- 
on Iho platform, who evinced the proficiency 
which those children can oiteln In reading 
and epsdhing lo en^h other. Tho occasion 
wns inlereetiiig, and wo hope 16 see tbe so 
ciely prosper.— -Leader. 

Mr. Baldwin's F oneral- 

The rno/lal remains of Ihe lale Mr. 


Liriia ca tho Death of tho Hon- 
Bobdrt Baldr/in, 

Hushed for a eeason >>• Iho voice of mirth, 
~ Let ei'.bot eorrow A«(r in ;nouraful tide. 
A christian chief has faded from the esrtb, 
A falatesiyau by tod hi* vctry held aLddiel. 

TJie vicvrless f-je its irready tifils kepi, 
The poiaooed dart was lrluged with vcn^iful 
aim. * "i 

Ouc pacing itruggleand a g>vl msu *l*pt, 
Tti« last «f ark fluttered la life'* tflorioua flar^. 

Tho patriot died aad he **t* bereaved i 
" Tbe chriclisn t\tnt aud (ounltf as vc 

rill moura 
ce* *iiifr ( 
celMtlal rlug. 

To cheer hi* •nirit through lb* ahadony ( >auriic. 
To noble/ climes wlic/c bymx* 

Prop silent tears nrvm thc*tstern«u'* grave. 

Mourn lb|t a nobl* heart has lost its might, 
That ona mora roice 1* bushed whose utteringa 


Were «v«r raised lo plead lb* cause of right. 

But look beyond, ho ba* not lircd In raio, 
A fflorlou* goal Ihe great, good man hstii noa : 

Death bu our tow, but Ida more lutiog gaio, 
Kro tin i the Muter fcaih prooouueed "well 

dgoe." : 

' Death of tho Hod. E- Baldwin. 

A great man has just passed away from us 
amid ibe torrowful regrets of every lover of 
our 1'roWcce. The name Of Robert BaTdtria 
will ocvr esgaia be eiapbped ia Ibe petty strife 
of proriaciil polities^ save ai a ctimulating ex- 
ample of genius sad bor.etty, or as a charm lo 
unnerve chicanery aud wrnng. U i« oot for 

us (o (race the slrugglesoftbe departed slaUs- 
mao through ihe turmoil of coostitutiocal po- 
lemics, or lo tell bow poorly we appreciated, 
bow ungrateful we reeomper.wd, yssrs of un- 
selfish loil lo secure Ibe free, reipoosible sys- 
tem of Govern .cent s*e aow enjoy. If tba ni- 
che in Csnada** Wslbilla reserred for Lua is 
filfed by a statue whose ample brow is furrow- 
ed ar.d contracted by erodes and distapoiol- 
meal, Ibo biilorita of Canada, who will bare 

much to say to bid, will note if lo ihe nation. 
el disgrace. 

We only deiirs Io drop our bumble trioate 

of sorrow upon the statesman's bier. The 

»('«ficle* of Gfty-.ix toilsome year, ara OTer. 

ibe Legislative CLaiober Lit beard one voice 

or ibe last lime 5 one nana will 0e * fr uore 

he the shibboleth, of pinyj « Ua | l00eil f|CC 

is crumbltog sritb its raoiher earth io beam no 

more 00 ibe triumphs or freedom, lo fro»u no 

inoieai the asctndeccy of wrong. Hsd he 

lallen an actor m (be conflicts of iLia hour 

ereryTKiU would b* nd. erery eye would lev* 

deplored but ia Ibe vicieituJss of life io this 

prorlcss, ve Ud klcojl forgaltu tUt lb* «. 

win were yesterday consigned lo Ihe lomb.and 
Vaie!y if ever before ia Canada, baa a foneiat 
V '^M -'/ etleadvd by the leading men of ihe 
rovinc- honoured Ibe memory of one of its 
rparted worthies. Had ihe weal her been 
lie unfavourable, ibe number cf ibose who 
jc\oed ia paying; the last tribute of respect to 
deceased sUtesossn might have been iijll 
grfater. Among those arssembled svere all Ibe 
.1 sf ges of Ibe Superior Court* of Upper Cans- 
da,Dow in ibe eity, a rety la.rge array of mem- 
bers of (lie bar, Ibe Bishop of Toronto* and a 
nurttroua body of Ihe clergy, meal of llie mem- 
bers of the Government, many members of 
both branches of She I>gi*|alarf, a b'rge num- 
ber if our promineet nosv professions I e it ite of, 
and a considerable rep/eaeiitalioo of ibe-COUO- 
try districts. It srasestimoied lhal, altogether, 
not fewer than a thousand were present. Hie 
family vault on the Spa dine properly reee/red 
all thai was. mortal of Kobe r I Baldwin. Tbe 
burial service of the Choreb of Keglaod *as 
read by. tbe Rev. Mr. Grasetl Amoag Ihe 
relative! of Ibe deceased nbo bore a part in 
the melancholy (ask of committing io osoiber 
earth the temains of Ibeir distinguished kins- 
man, where bis son. Mr. W. w. Baldwin ; 
bis brother, Mr. William A. Baldwin, his 
son in-law, Hon, John Uoss ;' and Admiral 
BaldvTtn. During ibe afternoon bu>ioess was 
suspended in most of tbe stores on Ihe princi- 
ple streets of Ibe city, and a similar mark in 
respect was paid to Mr, Baldwin's memory of 
ihe cily of Haroilloo, by recommeuditton of 
Ibe Couocil.— Globe, - 

Faistcc.— The trial of Count D'Montal- 
iarabcrt and M Douaiol/editor of Ihe cones- 
dondeot, cpjorneueed on Ihe 2itb. Tbe 
speeches of Berryur and Dufaure for (he ac- 
cused, are said 10 have been magnificent be- 
jood'detetipliou. Tbe former spoke for two 
hours aad si half, and said ibe prosecution was 
usjusl, unfounded, ill advised. When be con- 
ceded a tremendous about of brsvo burst 
fran'tbe lower end of the Court. Tbe Presi- 
des! ordered tbe police to lure cut any one 
Ibty could fiad who had cried out, but Ibey 
codd oot put ibeir fingers upoo any one. The 
judges deliberate J 00a hour, and pronounced 
Ibe following verdict. Mvnlelsiabert to be 
imprisoned for six months and pay a fine of 
3,00) franc*, Doaaoil one iaoatb*« imprison- 
ment and 1,000 francs fine. Il i* tilled lhal 
M<*t*Uiabert will appeal against Ibo verdict. 
The mult of (he trial bad called forth bitter 
arlicJti from theEoglisb prevt, aad caused a 
slight depression in ihe fuod* at Londaa and 
Pari*. M. Botilay de Id Meurlhe, formerly 
Vice President of lh* French Uepublic died 
io Patis oa tbe 24th). It is reported that an 
Anglo Freoeb fieel will bare on board a bat- 
tery of Arlille/y iu order to oppose my enter- 
prise of filibusters ogaiait Central America! 

Coat.— The population of Cuba at the 
last census, wa* a llrilo o¥*r n mil Hon. Tbe 
orsa embraced by the iatand and il* depen- 
penciee, fs 47,378. The great etaplea ore 
sugar, cofTee and tobaoco, end the annual 
value of ihe products of the plantation Is ea- 
ihnstcd nt 650,009, although only about ons- 
Iwenlielh of iho hlandj Is in , cultivation. 
The annual revenue* olVihn government 
emouiil lo tomething lijco $iy UU0.U0O n 
year. There ere 1 .1 i'J Vu^ar Plaice, 1,01b 


oflea eslaics, OJU lob'sCco tilrjilj/end, nboui 

0,000 imtyhmu ^ 

•IUZ UilURCir AND Fnrp*..n... 

tm from Bu e „ N 2*J g Stet* 

lert.nls lo iltnouoee l|itm. 

our toUMMM «o Ibe pobiit it,! G« 


— Journal, 

CovMtRntr T«5 Douar B/lt,.-,^ 
uodersljad Ifcat M me of our merehan.s »„e 

tV. rt it°? ft? '" ^« «« dolf.r lit, 
onlhfB„k f Dpp, r Caasda. ThreM. 
l.ave been taken by phaiogrsph f rm fa$ 

gmilones, andaressidloaare^oC 
exceedingly well fte .galores Wag , j£ 

feel/w nmtlt, bu! ibeSaner is so fofwlnV 


tirTb* New Yorft Trftuttrtiyti'lhi 

is nol » Ihe whole world a beastlier tniaii 

than Ike « New York Rowdy/' Thetr n { \. t 

fact— not a p*ea*»nl ose eerlalaly— ius lie/e 

is ibe facl. We beliere ibel aa tiairaUcied 

woman wotrfoVbe safer traong ike taraje 

4 r ' b « Of AiaeffcB or Africa tfan in ihe itrcila 

of Nesrxork. Cemfored with a Jboios-i. 

paced New York - Kowdy," if« Dyge/ln- 

dian rises inlo celeslial alliludes of refer meM 
and Boraanil r, 

8ei«j«b or a^ AittnicAn Tea bv tins 
Ca:<aoia.'« Aotiioaitiko.— We undersliuiJ 
lhal llie lu* Eaperimenl baa been seiwd ty 
iho Canadwn aulhoritieo ai Wallneeburgb, 
C. W., for eorne aliped vmlotron of ibe 
laws.bul just for what, tbey either do r.d knew 
or fail to communicate. ' The lug has leers 
for many yean a British bottom, but early 
In September ihe proper application wca fil- 
ed, end Ihe Jailer part of October ihe paper* 
wero received, lo constitute her bii Amcri- 
cen bottom- The Canadian oiKcials refuio 
lo acknowledge the O^emge, and hii'm ihsi 
she is still ^British .vfivel, olilnugh copies 
oHhe pepere, fulryvql^ted by our Custom 
House authorities or}d-\eaI, have been of- 
fered." It 'jjrajin/ If/to seen what wtllcwno 
of tliis singular proceeding.— Detroit Tri- 
bune. -■-, 

DKATH or Mr. lUtovtx—We r>w,Vy 
regrei lo onnouncfl the dtrsiS* of iho IV.n. 
Uribert Baldsvin. The ar.d event 1 ecu red \\ 
QO rmmiuioa pnai 5 o'clock sesienliy after- 
noon, al his residence, tfporfina. I'«r 
days serious' fairs have been eiiterlauif'd n^io 
lo ihe result nl his illneu. A goiternl dcoy 
in il»e ayaiem, Iho result of r>«> disease which 
we have hoard deaignaled, but p weed ing 
front consliiulional causes, led bis frem* Ill- 
lie able lo resin an oclivn aseiull. and |.» 
sank in a very few deys under an oiisck of 
neuralgio in ihe cheat, having only resclr-J 
the ago of 60. Uelired es Mr. Bald \ in Km 
been for seven years from public life, M% 
death connot excite eo modi mteresi m if I.* 
had been m ll>e heyday nf his career, ihe Pre- 
mier and fester of tho House of Assem6fy ; 
hoi there are thousand* svh» will reid the 
announcement we raake with llie derpeil 
regrei, find not wilhoot n iribote of adinira- 
lion to his virtues and gratitude t>r hi»ser»i- 
ce* In iho cnuse of tho people. • - Gto&t 

Jfewefrom Haranna. 

Nrw Ycnw, Dec )5ib. 

Tee sleannftip rhiladelpltla has sr/iird 
wilb J Java una ttitfioftl* 9tlu Siiornrtn 
persons bad Wso tbirgtJ wUhtcn- 
apiraey against Ihe life of iheCsprsia-Gnweal. 

The Sjraoi^b frixate Pettnnella aiivsed 
from Cadil 00 la* 1st, wiih 3u0 s^dier*. 

Sajtar held very etstlatl £►} lo >t>reat>p<r 
or/ote for Ho. 12. Molasses wilaoul epHI- 
lion. Frergbls to ihe I/i»ilrd Sl«re* imprtr- 
ing, and quoted at ttfe per l»iw>d#id. t'.scl 1 '£* 
oa I*ondo», l?J lo 134 premier**. 

A despatch from \Wbinglef>, »ay» tie 
Spacisb MwMer, has irccired no ialcllrxetee 
of ibe rumored declaration of «ar by fc" t »^ 
apiinsl Mexico. 

Special Notice. 

The relaxing beats til summer leave besied 

them a long iraiu of e*il*. The mosl unif*r- 

s*1 of these are general debility, and it* sure si* 

lem'ant, lownesa of spirits. Foitheiowe e«a 

lecummend a speedy and uuf*iliugcoir,ial-» 

shape cf llooflsmt'a German Uiitsrs, (wj 

by Ur. C. M. Jacksou, Philadelphia. Il "» <f 

bur opinion, a medicine mi gtnerit— ah**" 

unapp/cachable, Il seems Iu reach lb* * ri9 '- 

i;.,»<rir* It- 

lain be.v!oflhediiTi.*ully iu Iho ih*e*ti** ," 

gsnixalion, and thus to relievo iho """'xl 
and iba blood of ibe mactrlts iftefH w . f°* 

csuso of disease. Iu lonio P lu l* ,,M VfvnJ 
vigor lo Ihe tesembraiirs of Ibe • ,w ° l 5 ft i?/ 
pioraote'lbe Mcretion of ibe gastric* |**Y 
which diavolvd iho food, while it» «« fJ,,u 
soothing, auutollsialivdintloened imparls ej*" 
rariegularsly aud slrength lolbo itnw « J" 
aecielive pf^ani, an-l seem* lo foilify let ec=- 

Suchi«ourown expariencs ia 

rnMw*jMrkei.eathe 9*d IWi |ha " l * 

Mr.Jtuph VS'o&d. of a son. ^^. 

Jn King, on U.a Utb UU.^ viftorSIr, /ct-r 

Sj^ku, itciuVly.sf a dau^Lkr- 

GUr.y. Mr. II. P. O.t*y,lo Mi« 6V-" ***f* 



Ksal GeUlUburr «rU4 «■»»•* LftJ 


u ai bow 

* I 

MswMAfcKfc? Markets.. 

*/' '«> w ; , ■ tf wifi»ttf. Hoc. 17. 1650. 

(Mr Market Unnly nariJayy «pP'fe«I urtl 
entTlrmie h firm m flie following pricca:- 
Wiirat, $1 6, UmI «iropjju 
. Stftiwd Wii ear, 76cte. a 80cle. 
Fwua, *4Wa$5. 
OXti, 85cl«. 
Barley, GOoti a GScta. .. 
■ Pti8, GO flt». a 65 

• Potato^, 23 el* a 30 cli. 
1'ork $4^5 on. » l&W 
])uma t 15cie. a 18 cli. 
Kooi, 12* cu. al6*cta\ 
CiiK»c*l9Uta«Hett. ' , ' 
Cobdwuod,— Thoio (« a plcnliful eupply, 

Lmoo conliaolf are w» t* irl * mo,1 ° pj Wpolj 
aiid mania wool (gM*n>»l $I:25n'$l:37idrn., 

• and for dry tl/75j ilMe cord* nio brJng deli- 
vered at $i :8?J r .'V 8W r * likfl| y l0 **" te ' * 

* 'fowjceftifiifti'' witMho twoyoiirapJil. J...J 

(. ■! 



; #. 


... ; * ( | : . Deo. 16, lte8. { 

Gralni' primowiiAl scarce, and buyete nojovei 
'' ifiaiail^topurcniso; j ; 

-Wfaflii-r!rinmsn<l9.Mih* avorege •1,17.' 
■'• -Flour, $4,05 a $5,25. " * '* * •' I 

li«rley,65a?0chi. •■.,;.. 

OKi. 40 a dScte, • | 

i>«n ( 55 ■ ooch; ' ' . . : J 

Polato'f, MiSfcli. ., , 

Dollar, (refill prima, 29oii, lub 16 a iSohv 
Chlelroi* 25 a JOote por pair. ■ 
I , ork$4 > fi(Kjii. a|6. 

... ti« 

Hew Itorfeeitrt. 

. A WKKTIKQttlin^M'iloiJicCflngrcKaUoMl 
i\. MnmJay «»fllng next, 30lh Deo. 

at 7 o'clock, p. in., fgrthepjbpoEoof 

ftK-I.h'VTINO 'MUK 8XAT8, 

And initlnif crunMinenls la- adopting tim titan of 
■he weekly Opting. $ 

All peta/xia ilioiiutiNftf [,/ftuiliig #taU andneitat* 
eVg In Urtii<ipfrc*fi#Jilio VvcUt.Min respectfully ie« 
quitted to attend, ar 

Newmarket, Dec. 1G, »i#. ■ InlS 


i > 



B1XJ H (o anuounca tnllw t»tia1t{Uitt« nf Now- 
inuV<i wkJ Kel^lilf rr^cJ tliat ha purpew* 

«i»inr* | '' 

Grand ; MisccMneous Concert 
nmm uorisil nkwmarkkt, 

On TJWfflM YEfatng, ««. 23^1, 1858, 

*WI»eu lie vlll be a>Al»fl I l*y tto ^llnwlng rff»(|a. 
Ijuiftliril ii< viL. jh, ; )f ;lirtH,_(/r,, K ..|i( U i Ctiortl Society 

wr»« MeVOBf I M«, lilCKOr, 

s Vli>» K»i.Gtx, A m. anORM, 

M«. LAIKO, I] Ml. Uiittl'lir, 

/Vdf« lAttBimculelUU. % ' 

Utt, kiih.II, |j VI, 7/WUC. 

•X'iolK.ot«, llauOd, 39«4oli v 

May to luil at lite filefa of I>r. lU-nlloy, |i r . Naali, 
rtiiU Mr. T. A. KftHoul m (Jmj Offioe of «lje A'eu 



8ystcw «f Dress Culling. 

M183 MAQU1RR li^ftMA)wclfu1ly in Intltnata 
l'1-.t fche i» uullioificd nm| arrKnmed (lie 
A([«rit»ifM mu ik-ciuKit, of jV*w Vorl*. to lca?lilier 

KtceUior System of Dress CattluR, 

To *Ii.m wut awArdaa a I'rlca Modal at the 

t%~ >1»*» Mt»(tii*o «l>n JkMs a eertitrafA con- 
fumiB" hif Slow JUmna.MiviriMUt.aa* Bmieli 
of M'lua lA'uionai'B A^flw Y«rk KmnoiJauof Faali- 

f>^-l».il«ns Cut oh Short Nofic*..£| 

NtMMarUtt, Dec. 1G, ifiSJJ. _/ fy.44 

HAMS J^Avt.iKfl " r \i h ? _*V w t * I 

•riir. 1 I!i ° f P** *** «*. * dcrk WAY MARK 

.v./:*.va u-NOTIOS, 

*#4'WAy /.V>v: . *! 

, /;'H," ^ r *° ni *1i whom .1,. , nn/ C0Q ! 
uactany «ctUMleMt. aflor 1M1 d-!o. * 

! f ■ .VETBlt D.-fiOKIllSO/I,. 


: , JJiBL HOOJLAND'S' *' ' 


COHDIAfc, ( 

^Aa gttat tttm&ari mtdititut cf (U prtuni 
*9*» A«« o<ovM tAttr gnat popularity tnly 
through ytan 0/ trfof. tTWctiaifrd «'&/.!«. 

«W Urtndtttd ty tKm Ox all tautt Owt lh$ 
• ficpU *au prontoncill dm ytrthy. 

Unr OqnpUlbt, Dyipejtte, Jaoiaice, 
Dehll! ty of the Kenou BjtUu, 
DUeues or the KUZmji, ^ . 
. oi«f «a rf£.ftM M ofi^ //W a- rfmbef 

. Uw or wahut* of tX* itomath md diwtbt 
crga*; an aptedily aad ptrnanottly'curtd ty 

frViOERJIAN WTCBiy*,.-, ' 
) -fA« Baljiamlo Cordial X» fuovMa 
ripvtaHo* nirpatiitig that 6/ any tfnilarprt* 
parotic* atant It viti cwt, WJfUOtfT Wit, ' 

tht wit *tttr§ 6n<l jwf-itondifij 

Covab, Coll, or Soamaut, BroueWUf , In- 
flaeaaa, Oroop, Pnoamrala, Ineipiant 

nd hat piT/ormt-i sks wwf oifwfiAfujr cum 

Coaflmwd ConawapUoa. 

4 /«w .cW«' icfli of*o of on« cA«* onJ 
«r* /A# pwi : «»fiy Dlrujhmo ptotuding 
fron C&lu ik 1UH IJowrr.B. ( . 

Tkut ntditinu art prtpoud by br. 0. M. 
Jw <«» A Co., Ab. 418 jl/M ft«e/, i>^ a . 
cf(f>A/a t /'A, cr.J or« («U «y dtvpoistt and 
dtattr* U mtdidna tttryuAert, at 76 tent* 
jw lata*, Tht iionaturt of 0. M. Jackion 
itiW U ck fie ouei^i vtopptr if ta<h Utile. 

Jh tkt Altnanat pubUthtd annually ly Mr 
propritUn, tolled Ev*utdgdi> Alwakao, 
you will f t nd eatiaotiy and top\*uiutatary 
MtiUi frou ait parti of tka country. Tfnu 
Maamaet artgifin oteay ly all our agmtt. 


Agent iXeunnartcrt. 
C. 8. LI^YJ), 

_ *• Agtnl Aurora, 

■McamUr ISlJi, '58. 1*44 

■ * * 



?«:* ^. 




MM^aZSraV^^ULA-. 1^ 


1^ ^*-.---^-^w^ r ^ 


.."« < _i .< ;i i » :' .^SurpEei any of my prorioui Importallorin. 

t\ - - Alto, FuV Gooda, m ovory 7Z* t . ' ' ' 

Vk\, ■:<,>', ;": •fAH.CioFeaofall kind./ . . '. 

-"* ■" ■■••••■•'■= Slftfm -••'* . 

Ahoy Uoady. Mud.. Cloiliing, ' : 

' ' »i °' Jr. , , !" , » GaMiniBre*, VcftiiiRi, 

;;. : , AUo, Kibl»n», Flower*, FcaihoiS, fco., 

»i; ( .. ( - Alio, PiiuIp, Factor V f!»1tnn /,« 

;i- --"•-'-.. Vft-, 

.1 ■• " -":■ 

«■ % 



.- -.. 


Alio, Piiuli-, Ffictoiy Cotton. &o. 

'■^' 1 ' i: r>^ ;f ^:;- : AL30M'N OUOCEHIES. 

I haro a Fntsn Stock of 

I vs. <c> 


TOaloTaliiaMo roe|lcln# UnabUiDfijjjiteeaW 
of all ihwo palofol and daonroaidtaeuaffldcldiQl 
to Ibofcin»!ocoo«tltollo6, . "' . ■>■* "•*!••' 

frorn vriatavar cwaa, ant Wort Oa, tbd taontHy 

T/iceo PilU rliould ootba taken br fecnaTe4 Ihit 
aro pregaaol darjog U>» firat tbr« rooBll«, aa Ui«y 
aroturo to bring on mUtarrlaM j bo't aVirery 

In all ca«» of W-rToM'.and' ; »ptoaf •atYeetlork 
pair, lu U10 Iteek aod Lfrnb» t JtfailaeM, Fatlp-oou 
•liictit oxtri|on,I , alr,liaiIor.ofthV UiM\Vb*nnnot 
Kwt» i lly«arfca,8fckH«idaeht, Whltea. aad all 

■ T E 'A s , s.y a A P r - 

J u 



* 4 

And this 8oa-,oo'a 

Oimanto, Rnioino, IMn, &o., 
C /? O CFjK E RY t ' B GLJlS S W Ji R E 

' ; , . PAINTS, Gltfl, HAIL8> e/jj. * 

1000 in«. *ia*irjaMjar# wakwjshp, 

»i «... ,«„». T - A - IIAU1 '0f 

(ho panful dfwaw»o«A*loned by a dlwr'dcd a»i- 
tcni, theao rilJ* will etTeet a caro vlt» a5l otfccr 
rncanaharafalM. j .- 6 - ,„,'. ...Ji. .» \ 
FolldircctlonalnpamphlM aroood <e«h pack- 
ago, wldch ahould b» earefally p»Krrod. 


' i 

la ...., 

• AND 


A-.P (KdD©»L ... 

— ' . •''■■• ■■■ ■•■i-aJ'-rM'? 


t - * / * *, ■ . n 

wi^ a«fa 

aaal ff'V^ - '-^ ' 

N. II.— Q I and 6 ponUgo aiampa f nctoiad lo'tay 

itborizcil Bfjeot. will laiurea bo'" 
nrer 50 p\\U t by return malt 
NoaTUBo^ a umt*, Naweaatlo, 0. w^ 

iflb, coutalalog 

author Ixcd [.agent, will 'I 
etum 1 
t*,Ht , 

General Agenla for the Ofiqadav 



liwclllDx Uoub end Oat Houtci 
'i'O ins lbt, 

* ? 


to school Titi/srm 


WASTKO br a pataon a .'million who boldi a 
ftoewHl rbw. reilificalakaTcaoW. Kicli- 
Jy pound* per auauiu ealaiv. 1'caliinuniaU uiU lie 
Inifi'UuUlitr, Apply (0 T. Kiion, M-wu.arkoi. T. 
gft"y. li»q , Uiudford, or T. Urury, *^., Weal 

i>ec<mUr 1C, IBM. tf.44 



A LI. peieoui iu<*rttc;d .i.tltp BttWtibar, bj A'ofc 
. w/ //j*/, paM duf, if 111.1 |»i I up ty tbo Kiiet 
d«> of ttui'wjr avxl, wjrl l>o p<n iu il^'|,a u d 4 <j , 
batter <ui lector, * 

.\eu>nxrk*t. l) tc 16, ]8%., .j wH 

TO kBT.lboiutt.fcuowQpffnijBceof (be aub- 
acrflior at, lucludlug bla Daroll- 
Ing Hoaw.Out IIuuMiaiid 

buck Burnts HttOP, 

*'HWwMiMtT*c(«; TberolaVo/ an aero of 

laml.a nuniUr of Fruf( 'ri<ta,lubearlorcandiaoo t 
toR«lfier with cittvru yJ talier eon»«ultocea. 
(CT-fonia Liberal. Ft* limber' paniculara applr 
to tbo auba/riUr 06 tl» premlatB. 

J. ft, WILKIN. 

Dogarl Town; Doe. fl/W. im* 


- - 


Hccoivcd at thoir »Iow 




Pre Ah Tcnw, 

Frcftli eoflfces, 

Prenu NngarHi 

FrefrJi .Splc«H. 

Wow JTr6noh Morinoofl, 
Now Cooqiircft, 
Now Prfntu. 

new lunnoNs. 

NEW H O S I IS It Y , 


1 ■/ 


Ntto GenCt UitdtrMts. 
' Neto Fur Ceips, 

IVcto Fur Vtctorintt, 

ROWPS CeWimliJ Count OysUitftfr 
Iho iuKa>crilKM'4i 1 

Corner of Mala aud jii! Btfocta. Kowioirktt. 

NewrmrVei, Dee-€ 18. r >8. if. 43 





Purp « gnioga '• 

FOR further pit nicy 
•uy uienbvroftb 





' " Nito Buck Milts. 


IK ?l ?\'«*li*CT. 

* l -» -.l-.K- 

*//« Vcgclablc Root Cutter; 

*|*HB VrgHabla nor4 Outltr. wl.kb ran be ad- 
jUblil tS? - 0; * (>lUi, « of»arloaa kiada <J V*g.-. 

lb. ,H.I>!ir abould abo CUt"f u\ <,UUUr * 

A-.d ll-OW (MUCK, aborc rilolliH CuUcTCf the 
kiU « g.,t up i„ C'auada, 
41/" For Stiu by iho FjopiUlw, 

At Ou Sawtfaetory, Prefpa^-aUGamuA Coueit, 

Jb«..HterJ6,'5e. fcU 

M To tltrlts of Wuulclpalliics. 

J j TUST P/laled ,| d Mccid..ife with iL* .fev Uu. 
,j J 'iirip*! Act, tlauj * u 

r way ofwr c*i QVAimoAmm 

•IfoToZ Uail » ,ulieiuJlll >V lUcud£t! (0 - !•"«- 
K . , B. JACKSON. 

Brick House for Sale, 

> btierl .and our Ace cfi^d. aad 1 mite 

iri, aee bill*,' or rnqulra of 

,Ll-:3 ELVIDGR, 

1 Boertlarr, 

Hawmnrktl, Dee.a,Jie58. i'f-43 



A SftmfiA Work in Q wtutm, 


VtoL h P. NORTON. 

lUuftlnled villi tuiotrou* Engrayiogt. 

TU£ BuWriUr rwpectfuliy Inlimalei 1o Mi 
Hubscribtj* and ilficrd, thai (to *Wre ct Jc* 
wtted work 

Witt U Oiv/n at i%\ Premium 

to Ilia individual olilti.nlog it.t juoti au->Mrib«r« for 
m,*> jrcu M |,tj 'iiirnl lu circiJtM* to the N«W Ura — 
The Lift 10 contain not U&t tliiui jfin *%«u, tmJ 
forwurdedou^r li«fol« tlic j&>uita«DCcmeutorilio 
at x L toluu»o # lu Februiry* 1859* 1 " 

ft*W Nt 


a i j 




A BP9S 1 P*? ;« i *«tWfcr.Rrbao«Bee«a 



y|»'f« "OWIBB 8MITU. 

The liliiatrnfed Blojrrapliy of 
liiniiteut men ofall fa'cUoHit, 

witt ai 

Given a» a lUeond Fretniunf, 

Mii'j'ci locoaditk>na aa abcvettiled. Kitber "f tbe 
Wrifki will form a valaable addliiou to auy farmtr 
or mccbaulc'a library. 

Tbo Haw Kni la 

At (bo low Prireof|l:SOpcr Auoum, if paid In 
adveura, or flX*} where pajwent la ddajed tayotid 
ibrto ,M',mli8.— It fa pin i«t oa pood piper, cod 
tquite iucizotba latgci hiejorily of country piper* 

ta'Copleaeftbefrcapocluao/tba iifxj yoluina, 
(-ii l,o bad oo appHcitioii to tbla office. 

K. JACKHOy. , 
A'emao/Iri. Die, 1 t •$&, Piop. Kkw Eia 

IlideTMildM ! Hides ! ~ 

HBguUtriUt U pMB4t«d to pa/ CASH for 


Now Slylo of Overcoats, 
New Style of Ooats, 
New Style, of Vests, 
New Slylo of Pants. 

• jjiTEST nrrm *t mdv* mt>n& 


Lot of Firat-rat* I,otVs, 
I-ot ol Kiret-rale i*^icI/l», 
Lot or Rrat/iato Noil'a, . 
Lot. of Firat-rale 8crett«. 

WC ifAVC FfrfsT-llATB CttOCVtRV. 

ryy n d^- 
W#3 Wjr.L Pav rut Utauur Paicx 



. | 

■ i 





„"'-5-""? l:00 cneIo *«d lo ibu General A rente, 
New Caetlt, o. w, loeurcd a bottle of the Pi»i by 
ninrn ma)). . ,.,,, * 

Fortalo by, ■• .'. ' < -. . 

M. W. Hooenr, /loTrmarleL 

Joux Of liter, 'Do. - : 

O. Doab d: Co* Sbaroti- "' 

Wir. UooBf,frownerUIo. 

II. JJ. Etu«,f^loTdtowo.- 1 • - - j ' 

^otembtrai.iesr •....,, ^J m |l 

' . 

ji — ( 

- j 

— HI 

3 fcs? 


» jr ■ «=a 

Iv- 1 





8 ^ 

^ 5 



5o C;y 

8 - 

g CD 



«•> y CO 

H o 




Hew Stove, TlnU Coppar Wrebouae, 

Directly opimihth* North American. 
liolei, Main- Street, 

THE Unde.Rlgnfd i t\reUrnln>; Ihanln forlha 
TeryJiberil palrou!Vo raaiTodabico hlaeom- 
■MDccmem In biklnea'Aji-epietfalljr Inllrnalea lint 
ho liai jubt rocelrcd a lar^o and yaricd uaortmcot 

cooctso, nox, pAp.roR, hall and Beo- 


Wbleb bo will aoH al tbo bwe&tremtlneratlroprof* 

ite- Cor-Hanily onband.alllcbnlBof Tin Ware. 

,J 5 r. 0r<, *', fl £' r ,.' l i nrtooC "«' Krvo T/OUgblnr, 
riuinbiug antl Dill fjanging, prorapily ezecutad. 

Jn oil Ila brancbM, neatly trecuicd, and oq tba m&tt 
ki- v.:-i a hi* I'otir.i.auchM > 

Capper EHUt, Pumps, SUam-P{pit t Urtic 

tu) Ktttlea t ifc. 

Btlfiga PHACS'ICAL PH/HBEflMtoptepared 
In axccuie orrlora for tlta Qlliiig up of n Water-Clos- 
o'b, Kioka, detenu, I'uiops, Hot and Cald Water 
Ilatba, A«.,^c, j 

OIJ UtAvi, Copter, tead, ond Rapi tafceo In 
KscJ.angc f«r Tin-Ware ; likawko Farm P/oduee. 


AWmber IO|b, 1P58 i/,30 

^ ; H,taiopeD«aoBl. Ntir'tdd Cried General flirt of Staph , nJ F»*V^%1 

^y^^ Dry Goods and Clothing, . ®-WM 

El?^<w* 7 ^-'A lFltcv! M J lt5 ru -' 1 fosbions °f ihfi Hay. His ' bfc?tViSftiS3 

ffimiffi . stock of ten^/M 

iractog. (U e nOHfid flc>i?i„_ „ :i , 
latot Myles ond fosbions of the day. Ilia 
Stock of 

(ate, Gaps and Furs, 


aiio svcRr DEacRiPTio.s oy 



His alock Hill be found complete, ei it ^S(rV v*$W 
fUb/aeeaa general aisortmeoi of r.rerv- *ffik*Mm£ 
bing required by die country ivsdw. Tl«>a ^-*V*-^^'' 

r^iulit (1 '* ,v V"" ;uu /*<- country iiadK, Tbe.a 

FSiastern 1 ! rfts* ,oatt(t5 fof «'". - » *-«• ^aw .0 vm 

; « .11 1 E It Y D E PAR T U R S T> 

r CJ! I; „| e , g Clher ,„,,, olh(r , rlle ,,- -,^,,,^7 •; 


f.TOr .,i, D ffid, .h^r pi ,?ro„ llg e. e CaDO0, ft " '° g '" « eoe " ,, " ,ilf ""'°» "> '« »l>° W 

Aurora AdyerUscracnts, 


V •' I 

i J 


_,_ VV. LEAOtlETTiai 

nKGSre.r.tcin.lly to ibalnbnbilflDla 
SUp 1 ; j * f " Sir***"* MM 

Whero be Intrbdi r t f,yi„ K on iho Wi,,^ of « 

"? . e i f uW ! c , |l \<'^"'Ke by i.i, rootfaoi Hod) 
K ; U »^',W a " ,c '" fl ' ■•'« li'i/of tba. * 


Wedding Caltet. and all otber 1: in.l , rn&de to oider 
on UiO fl'iif- *i noli co.' 

To Comntaue? on Wednesday, &#> 1, 185fi 
/rVwinaikii,, |fiS8, )f .,j 

APlfisT c'lasS 


THK Uudeielgncd wouldreap*c(fonyIor»rm tbo 
citlxeua of 

And Vicinity, and the PubUo KoaeraJly, |!i»t ho bat 

opened out a . 

H K 9 © Q.T 0»| t 

lu tbe above mentioned pi aco, lo tba fioHdlor for* 
roeily occupied by Win. Albluaw;. 

Th'a atock comfcia. In part, of tba following artl- 
cles:— DruK«, llcdicluri-, Cliamleata, PaiD't, Oil^, 
Va-ulebe», gift**, Spices, Flavoring Kxtraclt, Puro 
Liquors for ncdiral tu« ( Pcrfomtry, Fancy Aril- 
elts, Ceinpbor, iJurohjE Fluid, Alcobol, Turpen* 
tmj, Tobacco. iDofT, S^-aie. Slauonery, Cic, Ac- 
All of yMcb i» cntituly Freeb, ai»J of the firat 
<Jiiolil>- ; In abort Id* Stock rortipri*<* all tba lead- 
HiKflitlcIci ueually ted in a Drug Sloro; and at 
Ida f iciliiics in PvrcliM t.^ Oeodn cannot be cxceMei) 

by auy ooo, he rrilliel *• IwaaauyalaUubmcol 
tn Ilia country. 

PbyelcEfrje 1 F/esiriptionaacci-iitetrcompoood' 
etl. r 

C. S. LU>YD. 

Aurora, Nov. S5. 1853. jwj 


W a tcMb t N erffnflrbef|Qc ( t t4ib vl 858. 







6. O O D 

AT Ti!E 






T) KMAINIHO in ll^ Aorwa. Pou Offl<«, Dm, 






Wawllltrealyau wellft 
If you Call, ami fj) \ov )) 

| alf (ho Goods wo tan on f\ 

,lbe J-OWWT h 

FlEJl Co»T. V. 

[gj 5V 8 




December J it, ISSfl. H.40 


Ii«r*30 Xjot of f3rjleaxcllcl 

IIuJtOH Way 0_::)j r : i,-, 



of I'allOnnjTt! 
It rrf[H<(fully wTfcital 


^ ? 


rpHK 8u 
I bldia. 

Hawmuket, Dee. 9lb, 1658. 


Habbatb U\a 

MtllK Union tinea K 
1 Tea^Party, 


Rctcial < n-if.f i.l *|m- 
dit*a the 4M*riiblj, hitO' 
Lumtcr of etitali'-na.' 

ol Tea-Party. 

Dissolution M Partiicrslitp ! 

1 ■ 

NOTICE U llerel-I GI«n t 0itli1ic Piil^r«tip 
I trclofjcu tiivlf.v bcleVtc'j |I^ t-jticiiLvr^ 

Boot audi Shoo Makers, 

In il.s WllM«fKci|muke|, Kij (Midtydtfa^iY* 
*dj*y inuiuklcoiiKiL 

AH dttilfl tiui! tlie fifdi are to K* j^u) to Jiuifr 
McLoccutiy, wl»o vlll liquidate tJ| cltiu-i ftl&tc 
llie fciirac. J 

;/0//A' WUJJSOK. 


w.n. w.pwtMnbsox 

if WitaeaB, 
Kewmtriet. Kor. |3iJ, le$i. 


A L «ff%&ft?s/ r * ' ier ?'*y cautioned affalhit 

CW(/ JW.*M1'I by wrmeu ordir, aa he vill tot La 

* r * ■ tMMtUlD&o., 

~ ., ,i . .j . - StofO Deateie, Toronto. 
Tomato > qt. ]7tb, 1859. if.^0 

ii R i oYsTTbr TcYsT" 

I^U.UUU t£XfU cheep, u llle tlfU 

£y wb!!ciu^: r%it '^' cD Yc3£o K,r ^ t - Ltt ^ 

M 'i'. fa. inucocii. 

lou£e Slreal, Kor.IT, IWfi. i|i|0 

ir.'^l (7^«3 f/a^fc rTf?l 


Al>0 Victoria 
■ Aiman Jairto* 
Appleton Cbailei 
Curiy George 
Cook Wm 
Curry Angui 
Cole« Tbornat 
Doyle John , 
Davis David 
Donglat Georso 
Elton tVm 
Edward* John 

Gibson (1 n irgo 
Graco Sarali 
Garn^baw Abm 

Gib^oo Cfiarlea 

Gildory Mra 
Haiiisoij Jo/hoa i 
Haigbl Waller 

' Harper Alet - 

Joiifan I'. MBfiTerneo 
^i Jordan HAvr 

Lloyd Sflaa 
Lano Henry 
McCay Jarne* 
Mcltrngy Ab( 
Moudau Andrew 
Ohato Alice 
Pringie Jamea 
Votler G S 
0. DOAN,/Wwr«.'rr*. 


bbub BchooJ wjll bivo a 

«*** X7aa,y« < 

er« will l>e preM-ot to ad- I 
.« cbildico will deliver - 
' * t*. 

tn airavaD ar |m: o % clo^k, T. u. 

TiCBatv, le. 3d. each! Children under teu yeart 
vf avc and UrloHviaiE to As ficbeol, IfkU-r<ice, and 

may be had at the dcor.l 

'.i i- for further paitftuUra &« Ulk 

\/HtvbuieK r De* 

r nllE*lrtuIi\eMhti^ufon'fx»i 1 ducl«l by th« above 
1 6rm will W eviiflnu<4 by ll.o tuV,y rlUr, vl.o 

U now pirpaied lo ctccute ell oidfiatihb whkli 

ho n:«y be culr u'.lrJA 


Kewai»ikc», Ko*. 0*^, lew. if-40 

TUB 0fttUTfi^c*d L<^. UfcpctUullr to nluru 

in («uwal for lUe liUtrtl jutroDft^e li« tu itxvifcJ, 
en J it\\n \\ii% npfrvVuniy tn ;■ 'jt.t.t mil pMlics ju* 
dc'jte4la hint *Mllicf Uy w*tr or. Lcolc Afcouut^lo 
#tiUle llit Mir** l»v ili^ lOthof JfleiQ&iy usxl, iii'i 

iI.j.jiiv lira tuttflr #ia ^K** 

ON" and BfierMOrUiA&'Koveo.UrMih ' 
will U run u^.q ihltMlae :.-, followe : 

/.fMiv; -j u uo.vro. 

V'til • - 7:IS a. k, arrive T.|Cjllinj[Moor| 1:03 r.w. 
Accoio - 4:35 r. u., f,. r Ba|iL'. arming at frSO ru. 

' IE ave rbitiiu;. 

AtCOOl- 6:30i.w,sni.e^Toroi.lo.- - 10:30a u. 


Mall . - ZMr. m, arrive SlVruuto - • 6:15 

J. LlllyiS GIIANT, 

tn ,. ,„ .- *}1 8up*ricUudjr.t. 

loroMo, N'ov.50, 1659. « |f,« 

' i ^^ a * 

iscikool 'i'eaolior V/nntod. 

WANTRD. for Stfcaol fi'Ctl&o No. 6. lo tba 
Towiuhipcf Km Qfillhdb'eryi a Tcather 
I.-.tdir-E » ««<-'vJ«t <-'l t >- Ctriiricale. wi\Ii to.«J ruir- 
al cbutikr. Aj-f'lv Ut th" u.iJtulp u cA Iuh[(,i 

. ; BAMUtiL flOUUl'AS. 


EaMiHt, Die. 6, laM. ifiS 


Shop— Opposite the Wellington Jltiel t 



]h.TCi:<mMftuUven litudtgood vuiiiyof 


QVCU c% S..fai. Couebea. SldnBoajde, Boieaua; 
O Ccnire, UrOaalUfi Ibesk'aat and l)it,U-g Ta- 
blrat 8fC/elBHea aul Boob-Cava.; Wardrobu 
and «!*_"> Cupboiut* ; I'atcut tk-Uteada of lU 
iiftv.esUtylo, u:c, etc. 


Mere rut tv.tntv ilifTtriiil V ::..'- or VrfAlItS— 
aueli as U'abiul I'aibirand Ki»y Chaba, |)raw T na 
and BlltlBX Hcoiu Jliaha, II. -'...j and Kur*|'jy 
aockio*CbalrB,ae.,A:e. 6 


Order* poncluallj attended lo. IT Ku:e/a!a 
furuUbtdc'u theebortcel notice. 

Aurora, April let, IBSS, ef.-co 

DRY GGODs"'" "**** ^ tVlLL ****** 




doling man, or company of men in tbe provide. AIUICLC * ot * r °" " P"« " «/ Ab 

Newmarket, October 14th, IS53. i HODUCh / 


Important to SliocMafccrs ! 

T'JlwS!*^ h "i?S n«ledlba a'ovr. Ka> 

c:,;^ofe ^' : mi "' *«** »-*«* 

Tanning Business 

lo Mills Mtiou* br.inchee. aud will ke*pr»aii*ri 

Por Salo or to Eont 

A BRICK Dwelling »oueo. Two Storiw llfak 
kcL forParticiiIaraecqyiioofil.a Propriefur. 

geohgIc doithwaitk; 

NaTvmwkot,Oet. Ktb 1653. tf-35 

Valuable Farm for Sale by AhcUod. 

TUE rJudMal^ara liara Wen lr,»trucled fiTtna ! 
JExecrtor, Mr. ISAAC LUNOY, to Sell by 
S*t5jtailio Auotlon, 
UAROa Scd. J659, at eno o'clock, v. m . oii thr 
pierulaet, tbat valuable KA'cM, coml'liii* of 7fi 
AOBEG. pelflg M.e North West pateof Lot, ho 
2T, in tba 2od Coo.of Wbltcburcb. 1 bete ji a 6r«t- 
rate Frame Bam, 

rft'alflll MS35S, 

And Leg noa:e,abfadt erected. Tha p!a:e U will 
Watered, and beautifully eltualed witbin two r.iilea 
of (he SourliMoK VSltUfl of Kewmirati. 

TKRM'J :— ^300, CVb dowo ;the bilaaee to le 
paid iu three ¥6.MlyiiiK',thiKuta, with inter* at. 

WhUcLorcb, Dee. 2nd, 15:9. iM9 


fufct**,l,iH4, t/is 


T OfciT, e-uie tlrre diflnj llie piU Mouth, 

Drawn lu t^ui etilt £dfriI^ed.iy.1'l.o«. Ei-n*. 
fur $W0.— ell Uarisg gsie r»Uuai/ 4tb, li5S.— 

bul cowloa; dtt i»*; ^iitly jif JECO, lt<il And 
li5X3 # Uaijujr iriUtitt/g^ if 4 (*. 

ftlLAfi BMto. 

I'oar Ov/elllDg Mouses lor B2I0 

Till: und.<raJ*ned t-ffcraf.'r Oal*,crexchsnse f:r 
I. :■;.!. that l!o:a cfNuu Kaildin^a.C4')U]bbg 
four t<i-rfiMi.u, ■Uuatid aU-;t midway Ulwaeu 
ALro.'AStnh.i and Yo^jjo Street. 
fur j .ititcuUic, e( [ lj w 

SAML MACMl-:i,r,, 

; .« • • . . - Bixih Ccu.of Klc/.w 

AtrorA, S.ft ea, tt=iS. if-53 

•Tavern Stail for Sale ! 

IpOIl BlLC, thatwc!»nowu T*veru SUfld.In 
' tba VilL«« of Ket 

ly cu hand a pood M»rfmtM of /.RiV //£A. iUC b 
H SpaflvJi and Blauabtc/ SuJo, Upiwr, Ki P . Gait 
Corrbvanaud Lace Uathe,. Ar.r.V , «•, il * 

xm'^RHK? 11 iind Cow-Hair f 
f^St^ biB * -,, ?*^"^ w * h « 



Aewirauet, A pril 1% m*, lf .j, 

A New Wulcli for Timing IIorstH. 



WATCH ainafarluicn. \i'AM/UJf t JfAS^ 
have Invetr> 1 a tt'ateh fof Tinda^ 1:'u-mj, 
vrbieb r^ifrnn vl;h a p'win[.ti.fta and ac^Lraej 
, nerefbctW aitalL-e I A d'av.jnc aud full nyilc- 
| Ohra aeul on apDliealloa at Walttiam, or at ic> 
■ Wa*lmytr.o £\ , Moeton. or to HobLir,, ,\ AtpUu,o, 
»ew Vorlr. A nateal Iim Uen Bi<shVJ rvr. 

Do<:*ulwr 3, lb'-8. g ,,*j 

IpOR BiLU, tbittit'.Bnowu T*vcru Sttnd, in 77^ ~ 1 " 

Ibe VilL^uof Re(«y,.on tbo l.lct.Unn fff/BV-av ISiaa«« m ' t?A««« 

WJaafts«ar* rerp " lieu,l,, A«ew brocery atom 

, l),\lin RAMSDKN. — — ° 


'ffetlIaby,D«c.O. lef.S.Bj *3xM 

f * "ijoi||)av e t, f J^jT 

fllO LET, a conveiieiitly tiNiaird Gott*p4, 60S* 
i UbjloxFive Bed-^-it-.s. iVrbjrand Kitoheu, 
widiOood Cellar. Fur foirtbtr iia'tic'it^ra £j'|<ly <o. 
Wr. 'i'. A. Haiiov, eriqa Buba«iiper. 

J. 'i'OWKLKY, ■ 

Kawfuarkel, Nov. lTth, |r.'\ if. jo 

fr'ok' Yen Hoi la I'* Only pvr 
Qtmrtcr or'rwcivo U'ccliu. 


ISik'itbul lEa-icUu! 

rpIIF. SuUeriLar offtrafor aale U tba Al)llO}tS 
I Bricb yard,' 

Of aap«rIor (/usllfy, toi.b While f.:id Ittd,atr r - 
uuctd piici'i, 


WHO \,.'jM'» t;ct (heir ebllJrea cbca'p boanS, 
l6d«Ic^,aidrooJ eJucatiuo, fur now la tbe 
ll^eT The 

Fariaora flnnadiao tlodel Bohool, 

Od the 8ib C\ uci'i.a ot Kl«x. 

N K A K N 0.1) I, ETON', 

. The ltoi* lottltuttaa li biUzf fittfil >ip to trroni* 
r lMv«t(ltl9 l^triitfi only, uiudr 13 Yiaie. of tyr. 


W. H.— Allkladi nf JuovU;o»fi will be t3kc& t.r 
j^*fei«iul jl! b:aiktt p/iWeiv Ai»ply carl/ tu ilit 

rii4U4J p or ^rUtlp&l of iho ichu-'I- 
Octo^rfiS 1859. ^ i6„ 

Utiffolo Kobvfli 

l *w3J 

J AUKS N1X0X bo-a to iafora} the lul.ahiUiila 
'■f .Nr mi.^'.iVm. ;. ..I -jic .!. hi-.y ro,intr> thai b« 
naajuilcorrirucLtc*) buklncutift (Jaf.ilGiu.r, 
J-: ;- -i nud l'rot.'ikru dealer. Ii| the 


Corner cf Mill and Main Streets, 

Ofpoite Roadbou^'a f-'abiuel WarcbttiM ia B 4La 
liukta by vending umio tut the 

. Ca-ovixaluo -*fl.vt!,<il«r» # 

Tometl a abarc id public patiitui^o. 

Hiapreifr.tHuck Kill bufn-mdr,,, r X aiu[ n .\!loitt<i 
couiparc, both la t^ualiiy aud price, ivitb any cow 

N. »,— J. If. w|!I tocaoatautly tuw.^;-J with 
a well &>eor«d iiock of 

Bzakdlcs,' Wines, London Voii&t eut 
Scotch AI63. 

All r-f " vl.lch will lofcOLD ebrau f. r caab. 
paM ?s J'"'!"- l-cK<. Ac. 
Nvu-icarLri, tt:i. 31, 1835. 

. , - «rf • ¥ ftlOAij ji;.H',3. Mi-iA2tibbViVvVii--ri!.;. Coivircf Hill and TiiMtby.SWl 

Hwth/M>H>,-.1vi^ ;.#. f, mi i#t$ lis-tf^frava W, UUV i;.i$f FrtuuUU AV/.i IQ«. J 

1 Uar JlK»We'd, and Tor gale, a lot of Ab. | JW. 
J fabJ<ab:f,Bl 

Cvitarcf Hill and Tiioatby.SL,'* 

tfjt/ • »ndi»«tfe 


'Mill: Ifu&ubraed i.«|Ufifwlly lnC^ma tha li- 

| l. i '■:( -r.;. ..( 1 1, ii |, !.■;«• -'.i.J \ic : .n|;y vbat ho bu 

np«lird a naw Ho-t fc'.d tihfr* Sh*>p'(,ppc*fea lh« 

^l.Mb Ameiieart Hotel, aoj t*j* ilvOr nt-rth »>f Mf, 

Kiakri'j JiwcUy tHyra,- wbvee .will V fc*<nl a raa* 
ami aaatrtrbeal of B 4 *l», 8tsO**YO' 7 
and a KfueralBaMiit^aolofCblWii 

/rfafAfJ- /or i^i/e- Cheap 

All ordtiapnuttualiy BlUadrd to. . 
AtUUJacf Ttiui Pioduoa Uk«« la 

"'^ "■■■- -• war 

Ji? . 

- » 


■ :^^^j f 

_^ ^ 

•■■■-^ .--^3--^^ 


■f **>*■ .** r -r - »** 

«- <:_;;;-: ■.. - ^ • ■ 

■Vt*J-* *W>— ' 

lil-i .•;: 

THE NEW 151 : l)ECEMBEli' 1*/. 1858 

.„*#<,— -• 

> V 



w^^*j+*S*J r 

t ft**^** 

**,***- -------- ^ ***> 

(#- Winch railroad in Kn^tand is Uw <"6*l 
faiotuablufor thoacumiilion of knowledge 1 


i'lio. Heading. 

writer J* about 

f£>- It ii f aid tlial * comic 
> blinking out a new farce, entitled, « A Jour- 

.v nay around roy Wife.' 

'■' (&* You may wish to got a wfo without n 
failing, hut what if Iho lady, after r«>M 
h»r,hBppon»loboinwo»tof* husband ol 

tho tamo character I 

A9»Charle* kan> b » nhco a litllo bbr, *"» 

walking with bu infer in • churchyard ahd read- 

lot ibMftUptrt mW »<> |, "»// , I 1 "*' nUv " 
art all tbo naught) people burled I 

, *-y. Judge Jeffries, of oolorioua memory, 
co?otlD2 with bil eaoe Co * u)»d who waa about 
to bo tried, «id J "There It a rogue at the 
end of my cBoe.' The toao to wlio.n, he ptfnl- 
•d, looked at him, aiM, " At end, toy 

lord V „ ,. 

fr?** What a line gentleman 1 taVWMH a 
young lady wbfnwtlk'ml oul with M ho... 
as a slim t\% fooler pasted by 
ictorUd the beau, 

' < 

Yes.' n 

corpulent, ' tl he were i»uc 
not be able to tea Win* 1 
tfr A letter wna dronjicd 


li liner 




into tho Ptai 

Office In Orconfiol.1, Mom . foal ***, dm* 
tod to u KHKorboclty. 1 Nuclieiay. A' 10 ' 
tomoetudy, it »e* tout to fc«« H***" 
Cily, Now Joray* 

ft?- Wantod-othln mnn, whohos heoii 
IU6d to tho buainoai of collecting. 1o crell 
through kovholes, nnd llnd debtors who ere 
ne«rot homo. Selarv-ruithiiig tho firel 
y M r, to bo doubled each year oftorwords. 

JJt»moi/>o*.— A negro hoy being eonl by 
his manor to borrow o pound ol lord from 
his neighbour, ihut delivered Ins rnessogo : 
M MUius Tlwmpaon, iMHft aeiVmt ovor to 
borrow'orbog a pound of hog lollow \ lie 
eay ho got do old sow up In do pon, fciwn 
•em, ho gwhio to kill hor doy before yester- 
day, and ho come ovor week 'for© last, and 
and pay all you owo us. 11 


Newmarket A«1vcriiscncnt«. 


. . .-W . W'tfS^ * 

IJale, ]0QllbK&*.Lff 

Acwmarket, Oct. 28 


iioo conaJUoo)~wid f<"" 

Ncv/mni'kct , Advcvttecncnto, 

u+s* , r* 





sisr- <%^|i 

r vJ^ 




\ MerchanUimd tcadan'ajW beootbclr Kuard 

aad not Im liopoMd uiKiii bv r, I,-' i.ffu -A 

Uoraea 1 

, IndU'u lloot C'itU.elRnod A /i. JwAM. 
li.tliiiii Jl'At P11U have tho name 

All f/onuluo 


but «^ bli'lTfo In twwftlbg. bavFllff vhltcjl 
rope, Ada, and Africa, m well as Nurtti A 

AiiJ^o.tuioof^./. ICAU»* CJ., on each bear. 

J>K.MOKHK,tliolnvciitorof MOHSR'* IN- 

VIM HOOT ha» ap«ut tho Krt*t« 

hi ted Ku- 


lii-'hwaiiCtit three )'*ai« enmug tho tntliaitaofj 
our VhwiI country— It wua lu tlila way that 
0.0 .InaifJi Itoot I'llU WCIO filrtl JihCOVMcd.— j 
l)r. MoibO vu tho fimt man to cMaWinti tht 
7wt Oiat utl iliMiMM arise from IMI'VltlTYui\ 
tho 111.0011— that our »lrfcnfr,lh, htallh and 
ifo down'dtd uiwo Uifa vltsl fluid. 

F A.J. WlllTK,&0o. 

oO Leonard KlKt-l 

l^H. MOIISK, tho inventor of MOKSK'S 
■■' ROOT PILLS, hai apotit tliu « watoi pan 
of Ua lif»* in lmv«|litiK, liaviiiff visii.i.t Kuiupo, 
Avjti and Africa na woll u* Nurtli Anierioa— 
1ms apOOl lluoo yeara among tho indium* ofuiir 
Win eountiy— H waa in lltla way that 


Wold iu N( HillVUIc, 


Ptace to the \Vortd t andPttntytotty Pwr. 

HO U tour Baker t Pieaao gtta THOMP- 
SON & DIXON a eail^-Warnuited It bo Ijia 

Best Bakora aod Ceftftctloww ; 

Iq tllla Provlneo, whohaie lately takco tha pram- 
Utfl and bvafiirM of Mr. T. II. Barroo^h, -V 


WcddlnK Oak** made to Older. Pnnlca aopplkd 
on ttio BnoltMt notice and of the beat quality. 


4 AAA I 'DO Jit'TTBIt, tfibt.bwrt 
K<IUS,f.)r wMdi, ca*li will '»» pil'I"n delivery. 

U7«maiKMiu5« tiii'* Ai>imi«8.jyi 


iw...- t rtv|,^.i» f .19lh. »*Ffl. U57 



Ln offored for nil© on 

r:— ,' " 

vhlcl, .he MARKET PIllOB WM* 

-i il,rt a\'rfcr/rnfl?Vf ItitCiWI 

o. Foao, 

I POU which !'■'■ « ,'".,."' •-■ i 

1 pk riio httljo Aewmaikelbteaio ™ iL 

Newmarket, Oct. S3, •39. 





The Same, Old Pri go Agftta II 

THE 8uUcriDtr will Jake Ambrotypa TOR- 
TilAITS, aabtliudoaabeforojor 


feetlidfoR Csaef. Aod u the P/lta la wy low. ' 
LpeaalfwIiWagtoaklalB PertrtlUtf tiiaw«f- 
nrlrlenda. will 0T». him t talU « . 

l?T PottratM aet Iu ttroochat, LockeU, &0., at 

■ cvotiabtt prices. Jftl ,;., t V , . -._. - 
Call early ami arcureTOU'1'kcnnrt.a* ho |ntent» 
taklnr them al that price for n abort lime (inly. 



A. W.'f'ARKBK. 

Ho«Mb>rlTtJi,«-CX -W-* 

•■ ■ JL -,1- iif?-«i ^ L 
?, """"i'BA8. -onooBniRB, 

Crockery. Oltf»-«»i°, ftwh**."" m " l "" E ' 


Intho Grocery DepMlrnentwIllbofoood- 

Tc«, Spicea, 

Coco» t 

Chocolate, Ratstns, 

Sugars. 1%» 

Newmarket ' rAdveyljocraente, 

ic — : ** u * 

rpHE' Parfocrabip hftloforo existing Vati 
A Jo3i*n jAtiuaadt/onx Dneiafatbis 


Janucry 9th, -18£8< Jdtec!-Vcd by mutual content! 
Airetalrh«"egeTatt tho l>ra to ba paid by Joub 

1>^m»ib, nnd all debts tloutho firm, to ba collected 

by him. 

Cigar A, 


K.B.— The Uu3inc?a to bo'carrlcd on by the 

v]]i^:iiigrjcd,olthoO]dBtaod, . 





poft. which the aob^ribjr ni 

eb!o p.l CCS „ „ Dy 8 K ,„ X'dYi c!.V " M ** 




BUST Auifttd and wjg 

y, tho Ifithinft! 
nl of 

VHP. HubKrihcr fccloj 

minua to kcrp up the 

bttt prko lii Oanh for n 

Mqueolly will pay tho b 


Titou-sauds Dualils of (iood FeaH, 

])e)ivcrcd nt his Mil!* lifHoutTville. 

!•:. wiiKr.HU. 

Beptemhir JGth. 1B5« Gm3i 

H8TI G>@ . 

tO all whom It may cou&ern : alio autacrlbcr lia»i 
placed the notea given on the "lay of litacnhr, 
via; ou tho 20ili Oclol»er, 185ft, iu Iho lieuilaof A. 
DoultUo.fcM* Newmarket, for ooHcettou. 

' w N. A. QAMBLR. 

Nawmwatkot, Oct.37, 1658. If-:i7 


— WAM 

Cloake, Cap.', Muni 

l,adiiV Wini 


Ailifiolal riowurri, I 

Bonnol Sbtj>aaj and y 

thn country or Town 
rj*j- Kuxt Door to 


Rice Macoroni, VcrmiceUi, &c, &c, Ue. 

• In lite Provision Depavtwcnt 


i'ork, JIacon, 

Hams, . ^obstera, 
M«cker.;l» H\ 





imu^««irtefe};sff.* to *««s; 

Nc nra , 1 ,, S9 K Y 58 . K,RK ^TR,C^ 


. V 

4 Hull and Copt, 

ad ])tv.->f.H, |{il)t»<»jifl, 
•r articles lOfjutrwl by 


(lio Post OfTice. J^O 


Knwmarknl, Oct. 



Miscellaneous AdvcrtiscmcittH. 


Buffalo Mcdica! Uispcnnary, 

KbTAtll.lBHKO rOh TMB 0«M «>' 

DysjxpiM, General &e&iiitif, Fever awl 
A%ue> Old Utcers t Scrofula Eryiipcla*. 
■ Great Jmjmrilt/oJ fflwd t Pimptt* Salt 
liheum. Fistula, Piles. Liver Com 
plaint, Kidney's. Debility, ajy. ; Hanker* 
Sore Mouth. Asthma, lncifdent, Con. 
sumjUiont Ulcerated Sore 'Phroat. fiy- 
phitts. Seminnl Weakness and the In* 
firmities of Youth and Maturity, 

By Dr. Amos & Son, 

Coimr *,f i/ainajutQu^y S*'«fr, Buffalo, N. T. 

Tridiart jtooi Wl1« woro firet diecoyoroJ. fir. 
Marat waa the fitet man to eataWiah 1 ho fact 
that all I uUotaoi^Miae from IMPUltlTY OF 
TliE Dl/)OD— that oor alron^tb> iwallh aud 
life depends upon thia vital fluid. 

VVbon the varJouspaaaa^edbecorooaoioffeed, 
and do not act in purfaci bannony" Wita ihe 
diffartni fundlooa of the body, ihe bW loowo 
iu action, boooraoa tbia*> corrupted an« dla- 
taftodt thus CBoaing all pams, aickiieaa nttd 
diiiraaa of etery namoi our alrBnJtb. la ex- 
liaiiatod.our'btaHh wo arc dpprived of, aod If 
nature i» not aMwle<Hn ihtowiug ofTlho atag- 
nant humor a j tho btood ftill rwjoiae choked 
atidoeaM to act, aod thua our light of l>fo will 
futtwr be blown out, How iinpottanl " ibtn 
that wo aliould keep tho variouapassa^oaof ihe 
body free and open. And how to ua 
(hat we have it in bor power to put" a medicine 
In your roach, namely, Motw'tt Indian Rwt 
Pilfe, manu(a.oturt:d*fforn pla/ileundrooi-i which 
grow around Ihe mountainous dills in Keturo'e 
garden* for the health end recovery of diuNuutf 
jnan. One el the toots fcotri ".hit: I* ihepe I'illit 
ai<» made ia a tSuderilic, which op'jns thn jyHew 
•of the akiftj and as^iata Naiur«» in llitewitfj! oul 
the finer parts of the itynuplion within. Tins 
Ictondiian Kxpouirjidni, bnA ojntnd amiutj- 
elojnllio T,atsiijjolotluj luii^fi, and thu-», in n 
twt&iiHu TjiKQ(it(| i>'irf'jini^ it^ duly by tUinvt' 

hy copious tpit'iiit;. Tho third ic a ivjuwiir, 

which give^ ifa«ia aud double slierifi'h '" " l " 
khltivye j thus eu«!o:iti^r!il, thriy draw Js-'fi' 1 

ant'iutiis of iiopurily fiwo Iho hlsil, xv1ii«:]i is 
then ihrowu out b'tVintilnlly by the uilriiny «i 
water passastfi and wliich could ii'ii Imvu li*:i j n 
diachat^od iii any eth«r way. The louilh i- 
4 Cathartic, and aeeinnpame* tin* oiliet pi«p»?f* 
ties of the Villa whilo erig^fld in piiiifyinu 
the blood; tho coarinr nuttieles ol iTiin'iniy 
which cannot pti*a by llnromet eutlvle, rvw the» 
taken up ami convoyed elfin {jiuuicrujuatitilics 
by the LowoLr>. 

Ftum the ?h'>vo, it it> thown ihttl ))r. Moo'-j'a 
Indian Hoot V j Ha not only cntfr tbu frloimieli, 
bul Lricotncji iniilod with tho Hoo-I, fur they 
Aud way to every \jatt, and cmnulelHy com 
out fctid clttiltu tho i-yftUiirt from nil im purity, 
and tho I ifo of tho W-ly, which in ihe Moodl 
t*coi(i(;s perfuc'.ly hfc;tilliy; foiifO-n'ivntly al, 
»icVn<s£s tn>J f^in ia djivcii frorr. Hie hynti.*!!!, 
i'it they cAtiiiiil tfiuaiti whcnthi.' hcoouioa 
a> pyre ttid clear. * 
The roa'-on why h':oi>!e aie eo distressed 

Wowmarkot Mills. 

0>f<* rii]!KSiib.-inrilMi keops conatanjly on 
/ i hand— Flour, llran, Shorts and 
&—±-> t)hop Stuff, wh(cb liotn and iftor tbla 
dale he will soil tor CASH OM.V. 

JJONAU) .sutukklan'd; 

Nowrnarknt, Juno 91. 1857. 11*21 


MiS9Ba i?mmm a smith, 

BKBVKCTFUIJ/Y winouoco lo Iho Uditsot 
.Newmarket end vicinity. that they have W* 

ccnily ojicuC'l 

MiLLtmm snow jtoom, 

In tha prerolM* ndtnl/ihi^ .Mr. Kumne'a Saddlery 
end ncarlv eripeaitc the Amr/iruu Moh-I, wl.rn- 
they kcei> cenaiaiitly Mr hand overy rlc^riplmn of 

ivril 3 i ni*yy- O-oocio 
Knhf aclnu the lalct* atylw of fashion. MHIinary 
Ooodsnioadlo order on the r-horitf»t iiolie« find iu ] 
ihe meat faahlonabla atrla.- 

%T A- call reaeeetfully Solicited. XO 
Newmarka^OctU.lBSS. - 

Troul, (Fresh and in Barrel,) Herring, Cod- 
fi.h^dry,) Oodliih, (in Barrel,) Potatoes, 

I'lour, I*c39i , . . 

Oatmeal. Crackers, 

Uiscutta, Cofofflettl, 

JJuckwheat Flour, Ut., 6*3 

*e. kftpt a pood itil'Plr of Knglhh and Arnold 
Wim, in almoat all iho departs 


tenia ofBclent* 

iid l.itt' varlousr>eyfeaofWndlnff.toj?atb- 
r v/itli n firnt-ralc fiupply of romily Bib!ea,Tt8- 


tbinrula nud l*rayer J-'oViKe 

— AWO,- 

Utatimioryef all kinds, PancyGoed^, Dolla.Mti- 
wni' li.Mfomenlx. Blank ItooVa, Music Btoka, 
VDtiK A-.- . iff. 

& wr>;arki-<« Iht-i, iBf.ti. 


njtHK'Under^gnsd ropsttliiUy Intlrnatcatolhs 
X InliP.Mt' of Nc^mr-rhcl-rid. aurroandiog 
country that heliM Itcmered to the j»rernl*ca lately 
occupied hy ilffi. HALL, fccovre r.i tho Temper* 
aneo Haleon. opposite hhfermcr ef btiloe'3, 
wbe-ro he con^tniitly bcapa on hand a largo ami 
-i/cH-rclcctcd Block of , 

moyti, ehqsd & ®Mmm, 

c/ jill t\? r i .i nhrl <! -_ : r ;ipUon a t!id ct pflcci lhat can* 
net fM I lo giro cntiro tMhfcctluT** 
'Xhceegogdi )Uw bscn in 511 uf« I tired 


rtio 8ub;Ci*lbc/ # llicroforo, liu every confidtncelo 
rccommc*ndipj; hla fttock to the public/ % 

(ffiCatt ana examine the goods and faicet. 


Kcirmarlett f ^prllS^ie58, tMl 

lAf\A T RQ OF Butter, for which 
lUL/U LDO,, tbe Highest ifarket 
Price will bs airee. •* 

Newmarktt, Nov. Wh t 1858. r/-3& 


Eagle Hotel and Saloon. 

Cojiducted on the Nigh d) A'oWe PrinciJltstt 


IpHE^bscTiber reipeelfallyaDoeaucestbat la 

Hotel, near tho Rail noad Station 

( AndhaTinerefitledftndfurnl«>.edit,iADewouD.r 
«d to aecommoriate e largr* number ettaefijuSll 
reaeoaaMe tarine u any other Boose .5 thr, E '?.V mmum, ' 

. ^dttoalyhoftVraalWavaloaiUDdacel 

KT , A few Boardfts by the weelr.Mr. Uiuin. 

mod aud. iUou.s f IroUhed lor priute fsttiBrt. 

O. FORD.' 

Keamaikct, Nor] 







H$6t tVBWmtDi GRATIS, 


ON Kaivous Debility, and phe various foima 
or Prflnwt'ara Decny l bold rriODlaKHiid 
pfiy*iGa[, ariolJig fjoiQ yoailtful oxceaaM. infoc^ 

iloi>,ihp oJFwu of olimnie* fco>} teraatk* oit 

(ho u^eof thh MUroecOp^tnd ihe a qoeMfon«tj]e H 
treaim^nt idvocwc«ibycerl»in v/rilow j follow* 
sdby'pr&ciioa! oVwrvipviioifoii M*i«ago, plain 
tfii«i)]L6na for itie.pwveniipn nn^ removal of 
certain dlaqualificHtlons/i'Oles for wlf-lieut- 
meBt f to* 

An inslruroenl for Ihe cure of $oueta1 Debil- 
»ly f Or mora properly Ituown as Siwninat W«ok- 
uesip Nervous Debiliiy» Low Sjiirii^ J i J RP«i*u«lu > 
W«atci»e*&of iho Hack 9tM Lirob-s* [)iiniiiMi$ uf 
1 Virion* &C., &,* iiicapacilftliii^; it»* ywiifii (or 
bu9}nc6S| or inuTrii'ioipVi wii'l«*i»sf biro mi^att* 
ihiopicnl ui»*l ^ijiciilal in Jxii p:ripi'HMlt^^. ih ui- 
btaruty arre^liid, ami |M:tniU(icnlly < ufciliti Irotu 
fifu;on lo twenty ilQyoby iho u^u of ibis Eisistiu- 
mv»li wbaii Ubt-il cojijointly tvhh rriutlii:ifi«. 


Dii- Amw & Soh> in onlci lo d&li^fy ibo inoM 
r*konlictil uft lo llio :ner»l5 of Ifile fn^lroin^nl, 
ptiul^u ibrMO&elVtiB thai in any iribtanci! wbcta 
ib«y nisiy piovn mi^ilbihirlory after a fiiirtrinl, 
ibi» moil**)* will bp lebinilinf by roniihiii^ liu; 
ln % ?riiin^nt in !***'t»l nr>k<r. 

J^t'r^oJiK wi*|i!r«K ili«*iil^ivt*Mi'!t*fu1 fmstrometii 
will oUHMVif tltfti lb-* pjU^r vvilb th<f ai-j-oin- 
i»jiiiyini; 'liMTit-rii^. ^'iiori'Iy p-it^kWfa himI nn*l 

1|fE II H«l fi I r Utu t «1 f> To j itVf< 1 lEOll 1 h vlt 1 for m*i com 

im-V'I of liu* w<mwIv p;ni- of F#Mh K»>, 101 
hutl 104 in lli* fir. tc*i»jri;>*-ion <if lval<Jwilliinljury 

w«Atni<ln ''I y*iiin# Slird 

IMliftinii* liy nkiiK Alf Mcli olbi-r f.T« of ntw^ 
ly trjitil nn a, tiafJ Cot Matin, tc^cllitf, 

ABOWT 333 AOaBfl, 

iHubject to fim vfty) aud iiicledoaeleariiiK of auMII 
ott Acrt-H t'ir tartnty five Acs, a on each, the re* 

iDefuiler ^ ri|i i: covartd with valuable timbers, io< 
chid in t/ 

Hardwood, Fine, Cedar» kt. 

Thti.' eru on the premiua A'OrV/i MtRQR 
FRAME HJUKS. nearly uaw.'lwltb foutcHltul 
Hbedc, Piiigciite. I'umpa, Qialerna, &c.; and oImj 


One of which W been iu»ter«tod/at/ lar^o ellU 
lay, and being well .Bnulied, aad cominaiidlDg a 
tine flew of the adjaceet country, including the 
Tlltnge of Holland LumliiiK and the Korthem ltoll* 
road, (which runs along the vuttrly boundary,) 
fliskeH aroett deelrable retldence for ■ genteel 
Ultra la on the premlwa a Una ; ' 


With a choice aaaertmeot of fruit Irecaof moat all 
kinda. , 

The land la well watered, of excellent quality; 
stid with iho K'tal Yoni/e Blrcft road runloa on tbe 
front. And ihe Holland Landing Station of Ihe Kor* 
ther» Itnilwny only a few roda dUtaiil, inakee tha 
hftnniifiii specially conrceteiit for Marltela and for 
nil oilier advantage*. 

The K/eattr portion of tbu lame and otdealablUb* 
ed Viiragn of Midland Landing atande on tlir- K* 
tiraiixirr of lh"jft U\\ arid for poiticnrs of lb© lands 
now ohVm:'I larjrn prtfce- has liven refund* which. 
with othw iiilviiiii^«-«, pi-irdtT tlwst* fniinti the mo*t 
doh;! hitln-U'i offer"! for \ ■ 1 1- in this |»3|> of the 

The fiirin.\vil|h» ».old cilhrr together rtr nQiHT&te* 
ly> 'JVm'iK -«ii<: third down, haUnci' io fuur an- 
mini itl*cclnn:i»l»». wilh iiilercr-t. 

UV Aupty to'tlio uinij-rhigned on the prcrnh<e\ 
or to Me»". Ryjt.jc und fUtttn, Kngincern and 
Serveyors, Kcwiuarliet- 




JuTv &l»b,1P.'i8. tf-25 

%'r i\ii. The W^UW, Glebe and A*rt-j 0/ Iftt 
ItVrf' to cojiy (111 fvihid 

rJjaWBN^'rtB voiet 

^:" ' of troih and reaaen 

and be profited by M.-f 

The llrat bail Mioo lli^l 

all who trill c *ft i yF Pf 
ry. and oibfr." mineral 

^^ _ __onl dtlaytoeaethewall 

k'uowu and juaily colebrateilladiar) {Hsftb Dofi'r 
h.r F; Tumble iy, wbo>rlll tdmirilale/ thoa? on- 
ly irun rind ^afe medicines from naluro'a gaiden, 
witirlr liHftfoi ile autlior itro giejit arid Altwi« 
Phyatnlan nbove. '/•'■'• 

I'lto lollowina ilfMWiifia can hiUMired by Dr. 
T. in liu- iiiootol'-liHatHMH^jofiheir.exH i»ln , *»l 
vi/.; DiMf.iM'Kof ilie hvinSf, Hcjjii, ' Liyur hu<\ 
Thr.Kii. Al-ft, Dyaptfiifiti On*|>ai*yi aw! all«»i*« 
eaaet of the ldeod t aiielihs Sjurnfula, iltys\\wU» p 
.•Sail Itlu-uni, Fi'Viii SDifa,anJalloiliei.Klii<iiii<i 
vuiii|itaiiiia of yearo alan'dinj. . g i-^ 

Person* reiidirifi at a diaitrice vyirdiingiocoii' 
aultlbu Duciyr, can do ao by lettvr peal paid, 
enclQ-iiMfonedoUar if they eriali'foranaiiawer. 
Alt letter* of tlii» naturewtllrfxeivelrnmeiliale 
attention, and auch advice given as can t>o d«- 

pended upei). 
.P. S iiie Doctor vFiHalMJfiivpparticiilur ni- 

leotloR lu all iliaeaat* (wculinr lo Frmaler* mid 
Children, ' N. II. MediciiKM put wp in a uv;il 
und compact fiomi can bo nciit frei» fimn dini- 
i«ter ol curiosity by exrHtpe, fo; a lulling Mini 10 
iiny part of tbe Irorta, accompanied fry full und 

plain direciiona for uae, thua allowing peVtnNt 
in the interior and moat distant parte of llw Kiev* 
ince to recnivo a eafe and aucce^efol enutav ol 
treatment without ihft exten&e end iraublr of 
vialling Ihe City# ' 

Letluraahoutd bedirected ins plan bold hand 
10 ihe Indian titrb Doctor, F. 'PamUety 
'Jhronto, c. 19. - 1 

Newmarket, Ocf.20fA/1858. . Iy36 

T11K a«ib"efiberhec)i to announce to Ihe tnheu- 
.Itauu Of tfKtyMJMKIZr, and euHountlinfl 
ceonlry, that be purpOKts carrying on tha Vasintaa 

Iii alMta Tarloua branchen. Ho Is now prepa.iee'. to 
receive orders for'inaking tip new Double and EHft* 

gle Barrelled/- 

Guiisj Rifles, £fc 

The'DOderflgntd having worked in the principal 
abo'pa In Canada nnd the Uoiled 8talcp. he fV«i» 
confliltnt his work will «ire aitiifactioti to all T.h<. 
limy farn' Mm with their i»)lri'ii»jr,e. 

*&• Hloekinjr ami JobMiitf done with iteatnc-M 
nno d^wpaicli. All VVork Wafranlrd. ' 

SAop—TVo 9oori Nfftthof M. W. Bosarfi Store. 

Xe»ri,H'ket.'^pri|9n, I8.W- x lf-11 

Ipi m e: . 

Pork Cordwood and Hay, 

CORD WOOD and HAY wanted, In exchange 
for llran or Bhoi^&t tho Ncv/marlcct Blcatn 

. . 0. J'OIU), 

New market, No?. 9th, 1839. if-S9 

Saddle, Harness, and frank Linker, 

UAUi VtntVt .'itW'IAnKET, 

New Boot'/and Shoe Store ! 

p<H?Kr>./LK Lime ku 
1 \ Itn'd lt";»'> Stbuou, hy 

Kewmarkel.yffprll I5lli,l85?. 

1 ^Viuciit for sale At the 

O. IvOUD. 
' tf-9 

W 1 ! 



W chlh.Hilii 

4<.lv in e«'liAnpc for 
)s. flannel, HUukcls, 



in (NAla'av* in ili^ 

Iiwy;tl Col 

I -'III - * <if IPJK 1 > 

Uniii-il sSl^k- 
k in \h 

when tick, tii'i \\\ty *'j iiuii.y die f ib because 
l1*y <1<J iLijl i;vt A lUii-tuiino which \siJl j)is* tu 
ihe pfilfclcJ |>&iW, ittiil ttlilvli will ojien Ihu 
nttUT*l pbl^iigC4^ for Ihe «u*vnw lo Uo c^6l out ; 
l,c:.( u, & !«r^^ ituanliy ol fcy/'l uiul hlht-r m^H^r 
i$ IcrjLr'td, end urn feivUfliiiUi biul vuUAuwii are 
ltt«raily ovesiflcwin^ with the c^nu^t^l uv*s> ; 

ihU! Uh'ib-'tjoing dl(«»[ii4:ELlfta ftiHfttiEU&lLHH, 

oouitintly mixioy wiih thdbto( > J L \vtjkli(hraw6 

lh0C0UU|>ted HtVUjT itlTOHgll *)Vi;ry V>HI. tk\\\\ 

•tilery until life i* taken from tlia I>j:Iy by Ois- 

tfcw* l)r. Mwfte 1 * I'lU^Shuvu tiJJ^.UoiLeni- 

t^lv-ti victory U|»a vkioiyi hy tu*\*nit\g tni1* 

lion* of tha tick lobtoorniutf lieulili Uiii hapi* 

DBttt Ve-»tUoiieanJsi u tio havu bueit racial 

M to^^tul^l wHIfaJckOei^ |i&in ami enyui>!i, 

£i>4 whoia fevUe fcamet have teen $corchmi 

Ly iht} buining elemeiili of Ntging fover t 

aiiJ ^Ilo I^Vtj been bituglil* ai it were, within 

a dtop of ibti tilfcU! grave, iwnr aland *eat}y lo 

tettifytUU Uitjy would bav*' U^n nuenbfirad 

with the dtfa<J, badil noi been for (bit great 

,nd VfOOdoifol rrteJicine, MoiftoU ludiui Hocrt 

iJtc, After ouo or twodoaea hid baeu l^keiia 

iLvy wtfiu talouuljfcJj tnd abs-'jUiloly *.arjsiH*id| 

iu wiLutiKiitjg lh<iir chfirmhigeflciot*. Koi^ily 

d« UibY K-v«> iuiinbdiata aau *tid etfcn^thj aad 

\vVij *. w ay all *Ickoaaa| pain tad anguWi^ tot 

ilu> 1 1 ciw« ko to ssofV bi tho foundftiioriof tboi 

diwa-e, wbleh is U*o blood. TbartforOi H«1M 

l>3 tUownaCM>ociaUy by tboao »h<i uao tbew 

l>ilU t tUt thoy will to clo&nre aud purihr. *haf 

*lisc^to tlifti deadly enemy— will lako iu 

fi^bt^hdthofiubUol youth aud boauiy will 

atft&in lututiia and alio |^^o^pecl *>f ^ long auJ 

Lappy life \>i11 cWUh and bria^Wiiy^ordaya. 

&*&.bt<afi* AM Bobuioa baveibo natnaof 
A- J, Wiiii* & Co. oh t£cba»ox* AlfrQtho 
tlgKQturt cf A. J. IW*fte $Vo All olU/a 

tig tt>L:tiu-d5. 

Aa J. WHITE L CO M So(* Proprlttari, 

W LLoitatd iSinct, «rw York. 

Ur ( MotbuU Indian llwi Pill* 410 co!d by all 
.Ute) iii McdiaJitita. 

ilawatiUdlu **^*iy town. yilli.uti s-nd 
ibcd^-Otit the Und. iVititi dtfiiiny 
witl irddiw^a w ubvti t^r leuna. 
^r box, fwe boieaatut 

tliti SllLlc- W 

ii'U'S of Siirj5< 

lh**mi**i t'ini 

May be uonsiiUinp fn»m i-itfill ■i T i , l-« , K in lift 

tnoniiny Mini] nine ol niv'il in rVftpy Haya* aii<l 

fyinptom <if lit" V<mnie;tl D^usi^e. Tii»* lt****(- 

miuiiH hey iu!npl is llh' r.^^Ht tif upward ofihii^) 

yticire'uacion^lYottndK'jCL'iricftil jwactiro in 
d'jfi, Thti moil MivoU'ruio caiei of Vear«:itl 
DiKCi^efi onulirntad irietuht ur nine* dHVfj ar.d 
c^e.^ of a alight natUfo hi 1 wo or ihrou ilftya, nl 
a Moilrpiti] cxp^UEQ, Tim cuie *jJli*ch'd with- 
out continomcaal or hindiAiico fiorn bueinbr^j 
bihQi nr^fiMp aiul ! pairia in thn bone* nnd liruW* 

ii(|i!rlually lifadicat^d. 

ho sitcceMfiilfy treat i*d hy foiwauliiajt acnfr^cl 
detail of their ca^o, with a reiiiiiUiicBforM^d* 
icxnea # which will bo rciurin'd with ihb uitno>t 
despatch, and ^ciire iiflm obwrVasiioik 

La-tter** for advice m»l coninin * fee of (1. 

(J't- I'alienU wUb<«l for Mftlirine* will lit* 



Doctor of Denial Stirgufy, 

HAS cojiirnemcil |)rncliceathiflltooni¥, lin- CC, 
Kinj{ A'tieet K^i : "litre he may he courtull* 
ed InallfaswrvlaiivotoldBprofto.iiiti. 

5»* I'sitieularalteiiiionjfiviiti to the regulation 

*5y" All arwk WarwiWil,^ 

Totouto, June Slh, 1858, •'•^ 



Main-Sit^ I(twmari'tt t cjpotUe' Hutftl** Korih 

. l . *t ^dn^rf^n //offf> ttl 

BEOB leave te' returo hU- alecete thajit" (o the 
inhahftanbi of -KewiP«a'el_ tao ttffToiin<)iDg 
countrv, fir tho uiipre-cenifeet aucC^aa.hehta met 
with i-loee comnisncinfr, hn^lneaa.'aiid trastafitthv 
unremitting attention le all titdon entrtiUtd so'hu 
care, to iiiert a coaliutiaoce ef the eamr. 

The targtet and heat a>*orted Block o 

Watches, Olocke, Jewelry, and fiilyer 


North ef Toronto, which will hoaoWtnceoatquente 
of iho tight limes »t 


Tf.r.u the* Ufiuftl pib4j>-|Uilidl ailichfi Warranted 4a 
ii-jaie i triti<l. CIkYh in i>uiIIc*,h ¥aiii:lv from $1^75 
tu $20 ; Watches from $i lo $50 ; Gold do fioto 
a&ffjti^lSfl; f-ftdi \ Iha-v^cbes in gtdd a Catnra arid 
ijtliM Hiojns tin! fioin ^tji>|>! koIM RuH fingor 
riiijj^fa»>'U$iu[); fiiif .«lh*j» and rinjta from $I-W 
o]>: LSi»«iac1i->s *if aH'Uijds hoin3t<ta-#npi*iW 
Ctsi* in, Wsiicht'i (!!*>"*k«a JevtcUy jepalrtd ia a 


Ulc-^5 liu * -I iuW Wftttbt-s for 25c($.,all wand* 
KeAVfiihrktt f P«Ma«> 165*. tf-W 

v.-jini- '1 iirltfttdi 
and Clothing 

linrrl tiifien nrO X } -;h*'4 hv:i > art " b<4U-r Umca 
coMpDKi Veoplo have piovcd Ihot CLrfJt t£*B man* 
ufvturc-s are joil lli^ thin>; to t'iii th* cliiiiate, &n«| 
lor price, andrjuttlity^ BU) pifidady what wo WMI 
(ocurohafd limch. 

How-a* tt croa):ini; -ir»<l brin^yoni 1 wog.1 to the 
auUcriUr whtreyuu can litf* it raniu&fitwcd by 
the yard ot 

Prices to Ml tli6 Than* 

Orey Falfctotti l^f Ibi WoolM;d la M | (r vtr. 1 

Heavy Saline 

Heavy Wirier Twccda 1M 

CMRIUAGKfl TiJrrimcd, Ac, in tho ttttrtti 
* Ktvle, 'aid acOOfdinglo Ofdnr. 

It. Plaining Icodcw hid tlattra ifcaoka to Iiis 
frmidftcudincrcvifig |]umbcr<ifenatorutt> r |cirllio 
Whtii] palroasge afucelfl l^iftlnc^and tolieila a 


A choice aV-tortmtftt of all arliclea tn bti lint 

of ii'-iin-.! con^anlty kept «Q hand, u he Ik 

determined to y\*z hi« frlDnrln anrl CQttonitrjt 

who may fa tor Mm wiih Uirfr piUoDag^arUph^ 

Of Ikr' IrtUt quality iirul iu rVtM ^Lvm: ftn^ i 

/At Moderate Chaiges, 

(C7" r C ft " nfi| t fcxaimtie for youmlrcf be- 
lore |HJf«:liA b iii^ f l.-st ^J'^fi , arid you ml] ht v;dl 
paid for jnpr troohle* 

-twi frputff iifin PftiJiiti labia t% e«rftn«e-' 

f -f ::•■; I;. ' VWer*;:' ;". :i " 
J5J* All Orders and Repair liag tlone ou theahe-i- 

te*t DMice. 

NewrnarJtel, Jan. 15, I85e. 


flUlK un.krr1»ne.l raspeclfellv infcrr.i ihe ra* 

1 ' hahitantB eftni'(1n<eanrjv»;aitr t lhat U i»t 

opened saw lV, & t aril Sh« Hi, ? ^yjj,, lhtf 


Where Ts'ill hafotjnil a jlV&r/al^ioiltntMOfBulA 

-Dd ShotA adapMltu|1l-;iftfcD,and atific^Vb 

pi-/ Cf Dt l-r'li'j'/ ll-5 

bttcDt;on p^i'l lo rj^lcui; 

As Ihft work Li imde 
can r.irr^ai it to he c£lh 
A*/-*.— (M«/w M* jfyn 


br>t oqalky* 



li. LEE. 

15 5". 



Whikoy! Whisfioy! While*; 

■ £rf>MJ:STK; JnU TOI»)iV 

Or r.xc* 








(7aUra c- 












U t (hi. Wt 

Winter Tiree'li* 1 
Wtfol and 

Shepherds l'lairliU! 1: -- w,Vil 
Cotton Warp Flannel 

Wool and ' ■ 
Do.. Do-, i'loidfor dr((-'.«. I 
All Wool Plat«1 flannel I lb. 

' Wool and 
Hear? a'l rTool Dlanktu 12 IU. 
Wool toil - 
Or exchanged forgoodaon tc-r 

aaturectorv. * 

•Voolto bemanafaetored,or caehftnju-d. wiH'U) 
akeaai Ilia >ul«eril>er'a office in Ford'a Unci: 
tfoow.' Mai a Street. . 

The custom canting eua cloth ore-vm^ dipati- 

raejt la ni\l under the chaise of Mr. UP'J'OX. who 

fife uniform «rtl*faetloi> in that line lastjeir,— 
artloa brinstin^ wool from a diilauce <s> W c;:fdv.l 
wilt hate It done io at to take their roll* hot^e with 




mi lu: 


\,;t pair, 

.'I'Jtt {rJOVL* 


Gxoeoty and Piovifiion Stor© I 

THE todersl(5fled,ln ntoraing thaoVa for the 
!il>erat pfttreoage battowed oo him aioee eom- 
mcceiDg lmilne*a In tbla atace, reape^tfnlly Imi. 
males, Uiat hla Store ii w>» flll*d with eTtrytbing 
required by the coaotry trsia, in lh* fSfoeexy lies ; 

Teas, Coffees, : -\ " . 

Sugars, Currants, 
Raises, Rice, 

'robacco» r Ctgar» r _ ■ g . .. . 

Herrisgsjdricd & pickled, 

Cod FUh,ac: 

— AlSO—* 


Oflhfl brMntialihr.andat p'ice* that cannot fall 
tu yh'* f itNrVti&tff : tnjrethei with 

/i/a/tO lfAMS4> BACON, 

U.'Vl<>.i?i«cfr- l .\MRBea,Bynpa. A«; The Block 

t,liij'.i-.r*j"npli':r, and the public are invited to call 

...■': i.;".'>; an iii4|MCliori. • 

X«A'« Huron Fish W the Parrel. . 


Newiiiarket.-July 16, 185?, tf-$l 

atyitd accoidin^ to 
plaint. Addm 

Oftice, Corner Main & 

IJ..C, 96, l«fr. 

b tmtuif *if ib.irir Coin' 

|y 8UeeU,l)uffa1o,MY. 




WOULD inform hisftie'uda and tha public, that 
from tUr, WST.WaapiKMUtmeiiU will be m 

follows : 

The 1ft! Monday in each mouth. Dr. K. C,E. will 


rplIK CUrkcftheFotrlh DjvU'khi OoujI f n thr 

_L Unlit: d CaUalka of York btnt 1'itl, v%iM lev **i 

fttttudaiico at ihe Rail ltoa*l flottrl. S\wn«aiWtl P rH) 

Tliutaday lo itch aod every v^uJj. CMNUfJ* m iiiu' 

with Tliuiaday theSiili Jtiuo. frit tii> UiiiUACMon 

iif bullacMCOfJC«U3'i frith tlio *fcH /'omt, 

C. JI0(JA1JIK)M ( 



bv tat SIcLlou^ I 

iy in i 



JueeB, 1658. 




DB. S. N. PECK, 


K returning thanks for the lllieial paieonaRe hiih 

Kotrioarkct, Juoe 2nd, 1659, 



Letter Portraits and Atub;<,typt 1'iciures, 
at 73 Cents Eaih. 

» 'JveenH \ 

I pv*tlg**t'*^* 




TUB UfidwWgted, in rtta/iiiCLfr tbaiika&r the 
rary liberal palioui-^e hi ttnv«-jf a=it^r<u3u\* 
in^r-cirij builucii iu thl* phsCr. r<*^<;<lf|illy iiiti- 
tutU4 to hib ft icitde fcjid fOvtoiPir* ilisvl pf haa 

Ki tilj bppiila Mr Mcrrit 1 Gi^tiy, 

Wht/uljs will hentou bappy towii li^oitho*; 
who ioayf««l dUitcetd'tO CfitiiMl hiia v.iilj thclf 
^rJttti. t 

f/of>'iW A^ii SHOllS) 

Ofa\Jlk*CTl|fU-Jiu* kcadya>l!i.d6 t ttj^t ea^UMly 

ouhfcLO, At the work ii til iiiruuj uuJ*rhf* 
own auf^rri^ii.bfihjjj graiuc-iiitSdcLcotu r*:com- 
u.tLdiLgit loiLtjp-alHc, 

)l6'i J. UUlHEUAIir. 

J. MtrvnvrV Nevtiivket, Tuesday foltowic^ 
MANHtiy IJorasVa 8haron ou Wedu^ftday, 
I*. J, WiLTJ>>jn'a Pr*dfi»rtl» <*u Thursday. 
T..;B'r.-i»t ,f a Hond^lfvada on Friday of theaatiit 

Tho 9*nl Moat'iv lu Uav, Ji'ly, St-pUjiihtrr* 

N*aVa M'l Kiiil HciJt^Ufi^Ti 

|)H. k. o. HMMO.S'nS 

Will f.e *t It. IUHhie'6 Stort, CKirlrtvllJa, 

II . Si n '.-. I't'iiviMi', Tu'dey folio v'mg. 

Wm. Mior'h llrov'iiaviHo, t.:i WfJni'wltjr. 

UiA* Siriu'* Hold, I,!oydtotu. ou Thur<<ky r-f 
thcesme wtcV.iii the above meuitened »n>:rth"i— 
vhtn he vill te prepared lo Ctmu, Rf,vA* 
TEKTU cj may be re^ulrd! ; «ud alio put new 


AllepeiatlouapaifonucdiD the inott -approved 
style, and Waaiavir.i<. j 

' Oo*x-Bniltfttloaxaii 3frt>o; 

TftroPW.*pnlW.»6*- * '. : lftjjr 


a large) Aa&ortmeu 


«vMistantty on 

listing of Black Walnut ted Mahogany Side 

toardv, Uureaus, Sofas, Tables, Clair*, anil triicles usually required^ 

PATENT WKnSTKADS, of rarioui 

JeacripttoMJ uleo, Cofiin Plates, Mirrors, 

Vereith. &c..t:cpt for sale. 

hu \\>i' hjb;<'riber keep^ Cori'iKii read) 

iniide, lit Upieparcd loiumlfrliPuiiertU, 
Coitlie ahorteat notice. 

Nenastritt,ra*na7 10,105^. 

erteexteuded to him durinc the 'ejjrhl yi-a^ 
•eepocUully ibtlinatea he will heal the Mlou-inc 
pbMAa. aa taual : 

KawHattaf— The lat,9tuj and 3rd of each *n-i 
SfOtv mooth. 

fit(,iifc*D— Ou the 4th otevtuy inoiKh. 

fioxo llsu'o— Oa lio 6th nurUibof >l«v.J':lv 
SppitwW, itofpTrfciTt JWiaiy aud Umeh. i.*ii 

stJBuirig: aDd~ 

Uaovairittt— On tha 8tll Ml) 9lb ollataaiue 
moQtba above recotloncd, * 

Aveois-oTho la*! day of etch month except it 

comes on Sunday. i 

Wl.eri be fill W happy to^raft upon tlioeo rcaulr- 
aiij; hla iervkt. iu at))* of ihe flracc]i« of hii Vro* 

lij^rUdoQ Odd FMcjvr Pivot, T*v<-th cUan^d 
from linpuriluc^ ei aur i*lhcr hiibtli of Denial 
SurnvtyikilHully p^l^rixfd end warrcntcd, AUo, 
|iuiic«lAr atUMlvn paiil lo tho rrguttlltm cl 


Dr. 6. H* P. wool*) rjlWsjiiuIal att<Mlon Iothi> 
ft^cl.that wU;o wmk as? l>i^D warra^Ud, anil for 
which he itill h'flaU hiii^! 
pav^t biy Vj t ycar», aud 

0)0p4iaicin the **n v ltit*Uth v tl e buubh»n» mull 
oau£,Mi far la tie (m ni|(Mir t f will <c^s><% 

Id addition ho woJM ;iat*;yij;tt any |Ni^>li 
i^tlcularly deauingiiU ^iv-rviiitea^at &byiiniK t 
by leaving a written faoue^lut }>i^ reudi*nr^> 
Mr, Porayth*a HoteK will be Altemfrd if*. 

Fornp«raliori*ovet"OQQ Pound credit witl I -r 
given ir reqoiwd. 

Hft«nvarlcit t 18Sfi iMInl 

Wi j, sour El A It l) p \ 
si the iz.Ul 
■I tu-* riiii'iln 




i t \cv< ii.:. 

■ rn.-rit i 

*-£faHv, tY 

It -T :« i... 

1 H»r- 
v CO- 



is again ii>o|t«rati*jij. '( he Mmpte of Hkur ieequa 
in r^sliiy, te that made by f'.-rrrtr Mill, Thti cun- 
(Uucticii of tbe pit uul n'lill is %u<h, a* to y.arraut 
cc'ifi'lcrire anrj tes!iie*Uf<»;f. '*'l<e build i'jgs ere 
firM-j-rc'dirj ticry j.Sil, acd every ^rtcauii'jii bsi 
1-ttJi lr.k«!i to prvvcil ihe y*- sitility of fire \*y ac- 
ciiJci.t- ' In ctcii'ltrailL-'i tflbe fci-j* *>p-.-rin.c<-l 
by the burnir/g of tl-e fatr.,m inill, [iilfil; ej- at I*-', a «*■ 
in the nuicha-e i-l Wl-rai, r." well us iii *'i:-.iu'i. 
Work, is rucit rce-fctrull* toJiciud, &r.d *ri'il '■■; 
tbfiukfully ii'~i.'iv.''l. 


MSiiHlteU or Wliont Wanted! 

li'jMKoi^ri:/. r. 

I C*a»1i t>> I IV f-'T 

"flqultaT)le" Fire lusurance Company 


Gtnttat Jgtxt, Brititk Forth JmnUn Ctl*r.< t > 


This Office insures againet Leaser Danut 
by Fire, all de*«rjptiens of Beildinas, inelod- 
Inp Milk and Maiiuf«Iorjea, aad the Goods, v 
Wares an J Merchanitise in the same; Saioa 
io Harbour or in dock ; Craft em HaTis^tbJa 
Hivcra and Canals, and Ibe Couds ladea fa 
Ihefiiune; and Farming Slock ef all drtcrin- 

Tbe "EqnJlable* 1 Fire Office will, by t*tt* 
alanl analysis of its own experience fiomii»a 
to lime, adopt snch rates of Premiorrw aa Ihe 
nature of tbe risk may justify. .. 

With tbitf tiew, an annual iniefttlgalfoa 
will he made info each class ef lisX, and a 
lettim of one moiety of fifty per cent— of tha 
nett excess will bo made to alt cta^aea of II- 
eiirera, whose Policies have been in fores ft? 
three years. 

The engagements ef the " EoyitaUe 1 * sjs 

guatanteeu l»y a responsible proprietary, aid 
an ample euVcribed Capital. The uiuured 
are free from the liabilities of a Mutv.<il Jnvj- 
ranee Society, and ensiled, according to the 
plan of the Company, tea return of half ibe 

profiw. . 

tofitet are made pood without dcdoeliaa or 
discount, and are adjusted and paJJ ia, Mon- 
treal, without reference to Louduo. 

R.H. SMITH, Agent. 
March 12l ,1832, 

if ha i*l<t*ut\* 

uil v 

*At ri>TtODfciMt?,duriD^ tha 

)lh«r |)i-ljliaT Itir^jfv.rl 

Ti-f'W-l* r ivl--\ h i vJiild th^.K? 
Ul ll<OSt a l<>W ikIw* 

PlCLLsr< - f*'X irj Locl'trtS^ 

Picture* Tatuu if. itl.oul j* 
& a. in. to 5 jk U« 

Gallery Opposite N* H'. ISogarti Store I 

KnffinarJi^h 'A eg I0th p 1653- tr-14 

Or l* tog^lt ts v 

\ r Hwu.!irVtt.Ffb.-l 

k can t» 



n.| ay 


Bri'-^hiA, [tfn^'«, cVc. 

i-atd b> wcatlmr, from 





New (iatiliiet nmt Upimlstcrj' 



AMES OHAIO raii-tci/jily tM^Ktctt to iU 

iohatitiafitscf lliiw i<L<« trjl *;Hiaiu-fi<J2 £.4iiu- 

i7) , that lie hu (nVen i 1 - ch^ti I .!■ iy i>fvii|s;?d by 

nin St* Dye^nauvkot, 

rju*e>a^il lli^ w liMoof kit ^ucU^ vhkh v-i^l 

J. b 

( 'HI 

tXT Ii R/T yaiitd inihM>dUi«ty kt 


£.t [,rif« Mill 

he K«- 




;.VwMi,rka,^|'/il lith. 

o, roito. 



.t ■# 

WILL UVaall <) 

1 |aT |^ jl;^ |J] L* 

■VJ V *.Ud Irwtfl^i Cm1^ 




An.) . 

ue'.v !-■ -■-!■! . '. 1. 1 fi'v* lo 

l:u!W u:ci.ui'cc:yiUi|J .ill kitxUpf 

I" II* UK 





«ImI«, Hi<1>I^(4i-'. 
ir* *»d Offt*itK 


•w "' 

(j( Ot \ : r % -\ 4t\lv40tl l"au 
lmI I)., i- ^* ltt>itii t*iulr»i # r* 
Ccticht^s rtaf'*>. J^nupj**, tt 
Ohu^ Cup**'*!*!** Uuruui* 
TftU». IlfctkCai T«bkfl> W 
Kti.-:y H<r<litttdt t £t?. t dd. 

luimif 'l\itnittg 


J. C l.tviug be«« far eerc^Jtfl 
of Hettrt. JACQVBS 4 &* 

. * c 1 1 ry ftril-le nisnubrtnred U 

«o.,:.l ir". : i-cti3d. he fau ertrV aMfdtja^niVil'rbta- 

u ma will tirr cutireMutfjierioav 

J 0. boold iiiiito lU-j hiiiTTof Jfewaajiat »q(* 
vii-inity, wi*hicj Fu'.cy Xcv'lle Work li,s<Ipnp 

^(i-«, Oitomii;!, i)ovcti^|iSlC|,j.r». 



tie, ted 



io.,la ^iwl-lm i, i ah. 


r - 


e< Kli» *l*(, r ^i.;;. I 


To tiutldoYB nnd PoteoiiB Buiidin^ 

flltiB ondcraijotd JiM u«rf on baud a iuif 
1' quantity of 

Wfalch ha b prepared te tell at th; Uwest reiaiH- 
ratiieprket. UeliaOM prepared to mtnufMWre 
mav deaceipltet of 8«a or Paoel *»* •» lto 
fcht-riMt ootlce, #r twi BoiWiaxa eithsr by tca- 
cract or olherarlae. Alio* haritg aaupertflrttler 

Together trilh TMklee.CapwaaTiSc-lorrtcaoytoi; 
or mIsIoj- llolldiugeVi* prepared lo Uke eootrMW 

for the Mint, „_ 

W«. V. SOUTHARD. ': 
AVtrea^t*, fuly 7 .1857. "~ -^ 

fo - ifuiLDBUS! 


Stove, Copper, Tin, Irofl, 

and Japan 


;l.Li! r(.-l 

t,.v C« J, 

ph r.. t 



■,. ;..lU 
I by 


Lu*rs.t:* -wiiLteiialtai 

jr. fe ir. JFC©3B©®4 

ii ^r ls^l> 

t 1 


I)All'i'iKS Wi*biuy to Biild. Move. Turn or 
K:--i.r Hui!dii!^.ofauyC.wiii>tioi), *cV-1d uu 

vrMl-H"«ll CJi . ? 

/bJ t*»i>lxo xx Wobfttov, 
An i < b-.»i .l.Ml-.. t;. I-. |!eci > ?*siy (""« thv al-»vepijr. 
(> .*.>. ivfjlch |*# Willi,! Oil lli KilLnvru^te/ii.e. 

J;..-k N, 



Ueior/ wqly o:.e>h«tf the f >be oualjy cb*rjr»l "U 
tbb" plt^o.' Th* nudriirlsJnM it alio rea*ly lof»-n* 
traci (yr i_hr- o.ei ioa, inovief onajftiu j of B'uildiii^*. 

ofall dercnpllonx. 


L.ircl.i.-LO tbCJfl^i-' 
,Jbv Mi--.rVa.aittn*Kf,* ! r 

1 if.; v . vJ.tfu *.i!H»f.-'. 

,; t i.:-:.itr.-.wit if 

ilOX litOVf J. 



: Ci: 


thoiteatiiiJitiraud ou lie i»- 


. ..niilljCulit'.Jati^. 
tm&l&th 1'AHUIH 

IJfll.U M'Vi-t 1 > L - l r s ' rj ^ k\Lill*rt,"i*-u , 

I?Miri--cr, Tjrm:iJ Slinl Jiuii 
lq c/ift r on the 
tonabU- tf f irr. 

tiiieiirbwiu^friiiiM , 

ligc to Call aud »*mlRoilu* btc<i l*rto>**** ^ 

5T OM ftri Iroo. Oiitper^ D»ut, Wf J^JB 

]W«, Sh<tp€ktM* aftii* ol tvtry ^"jS'SaSi l 
Fwni PiwJo» a t*k« In «ch-u>g* tvf 0^"*^f* 

a '! J/.AJJWDO5 

_ Kawgaykaj, Dee, S5. 1856. _^ --J^ 

A. l)ay.Book»,4e. ( rutedfo* Double at* 
cnUyLforaaleclieap. AppJyaUbe .,.. 

S**rosfket,Koven)l»t«9th. 1655. 

KV-*j ' r r l J ( • 

• iio a *» H'i « 

fkr,sc| - - 

U S Q •> 

* » s* • 

» . o to a »• 




mas Bubttrt btf'Wsj 



Hyiiiforint the 'public 

L.d.U with jiaiU^lu 


A I hi* 

itewj*H*t> UV>;KV vm,>AV M,,h ' ; ! 



|M HA W ^^ A1)VEKTI^IN« 
tt j u'tJ«r, M «" liiD ^ o 





jrticd 19 aut'S-ly I* 1 ' 

:-L k" 


thatKatlay uidtar 
Cviii^u.cJUiTiil bia 

tl« •■«"*.■ TttOMAW h v IX(>.^ 

KacbaubMti«llli«« , l ,w, '/ 
RU lu- ten liMt, ftfat ipieriKW, 

Kbcliswbseq«n"» ll!uM< ' rt ' 
i?or each Hue tbuee Un, - 
Kocbaub£eijur.t natcWn, ■ 




CaiiL.|'r) ar »- 

(j/- Advcilii--! 

tll ;ikuii.=t^ clit,1 r . 

fcLJib.r 6 *d««W* !,fl 






wactoir-ftW ■ 


vrillUlB" 1