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Fred W. Franz, Nathan H. Knorr, Grant Suiter, 
Thomas J. Sullivan, William P. Heath, Jr., Hugo 
H. Reimer, William E. Van Amburgh, Arthur R. 
G oux, C harles A . W ise, C lay ton J . W oodworth, 
Matthew A. Howlett, Watch Tower Bible and 
Tract Society 

[and] liad also etched his face with grief 
and care". He stood up for the pope all 
right, ■"'unconditional surrender'' or not. 
You can judge whether he was standing 
up for America's commander-in-chief or 
was standing up for his own personal 
boss when he wrote this slobber : 

No ony understands more clearly than the 
pope the horror and the devastation of war, 
and of this war. No one suffers more poignant- 
ly, more deeply than he. He feels the sorrows 
of all. He sees the biobd and the tears of all. 
He sees tremendous masses of men increasing- 
ly efficient in mutual massacre, increasingly 
enmeshed by tentacles of brutality and hate. 
He realizes that hate begets hate, that brutal- 
ity spawns brutality and that revenge cries 
for revenge. The juggernaut of war crushes 

forward and backward over nations and 
peoples. Men aflame with savage goadings 
rush onward crashing other men aflame and 
thus the conflagration mounts, spreads, 
devastates and consumes. 

The pope thinks, works, prays and literally 
dies for peace. He wishes the conquerors to 
be not only just with the conquered but also 
merciful. He knows full well that revenge is 
a bitter, gnawing thing, "All nations, great 
and small," he says, ''have a right to live/ 1 
He exhorts nations and their rulers to make 
their actions agree with their principles. 

Well, how about Ethiopia? Did that 
have a right to live? And how about the 
smaller sects? Do they have a right to 
live? Pacini's answer to the last question 
would have to be, "No," 

Libel Case Terminated 

ALLEGING libel on the grounds of 
statements appearing in several 
issues of The Watchtower during 1939, 
suit was filed . by Olin R. Movie, of 
Wauwatosa. Wis., against the two corpo- 
rate societies, Watch Tower Bible and 
Tract Society, .of Pennsylvania, and 
Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, 
Inc., of New York; and, on the other 
cause of action, against J. F. Rutherford 
and eleven associates in the organiza- 
tion. Action for damages to the amount 
of $50,000 on each cause of action, or a 
combined total of $100,000, was com- 
menced October 11, 1940. Less than two 
years thereafter the defendant J. F. 
Rutherford died, but the suit continued 
to be pushed. 

This unique libel suit came up for 
trial before Judge Ughetta of the New 
York Supreme Court in Brooklyn's 
Supreme Court Building on May 10, 
1943. After an extended trial continuing 
until May 27, the jury rendered a 
verdict, voting ten to two, against the 
defendants of the ease and awarded the 
complainant Moyle $15,000 on each 
count, or a total of $30,000 damages. 
The presiding judge denied all motions 

DECEMBER 20, 1944 

by defense attorney for alternative rul- 
ing and decided in agreement with the 
jury's verdict. 

Appeal was at once taken from this 
decision to the court's Appellate Divi- 
sion, Second Department, After due re- 
argument by opposing attorneys before 
this court of five judges, followed by 
judicial deliberation, decision was ren- 
dered. It was three to two in affirmation 
of the judgment of the Supreme Court, 
but reducing the damages one-half, to 

According to due process of law, again 
the defendants took appeal from the 
decision, now to the state's highest court, 
the Court of Appeals at Albany, New 
York's capital. After due reargument 
and deliberation, this court of seven 
judges let their decision be known on 
November 22, 1944, affirming decision of 
the lower court, affixing the costs, but 
offering no opinion on the case. 

Their decision being unanimous, and 
the defendants being unable to move for 
reargurnent of tho case, the $15,000 
damages was duly paid over, with 
interest accrued, to plaintiff Moyle, thus 
terminating the matter. 


OLIN R. MOYLE Counselor 

117 Adams Street. Brooklyn . New York 

Telephone Triangle 5-1474 

July 21, 1939 

Judge J. F. Rutherford, Brooklyn, N. Y. 

Dear Brother Rutherford: 

This letter is to give you notice of our intention to leave Bethel on September 1st next. This 
reasons for leaving are stated herein and we ask that you give them careful and thoughtful 

Conditions at Bethel are a matter of concern to all of the Lord's people. Nowhere among 
imperfect men can there be perfect freedom from oppression, discrimination and unfair 
treatment, but at the Lord's headquarters on earth conditions should be such that injustice would 
be reduced to the minimum. That is not the case here at Bethel and a protest should be made 
against it. I am in a good position to make such protest because your treatment of me has been 
generally kind, considerate and fair. I can make this protest in the interests of the Bethel family 
and of the Kingdom work without any personal interest entering into the matter. 

Treatment of Bethel Family. 

Shortly after coming to Bethel we were shocked to witness the spectacle of our brethren 
receiving what is designated as a "trimming" from you. The first, if memory serves me correct, 
was a tongue lashing given to C. J. Woodworth. Woodworth in a personal letter to you stated 
something to the effect that it would be serving the devil to continue using our present day 
calendar. For that he was humiliated, called a jackass, and given a public lambasting. Others have 
been similarly treated. McCaughey, McCormick, Knorr, Prosser, Price, Van Sipma, Ness and 
others have been similarly scolded. They have been publicly called to account, condemned, and 
reprimanded without any previous notice. This summer some of the most unfair public 
reproaches have been given. J. Y. McCauley asked a question which carried with it a criticism of 
the present method of Watch Tower study. For that he was severely reprimanded. Your action 
constituted a violation of the principle for which we are fighting, towit, freedom of speech. It was 
the action of a boss and not that of a fellow servant. Securing an efficient mode of study with 
imperfect study leaders is no easy task, and no method yet produced has proved to be one 
hundred per cent perfect. You stated that no complaints had come to you concerning this method 
of study. If that be the case you have not had all the facts presented to you. There is complaint in 
various places that the Watch Tower studies have degenerated into mere reading lessons. It 
maybe that the present method is the best that can be used, but in view of known limitations 
honest criticism should not be censored nor honest critics punished. 

Brother Worsley received a public denunciation from you because he prepared and handed to 
brethren a list of helpful Scripture citations on fundamental topics. How can we consistently 
condemn religionists for being intolerant when you exercise intolerance against those who work 
with you? Doesn't this prove that the only freedom permitted at Bethel is freedom to do and say 
that which you wish to be said and done? The Lord certainly never authorized you to exercise 
such high handed authority over your fellow servants. 

Since the Madison Square Garden meeting there has been a distressing condition of restraint and 
suspicion at Bethel. The ushers were placed in a tough spot but did an excellent piece of work. 
They exercised care and diligence in watching arrivals at the Garden, and prevented a number of 
suspicious characters from entering. They were on the job immediately when the disturbance 
started and quelled a disturbance which would have otherwise reached serious proportions. But 
for two weeks following the convention there has been constant criticism and condemnation of 
them from you. They have been charged with dereliction of duty and labeled as "sissies". To see 
some of these boys break down and cry because of your unkind remarks is, to say the least 

The brethren at Bethel have thoroughly demonstrated their loyalty and devotion to the Lord, and 
do not need to be berated for wrong doing. A suggestion or a kindly admonition from you would 
be more than sufficient to check any wrongful action, and would eliminate resentment and induce 
greater happiness and comfort for the whole family. You have stated many times that there are no 
bosses in the Lord's organization but the undeniable fact cannot be evaded that your actions in 
scolding and upbraiding these boys are the actions of a boss. It makes one sick at heart and 
disgusted to listen to them. If you will cease smiting your fellow servants Bethel will be a happier 
place and the Kingdom work will prosper accordingly. 


We publish to the world that all in the Lord's organization are treated alike, and receive the same 
as far as this world's goods are concerned. You know that is not the case. The facts cannot be 
denied. Take for instance the difference between the accommodations furnished to you, and your 
personal attendants, compared with those furnished to some of your brethren. You have many 
many homes, towit, Bethel, Staten Island, California etc. I am informed that even at the Kingdom 
Farm one house is kept for your sole use during the short periods you spend there, and what do 
the brethren at the farm receive? Small rooms, unheated thru the bitter cold winter weather. They 
life in their trunks like campers. That may be all right if necessary, but there are many houses on 
the farm standing idle or used for other purposes, which could be used to give some comfort to 
those who work so long and so hard. 

You work in a nice air conditioned room. You and your attendants spend a portion of the week in 
the quiet of country surroundings. The boys at the factory diligently work thru the hot summer 
months without such helps, or any effort made to give them. That is discrimination which should 
receive your thoughtful consideration. 


Here again is shown unequal and discriminatory treatment. One brother left Bethel some time 
ago for the purpose of getting married, and, so I am informed, was refused the privilege of 
pioneering in New York, apparently as an official disapproval of his action in leaving Bethel. On 
the other hand when Bonnie Boyd got married she didn't have to leave Bethel. She was permitted 
to bring her husband into Bethel in spite of the printed rule providing that both marrying parties 
should have lived there for five years. 

Harsh treatment of one and favored treatment of another is discrimination, and should not have a 
place in the Lord's organization. 

Filthy and Vulgar Language. 

The Biblical injunctions against unclean, filthy speaking and jesting have never been abrogated. 
It is shocking and nauseating to hear vulgar speaking and smut at Bethel. It was stated by a sister 
that was one of the things you had to get used to at Bethel. The loudest laughter at the table 
comes when a filth or near filthy joke goes through, and your skirts are not clear. 


Under your tutelage there has grown up a glorification of alcohol and condemnation of total 
abstinence which is unseemly. Whether a servant of Jehovah drinks alcoholic liquor is none of 
my business, except in giving a helping hand to a brother who is stumbled thereby. Whether I am 
a total abstainer is nobody's business but my own. But not so at Bethel. There appears to be a 
definite policy of breaking in new comers into the use of liquor, and resentment is shown against 
those who do not join them. The claim is made, "One can't be a real Bethelite without drinking 
beer." Shortly after we arrived it was arrogantly stated, "we can't do much with Moyle, but we'll 
make a man out of Peter." A New York brother intimated that I was out of harmony with the 
truth and with the Society because I didn't drink liquor. A New York sister stated that she had 
never used liquor or served it until some of the Bethel boys insisted upon it. A brother who used 
to drink liquor to excess became a total abstainer after getting the truth. He knew that a single 
drink of liquor would start him off to his former drinking habits, but in spite of that brethren from 
Bethel insisted upon his imbibing liquor and inferred that he was out of harmony with the 
organization through refusing. Total abstainers are looked upon with scorn as weaklings. You 
have publicly labeled total abstainers as prudes and therefore must assume your share of the 
responsibility for the Bacchus like attitude exhibited by members of the family. 

These are a few of the things which should have no place in the Lord's organization. There are 
other more grievous injustices but I have had no personal contact with them and therefore do not 
discuss them. 

It hasn't been an easy or pleasant task to write these things to you, and its still harder to make this 
protest effective by leaving Bethel. 

We sold our home and business when we came to Bethel and fully intended to spend the rest of 
our lives at this place in the Lord's service. We leave in order to register most emphatically our 
disagreement with the unjust conditions related in this letter. We are not leaving the Lord's 
service but will continue to serve Him and His organization as fully as strength and means will 

Neither am I running away from battling the Devil's crowd in the courts. I expect to return to the 
private practice of law, probably in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and hope to be in the fight in every 
way possible. With this letter I am enclosing a statement of the major cases now pending in 
which I am actively participating. It would be unreasonable and unfair to drop these matters into 
your lap without further assistance or consideration. I am ready and willing to press these issues 

in the courts just as vigorously and carefully as though I remained at Bethel, and will do so if that 
is your desire. 

We have considered this action for some time, but this letter is delivered to you just as we are 
leaving on a vacation trip for very specific reasons. First: It is desirable that you take time for 
thought and consideration of the matters herein set forth before taking any action. Hasty and ill 
considered action might be regrettable. Second: Frankly I have no desire for a verbal argument 
with you over these matters. I have had plenty of occasion to observe that a controversial matter 
does not receive a calm and reasoned discussion of the facts. Too often it turns into a 
denunciation of some person by you. 

I am not interested in that kind of a wordy battle. These statements are the reasons presented by 
Sister Moyle and myself for leaving Bethel. If we speak erroneously or wrongfully we are 
responsible before the Lord for so speaking. If we speak truthfully, and we stoutly content that 
everything here related is the truth, then there is an immediate responsibility on your part to 
remedy the conditions necessitating this protest. May the Lord direct and guide you into fair and 
kindly treatment of your fellow servants is my with and prayer. 

Your Brother in the Kings service, 

Olin R. Moyle. 

P.S. Should you desire to write to me concerning these matters during vacation a letter will reach 
me at Ticonderoga, New York, General Delivery after July 29 th . 

Joseph F. Rutherford did not refute the allegations listed in Moyle's letter, but rather, side- 
stepped the facts by asserting that the accusations brought against him "personally," were to be 
considered as allegations against the "entire Society," which was considered by Rutherford as the 
"Lord's" organization. 

Therefore, (in Rutherford's mind), when Moyle spoke against him "personally," then Moyle was 
to be judged as speaking against the "Lord" as well! Moyle's letter was written in defense for 
better treatment of the Bethel members and the Society as a whole, however, against Rutherford's 
drunkenness and law breaking. 

Rutherford described Moyle's allegations as, "wicked slander, libel, filled with lies," and pleasing 
only to the Devil. Then, Rutherford induced others to join with him in publishing slanderous 
statements of his own against Moyle in the Watchtower magazine. Ironically, the accusation of 
"inducing others," or "causing divisions" among the brethren was exactly what Rutherford had 
published against Moyle! 

Rutherford used the old, "guilt by association" fear tactic! By pointing out that the "President" of 
this so-called, "Theocratic government" was a drunk, a criminal, and a cowardly bully, Moyle 
would later be described in Rutherford's Watchtower letter as the "evil servant". 

Moyle had been the Society's Lawyer and sued the Society after these defamatory statements 
about him appeared in the October 15,1939 Watchtower, pages 316-317. Moyle won this action 
against the Watchtower organization. Rutherford's letter against Moyle are photocopied next. 

Taken from pp. 1975-1984 of Moyle vs. Franz etal. 
Defendants Exhibit D-36 

Brooklyn, N.Y., August 8, 1939 

Minutes of the joint meeting of the Boards of Directors of The Watch 
Tower Bible and Tract Society, the Pennsylvania Corporation, and The 
Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, Inc., of New York, on this 8th day of 
August, A. D. 1939, at a meeting of the Boards of Directors of the 
aforementioned Corporations there were present all the members of the 
Boards, to wit: 

J .F. Rutherford 
C. A. Wise 
W.E. Van Amburgh 
T.J . Sullivan 
C.J . Woodworth 
H.H. Riemer 
F.W. Franz 
W.P. Heath, Jr. 
Grant Suiter 
A.R. Goux 
N.H. Knorr 

The President reported to the Boards of Directors a letter which he 
had received, addressed to him by O.R. Moyle who for some time past has 
acted as legal counsel for the Corporations. Thereupon the letter was read 
before the Boards, and which letter is marked "Exhibit A" and made a part 
of this record and filed amongst the papers of this Corporation. Upon the 
reading of the letter a motion was made by T.J . Sullivan that a committee 
be appointed to consider the letter and make recommendations to the 
President. This motion was duly carried. Thereupon the President 
appointed such a committee composed of T.J . Sullivan, H.H. Riemer, and 
Grant Suiter. The committee retired to consider the letter. After due 
consideration the committee unanimously reported a resolution which in 
words and figures is as follows, to wit: 

"At a joint meeting of the Boards of Directors of the Pennsylvania 
Corporation, and the New York Corporation of the Watch Tower Bible & 
Tract Society held at the office of the Society at Brooklyn, New York this 
8th day of August 1939 at which other members of the family were present, 
there was read to said Boards and in the presence of O.R. Moyle a letter 
dated J uly 21, 1939 written by said Moyle and addressed to the President of 
the Society. 

"For four years past the writer of that letter has been entrusted with 
the confidential matters of the Society. It now appears that the writer of that 
letter, without excuse, libels the family of God at Bethel, and identifies 
himself as one who speaks evil against the Lord's organization, and who is 
a murmurer and complainer, even as the Scriptures have foretold. (J ude 4- 
16; 1 Corinthians 4:3; Romans 14:4. 

"The members of the Board of Directors hereby resent the unjust 
criticisms appearing in that letter, disapprove of the writer and his notions 
and recommends that the President of the Society immediately terminate 
the relationship of O.R. Moyle to the Society as legal counsel and as a 
member of the Bethel Family. 


T.J . Sullivan 
H.H. Riemer 
Grant Suiter" 

A motion was made that the Resolution be adopted. The motion 
being duly seconded, the letter and the Resolution were discussed at 
length by each member of the Board. O.R. Moyle, being also present at this 
meeting, was invited by the President to make any statement he had or to 
make any defense he desired to make and his only statement was this, to 
wit: "I have nothing more to say. The letter speaks for itself." Thereupon 
the name of each member of the Board was called and each one voted to 
adopt the Resolution. Upon the adoption of the Resolution, the President 
made the following remarks, which are here inserted in the record, to wit: 

"I have been at this desk for 22 years. I have had many accusations 
from the 'evil servant', but never had I had a worse one than this, if as bad. 
The complaint about me having different places in which to reside is the 
very language of the evil servant class. The accusations made in this letter 
that I have many places in which to live, and which are much better than 
any other members of the organization: The facts concerning this have 
been published time and again and the brethren everywhere know the 
facts, and they know that I do not own a foot of land under the sun; that 
those provisions have been made to further the kingdom interests, and, as 
stated in the book SALVATION, I wanted something as a tangible record 
and as evidence that we believe that God is going to bring back to the earth 
the faithful men of old. The Farm was bought for the support of this Family, 
and for other good reasons which I have not yet disclosed, but which are in 
the interest of the kingdom. As Brother Knorr has stated, this office was 
arranged for me, I had nothing to do with arranging it, but it was done by 
Brothers Martin, Knorr, Wise and Van Amburgh. 

"I have been criticized in this letter for having an air-conditioned 
room. Brother Van Amburgh will bear witness to this, that my office is the 
hottest room in this building, right under the roof and difficult therein to get 
good air. An air-conditioned arrangement was put into Brother Van 
Amburgh's office first, and he is the one that came to me and begged me to 
put it into my office. The Society did not pay a dime of the cost. (Brother 
Van Amburgh verified this.) I think the criticism about that is a cold- 
blooded cruelty, no matter whom it comes from. If it enables me to work, 
why should somebody criticize except one who has the spirit of the evil 

"REBUKES: Every rebuke I have administered has been given, as I 
believe, in the interest of the Society. The Apostle Paul was the special 
spokesman of the Lord J esus Christ. As the WATCHTOWER has stated, 
Timothy and Titus pictured the Society and as the Lord through Paul 
instructed them so the Lord through the Society instructs and directs 
others. The Society speaks by its official Head. To Timothy Paul said: They 
that sin rebuke before all, that others also may fear. 1 (1 Tim. 5:20) 
Concerning one who had taken a wrongful course Paul instructed Titus in 
these words: This witness is true, wherefore rebuke them sharply that they 
may be sound in the faith. 1 (Titus 1:13) Again, he said: These things speak, 
and exhort, and rebuke with all authority. Let no man despise thee. 1 (Titus 
2:15) As I have often stated to some of the brethren, it hurts me far more to 
administer a rebuke than it does the one who receives it. If I see something 
in the organization going wrong, as I believe, then I would be unfaithful to 
the Lord if I did not rebuke such wrongdoer. 

"I have tried to proceed according to the rule announced by the 
apostle, which is God's rule, that is to say: 'Whom the Lord loves he 
rebukes.' (Heb. 12:6) If every person is permitted to take his own course the 
organization would go to pieces. One who believes in the Theocratic 
government, and that J ehovah therefore is directing his people, must see 
that it is the proper course for the Society to arrange a system of study. 
Then if every person should be permitted to bring forth and adopt his own 
method of study that would mean acting contrary to the Lord's 
instructions. Rebukes are therefore necessary to bring such matters to the 
attention of others that they too may fear to go contrary to the Lord's 

"DISCRIMINATION: I have made no discrimination with reference to 
marriage. When Bonnie Boyd got married that was her business. It was my 
business to determine whether or not she should remain in the house. I 
either had to let her husband remain here or else dispense with her 
services. She has been my secretary for fifteen years and the most efficient 
one that I have had in the office. She has taken dictation for everything I 

have written, speeches, magazine articles, Watchtower, books and 
booklets. It was for me to determine whether she should remain in the 
office and I did determine that she should and that was my affair and my 
responsibility, and not that of someone else. 

"FILTHY LANGUAGE: If others in this house use it, that is their 
responsibility. The statement that filthy jokes are told at the table and that 
the family laughs at these and these only, is a damnable outrage and any 
man that says that such is the case is a deliberate liar regardless of who he 
is and from whence he comes. 

"LIQUOR: This charge is vicious. I have always been open and 
aboveboard about such matter. Brother Van Amburgh was once a 
prohibitionist. Upon the doctor's advice he takes some intoxicating liquor 
and I help him to get it. Brother Wise has stated from three doctors he has 
been advised to drink beer. I have furnished liquor to Brother and Sister 
Sullivan, especially her when she was ill, and to others in the house. That is 
my business and my responsibility. (Speaking directly to Moyle) You 
denounce me as the 'god of wine', which is the meaning of Bacchus, which 
is the word you use. You had to go to mythology and not to the Scriptures 
and find this name for me. Mythology proceeds from the Devil and other 
wicked spirits. J esus made wine, the apostle advised that it be taken in 
moderation and you are welcome to compare their statements to that of the 
evil spirits, if you wish. If your statement is not of the evil servant then I am 
notable to understand it. In this connection your charge against the family 
is vicious and false and shows that it proceeds from the spirit of the wicked 
one and is a damnable thing. 

"Now, I say this to you, Moyle, you have allied yourself with the 
Devil; you have willingly, without any just cause or excuse even, withdrawn 
yourself from the Lord's organization, and you are going back to the Devil's 
organization to engage in the practice of law. I have never known any man 
to withdraw from the Lord's organization and go into the Devil's 
organization, that ended up right. When you say you want to continue to 
fight for the Lord, there is not a person in this presence that believes a 
word of that. Henceforth you shall never represent the Watchtower by my 
consent. This Resolution has been adopted. I shall follow it. You have 
served notice to leave September 1. You need not wait but move out of the 
house this day. If you wish to join the enemy and fight, do so. I have no use 
for a quitter. You are a quitter. You have furnished as an excuse that the 
president of this organization has not conducted the Society according to 
your ideas, and I don't think your ideas are Scriptural. In the 4 years that 
you have been here, I have never heard you ask or answer a single Bible 
question in the Bethel home. Any man that pretends to be of the Lord's 
organization, and who does not attend the studies and does not engage in 
the spiritual discussion in this home, but who devotes himself to his 

general work, and then goes about talking with others to cause discord and 
to find fault with the organization, cannot be in the truth. I shall read this 
letter to the family or have it read. You may be present; if you wish to 
defend yourself. Henceforth I shall expect you to ally yourself with those 
who oppose the Society as long as I am here." 

MOYLE: "I don't expect to ally myself with any opposition." 

BRO. RUTHERFORD: "You complain about accommodations. You 
have the best room in the house aside from my own. What business is it of 
yours what somebody else has? That is not your business. You have gone 
to the Farm and talked to Brother Bogard's wife about conditions there. 
That is none of your business. If there was something wrong there you 
should have reported it to me. You have never reported it to me. If you were 
a real confidential servant of the Lord, and of this Society, you would have 
reported such things, but you did not. 

"Quoting from the Apostle Paul in substance, your criticism of me is 
a small thing. I care nothing about that. The apostle said: 'Moreover it is 
required in stewards that a man be faithful, but with me it is a very small 
thing that I should be judged of you, or of man's judgment. ..He that judges 
me is the Lord.' -1 Cor. 4:3, 4. 

"If everything that you have stated in this letter were true, that is no 
excuse for what you have done. 'Who art thou thatjudgeth another man's 
servant? To his own master he standeth or falleth. '-Romans 14:4. 

"Your difficulty, Moyle, is fear, probably not that you might receive 
some bodily injury, but fear you won't be approved of men and have it said 
you are a good fellow. In my opinion you are a religionist and not a 

BROTHER HEATH: "Moyle, I wish to propound to you this question: 
Are you a J esuit?" 

MOYLE: "Absolutely no, a thousand miles from it." 

BROTHER RUTHERFORD: "You might explain, Moyle, why you were 
so familiar in the court with McDonald, patting him on the back, when you 
knew that he was one of the leaders in the assault on the Lord's 
organization at Madison Square Garden. Had you performed your duty to 
our brethren the situation would have been far better for us now in the fight 
with the enemy who attempted to break up the Madison Square Garden 

"TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Now, brethren, your advise and 
this Resolution is adopted and will be carried out." 

The President thereupon ordered that said Moyle should be 
discharged as legal counsel for the Corporation and, in harmony with the 
Resolution, immediately terminated his relationship to the Society. 

There being no further business, upon motion the joint meeting 

W.E. Van Amburgh 



Brooklyn , N. Y, 

f&et to the world in order that persons of good will 
toward God will flee out of Satan's organization and 
find protection under the Lord and ultimately gain 
life everlasting. Those who perform their commis- 
sion faithfully will have a part in the vindication of 
Jehovah's name, and r in doing that work in obedi- 
ence to the Lord's commandment, they have entered 
into the joy of Christ Jesus, their Lord and Head. 

11 Never before were creatures granted such a priv- 
ilege. Never again will creatures have a like privilege. 
Before them they see the kingdom, the Theocracy 
that shall forever rule in righteousness. They are 
blind to everything else, because the kingdom, to 
them, is everything. The remnant know that they 
must die as humans in order to enter fully into God's 
spiritual house- They arc therefore fully determined 
to spend and be spent wholly in the service of Jeho- 
vah and his King. They are now joyful, and their 
joy will be complete when they have seen the Lord's 
victory at Armageddon. 

^ Seeing and appreciating t":-':ir relationship with 
the Most High, surely the faithful remnant will per- 
mit nothing to deter them in their continuous service 

to Jehovah. They will go on to faith and with ever- 
increasing courage unto the end. Now they know the 
meaning of the scripture, to wit, "Jehovah dwelleth 
in Zion." (Joel 3:21, A.R.V.; Ps. 132: 33, 34) Now 
the remnant have raised the song of joy, which will 
never end. To them the Lord says: "Sing and rejoice, 
O daughter of Zion; for, lo, I come, and I will dwell 
in the midst of thee, saith the Lord. And many na- 
tions shall be joined to the Lord in that day, and shall 
be my people: and I will dwell in the midst of thee; 
and thou shalt know that the Lord of hosts hath sent 
me unto thee. And the Lord shall inherit Jndah his 
portion in the holy land, and shall choose Jerusalem 
again. Be silent, all flesh, before the Lord; for he 
is raised up out of his holy habitation." (Zeeb. 
2 : 10-13) "Behold, I, and the children whom the Lord 
hath given me, are for signs and for wonders in 
Israel from the Lord of hosts, which dwelleth in 
mount Zion." (Isa. 8 : J8) The end of religion is in 
sight. The victory and vindication of Jehovah is 
near. The joy of the remnant and their companions 
increases, and they continue to sing the praises of 
the Most High. 

Praise ye Jehovah. . . , The works of Jehovah are great, sought 
out of all tkem that have pleasure therein. His work is honor and 
majesty; and his righteousness .endvreth for ever. He hath made 
his wonder fid works to be remembered: . . , He hath skowtd his 
people the power of his works, in giving them the hef't-sffe of the 
nation*. The works of fat hands ate truth and justice; all his pre- 
cepts ("■* sure. . . , Holy and reverend is ki.i name. The fear of 
Jehovah is the beginning of wisdom; a good under Handing have 
all they that do his commandments; his praise endnreth for ever* 
—Psalm HI; J-10, A.R.V, 


BEING reminded (hat this is the time when God is 
removing from his organization every tiling that can 
be shaken, "that thaw things which cannot be shaken 
may remain" (Hcb. 12:26,27), the members of the board 
of directors of the "Watofj tower Bmue and Thact Society 
for the information and protection of those who are devoted 
to God's organisation, request that The Watchiouser pub- 
lish what follows : 

On the 21st of J uly^ 193.9, a paper writing in the f orm 
of a letter, signed by 0. R. MoylCj was le ft at th e desk in 
the lobby of the Bethel home addressed to the president 
of the Society. Because that paper involved the entire family 
at Bethel, i t was pro p erly brought before the board a] id 
before the famljy. Thc> k-l'.uT, being filled will: false, s);:itder- 
oyojid libelous, statements, wag vigorously condemned by 
the board, and by all the members of the Bethel fami ly. 
The hoard unanimously adopted the following Resolution, 
winch was ateo approved by the family: 

"At a joint meeting of the boards of directors of the 
Pennsylvania corporation and the New York corporation 
of the Watciitower Biblk and Tract Society held at the 
office of the Society at Brooklyn, N.Y. f this 8th day of 
August, 1939, at which other members of the family were 

present, there was read to saic boards and in the presence 
of 0. E. Moylo a letter dated July 21, 1339, written hy said 
Moyie and addressed to the president of the Society. 

"For four year? past the writer of that letter has been 
entrusted with, the confidential matters of the Society. It 
now appears t hat the writer o f that le tter, witho ut excuse, 
libels the family of God at B ethel, and identifies himself as 
on e who s peaks evil against tho Lord's organizat ion, and 
who is a tnu rmurcr a nd coin p lainer, even aa the S cript urea 
have fo retold. (Jude 4-1G; 1 Cor. 4: 3; Rom. 14:4) 

"The members of the board of directors hereby resent 
the unjust criticism appearing in that letter, disapprove of 
the writer and his actions, and r ecommend that t he presi- 
dent of the Society immediately termi nate the relat ionship 
oj_0. E. Moyle to . tlie Society as le gal counsel and a s_amgm- 
bcr of the Be th el family. " 

Aside from the introductory paragraph announcing the 
writer's purpose to leave Bethel at a fixed time, e very para - 
graph of that tel ler is false, filled with lies, and is a wicked 
slander and libe l not only against the president but against 
the entire family, and for that reason the letter has not been 
pub lished by th e Societ y. Ifc requested Consolation- to pub- 
lish liia letter, and Moyle, being refused, now causes his 

October 15, 1939 



libelous paper to be published and circulated among certain 
companies of the consecrated, cousins? the same ta be pub- 
licly read, and then by his own words, which may be called 
'fair snecch\ he protends to be in harmonv with the Society, 
and tli us further deceives the unsuspecting ones. His only 
possible purpose in further publishing his letter is to justify 
himself and to 'cause division anions the brethren', both of 
which are condemned by the ^ T ord of God. (Luke 16: 15; 
Rom, 16; 17, 18) For this re ason the breth ren should be _ 
warned. *"Tlia afore-mentioned letter" be ing filled with lies 
leveled against the brethren the same is hated by Jehovah ; 
"Six things doth the Lord hate ; yea, seven arc an abomina- 
tion unto him: ♦ . . a false witness that spcaketh lies, and 
be that soweth discord among brethren." — Pro v. 6: 16-10, 

By inducing others to join with him in the circulation 
and publication of his slanderous letter anwinj the conse- 
crated he makes others party to his wrong. The s landerous 
paper, being in opposition and against the interest of the 
Theocratic government, is pleasing only to ths Devil and 
his earthly agents. 

For four years ftfoyle was entrusted with the confidential 
matter? of the Society, and then, without excuse, be assaults 
and maligna those who trusted him. Judas was entrusted 
by Chriat Jesus with confidential matters, and Juda s proved 
his uniaithfulnjaajjjj ^furnishing to the enemy that which 

they could use and did use apa^nst the Lord. He who 
maligns the brethren of the Lord maligns the Lord him- 
self, and the end of such the Scriptures plainly point out. 
Having been warned, each. o ne must choose to join the 
"evil servant" and take the consequences (Ma tt. 24: 4&51} 
or remain faithful to Jehovah and his government by Christ 
Jesus* Choose whom you will serve . 


MAW hag a natural tendency to keep a record of events 
for his bencJit and that of succeeding generations. 
This is proof that the Creator purposed it thus to 
be. God planted this, faculty in man. Man is the highest of 
God's, earthly creation; and since man has a tendency to 
keep a record of events, it is only reasonable that his Maker 
would provide a means for man to keep a record of the 
most important things concerning himself , If Jehovah God 
had to do with the keeping of such a record, then be it 
known that that record is correct and contains the truth. 
The Bible is a history of God's creation of things earthly, 
and abo gives such information concerning his heavenly 
creation as relates Lo man and man's Lome. The Bible is 
God's revelation of himself to his intelligent earthly crea- 
tures. It is his expressed will, and therefore is the state- 
ment of his law for the government of his intelligent earthly 
creatures. Most of the Bible is a record of things which have 
taken place, but which foreshadow greater things to come. 
As the inspired Bible writer states it, at 1 Corinthians 
10; 6, 11: "Now these things were our examples, - , . Now 
all these things happened unto them for ensamplcs; and 
they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends 
of the world are come." That part of the Bible which we 
tail prophecy is the foretelling and recording of events that 
must come to pass, before they actually do come to pas'?. 
Prophecy is therefore the history of man written in advance. 
For this reason prophecy cannot be understood by man un- 
til it is in the course of fulfillment or has been fulfilled. 

The writers of the Bible God chose to do the writing 
because of tlnsir faith in him mid their faithfulness to him. 
As his unlimited power operated to create the things of the 
earth, so that power or spirit operated to direct and influ- 

ence the mind of Moses and other holy men to make record 
of God's will concerning man. King David was one of these 
faithful men devoted to the Lord, and concerning that part 
of the Bible which he wrote he said: "The spirit of the Lord 
spake by me, and bis word was in my tongue," (2 Sam. 
23:2) These faithful men of old are called "prophets", 
and they wrote prophecy. The apostle Peter, who was chosen 
by Jesus as one of his apostles, under inspiration wrote, at 
2 Peter 1 : 1&-2I : *TVe have also a more sure word of proph- 
ecy j whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light 
that shincth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the 
day star arise in your hearts: knowing this first, that no 
prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. 
For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man : 
but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the holy 
[spirit].* 1 

Jehovah reveals himself and bis purpose to his people 
in his own due time. His prophecy, therefore, cannot he 
understood until it is God's due time for understanding it. 
This was plainly stated to the prophet Daniel, who writes; 
' f And I heard [the prophecy by the angel], but I understood 
net ; then said J, my Lord, what shall be the end of Ihrsc 
things! And he said, Go thy way, Daniel; for the words 
are closed up and sealed till the time of the end." "But thoti, 
Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the 
time of the end; many shall run to and fro, and knowled^ 1 
shall be increased." (Dan, 12:8, 9, 4) For a long while 
students of prophecy have limited the fulfillment of the*: 
words last quoted to travel by man up aud down Lh rough 
the earth by means of rapid transit machines, such as loco- 
motives, steamships, automobiles, airplanes, arid other like 
means; and also to the great increase of knowledge relating 

September 1, 1939 Watchtower p. 258 announcing Olin R. Moyle is no longer with the Society. 


Pdhlishcp BsuraoMmLT Bf 

117 Ad&au Street 

Brooklyn, M.Y., U. 5. A. 

J. I*. liul-liEftFOiLC, Fr csHenf W. E. Tam AirBPT.Qrr. ggcrctcrrjf 

"And all thy children shall be taught of Jehovah; and 
drcat pheil he the peace of thy children," - lifi&h 54:13. 

THAT JEHOVAH Lb He nnly ime God. la froro everlasting to 

tverlLL>j[]jij.;;. tbe Muter of heaven and earth and the Giver of life 
to Ills creatures ; that tic Logos was the beginning of bis creation, 
and his active agent in the creation of. mi things; that the Logos 
Is now the Lord Jesus Christ In glory, clothed with uU power in 
heaven and earth, mid the Chief Executive Officer of Jehovah, 

THAT GOD crested the earth for man, treated perfect man 
for the earth and placed him upon It; that man willfully dis- 
obeyed God's taw and wna eentenced to death; that by reason of 
Adam's wrong act all men are born sinners and without the right 

THAT JESUS wag made human, and the man Jesus suffered 
death In order to produce the ransom or redemptive price for 
obedient ones of mankind; that God! raised up Jesus divine and 
exalted him to heaven above every creature and above every name 
and clothed him with all power and authority. 

THAT JEHOVAH'S ORGANIZATION Is Theocracy called Zlftn, 
mid that Christ Jesus la the Chief Officer thereof and Is the right- 
ful Kins of the world ; that the anointed and faithful followers of 
Christ Jesus are children of £lon, members or Jehovah's organiza- 
tion, and fire his witnesses whose doty and privilege it H to testify 
to the Hypnpixsury of Jehovah-, declare his purpose-; toward mankind 
as expressed In tbe Bible, and to bear the fruits Of the kingdom 
before all "ho will heat. 

THAT THE WORLD has ended, and the Lord Jesus Christ has 

been placed by Jehovah upon his throno of authority, has ousted 
En tan from heaven and is proceeding to the establishment oi 
Cod's kingdom on earth. 

THAT Til£ RELIEF and blessings of the peoples of rnrlh cm 
come only by and through Jehovah's kingdom under Christ, which 
has now begun ; that the lord's next great act Is the destruction 
of Salon's organ [station and the establishment of righteousness in 
the earth, and that under the kingdom Hie people of food will that 
survive Armageddon shall carry out the divine mandate to "fill 
the earth" with a righteous race. 


THIS Journal is published for tie purpose of enabling thn 
people to know Jehovah Cod and bis purport* a<s n{rr»M^ 
in the Dible. It Bible instruction KpcctficaSly <!■*■ 
signed to aid Jehovah's witnesses and all iw.-<>pie of ^cotl will. 
It arranges systematic Bible study for lis readers ami the Society 
supplies Other literature to aid In such studies. It publics ami- 
able material for radio broadcasting and for other means, of public 
instruction in the Scriptures. 

It adheres atrlctly to the Bible as Authority for its utlerantra. 
It is entirely free and separate from all religion, parties, w^u 
or other worldly or^aniEations. It is wholly and without rcscrta- 
tlon for the kingdom of Jfllioruh (Jod under -Christ his belo-ied 
icing; It Is not dogmatic, hut invitee careful and critical examina- 
tion of its contents in the light of the Scriptures, It does not in. 
dulge In. controversy, and Its columns are net open to! tics. 

Yeawlt StinscninioM Price 

ir^jTEi; RtiteS, $100; diHiUA f,«ij Miaciii.u x r.ttua FQ-mir.H, JIM- 
Geut Dsj-rns, AofiT»AXJU»n, awd Kou-rif Afc-nica, 6s. Anirrlcau num. 
fauces should be mado by I'ostal or Kipre.-f Maney Order or by II:. nl; 
Draft Cmmdiaa. British, South African and Aiistrolmian remttl sacra 
should be rande direct to tha respective biancn office*. IIoroitLances fnm 
couatrjei oiJier ltu:n llic™ iiliti;:uciiv1 msr bt uadti to tao lirtrotiju dITnc, 
but by jfafsmafKUHjI Fostil Mouqy Order only, 

Foreign Oitich 1 ) 

British . 34 Craven Terrace. Ijoadon, Wi England 

Canadian _ 40 Irwin Avi^auo, Toraale Si, Ontario, Oi until 

A Uttrotttttan 7 lSpriwforri llrmti, Strnlhliijldl, M. $. W., A Ltstmll ,1 

Hovlli African .,„ „ Dootou Unu*^ CmieTmra, Soulh Africa 

r!<-«-fr jirWrrss lite tfcuicly In every en.-,*. 

(Trwttlstbuw 0} t*t* Joanxei appter In isveral laitfuafffi.) 

All sincere *(tn]^nta of rlic TltdTe m-ftu hy n-s^ati of i•^a^T!l!lJ , , pfti?Tij> nr 
mlicrsilr nrd imnblft to par the RoJftcmjtion pnee may hoTi J*iic ~\Y6te<i- 

iuv-Cr free nrjf.i; Written aiJ-LilLCatJCn 1Q l"ia 1 iu thLi.fLLT3, mllilt: nUte |41< h 
yftur, ttntltifi (he rtaioti frtr kd r*<[n<-s,llni; i1_ \\"e «rt £bnJ to ihu* ""it ■*'« 
nLcdy, but th« wrlltvn a[-plLCQt;on once each year li. required by (l.o 
6*»aHH repihitifln". 

. A'oljri: to FL"6wri6etT." Acknowledcment of a nen* or a. rennral ^p!>- 
MiintlAn will b* aaril uflly wHj-a requunled. Chnnsrrt oi aflan.-* 1 ', wli-a 
requested, day, be eipcc1i:rt to ithimi un iuJi]rm iutn-1 iviitln suit sihiIIi, 
A reiiLiivjil btjnk frnrryinj: jidHj-o of eip' ra t \t>T> ) will be "ent with tba 
journnl our loDisth before the iubpei-iptlwti eiiJife*. 

Et-terti as *troin?-cIa»j mailer at the pint unlet at Br&Mva, j v . T., 
tinder the Acf oj Mutch S, iSTj, 


The month of October bt'ifina a new eerviee year anrl Las been 
named ''Theocracy" Testimony Period. The great Tlieocral's pro- 
vision for Bold service llicu is the book Salvation ty^other wilh the 
■new booklet Government and Peace t first to be ivk-aBert for dis- 
tribution beginning with October, This combination of literature 
H'ill be offered en a £5c conlribulion or corrtspondin^ value in 
other TCngrlish-Hfwvaking land*. Thia Period is to be world-wide, 
and those lands not yet having translations of tbe above in tbeir 
native language will offer a like ion of \hc latest book 
and booklet, Knemkn or JRkbes along with yutcixm pt Freedom 
or Face the Fatl*. This fliinounttTtient should suffice to start you 
to plan and prepare for an unstinted share in this Theocratic 
testimony. Your faithful report of. work will help to mate up an 
accurate world record. 

Holiest hcamrs nf the two speeches by the Society's president 
to the world convention and radio audience from Xew York city 
have bc-en nnticip.itine; tbis new booklut, for it contain* his rous- 
ing, Convention -feature seeches. "(.loverajapnl and J J eara>" and 
"Yiclory". Millions of nthprH nf pood will also will lx» eager to 
read this booklet. It is of r>4 jipgefi, and is -n>]l'-fovpn>d, but tbe 

unixsuid cyver sets fojlh pict&rialiy the cireu Distances of Slur 
Madison Square Garderj public address. Time of release for public 
distribution is stated elsewhere. Your personal copy you. may now 
send for, remitting 5e contribution. 


By reason of his uiifiiilhrul ncss to the kingdom iatcrchls, u»uj 
to those who serve tbe kingdom, 0. It, Moylc is no lon^-r wilh 

Ihe Society, Tbe fuN boavd of directors of Jbo Sc-ciety 011 ^\n--i-;^i S, 
hy_ Itt-ioluLioiij, an »Jii m<u(tly dviuaildvd tEiat the prciidi'iil mv. 1 " 
Sloylii's connection wjLh f]jc Society jmuiedi atcly. It was iluuc . 
Brrtlircn wili aiidri^i tbeir eoinrnunicatioiis eonL-erning _ their !' L j:.d 
di llicu ilii-ja: U'atchtq wfu Hittbu A^f uTmCT Soctr.Tr, Ib -hk. 
117 Adams St., flTo ukiyn, H. Y. 

This new book, written by the president of the Society, w."»* 
the feature n.-leasc at the recent wnr!d-wlde ronventnrfi uf .l«-!ni- 
vah : s witnessed with its hub at Ntw York City. The author of tin* 
book fur the times describes it us "A text-book for the Jori-idjiha". 
But a study of its 3&1 iiftgcs of conleuts will prove to you it a 
{Cont limed on jwfft 271) 

December 15, 1939 Watchtower p. 382, letter from Peter O. Moyle "changing his position". 



Bhoohltk, N, Y. 

ye terrified because of them." Go#, who is Satan's invisible 
field marshal, has brought into the conspiracy aJl of his 
forces, and these are directing their efforts against Jeho- 
vah's "hidden ones" (Pij. S3 : 3) ; but those who trust Jeho- 
vah implicit] v need not and will not fear. (Psa. 27:1; 
118:6; Zeph. 3:16; Heb. 13? 6; 1 John 4: IT, 181 There- 
fore the remnant in this day of judgment are bold in de- 
claring the message of the kingdom and will continue so to 
da regardless of all opposition. 

Prior to 1918 Jehovah caused the truth then due to ba 
proclaimed on earth, and "Christendom" had an oppor- 
tunity to know about the kingdom of ftod under Christ. 
While that work, the "Elijah work", us it is called, was 
thus being done, and particularly in the year 191B, the 
Lord's faithful people were ill-treated by "Christendom". 
Among God's covenant people in thai time there were the 
"elective elders" who, like the "rich man" t failed to serve 
God, and because of their unfaithfulness it beeamc neces- 
sary to clear these out that the approved ones might be 
prepared for Hod's purposes. "For thus Keith the Lord of 
hosts, As I thought to punish you, when your fathers pro- 

voked me to wrath, saith the Lord of hosts, and I repented 
not," fZceh. 8:14) The Lord did not repent, but has done 
the purpling work that he may have a company who will 
"offer unto [him] an offering in righteousness". (Mai. 
3: 1-i; Ezek. 20:35-38) Judgment must begin at the house 
of God and continue until God's sanctuary is cleansed, and 
then lawlessness against God shall have an end,— I Pet, 
4:17; Ezek. 21 : 34, 25. 

Prom and after 3922, and more particularly since 1926, 
Jehovah has prospered his "faithful servant" class. Jehovah 
foretold this in these words (Keen. 8: IS) : "So again have 
1 thought in these days to do well unto Jerusalem, and to 
the house of Judah; fear ye not." This Jehovah has done 
because it is the time for the vindication of his name, and 
not because the remnant deserved the blessing- (Ezek. 
36 : 21-23) The "man child" having been born fay his 
"woman" in A.P. 1914 (Rev. 12:1-5), meaning the King- 
dom having begun there, it is the "set time" to favor 2ion, 
his capital organization, and to honor and vindicate Jeho- 
vah's name. This he will do by his kingdom under Christ. 
—Pa 102: 13; Isa. 63:4. 



The company of Jehovah's mitnCKHcs at Rio etc Janeiro rurally 
unanimously adopted lie- following resolution dtiflninjj their elan*} 
lor the Theocracy : 

■""We, Jehovah's witnesses organized and assembled in tie torn- 
pony of R»0 die Janeiro, in view of the notice of the execution by 
a firing squad of August jDieclimann for refusing to go to the f rfttit 
in the wit between Germany and Poland, present through the 
president of the Society, J. F. Rutherfurd t our votes of full accord 
with tic brethren who are fajthfnl in Germany, on the side of 
Jehovah God, asking his protection for all who are bearing with 
dignity the perils to which vre are at all Limes subjected, in order 
that we may bold in the highest place the name of the Almighty 
Ood, through Christ Jesus, and thus maintain our integrity to 
him, obeying faithfully his commandment*-" 


D£ah Brother RnmEEnonij: 

At the united service meeting of [he Greater Glasgow company 
of Jehovah's witnesses it wu unanimously ngreed that we send to 
yon once again nn expression of our fervent love in the Iiord, and 
our deep appreciation of the way in which Jehovah has Jed and 
Messed us through you in the year which has just passed. 

Though the war clouds eontinae to hang ominously over as, 
and many of the brothers are likely to be haled before tribunals 
•e conscientious objectors shortly, yet the wnl and loyally of ait 
the brethren, has not diminished, but rather increased, aa a result 

of these conditions. We find the people as a whole more ifceptiv-e 
of the message and our numbers continue to increase, What with 
this *nil the fact that, though the nation is at war, w^ are still 
able in continue almost unrestricted in our privileges of service, 
no realize that, f hough there is indeed on the eaj-ih "distress of 
nations with perplexity", yet wc can now 'look up sad lift up our 
bunds and rejoice, for our redemption drawetb mgh'. 

We appreciate that Armageddon is very near, and we are de- 
termined by Jehovah's grace to stand shoulder to shoulder with 
you and to continue steadfastly in his service right to the end- 

We render thanks to the Lord for the rich feasts of fat things 
cDminfr to us through the columns of The Watchtower; and we 
pray that he amy continue to bless you as you keep pressing the 
battle to the gates of the enemy. 

(The following is from the son of 0. R, Moyle) 
Dcah BmumER RumEUFo nD: 

On August 8, 1539, when the Bethel family was asked to ex- 
press th eir disapp roval of the letter of Q. R, Moyle, I ei pres sed 
my approval by re main ia^r se ated. After prayerful and Scriptural 
consideration of the matter 1 a m oow of the o pini on that iuy 
action was wrong . 

I wish to state that 1 am in foil harmony with the Theocracy 
of Jehovah and I recognize the Society as the visible part, I dc- 
tirc to cooperate to |3ie best of my ability and opportunity. 
Yours in the Kingdom interests, 

Peter 0- Movi-t 

{Continued /root page 370) 
Lecture record on any particular subject of vital interest today. 
Thern arc 64 pages of material, enclosed in a sturdy cover, and 
the booklet will be sup plied ou your contribution, of 5c a copy. 
Those in organized companies should send in their orders in com- 
bination through the local company servant. 


The 1940 Calendar sets out the text for the new calendar year, 

to witf "My heart shall rejoice in thy salvation," (Psalm 13: 5) 

A beautiful color illustration, specially painted, jiamnonitea with 

the theme of the text, and its portrayal of what is impending will 

gladden your heart. Neat calendar pads indicate the specijil 
Testimony Period* of the year and the special lines of rndeavnr 
of the otbur mouths of activity in publishing the Kingdom gii-ipel. 
Calendars, of which the supply is limited, will he sent on ordtT, 
remittance accompanying, at £5e each, or $1.00 for five sent tn 
one address. Companies will please order through their coui|^my 


Week of January 2d: "Lamms Comforted," 

T| 1-24 inclusive, The Watthlovirr December 15, 1930- 
Week of January 28: "Laxarus Comforted," 

f 25-55 inclusive, Tke Watcktpvtr December 15, 10.19. 

July 1, 1940 



Now that government "upon his shoulder" is functioning ! 
(Isaiah 9:6,7) Now the publishers of the Kingdom joy- 
fully and incessantly announce God's judgments already 
written in the Bible against the "man of sin", against 
"Christendom", her rulers, and chief men, and against all 
who have defamed the name of the Most High. Fearlessly 

and clearly they sound the warning of the great tribula- 
tion just ahead for all that dwell upon the face of the whole 
earth, and they make known how some may be shielded and 
protected and carried through that greatest of all calamities, 
in which the power of the Eternal One shall be shown m 
"his strange act". 

Oh sing unto Jehovah a new song: sing unto Jehovah, all the 
earth. Let the heavens be glad, and let the earth rejoice . . . before 
Jehovah; . . . for he cometh to judge the earth: he will judge 
the world with righteousness, and the peoples with his truth. 
—Psalm 96:1,11,13, A.B.V, 



Dt-AR Brethren: 

We, the Jefferson [Wis.] company of Jehovah's witnesses, 
acknowledge Jehovah God as the great Theoerat, that his organ- 
ization is a theocracy, and that Christ Jesus is the Chief Officer 

We are in full accord with Jehovah's Word, the Bible, and 
his explanation of the Bible which he is now revealing to us 
through his earthly channel, the Watch Tower, and realize it is 
our duty as his chosen servants to work together shoulder to 
shoulder m proclaiming his Kingdom message. 

We resolve to let nothing hinder us in carrying out Jehovah's 
will, and will work together in unity under the direction of the 
Theocracy, with the hope and full assurance that we shall have 
Jehovah's approval and blessing. 


Dk.\r Brethren: 

We of the Waupun [Wis.] company do hereby declare that we 
are wholly devoted to Jehovah's Theocracy under Christ ; 

That we absolutely refuse to consider the malicious letters 
which those of the "evil servant" class have been circulating among 
the brethren, seeking self-justification and sympathy; 

That we will not co-operate with that class who oppose Jeho- 
vah's Theocratic Government under Christ. 


Dear Brother Rutherford and All the Bethel Family; 

llawng read the article "Information" m the October 15 issue 
of The Watchtower, we wish to express our disapproval of the 
things done by R. Moyle against the family at Bethel. 

We do not know the contents of the letter written by Mr. 
Moyle, nor do we care to know. It is enough for us that our great 
God. Jehovah, is pleased to use you all in his service, and is 
showering you with blessings. 

We believe that the Society is the channel the Lord is using 
to carry on his Kingdom interests in earth at this time, and that 
our brethren at Bethel are being spent in that service. 

We never listen to accusations against Brother Rutherford or 
any faithful servant of God who is performing his given service 
in the Theocratic Government ; for to do so would be disobedient 

and dangerous to ourselves. All of the faithful, having been 
warned, would do well to be on their guard against the wiles of 
those "wild waves of the sea, . . . for whom the blackness of 
darkness hath been reserved for ever". (Jude 13, A R V ) These 
do not discern the body, but, as Jude says, 'show respect of persona 
for the sake of advantage.' — Jude 16, 

Owing to force of circumstances while I am still 'tent making' 
we are seldom where there is a. company of servants We know that 
the faithful all over the earth will hasten to stand openly on the 
side of our brethren at Bethel, and against all wicked accusers 
We, also, wish to be found fighting shoulder to shoulder with our 
brethren, and to let it be known that, by Jehovah's grace, we shall 
ever be found standing for Jehovah God, his King Christ Jesus, 
the Kingdom, and aU who faithfully serve that kingdom. 
With much love, we remain, 

Your brethren and fellow locusts, 

Granville E Fiske, 
Grace Fiskjs, Pioneer, 


Dear Brother Rutherford: 

The brethren of the North unit [of Chicago, III , company] 
of Jehovah's witnesses have unanimously adopted the following 
resolution : 

"We, Jehovah's witnesses of the North unit will be on the 
alert for any information from the enemy m relation to the things 
Brother Howlett brought to our attention Sunday, October 1, 1039, 
relative to 0. R. Moyle. We are one hundred percent back of you 
in the Theocratic Government, pushing forward to publish the 
Kingdom as commanded by the Almighty God through his Vuidi- 
cator King Christ Jesus." 


We, the Racine [Wis.] company of Jehovah's witnesses, wish 
to express our disapproval of the actions of R Moyle against 
the Society and its president. We do hereby acknowledge the 
Watch Tower Society as the visible channel of Jehovah's Theo- 
cratic Government, and we are in complete harmony with the 
action taken by the board of directors. We are thankful to the 
Society for sending Brother Howlett m our midst to explain Lie 
matter, which he did so well. 

(Continued from page 194) 
dates will be July 24-26 inclusive. Announcement is made in ad- 
vance m order that Jehovah's witnesses and all people of good will 
may have ample opportunity to arrange their affairs so as to be 
at Columbus, Ohio, or other cities tied in by direct wire communi- 
cation and loud-speaker equipment. By the Lord's grace, the 
president of the Watchtower Society will be in attendance in per- 
son at the key assembly in Columbus. For further details see The 
Watchtower, issues of June 1 and 15, 1940. 


Beaumont, Texas: (Watchtower Convention Committee) (9292) 

1355 Cottonwood St, 
Burlington, Vt.; (WCC) Box 75, Shelburne, Vt. 
Duluth, Minn.: (WCC) Box 2, New Duluth, Minn. 

{Douglas 510-W) 
El Paso, Texas: (WCC) 3020 Tularosa St. (MAia 5407) 

Memphis, Tenn.. 4 p.m. [CDST] 

September 15, 1941 



report on the vitally important speech on "Integrity" by Judge 
Rutherford, and by its untrue personal slaps at the speaker. A 
swift and deserved retribution and judgment came : at five o'clock 
this evening there wa9 released for circulation among the people of 
St. Louis the printed copy of what the speaker actually did say 
m his speech. The August 15 issue of The Watchtower contained 
the full text of the speech, and now thousands of copies of this 
issue were made available to magazine distributors to put out im- 
mediately. This unexpected chance to return the fire of the enemy 
thrilled God's people, and forth they went with this new ammu- 
nition with boiling zeal, and shortly the entire supply of all 
magazines was exhausted. The pro-Catholic Globe Democrat of 
St Louis spoke of the speaker (a native Missourian) as a "tall, 
balding, wing-collared Californian", much after the manner as 
when the prophet Elisba was on his way to Bethel and many 
religious youths came out and mocked, saying, "Go up, thou bald 
head; go up, thou bald head!" and Elisha turned and uttered 
Jehovah's judgment upon them and two she-bears from the forest 
came and 'tore' 42 of them. Doubtless by the time this assembly 
closed the public press felt it had been torn by the claws of some- 
thing far worse than two literal bears and that a "curse" rested 
upon it for its stubborn course of willful, lying mockery against 
the Elisha work today and those doing it. 

Attendances at the sessions increased, as the assembly in- 
creased to 70,000 attendants, the number originally published as 
expected; and thousands more were yet en route to St. Louis. 
Much profit was derived from today hearing capable speakers 
deal with such subjects as "Magazine Route Work", "Magazine 
Street Witnessing," "Courage," "Jael's Experiences," "Zone As- 
sembly and Its Purpose," and "Covenant Obligations". These 
speeches stressed Jehovah's Theocratic organization and its struc- 
ture, and the work it is now commissioned to do, and the effective 
ways of getting the witness done; also the requirement to obey 
organization arrangements, and our obligations as consecrated 
Christians to fulfill our side of the covenant with Jehovah God 
as his faithful and true witnesses, if we would gam life and have 
part in the vindication of his greatly reproached holy name. 


This was notably Pioneers' Day. Due to Jehovah's loving pro- 
vision through his visible organization more than 5,000 pioneers 
from America and other lands were enabled to come and share 
the glorious Kingdom service at St. Louis. All registered as such 
on arrival, and the Society provided free meals for them and also 
rooming accommodations for as many as needed it This supports 
that the Society is in very truth a "charitable" organization even 
according to the definition of the worldly law. There was a booth 
in the Arena corridor marked "New Pioneers", and up till this 
point 300 new pioneers had already signed up at this assembly, 
one being a seven-year-old. (Before the convention closed more 
than 700 had signed up.) The present pioneer band includes some 
men 86 years old and some women 77 years old, and some children 
nine years of age. 'According to the faith of all such be it unto 
them,' as Jesus said. 

At 3 p m. all the pioneers had assembled in the main audi- 
torium in front of the speakers' platform, their identification 
cards admitting them. The rest of The Arena was all packed out 
again, by other publishers. Dwelling on the subject "Pioneer's 
Place in the Organization" a speaker emphasized that "the time 
of independent isolation of the pioneers is past" and now they 
must faithfully co-operate also with the regional and zone serv- 
ants and with the organized companies with which many are 
associated. Another speaker considered "Pioneer Requirements" 
and stressed the need for meeting the "hours" requirement to 
remain permanently m the work, and that the back-calls made 
by pioneers should be increased. In the United States only 6,5 per- 
cent of all publishers were pioneers, whereas in the British Isles 
11 percent are such, and hence this country could well increase 

its percentage of pioneers. In this connection the speaker read a 
letter from a St. Louis radio announcer setting out the frank 
statement by a prominent religious lecturer from Britain concern- 
ing the stabilizing and heartening effect the fearless witness work 
of Jehovah's witnesses has upon the morale of the British people 
during this war, and also concerning their faithfulness in con- 
centration camps in Germany, to the dismay of the Nazis. (In- 
cidentally, copies of this letter were thereafter released to the 
press for publication, but not a single newspaper dared print 
such favorable publicity concerning Jehovah's servants.) 

Then Judge Rutherford greeted the pioneers. He expressed 
it as a privilege to greet such fighters for The Theocracy, and 
that the activities of such a band as these must "make some of the 
'old woman' mighty sick". Pioneering men fled from Europe to 
seek and establish here freedom of speech, of assembly and of 
worship of God; they never imagined that such freedom would 
ever be hampered here as it is today in this land. This is all traced 
to religion and its allies. When these have finally closed down on 
our work here and cry "Peace and safety '" then a mighty ex- 
plosion will occur and blow off the lid. "You pioneers are in this 
witness work not for selfish aggrandizement, nor to make a name 
for yourselves, but for the Lord's name's sake." Isaiah 62 . 10 
includes a command for the pioneers: "Go through the gates!" 
The gates are open for all now, particularly the Lord's "other 
sheep". "Prepare ye the way of the people!" This it is your priv- 
ilege to do by telling them the truth. "Cast up the highway!" That 
is, ,to walk in the Lord's way of righteousness. "Gather out the 
stones!" These are religion's stumblingstones ; gather them out 
by taking to the people God's Word, "Lift up a standard for tie 
people!" What standard? Not Hitler's swastika! The flag of 
America is a dignified and beautiful symbol, whose real meaning 
is "freedom" and "rights" of free men. Demonized flag-waveis 
try to force you to bow down thereto in violation of God's law. 
Such ones are the first to violate the laws of the United States. 
**I say to the people of Missouri, where I have fought for the 
principles of democracy, because I believed them right . 'Jehovah's 
witnesses have the highest respect for what the flag represents, 
but, by God's grace, they will not bow down to anything !' " 
(Applause) You pioneers are real liberators of the people. When 
you go out from this convention you will have lots of scoffing, 
reproaches and ridicule, but not by honest men and women. Re- 
joice in tribulation. Don't think you are the whole thing because 
you are a pioneer. Keep on encouraging those who love the Lord 
"Now GET bust!" 

Immediately following, the assembly chairman briefly re- 
viewed the legal aspect, and the legal battles the enemy had thrust 
on God's faithful witnesses, and that the Society had directed 
them to fight to the last ditch, and that at the greatest expense they 
had done so and gone up to the Supreme Court of the nation, and 
the Socixtt was fighting for the things for which the flag stands, 
and now many legal victories had been won. In Germany hundreds 
of legal cases were won before the witness work was closed down 
there ; likewise it may be here in America. Then a great outburst 
of gladness broke at the chairman's announcement that Judge 
Rutherford had caused to be published a new 32-page booklet 
entitled "Jehovah's Servants Defended", setting out the judicial 
decisions of high courts in cases we had fought and won ; he now 
authorized the release of the booklet and a copy to be given free 
to each one there. This gracious provision and gift put a new 
weapon in the hands of the battling witnesses for use in meeting 
the enemy both in the field and before the tribunals 

This same day a sharp judgment of the great Lawgiver against 
the "evil servant" class (Matt. 24:48-51) was expressed at the 
beginning of the afternoon's sessions. An ex-army officer of the 
United States appeared on the platform and asked and was grant- 
ed the privilege to present a Resolution concerning one Moyle. 
Said lawyer proved unfaithful to his position of trust in the 
Lord's organization, slandered and abused the Bethel family at 



Brooklyn, N. Y, 

Brooklyn, quit his post of duty, and thereafter sued the Society 
and its board of directors and others for $100,000 for libel be- 
cause the facts were published in The Watchtowet for the pro- 
tection of Jehovah's witnesses throughout the land. The Resolu- 
tion condemned such course of action and such recourse to worldly 
courts as unscriptural, unwarranted and unjustified. Put to a 
vote, the Resolution was adopted with a unanimous "Aye" by the 
vast assembly of more than 75,000. Thereafter copies of the 
Resolution were given free to all, to take home with them. 

The afternoon's program concluded with a stirring speech by 
one from Canada, where the ranking prelate of the greatest reli- 
gious foreign power has dictatorially caused Jehovah's own or- 
ganization to be declared "illegal" and forbidden, and its adherents 
to be imprisoned; but where true Christians continue to obey 
God's commands rather than man's, and of whom 2,000 were then 
in attendance at the assembly and rejoicing. An example of a well- 
ordered Theocratic service meeting, presented by four young 
workers from headquarters, and a discourse on "Ehud and His 
Dagger" closed another blessed day. 


The event everywhere advertised for today and eagerly awaited 
was the delivery of the public address by the president on "Com- 
fort All That Mourn", at 3 p.m The great publicity campaign 
had gone overt Now 105,000 persons jammed The Arena and 
auxiliary buildings, the grounds all around, and the eleven-mile- 
distant trailer camp. A private telephone line connected .The 
Arena platform with the Watch Tower headquarters at Brook- 
lyn and the administration building of radio station WBBR on 
Staten Island, N. Y., where other audiences assembled. Both 
when the speaker ascended the platform and when the chairman 
presented him to speak the audience gave him a great ovation. 
The orchestra, now augmented to 126 instruments, rendered a 
selection suitable to this significant hour. Then the speech began. 
The public-address system was working at its best, and every- 
one in every location could hear well. The speaker's voice was m 
excellent condition, and filled with the quality of comfort. All 
hung on his words in rapt attention, only to break out in repeated 
applause, on nineteen occasions. 

Referring to the cause of mourning, the speaker stated: "It 
is the truth that will make the people free from fear and mourn- 
ing. Receiving the truth, their joy at once begins, and that's why 
100,000 on these grounds today are all smiles!" (Applause) A 
reference to the "Axis Powers" and then to Daniel chapter eleven 
and "the king of the north" and "the king of the south" quickened 
the audience into unusual alertness. Both "kings" are npt men, 
but world ruling powers 1 Then the scales fell from the listeners' 
eyes as Judge Rutherford identified the 'northern king' as the 
ruling power which is totalitarian and represented in the Axis 
combine and opposing Jehovah'9 Theocracy and its servants ; and 
the 'southern king' as the world ruling power which rules and 
claims the right to rule the nations in the name of Democracy, 
and is represented in the British Commonwealth of Nations and 
supporting nations, but which also does not support The Theo- 
cratic Government. A brief survey of Daniel 11 : 27-45 followed, 
and ended all too soon. But when he added, "The Watchtower 
will publish the same, that the people of good-will may be en- 
lightened," there was a joyous expression of satisfaction. More 
applause, later, when he commented, on Daniel 11 : 45, "that will 
mean the end of the Axis Powers, including Nazism, Fascism, 
and Romanism!" 

Concerning the good news of The Theocracy he exclaimed: 
"Thank God that the message does not proceed from any man 1" 
(Applause) The fulfillment today of Daniel's prophecy and its 
understanding mean the "end of the days" is here, and "which 
is proof that we may confidently expect Daniel the prophet of 
God to soon stand amongst the peoples on this earth and many 
will see him and rejoice". (Applause) The audience thrilled again 

into applause when he added that the Lord's people "are looking 
for those faithful men of God and they will not be surprised 
when they come". He then proceeded to detail the blessings of 
God's kingdom, and interrupted to cry out, "I challenge any gov- 
ernment under the sun to point out any hope that they hold out!" 
(Applause) More blessings described, and he turned his words 
to his auditors: "And it is the duty and privilege of the peo- 
ple of this convention to tell the people of Missouri and of all 
parts of the land about The Theocracy." (Applause) Next a glo- 
rious description of "the Holy City"; then "no more death!" 
(Rev. 21 : 1-4) As to our period of transition from the wicked 
to the Theocratic rule, "soon the combined elements of wicked- 
ness will put forth their supreme effort in their final endeavor 
to destroy all who support The Theocracy, and they will cry 
'Peace and safety!' because they have all of Jehovah's witnesses 
in the jug I" (Applause, with smiles of understanding) "They 
shall fail, and none shall help them, because God has decreed it 
so." Then came words of hope concerning the Armageddon sur- 
vivors, followed by a contrast between the wicked and the wise: 
"They that be wise will choose to serve the King of glory and 
receive the blessings of everlasting life." 

With the words, "And now, my good friends, I am sure you 
will want to join in sending a message of comfort," Judge Ruther- 
ford read a prepared "message", addressed "To all persons of 
good-will toward Jehovah and His King, Christ Jesus". Con- 
cluding it, he put the question, "If you believe that this is the 
message of loving-kindness that you wish to send to the people, 
say Aye!" There was a unanimous "Aye!" seconded by great 
applause. During the speech Judge Rutherford appealed "to the 
people of my native state [Missouri] to calmly look into the 
Bible for the hope of eternal life" (Applause), and now he ex- 
pressed it as a "great privilege to speak to the children of the 
people of this state", and he asked : "What do world powers hold 
forth? Nothing! What does The Theocracy hold forth f" Every- 
thing worth-while! 

The speech ended and Judge Rutherford retired, but a further 
joy awaited. Before the speech the chairman announced that, 
anticipating the great demand for it in print, the speech had 
been published and copies were on hand. Now it was announced 
that ten copies of the new booklet "Comfort AH That Mourn" 
would be given free to each one there to distribute at once to the 
people of St. Louis, and without contribution; but any recipient 
so desiring and asking might contribute whatsoever he felt in- 
clined. The response to this opportunity after such a public ad- 
dress was electrical, and parties and individuals scattered to all 
parts, the slums, the sidewalks fronting the "cockatrice hatchery" 
the Vatican maintains in St. Louis, and other locations conven- 
ient for the quick-distribution work. 

Other presentations on the day's program were "Advice for 
Kingdom Publishers" by the Society's legal representative, and 
also discourses on "Transition" and on "Theocracy", all which 
were received with much aid and benefit. The supply shipped of 
the new booklet "Comfort All That Mourn" was quickly exhausted 
and distributed far and wide, and thus comfort from above was 
spread to other hundreds of thousands. 


On an occasion last spring Judge Rutherford stated at head- 
quarters in Brooklyn, "This is the day of the children." Today 
at the assembly marked the time even as such. The full significance 
of what Almighty God here caused to come to pass on this day 
will only be realized later under His revelation. He knows the 
end from the start. 

Early this morning, at seven-thirty o'clock, there was an as- 
sembly of tile candidates to hear the discourse on "Baptism", 
prior to their immersion ; where 3,903 presented themselves there- 
for, of whom 1,357 were children, and out of almost "all nations, 
kindreds, people and tongues". Pools had been contracted for in 

King* County Clerk'a Judei No. L5W3— Ycof LHP 

~- ■ ■ ■ ■ , — ft 


£to fork gitpremr (tail 

Appellate Civilian — Seuoi Department 




Pennaylvani* corporation, dud WATCHTOWEB BIBLE AND 
TBACT SOCIETY, B!C. f a New York JWunbcnJiip *.nrp«r»tira 

Vol I— P-a« 1 to 60S 

t L * v i ..-. n- C OortlVflj*' 

AUaTMjf fur UffttiJrtith-Appii&mt* 

117 Ailnras Jifreet 
borough of Brooklyn 
SW York City 


AUofufn for Plnintiff-htxpuiiJiuii 
14 Wall Hirer! 
Hoj-niffili of Mnnlmttin 
Nt* Ynril City 


Statement Udder Rule 234. ^^. 1 

Halite of Appeal la the Appellate Diviiioa t 

Sqmmont , , , , ™ — 5* 

Complaint ___,„,., _™„™.„ 6 

Eibihil A— Article entitled "Infarm*- 

Defeodanta 1 Firm Amended Answer—, 18 

Order to Show Cause Why Jadgnmt Snoold 
Not lie Uendcrpd in Accordance With Mo- 
tion of Deffn<:,-.i;s for * Directed Verdict 

in Furor of I^.l'Il IVf^ndant -™ 41b 

Affidavit of Hayden C. Covington in Sopport 

of Motion for Dirp*1i-d Ver&t, etc. 

Order Dcpylns; D*f*aJauia' Motion for » 
Directed Verdict to I5o «*,.»— *J 

Eitrsict from Ctert't Minutes — ,_ . — 

Jnd^tnent — 

Cm* and E«£ce;>tioBi ™ 

Plaintiff '» Motion to Discontinue A*' 
tton Act: ti pi Drffliidlrat JaMtpii P, 

Rutherford „...„,.-...,.. *T 

Plaintiff's, Motion to Correct Fictitious 
Nnrne* <\t Certain Defendants to 

Their TruK Xamcs ...— ._.>...„, 4fi 

Motion '-a DLseubs Complaint ** to All 
Di>faidjin.ti ~__, 452 



Renewal of Motion to I)i»wi*a Cent 
i:lnL:it esid for P i rvi- lidn of Verdict 
iu F*Tor of Defend*nU.™„ 1CQ0 

iUticn for Direction of Vordiel in 
Favor of Plaintiff __ l«fl 

Plaintiff'* Motion to DLjirdsa Hit Sepa- 
rate Defense*, *tt — — — 1CM 

Court'* Jt&ihne, QI i liotionj lftt' 

Df foiniftjil* ' Motion to lostract Juiy to 
Rainier o Sp«ial Verdict .__ ^ 

Pkifitiff 'i MotioB to DtuniEg thf Pint, 
Rwaad, Third Aod Fourtili ComrMt 
D*f»oa*a to the First arA Swood 
Caiiie* of AttlDIl ^~_ 

List of "Defendants ' Be4]iif*ti f«r Sf*- 
ciil Findinfiii ■. ■ - - 

The CootI'b Cluirjre 

Df-ffoilAot*' Eiccptioni to Coart'e 




Cliir«:c ..-. 

Defendant*' Re<|oeets to Charge., 
Plain! til's Request* to Charge,, — 
Verdict ^— — ...— „ ■ ■ , ,-,. „ . ,- 



Defendants ' Motion to Set Aiid* the 

Vrnli.^ ftivd foic * Jffr*' Trial I7l;"i 

fl-pijvinn on Motion for a Directed Verdict lfi^ 

^ipolilloa #* to Exhibit*. ISSit 

Staterarnt tj*l Cast- CorLtaini All Iht- En- 

AffidnTit «f Xo niheT Ondoion 

ftlt-puljilinn ami Order Stttliftj* and Filiajr 

Rlt)>il]a1inn IViiviup CertiRfatioo 



Order Piling C**S in Appellate Divif ion li;;ii 

IFifnriTi-i fir Fltlitltif 

William K, Vnn An(i]>UTj?h] 

EijiiLinitJiiri iiefore Trial _ 

Hurray Fioi; 

H'itHptttt far DrftndwM 

Jo<eph T. JtiSfih*: 



Redirect _ 
Itecrosa _ 

Katherine Fink; 

Direct __„ 
Cr«* _ 

Matthew A. Hewlett : 

Esemiaiition BefcfO Trial 

Paler 0. Moyls: 

Crocs ..^—^— ,.——-- 


Phoebe K. Jloyle: 








17 15 



Nathan If. Kxorr: 

Exaioination lieforo Trial 

Olin E, MoyDe: 

Direct „.„. ^^^^^ <JJi 

CrDM ... „^- - „_.„„_. 231 

Redirect , 4L3, «4 

Recrooi — , . , ~_— 4S) 


- - , 45!5 





(In* llftulois: 



- -- - - *Q1 

. ,S00lFiO2 

_.. .. _.,»!, SOU 

Fred Aeblyi. 





IfprWrt W. U»rkD«rtV: 

Dirort ,, ,„...,.,..„ 




lj*Tny H, .ImekwMi", 

T>ireet „. , 



Redirect ,.,, — 

Ttiqrer Mar<|nardt: 


Crnw , 

Bill T1UIT[K 

Oro« — 

Jowpli Skatl : 

Direct „ 
C-T®rt ..... 





Z. Allan Bourn*: 



CjWU* -T. Eir-hoff: 

DirpCt ._ Jr .™ 

frcp* ,„„„,. 
Tti-rHnjtt — 

Willia Fenivnin*: 


Emmctt C. }T>r_li: 


Oas* — 

Nnr S. 1) .ll..:c-i- 
Direct — 
CnvflR __ 

J(*l G. Miller: 

Direct ......^,— 



Harry L. I__SHt; 



H*[en B- Van Ncm«: 


fro** , 


Henry G. .Toctaon: 

Direct __ .. 

CtOBt ...„.,r,r-r 

Qmver I'- I'toYr-ell ; 


Craa — 


; : .n 














JoEC-fJi A. I*n}'el1<c; 

Direct _. 

Cross _._. m 

Clarence SeatEt 

Direct _____ 
Crew _— _ 

Cluirki li. UeBEler: 
Direct „,.„„ 
Crow ___- 
Redirect r,-,- 
ItvLrU_( . 

Frwi "W, FrWUi 

f runs. ___ 
Hflircct ,„., 
Reor*** ,.._ 

firrait Suiter: 





Tlusflkn* J. Sullivan: 




RttTOtf i 

Clmrle* A- 'Win; 

Direct ... 

Crow , 

Redirect , 

HiUfo II- rtiemcr: 

Direct , 

Ciosb . 

Claytaji J. WuodivArtli: 


Din-cl „,. . _.. 10S4 

73 1 

C™f1 .. .. .... 1101 

Hn.liiwt lll r , 

":: : 

IlecroBS , 1116- 


Colin J),i!.> (^ujckitnbiMb; 

Direct .. 1117 


Crems - 1.122 

Redirect ____ __ „„,„___ 1135 

Reerosn , L13S 


PkUr F. KclLmidtL 

Direct ... 113ft 

C-ri-.i^ ,.. „.„„„,.„ , ..„ 1145 



Jj&mIcf L. MpLcuidro: 


n\r*f\ ufid 

Uroan I LCD 

1 (direct ...^.^ .„„_,_...,.,_„ 1154 



liwrca „.„„„,.,.,„.., ™„ m „ — ,-,r- |l& r > 

UnlAtw ArpulJ Hewlett; 


Direct , HGG 


riTnuij iitjt 

liedireet 1204 

JtwrMB. ,_ _. , ,„,-,.„„, lSOfi 



Arthur Allmrt Vl'orsLcy; 


IJirwt -_____™_-_™ ™™ lain 


Cr-DBi . . 1215 

T?«Hi™^t . _ 1551 

Recnua — ____ .„„„. 1221 



RiJ|jii II. MEW: 


Direct - .. „ 1223 

O™ 1225 

n<_ii~-.» iw* 


TfecroB* . 1230 


Hch-D It il! I J l[n_Utt: 

Uiiwt 1-Sl 

Cros* ,..- 1232 

i denial' 1'jiiviii Hnriiinn; 

Iliivrt , I^K 

Itnlirert l£W 

K«r«i> .„. liiS 

\l"illiiini ['. ilfiitli, Jr.: 

Wiwl . 12S0 

e™«* i-M 

n^ijrwi vm 

Unvro.-u 1325 

WuaiiiP l>n)l«» i^rn'l); 

ISrort »_ 1^29 

('ru.- — 133G 

tJitlicrl Yurwwwl ilrf'orifnifl;: 

JllCWl . 1352 

Crom _„._„„„..„__. m ^_ 1355 

llninii"' lSin'il llinili; 

lllnMt 13M 

frniw __ 13** 

ItMlirWt ____ _ 1*0T> 

i m it LI. >k)-l-! 

THrr-et ,_„..^™_ 140T 

CfHuiii — HOT 

Arthur H, Rnnx: 

DinTt uaa 

f>iwi — 1413 

Iti-linrt _____ _____ i*4] 

lEnTim* ~.,™.„, 1443 

Nat linn ITmmr Knnrf : 

Din-el -__. 

t'ros* _ 



Willbin l'». \'^in Asrtnirxls 

Dirttt __,.„ 

Crpfs ».__„«, 

li^Sireet __ 


.._ U44 

.... U"(l 

_.. 14IW 

_ l-'iCICl 

_ 1507 

_ 1516 

.... 1536 

_.. 154.1 

Witnctsn fot Plaintiff 


ili. Wiii-ifHn: 




Cifti«a _... 

Redirect __ 

F. HonkinaT 

.... IMil 
__ IMS 

„ 15fifi 

from . 

... IST.1 


i7K, ]*iUrt 


HcL-rniu H . 

Direct ~._„ 



iJ9, 138I 




l( r M.«le: 

Direct , ,..,„- 

,__ if_o 

CrnsR a. JU ,^ 

__ is_f 


C_ 1730 

IHtttniif* f&Minla 

-Artidt citlitlul "J&ron.ui- 
lii»n" _[>|it-4irins in llit Watdj 
Tuwor ninKUiiPB tinted UtU 

15, lyua ______ E- 

2,— Artu'le entitled "hi Min. 
B.iun" appearing in the Walili 
To_-ur luajjuzine dalvil Oct. 
IH, 1!HD _______ 

_— Luflu. Iron! ™*i li. Moj-k I* 
J. F. RtllltcrfMl-] dated July 
21, 1S39 ^- — 

4.— IVtltr from 01 in B. Jl0)'Je lo 
.1, t'. Itutbarford, diiteti July 
21, 193!) „__. ~_ 

5.— Arlir.k ctititled "JSriurca." ii]i- 
p^iriiiK in Itic Wnleli Tower 
»i_|^ul-v dated Nnr. 7J 71, liinu 

(i. — Articki cnlilli'd "For Your 
Info-rruntitHi" apfKoriaK in 
llic Wutdl Tuwcr m_g_-~u 
il_1i-<l We[»t 1, 1939 _ 



C4 1732 


T— Statciiii'hl dntnd Pupt *!, JS.19, 
nmd Uv Olin Tt Moyk .1 a 

S. — Twelve '[i-jiiplslfts entitled 
"Til* luinrniAnt" JuLmL Jnn- 
imiy 1A3S, DcMTftheT 19.T3, 
-l;i:uiary l!Wl, May ISM, .Tune 
liElU, July 1&T9, AuEiust 1939, 

SvpUfiiiKT i»_>, October lana, 

Noveiolur IftSft, Dewmlt*]f 
19.10 nftd March 1940 



147 1T76 


Paic Fin 

_ l\itl liSU 

Ef.— PJiQtfijfrftpL of ftclLel . 

10- A. — A rtkii; on {kvijc 2 of tlie 
TiVuloh Tuner "*«jr"** M of 
.T;in. 1, l!>^t n entitled M W*KJi 
Tower iiuu|i4iigii" _ 207 1804 

10-R— ArUt'l': on last page g( tV 
Wnk-Ji Tainsr ma^arim; of 
J*n. 1, 1S38, entitled "Wot* 
Tower, Sample CopitV* .._„- 207 1BD5 

11 for IdeJiL — Letter from Oiin It. 
iluyle.tu J. F. ILutJ.L-rford, 
dnlid July 3, 1937 2Ui 1907 

12.— I'ltolograjili of Uia piloting 

phmt of Vatrli TWer liiLLi- 
& Tract Society at Adamo 
St™(, Bmufclyq . 21 5 1807 

13, — iMWr fn>w llie WalebteWo* 
Itiitlt; i Tract Society, Inn,, 
af llrooklym to 03m IL. 
'il'ivl( h data) Novem'tr 80, 

liosi. __. ...„. „,„,„-_ ail isoj 

14,— Letter Crm Oiin. IS. lloyle U) 
V, tL Van Aiiilmrgh, dated 
Nov.24 h 133U ....... 225: 16DS 

)&.— Ijitlcr from OJLb It. Jdoylu to 
J, F. RatlLerfurd, dated Aug. 
10, 1939 *15 IS© 

JC. — Tetter from Granvilk md 
Urate Fiske dddrewed to 
Era. liutlicrford and All tin* 
r^'Uici Family, darted July 1, 
1940 . ____^_ 43S 1810 

17.— Letter from Olio It. iLoyle to 
Fred and jMsxie Aeldy, dated 
Feb. 1, 1540 __™ . en isis 


AitaiLlpJ wl'rim*iJ 

File S'jgc 

l&— Copy i>f Idler from fllin IJ, 

Moyle lo V. F. Schmidt 1150 tSW 

LU.— <.'o|A- Lif Idler from Olin It. 

Mayle ttt V, F r ydimidt, dated 

J un. ii, 1IH0 . — 1150 1615 

20 U\t [i(col>— 1'uuphlet prvLiared 

lay A. A- Wnmlty .„„ 121G ISIS 

Defendants' Exhibits 

A, — Tirttvr ffam l\"aU']> TmvM 
lia! i If £ Trtrt itneiety, Iflt- to 

.lejii.ivalj'j< \t itnL'-KM'a ill Zulu* 
1, WWirimin, linled S..- :t. 21, 

VS.V.) , 10a iaic 

Bu— Ll-IUT frnui 11. Fink to J, F, 
RulhcrfurJ, doted S*pt 12, 
IEI3U _ - ™ 1M 1917 

C— taller fr It. Fink to J. F. 

Rulberfanl, ilnlhl Ke;it, 21, 

1999 107 18£1 

!>.-"! jfttiT from J. F. UtiLliprfortl 
1jj II. Kink, iLni«l S*pt 19, 
11133 107 1SSC 

K,— U'Uer frum .1- F, Riathflrfuhl 
to H. FijiL. Jjllwl S<!Jit- 1^', 
Ifffit 109 1S23 

Yj—Lrtivt IVntn J. F. TiutherfnrHi 

lo II. Kink, tktrd Ocl, 3, ]*>!*> 108 1S30 

fl.— Jitter frwiL H. Fink to J, F. 
[iuLJierdird, iliiu-d ;it[it. iiO, 
10W) . 114 1835 

Uw— Utter from H, Fink to J. F. 
rtulhcrford, datml Oci. C, 1BU9, 
urn] it rt'ply therein doled OtL 
3, ia?J 123 

Adjui ilcij or .IVinCcil 


L— TLitil ^r^i^j-jijjili in tine tniiuo 
eovcr of (he Watch Tower 
niJinfliine en; i ! kd "^'oliunis 6 
of No. 17, dat«3 t^pleniLeT 1 , 
laK*" , 143 1333 

I,— Letter from P*ter O. lloyk 
to J, F. Butherfonl, dated 

titpt 15, IMS ___ 172 1339 

Kr— KiiVL-litpe containinij printed 
■ I— -.;i ■ :■: enliEled "Infonna- 
licw Vital lu J (.-I iu vaii 'b Wit- 
■■mm", ilnted Sk'jiL 2i, 11J40, 
^tiiiiij.itin™ <>( Utter* ft-LiiM 

a n. llaylr ibttrd Hi-[d. S3, 

1!H0 ami Slav 1^. T!J+I] 174 iSW 

I*. — QueKtionnmre fillsd \jy Piiui'tt 

K, Mayle ™___ lfej IttfJ 

If,— I^'IJj.t sipiifti by Laura and 
Inland ti ou^f adiJ ru nwd "Dear 
Junu'ilinnH of II t Waupun 
Company'*, dst«3 Hepl. S, 
]i!33 „„___ . 2M 1351 

& — liftter rif^niHl hy Laura ami 
Leland Itouhcrjddrr.'iM'd" Dpar 
Fricii:li iif the Calurrunu Cum- 
pany", datud Sept, S h 1539 ._ 257 1B53 

O.^^lArt tcr nlpAHl l>y I^ura and 

[.L'ljlflll liLllL-fllltlJrL-.HMll" Dl-lir 

Ftii'iiLln of tfae Hui-ltin C'Diii- 

paay", dated tkjfl, a, 1939 „. 258 ]B64 




Dncrib^d * 

lie J'l'lllHlJ 

I'.— f^etier from Olirt B. Mqv1£ od- 
drt*M'd "Fred and Jeidie'*, 
djilf.l Aag, 24, 11)33 _ — .... 259 1356 

(J,— LL-ttur frwri 0!Jn It Moyl* Id 
(>. h'n-Lknd, dated fckpt 27, 
1DJC _„ 264 1657 

It— Wlec tnm 08a Tt. Moyk to 

Elmer Q, MuDaoi^l, ilatttl 

Di'i^ 20 a liCB .^-.„.,„ „ 271 133o 

ti for tileilt.— Letter of CAin 1L 
iln;Li' a;>[icuii]ij^ in tins SiftKi 1 - 
iiiH' utititiid "Tht P"^7iri-:ri- 
■iwt", uf Hl-ik. i, 1^2 ,.., 230 1666 

T for Wrnl, — (1i|>t>in(i froisi She 
Milwnukp" .liinfiifti of Ottooi!r 
1,-j, HH2 _— 2S1 WGl 

17. — Li-tti*™ [o «f frutu (J. Lt, 

Sl^ylo SflG I8C3 

V.— QtH'i-tiononiru fill nl lay Olin II. 

ll«>Jc, iliital .Inn. 2, lunii ..... Ii!tf TW3 

W.- l.i-H i-r from t>lin R. Jinyic tn 
Liu; lli'hik'ra of tlie WftEcn 
Tower llihle &, Timet Wixjipty, 
lur., Jan. S, 1040 2SS ISDn 

X.— Twn letter* from Olin It 
Movie to Fnil ami Jennie 
Ae%, dated Feii. 1, 1D« an<l 
Jan. .S, IEH0. rimpectively 299 1SKJ 

V*j — tatter fnsiii Olin R, lloyle to 
Joint a. Miller, d#t«l July 20, 

una 29i loaa 

Fi»t ■ ft 

i— (!u|,y of ];-tli-r fmiij (Jlin II. 
Jloyls (hi ^Wi'iico fJiot:, daliil 
July 3D, 19*0 .......... 2SH 1!»S 

&■!.— fitter fr..m Olin U. M«yl B 
to I!, f I, Jiarber, dati-d Jtui. 

5, 19-to sse ia» 

r>-8,— Circular *ipifd by Olio. K. 

Moyk: _^....,„.. r 293 1012 

m. — fircnlsr entitled "Cod i» 
■Not (111? Author of Coiiii* 
bmh" _ _ 235 1010 

13-*- — ElMtopc inirjiieli wuu; «ki- 
Inined ;i rWnincitt identieal 
to Rrirmlanta' >j. Ji.,1 „ 2UC 1016 

J^V— Jailer frnis ['Uui-hi? X. 
Ifuyk- tihf-i.iter Dilly, datcil 
Hi-|tt. l«i, W.\3. with raral. 
Ofv. adclnunMl to Urn. Hai- 
ti* rwty ....... am iaic 

TKi.— h'-\ Itt frflinOlia R, Mnyh; 
In M r. Coiif <'l i r r ilalnl Kept. 
2, t«B ...-.-_ . 314 131E> 

J>-7. — l.utUT froni Olin R. Moyh> 
to 31 r. i'onfehr, datinl Oet, 
30, Ift'B „ 327 1921 

rui—lj'Mer frmil Olin R. Mnyto 

Uj Ur.AUw.ri. W. Cluun- 

btn, doted Jaly 2\ 1939— 3EH 1922 

D-1*,~ letter from Olin R, Haykf 
In Hm. cauii[iSh*rn, daU4 
Aug, ll f 1033 ., 392 1923 

ll-Nl. - irfltcr fr.Hii tHill li. Moyk- 
l.i.Xlr. I'ihiMji-, dalnl IVrii. 

]l i !.— i » I. >..i; .-:.i i: - . k-.| :..i>: - ; i:.ii 

iii Jj^idi' eivvar ijf iiia^uT'jne 

1>-12. — Tii]^ eneirHed portion' of 
itmi'le rorsr uf magazine... 

J). 1 3. — Fftvclujje containing tliroe 
prinU'd ii-;itl'1n and two 
priiilvti pojiirilitet^, all sent 
to fldilr^^a^e Attorney 
t'liiri'jifr Ki'utl, IH<1 Town, 
Jlttine — „ 

])-]■!.— Charter of (lie Watcli 
Towe* Uihls h Tract So- 
cifly, Jm_ a i'ennnylvania 
Corporal :uji 

n-l.'it— t'harler of Ilia Wnlrli 
'i'owi-r llililr & Tract Ha- 
eii'ty. Inc.. a New York 
Corpora: i un _ 

IMC IV Uli'lll.— l"n|iv (uiiFi^nt-il} 
i,r Irltur tn O. R. .Mnyle 

|nrii;innl Mi^ni'il .1. V. 

lriiUiL'iTur'Cl, dnkil A|iril 
2,\ IJCEI 

D-17^- Kolieo nervtij on Olin R. 
Mujle, dated Marrli 9. 19+Q 

&13L — Sutico MTi'eil on Otin H. 
Moylt, datMl March 21, 













4G7 1042 



J)-l!J._ UlLcr frmii t)iiu B, llujle 

til U. H. KLllKlll, (llkllrfl 

Munii 22, iwo _— *es iwj 

D-SO.— loiter frutii Olin R, Moyk 
tn Mr. £ Mr*. Fred Aeljly. 
■LlIkI Dee. 3fl, lfl33 . 507 194B 

D-21.— CiMimiunieatioB in Tit? 
Wn It- klowiT in a g a i i n c, 
January 1, 1W0 ■ 508 104L> 

D-22— Letter from Mr, fr Urn. 
Aebly to Olin B. lloyle, 
dated Jan. 24, 1&40 „„,„ — 509 1950 

I>-23.— ■ TfodaratiaD appearina: On 
pjipe 31° of tlue Watch 
Tower lunjraain* '"■[ GeL IS, 


D-24. (or J. Lm|,— Letter from L B, 
Jiu-L^nn to J. F. Kutlier- 
Ford, dntrd Sift. 1?, 1S39-- 

D-23.— Page 3»J of Hi* W*(*h 

TuittHT ma^aiine- wililler! 
"in iljiriiuvny wilh Aelloo 

0.3C— LetUf from fflin It. Heyb 

tn C. J- Kicldioff, dot™! 
Kcjrt. fl, tJEW 

T>-27,— Imtler from Ottu It Moyle 
(.i ,1, CJ. Miller, dated Auc 
10, MSI __ — ~ 

E-&1 for IdenL — Copy at letter 
from Olio R, Style to H- 
L rurVUrut, dated Bit I, 
1333 __, - 

519 1953 

53ft 1W3 


.715 1-Oij 

655 I960 

. 67E 1M2 

J>-2D. — J'djujiliEk't e*rit»tlli*6 rulea 

iljld N'fJulllLjOjln Of Ue.Lll.Gl 

Urate ; 929 15C2 

U-Sfl. — l'a|*r conlaining ranolu- 
ti'oi nijfrtcu' T. J, Sullivan, 
II, 11, Kicmcr, Crant 
Suiter , _____.„. ',YXI IllLili 

&31 for Idcnt.— Letter from Otin 

li. Movie to Clayton. J. 

Woodworth 1KB 1KB 

D-3£ for TdenL— Letter froui Clay- 
tun J. Woodurortii to Olin 

E. Muyle. tinted Aajf. l. r >, 

1D39 _" 1100 1069 

IH1 — Article ponceming Jeho- 

ral/n WtirteMel apjwsnriftjj 

L:i the, Fe^l Digg*t of fdH, 

I'JSlt . „. HOT 1970 

DJ4 for IdenL — Ijettef From Jtf. 

II. Know u> CUio H. Moyk r 

dated Sept Z*. 'WOl *f"l 

JHIW from Olin K. Iloylt 

1d N. li. Knorr, listed Sept 

22, I!tCE> .„^ J -..„..- I4C6 1W75 

HJa tat IdfibL — Applimlion far 

Pjanctr S*rvin: mnd« b^ 

jrr T Br*M , ,_ t-tee 1975 

DJS. — JliiiufidH oF joint Mcotir^ 

aF Jtoardri of Director* of 

the Watch Toivtr Biblo & 

Tract Knocly of I'ennjjl- 

Tiuiia. and the Wnfch Tower 

Hilitp i Tri¥-I Kficicty, Inc. 

nf Spk Vurk, bolil Abjt. 8, 

IU3H ^™._„..„___™.. 1523 li/7j 

.'AibiiillM rr Winced 
Pl«< Pip 

I>-37 for lilcxt. — irijiutea of llctt- 
inj? of Hoard of Directors' 
of April IB, 192S - ,_.... 1541 193S 

D-.TK for Merit— lELnnt« of Meet- 
imp of Board of Directors 
of June II, 1330 15*1 1985 

D-3SI for Idcnt.— Letter from J- P. 
Rutherford to Joiseph Wl* 
lest, dated Auj. 6, l.W, 
with tl.eeli altiehsd - 1557 1985 

D-40 for ld*n|,— letter from 
Joseph WhflcHR to Host 
ReTHrremi F t a. nt i % J. 
,Sp*llmaTi, dited July 7, 
1939 . 1557 IMS 

Ai.r-cii .;. DniiJOif — iaKCOSU ]}frF*m3WUI* 

OlJS It. if OTLI, 

fiaiiil i^-Bss jhhoVmi, 

Thed W. Feive, VaXdaV H. Kkoue, Giust ScnTTEm 
Thosue J. &lhjjv*S, Wthiasi P. Huh, 3'^, 
Hnoo M. RieXm, WttliAic K, ViH Ahiwhaii, 
AaTHBB It. Govx, Crii»fc» A Win, Cl*it0* J. 

WoOEHiffllXEfs MftYfimV A- HOWLETT, WiTflli 

Toweb Bieu: t Tn*CT Socteit, a I'enn-sylYWda 
earporntjoii and W*TCnmwEB Bible jJRi T»act 
Societt, lire, a Now York membership torpora^ 

Statement Under Rule 234 

Tliis action, wliifli van Isro-uplil to ree&rer Ofi* 
Hundreil T iioumuid Dollars (#H00,DOO) danajtea, 
Firtv TbcHDiaml DnMan (*nf>,000) upnn tlhd firn.t 
tiwrr f>f Ml mil anil Fifty Tliousand BpJbr* 
(STiOjnnO) uprm (lie neon-ml mUs* of action, was 
cuirJiiionewl Iny Olin H, Koyle ajraiost Jo«ph F, 
RutlnM'forji, Ff*i W. r'roni, Nathan, H r Knorr-j 
Granl Buiter, Tli«riiaa J. H-irtliran,, Williaai P. 
Hcmtlk, Jr., liogn H- Biemtr, 'Willurai H. Tan 

a'.''iif i.-u-ni iV™>r ;:jJ5 iji 

.AiiiNurjfli, Arthur R, (JibIK, Charlea A. Wiw, 
Clayton J. Winalaimli. MuUlitw A. llu^Sctt, 
IVakh 'fuwt'r BLIjIb & Truct Society, a Pofin- 
nylvania n>riioration, und Watditomr Ililile St 
Tract K^KriLty, ljtfc, n Sew Vurk nii-rnlKT«liip 

HtTYife of minimDiiH nud eojiipiaint iigwin Sim 
ih-Fi'inlnul, tlujru 11. Itieitier, una duly tiiude Oo- 
tulny ll t ISHti. Service of iuiiijiidn* on the re- 
iLiiLLiiiri^r di-rtjuLanta wan *nivpi, and sunuimniiea 
vrvra ikJivurtd to dvfcnt]»* uttomcy. 

Hot inn to (tinjuihi for failure to elate a cauRt 
«f lu'limi wan Iliads, < and, upon appeal 
In Huh (.'ourl, the orilcr ckTij'infi the oiotion wile 

An firijrjjia] arwwtr wait yervn] nnd, anon uid- 
Ih>d isuidr? Ijv tlic |i|Ai»(if|, certain nllej;ationa 
sere rtrMien tlirrcfrnini and. defendants allowed 
In re-fdi'dd, The mur-nded nnswer wni rterved 
mi J i l i j [- '2, iy+1 , at wliieli tiiiie tlie in^ie waa 


TJii' nflinn wji* iritit to n jaty befen Jiisticc 
I'lilit'ltn, at Trial Tcnn, Part 14, licpi H uinji -On 
Miiy irhii and eBilirtK in May £Tili, vm\ at 
■n-tiich til in- Lin- jury bntusht in a Wttlbrt in 

favor ii|' till- ]il;lintiff llfxtn the fir-Hi fflrta* ijf 

iii'kini in 1 1 il< nuniLijbi iif KiftiH'u Tlmtwind l^il- 

Ijll'ri y,1jJ)lJ{)> aiid U|MB Iljft PWdmi miliar nf 
jii'liim lii Hie Jin I' hi nt ftf Fifli-i'ii Tlinitunml On|- 
Lu» (|i'i,iVin). Th* (rial jitwli« Inntrnfdfd a 
Vrnlirl nrxHi tin* nn-nml eau^e of nftlisn In fju-or 
nf drfnulantu cicepl tin- two (ttrpenla d'-fi>nd- 
an(«. Jinljinit'iit I'm Knlpfeii u[ian said xe-nJi* 1 ! on 
tin- noth day nf Juar. 1W3, award inc me plain ti FT 
recovery ujnin tluc fifn't t&iua of on" km upainat 


Staiemeui Under ilult 13i 

all the derendaritu in iho anioiint oF Fiftt'i-n 
'J'Jumsujid I'liur haiuirnl ninetydive HidlaiK and 
'J'm-i-isij- Ugiili; aiul upim tJie deeoaii taiaae pf 
Hi. i it, i. ji^-iiijfcl tiie [wo enr[iorate di-FejiibmlM ir, 
il^L' auiuatit nf lift.,-™ Tlmusanii and Kijrlity-five 

li-feiidajij.i duty inured T«r on ordrr ^rq.n1inir 
a ni'W trial ami fur tin unlii dinuHHjijtu; |hc enni- 
|i|.iin1, u|i.;i: all 11 io jfroundj net r«rth in .SwSiiin 
."i4li ■ ■ T 1hr t.Vi| I'ructie* Act nitiTjit inol:t^>^:jllac} , 
J'f tin: db iiLji>rf ri, wil it'll JiHition Uilh lU'itifl and 

i-xcpjriUHl albwcd the di-Fesubihtn. Tlicrcafter 
i In- ilefi-Bnt^iirt mciTed for n dircrlwl Terilirt 
■ i ii ■ I =■ i- rk'i-titm 45"-n or tlve Civil I'mrtin; Act, 
winch v.iLH lU'iiicd ami ciccininii allovred Uw; de- 


Tlii-fii lijm Ikmtj a rlianwe in Hie pnrties ami in 
tlii' :i.t1iiriicy* nince tln> lirhj^i:!^ of Mic action. By 
F.ti|iuhitiint t[:iydcn V-. Covtiijitiin, Kk|., wan kuIi- 
ptilulcd Fur .f<inr(:|j (i. (il.iMi>, Ewfl., ju nilnrney 
Tur (In- ilcfriKniiitfti 'J^lie lii-Femlan t, .T<ki>[>|i >*. 
[.'liHicrfurd, nn (Tanitiiry J\ lf«2. uml llierj^ 
afler jjljtiiiliff iliiviiniiriiLi 1 '! tlic netieil awl did 
lint revive and nmtin up ilu- aclinn as to the 
Kulnh" i,f .[<HK>||]| V. IlLillicrfiird, iltttn^nl. ISy 
:- 1 i|,i.iiiiii,,i WalliT I! rin]il iliim'h, rj<|„ wan puls- 
«lilulii| Air Julin If, l"an Kunbitn. Kni| rh ait ;il- 
lni ric: 1 fur I he [tlaintiff. 

Notice of Appciii tu the Appellate Diviiipn 

lllKQS ConjiTY 

County Cleck'a Lodei Number 13345— IL140 

Ous It. MViftX, 
Fbkd W. FftiVi, Xatkax H. Ki-ttULL, QhUTT KurrEa, 

TjlOM.lLi J. tit-LUVAS, WlLUJtM P. Hr-tTlL, JjL, 

Hue* !!. RmtEa, WlLUUt *!- Vast iXMOUM, 

/tinmen R. Cuus, CiwoUi A- Wiit, Ci>\t«* JT. 
WoobWMmc, Matthew A. Jlowunrr, WaXCII 
Tow-™ liiuu; £ Ttawr Socm, a PewuglvDnk 
mrparatian, and Wati'iitotteb Seulk asd Traci 
SjuCtrrv, IwCh a N«f Yw* momlwr».li!p eorporn- 


Si ii r 

You will hmr take it*rtc* tlial nil nlmfu- 
luiruL'il iIl'TcihI^hIm 6i«irfij appeal an hoili iiBrrtWHW 
At tour anil qUnttiw** i>l fact in the Appellate- Divi- 
sion of tlie Supreme Court, Bwnd DBfHtrtment, 
from tin final jttdnnfat in said action, ri-ndr-rod 
in [lie SU|imit4 Oflrt, King* Canity, and wilwvd 
in llic- (nice sff tiic Clerk (>r the County of King* 
on t)M 30th day of June, 1M1 in favor nl" th* 
plaintiff and nprninjil all tlie defendants apnn the 
find cbom of *f lion in the ftsnount of Fift«*n 
Thousand Four Hundred Ktoety-frHi TlnSIa™ and 
Twenty Cents : an4 a£*tfuTt tlse defendant*, WnleJi 
Tower Bibla A Tract Society, a PtaiuiylTanin cor- 

ttotict^af Appeai la the Appellate DiuitiiM 

juration and "Wuuditvwer Eibio & Tract Society, 
Lie., a New i^etIl njoujEj^nijiiEi ej>rjjnm1iun p Jo the 
amount of Fifteen TliooHand and Eijjhly-IJve Do]. 
Luj .1 ; nnd f remi iswti Bud srvwy ps*rl of baid judg- 
ment; ami u|hm naid appeal the defendant) intend 
to taring up for review ilk* interLOLdiate order 
omermliog ck- fondants' anoliun for n new trial 
toade ujilUit SjcUujj 5-19 of the Civil I'metie* Act, 
and every part a( *aid oritur cud* in thi» pctivn 
on tba li~th day of May, li-iS, an appeari in the. 
minuted of tho Court; a\id upon naid appeal LLa 
dif eodan ts intcui to bnjig up for rmew tbg in- 
(iL'cunSiaLD OTder, and every purt tl;ereof h ovoitt 
rutinjf tlie defendants' inolion for a dirteted Ttr- 
di<il in^kU 'Cinder S't'utiyB -i^'-ft «X the Civil Practice 
Act, aiul ta«:h and every jui-t of e aid order rutolc 
in ti..h in ■ 1 L i_i s i . dated July '20, VJHX and v>it<!r^d 
in tlic odiee cE tl.e Ckrk of tiit County of Kin£i 
(in [lie lilKt day of July, IMS; and from all other 
interijkcilioto onli-ib inade on INe trial of aaiiii 
jrtiiiii, and Troin eadi anil ever)' part of Ilia 
afo n.'sjLii I iifiltrit. 

Jliilvd, llninklyn, Kew York, July S2, 11M.1 

IlAfOEj! C Cfnucmx 
Atlarney fgr JK te;i(Jon{s 
Oflicc Mid p, 0. Address 
117 Adcnu Street 
Bro<iJil;n, New York 

VTiwn Dul'ch UA-usLy 
Attorney for PlaiiitJlT 
OJli^ and #. 0. Addrcu 
14 Wall Street 
New York, N. Y. 

I, IVitUrr l!i[n-lil;iinwn, ottoi-Boy for plaintiff, 
itu Iwn-liy Etfrlif)- Hint I rvrvimjil a true oopjf of 
tilt tithiu Nultec uf Apiwul up (lit 2^"d day i»f 
July l!Ml 

(Sl^juimIj IValtjsb UauiaiiiAUiHOt 

W.HJTtJI ]SaUCU[[AL l hiliH 

AtlciWtl for tlic J "Juintilf 



|*i jwp ma The Couktv or Kisuu 

OlAN it. il&KX*. 


Jummi h 4 . liuTTKKiLnnu), I'ju.d W, I'V^se, K-m'il.\s" 

II. K9CIIHB, BaASTS[TiTE*,"ril<W4Jl*" J, ik-kAUM*. 

iirnl hhhu.' '"TIiohoia"' hesn^ Ik-litiwi*, tin: 1i"Uff 
!;:-«t rtiuur. of hi id tlel'ioulont lieiue; unknoivh to 
plainliff, Wiiahw V. IttjiTM, Jjl, IIubo II. Bj* 

ukb, ^'iums Jri. VaS AiiaujitH, Ai;t);uu ]t- 

tiuL-i, "XHAIUJIS" A. VlSi, firjjt IkBIBC "Ciijirlts" 

lieinj; fictitious, (he true first wwvr of said de- 
fendvii [joinjr unknown lo pbinlilT, Cu^tos J. 
WoObWtiHTu, "JIjjxolm" jL ]lo»U7fr, first nam* 
" Mj.jj:TiHjj " k'iiijr lietitiuui, the true [nat nft)H* 
of said defendant Ijcii^ iinkiu^'n to plaintiff, 
liViTUid To*hb Uiiuji &■ Tiurt Sootxi'j a Tcnn- 
gylvaitM pftr^tiration, aod \VAn:i[Tt™">:ii JIiulk &. 
Tbaut K0O«V, Inc., 4 New i'or*. lktidKtndlip 
corjMi ration, 


To die above noi:ied Def endont* : 
Yoir abb HKftEOT tuHHSWKip t* aeiwer the com- 



phtint ia iSiis neti<»rt oml to wrve n ^>py "f S^lit- 
n lir-N-. ■- r, t>r, if Hit' rniu|ihnnt ia tit wn'nl wLlll 

Elm wnuMAnu, tit BrtWi a ruvtifff of afipwraru* 
on I hi- plaintiff's attorney, wilhin trrnly day* 
ttfUf tin; aerTlei of fcfa rtmmaaaa oselusive uT 
the ilny nf «rvw*i and in pai* uf yotir f«)urt 
tn upjwar <ir mwRr, jinljjius'iit will he tjiki'ti 
aBfilRXt JOB hy delimit fr* tlie relici denuiiulnl 
in ttn: nmi|iiain(, 

Datod, New York, Oclolpr 7, 1340. 

Joiis- II, V** BPbiuk 

Atlnrni'V fur Plaintiff 
OJhcb 4 I f - O. Addrtn, 
2S1A Briadmy, 
Borough of Manlmltsn, 
City of New York. 



ISajuu Title] 

The pSninlilT, by John H. Van Surdaui, Lis nl- 
tora«y, eouipLuinins of tlje defendants, rcaiitcl- 
fully alleges: 


J. Plaintiff U a resident nnd ettii*n of the State 
tii Wi sg<nihiiB. and wau fitmi shout Hay, 13iti to 
alxKit Au[ti:kL f ItJjLi, a roijdent nnd citizen of tke 
fcitito tJi New Yuri; and lint oVa} 1 * Wen a tHi**B 
o f lliii I' " in- d Suite* of America ; bo is an atturaey 
at law limiHfcil (p praotwe in the States of Wia^- 
eoltxin and Rew York and in Hit Supreme Court 
Oi tht United States and is. prewsnUy onssie^'d in 
(lie prwttia; of Jaw in tlie City of Waim-aioEB, 

\\ i^UJLsijl. 

2, Ujjnn jjifcirtisatiun and belief the defendant 
Wateli TouTr Eiihie t Tract Kocitfiy is m eor))ora- 
tiuii cjrjpinijed mid fiintiug under tins Ibwk «f the 
t'uiiiiLUkiineullli oi IVnriijlvania, (b«r*tsnfttr rc- 
frrred In as tlie "Hiwiety") iloing buiincss in tin; 
Sjulll "C Kew Vork; nn<l tii« defendant, Wntch- 
toW» Nibl*' S: Tract Kneiely, Inc. h a mxrabcrildp 
chr^KiruiiniL orpuiixcd and exist iojjundtr tlie laws 
of tlie State of K*w York, ( liert-inafter referred 
to a* the "CnrjKii'ation"). 

3- C])np inf"in!iAtii>ii and belief the paid Society 
and/or t'iir|>nrntiiin arc, and at all times Jw-rtin- 
aflt-r luntiwwd, llftvc bean eosafjed in the polili(*- 
limi ufa naajraziui kniiwn aft "Tlie Wa(ditow*r", 
a fii'iiii-nirhnlhly innsiwine, and otlter pulilientinrj 
of a rtdijjiouii cliaraettir and io f>roniu!£ating tb« 

bolitTs of a religuillx i^ituueil. or^uiiiiation or ntovc- 
inenl oiiJMiiJpl^' known a* , *JeluwaJi^ Witries^es 
and "i [inn EnfnrlEKLtiiiti ami l^digf all of the iiiuivjd- 
.. .... I'.'iiiJ^iiiH hi-L'L:ijL naiiM'd ore inendiergcof said 

Jul ihvj.Li '« WitiiCKMS and iJHrtru and/or direct"™ 
of Sjugiety uiid/oi- Corporation. 

i. Tbo [Juiulifi VL-ai iKtrippi his rejiiksaevia tlie 
Htulu of New Yuri; from alNiot May, ID3T) In ahout 
Augunt, 151'ill, llio general fauoxd in eharpe of 
legal ]iuitters fnr tho will Ji'liuVjdi'd U'itnctwM 
and in charge ni' the U'^fti di-nartnteiiln or ll» said 
Society and Cor[KirHli0n dk-fendantu lh.'rL-iii, and 
pliiijitiff wan at nil lipn-.i keti-inafter inenthjnod a 
ineuilior of nuid 4 |i-huvah r ji Witnem^'iij 

u. The plain! iff i-^ and idvay« Iitm bf(-h. a fortb- 
rigitt, Isosifi't ami faL:liful tilixi'n of llio Klale* ftf 
WijifOJiKiii and Jf en 1 York and of tine I'nilrtl Stat™ 
of .\ii;i-rii-jL ^inl lilt- always Iwlinieil and empdu**ed 
liiiiniclf Jin HitcJi. and the plniniiff is and nlwayd 
Jiu^ Ih'vil devniutty relicriinjs, 3r.1l until tin: puliliea- 
tinn and rLrrulalicn hy (lie defendunt* of certain 
drfMittlnfy iiiatlur lierciimfler fc! ftirth wan al- 
■...:.. v iv|mUci1, osli'fitierl and arW}4ei| Jiy and 
anionfr nil lii? neifrolmrs, friciula and fellnw" pieui- 
li*]y of the mid Jvnitvah'n Wifniwue* nnd liy and 
mining oilier j^Khl and ■wortliy dli^ni nf aahl 
States and !h^ I'nilod eitnteii of Amwin* 1o I* a 
person wf i; nrj il name and fame and a Inyal men- 
her of the »aiil .l< , liiji'ali r s Witnesne» and an uttor- 
oev nt law nf Hift injiit repuinlinn for htmeiity, 
loyal ty nnd inH'Kfity. 

C, Tlte di-feiidnnt ItiLthprford and the other in- 
,livi.'liinl defrnrlrnl* hf-rein in or nimnl Bin] pri<,r 
totJie mnathof Octobef,l330,eonipofled,pabli»bcd 



and circulated nn article entitled "Information", 
4t tujjy uf u'Jlm'Ii article i* hereunto annexed, and 
U1L....I- a [iiii-i het-euf, in* though si were fully mi 
:'iu Ui IM-Ticia. 

7. Tliv LLfuriilnirntiuiuid Knriety fir Corporation 
di.'IYikJjjilH Lirruaa mi ut aUitit Use l'lth day uf 
Oi-IuUt, li)JU t piililiiilnal ur iTiUnetE to !h< published 
a:i:l d TCU liltis L I i i; Willi ttrtiflfc vu lifted "Injur- 

inuliun" tu i\k tkloreiieutiogtaj jaaputinp, "Tin; 
VViittliltwtr* 8 * at |A|tX'« lis L iJ iiuiL Ltl7 u-f Volume. 
LX, Nu. 2U thcreuS, and hu* enured the. kiiill- 1u 
he puhtbdnvd and circulated i h rnu^lioiK Un siuU-H 
of Xvw Vui-k, WtHMIWJn^ ilw; United Stale* <?f 
America liu] tlAtwberft. 

8. Tin: defendant* maliciously, with actiutt r.iat- 
iee, ill will ami ijpite and with wantonnoss and 
twklut^nera published at a part of the said ar- 
ticle entitlid. "Iiiformaticis" in the aforenwa- 
tinned ipjitit! of Baid niajjazim?, " Ttie Watchl-ower" 
at Hie third ami fourlli mid cij;hEb pirapxafdji on 
])n.j;vi> nilii unci 317 (hereof of tlie af oremen ! lonod 
JKFu? jj! Haid mauaiinc, of and coucei-nimK U;e 
plaintiff and of and ccncerniTiP. fie plaintiff in his 
professional capacity tin following false and de- 
famatory matter : 

"At a joint naeetine; of the boards of dim- 
turn of the I'enasvlvania corporation and tlte 
Nev/ York corporation of |be WATOHTOW. 

\ht uflire «£ the Swift? 1 at Brnnklyn, K.Y„ 
tbis Sill slay of Aajrast, 1939, at winch njtber 
nisuibers of the family vera present, (here 
*n» read Id said boards sad in the presence 
of a B. Uoyle a letter dated July 21, 1939, 


written I)}' Kii J lloyle and addressed U> the 

IMLT-LlkCit uf tl If -SuClvly. 

'*Vur four years pust the writer of Ehut 
letter ban htuji rn trusted v.- i. e 1 1 the c i in fide nt iul 
Nullum uf the KoL-k'ty. 9i tin*' appear* eL.i 
Lid writer of that Itttiif, without txeVM, LLLhtLh 
Ihc family d[ Hod at iktlieJ, anil idonliSbi 
hiinmdf ad unc wiia bpta^s evi\ o.i;jmHt Llic 
Lui-(! k ji orjL^ini^aiion, and wluo i< s aiamuTEr 
UDiI eiilii|)l«in«T, even n* Eli? Scripkirc* nave 

foretold. (Jude-m*;! Cor. i-3; Item. »:4)" 

■ ■ ■ 

"Fwr f«ur yenr* Moyle n'lif entrusted »itli 
the rfiiifidtnliol mwllcr-s of the hjiirk-ly, and 
then, uiOkJUt excuse, lie ns*ini 1 1» and ataligni 
tliu*c who- tru*tcil Isini. Juda* wns ejitrusle<.l 
!;j- tl'riist Jei'iw with confidential nnk(ter«, 
and Judos fimvad lain unfaillifutnesti lay fur- 
ntitliina; In the enemy tliiit winch tlicy wyaid 
use nnd did ui* BKainsl tli* Irfrd- He. » , li* 
ItmJiaini tint hj-<.'t!i rr-o «f tlnj l^»rd niiiiiiniK the 
),i*ri| hiiiLKi'lf, lir-il tin' end (if KUfh ilir Srfi]>- 
(uit» j^jlainl)' )»itii qiiL IEaviiip tiutn wannnl, 
oatii ii-j:i> jnu>.t tliooMT lu juin tin? "m"il iwtv- 
aat" nnd tiiae the eaiuoqnsncwi (M,i;t. 24: 
4Ji-"il) "r I'l-inain rflishfnl to Jv)iaVi.ii ajid IiIh 

jZ";YiT-1I:M - I'm l>y Chrirtt JeJiU>l- Clu>nriS whmu 

you will «rvi'." 

9. Thft itefendanta in and by 1he jifnrewid 
^iiihtiNi nuittur nisant awl intended )n ehar^e bpiI 
<tid rLni-ftL' ami did eonv-ey to the renikrB thf reof, 
udd|; other tlnngi;, n;. : 

{it.) Tlmi the plaintiff havinp been entruated by 
the iklVwbnta with tonftnlen tiui iLiaLtLr* as Iheir 
gvnejral rouiiKel liad pnnved i' to bU in:sl, 
and, in tlie UNLiim.T of Jndui, the mud who Imving 
I.K4.-H r.iiiiiidrly eiLlruiitud, lii:lra>*d Jahu Christ, 

lllU] in; t TLLJi Ld ilill UJ3L[lloyL,i Und JLLr, l\-llii\V JSUUIkL- 


(h) Tluil tlw> plaintiff Iwd Imronie an "cidt terv- 
jiiit", nils uufsilliful in jijid nn unlit ptr- 

j>mi ti,t iihiuImitji ui ,)eh<iV4il|'if WilntflHSS to BriHO- 
i:jut« Vi ail i. 

\v) Tlmi hy n-fi-rriiii; Uj Jmlc, vnrufK 4-Ki, the 
H]i'fi'M(i;jni* juii-uiliii 1n uii.J did ehursM: ;irnl nmvey 
Ui Ibr wswWji Ihi-n'uf llsat in Aoennuuin! wild Ilia 

iKdiufn uf Ji-hnvjLii 's Wikitt^KtM, "li^ plaipiilff ha£? 

put liiniM'ii' in L,|i|in:-L[iiin (o tjiid's ijowrmiH- at 
l.i:iI Ls jl iii^n wh.( iuu ikmied the Truth nnd tiiere- 
liy riinnjiiiud n itin, lli-r neriult of vrhira «jTnlfiiiBd 
iii in In n n.<'"r.'l ilealh and eternal derirnetiun, a 
rltJtb fnilu w liic-li IhM* i^ nei ri-Mlrtwliuii. 

til. Tin- j)Ih*v<> iiuikttd ]iiirlioii!i Df Hie Maid nrti- 
rl v liin-iniiinivi- Kfl forth in nant^npli it, w*re in- 
tended by ihf ih-reiuliinLi t« h aiii] did e4nlinu<.'£ la, 
nnd Bill iimtiniLL' tu injurt li;r pmil repnliilinn 
uml L-liiirjrtcr «f I he |ihiintiiT l«dh ax n mim and 
3l-, a liwyrr, and won inteiulcd to, did, enntiittu 1 ^ 
to, and will (AittimK to, injure the pJaintiff's fe^l- 
injjii, wind nnd Wly; 4nd the same waa calculated 
to, did, due* nnd njll eontiiivie to hold the plaintiff 
up in pi:i:li,7 wurn, hntrod. fnnteuipt, ohl^via/ and 
ridiru3p h alul huf- Hinmul, eauhfr* and will cobtinue 
to emwe the plaintiff tu lie nliunned and avoided 
by bus fiifiidn, aev^uai ntaaouH n:iii oo-mtisben o( 



Iha aforemtiniioned !ytcuty ui lr1uivu.ii** WH- 
ne^ 1 -!'-. and tu KUlTh'f lornt uf UmHtH in jjrufeK- 
uion, all to IlLk damage in the kuiu of Fiily TJiou.- 


11. Tli* [tbintilT nrjieats ar-d nallesei irilli tba 
naiiLri fot-L* an L l ffT«t as. tjiouph herein set forth 
in full, each and evi'ry alb'^jLlinn et-ntainf-ij in 
paraj^ra]?! ih. 1 to J ini-lu^i*'!' hanof. 

12. UjMhn infornialkiB and iiefief the drtrwinmta 

r:un'il Liir jLikrlu (iiltilvtl " liifuriiiJUiun" liureiii- 
alyhk r « IM'T^Tri^i to 111 fKir-j^rapk 7 lii-ri-uf tulle ri-iiil 
and [laliii^bisi 1n and Iii-L'of4' varioiiii iJN'cliuLTH of 
JehoWlll'ri H itjH'^n^ ill Vnrjon* hIjlEh'ia of 1 1 j l b 

I -iii'. j 'l ^fatoa "f ,\uwtirn. 

13. Tlie aforcua'uliun«l Society or rnrpnratinii 
defendant* Jn>n-in f>n or almul the ]'ith day of 
Mov^fntier, i'Ji'.i. publinhiil nr faiLsed lo he pulf- 
3^ln-d and eireutateil an article withled "ti!iitrcpi T1 
in the afureuiuntioned nia^aiim? "llic Wnieli- 
IOWl*r". at ]Hlf,'i'H XP.t to I5-1S inHlPiW of Volume 
T.X. [*(». '22 tluU'enf, nn.l cailw^il jbi- unfile |o In' 
[■.-.'ili^li-'il and ■rirvulu It'll Liir'in^hiint Elk- Sillier of 

Mew Vurk nnd WisroBsin, Ihe Tniied Hiatcn »f 

Aluerieji and eSsetvhiTP. 

1J-. Thi' di L f< L ailanlK lierv-'in', with 
mdimt nmlire, ill will nnd sanitc, nnd with hh 1 11 iji ■ 
ne^ and rertlei'sneiii', [luhlishfnl n? ijartsi of I he 
ucid article nntitled "'^narsji" in Ihp nfnreiiLeiu 
tioufsi ii=suf' uf riaiil niasaiin<* ( "Tlit WalfEitdw^v" 
coinineiietnjr n1 flic end of para^ratdi at p&po 3J2 
and at fia^i; ^14^ tlitTiwf, and at tin: Aral [KirniEmph 



fl£ page 344, eatitltd "Toftgttt", nil in the said 
issue of the bald ina^aziac- vf and ceiDcemin^ tlje 
plain ti IT and of nnd eonrorn inj; the plaintiff in lib) 
prubrh4iunul coiiatisy, ilia following fuJM: and 
dtfainatvry iniitlcr: 

"The jlij.ii who eljiiiipi to have ccmsnefatod 
hiniKLrlf lo iiod and W'lio IhtJi tiLTtn hi ihi tt'Imt 
ia jnjuieral]/ *alltH.l K n K^nd fellow* tjihvnSHt 
a1h(T.i h Ljnd eraves the favor uf men, prove* 
bbiLsLdt' thcreJiy to tw a inati-}dra»vr, which ia 
an uluiniinatioji ia the i»i^bt of (Jotl. (l£ph- 
(iili; L'ul. 3:'2'2) If n juaa i-Liimi to bo coiiit. 
erulml to Vcxi ami i,ia lawyer and aiirh!ir* in 
court a» ciiuiiH'l for aaoiiiL-r txiuwcmteil jicr- 
kon, and 1hea cnwiducti hiiHSpJf and 1he ease 
on trin] in nuch a manner tltat hi; lui^ii! rc- 
EQW4 i lie 4ij>[»ruvji| of olheriiKn in the rourt h 
Midi Iwwyrr in 4 iiinn-pli-aner and pmvcn hi* 
unfaiKifuliu'jis, !o i J ...I and tn tin- liini;i]oia." 
' ' ' fine wIjii lailjl or n?flMH to lrn,k well 
tu tiDil lIi-I'itliI tin- intorcut of a {'lirinliiin, arnl 
dDrn mi in sfiuVr ilial lie- inj^il appe-ir nn a 
(,'ohlkI fifluw in ihi' e>L'.ii ef utltcr men, in tliere- 
fort- tin? enemy uf tll-ibl. 

"itnr whuin [he i/,nt Eavnm with a iikifp in 
his orsintKiitioii, and wtura per?-nn invnpiiii 
II INknitimi tlieroiii <sf LMinliihuhf tuwjird bis 
M^anriatMa nnd rbi< lit rhnfpe cuuiidL'nlinl 
uuiltery. anil vrihn then ansnitlts (be nrannisoi. 
Sinn with false imd evil wnnl*, itbown ainwlf 
to hnvp lioen en.ijULN'd be the wietwi iiue. If; 
dhtriflwii (hat In- In* ij;norej| (ind r n Word mul 
Ibu heen led liy fear that be will not receive 



the aiipraval of ctlmri unless lie follows Hie 
course of evil spcakinjf. isueh a person show* 
tliai be ban no IW of Ood, but that iie .bus 
t'k'ar jnen, desiring their approval, He like 
wiita iliowa that if lie ever bad a virion of the 
3;ii:-,i,iii: ]lc iu entirely last «ueh virion. 
Having once Ktarted to serve, the kingdom, 
anjDn tblt one luis a. vision of tbe Tlxruf ratit 
j-7.iv<;rninint and then wholly and viuapletcly 
deeulcti himself 1a and cndeaVOra lo prnnetiO 
the intcwal of the Ttioapracy, lie is eerloin to 
be cninaiied by Uu> Ilevik" 

IT). The di'tiuLibinlK inivniled lo nnd did, in the 
pari* of n*!d article reb-rri-tl lo in paraKrni'h 14 
herijof, refer tu the plaint iff nnd in ami hy the 
Biorenatd ifuulwi jwirU at the naid article meant 
and iat^'iKLni |o ehar^o and did cJutr^c ami con- 
vey tn tin: rpiidcrH lipi>!iji, aUUKiiB; other thinici*, 

(a) Thai the |i!;iinlilT had ln^n charged bk a 
ktwyer Willi the iLel'eioiP uf tjie inlereclii of Luji 
elipnl* IiiLE i\y,i\ hr IjlilI fuihil 1u proEevL nin/h in- 

terpirt* uml km I l««a onfaiahfal. 

l-:j That thr ]]UiialiJf, Imvinir bi'cn coas'e'emlcd 
tu iinik wan a.-f a knv\er di-Hi^iateil tu di-fi-ml the 
iialnu'estK 4hf u-thn'r H-iiii^L^'T^iEHtl [H'uph L , hut (lint he 
fnibilnnd fcfltWll in tnuk n'rll (odefciml Ela> inlerv 
esls uf tli* rujL^icrati'il hrrltirpn ilk fimlci- Elmt lie 
«iii;lit a|ifu"ur n» a "unml fe-llnw" in Hie eyen uf 
(HIht iiwis. nmi I hill plaintiff i>, Dierefore, the 
Micnovof t'hriri. 

(e) Tlialtlic tibiinlin - , having ljeen ravoreilwiih 
a pwtilum of tun UlU'ulic and tuuil in the Lord** 



erKaxiiiitian, hail proved failhiess to hi*, least 1k- 

riu:-e bt < 1ha appfnval ftf JibBll instead of 

Iiavuifi ii j»L'ft|nT fear Liml reverence to (he word of 

(i<uS, and (bnt the jdaintifT had been anwl by 

I he devil, 

1C. The above- cjiinled portions of the Hint ar- 
ticle berviitaliova net forth in pai-nprarah 14, were 
intended ih>- tht deftntbtnti (n, mul dW, eoniinufta 
to, :inil nil) continue to injure the^n™! reputation 
and rim meter nf (ho plain] iff hviHi M n. nan and 
u» n lawyer, ond wjih intended in. did. en-uHmies 
to, anil will continue In. inj'iTe Ilie plaint iff'* feel- 
in;;*, luind ami body; and (til HUH wan euti'iihiled 
to, did, d"e-s and wiitcnnSinue t"h"l'l (he |"kd«lilT 
up tn public worn, tinlred, rontctirpt, oblaqiv and 
ridicule, ami lias fanned, carmen ami will nwliirui! 
to cause the plaiuiiff to he idninned. unit avoided 
hi" Ids frienda, nctiuaintunceH. and rn-mctnliers nf 
tile aTorptnriLtioried Kaeiely fif Jehovah's Wit- 
nl-sse-.N And In *nilcr lnam ci-T jnr-Oulr in Lii.M Jirofen* 

tion, nil 1n his damage in 1ii* Man itt Fiflv Thou- 
sand Dollars (£50,003), 

WHEREFORE plaintiff nVmandu judgment 
ijjiijiist Urn defendant* in (he mud nf One llundrod 
Tlin'.ijio.r.rl Tj<i1Ia™ (8100,000) topetker with Ihn 
toil* and duilrarM-mrpla nf tkia, aclioa, 

Attorney far PlnJTHi Jf, 
Office, ami l'oat flifice Address: 

No. 2S3 H roadway, 

y,,in.'jL-:i uf Manhattan, 

City of New Yotlt 
(VerjfW by Plaintiff on October 7, 1ML) 

Exhibit A, AleeihI -to Campl*iu| 


"Being; reminded that tlii* irf (he time when God 
i* removing from his organization everything Iliat 
Can tie s-hnken, 'that those thing! whkli runnel be 
shaken may remua' (Heb. -1330V 27), the inen:- 
ben of the btwrd of (Iir«tt»n nf tiic WATCH- 
th» infamiatinn and prcicftitsn of those wJw are 
dtTOtAd to God'fl or™animt i<jB, reqneii that The 
Watcbtower. piihiish what foLLowa: 

On the iilfit of July, liffi, a paper writing in the 
iorjsi of ii Letter, nifmci) liy O. It. Sfoyle, was left 
at I he Aeuk in tin' lnhlpj' of tha R«1hi.l liotne sil- 
drc^LuJ to the prpjiidfrnt nf the ^ofiety. BHaunc 
that panel involved the entire: furnily at 
mm pi-opci-Ly hrnuffbt Iwfare the Ixjiird :n.i! tx>- 
tm Iht fatnily, Tli* Vtinf, being nilcilwith false, 
nlandcrous nntl lilwlnuK *1 r-1 ej:it;i!ji, vi'as Trie^ir- 
ously Mtndcmncd hy tin brinrd. nnd !«■ nil ISit nieni- 
bcra of the lfftliel faniiJr, The Hoard unani- 
nii) adnpteil the fnlhiuinp Ki?noliitiori, which 
wan al*n apprm'nl Iky the family: 

"At a joint mcttSnjr of the bnarrU of ilireelnrs 
nf Ihe IVinihvlvania eorpnrafinn and the Hw 
Yorlc corrwration of Ihe WATCHTOWER 
BIRI.K AKT) TliACT SOaKTY haUl at tl« of. 
ftco of the Society fit RronLdyn, N.Y, thin Stit day 
o( Airsiit, l^il^, nt vrbich ntlier iHembfrrt of the 
family were present, (bfii* wmr read to wiid 
boonli and in thr prejienac of O. H. Sfoyk a kttnr; 
dated Jnly 21, 1839, ^Tiitfn hy aaid Ifoyle and nd- 
artsitui to t\w pnMirlent nf the Soeiety. 

''Par four j«ai"» prntt ihe write'T of that letter 
has r«'an ontrustcJ iiitli 1be +on.ii(iential matters 
of the Sodety. It iww [appears mat 'be writer of 
th*i miar, without eicaiMi, tibci» Ihe family it 

Kshiitit A, Autrextd In CtiiiplaiM 

Qod at Itethel, mini iilcntificn liinmetf an tinn who 
tprjjdf rvj] a^iinni UkC l<ofd h * urj^tnisnliun, and 
viaa i* u inUhimroj* anil mntplnincr, aven a* iho 
-jrfi|iUiri-H havi- fnrdijM, (Jade 4-lCj 1 Cor, 4^1; 

'Tho iimnU-r* of the irtard of ilirtn-tori- h<:rehy 
rt'Minl tin- aitjuflt critirLHiB Afrpcarin^ in that let- 
ter, diiupjiTOri; of the writer nail Iilk net han.*, and 
UMicnnimenJ ilijt (he pn^hU'nl nf 1hc Society jtn- 
riitdia!ily tei-ininak- tilt rclatiomdiip of O. It. 
iCoyle to the .Society in h'fjal eounie] and as a 
moiiahoif nT Ihu He; he! rarnily," 

Juiik rrftn (he introduelorv para^lfaiib an* 
ncur-cin; (he writer's purpose to leave Belliel at 
a fbced lliae, ever)' paragraph of that tetter is 
fai;e, nlled with lien, and is a wicked alander and 
lihel not only ajairmt the rtre.Hii.leat hut a^aintit the 
LDtii-e family, and r*r lint n-ii^jQ (he letii'C haa 
nut ix.'en pulitiitlitd by tile ftneiety. He r«|(Hi1ed 
Cnnnnhilion (o paiiliiih hi:; Jetdr, and Movie, 1k- 
ijip refuted, now eati&cs bia liU-loui paper to be 
ptiblinhed and cirr minted atonnq: eortain coni;)ani*a 
of !be toanrrralnj, t'Slis.inf!; (bu Btliin 1(1 frf; pub- 
li<Jy ri'ftd, ami ihen bv Isis. own wnrdm wbieb may 
he called "fair speech "\ he ptetenda to lie in har- 
mony with lb* Society, and tlraa further fleecivea 
the unp-ui-pct liner onca. Ilia only posniblo purpniia 
in fuj-llu'f noMLaninff IttH lt-tt*T i« l<> juslify him- 
seir urn] ]n "jTjiEse divisiHsn ninonj; the hrvlbrra", 
bosh of wbieh are condemned by the Won! of Guil. 
(Luiie 16:1 J; Hojil H3:17, IB) >'or tbia rcmsnn The 
brelliren ahould he warned. "The afore-meutionrd 
letter 1 Inline; filled with lien Leveled ajrainm JLic 
bietjiri'ii, l lie mum i« Jmd'd hy Jrliuvali: "S-ii: 
tiling di'itb the I^nrd lialo; yea, seven 4r* HI 
Abomination nnto hnn: — a falsa wilnesa (hat 

i l „-,';ii.': 

L'^ tu i'omptumt 

Bpaakelii lies, and Lie that towelb diuoord a-ionnj 
bmUiKNi.'— IVov. C;lC-Ly, 

I')- induein^ otlierw tn ^uin with hini in (be ei/- 
ci.hiliiiiL and pulilii'utii'in nf Ids ubinileroiui letUT 
anuno^ lliv i-ojiiiceraleil he inobi-ji otben r iarl >' 1" 
liia-wrmtf> Tin 1 hl.imlcrnim |m|»T, tn-Lnji in anptwi- 
tion and ngaiaat the int^reiit of ILie Tk*MntW 
fjoveTninent, in Ldva^ia^ only to tLic lkviL nnd hi* 
earthly aseM*. 

Far fi)«r yew'" Moyle iiii* entruittcd with tlm 
confudcnlial inn tiers of the Hueii'ly, and llien, 
without (ascase, he oiwaultn and mnli)?a* tlio>ie who 
trusted him! ,ludan wan entrusted by Christ Jfrauj 
wich conCcIpnlial notlwa, and Jailas prnvett Liix 
nnfui'htidneKs hy favniubincf to Ihe enemy (but 
which 1hey cmdi] ukc- am] did aic nRuin«t the Lord. 
Jle who snali;:iTi Ihe brethmanf tLic Lord matitnvs 
tlie Lord hiinwlf, nnd :l.e e:id of tueh the Herip- 
tnrea plainly |wint ngt. Hnvia^ hc-eta wamed. each 
one mast dtooso to join the "t-vil HTrant' and lake 
tli^ BHinwijaeuefii (Jfiitt. 24i+R-*it) <af- reniain 
faithful tu Jehovah and his prciverftfflMrt by tlirint 
Jeuas- Chonw whiaDi you will serve, 

(Sijrjml) KTli:D \V, KRASZ 
T. J. Kf!f,f.lVAN 

W, P. 1IKATII. Jli. 
11. If luKMHtl 

\v. r. vas iViinrnaH 

O. A. W1SK 



j. r. ruthehford 



DcfciidiQU' Fitit Amended Amwer 


[ijame Title] 

DefendianlN, bv (lu l i f lllatn^V", .Tmic-ph 11, t»b:^^ 

and Hiiyden C, fjuvin^ton, fur tluHT amended] 03- 
(War to' Die coingilaint bon'in: 

1. Deny any knowledge or information thereof 
aaliicient to form a belief un to path and every 
allegation. BntairKd in [Uri#?aph 1 of ILie (om. 

2. Adu'iit the allcBationn contnincd in para- 
graph 2 Of tin: l4j:i plaint. 

3. Admit the attcgzitionia contained in para- 
graph 3 of the complaint. 

4. Admit Ih* ol!ej,-ntinp* ^flittnined ill purn- 
gra)lii 4 of the complaint, except the allccration 
that plaintiff was at all times a "mamher of Jeho- 
vah 'a witnesaeV, whirh ii> denied, 

5- Deny any fcaowlpulp' or infnrinalion llineof 
sufficient !o form a h>etief as to oiicli and pwry nl- 
lec;ntion eontained in parnitraph fa of 1he coin- 


C, Admit the allcgajinn coalainivj in ] uirnfirn [ah 
€ of the complaint. 

7, Admit ILie atlejrfltion contained in paragraph 
7 of the complaint. 

3. Dfny all filleKationB in rmrajrinjiii S of the 
eoruplninl except the pnlalu-atinn nf (he porlinnii 
of tin: article quoted in tnrfl^raph n of (he eom- 

fJin/ri/ffopf J* Fimt AtufMlttl An^cff 

9. Deny efcea n»d every a I leujition contained in 
para^rj [di [) of the complaint. 

IH, Deny ouch and evwy nlb'fjution contained 
in paru£i'a;sh 10 uf IW Hinniaint, 



11. The puMiealkn nia<Jc tin banis of ILie FIRST 
CAUSE ()E- h ACTION, to wii, the article pubtislMKl 
in (be * ' Wn teJilower' h magazine of the bisna of 
Ocloler l& r iyj3, VoLuioe LX, No. 2D, under the 
hc-ading "lSFOillf ATI ON" » THE TItUTH; 
aaii in lliig canneetion dcfcHiklitt aU*£« Uie full 
faeti atuwrtag llut such publication u THE 
TRUTH, m folio*-*; 

Ii For some yearii prior to July, 10311, the 
plain I iff clabned to lie on* nf Jehovah'* uitniansea 
mnJ n niCAilaer of the WtUb Tower JJibW L TrMt 
Socii-ty, di'volinj hin (inie as general cOuniel for 
uiLCji Society ami residing at i(a InadtiDarteni in 
lifuuilyti, Sew York, at 124 Columbia. Height*, 
mid liuiinljiitiin^ his rilTu:e ns itUeh eultnaaul nt 117 
AdaniH .Street, Brooklyn, New fork. During such 
tlnii- hi' vijih tBtriS»[<al witl certain Ic^aL nuiltera 
ivcrtniuing lo the Sncicty uod Jehovah, a witnesaen. 
For iomemonlhii prior to July, 1939, iheplaialiiT 
sferetLy had prufes-sed a grudge again*! HOal of 
hi* bretlt'en nnd n desire to cause a controversy 
and stnfo nuiong hi* brethren in Ihe organization, 
ami partlentarly in the incinocrjshtp of llm Organ- 
tuition at )ioailn.iLarters, and a desire lo atiar.don 
aLs responsibitilLiK And the mid cyguaizatioiL 




frcft'itfoKiJi' First Aii\t.tttkd Annuer 

U. On or about the twenty-first day *F July, 
1D3D, the plaintiff delivered a paper w-ritten by 
hiau to tJte person in charge ef Hit lobby desk At 
Hit Uethel lioinc, lit Columbia Heights, Brook- 
lyn, Ni.'.v Yorii, oddruMtc] to ttie defendant Joseph 
F. Butherford, which W3S subsequently delivered 
la mid defendant and [ilaititiif lilt and provided 
defendant no opportunity lo discuss the matter 
with pluinlifl", iStteh paper purported to he a letter 
■a-biulii falsely accused ua:d deacFidari unj many 
other pert-ons at the headquarters of. the Walelt 
Tower HibJe & Tract Society of. improper conduct 
and inconsiderate action toward those residing 
■ad working at Mid hcndnuartera. 

11. All of LUcJi ACCUSationS eontain«l Let t.uid 

hitler filled with lien were false, slanderous and 
libiiluii^, both n* to tilt defendant Joseph F. Itullt- 
erford lt.iI the other person* mentioned in such 
|ka|teT nil well as the entire organisation. 

15. Sulbe^ucat Id tlte writing; of such letl Iff, artd 
before actual delivery to defendant J. h\ ltuther- 
ford, the plaintiff wrOngfnlly published copies of 
same and without invitation and on hie u» initia- 
tive later pub] kind the same arid Later caused the 
name to he publicly road, and Infer circulated many 
filler false 1 :!l'.i! l-K COlteel iling defendants,,; 

JchtlVJlfcl 1 * hVjtlM'KHflH. 1 CUIIj]l&ltEt-H 0.1 tilt COnSC- 

erottd, in many other [mm of the country, and 
while bo publishing the suid Letters (wpfai of 
ionie of which are atlafJtcd hereto aa EXHIBITS 
C to 11, inclusive) continued to libel and jdnnder 
ami iltf hjiw Hit- name of the defendants to junlify 
hilnielf and also therey enoxinc; dii-iiion and strife 
among Jehovah's witnesses throughout 111* *i*lir» 

Jttfcmlaiitu' First Amended A&£U£t 

United yinko and otlemptine; ta destroy tin or- 
panimlion thereby, and did, a» staled in tke ar- 
ticle, become a. iulm vihimn LJmt sjiciikt-tii lies 
nad sowetji diiCuird ; tunl Hut iho plaintifl induecd 
others 1st jitia with L::n in (he f lrcjluiioii and pub- 
licattJU of Jits «uid *«anderotis letter among die 
coiLsiHjralt'd and jjuide theni parliea to liiu wiatig. 
In order to put die trutsi Ltfor* ait of Jcuwub/e 
witneEiei, who iiad huanJ o( twit [mhlieation o£ 
^:LLl] i'ol*it ttCfusaliujus the "WultLtuwer" inojja- 
jiie, tli* oflithjJ [luhlicaiion of Jvhovuli'ja wit- 
IKWica and of the dotmutaiti in Hit United Stated, 
pubUdlied the article "l^FOfillATlOX" no ii Lo 
tiaow the truth audi thereby enahlo ail other of 
J thovali r a wiloaBiCn to protect tliemuelveu and Nu.> 
orjjuniiiitian. frutn die attempt ua Llie part of the 
piainlilf to liht?L il.'j'i-odants ajid cifdt.v. strife and 
division nod trouWe hy Uit cir?ul«tiva uf (he Ed»v» 
d<;w!i-ibed Liittef*. 

Lii. That because the defendant! art hend^ 
quartera «ervantit of and tp|!tiMii»Dl»tivr» of * 
Cbiijilian □ r|^iHit4itivn and fitch in adniyoninincd 
nviniiiiier of the goft[ifl, kucJi >;(alements contained 
in eaid lo tiers, dine to defendnnts ' peculiar and 
( , oiiri'iiiiti4Ll relutinni'.l n p >'il-i "il nlhcr <<i Jiliu- 
vali h i witnr-Kurs in lit* United tilutcd, atuounted to 
and were iibeSou* »lalenienl* bm to deferuianl^. 

11. Jeliovah'd vntaaaa and the twn HMiielies 
asnetitut* Uijd'fc tuxaiixatien OB I'artli- PklinllflT't 

hmiiy ftnd HpMtd **"ijK>n*l *«'l »«li>MS)uent 
vicious slapdi'iTH jind lilu'loun kttcn iijjninut <Sc- 
fer.danti and sjlLi] orjeubation constituted 
■fljjeakiiijf evil* BKiun«t God's orgiiai?*tion, s)iot- 
Liif,- plaintiff to he a. munnttrer and cornptaiueT 

Defendants* F'tft Amm<*td AntKtf 

causinc; discard aod division amone; tins brc;hreo. 
Hii Kitid uri^iiiil iitid c-ortliauad sub>e<iuerit at- 
tack j against the suite; are, otcordinc; to Uod'a 
Word ttic flihle, and against (lis intentat of 
tilt 1iu.-ams.tie CiuverniikQnt, and ]>l easing only Lha 
lkvil lad bjs> i'srrlily nftati Tin: assault by tho 
publication of tuch. Jcttert, articles and false writ' 
tcu atul oral itattnutit u> oUitn, rertftJly and by 
wi-iting, was without juatiikation and excuse and 
* - Gi made ajjjintt- tliose {defendant^]' who had 
trailed iiiio. fiis course of actian above de- 

ICrited and as di'nerLSK'd in Liu' Jirti;':!; pu':: I i:;':: !■■::, 

and his ntjjk-vl o( duly to faithfully represent 
UndV 1 irjf,iniiiH imi and his brethren by furnishing 
and periiiitting tJie encaiy of defeadants and 
uiluT til Jrluuvali's wi1o<!Sxi\n to obtain confiden- 
tial infonnaliiiu whith tln-v ruiild and did u;Ihi 
against Jus brethren, lite defendants, constitute, 
the exact. eooxK titliH!^ by Jodas, who protvtd bis 
uj^uiilifiiiliiL-s.< [^ .Jidinvjili tit*] liy furni)i|ii;ij; lo 
Cbduitt of Jcstts, *lw entrusted hira, tiiat wlticla 
Uiey could ukc and did me against the or^anizo. 
tion of Aliuiijhty God. liy the above described 
course of action plaintiff chose to join (he "evil 
ten-ant" data and to Jake the. egnseojacneei V"c- 
fon; Almighty (iiij, Jeiivvalt, as staled in faid 
"Wotelitowsr" pM icatioo, 

li Tluil liy rtiisrtii of Jhe frllrrtfifnjr, llie [iuSili- 
ruliLHi »r the iirtii-h' (.■aititled " IXKOliMATIOK ", 
di'jii'rilK'tl in IJte coimiliint, is TJIU TllL'TII and 

it i;ii-;.-..i :. ill ji.:-l ...r.ii ;..:■. 




Defetuttitit' Firii Amended Anncce 




lit, .iLhuvali'* witm'-Ksijs cnJleclivoly eunnlitnto 
uiL uninciirjiiiriitcd crjruiiuitioB coni|MMii^l of 
ilJiiisitiim iH-nph', tuiL-h \A vtWnn 1m* ncub; it vuvv 
3ku.nL wilk Aluii^lLty {Jnil to du Ilia will Bicoi'diiie; 
to C.iiiii'j, ii'Vi'jlL'il Vi'ljij] iiciil puxniHMii set fortJt in 

the Bibie, njnl they mv pennHm wlio *pit* JeliovuJi 
CoiJ in s[iirit umi in trutii, anil \\\(H( sole ntissioa, 
deffcinliiiita inrUukil, Li tn puJUbenc the etitaliiiuli- 
incut of GihJ's Kiinjduin an ettrlli ihnt vill hi-ing 
pfaef f pronjwrily, lui]s|iiTiess and Life tn all t'lio 
faithfully nerve J^liomli Und, Tiiey lun'r an con- 
nection with any worldly nrpui^itiun or Ihinp. 
Tho " Walthtoncr" in^ufcioe in Hi* oJTieial ])ul>LL. 
cation of Jehovah 1 * ivilncxnex snd of the defend- 
ant ei>r])oiatinnH, and is tha chief and principal 
UteoiM of L-iiiniiiiiniriilinir^'ith Jelmvalt** «ritrw**« 
tJiroa^JkOkLl, tlkir fid ire Unilci] Wtnti-ji and «Lne- 
iilicjn'. As 1 1 111 (itlicial publisher* for Jnliovaii's wit- 
Fii-n.-fl'* it is liic duty and moral idilij3titm at tli« 
defcncVnntu to ilbmnrwr Mid to rctiint any faUity or 
dercptiHiii (in tin- |Kirt "T any permin whn clain** to 
be one of Jdiwnli.** vritieJNH!* and to pnJiHrin l'-if 
lyui- r.K'ij; rinifi-rninp the isamc; aa-i nJ«* to put- 
lirbt* the trite fact* ennceminjr all who nKiWb 
Jehovah's witn<.H>a. L Ji and tlic VVateh Tower Bible 
& Tract Kocislj*, and in duly inform, Jehovah's 
witnetfM* hy *aid jioljlications in the "Watch- 
tower" iiia^asine- of noch wrongful practices of 
otlwrn, fl.51 for the |)0r[x>i;e of preventing difeord 
and strife arimnu nil of -Teliovalt r « vitnesfcn and 
to promote huMnnjT H»4 unity in the organ iiai 

iJe/tiiJuijis' f'irii Amrndtd JnHr*r 

lion, son* to enable all toupjirrt'ialc tlieir rciiptin- 
iibiUlii-s and reltUionship t'i Ainii/hty find and to 
I heir true bretlircn, and to enable thein to resist 
any cause of dissentioa and division anions tluwe 
in the urKUuhftfuu. 

LM. 'i'Lt tk'fcmlanta Itert; and now tdupt nil of 
tin 1 aLLi-^uli'klts tnude in Lhe frit*i L t;niii^; |i^rj^r;tjjliji 
n usulii: nil 11 tn lH of First (,'uEti|ih-te Ui-feoHc, 
TIil-sb del'onihiiitu Jir.ew tltat u;i- said Ii-Hiti and 
pulklieatiiui Lh»roof liy tiie plaintiff would htinff re- 
ceive wiile HreuJiition aiiunn^t JchtiYith'x wit- 
n&Kes- Tiiai by M;S>t,!i 01" tlm fact [Imi phiintiif 
hail Sn'i-hi KtllChS) toUiiH'], he Wis WtiJeK ur- 
ijuainted Willi thou^nils iif JclkOVnli'^i wilattMt 
and hod C4)ntU9tlliJiiStvd uiili (hniL^anibj ditrin^ the 
[inn? lie auttril n* eouimel btj! tuelt j ier>rjn ^ *nd alt 
of Jt-hovah's witnesses ]»ad eonfidein'e in nnd 
would hetkrVa [dainliff to be an aulhoriied rrprC' 
K4'ntatih"e of the organisation unless advised of the 
l'ai.-t [hut [dairiLiff had wrongfully pub<a.u|lvd their 
orj;aniza:iuii and nevtMil iiw Mn»«ctwn Ihrrtvllh 
and therclii n'nuti], without iturit knoa'lciljje, b«. 
lii,'Ve xiU'h fjvlse rliar^eF ^nntainefl in raid lelter 
unJssji tlti-j hirrl 1hj*b projurly notifnai nt llw trtie 
facts. Jiy tv-itMtq nf n-arh n-rtlten aK*au!l*, ]*-tl*n 
ami enniiinufiiku oiihliration IhronHtunt tlic I'liili'd 
tjlnje* of niifii libctijii' and slanderous h'tlerx by 
the plaintiff ■Kainsi the tie rfiwJnnts and Llkt- entire 
urican iffiitinn, tlte |ilaJn1iff rLunotRMl the entire 
orpaniiation. and lite dt-IYndanL* in gutMl faith lt»- 
Jii-ved that Kueh e-omlurt ti[ platniiff woulii eau^e 
na<] cniitiiittf 1m ntcm- daniace and injury, iilrife. 
dii'H'n'inn (i nil divi^i^n arnrmc; alt of .li-hovah'* 
vilncsnen and llioj<e of tlte arguusotfan, and tltus 

Dtflfi&ltit' Fifjft Jmtnditd AnfWtf 

injure and destroy the san-e if not niuledL For 
the purpose of ailvuiiuj aod eounaiflisj of deln>- 
vab's witacjWKit eunterpint' the saute, defeitdanix 
pitpared tuid jmbli*ln'd in suod faith U;n article 
entitled "ISFOiSJlATION". tjiwh 1/ubliiAiJva 

was tlpuO a subject in wJiitdi tin: iJefe-ntlants had 
an intercut ami a doty tu publicise and ninloB 
known to others aiuun^ Ji'Jtuvuh'ji witneisvs 
by traiisinit ting iutb informal! un liiroujfh tlte 
"IVatchtuwer" inagudne, and such persons so 
rebcifing same liud a eurrcspondine; interesl to 
Icnuw tlte tuts and tn be t>n jpiard against nk-h 
injurious cunducl of pJainlilt toward the uri/unixa- 
lion of which they were niLiubtrs. The iiublicu- 
tion of SkU-b article was ntetssary and proper in 
the protection of the intcreata of the. defendant* 
and tlte entire organization of Jciiovuh'* wiiv- 
lU'.-.r.L'i [Jiroo^ltout tlte United States. 

'1'lntt lite dei'i'ijdant Ju.>ru!i F. iiutlterford »aa 
uid is tiie pMsidxttl of the Wiilcli Tower Bible £ 
Tract W.n-i^ty (tin 1 Llireviir-jr hesd of (lie wurk or 
JfcliamVs witBCSHv) nnd lie Wiis and is Um? riiitf 
of the ln.'SiL[Uurtcrs itnlf u'hicli resides it the 
Hi'Llifi ll'-iut' of vliiih the plaintilT »as a member 
prior lo lii>dt'jWirluro in liQ, That Hie uMrnilnnt 
Jimtberforl in particular, and the other defend- 
ants. Sutd a duty and olilij^itron toward the mem- 
Nth nf rJie Ili-tlicE Family to protect such family 
from wmn^t'uJ ;-L;;nJ;ii and assaults. Vlniislicwiiil 
letter of plaintiff t-oneernircft die heodiiuaiierx 
staJT al |!<-lln-l ttomt- up it M-rious and unwar- 
ratittiJ vitiJieuliiin of ihe eniire lieadi | uartern start 
k:mv.n ^s the ihlind Fnuttily, nod iif tin defend- 
ants, nnd al.-.u of Jehovah's iritncAsex as a nfiole, 
'i'hat by retwon of die aforesaid, on obligation 




Drfcwhmti' FtMi Amended Ajwwtr 

rented upon 1lw defendants to informal! *F Jilio- 
Vnli'i wilDAnH* u; tl-u wrongful injurious acts, nnd 
luufiif titkoi by Uw [i){iirjl:iT and in contradiction 
to *uid [i-ttiT to- preseul Oil; trutha and thua pre- 
serve the lord's organization. That if tli* false 
rSiiLi--™ cuiitaj iilmI in plaintiff 'a letter vvure ]*t- 
uiillJ'd lo tliirul unehaLLenLfcJ, hy reason of iSie 
puhlirallcm and threatened publication of Urn 
ItlviiiilLfl'ii letter^ they would greatly injure tlm 
eiiiire orjpiaiiatiuo. and particularly the iirad- 
HjunrdTS ntntT, which in looked upon bj' Jehovah 'n. 
witmwM HirnujfliiiiLl (he entire country be an OS* 

jL1li|i]i' Up riillHlU'. 

Haft jKtblkfllliUI nF tilt article entitled "IN- 

FOUMATION" wit* without imahee, oi ill will, iu- 

fi-eline; townftl i lit ]j!auiltlT[ and the idem I u:i l< 
Iiani a duty to do all p^sibh; to keep those of flit 
organifcilion togtlhcr, tiiertby aafeeTiarding: the 
Kami', and were acting in hnnnony with the Scrip- 
luri-ji, jiml 1hat liv reiinon of Ibe foregoing, the 
puhliratinn mm a privileged cnininunicntkin ■■:■ 
Ivwi-n the defcmlnul* and fill Other of Jehovnli'* 
uJIili^mi'H throufibirtil the entire United States a:id 
U tkWori: nut actionable. 

31, fn Urin connection, drfendnTits would kIiow 
tlutl mi mut print to January 31, ll.'+il, the 
" AVuli-hluwrr" niiL^aiinE wna circulated anions 
only Jehovah 't wttHHMM and ihose who desired 
an cduenlion in tlio bible, ami was not published 
and diatriiniSetl to tbic public, tot ita circulation 
And distribution was confined uolcly to Jehovah's 
wifatttote and irttiulHiM af tim two defendant 


Defendants' P'tr&i Amended Answer 




22. The defrnttanti here an-: now ailopt eai-h 
and every ulle^atiou iundu umliT tlie title of 
"First Cnuiplete Di'L'mse" in [iur,i graphs lierrof, 
numbered; 11 to lit, inclusive. De-fendiinld. furilii-r 
uliuu: Hint by virtue uf the writing, delivering nnd 
publishing uf tin- li-ttcr <rt July 21, VXUi, svnt to 
tlic di'ffinLn?, Jwwnli V, Rkitlitrfotd. oy plaiisiLd, 
and [jlainnff'a t-u U».-h jiitn t puUicatiun« pai] pukilie 
reedinj;ri of wild lifietoue letter, «jid oilier liL-ts 
l-n tt*; ra to rarloun otlior of Jrli<fvinlL f i« wllaenvo*, 
tlsrouclifiiit otlier nnrta nf tin' Unili^l iiiatc*, 1 lie 
plaintiff liimmlf, oinl 1 1tmiij^i (itJiiTn, imule ji 
vittoui atlut-S; and n*«ault nKftijuit llnxii'feuilftiit?. 

Surii jmblieBtion of tlie artlda entitM "LV 
H)]{,llA'rtO>; , *eoiLtnLned in "Tl* Wtttrlilniwr" 
wait irtiidr in (ii*tf-dL-fi'n« nm] in deft-nto of tl-e 
dr^LdiuLEi^u a^aiiiit tiie faUe aupprsinnii and »r- 
ea-yiliunn Made liy plaintiff in Liu* nTiLrap tltmv 
(if^L'ritioi! mul >;i shIbh^iiii-iiI h'tifirH. Tlwrpfimlnl 
rnntiniiiil jjoliltcitiom of nnr« lp(trifB In tilUcru «J«i 
invited j l 1 1 1. L ilirpclli' eauspl 1lie iHllilWii'U; 'd 1lm 
iirticl;!. 'flu' ]ui|j|Li;nti(Hi nf imid artifii' pnliltwl 
"IXTOIHIATION 1 * in "The Wjitdilmver" vtv> 
inmfci.' in fair rvp'y to sueL dtfiiiiinlnrv jiulilicii- 
tiomtwri I lenity p!*iji(LlI F end kUi-Ii ' L iVotditnYf^r' b 
•rtklc «-nri in uMuwpt «f n duty wfcarfc tlie dc- 
J't'SiiSiATiE^ nwwl te thMnWrTO* ami flilliiT of Jfho- 
vali'j ■tt-itnc-HFeF.- Tlial by Trmnn tlu-r™f tlic pub- 
limsiflB entittnl "INFORM ATIOX" ung itvUti 
lij (lip fiMidiiel of tin? ptoinliiT and fnr nwh itonon 
if privileged. 

i>e/stJ«Blj* Fi'-il Amended An-sicer 




SJL J'ju'li umi i-ici-y ullH^ULtioji in iriinurrniilm 11 
to Jil iiu'limivt !h Iiiti'Iiv ri-pttilisi nvitii tiie huiiic 
fori-e and i-lfii'j 'i* if la-miji uirniri net forth in full, 

24. riuintiff al tli? tuiwj ul and Jiriur to iMiid 
]iuliln_-ji(ii)r, licmiiMi of hi* anantuiitiun v.itlj thu 
dL'fj'jiilanti*, had kKrctHiw a [wrmiri uf jjuliliu intercut 
iii. I eonctru anient; Jehuvah '* witaeiuen smd a 
jjuhlit clmnictar anions Jelnivnli's B-ilri«sii(i Tho 
jjintliT cu]ii|i]flirnH'[ of in ta-id article ri'latinfj to 
aoii] ftlaintilT in bo Tarajj it eonciiit^of liNo^a! ions 
ul fju-t, iji 1rup in Hiih^tflnct and in I'aut, ami, Lu bq 
far n* it rL.iij(JM.i aF <;jLpresiLonn of opinion* and 
DuninKntii. h iiL-li apiniuns or eonmua!* are fair 
mintiifnts, in cunnci'tioii with said new* report of 
tlie nclion taken by the [JaintitT in dirparfins from 
tlie j.niJ lieajluuarleri of ihti or^aniiiiLioE and 
wyitltsj; anil iulniriiutntly pahJJAliinfi jiuul kittcrs, 
Hindi- in ^ood fuith, which ^ent- imil jirC l:iutterd 
of ^r*at publii; concern antl pulslu; inlvTCut to tli* 
luajty oT 'a TiitncirHti !hri?;ij;lM'Ut. tlm en- 
lira l-nited HuiL-ji! Haid comjiw;n'.* w\'fi; tlio 
lione*! eiureanioo of tiie opinion of tin; diifend- 


to Tin-: First Cauhk of action 


2!i n tipch and every allecfation iiereinahnv* «et 
fnrtli in [inriiKi'npiii 11 II IS iwlunive iia.fiT Iha 
First fomtrlfl c lk-firane it bor*ity rcp*tt^d with 
Ilia fihui! forcv and cJTuct at if herein B£tn ft 


Acfeitdtiitti' Pint Amended Axrvee 

forth in full, and I = ■-'.-.l-i.:* on tie Lrinl of 
fhiii aefion will jiJTc vviilniuM! tiiereof liy way uf 
pui'tial ail well 7ix cwiimIl-U: iJtMr«i*> 

for a a«coxr> l'abtial dbfbkkk 


2:J, I'lwii and every jdh'^iition liereiniliovo *ft 
:" , . r * 1 1 in |i:^riL(.;rn]jliH tli lu 21 bufcuon uwJcr the 
ytwnd Coi4i[>ktu Dvff'DH! iri iiereiiy rtneaU'd with 
the «arnc r<iri't anil ulTiri an if herein n£aln ml 
fti-rth in full, and tli* defendants on (he trial v f 
tlda action will Rifi: evidenn! thereof by way of 
partial an w^ll m uuiuiilete defense. 




27. Eaeli and overy aLLo'jMioiL IictcuiaIkhvc net 
forth in parfigr;i[Ni 2; tiidi-r the Tliird Complete 
Defenao ia iierel)^ rejii'aipd wilb the same fore* 
and etfeet aa if iitrcin aj.; net forth in full, and 
the drfi-rtilanti on ihe IriaJ uf tikis action will C»v* 
eridenw tlmreaf by w»jf uf |Mirtiai ab well M eorn- 
plete d«fnna*. 




2S. Racli anil tve-ry allepnliun licftjinahovc set 

forlli in parafrrapli-i 2.T and it under tlie Fourth 

Coiijjjkde jMennc is ln'ri-hy rcnuatml »itli llwt 

usjii* force n™l eiftitt an if lie-rein «£flin set forth 

in fill, end ihc dL-feiidants on Hie trial of LLiis 


Drfeiuttititt' t'imt Amtidrd Anruiir 

action mIJ give evident' !!«.■ reef by way of partial 
an well ilb compiete di-f enmt, 



29. Eaeh and e^ery allepraiion hereinabove i*t 
fortli in paraprapha 11 1o 24 inclusiv* is >i*r*hy 
repeated in niitiffrijion of any damaj^e 1n whicb 
piiintiJT ruifiiit otlirrwine appear enlil led hrniuxij 
■if the puMifiitiin of the allcaed libelous matter 
net fdrtli in the fir^t eauHe at aetion, and is ineor- 
jvumterl barein far thrit pur[ni«r witli lln> name 
furcKAnd eJTert a* if herein ocain Fet forth in full. 
Defendant* nny tiial tlie>' iiolievefl in bimmI faith 
Ihnt Hie ulntr-nii-nlneenlaiKDNl in Hiidartirle "TN- 
FORMATIflN" we™ true, fair oannonL and 
that it wag neer.B!-*ry tc> publish Ihe Ramci to pro' 
feet I lie organisation and JelmvuhV witneftPeB* 
By reason thereof plaintiff la nnt entitlwl to- enl. 
leet pny nrr.uunt whatsoever. 

30. In answer to pnrncraph 1 3 nf the etun filaint 
tlie ckfeiWUatit here and now sdopt the allega- 
tion* eOntair-ed in paratfraplis hereof nuinhcred 
1, 2, %, I and 5. rpuprrlively. aa their anuwera tn 
and denial* nf [larajrjnpti? 1,2, 3, i and fi of the 
com plaint. 

31, Deny eaeh or,d erery allegation contained 
in paragraph IS of the eOmplaiht, 

32, Admit the ftllepitlftaa contained in para- 
graph 13 of the complaint, 


Hefendtads' FiV#l Autln&td Antotef 

33. Deny all the illegal ii>ne in pam^Taiih 14 of 
tha coinplaint escepl tli* sdlffintion of the publica- 
tion of the J«huc <A "The "Watehtower" ol No- 
vember 15, 133B, and tin 1 fljpAtationa referred to in 
paia£raph 14 of (lie complaint, which are ad- 

5-t. TJenJ eaeh and every allegation contained 
in pnm^niph 1*> and in itit, p.-lidivi -imu (livii;;- 
nated, r«»pectivcly d (a) T (b) and {«), of the som- 

35. Deny each Sad every allegation contained 
in paragraph 1C nt (he complaint. 




3o. The piih;i«itiun n^ile the bai-ic of tho S*e> 
ond Cause of Action, |fo wit, the article puhljitied 
In the "WatclitO'^'ef" maejaatnt of tha insov of 
November 1-i, iMft, Ydsane I.X, Ko. U2, nudcr tkc 
titSe "Snojea", is THE TRUTH; and in thia con- 
nection dtfemlantf; allege tin' full facta in jnstifi- 
ci;ion sho^^-in,; Jhat auch puhlicali<in lb THE 
Tlii;Tfi if fubowi: 

37- Defendant* alio adopt the nllepitions »n. 
tair.ed iu paragTaplm 11 ta IS ineluaive herein- 
aonve del forth under tlie title of "First Com- 
plete Drfen**" to Ihe alleged Firn Canae of Ac- 

SB, For come yearn prior to Anp^iflt, 1939, 
plaintiff cinained that lie had consecrated hifrt*j!f 
to do the -will of Almiplily God smder the leader- 
ihip «f His Son Cbrint Jesoi, whiidi eocaecrmtion 


Drjnttluiil.v' Fimi Aintmied Antwtt 

required Hie plaintiff to be fuEly obedient to the 
lavs of Alcuijjlity (Jed a* recorded in Tim Blbl* 
mid lo iuok well to the interest of lib; brethren in 

(JlirLEt JhhU*. PU.ijLC.LlT Wtuf favun-d with 41, posi- 
tion of Ira*! in the orjra.nizntion of the Lend. T>ur. 
ing- the huiiuim,t pf IMS"- plaintiff as a lawyer act- 
ini; Tur iubl urjs1ni7.ul inn and f»r hi* lirvthrea in 
Cliriut. hud the privilege and :•■■;-• ..Lability of rep. 
rcstr.:ing sense of Lin brethren who had been via- 
LirnlLy assaulted by certain agents of the Hanu.ii 
CatlwsUc Hierarchy under I be direction- of a W>- 
called "rudip pritsl", CImrtt? B, CpUfjMin, ot 
Royal Gnk, 3i! iclii^un, *li it'll agents nucniwring 
several liunilrifj] had c-nirxpirwl and attempted to 
brent up bti anJ<cinb)y of Jehovah's witnesses law- 
fully convened and held at the City of New York, 
Unci (jbijiviUt's mi id brejhren w> runHiulicJ were 
SheniHi'lvcn tliurr-upmi fadNely charged by their ns- 
wihintx wUli umshilII am] wtn reprrscnlrd by 
plaintiff in that proceeding. While appearing on 
their behalf ;u tfi! at preliminary hearings, 
plaintiff attempted to In'; a "pood fellow" ainone, 
liione »f tin: enemy pre«enl ut :-.uch liearinpi, and 
pluinliJT openly nlmtftd himself at said iKtiringJ 
to fcuch pcrsnnH lo be u ninn-plcascr. Alto, at 
sucti oceiisieni; pEuinliff enBducted himself and the 
cases uti trial in such a manner [bat be would re- 
ceive the- apprm-al of ma and (aimed hiuiHfEf |ii 
Ik a man- plcaser anil thus proved hia unf tii tMul- 
nesa U> AhiiiLjhty Ciwl and to Cod's Kingdom and 
plaintiff did n»t look well and diligently la and 
defend lilt i n1 LTts-t of tint Kingdnrrt and of bit 
Christian hretitren in artier to pioaso those 0' tlie 
en? my who tutrit preiiffiflt. Plaintiff liad a. flrndg* 
against aorno of Lit brethren; plaintiff failed on 

Defendant*' fir^t Amtudrd An$v&f 

thoue a**ai)inns 1n pTOiMrly represent Iboui and 
gains ttiem Iwl a-i'virr- ^'liich if follijVL-^3 Ity ll.irn 
would liavc injureU Ilm and the c rpanjiatinn. 
SJoeh eflumsc (ujreinalmvc dcijerihtd makpii plain- 
tiff Lin tiveiny of Chridt and of (i&d'u cii'i^ukiHinn, 

39. Plaintiff wan ravftrii] *i'itb 41 ph-va ft wn- 
fiiltnee in Ufni'.i ai-^aaiuiiina in hit 
clmrge eonfidwil ui| iMlttni |hcrtBininj; to iueb 
ofeaidaattoa anil to bit brelliren in Ohrint. lie 
sparaft) aucli pn»ition of truut. Witliont juttifj. 
cation plain tiff BJinnutfad itaid or^anixatirin and 
jta'jiiljcrii Du'rcinf will« ral«ie and evil wonliL Di;- 
fcndiintu licre ni|n]it Jiml pnake a ]!jft hereof tbe 
jiHejTstiaiM eon!aine<l in (lie sIm>vk enlitlcd "Klrnt 
t'oniyiklc Defense" lit tlie attf^Ml Kirnt raiisc nf 
A M linn, net ffirih in imrjiuniphi. II in IB ineliutive. 
SurJi rrnidiput of pliiintilT roartuiiiwlf «bow« him 
In ktPM Ippi-n H'HM]i4iniit hi- tlie Jk'i'il. anel tbal 
pbiiiLtilT bni[ ii'iifi ml I be \Vii-nl 4tf jMdlijrflty {Jnd 
cuiii a'nis |nl by fiiir nf jiwt), nceliins tlieir ap- 
priwjil, In Kuril nm™i> nf c-vil ppenki'nE' W}' iea- 
»ftn llicirul' pluinliil hwl no fear of God, brat 
frired «ntirply kien, d^prinp tlidr approval, all 
of whieli cnunwl liiin to bine a vimon of the King- 
dom nf iiod and II i* Tbeoeratie Government and 
to lwftune enjinarod liy tlic Devil. 

I'tlJI .\ HlCC'iiNlJ niJN'liliTii DlirKS"KK 
tii I'lll-i SKt'().\i) t'ATfiK Or" ACTION 

-JtP. llrffiahuita ImTe and imr uihipt aJul make 
11 jiiirt liL'ii'Lif, an 1lmiL^]i [hi: kiunc wpfft net 
fully liei-tin, the eWii-e- leitt nf paraffrftpnn I!) 16 
21 iocluiuvc Jicreof under Iba lillo "Second Conv 

Jtffrmla w l t' t'irxl Auirvrird Antwrr 

plete Di'fense" in re^punbe to tbe allee^d First 
Cause 4if Artinn. 

41, At I he time nf and licfore tbe itablienlion at 
lb? arllrl? nlefcriin.'il in 1be allt'j»»il Swt>Hil Can-ici 
nf Act bin plninliflf was eon!inuink' 10 and 
to nmliifu ijefendunl* and tbe nrjjnnization n fore- 
said by onntinuinjj to vr'tfe letter* throughout tlio 
ecantir to many of Joliovalvs ii'HiK-FFCft tx\d Ivy 
conticaine; to pnlkliHli bin libeloiih lettrrj) herrie- 

befcr* dfl^sirLbcil Hirouplt Pending 1l 1t . 5i l: n<; [^ 

titbtr* jirivately jnd poMiclj 1 . Tluit tli< l se rlefeitd- 
[ui(i tm'w- tliot i-aid Ictltr* nnd piihl ieation Hiereof 
by the plnintiff m>u](l later reeeive wide eireala- 
tiou nntnne^t Jelqovoli's wilneft-p. Tiiat by rea- 
sna of the faet I bat plaintiff hud been Gnwml 
C'Siiniitl, be vai! widely nnjLiaintprt wish thou, 
sandfi of Jebuvab's wlrouwoi am) had tvuiinuirii- 
eated with tlLitu^anibt during tike tirae that he act- 
ed M Couanel and jukIl pertons and all of Jeho> 
yo.h'* w 1 1 nt'iMsi-.H had eaiifulriu!!! id and wenld 
Wlieve fjnintiff to lie nr. aiillii>ti»ed r^i'rt-tvsenta- 
Eive of the Orimnirailinn inalrKa adviH*d nf llii 1 fwet 
tbit p)nin1ifT Imd wronpfully umaul tnl their 
oixnni£a1 inn and Kenerpd hi* i-nnnrctinn tbcre- 
"■ith and thereby m'oulf'l, vfithnnl mieh hiunrledjiH 
believe BLieh fr,W ehar^m contained in j=aid let- 
ters nnlen.1 tln-y had been properly notified of (he 
trua fact*. Surli cnmiiifl on tlie part of |»laintiff 
eiiiijteil datajffG and at Kijeli liioe the defeedenlji 
in gnnil fnitli lndi<'Vr<l tliat psnch conduct i***eld 
cause djinisfi-, injury, strife and dimension 
amonp; all of .Tfliuv^lvfl witnesses, and those of 
tin- orfflniiAliiia, and iW»tld*»ti knew tlutt aoch 
*ould, if not resiiien, eanae great damage and 


iiffr;niitHtn' First Amrm/led Answer 

::ij:::v J r, sai;3 nri^mizalion. liteaUBE ef tuch 
nforfKaid conduct il becMIH nMeaaary, for the 
pmtcetion, comfort and cdiilcatinik of the true and 
failliful KTvmit< of Almighty QoJ, .Tehot'ah , 4j 
wKne.nM'x, lo publish the entire article entitled 
"fintHKN'" i-4'frtifrcil Lft, and which is anncKed 
hereto un-d nuuir. a part hereof and marked EX- 

42. The publication "Snare*" it 4 general stater 
rueot advising readcru vt "Tli* Waiebtower" 
how to deieet any deception practiced upon iEiem 
aad to determine who » an t'nelfli' and to thus 
eaiLble Use readers to proltct tlteaMlv<.-«t and said. 
pbhlieatle.B was not directed against the ptainiiiT. 

43. Stleb pubiieation. was upon a jjulijttit in 
which dcfenJftati Imd a lively intercut anil il doty 
to publicise and to niake known to otburj at Jeko- 
vah'a witn*«W try trauBmittioj; soch infvrtnptitm 
to tliera tliroaKh tbe "Wntcbtower" jtuijjoiLiie 
and wjio had a ear-responding interest to honw the 
farts and t-n b« uti ffuard ogniact ntdi laJVTiotu 
conduct of plainliif. The puolica-tijjn of much arti- 
cle w3jl fwewfisary and proper 941 t)i4 protection oi 
the intcrculs of Lba de ftnduiils u» w«EI aa all of 
JehovoJi's witnessMi in tbe United Staler and of 
lju- r-ulin 1 ornAniaatiao of Jeiio i vnh''ji wilni^Min. in 
the United Suits. The defendant was and is the 
president of the Watch Tower BiWe & Tract 
Society (tlie dieting head of the w^rk. of Jebo- 
vali'n witneJjsi: 1 *) and lie was and is the chief of 
thv hoadiiuerkr* fttatf whielk reside* fct the 
Ik I In;] llaiue of wtich the plaintiff us u rneui- 
oer prior to hia departurfl in 1339, That the dc- 
Jfnadant Joieph F. lSntaerlord in pwticillir, and 


Jirfi-^iijint"' F>*xl A™#i"l*d Aafictf 

the other defendants, had a daty and ohSigetioa 
toward the ntamhera <>t the lletliel Family to pro- 
tect btifh faintly from wronjjfu! attacks and as- 
nau!lfl. That Ibe isoid letter of plaintiff cancern. 
jne; the headrienrfrfs Ktafi" at Hethe] Hcrae was a 
*erio(U and unwarranted vilifiealinn at tJi-o entire 
heftdqunrlvrs tta.1T, Inn wo tt the Bethel Family, 
and of the defendant*, find alto of Jehovuh h « vdl- 
neEses as a whole. Tlint by reason of the afore- 
Eaid, an obligation rested upon the defendants to 
inform, all of Jehovah's witneBsea of the wronp. 
ful and injuriaw aetf and enarM nf pAiioa taken 
hy the plaintiflf and in ci>ntr4idic1ion 1n mid Irtle:- 
"0 present the trulli and thu=; preserve the r»ntdV 
organisation, That if 1iie fain* rlwirjreii ennlnincd 
in plaintiff 'ii letter were perniitled lo stnnd un- 
challenged, by rcaMin nf (be public*! inn and 
ibrenlenpd continued pill lien! ion of tbe plaintiff's 
letter., they would greatly injure the entire organ- 
isation, and particularly the headquarters *[aff r 
which it looked upon by Jehovah's witnesrei 
taifoug'he.ut. the entire country ah an example to 

HueU nunliraltaf) of (lie arliek' "Kimre*" wn 
witliont H)nlire, nr ill wi(| t nr feeling tnwaril plaia- 
i ill i and di'fi'mlants hod a duty to keep Eiiose of 
the orjiiin i nation togelLier in harmony and were 
nelinj; un direfled hy the Scriptures; and hy rea- 
man nf I lie foivp:oing, the puhlication hi? a privi- 
U'.ptl nuiiiuun:L-alh>D Ih'ii wtvo the defendnnls and 
all other nf ..IpliiwiJi 'a. witneiiseji IliraiL^hout the 
Unitrtl Slate* nnd i* nnt aetionajd*. 

44. Tiefcnrlanti* liere and now adopt paragraph 
SI hereof under tlie title "Second Coiniplete De- 

Dt.ffudnntu' Firxt jtjitrH/frvi -tittiMr 

feline" io lhi.' allejord Pir^t Oauw nf A4tlmi in (bn 

fumjshiiiit, and hiTi'hy make Haiiui a part liereof 
as tlii'U^b fully w\ forlli at tliin place, 




4j. |ii.-fi'ihhLiii.H lu'fu- and imw mliipt eaeh and 
umktv alh-^al ii in iiuulr iiinlfr lln> title " Kitvt Cmn- 

plela Ih'fi-iTM'" jo Hie nile-ed Fimt (.'slice nf Ac 
(iiHl in Ibe KHiL|dnLiil. ihnd jd*n e:u - ii and every 
nlle^nlLiJli LiintLi- nnib'r 1 Iilt- Mbj ''e'lri*! Cnipi]ih L l:c 
lJ^-fi-ii.^ 1 '' En the alte^^l Sreiiiiil Caiis#i nf Ae|ii»n 

in tin? evin plaint: nnd iWi-ruhint* fiiriluT nhow 

UiJl hy virtue nf tin- wrilinir, ili'liyprinp ami ]iuli- 
j i -- 1 , i 3 1 iC llf I In' Il-cL'T nf ,)nly 31, IJTSt l»eat In tlm 
diifnihlitt .lnnc|ih K. ltiilhi-rf[>ril liy liininlilT, mid 
j.iljLiiUiiT'pi nul,Hi>jtU'nt ptlhliralifln aihl pulitie 
|-i-A.lijj- nf HLii.i lihidrtiiH h'tlLT iLinl uti .|iHm|kii'ii t lil.e 
li'thrx In VitriotlH Oilier -Irllnmh'il Vi'ilhivM'il 
tliniu^hriilt nlher Imrtinll* n-r tile Fnitnl Stntr^ 
phiinlilT hijii.'-i'lf, end Ihrotl^Ei filSiiTH, a 
vieiml* ils^illiII ii^riiin>E the nrfi-iubinlji mid Ibe 
i-rej.Miiml ian Jifnn'^aiil. Siieli | rjLl iLll--i I i^m of 1he 
artiete eitlitlMl * ^eiinireit" ennlninrii in 4i Tlbr 
Wnteliliiwer" wjlh made in srlf-ileriiiie and in de- 
fen«r Hif Ibe nrpnnizjilinii. ra^rninHl (lie fnlne 4l*]ier- 
*ionn and aeeiwnl inns nimle hy plain lift in tSio 
nlmve dAtterfliOil wriHnp*. TI11* repentml con- 
tinued pulilienlinn n f siwh letters hy plaintiff lo 
othfm alio invited the puhlinhin^ hy defendants 
of ! he n rt iele and wax ' he unto eaune therci [. Tho 
pablieatioQ of paid article entitloil "Snares" in 
"Tlie Watehtnwer" was made in fair reply to 



Peftmlimlt' Firxt Autemitd jfifcHFcr 

fucli defamatory inuLticaLtJud written by plaintiff 
oinjvc ri'fi'ioil to, and ■*'»» in diuElifli'ge of a duly 
wliidi ihiViwJantrt owed to themselves ami to other 
of JVIha-hVh nitiiL'Hsis, Tlial by rcartan tlicreof 
(be publication untitled "Hnfttm" wan invited by 
!|,l- ramluct of idainliff ami for *uch rea*on ia 




4ft. Kiidi mail mrf allegation in paraKni|ib**!li 
tu Ml ini-hi*iiv i* Ju-ivby reirt'iiU-d wiL^L Hit- cjliiiu 
for«- nn<l i-ffcet m if herein ftpiin not furtli in full. 

47, Plaintiff M (lift timp or and prior U> mid 
pablieatkiQ i>ceuil!<t; of bin amiociatinn with Ike 
defendants had ln.tnmr a tter.ion of puhlic intercut 

L _ ::l tuneem UNlonK .1 m: u i-jdi '* wiEnQHSW find ft 

|>uhlic rim riitterumonff Jehovah's witnejmed. The 
iii;iili-r rtHipknnJ <>f »■ n«ii] urih-le ri-latinjr tn 
nliiL obintirf in rt« fur a* it ftuiMiit* of allrjcalicMi 
or fur-L, i;i true in «ai.ljHLiijLi--c: and in fact, himI, in *n 

flLr EH 11 dUlltirilll Hlf L-ijJJ't'i'HliMli'- Of ft|ril|iuilrl Hill] 

miniMi-iiSa, xueL ajiiiiinn* or wtnii icu to art? fair 
roinmerilis in cftnWKlJm with i<ai<L nc*a rijmrl of 
tin; on inn tnU-n by like plaintiff in departing from 
Hi? xsdd limnlinmrtflrt of tike or^aniiofinn ami 
writing nihl jULiiKfrpiCntly jiulslishiiie; said letterr, 
made in ^nuil riuth, nhirh w?rv. And are matters of 
jjriai jiuhlii? j7»mfi'.rn and public iislertsit la Use 
1 1 , i; n ;■■■ of .li'lniv:ili 'u wikleHiien tbroufiiiout the. to- 
lire l"jiili»i) Kioto*. Jinid conuueiijii worn the hon- 
ens' (>xi>Ti"Hsinn of (he opini'm of the dcdKndantrt. 

Zfe/cwtWf' FiV^J .(IjnDinJnl AntwCt 




t$. Each and every allcc/ation iifreuwbfl^B «t 
forth in [uinufruiihu. -lu to 3!J indiwivc under the 
Firat tluinplfta DtfunB* to tti* aUtfljed ^toind 
tl*U«e of Action i* Iitrcby n>]iffl[*il witli ifia soma 
fOTM find cffi'et ns if h*«i a afifiia bg6 forth in full,, 
ajid the def^inj^jiln tn Uia trial of lliia action will 
givo njvidcnaj iiiftiiaf by way of partial at well 
U Lii-i ij'jIb L« d^fen^a 




49. Kflili and awry dlrj^LWm Jurein-alKiVB *tt 
f (j rili in para^raihlii 4() to +4 ineliufiv*- under Ui* 
Softntij CfHn|i)etn Dcfcii*e t* tlie illt^wl S«Wind 
Ciiiiit of Artinn is liu-mby rtpiaili;d uitK the uauie 
forr* Ktid «ff*Kl ft" if litftn a^ain r«1 forth in full, 
.in I (I. r il.-fiTnli.ii:.! an Lj;i; trial of li;iu acting will 
Kiii' i- v J4i' life tli-nn'ihf liy wa)' of [wtrliiJ tu WdU M 
eouijiktc ili'fi-nnc. 




54. Eiih uiJ every nJkftfttjon lt*ceui sieve jet 
fonli in paragraph 4i- 'Under lh« Tldrd Complete 
Dtfrnie to the olU'si'd Sjeconil Ca.1S« of Astion tu 
licnjiiy rttpeated with th« eftfrt* f*r« and -effect aa 
if licreLn again Btt fortJi in full, and tie defond- 
antu on tli* trial of thii action wilt givo evidenaa 
llicR'of lij' ft'ay of pnrtial u *ell ft* ceinplet* de. 

7"; r /.- iifi'i n/.v ' Fir'.i.' Ajaowff d Jnnoer 



51. Each qt.A tvfry allf^dtinn litiriinabiive act 
forth in paragrajjIiE iC nnd 47 Utukt H* Fotirtlt 
Complied DffeniL- to Ibe »tk'grd S«ptii| Caiise ^t 
Ac-tjon is hereby repeated i*H!b tin; miciii; far*e ami 
olTeel an if herein again bet forth in 1 uit, uO lltfl 
tleFeDdanlH on the trial of [Ills action will pivv 
i-vJlll-um' liH-rLof by way of partial qg wet) at eoliBh 
jilrit (leftnM- 




b'A. Each nnd nvwy ftlleijaticjL Iteretoabovi! ast 
reurlli in ijarugrjiphij M tft IT inclusive ia litrchy 
n-ptatpii in mitigation of my dauuiRe to wfricb 
]jlaintiif rnifiht otlit rn'JKii apiicar entitled Iwaiusc 
of tim publitntion nf tli* allogMi libeloiai iiuUtcr 
sot forth in iln L xccaxd cause nf qgUok, and in in- 
eorporot^l lifrein for tlmt purpone with Um mi:mu 
force ond effi?Ut as if Iverein aciiii] nA forth in full. 
iJfrf Linlfin tx nay that tlioy btlic-vad in (f«>d failh 
tliut tli* utnt&tiK'iita eonlaitUHl in snid article cn- 
tilJE-d "iinurci" »ere true, foir turtisiiient, and thnt 
it wsi BQCOhsary to pul>li"h th* name to protrwt 
Hie organiMtifln inni Jtbtwali'i witnciiiM, Ry 
reason tlit-rcof gilfiir^iiT in not entitled to ciilh-cl 
any UiKObt at diLinA|*i;a wbaUoamer. 

WTIEKKFOltE Um di-fendanta demand Judg- 
ment that the couipliinl of •plaiatiE luereia b* (lit. 


Defendants' Fiffi /tm-tmStd Answer 

■uieccd tciftvilifti" with i;o»ta niul ditlmxwnu-'ulii of 
"In- arti^.ji. 

J'OSEl'll 0. tiLAXS 
Altwnn'i' far Defendant* 
OJl'iLii ni£d 1'. 0. Addrres t 
UO IVaJl Street, 
New Yort, N. Y. 

Attorney for DefitrnJaLita 
Office and P. 0, Addrens: 
117 Adam* Street, 
Ur*oW>n, tit, y. 

{Verified by Nathtut H, Knsrr. oat af Lba 
JefuBdnLtH, on lUy 31, IDil.) 

Order to Show Caiuc V<ty Juds™*"t Shatdd 
Kct Be RenJcsed ia Accordance with 
Motion &f Dcfcmdant* for a. Directed 
Verdict in F»vor of Exch Defendant 


NEW youk: 

K»r«4 OouSfTV 

[Sun TituQ 

li|mn. roailing mid liling t!^ (Jfidavie <iF Hay. 
den C- C^ivinjrton, dul|' vc-rififd t3ns i! dfiy of 
■Turn' l!H-l, inid il[khi the plcidi in tlic liloVft 
OLtith'L Hi-u«n, thu j'liil^e 1 !, uiinutea of 'lie triid 
Ju-Id in Uh: SnprWiw.' Court af iLc ULiuiity of 
Kluriit heiure Mr. Jusliff U^bctt* an tiie lltli,, laii, 14(h, litn, l&Uh LStlv 20th, 2lit, 24th 
and 2"nh daj-s, uf Jifay 1W3, the verdict o( tlie 
jury enler^l on tha 27th day at Hay 1943, ami 
tlie rifniplinnii taken on the tfie-l of Aiiii action, 
juul ujion all the procfifdin^M livretofore liad 
hi; rein, 

LtT Uw ])bijiililT or liii attorney jilimr OftUKt 
hutiiTe thi* court Pit a Trial Term, Tart XIV 
iliercof, to be btld at tlie ilonnty Court Hou»p. 
Fallon and JoraU'inon Strteta, in the IlnrDuj;;! 
of I!rot.l:.lyn, City of Xew York, an the 3d day 
of .limp 1SI43, at 3.4u o'clock in lli* farenuan of 
iluit day lit an soon thereafter u pchjiu.l-1 can 
he heard. 

Why a judgment nhoubl DPt b* rendered and 
entcTi'il in accordance witJi tlw Tnutidn of tlie 
dcfi-iiilantu for b. direetnl vrrdict ia favor of 
each defendant; made pursuant to section 457-a 


Order to Show W7iti Jutigmru! fthmitd 

i?Qt Sit ltit1firT<i 111 A crori'f iin rp ifiih Mt/tiQn of 

OfftMitanti for n ttindell Vefiict in Fttror af 

Each DeftnAaitt 

of tl:i' Civil J't-iKitiii: Act, an<l for *u(-h otlier 
nnd furtlur relief in t« ll.-c court may necin judt 
und ])niper in the preiiJ«et>. 

Surt*3H^t EiHutom ii^jMiarinn hi ine therefor, 
and uliy nwn eaanot be made by notice with- 
in five day*. 

Iatt tervice of a co|fy of this Olditf tn hIioyt 
cnusO ami the Btpraniuodiynvir nfftdnvil on (he Al- 
tnmry U»r she |ilaiatifT before *i p,m, nn llii? *e*- 
mid ilnv of .Time 1!U3 lie deemed good ant) juJh- 
L-ifnt (erviec. 

Dated; Bmoklyn, New Yorlr, June 2, 1W3, 

HiSaY L, UdbtEITl 

Juttite of the Sunrrmc Cmrt 

Affidavit of Hayden C Cflvintfon m S'-^>irt 
oF H«i?n for Pintctcd Verdict mi\A lor 

Juiij— cnl L : tiiicr Section 457-4 of the 
Civil Practice Att 



(K*iiji Title] 

Stale of New York, J 
Court y of KinKD, j 

IUylkn C. CovjsfirroS, being *wom h eays: 

1. Tln.t but is attorney of record for rh-ftnd. 
Mill ir. ihe i,l>av<: entitled action. 

2. TLiJit tins is A libel action instituted by 
hemt-c nf mmmffK and complaint in October 
VJ4A, whirls wjih hroardit <m fur trial bcfiTC II r_ 
Jitidii-c- I'jflLctta on the lUtli day of Ha? 11H.X 
Tbercafter evidence was heftrd liefor* il jiif_v f tin? 
cauw* nrrjued liy cnnrni'! n nrjl t III- ranrt'11 ehnrKC 
fiiveii Id iln> jury tti (be 27t]i (illy (if ilay 1LI4^, 
which jury Hilunied its verdict nn ibc27[h ibiy of 
ilay IJU^t. bJt.l which verdict of Ihe jury h'im ac- 
cepted, tnN'n'il mill fiiMJ OB BIH-il dnto nitil wjiii-Jl 
verdict U fW fulJawii 

"Wo Ilia jury find for the pLiiiuiiff on 
the first raUH* Hif ar tiran nnd amr*n duinajre* 
dt *lf>,000-. 

"Wo tlio jury find for 1V plaintiff on 
the uecond couiw of aelion and anneaii dam- 
npw *t $13^00." 

3. At llie trial Hi* dtfendanta and the plain- 
tiff duty moved for « directed verdict, which was. 

Afidtaii tif ilaydr.n C- CavinptOn in Support of 
iSalit/js. for Dirttfai IVdiff, tie, 

denied, Ah eqoii as [he verdict of the jury wan 
entered cnunse! moved lor a now trial upon aLL 
tilt ground* set forth in Section 5i!t of Ihe Civil 
Practice Act, eii-i'fiL JjnnfficiaOL-y uf ■! »" ■";;■■•*, and 
upon tin: cuecplioui, 

■I. This* affidavit i» made in rapport of nn np- 
[ili< iiiii>u Fur an anfcr taaliuw tam* »iv the v«' 
diet of the jury nhnuhl not lv\ set aside un.L a 
direetad verdict raliewd in favor nf tin- jN'- 
fcn^hiiit.^ and for j'l juil^irwiit U* 1» L L s riti>Fn] an 
:i<T.inlriui-i' iiiMi Hii'l (lirwlJ 1 !! vnnlift, piimuwiil 
to Scflum 4-17-n, nalitfi'liiiii H, of tin? fivil l*rftp- 
IW Art Jk* tlntHTHlwl bv rfmplM (49 nf tln> Liiws 
«.f 1!K0. 

5. Ai'luml Htcnrpomlntt mil] uiukcn a isirl or 
tbi?. itfliibivit (In- 1 1 E ■ -41. ■ I i ■ n slt-h in tk L iUrrr rnlill"! 
JlMinil, 11 if JihIkt 1 * ininulHls of UiC tr'uti liekl in 1tn- 

SunmiH' (.Wri nf flu' Cminty or KJii*r? ifinrt- 
Mr, J*vtiw il.Kiu'ltiL on tbf Ihh. I2l!i. ISiTi, 1-UL. 
I'lli, t St la. IJhlu LTJch, 21^1, £4tb ph.I SWIi iIhs-k ..f 

^l.lj- l!U:E, on<l tin: Vfcnlirt of Ilk- jury Ht+wd nn 
tltnSTtli ilny or May l'Hl 

i"i. Afinnt riinki'H tLir OfiiRinitiiio fir nn opfc-r 
iniiiiovi-t'iiiiHr ii[kht s lie- ;>l I'lidiiij;^ in llioiibivr imi- 
Lith il iii-liopi, liiv jqn]j;'''» NiinuH-M nf tin* Irial lii-h] 
in |]u' Sapnim! t'mirt n* nforKHiid, lln 1 Inrttiiuiiiv 

rin'] pKroji(imi»i litbt'n ^n tbr Irinl nf siiiil i-i-Ij«mi. 
itjhl u|wju :ill tin' [tfi n-?i.i I i ii k* ln-n*l»r«rt- Iwl Ihti- 
in.iinil null 1 umvrn tliin crmrtjitii trinl Icrm llwrt- 
df In'bl in Jirut 't>r tbi- Oiiiity of Kin>r^ at t>i" 
County Cmirl UniLie in tlie Ifomucb nf Rniuklyn 
for nn nnltr wtsinn n^i'l« III* vcnllcr nf Hi* jury 
niMfefwl on Hay 27, l?43i »jm! fur u ilirMbEd ver- 


AjjSrftirit of fintjilrm C, Cwinytan in Snppvtt &f 
Mvlifti for DtT-e-ded FtrJiri h etc. 

riict In fnfnr fif [be flleffrflclnsibi on botlj MiUfiD-H of 
Bitliun and Fnr a judgment in rwcordanfo witb t!w> 
motion of each of tbc iieftn<3anl» for 4 iSirW'tert 
vurdirl in favnr of c*(h. of tb* def*nilii»iti r psir. 
*UMtl to uctJAa. 457. a of the Civil J'ratlico At!, 
far iri<i on account of ejitb of lb* follnu-injr 

(n) That tlia undisputed evidence nboVl 
I hat tlie charges nuids in tlie nrlirk' m- 
titled "ITlfo^n3.til3^ , ■ arc jiistifn'd, 60(3 jtu- 
t i i i l? i l ■! i ri n htm been r-stnlil i kImJ an a outtor 
£.f law, hcniusa pacii statcoirat mnljiinrj 
therein : ,t- tbc truth; 

(b) T!ie overwhelm in.n prc[ioiirli'rmltO nf 
tlie fvideneo ruUblinbm the fjir/t tliat the 
eontVnU *f lb* ai-title entitled "fnfornui- 

tjon" are tlie truth and the defence of 
juntifiLati«n bai rrfen, entablishoil »* n nat- 
ter of kw; 

(e) Th*!i^|iuip<l fTidence uhmi^ that 
tlie [■hnrjyea made in the artirlr «'n(i!l*tl 
"fsnoraE" are ianl'ificd, i^n<i jllirtiliftRtfen 
bn^ Wrn ^-Ftisbb she*! sir- n mr.1 ip-f of la^' F 
heenuse each FtateCnrrit rental nisi tberoin ii 
1ii T tr.ilb; 

[A) Tii* irvfrwriflminj; prrpiiidironfe of 
1 [if evidence- eatalitinhes tbi> Tntt thnt the 
Mratmtft of the article "Snare*" ore the 
truth and the defense t,( jostin>a1ion ha* 
been e*tHb|:inh(>rl ax n m;ilE*r nf law; 

(e) The undisputed evidenec snd ll:e 
overwlicbninff pTTr.^Doderatitft of Itie €vi- 


■atfufusjij! »/ HuptUn C. Covington in SitpfO+t if 
Motion {vf Directed Verdki, els, 

dmmi shown that the. urticto eniitleil 
"information" *a* a privileged ctunjouni. 
calion betwean the defcndflnl* and (be 
readers of Baid mflgiiHno entitled "The 
WatthtDwer" wbo were JehovuVi wit- 
nesoea and people of good ■»'■!! tbroophout 
the United States nnd eluewhere, and rrt 
evidence of rDEd'^'t bas bec^ BbowTi.; 

(f) The njidispoted evidence and trie 
overvbebniHic; Tirepcnderanco <if the evi- 
dence ohowa that tbc article entitled 
"3n»**a" Trna s. pritfilefjfld iDirimunitSition 
lifllvi'een tlm defendants end the readers of 
Haiil riiUFrJrtiftu entitled "The Vfatehlnwrr" 
who were .Tebomh'n wiliai.'Pine» and fif'ople 
of Bond wjl! throug-hout til* United Slatei 
and cl*cwhere r and n* evidence of maliea 
ban h*en shown ; 

fs} The ondinplitod evidenCfl and lha 
ovei-tt-bi'liiiinj; prctiniuleranee of lW- 
denre entahlinhes the fact tlu( tli* urtiele 
fjilitlfd " InrniTiintiirti " wrti puMixhed in 
fair rc|dy to nnd in anRwei to Uw letter 
of 0, It- Moyle dmed Jn!y 31, 1999, and 
that naeb jwdificatiwi of said prl^lu en- 
tittwl "InFoniiatinn" wan wiUwol rnalire 
iiiid f-niil deTeiwc nT reply ha* be^n entnh- 
linlivil rj! a fiiattrr of La^'i 

(h) The liiidif-puteil evidence and the 
nvrrwbHniinj: prepnnderanee of 11* e.vir 
dcnei. entoblifhea tlie far.t that tlie article 
imtilted "Sjiarea" wbj puhlishnl in fair 
T c[fly tn and in i>n«wer to tho tetter of 

Affidavit of ilvy&en C. Coriu^toa in Support of 
Motion for JJireried Vttiict, its. 

O. IL MnyU? dntnl Julj 21, 1D3D, anil that 
duch publictiiion of naid artielo entitled 
"SnLirca" was wfllionl tnaliee ami suit! 
ih-Jujiiiu. uf reply bn< been cjiiahlishod aa 
a Liiutk-r of law; 

(ij The undisputed evidencie lln; 
ohTi-whclininc; pjrepundernnee of the evi- 
di;iiL»e uHtahliihin that the article cnlitled 
"liifnrtiiation" wari fair erunment upnn 
tin- of'* and eotidin:t of Hie plaintiff in 
iTe^iiTninc; na coneiM-l, writine his btter to 
Ihe prcaidi'nt tif tbr society ami tJierraflcr 
ciui?.inj; !he ifline 1n lie rireulated and 
wbii-h lOlid ilefen^t nf fair ecinilitl^nt ha* 
ln'"n i-Ktidtlijihinl in the cvideiirc ilh a tuiit- 
ter i if Law : 

(,i) n>e LimliHpnted eviitcncc nml the 
ovi'rn'tiebninf! prcpnnderanee nf 1ln* c-ii- 
drTiei- rnlnblifhi'H that the cMii-k entitlnl 
" Si i.i rt-n ' ' v,jim rntr iTunincnE iijwm ihe Bets 
and eoinfuft r f f lln 1 - plaintiff in re:<ie.riint; 
n> niniiHH, writ! hk 1"» IcMit in tin- priiii- 

ilelll of [In- mscicly njnl tbcrnnrier ii ■ I ■-- i I ■ L.- 
Ihc witiic lo lie riri-nlnlml and wliiHi *ni't 

ih'fl'UHl 1 iif fait erijiiiiM-iit bn*< I ' «■■- r.n 1 1- 

li'lied in tl>e rv hh-ru-i'' an a iiuiltrr of htvr, 
in ;iNi5nliff h s esmillirl, bi^ writine "f 1he 
1,.11,-r of Jnlv 21. l!" 1 ^!), and bin rj.iwlnr-t 
nf tlw> hi-nrinp nf She fawn apainpt llealh 
and iillifm on July II h tflS), 

*. The rensna fnr (srsrt'cedin.e; on (hi>- pmlinn 
liy order to nh«w rnuso rather Ihan n=lfc* »f 

41 ti 

Affidavit p/ IIsyAm C. Covin j(«n in. Support cf 
iiotion (or Directed J'crdiri, ete. 

Iltulbie is cl :i". I'ii:i mn)ii.>n lOuxt be n.inir within 
ttia (IN) ilnys uf the dale of I lie vehlict and 
ik'lnrc ihr U-riH nf lliis cultrt vlali Hid JtBW 4, 
MM:!, ami llieiv is nut nuDleicat (line for lu-in^. 
h\iZ it on by autien of tnutiua. 

\f, Afliiinl mu.Vk [lint [lii.i iionnralde v.w.tI 
?bnutil ■:<■ in hi order mfuiiinw plaintilfV at- 
torney* to flinw cauHc at the/ tiuie cuiil plana 
I'rji'il in HiltL iirili'r wiiv a Judgment nEiouhl not 
Ixj cjitenid in mceonhinpe with tlie iaolion nT 
di-fcndant" for a directed verdict immu-nnt tit 
SiTtiair -tjT-ii of tAr Civil Prattle* ^Ici*. 

JIatpe? 0, Coiiisotoji 

[Hwe-rn to June 2, t'JU.) 


Order During Defendants' Motion for 
Directed Verdict, to Ee Reviewed 

At a Trial Term, Part XIV, of Ilia 
Supreme Uonrt, Iield in, and for 
th* County of luojn, ftt the 
CoQBty Court Eoswe in th* Dor- 
ouj-h of Brooklyn, City of Nu* 
I'iSlI?, on the 20 day of July 

Present — Hon, lizxar L, Uqhittji, Justice. 

[Siiit Trn-K.J 

"Upon leading- and fjinj (he affid^t uf Hay- 
den C, Covington, attorney for defendfinti, the 
fhaw eaus* order issued thereon, and upon the 
pleading, Ike judge's minutca of Ibo. trinl, the 
verdict of the jury entered the 27!h day of Jlray 
19 J3, the testimony and except ionn taken on the 
Irird of Kfcid Afttirtn, and UUtm ft]] the [trfk-eedilitf* 

berotofon hod herein, and t-a'vi motinn liavine: 
ofrniis on in be- heard on Hie, Si] day nf June IMS, 
and Hit' defendant* having arjrK'ureil bjr I9:irflcn 
C- Coringtnfl, their altornoy, and Die plninliflf 
having appeared hy IVnllrr llniflt(iiiiii« , ii. Ids nl- 
torney. Jit oppo*i(ion thereto, 

Sni', aftor due dpiiberal ion, it is hereby 

Ojuh-^kh Ihftt defi-nduntV inn.1l»n fur a UtTfrtfl 
verdict pumiLint to Krclinn 4-i7-o uf the Civil 
Practice Act be find it in hereby nVifierfj villi 
exception I;i the defendants. 


{Signed) JJkkhy L. UaRETn 

Justice, Supreme Coart 
Grunted .T^ly ZH 1943 
Kpu^ijjk J. Sinswrr, Clerk 

Filed Jul; 21, 1943 King* County Clerk'* 

Jurffllf I fltl 

($15^000} Dolljir* and Ibe efi*(» of the plaintiff 
Vmving been duly taxed in the anm. of $f]OJ!0 

Not, on. motion of Waller Eraciihanjic-n, il- 
torney far the Plaintiff, it in 

AbJirpfiKn Ihnt the plaintiff. Olin Ji, Moyte, 
residing at .lnhn«on Crerk, WuKmnnin, <lo re- 
cover of (he defendant" Frril W, Frnr^ Xolhno 
If. Knorr, Crnnt Suiter, Thmuns J, Sollivjin. 
William P. II calls, ,lr., Ilnpo R. Riemer, Wil- 
liam K. Vim Anirmrjrh, Arthur R, G<inx, Clin rip* 
A. %¥i*e, Clnyton J. Woodwarth, Matthew A. 
llnu'lstt, Wnjrh Twer J'iSsle & Traet Society, 
a. i'en tifiyivaiiLn oorpOMllfliU irnd Wntrlilfliirr 
Bilile i Trai-t JWiety, lnt 1 -, n NVn- York nn-m- 
bera-hip rorpnrn(prin, jvll nif 13* C'nlnrntiiji Hrinli'^T 
l3*roTiffii of |tr*H>klyn r City nT K^ 1 ^ Y4ir5t, tkn- 
uim nf Fiflren tlhOftimril (t1*uffl») I>i>llar* P l«- 
getlief vritli tlic Huiii <if ii1f).35 Polturji. contn u 
taiwi, tnp-'lifr ni Hi inlcvmt trf SflS.CIfl, itiaVLne; 
in nil lite sum of *l !i h 4!iri -30, jiufl it i» 

Ahjtjdgep tlinl tlic pLiintitf, Olin R. Mf>yle, 
d^ rr«(m'r «f (he defemlantB, Woteli Ton - er 
Bible & 1Yjh;( Hnrlcty, & IVntiBVlvaaia eornnTi- 
tioa, and Wfttdllcw^r Riliti' ft Tenet Society, 
Inc., a New York oMftbcridiip cnrtkhtiition, \h& 
ram df KifCccn thousand CSll5 f (KW) Tlcdlatu, tfl" 
gttlier ^n'jta interent of $3ij, nukiisp; in All tl* 
sum nf Jl, and it 1b 

AojinsctT *1"' the ]nUintiiT Tiavu enecatiDim 
tli«r&for, eifrpliitjr tlml lh c i(«ii L JftrtM of RUfli 
ei;*<;iilLiMiif. ^hisll hie Rtsyed for Ibe fiei-Li'>i3 of 
thirty day* from tlie dsita hereof. 

Doted, JuPc SO, IMS. 

[»ipwid] FM>«e»* J< Sis/iiijTT 

Filed Jans SB, 1913. 


ExtnuJ from Clerk* Mirmtei 

At a Trial TVnn of the Bunrema 
Court of lj i9 State of New Tort 
JwdJ in and for Kisnf Coonty, 
at tita Cotitt Hu-uh in tho Bdf- 
ougli of BrooWi-B, on tiu 10th, 
Utli, 12lh, 13tl., Hth, 17th, lSth, 
lath, Mlfl, 21it, £4th, 2Jth, Sitfc 
and 27tli Joya of llay, 19i3. 
Freisent — lion. Ueetbit L. IJciiKTTi, Jmiliiis, 
[iiiiit Tmi] 
#17342— T.T. 14 

I'laijiliU )nfi¥f<i to didcgatinae AeliiHi oj^iipit 
ttiS' defendant Jouopii b\ ltutlterford, wiLlmut 
cv-'H^s. Grnnled, 

I'lainiiiJ movea to unend fielitiouH names of the 
■Irft'ii'liml* hs fullnii's; TlioFiifl? J, Sulliviui, 
ClwrlM A. Win* Mftttlwnf A. Hot'lelt Oraivl«d. 

1'liiintiSf '? 2nd rau»e of action kg to individuid 
d:-:'-ri'lii:it^ i^ di.iniL^-SL^]. 

Pliij <ott»e havicijr bc^n ra(l<-J for tfi n ] in i!* 
pixlvr on the t'abitdar, sail twnlva trial J urn™ 
havisifl been duly drawn, crjspnnel'od and iwoin ta 
try (lie same, the Jury emne into Court nnd nay 
(lint thry find II verdict for the Jjlaintiilf in the 
nil in of SI I),Q0O on the ii ret caaac of act ion apuiii nt 
all the defendants and. a verdict in the tun of 
$l\flW djpiinst lit* defcndim!*, WitehloWer and 
Rjlde Stu'Lety, a PennEylvania eorporalLoti, and 
TYnteutcvrer Binle and Trset Society, Inc., a New 
York mmihrrship <!orn*rati«n. 

j^cf-endantn nvave ta cm aside ilie verdictH an 
ll-.p (jroiinJj that they are cenirmTy to the uiw 
and H^AinHt the w['ij>lit of tht evident and «p<jn 
iLI the grounds, apeeificd in seetion 549 CJA, 
excapi inadequacy of dumngea. Motion denied. 


Caw and Exceptions 


7rial Term— Part 14. 

LSiM* Tm*J 

Brooklyn, N. Y, h Hay 10, 1343, 
Two o'clock p. nk 

Befora — Hon. Hiu«rt L. "Qohktt*, Juntir.e, nnd A 

Aprsiuu.s'CTS : 

Walteo IiiLUCnii&LixeK', F1m|^ Attorney 

for PEaiiiliiT. 
Havms: Ciwutctok, Knij., Attorney for 


(A jury af twelve and two aluarDOtct ware dtsJy 
im nanelcd and jjwem.) 

'I'Jlu L'ourt ; l^ldiLMi and ^rn tinman nf clic Jury; 
We iriji now adji>Orn tuiril t^n o h etnrli tnsnnrrow 
UloriLtlie;. I^luiuie I* h^re pirninjillr. In the 
IHieilJItiliSLS do J3i iT. <:i.^:"J*:n i/n; cjl.-^' Kvpn OTTIOTijr 
yourfelve^ and if liy (duincc yon uec monj'tl-ijiK 
uf (iiitfUMj in the newspaper*, yan are latlmttetl 
not to r*ind it. A El (Ih-mi parti*" want you in 
do \f In il" JUnhfL' without liny hinsi or |)tr]ud:iin 

between thert. Sa If oajlhingr ».pf>ear» in tha 
newijMiptrs. pleene don't rend iL 

(Wlienopoh an ndjo-urninent waj tulfen until 
TufwJay, J Joy 11, 1943, at ten o'clock a. m) 



3Ci day* stay af eiftcotion and (50 dayn to make 
a eaue ii ejiiuteil lo the defcstkwta, 

A true extract frnm tlu$ uilnutee. 

Fm^cts J. S^^nrr, 



C'ov.^tv or Kisrai 

[Sahk Timr] 

The Eoove enHitled action having duly enm* 
on for trial befriTe. Mr. Justice Henry L. 
Uj;5ietta anfl a jur}' at a Trial Term, Part H 
of the- Supreme Court, held tn and Tor the 
Cotmly of KLne> at the County (-ourt Hnuse 
in (he Borough of TlrAnVlyn, CSly of J««r Ytirt, 
on the 10th, 11th. I2lh, 13th, I4ln, l"ln, tfith, 
13th, aCKh, 21 Ft, 24tli, Sate, Kth. and 2"1h dftjli 
of May, IvtI, and the plaintiff liavinc; appeared 
hy his a( lot-ney, \Yalt*r rtruchhaupen, Knq., and 
the defendant* Iljlvih^ o-E^K'iircil hy their attor- 
ney, Hnyden C. Covington, K«r|„ nnd jhe issui^t 
hnvinjr been duly tried and the jury having duly 
rendered a verdict in favor of the plaintiff and 
against alt of the aforesaid defendant* in the 
sum of Fifteen thousand t$1.1,000) Dollar* on 
the iirst cause of action and a verdict in favor 
of the plaintiJl and apalnst the defrndante, 
Wateli Tower Eiblt & Tract Society, a PennHyl- 
vania Corporation, amd WatcJitower Rihle and 
Tract Society, Inc., * JJe*' York wernVft ruhip 
oorporatian in the jubi of Fifteen Thauftand 


PJaiViif a Maiinr. to Discontinue Action Agaitut 
Dtft.n-fiu.nt Jo.ttpi. F. Kuihtrford 

Toeaday, May 11, 1343. 
(Trial Continued PuMnattt to AdjoummenL} 

(Hr, Jinjchliiiusen opened to tlie jury in W- 

hnlf of the jduintiff.) 

(llr. Coving-ton opened to tlrt jury in bctialf 
of the defendants*.) 

Mr, ]lruch]:uu.-.Ku: If the Court plcotc, as 
eounsnd for Dls defendanU han stated, the de- 
fendant, Joseph F. Kntlierford, died during the 
course uf the action, so the pEaintiS asks Uf 
dkcuntiuue without eo»(ai 4* agaiaii tlutt defaad- 

The Court; Have you anything to say nbcul 
that, Mr, Covinjrtonj 

Mr. Covington; Without costs, a* to Ruther- 
ford 1 

.Mr. UrucldmUsen ; Both side*. 

Tile Co art: That in HjjM. 

II r. Cfmnetom: 1 don't tlip^k lie should it 
ahle to pjet hy without eostn, Yau da*en 't msnia 
any ellorlK lo iuliKtitule— 

llr, Erucldkanaen : Wo can't help it that ha 

Mr. CnvinRlnnr I underatand Ihot 

Tlie Court; 'I'lie only njoeftioa i* as to eonts. 
The moiion Ih cfrantcd. No e>r™t»- 

Wr. Unschhnusen; Tlu'n thc-re are dome licti. 
tious namcK, I woiitd liko to have tile record 
corrected to the true name af the defend- 
ant, Thomas J. Sutlivao. T» that his correct 

Mr. Covinpton i Tcb, 

The Court: Thomsa J, Sullivan, 



Plaintiff's Afptioii ta C^rrtil Fictitious Soma 
ff t'c rtviii Dtfeudank to Their Tntc Name* 

Sir. Urudihausen: I would like to imra the 
(kltliuSLH part of tho name omitted uiJ his true 
iiiiLuL' stak-d us. Yhosuaa J, Kulliran, 

'J'lu Court; The motion is grunted. 

Mr. UriichliHunen; Another defendant it men- 
IhjfHxl rictili<pus1y n* ' ' (.'Iib r)es A," Wfa* J n*k 
Ifnil it W eorrecled. 

The Court ; Motion Krnnled, 

Mr. Hruddmusen: There i* a hr.lilinim nn:n« 
of "llsiloohn" A. ISnu-JfU, 1 understood hi* 
name is IfnilSiev.- A. Ifim-leH, 

The Cmirl: The lunlirm is- j;mnlei). The dr- 
fe-iiiJnol, Hd Mlll«dni f * A. Hom-lettV first npoie Ipt- 
inR lU'litiou*, 1ho ?rpie fir>t name of sjiid liefpnd- 
*nt being unknown to the plaintiff, is now 
rofneted to ncwl "Jti&fcnr." 

Jli", Utiu-lilimtufn: f auk for tlw record !o 
luivr it h|i|ii-:ir thai Ihi* act inn wii» eiwiiWfKifl 

on October II, 1M9. 

Me, Covin i^Lon.: 1940, yuu mean. 

.Mi". ISrnelibausen : 1 1140, that in eorrec I. 

The C'oqrt: Orlnher 11, 1140. 

Sir. HmchhauiM'n: Ami al*n to tmve the rer. 
ord show 1 Fiat a motion u-as made by tiie ■. 1 1 ■ T-: ■ n : 1 - 
Hint. lfnpi II, Hietner ilnlm! October 3ft, 1D4C. 
returnable Kovriatar IS, lWl, winch in part 
*ot* forth "P'flr an order dtaimiifaing the coin- 
platnL hernia" — 

Hi-. Covington; There in no need to, Jii/iie the 
history oT ill tli* prior motion*. 

Tit* Cmirt: I BftrM with you. 
If if. Covinjrlnn: Am! thr- disnr*lliori. The 
Sum? * have heen framed. 
TIi* Court; T flftit* with you. 
Mr. Brurliliiniea: Well, if your Honor plena*. 


T nsremi' then that counsel eon-cedes that it lias 
already hoen li-clcl by tlie Courts 

The Court: ll in not necesm.ry to say Hint 
ot ill. I will conduct tl.e trial and I will take 
the [iron', in accordance with the lav,' an I uee 
it, and the law of ttic case, 

ilr. Bmchlpaossn : I think, if your Honor 
p!ooM, tin neorJ should bIhjw Uwt thtM jiudli- 
cations of Octnlrer 19^9 nnd Hvrtvnha 13S1, luive 
been litld Jibeloiw yrr s* bj J tlit AliK 11111 * D i v >' 


Tie Court; We won't ho ilil* tliil it this 
time. At the piroper time I will hu'd wlriiK 
way I tiiink U right. Offer jour progf si»d 
jl*. Lkt- proper tiroe 1 will take the Dnw uf thi 
cose u J see iL 

Iff. Bruehhunaen i I am not diwii np.i np t'nut 
just now. But 1 feel that tht record here n)v{>aJd 
alien? — 

Th« Court: All the poper* are port o' tin? 


Jfr. BruelilLiiiseB : It 1 am iBfumo thit^— 

The (''uurl: Alt the papers are part of Ihn 

M"r, Bruehhaunen ; — that- these papers are 
deemod 10 tir ir. eriiteneo— . then 1 would like to 
offer (he record t* ihow adniiflsiorus from the 
answer — 

The Court: The summoni and complaint and 
(he ajiHwcr are all part ot the case, 

Mr. Hruchhausen: I weuld like to at th\i 
time, if tV Court please, read into the record 
the eir-ro i natiftB be fori! trial of tlie defendant, 
\V'iHiam E. V*n Antburgb. 

William E. Yajc A urbiirffli — Examination 
Effort Trial 

Mr, Corinjton: I don't know what part he 

is jjcjiufy (o Mid- 
The Court: He will re-ad lh« niamb«r of nA 

Mr. CoTiRRton; They are not numbered, 
The Court: Then he will teil yon the page, 
II r. BrutkihRiisfn: "WILLIAM E. VAN 

AMBLTiGFI, Jinving berii flnt duly ™*m, ai 

aforesaid, testified as follows: 

"Bifrtrl fiamimition ly iir. BrwKkvuft* ; 

"Q, Where dm ynii reticle T A. 124 Calumhia 
Height*, Hrootlj-n, JJ, Y. 

"Q. And yya are a rnemlsur of Jehovah's 
"Witnesses! A. Y-ea, sir. 

"Q. And hiTe been for how longl A, Ahojit 
forty.ali years. 

"Q r J» tluT* iiny reeord topt of jiout mem- 
bers-hipT A. Nu, nir. 

"Q. Do tou hate a record *r a rail of mem. 
bersliipl A, Ko, sir. 

"Q. Uqv; tin ynu hnoi» who. Ihr »iiT.rnl»«TA aref 
A. ^'e oo n^J( kaow whp a FT r 'N l t o^nny of tiitm 

"Q, Tlwro i* no oppljejition «igivctl hj them! 
A. ^'n, sir, 

"Q, Art dyes piiid by 1hr-m1 A. Ko, nir, 

"(j. How is it delcmiifietS that a person is or 
ia nut a memner of Jeho-Tftli'j WitnesaeaT A. 
That depends on the rncnibrr hiuutclf. 

"Q, Are yon mcqaninted with the nJaiotiff, 
Olim ft. Moyiet A, Tes, sir, 

"Q. How lone; hare yon bpen ouqaaint^i w(lh 
lumt A- t first met him in the Stmtwtr el 

Wuiiam K. p'n» .tjuiw'^i — Ewutiuation 
Before Trial 

"Q, Ho thro tfM>k up huj Teeidenca it 134 
Columbia Heights! A, Yc*, sir. 

"Q. And lliit is the main headqunrlcrs oC 
JV'huvih'fl Witnesses ! A. Yes, air. 

"Qr Dr> y«9, t**i(lo thtre iod did you at all 
tune* while h« to*4 living tiie-fet A- Tes, *ir- 

"Q. And he was n meml*r of J*h*v*h,'« Wit- 
nesaes, was ho uotT A, Yes, sir. 

"Q. And was a member all that prrifld from 
1935 to 19331 A. YeH, air. 

L 'Q. Are yon an olfieer of any of the defend- 
ant corporations — The Watch Tower Bible h 
Tract iiociety, a Pennsylvania corporation, and 
Waldi T«»i-r- Bihk i. Tract Kfl^tety, Inr H a 
Nftw Yurh i:L('j:Lk-^»hi[> EOrporation t A. Yes, 

"Q. An offircr of hpiht A. Y™, Hir. 

"(j. What oPice do ;-ou JwWl A. Shsrelir?- 

"Q. Of holh eorporation^T A. Yen, Fir, 

"Q. And imw ioiur have you hfld tliew of- 
fictat A. Of the Kennpylvania rorporalion — 
about 41 yearn. 

*'(J. And how loos of the New York Corpflra- 
liont A. tfioce 19CK1 — no, I he,ir your pardon — 
I don't rememlwr the exaet (Into, 

*■'(}. la that mailer of election — the dale: — in 
the eorporate roeondnl A. Yen, air. 

"Q. You have charge of these records T A. 
Tfci, sir. 

"Q. Ar* both of those- eorporattoni the pnh- 
lidliera of )he Watth Tower lffi(Husnet A. The 
PennBylTMin corpfirstion wi» incrrrKi raifd in 
ftoiiivlToiiia— Wider thr l*w* of PeoniyNenia. 
They moTed to BrooUyl, N«,W York; in 1909 


William S, Ven jfmpnrjli — Examination 
Sitfare Trioi 

iod in order to comply with the laws «f New 
York, ]hc eorporation known as People'* Pslfiil 
AcEociaiiou was incorpom'ed to eomply wilh 
the New York Isws. Later it wa* ehaaged to 
Watch Tower of Now York, 

"Q. How Iop£ Jiftn the Watch Tower Maga- 
liat- been published T A. Since July, 1879. 

"-Q, And both corporations are the publisher* 
of that msgaiine, is thai correct 1 A. At prj)*- 

"Q. Were they the publishers eif the magn- 
xiae in 19331 A, Yfis »ir. 

"Q. And txith eorjjorations por'-icipalc in the 
circulation c,f liie irui|.^L7:3icS A, Yes, sir, 

"Q. Ylii y«u rtf^ill djipearioR nt a meelinjr 

of the director* ef ho(h eerpomtion* io Atigtwt, 

13391 JL AUKiml Btii, yr», nit. 

LI Q. And ihp vom nvjitt wlio were pn'^e^S r.t 
that lucctin&l A, All member* of the I5n:ird of 
lJirPt'ti>n< uf i'ie?! furp-jrji'iun, ns 1 recji!!. 

"Q, Will VOU oiliiie the d i rcr1 ■ ■ r* nt Thr Wr.lrh 
TW»r hihli' A Tmrt tiotitty, tlie Pfiiievhimia 
(Jorjiorniiuo, in Auj;likI, lfl3LH A- ■', F, Eulhtr- 
ford, Prenirhnit; C. A, Wi.-;e, Vi^-President; 
IV. K. Vim Ahnlulrph, Sperelnrv-TreininT: T, J. 
^Lilli-.':i3i, Uirertftr; H. H. ULcnier. fUreeloT; W. f 1 . 
Ift'jilh, Jr., Dirrrlor; Gran". Suiter. 

* h Q. Ard hi'ho w^i fc re 1iie direeiorn of The Wntrh 
Tower llihiir f; Tmel Sr» iely, thr ^^^H■ Vfirk Cnr- 
TiorfiLj.'in, in Alirut, l!fi!Jt A. J, F. Rulhcrfonl, 
I'lrs-idftil; NaHiin II, Knorr, Vire.[*resii-h'nt; 
W. E, Yao Ainhursh, Serri'1ji;r)'-Tfesimrf'r; A, It. 
f J nus, AiciFtiinr, KtrreLary-TreiJUircr; F. W. 
Fran* and C, J, Waoqjwwtt. 

"Q. Were there present at the directs rn meet- 

Wiffiam E. Von Aotbitrgli — EiflmindliV* 
Befort Trial 

ins of l**lh nornaratioris on August S, 1S33, Fred 
W. l''runis; Kit ban H. ElMtT, Ornnt Suiter, T. J. 
iiuilivan, W, IV Heath, Jr.; H, II. Riemer; Wm. 
lv. Van Aiiihurph; A, R, OoUi; C. A, Wiac and 
C. J, Wood, wo rlli 1 A, I don't gel that question, 

' J Q. Were the}- all present at tlie directors' 
mi-elingt A, Yw, fir. 

"Q. And your answer in (hat all Df thorta |n-r- 
M>ns -vitri' prcKtntt A. Yes, nir. 

"Q. Wan llturt any un« eite tirimeiitt A. Vi:h 

"Q, \Yhii i!h*1 A. Ifr. Mnyle, 

,L ti. Wluii natleri were (Ihtenmeil at tlwt 
iiH't-thij! iK-itainir-y In tiie [daiiililT, lloyint A. 
The I'rFKMleiil x!:i1ed that he limi recoiveil n 
h'Mer fmiii Jl r, Mnyle and that he would liko Io 
lake it in'fjim |||i| llonrd — jnint lionrd — mid avk 
r«r poiwiitumtiuii, I do out reeoll further e*- 
tiiDiialiiiiix. He Llieii anked the- krtluf la lm reail 
■uliii-Ji Air. ilipyji" hani Wri'Lieo Ln ttin | h n>«idenL 

"Q. Wjih the letter that wan reail, which yon 
fuut ii'I'itii'.: lo, fin' letter ibn-il .Inly 31, 1 ■.:!!: i, 
nliirli i.-i niiiH^iil 1n thi' fimt oj:iemiiil uii.Mwer in 
this 1-i'lmi! A. .Mr. Itulherford then nskixl iiin 
privaJe sleiini^-iiiiiier, Mr, Keller, to bring in the 
leMer :mit rv.m] it lip the Bniird. 

■'i', 1 . Ami «-.iip tlutl let I er whjfth yon J lift r«- 
femil Io a letter wriUefi by 1he plahilifT ilateil 
■fiily 31, Ili:'|i wliii-h in annexed tip tlio aniemleil 
iiium-iT in this, fasi'f A. Yiin, nir, 

"(J, Oirl ran rend the h-t ter prior to that nwel- 
in If T A. Nip ?.ir, 

,L (J. Elml you lienrnl nntlhina; armiii it nrior m 
(hut tuei'tiiigi A. No sir. 

"■(J. Mow was this meeting called — was it by 



William E. IVrn jJmiMi'J* — E?4t»i«ati$m 
Btfart Trial 

written ncilir* nr verbal Notice. A. As I reri^I 
tin 1're^iilrnt Announced At tlio breakfast Uiiilc 
that lie would lib* to mnt the Uonrd of Director* 
iiLuredinlelv utter breakfast 

41 Q. All ih* directorn, I 1oix it, neaide in (\,r 
buiiilinpT A. Ye*. 

"Q. Were all (he persona named az having 
been ut tbe meetiAp at the breakfast table that 
:riiii:i;ri-T A. I iton't kn4\C that they ITS all 

*'Q, Tliey all rraided At (lint lime *t ft* 
premise? T A. Tea, sir. 

"(J. VVas there Bitjr diarua*Lon by any nf thr 
direr tors lit thill director*' meeting after (he 
Ic-t1 r-r tv remit A. Tea ait, I think (here waa. 

* P Q, Can you x1j;1r us tn (he l**t of your recol- 
lection what tlte discussing -0,111 nnd who pur- 
tieipnbvd in it! A. We were all astounded at the. 
l*11et. vY* were very much Ktirnrised. r'ifrt 1 
tin"! ever heard of it and 1 think Hie rommpnta 
wr-re brief — 1 don'l recall exactly. Thcsi Mr. 
HLUhefFord made unite a «(ntcmtnt din-atly tn 
Mr. Moyle, 

,L <J. ])iil anyone other than TnutMW make 
comment ill that timet A. I «ln not m-all tl at I 
mactr crenaiKfil hut I kitnw noinr nliiem did. 

"Q. Thin alnlnnent » to (hr diwwsuoo wasn't 
A ftoinnient made by you. A. No tie. 

"Q, Witx there any other matter tikem up At 
that ftvdiiig other than the letter from Hr. 
MoytiJ A. Not (hat I recall. 

"Q. And ht™ tnAjt did the meeting laatt A, 
IT I recall correctly it wan failed for ten o'elwlt 
mvl il hiirA unlil hrftily noon. 

■' (J. And dnrinj; nil tkiil lira* wan all the time 

ITiiliffi» B. Vo* A-mbnr$hr~Exatninati9* 
Btfef* Trial 

hi™ Lip ^- JLffyasLoA of the lettsrT A. I don't 


"Q. Do you neeall that a resolution vu 
adopted nt that mectingf A. Yea air. 

"Q. And who read the resolution, if it «H 
rcn-iiT A. I don't recall — I would have to— 

"Qr J'ny I a*k yon til lb — waa tlie resolution 
or a resolution read at that meeting! A. Ybi 

"Q. And xrfts it hjiewTitlen, do yon recalll 
A. Aa I rccnll n. Cnsiunitlee ivafl appointed and 
they met in another i-bosa and after nome [iDVL» — 
I know 11-e hnd to wait fnr them a wiiile— they 
broojjltt in a typewritten <*4[py. 

"Q. Do vou knen" who the noramittee waat A- 
Sullivan, Hieiner And Sni1*iT. 

iL Q. Well, beforo tAey retiehl into lliia roofo, 
was there any anpgealinn pinde hy ntygnc tlml 
tliere sliould he a rwofotloa) A. \>s it n'aa 
upon mntion ol Wr, SuIIitha thnt a rommittte he 
appointed to mttt und mata reeommenrlatioTii. 

"Q. And did the direetor* adjourn to awajt 
tlic LT^vniLfip in at a rcFolution, or did they ait 
Iheref A, Juat aimpty Ut H\tn waiting for 

"Q. Can yen reeall haw lanjr it look for the 
committee to rtfarnT A. Well it Beenaa to ma 
aim:!* ]-»lf An honr. 

,E Q. And -*hvii thM" came back they had lliii 
typenritticn rtwlationf A. They brought il ?b, 
yea fir, 

■"Q. Did Anyane read it! A L WhoeTei had 
eharre of it taid 'we recommend lha following". 

"(j. And it Tfaa read adond to the director* t 
A. Tea cir. 

William E. Vex AWlkifjl — Exeminaliwt 
Sfftfe T*i<d 

"Q. Ua yon recall the tontnata ot the, resolu- 
tion I jV It'a printed here ( witnesa taxing 
ln-LSx'f) "At A.jdint nmeliriDj — 

"'Q. i itan't want you to raid it, I jnat naked 
yi>u whi'ilifr vim Hi'flll ahy(hin(f eontained it. the 
rr*hE-.iiiini! A. It wrm a pronounetneat that Mr 
Mi>yk hud iit-trd L-ftrt1riiry to the iAtereF^n of i&« 
Si.i'i<'1y — "For ftmr y«ir\ ;wnt lha Trito hud 
Ihk'ii <'iilr«tn1ftl with itiattera — 

"Q. 1 roll your atlenli™ to t!u Tf^oltttiftft 
whit-li yon have just referred !o, fcyd pftrlknlarly 
tli.ul pari "hie'li rend*; "Kor foiir )t«l Moyle 
wnn eiitniflkd with ilie enn lidenl ifll Hmtteis of 
[he Knriety, and tlien, witlionl ewuse, he aaaanlta 
riLil unliena (hose who trnntpd llin). JtiiIjlb n'aa 
ratrusdiil by t'hrint JeniiH wiUi LN>nrideiLtLa! nsat. 

"if. Suppnw yon rend just tlio pnrU of tlie 
rawlulteri — 1 waul to &•', that cleif- A- (Wily 
ar«* rL-inlLsij! frdin pajmf) At a point mfrclinf; 
of thn rSoardp, of Kntrinrn of the P«an»yka*i» 
(■o^tK>™ti.'i^l jiin't (he Men- Ynrk 6arpAraLtwn of 
■ lie- Watch tower Rible t Trurt S«J«t;' 1^14 at 
!he oHir-L- nf the fioeir-ly at Broohlyo, New York, 
IhiA Hth day of AnctWl. l^W, ot which oticr 
incmherH of 1ho fauiily were present, there wji« 
reji.l In n?ii] harvard* ami in the preseisco of 
f>. R, Mftvlf 11 letter dntwl July 2V, 1335, writ 
1m by hollI LUoyk and mid reined to (In pi-tai. 
di-nt of tlse Society. "For faur yearn past tlie 
writer nf that letlei- hnd ln?en enlruated with tlie 
cfinftdc ji t inl tnatt^rn of the Redely. It aott op- 
poara tlnjl the ws-iler of tfmt letler, without tx- 
eiifp, lihi-1* tlie family of God at Bethel, and 
iJ^nSKii! iLLhmelf aa one who pprnkji evil ifjainit 


WfJiiam E. Van- Amburjli — EnnainetuHi 
Btfart Trial 

the IjAciI's orjjaniEntion, And who la a nrnrmnrer 
and eoiaplainer, even as Ui# Soriptnrea hive 
rorotnld. (Jude 4-lC; 1 C«, AM', Eom, 14:41 
"Tin; iiipkiImtb of Hk? hoard of direetora here- 
h\ n/sent the unjust ErittdsW Appeaiirs in that 
letter, [Unapprove o( (be writer and hia actiona, 
and recommend (hot Hie pfcuiili-'nt of the Soeiety 
iinniedktely trrminAl* tli* relationship of 0. Tt. 
Moyle to tl»J Snriety «» Ir-pal cflonscl nnd A» A 
roerohrr n' the rSetbel ramiiy, KiFTo^l T - ?• 
Siillivflp, H. H. Kiemer, Grant SiitTi*." 

"Q, In that rraolntion mention i» made that 
Mr, Moyle wan a 'mnrmnrer'— yon attended tlie 
mttfinfi in rc-ferenre to the k L 1rf that lie wrote! 
A, Tea air. 

"ij. In thnt letter wriich was read, 1 call year 
ntlpnlton to one nT (hr Itmii where lie inentinn" 
1hal same of the metnlirrj of the Bethel fnmily 
wore mini rented nnd limnilialed hy the T'reFi- 
dent <if tlw> eorptirntinn Anil aft you whetlier 
you were pre^nl ^n iihy oteapion when (he 
President hnd orrAi-ioii tn talk to Ibese men nnd 
object to any of their activisira. 

"ifr. CovinginA: Wliat mien do yon 
"*Q. Medinley : lleformiek; Knorr; PrWicr; 
Price; Vnia Kipn» ond Vaa Nea". A. I nbjrrl 
to tbo worda 'bnroilia+ed' and 'Tai^1T< , Ated , - 

''Q. I am askinc ynn. •iiithoul eriiieiiins the 
nature of any tnlh, for the present, of any of 
thMe people, whether be did criliciEe tbemT A. 
An the head of tlie family hr hnd a rijrlit to ad- 
mnniFh rn^rohfra of the f Amity if tiiey did what 
he belirvt* wae not in iiKOi-Janeji witK th* rnl*i. 


William £. l-'oa A in burgh— Ex<tnti «fl JlOfl 
Stfore Trial 

"Q. 1 don't wAnt your judgment of it, Hr, 
V;m Aiiifiu^ii— all I nunt !o a*k ia whether he 
evtr did critieiu- do»t [x^ople. A. He did that 
uraus-iiinolly to call attention ti'» derelictions, ve-a. 
"Q, He did eritieiic them Sa your pree™t*' 
A. SiUAH' of them — not all. 

'*Q. Tlien I e«ll ynur attention to An item in 
the kilter on the aubject of mArriafift where >Tr. 
Jilojle Aiciitioned thnt one of the heathers, hud 
left IScHiel for tl* pTirpoae of pettins married- 
do yon kn'iw vilio (hot hrother wa a I A, No, sir. 
"Q. And that Jie wpji refusiNl later the priv- 
ilri;e nf pioneering in New York — do. yon fcnnw 
nf Any noHl brother ihn had left and had been 
tvfuned the tn'ivileee of jiionerriinr' A. K'o sir. 
H Q. Uiil yuti know tbnt Jionnic ISojd had mnr- 
jried »snl left Hethe] at njie titncT A. Married 
and left Itethell 

'*{J, Hay I ash yon thia — did you know Bonnie 
Dojdl A. Yes air. 

"Q. AVain't she the wife of William HcatkT 
A.. Yes sir. 

"Q, Do you reenll tlh* time of her mnrriiifel 
A. It waa acme time durinjf 1S3S- 

"Q. Prior to her marriage alio *s« a resident 
of Fktbel, wai ahe notl A. Yea *ir, for yeara. 
"Q, Didit't xlio, at the time Eke married llr. 
Heath, IrAvt; JiU'tbe! Tor a while T A. No iir. 

" J (J. Khe oini iLer bu>band to«di up rc»:rleriri! 
At lieliiel did they not, after the marriage t A- 
Yea. jjir, 

H1 Q. So she CDntin&ril to live there firat un- 
married oad then cnnlinned her reaidence with 
Iter hatband, Mr. Health, at Bethel! A, Yea 


IFiiffitTBi E, Faa A-nibut^h — Eiamixctitm 
Befart Trial 

"Q. 7'hci.- ht» now reaidenta there! A. Hay 

are in California now. 

"Q. Wasn't then- a printed rule that both 
[liLrtica to the marriage must iiavc mided At 
lie: net live yeara prior to the marriage I A. Gen- 
erally t6 Ulac effect but that waa not always car- 
ried oat, 

"Q. Do you know o* any other igAsc Other tlon 
the Boyd and Heath case where it waa T A. Yea 


"■Q, Do yon \m>w tlie n*m«*r A- Adtta Doflr 

a'A and I can't recall Ike wifo'a name. 

"Q. How long ago waa Ihotl A. About 19,13 
or 1 — Donald waa at Bethel a long lime, and lit 
usatTk'tl a ninter from Teiaa. 

"Q. Were there any ca*ea wher« unmarried 
zncmhcri of ISothcE had married and not returned 
nfler they were married! A. Yei, acvcral. 

"t^. Many of (IiemT A. 1 don't Irnow, 

"Q. Tliju printed rule about marriage — bow 
Long hut* ll mt been in * fleet 1 A. Ob, Ute hook 
oi rules waa printed about iQOD when wa tint 
eoiiio to bronklyu. 

,L Q. Waa Uie rule printed there at tbnt timet 
A, I don't fecall but 1 know we bad a book of 

"Q- Was A printed book of rules given to each 
mewhar of JebOiAh'* Wilneasej at IJethell A- 
I ur.ddirBtand so — I bant pa*. 

"Q. Have you A copy «( your bwk Of ml« 
pith ynu heref A. N». 

"(j. You coukl produce it! A, Yea. 

"(J. Do you rnca)] the »ob«tanc« of that mlt 
nherit marriafiBl A- Not ofThasd— El didn't ai- 
f«t me. 


ti'illjitm E- fan AmivrgJi— Kz&miitation 
Before Trial 

"Q. Dd you r«yJl that the rule, in suhilnnce, 
^M that n party tci u marriage luuist have 
raided at llethel five yem-ii in order to Itftve tita 
married couple reside tlicrel A. 1 would hava 
lu look jt up— I could nut recall that 

"(J. Jl"w )jm.ny oecu|miit» of J-S^ll ivl mere IhcN 
iLlipruiiiiikutely in August, BerjUmlKP' and 04- 
tuber, 1SXK>1' A. 1 would nay s^jriisjlinattly 175. 

"(J. Have you e«len nil your meals there, or 
did j<*«, at Lliat turail A, Yea sir, except when 
1 was away. 

"Q. What ii-Bi the itvB.trns of siieala— are all 
the luululivri or occupants usually at ft meal or 
<lu Llii-v euiiiv in in acelionijf A. The order ia 
very punctual. The tail «i»P H five minute* 
lo seven in the morning ami at 7 or 7:03 nil are 
in our inuUs Until 7:25 or " ^ and ive go to work. 
At nusm the bell riiijjs nt 12; lit imd we are sup- 
jujSbJ l« be iu our meats for dinner. The smua 
tluHi; at supper— we might have a, second (able, 
il' KoiiHj are late anil cuwivt get there. 

"[j, Between l"3-'> and EI39 vbat were your 
setiviUu* at Jk! licit A- Tlie same a. tliey are 
iluk — socrttory anil treasurer, 

"CJ, iJid you tee 6 preat Jtul of Mr, Movie] 
A. Xut veJ'i' much, 

■'*,£, iJi'-l you *ee lii" L a' uiea!sl A- Ye» air. 

"(£, Jl«w- often would you isny juit saw him 
diirair a wwkl A. Whenever lie win Uuire— hia 
table wit* quite a distemte from mine. 

"(£ Was this a Inrsc reoajf A. Yc» sir, large 
dinine; nwtn, Jive large dining tables, 

"(|. AU iu one room? A- All in ore room. 

■♦Q. Do you retail srho was present at the in- 
formal mcetingl A. I think the lull me-ioherakip 


'William. E. I'uji J™ bur ji — ffiBiiHIMJiftlt 
£f/or« TYiaJ 

of tha Eoitni as T recall it llr. CoFingloa called 
uty attcstioji— dt that meeting there wcra liiriia 
wSio were u*t pre*enl and sUjiimJ it later, after 
reading- it, 

''Q, Yuu aay all hut thnt of :\m iu^iier« ni-rn 
f;-'.";'.nt at 'hat iriCL'tinfl A. Yen ^L^. 

"Q. IVlio were die bignem who ware not {iri'*- 
Mlt at the- meeiingf A lit- Wiae, llr, Waod- 
north and air. Cloiu wcrt nat prentnt at that 

"Q. This iaforirtal loettwg wtui li«ld -tboul 
wheal A- Ahout ijUjktijtnlKT 2l*t, if I recall 

"Q. Was any record kept of minutea of tSi« 
meetinEl A. No air, 

"Q. And lio\r w it flalledT A. i\x I rocftU, 
Hie iirr.'siduit 0*hcd mcinhcr-e u£ the Tarioua 
lj^ards to meet tiira in J.Li olhee. 

"Q. Juil on uhort notice? A. Jant oa altaM 
notice, yea air. 

"y. Hu tliot the pj'Biadfjit, I late- it, hail tiro 
■rtietc all pre[Hiii'd wlicn !n> ?all^4 V'"i in nt thw 
inuL-tins, ready t" reail it fim] a«l; your (sljrna- 
turea fir itt A 1 Jin 'I refill whelher Lw |im.l 
ur ttlyfrtlier he autliaisl it whtl* wo wei* tltert oiwl 
we signed it. 

"Q. Uiilnt yeu Hay a while hack that (life* ftf 
the uien did nut ni^n the letter until afterward* 
Bad the other* did atgn tin' letter at that lime J 
A. Vca air. 

"<£. Ho that tlif Letter woa aijrnad, or tha 
article entitled ' Information' waa sipned at tlual 
mealing hy all exeept tha thr^ nw.n tiirtwl t A, 
Y(t» *ir." 


Wiiii&jTi E. Fan A jn bu r^?j — fja'ntinaftoa 
Btfort Trial 

llr. Rnrthhauacn: At thii p«int tho 
plaintiff ofTcrs in eTideaee ttie first aU*ged 
liXi-c) entitled "InforTtiation" which ri4a 
ju*t ucen referred to in this K^tinionJ. 

iff, Covinjpon: We have ao ohjeetion. 

Mr, B-rauohliauion l It apjienri In ills 
"Watch Tower" ma^aiine dated Oeiolier 
lj h lyja. The defendant*, as I under- 
stand, concede that initli the defendant cor- 
porationa published and eireulatied the 
" Watch Tower" juasrujnr, 

Me, Caviagtm; Thst ia right. 

The Court; It h so coaejNkd. 

Mr, BsrufhhitJteSr. This artiele, "Infor. 
Irtnli^n 1 ' I »tJ[ rrfn3 to you Indies Aid 
i;i'r,den:en of the jury. 

(lieceiTed in evidene* «nd ranrked 
Flaintiff 's Kihihil 1 and read to the jury 
hv Hr, Ttruehluiusrn,) 

Mr, UrtKhliuusnn.: I *«u)d like to also 
ofter niiotSmr purl t>t thi "W'aUdi Ton-or" 
villi tied ,h Tlsi J[tK*Lon," 

Idr. Covington: We haia no ohje^tiaa 
to Hiat entire ruinijjhlet. 

The Coiirl: You itan no ohjcslion to 

Mt. Gartngtom: To the entire fly-leaf, 
thr- injiile ryiyer. jroinp in. 

Mr. Hrnrhly.Lu.aen : I will just put in tha 
rmrts entitled "It* Miasion," 

Mr. OrinRtOn; No oh;C€lton, 

fRceeiTicd in rridenoe and marked PJain- 
tilT'i Exhibit 2,) 


Wilihix S- Van A juSufjjJt— Examirutt io* 
Btfart. Trial 

Mr. Brnehhaasen : 1 will read that 
elaiLse to the jury, 

(Mr. Rruclihausen read* PJainliH's Ex- 
hihi: 2 to Ihfl jury.) 

Hr. Covington: If you. ara gohig to 
oiler t^u (jflragraphs, *hjf d*a't yon read 
both parajjriiphal 

llr. Briiiilihanaen: I h*v* ao abjection 
to that. 

Mr. Covington: I offend liieoa. J think 
yon ought to read them. 

The Court: If you haTi toy a|*|ement 
to maka addrexa it to the Court, 

llr, Covin^tun: lie should read tlie firat 

llr, Bnu'ldiausMij I hwti M objection 
to reading it. 

The Court; PLeaae r?ad iL 

(Jtr. liruehliiULiea reads fifat paLraffraph 
(o the jury.) 

>lr. ISruchhausen ; I offer in evidence 
thi* Ivtler— 1 am wtry, I did not put it 
ia evidrrtre before— we liava heen lalking 
alt around this letter ol July 21 nt I have 
a copy of it here. 

The Court: la that the letter thai Ilia 
■plaintiff wrnlet 

Mr. BnnJihauuen: Yes, to Judjja Ruth- 

Tlie Court: Is there Mty ftliJMtirin lo it! 

Mr, Covington : I think that tha orig- 
inal vfftiild lie the hesl evidence. 

The rourt: Yes, if yon have it Tak* 
tho nripna!. 

Mr Coringtcm- Here ia the original. 

William. E, Van JminirpS — Examination- 
ficfore Trial 

Mr. Druehri*U*en : I offer in evidence 
the originuS letter written hy the pLaintiff h 
Olio It. Moyk, to Judft J. i\ Uullierford, 
dated July 21, 1SJ30, and ft Mrta attached 
to. it addressed to the Mine, and signed 
hy .Mr. lioyk, sJed dated July 21, 193a. 

Mr, Covington : There are two- separata 
letters. There ia i>ne big letter and then 
a Eittte introductory letter. 

The Court: JJid yuu want them marked 

J[r. Covington: Yea. 

The t'l.Hirt: Hark tliem sermniteS}', 

{Tite letters refeirrd to ffeeii'ed in evi- 
dence and marked Plaintiff'* inhibits 2 
mid 4, rtipecti vely . Ji 

(Mr. Braehhausen thereupon readi 
riaintiff's Kstdllibj 2 and 3 to the jury.) 

Mr, lintclihauaen: I would like to con- 
tinue with Mr, Von Ajagure.h'a deposition 
nt llit point where «fl» were iliHeuasing the 
artkie "Infornuitioii" juat lu eiaxify. Vliu 
peroll that Use first letter written *A'a« hy 
Mr. Moyle to M^r, Hutherford on July 21, 
JLi:i!i, JLsul then tliia reuoSution «H adopteJl 
hv Hie Hfiard of JHrectors on AuKiist B, 
IKILi, aral then RiihKMjuently, in .Seiiternher, 
thin article entitled "Information" which 
I read, was sipneil hy the nienihers of tlie 
lieard of Direcmrji and inrhnled the rrKO- 
luttun that wns aihi|ite<l on AupptFt Sith, 1 
will now continue readtnjr tiro deposilinn, 

(Mr. limchhimiieii tontioued readuig.) 


Wiiiiom E. Van A."&af$1>r— E&uniifittiw- 
Before Trial 

"Q, So tlmt tltia was already prepared for 

tiCnataret A. Wlten we aigned itt 
'*Q. When you si(»e4 it. A Ves air, 
"Q. I oa!l your atlenlioa to a part of that 
article 'Information', already referred to— the 
last paragraph which reads, in pi*rt; 'Far four 
years MoyLe was entrusted with tht. eonfidenlLal 
matters of. the Society, aed U"en, withoul eaeuae, 
he aswulta and malijrt* tlione who trusted him. 
Judas was er.fnisteil hy Christ Jesus witli con- 
fidential mottort And Judaa proved hia unfaith- 
fulness by furnish ins lt > tl1 " 1 eJiemy that which 
they could use and did use agttinat tha fjord.' 
You recall that statement nhieli. I lave just read 
ia part of the article entitled ' Insinuation ' T A 
Yea, air. 

L 'Q. What information did you lko*« at tit* 
time you sijriU'd that article that the plnintff, 
Moyhv was uafoithful to his trust — 

"Mr. Coviiistoa; ^Yhisperine; to wit- 

"Mr, Erueldiaufcen: May I have Ids an- 
swer. Mr- Covington — I think thcae ore 
vital matters and while 1 at times ask 
for information, I would like lo have the 
witness' answer ami if he canned recoil,, 
tlie record will show that 

"Mr. Cpvinj^on : I aiiked you to exam- 
ine Mr. Howie It first. 

"Mr. Bruelihftuiwn : If he doefcs'l know 
ojlv of these questions, I would he filad 
1c have it on the record, hut I think il ia 
Important to have his le^Hmnny, 

"A. Tha president slated in regard to tha 
matter— eiplsiaing, so far as I recall. 


H-'i'JJifljii E. Van Amhvr<}h—E%*mi*ali6* 
Before Trial 

"Q. lit made a statement altout itl A. About 
the ineonsistenciea nf Mr. Mojlc'is cielivi tie-i, 

■*(|. Did you know he-fore. the president made 
tin; ?1 aliment on Sepleltdtfr 21st of anything 
whcniii. Mr. l[fj.vl& was unfaithful* A- Breept 
■m hinted in hi* le-ller of Jul}' 21eL 

"[J. Yuu knew of nothing else! A. Person- 
ally I 1lu.iL very little to do with Mi - , 3.!oyle. 

"Q, Were you present at to I rial t A No 

"Q. Did you. have any participation, in uny 
ti-nt matter* tot Mr. Moyle handled! A. Xo 


■'Q. Wn.s there any statements made hy any- 
Irndy jit nay lima other than the in "lances you 
have referred I", tbnt Mr. lloyle didn't perfurm. 
properly a* u lawyer for the eorpnrationT A, 


"Q. And lift handled « prcat many It jail mat- 
te ra for the corporation in (lift four year period 
afler W&1 A. Ye.s sir. 

"(J. Do you know ft'bether anyone in the Or- 
jralsistatinn procured a ropy nf the stenographer's. 
minutes of to Mnpialrata r » Court proceeding- 
that you have alluded lot A. I don't know. 

"Q, Have yon ever read the. minutea of that 
trill] T A. No sir, 

"(J. In the part of 'Information' which. I prc- 
rioaiJy read to you, mention is made about 
Judiii. You arc fn miliar with that character in 
the ISibic ore you notl A, Ye-* sir— never met 
him thoupb- 

Q, Did you know woo 'lie name alluded to! 
A. Ye* iir. 

"(j. Ain I eorrett in tinting it alluded to on* 
who betrays hia treat? A. ies air. 


TTiVfiaiN E. Van Auiiurrfh—Ejcaminsliot 
Before Trial 

"Q. Well at l-mnct before the trial which yen 
have alluded to you never heard anything about 
the alleged improper activities of Mr, Moyle. a* 
a lawyer or an a member of Dethi-L, luld youf 
A. Sol tot I recall. 

"Q. In all the four years be wns * resident 
there you never Ward any objection by anyone 
of hi-s activities an a mcinlier of IVthtl urui 
lawyer for IEic orj^miiation I A. Not that I re- 
tail— I iiPTtr dsacLLmiMl jL 

"Q. \V[m dlradtd tlifA fti'lifl* 'Information' to 
he printed in Wntch Tower f A, Tbe pt4*id*nt, 

"Q. Jit 1Imtl: any nde as to puhlkation nf ar- 
tklox in Watrb TuWi'if— wlial is (h* pmwedurel 
A^ Tlte prefiident ie in fb^rpc of alt l\n: work 
and it in at) (o liim to deeide wliat nriidei went 
into it. 

"Q. lie did that independently of tins Board 
of Direct nr» and had full authority So publish 
matters in the Watcb Toner t A- Ym uir. 

"<j, ^Vns there anyone who composed to ar- 
ticles for the Watdl T^a'er— any one nneigaiA 
to (bat tarikl A. I don"t know, 

"Q, Arr tl.i-re any rules or repulations in 
ioniiectinn with publishing and eiftulatio^ the 
IVotch Tower 1 A. Not that I know nf, 

"(J. An y I )"Pj!f in the reeorda or in the book 
nf rule., or any other document? or |ffl|«tr« that 
you have ebvoit procedure to l» followed for pub- 
lish ins and circulating the IVatcb Tower mae&- 
lincf A, ^'o. 

"Q. I mjuld call your attention to another 
irlich; entitled 'Snare* 1 which waa printed in the 
Watch Tower magazine On or about Kovcmb*r 


IfiJJi'pJB E. T r da jli^Pwrjfn— Esofnpiolipn 
BtftH-t Trial 

IH, ]?}?,[>, have you b?nrd of Ibnt articleJ A, 
Yes Kir." 

Mr. Ilrnolkhnascn : I offer in evidence, 
if your Honor plraxr, at Hi in tone, the 

"IV'akh Tovrer" isia^azine of November 
l-">, liOfl, which iin-ludcil tlih article entitled 
"Snnrce," (lie fir* I nrlick in the luapft- 

The Cuurt : Arc you ofTering: Ihe wliola 

Mr, Hrwchhimscn ; Jfcit (he "Snares" 

The Court; Ts (hn're any objection t 

Mr. Covington; Xo objpclion. 

(Iff^fivMl in eridcMt and marked 
I'laiiiliffV I'.ihibit 5.) 

Mr, Uruchbnusen : If yoni Honor please, 
to avoid eonrunion. I would like to modify 
my offer nf 1iia1 nrtifle and only offer llmt 
pari of it B'bich I now reail and which is 
the pnrt iiHcpcd in the complaint in thin 
action. II in a very tons article. 

Mr, Covinpion; May it plcese your 
Honor, a?- we understand the rule, we- 
woubl nbjrct So in t rc^luri n£ the part of 
tiie article becKuse the law ia that the 
entire art tele munt he considered. 

The Court; Jus( say you object Tlte 
objection la Jiuptained. I will take the 
whole article. 

Mr. DruehliHURen ; R*cc[stiuo, May I 
reflil it at thia (ime, if your Honor please, 
tot part Of the article which in referred 
to ia the complaint in tbj> Action I 


William E. Vin Ambvrpi— jcTAimfndd'on 
Before Trial 

Tba Conrt; You, inay read whatever 
part you wish. 

(Mr. thereupon reads fr&nj 
J^laintiff'a Exhibit 5.) 

Hi. Jiruchhauaen: 1 nndmlaixl that 
Ihe defeinlnnt enhnei'difa lhaL ttic defendant- 
en rjio rations, tiotb of ton, imbllnheil and 
eirculatcjl (bat "Wnlch Tower" mflsawne, 

Mr. Covington; I thuUjdil ha waa going: 
to read the entire article. 

The- Court : 1 am not going to toflkt 
him read the entire a rtbde, Yuu may have 
an e3«ijplion. 

ilr. Covington; l\"o cic^pt. 

The tiourt: We arc der-linff with the 
nincciis-Lua that the defendant concedes the 
stateineiit IMWlft by Mr. Uracil imuMn, 

Mr, CoringUta: Vea. 

Mr. IlrUcbhauiven; 1 think I have faid 
that it i« tiie part which we bnvo alleged 
in the complaint. 

The Court; I wa* talking about to 
fireulatioti. ' 

Ilr. Uruchbaunen ; There U a eone&»- 

The Court: It is no conCcdi'd, 

Mr. Cnviniftonr Kscept tbnt I niay 
nhitw, mi there wiit Ije no niiininilcrntaail- 
inp. tbnt there was the Wateb Tower 
Jiible &, Traet Society in New York and 
Peimuylvnma, two corporations which 
puUinlKHl 1hia article. 

Mr. ilruchbniinen; And rircnlaterl il. 

V.t, Cavinjrton; No other concessions 


Witliam E. Van /ImfrurjR — Exam inn (ion 
Befote Trial 

Mr. Brucbhanaen: RerorrinR hact to 

(he eSnniination of Mr. Van Anshnrpb, I 

think I read tttll cjueation, but I will read 

it opsin: 

"Q. I call your attention to another article 

(■iitiilnd "Snarw" which »'M printed in tltt 

Watd) Tower niapaj;ine on or ahout Noveir-lur 

liV, Hh.IH, have yon heard of that article! A. 

Yes, uir, 

"Q. You received copies nf (be Watch Tower, 
did you noif A. Yea, sir. 

"Q. Mailed lo you or delivered to yonl A, 
Dcliverrd to n* at Kethel. 

"Q. lVrsnnally delivered i A, Kaeb member 
pet* a copv — caeb jaeintnn- of the family gets a 
cojiy by mail. 

M Q, Have vou read tbat artitle "Snares" in 
receiit Itraeaf A. Yes, -sir. 

"Q, [low recently did ynu rend it T A. Day 
before yesterday," 

Thia eianiinntiun was taken on Jane 2S, 
ID42, en "Day before yeaterday" would 
oe in Junej 1D42. 

"(J. You recall 'If a man ctaima to be Mn- 
cent rated In God and in a lawyer and appears 
in court nl counsel for anotber consecrated ^er- 
»on and tlien enndoe!*- liimaelf and the cane on 
trial in such a manner that lie might receive Hm 
approval of other men in the Court, such lawyer 
is a man-please r and proven hi* unfaithful p a a 
to God and to the kic.siom', do you recill that 
statement t A* Yes, fir, 

"Q. There ia no one clue tot you know of 
that condncled to case for lb* arjunitation 

U'iNmtmi E. Van Amburgk — Examination 
Before Trial 

vhtm ftnyono then referrn] to or stated waj a 
'mnn-plenscr' or improperly conducted himself 
on ihe triatj was there f A. 1 don't recall. 

"Q. And member* of .lehovah's Witnesaca 
ara wIlUB the category' of ennaecratcd per*ona, 
aren't theyf A. Yes, sir. 

"({. Do yoft reeui: hearing anytliin" about the 
article 'Snares' before it was riabl Iflhed in the 
saaue of Watch Tower on or aliout Xovember 
15, 1D3D1 A. No, air, 

"Q. You can h t tidnk of anyone in the organi- 
sation or elsewhere to whom that article alluded 
to — other tlian Mr. Moylft, can yout A. I don't 
—oil hand, 

"Q. Was there any diseosjiioa with anybody 
in reference to thia article- 'Fnnres' that you 
kiii-.w of, Ifoforc it* publication J A. No, sir. 

L, <J. When did i( Br»( come to your attention 
(hnt llietft was snch an arlielel A. When I rend 
it in (be Watch Tower I received. 

"Q. Did ynu talk to anyone about it after- 
ward 1 A. Not that I recall- 

"Q. Did yon make any comment ahout it 
afterwardf A. Not that I recall. 

"Q. Did yo« make any inquiry about it t A, 

"Q, Do yon fcnaw who prepared that article 
■Soares't A. No, sir. 

"0- Were there any other Sawyera living En 
Iletbel be1w,-en May, 1^3.'*, and May, 1939 T A, 
I don't recr.^1 between 1&33 nnd '3 Q — wo had a 
lawyer there at one time. 

,L Q, Tou don't know of any? A. No. 

"Q. At least you know tore waa no com. 
plaiat ahoot any of the activities ahool any 
lnwver other tban what you have testified about, 
AS to Ilr, Jlaylaf A- No. 



William £. Van Ami*" git— Examination. 
'Before- Trial 

"Q. Jfo lawyer who has. ftppeftred in. court for 
tiit organisation, or either ol them, within yu'ir 
knowledge, has ''ten charged by w.ybody to 
betray their trait 1 A. During that time, from 
1U35 to lKBt 

"Q. That'* right, yw. And your answer ist 
A. No. 

"Q: Did you know that the article "Iafcrmft- 
tivtj' jLiul the artic-lc ■ Snares' have l*tn read at 
meeting* in different parls of tilt cnuntryt A. 
J dnn't know; wlmul the article 'Snares', that 
wan n chief article find those chief articles are 
usually n-ad at what we call Bihle study EBcet- 


"Q, Is tli At the unual practice en chief poli- 
cies r A. Yes, * i r, 

"tj. How in rm article dcnipiiated as a chief 
nrlirle! A. Kirst article in the Tower, 

L, f^. Sn the firm article is u>iuiitly rend at 
fcHrefinjrst A. Ye*, fir. 

*'Q. In tlial ft printed islIp of the organisation! 
A. No, sir. 

"(>. If!H il in gencrol prnrlirct A. Yea. 

"CJ, A Of I (bone nieetingn are held nil over the 
country, nrt'n "t 1heyt A- Yes, sir. 

"(J. In nil Hides t A. Yen, sir. 

"ij. U"1lii mi] K-rvispn tlmn* meetings! A, TJsn> 
:i 1 1 v ;i |n-:iih'r — rurh clrtHs of ntndy or study class 
linn a IpchIm-. 

■'Q. I." there ony direrling liead nf the meet- 
inj;» jLiiy where wlm i^-lln theni what tn dn- and 
hnw In tin Ut A. IVp have a genernl office. 

"!). W|mw> duty in il ft! Helhel 1o keep eon- 
tm-1 with or make suiocewlinn*. t> 1lie*e lcadcrn 
in diiTen-nl pnrln of I he country I A, We jiavo 
a dvD*rtif*flt for that purpose. 

W'liiam E. Van AmburgK — Examination 
Btfort Trial 

"(J, Wlui in in charge of that department I A. 

Mr. Siuilivnn. 

"Q, And he wan ia charge in I93DI A- I 
think bo. 

"(J. Did he t*i try nn enrrespondence with these 
lea Jen T A. I believe he did, 

"Q. Wan 1hat In letter I A. IVohobly. 

"Q. Would ynu luivc copies of the** tetter*! 
A. I don't know. 

"Q> Were copies of corresrivindence in your 
fUcs! A. FiJe* at the factory. 

"Q. in thai where ali letter* are writ (en I A. 

"Q. And Jlr, Ko«rr is nn* m chance <it thftt 
fflctnryr A, Ye r, «if. 

"Q. The factory you refer to i« the printing 
offlcr- at 117 Ailanin street, Itrnfiklyn, Kew York, 
ina't ill A. Yi-n, fiir. 

Q, Ami it in Fill] at ttiftl ;ihiicf A. Ych. 

Q, fn lhrr( L r*uy [wil-E eT thr riri^inizAtunn hnliMH^il 
there n1ju*r tlinn the ih*[i:irtaieiil fur Ihe ] ij-i n tin ?r 
aim] eireohiliocr tlie \Vale3i T*™ - er iiut^n^inr ?nrl 
oilier pish] if atinns— any other puhlirailionn of Ute 
orjpiniial ion f A. We puhli^lk aootlier paper 
ealhil 'CoBnuUttos', 

*'Q. Tine prinliiijr oflln. nn A<ln*l* K|iYT>t in 
in ttie main unci t«>r the printiiie: and pulilquliinsr 
ibinl ei rriil n tin £ «( lln' IVntfh Tower maeaiine 

nmi oilier fmjMT^ ind pamphlet* KlJ'ei] \n llie 
o renn Iki M«n! A. Yw. sir, 

"(J. Are thew hinders — i think yon referred tn 
tln-m an le^nlern in ■ Li IT<- n-nt incit- of thp country 
— are hn<w many! A. 1 r\on't know. 

"Q. Do ynii \tstiw what the organisation eon. 
»«s(« of— in there a nprawmtatin appoinlrd for 

Il'ii'i'krwl E. Tin J in&ti ?.J 1— EjSbiik'jlcIio a 

B(/s*-< 3'rioJ 

eaeli stale or a onmber of Rtjvte*! A. I am nut 
ipi tsmeh with lliftt part of it 

"Q- Do yon know who has knowledge on ton", 
subject T A. Yir. Kiuirr pnoliahly han." 

Xhca we skip to Cf); 

"Q. You hi j- that Judge Rutliei ford hud se!e 

pomr to iiullliih in tit* WfttCh Solver, in thill 

eurr^tt A, Yes, sir. 

"(}. The lioordn of Direetora np|irovix] of tliat 
— !hey pira liim the power f A. Ye:-, sir, 

"Q. In thi* Uiuiruj room you Iwd five tables 
you ia>'1 A. Ye*, nir. 

"(J. Ifow large was the roonit A. Each table 
TVilL hill] ahnilt forty, 

hH Q. ]Tnw larpe wan 1he room! A. About 7D 
feet one- way hy 40—wait n n::iiLite— it nmst Ink 
7lt fret wiih» and about SO feet long. 

"Q. Do nil the officers hit at your (nblef A. 
JCo, sir. 

"Q, ifnylo ever sit ot yonr tjilJcf A. Nn, 

"Q. Tliey liad nuNjmeil place? wliere they aatf 
A. Yes, jiir. 

*'Q. I low far away was thalf A. lliao war* 
laitle ^ I and his #4, 

"Q r How far wis tbulf A. Forty or fifl^ 

"Q. Jodpe Rutherford wasn't at meals at ail 
linien wrts bel A. Kn1 nil time»— wJcn«T«r he 
wan there he ¥as. 

"Q, Wo* he away a jrreat deatT A. Ye*. »ir, 

"Q. llnntha at a timet A. Yen, air." 

Skip to 69; 
"Q, TuTniaij back to August 3> 1 9153, wasn't 


William E- Va% Aitihvrgh — £nsmitmii<m 
Bif&re Trial 

Mr. Mcyle oruvtcd to leave within 24 hooxi 
after that meetiaLjT A, Yes, iir. 

"Q. Who ordered Mm to leivat A. Thft 

"Q. And ht did leaTtf A, Yea, tir. 

"Q. At that mwtiac;, Judge Katherford W4* 
pretty rnnra eicited about thi» Jttteil A* I 
don't rs*a]l that he was. 

"Q. Didn't be indicate, that be waa disturbed 
about itt A. He was diitathed about it bat 
mot ciscittd — he wan self-ooadolleTL" 

Skip to tha lop o( pftg4 70: 

"Q. So that his. departure Ttaa eipediltd hy 
Jud^e Ei:lberford, wun it notT A, Ten, tir- 

,L Q. You say the resolution requested that lis 
leave 1 A- 1 believe s-o. 

"Q, "Will yOB point it out in the reslv^ifoT 
A. Doesn't It say he »W re<iuca;t*d to— *tla 
members of the hoard of directors hereby re- 
sent ti:c OHJBSt criticism appearing in that let- 
ter, disapprove of the writer and hin aeiiona 
ftad reeoninicndB that t]io preitident of the So- 
cio'}' immediately terminate the rrldtioBsbip of 
0. R. Moylo as lep;a[ conEsel.' 

"Q. Did you discuss, that ha be turned out 
wiehin 1i hounl A. I don't know." 

Thftt coaeludes tha examination of Mr, 
Van Ambargh, I will now start with an- 
other examination. 

The Court: We will now adjourn Until 
two o'dock. Pleasii be back here 
promptly at two a^d pleaso don't din- 
ensft tha eaao o^Ta fttuon^ yourftelvas. 

(Whcre3[>:n an adjournment waa taken 
until two o'clock p. mv> 


Ifnrtrif t'inh—Fur Ptfj—Direet 

Aprrmoos Szsrioh, 

Two o'clock p. m, 

(Trial resumed.) 

ti.M(V]',V FJXK, Wauwntasa, Wisconsin, 
rj,lh'il an u sllawsi in Mitlf of ihe plainliff, 
L'inj: lirst diily i-wntri, t^ntiSied n« fnllown; 

^Irfet examination Ojr Mr, Jifiurlhaufe*: 

Q. Wlint U your hujiinena, Mr. Finkt A, I Mil 
a food broker. 

(J. Whore is your place of huaiaenRT A. In 
WnuwntOsa, Wiieonnin. 

i{. Does that tnhe you to different part* *r 
tlw country 1 A. It doe*, 

Q, Were you a memltor nt Jehovah's Wit, 
nes-Hos orgitni^ntiont A. Yes, I vtl. 

Q. When did yoo bvr«me connected with itt 
A. Approximately in 19£L 

Q. Did you afterward* aname some oiEct 
tlieret A. Yen, I had several oifices. 

Q. When first were you elected Of inducted 
iota ofliret A, 1 don't en nelly remember the 
dales, luit I had several positions such as. com- 
pnny servant nml rejtin'na! servant— ftnt re- 
giuiijl si'irvant, hut similar efrviees. 

(J, The orrtiiixation has what th*y call re- 
giijns, is that eitrfelf A. Yes, il lift*. 

Q. Is I tint the wring <>f (he coontry into dif- 
ferent n'jrioniT A. Yen. 

(J. There in more tlian on* stale ift a region! 
A, In she regions tliore were more (ban one 
stale in *mae in^lnnres. 

Q. Do yon know »'hot statei were included 

narivy fink—F/yr Pfjf .— D'lTtd 

in the region that included the State of Wia- 

eonainT A. I wouldn't know tliat. 

Q. Theo Hiose eompani es, whnt did Ihey *OH- 
aist oft A, Tin'}' eonsi«t«4 of individoal groups 
or, an we called them, classes 1.0a, which were 
iniidc up Of [rn'inhers of Jehovah'* WflllvMW 
irhich met perioilicnlly for nieeting purpose! 
and service activities. 

Q. The company ymi were connected wilh wob 
loci.ted in whnt pkirct A, Ipi llilwankee. 

Q. About how mnny mends r* were thero or 
thatl A, We hod nn ntli-ndanee on Sunilnjfs— 

The Court 1 JI< L did not auk yon that. 
H« asked you if you kntf* h<iw innny 
Intro hv"— 

Mr. Hruehhaunen : 1 wilt withdraw the 
Q, Uow many attended on Ihe nvernpe at 
those meeting 1 A. At our largest meeting*, 
about two hundred, 

q. Were they all members of JdnwaVj Wit- 
naKKOs I i'i- Net Sub« canie pericKlieatiy ami 
Otliers regularly. 

Q. Were the meetinga open to tho public I A. 

(J. And ynu were Ot oil time* endeavoring to 
£ct the public inlo (he meciiaps, is that correct I 
A, Yi'S, by invitation. 

l>, Ynu FiU'catoe a Knne servant, did you sayf 
A. Yes, T did, 

Q, Did Mutt a icon thnt you bail charge of Ihe 
company] A. That meant that I had charm of 
Several companies I hat comprised a none. 
Q. Where Olher than in Milwaukee were the 




Horsey Fink—Ft>? Pljf.—JHttti 

companies tliat yoti had- elmrge ofT A, Kacroe, 
WixvOnein, Kenosha, JuncsvilJo, Beloit, ifadiaon, 
Lake Mills, and there may have been on* or 
two allien tint I don't recall 

(J.. They Are all within the rndius of how many 
idles of Milwaukee! A. I would Bay within the 
radius of eighty to out hundred Iftiles. 

(J. An J iliij you attend meetings at those vari- 
ous places! A. Yes. 

Cj. Can you state what the attendance was at 
those particular pmoea on the average I A. 
They varied Imaii* the classes, varied in sites, 
and I would 5*1 i* able 10 state exactly how 
many or eTcn approximately Low many would, 
attend the meetings at ail tj i ijch-. 

(J. Jlui there were a number of attendants it 
those meetings! A. Yes, 

<J, ilow Long have you been acquainted with 
the plaintiff, Ului ISuylef A, Ub, sine* about 

Q. HiJ timl nrijunirdanceship arise through 
your nativities with Jclmvaii's WitneBscsl A. 
Yes, St did. 

Q. Was he &H:-i.".-i u t i-J with Ihe class in Mil- 
waukee OT in'ttr-by! A. In a. near-by da.-.s, and 
then Jib would OTVO our MiKaufcee eliuss as i 
speaker froui io (imr, 

Q. Uo you recall i(r. Movie returning to Wis- 
consin in I lie Md nth of August, J939T A, I do. 

Q, Was tliere anything said ttj? him Or ycu as 
to hi* reason for rt'lu r ntngf A. Well, he told 
me on hi* n*:nr:i :li;. reA*Ofli ior his returning, 

Q. Wlimt did he sft-yt 

Sir. Covington [ We ohject la any 

ffarwj Pint— For I'lff,— Direct 

heat-siLy abatements, ex parte ELalement* 
made by J1 r. Moyle. 
The Court; Objection sustained. 

Q. Did you lend an article in the "Waleh 
Tower" of September t, 1933, end I show you 
the issue of that rjiogoiiiie of isepteiuber 1, 1D3U, iL-sk you whether you read the article en- 
titled "for Your Information" (handing to 
witness)! A. Yen, I read tJiat article. 

Mr. Hrgciihujiw : I offer that article* 

in evidence. 

The Court: Sibow it to your opponent. 

(lit lirucldiauBen shows article to Sir. 

Mr. CoTington: No abjection. 

The Court; It will bo received 

(Taper referred Co received in evidtoeo 
and marked I'lamtitf's ICxhlhit S.) 

(l!r. Bruebhauscn read* Plaintiff's Ex- 
hibit :") to the jury.) 

Q. Was that article discussed hy you, or by 
any nwrabera of the Wnlca Tower orgaiika- A. I'reRunahly it win, 

Q. Did anyone talk to you abotiL it after it 


JJf r Oovinjrton: We ohjec± — 
The Court: Objection nimtainoil, 
Mr. Bnudshituscii; EiOci'itloo. 

Q, What ean you say, if anything, about the 
activities of }'t. Ifoyie in Bhawinjr or rfjvling ail 
letter in JIil*'aukea or afound there i 

Harvey Fink — For P!!f r -*--D'tretl 

The Court: Ha is referring to Lit lat- 
ter to Mr. Iluiherford. 

A. The first 1 saw of the letter was when Mr, 
AI«;li. L rtiurned. 1 did not know of any other 
pvrsua iiutnide of my wife who had read the 
leller, and aha rend it vi- H-k KMAti tijne J. did. 
llr. itoylr did not read that letter to my knowl- 
edge to imyonu else. 

IX ]Ju you recall Mr. ifatlliew ilowlett com- 
ing out to Mitv.a-.ikoe in the uionlti of Septem- 
L*r, ILJ3yr A. 1 da. 

tj, Did he oak you. to call a meeting or did 
nnyoiio; auk you to calJ a miietin^ of the rufcniber* 
of the d-iii ovur wlii(d2 you presided or ftay 
clatHl A. tie did not ovk inc to rail tfiat meet- 
ii^n'. M 1 rttmrtnbet, but the meeting wau called. 

(j, H'oa it cnlled nt tlie rei.|ue*t of Mr, Ho^»'- 
loll, do you know I A- It *'p«. 

Q, TiVlin iia J[r. ifowlettl A Mr. Howlelt 
wjii a nuirencntative of the iiociety at their 
Brooklyn omee. 

Q, l>id you talk to Mr. Howlelt f A, Briefly, 
ye; . 

Q. Did lie slate to yon liii. tfjiwjn for coming 
out there I A, lie did. 

Q. IViiat diit he say! A. I!e naid he had a 
letter on his person direetiji^ him to assume my 
dnlirt a* mill; sfri'aat anil notifying the na- 
lejikhied eopipaniv* el my dismissal, 

Q. Did Lo giro you tluU letter T A. No, he 
did not. 

fj. Were yon di^mi*ted1 A, I was. 

Q. At that time! A, At that time. 

Q. Did you attend, the meeting that wa$ prc- 


Uarvtxj Fink—For JPfjf, — Diftct 

aided over or at which Mr. Howlelt eddrateedj 

those in attendance! A. Yes, 1 did. 

Q. And was that nhout September 2A, 1399, in 
llilwauhecl A. Yea. 

Q. Win that in the company room where the 
(Jos* in Milwaukee attended t A, Yei, iu the 
Odd Fcllowji T«nnl*, 

Q. About how iiiaziy were present at that 
r,;:--;:nL-! A. Cor.eid<;raijly, I believe, over two 

(j. ho you know- how they Tuid hef-n Kusmaoned 
to the meeiingl A. I don't >:now e*ce(>t that 
outside claaiieu, menthera of the entire w?nt, were 
reijueated ta ensue into Milan ukee, which thsy 

Q. Ji wah a apeeial meeting, woa it nott A. 
Yes, That accounted fur the larger than usual 

Q. Ami did Mr. Hewlett read An> itRlemenl 
at tiiat tni'ftingf A. Yea, he did. 

Q, Anfl wns ,that the article "Information 1 ' 
thot has. IVcen referretl to iieret 

The Court: Which arliele art 1'Ou Te- 
ferriag to nowt 
Mr. Bruch hauFen ; Kshibit 1, 
Tlw Court; Here it is, showing him 

Plaintiff's Exhibit 1 (binding 10 wit- 

V I don't remember whether that was ex- 
actly what I reait word for word, but it con- 
tained substantially the fame information, 

Q. But be did read from some rjipcrf A, He 
did, yes. 

Q. Do yOU recall tlte substance of what he 
nodi A, Ye». First of ellj he notified the a»- 

Harvey FiiJi~- For Flff^Dirttt 

stinba-d coin[>anics t!ujt I wan to be, <di^missed 
as stint servant pending- isotuc eorres-piindonca 
iK-twftri piiysi-if mid Mr. Hutherfortl, and then 
lie w(ni sit to elaharnto upon tlic reoAona for 
Mr. Miyle's leaving Brooklyn and the various 
dctuit* referring thereto. 

Q. And wus Mr, Moyie ptescnt there 1 A, 
Yei, he was. 

Q. Ant) did he make a statement! A. lie did 

(J, Did any thine; elAH transpire at that meet 
ing older tbiai w)mt you have just testified to? 
A, Not tlu*1 I can recidl J(p*riii« details of. 

Q. Was there any diMMtion by any of the 
members of Jehovah's Witn«*« arihine; out Df 
Ihin urtiete of fteptemher 1st dionlsiusg Mr, 
Moyle for luifiutlifulnoae oT tfie milling of Hep- 
toinikcr ^iihf A, Yes, i[ui!e considerable^- 

J!r. Covington: Just n minute. That 
would be immaterial I should like tit 
know v.'ho;lior or not it was on the oce»- 
xion "f Sir. Howleit's visit and whero ha 
[ii:nli' puhlie the orticle "Information" — 

The Court : Ohjection sustained. He 
ivjinl.i yoa tn fit the time and place. 

Mr. Br:iehhnu*(5n: ] want to point out 
tn your Honor that iteme of this, test!- 
niony bears nn whut w-e think we are tn- 
1i1loii to prove eliowiog the efTwl Hut 
lliCTic ajticlcs hud on people, who were 
friemlly to lloyle. 

The Court : You can make a tender of 
any ieHtiiminy you want, aud T will rulo 
on it u it bo»ii«* atur.f. 

HHftt}t Flrik—Far PI$.—n\ff,ct 

Q- Coltljf back lo this article of September 
1st, before Mr. llowlcll arrived there, did any 
of the members nf Jehovah'* Witnesses talk to 
yon about tbnt nrticlei 

Mr. Conngton: Wo ubject to that 
The Court! Objection Nustnined. 
Mr. Bmihhau.ccn: lixception. 

Q. Did any »f the eltM, those in attendance 
at the meeting at w-tiieb Mr. Howiett addressed, 
did I hey talk to ynu nltout tin: meeting or what 
bud trnnp-piredf A. Yot, they ditL 

Ifr. Covington: Thot would he oli- 
jcetcd lo unless it vns in the prescnee of 
Mr. Ilowlett. 

The Onrt; He Baid vith M^r, Hewlett 
— d id n't you I 

Mr. Tli-ueliliausen: I said arising out 
of Ihnt moL'ting. 

Q. Can you fiivo (he detail* of I hat aa to 
where it took place and with whom I A, Where 
whnt ionfc placet 

Q. Any di^nisjin-n itrtsine; aftrr the meetinp; 
of Mr. Hoirlrtt A, The diseussifin. took place 
several disruKJiious (nnk plaee *Wh nte as w*U 
M ntiiong other of those n Mending, 

Dy the Court; 

Q. And who else was Iheret A- Oonerally Ibe 

entire aF*=ernh|ed rnmfinnies. Kpetrifwally. I 
don 'I remll just exactly tn whom I spoke at (hat 
time or who upoke to mo On thA suHjret, tncf* 
being «o many. 

ffaney FinJc—Fvr Ptfr-Dirt-tt 

By Sir. Bruchbinweia ; 

Q, but they Tire attendants or the claaa at 
Milwuuki-ef A. V«s. 

By the Court; 

Q. That in. the funeral claf-Hl A. The general 

By Mr. UroehliiHiKm: 

Q, \Vu3 that at the meeting itself T A. Yes, 
after, biilI kgiiic before even, 

(J. ■ I lint Luke before the meeting, what tran- 

Mr. Covington: Just ft moment. Wan 
it a public uiscussion or a privnlo di*- 

The Court- It in a puhlic discussion. 
[It has ftlrf.itty le^lilinl that they were 
in (hr ro-cftl!cd eta** meetings. You 
liiiili'jKtund wi are IsilkinR about elftsj 
liieeliivm, not any ffrniijs nf Ns or Ihrec. 

The Witnusa: Then I will have to 
rhnnj;e that ti^iitnony, your Honor. I waa 

under c I ■<■ iiuprfsnim! ynu meant intLLvi- 

dlial iti*CU!MiJon helWcen 100 ftaul i*Onis-liody 
pIm 1 . 

The (.'ourt; You ore not ln-ius asked 
n I ii hi) Hifti ft1 all, ax I understand it. 

By Mr. Itruehhuusen ; 

CJ. Mr. Fink, if f may direct your nttontlon to 
rnii rbfn discussion prinr In 1hc Hnwtall meet. 
ine;. A. Xo jtriu-ml elans disi'UKsion. no, 

(J. Wits there nny danx dissuasion it the How- 
led meeting other than what you have teatiGed 


Survey Flak— For Pljf^Direct 

to or afterwards T A. No, the meeting w** in. 
cltarjrt cif llr. Uowhitt, and lie conducted what- 
ever dise-u**inn there wjm. 

{£. Tlim the references you muke tn discus- 
sions 014 Kinftilfi - groups 1 A. Yen. 

(]. IVIrat direnjiiiiora did you Jijve after the 
Septi'tnlier lid iiieelins; or article with any of 
tlsi' n miller KTiHi[ut, ami about when did they 
tttlnnriirrt A. I would not lie able to answer 
tliiil spjerincnlly. J jIh.-pi 'I ttrtlOL 

Q. iliyi' un yuur lienl recollection. A, That ia 
priuf to Mr, Hewlett'! ™it! 

Q, Yes, prior to Mr. iluwlett's viidl aw\ after 
!h* nrfiete almnt Mr. Moyla'j heinjr dismiaaid 
for unfjiilhfulnes* of September l*t. We* there 
any dkeiuwion with any mnall (rrnuji of pcnple 
uliDut that article I A. Not (tWWTnl ilim*UK»ioart 
particularly, ntt. 

(i. ^"ait titcn- any d iju-u** "»n t A- Ves, in. 
(liviilual ilineiu'n.iiiiiH, jva. Quite a few Snine to 
iim' antl a^kvil iitt <rii*t Hint we* all ahtraL 

(i. Ami what iliii- you snyT A. Aiwl I *4ld 
tiiiil — 

Mr, Coi' i flplon : Wu* that nt (lie pulilii; 

The Court: Xd, this wa» not in Hm 
[Hiijlie nicetinj,'. It lia* to An nil It the Hen- 
tn'iiiljer iHt pUlllleOtiHt, I Mjiinj i fT'm l^xluljit 
ii ( Tvliirh iK "Fiw Your Infoniifttioi!," 
whivli is no! Ihe sulijwt iiiutlor of tWa Miil, 

Mr, rSriK'hliiiiJ^'O : Uo 1 un'ierotaitd your 
ETorvar iiustninJi t5»e otgnftioBT 

Tlie Court: 1 hnvo not heard an ebje*' 
tian yeL 

JJtrvt!/ Fi*k=-Fvr Fiff.— Direct 

V.T. Bruehhauaea: Will yoa read tha 
qnc-tton, please f 

{The t|u?Elion waf repealed by fha re- 

Q, (Ceifitjnuwi) Will ynu MntiBUi your tes- 
(iiiionv n* to ivhnl naa taJLT A Tlicse peopia 
wanted to know why thic ^Jftrtiuulfir— 

Mr. Cnvinpton; rieas* tell us what you 
nre tatkinp ihmit. 

The Court : Con n?el I nr, if yon will please 
listfo and let me run this courtroom, ite 
will j^t alonp, 

Mr. Covinj^tenJ I ohject t* tfiii lino *f 
te FtSnio«y. 

The Coarl: Ohjeefinn Fu^!a;iied. 

Mr, UruelihoBKca: Kn-rption, I *£?iim 
Kay to ynnr Honor tliat I ftn*i ernleavoring 
lo eslahlisb the offr-r-t of lhe*e artielra on 
!h,-.-i' ptoplf win*, were nii'jiitMTit of Jeho- 
I'ah'a Witnes«fr ar.d friends, 

The Court: The nhjectioa is tastaiaed- 
Eirr[i1inn lo She Jjlftiadff. 

Mr. ftruchhawien : J'isfoption. 

Q. Tin ynu knim r nf nay i?.sne of thin letter by 
or on brbnlf of Mr. M»yJe between the time he 
arrivtsj out in Milwaukee la Aupipt, 13^-IH, aad 
Xr.vemlwT IH, 1!>.1<), whrn the arlkle "En lire* " 
h|i|i<''nri'il t A. Xn, f don't 

Q, Bid you *ee him nftrnt A- Yet, daily. 

(J. Did you rosicl? nenr whore he lived f A, 
Mr, Mnyle maintained oibf«i. ttiat 1 placed at bis 

Q. Did you have occasion at aay time prior 


Horny fq'uft— Far PI J— Piifrt 

or <-ven IncluiJinc; Kovrmhcr lfilb ulitn (he 
"Snares" article wan puhlished to lalh to anyone 
alhout tho'e iLrtii-Srf, or did anyone (all; lo yop 
ahnut Hierat A. Yea. 

Q. Ciift you pv? tjk any details aliout thalT 
A. Naturally tiie aceu^Lliona nutdc apsinsl M:r. 
Jfmle provokrd HnxtiltraUe acminemt when they 
were puhlifhed in the Tower. Most of the friend* 
there hvlk'ved Hint bul-Ii publication nan uncalled! 

JTr. Covini;<Da: 1 objeet to that— 
The Court: Ohj«linn ai-arruleil. Ei- 
eeptiun to the defendant. 

Q. Did yoit noiiea tbnt it Sind any eff*et on 
♦Oimfl Of tin memncr* tm (o their attitude— 

Tlie Court: We are refcrrirtu; to fJia 
arlirle that ftppcSr^I, that :■ 1'taintifi"'* 

M!r. BrBch]i»u«n! I will embrace ail of 
tb* articlea, if your Honnr please. 

i^. Did yon notice any effect that tfic articlns 
I referred to, SepteialMr ljst, Oc;ohcr Ifilh ard 
N'ovejiiber 15th, had on any ot the ruembcra out 
there 1 

Mr. Coviifjfiton : I object lo Shftl, 

Tlsa Court; Ohjrclion *u*taiReil a£ to Ehe 
■rtirle of Keptemher IsL 

Mr. Covi n.i^ on - We make the apeci fie 
Objection thai it ealls for arjfliment and a 
conctii*ion and opinion on the part of Ihe 

The Court: I have already sue tained tlw 
objection to a part of the queation. So *« 


Harvey finJt— For PI ff ^-Direct 

will luive a new question, and you may 

nhjccl to that if you earc to. 

.Mr. BrurhJiatlHta: May 1 aulunit as lo 

tin' iirlii-h; of Kepleinher 1st lloit it doi;s 
k-iir on Hu.' mm of mali*«t 

The Court : It may later on, but nt (Ida 
time I think it is incompetent, 

Mr, liriichhausefl : I rcKpfcttully ei- 
Q, Be!stri*tin|; my question to the effect that 
the articles of October 15th and November lfjth 
lind en any of those with whom you eonf erred, 
con you, jjitfe any details alwat thatl A. In. 
It influcnectl — 

Mr. Coviujjton: Wo ohject, to that he- 
aa.uae it calls for a conclusion and opinion 
on the part of tlie witiveai and invades the 
province of the jury. 

The Court; Objection overruled. Ex- 
cept ion to the dcfenJajita, 
Q, Will you proceed! A QThe jirti^Lca that 
appeared infSin.jn-ed the roinda of the readtre 
asfljntt Mr. Mvyle on the grciandi that they 
considered the Walch Tower to- eontftin a mea- 
Rftfie from God. and aa eu«b, it wasn't open to 

Q. Ami did they tlien hesoaio unfriendly to 
Mr. Mnylef A. Yes, they did. 

Q. And did you notiee any change of attitude 
in the-ie companies that yau viaitedl A, Yea, 
o,ulte a eonaiderahle cSiange. 

Q. Tlioae comr'i™"a were located in the places 
that you Mentioned! A Ye*. 


tfarvtif fittfc — Fat P!$, — Direct 

Q. How lone; did. you remain a member of 
(he TV ii teli Tower organization T A. Until the 
following aprihjj. 

By lb.' C*url; 

Q, What K|niiipf is tliatT A l^ft, 
Hy Mr, nrutibhanhen ; 

Q. Then you withdrew I A. 1 withdrew, I 
no longer attemled their meeiinfra. 

<J. Did ynu esprrss trny retsnn to the Watrlii 
Tower aa to the reaaon for your withdrnwall 
A. No, I <iiiln T t. 

Q, fun yoft stolr any rfeunn for your with- 
drawal! A. Yes, 

Mr. CuvLiiekih' f object lo flint as 

arjriLmcn tn( i ve. 
The Court: Direction sustained. 
Mr, Bruchliaiwn : rixeeption. 

Q. Did you hecniuo afiilintcd with nuy nther 
orfianiiationt A. JCo, T did not. 

Q. Did you continue ymiT studies in any way. 
A. At our home we continued our stadie?. 

Q. Tli lit ia^ yon had meelinp^ there with 
Mi,;ilh'r priii!)!*! A. Yej,. n fi-w pen-pie met then- 
with mo. 

Q. May 1 aak you, referring |o thft mectinp 
witn Mr, Hnwlt'tt— piior tn Jlr. Mowleit nrri-.-- 
iji^ in Milwaukee and ottendiujf 'he iiiefllnir, 
whlell 1 Hiink was Replnnber 24!h, do yon recall 
tiie meeliitf ul whirh Mr. Moyle attended and 
VMil a atalementf i\. Yea. 

Q, Do you recall about when that was! A, 
Hot specifically. Il might haT* been jnst about 




Harney F^h—For P!g,—Dirrct 

two weeks Wore Mr, Hewlett came to Mil- 
waukcr, I do not hare the date. 

Q. Would yea re**]] the statement if some 
paper were shown Ic yoaT A. lies, I believe 
I would. 

Q. I sbo',? you 11 jwipM' nnd ask you if that 
refreshes Tiiur TtCoTtoction ond whether thai ia 
the statement (hot Mr, Moyle mad* on tins ot. 
ens inn po ju*t referred lo {handing paper to 
-wi(nesa). A, Yea, I remember. Thai c[jl) mm t 
was made. 

^f^. Prnehhaunen : I offer it in evidence, 

Mr. Covinptoa: No objection. TVhtrj 
ia the originalt 

Mr, RfUchbflUEen: T am fold the origi- 
nul was giren fo the. secretary of the 

Mr, Covington: We have no objection. 

(The papier ticfprr«1 to was receiTed 
in cviilence and marked Ploinliff'a Ex. 
liinit 7.J 

Q- Can yon ?i ve any defntla a* to how these 
article* affected people ia their attitude toward 
Mr. Moyle I 

Mr, Omjtwi; W« take the name ob- 
jection because it is invading (he province 
of the jury, it in argumentative and fall* 
for a conelnjdon. 

The Court: Objection OTermlerl, ex- 
eepiion tn the di-rrndRntn. Von are. talk- 
ing about tiie ariicle which ie the (UbjJcet 

matter of tide Mmtrovcrayt 

Mr. Bfttchhnusea: Yea. 

Bwvey FiuJt— For rifj— Direct 
A. The article! prejudiced the readers against 

i.r. Meylo. 

Q. Can joo atate. at any meetings you attended, 
can you givt any details! as to what effect it bad* 
Did pt-i>j>le kIiuo him in any ii - ay, or wLat did 
they ilnf A. Yes, As. time progressed, when 
Mr, Moyle and II rs. Moyle .-tt in a meeting, 
those that attended finally wouldn't even sit 
neil to Ibern. They permitted two or th rea choirs 
both front and hack to remain vacant, whereas 

the j- eat at a dMnnce from them. 

Q, Where did you find that taking placet A. 
At the g( noral meetings. 

Q. In what city! A. la Milwaukee. 

Q. Had vuu visited any otiier place where thai 
took pMec. or any [ilaee that Air. iloyle attended f 
A. Sol that I recall. 

(J. Your main activity wua in Milwaukee! A. 

Q. Mow lone; did that continue to your kaovd. 
ci.l|?:.'T A. That continued until Mr, Moyle a? 
longer canit- 10 any meeting 

i). Do you know abtrat when tlutt woj; timl he 
ceased going there! A, Oh, it woe a month or 
no alter Air. Hewlett wan there. 1 am aot too 
turn; of that, however, tile **ae.l elapse of lime. 

Q, ]kh ynti recall Mr. MoyJo moving (rom 
IVtiuwaiosa to Jdhrsojii Creek T A. Ya», 1 do, 

Q. And I hat III about wheat A. It was 
March 1, IM, I believe. 

(.Mr, llrudlJlSOWn rcada I'lair.'.ifE'a Ex- 
hibit T to the jury) 

Mr, Bntclihanaen: Your witneaa. 

Harvetf Fink — For Plff* — Croj* 

Cu-vi-r-rajwcnaJton Itjf ilr. Cvvingtmii 

Q, VVIm™ did you ccn*e (0 Ixi in liarnsnny wilh 
th L - Wiiti-h T°wer Iliblf & Tract Society t A, 
In the sfirinj; cf liHO. 

Q, And prior to Hint, j-om wert in full har- 
mony with the society! A. I *a\t. 

Q. Were veu in fui! harrooay ia every action 
taken by the society T A, N"* I wasn't. 

Q, What ai-tioitR taken by the society irere you 
not in full harmony with, [ilf-a^t A. Act ion a ot 
individual 11 that were members of the eocjtty. 
1 did ant consider their actions actions of the 
loeiety itself. 

Q. Wlmt individuals ore ynfl ri'f erring tot A. 
IndiridiLft! Jjioattrn, individual cotnjjony worker* 
aud [H'Hriibly oiher^ 

Q. Who 1 Id you mepn by L L jM>M->i:bl y others' 1 ! 
A. That fuuhl include and did inehidi 1 , nf coume, 
Mr, Kuthcrfi'ird or any at the llvlhel, 

(j Who nt IWtbel! A. Meuiberv hi the Harriet 

y, WI10T A. Mr. Sullivan, 

Q, Wlw elM't A. That h all- 

tj. What vrfl* ynur attitude towards Mr. Sut- 
livnn aad Judpe RatltCffordl A. Kot antugon- 
uitir. They [HvrioxlitalJy send ntcaeral iuttmeiiorifl 
to ad 70110 rtomint* which I tried to apply lo the 
host of jay ability in the |iarlitular territory ia 
TviiLL-b I aerved, tint periodicaSly those Ki" n< > f *i 
in strut 1 ! ion* were iliilic:ult or impmnible of apjily- 
La h ' tn our locality, and I fluted permission to 
chisustL- them 10 u-uit the pre vail big eonditioua 

(J, No*, for inst*fiei;I A. A specific in*Uumot 

Han-rij Fink— For Plff.—Ctos* 

Q. Yen, for instance, what do you bane your 
f-oiuj.'Liiii;! lij'uiL Htm- T A. One of the instructions 
fflvvn to (ho nimr «etwaBtn wax that I was 10 
apjioint oat study leader to conduet a particular 
Ktmly cttnitiuitly, nionlli after imuitll. year after 
yejir, aiin] tiial wan iiupractiful in m'VrraE in- 
Hlftncea in MUvfttukec bL-cause of the distance 
tltwd study leudei* hud to travel in order to 
^et to llie place of study, TtieFrfurc, in order 
to break ilnwa lh« amount of work involTod and 
to shift tiie loail, 1 ashed \'ariou» brethren to 
UiLc one inoath at a litne, in which eu*e the one 
man would not have In j^t oa thin thirty- live mile 
triii week after week and month after month. 
In dint and only on matter* <if tlmt kind did 
1 dimjjrec, 

f j. Is ilia; the only objection f A. Yea, that 

I kSH.<t 1 if. 

If. That you had Qguinitt tin- *csftL-lyf A. With 
inic rs*-i-|iti'ia : Jl wah rer|ue*te<l by the HM'iely 
M.ilI I irwlrurt the varimiw einn|uinius to havo 
lbl;]i-nri|H ui.-ide or lined which cuNloined an in- 
Kri[il)onon ifHelijliouiaaaanrii anil a racket," 

piiil ix',. wi-re to ]inrndc Up and ih>wU tbw streeti 
qith them in front of clmrclub and places of that 
kind, and I ohje«t«d to the vurslinE; on thnt sign 
for fear that religious-minded people niaj' ant 
undemtaad tliat we had no complaint ngninxt 
j I :-.! woraliinpiruj Cod, and 1 u'rola a letter to 
Jilr, Ratlkerfonl iugge*tinp that pcissihly a ilLiTer. 
ent wording ui" that sign nouhi be [nore appro- 
oriate aiid ivould avoid iLiiM^aihirutaialLn^ anil 
Iruulilc thill we had gnu™ into in Kmoiilui. 

{j. Jii li.i'n- urn 1 other objection! A. Nut that 
H recall. 


Harvey Ftait — For Plj[.—Gr$si 

Q, Yon stated \,va specific objections that 
caused you to quit the society, i* that rigfctl 
A, X;i, tlrat did not cense me to quit tha society 
at all. 

Q. Now what did! A. The fact that I could 
no larger see divider** in the actions of the 
soiiety as a whole and litany of the iadividaala 
thnt i-i..iji]jii.-.u] the aoctely of n God-like Christian 
attitude toward their fellow man. 

(J. Ju what n*j>cclf A. In (bat they constant- 
|y t'ruiil mi 1 it'll anyone who did not speeifici'dly 
agive with thtm, am] while they claimed— they 
ji-llwl inlolrraitce at e^ery turn uf the road, they 
in turn inanit'c'ted intolerance if someone crossed 
their path. 

Q, IV^ii'n did yon see tha"! A. I could eco it 
eojuinj; on for se\ieral months prior bo tlia tiaie 1 
left tki; society, 

Q. When did you itrtd see otidenoe of tliatl 
A. Oh, appro\ima!ely *iH Btonfiu, 

Q, Was. that when Mr. Moyle came back from 
Brooklyn 1 A, No. Jl even saw evidences of U ml 
befoH Mr. N^oyle came haelc, 

<J. In what res|wett Ar* yea accusing all of 
the nuriely of lhat conduct at that tiinel A. 
Kruphiilicaily not. But certain indjvtdaalu, pos- 
sibly DVor-seajoiw, would get IheraselTes into dsf- 
ticuity with the iwople that they idaited or with 
the aothoritiea becnusa of onwlno aelion, BJid 
inasimich ns 1 helped tlietu in their difheulties, 
soiuelitned 1 was forced to admit Uiat they acted 
uti',vi.-rN and etnj'd have easily avoided difficulty 
had Lliey been more discreet or snore Cliriatina- 
like ia their atlitmle, and I so told them. 

Q, did you mAkt knoftTi your objections to 


Rorvey F wi— F »r Pltf^-Crou 

Juiigo Ratlierfordf A. On those points specifi- 
cally, no. 

Q. Why didn't you! A. Well, I felt that tliat 
thing waan 't witliia my jurkdictioa. 

Q. Well, (Si;; jii-j I'M-.- rJL-- auyUiinf;, Hii-mi 
derelictions that you laheled, to the attention of 
Jud^e Jtutherford at any time! A. ^o t I did not. 

Q. How e^sme you to discoatinue your associa- 
tioji witli tha society (bent A, A* I stated, I 
could no longer reconcile the society's claim as 
being (luil'j rojircsuaLative on eartli with their 
aetioas toward others, either the hretliren or 
fanner brethren or other people at Jafjn;. 

Q, What religion do you aow belong tol A, I 
behind to no reUbjioo. 

Q, What orjnini^tion ftrt you now aKsociated 
wi'hl A. I am associated wilh no organisation 
eseept that I attend oieetings of a little group of 
people who study tlio Dible ia Milwaukee, 

Q. What address is tliat, what grOUpt A, We 
mfi't en Suail.'ty.H in the Itepub'icsn House at 
'Ihtrd and K II bora At«BIK, Milwaukee. 

<}. What puhliimtions do yttt study! A. Wo 
have one aturiy on the Bihlc, the Bunk of Acts 
we are sudying now, and on Sunday morning we 
are studying volume one of the Scripture studies 
written by Pastor Unwell, 

Q. Who distrihaii-ii tlntf A, Who diatribate* 

q. Yea. A- T don't know. There are two-ot- 
CaniEOtions tlirongli whom «• «n »«n» litfra, 

Q. Wliat two organisations da yna obiain lit. 
erature fremt A. Tha Dawn located horn in 

'J 3 



7Tui"4,'*y finJt — For PI/. — Crojs 

Brooldyn and (mother orguniintion called the 
Pastoral Bible Institute. 

Q. And you have been obtaining literature 
from those two o rjjjanii&lions for h*w long! A.. 
The Hit]? rlais that I have a ".tended meetings of 
has been obtaining literature from them ever 
since 1 met with them and even before. 

Q. Did ywa ever riist any abjection to Judge 
Rutherfoi'd with reference to the unjust treat- 
ment that Jtr. Moyle received f A. >io. 

y. Did you ever raise any objection lo Judge 
Hurlirrfuril with reference to the Unjust treal- 
Hunt Hat Mr. Uoyle received! A. No. 

Q. When did you «Oti^ that Hr. Moyle **s 
treated unjustly! A All I h(* of Hr. lioyle's 
case wns what Mr. Moyle told me. 

fj. You told about tiilii statement being read 
in a Milwaukee class. in September, didn't you! 
A. Yes, tliu-t wtus after bis return. 

Q, That is right. After his return and after 
you learni'd Ihe facts shown in the itotenunt, 
did yon ever rr.alve your feelings known lo Judfie 
Hulhcriord, please! A. No, I did aoL 

Q. What were your feelings when yotl heard, 
the ft&tSUKOt read I A, I fell that it vu a 
perianal matter between Mr. Rutherford and 
Mr. U(vylt and loot nft active part in it dt all. 

Q. When did you. join up with Mr. Moyle in 
lite opinion* that you have expressed on the wit- 
ness stand regarding this matter T A, I wisb you 
would repeat Hat question. 

Q, I will withdraw the question, When did 
you form the opinion that Mr. Moyle bad been 
raintreatedf A. Kot until after Mr, Howktt had 
beta to Milwaukee and I could see subsequently 

Harvey Fink— For Flff. — Cta$s 

the effect of the. society's action upon the friends. 
Up to that t ■ i nt I 'ell it did net COMCTO Inc, 

<i- And ufttr Jir. Hewlett '» visit, thca you. 
fell it did concern you? A It did, because I 
could see eurroho rated in what happened Hie 
very things that Mr. Movie WtisplaJBtd about 

(J. In what respect! A In the respect of the 
society's intulerance of anyone who would criti- 
cise it or llr. Rutherford particularly. 

Q. Were you in favor of Use crilicisiua leveled 
by Mr. Moyle ugaindt the society 1 A. If they 
were truthful, yes. 

Q. ])n ygu know whether or not Ihey were 
true Or untrue! A. I did not kno*. 

(J. Have you ever eheeked up nince to determine 
whether or not they were true or untrue' A. I 
Iulvb talked to several people who have been tl 
Iii'lju.] in the giant. 

il 1 1 nve vh>u mm to Bethel and cliecl;ed up 
on tin mutter! A. I have not Luen to Uetbel. 

y. Did you ever wrile JmiRe Rutberford 
about llje charges made by lit, Moylef A. I 
did not 

Q, Did you ever write anybody *t the soeiety 
lo determine those charges! A. I did not. 

Q, r>iL»-ir),e, llie years thnl you. were Ufoeiatad 
wiih the Wjitch Tower lii'ple & Tract Society 
and in favor of ttie Watch Tower Mociety, you, 
of course, were familiar with the publications, 
were you unt! A. tea. 

Q. You hftd a trusted representative capacity 
widi the society, didn't youl A. Yes, I did. 

Q. And I annum* that you believed in those 
publications! A' That they generally 

Harvty Fivft—For Ftff. — Cratt 

the lnciiaeje which wa figured Odd intended for 
tilt p*oplc, >'«s. 

Q. Yi.'t. During the time that you studied 
those puhhcaljnns, did you know what class of 
individuals were referred to as "-he evil servant! 

A. I did, yen. 

Q. Tell us who or what ela^ of pertena v, r er* 
referri'tl to in those pulhliutilkin* e» the wii «er- 
vaiiiT A, The eiil servant ehss, as I BSCkp 
stvod i!, wns a diss of people who wilfully juid 
maliciously soupht lo do violence to the King- 
dom ijli.'.- s;it,'i! and who hated Ai:nigbty God and 
tfie e.slithllsbment of flis. Kingdom. 

Q. Kljil p;rouji of individnals were then iden- 
tified u'ilh the e^'il servant as you have de- 
serilK'dl A, I did not feci it waj in my province. 
Ifl identify nny individuohj fls individuals. 

Q. Thai is not (ho qaestion. The tfueJtiom 
thai I dlrccl to you \n what groiip of individuals 
wtrc identihed by the sneiety anil H^r^nnijirUion 
as the evil servant, A Opponents of Almighty 

Q, Sow you hove defined that. What group 
or particular proup" u'efe idm Lined" as snchT 
A. 1 did n»t tnnw 1 of any parileular proupfl. 

Cj. Did you rver bear of the Dawn being iden- 
tified as among the evil servants! A Ko, I did 

Q. Did you ever bear of the Pastoral Bible 
Institute heinp described as evil strviuitt A 
I did not. 

<Q, Did yfin ever hear any of Jehovah's Wit- 
nci^r-a dbteUKSinj' those fadpl A I knew there 
was a Dawn arjauituilion and a P. E. I. arfuni- 
xation, Pastoral R!hle Institute, but I under- 


Harvey Fink—For Flf^-Crdtt 

■tood them u"'j' a? hrethren who formerly tnrl 
with :.m; wlu> no Lnn^er did, and held meetingi 
And poblisbeil certain literature of their own. 

{J- Why dhl yiiu understand that they no 
longer met with uh) A. I did not know. 

Q. Did you ever mate inquiry? A. 1 did not. 

Q, Is it not a fuel that the individual h who 
head the Dawn nrjauiiitioB and the 1'nstorrd 
Bible In«ti1ule were at une time trusted sc minis 
and reprTsentaltve* of the Watch Tower Dihle 
& Tract Soeirrj't A. I understood some of 
them to he tliut. 

CJ. And you know thnl they did break away 
and oppftne Ihe society, don't yeut A. I knew 
that they hroke away. 

Q. Don't you know that they nnn' oppose the 
Watch Tower Itibte £ Trtct Soeietyf A I 
don't believe (list word "oppo*e" Ik That I 
understand Ihrnv^ 

<i. Wfsat sort of m. worl do you vrant to em. 
ploy! A. Tliey no Inngtr *pree with all the 
vitws twf heiner held by the Wat«b To*er Uiblo 
L Tract Society, 

0- That j;rmtp of pers<)ns ore knnwn as the 
evjl servant, ai'e they not! A. 'S-n. 

tj. I llmupht you (old us a mnnient oj;o thai 
they were! A. 1 Raid the evil lu'rvnnt were 
npfKHH-ntf of Almighty God nnd Hi« Kinj^Snro 

Q. I onderstand yon defined that, hut nnw, As 
the sneiely *dve>catcd at the tune yon were in 
harmony wish them, what organisations at the 
lime von were ossoeiated with the society were 
identified by the soeiely A* Ihe evil servantl A, 
The only ones that I liaro tpetina Itnawtedg* «f 


[tarny Fink— For PI ff.— Cratt 

v.rre what the society ro'crred 1o as "The re— 

ij. You never did heir, then, of the l'asloral 
Institute or the l>awn organisation a* being 
(jjijiomh! to the soeiely 1 A. No, 1 did not. 

£j. As a matter of fact, you have In-i-n very 
frii'ndjy with Sir. JJnyle, ihiven't youl A. 1 
hnve liH-n a friend of Mr. Jlayle'n since IMS. 

(J, And fro m're very frk'ndly with Ililil dur- 
inir i-\'"\ were yriu nn^ ! A- I *'a*. 

(J. And you were vi j ry rrii'mlly with hilD in 
Ki-fHr-iiilHT, I'.i'.i'J, win- \',a tuilt A. I was. 

(J. Yriu wilrnrnnl him hurk to llilwnuheo, 
didftt youl A. I did. 

tl. And you miw a e*[>v of Ids letter, didn't 
youl A. \i-*. 

tj. Ar.d y, lu hr-Aril thi 1 fipy nf tlie artirfe en- 
Ulliil "Infnrni;i1jr,fi" read, 'ii'ln 't you! A 

\ >-... 

t^. And as ft frir.nd. ;i.-.i were opposine that, 
yoi| ohjr-elr-il ti, tlinl f A. f)l^j»*1ed 1u what I 
Q. To ilie anirli' entitled *'lnfomiatioa"'f A. 

I otij'Tl^l tn 51 in so fir n« [ Vi'.tihl not take 

any n^iion aeair>i Mr. Jf^ylc m»rely on ihe 

j-m-nrth ftf 1lui! Jirti"h', nny nmri 1 than I took 
any jn-lion aptiicl (In 1 Miei*!r 'tr\ the *trenelb 
nf Mr. >lr,y!r''» letter whi'h lie permitted ine to 


if. Vi")ia1 p^rl "t the nj-iirff- "Information" 
did yon otijor-1 tol A. May J see tine article, 


Tlw* Cnurt: Whi^h Are you nTi-rrint 
iM r. Covinprton : Klhihi I 1 , 


Haney Fink— For Plff^Crot* 

(PUintiff's Eibibit 1 handed to Ihe 

A, (Continued) fiene-ralh-, I ohjecteif to tlw 
JlttnUwtion in the article or direct statement thai 
he ms a Judo* and that he wan unfaithful to 
tied. I felt (hat unfaithfulness to Ood ia a 
matter for CF™3 alone lo drride. 

Q. Did you decide whether or not be wan un- 
faithful to the society I A. I did not iwcause I 
fell that I did not have a porietv'ji view or the 
noeiety's fact* on the matter. 

Q. Ynu don't know whether or not the eharges 
tliott were made in the article "Information" 
wen? tnit or fftl.",ftT A. That is right. 

Q. And Vuo are not telling this jury MW that 
they mre false either, are you! A. Not s[Hrif. 
ica I i v. 1 — 

Q. What do you tell them! A. 1 have talked 
to people si nee who had a!«o been to Bethel— 

q. I n:n asking you now?— 

Mr. FEroe)Lhao>ea: I Ihink he should he 
permittpd to nnnwer. 

The Court; 1-et him finish bis answer. 

Mr. Covington r I object to it *» not 

The Court: You haFe not h**rd tha 
answer yet. Yon ear inove In strike il nut 
afterwards. Objection overruled. 

Mr. ("oving!on; We except lo the »*- 
1inn of the Court. 

The Cnun: Pleaj* read ihe answer f 
far ;i> it has gone. 

f'fiie answer was re|?e*ted by the re- 



Harvey fiitk — For Plf^-Crais 

A. ((r«nliitunlj And they hntfe. corroborated— 

Mr. (.'winjrtflti: We object to that as 
Fjoiiijr unnnponxivr. 

The Court: You have n ruline; already. 
Ton have made an objection, 1 will hear 
IJo HBWW ami tft*n I witl listen lo a 
motion in Btrtkt it Ait. Co ahead and 
finish your nnnwer. 

A, (Cnntiniu*d) ThcM |Msn]t to whom I have. 
pn«ken since have corroborated In we many of 
the Jitatomont* Hint Mr. Mnyle made in that let. 
1er, and since lliat time I am convinced that 
those *l n.1 r-mrnl p an in (lis larjjf (rue. 

Q. And yon now fluff? ytfiif '. <■ -1 imony then, 
in Unit right! A. 1 don'1 know whnt yfti\ mwt 
In wlutt way — 

Mr, Cnvinc/ton; Flr*t I rnove to strike 
nut Hi? answer a* tlnreftpongii*. 

Tlte Court: Thp motion is denied; ex- 
ception U> I lie defendant*. 

Q r Yon change yonr testimony 1iiat you leMi- 
fird In it moment apn that yon did nut bi'lii*\e 
Ilia! ihty were trne or fnkeT A, Ye*, T did not 
know" tlmt (lmse ptatenieiih mode hy Mr. Moyle 
in the letter 1hat he sent to Mr. Rutherford were 
Inie or falro nt the time, Viol yon afked ma since 
tFial 1imc have I changed my mind. 

Q. No. I did not ask you that question. I am 
.miking yon since you made your f.:a1enicnt a 
moment agn lhat yrnt did not know whether they 
were 1rue or tnlnrv, it you were chunping your 
testimony, A, T did nol Understand ymir rpirp- 
tiosL 1liji1 way, 

Q. Have yoo ever bad a eOBlro*ers)" with 

■Trtfljje Until erfonlT A. I have never met Judge 

Q. Von did not know J, fc\ Rutherford in iiii 
lifetime! A, I did not, 

Q. Did yon ever In** any «fll-f*tpond«n« wili 
Mm? A. Yes, I did, 

Q. Did you fiver e*c hitnl A. At a distance 
en a. p!atfoi-ni p yxw, 

Q. Did you erer JiiTe anj eontroviny with 
tie representative of the Watch Townr bible t 
Tfact Soeiuty 9A to l>lo Knnnilftr in wTiitll roo 
mjr* d i*eli* TfiinE }"oor duties in and amond Mil- 
waaVe*! A. Only Mr. SuTlivan cnllrd my ntten- 
tion to ih*i fart that *n t]ie milt*r of npnoisttisi^ 
study lendc-n, J bnd not follo'-wed to the Itttet 
the pnjtmc'laiiF, that lie as head of tjiat depurt- 
nvent Ind sent me. 

Q, Did yon ever havo ft <>ontr«Ter»T wi|h J, P. 
IiuLlierfonl f A, ft o, 

Q. Have Tftu evtt liad! Any differeaee witli him 
wi!h rpsp^ct to the manner in which you dis- 
f harped your duttep- as roaa nermntt A. Ojity 
»ome eorrespondenc* which itr. Buthurfoni di- 
rected to me on sonur hfnpsay infornistirto ho 
hnd rfceiyed out at Hadn* oiwaninfr We nf liixinK 
Mr. Moylft mith me to Ttoifioe ind aukinp that 
ifr. V«yTo read hi* Jitter to >fr, Rutherford, 
vhifh I drnicd Bnrl famished proof ot ita dental. 

Q. Did yoo. ever aafc or invite Mr. lloyin to read 
the sabatanca of the contents of hi* If tie;) A, 
No, T did not. 

Q. Did yon ever invito J(r. Ifoylv to f*ftd any 
nf the charjrrFi tl:r,t he hail mada against tho Bsthol 
family t A. I did not. 

Q, Did you ever preside at the Milwaake* com- 

Earury Fink— Far Plff^-Crosi 

pony of the- Jehovah's Witnesses at a Watah. 
Tower iituidy whea yon asked Mr. lloyle. to jjet 
*i;j S«d read hin jitatemenlt A. I e^iked Mr, 
Muytc 1o stale befrire Che issemhly sl'iidy there 
lii« posnion with reference to the work that we 
■ivfrt; lEien d»inj;, in wliieh lie waa alio engaging 
vlnlelteutediv, bo ;l>at tlie asKcinhly, the as- 
xtfialilctl audience, might know whetlbcr ha vmn 
in favor ot our work and the Satiety'* vrork 
or agaLnftl it. 

Q. And UiLf Mtatetnenl that yo« hluntifitd i» the 
out that you a^keii hipn t« rcJul, Wfuuit itT A, 
1 did not ukS; Jdm tt> read that specifically. I hod 
aitkwl hiui to iiinke a itatenjent. Instead of 
iiiakinj.7 a Klntriiicnt lie read that which I had 
htvef seen before. 

<J, Did you have any convcrsatioa with Mr. 
Jloyle lwf(>re lie read tljt: tfalefrKSt? A, Ttt, I 
aiiked hitu ihut I was jr<fing t« 6c! tlic minds of 
the friends in Hie Ktudy at ease, and asked hiibi 
[hut niphi 1o state before us eoLLetlively whether 
he utiik there for the parpopo of cau&injr dtsim- 
ninn or trOaiilo »r wlieilier lie was ynpapinp with 
mi in thi* Kinpihun activity and wanted to imrk 
with iik wjuiii-l ii'n rledly . That in the <|Benlimi I 
1 1 -it \i\ liim m that time. Then innteod of making; 
i! ntnteibien), vhkfc I expected him to d^ verbally, 
he had pri'psirfd r. Eelter which 1 identified before 
njitL which be read. 

Q. Elad you diieussed witlt hint prior t<? the 
meeting about what tori of a utatemcnl he wa* 
going to niakef A. No, I diiln'1. 

Q. How did yau know lie »■*» goins; to make a 
j.lali-nient1 A. J was git'mg to ask him to moke 
a Klutemeflt »ud he had— 

Bttrvty FtpuV— For Plf.—Crot* 

Q. Had you diMnsscd why you. were going to 
auk hiiEi tu make a statement f A. Tea, air. 

Q. When 4> that! A. A day or so prior 
to the lime this action was tjihen on my pait, 

Q. Wliere was itl A. It whs tot;en in the Odd 
Feltown' ilall on Tenth Street where We held 
our jton^ral niortingii. 

Q. That woh fwo dayji before liiis rnectiugT A. 
I chin 'I know how many daya. It may have been 
lie mint day, hut it wax jont prior to the time, 

Q. Identify tbnt letter, rdtu;« (handing letter 
to witseim>, A, This in a k'ttrr thai Qjhparfiilly 
Mr. IFowlftt hrrujjdit with him on hil vim it t» 
Wisconsin and read lo the asscmbSril eotnjinTiirpi 
in oux zone in the Odd Fellows' Hall, 

Mr, Cnviairlnn: T ihfTe.r it in evidence. 

Mr. Brucl)hr,;;iien: No ob^eclioii. 

(Reeeiveil in evidence aiul nuirked De- 
fendants' Exhibit A.) 

il. On nr almut (bat litne, thai same time, dhl 
ynu linvc anv cnrrc»fxin(iera'c wiih Jiulji^! l^dlher- 
Tonl a« t» your activity n* rant MnTflAtt A. I 
did r yes, 

Mr. Covinploni I want to tender thi* 
letter in evidence. 
The Court: Ask a Ojiiestion. 

tj, "Will ynu f*l««* identify this letter. A, This 
in n Idler that 1 wrote to Mr. Rutherford on rVp- 
temher l£, 1113!). It is a letter that '[ wrote of my 
own volition reporting tn Mr, liutberford the 
UtEriti** nf Mr. O K. Jroyle. I did this — 

The Court: Never mind what yon did. 
ghow it ta Mr. UrueuhftH»cJi, 

llaraty Fink — For Plft. — Cress 

i!r. Covington: I offer in evidence the 

Mr. ltrnrJihauwnr I don't know who 
underlined this in rwl jiencil. Is that part 
til Urn h'ttt-r y«| ftTOte ia red fjeneill 

The Witnrss: N*o. 

Mr. hniclilkonsen: I should then thi;ik 
'hut l\'H:im.'L slnuld offer Ll without the 
red prneii markingii. 

Tin* t'onrt; "ion have no nhjection lo 
the Idler T 

.11 t. rimrbiinuHPn: I have no obieellon 
lo tin: h'tler. 

The f'.tiirl: The eof>y Kill r* rert'i^nL 

Thill letter will mil be nmrkeil if i'. I in;; 

Any ]jiuii*il iiiarkiiicr.s on it hut the copy vrill 

l'i>; ru'eiveiL nr H'lse lii^ p'liril iiuirkili'rs W-|S| 
In" t-niKcil, 

Mf. Cov fasten: \l'e would like io have 
it uinrkrd for i<knlifkation and then nie 
will niLikc n copy and fsiliKtitnte it. 

lltetvivcd in eviilcnee and markeil De- 
feudaitls' rixiiihit tt.) 

Q. ll™ yort M'cn !hat letter that you have in 
your Juutd now lM»forel A. Yes. 

(J, Wluil i* lliatl A. That i«. a Intter that I 
wrote tn Mr. Kitiljerford u<n R«"p(ein!ier 2tst, in 
ri-|)ly to two lets em he wrote me on September 
l!tth r and *enl In -rtte Air Moil, ^periat Delivery. 

y. Vnii have 1hc nrigjnals of the letters sent lo 
you t A, Ye??. 

t), "With yeul A, Mr. firnehbausen has ihein. 

Mr, Covington: Let's have them, 

Harvey Finlb — For Plfj—Crttl 

Tha Court: Are they hein^ fjfftred in 
i£r. Covington : Yei. 
Th* Court; Show it to Mr. Brnch- 

Mr, EruchhauLea : No objection, if tho 
markinga o n it tr* rutted. 

Tte Court- We will fake it and tee 
that it ia not marked' b*fare it goes to 
lh« jury, 

Mr. Covington; ifait it in evidence. 

(Received, in evidence and marked I>e- 
feadaata' Kihibit CO 

Q. What do you have in your haad there nnw I 
A. A letler written by Mr, Hutherford to rue on 
fieptamher Ifllh. 

i'r, Covington: I will offer that La 


Mr. Bruchbauseu: May I see that a 

The Court: Certainly. 

Mr, Urucliiiauseu: Js'o objectLon, 

{Received in evidence and marked De- 
fendants' Exhibit D.) 

■J'l-c Court: What ia tltat letter I 

The \Vitneai: This is a letter also 
written by Mr, Rutherford to me, on Sep- 
tember 19th. 

Mr, Covington; W* offer that in evi. 

Yir. BrtrbhauEen; No objection if the 
markings are erased, 




Han-ey Flux—For Plf^—Crtst 

The Court: The marking? wQI ftll b* 

(Received in ei'idenca #nd watted De- 
fendants' J-:5ibJbit K.) 
Q, ])i<! you receive an}' letter* from Judgu 
Rutherford ifttr tluilT A. Not that I recall. 

(J. l>o you recall rwieiving a letter dated Oe- 
loher 3, ISSit A, I danl remember— Y™, I 
think I do. If I could CM tin letter I think I 
ouuld identify it. 

Q. T hand jOU. thi* letter* A Yca, I reman- 
l>er this letter. 

Q. Where is the original (o that! A. I think 
Mr. Ilrurhluiitspn should linve it, 

Mr. Itruchhnusen : What ilalfc it thnlT 
Tin ^YiUiesi: October 3rd. In the 
one in n r«ij]y of October 6th, 

Q. 1* lhin the cordon enpy of the one tlkAt yog 
rerorrodt A Yen, I mueniher receiving it. 

Mr, r5rnohbo.usen; Wail » hiinllt*. 
The Court: Hnve you the original 


Mi-. l!-!'i;-'-il,rti;-i-i : A long; Utter, 

Hawey Fiak~~For Pif. — Cmfi 

you hod had <*rmpOT5dCD« with reference to 

Mr. Moyte's activities with Jud£0 Rutherford 
(bid ilia, attitude towards the Society T A. I was 
Under lilt iiuppennio n I hud no correspondence 
wftli II r. Rutherford until you allowed me thoia 
letters in which I reported to him Mr. Moyte's 
activities voluntarily beforo Mr, Hewlett came 
hero. I took the question to mean after Kr, 
Knwlctl left did I object to it, 

Q. When is the ln*t tirta yen tvtr. the orginilj 
of these letters! A. Well, I read over **me of 
tin-in before I came ont here. 

Q. You pnve them nil to air. Bniebhousen, 
didn't youl A. Yes, sir, 

Q. When did you five them to him T A. I 
gave t\1»o»* lettem to ilr. lirudihiusen lozt week, 

Q. And you have been in Ken* York Wfjtr 
since! A. 1 iiave seen here ever since. 

Q. WuiLinjr for this trial T A. I nm here 

Jiartly on I>uhlili>iik. 

Q. Do yon wont to cJmnge your testimony! A. 
I can testify that I did have that correspond 
dcsicu that you referred to and raarked Kathibit— 
whatever it wni — with Mr. Rutherford, 

Harveg Fink— fw Plfr-Cmt 

now connected. I told h))n Umt he was actively 
eiiffasiJ in the Kingdom work, was engaged in 
[Ik; itwlio< *':t!i u.4. aa the rest of us were, that 
lit was not 0'inKBjing the work, tEiat ho had 
njjuken highly of the Society since his return, 
in view uf which J. feh it wan my Uh nation duty 
I* receive him us One of the breUurea and nfly 
tliflureiicei which lie might Itnve had with Mr, 
ilatherfonl 1 feit would he belter Forgotten Lian 
broaght U[>- 

tj, Uii.1 yon If'l liiiii ivhiit it was thai would 
In, uelltv tlutn hionpht u]iT A- S|Ht- 
ri&eaUy, no, wiLhuut refertjice to the letters Hint 
you have. 

Q. Why '* it you rein^iuher distinctly, and you 
nin't rrittrlHJVf wliat you *aid afttr yo(if mind 
hiss Ix'cn rt<fl«di«d on the fact, and you have 
tliadui,-!! your t<^timony — 

Mr. liruchhausen; I object to that, 
Tli* Court; Objection suiitaini;,!. Tint 
in slrirlls for the jury, 1'lense don't 
nuke any statement* in this courtroom. 

.Mr. Covinplon: We oicenl to tlie re- 
mnrks of the OurL 




RaTYts FirtA^-For Plf> — CrMt 

(Bcccived in Evidence and marked pe- 
fendanta' Exhibit 0-) 

Mr. Covington: Tha date of this letter 
ii September £5, WW. 

(J. Now, how many eopies of Ihia litter did 
joil have priatedf A. I don't reeali- 

g, V.MI, approximately! A. Posaibly 300. 

Q. 30JT Vt'liere did you tiave it printed 1 A. 
In IVauwalcm*- 

Q. And do you know whether of not you mailed 
[|,i.iii ail to friends of yournl A. I don't know 
if 1 DtaiUxl them ill, out I united the greater per. 
lion, of them to Jriende of. mine, 

(J. Did yon turn this printed letter over to 
anybody dim for ibitributiont A, I think I sent 
a eepj- uf 11. at letter to the Society, but 1 am not 

Q. Von are not positive! A. No. 

0,, 1H4 yon turn a copy of (hi* lett?r anr to 
anybody else for distribution I A, Mot thai I 
raull, no. 

(J. Did JOT ever jrivo Mr. Moyle s copy o( thit 
letter' A Ye*, I did. 

y. J low many copies did yon pv« ki|»f A I 
don't retail, 

Q, Was it one, two, or three, or how many! 
A. Mr, Movie wan in the office with us at the 
time and the eO[;iea of the letters were, there. 
lie bad aeces*— 

The Court: You have been *sked 
whether, or not you gave littn one, two, 
tares or more copies 

A. More, 

flo/uey Ft**— For Pff,— Crwj 

Q, How many! A, I don't know, 

Q. Approximately! A I have no idea ap- 

Q, Did Mr, Moyte help yon frame that letter T 
A tie did not. 

Q. Did you hare any conversation with Mr. 
Movie with reference lo framing; that letter! i 
I told liim 1 intended to wTilft that letter, ye*, sir. 

Q, Did ynu discuss with him the contents there- 
of T A. Only very ^eneratty. 

Q, And did ynu discuss with the eontcnti! 
of trie letter which he had printed also J A Only 
generally, in that b* told lit* he w»t going 16 
write such a tetter. 

Q. When waa lhatt A. About the aanie litoe 
1 wrote my tetter. 

Q. When did yon have tin* printed t A- 1 
don't know, hut I ansume at the name place. 

Q. "Wlia.1 ih the same plsee that yon refer to I 
A. In Wn iiwatopa (here is a little printer. 

Q. The name of it T A. I don't even remember 
x-: .».- : ft™ 1 1 y. It may have been Benoit Printing 
Company or— 

Q, Printing Company' A. Tea, air. They 
pahiiiO.a little paper there, a local paper. Or it 
may J'livc been l.eFebrc, Prinlinir Co, They 
specialise in stationery, and thinps of that kind. 

The Court: We are not concerned with 
what they specialize in. You have been 
nuked a very definite Question, what is the 
name. Please don't make speeches. 

Q, You tnke year tetter down, and have iii 
printed on the same day that hi a was printed! 
A. I don't recall, 

llarvtj Fink— Far P\ff<—Cnsi 

tj. Dill you ro to the printer together f A. I 
d'hn'l recall that. 

Q. Y*fl don't recoil (bat! A, No. 

(J. When do you ri'caH ieeinjr Mr. Moyle's 
printer! leltert A. When it eame hack from the 

q. When was thatf A. i fcuppow n Tew day* 
- n frw day* iftrf iiie Ictlor wan dated. 

ii. And what printer did it cmie l>4"'k from, 
Lis h'tti'rt A. 1 don't recall that. 

ij. IVnn it ei1ln.r >:.?.? of I lie tvo Itiat you have 
iiu'iitiirinil! A. It nui-t hnve hcen. 

t^. ["ijuhl it Iulvh! Ijih'h any ;i;!icr prhderT A, 
It inittd hail- bwc. I til, if oo itehjiite reoolloo- 
tion about ! I m*e detaitn. 

(J. ])hj you recollect tbr 'tc'nil nhoiit vhat 
jirinlrr it wa.i that printed your h-Kerl A, Xo, 
1 diVt. 

Q. J! until have- ln-cn any itlhtr (lian these two 
yiiii iiii'iilLotit-dl A. ft ciiuld hnve hecn. 

(J, IV hick oni'f A. 1 don't rcmoiuher. 

if. I'j'.i you pay for Ihi* jirtntin^ hy ebect or 
in i-ajilit A. I d'ho'l I'eridt that cilttcr witJiWit 
rpfarrinjc 1o my rtrwd*, 

H^. IVlh-re diil ynu pet (lie ro-iilinfi list to send 
tlnit letter! A- Well, an iione Servant I had a 
lisl nf all of ttic friimlK in thN parltcolar aiea, 
and irii'mtK of my own, nnd I upitl it. 

Q. And they were Jehovah"* Witne^pes, ii that 
rjj;htt A. Yfft, »ir, 

Q. And (hi« j^ M'hnt yira call An Opcri letter 
Tu JelmvatiV WiLneimeur 1 A, Yen, air. 

Q, I» thai letter in fnvor of or apainat tho 
Society! A, That in a letter Hftainat (bo 
Society's practice*. 


Harvty Fink— For Ptf.—Crvt* 

Mr. Bniehltanaen: I object to that. 
The Coartr ObjKlion auatained. The 
letter upeaki for itself. It ia in evidence, 

(J, Wheu did yon learn that 0. H. Moyle waa 
the attorney returning from Brooltyfi, New 
Vert to resume pritcliiM! of the law! A. Poasihly 
a we*t before he actually arrived. He wrote me 
a short note alatinjr that he wu* cooiinp hack 
from Wifeonsin, but no details. 

Q. Did you know before (heal A. No, ' 

tt Prior to that I Ustntne that yon thought 
that Mr. lloyte and Ida rctnlion? wills the So- 
ciety were perfectly satisfactory, Juin't jionf 
A- To*, ftir. 

Q, And prior (0 thai I gisens you b*A never 
heard of any complaint ihs! h* had against (he 
Society, in that right, A, No, he wan aaiisiied 
with hit work and t kne™ of no spceille insiance 
where he bed any eomplnint that tic mentioned 
to ii.i- or that I enn rceell. 

Q. Prior to that I assume that lii* life at 
fiethel had been very nalMactoryl A, I just ns- 
auln*) it waa. 

Q. So far M yon know! A. As far be I krtOJf, 

Q. Kever any compla'tn mai^e about the con- 
ditions! A- No, 1 knew he didn't partieularty 
like to live in Now York hecnnne he came from a 
small town. 

Q. Rot j>ntaide of that! A. I don't ran.]] any- 
thing specific. 

Q, How frequently did you »ee 1'r. Moyla 
from the time that he went to New York in 
1D35 until ho returned to "Wiasonainl A. Poa- 


Iiawey Fi*k—Far I'l&.—Ctnss 

Sihly only once * J"ear, either when I west to 
New York on. bnaioesD— 

Tlie Coiirt: Approximately onee a year 
fa the answer, if that is what it is, 

Q. Did yon ever have a conversation *i^ bins 
prior to the tirae (bat you first met him after 
he returned from New York; about liii intend- 
ing to c*me back! A. Not (hat 1 can recall 

Q. Outside of tiie communicalion ll.ot yon got 
from hi'n thnt you mentioned, did yon ever heur 
from him ehont that! A. Not tlmt f fun recall. 

Q. Ton say yn'i have known Mr. Moyle since 
1922! A. Yea, sir. 

Q, TTow did you come 1o gel »ce|i!ainted with 
Mr. Moyle T A. Mr. Movie attends the same 
Bible meeting that I did- 

Q, la that the Watch Tower Bible £ Tract 
Societv! A- 7ea, sir. 

fj. Jehovah's "Witiienite*! A. Yes. rir. 

Q. And you srv lie Ffwite, I believe, at theft* 
meetings, ia that correct! A, Periodically, he. 

Q. And did he make jpeeehe* upon she Bible! 
A. Yes. 

Q. Aod did be make ipeeekus npon the Watch 
tower Bible A Traet Society! A. Yep. 

Q. And he generally preechfd sermona. is that 
right! A, He did. 

q. At those meetiuFSl A. Yes, eir. 

Q, Siiiee lie has left FMliel have ynu ever heard 
any sermona that Mr, Moyle has preached t 

Mr, Bniebhauwn: T object to it, 
The Coort; Objection *astained. Ei- 
esplion to the defendants. 


llarrttf Fink— Far Pl$.—€fQM 

Q, flave yon ever allended aay meetinga of 
any of the Pastoral Bible Institute meeting* or 
the Dawn mectingaT 

Mr, Bmchhaoien : I otjeet to iL 
The Conrti Objection uOBiained. Ili- 
oeption to (he defendnats. 

Q, Before Mr, lloyte left IQIwiakt*, did ho 

attend the same Bible elndiea of the fast v. id 
Elide roalimte Uiat you didt A. Yec, *ir H 

Q. He didt A. Y«, *ir. 

Q, And when did he begin attending the Pas- 
toral Bible Institute studies! A. I don't rce-all 
Rpeeiueally. I think it was in tha anmmer of 


Q, How lone; did he continue to attend taeb 
fimdiesT A. "Until hi* moviBjr io Johnson '■ 

Q, TVaj be ever a traveling representative, 
has he ever !*en H travetini; representative of the 
Pastoral Bible Institute ! A. lie doea some 
traveling now under their eaupieea, at leaat he 
is listed in their magazine. 

Q. For what purpose does ho travel for lb* 
Bibla Institute 1 

Mr. BrucJshrtttsen: I object to tlmt. 
The Court: Objection sustained. 
Mr. Covin r(ton: We except, 
The Court: Yes, exception to th* de- 
fendant*. Proceed, please, 

Q. Do you know Lotand And L&uri. RoH*«f 
A- Yea. 

Q, And when did you first become arqnsintcd 
with Leland Md Lanra Bonsef A. PoasiWy 
sometime after 1922. 




Barmy i*"iitlt — Far Plf.— Crest 

Q. And who nre Wand aid Lanra Boa not 
A Mra. Roubh is Mr, Miyle 1 *- sister. Leland 
Rouse is her limhandV 

Q. And they were formerly connected *ith the 
Wuteh. Twer Eihl* & Tract Society, wer* they 
□ l:1 A. Yes, sir 

Q. Have you ever mide any ittaelss, personal 
attacks, upon Jvd£* RutlierfordT A. No, 

Q. 1 ns,k you wither or nut during Ihe latter 
part of August, 15.W, or the fir*t part of Sep- 
tember, 1DI5L*, you made pernOmd attacks upon 
Judge Hutlierford, verbal attacks. A, Not that 
I recall. 

Q. Dn you know Giia 1'nulnal A. I do. 

Q. Who ia Cua PjiiiJnut A. Gal 1'aulaa is a 
Tnrndsnr of the Jlilwaukee compnny of Jeho- 
VD>| ""(c vri1at«fC*i 

Q. Ha* lift continued and ia he Hf a member 
of the MiLn'nuhftt Company T A As for aa 1 

(J, Tin ynu Irnnw aitftfar or not you rn*d* 
a "tatemrnl to Unj Paulas attacking [he char- 
acter and integrity of Jwdft* HutherterdT A. 
f do not remember any *Uvh statement. 

(J. Hid you mult* nidi a statement? A, Not 
Out ] rem! I, 

Q. f}n ynu have aity doubt about it, pltaset 
A I raid no, T did not. 

Q. You did notf A- No, 

Q. J wji] ask yon if you know of Ro^er Mar- 
^uttT-rlf. A, "Ves. 

Q. Did you. Itave a conversation with Roter 
Marqunrdt Bt the; phien.po Convention irt 19SDI 
A, I micbt have. I don't recall, 

Q. T>ld yon. see Marqunrdt at that con-rea. 

Harvey FutA^-ZV Flf^-CrotM 

tionf A. I don't recall. He might hiTe been 
{J. You do oot recall f A. I don't recall, 
(J. Do yoa remember having a conveTttllol) 
with Mr, Jlftniuardt at the Chijcage Convention? 
With reference to the fact that Mr. Moyle in 
tlicn planning on reluming to- Wisconsin to 
enirape ia tin? private practice of law, prior to 
tha June meeting at the Madison Square Gar- 
den! A, Would yoa repeat it, please T I didn't 
follow ynu, 

The Court; Read tho question. 
(The foregoing question n'n* thereupon 
read by the Court Reporter,) 

A No, 

Q. You nay you did not have each a convcrBE- 
linnT A. Not that I recall, 

Cj. Not tlint you can recoil Had ynu had any 
correspondence belwcerl you and lit Moyle 
prior to June S-V, 193&T A. No. 

Q. Von flid. nntT A. No. 

Q. No correspondent? wt bUT A, Not that I 
rcvjiil jtt all. 

Q, ?Cn vonimariicatioTia t A. No, bit. 

Q. Did you erer tell aHjnody liiAt yoa had rt- 
crived a Mvnuii-unEfatioii fmm Mr, M#>'lct A, 
^n, tstf-pi general lettera (hat I revived ptri- 
oilical I y. 

Q. Did you reeeive a generaJ periodical lefter 
hctwrpo [he month of Jane, ](«39, or the month 
of. May. innat A No. I miflbl hart. 

Q, In that jrencral letter did Mr. Atoyle *l-a)e 
to Tun hii intention of return injr from Brooklyn T 
A. No. 

Q. He did notl A No. 

Jlarets Fink— Par Plf.—Crvst 

The Court: "We •Rill taken mi adjiiura- 
inent uafil 10 o'clock tojnorrow morjiiiijr. 
ricane d> not rfi.ito^H [lie caw) ertm 
anion (fj,t youraclvr'B. 

( Wltert'tipon, an adjournmtint waa taken 
until 10 o'clock, May IS. 13J3.1 

Wndnesday, May 12, 15^3, 

(Trial continued pursuant to 

Mr. CoviDgton: Xfay it please yvw 
Honor, there vas anr. mailer of roaline 

thai I rn-fi!ce,lcd 1o optct with Mr. Fialt 

yrtfti piny. May I ask him concern in,ij 

TLe Court: I3y all jaean*, JfOtt m*J 

jTATll'KY FTNK riKuined the utand and teitt- 
fied furl her ns foltowaj 

JTefrtt.5 ti-AmiitiiSiQB Siy ,, Co viirrrttm : 

Q. Mr. Kink, did you fnnnid^r Dial yon nrlml 
wrunj; ur (tnjjropfHy m-hfn you n^kwl Mr. Mnylo 
[>> ri'jid hi^ alnhMrmt bf Fon (be Milwaukee Cam- 
|iany, in Sn'ptrnibyr, in^Qt 

Mr, TlmHihfli^H'a; I object to it aa in. 

The Court: fjuatained. Hree|>tion to 
the defendant!. 

Barvty Fink— For P{ff.~Cratt 

Q, Bid you ever make a itaterOePl t# *ayon» 
condemning the. action of Mr. Moylct A. Coo- 
deuinlnc; the action of Mr. ifoyleT 

Q. Yea, A, No, not that 1 remember. 

Q. Did you ever participate in the. resolution 
that was pasaed condemning the allien of Mr. 
Moyta and JIjso pledging full loyalty to the So- 
ciety's ride of ihe controversy f xlfter Mr, Moyle 
read hij >tatt-cnentt A. I Toted yes to tb* re»o- 
Luliou tlial Mn lain*] an eipresf-ion of loyalty to 
the Society, hut I did not participate in that if 
it eonlairLL-d anything about condensing Mr. 
Moyle. No, I ne*tr condemned htoa. 

Q. Did you e-ver maJ^e * statement to anyone 
in wriliiiK that you had acted wrongly aaid iio» 
properly In n^.kJni; Mr. Moyle to read hi* slnte- 
nieat befure the Htfilnfaukw Coir.pany? A, Tc«, 
nif, I wrote Mr, Hutlierford to tlie efleet that in 
viei.* of the tniiunderttondiisp, n.ppai ently, which 
nr0*e over my asking l£r. iloyle to nsake a ?tate. 
ment of bis loyalfv to the Society, I aubnequcntlf 
nlated that 1 nppfirendy was wi-oa|r in aasomino; 
l!iat minority ndthout fsrcst conanuaicatlno; with 
llio Society, even though the fact* rtimai'iied tlie 

Q. Ia tiiia (ht letter [ hundin e; letter to ^it- 
neas)1 A Yea, that ia the letier. 

Ml. Covingtoa: We introduce thftt in 


\li. Bruchbaueen; No objection, 

(HeceiTed in evidence ftnd marked He- 
fendrnitB' Exhibit II.) 

<i. Turn tha le(t*r fiv« and K* i' that ia tbo 
letter that you gDt in respouse, it * copy of the 


Iliirrty Fink—FoT Flff.—CrCii 

litier (hat you £ot ia re.Bponae, from Judge 
Kntiwrford, A. Yes, rir, tbnt L». 

Q, TiVho ha* the origmai of that! A- I (hint 
it is eiliier Mr. BnetkbtUNa has it or in the file 
tliat 1 gave Mr. Moyle. 

Mr. nrwhhaiistin : I didn't see the 
bin'k. Is i.-:-l'. eufijiinitd to be in evidence! 

The Court: No. it ■* not in eiidenee. 
But if there ia no objection we wil! hiart. it. 

Mr. ] ! f miiihaiiii: i : I will lock at it, I 
have never seen it, 1 don't think. 

The Court; Suppose yea read the back 
of it and aee if Ibtre is any objection. 

Mir. ISrucahsusm: Yea, I am doing that 
now. There ia no objection. 

The Coa _ t: Yd(i doa't have to make 
another exhibit. VC e will M ^uiae that both 
ii..,-;: art; now in cadence, 

(Mr. Coflltet^n reada Defendant! ' Ei^ 
hihit El to tlie jury.) 

Q. Xav do yoa want to oliSjtge your teatimony 
of yeslerday that you didn't take pftrt in aon- 
diTiininir Mn Movie 1 * action before the cotupwiyj 
A, I do not. 

y. Didn't yoa nw.'4n whnt yoti said hcra in 
your Htatt;liient concerning the resolution at the 
Milwaukee company 1 A- Yet, the resolution of 
Ihe Milwaukee eompnny nfl T read it waa a re*o- 
iaiion juuiurinjf Hie Society of the flass' loyalty 
1o it aa the Ceniral novcrnine; B&dy of Jo* 
ImvahV Witnesses, nolhinir more !l'ial I recall. 

Q, How lone; did Mr. Moyle ecxnpy tha Barne 
office wijh yeut A Hntii hia leaving- for John- 
son'* Creek. 

Harvty Fiab—For plf.—Creit 

The Court: ^VTiat wa» that in *. period 
of time, ia vha.t Mr. Covington want* to 

The Witness: From August I929 t 1 be- 
lieve, to Marcn. 1st, or thereabouti, 1941. 

Q, And during that time did you occupy the 
Bamo aCke, aarac — A. No, we bad separata 


Q. But it wan tliB »*uao aUJUhnr, iaa'l u,at 
right! A Yes, air. 

Q. Wliit woa the number of tha ofaceT A. 
For a while I had my olBco either at T21S— Weat 
North Avenue, and iutfcseqoe&tJy removed to 
lijy Underwood Avenue, larger offices. 

i^. llave you aince thii action nude any »toto- 
u:itjL5 tn anynne ceneeming tim action of Mr. 
Moyle in his assault against tha Society, «an- 
decming aimt 

The Court: You mean nan thin *aw- 
auit was started t 
Mr. Covington; Ye*, 

i. Not that 1 recall, 

Q. Did ilr. Mvyle pay rent to youf A. No, 
I gave hint sjjocO in Out oifico witlinut cbfiTge. 

Q, Lid lie work for you during th* time tliat 
hi wan ofrdr.g with youl A, He helped nc once 
in a whllv an matters for the rant that we did 
not ciiir,:; him for, 

Q. What sort of services did ho render for his 
rent! A. H* answered the h phona when I *« 
out, when there wn« nobody ela* in tha office, and 
periodically ha would help with th* fiUaj and 
such minor details. 



Han-erf Fifth— far Pltf.— Redirect 

<J. Did ynu pay hint any salary or anything 
Jihc that I A, Xo. For e-iu'liile I paid Mr. M^yle 
b j-inall »um of money lor being ;n the office and 
sec to U ".hat someone was tliere ail the time. 

(J. And did you pay him as long as ho fM 
1 i n ■ j- i> I A. No, I didn't 

Q. DM y«u ever advance hiin any money to Ijiv 
rviuLtd in the event Sit it UKSHstfii in Ihit eostt 
A. Ku, fir, 

0. Is lio obligated to ynu tor money now! A. 
No, sir. 

(J. Act yaiir expenses being paid for attending 
tine trial 'jf tliLa rai»cT A. Only partly, I tra li«e 
an business. 

y. Who ia pnyi^g ynur eipenscsT A, Mr. 
Moyle is paying part of Ihetn. 

Q. Who .« paying the other portt A- 1 ira. 

Mr. Covington; Thai in all. 

}(r/lirc£t r-Cam ilta tie* t^r ijr. 2?nK:Jiii4i»$en ; 

Q. Did you agree with this statement by Mr. 
Rrittarford ia his ItlEer nboitl "An entrapment 
by JI«rlt"i A, No, I didn't 

(^. In oilier w»rds, you have never changed 
your opinion nlmut Hark as yon expressed here 
tn^iiy, and have in your testimony! A. No, I 
haven f_ 

q. Yuu v:ere asked yesterday, as. T recall, about 
yi-.yr witlul rawing from Jchovuh 's Witnesses, do 
ygn reCnll fhat.1 A, Yes, I rtHMBtlHT it. 

Q. And Utat occurred whrnt A. Tn the spring 

Q. Were there any reasona other llisn »htt 
yon have given for your withdrawal I A. Yes, 

JeitjHi r. Jatol/t— for Fl$j—Direti 

Mr, Covington : That call* for an *X- 

prcssion of opinion, an ex parte dcelura- 
Tlio Court; Have you an nhjectionl 
Mr, Covington: "Yea, that ia my objec- 
The Court: The objection is suttainoel 

Q. You snid something about going to ft. print- 
ing oflii'cj or Pending a letter to a printing OLuee. 
Was tlmt of Jioltr own vol it mat A, Yen, sir. 

(J. And not the lithest or reuueat of anybody 
else I A, No, 

Mr. itruviibnuscn ; Thai ia oil. 

Mr. Covington ; No further questions. 

(The witness *at eicUaed-) 

JCSKP1I T. JACOBS, residing at 109 East 
Grnnd Street, I'ort Wa^liineton, Wbicottain, btiag 
duly sworn, testified an folio^a : 

Direct Ks.ani:iniiian by Mr, Brucliliausen: 

(j. What is (lie nature of your bue-Lnesal A 1 
am inspector. 

Q. Of whitt A In a tiiair factory. 

<J. Yon ]i(ive b«*n a^usinletl witk the plain tiff, 
Mr. Moylc, for bo* Jongf A. Aiwut IS >'*nrs. 

Q. Were you aJnlialed with JdioVab'i Wit- 
nesaeET A Yea, sir, 

Q. Aijsut liow longf A. Sinn 1S14. 

0. And at what place T A At M da'aukae. IVia- 

Q, Wiivn did you first iearn of this fomplaiat 
nude by Mr, HvylcT A. After September UU 

Joseph r. Jambs— For ft ff.— Direct 

1 w-an up in ttie nortliem part of Wisconsin apend- 
hiii my vataiiwL 

y. And Jn™ did you karo of it I A. Tlini^ii 
tbe W'ateii Tower. 

<J. Wn* tlmt tlie irticic oT bcp1emti*r J si wliieli 
his becu rL'1'erri.-d toT A, Yes, air, she Hrji!;:njn-r 
lHt article. 

Q. WilBt did vhiu. do ftflef vim n?nd tint article I 
A. Wtll, 1 rend it and 1 iliom-rd it to IBJ wife, 
and 1 wa« d tunned Ly 'die cunten'a. 

ij. I.'iil yetl evvr ;.!-!■ u topy uf Hie letter l hat 
Mr. .Muyb' wrolel A, i did, l»t«ir on in fjr-p- 

(J. Ami liuiv did yuu hec thatt A. 1 wanted 
\u knw tbe other iide (uid Mr- Moyk j^ave tn* 
liie k-ttiT. 

(J. At your rnineatT A. Ye^, Kir. 

(J. iJid j«U l*lk to anylnady abdut the letter! 
A. 1 diil not, 

(j, Have you had occasion to talk to any of 
JelKirab'g WitneiiiH-s uut Uiere oftcr tlie publicji- 
tioiw of the articles in tin: "Watcli Tower M list 
1-c.i- lni:ii rrft'ired lof A. Yea. 

i' : l Court ! JkferrLng to the pubtioa- 
t Lufi uf Sftptembw lutl 

Mr. BrucJiliauaen: Yea, I will limit my 

Q. Whether you had occaaion to talk to any 
of JcLuvalTn Witnesifa in and around Mitwuuki^e 
aft«r the publications of the October loth or 
November lath article!. 

Mr. C* via fftfln : We object to that, your 
Honor, t*taajte it ia i^uiiateriai anil ir- 
reh-viii ax to eariveraatiooa. 


Joseph T. JacoU—Por £>lf.— Direct 

The Court: I (link it ix very material 

Thus* are t!ie question* *■* are here t* 

deeid*. The objection ia overruled. Ei- 
CtpliciB to :h« defendanla. 

ill. Coringtou: We miAe Uie addi- 
tional reason tfiut it also cull* for an ei- 
preasien, Of ]!e»rga.y tcEtimony. 
The CoOrL: (JbjfrCtioa overmled. 
Mr. Coviuglon; Jiseeption. 
Mr. Urnehbauaen: I will reframe the 
qi>!;lion if 1 may. 

The Court: We will strike out tba u,UC»- 

lion and the objection and we Trill hear 

(lie new <iueslion so as lo keep lb* record 


Q. Do you recall reading the article in tlie 

"Wateh Tower -1 of October 1$. 13OT, entitled 

■*Inforsm(iOh"f A- I do. 

Q. And did yen in respect to Ihnl artiele have 
occasion to talk to any of Jehovah's Wit ne**?* t 

Mr. Covington: We make the name ob- 
jection that it ia a conclusion, thai it ii 
ininialeriuJ and irrelevant and enlli for 
hearaay teatintony. 

The Ceuit; The objection ia over- 

Exception to the defendant. 

Ia thip the allele of October iSlhr 

Mr. Brucbliansen i That ii right 

A- I believe I did. 

Q, Aad ran you give ua any detaile of when 
and wh^re and wish -whom you did thatf 

Mr. Covington: W/ e biv* tin iiffle ob- 
ja-'.Il.:i to thia qaealioa, 


Jt>sepH ™. Joeebi — Far Pltf. — Direct 

The Court: Borne ruling. 
Mr. Covington: We except. 

A. W*ll, ^"i1h aartxal of the oojomitiee Owt 
hud to do with (he giving out of territory in 

Q, Wtml wjia the statement that was roadel 
A- 1 didn't comment much about the article at all 
1 believe I refrained from saying anything, as 
far oh 1 con recoi'ect. But the others' of Jcbo- 
vjih'< Witnesse* commented ahout it and naid it 
itiunt Ljh'f iji'L-n the un:ui »1 aknM« truth, because 
of the foci tliat the beard of directors put their 
a|ip ravel Ufion iliat iriler, 

g. Am] did yen attend n-.cetingi regialwly *t 

Milwaukee) A. Every Sunday. 

Q. And did you notice anything at thoce meet- 
ing as lar as die altitude Towards Mr. Moyle 
vslj eenceri'.edr A. I did. 

Q. And what did ydu noticrt A. The attitude 
Inward Mr- Moylc was jpr-crtJly a Kbunninjf tyf 
him and looking upon him with, I would say, 
conl iraijil. 

<j. And did you read the article entitled, 

"^nsri's" tlmt w-os puUifbed in the "Watch 
Tower" on November l5thl 

Mr. Covington: May it be understood 
thai we lif-ve the mtot objection to this 
line of tofilirnonv. 

The Court: You take tba objection ao 
you kecr> yout reeord Blrnigbt 

Mr. Coi'inglnn: Yes. 

Tne Court: The objeefion is overruled 
and exception to the defendants. 

A I did. 


Joseph T. Jacob*— For Piff. — Direct 

Q. Your answrr ia v.-batt A Yea, *ir, L did. 

Q. And W«i y«u atill attending meeiingi of 
Jenovnb'a Witneasca in Milwaukee at the linte 
tbnt article WU published I A I did. 

Q. And what, if anything, did you uo!ico about 
(he attitude at the meetings of Jebovnh's Wit- 
nesses toward Mr. Moyle and his femily after 
that article waa published T 

Mr. Covington: That calls for a cou- 
cliiciou on the part of the ivitnesa and we 
oh>ect to it for that reason. 

The Court: The objection is overruled. 
Exception to lb* defendants. 

A. It continued, the same condition. 

The Court: Bid if get any worwa or 

The Witness; I believe it got worae 
rigli^ along. 

Q. How did the people in the meeting act 
towards Mr. MoyleT A They shunned Mr. 
Mcyte, He was by hioiself mest of th* liro(, 

Mr. CoTinptcnj We moine fcj nrrike out 
all tiiis Ike of testimony that baa heen 

given by the ii-ilnes^ rupreHKi/ig an opin- 
ion as to the notion and conduct of rrcm- 
bers of Jehovah's WitncBsea towards Mr. 
Movie on the ground that ii. ia evidently 
an c;>inion and eonctusion on the part of 
the witness. It in hearsay testimony. 

The Court! Motion denitd. Excep^on 
to the defendant. 

Mr. Covington: For the further reason 



1J i 

JoigjA F. /fl«os— Far flf.—Dirtct 

that it is LnUtiitfri*.! ftJii irrelevant and 

ww move to strike it oot for that reason, 
flit Court; Sume ruling. 

q. Do you recall On incident which occurred in 
which tin- study leader, Mr, ^VorUi. wa« involved! 
A, I tin. 

Q. 1VIH you tell uk the detail! ilwrt that, A, 

There w;lii a little group slarted around Rrown 
Boor nml the meetings were held at Mr. Meyer's 
home and Mr. Worth came to the meeting— 

Tins Court; Fin a lime if yon old. 
Tl« Witnwa: Before it really started, 
nljnut PieiTU o'clock. 

Q. AImpuI what dulct A. It was in the fall *I 

q. Wjik it s,fU>T Novcmlier 18(11 And after 
tin* "Knar*" artiek*1 A. Von, nir, after all 
llnruc ntramueBS. 

[J. Thin Wat nHf Milwaukee! A. Yes, sir, 

Q. [n win! town! A. Brown Df*r. 

<J. What took place there I A. Mr. Worth 
t-aiLic to Mr. Meyer and said to him, "I have 
rthWthiajr" — 

Mr. Covington; Wo object to that as 
hearsay sad entirely immaterial and irrele- 

The Court i I haven't heard the U(*tT, 
1 will hear the answer anil then 1 will 
listen tn a nmtion to strike, out. Tlie objec- 
tiuri 1« the question U overruled, 

Mr, CoTiafton: We except, 

A. Mr. Wo fill told Mr. Meyer that lie would 

JOHph T. Ja#>b*—F»r Plf.—Pirtct 

Imvt- to ilisajageocinte mc because I was slowly 
qnd surely going out of tlie truth bth! he further 
told Mr. Mover, if 1 persisted — if 1 prmrtcd in 
thi» course I would g" into (he second death. 

Tlif Court; Now do you move to strike 
it nut. 
M r. C'ovinfiton : Yes, T mo ve Ui si rita 

it out. 

The Court : I will utrike out Hie ahiwer. 
Exception to the plaintiff. 

Mr. Covington: I ask (hat the jury be 
intruded n«t in consider thiri evi<ipnec, 

The Court: Anything (hat in ittrieken 
out of the record the jury knowB< T hope, 
that they are t« disregard entirely, 

Mr. Covinirtoni Do I tako it that all 
tlie testimony an to whnt ncrnrred i* 
fll ricked out t . 

The Court: ih'o, That dt*«'fr in 
*1rirken out iiecnune 1 think it kn* no beat- 
ing on (his raw at oil, 

Q. Were Hiokc people nt thin rsirtieulnr meet- 
rnjr J ehtiif itb 'it Witnesses, at the meeting you 
refer tol A. The""*" were new ones that enma 
in. Thin meeting waj just slerled wiTii new 

The Court : Wore they nil members of 
Jehovah's Witn**n«iT 

The WitMcs! 1 couldn't say definitely. 

Q, Were they attending tlio elan*e*1 A. Yea, 
Q r Thcjr wet* ntteadins and partioipatinpr in 

Jeicph T. Jacobs — J^or Plff. — Direct 

the work of Jehovah 'n Vi'ii neancfL t A. In that 
Jjin' L tin^. 

Q- Wa< Mr, Msyer "nc of the Witne*i!*tt A 
lie was. . 

Q, Awl Mr. WsTtht A- Ho wuv 

Q. Had they lieen afliliotcdl iitli the origflni?^- 
tion for RoiuetimoT A. They wore. 

Q. Waat wan kiu<1 then on that occasion be- 
Ivvim them, and I direct ynur aliention to Aay 
'.Lli-c u -■ t LL'H ahout thin article " Snares "1 A. I 
wax Dot at that nttcliru?. 

Q. Well, at any meeting that you altcudod was 
there arih di*cnx>ion bttweev Mr. Worth and yon 
and any oilier* in reference to the article 
"Snare*" and Mr. MoyleT 

Mr. Coving on: W* ohj^ to that as 
heinj; irrelevant and imnmteriftl, yonr 
Honor, and hearty. 

The Court: Thf ohji^tion in overruled. 
Exception to the defendant*, 

Mr. Coviofflon: jLni cnllfi for a codcIh- 

A. I rfon't rememhee, 

q. Was there any mcetinjr that yOu attended 
vIk-pc any distunsion wan held inth reference to 
this arlic'c "5inarH?x"f A. In little groups. Tthen 
W« j;ot topethcr, hut not in a puhlie- manner, 

Q. WfiwtheHejrroupnof Jehovah h a Witnesses I 
A. Tlncy «ert L . 

Q. What occorrodf 

Mr. CoTinpton : Thai it manifestly *tio- 
jeet to the Fianie objection. We object to 
it bec»ui>c it Lit irrelevant and immateria! 

Jsiepji T. J»evlit—F*r Plff.— Direct 

nnd colli for a oOnrinsinU end opinion on 
the part of the witnens, and heof*ny. 
The Court: Tho ohjection is OTerroltd- 
Mr. Coviajfton; We eseept, 
Q. WTiijLi oceurred at thens mceiinj^t TVaa 
thiit after KtwenibtT JSth, aft*r the "Snare»" 
article f A. Yen, Eir. 

q. Where din these meeting fate plneet A. I 
attended meetings at, WtsooiMin, aqd 
tliere were norne diFcoswona about the** arficleB, 
q. Give ui* tin; Jelnilii about those rli«oits*tea»- 
A. The Jehovah's WitlM****, the onen that I 
crime in rontnet with, believed the articles u 
slnted in the "Watch Tower," 

q. And what attitude did they exhibit towarda 
Jfr. MoylcT A- Tliey nhowed animosity towarda 
him and thoy n"ouldn1— 

q. Did they avoid hiinT A. Tlicy avoided him 
on every occasion. 

Mr. Corinj^Oft: We object and mo** 
that [iart of the answer where it saya 
"sliow'cd uninionity" ha stricken *s n con- 
clusion and opinion. 

Tlie Court: Motion dcnietL With ci- 
Q, Did they avoid himl A. Tlioy tfiu avoid 
q. Dili you know Mr, Bffifonf A. I do. 
CJ. Who k bef A. I believe be wa* the Com- 
pany's Servant after Harvey Fink was dismissed. 
Q. Was there any statement intnia by Mr. 
Kllison about his atiilmit toward* 11 r. Koyle in 
any meeting or In any group f A At one lime 


Joseph T. Jixrjb*-* Fit Plff—ni/at 

on a Sunday evening wbrn we Iftfl- -tbat was 
the I ant nieetiae; we »"ere there — tee Went over 
to Mr, Kllinon. tl.ree <>f un, and llr, ilnyer, Mrs. 
Jacolii and myself, c^-d Mrt. Jurohs taid to Mr, 
ICUiion: "The Watch Tower h not going; to tell 
i:.\ who our frieo'ii are," and the retort was, 
by Mr. Elhinn, "I woulflVt have anything to 
do with iir, Moyle," 

Mr. CoviniTton : Wa object to that as 
heornay and int.winjicfOTSt, irrelevant and 

The Court: Overruled, 

11 r. Covii.jftstTj i We except and move to 
atrike it out. 

The CVart: The motion is denied. 

Mr, Covjglon: EiCception. 

Q. Was this alter the pthhcatiooa of the arti 
ele<i or any of them T A, Yes, sir, it wit, 

(J, Was it »ft>ir tlie "Saares" article! A It 

Q. Are you still a member of the oripi.iiir:- 

tionf A. : u:n Ml, 

q. When did you depart from itt A, It mntt 
have heen in the summer of 1EI-10 ^hea I left, 

q, Did you Itatt any NtUM to them far 
leavsngT A. Not in a ])ublic way, only tbrt last 
remark thai Klliion made, and we left and I 
never seen any of them that I recollect after 
t!mt tiroe. 

Q, Wero tbost yonr reasons for leavinpT A 
WclJj there were other reasons. 

Mr. Cavlnfrtan: Wa wouldn't want the 
witness to eipreits Ibew and w* object to 

Jattplt T. Jacobs — far Piff^ — Cr^sa 

it M iaaaterial and irrelevant, other 

Tlie Court: Sustained. 
Mr. B riLi-h-oiujieu : That is alL 

Crott-examiKation by iir. Covington : 

Mr. Covington: At this Sims w« mow 
to strike out ail the evidence that ha* 
been given by the witness concerning con- 
versations with others, and the imprca- 
sioaii that ntlttri obtained from a reading 
of the article, 00 account of tin: f.itt that 
it is clearly incoraucten t, irrelevant and 
uxunatarial, and ez parte statements, and 
also calls for coneliurion* aoid opinions on 
the part of the wilaces. 

The Court: The motion is denied, with 

Mr. Covington : If yior Honor please, 
I would like to ask a few questions. 

y, Mr. Jacob*, have yon always Ireen in hwf- 
fflfthj' with the doctrines that ure to he roiintl In 
the "Watch Tower"! A I was not 

(J, tVSien did you fin-l hepin lo see dijc.'rhc* 
in the "Watch Tnwtr" to wliieh yon objecled! 
A. Id the fall of 1339. 

Q. Ill the fall of lflSD and not before that! 
A Xot particularly that I noticed. 

Q. Well now, did you follow Mr. Moyle t Did 
be IrVflMae* yon in Itavinjj the Society. A. He 
did not. 

(;. What orf;iniEntion are you now aifilintctl 
willi t A. I don't heionp; with any organisation., 

q, Dii, you attend any fiiido j(twlisn of any 




JiHTj>h T, Jneoh.t^F'ar ¥"lf.—Grn*t 

kiad now! A. Tw, tir, Jtilwaultee Bible Slu.- 

Q, Jt that the some one Mr. Fink attended! 
A, Yes, air. 

Q, Yah atony what it IrnoWn W itudying the 
Seripliiftftl A, Yea, frir. 

Q. In I hut connected with Hie Pastoral IUM« 
lustitmet A. It is not connected wifll the pnii- 
tnrnl Biblo Institute. 

Q. Where do you obtain the literature [hi I 
you study f A. t pot it in the rinil- 

Q, "Wlflt hsllt A. The hall where we mitt, 
the Qnild Halt, Republican Hotel. 

Q. At* yon related to Mr. FinVT A- r OIH Tint. 

Q, You lure* alvrnys, been n very eWe frii'nd 
of Mr, Moyie>, hove ynu nnlt A. T have hoon, 

Q. An<! JVM MtfUtal 1lif aininincnt in tin* Rrp- 
lember lnt "Watch Tower", did yen nut, when 
you rend ilT A. 1 r«ul it anil I he lie ve I paurd 
no eniiirjirnt nn it to anyone, 

fl. TJ"- <|iLi's1inu Hull I n*k i*: Tlid yon resent 
the Rtntraienl cnntjiined in the "Wati-h Tnwer"t 
A, T dirt not. 

Q. Hid ynu know that Mr. Mnyio tvus fofnvnfi 
hack to Wisconsin brfnre he arrived iq Mil- 
Tv.ilikrrt A- I did not, 

Q. When wan (be fir*t you learned thn| Mr. 
Moyle was, hack in Wisennsinl A. When I eamo 
hack from up North i» September (he first 
wer-k. of lWP. 

Q. And trhen iliil Mr. Mny'ic mine b,irk, or Aid 
yon learn tint he rn-tiinied to Wiscnnf-inT A. I 
do imt recollect Ihe e^act dale, I met liiin nf1i L r 
Si't>t?rn)*T. itie firs! neck in September. 

Q. Are you familiar with the "Watch Tnwer" 

jom/Ji 2\ J«iM*i— For Plff,—Grot* 

publications during the time thai yea. wer* One 
of Jehovah n s Witnesses! A I was. 

Q. Are yon famitinr with the deetrisie* that 
are contained in the "Watch Tevef" e*n*em- 
iag t!m CVll servant T A. I am. 

Q. Ami w'J>ftt fti-oup of io(!iviiluahi arc dis- 
cribod in the "Watch Tower" M toofllitntinj 
the evil aervantl A Those who doport from tjie 

Q. During the time that yea wen one of 
Jeiiovaii's Witnesses did you hane uccniion t; 
eonaider who that proup wan pnneratty blown 
S3 amongst Jehovah 'e Witurifetl A. I did sot 
— Will you re-atate that, please T 

The Court: Read the fjupsliou. 

(The forcfioinfi f|ues.thvn wan tliereupoTi 
read hy tho Court Rendrlur.) 

The Witness I undfratood HiaL all 
those wlio ioave the Society wjre ineuihera 
of that evi| servant class. 

(J. And wlio opposed I lie .^wiely, is ihni right I 

A. Yea. 

Q. TJuii in right. Ho j'ou non' opne?# the t>u- 
eielyf A, T do nn|, 

<^. Von liove left !)io Socipt;", tliat it right t A. 
I have. 

Q. And ynii nn Jmifi^r nuhi-frita lo i[\c rtoftrinos 
that jiri; lnnj;lit hy Jiiho villi '» Witn«s*cs, dr) J'litU 
A. I do uot. 

Q. Ton do not mow belong to any religious 
nrganiullinn, is l.:in: rigiitl A. MiiwanLi'n Hilihi 

Q r It thftt an organized religious, hodyT A. 

Joseph T. Jacobs — For Plf— Redirect 

We lune Klderu that give discour&e* and lead the 

into! ami the studies. 
Q. And during JJHfl and IMi who we» the 

KIiIith tlint j'uvc uisruEjiions at these meetingsl 

A. Do you want the names! 
q. Yes. A. Mr. llrockam&— 1941 T 
Q. LWO ami 191L A. 1940, V.r, Jtrotkism* it 

tiie *nly one. 

Tl« C'nuft: H*™ stoat WIT 
The Witbna: Mr, Fink, Jlr. Brael^raa, 
Mr. llimli and myself, the speaker, 

Q. Did Mr, Movie rver np*akl A- Y*$. 

<}. Iluw fri'.[ui!jtlly? A, Prvhtthly \Utvv tipne* 
a year, 

Q. And who jiri; llif snc:iihr-r* 1hiAt are hesvl it 
1 1 ii- PuaKvi-al iSihle Inxiitolet A, I nun 't name 
nil nf t liL-iu, I know m,!lic nf Uion, I kn<r* ilr. 
Hjignrond nnd 1', I~ Hefil, Tliey nre on the edi- 
torial WMWitKM, -r.ii TJiuinaon. 

Q. And "The DanTi"! 

Mr. BnxMianMi.: I object tD this tea- 


The (,'ourt i Sustained; *tril(e Out tlw 

dtisv.'tf, K^«e[iti«n to the defendants, 
Mr. Covington : That is ail. 

Unlirrtt eianti-natiait by ,\ff. Fruf A Hrnunt : 

Q. Vou were a^.ed a moment a)>o p-hoMt uvil 
»*rvnn)ji and as I understand it yon dftteribed in 
evil servant in one who departed from the Lord, 
in that correct t A. That is correct. 

{J.. Ilo yen consider tliat Mr. liiitherford was 
tlie one »lio was to deterliiine who in evil servant 
wnaT A. I did not. 

Joseph, f. Jvctf/s—For Ptg.— Redirect 

Q. Did you consider that snyone who left the 
Society wilh an hnneet grievanee wa* an evil 
servant T A, I did not. 

Q. You VL'crc niivn as^u-d about something in 
ennneetion with why jxu did not support or do 
not support the doctrines of tin? Suf.iety. Can 
you give any r^asuns for tkalT A. Yd*, *ir. In 
the "Watch Tower" article, I h*lieve it ie. on I he 
first pft^e, tliere is an article there that I ta>:o 
execplinn tn. It can be overthrow u with Scrip- 
tures. It in iml Scriptural. 

Q. Wh/it in that I A. It ulates in tlier*— 

The Court: Which pobl Leatiflftt 

Tii« Witocsn: Tilt- articles of that yemr, 


<J, 1 ilioW ynU (me ol the " Watcti Towers'' Hid;' 
auk yuu whether the ntnteiuent that you rtfctrotl 
to ia contained therein. A 1 can state almost 
verliutim what it is. 

fj, Cive us the suostojice. A, It saye [hat 
Jesus died for the obedient Dnei, and. tho Ujble 
' eJU'ln'-B in three di Tercel places tiial I would liko 
to n.iio(o. The Apostle I'au! in llehrewii aaya that 
Jesua by tlie grftfa of Uud to*tcd death for every 

Q, Wa? this portion yea are referring to a 
change t!mt {fttoe about in the printed matter 
thai waa coming from the "Watch Tower "1 A 
There waa not alwayi the attitude the Bible tooV 
en this wbjtflt 

Q. Was thst A change in attitode On the part of 
tlie "Watch Toweir" S*cktyf A It MBit li-Ti 
been. I never noticed it until thai timfli 

Q. Did yon notice any changes Blade ID th* 


Juiiryh T. Jatabt—For Plf.—Recfvt3 

d ji'lriai'* imd in the printed mailer thai came 
about durim; thi^ time, in ID39T A I did, 

(J. And wjm lliat a reason for your departing 
rroin the Society T A. That wb* one of the 

Q. Di-eause you differWT wish (he espreaiiona 
of upinion that they put in the "Watch Tower/' 
h that correct 1 A Y'ea, si r. 

Q, Yflu were- aaked by defendants* co"in ; ;i-l 
ohrml Ihi.i nrtirie of September 1, 1933. Do you 
remember liiat ariielcT A- I do. 

<i. And you were atlied mhether you resented 
tlie arik]*. Do you know ivhat that means t A. 
II at I took. CMtjrtMQ. to itt 

Q. Tk. What was, your reaction when you 
read the article! A, W#H J was ^tanned at first 
aiiri I did not believe that it could f* true. 

Q. That was your reaction 1 A, That was my 
op! nion. 
Siecm&s cro miniit ion htj XTr. Covinjtoti : 

Q. Yftu have a "Watch Tower" therft, do JO-u 
no 1 1 A . Yes, $ir. 
Q, Wliitli yuu referred to. 

The Court; Ha says ii* waa nnahle to 
find the article in the "Watch Tower"- 

Q. Hal the part that yon just finished read- 
ing there about Je»U4, A, I diiia't read from the 
"Watch Tower." I quoled. v*fb*tiffl. 

Tb# Court: H* Raid h* hasn't found 

Q. Is it in the By-leaf inside the front cover! 

A. 11 is fonvewhe-res in here. 


Joseph T. Jacobs — For Plff. — Rt.'rou 

Q. The third parae^aph on the inside cover of 
the "Watch Tower" reads U foilowt— 

The Court j It is not in evidence. You 
had better auow it to him, 

Q, I hand you, "Watcft Tower" emitk-d 
"Volume ft of ^o, 17, ihii+il Septemhur l, 193D," 
biside the cover, third par^g-apli, Uod ask you 
to identify that. A Yes. 

The Court: la tluit the on# you re- 
ferred to ia yeur ItsUmonyf 

The Witness l Tcs, sir. 

The Court: That is the article. 

Mr. Covington : I would like to have 
that marked as the next eiiitit, please. 

The Court: 1 assume that there ia no 

Mr. Bruchhausen: fro objection. 

(R«*eiv«l i:-. evidence, and marked De- 
feudojits' Exhibit I.) 

Mr. Covington ; Can I now read De- 
fendants' EiJiibit I to the juryl 

(Mr. Covington reads same to the jnry.J 
Mr. Covington : I now read concerning 
what tlie Scripture* dearly teaeli — 
Mr. BnicJihansea: I object lo that. 
The Ce-nrt: Read it without any eOnV 
mivnL, That js the only thing in evidence, 
the exhibit. 

Q, Would you Object to that statement! A. 
To a part of it, 

Q. And what purlf A. Wber* it states Jesus 
died for the obedient on**. 




Jasr.jik f. Ja'uhz — For Pig. — Rcctosz 

Q, You WJ (hat y05L noticed thai for the first 
liinv in 1939, i* tint eorrpetl A. Correct. 

Q. Hon- krg have vim bwn mailing Ibe 
"Wnldi Toner," please? A. Hint* 1917. 

<J. And )uvt you bran mining Uin-t inside 
cover »iiwc that timer A, To us the Scripture* 
sp*ak clearly — 1 didn't rend thai. 

(J. Wlwa did you hnve 1hat drawn t* your at- 
(ration 7 A. Thnt war drawn (n my ntlentfon by 
myiMiir when I rend tbi>l at onn liine, 

(J, Ami van wore then & mibm-rllier f«r ifio 
"WVtrli T"«r-r" fni - Imw longf A- Hinre 1917. 

■:;. Ami [hut >k wi.i-.i nuuwd you to become 
nfftminl, rH, tlmt righlf A. Iiiwaim* — Vw, l»e- 
cu<i>p t( fltn'w nnt agree willi I bo Scriptures. 

Q. HnW ](in(; dill you iiAVt the opinion. : I lUL 
Ji'.-ius did nOl nil* f"f the obedient Hilts T A. 1 

vinn ajway* n{ the o|;iniiin Ihitl lie died for every 
man. lie puve ft ransom fur- .ill men. 

y. You believe tiuif he diitl as a ransom for 
Kutnn. Ibe Devil, and (hat In' had been Riven 
unolher clinimt A. I dn not. 

Q. )>u you believe that lie died a* a ritnAou 
fnr the persWOtoT* of tli* Lufd Jenuii tlbris-L and 
ItiocD Ihnl killed Himl A- I believe- lit did, 
u-ith one enccplinn, Judas. 

Q, Ami why d* you mok* Ihe exception eon. 
eerning JlKtaxt A. Because Jean* fcays lie is 
tlw mm nT [wnlilLnn. 

Q. 1x lheTC anybody tliat is pictured by Judua 
in nlint in llic dob of perdition class! A, Thoaa 
who follow— 

Mr. liruehhniiK™; I object to Hlit 
Tlia Court; The Ejection i" *u*tnined. 

Jottph T, Jwwlis—Fvr Ptf.—Iitcnut 

Mr. Covington: We. taken exception to 
'J,'.' ruling. 

Q. Do you except to any utile f dextrine that 
Ie taught ia iLi« '*"WaU;li To*er"t A. Do I 
take eii.:i'|.ilJ;jn to itt 

Q. Yea. A. 1 do. 

Q. Wluit olhej-itl A. Some oC tlie booki tliat 
hava been publinhnl ore n>n trndictor}' and eon- 

(J. Wliieht A. A booklet "Face Ilia FatlM" 

Tha Court: He jiut Jiaktd ynu tlie 

A. "Fac« Tim Facta," 

Q, NastT A. It i* "Either Biehea or EbJt*. 

q. And suit A, And "Watch Tawer" 1339 
or 1911, in the summer of that ytar. 

Q- Wliat tide "tt'steli Tow^r," aynd wnut eub- 
jwtt A, I vauld have to lecili it up to be sure. 

Q, What general auhjett did it relate toT A. 
I'm not eare, but I dilte totDeptioii to one pafa^ 

The Court ! Let ua hane the parBgrnpii 
if you. cur. remember it 

The Witnesa: In the paragraph it 
<1utca the evil serrant clans anil elective 
elder* etill teach Lhc err<m«ou* doctrine 
tliot the unrigliteoua dead wooJd be raJetod 
darkiR the tlioniaod yttt reign of ChtisL 

Q. Wiat about that ia enonooUKl A, Because 
if that 'were true, then notvdy would have an 
opportunity for eternal life during Chinl'a liing- 

/s«j)H 2\ i7at#oj— For Plfj—Rarvtt 

: T i;:ii, hecou5o Sutan woald be loose after the 
ih'jumiid year reign of Christ, and tin'; Bible *ej'e. 
lie and Ida Hosts viilj be destr^vetl ivilh fire tliat 
will cuine (ti>ui llcftvcn to Wnsame the:n. 

Q. And j'ou IkttVa tlien seen this leUer ]ie«, 
Uerendant* ' Exi libit G, liova you not! A. I 

Q. Did you over ha-vo anjtJiijig to do ndtl tie 
f ruin i ii.l; of tliat letter f A. Xothing. 

Q. Did you bare anything t* do with Hie dsa- 
cusiioo of tliat teltert A, Nothing. 

Q. liVlien did you liral see tlie lettert A. 
After I got it. 

Q, .When did you c^t iti A. I don't remem- 

tj. What ycart A, 1 couldn't any because I 
du not remember when I pot it. I know 1 roi 
C1K hut I doo'l e^en the year, 

Q. V.Tio did Joa get it fromT A. 1 probably 
f^ji ii by siail, 

Q, From n"bomI A. From Kink, I b*tje*c, 

Q. And Mr. Fink is a friend of yours; is that 
right T A. He is. 

{J. AtlondJ tlie atudicaf A, He does. 

ifr. CoTingtoa: That it all 
(Witneaa eieused.) 

A'ffliJ^j-iHf Fink— For Plf<— Direct 

KATHERlXli FINK, raiding at 2S36— Nflrth, Street, Wajavratoea, >ViKionj"n, being doly 
a worn, te*tifted n* fol!&ws: 

Mr. Brucbliaunen: The plaintiff offers 
in evirtvniT cij|i]ea of a pniupblet entitled 
"The Infnl-niftttt" dated .lnn;uLry', 1H33, 
rjecember, 1333, .Inniimry, J939, May, 1339, 
Junr, ISSI, July. 1M9, AOFimt, 1939 Sep. 
leinbrr \N9, October, ll^f, Wcwmbtr, 
innn, and Doeemhtr-, mnn, a* one exhibit, 

Mr, Covington: We hn^e tk> obiraiion. 
But ive wnuld tike- to have tlierai mjirked 

The Court; Jfnrk th^m as one csliibit. 
Yon arft gnirifr !o bftve tfio many exliihila. 

(12 pamnJitfttfl were rereiTrd and 
mnrV-nd Plain! iff'* KxEdliit ?.) 

Mr. nrnclihaufl?n ; T ondtrrticnd Hie de- 
fendant rnncedes thi riWemfclrtl publiKlir^ 
and cimlaled thosw 1 pamphlets. 

If r. CovinEton ; Amo«c:*t She companicB 
of Jchovnh's Semints and Cnnprrrjiat ions. 

The Conrii Yon published them but 
nmnncft jruur ou'n in«nbc-ni. 

Thft Witness: Tux, *ir. 

Tlie Toort: I ehnuld pny publijlietl imti 
eirculatnl them amongst your own mem- 

Mr. Covington; Te*. 

Dtrcct examination Uf Mr. Frtr^B'ffWJifB: 

Q. Tou nrc the wife of Hftrv^v Fink who >m» 

testified in f]iia ca?e? A. I an. 

Q. Ar;d yon also hate been SC^uaintnJ witll 
Mr. And i'l-s. Movie for aometime? A. I nava. 


Kotheriw- Fi::i— Tot Pltfs^-DirpGt 

Q. Do you recuii Jl'r. and lira. Moyle return- 
ing to Wisconsin in the year 1 933 J A I du- 

Q. Do you refill] ftbot:t *']iefi it «a in that 
yeiirT A, It wft^ in (h« fall of tlie year, 

Q. Di<5 they come to reside in WauwatoiuT 
A, Nn, (hey did not. 

(J. Where did tlity tike up their reF.ider.cef 
A. At my mother'* home out ih tlie country, 
nlxjiit fuur miles [rtim oiyr faonw in WmkaHltft 

Q. And i*".as there any liopponing; do you re. 
call n-mling any artielo.i in the "Watch Tower" 
about JI r. llovlet A. Ye* f I do. 

Q. The articles, for instance, I direct your al- 
lention lo in Ihr article fif October l, r )th entitlpil 
"liLforirtation." A. I do. 

{J, Du you rc-rall uny Imppcnine; with'6 
t» flml artirk as for ns Mr, and Mrs. Moyle 
were conceninil A. 1 do. Tlie altitude of tbo 
whol^ Milwaukee — 

Mr. Covington: 1 move to strike it out 

beeaiiM it u not nwpomlva and calls for 

a conclusion and opinion on the part of 

lElC V. iil.l-n. 

Th^ CoiSfl; We h»*cn't even got nn 
unswer. Van may complete your answer. 

The WUmh: The vrboh> Slilwaukes 
ooiopany *rlcorneil 11 r, and Mrs, Hoy la 
up until the time the article came out 
and rJirft in when the different OUCH- in 
tlie Mi.wnukee eompnny began Lo treat 
Mr, and Hrt, Moylr as though thoy hnd 

Tie Court; U*vo you eornrleifd your 

Kalhtriite Pints — Far Pttf.—Dirtct 

The Wifoeu: tet, air, 

Mr, Covington: We move- to itrike it 
out for the reason! staled, that it ie henr- 
6ny, i% on Opinion And Conclusion on the 
part of the witness and is immaterial ami 

Tl'.a Court : Tho objection ie overruled. 

The motion to atrike Out ie denied. 

Eieeption to fhe defendants, 

Q. And did you regularly attend the clasaea 
and meeting!* of Jehovah 1 * Witnesses in Mit- 
wQuhecT A. I did. 

Q. Was your mother a member cf Jehorah'* 
Wj Loesses 1 A. She WAfc 

Q, What is her name! A. Mrs. Newnuir_ 

Q. Ho^ r lon^ has the liocn a meubert A. 
Since about 1914. 

Q. What attitude did your mollier take altor 
Ibis artkle of October 15! h, U» fur a* Mr. nnd 
Mrs. Moyle Vrerc concerned T 

Mr, C^vinslon: I object to that On tho 
ground that it is immaterial ami irrele. 
T/ant ami calls far a fontlunion on tlie J*i"t 
of the -witncKB, 

The Court: Overruled, Exception to 
the defendant*, 

Q. WhaL is your unsvrvrt A. Moy T nnnwrrT 

The Court: Yes. 

The Witnes*: May I have the question 
The Court: Wliot attitnda did your 

mother take towards the May]o» After 
thca* artJelea appeared) 




Knthrrm* Fintt—Fef PI f.— Direct 

The Witness: Mj- moth** took the *Hi- 

iu<I* just a» the rest (Bdi— 

The Court; Tell us what the attitude 
wan. Answer [he igivcalinn. 

Tfo» WltneM ! She took the sum* Alti- 
tude that th* rtit did, She thought they 
were pi-ople not to he AMsOfiftlstl with. 

Q. Were they then, Ihe Moylea, residinE; with 
jwsr motlutrT A, They were. 

Q, What did your mother dn h if Anylhins, 
abnut (heir raiding Iberol A. When aha be- 
tame auspicious of them*" 

Q, T^irl (h*y nnnlinue to reside there t A. For 
■ while thi'y did, 

Q, And then what hnpprn rd 1 A. Then when 
the ffmpevine lM'fiflfl to wort, ihen my rnothar 
ura* influenced to *ell hrr pin™. 

Q, And do yon know whether it e-Aino nhout 
M. i' i\w ariirlr^t A, I helievf it rnirr""l It, 

Q, Thwi did the Mo?!** move ontf A, The? 

Q. How lone nfn-r October IJSUi did ttwj 
vnoftlf frorn year mother 1 * homof A. I don't 
remember if it was a monlh or *o After that, 

Q. Wait there *ome incident with a family 
named Prndhoramcl A, There was, 

Q. Whnf wan thalT 

Mr. CVrriaRtoTi; We object to that bo- 
eaoRe it is clearly irrelevant and iLnmA» 

terinl and calls fnr * conclusion and opin- 
ion cm the part of Iho fc"i mesa. 

The Court: Objection overruled. Ex- 
ception to th* defendants. 

KaiJitriiu Fink— For Plf.-^Drriet 

Q. Were theae Prudhommee, this Prtldhfltnnw 
family, mcmh*r* of Jehovah's Witnesses! A 
They were, 

Q. And for how long had they hc«a mrimil 

The ConrtT If yen knuw. 

A I don't remember, 

The Cottrt: Were they members for 
some yearn T 
The Witnena : Yes, sir, for many yMI*. 

(]- And in the Milmigke* *omp*Byt A Yea, 

Q_ And what ftltitudft dirt they display 
towards itr. iloylel After this aHicl* " Infor- 
mation " of October 15th 1 

Mr. Covington: I have the sftrflfc objec- 

The Court : That is the same queation. 
and you have tte name objection And th* 
same tilling. 

A, The rjtidhftionit** flffered Moyle a rwnnti- 
ful dinette set to ose an long a* they wished 
and u-hen all these articles );fpt on cmnin£ rtnt 
and the Prfldhofnmes, hepan to shun the Moyles, 
then, the Hoyles deetfled that perhapa they would 
want their dinette net back And returned it 

The Court; We are not iuteremed in 

the Movlea" attitude Inwards thia olhor 
family. We (if* interested in the attitude 
of that family toward* the lfo>'les. 

Q. Speak lotld i:: ti.i- tadies and genlknveti of 
tike jury can heal you. A The Frudhommes 

were very friendly toward! tlia Moylet 6td 
0iJeH;J a Hantifftl dtoottfl sut it/t the Jfoylea to 
uae bttu'iKC they hid no dinette a-et and ttieq 
after a viiile their attitude changed. 

The Court: They weren't friendly any 

innre, in liial what you want to t«U nal 

The Witnens: They wouldn't speak with 
[Ja-i ii at all. 

Q. And <lwl llmt ^>ntinUc (lemitnvnlly »rter 
the nrliele* canit outf A, it has, 

Q. And has there been any !eH*eniug of that 
attitude or diong£ in altitude on the part of the 
■H-tipla thst hftwe tihlioneil Jfr, JJoyl*! A, Pefi. 
Iiilely uott it Inns Erown woriie, 

Q, And you know n srent ninny of the pedple 
in the Mdwuukep company personally, do youl 
A. Vex, I do, 

Q. And oIjio |^or>le and anound the eaburhs 
of Miln'diikeeT A. I do. 

{(, J-'rii'niLs, forjiii/r frjcnil.-; df J,1 1. l!oj'U' and 

r-ltcndaii l* At :h<: v^iriijiu iiuvline^t A. I do. 

Q. And you find Kencrnlly thni they hnvt 
thunned — 

Mr. Cnivinj^hn; That ia l^afliinK- 
The Court: It Is leading. Tour ol>j«- 
lion before the tjueution is sustained. 

Q. Wlmt ran you my, if you have anyliiing 
elm! lo any, ahnut the altitude of U-i L »o ptonlel' 

~i\c. Qrri9pta&: I ohjMt to that. 
The Court: I tliink it ha* All hetn tea- 
tilted to. Objection sustained, 
ii r, jirut::i I moaeB : Mo further questions. 


Kathtrint Fiflk—Fitr Plg,-^J?6tt 

Crass examination h\j Mr. Cont»jfe»: 
Q. lira. Fink, llmt i* pronounced frudhomtoet 

A. Ten, 
tj. How do you Bpell itt A J wouldn't Auow, 

Tlw Court: P-r-u-d-h-o-Si-in-fc 

Mr, Cnn'jrtitton: Vee, 

Q. Aikd liow IdTis 1«M yea known the Pmd- 
honUIKnl A Mrs, frudliemme I Itu^'e kno-wn 
sinee »hc Kan a »uiall eiiild. Mr. F rodlirjmnie I 
have known ever nince he entered the vooipany. 

Q. When was Hint! A. I don't recall. 

The Court: I* it some year*t 
The TiVitM**: Veft, air. 

Q. lU>w lonp have yon lieen A iii^ioher of the 
Milwaukee- nminany of Jfiiovnh's Wituea3ie*t A, 
Ever pince I urn a tkihL 

Q. Hid ym join in [he resolution, loo. hy tha 
Milwaukee coin f winy, (ilfldginp the loyally ftfl*r 
Mr. Movie read hi* Cl&lcmtntl A. Tea, sir. 

(J. Yon voted in favor of itt A. Vea > sir. 

Q, Amd did you helieve ill A. T^a, nir. 

Q. Were you in favor of it wImhi you voted I 
A. Yes, air. 

Q. At that tinwt A- Yei, air. 

Q. When was thutT A, 6onKlime in the fallt 
T i|o«'t romeniher. 

Tlw Court: Hpeak up. 
The Witness; Smnetisn* in tliat fall or 
laic fall, whenever it was. 

Q. And prior to tliat yoo, had junt as much 
knowlwlsft of the facts as you do nO*, do you 
noli A, I don't know what you refer to. 


KalltfiiK Ftui— Far Plff.—C/ozt 

Q. At that time you IwuJ jual aa miuh fcoowl- 
udj^s; of I he facts as you do now, do you nolt A, 

1 Ht ill di.ij'l know what you are referring to, 

Tim Court: Tulkiup (haul tin torlro- 
Tnr»y or [lie letter of Mr. MnyJe And Mr, 

The W Liners : Yes, sir, I did. 

Q. Ami , .:r,-«t mme yolJ (O change yonr opiiiion 
as^inhl the MocietyT A We felt tl>Bt (lit RocLetj- 
Viiis ilLe channel of Ahnighty God nt that 1:;no 
iLiiil »c [liuught that the resolution stated whether 
ne warntilted to he faithful to tho ehannot of 
<Jwl, '.vhich vi'c Uioufiht vaH trie channel of God. 

Q, Tlifit was whit you thought at Uiat tinial 
A. I did. 

(J. 1* your inolher still One of Jeh4Vth.'» Wit- 
t.-->^1 A, riha is, 

Q. Who hroke away from tie MilwaokeO i-~: ■ i-i- 
paay afiH'r tlio lioyle eontroverffyf Name them. 
A. Our«clveit, 

The Court: Meaning you and your hai- 

The Witness : Mr. and Mm. ILirseh, Mr. 
unil Mrs. Jacoha. 

Q. Anyime el«rT A. Not tliHt I recall, 

{J. Ho you attend iiibie studies regularly! A. 

We do. 

q. Ami llmt in tf* name one that your hufhand 
referred lu t is Ihnt cnrrcelf A. Milm'AUtee Hihle 

Tiie Cotirt; Th* same on* (hat your 
hutbaad sttendsf 
Tli* Witii***: ^b, sir. 

KatUfint Fwk— For Plf.—Crw 

(J. Most nil the Attendants are former members 
of the Milwaukee, iKNiL[siuLy of Jehofth's Witr 
ucsiieisJ A. They aia not, 

Q. A j-in-At nunsber of theoi are, are they not I 
A. A portion of them. 

Q. And tliey indudt tike group t'uit has broken 
away from the Milwaukee eompany that you have. 
named, is that rightf A. They do. 

Q. rnidiHULuncq g.tve the Moylen their only 
[iijiing room set in their own housol A. Tboy 

<$. Took it ont of their hcmaeT A They 
■»-i:ri!L p : uaing iL 

The Court: That is not tho quoatiou. 
They took it out of their houcoT 1'U'aao 
■SjlWtr til* o,ueutjona and we will get along 

Q, I show you Defeudnnta' Exhibit ii And Ask 
you. if you Jiayb ever w^n thaL A. I have, 

Q, When did you liraL ice iLf A. I acted aa 
Mr. Fink's teifetary, auid typed it. 

Q. And did you stay in hi* office all day! A 
I did- 

Q. YoU walked in the office with him I A. I do, 

(;. And during that tiino Mr. Moyto Vraa there, 
a-OH In: notf A. He was, 

Q, And how long was Mr. Moylo id Ui* ofllc^t 
A. All day long. 

(£. And for whal period of tine, how many 
months 1 A, 1 wooJiin't remember that. 

Q, JJid you over tint Hut printed — When did 
you first sea tho printed letter tiiAt i* before yon, 
not tlu typewritten leittert A. When it ccint 
back from '.h* priaters. 

1 36 



Afotthtw A. Hawle.1 1 — A'jromtnJiiion 
Bi/of* Trisi 

Q. When wan that! A I don't recalt, 

(J. Wlmt printer did tie jobt A, I would hjivu 

lo look flint up. I don't recall, 
(J, Do you Itf-ve any Utt of which printer you 

usually usedf A. We b~-4 i^ur aLatiunery printed 

ut different platen, 1 woiiidu'l remember unless 

1 looked ■! up. 

Q. What places did you (Wually have your 
stationery printed atl 

The L'HJiirt; 1 think v.-,- hive * i.m ng ! i ujl 
that. Sl-e said she does mot know where 
it was printed and you luliVo asked her- hut 
bund about it. 
ilr. Covington; "Slut it ill. 

(Witness excused. } 

Mr. brushlm-usea j 1 would [ilea to At 
lid* time read the deposition of the de- 
fendant, Matthew A. Howlelt. 

(Ilr. liruehhaUsen rwdi as follows;) 

"hatthkw a uowmrr, named «* *iLu- 

eohu h A. Hewlett as * defendant in this action, 
having been July sworn, teafjlied wt follows; 

"liirtel examination by ilr* lirucMiauittr: 

*'(J. Where do you reside! A. 124 Columbia 
JJeiglila, Brooklyn, N. Y. 

"Q. And yott resided there how longr A, 
About twenty-five years, off and on, 

"y. Ware you an ofiieer of either of tlie two 
defendant corporations in 103!* I A. I wan net 

"y. Were you a director! A, I was not 

Iforl/ieu 1 J, /jfoufclf— Ezominalioit 
Before Trial 

"Q. What it your occupation! A. J Oat a mem- 
ber of ibo family. 

"Q, Do any apecial work Sherd A, Juat my 
awn pariiealarly aiaigned job out in the field 

'*Q, What do you do in the field! A, HoU*e 
Id i.Otsu work, Jiiteting with the different pub- 
liaiier*, puhlishing the message of the Kingdom." 

Mr. Eruchhnuten: I think at this time 
w« might define "pubUer*," Will you 

tell as wliat "publisher" ial 

ilr. Uuviiigioa: A publisher in, one who 
preaches the Uospei of (iod's hlingdom and 
goes from hoyae. U> house or otherwise, 

preaches publicly, 

Jlr, Bruchhausen : And they diatribnta 

pamphlet* J 

Ilr, Covington : Ycb, and who use pam- 
pJalrLa aad pbonogf aphu and oilier gediuina 
of roitLULumcatiun, radiu, ton, 

ilr. UrucbhauaenL 1 will continue read' 

"Q. Did you lake part in otgaiiiiLdtf or COn- 
ductLiijjj !n*etiaca of the Witneuaeal A Did I mX 
that tuuef 

*'Q. At that time! A Somewhat, yet, 

"(J. What part »u» tbatt A, It wa* merely 
tha conducting of the ordinary field activities and 
pnbliahing- tua Uicuajje of the Kingdom. 

"(J. What docs the organization in t)w? field 
con»u)t of 1 A. The various jjroapj of Jehovah *■ 
Witnemece who vipmi Utcdr de&ir^ to have julU 
vjdual participation iu the pubiikbinx; of Lbe 
Kingdom mftWaga. 

iiatlhew A. ScnzUtt — Examination 
Before Trial 

"Q. Do you have regional directors or leaders! 
A N'ot no*. 
"Q, Did you then! A, At that tiro*, yea, 

"Q. ^liat nit lliat orioipriiid off A Merely 
coordinating tlie oe'.ivltle* uf Ihe diiTersnt gronpi 
and eonveyinf the infoniwUOD rw:«iJvtd fiuji 


"Lj. How many regiona were ihen-, *«t op in 
19391 /*- Oifhaad I ci'Uld not tell you. 

"Q, Apiiroiisnatidj'i A. 120 something hnt I 
couldn't (dl you, I am only gucusiug. 

" i^. More tuna (MC in &. ttaut A No. There 
wasn't or,e is a atati;. 

"Q. Was lucre any in Wiasoaiinf A, Wuv 
toaitiu was part of a region. 

"Q. What did that region OOUlCt oft A. I 
:J-:i aot know, 

"Q, More tlian one atatel A. I couldn't tell 
yi.ij in that ]jiirtieolar cane. 

*"Q. Did you have headquarters or offices is 
the field T A. I don't think I quite understand 
that (incsliOA, 

"Q. Lid you have a place — a regular place, 
where meeting were held in the fieldt A. Each 
particuSar gmup at Jehovah 'a IVitneaaei ia re- 
ipumiliie for obtaining a hall or place to meet, 

"Q, Pid yon have a regular )il»w Of only 
rented wlurn yon have a meeting f A Iu tOBit 
instance" it Might Imve been rented foil time of 
just for a nRtlinjt- 

" ti. Wha tJi'ki.-" CJirr of the renting of thoaa 
placest A. The individual group, 

"Q. M'Jio pays thcml A They do. 

"Q. Frem their own funds f A Yes air. 


ilaithew A. Svwifit—E^S'itittatum 
Before Trial 

"Q, Were you in the field in the tall of lW3t 

A. Part af the fall, yea. 

"Q, In Wiscouflinf A, Yfts. 

"Q, "When did you arrive in Wia*onjin in the 
fall of 10301 A. ikplenaber ^th, 

"{$. Whcr^r A. MilwBwktt. 

"(J. Aj.d did yttu conduct » meeting nr mret- 
ingn there 1 A, ^ i--. 

"Q. Wire ihey callvd at jamj suggestion! A, 
Si'oj. at lilt jiUKgiifltion of the aocieSy. 

"Q, Wlio, in the mjcjetyf A The service desk 
that hi authoriu.'d to no call jjuch a meeting, 

"Q. Who Tibs in charge of tlie ttrvice desk! 
A 1 believe it «v T- X Sullivan at that lime, 

"Q. I'rior to. your halving for lliiwaukee did 
you tisceive infonnation Of iontroctiona that a 
meeting would be held in Milwaukee f A. Tes, 

"Q, And was tlie date fowl before yon leflt 
A. The dale for the meeting — I untkmtnnd it 
was, yes. 

'•q. Was that a tpveial meeliagl A. It ¥a* 
called for a purpose, yea. 

"t>, What win iSiat purpoiel A It was for 
the purpoji* of conveying some very dchnite in- 

"Q. What inforrualioal A The in/otTnatioii 
relative to tlie activities of individuals in and 
around lliiwaukee and to cotuiaunieale iafomut- 
tion eonlaineil in 'Intonnaiion', 

*'Q. Where Was tlie meeting held in M dpranie* 
so Scpii'«il*r ^ 133&1 A- The name of tht audi- 
toriaui I don't remember. 

•*y_ Who presided f A. I presided, 

"Li It there any leader in that section who 


Maltine A. fffiirlell— Eiami»aJ!io» 

Bifert Trial 

B^nisleil y«u> A. No. 1 refiived no asaislancQ 
fruiiL anyone in Uilwuufcw, it wu-;ii't ne+OKsery. 

"fj|. Jn whai way wms the im'i'lijig ealleLl ami 
latnwIedKt ^iveo to the participant!) in it that it 
wac hriiiK ndled 1 A. It U eiuitoiiinry when MMt- 
in«s or that uatun ere to lie he!. I tiiat infonna- 
1ion Khoulil conic from the properly debijrnatcd 
ilf)iiifli«i>nt at 117 Adams Sired Iu an Ifidrvulnal 
in the pajtrtirtliar viiotpany calleil a rninpnny ser- 
vuiiL and 'n' in turn vt-ikl iiiitify all tiia*Q who arc 
iiJt-K'Hlt-iL In Ihlw ruop inriirnwlMm vur ;;:-.;■ r 
by I he com [uliii .n-nnni t<* Ulum' in llilwnukee 
niiii iLiMiiiiid Milwiinkce to ntlmd a meeting to 
hi' hi'lil .Sillidny, Se|Hf|llSMT ill!:. 

"Q. And who at 117 Adam* direct had that ia 
cburstf A. That wuiihl lie tho m'rvice Hli'nk. 

"q. Who was in fanrfrc of 11"' www de«kl 
A, I iili , i';uly lueiilioiuil — Mr. NulJiviui. 

"Q, Who wjui the sen-ant in XilwaulOHl A. 
At HuLt time hie name was l^Hison, 

"(J. Van Ihix an eveniug Tiicetingf A, I>"«, it 
uah mi iLl'teninun iiir-el i n j;. 

"i;. tVluit wns the praciiec of ill* servant in 
MilwnlnW in railing 'lie ineetins^liow was it 
,. M ll t j — irmil, tkiKnry, howl A. I ]irc*uiiin ha 
u'oulil em- any of the hirjil cohiuiunicatinns tluit 
he hail litue for— 3T he had 1inur I imapino ha 
would wtitd— oo specific ileaiu, 

"Q, ITom' many wore in allcndnnno at that 
meeting I A.. I'roliaoly around 300, to t)i« liesl 
Hsf my jneiiiuTj". 

"Q. Were minutai kept of the meeting! A 

"<J, Wbo wai oa the platform besids yoar- 
selfl A No Una 


Jlattiew A. nav:!elt—Emm.iiiatiowL 
Before Trial 

"Q. And what waa done hy yon at that meet- 
ing, A- I addreaaed the gathering and gave 
Uicm info rioatioa relative to the activities that 
were being carried on in that area and thcu [ 
read them tlie information thai imd heea given 
to me to convey to the meeting at llilwaukc* 
and I read the Information, 

"Q. Yon mean the article entitled ' Informa- 
tion 't A, That !» true, yes. 

"Q, Did yoo read any tiling else! A Xo„ I 
tpolte, I didn't read anything clue titoept tha 

"Q, When did the article 'Information' first 
coma to your nUc-nlioal A I was invited to at- 
tend a meeting Hint wa« called— not a hoard 
meeting hut n meeting of different members of 
the board and I was asked to ho present at 
that meeting. 

"Q- Wa* Air. Van Amhurgh prcetsntt A At 
that one 1 believe he waa. 

"<J. Had yon heard anything of Mr. Moyie 
haviag written the letter of July 21, 1333 prior 
to this Heetlog you referred to of September 
2lst1 A. Ye*, I -V.-U* 4ip[uaiii1e<l with tlie Fact 
upon my return to Brooklyn. 

"Q. Wlien did you firat learn of that letter J 
A. I learned of his hating written tnat letter the 
tod of August, 

"Q. In what way did you learn of itt A. I 
waa informed by Judge Rutherford. 

"Q. Had you heard of any complaint against 
Mr. Moyle prior to that timel A No, not UnLl 
I returned to Brooklyn. 

"<i. Yon had occasion to talk to Judge Rath- 


Ifttftltew A, HwUtt—EsciHintitiott 
Before Twi 

erford frequently, didn't youl A, Prior to that 
lima I 

"Q. Yea. A, No, only very occasionally would 
wa communicate from the field- 

"Q. Worn yon present at tli« Madison Squire 
Pardee meeting in Juno, 19391 A, I *'*« not, 

"Q. AVer* you present in the >[ugL»tiatcl 
Court wIiltj Oiu [Xiraona engaged in tint meeting 
were being tried I A. I *»i not, 

"Q, Do you know of anyone in the organiza. 
lion wli* hit present at the Magistrates Court 
trial f A. I know o[ the** who were an trial — 
Mr. Broth and Mr. Orcll, and Mr, Moyle. 

"Q. Kno* anyone else there T A. I couldn't 
swear, no. 

"Q- Do yon know of any time- tv]u L n In> ex- 
pressed any di*><aUafaetion with Mr. Maj]c us 
an individual or ns » lawyer 1 A- Yea. The 
cft-wi of Action wai expressed in the meeting 
held on Autfunt 8th. 

"Q, Were you present at that meeting! A. 
Ho told me of it, 

"Q, At any other time did Judge Rn the rford 
or anyone els* in the organization express 4I»- 
aathifaction with Mr, M<sy]* either as an individ- 
ual or ni on attorney I A. Net !o My knowledge. 

"Q. Ydu wtr« friendly with Mr, Mo?]*, 
weren't youl A. I wan persOBally friendly with 
him— never had one 1 ward or altercation with 

"Q, In elher -words there *** no information 
convoyed Eo you prior to August, 1939 or dis- 
aaiiififtioiL witii Mr, Movie either individually 
or as a lawyer 1 A, I don't think any informa- 
tion ill conveyed to Mr. Moyle as to tbwt 


MalOrCNi A. ffwiefl— £vr#«ni>w(i#» 
Jitr/crs Trial 

"Q, There »n n» informplien eanvoynd to 
you prior to August, 1939 of did<ati»fnc<ir.,ii with 
Mr, Meyk rillic-r individually or us u lawyer t 
A. I don't — no air, not to my knowledge. 

"Q. You knew that Sir. Moyle was chief coun- 
sel of the organization during the yean from 
1S.T5 1* IffiBI, didn't youl A. No. 1 know lis woa 
xjirfinl coihihcI— lie w-BJin't chivf cijuni-el— Judge 
Iliiihrrfcird was that. 

"Q. Wore there any oiher lawyers in Ihe 
ortfluiisidtiurt during I)ik1 period noting for thrnil 
A, Oli yen, in other [dare*, yes. 

"Q, >*"i>no in Nh'w York Hl»trf A. T linn't 

"Q. None attached to heailqunrtersl A, Nn. 

"Q. And nil of the lepil Iraftiaow nf 1he or- 
ejnklfci^tlMri wro« lifnttflftpd (Venn heml-i muter*-, wait 
it jT.n1 T A. I wouldn't kunW Hint— T W(lnn"| in 
the kgnl department, I don't know. 

"<;•. So that there wan. no diwatief action ex- 
pri'n??d hy ,liu]fti> RnHiet-fard or a-iy^rm in -.lif 
"rjconiEatpfin tlint yn^q Uno^ *if frnrtfi lfjlfl 1o 
tktoher t l§3t) obont on altorney ndins r«r 1ho 
or^anizntioo or anyone in it other than Mr. 
Hoyjet A, IVhoJl tilne did y#a «ayt 

"(J. 1918 to 1MJH A, T ilftn'l know. 

"Q. Anything that yon knowl A. Not to my 

"Q. Hid vim di^ix* tfuH nrttfle irith anyone I 
A, T prr&iuive Clint 1 pjirtiriTifltisl in n rtody in. 
tin* fii'Ht nrtide oT [lie Wnli'li Poncr, >t». 

"Q, What utinlt ilid you vnaki? of tlie artifh' 
'Sim res 'T A. y*tliinK "Old of the nnlinarr, 
nothing niure Ihnn the first artirSe— it »m no 
i.:cn: iiupuHASt 


ifaithetu A. Hovilett — i'lcminaJton 
Btfort Trial 

'*Q. You atftyiid tltr* at dinner qriito rejru- 
lariyT A. All tha tiine 1 ra at JJc'.htl, yen, 

"Q. lto't it cuutom&ry to diseuoi noattera at- 
f«lipg Jeluvah 1 ) Wi|ne««» *t tlvo** JH(*t» Jo 1 
A. What art you, Hiking about— breakfast, din- 
ner m suppftrl 

"Q. Didn't it excite youl A All of them ex- 
cite my interest. 

"Q. Weren't yon interested in findiflp; out 
ahorjt it! A. Not particularly. 

*'Q, You didn't ti ipml A. 1 ciLdfi't tup. -A to. 

"Q, IMerring back to tliiu atilmuittH niwtinj; 
— did you read n-t tl?»t mcetina; n Ittlor tt\>m 
Judge liutliorfonll A. I read a Lttimr at lint 
meeting apjiointing nie icniporarrly to the posi- 
tion of zone nervarit and relieving an indiTidual, 
II. II. Fink, temporarily, but there was no refer, 
fi-.i-t: to Mo-ylo in that toniLuunLtation. 

*'(}, Did y«u atttnd a meeting in Kenoaliat" 

Mr, Druchhuusen ; 1 think utc can agree 
that that is in Wisconsin. 
Mr. Covington; Yea. 

"A, I dun'l just rememlscr tlio (owns I went 
to that time — (litre wens nercral places around 
Milwaukee 1 attended, yc*, but whether Kenoniia 
wan one, 1 don't just ren:emJier, 

"■Q. Were tliere other meetinga around Alii- 
waiikec were specially called! A. Yi-n. 

"(J, And they were called for the tama pur- 
pose ax thin Milwaukee meeiingl A- In each 
zone when n zone servant fuSfillK his duty the 
individual companies in that zone are merely 
infitriii'ieil tliat the zone uervant will call. UittflUy 
the xoue ten-unt liiijjaelf jjfonfl* tlie conlpaEuei 


Siatihau A. ffssriett — Examination 
Befire Tryd 

— initean] of informing them I went there tlicy 
were not inforuiinL 

"Q. It was a Rpatiagf ealleil Dueling waj-n't 
itl A, No-, it was in the rcpidar rouree of tli* 
responwhiiity of the zona servant— -they were not 
sperinlly cftll+d any more tlinn any ctlier zone, 

''(J. Tho ineeling would not have heen <-alled if 
you weren't llicrsl A. The meeting* anc qmt 
ralleii unlc** thay have «nuie reason ti* arrange 
some npreifie wrviee activity, 

"Q. They are reftl!y a" *]iecial mrelinz^* A, 
From that angle, ye*. All have a upreio] pur- 
poK*.neld itervire. 

"Q. Would ynu i-ny y'o« rallwl a ineelina: in 
Kenonhal A, T won't nwcflr to it now hut tha 
nniiir if. familiar. 

"Q. Do you reeatl a, nieetinK in OaIiIimiIi I'* 

Mr, rlruchliniuien : That ia in Winron- 

Mr. Cnringtim : Yet 

The Court; Tt i« in Winenmdn. 
(SI if. l!ruchhau*en enntinned reading aa 
ff>llowa :) 

"A. T do bteaUHe thai wan the northern point 
of my (rip, 

"Q. Ifow inony pf[>|i!e were nt the Kennitha 
l-iifi'linfiT A. T ctnlldnt tell you. 

"Q. More than 1901 A. I wnnhl not ray— I 
wind 1 1 not lie ahle to tell you Ihftt, it wasn't a 
lat-^e liiei-tins. 

"Q. IIc,ta' nuiny at <Vhfcn*ht A, I wj«il(l not 
he able to tell y*U 1 hat— none were lnr^e ntret- 

"Q. Did you at those two meetings in fi>Ho*ha 
and Otilikoth caJr^y on in thu same (aahioa U 


IfatlAfBj J. Hoiflett — Examination 
Biftrt Triai 

Mitwaukrc an far an ilia information you con- 
voyed to those meeting wax aoofemedl A, I 

"Q. Did you have a meeting at Deloit. A, I 
believe I did. 

"Q. At Csic«ge 1 A. Tea, I did. 

"Q. Waukegtnt A. That's right. 

*'Q. And. tlie same proeednna was followed As 
at the Milwaukee meetingl A. Yen, that is true- 

"Q, Are there any other iieid men wh" did 
somewhat the tatna wm™ as you didf A. At 
tluit ;in ■.-.! 

"Q, Yep. A, Probablj ISO of us. 

"Q, It ifl poanihle thot all of thnso liftd racn 
were nimjlarly instruetedt A, I would not even 
dan- nay— i" in. poH*iltl<> — pnflsihle or probalite, 

''Q. PonHJhlol A, That I wuiilrl not l>o able to 
unftwer — loU of thing! are ponHihre. 

" l (J. Were your espeime* paid for your Iripst 
A. My exrienneit 

"t). Yes, A Railroad enpsnjeat 

"Q. Yes, A Oh yes. 

"Q. You ksow Bonnie Boyd, dont youl A. I 
i\tt, f|0ite M-elL 

"Q. She resided at Bethel prior to her mar- 
nagel A. Yea, 

"Q. And ahe Mil linked to reside them after 
her marriage 1 A. She certnirdy did. 

"Q. Othr-T than the nartien invnlvtd, if the 
JddKe bad a siltialinn r>e-forc him similar to this 
one of Bonnie Boyd marryins MHSeone and want- 
ing to conrinne living the^ he cnnld permit tln'in 
to live there repardtess of the rul* within his 
discretion without asking anyone else's ocqui- 
essence to itl A, That'* rather t, highly tseh- 


ifftltkcw A. Hewlett — Examination 
Bifm Trial 

meal fjueation or etatement, No Bethel rule ia 
niaje witliout consultation on the part of the in- 
dividual and the president — I would mot know 
how to answer. 

"Q. Witli r*ap*et to (hat role Judjra Ruther- 
ford lied tin: right to oett A. If it were a hard, 
ftut nde, be would have the right to exercise his 
executive privilege, yes, 

"Q. Without the atquiescenee of anyone,! A 
Aa in the ease of most rudea, yea, 

**Q, Sf> J» wotUd not liave to confer with any- 
one other than th« p»rt*e*T A According to the 
modes at Bethel, he would, wa didn't do business 
that w»y, 

"Q, He has the tight— I will ask you this. 
Did tho Prmidcn!., who wan Jud ?a Rutfierford at 
tho lime in 1'iSf), have full power to act on Bonnie 
Boyd'a easel A. The president bod full power 
given him by the board of directors to act en 
any case that concerned the welfare of the Bethel 
Home, at the factory, at the publishing house at 
117 Adams Street^-a* an eieeutiTB pretident, 

The Court: We will take our morning 
recess; how, Do not disease tli4 ease 
amongst yourselves, 

(Short rcciiss taken.) 




Ptttr 0. ifo'jla—FeT Plf.— i>ir«l 

1'ETRIE 0, ItOYLE, 136 Fuhon Street, 

Brooklyn, Xcw York, called as a witness in bc- 
hulf of the plaintiff, being first duly sworn, teati- 
Ikd us follow*: 

Wirtcf trawii«n(j#» uj .lfr, JrucWiaitsoi : 

Q, What is first occupation T A. I work in n.n 
oJTit-e, personnel ar employment office of a largo 
eu:ii|iany in lirookiyo. 

Q, Vnu are 4 native of Wisconsin, ere yen notl 
A, Yen, 

Q, You pre Ita ui of the plaintiff, Oiin 
Moylef A. That in right 

Q. Did you crone on from Wiaeoiuin in 1D35 
wijh your father anil mother! A. That ie rijrhl, 
(J. And lout u[* your residence in Bethel nl 
124 Colombia Height*! A. Yes. 

Q. Wlmt duti^ you perforin wliilr you 
wrrr lie ret A, Well, T wflrfccd For a while in Use 
enfi'ltrjii, and then iinltrttjIlrlHly I worked m a. 
linotype operator in the fai'lnr;,, 
(J, And J'uu riTidftl nt ltrilrcll A. Yea, 
y. 1 slmm- vnii a |)h<rtaj(Tftp3i and a*k yirt 
whether tfcnl i« 9 pirlnm of IHW (bendinir. to 
Kilutw,), A. Yets that in, 

Jlr, nrnf Njimuh-ii: 1 offer it in evidence, 
>fj*, ( Winj^ton : No iilijcrli™. 
The Court: flow in il material! 
Mr, Urunhhaoaem Jus I am a matter of 

The Court: A* long as there i* no oli- 
jtclk'-n — 

(Tho photograph referred to w re- 
ceived in evidence ami ma*kod I'lainlilT'* 
Exhibit 90 

P«r>r 0, Sfeglt—Ftf Plfj—Difttt 

Q. Yon any that yon. were employed ia the 
printing plant? A. Yen. 

Q, At t IT Adam* Street! A. The* ia right 

Q, In tliot n very targe huitdinjrl A. Eight 

Q, And nil nwnpicd by tlia Watch Tower or- 
gnpisirtiont A, Tw, 

Q. AIL ttjVtlppttl with printinfi nwninery for 
the variotLH publication*! A, Ye*. 

Q. Do yon recall an incident conceminjr one 
Rimer Woewrl A. Why, ye*. 

Q, V "■!■:. ia lief A. Ha wilh a memher of tl* 
Ifclliel Family, 

Q, Hid lie Imvf ft nwmi in Ttetlifl witlt ont- of 
>fr. TtuttorfonlV lwc^(;1nT^c^ Mr, Kfilert A. 
That ix riiflit 

Q. Do ynn rettill an inrident there in Wi»H*- 
Unn «i1h >Tr, Wiijfnert 

\!r. C'nvtnjrtnn: Ynnr Tfitnrtr. we Itjnlt 
Lhut that in immaterial nml irrftr-vant. 

Tbr Court: T think we ohkIiI (n oh!( nne 
1 1 in 'Hi ion 11 r m t : When, 

Q, Wliitn Tvnn HI A. IVry niiortly nftr-r T fimt 
l-hiik! lli'Tf 1 . I w»u)i| "ay within tlie Arxt six 

Tlw 1 t'nurt i OhjWlinn MWtiTlfd. 

Jfr. Itrticliliauden r Tnur Mfinor, tha* hin 
N-Mir.||iinjr ifl nlo with tlift aolii'ili^ at 
lti»tl?fi uliirli are mentioned in llif leller 
of July 21 h|— 

Tt» t'onrtj Tliie is in 1895) ft* I under- 
"land it, 

Jlr. liruciihausiirt t Yes, but— 

Peit* 0, ilajflt—For Ptff^IHrtet 

Th« Coufl; Oliiwtitm sostni^ed. 
M r. firucMinu£f o. : 1 except. 
Til* Cour!: Certainly. 

Q. 13o you rrc-ji]] any other oecaaion or ooca- 
■ iuiM aliout ntlendinj^ parlies there in Brthelt 
A. Sui t:i lictlicl, hut partiei outiida wliere 
lietlielitea attended. 

y. AH the luL-iiiixTn uf the Qetliol Family! A. 
N«t esi'lusiieiy, no. 

Q. Were there many of those par ticE-l A. , 
Quite u ftw. 

(j. And il* Lli|u<>? ihtv^i: on those ociflbioaal 

Jlr. ChsvJ nj;toh : Yonir Hojior, thai would 
be immntrrinL 

The Caurt: OhjectloB nuHtained, be. 
cauac I do not [hiiik this \x r", Lflaterial te 
tlie ixKue at 11.::-, time. It may bo uintrria] 
Inter on if thr-re- is Jiomc eonlriiver*y raised 
alimkl the Ictttr that II r. 31o>'Je wrote. 

II r. Urudjluiustni I will rvwrw. it (hen. 

The Court; for your information, I am 
fcAnff in hold in this ca>e that Ike lett*T 
of Jlr. Mftyle's. the deterjiiarit moat prove 
Hint it vraj puVili»-hed nr-d thpt it mom not 
lirii'ili^cci before the truth or the lalsity 
of the l&eub ia involved, 

Mr Covingten • I did not qnlte under- 
!■■: n -ill it 

The Coo rt: The Biennarnirli*F will read 

(Tlie slatrmcnl of Hie- Owt *M re- 
jieJiled by tbu reporter.! 

ilr, Coviajrton: We tali* eifeeption lo 
ii.-i i:,n:-..>ii'.i of law, and hold-' 


Ptitr 0. 1/oflfc— Fvf Plg^Eirett 

Tlie Court; Yoa have your exception 
which, protect* your record, 

Q. Do yon rteall when year father and your 
moHifr and yourself left itetiieil A Yf*. 

y. And woe ti;i;L edido time in August, Vj$>l 
A. That ie right 

Q. Uo you remrmher the date in August T A. 
No, I ciuidot remember the exact date. It was 
on a Tuesday. 

Q, lUd yon, up to that time of your Ic-avinj;, 
ever aeen Ibils ittter tljat your father wrote T 
A. No, S hadn't 

Q. Wljcn did you firat hear the contents of the 
letter t A, 1 dDu't riM'sili, I |HWM it waa soma 
time after it wan delivered — 

The Court; If you do nut rccflJl, you do 
not recall. We eaaoot gUL-aa. 
Tlie Witness I I don't reealL 

Q. Do you recall Ijcing at dinner or luncheon 
on the day tliat you left UetlielT A, Yes. 

Q, Did anytliiujr amppcit tlie re ahout the letter I 
A. Yes, tiie letler waa rend before tl<« entire 

il. W'iio read it! A. J[r. KeU«. 

Q. He waa one of the secretaries of air, 
IlutherfordT A. That ia riffhL 

Q. And Hr, Uatherford was present t A. Yts. 

Q, Did yon leave bethel that same day! A. 
Yea, in tin* Afternoon. 

Mr BniL-hhuimfn; That u ali 


Psttr O. Moyle^-Far Plff.— Crust 

Crorr-cfaNtJituij'iw hi, ilr. Covington: 

(Handing document to witnesaj 

Q. Will yun please look at Lint document jou 
hold in your hand nnd tell tlie jury what it is, 
A, it is u letter I wrote to Judge Rutherford, 

(j. What ii Ihe date of ill A 1 don't remem- 
bef Uie date, 

Q. WJist date doca it Enow! A. There is no 
date on here, 

liy the Court: 

Q. Wluit "WateJi Tower" is it! A. It is in 
tlie Deteuiber Ij, liXSi "Watch Tower.'* 

liy Jir. Uovington: 

{J. la that tlie letter that you wrote Judge 
Itulherfonj I A. It ia a copy of iL 

il r. Covington : I would ii*.e to have it 
marked, inlrodueod- 
ilr. llrudilauuacn ; No ohjeclion, 

(The pajMix referred io »■« received in 

evidence and marked Defendants* Kihitiit 

Mr. Cyvi»jjton; 1 will read it to the 

(Mr, Covington reads Defendants' El- 
inor! J to the jury.) 

Q, What concern do yoQ *ay you worked for) 

A. 1 did not name it 

y, Naiiie it, please. A, E. W. Et»*» Company, 
Q. tVhera ia tluil located 1 A. in Brooklyn, 
y. Wllot ii the address ia Bronklyol A, 03rd 

Str*et and Second Avenua. 

Peter 0. Maglt—Fsr Fl$r-Ctott 

Q, What corl of hu*i:it*a ia ii, pieavEf A, 

They maaufactare large machinery. 
Q. Wltat type of mftclunerj'1 

The Court; Everybody knows theni, 
1 think you are going to run into a little 
diOVjully. They do war work lo a great 

Q, Do yOi luive any eonneetion with Dawn, 
lucorporaledl A. No — wliat do you mean by 
"eounefttioti'' 1 ) 

Q, Have you ever heen euiployed with tlie 

DawnT A, No, 1 lm.ven'1, 

Q. Have you ever oeled Us a linotype operator 
for the DawnT A, Not as jui entployee of Ilieira, 

Cj. Have you ever operated a linotype at Dawn, 
Incorporated I jV Yes, 

(J. Have you ever bet up the Lithuanian DawnT 
A. Ye*. 

Q. Naw, whom did you do that fort A. II r. 

Q, Wlio i" hel A. He ia tlie traniilatpr. 

Q, Did yon do that for the Dawn, Incorpo- 
rated T A, No. 

Q. WJio La Muaicunt Wliat ie hi* connection 
with the DawnT A. I don't know hiu connection. 

liy the Court ; 

Q. Who paid you! A- Mr, ilusjcan. 

By Mr. Covington: 

<J. Does he have any cdonectioa with the Dawn! 
A. He mu»L 

Q, How lone have you known himl A. I hovi 
knonTi liiuL since ahout 1936 or 1937, maybe 




PHitr 0- Hoi/te—For Fi&>— Craft 

Q. I show you here Defendants' tjciibit G 
{handing u> wiMj*iB), aid ait if yon hire ever 
*een thai, A. Ym. 

Q. Where! A. In Milwaukee, in WaawaloM- 

Q. And when did you toe ihslT A, I sin Dot 
sure whether 1 saw that in Wanwatosa or niter 
I titrte buck. 

Q. Attar you coma back, to Brooklyn, you 
meiut A. Yes, 

Q. D.d yon bring any of them back with you 
10 Brooklynf A Ho. 

Q- If you pw it after you cnnie back to Brook- 
lyn, where would you *«* itt A, It might Lave 
been mailed to me. 

Q. I5y whom! A. By my father. 

13 j tho Court: 

Q. Are you Jsure, or don't yon know! A. No, 
I don't know, 

By Mr, Covington ; 

Q. lliivc jure fvtt mailed this document hero 
to anyone ( i:id imtio^ ) ! A_ I douht if I mailed 1 partieulnr one 

Q. Did yen en* like itt A. Tatre were 
two documents, I n>ay have mailed one or both 
to one party. 

Q. "Whom! A. To Mr. Ifen^y Sfcriay. 

Q. Who in 1ml A. He in * member ol Jeho- 
vab's Witnesses. 

Q. Where doe* he reaitlet A On Norman 
Avenue in Brooklyn. 

Q. When did you do thuli A That was after 
I had separated from the Astoria cvtopaoy of 
Jehovah'* Witness**. 

Q. lloW long did you «et up tie Lithuanian 

Fetcf 0, Uoyte—For Ptg.—Ciw 

Tilt. IliudiluauMrn; I object to that. 

Tbp Court ; Objection sustained, 

Mr. Covington: Yonr Honor, I wna go- 
ing to show tlie length of time that he ni 
Km ployed. 

Tlie Court: Objection suatained. 

Mr. CoTinjjton.: TY* except 

Q. What other document did yon mail to thij 
gentleman T A. Tlie printed letter of my faUitr 1 *- 

( Paper il handed to tlie witness.) 

A (Cimtinucd) This i« the one. 

By tins Court: 

Q, There, are two tiiereT A Tea. 
Q. Art thane the two that you any you maiiod 
to one person! A. That is right. 

i ty il z. Covington : 

<J. I hold in My hand what you have identified, 
nu envclojie dated February 1, 1911, which reads 
' 'Alter lire days return to 1'eter Moyle, 1C2 Dia- 
mond street, llrooklyn, N. Y," contairdng^it ia 
addressed to "Henry McKay, e£ Norman Ave- 
nue, LlrfHjklyji, fC. Y„" and it contain a a printed 
document entitled " Inf orayition vital to Jeho- 
vah'* "Witnesses," dated September £&, li*ii> — 

Mr. Iinschltauaea; I object to eounael 
reading what it ia, 

Mr. Covington: We would like, to intro- 
duce it in evidence, It ia the letter that 
ho recojraiiea, 

Mr. Bruehhaueen : May we have for the 
retord the date it waa mailed t 

The Conn: It has already been read, 
into tba reeord. 

Petcr O. if ojrie— For Plff^—StcTirtct 

(Tli* paper referred to wan received in 
evidence and marked UefthUflnta' Exhibit 

Itatireet e ;sn i ua 1 i'djv by iff. ErneSJuitneni 

(J. You l.ave hijcn Miked about a letter written, 
to Mr, li-nUiurfurd- I Jo you meal! what that let. 
ter wo* tvlill A. it "us sent shurtly niter 1 coino 
imek to Brooklyn from Wi#cbnni», That wan. in 
liw Vdl „l 1SJ0. 

Il r, Bruch]Lnuii«n: I call upon (be de- 
fendant to prod oe* (.bid le/tltr, 

Jlr. Covington; It was prilled. Here 
ia a copy (indiouting), It wai nuhlished 
and held in the lileo. 

1'ht Court r la it dated! 

,\ir. Covany:toji : It huK tlie date of Octo- 
ber JUth aliunj^id oo it. 

Mr. BrticUutuinn: 1 ahI to strike out 

the duto tliat tliey ]iul on it. 

Tlie Court; Strike il ouL 

i!r. brut! Jin men : I think for the record 
we ini^lit liavc il that tlui letter it io lIjcj 
"Watdi Touncr" of Decetriber 15, ILJLIU. 

The Court: That ia in the record. 

Q. You were a member of the Watch Tower 
clauieu for tome timet A. \'ea. 

<i. When slid you llMt atari goiao* to til* 
ela.>y»**f A Well, w)i*a I *•*» ver>' tuinll At 
IiOIiW in Wiiscunain, when I was about ten, twelve, 

Q. And you kept your attendance up until the 
linie your famdy moved to Ltrooklyn in li'UJf 
A Su. 

Q. Tliat ia out in TiV i*«onain } A. Ve* 


Peter 0, Moyle— FV* Plf^Rt&itcit 

Q. Then I s.nKUiiie you attended elaK^ea at 
B«lln.'| duripu tl» ;>iT«n] from 11135 lo lD3ut A. 


'[':!;■ Court: How ia thi.i proper redirect 

'Mi, liruehhauminj I mil ju»t Imtding up 
thijj letter. 

TJi a Court: All right. 

Q, T 1 itn " yon *a>- yn>u wen at lira tin**** in 
AHtoria, ia that ri^htl A. Yen. 

Q. Ix that ihc lime when this letter was writ- 
ten 1 A. Yea. 

Q. Wo*, there anyone who nuked you to write 
that letter! ilou' did it traiue about 1 A I don''! 
'r. n.:: ■■!.:: i ■ one ij.-L'il me t<> write it. 

Q, What wu* tli* ntlilude of tlie (nctnlK'j-a of 
the elann tovmrdn you ia Anloria) A. They ro- 
fim-il to H|ini,!l to me or rwo^niw me, awl J full 
tliut nonii 1 eijiln notion on m>' ]inrt «fi nn'eiiKary 
lo set Imck into the how! smrei* of Hie jinciety, 

(j. And that led to your writing the tetter I A. 
Tiiat i» ri^lit, 

Q. Then what happened of terw-'ardii 1 Did yon 
withdraw 'nun tlie emiLjkaiiyl A- Yen. 

(J. IVlwt did ym dot T)i(3 yon write th*m n 
Utter then! A. I WTOtU the henni of the Imul 
rciupuny in Autorin a letter of wiliidrnwal. 

Q. You haven't a copy of that letter, have 
youl A, Not here, I have it home. 

(j. Can you give un the aubxtanee of u,4it let- 
ter f A. Yes, It stated that I wo,» eonvinceil 
Hint tbe society wasn 't God 'a orjjnniiation, and 
Ihnt wjlh tdow wnvjctiop* I eouhln'l very well 
continue to hold tho position that I had with 

Ptter O, Jtfoyft-f** Flg^-Redinsi 

tb«a. I was Stock-keeper oat there. So I turned 
it nil in, all toy keys* and everything. 

(J. You say in this letter thil you disapproved 
of lira letter of youT father. Is that your a&rne 
attitude nDwl A No, The reason — 

lit. Covington; Wait a minate. The 
letter speaks for itself. 

The Court: lie ejkeil htm hit flitjt&d* 
now, and the aiuwar it "No." 

Q. What e!ue have yon to say about that! 

Mr, C*rinft*at That culls for a volun^ 
tary Opinion on tlw |iari of Ilia witneau. 

The Court: Objection cuatained, be- 
caiiae I Hunk it ia incompetent, 

Mr. Uruchh&aaen: h^xception. 

Q, Have you staled when yon withdrew from 
tho Astoria company 1 

Tho Court: Approximately will do. 

A. I think it was in the spring of 1340. 

Q. Did that come about through yoar own 
volition t A Yt*. 

Q, After consideration of Virions matterel 
A. Yea; chiefly their doctrines. 

ifr. Bnichhauaen i That ia all 

(Witness excused,) 

jPAoco* nf. Mo S le—Far Plf.— Street 

PHOEBE II. aiOTLE, Johnnon Creel, Wis- 
wr.fin, c-!iKi.-l as a witness in hclhalf of the plain- 
tiff, being fi rd duly awors, testified as follows : 

J3irc^ cjowrnafB^i b$ Iff. Bry&IikaHSCTt: 

Q. You liave li**ii a inemher of Jehovah'* Wit- 
nAhKeq how long, Mrs, Moyle 1 A From around 

Q. You are a native of Wuconainf A That 
ia right 

Q. When yon tame to Brooklyn in 1&3&, whit 
duttea wer* you a«*ij¥nee] lo theref A. I lfis, I 
suppose y#u would Hill If, cbnflvhcrniaid. I bad 
eharge of the tai'droolu* On the third Jlnof. 

Q. And tlven you worked in the printing plnnt 
after thatt A. I was on the floor, I think, about 
A year, and then I went to the office over at tlie 
printing plant. 

Q. You perfatmtd the ilulie* thul were n*- 
aipoeit ti-i you there T A. That is right 

Q. Tk> you recall the time that yon left Rethel 
in Aneruat, 13.TJ9I A. FttV.aiT. 

Q. Did y/oa leap* rather hurriedly on that oo- 
icaaionf A. Y«s, We were notified at noon of a 
Tuesday and had to be out before night that 
same day, 

Q. So yon vacated anal went baek to Wiscon- 
sin f A. That is right. 

Q. Did yon attend the classes ont ill Wisconsin 
niter yon pot baekt A, Yes, sir, 

Q- la what town or cityl A. llilwantee. 

Q, And during what period! A. Well, from 
the tune wo got back nntil Ui* April, I think, 
of l&Q or 1M1— im, I think, 

Q. And do yon recall the nM* "Inform*- 




-Prtoeoc J/. Moyle—Far Pig. — Dirtst 

lion" ihil waa published in lh« "Watch Tgwur" 
On Qeloher 15th* A Yet, sir. 

Q, Did you notife any change of attitude on 
(ha part of the daiEta"" is WiaeoTis in that yon 
attended (award you and. Mr, iloyit? A. Yes, 

Mr, Coving-ion: We are going to ob- 
ject lo tint question arnd the unwer for 
the same reason as we had to the other 

The Court; Objection overruled, and 
Ujce;'li0n to Q» defendant*. 

Mr. Covingion: liny I alatt tho 
pounds, or ia it necessary f 

The Court; I do not think it it. Tom 
flair] the same grounda ns yon said to each 
wilarwi, 1* Bhi record *i'itt he straight. If 
you care lo Mate (he fjouiirtR, yon may. 
I do nut think it ia necessary myself. 

Mr, Covington: Thot ia all. 

Q. What did you notice there about the atti- 
tude of thorn pcopte in Id* elfitfleat A, Our one- 
time friends no longer friends, 

Q. And tltera were a number of people ia 
those rLrcsscs, wore there not! A. Yet, til", 

Q, Did they avoid yea ai»d your husband! 
A. Yes, air, 

Q. Do you recall tlio article "Snares" of 
November IS! hi A. Yen, air. 

Q. Was there any change of attitude after 
thtl article came out! A. Yds, air. The avoid- 
anca th* moro noticeable, 

Q. What town did yon taia your residence 

Phoebe if. Hoi/U—Fot Pltf^Dirtci 

up In after coming froin. Brooklynr A, Wm- 
watosa, a suburb of Milwaukee. 
q. How hag did you *tay UitKt A, We left 

Hiiro ob the — 

The Court; How long did yen •Lay 


(J. About how long; a year or to! A It »u 

aver 4 year. 

By the Court: 

Q, A little over a. ycart A. That it rigltl, 
By Mr. Eruehliauflen: 

Q. Were there tome Jehovah 'a Witnesses re. 
tiding in WVuwatosaf A. Quite a number. 

Q. Were they members of wbnt class I A. Of 
tha data of Jehovah's Wiioesses. 

Q. .In 1! ilwaukee J A, I a Milwaukee. 

Q. And you Itud been acquainted wilJj tbemT 
A For n good many years, 

Q, Did yon notice any difference in attitude 
of thoBc people toward* you aflcr tha article 
of October IS, l'JCWl A. Yes, a decided — well, 
llitj- just luut nothing lo do with u* *nd did 
not sneak to ut an the street or in the meeting 

Q. Did you filially move awnyl A, To John- 
son Creek. 

Q, Had you rvcr reaided in Johnson Creek 
before 1 A. No, air. 

<J, Can yon p*t nay reaton why you, moved! 

Mr, Covington: I object to that 

phctbr. H, Mltti/lt—Far Plff.—Cron 

The Court; I think that ia immaterial. 
Objection sustained. 

Mr. Bruehhaaten: Exception. 

0- Did you rijjii I hat the penph- IhAl wis. 
knew, the Jehovah people, subsequent Jo No- 
vemb*? i5, 1939, Wert leas friendly or mora 
f riendlyt A They were much less friendly, 
l'here were many of Ihem who wouldn't reeog- 
;:--!' U9> 

Uy the Court: 

Q. That hod been friends before, is that what 
you mean f A- Yea ; had lieen frienrtu for ycant, 

■omit fifteen or twenty years, 

Bv Mr. B r. i :-':i !i.:c ;:;..:-| ; 

Q. And has that eofttinuetl up to tluj present 
tiinoT A, Yes, 
Q. Did that liave any effeci on your health 1 

Mr. Covington: That is undoubtedly 

The Court: nhjecttosi jia^taifted. She 
iz not a plaintiff bcra. 

Mr, Bruchbaosen: Fiiecption, Yottr 
Honor, I assume, taken tike same attitude 
ftlsout proving tl!ft mattera that went on 
in Bethel attached lo Mr. Ifoylc.'t letter, 
that we reserve Iboae until laierl 

The Court; Yet. 

Gfat&exatitiiui I ha hy J/r. Co L'tna tan r 

Q. Urs. Moyle, when did you first go I* 

Bethel, plea**! A- 1935. 

Q. And you continued to reside (here how 
long, pienscl A. Until Aug-int, 11)29. 


Phoebe if. Moult— For Fljr.-^Pro&t 

Q. Did you help your huahind prtpars the 
letter that is dated July £1, 19331 A. I did not 
help him prepare iL 

Q. Hid you read it over after be had written 

iL ;l:;;1 t~ fori- lui deliVertd LET A. I iliu. 

Q. And did you ditCtts* the BUtttrt oonttined 
in the letter 1 A With my huibandf 
(J. Yes. A Tea. 

Q. Bow lonjr did you disonaa those matters 
be-for* yoa. w^ota tli* letter, pleate — before he. 
wrote the kttert A I think wb diKOsMd it 
about a week. 

Q. And Md you disguised th* mattera prior 
to thai! A. Kol of leairinjf, hot of condition* 
that wa found there, 

Q. I notice in this tetter that you any that 
" Shortly after comine; to Ilethel, ve were 
shocked to witness tlie speclrtele of our hretliren 
leceii'in^ >vhat ia designated as a trimming from 
you," Too approved of that statement, didn't 
yout A Yen, *ir, 

Q, When was that that you first noticed tbia 
attitude or condition 1 A. The firwt trimroins, if 
you vant to nse that word— 

Q. That is what ia used in here, A. The first 
trimming woa given to C. J. Wtodworth. 

Q. What year- was lhatT A. Thai mast have 
been in J9S5. Ttwna shortly after ^t came th*re. 

Q, And lb«a you describe in tbia letter certain 
condition* that continued to exist from 1^:13 until 
1933, is that right* A. Tluil in right. 

Q, During the year 1°^5, th?*e «wne eondi- 
tions, you say, JJertiftted, it that rijfhtt A- Weil. 
there was this insidcat that I mentioned firat. 
Thtt vat tha first inciOTDt in 1936, 


Pko&t if, Mttft—Fif Ftff.—Crtit 

Q. Rut during 193,1 did you havo the snmo 
opinion liiut you did in 1.^3 c.ionwrniajr the v?q- 
ditiontl A. He, «ir. In 193J, 

Tlie Court: Tlie answer ia "Ho, air." 

Q- WJien did you form the opinion that you 
have i-K pressed in this letter iierel A. What 

(i- Tlie opiftioK ill at ix exprenht-d by your hut- 
I unit in yotir lielialf in the latter ilotnl July Zi, 

The Court; Don't you think you should 
s_-:L: htr WtetiKT Iha: n'aj: bcr opinion T 

Q. Do you ftu'k?cr;l>c to what ia elated, by yOui 
liiiiiiand in tbifi letter 1 A. I do. 

By the Court: 

Q, And did you at tbo liiOc it w written 1 
A. 1 did. 

By Mr. Covington: 

Q, That di'monat rates or espre^W your opin- 
ion in 1939, did it not! A. That is right. 

ij. YThcn did you form that opinion! A. Dur- 
ing tlial period of time tliat we were ia Retlml. 

Q. Wiien in the first time that you formed 
vuLir i- 1 1 ■ i 1 3 J h:. c i eipresflftl in thia letter 1 A. That 
wiiukl l*c tmr>Oasitile to tay. 

Mr. Uruelibflusenr I object to tho ques- 
tion. It ralln for a con dun! on. 

The- Court; Objection overruled. I will, 
let her answer if ahe can, 

A. (Continued} Tbert was no definite lim* 


i'ftoebf Af . Moylt—FoT Plf.—CtiMf 

when my opinion — when you aauhl tay my opin- 
ion was mode up, but it was the result of living 
there for that period of lima, 

Q. You say you did not have it in WJil A. 
That in right; when we came, we dtd not have it. 

vj. Did you lutft il in 1B3C1 

Mr. I Sruch hausen : I object lo it. 
TiiK ('our;: Objection sustained aa al- 
Ttnily anHuHired. 

Q, Wiuii date, appraxiinatoiy, did you form 
tins opinion ei||irerined in tibia letterl 

Mr, Ilrur.bhiiunen: Tliof ik objwled (o. 
The Court: Ohjrrtion. HUnlninad as e.'.- 
:.:.:.;.■ aniswured. 
Mr. Covington: Exc4ptioiL 

Q, lV T fien is Ibc ln«t tinie [hat you read the 
lelterj pteaw, ma 'ami A, Oh, I haven't rend, it 
for over a year. 
Q, You have not read it recently I A No, sir, 
Q. Tn the laat paragraph of the letter written 
Isy your huf-band, it Rays "We hoVO cons^Jered 
tikis aetion for HUM time," that is. the action of 
reaijrning and leaving fielhel — 

Mr, Briir.lilLiiiin«n: Just a minute, T 
object to counsel '■ inte rpr^tataon. 

The Court ; Objection santomcd. If yod 
care lo read her the whole parnerapb, I 
will permit you to. 

SJ. "We leave in Drder to regbder most ero- 
phatiratjy our disagreement with trie unjust con- 
ditions related in (hie letter," Yon renwanher 
t:iai part of the laltar, don't youT A I do. 




pi«te If. Moi/le—For Pig.—Cmts 

(J, Tiro beginning of tlie next paragraph nays 
"W'l' have considered this Action for some time, 
lull Him letter ia. ddivtred to y&ia junf as we are 
ImviL'g {in (i vni-alson trip lor npecilio rvasom'.' 1 
How lung inul you and your husband oofludcred 
tile Mlien euuti'iitplated in tbii ktUart A, I 
loird; about A week, 

Mr. Fruuhhaujo n : I objoct to this, ques- 

TLb Court: I will lei the onswor slajid, 
Slio wiiid "I thiuk about a week/' 

Q. Ami not before thenl A. No, sir. 

Q, Did you ever Imve: any controversy with 
any of your brethren Or *ist*r» it Bethel! A. 
No, Hie, nut that 1 reiueuilier of. 

0.. Hiil yau recent llic action nf any of |fOUT 
nistera or bn-llireu tovrurda yon while at Bothe-l! 
A, Vi'i-li, T did not like tlai! inference thai 1 «'uh 
—well, iliat J roiitdfl't lake liquor. 

0. What individual— wvs lhal a man or a 
woman! A. Usually the men ^ning U P '" ^ lE 

l>. Tin Aerator iu She building or at Bethel! 
A- Both places; 

Q, Did you know Elizabeth LobIh Hamilton 1 
A. Yes, very welL 

Q, Did you *v*r ha** any controwrty with 
he- J A. No controversy. 

Q. Wluit was your fueling or attitodo ton'arilK 
Kliuiliflk Louise Uniniltonl A. She was nn old 
Indy and— 

Tlie Court: He asked yon what wan 
yniir feeling or attitude toward* her, not 
*ho tit was. 

Pkotbt M. J/ojiie— Fw Piff ,— Crert 

The Witness; I don't know ^liiit lay 
feeling watt towards hei. 

Q. Wu* it friendly or uni fieudiy f A, Juit 

(j. Did. you tver refer to KiiLcbeth Louinc. 
Hamilton a* "An *J4 dwil,'* "Uo on, yuu old 

devil" T Do you rttattulKr Ulstl A. No, *ir, 

I ntTcr did. 

ft, When yon came to Bethel or before you 
came in 1U35, you had a home in WIhouhd, did 
you not! A. Tim; it right. 

(£. And you knew when yoa were going to, 
did you not} A. I knrw wo wore going to tha 
heaihjuurterK of the Wntth Tower. 

Q. And yon Jntpndiil to j;u Ih^re, did you 
But I A. That in ripht 

Q, Did >'0u go volunbtrilyl A. Tlitt i» right. 

Q. I *sk you, jjleaw, a-]icil;er or not, if juo 
sold nil your (juodtt nnd mtrtu mnd furnilure anil 
iiuuseliolil (HjuiiMLienl and everything wlitn you 
kftt A. Wa did. 

Q. \Vhi>re wero you renidinp, rileats, ma'am, 
hfforu you fains to. JJetliell A. In Union Grove, 


Q. [[ew lone; had you resided titers I A, 
Sine* Petfr wai.ten yearn oi4, 

fb« t'^ur".: Jilanjf ytajii, 

Q. Did y<m define to come to Betltel yoorsclf, 
cir was it due to the perEuaeion of your husband 
th;it you camel A. 1 desired to eomc. 

Q, And ynur huhbuful did not pereaade ;ou 
eume Eo JH i- 1 Jll-1 , Lm that correct! A. Ko, »ir. 

Q. In it not a Tact UiH y«u wer* BOt b fo-for 
of coming to Btihfcif 

Tlit CVOTt; Ohj^cyon anttu.LtH'jj. SLc 
fiiui alrvjidj' tc tided thai *he wan. 

tj. ltt it not n fart tiiat you made ttulernent* 
to CL-rtnib indiviilLiak that you were not in favor 
of coming to lii:Liielt A. >;o, tir, 1 never did. 

Q. Ua vuo rviiU'inhnr the OCCtUUQE when you 
witru ftoetioninjj- off «.li 111* furnlmre in line 
liuuw beiotc yuu iaflf A. Yes, 

(J. And you were greatly disturbed over ]i&v- 
ing tu but- tlLe LnjUJu broken up, ia titat correct 1 
A. That Li right. 

(J. And v*iq Klaled tliat you did not vant to 
i;lijiu.' io lielhelf A- t did not. 

(J. Did yem *lp,t6 tiurt you r*erotted ateing all 
the luniilurv go and the Lusne broken uli! A. 
1 did noL 

(J, Did you *t»tc to ftnyulio I hat yon did not 
liiiow whclher or not j'oa would he pJtaned at 
LktlieL or not! A, 1 don 'I nmw«»ber tver ray- 
ing tlult. 

y. Did ytm ntate to anyone that if'nflor yotl 
„'iii tu liijihcl Ci>ldi*inn< were net as you 6K« 
|H«cttnl or t)u*1 you oouihi not live in Brooklyn, 
lluii your liuf.lin.ud hud Bgreed with you to re. 
turn in the event Lbr.t il. is nnt «atij(fa£tury to 
you I A. I never uaid UiaL We (iKjieCied to 
■i*y tlierfi- 

Q. Hid you iuivft ain agreement and ur.dcr- 
*luiwling Willi yi>Or baidwind in 1U15 tlult if it 
van mil MtlitfActory, tliat he would return to 

ilr. liruebl'nu»cn; ObjetlioB. 
Tlie Court : Ohjoctlon *«j)1ni.nt'd rn 
already answered 

Mr r Covington: We except 

PJWjr ;/. 3/«^e-^Fdr Pljf.—CroMs 

Q, In )0^G, After you had been nt TSuliifl a 
year, bud ymi ar.y diiuatiKfaeEion or disojipiova! 
nf IImj iMjntlilinna. Ilierel A. Wc unf tiilijr* that 
—I uaw thin&i that I did not approve of, ye*, 

Q. I bIiow ynii a dnctnuent nnd o»l; you to 
identify and t<-ll Hie jarv what it i», pirmie 
{nanding to witnestt}, 

Mr. 1,1-tir iibausen : Not urili *k **e it, 
if your Honor ploanr. 
Tlie Cenrt; ldenlify it. 

A. Yen, tliot in a <|iu-ai innnair* that we lillnl 
an t. 

By 1iif Coiirti 

Q. IScfun- ynii venl hiii-k to ItethelT A. No, 
utter we giot tlicrf. 
Jl>' Hr. Covington r 

Q, Tlinl ja tilC tine tiiat you Pill^i Mif i» tlint 
ri^Ltl A. Aflw we g.rt there. 

Mr. CnvinploB: I ftiTer it in erul^Bf*. 
■Mr. Hj'iit'LiliiiiiM'it: N» i>lyi'<l. 

(Tlie jmfH'r referreil t<k wan ri-feii'nl in 
ei'idenre and nmiLi'd Ikrendantu' I*) 

Q. At tlie 1inro you nijro"! >«nr ippliealion 
on May S, l n url, after you Jiud ln-eu in Itetln-I a 
year, did yrtu en|iresn to tlie individual Hint yuu 
nig^tcil it before any tLs»^iit jffuuet Luil of Ihc ron- 
dilicirtu there! A. I rensMitlwr that. W'a wpre 
(iiijUHuirnl in i«ijrn Ihat wiien we emtio in— 

Tli* (-'uUTl; Tlmi in nut wliat lie ahked 


Plmiiic if. Mei/le—Fof Plf.—Ctot* 

Q. ^Titn you signed Lbii, did yoa txpre«« to 
tlva individual before whom you signed it any 
di&uatiiifaetion with the conditions existing nt 
Hitthtd, pViiifc nia'aml A, i think I signed it in 
my room and took it dnwn. to th* oiEct 

Q. "Warn you tn , k it to the room, did you eX- 
preu any distatiif action T 

The Court: Yeu ffiean "Witn JfOu 
took it to tlie ofifioe"! 
air. Covington; Yca t 
The Court; Yoa *aid "U the rwot" 

A, I dtiri't think so. 

Q. You did notr A, I did not 

Q. Doriag tlie time you were at Bethel &ed 
prior to Ihe (ime lhai you wrote — thut your bug- 
band wrote tlie letter dated July 21, 199% did 
yoa tl|.irrst to any member of the Kcjhel Family 
your diifiatiufactiou of Ui* eonditiona at Bethel 1 
A, I i;ny luvve. 

Q. To wboiiiT A, I wouldn't know to whom. 

By tl» Court: 

Q. You don't know whether you did or wlietiieir 
you did not, i» that what you want to tell uiil 
A. I may have. 
By Mr. Covington; 

Q, You are not sure of tlmt, art you I A. No, 

Q. Hid you eipftsa your disss tialuclion or din- 

approvnl »f the condition* t* anyOM on the out- 

»id« nf [lethel during tiiat timet A. I may baye. 

ft. Did yon *v*rj during Hie y«*ra from l'j& 


Phoebe If. Maple- Fitt Ptf.—Crtm 

to 1323, esprenij to onyoae your desir* to return 
to Wisconsin T A, Only my kuabajid. 

Q. WIll'u wax tlult f A. 'When we were dis- 
oussing wiielitcr we would go buek or not that 

By the Court: 

Q. The week before the letter *mi wtilUnt 

A. V.::i, 

By Mr. Ccvi^-ti.n: 

Q. Ttot wa& the firat timel A. 1 dan'i re- 
member any other- 

Q. Dili you ever Jiavc a eonTersation witb 
U rover C, Psiwell of A-lanta, (ieorgui, prior to 
the time that yuu cjluib to Bethel t A, I tara 
tpokvn to 1dm. 
By [he Court: 

Q. Uefci-e you went to Bethel, bfcfor* D351 
A. No. 

By air. Covington: 

Q. &Aec iUoO luive you hod a conVoriiati do 
with him with reference to your defira to cams 
to ISetiiell A. Not that I remember. 

•Q. I« it not a fact that you fold JXrt, C rimer 
C- Fowell oiid ilr, Snover C I'oweM tint yon 
did lot want to coiuo H Bethel 10 bvgta Wllhf 
A. 1 did not 

Q, Yod did have a convwiifrtjen with then, did 
yoa notT 

The Court: tilie haa teitified the did 
not r&meiiibar. 



Phoebe M, HoyU^-Fot Plf.—Croii 

Q. Did yf<n say ynu may haw hud a ennversa. 
tiaiil A. I said 1 did not remember. 

(J. Vi.l >»x ihnt tin- nam* attitude L 'D.a not dia- 
playvd jit Wi&coni>tn otter yna relumed there as, 
it wu« before you lift, i* TUat rig hit A. That 
is right, 

(J. Was that ilUIHnlialdy after you returned! 
A, No. nit, 

(J. Do yrni desdre no* to 1* amocintod with 
JtbnvnV* Witiif'iiiiPH f A. I do not, 

tj. Do ynu ugrce (a uml suhucribe to tilt dut- 
trjnv" jmUinlital li> the Watch Tower Dibit k 
Tract Society I A. I do not, 

(J-, fjiin* when — did ym eerr afire* or aub- 
>-criU- to l l.o doctrines contained und [»uhli«bed 
Ijj' tin: Watch Tower Ifible ii Triict ijucietyf A. 
1 did. 

Q. Dlil you EttWrriht in those doctrines nil 
duvinp the lane that you were ni ISflhell A 
When uii urliele nunc utlJt 1hal did nut stum to 
hi k tin IJiblo, 1 did 161 1JIW with iL 

(J. filial article did you Live in mind! A, 
VIVII, I Itiink. thi' tins! one wns "The Interpreta- 
tion of JuwpJi und llln Jirelhren." 

g. And I hi' next one! A, 1 dnn't rotuember. 

Q. Jji H not u J"iitl lliwt i'ou nre a Prohibition- 
in If A, iVu, air. 

llr. itrue bliD'Uxva : I object to that. 

Tlte Court; How is Uml Material! The 
objection ia ennladned j exception Id lha 

13 r. Covington: J take an esieeplion to 
llw action of lite Court in limiting- my 
crosit-esaui inn lion. 

Ptetbt U- Mtyle—FQf Plff.—Cratt 

The Court; I am not talking; year 
erois-exuitii nation, I have ruled on a t[gtt- 
tion. I will liar* no controvert}'. 

He. Covington: Tim duli-go* tflTt be*a 
nuidu in the letter — 

The Court: Tliunt ant no- elitrge* her*, 
■\Vi; h'jli have an brjUeruenls. Your record 
in entirely protcctrd by your cieJL'plion, 

llr. Covington: 1 want to complete my 

The Court : You will pluuc looke no 
(urllicr ulutemt-nt ctuim: ru i ng tliAt ohjw- 
llga and CVBeptian. Von Intra- naked a 
qiiL'tiliun and yuu liuvij h^J n rullig. 

llr. Cov JJiL tuji ; 1 wtiiild Jiita new to 
tcnittr — 

Tin; tyourl: Aak any ([ueation von want 

Mr, Codington: 1 wutil lu ulinw what 
tlii" answer would be bo dial tlu> — 

The Court; There will be nothing like 
Dial la LiiiH court-rooui. Your record \i 

pri ilitli.'Hj, 

.Mr. Covington; May I do it in tlia 
abx.'JH'c of tlie jur^'t 

Tlie L'ourt: 1 will Ik jflnii !o n« botli 
coarvnel iti the abaenca of die jury. 

llr. Covington: That in ail. I have nn 
furlhar nuedtioni, 

Mr, UruclilmnM!!!: Xo further quea- 

(Wilneiu rented.) 

Air Ilruchluiaucri : I would like So reftd 
tin; depoaition of Mnthun IL liaorrj tlta 
pceunt pniudent of tL» aauHialion; 

A'sili'jrt W. ATstorr — i'rnui initio* Before Trial 

"NATHAN K. KSJOR^ baring beta dnlj 
iwnre. teadiied sj follow*; 

" m?ect-£zaminaiiQn ijf Mr. BrudAouten: 

" Q. Your realdeace 1 A. 124 Uolumbda. Height*, 

"Q. How louj have you mided tinsnsl A. 
fjanca September, ISO, 

"Q. 1010.1 oiTwus do you Bold in tha dtfetiimtt 
corporations I A. Now, ifreaident of the Watcl 
Tower of P*aa*ylTr*ni* a*d W^tth Tower oJ 
New Yort. 

"Q. Anil what ollice did you hold in. these 
corporuLioBa in ISiXiT A. Vioo President of tie 
New York corporation. 

"(J, Did you bold any other offica b either 
organnatiout A No, air. 

"Q. Yon were directer of both orgasiiatisoa 
in 193&1 A. No, air, jU4t in New York, 

"Q. "lViuit was your occupation us far as tht 
puhUahiug of '.he Watch Tower magaiine ia con- 
cerned In 19391 A. Factory and oEke runjinger, 

"Q, You were in chfcrtjo of tilt w^fiHed print- 
ing" jsiant of tlia corporation at LL7 AdMot St,t 

A. Viv. -f-r. 

"Q Both of the d^feadant eorporattnna pab- 
liahed the magaiijiej did they nOlT A. Yea, sir, 

*'<J, A£<1 both eirenlated the magiKiaoI A. 
Tea, air. 

"Q. ~\\'}ic\ wai the circulation of the magazine 
in IMu1;l-( n:n! K^'ii^LLMir, lftJDT A. ApprOli- 
mately 100,000 MpJtt of tht Wahsb Tower. 

"(J. And tliey were mailed lo individuals in 
Um United £la.te» and ekawharoT A. Te4, air. 

XtrikuN It. K'.mrr — UraiHiiintiim Rrfar? Trial 

"Q. Ynu attended ihe rinitinf of August B, 

19301 A. Yea, air. 

"<J r Whfl-iS waa it Jirdt brought !0 your alien, 
lion (h*t lit- lloyle hud v,-ri;ter (lie letter of 
July 21, 1939T A. At thnt meeting. Auguat fith. 
*'ft. And Judgi.' Jiutlierford rend tlie ktk'r did 
he noLT A. No, air, tie called hia aecretary in 
to teed ilia letter. 

"Q- And an a result of (ho reading of the 
letter a renal u1 Ion w*a pi'fparedT A. A motion 
tin* maile, as 1 rccnl], that A re*otution be pro* 
pared, aecondi.'d and the pereona were *ele«led lo 
draw up a resolution. 

"Q, Th« resnlnlion in only i put »f the entire 
article 'Infortntltion' in it notl A, Yf* h sir. 

"Q. Tin* rent oT Hie srtielc entitled 'Infnrnifi- 
tlon' other than the resolution was ftnL prepared 
or submitlcsi Ht tlmt meeting? A Of August 

: 'Q r Ye«, A, No, sir, 
(I, ti'lien ami by ti-|ioih won 1l(f Iwilamv of 
the article pre]>aT*d1 A, I don't know. 

Skipping further down On tlit page: 

"Q. Was it IlK'it ennflidered arwi Orilered thnt 
it be published! A, I Itflievo it was. 

"Q, And prior to September %*, 1939 you 
Imdn't htil iniy purl of thnt nrlirle esrept the 
resolution! A, Nft, air. 

"O. Wl5ri thcJUlielr prf-iiHTfl wtlCf inn Jirrivnl 

at the weeliner! A. I," 1b Ink it wis, 

"Q. And did .ludpt rtut'hcrfnrd suhmit it to 
the stnvtlnfi'l A. Yen. s't, it was read Over care- 
fully and as 1 rcrtKWher, discussed. 
*'Q, Did ha read it! A 1 don't remember. 

Xntliau II. j't'iiucr — Kmtui»ation licfoft Trial 

"Q. All of the signera o£ the article, were 
present, thrw "f them, i» tlmt eorreell A, Tintl 
id tiiy recollection. 

"Q. And wiio »' h ihsnitted tlie article to them 
for si^rnuturc «nd umlcr what ei reunite :ic«S f 
A. Those that were present, according to my 
recollection, iters invited to sirt. it if liiey 
njrfOd n'i[li Mil- i n l"t>niL;i.1 ifm eonlained in it. 

"Q. How Jong cid the ineeTinij ht»tt A. OIl, 
I would say, 3!i or id niinulea. 

"Q. Ami lion' and urulcr M'hat circumslanccs 
were tiic uignnture nf tlie tSnfve ahn*ntees ob- 
tained! A. My recoltcclion is ilmt (hey were not 
in tin biiildiiiK- »t Die time Ihe article 'InfOr- 
m.ilioii' hfaa [Jtowi.trd tn them— well before it 
was puhli^hed in the \Vateli Tower they wom 
asked if tlwjf eartd to nburn it. 

■ L CJ. W'liy. took th,: reanluiiim from tli* meet. 
ijikT A. 1 don't uiidorittand. 

■ L CJ. After the meetiup, who lind 1li* rthnlu. 

"Mr. Coi'inglon: You naeaa Ihe nrlick 
L Jnfannalinn h t 

"Q, Ym, the arliHc lnrorii»ation'. A. It was 
tuft with Judge italhcrford. 

"Q. Ami when did ynu nexl nee it, if von did 
me it! A. The MXt I inn: 1 mv it was when it 
wan i-iTt 1o llu* "Hire for publication in tlie Ootn- 
Imt l"s liJ^S-J Wnteh Tower. 

"Ui l)u vim know obun( when ;bat won! A. 
Thni wniihl have, hrfm Mjniowl icri 1 * aroand Octo- 
her '•*;. 

*'Q. Warn tho nriginnl Viiuwled to you at that 
llino? A, I couldn't say. 


Nathan SI. Kt&rr—EMariiusiien JBcjW 3"riai 

*'Q, And who Inmdcd ii to yon! A, Judga 

"Q. ])u ynu knnvf whetlrer or not J'JdftC 
1'tu t l>cr|'j>rd |XTrtrmily obiaiunl Mll- KiuT.aturcft of 
Ihe other (linmi A, Me inusl imvi liei-aima tlie^ 
are in IVatdi Tower. 

"Q. At Iras) you didn't ace Hiein signl A, 1 
didn't f.i'i' lliein nija [w !>•■ : I --ii 1 1 y 

"Q, V.'hcii did (be nrlichr 'Siiariii'* t" 
jVinT ntlenlien for the first tiiiK'f A. Whim I 
re;nl It In the Vntch T«wrr BUWMino nunc lh;:e 
a few day a iMfforc tlie llilh of GctrJwr. 

"Q» Tber<> v/aa an article imlilinlni:! in tin- 
Watch Tower ahnul Sopteinlsr ls1, 'ln-rp 
n»l, henrinj; npnn Mr. Jfuyle f K. r believe there 
Tan n <!mjti nolieo. yes— T enn't l» delinitc on 
the iii-HUf unless I look it U|t. 

"Q. Well, you heanl Mr. Ifowktl *ay tlml a 
meeting **sl held On Hi-ptemlter 21kI, didn't you I 
A. Yen, sir. 

'*(J, And tluit'n the meeting when (be artirln 
'Inroniialton' wns iigneiL in 1iiat not corrct'lt A. 
Will you |ilcn*c i"1nte 1iiAl H|iieKlion agdlnl 

"Q. Yon recall tlie meeting nf Keplenilier 21^1 
— >'0» were jireiumt! A. Yes, Fir, 

"Q, ,\:nl tint's when the article ' Tn r.-.nna > ion* 
wan lirouglit 10 your attention and Bignedt A. 

"Q. And that's the liimf when Mr. Moclctt 
Wns instructed to go to Wisconsin, was it not! 
A. Yen. 

"Q. So far ae you know lie didn't ra#frr* o.ny 
inal met inns lo co otit \hr-ft prior to that time! 
A. Not to iny Lnnwledge." 



Lallan f/. A'storf— fjronnTieliVii Ws/os'i; Trial 

Nut page: 

"Q. Well, Ju<I K e Rutherford and the Board of 
Directors or members of it wtni available lw- 
Iw«lel August 8, IMS and Sapfcmual H 1939, 
were the)' notl A. V«, tir. 

"Q. When did the KTtkli 'Snascs' first com* 
t<t your- attention 1 A. When I read it in Une 
Watch Tower magliioe after it waa printed and 


*'Q, Didn't yen take part in il* puhlisbiugT 
Al I received the manuscript and ]Mkim'<I it 
through in Lhe regular mUtint; manner but I iiftil 

"Q. When diil yrni receive the m*i"8»ftripl ! 
A. It was Muxlomery la receive thi> iimnuM-ripi 
Approximately I'd liaym in advance of the dnfa of 
Hfnqc — that would have h*4ti Septeiaher lotll, 

*'Q. I Mil attention tu the fact that the article 
'Brans' was- published on or ultout Novemlier 
15, 1939, 

"Mr. OfrviARtfln: Tito 'Snare** article 
*m published in Knwiabai wasn't itl 
When ha laid a. month before that would 
make it October 15th instead of Septemlier 
lalh, u'ouldn't iff 

"!J, Is thai your nn*w e rT A. That's W7 an- 
swer, yes, uewuse it wm» a month before, 

"Q, iJi'l Judpe Rutherford hand Uiut article to 
yofll A. BanvtHBH he handed them to me and 
sometime* they were sent to my desk, 

"Q, They all came ftara hirn didn't they, fU- 
rl lifting the. artiste 'Snares'? A. Ten, it cam* 
from hi* deat 

A'eftait E. Knvrf— Extminatj** Bf/are Trial 

"(J, Did you read il whan it ws* handed to 
youT A. No, sir, I did not," 

Skipping (4 (Ijc '»>*l page: 

"Mr. Covington: On or about July lfiiJi, 
sometime between the middle and the Imd 
of Jaly, 1539, after the, disturbance in the 
Madison Square Garden and after the 
attain of June 2-1, 19!!9, these three de- 
fendants were culled for a preliminary 
hearing before the Magistrates Court in 
Hit Court House across from tire Tombs, 
Criiiiinnl Csutt Building. At that time 6 
hearing vli liad a* I* whether or not they 
would ha continued in bail Or whether they 
would be discharged, wlictbcr or nnt lliey 
vponld bit Iseld for flonerai or Sji&cifJ St*- 
rwa*. TUv tomdusian "*as te hold it at 
KprficJ Scuiiion"- That licab-ine; was ad- 
journrd— waa eoBeilldfrd (bat anine day it 
was held, i don't know tht tsvA dalc^ 
Wmelime in the iiuddlo or tmOar part of 

Tlien, in October or Xftrerober — at least 
UO of thraa monihi later, the (rial of this 
mutter l»i>f<>fe a Court of Special Re**i*vrn 
wan lield in the *Jffle iwi!dtnj7 before Mag- 
iitratea Kloutl,. I'l-ndman and another at 
Special SfKiioiis; At that time a Hearing 
waa bad and the tlin* defendant! wens tu> 
ajBittHL At thi pTfliminarr bfarins, aa I 
Ijest recall — hear in g was bad H determine 
whether or not IheX WSsId be held or dis- 
charsjed. The mutter ttM handled by Mr 
M»y!i and a gentleman by tht nam* of 

Nathan E. Kntrr—Effinintil^ Be/or* TrioJ 

Mr. \^'heclis. However, at the hearing in 
October the matter was bandied by Abra- 
ham Shauot. fliftf's the fusil nl the Court 

of especial Htisjiions — that's the distinction. 
At one of thoea bfarie^s Mr. Knorr was 
psefwt, at Hi* other he wan noL" 

Skipping duwn further on that page: 

"Q. T am nuliirn? you if any LaformatiMl vomo 

to you, irrenpoctivo of whether or not yoli 
alteiided the hearing, an to any complaint mado 
by fliiyone in the orjjajiiiiLtion tliat Mr. Moyle 
failed tn properly (ictus A lawyer for the defend- 
ants At that preliminary bearing I A. Tci, Jttdg* 
UuthorFord nientiruiftd it to nse. 

•■Q. When did you find hear it fnom Judf** 
HuUieffordt A, At I lie meeting of August Slh. 

"Q. And whiit did he Miyt A. Can. I p;ive tho 
eiii(;1 wni-ilsf 

"Q, Yea, VoB are now referring to spmo 
manuscript ! A- I am referring to acme ininutei 
of that meeting. 

"■Q. Minutes sf the meeting— yta T A. Jud(re 
I{-.i[l:i -i-l i, :-i I speakinjrj saya: *Ynu ininht eiiplaia, 
Miiyle, why you were ho familiar in the e«urt with 
MeKonnld— [mfting him ua 1b* liack when you 
kne\r that he una one of the leaders in tlie 
iiwuiult rm line Ijord'n orgnni^ntion at Madison 
Sf^iaro tlnrdcii. IE ill! you perfonued your duty 
to our brethren the nit nation would have been 
far Itftler for ua new in the light with, the enemy 
who nttriupted to hreak up the .Madison Square 
(ianlon nifeting/ To thitr staleinent of Juilge 
RullierfoPii yoj ^'iplit k plain, Meyl*' Pw coin- 
lueiit w"j forllti'oiidivg from iloyiE. 


AVlAan U. KnaV — ExttPtiitali&t Before Trini! 

*'<i. That k the first in forntntior. jfom received 
of aay :-..! ;..l:ii:ii against Mr. Moylel A, Yes, at 
tiuit iiu'elijignf Urn Hh, 

"Q. Ho you know whether Judge Iiotlierford 
was prpfKHt at the preliminary Jiearifigt A, 1 
don't know. 

"Q. Ydu had oreotion lo «pcAk Us Judge 
Rutherford between the date of the preliminary 
hdiirir.c; and August 8th, had you not f A. I would 
frpjuenily npeak to bun but not parlicnlarly 
alsiiiH lfiiH trial 

"Q, Didn't he pee yvu praeti:slly every day 
between tliat period I have niciitionedf A. Kvsfy 
day if lie was at 1^4 Columbia Heights— not 
always t" talk hnniiKsn— 

"Q. You huw him frt«nwn|ly during that 
period f A. Yes.. 

"(J, lie didn't mention anything to you about 
any dis&ui iufactiun with ilr. Jloyhs during Urn 
period 1 have mentioned 1 A. (To, 

"Q. Did onyorie lo the organization or outsiJ* 
mention to j uU any dLi^alisfaetioo witJi Mr, Moyle 
prior to August 3, LOOSf A No, air. 

"Q. Did you know of any lawyer whom Judge 
BulfccrFon] or the orgniji»*tirni Iwd any dissatis- 
fimliyu wtlb at any lime! A, Not that 1 recall. 

"Q. And you have been there how many years' 
A. IS years. 

"Q, You liad oceoiiion to meet Mr. Moyle dur- 
ing his n'lty in Helhel front May, 1^-Vi lo 193 J, 
did you nntt A, I am <if the opinion that it *iij 
from June, if 1 may noiko that mrrection. 

Hi q. V^u ean correct tea On tliat A I diiia't 
me^t Mr. lloyle until Juno some time, 19111. 


t/utiim !L Knurr— Es&iriin<iiitt» Etfarr. Trial 

"Q. 1 ivill nsh y oil- -between June, 1935 and 
AugiiKl, ISSI wheiliL-r von met Mr. Meyl* and 
iptike to hinil A. Quite frcip'cntly, 

"Q. And yon oeveT 1 knew of any din^atiafnti- 
lion with him or Quv fiiiu|i]aLnt4 iboiit him dur- 
imr llm1 periiHlt A, Nn, «if- 

"Q. Wan iher.'any athrr Court pro<-etdin|; that 
yiiu knew fif where any Inwyvr r~prcM*nJeil 1l:fl 
oigiiniznlHin where Ihere wa^ any eornplnint iihuIr 
nlirii:l tlm lawyerl A Not toniy knovi lorlgfl. 

"Q. And you nl Prided all the director!* meet- 
InjW, diil yiiii nntt ft. A?- long an 1 was a direa- 
Inr. I kiven't hfi'r n dirMtOT for IS yearn. 

"Q. IJnw long were >'«?u a dirrrtnrt A. The 
rworil wiiuld i^tinw^ if ynn want im ^»i1imaie, f 
wonhl tiiy a] iproTtinuitely ID Venn m (he Jfow 
York for po ration. 

"Q, And hnw ortea did tliedireftam mrct ilnr- 
ing thai ;>crini|1 A, T1 vavtNl— alway* had the 
animal uiiM-linp* and iahrnliltendy eprtain hiisi- 
up»s Ilia! liad la be prmfnited lo (ho Pidnrrl. 

"Q. Can you think of jiny other person to 
whom the nrtiel" 'Knarr*' wnnM ftllnxk, other 
L 1 -:_ i- In Mr. Mortal A, No, T couldn't, 

"Q. Wanfi't it yosir reaction that the arliclc 
wns directed to Idfnt A. IVbea 1 read it I 
thought of Mnyle— if the writer- bad onytbir.g 
more on hir> mind, T can't say." 

Now *kip over to page n S i 

"Q. Yon kn«w (hat Ifoyk wan n member of 
Jehovah \V'i1 iienjen from .lune f ID'') to August, 
lOKlt A, Tea, itT. 

*'Q. Arid you Vnew that atter the nweting of 
Angiut fl . 1 MP, Mnyie wan directed and ordered 
ta vocuie iimiiedir.iciy ! A I did. 

Natitan U. A'tiorr-^fjaHtiiuiliajt Etfott Trial 

"Q. Did Judge Rutherford give those inatruo- 
tionsf A. It was the recommendation of tho 
ejUirt baard lo Judge RuLlierfard in tliat resolu- 

"Q. Was there any hKAting <if the board nt 
which the article ,'Simre*' was discuscedT A. 
Nojifc that 1 know of. 

"Q, Did Ton make any investigation of any 
kind us to the aetivitiei of Mr. Moyj* when lhe 
article 'Information 1 was called lo your atten- 
tion 1 A. 1'leu.he stale ihat again. 

"Q. Ijiil vi.'U make aoy iot^uiry or inveatigalion 
in conneelion With the arLielc 'lnfpriiidtiftu' aftor 
thot Wait called to your uttcn lion 1 A. Well, I al- 
ready knew- that llr. iluyle hud written end What 
was written in his letter and tliat w-as sufiicicnl 
knuwledge to me that Hie article 'Infomiuliun' 
Win* pro|>ef and eorreet aiid Oitvefor* i ^igaed 

Now, akip to 122: 

"Q, Wlnta you. tpeak of work as to lie** 

places, do they produce food I A Yes, that is 
■*lie,r<! tho food is grown — at 'Watch Tower — cad 
brought into bethel and used on our tublc. For 
example tSDO quarts of vegetables at Watch 
Tower and Slulen Island And thouaanda more 
st onr farm in New York were canned. That 
{nod was brought la to feed the 200 odd pergfmt 
at this place. It is also Used at Watch Tower, 
States. Island and at the Farm." 

fckip to US; 

"Q. You mado ao investigation of your own 

aa to the conduct of Mr. Moyle on the trial 




A'ddArJM //. ft"jt(i/T — t'j-fl rtlTH rfilDJt Bff/ort Triti 

ether thsn stated lo you by Judpc H u'.he r? ord T 
i\. No, sir, 

"Q. Did yen litliewe thai Judjrc Itulherford 
iiad at limes wclaiinud any information or din- 
em isfnclion up d tjv part ef member* of tho fain- 
jLy I A. Yes, air, tic did welcome it. 

"Q, So that anyone was at liberty, with per- 
fect frankness, to t*l! hi* attention to say items 
ttmi he mijjbt disagree wilbl A. Yes, lifc" 

1 was jfiMHS I" **H I' f- Hoy It. 

Til* Court; He will be loot', of course I 

Mr. iirv.?hliauacn: Yea, *ir. 

The Court; The jury i* e"-uned now 

until two a 'dock. l'leanc Ik burr promptly, 
(Jurj lewe the eonrt-rooni. J 
(Conference between Ciurt nod MW- 

Mr. Covington: I win* at this time to 

move fw the discharge of the jury and 

a declaration of a mistrial on the port of 

tbe Cmiirt. 
Tin: Court i Von can moke that motion 

in from of the jury- 
Mr, Covington; On amount of the re- 

n,.j:» ll; 11! «n made by the Court aa 

patting that burden which assamee that 

the article is true. 
The Court: J- does not presume it at 

aJ]. All 1 have *aid is that before we go 

ir.lo it, you must prove that it we* puh- 

luhcd and not pii'-'ilegtd, 

( Whcreu pan a luncheon reesin mi 
taken an til lu'e o'clock p, m.) 

Brooklyn, M. Y-, Moy 12, 1912. 

before; U«*\ littvnv L. L'uiIktta, JukIjco, 
Asd s jury. 

{tkuinfl Appearances.) 

May. 12, 1943 

Attisbisoox Session 

Tpc C-'ctftek ;..::i. 

(Trial resumed puraunat to adjourn. 

ILr. fjevjnjjtoji ; May it pleas* your 
Honor, I Jo not think I will aiik any 
questions of Mrs. iloyie at this time. 
liul during tbe examination I bad and did 
introduce in evidence these two printed 
letters, and I haven't read tbtra, and I 
wsa wondarine; whether it would be con- 
venient 10 read iJiefli bo* or l*t«r. 

The Court; Do you want to rend them 
as part of your ease or do you prefer to 
n:JL.| them oii«' I 

Mr. Covington; I might aa well read 
t'.i-iij as part of tJiis ea±e_ 

The Court : 1 have no objccliun Id your 
reading them now. 

Mr, JBrucbhaunen : f want to «*)', fin 
connection with Mrs. Moyle, that in view 
of the objection that was maJr on (ha 
(juestions askinl by couhec! as to her beiriff 
a E^rohi lj>l:oniKt, lliat I u'u »]ll:rij; to l,rin^ 
ber hatk on Um stannj for t.r<j*«-c itu-n i rm- 
'ioa bud fc'aiva sny obiefilion. 

Qlh It. JfojJe— f«f rt$.-^nirect 

Mr. Covington: TV* have no fu/tber 
qiK*liooiruT alojijf tliSL line at this lime. 

Tiiis i* tit* jis-inttKl Ittuir- which Mr. 
Fii.k idcBtilkd y fbttr'lii v and it is en- 
titled, "An Open Letter To Jehovah's 
Wi trai a t* *' daleii September 35, 1940, 
and it is prints — 

The Court; If it is not all pertinent 
and if villi want to rwu3 any part in the 
iniNTi'jft uf brevity — *'cru u.i^ ji1 lilierty 1u 
md it »U Or any part. In otlier vurdx, 
if we can shotiet; up any with this trial 
we onght to Iry to do iL 

ilr. Coving: out I appreciate that and 
I bill try t.) do it. 

(irr. C'ovinjflwi reads DafendanEa' Ex- 
hibit ;J to .I.,- j i iy. ) 

Mr. Covington: And the olhc-r letter 
I think I w-ill n'jij later. 

The Cotirt; Your neit witnets. 

Mr. Brodihfliawea: I will tall Ifr. 

OLDf R. MOYLB, residinjr at JohnEona 
Creek, Wusfonain, being firat duly sworn, tesU- 
Ced at follows: 

i!r. fJrucliriaafienL 1 joist wiint to at 
(hi* time offer in evidence pari of the 
"Wnlch To»-er : " of January 1, 1333, that 
part on page 2 entitled ""Wftteh Tower- 
CuiBt%n L " and the article on the lest 
page entitled "Witch ToMi'er, Sample 


Qlin B. iiot/tt^For Plfr- Irirect 

The Court; Slicw Itr. CovKurton iha 
two articles you menu. 
Mr. Covington : No objection. 

(Received in evidence and iDiffeed Plain- 
tiff's Etiiibits i&A and 101S. resi«.'ctLvc]y,li 

Mr. RniehlutusoDi I will udrk thia firat 
article A t and the second, artiele B, thai 
btinE On the last page. 
Direct ejffwsiiiaJiOrt fejf ifr. iVr^r aaaaaes : 

Cj. You are a nativa of Wjiconaui I At Yes, 

Q r Horn where 1 A, TluJ town of Baynaond, 
Eaeine County, Wisconsin. 

Q, la tliat in the vicinity of MUwaiikMl A. 
Yes, sir. 

q. Eow far distant t A- Unymond i* about 
2D miles from Milwaukee. 

Q. You attended the public schools in Wi*con- 
slut A_ Yes, sir. 

Q. And eventually attended ValparuisO Uni- 
versity in Lodikns&f A. \ea, sir. 

Q. And obtained the d*t rc * °^ LL.B, (Jj«et 
A, 1 did. 

Q. And Uiei-i yon «-ere admitted lo Hue Bar of 
the Stale uf "Wiiieonsiu, on April 25, JUUi ia that 
riglitt A Thai i* right, 

Mr. UrUtbhauaea: I ollar in evidence 

Tiic Cui.i-t. There isn't mny ^net-tion 
about tbaL 

il r. Coring Wft : No question about him 
being a ffiemner of tLe Bur, 

2nH £ Aloyle—Pvr Fig >— Direct 

Q. You wore later otiinitlcd lo the Uar of the 
H:a(e <>( H<w Vorkt 

.Mr. Covington: There h no ^nettiaa 
nbuikt Uml eitlier. 

Q. Of the fitate of Hzv York is Decewh**, 
l^ttil A, Tltti ii T ighL 

The Court; There is no nroestion as to 

Q. And in connection nith your ndmission lo 
Hit liar in the Statu of New Yorh yoa bad atr 
ti.ehed lo yoUSf papers cliaracter alhdavits Bijrned 
by the defendant* Nathan 11. Knorr, Joseph F. 
Hadicrt'urd, t'taytob Woodwortii, and one 3J«- 
Conuick, is tliat correct 1 A. I think that is 

\l i-. ISj-uchliauM'ji: 1 offer the character 
ullidavilii in uvkkaet 

Mr. Covia^tan: Theru i* mt Hjuusli^fl 
about it and 1 do "ot set tlu.- nntteriulity. 

The f'uurt; 1 ;.n concede thul ii-i-l- gave 

Mr. Covinjrton: They did (;iv<; tucli 

T'M L-uiirt: L do ant sec that it is nia- 

ilr. ltrurbhauiitii : IVitit that conceii- 
sioib 1 won't prras iL 

Q, Then war* ynu not admitted to the liar of 

ire iiu|ii'L-Li)'j Court of I ho Untied KHile* Of 
America ut WutJjlnjftoo, on Mardj 2, 1^371 A. 

1 man. 

i.; And you lutve oeeti a practicing attorney in 


OS* It. Meyte—Fet .Pl'^Utffri 

these varioua jurisdielions nt one time or an- 
other, ifince your admission in tlie iilulc of WLs- 
conbin in ILUJt A. Yun- 

Q. And you are ao*' praetieia^ ktw in Ilia 
Suit* of WistotiHint A Yea, 

q. When did you becotne aluliated with JeJso- 
vah'a VVitneasesT A It was aruond 11)09 or 
lyiO, 1 lHK*!B* amliated with tlia \Valdi Tip *r 

Q. Did yon attend clarsea ui Wiscoimin f A. 
Yes, sir. 

y. Thereafter 1 A. Yes, sir. 
(j, fiejrulnxly, «p to itWl A. Yea. 
(J, And did you have uny eOrre*pontienee with 
Mr. Uulherford about conung to itrooklynl A. 
^. Was lint at his reyuestl A, Ye^, it wok. 
y, Atul as a result of tha^ correspondence yod 
sold your Jioiue aud beLujiglnj^s in WiaL^n^iin and 
umie to Brooklyn in June, WiJiT A, That i* 

(j. Had you, prior to leaving Wwcoxujin, taken 
cars of some litigaliua for Jehnvah's Witnesses I 
A- 1 handled a uuuiber of cum;* in the area 
where 1 lived, 

(J, tju whea you came to Brooklyn you took 
up your home, you, your wife and your son, in. 
itediel on Columbia, Heights I A, Yes, 

y. And you Wen auai^ned to l^gal work, wan 
youl A. 1 was, 

(J. And did you during liial time handle Siti- 
gatio:t En vori«u< stateu in the United States! 
And in thu bu]jfeiiie Court of the United JjiuHi", 
on beluiii of (he dcfejidanl t A Visa, sir. over 
Utft ps.."iLiu oi lime. 




Oik R. llegle—Fer Plf.—Dtrea 

Q- And (1LJ J01 during that time receive litters 

of COtOJliendalLOn from, Mr. IS at lit', f : ■; ;i'. 

yaur wsit (bat you wars tarrying oat 

Mr. Coviagtoa: W* might shorten (hit. 
ilttn is so uue*tion but what fas per- 
formed his duties properly up to the time 
tijirt eantnmertfy J 1 -!?"*, There i$ no arje*> 

Lion about that at all. 

The Court i Thank yon very much. 

Ilr. (JovingtcBi Up until the ton* of Un 
Madison hk[uarc (iarden controversy. 

Tilt Court : Tliaak. you very math. 

Q. Do you recall some rotation hems' inade by 
eoUMttl I« tt>t' l1h,!;"(!t ■ ' mi t , I believe in Ms open- 
ing hufufc Ihe jury, as to whether or j;ot you 
bad evw made & coiaplaiat to Mr. It utherf or d t 
Ho you Dotl A. I remember that refertoeti ys*. 

Cj. In that connection I show you a Setter 
doled July 3, 1.037, written by you to Mr. Ituther- 
furd, aiul nit you to identify it (handing letter 
tv witMw), 

The Coftrt 4 VfM that lertei writta by 
you to Mr, UulhtrfordT 

The Witness : That i* it letter written 
by aw to lit, RuUw-rford on that data, 

Cj. Hew was) that letter delivered or seat to 

Mr, Covington: May I see it! 

Tb» Court: It ha* oat been efftred 

Mr, Bruehhausoa; I am just leading 
up to the offer. 

Olin 11. ifaylt—For PIf.—Dirsct 

The Court: How wbm. it sent or de- 

Tin* Witness; Jt was ftivco lo George 
Jtiinjji. thr lui'Ln *vha tiandliid the mail, 
who in turn delivered it to hinr~lha.t i* 
in JiLiyT 

Q. July 2, 1D"7. A. Yes, sir, that is the way 
tliat was delivcrcu- 

Q, And did you, sijhiixinent ta the sending of 
that letter and in the melhod Unit you. ha?* de- 
scribed, receive it buck I A, Te*, sir, I ci;(i, 

Q, In what wayl A. I cn.n'1 remeinber ex- 
actly on that, but the usual method ™aa he would 
send notices or memos to i» r either through 
Janes or through somebody else. 

Q. So you i«re constantly etimmunic&tinj; 
with Mr. jlurti^rforit in lh*t f?nh!fiftt A, Ta, 

Q. Rack and forth \ A, Yej. sir. 

Q. And did you receive in the course of yonr 
commnnications notations by Mr. Rutherford 
and at many times his stamp, "J. F, IS. "I A, 
Yr«, sir. I would make suggestions a* to pro- 
ccdore or points comim; up in connection with 
the ease, end he would frequently pal hi* ft&mp 
on the ride to indicate much sujre^atiuns votc 
aerepi able. 

Q. Ke that thia document I refer to, J-.iiy, 
10^7, km in the hjoujb^ of your cperwtjonj hi 
nn attorney for the WCMniwH inn, calling to Ifr. 
Untlierford's attention certain cases and whet 
titj jroinc; on about them, ira't that rijrhtl A. 
Thst ii rijrht 

Q And %'ould 1w ftak* Kif commente 01 np- 
proyol or disapproval, whatever it may be. and 
the letter come hack to youl A. 'flat m right. 

Olrn R. ilvyk—For Plf.— Direct 

ij. And [hid letter came back lo you afttr yen 

delivered jt in die fashion you have titid. you 
did I A. Vet, hir. 

Mr, flnichbauacn ; I offer it in evi- 

M r. Covington : Well, may it please 
your litdiur, it does not appear that Lids 
letter van. ever delivered. 

The Court; WcuLd you like to ask him 
a i|Uf:"tion or tivoT 

Mr. Covington : Yes. 

Uy ilr. Covington: 

Q. TA"he did you **y J'OU ^ave this tof A. 
Cuve Ihnw HL-in-rul ly to (jwitkc Jones,. I thin!; 
that U tlit itntt, he had charge of the mail 
dc*k ami he would in turn deliver them to the 

fj. fjrorje Jones tete^ fare af (hf nntinide 
lllLlil, dni'it he nott A. And hi; alxo took tftrt 
of nicBMa of that uort for nc 

tj. Are you jiiire lliia wu jfiveu to 1lte Juduct 
DLiL you jwc liiit< tpvt it to hiinT A, No, I did 

(J. Wbih did ho ip)1 it irsrtrtf A, When it came 

tj. Yo* A, I don't recall exactly. It came 
Itii'ti to u'c- fitlkif through Joncn or aomehody 
rim; Kfjulin^ il :nirt, 

Q. Ynh <]<>t\\ lioov.- u-ho hroujilit it hack, how 
yon jort it buck, or how il went over, do youl 
A. I can't muy rxoclly, bi-cuujii that in mfiny 
yi-jirji ago. lint that it my hcul retftl Lerlian of it. 

Tiio Coart; Hav* you an objeetiont 
Mr, GivLngiya; "S'cs, I object to it be - 

Otin It. jWojifc— For Plf.—Dirtet 

canisa it is the Original and there ia no 

evidence nf delivery. 
The Court; Objcelion suataiiwd, 
Mr. Oruebhnu&L'n- Exetptioa, 

By 11 r, Bn»i>hliaus*n : 

(i The method that you. Iwtvo deiniribed of 
leaving a letter for the Judge was a iii>;Uhm] Llir.t 
you ::iir^u>'i_l on all your communications lo him, 
wnsn't ill A. Ye*, *ir, es*ept *'hen tie was in 
Cahfornio in the winter liifsfc Th«n they would 
go by mail 

Q, And tlie prinlinjr plfliit at Adams Street 
where you had y«ur "ilito woh liow far from 
124 Columbia ITeif;ht«t A. I think about half 
a mile, 

Q, Wan it eailomary t<> tnail or liave papers 
delivered back and fotlbr A. They were deliv- 
ered back and forth. 

Q. And through tliii means of George Jopet, 
or wlrMVfr luL])pened lo he the messenger, it 
delivering it Laiclif A. Ve*, sir. 

Q, And oil yotlr «oiiLniani<jations that you is- 
ceived hncti bnre Ibo^e iuisiniji, "J.JMi." in the 
same far-hioa and in ihe Kaine ibipreAHioo oa this 
one heret A. Yes, sir, Mtctpt vehen he wnuld 
fti'tui a pergonal letter of ids cwi He wouldn't 
iihvuvn «rd the original hack. .Sometiiuea he 
wnuld a»**'tr villi a lctler of his o*tl Eut 
when lie wjut the ofi^Lrii! back he put bis okay 
on in that faeldan. 

Q, Kn (hot >'nu Imd many otJrern which hrre 
the aamc okny, ami ihnl i» the nuc 1l>4l i* an dim 
pnjirrt A. That is rieht 


Ol'm It. Ilar/lt^Fof Plff.—Dirtcl 

Tha Court: Was tint method used by 
all other* involved in fchi* wortl 
T!h) WitHMa; I il" n?t know. 

Q. Yim were the only attorney there at 117 
Adams Street, weren't youl A. That is right. 

Q, There wax no one i L l*e time acted on legal 
eases qt nnylhing like that tint hncl egiiiniunicn- 
tions about cases to the Judxo that bad to be 
] limned on, was tlie-rel A. Ho. 

The Couii: Bid yoit hove nny distm- 
*ioa with Ilr. TliitliorfnTil after this -was 
Kci p,f io*iMl]y delivered trt him ami before it 
wa* rBiliri'rtcil to you I 

The Wilnesx: If lean rcfrttsli lay raol* 
lection — 

Q. TVend this paper alnng the lines of wliatliift 
Honor lias mentioned and tboKe eaFCK that ore 
r*ffrr«l la, and tell trie whether the Judge after- 
ward* ditftohtod nny of 'lie ^Kiih1n Ihat yisu raineil 
in that letter. 

The Court: 1* this important? 

Hfr, Jtruflihau*en; Yes, 

Mr, C"vinp(nn; T drm't think it is, 

Thf- Court: Mfi-amie 1 haven't neen the 
letter. Doe* it liave lo do with some 

'ilr. fSmehhauserj : Tlie importance of it 
ia the pnint (hit ws> raised in the open- 
ing wid on one or two other occn«ions As 
to whether the plaintiff — 

Mr. Covington; I object to the state- 

This Court; Objection sustained. Let 


Olin R. Jl/Ojrls— For Ptff.—Dittei 

at not make any statement*. You say it 
in unjwriailt to you. That is an answer 
Mr, Pr.ii'hiiauoKrt: Yes, 

The Wilnexs; 1 have sotne reeoUeetina 

of discussing sonic of lhe«o JKfint* in here. 
For inatajicf, one — 
The Court l Don't mention the points, 

Q, Ynnr answer is ycil A Yes, 

Mr. Bruehhauaen; May I renew my 
offer of the paper in evidence- 

ilr, Cofingtoa: We still have oar ob- 

Tlie Court: I am still going; to sos- 
i:.ii: tlie objeetion with aa exception to 
tbe plaintiff, 

Mr, Bruchhauaen: May I have it 
marked for identification 1 

(Harked Plaintiff 'i Exhibit 11 for 

iQ. Tlie printing plant at Adomi Street is 
where the various publication* Ws priAtAd, 
aren't theyf A, Yes, sir. 

V- I show yon a photograph a-.d aslt you if 

that it the handing. 

The Court; Shaw it ta your opponent 
and you will savO time, 

Mr. Covington: No objection. 

Mr. Bruehaansea: I offer il in evi. 

(Received in evidence and marked 
Plaintiff'* Exhibit IB.) 
Q L Csalisg down to the tints in 183s ^^ y PB 

01™ li- Moylt—For PI J.— Direct 

relumed friii:: your fucatieo, H* you recall thai 
tint waa aha at Aujjust ". 1SS9I A. August 8th r 
¥i left Uetbel, 

The Court: What date did yon return 
from ymir vacation! 
The Wiinesa: The dale we rcttSTKtCsl f 

(J. Wa. A. Augimt Mi, *t returned from our 


(J. Aim] ilit ynu remit n meeling in (lis ojuar. 
Ici-a of ifc, ItullN-rford, pn August Bthl A. 
\ CK, jdr. 

Q. And wlutl nnliee A\A you rvtvirt of tiuit 
toreliiijrl A. 1 art* mid tit I he hrpakfnst table 
in ■ hi' ilNiminfc— tin uimnmrenHrnt was, made nl 
the break fn^t liddc in 1he morning that a mart, 
infi nf the Dourd "f tlln-rlnni nf the two enr- 
[mrnlinna would IhC ln-h] nt Hie .fudge's, nffirc til 
ten o'clock. 

Th:' Court: At Mr. Hi::herforfl7a office 
nl ten o'clock f 

T!n> WiSne*n: Ve*, *ir h r.i:d I was. 

.l^iit-it by htm if I would be present. 

CJ. Am] what was (lorn at that meeting? A. 
Al lluil MfCtlne. Mr. Rtilherford called Hie :niet- 
ttig In order tin I hud Liu secretary, Eddie 
Keller, read I he tetter which I had sent to him 
jum prior to tin? case, ihc lelier of July 21 at, 
Tiie letter waa read. Then he aiik^d for cohv 
li.i-nLr. Kri'-]i uietnlwr of the Bnard of Direc- 
turn commented on the Lt-tter and disapproved 
of itK comenta and condemned nt for writing 
tl. 1 waa. mikfd if I had anything to say, 1' 
nprwered that I had nntidng to pay, that whit 

Oil's li. lloylt—For Plf.—Dif£(( 

I Wrote wim the truth. If (hey wanted ta »a- 
Hemn me for it, ih»t u-n» their privilege, A 
committee waa then appointed who went into 
another renin and eania back with a resolution 
which, if F- rem]] correctly, waa adopted, by the 

Q. Thru Hiil something happen again at lunch 
tiniel A, T™, air, 

5- V,"hnl trunapirrdt A, At lunch tinto tW- 
serncflnry, rhldie ICeller, was again naked lo rud 
thin letter. 

The Court : That in, before the tawem- 
bletl jrrnupT 

The IVitnmn: Hefoi 1 ? lln? cnliro fam. 
ilr, jt» «t citil it. 

Q. How ninny, opfiros:iiniileJy, npnr in nt- 
tendiini-e I hi' ft" I A. To I he heat of my recollec- 
tion, thru' Tvrn? nhout 2\2. And the letter was 
read hjijI T wnn nsnin n«liitl if I had anything; 
tn i=uy, J pain nn. tluit ihr letter Kpwilin tnr 
itself, ITr. Huttierfnrd nimlr. «oinc further Mim- 
liu.'nt* ami then pav« dirocSinim — Urnl hr 
Huti-H for approval n-f I tic inemb^rn of tlw tAm- 
ily, of thof-e who n^r>rnvcd of (he aetinn titlten 
hy the Itnard of TKt-Mnrn in eerprtn^ my reln- 
tini^rt -ft'ith the orpsniitntion. The family all 
stood in flppmml of (hat with the eier-ption 
nf issysetf nnH my wife and my non, and then 
inatrnelion* »icri; ei\'en tn the house nervtmt, 
firjtnt Suiter, that we ahonld he moved out that 

Q. Had you received nnj- noliftcntton pri(»r to 
that that yon wonld l\nn to leavt that nfter- 
aponl A. No. 

(Win li, Mottle— for Pl$.—t)irai 

Q. &o yOa did leave that afternoon for Wta- 
wnsin, wag ilT A. No, not for ffiMMain. IV* 
jot our atutf packed np and ve went Over Id 
Nuw J«fai'j Itiat t'vrniiig ond sliced I here, and 
the neit day I pot a Irueic to move n-.y stuff 

Q. Tben you returned l« W jtvemntii n 1 A. Tea, 

Q- And wliere in \^iBeoniin did yoa returji t* 
and nbnul whenl A. Went hack to Wutennnin, 
lo Wnnwato**, fl ptuburh of llilwankee. We c;ot 
there Auginl li.ti. 

Q. Had yon re^tdeil nreviuisaly in that City! 
A. Kot in ^Vnuwatosa. 

Q- Hut near b L .I A. Yea, air, in Eaeina Comi- 
ty, a few mites nuL 

EL IhrE _h rni rluiW 1hc Irricr *tr iT-nil it to fiiii'- 

body while ynu were out UieroT A How it 


(,*, Did vmi ulitiw ar M'ikit vmtr h'lltT lo nne- 

The Court: That ii your letter 1n Mr, 

Rutherford 1 

llr. EfOrb:iii.iNc^i: ITea, 

A. No, 

Q. Do you readl rfrndinn; tlie nrtiele in the 
"Wtlcll Tower'' of September latt A, Tct, I 

Q. And what trUnHpirni, if anythins, aftec 
rftatt A. After Seplemher 1st there *fjis a 
cbnn^r in atlititile. \V,-> were welcomed very 
warmly \y frientU Hntonjr Jehovah's Witnesses 
in JIi]wfintce when --re returned, and after t'Lnt 
tlftte tbinea bej!ian lo elianpe. T^irut if mia onlj 
a eoolnea* on tl» rmrt of a few, which grew in 

fWJii ft. Mugtf~F«r I'tff. — t'ircci 

extent until there feat an antagonistic attiiuua 
by the major portion of ihein. Aa wc woold go 
into the meotmga there would he an area 

^i'uiOmI Ua whrri- We Nit wiiH-rt- r>>hii>tr [Am; *ia<;ii[ 

be littiafj. Sometlmea it would !>app*n if ntmn- 
body >'ii uitlinjr where we would, (lint person 
would get up and go elsewhere, and that la aa 
attitude which continued Oil *J] the lime, we w*r» 

Q. Then do yon refjl] Ifr, FTnwletl mrnintr out 
tliA.Tr liltd lihttlitit^ a ti iit-1 i 1 1^; on iilkiut ^4'p(eiik- 
h*r 2-lUit A. Yw, »ir. 

Q. Tbq attended that nteetinglf A. 1 did. 

Q. Wna there any diffrrunee nr ehnng* in the 
altitude nf .Ji-tiovn-h's WitDasaej ansine; out of 
tbalf A. WoU, So the k-nt of ray resell eeliuiK, 
that jttitudc ot aliinninp; and avoiding as con- 
tinued to jrrow from then on. 

The Court: From when oat 
Tiie Witnesa: t?oiiliitUed to ^row after 
the IJowtett sneetin^, 

Q. Do you recall the artjele* in the "Watch 
Tower" of Qttotaf 15th and XoTeraher 15lhf 
Go yim pthtl A, Ve:, air. 

Q, And Uicn did anything happen wilh refer- 
ence to your tarrying on in Wnuwatosc! A. 
Yon inean ns to my legnl practice I 

Q, Yes. A. Yea, air. 1 alayed lliere, in Wan- 
watosa, for a. little iietter titan a year. I had 
hum praetic* in the beginning. It came in fairly 
good, I might toy, and tlten (he situation arose 
that there wa* ^tty liilte coming in and £ h^d 

t* nioTr. 

Q, Did yon notice any unfrieodlineac on the 


Oi'rn It. l/oifle—t'tir PSJ.—tiireci 

part Of Jehovah 'a Witnenae« tlierel A. Yea, air 
I did, 

Q. Did that hove any tiling Lo do with your 
ihuiijje. of residence or ofliceF A. That did, if 
I niuy explain, aiont if the friend* I had in 
that area prior to toinjj there were aiming 
Jehovah V Witnesses, nnd moit acijnairitftBeei 
and friends in liiinaukte »<rc muntijr those So 
that I liioueht that tlut friend I incaa which was, 
there would be tieljifui in muidng a living and 
building up p. practice, liot when tlie altilude 
of ill mini ng and avoiding me Utat, that hops 
died away, heeauie tbv [iractice did come. 1 did 
receive mine, tlenis of huatneaa from Jehovaii'x 
WitiiH'^t-s qud their frk-nda in the beginning, 
But ilist dropped oif. 

<i. Up tn that time for aome yara, wifli the 
iutentiisatun of Uie time that you were actually 
A'L BulheJ, were many ol your clients and in 
large pars ainong Jehavidj'» WiLneaaaf A. 
Quite a few wer& 

The Court: He wants lo know if a 
large purl of your practice came from 
Jehovah"* Witnesuea. 

The Witnesa : 1 wouldn't &ny a large 
part of it, an. Pretty Imrd lo figure the 
exact percentage. B'4t there wai ijuite t> 
bit «f it 

(J. Did yuu continue lo ailend ciaasea oi Julio- 
valiV U'ilncMrM ni'er you returned I A, 1 did 

fur sometime. 

Q. For bow long a tijaef A, Continuoua at- 
tending there until nlong b ilirch or April, I 
flunk it was, of lWt), th* fvUowiag year. 


Oii* ft. Mmjh—FoT Ptlf.—f)irt.£Y 

Q. Were ltio«e elitanCe all in Milwaukee) A. 
No, at hKetingH in Milwaukee and Wauwajtimn. 

Q, Uid you roeeiTe a couiiti anient iun thrit yuu 
were to lie removed fj'nnt aasiHiiatioti wiLh tie 
organisation I A. Vou meitH the Milwonkeo 

iit. Uruclihnuscn: 1 will withdraw' 

<^. Dul jiou receive nume etnimiti.'ijca'.ion from 
thu Wiilrli Tower Jlihle &>eHly of llrvoklyu a* 
lo your being removed. n« a ineinljer of the cur- 
JHiialiultT A. I iliil. 

y. I .■,.!::,'.■ you a |i.,M.-r dated ffovemttrr sv.1, 
lIKil), nnd auk you whether that is a copy of the 
fMijjer lliitt you received F A, Timl in a eopy 
of it, 

Q. Y<>u haven't tlie original, have yonT A. 
Yes, I think 1 Imve in my lile, 

t|, la thin tlir filet A. Mil, I think the brown 

Thii Court: VMc he i» hwking fer tlw* 
original ymt toot at tiie copy. 
ilr, t.'iivitiglon: Yrn. 
Tite Wtlticui; VI.jb in it. 
The Court: He luia the original. 
Mr, HrurliliansriL: I t-fler it in ev: 


Mr, Covington; We have no objection. 

{lieeetved in evidence nnd marked 
PuiiitilTV ESxliilkit 13.) 

Q, Then, did you, aftur rwtiviGff thai letter 
that luia juxl been put in evidence, reply lo it! 
A. Idtd. 

Q, To Mr. Vas Aroburgb! i, Ya, sir. 



Oli* It. ifoylt—FoT pif— Direct 

Mr, 1 ! ruthhnuflen. : Iio± iha defendant 
(lie reply J 

Mr. Cuvington : Yea (handing lctbor to 
couth el)* 

Q. ] slow yun a inlter dated November 24, 
llffil, si^ui-d Olin II. iluyl'-v ami addressed to 
W. J^. Van Auaburgb, and, ait you if tliat i« tlia 
reply you now refer LoJ A, Ysb, »ir. that it the 

Mr, Hru^iihauisori : I offer it in evi- 
Mr. Coving! -hi' N* fibJMtian. 

(Tbit! letter t'iii received is evidence ISO. 
marked Plaintiff* Uxliibit 14.) 

(Mr. lSrucldiaosen rends riuiiitiff'a Ji*.. 
liiL.i-.rt U and 14 to li:u jur^.j 

Q. What happened aflcr I bat alter jo.ur aa- 
ii.KLiLiiini ViilUi. the orgauiioiiont A. 1 did not 
l'iuur any won; cupieeming tliaL That letter *'U 
not ainvoruiL 

Q. llid you eamtinun lo ullcnd Hit,e<:s ! .A. 


Q. Until whenl A. Until along in March, or 
Aiwil of lWfc 

Q. Wm Uu-rii anything said about your 
being (leninited !« ntiend tjierel A. Yen. sir, 
there ww. Tiie coanpuny 's servant, Hf. KLiisuu, 
bunded tne a n«!e una evening and ju be hniJtd 
il to mi! lie Euid, "lirother Movie, I halo to d« 
[hi*, but yum nns in bed with the Society," and 
thai wan a note virtucJIiy cutting *-W off from 
that organisation, or rcfu*ing ecrfnin privileges. 

Otfa 1L J/fljrJs— for Pig's— Direst 

Q. Tint occurred ulitnl A r Tloit wan alec,; 
in February or .Vureh, J. 'inyieva, 

Q. ]>id you then diituni inua your attendance 
at tJio Society! A. I wont a few times after 
tliut uid then quit. 

(j. You never attended *Jastej after that timet 
A. No. 

Q. The "Walch Tower" magtasne, was thai 
from any information you ran giva us delivered, 
to lliu riidilie Also during this period in 192S1 

llr. Covington: We ehjecl to thai an- 
iens lie can haao it urion uctuoJ knowlede.o 
oiid not opinion, and testify lo the fact*. 
Appwtuliy it c&Jla for a conclusion and 
Opinion, Ti'ifl. man waa not in charge 
o( tlie distribution. 

Mr. Bruelibausen : I wilJ witlidrlnf tlie 
fiueation tor a moment 

Q. At tin* printing plant On AdaaM Stre«t 
trier* Vi r ere mart tlian one nuigaiina printed, 
H'cron't tlii;r*t A, Y*a. 

Q. Wliut were tlicyt A. "WftteU Towtr" wat 
Ourt ma^ajijie. "CunsoEatiou" waa Ilia ollii-r, 

(J. And how ofttrt 4id tl»e "Wau:ii Tower'* 
etHiia out I A. Kvery tu'o weeks. 

<J. And "Consolation"! How many times! 
A. Til* «Aiue r 1 believe "Watch Tower" hhe 
out on the let And iitli, curl J tliink "Consola- 
tion" was every two weeks, if I reuiember cor- 


Q. i\i»d wliat etlue-r pulitieatsona ^ert sriail* 
np tliereT A. There were book* printed, panipa- 
]*tn, Eaailct^. 

Q. And tbc oigajuiatiou ooniisted of people in 

OJin It. Uojtlt—For Pif,— Direct 

tlie iidil, ilid it not. Hint Lit, uutxide at Uollttl, 
imil the; [irmiiEij^ phuitt A, 'L'lieri- v. ere EJio^e 
w^rliH'r* in Hit: \'"H, yr*, air. 
(j. In ilie vuriutiA iSim. 1 ?; <if (be I'nionl A. 

^ H-JJ, HIT. 

ty, Ami <\» I uiMli-rttiiiiiJ tha! She Uniletl Hlaloa 
Btni up into regicii^f A. VeH, nir. 

(J. And "lIivii tJiii via nulniivtdtJ into Kineir 
A. Tintt in riglit. 

{J. And ili'.'iL tJif-ie utife ^tininuti Ltii iitLitliLii 
to thi? notn'nf A That Lh. ri^jii. 

ij. Sn Lull tiu-ri' were Hji.'im' KiM-Li Mill enni- 
pnuifit in VafiHiUn rilieK tlirouKhimt tlie U 01 ted 
titnles »nd oWwfiCTB, nm'l tluit eurrectl A. 
1'Jint u ri^hl, 

Cj, Anu I hey uiiendeii meeiingv tram time Iv 
time in Ik-He vai'iuim plin-i-nf A. Yea. 

tj. Hid y«U lliivo otTHiilOH «.a vi^it n«l at hOihC 
of tii one pluetnf A. J hi you i ut mi aftar my 

{}, During the ijeritsd you were in Uutro »f 
coLinn'! ['j 1he orgLuiixutittn. 

Tlie L'ourl; While you were at lietud, 

A. Yen, J did. 

Q, You visited varioua ttaict of (lie Union in 
Ilk- toui'Hu of your wort aa euoiinci, did you uolT 
A- i did, ye*. 

(J. And did uoinc eonsiderahie travoiingt A. 
V«y i'roin ilains to Flttriiia. 

(J. And is t here bIko a purl of tlte organization 
in Uamttttl A Vea. 

Q. Coinpanit* up lliere al»oT A. Yce, 

Lj. And that all originated from licadiy uarUra 


Qlin It. Magic—For Plff^Direct 

in BrOylilj"el A. Ye*, f ajii not bo aure uoout 
tlie ConttdiiHi or^nniuilion. 

(J. A]uo were Ibcre u(d plant* abroad T A 
Y«, nir. 

Q, Did thiiy not hnve to your kno«leilgt a 
printing pluul in Evaritttflawlf A. Yea, *ir, 

y. And foruierlj- one in Uennenj'l A Yes, 

(j. \Va« not tluii "Watch Tower" iiuiffuiiue 
printed in different langua^ea t A 1 1 Kin. 

(J. And copies of i! war* next oulaiJe of tlie, 
I'nitcd Sl4ttn an well aa inside of the United 
ijiutes, to lortign edUfttritu f A. Yea, sir. 

(J, And were nut tlieur vnriuu» lun?kn ihul were 
written aibd prinlt-d in different Lunguugc*l A. 
In many languagea. 

Q. Uo you know how many different Uuijjuogea 
llieif liuhlitalmriB werr prinled in( A 1 eouliln't 
ri;Lneiii'H. L r Doit accurately. It eevnm to ]«a there 
were ubout (JO, but I wouldn't wont to any thai 

g, A« [Kail of Uiit orKuniulion tliey kad pub- 
liakera, is Hint itT A. Yea, air. 

Q. And tiievaa pui'linkerji were really pereoni 
who del ieeredj thia literature ami "Wntrki Tower" 
loagBiine -n Jitnnen — 

Mr. tlovington: W« okJHml to the lead- 
ing and eligg^tive i|ucsl ioning, your 

1'lie Court: Tlie objection it lUEtjuned. 
ll n i^'.ding. 

(J. Iluw ilu vou (kacribt! the puiilinlicm uf tlie 
Ors"J''^tLi.inT A, I'lilriinbcni wens Uiuse, 4U I 
undcrijtuixi ll, who tngnjj^l in li«» *urk of 

Olia ft. Mayle—For I'lf.— Direct 

distributing tbis literature from house So house 
ojiil plare lu plaee. They were nlau auppoaed to 
be eonseeruted lo tit? Lord, and doing it from 
t.,,! ;.ii>:li: of consecration to Hua. 

Q. Tlitrc wan a group culled Pionee"*, *m 
tin' re noif A Yes, fiir. 

Q, How do you d**cribe the I'loiitwl A Fio- 
r.Lvt* were full lime pubbsbcrs wlio put in ill 
tlieii- time in work. 

g. ^Vuui there any fioainjinl arranKeni^nt S*d« 
with Lhe l'iouecru! A, I understood tliey ob- 
liiiih'd their living froio the placing of Lhe litaro- 

(J. Tliey got fl, eoimni«i!i(in on it, didn't ihejt 
A Yea. 

Q. Pu el to tlie Pioneers aod poet to the or. 
guiii'sutiynl A. Yii«, B-ir. 

<i. And did the publishers: nlso receive a oom.- 
mlhsif.ii; A. Yea, sir. 

Ij And they purtly liiiu.le llieir living ool of 
tliait A 1 ilon't know about thut. 

tj. IS in ]>url of their rcwipU went to tlie ar- 
gnnjuutioii, the Watch Tower, did it notf A. 
Yea, air. 

Q, Uid they oiao use the plionogroplif A. 
Tluit in eiglil. 

(J, llid you nt Buy tun* during yotxe stay tlier* 
rKvive iijij- ueeouniing uf U;e funda or nee in/ 
uceuuJj iiny uf tlie fuodn of the Watch. Tower I 

llr. Covington: Thai is entirely irrjma~ 
The Court; Objretion «u><ta.ineil, 

Q. Kow, aft*r Septtmher 4, 1D40, did you U 
tlie ti;non»t of anybody, or your own volition, 

Olm II. iVanl*— for Plf,— Direct 

luLVt occnuioa to tltow your letter to anyone 1 
A. You incnn Soptemoer, 1JM0, or 1&33I 

Q. September, 1303 f A, September, 1D3E1, 
there were inntiy requefta to see that le(ter after 
tlie ijc-jji ember I at Tower came out. I quite 
geiieraJly turned down i)ie re(|ue«'«- I did abow 
tlie leltera to a few personal friend*. 

Q. Well, after you got Bioved to Johnson City 
— A. Johnson Creek. 

Q. Tliat won nbout when, by the way! A 
Match 1. 1341. 

Q. Were there any Jehovah'*. WitnfmiCa Here! 
A. Not that 1 know of. 

Q. And did yon have occasion to viait outside 
of Jo-linKonii Creek, llilwaukee, and eLaewnere, 
where tltcy reaidedf A. I got into Milwaukee 

Q. And had yctt asy occasion to nptiee lhe 
feeling or attituils on Die part of Hu»4 Jeiio- 
vali'i WitnesHei you nietf 

Mr. Covington: Just a mnmrnl— - 
The Court: I think it is too iridefmite. 
I thinlf you nhoold fut ion* time. 

Q. Kay, ^dtlwaukee, on any occasion after you 
tooved to Jobntona Creek; can you give o.» any 

details 1 

The Court: And fix the approiimata 

Q. And fix lhe Approximate Time, ond pbjw, 
alohp the line of their attitude towards you. A. 
Well, 1 could give an instance of a client — 

The Court: Can you fix tlie timet 
Tim Witness : Thii would be — 



Gitit A", Uoglt— For Plf ^Direct 

The Court i ,A ppro* imstvly. Wo are 
nut K Q ' n £ *o hold anybody litre. 

Tilt; tt' i c ni-K it : 'J' I •;* cove ru U:c period of 
time iJurnii; lImj latter part of Vill or the 
Rnt part uf 3i-iil 

tj. Yen, A. A client by tin? nuue ul Mrs. Ros* 
Ivi-I i -=e wns tln. L Bthuiriistralriit in an tstulo f«P 
uli it'll 1 wu« fttturfu-v. I was retained by her In 
tSu IIk h'Kid Work in fo;i uei-tiun Willi Hue estate 
ulnirtly after 1 mine lijict from M i Iwautiee.. After 
1 j.ijv/ii lu <l crimsons (.'reck t i - ■_- estate im» "till 
eiriiljnuing. Xlit would address letters lu :ne rr- 
pirsh nj; jhf estate ami usually end tin letters 
with ■ f, J)var Brother JIuyLe." After awhile the 
h.-ttem came Willi no wdiiution, and finally c&jue 
with tin- naluulirui t "Bear Mr. lloyte." That was 
dji innttare of |he change of attitude. 

n. IVi-rr tilers: any other instances that you 
ran give u* in Hull, eonnctition 1 

Tin: L'ourl: Filling the tipifc 

IJ. Kimiiu' ihc lime and pluee, 

l'lwt Court: If there weren't any, tell 


A. I can't ncenll them alh There was a ca*e in 

tilt City lit lifllDslllL 

Tin- Court: Fix the tUiu> 

Tin' Witn.**: This was in the latter 
jiarl ol 1 l!KEi im«l fin>l pJirt of 151-iO, Three 
oit'i) had ft caae in Kentisha, and tltey re- 
l;iiiit'il me tii ffinre^t-n t llmu on. Ihet&fenav, 
l,att:r on they discharged 1111 because of 
Uns Jehovah's Witnesses' situation, «0 

Olin Ii. Moiflt—Fey FJf .— BiVetf 

they said. There wan a Family by llic 
MUM uf Charles l&kholT. They had hem 
dune friend* of our* for huuiy, many' 
ye-ur*. We kept their little girl In our 
Inline frequently in tlie summertime. The y 
were Kennm, They would come to our 
liluee to rest from their uiomwrinir work 
lH;torc wi: went to Brooklyn. After wo 
mien! luu-t frimi Brooklyn tlie>* were 
friiwll}' lo iw. Tlicy mnujned ffiepilly 
even up until Thnukiipviii|r tinie of 1939. 
After that the attitiitlc eliaa^bl and now 
n't tit? not bear any tiling f nun Uictu. 

Q. Wrll, riid tin* ailituili hwoine octu?r nr 
worHe t\« tsiui' went onl A. It beeuBe woiw, 

Q. A f 1 1 r yon 1511-1 out «f tin; tvr^nni».»tion ;!itl 
V11-.1 jiiin uiiy tillier orgniiixininaf A, Vou mean 

hiniiljLf In .1l-Iii,viIi'a tVi 1 11 i-jm'n t 

Q, I n-ilklrjiw I hill, Wlni1 h if noytiiinK, tlid 
vliu tin in eon nii'tion witii JMhJc tttinly or nn>- 
thinp; allietl willL it afn-r going out of J 1 'a 
Vi LiieuM-.* ' A m p tin f A. Weil, at iirnt n croup 
of n» mrt nl Harvey Kink'n iniuie ami ntuiliiil 
the Hililc nnd tlin "Wftlcli Towirs" vi-TV eort^ 
fully In riiwMsvcr wlnrtlier we worB Tiwht on temeh- 
inffM or not. I^ittT. [ attt?n(lnS nii-i'tint,"* «f n 
iil lie liilile rfafx. in M iiv.'inifcse. tTuilni "Tlie Mi[- 
wiute« Bible tiluilcjjU,"' T atU-nd^l (hat ela« 
as Inns a " 1 reniaineil in ililwauke*. When we 
iiiovrd to Jnlmtionf. Crsrk I nttfntin! a Kinhlar 
Hwm of bihlc nti:dpntH wlin met at Luke JfiH« 
whii'h In rii;li( iiiilrji. fnnw .laliii i^inji Otvk. Thin 
hiljb* rlp>n lh n n"n-i'eivninini»tinfi,"J npunisal i'J> 
of junl hiblu dttnlenU nut connected with any 
targft ore>nLaationi. 

Ot:» R, 1/ojfiV- for Fiff.—Diteet 

(i. Jluvi; yon continuml with tliie organisation I 
A. Jfts, I liftvt 

<!j, in tha; vou have not become luliliutcd with 
any argoBizatioi u sudif A. Idxcept tliat I do 
ioino Kjii'jikLis under ilm aunplctii of (he Paatoial 
Jlililti ln«lilutc, ^hich if a corporation, n Nvw 
Vmk nii'iitU-rtthip ctjrfH)rnlioii h whir-li piLhljiiif* a 
UiugiuiiiH! end Etnda out iinmt jipcakfr*. 

Q, liut you didn't attend any nieetingn in con- 
nKL-tion with this. o?.ifiniiiilion 1 A. No. I might 
ijiiiilify tlmt, J atteiuV'd n :iit-«,'tifl(; of llietrn while 
1 w»» kOM in Ktjw York. 

Q, You don't attend regnbr r^oasAs auv-h aa 
1 libit' tluBitca you ha L, a deicnbeti! A. No. 

(J. tiOirij> hot-k to ihe dajtbon of .felio villi 'i Wit 
IRfketf it it 01m of hHi-tsir liraetieCs to atudy tlie 
"Vfttdt Toirtr" maguiinel A, Tin* Jehovah '» 
TVi tne^re* 1 

Q. Ve«, A. Vej, Hipy have fttudiei in "Wntoh 
ToWBT*' articles, 

Q. Arc tlir-y read out loud or just what ii done 
alrfiut thenit A. At tktse jatatingB the arlidc* 
fti'« redd OMl losd. Thero is, when I waa there 
anyway, pnra^r&ph by rmrik^ni-iii, tnd H-11 para' 
grupJi coDsidered, 

Q, DiMji the loader of the clasa do thatT A. 
Uanolly they had ■ reader. 

Til* Court: Tin; reader doe* it I 
The Witness; Yes, lit, 

Q. Is there any pRttiris'.ir emijlifuif plawd on 
the first article! A, Thai is the one wliich is 
usually studied in that :iuinncr. 

TS10 Court : The other* are not read cut 

Otin It. Meyle^Fvr ttfi.—Crot* 

The Wilncs*; I nevrr lieaul !l-eui In 
miy L-lasm wine re tliuy uludicd tlie minor 

Tlu> Court : lie asked if they Vta* renJ 
out loud. 

The Yi'iiiumfn M.:t tlie other arlides, 

Q. How lonn; did tl:o tesdion* l&Stl A* About 
an hour or an hour and a qun Her. 

Q. Then after tho readinjr of the article* is 
there any liiicii^ioa had about theinT A, Yes. 
Q, And Hie Icadci 1 of tlie class conduct* the 
discussion f A. Yen, air, 

Q, You heard rea<i some lettera hfro b^ Mr- 
Kutlierford tn you and meat of tbem by Mr, 
Li 1.1 M11 'Vf'1-1 1'<1 in Fink. lfe> I'm) huhn-r i I n- Id nil 1 ] 1 ■- 
atatetnents that llr, Rutherford mokes it (host 
iettefsf A, No. 

Mr. IiruchliauBPn; I am as«timin|; *( 
need not fio in!« the letter that ITr. Moyle 
-ATote and the fact* aWut thet letter, iind 
reserve the right to do so later. 

Crass. traniind? ion bti Jl/r> Covip-p tan : 

Q. When you left BrMklyH an AuETUst A, 193D, 
that is when yon left the Bethel home; what w«» 
the lirflt pel-Ron tiiat you saw before you left 

BroeldrnT A. That is 0,uite a whila ago. It is 
pretty hard to reeolletL 

The Court: Don't make itatemen tc If 
you don't recolleet h tell ns. 
The ^Vitnes^: We saw- Bill Tretler. 

Q- And theo you went to New Jeney, is that 
right T A, T3s** is tight 

OUn It. Naylt—For PfJ.— Cresr 

Q- Wlo did you tee over therti A, Mr. and 
Airs. Crawford Van Kess. 

Q. And how lonj did yon stay there t A. TV'o 
or three days, 

(j, And Trirtler and iir. and lira. Van Ness 
are Jehovah's Witnemes, are they notf A. That 
ii right. 

Q. Then where did you got A, We Went back 
to "l'iainmiiL 

Q, T^liat was the fimt town that you reached 
after yoa got to Wiicon«inT A. You liriwH where 
I stopped? 

Q. Yes, when you entered tVi&eonKin , where is 
the first town you stofitwdl A, Wauwatoua, 

Q. Did you. cstaliiinh your reituience therof A. 
We dM. 

Q. Before you left llruoktyn did you communi- 
cate with anylinUy ainl gitvljie them of the 
charges that y=i-U hail made npftinst the Watch 
Tower Bible & Tract Society, and the Bethel 
hoioet A. Before I left IlraoklynT 

Q. Tl-m, hefort: you left Brooklyn on August 
Bill. Any time from July Hit, 1S3S to Aogutt 
ttth, UitS, did you communif-ale with anyone and 
repent the elmr^ea that vein IiaiI made against 
tins Watch Tower Bible £ Tract Society T A, Xot 
in detail. 

Q,-Kirt A. JTot in detail, n«. 

Q. Hit! you communicate with them in any 
fashion r A. Between July 121st and August titnf 

The t'ourt : I'lease don 't repeat every 

question. The question is quite simple. 
Uelwoen July '2\M and August 8th, tha 
Jay jiju. left the Buiiiel, did you com- 
municate with anybody! 

QIi* Jl, Jfojife— For flff r —C/ott 

Tb* Witsew: Ye*, tir, 

Q. Whut A, With yatoa Unfehr and bit 


Q. What did yon tell himl A. I told Him we 
were leaving. 

Q. Well now, as a matter of foci, you nfK-at 
your vaeation U[) 61 a late in up-state New York 
durinjr (bmt time -with Mr, and Mrs. tkuifelir, 
dietsi't yout A. Yes, sir. 

Q. And yon told Ihem prior to that that yea 
were leafing tlitlat youl A, I don't recall. 

■Q. You don't recall 1 A- No. 

■Q. Did you or did you notf A. 7 dov'l think 
I did. 

Q, Now then, the first you ever told the Con- 
fehrs was when you wmie him t, letter, i* that 
right 1 A, That I was leaving T 

Q. Yes. A. No, 

Q. When did y»u It'll hiniT A, I |o|c[ him 
during the vacation that 1 was leaving, 

Q. You told hi 11 1 during vacation T A, Yes, 

Q. 'Who tl(* did yon advise T A. I told John 
Miller that I wan Icaring. 

Q. Wlio elue did you advise either orally or 
L:r wr!:ii.,.'f A. I l\'..,L [ 'old f':i:.;.nek in Bos- 
ton,, that I was leaving there, 

Q. How did you t*U himf A. By tmih 

Q. And who eU*. did you advise T A I don't 
recall anybody else. 

Q. From. Aujruat 8th to September 1A, 1939. 
did you adviie anyhmly ifi writing about your 
quittinjr Eethel and the retoOni Stareforl A, I 
don't recall. 




Q- You do not recall T A- I may he-re told my 
lister, Ifrs.. Rouse. 

Q. Von may have told your 

The. Court; That you wore, leaTing 
UcirtL or bad Left, and the reasons for 

TU Wttaus: I don't recall that I 

told her the reasons for leaving. 

Q. Dill J'OU cninninttJcAlft *i1h r-iiJ'One rise 
daring tbnt lime nnd advi&e (hem ih*t j*u ^rere 
leaving or had left, and the reasons there-fort 
A. I don't recall any. 

Q. Well now, what do you mean when yon 
lay yo/u don 'I r+palll Da you mean yon. didn't 
or yon didt A, I deal recollect, 

f;. Cmild J'OH liftvt done tbatl A. It Blight 
be janmble that I told— 
<J. You a^ an attorney— 

The Court: "%V*i( ; let Mm finish. 

Tim Witness : Of nenrae, f rienda in 
,\ I i Lh'd nliee ; I told theiu we ]jid left. 

ty, JJiil y«a Ai]vixf jinyliody outsLrt* of Mil. 
whbIc.-v? A. Tbnt wr leftl 1 don't rranemher. 

Q. Will you *jiy you did or didn't t A I 
would *ny 1 dnn'b remember. 

SJ. Ton remember very di*1inft!y that you nil- 
vii-.'.-d I'htlbrielt and John Alillor, Who else did 
5 i, j ndvine, plnMot 

Mr. I! ruchhnuaen : I aubmit he has en- 

T)ie Court; I will let him answer ance 

A- I don't remember. 

Ofin R. it$yle—FoT Plf.-Crtoi 

Q. Do you remember the occasion of Philhrick: 
and John Miller quite uculyT A, Yes, Eir, 

Q. Can, yon remember if you advised anybody 
else I A. I said I don't remember. 

Cj. Yea don't remember I A. No, air. 

Q. VS; do you remember (ho occasion of 
John UiUar ajid Mr. Philhrick so distinctly and 
can't remember other? T 

Tin Court : The objection ii imtaineil 

Mr. Covington; We. oxcepL 

Q. After Stptemher 1st or September 15, 

1S38, ta Japnary 1, 1940^ did yon, eosunnnicit*: 
with anyone and ad rite them at to your r*a- 
aom for leaving Bethel t A. Yea, I gueui I did. 
Q. Who J 

The Court: Ajad when. 

Q. Who and wheat A. I can't recall the tpe- 

cifm pcrnon*. I wrote to several friends. 

Q. JiiH-t wiioT If you recall writing iiurely 
you retail who you wrote to, A. After Sep- 
tember tut I wrote to George lto*»icr. 

Q. Who. ol*cT A 1 can't recall offhand. 

(J. Can you rrtiwaidjet tlie luiinrn of aayhihly 
tlmt JfOH hove mw'iM nr wrflte to, rnll]er T or 
i'«ii]tniniLvii|4i| Willi linrt fiiiptciiihtr 1, 1938, 
dnwil to ilm vtey day of lliin trial t tliat you 
L-oiiisiiuiiLL-atcd Willi and advined llio cubsuincic of 
tl(CBB eharj»ipn ynu made against tho Watch 
Tower jlibli L Tract Society T A Down to tbis 
dite t yes. 

Q. WboT A. I wrote George Boailer. I 
wrote to Drover PD^ieli I wrote to Victor 
Siditnidt There axe many of them over this 

OILi R. ilmJt—Fst Plj[,—Crv4r 

wltule period of tune, but I cannot remember 
l„i rbjihu. 
t t *. Who tlte can you reaaejnbert A. I don't 


Q. Tliat i* ufltr -St!|il*jnher l t 1939, to the 

d:i>' uJ 1iii« Iriul— A. Yen, 

(j, '—thill I mn tailing aboutl A, Yes. 

<j. And llu nauitb that you have given are 
durihijr tliat tiiiu<, are they nott A That is 
rijrlil, to the of my r. -:■... 1 1 re: i ...::. 

<^. Wlien y«u ^«t Ijflck t<> WiMfUjinia, wh^n 
lh I be first tilM iLmi ytiu. m yoar liKletf A. 
To the lii'.it uf [uy rtcoDtctfsU, ! ' Jttt % * a " co'^y 
in Si-|ht'.'niJM'f_ 

Q. And did 3*n« diwiyis I lie matltT witli hurt 
A, Tluij wiu diacocMd, y*i. 

(J, \im kjl j- it ii-im a f Ira tl ic 1 nt nf Septeinl«;r 
jou tnw your xihlerl A. J lliink it uas, 

JSy tiie Court; 

<i. Your best ree«U«etto»f A, Tbat is my 

I" "i Tecolleellon. It might hnve been before 0* 
it inirht liave been later, but that ii my heat 

% Mr. Covington; 

(J. Did jou give l»er a copy of your letter I 

A. J Ix'licve I did. 

The Cuurt; The letter to J. F, Hulher. 


Q, Tin letter da(*l July 21, JS1Q, nddrefieed 
to J. V. Itulherford, til* original of which U 
no* in evidewt and tnarted as I'laintiftT'a Kjt. 
Libit 1. Did you );ive yonr aiater a tapy of 
that icltcrf A. I think I did. 

Oli* It. Matflt—¥ar Pig.—Ctttti 

Thu Court: Tliat u E>,bihif. 3. 

JJr, Covington : I beg your pardon, 
I urn glud vuu corrected ute, your I In on r. 

Tkt Court: It it % and k 3 hi lite 
short ono nnd 4 in Hie long ope, m> it in 
Exhibit 4, 

ilr. Covipslun: Exhibit i. Correct it, 

■Q. Proni Auiraiil Sth to September 1, 1!J39, 

did you give a copy "f your letter to anybody 

eiacf A, Fnwn Aii.h-n*t Stli to September Istl 

Q. Yea, A, I don't ruuieuiber tliat I did. I 

don't think I did. 

Q. After September l*t to October lfitb t did 
yoa tfivn- a eojjy cif your Ictler to anybody eliieT 
A. I believe during ibal tiiuc 1 let Haxvey Finli 
liave a copy of it 

Q. Anvhndy clbtl A, 1 believe during ibat 
lime that I let Fred AebJy have a. copy of it At 
his re- ..; t <■'■ . 
<J, At htii re(|uest1 A. Yen, 
Q, Ajiybody ei«e1 A 1 don't remember any. 
body else, 

Q. Tliat i* frnni Stptfiioher 1st to October 15, 
{£130, ia tliat riglitT 

TlK Conrt: lleferrmg to riniptiil'* 
Eabibit 4, yaur letter to Ilutlierferd. 
Ilr. CuvinKtnrti Yea, 
;.,, Ti. 'Jul h C Ht .'.:' ii.-, rr^illrL-Liiin, that it right. 
Q, Alter tfetober ]'>, l!i:tU, donn to Ctlober 
15, 11140. did you uliuw a copy of your lclli?r In 
a nyluwly cWl A. Yes. 

Q. To wbuinl A, Charles Eickboff, I (hint, re- 
ceived Dne in thai tiuiCj and beginning Septem- 

Oti* It, Moylt— For Biff,— Cross 

her 2b, I'MQ, 1 <ent the letter lo a great number 
of j>eo[ile. 

Q. Now whom did you scad tliat hitter to a 
great mnubsf uf iMMpEu after Sepfeitiber SS, 
ID-lQ 1 A, I cuonot onn;e (hem. 

Q, About I low many people did yon send them 
to, tncajie! A i'rnhilily several hundred. 

Q, .^nd win-re did you &end tiiete letters to, 
Waare wore Hie people generally lo^atedf A. 
Wo bad sent them to tin incmfecn vf the Mil- 
waukee Class of Jehovah's WiliHwcE as fur 
ii* I ci)nld get their niuuei, Eo others of JeEio- 
vah'ii Wilne&Ken tfiroughout Q'ivaonMin tliat I 
knew, same in Illinois that I knew, and oat 
farther th rough the coupTi-y t'licre I krtew tiujjrt, 

Q. Wiiul other [mrt of ilie country T A. How 
ii HuilT 

Q, What oilier part of the country outside of 
Wiin'oniiira and lllinoinl A. To Mew York, 1 he- 
Ijeve, to New Jemey, any part uf liio eounlry- 
1 jiinno! i-iiy tliul I .M-nt it to every .i:nti> in Ilia 
Unicin, bat gi'pu 1 rally in all direetioiMS. 

(J. Did you wnd it to j)eo]sle wlo invited you 
lo Kcnd it lo 1 1 iriu i A. Yea. 

Q. Did all thia several hundred invite you to 
semi the letter 1a ih-ni" A. Na. 

i,i. ) [Wi ywy ivJmt I liotd in my hand as 
Defondunts' Exhibit K. 

The Court: That i* the letter sent by 
your son. 
Mr, Covington: Ye.6, llitll is tight 

Q. (Conllvued.) And aak you te 1nke tliat iLnd 
hold it in your hand (banding to witness). You 
see tliat printed tetter there that purport* to 
bear Jour Signature t A. Yes, 


Oliu It. Mvyle—Fot Plg,~C*«U 

Q. Where did yon have that letter printed 1 
A. I hud tlwit letter jirinted at the Dawn print 

ing >j\" . :. 

Q. Where 1 A. Here in Brooklyn. 

q. Where did ilr. rink hnvo bin prinlcdl A. 
At the suine plaia:. 

Q. At I ho *arue plaecl A Yet, 

Q, Did cither one of you have it printed in 
any other! A. Not to my knowledge. 

By the Court: 

Q. Speaking for yourself,, did you luwt it 

jtriutedl A. Ho. 

lJy Mr, Covington: 

Q. Wiuit canneclion did you liave with lite 
Dawn' A- Xntiiing, none; good iritadi — 

Tlie Court; No, ptcflsa da not rcauVir 
anything. Judt answer (lie uuestione, 

Q. Whin did yau [jay tbc Dawn for publish- 
ing and printing thai letter! A. t paid them 
no tiling. 

{j. Vou guild llicin notbingl A, No. 

Q, Did you give ".heir; material^ 

iir. Brujclihuuwn; May I 0«k for a 
modilkutioj; of that <jue«liuit, "printing 
nnd publLbhii'.g"f Tliera is no evidence 
here about luihjinhing. 

Mr. Covington: All right, I will" witri- 
diii'.v '.hat i>flj-t of it and leave the print- 

The Court; Ask the qucilion again, to 
keep your record siraight. 

ilr. Covington: All righL 




Oliti It. tSosU—For Flf^Crou 

By the Court: 

y. Vi'Jiul did yi.u pay ■!» Ikn fur printing 
Li:.: : A, I i ■!.!■.. UlL'Ul nulhiug. 

lij- Hi'. L'uy ington : 

(J. DM they return il Is yua lo Wisconsin I 
A. They lLLlL 

Q. At their ,'ij..i-i,M'" A Ves. 

Q, Idivc you yver been is the etupSuy uf 11m; 
JJuu'ii rrimiiijf Company" A. Nil,, vir. 

<J. Whun dill they iJu that! A. About thin 

(J. What til ue T A. KhurlLy lief u re its dale, 

SijiIl-iii^t J.'i. LLlii:, :. ta'uulc riC hi.' In; for* that. 

tj. fluw ninny hundred did Ihe. Duams, Ini-ur- 
purutod, print fur you[ A, I think ab«ui u 

L-UL!|lJl' tlmljMijiil uf IheUL 

(J, Jluve y«U gnl iill ywir couple thousand left! 
A. So, 

(J. Jlnw many did you inuii' otilt A. I don't 


!!>■ Ills Court ! 

Q, \V"Ilu1 in. your luinl recollection! A, lly 
be*l rvcvthxlitui in i r -itto uf thuja uJJ luld. 

iiy II r. Co* vington ; 

g. 1,500 oJI told! A. Yb*. 
(J r Vuu mailed Ihem — you cannot remember 
what »U\-.i, San you! 

The Court: 1 lhink you have been over 

<J. Where did you gel the mailine; litl Ukut 

Oiin tt. itvjfte—Fer Pl$.—€ro*t 
you had to utaiJ these with, please! A i : nnn 

VarilHls WHirt'tF, 

Ij. What various sources T A. TJib Jehovah 'a 
Witnessed pompaisy in ILitwauiec. Harvey Fink 
Lad thoio and gave ili:j the names. I knew 
many noma* aruund that area. Those 1 had in 
nay privaio. addren book, 

{J. 'i'ltut i-B in and itruund ililwuukevi A 
Tiii; is right, yes. 

Q. Wiuire did j«u get the. UMLiliug Ihsl for Hue 
other*! A. 1 hud U.t- nanus of ii ftw friends 
scattered here and there in uiy own addreis, 
people that 1 knew, and I uned them. I'eciple 
wrstt i» t* bn« lifter lha iit-pterulKr 1*1 "Wnleh 
TowH;r" cainc Out f ninny here and U.ere, asking: 
jot iuy tide of the ttory. I had tiiuat sciili;^ ami 
Aildrcftsuu, I neat i;uiji«s lo UiL'm. 

Q.. Huw mnny jitopie wrale in! A OJj, I 
Lhialt lliera vriu lifLy qt mure. 

Q, Filly or tno^et A, Yt», 

Q. Do yea have the letter* of Ihe people that 
wrote to youf A 1 Imve Iheia in my files. 

Q. Fitly ot twsrfct A, Thai i* uiy ln;*t rccol- 
loclion. It niifht bo more or lora. 

Q. Do yen have a copy of the niniling Jilt 
that you used to mad out tag** pufcUcationtt 
A No, eot with >thh. 

Q. Yoa knew that lhi« letter VOuld come up 
in this In;;!, didn't youT A Yei> 

Q. You ore on attorney, aren't yoa I A That 
ia r:,:liL 

Q- Yuu eij.x;tl<;il you would 1» uucetioned on 
material miitter* f didn't-yoal A. Yea, air. 

Q. Where i& that mailing lit! that yoa lutdf 
A> It iut in one List, J yon jplcti*. 

0(r"« JJ r iloyk—Fer Plf.—Crot, 

Tins Coart: IfaiUn^f liiU or nimes. 
Tliu Wiln<*»: To vac names, some sra 
in ray private address hook. 

By the Conirt; 

Q, Where ii your address hook and whnirc are 
ihe liilsf A. ity piivsl* addfrs* hoolt it in my 

Q, And where is (he list, for ir:;:i:^C!, l!;:f. 
Mr. Fink gave you that yoa deserihcdl A, I 
tlilnlt 1 havf a ippy (.f that in my desk at home. 

Q, You inena in "VViscDaEint A. In fV'iscon. 
gtnj yea. 

By Mr. Covington: 

Q. Whef* am the other listaf A. Whatever 
allien I have are there, too. 

By die Coart: 

Q. In WisoansinT A. In Wueonjtin. 

Dy Mr. Covington: 

Q. You did not tft'mg th«*f, did yout A, No. 

Q, liut JfoB did brinn: the fifty or more [et- 
ICro, is that right I A No. 

Q. You jiii; referred to it that yoa had them 
in your hrief.fjjiR f A. No, I lu)d my private 
*ddr**s hoot of friend* 1, hnsiM in my brief -caw. 

By the Court: 

Q, The fifty letter*, where nre IhcyT A. Ther 
wetild be in my de-ut. 
Q. In Wisconsin T A. Yci, 

By Sir, Covin((toe: 

Q, Is tii'.'ra anybody ia charge of your office 
while you ana away! A. Ho, air. 

Otu, Ii. ifojjrfe— ^or Pli.—Cmts 

Q. Nohody there at nlll A No. 

Q. Pa yua have a stenographer! A, No, sir. I 
do my own et«no^ mphy. 

Q. Yoa arc your own jiliTOj^f a phcrt A Yes. 

Q. And there is nobxuly there at your ollicef 
A That ia right. 

Q. What did you say a moment ago in refer- 
enri! Tn thp iiwijjSi 1 that had written In roffW 1 *!- 

jnp; jl :'<ipy nf 1hc Irihlml T n-Ls'U 1'OU i: you 

had those letters. A, Yes, I have the Irllora, 

I didn't Ray I had them here. 

Q. You d>d not nay that yon had them here! 
A No. 

Q. You mean yon had them in Wisconsin, is 
that correct! A. Yes. 

Mr. Bniclirmo>eu; Tt hieilri* hr has 
them in hiu possession, I sulqnil, not 
meeesiuiriEy here. 

The Witneas; Tliat is what 1 meant. 

tj. Yon don't have any objection In IryinC 10 
£*! Uioee, do yont A. No. 

Q. Da yoa have any ohjeetion to trvinp lo 
get your mailing tielt A, No, but I don't tenow 
how I eontd. 

The Court; That in not (hi 1 nue^iirnt. 
Pleftsp unRwtr tli* f|iii'n!ionji and we will 
ffet thmnsh here, Olnenri*? fc"3 wi]' he 
hera a, long time. 

Q. TTnve yoa puhltuhcd espies fit jpottf letter 

of Jaly £l*t or canned to he pnhlinhcd n copy 
of your letter, or anthnr"7ed n eopy nf ;-oar 
better to in puuliihed in either the Dawn or th* 


0H» X. Hof/lt—Fif Flf.—CrOn 

Pastoral Bible Institate publications! A. No. 

Q. Did you ever permit a copy of yoar letter 
to be printed in the Italian Dawn! A. I have 
no re*o]Jwlion of anything about tin- Italian 

Q. How come th* Dawn with a copy s& your 
leitort A, Hew i« HuUT 

Q. Did you send the Dawn a copy of your 
letter 1 A. At the time that 1 did this work on 
it, yea. 

Q. And you sent thnt lo them by mail! A 
That ia right. 

Q. Ilavo you pot u copy of this letter of 
tmnlhiittoll A, I do hdve, but 1 dou'l have 
tlu\l file I. pre. 

Q. Thnt in at, tun, if that correct T 
A. Thiil is rii^it. 

(J. Uo yon rei-all whew lUrvoy h h ink had bis 
Ivllff |y|Ui»luil ami, f brtii"Vt-, (iriiiLiilt At the 
Dnvn CntiipiinyT A. Yc-h, 

i>. Did v'nii jirrid out ropier i>f llnrvey Fink's 
h'Ller wji!i yuur^T A. J hdiwe. 1 iliih 

il. i\rfx many iiundredf A. 1 don't know. I 
ilhlu'l n-nil IJurVi'V'n vi'ilh all my hltiTS. I [Lid 
mm I ii pi ■--:: ■ ■-.■- . J nin i|uitc hure, 

(J. Did yuu keep n list of ISidhc that you sent 
Itj'.j-i'i-v Kink'* Irtti-r lo! A. Not any more than 
1 1 ie otiii'r, nn. 

■;;. Did yuu have any converNilinn with your 
diiihT with . rrfert-n^e lo and aotho riling her 
tn lu-e ynnr letter in any uiy tliat rfie j"nw fit 
in niiuwiii^ it to thane of Jehovah's WknesHesf 
A. S'nt lo that extent 

(J. Well, to wtial extent did' you 1 

Oiitt O, X<i S Ic—F<fr Ftf^-Crow 

The Court: Would yoa mind fixing the 

Q, (Continued) I ant JftlSsinK nboUt 'ba time 
thnt van said you ^uvo it to her prior lo the 
1st of Scpteinher. You aaiij yoa did not knov 
wliother it wa* the last part of August or the 
firM jiart uf September. 

By Hie ( 'i. .i . i j 

Q. Yoitr hei*t refulleetioa *'ns wluilt A. Tlw 
fliwt part of ^eptcniher. 

By 11 r. Covingtca; 

Q. Tidl us tt'liat yoa told yaft* suiter nt Hint 
time- with reference to the use of Hie letter, noth- 
ing else. A, She anked mo if ] Imd uny «hje«- 
tions 1o i^mlin^ Hi At tetter to two Tu milieu with 
w-hi>m we wek'c bolh n> _ .i;-i i . : li I, a faiuily by the 
]imin> uf Karly and utnllwr by Ike name of 
Jtoiimln, Tlify were [Moneeri^, J told her I had 
no Hthjeelion to icnclrnff it lo ihetu. 

tj. In yunr enrn>|Hiiidenec with nnylmly else, 
did \"ii leli them Ihnl they cunld ncnil your 
letter In otliera, tool A- Not nt that tirar. 

Q. Ni>t at llult timet A. No. 

By Ihe C-mirU 
Q. Did ynu led Ihi'jii they eouhb\ T tt A. I dun'l 

nvi.ll .in; :!iini; ra L:i... 

My 11 r. UovinKlon; 

Q. Ynu ilnn't recall nay thing on thnt! A Nn. 

t}, Hinee Octubtr, ISi^O — since 1M40, have yon 
rcfiftLlod the eJiar^eit that ynu mode aj^ainjit Ihe 
Watch Tower Bible £ Tract ciociety and Ihe 




OH* H. itaylc—Far Pljf.—Crois 

cbargtt (but you ssy (hey made s^ainst you in 

any publication outside of the means, of these 
letters, printed [ettemT A. J don't recall, 

llr. Brucbhausen: I object to tin'.. It 
ii «o broad. 
The Court: I thank tod bad tatter 

Jirar ; li:'v ycnir .'| i ii-:jti nn ii hit. Firit uf 0.11, 

you Ilut* one date that I don't aprre with, 
llaylie you arc rij?ht, hat T thouphl it waa 
Sepreinher, 1940, that he lest filed. You 
put October in there. Perhapa if yon 
simplify it — 
Mr. Covinston : All riefht 

(}. Sine* S«pl«tn1i«, 1040, to tab day— 

The Court : And excluding thesO — 

Q. (Cnntinqinc;}— and excludsncr (lie print**! 
letter tiiere, have you employed nny other means 
of making known to the public the rhariri'K (hnt 
IV Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society made 
DKuinsi you and llto charpefi tliat J'ou lfuul6 
apiinst theml A. I think nut. 

Q. Too think notf A. Thnt in right. 

Q. Do yon rave any doubt about at t A. NX 
I haven'! any donhl about jt 

Q. Are Ton one of Jehovah,'* Witnesses? A, 
If by Jehovah 's Wi messes you mean a member 
of yoar urpLchation , no. 

Cj. Yo* are- not! A. No. 

Q. You say yon (spoke before the members, of 
Hit Fnatora! Bible Institute, at places, 
did you n«lt A. No. 

Q. What did you nay in that regard, pieasof 

Qlin R. itoj/If—Far FIX— Crosi 

A. I void I gave a talk at their place when I 
wd* here In New York once. 
Q. Is tliat the only timet A. That ii right 

By the Court: 

Q. TliaE la the only placet A. Yes, 
By Mr. Corinjjton: 

Q. Have you ever apohen before oilier group* 

when* 3:ii',-lLi!~!i m-.-f by that inttti- 

tutionT A. Nut to my knowledge, 

Q. Not to yoiirkriowledp;! A No, 

Q. Have you spoken at nny meeting (hat was 
authorised by the Pastoral Bible Institute T A, 
I might qualify that, I spoke at a convention 
in Atlantic- City, New Jersey, out lime, 

Q. When was lhati A. A year opi in th* fall, 
I think it wan. At (hat convention ihere were 
Pastoral Bible students speaker* there, t don't 
knoiv that that ore^inLialion sponsored it or 
wnether the local class did. If they sponsored it, 
it was a meeting sponsored by tlrtfll, 

Q. Yog hod some- sort of a conuntinicHJoh be- 
fore yon went down to make a. speech, didn't 
yeul A. That u light 

Q. Whom did you hnee your communication 
wtthT A. The Paf-toral Bible Institute. They 
naked nto to make the Kpeeih- 

Q. They asked you to go down to Atlantic 
CityT A, That U right. 

Q. T^Tiat othfr plae* <!id Ihey arrange to nava 
you p:^ down to epeah tot A- I have LaJted to 
clusse* here and there where the Pulfliai Bihlu 
InstituHr h*d ISiade the arranpcineftta. 

Q. How many! A, I MUJda't say. 

Offii /I, ilaytt— Fvr Plff.—Cro*i 

By lit Court; 

(J. Approximately^ A great many, a few, or 
whi.1t A. Putftihly firty in the lant yfjir— |>a, 

wait u inmutt; pwyt* ihirty-(W* at forty, 

!!>■ it r. t'o vini, r ton ; 

(J. Tlii vl- or forty I A, Yea, 
t;. In wljut ].'ur-lK at lilt iwLLnU'vf A. In Wi>* 
eri-uiiiii ueih] tUlBiikA, 

g. h 1 1 lilt Lillt A. Yeit. 

(J. Yod qlu i|Uito a hit of traveling tlien, don't 
yira. Air, Aloylef A. Week-enfllri, 

(J, And under their nnnpio-H, the I'antnral 
ISil'fc lni-titu(el A. That is riclit. 

(J. Ami do they pay your eji|k'nsei1 A, They 
|wiy my ear fare. 

(;. Do you pit any Hrompenaution for it — ■ A 
ICa, JiJr. 

■Q, ■((.'niilinuiBf;)— *"llMJde nf |ha(! A. Ncn sir, 

IJ, Ynn Lnnw (lui( fhc ]'nK(nru) Hibte Institute 
\f opjuiHtd to Jelwjvah's IVitntjiiics, don't youT 
A. I don't. 

{j. You xay Itiey are not oppn?e<l lo Jcliuvah'n 
V',' i 1 1 m.h.-.l-h t A. It *1 1 dfpeihlK on wliat you rticjin 
hy "up)ini«ft| r " If yoH mean hy "oftfumnl" 1hnt 
il* (fwbinK* are not the some or different than 
fliOtn-vnli 'n WitncTisc*, yes. 

<j. Aii a master of fact, aren't I bey heafllwl by 
iitdiviilunlH who rormtrly »"»re axftoeiati'd wiiti 
Hit WatHi Towof Uible & Tmct Socirtyt A, 
Kuiiie fit Jlieiu were, yes. 

Q. And have vliu ever flnoken under tlni au- 
Fpirrs nt' (he fljiivnl A- Sn. 

Q, V»u never hsveT A, No, 

Qli* It. itovU—For Plg.—Ctest 

Q, WbtM did you say your sen liv*d! ■v'-fher* 

docs your son livel A. At 13t> Fulton Street. 

<;. L I he Dawn puhtiraiign in tiiere in ibat 
peiKlilsorhoodl A. Thst i* the; satoe building. 

(J. The *anie address f A. Yen, 

Q. How fi-rt[uenlly tiave you viniled \\"t Dawni 
puhlseatjon heath inarte,™ in the latl three H Toitr 
JcnrKt A. (hwr. when 1 am here now, nnee whpn 
J wai* hew btiti rail; jtir-t vinited the hcadnuarLerii, 
do* it. 

Q, Wlie* wb* the 'first time you visited the 
Ihiwn tienihiiiiirterst A. Tliat wu the (ir*l liipif, 

lixt Fr.M. 

Q, Luxl fall! A. Yts. 

Q. Tlie JhI3 of 1*M2, is that euRieetJ A* Yck; 

pithpr the fall or winter. 

Q. When 'hit yon fir? t become aniwiinted with 
the people that wt.rc in eharp? of the Dnwnt A- 
I bccuirt tKirnointcd with il.4 nerretary, I belicrr 
he i>s in liUti, possibly ip tha summer. 

Q. Is that prinr lo the time that yon Itad them 
print your letter I A, Yes, 

Q. Where did you become aejiuninlcd with hiint 
A. In Wanwatosa. 

Q, Jlid he entile tn pay y ou a visi 1 1 A. He did. 

Q, TJjcI vuu jtive Itiin A enpy at your letter 
there t A. I ilnn'l remember, 

Q, That if nhout (he lime this wftn published 
by the Dawn, wasn't itt A, Shortly »flef Ihnt. 

Q. Hhortly after that! A. If I am risht on 
that date, I em ^ivina 1 you approiimnte dsteft, 

Q. Ttie ipiestkin i*; I>id yi>u jrive liim a eopy 
of your lettcrr A, I don't think T ditJ- 

Q. You ilna't ihink yon didf A. No. 

Q. Did you discuss the contenta of your letter I 
A I guess we did, vet 

0K» R. Moyle^For Ptg.—Crott 

Q. Dili you discuss the publication of your lat- 
ter J A 1 don't recall that 1 did. 

Q. Was he formerly connected with the Watch 
Tnwtr Bible k Tract Society T A, He was, 

(J. lie wa» I A. Yes. 

Q, Who nrc— yoit have been one of Je-hovah'a 
Wilnesne* at one time, haven't youl A. I Wat. 

(j. Y"ou are ashamed of that now, aren't youf 
A. L wouldn't *ay 1 wa* (islniin-:! of that, no, 

Q. Well, wlinl ia your uKiiutie about tjtiitt A- 
ITy ntldiule is that I was one of Jehovah's Wil- 
j, i ■■-.-- ;■■-., Vt-s. 

Q. Itiil you are not promi of i1 any anore, ore 
yi,ut A. Ntt, I wouldn't my I tm prout] tif iL 

Q. At nr.e lime y«o were f'oud tn lie one of 
Jolanvjtli 'x Wilnes^es, weren't youf A, Yen, T 


Q, But now you are not proud of Itt A. That 

1* riffht, 

Q, Y"oq tltHctLtiin any pouflert ion whal soever 
with HlehovohV Wilnc*B*s, don'l yiiut A. Th:t( 
is ri cji t. 

Q. 1)6 you publicise that also to the whole 
world, y«u have-, haven 't >'«ut A. I wouldn't say 
so. nn, 

(J. You have not made it puhlie that you no 
ItmtVT hnve nny Mltheflion wiiBi Jahmmll't Wit- 
nesses! A You said "publicise to the whole 
world," T wouldn't say that, 

Tha Courl : lie objects to your expres- 
sion "TwhllctH it lo Ihewholtwoj-Sd," 
fj. Tate out "the whole world," and tell n* 
bow far yom h*.ve publicised it 


Oh"ji /f. Mo'jlt—Far Plf.—Crou 

lit. liruehhuu^en: I object lo the form 
of the LLUOsticn auyway. 

The Court; Objection euntaiaed a# t* 
fonu. only, 

(J. You know wliat 1 ain al'ter. You answer 
tho ijiusd'Ml. Yuu are a laufyar — 

Mr, Brucldiausea i 1 object to the tjiiet- 


The Co art: Objection sustainetl. A4k 
liim a question, 

Q, The '[ucstlon is: To whut eitvnt bate you 
publicisLd thai yon are no longer one uf Jeho- 
vah's Witneusevt 

ilr, Bruchhauscnj 1 object to Ilia form 
of [|.u tjjention, 
Tbe ColUft: I will [>eruut hiui to an- 

*WiT iL. 

ilr. UrucMuuUMa.! En^eplion. 
Tlie Court l And you had butter Lu tiw 

(J. (Conliiiuiut'} Sinee you left. A &ince I 
kft liroukJynl 

(J. Yt-s. ■ A, In these reveal yenr* *h llK l l^.ft 
iln! iHiat i(i Jlilwaukei^, as suun us 1 left LJili or- 
t'ani ?jt i u ii, in iu>' rOnlneU with uvujjIi^ ■nhuneter 
tlm OjUosUus cattie u[i, 1 have list tht-m know vury 
dintJiJcLly ljti;t 1 am nut out of Jehovah's Wit- 

y. Hove you employed any means of widely 
puhliirsiiig a hulJi in die Jawit muijazine of any 
Gthc£ ^ahlieation, for inslaneoT A No— 

Hi. lirucJiluiusen,: 1 object Id iL Wa 
hava been Oft! it Ov*r Uii over again. 

Oti* it, Mot'tt— For PIff,—Ct*u 

TJst Court: Yet, He Hid "No" for 

lilt last lime, 

Q. Coinine, down la .September — when h] id yon 
«»' tlknl Harvey Fink jinked vim to rend tbal 
xtntemenl btfnre the Milwaukee company! A. 
Tlutt wmi in Hrpk-nibn', 

(J. What lime I A. 11 y recollection in I hat was 
the .Nth, hilt J atn nut *ur*, 

(J.. How do you ns the dnyT A. By what I 
bin recollect fjf the dale an tiie copy. 

(j, Where it the curium e#py of this tlatcmtnt 

or liie original of that Htatemenl that yon mndel 
A. Tho original I reeolleel I gave lo the aeere- 
hiry of the Milwaukee class. 

{J, Ann] the- riirlHin coriyl A, I think I luve 
A fjifhrm copy here. 

(J. Yon i!oT A- Yh-*, 

(J. WiiH llnrvry Fink (he sole cause of your 
reiulinj; that HtatttAefll before Hie. ewnpany or 
were vhiu in terenled in rending llie a La ttincnl I 
A. I I'm interested, nalurnlly, ye*. 

Q, When did you and I Survey Fink lUwiu* 
Y'liL-h yon were going 1" read that abatement be- 
fore the elan* there in .Si alwaukoe T A, J don't 
retail llif 1 (Mirl time, Eiut 1 luld Harvey ponibly 
the day liefore that I would like to let the class 
know ji.iw 1 jitood. 

Q. Vou aiirl Harvrv FJn!( vers ijuite friendly 
during tint lime, weren't you, prior to that) 
A. Vet, 

Q, Thii matter of your beinK *■*»>" from 
limuklvn and Lin- announcement in the "Watch 
I#Wf" and B.LL had been di»eun*ed. for toft* 


Otm B, UOi/le—For Pif.—Croit 

lime, had it LOtt A. I discussed tiinl with Hsr. 
vty, yet. 

Q. you liid til ready showed him a copy 
of your letter, lindn'l yont A. I don't recall 
the tin-el time tiwt I sHowcd that to him. 

Q. TA'iu-n I milied you u while ago t« tell who 
the people were that you gave a copy of your 
letter Ufj you did not mention Harvey Kink, did 
you I A, I gave Harvey one. 

Mr, Bruchhuuaeu : Yes, ho did. I object 

to ' 

TLio Court: It it for the jury to recol- 
lect wlial lie did say, 

Q, When did you f-ive Harray Fink the copy 
of yonr letter, pleoiel A. I think that was early 

in ScplL-nibcr. 

Q. rjirly in September! A. 1 think ho. 

Q. During your tcMinmjsy, yoa listed liial 
there were certain intimate friend* to whom yoa 
showed the letter aJjju. Who were tlieyl 

The Court; liia exact, aintwtr »'a* "I 
did bhow tlie k'ttifi- (p punvimi friends." 

A* Harvey Flak wan one q.f thast. 

Q. Who vlaef A- I hcLJBVO Mr*. Newman. 

Q. Who elisc I A. Fred Atbly and Ilib wif« 
naked to aee iL You are iu<[ui>-iij£ •« to (Jut 
limo early in is^tenibeir 1 

Q, Ye*. A. 1 d«u 't recall other*. 

Q. Then you did not during that time ineor- 
porute the tuh*tunte of lhe*e diaryci in Letli-n 
to other people cither, did yon, according to your 
le*littutiy1 A. JJot in 

Q. And you iuiva given ua Laa naioe» nf tvary* 

one that you remember giving it lot A. A* far 

u I can. recollett. 

Q- An LVt at you can A. Yea. 

ilt, Brticliliaaten- I ohject to ccqubbI 
repeating tlie aa*wera. 

TL« Cecrt: l*ieft»ij don't, I let him 
do iL It *o Lupofned that I did muJ:e a. 
nana of that exact o,neilioa and hi« an- 
tw«-, I thick Mi-. Seclmun did, too. 

Q. Arh yui. fi.::!i ! i:.: wJtfc [ji* j.-,:ruL:ura ^f 
y^ur title rt A. I^iurs .House I 

Q. Ye*. A, I Uuuk 1 am familiar with it. 

(i'aper it hlnded to vitae*c) 

By U» Court: 

(J. J* that your »i*ter'e signature it the hot. 
toln Of tiie- lettert A- Tlut look* like it, yea, 

(Anuther paper ia handed to lha wlt- 
The Witnota; Tout looki LUrt her tig- 


(Other pit per* handed to the witness.) 
file Wilnea*: Yea, that looka like her 


(Other puper* baadod to lb* Trito***.) 

By Mr. Covisgton,: 

Q, T» tha.t yonr iigutrirei A. That ia iny 

tiguature, yet, air. 

Q. tVTiat i* the dale M ilT A. Augott £-Jth. 

Q. What i* thEre nnderneaUi your ttgnatura 
there I A. U»iisraealh my |ignator«T 

Oiix Si. itoglt—Fw I'ltf.—Craii 

Q. Tarn the paje over and tee what it under- 
neath there. A. That i* a copy if that letter. 

£y the Court: 

Q. Doe* Lhat refresh your recollection, aa to 
(bethileaf A. Itdoeu- 
!By Mr. Covington: 

<i, What ia the date of that iattert A. Au- 

L"Jnt 2-.l\.. 

Q. It in ■ eony of what letter! A. The letter al 

July Jlnlcf JutLj,-* Itutlierford. 

Q, Then lam it On Over And r*ftd farther Mid 
tee i^'fiat is on the hick. 

The Court: 5«f erring to PhuntibT'a iix. 

bibi* 4. 

A. This card, do yon meaaT 

Q. Ye*. A. A copy of iny announcement at 
opening my o;l,ee for the practice of law in 

II r. Covington: We offer them in evi- 
dence now. 

The Court: Show them to Mr. Brueh- 

(Papers handed to Mr. Umehhauaen.) 

The Court: Mr. BrudduxuxeD, ara y<a 
unfamiliar with, all of these I 

Mr. firutldiaiiEen ; I doat cay all of 
them, hat I bftvent teen the letter* writ- 
ten by Laura Bouse. 

The Court: If yoa want to take ten 
minute* to look them aver — 

Mr. Bruehhaawn.: I would like to bale* 
a look, at them. 

Oti* £. Ifoufe— Far Ptf.—Ctnt4 

The Court: Wa will adjourn .nor and 
let yon look at 'iem, 

Membera of the juryj he here tomorrow 
at ten o'clock sharp, Please do not dis- 
ease the case. 

(Wnvreupen, aa adjournment was taken 
dttil Thursday, May 13, 1S43, at tea 
o'doik a. m.) 

May 13, 1943, 
Ten o'elock *, m, 

(Case continued.} 

OLLN It. ilOYLi; the platntifl", reauratd Aad 
teatified furtiicr At follow*: 

Gr<as-czamiiiati&» l>y 2Ir, Cwinflim (Con- 

Mr, Covington; At thift time the de- 
fEtulantt ttttat ia evidence the letter dated 
Stplemer 6, l^Ji/, itochce-ter, Winoonnin, 
addressed to "Liens' Jo ^jalhana of Li..< 
IVaupim Cojiipany," tigntd by Laura and 

t" ■■-'■'- li:--.::. 

Mr. Bmchhanaen: Ho objection. 

(deceived in evidence and marked De- 
fendant*' FvAibil M.) 

Mr. Covington; At this Lime the de- 
fendants offer in evidence the letter dated 
September d, ISO, Boclieater, Wiaconsin, 
addrenwsd to "Dear Frieadi of the Co. 


OUw R. ltejf!t—For Pif .— C 1 ™* 

luinhua Company," signed by "Laura and 


Air. BnKhJiauaea,: Ho ohjwlion if Ihc-y 
tra«e the Urjd^riining of it. 

lit. Covington : Your Honor, we won't 
have any controversy about that. 

The Court: We are going to erase any 
underlining on alt exhiLiu before the jury 
aver Ht them. 

Mr. Covington: Thrtt will be done, 
your Honor. That is understood with re- 
apeet to all exhibits f 

The Coort: All exhihiu. 

(The paper referred to waa received in 
evidence and marked, Defeaduia 1 E&hibit 


Mr. Covington: Defendant* offer ia 

*\.:Ji-j:lv h'llir Jjilcd Seplerai^r S, 1V3", 
Boehiiiiter, Wisconsin, addreaued to "Lear 
Friends of Horican Company," tigned by 
"l.fiar.d and Laura Koiute." 

Sir. BnwMUattliS II y ohjeetion lief^ it 
I *ec the word* "Hisriean Company'' ar* 
in pencil and the rest of it is typewritten, 
unle&s there is some evidence that that 
letter waa in that shape when it waa **nt. 
I don't know, 

11 r. Covington: Show it to the plaintiff 
and we will prove that. 

(Paper handed to the witness.) 

Q. In wheto !mn4«rilih£ is the lop of that 
following the "Deer Frienda"! A. I don't 





G/dit fl. J/Oyf*— For Ptff.—Crou 

Q. Doesn't it look li>« your sister'* band-, 
wrilinjjf A. lit di.ii.ii 

Q. As a jaotler of fart, tint is your sister's 
handwriting, isn't itl 

Mr. Bruelihauseo : I nbjeeL 
"'l.u Court: Ojeetioa overruled, 
Mr. B«whhftiM«n.: Exception. 

By the Court; 

Q. In it your sister's bandwri ting t A. It 
l.ii.Lj, Jilte it, but I couldn't say whether it in 

Or L'jL. 

Hi-. Rr uehheusen : Then I will KtiW 
tine objection. I WAHted to be sure about 


(The jvuper fet erred to was received in 
evidence ud marked Defendant*' Inhibit 

Mr, Covjngton: At Uiii time the de- 
fendants offer in evidence the letter dated 
August 2i, 1333, addressed to "Fred and 
Jen.-jfc," aiaiied by Cilia. K. Moyle, to wliich 
id attached iiis letter addressed to J, if 1 . 
ilutherfe-rd. dated July 121, 1M& 

Tbe Court: Mate it "A copy of hit 

II r, Covington; Yes, * copy, your 
Umuf. Of course, it is unJeratood that 
nny pencil marks an there that liavo, been 
made will be erased, 

The Court: Will be erased from every 
exhibit. That is gene-inl, and it ia stipu- 
lated I* by botli sides. 

Mr. Covipfiios : And attached, to that 

Otin fl, dUtfiyk— For Pljf. — Crest 

TO])}' of III* letter is. ait aaaouneeinenl of 
the opening of the law office of Qlin IL 
Moyle at 14J9 Underwood Avenue, Wn- 

watosa, Wisconsin. 
Mr. Bruehbausea ; Ko objection. 

(The paper referred to wni Wffoed in 

evidence und marked. Defendants' Hiliibit 

By Ifr. Corragton: 

Q, Jlr. Atoylc, since your testimony of yester- 
day, in order 10 keep tbe record si raicjht, is there 
anything Unit ynu testified to yesterday that 
you desire to change now before T proceed 
"further t A. If f recollect, I believe I wud tiuH 
I gave, that Je.iter to the Acblys after Septem- 
ber 1st. J would *!u) that testimony to say 
that that letter Went to (hem on tlie date staled 
in tliat letter, August 341b, I kclitf*. 

Q. Tn tliei* any other teFtimony that you (&**, 
nfier reflection, that you desire to change! ■*- 
I don't recoil any now. 

Q. You still stand by the proposition then, 
in stated in your testimony of yesterday, that 
the only ones that you remember sendtne,, that 
it, writing to about tlio cendittnns at Iitflhel 
prior to September liith, outside of yoor sister — - 

Mr. Lrachbaosen r I object. 

II r. Covington: Jiil m* finish, my qnea- 

Mr. Bniciiliauseu: Pardon roe, I 
thoaght yon had. 

The Court: I*thini ruush Uh qun- 

Oiin Jl. l/»jrfe— For Plf.—Crm 

(J. (i'uTilinLJO'l) — was. to Phiihriek at Boston, 
-i'jliii Miller ■ t ■ ilnisaeliUiCtta, and a man by 
tlii' niniic af HiitthirT — uliat did vou say hit tiaiut 
t'BJil A, Gn'Hirjfie H«iditr, 

Q. Cm jou rwnll cnyboiy tUet 

i[;. ilrucbliauaen : I ubji-ct to the tjueR- 

The C'«urt; fUtJMtiMl mistainfJ- He 
J i»< jinnm-rciJ tlmt twirc. Tlie jury 'fill 
rri-Hilhi'l whiit -■■!■ KaUl. 

>lr> Cnvinjflim; \Yt CMtpt, yaur 

Q. J)o yon recoil wrilinK n ItttW to a rnan 
by tin' ittiue bf Krytlund ob &?pte:iil>er 27, 1940, 
in which >on slated "I Itavc ke^t itiviet"— 

lit. lirudiluiusen: Jiinl a aidnute. I 

Tiio Court; 1'lvane dun't read the lel- 
tLr. You ussy ark him if he wrote a let- 
ter concerning litis eoHtrav#ri>y to that 
i.lil:l uil tl:at '.Lote. 

Mr. HriU'lihaunen: I re^peelfully ob- 
ject, if yuur HMiOf please, We have i&x.n 
ail over tlila before, 4«d I tiiougbt esoanael 
hud fuiLiluded yesterdoy, eicepline; only 
for ti.i- offering of these exhibits. 

Tlio CiSirt; J did not underslapc" be 
iunt concluded kit ei-nsji-exanii nation. It 
wan I who took the adjournment io that 
evf rj'tio" ly might hove * c'hauee to read, 
the cxhibitx nnd to that tlie jury would 
sot l:« kept waiting. 

y.s, Bia&bhallltn; I will withdraw my 
undernttatiing, your Honor, 

Qli* H. iloyle—Ff Plf.—Cr<*t 

The Court : You may ask ham if he 

wrote a letter eoiKeniiiig :)"* letter of 
his to Kutherford, wis bout ijufcting the 
letter, on that dote Io that pmn, which 
is, 1 awume, nhat you wont to find euL 

(^ Did jcu write a letter to a mart by tlie 

name of Frylctuud 'Jntcd 6w|iU'niii*r S7, VM<\, 
alioiit litis CMltlWtrwyl A. I do ki>1 reiOPinUffr 
writinfi tu any mnn by Tht na'ue of rVySutifld, 

<J. Did yem Ktatc to uytrtly «l or nbojt Sr|v 
tender 27, l!H(l, rjthiT orally ur In 't.Tilinjr, that 
you had remained 'ipjicl^ 

Mr. Uruelihjiuiierii 1 object to tlie form 
of tlii; question, 
Mr. Cuvington: Let me tinisb. 
Tlie Court; Tbe objection is sustained. 
You may rtfret-b lii» rceollevtioa by any- 
thing you liavf, but 1 am not going 1* 
jwrmit you tu any ■oinelhin^ that mijjhl 
be (ibjeetionahlD. 

Mr- tJovington; I will csuiie bajh Io 
that ink-r- 

The L'ourt: Yon have * fsji'f^t ripht 
to refresh his recollection on anything 
y*u wuiit, I want you to understand that. 
Ilul I do not want j'»o to read something 
tliat is not in evidence and then atk him 
about it. 

Mr. Covinpton ; I have got to lay a 
predicate for iiiipvoditnenL 

The Court: You have a perfect riplit 
to ask — 

ALr. Cewingtoni We cieept to tbe limi- 

Olin IL ilvylt—For Pig-— Cross 

The Court: You have a perfect right In 

k&l hint iT h* wrote » man "-oneemi nfi wliat 
*re nro tnlkinE; aiioot, bnt I rule thai you 
have no right tc ret-! s^meihiriBbeeauBe it 
Ln not in evidence— to which you mny have 
an i-i"iotiu:i. 

Mr. Coviriffton: We, of course, respect- 
fully except to tlie Court 1 * ruling at undue 
q r How rnniny lfttcrd did tlie Bawn, Ineorpo- 
rmle<l, nend out for you I 

Mr. Rruchfuimieii: I oliject to tbe ijiici- 
tion. Wt- have hern over that fully yc^ 

Air, t'nviiiEtnfl ; Wt lui™ not lurn ni-cr 
I h»t. 
The OnTt; Objeriipn rtlntained at to 

!", 1 1 il'L 

tj. IVhl the Dawn, Incorporated, ever *frnl ont 
any teller* in your behaLf, tlie printed leiteril 
A, Kn. 

(J. Did you pennit th^m to keep any copiest 
A, There m onthiiig *ftid either nay on lint 

Q, I helieve yesterday y«U testified that you 
did not give or Iravc with MrH. Van Sens a copy 
»f your letter dated July Sl s IfloS, to ludpe 
Rutlierrunl, is that correct 1 A. I don't rfccull 
nuikinE Ibnl statement. 

(). Wliot is tlntl A- I don't remember making 
1'i::t itatcment. 

By the Court: 

Q. \Vlint is the fnftt Do you say you did or 

did notT A. I gBTt litr a copy at one time, but 
whether it wa« when »4 »eie lb*r* or latftr, I 


Olin It. Ucyit—Fof Piff.—Crott 

don't reinembcr. It muy liAVe been tliat we left 

One there at that lime. 

By Mr. Covington: 

Q. Then you are chaflfcing jonr reilimoiijr t eth 
you natl 

Mr. l!ni?>ibftuiien : I object to that. 
The Court; Objection sufliained. 
Mr. CoTintflon; We eicept 
(Paper liandevl to mitnens.) 

{J. Wliht <]*> you have in your hand! A. A let- 
ter dnled September 27 T lilt), adttrensed lo Mr. 
0. Fryklund— 

Tire Cnurt: Tlie jury do not hear yon, 

A, (Continued) It ip a letter dati>d Seplember 
27, ISMft, addret»cd to Jfr- 0, Fryklund of Auda- 
bon. Town, and sLeried by me. 

Q, Will ynn read the third sentence of the ?re- 
ond phrafirtpb, |il,'ik>fr, nnd *ffr if Ihsil refreshes 
your rnemory nlmul the fuels ConctrniuR- tlii* ne- 
tion. A. "The Judpe baa raved"— 

The Court: Head it to yenraelf. 
Tlift Witness: Ob, pardon m*, (Afttr 1 have read it. 

Q. Ehoeii that refresh your mttnoryl A, It 


Q. Is it a fact that yon tept quiet end let the 
.tudpe rave for a year, but on September 27, 1340; 
the time iiad com* to let the brethren kaaf tho 
trutht A. Y«. 

Q. You had kept quiet And had not »*id a *ord 
Up to that time! A. I would not pot it that far, 
that I bad not said a, word. 




Otin It. ilasle—Fvr Plf.—Crtoi 

Q. WliDt ,li<! yau mean by tli<s (-up reunion— - A r 

"I'Jmt I iuLil not enjjuged in any luteal answer 

Lu wluil had Ixjcji Jitid concerning wC- 
Q, "or 41 whole vt-Ji r T A. Approximately lJ:ilL 
Jtr. Covine^on: We offer it in evidence 

InfB'lluT WJtll tibfi Attlf lll'J — 

Mr, Hnie)tlmutn: No ebjeetura, 

(The paper referred to was received in 
evidence mid marked Defc ndanta ' Exhibit 

Q. What was your testimony yesterday with 
i'L>l"i-rfniT lo the dainnjre that yum had su:-taiiicd 
in iiliii a.r,Hlinl >1 ilwAllkfe through till- fact that 
three Jehovah's WitMatH bad retained you to 
represent them in an Information M4irch eft«e 
ilut lo the puhlifotion of (hi pi ArlieJe in the 
"Walsh Tav/t-r" Mint you had been shunned and 
avoided Id iucIi nn eslvnt that they diM4li*rjjed 
yon, is that ri^hll 

Mr. Ururliliaqucn; I object to tlift n,u*s- 
The Court : Objection justamed, 

Q. What was yaw testimony yesterday with 
respect to that nuiticrl 

Mr. Bruchhnujwr.: I object to the que*- 

The Court; Objection sustained. 

Q. Tell uh the instanre ot the throe Jehovah's 
Wi'-neiK'* ihat ynu were employed to represent. 
I vim L 1m pel tlie fju'ln elm Fly Itffore tlie jury, 

Mr. Bruciihaunen: I object to ii u 
already testified to- 

OUn R. iSayU — Far Mg.—Cr&n 

TLa Court: Objection sustained. 
Mr. Covington: W T o neepl to the Un- 
due limitation of the emimnminitlM 

Q. Wire you employed by three JeWvnh's 
Witnose* to represent iheui in to Information 
Mereh csebJ A. I wns- 

Q. Wkere was that? A. Kenosha. 

Q. And wbal county i* that situated jut A. 
£*ao*ha County, 

Q, Kenosha County? A. Yen. 

Q, And how far is it from Milwaukee f A, 
Forty miles, thirty. fn'e to forty, 

Q. In what direction I A. South, 

Q- Name the throe individuals that you nay 
employed you. A, One wa* Leslie Itiehardt nf 
Hacioe. I have forgotten the name* of the otier 

Q. You remember Leelia Richards of Itacinel 
A. Yea. 

(J. And you lutve forgotten the name* of Iho 
Other* 1 A. Yea, 

Mr. Bruciihausen : I object to ronn*eI 
repealing tlie (\nt*cn. 

The Court: Yea, plcnae don't repeat 
the answers. If you do not understand 
it or do not J. ear i:, I witi have the atcnajS- 
niiiliHT rr:nl iinytliinp LTur riliicr 5l>UllPvrl, 
but do not repent tscii nutter, 

<J. TATiih werij you employed to repr? dm) 

t'lc^e indivu!ua!if ttiut y«,i m. ntinnr^l A. Short- 
ly after my return, tome time in August or 

(MVh It. ifnyh—For Fig.— Croat 

Q. Did yon tike any aclion in their behalf! 
A. I did. 

Q. What aefioi did you take I A, 1 went dowa 
to Kenoflh* on the day {he ea»e wa» fcilli^l, the 
4ay jh«y werv onllinj; (ho -calendar In 11 le Cir. 
eait Couil, and clicked tin record sver — 

Q. What court 1 A. The Circuit Court of 
Kenosha County. Thi» win a tAitt en appeal. 
I cheeked the record over. I had a conference 
*ilh the City Attorney. I did aoitie work on 
the law on it ia Jil-c | in rjn lmi fur it, 

Q, And tt'kcn liie caise was culled, what hap- 
pened! A. My meniorv" isn't ciei.r on tli^t. The 
C**e vrint ealleii and it waun'l fet for trial, I 
discussed tlie rualte' with the Ciiy Attorney, 

It WJt l K ft ClfH'lL, 

Q. And lln-n wlint did ynn An in respect Id 
thai eauel A. I n'role to |j'>lic RichMd*, I 
(hint it wo*, one nf the defendnnt*. njikinp him 
j^jne cjienljort* atieol 1hc ™%e ■;,?<■ [irtrin^ fof it, 

Q, 'tMirn you enured yntur a r'pen ntier iiefnre 
the Ciri-nil Court, I assume lhal yon filed an 
appt.'irOftee in »om* mrl nf iih-inlinfld in hflnilf 
of tin 1 ilHVmlnritii. did you not I A. i t'M nut. i*i>. 

Q, DiJ you aftrrfar- h*fore the Jud^c of the 
Circuit Court in hchnif of the dcfendanls, or 
did yon jus! tdiow up at [he Circuit Court, 
»hioht A, I apjM-ared (here on (he rAlen ( Jar 
day, and if I remember correctly, answered to 
lh« e*ll fif that eite tlial I iraii representing 


Q. And yon advised the Court thnt yon nere 
rciireiejitin^ ihe three defeiulanti, ia ihat eor- 
rectf A. I did, yet. 

Q. What ton. of a motion *aa mide in liehalf 


Otin ti. HoyU—For Plf.— Crest 

Of the three defcndiinwil A, No lOOlieu Wo* 
made Uiat day. 

(J. What action Look place tltea, if do motion 
wia roadyt A. 1 sLaled a minute igo it woia't 
pul dows for t.-jul. 

IJ, V.'hj-T A, I Jva't H'liiL'JJihtii - , Tin-}- Iiad a 
nnrober of auv* there t!u4 were lehedaled ana 
this one wasn't set for trial, 

Q. How far ia Keruoubai from IUcbeT A. 
About (in Bailea, 

Q. Id what dincstionT A, Kvafrtba i* iwutb 
of lELaciae. 

Q. Wlien you appeared in the Circuit Court, 
was that the frrht tiros that you appeared if 
that ££4et A. 1 beliere it wos. 

Q, Where did tbmt eus« ori£Jiiats1 A, la ihe 
Municipal Court in Kenoiho. 

Q. Did you appear in behalf of tlie defeodrmta 
there in the Municipal Courtt A, No, *ir, 

Q. Wbo appeared in behalf of the. def fadan Is 
in the Mouioipsd Count A, As attnntey by the 
name of Eronn. 

Q. What in liin first nauiel A. Uyman. 

Q. Did Mr. Brown appear ia At CiJeuJt 
Couxtt A, Later on he cija. 

Q, Later on he did f A- Ye*. 

Q. Wka took the appeal in behalf of the de- 
fendants from the Municipal Conrtl A. Urowu 


By the Court: 

Q. What ■■ the »piw»l, * trial Ac *mt A. 

Mr. Covinirton: It ii a trial it *oi>0, 
your Honor, 
(Paper tiaded to the witatM.) 

OLrt II. UmjU—Fut Plff.—CtQti 

By Mr, Covington: 

Q. What do you ' in your hand) A. Tl.i.-i 
it a letter dated December 29, 1939, to Mr, 
Elmer (i. MaDaniel, xene aemant in Milwaukee, 

eigned fcy me, 

Q- Whose signature La tiatl A. Mine. 

Q, \Vlio it Mr. lirownT A, Urows ii an ai- 

<J. H*w \ong have you known himt A, Oh, 
for xix or seven yearn, 

Q. What is that I A. Uu or tcvea year*. 

The Court: I'lease keep your voice up. 
The lViln(«; but or ievea year*. 

Q, Fran. *iiftl d»t« 4U:e you talking abDall 
r'ruiu tlie date tliat we are now at in this court! 
> Vi'.,. 

Q. ileck sii years 1 A, fjamelhing like that, 

Q. Where would that take you hack to, what 
year) A, The year before 1 went to Brooklyn. 

Q. Six or aevea yconf A, Yet, That would 
be ueitur than UilvI ; about seven or eirjhL 

Q. Wliero doei he pEaetjce law I A. In Union 

Q. ia Union Grovel A* Yea. 

it. And how loag had. he practiced law in 
Union (JroTel A. Well, he practiced there ahoui 
* yyu befere I went to Hrooklyn. 

<J. A year before yon went to Brooklyn! A. 

(J. Ecnd (liAt letter and aee if that refreahe* 
your memory about that cane a* to who the 
attorney wu in the case lhaudinn; to wittHM). 
Dots that i.'fr^iit your memory] A. In what 

OH* R. Uayit—Fer Plff.—Cwt 

(J. In reaped to the twtimony that you have 
given to the jary. 

The Court: About the attorney 1 

Q, (Continued) About the attorney handling 
the taint. A. No, that doesn't change my reeol- 


Q, I am Biking you doe* :t refresh your cem- 
ory. A, No. 

Q, W] 1 y doesnt it) A. Well, it make* no 
ehange in what I have aaid, if Uiat in what yon 
are referring to. My memory of it is *li)l tlie 
same as it waa before I read that letter. 

By the Court: 

Q. And you still say that Mr. Hyraan Brown 
wa* [lilt attorney in the easel A, U* waa, 

By Mr, Covington : 

Q. And lie Wli the lawyer in Ihe cane when yon 
went to the Circuit Court, woan't hef A. Weh, 
here are the fact* — 

-The Court: No. He want* on answer 
to that qujtaUon. I ansimu} you want an 
anawer to that questtioaT 

Mr. Covinfltoa: Yes, I want as anawiej! 1 . 

The WitneuT I don 't know whether ha 

woi or not, 

Q, Why don't you know! 

lit, K r i:' o : I object. 

The Court: That ia argumentative. 

Q, Did yon see Mr. Brown at any time in re- 
spect to this motttrt A, Yea, 




OJitt it. Afnide— For Plf.—Cntss 

Q, When was itl Ax During that interval 
fj. What interval T A, Between the time these 
men spoke- to ue and — 

By tie Ourt: 

Q. By "these men'' yon mean the defendant* 
— A- The defrndont*, yC5,~4nd that date- 
By Mr, Covington: 

g. And die day that you apu*nr*d i" Circuit 
Court f A. Ye*, 

Q. Wieu yon auw Mr. Brown, what oonversa- 
lion diii yuu heve mill him in respect to the 
enact A. I discussed tlie. ease \ath him. lie 
we* willing to surrender the can, thai is, ha 
waan'i going to appear any mare. I told him 
these men wanted me to appear on it, and that 
mi nil right, i Inter prepared 4 suhjli. 
tnlion of attorney*, I deist remember how much 
Jailer that wan. Then Mr, Brown refused to 
sign the »ahstitution Df attorneys. Ar-d «o I 
dropped out. 

Q, He refused to sign the substitution of At- 
torneys! A. i'ta. 

Q, And why did he refuse. 1 A™ J! don't know. 

Q. Did you iuivis any conversation with him 
with ffttpeot to Ida refusal to sigaf A- Weil, 
he said he still wants- to stay on tins case. 

Q. As » matter of fiiet, Weren't you aolieitine; 
tto casa ajid trying to come in and boot aJr. 
brown ol'-T 

Mr. Brndihansen: I object t* tit* o,U*»- 


The Court: Objection ene-tained. Ex- 
ception Id Hi* defendant*. 

Qlin R. Na-jlt-Ftf Pljr-Crvn 

11 r, CovMffton; We except. Now wo 
fiiiifr in evident* a letter dated DwefclJef 
23, 1S39. 

IJ>. Bradihauseii : No ebjection, 

(The paper referred to was receive^ ;■; 

evidence and n-iarked Deleidanta' Ifiihibit 

It 1 

Q. Doe* Defendants' Exhibit B, which I bold 

in my hand, *, letter sieved by Clin B, Moyle, 

relate to tlie three ease* tiiit yon havo been 

mentioning to the jury 1 A, It doe*, 

Mr. Csvinglea: I will read thit t* lb* 

jury now. 

(Mr, Covington read* .Defendants' ill. 
hibit E to the jury,) 

Q, At that time you knew that Mr. Brown was 
in the ease handling it, didn't ywl A. That it 

Q. Did yon think he was incompetent in han- 
dling the matter! A No. 

Q, Id. that what prompted yon to writ* tbia 
letter of advice to these men! A. No- 

Q, VmU i>ay yon practiced in Union drove sqv. 
e-ral years before yo!l CuJno, to Brooklyn, in (Lint 
light* A Tkst is right. 

Q, And most of y our clientele and acnuain tan:* 
was in and around Racine County, Is that cor-- 
rectt A The biggest portion of it. 

Q, TLiat in where your entire clientele canie 
from, Wasn't it, practically f A, Not the eatir*. 

Q. The bigger portion ef it, *»a will sty I A 

Olm fl, Uojilfi— For Ptff.—Crott 

Q. When yon went hack to Milwaukee, and 
after lhi-» insiBnce tluat you have described to the 
jury- nhout netisiu; llr, Brown, I wilt a»k yon if it it 
net n Tact thai Mr. Brow, the attorney, had to 
pxt an injunction npninul yuu from violating a 
cfietriil ilini you had vrilik |,im in practicing 3aw 
in ltacine t-ounlyl j\, We hnd a i-ontrovrrny on 
tiuil in the court, lie hrouj;hl an injunction nc 

Q. Ami the injunction wn# «TC,ntJ'ii against ynu 
rentriiiijing you from [trariicinjr law in that 
county pursuant to a contract v.-ilh him, m that 
not trutf A. It was, 

Q, And yuu wtn attempting tn practice in 
Ttacine Cnisnly, were y^u notl A. I planned to 
open Jin oliice. 

Q. Vi'heret A. 'In another portion of (be 

Q. In onother porlioh of ihc initntyl A. \"ea. 

Q. And you had n rontnwt with Mr, Brown 
in IKS when yoa left there, didn't ywit A, That 
ia rjj«ht, 

Q, And what was the contract 1 A, The con- 
tract envarvl lw<* wlmlt countiea. 

Q. Wiat cnantienf A. Ktnimlin. and R?.dne. 

ij. And what was (lie uubatunce of the ncrec- 
ii-L-ri I : A. Thai 1 would not practice there for a 
period of (en yeftft, 

<j. And it was in Keiiesba Colinly where pea 
atieijijiteii tu int(:rfere in this case, ia that correct 1 

if r. Bruchbtuscu r 1 object to the quei- 

Tii* Court: I will permit him to an- 

It r. Brnehhauian : Exception. 

Tii* Conrt: Exception to t&e plaintilT. 

GN» 11. Hvi/lt—Fw Plff*-Crvu 

A Tljcue men i-j.ii-.i- to me in l-\ ilwaukee County 
and nhked jne t« handle the eai*, 

ISy t; i- t'nurt : 

(J. Ui:| l I ,■•- ?v:.-\- v.: .- in KenoHlm DMrntyl A, 
The care wot* iu rConwha County, 

By Jlr, Uovinjjtun ; 

(J, Di<i foil nle]jend n [Km ,Jt-h«vnh"s \V'itnei«e* 
fur tilt ;; liLJ ;:■- ;:ai't of your lav huH,ini'iuit 

'j'he Court : Kii n time, pleoBe; before 
or after Brooklyn. 

Q. Ilefore Alay, liCJi, did Joil depend upon 
Jehovah's. Witnesses, for the major part of yotir 
law practice t A. Xti. 

Q. During the time that you were residing at 
Uninn (irove, did y«* liave a hiR or aubu-tflnlial 
|>art of yonr prnclice eoiftirif frotu U ilwaukee T 
A. 'I'll ere wan practice which euine from J|ilw£> 
kee, KLil^toiHiu]. 

Q, tVhat flJibuiiDt of nuhsUnlinl practice wnn it, 
JtitwauV-i.i L and (lie vuhurhst A. I cannot remem- 
|.i-L !'i^' J "•.■* , 

Q. But did tin nauHtanlial pas-t «f tbt- Milwaa. 
k*e praetite dvpcihl on Jchovoli'ifl WitiK'SKenf A. 
\Vh:it praetice came from Milwaukee woe mainly 
Jehovah's \Vilneii*eK. 

Q. Wlsat portion nf your practice in Itacine 
Comity depended on (lie 11 ilwaukee imraiieuil A 
1 cxvuldn't say. 

O. Could you I'SVft us an approximEitionT A 
I eannut remember. 

Til* Court: I'ercDTitnjje.wlne iawliftt Mr. 

Covington wnat» ta k!*&w, T tliiak. 
Jir Covin cton : Just approjunuUly. 

Qlin JI. Mayli—Far Plff^-Crott 

A (Continued) It might have been ten per 
cm: of it. 

Q. It tnifiltt Imvc been ten per ccntl A, Yea. 

Q, Was it ipiore timi, tim per cent or less thnn 
teji per ctatl A- 1 don't think it would be more. 

Q. You don't think it wonH bt; morot A No. 

(J, How much money did you ordinarUy draw 
eatb year from JahovaU'e Witnemiea in your Uw 
practice f 

Mr. Brc;>Jilu»i«e.a; J object to the ques- 
The Court: Objection 

Q, i\H iat portion ef your law practice each 
year cama from Jchov-nb'" Witnesira 1 

llr. Bruchhausen; I objee-t to this 0,ues- 


The Court', I will permit him to answer 

A. 1 don't know. 

Q. The entire practice T A. I don'L know. 
Q, Wu* it small or large T A A invdJom 

By tlie Court: 

Q. Vi'iuit is yonr best cdtima'e! Nohody in 
Eoiiig to ask you the ejtact rjercenlags. Your 
best estimate is whit Mr, Covirujton is looking 
for, 1 think — isn't that right T 

Mr. Covington ; That u all I wont, 

A. It would not be over ten per cent 
Q. Would you say it was approiimatel y tea 
per eenlf A Probably that, yes- 

27 !i 
QUn R. lf9itl4-~Far P18<—Ctoi* 

By Mr, Covington; 

Q. Then you did not have any practice from 
any uf Jehovah'* Witnesses in '.-■' Keno- 
ulut County, diil you, prior to tlie liroe yon cams 
to Brooklyn in 15>35t A- 1"ea, I did. 

Q. Did you lave a.iy practice f rmn Milwaukea 
other than Jehovah's Witn«M*»t A, I don't re- 
member any degree of it. There Blight ha^e 
been an instance or two. 

The Court: He testined, I think, that 
subHlantinlly oil of hi* practice from Mil- 
waakee was from- Jehovah's Witneases, 

Q. Did the publication of the "Wabeb Tower" 
arlh-le enlitled "Information t ' or "Snares'" 
eauxe people tliiit were not Jehovah's Witnesses 
to fchun and avoid you in the practice of tho 
lawt A. T dnn't know. 

Q. What is thntl A. I don't know as it did. 

Q. A^ d mailer of fftft, you tinow tlknt anly 
JelLovnh's WiJne^sert nr people tlust are inter- 
ested in .Ii-:nf.'ah'H Witneiee^ read the Watch 
'!'nv.iT unfrjLT.ini', jk (hat correct, and are usually 
iiiihienccd by it! A. I don't know whether thnt 
is entirely the case. 

q, SubslanlbiHy, isn't itl 

llr. li ruchhansen : I object (o (hat, I 
don't mt how anybody can determine thai. 
Tlie Court: Objection anstained, 

t>, Do yon know of any instance where any- 
lnxly (bflt v&t not one of Jehovah 'a WitneMBS 
shumji'd and avoided you in your law practice t 
A. I dun't know af any, no. 

Q, You do n*l know of any! A No, 



Qlin R. Hoylc—For F\ff.—CnM 

Mr, Covington: May t s*e a copy of 
your complaint, counsel %■ T would lik* to 
liaxe the original complaint. 

Mr, Bfwblmuiwn: It it in your appeal 


Mr. Covin jrton; Bnt T want th* original 

M r. Brucliliansen i It may be in the 
Clerk'* pnsjiessioo. It i* a pnhlie record. 

The Court i I nomine Hi* has to do 
with the- vcrificntinnl 

M r. Co^inpton : Tea, 

Tins Court: I assume it wj]] b« *lipu- 
1*1 mi tSiil il it a verified pleading I 

Mr. Brnchhouscn; Tot, 

Mr. Covin cton : I h*** a WW- 

Tke Court; i have a Copy before me, 
and Li ;» pvirnorU'd to be tc rifted on the 
71 h of October, 11510. 

Mr. liruehhaiwcn : There- in no mystery 
jiiiOUt iL 

Q. ) hand to J'na a copy of your swmm com- 
plriiht in tsn teHon, and ant that too read, the 
lux) two linen tliat precede tJre prayer for relief 

< iiiiiirlr "nr to witness}. A. Ycs- 

Q. Did you read ihall A. Ye:s. 

(J. Tin-re in a BJmilnr line la Hint that pwcdM 
llir pmyrr for relief In the "n't cause of oeltren, 
in 1 1 nit corrwif A. T believe *n. 

Q. Wiinl flJiiiinnt of nionpy Imvc ynn suffered 
,n line wny of l«w of iaeome in yonr jnrnftK*inn 
n* Iho r«*ult» of lh*w two publirntiont, 
*' Hnjipr* ' h , i-od the arlieJCB entitled "Informa- 

0ti* R. i/ojis— For Plf.—Crtiij 

Mr. B ruchhuusen : I object to the ques- 

The Court: Objection sustained. Ex- 
ception to the defendanta. 

Mr. Covington; We taLu an exception. 

i}. What was your average annual income in 
1930 and liiSLt 

Mr. Bruchhaustii ! I ohjeet to iht ques- 

The Court: Objection sustained. 

Q. Wltut wast yuur annual Income for the 
years 1930, 1331, 1332, 1933, 133* and 1E135 prior 
to coming to Bethclf 

Mr. HrurlduAUBen: Same objection. 
The Court: Objection sustained; exeop- 

tion to IliE rli'TcinUinla. 

11 r. Covington: We except. 

Q, Whit ban been your annual income in 'Jia 
]jiw buninesn jiince 1339, August T 

Mr, Bruchtuuwrn. ; Kami; ohjnrlinn. 
The Court: Objection Eluj|*ine4; ex- 
ception to the defendant*, 
Mr. Covim-tou r We except. 

Q, What *Tl» your inutive. in coining to ljolbeil 
A. To servo tin I,0rd on Toll time. 

Q. I wilt ask you if prior to the time that 
yob l-jiioo to Bethel, if you vera not engaged in 
another business is addition to tlte Lav bisi- 
11.,': ; ! I A. Yen. 

Q. Whnt Other business were you engaged inl 
A. I waa Secretary of ■> National farm Loam 

Q, Yts, I will aiik J'ou if it vaM not a fact 
tbat the greater portion 01 JW iacoma ltu 
from ttiat nooroef A. During thi'— 

Mr. ruTiebhaiaicn: I object 1° that. 

Tho C'ra.rt: Objection imtoiiied; 4J- 
Ception to thsi tteii>ndaoTa. 
Mr. CoringlOB : We *Si**pt, 

Q. Did yoa Haw* any financial raotive or 
aeinsii motiTe in coming to BetbcIT A, No, jiir. 

Q. Yoa difl] STnit frams Ibpre for the purpntO 
of msiking nrnney, ie (bat ri£li|f A No, flir. 

Q. l>id your wifa coma there for that par- 
posol A. 'No, *ir. 

(Paper handed to witness.) 

Q. Yon ba^o in your hnn<l wliatt A. Thia 

*pt>fBrij to n* a pafje, a longaiinc entitled "The 
froKTCBsive. " 

Q. Von Bay mmrnpdne. Is it not o fact that 
"The PmgrMi.Lve" iji a nnlioitnlly feTiowin news, 
yiapcr published by Iho liiFolletto BrotSltW in 
tnat section of the <*ountryt A. Yes. 

Q. And it has- a nntioiial circnlatioBj doe* it 
BOtt A. That is right 

Q. Talie a Soolt at tbat roarfcod article in there, 
flitit Jiea if tbat refrctSiW your roemory. A. I 
remcmlier tli* article. 

Q. ff you remember the article, can you tell 
■mo nnw if yoy n r ant to difln*;* yonr testimony 
an to what yoo. Sftid yesl^rday on any mfittc-rT 
A. r don't Temcmlier 1e*timnny that eonl!iot»d 
with that 

Q. Do von rememcT a (pifKrlon ye«lerd*y at 
to whethsr M not jon had repeated the charge* 

0H» Jt. Haylt—For Fl£. — CfOiBj 

Ibnl >00 hud tuud* at had been made agminsl 
you by tlie Watch Tower Rihle &. Troet Society 
publtdy in a publ icai icin, and yon said no, em- 
pbalitallyt A I believe there vim «oiietliinjr of 
that tort. 

Q. Now, do yon want to ehaaea itt A I wWd 
change tint as io that dal*, yea, 

Mr. Erupbhaosen ' What is the (latel 
II r. Coringlon: Thi* w September 0, 


The Witness: Tbat is right, 
Mr. Covimjtoa : We offer it is evi. 

Mr. BrudihoaEen: T object to it as not 
within the issues, in tlso ■slst-. 

Mr. Co-riiigtoo : May I answer that ob- 

Tho Court: Will you let me look ol it, 

Mr. Covijvgtoo : Ko objection flianding 
paper to tlse Court). 

The Coart: WTiy do yoo «ay it it ad- 

Mr. Covington: I say it it admissible 
on this theory: That whenever a plain- 
tiff Ttpeatc either th* eiact cbntgc* or 
the substance of the cJinrgM h* fllleges the 
defendant raafcea against him, that he bim- 
scif hoa caused the damage or & great 
portion of the damage, and it bears on 
tbo qnestion of damage. 

The Court: The objection is sustained 
and the paper -will be murteii for iden- 
tification. Exception to tha d*f«ndai>l*- 

Oiiu Ii. Uotft—For Ptff.—Crot* 

ifr, Bruchhiiuii+xi ; And may 1 Aay too, 
heoctise of the remark of counsel, tl;it 
there it no claim made here by the do- 
fendanti of any lil>*l by the plaintiff. 

(Tb* pap*r referred to was marki*! 
i)i-n-n;l:inli,' hinbibit H fur iilenlifirotitjn.l 

Mr. Covington: Now I re-oiler tbat 

paper for the pUr]>o*e of impescliiog tin 

Mr. BrurbSiauson; I object. 

Tbo Court : Same rulinfi and name ex- 

Mr. BruehhBUBCH : And 1 object to the 
term »s:-A by the iiefendnnts, 

Tii.' f""iir(: Yph, ti[^ jury will niinre. 
pjard the wnrd ' ' jmptaclunent. " Tlio 
Court has ruled oil it. 

Mr. Covinfilon: And T except to your 
Honor's ruling. 

(Paper banded to witness.) 

Q, Wkut do yon liave in yOor bandl A What 
apnea ns to Im.' S. flipiiina' from the Milwaukee 
Journal of Odobcr li 19*2. 

Q, Does that refrenh yunr incmory. A. I re 
member tbat article. 

The Court: Ab to wbatt 

£J, At to *lie [jutstion that I allied you yes- 
terday, as [o whether or not you had nsftde pnb- 
iic tint staertion in a publication or newspaper 
Ljiat yoc wc.r* not affiliated with Jehovah's 
Wit neues I 

Mr. BrnchhanBen: I object to tliii 

Oiin it itoijlc—Fef PIS— Ctoa 

statement by counsel and to the offer 

made by cour.aei on the. ground UiaL he 
should not offer evidence that he knuwi 
in not aih-i Lfiiible, something that (thr- 
ipircd long after tEie action started. 

The Court: I will permit flic Question. 
Does that refresh your re*«llectii>n t Kst- 
eapiton to the pbiintirt. 

The WitnMS; Refrenh my recollection 
as to wbatT 

Tiie Court; Ah to sontetliing yon said 
yr^Lcrduy coneefniiiig your incinbersliip — 

Tiie Witness: This doea not refrc*h 
my rwulhiction an to anything 1 said >es- 

Q, V.'i'rr- you n»t a>ked a 'tuestion ymlerdsy 
as to whether or not yea hail made public in a 
lartff! ndusiMiiJer the fact t!mt yon we-re not 
alfiliali'il with or associated with Jehovah's Wit- 
ncsnes I Jlo yoa rfinjlii-*! tliat t lueation 1 

Mr, JtrUh'iihau^en : I object to (be form 
n f til* H|0nKti«n. 

The Court: Tlw fonn in bad. Dn you 
mind mwling the exact i|0ettion, if yon 
have it there t 

Mr, Covington: This is too long. I will 
set it later, I *oold iiie io have il 
msrked for identification now, 

Thu Court: Certainly yon may', 

(Tin paper referred to »■«* marked De- 

fenilahtt' Eahihit T for identification.) 

Q. Dui you not write Slit !*tt» 1h*l ie referred 
In in tliat artidcl 




Olin It. Meiflt—FnT Plff^-Crou 

Mr. BnuehhaOicfi : I obj«t 
The Court: Objection sustained- It ia 
not in evidenea. 

(j. In Vfliiii »i2* quan tides did you mail your 
printed letter) 

Mr. BruehliAUiOo. ; I object to this ques- 

The Court: Objection fliiirtiinod. It !lw 
already been answered. It is my rccollcc* 

[j<ipi lit answered that in erom-eitnniinar 


Mt. Caving dm: lit said ho mailed 

The Court: No, lie said lie wailed 1/iOfi, 

1 3 1' hurl a couple thousand Jirinted. 

Q, On the occasions thai you mailed theru each 
time, how many did yon moil at a timet 

It r, B rucbliauEen : I oh ject to it on the 
proa nd that we hart bean nil over it yes- 

The Court: Objection iualained; ejetp- 
lion ti> the defendant*. 

Mr, Covington: We EXsOpt t* the limi- 
Q. Did you not take a lilt of nuts with yon 
From the files of (he Wnirh Tover Bible & Tract 
-Society who* yno left (or the purpnae of mnliinp 
public to Ihein tlu> rharffca tbnt you had made in 
I hi ft letter to the Bethel family J A. T did »ot 

Q, Did yon tats any sort of list of name* 
from the Bethel, from Watch Tower Bible It 
Tract Society 1 A. I did not. 

( Paper handed to U« wituaw.J 

Qlin R. Vault— For Plg.—Crntt 

<J. What do >'Dii hayi in year iia:;d ! A. I have 
A letter dated August 17, 1S39, to Harry L. Park- 
hurst, signed hy myself. 

The Court: Do yea wont to offer it in 


Mr, Covington: I would rather wait, u 
I have a lot of thorn. 

TiiO Court: Are Uibj' ill along similar 
line*! If thay are, why don't you clip 
than together and make- one exhibit of ill 

llr. Covington: I Atil afraid they ora 
ljat on exactly e-unilar lines, 1 would like 
to luivo that marked f sr itiunii i icnlbn. Wo 
Plight ai well introduce it in evidence 

'l'\. i- Court: Are they all going to bo 
offered iii ovidens*,T 

Mr. Covington: Yea. 

The Court: Bo you mind abowinu; U>4ffi 
la ilr. Bruihliautenl 

iir. Covington; No. 

The Court: 1 feiU give the jury their 
hve-inijjules rectus now And yon inay iuok 
up that, question that you want and )>*r. 
haps wo will all aave time. 

Mr. Covington: I *ooid 'ihe to liavo 
thcio. identiired by tli* pinintirl finsL 

Th« Court: All right, hand them all io 
luin and let him identify them till, .".rul 
tiicn you can offer them aa one or Eepaml* 
exhibits, njcordiit^ la your with. 

(Ha-oie papers iris handed to the "»it- 

Tlie Conrt imAAwwsinK tht witness) : 
Alter Mr, CoviiiBtan. hand* yon all the l*t- 

Oli* S- Moult— For Plff.^Crast 

Im, Ln'i: tell :.n v::s:ii the leLter is to, 
whom it it Ergncd by, and 1h* date of it. 

(Addilional papers handed to the wil- 

The Coort; We will let the witness, 
idenrify each on*, and tl»cn, w* will give 
ilr. Brjchhau&en a chance to look them 
over, arid then you can look up your ques- 
tion, and then vc will take the neea*. 

Mr, Covinplon: May I ask one qu^xtion 
before recent 

The Court: Yo« may aak anytlilnj; you 
want The only Ibinjr in 1 d« not waat tlie 
jury sitting here wliile olrriAunly you Jft»'- 
j'cra have to «peiid soitie lime 00 thtfca 

Q. Jlr, Hovk, do those letter* refresh your 
memory a» to whether or BOt y«n mailed lo vari- 
ous indivhlual" enjiie^ of your rhartffft priar to 
tieloher IS, liiJUf A, 1 wuuhio't wUf eu|ik-l of 

q. Well, jubilance of charse*. A. They »(*(* 
reasons vhy I left the organization. 

Q. S'Mi reoaona vliy you left the orgamialion f 
A. Ye». 

B? the Codrt: 

Q. You say these refresh your recellccliojv a* 
to whetlior yon notified the people the reasons 
why you left tho organiuition prior to October 
lu, 13051 A. Tlmt ia ri|[ht 

By sir, Covington ! 

Q. I>oes it F«f Fe*h ysar memory as tu the nam* 


Qli* &. ateyit — Tor Plj/.—Hnst> 

of any individuals that you hAVO not givon the 
jury fs-oni ro>:uioryt A. It does. 

Q. No*', wliat pernonft are tlicyl Joal 1*11 the 
jury now, A. Here is one, Mrs. i^ftrl (Ja*sidy in 
Chicago. There iit Harry L. i'arhhurst in Mew 
Jeriey; ilrs. France* Hunter in Hainficld, New 
Jersey; there is William C- Shook j n Duluth; 
tstn M 3- it- Barber in QtBHH, Now York. 

Q. Are those all to Barber T A. Nn, tibia (.indi- 
cating} is I'liiihrjrk. 1 had mentiont'il hitu bo- 
fore, tirover 1'owcll, I think 1 mentioned him 
before. I think that it all. 

Q, Who elaol A. This (indicating) haa so 
■uima on it. 

Dr. Covinglon: No* I olfer them, 
l'..i- Conrt; I think if you clip tltem 
lopeiher ond offer Uiein as one eiJiibit, you 
will hfl littler off. We will take a tin- 
minute recess no* *o that the lawyers will 
have a chance to look At tlicne letters. 

(Short recess.) 

Mr. Coving! nn: We now offer in evi- 
dence the various exhibits that wen 
handed to the plaintiff and which have 
been examined by his count?!. 

Trie Court: And identified by the plain- 

sir. Covington: And identified by tha 

The Court: Any objection t 

Mr. nruth bau^en : No objection. 

The Court. Ei yajj waat tlicHi »n*rUd 
u ':'" cxIiibitT 

ilr. Uruclibauaen : I ilk lh*t tl* U> 


0&n R, Moylt^For Plg.—Crots 

fondant** counael kit tor hoTa eopiea of 
them, if he will, 

The Court: Either side m>y look at 
tha exhibiis at any tima. TlwJ ara in •*>- 

Mr, Bnichiiausen; I would life* to have 
copies of thein. 

The Court: If either side Wants to mat* 
a copy of them, either side may do ta> Now 
do yon want to make it one exhibit! 

Jlr. Cov-ir.jjtvn : Vet, 1 wlil do that 

(Batch oi tetters received in evidence Aa 
Defendants' 1'inHfait IT.) 

By Mr. Covington; 

Q, After you liad tho opportunity to look liiojta 

eahibitb, over, do you now desire to change your 
tWliuooy in Any respect as of yesterday T 

Mr. Kruchhausea: I object to tliO ques- 

The Court: Objection suhlnined as to 


Mr. C-uvingtuiii We take an exception 
to your Honor'* limitation of crosE-ei- 

Tiio Court: I said "Objection, sustained 
aa to form-" 

ilr. Ii ruchhaosua : I don't think coun- 
sel hoi a right to protest about titnit&tioa 
of cro*4-e*ft]:iiaatian ; that ia character- 
izing something ajkd it is not Lb the form 
of a, legal objection. 

The Court: I am not very touchy, and 
I shall instruct use jury at the proper 

Olin B, Mvslt— Fvt Plg,—Cr<w 

time that anything the Court baa ruled an, 
they iauit take, because if the Court muhea 
mistakes, there Are waya of correcting 
lie. Cavin^tou: That ia righL 

Q. Bo those letters reireah your suiinoryl A. 


Q, Bo you deairo to add to the list of ir.di 
vlduals yon named yesterdAy any otlior iudi. 
viiluidn to whom you made the substunce of 
thesa chisrgea Or reasuas for your leavuij; Bethel T 
A. You mean as refreshed by Uio«c lottersl 

Q, Yes, aa refreshed by those letters. A. I 
believe 1 staled those juat before I left the stand- 

Q. And you do add to tbnt, then; yon aettuDj 
sent tlkOte letters, tlien, did you not, all that 
have bceni identified hare as JJihihit TJt A. 

C- Take a look lit thai and tell toe what it ia, 
A. it appears to be a questionnaire dated Janu- 
ary 2, lD!i3 with my signature, 

Q. It i» a questionnaire submitted to you hy 
tha president's office of tl» Welch Tower Bibli 
St Tract Scicicly, is it.notl A. Yea, sir. 

Q. Cuncemmg your desire In come to Bathsl, 
ia that correct f A, Vch, iir. 

Air. Covmgtoa: We offer it in evideaoh 

M^r. I! ruchhauten : No abjection. 

(Tlie paper vu received in evidcncit 
and marked Bt'cndants' Exhibit V.) 

Mr. BrUchhawen; Hay I have the data, 
of lhati 
The Court: January 2, 1933. 




OI«ii J5, Meyfe—Fe* PW.—Ctom 

Q. Haw, pci-uuant La year application of Janu- 
ary 2, it)3a, j y« tame to KfcUi«3 in 1!*3S, did you 
Mil A, Tlmi is ti&A- 

<J, Ji'ow, did the Lord remove jou from your 
jjo -..;.. u of duty! A. No. 

Q. The fjord did notf A, Ko. 

(J. JJid you keep your agreement Id remain at 
yoili - ntrtfice at Bethel ttntil removed hy She 
J .fin IT A. No, 

(J, You did not Whal do tnn have in your 
bund iuw! A, J hove a letter ilat"! Jiinunry >, 
ILU'I, addreHH'd 1o Ihe amiilMTK nf thp WiilHi 
Tower Bible I: Tract Kofitiy, Jin-,, v.i|h my hjj- 
nuture Uiernia. 

Q. What hart of a copy in tlioiT A. It i* 
mude Willi, I think they call it, a ditto machine, 

fj. Ih Hint like the riii'iieneraph, toe same 
Otdcrf A. H lk Ml ■ 1 1<: tunic order. 

Q. Ik the document wjiiel y«o Iiotd in yonr 
hand the original of liuU dill^ enpyf A- Thai 
appear* to he the original. 

Mr, Covjne/ton : We will offer then 
both in r-vidence, ihe Copy ** *'e" an Llm 

original, its one oihihit. 

i!?, rtriif li haLbieo : No objection. 

(" r hc puptrs were rftc+ived in evidence 

Mm) marked Defendants' Exhibit W.j 

Q. When did you Elart eireiilotine. tiiM letlerl 
A. On that dote, I believe, 

Q, Witt in lhalf A, I believe it in an that 

The Court: January 8. 19401 
Th» Witnei*: Ve#, 

Oiim & Jfeyfr— For Plf<—Cro* f 

Q, What do yon h»v* in your hands nowt A, 
I have a letter dated Jflpimvy 8, 1W0, addressed 
(a r'red and Jfu»ie Aebly, lYe.u»esan, Illinois, 

wish my cifjnLituri. thi-ncn. 

The Court: Do you want the other unc 

Mr, Co vi rjjfton ; Yen. 

The Witness : I have in luy liaml a let- 
ter dated February I, IW>, addressed to 
Jr'red and Jeniie Aebly of WnuLegun, Uh- 
nuJK, with my aitfaaiurc thereon. 

Mr. ChivjakLou; While counsel !■ look- 
inir at that exhibit, I refer In Kthihil V, 
wljjcii in tlio letter nf Jamary % ICHfl, ad- 
dressed to tilt Ij-.t-u:bpi-j( of the Watrh 
Toner Bihle t Trael SwUtj, lie, 

Q. Wcnilrt y«)u U'H t]>e jurj" frnu" many njpiei 
of Hint letter you mailed oat, approiim&.tf±iv- A. 
I itaiJetl tliat to tlie meiohem o.f tluit curfioifii,- 

Tin; Court: He luiicd you the number 
of f'opitK, if you can 1sll us. 

The Witoeia; 1 think about & Joii-o. 

Q. You iLiiihii thfUl Id thr ::u.i:dkj-Ji of thtt 
cor]JorjLJianf A, A* ntuc An I Wuld recollect 
thtir nEimcs. 

Q. How inanyl 

Tht Court: He idid a dozen. 
V r. Covington : 1 withd raw the quei> 

Q. Did you mail it ■« anybody outnide of tha 
dircciori of (he curjiorationl A. ITi» membtn 

u woLl ar the director!. 

OUn R, Moyle—For Plff.—Cro» 

■Q. QuLtidu of lie members, did yon mail it 
to anybody else I A I don't remember. 

Q. Do you Jmovr approximately hov rtiany 
tsjauiliaira there ore at the VYatah Tuwcr IiiliLn b 
Trntt iiotifltyt A That h the JCavr York tot- 
pa rati im.) 

Q. Ya. A My KecUtetkul La there v?m 
ain.ut 10. 

Q. Before yon returned to Bethel, from July 
21 ut to August Sth, during Ihe tiiiLfa thai yon 
ivure on yuisi" va^atJMt, Aid, yoM write lo imy- 
butiy mu\ sljilv tlve »ubrLauC4 of your reatons for 
Itttrin^ Beth* 1 1 A. Yea, 

(J. Whol A. I wilt rguaJify tliit. t wouldo'S 
call it the hulmtiuift. I ttAted reu*.0n» Cor U*v- 

Q. Trt'hoT A I vrutB to Joim Miller and I 
think 1 wrote to I'hilhrick. 

Q. That in one n( these letter* tliit in already 
in ei , ; < len<jicT A, S«, tir. 

Mr, Eruclihaascn : I have no objection 
to those other letters. 

Ufa CoTiogian; Mark theaa aa one ex 

(Th* two iaittn irere received in evi- 
dtMt tod liiArked Defeodatnt*' Eixbibit 

Q. "What is lliat IbAt you havo in your hanrfT 
A Thin ia a letter dated July 2$, l n 39, lddr*M*d 
lit Joiid 0. Milter, Shelbume Falia, New York, 
with my signature tlHtrfld, 

Mr. Cfivinjjton: I offer now in evideace 
letter dated July 29, 1939, tigped by COto 

OUn R. itvylt—Fot Flff,~^Cra*t 

B. Moylc, add'Cfi«ed to Joha Q. Miller, 
Shelbouiae FWb, Nidi York. 

Mr. Bruchhauuen: No objection. 

(Tha letter -»B.n rtieired in evidenea 
and marked Defendant*' Exhibit Y.) 

Q, You meant Shelburs* ^"»lt», Mamachn- 
jetta, did you nctl A Yes, air 

Q. 7"li.jui(- hlentify tliat whieh you ha?e ir. ;-::i; r 
hwnd. A. Tltis appear* to be a oarbon «py of 
letter dated July £0. 1940, s»3dr«fe(l » lie, 
Cldrecict S<:Litt, Old Town, A] nine, with my sig- 

Tha Court; Together with an enve- 
1 i--fi T 

The Witoeas : Together with nn enve- 

Mr, Covincton ; 1 »ff<>r in tfrfcktttt Iti^t 
letter Ihi whieli ihe plaintiff Ikaa jn»t r«- 

llr. Bruchhaufieu: No objection. 

(iteceired in evidence and marked Bo- 
fendantft' Exhitdl Z.} 

The Court: You art asked to identify 
what you have in your liond now. 

The YViineaa: 1 hold in may hand a 
lMhr ,::-|,-,l .Tiiniuiry ii. lO-JTl, ndiii r*> ;ti 
lo B. II. Barber, Syracuse, New York, 
mith my ai^nature thereto, aud fontain itifr 
ntiaehed to it a. copy of Ihe letter dated 
JftnUdry S, liMO, addrenacd to the mem- 
bers of the Watch Tower Bible St Tract 
gociaty, lac. 


OUn S. Afo^ia— For PI$.—Ctmi 

Mr. Covington : vVa offer it in evi- 

The Court: S5how it (o Mr, Brucli- 

Mr, BruebhaUjHtn; There ia no objec- 
tion. I assume the same polity v.-u] be 
followeil of *trikioK out the underlining. 

The Court: That will be followed by 
botli sides. 

{ The leller ^as received in evidence 
and marked Defendants' Kibibit TJ.1.} 

Q. WJual do you bold in your hand udw, Mr, 
Movie l A, Thi=i apjir.ra "o be a BtjttaBCflt •:;- 
circular with my aigriature IhereoA — no dale— 
with on envclornj utluclicd doled January 17, 
J5JI, which envelope containn in the corner 
"After 5 daya retarn to F. Uelijen, Milwaukee, 

Q. Have yon ever seen that or a utmHai doe- 
mnent before 1 A. I have teen similar onei, 
Jir'ibfthly ihi* one. 

Q. i'rDljbly that onet A Yen, ijr. 

Q. Ho yo« hnnw tlic individual! A. Dehjenf 

Q, Ycg. A. Yes, 

(J. Ilow many eopie* of that letter nr llml 
statrmfflt did you mail outt A. I don't rft- 

Q. Approximately T T am not asking for tha 
exact iinount. I undTatnnd it in difficult to 
remember ihojit thinKn, luit ji)"l Oppro*im«vlc]y, 
A It i-iight have been 50 of tiiein. It might 
hi vi) iicen fiior* or lean. I don 'I remember, 

Q. How t'lany morel A. I don't know. 

Q. Ten moral 


Oli* II, ireylt—For Ptg.—Ctatt 

Tlic Court: lie said he duetin't know. 

Q Who did you mail them l«I A I remem- 
ber thi* man Debjen. 

<j, IV Jin Am: did you moil them lot A. I 
don't rt'inembitf. 

Q. Not n itoult A. f hrlirvc 1 mailed *evfml 
iji Milnautce. hut 1 don't recall. 

Q. When did you xtart moilins themT A, 
According to what help thin envelope give* to 

The Court: Please nn*»er the ques- 
The Witneei; I don't remember when 

I did 

Q. Wag it in 1941 1 A. It may have been, 
Q, Was it in 1&4J1T A. I don't know. 
Q. Was il in lD"!if A I don'l think ao. 
Q. Win it in 1942) A I don't think ao, 
Q, Did you mail Ibem all out at ose time or 

over it euurpc of tiuiet A. I don't rcincinU-r 

on thaL 

Mr. Covinjrton: We now offer in eyj- 
dence the exhihil which hu lM.-en referred 
to by the witnesa- 

Mr, llruehhaimen: 1 muiuna Lite OBvel- 
opo ia beinjj oiTHroii. toot 

ilf, CoWnKloa; Y*«, 

Mr, BruehhnuKen: i-" objection. 

( Received in fvinience arui marked De- 
fendants' Exhibit D-2,) 

Q. Whe* do yo5 now bold in your bwidl A. 

2: '4 


OfiJi Ji, iloylt—FM Ptf.—Crau 

Tbi* tfltHn *a h* A tireular tatitled, "Gid ia 
Not Tin? Aulhor Of CosfBilsa." 

Q. When was the first lime you f*w llmlT 
A. I nolieve BcmeUme in 19*1, the latter part 
of 1510, porlicpa. 

Q. Who is the author of thatl Ar« y ou tho 
one that prepare;) thatT A. No. 

Cj. Hid you. jiLiiil any or those out! A. I 
mailed some, 

<J. Who in the author! A. I can't reraH hi* 
name, t think it ia Itethunc. o* looielbiog 
like (hat 

Q. How many of tho*c did yen mail, pleaaeT 
A, I don't remember. 

(J. Well, of course, you remnnhfr whether it 
wis fjv* or ten or fifty, or how manyl f-ik« 
you pive u* mi aprhroninmlinn on [ha others, 
A. That is na near as I ran My in toy opinion. 
Jfi^l-il i\i\.w heen 50 or michi have been 25, liftipht 
hnva titcn W, 

fj. \Vn» it Hevcral hundred! A- I don't think 


Q, TVa* it, say, 751 A. T don't knOT. 
Q, Wai it 1001 A. I don't think EC, 
Q. Waa it 150 1 A, I don't think ao. I don't 
Q. T beg yoor pardon! A, I don't know* 
Q, Ton [tout think not A. No. 

if r. Covtajfton s I offer it in Evidence. 

Mr, rSruddian^rn: ifay I have the 
Court's coptf of the pleadingat Just for a 

The Court; Certainly, They are alt 
marked by toe Court, though. 

Cu"ii» ft. Weyfi— For i>J#, — Cfoo 

3Ir. RrschhauHcn" I want to loot at 
one f^j^. 

The Court; I hifldo icvera! noloB em 
llir.*a when I took thein homo to go ovor 
thfi pleading. 

Mr. llrucbhftnser- : No objection. 

(Hceciviid and mirkid JOefendants' Ex- 
hibit JJ-3.) 

Q. With reference to Exhibit 1X3, I sill azk 
I you now if it in not a fact that yon mailed Dion 
tlkon 1J0 of thoBct A. T don't think *o, 

Q. Von don't think bo I A. That it my beat 

Q, I wilt take your judgment in the nutter. 
You nre tii-n nwn that did iL Mow I auk yon to 
look at that. 

TSws Cnort; I, think that ii anotl«r ropy 

of the, jinijus ju-litln. 

Mr, Cfiv'trj^ob: It ia a **>py of tlno 
xwno article, 

Q. Rut now look at tho envelope, just the rn- 
rekpe. I direct your attention to the envelope. 
A. If. « the envelope. 

C> In that your envdojjcl Look at the return 
ndctrcftn. A, I bel Leva that ia, 

Q, That ji your return address! A. Yea. 

Q. You no! tee the (tamp on there! A, Yea, 

Q, Tho frtuVwarkl A- Yea, 

<i. What nOJt ot ttamp i* on therct A, Ceot 
and n hair. 

Q, Now then, whflt K>rt of pwrfoKO K0«a nn the 
cent and a half, tint, atccnd or Ihirdf A, I am 
not familiar. 

Oiirt n. Mojfle—For Plg.—Creu 

Mr. IirucbhauMh i Shouldn't w* have it 
oJIectal At tjiiit !i;uc rnthcr than explain 
what it sst 

Mr. Covington i All right. 

Q, That in I he envtdor* tliftt contained n doi-u- 
nu-jit idi'iitical lo D-It, Ik it uni T It ia Boa that 
yniHiavi; jurI iuVnUfall A. Yen, it ii, 

q, lio y«i »ee IheBel A. Ye*, sir, 

Mr, Covington: 1 offer the envelope. 
Mr. ItruihtiauHcn: No nhjeelion. 

(ftereaVKl an J marked Uffeniianbi' Ex* 
hihit DA.) 

Q, Whrn you see (he poclnpe *1amp on thcrt 
nnd ilia mnmUuliaa mnrt, witt it net refresh 
your umimry that you mailed more thnn 150 of 
Ilium'! A. Mayiui I {lid; I don't know. 

(J. Then yuii disn 't Iulqw. May 1m.' you did. 

The Court: l l len*c do not Tepeit the 

[J, lJiiii'l y«u know tliat you cannot aand le in 
limn l-'irfl iloconritut* nniter tliat daaa of mail at 
one timet A, I WO not familiar with tbe lejju- 

Q. hi other worda, if you takt advaota^d of 

The C'ouTt: lie h(« Already aaid h* « 
nftt ijiiniliar witii [watnAe rate*, If you 
lima evidrnve to offer that ii aomethinil 

Q. Did you, write *0 anyone or talk to nuYOne 
— I will withdraw that. Did yon write, to anyone 
prior to July 1T.&1, 19331 


OH* ft. Moiflt—For Plg.—Cr<nt 

Thti Court: That ia July £Utf 

Mi. liriHilitianjien: I object to iL We 

have already been over iL 
Mr, Covinjftoa; No, we haven't 
The Court; I »ill permit him to nn- 


<i. Witli reference (0 yuur plan of leaving 

Tti* Conrt.: We will put the objection 
jifter tiki entire (jucslion and the objec- 
tion ia overruled, with the aaroe rulin^- 

Mf, llniebhaisneni' Yea. 

Tin: fJourl: Do you understand Iho 

Tbt tVituesa: Yea, but I don't rmbh 
h;st leritinp to anyone with reference to 
<j. I beg your pardon. 

The t;ourt: lie doeK not rcrjillerl haV- 
tii£ written to anybody nhoul kavhipt 

Q, Would yon nay thai yon did or didn't 1 A. 
I «nkl 7 dun's ruMilteet. 

Q. Yini tuivc H-nftU^ti judernenl about the mat- 
lor to nay >*k or nnl A. No* 

Q. After you left fftf j-our vacation — wlut 
plw?e wo? it you njiint yaur vamtion at in 13331 
A. Xenr Tirondcrosa, Ea|fle L*k*. 

Q. When yon went to that place did yon wtlJo 
to Anybody e-lso oaL'.ida of John Miller and Phil- 
hriei tbftUt yonr l*a»0Mi fftr lea.vinjr Bethel! A. 
I doa't remembnr tliat I diet 

Q. Yon do not rsmembe-- Unit yott didl A, 
Ho, air. 

OUm S. Motjle—FQt riff.—Crttti 

Q. Don't you kiiow a to* 4 hy tho nnmc of Wal- 
ler ChamifSTiit A. Y«, air. 

Q. Wiicce doda ba hvel. A. Ho ia dnvul. 

Q. I unilerntand that, hot wh«ra did li« live 
before tie died I A, Pittsbur^li. 

<>, And dttl yoB w-ritu Tiiml A. I tony liavs 
done fo hut I don 't remember. 

Q. TVIxll did you befin yaur di^nEiiana with 
your wife and make up yonr mind with refer- 
HH« to JWIT intention to kflT* Tiethel f 

3lfr. Bmchhanaen : I object to tliat. 
The Conrt: Ohjeejioin anjitnincd. 
Ifr- Cftving^fto; Wo ftKiepL 

Q, Tfow lonff had you hrrn tonxirtr-rinp Ihe 
inatlar of lenvinjr Bethel befonc you left! 

Mr. IirucbhanFuini I object to Hint. 
The Conrt: Objeedoa auataincd. 

Q. In ynnr IrUrr you rtnte that ytffl had hn'On 
eivapfiterinie for ^ranelima your plnn^ of leavlnfi 
Betliel, Cnn yon (ell ua bow line; you luid l»Cn 
conaidering tiiot as »toi«d in your letter I 

Ifr. Brnflibansen : I nhjert In it, 
Tbe Court: Which letter arc you re- 
ferring lot 

Mr. Covington: The letter of July 21. 

A, The letter to Mr, RutbeiTordT 

Mr, Covington: Yr*. 

Til* Court: I will permit him to an- 
swer and ciception to the plaintiff. 

The Wttam; I couldn't «t*te exactly 
because it wus a comparatively abort 
period of time, as few Wttfcp, potaibly. 

Olin It. lfoub— For P(^r-C™*f 

Q, You beard yonr wUVa testimony. Shi 

(aid it waa a week. 

Hi, ]'.iu.::1lI..ili.-i-u: 1 object tp thaL 
Tb* Court: We are not tnaeenjed with 
Other witne»E»»' t*jtt.iiftay r CbjoClion ana- 
tain ed. 

Q- You aay a few Weeks! How long: was i;t 

The Court: H* hat oJx*ady aac%«red 
tiiat. lie aaid a law weeka. 

tj. What month waa it, if you rccnJlt 

Mr, fimehbanaen: Z object to it OB 
the ground that it ia answered. 
Tha Court: Objection iuntaiaed; nl- 

reiLjy nil :.«<■[ I :lL 

Q. Do you know a man by the name of 

'1'rederf A. Wtlliom Trederl 

Q. Yes. A. lea. 

Q, ilou' Jong luiwt vou known liimT A, Ten 
years, I piesB, 

<J, Who ia lief A. lie ia a man that lived 
here in tlrooklyn, I believe, or did, 

Q. Did he ever etay at Philadelphia! A. Yea, 

Q. Wok he ever at &L Louie f A. Yes. 

Q. Dhl yon over tell Mr, Tred«r in Philadei- 
phla, koiiib mnnthn iMifore yon actually left, tlmt 
you wurc pill if riiti^ evidence »" cafuIitiHin* it 
lietliel and would aprinR; it no J.F.R, in du» 
timet A. No h I did not, 

Q. Yon did uotl A No, 

Q. I will aak you whether or not that prior to 
July 21, 1933 yoo wrote a letter or teot a own. 
munieolion to Mir, Trrd«r at St, Louia atatiaff 




Oiin IL Jiouie— For Ptf.—Crott 

buLnLjiitialLy the same thing and advising: tlmt 
you wer« then planning on leaving Bethel, 

Mr. Uruchhnuseu: I object to the form 
of the question. 
The Court: Objection sustained. 
II r. Covington l Exception, 

Q. Do yon remember writing Mr. Trader at 
SSL Lmtf* villi refereine to your intenliun of 
of leaving Bethel r A. 1 do not, 

Q. Did you or did yuu not! A- I don't is. 


Q. He was in Phi ludelphia before ho wan at 
Kt. Louis, wasn't he! A. I believe lie VB& 

0,. Why are yen ho emphatic nbmit not lei I in g 
Tredcr at Philadelphia but yd you don't re- 
member whether y»u wrote him at St. liCuiil 

II r. iirucbhausen; I object to th* form 
of the question. 

The Court; The objection Is sustaincd- 
1'lense ht a liiile more careful. Thai U 
not a i|ueKtloA, in the Court's judgment. 

Mr. Covington: We except 

Q. Wliat i* it that you iiave got In your hand, 
phmMtt A. Thin appears to he ft letter dated 
HepLttntar IS, 1U3&, addressed tn a Sinter Dilly, 
with nn envelope addressed to Mrr. Hattie Eilly, 
with a HgnuluTe, *' Phoebe M. M*yls." 

Q. Who is I'boebe ii, Moylel A. She is my 

Mr. Covington: I offer it in evidence. 
i!r. Bruehhnusen: Ko objection. 

(deceived in evidence asd marked De- 
fendant*' Eiliibit D-S-) 

OH* X. il&ytt—FQt- PIS-— Cr°" 

Q, Mad you and your wife been considering 
this matter of leaving Bethel since May, lSUitl 
A. \Sf talked alx>nt it at dilferenL times, but a 
definite decision wa» not readied until later than 
that, I cm Eare. 

Q. When um a definite decision reached, 
pleasel A. I can 't say exactly. 

Q. Well, woe it t*o twk three weeks, one 
week, or what! A. 1 (hiak wjthis ft I** week* 
of the time wo left. 

Q. A few week* of the time yoo. left' A. 1 
lh hit it *ns. 

Q. Did you have any reasons for leaving: other 
tlutn those slated in your letter of July 21, l!EE)t 
A. There *cre some, yea, 

Q. Welt bow, would you please state them. A. 
Tliere vcd* a change in the teachings of the 
Watch Tower which Imd been coming in to tat 
publications — 

(J. Which teaching*— 

Sir, Uruchiisu*cn ; J suhiirit he should 
be permitted io »p*wrr. 

Q, Oo Tiuht ahead- I beg yoior pardon. 1 
didn't mean to cut the witnesH off. 

The Court; T sin mire you didn't. Fin- 
ish your anMwltr. 

The Witness; Well, one of those teach- 
ings was what i» tilled the "Fill T1* 
Karth Doctrine," a leaching to the effeet 
that daring the tliounnad year reign of 
Chrixt a group af peiranmi which have 
iKen sailed Jonadlnb* by Jehovah 1 * Proph- 
ets wantd intermarry ami wooCd bring 
forth children who would fill the earth 

Oli* IL Meytt—P&r Plf.—CfM* 

with, a righteous race. That teaching I 
pm:i!i1 not 4K.-e waa in accordunce with the 

Q, When did yon Grit see thatt A. Well, it 

tu a matter of progression. I could not say 
when J eiactJy positively readied the eonelnsign. 
We atudied it and talked about ii over the pcriud 
of tiiiw; *ijnJe it fjr»t vamv out, 

(J. "When did it oouvc out, pleSKet A, Well, 
it wn* in the fall, I believe, of 11*^3, I ani not 

Q. OulHide of llial, wnu there any other rea- 
son f A. There ini^ht have boen others. I don't 
recall offhand. 

Q. See if yon can't refresh your memory and 
think — leave the doctrine out tlial you objected 
to— but aee if yon cannot think of some other 
tenaoiui, if Ik-re «r* »ay. A. I don't recall any 

^. \\ F u there miy not or move of e*nd.oet on 
the part of J. ¥. Eutherfonl (hut prreipitated 
ycur desire to IcaTa! A. I dent recall nny- 

Q. You do not recall anyT Well, in your *hort 
hitter which accompanied your long letter, — 

The Court: Plaintiff'* Exhibit 3, 

Mr. ftrtpchhauiieti - f auk that counsel 
refer to them ai eihihitn and not charao- 
teriift tliem u to length. 

Mr. Covington: It it very diSicolt, but 
I wij] do that. 

The Court: Wa -»ifl all try to help out. 

Q. deferring to Wis letter that you wrote to 
J. F. UotiLerford, dated July 21, 193a, thera wo* 
a long Mttr and there w*4 an accompanying 
letter with that, was there nolt A- I'm. 

filin It, ifai/It—FoT /"ij.— CrMt 

Q. Now, in ynnr accompanying letter you 
stated that you had talked to the Judge that 
day, d:d you aotl A, Yen, sir, that ii right. 

Q, What ImuI you tailed oboist t Did you di»- 
euii with the Jud^i; your reason* or desires for 
leaving Dethell A. I did not. 

Q. WlLat were yoo talking about! A. Uwlters 
in wbifh 1 bad been working. 

Q. What mottcr*! A- One matter w M (he 
CUt in Greenfield, I believe it is, Ifasfiaehusclls, 
which I bad been up on and juHt retnmed from. 

Q, You had been to Greenfield and just to- 
tumedl A. Yes, sir. 

Q r Wlien did you go to Greenfield! A, The 
first part of the woel;. 

Q. When did you come back from Greenfield! 
A- It was Thursday Or Friday, 

Q. And on the very' day yt»u got back you had 

a rv:.:i' i'.- .-.::'.. -.': u Tl"i;h ;I'.C Ju.;- n M, is &ai ri^bftf 
A. It vu the neit day, yea- I waj back the 

night before. 

Q. Outsid* of the case tlint ynu had gone to 
fireon field nn, what other mailer* did you di»- 
euiiB. plcn«et A. Tliere T.T1B bouvp diHruyHion e^n- 
ecniing the SJadisftn Sf|unre Garden casei. 

Q. What raM» do you refeT to in that regard I 
A, Tbo taw* aeainst Orrcll, f lentb, and the third 
man, T eaji't remember hi* nam*. 

Q, What was the dincuMi'mt A. t don't re- 
call modi of it. Mr. Rutherford didn't like it 
because I had been at tfassnehufcetta practically 
the whnh) week on that other en**, and lis «ud 
the cane hft<l been poorly handled. 

$. T\Tiat H>l*el A. I doa't rceall. 

Q, When yon say the WIimi had been poorly 
handled, what eaaet A. The case against Bestb— 


OUn S. Afoyie— For PI J.— Cfts* 

The Court: The Mftiiiton Square Garden 
COKH that you tmve described I 
The WitBMt: Yen, sir. 

Q. \that did be say as Teutons far your poor 
iiLiLilliug of Um eauef A, lie did. not give me 
any details. 

ii. Prior to that, that in bafore vol! left Drook- 
|yi tn gu In JlnMiflfiiUMCtts, diil you have n dii. 
*Ui»ion, with iir. HntlK'rford with refereiice ti> 
your handling of the Mudsson ^juare (tartlan 
caeel A. A number of diwiiwonn*, 

Q, And what were tlie substnnee of those 
diseuaeioni! A. W«ll, there, was a discussion 
concerning the general handling of the ease. 
Tliere wok criticism of Maj«r HFImdftoi who wjik 
in charge of the liandling of it until he wjt* 
asked to subside, and later there was criticism 
or iny handling of iL 

Q. What eritidsm was leveled agciusl your 
handling of it! A- He never gave me any 

Q. ilajor Wheeles* — who Iwanu; aoo,uain(ed 
with hiln first, you or Judge Uutbcrford, in ref- 
erence to (his matter «f Madiaon Square Gar- 
dent A. Will you repeal thai question! 

Q, With reference to Madison bk|tUJr« Harden, 

The Court: The stenographer will re- 
peat the question. 

(The f«l lowing ijueidion was thereupon 
read by tlie rpportrr; 

"Q. Major Whei'lm* — who l>ecame ae>|uaintifd 
with him first, you or Judfi* Rutherffin), in 
refereOce to this matter of Madison Square 


QH* S. Mo 9 lt"For Plg.—CTutt 

The Court: Let as strike oat that 
question sad start frith. What you wftuf 
to lutQur, 1 take it — 

Mr. Coviagloa; I will refrain* iiL 

Q. lliil ■ : -:,\i .-..;L;.',«i.l ilajor Wbeeless for the 
bundling of this ease! A. 1 don't remember, or 
whether it was just simply mutually egreed on. 
Ue Was in oilier eases, too, in connection with 
tlie Xadison Square Garden. 

(j. Who (aggeated itujuj- Wliccless for tin: Irst 
Madison isunare (lordeu ease [Jmt yon heuuus 
acquainted withl A. 1 don't remember. 

y. \^'as it voul A. J'roJjably, 1 dmi'L know. 

Q. Will you say it *u not I A. No. 

Q. What was Use reason of obtaining special 
assistant eounm:! to you in tliese cases! A. We 
had Wlieeles* in otlier cases. We had ipccisl 
counsel in those mumk, I believe, for tlie same 
rennoi wc did m otl-er fnseit lln^iv than one 
CdUAucl helped in a ease. Furtl, (injure, my 
knowledge of practice in Now York courts waft 
limited. I was glad tn have assistance 

Q, What is that! Yon were limited- 
Mr. BrueJdiauseu; I submit he ban an- 
sw4Ted Ihft question. The stenographist 
can read it. 

Q. What is your answer 1 

The Court: Bead it, plena*, 
(The foregoing answer was tlicreSpSn 
read by tlie Court ijtenograpbar,) 

(J, Tlial was in VS2i, wus it not! A. Thai i* 


OHu it. Noylc—tfor rtff^-Cram 

Q. When wvjre you admitted to practice law 
in ilio State of New Yoftl A. 1936, I believe it 


Q. Dili vail not find Majnr WlMtew ( for 

Msir.binco in the case at Philadelphia T A, ThAt 
ia right. 
Q. Yon rerammeuded hiwl 

Tha Court: Did yon lecammend him 
for the Philodeluhla eAsul 

The Witness; I don't know whether 
you would call it rcconuneriding. 

Q. Did you Buggeat him? Call it what yon 


The WifrieEi: I called him* I* Judge 
Rutherford '* attention. 

Q, Yen were general eoonsel fof JehowV* 
Witnesses, Mem yon aotf A. That was tho 
term applied to me. 

Q. You asaumed tiiaL title, did you nutt A. 
I thinik I accepted it or aaaumed it, yes, 

Q. And yoa were, in On Ail of th* preliminary 
dipCLLBaiona with reference [O the hearings of 
the ouca going oat of tha Maduinn Square 
Qurdeu inc.idenf, were yea notl A, I think so, 

Q. And neK ynn in on the discussions with 
reference to I he Imndl ine; of the, Heath, Orrell 
Md Calangelo canes, growing out of the Madtaon 
Square Cnnlen i-nntroversvt A. T believe T wAft- 

Q, Al all of fkurn discussions! A. I Lhiat I 
wos, yes. 

Q. And at which Mnjor Wheele** was present. 
i« that correct! A, He w« Cher* at some of 
them, yot. 


Ofi'u ft. iV«y?o- For Pl§*—Cr<iis 

Q> W(l Major TCheelee* ACtinff under jour 
direction in, thi* matter? A. Wa vork*4 to- 
^cljitr. Major Wl.eelem took the lead in the 
trial of the. eases. 

Q, Yoa assisted him, olid yon not! A. In tb» 
trial, yea. 

Q, That i* to say, yon disunited the. policy 
ol the handling of the eases, tha moves- to oa 
BlftiJt, what witne&Eea were to b* offered, at the 
hearing And what facta were to be proved, im't 
that correct! A. Y<SJ, 

Q. And yon attended the hearing* -for what 
purport A. For the parpope of nhtnininff jii*- 
tice for the** men, for seenrine; their release, 

Q. And did you attend bearings for tlie par- 
Jin ift of i^niating or doing; anything in any way! 
A. Yes, BIT. 

Q. Md yon have any authority in refu fence 
to the handling of these eases, the mclhod of 
handling them! A. Will, no *pc*ifie written 
m;lii...:i'.>'. Aa connsel I had nnthorjty to hftndl* 
the eases, I prelum*. 

Q. I nndersSnnd that But yoa did hire- aa- 
thority, generally conferred npon yOft by .Jndgo 
H utln-rf «ril, to cii^afljsions, aa well aa your ofliecl 
A. Yes, I belies «o. 

Q, You, of courte, in the trial of thene tatxa 
woaJd immediately ctoclr ntij fceno that waa con- 
trary to inatractions, would you not, done by 
Major Wheeles*! A. Y«». 

Q. And Tdii wonld *1«) *he** any mo™ on hia 
mrt that did not appear to b* gond prneti™, 
waalrt you nol, in the interwt of justice! A. A» 
fur A* I could aee, yea. 


Olif R. M^ic— For Plff.—Cratt 

Q. Tlmt p* ri^h-- flow far fould you sea along 
]|uil Uni't A. Tlmt in liard tu answer. 

Mr, ilrueiilioust'n; 1 ■ntijpct U> liia form 
vt ilie i|uentimn. 

Tin; t'ouTi; Ohjwtion tuntninrd. Stdl^p 
nut the <|tif]ilton and aanrer. 

Q. During tin* ennininHlion vnu ttrtv utandijip 
hy \lajnr WIhtIch*, wxre ,.nu nnl, while he *Oji 
I'ij^Liihiup tin- witiLPHseaT A. Yen 

(J. You kimw u utjji liV the name of MfDon- 
iililj A, Yi-x. >ic. 

<i. 1 n L fi'r d> ■ hi, wvrr hy thi! haiiit' of MoDoei- 
fl]i| who wan i<lmtit>d wilb (lir Mailssmn Sijiuire 
fJjirdiTi rt*ltroTtrjiy. A. T tnrt hip* io the eon^ 
duct «f ttuwe ea^e*. 

<;. I uiiiliTntmifl ynu nn^ him. Hid lspfnn? yim 
art 1dm, when wan I lie first time ynu im himt 
A. ] don't recall neeinjr him until he appeared 
in thnaj^ ea^e*. 

Q. T.Vh'11, smw, when lif np]iearwi in llm^ ease*, 
viiii'n wjl* the fir»l timf >"(vu Miw liitn lltlto tiiv 
appearand t A, Preily hsftl tn Iril definitely. 

'i. Vt\w ui» III- 'wTicfit nf ynnr beal jwlriiicnl 
a*K»i!t thf irutreT. A. I think the firnt spTwnr- 
wrr li<> mmle wn^ in n enne in the Nitrlit Court 
iuV'hk'inif i>ne of JHkmiiii'i' Ti'itne**p*. rnip nT 
the ynnnir IhcIh Trniu Ttelhel. T have forgollen 
iit> Aaine. 

*T1m* fnurtr Arininir out nf tke Ifjidi- 
null Sijiuire rnnlmTemyt 

The U"itne"n: YrF, air, *.H*infi Ami of 
Dial cnntioi'erJiy. 

Q. \Ya* he identiRed to ynu by any nf j'oui - 
hretliren! A I don't remember. 


Oiin It. Moijk—For Pig.— Cm* 

Q, Toil do not reiiieniberl A. No, air. 

Q. 'W ill yon any tliat lie wm not icU-ntifieil to 
you by aoroe of your brethren 1 A- No, I 

Q. Ynu would not! A. No. 

(j. Aa a matter nf tat, lie woa one of the rinK- 
tcjuhTii nf tlw nioli Ihfil ipTailed lladiaon 4i[uare 
OanleiiT A. I don't know. 

<J-. Did j"on H>v*r hear thnt I A, \ r*, iir. 

(J, \Viio told you that I A. T don't rrnirnilifr. 

(J. Wlien did you hrAr it t A. I dnn'l remein- 
her that. 

Q. IS m iie wan identified t<> you an one wlin 
had iovAiEed the iiiiriler.T 

The Court: Yon lia^T o^ked I he in»e»- 

Jfr. CWiisptnii ; T withdraw the '|iie»- 
liftn and ask (he n|M)ln^y nf I lie Court, 

i}. Wji^ Mi-Dniiald prenenl at Km prelimiijary 
exBiiiiiiAtinu nf Me. William I*. ITeatii, J[r. Eu- 
gi'iie Clrrell nnd Mr. A If ml rnlanjrclo, on July 
II, JftBH A. 1 bdicve he »n«. 

Q, Tloil wjih Ihe dite of the preliminary lienr- 
inc;, Kn« it nolt A. I couldn't Hit'. I pre- 
sume fo. 

Q. Whiil pari did llr, Me Donald play in flu* 
piwcoilingT A. Aemrdinfl tn my refollerlinn. 
he wii* eounnel for — T ran't re«iei"lier hie name 
^llie emiijitfliniag witlief^. 

Q, yh. All (Tjiinl f A. Yea, nir. 

Q. Whk hr nnt a Kneeial ^riMeriilnr in tliat 
fund A, Y**, "ir, f suppose Ike wah. I don't 

it. Ifo weji a Special rmftceulnr «gainat 


Ofra It. Atoylt—For Pl^—Creu 

I leal 1 1, f)rrtil Ami Calane^lo, was he not! A. He 
waa in like ense. I really don't know whether 
you riil I him Si|MT:ial Prosecutor. Tf I rrEneinhex 
rorn-ctly, a i-egirercn [alive of the District Attor- 
ney'* office- was (hero. 

Q. Thai in (rue of all ««*» in the Magistrate'* 
Court, hut he npnrm'ed there and particiimled 
in the preliminnry emiiiiinalion, did ha notl 

Mr. Rriieldiausen : I object to the form 
of the qiHftSoft, 

The Court; Olijeetion unstained us ta 

Mr. r.iivinEton: TV: tlul rama. 

(}. tJlrl Mr. 5.rrf>nn4ild partifirate in tH pre, 
liiuiruiry esaminalion nf nn/ of the three defend - 
nnt» wlinni ynu Innvc nAms-d, Heath, Orrell 0? 
CahAjTidn! A. Y'en, I thiols he diit 

Q. Ami A« proneetrhw, a?-«i^lA"it Io tho prn"e- 
rulnrf A. Y* 1 ", 

Q. !>uring tiirtt trifll, either hr.foro thf! eiam- 
ioiition hegan or after tlie prelindnnry rsAmina. 
liim wiim conduct"!, did yon have any nwer**- 
tiimn with Vr, ifePnnnhll A. Yw, There were, 
a nmiiln-r of n npeaTn nee*, aa 1 recollect il, and I 
had lull a with him, 

Q, T>id yon luiva ft rtiriveniation with bSm with 
reference to a dinposilina of the c*"t"1 A, J 
dno't ffrinemVier tliat. 

Q, YraJ dnn't remembrr that! A. No, air. 

0- T will ask yiva if it is nnt a fact that when 
ynu were there on Judy 11, 19W, the man had 
ntrr*idy heen definilely identified to yoa a* one 
of the iiivadera of Madifton Square Garden con- 
troTeray. A, I had been told that he was. 

Oil* S. ifojrfe— For Plf^-Cf^tt 

Q- Yoo Imd boeo told [Lat he wassl A. Yes, 

Q, Now, I w-iil Aide you the queation: Ta it not 
0. fact tlmt duriog t'^' hearing yon bccauio fa- 
miliar wj[h Idm And while conversing with him 
IHittcd liiui on the back and fraternized with himl 
A. Not during the hearing, 

Q. Well, when was it, before Or af|*r the hear- 
ir>X, phjAKuT A. Before the hearing. 

Q. What ImpjH'in-dT A. Major Wheeleia — 
Thia If t. M^cDonald and Biynelf hod a conferenea 
concerning the cose. Aa I recall it, Wc utepped 
Out into tlit liallway and were diEcuaainjr an ad- 
joumment And sold* Other lunttera. tJome joke 
was made by either Whetlm or aleUonald, I 
don't remember which. We kugbrd over it and 
talked in a. friendly manner. 

Q. Wliat wag the jokal A. I don't remember. 

Q. J would like I n hear it, if yoa can remember 
it. Now, wiiAt xomn other mattera that yon 
say you werB dim-UKsinr;! You (alketi about tha 
adjouminent now. What were <nnu> *r the other 
matters T A. That is the main thing I mnlinbtr, 
ia the adjournment, 

Q, Do you rememher that! A. Yea, sir. 

Q, Cai> yon remember aoroe other mattera! A. 

No, I don 't rememlHir, 

<J. Yoa fftfinot. Bo yon know a mam by the 
name of Eujrene Orrell 1 A- Yea, air. 

Q. Who ia hef A, Ho ia out of the Jehovah'* 

Q. And. WB ho not one of the defendant* in 
this malterf A, He waa, 

Q. Did vou have any wimfattion. with bin 
prior to July Si, 1033! A^ I did. 

Q. Did yoa have conviltatuHu with Mm with 




Oli* B. Slot/ft— Per Ptf.—Crots 

referent* to the defense of hut case, before th« 
Court 1 A- I did. 

Q L WJut was Heath, Calangelo, and Orrtll 
charged with, p)eo**T A * The >' '"™ re charged 
with aKuautt, 

q. What nortuf unnnllT A. Well, I iwliroe it 
ujlm njiMjinH with intt'Ht to do lwdiiy hnftn. I 
cnn'l ri'mcmlhci- the estet wordn 

Q. What wow Heath faarflvd wirhf A. He was. 
charged with a**nultinjr 1ii'» Mil Auilamt 

Q. But what *'as lite natum of 1h« diflr B tl 
A. Tlml kit an&nnlled him with A an*. 

The Court; He wonts- to know the 

The Witness: T can't give y«u the tech- 
nical tenn far the charge. 

(J. Do yr, il know what in knowti in Hie law bj 

fldoilioiln flHl'Jl'iLli ! A. Ye*. 

(J. TJiilI Lh n ncriuu.ii crime, in it notl A. 1 
utnlfffltand it 14. 
Q, Anil n Wprtii'W n"*iuiit i* one that carries 

n [>enilontinry *en1enee, in It noli A. I. believe: 

I*. I art jnim whether or not thai in the chnrue 
lli:ii Jlf, 1 ThtiIIl wiun-hii i-piil with. A. That llflpn 
IBV nvnl]«-Hon. I think it Wjin. 

IJ. A* jruur rcmlkrLinn lut» been hrljjcd, you 

ajcrrr 1" thai, lh that rijihtf A. Yep, air, 
Q. When wiut it tlml you ilincn.i-i'cd Ibiui matter 

with KiijiciiL- Orrelll A. Prior to hr bearing. 

I t-nn't ;;ive you (he dnte and ihr hour. 
Q. I *3II ni*k you whether «r not tlml when you 

<liM-itn>jviJ n ,-r^]] Venn* and lieatli'n case and <'at 

angelo'* caw with Eugene Orrell you advUed ]:i ra 

(Win £. .ifoyU—Fer Plg^—Cron 

to plead guilty- A. I did not advise him to plead 

Q. You did not, on the ocea».loii Uiat you con- 
sul! ted with liim prior to the hearing in eoorll 
A, I did not 

Q, \ will i*h vim whether or not that after 
tho preliminary hearing w*s eondnded did you 
advis* Mr. Orrell to plead guilty. A, J did rust 
advise him to plead j*uilty. 

Q, ])iii you tell jinj'lmdy *l*e that yoa advised 
Orrtil V< plead guilty t A. I did not- 

Q. I>id you. n-rile anyhody n ]ettftr tliat you id- 
visod Slim to plead guilty t A, Koj to my ro«>[- 

(J. Wiil you nay that ydu didn't write ilt A. I 
flon'l Utinfe r did. 

Q. Yon remttnise r positively you didn't t*!l bin* 

to plead faulty t A. I qui quite sure that I didn't. 

Q. i'-an you miiami^r ponitis'ely tbat you 

didn't write A Mler advicinj! hiffl to Jpleail puilty T 

A. I nin ijillIc sure 1 dill not Writ* u Ittii'r, 

Q. Hdv then, 1 mil n^ k y ou, and I will ref rnnie 
tliiM i| ueition, did yflu dit-tudt with Mr. Orrell 
the aiivimhilily of bj* piendinS giJiltyt A. 1 
don't remenkher doinE that, 

Q. Will you deny 111 ut you dineuB*ed it 1 A. 
Yci*. T don't Ihmk I did, 

Q. And that upjilien Ihtlh In-fnrs and aftsr th<! 
bearing t A. That ix rifltit, 

Q. Ix tinsre nnylhinj; that ynu have Irelified t(> 
il;i to (hi* monicnt tlml you wnnt to change your 
lextiniDny oat A. Ko, 

Q. Take a look at your lignalnie, A. Th*t 
in it 
Q. What ii itt 

t>fi» ii. Moj/lc—Fw Plffj—Cron 

Tlse Court: What date ji that letter 

Tim Witoenj September 3, 1939, ad- 
dreued to Coofeir. 

Q. Who is Confehrl A. One ol Jehovah 'i 

Witseases liviiur in Philadelplua. 

Q. "WiJl* you have s Q t tint 1+tttr in yonr 
hand, rend tl over. A. 1 bnve rend it. 

Mr. Cu-.'ington; I offer it in evident*. 
The Court: Will you look at it. 
Mr. Bfuchhausfrn: N« objection. 

(The letter *«» Rttived in tvidwco 

nnd marked Defendanli' Exhibit D-G. ) 

Q, I>id yea wj-ija Confehr a lie* A, I did not 

Q. Did you testify en the witness, stand a 
liel A. 1 did not 

l£. 1 n-t'iT now tn lirfentlnnli* 1 K^hihii l^-'t 
which you lutve ideniified as your letter. A. 
That is rtsht 

Q. Putcd Sepltlnber 2, 1939. "T<Sor lelttr 
came along in good season and we were much 
interfiled in il» cJiiitfnls"— 

The Corjrt; Do you *aot to rend tho 
llr. Covington : Y«. 
Trie Court: Then read it 

Q, Well, before I will read it, and p-ioce you 
are a lawyer under oath to support the Conati- 
tution and 1ell the Iruih, T aw Froinc; to give y-oU 
an opportunity now to say whether or not you 
want to chang* your teatijuoay. 

OH" R- Noylt—Far Pig^-Crost 

11 r. Ii rod ihuusen : I object In the t\k#x- 
lion and ask that counsel be jidmgniabnl. 

Tha Court; The objection ia aajtaioott, 
and, coujucS, you nra forgetting that I 
am runnins this Coitrt 

llr. Covington ; I am not trying to run 
the Court I am trying to CTOfet-UUIlfalt 

The Court: I havt been Tefy tolerant 
and Tery patient becttnw ef the dirboult 
isau*a involved. But I Want no one to 
take advantaj^ of it 

II T. Covington: I am not trying to 
Ui!.'.- ndvniatuge, 

TIib Court: Pl*a»« ask no further 
ontstlons like that 

W.r, JlruclLhauiion : May I ask at Unit 
time thai (lie letter' be Tcadt 

Q. I am £oin£ to at.k this question, first Do 
yon want to cliantTi your toatiosonyf A. I do 

(Jfr. CoTington thereupon read* Dftfen- 
di-:- :j; ' Kib i bit J) il to the ;.:-■.) 

Q. Now tlieo, did you ditouss with Orreli Us:* 
n-.atter of pleading guilty t A, To the eiteno 
stated in that letter. 

(J. Well, now, that lelter refre?l"id your mem- 
ory about the diseuaoion, and will yon tell UI 
what you said, 

Mr. Bruebliftuaen : I object to the form 
of the question. 

The Court: As to iorm, tha objection 

ia suatainvd. 


0H» It. ifoyfe— f**r rif,—Cre$t 

Mr. Covington; 1 withdraw the a,u**- 

t^. Does the lelier refresh your toeinory now 
with reference to the conversation T A. l! brings 
it buck to my Eiiod, yes. 

Q. Wiitre waa itt Where did the conversa- 
tion tike T'^cfcT A, A* i retail it, tlmt eoflver- 
fltitmn took jilaee as *t W*ri walking from tha 
court huunt hack to Jkthel. 

<J. I>id yon Imvt a (-onversB lion on the Satur- 
day prior lo Ti"Ondo.y t July II, lUSil,, with 
T-H'li-ri-cici- Hf tin kijiii- Miiitlerf A, 1 duii't ra- 

Q. Who *'u your fiCit atloroey in this action 
that you hroufbtl 

Mr. limtbhauHen: I object to that 
The Court: Cibjectioci Bustaiaeoi 

Q. I will ask you whether or not you uroUs 
a k-tltr to your uttomey baaing the facts upon 
wbieb thiz action wai brought before it wat 
instituted. A- Yea, «r, 

Q, Did yon sign a forma] statement in that 
regard t A, I don't remember signing a formal 

ILr. Covington; May I hav« the letter 

or the statement T 

Mr. Uruchbauten : Why, I object to 
any such thing. It ia a confidential com- 

Tha Court; I won't make anybody giva 
a elalemeot. to the Court 

Mr. Bruehliftunea; 1 don't know that I 
have it 


Olm it Sfajflt— For Plf^-Ctet* 

Q, I w::l ask you why it wax that during lh* 
trial of William 1'. Heath you gave to tha enemy 
a eopy of his eoutideu Lial utatsnuiut >;iifu you 
a* a lawyer. 

Mr. Bruuknausen: 1 object to the form 
Of tit tjueation. 

Tho Court; The objection i« nu*t»ijveil 
aa to- form, 

jlr, ItrucJdiacoitn: 1 nsk that eeunwrl 
be admonished for asking sueh a Vacation, 

The Court: Please don't ask such 

Q, I Will ask you whether or not tliat on Ebt 
hearing of William P. Heath before lh* alagfc* 
trale, while yon were standing next to Major 
Whoeless, that you took from your file a state- 
ment signed by William P. Hcnth, wboia yon 
were representing, and offered that through Mr. 
Wheeleu to tbt opposing coun**L A, I don't 
remember any such act a* that 

H- Did Major Whoelest io your presence hand 
tlie opposing Buunttl a eontiiinitial stateineDt 
given to you as an attorney with reference to 
thin mailer T A. I don't remember any audi act 
as that 

y. Did Hi. Heath give you a atatemenil A. 
That I don't remember. 

Q. Did you have a signed atatement with you 
at Uie court! A. 1 don't remember that, 

Q. Did you liave with yon a stenographic re- 
port of the oral ttaleinciils made by William 1'. 
Heath to one of the secretaries to Judge Itutlier- 
furd, with you at tliat hearing concerning the 
mob invasion of Madifrou iSquare Garden and lb* 


3; 5 


0!i~h H- Atoyit—Fvr Pty,—Cfttt 

uiKuit upon lilpn and other* t A, I don't re- 

Q. Tlinl von directly involved in that easel 
A. I don't recall. 

Q. What do yw have in your handl Turn 
around to the front e? it. Hold (lie puge there 
hul turn to- the front Hold »ee what it is, A IV? II, 
it *uy» on tli* front, "Felony Court, People on 
Ule complaint of Alfred Aufiaitt versus William 
Heath, Jr." 

The Court: Is that what purports to bo 
Uio wlftnograjjliic minutes of the iiearine, in 
the MaxutWtot Court 1 
Q. Who does it ttttmr tp lie tlie attorney for 
the defendant at Unit bearing! A. r'or Witliun 
Heath, Jr., Joseph Wlttrk**, 0- IL Moyle. 
Q. Turn to the pages— 

Sir. BmehhaiiHcn: -Tu-! a minule. There 
is no evidenee here Ihul there ii a correct 
slen ogrs [>l lie oo|>y of titQ minules and I 
have never seen the juinule*. 

The Court: I think if counsel tells y<» 
it i» A transcript, you will accept hit state- 


Mr. Covington: It in takes from the 

The Court: The Official Stenographer! 

Mr- Bruebbauaen : It i± your o»ti stenog- 

Mr. Covington; Nov the Court Stump- 

Sir. I! ruehlinuscn : I SUDllos that be- 
cause *hen 1 asked, these people on the 

Oiitt R. Heyk — F«r Pi/.— Crott 

•xurnipntUin lnjfuru trial, there wm po »vi. 
dence they hod a copy, 

Mr. Covington: Yea didn't ask for iL 

The Court: Will yoo— 

Mr. Jiruchhausen : la there any data as 
to when it waa procured T When }'0U £ot 
L! ■'-.,;:i l::i i.J.T.. i;i. tftenogra-plMEt 

Tiie Court: No. it -wouldn't show. 

lit. EruchhauEeu; Wilt eonasel stale as 
e matter el record vheu they procured 
those minutes from the Ofncdal Stenogra- 

Mr, CoTingtiin : Aceordinj* to my infor- 
mation — I wouldn't want to state posi- 
tively — 

The Court: Your best recollection. 

Mr. Covington: AceOrdLnp; to my infor- 
mation, it was between July lUh and Rep- 
timber of l!K)i), and they were prepansd 
and uwed in connection wit]: the final hear- 
ing of the case before Special Sessions, 

The Court: These, minutes are dated, it 
is a hearing of July 11th. 

Sir. ISruchhauicn: And they have hceft 
in the pa&neBaian of the defendant tine* 
that timet 

Mr. Covington: Surely. 

The Court: Have you Any question as 
to the veracity of theae minutes! 

Mr, Bmehhansen : I haven't seen the 
minutes and I liave. no objection to eounael 
asking him his recollection *V>ot It 

The Court : I mean, do >Ou *ant On ad- 
jonrninent to check the tninulesl 

Mr, Bruchhansan: I think we ought to 

Olin R. il6$lt—Fvr Plf.—Crti* 

have a chance lo reflj UiWn 1W. I have 
never been them 

The Court: The- itiain thing is if you 
want him to prove they are oRiciul min- 
uiL'H 1 will give iLLtn ait opportunity lu do 

Sir. liruchhuiihvn: I wojt't trmiat on that. 

The L-ourt; Thi-y wtw bought frum Hi* 
Cuiirl tiLenugrapliirT 

lir. Covington: Thai ir- right. 

The Court; ^\'ill yon i-.;:,.'_.; his state- 
ment f 

Mr. Bruouhauscn t I will iccept his ilatt* 

The Court; Then pruf^xlr 

{£, Mr, SEuylg, turn hock a pa^e or two. 

Tii* Court: lie has the right page that 
you puinled out. 

Q. l'ui-ji haek a ji^K^ and ttart reading that 
page you have in your laund and on iluw'r, for the 
next two or three piujfd ami see if thot rL-f replies 
your r«*lktiion. 

Tliu Court: Ar* you going to fjiltBtion 
Jjiut at length uhuut tiicc minutes I 

Mr. CovisLjjlon : So, 1 am goinj; to tdiiu- 
tify them and then offer ctrtain porUuiu. 

The Court: Of course, the luiQutea will 
not be admissihie. You may oak waa that 
question, aslced and that aimwer inade. 

SI*. UTUChJiftUsta; IViiat was the 4U*i> 


The Court : lie is juut asking him to 

rend a portion. Would you like lll ad- 
joutntueBt I* read Ui* Jiortioa yoturistUT 


Oiin ft. Hoglt—FoT FtJ^rtm 

Mr. Bruckhauuen; I n'asn't in at tlie 
trial, I urn *atisiied to kavif (lit witnetm 
read them, ultli«ti^Ji, if your JiunDr plcn*e, 
an Jiuiiietinwjs iKLjijiena in these trials, 
picking out a small jjortioa might nil bu 
descriptive of wlmt happened. On for tluit 
n-jL-oii alone 1 might t«k« advantage of 
yyisi - llojior's isugjjestioo vt Jiivinjj tlie 
witness i, chance to read, the wluski record 
for aouiething lli*t transpired. 

The Court; Also counsel for the plain- 
tiff, 1 think, it is only fair to take an ad- 
yoummeiil to two o'clock. Will you let 
them have the miftutest 

Mr. Covington: indeed, 1 will be glad 
to 'Jo that. 

The Court ; Do not discuss, th* cattf un-d 
be here promptly at two. 

ilr. »ruehhau*en; Slay I just, before 
ne leave, kiwe it noted on the record, that 
the letter of Aucimt $*, 1239, eigwrf by 
Olin S. -Moyle h to Mr. H- L. I'hilbriclt ami 
part Of the JHefendants' ESsKSbtt V, has on 
the bottom in lend |>enril, "Do Not Intro- 

Mr. Covington: Tluit is sflmo of the 
pencil markings and prejudicial. 

Til* Court ; We are fioinj; to take thfiii 
out. The jury unit please disregard it 

Sfr. COTiltfftvRi I a"k i^a Court to in- 
stnut counsel (mt to make aueh remark*. 

The Court: I certainly do. Wa hnve 
agreed that we would take all Hie cihihita 
and u"-"," tlie underlininK, 
(Wliereupon, an Bnljournnient whs tokeh until 


Oli* a Moyit— >W P\ff.—Croit 

Amuiooij Session 

Two o'tWi p, m. 

(Tuxij Uksuiiiio. ) 

OLIN II. MOYLE, renutned and teBlilied fur- 
ther an follows : 

OuJi-iTd Ivl iftotidtt by Mr, Cvviuylun (Cuntin- 

Mr. Br4ehli*u»eH ; If your Honor 
please, ra connection M'ilh this offer of ah 
h-j^fd stenographic minutes, nil we can say 
is that we iiave never seen the original. 
Mid we will accept them on the nlateinenl 
nT the defendants' counsel that tliey nre 
the n&Ulto* of the trial. 

Sfr, Covinfiloa: That will be done. 1 
will so state. 

Tlie Court; Ton huve «tuled that. 

Q. Have you read tlicse, plcivse, the portion 
tbnt I referred yeu tol A. I read that portion, 
yen, sir. 

(J. I)o you rn'mnnhtr what paeie it wnsT A. 
Mi., 1 ilna j t. There is a difi on iL 

Q. Did you read pmges 55, M and !i7! A. Are 
those the pages that are marked 1 

g. Yea. A- Tea, 

Cj. And doe* (hat refresh your memory ft* to 
what took pSace tlieret A, Very, very faintly. 

Q. Ehs yon remember dtts-tnj; tlie eJtomination 
or Jlr. Heatli, he n-ae OEked the fjnejtion of 
"whither or not a lEenograplier took do»"h word 
for word wiiiit kii said, is that right" — talking 
about the conference before Judge Rutherford. 
"A Certainly, I made a, statement. 

0!tf> R. Itoyh^-For Pig.— Crest 

"Q. To wluim did you make that statement J 
A, I niude the statement to a tteaographer who 
t*uk I he matter down. 

"(j. Iu Whom office *aS Uiatl A- That was m 
the oftice of which I um secretary." 

Tint wai tlie preeidesi! 's ofbee, was it notl 
A. Ves. 

■Q. "Q, TVill you tell u« whose oJSiit that vast 
A. The secretary to (ho pre«ideot of Judgi Bnla* 
c rf ord. 

"Q. And where is that office located 1 A, 124 
Columbia Heights, Erooklya. 

"Q. Po you know whether that statement was 
t ra lisc.rilietl or whetlier it was typed I A. Yea." 

These were rpsestinns, by the Pistriet Attorney, 
u'cre (hey HOtt A, I believe they went 

■Q. And wiihnut any request whftljmever. Sir. 
MHiceless hands Mr. Porte* the trnnncrip( nl ,Mr- 
ITooth's slnlement before Judge Rulhetfotd, and 
lljfn Sir. Forten contitiuBs: 

"Q. I ?ho* you thift alatement nnd I uk yon 
v.- lather (hut i* n true <-opy of a etatemeat that 
yon made." And Mr. Heath insvered "Y**."' 

"<J. Sfay T aee it, please t A. Yes. 

"Mr. Fortex: Any objection T 
"Mr. Whcelcss: Not at aH." 

You heftrd tholf A- I don't recall hearing it. 

hut if the record says that happened, I would 
hot dispute it 

Q. And you did not object to that, did yout 
A, I (ton't remember making any objection. 

Q. It says "Not *t all," And then the *n- 




Oiin /t Moyle— F cr Ftg,—Grott 

Mr, Bi-ufiiiausfta l That statement ni 
made by 11 r. Whetlc**. 

Mr. Covington: Yes, (liftl is under- 

Q. Mr. Portra looked over tlit statement 
"You are under no duty to gin him tJiat state- 
ment," the Court -say* la Mr. Wheeleee. 

"Mr. Whe*]eii8 ; 1 oion h L bear yon. 

"'flic Court; Yon an under no duty to 
give him that statement. 

"Mr. Wiui'lviM ; That ia nil r>g;ht, 1 be- 
lieve in putting my cards face up on Li;n 

"Till Court: ]s thiii* any atatement 
contained in tine slotcnieiit mad*: by thii 
tailrtiiiia an an ailack by ths wiFc of the 
«*niphisaing witneas in this csuel 

"Mr, Wheel***: 1 Hunk so. 

"The Court: Go ahead. 

"Mr, lories; That jj all"* 

Tliot did take place, didn't it, Mr, Hoy let 

A. 1 would not (jiKslifla it 

Q. You would not question, itl A. No. 

{J, Aud yon -were counsel IS that ease, were 
you not, |>loaeef A. I was. 

(J. Do you rt-ndt lliat ilr. llealh made such a 
statement, a copy of which win in the possession 
of Mr, Wheelesaf A. I do not recolleet that 

tj. Ait ft lawyer, you know that usually a law- 
yer wania in know some facts before he goes to 
court, doesn't bet A I Wouldn't question but 
what audi statement was made. 

Q. But that it actually wa» in your possession 

OXtn It, Mvylv—Fof Ftf^ret* 

and Mr. Wheeless' posBe»sJ«.D, at tb« tuul A, I 
w&uld uot question that. 

Q. After the hearing was over on July 11, 
1S39, did you, Lave a conference with Judge 
llutlierford that ilay or Any day following thalf 
A- I believe I had a conference. I *ou|d pot 
rreaU the day, 

Q, Wu it that day • or amm* day aubflequentT 
A 1 do not remember. 

Q. Wu!3, you. wei^e naturally interested in re- 
porting the matter to Judrre Rutherford, were 
you BQtt A I waa. 

Q. Aft to what had happened. A Yea. 

Q, Do you retail wbal you said between you 
and Judge Entberford Hie flint tame yoo got to. 
gethar nfter the July llth hearingl A, I do not 

Qu Did you ever state to anyone that you din- 
liked representing Mr. Heath and Mr. Orrelll 
A I never made any t ueh stalcment- 

Q. Did vhhu (Hgtflea reprwumtiufi cl-cui in ibis 
cnsoT A. I did oot, 

Q. Did you ever ulaie t» an join; that Itr. 
Heath waa Incky to get oilf You know ha »n 
aeqnitted, do you not, by the lawyer who took 
tho -AM av^r afterwarda, do yon not! 

Mr, Br<ichhau*en: I object to tl>4 C^rfn 
of the ([UiitLon. 

Tlie ■Hfiur: : Ohji-ctiao aiiutained. 

Q. Did you ever uanke a ilatement to anyone 
that Mr, ll^ath got <iJT Light in tldi uaatterf A. 
I don't remember that I did. 

Q. Did yon ever make a statement that he vat 
iui-kyf A, T don't n.'iiieinirf'j 1 *vf;r making *ujch 
a etatcmenL 

Qliu It. llDij}t—Fat P!ff.~-Criw 

Q, Did yiu *ver indicate that- llr. Heath waa, 
in ;tur u|i:i:i»d, guiilyt A I don't nyrHiaib*r 
that I ever did, 

Q. Did you erer intimate to auyoiae or tell 
anyone, that Mr. Heath ran up three nights of 
a-tflir* with (he intention vi cr*c>dn£ toine p^opla 
over the head! Did yon make that etctemant 
orally or olberwisef A thai statement «n 
inadn La jilm one lima 

The Court r iVo, the question Waa 
whether yon mads that ttatement. I ax> 
ian:i', LTi)ii:ii.,-:.,.ir, i.-. nil funndaliua fur 
aomething' that w to- corcaf 

Mr. Covington: Yes. 

Q. But y«u never did make that statement in 
any on e orally 1 A. 1 do'i 't remember making it. 

Q. Did ywt make a utalemerit in wrilLnj? to 
your atlomeye or to nnv^ne el«at A. I don't 

Q- If yon did make nmdi a atatemenl, uould 
yon remirmlwr hnvinE mmle itt A- I Can forget 
IoLh ot tliinjri 1 ' i juigti-L nnL rem 1 1 it if I did. 

{Paper banitni fa witncei.) 

Q. Wliat li«v*: yon in your handt A- 1 ha** 
a letter dated 0e1ol»er <k> 1930, with tho aa"u- 
lation "Dear Brother Confthr," niftHid "Olia," 
my llj:.c. 

Q. Did yon read it overt A Yea. 

Q, Poe» Hial 'i'frt*h your memory T A. That 
doe a. 

<J. "What dM» if aayt A. It aaya that Heath 
waj lucky. 


Olitt It. J/d^fe— For Pl$.—Gre*s 

Mr. Covington: We offer it ia eV> 
denee, please. 
Mr. Bnaehhaneen: No ebiectipn. 

[The paper referred HJ waa receiTicd in 

cvidoq^ and EiaTkfd DefenLbuita' iiihibit 


Q, D« you want to change year teitimony now I 
A. To tlint eitent. That refrcabw my recoUeo- 
tion. I did make that utatement. 

Q. That Mr. IlcnOi waa lucky 1 A Y«, 

Jff, Bs-iicl ihaui-en i May wa have th* iet 
tcr rend i- 1 thia limef 

Mr, C'o^'inpioiL : 1 will read it, 

{Mr. Covington reada Defesdanta* Ei- 

hihit D-7 to Hi*, jury.) 

Q. Twi »v«re famiLtar wiih the arrangements 
mads fo-r tbr holding of tlie ronvenlinn, ve-re you 
not, at Madison &|nar« Carden, of Jehovah 'i 
"WitneBsen for the yenr J930-, on or a boat June 
2StlL of that year! A, Tii >w extftrtt. 

Q, Y*H were familiar with the ji i-eparatinnn 
inAda tor the hohlinff of that ravnventiom ware 
younoLF A, To a limited extent, yes. 

Q. Vou were in on tho conflHential arrange- 
ment* for the preparation thereof, w*-F» yon notf 
A- Not att oF them, no. 

Q. Not nil, hut sfymeT A. Yes. 

Q. Ynn ItMV, did you not, that threats hod 
coma from tlie Couglilinit** te break up the meet- 

Mr. Brnehhansrn: 1 ohject to tlie fvnes- 
rion. I do not sea how this is an iuot in 
this proceeding. 


OJjn R. Haylt^FoT Pif^Cron 

Mr. Covington; 1 am going to shoiv the 
relevancy later, your Honor, I promiaa to 
do that. 

Tlie Court ; Ws will take it subject to 

Q, Do you rftnenihor going to the Cnplnin of 
ihr l-olino in the prr^inrt wlwre Jladiaon Sijuara 
linrilcn is JocattfL with >lr. Heath and Me 1 - lOiurrt 
A- V*a. 

Q. Wlmt diii you j;o up i\irrv f'ir, .Mr. '.1-tyleT 
A. tVe went tlicri! l*or (lie |inrpc»a of jii-riirtrig 
[Mi'ii-r pnalr^iion for that meeling. 

Q. And IiilhiI nn wiuiL T Vi\n did you go thercl 
A. ,\s I refaill it, Mr, Uratli infiirtrietl thf Cs ptain 
while it were (here that they hnd r*r*ivi'iL infor- 
mation that the Cougbliniles, po-called, were s*' n S 
to create troubles 

Q. Ilanl y,>q ln'iinl that before Mr. Heath told 
the <"a]ilaan1 A. 1 ik'Sjcvk an. I am not sure. 

Q. VThat arrnnjremeri* were Pmde by tltft Cap- 
Ukin after the- conference was over? A, If I 
mnetntar wriTttly, the Captain said that ho 
would rumiidi oJhVers for the outbid* but not on 
(he inside (if the fmilding. 

Q. And ihi'n* fai-tn concerning the threat to 
lin-nli Up Liic ineciinjr were Stiade kuown to each 
]mjis-i\ were ilaey ne»[1 A. Thty wtpa. 

<}. Hid lltej* advise liiat an to prelection on the 
inphlr. ]iie Waicli Tower would have to arrange 

Tor :!j nn r. f;r.:ki'l i::n of the fianli'iit A. 1 think 

unineOiinjr of tltat Fori was nftitL, I do not recall 

(J. In Kiilh<tanee, that waa the arrangement, waa 
it notf A, Vea, 

Ohm R. Uoyte—For PI/.— Crors 

Q, When you left tfwm, you knew that yon and 
llr- Heath and Mr. Knorr Hud oiher* would have 
to nrrange to protect tlie Garden assembly, did 
you noli A, Yen. 

Q. Arran^ementa were hiade to tok« sueh pro- 
tection pollutions, were they notl A, Yes, 

Q. And wluL nrraiigemeiits were made! A. 
['slicrp wf-ro y. ;.-. i-c-.H nti.u:'. Ll-.c li-.iiLilinj:';, j-iuiuerDUB 
ushern. each one. armed with a cane, 

Q. Tiuit is a walking can*, in that not correct 1 
A. Yes. 

Q. You were there when the riot, that is, the 
attempt At riot took place, when the Couejilinile* 
invaded i1, were you notl A. I was I here. 

Q, And yon heard Ihe difTiculty, did yon notl 
A. I did. 

(J. And the ushers quelled the dilhcalty, did 
they not, and pnt the CViUffhlinites outl A. To 
the bciit of my information, they did. 

Q, BbjiciJ on your infornmlinji as an attorney, 
[hat ia Inns ah«. ia it notl A. Yes, 

Q. Dlil you liuve any i;i:Ticulty with anyone with 
rtfrruira to flic pr<'eanlion* lakch and lh* iii*inn 
token to pr*tcct the assembly 1 Did you object 
to the ujiliers liming eonea to protect themFelves 
against the molasterft! A, I did not object. 
Q. You did not objcclT A No. 
Q. Did yon over make a statement to anyone 
that you didl A. I belie v* I said at one time 
that I did not Hi ink the «ne* were nM*wary. 
Q. When w HS thatt A. I don't recall, 
Q. Was it before or after! A. I don't recall. 
Cj. And to whom did yon make thai alatementT 
A. That 1 don't remember. 




DJiHi fl. KiHjit—For Plff.-Cre*s 

(J. I hand ynii PlaintiJf'R Exhibit 4 and auk you 
to look at it, pleaue [handing to witness). 

Tlie Court: That i« your latter to Mr. 

The Witness j That in lifMi 

Q. When was that ktUf written! A, Shortly 

before July 2IaL 
Q„ Shortly before! A. Yes. 
Q. On iv hat dayl A 1 don't nMnc)nbi>r. 
Q. Was it one Of twu days Ijoforo or three day* 
or l"onr or fivcT A. 1 don't remember, 

Q. The day tlint you wmle it, wo* it the dny 
you delivered it also! A. Ko, 

Q. How come you Id dale it My 21*1 1 Wjiu 
that your plan, to deliver if- on that dnyl A, It 

Q, And vnu don't rr-enll what day it wast A 

Q, Nothing to refresh your memory fcyl A. 

Mr, BrUehhauten ; I mil conTusi'd — 
Tba Court; H* doc* not recoil what 
day be ■wrote it. 

Mr. Uruchbausen ; Tin 1 !-* in do q,uratinn 
it was delivered on (he 21*1* 

Mr, Covington: No, (here ie nn doubt 
about that, 
Q. Was tilt writing of this Letter proniplcd by 
the difficulty tliat yoit bod with reference to tha 
Madison Square ftnrden rtSfttiert A, Not. at all, 
Q. It had nnlhine. to do With lit A. No. 
Q, You mean there woji no dinenssinrt hetwcf-n 
you and Judge Bullierford and Mr. BcnUl or 

OJj'h A, Mt>>fle—For Pi^.—Crott 

anyone i-hi' tliat prompted you ti take tlia ac- 
tion and wfito the letter! A, No, Tilt hi tin 
result — 

The Court: The answer is "No," 

Q, In i; in letter you mate tint the treatment 
received by you from Judge Bulb«rfo«| wm gen- 
erally kind, considerate- and lair, is that true! 
A. That in true, 

Q. And dirta that apply for the whole tint 
that you wer* there 1 A It does. 

Q, I nniire here that you complain of tho ill 
treatment of the Bethel Family. Von were a 
member of that family I A I was, 

Q. And wli4 WW the bead of the [amity f A 

I I ' ■■'. ;.-. 

Q. Judge Rutherford A. Yes, 

Q- That statement of ill treatment or tile 
IletbeL Family did not include you and yoar fam- 
ily, did itt A. No, 

Cj, A« far an you ant! your family am eon- 
ccmed, vnu bdd p«neralLy kind nod conaiderit* 
treatment, in lhAt (orrofltT A That is right 

Q. Yon liai satisfacloty arcoitimnciatiooi 
iiwn, did you not, at the hocnel A. We did, 

Q. Anil yon never luui any Canto to lociplaio 
about tltat, ilid yonl A. No, 

Q. About the neeonunodationiT A. No. 

Q. Yon mention in liero, 1 believe, llr, Wo«t- 
vortb a.nd Mr. Yon Si|ims ar4 Mr. Ness and 
others aa havinjr bren what you t*rmt<i trimmed 1 
publiclv, lliat Mr. Woftdwortli war railed a jack- 
hi*, arid [bat MaeAulay ftfltl lI^CormLrk and 
Knurr njid Price and Van Sipma Ond oUiern 
had been aeolded and upbraided uvexaly and 

OUh IL Heytt—For Pl$.-~ Cro« 

puolk-ly repruuanded j i* tb»t trust A. That hi 

(J. Dill any of these individuals ever come 
r, u you jiJid eonijjl^iLiL to yuu about tliat I A. 
They ilid not. 

Q. TliL'y did uo:T A. No. 

tj. liid tiuey evtr ulijcct to you concernina: tbo 
I'urrei'tion Llml thi-y rKKived fronn Jkhijja Kuthcr- 
ford an hend of lliu tYnlilyl A One of them 
tub I me Unit he certainly did not liie rwcmnj 
HillL kind of treatment, 

Q. And who van ill A. Nathan Kurtrr, 

Q. Ami witst was ill A. I cannot recoil IHk 
uitict Li mi!; m.i[ik! lime during the :imt wo wort 

y. Ami wlifri 1 wim itt A. In my office. 

Q, Ww it liefer* ar aftrf ' h^ ITodLmjti S<[uarc 
lianlen didieully] A. I Ihink it was before. 

Q. And It ivns nnil with reference to anytliinjr 
thiil tia|!jji'i)i*d at Maiiison K<|llart Gafdtnl 

The Court: Now, (-,n±risc[lor, lie said it 
wan (if foro. 
itr. t -uvinpton l I lin Mrry, 

Q, Did you ever linvt: ajiy complaint aeuin»t 
tli'j tuunnBr Biol iLidliod in which the Wntrh 
1'ovL'or rtuilieii nerc nonductcd prior to tiie tiint 
1lni: ynu left Ifdhelf A Not personally. 

Q. Kut perimnalljf A No. 

Q. And were they KatiKfuloriiy conducted in 
your e*liHjatioiT a. tVell. I could He ways in 
which they could be iinprovnl 

Q. Bill you evor »uj;jicst tliot* raeana of im- 
prnvementl A No. 

Q, Tn ynur li-rt<!r, you mentioned the Ifadiiou 


OH* If. Hoyle—For Plf.—Crvrt 

Square Garden dilbtuJty, did y«0 aoll A Yta, 

Q And Ibal, then, did have uvjne effvel ujnir. 
you, did it wotl A. I'urety as to tJte treatnirnt 
of the usiiers by Mr, liutl*rford, 

Q. What UvicnsT A, Stjiui: of Hit when, 

Q, Wliich oooal A, I beg your jiardon. There 
wi* fcnenil camiuaint eonecrning the ualier* by 
Mr, ltulhcrford, and Ceorgo Itannno was one >'f 

y. What eluef A, There wa» coinpLoint 
o^iiiiittt Kiiorr, too, if 1 reinemi>er riplil- 

Q. And wlial elaeT A. Tiiura were othera, I 
cannot rtwidl tlieir namea, 

Q. Ynu my in here tliat itiey were bilieli*! vx 
"dissies." I* tliat what Ihey were calk'dT A. 
That lit wliot i\r- Hutherford labeled tbtra at the 

Q. Labeled Mf. Kjidrr and itr. JlannanT A. 
'flu; unhem in grfnerul Ut tlio Madison tijaore 
GarJe:i lofeetinj;. 

Q. Bjd lie lalud Mr, Nnorr and Mr, [liianiin ax 

''.-L r..::i "T 

Tli« Court: Bo you mcaa apecifKaLly 

or >:■ n i y t 
Mr, Covington; SpeelficaJly, 

A, J don't recoil bia labeling tbecu ao spe- 

Q, Bid Mr. Knorr and Mr. Hannao ajik yon 
to complain and jsroniKi to the Jndara in tbtir 
behalf T A. They did nnt. 

Q, What was the position of Mr. Knorr at 
tlie time that you registered this complaint in 

Oiiu II. MByte—For Plff,—C*0U 

thia letter in his behalf f A He was what la 

called tlie cilice servant, 

Q, And what office did ho o^upy iq the cor- 
poration, tlie Watch Tower Society t A. 11a was, 
I believe, vice president of tlie New York tor- 

Q, You stale is here regardioe; discrimmttion 
on tiie part of the Judge lo bit own. self against 
the alhcf luwaters o( the Family. Jo*l woat 
are tlie facts u]>on whli-h you base thalt A, 
Well, upon ohservntioa and UpoH what I heard, 

Q. Upon what you heard in the home or from 
tlia outside 1 A, Both, I beEicvt: general knowl- 

Q. At the tiruo that you wrote this letter or 
July £1, ira, nol what you heard afterwards, 
but pri(*r to Umt and when you wr-?tu the letter, 
will jou give us iv-bat facts you had l:r:<>»-fedj;a 
Off A. Well, Hie fnrts are mentioned in the 
letter. His aceoruuiodnt i on *■ on Ibc teTentb floor, 
bia air^oDted room, eoniparod with tlia 0,ualtert 
under which the boys Worked in tie factory, 
compared to Hie- quarters which tlie Fane- lads 
hml out on tiie {arm. I thought tliat wa» di*. 

Q. Did yon ever sua the inside of the Judge's 
gjuwteTB, oa the top floor of 124 Columbia. 
Eeighttf A. Just bis nRiec. 

Q. Bid you obj*Ot aajainst bis baring Ma oScel 
A Not at all 

Mr. Bra^biaTuien : I object to the n.uea- 
The Court: It il already answered. 


OUx It- Moj/ter^For Ptff^Creiir 

q. What part of bis quartan did you object 

to at being diacritidnationf 

Mr. Dnicbhauiem Bees counsel moan 
what he is objecting to in tlie letter T 

Mr. Covington; Yea, in tbe let lor, that 
it what I am talking About.' 

A The information 1 had was that be had 
practically tbe entire upper floor, I never saw 
tlie room* uuh-.ide of tlie office rooms, but from 
tlie til* of tbe building, tliote vera larg^, com. 
modious ipjartk-rs. The boy a in the Bethel, espe- 
cially thos* at line farm, if I remember right, 
had very aroalt rooms and they "wire uohejited. 

Q. Mr. Moyle, vk$& room did yon occupy in 
Bethel T A, I had ■ good roam on tbe aixth 

Q. And what was the number^ A, Tliftt I 
doa't remember; s-l* hundred and aometbing, 

t.|. Poet it- face out over the Eaat Hirer or on 
Columbia Heights T A. It doet. 

By the Court: 

Q, Whicht A Faces over Columbia. Helsbts 
— I beg your pardon, over the river. It facet 

on. tbe river. 

By Mr. Covington ; 

Q. You don't know what aba room the Judge 
tod, did you I A No, I doa't 

C;, At a matter of fact, you have been in the 
other rooms of Bethel outside of tbe one that 
you occupied, didn't you, Mr. iloylel A That 
Is right 

Q. Wert yon complaining of the rooms that 




Oiin It. Moylz^-Faf Pig.~Cr$$t 

the boya in Bethel had a* compared to than oc- 
cupied by Hie Judgcl A, It was primarily thoae 
up At til* fiLtTU- 

Q. Did you mention that in your latter hcrcT 
A. I think that in mentioned her*. 

Q, Yon were confining tlift t| of the 
Judge to a tomparibon wild the Wyi* At the 
ftuin, is that correct? A. If I remember *o>r- 
moCl}' the tenim uf the hitler, I think it wuk.- 

(j. But you uV,. nn1 rhurge the Judge then with 
dineriuiinatiiiu against tin; ju'CotijiiioiialiNnB. to 
tlm member* of the fiunily «1 Ifcjft*], do you I 
A. No, 

v; -n rt'j.'iLnl In I,..-, ijuarterat A, N-'-, tXMjH, 
I don't know ok the letter slates it, it could to 
A d incrimination in this; Tlint Sarge and torn- 
njudiouu ([uarterx given to the one n* compared 
to the other* is n dfaterininfttUSL 

g, Mr, llayle, tiie room 1 1 ml ywa occupied 
thrra ut Bethel WB» liiurti larger [linn tin; HMI 
tiki boy a at the form occupied, was it uotf A. 
Thai il right. 

Mr. Jtrudibausen; I object to the q.uca. 
liou. There won no couiptniut made by 
Mr, lloyh.— 

1'ae Court: The objection il malaised. 
Strike out tiie UKfcr, Kstetplion to the 

Q. The Uttw that you wrote did not bats Uio 

discrimination over (he conditions nt tiie farm, 
did il, Vluen you get right down mid consider 
til* paragraph 1 

By toe Court: 

Q. Would yon like to aee the paragraph T A. 
it*, I would, 

(ilr, Covington hands piper U> the wit. 

The Wilaeflaj Yen, that de-ea complain 
primarily a* U> the diicriiiiination between 
the president of the organisation and tha 
quartern given lo the boy* at lb* farm. 

By Mr. Coi'i ngtoa : 

Q. When waa the last tune that you visited, 
tiie farm prior to the tima that you wrote the 
letterl A, The preceding apring or winter, I 
believe. I am not sure, 

Q. Did you not know that at that time the farm 
awmiujiudutioos wen juat ordinary farmhouses 
up on tin." funu thai Imd 1s_-rn huught some tiuiu 
prior to that, did you not know tiia'T A. Tim 
farm iWjiainwifatWfH were not of that typo tltca. 

Q, Wiiat type— ju*t ■uWrib* UrtH roosita Hk] 
the hountii that you nay that you oiMFinwl, 11"*' 
litany ruuiuti did you po inUn, Imw many of il;a 
boys' i-fiuum did you vinit at the fanitf A. Tlkere 
wuk a 1jlj-j^: Ii-,il3lLL:ij^ w1jj«:Il waji ucoupied hy iiiorit 
of Uian, 1 understand— 

Q. 1 am nuking you baaed on your knowledge, 
Mr. Moyle, 

Mr, Ilruciihnunen; May I object on tiie 

£ru-i:Hj t!.:il tin- Lfttiil iu..-, "J ii.n in 

f omied " I 

Tlia Court: I will let liim annwer if hn 
liitowK. Hv jiay» he wah tliifrtij 8 lL t!»e ftriu. 
You tuny nuiiwar, if you know. 

Olia R. Jfoyie— Fur Ftff.—Ct<nt 

A, Jl v,un a laj-|.;<! building :hr«>, aid Lo the 
itLimd Ktory of it, Lhero n'a* a lac^je lw]lw#y 
whith wbh lifjurjii, roti[ii» to cO<;h tiilc u-f Un hall- 
way, an I n?co Ik-el il. Ti»a rooms were minli. 
Titer* was no heat in the rooma. 

ily ii r. Conngion : 

Q, Were there any bLovcu in tiie roomt A 

g. Did you go in alt tiie romnif A. I did aol. 

Q. How many ruoius did you go iiitoT A, I 
tlihtk Ll.L-it was a ltjujjIl- that I van in. 

Q, Wining ronnist A- I dun 'I know the narofa. 
] itU'pl in sue room niysdf, nnd I dtni't kpa.* I ho 
nnnffi of Hie ur&tlter whoup Other roOiti I »*ji in, 

Q. lJut one rumn *tvh unoroupied and you alept 
ia lhatt A. Tluit iH lay r«collcrfioiL 

Q. Aud tlM other room wan mine lirolhei- you 
I'ititcd. Did you v i*^l l" :l i * li night lime or undi^r 
what (-onditions djd you Lr..ike younnHitl A. Me 
h'iiIIi-i] nil- in Llji'jv to Hhk me Rome tiucntiorm. f 
don 'I rn'iiwitilwr wlmt lime nf tiie duy it wn*. It 
wan a Kiiuiil room, had n hn<i there, n couple of 
(fimkH. I don't rc*aU any other furniture, 

(J, Did ywa hv ftiiy ctM'ih*?! A. Tlier* may 
have been a small one, I don't rtincinhcr, 

Q, Wiiat iiiie room waa itl A, I couldn't give 
you the dimrnsion*. 

(J. If it ptruck you rm canse for toiaplaiiil, 
nurvly you could esprenn ifnme a"rt of an npininn 
nn that, i-oiiliL yuu nolf A. Tt wan nunil niOujrh 
mr that wish tln L InvI uad two trunks and t hetaeve 
tiiia small dresxer, llicre ft'ajt pn* Loim litUt raajri, 
not tniirii room to njiarc te go tmund 

Q. fjuisld you gel in and outT A, Oh, yea. 

Qlm fi. ifajJe— far Ptff^-Cres* 

Q. Were tl^tn- dffljrf ia the roomT A, I doa't 
rtraemher any. 

(J, Any other furnish ing« Other tiian lliose yo-U 
hnvo niriitionedt A. Thai i» all that 1 recall 

(^. And yau do not remember tin; name of thia 
indiYidnnlT A, No, I den't 

fj. UndiT tlte hcndinE "disfrhmiiLation" yoar 
rOVUiwl n1nt«H tint yon mnda that paragraph 
iKt^cd on what v«u had been snfonncdl (handing 
lo wilrifPPf. Do ynu nfrc anything itj thai para* 
^rfiph tliat indicate? that yon buM^d that uprni 
inf'snitation! A. Knt flint particular i1 pnt- TlieTfr 
is ^ ]iart nf (hut [uiranitirih hased on information. 

tj. But not nis to the farm eondiriona though, 
is itl A. That i* part of tlte farm eoaditionij 

Q. WinJ fnnti L'«n(ti1iona do yon refer lot 

ilr. rlruefeluuiFen: "I nm informed that 

even nt I he Kingdom Farm.*' 
Mr. COTtnJSton: t untie r&land. 
Tiie Court: The c>liihit in in evHclcnce. 

1 1 n jiMiku for itael f. We will ha ve no eorn- 

men! a ou it- 

Q. THli t the V&Tl ivitli reference to the boys' 
nri^inmo'lntinni, ynn did riot bane that opon in- 
fomiation, did youl It in Iho pntl ia wfertnet 
to vtlifrp (hf Jml^ie stayed thnt you baFe that on 
infonjintinn, Ik flint riirbtT" A. Tliat ia rij^tl, 

Q. Rut an Jo wha! you imw an to the bnyn' con- 
ditions, that ia baaed on your own knowledge, U 
it nrrtt A. That ia 

Q. And diil vim J!fl into and m^ tli*liou?e. what 
yon were informed to be Judge Bfltherford '* 
ho will A. I wasn't in it. 


QU* R. iloijte—For Plff .-=Crcti 

(J. Voa don't know what doH «f a«oj¥tninda- 
tiona wltc in thai, dD you.T A. I don 't know what 
in iimiiJe. 

(J, Vdu ulale in the h-1!i;r jii'it ahnut dlHrJni- 
nalinii in ri?fercnra In ruurria^a. What faftn do 
you hnic- tliat aft, pitutl A. That is hansd upon 
nil .|:'i .111^1 Ifivi'n In i;ir r': r i .. * » ■ Y n : :\ l; one Caddie 
itjKisd. lie wart a worker ihr.rt. at iictJiei — 

(;. When i-iis ihntt A. Pnrinfi the time wa 
wera there. 1 don't remember tbe yeir, Ua got 
jimi'j'hsl. ili: iiad to h<uve Itethel in sn dninir, i*o 
1 mbs tnfnruira], aNtl I hrnnl tliat lie asked for 
pirwtctr trrrilory' in ilfiioklyB. — 

Jty the Court'. 

{), Dp is Hie inun that you menlioned in the 
Ji'tti-rt A, Ye*, that ih r^ld, he is tiie one I nien- 


I!y ilr, fovinglon: 

Q. Anylioily idnet A. 1 ilnn't retail any otherL 

<j. Mow uiMiuL your sunt Was IJiijtc any raiu- 
,.l : :•'. on your jiurl nlnjut' y(iur u« 1» Ket nuir- 
I'jcdf A, Nik, it' he wanted to jret married, that 
wan hiii affair. 

Q. iSut tilt paint I am Retting at ia, did you 
know tiial lie wa» jjoiajf to get inarri*<i when ho 
left Delhell A. Yes, 

(J. T he only informal inn you base that upon ia 
1he on* tadh'khUuk rmlwMly *lse, ia. tiuat right, 
prior to I lie Slat day or July, 19391 A. That in 

Q, And you innke complain! in ben aboul 
lioniiic Hoydf A. That is right. 

Q, Whal liai'c J'nu to tay about thatt A. The 


Olln It. lla 9 lt—For Ptff,—Cre*r 

point T iimdi; in the loiter- was tii« ilist-riuiina- 
tiol ns helwei'n her and thin other hrNtlier, Eddie 

Q. Did be in cation Ilia name of Bonnie Boyd 
to you I A- Who t 

■Q, Kildic Broad. A. No, 

(j. IJid you diKcitrm with din) Ihe'fjKt that the 
Judhv had diju-riniiaaied againnt him— A. I 
did lint. 

Q r {( H niitip|Liod( — and in favor of itunnie 
HiiydT A, T did nut. 

Q. What did JTOO tiittvii wiili him thent A. 
I ditl not itiwun* w-jUi rshiic Tifoad. 

Q, \Y ' i j- i - i - dirt ynu learn nhmil the fartik of bin 
ftlltetl A. I ih?n '1 nuneEnber wha told me. Aa I 
n-ratl it, it wan *nrt of jfrnrrat LmivrUnipft at the 

Q. And wiera you Ibpnc when lie jrot mnrrinil 
A. I was there when, he left. * 

Q. 1 hetleve yon ntate tiiat the Judjrc diH"rimi- 
n il1 i-i] in her favor hn'i-atmc! nhn wan ppnEiilfrH lo 
mjlrry anil hfinj; her] into the F'n'.iilv. is 
tlmt enrtectt A. T think that ia u'hat the letter 

(J, And thnt in doing 1 tl*t, lift *iiolated one of 
tine rntea of the home, is that correct T 

The CiWl: The letter npcnkn for il«lf. 
Ynn rimy rrfid it. 

(A l^oofclel in honde*! tn tht wilnciiF.) 

Q. 1^'iint do vena havr in your iiand, Ur. 
Moyiril A. Tt in a booklet mnrfcedj "Bethel 
Home Ttutf 1 * and negnlalions." 

Q. Wiien ilid ynu HfkI »ee nne of thou* bonk- 
letif A. T think we were jriven Hat when vt got 



Olin R, Moytc—Fvr Pl$.~Grtos 

Q. And you read duo nf llnni and agri-rd to 
comply until them! A, That in right. 

Q. IKltvn you went there, did ran have any 
obiectiofi !* any of the rciea! A. No. 

Q. Bo you have any objection to (he tft'ft rules 
there in reference lo marriage l A. No, I liavo 
no abjection Id the rules, 

Q. Yon say that the Judpo violated one of the 
ruin'* Ln [lie cue of Ronnie lioyd, is lhal Ml' 
Teet! A. The point I made was. them wan A dis- 

Q. Hi- djseriminaledf A. Yes, 

■Q. mml ftwtt do y»u 111* discrimination 
nfk:n| A On (tip infnrmfttion ns given.) that the 
nnr p#r*i>lt liinrricn] was; sJlowied to brine; bftr 
parln;T inln th* orjmii™tion, and the other per* 
s«n married bud t« h L u">, fmil wan not even per- 
mit led m An pioneer wnrk in Hint lofslity. 

0_. Von were; married when ynu went f haras 
Wi*r« yoo, no|, Mr. Jdoyle! A. T wan. 

(J, And fln yon furur*. that they discriminated 
njrnin't vnu when, you went there! 

Mr. Brat hhausen 7 T object t» Bw ques- 
The Court: Objection MfMntd. 

Q. Head and refresh your memory on the. two 
nJrf pointed out in respect to marriage. A. I 

biT? re*d them. 

Q. I>n you Mr lb* first rule, Fnrttfirapn 64! 
A. Ye?. 

(J. Whaf does it provide! Do you tnow it* 
provision* now I A, I could flftt state, them all, 
0., Will yoa read — 

Mr- Brnchbiitiaen; May I make an ob- 
jection, your Honor T 

Olin A 3iotflt—For Plff.—CTQH 

The Court: Objection sustained, be- 
cause, as I unde.r-n.tand it, his claim ii that 
it in a duHiminatHb 

If r, Covington ; Tcs, but be alleges 
hero that it is a violation of one of the 
rulet in the tetter, ind I am trying — 

The Court : If ay I see itt 

Ifr, Covington i Tea (handing to the 

II r. RrnchiiaiiAcEt: It baa both of tbem 
in, so T will mtlidnw (be objection. 

Th« Coirt (addreatijig Mr. Covington) : 
Yon are rigbL 

Q. Will you fnmiliariM yourself with Bula No, 
5it A, I read it 

<J. And what doeH it provide! A* Any person 
may get married any tim* they nwy desire, ao- 
tording to the rule, Whether or not such person 
remains there depends on tie- consent of the 


Q. Go abend and read tie entire thing, A 
Unteaa the eonaeni of thp preald^nt be firet had 
And Obtained. That Ie the aubitaase, M I oa- 
derstand, of 54. 

Q. Will yon read the entire tbrcgf Doesn't 
it provide that ilie prcaidott — 

The Oaort' Let bim read it into the 


Q. Bead IVngtapb ."54 in itt- entirety, pteaat, 
M well aa Paragraph &5. 

The Conrtr Parflgtaph of the nJiSB— 
Mr. Coviagtna: Of the rnlea for tba, 
The Court: Bead Parmgraph St 

Olin R. Moi/lc—Fet Plff.—Croa 

A, "PorajTrapi) M: Neither the tnanaj>4iii.ent 
at the Hcthel Home nnr t\iv Sos'ivly hxn n;;y ib: 
fire or din [fiction to put any re<lri?1i«n« on yvt- 
lanx marryinE.. It bcconiea necessary, hovevwr, 
(o hKWt MUM rulen governing the marriage ef 
iJioM living in tint Hiitnft in order (bat the Kofiety 
nuiy bnvc qIjnoIliLc nnnlr^L at tlit Hotne arid £h>>Ka 
M-J,n rcxiile tJ.tre. Any prison rcxidinjC in tte 
npllii'l jlotiie nuy pel married to another jwrson 
at pity tin* he or Kh# may desire. VfUh this 
tlir huattnE^tltait nf ll« Hume ban hothin^ to da. 
WJn-Uirr «r not firi periwn neinAina o nvoniber 
nf thfi family will Ito entirely a different matter. 
It will be (int nf tin-ier tat any Iirotlier residing 
In the limine 1u giuLrry n^ineuiie and bria^ her 
inin. thr iliinic unlesJi tlie "tnsifnt uf the jiriNsi(!e*t 
ho lir«l lind nnrl nblnin^i. 

"!&•. WJn-n 1 a Brother and a Kinlfr hnvc liccn 
nwidfBfii of I he Itc-thi'l lioitie fontinuoanly for a 
[teriod of five yearx or more and irnch Brother 
and Skttr ajtie* to marry, tltey may do m> and 
■-ijjlI tti ui' nt (heir johx of KNvrviee In the ISelhel 
Ifopeie, iinn-idnl tlip pnimrnt of (he prc^idpnt 1» 
first liail nnd oliliiinciL It nliall not be nece^^ary 
pencratty to ohtnin the fonHpnt of lb* pmidfjl^ 
r.^ lo wlk-llic'f nr unt lo L or niie ci:n oiRrry. bill 
Hie ".nuent of the pronident first must tie ob- 
IninoiL an 1o whether ar tiol they ran remain in 
tbr bnjiu* ninl ennliniie an IncmWrn of (he Family 
or nfline forre." 

(J. fin yon tel] t!n L jury that t!ie .lud|W w«i 
not aetinp ondrr liis ontliorily conferred upon 
him liy Ihose two rales when he aeted nn hofh 
of |b*!Kj «!*(■ that yam mentioned T A. I uronSd 

OH* R. Jfejflt— For PJ/^-Crw* 

gather that the Judge «u acting witbia bia 

Qr Don't tlie rules confer discretion upm hiui 
Id detcmune u-'hetlier or not one ihali remain or 
not! A. Thoy du. 

Q, Yon are not telling lb* jury that Bor.nia 
Bo;, d did not olitain the WRHBt of thu ^reiidtr.t 
before the got innrried, nr? youf A, I don't 
Itnow, but I presume the did. 

Q. Bo you charge the Jad^e with discrimina- 
tion becanue he exercised hit diaerelion under 
the rales T A. No, 

Q. You do sietT A. No. 

Q, In ytHII letter — <:ouLd yon tell me the fall 
name of the Individual thiit yon ni*ntioned aitont 
uriioni eo-inplaint liad bfen nw^bi ecfnecndnp mar- 
rie^el What was Ilia la»l name! A. Bi-Ond, I 
think it was. 

Q. H-r-a-a-dT A. I think no, yes. 

ii. And li'bat waa bin firat namel A I think 
it wa» EddJt, 

Q, Yon nientinnprl n!i«o exrneeminjr the ncfoTB- 
niodntions lliot were provided for Juoxa Fiuthfr- 
ftird at Stalen Iidiind. Are yoti familiar with 
tbost ar<Q3nniiiibi1ionis of your own knnwM^eT 
A. I hui-c not lieen in his rooms. 

Q. Yoa have nott A. Na 

(J. All he bail was a room in StAtfA Tdiiftd, U 
tint correct I A. T rlnn't kno* that. 

0- Have yon ever been ot tlic I fame on Klaten 
Isliand HHiin (ftiitLsJ by I he Wgich To»'er Society! 
A. I have been there, van. 

(J. Bave you been on th* irmidtt A. In part 
of the building. 

■J, ' lava yon been to the Judge's rooml A. No. 


0h"n JS. llvy!e^-Por Pig.— Cross 

Q, Aro yoq eamplaining because he liad a room 
there! A, No, 

Q. Whiit do you register your comjilnint en, 
tliat lie liuit a room at Stalen Island, in your 

Jlr. Bruehhausen : If yonr Honor 

pi cane, J nay It ^peakx for itnelf. It sayn 
"Van have many home*, to wit," It is 
Ilia number of homes thit the lei'er *p*akn 

Tlic Court: I will let you ask liim the 
o,ueation. I think it doea sneak for itself, 
nut you may ask Liui. 

Q, What facts do yon Iwne t!ia( upon! A. Tluit 
is the (mint. I referred to (lie fact that he hM 
mnny noma*, in Ti=Ibii(I, up at tin; fnrtn, 

Iletliel, and other places mentioned ae — 

Q. Are yon familiar 'with I he fact Hint -1 m ! lt-: 
ttutl.errord, at President of the Society, was 
obligak'd tn attend to Ib* Kociely'ft hu*ine*s 
which ref | n i red him to travel f A- flh, ye*. 

Q, And it also retiuirwl him to Imvcl lo the 
farm to inspect and to attend the con»trurtinn 
and tlic improvements there, did it notT A, That 
is right 

Q, Bid it not require thnt ho also travel to 
h^iaten Island and attend to his duties the rot 
A. I presume so. 

Q. And did it not require that be travel to 
the West CoakI and altmd lo hi? do lies there 
in the wintertime! A. I don't know. I suppose 

Q, Ton wert wilb th* Judg* for five o-r more 

Olin R. Meylc—Fvf Plf.—Crers 

years, were you not, about five years! A. About 
four year*. 

Q. And. of course, you Vn* 1 * thai tlw Jodg« 
was in very poor health, did you not! A. It 
wann't ^ood health, no, 

Q. Not Road health, and you tn*T be had one 
lone, didn't you! A. No, 1 did not know tiiat. 

Q, Bii! be ever tell j'oal A No, he did not 

Q, Bid yon know Unit th* totter"* ordan ro- 
quired that he not— 

MlV Bnnclibansen t 1 object la this- 
Tim Court: He taid he kneif be Wat 
not in good boftlth. 

Q. Bo yon know or did lie, aver atata to yon 
that in the wintertime — 

Mr. BTBehbaascn; I objeet, becaiiw 
this is getting in something — 

The Court; Is this something that baa 
to do with the Judgft'a heallbt 

Mr. Coviiif;ton : Nn, yoar Hoaor, 

Mr. BruehLsuscn ; Then I withdraw 
the objection.. 

Q. Bo you know why it wat necessary that 

ho liave a place in California to stay! 

Mr. Eruchbanaen : I abjeof. 

The Court; I will Itt him tatwtr. Bo 

yoit know whyt 
The Witness: I do noL 

Q, Mr. Moyle, why was it that you charged that 

the Jndc,e discriminated there in Ttftrtna* lo 
having placet to stay At these localities 1 Bo 
you ohjeet that he had. a room at Bethel t A Not 



CHiii K. iloyte—For Fljf.—Croii 

Q. Did yea object thai ha had 1. room At 
Oiiitcn Island t A, No. 

(J. Did you object that he had a room at tb* 
fsj-ml A. No. 

Q, Di J you object that ha had a place to stay 
in in California! A. Nat a place, ho. The 
point of trie objection was lhai the claim was 
made that oil in Bethel were on ft par, wen 
equal, we were all alike, we were all Brethren, 
there wan no Lkhsu, do one had rights any better 
toon the others. The poml 1 18 making was of 
diucriuiioaiioii, that he had man? pjaa't, not 
just A room; 4 whole house, and From what ■»'« 
heard, a very cjOqiWOdiou* one in California, 
whereas some of [how Ih>v*, especially at the 
farm, had dinky little rooms and without beat, 
Tim! in the point of the diHeriminatiori- 

Q. YoU knew that the Judge always had a big 
office force that went with him every where he 
went, don't font A. I wulfl not iss.ll it a big 
effieo force. 

Q, He had hie office force go along with Mm, 
didn't he! A. Yes, 

By the Court: 

Q. How many were there! A. I don't koow 
how nKtny went with him. 

By iff. Codington: 

Q. Yon know IbeM sere three or fourl A. 
I knew that was the core aom* of Iht lis.*, 

Q, And sometime* five and six! A. I doii '1 
know that. 

Q, Yon know that they have got to have some 

place to etay when they go with him, don't foot 
A. 1 presume so. 

Q. Are you objecting that they had * place 
la stay where the Judge wentt A. No. 

Q, W« the Judge'* the enly eir-eesdilioned 
room in Bethel 1 A, No. 

Q. Dure you ever been in the treasurer'* of- 
fice at Uethel T A. Yes, 

Q, Who*e aJE«v i» lhati i IV, £ Van Am- 

Q. lie Ik one of the defendants in I hie rsw, 
u he iiLitt A. Yes. 

Q. Bo you know alto that hi* office t* equipped 
with air-conditioning equipment because it i* in 
the basementt A, I believe I remember that. 

Q. Do you aluo know that he. had air-condi- 
tioning long h«fo« the. Judye had itf A. No, I 
don't know that. 

Q, Do you also know that the reason thi;l the 
Judge had to have air-conditioning was on bo- 
ootlnt of the feet lliat his room was right near 
the roof of Bethel *nd it wee Tery hot in the 
anmmer time on account of the heatl A, I 
dyo't know that, 

Q Don't yon know thnl the Door that he oc- 
cupies in the top floor and that the roof ic lowt 
A, I da know that 

Q. And the wft«t sun eome* in in the after- 
noon! A, That i* right. 

Q, Well, wen; iht-iic facts broueht to yonr at- 
tention when Lhe Hoard of Directors met on 
August Sthl 

air. Bruchliausen; I object. There i* 
no evidence that these are facts that are 
asked ia the question. 

OJjjt R. Meylt—For Plf^-CrotM 

The Court: The objection ia iuataine4 
os to form. I tbinfc tho (j-jestion Lb loo 
inde Unite. 

Q. Do you know whether Or not other people 
lived in California in the home that was occu- 
pied by Iti* Judge «4 hi* office: forw and u>e4 
u his oSvceT A. I heard there Wat a family/ 
living there, 

By Ol* Court: 

Q. Do you know I A. I don't know. 

By Mr. Coviegten: 

Q. Did you know about the Shorta who used 
to he at Rachel, Clayton and his wiret A. I re- 
member him. 

Q. Yon remember him and his wife! A, Yes. 

Q. Do you know they were sent out to Cali- 
fornia, to- live in the Judge's placet A. 1 heard 
they were. 

Q. Do you know that other people li^o at 
Stolen Islaod, quite a number of people life at 
Stolen Island that are e member of the small 
Bethel Family there, don't youl A. That ia 

Q. About how nutnyf A. I don't know, 

Q, Are you telling the jury that the JuJgo had 
bettor aectnii&todatioM there than Hie other folk* 
that stayed at State* Island! A. I don't know. 

Q. Are yon tellinr; the jury thnt the Jnd^e had 
better avroifUtfjOilaliuns in California tliftn tlie 
otlter uicniherc of the Eetliel Family there had! 

Jlr. Bruehlieusen: I object to the qnes. 

Otin IL iltsle—Fsr Plff.—CrOfx 

The Court: " Telling to the jury. " Ob- 
jection sustained. 

Mr. Covington : I will strike that out. 
The Court: Do you stata. 

Q. Do yon ttato that tins Jndge had better **■ 
cc-' i iji ;■■*■!;;: ii'-K in Cal:fomia than lhe other 
Brethren that lived with liim, tlier* in Calilor- 
niaT A, 1 don't state that. 

Q. You don't state thatl A. No. 

Q. Alt you telling the jury that the Jndga — 

The Court: No. 

Mr, Covington: I heg yonr pardon. 

Q. Will you state then that the Judge had 
better aectHnmodatioca at Bethel than, the other 
brethren at Bethel 1 A. From what 1 heard, I 
believe ho did. 

C> What you heard — 

Mr. Bruelihausen: If your Honor pltaw, 
I don't know whether he is asking about 
what he slated io the letter or- 
al r. Covington ; I Jun trying to. 
Mr. UruciuMuaen: I still say that the 
statement in the letter as I read it is the 
many home*. 

The Court', A* I tM it, it it ap to th* 

Q. Did yon think that the Judga thould air- 
condition the factory! Are you complaining bo- 
cmuae your oiucu was not air-tonditioned I A, 
Mo, air. 

fj. Were your aewmmodationa aalisfactory at 
the oQiiKil A- They were. 


01m It. Moi/le—For Pl§r-Crota 

Q. Were they satisfactory at the Uornsl A. 
Yes, kit. 

Q, Did you hear any of (lie in>y« complain 
about the eonditions under which thty worked at 
tho factory — A. No. 

Q. (Cootinued) — as compared to that with 
tlie Judge! A, Not 

(j. Vou iieKt mention the matter of filthy and 
vulgar languaga at tho Bethel table, A. Vet- 
By tike Court: 

Q, Would you like lo read itf A. Yes. 

(l'a[H:r h^rn : .i-d to the witne»*,) 
The Witness : 1 have rend it. 

By Mr. Cuvington: 

(J, What fftels dn ysio ha«i; thnt oat A. My 
rL-tti I lection isn't very go"d at I his lcpj;th of 
tin if. J tlon 'I recall all of ihu itcins. Things 
emiiiag in in the way of coiatnenlH and itatfr 
menl' nt the tables whkh, bo my mind, were out 
ol plate in a L'liri*[iiin <irga«ikation_ 1 will refer 
W une eo^e where the dcfcnilaut llowlett tit the 
table went out of his way to give a story or an 
illustration of the clergy of denominations to K eE 
in the word* "Kon of a bitch" conwrnin,i; IJii-nj- 

Q. YoU riKsari ha need that word at tlie table! 
A 1 do, yes. 

Q, "When was that! A. I cannot give yuu the 
aiact date. It was some time during my resi- 
deoee there. 

Q. Whut year was it! A. I think It was dar- 
ing tlie third or fourth year 1 was there. 

Q. That would ho 1938 1 A. 1337 or 1336 or 


Ofin Si. Hoylt—Ftr Plff^-Croti 

1S39, sejnewherft along there, I connoi remem- 
ber tlie yenr. 

Q. IVae it at the hreokfaat or ilinner table or 
supper tahle! A. 1 Ixlievc it was at the dinner 
table, but I wouldn't say for *ure. 

Q. Outside of that, can you remember of any 
othi'f instance! A. There were little itenui coo. 
cer:ii[ig ftn article in the "Watch Tower" in 
which the Catholic church was. described as a 
lutrlut. At the tithle in the divcu&viona On that, 
there were references made to the harlot in a 
joking muniier which carried tins implication 
thill it applied to women of evd reputation. 

Q. What elset A, 1 can't recall oilier specific 
io«lanees_ There were others, aoJ I believe at 
slntcd in my letter, as one of lbs women said one 
time wiien someone hod made some statement, 
ai-kcd whetlier that was something you had to 
get tmed to. Thst wag the xlateweat *h« made, 
bqt 1 lii.m't recall what tlie statement wuo. 

Q. Who inadit tliat statement! A. Mrs, How- 

Q. Kh« said ttiLB to youf A. To tire group 
of us. 

Q. Where was that! A. Couig up in Lhe elo- 
valor, if I remember cor rectly- 

Q, >Vbo waa present! A- I we* there, ay 
wife was there, and she was Uutre, and a comber 
ot otlsers. 1 don't remember who the other* 

Q. You don't remember who the other* were! 
A. No, sir. 

Q. In the last sentence. "The loudest laughter 
nt the tahle cornea when ■ filthy or near lUthy 
joke £oes through A4*l your skirt* are not dear." 



tiiX us about tbfttf A. That is my recollection 
at itijil lime, (hat thai him til? awe, 
Q, What in your recollection now! A. Tbo 


(J. When *nn it tliat you hennj filthy or near 
filthy jokaa ko Ih Touch th* Betlle] tablet A. 
Weti, un 1 said a minute nj;ii, I don't roenU other 
K^n!cifu: instances. That one, the cu*e of How- 
lett, and hit reference tu the Clergy in that man- 
iter ib quit, 1 can't recall I he other apceifie one*. 

The Court: You mean it *■« general T 
li tliat what you are trying to IcLl us! 

Tin: Witness; 1 wouldn't nay it is a 
continued practice. Thou* thing" just hap. 

<J. Did you fatal uyWtjr *W as* thai expres- 
sion at the UeUiel tablet A. I don't think *u. 

Q. liid ynu ever hear «n j-Imm-Lv else tine any 
■iutilar. eipre^siona at the tabic that would come 
within that category that van have deucribnl in 
llit-ic |>uragra|ih*t A- I don't retail other spe- 
cify onee, 

<l lli'l }OU ever lirnr Hie .luiL r ;e w (hat at 
(be tablet A. Not at I fie (able, no, 

Q. You an talking oliout the table there, aren't 
you* A. That it right. 

Q. It i-s only tlir :-jm: or il. A. Hau 1 1 Lt that 
you mention! A. That is nil I recnilett now and 
tli« other inalance. 

Q, You had otl|0-r instances when yon made 
this leller apt Ah There war* stunt, yea, air, but 
I can't retail titeni BOW. 

Q. You can't recall them now! A. No, it is 
several years ago. 

OUlt H. Morfle—Fir plfi.—Gntt 

Q. And thai the only objection that you liad 
ffeerefore was wlieii JlovrJctt referred to that M 
the. i hitrl 1 1 A. lloW il that* 

Q. What did lie deacriite on tbo soo-of-n-bitcbl 
A, Hi: u«ed the expression on applicable: to 

Q, A* applieahla to tlie Clergy t A. Yes, 

Q. And you are familiar with tlio bible, aren't 
youl A. To »HM eittenl. 

(j. Tiiat religion it referred to whoredom or 
harlotry in the bible t Do you not know that) 
A. I don't recall a specific phrase of that sort, 

Q, You know lltat it is the unfaithful religious 
orjjnniaiilion Em such that I refer <« ns hhrlntry in 
the bible, u.e. a bible scholar T A. I believe there 
are name reference* that might be interpreted 

tlmt way. 

Q. Do ynn ebjrct in (be u«e of Uhj word "har. 
loin-'* or ''harlot*' in (lie bible I A, Not at all. 

(J. Or "whore'* as it in uneilT A. Not at pll- 

Q. You make objections, thnniriil, when it is 
fmicnJ in the TiYntdi Toner pnblLrstiorui you men- 
linne<S n in'iuu'nt ago, in tliat rorrertt A, No, T 
did not object to it being loimrt ia the Watch 
Toner puhlicul innH, 

Q. Why didat jon object lo ilt Wliat in (he 
difference T A, Tliere is a dillerence in the tno<ie 
of expression of a thing and its uae, Tou can 
me (he l^nn "luxrlat" eren with reference to 
lelipioim orjrantialiohfl, a false rdi^ioue orjsaai- 
ralion, Rn.1 \\m H ifl utttli ft niftaeer that y^aT 
liciiener will pet the idea of it referring to a 
twnin of bad reputation^ 

Q, V«(J mean some natural woman I A. Tea, 
not a specific one, Vat to nataxml wamen, yes. 

Qlin It. Mtij/It—Ftr Plg.—Crau 

y. And ilu you object to Uih.lT A. I do, That 
ia Vflere it is made in tiie line of joking and of 
bringing ia .tiiai kind of a joke. It ia a mere 

limit, t<t> lay IftintL 

Q. In it not ft fact that yoo on several Dotation* 

have nnt only publicly in speeches but also irk 
writing tl^at liave been circulated from one end 
Hi LU Nation to the other made the same charges 
llniL yiiu nnvr eoaaplaia againitt conecrntne; tbo 
ime of the wunl "liurlolry" to unfaithful reli- 
(riuiiH nrcjajiixatioJl*} A. I have used it concern- 
ing unfiLitiiruJ ri'li^iuiiH nr^aiiitalioiiK, but sever 

a> :l ,i/.:i. 

Q, N'ever a» ft joket A, Xat le toy rteoliec- 


il. Tlit ctintinrlion ir. that if you ilko it ns u 
joke that in A. Whcii you ut-e it as a jiokc 
in the ] iri':<H'rt i'r nl an aodUiKt of people, and a 
inijieii nrnwd of men ajid v, urm-n, referring' to 
liic rpbiioTii*! i i f » iietwcen nit-n nnd women, mif-iat; 
the !u'o toother in a jokbijr nmniHrr, then, to 
iny nihiiil, you are K^ttin,|T wii at we call nicretiinut. 

[J. Well iiitw, in yuur lei lor you Klato that [Jiin 
in ii prorUPC nl ilm-iti'lliel table, is tlait carrectf 
A. Wi-ll, it in Miiiiii'lhin^ whirii iiapjwned at iljf. 

fi'rt'ji< Iiinh'h v,l we wtrre there, and from that 

uiik'le I uimld Kay it in n praetice. 

I). Yhio I'annfit rt'jiii'jiihn'1 - but one inntanae, can 


Mr, ptrurblinunrn ; Do you nay that (he 
hitler miyn, "a practice lp t I dnitt see it. 

The Court r Ijt us have no eontrorersy. 
The letter baa been read to the jury and 
it speaks for ilwlt 


Oiin il- Single — F«r Pltf.—Ctnu 

Q. You have referred to (lie Konma Catholic 
bierarcby, have yntu not, and atlifcr r*b\gioua de- 
notninntioiu) in (lie same manner that you objected 
to the Watch Tower referring to Uient, have you 

Mr. 15ruchbftu*eB ; I object to the quee- 

The Court; Obiectinn RO*(ained, 
Mr, Covington: We cieeept. 

Q, Ynu know tliat ibere is a difference between 
objection t" a Fehjrion and agaiual tlie individual 
thr«t practiecn it, iii> you not I 

Ifr, BrurJihaunen: I onjeel to iL 
TIlo Court: Objection sustained. 
Jfr. Covinj^toni We except to the rul- 
ing of the Court, 

Q, You itfcit mention the case of iitjucr and 

you have three paragraph* op that aubject, I 
believe, or two paragraphs. I will take it hack. 
You have MA 1 wish you jvonid rcml that and 
re -i.m.!i yniti* iniml A. I have read it. 
Q. Arc you a Prohihiliooiett 

Mr. BruehhaUHcn: I oltjeet ta tlie qnoa- 

The Court! Objection sustained. 

Mr. EruehhuuHen : T will witluimw thnt 
0bjtOtiC4, your Honor. As I understind 
it, a I'rohihilinntitt is a ]%olitica] term, or 
mayl* I urn nii»lflktn. If poonael is Ha> 
iitf; whether he advocate* nbstin^nee or 
■oioethiric; like tliaL, I have no objection. 

The Court: 1*1 us dear it op. Which 
are. yon objecting 14 1 


Mm H. ttnffla—fitf tlff.—Crot/i 

lit. Covington ', I am asking the hjiic*. 
lion about tlie 1'rohibilionisL angle. 

Tlie Cowrt; What do you meant 
There ia such a (hing u a Prohibitionist 
political party. 

Mr. Covington. I don't try to make it 
appear that be is a member af the Party, 

The Court: Yon are just asking 
whether he ia a total abstainer from 
liquor 1 

The Wilnau: I am a total abstainer. 

Q, Have you ever made any speeches in favor 
of J'robibltionl A. Years ago, I have. 

Q. When vt&r. tliatf Are you one of tlie folks 
Hint helperl put aerods Vroli ibition ia lfl 1ST A, 
J was not jpiilty of il, 

Mr. Bruclibauaen: I withdraw (be ob- 

(J. Well, if you made speed H'K i n faiinr of Pro- 
hibillen, when ■»'** Lit A. That in lack in 11*08 
or IfllO, eomewherc around (brre. 

Q. You were one of tbo originators when the 
iiiiivezricist first ktarted then, weren't ycut A. 

Q. Coming more specifically down to your 
charges, llr, Movie, of course, y*tl object then 
ae/atmt haTine; liquor in your own home, don't 
youl You don't bft*e it yourself- A- Wa do 
not have it. 

Q. And you never have had it, have yoof A. 

Q. Aa4 it is naturally offensive to you to bat* 
liquor is your home! A. In my o«-n home! 

q. Ym. A, Yea. 


Oiiii Jt. ilt>j/lc-Fvf IYJ>-C*ww 

Q. And you cotlKKleret} Qetltel to be your 

Ji*cne, didn't you - ! A. Yes. 

Q, Now, tell u*. whijt ft,c(ji yon bene the*e 
cbarjrcs on in the first pnrngrnph Under the 
heading ' ' Liouor " 1 A. IV'ell, if I aan have- 
la there no extra copy of that that 1 can have? 

The Court: Yea, take mine. 

Q. Can't yon tell na without Jnokinjr at itl 
A. I want to tate ibese up. Yon are asking 
fthOdl tlvemi On* by Ofle. 

Q, All right A. First I mentioned the fact 
that T was. n totnl abstainer wax n^ls«ly'r busi- 
ness but my own, but that nf. Bethel it nppearisl 
not to he ih* fase, Tlial w«* no, Af ler J went 
there. I land" no elnimsj Or anything ft" to ray 
nwn di-inkinp, I t»ld nnlnwly (bat I wn* n 
drinker or not n ctrfnker at nil, lint after we 
had been there n while there would he allusions 

F:j i*. jib w' tti.-.ihl ;in up: drtarn the el*Totnr, 

The hoys would remark there, mnke nlUminns, 
wish they Vied a barrel of beer around, how rice 
a barrel rtf hcer wonld he, wliieh T took to be 
aimed aped Really at me ne fwing a to'al ab- 
stainer. Other eases, another member, not of 
HctliH but on tin - outniilF, e> men by Ihe B,ime of 
Nr)Fon t one of the Jehovah's Witnennen in one 
of th# units around (here, told! me erne time I 
wasn't in lmnimny with the ,Saeie(y if I did not 
drink liquor. I had Wen offered liquor at his 
place and declined it 

0,. What eleof A. This policy Of breaking in 
newcomers there, we beard that from several 
different person*— 




Otin 11. 1/ejrfcr-FW P'J" ,— Croaa 

Tlit Court: Did yon flee any liquor 
around (ha placet 

The Witness: T cannot ( citify poii- 
tivfrlj? it (4 liquor being in the place, ei- 
cept what I heard, that is right, that 
liquor was served at the factory scm*- 
titnea, I da remember that. 

Q. What da you mean, liquorT Let at get 
down to the point that yon are talking about 
A. Beer was served some nights al the factory 
when they were working overtime, and I heard 
of nsinc of lira boys bringing in stronger aluff. 
Q. Yon heard of thntl A. Yes, sir. 
Q. You are a Inw, aren't youT A. I am. 
Q. Did you ever hear of hearsay evidence! A 

Q. You tuiow that ia incompetent, don't yout 
A. I do. 

(j. But yet you considered and took into 00n- 
sideration hearsay evidence iu arriving at your 
judgment in this matter, didn't youl A Only 

y. Excluding ill hearnny evidence let ua hear 
wluit you liave got of your own knowledge low. 
Mr. Brflchhaunen ; 1 object to (hat aa 
already testified to. 

The Court: t will let him answer, if 
he lias any tiling elite, outside of what ho 

Mr. D rUfhhausen : Does counsel mean 
at la the liquor 1 
11 r. Covington: Liquor. 
Tilt Court : W» are lalfcing about liq- 
uor now. 

Olin fl. Jfojle— For Pif.— Croat 

The Witness: Well, IE waa the attitude 
toward* it. I have no objection to any- 
Ixxiy dnr.king beer or wine, that if their 
own affair, &* I state in the letter, and 
remarks were made at tike table eajsaally 
by the president, Rutherford, concerning 
that, and at one time he did label total 
ahstuiners as prcdei, a term whiclj I 
didn't think was applicable. 

Q. When was that I A. 1 think that iu dur- 
ing the hwt yeax wu li'ere there- 
(i- \Voa it at dinner or supper or breakfast, 

or whenf A. My bent reeolleeliom ii that it wai 
at the dinner labia. 

Q. What did he eay! What is it particularly 
gave rise to that statement! A. I may have 
these mixed up a little bit, hut if I remember 
right, (hnt was in connection with the tue which 
hapjsened when the boys working overtime at 
the factory were ttmd nolo* beer, and that 
sight in I he very late hours the nlonn bell in 
llie Bethel rang, and there was quite a search 
and disturbance over ii And an investigation wai 
made. The president of the organisation in- 
quired at the table several limes as to ■who 
pushed <hnt button and rung that bell during 
those late evening hours, and in the course of 
that difcu*&iuri it caune up that possibly some- 
one of the beys did drink too much, and feeling 
(he *[Tw!tn of It had pushed that button and rang 
the bell as a joke in that* Lit* hoar*, Ther* 
was further diacussion of it and In t::e course of 
that discussion the Judge did ruakn tha slat«- 

0H« R. Jlvyte-For Pl$.—Cfou 

rficnt tlut (hose who didn't drink at nil were 

Q. Did Ji« approve of pushing (he fce'l by th* 
boy tliiit had loo muenT A. Host decidedly not. 

Q. Was this matter brought u.p at the tahla 
about sosrujone having hdd too much and 
the belli A. I (hink it was. 

Q. Who said that! A. 1 don't recall. There 
wmi Hjuile a bit of dismission buck and forth and 
I don't remember who made the statement, I 
may be wron^ i>n it, hut to the be&t of my rceol- 
tedi«n thist 1 have it is possibly A man hy the 
name of Fresuhel said it 

(J. Frcsehelf A. That made ilm statement, I 
wouldn't want to slate (hat positively, 

Q. Y*U say that if as Frc*rljel pushed th? hell! 
A. 1 did nnt xny (hn(. 

Q. Vou mill that lie saiil that somnoue else 
pushed it, im lluit righlf A- 1 sn'ni tlint WV r(^- 
ollfftion ia tinLl 1-"li"'H.:Ih'I made the AtnUiinrut (hat 
pojfciilily vnitu'iMjc iif Hie Itoiifl hihl liiu much 
liquor mid puvlted it, pushed Uial button. 

Q. He made the stalemenll A. Y«j sir. I 
don't wjiiiL In pnl I hat dogttULlk&By. 

The Court; That lit your best rccollec- 
Tim Witrww; Yea, sir. 

Q, Did thflt ofTeiid yout A. r!n. 

Q, The itatcmontT A. Xo. 

Q. Did Ihe [iCbhingof the bell offend youT A. 
Nol ii::!. at alL 

(J. What shout tlie wholei pruW'dare offended, 
yout A. Nothing, except that 1 thought at tlie 
tuns tiiot ia the midst of m. thing of Uiat sort to 

: i :^:^ 

Olia It. Aloj/ic—Fvr FllJ^Crasa'1 a tfitul alislainer us a prude was not ia ac- 
«.ii'iliL,ie<! with good Christian principles? 

{j. What utn pTWk'1 A. 1 don 't knov aa I can 
give you .. dictionary dtrfiaitlori nf it, 

Q. What is your understanding of it, because 
you think it it. leveled at you. A. I don't know 
as it was leveled at )ue- 

Q. TIkjjl you don't chisel to il, do yoaf A. I 
aazwcfod i(. 1 aaid I didn't think that was in 
neeordmco wilh gcod Clifisstien principles. 

Q. Uiii you ever hove a convortatioa wilh Ok 
Judge pcreonally about the diificulties that you 
have Liicii tinned in thin jidi-a^rasih t A. No, air. 

Q. Have you ever discussed with the Judge 
jie-'suiudly, )>rior to July 2\*i, any of the mut- 
teis that }'(HI have uscntjoned in any of theso 
parsgriLphsT A. Kot di*CU*«cd witli liira, no. 

(J, 1[qw uflt-u was hcer served at (l>e factory' 
A. 1 ikin't know. 

Q. The one iustisnee. Is it not A fact that tha 
boys worked late during tlie liot summer and 
hcvt was uhtained so that i-isch uue could have 
una bottle after they iiml IJiiished liiuir day's 
wink with (h«ir meals Duit ters aen-ed Lliero at 
ni^lit'l A, lliat may be ri^ht. I don f t krlo»'. 

I). Weiii y<)u pri'iiene when tlii^ tuok place 1 
A. Tl lis di*e Vision at tlie tablet 

Q. No, about tike iieer being served ia the fac- 
tory. A I don't think I was At lb* factory that 
sight, no. 

Q, "Who told yoil about beer being served at 
the factory that aighLI A. It was aiacussed at 
the table. 

Q, And you ke*rd th* discuasionl A Y*8, 

Qlix ]!. Mv'fle—Fvr Plg.—Crass 

Q. l>id that offend yout A. No. 

Q. Wluit did o:Tend you wilh reference to the 
liquor matter t A, Tlie suaerftl proposition of 
finding fault with a man who was a tn'r.) alj- 
sioiner. Whether the boys drink beer t,T not 
w£i>. no affair of mine. 1 had no objection to it, 

Q. Whut did you mean when you aaid "Bac- 
chuf-hke" atUtadtf A. 1 think that refers to a 
sort of an un<>in.- proi=se of ]i<[u6i", 

tj. Have you ever looked up aln>ut " 1 IliclJium- 
like" attitude f A. No, I have not. 

Q. To detei-iiiine what its real meaning isT 
A. I haven't hud oeeaaiun to look it up. 

Q. Lon'l you kno* (hat Bafeima refers to 
drunken orgies with which are connected very 
base, low, immoral practices T A. I don't know 
that, no. 

Q. Have you ever looked up tha meaning of 
IlareluiJiT A. Not in rectal yrarn, no. 

Q, In its CWKOMn uci'4'|j1i)jue and narlanceT 
Do you krinw where the word nrigjna.tesT Is it 
mythology 1 A. I htUoVt *0, 

Q. Vou say that the Judge took an un-Chr-e^ 
tisn attitudo on this subject, is that righlT A. 
Yes, I think it wa*. 

Q. Have you got any Scripture* to support 
tlie [irnposition that it is wrong for a Christian 
to take a drinkl A. I have not -«ade that claim. 

Mr. BriichhaU£P<B : I object to that. 

Q. All right. Have you got any Fk-nptures to 
support the pro[«wi liftn tluil \\ is wfon^' for a 
Christian to permit Otiiers to drink if they want 


Qtiu SI. HayU—Fof Plft.—CrcMt 

ifr. Brucbhausen : I object to tha ques- 
The Court; Objection susluined. 

Q, Have you ypl ejiy 3cripturea to support 
the charges mnde in that paragraph T 

Mr. Bruchhau^en ! I object to the ques- 

Tlie Court: Objection sustained. 

Q. How do you know that it «*• as on- 
Christian attitude! 

Mr, Uraehha«»en; I object to iL 

The Court: Objection sustained. The 

exhibit speaks for it»clf. 
ITr. Covington; We eMept, of wurse, 

to all these rulings. 

Q, Pid yon ever see anyone take a drink at 

Bethel T A- 1 don't think I linvc. 

Q, Did you ever tee liquor in tha UetiieL 
IlomeT A. I don't recall aeeing it 

Q. Did you know (hut the Lord Jesua Christ 
was accused of drunkenness and gluttony sod 
being a winc-bibher because he drank wineT 

Mr. Bruchhauscn: I object to it 

The Court; Objections sustained. YOB 
may have a gxmral exception to that. We 
are not trying Jesus Chrixt io this Court 
and we are not trying the Scriptures, 

Mr, C*vJngio&: I want to make this 
abatement for the record. Mr. Mtv. U: 
miiJo lilt RtattlUtDt tliat it was nn~Chris- 

The Court; The statement speska far 



itself, Ho ha* been given the opportunity 
to eiplaia it, and yo'a may ha^e a general 
exeepttOD ;D £°^? £U1 >" furtbei along il.ja 

Mr. Covington: "With that ur,ders~r.d- 
ing X won't pursue the iequiry any 

Q. Now, take a lock At Uiib, Yon ace tha 
first paragraph under the heading, "Li(juor"T 
A- Yes, air. 

Q. Da jmi sea tha nekt paragraph after that I 
A- Next fiuratfraphT 

Q. Yes, A. "Thcsa were a few of tie 
tiunga," beginning with that linef 

Q. Yea, A. Yes. 

Q, Adtiuntnt >'*ar*el f with Ota paragraph. vr.& 

fhea I wilt aak yea a few questions. A. Alt 


Q. Whnt did yea Imve in mind in thai para- 
graph! A, I can't recall aow: 

Q. Van don't recall a thine? to support that 
paragraph, is thai eorrertf A- No, 1 can't re. 
call now what I did have in mind at ttiAt 1ime. 

Q. This paragraph says. "Those are a fen of 
the EhiaRS which should have no nlafla in the 
Jynrd'is orffjiiiiiuijitjfi,'" That in after mentioning 
vulgar ami filthy language, kIa rificaliOn Of alfeO- 
l.ui, discrimination with reforetlM to morringB 
and discrimination in reference to the accommo- 
dation! for Una Judge, Ym have specified those 
matters but yon say hers, "There are Other 
mora grievous injustices but I have no personal 
contact with them ;md therefore I do boE dis- 
cus li -■" J» that e:L"re;Lf A. 1 ^-jiicve th-.t 

Otin ft, Mvyh— For Plfj—CfOt* 

is correct. I can't remember n&w jj^t n'Jiit I 
did have: in mind at the time I wrote Ibcm. 

Q, Did you here poi'scoo! contact with these 
other matters that yOa Citation in your letterf 
A. Ib uuiny of them. 

Q, What did you have in Blind in the next to 
the lent paragraph of JOur letter J A That is 
with refcreuca to the ccx&a in t!i» court* 1 I» 
tii At wliii t you are asking about T 

Tho Court; 1* thut thu imrtgrajih you 
arc referring U>7 

il r. Covington ; Yes, next to the last 
paragraph, over the signature. 

The Court: You heva bean naked what 
yen had in year mind. 

The Witness: Well, I lied in mind th« 
eases that were Hill pending. I givo him 
a list of ttiusc ctoes and I had in. mind if 
he wanted any farther assistance from me 
in those casus I would he villi tig to serve. 

Q. You knew Unit when you left you Ware 
running off and leaving the Judge stranded, 
dida't yon! A. Xo. 

Q. Yoq didn't hciow tlmtt A, Ko, 

Q. When y«a rtma there the .Tn%e. transferred 
to Jnu awny of thd r**pnimihiJili*K tlint ]id fcdd 
hand Icii diructly, did he ii"tf A. Tl>at is rij-;ht. 

Q. And you enjoyed tiint jirivilc^o for approxi- 
maii L l>" four jreara, did yoa notf A, That is 

Q. Arid you withdrew Vrilhstut t**ing (ir»t tha.1 
>e liail *om*lMKly elite t* i----l:<' y*nr place or try ing- 
le settle thf:vc moller* viiUt hitnl Did you ever 
go to the Judge and talk with him and try to 

Otim R. Afo^ie— For Pl$.— CrMi 

settle UaBW matters t A. Which Hjm>lion do you 
want ma (u nuswcrT 

Q, Tlit whole letter, 1 nay now, did you ever 
go to the .fudge and talk to him about settling 
:ln!M! diffeirttvctt that you had with liiiu Uiat you 
have put forth in thi» letter t 

The Court: Isn't Uie evidence rjuite 
clear that he didn't T Jxn't one of the 
evhiiiils illustmiivc vf lhati 

Mr. Covinglon; 1 am not vltar on JL 

Mr. liracltliauiicn: l^iihihit 11 for idca- 

The Court- At least the te^timoBy here 
1. i.\.-.,t. 

(J. The la&L paragraph. You say thai you had 
no desire for a verbal argumeat about the matter 1 
A. That i» true, 

y, Did. you expectant) A. Yc?, Ifllkad^cinv 
to hint direct. 

(j, Vt'hat do you hate that onT A, l*y wl.ji I 
had seen and heard, 

Q. Vwi l«u»e it u]M*n any remark 'the Jianl'u 
tvv iimde to you 1iie whole time you were there! 
A. No, sir. 

Q. You knew that you had received hind troaiL- 
inetitl A. Tliat is right. 

(J. Win didn't yoit fjepect tft receive kind treat- 
tnrnt in thin inalU'rt A. Uecmwcin the time that 
1 was there, when I hud sbo the cusce where 
people having an idea in opposition to him were 
Ri'ciJdtil fciU'rely. T]iey viere not fjivi'n any dtaiKC 
to ^[tesk, and as I stated in tine, letter, were 

Q. Trimmed t A. Yes, sir, scolding, in other 




OH* It. ifayte—Far Plg.—Ctaai 

Q, Who were tlieyl A, Ueorge Ilannau wus 

(J. tVao clseT A, ifcrorinjuk wan another. 

Q. What wuri tlie fortu in twth n>oe of tln*Mj 
caseal A_ Oeorgo Huanan'i e«se wtm ir. coujiee- 
ticjt with Lhia Madinon Square ljar.lcn rid, 
George wai one of the ushers and at one of I he 
sr^tionn roiieeriting Uioae ushers claitn was inade 
Bgainst George tJult tie had not rirfonned. his 
duUes properly, tieorge tried to CitdaiiL The 
Judge shut him off ae quick as that, JLe miid, 
"You needn't say any more, " in ■. ationg, bfUUd, 
roui^h iuj:e of voice. 

Q, What i'Im;T A. And these other cases thai 
I hnvo mcnlkined in the letter, 

4. ^Vltat is tlwf eiicoituslaneet A. They were 

i\. What were tiie circumstances that you **>' 
were similar f A, Take the ca«e of C. J. >Vnf4- 
WDrth, which is raentioaed, Woodworth sent a 
loiter la (he Jud^e as we were tilting at Ihe tabic 
in which he lOade rtfercuet to a calendar. Wood- 
worth had written an :LrLi<-h. im tiie i-idehdiir ia 
which he had dWalopcd a hew fonn of ralt'iidar, 
nnd in lliic private note to the Judge he staled 
that he felt as though he wax using the devil's 
Sun)* or miin^ tarnttlung of the devil in using 
the o3d calendar, nnil (hat day at Bgcui Ihe Juti^e 
juw,[>ed a[Htn Woodworth wjiligut warninK, rall- 
in^ him a jscknfts, and WumlwartJi ^nid, "Yea, 
IJrothtr Rutherford, 1 presume I am a jackaHS." 
"Ye», you ar* A jaehAN*," lb* Kaid, and Wood- 
worth *aid, "I Bni Jiorry." "Ytaf, ymi nlw'nj-n 
Bay you are sorry, I am nick and tired of it," 

Dful R. N&jlt—For Plff.—Cron 

and he put it much nmre forcibly then I eonld 
ever do, 

Q. You idijeeted to Woodvvorth stating flr^l 
Hint he was it ja L -kii>j end Ihe Judge asrcriin;-* 
with hinil A, It wan tlte other way around. 

(J. You nay tlie Judpe eallut W(joi.lwi>r1h u 
ja^kaKS jiml Wuodworth n^rteil wiOi hiiu u;m! the 
Ju<;,ru emptiasjicni it ap;ainT A. I had no objec- 
tions to any tiling Wood worth said. 

Q. What is there ahout the word jachas* lha! 
you object tol A i don't have any objection 
to the word jackass, 1 did have the objection to 
a man, the head of a Christian uJ-j/im nation t>« 
il is claimed, using hi* hrethrtn in lh(U manner. 
That it cne of Iho reason* why I *ent that let- 

Q. Have yoa ever used the word jaekas* in 
reference lo yourself T 

Mr. Bruchhausen; 1 ohjucl to the term. 
The Court; Objection unstained. 
Mr. Covington] We except 

Q. I will a*k you if it is ant it fact (hat in a 

letter dated August ]!i, liKly, ytsu referred to 

yourself at a jackass T A 1 don't know. I 
mighl have. 

The Court: This is not a IaO£hiD£ nmt- 
ter, I am talking to the ftudii-nr-e. 

Mr. ISrufhbauscn: I don't think that 
.Mii'jiv: is in issue in Ihe case. 11 object 
to It 

Trie Court; Objection sustained, 

Q, Dn yuu helteve in the right of the head &i 
a Christian orgajtiMHiom to reprimand end di«i- 

Ol'm 11 iiogle—Fw Pi^—Crasi 

pline tluise that an Ids hi'i-tlirttit A. You taid 
of n Chrialiiui organ i»tionf 

Q. Yes, A. May I ask, do you mean Christian 
in the semtc of the HihicT Tliat at the Jlible 
delinilion of a Chrinliant 

The Court: Whichever way yn>u niean, 

Q, You nuike your defmitiou and then state 
your answer. A. As far as the Christian or- 
pntdaati™ is conceriied, I do not recognise any 
hend of *, Chrinlian or^aniiaiien e-ieept Jc*iw The Bible doos ttaie that n« elder may 
rehoke one for wroKploins, I egre* wjlh lhal, 

fj. Anil (lie one Dial is oiSeti [Wring Ihe position 
[if an elder over hi* hrcthren chu correct him 
when he reei him going in a wronE way, ena'i 
heT A. lie can expmia and assist them lo go 
the right way. 

fj. Are ymi faniiliar with Ihe ease of the 
Annstle Paul! A. 1 ani — 1 dnn't know — 

Q, Did you consider that in arriving at your 
conclusion, the cmie of Anosih? I'uulf 

Mr. Drucbhauscn: 1 uhject lo that. 
The Court] Objection tu&laintd. 
Mr. Covington: Exception. 

Q, Da you have any Scriptures npon which to 
fLiso — Is your testiniuny based upon tlie prono^i. 
lion lhal the Waleh Tower Hihle £ Traet So- 
ciety la not a Christian organiiationl A. I 
don't Iwhcvc it is, no, 

Q. When did you reach that cor,clutionl A. 
Ahwfi in Ifl-lCV or l!Ul. or the reahouts. 

Q. Did you begin to get that notion in 19381 
A. Ko. 




0!i* R. Atoyle — For PIff, — Cress 

Q. WSicn yon read {lot article on Jonodabs 
and ih<: Qmt Multitude 1 A. tiu, I did not 
Q. Vuii any it tt'fli in 1!M1. What month 1 

The CWt: H« mid 1040 or IM1 

Q. What month, if you nasn leli unt A. I tan- 
n; t 

Q. You didn't nave ilie idea Owl it hit not a 
Christian organ tuition,, on duly 21, VXi'J, or 
Alttfutft 8> 193U, did you I A, That in right, 1 did 

Q. You thought it was a Christ inn orgAiiixa- 
tion then, didn't youT A. I thought it wag. 

Cj. Win! a did you fait hear of the organiza- 
tion knrjtvn uk The Evil Servant! A. 1 cannot 
Mntr pny definite thne. That in, I heard I ho 
Watch Tourer, or n-Ad the Watch Tower ar- 
ticle* ilowribinJC an orsAiiimlion as Tha Evil 
Ki-rvBiil. I don't know n*»' an ffccw i« any 
such organization called "The Evil Servant." 

<}. Al the lime liiat yotl thought lhAt lh« 
WiiU-h Tuwer lliblc £ Tract Society wn* a. 
Christian organization, what nan. jour o[iiniOn 
s-i tni who 1 1 1 h : J-Jvjl Servant wereT A, I had the 
opinion Hint iliu.-Ji wild had & cut Jmawl- 
ft',iH L of the Iruiii and who Left the truth and 
[ aga,ia«t U«d and Against Ilia Work, [hat 
limy collectively made ug) what :» called an evil 
servant cla.«s. 

Q. In l!J3!l, you had in mind that thopc who 
alrniidoni'il and U-ft thr arjf^niuilJAn, the Watch 
Tower iiihle £ Tract Sanely, were known an 
tha evil nervanl, in iliat rifjlttt A. You have 
Ji-ll out pari of Hie ■■■■'■ >ni :.;■■-•!. 
y. la 1333? 

0ft« B. MoyU—Fef flgj— Crwi 

Tii* Court: lie edit], "Yoa lefl oil 
part of (he defini t i no. " 

Q. What parti A, Who left [he- truth and 
turned against (lad and against the work which 
(tod wight be doing. 

I). Did you aw f*eHi^ti«i* til* Watch Tower 
ISilik £ Tract Society a* the [iCttd'a organiza- 
tion T A. I believed it vu, 

(J. When you believed it wai and until you 
ehiagrd your mind, did you figure that thnsa 
Unit Ipft tin; Witch TawaT HLhli! & Trael ISo- 
fiily h'fl tin? T^nrd'ji nrgiutixal irai t A, Te«- 

(£. You liad tJuii Opinion 1 A. Y*:*, 

Q. And that they to: i*; : I a ted the evil acrvnnU 
wlien organised 1 A. Qualified to the extent that 
if titer — 

Q, Tnl king about at tliat time I A, Yes, r'tt, 
I mean at that time. That is, if they not only 
N't llir organisation and had turned iwrnj* from 
!rn> truth and were fi^litine; apain^t Ond and 
■jriimt tlu> works o( (loA. 

<}. And fighting ajrain^t tlie Wateh Towei - 
2i.uli- t Traet .Sui-ii'ty, loot Yon had that opiLi- 
ion, tool A. T thought (Sud ot th^t tiiai*, 

Q. Dp yfui nr>po«F Hip Watcli To^'fr Hihlr t 
Traet Horietyf A. It derwmhi on what you menu 
hy opinio. 

Q. Are you in fftvisr of ila rlrwlrinrH thai are 
(jiit^hl in the "Waieh Tnuxr" ntosBiincT A. 
Xnl \M tot Iheto, ho. 

i£, Wluit one dn you nut favor t 

Mr. Itrufhhou-fnt I object to tiiat. 
The Court: ni^j«!tnn jiuittaiued, 
Sir. Covington; ' W« t-iwpl. 

Qiix )i. Htnjlt—For Pig.— Crest 

Q. The (tvil Servant organization, during the 
year* i'jy>, 1337, 1933 and 1385, while you were 
jwjjooiated with thf Wate-h Tower lilide & Traet 
tsoeiety haLtofTLton in HroAklyn, did ttiey nott A, 
Not to my knowted;a. 

Q. Did you know that you had at one iirno 
referred lo the- Da»it as the c^il end the 
PuFtitmi Uihle Jr.Etilule, taikinj; aliout hefora 
you left, n«t nowt A. I c'loin'l rc-4flU ever refer- 
rinjj lu Hie Pastornl Bible Institute at En evit 
seirant. [ doat reeAlt referriitg to the Dawn la 
na nvvil sftrviiiit, I niiFrht have done it, 

Q. You hnew that they were regarded as the 
ftrjpiiviialio!] of evil strrunt lfad«Kf A, I lm*w 
that the llawn u'aa ao regarded. I don't recall 
much about the Pat-toral BLhl« Io.i'.i'.ute at tint 

Q. J]urin.jr the year lfi4l> yon were approached, 
or l"iS), I believe it wa«, J"au wc-ro iippro*ehi.'d by 
d lefhreiienthtiva of I lie oppnnirion, uere you uolT 
A, Yots will liavj h> deftiie opjwiiitiori. 

Q, Tim <"ie* Hint fro r^jrinrdi-i'l hy 1lic Wateh 
Tower Jlihlo & Tract Society i\u the evil nmrnl. 

Mf. PJ-ruehhitiinert ! If yMt Ili^dr 
please, there stcras to ba t di Terence be- 
Iwxen ttiiona evil aorv:,nt we are working 
on here. There ia a. diitereat kind of evil 
m. L rvAnl in their mind*. 
Q. I will refrsnie it VTiat individuals oppo^ 
ing the Watch T*wcr Bihle & Trmt S<*ei*ty vis- 
ited you during 1&S9 or the year lSiO, wilh ref- 
erence to your joinimf up with thew and vffit- 
ju4 tha iiceietyT 


Olin II. Heyh—Fvr Plf.—Cfots 

The Court: You MMJa iu 1333. after he 
kft Bethel: 

llr. Gorio^ljja: Yen. 

A. Nobody arked nte to join up with them. 

Q. Da yWI know a nian by tl;^ name at Kuuetl 
Folbekf A, Y«i, tir. 

[J. Who did he represent! A. I don't know if 
he represents anybody. 

Q. What organ imlioit, *ilher the Dawn, Fai. 
torn! Bible Institute, or any other BKcli orgajni- 
SBJtioa, It he ctnoccifd withl A. 1 underatond 
that lie ia atuliutcd wilh the Da*n organisation. 

Q. Did he pay you a visit ict October, 1933 ( A, 
lie did not. 

The Court i i)oes that refresh your rec- 
ollection, llsat papart 

The WHrwsas It does. 

The Court: lie says this paper re- 
freshes hit) recollecticiL. 

U. Now, did he pay you a viuitt A, Jle did 

q, lie di'l not! A, No, fir. 

fj. Did Vfta havo a conversation Or wnumnni. 
eation with hilflT A, lie, air. 

Q. You did notl A, No, air. 

Q. Did a woman bj- the naino of ilathilda 
eoinmun ieitd with you in behalf of Pullnekt A. 
She did. 

Q, For what purpose 1 A- Shfi said that Pol- 
Jaek would like to tee me and would I tea bun. he wan continp to llslwaukee. 

Q. Lid he oouKi't A- I don't Itaaw. 


Oliit it. iies/li—Por Plffi—Crea 

n. \Vhnt did lie want to see you aboull A. I 
dun'! know, 

tj. linve you seen Mr. Pollack since that timet 
A, Xo, nir. 

Q. You luive nolf A. Ka, sir. 

ij, Do ynu Fetisenilji>r the iLiceting on Anirur-1 
Sth, do you nut, that you dericrilied, hofore .luii^a 
Ituilierfonl, wlien the Cotiunitlee eorjKidt're<.l yu:ir 
e;;>.i > and .itade a resolution before the Board of 
Di rret»r* 1 A. Ye*, sir. 

Q. Do you remember on that rcca&ion that 
Jud^je Jlsitberfonl made eertaia Ktatemenln in 
yuur [ircseon' wilh reference lo Madtton ii;uaro 
Cian.ien inartaril 

Tlie Court: Ap I Uiltriitand it, there 
»'H(i' two nieetinjra on Asu^iist 3tL iJo 
yon [iienn Hie nut'tinw of tha l!:i*rd of Di. 
rvL-tors or the general meeting at which 
the resolution m read t 

Mr. Cuvin^lun: The meetinjr of the 
Bomnl of DtWCtMAi. 

The Court: At 10 o'clock in the morn- 

A. Thsre were sulul-: kittHHifltlt inadij, yes. 

<;. Uo you remember that Judge IVa;herford 
took uji your letter before tho Committee and 
before the Itnnrd of JJireetor* »f1er the vote waa 
taken, iml Ul'ore, and made, hin *to teintnt in re- 
gard In your e!uirgiei>T A. That may he right. 
] di iiit recall it very dm-rly, 

Q. What did ha tay I A. I dou'l rcaall All he 


Q, Do you reinemher anytldng that he saidT 

Olin H. iloyte— For Pig.— Crest 

A. lie said, if I remember rightly, the letter 
was all lie*; they were fale*. 

(J. Did ha Bay anything further! 

The Court: That you recolleoL 

A, I dun t recollect, 

Q. Did bo tell you tbnt yon would be with the 
'.•■.:'. i i'.-v;m:1 I)d you remember that statement 
tliat he made to youT A. Yes, I think I remem- 
ber itiat 

Q, WliAl did be eay? A. I think he said 
shout aa yoa put it, that I would be within the 
evil servant poasibly within a period of time — 
I don't remember clearly, 

Q, 'Wilis it within a year, or something liha 
thnlT A. 1 don't recall; maybe. 

Q. What did yon Jtay about that? A. 1 don't 
reeall I Snid unylhing. 

Q. Did the ,Tud,iro make this statement to yon: 
"You might ex.plajo t Ifnyle., why yoia were «a 
fn miliar in the court wilh McDonald, pal tine 
him on the back, when you knew he waa one of 
the. leader* in the assault On the Lord's orRjini. 
zatiou in Madison &juare Garden. Hod you 
performed your duty to oar brethren the situa- 
tion would have Ixm'h liir lx;[tvr fur Uji now in 
til* fight wilh the enemy who attempted In hrriik 
np the Madison r^gunre Garden meeting," Did 
he say A. I believe he did. 

Q, Were thnee *tatemerio! mad* before or af- 
ter the dintunftion and tlie vote (4) the motion by 
the Board at DirecJorvT A. That I Wotihln't 
jiay. T don't remember, 

',"■. Do yon remember the statement that tho 
Juds* mad* with referene* to *Atb of yonr 



Otin R- Motjlt—Far I'lff, — Ctosi 

elargflitl A. I don't rtcall his separating them. 
I do recollect he *aid Owy were all false. 

Q. la that all tic suidl A. I doa't remember. 
There was n good deal mere Than that said. 

Q. You can't remember any discussion at all 
then, ii that rightl 

The Court: He haa already answered 

Mr. Covington: I think he lift!. 

The Court: He ULfwend it just a few 
minutea ago. Are you going to be ranch 
loader with lliia witness 1 

Mr, CoriuetoE: J»*t a little longer. 

Qr Prior to Aue;uat B, IS42, had yon discussed 
with anyone your «T>jecti<orL$ to the eantonta of 
tha "Watch Tower" magoiiinl A. Prior to 

Q. Tea, 

Tha Coortr August Sth, of what yenrT 
Mr. Covington: 1339. 

Tim Court: You auid l!>»2. 
Mr. Covitifrton ! Instead of Ifit2. 

A. Yea, I discussed tha teneliinj!? OS brought 
forth io the "Watch Tower" villi at tt**t one 
that I know of, po™Wy others. 

Q. Who withl A. Milton Gonftlv, and I iiis- 
GUtetid this "J'iU The ftarth Doctrine." 

jQ. Did yon ever diaiass anything with Yirlor 
Smith, complaining nlmut itt A. 1 might have 
done it, I don't rfrotmkr. 

Q, In the evil lenut class pictured by Judos 
in the Bible T A* I dont know. 

Q. Yon don't know. Are yon an ordained 

Ottn It, if ojrfc—. For flff .— Grim 
minister of the Gospcll A. I do aomo preneh- 


Q. Are you a. roini&ter of the Gospel! A. I 
believe to. 

Q. Were yoa ordained miniatcr when you. 
were connected with the Watch Tower Bible & 
Tract Hocitlyt A, I believe to, yet 

Q. I am going to bl-o if I ewt'l refresh your 
racuiory concerning this. Augaat £lh meeting; 
1939, when (hes* ehajgte v>era talma up. I>o 
yon recoil the resolution, do yon not, tliet set* 
forth — that is aet forth in the article entitled, 
"Information"! A. Yea, air. 

Q, Thnt was read ftt that westingl A. Yea, 

Q. Then a motion was mane, was thcra notl 
A Tee, lis; 

The Court; We have or-tn nil Over thui, 
unless you ere going to got to aoraclhing 

Q. Do you remember the Judge making thin 
statement in yfj;i.r presence: *'I hove been at 
thin dwk for 22 y«t*. I havu had n»n> att-n- 
f;Lliurii iron: the 'evil servant h n hut never h*d I 
hid. a worse one than this. If ax, Imd. Tha com- 
plaint about nie iiaTing diff erenL jtLcea in which 
Id rt*idt it thft Wiy laneua^e of the eril nerrarit 
class." Do yon remember him rtyio^f thntl A. 
I don't recall Utah 

Q. Will yon r.ay he didn't t A. Yea; I don't 
recall that. I don't any that ha didn't. I jmt 
don't remember it. 

Q, "Tha occunatloiia nude in thii tetter that I 
hive mux*/ fla«ej in whiih'to live, and which aro 

Will It. Moj/lc—Ftr I'lff.—Crves 

mach better than any other members of the 
organization : The facta concerning this have 
Ixwo ptihlivitd lira* *r4 agiin and tluc bncli^cn 
c vcryn. - ! lers know ihe facts, and tlicy know that 
1 do not own a foot i,i land ojxlcr 'In: twn; liirit 
tlitae provisionH. have been made to farther the 
kingdom laterals," — 

ifr. llrudjhausen : la thin a (fueslionl 
Mr. fun (iKlun : 1 ain asLioji if iiiij 

«talriH»bt w'a^n't mode in vuor preaenM 

hy 4ud)ie liutherford. 
The WitneK*; it may hove been. 

tj. AliM), I aJtl; you if he 'lid n't nay furtlur ifi 
your nrraeare, and cid you Liar thii: "that 
tl.t-r'o uroviniun* have Ik'.'ii tnfwk- to further the 
kin^dicu inlvrmtK, and, as atatet! in the Ijunk 
Sh.vjithi^, l wanlnl HUHUhioij on a tan^ilile 
rc4'nrd &h ovjdL'iirc that we liehcve thai <Jod 
ia going to brine; haek to the earth the faithful 
incn of ultL" M>t you reineiiil^er hiin nudcing 
thiil ulnleijieot ! A. 1 doa't recall 

i.}. Will j. ni; wiy tljat he didu'tT A. No. 

The Court: 1 njwanie thii i* gvinj? to 
lje connected upl 

Mr, Covin^ion: Yen, it wiih 

Ij. I>m yon rcmt-miitr (h<- Jud^c nuihLiicr tliia 
jrtatejiH-nt : "The Fann «iu bought fnr tl»e 
Mujijjurl i if tli in family, and for oilier jp«>l ri'i- 
khiiu whit-h 1 have not yet dJxcloKed, hut which 
are in the iaicreKt of the kinj^Euiri. As Brntbef 
Knorr h-in rtak-id, ihin oihci' wui ar roan 1 -"'! for 
me, I ltad notlung to do with arraojrinj; it, hut 
it waa draw h>' Itrothen Martin, lijiorr, Wt« 


Olin- R. IftyliS— Ft* Plfr-Cfet$ 

(yid Van Ambureh," Do you rtmrra fa ti that I 
A. 1 hai'c a faint R-roLktiion «f Bnaruethinf; like 
tluit. 1 won't deny but vl.^t tlutt won asid. 

Q. i'l; rluij'ji it would he heiter if yuu were tc 
take and read ths* uver, UuU t» the itatoaeaJt 
there, and see II tliobe thin^> will refresh yoCkr 
])K.i:iory any, to aavc time. Let me have it. Mx, 
UtidatW h^4 EOg^eHted another plan. Did not 
tlie Jitd^e »lato [his: "1 have been criticized 
in til in Icltur for having Aji iir^oaHlitioned rooto. 
Urother Vun Amljurgli will ht'ar n-itju'iii trt UjiIh, 
thuL my ofliee la tlie hottest rouiu in Hit building, 
fight uiLih-r th* roof and diiheult tlierttn hi get 
good air." Did he make that atatementf A. 
I btliev* I panenifcnr that 

Q. "An eir^untlitiooed arrangement wbj jiut 
in Brother Van Amburgh'* oRieo Hfjjt, and i\n ia 
the one. that eame tu jjie and bej;g«l me to |)ut it 
in my olliee." Did he *tfti4 tlifttl A 1 remem- 
ber that. 

Q. "The SoeMy dhl not pay a dime of the 
cost." Do you rvi3»eniln:r tjtatt A. No, I doa't 
lememlwr lhaL 

Q. *'(Urolher \'an Amburgh vcrifntl tiihi-) I 
think the critiLtam about that h n- cnld-h[ou<lhl 
erut-lty, no matter whom it comes from." Did 
you hear him slaie thatl A 1 don't recall J:ut. 

Q. "If it enehU-a me to work, why »him!d 
aoniel«d>' tritkii* except one who hs-i tiie spirit 
of (he (ivit tervuill" Did you hear tha.1t A. 1 
have a faint reeollection tltat that wo* snkj. 

Q. Did you ohjrct in ill A Xo, 

(J. Concerning year diarse of rebukes, ihr 
Judge. Haid, did he noU "Every rehiike 1 have 
odaiLabitifred haa been given, ub I believed, in 


Qliu It. AIo\fl£—Fer PlJ.—Crtr* 

the interest of the Society. The ApottJe Paul 
wns the af«ei»l *fjok«isman for the Lord Ju.j;iu 
L'hriit, Ait tha WAXCiiWwEx ha« alated, Tuuothy 
and Tiiu.-i pictured the Society and on the Lord 
through 1'uul itiilnjL^tud tljciti ka the lj>rd 
threwgJi the Sfrciely in*.trr;cla and diri^te others." 
h»id he aay tliat to youl A. ciojue of tltat I 

(j, Did he »y: "The Sooietv' ajyuk^ by ila 
oniiijiil lleml. To Tmiolhy 1'aul said: *They 
that xin ri-huke before nil, that oUlit^ also may 
fear.' (1 Ti:u. £:20)" Did he say tlu»t to youl 
A. 1 don't remember. 

(J. " t'tmr* rnino; one who liad taken a wronc;ful 
course 1'hu! ioilmctdl Titus in these words: 
'Thia wsttiess ia true, wherefore rcbuka tlmm 
sharply that tliey itmy be sound in tj.c foitli.' " 
Did lie atata ihut to JKHlt A. 1 brt a faint 
rtiMi^ri.'l in n oT moiiieUiiiifi like tliat. 

[J. Apuin he aaid: " *ThlM« tltiags speak and 
eihoj-t, unil rehukd with all authority. Let aU 
iL.-ii. dej.j)i?ie thet' " 13id lie *ay Uiat to you, 
i|UnlinjJf the Sfrijitureal A. I don 1 ! mntmutr. 

Q. "As I hove often slate;! lo .some of the 
hrethrer., it hurts nie far more to administer a 
rebuke llum it does the one who receives it." 
Did he say thotl A. I don 'I ranxiaher that. 

Q, "If I see something in tJie oraafthtation 
(joins wrong. An I believe, tlien 1 would bo ;in- 
raiUilal to the Ijird if I did not rebuke such 
wrt-ngdoer." Did he nay thatT A. I can't recall 

0. See if you can recall thia: "I have tried 
lo proceed according to the rule anno\iueed by 
the niaiiilei which ia Ciod's rule, tlwt uj to *aj ! 


Otin Ii. Mo-jle^For P!$.— Crest 

"Whom tlie Irfrd Jovej) he rebiiei.' " A Sounds 
familiar. It ia pvusibla he Ei^d tlut, 

Q. Then ha said: "Ii every periion is per- 
laitCeci to take hia own course tha organization 
would go to pieMi. One who- believes in the 
Theocratic government, and Uiat Jehovah there- 
fore is directing hie people, nvnzt see that it ii 
the proper course for the Society to arrange 
a system oX tLady." Did you hear thfttl A, 
I can't recall thn,t. 

Q. Nothing *us aaid about your charge on tlie 
Walfh 'fovi'er study at that meeting T A How 
ii thalT 

(J. Nothing woa mid about your eliorfie oa tlie 
Wi.U-li Tower Society meeting* I A, I dent re- 

Q. Tlien l "Then if every person should be pcr- 
mitled to trinR forth ami adapt hia onu method 
of Kludy that wovdd mean tufting contrary to the 
Lord's instruetions. Iiehuhea are therefore nec- 
e^fjiry lo bring *uel> nmtt*rt to the attention of 
others that they loo may fear to go eontrary 

to I he Lord's arrangement." Did you hear thatl 
A, 1 don't remember. 

<5- Concerning discrimination, the iliscfiiaine- 
lion L'hor^e, did he say: "I have made no dis- 
cxinuitation with reference to marriage. When 
Bonnie Boyd got married thai vu her husinesa. 
It wsm my huaincsa to determine whether or not 
alio shoulfl remain in the home. I either had to 
let Li- and her husband remain here or *lna 
dtepentl with her atrifieea." Did he aay tliatf 
A, I think I remember tl^t 

Q, "She hie been my' bccncturj' for fifteen 
yearn and the most efficient one that I have had 
to the office," A. I Htoemher that. 



01ia Jt Ifoyie— for Plff.—Crtus 

Q "She has taken dictttion for eYerything I 
hare written, speeeAe*, !ft!A|Jfci.LAe articles, Watch- 
tower., hooks and booklets. It was for B5e to de* 
termine whether she should remain in the oUiee 
An..: I flu] determine that she should and that was 
my affair and my responsibility, not that of 
someone c!e&'* Did you iwaiJ" thatl A. Some 
of that 1 think I Land, 

Q. Concerning year charge on filthy lufitUfla, 
*'H others in tbia house 116* it"— 

Mr. Hruchhauscn : Is this A ou^tioaT 

Q, Bid ho suy tail: "II otljLjsr.^ in this housa 
use it, that is their responsibility, Th« state- 
meat tSiat filthy jokes are told tl tlic tabic and 
tlmt the family laugha at these and these only, ia. 
a dsir.nubie outrage and any un who saya that 
such je the case is a deliberate li-P-i- regardless 
(if who lie is and from whence he comes." Did 
you hear thatt A. I remember that, 

Q. Von did not object (4 that statement 1 A. I 
said nothing. 

Q. Did he, say this; "LsojuOfc: Tbia charge is 
vieioujj- I have always been open and abuvebonrd 
about such matter. Brother Van Amburjrh was 
once a prohibitionist. Upon the doctor 'a advice 
hi) takes Lome iatoxieatizg liquor and 1 help him 
to \yt it. Brother Wise has staled that from 
three doctor* he ItM been advised to drink hcer. 
I have furnished li<juor Id Brother and Sister 
Sutljvaj!, especially her when she WU ill, ami lo 
others in the htvuie. Tliat ia my business and 
my responsibility." Did, you hear (belt A. Yes, 
I think 1 heard that. 
Q, Did ho not, speaking directly at you, say I 

Olin It, y.oijlt—Fof Plg.-~Ctot* 

"Ydo denounce n:e a* tl-e 'fid of wine', which 
ia the meaning- of liucehu*, which in the word you 
nae. Ynu had to po to cnytliolopy ond not to 
ihi; Scriptures and Jind this name for inc." Did 
ho say tSijt to youT A. Yea, 1 jruess lie did. 

Q. "Jlytholo^y proceeds from the Devil and 
other wicked spirit*." Did h* »ay that J A. Tea, 

(j. Did lie sny to you: "Jesus made wine, tli* 
apostle advised titat it he taken in moderation 
And you are welcome to compare their statements 
to that of tiie evil (pints, if van with." Did he 
say that to youT A, I don't rtJDtnbtr tint, 

Q. "If your s'.;"ement is not of the evil Hrnat 
then I! tin not able tin understand it." Did ha 
spy to youf A. I don't remember tl.aL 

Q. *'jn this soAneetioB, yoar aHig* Afjainal the 
family i« Tldoai And £b1h and rto»'t tiiAt it pr«- 
eeeds from the spirit of the wicked one and is a 
damnable thing," Did ba say that to youl A. I 
believe he did. 

Q. Now, did lie aay this: "Mow I aay (his to 
yen, Meyle, yon have allied yourself with the 
Dtvili }"*a h-VC Willingly, taiOsOMt Any ju:-.t MfL ■.!:;<) 

or excuse evt-Jt, Vr-ilhd rnwa joumeSf frrnA tho 
Lord's or^aiiitaiion, nod you are going hack to 
the Devil 'a organization !o engagn in the prac- 
ticft of taw. 1 have never know?i any man to 
withdfinf froth, ttie tordV OTeaAtiAtiOn *ai JO 
into the Devils organization, ttiAt ftndwl op 
right," Did he say thotl A. I heard that 

Q, Did he Fay; "When you want to continue 
to fipnt for the fiord, there ia not a person in 
this present* tliet helieveu a word of tiLaL" A. 
Y««, I li.l:tk % huird LbaL 

Otin R. Mt><)tc—Ft>? Pltf^Cros* 

Q. Did lie miy; "IIeiu:«f*ftli yvu si mil never 
r^proH^jtt 1iic \1 Atttilowtr by my cnimeiiL" Eid 
he ^oy IhAtl A. Ha did. 

y. Did lie sny l!ii»; "This Bemolu ticn h:in lii^n 
ado;iti;<S. 1 shall folio* it r " A, 1 don't KiiKSiH 
her tlmt. 

{). D»d he nay this to yon: "You have Mjrvnd 
notice to Luavt! £j*Litcniber ]. You nee<t not wait 
hut move uut of the house til is day," UJd he say 
thatl A, Yl l «, I MIK'Jiphtr ihaL 

Q, "If you winJb to jnin the < L neiuy unit fiylat, 
do so." A, Tiiat is ri.urkS . 

tj. "J have i:o n^e for a fjustlfr. I am anro 
th* Lyrd God liaa no u?t; For a ()nilter.*' Did 
Ih l *ay to ;oOT A, I prsatlnher thoL 

Q, Did lie say: "Y»u are u qaitk't." A. I 
believe he [lid. 

Q_ Did I iv say: "You have lurniKheil as rvn 
Mirtttt* that )h* prrtttdrnt of Ihi* oi'jSAuiSntion 
haji not cmidnctad the .Smiely flcrordiAj; to jisor 
hleaa, and I don't think your idean are fierip- 
tqrah" Did he nay tliat to youf A. t don't 
iwaII Hint, 

(J. T'iiil In- JinV thin; "In II* four VisLi-.i tlnst 
yon have been here, I have nover hu-Ard you adt 
ur answer a single Itihle question in tlie ltd in- 1 
home," Did you hear thatl A, I Tememlior 

Q. Dili lie nay Ihiir "Any ninn lliAl fn-rd'nrU 
to Ik of tlse IdOrd'n ori;an ixal io A h nnd who dues 
not attend the stud Ira and dnea not entaKC in 
the ppiriKml disr-nshion in thiA hnsne, hut who 
di-vutcs hinsM'ir :'■; :n» itinera! work, n-nl then 
^riM'ri ;■ I h'i ijI '. il. .. i:itc vith ij^Ikti' to eaii.^e ihi.<->ii-,l 
and to find fault ftith ii;v or^'aALmliun, cuimol 


Olin 11. Ifopic—Ftr Pip^Cwtt 

he in the truth." Did h« way that Io youl A. I 
don't maeraheT thot- 

< t K Did he my: "I x3in.ll read thia letter to 
the fanisly «r Itave it p.'sd- Y«l P>ay he ppweat; 
if you wish to defend ye-urae!f- IfviLrcfotib I 
hhnll expert you to ally younsulf with thoKe who 
onpo*C the SoeLct_y as Iwnj na I r-nv lufre." Did 
lie say IhutT A. 1 rentenihcr thot. 

Q. A>id then you said: "I don't csrwet Io nlly 
hiyfi'ir ^itli Kay opposition," Did you uny thatl 
A. T hr-lievc I did, 

Q, Have you nllled >'(HJr*e!f with any oprMiai- 
[ioti f ill depends on what you mcAil hy oppo- 

<J. To !h* fjoeietyl 

Jfr. nrncldsHUFscn: I think we have lieen 
over that. 
Mr. Covington: All rislit, 

Q. Did Judtre RnthcrfnrHi pav Ihi*; "Yonrnni- 
piuin abfHit accommoiiation*. You hsv* the hej<t 
roi^m in the houi-e aside frimi toy own." Did h« 
Kjiy Unit tn >ou) A. T rememher he Riiid that, 

Q, "W]i»t S>u>ini'j;s. |ji it of yours what ^osne- 
ht-dv r\tc [mul Thnt js not your husiness." Did 
lie my tli&t to youl A, Yh l *. hi- did. 

Q. "You havo pjine to 1Iu L fnrm and (alkefl 
with Hrnther liopard's wifr Jmut e*«di [ion* 
there. " Did you do IliatT A. Yes, 

Q. Dirl lie say that to youl A, Yen. 

(J. "THuU ik none of your business. If there 
Wftn ftnyjhinp wroni? there you should have nrj. 
lK,rii : d it In imi 1 , Y«u iiave never rejmrti'd it to 
ii»r."' Did tie sAJf tlmt Io yout A. I remember 

OUn It. Meylt—Ft>T PlJ.—Crvsi 

Q, "If jou were A renl mnfidcntivil norvant of 
the Lord, and of this Society, you wouM havo 
re]rfjrted saeh thin pa, hut you did not," Did he 
say thai! A. I think lie did; yes. 

Q. No*" ,J Qm>tLne; rrom tli« Af>ontle Paul io 
KL|ljslanc^ L s VLMir fri[iri.i;:n nf me in a m::;l]1 tiling." 
Did hi. ptd my thiitt A.I don't rtf-inciiiher thnt. 

(Ji. Did hr- say; "I tftro aotliinfi nbont that. 
The apwstle said: *M«reo\'W it i« rwjuired in 

Htcwanlit tliat a man he faithful, hut with me it 
if A ¥#rv hum 1 1 thing tlmt I idinuld he judged of 
you, or of man's judgment, * • » Ha that 
judjieth me is the Lord.' — 1 Cor. 4:,% 4," Did 
he !)flole that R^rtpliipt to youl A. I don't 

Q, Din) herunhp thiis*t«trmi'nl, iiqsitiiif; Tionmns 
14:4: "If everythinjr tlmt you have *1nti'il in [l.i.i 
letter were true, that is no esruse fnr vhlt ymj 
have nione. ' Vi'liii art tliou tliat JDdgml nnolhrr 
niiin'n iierv'Antt To hi* own inAstf i' he iHandeth 
or fnlletli.' " Did he soy tlmt tn yoisf A- Yea, I 
rci riomlje r that. 

Q. Then he paid: "Your tliffirislly, Hoyla, U 
[rut, praSkahiy not thai you rmo;ht reeeiTa some 
bodily injury, but Fear you won't be approved 
of men And. Iijlvl" it r-iLzA I hat you are a good 
fellow. In my opinion you are a rellp^onirt And 
not a Cliri^lian." Did he say that to youT A, 
Yrf, nir, he dsrt. 

Q. Did Wifctiain P. HeAth nay this to you: 
"Moyle. I wisl! to propnund io you this ijaesthft! 
Are you a .Tesuilt" A, I remember that. 

Q. And you naM: "Almolutely no, a thousand 

BltlCM from it." A. That is rij^liL 

Q, And did Judgo Itutlierford cay ibis: "You 

Olin R. iloylt—JfoT Pli.— Cross 

iuic;lit esplAin, Jloyle, wliy you were so faioiliflf 
in She eourt with McDonald, purine; hint on tho 
haefc, wiion you knew he was one of the leaders 
in the asBautt On the Lord's orjijanixatioo at 
ModihOA Srjuarc Garden." 

lit. Bruchhanasn : I object to this, if Its 
is Kcsinj? aver it apain. 
The C'rOrt; Qhjeetion suxtained. 

Q. Did be make tliis statement to the Rniird 
of Directors : M Now, hrethren, your ad viee nnd 
this ResniutiOh tit Adopted and will he earriod 
cot" Did he say tiwitt A. y<n t I think f re.. 
member that. 

Q. And thereupon Jodco Rutlwrford, or did 
Judpe J5a(lior;ord order you to he di?ehnrc:ed as 
leerd eountiH iiir the eorporalinnT A. IIo dwJ, 

Q. And did he or^Lcr you that in harmony 
with the Ttexolution your relationship was to be 
immedi.ittJy tertninatdh- 

The Court: tVe have boen all o^'er tlmt. 
Hi- left there that day. U that all! 

Mr. Coviltglnn; No, that io not all. 

The Court: How much [onp'r do ynu 
expect tn bel 

Jfr. Covineton: On a fen' more mnt- 
leri- that mipht take some connidemble 
lime. Tliftre have been so mnry tbinjr« 
written I '■■::! I want lo inc|uire about them. 
t enn'l finish (his afternoon. 

Tim fiourt: Hnvf Tonp dn ynu think it 
will take youf 

Mr. (Winston: I think 1 will finish 
williin nn ];nur. 

The Court: I will adjourn now t if you 




QH*. R. Hotfli— For Piff.—Crsia 

both will proiv.i>e vou will get youriielveR 
together and nul repeat anytluaig by Ihie 

Mr. Covinjrion r Yes, sir. 

The Court: We -,vdi od;ourn un'.li 10 
o'clock tomorrow inorniiie;. Fleam) ito not 
diseusn the C4ui« even ainongxl yourmdve*. 

(Whereupon, fin adjournment van takun niiUl 
10 il, irj. F Friday, ilny 1-i, 10-lrt.J 

Friday, May H, l&SS 
10 o'clock A.M. 

{Turn, Heeuji eh. ) 

OLIN R. MQYUi, the pmisttfr, resinned Mm 
eiiuiil jliliI Il'-sI if;if.l further ■■ follow*; 

CfHt-fxemination {Coirtinuff}} far Mr. Cnviny- 

Q. In (bat your sitfnaturft en 1ho.l JetterT A. 
A. Vejs, that is my signatan?. 

Q, Mr. Moyto, when you resided, did JfM e*- 
jieci Id put pressure Upon jwdjre. iEutlierfonl by 
throwing tlit burden of o number of (Ha into 
ilia lap that yon were handlingt 

Mr. Brachliausen : I object to the form 

OT tl.l: ^MtSlLO'Tl. 

The Court: Tm. It ifl bad in form, 

Q. You dill liavc a j^reat number of cows tlujt 
were under your supervision, did you mot I A. 
I did. 

Q. And yon, of court*, knew that when yOU 

0U R. iloylc—Fer riff.— Cross 

li.'TL tlnri- would he tlli one there to handle them 
cucept (lie Jod^e, imlci-a someliody ehie. were 
brought in, is that correct T A- TLial would be 

The Court: S[n'ah Bp. 

'file Witness: Yea, tluii is correct, 

Q, Did you, i-Kpi'ut liijn to turn (heac over to 
you oiler you left nr judf yon to handle some of 
theiul A. I offered 1o, in ejusn he wanted nie to. 

Q. And did you not ripeel to linve. him rati 
you buck on recount of leaving tiki* great bunlm 
of work on him! A, No. 

Q. Vol, did notf A. Mo. 

Mr, Covington; Wc oifer in evidence 
litter dated July 23, 133*, to Mr. on J Mrs, 
0, W. Ciiamherg, signed by tha plaintiff, 
Olin T(. Moylc. 

Q. What do you have in fWHf lumd now* A, 

Letter dated Aupjut 11th, nddn-fuctl lw CMibui- 
bur*, pistil by bm. 

Mr. Rmelihimjiea: I liave do objection 
to tliU first IHttr. 

(LaltM diited July 2S h liiJ9 h reefiTrfl in 
CTJ6talL6t a^id markftd Lefendante* Exhibit 

Mr, Coviiiffton : Vt'c offer in emdepoe 
k-tttr dlfttcd AniLrudl J1, 1033, idemtiued by 
ti...: witness. 

Tho Ooart: ",V";!Li: ?.!r. BnelibouEen in 
re*din!f tlsftt you rfifty ok^ Inn uliont tLii. 

Q. \lTiat nla you hive in your hand nowT A. 

(Xim R. l/ojfle— For Plf.—Cro$t 

I have a letter addre&ned to Confnl:r, no duta, 
isif^ied hy me. 

Q. Wbot ibiy wa« L; vcitlt&l A- WedniMidny, 

Q. Aftpr UftLtUlij-.lLii£ ; rn:rnc]f M'itli [Jjij i*n- 

Imli, cun you 111 tlie djilo approxlniately tkut it 
vnn written f A. I b*1ii>v< tliat would be Au^unt 
Q. What yrarl A. 1939. 

Mr, Gorfnglfm: I offer thnt in ovi- 

Mr. BnwjlthAHiseii: No vbjwlion ti> let- 
ter nf August ! L: ■;. 

(HimtivpI in fiidcTir* iiurl murkeil Dit- 
feodantu* Exhibit D-'J.) 

Q, \Tbnt i>5 tlwit Unit you luive in ynur bapiM 
A. Tliis in tlie «>[>>' of a mnpnsiiiir-, "The Hvrfilt] 
nf Cliri*t'* Kinj|pi«n," Auffuht, 11141. 

,\l r. Hruchliau*eD : No objection to Uiii 
ntdoial b!tti?r.) 

{Received in e?idenee and marfced De- 
fendant*' Exliibit B-10,) 

11 r, Covinjfton: I offer in evidence tie 
jpuiidr tmftl of thi« unafiiziue. 

II r. Uruedbaujiifft: What part aro yau 
offeruiK ' 

Mr, Covin tloh: Just the part excised. 
Mr, Ilruel ibauaeu : No objeetjer,. 
Tj.e Court: Pnt a circle about I he parti 
that you offer, 
Mr. Covington: Yes. 


Glin a. Moylc—For Flff^-Croit 

Mr. BruclihauflCP : I object to the other 
p,.rl thai ift eaeirelMl. Tluit i* somebody 
else's idea. 

The Court: Tii4?r* i* no, ohjeclion to 
the Imttutn eircleT 

Mr. Bnielihau*ea: No. But wa eiua't 
Iw rosp° Iui 'i 3 ' e f° r crcrytliinir tint ia 
printed in ft jtrnffftiine. 

The i:ourt: The obiectinn to lii* tort 
one is KimLaiftrd. Yon may hare tlie («p 
one marked for iden t i ficutiOTj so you will 
he*p your record. Mark the bottom one 
in evirknc* ftnij tb* top one for identifi- 

(Marked jeApKliveiy Defendant*' Ki- 
lubit 11 in Evidence and Defendnnli ' Ei- 
hihit 12 for Idenl iibjation.) 

J.!r. CVrinf;E«n : I niifil'it ftH. & few ^a^K- 
tionJi and lev a Tiri'dicftto for tliaL It may 
elii":rifie the ruling. 

Tins Cniirt: Ah it is now, il in nnt eom. 
potent but you iruy *i=t any (location* yOft 

Q. ilr. Movie, [Lid jm |iemnit yonr name to 

bo enrriei.1 in (bisi DHBOanc aa one of the *peftk> 
<fH^ anil Leetureris for the I'tujtoral Bible In&ti- 
tnti-T A. T did. 

Q. And ivere you ajjpointLtl by the Pastoral 
Bible Innlitut* as such a apeakerl A. I wan. 

Q. A* a peraon that wiw generally — 

The Court; Instead of doine; that, let 
him read the top one. Bead Exlabit I>-l2 
for Idi-iitibcalion, 

lir, Covington: Very irelL 


00.1 IL Jfo;y?e— For Fif. — Crat* 

Q. Tm the document marked D.12 for Idtntili. 
caiion correct T A- It i*, n* far a=i I hnnw. 

Q, And that w-aa with your ficrrointtlon, in that 
correct I A. Yna mean iliin utati^inont ht-rc! 

Oj. Vet A. I wan rnever anked anything about 
it, no one aaid anylhinjr about it. 

Q. Yon have h^-a iiial nifL^Ti >: i [n- Indort: yonr 
narjicj a[)t«.™r\-d in there, didn't you I A, Yes, 

(J. And yon have also seen the inside cover u 
il in tli ere, have y«u noli A. Yc*. jsir. 

Q. And yon knew that LlaU-inent appeared 
OV«r \in; r.jijju^ of <"vi-ry H[M-t-i*k, •.:.'{ you :;i>tt 

TJir Court: It in marked in evidence. 
Kx''eption t<t the plaint iH. 
Mr. HrwJihatWtn; I will withdraw the 

(ItefundanW Kihibit 12 Im iilentilica- 
tion, rwelvs*! in «vidrs>ee a* J>*fHnlojiti* 
Kxbibit 15-12.) 

Q. Iri il not s fact that yuu es fleeted by deliv- 
rriiijr all Ihejte many ram'S tlint you w<rre linn- 
dliifC t" JudjSf liiLlht-rfiirii, that iiC WOltld be 
fflir'nl to turn HMny of ihem over to yuu l<< lian- 
die eM-ii tlioufjb, you alionbi Ipjivc Jhtln-ll A. 
Ko, 1 didn't bin's any blea of iLiut eort. 

Q. Did yfju not Btate this! "J KH-Vr- hLin a liit 
of ihc niajur 6»H*t peatlini; and t"W him I could 
and nouhl hojidli- inoHt nf (hem if he ta d^fired 
il, ll'- i:::ii be fa nverbeated tiiat he will xiiy, 
'.\H»thi]is doinp; a» (0 W of the eauea.' If be 
dnec hp is guJnjf to have one heck of a job 
atraifihtcnine thing" -jut-" Waa tliat yuur *en- 

0/ia R. ttoyle—Fttr rif^-Cron 

titrtCflt (bcu, on July 23, 1K»T A. If I atated 
tlist in that letter, 1 presume it was. 

Q. Wiuit diil jtmi icieao by making that atale- 
nitnll H'hil KaB your intention! 

Mr. Hruclihanjii-n : I *uii;ujt it apeaka 
fur .i.-vlf. 

The Court: Why don't yon read lbs 
exhibit to the juryl 

.Mr, Coriae^un: I nlialL 

(iii-ad* UiilcndaHt*' tiiiibit D-S to lbs 

(j. Dot's, Hint refresh, your memory! A. \'es_ 

(Mr. tiovinjrton tliercupon reads De- 
fcntlaali' Kxhihit D-10 to the jury.) 
Q. YwUrday jnu tautHBtd chc ca*e of Mr, 
liroad, n I'ionetr, who had left lielbtil to get 
married, ia that correct! A- Vea, air. 

Q. And yuu charge in your letter^- It be ths 

onG ibiil you bisd in mind ia y^ur letter a« ba*- 
mg made nppliention to pioneer is New York 
and denied that privilege ! A. That ia the ona 
1 bad in mind. 

I., 1 '"I.l,i in tin only one, is tint correct I A 
Tim", in all I caa recall 

Q, That is the one you had J A. Yen, sir, 

Cj, How "unj had he beca away from BtiUn'] 
ia Vj¥J, duly Slit, when you wrote the letter! 
A 1 don't rieall. 

Q r Wa. it somelirae of jn*t a short tinie, ynor 
beat judgment! A, I dsnt remember. I thinlc 
it wat a year or mnre. 

Q, Ix it not a, fact that you know that lie never 
did begin pioneering until February 4, 1S40I A, 
I don't know thaL 



Olio II. tioyte — rW f^J". — LVom 

Q. An' vim fmuitiar with 'hid type of a docu- 
ment that I hand youl A, I believe I have ihi 
em- or two of theme, p 

Q, Whose signal ur« appears thereon T A, Ed- 
ward Broad. 

Q, Wl>»t it the datel A, February 4 l!MC r 

The Court: This is elcorly incompe- 
tent, sUjltws he know* his signature, it 
souse-Shir.,.; about iL It is slimed by that 
nums. Yu n don't know whether that ii 
In* tigMtan at not, do yout 

The Witness: I do not. 

Mr. Covington; We will have, it 
marked Tor identi ftealinn at this time. 

(Marked Defendants' Exhibit D-13 for 
iiii : :itifi.±£itioti_j 

itr. Covington; We will prove it and 
kIhjw the material ity of it. 

The Court: Why don't you wait In- 
stead of marking it for identifier I. vnl 

You may. if you want to. 

Mr. Covington; I will toko the BUggM- 
tiCH of your Honor. 

(Defendants' Exhibit D-13 for itlt-n-tift- 
culJort withdrawn.) 

The- Court r You ran prove it later on. 

. Q. Yon were asked if you tooth a ti»t of nemea 
from Bethel and you said you. did not. I will 
ask you if your «»n of anyone for you look a 
list of names. 

The Court; H yoa know, 

it r. Covington ; If you do know. 

OH* It. iloi/lt—For Pl^.—Cfott 

A. I don't know of anybody taking » list of 

Q, Did Any one deliver you a list of names 
that had come from BetM or lh* Watch Tower t 
A. No, air. 

Q. Did you »fiod all of your E,HX) printed 

letters or the 1,500, ratter, to Jehoceli's Wit- 

Mr. Eruehlifluwn; J object to that 
The Court; cjuatnincd, It hns oSreudy 

been gone ovrr several I mien. 

What is Sl-nt tl.nt counsel handed youl 
Tj.l: WiincM: Ab envelope addressed 

to Attorney CUrMK* S^ott, Old! Town, 


Q. IVhcne envelope ja that envelope T A I 

wouldn't kjiuw wjii'lki-r it in inino or imiC of 

Harvey Fink's, 

Q, Whose typewriter ia the writing onf A 
Thai )o;.k» Eke my typewriting. 

Q. Ai.d it is to Clarence Scu'tl A. Yu, sir. 

Q. You have Hent out publication* of "The 
Dawn," SijivH? you fM>t, to VftTloUit uf .Ithoi'iih's 
Witnesses 1 A, Publications printed hy thttttt 

tj. Yes. A Yes. 

y. I iii-k you if this. "Messianic Theocracy 
Booklet" printed h? "The Dawn" wa* attached 
to your printed letter to this exhibit that you 
liave just now «idet) tilled and was sent out hy 
you i-'i ltn;»e printed letter^ thai you mailed. A. 
It was, 

Mr. lSi'MtiiliA'jsi :i: I don't know what 
relevancy thit luin. T don't know what 
year it ia. 

Oliu II. Hoyk—For Pif.—CroM 

The Court: Taere is another thing. It 
is a&l an oiliibit You have referred to it 
at an edutnt, 

M r. Covington : We oiTcritnowin evi- 

Mr. : Thert is no data. 

The Court: So yan know when, that 
was sent out! 

The WltatM; Ttierc in no :!ate poark,id 
on il I don't recall That was alUjr 
S«:ptett^teJ , , J3*3- 
Q. That was when yon started making thorn t 

Mr. Brachhansen: I will withdraw tta 

(Kec&ived bi evidence and marked De- 
fendant*' Exhibit U.13.) 
Q. Ifr. Moyle, did you know that a plea of 
guilty hy Mi. Eugfcoc Orrell would iajule and 
prejudice the h;o-m« of tke other two defendant* 
jointly charged with hunt 

Mr. Bnjihhatisea : I object to that 
The Court: Objection Sustained, 
Mr, Covisgloa: Exception. 

Q. I show you the Watch Tower UWgastM en> 
titled iL»" of November IS, 1933 f— 

The Court; 1* that the one in «ri- 

Mr. Ce^aj;to»: Yes. 
Tlie Court; That it Exhibit 5 of tha 
plaintiff f 
Mr. CoTingtpn: Yes, 

Q, W'Jiat Jiai't of tSiat mucins rtferrftd to 
your eondin'tiiig a cans in court ll*t you, «m. 
plnined nljout in your complaint? 

ifr. iJruchfcauscn : I submit it it al- 
ready a part flf tito answer, if your Honor 

Tiwi Court; Tkfc txhihitl 

Mr. UrucbknuiiCn: N* h the part whiok 
in caonplaiiMd about. Tltat il evident 
fro:ii Urt complaint. 

Tl;a Court; Jt is part of the compluist, 
that is ri.i;;iL 

il:. ISruclihuuJjcO : It is alleged and 
*£L forth in tJte eoisipljiint, as I recall it 

Q. I will ask llii.i (juestion, Mr. Moyle. la 
re'ersnee t<i tkft atttclc entitled "Snajea" you 
knew, of course, that your conduct of the cftae 
at Madison Sfjuarc Ga^l^n would be a matter 
for inquiry in this a«tinn, did you not, nnd 
would iw involved in tlu» n:".Lu.i. 

Mr, Brnclihaasan : I object to tie 

TJia Court; SuHtained. 

Mr. Covingtcn: I vxeepL 

Q. Yoai tfjitifjed yesterday in reference to 
glorification of ukobol, as you termed it, and 
bltljy and dirty sloricn at the Betliel bibte. 

iCr,;ihauscn : I object to it on tku 
gi'ouad tlust wo have hpeo. nil dvct thit. 

The Court: I think ha i* just laying 
the foundation. Listen to the question 
and then I wiU see if this has been testi- 
fied to before. 


OUm B. Maylt—Fof Fi^.—Cmie 

Q. How long have yoa lotovri Harvey Finkl 
A, Kor hotter tlian S3 yearn, 

ii- When did you begin to visit in his honreT 
A. That is 15 or 20 years ago, off and on. 

Q. Wtien you went back from Brooklyn, after 
August 8j lU3tJ, did you visit in tiis liome frt- 
([Ueiitty 1 A, Ye*. 

Q You were with hiin inost all day at his 
office T A, I liad my oflicc in there. When tie 
was tiie re 1 would be with him, of course. 

{J. 1 witt ask yon whether or not, based on 
your £■:-! | Liu in tunc-i.' with air. Kink, and visiting 
in his bomr, whetbrr or not he luihitnally ki^pl 
and Mrred injunr in Jionte Is visitor* at litoes 
wJien you have been present. A- Xcver when 
1 have been present,, 

(J. At timet when you haven't been present 
you don't know anything aliout that, is that 
correct I 

JTr. Brnehkamen : I object. 
The Court; Sjunlninftd. 

Q. Have you over heard Harvey Fink indulg- 
ing in tin- telling of dirty and Milky stories 1 

Mr. ISnichhausen: I object. 
The Court: Sustained, 

Q, You have made epeechea before a&scnibUc* 
of Jelmvah'* Witne**«*, l*ve you notl A Yes, 

Q r And you made a speech in HL17 Isefor* the 
ColumhuK Convention of Jehovah's Witnesses 
at Columbus, Ohio, did yoa not! A I believe 
1 did. 

Q. And on what snbjecll A I believe the 
topic wax, "Counsel to Publishers." 

Olin R, itayie^For Flgs-Cron 

Q. How toany ptopte were present at tint cw- 
itunhlyt A, I tton't raffltmber. I think there 
were lii.OOQ; or so. 

Q, Did you tnnke a public speech nt any other 
convention T A. I have. 

(J. What other convention 1 A. Madison 
&o,aare {iarden. 

Q, Wlial VII tlie H,uhjoct or that ngsceehl A 
"UaautfJcfng Hypocrity," or jkhih; nunie tike 

tlial, 1 hnvc forgotten. 

Q. J) id you make n hfMirrij on tlie- tuhjret of 
"1'ublio Kneuiy Mo. l"f A, Maybe llurt wbj 
the title. 

(}. And what w-ae the suhji-rl nuvtlert A. 
The subject matter was false religious organi- 
sations an heinj; I'uhlie Enemy No. 1. 

Q. And to wliom did you refer in ytrur speech! 

The Court: How in this rtltvaatl 
Mr. ilrnthfcaustu: 1 ohjeel to it- 
Mr. Covington: 1 am going to show 
tlie relevancy of iL 
The Court: Objection sustained. 
Mr. Covington; We e^ept, and 1 
would like to thow the rtlvVancy. 

The Court; Ne*l u,uestioa, please. We 
have given you wide latitude. I want 
everybody to have a wide lafiluije, but we 
must have some semblance of order lu'rii. 

Q. How many people were present al that 

The Court: The objection has been 


Mr. Covington: We want to show he 
wan widely known amongst Jeliovah'i 




Oli-n R. J/0jfJc— -J'at Pitf, — Cross 

Witnesses and this is offered in gux de- 
fence of privilrjjc, end it i» very competent 
In ulinw his wide reputation. 

The Court; I think it will bo conceded 
lbol lie was widely IcnoMTL 

)-r. Bruelihsusen : \Ve will accept the 
eimeessionj aid it it part of an admiasion 
in the answer. 

The Court: He. is now allowing yoa b 
paper. Whit is itl 

The Witness; It is a pamphlet dated 
.vov,:i.ii(.: !), 1Q3S, iddrewed l* FY1usJsli.11 
D. lloosevidt, President, uf the Veiled 
ijUiteis, with my Mgiudun, «."■ pelted sig- 
nature, at II iv bottom. 

The Ci/ttrt: You wrote i'.t 

The Witness : Vol 

Q. That wan circuited throughout the entire 
United :-,:l.k-:., was it null A. At iba direction 
uf the Society, ycj, 
Q. And by Jehovah's Witnesses t A. Ye*, 
Q. Did you have a boyhood neltool chum hero 
in Now York wins was not o«a of Jehovah's 
Witnesses that you viiitcd! A. A 
boyhood sehoQl ehamt 

Ttt4 Court; While you were at BeulielT 

Q, Willie you were at Bethel, who was not one 

of Jehovah's Witnesses, with whom you had 
Konc m school out in Ih* Jlid-Westl A, I don't 

Q. Hid you over visit nnyltody in Queen* that 
had been — who lived in (Juecn», durinjr Ihe lime 
yen were at Hidli*! — who wai not one Of Jeho- 
vah'* Witnesses! A So, I don't remember. 

Q, Who you. had |J0ue to *ciiool witht 

Qlin It, Ifeylr—Far Fif^-Crvu 

The Court: Ii« does not remato^tr, 

Q. Ih it not a but tint ana of your ground* 
of eompln i n t against tho iiociety wot tji* fiu;t 
that a <i'jo!a of CD hour* per month preaching 
the 1 j- ■:■ l- ; .i - : 1 from hou:,o to houni was ?tt and Ihul 
ia on* of your reAnoai for leaving Bethelf 

The Court: Before he leftl 

Mr, Covington: Ye*. 

A No> 

Q. Did you have any objection to that quota f 
A \\'d'. t I thought that it wils c«Luhlij<hiojr oji 
artificial standard, you miehl say, for Chrij;iLsm 
work, 1 hail tint objection, but it wo* not * 
^c^inus enoujrh objection to — 

The Court: Yoq had that objftSiiua, 
That Lh on anawer. 

Q, Bo you and your wife desire to return to 
and became a pact of tin: WaLrh Tourer O'fiiui- 
iiaiicm arid JeEiovah't* WiliussscijI 

Mr. Hmcniiannen: I flbjoct to the 4)aas- 
tion. It in not at issue here. 

Q. Wh^n was it t]gii you and your nrlf* 
rocciiad the conclusion that you no lon|rcr do- 
K-ired to become a- part of and be a. part of the 
WoJeJi Tov;*r orgftfti**tion1 

air, Bruchhausen : Objected to. 
Tfi* Court; Sustained, Wo nave been 
over that very carefully, 

Q. You rtiilE eitxtn an damnjrcM (bo fact that you 
are now shunned and avoided by Jehovah f i Wit- 

CWi* & itayts—For Ptf.—Crat* 

Air. Brn dih anMn ; I tubroit tlie com. 
plaint ifniakt for iistif. 

The Court: Suatained. We h:i-.ii lus'i: 
all over :!;..".. 

Q. Vol; IceUfbd that yon attended atudiia in 
.\lil»aukj-H! nflor you returned (hrrc in 1SI5D jiail 
inl'ijTie Sr|iH-iiiljcr Ifjlh, for tiit purpoaa ot de- 
iL'^iuniiip; whether or not I In; H)».'1rinei were 
rk'ht, i« llial eorrertt A, I ilun't rceaJl tcjitify- 
inx In tint, 

Q. Wkfst did yrm sav you dirdT What diil yosi 
nitend tiie^e mttliagit fori A. HUiiv (he timu 

Q. Betvn'n AtdCAsi Slh and September JlJtU. 

The C«url; When you jjiil itack to iiii- 
wnsikfe on K*r>ioLLLln>r lfi, lDliL 1 . 

A, Dcciuine I ccni-idfT'.-il iiiVL-rlf i'iil a part of 
the or^nmiotion, wax int*r*3tt*d in if* lekehn:e>, 
wuntcd lo k-arO nnd (o woiL wi(h tlicin. 

(^. Yon were not inier£>fcti4 in nil of its. teach- 
in e>, were vmil A. There were Hfliue that I did 
not BJ,TC4 with, 

l^. CcmiittK mm- to the WhIj-Ji Ti»wer rnipi^irje, 
you know, do- you ii«!, that the Welch Tower 
uuj^sjne is the channel of camraunication be- 
tween Jehovah \ WilrtfjuitB tod the Wntch Tower k Tract Society, Ino.f A, Yea. 

Q. And that vna employed an a means of pro- 
viding 1hcui wifli S.(drilua[ ftmd, wns it nolT A. 
A meanfl eni]jioyed of ])rovidinjf limn with ilfi 
inlernrejetion of in* l!ihle r yes. 

Q. Al I he 1inws tlmi you were rounsel, how did 
you regacd the ^ T atcli To"*'tr uf n mean* uf eolfl- 
tj^anication httweoa the Watch Tower BibLe & 


CHi» R. Mai/lc—Far PIJ 1 .— Cr<t&$ 

Tmct S<H:iflty and Jehovah '■ WlLneflieal A. I 
rej^rdud it — 

Mr. BrnehlRiiuen; 1 object to it. 

The Court: He lulu already answered it. 
1 I hint v.'* have ltenn over thin thoroughly, 
ko I am gajtij; In .^u.-iuin an objection to it 

Ifr, C'H>vin(!(t.a.: U'e *sr*pt. 

(J. Tl» Watch Tower inapnzine was not did' 
trihuted puhht-ly, upoi: the atreete, that is, vra» it. 
in duly or 19391 A. 1 don't remember juni when 
that be^an. 

Q. U wsw niA !u ri-t'resh vaQT nu-tiKiry— v.a.1 
it not in February, i;J4fl\, thai the Watch Tower 
hei^an to be dislnhuEed an the public alrec^Kl 
A. I eoiiidn't recall. 

Q. Hid you ever see it on Ihe sti-wta prior to 
fclitanlKr 151 li and Oriober 15, 1S381 A, Thai 
I don 't renmnher, 

Q. The Watch Tower wan id"* Htudied in the 
luwieHoT the people tlirauRhmut the eatire Unitixl 

Still m, Wim It not f A . T IwdieVe hi 1. 

Q. iliiv, 1 iiuiiiy niih|i;iiiLi-H of JelmVah'^ W:\- 
nenses were there in (he 1'nilrd RtnUn at ihc tllftt 
you were general Counsd, uji to AiutkhI .S, 1S3U, 
if you j'eiiicnilier, a;>|>rojEiiualeJyt A. I don't 

Q r To rcfrciih your rereileetiora, was tber* m- 
ernl hundred, if n«t w^'eral thoiinundJ A, There 
were f|tiite n nutiiltcr of tlieni, I bad nothing 1u 
do will} thiit de|iartlnehl. 

Q. There were ronjrrej;Bti«ni; and companies 
located from one end of the county to the other, 
in every stab? of the I'nion, weren't there f A I 
lielieee that i» right. 


OJi'it R. Mvylt—PoT Plg.—Cnt* 

Q. And in aildition, connected with those eon- 
pretfttionn, atlendeil by Jehovali'a Wilnesues, 
liiere were ab,o indivjdiw] studies in each eom- 
uittniLy, were there not, in the homes of the people 
wher* they gathered together in the bomim I A. I 
remember such studies, yen. 

(J. And that was the. poliry throughout Ihe 
entire United KsuIck, to have au»;h studies, in 
addition Nb ihe reijuiar Wateli Tnwtr eOasrega- 
lion uiee1in.pi at tite liajls, it tint eOrreetT A, 
That is correet- 

Q. T>itl the \1Vlrli Tower mapazino of each 
i*KU0 contain an nrticle that was made the basis 
Of ntudy before eAi-b eompruiy — 

The Court : TYe hnve hern ail orer that, 
Tiiat luat )*en testified to fully. The Court 
will object itself to the rjae.i1ioii r 
Mr. Covi«e/ton; We eieent- 
The Court: You doubt litat you hftiie 
'■., ■■'.':! all over that, sirl 

Q. To rcfrenh your rocollN'tinit I hhow you an 
"Informant," duts^i -Taunary, 1940, and (isk you. 
to look ni (he pnjrc, the hack pnpe, where it says 
*' Wider Distribution Dcjjins February." 

The Court: Have you seen lhat before 1 
The Witiieiis; 1 don"t remembe- se*injf 
this, 110, 

Q, Tour «ounis*l Itsked us to ftdn^it the £caiaino- 
nesa of thaL 

>Ir. Bruchhiuseu: I object to tit* state- 
ment Of counsel. 

The Courtl PleMe dou't raahe. sUeh 
sts,tem*a!La. You hmve at question and you 


Win 1C. Meglc—t'or I'ljf.—Crou 

Imve an nnuwer. There is no teiLiion why 
you should itiakc any tuch slaleuient, 

Mr. Co vinfton ; W e eiuL-pL 

'ihe Court: To your statements 1 1 ex- 
cept to your statement. 

11 r, C*vi ngton : Hay 1 hare, th e- " WutoJi 
Toner" coniaining Hie article designated 

The Court: Yoo mean Eibibtt 1 of the 
pluhititf T 

Mr, Covin jckm : I thought i t mi Eiiu bit 

Tke Court: That is September 1st issue. 
Id 'hat what you are referring tot 

Air. Covington: October 15th. 

The Court: That ia Plaintiff'* Ex- 
hibit 1. 

Mr, Covington ; Y«. 

The Court: lit refers to Plaintiff '■ Ex- 
hibit L 

Q. That is Plntn tiff's Exhibit 1 that yon have, 
and that in made the biwia of the 15 mt catb,e of 
BfitioiL "H'hot part» — Vou al!ej*e in Vniir eoia- 
ploint that certiiin purta of Ihnt am fain:. What 
ports of that nrticle can you advise now that are 

f L. I r.M t 

}.fr. Brudthausen : I abject to thaL 
The Court: The objection is sustained. 
F.*ccp1i0n l* defendunt, 

Q. 1 «how you iinw the ' L S nareii " nrtiel* of No- 
vcmber 15th " Walch To.w c r"— 

The Court: J'loiattH'* titltibit Lt 
Jlr, Covingtad: Yea. 




Q. (Continnrflg)— 4D<1 aft > ,|>u to identify tpio 
pui'lii Iheraof thnl you claim to be fiJrnj in you: 

Mr. JlrurhruLiiN-'n . frame objection, 
Th; 1 Court! Kami* rulins. 
Mr. ( 'nvinprton : We tsw^t, 

Q. Have yrm ever ittnidoc] Jiny rtf tin 1 utmlieji 
i lint uir H'li-ni LlicU'iI in tin- li nines of (lie Jieopli*, 
nnjih fltsii tiki- Wuleh Tourer iiH'rtinjr* in ihe 
tone; f egal i,">n» t 

The Court: Pis tlie <i»K", 

(J. At uny lime prim' l« JsimrHibeT l'it Ifflflt 

A. Yes, t think I have. An; 1inie prior In Na- 
vriuhcr IS, liKEIf 

(J. Yi-n. A. St untie* in I lie home. 

Q, T<M. A. Vex. 

CJ. Thei*r ^liwlii-* in I lie In iino were iisanily 
nninun rwople tiuil -Jul imt ntli'nd the Wnkb 
Totver "liiili™, \»*>'l tljiH correotl A. Tiny W«rt 
dAdUftrd for tlie c nprvm kn^e of people who did 
nnt rOfflllaHj" attend ilic regular U'HA Tower 
utilities ut Ihe Kingdom Hall Not tile meeting" 
tlml I ulttailni, 110. 

(J. Wb» it not Ihe poliey of (he Society 
tliroii^liiHit the country to eondnct nsch oludiea 
fi.r llit licni'lil tif people knnil-n 3s "t!ood Will," 
known Lhrnuphoul (he cntini t'nited States* A- 
I iLtiilcrptanii ahem were such stwlii'H, 

(J. Ilo ynu knim' who the people of "Good 
Will" are fir a! h'a*t you know who the Society 
ha* in mind when they refer lo people of "Cood 
Will" pri»r to November 1.', 1&39, do yDO molT 
A. 1 believe 1 (3o- 

Oiii, fl, MttyU—Fot Ptfj—Cnt* 

Q. And ■n-'inl distinction or liilTerenta was. 
there between penplo of "flood Will" m;l ■'Je- 
hovah'* Wiirm.'KHiTil A. I believe tin- Society 
tlpeury was (Imt Jehovah 'n Wilne*"** oro on an- 
noisitcd elan* who m apcnls «f tied in preaenl- 
ing ;ho alnuwjcr, til ill the pcnplo of "tiiind Wilt" 
ore pc»|ili; wild uru fuvuraUy minded Uiwordt 
tick], Iil'Lii^ — ■ 

TLe Court: Von im»n jironpeetsv* 

Tlie W[tlW«t: It would amount to that, 
[irucliciHy, JPW, 

Q. Ami they UTrr [M'ti.[il<.' [liat were irnereste<i 
in tlie Kwii'lv 'k activity, we» (hey not, (KM>[>le 
of "UimiiI Will"T They we-fe not thoie tlini flp- 
jjnsiMl i1, were they I A, N«t according to their 

Q. Anil tliey urn' nut 1ln>i«> were indiiler- 
ftnt lo the- iSoeioly, were iheyT A- I Mievi; thut 
ii rlgiit. 

Q. Rut Ihey wprc fienplA IbnL had no nelive 
intcri'Ht in the Wutcli Tnivrr Hi hie i Trawl ijoti- 
cty'n puhliiiitiun arii.i nfl:i:1:i ■-, K Ii :.l riflit I A. 
Yrs, tir, HccnrdiPjf I" the Vi'atoli Tower defiiii- 

Q, Sl-ii who did not fin nut like Jthorch'f Wit- 
jiepsen from Iiouim: to hnuii*, is tiial eorrMtl A, 
I tiviif y<! timt is- torrect, 

Q. And (hey daptndod for their Duntcnanoe or 
the .npi ritual foml thut 1hey j^'H from J 1? hovali > 
Wilneaaea wlio broujfLl *' '" ilmru h}' cjJLinc; c,l 
their Lome, in tint correct! A. Icm'l uuwtr 


Olio it itoyte-For ,PIff,—Cfat$ 

Q. ] inn talking ilIicmiI the rwliey an yrni undur- 
it(w>d it, jirigr tO N'oVc-inhiT I'J'ii'J- 

Mr, BrueltluLSMrn: It cull* fur the op- 
ernti'iE'i <pf the miisd of (lie rct-i p£">i t , 

Tlie t'tiurt: Ap.parnHl)' lie i-nri'i an- 
MWL'f 1 1 ii; ijiii-.-itinis. KnpjrtuiE yoii rcrr,'ii<ie 
it. WInlJ In- wunlw (<i liiuiw in uhi-Uii-r 
ji.ti kimw whether thai wim the pnliny of 
Jcln»%iil i V IV j UrHxtn. 
Q. 'Wn* it iimle in IojhJ ninmiKHt JHiMTdli'ti ^Vpt^ 

(leMMin 1lNil illC Irf-nplt of "Ijlinrt tt'itl" i|r-|H'iir]nl 

ait .1 uhovii Ii '» XVitnenHii t's hrinjs m Ihr-u. s 1 is f- 
itunl JToikI in the fonn of \ia III inilia|p« nf Ihe 
tVnLtJi Tower Itihle & Trurl Kuiii-ty rit tlieir 
hnines, iiui't thut enrrrctT A, I hi-liisi'e llm1 ™* 
■umleriitijiHL muonpst tlicm, yr». 

Q. Ami Hint van the prui'lice, iim't Uiat IrueT 
A, 7*«, sir. 

Q. And frwiiwHlli' if a pemon tliowed imii*iuil 
inlemri, n *1nd>' wan tooduelfd in bin hnmc 
uln'if otlu-ra were invited, i^ that forrertl A. 

Q. And what publications n-ere nsunJly sln- 
difrl, if y«U reideinherl A. Timst* of lh<' orfiatai- 

Q. And bnoWetil A, And hooldtt-, yn. 

q. Ajid Watch Tower* 1 A, I don't know 
about Watch Towen, whether they were used 
t>r not. 

Q, "ftrbat do you Tio5d in your haudl A, A 
printed copy of Uie Charter of tin 1 YVale.ji Tower 
Bihihh & Tract Society, Int. parrmrtinE to 1* a 
copy of iU 

Hr. BrBtbh».u»eii: Which «I14 ia that! 

Olin R. Sletfi—Por Ptg^-Crnsa 

Mr, Coviuotou : Ttie t*eii£LEyl7iuiia oji- 

The Witneit: Th» FeflaaylTania cor- 

(J, i(ave you evur F**n that before 1 A. Yea, 

air, I til ink I have. 
(j. Aa attomey ( weft yen familiir already 

with tilth daartcral You w'wre, w«e J'OU notf 
A. To aoiiio extent, yea, 

ilr, Coviujjtoft: \t'e offer that in trif 

The WitncBs: Tlia copy I uow hn-pa in 
ray 1 1 m id appears to l«j a printed copy of 
tSie cWtor 0( the Wuttli Tower iiibio & 
Tract iioeiely, la«, foffnerly FerjipJo'i 
Pull: It AsHociation, 

The. Court: That ia 1 K*w York cor- 

The Witney: Thai ia the New Yort 

Mr, Co^iogton: We offer that also it) 

Hf. EraehhaiiEen: No objection to tha 
Erst uM of the PeausylvBnin oorjiorati on. 

(li:ceiTed in ovidesiea and mirted De- 
CiadaaU' iixbibii D-l-i.) 
Q. l>urme; the titne that you acted aid counsel 
for the Waidi Tower Bibl* & Tract Soeiety, Inc, 
(lid yon handle claim in the State Department 
U 0<;hair of Jehovah "n Witneaaen againit tha 
(jjjvdninient of ijenfiany for confwcatijiK the 
property of (ho Watch Tower iiihlts ii Trtct 
^cnitt\ _ in 1D331 

Olix II. iferiU—F<,r Pltf.— Cross 
lir. BrsdihnnMn: I object to it. 

The Coul-l: Til* ohjl'l'.tii,n is liUislaJned, 

Kjicetxion to (be def^iuijnts, 
Mr. IJraelibnuiJen: Xo oh;ee.tici: tr; tliia 
New York charter. 

(.deceived in evidence an<] niftrked Tk>- 
ftndanti' Eiliibit U-15.) 

Q. Unrine; the time that yon acted aj) cunniri 
lor ihe Watch Tow*r Bible & Tract Society, yon 
filed a number of libel suits, did you not, in be. 
hulf of tlie oi-p;aolzditlonf 

Mr. IS ruc'ii hau sen : I object to Ihrt, 
Tin L Cuurt: tHjjiietic-u anatained. I do 

not see the HMttfuBty of it. Kiicption 

to the lit l'i nu;, r, 1 1. 

Q, Wlwl do j'oa have in ynur hand mml A, 
We!!, it is n carbon copy dutnl April ij, llUJil, 
addreused lo O. IL iloylc, rw »ii;Hature. 

(J, (jjlI j'jju wit nee lie original of [hull A. 
Ye*, I have, 

Q. You have the original 1 A. I believe 1 

Q. Will you lei ait bare it A. I do not have 
jt here. 

Q, Tiiis it correct, though, if it sotl A, It 
lnokd correct 

Mr. Covington: We oiler it in evi- 

Mr. Bnacnhnusrn: I tbinV th* defend- 
ant will MUKjed* that we ware never 
served with a notice lo produce. 

Mr. B r-.H'hhaunti; ■ It is ejected (* an 
LacojBpelciil, irrelevant uad i rnn' . r .tenaJ. 


Olix Ii. Moylr—For Fiff.— Rrdlrtct 

The Court; Well, the objection ii aas- 
tni:ied. Yoo may mark it for idcnlitica- 

(Marked Defeadaiits' Exhibit Did for 
Idea tih" cation.) 

llr. Covin e^on; Tiiat if ad, 

ii^iiirecJ tjxwLaaiivn lit; Mr, Brvchhau sen : 

Q. You win anted about pendine; eases after 
you left Bethel, and in thut connection I Jihnw 
you a letter dated Augunl ID, 1933, tu Judge 
F>,itlicrf(irJ, or a copy of iL lint before dning 
so I &iU the defendant to produce the original. 

The Court: Have you the orbjuulf 

Mr. Covington; 1 want to look at the 
letter first. 

Mr, J!rji'iihau.-,iTi : Jt is u-tiiti^iiid in 
our no! Ice to prod are. 

Mr. Covington: You **y it is in your 
notice to produeel 

Mr. Bi-upblmu-ien: Yes. 

Mr. Covington: WiLI you -verify Hint. 

The Court: Introduce tha notice to 
produce in evidence. 

Mr. Coi'i ngton : Here ia the point. W* 
have no objection to IL 

The Cnurt: Ab long as there has been 
a question raised nbout the notice l« pro- 
duee and what it contains, I ajsmne there 
will be something elft*, W t think it's just 
as well that it be offered in OTldeRCe now 
aa at any other time, 

Mr, Covington: We will consent U 
that £OiD# io- 



Olia E. ifer/le—For Pl§.— Redirect 

The Cour;: Have ywa the DrL^iaalT 

Mr. Corioglan: I h^v*n't hid an op. 
portumly to cearch for it, bat I t acitt a 
it ia all right and there, is uoihiLg ob*4ft- 
(LuiLiihlit t« tlie eooteata and wt wijl let it 
go la. 

Mr. Uruchkauscn: I withdraw the 
olfer lor the moment mid I offer in evi- 
deiive the notice tu produce dated Mn.y 5, 
ISM3, addressed by tka plaintiff's atlor- 
licy to t^ie defe-adonls' attorney which, 
ulHOn£*t other thing*— 

The Court; It *p*aln far itself. Has 
it nn wlrjiiesion of CtrvK* on itt 

11 r. Cuvinglrtn: It w*W served by m:iil 
on SSuturduy before the case begam But 
we ot this tuna object 10 tli* introduction 
of nolicc to produce bccM*** it ia entirely 
uuuitateiial and irrelevant and has no 
phuv Lie Tore the jury. 

Tlw I'mirt: it is immaterial Oftles* 
tlioro is ^niti^ fft he sonic (mention, Ynu 
nuki-d — On the rviiird you asked (bis 
lawyer if it w J ;is in (be notice to produce. 
la there any question about it being its 
the notice to producet 

Mr, Covington; No. 

The Court: jf there in, tin; notice to 
produce ia, in the Court'* judgment, rele- 

Mr. Covington: No nucntjcn. about it- 
Mr. BftidiJiiTiEen; Then I withdraw 
tLe offer. 

I offer in evident* now the letter just 
rrferred to, written by the plaintiff to 
Judge Rutherford, dated August 10, 1330. 

Qlin It. ItnjU—l-rt Flff,—Re&Ttti 

The Court '. There- ia no objection. 
Ifr. Codington: No objection by the 
defend ante, 

(Received in evidence ami marked 
l'tomtiff'* t&lutt* 15.) 

Q. Von W*W miicd about these people of 
"Uood Will" and they are really mcmlwrs of 
the general public, ore they not I A. Yes, I be- 
lieve so. 

Q. Aud aren't they those who come in by way 
of snlicitnlian of the publishers, and thoie wbn 
go from door to doorf A. Yea, 

Q. Are they not ia many casts handed copies 
Of the "Wateh Tower"! A. Yea, sir. 

Q. The pahtiahers, as 1 understand it, are 
given, a oerisin number of "Watch Tower " 
magazines for distribution, free, are (hey aotl 
A. I believe they do hftVo or did ha**, 

Q. And they are given circular* and lileraiare 
from the "Watch Tower" organ watioat A, 
That is right 

Tine Court; May I interrupt, You have 
a bod habit of saying, '*I believe." TVdl 
you plense state wliether yon knoiff, st 
whether you don't know, or what ia the 

The WilucB*: Tfvry giKid. 

Q. Prior to and up to the time you left 
Bethel, lhat was the practice that was pursued, 
wn* it flOtT A. Yes. 

Q. And did not a great many of these pub- 
lishers go around with phonographs f A. They 

rtits. R. Mayk—Fer Rlg.~ RrMrtcl 

Q. And play the piiooogrtphf A. That in. 

Q, And wbo*e voice wnj rw;firdf<l oa that 
phonograph 1 A. Mr. Rutherford '• voice, 

H- And they would be armed with thij ];t- 
eruture and oopiee of "Walch To^Crt" and iO 
forth 1 A. That is right. 

Q. You were asked about Ihia publication [a- 
jtucd by "The Dbwel" Ie that thin "Christian 
Herald" that iu awoken of — A, Ko, eir, that 
is n: ;. 

The Court: What is ill 

Q. There in noni>c- publication iusucd by the 
I>au~n Cotojiony, ib there aolT A. Ttie Uauii 
Company publielieu a niugaiiae called "Ttie 
Ua wn. " 

Q. Uas thai a large circulation! A. You mean 
£ii !o circulation or tltcl 

Q. Circulation. A. I don't know its circula- 

(J- Were you WW n tatmbar at Hwl orgnnbm- 
tionl A. N«, 

Q. YhiU ih> not pulsliiih it or havrn't publinhed 
anv thing in thai magazine T A. Ko. 

Q. Or authorized any pubttealian of iti A. 

Q, Tliii I'astoral organization, that alio liiil 
a [tubl ication, "The Christian lieralit," in tbat 
it! Al "The lierald of Christ's Kingdom" ii 
Hie name of it. 

Q. And wiien did you first hare any aaao^is- 
tinn with lint orgnnization 1 A. Well, it was the 
latter part of 1IMU or the early part of li^il 
that i met tome of its member* and listened to 
sor^e of its speeches. 

Ola R. Meyk— For Plff.— Iicdinct 

Q. Did your ftrnt intradnction to it etna* at 
tli n r time to somebody who called upon you un- 
solicited by youl Was that it T A, It «ame 
about by my attending a convention ol the little 
claaa of iadcpendtnt Bible student* in LaJte 
MiHa, where I n*vf attend. Some of the Pas- 
toral Bible student speakers were at that con- 
vention. That is whtr* I made their aoqeaiat- 

Q. Do you know what the membership of tJtat 
Organization isl A. -I don't know. 

Q. Are you an officer or a member of itT A. t 
Wii a member of tlie eor[K>mtion. 

O. And do they conduct claisesf A. The eor- 
por^LJoa docs not. 

tj. is tl.c;r activity limited to lectures and 
tlie distribution of their pamphlctt A, Yes, to 
lectures, the distribution of the paper and cir- 
;:.. ;.Lj...i of traeU, 

Q. Do either "f tlMM organizations to yoar 
Jiflowledge announce tiial Ui*y i»re ujjr>OKed to 
Johovah'e WitaesseaT A, Not to ir.y IrcowJedj?*- 

'■',:■ And 1-ftvr you ever ia connection with any 
activity of cither of those organisations ever 
announced your oppoiitioB to Jehavah 1 * Wit- 
nesses T 

Mr. Covington; I think it would be 
better if counsel would not ask leading 

Tlie Court: Tlie objwtioa is sustained. 

Q. Well, I ask you what, if anything, the 
policy of those arganizatton* was, aj far oa yoo 
know. A, The policy of the organization, a* far 
M i know, ii to prsieat matters eoacarning thi 


Olm R. Ifai/le^For Pig— Redirect 

Bible to peopl* who were interested thnovghaut 
the country. They priut and circulate articles 
on the Bible, on th,; taacbinga of the Bible, and 
the purpose, ns fir ns I know, ia ty a;i:;iit Chris- 
tians to Jive better lives and to make, their caU- 
tnj; and election sure, aa the liible atat^s. 

<j. Yoii were asked about yoar contract with 
Mr. Brown, a lawyer &ut in Miiwantoe, Dt> you 
recall tliatl A, 1 d". 

Q. Will you tell tlie Court and jury the cir- 
tmrwtOIKtit arinia^ not of that contract, or how 
the conlrMt eame ahout, in sai^UuiL*, A. When 
1 anuibgwl lo leave for Brooklvn, I ili^cusajyi 
i\ilh Mr. iirown the idling of ray practice nnd 
my place to go over to him. Wa made a deal. 
He Wfc'hl it, dr?-w up die enntrefit, and ws ex- 
ecuted it. The cflnlrwit |irOTiiM that I would 
not practice in the County, in the twin Counties, 
for ten yean, 

The to;i1raH covered tlie wide area of two 
coualicj;, lUcino and KpiiOMha Counties. 

On my re) urn I vWlnd Mr. Broivu M'!vcrnl 
tiiM4'ii iliiicLix^^il with hjin tlm rMAKihdaly of 
reliifufinK a jmrt of the i'i>n|.nict, a lilihi villngn 
in tin wmlntrn eml of Itar-inn County, I di.-cuiirtKil 
that several lime* with him and he did not say 
no outright, and ho did not *ii.y ye* outright, nt 
first. After ttie conclusion of several di««u>*ioiis 
he finally thought tiiat he could not re base part 
of tlie contract. W* cU*jn«*d the merila ef tlie 
CWltract itself and there was a disewmion s-s to 
the validity of 'be contract because it cover&l a 
larger area of territory Uiftn what iay practice 
aatually covered, and we Viad a dispute l^'tween 
us, an honest duaiite between ns, aa to whether 


Oiir. R, ilnt/le—Pof Plff.— Re direct 

the Mutrast was really itgil or not. 1 suggested 
to Mr. Brown that we arbitrate tbo matter', select 
thno r.- j- o I .--hie attorneys and place it before 
them and have tbrru decide as U* wtltQLCI or net 
the contract really was a valid one. He did nut 
want to do that and I suggested the only way we 
caii Settle this is through Use courts. I will aiake 
arrangements if practice there, and you ean 
bring an injunction, lie said, ''I will bring aa 
iii j i_.n: I _'j ji if you do that." 

Q- You suggested that he fcrt»5J that proceed- 
iaj;' A, I said that to Ilia. 

Q. Before it waa bro-^btl A. Yes, sir. 

Q. T'ld* wnj a means of testing out the val- 
idity of the contract, wa* it notl A. That is 

Q, He did go to court and argue oat Hie merit* 
of it I A. Yes, sir, 

Q. And after this bearing, why, tha court 
made tho relinjit A- That ii right 

Q. And you abided by that rulin^l A. I did. 

(j, tsoino mention wa* made about a cine tluit 
aline to you about that tuno and you appeared 
In eourt on, Will you tell u» tha ciieunuHtoncet 
af that imd na la how you coma into the cnee, 
A- T'heso tliraa djoJcadanti! eame to mo at tho 
place uhare I was atayine;, near Wauvato.ic, at 
tlie home of Mm, N'iwinsji, and naked mo to rep- 
resent thmi On tho efl**, Tliii Mr, Brown waa 
the altonK'V. I eaid I n'ould represent them l:nL 
tlicy '*«nld Imve to arrange witti Mr. UraM-n lirs! 
us to whether or not he wanted to continue, ^ 
drew up a sufmtitution of attorneys and sent that 

villi thens, if I remember right, to Mr. Brown. 

Meanwhile tlie cose was ceiled on the eal en d * r . 




Qli* ft. ifojfte— Far Pljf.—RfAiftct 

I vent down la the court and I remember telling 
iIil j-iuge that a subitjtuii&a «u being arr-avisd, 
Nothing woe done on the cost. Later en I could 
not IiLjr anymore from, c i "i y clients and I dropped 
tfiu ntullcr, 

Q. Theft was *otne tttatfOfi mode Or a letter 
placed in evidence addreisk-d to Mr. | > ]ji3trick_ 
A. Yu£, air. 

Q. \\\io is 111! I A. iie is one of Jehovah's- 
Witnes^e* living ifl Eistoa.. He was the com- 
pany servant, I think, in the Bosion coilidijiy at 
ii.l.l lime. 

l'£. Aw litem some cane pending at thai time 
ulhiul u Jill Jl yuu wars negotiating or dirHrtinrt&fl 
villi liijiL, which alio bud in it ITofebscr tiarilner, 

uJ uiLt til" Till! la* Hchoohdl A. TlLL-ra *■:— Jl fjmfe, 
U iiivirlvisi till! liulate Id Ilia Plug ^liflttfOQ 
wliiuil vsw pecdine; is llassacLiuHtlla then. 

Q. Wim Ibis iMij-rtK pnndence and tsua discus- 
sion on lite tiutsjion of the; Watch Tawer organi- 
sation participating— 

Mr. Covington i The corri'jijuindiinBC- 
itiifjiliiii for itself. We object. 
Tli* Court: Sustained. 
Jlr. Brutliliaujien: I won't pr^ss it. 

(J. T'lac-n: was HHno mention made here, I b*- 
lii-i-i-, about the Kucmicl Death. Can ynj describe 
lhat, »«■ tu what tlint dorlrinc 1st A. Tim Bible 
Ih'jliIicb, at two deuihs, TliC-ffi Lh one dentil which 
Ik i-nl'jiil UN' o4tlhlH death, That in. 1 in- :i<iit;i 

which i'L » K) iiil people Iwausc of inherited 

fii' faun Adam, "A* in Adam alt die", so lbs 
.Srri|jlun>.-< iuiy F dk w in Christ shall a]] Sh mnde 
alive". Mien the Scriptariys also upeak of what 

in silled Tha Second Dentil ; iLat death, m un- 
darstend, it a death franc, which ihefe ja no 
PuBiirrMtion, It it the dcudi which is described 
At JiL.i;« tool; part in, *'h«ro Jus i* called The 
Saa *..:' i'l^ditLac A di' fri.iu wiii:-JL Llu-n' it 
ma Jiojjk f«r the future whatsoever. We liiider- 
i*-.;J from the LiliLt tlint tl.uci! wlio die (ha 
adainis deatn do have opportunity for life ia the 

■Q. Tliere is soma mcDlion made at one time 
of vr.ur elipTilile, aa I recall it, being lOS* o£ 
Jtligv4ih"» IViLnvsata oat in Milwaukee. Do jou 
recall »«jilc Much tcnliitufnyT A. 7 made tome 
statement, ytw. T!iaL Km appTOKimat*. 

Q. Yon liave liad in your cxptrtenee i>^t ttttn 
even before jroinj! to tSctEiul nnny cants or mat- 
tcra referred So you by Jehovah'* Witnesses I 

Mr. Covington; We object to iL 

The Court; Objielion soalained te the 

i|nefition. It is leadlrif. 

■Q. Can you fire nc any detaili in. eonneeiina 
will i kpliLTior.y abiut the number of peaple 
or cLii-n.H tlml you represented among Jtiiovnli *s 
WitnesKe*. iu Mi^-aahce, and itd rtlnliorship lo 
any t'lUirrj. A, Well, til* relationship woold be 
in thi*: lf>' aet|ijain1aii*C with Jehovnb's Wit- 
aensra ;.: .i my frieail -.liifp ivith tlifiu w : nidil im 
an ikiJiiL-Mih'rit for them tft enine ta ma far lr(>a[ 
an^intJiNM 1 , fl.irl viry frerjnently llioje who were 
.lidwvjib'n Wi1iu-*upN. bnviisff frimd* t»>!id were 
Bfit iTclonh'M Witiii'jiKiii, thtry wtm]t\ TW-nmtfitn^ 
me te> lliem for legal eervieej. 

fy. And did vmi find it difficult on returning 
and gelling amongmt ittrangera (o acquire a clien- 
tele, ai diutinsilifhwl frtina the places where 

Qtin R, J/oi^it— For Piffj— Redirect 

tlufrt vrutt n c j ' 1 ''' 1 ' rn*ay of Jthovoh's WitiseasLi 
Mhu vtn FricrHUy t» yam A, It wjia natanlly 
more difficult, he±au£« as a Lawyer I enntd not 
tolii-it huoibeait, and Jtmaap^t itraflgtfij I ili;i jlq'. 
Itave snufh way of rnnhicig myjieif kanwiw 

Q. Iln yon reea!] being shovfD. Bom* atr-ua. 
fjnijdiic ni.inu:<'< wJ.irh were produce*! by the de- 
ff-ndijit, of tills hearing in tlie Mugistratej' 

The f'niirt- Arising ont of the Midison 
KiliiLirc frsirden epiaodc, or a portion of 

Q. h (bat corrfctl A. Yrs, sir, I remember 

Q. Tn reirr-J-li ynur rcefd Icet i on as to the cn-an- 
u-\ in !he en-i* and who repre<pntcd the defend- 
ant*, when T rn!l ynpr olknSion t" pi>Ke 3 "n 
tlie fNiord w'bieh sn^ws, +J F^r WiZiaJn Rt-itJi, 
Jr., Jn^^^h Y^ r bpel«*l1j^, , ' jLn^l onilpr tliat, "0- R- 
M^, : . Ir' - I A. Yl^ji. 

Q. Artrl rlid .TflS'ph WliwI^B or Major 
ll1«nHf>i"i i-iinvinlt with Mr. ^Intlierfard, to ynnr 
klWi«d#dg*, l*;fr,re th* hearing in f^artl A. I 
dan't reni^miKir Jfr, WnRtltM Iwinir prrsent ^J 
any of the nr.n ferencei-, no. 

Q. Th» Jndg* »a* acq-uairitefl »Hth WTie*!*** 
and hJvd bejm for imiwtim* H«f*re th^t, had lit 
nolT A. \er, fir. 

Q. And W>.p*1*k bsd hajidlftd ths naalter in. 
Jhiilajif-lpbia, had he nott A- That ii right 

0- And dome otlier matttrnl A. tn. 

Q. Ixj yon rwall whether ar nf>t v™ beeajne 
a"lHRin:«i W;b Wh«l*M through iir. Uiither- 
fordT A. We heard of tica, ditcusitd it, »nd 


I wtnt tn j^ee liim fDi- 1in; firnt t5jne that *'e re. 
taincd liirji. 

Q. At vfiosa iug'^eBticint A. At Judge 
Rutin? rfatd 'i. 

Q. Did Mr. Rutherford pass ou the employ- 
ment af all extra counsel in the caseT A. Ht 

Q. And did he attend to the matter of their 
fees and whs! thi'v hWjI.l Li' | and the pay- 
ment af tiiciaf A. Yea, iir, Hie biUi would come 
to mt and I would paia Lbem on to the crgam* 
latiom. If Uiefe was any iicthtion, he wouid be 
the an* that would paj:a on. iL 

Q. Am a iriatt^r of fatt, even prior to the re- 
tention of Mr. Wheeler in Jl.r- eaae did Jfott not 
ooasidrr and toafer wiih 11 r. flutherford for 
tt« emplo^iuacit of other conaaei I 

M'r. rnvin^tan: I thinfc it »iould be bet- 
tur if Hi* ^ , itnei:» would testify. 

Tli* Court; If you hav* an nhjectian, 
make it 

Mr. Covington: We do ul>j«t *a (hiL 

The Court: It « leaiSioij; ohjection nu- 

Q. "Wtat can yon esy ahofit any diatom, it 
ajiv^of wnin™ other cootj^cIt A Ther*: wero 
»iif*i:^&ee* -eoneeming the hiring -qf.othpr tnuxL. 
'mA. - It *m. 4H£R*it«d at ' "** ■ &me that |l!l, icftired tbe ease. 

The Court: .He ia no* Jdrl^e Leiba- 
witt, I tah* ilf 
i[r, BrQchhanjea : That if correct. 

A^ (Oontinnj&l) Other wraaat] were enaratsd. 
I ihm't mean the name*. 

('/tin St. M'l'jlr—yvr /'f/, — fttd'rtct 

(j. \\'hr:mi- h i-xnc-it ii on jl were theyf A. I =l,-. 
geNlirii aiJ^iliun&J c^-jriH^h 

1'he Cavrt: It IheiM any quention 'but 
triftt Judge Buinnrfurd pntM-d on tiit-M 
things finsllir~!K that what yon arc $tV 
ting all 

Mr. iJruelitiauwn; Yc», lhat is correct. 

The Court; 1 winuld like to shorten il 
ir (licre in no r|ue*1ion nbout iL Tbtrt ** 
no ijuetti^n but (hit the firm I say was 
Judge Hulberfiird s or iir. llu tlwrf or4\ 
wlii.-lierer it wis! 

il r, Covington : That in right. 

Q. At that time in Uk3S> at tlta trial, you had 
ii*i-n adijiittcd 1a the liar of the iitate of New 
Y..:,. M-vi-jal ;.:'....-, :,;.ii ;.;.-j i;-j t T A. Yci. 

[J. Darinp tiial time, sip to lhat time you had 
DMVLniori ta fniperrice or eollal»oratc in eauen in 
many jjurr* nt tbicr country, did you nett A. 
That i« ri K lit_ 

Q, It Km unincwlial lh* common practice uith 
the organization So have local counsel in its 
various places/l 

Mr. CnvinBtan: I abject to that. 
Tlic i'uafl: It iit leading, but is it inv 
|hOrtna('r : lj" y ■■ i u are Snaking 'an objection, 
■I wjj] iui.[aLQ il; IiliI.-I. du not think' it -is 
itoijortant-^- :■ 

' Mr, Covington: .'Tiitrs is no dispute. 
iil>::ut iL . , 

T7u?'-.Couirt ! In outlying places, you 
had 1l- (iave lo*ah counsel. ■ A man not 
■ admitted ' to' . the' Bi-r ^osM «iot reprea«nt 
you tiieTa.- \ 

Qtin It. ilc-utt—For PIfi.—Rfdirtet 

Q, At imy rate, who wis it lhat Euggested thai 
Mr. Whcitles^ conduct the trial T A. It was 

Jl.L;..- ['. ■!--.. -r' ■■:.'.. 

Q. A* a irmtter of fact, fhe defendjntj were 
aKtuitttd later, were ihey nolT A. TJiey were, 

Q, Does il refrchb your recosiectiou — I with, 
draw lhat. I)o you recall something was said 
as to the nature of the charge- in this caael A. 
That was questioned. 

Q. l>id the examination of the record refresh 
your recollection as ta what happened an that! 
A, Well, I recall the record there said assault, 
I believe. Hy recollection an the charge is not 
very clear. It seems to me it was a serious. 

{J. Uoea this refresh your recollection — 

ITi". Co*inetan; I nhjiet tn iL It is 
loading and fflfXtttlf*. 

Tli* Court: Let him h>ok at it 

Q, I show you. the record and ask you whether 
it dors refresh your recollection on the point £ 

just rpjMii, 

The Court: Lie wants to know what the 
churjje wii6 — is that rightt 

Mr, Ii nieli bnuscn : Yes, There wis 
jjoine i|ue»ti«n ' here "yetlerdjiy about ill 
b^injj jtclopiou* a^iwult,. ■ , 

The Court :.' .That is right. Ee unit 
tn kaaw -if (bit refreshes your rteollnf- 
li*n m (hj whit the cJmjga was. 

The Witness ; It does. 

The Court : Is thtTe any question about 
thist The: record shows it was "aimpia 




OSitt It, Ifoglfr-iFar Pi/.— Itched 

Ifr. Covinglcn: Ttoi two of ihe easea— 
The Court: Then ire two simple as- 
sault cast*, 

Ifr. Cowingtos: Am] Iters was h third 
Due of felonious nwciuit against Mr, 
Heath, That .« llui ana I -was logins 
about. The. Iwa simple assault <:asea 
wvjro n^ninsl Mr. Cnlane;oiu and Mr. 
Qrrc". and llw li-lDbicua ace-unlt easO was 
against Mr. Ur-alh. 

The IVilncas: I woumn'l diapnte that 
I think tUt it riftht. 
Q. Anyway, job heart) fciin* lestimony her* 
fir pc<sshTy you were aspect about this incident 
in and around the eoortroom with the attorney 
aleUoruiM who represented the otiscr p-Lfl-r- i do 
you roeall thnlT A. I rcmfKihtr that, yes. 

Q, Will you state ifinin just what you dirt 
with him in Conner I inp »Llb the incj^lt-nlT A- 
llajor "WhoeleR*, Mt. MfDonnld and myj;i4f 
atopped to one side And conferred ennceni injr «h« 
matter of an adjournment, We talked for jinsna 
littie time shoot ll^t nmltrr, and 1hen nlliiT me- 
ters came up, ami ihf-r# was some joke miuli 1 . I 
do not recall (he jpfct, nndl all parlac* t&Bfthcd **■ 
it. It waa a conference between atiornryu on a 
friendly basis. 

Q. Yau have been 4 prajitiein.rf attorney for 
. ninny years T j\. Yen. 

Q. Is it not the practice imfine; attorneys to 

hv courteous and friendly to an*- another! A. I 

bovo always followed the practice of l>cins 

courteous and friendly with jttnrneys in c-nsci. 

Q, In olber words, n it tht opinion of aU 

Ctii J*. Uai/it—Ftr PIJ.—HtJitett 

tornays in the practice that ***** eljeata imght 
be antagonistic — ■ 

Ifr. Covington; Your Honor, it is 
lending unci su^Tcttive, 
'J'l.i; Court: i'LL-iiKf! don't lead. 
V.t. i'ovLtiglon: lie should let the- wft- 

:: ;u testify, 

Q. Will you lell us what (bo praitifie ia in 
those re^[tcetg and lum b*cn1 A_ Tito practice, 
as I km"v it- in tliU attorney* are not EfCfBHir- 
ilv enciHJt* Lecansa thfir eltcuia m^y to 
ejimnies. Attorneys ns ■ gtntral rnlt ara 
conrtoous and frio-vdly. Mid whiU I4*y mny 
ftfjiit ca^fls slfc>npl> J in tlw tourta, tLey dfl not 
citL-nd th'j LijtiiLijBf in the court f n ibu utiuci of 
llui huo to lite rtlfltii>n*hit> bi'tweea tlitai. 

Q. [[ml you cvof !u*4 Mr. IIitDqubIJ befc-roT 
A, i<a, I Ji^d Rfit. 

Q. You did not know anybody U»t knew hiiat 
A- No, 

Q, Tli at in, he vu a tatal aLrnnger to yoii-- 
A. lie ivnjs, 

Q, (CniitJomed) — uncil this incident in the 
Sfiu ct.s-tottiif A, Yes, 

tj. Wii» Judge Ratorfcvril prtsint in lha 
coftrt-ronin 1 A. X*. 

y, Did anyone after the incident complduni to 
j-L-u phrntL fi'tftiidLne&E to otliar counnill A. Mr. 
ItuthurffKcd Eiirnself bL an inlurvii;* l&tar p^fa- 
tinned tliat I was too f riendSy u'iUi the connaeL 

Q. Did be gi^e you any details t A, No, 

Q, Die! Ii^ *ay win re he got it froml A. No, 

Q. Did anyone at any time complnia tbnt you 
?aix hi :ii bad ndvicaT ..A Mo — you. mean in 
thoic ca^es! 

Q, Yea. A, No. 

Olni tL Aloyte —Per {'!£. — ilc^ircct 

Q. fju [hut Uih- firs! t,:uii >ull iieaxd Li;-at 
t Ij;j L i|Ueii1uio of had udvice yut '.-.litii you saw 
tin.'ij' iii.r».'i' in tLii.H, a yeur <>r iifj — 

Mr. t'wingtHpia: 1 ubjvL-1 :•> chat. It i« 
lead] ag. 

Tin- fuart: Ohjcetie-n imntiiiiied. Piisumi 
do not kwl- 

{/. WkvH in Uic (irni tiuic- tlml yon ewer 
l.i-nrd uf miy eoiiieiilUfn ahutit that I A. Jf I 
ri'iLn.^Lijih'j - cuL-ri'.Lily, Ihfr first ciine iiu Froiti Mr. 
Itiithif f'lrd, eiilivr ui tliut ut&ctinic wlicre 1 *«" 
(lJM;]Qrj;iHl ht at a prtvtuus inlcrviir™' with. Iiitn, 
J don't nniicmbcr whacli. Hut hft did make the 
Midr-intnt tJitil I hud advi^Ml Qrred to plead 
(TuiltV, U'|mh:|i h'lih iV:rf!;i,L; h according lo him. 

Q. Wan tluil tlie fact) A. Ko» 1 did not ad- 
I'ixfr (ifrxii to plead guilty. 

(J. And ilitl you lull Jn:n h«f A, Vw. 

(J, HiNiit dottunCmt vib» [mi in tvidtnoo In-re 
iilj"»t irjipiinK (!"ii- itrjijin imliun fur life; yon re- 
eujj ibat, d»KB*t yH>uf A. I do. 

.Mr. lintulrhiiuien: ilay 1 nee lhati 

ilr. (.-twin jrlort : Yen, 

Tlie Court: TIhs rjiw^lJHiPuriJre, do you 
nant f 

Mr. lirinrhhauMKn: V*n. 

'J'hr- (-uurf. The r|U?fltionnniro filled 
cut H Itethet in Kihibil I,. 

(J, Wiltc >( nris wnitinfi, wnn Ll.nL jiaoer 
Hi^ni'it nut in Milwaukee til IU!!!!T A, Vea, 

Th* CuUri: Tlien you have tlie wrong 

J!r. JJ ruili I i^iiHtn : This is the one I 


Oifn fi. Moyic—FoT Plff.—Iltdirtet 

aiu rcfi;rriflK lo p if your Honor pleaie, 
of Ur, Moyle- 

Tlit IJourtL TJjen I have mentioned 
the I'Tonp; eitliibit. 

The WTLrift**: It van not iliiaaukrt; 
L'nhin rove. 

The Court: Timt is Ksiiibit B> 

Q, Tbit wan ueveral yi-iim U'Cors! i'nn went 
ts Bertbeif A, Almut tn-o yww bfrfore. 

Q. And that »■&* Ixdutu yoti had acc|,ui>:t4v<3 
in the plttdffo'w piupy^KKtlon that you eninu em tu 
Br;mldyn F n'BSBi't ill A. That wis, 

Q. There M'aa some eorreHptjndffifrfi in and 
about ttat timrj or during seTtral yeaja hefore 
15,15 from nnd to (hes JudR* about your comiufi 
to Brooklyn 1 A Hi- wrote and a^ked me if I 
would dome to Brooklyn lo hande the CUHt 1 
anam'rftd h^fk tliat 1 would like to du no. My 
l*ci *'ti then in high, tdtool, er=d I cooldn't 
eotoe at that tunc. He u-rute ha^k n^ain a^d 
aa'd "Weli h fil! out ft tjupnliunnnire. Vfe will 
kiep It on file, Bnd maybe you can coma lateT." 
Thai tjUHtlORAairt via then fdted out, 

Q, So it vnja after that time is 1933 when 
vi.u] Enrlly accjuieaced in his aujyjcnljcuj of goin£ 
la Birotklynl A. Ye;*, 

Q, Did .-i r.y ::-:i !■ jil ftoy time, notil you heard 
it ::i court, eontpljiin to you that yon had vio- 
lated .-.nine covenant vitn the orfimniiationf A, 
Thin in the first place I itenrd of it, 

Q. Bid anyonv nt that nmetin,!; of Aujfual 6tli 
exhibit to yon uny «ueSi f.i'^f an Lhia and *oid 
job ha J vinlated a covenant or a cnntractT A. 
Thai wiukn't bianjrht up there. 

QU* R. Mttft—Fcr Pif.~Ifat«*a 

Q. There tvqs no rcuinry; or cSuirgo modo 
;, ; ;.,ir. : .i yns nhusiL timL, waa thcTcT A. No. 

Lj. l{i-fi>rrLifi^ a^nin to 'Jits mL-idinC; of Auguiil 
fl, ISftt, an 1 understand it, yuu w«e in !ha 
dining room in tiie ginrning for brcifcfast wben 
Mr. litilluTford nnVcd you to come up to Ids 
rotuLi, ik ihul florwctl A. That is right. 

<l- Did he li-ll you ii^kttt ),e uianted you for? 
A D<! diti not. 

Q. When you arriiod up in (he rontn, did lie 
li-ll you that you were nn irinlf A. Ht did not. 

Q, ))i<! he tell yon Unit there were any charges 
HKflinMt _iijiiT A. No. 

(J. Dini he give you or toll you (hat JfflO wcrnld 
Imve uny njijiurliinity to ]i oki jiny papera or 
wilnnwi' <sr t-njUiinj; of that IdndT A Mo, 

If. What Ik the firiit ll line; tltat hn[irien*d wh*a 
yuu gtit in, on AuriuvI 8th, ia thai raonif A. 
lie nali'd ills scrri'tory to rend iny letter of July 

Q. And then what <w™rrcdt A. After the 
latter watn rend, he nskc-il each MK of the as- 
n-i ill lied dim-ton (o niak* enininentji thereon. 
They did. They nil coiideiniw.'d me for writing, 
the If Iter. 

Q. Thf-n did he sapgrnt tii< appointment af n 

llr. Covinjjton; Your Baaar, I thiol: 
lliis is all lending 1 . 
Mr, UruchhaiiBcn: I withdraw that, 

Q, Tlicri wimt occurred! A. TliOJl SuUiTran 
niinle I'lur nn^sif^'lon or a motion ihat a com. 
l nil tee he nsipuiniod, and a coi!in«1tt'e ^"oa *[>■ 
printed- They retired to onothef rOOHl alor^ 
vitii Mr, Heahh who alto went with them. 

<Jfi» JS. Jf^te— i'lr Plff.^Jitdirici 

Q, E?efore they retired, did tltcy hnve any pi> 
pcrs or book* with themt A, Heath hzd 4. Bible 
in his hundi, 

Q. Did you see anything in tie Bible, any 
jii|iei"t at asylliing like lhati A- I beiieva tiiere 
waa a hliwt in the Bible. I remember seeing 
a loose sheet in Ihe fdible. 

Q. Tiien at some stage there. Mr, Rutherford 
made a statement, did he nolT A. After tlu> 
committee returned. 

Q, And did lie have Lefore him tc yonr knoiv!. 
iMJ^e any jMijjeru or documenta that ha waa re- 
ferring to while this *'af going on! A, He hid 
a paper in his hand, fit, 

Q. Did you wake any coebkmiI At all— I thiafc 
you JLiii aaid yon told him l!...: the letter spoke 
far itcellf A, 'Dial is my .' ■■ce-Uectic-n, yes, 

Q. Wimt wu ;hcj fttlituclo of the JocJpti during 
(hi* proteedicijil 

Ifr. Coiingtui: Your lienor, that is 
calling for a conclusion and opinion of 
the witness, lie can tell what was said 
and done. And also it is argumentative. 

The Court: I think you are right. 

Q. Can you t«ll na any details ahout how air. 
Uutherfoul aetcdl 

Mr, Cavitt&top: Same, objeetioa. 
Ths Court; Ohgectioa auatained. 

q. Did ha talk in 

](ik Voioe or in tt ]::g-h 

Mr. ii'ftvir.ftini: I objecL to it as, lead- 
ing omj nun.ejentbve. Ha ought to ba ahl* 
to tell who! happened. 



Olm E. if ante— For Ptg.—Redirtd 

The Court: I ft"i)S permit him t« an- 
>nti tkit. Lxccptiorc Ic the defendants. 
Did his luSk in. a lo'jd or a low voice T 

The iVitntn: At nr*l, quiet. As lie 
IMialtag proj^ri-VKed ?md towards Hi dose, 
bin voire rose in intensity and volume. 

The Court : What, if anything, did you 
notice from his f 

The Witness; IJis attilude wa» ^rry 
antagonistic townrdu (he eno 1 a( iL 

Mr. Covington: Ksfeentinn. I eik that 
that p*H bt alrieken oat hecaase it is 
jij-11 jiiLLjUiLLivt: and a conclusion and opm- 


The Court: You have your o*ccpL;ar.. 
11 r. Covington. : We eiccpl. 

Q. Yoa wen questioned as to why, prior lo Uhj 
writing of the letter of July 2lsL you did nt>; 
make complain t, fit 1 understood it, to lie 
Judical A. iughl, 

Q. Can you tell us ur>y reasons for that? A, 
Well, 1 litre wrre ft counle of reasons. I fell it 
won't in y job to c&rrect the organization Cfl 
clcim it out, and furtheruoore, from what 1 had 
j,i' i'j. - - 

Mr. Covington: That if repetition, 
may it plesze your Honor, mid i£ a.i It- 
lion to that, lie ought to tell whfl4 fc* did 
and not go into what in bade in hia mind. 

The Court; I vr(li fcustaio it aa tie 
first ohjec.lion beraill* I think you have 
been all It** that, 

Mr. Bnithhaoaen ; 1 rented to. ask a 
tew question* — 

0fi» JI. Jfu]fJt— For PJJ— fiedir-ecf. 

The Ctturtr A^k poy qmwtion yo=i 
h'ujll If titer* is an objection, I will rule 
on iL 1 will bus-tain the objection to that 
question as not proper re-dir*el (oua- 

Q. Yi.h wtj* jui'm-il l'::;;o1 aniue maltem men- 
tianud in thia letter oF July 21, 1939: yon re- 
call that! A. I was, jet, 

Q. I call your atteplioa to a mention yoa 
inniln there about J. Y. MacAulisy. I do not be- 
lieve anything was Jiaid about that yesterday. 
Can yoa tell us what that oceurreaca wan and 
tha Jj:a..2 about it I 

Mr. Covington i That is a repetition, 
if your Honor please, 

The Court: I am not certain whether 
it if or soL Are you certain it ial 

Mr, Covington ; I am not positive,, but 
I rcmcmlmr jnr|nirlnjr of him about the 
dktCttHiCfA on the- "Watch Tower." 

The Court: But I have mot heard lit 
naiue MaeAuIay, I am going to overrule 
tbc objection on th* ground tStat 1 am 
not certain, You may utt the u,uestion. 

Tbt Witn«iia: There were two a^old* 
in^fK given to MacAulay. One waa nhprtiy 
after we catue there. Tie cause of it n'aa 
prior to our coming tiere, nut from the 
conversation at the time the sf/'lding 
took place, it appeared that jMacAnlay 
had a^ktxl Borne htUC to he returned con- 
eeminr nomtr Action* of C, J. Wi»dw'Drtli F 
and Judj^s Rutherford acoided ilacAulav 
Tery, Tery aeTerflly— 

OH* li. iloylt—Fvr rif^Iiedirctt 

Mr. Covington: That Is a conclusion 
and opinion, if your f loner please, Wo 
movi' t» *!rike it out. 

Tin- Ciiiirt: Strike out tbc Vlter p<"-l 
tt'i^r* b^ ku.:l1 ''Ju^t^! Hiitb^rford h^vere- 

|y jin>ltlnl HacAitJajr." 
The Wiiaent: lie told JlMAalay (hat 

lie waft butt ins in on tbin^i wliiei wero 
jiii conctrn of hi h. tlutt if be sortinood to 

do auea tbinga, jm l.r.d better po^k ap 
and -st out His voice was loud and 

:= I nir: j7 

Q, \VlifT€ eild ;hi£ lake place and about wheal 
A- It look place in tie dinino" rpom. 

By (lie Court ; 

Q, Kliortiy after you get to Betkcl, j p on widl 
A, Shorlly after I gut to Bethel durinjj (Lo 
meult in;c. 

By Mr, B nichbnasen ; 

Q. You were liow far away from Mr. Bather- 
ford al tliat time! A, I vftu two tables over 

f .■•- :.l hilE. 

Q', So yn)u hud no diilSiLulty in Iwiarin^ bimt 
A- Xot the jilL r :litL'sL 

Q. You mentioned also in tbe letter an inci- 
(ient ahoat Worii'leyT A, Yea. 

Q. Tell as about that. A. Worsley m a 
>ioung man who *at at my table. He had some 
posKion in the Brumkiyu Unit *f the company, 
nnd tin JihIeo JipnLt to hi in one day at the din- 
ner tnlitr- Vi.'j-y roughly and in a. loud tone, and 
accused hint of h'f'flJ! forward on his awn honk 
pretairinj; a jiaper or list of Scripture citations 

OIU R. Single— Fttr Pltf—Rtdirtct 

aid givinf; it to the membera of the Biwfctyll 

unit witbnul his authority. Ha seolded bint. He 
MjidV reference to 1be fact that be waa fiiglish, 
and tliat the Knglish aln'ayt *iuisi*lered tbem- 
eelves altogether (oo Knuirt nnd running ahead, 
and removed him from tfie oiBciat position 
which he had with tbm Brooklyn unit. And the 
Ihiix which Im dii3 was Eivinp tiua paper with 
Seriptttr* eUatian on lo help the member* of 
tbt unit ia their work of calling on the peoph\ 

Q. UJil you atato when and where this tii*k A. Tills took place nt the dinner table 
while the family were mating dinner. 

Q, About when! A, Tbat vn$ about the third 
yenr J wju thore- 

Q. WLfil vaji hin tone of voice thenT A, An- 
(jry and loud. 

Cj. You BJiid Pftmething h*ro in tbo letter 
about the Bfafmtnt tlmt tbcro wmr no bon.ii*ji 
b Shu orfimriMliAa. W3tat nre the detniLi about 
thntt A, The Tt T afch Tower would frequently 
make thnt MetftWnt Mr, Kutherford EiLnuself 
t.-;--.M frr. s ',ii.r:ly miy tLit tl,er« mc no ho;ee( 
in the orgnniia-tion. 

fi. hciii-d that during the tours* of tlm* 
ynn were at ntflhrll A. Yes. 

Q. Kome Tj-.fntion was mad* that you never 
attended Bihla cliwscit, do you r«sJI thitt A. I 
remeniber 1ho iiAtem*nL 

Q, 'Rliat ai* the facts about tliat I A. It isn't 
true. I Cid attend meetinfju. I waHn h t there aa 
fr^uertly aa the other*, My work kept ma 
prntty busy. T was out awny fro^i the factory 
-:- -. i i ' -. : fre^!,wntl>', and T did not attend mectingi 
as regularly as tl:c rent did. 

Oli* R. 3f&tjtt—Fs>r Ptf,— Redirect 

Q, You mentioned mmerhing alfjut }fr, Ruth- 
irf'»rr| |ip^n(Sing a poTtion nf the wt;V. ia tha 
r(ni:itry. Wlmt nrt |hc deinils tbguj tj.i.lT A, 
A\ the 1i:nc I ?n* IJiiri-, il wju j;is jirsctisc 
to be at the B*Uwl tin: finrt three day* of the 
we.-k frutn Sunrlay ',r Snrjlay eve^inj; until 
ab'-iit IVi-djifv'ilay. Th»n he wonld go to the 
counlrv- rcudrnce r^n Utaten Island for the rest 
if the we*k, 

l\. Mntnt mfiition wft* TTUtrlj? ahnut ynor ei^ng 
a. Mpy of the k'tuir to y><or M&nr t Mrs. li[oo«I 
A. Yr-s. 

fj. UTImI fl't-s^; the foet* aiwuit thatt A. Mrs, 
Hi use wanted lo konw <%\ t y we oune back, all 
tlrt rlfrtaj Ij» — 

Th^ f.Vjijrt: Hnven't we fcw-r-n i-!l over 
tltnt :»■ your Nltitfftetloa 1 

iit. f! rn^hh AlLW-n J T nli'l hot thlr.Ji iO in 

Ibis ]j;Lr;ifiilsr detail. 

The Court j Th<ire han h*en no objec- 
tion, hut it in my recollection you went, all 
orar that. 

Mr, H roehhaasen ; I thnuglit it vn 
hrnnirlit uut on e rp«*-ez»nii nation, and I 
wan ti-rl id clear up oh* Or two p'jin !*, 

(j. I3id you if 11 your wpW lo broadcast this 
or deliver mpif« — A. 1 did not. I aulliori»d 

tier lo si-nd ii to two faifiilicn that she rf[a*it*d 
loc, n. IbiiLnds and Kariy, who wfre friend* of 
Iuj|h of UK, I 4i<l not julhoriziO ber Jo n«nd it 
to any nihrr*, 

Q. liefereiwe wm mwle alwul thja printed 
leHi-r of Si'ptemher 2ij, 1&40; ynu recall tliat H do 
jim not! A, Xvi. 


Olin R. Moifle—For Piff.—Redirtct 

Q, That was more than a year after yoa had 
left Bethtll A. That waa. 

Q. You kLow, do yoa not, that in addition to 
the puidieuticm in the "lValfih. Tower" of th* 
article alinut yonr unfaithfalnesj on S^enteinber I, 
1333, and the- *■ I nfn.rinatic.rt ' ' urtiele on October 
Ifi, WS, ond (he "Snares" artielu on Novenihtr 
15, I :■;;:;, that the "Waleli Tower" eontiaued to 
publish oilier leltern, did they nntf 

Mr, Covioj^oo ; T.Ve object ti5 tluit. The 
lettr-rs would be the be.-'-t livuh'ilii'. 
The Coart: Obji-ction nustiinsl. 

Q, You reeall the articJe id th* "Watch 
Tower" of Deeemhcr Hi. 19%>, diO yoa nnt, 
■writ ten by ynfir sonT A. Y r «s, 1 retneiiftber that. 

Cj, T)irn aljui yoa retail jet term in the- "Watch 
Tower" of July l t l!Hf, i!n yon not, and I par- 
ticularly refer hi one eotilled "Tbe Channel the 
Ijord i* r^inc," one entitlevt "Bdiullntion," and 
one enlilh-d "In flarmnny with Action Tftti-n"t 
A- J raFDjAOt tjoilc rernll thein^ 

Q, In that conjiociioa, I show yon a a>pr of 
the "Watrh Tower" nf July 1 T 134d, and ask 
you if van retail thos* ariicjes, 

Mr, Covinpton; Year H.-nof, tlu'H* are 
pot in referenec (o p;' nwHi'm »'r went 
into on crosvnramination. 

The Court : He jfcit wked him to idea- 
fify it 

The Wilnrns,: Yes, I remember that 

Jfr. R rueliliaiisen : T offer tiiojio three 
arlii'leH in eviilenc*, 

Ur. Cnvin jrloa. ; I da not see that they 



OH* R. ihi/It-^For Pig — Re direct 

are fairly an answer to ajiytiririg that wo 
went Lfitci- on cra-'.s iitaiidn ridon. 

Tim Court l This objection is gverru>:d 
nud cxseplion In Hie defendant*^ Murk 
the three bj one cihibil. 

iTke three articles referred to wort re- 
ceived irt evident* ofld jsiarked I'laiaiiB'a. 

Exhibit IS.) 

(Mr. BruchlinuAon rcadi t-lic Kx*t orlidt 
of E'JxiinlJ fT'rt. risbibit 16 to the jury.) 

Q. Da you know who they werel A. I do not 
know llleui. 

(Mr. Brudiliftueen reads Uti: KMOid and 
tliLrct articles of I'taiatiff'e lMiildt 16 lo 
the jury.) 

Mr. Uruclilkauieii ; And T wsiine tint 
IUDJCXH) copies of. thai went OUl Oft Jul/ I, 

M r. Covington : No objeciiofl- 

Q. Up la 11)40, you. had done what i" eonnec- 
lion in- J e3e letters to different people, wham wire 
limy tol A. if/ pcrsonel friends, my float 
fricmlii, I vrote in tlmm and briefly told some 
H>f Uwiil (hat 1 nui still joy*] I* tl* ore^Lniztlion, 
thiil f wasn't wapng nay warfare asainat it, 
To sonic very close frienda, ftnd especially those 
who mjuealed it, I gava ft sopy of Ilia letter. 
Thfn lelten Jiefiun lo eoHM in and fruio. lima to 
tine from otlsers of Jeliemth"* WitBeeaea, and of 
(•Ktlikd bore, I prepared a utatement nod moiled 
to them, I did not send! tbeffl ft letter. That 
wu* the procedure for ■ count* of time. 

Oii* B. itvylc—Far P!$.—Rnmi 

I}. SiibM.'i|ufat to LliL-fie article* in tiie "Wuluh 
Tower" oT Ikecsulier, lScKl, end July 1, 13-10, 
wax there may dibVrence in Ihn filwitton w fnx 
an tlit; altitude of people out ti.cii: woa cun- 
cetnedT A. Tli* attitude of avoidance — 

Mr. Covington: I object to this, Thi-s 
it rcfiitiiion. 

The Court: Yon crc-aa examined for a 
iljiv and a iiair. My recollection ia tie did 
nay it, but f *ee no rosson to object in 
HUM' my rrruUit'tiuii i» wrong- 
ly. Did nm (jrf* (lie ftnemferl A. Tint atti- 
t'iisli- i«l" iMl..i:n , ..:i, i»f KiiLiip::ri:.HiiL, grew" steadily 
until uh it Htiinibj Nwl.-iv, br,nllj" ciat witi Mj^uak 10 

Tliu Court i Tea, now I reoojpuw h* 
did testify to that. 

Q. Yrtu novi>r pnhlijhdd yonr letter in any 

jsuwhfia^i' rtr tiisiiniiue or anytliiae; of that kind, 
did yoiil A. No, 
(J. Or aatlsoriaed ila publication 1 A. No, 

Mr, EnsiildiauBfrn : That ia all. 

llejriHj-examviQtiii* by ifr. C^vii/jlvm 

Q. Did yon. publinh th* snbtlnnc* of it in «my 
trtwapajjer or magazine 1 A. Not tbe substance 
of it, no. 

Q, I *m tftlktKg about ofterwardi. 

Mr. BnidinnMen : Wliaol 
Mr. Corin^ton; Mint JS33. 
Tlie Witoess; Ko. 

Q. What conn waa tnia nation brought La 

Oh* if, ilosfle—for Pl$.—Be<™s* 

«gaiast you for injunction to restrain you from 
jirartiriup law in Ivenonlia and Racine Countieaf 
A. Circuit fiuiii't of Mdwauke& County. 

Q. "Wim.i wa« iht .style of Uie actioul A, It 
waa on setkin for injunction. 

By tho Court: 

Q. Doo'l you call tltem ftp*cial proceedings for 
an injunction.' A. No. In Wisconain wc end it 
ftu action in equity. 

By air, Covington i 

Q. Do you bavfc aoy of tbft papers in that 

lJi:--.:T A, Not JIITL-. 

Q. Whpt waft tine Ktylt of itt "B'bat waa tbe 
nnhM> of tli* p»rlii''«T A. M H. H. Ero*na, plain- 
tiff, OJjti R. Miij-h', Hli.fc-ndaaL" 

tj. And wero yna utrvtd with paperat A. 

Q. Yon did nt\t online an appearajtoe volun- 
tarily without ufrtwe of rjap^ra, did yonf A. 

Q,. You nay that you felt that the contract 
was loo broad, is that sot A. Yea. 

Q. TiViiy was it too hroadT A. Becausei I felt 
that it flnuS: in jimrr jtrritory than tlit actuiil 
prnuli^e tovt-rtd. 

Q, l\liftl territory did it take in which your 
pnitliw rlid nr.1 MVwJ A. Portioaa of the two 
count k s; tho n'e«1i~m riArtion of (be county and 
(lip MiutUcrn purti^n of 1ho Munty T bad prat- 
ticjiliy no jiructipd in. 

Q. Ar,J waa that |be baaii of your defense I 
A. Tbftt Tfaa. 

Win ff. Nayl*— Far Plff.—Rttfott 

Q. The two coorjlica were in ynur mntruut, of 
course t A. Yea. 

Q. Ware yon rc*1 mined from practicing in 
ediy portions other Ihnn the counties, 1hut jK>r- 
tion of tho county not covered by your prac- 
tice — A. IViS] yon atate that agninf 

Q. Were you restrained from [iracticing in 
tlioao portions of tlie county covered by your 
[ rBoticiil 

By tbe Court; 

Q. Bid the injunctive relief coyer the wholo 
of both. counli<»Hi A. Tbie injunctive relief cOT'- 
«red both counties, yea. lie won tbe ease. 

By Mr, Codington: 

Q. Did you klinw tlint UcIhjpRld was Oik dis- 
LiitIjit ttl (hi* (innleul A. I beard Rlnit-rnKnls to 
that < 'i'.-.'f, tlint ho wjm nnc nf tbost with them. 

Q, 'i'j-fti did nut affect your fri«adlineM at all 
at Ihc Ihearins, did it! A. Mo, 

Q, Y«u taid !hnt nt nit interview later on, tbat 
liie Judge hrn-.ij^lit up (hi» initt«r of yonr advis- 
ing icme of tin? boy* to plrad gniltyl A. My 
recollection^ — 

Q. Yesterday I evtked you if you had an in- 
terviow with iho Judge, mid you said you dud 

Mr. Bruebhaunen : I object to tbe form 
of tbu nutation. 
Tho Court: Objection nuf-tnined. 

Q, Uo ynu rcrali what you Hmtifieil y^tcrdjiy 
iji to v.h<m il was that you had an interview 
with tl:a Judge Lo reference lo tho lladiaon 


OH* n. JIci/Jc—Fur Flff.—£tccrast 

Square Qardon tontTovcrny, after liie lioaring 
on JuJy 11. IWHrl 

The Court i lie testified eitlicr tlint day 
or tlie aeit day, if my memory serves me 


The WiSutaa: I believe that ia what I 
did ttalify, j'en. 

The Court: lie aaid either that day or 
Charily afterward*. 

<J, .\n'i won it On (Imt nn'Bj-inu tlmt the .Juilgc 
rni^ed (hot question! A. Nn, I ibm't rreoHect 
tSuit it vi'an, 

(j. When vtiik ill A. ITe raided iSnil qnea- 
tjim i In- dny or ho beiorv I wont on vacation, 

By tbe Court: 

li. Shortly ln'f«re July 21*1 1 A. Y™. 

I!y Mr. C«viigtoa; 

(J. When the .rudee HniMni)"'ri| ihul Ibere 
WHiuld W U JJSi-1:lP3ig fif [he linprd *vt lJin 1 ele.rj( 
ui^il AtMtMlnMtl I jijlB vnnu jilN^uld iiltritil, y^Ll di>L 

ji.ii eunpeet witt wee suinj; n> talwj plu«, <lid 

Mr, B|-gfbhftU*CU : I object to the fortu 
of lli« quoatioo. 

'71.1! Court: Objection ;.Ll:-.t;iiiiisl 

CJl Did ynu nojtpeiM ^Iml the board wa« jjoiiifi 
la lake into censiderationT A. l'rft, 

Q. You did j>uo]~£cl :iiatl A, Yw, 

Q. And wiuil waa itt A. I atuspectodi action 
wotdd l« taken concerning that letter. 

Q, Ii it not a fact that you knew that tbe mnt- 


Ql'm R, Mutjlt — Far Fiff. — Itecros* 

1it wovlil he ultimately brought before tbe. 
lliuid of Dirtotnra and the IScthcL Family the 
day thai J'Ou deposited ilia letter with tbe 
Judge I A, I aun|*.'Cted iL 

fj, And j-'li ii e^fiected it, loo, did you not, in 
lIuo Uiiu-1 A. 1 don't know wiiether 1 would 
my ci|iL-i:1idl iL I suapccteil that liUirbt )iup]>ca 
or 1 »ux|se(Tted that po^dibly I would bo culled 
in to talk with tho Judge. 

Q. I>id you nut icEl John Miller tlujit On your 
way back from Uaft* Lste-, where you Mpnnt 
your volition, that yofa would tlirow your bat 
in the front dnur, and if it did not come out, 
why ythii wuuJd gc in, in tlial right! A. I don't 
reirjcinlu'j- iciubiiig n,w'iv a, italeuent. 

Q. What did you tell him I A. 1 don't remeru- 
iior nnytbing of Hint fort. 

(J. What did you Sell him. regarding tbe [eel 
of what you t:\jiected wluai yo-u got back! A. 
I don't reincmtier telliryj Idm anytidoe about 
what 1 e&petticd. 

L!y tlto Court; 

(J. Ax I undcr-slnnd your tentiinony, you said 
you c3i|K'0ted ynu would either hear from the let, 
luf in '.l.i- general aaaerobly or from Judge 
Ituthcrfiird persooalty concerning your ictteiT 
A. Ye». 

V. ■ Ci.v inj^ en : That is all, except we 
would like tn read the letters that we of- 
fered in evidence yesterday to the jury. 

Mr. Bruchhaufien : 1 da not know 
whether thai testimony waa about tho gen- 
er?d atsjumdjiy. 

OH* II. Motjle—I-'ar Plffs—P-tdircet 



The Wilnirn*; Nn, tin; Uu^rd of Di- 

'J'hi- Cuurt : Is that nil now on both 

Ml', iirni I^Mi : -i^i-ij : 3 wnnti'd In ili.Lc oik: 
or two -_.i ■:-',.-. 

Hr.d'urcl e-Lumimxiiou by Mr. Hrudrlwuscn 1 

(J. In eonnwlinn wills [Juki injumditm suit, did 
you have i:-_ nil uuStnirily ]i|Ktn which t;i bin.; 1 
your contention bcfont the Cuurt T A. Ytflt I 
had counsel niHwwntnij hit in tlLt ea±se. 

<J. And t-iiLil it to tin-* Cou/t lur L-dctLJtrL- 
ti«r«t A. Vise 

Q. Y«U i\it\ not fcaOW, LII eOIinettiOD With this 

living talli-:! in to the Jud^e fir lo lliu board, but 
n'liiLt it iiml^lL bi= tl dlscubaion about the letter, 
in tint rijjlitl 

Mr, Covinjj-tuii: Your Honor, Umt Iti 
lfU<ll*X «rt<l Kuprncslive. 

Tin? Ciniri: It jji leading and auggea- 

Q. lint you. (ii<l not know wlm-l ih« pfrtor* of 
Hie meeting would bel A, No. 

Mr. Hrurhhausen : That ia all. 

l!r. Ouvitiglon: 'I'iiul is all, except We 
uviit tn react our exlulutB. 

(Witmvits eseused,} 

t'jii' Court: lio rijght ahenti. You i:« 
uow goinf; Hj read suidb oihiiMbJ ti imv* 
nit iieon r"jnl before! 

Mr Covington: TJuil in rig'it — Utlh'dii 
eounneL iiun g-tln'r vriteejiMI at Hi^ tinny. 

Tiic Court: Thot it she end of the 
[d n i n (i (T » cu**! 

Mr- Iiniiddiaun.'ji; V«, Wo art ro- 
avrving any rtbutlal. 

The Court; You do not luivci to ro- 
Berve tl'tit. You. be™ (kill o* a mutter 
of right 

Mr. Jlj"utlj:x.iv.n: The plaintiff rc-'.s. 

Mr, Covington: Wo will read our «vi- 
denco Id the jury. 

The Court; How many letter* are you 
pwnK to read new I 

l!r. Covington; I eere aIkiuI fifteen sr 

twenty that wtn ej re u!&.l<sd bv.for* Sep- 
tember l- r Mh, and I wont ii> rend thojio tiuil 
have been offered in evidence. 

Tiie Court: Von t-ay vol have fifteen 
or twenty t 

Mr. Covington: There i.H Mime fifteen 
or iwk I have a whale euvelopa lull o[ 
exldhitu ihiit I uilrodiLek.4], lultera written. 

71; e Court ; Von ore not going to read 
tji: ]chlp letlerd, ntinin vliere tbey have 
been read cince, are youT 

Jlr. Cru'injrton i Ko, I ani not goiar; to 
rend anything that I huve already read. 

Tim Court: (io ripht alieail. 

Mr. Cavin^loa: The nr&t exJubit tliat 
h rcoil w>]J he lfic- n-nc *.-|iich the p-btiUlW 
rJnpli'eled t.0 nwi, tho 4r(.l(;lB enlUknl 
"iriinreii," whsrJi wilb Introduced by Liai, 
and I will nan - read that to the jury. 

Ht. liruchhaui-cn: 1 object to coun«eri 

TImj C^^^ti Yon fiuy not rend Uwt 

jinu-. You ms>' read ywu.r o»n ciJilbitji, 
and in your OYh'jL r^ujL joO <-lji ^'Q/3 any. 
thijit,- cJM! that von want that it In evi- 
dence. Jicod your ovm eiiluoits now. 

Mr. Covington: AlJ rij;lit. 

The Court: And pScBsc read your is- 
lilbilK bitlMut ajiy cenuiLMii, jast e^ving 
tiie niindu'i- on ranh uxhJbil. 

Mr, CaviB^lon: W& luLe our eieeption 
iu i!n.' rcfuxal of Uie CVrart i« permjl me. 

10 rend tin; ultJH-Le "Snftroi" nt tl.::-. tiuio. 
'J'lie Court i | lia-.'t ; told YOU 

vh>li liiivt an e-st*'] it iiin to ev>iry udTcr^e 
deeiiion against jroo. 1 iiAve told holli 
rittinsi-l Ukul. Kow if yum ttnal t<> nuiko 
■njr p|mm!hm, runke ihnu sonte ijlaw eiae. 
i!r. Oovinptoji : I wdl now read. De- 
fcndaiiU* Kxliihil Y, 

(J[r. Coviiirrton rtnd Ucrcndunts* Ex- 
hibit Y lo (lie jury.) 

Mr. CtiVin^sn r f ivad ptiw' Der^nd- 
4in tx f Kihihit D^C.) 

(Mr. t.!ovinjfton Imcan to n?ad Defend- 
anti' Kililbit LMt lo tint jury.) 

The Court; I think you read that one 

Mr. Covington: That ia right, your 
Honor, I did. 1 vill non' read Befeadaota 1 
Exhibit P. 

(Mr. Covijigton read part of Defend. 
aniV KiJishit 1' to the jory.) 

jtr. Covington: How Ibis ia Delend- ' ExLibit 



(Sir. CavjafttKi reads I>ef enuuiic ' E*- 
liibit to th* jury. J 

Mr. (ioiTJigton ; Now thii ia Exhibit 
M, and it id idttttisJ *Ub EJ.o one that 
I jutt rtfcd, S« llHTf >a no need to repeat 
it, }»V.i- KxLiliit II. 

(Mr, Coviugtiih reanla Uefermlaiita h Ex- 
hibit i[ l« tti* jnry.) 

XLo Court; I wosider if you would 
riill.-er hpvt »n oniiui-LoiLiLy to line iliem 
up nnd thon rtad ihiftn to tho jury. Per- 
Jia[jb you l-jlo .-HV4: aoma of your o^ p u 
tinm ami Mirfy, 

Mr, CoriltEtoa; I tbinL bo, about liv* 
minuter >i. 

TJwt (.iv.irl : Do you wont a hir-niintlU 
r«sai 1 

Mr. Covington ; Yes, it would belp out 
if we did that. 

Thu Court; Ail right, the jury can 
tj'fcfl a. five.ndDute receai, It will jbtvo » 
i:;t ■„'. time. 

(Short rcetiB.) 

Hr. Corintrtc-rj ; Tldn hj a letter datnd 
July £&, 1^30, from Mr. iloyls to Mr. 

(Mr. Covia(lom reodji letter to the jary.) 

Mr. Covington: Anetlier one dated 
July D3, L03Q r to ilr. IT. L PhilbiriEl from 
Mr. Moyle. 

[Mr, Covinjrton, reuda letter referred to, 
to tli« jury-) 

[Mr. Covington i Another dated Auguit 
15, 1333, to Mr. Pbilbrkk) 


Mr. Covir.tfton: Armther dated Aug- 
DMt 23, 1039-, to ilr. riiilbrick. 

(Mr. Covirt^ton reada iajne ti the 

Mr. Covington; One dated August 13, 
tSMl, fiddrwuted to Grovcr C. Powell, At* 
Inula, •:;;'.;,•_!. 

(Mr. Covington rcada annse to the 

Mr. Covington: One dulcd September 
0, l»3fl, lo J. H, Miller, 

(Mr. Coviiajjlon rcBdu eioroe tu the 

Mr. Covington: A letter dated Sep- 
leinlwr I, l!i^i», to It 11. Barber. 

(Mr. Covington renda aaine to the 

JSr. Covtnglon: ATiotlier dalcd Sep- 
1 1 ■ i l 1 1 . l- f t r j!i.:n, ad.'ri",Bed to William C. 
Shoi.fc, Jr. 

|J'r. Covington reads same to the 

Mr, Covington: A letter dated August 
1", l<m, addrc^td to H»riy L. r*rk- 


(Mr. Covington read* tame to the 

Mr, Cwinjflon : And tho reply 1" thnt 
dfttvtl AutfUJl SI, 1B39, iddnmd to Mr. 
Jfiiyli', iH'utk ai> fi^lown: 

(Mr, Covingu^Q reads same to tiie 

Mr. Covington: One dated October 19, 
1939. Clftiliglnn ekh4h njjli. U, tits 

Mr. Covington: And a letter dated 
September II, ISM, addressed to C, F, 

(Mr, Covington rends same to (bi 

Mr- Covirrjflon : Tbo»e doeumenls that 
I have juat road are Defendant*' Ex- 
hibit .U. 

Anotluir d*Ud Au^ual 11, 1923, entitled 
"En route to Wiltons in." addressed to 
"IJrottar Ctunben," It ie Eiltibit !>-&, 

(Mr, Covin^'too rends uune to ti* 

Mr, Cftvinst&n: . A tetter dated Eeji- 
tcnther IU, I93U, signed by Phoclx- Moyte. 

(Mr, Covington reads iu:ne to tlio 

Tho Court: Have yt>u many morel 

Mr. Covington.: I have a good many 
ntorc, and I ean eontinuB aa long aa Ilia 
Court desires that 1 evinlinue. 

Tha Court: How nuany mor* have yon 1 

M^r. Covington ; I havo S, 9— 

The Court; They are all in evidenee. 
H»vo yen any purpnae in reading them ail 
right powt 

Mr. Covinjrton: The purpose ia to get 
tl-.i- jury aon.uaintcd with tiie facta. 

Tii.! (;i,'.i.-t: Do ysd \*ihJL to read tliem 
At -lii.i ii.ii::i.'::" 1 

Mr. Covington: Yea, air, so that the 
Court end the jur>- iua.y kno* — 

The Court: I have read tbeni, but if 




you want to read them fa the jury, yon 

Jde, CovLojjtob - They Lav* to be ririd 
In tiki jury nome time. 

Tim f'ourt: I tlwttjrhl some lime during 
(b- Uja.] we liitifltl Iijlvp a wait, and that 
tnifthi lie • Rood time. But if you wish *o 
rend uV-ai to tii* jury at thin particular 
mouuat, you nm £0 right ahead, 

Mr. GotfAKUm; Ytsi, nir. JanuiL7y 5. 
1 ::»■:. & letuc «4dB(sM to Mr. It 11. 

0!r- Oorinjjtnn reads Hante to the juTy-) 

Mr. Coviit&toii: And to that i- ntlrtched 
a Irtti-r timed; January H, l!Ht\ which rendu 
u.i fuilow*: 

(J(r. CWfRAtOH n-lui<i Hjlirii to tlif: jury.) 

Mr. CftvJi.pttm: Another one cntitlrdi 
"Which Ih Supreme, Hi.i'litooiiF.nnFn or 

(Mr, Covinjrlon rend* name to the jury.) 
Mr. Covington : Tluui "God Ta Not the 
Author of C'onf eawn," Exhibit D-l 
(Jfr. OoviiL^tdii; nome to the jury.) 
Ifr. CovinKton; N<™r Ctae applicntLoit of 
Ottu rt. Movie, questionnaire. 

(Itr. Oovlnjrton HJftjdi *niiif to itn* jury.) 
lit, Covington: Then Hit Exhibit No. 
V. uhieb lias l»en read, nnd, n. letter fitted 
Fidiruury t, Ifl-fcO, to Prod nml -Th'^sj^ 
Aehly, and nnn daled January Ri ltHEK Tim 
tint' of FMflUury Inl a* rlKlubit X, and it 
rendu an follows; 
l_jfr. Covington rwiilji same to the jury.) 


II t r Covinglun.: TJia mc-xt one ol Janu- 
ary Stti lh an follows: 

(Mr. Covinjrton. reads same to the jury.; 

Mr. Covinjrtun: Then n Setter dsled 
September 21, 1940, to Mr. FryklumJ. To 
that bi attached tho open tetter df Harvey 
Pin!;, ond tin.' opctt letter printed by Mr. 
Moyle. Then the- EUtcment of Phoebe 
Moyli, H-liirii ia t!:e sauve, prueti-jolSy. 
There am a min.liii of cithsr lettirs bat 
I will rvMrvo rcttdin^ them. 

The Court; Ko, you n-ill re*J tli*m 
riKtit now. I asked you jlp Tkiiit uj^tj if 
you didn't "J."jint to r*wrre it untiL »<itinii 

jj!|hT Lime, jind you Hliil yflll W£,llt*d to 

r*fld tlii-tn fisbt pitvf. 

Mr. Covijiffton: Miiy I ciiflelt and see if 
lb:it Lit :illt 

Tl-.n- CWLirtL CertaiDly, you irray tlo »ny- 
iliinjjf ytvu Hint. 

Mr, Ooringtan: Thnt ii. all. 

Tlift Court: I>» you u-ant to th'juS 
"HriHHis"t H«* ia Pltunlid'a EKbil*it ii. 
TJ you want to read it now you ejir Tend 
it nnw ftf fit an? lime yon want to. 

^ir. Covington '. I believe that I will 
read it later, beeoafte my Voice is eprinj; 

The Court: You am rend it at 1m? time 
you want In. Then the Plaintiff rents. 

Now I ml] ji?i> hot^L i;."iV.aEifl a miante, 

(roan?el confer vith tlin Ronrt.) 

Th* Court: t mt.11 fxcuae th* JEry BEtil 
Ivn o'clock Monday morning. PleaM be 

A/o'ion to Fiismus ^ to AU Dtfzndaxii 

prnqnpt n?d ])lp««T d« FiUt hIShju^ij tl»t T^iSt 
OViT tlw ■VUTll-tlnL 

(Tha jury tlicreu|tori left tike etjurt- 

ilr. Coi'inirton: At tlii* time ttie de- 
■ anglunta, tlvc t^'o turporationo, niul ttue 
iniliviilLial defcmlantH., nit the defendant*. 
nuiva for ii iHtuuimtai ntid uon-msit of I lie 
■u^lob. brought Iry lie )>U\ ir.t iU and that 
tin? jury be aoeorfliiijrly direutad on and 
for Hit f oJIovLkij; ^ripLuuLi : 

1. Tli* tJnintJfl* 1ms fuiled to t*t*lilwll 

hia ejiM! In- buy CYtib'nf*. 

2. Tin- uodi^nutfil rvinlrniefi ahowa that 
IIir [)l;UnLilT Lin* failed to rutilbitKli 1tm 
Irytli pf t|iK cBpLr^e^; iiLi'jh' itl jlic h-tliT 1 Aurj 

ihinfore idinwn wmrloslirl;' tlmt ho is u 
IJlH'liT ji> fiUirH'^i in I lie artk'le t'r.ii-.ksl 
*" Inroririntio.n" and on ]j f ij;iton%i| in 
"Snares/" Tli* undisputed! evidence iliciM - fl 
that there ia jnutifti'ation and truth crfab- 
liabnl nl IkhIl fihur^-n innde under 1iic 
iirit ittlH uf uetion nnd the »e?on<l c^uik 
of action. 

3. Thiri undisputed OTidenee slinwj that 
Iti* rflitionstaip hi'twicfrj the Watch 1'a'irer 
luhle Si Trcrt So«f<y, Inf. and the Wateh 
T«-ivi-r Uihle fc Trtirt Sntiety fif Ffnn>.T]. 
Ynnia with Jeho^h*i Wil n.. 1 ^^ ii: j pi-iv'i^ 
lej;ed rcultioai^lu]] nod 1hat rhe L'oiiLur.niic:a- 
(inn de^rrilwd in t)uj nclotwr iSlh Wntcp 
TVw-t-r i-nlilLi'i) "JaforllWlloB" aad in the- 
KiiYfiuljtr ITtlli Watelt Townr entitled 
"SfimrtS" vert fmNi*b«d and cireujatod 


ifolion In Diimifj at to Alt Itcfinwii/nlt 

for tlti> iiifttrsnation, uf* anil Iwncfit of 
Jehovjifi'it Wittuweii upon a nihjeet inntlce' 
in whfeh Ihc- Siirifty and th^- dofendanti in 
tli i u mm hnd no i nli' rhil and duty to ti:- 
vul.i.'e. nnd lijioii a mtFiji^t ninUrr in which 
Jelio^Rh's Wilnesutu, tli* reeipkntH of (ho 
rnLiffniineJ", hnd (he riclit to reooim Thnt 
there liftn hrt'n ahuolnli. \y therefore nn cvi- 
deiu'i; wbat^AevaT of any malice, and ns 
evidciWK ufHin whseh to hase a Trerdtct ofxni 
thi; f[uestiou of inaiiee, and for thnt rca^tn 
tins plaintiff 1,L5» fuilod to eriBl>li"li * fa*e. 

4. Thr tlnilisfinlMl evidence nhnws tluit 
tlit ar'M'li- eiititSed "Snareii" annl llio 
erticlc rntitleil "isifnniuitinii 11 ilriMTjlml in 
Hip comiihnpt. nenn puhliflml and eirni- 
laird in *e|f defcjme bti'1 tlmt tin: deft-nd. 
antu n-fiT juftifieil in rnnliiT«e 1lie rrnly I*. 
fftiH8 It war in fjir answer 1n nnd in wjf. 
defnife to the letter eirculalctl by the fdaia- 

ii. Tlknt tli* BTtilmce flinhrii Ihc publica- 
tion. wBi fair cnnnnent vipon Hit nria jiekI 
eondnct of tlie filnintiff and that wns-eilnh- 
liflied in rcup^t of (tw Ortti-lii-r lJith 
1 L Wateh Tower 1 b and "yoveiidTrr liith 
The Court: Are tlioFp j-out CTonndnt 
Jfr. Cncinctin: TLio^e are our around*, 
Aiid I nmy HJty tlij*. It i* under? iinwi. of 
enur?e h it \i directed to both enuwa of 
uctinn nllepet) in She eorarunint. 

The Ctmrt: TL15 rrairj fipiy 10 incticakr 

Mr, CovinKton: Ifay I nay to your 


llatian ta DUmia as It? AU Defendant* 

lienor ttiat I qui ia lv pocilkm *'n a r i7.n- this 
matter and I lev* e^luiu^tLvcly lfiiid« a re- 
ecartla of the law and atti ready to arpjue 
the enje if lki> C<;-urt dejfirejj ".« bear nr^u- 
inent. I do not wont to ini[H>K« itiyKdtf on 
tint Court if tin; Court dott not titsirt io 
iKuit- nr-iiiiLL'j-.t. But I mtSce- tibia motion in 
■rtlue. intervut of the de ftiuianta and upon the 

Tl.ii Court: The motion ia denied ai to 
rl.i' first cause of action us Io all defend- 
ants. As to the second cause of action, tn4 
motion is denied aa to the eorpornt* dt- 
fenrlunti and dr^'ision it rc-Bcn.-&d a» to Uie 
individual defendunts. Eicenlian ia all 
events to ths dufeiisJwntJ'- 

1 want all r*f[u*Sta to chm^e by Wednea- 
diLy. J want all eiluhita cleaned up by 
Monday, and I want counsel Monday after 
KCOM to look at Ihr e.\]tihit!i of the other 
Fide und an that they aifi> deonotl up; in 
oilier words, to 064 ttmt all the pencil 
markings fire out and in shape to go to the 
jury if we get that far. 

(TS'ltereupon, an af^.ou rament u-aa taken 
until Monday, May 17, VJiS t at 10 o'clock 


p. Kitten XIHstni— for HtfU,— Wrcci 

lirooSdys. N. T. May IT, 1£H3. 

Tan. o'clock a, in. 

(Tiuit Riivufai.) 

The Ceu"t: Firat witne*!'. (d*** 1 ^ 
Mr. Coiinc^ton: C. ii, E!Ijm>d. If 7»ar 
Honor plcahe, we hsYe (he «"itn*6«i:» front 
uot ill rdivii anil from WLbcoukiB, and I 
wodtd like to call tli em Cot of order io 
(h!it Uiey rnij' be excused. 

The Cuort: You certainly may. Wo 
will be delifilded. 

C, Hn-TCSJJ ELL1H-OU, £17S North 62ml 
Street, Waowatoaa, ^'iueonsin, 

iJir^i:* f-fiji.iiinjitjn by Sir. Covington: 

<J. V"U are one of Jehovah h e Wilucmfa, are 
youT A. 1 am. 

Q. And in addition to heinjf one of JVJ.arnh'i 
WltnoaMK, do yon follow pome aeeutar oucupa- 
tionl A. Ten, nir, 

■Q. What concern are ynu cnrniKtcd irithl A, 
I am tnm.Dcled nitli Allis-ClmlmOTJ llnnufoie- 
tMrinfi Canipany in West Allien. WitwonEin. 

Q. In wnat adTULcityt A. SuperrinJr ill), the 
purchapinc; depftrtrnent, 

<}. I low ha^'e you hfcti ane- of JehovohV 
"WitaeaBeal A. Since 1EH0. 

Q, Act] what company aro you astocinttd 
withf A, AsKotcisted with the Milwaukee com- 
pany nf .TehoYah'ii Witness,.?, 

(J. And haw long h»Te you been associated 
laitli that coiopanyT A Br*r nicoc I ww— aincc- 


C- Milan KiiimK—For Dfftt^rSiTfci 

Q. And in wilt capacity do you Eerre, She 

M ilu jlmIlI'S! rcuiifMiny ill Ji-li Aval: "£ \Yirfl££fla§.T 

A. I *[-rve 1Iip Milwaukee CumniLuiy of Jehovah 3 ! 
W i Lne lises Hi CBEnnaBy MroUKt. 
Q. ISXfJaiA 1c [lit 1 : jury what toiopany ai>rvant 

I*- A. A roiunjiny Horv - iL:it 3.1 il t# \ ireftL'' ill i&tive 
of the Society in RjrnnUyu, and throue.lL the 
eoinjiany tcmot nil tlic information sod in. 
strut-tinn cnines for (lie QonLpjufly, and lliia in* 
formation, is given to trie Bom|Mn>) Lhrumfth th* 
atiirumy servant, 

Q. IJo yoo preside at a)] awemiilira of 1h<: «m- 
gref»alion.I A. I da not 

Q. Wluil assemblies of the congregation do 
you yirciiidft att A. I preside at "lit bcrric* 
nn-i-tiisj; en Wednesday nipht at oar ivir-pcjcun 
ITntl nnd aim nl a. Tuesday evening meeline;. 

Q. And do j-oli k*r* il* UTiitch Tower rludy 
too. nnd when is fofttT A, W* har* a Watch 
Toufor Jitmiy tlunrln;' evening it Kingdom Hall 
at 7:4, r (. 

Q. How' Liiii^ hare you known the plaintiff, 
0. It. Muyli'J A- Ton or twelve ye*rs, 

Q. And lu>vt did you become acquainted wilH 
Mr, Muylvr A. T beuame acquainted with Mr, 
Jfnylu t!imi:p>. lb:' Arliviliei in the Watch Tower & TrMt Snwolj. 

Q. And what on:npnny was lif A&iiociatcd -with 
when you J»;ame acijucinti'd with hinif A. i!o 
war AHhi^rinlnd, I iifliere, with the HM-in* 1 corn- 

Q. Ami did ?l* (jh mak? any apeechf* or 
mlfc* 1(v the Milwaukee company! A- Yea, he 
was an elder Ln th* MJlwankHs company for * 
year or mora. 

a BSton EllUon—For DffU.—Dirtei 

The Court: Don't you think he should 
fii the (Lint of thln1 . 
Sir. Covington: Tan. 

Q- And ■when wjh Ihntl A. Thin wig prob- 
ailjf in 1303 or 1802. 

Q, And do you rcmcmlid- when Mr. tfoyle 
to J Li* fafnily cu-me (o Br«W>n to join the 
J-<w,d<[LJaFim sitjiff 9f tLc S*«iciyT A. I do. 

Q, And ■tJtfrlnjf tlmt tiins did you ha»g ooro- 
sinu. 1n «)'(■ Mr r >fnylc on of fation-n I intprrnlg 
daring; the ycnr» (hit he »iif at Ik-tlrell A, 

During the Vinuibdn |H' rjni!^ tl:c lloylc fftOllly 
would tuiuaJSy t*m« tn WismnKin. 

Q. And you rrrm*robcr in 1939 kaminp; tltnt 
hit. Moyle n-fljf j-cturriinjf to 'Wigwniiinl A, I 

Q. How did yon 3fam that, pl?ancl A. I 
Warned that through Harcoy Fink. 

Q. And when wan. (bstT A. It wn» al least 
a month before they came hack. 

(J. Ami wVat f .m\T runt ion did ynu liavi- with 
Mr. l-'inl; in reward 1o Mr. lloyle'u rc-luro! A. 
I had a pood man}' *&nwrnati*>nn wills liiirt. nrtd 
the fnr! that 111- vi'nn i-earraftjfing hix n>ifiiM ta 
nfi-fHinihular" Mr. Jloyle wai <ini> nf tin* vnyn in 
n"l»ifl] I learned ilmL Mf. JFayln anil fnmily wtrc 
emniii.Lf f> Wini-onn i is. 

Q. And in what capacity did Ifr, Fink nerve 
1lii' SiwielyJ A. He was mine mrvaji;. 

Q. Uid tlmt i'flVT a ^j-i'heht r*jrifin nf iwHtory 

t!i:in yn"m kh'tvl^I I A. It rliil, Thtf" Tinny mHTrril 
wh^t wjlj: LnLm-n an Z'ir.iL'. 1^«. I an VT|j*mnKin, 
wnich t^>nk in jje^r;m.l cilirH t^nidfn Milwank<*. 

Q_ ^li'Tji twjlb tEio fi rt^t ticni? ymi jiiih- Mr. 
Moyk* ftflo-r he rcltimed from BrOvklyaf A, 

C- ffitlun BHum—fsr Ttrili.—Tiirt.el 
Wlniii \\k atti'iidiui one of our Kundny f;V4niii,j» 


Q. And at thai time did you fcn"»' <riiy Mr. 
lloyle u-aA l^ntk fr'tin Itrf^klynt A, \ did nfrt. 

tf. Did he utake nny tfTort to explain In you 
why h* (ran ItaJ-k fptiin Jtjrjrjjyn? A. Wlten 1 
j.;j-i.i-.-Uh-[ 1cm ij at l\." hail, 1 luld hinv I nr..l'TBtaod 
tlmt he u'uuh ^rjinif to lake up Ink rtiiid'Bte in 
MilwiukH f.r VVauwiatUMa, uitl 1« mhl ,n^i t thai 
«'a> truv. Flu nuLni In' had lefi ltetbf-1. Tn fnPt, 
he hi id lie woh kiehml uul of J;-i !..-!. 

Q. And di<l >lr. llnyJo mntinun to a.--'« x iim! 
with Ihi; wdjipany aft^r he mtunHnl in Mil- 
waukw! A. lis- did. Fie axuured s\* that— In* 
hf»htm| jpi*- that he wv iri fu'rfri'l Ibh riH'-iiy a-iih 
Mk; Kf^-Jt-ly n nd l Unt h*- dk^in-d ^ ««|»'rnt' i in 
4-Ti-ry wn,v i*"i:h Oip MiU"atikH: cmmjiajiy nnrt in 
lh> m-rvdi-* WJirk. 

[^. Din) you jind nther* nf Ji>ltnnihV iriiiiwiw 
hnvL' a liitrh r"wird far NFr. M'^li- vrliilr I"- *•"■<* 
ntHimuiiii ivilli ihi' l^^ietyf A. 1 nlid. yes, «ir. 

Q. And did y»u Ixlij'vn vifiat Fin inhl yrm, thAt 
In. was in full liJirmony inh IFn; Kowly. it tin- 
tinit- li- fold ynitT A. I d"d, y*, "t, He luul 
ioc r:.i ■'.,■ . for a '.•■"■,; while. 

Mr. liruehlincLsen r I move to ftrihe tlint 


The f-ouTt : fclriie il 'int. I'h-niia an- 
imer the njnecl&iu and rend»r no orrinionn 

Iwr*. Cniinf.fl for Ihe d^r^inlantu will nek 
yuii whs L ht> wjliiH to aai." yosi. 

Q. M'Ikt din! von 'TithI nnlirr— uf.n.1 "ITitF. if 

any K dJd Mr. Mnyle'n pre.ieni^ Ln tht MiJwaor** 

totnpony liace u])on the brtthrcn linrt'l A. 

0, Hilton EHLtun—yar Dtjia— Direct 

Tjhtl- vi-if. tiiaay r L ui-cUoTin liial were asked by 
diltrn-nt ooen a^ to vhy lit vai is. WiscoLsin 
ul.i-n ih:-r<: uviu no itiiitti legal work to he done 
in iJj-H.i'Llyn and 1st heloncjed there to take cart 
of rLu Ku'ii'iy 'j< Itgal u'ork. Therefore, the !|ur*- 
lituLH g?»r* ludial v to wliy he u-o>: in llilwodtafc. 
lj. And do you remerati^r whether or not ilr. 
KEnk unit Mr. lloyle attended a study in the 
humc of ana of Jthonah'* WitnBBmtig Milutiukct 
dutinc; lii At limeT A. There waE g stud) — 

l[r. BrnFhhaLi»eH ; If your Honor plcise, 

n;;i '. "Vi- ::ilv..- Ll.i'- dalel 

Tht Court : V«4 Yo a nay "uurusg that 

.Mr. Oit'iiifpju a J Durinjr the tinui of 
Aoipist, F^frtjenaher— 

Mr, BxwIUuiuneB ; 1 oFjjcct to kailiap 
^iipsliuiui. Let Ihe wilnemi Iculify, 

TI;l' (JuuItL IlliJocLion CUStilined. Cue 
you lii the li lis a- firit I A±,s. him. 

Q. Can you fii the Ilph; of nutii utudieul A. 
The liuie n( Jiiich sludim would be from the time 
h K roturni-.l to Milu-mSiek; liiruA|;h September, 
Ortoher, 11/39. 

The flourl: Hay I interrupt one min- 
uUtI This ficH.t meetui; dual thij nitnejid. 
Fiak deoeribed, I think you aii^hi to fti ap- 
[irp;viiiiately the. time of Uuii for tha 
2tfr. Covinj^ton : Tes, 

Q. When wan, the ur«t niwilinjr tFiat Sir, Moylc 
nttrnslusl it the f»rqrjnigt,tJMi of Jehovah'* WiL- 
beKK« in Milwaukee, the timoT A. 


C. Milton £Hw«f-^Fi»r fh-fis^Dirtet 

As Tai- ps I titn, tansmior, it was Iho first Son- 
dfty trier llivy r'jltirned to Wiseontdn. 

Q. And udien Vfa» that, approximately? Was 
H I lie lr.'mth ;:t" Angiisl" A. It woe dannff tlio 
munth oi' August. 

Hy ll it- Court: 

Q. 1939) A. 1333, >'*», *ir. 

Uy Mt, Covpnjfton ; 

Q. IVtTt tli* utadifa in M ilwaiikee «onduetei| 
umhir yonr snnen'SticiA, Mr. K]JJ.iunf A. Tiie 
iiervLL-e »«.-tinjr. 

Q. Ami the l*ok iitadjen at Ilia various homeaf 
A. Ycii, air. 

Q. Wliit effect, if any, vraa liad upon the atady 
io tka Fink hotne altendetl by Mr, Moylef 

Mr. }trneUwt|iu<n; The date, vLcnitet 

Q. (t'untinuwl) l>uriAjf Aujfiist anil fck:p(*ln- 

htu-, mcta 

Air. I! rtuiihauuen ; £ would liko to have 
il b4']iarnted. 

Q. (('ratinwrd) S"? AHpwt, 1MB. A. In 

Ali^uhI, ];i;I3 — of cuitrnd, 1 cannot fix the exact 
LiiQalIi — 

Tho Court: We are not A.-'liw^ you tn 
li\ the exact date. Your b^t rs'colleetioin 
will hiTve nil purpose here. 

A. (rnfitiniRiJ) To Ihc best of my reeoLLM. 
tion, the ci-.ndoctor Of this mteliAK cl Ihe Fink 
koine raised ohjicctione to the manner in which 
ijueitioin were, asked in the meeting. Question" 


C. Hilton Ktiiscm^- /-'or Defts. — Direct 

not alone: the line of the subject to he studied 
were intorpiwed hy the Moyle nrro^ni and, there- 
fore, the proper attention could not be paid to 
the leas on thit was assigned. 

M^f. Brnthhauuon: 1 niove to strike, 
out tl-e riMicluu.ion» of Hit vfilmMK, 

The Court; SlrLke out tite cunolu^ioni 
of the witnes*. And hy "tlu; Huyh,- 
fiLiully" whthui do you ii.i'aii — or "the 
UOVlO ^nJU[t"t 

Thi' Wituena; TFiat would he Air. and 

Mm. M^yte and .Mr. and Mrs. llirceh and 
Mr. and A! lb. l jL mk. 

{;. II f. Klliaon, on or about Kcpk-ntber Ctlv — 
whether thai is the cmicI day or not,. I do n«t 
know — bnl da ynu rcninahrr tlW pgCiidtfg tluit 
111'. Mayh: n-Lnl ± [mlijic j;(jlt|. liiiiii t hefufr tile 

IlilwuifciH eiiiic/refiation T A, I do. 

Q. IYIluI, if anything, do you recoil in thai 
regard T Whal meuting: was itT A, This •'« 
it one of our ferviee meetings, ah I itl-jllT. 

Q. And what day of the w*ek Was that out 
A, On a Wednesdmy, 

tj. 'fell Us, 1'ilunse, what look place on that 
(i.: iLL-.iujL, who wzui preAiding at tlie meclinj;, anil 
what V.-H.R tuiid and done I A. I was prcsidiajr 
at that incttirijr oi company scrvAnt, o^d dur- 
ing the nieetini? Sir. Fink t<H?h over ]in.rl of it 
and said that iweajne of tlu; foci that he luid 
received ninny intcuirion us to w)l> Mr. Moyle 
was in Milwaukee, ho would jrivit hint a clijiiiifl 
to tell ihe Milwaukee friends why b« ban! left 

q. If you eamiot ruinecubfr all of it, yuu can 


C. UittoH ZMfon—l-'vr Defls.— Direct 

kl] u» the substance of xvlmt you do remember 
coitcwrniiiB; whaL }lr, Mnylt did tad so id. A. I 
mueMlKr tlw Mtcr, psrtt of it, in which I14 aajd 

II* llQi) left il|C HclSnd bOIBt lu'lTlilWi Hlf llLMtjijIli- 

nmii.'ii xknrwa by Jih],l;i; Rathe t-furd, tbat aoiae, of 
tlit Ilt/liii-lile* were given more privilege* tlian 
e.tliurs, that liijiiur n'Lib larvou al Bethel, and 
al»o UluI jili:iJy uturtes wore toid at the table. 

(j. And after tiunt — may I ask you, first, 
]Jcj'.-l, iri-t Mirviee iii'.-L tiller, v.-imt sort of a meet' 
inj; ii lluitl A. A service- meeting i* vac at 
whkli I be "Informant" i» (post* over and way» 
gnj, jjh-^u* to- better serve Jrimvuh Uod are eon*: 
into, rejiofk Dire- W*d, and. (be hettenaaul of 
ili* «L-rvkc ls considered. 

<J. And what liu you mean by "itrvice" and 
"Informant"! A_ Thr " j nfonimnt" La a paper 
1 1111,1 i.-; prttt t» tu monthly by headquarters by 
I he Kneirly j,"ivinj; rcrlain iiifdiiuatitiit regard- 
bip tin 1 lllbu*c-to- bouse M'nik ; i» jjuiitg 00 
IhruiiglHiiil tbe world, and pdmwing u« how *■« 
crna Iseller ser»'e Jehitvah find. These poinLa 

flTC K n nc nvtr'j Ond wh?li;V*-r it ii poiiiibl*, tllfry 

en- put inln effect in the ililsvQukoe area. 

{j. That is usually attended by active |iou*c- 
to-houne [1 ubSi;- 1 icrs, in it riulf A. Yen, sir, 

ij. What effeel, if any, (till the readinpj of the- 
ili'jlc aluU'LwiLl to lira COUpuy i"ive there- 
after! A. This seriiicd to itr it. ili.l krinir, mo-rm 
uiK-aniiKMni in the uiindh (if the friend*, UnJ tiny 
took uidesu some with lloylc- tind some with tbu 
Kueiety. The itivinioi) sttniml 1u b« Vtfry puutii 
uuiiksd aTLer this ]Mi r( 1 cli l^r LnciiU'nL 

(J. At tliuL IrniQ (ltd M"r. Moyk vljito bit 
flLtajpiLiiLi Ui and luynJty to- llic Soctoiy in iiWi- 
L1.11 tu llii L-biLiyiL- Diadul A. He J:i- 

C. MUq* Elku-n—rer Defir^Direct 

Q. What effect did that hav* apaa th« nitudi 
of tlu; ljrttli n?Q iovnLvedT A. Well, it seemed 
very turner to tlie different cuss tbat one who 
vis ia perfect harmony m-hIl tlie Society Baocdd 
leave and coiiie it ilil*aiikoe aad leavt hi* , mnk. 

iff. BrucSdiauEea; I object to tiuit and 
n.ov-j to itcike it out aa a ccarJuaion. 

Tlie Court; I laill aliow i; to t^inct. 
It ii Ilia conclusion, but it bii* Alf«*4y 
been ans^'trtdn I (*dl zdlov n to At^nd. 

Q, How long did Mr. JJ«y]e csntbiiH; to MW- 
cinte wish tilt Milwjiufaee eompojiy, pleaseJ A. 
Ile eontimJtd to tnoeiat* n-itii Hit Milwauiee- 
coiiLiKiiiy tunpf ioto lii* fur-it part of llMfi, prob- 
ably Fi'lutsisirj 1 sr JJarcb. 

Q. Did be ilurine; tiiat time demoaitrate by 
bi.i eoitusa af acriun uripoaiiioa against tbe &o- 
vitiv and Ibe wmpany there! A. By the dif. 
farooJt lottvrs UiAt Imd tees— 
JJy tlie Court: 

Q. bid he t A, Tea. 
By ilr. Covirigtoa: 

Q. And what was it, pleaaeT 
Tbe Oamrt: How did ael 

Q, How fliid he, piirfuj^t 

1'Jie Witjiesa; Will yoa ■Uk Lbst ques- 
tion again 1 

TJie Court: Bead it 

(The question vu ropcolifd by Uie re- 

Hr. BrtdiJULtnea: Ha« t!i» titn« bttn 
lUedl Hit W-yn "'•iiirinf; tbe tint" 

C. ff, ; rj*-n BUimm—Fer Dtfti.— Direct 

Tbc C"urt- Piirj-n^ Ihe time Uiit he 
wan a irifmlKT ;if :hi: M i I u'b.kI:cc eompaay 
ufliT he retampi from BrcoWyn. 

Alt. C«via£t«ii; Tb»t it rijrltt. 

A, Ye«, I vfnuld anawcT !hati becauso of tfia 
fiml tlial Idtlcin had Wen ciredated in and 
iiruLir.d il i lu-aiikee to liiat effect 

fly tlie- Court ; 

Q. Yeu km>w tlial of year own kaowledgel 
A, I do. 

By Mr. Covington: 

Q. t)a y<pii reeuJJ tlie o«-anioii tbat Mr. II. A. 
IXowlett of JtriOrilyn ;*^id a viuit to the iiil- 
iriiHikw company, pfciHeT A. Yes, *ir. 

Q, Jio yvn rftucHiinT wbi-n tluit w-ftj, Suada.y 
or il wr*'Jt djiy? A. It wd^ Suinlay. 

tj. Ui.i you H'Uill approximately tlia datet A. 
It wiif. either the S4tii or ffiitli of h^enlnnlicr. 

ii. Did you receive notice from tlw M^idj (* 
livid such d meeting) A. I fret-ived a. ktttr 
fm-iii the Mwicty in Bnxiklyu lelliaK me iimt 
ii. A, lljm-lifit wot to viiit Milwaukee on a very 
Eperiol misiiior. 

ij, 'I'd! un ivlnit took place at die meeting vnd 
wlio Vtjv* j;ib1J:i'i-L,I tiiere from, the time that Mr. 
J Umli'tt arrive.! until Hit meeting waa adjourned, 
if you renie:nln;rT 

The Court: That m oa September Sltb 
or iJth, 1333* 
Mr, Covinfitoai Yea, 

A. Ur. Tlowlett arrived in liiEwauliee at my 
home and ret.oented !nit *"* - fl H * »pwal iu*i;t* 

C. Ifilt<in f:!!isQtt—l<'or Dcjte.—Dirtei 

ing of the ililwaukce oorniiiHiy for tbftt after* 
noon at four o'clock. Tlu» wa» duae. At that 
■ucctina" Mr, llonlett pi'tmidrtl aad aiked rue to 
rend a tetter tlial be bad, and in this letter re- 
moved H. 11. rink an uone s-trvant aind a]i- 
pouited M. A. llowlett iia temporary xonv ser- 
vant llr. Hewlett then gave hi a talk oa the 
flhaking that waa ftib-ijj oa tlirough the Lord 'a 
orejaniwtioa, in whieh he j*aij everylliiag — he 
qaobed Scripture bbewing tuat everything: that 
could be shaken would be shaken out. 

(J. And did be mention anything conctmiaLr 
tlie activity of Mr. Moyts in tint tcjp"o sr.d 
rLfer ti it and aL»u m t(i ]u» coqdHj;t at BatJn;H 
A, He did. 

Q. I ubow you I'jjiliihit 1, "rnformotiyn," and 
ask you if you ]iav« (vor read that {handiaa; to 
wilnfrnii). A. Yea r »ir. 

Q. And do you recall whether or not Mr. 
[(■rwlett read that amine: article at tlie hieetjos 
tliat you liave nientionedl A. An I recall it, that 
arLielc wa* nutd hy Mr. Howleit at tlie meeting 
On September 2tt!v or 2ith. 

Tbe Court (addifniasiag Mr. Caviag. 
ton); Now vim are ia error, Iiook at 
tieit ejehibit nambCT, will youl 

Mr, Ooiinjrton: It tooka like "1" or 

The Court: lu tliat the September lat 
"Wakli Tower"! 

Mr. CorincrUm; It i» Ocdihcr 15lri- 

Thc Court; Tbo you «r« rtj^bt, it i» 
Eiliiliit 1. 

Q. After iir. Hewlett paid tbe visit to the 
Milwaukee wnipaoy, what effect, if any, did it 

Q. Milan XHiiHiH—Fitr ttrflf,— Direct 

have upon the difMlofl and doubts Unit were 
in the liiiiidti of Lhe biiilhren n\ lending the mm- 
:;■:...:.■.: A. Tlie dih.-ii.iCni •■■ i--- : in-l. Uii.Tt.- 

iimi-Lnl lifter llmt. The difltrunt cue* who had 
anism-iiiti-d ihi-iiHftixii with Mr. lloyia attended 
lhe nn-v linj;, *qt (iipi'tlM'T,. and othcra tiad 
nothing la nay la Hicju. 

(j, And tbo^e wbo bad ant irT.liated them- 
Htrvet with Mr. .Muyte hut who had expressed 
iImiiI-.i, i'iit il have ««y effect upon dioin aa to 
thoM cluupj;™ 1 tint Jlr. itDyle Jiad made before 
lhe c-r.u^ri'Kii 1 i"Ji ! A. They u;i to that time lud 
fmiiic tu the c«iichi*i<>n that lie wan nut in hnr- 
liimnv with (ho y<M'>L-(y ( ijimI llfcr'-fnre ihi-y 
fticvidt-il hitn, rm we- ure told 1o in Ihe Serip- 

Q. V.'hu! i'ATiyI did 1lu' nrlii'lr- H'iirilh-d " Tn- 
f H*>t-ihiat i-iici 1 F Ilili^! ujiiiil Oh' jiiLn<ti«. rtj llie>e lirrlii- 

j-i-n whi> had cui-b dnulitil A. Tluit article tnii- 
Snunl ihe iimlcrntnadine; ami (lie thmu^htn of 
thoric who were opposeil In I lie action taken by 

(J. And t"bt*t wha were iiidi iTef en t or wbiv 
were in dciibt, did it help tbetul A. Tli^se who 
were indifferent or in doidit, it hi-'ped them 
on I uLiiwcil 1lu-iri tlmt Moylo wasn't in hannnoy 
with ihe Society. 

Q, Ti-U iix wlmt rorirse of netian did Mr. 
M<nh' and hii 1 friimdri take in the coacxipnliflnT 
A, I wruihl nay (hoy cainc to tlie ineeiin^s hut 
took no part in tlieiu; fi imply sat there daring 
Ilia jneflin^n and then left, 

Q. Mr. KSIimn, Mr, Uoyle kstified regarding 
wriain nntieo? you ^ervedl flpn^ him in tbe 
■pring of lii- 5-.ji. I aik yoit if Hat ii a oopy of 

C. Hill*™ Ellixi>9—F*r Deftu—Dirnt 

that notiec tlwt yau nerved upon Mr. Moyle, 

pleaae (Immlin;; ta wiffnififl}. A. Il ia. 

Q, I af-k y.iu if after that you did not deliver 
In Jfr, ifoyle another notice, and is tbat it 
[haBiiitijr. to wil«ici>»). A, Il ia, 

Mr. Covington: I offer the one first 
Ed j 1*4 by !hc witr.cHR nnd tht one 
wiL-iiiLLllv identfrhd. 

.Mr. BruLdihausen; No ohjftuoa. 

(The paperji referred to irere reeeivetl 
in evulenre and marked Uefeadanta' Ex- 
hii.iti U-17 and 1>-18.) 

Q. Mr. fttliaon, at the linie you delivered 
either one of IheRe nolieep, did. jtii have ajiy 
conversion willi Mr. KfoySe! X. I did. 

<J, Wiinr win it that you plated to Mr. Moyle, 
pleaxe, A. When T handed him the Inter notice^ 
I said, "Olia, 1 am tarry to linnd thi* to yon t 
hut yon sro in bad with tlie Pru-icty, and until 
the>c Ihiopji nre elmrod Up, Ihe^c iiuitructinnn 
nill Jiliijul." 

Q. And dmirn! Ebot [imp, hnd you noticed the 
effret of such activity upon the comjinny! A. I 

Mr. BrUchhmiPfta; I object to the 
form nf tht question. 

The Court: Il mmmiea tliat there bail 
been some activity. Objection sustained. 

Mr. Ilrnclilinu^cnr A nil T move [0 strike 
out the aiiH-wer. 

The ronrt: Klrilo oat Ihr *n>w«i 

Q, Yiiu hail kjioaii Mr, Moyle for a tone; time, 
you jijuli'd, I believe! A. Ye«, fir. 

■J!.; : -. 



fi !hl<Mi 'lllisvn — Fi,t I)irfi.i. — fli'vct 

Q. Ami tlii] you de-Hire to i*e Li i in ronir hf,:k 
and anuu-tare LiijiiHsif loyally wLdi Lli-c congre- 
gation! A. I tra* hojunje that hft w ( mtd ilu h<i. 

Q. Ami >,iiii In- cvi-r rc]MMil Trnin hi? roB,™ 
or irvidi-itru any iksiire ti> return! 

Mr. liriu'iiliiiiiM'n: I nbjiitt trj the foi-ia 
of the L|Ur-^1iruL. 

TIie t'niirt: OlijM-lLiw v listb i m-il. 

Mr. Ciiiinffton: Wc oxepJlL Tour, whieb ivouht 1jl l tin, lsv;l thin 1 to 
ti-ud On* lutti>c»I I will fuituw your mig. 

The Court: I Slave jri^-irn each nms your 
choice. You *Q« r^&d t li.Mii now or later, 
as you will, 

Mr. Covington:: I'crhups it would lw 
k-lter, in nnler tn nviihl enuf>.i«iiin, tn 

read tllMlL row. 

(Mr. C«viii|;liiii rMtiln tVreiiilnmV Hs- 
hihit* D-17 anil D-tS 1n the jury.) 

Q. Mr. iClli^on, vtll yon explain En the jitr* 1 
why it wan (hut yon nerved this lout nniice fcjmrc 
II.'. Uoyle cli'jiy Ln.i; Jiiui, the, jjriv'LLi'Ki-s of obtain, 
lilsl ] j ti-rtlE I] re niul |iivai'liiiif; from liOUM to 

huiifeT A. Tlw f>w( LIulI JIt. Moylv had ex- 
pre^-il 1!iouj:Ii1» [but wore mnl rJLry tn our 
Si'riplutaJ iinilerBtn ndir.g. oxid thn.1 ir. house I* 

house lli)<trilHirinn of literature ^ nt ] nj^n in his 

con wr«4i.1 ion from hnuw |o lii'ii^r, hr would nat- 
urally eiprc*s h;s d-ti I'tniijiliif: In (he snattur. 

Mr. liruflOiiQB^n: T objeet to that tuirt 
of it unless- there lb boiim statement M t" 
when and where it wnru It if lou general. 

The Court: Yea. Btriks il nut. 

t'. ifaifwiit £ffc*ii — for Dtfta. — Direct 

Q, Aro person* who nre only ■ liuiu]ri'il 
))tr e*ot in lianaonj' -wi(h t}i« SudrJy (IntctrinpB 
BjsJ. polidiii ymi-riLiLtrii 1^ uj-1 □« ijji mini Eton 
from Liolim; tu luiw, Mr. EUuonJ A- Ves, nir, 

(2- 1 tuow >'u-u a L>Lter claltij >fn.rcli 22, 1D+0, 
Bi!JfPh£«l to VDLl Oj)d iiffnril tv Ifr, Olin B. 
lloj-U. I ut yan pleoic tg identify that and 
!'-!i vrJte[in?i or not ttiit k la& nLpLiluri) tlmmJ- 
tng to u-itiif-se). 

Tha Court: It wfta Bildre-Jifrcd lo yoa, 

"i'.l VOU ll :■<■ I '. i: ".In; Ih'I^'ItT 

Q, Did you rtwivn Uk l«l(*rl A. Tc» f *ir, 

Mr. Covirtpfton: IVn nfjcr lliat. 

JJy tilt Coufl: 

Q. Tliiil lof-ntf* in nnnwer In ynur Iwn lrbji-re mr 
on? of L2h-i:i| A, That 110 nlouht WUn in rniswrr 
In Hie n«i[ice tlial wo n*rwi] nn Mr, M»yk 
1 filing him llitt tie *outd nOi Ih\vo pnrt iu tiio 

HNie Cowt! Dc[f3H]antu' Ks3dLi)t D-lfl, 
Jfr. Brucliljau^n; Ha filij*+tj<vn. 

(The Ifcttiif rnf?rrr<| in vim rcceiiid in 

riillEQOt Jlmi niarlml Di*ft™ianl»' lixhibLt 

(ITi-. Cin'inpinn iffads DtfendunlM' St- 
Dibit D,13 to tfio jury.) 

By Ur. Cuvington: 

Q. Mr. Ellison, after lltat, ilid Mr. ilnyh at- 
tend the fompniy, after thifl ItttuT >'Hb ifivi.avcd 
by youf A. What is (he dale of tlmt )*Uerl 

C. UtiteH Ellison— Far &c;ta.-~Crass 

Q. UjlhjIi 22, mQ. A, Tiny attended ojum in 
a, wildo, and r]n;n fimiLLy fjiUcd Oiit, 

Jlr, Bru?!|]«nus«n; I object to tn« word 
"fadod," That is a coocluaioa on Ulb part 
of tin witnoaa. 

TJift Cfltlft: 'Th«y Attcntkd ontc Lp a 
wliltu ujsd tbta utopjitd *uniinff," 

ilx. Cuvip^-tun ; Yea, 

Q, Did yon liuvo any hutrad or malice to- 
vinU ?ifr, Moyk iia taking thiu octicn against 
lain it A, I did ncL 

Q. Util you desire to tol!ow the Scriplurnt 
al[Ltuik L irnd luivc liina fdliow llie Scriptural at- 
litudit in nit'nliisg m-iHi [Ins brelJiernT 

Mr. Bruehhnniicn: 1 objeet to what his 
iksirfa uro. 

Tlnj C'Jlirt: Ohji^linn *nui1 nintii, 
Mr. Ovin^tnn : Wo tMtpt. That j* 
ull, IhauL you. 

C;'!.-.i.v-r" rji?ji^rj^ii^j by Mr. RrMnhhvwcn-, 

Q. D» jdn BfrcE with llto |jrineip]i stutwl hy 
.TfrTiOvuh's WilqfHsws (hftt it is OwJ'a nr(panJiE&- 
lion on earl hi A. Y**i *lr. 

(J. And that llieif* is no other or/»aiiiialLcisi 
that is Dod'g or^niuiiian eKotFitin^ Ittwth'i 
Witnetitfil A. That in right 

Q. Anil that l[r. Ilntherfnrd waa head of 
("iml'i nri^ratHUi on on earthT .\.. Mr. fiuthor- 
fnrd n-nx t'n; President pf (he T>V<ili Tdwct 
EiliSe & Tract Sncitty, the ehunpel through 
w]iip:h Ooi is working npnji 1!k' enrlb, 

Q. Ori lif irns mrt if Sn JiftfliU 610011,18 (hat 
;1T A. I n-Did-Jn *% (i^rfiiif jt thM wjij- r I ws™]d 

■IV : 

C. Hilton Eilixtm—Ftir lhlU.—C*&t* 

iiiiifJy nay tii&X .Itliuvali (lad v.'lu uuing hiia 
|o iurtlui'L' tiie work upon tin: earth, jutt an l.a 
unHi tljL' nicn of Lild, alwnya Jta]ir.g through 
human njfncku, 

Q. So Mr. ItutSierford was lite nnly liuman 
*p:icy t)mt frwl wail wnrkios throushT A. ITs 
wii^ Prcsi<S'!Tt ^1 ilie Society. It ami" - " "a 
dirfcn.'nce — 

Q- And lie wk (lie OT-Sy liunvan jij^enry ihrouph 
iiciiom (UiA win iA"i>riiin^ Ihrnu^hT A. Jt wnuld 
liuiif; no -:ij ff'. 1 ri'ni'c if il I'lit Jliilur" Rutherford at 
iam« otimr mail. 

The Court; Ha did not nsk you tiial. 

Mr. .Slennfrrisplie r, vrjl| ynu reilld tl«0 i|«i'^- 

(Tin' L|Ui'-,liun wan reprated by tli* ate- 

A. afr. Rutfaerfonl was rrenident of thi^atrh 
Tower Utlile & Traet Society tlirouph wliieJk {rod 
Hun working. 

Hy the Court : 

Q. Wan. he tli« only ontT A, Ife «i« (he only 
President of the Society, ye;, air. 

By Mr. Ilruchh!m*eii: 

Q, And the only one through whom God wai 
working ot tho time that lie waa in office, in that 
iit A. That is rLfihi. 

i}. And you would not naarrel with Goft nr 
Oral's npenl, would_ynnf A. That i^ — you. haT* 
jlhIjisJ two linen tifin* (hi*re. 

Q. f WLtbdrcny 1he ([uentigTi, Jf you reeQLve»f 
any coiiuiiuiiieatioo from God's ajicnt, you would 

ft Jiilton Eitittn—Fer &;ft;<~Cr»*t 

iLut uljjwl to L(, would you) A. Wi? kut*- that 
Uud'n h^l-uih ar« all — 

'L'jii! Court: Y\a u.kki'<l yuu k vary' jii:npEc 

fjuufiiiun, air, and w* will get ahviij; if yuu 
will jin&Yi'tr the iiuu^t ionw and do not Jiuike 
► [ifwl it-H. itr, SU'iiO|i;rJijiJser, wjJJ you ra- 
|".-»t the r|ucati«nT 

{Tins i|ufHiiun was r«']s.'*!ed by the nlr- 

A. (C'lmliButMl) \^h. 

<■} lii hHict ^-ord.i, in all thd tiiiit that you hav* 
Iihii niaitvli'd willi Jelsoiii 1 1 'm WjtULntM'K, you 
luive ih-vit ilixMmttnl from any nunniunjcalron or 
jiny vliLieiLii'iii londe hy tlarl** ai^eni I A. I hnv-e- 

Q. Ami you fM-1 tluil nnyonr (if Ji-Ii'i\h:i V Wit- 

iifnM''s nniKt Eikrviw, in nnlur lo earry out its 

■ h>H r.i nt's, pulmerjb* to un'i net aoCftrdFaK 1 " 'he 

■ Lb I ■^tni-la4 ?■ irf (i'^J'ri a^'iltS A. TIiiim 1 vJuJeauE'iiL:* 

nru usually ri|;h1, yts, air. 

Mr, lirnflilnniwrn: 1 move [o ntrike uut 
thn nnKwnr, 

Tins Court; Via, 1'lease, I won't keep 
IciluiK yUU. J.ifti-n to (he inn 1 *! ion. If you 
do nr4 tiisrWiiloiirl it, we will Jinve it raid. 
If Jl call* for a eategmricul on*wer t gi¥e il 
]f yan mnnnt £:xi' n ev-Lc'jri^r^'a! anuwor, 
pi\y [hut you ciinniit j^ive li. Now, w'ill you 
renil tlie qufHtion, ^l^aKel 

fThe iiuentioii wsn renvatet! Ity (he aie- 
no jirnplier, S 

A. (Continued) Yes, air. 

0- &» !hat youc ohjettion j« Mr, MeyiVa aetioc 

C. IfHtvri Ellixon^rnr fiefti.—Cratti 

Jiere wiln IeulE b~ oh;i-eli^i (o Kninnthinfj tha( Gnd h * 
il^ii'ilI ilwl, wu^ii't ilT A. Nu, 

Q. Wi-ll, whut iiifftruiutii-in itiil you fir.^1 havu 

and WBfin that Mr. Moyle Iiad hail hu lien/tree- 

laii'nt with (Jod'u ajrontl A, Waea lie emna in to 
tl>r- meftins the firnt lijiie he eamc in to Ihe incel- 
in>: nfii-r returning, lie (ok! roe thnl he waa kicked 

t). When was limit A. That wan tutiie litna in 
Aupmt, littflt 

(j. Did you nnU liiin v,-Uy lie kih there I I« tliat 
I in'.',' 1 1 .i.,1 i'anu* uhijur 1 A- Vo, sir. 

Q. Hid ln> fiiv. you n tayy of I hi; leKer that ha 
wrote to- 1 lis Jud^.T A. Xo, nir, 

Q, Sn (hnt in nil lie stated io your A. That ii 

Q. Now, iln you *jrr*it llmt nnynne in ISelliet 
iii^y fKprtfwi ilitnutisfai'tioii !*■ (;^l's nj^cntt A. 
They may. 

Q, So that in irilinpliii* Idter, ttlitrh hot roma 
to your attention, I take it, Mr. JIaylo inn per- 
fectly arfthiii his ripbtii in ^xpr«rairi^ ^Ittaljafat- 

Mr. CoTirurton: That '-« argumentntivc, 
iciay LL -Ai'i\-::- your Honor. 

The Court: It is- R^frajiw your ques- 

Q. Rut yoit afcffce that ^fr, ^foyle aeled prop- 
erly in eiLpr^ksiiipf di«snti»f Action 1 

Mr, Covington: That ia afco ahjnetftd to 
for [ha sniBB rcaaon, your Honor. That i« 
a matter for the jury to determine, 

The Court; Object ion overruled; sXctp- 

liou to the defendants 



C. lUliun Jvifisan— Vsr Dcfis.—Crost 

Mr. Covinj^on: Vt'e fibril. 
'[■Us Witness: iilute j our ?jucs.( inn, 
pie aaol 
Tha Court, "Will you rj'itd the iiin-Kllonl 

I'J'be sttnoe/rmiiicr retreated She i|uajilioiL 
us follow*;) 

lJ Q. But von spree that Mr. Movie ae'cd prnp. 

erly in ejinresidnBdiKsotMoietionr' 

The Court : In Lis letter, VlaintifTs Ex- 
hibit i. Have you read Hal h'lterT 
Tin* Witneaa: &■>. sir, 
r i'J:i' Court: Von lave Tapx-cir wn St 1 
Tlit Witaetu: i\i\ sir. 

Q. huxutcunn that Mr. Moyle wrnie a Is-U^jt 1o 
Mr. Rutherford in Inly, Iflflfl, espmndafi diiwalin- 
fnclinn with the wny matin* nit eonduffted in 
Ifaitlwl, would von any ihnl Mr, Sl-oyl* was within 
hi* riplil* in writing Kuril n IfKerT 

Mr, Covinjrlon; That i* a math* Hint 
tall* for n ci,ndu*in« and opinion if ike 

whir-;.; 11 ::: ;:n;;ui:i' i'.J ji.i ;'. iu i:- 1- -'^n : i L 

Mr. Bnicnhjiuxr-n ; I will withdrew the 

<J, Tto you ee^o* that anyone in EhVI had a 
rhrhl to write s lelter to Ihe dudiM A. Yea, «ir. 

Q. And had a riphi eves to oxpresa disagree- 
ment in jiil-cIl a litter villi unv of (be jiolieiefi «t 
the Judpel a. That is riptfrt. 

f). Nov, you were friendly for n fionrl nsw.y 
years with Mr Mftyle, ware yon notl A. T wjm, 

Q. Whea did j-"» inx-ftm*. smfriendly to hiwf 
A. Dorinji die lime when, he pot back frmn 
Brooklyn when the diff uncut suedes lions Hint 

C- llilum EHi** — For lieftt.—Cftt 

were made by him and tha ihoughta thai were is 
disagreement '*'"" L - n * — 

Mr. Emrtlnwea; I move, to- sinks cut 
the Umr. I have asked yau when. 

TJio Court: Will you. rend the question, 
pki;.>e ' 

{The *t*a*jjrap!ier repented the ques- 
tion as foiV*o;) 
"(J. When, did you D€ccine unfriendly to hi»t" 
Tlie Court i Strike, out the answer. 

Q. When? A After his return From Brooklyn. 
Q. Wa» it utter September 1, 19331 A, Tea, 

By Urn CWt; 

Q. 1W long aftcrf Can you fut nnproii- 
rcrateLy tlie tinwl A- The feelinf increased as 
time went on. I cannot £U tho ttmel lime. 

By Mr. BrUcliStaosea ; 

Q. H was after Stplcmbi'r, 19391 A. Tea, air. 

Q, Vou read the nrtide in the Scptdfiktsr i»-t 
''Watch Tower," did you not? A, I did. 

Q. That lie was diamia&ed becaiita ha was un- 
faithful 1 A. Y«3t air. 

(J. And you ftwiefili'd tlint statement as the 
ivord of God'fl agi'nt, didp't y*a1 A. I accepted 
it, ycji, air, 

Q. Ami tliat n'as enoue^i erideltce for yon to 
dstarmoU thai Mr. iloyla acted impTdperiyf A, 
Tliat is rishl- 

Q. Sn tiial from Uiat time ou, you becama fin' 
fririully to Mr, lloylat A To a certain ei(*nf, 

C- ff«2io« A'JJ't.oft— For Dcfis.—CtesM 

(J. Aud ju these arttclta in Uu: "Waliih 
Tower" cunaa alonjj, yuu beciuw more unfriendly 
to Sdmt A. Mo, air. Because of hi* acta and 
lh« artkh-i eonlirined — 

<J, linU-n to luy (jui^tion, I jupvu to »Lriltti 
out the antiwar. 

The tlourt : Strike it out. 
Mr. BrudiBaueii; X witlidraw my queK- 

■Q. Yuu riN'ull tlie article in the "■Wo.tch 
Tnwuf" nf Otlu3>er IS, lUCSU, entitled "Infornm- 
(ivn,* 1 iloii't yon! A. Ye.% sir. 
<J|, And you read that article 1 A. Yes, sir. 
<j r Wltvire 1ii- l in aalLed a Judas juid a munuurer 
hjli! MMjiii: otlver tiiin^'t! A. V'flS. 

(J. And you acfe|it*4 Uial also as tho wo-nls of 
God's nsLTitl A- A* a ciinfintialion of wlint I 

Mr, Urucliliauscri ; I mnve to utrike it 
By tlie Coart: 

Q. Did you accept that as the word of flod'a 
ajjcntl A, l*e* 

£J. You una iwy anxious to offer esplunations 
lii.-ra, are yau not, III. Ellison 1 A I know tlnil 
there are meta nmded. 

Tlie Court: Let ma strai/;iiton this out, 
in ord*T to 1m fuir to everylmdy. The 
Inwyrr rpfir(!?*iitinK tlie defcmlniits who 
tailed you as 1 witness has a perfect rijfht, 
nfcer tliis RcnlknHAIi in finished, to Bik ynu 
Uiiire (jueitions. I will sot tell yon again. 


C. Hilton Kllison^For DefU.—&Tots 

Ybu ar* here to answer tho question* pro- 
pvunth-ii by this lawyer, who has the Hjrlit 
to nj.h Uiem of yon. If they are objection- 
able, lh« lawyer reprecentine; lha defend- 
anLi liaa a rijjJLt to objtet to tlnin, Tire 
Court will then rule. How, do not- niaki; 
any specehes. 

Q. J ngl; you a^-ain about tliin article "'Infor- 
jrinliun" on (klotier 15, VXV3, wiiich you mo>' Fiv 
eidl had in it some statements alsout ^fr, lloylu 
ln'irj£ a [i .J iti lurtr and a Juilas nnd a fen- otlier 
tiling. You retidl tltai Article, d«n't yotif A, 

Q. And van accepted Uiijjh atistcinejilji in that 
article nil Hip word of Ood'ii dgi-ntt A. Yes, jdr, 

Q. And you did pot mako ariy invesLipitiini 
annul that article T A. Xo, 

■Q. Y'ou did not write in to tlift Watcli Tower 
ofiici; or to Mr. Ttutheriord to fuul out what the 
hjuii* of that article was, did yout A. Jlo, air. 

Q. So yon became more no friendly after yon 
ri'-nd tisist article, did you notl A, Tea. 

Q. Tin.'" yon read lha article, did yon not, in 
the "Watolt Tower" of NovemW IS, W^), en- 
tilhid "Snarifji," did you notT A I diil. 

Q. And you rucull, do you not, stalpments 
made, ip there that he wan a mon-n.lca*cr a™! 
that ii* tlid not properly ropreient stutie of tlio 
Wateh Tower people in court; do you recall 
Umtt A, Yes, 

Q. Ynu did n^t writ; in to the Wuleh Tflna*r 
nr Mr, llntlterford to fnid out what the Imsi" nf 
that article was, did you I A. Jio. 

C. //illom I'lfiion— i'or Dtfti. — Greii 

Q. You a^-iin soaptad the v/ords of Uod's 

a^ent, did you notf A, No, 

(J\ i>iiln'i yffu believe ill A. Yes, sir. 

4. You did not t[U<-> Lion it at nil I A No. 

t^. And then after that, you read other articles, 
did you not, kticrs that wire 'written in !>y dif- 
fcrenl pcojile ciiircJibine ditapproTal nf Moyla's 
conduct T A. Yes. 

Q. .Vn:; yeu did ml qut'ulicin thOat Srticlei 

at dll A. No. 

Q. You accepted them becjius* they were 
printed in 1sie "Wotch To-ww"] A. I law them 
in !he "Walch Tow^r," 

Q. .';:... ;. iiti acc-cpted thi-rnt A. It does pot 
xay that I accented them all. 

<J. 1 am oiikinjr )»n if yn« iese|vt*d thenrf 
A, I rwinol aa<w*r ihai C[ne»Lion aa to whether 
I au-j'jjte*! them oil or noL 

By tlie Conrl: 

Q. V«l dcii't know whether yon ScecpKd 
thcru or n.itl A I don't rcmerdb<r all tha 

ISy lie. Itrocbliauscn; 

Q. Uo you know ihich One* >'*H atcepted sjid 
which otica you did notT A, Xn, sir. 

tj. liut you accepted some of Iheml A. Yes. 

<J. In nil that tiiua, you marl* no inquiry of 
Bnpotlvn as to the facta on which Lbia mu'.tcr 
i»aa hSMsi, did )'<iut A. No. 

Q. And tthen II r. Howlelt earna orer tsera 
at the nit* ling and read this resolution on Sep- 
tember £4tb— 

Mr, Coving; un : Just a moment, that 

C. U2ton Ei'sjon— r*gr Deft*— Cw** 

ix aa a^KumptioB tluii L» mnt exactly right, 
Uo read the article entitled "Informa- 
Mr. BrU*hl*tM«>; I withdraw it, 
The Court; And it was either SejUtm. 
her 2i\h or September £5du 

Q. When Mr. Howletl name from Brooklyn 
on Sftptitatw 24tli and read that article h 'Id- 
fori:iiiiiLi]i," you mads no objection or aahed 
any (|neilions nl«>ut it, did yont A Wo had 
oonTcrjotisfts about it, yes, sir. 

Q. Did you ash Mr, ilowlett OP what that 
article "Infonnnlion" was gos-edt A No, sirr 

Q. Did you ini| as to what the letter wa» 
tbul wax inferred to in that article '"lufncToa- 
tiHh"f A. Jlo. I knew vLnt th* letter was. 

(1. When did yon know what tire letter -«i»t 
A. I had heard around the company thai a 
letter waa written, hut I did not know the eioct 
eantinla of tlie letter- I never taw it 

Q. Bid ynu hnow any of the content* of the 
tatter! A. Yes. 

Q. What did. yon knO*' about the letter! A I 
knew-, ns I said before, that Jloylc had read in 
his flrtiele before the Milwaukee wransi-.y tlmt 
licjuiir was tndulffed in at Bethel and that shady 
sturses were (old ar,d that discrimination was 

Q Sn ynu accepted the statements of God'* 
agent that tliose matters were untrue, did JOB 
notf A. Yes, air, 

Q. Y'ou did not knew onythinf about what 
wan ^oing on in Bethel yuarjelf, did jonf A. 
Nat to my enftft knowledge, ao. 




i?. . r .'i^L-H iUiren— for r»e//s. — Cnwj 

Q. Yuit raad-j n* pcr*(-n(d invtrtipHieHD ahoat 
it! A, No. 

(j, Yjju did not *oin» to llrooklyn ir-d find 
out nlwut itl A. Nti, nir. 

<f. Ah tlii-Mu as-ticb:* *i'fct read from tirne to 
(in>i> in I be iiiee u ngu ever which you premded 

ur -,:i" i-;--. ; i:l : ■ .: in. Mi vs..\ a {m;Z that 1 :.r 

ulii'jiilutith ut [lie nuetinj; bceaifie more ajid 
moi-o unfriendly to Air. Movie. A. No, hit. 

Q. You mean it had no effect on them whut- 
nnover, A. The effect on Ihein ww; -T&ds-i-r thp 
article* w.rdi n i-ed tlidr undernUndin™. 

Q. IVt-Lt, tlit'V were Simrr Unfriendly, wera 
tlu'y EiHtti A. BhtHum- the arliehiN. eonnrniKf tha 
uiiiU'i-t-tjji'litiL! that they bad concern i n;; Moylc'* 

(;, Whit u-ideriiUiiwlinj-T A. The awiewtwtd- 
ii-jr (hut M^civJu "van kicked ami of Bethel bfl* 
HUN* of bis aeti.ii.s at 3ifU.iL. 

f'. lint none of tl-npe people at Iho mrr-iins 
bud he-Mi at Ik-thel, biid Ihi-y] A. Many nf (hi-ni 
kiie'v of Che ^>nililihBiK l-H'cu/dsiT tlicy had re 6 ' 
Stive-d h:ttern. 

The Court; Ho nuked you if any of 
the ]H-rig>lo had Im^-h at lWtiud. 
The Witneha: Sot to my knowledge. 

Q. And none of them had made any inquiry 
ut <lct)n'll A. Not to my knowledge., They may 

Q. Kg tlur'y all nrreplcd these Ktntrmr-nU that 
mm ifuule to tliem hy nr -fin bebalf of Gmi's 
au-ent, i» that enfffotif A. I eaonnt anawer far 

Q. Thai u-i leant wo* the basis, of your nctiohf 

C. //iUon EllistiB^-Far Dtfis.—Crost 

A. No, nir. The bani-i of niy a-dinn w-i* not bo* 
cuu-'P All «f it CtW>ft tint in th--. 4 " Tower" — 

{j. ] inL it did influence you mid you believed 
t/;..kO fttaterntnl*, Jitt ynti nutl A. The lhiii£;i 
tiuil earn* out in the '-Tower" — 

Q. You believed those utalcmonti, did yen 
nn-tl A, I "lid, 

Q. You nuid H>nietliinff at Iba time tliit you 
\ft-t\i fiandod ibln letter deprii-ing Ifr, llcvk q{ 
privjlu;i'.-i t or one- of the letter* in Jfureh, (Jiat 
you »i?ro m*rrv tn hand it lu liioal A. Yea, sir. 

Q. Hut you did it tiofau^e of aliej^ancc to 
find 'a ugeall A. I did it for lbs good of tiie 

Q. Yet, hwiiiH* fifld'a aj»ent had MWiUftnlfd 
van tn do it — I withdraw that. God's agent 
imtiH'd y^-u to deliver this letter to Mr. Itoyie, 
didn't hit A. I ibk innlraeled frvtri Brwklj-a, 
yen, .s:r. 

Q. Ar.d tliat ejune from flod'i a^entl A. It 
Tnmo f rum IbB Society. 

Q r Do- ynu ref «]] when lfi\ HnndeU i.Triv*il 
tJtMn in Sefitt:mlk!r r him Hd]in£ j r ou ''Moyle (jot 
n Irldunlajj and Vm coiddn't take il r, f A. I don't 
)-<;b[n' jeiIh' r (hat, no, sir, 

Q. hut it in paofiiMa that that statement nu 
made)' A. It in posiuhlB. 

Q. And do y r ou. rmp-lt tlml rfuwhtt rai (hut 
occasion rdjso Rtatfd (Jmt I»j InuJ liini«i,'if nfu-n 
beim rflmked hi" ^fr. Iiutlu.'rford1 A. I don't 
remember that Etalc-ivnt. 

Q. ikit it ia poB«ib3e that tJtat nt»tement voj 
made! A. It ip p-t*h i Mr. 

Q. Yon did not nee the letter of lfijv]o'« 
aroQiid at »U, did yaw— A. Yt». 

C- HittHri EtHjUHtr—far Drfls.— Cross 

Q, 1 (vitlidraw the ([iie^tinn, You liai'e never 
(n-en .Mr. Jlujlc'n letter! A. i liivo toen it, but 
have- not Paul it. 

(;. IJuw rerfiiily did you .*(i.* Ltf A. Wei], it 
Milt EuM'k lit thv t.jLM uf Mu^le'ii returu — 

Ii>- l!m t,>urt: 

(J|, Yuu have not ■sen it tiuco 133SI A. that 
in rijjht. 

1!; Mr. ]irurli)intLHi'n l 

Q. ]l.v LIn: w'jih', vcImp ji^I-i^iI yiiit ta r.H>n;i: to 
ItrituLlyii 1 A. .Mr. ('ni'iuKlnH. 

(J- And V'.u. cuini' vHiliiiitiLrily I A. Yen, nir. 

ii. Ami ,cinir !'X|i('iiiie;it urn 1 IjcLiijj pnin] by 1ho 
ik' Teiulufi ti-. f A. That is right, 

(J. nre yuii i-c^blin-;, at Bethel T A. tJo. 
I rotiiSo ii- AYUpoowin, 

(J, \l']iere nr-; yuii utayiiij* hen-, at ilelliclt 
A, Nn, *i". 

Q, V'nr wn frifndSy nvwrli l-iih Mr, Mnyle 
in Auira^t to (five liiiu a couiOi, icrt jh;u n->tr 
i Y(-* r iir. 

(}. ft'hal tiiBte in Au^iisl -via* (hat, of ]£>3itT 
A. I'njial-ly tltc latter part of Augiut. J Jua't 
rememl-ov the dot*. 

(j. Mn tiiiji cihnjpl nf ■Uiluitc «" your 
-llli-t rfllllH' aftlT He-ilrinl-r-F If-t! A. \Vcll, il nunc 

nftiT-J wouldn't nay rMmiti\"t-)y it entne dftcT 
Spiitciuli^r 1st, I don't know. 

Q, Y«tj *[»»!; abniil a ulutty in Sfr. r'int'i 
Imme in Alicti*!, IfJ^rj. Wan tliiit laforo or lifter 
Ibn cninii wai 1 pivenT A, T cml'lnt ii-u;wi't that. 

Q. But ynn Btr* friendly Tith Mr, Jltylo nil 
durinjj A-if-Uisi, wri you notl A. Yen. 



C. lliUnn Elti*o*—For Deftn.—Htdirect 

Q. Ha there iva* notliin'; that you, knew of 
Hmt y*a Iiiul any quarrel witli Itim about in 
Anj^ntll A, No, 

llr, Bruddmunn: Titfl i* aLl- 

{;■. Sid you iridic ve that tike eharfieB that yem 
b:ul n-iul in (be Si-tioty'ri pniblicatio-i* Bj-uinnl 
Mt. IfovJo went fulfil A. No, »ir. 

Q. When Sir, ilDU'loti paid hin vi*lt to >!il- 
wasilun', <lhi be nan^r a« to tlie fn^-tp prmrrimiii-r 
Moyio't dtfiirlure from HcthtlT A- Ha did, 

Mr. 1 '. n.H 1 1 Ii ii.i -i' 1 1 ; I ■jhJMit In that flAil 
move to Htrikt Silt Iha nn"w"*T. It i* n 
COi| p- )lLrian-Ti r iidvawiPlff ilk tn the fii£tr^. 

I'l'e C^url; 1 4"in trninFr 'o permit it to 

(J. finned LipM-i your in format inn, did you he- 
lieve tiim tiiC H'ii;ifL'L'.-; inmle by Jlnylc a^nimt tlie 
Society WBf* fabsei 

Mr. Brueklimu-en; I n!ij w t |o U>e iinea- 


The t'onrt: f^hi-i-rli-in mn-l-ilBWl, !*■ 
c-an;.e the dianrrfi irairli> hf puiyp hr linn 
n4ivor read. 1 will per-nit jpwi to ajk him 
u'ltat chnrfle*. 

Q. You beard the «lnlenunl reod by Mr. Moyle 

in the L'<H]i;>iny, did you not? A, 1 did. 

Q. Prjisi'il u[M>p |br infonasttioji tlint you luail 
rceeivfd, did jvtn hi'lii'ir Unit tl^e fliarjteji made 
in thai -"taioMciil ItefoTP tli* r*»n-.[Kiiny enneern. 
iA/fi til* Kotiety «iero foliel A. I did, 

Mr. Covin "-tun r That it idi. 

C JiiJ"(*i* Jiffifo-i— Ji't-j- lltftir—Htttitt* 

litcross-CHtmitwSion by Mr, Uru&ha^en: 

Q. But van ]md no evidunr^ on in liidi to ad— 
I witl-dre-i' that. YeU mftd* no inTBstig-jtion of 
the f*ct<l A. You mean as far as writing 
Brooklyn about it) 

Q. Yen. A. Xo, air. 

The Court; lie asta-d yuil if you Hindo 
any i n ve sllfjat i an at all of the facts that 
you heard made hy Movie. Did you t 

The Witne**; That i x a duTi-iLdt i|OfB- 
till-- to aiibv. er r Vmir linmjr. 

Tiic Court; Did yon innke nny inveitti- 
-jji'.ii-n pt nil I 

Tiie Winie^K : iT'W'iii^LtiivnK -vctc tt.:i4b 
in ind riniund MiUvonki-e — 

Tin- Court: Did you innJre i-iiy iiweytj- 
{jat i on t 

"J'lse \V'itn<"Hn; Nn. 

Mr. llrudihnuHHi : TJmt is all. 

hit, Covington : That in ail. 

(Witneis eieuied.J 

Tha Oaurti Nest ■■■itness. 

Mr. Covinfilon : Gus Paulos. 

Tli* Court: Any time. j"du have a viU 
MH frui-i out of tl.iu-ii, I will be clrui to 
awominodite liLm even if yon int<;rr-ufit 
annther witness. 

Mr. CoTington: Yea, your Honor. The 
fii-nt wi tni'-iiivB are from ant of to-rra. 

The Court: Any time during the trial. 

6'iti J'awlw)— for Mufti. — Direct 

Ulj"S J-AULOS, ZSXi Nortli &5th Street, Mil- 
taraukea, WineoD-iin, tailed at a wtisuiif in U-lialf 
u! the defendantd, living Jtml duly inrora, tes- 
lili^d us f-jllowiL 
D\rrst CHMifMMJMI Ly Mr. Covitiylun: 

Q. You are one of Jchovob'e WtBtj*e*f A- 
Yei, iir, 

Q. And for how long! A. Since 1922. 

Q. And how long have you been ojisoeinled 
nilh llm Milwaukee eouipjinyT A. Since LJuit 

tj. ]>u ynu- knoft- Mr. 0. ft. A. Yen. 

tj. Do yua lijinw Sir, Jlarvey FinkT A, Yc*, 

C}. tlni* lone have ynu knnwn I'ilher of thrae 
:;, iil.i-li.enr A. Sin«- HO' or 1:1-7, nniLLird that 

Q, Diifinir tluit lime, w«re 1bey eniuipered u-ilh 
I he 11 il-Vi-iikee prtiapanyt A. Yen, nir. 

t^. Daring l!>;iLt, da you reeall when Mr. Moylc 
I'etiiriiiil fj'-'tu Brooklyn) A. Yt-3, lit. 

Q. When wan it that you firit Raw Mr, Moyk-1. 
A. We bad a laeetijig at KinSi*i hmne, nnd T 
went up there tluit evening and I met Mr. Moyift 
em that useetiag. 

The Cuurt; He wantn to know when, 
if ynu enn tl^ tli^ ti::ie. 

The WltHeM: .'ust the time wlien lie 

Tha C«ur! ; Slmrtlj- after he amTOtl, 
ia tlml ■n'hal you nvenn to nayt 
The Wilneiui: Y«, sir. 

Q. Wan it tha day that ha retorud frota 




Ons Pmuh*~Fer De/fj.— Eire** 

Brooklyn I A. It mif-hl In; the day. Tt «u 51111 
ijy or twa after In- arrived from Brooklyn, 

Q. Did Mr. Movie and hi» wife attend that 
study in the fenk home tbct pom attended there, 
for a while? A. That ia right. 

ii. When Mr, Moyle and laia, wife bcgaji at- 
tending the study, did you. notice any sjuebtieni 
W conduct on. the part of either that dialurhed 
the r A. Yea. 

Mr. Bl-e£hh(litKr;n ; 1 Vmnilrr wluit She 
relevancy of alL thin if, if your Honcr 

Tie Court: I am n<H f]Uis« m> *ur*, 

but I ilni J^oing 1g t^W it mift r b»>ea.nHn? 

tliLMK witniMMi, wilh my pr-nnis'd«n, are 
failed 11 ] ictlc mm of rode*. TViey are 
frmn nut of town. Kn- I u-ill tula? it no* 
■wlvjrct to ft motion to ntribi- (ant. 

Mr. lSr:irlibau:-*ji: 1 thought roundel 
inic;ht point out ^luil the rcJetfury i*. 

The Court: i shall nut auk him now. 

Q, Tell what you ohflerved in that regard. 

The Cnuri; JJo you remeniiwr the nucfl, 
tionl Will you read him the question, 

(The stenojrnipher repealed the ques- 
tion as follow*;} 

"Q. 'When Mr. Moyhe and his- mfe began at- 
tending- 1he utndy, did you notice any queaiions 
or ronduet em Ilij! part of eithar (list disturbed 
(lie niTcti nft T " A. Thi-re was qnestiona outs-hle 
riT the nnhjivt we had in dmeuiHinn, and II ra. 
MnvLc *«p**Wly trinji ^umtiofiB from different 
publications — 

Gtis Paulas — For Sitfts. — Dittet 

Mr; BruithlHiiiwn:. I ohieel to what 
Mis. Mnylr *tud. 

The Court: Ohjr-rtinn jjuKluiiwd, strike 
out tlial part about II r», Movie. 

Q. Da you reliM'tulx-r having ft- *conver*ftli< in 
with Mr. Fink it jwujt pine* of biudncs* 1 A, Yes, 
Mr. Fink — 

By tli* (Jf,r)rt : 

Q. WlMal A. A fiM' weekH. iwo weeks or 
one *wl la[(,T, T iIoti'I tnow tin> diile eKactly. 

Q. Sluiirtl}' jifli'r Unit meElinj;! A. Hliortly 
afler M<iy]fl qri'Lv^l tlirrd 

Mr. 1iri,H-;i.-<ii,i-i; ; j fttij fining lit dh~ 
jctt 1 il ftn not (uniting on the p!;iir;1ilT 
unlfKS Fie una tlirro. Jlr. Pink its nnl lic-ii 
|o refute any Kuril (tntfinfnt. 

The Court; I a>^[ni£ it ix (□ ^ttnek 
Mr. ?*ii>h'n rriilihililyl 

Mr. fovinfdftn: Tlmt jk rifiiit. 

T|io r.iiirl: T j.]ijiI[ >iii\'h- U> Iii-jii 1 it firxt, 
nnrl 1 mil lijijpn t!> ft motion nrti-rnTanlji. 

Jf r. IS-riurliliBiiNen ; Hjscerrtitin. 

Ily lit. f'rn'inj^nn ; 

Q. Yy\<i VnH Jmvt ftny ConxTrnutinTI »H[]i JTr. 
Kint in rrttrntet lit .Tiicljrc IfjulirrfdriJ ninl Jlr. 
>fnyh>. in idliili lit nude MAtrWHt* h^-jliti if ilip 
Jki'ij^ Jind jitalL'iiiiJiIji in iH'iiiilf i>t 1J i". Jlnvlrt 

Tlia (Vnirt: Tbat fat, Mr. Finkl 
Jfr. Covington; V~.-, 

A. V^h. Mr. Fink cjjh>» tn mv plaw fit Smiis- 
s>ra* in tilt prwta** nt" E. Wfrth and Fryd 

C;ir* J'um'oj— for D*{U.—Dinct 

Q. Ttll wliikt you buli] And what 1[f, Finlt 

Mir, Bnic Idiftustn ; iine. the date of rJbia 
ii^rn liscd! 

The (."Dart: ApproxLtiiattly a wt^k 
afler Mr. ilnyla rMurued t« Wii^nniiin, 

Tiic Witncnit: It mi}cl:i 1» lira wttlil, 

Tim C'uurt; "AssjiroiiLnuiLly"' coven 

(J. Did Mr, t^i?k &ft>' anydiing ta "nu afwuit 
Mr. llciyfe 1 * eonlrovcn'.y with Jurii^e Itniher- 
r«hrtlf A. If p rams in nnd h* Mnrt relating 
nrliiit li^[>|i[-n lIoviiii in I lie Ut-iHnl Family, and 

1 x|ilnirni] iuirtx nf llml Srltrr, tlmt aimt t>H>y 

fire 1I rariijE dmrn Ihi'ir, and Ihc Jinlfic i.i i^rUinj; 

i'ld Q1II1L luinla eVel'Vlniily, iu:il ttlr ilrriiiu'iliniix 
wtiii'li wun nil Ihat U-Hi-f, whirl] j 1 ii--.-E. 1 iti-v was 

lirfulfti-iioed a found-- 

.\Tr.. RnLidili/ii^srn : I nSi-jf^t to (l"i^t ftnd 

move tti j<triL« e-ut "wliirh i>r*v.i«ualy." 
TJh? Court: Strike it out 

Q. Wlint did you fell Mr. Fink in rtfeRtKe 

to the n»uri<e of conduct that Mr. MayLe should 
Iuivg Iftncn, and v^Jiat did filr. Fink sayl 

Mr. ]!Tue!ihauHen: 1 olijuet to thnfit 
<]!u>*tion* an !rndinjr- 

Tin? Coart; Tbry art leniiinir, but 
won'i we B^t to it fantf-r that n»yl 

A. Tlicw wan a iiiecrMttan ahnut thref- 
Hjufti-terj* of an hour, and he hvfrin tu iri] n-!mi 
iie done down it tha Uetbel house* — 

(Sus Pimltix—For Dtfltt — ilittct 

Uy tlie Court: 

Q. Who hi-cui to trill A. Fint, uhout llif 
wlntle »it nation, and ]>o fontlemnins the action 
of the KncJrty, ef.p*fially Juii~e Ftutiierfopi, 
ji ncl I told Mr, Fink (lie coiirsc of Mr, Moytc 
wan unneripUirnl. I calkd ft1lenti«a whnt Jesu* 
Knid in Mitttifu- 19, "If lliy hnttlier tin tarno- 
tiling n'r^fift (0 ydn, gr? 1:1.0 1ti yonf hrothtr and 
U'.t iJiniit it, and if hi' wnn't iislea tn you, lake 
1w;i u? 1jlm-i> nioi-r li:«:lii-i!fl and go up and toll 
him in a tTiTi^tian manner." And I aA'ed f 'Did 
ha do tlmt ..r not!" "Why," )V »?*, "he 
rjiuldu'1 di> Hint. Julian Tturl i^rf fird, luf "H'ill rt. 
buke dim iuul hi- will kit!; him out at there. No 
hi> tlioufht heUer to y™t it in Mter fnrro," 

Q, Whnt did you coy tn Mr, Finlc in refer- 
[•iiii- to wluit lie Kaid ahout J&Jpo Rrrtltcrtnnl 
kiekine; him out iinnl rebukini<: hiinf A, T tntil 
liini t di> n"l Ijtlicvc Ihnt far (he ri'iuim t:n' 
rnurmr Ihat Mnylc look n'n.i nineriritural, ami 
ttwrefort T enuld not believe tlmt urn TiEht. 

(J. Diirins (he time that Mr. MoyS? rcmtiinrd 
•vi iii (hi; company durinc Aupj-'t nr.d S^Iitt'o- 
nor, did you crer lurnr of the enpy of liin letter 
to, Jurlj^ Riitlhfrr-rjrJ heinj* eireraLiUeil it toe 
eohip?uiyt A. Yes, 

Q. And wbea u'an [hat I A.^ Mr L Fiul: told mr 
tlmt another, Frmlhoniine, he came tn my i>laec, 
nnJ tried tn finftjyt |h^ Icti^r, and ho Eohi nie 
huw lerrihJe the thinp v;an — 

Mr. Uruchriauwn ; fn thin in the pres- 
ence of Fink, thi« ilfttcmcnll 

Tin' WibM«t: Ko. 

Mr. Druchlianiien 1 I object to all Ihsna 
tui£C£llaneo"ji rcnmrki. 

ffiw J^oiffos — Fuf litftt. — liiftti 

flit Court: Ohjection ^uatained, strike 
it mil. 

Q. t'ou did hf*r thnt a Utter wan rimJalid? 
A. I did, 

^f r, RnirbhnuBiPii : If rnnve tn n1 1 i!..<: 
0)t( 11 id qoeiftinn and the ftimo'*r. 

The Court; Me ^id itr hi heard front 
M^t, Fink that a letter hud ik'en mt, 
Til* Vi'ilneHB: Tlial in rip-hl, 
The Court: I will psi-mil [hnt It, ttninL 
The rrnl nf it i^ out. 

By Mr. t'ovinffton: 

Q. I3i(l Vfnl attend fchr* nif-n-Eii^ rn» or ohnut 

fieptcinher Gth or Tt 1 1 at a tfrvKT" iniTlinf; whrn 
M't. JJoyle read a utflk-inent to (he ennfiii'.^a- 
lion I A, Yes. 

(J. Trii |lh. if j-nn rrfvilh wluit rt p!a">t 
A. Mr. Mnyh- mciid luirl of thnt li-lfiT wtiivh 
left the Itelhel Family, and 1heu Finli too,k a 
few niiinHen' tiin^ and point out tiiiif if we 
nm n company tried to liei[i Mr. Jloyte in a 
broihrTly fashion n/id not liick liini artHiml. b^ 
Itu y kiefced him at (lis Sm-i<-;y. kiflp liiiii atnnjr. 

[J. AnylJiinjc datl A, Thru |n> put !i in n 
formal vote; Tlionn who ui-e in favifir nf Moyln 
fin,l try to help him. they ^innM raine. (heir 

Q. Did ynu rain* your hand 1 A. rt'o. 

Q. Did liie ciifikisiet of Mr, Movie in the ennt. 
pony a* Milwaukee cnitJe any siUturhnnee nr 
rlivisinn or strife in the fompanyf A. Very 
much no. 

Q. And did it freatft confiuiiei) in tlw- *ernce 
■cliviliftl A, Vtry much. 

(ius r<r.u!-tix—Fvr DcftS.—Croi* 

Mr. BcuiiJiiUBeu: 1 object t* tiii-H an 
too genereL 

The Oourt: Vei. 

Mr, BrijchJaiutcn r It is a conclusion 
of I he witm-m, 

The Court: Objection taatsuned, ilrilie 
it PUL 

Q, VfkiX, if ftu;-, effect did Mr. Moyle'i mi- 
duet biave upon tkd IfictU Y.gB T 

The Court; If you know. 

A, The mcetinc-a in general since he const, 
(hire was no peace in that company. Many 
lirottora and xialMM come up to in* and aid: lue 
and dwMla*td liie ihin^, hew tcrrihtc thuigs 
linec Movie nrrpeKWl in ;hnt chin*; ovicrjthinij 
wan [rfati-fully and Hue, ItVM had ujij- trouhhi, 
and liii ajtpc-arin^ canned no uiucL trouble and 
talking fthout thinp>;. 

Mr. Covington: That aa alL 

Cofs-ezamiuatwo by Mr. Mrud'haust*: 

Q. You have junt referred to tomething as 
bein^ nnncripturaL Imven't youl A. Thai is 

Q, Do- VftU 4J|-7ri^ watii tl-' L S^rifiluriMj n.^ in- 

terprotcol liy ?iTr. Uulhcrfunl and tlie Watch 
rower Lirj*iiiiiiati<>n1 A. 1 do. 

Q. Ajjd if any thine; appoartd in [heir pub- 
lications, you would accept it, wouldn't yout 
A. E-'iral I have to study lo sea if it is Scrip- 

Q. Have "yen ever divorced ■•rith onjdhing 
that 1hey liave nlati-dl A. Not that I knn-w nf, 

0. Do yon ajfree with thin ntvUmeot: thnt 
*'Jc«'iU suifored death in order to prodat* tld 


£u.t Paulo* — For I}*'!*. — Crow 

4-ui.iujn or redemptive price for alt mankind"! 
A, I 4* for all obeditat people — 

Mr. Covington; I ubjerf. Tlml 12 not 
oompetent cruia-eHuninali nn. It in not 

The Court: 1 will jHTfiait it in victf (if 
)iik tlaleun-nt concerning (be Kcri]ilureB, 
1 annua* that in from the ISeriutnres. I 
happen to know that il in. 

(j, You iluci't, llii-n, aretpt thai statement tliat 
1 made, that He jniff<'i , i*l for all rnouiliim), .1 , 
yout A TIm-tc i* tithe/ Keriplurca which ws. 
nave tjo lake (be other Svtripturea. into ew»ide.nv 

(}. Do von ngn-i' with 1 1 tat statement, that Ht 
niilfririnL U't sill [isaiikiMlf A He did. 

tj. 19 nvc you read this boot, "Creation, 1 " 
(■Jiuwijij; 1 f j vitneas)1 A. Y«* 

tj, J rail your nm-nliinn. Ui 11 n article in the 
buck nf ihi; hoot entitled "Jtseontiliation" — A, 
That i* right. 

fj. (Continued) — liy Jiulge J. P. Rutherford, 
"A ''kin KtaUriiH'jai of ;he Qradoua Provihinn 
■li-hovah iiur Hade le Bririit All Men into r'ul! 
hVnrrtny with Ifi.mi.itf, llial the Ol-mlienl On™ 
.May IJnv* Brerlaidinjr, Ufa On Earth in fton- 
leniiiieni and Complete Haj^.inma." Do you 
Hilwoita to ibutl A. I tttdnt siit (.lie vrhola 

q. Ri : bi| it from Utt book (riaisrltnj; hook t* 
in;.;*:;. I have un jcrli ri..ii it 

By the Court: 

sj. !>id you mad itt A, Yei, 

(J. Do von i£f(< with (hall A. I agree. 

(Jut i'ssJM — For Ba/(*. — Crow 

By Mr. EnjchWimr-xi : 

Q. Xow I abow you th«i "Watch Tow*r" of 
September li, 1JK1, and you to read the part 
thai I have marked (honobng to witntii). A. 

Q. Tliat is auliitantiBlly the fame on the one 
yoa juit rtiid, that JejiU-H tu tiered for Lite otiedi- 
eti ones, in that correct I A, This thiag need" 

The Court: Wait a minute. Is it &ub- 
HU^iiiiiLLy the name Os the Oilier one. If 
it IE not, Hi.}' it i» nOL 

The Witness,: There ia a differc-rife 

Q, A iliiTcrcnct between thuia twol A, If I 
renismlwr, I cumidl kti>p thai* tidnys — 

Q, Yon liavc just LuiAinJ at tlm "Watdi 
Towtr" of Keptfmlwr 13> 1Q4I, W*{ Uiftt lb nub- 
btanie sayj, doe* it not, thtt Jeiaa saffcefed 
[ttalh for iJie obedient ont* uf paaukiiidt A. 
That is right 

Q. That ia to* »ui>xfc(ince of itt A Ye*, 

Q. Kow I ulion' yftu the "Watch Towht 1 ' vl 
IX^miwr (5, HJ'.'A and I a^k jou I" rtul the 
jiirl I Imve marked i handi n^ to wiliu'iui). A 

Q. Von have rtud tliat, hUTnt yemf A Tlial 

i> 7igilL 

Q. And lliat nrtiflc y^n luve jual Hind in jnli- 
iLniiti! eny* that Jwcut (offered for all mankind, 
doe* il notl A That it right. 

Q. Was there oisy chains in tlK Bible h«lT«D 
;hoo£ h» ilaltn, 1933 and mil A. Kd. 

(Ibis foutw— For Iteflt^-Cntt 

Q, Who wan it n-]io clininj?d it frbm (he )033 

inL^r[irclatiH>n, lliJit J'.-s-UIJ nuffiJ-l^S f<ir all i:ion- 
iiEin3, to lll^ 11)11 in1|;r|iri L taLj^D p tJ^t Ht STlflic^-il 

for Uic BbrHlicntonCvf A, As we fLiidy tJiu Bib]*, 
wt- End tin; JjiMe tell os tJiat Ihc imth of tl:c junt 
rdguw m»re and imirr until n [wrfw; <jjy enntt, 
Thvrc are certain thingd fr<nn time to liicui *o 
itiidy and we iee dtar_ 

Q. Wan il your Mi^^eitina lo tiiange tliat from 
'''all iiuiiiiinl" to " ' tlic ohhlient ones"! DA you. 
Wt male timj »tj;;jjc»1joii f A. No. 

1J. You. nevrr nwltj that! A, No. 

Q. The first time you )i*aifdl »liont that ™ 
\v]ion it came from God'* ageot, way it net! A 
I tako the Heriphuea— 

B>' tlie Court: 

<j. ]u Hint t](S firjit tiioA you heani that atate- 
niL'ijt, whi-n it came fmin Qad"* a^enti A That 
is right, from the "HrVicd TuWir. 

By Mr. BrucLhausen: 

Q. Von ni>»' ati^iit tlie reriscd vcr»i«n, l^at 
JcJiuH snilcnii for tlie ohtdicnl ones, dtm't youl 
You ncrcpl t'hulT A. Tlit u-ay yon put your n,UTS- 
tion — 1 ran ap*«'i?*- if you put the qncalion— He 
dini for all, u;il tl=c uln>dit'Oti will be benefited 
by it beconae tiicro «* «*rtaia people wbict will 
not be benefited by, 

Q. &how inti whtn it tayii tlial in this one 
(handing pamphlet to witncai}. Read tlie Inn- 
gunjje Ihcre, A. It inn't on this pnTaprapli, Lut 
wi iiavc-^if Vi i-in^le ooe paragraph out — 

The Court; He naked yoa if it va* in 
thot pnrnKruFli. 
To* WitneJ*; No^ it doem'i. 

Bui Pavies—For Dtfhtj—Ctoit 

Q. Did Oud 'a *£ wrl:t you a ktter about il 
givio.£ you thij tiptajiati^i ...-..[■ you bnrel Did 
you rtecive & ktler from V<A'& agent — A. I 
don't Jiii' rJ-iit wuiil "tioti's a^tnt,'" It u CoJ'a 

Q, What poaiLion did. If r. Eulherford ha™ in 
Uiif orHiuiiiatitir.f A Ha wai tho Preaideat af 
tliut tj*«i*ty. 

0. Vi'jui it God'a orguibatioa Qa eartLl A 
It ^aj. 

Q, Aad the oanly orgoniialiou Umt was God'a 
O-^ajiLiatJojs t A. Yes. 

Q, M<i lie u'-as head of ill A- He'waa tho 
heod of it, 

<1 H« waa a reprt?ent*tiv* pf Cod, Ttas.n'1 
Jitl A That is right. 

Q. So inythkt£ that you received from biiu, 
you acceuted an the word of QodI A A* wlien 
1 hnva it M'ith tlie Scripturci), if it corroborates 
-a-itli ihu KeriptureB. Wis elietk wiUi toe JScrip- 

<J. But in nil the years yon iiava been r*ad- 
inp; Hi is liKiratura, you b&vo nev<:r made any 
objection at all to any of ill A, I always check 
it taitli 1tu2 Scriptures-. 

Q. You uevsr mado any ohjeetionl A. Ko\ 

Q. You. Sind it tlwftya ccrroctl A It bar- 
raojiiEed \ii(h Ebe ScrLjiturea. 

Q. Uut you CiLil that both of these jfaUastnta, 
the one in l n 3fl and the one in 1941, I uun lionise, 
don't tliryt A Tlie later one is tha progreas 
of the lifilLL 

Q. Where in the Eibk «ui van puint aul that 
Gu<i enly suffered fflr <li« abeditnt oneal A It 
»ayi that "If* died far many", and again it 
sayi "For ail' 1 , and then tlie RibLt aayt, :J A11 

fjjii Paulas — For Defls. — Craa 

ilii; in Adam, all will get life in Christ", But 
tlmrc tire oilier iScriplurca n-hieli juj-b. "All will 
nut ^'>:t lil'a". 

Q. Can yoo tell me any Scripture tlial refers 
to ibe ubcditnt outbt A. I cannot tliiuk of One 
ri^iit now, 

il 1'bu have heard tho utatement "Kvil aer. 
vant," haven't yottt A, Tliat in rigjil. 

ij. A^jone wti* ia nut Jehuvali'a nurvaiit, L^- 
long* to JVOiovab.'d organization, i* an evil itr- 
vaut, ifcu't bet A So. 

(J. But there are ninny evil pSflfnirt* outline 
of Jehovah's orgtuiimlionl A- The Bible Bpout.a 
of iL 

(J. J L j.t Ihcre arc u pi*at many outHide of 
Jehavah'if urgeni^n-Siuiil A. \'es, thcra is. 

Q. Weren't the obeilii'iil ones I lie ones that 
i.lnJ not vfzsot with Mr. liutiiiTfop) or tlie onix 
Ihal did UK™? v '^ iiT ' Itulherl'ord, in yu-^r 
opj I'm.. T 

ilr. Covinftun: Thai is an inipropcr 
ijuiKion, It in afgunientative. 

The Court- QhJMlion sualairicd. Will 
you start yimr [question agiiinl 

Q, Wuuld you say that anyone thai did not 
aglfeo witli Mr. liutlierford wa» not an obedient 
oni'l A 1 wouldn't «iy tluit 

y, Your obji'i-tiDn here thi» morniiis ia that 
llr. iloyle wt«Ic a letter to Sir- lULk-rford, bjnl 
11 T Aj ITy ta'Jiule ubjeetion jit hi* mume of at 
lioti las unneriptaral. iKe did not ^-(> — 

The Court; Hfc did not akI; you nny- 
thirtg aboul that. liaten Lo Ibe question. 


(?iw PavJos — Fur Dcfif.^Cress 

If you do not urnli'mtnnii il, tidl ua, and 
we will be gtml lo have it read to yott. 
lli'id tlie i[UC*tioa, (duaie. 

(The i.tenoqrraiiiier ru[Hiat(J tins ^uea. 
iiun sm fcU«f<ff:) 

"<J, YtHir objection lrer» tlibt inufniiif; i* Hint 
Mr- Meylu wrote a letter ta llr. Hullierford, 
isn't ill" A.Tliftt ia rigliL 

tj. V,a yuu tbuuglil that >'•» wrong in hit 
writing tlio letter? 

Til* Cuuirti You thought it wok un- 

Tiie Witney; TJi^riptaral, tlial if 
i-i K hL 

Q, And frinu tliat tiine an, you were un- 
friendly tu ilr. Muylif A. That ia right, 
i£. Juat froni wHiin^ (he letter! A Yoc 
Q. And yuu never made any investigation of 
the fai-la cwatajatd in that letter, did jouf A- 
1 ;.■:!.■. word by wu*d — 

By the Court: 

Q, I>id you make any inv««ligation 1 A. 1 

don't H^^~ 

Mr. llruelihauaen; I vfitlidraw tlie quct- 

By Mr, Brueldinuaen; 

Q. I>id you ei-er write to Mr. Hulberford and 
ask kirn wliat the facts, were in tlw ewet A 
By the Court: 

Q. Did you vver WTite anybody *t BelhalT 
A. Ho, never did. 



Ous I'nvfot—Fot Ue/ts.— Cfoti 

Bj llr. Bruvhliiuismn : 

Q. And you never tym' u c*»py of the letter 
Shut llr, lloyUr wrote jirloteLL in the " Watch 
T*w«Jr," did y«Ut A. Ko, J. did not. 

{j. And you wrote Id anyone in Brook- 
lyn ju iind out wiuil waii naii in tiuL. Letter, 
did J'uuf A. Xo, sii. 

Q, But yuU did read the "Watch Tc-wiT," 
didn't youl A. 1 did. 

Q. And ywi read I Lie "Watch Tower" of 
Scjitctulii'r I, 1!W5», which f-uid he »'iw ilininUud 
because lie was unfiuilhfuEf A. Tlui-t is rieliL 

Q. And you iijjj'ffiitl with thutl A- I did. 

Q. And you Hindi! n-n iawpfififttiofl of it; you- 
accepted that statement i« th* "Walch Tower"l 
A. 1 uiA-onii-d It Im.tjlukl' it *hlh unscripSurnL 

lir. BftHeTdMUWn: I move In Blrika out 

the uw'erijjtural part. 

The Court: Strike out (be whole 
anawer and give hint Baoiiu-.t elianea to 
answer it. 

Q. Ynu re-id that article of H*pr<inibc-r l h !£)&■ 
ii, ih<! "Watch Tower," to tint effect tltot Mr. 
IfOVit TVOS (li»BlilMwi bHIIIH lit was unfaithful, 

didn't youl A. That h ripbt. 

Q. And ynu aecepted I hut statement in- the 
"Watch T<ywtf"t A, For tlw mime n,-nsoa. 

By the Court; 

Q. Did you. accept it* A. I accept it ajj un- 
iiri plural, 

l}. Wo did suk you whether it *■«• ud- 
FcriptUrAl, Did you ococ-|>t ii. t A. I did. 

By Mr. BruclduHwfrn: 

Q, An<] tJwn ya-o r<'£j<l tilt artiste of October 
Cj:h and XoveiiiheT 1'jirL entitled "Informa- 
tion" and "Knares'T A. That is right, 

Q. You accepted that, loo I A. I did, 

Q. You nex-er found out «r invrfitiRalcd an to 
what happened in CJiurt in coaneeiion wxlh tliat 
article " Rnn rrss " did ywit Do y/ou r*»Tt lh* 
article "Snorts "t A. I recall thai, 

Q, Th> you r*«dl something in that article 
that Wr. MjsyV did not properly represent them 
in ir'urlT A. I lion 1 ! rain-cniLir ell details-. It 
is a lone. time. 

Q. You WCra nnl in the MsciftniSe'n Court, 

irerc youT Vim hSilI not fclU'nd thftt triaJ in tile 

Ifjtffijilrjite'ji Cnurtt A. I wasn't. 

Q. Aafli vnu did not know arjlhinjr about itl 
A, No. 

■Q, Yna did n"t wrilo in I" >lr, HatlM^fffird 
tn find nut wliat iia;>riened at tlutt (rial, did 
youf A. K"ft, air. 

£}. You did not ftnk Mr. Wnylf *]iat liafipt^nni 
on that trial, did youT K. Nn. 

Q. So t)m( yon arm'Tilii:! tli^ap- jilalempnt* 
v.-iUinil inr|nirinj» fn.iii iir. Tdmle bc fiom Mr, 
n u1 1 H-Tfujii YvEmt tlm facta vare aliout ilT A, I 
didn't get that. 

By the- Court: 

Q. Did yon accept tin* atatennnl* thnl W- 
poarcd in (lie "Watch Tnwr" witliont B»liina; 
,\[r- IFnyk fir Ifr. TtLitli^r'fnnl rliat they were 
aljfmtl A, The nrtiele "tiriarca"I 

By Mr. Brue hharuicn : 

Q. "I affirmation ' h nndi "Snarei* 1 ! A, Yei, I 
accepted it 

Cw Pavivs—For Ltfls.— litdirtct 

Q. Hit (hut ymir alli^isjrri to Jtlmvah'n \Vit 
nouct and (he rtpr<i»«ita.tiv<; of Qod in to 
Brtrani; tiiat you accept j.1 ati-jjinntu tiiat are 
printed in the "Watch Tower" without any in. 
rjuiry vvimlxneverT A. I* I hat a question T 

Q. Yfe». A, Wo ««pt— I t?B«pt phi j «bI| vitli the Seripturet tojgtlhcr. and 
found it vrsm in B^coi'danee u'itla the BihLe. 

Q. Ha you Atudinl tin; $cifiptmY4 instead of 
fmdinjj oat vliat the fac'.i were ahaut it, is that 
correct? A. And tiie article together. 

llr. liruciihaiiM'!;; i» ail. 

f?c-^iT*f(f (Lrdivj in ill u>n ti/ jlfr. Coi'iHfflw- 

Q. Did Mr. iloulell inuke h.n appejumnee bo- 
fore tin if ilu-nLiJit-e eninpnii}' und pivc ocrtnin 
fact* conciTJiinK Mr, Ji^yb'ri wntravrwy will* 
Judgn KuliH.-rf«rilT A. Tint i* rij?hl, 

Q, Wlien was timl, befnns lb* artwh "In- 
fnrntnlion" Jipj^nrr-il in L]li. l sl Wn.1cll ToKer rJ of 
t ii 1 1 .':. ;- r Uiiiil A. I tin't reiaeiidsur rbaBf dated. 

Q. i>ml yuu were present u'lien Mr. Moyle 
gave t!ie information! A. I vox. 

Q. Who nri" ton pidered by Jebo vnli 's 1Vi(~ 
neHEoa an the lendprn of Jebova)v h * IViln^nstn in. 
tlie eruth today! ^ : ho are the Ir-Mier*!" A. Thd 
Watuh Tnwr Ttible k Trnel Saeiery. 

Q. Tliat is (be piKernia^ body of Je-hnvah'a 
Wibepiwal A, That ia riflbfe 

Q. Awd vrbtt are 1be rvil ^nnotl A- It ia 
a ela^R of people nhn Imd knowlfd^B nf tht 
truth, and tlwy left IW ff«1h— Wt th* Sociftly, 

Q, And it refer* to lluU clfcil «f person* who 

£Tai Ptndos— Fur J^r/ij. — Itzeroas 

have been at one tinm aaiociated with the So- 
ciety I 

The Court ; Plcflue, lie Inn Bnawieied 
I lie ijaenli'.i'O. 

Mr. Corington; I u-ilblra* iL Ttuit 
ii all, 

f£ecroia-ejraitjfna(ioi» by iff. RfTidihaiiSC*' 

Q. You heard that M'r r Jloylt wan anted to 
(save within 21 bout* ff opn Bethel ; did you bear 

triatf A. No. 

Q. Is tlierc inythinp: in tln> Scripturoa (but 
eon.loneR B*l*irt£ ft masi to (jet out within 24 
bourn- afier lie has h*en in an oremniuition for 
four yenml A- Tii*re "a, in Corinth iann. T|ie 
A;iii*tle Pu"l Vi'i-ite.i "Kor a certain ivr-r^n", lie 
njiyn, *'nlwr-nt in tny hody waa prt'wciit in KpjriL 
tiet out I hat wifikwl one at onec". 

Tf. So ifrti flj^ree thnt that i» nil ri^htf A. 
That ens* in not exactly a* (he Muyk- faff. I 
iloiL't want to infrince his ramdui-t on that. 

if. You thin'*: it h nil riflht In let a man fio on 
ipsa tlian 2-1 liours' notiei> after lie had been 
there for four yennst A. The. Bible aaya "Avoid 

Q. Bid Vmt evsr read tliin in (he "Walrh 
Toww" of Fnl.rnarr IS. 1S39: "If (he tHHw 
of thnl wliicti acl'.Lalty esipla would u-art injun. 
lire nnd pmjury to nthem, it isn't at oil diftp??asv 
iiif (a f?ml to ilecline to tell the aaine, A state- 
TOP-nt iKiMnnea a lie when it i» iruide u'jtli ilie 
jUtrpWH) and intention of wsrhinir injiSry t^ an. 
otl;er-" Bi^ ynu read Hiatl A. I iitr'l rtmeni. 
ber thftt- 

Q. Bo yon ftjrrfre, vith that! A. I cJtW r»»d 


Gm» Pawky— Fur JHfUj—At&Hti 

that and I don't rciiuciidj^r, u* I ain't any 
Or no. 

<i. Yi'hatt A. I didn't fhurly that iuid I 
H-ouldn't My i'e& or uo. I Iiave to study the 

Q. You. can't giro me any opinion on that 
nnwl A. I never get a disconnected phrase to 
make coramunt on. I have to read the whole 
paragraph before I make a deeinion- 

Q. You henrd tlicnC flriitlcJi a-f -Octoher 1lj?b 
and N-ovKtraheq Ifj, lLH3D r read at these meetings 
of Jeliovah's- "VYitneabes out there, didn't youl 
A. Yea, sir. 

Q. And tlml Smd (be cUfcct of amid us iTery. 
Iwnly fr>,-[ M«yt* n'M "*roaR, didn't itl A. It 
was ivun Ix-fiiiT that. 

The Court: Bid itl 

The Witness: Yes, sir, it did. 

Q. Ami it nuulf Ibegn f>'el oil tlui more un- 
frimdly lu Moj-tr, didn't itt A. To me it H0SI1S 
il wax aire=i(!j- tlit way — il didn't have any mora 
HilTfl'L't. It v.'*.* uiniot the tame then. They knew 
aoinelliins wa» wronj;. 

Q. Ynu mttm the nituation cot belter u for 
(in Movie wiui eobceriied after i hoist letter* cftrjn 
outt A. No, I wouldn't «ay thnl. 

Q. bid it remain the nsmo after tb* letter* 
ei:p'|t outt A. It fiets wona, of coUrie. 

Ittdirtil eatPiiJwfion h/ iir. Covnigia*: 

Q. BhJ you liel>ei r e that the cUrtfe* tliat llr. 
Mf yte Wftda aftftinit the Society ft'e-ro fsltuT A. 
Tt -n-vs fn!*C h yet, air, 

Q. You. beard th« ■dmrgea lit made Bfunit 
the Society in (he mcelinft tft^f*. did you Eotl 
A. I did. 

G\n Fatdi/t — For DffU. — Jlwroj* 

<i. Ami did yon lieliev* they were true or 
fuiseT A. Purely fahie- 

TJjc Courl; Uo *aid Uu« or false. 
Tlie WitnWi; Fulae. 

Q. Did yoa liear tlie rnectiiiK ot wiiieb *fr. 
Ifowtett aridre^fed the rimj^feeiiLioii and lohi 
the true faetK- of lha roiuditioiii' at Belheil 

Mr. BrurhluiujiKu : I ohjoct to the fomi 

of til<: l|Ul'.Hliull, 

Tlie Court : rluRtBipcJ a» lo i"im, 

Q. Did you hcJioVO lliat the twin Jfr, llo»lett 
tohl tlie eoinfirciriKion tenttmiBlf nonLlitioim at 
I'tetlrel were Israel 

Mr, Brut-I ill auaen i I object to Iha form 
of tlie qneitim. 

Tlie Court: 1 will |x;rniil Illlii to &uk, 
Ofc rruicd. 

Mr. B nielihnnKKii : Exception. 

A. Wn. 

Q, Did that eenCirin yn^r Irfdief that tlie etat«- 
inenla llr. iiriyle made vivre fnlsef 

Jlr. JSruchiinuiieii ; I oiijeel to that. 
Tba Court: H ii*taijiud. 

Jfrcronj-crituiijioJfoM by iff. Bructdtauic*: 

Q. You Iiave jimt t-tated in ftn»w<sr to the at- 
torney'* ojUiTiitJOT] that you Maid the c-hare,ej nero 
faUth A. That i* r^lit. 

Q. All the cliarjrei* in Mr. May]*'* letter! A. 
Uplei'4 1JLi>re is certain thing*, but u a, whott, 
tho eluirfitj ii-ero falvt. 




fVcrf A&la—Fer Deftt.— Direct 

The Court: lie Asked you. a very siru- 
]ih> sjHsntioo. If igii don't know, you Ull 
u_i. IVe're all the (barges Jjmde in Mr. 
lln_\li'\i li-lliT If yn-i ilua't Li-.nw 
HAY YOU don't Lliavf. 

The IVrtneai; I helievc it » foist 

Q. Alt (he eharpe*! A. The charges which — 
1 mil mixed op with the '[Utstion. Eseuse ine, 

TJiu Court: Watt a. minute, Wu -will 
auk ymi again. l>o you believe: that all 
tin charges in Mr. Movie's Letter to Sir, 
Iiuliitfiiiril are f.d-> 1 

Tin! Wittietm; Yen, ?tr. 

y. Did you ever read the letter I A. No. 
l|. EJ-li L yr( Vim KtUi'uiI Jit-re Unit Uic-y art 
all falne. 3K I lint ririii: 

'I'Iil- ("iiljH: TlniL t* lit arK:|iurp1, ri«t 
» i|llL'rliir|l r 

Mr, J S I'hM'li I in i3rM']i z That if nil. 

(WicnfjiK e:sou*ed,) 

FfEED AKHLT, rMWrBB St 50 South Lewi* 
Avenue, VTaukegan, Illinois ItdtlC fir^t duly 
imirn. tflstilicd a* follow*; 

Biwtt ?jtt'*imi«JffljT Lu -Vr, Coivia.fli'oa : 

(J. Vail art one of Jehovah's. Witnesses, nre 
v,.,l mxl A, Tluil i* rijdiL 

Q, lion' tiinjr luivt vim been one of -Trhni-nli '* 
IWnth^'iif A. Sinee 13HS, 

tj. And wlial rolopany or eon jrreini tion are 

freJ AthUj—f'ar DtftK.—Pit&l 

i'un as.«n:JBtcd wilh! A. L 1 am corjjiet-t,.d with 
the Waukegu, llknoiji euiu[iaiiT. 

Q. i'ur how Jd-njjl A. For about lii year*, 

(J. And do you have any other DwnpatiDO u: 
any oilier vocation 1 A. 1 work he bub-iitatiiin 
operator for the i'ublie Service Company o[ 
Northern Illinois. 

Q- ituta- lunjf ImvB you known (lie plaintiff, 
Olin It. Ifoylet A, About £0 yean approxi- 

if. During Uint time were you (Ism and good 
frjesidaff A. Very mueh so, 

(J, When you bwainc een juaii ted nith Sdm 
TTO* lie unt ttF Jelmvuli'g WitprsecJiI A. Tbnt 
la rigbt. 

Q. Von rem*iriln'r n'ii^n he went Jn Brooklyn, 
d» y-ftLL aat, Ejhp bi^eiiEiE? L-our.H<Tt fnr |he ^M'ietyf 
A, Ym, J do, 

(^J)o yon Tirenlliurl wln-n you tenrnrtt (LiU lift 
wan on |onj(rr it 1(io Sui-iclyt A. 'I'lint in riglit. 

Q. I jilmw j-im l)pfi L ni|jintii' Kjilii'tit 1" and 
aid: you if >'uu rMtlVWl that Lt'Uf (h-ipdi^^; w 
witneii*), A, Yes, I itid. 

Q> rrior to Hifil tia-i j'uu Idunwl tliat Mr. 
irnyle ttbs oaet from Jfew Yorkt A. Yen, ¥re 
lmd rr^eived a curd Hint they had iu;rit to us 
statins tliat titey were bavinc Urooklyn. That 
wraB either durine; the time that they vere on 
the nay nr ehorily after they fame Wfc to 

(J. ^t'lirn did tou Iparn, n'ln»n did yon *e» Jfr, 
Jtoyle for lhr iir^E ttm» after hf rflumM from 
Brooklyn !« WiseonninT A, A* near at I can 
reeall, it w"a« abenjt * w-eok nr rn after. 

The Court: After' ho p-ot bacltT 

/Vid ^ tii!j)i — /■'tji- Ptrftt.-~DUect 

tj. And uLen and where Jid yoa eh hiniT A. 
Tltut wad a! llf. atuj Mr*, Newman f t home ^edt 
of Waii^aluja, Vt'wciiiiidn. 

y. Knee >'im invited up to *ue itiraT A. That 
is r.-r.n. 

{J, t>n. that oi-aiitton did Mr. Ifi^yLft (ell yon 
a» to ihp n"aHon vIlv lit rrltttMJd t» Mil- 

HL,:k(ft A. Yes, ill", he vn uine nil ik| fume of 
the renions. 

Mif. Brilclilbau»en r Wmt is the datuT 
Mr. (kn*iae^iiB! Almui a vr«*\t after he 
n:.t hark 

Q. He eau]neraU"!l tome of (he rea»onit A. 
\ e?., j^ir. 

Q. r>» yon recall what they wptct A. One of 

1l l mis i hat cnnOuionn at licthcl wm- ilrtnk. 

iu^ nod variniH oilier lhinB^ r oarfc an leliinp of 
ilirly *(jiriej<, 

tj. And who wo> prfji*nt »ith von flq ihe orrn- 
B-ion of ihat vitit tft Itr. Moylet A- My wif* 
was with rn*_ 

Q-And hour loajr did yon sjvud with Mr. 
Movl* and his wife on that da._vf A. 1 vould 
j<ay mn^hiy t. e^pte of hourfl, poiobly tltret or 

Q, M"er« yng irarpriwei to inarn Ihat Mr, 
Moyte wa» hack in Wiwondin permanently! A- 
Wi' we re, yen, 

Q. When W"ji 'he nest (ime that yon m»' Vt 
ifoyl^f A, Tt wa» the one ind only rime T *aw 
SJr. ami Mm. Movie. 

Q, And »rurr that yom had tliifl rorre.t^f.r- 
drree, T helievet A, Yes, that i* farr*vt. 

Q, That is detiflnated a* Tjtfc-n'lCT.'t' Ei- 

Frtd JsW{j~Fw. Htft$ r —Ditttt 

liiliit P; and, auhrieijiLfnt to that, did yon ro- 
«iv# a letter daied December J*D, lHL'ST A, 
Tliat is r-ijT^t- 

Q, In llr. Mojli;''* h'ttur tu yuu dated Augnrtt 
24, V.C'.K th«]-i; U aliar.liejl td.Uiat a eopl" °f W* 
lelter ud-keriscd to J. >\- Bfttn«f«Td. UiJ you 
reud Liiai letter f A, I did, y\m. 

Q. And at that time what effitl, if ary, did 
tin? ehjir^ta made in .bHt letier lift v* upon . yonr 
mind t A, Well, tbt» waa quit? a tonsideimbl* 
r(n:?unifin wan ct«t>ttd by iL and anyone alwmys 
liked to hear butli jiiden of the iilnry. . 

Q. And after thai did yoa haw orcaxton to 
heiLf the Stkdety's side from Mr. JIowlei.ll' A. 
That in furrccJ. 

(J. ISefore you heard from Mr, liowlett I will 
ai-k you n"lietiier or not nnylmdjr «»' this.leUej" 
that yon mentioned sttaelied to Mr. Mnyle'* 
letitr at Aiif^irti*, l!)39, in whieh lie »j^ "Yfta 
fan >how it to others," A. As nf-nr jw I e»™ 
reim-niiier there were two people read that letter. 

■Q. WIujT A. One of them *m Lafoj JudoMit 
of Jtaeine, aod (be other one was my wife'* 

Q. \Y]tm you reaii the letter did yoa bvliere 
the rhar(;eit that Mr. Moyle iuni mode agnimt 
Uu- Soeielyf A. 1 did not, 

Mr. C'ovinslonr * VTe »ill now nrfer io 
eviih>B« letter dated DKomher SO, tCiSfl. 
Mr. Brnehlumren ; No ohjeetion, 

{Tile letter wa» received in evidence and 
l.-iarlchi Defeadaota' KJchihit D-20.) 

Q. I ihow yoa pnee It of (he '* ^'»teh Tower" 
nuu^aiiDo dated January 1, 1340, ud (lie heuliag: 

Frrd AMff^Ftrr Dtftt.—Jiifetf 

i«."100% For Channel," and I wiah yon would 
read ihikt, pi-twif t 

Mr. Covington; I wdl now read Ue» 
fejudaiili' Kilifbit D^Oy dated. Dst*jftb« 

, . 30, ]:h:::J, ad'irsajiiid to 'VJujlt Km], a:i:i 
J a* we." 

(Mr. OoTine^oa read* (he same lo jujy.) 

Q- Ihd you si^n that resolution that app«art 
(litre in that laa^azinet A. I did, yea, 

I'i'. V.: -i i- and whi'A waa. tiial n i.M.u-.i i.a parsed 
aad' adopied.t . A. Tliat wajc Tjassued sometime 
during. Dwi'iiiber, 1S3S, I oElieiTc t U'BEar.aa I 

Tbe Comrt; Waera was it adopted t 
In the Waitki-Kan company f 
■ Tin Wilsts*: That is rtgfct 
Mr. C'«^nefton: ' We*ffer that in evj- 

Mr. BruehlimiEen: No t-hjecti o,i. 

(Ileeeived in i-vitk-nc* and tn*rk<4 1 J*. 
fe-vdanls 1 Exhibit H-n.) 

Q. I nhow you Vliat appears, to lie carbon copy 
of a letter datfjii J9nliLa^> , 24, 1!M0, whitlL-p,nr- 
porta to he an answer lo a letter d»t*d' DeceHili*r 
30, 14*33, l>cfe'ndanta' Exhibit D-20, and- at* you 
if you hive evtr aeen the letter. 

The Court : Have you ever seen the 
Letter Incfc-ref 
The Witntns: I have, yea, 

Q. U that the eiplanatioq that yoii ftiiili t* 
Mr. Moyle 1 In answer to his letter tinted De- 
ar.u'bet SB, liUil, A. I in positive (hat is the 
aasw«r to i-.. 

Frt4 At,Uy—Fur Dtfh^Dimt 

Mr, Covington: ' We would !ik» (a intra- 

diicc tlle : copy into eyidranr, 

Th^' Court;- -iUio* it to' Mr. Bruelw 

Ut, Bruchhaa«ea; No abjeetipn, 

flteceived in evidtnoe and market) Da- 
. fendaati" Exhibit D-ffi.). 

Q, Did you attend a meeting of tlie congrega- 
tion at which Mr, Hewlett addressed the congre- 
gltion T A. That is right. 

Q. \Vhat month was taat, if you rrmenilier T 
A. As near an- 1 can retail it woi in fjepttufotr, 
the taller part, or around ilia lit of October, 

Q, Where did you attend inch inectingl A- 
That was at Mr, and Mrs. Edward' Moofl^bao. 

Q. Waakegnn'" A. Th&t is rif;hl, 

Q. Did Mr. JlowJelt read thtj xlatererBt ■»- 
tilled " Information " on tbat oce»tiont A. I 
belLev? ha did, 

Q. Did yon attend a meeti«p rL-^n-bere at 
Itacino or any other place! A, No, T did-Tjat, 

Q. Vou suy tliat you were anxious to Jiea.r the 
Society V s,tde. Did Mr. Hewlett protvnt the 
faela eojienrpinp the Society's tide of the 
-l:.-r n -i'.^T X. Vi-n. utr, an near as we know, >\t. 

Q. And did he atata the facta roncerninjr Mr. 
Ifoile'f exit at Bethel! A, He did, 

Q, Did he de.irrilwi the eaaditiaiu at Bethel! 
A. Really, ha said— 

The Court: Did Jt» de-wik tlw eortdt 1 . 

This Witness* : I don 't reuicmher whether 
ha did or not 


FruS Aebty— Fur Dtfli. — Direct 

Q, Du you remember whether or net he took 
up tlii' tluirgus- made in Mr. Hoyls'i letter t A. 
Yes, 1 think J.l- did. 

H- And illd be explain Hie fact* partai ni ng to 
thfiuf A. That is rijjhL 

fj. After you bad Iwatd— 

Mr. BrudiluuiBeu: 1 ohject to that. It 
in a conclusion. 

The Court; Objection sustained. 

Mr. DrudiiLausen ; 1 move to strike out 
the answer. 

The Court; Strii* cat lie quiver. 

Mr. Ceviptfoa; W* tueept. 

Q. After you Mr. Hewlett's expSanntion 
or the matter and iiad rend Mr. Movie 'a letter 
van joined is this resolution, Do fendanls.' Ex- 
liilpit D-21, i* tint rig-Jilt A. That ia right 

Q. After hearing all Hie facta did you believe 
!l',r- rtiarge.-i made lb Mr. Moyle'* letter wera 
inicf A. TW1 i* right, 

(t. Did yuu hutieve the charges, made in Mr. 
M»vJi'V )h:Hi'lT A. I'lLtilon nit, no. 

Q. AI'tiT you. heard Mr. Howlett did yon bo 
]i*ire that Uio statements made oy Mr. Hewlett 
were truol A. Ye*. tliat in right 

Q. Wliut eflVct did the ti)aJ;iri.LT known and 
imbl jibing Of the arliele onlillod "information" 
in tiie "Watch Tower'' have upon the brethren 
in the congregation* A, It hp4 * stimulating 
e flirt upon jiotne of the brethren who war* que»- 
tior..ji|T the issue, 

Q. And what cutset did lha vpisit of Mr. How- 
Ictl have u]»n Urn HWlbcn of the <vngiejratiou 1 
A, L kkiiiev* it *™ ray timely and proper. 

F*ti AdAy—Fvr He/to.— Creu 

Mr. C-ovinjitDQ ; At thi* time I would 
like to read Defendants' tiihibit D-£0 — 
No, I have rend that In maawer to tint 
ia (lie letter deled January 24, 1940, 
which U Dtfvmldot*' Eiidhit D-2& I wJU 
read thai. 

(llr. Clovhsgton reada Defendants ' Ex- 
hibit D-i!i to Ihe jury.) 

Mr. Covimrlon: Dtfendimts ' Eildbil 
D-21, u'Illl-Ii |u dji! resolution referred to 
in Mr. Movie's letter and Mr. Aebly'a 
letter in reply reads r 

^^E^ Covington Mid* to the jury. J 

Mr. Covington: Tliat hi alL 

Q. You revived a reply to tb#t letter of 
January 21, 194% did you nott A. I don't think' 
I did. 

Q. I show you a copy of a. letter and aak you 
if you recall reeeiftop that in reply to lha letter 
of J^iiuory 241 h, A. I 1i»to Ken Uist, y««. 

Q. Van received Lhat letter, did ydu nott A- 1 

Mr. Bniclikouenn; I offer it in evi- 

Mr. CovLBgtoB : No objection. 

(Received in evidence And marked 
PLair.Uff'a ExMbit IT.) 

Q. So that the first time, Mr. Aebly, you 
heard of tlsia latter vat 'vheu yea rrquet led Mr. 
Moyle for a copy of it? A. I don't think that 
I— T«, I t«|ttt»iad tha^ that u right. 

Fred Atlrls—For nefU.—Grus* 

Q. And it was at that tpf^iij i-c<juc»t of >ours 
that lit «cnt it to yoaf A. That is right, 

Q. You orp a company iervant oui in Wau. 
kpjinn, nre you not! A. Yen, tir. 

[J. lJr,w long tmve you been in tliat cajuicilyF 
A, Alxiut o year and a half. 

Q. And) you reeetTo correKpoutleitce and in. 
jiUuctkip* from the main orpaniiation in Urocb> 
tj'n, do you not I A. I do amr, \sh. 

■(J, And you are, ns you tay, IDO^t loyal to 
(hft srfiflnintiojil A. That is correct. 

Q. iio thiU your ijUarrel here about Mr. Ifoyle 
in (tiat tie wno|# t, ]i\ ler at sll to Mr. Rutlicr- 
ford, isn't that rijjhtt A, I do not UnJrr*tand 
that that way. 

Q. Y»u think that he did wroae;! la it your 
ojjiidnn that lm him n-rona in *ri1iii)f a pemonal 
lutler lis Hr. Untherfordf A. Kot at all. Any- 
hjihv c;-.hl;L lii'.ij, tli at ri^ht. 

I}. ^V"ln!n did you firi-t rotno to tlie conclu«ion 
Ilmt Mr. Moyle wan icmnc r.nd Mr. ItuthTrfnrd 
wu rifjIilT A. Siliorily ufti'r Mr, llii»*tett vi»itKi] 
Ox anil j^v-t UK the other KLilt of the fttory. 

Q. .Su that you were uulueneed by what you 
heard from Mr. Ifo^lett, weren't yout A. I'os- 
nihly. yen, to a jp-cnt e*lenl, 

Q. Did j«u nhk Mr. Moyle for hit nida iif tha 

xtnrVl A. I dill. 

Q. And did you mate any invenlijrution down 
in. Iletliel yourself f A. I did hist. 

(J. Jtut Mr, llnwlett «M p. direct reprexi^jil ft- 
tivo of flod'i reprentatnlive on earth^ wasn't 
hcl A. TLal ia rifiliL 

Q. And you h»ve never liod wiy dinientt 
uijiut any pniicie* of that orjjnniu.tior, have 
youl A. Not to >«y vxtvnv. 


Ffftt Athljf — for Drjtt. — ilrin* 

Q. Did you ewr make any i-ucgentionK or 
have you in all flic time that you buve l>wn 
connected with J dm vali "s \i'ilne«w;»1 A, I umy 
h:ive, yen. 

Q. Yon don't l^'sdl any, do ytuf A. No. 

Q. Did you wwr mnle any criticism of Mr, 
RullicrfnrtlT A, T nmy fi^ve, stuneiime. After 
il '., lm v.un only human, nnd mode mujtoket liki 
all of us do. 

TIik Court l We are not interested in 
ipwehes. Did you make a^iy or didn't 
you or don't you Vnowl 

Tlie Witni'jwi I da not know. 

Q. Do yoa subterilm to tlie statement in the 
October 15 lb artifle "Inforiiiulion 4 ' that »?] of 
tin- fliaL'^i'n nuiile hy ilr. lioyle Jini falxct A. 
Wltat wan Hie title of that ftrtitltl 

il. The artitlo I'nlitleti "Infommtion" A, 

{J. Do you uuhntrihe to tliilt A, I do. 

i%. linve ynu ri'ajj thf? letter recently from. 
Mnyltt to Mr- Rutherford T A. I don't thiidt 1 
!■ iv, no. 

Q. Were y«u lu're !o court vlien tentimony 
wafl fiven that thi-re wore scoldings by Mr, 
Unlherfurd of penion^ in iiw orKanbmtjnnl A, I 
think 1 wa*, jut. 

(J. And JWR know that letter railed attentrdn 
to lavw) xmildin^n, don't yrui i A, Ye*, Mr. 

Q, So Uiat perl of it tpsn'l fal**, wan it 1 

Mb Covington: I ohjert la that, if 
jour lfuiLi>r [iloart. That in an nrKunvnt 
aith llie wiln;ru! alwnt t'Jwtr witneuKa' 


Frtd Atbli? — *'o' r O'fl*. — iico'trccJl 

T!ie Court [ Your objeclion ia nu- 

(J. I rail your attention to thia alatement in 
llie Idler nddresicd to llr. Itutherfonl; "You 
have tunny hi<:tie^, to ^it, ISitltl, titnttn Island, 
Cslifornia, and xa forilu" Is limt true or fal&Bl 
A, To my kcowltdg*, it is true, 

Q. So that all the •tuttmealil in the letter aru 
not faM, arc thivt A. That particular bh tu»y 
nul he. 

Q, Did y«n KuhHrrihe to the flotoment in th« 
articli> "liifctrlnnlion" (but M^r. Moyle m a 
JDiLiiiT A. Yes, J think sa. 

(j. And is. it your Wlief Hint he is a .ludni be- 
enusu he ended attention to what he thought were 
wrunjjfid eonditions in UetiielT A. Ko, I don't 
think Ilmt v.'jii wronjt 

Q, What jpiiirtitular thing in your opinion nude 
him. a Jndaat A. I don't know. 

{}. You Mibasritxtd to Ihe article "Informa. 
(inii"I Yuu agreed to everything; Hint Jlr. How- 
Ictt tnh| yi)H in that meetiiic;, didn't youf A. 

Q. You agreed lo it because il cnine from (Jod'n 
nnTg:,iL3iJHifin on earth, didn't you? A. That ia 

Mr. RruciihauBen; That ia nil. 
Redirect mniju Ration ii.y Mr, Ctsityttitt*. 

Q. At the time you visited Mt. Moyle did he 
oiW any fridfcnec or proof, nuinide of iiis own 
■biCeiLinntF, conrcming tlie conditioni at Detlsell 
A. Kone whatioover. 


Fred AcMy — Fur Lift*. — Uterus* 

Beurvsif SBMHiBfltHB liy Sir. Brachial iwr k : 

(J. Didn't you hov* soanothing to do with jtev 
tin^ this resolution aij^ned in Waukegant A. I 

Q. You instigated it didn't youT A. Iwai not 
coinaiLny servant at that time. 

Q. Some of tho*c people are children that 
Eigned it, erpn't they, Defer.ihinLs' F.ihihit D-211 
How old ia Marge MonaghanT A. &Lt,'m ^hoat 21 
yenra old now, 

Q, How old n'flfl f-he thenf A. About three 
yenm sflo. approximately. 

Q. Mow old was liob Monagiianl A. He i* 
about 23 now. 

Q. Were tliere nny or them under 2] (hat Fipiitl 
that article T A. Yen, nir, there wera jiom« Dint 
were under 21 nt that time. 

Q. How many o£ theml A. Ahout two. 

Q, And did you rp to Mr, Micltsel U>rr; yon 
know himT A, Yen, sir. 

Q, Did you eo to Mr. Corr and as L i hint to grre 
yon tny leiterr thnt Mr, Moyle wnt hiinf A. I 
ne^er did, no. 

Mr, Bruchhauaen : That ia all 

fWitneai eicuacdl) 

61 C 



Xtrbtft W. llcckbarlh—For Dtftti—Dmd 

HERBERT W. HBCKBARTET, raiding: al at! 
BnndOV Sitreet, Horicon, Wisconsin, called as a 
wilnc™ in behalf of the defendants, Iwinp; find 
dul^ iwirii, toBtihed »» fnllnwii : 

Jiitrtt txamiuatiao by Mr. C vuingiiH : 

Q. How laitjr Iiavu j-nn Ven one .of Jf hovah 'a 
Witnesses* A. Slut* IMS. 

Q. And wliat secular occupation do you follow! 
A. 1 uii manager of a seed and feed eleeator at 

Q. 'WliJLt: iKwilimi, if any, tin you hold with the 
Horicon Conipony of JchivBh'* Wi1nen*<eHl A. I 
am the Cliocea Corn pony Servant, 

(J. And do ynu know Laura nnd l>bhil TCuu^et 
A, I do, 

Q. When ([lit you first become ncquBinted with 
Ijiura and Leland Roane! A. Ab"ut 10S3- 

Q. T>1«3 yon. know what emu pel ™, if ony, Chfty 
Tirld wilb. llr. Movie T A. t did not. 

Q. Tto van fcanw what relation tiny arc to Mr. 
-•' ■ '■ It ' Ar I did net At tlutt lime, 

Q, At thai lime what ponilinn, if nny, did lliry 
hold wlthl tlto Witeh Tower Bible & Tract Soeicly T 
A. Th*y wept Pioneera. 

Q. Ami did they ptiide and direct the nctrvfly nf 
Jehovah** Witnesses or Bf>Ki*1 Johonf*h'« Wit- 
nf **eS in their antiTity in ymir neipliborhondt A. 
Th*y did, 

Q, They were tni'ted aud relied uriftn, utre 
they not, for guidance? A, They were. 

Q. Do you recall ditrinp flepjemher. 1939, re. 
eeivinp & letter which is marked' Ki- 
hibit 0, which I now hand yttlt A- Yes. 

Q. Ai rennuted in that latter did volt read th* 

Herbtrt IP. fleekharth—For Dtfti,— Dirts* 

attached copy of letter dated Jul* SI, 1933, to 
J. F. Rutherford 1 A. In. 

"Q, Wat that matter read b*f.ora the entir* 
oompanyl A. It via. 

Q. "Wet* 111* ehftr£«a mada i'ntn di»cnnc4f 
A- Tiity w*ra. 

Q. After diKcuniion u r as the matter put to n 
vala an to yQcgianoa to the IVVtch Tower Bible 
& Tract ^Society, befora the entire eompany I A- 

i t '•'■ '!IH. 

Q. I aHow ?oo Plaintiff's EsJifWt 1, OeloUr IS, 
IMS', "Watch Tower/* p«Rfc 313, and Anii yoa 
Ijlcate lo identify tliat daetanilion appearing 
thcMoa. A. I da. 

Q. I* tluit tlit declaration that waa pasn*d an 
llie date atatcdt A. Yea, air. 

Q. Wliat date, it yon recall I A. September 

ih. C*wiwtt«ft: Wo *iTtr thftt In tvj- 

Mr. Bnichlinns*n; T oliJACt in jL I 
hai'B no nbjiKtii.Tt, if your Hna^r nlcaite — 

Tha C^iittt J«*t * ibitiuts until I road 

\i-. Br-ji:hl:ii:is(n: I have nn cibjerlion 
to die vitiieitii *ta(infl i^liit Inmapired. 
But I da fthjest tu stows tind of a twoIq- 
tion wbit^L itntej ccnei QflioriB ^itliout 

Tlie Court: Trie objection ia mslaraed. 
llerk it for identification. 

(V.i.krii Drfenilnnln' Kibibit D E3 for 

Q. After yoil hftd read lad »Mid*r«d th» 

T-Mini RoUkc letler whieti you have identified, 
lji-inff ^^!fc[l(iau!L( , Kxhibit 0, to vrljieh wn atu 
taeluTl tlie letter of July 21, 1333, signed by Mr. 
Sfaylt, aflldivsjicd tn J. i\ Hatbeiford, did 70a 
Forward thai letter to tlie Watch ToTer Uible 
£ Tract Eiocietyl A. I did. 

Q. Did yon also fom'ard to them the deck ra- 
tion wjiich ia identiried u Dicfenduila' EaMbit 
T)-'JA for Identification 1 A, I did. 

Mr. Covine^on: We movie that it be in- 
trodaocd on the baaia of tSiut testimony. 

The Court: Tfltt *Sli liavo to go a Step 
farther. If you ^ill read the article, it ia 
not now oilmiBsiUe as I mm it, 

Q. Did you pat it ia the maiEe addre&Gcd lo 
Jnil£# RuIherfordT A. I did. 

Q, A"wi <lid the ihjrbLraiion acronirHmy (he let- 
tcr v,-|nrh i« identified »* Eisf ftndiiiiti ' Eilabit Of 
A. Yes, sir. 

The Court: Um there any Otlser eic 
phuiatian n-itli it! Did vi«i *rit« a let, 
icr to JuiJco llutliertcrd or B»yU»j)ig ]ilca 
(linL at iln«1 liineT 

The Wilneau; No, sir. 

Tin; Court: Juit sent the two articles 
in the (r-c-ilt 

Mt. B ruelihaflssen : The point I male 
about it- — 

The Court; J tot n- masnte. 

The Witness: There were tlree arti' 
clea sent in the rT-ail- 

The Court: Whit ii the other article T 

The Wiune**' One article vaa ». letter 
wriUem to tie RoMftft, 


Btrbsrt W, IIcckbarlh—Fer ItefU.— Hired 

The Donrt: The jury can't heBT J'ou, 

Tlie Wilnku: \ Irjler *'■■ written tn 

the hi.M.i.u wliivli van Attaclied to the 

nnHolqtivn and the letter which they mailed 


Mr. Bruchhauiieni I object tn that, T 
haven't Laura lionw hero and I don't 
know anything about jt. I have looked 
al all (he-He varinnn nlTcri liiat are made 
und af(<>r I tuivr Keen them 1 have con- 
aidi-red -them. So 1 object tn I hi* (eBti- 
nuny an to what went to Laura Ron** *» 
not binding on ub 

Tha Court; ^'e will strike ont whnt 
went to J-siira Ftouac, 

11 r, UruchliauBen : Tlte point about tb ; .B 
resolution — 

The Court; The resohilinn bn« an fur 
heea ruled out. There m nnihine lo iden- 
tify that rrpnhitiijn. If yna will id^ntifi- 
it 1 witl jrlwily reeeivc it in evidence, It 
ie just a general thine;. 

Q. Dhl that relate to the letter that yoa hod 
rod written b> 0, EL KojLel A. Ttl, fir, 

Jf r, E raehliauimr : I object to the ffifit- 

The Court: Olijeetign OTrerruled. Ex- 
ception to the plaintiff. Waa that in an- 
swer (o 0. it- lfoyle'a letter to Rothcr- 

The Witnejia: Your Honor, yes, 

The Court: New I witl take it. 

(Letter received in evidence and marked 

Defendants' Exhibit 2-Zi.} 

Ht/bttt W, Ht&baiSh— Fat Dr.fls-— Direct 

Q. Did you attend a meeting tliat wiui ad- 
dre^ncd by the defendant Hewlett in Seateni, 
ber, llhtof A. Yea, air. 

Q. When and wtiere was that, plratal A, 

That wan about tim tatlclr Jiart nf J)ef>t<;niW, 

l'i-"'J, al the Waupnn. cnmpauy of Jtiiiivab'a Ser- 

Q. And what other companies were in at- 
tendance at that meeting? Outside of the llori- 

enn company and the Waupun company (hot 
ynii have mentioned. 

The Court: Were there any oU'icrul 

Q. 1 will aiik you : Were there any othersT 
A. Vfii, there were. 

Q. Jin you reeall anyf A. There were the 
JKc.-eueville company at tiiat time, and tlw Bran- 
don company. I don't know whether there w**— 
There were fire or six of (hem. 

The Court: Speak up to the jury can 

hear you, 
Th* Witness: There were fire or six 

Q. l?o you recall wliat Mr. Howlttt did and 

said on that occasiont A, He pninted out how 
the Ijord'a orgajiiioliDU operated irnostaly by 
pieturitifl a few gcara running togtllitr oad if 
line pear wan ndeiiag er was not in operation 
it would jyjit not function, and he aljio in his 
Hxxyh later on pointed out that when you «e 
nit tlic*e fiiingn befjin to oorae to pass, thta yoa 
Itnwiv thai your redeuiptija draws nigh, as is 
i|tnhterl in Lute. 

<J. Darinjr (hat time did Mr. Houd^tt lead 
then tins article entitled "InforroBtioV aettimj 
forth the fact** A. Yet. 

Btrbtrt W. Utilhartii—For Deftt^Dveti 

Q. Was not hi* ^ieit rtUti» e to Uw |etl*r» that 
had heen cirewluted which yon. h»vo identified 

Mr, Bruelihauaen : I abject lo that. 
Tin; Court: Yea, inrntained. 
11 r. Covington: I withdraw it I be- 
lieve tlie objection ia well taken. 

Q. Did Mr. Howtett mention the can* of Mr. 
O. 11. Moyla daring ttial diaeu&aion at any lime* 
A. Yes. 

Q, And did be offer to present th* Sotiety's 
tide of tlie matterl 

Mr. BrueluuuLseu: I ohjeel I* tliat an 


The Court: It is leading. Let's have 
the answer. 

A. Yea, 

Q. Was the article enlitk-d "Information " 
presented u the Society's eids of the contro- 
versy! A. Yes, sir, 

Q. And after you had jiearL: If- Howletl ad- 
dreas the audience: and (ho article entitled "In- 
formation" w<u) read, "wliat did you belleTe with 
reference in tho charges und" by Ur. 0, H. 
Moyle in ail letter dtttd July a, 193&, addrvtaed 
to Sir. J, F. RuUterfordl A. i believed thos* 
thargea did not er,iist ia the Bethel Home. 

Q. And what, if anything, did yea bell*? * with 
reference to the statements niiae by ).fr. Hew- 
lett before the eonpre.fiationT A. They seemed 
reasonable and I accepted them. 

Q, A(l«r Vr. Hewlett had made h>» vi*it there 
what, if anything; did its effect have upon the 




lltrbztt W r lUtiia/tli—Fof DtfU.—C-tan 

company t A. There waj & diit'UrhiUliK!, & eon- 
fiiiiyn or parting. 
Q. After Mr. liowlets'a in Bit or before T 

Tim Coon: Of botht 

Q. Juat explain, A. More, after. 

Q. What happened after he came there in wd- 
erence tu the tonfuuiont A. A number of llii'in 
left (he orj^aniiatitHL 

Q r Ho** many I Who did tliey follow in lend- 
ing! A, Why, I can't juat apeak of wlig they 
followed, hut they left 

Q. How many leftt A. Two, 

Q. Who were they I A. lira. Anna Robert* 
end Carl Otto. 

Q. After they and left wan the™ p^nre ami 
liarmony in. the organization af tei" thetl A. Well, 
*ort of jl dinturhance t« (hi* ilny yet- 

Q, On account of whatl 

Mr. Brnenhaueen; I object I* that— f 
»i]l withdraw the objecting. 

A. On tenant *f, well, the belief of Jr-hoveh'i 
WiLnessei and Hme other belief, 

Q, Have tbifre been uy other letU'm circu- 
luted in that am by Mr. Moyle ainM tlienj A. 
Nat that I know of. 

MY Cv*injrtan: That i- *U, 
C>.3M-fruBtiMj!Mi by jlfr. JiracftJuiuiem; 

(J. How many mrinbera ore tbcre in Hit Ilori- 
eOrt eompanyt A. At that time. I holigtrt there 
were nine* 

Q. You are a very new Jehovah 'a liiirvrjl, 
isn't yOuf A. Yea, sir. 

JTcrbtft W. if rciior Ik— r^r JJa/ir,— Cfo« 

Q. Have you read the "Watch Tower" only 
tiusc lil.%j1 A. Yea, air. 

Qr But you agreed with all of their itulc- 
nscirtaf A. Yea. 

Q. Too have been naktd *» to whether yen 
agreed Witt tlie SociHy'e side of ilm coatrevemy 
aa suated in the article " In.fonua.Lion, " haven't 
JTWIi A, Yes. 

Q. Well, do you recall tlial there in a atater 
menl mnde in tlmt erurla *jml lit. Moyle was a 
murmnrerl A, Ye*, I do recall, 

Q. Do you or da. yon not ejjree that a member 
of Hi-tl:i'l had a right ia write a letter in J'r- 
Rulherford T A. isure, he would have the rigl.U 

Q. 'Well, is he a mumiurer if he a-riii'ii tM 
lettert A. Well, tliere ii different way* o( 
writing tetter*. 

Q. Lt it tJie kiinl ot a J^U*r Ibat uami.^ a tbib 
a raunnurcrl A- Tea, ?ir, 

Q- In Ihiiro e«* letter that— 

The Court; Hit annwer ia jtm, the Idhd 
of ielter. 

(J. Ko that him Ihu tiai of letter that ™ a 
muniiurins lotltrt A. Yob, air. 

Q. It that bMuniia w oomplaiued about tJtin^l 
A. Ye,i t air. 

Q. In other words, you don't njrree tliftt Any- haa a njrlil to »r"lt a letter siniplninLnjr, dn 
yet, or cipresji Jijisatijifiictioat 

Jfr. Corinjrloii: W« would ol>je*t to that 
qiu>.i:iiin aa aTfuinjr with l'i-t witneta. 

Tin Cflprt; Weii, apparently ha »at 
uiawor n> it will go uaaoaworvd. 

Mtrbtrt W, iltd&atth— for Vtflfr^CrOst 

The Witneaa: I would Like t* h^ive Oia 
question a^ouL 

The Court: "We vill iBitsin the objec 
Uon and let him «k «i«tb(jr u.ueatj<ui. 

Q r I my, that yon ajrree that Mr. Moyic had 
tbi riebt to write a letter to Mr. Rutin rJutdf 
A Ya, *ir. 

The C«jrt: Ilia point ia not this kind 
of a LutUf, i»n't that wliat you n-ni u> 
telt ..n" 
Tiui WitjKraa: That ia right, 

fj. Wuulil ho have tho right to writo a letter 
Ni>~iiu£ timt in: didn't think tluil people *lmulJ 
be scolded in the organiiationl A. X— 

i.W. ClovLiigiiB : Tliat ia arpumeote" 
tivi.', may it pleaiw your Honor. 

The UblUii I will permit liim to ui- 

Mr, Cwinjrtan: We except 

A. Well, he ir«o.ld Smuvt Ihc risht, yea, 

Q. Yun think that he couid write that lettert 

A, His wftuld have Uic right to »-ritt- 

TIll* Uonrt: Would lie bsTa the rifht 
to write that kind »f a tctlert 
Tike Witneuj ; Yea, air. 

Q. Wlmt purl uf the letter do you claim ia a 
Intiralhrl A. The edisi piaini nf; part 

y. Wall, if T milj" t« yfto tiiat ifr, fcloyle eoin- 
[i-laiEnil nlnsut (lie xcalilirt^ii of nome of the peopJe 
ja and aiKiumi Bethel, waan'L that eonnpjainragl 

llr. Corinirton: Tint, Aijain, ia objected 
to aa argumentative 


Haotrt W. Etekber(h—¥w DffU/-~C*M4 

The Court; I eastaiu the objection. 
Iteo^i Ibe l-:v.-v l , '-"":;-■■■ 

Q. Headline; fr«nni the letter, to rvffeah your 
rBooliettlioB ; "Woodworth. in a per>;iin<J letter 
to you stated aometliiog to the tfTH-ct that it 
would be =^^i'Ltifi the Uenl to eositjouft uaiag 
our prese-A thiy tcJetidar," la that a Humor! 
A. I wouldn't nay ac. 

Q. I a!n)»- ><in tin: letter and uk yotl to Jtata 
which ia the uraraur in it. 

Th« C^arl: Showing tin wilAeo Plain- 
tiU'a Enliiuit 4. 

Q r And t!i<!ii widle you are at it, Jtell rue 
wliicJi ]»rt nl at pertaina to Judo*- A- It hi a 
murmur when aomeono complain* of bow other* 
are trcwtedr 

The Court: He wante to know which 
part it a 

The Witness.; Tbe (Iral partgra|jh of 
it, the iit treatlne-nt (rf tlie HetJiel family. 

The Court; Tb«t w a murmur 1 

Tlie WLlnew: Yea, rtr. 

The Court; What sb*t 

Q. Too have read a few pages already. Don't 
yoa ftnd a»y Taurraura in those two [lapeM A. 
.'.|...ii'. of tlie letter ia murmuring,, to niy knowl- 

Q, Yon nay it ia moutly murniu rinft, but t'n- L ra 
in -j'.n .j." A uut murmurir.g, ia -'^l i." 

Kr. Cpviiiftihit : I would object, bceauae 

tliia ia u matter for the jury to determins. 

The Court: WtU, I will Let bun aay 


Htrbitt 1C. H«*&*rfi— Far Peftt.— Cm** 

wiiit'b IwrU aro munnnra. Cive IiIhi a 
cLiuncn to read it no he Lina a chajite to 

A. 1 would have- to read the entire Letter, but 
I would any moat of iLie letter ia hujrnsnriiift, 
but nut nil of it. 

<j'. Had yuu uctn tlie letter *il all [srior to 
Mr, lluwtett coming into your meeting t A. 
i :: , air. 

Q WJK'B did y«u dm I mt itt A. Wis received 
a h-Lk-r by ifr«. Itnujic in the f<jn!])a]'l of bep- 
tcjuher ot IWSS, Iwf ore Ho* Lett ap]*a?ed out 

i}. And Were the rce^ipt «F the Kuuse letter 
j-rjii reail ilia SeplruiliKr Int "Watth Tower," 
didn't youT A. Probahly did. 

Q. Am] you rnciii] that in that article tlicre 
vi'us aaiotUiinj; uaid alNmt air. Moyle being let 
»at nl tin.- Ki'.-eiuly because ho «« unfailbfuit 
A. Yok, air. 

Q, And you accepted that, didn't youT A. 

■Q. IWniEna it cSiiMi f»ni tin Lord's orpanisa- 
tiont A. Yes. 

Q, Ynu didn't wrilc in tr» find out any of the 
detail n uimtit it, dirl ynut A, Not at tiiat tint*. 

Q. Ro yi*u beLiered it from what you htatiil 

A- Yes, nir. 

Q, Tlial AAUnn] nrifrifndlinea&. that nrticie, to 
Mr. Movie, did it anl, ainonsflt tlte proup in your 
clrvsiiT A. Well, I don't know wtwttef il called 
unfrieinllini-HH t-j^nrdu Mr, Moyl*. He waant 
known— T waan't iknown to Ifr. Moyle and I 
don't knnw wbAthW pny nf ihi, iit!i« I'll. wire. 

(j. Well, did you tbink mote of Mr. Moyle or 

Herbert W- Heeibarth^Fer Dc/I*^-C*n« 

kit uf lum after you luul read the letter or tin 
ax title } 

The Court: Me hai already teiiifuid hu 
didn't know him. 

Q. Well, you TC*d the nrliela o.o Ootobex 15, 
ID3U, entitled "Ijiforrnation," did you noli A. 

Q. And by that tiino yoo knew who llr. Moyle 
waa, didn't yotit A, Tea, 

Q, Did tlmt mai* you more friendly or leva 
friendly toward* >lr. Ifoylef A, Well, I didn't 
bave any iSiafrieiidLiiieni againat him. 

Q. Did yOU tidqk ho waa an avil ocrranlT A. 
I did. 

Q. And yon came to tlmt ceneluaion from 
Itiojte, artietej that yon read, ia that oorrettt A, 

Q. And then when you read the article 
"Snarea" on November 15, 1939, did that 
clunnge your opinion about himf A. No. 

Q. But ynu didn't know anything about bow 
he "'&4 a .IiidiH, aetording to that artitJe, of 
October 1T)th, did youi You didn't hate any 
fscta before, you Then you read that artiela of 
October loth be to UoyU bttog * Jndoal A. Ha, 
althonjrh I know what a Jndas elaaa woo, 

Q. But you agreed when you read that article 
bmnao. it came from the Lord 'a orgjOniiation, 
thai ha was a Judas t Didn't yont A, Ye*, air. 

Q. So that article ajao had an nJreii ou the 
sroup in your eostipaay, did it notl A. I can't 

Q- Well, reading thcec artide* you 
didn f t have anything to do with. Mr. Moyle, did 
yout A. Ho. 




Eerier* W. ffeeMariS^FW Dtftt.-^Cma 

Q. Or nnyons else in the class, did Ihoyl 
A. No. 

(J 1 . It would 1)r» impmper under the practice 
in the Lord's orj;un lotion, Id have any contact 
whatsoever with one who hud been labeled nn 
evil servant in the '"Wtteli Tower," isn't that 
aorfeett A. N*. 

Q. Wouldn't it b« uH[>ropcrt A, No, T|i4 
''Watch Tower" hat no jurisdiction over any- 

Q. Wouldn't yon wnuider it improper to go- 
around with fui evil servant! A- I would, from 

nay standpoint, 

(J. You say that the "Watch Tower" does or 
dues ant advocate tfoing around with bti] serv- 
ants? A. The "Watch Tower" doe* direct lh* 
pconJe in the right way, *o they 4* not go 
iitn)' from tlie Lord's orflaiiiinlion. 

Q. Hut you arc nut to cifloditc — Your teach- 
i:iL> in (his "Watch Tower" magazine and what 
yuu receive are that you are not to associate 
with eviJ servants? A. Yea.. 

Q, Ho (bat you didn't di«wf» any of the de. 

■i! .." 41; liny tiiae of what happen^ at Bethel 
Other than what you received from Mr. Hew- 
lett T A. No, 

Q. An rl all that Mr. Huwiett did *H 14 Ttarj 
litis article eniltkd "InfoCTiation" to yon, isn't 
that corrMtJ A. No, he fcavn an honr'> dlS- 
CC ir*i\ 

Q, Did he say anything about how many 
hflaiiSB Iff. Hulherford bndt A, I cannot recall. 

Q. As a matter of fnct, do yon know how 
many liomea ha has in £t4!'jn I«-hindt A. Mo, I 
do Dot 

Eerbtrt W. litclbartlt—Fvr deftt.— Redirect 

Q. Co yen know how many home* he baa at 
ai;T K. No. 1 do not knew. 

(j. Do you. know anything abiui ti.La hooaa 
that ia kept for him up La Kingdom Farm? 
A. No. 

Tbe Court : Don't yon f ijik you better 
make this, past tense f 

^. Did you, in 19391 A No. 

Q. Did you know how large tho farm was ap 
there t A, No. 

Q. Did yon ever hear Una it was 70Q tttttl 
A. No. 

Q. By the way, who prepared that resoivx- 
titmT A. Tlic mi-ii-l.ifra that were gathered to- 
gether at the "Watch Timer" study thai Sim- 
day evening. 

Q. Yon. did, at tbe request of llr. HowIeU, 
did you notf A. No, that resolution Tm mode — 
mailed in before Howleti appeared out there. 

Q. Mai-i'd an wln'nT A. September IIUl, I be- 
lieve, is [he dale On il 

Q. liiit you did eet corremondeneq from time 
to time from Brooklyn, did yon aatl A. Yet. 

iir. ltrachhanBen: That it alL 

Redirect titminat ion by iff. C oiifngtom 

Q. At the time yoa rofoived tne Roust letter 
identified in evidence, 'lid yen receive from her 
jiny information or proof outuide of the charges 
inado therein f Did *he offer any other evidence 
thftn t)i* T?ttr r ittieli! ua pntof of tbe charges 
wnwiol A. No. 

ilr. Corington: That ia alL 

(Witneaa eieoaed.) 

Ltrciif ff. Juckio* — fior Dtfit. — Birtet 

DKIiOY E. JACKSON, residing at Eonte 3, 
iJf.x VjZ, Iiuui^L', WitoMtin, a witnetK, eidlcil in 
beludf of the Duf^ndantB, b^ing firat duly hvaen, 
tnjlificrl aa fallows : 

liinti CMiHVit'liou iij/ Mr. Covinptvn i 

Q. You will liave tu telk louder than yon 
onJiDnnly do, bo tbe last metnbere of tin jury 
am licnr yon ckurfy and distinctly. Hq have 
that in mind, pk««^, A, Yc«, tir. 

ij. J low ki. h ' livi- you 'iMtri DM of Ji-lnivali'i 
Wilnvirivsl A, 1 wis taken nut of the religions 
orjtMniut ions in I WIS and Iauj>lit the true doo- 
trintji of the RihLc hy my nmtlier — 

Tbr fViurt: Yh)u ivtTi'n't JiH«t r.'ll lliin. 

You uere OBked how lujig you 1: nil heeji 
n nieuiher of Jrhovali'a U'ilneBtes. "We 
nrc not interest! J in your life'* nlory. 

The. Wilnr-HK: I jiyniholm'd nij- ainse- 
eratioii aa one of Jehovah 'it Witncutee in 

Q, And yoa Iwve i)tu,died pri«r to thMi is that 
eorrcelT A. Ve^ sir. 

Q. Sihc* (hat time, wliot company o( Jeho- 
vah 'a WitncHf-os hava yoo been awocialwl withT 
A. 1 ivs* a*H<ieiated with til* rn:->.:i;;..iii>; r J,fi^h- 
ipun eempaay uf Jehovah's Witnesnea. Deloit, 
Wiw-vinhin c«ni[Mijnj" of iJctiovnli's Wlnep-KCH and 
Undue caaip&ay «f Jfliovah'* WltRtaicjk 

Q. And what ioni;jntiy uf Jehovali '* WitrwBM 
are yo» now osnociated withT A. ltnctne, \V1«. 


Q. And Ho™ lur-E }i?^c yfll br*B in EupihoI 
A, About five and a half year*. 

Zrfrojf B 1 . Jocit*™— Fci - Dtftij—Dittti 

Q, Whjil imrular accupatioa do yon follow, 
what Lijiiiniij do you follow ontdide of b*ing 
one of Jeiiovali'e WilueeseaT A. 1 m Bupcr- 
vjaor of tccl design for tbe 3* L Case Tractor 

Q. Do yon tnow Mr. O, IL afoylel A. Yea, 

Q. Hour long have yoa knows bin;! A, FJr*t 
met liiui in 1D32. 

Q. And wai that daring the tinw that he was 
associated wilh hum SOtttfttEJ of Jehovab'i Wit. 
ne^sW A, Thst ho was Utadttcdl 

Q. Ye*. A. T don't knffw. 

u. How diil yoa come to wteet himl A. I wbi 
inrittd to tltead a pothering of friends in Jef- 
fcrnfln, WifteoMiDt and he ■s'bj one of tbe 

Q, Do you remrniher along in Angimt, ISSQ, 
lcnminar ilint Mr. Ifnyle wnn no lonf*r con. 
nncierl wiili [lie S-o^ietv" in eounnel At BtooiUiiT 
T)a ye.u i-c-ilII that Mr. Moyle was n*' longer 
rfm nerteni with the Kotiety aa counsel at Unxit- 
lyn, Bmnictjjne daring 11*391 A. Yea, sometiiac 
dnrbc; liKS. 

The. tonrt: Wnenf 

Q. When did yon learn itl A, That litiA ^r:L- 
cf« in. the "Watch Tower" entitled "Informa- 

Q- Prerinn* to (hut had yon **rfl a letter 
denignnti'd as Defendants" liihibt F, to which 
is attached another tetter 1 

Tbe Court: Had yon seen that before 
the article appeared in the "Watch 



Lerojf S. Jackson — for Befit. — Difetl 

The TVilnew: I can't slate ■whether it 
win Wfrme n-r esjwtSy the same time. 
AfKiiLl that tunc 

Q. Alans nlmiit that timet A. Yos, sir. 

Q. Whi'rn did >'PU s^e thfltl A. I mm' 1liAt 
in the ham «f Frist and JtHjiie Arhly in tt'sukt- 
gan, Illinni*. 

Q. Do you know a man by the name ol Harvey 
Finiff Aj Yea, sir. 

Q. And during 19SJ what if any connection 
Hid he have wilh the Watoh Tower Bihle i Tract 
Society? A. Ifc ^-aa wltat we coll a Xone Ser- 
vant of the Milwaukee Kone and ftarinc ma one 
of the cities in that Mine.. 

Q. During that time wan JetiflVRh's WitneRMa 
inrrynifl on whiit wan kno»'n as the ■"InFonna- 
tion Nrarchepi 1 '! A. Yen, sir^ 

Q. And did you have nny conversntinn iwith 
,'.1t. I'iuk in reference to the Roriefy'a pnlielea 
resardinn: wlial in kn^wri a* '* In formation 
irarrlw!»"l A. YeB, *ir. 

Q, What, if nny, cnn*-crM.(ion did ynn h«.tf* 
milh him and where wag it? A. At the litllo 
villas* of RaT.niinnd Cenlpr *e had a *1udy «!«** 

Ami j:i' HUn* to I Jin- j,!i)rly end A>knl rT-i- 1ft eiVtfifi 
flat ' r :: I ;: the stmljP arid djwinliimii with lur tho 

flrwiety 1 * injil niM inns recording ''TnTomiation 
irnfflien " flsd rjtber t«J)if*. 
Q. Wa< Ihnt h»fare ar nfler the arre*l of the 

hrHhrrn »t Ri'r-inc fftr rnfit pup in "TnfilfhU- 

tinn >[nifn'hf'»."t A, That wfi^ aflrr the a?re*l- 
Q. Tell aa what, if eny, ennvprsation you had 
m(h him in |ha( i^haimI. A. He nhjected to lb* 
MM of "Tnformitiort Jfarfhc*" for sdvertisinj; 
hie Kingdom and b* «lao objected to * policy 


Ltrap B, Juefcton — for Dtfis. — Direct 

that the. Society hod jitst adopted of (he Society 
appointing study conductors, 

Q. At that time was Mr. Moylc present? At 
lha Dcauisl of that vinitl A. 1!r. Ifayle came 
to that OWntinfC with Jlr. Fink and ho rf-Jnained 
in th« "Watch Tower'" study meeting and llr. 
Fink— . 

Thu Court: 11a merely anted you if he 
was present. 
The Witness [ lie was not in the room, 

Q. Did he eonte along with if r. Fink I A. Yea h 

Q. Do you recall the arrest of several af the 
brethren invulvrd in An "Information March" 
in Etaeino ami iCcnnnha? A. In Kenosha, yes. 

it. How many wore arretted? A. 1 think 
Ibi-re i-ere about 1SL 

Q, Ilo ynu knnw what ntlorney won employed 
to represent those that nod been arrested? A. 
Ifr, Brown of Union firovu, 

Q. Rid Iik [T]>r..pc:il [1i('jA in lfuniri|iBl CniUrtt 

A. He r^)in,'seiilerL thein in the fimt trial, 1 
dun't knuw (he najne ol thr court. 

Q. Anil afler ynit sew DefendantK' Fjthihit 
F, the letter anldrcfined lo Fred nnd Jesj-ia Aehjy, 
did you write a letter to Joseph F. Ilutherford 
reunrding' what yon had seen in the letter! A. 
Yes, sir, 

Q. Did you also advise him concerning the 
convcrsatiur.s that yon had had with air. Fink? 
A, Ves, air. 

Q. I show yoa a document and ask yon to 
identify it (handing paper to witness). A- Yea, 




Leroy B. Jackse-n — For Dcfl*. — Direct 

The Court; That is i be letter be wrote 
to Mr, RuiherfordT 
The Witness : Y-es, air. 

Mr. Covington : We offer it in evi- 

Mr. Bnif hhausen : It is quite ■ loig 
letter and te have never sees it- 
Tin? Court ; We wiU take an adjourn- 
ment until two o'clock. I'leose do not dis- 
cus tiie case even amongst vounetf. 

(Whereupon an adjournment was taken 
until 2 p. nil 

Arninwooif SfssiOjt 

Two o'clock p. a, 

(Trial resumed.) 

I.HHOY B. JACK Kills', resumed and testified 
further as folluw*; 

.Direct tu ina tian Sty Air. Cottttgton {Can- 
t-tutted ) : 

Mr. BrudibauBeu : If yo'.ir IIonDr 
plecse. 1 i*t[n>etfuL:y object to the nditiii- 
aion af tits letter on the ground that it ii 
a telf-serving declaration. 7 bav* no ob* 
jertion to (lie wiinesa testifying to what 
he knows. 

The Court: M*,y 1 «c« tit 

[Letter tmidrd to Ceurt.) 

The Court: Don't you think, Mr, Cov- 
ington, it would, be better — fnere- are eer* 
lain p&Ila Of tru* letter that 1 thiui yu-4 

Lcrotf B. Jaciioa — Far DrfU.—IJirtct 

will agree are inndiuiiibiLle- Suppose you 
([Hc^tkoo him as to those parts that aro 

Mr. Covington: All right, your Honor. 

The Court; Then von. will git what 
you ivanl into th« rcwrd Ui*l way. 

Mr. Eraebliisisi'd: I hive, ha objection 
to the witness &loJiB# what 1* knows, but 
coDduiionM that be arrive* at I object to. 

Q, hi this letter — 

Mr. Brnehhaunen ; I object ti> refer' 
tiu-e to the letter, I think the witness 
should he upked n-hat he knows. 

The Court: Let him take the latter 
wild refresh hi* recollection. 

Mr. Covington: I ni'ghl state to year 
Honor — 

Mr. PnwhhaHifen; M»yb« ho does not 
tn-ctA it. 

The Court; Tirt him hflve it. Wo will 
shorten it in 1hat way. 

Mr. Cevingtnn; The reaaon wa ara 
offering this is to ahow notice and 

The Court: I understand that, but 
there are certain parts that are clearly 

Mr, Covington t "Yes, I understand. 

Tb* Court: I think vt all bive tin 
ipit purpose in Wind, 

(LiiLtrr 1 1 jir..,l i-:j 1,1 witae**.] 

By the Court: 

Q. Do you remember the letter without read- 

LfVji B. Jackifm—fvT Deft*.— Direct 

iji|> it T A. There might In certain detail* that 
1 would not remember. 

Q. Vi'n aie not worrying aiiout (he ieuiilit — 
A. I I hint I am ready to go ahead, your Honor. 

The Court: 11 yon want la refer lu it, 

you ;;!;!;■, 

By Mr. Covi n gtoo • 

<J. 11 r. Jackson, did you advisa — 

Mr. linichimu*en; And I wont to ask 
ihnl uouukcI not load the wUncus, 
II r, Covinjrinp; AU right. 

Q. Wlutl, if anything) did yon adviae Judgs 
ItuLlu-rJon) r>n Sj'plcmher 12, 1M9. wlih refsr- 
euv to Hit activiliea of 0. R. Moyie ia tbo 
vicinity ni Wauk<^an 11:1:1 |{aEio«t 

Ut, Brui'liliaumm : I *>ty<xt to the form 

|,T tilt ijiu-ifiiin. 

't'jiC CoUrl: May T mA\i rn,r. tliinj;: 

That you knew of your o»'n koowieAi^l 

Mr. Covingtos: Yes. 

Mr. Bnichitaiwen ; I ohjecl to the form 
of 1 hi*J <]IK'*l(«ii on Lint ^rO«nd that it is 
LOcinujx'tfOt, irrelevant and immaterial. 

The Court: Unjection OTtrrulei 

Mr. flruchkau^en: Kit^ption. 

Ttie Court: Inception, to the plaintiff. 
Tell us those things tluit yon advised him 
tluit you knr-w of your own knowledge. 

Tlic WUnr«A: I linew that the letter 
written by O. ft. Moyh: wax handed to 
friendH and it was teen by tithe; frjeoda 
from that source, 


Lcrctg B, Jackten — For Dtfts. — Direct 

Q. And did you mi luivimr hini, that it wu 
l>eins cirtnlnted in tliit neighhurhcodT 

By the Court; 

Q. You jiJvlmhvI liiio nf Liint fai.Lt A. I ad- 
vised him tbnt 1 had seen the letter and it hod 
been sbown to frienda. 

By Mr. CoviBEtciB; 

tj- rjiil you a«k him to do Aitytbiaj; ibaul itt 

Mr. 1 i r- 1 .-.-i I :. : v.a-ti - I t b; rcl U: th«L 

Tin Court: Ohjwtion ¥u»tniofd, 

II r. Coringtnn: Vfv *il] offer those 
part* of ths leMrr lliftt purport to lie 
hixsi'd on the vfilneni'ii onn knowledge 
slid vt will Hsnarate them later, your 
Honiir. 1 dD not desire to read it now, 

Mr. RniehliBUHen; I ohjrrt io llir ofTe? 
of any portions'— 

The Court; I La** t^ nustain ibe ob- 
jection to thiil in ritv of the fact that 
there Are lots af things in it that are 
inodsoisHihle. Vou may still a*k hiin niy- 
thine; nhout tluit ktior that i« *Dinnol*nL 

Mr. Ooringtofi: TV> offer- the letter in 
i'-. entirety no*,' for the uile purpooe of 
showing tlmt Ju<Ik* Rutherford was in- 
formed of thin activity deacrihsd in the 
]*t(er r 

The Court: I think counsel will con- 
cede — 

Mr. Brnchhausen ; I Abject 10 the form 
of the quest ion- 

The Court : He haa not put any ques- 
tion. He has made a tender. 


Lenjf B, Jacktort^-Fvr i>e/ti. — f?*rirGl 

Ht, Bruchlinuicn ; J ohjvct to tiie 
staten-.iint, I &|iould s»y, of counsel ahout 
thin because it is an indirect nuotnoT if 
attempting to gel Hie tetter and i'.H am- 
tents into evideneo, I any it is purely a 
»eJ f -norving declaration. Shot this witness 
is lii-re, nod h<; mn testify to whnl lis 

The Court: 1 Hill sustain the ohjftc-, 
liou to the adniission of tin: letter. 

Mr. Covington: We would like to have 
it marked. 

The Court: Mark it for identification. 

(Tiie |\ajier referred ta was marital Jle- 
fendaiim' Kxhiliit D-24 for IdNitffieid HSn.) 

lly Mr, CovingtoB : 

tj. Do you recall the nefn^ion (hat Mr. Unyle 
Jt1temp1eil to ^et into the Inforuialinn \[;Li-ii 
c-.ine at lienonlui ilh iitlomeyl A. I koovr limt 
thore wan — 

Q. Were ym one of the defendants in 1Iiohs 
[■n«-»l A. No, Kir. 

Q. Were yim arrested I A. Yes, Kir. 

Q, Wos Ihero not a test ta*e tnken out of 
tlmt nroerp «f arrrit*! A. Three mirties taken 
■ ii.! of the group. 

Q. You wer# of llie gronpT A. Yes. air, 

Q. Dm you know wliat effort Mr. Moyle made 
to ej-L in1a those rasep as nttnmeyj 

M^r. Bruchli aoeen : j onjeet to the form 
of the qiieitics. 
Th» Court- Ohjertioo «tis!nannl, 

Q. Wh»t, if anything, do you know in refer- 

Lcray B- JojJt&Qit — for Befit. — Direct 

ence to ifr. Moyle 'a toimection witb. the Kenatha 
easest A. I know that there was, an attempt 
made to assign tlic Hum over to Mr. Moyle, and 
that Mr. Brown refiwetl to siga it orar. 

Mr. ilnu-hjiiL-.u.ho: I loovo to strike it 

The Court: Strike it out aa not rtspon- 
iive. Do you want to ask tha que»tMNj 
Mr. Covington; Yei, sir. 
The Court: Will you read Lha question, 

(The question wuk rup«aled by the st*. 
negraplier, r«i ft>lh>»'it;) 

L< Q. W]]it r if any th in ;r, do you know in refer- 
cneii to Itr. Moyle 'n connection with the Kenosha 

Tim Court: Did he have any conneo- 
Lcu: witli the Kenosha casea, Mr. iloylef 

Q, Did be Kit employed in the Kenosha cases! 

A, He did not cyst eoiployed. 

Q. Was there sent to you by Mr. Moyle a doeu- 
inent of sidatitution of attorney j I Did you 
receive suchf A. I did, sir, 

Q And wlirn you rec«ivwl it, vrh^r, JJ,1 yoaj 
send itT A, I nent it to (he W"aUh Tow*r Bibla 
Society, Brooklyn, New York, atteotion Jndga 

Q, Do you recall the occasion tJial Mr. K, A. 
Howlett paid a visit to the various eonYpanies, in 
your area in September, 13391 A. Yes, *ir- 

Q. Where wan the first time that you saw Mr. 
tfowlctt 00 that occasion t A. I met him at til* 
fnterurhan Station in Racine. 




<J|. That wns (lie fir»t meefing (hat jnw At - 
tofulnd Jind Mr. ILowlett aildrciiMid T A At Ken- 
DHlm. h \Vi*ynji Sjjt T 

<{. At Kentiibn, WijMWBflifl. A. Yea, *i?. 

Q. AtiiJ mi lliat aettmiia did lit mention Hi* 
H»« Lif Mr. O. It. Mi-vlct A. He did, sir. 

Q. Li mi- Lung did; liii! dutSDaskin ]ss.El A, I 
think there was & discourse of pobKLMy an hour, 

<j. And what via the subject mailer or lh*:ne 
tif 11k talkl A. The (heme of tlie talk wib, going 
over the jininls— 

Ily 1 1 if Court J 

<J. Did ho Slat irnil (he ariirle that mlhm:- 
qiHmtlv o 1 1 ] lean*! in Ihe "Watch Tuwer") A. 
I [-,' read that article wiiue H±ue during (he talk. 

By Mr. Covington: 

Q. Anil did lie alan give Yerljul eiplnnnLion 

tlui UlT.'l A[jllH'')Llf')L[j,t 

Mr. limebhjiuiscn : I nbjpet to (.bat as 

A C«nelu*i«n. 

The Court : It ik leading anil rU^kts- 

Q. W'liait efforts, it 7 any, did he mate in refer* 
i-urr t?i the fliarf;i-ji fontained in tlie leller of 
tl It. llnylel A. II* went over werul "f (lis 
ntuteusenlH item liy item and wade comments 
An tluin. 

lly flu? Court: 

(J. J lid he rend Mr, MoyUr's leltcr to Mr, 
UulhcrfonlT A. No, sir. 

Ltrvjf B. Jo*ii*w — F»r Deftis—lMrtet 

By Mr. Covington; 

Q, Dni ho take up Lhe nutter of dirtcriruina- 
Lion, the use of foul jiiu! abusive luopungt a( 
the. table, and cash snLijeel TiuUturn as dial at 
(he Bethel Howe dnrinp Lils cuiivOT*ziijLhn! A. I 
bi-Li.Cn.-c tint Was ur.i; of Uiii paratfiaplm that h* 


Q. After you heard the eonvtirnatian and LaLk 
with ilr. Howlett and hud read the letter of 
O. R. lloyle ia (lie hand* of Mr. and lira, 
Aebly, did you reach any cnneLusion mi to 
whether er not (lie charge* mode in Mr, Moylc'a 
letter »*t* false or true! Did you reach any 
eoaelui-ioa one way or the albert A, I did, sir, 
yor-, ti.-. 

Q. What r«ni-lij»iciii did you reach wilLi ri'frr- 
enf* to Lhe dsargcn that Mr. li^yle liad made in 
tiijs letter 1 A. I Mac ti*d (lie conxluaion that tiioi» 
eharpfa werK fatd*, with a few tsterrtioni, 

Q. And did you tx-ILevs vliiit Mr. Elowlell had 
i'i.i.-.i- 1 tlic :r.i.iiii Hu'iiii.- 1 rn he (tub! A. Vca, air. 

Q. l)i(i the Itacine fmriirr*3TilLnn jiaun a rei-ola- 
tioii conreming Lhe aelinna of 0. It. MoyLef A. 
Ttji h fir, 

Q. T jiLiw*.' j-nit n "1V*(fh T*wnr," pEEC JW, m- 
titled ''In Ilnrn»ony with Artimi Tnhi-n/" onnl awl; 
you if you hove pi-pr htji '.Iw ofijrinal of thnt 
(h&iiiLin^ ({> witnritSj!- 

The Court; Do you mean th« oriirinal or 
M« of the ''Watch ToFere"T 
Mr. Covington ! One of (hoae. 

By the Court; 

Q . Had yon iaen tlial before f A. Ye?, -U- 

Ltrinf B. Jackson — for Ittfis. — Ifirtetr 

Q. Was niieli n resolution patmed by ilia Itoeuae 
conijsiiiiyT A. T«, air. 

By Mr, Cvvimfton; 

fj. Wftni yi.u on-c of [Tioh* pncacr.t and did yon 

VdIh!- jn fnv^rr of lliiiL rrHuhiLii^nl A- Ypm p h:t f 

Q, Tl.jt related la Ihe actian at 0- K. Hoyle, 
did it not I A. Yea, air. 

Mr. Cuvi:i.ntu:i : Wo oilur it. . 
ilr. ltruLtiliauHea ; N# *ti)«liau. 

(Th* rsayjtf irefi?»red la vua rtM$Tc4 in 

ividvnca aad uurked Deftjudaata 1 Exhibit 

fj. Dn you njcall vlKtlKT or not (he rraolution 

wuh juisit'd afur iTi'. HtiM-ktCa Ttuit (o Raeinel 
A, It win [i*ui»*d ftfter Lii* visit, )"<:$, iir. 

Q. Hid yuu aitcDil any of thn j^-aijicfinii or «oa- 
gj-*^jtia)in that were addu-sMdi hy Mr- ITowlstt 
■:ii..r. ..:, nf Ihi; Ke.non)ia cLinijiany 1 A. Yen, iir. 

(J. WhiL-ht A. At traukegai, IlliiiiJu. 

Q. And when wan liiatl A. It waa the neit 
niiclit iiiii-L' Lie was in KcnDuha. I don't Loiow 
tbc vuu't da(«. 

Q. Ui;i Li; funkc n ejh;pJi rd*og the mma linea 
an ol KeodiLiat A, St'u-icn-hst along tta came 
Jjntx, hoi it u-iia djiTiirent, 

Q. Did he rend iSit urtirj* tntiild! " Informa- 
tion "f A. I dan't T^iiMiaS)*.! - - 

Q. Could yea ti^LL iLi? jur^' whether or not |>rior 
t# the visit «f lie, iJowU'll,. tl't f»-iendi in and 
aromul Hiirinr hni] r*ccivial topics of (lie letter 
Of Q. It. Moylol 

Mr. Bruehli auaan r 
of die qneatiDU. 

i object io iuO faun 

Lt*ty B. JaehiMt—Far Deflr, — Crun, 

The Conrt: Objettioa tuitaiaed u to 

Q. Prior U? lln rinit of Mr. Howletl, did yea 
know whe;;:^: ^r not eu^ioa of tlie Letter* ol 0, B. 
iftji* Imil lnjen £nna and read by member! of thi 
Bntin* *dHipany of JehoTaJi'i WiLjutuBtl 

ilr. ErdicLdiflustn: I ohji^t t* it a* too 
The Court: I will permit him to aaiwei, 

A. I do sot know of tho tetter beiag circnhiled 
among tlie Racint f rinaih. 

Q. In tin ntishboi-hasd outside of Baeiae, the 
otter eompanic*. A, "Waakegaa ia the only 
placa 1 fccow of deiinitety at that time. 

Q. Aftanrarda was the loltor cii-tolateii, after 
(la Hewlett viait, that yon recalll A. I h«*rd 
that it waa. 

Mr. Bruehhaweii : 1 ohjeet to the form 
Of tlie : "i;'..'.i;..a. 

Tn* C*'BJt: It ia too gastral 

Mr, BnjiJihiiOiejj: There ia no ideati- 
ucntioa of poraoos here. 
The Court: Objeciiaa auataiaed. 
Kt. Coviaglon; That is alL 

C;- : .: cjimir.^ivn b\f il'\ £ rwfhklii en : 

Q. How maiay njfeinhsrjj xena there in the 
Waukegm eompany in 1&S5I A I don't know. 

Q. Were (here a doienT A, Do you UV«aq tha 
EaiiiiH} company t 

Q, Yea, Kodne. A. Probably in the neigh- 
borhood of twaaty-hTo, 

Q. How maoy w*i« pT«pnt wln'.n tiiii naolo- 
tioa wu offaredf A I don't tnow. 

i^roj £. JaAktim — Fof Hi-4U. — Croi* 

Q- Did yon prepare the reEclatios? A Ko, 

Q. WU* prepared it-t A, I don't fcnow, air. 

Q. Wi-nin'l jd.i preatntl A. i was at tile 

Q, Didn't you see what waa gaing oat A, 
Tea, air. 

Q. It waa a amall roorat A Thure was mora 
than one room. 

Q. Was the resolution there when. th# ni^etjn^ 
started! A, No, air, 

Q- Wn« it prepared during the meeting! A 
It wast prepared after te meeting, 

Q. Hov long afterwards! A Immediately 

Q, Were yon present! A Tea, tir. 

Q- Could you tell the Court and jory who 
prepared, ilt A. I had other duti«* I was lo*k- 
ii.,- ii-ii- - jit IJuil time. 

Q. 7oa w*« pi-weot ri^ht while it was being 
prepared! A, It wu prepared out in the oilier 
roum. I eould make a. gnesa between two par* 
ties if you cured to low. 

Q, Ypu werA the conjpftny aervaat, were you 
noli A. No, sir. 

Q, Wien did you become company semntt 
A. 1j' *j than nii montli* tigii, 

Q, Do you rciyilt (bat there m a maft by the 
nnjne of l^lwjinciji who wan a]irKiin!i-:3 CO Mpa ay 
s*rvurit at one time— or Ttieharcbj! A Tea, *ir. 

Q, And yoa were aeandidate for that appoint- 
ment w«* y*-u notf A, N&. air. 

Q. Did you lia^e any trouble wjtb a Mr. Eick- 
hoff f A I had a little, yes, air, 

Lerejf B. JecJcetm — for Oeftt. — Crew 

(J. And when waa tiiat f A Tliat waa whan 1 
lived in Belait, Witfeonain, aboat 193fi. 

Q. And wasn't that difiieulty reported to head- 
a,uartera in Brooklyn 1 A Yea, air. 

Q. And ma a result of it, ilr, lloyle waa aeat 
out to invi:»tij»aie, wasa't be! A, Yea, sir. 

0. And he loade a report auatainiiijr Mr, Eiek> 
hoff, didn't he! A. I dant know, air. 

Q. And t:n ; report wa« not friendly la you, waa 
itl A I datnt know, 

Mr. Covinf.;tan: Hay we object to that! 

The i;oart: He baa already aaid "I 
don't know." Do you want to strike ont 
the anawerT 

Mr. CoviogtvD : No, sir. 

Q, At any rale, you did not become company 

servant at that timet A We were not operating 
onder a company-servant arrangement at that 

Q. When did Ihi* teller of Mr, Moyle first 
mini: lit ye-ai- atleiitiont A, When I *»w it in 
Fred Aisbly'a home al Waukejrnn, Illinoii, about, 
I alioald nay, around the lit of September or 
maybe in the first weet ol September, poaaibly. 

Q. You read the article of September let in 
(lie "Watch Tower" cniitled "Information," 
and in t-utalunee stating tliat Mr. Mnyla was dbv 
miiised for unfaithfulness? A, I read the article, 
but I don't reenll H:at it snid tliit, 

Q, Do you recall what it widt A. The iiart 
that 1 do Teenli la tbnt all legal matters will be 
referred to l!ie tegjd desk at 117 Adams SLreeL 
TLiit part I recall 




Jjt,tnif B. Jaclaon — For IJefls, — Crass 

Q. You read it at the time, at any ratal A. 
Yes, Kir. 

Q. You knew then thai Mr. Moylc had been 
displaced in tin orgnaijS4i*B.I A, No, air. Tba 

Q, Or (bat be *aa removed Iwm Lhe or^anica- 
tie-nl A, N&. *ir, I did riol tn** 8-ha.t. 

Q, Vim knew Unit be Wiiu removed aa aounacll 
A. I didn'1 taow thaL 

Mr, Bpuehlinmsa : llave you. get. tho 
Tlic Court: It in FtaunufT* Esihibit S, 

Q. I show you Plaiotiff'a Kihibit G and ask 
you whether that refre&hea- your recnl IppI i on 
(bivnd'ing ia wilneea), A. Ytf n it do**. 

Q, Ww that article dideUi-tm] M vuilr n;i i'Lu; n -! 

\. No, air. 

Q. Then you recall the article or Oclcbcr 15th 
entitled "Information"! A, Tbnt is tin? article 
signed by tho Tluard of Directors I 

Q. Yes, A, Yea, air. 

Q- And you agreed with thoi article t A- Th, 


Q r And Also the article of November IStti, the 
"i>r,accH" article! A, 1 don't recall lb* content* 
of 1 tijL t article, sir. 

Q. Do you recalL that Mr. Movie wm labe-led fc 
uaaji-plenntr, and that Sit had not pr^pe riy taken 
fare of the IrvURSt* of Jehovah 'a Wilncaa** in 
the court tridl I 

lir. Cimnjrton: I ahjwt to that, 
The Court: ObjeilJinn anstained. Ha*a 
yoo, read thi* article before! 

fujray B- J nekjim-^Fiif — CVfliI 

Tbo IVilnea*: Not in recent month* or 
even years, I btlievi-. 
The Court: That is Plaintiff 'a iMubita. 

Q. I eall your attention to tliat part of Plain- 
tiiT'i Exhibit l> which is marked on page 342 
(handing: to witness). A. I read it 

Q. Dee* that refresh, your recollectionf A- 

Q. And you accepted that article u trtm, did 
you A. Do you refer to the part about 
being 1 a Dioa-pkaserl 

Q. Yea. A The article starts out aitfi an 
"If" and if that ia true, I ftjre* with it, 

Q. You (Sid not mnke any iariuiry about the 
fail* eOntftJnfcd in litis article, did yottt 

Mr. Covington : Tf your Honor pj**n*, 
this line n( inquiry ne to the nv'wi'H of 
thf> nriieli! in rciilly iinnvaj*; rioJ- 

Tlio Court: Tie in not anbinj; ebont the 
ncanirXK *f the a.'tide. He aaVed ii.iin if 
l.i! uimlft any inventi^ation of tlic tact* in 
tlio article — ia lliat yonr qucalioDf 

Mr. lSrachhaaaf n : Yea, air. 

The Witne-EB.: Th^t paragtapb ataila 
on', with the tv.ird "H'^— 

TbL Court: No. MJ you moku any in- 
ve.iti^jitioa of ilia facts outlined in th* 

The Witness : No, air, 

(J. I call year Attention t* part of it which haa 
no "If" sn it and na<» tbi»; "One who faila or 
Tcfusea fo look wll to tnd der f ii4 Ih* iiiter&tta 
of a Chriatian, tud dov* *<? in onler itat ha 
aiifl-.t (jper a> a gW>d Wlo* in Iba eye* of 

Ltfojj B. Jackxyn — For Dtfts. — Cross 

Other nveji''^ A. Tint Marts out with "Ob*, 11 
and if thatrtni' ia jut;, I wonlil b.u;j-ijo to it 

Q. Yna, a^rtfud vitb tlmtT A. Yea. 

Q_. Yrnt Jul not tnale any inquiry about that 
* till L-jiLc jl! f A, Kti, Air. 

Q. Aid tlka etTerl or (bat article and the 
article "Knarefr" an your f;roup waa [bat thty 
became alienated a^ainrt Mr, Moyle, didn't 
theyt A. Tticy become aiicnaccd agAintt Iilh ne- 
tion, yen, air. 

Q, And friuii (limn- ai-titiit-ji, tbey deemed him 
ilh evjl servant T 

Mr. t'ovinflton: Thai m jrninp inlo tbe 
realm of urnruincnt and cnnclimion, your 

Tin- Court: I think no. Aalt hiim what 
w&n Hie renult of tbeir having read tbe 

Q. Wbnt Kiut I heir conehi nion af1"r Inry r^nd 
thfl artklel A. They pn"ic! n P'KolyLJon *k- 
prcsflius their vtfwa. 

^. Timi n-*nliitiiin pfcenled the artjeia of 
OctoW 15th, didn't itf 

By Ibe Court: 

Q. Did lliat TOMOlntinn come- before the pub- 
lit&lion of tbe article of October 15th T JL I 
don't know, air. 

By Ifr. Rructibauaen: 

Q, Didn't yaii juat 1(1 L u* that as a revolt 
of Mr. llbwlirtt'if riiit, the resolution waa pre- 
jiareilt A. Yea. air. 

Q. Wlmn did Mr. Hewlett Tiiit yonf A. Ia 
lha middle part of September. 

LtToy 3. JoctiOiv— Fvt JJt/fcs.— Cross 

Q. How toner after hi» vi«it wn* the reaolo- 
tion prejuiredT A, Pralsjihly within a week 

U. S • :;...! '.I.- rr:,....iri n ■■■ im prepared r' r;iir 
to cither of IIhkM two arlii-lea that wene in tbe 
"Watch, T«™«t" on October lath and N'oT«mbes 
litbT A, Mr, Howlett read the one article, 

The Coflui; H« read it before it *** 


Q, It wan prepared before tbe *rti«I* of 
November 15th f 

The. Court; "Snflrc»"f 

A. Yea, air. 

Q, So thnt thia rcacilution waa pm-parcil art*- 
jr.^ out of 2Ir. Hovlett'a vi^it IhereT 

By the Court: 

Q. Did the reaolution crnnc sw * re«ult of Mr. 
HawlettV vNit ond hi» iliariiaaijn with you — 
by "you" I mriun WW all. A. It would be due 
to iho in FHhniuil uin be brought, jwi, air. 

By lit, Bracbbi^Hrn : 

Q, And Mr, Wnwlcii did not read the letter 
of Mr, Moylc'al A. No, air, to the beat of my 

recollection, he did sot, 

The Court: Timt ia alj Xfe *-fe ajilimp; 
you ia the best of yQm reocltifCtion, 

Q. And you never taw Mr, Moyle'* letter Jinh- 
lifhed at alt, did yout 

Tli* Court l Up to thil timo. 

Q. {Contiauad; : At Ibat time. A, I don't know 

what you mean, by "publiahed." 

Lcrty ijf. Jocfcropj — For Deju. — Crist 

Q. Publiahcd in any magazine or newapaperT 
A. No, air. 

Q. And the only knowledge you hiid of it vrmj 
tbroqaJB Ifr. Aebljr Itflndinp; it tft ynn, it tluit 
eorrectt A. That wat rny br*t kiiowledgo of it, 

}.■-., ; ,lr. 

Q. S* that un io tbo limB that Itf, Hewlett 
got out there, yon hjuj nnl aeen ibat letter ex- 
eeptiog on that oecaaiont A, That ia rigbt, yea, 

Q. Ynu luif* net it any timo. diaafiread with 
ajiythinej that th* "WaJeh Tower" haji aaid, 
haT» youl A. ^[y agreement with the "^raich 
Tower " — 

The Court: Wo, Have you erer been 
in disagreement «"itb anything- the 
*'^ T atch Tower" Imn y>nhli*riedt 

The Witaaai] Ye*, air^ 

Q. lYlial t A. The earlier understanding it 
anpefM'di'd by 11 ie newer undcratonding. 

By tbe Ceort: 

Q. Hove y#H Iwnn in disagreement at the 
(jmel A. At the time, no, air. 

Q. At the time it wae published, you aj^reed, 
but if auhfequcnt developiMnl* n-,p.ile a cbar.^-i; 
in tbeir pnlioy, you *#r*ed with Ibtir new pnl. 
icyf A Yea, air, contei-ninf; the aoderataiadi.ig 

of tbo Setiptarai. 
By Mr, BfuGjibauaea: 

Q, Ydq alio bav* tba belief that tliin it '.he 
only Cod h a organisation e:i earth, ian't it* A. 
Yea, air. 

Q. And that Mr, Rutherford waa the repre- 

Ltray B, JaxkXB* — Fur PtfU.™~Crant 

tentalive of Kodt A. He waa one of the repre- 
aenlalivrp, nna of tlia aervenla. 

Q. Who waa the ether one! A. There are 
many otltera, 

Q. At that limeT A, Yea, air. 

Q. Name Eouto otbers. A. There are- theu- 
aanda of ibem, 

By the Court: 

Q. Ail the merulierfl of Jehorob'a WitneaieiT 
A. They are all aervanta of Jetovali God, yea, 

By Mr. Timehhauaen: 

Q. "VVho ia tba head one! A. We liavo a 
Doard of UirectorK ami a l.'rt-i'iilent tn o[i«rata 
tba Sveicty, tlwj netivitica of the Soeiuty. 

l!j Ijn' Cmrl: 

Q, IVben Mr. 'Rwilicrrord waji Praaiytent, waa 
be in I'ffi-i-.l bead, or did you. record liint oj tbo 
head of the orKani?^itionl A. Yee, In tlie cstenl 
that he vn* the bend of tbe B*arit nf DifcetOr*. 

By Mr. Hruchlunuien i 

Q. You never heard thi-a letter of Mr, Moylo 
read at any meeting, did y*o1 A- No, air, 

Q, You jnit aatUI a jnomtist afio, did yott nnt, 
that you afireed with tlie. eharjtea, with a few 
exception*— A. Tliat ia riehL 

Q, Of IliaJ^^riv* me your worde. A You aaid 
it riplit tli* Prat lima. 

Q. Willi a few fcieoptiniiiif A. Yes, air. 

Q. ^Ylial ah the few exceptional A. I cannot 
tell ynu, air, becauaa I don't recall. I don't re- 
call the full contents- of the letter, I don't me*n 



Lctuj/ B. Jatksan — Fvr Deftf. — C?t>rt 

il-.u: I am trying to dodge, but I really don't 
know — 

Q. ¥ou mean that the 1*1 tor is :n:i> in tame 
respect*,! A. Yes, air, it waa reported to be 
Irue in «oino rcH.[Kretn,, I helievo. 

<j. Ynu jJiii nut state that in your resolution, 
Jiil you I A. Those reaped* wm *o minor fora* 
]j:lt-.'iI villi tl i- oompleto test of tltc kilter, that 
it hardly waa nttreEary. 

Q. But you cannot r«*l| what tlie- onea wits 
that ynu apretd with! A. No, air. 

Q„ ilui vcni noci'ptnl Mr. Howlett'i nlntemcnt 
an to what (lit futtfl were, didn't yuut A- I 
would ray yo-ji, aiilistantially to. 

Q. Tint rats the ha*!* of your ileriuioal A, 
No, nir, not entirety, 

Q. WtB, yom did tint in* >fr, Movie to conre. 
in there niu] stote iiin tiiiii' nf thi» ca\e, did youl 
A. Not at any meeting I Was aL 

(.'. Ik- an* n^t invited iniih tliix Itacine meet- 
in C tn-fnro Ihs resolution wan pifpnTf'l (n MLitn 
Lis «0c «I (his Mine, win bet A. The "Witch 
T«wer" kIhIikL that he liiid arvenrd connection* 
with til* Society. Wi naturally would not de 

Mr, Bruchtiaueeu: I wore- to strike oat 
the anawcr. 

Tlis Court: Strike it cut Did you call 
liim in betor* 

The Witness ; So, your Honor. 

Q, So that your deciaiou on this resolution. 
h'M baud entirely on what Sir. Hewlett aaidT 
A- No, air. 

Q. What fJael A, Well, I would say provi- 

Ler*^ if. Jaofcjei* — For Dtfts, — CVmi 

oub experience with Mr. Movie as yam referred 
to in this other case you »pok« of down at 

Q. Yon baaod it aomewhnt on that? A. Somt- 
wiinS, ye*, 

Q. What were the detniLx of ihat e^perienco 
thut you baaed it onl A, I don't recall all the 

Q. It did not have anything to do wjlh the 
ebErjrts in the letter, did ill A, ThU Itltcrt 

Q. Tim <»xjX!ritna'n in Enuit dLi] mil have any- 
thing to di> with the charge* in thin letterl A 
Xo, none whatever. 

Q. You rrcnll a ■latsnu'nt in one tit the srii- 
rk« ouSlinjr Mt. Jifoyle a Jndaa, don't yoat A. 
I don't rcmll that, 

<}, f*t (no refrenl> jour rwnllrriinn; "Juihuf 
Win l>ntrils.tijii by Clitiht J"<ngg wild cnniiittiilinl 
>nalt r rTi tnil Jtiilsw jiifn^et) hin ia?'fJiiltifulin'»iH by 

fi.ini--liji: r - to Lbe C'lu'iciV liuit vi liii-h tin*)" iiiuhl 

unf and did ruie ogjiiiut the lyird." I>o;t shit 
refresh your noccllectioE 1 A. 'l h h»t Jotan't nay 
ajivthinp nlio-ut Ht. Mojln 

Q. Ynu \ijibw tint Ifr. Minyie'a lettor is men, 
limned in i^ee, don't yoaT A. No, iir, Ktid if. 

(J. Juat read tiic ariicle fbaadir-p to ^i(ne«*K 
V.Tin vsa the Juilaa, tbeis, that wm n-ferrel K» 
in thst letter, if you kno*T A, T-ft jpcsli of n 
person, as a Judaa, that is a fypinitiv* tena *f 

Q. It ia caUinjr tvawn & Judas, it- it null 
X. One tlvo ^M* tRaio*t bia brethren,, yet 

Q. Didn't tk»t refer to.blr. MoyieT A. I 

T^tu\j Ti. Jarixm— Fw flf-ftt. — CfOtt 

ImveE 't rtiii) tin 1 artitic, init I aainiM that it 
dofji, 1 lie way yuu refer io iL 

<j. And yoit nixpnted tiiat fbarge (hat he waa 
a -iuiiiitt, didn't ynut A. 7 had nothing to do 
with that i'liarge there, 

Tim Court: Wf know that, but did you 
agm with itt 

The tVLlOKKi: Ten to the; titaot that 
lie luld j^nni? n^iiuisl b:v b^fltii'^O, yi'ii. 

Q, In fflrt, your rffiolution wliicb. you jiifrnTd 
lh biiKnl nn that artiole, in it not! A- I don't 
hm-ivi- wlis'llier ftU.r rrntlulion wan vriitfn lntfoTA 
Ibix rirlii'If or not. 1 know our TMnhitina vaa 
writli-n nfli-f the r>er>tember l*t iriic-le. 

It)- (be Court: 

Q, A Tier M'r. IJciwl,-irn viniil A. Tlut i» 

ri^ht. nftpr >fr. 1 Joivk-tt '» vinit 

liy llr. liriu-LiliJUKcn: 

Q. Di<ln't vna nay tliat llr. 1 foulest read the 
nrlide " liif«niialLoid r " at the- meelingT A. Yc«, 

Q. Am! inn't (hat thr- article "Infonmation" 
th-in a'a« T'-aiil A. Y* , », OtIoIht i« tln^ one. 

Q- Afi<) tlml in tbe nn<- ihnl hpk tbt label -if 
.TiiiLiH, ham "I ilt A. 11 lino*, nir. 

fj. Whot <n,"WMK* ran yrn: I^Sl llii^ Cnurt m=d 
jury n'if iio»cd on Hint lnl>e] uf Jmlas a» mrainv 
iroyle nliai milpnn that ynu iifard frnm ^ir- 
lli.wlfllt A. I ren.i iho l»ll#r of iit. lliiylr's, 
anil thai letter i* the thin^ mbow<:d nic that 
lie hn^ flnjn? a,rjiinMt bi* bsivtiir*^. 

Q. Dnn't yea know that that letter wjib Trittcn 
privtttly t* lir, Rulherfomt Did you blow 


thatt A. The eontoats of tiiat lotlur *« dit- 
triboted before Mr. HuUujrfiird bad iL I 
wouldn't call it private. 

Mr. EruchhauEen : I move to ttriL« oat 

'Ju- aaawer. 
The Court: Strike it oat. 

Q. Don't you rafrW tiiat Diii iettsr waa delir- 
tred to Mr, Itutliv-f#ttl )irivateLyt A. I baud 
that it vat put ia tlx tnail-buiL. 

Air. BmehbauBon; I inov« t» ttrika it 
The Court; Strtk, it ouL 

Q. Yea or no H ^lo you kn^vi" thiitt A. No. 

Q. Iton'l you know tiiat that lutter van read 
b>~ Mr. llulhorfonl liimaelf before tlie i'unilj at 

llr. Uorinstou; May it p!fca«* jour 
Iluiior, tie ia asking him about maltcn he 
duc-H not have any knowledge of. 

The Court; Ubjcetion auatsinpd. 

y, Bid you inv(i»tij*at# to Hod out what iraa 
dona down (hero in Brooklyn -with that litter! 
A I rely on tho jailpiieot of the Iioard of Direo. 
tor*, sir, u» to wiiat is finine; on at Brooklyn. 

(.'!. Sn ;■"■" M**pttd Uoat in iu entirety without 
any JirrjijiTy r-t *!I1 -A Ju bcinj; Ibe ljeat jmla- 
mt-it i.t' ihu Board of Director*, yea, air. 

(j. You ljava mi'nlioaod aome iljuputo that yon 
bad with Mr. J'ink about lln'He Iaformalion 

Jl^TC;!.-*, didn't y-ju' A. It wasn't a diipul*, 
air, It wan a (i:sK-.uini::ri. 

(J. /nd yi?o kiu™- liiat it ii jnauiilJe eo but* 

ditajTteinent about deto^li in Shi ruaniBg ol tba 
eaiananiie^ don't you! A. Yes, air, 

Q. Am! ; jeiule tiave j - •. :ea'. t s of <■•;;: i t- In r. t 
A. Yen, air, 

y. Ami j,u-4 kn^w that Mr. Fink was oppoatdl 
Id having »ijrn» f»ot on tin *tree.t "Ikili£:on a a 
anara and a raektt"; doa't yon know tliaU A, 
Yet, air. 

M r. Ufucl i1iai»6H ; That ja all. 

Hrilitrct tiaiiiiitaJiujt f/'J Uf. Covington; 

<J. Ia it tlLE policy to usually dimfre* oji lbs 
cojiLUUuuiinenla of tbe tkicitty with refers™ to 
tbc operation of Uio toinpanieaf A. It imi't tbs 
|j-jliey, no, air. 

Mr. Covington: That ia all. 

(Witness oxcuied.) 

The Court: Html witness. 

Mr. Covington : Jtojger Ma"iaurdt 

nOUKIt MAJMJl'AliJiT, 1610 W'ett Walnut 
Street, Milwaukee, IViatonain, called aa a witntH* 
in bebaJf of the Jvfcn;5nsla, Wu\g lirrt dul/ 
•worn., testified at follows: 

i'he Court: Mr. Covin }fton, hfcfoi-o you 
proceed, bow many out-of-town witataaen 
wouiid yon like to diapose of T 

llr. Covington: About twelve more, 
your Honor, 

Jiirtct ^ u r.N in Ai tv>\ bjf Mr. Opin^.'en; 

Q. How Ion;; hav« you been one of Jehovah '■ 
witoewtn, Mr. Martjuardtt A. Giaea lfiSX 

Ripmf U-ar^tHifil — Fit Dtftt.Sirttt 

Q, And luive yoa been eonneoted wilb. the Mil- 
WRukec, Wiajoonaia, ooiuoa^y aince that t":im! A. 
No, air. 

By the Court: 

Q. Wiwm nrl you tonneeled with hratt i 
I waa oonurfted with the Brrtat «OBjpwiv of 
Jeliovah's Wituesm* from 1630 to tba ipriaa; of 


By Mr. Covington ; 

Q. And af le r that time, yon bava been with the 
Milwaukee company! A. That ia right, 

Q. Do yon know Mr. Harvey Kiakt A. I do. 

Q. D* yoa know the pLaunliff, 0. E. Moylaf 
A. T do. 

Q. How long have you kaowa llr. Fink! A. 
Sjii:i:a this apriirnr Ol 19:57, 

<J. And how long bave you kuown Mr, Moyle 1 
A. Alioiit tl:e same time, a lAOnlli or su lal^r, 

Q. Do yon recall having a eoitveraotioiv wiiJi 
llr. Fink in tho early part of the year 1109, 
prior to tha annual eonvention of Jebovoh'a Wit- 
nensca lor tliat ycurT A. I do. 

Q. W'Jiere wai thai, if you, remember! A. That 
« at hia oduos at, I believe, 7213 Weal North 

Q. Did you bava a conversation tliere with hina 
in regard to Mr, llovlh or lh* rttarc of Uf, 
Moyhj to Wiaeonniot 

Mr. Bruchhaaaen: I don't aea liow Uiia 
ia relevant, your bfonor. I object to it at 
not binding. 

The Court ; It niay l» rtlwottt latex on. 

1 will take it now, 

J. 2 do. 



Uoyer ifm-gnardl — Far iJe/Jf.— Oirtrt 

The Court; '*I did"! 

TJi* Witness; I did, mtlirr. 

Q, What was tlit ejEverHfltion, if you rocsJll 
A. {. had been there lo eee hsso. about Infoim** 
tioo. Mari.'.hi.'.-:, and h* showed dm a cartoon that 
II r. iloyle bad sent hun. 

y. Was il a hand-drawn cartoon T A- It was. 

Q. Til] the jury about it, plctt*c, It was * 
cartoon relatinp La ihow Mr, lloyla working and 
iwcatine; and all worked out, nod tba exact oppo- 
site of tiiat, Mr. Fink tilting with Jhia Cost up 
■oo a. desk And taking it easy. 

Q. Did you have a conviTBation with Mr, Pick 
then in reference to the seed for an attorney 
in Information March eaue* that were totoiiig 
apt A, I did. 

Q, And wJaftt »■«» ill A. II* tofd nae U:at *« 
would soon Iiavp a good attorney Tier* to take 
tir side ^f Hie nmrn and «* eould ir*n tli*»uft 
aulUl* nut EltAt had DM* l"]i fot dincU*K]«n Willi 
hilll HH1IS IHiHllllM pitVJAUs. 

(J. And in that, wuii lit referring; to 11 r. 

'J'l.i C i.'.in : Did lie mention luiu* 

Q. (Ctootinued) Ditl im have It:* cartoon in 
Ink li.inil when he was talking to you about the 
iii-.i'.i-it A. Veil. 

[J. Do ymi recall when Mr. Hoyle wluranl to 
Wi-vmi-inl A, I tin. 

Q. When wm T A. The latter port of 
V i ::'.;►:, 1 ! J : d* . 

Q. And when wtk it that you first snw Mr. 
IT'iylc after li* returned T /., At the. Sunday 

/Jojrer Itarptar4t**-Far Hell*. — Direct 

evening meeting on oat occasion, and within * 
day or so at the home of Harvey li, Fiut 

Q. Did you wer hear Mr. Moyle repeat the 
lViihOns why liu left LSutlielf A. Not ui iti en- 

Q. Did. lie ever state Hie lubalnjacci at Um 
ehargea that be uiadef A. tie did. 

(J. And un what ott-aidonl 

Mr. Iitiu:iiljatiicn: I object to "sub- 
stance," if your Honor pleaa*. 

Q. Juat what did he aayt 

The Court; Whan, furstl 

Q- Uin.'n wns itl A. In the early pail uf 
S*pleinber when ho a*ked to have Uovlc's nidi 
of the iiisue litand. 

By Uib Court: 

(J. Thit wan at Ihnt nipvlinjf ttmt wo liaya 
heard nlxiutf A. Yen, nir. 

ity Mr. Covington; 

CJ, And you litard tint and ynur lottijn-nny 
would bo Ui* name au the othorn in that rcMardl 
A. ¥*■. 

Q. Mr. Jliiylo read Hie BtatnnentT A. Yob. 

(i. What *rT*ul, a *ny, did tliat liovo upon 
llie il'lwankfta {XKUpany, Uir rvadinp nf tlmw 
oharpon in I ha t*ini5»aiiyT /.- t^'idl, llii'y wcro 
wnniknn^ why i!» iloyle wa* there w]i*n lm 
imi 1 * T*fKiBijibte poflitioB and much wark to 
perfonn at Iiroofclyn. 

Q. t^liul, if anything, did it caune amonjr the 
VcUirrnf Did it oaHrE« -ditiienBiOD aud etrife-1 
A, It cauB*d diflieniiioQ, yn. 

Rmjzf ItartjiKirdl — Fiif Deftm, — Ctp.t* 

Q. ))t» ynu rreuEi the villi that Mr. Howlttt 
jaiid iii Miltt-askct! A. I do. 

fj. Vt'i-rv j;«m prv«i;nl on that ooca^ionT A. I 


Cj. Did you hear wluii lio liad lo tayt A. I 

(J. Did the that Mr, HowlcU paid Ihj Wia- 
tojinin havt- nnytiiins lo do in clearing out tlie 
di*stnj,i,oa in the oompanyT A. It did. 

(J. After he |iuid the vitii thcrci aliat was the 
cluin^c, if unjT A, \V*Jl, »c had roceintd tlicn 
Ihe Hoi-i^' Ly "n KiJi 1 n* liw. L tnnlli-r, i«i wc knc« 
IjuLLi niileh uf Hie IiMJi;, 

lir. llnithhuomrn ; 1 ohjett to "wo 
kneu r ImiLIi .-i.ih:* cjT ihe i^iju^/ 1 

Tin Coui'l; Hlfik* it out of a ^finnlu- 

Mr. Iinu'lihmiHen: i wn U< ^!nkt nut 
thi' a»»w*r. 

Q. Wluil efffit diil il Imvo ii|n>n Ihf '-"iufKinj, 
rJlrr Unit, Jit'sur Mr. ItinwhtiV vifiir l>hi II r. 
llnwli-tt'n vint Itarp any •■iTt.'Cl liimhi "In- it.i:.. 
pany in removing diHariihi«n I A, Vi-m, it did. 

ilr. Covington: Tluil it oil. 

£ni£f>araNtiiiiatio* tr; .1/r. ll.yttfblutn.*rri ; 

Q, Yijii lLiiI n<it wnqdf-r why )lr. Mnylp was 
hark UoTi' effrr ynu rrju] Dial qripHi! nn Hf|»- 
ti'iuhfr lilt in [In- "Wiilrii TnwtT," ciiiL y.n.f A, 
Ki>, 1 didn't. 

{(. TJiit removed all wosulerij^eot frmn ynur 
mind, did it nott A. Ai lo why he wim haek 
or — 


Roger tftunjtta/ifj— For Defti^-Craii 

Q. Didn't you read the article where they said 
he wju di:i]i 1 1 [bv'i for unfailhfuineijat A. Y« 

(J. io that gave you the anuu'or a» far o> %i.e 
"W'aUib Tower"' won toowraed an Ut way lie wai 
back iu lVi*wn*kn, djdn'i itl A. To some ei- 

Q. Tncn you got il lo a farther extent when 
Jlr. Ll',iwh>U «jii« out Intra and rtod "Infor- 
mation," didn't you* A. Yen, il wu clarified 

Q, And the u"ly thing Umt Mr, Hoylo did wot 
14 rcitd a. (UiU'pntnt at Uhj liicotin^ on B*ptein- 
her 3th; you ristaH tlml tlatujntal, don't youf 
A. Yen. 

Q. And tint is ail he laid alrout itl A. I he- 
j.:!VI! oo. 

Q. And you. did not nee the letter, did youl 
A. I did not 

(J. Have you ever teen the letter 1 A. I hare 

Q. And you never ww it published any placet 
A. I have not. 

(J. You read these articles on October lith 
and Movemlwr lOthf A, i did. 

Q. And yt>u uoocpted ifacm, did you ndl A. 
I did, 

Q. And h,rliuvc(i IhcinT A. I did. 

Q. In '.-'.Lrr Wnrdi<, y<m b^-iiero in tnytlnn^ 
that ap]iearB in tint "IVaKh Towrir"! A Tli»t 
in right. 

Q. Y'^u boliero olno it ta flod'n orgiakatioji 
on carthT A, That in righL 

Q. So that if a atalemenl eonies throagh the 
■"vVulob Tower," that ii enough hr yoat A. 
That it right 


£iiil Tlmrp— For Dtltt.—Pifwt 

(J, Y^u don't need ouvy otfier evident-.^ or 
uinte any iiuiuir)', iu [JiaL correct I A. That in 
ri K ht 

Ui". ItruchhaiiHen: i« oil. 
Ur. Uuvicgtaa: That in all 

(Witnis* eicused.) 

Mr. Co-vipjplon : bill Tbarp. 

Hlt.l, THAKf, Rnrol Baute S, St JoncpTi, 
MiiM>uri, cail«d rut a witness in tmlialf of the 
de fe Jiilah lit, bvijig firiil duly iworn, Uitiiled at 

Jlirztt crjHH inat ion h\/ Sir. Coei*gio*: 

Q. What iu your occupation, please J A. I a:n 
a fuli-liiiiu n'preBenlative of the WatcL Tower 

Q. A traviding e^tngcluit and iiviri^lcrl A. 
That i>i rigid, 

Q, Wlmt w»'tion of the country do yon cover 
nnwt j\. I cvvof tluil part of lha country in 
Kaitnu and Northern ( i:..] jlIu, i:ui. 

tj. In tha yi.-ar I93&, in the foil of die year r 
AiiKiud mid -Si'ptH'Hdmr, whcrir »'crc you located 1 
A. I Wiln located in kcnftiilia, WinTOhxin, 

(j. Aad in what cngiaeity u'ere y^n tlw. serv- 
iai4 1hfe Watch Tower Hilda i Tract Moiii'ty, 
pkuc ) A. 1 was servine; oj jpectal pioneer and 
coinpany aervant in Jienodha. 

Q. Ho you knew Mr. O. M. Ifoylel A. I do. 

Q, When (ltd you first rciext 0. It. iioyle, if 
you rreallT A. 1 imt him a( tlw hems o' llairey 
Fink in the lununer of !5iS. 

£itl Tharp—For Btfts.— Direct 

Q. Aiul at (hut lime did you know Ifr. Movie 
Wiln in ftrnoltly n I A . \'<\n, I d hi. 

y. \\1icn did you titnt [earn that Ifr. Muyh. 
hurt in'tu rnefl fmm ISmuklyn end wan no loncer 
living a! HL'tln.4t A. F knew liin'- hn uni Roing 
trt iic fort he returned. There was. a lady aeao- 
eialed with the Kenosha— 

Tho f'nnrt ; He naked 1 yon Then. 
The Wiinem; Tlott wni ill August, I 
Ik-Ucvc, or Juty, lit-19. 

Q. How did ynn |pam that I A, Tilers was a 
huly by :he name of Hchrftder in Ibe KenoHlui. 
miu|Mtny wins pnrrennnr.d^d with ifr. nnd Mt*. 
Moyfc , Win- mjorivnd a card from ttipm. J lieTiere 

it wan lln 1 InLlpr |>|irL nf Ju^yi w-hi^h plntc^l tliat 

they Ti'mitd he n^KO^ieled with Ihe eliiwa^b™ 
compjiny following tbeir vneation. 

Q- And afler that nora:«iMn h did you have an 
opportunity |$ Incwr^ fr^m Mr, Moyk affainT 
A, 1'ardonf 

Q. Dili ynn hfar from Mr, Mnyle nfler ho 
pot mil la TiViwnnjiinT A. Yrn, \tjt «bw hi in per- 

Q. Ynn saw him pcr^nnallyl Ai Yes. 

Q. Dn ynu know' wficfhrr nr not ynn er^r eaw 
s ropy cf the letfer of Mr. (t. H, Mnvle trt J, F r 
ItulborfoMl, dnlcd July 21, 19M» A,"l don't re- 
lurinhrr (lie diile, but I riNid the tetter whiflh 
M-ns ';;;sfnKiNl ^ Imvc hMD n copy of the one 
thril Hi-r rt1 1(1 Mr. Rathi,Tfibrd r 

Q. Wnnre did you n*f tlie liMtsrl A. From 
the same lady, Mrs. Sehrader. 

Tie C*nrt; Appr*Jti»*ti!ly *hcnl 




BiS Thvrp—Fet- Dtft*,—Dirt.£i 

Q. Arid when VAft itt A. I belie V* it Was — I 

am iuii> it M'as after his return and hie going 
to Milwaukee 

Q. Was it before September lilt 

31 r. Bruehbausen r I object to it, He 
hit* already answered it, 

Tha Court; T "ill allow him t» try to 
rcfr mj. hit recoiled i«n. 

Tha Witnwa: 1 cannot rcincrabcr 
whether it was before, ivcplenibcr lut, 

Q, Ton vera compnny servant. Do yon know 
whether or irnl thnt Irttrr »t' ft. It, Jfftylc ad- 
dressed to J, P. RHllK-rfnri] w^ ciFcCsS&tMl i B 

the Kt'nnidift <-n:[iriMnv T A- It WOjtn'l ;:Ln -j.lit^«3 

front o*>o in Mother, hot «wh ™t thai wished 
tn :-i'iu] it hail tilt opportunity to rend it and 
slid Ttftd it 

Mr, rsruehhnui<cn: I object to thai and 
move to strike it ont. 
The Court: Strike it ouL It ia mot 


Q. Did ami? member* of the Kcnosb* company 
outside of yoQrself read the letter dated Jul? 
21, 1939, addressed to J. F. Rutturford by O. 
B. Ifoylel 

Sir. Brachial nJieri ; I objt*t anleu the 
witness can Fpcdfy the MMH of the 
parties and when. 

The Court: If you know of your own 

Tha Witness; I Inow, I n« tbem 
reiulm/ iL 

Mr. Bn»bflanaen: I mo^+ to ihrika out 

£i« rA»rjs— f or Deftt^&vtct 

Lhir answer vnleii the naiaea of the. 
partita art ipeciiW. 

The Court: Instead of striking oat the 
answer, tell as whom you mean by 

Th* Wit:i*ii: T remember -out Ifr. 
Pollack Trailing iL I saw bint read it 
Acid there wtre cthess there, but I can- 
not remember their names. They wera 
associated with the Kenosha company. 

By Mr. Covin|rton: 

Q. About bow many were thera at that meet' 
inff. A. That was either before or after a study 
meeting, Practically the whole company was. 

Q. I show you Pltsinliflfn Exhibit 4 and o*k 
tou to lnnfc at it, {tlfjute (.lnwdinir In MrilriMK}. 
Do ynu recall raiding that Ictterf A. I do. 

Q, Tull IW what rflpr.t that hnd npcin lho Unity 
of t!ui KsnftnlilL Cainpany at Jfchnvjlh'rt wit- 
IKUH A. It caused s. I'ji'-s.l i>al of disALLriHiAit 
sent per]deiity in the Kenosha company. 

Q. An a result a! tliin letter, what happened 
to tlie Keaa^lin company of wliich you were 
naispariT servant f A. There van a dis^easien 
and a dsTiaiin h 

Q. Were tj^w^ any that pulled away from tha 
fompany as a result of tha l-I r^tdatioTi o( that 
letter I A, Yes, 

Q, Iloir many I A. Before I left, there were 
three families in Kenosha arid One west of 

Q, iMfiat portion of the KernjiHa «rnip*By 
jolted aniiyt A, That wooJd be ahont a third 
of the eom|iaay at least. 

BiU Tharp—for Ptf't^Dirttt 

Q. rty tlie titue yoia ten I A. Yea. 

Q. Vfiu d»n't fcnnw what liapp^ncil aflerwards, 
hi yon don't tcntify alxmt thai, Do yon recnl! 
ihe OErasoi tiint Sir, Hnnloit paid a vihit 1o the 
ICrnniilni eernpntiyl A, Yen, I doi 

Q, Diit lir nsSdntiti 1he Tmii[mpiy nr tluit ofew- 
KJonf A. TlioL i* rifllih Wo arrunptl for A 
ball o;>i!rLlll]y fpj lies vialL 

Q. IVhft th'uk ))rn'«.'ii(, tlutl i«, n-lnil i-rtj^paay 
Hif i nilivj(3itftl» \roK present 1 A. Tim Konojiia 
eaiupwiy wzm prowat in its eniiri'ty and a few 
from other i-iMiipumen fame in. 

(.}. Ami mi that occasion, did Mr. Hn\r[ett tend 
tlia nrtinle entitled L '!ti forma! ion" whieh Inter 
anyienri-d in tiie "Waleh Tanner"! A. I Cliink lie' 

Q. And 1 1 id he plre any talk in odd it ion to 
tiialT Jl. Fern 

(j. And what w;is hia (a!k shoal 1 WTiat was 
the hiilfji'ftt A. As I rentcmher, he fJivc a talk 
nbiVLt Miriam and Aaron criticising Moses be- 
caui=-e of his private life, and Uiiiam being 
striften with leprnay, and the tino of them Ibeinf 
dis i[>p -lived by tln> Lord for criticisinc; Hia **t- 
vant. Then lie showed liow Hi. Moyle hsd taken 
a similar rour&e in erilieisinc; Jndce liutherford 
and the Board of Dii-eeiore at Bethel, 

<j. Did Mr. Hewlett give a diseaspioTi ns to Ms 
krunt'lrd^e of the life at Bethell A, Y'es, 

Q. A»d nHrr the facts yrere prewinted before 
11 if aineoalily, eonld yoit tell whnt effect, if any, 
(he visit of II r, Howiett had upew (he conh 
puny (hjit 'hen r«imiiiie<IT A. It made the dm- 
rinn llMre up parent. Those vho were for tho 
Sedttf bM&BM mor* united, and those, who Were 
for Mu\l<i ![uit tuatUDg to liie company stndic?, 



JJiil Thttp—Fer E<Ji*j-*Cnn 

Q. And after that, thos? that »ere in favor 
of 1he Society, did they eonlinuc lo reside in 
peafu and unity' A r Will >'"« *t«l4 tliat <|Uea, 

Q- l>id tiicy ^niiiirtUi;- to dweil together ia 
piNH'i.' and unity, the company) A, No, 

(J. Tlie brethren that n-ijiasned with the So- 
ciety t A. I canmit Bay that I Lnaw that tliey 
did, because 1 left — 

Q. While you wera the«. A. While I wae 
then;, tltej- did. 

Q. Did Jlr, llu^'ldt in his discussion state 
tluit the cha^pea uiade by llr. Aluyk were un- 
true* A. Yes. He explained why 1 they Were 

Q. And on the occasion that yini rli.s(niiii*d liia 
matter of Mr, iloylo'e kttsr with 11 rs. Sthrader 
— I believe tlml is ^"l*t yea said her naitie was, 
the lady who ii*d the IftterT A, Hits liad it in 
her poe&ouinu, 

<J, Was any n'ideoce odered ouljilde of the 
letter itself in coaae^tion with tiie charge's uuiilf 
in the SeltTj-T A. By lloylef 

Q, Yen. A- Tin! i e «aa no evidence, 

>fr, Covington: That is sdh 

Cr-ois-crafhiiiffd'en v$ lit, BtTtthiiaiarni 

Q. Atr you familiar I'ilh tl»e baok "Crea- 
timi"f A. Tluit ts the find boot I ever read 
by tl>4 Watch Tower Society. 

The Ciwrt: He did not asli you thaL 
Ho u«Jivd you |f you ware familiar with 

Tha WLtntM; Yea. 

BUI Thorp— For Dcltsj-Cross 

Q, That vlevs published by J. F, Rutherford t 
A, TJwl is rigiit. 

Q, And dated 1930, and called the £,955,000 
edition, is that correct I A. Yes. 

Q, you. recall a atnteiuent made in tin rear 
aiioul deliverance which sayv: "It is a gwt-i- 
book briogine; to the reader a vivid dc*Cttptiop 
of the Creator's marvelous plan for majt'f hn\t- 
-fiincss ay.A everlantioj; life, wjiicb xtiows haw Jar 
couturier Satan's organization has ruled the 
i-nrtk Bud in nuponsiUe for tiie ignorance, op- 
]m.'ujii<in mo] miiy'rv of tiie human fondly"; do 
yuu. rei^l] thalt A, J don't rcc*ll iL 

Cj. Timn dn you recall thiji buak, "Fi^iitinpf fur 
liberty on the ] Justus i'ronl" (iudiLatjiig>1 A. 
I do. 

(J. J' ii| you. aver read that) A. I have. 

Q, Have you read this portion of it: 

'"Fnr these F»ur Frcednms, (lie H<rfl tit thu 
Kriint rSclicve they lira Pifrliliqjo/ 1 — mid tltost: 
ate tN Pturfow Of Sp*«h, FrttdaiiL of every 
|K'j-!.or. to worship t'iod, and so forth — "and 
when they are mustered out, they don't eip;ct 
to he disappointed in rcaliiir.e; these Freedona 
in the pyistwar world, iiut are U»}"1 That de- 
pends on how these Freedoms are :.--|i;-ctod and 
foiiflht for on the home front and }?- rfffuflrdinj 
ri^iTiiniit ofScials w]m aha*ft (heir [lower and 4n- 
thorily iit the ir4lcrMt^ oT tieirmh dtemta." 

Do you recall that! A. I rwail it 

Mr. Cevsnirton; At ttiia time we mave 
that the entire booklet — the question is 
immaterial and irrelevant and ku no 
bcaring on tha com. 

Dili Tfutrp—F&r ntitt-—Cr**t 

The Court; Objeciien sustaijiLiL Btrika 
out the;-. 

Q, One of your profcBbione of faith M that of 
lliii ijoijLL-ty iq free speech, is it no'.T 

Mr, Covington ; Wo are goiJijr to momo 
fur a mistrial on account of the unkiaK of 
tliat que; tion that counsel hiuj jiut read. 

The Court: Tha motion ii denied "Shi 
jury will disregard, of course, any cjutl- 
tions or answers that are stricken. ouL 
Tha objection to ih» question which bat 
not yet been made ii sustoisei I fJUntt 
yoa. want to object to iL 

Q. Y'on are serving in what capacity 1 A. 

Q. In. 1$'£>. A. I was a company tcrvaot *rt 
iCetiQaha, tVtsconsim 

Q. You weren't *pcndinj; all yonr liino on tli* 
"Watch Tower" at that limoT A. P*Tdo»1 

Q, Were you devoting all of your time to the 
Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society *t tint timet 
A. Yes, sir. 

Q. Ware your expense* paidT A. Uo, not en- 

Q. Some of ttiemt A. Soma of them were, 

Q. You say that yon are an ordained ministaH 
A. That ia right. 

Q. Where were yon ordained T A. I was or- 
dained in two different places, yon might say. I 
was ordained in Mcntana when I was baptized. 
Later I was olfitLajly ordained by the Wutoh 
Tower Society in 1932, 

Q. Where wai th*tl A. Taut Wt in Uoafaqa, 



Kill yAnrjj— For Defit.—CTDsa 
Q. \1"m that After any period of study! A, 

(|. How lun^ a period 1 A. I have beta study- 
Jjij; fur twig yearn. 

(J. WJiL-n-t A. la Montana. 

Q. Wan [Hat ntudy in hooka! A Bucks and 
"'Watch Tfiwcf" and other infei-mation. 

tj. Jum d.1 lending the Wal<Ji Tnwer mfetiaipi, 
ia that it! A. We hid our iluJy cJu*seH, whic''i 
we attended. 

[J. Sb (hat after two years of attending Watch 
TWur itntly claimes yon. were, ordained a min- 
ister in tlio Watch Tuwer arjraniaatianT A. That 
in i-L^'lil. 

Q. Jh 1hnt Ihn ukual nt'ri&d of liim-T A. There 

isn't uait" lime l-e^iuireiniint, 

Q- Willi'. lLij tlie-y ^Lvc }u:i, a :■• r!Lr.::j.ti:T A. 

Thi-v btaugl jjifr a «Jiril authorising in* to Pepr*. 

aenl (hern, 

y. Did y«n in tins cnuriw of your work a* eoni- 
puny wnnint kp n round to deliver literature 4n4 
tract* T A. Nat n* company urnral, EO. 

Q. Or at jlui 1 tisntl A. Yes, sir. 

<j. Have you ever read this letter from Mr. 
Ifoyk'I An The nut which w«j a copy of (he one 
given to Judge It'ithcrfondT 

i,i. Yea, A. 1 read it 

1}. When did you mad it T A. I r**d it v.1. n 
t-"H My nMUtjauodJ, lira, Schrtcdt-r exhibited it 
at licnoidm cfltnpnny. 

fj_ And then Ihe next tldog you tar *Ft*r Llm.t 
letter wii til* article, of r I at in t:i* 
"Watch Tower" that Mt. lloyle *a<i dismissed 
for unfaitiif ulnem t A. 7 don't reinemb^r whitti 
I read fiwt, that or tht l*tt*ir, 

JJ:ii TAitj'jj— Few- Defts.—Ctttt 

Q. Bo that tin: letter may hare coeds after 
thaH A. It might have, 

Q. And you accepted chat statement from the 
" V.'atth Tower," (hit Mr, Moyle wan unfaithful, 
didn't yoisf A. That id right. 

Q, You would arcepl or.y statement, made by 
the "Watch Towerl" A Yea, nir. 

Q. Ik-Lac, that thk in (f ad 'a- organization 1 A. 
That ia right. 

Q. Ha yon don't cjiieistion any artieka that they 
print 1 A. I don't t|UH*Lion, 

Q. And yea also aoaiitfld the article of "In- 
^01^1100"' «n OttalKr l&th, Juid lh« *' Snafu" 
article On NVfrnibtr I G',h 1 A, Ye*, air, 

Q. And fiflvit it the (4rne eralenett A. I ne- 

■;:i. ;:h ;" l!njlq r 

Q. Vflu mid tliat Mr. Pollack h«4 Uiiff UttM il 
uciiae mating, aa 1 understand it f A, I livn't 
#et your queation. Vou ijhiui— 

Q. iMlutkt A. Yea, »jr, 'ui r«ad it and other* 
did alao. 

y. Ttiat is, lie read it to hiraaclfl A. Ye*, nir. 

Q. And lie. hrought it to tlm rnL-frtin^ ia Uiat 
l'l-:i"iv;' A. No, lis didn't bring it to 1hr nitrl- 
ing. lira, Hdaradcr brought it, ym, iir, 

(J. II m, Schraderl A. Mr*. f^Lradcr. 

Q. lir. lloylt •wasn't ihtttt A. Ho WMft't 

Q, Knae or Ilifl Hoyle familyf A. No. 

Q, i i:my many were there in tfmt jrronp in 
your (t™.Ti there T A Aoout 35. 

Q, You don't know whether or nut thont 
people tltnt left returned afterward* dn j-nul A. 
They didn't return. 

£ii! Tkarp— For DefU.—Crott 

Tim CotLrii 
did or notl 

i-'o yon know whether they 

Q, Do you knov cJint of yo-ur own knowledge! 
A I haven't hi ,;: 10 Kenouha per£Dnalij r . 

Q, You <l«n'l know that of your own Liuswl- 
ede;eT A Mot of my own kmowledcje, no. 

Q. I &-k you if you recall reading jq tli-e 
"Wa.t1.-I1 Tower" of febrmify li"n 1933, liii» BUiic- 
inenti "If tl»! telling of JliaL" — 

The Court; Wait a minute, Stw*» liim 
the atatemnt mu) anb him if h* hud it ho 
we wiLL have no controverts hone. 

ij. I dlunt you Hi*' "Watch Tawf" of Fehni- 
ory ]?, liUL page .'i.T, tin: part that 1 bar* mnrkrd, 
ami auk you iu rvail it. It ia a very nlmrt «tpti;- 
aicEt, doM~n lo the Keriplurc*' ,-.i. ;. 

Thft. Ciilli'l; Hiivh' y«n n'.id Ih^t liofnrcT 
Tin- Wi1in'*pi; Y«i, jiir. I have re-ad it 1*- 

Q. Bu vim ajfrpi' willi 1luit Nlniiini-nlT 

J[r r Covinjrton r ],et nn 1 take a look at jt, 
jlh'iLnft. If ;ijiir Mi ■ 1 1 1 :■ t- pdrniMc, tliiu lino of 
iiifiuify, of (akini? up tliem! varinim publica- 
tion* we, tlii* one partietilarly, j* 
iinmnterin] and I would like to have ytai 
look at it. 

Mr, BrwlihaoKn: Credibility, if your 
TTonOr ptenwr. 

The Coort; I think Use first Benteaoe ia 
nil right, I think after that it is objection- 

: 5 ,-.'i 
Joiept S!mtl—Faf r><:<H.—Diteci 

lir. Erutlihs'QjjtELL it ia a very aliort 

The Court l 1 Ihink the firat atatement ia 
all 1 :, : i.t. 

.Mr. JJruchhauten: I am going to witii- 
d row it for the moment. 

Q. Juut gne tiiinp more, Did. you notice the 
efiett that the articles iu the "Watch Tower" of 
September 1, 1339, October 15. 1935), and Vvstm- 

lntr l.j, 12)3!), bad tm the grvftji* that J'Ou, vi*:1k3T 
A- I didn't viait any prflup* at tlial tirne. 

Tin; Court; What tffect did they have 
On y.ur i-<i:;i;;>i.j, , if 4inyT 

Th£ WilDtu; Tl.i- l.rnL thtnj,- wik u>rt 
of a surprise, aa I reuieonlji.'-f It. It raujiiil 
a good deal oF perplexity in the coiapany. 
The neit two atatenienta re.iuJtad in Lhoae 
who held with the Society becoming more 

The Court; Yes, 

>fr, BrotfahaoMa : Thnt i» all, 

Mr. CoviBHton : That U ail, 

(WilneM e*.*u»*d r } 

JOfiREMI SKAEL, residing aiG&ft Fifth Ave. 

nil'-?, Kenosha, Wiacon^in, a wiijw*« eailed in ha- 
hi'lf o( the dffcndnnt), being first doty sworn, lea- 
tifiodac foilow*; 

Direct cxaminatiati hy i!r. Covington : 

Q. What ia your occupation t A I aiq a RMuia- 


JoicpK Skaei—For litfti.—Bittet 

Q, And in connpetion with what organisation 
do you function n* minister T A With the Watch 
To u-er Hihlc &, Tract Society. 

(J. And u]tnt roiafMiny are you auiocinted with 1 
A. Wilh the Kenoaha, Wiaconain eoinpiany, 

Q, And how long have yon hcen onrt of Jeho- 
vah 'rt Wiini'iiscnl A. 1D32. 

Q. I* your faniily connisMtnl with the Kenoaha 
eoniftaniyl A. Tcs, sir, 

Q. lto you know tin; plaintiff, 0. R, lloylal A 
I do. 

(J. Mow long have j<?o knuwj, himT A. Since 
ahout I9S3, 

Q. Do ytiu rwall wln?n Mr. Hfnyk osmc hack 
frnm Brooklyn 1 And tuolc up his rtHictrnar in 
WiKconsinf A. I do, 

Q. Wlien wan. that, if you remembert A. I he. 
lii'.-i; il is. in the latter part of AupniHt. 

Q, Do ynu r«jill when you firjit learned thnt 
Mr. Mnyli' kivk rrlaminj; to WiproTwinl A. I do. 

Q, An*3 when w»k tlmt t A, Ttat wna in An- 
gB:il, *i,iO)c( init, 

Q, Did ynu ever mx a copy of the letter dated 
July £1*1, ,iddre*5,'d lo J. F, Tlntherford and 
sitrne-il by O. ~R. MoyleT I ahow you f laintiff 'j 
Bjthibit 4, 

The t'Durl; liave yon erer jsean a eopy 
of thai letter before! 

The Witnena: Yea, I have. 

Tlie Court: When ar"3 wiicrfc? 

The Wilneim: 1 saw this about the first 
part of StpJember nt the — 

The Court: IPSO* 

The Wiiri'j.H: Yes, air, at the Kanoaha 
company Sunday meeting. 

Jo&tph Skatl^-Far f>t/H.— pirtcl 

Q. Was it at the Sunday meeting! A That ia 

Q. Who iiad the letter t A A Lira. &hrader 
hi.,1 tlbe letter. She wad |»aadiiig it around to the 
friend* who wanted Lo read the letter. 

Q. Wan nhc a member of tEie KenoHhn eotujsnny 
of Jebovali'u tYitneiteal A Urn. fjabradvr wan, 

Q. How many ptople w* re enn nottad with that 
company t A. Tiuire WnH* alrf>ut 3fl people a>a- 
nn!i;ted with Ut* CMlipUiy at that tii:nj, 

tj. At this Jehovali'a Witatiijetii A, Thnt it 

tj. What elfect, if anythine;, did thin letter have 
upon the Kenoulm company of Jehovah'a Wit- 
nHMsesT A. Tt niased a whote lot of eonf uiion. 

Q. And an, a rcault of that tanf acion what hap- 
pened f A, A great breaking away front th* eom- 
pany took place. 

Q, Y»u recull the orvoaion when Ur. Ifowlelt 
pnkl a. vi*lt to IscnnahaT A. 1 do. 

Q, Were you present nt the time of tlie meet- 
ing T A. Yea, I waa. 

Q. Did you hear him read the article entitUd 
"Infi>r:iTitian"f A. 1 did. 

Q. Did you hear him make the otiu>r auto- 
lutnU* A. 1 don't exactly recall, but I believe 
tluey were taken up. 

Q. About how nutny people broke away from 
tiio Kcncs-hiii CT>m;jiiny 4u 7. result of the confu- 
sion and dtsueasion 'hat you have described.} A. 
Fruin tJn^ mm; tnat iioyitg retumfd from Urook- 
iyn bii Win*60?in vp te ihite thcrt ere about 2& 
tviLrml ui'tu that hroke avay froto the Water Tower 
Eihie Sl Tract Koeicty. 

Jateph Skati—For DejU.—Crvii 

Tho Court; Ha Hiked you about Ken- 

TIm) V/ilLfEs; From J\cmo&ba, yes. 

Q, is this the Kenosha company you ui talk- 
ing about I A. That in right 

li. Was it an An;criean company motlLyl A. 
It w«s muds up modtEy of l'olish members front 
L.::i (Line, 

Q- Wliut !iaj)[w;n«lT Htm,- ninny l'oliah families 
lire maw eon net Lc>J with the Eutmaaa company 1 
Al U;ily about one or Inn i*olihh ittstiilie* arc 
ooniterlvtl with, tlte Kenosha company new. 

Q And all others t A. Have saitered from 

Q. Did you allend also the mseiine of the 
MilwauLfct, Wiseooaim tsowpiuny of Jeborah's 
Witnesses viiien Mr- 0. It, Jloyle made & abate- 
ment Wore the HHiipnnyT A. 1 did. 

Q, Did you hear Mr. Afoyl* make & f-tatemeritl 
A, Yea. lie pit up on tins stage with 11 r. Fink 
and be did read a statement. 

The Court! lis read the statement? 

Tho Wilnew; Yes, sir. 

Q. You heard him. read it I A, Yes, sir, I did. 
J[f. Covington: That is all. 
CrwS-eXQutu'i'l'en ty Jtfr. finftpAflusew: 

Q. How old are yont A. I am £5. 

Q. How long have- you been a minister T A 
1 have been a fully ordained miaiiiter tinea 13+D, 
but I have been associated — 

The Court: He ajskod jon haw long 
you were A imfliitcr. 

Jeitp i £fca*( — for Deft*. — tJj'Ofs 

Q, How long did you study to become- a min- 
ictort A. Ever since ISOi 

Q. Willi (be Watch Tower people 1 A. That 
la right 

Q- Attending classes' A, That it riznlt, 

Q- So (but *te lie rh[OJrtd period of studyt 
A. There u bo required period whatsoever. 

Q. 1b them any' «XMnin*iio:j.f A Nn, sir. 

Q- la it ttvo length of time that qualifies yon 
to ba ft uiniatcri A. No, it is your heart soo- 

Q. Who examinud your hexrtT A. The Lord 
doea that. 

Q. Weil, is there M agent of tin Lord who 
doea it for yoat A A sennal of tho Lord. I 
am i servant of Lha Lard, 

The Court: He uaya, bs thrre an opent 
or servant of the Lord thu.i rwnisan *au.r 

Tiir Witivtw*; We let (be Lord do ihit 

Q, Hi tliera uny e^iJaae* of 'Jio Lord h * d«i- 
;Lon aa '« whether you an qualified or iu>tf A. 
Well, it la up to each individual ta du ill bo 
inuwj kOW— 

The Court- ■ Hot do vo-n btenrna 4 tnja- 

The Witneai: Jif jam h»n ..jt-diliun. 

The Cffttrt: You mean yoa. diviilo Uut 

The Witness j Yes, air. 

Tho Court: And you uy, "I am a 
mi nix tar"! 

Jvstplt Slud—Ffr Dcfti. — Croij 

TIji; WitiifiLa : Vi.!i, *ir h nnd you put in 
your (ail lime. 

Ii. Vua n]^i;ki5 abui;t these Polish mtmbitra. 
i>id ilmy «ii««k- English 1 A. iloiit of thena did, 
nut itrjr Mi']], hut lliey sprite Engliib. 

(J. Ijitl Itn'y rvaA in Kn^liah. or in I'olii.hl A, 
"I'Iil-\- mAil Polish, but tin; teller wis in Esiuhxlu 
fricnu* rtud, the letter la tiL«m. 

(J. Wji* \\ read out luutit A. To »imiu af l!h.;mi 
iisciii U- ri tl,at eould not read, ye*. 

(}- Tnu say that Mra. KeliraJer brou^hl tho 
LiIht in Un.-re 1 A. tiJ:c is Llie one had II ik tL'tlrr. 

Q. Hi™ long haa nhe beau a member uf lh« 
IVjlIh'Ii TuwerT A. I du^'t fcnos'. 

(J. Were you in charge of (he claui that Mr*. 
.Si'hmdcr d [tended 1 A. Hit, 1 waa ni.L in cliAr^o 
oF thill. 

Q. ]>id you know Mn. Schrailtrt A. I did. 

Q. How [oiae; hail you Vtiwwn. Jicr? A. I liavo 

fcr.uWn hfir jqntfl BO<iul IfJiJlj, 

Q. Acid lnsj the been in your class! A. tihe 
lian bean, ym. 
q. And >»u ire very friendly with herl A. 

T ■'■ ■j.n. 

Q. And aha tfw, IPOJi W*4*b Tower attend- 
ant T A. M hs waa. 

Q. And Wakh Tower advocate 1 A, That ia 

CJ. This! ai-ti*le of SKptelnbtr lit, you rctd, 
did yuLL null A F T Jlil- 

(J. That haa beeu rtferred (* bero. A. Te« h 

Q, Yon read that before lha letter, dldfl't 
you I A, Before which Lett^rt 

Q, Before Moyle'a letter I A. I don't recalL 


Joseph Skael — For SJtJU. — Grata 

Q. IVhea that letkr on thai trlitte of Sep- 
lembeir lit winch TL-fef^etl t* J.((r r M*yle beinR 
di;.ij.i:sed for anlaithfulneia wat brought tu the 
attention of the membership, what effect did 
thai havel A. That eeesned ia *ort of tlabiliie 
the ?n;npar. y a little, 

Q, fn other wontb, npy arlicle from the 
"Watek Tower" tttMittd Ihetnt A. Tbat ie 
rijilil, so Far aa ocpaji Liatioiv. 

t>. Wag that becaate they couldn't dtBbelieve 
onytfainB; that earns from Ood'e orpaniiation on 
earthf A, Thnt ia rig-lit. We belie™ everything 
that wmee from the Lord's orjfBniiatJoo a» the 

Q. You doa't quarrel with, anything at all 
eainin;; from the Ijord'a organization on earth t 
A, We L(j!i*ve everything thai does come from 
tho Lord's organization. 

The Court : That ia the Watch Tower. 
Tlie Witness; Yea, air. 

(J. Kg that it would not he ri«?n*ary For you, 
nor did you meko any L=»juirv at all idu-iut tl^e 
facta buck of oil tliiuJ A. WeLi, the h-tter thai 
waa — 

Tlie Court: Did you make any inquiry 
or was Jt necessary for you to ntuke any 
inquiry 1 

The Witness : rfo, it waa not 

Q. For io^caoce, you didn't make any inquiry 
to find out whether ht not Mr, Moyle waa a 
Judas, did youl A, No-, sir. 

Q. You tiwl it for granled breiuiw the Watch 
Tower said he wn a Jndaa tliat he w*» a 


Joseph Skael—For Dtflt.—Cmi 

Judait A, I don't recall that tho Watch. Tower 
called Sim thai 

The Court: Whatever it naid, yen, took 
for grajitedt That ia what you an btll- 
ii;t- uiT 
The Witoeas.: That is righL 
^ Q. So that theirt articles that camB arid w**b 
pubLishcd in Use Wlttb Tower of Kcptember 
l^tb, the ''Information" article and the 
" Sjj-.o res ' ' article etabLliHxt 1lm Wateb Tower 
(K'n I il,;- T A To a certain ftitent, yea. 

Q. None of them withdrew aFhjr they read 
those articleaT A. Oh, MO, they did. 

The Court: You nocsn yes, aome. did 
withdraw T 
The. WilneEi: Eiuraa jrsght alonu;, 

(J. Ifow many withdrew frnio it when they 
read the Information article f A. That 7 don't 

Q. J Tow many withdrew and where frDm when 
they read the " H SnuneB" arlicleT A. I don't rc- 
eiill thai either. 

Q- Did yoQ ever knowl A. No, becau$a it 
took a period of tuna for them to roaka up 
their minds. 

The Court: TO* Answer is "No, I 
never knew." Don't make speeches. 

Q. Well, one thing more; you speak about 2S 
■MHtoWl jfoin^ a«ay from the Kenosha dm. 
A. Thai ii right 

Q, Ar« you (till a tuefnhex of that clasat A. I 

JtttpH Siatl—Ftr DrfU.—ktdiTtct 

(J. What ia the nuCEil^riijii]) nr-wT A. We haT» 
a memberjiliip of about 30 pubjinher*, 

Q, That ia about the aamo as it bus always 
bcenl A, Yes, sir. 

Redirtct tzatninatum by Mr. Cuvingtvn ; 

Q. Your earthly ordibiitiosi ii. I rr>m the Watch 
Te-wer Difale L Tract Societyt A. That is ri(;bt 

Q- Did you receive the same sort nf an orcbu 
nation aa did ttio Lord Jesus Chrisfcl 

J[r. II rucJihausen : I object to that. 
The Court; That calls for a coodcu 
si on. 

Q- For the benefit of the jury, compare Iba 
orjlJJiation thai you received with that which 
the Lornd Josua CbriHt had. A. The Jjord re- 
ceiited his ordination }>y the Baptism- and the 
River of Jordan ajal tho Ryjnhol of water, and 
tliat ii the way I received mine. 

(J. Wliat Scri fiturnl authority da yon have for 
your ordination in Hint tnanotrl A, ft is thie 
Scripture in which it aaya, wlr-f4 it aays, "Tho 
spirit of tlie IjOhI ia upon jmu, tlie spirit of 
the Lord anointed you to gu pn;ach to the 
people of good tidings to the meet," and jo 
forth, and so on. 

Q. And is that Isaiah, til :1 and! St A. That 
is right, 

Q. Ifow were yon consecrated a=d wheat 
A. That is inwardly. 

Q. And have you entered into a covenant with 
JehovHlt 10 serve him aa a footstep follower of 
Christ Jesust A. I did. 

Q. Wl*t it yew draft clwsifoation.T A. *D. 



Jotcpk StatI~-For HefUj—Reerosi 

Q. What is lhati A. Tint ib a ministerial 


■Q. Th* present company of which yum speak, 
in that the horne people that used to cnnstilulc- 
that company, or "»Siu: source — A. No, sir, 
these are tilt flaw publishers (kit hove i-ulc-red 
since tlie Itmjo that UoyW eaine fr»m Brooklyn. 

litcrots ainainatin* hg Mr. Brvskkav*™-. 

£J. Do you claim to have been BvplEuxt in 
tin? Hiver Jordan I A. No, sir, a symbol of 

C[. Any riverl A. That is rifiht 

Q_ \w, diil you talk with the defendants' at- 
torney about this taw:? A. I did. 

Q. When I A, A few day-" ap>. 

(J. tkn you knnw tliat (hose men in tin- cJn*S 
lLLiI n "I leave until 1D40T A. I don't pet tho ques- 

(J. Tj.:-n'l yOn lump Ljuii till- :iic;i thftt J'OU refer 
to AH hnvinc; li L ft (hci Kenosha ilhln'l h'l'.'C 
1hsl class until the yesr 19401 A, No, I don't 
know that. 

Q. Are you positive that thot w?i*a h t tlw year 
193&T A, From Ifltl* onward, yes, 

Q. Wltal month in li»j*J and when did the fipit 
mo-ijibeii of that elans leave t A. Wheal 

Q. No, who in 15J9, what month in YJS) did 
any membera of that class leave f A Well, I 
don't recall the month, hut I know from 1939 
onwards 1hey went dropping Out. 

The Court: How many left in ii&t, do 
yoii know! 
The Witness; Wo, i don't imsIL 
The Court: A bigger portion of this 

£. JiUe» £o«nie— JV Dtfu.— Direct 

23 or 30 [Lit yon say left, did tliey leave 
in 1339 or in 1940 T 
The Witnessi Tiiey left in urn ill 

groups, a- family at a time. 

if. Did wore go in 1939 thin 1340 T A. if are 
west in the bftisinningv in ths latter part of 1939 
and tlit fiint pari of ICttO. 

{Witness encused.) 

2. AIU^T BOUltNE, residing at Bouts 4, 

Grt-en Bay, Wisconsin, & witness called ia behalf 
"f the defendants, hting first duty mom, taili- 
lied an follows: 

Direct tramijiaUrS* by iff. Otaciiton: 

Q. What ii jour oeeupatiouf A. Minister of 
the Gospel, 

Q. And in connection with what organisation 
do you function as a minister! A. The Watch 
Tower tUhlc & Tract Society. 

Q. And how Ion |f liave you been connected with 
the Watch Tower Uible i. Tract Bocinlyl A. 
Since the rail of 13-% 

Q Do JW ir,o* n Jlr. 0. fi. II ovist A. Tea, 
I do. 

Q. Hot long have yon. kniwn the plaintilf 
0. Ii, Moylel A. I became ni-qiminted — 

Tic Court: He said, bow long. 
Tha rt'itnftNa: Sjinro 133& or 193B. 

Q. Dm Y/ou knnw LeJnnd nvnd Idiur* Rouse f A. 
Ysb, I do, 

^. Where weK you living durinj; Lhs year 1939 

£. Atte* Bourne— For Heftij— Direct 

in tbe months of August and September t A. I 
«a» living ia JuCf«riou County at Lsko llilti, 

(J. Wliere did Lanra and Lrtojij fttiumc ||v« at 
tin; timet A. At Lake, afillo, WiK-uni.sji. 

(j. And during that time were yua tonnectod 
or (cquainted with th«:u in connection with tin 
company of J tha vah '* ^'rvantn I A, Yi-* h sir. 

(>, What company t A. It wim lingwn as the 
fjiko Jliila' company hut named (lie Jirfferiun 
Company on the Society's records. 

Q. And where was tlw rotating pto« sitontcdT 
A. It was a rttidutn on North Haiu Street, 
Jjd;a Milk, Wisconsin. 

Q. I tho* you Plainliff^s Exhibit 4, a letter 
dated July 21 , l*J3a, mldxesaed to J. P. Ituther. 
ford, lignvd by 0. H. Koyle, and I atk yon if you 
)iuva ever seen a copy of that lcts<!j-. A, Tea, »ir. 

Q k And what place vtt itt What u>wrt ww it 
that you e aw a tvpf of Unit Mler int A. At 
Lai(j llilLn, Wistonuin, at tic homo of Carlisle 

Th* Court; Wheat 

The Witp^aa: SomOtime in Aogost, in 

ij. And in what connection *a* it that yon had 
with the fornjuiny at Lake Mills at that timet 
A, T we: the company'! serrant. 

Q. And prior to tint had you heard about thiit 
h-ne: being circulated in the company 1 A, Yet, 
I had. 

Q. And you law it in August — 

Mr. Brudiauwn; I chjuct to thai aa toa 


Z. Alien SomrBj— for Defti r — Direct 

gcnei-ai, if your Honor please, and 1 toots 
to strike out the answer. 

The Court: There h**n1 h«n any an- 
swer. He just <t*rl*d tW fitueition, 

Q, Wliat effect, if any, did the circulation of 
this letter in that c*ir-[>any hare ujion the aiero- 
here of Use c wr-pu-iy T A- ft rii>;ed the meniberfl. 
of the eompAny to- doubt $'r. einierity of the- 
pri'iiLilrnl of tin; SctStty anil to doubt the pur- 
poSe of the Sodtty ar.d cauaetl confuiion and St 
cOodjtion of UsharEpOny. 

The Coort: How about yoat 
The Witness: I bad no doubt* in my 
own mind. 

Q. "What happened at a result of that condi- 
tion.! A. Well, the h>jt thing that happened as a 
result, I made it my bnaipei* to call on these 
people n:i(i pet their attiiwU, and I found that 
approximateiy three of the active fairiiliea aano- 
ciated with ttiat compunjf wero doubtful as to 
the purpoees of the Society, 

Q. And had hhsy been Tisited by Leload ar,d 
Laurt BoasaT A. Yea, sir, they had. 

Q. Vr'i^f Ijelaod and Laura Rouse associated 
"with that compitny 0j:i1 altetodin^ the meetings t 
A. T ci, thoy were. 

Q, After you discovered the letters lieijijt eir- 
enlsted was the matter taken, before the company, 
at you recull 1 A. Yes. it was, 

■Q. What if anything did yoa do in p rewntiOst 
the matter to the company with r*feren(?o to a 
pltdse of loyalfy to the &Kiety? A- The mat 
1st was !^.w^?nt'd *nd a resolution was read it 
this company. 

Z. Alien Bourne— For Dc/U.—Dirttt 

Q. Am] who wis? present at thai timet A. 
!Ii.T.t uf the atUra meiuWrs of tbe company vero 

fir, :iL 1:1' ■• 

Q. \Viin Inland and Laura Rousa present 1 A. 
Vuii, they *'er&. 

Q. And H.rt Lhit (kjfiu;ii>ij diil ypu eatl for e 
vote uf tl.uire pniHftitl A, Isanodhiiely follow- 
ing the readijiL; this letter a i-otc by atSittdiriK 
to adopt the acknowledgment of this resolution 
w-as enlfed for. 

(J- And did Letttml and Laura Itouse standi 
A, Vi-. sir, they did, 

Q. After this resolution did these letters con. 
tinuc to be circulated and discussed in tbe midst 
of the -company T 

air. tlrtulihaud-enj 1 object to that nn- 
lejid. detaitri are ^iven. 

The Court: 1 wiLi permit the ^meBtion. 
1'lxCepliuC to t."i: plunliff. 

A. Vi'i, 1iicy w-ere d:ntriln'lt<l following that, 

Q. Til is eOM'i]iu:iy wan nnt visi^-d by Mr, Hn>w- 
kiH, was it) A, No, it wan not, 

Q. fJo you know when tlii-i c^nji^any attended 
a meeting that »ii attended by itr. Howtettl 
A. A ])ort]oo of the coiupar.y attended a ncijjii- 
horfaig Liiceting held by Mr. Hewlett. 

Q. And at what place, do you know I A. 
Ikloit, Wisconsin. 

y. Did you read tlie article entitled "Infor- 
mal ion" published in the "Watch Tower" oC 
Octabar 15. lS39t A- Yes, »tr r I did. 

Q. I>Ml the other DKmhtrt ft t|» torcpfliT also 
rend it! A, Yes, 

Q. What effect, it aiy, did the rtading oi the 


£* Aac* BownB—FoT &tfis. — Crntt 

article entitled "Information" by the members 
of the couipany have upon the unity of thB com- 
pany 1 A 11 brought shout a reassurance 
amongst a portion of ihu company end confirmed 
their faith in the Society oocc a^aia. 

<J. Did Jiny of "fia company break away or 
|eav« the C-uufi regalioa t A. Yen, they did. 

Q. Well now, how many, pJca«ef A, As I re. 
call, there were particularly five families that 
were more befiv* than the rcat, — 

The Court; He didn't a*k you tJuit, 
Tlic qucitton is V*ry KJiople, How jiuwy, 

The Wiin:;- n : aIm,;il thuce of Uut ova 

Q, Was any evidence offered by Leland ami 
Laura Jtovse otlurr than this letter (hat had 
been cirellat«<l in support of tlw charge* made 
in Mr. Moyle's letterl A. None whatsoever. 

{). Did yon believe the eliarge* made in that 
letter of July 21, 193!) f 

The Court; Tb*t is Moyla'* ]*tt*r. 

Q. (Continued ) iloyle's letter to tlie Society. 

A. No, 1 did not. 

II t. Cuvin^ton: That is all. 
Croji-eacamiitafion oj iff. Bruchha\iie»; 

Q. Hew old are yoaf A 2i, 

Q. When were yon ordained T A, I was or- 
dained by the Watch Tower in 1927. 

Q. Huw lutig djd you study in. the Watch 
Tower ht'fore ordinationf A. Two and a half 

Q. Just by attending classes * A. By attend- 




Z. Ailir, Bovrub—F&r Dcfli^^TMi 

ing the studies under tha direction of the Walidi 

Q, Did you go to any schools before thatl 
A. No. 

^, Kevtr attended any schools! A- No, sot 
under the direction of the Watch Tower, 

Q. Did you ever attend any ether schools f A. 

Tti* Court: What are thtyt 
Tfci-e Witaeae: Gr»de echool and l»"gti 

The, Court i Did you, prsdnate from 

liii;':i SChooll 

Tii* Witness: Yd*, iir. 

fj. Did yon know somebody in tbo Watch 
Tower before yon went inl A. I didn't get Uld 

0,. Were you acquainted with anybody in tbo 
Watch Tower before you went inl A. Aa- 

Q. Yeaf A. Y«. 

<^, How did it coma la yiMir attention, ihtuajjh 
tin: mugoHtttf A. I don't pt U.p. meaning of 
your qnwliea. 

Q. 1Id»- did (he. Watch Tower Bible ft Tract 
Society cosno Id your attention, through Una 
kaagaiina that tiny f*t out, the "Watch Tower" 
niagaiineT A. I became particularly interested 
lUmujeih their broadcast* over tha ra&o, 

Q, Tbey bad Ibeir own broackaating atatjoul 
A, Ycsv air- 

Q. And you Listened to Mr. Rutherford over 
the bruudeaiH, ia thai itl A, Yea. 

Q. Ho* many vera there in thia chija of litre 

Z. Jlit* Eo«nte— For Dtftt'—Cwt 

iliiLal A. There ware live famaLcu ; I couldn't 
give you the ejeact figure but. I would estimate 
"it at about 2b attendant*. 

{J. You jiitt enid A moment a^o, didn't you, 
that aa you recall it, JWk t<#4 thin latter of Mr. 
Moyte in Ijlb boras of lha Baerd in August of 
13331 A. Yea, I did, 

Q. Did you. tidk to tin, attorney before yon 
came, to court todayt A, I tfkUl him— 

The Court: Did yon talk to bintT 
The Witness: Yes, I did. 

Q. And'5 ha talking to you about (late* 
bftcic in. 1359, happening* La 19331 A. Yei, we 

Q. When did you arrive here from Wiwwat&l 
A, Last Tucaduy. 

Q, Are yon, slaying at Bethel 1 A, No, I am 

Q. Did yon talk about those dales, Ah^jlsL, 
19:13, and the dated, you have testified to at any 
Lima prior to your gelling to the attorney '# 
oQtcol A, Yei. 

Q. Out in WiscoBiin, did youT A. Yua. 

tj. When hut did yuii talk to anybody out in 
Whioonnin an to bi-ipj^ at 0:i Bacru" liui'ni in 
AujjJt, 19391 A. It hi* ixs*ft nustloaed— 

The Court : H« «dd wIwb W Hi yuu 


The Witness: I tnlkod to my wife |wf- 
bapa the last one, 

Q, Wliat in it that iiiea in your mind that til in 

meuting in the Baera' liome wai in August, IKS', 
ratber tlnui in JSeptembert . A* 1 had gnne on a 

Z. Atlm Sloxmc—FoT DtiUr-Cmt* 

vaiatian aiiout llit limt »-wk in AugaiKt and tliia 
■DutLcr eaitiv i-;> nhcinlv bffurt I went on the 
vacation. Tiiat i« why 1 wasn't at the liowJclt 
ioh u I-,;. 

(j„ How iiitny vfltaliuBa liare- you gone on 
rinrv AuL;uj-;t, 1U3D1 A. I perhaps taiie a trip 
a:ir>: a ynftT. 

Q. You j^o oa a vacation every August, every 
year 1 

The Court l Ajiawer tiie [[uentson. 

A. Not ■every Ainjiim, no definite liate. 

Q, You may g« in Krfrituiljcrl A. I uiifihL 

(J. And do you rwull tliis nrlick of ijKptem- 
bi-r 1, 1939, in the "Wateh 'J'ower' 1 about uo- 
f ai llif uJneui t A. Yea, 1 do. 

Q. And did that cauec diaienuiori in the cJjyisT 
A. I tan't nay tl-nt i1 iliit. 

<i. Well, dy ><>u wapl 1" tell tMx Court and 
jury timl any ]eller n[>pciiriiijr in Ibi; ''WaUili 
Tower" doeiiTt cnuae dii«*iuii"T.1 

Mr. Covington: I obj«l lo that aa ar^ 
jrui oentutivur. 
The Court: The objection i* ttLstained. 

Q. But £l any rate you say that I hero was 
00 dissension in the elaai when tha ijeplamber 
1«1 urtitlH l-jii lit along, is that correelT A. No, 

The Court : Do ynu bjiJ' that there was. 
or there was not dissension ate a r£*,oJt of 
the article of September l«lt 

The Witness: Well, there W a iimitttt 
degree of diuanaian.. 
Q. Diii BjiybtJy leave 1 


Z. AUr-* iJiiJjJ-pW^-FoT /Jt/d^-CfM* 

Tlie Vitneaa; Am a reeult ot that Sep- 
tember l=i urtide.f 

A. N<>, they didn't, 

Q. Did you ever Bee Mf, Moyle'i arllale pub- 

limbvd any placa is any noa^axinet A, No, I 

Q, Wn* there any dLeaennticii after the article 
of October lith, tiie *' J p fnnnoation " articlaT A- 
Nd, no a .liLiLi-n.-J dia»oiiiiom 

(J, He tiie «te.t,H then up to tluit time waa aLa- 
bdiwd and intaet, wi't ill A- No, it wasn't. 

The: Court; Thvrv waa diajenaion be- 
fore tliat but nut aa a raault of liioee ar- 

Q. Did tlia articles Mp U- stahiliiat A. I 
cun't Jiiieak for all the individuala. lo ray, it fully cnnviiwed ma, 

Tiie Court : Y<m (aid yon had no 
doLdrts, on your dirnet eiatoinaiion. 
The WiUc*h; Tiiat ia right. 

Q, The- company atall ulUndcd tli* meetings 
or (bo members continued iu aLteodt A. They 
weren't all repular Btlendnntu front then on. 

Q. \S'«-1I, tliey were £JiLl ^itli tlie Watdi Tower, 
weren't llny'T A. Ye*, 

Q. Tliey <i:dn't withdraw fr*ffl the- Watch 
Towarl A- Well, there wasn't re-gvdarity aflBT 
Uiat aa thcro had been prior to tiiat. 

The Court: Yoii nBd«-rHtand English, 
jl. :i: I tin' fjueation, 

(,The foregoing ofte^tioR w*» trtej»upon 
read by Oie Court Leportur.J 

A. No, they aadn'l, not oBlciaiiy. 


Z. AWt* jfournt— For Dejtt.—Croti 

Q. You read this tetter of Mr, iloylo'i, didn't 

youl A. Yei, air. 

(j. And that set forth iiU reaaona for leaving 
Bttlltl, U that eorrcetT A. Yea. 

Q. And after he got to Wisconsin, after this 
lirni'k.! of September lit ol lua dibnuEaal, did 
51..U hot bear in;|uiriea ojound aa to why 
iir. .Muyle left, or what waa hia explanation! 
A. Ni), I didn't 

Q. You mean that nobody in the Watch Tower 
group*, after reading (his nrticla of September 
1st, that he wsa diHiiuEwd for unfuitliJuloesa 
inquired or wanted to find nut why and wlint 
was Iwek of itT A- Well, moat of them had 
drawn their decision* hy tlsat time. They had 
Ut. hlnyle's letter and thi-y Iiad the oilier aide 
af it 

Q. You rncun they made np their deeiaion 
bocous* Of liie "Wateh Tower" article T A. To 
t cerlftin eitenL 

Q. So that they tool; Mr. MojU'l letter and 
tlie "Waleh Tower" articles mid decided in 
favor of the WaJch Tower, is tiiat right! A. 
Two of tlie families out of the fwa. 

Q, Ant! that i« hecauae they were .member* 
of Ood't e.^ajii£atiem on eurth, isn't it' A. 

Q. In ntlicr words, £h*y were getting the voice 
of ttod's r<;pre*ejnmtire telling them who to 

Mr. Coviiiffton: Thai is as. ar^osv&nta- 

livi; que&tiorL. 
The Court: I trunk it is. 
Ut, Brachhansen: That ii all. 
Iir. Covington; No fnrther queadeai. 

(Witaeu aicuaed.) 

Cltfrfcj /. Eickkoff—Por Dcjt*j-~&irect 

CHARLIiS J. EICKHOPF, reaidine; at CSO 
Anne Street, Dclamn, Wiscooain, a -witneoa, 
called in bebnlf of lh« defendanta, being nntt 
duly aworn, teBtifsed a* followai 

DirtcbcmtttinaiioH by if', Couinjrort: 

tj. What ia yoar occup*ti*Fi1 A, f am an 
Ordained ilinbter of jehoeah'i Witnoaaea, 
"Watch Tower Bihle * TrWt Society. 

Q. And are yon a full lime miaiatorf A. Yea, 

4. And how lor-f; have yon acted in that 
capatltj for Hie Watch Tower Bible ft Traat 
fjsaietyf A, Ever since 1929, 

0,, There hus been juvJitioa made of the word 
"I'loneer" iu U-e evidence. What is a Pioneer f 
Ami are you onef A, I ant a Pioneer, and it 
ia required that one who pnta in ISO houri a 
month is retojjniied an a 1'ioneer. 

Q r Jiv lh»t a term uaed by the Society lo 
dWpiaie a full time miniate* of the Qoapel of 
the Society T A. Ye*, *if. 

Q. What territory are yon covered or' is un- 
signed tn you in your capacity us jnlnrLftr* for 
the Society t A, The County of Walworth, in 

Q. And how long have yon been acting aa 
full Ijklv minister in tlie felate of WiaooBtint 
A. Ever since 1329, 

Q. Do you know tlie plaintiff, 0. R. Moylal 
A. Ytf, air. 

Q. How lonp; 1-d-ve yit known Mr. Moylsl 
A- I tljihk from Bbout 193J>. 

Q. During tlsat rime and op until lha time, 
that he left to coma to Brooklyn, ware yon wiell 
[icf|uainted with hilnt A. Vary wail aoauaintad 
with, him. 



Charicn J. i'ldUiojf— Far Dc}i*.~-DiTcrt 

Q, Did you rvfihrU bi>n highly in one of Jcho- 
vuIj'h U'LlrjOhse* 1 A. I did. 

Q. Wan he active in the wort of Jehovah's 
Witneaiesl A, Ue wu. 

Q. After Aojrjiurt, It)3S h nr during Angust, 
l!M$t, did yen be*r or ham that Mr, lloylo bad 

returned frOtn New York tO WiiiUOOainl A. The. 
first information I had of that tv tbroagh the 
notice in the "Watch Tower" of September I, 

0, After vofl reecfaed (bat notice in the 
"Watch T«w*r" did you receive any cantmunb 
cjUv.ijl from Mr. Moyle I A. 1 did. 

Q. I *lunr yon a letter and aah yon to state. 
what that is, please. 

The Court: la tiiut (he communication, 

you received from Mr. Moyle t 

The WltlMV*: It it, 

Q. Disi yr.'ti oak or emoiiiiiiiicate with Mr, 

Moyle and aak that lie write you or odviso ¥00 

of Shone uinttcincnip contained in thin latterl 

A. I did r.i.L. 

Q, I* thin the. fifht communication that you 
had frmp Mr. Movie after lie came bock from 
Witeonaiu — causa back to Wisconsin from New 
Yorbt A. ( dttl not kcrnr u-berc he w?n al the 
time wlien i received lbs I letter* 

Tito Court: la that the first communi- 
cation you had after you knew about the 
matter t 

The Witneiia: Yea, 

Mf- Covington: I offer it in evidence, 
VjkLuk a letter daied September 5th. Von 
have a copy of itf 

Charlcx J. Eickkoff— Per Defls.— Direct 

Mr. Uruebhauaen [■ Via. We lull's no 
objection to it. 

(The letter was. received in evident* 
and nnurfced Defendants'' Exhibit D-2G.) 

Q. After you received that letter did you ever 

Kt Mr. JfoyleT A. Yc*. 

(;■. Did you attend a matting at Milwaukee^ 
Wiroonsin, tbat waa attended by Air. Howleltt 
A- I'm, 

Q. Did i'flti two Mr, Moyle oh that ooeftsionl 
A. I think I saw hum in tbe audieuee. 

<>■ T)iJ you talk to him on that octaaionf 
A. Thut I don't recall. 

Q. From the tint you g*t thin teller until 
Mr. Hewlett f f vinit in Milwaukee had yea talked 
to Mr, Moyle at oil I A. No. 

Q. You had liott A. No. 

(J. After that lime did you ever have omv- 
Finn to li«ve a conversation with llr. IfoyleT 
A, Y*a. 

The Court: When snd where 1 

The Witness; He came over to, (fty 

jihice of residence with hia wife and with. 

Mr. and Mrs. Jo? J ueobs. 

Q. When mm thct, please f A. I don't rcmcio. 
her lb* date, but it iv:ii.i alter, I think, after Mr. 
Hewlett's vitit, 

Q. Wtc it daring the month of Qel<jb*r, if you 
ieeuUt A, Very likely it wan at that tiuns. 

Q. What, if anythinp, did Mr, llnyle and ilia 
info and JECoba atate Uie jiurjian^ of their viiit 
to bet A. They came ivv^r to sivc ua a coll, a 
friendly coll, and alao tu discing the matter of 

CKafiti J. Eickhoff—yoT De.ftt.-Di.ftet 

hi H diinviiAaJ from lit* S^etjf Suvd ^nditioni 

Q. l>id you invite him to come QTert A. I did 

Qj Well, no»% \n>w long did tlrtrj tltiyf A. I 
thinl they rain<! about 3 u'clock in tSic Aflctr.oor, 
aud i-L'j:uiiriifd jiuli] about 7, I think, pcriiapH a 
littht .:.|.-r 

Q, Durinjr the oceanion of that vifiit, did itr. 
Mnyle <3iscuH» T»ith j'ou the eontenbi of hi* lc4t*r 
or the chirget that had lietn taaik acjaiauit 
Society, tliat you retail t A. Tlu>ra "am n<i-inO- 
thing Raid cbvii it, 

Q. On. the occHsion of the vidil, did Jir. Mnyle 
i't^iij hi* wife take any exception or make any 
Htattmrrit* in opposition to tlifc Watch Tower 
Hlwtrinea and tenchijifra j A. I don't ,L;it yuar 

Q. l\"aK there *ny utatfmenl tn^te by Mr. 
Moyk or his wife againnt the Watch Tower dne- 
M-ijn.'* ojii! tr-afliinei while they paid their vinit 
to rod* A. Itr, Moyle told me that h.! did not 
■XT** with th* articJea referring to "Filling The 

Q. When did this come np, do yon recall; what 
J'tarl A, Tliat came out in 193S. 

£}. And waa aaythkig else said along that lino 
by either or Mrs, Moyle at ihat timet A. 
Wei]. Kfx'&'imj? of the maticra oootained in thft 
lei i.-r that he had written me and which was er- 
hihilif) here, and the letter that he had orifjinalhr 
written — 

Q. Dariop 1he ■mnnUi of \oTcrabcr did yon and 
yoar wife pay a visit to the Moylaa and if so for 
what purpose T A. We were invited tier* for 4 


GlarSea J. Ei£ib»#—Fe* Btfit^-Direet 

riiaakfigivinf dinner and it waa my ptirpoxe to 

Mr. £ruohhauBcn: I gbjvct U> his V-.-- 

The Court: Yoii went (here for Thanh*, 

The Witncsa: Yea, air. 

Q. Did yea dieaaai with 0. R, Moyle Hie course 
or action tliat he had taken and tbe adviuability 
■u h'\!- ri 1 ,»:ntiii(r imd workiaiff in luuinooy with 
the Society t A, W T <i did tpcah about what be 
h*d churflipd the Soeicty witli h bat nothins spe- 
cific said o« rc?nrd» to advising him, I «» 
wuitinjr fur a hutUf rt[i|iortunity r 

Tin: Court: Never mind what you were 

waiting for, 

Q. Wiih there a diaenxtim a« Co the :>tj plural 
eoune thill he ahoulil hitft tlien in ri-Rird lit 
the Society? 

The Court; 

At the Thanksgiving 

\, I d^n't think that I mode any remark rela- 
ti-vo tu that, I think maybe my wife apofce of 

(J. In your presence, what did she sayT A. 
She referred to the matier aa beinjr better, if it 
wonldn *t b* bettrr for him Id apolojrke and Ret 
hack in line with the Society, aomethin^ V> tliat 

Q. And do you know whether or not Peter 
Moyle wm orcitnt there, or do you recall t 


CJuaUtJ. 8ickl<o{f—For I}*fts.—Crott 

i!r. Covjnj;liflj ; I wiJi nithdraw tb9 

(j. Da you knew the ReiBeMl A, Yi-«. 

Q. li'liiiu] and Ijuro RoaMf A. Yea. 

Q. F will v*k ynu if ujnee Hit: ^jeeaaion of the 
Tiuinks^irinc dinner you havt had any com- 
iiiunir-atinna from ]<clunr| and l.?iurn ifiusc in 
reference to attending enavrntlloh KpoBuWed l>y 
the Down or U.e I'jLflurti] Jiiliir- Inntilutc, A, I 
think that waH at a later time when they wridr to 
UK bdMis; ua to come In a ennWa'titti that they 
were putting un at Ijike ^li'ti)., 

M r. Covington i 1 LcLu'Vu tliat in oil. 

Crust tzamtnaiitn bg Mr. Stvtihaitttn: 

Q. You had Iteen friendly;, J Ihinl; you naid, 
ffir a [nine; tisne with 1he Moylan. haiin't vwiJ 
A. We were frjeiuily with (he Mnyles since nh«ut 

Q. In fael, at one lime your dmicrlder stayed 
at their home all suininc-r, wann't itl A. Vex, 

Q, During tlie m-huu] yeart A. One school 

CJ. W]ien niij) it thnt voq first learned about 
tlii* letter Hmt Mr. MioyJc wrote f A. I didn't 
fcnnw sjiylhinr; aliout t]iot letter until after 1 re. 
teived lhi< one (hat wa* presented here, in thi* 

Q. I oio finuiikiofr (if Mr. Mnvlc'e ]i>ttErlhat he 
wrote to Mr. Rutherford. When did you firat 
tit Uiatl A. I didn't nee that letter. 

Q. As a mailer of fict, yori di(in't Hi that 
letter until you had reqijested a ropy nt it frou^ 


CAaf la J. Eiekfmg—Fot J>tftt.—Cnt* 

Mr. Moyle f A. 1 did not retftieat a oopy of it 
at all. 

Q, Are you aure about Lhatl A. I am, Hnnay 
be that my wife requeated a copy, Injt I didn't. 

Q. Hut at any rate you iaw I he cupyT A. I 
niw the copy at e. diutnnee. W'.y wife read it and 
told tin.- T.- km the eontenta of it were. 

The Court: Ba you koow whether your 
wife mulled a copy of it or outt 

'file Witne*»x I could not defitiitrly nay 
no, f tlunk maybe sbe did, 

ij. You t-uine here at tlie r&jnc*I of the Wat<-h 
Trjwcr Itil-k & Tract j>cople witlii^ul any tnb- 
pwiia n?r auy court jyiiter, did you. noli A, He- 
pen! tlui!, 3>lhn^e, 

tj. You luiVe 4i03iiti iien: In e^turt r1 the re-juc-HL 
of tlie defrodsilU, iiave you not? A Al Ibe re, 
t[uei>t of tlie counneh yea. 

Q, And your tupeiiMK arc being paid here 
olno, are they notf A, Yes, 

Q, Are you on a aalory from tlie organisation I 
A. 1 am not 

ii. You uiy yon are a full time minister T A. 
I not, y«s. 

{J. Do you jrcl the $\f> a monlhl A. I do not 

The Court r Wliot do you pctf 

Tim Witnemt: I get an allowance from 

the literatani 1 )>Imc(i "L^rl I defK,r,d ujkjh 

funds that I psRaeas. 

tj. li.r allowance, yon get a cotnmiKiuon, don't 
you, from the iiteralurel A Y« u to aid eaJ| jt a 

y. Tb^re are pricea put on tliat literature, 

aren't there t A. Yea. 




Charla J. Eizkhafi—Far Dtfi*.— Cmi t 

Q. Tlwre ■* "■ fiJted \ii\m, for instance, for the 
iKHik "triiiiiun," and a fused price for *"Ihe 
Xcw WftrJd," and for "GovtHSDCBtt and Tesc*," 
and oil tlirae different todlu that tarns been writ- 
ten t A. The way ws da, when a person deiire* 
lo iwrerpt a riijiy uf tlit hound book, we. KJiy they 
mn/hl linv* il un a contribution of 25 cents. 

{j, You un« f&tujjjar villi this book, "CrcA- 
liun ,h t 

Tli* Court: If they don't make the 

rannl rihutioti, they can't JlBVt it, 1* lilt 
iih-jl T 

Tins Witness: If tbey say Qmy would 
like to have it and would be xiliine to 
read it, we s> v * '1 Lei them free. 

+;. [tut ynu. tct! Ibif^n ]iqw much the contribu- 
tion >liijuKi lie. You ii<]] the prospect how much 
[In- ronlrihtdion «SunJit lief A. I do. 

(j, 1 pi. fiii-l, yii J have ncen thia l*ofik, "Cr*ft- 
Uihi," haven't youf A, I have. 

(J, iljuvn't you r*en the buck *f Ibii l 'H«rp 
of tied, 3.1 rants postpaid "1 Did you ever we 
I hut T A. 1 think I lift's*, y«, 

tj. No tlml means if liiey n*nd in tliat amount 
they got tlw booh. And in tha back hero, "The 
entire set, "The Harp of Uod,' 'Deliverance, 1 
'Creation,' ' Hcmneiiiatiiffi ' end ' Ci overnment,' 
luotpniil for $1,09," Tint i* OHTedj ian't itt 
A. Yen. 

Q. Well, when did you ftrtt make np jour 
mind tlmt this letter of Mt\ Movie's, wsj not 
trueT A. Sometime nfttr Mr. lloyle either had 
ffiijo to lliivi'sukco— 

Q, Wei il U^'.irr. vuu n-uii tha ietterl A, 

Ckarlit J. EicWwf — For iie/Jj. — Croti 

Q. When did you mai* up jranw mind thai bi» 
Letter v.'a* nol LrueT A. I taiiii to thii cuocLia- 
iiaji in my owT lEiir.d that uucJj tharjt* wtint no 
outnigeau^ Uiey couldn't bo true. 

Q, W'heu did jou win* t P ihut tiniLutiuia f A. 

<J. At ivtint siatef A. It u after Mr. Ilov- 
l«ir.'a vLfiit. 

Q. L'an you fell ui how long ufleft A, l'«»- 
lihly the letter purt of Siivrnilwr. 

Q. And that u-*» htfor* yau lied smk tli* kt. 
Ir.r. Vcu didn't. u» tli£ ]ntt£7 until l>t6end>Br, 
wiinji't ilt 

Thn tlourt: Wan Ihat before you *ew 
IhA'liV letter lo IiuLJi<!rfurdl 
The Witiieb*: TJist letter— 
Tli* Court: Tlmt j> s ultnplft (juwitiun. 
'J'lud WiLmaii.; Taat luitcr— 
'flit Court: It u a uirople question. 
Only one uf imi van talk at a linii:. You 
riin'i prestb. Vou una bare to ajinwer 
i|iiEitions. KIbuwi answer tiicm directty. 
lie in referring to Mr, Moyi^'n letter L» 
ttulhiirfunl. Did you make up your mlsil 
Irtdure ynu new the letter or afler you 
taw itl 
Tlie Witnew: After I m* [he leUer. 

Q. When did you w» Uio lulUrf A. 'When 
did 1 pet itl 

Q. WIumi did yaa Hit ilt A. I tliiok il W4ts 
ufUT Mr, Hewlett had come to Milwaukee. 

Q. Mr. Howletl didn't rend the letter, did be} 
A. No. 

Q, Wluil lit Mini wan thin trtu!]*, "I^fflroiq- 
tioo"! A. Yes, air. 

GiiaeUsJ- Eickhof—For Deftt. — Grots 

Q. In it not * fast that you uiode up your 
mind thai tits charge* »er* nvl true, tie difrrpcr 
Mttli Ijj Mttjit, after you to Mr. Hov». 
k'tu A- Nut entirety. 

ij. Tbat did ft lot towards maMiur, year mind 
m\>, didn't ill A. It helped. 

Q. Vou are a minister of thii organisation T 
A. Yen. 

(J, And you take w]int they write in tlieHe 
iiuij;n7iiti."i a* ututniutely true, don't youT A, In 
oojjiJKiriiinn with tlio Stfiulureii. 

(j. 'I'JiL-Fi; it, ii:i:ljjjjn uLviut the tjcriyluroji in 
tli in urikle of feuijleiuljer 1, lLJlJU, nayiiit' that 
U«>le in diiiuiiKtd bi.i-4ij.7i: l:u it unfftitliful, in 
tiitrsl A. 1 bjiw tliut article. 

ii- Vl.i-j* ii no Kriptbre in tliatT A. iNo. 

Q. And you hetieved that, dkln'l you I Vuu 
actepU-d thutt A. f did nut at thai lima. 

Q. lluw lung iifter^ard did you a«epl ilT A, 
It wiii not unlit uftur Jlr. liowlctt tiad conic to 

iji llctwtcn the diil^ i^ rend Ihzic artj^le tuiil 
Sc|iltlnlKt4r ]*t 3 unit tin; daLt Air. lluwleti came 
in tldtrc, did yuu tidl anybody that you didn't 

htlit-vi' id llml ut-ti<Li' uf StpLuluttr lut, about 

uji.'lIl.. jli^ni.1 A. I niay have, but 1 don't re- 

Q. tJin ytu haiiic to tiiii Court and jurj' Bny- 
Ludy tlmt ytiu l«hl d'.iring that period of limt 
thai you didn't beliCM or you doubted or ({uei- 
tionci] al all that article of Septdirwr I, 333UT 
A. I Ihinfc the only pik- tHal I p^rtijijim told it 1* 
tin my wifr. 

t|. You didnt wrile lo Mr. Bulhurfurd about 
it, did ji'tml A. Ns. 

Q. Are tnere aay af Lin.'** vh*rg«* that Mr, 


Ciwia J, Ekkhoff— Per Qtft*r-Cr<>*i 

iloyle mutes tliat are true, W your opinion; A. 
I don't knemr, 

(J. Ynii have do •ridaooc at all fu t» uliuLhKf 
ar aot they are- true, have- you I A- Only from 
information UviiA 1 liav* rcwiivvl. 

il Ard that i* from the W*]«li Tower people I 
A. Yei, sir, 

Q, And entirely baT A. Y*i. 

Q. Ami you have (nkfco the infonrmlion tbat 
you bnvi! nO*r*td iind forniulukil yuur opinion 
on that, Iimvi! you not! A. Not entirely, I iw 
wrvv4 to inyu*lr lini* in wliidi 1 could ttnut to 
a. Lull and dcliijih.' usnitl liiiun on tlio m&llcr. 

*i. itut you didn't tell anylwdy g)h* about it 
ftsctpl your *if«T A. At that tlu*. 

g V;n: ....uh.'L wjL:u 111 Ui 'ii" HoLJmrford or 
anybody Oikinir for furilmr facLn about thii situ- 
ation, did yoiil A. I did noL 

(J. And you did not inquire of anyone around 
llilwauhi'f or iBy«ae at nil who might he ap- 
prised, of tli* faetu, did yout A, I dida'L »te 
any of Ihisai until Iht Mii«'aiik™ meeting. 

V. And you didn't et'eu axk. Mr. Movie wbo 
had Itti-u your friend far many yearn a* to what 
Ilia facts iuktk a* lit naw thtm, did y»u1 A. He 
tfild nm vhen in: came what lie luid auterted iu 
the lelltr waa true. 

Q, And you didn't believe it when he told yoc, 
it (hat itl A. Kol tnLirtly. 

Q. What ]mrt of it did you beiiffVet A- I 
thiniii'lit tlmt jHirtiapH khie at Iklhc] did lake a 
drink of wins and pcrimjai bbid* made certain 
>.ii r 'e>-iiLiv<f rennrtu. ur.:-ii:h», but i tlioa^lil tlmt 
lie jirolxahiy e*iD;ir^ra(*d Iheiu. 

Q, You a^roetl, didn't you, tlmt the Judge bWL 
tj vwld ftome ot Ibene peuul* tl.era at itetiWI 

Chink* J. EicfLhof—For Beltf^rw* 

You tnow thalT You knew that Mr. Eathtrforii 
from time to litne jiwldcJ iosiiE of ibene people 
at iktliel and did, it &f>*Biy id the dining rcCBl 
There i> no myalery about tfiatf 

The Court: Did yea know tlmt! 

A. 1 liad beard Bometlii4g about [bit, yea, 

Q. And the Judge had a vary loud Tfoice, 
yiitla't ha} A. That 1 don't know. 

(J. Did you ever li&tea to him over the rwliol 
j. Vi::. 

<j. Didn't he have a loud voice when you Ha 
tened to him over the radio? A. Naturally, it 
would be if il was aiuphlit-d. 

Q. You never heard bi« voice uitasnplificd, did 
yout A. 1 beard bim at convectiona. 

The Court i Did you — Did he have 
a loud voice! If you heard hint at onnven- 
liana yuu ought to be able to tell ua wilii- 
uiit all tiiia rigoinarole. Did be bavo a 
loud voice or didn't bet 

Tin Witnen*: He did Jaw* a loud voice 
when lie made a [K>inL in hi» apeeeiL 

The Court: When he ciiOJ* m m?e it 
lie had a loud voice. Ii that what you 
want to tell ubT 

The "tVilneai: Yea. 

Q. Yuu knew that ft jjr**L ^^J ei lileB * 
things in tlie kltmr W«* tro*, didn't yonl A. 
I did not. 

Q. Uidn't yau linaw lbea<* thtnjra you told ua 
w«m trni-t A. I did nat b^Liavc that tJj'iy were 
trua, 1 wasted more iflformttjon, en that letter 
14 tiwl I could moke ft utunita dttuioa on it. 


Ciarkt J, Ekkhof—F#t Dtftt.—Crau 

Q. Didti"; you juut Bay that the difference yao 
make or t|ie comment you make is tluil noma of 
than were exaggerated, ii that correct T A. I 
uaid I thought Mr. Moyle. [*rhn[i» *u«£«ral*d 
noma of the atatemcnln. 

Q. But thera is u great deal af truth in Idi 
letter I A. I believe tlu4 uinn of the people at 
fietheJ, pernap* did take — 

The Court ■ You UJ u* tnaL 

Q. And that there it- a great d*al vf IflOt nf 
tha matters that he staled in bin letter t A. 1 
do not know to wtial extent,, but perhap* aoage of 
it w»b true, 

Q. And wjiat you corapLaintil aboiit and what 
wau openitinc; in your mind In tliat anyane in 
lloyk'i pwition »haul4 not wrilo a, Wtff ta tha 
rcpToicnLa.tiv* of {lad an earth, iaa't thai sol 
A. I do not hold that idea at alL 

Q. Then yon agree that lie had ■ right lo 
writ* tliat letter t A. 1 Ixdicvo ho had a right 
to write a latter if he wanted lo, 

Q. And did you hear the rtixLhnouy about 
mu nnuring Lhw rnsumips in want A. 11 unaur- 

Q, Yen. A. I «*t to* far bact 1 touldn't get 

Q. You recall in ajie of thene artsclon, or (be 
article, "fnfoniiarion," that Mr, Moyle is 
t^Ujred with lieing a laurnmrerl A I think I 
recall thai now. 

Q. Dn you draw any distinction between ft 
kind of a letter thai Taijfhl be writii'n to Mr. 
nmhcrfnrd that it a murmuring ]*l[*r and a 
letter tliat ii not ft murmarinjr letter! A, t 
don't know u 1 get your quealiao. 


Gkarle* J. MieHutf—Fer llcftt.— Bedrest 

Mr. Covington: I object to it. 
TLa Court; I will sustain lie objection 
to tlie question. 

Redirect iKMninaiio* [iy Mr. Covinjton'. 

Q. Afitr J'ml had attended tin* routing of Mr. 
:hiwlvlt unci )i«nnd Ihs evLJefl** that Mr. Hewlett 
lind to attr.T yuu definitely LnnW, Lhfln, that Mr. 
lluylii mi mil rsi rri/ci in the tliargfra that lit had 

irjaJc in tli* ktu-t vt September 5th, to yon, did 
j'svu rjotl A. Vos, air. 

I}, This letter that in- doled September 5tb, 
did yoy [«fiit that before Mr r H«wfcU «*A 
lii* calk ut Milwaukee, 

Mr. Bruchbnu!<c n : I submit that b* Ha* 
onuwcred that already. 

■Tlift Court: I don't recall whetW h« 
haji or not, no E will listen to it again. 
Did yog git that b&Forft Hovrietl earns to 
Milwaukee, or deVt you know, 

Mr. Cowinjrtfln: It in datid September 
5(Ji, Dtrdridnot*' ElinibLt I15G. 

A. I did, because it came « f«W d»ys— 

The Court: That is all yon hairs bfcir 
asked, whether yon got it before. 
The WitnitiSL Yes, sir. 

II r. Covington l That is sjL 

(Witness eicusod.) 

(Mr. C ovinjrt:on reads Defendants' Ex- 
hibit D>2G to ths jury.) 

(WriertDpon, an adjournment was taken 
until Tacfday, MaJ IE, 1M3, at 9 JO 
O'clock t-ln-J 

(CoHTUfKtft rw YcoTMl rj) 

Kins? Cuumli rLnrl V Index No. Sj>i4~i 

Appellate Division — Second Department 

tiLl.V It. HOYLK 

Pttonl ig'-RetptmdtTft 


THOMAS J. rH.IXJVAX. WJIJ.iAM l', fit AT J I. .lit,, HUGO H. 
RIE.UKH. WILLIAM K. VAN" AJllU'liLlii, AlilHi'H H. UOUJf, 
PcnnsylvaniiL ti.rjim-iiliuii, fimL \V AT( "1 1 TmV El£ B1I1I.K A.XD 
TllACT SOdBTV, IxN'C-, • N'*« Yuri; t»«nit»r^kip .^rpnrutiun 

JJrft wiiir" t'-Ajipe Ua pi's 

Vol. 1L— Pages 607 le 1328 

Uavi.hT. I', tWliWTui 

.l7f«rM*jf fitr Dtfrltrlthif 

111 .',.:..: I ■, Slft-el 

I fu n>u kIi "f Itrnuklya 
\h'h Viirh ('in 

. I pj&llii nl * 

W.ll ."■!-_ 1 1 Hill" l' 1 1 J1 \\\ 74.X 

I -I Willi Slrn-I 

U<il'..L|j;|l <hf Mi-,idijiClkin 
N>u- Vi-rlj City 



Statement rnder Rate £H I 

Notice <pf Appeal to Ihc Appellate Diriaioa 4 

StiiiiinuiiH ~— . it 

Complaint .... ,_. ,„ ,„„ $ 

i'.shinit A— A^rJTlu t>Btitted "Informa. 

tion" _ -. 15 

DrfriuinTiIji' Fin.1 Atntndh] Afli**r IS 

Ordrr 'n RhtHC (Viing Why Jml|rment Slmnld 
N'ot IV l(fnrtrrnl in Aftu mlilnftft Wijli Mo- 

1icm nl ncfn'mljintu f of a Directed Verdict 

in Fa^pr at Each Defftn'lant 41a 

ATei]ji vl t nf Hnidi'n ET. fT&vii. still in Support 

at MnLioii fur DirMted Veritict, Gte. . 41* 

0-rilrr Dj'nvins D.ifendsntB' .Motion fnr a 
Directed Verdict to lit Henrienfed.^, ........ 42 

I'^lracl from Clerk's Hinutes...... 4.1 

.Tiifipineiiit 44 

Can* and F-xcepltous ■ _ _ 46 

Plaint i if 'ji Mm! inn lo Diwontinn* 1 Af. 
ti,in Asninst Defendant Jb**p>c V- 

Ttutberford _™ 4T 

PlHintiff's Jfntion to Cftnrrt Pictitiuiii 
Nnmen of rcrtnin Drf«ndanti to 

Tln'irTroc KnmTS 4fl 

Mntmn to Dinmi«« C«ni|ilsint at to All 

Defendant* ____™ «Z 

It^rji-n'il of Motion tn I>isroi*« Cnnv 
r>uiint and for Direction of Verdict 
in Favor of iWnnrijinu 1600 

M--ln.ii for J.'ii i.t1jiji of Vrrdirt in 

Vuvur tit riainliir _. ItfU 

i'hlilltiff'K ilotioil to DinUliiu III ■' .Si ;..'i. Ih-fffiML-n,. i-tf _ JfiftJ 

t'pniri'ii Kill in^ mi Motinnti. _ _ JI>1j 

IJi-fVikiljLnEft' Mrjliiiii In lnnlrUDl dury 1lj 

ICfiHkf u S|HTi;d ^■(■^^^li'^ _ JfflK 

FhiiiitilT'ii Mution to Disin!** 1!ip Kirxt, 
Swniui. Third find FfiUrlh ('iioiplriri 
|)cffn^>* in l!w! V~mt end KiTniid 

Chum* of Action IffllS 

Li?;| of Dcfrndanls' Ileo,ueflls for fi[»c- 

ewd rinilinK? „ I £12 

The Cnort'a Chans , ltWrt 

ricfi-ndnnti' Hiceptiotm lo Caurt'ii 

Cliair^o _ ,.., lii.'il 

U-fH-inLjinln' Kcsiii^sln lo nmr^i* 1(1^4 

rhiiiirifTV ffii^UfntK 1ci C'linr^jr tTJfl _..,... 172+ 

DvfrndiiiUii" llolion lo EM A^ldr Die 
Vi-rdiet nnfl for « New Ti-ial , „....,...,., I7£^i 
(1| un inn nn Slntiun For n nirfrrlwi Vmlic( lOSf, 

Mipulatinn upi to r^tlnbitii -...,.,,. lilSS 

&atHii«il tlml Cn»e Tontain* AH ihr Kvi- 

iknce _ _ _.._ __,„_ l!»|J0 

AAUbvil nf Xo Oilier HDfiininn I'KilO 

SriiiiiliLiiiiii and Order Seltlinp inrl Filing 

('as* _ _ _ -..„...-, ]£ll 

Sli|HllotHni Wjiivinif r*r(Lficn1inn ,.,.„„ ]ft!J2 

Ordvl- Tilln- fid* iii A rM irltitc TJivinjon __. VJM 

1 tmliiBonj 

ll^fjfr^AVj* /nr f'Jmii^jj 1 ^ 

TVillMin K. \'nu Aimlnnrjsbj 

KnjiNiinntinn lie Tore Trial 

liarvcy I-'ink. 


] indirect „ r ~™.„ 

Joicph T. Jacobs: 

Direct , 

Hedirrct ..._ _ _ _ 

|{<?f Tons 

Ktdlkciinr Kink j 

D i r^r L r 


Jdatilwrw A. Jtowletl; 

KxsrrunBtion Before 

1'eler 0. Ifoyle: 


firosn _ _ 


l J lM»eb<? N. llojlo: 

DJnet __ .,„. 

t!rOK« ._ mM „„„_,. M .. 

rfatltan If. Kiiurr; 

l'liiiiiiiiuittopi iicforc 

OUi R. Mojit: 









1 17 








.... *SJ 

IVthtfi/.ti; (or flr/c iiJan (i 

V. 1 1 ill i in f_lb__i : 

T>i uTt — -..—^, 

Redirect ,^_,„_„..„ 

TsWimwi* _____ __ 

fillB I_l|ln_; 


Prnnn .... _ ... 

linli fM>l ..... ...... 

rtw f umi ._ _. ., _, 

Fr«| Ai-\,iy: 

HMiiwl - . — 

ttivrtihn _ 

Ilirb-rt IV, llnr-h-rlli: 


Ohm; . ,...,. 

Redirw! ._ 

t.rrny R. .iru'ttun.: 

Dinf! . 

(""rnpjs „ 

lirsiirNil l 

Itnjjt r M a rquardt r 

\r, T ttt _____ ________ 

Hill TJinrp.; 



..._ 470 



..... -as 

..... -m 



Dirort .._ 


r : »-. L i rp-i 









K. Allan [l'.i;nc: 


0™.a _ 

CIiatIhh .T. Kiflbaff: 




Willi* VmxrmA: 


C"fifi_ _ .. 

Flmmi'tl C, Man*.: 


'.';:-■■> ______ 

Nut S. flu'l-tarn; 

ruirci ______ 

Cron* ___-_ 

John 0. Millorr 


Cr— _ 


Harry L. Pari; _in-*l ; 


Croia ______ 

Htiea B. Vi* N*_i 


Chjbs _._ _ 


Henry C. Jwtann: 

Direct -.,..__ 
Croin ■ 

(if-vtr t\ Pa well: 

Wr**t _ 


JflKT-flll A. PjLM'1S<*L 


. , , i'm.i 


t "|jin-nre N™it : 



lijrwl — 

... ~Si 





Ilia rim I!. Ik*-1<T; 

..,_ 742 


C'mtw . .....,., __— . 

________ 749 


.„._ 7.-P.S 

|1«™« .. 

. „ 7*H 


Fritl W, Fram: 




('fin* ._ 



Hd Lircct 




lirnnl Kuiler: 



Urn*! __„„..„. 

_ D13 


(Vni"! — 

. !MS 

.. (5R7 



Ttuwui- -1. fti-linn: 



[Win*, .... 

.... lfl_.*i 


[tarraw* __ _ , 

, 1<_- 


t'luirW A. U~i_r: 


(.Vrifci _ 

, irtift 


Tl#dir«l .___ 

._ 11B3 


11 MB" 11, RiMMf: 






Claylan .1. VYtHHlwArtli: 

lliritl , 

C'rot-M ,_ 


RfcmiHi - 

Ci.lin DjiLi- (JuiiikiTiI'llfL; 

Etlrret .- 

^'^||>^ . ._ 


iWrotui ,. 

\'jt(«r !■'. HcbimiJt: 



l_.-ili>r \i- U"\4am>rt: 


<*rrj_H , 

Itislii'ill „. 


_T»11l-f-> A Id llft-dcll: 


Vratwt .— 


IlLMT^iNfl rlr ... 

Arthur •Vllri'rl VPorricj': 

Ditfrt ____ 

CfXilS , 

Ilcdirrrt _ „. 

Ilccrdim — __. 

Ibliil [[. I-#*r: 




IfrfTMI- _ 








i [4a 




, ISHi 

l r 3u 

.. 122I 

. mi 

. l_Bi 
. I__S 

. 123(1 

iii'ni Itmli Kin~kil; 

Ifirivl _„_-. 

I'rflH* , 

ih-iirBV I'l^Uvin E IjLti la^n : 

llinvi -— 


KiilLrtTl ..^ , 


W'Muau I", Miiiili, Jr.: 



Ifi-lirn 1 ! _ 

TErr-rci*:< -. 

I'lu^HK 1 T>;Ljlur Otri'll: 

lH:ci-t _ 


liillh'M Vnru'iHHl '.M'nnnirli : 
Tiirwl _ 

l'rn<* ___ 

l^iuhii- J-..V-- If 
l>ir<T. . 


Itwliwrt ,,.... 

I ilitt II. M< <yl<> r 

Cnni- ________ 

Anlnir li. (Jim*: 
















. uos 

. l'(17 
. 1407 

, Hffll 

. 141 H 

. 1441 

. 144-1 

N L. i " : il. i i'.itni'T Krvopr: 





Willinin K. Vwn Ainliur^li: 
Dirtct __ 

l :.;■,!! 


litcrosa j.,,,, 




tV 1 1' i.rf .1 r.v /or J'luiniiff 

.Tcmrckli ^VIl^I^m-: 


[■IwiJrKt , 

li-uic F- Hnskiiu: 


t 'm.ii ^. 

Ucdlt«t , , 

Itacro-B. . __,.—„_ 

N. M_vii*i 

niirt H. .■fnyb: 

Dir«et ____ 






. I"i"T} 

IS7Ji i:«-i 


„ IJW7 


tiaUtif* fiVMwIs 

. — Arlkhe i-ntiilnl "lifunim- 

licni '' u]j[h-uii-iii^ in llii 1 "Wali-li 

TlpTTCr luB.KJHillW' lLlm1i.hI Oi:l- 

l.'j, um 

!.— ,\rlk-lt- cniiiJiil "ItH. Uiii. 
nil hi" Ajip.-anrif in [In- Wiili'li 
ThjWl-i iiianuiiinc iU-H 1 *! Ili'l- 

is, am -_ ™ 

.■ 1.,'Hrf In, III Otiii U. Mnjli- 1u 
J. K. IJiillU'rfcuil, ilnlw! .Inly 
31, iitrii ,_ J ,. „~ , 

L— Ij-1Iit frniii I Hin R. Mnjli- In 
J. K. Itiitlicrfwd, tlnkil July 
El. I!KE) . __- 

-I'J.otu^ra^N tiF lit tin.-] 


>i :■>- 


AiiiiiiiMd a r- i---.- 





, — Arlirl titli'il " JiniTKii " ap- 

pF4iriM)j in \\w H'wli-li 1W>f 
iiuiKtoiiti! iln.[i4 Si>y. IS, l'-inn 

,— .Vriii'lr I'lHilinl "Fur Your 
Inlnmiiiliina" iijifM'iiriiij* in 
(It- Wak4i T\i»'-r nuipmiini* 
iLu1ii( S»-|hL i, l!LBI _ 

,— S1ii1i>liii'ii| iliLli-.|Ki-|lt. I'\ Wi\ 
ii'jliI 1 1', Olin 31. llnyta at n 


^— Twrta- |ihii>|(1iI^Iji f-nlilliil 
"'I'lii' litFiinmiiiE" Jnl«l Jnn- 
uriry IfKW. Uwiiik-r I'V-tS, 
Jnaiwry UGlil, liny lEJ-t!'. Jim" 
l:Kfct, July law, AueiiH-t IOT9, 

.^■|,l,nil«'l lfCfct.drttJiCfllKKI, 
■Noii-||iL«-r l!ffl>. liYitfinlh-r 
I EC* and Murk HMO _. _ HI 



00 J774 

1U-A.— Article fjn [^kh' 2 of the 
Woldi Tower WuhjmSm of 
J:ib. I, 1SKM, eninkil "Watmli 

Towit Caui]uiif;D'' 3M 16114 

Itt-li. — Ai'lLdii; on loti |)iij;i; uf (lie 
Watch. Tower maoism? uf 
Jan. 1, ISffil, L'liljliL-d -H WittJi 
Timor, Honipt* Oufiifc*' 1 207 l&KJ 

IL fur IiLeiiL— letter turn Olin IL 
Jtnvlti to J, t*. IllllWrFord, 

JuIliI July J, l!Kf7 - 215 1807 

li — 1'ln»in4fi'ii]jlL of tlic printing 
pljuiL of Watch Tuww liihle 
A; Tract Hocioty at AiIhui 
Htrenl, jlrcuklyn ... _____ ZU 1307 

HI— l.elliT fmiii tlw Watrhtaww 

Itililn & Tract HwMy, Inc., 
of itrm.fciyii in Olin Jl 
Jinvic, 4jjLHit itavambar ai, 
was , „ 


Ji.— -l.rlU't frotn Otin li. Movie l*i 
K. K. Van Ainljuifili, (Idled 
Xw. 24, man 

1,1. — !.tft«r fmisi Dl in It. Mojfk- to 
1. K. liutlitrfiird, d-alcii Aug, 
10, -OH _______ * — 

iC. — Ijttlur Frfjiii Orprivilla »n4 
lirfliu H'i^lif! »itLir^:y)CH3 tfl 
iJru. lEutiwrfofJ .n'l All |Ih.> 
Jti-Uii-i Pkuiily, dU^Joiy !. 

(LWh ____. ,..- 

17, — LtUtr friwn Oti.iL R Itfiyle bo 

Fiwl j nil Ji'"*!",' AtWy, 4*1*4 
Pttv, 1, 1IW0 .. 


-_ 1803 


-L_tH 1E10 

5ii iRia 

rt-i in.J vf l"r.i.i,.l 
l'j E r I'Ul 

IS.— t'.ijjy h.I' l.-ii,-r rr«i.i lilin I:. 

llny'le Lu V. K. S'lunuli II JO ISW 

l!).--rHj|iy uf LiHli'i' IVmin Olui |{. 
iloylr !.■ V. K. Scluniill, hJ_. L*-. I 
Jan. J, ISH0 __™~ H.V) IBIS 

lift fur llk-»*. — Puin]iJih't ;;.-<-| aired 

Uj A. A, Wi.fHli-y J21C ISiCi 

ItrftHdiint*' EjrkUtiU 

A, l-i-Lh-f rr^ii Wnii-li Tijiht 
l!|lil<- ii Trjw'l KHM-ii-tn-, ]jwr. |<i 
ipi'lli.l-illlV VlllM-fli in V*X\K 
\, U'isniliTUlk, ililln] Sl'|j1. 21, 
|!EB __ UK ISlfi 

It. — Ij.'lliT fruni II. Killli In I J. V. 

UulU-ttun], ilat*4 Si'pL Yi, 

V®} „„.,_ llHi I SI 7 

C. -\rt\vt Triijn II. Kinl; 1n J. V, 
Knil.i-rfiH-il, iIhIimI f*t'f»t. El, 
I'LBi ]07 IK2I 

II. l.i'Lli-r h I. K. lulL]n'|-rr h r,[ 

hi II. Kink,. (IjlIh.iI H*|ht- 19, 

liCBl 107 1R3S 

K — l>ll='r fniin I r'. itntin-rfonl 
In II, Kink, ilnlcd St)>i. 19, 

lELHl _^ , ..,,.„ „ 10S 1S2!) 

V.— l>-ltrr rriun-l. (■'. Hiilli*Tfonl 

in u., dni,-,; i «■!. :;, itwt jos JKjn 

(l.— loiter fri^in II. V\,A lii J. V. 
ItkttlK'rfiml, iIhLtiI Si' i it. 25, 
IW0.._,„ — , — . . 114 IBSTi 

II— loiter rr.iiii II, FjiiL U> .1. V. 
Jtuii,f> rfuril, LkUsl Od.0, 1330, 
Ami _ rtijilv thereto tilted Oct. 

a, lao _™ ._-_ 

L_- Thifil luirjiifnipli in tli* in hid* 
ufivi-r uf Ike W'buIi To-.'rr 

1i»^)E»ii l t-ntitli'il "WluillC *i 
of ^ij. 17, lUiliMi SJL'ptemljtr I 
J03U" -.,... 


A> I **< W l"ru,|ri 

!'«• I'll' 

123 i&tC 

143 1KB 

J,— l.htt-r fram Titer 0. MoyU 
lu .1, V. liu Hi t f fa rd, dalcil 
Hepl. IJ, ia.13 l"2 1839 

Kt — Kmi'l'!-")* tontiiiiiing prifi,t*d 
itinufiiiin iibLtit Ii'lL "Infomvi- 
tinn Vila! (« JrlinvuuV* Wit- 

,iL-i. M |it" r diHi'ilHi.'|d. 25, 1L40, 

ruiwiclinK -uf U'Ult^ FrMii 

CI. II. Mnyl* thunil Hi-|it. i"i, 

ninii Jim I M_>- in, iimi iTii lisui 

f^-— (jBt-Ktlnnnaiire liLi^li> i'liorl* 

X. Jliiylc 1«!p It* 1 

>i. — Ij'lliT >ippifHl liy Jjiurn in J 

1 J' l:iud 1 1 u j M. ■ fidi! ri'ihii.l " 1 Jm r 
linLLih.mii or tlw \Vnu[iun 
Cuisifniiiv", [LaUil S«pl- -H, 
193- ............. 2Mi l»l 

N, — Tji-Mtr nij^Hl l>y Jjiurji and 
I *• laml UwiPi^ Adi I rt-s>.i3 " ■ i)tjir 
KrJi'iL'ln of tlie CJeluBibtU C«»- 
|iuny", listed Kf|»L S, 1933 ... S57 1KB 

O. — Ti'lUr y*ipiiil W Lnurn amil 
r .il niiil liuum- iLilii rn M-iH L " I Xu r 
Kririi'U ut tin- llnricJU) L'nin- 
p«jiy", Jul«l StpL S, LSQa ._ l"r* ISM 

I'. -1 j- Hit IVohi 01 in It. Muyh- ml- 

i|[V-r"it " F«-il =Lhd J(-S.3(i'", 

1 1 ml--, I An*. _4, VXV 

0-- l.'-lli-r Fn-ni dliji It. ISoyle !<■ 
1 1, p'rrbluail, iJpmi Si-j.l, 27, 
KHll .„-■— 

It.. !>'Hit Iriilii I Hin !f. Muvlc !» 
KJnu-r li. ITrlluiiH, -- ---- 1 . ■ I 

llnr. "£', liCBl _ 

H f-,r Ill-Hi — I>l1tr nt 01 in It, 

>]ri%li. ntHH'urnu' in tin- Muku- 
/.in- r-jul^lhil "11«; J k nij;n-ii- 
j'ii i i ,ph , uf Si'jjL j, ]*M2 

T fnr lili'l.l.— ('1J|i]iiiil; r l.r- 
Mlluniikii' -I'.urniil fit OitriliJf 
i:e, y.H-2 

I*, - l r il]ir- |n ill fr'nlii *l. IL 

Qurntiiffiiuiin*- fij)n<l hy Olin !i. 
y.,>lr T .Li(.-l Jm. _, MJC3 

Jj-Ui-r fr.,,.1 Ol;n |[. Mi.vli: In 
1 1 1>- il 1 1 ijiV-i* i,f di>- YVuU'li 
Ti-VLi'l' r-l*h1«- k 'I'rjH-l Kurii'ly, 
lhf„ .Inn. ». 1,'Mfl . 

-1'ifH h'ri"F> Triini 01 in I?. 

ilrtili- t't r'n-il :i:i . .Jr-hi-ii' 
Ailily. ilnli-il Fi-li. 1, 111411 mill 
Inn, S, IfHO. fti-IHielivi-lj,- ...^_.. 

.-Inlti-r f:; H-. fj.ii. \i, Ulrtle ID 
J.4, M ti. Will*r, ilnti-i] Jidy 2<t, 





i ■<.', 





2kh lS'rfi 


A— .<'ip|ii nf liLh-r frciiu lllin It. 
Mm li. i.i ( 'Ltri-iift S«»tl, li^Ud 
Jilh 311, IU-RI ,„. 

il-1.— l^-tL.-r Jf 'Jim IL Uin'la 
In |i IE, lluL-hiT, ituttil -Inn. 

5, 1!HL| 

|S-.. — iirc-uiaj i-itnitil li»- fllin It, 

U-3.— Circul-r vnllllnd "CM i* 
S"i4 tl* Amlmr uf Cunfu- 

hiijtl ' " _ _. 

lJ-^_ — ]-3n vii-ii i]jr iii M,liii-li ^ar rj^n- 
[-lini-.l il iliiruiiLi-JiE liIitjUl-jTiL 
lo Di-fi-mlnnix' YW. U-fl 

Il 1. — I .d Lit fcmi I'IumJ* X. 
M«vlr Hi Mr-U-r Jjilly, (laUil 
Si-|,i. |l>, V.'Z'.i, \iiih eni"*l, 

J.|-- :ii|.Iim-mhh| If. II n.. tin l- 


i,.- Uilh 

l MS 


i J i fl 

114 1910 

ir_i— l^-M-r rr.iiii filin It, Mnvl- 
in Mr. (Vmfi-ljiv daml .S*f>h. 
j, lira 

!J-7— l^-ll t From fllin It. Utjl* 

1n Jlr. ('.infrlir, l(-V) f*fl- 
rtfh, 1JKE1 

|]-S. — j^.ll.r fr.iii Olin It, Mu} li- 

I.. Mr, t itnd, vr. (ii'tm- 

k-ni, dnltii July Z\ l!B!h., . 3H Ifi22 

!>-!*.- Ll'lUt Frmn Olin If. itvyie 
in Itm. C'liiiinlhtra, ditwl 

.Uii. li, i!33 ..—„.,.„_ ana idoi 

|l' ML- I, Ml I IT fruin film J!, llnjll' 
U' M r. t "on 1'i-lir, dn1eil XVnl_ 

A.M. - ">'V 

ll-l I,— Jifill'mi eieirH.-d ]n.riii,ii 

nf . : ■ — E lis- COW id" Liiilj;; 1 '. 1 "- '■■'■''■' 

|l-l^, — 'IVti inn-irvkd |hhi1,i.i of 

ii»!ik- vtwt "I" Hws.inme Kit 

|l-l!i. — IC3i^'i-tn|H L rHiiiijfciii.i-- Ihrri- 
|h'iil!i"1 Iwiftel* Jin. I Can 

prmU'.l |i:inn.|il'-i>, .ill riiil 
l.i pJdivj.*iT AiiniiiH'v 
Cluri-iiiT Sei.H, l)|.| 'Imv.ii. 

.UltUll- .' !jS 

IM4,— Charter uf I he IVnleli 
Tnkvvr lUlile & Trtei No. 
eiily, Jilr_ a ]'i.|ij|>jLv^nijL 
I'l.i-jmfatiiHi ... 411 

11.13.— Charter of fin' Waldi 
T.,wvr Uildi* & Tmrl Ho- 

ru-ty. In:., n Nine Vurk 
t"iiri"ir«tiiin 4!* 

ll-l Ci ■ t'H- Mi -Hi _ --t'i.|i; |i|*eij;nni) 
nf hrUrr 1n 1 1. EI, lloyle 

li'ririiiiul >ic:!i"i -!- f- 
lfnt|i.'>r«ni|. -Uliil A|iril 
3.V llffll 4i:t 

U-]7. — Si«licc ne-rved an (J3in It. 

II. .>■ lc, tfarrt fl, 19+0 «7 

JMS.— Unite* «W*wl efl fHin H. 
T |..yle, ilnled Mareli'ii, 

i:uii .„ .,.,.„ , 4C7 


... 1' rJ 







Admi.lnj nJ'nnKd 

Ph* l h *fi 

Vh\'X—\x\\vf rr'iii *H«i It- Miijk 
|i r C 1 . IF. Kllisi.n, dated 
Man-li 22, 11H0 I *iu 1!M3 

11-20.— l.i-itiT f"-iii (Jiju It. Movie 
to Mr. & Mm. ered Aeldy, 
dated Dec. Ifll, 1W3 'JOT* 1£M8 

DIM. I i ti mi iiiiifii tiii-n in The 
V, u [i'l 1 1 ;i m it inn. pnii n L h , 
JjinnrvTj- 1, 1<U0 _- SOS 1940 

D-22.— L*H« from 11/ t iln. 
Aehly to Oliji it iljjylt, 
dated .Inn. 24, IWO 500 HSU 

IV23,,— .Derliiratinn appearing on 
IHUDF 319 of tlie Watrfi 
Tourer niiiEHHinr uf Oct. 1J, 
l&IH 5W 1953 

D-2* fnr lilrnl.-- Irftltr From L. li. 
.liLi-Li.i-n: In .1. P. Hulher* 
fonl, dated Sept. 12, 1LI30..„ 5,18 li*i1 

T>2"r.— !',i.i4i> UP7 oF the. Wau-I, 
IWr-r mnKa'ine entitled 
"In Harmony *-ilh Action 
Tiikfii" , M2 IK* 

D-2&— U'lh-r fruui OLiil II. iinyl * 

l>> V, .1- Kn-LliulT, ilulwl 

S-]i(. '>, lu'l!) —-. SB- 7 ! 1957 

11.27.— Ij'Uit fro:n Olin R, Mtylt 

1fi J, (1. Miller, lUtnl Au^. 

I Ft, IliM ,..„_ „-. 65S 11*0 

I),2K fni- I.ll-IH.— Cnjiy r.f MliT 

fi film II. Mi'jk ti' II. 

L. rurkhumi, Jnt^H Dvc 1, 

1939 . GTB IMS 

ft*«.iirj or J' Td 

ri-2",— I l iillll>ll]et tJip1niiiiiL|f ruli-.s 
-I in I ri-Jful-niteil i of Italllfl 

Hmiiic „ KM 1%2 

]1-m1Il— -J ':v | H,-r iMjiitiLLnin^ rL L jfulit- 
liun sipiiiil T. J. iSsilliiun, 
11. II. KicilKT, I i mill 

Wuiii-r .^ li:!7 v.x:.t 

D-ai far Iilrnt.'lirllcr ftflrt OLiri 
H. Hoyl* to QaytoB J, 

liViHHiwortii noo my 

D-ta for IdjcuL— U>Wa fn>m CT»}'- 

tr,n J, M'noilii-orlli m OJin 
If. Movie, iLnli,il Anfi. l.V. 
HHHi „_, Hill I9CM 

D-^Ct. — A it nil' fimmrriLnj: Jclm- 
viilTa Witiiu.-ni 1 ^ a] ijH-jirmj', 
in lhv i'tr.l Dijif.-r. of June-, 
i:a'l , , 1407 1D7G 

n-:.n r,n jiiriii,— letter ihnii n". 

H, Kuort tn diiiv It. Umii-, 
ilntcil - l v-;>t. 2i. I!j::lj, iuu'i 
lellcr fnun 'llio B. Mujli; 
!-n N. II. Kmsrr. .Iji(i-.1 Sr|i;, 
22, liiai MHu^U j;i75 

P-37i fur lik-nt — Applinil iofi lor 

I'mnifr hrm™ nimic liy 

llr. ilrua.1 I-USS 19JJS 

D-Si, — >l in li I L-* nf Juint UwU*k 

fiJ" hiiir.Fji ot Llirift<ir< uf 
lit Walfli Tiin-iij- \hltic & 
Trnrt Siwiely n[ rtivnsyl- 

fniiia ftri.F tin 1 Wjldrh To»xr 

Hi III i' i Trmrt Hitf-ietY, Iiw-. 

■■r w* y.n-k. luiii a uir. ^ 

lUKLI ._ 1323 l!ld3 

Ailminrd *r|> 

J)-37 fur liliBl.— Minutai of Jlwl- 
inK d( ItimriL oF Direct ora 
of April l*\ 1!C3_._ 

fl.M fnr |4mt— Minute* fiF Mn-t- 
inj; nl" ItflnTil of DiTTtdirK 

of iJubc II. 1330 




TiJft ffii- Titc-rst. — l^clJvr fnim J. F. 

Rutlutrffinl lo JmfjiIi Wl* 
l-sm, dJilnl Aue. C, 10«, 
■■villi L-liCL-'t attache*) 1557 

15 40 f«r l(h-nt. — Lftler frutn|iI. Wli.Ll^? t'» Mont 

th'Wirail P r ii r * i • J. 

Ji]ii'H iiluh, dntfiJ .T»ly T, 

isau i.'iSt 

WiWlj /"rHjifiwri—^Vi/ IttfU.— Virtcl 

iitaoUfit, N. V^ -May Ifl, 11M3, 
9:30 s. m. 

l|r- Cuvitigiiiii: Willi* Frnatpm, 

WJL1JS KKXXlilFA, Vwi AtkiBwM, Wi»- 
cenuia, I'nili.F ax a. KitJicaii in kwlmlf uf tin- '.k>- 
fiHidiiziLii, bvi*g L'i rut duly M'ttlL trutifitil «a fo]- 

IHrccI fjnmi"ut\oH by Ht. Codington: 

y. liVhat in your occu])a1i!nit A. Ordained. 

fj. And in connctiion wilri wlaal ornu-iiaKinn 
t]o jiiu fuBelinn ai- an ordained pniftia-t.-rf A. 
An uni' (if JelMJVairi \^'ilnfi-»C"! i« *l5filiTlnpB 
villi 1he Wati-I. Toner liih| £ & TWt Mucielyt 

Q, ilnw li.'iiu' Iwivt yon "rrefil in Hint capac- 
ilyl A. Ah n full-tinic nrdoinfd. luiniuLM niiua 

(J. And ulirvt mmpimy ft'rf* vols HiHWiflllHl 
■uiili iFufinp I he vf4ir IDS! It A. I Vim ti-voti- 
ntnl ilurin^: (he ymr 1H-W pafUliuie wilFi I ho 
WuLiriun v'mnpany »ml fur a tim* witli Iln i'n- 
liiiiihti^ rompuny, 

ij. A nil \[x&t> mniruinir* nnr in uhnt »(jitrT 
A. W Ucmniin. 

Q. Did you tin™ I «c.j r a na.1 ! j-Ln-ni, ItnuH-t 
A. Tri. 

(J. tt'lml (-unnfftion. \l any, did llsey Jhiit 
with rilhw nf th,i»L' fnjii[nnicnT A. t)\m- ni-nr 
Hie iirmi Uijir wpre liel|.iiik; llii>ni nuL f«"nnin.iHp 
tt> ifl'HinH kniiwlnlffl' «r the FlihFp. Tliey vcrf 
pimwrv at Hint lime anil tlivy vrtT? earrjinp 

Tf itJus Fenjufind— For ftrfli.—Itirtct 

liil ^ludiini fur Die Jiurpu?* «' Vitl|Mng un fiet an 
uii'lir^tnniLini; of Uic Svfiiiture^ 

tj. In Au^tl^l, JSIOSp, were tlit-y in CuIlHiiWa 
i>r Karat tillier i.lnci in ^Vi^foniinT A, Thtj' 
• til- n-nirkin^ in that 1c rrilirry . 

•Hi, And tlmt wih lnchnkd wilhia— A. Wan 
in iln'if Ifrrtl'irj" ('oluinlm* nnd Wntpiin. 

Q. Wrrc liwrL- Hcveral other town^ in tliat Ipt- 
rilorjl A. Yen- Tlity worked eurious comstic* 

t;. ]ln ynii rernll durinj; All^Uif, 133!^, "I" Ki-p- 
Seiidp^r, rather, IDS:), Hecinj; a cnjiy uf a Ititer 
dalctl July 21, 1DSD, ftJJrtMeil lo J. P. Iliilhcr- 
ffn'il? A Yes, I did, 

Q. Ami aipiiMi by 0. B. Muylel A. Yea. 

Q. Finn wliDiii ilid yoll rwe»rva ur not jiifh 

II enjiyl A- H was iwnl to ||..- 1'nlu.niuii* *i'iSil- 

ynn v, fent hy I^n-Kti aru| I^Lnnd Roupe 1n ilm 
ColmirHiH r.inipniiy. 

Q. And wlien wnj tlintt ,\- That wa h in Hw 
first jiurl r.f Sc 1 1( [•liiher. IfJSfl. 

Q, ffju (hp leiifi - read tr. (lie. eniiipniivl A- 
Vets, it wib?. J I fc'ft.i rend hy m to the runipnn y. 

(J. And after Hie letter vau- read, wns Inn 
■nailer (UncOMed T.y liie ermirciriT find sidimit- 
l,..i to the enmpnayt A. It van. d i*f unfurl very 
mui"li hy the eompnny, 

Q. 1 uliow you DeiendjinSi;' Fml.ilsit N* ami aht 
ynii if thai ii Hie l^tt^r thai yon reeeiv«t From 
Ijiurn nnd Leli'iud Ruiih* (liandins lo n'itaesH). 
A. Vr'. 1lin( i* 1hr letter. 

q. And * llnr1ipd to thai vau the letlrr dot 

v. .ii referred to dnied Jolr 21.H. addfenHnl to 
-Tiidue Tintlierfordl A. Thai in riplil, 

Q. Wlm! frffett, if anv, did the rearlinc nf tlie 
letter of July 21*1 have upon Ibe Colambna com- 




Wiltia ftwwma—Fer Us fit,— Direct 

[.anyT A. ]l ri»U*Cil q. Mr* fin;at dinlu rhnnct; 
iiiiiihja^xt (Lit- tuifi[ijinh-- 

l£. ]Ji<] you My ll[K>n tin llnuse*' iiLU'jj'rilj- in 
ri-iL'Li'jnf; mid reading the leUer— 

Mr, JlrufhlirniMnn l I ohjetl to lite form 
of tlw l|UCntion. 

The Court; Otijcefion ituntuinMl. 

Q. You nay Hint tl.-o HtntHCii hail lu-n-n iimtru- 

nirnliil in liL-lfi inft IlL&llU bt til* bndhri-n in tllfl 
riiliLjainy, |l L]l:l1 n^tiLf A. Tl'ilt IK rifilit, find 
u'C ri'lieil up™ them vfry nil>rL 

Q_ I)lil I he rend i PC naf 1h? 1^1 Iff anil tin 1 dirir 
fLlMisn.ll of it ny tlie COinpnny rnnsr *. liivipism in 
1lw' ('nlumhiis comrwinyl A. V**, yW, it 4M. 

Q. To wlinl exle nil A. There i* »np family 
in juLrtirnl-Li llmE li'it on vary nernunt, ami 
lint Fntiii I >" «"n* my hhHhtr-irt-ln«f, 

Q. Vi'rifi! you prenont in Hip Wiuipun Liiiii|iSLny 
n'lu'n lliis nsiri<' li'Mfif wa* Ttiirl kef^rf I hat mm* 
puny n hlL hLjm'ilj'pi^II A. Ye-A. T Ktlfi. 

Q, Wlwt eilVrt. if any, dill llie rendine; vt (lint 
loiter have upon (lie Wnnp.nn eompiinyf A, ll 
hud a creat pJTr-ct npnn tltcm U r+ally rauwd. 
n disturbance then at™. 

Q. "What altitude did the Wnopim nnd C«5» 
unihn* company have towurds the fiimrly prior 
1n Ihr linifr tllllt 1*1 ier irafl rfcftttl A, Tin? 
were TrrV SlS-ong in favor nf the Koeinty, 

Q. Aivl iva* llmt tfu» *ith r*sp«t to mrli 
m«nh*r of III* **mrnnsyf A. Vh. 

Q_. And after tin* le"*r wa* r+*n, *■** thrrs* 
any rlouht concerning: rSip Svn-irty P'ilh any nf 
th* mum!*™ of the eompnnyl A- T** t (here 
inn, in tin- Co]umbus company. 

Willi* F cfw—For Vtfti,— Direct 

fj, Ilnw Juli[f l I L 1 1 llul dibfUI8<i'>fl« inlltiiiue in 

[In? company with referente to 'iw charjti-H iuu<k 
in the loiter of 0- it. MuyLel A, I (wlhln't nay 
exactly, liut i I hink it untuned: tar ji lur)j[ pe- 
riinl *f tun*. 

<J, \VeFf ynn |>rri"rnt wliNI Mr. Itowl^lt (laili 
ik vinit lo Wnuimn iinil ("HilijinbTiri c#M|MUtfe« in 
tlip imtnlli of K*ptniitj«r, lyjUT A. 1 was. 

{J. IHJ yiin. hi'jr ilr, IlLiu-lelt rrjut an urtiele 
itihiln] "lnfi»rkiu(iu«'*l A. I 'lid. 

Q. J>iiJ Iilh viHit and talV to I he company 
Inlih' jiny H'fifWt »ym ^trcnVi1hfFiiT 1 Fill ,r Itrttlinen 
in ruinnn-iii[_7 ihc diMCUUHi and strife in the wm- 
(Kin* I A. Yin, it ilid, very muirli no. 

(J. Wiifit van lin< nalure nf Un «dn5re».«, H-liiil 
h'u? the niil)jr.|! iif litH talk! A. Sfi* hrnujthl nul 
Iuih* tint unity ims nne <•( Ui* sn^st ini|xirtant 
lliinijK tljtri' niiK a* fur hh tlte (.or^iV orenni^r- 
liOH wiui i-niH'i'iiLr'l, nml i hat fuel? one thould 
tttfft tn do v,li2i[ ww i-i^lit mid to he in unity 
ijim' villi nnnlhrr. 

Q. Wlini AAtiia.nit'a \ht- ir. altflhlWHs nl the 
iiU'CSiiif; nd<)r^H"i| 1j> Mr. Ifnwh'K, if Tog Icmm-I 
A. The [leaver J)mii <7"ni[«iny nnd Hie Husville 
pompBiiy, Cnhunlnia roninaiy, tlie Wnnjsun corn- 
]juny F and; 1 I hink the n;vu iImi ronpajiy. 

Q. AfK-r Mr. Mou'lelt'i viiil, did lite Willi pun 
and ( h ol uiLihui eomipnnipji path l. jeHolutinn in 
favnj" of th< Sefkty ami aj;DJnftt t':? potion 
talitii liy Mr. Mf.ylet A. Tile Wnupun tornpauy 
did. hut net llif t'ol'jnihun «inipany. 

<i- Wiui the Ltmttfr ever hrnueht. hcfor» tlm 
Coluinnu* tornT.ariyl A. Yea, it wmm. 

Q. Wjl* it taljkd or Jii'-t what knpprnhl in 
thnl Mjfpi/dl A. You. mean the reaolulinnt 

Wilhi ftitoenia — Per Dtflt. — LUrcd 

V- Yea. A. It vtu-a imit i" O^e iiorjtlj'. 

tj. Tlie L'oliuiibiEa evAi|MM)^' unj iIiq W^upuo 
eatapany, did Inlfa of Unno st'-ui rcKvluliona to 
tin- SncLihtj t A. No f j.ij»C. Ihc Wnupnn touipniiy. 

Q. I>id the (.:uJ tLi i ltus tuiiipjoy ever rum* a 
r?x>MiiiTi jit Alt in the Juatterl A, No. 

Q. WJuil cotinjecliaB did you have is ith the Co- 
tunihus atsit\a.nyi A. I win llie IVnlieli Towtr 
utud>' conductor. 

Cj. WImb w*ro Hh? Watch Tonxr itndy meet- 
inj;n conducted t A. The Watidh TonfeT study 
i ii'.-ttinfiii w*Te finJwIed, if I re™ll wrnwtly, 
on n Knmlny evening, 

Q. W'luit titnncel iun J Id you Imve wirli ths 
Wiupun cJ-.iiijMiny ot that tiiitel A. I nted lo y.o 
to tlie Wnu[iun eojiipmny'* mreiw mctlinp; hc- 
fduu for one lliing— 

Tine Court: ^oL because. 

A. (C«ntinfl«J) 1 v.H'n' ihuni for tlis- urvicc 
UMTlinfF nml hank htudy bIjio, 

(J. Whs may relnlivo of your* w>nn=cc((4 with 
1lie Wsupun c'HiL|uinyT A. Yet, uiy folk*, 

Q. i)i-,3 the IIoilpoi uubinit any evuitncc of the 
riiiirgeti ninde in cjif Iftter of 0. It. iloyle out- 
side of IJiu letter A. Ns, none vhntwt- 

y. When Mr. Hou'letl amt and read tlie arii- 
tIc entiLled " In Foniia I in-n, " that was iifrncd by 
nine aeuiien at lie Ltoard nf Directars, waji it 
ni>tf A. That in riglri. 

(j. And Mr. Howlett advised — 

iff. flruclLhau*L'n: 1 ohject. 
Tha Court; Ye*. iat dun tutify. 


WiSUf J"«tMiita— Fat Defti.—Dirttt 

Q, What did Mr. Hewlett .-iilvise in ttlVrcnM 
so the Irm-' aindilioiii; It ISi'itietf A, Itc rulvUed 
gi liijit tin.- edndilkHis u-f.n L eauplctely 0]i|X)KitB 
W Hi*- wny iluyle jik<I [ml in tlifc tLttsr. 

liy tJio Court: 

Q, J)id 'lie iiwK ;gu any evidence or J") i» 
just tetl you! A, II* Udd an. 

By Mr. Cevin^tiir. : 

Q. And ilnl In- i-vtiihi: tl.i' ^rlifle tnlitle^l "Jn- 
f^L'iuLitJini" !,iwii'l hy rjut nini' LnCiutKrn of tlH» 
lioiinl of DirL-ttiirnf A, V« h J-c ilid. 

(J, After lu'iifiii^* M^r. tLjwLett'i 1n!k nn<t jtjliU 
mti tHt Itlti-r nf U- H- Mn.yle, what ciinduiion 
did j-tu rcntli in i-tftfi-Licit lo ilr. i[<iyle r « 
tliarjjus roni-erninjf llwr Stocwljft A. We readied 
the cituclubion — 

Thu CoujL: " Vou p*rsonnlSy " 1 
Mr. L'uvinj;mnj "' Von perjionnlly," 

A. 1 jvik'Ik'lL i f i* 1 fcnfii'litoiniiit * I iC"M I hot I ho 

tiinr^i-K u - H-n' l;. i .■ 1 1 1 1 ^ L l- L « - 1 V fiiUi 1 . 

y. U'lu. Lkut Llit' ri|iiiil<,n I'lpreKhi'il liy Ilia t-n- 
tiru ciliili | i;b ihy. tin: WiiLipLii! cuuij'iinyl A. The 
enlirL? \VnB|Mln r^uiiuiny, yr^. 

(J. Aiid MinM fc pjv^-iLC nt 111* 1 nin L tin^, wllk 

I hen; <li-i|L"-Ln!L of Hid LhllLUM' hl'lT Jlr. H»W|C| I 

■djihtiiiL-il tin' mec-lingi' A. Vvs, there wai quilo 
H, liitli." Ltivrlla^iiKl i.'n it- 

Q. ;)ni M-.i' lin-llircn nj>[iriviiik- Liu' r.c*d 0( 
Mr. Ifowlett'i vihilT 

Mr. Ii.rih'JihD.iiM'11. 1 object tb tlie frtcTti 
of ills : ,i !'.■■[ i ::ri. 

The C'oqrl; CJl^jr-ttj'm KUKbiknrtl, 


WiUw Feincma — For VtfU, — t?n?si 

Q. Wo* tSierc tiny ntwi for Mr, llnu-lrtt pny- 
infl a vn,ji to tlie Waapiin and Colunibim mm- 

Mr. Uruchlisusen; I objufl to ihe form 

nf tlie (giiestioB. 

Tlie Cuiirt: Otij^^t^nn Kusiumc-d- 

Mr. Covineton; W'b evotj-pt, Tii»t i* 


Cros.''titioa iiy i!f. iJrwrii ha aar n : 

Q. Iliiw cid art yo-ul A. Tliir1y-nn«. 

IJ. And ma litvi! Ih'cn a ininipttT Im* longT 
A, Silu4 iLiJK, Xovtiuoer. Timt is wkra I "a* 
d. full-iiiuc. 

Q. Hun' lonv; did it take you to becoLiit a fnll- 
tinLe iLnniiil^rl A. 1 iini'« Wu in the Truth 
i-u'er bince 11U3, nnJ I \iv-r* Ktcidied t-ine* tknt 

i.'i Studied wiiprel A. I liave ntiulieil at Imme, 

tj. ftnl ■, mu nUtiiiil »r.y H.-hunl — A. I allemlod 
Itilde p-tJi.lH.'H, 

(J, Itf tlir Wtfrh TnV,-rfT A. Of tlie jjiffrrr-nt 
lili-rjl nr<] iiljliiiiicil frOH the Wfttt'h ToWtT, llmt 
i* ri^lit. 

Q. Kn ntluT OUlflide Jieriooll A, KlI, 

t}, VTIirn ilu] yau refoive nsiy nnlii-c llml ynii 
were n mink^tfrl A. XVhm I made — I (liinlc 
Hint it |icrsoaal — 

T!.- C<:"rt; ^Tlirnf 

Tlie WjInewT In 195=. 

Q, WluiS -!'-ip. dn'i you Itcf nriie j> mini'tell A- 
A ful!-ib.!^'d mim^lff. in Noremlier. 
Q Anj i^rtknur diUt A, 1 itnn*t ju«t t wall 

tlie tzitil '.la!*. 

Willi* Fatntmt— Far r>tfit.—Cr 9 fi 

lij tJir Court: 

(J. Hciiik tiuie in XovonLk-r, il33Sf A, That 
i-H J-ipht, 

Ity Mr. hauKcn : 

<J, | So j-oh £,,■( \\ ipliry I A. JsiS. 

fj, l*n JKHl ik-livi-r ijtrffks! A. 1 IttlllK l"S>" 
Mi^ei iJL'rtnininL; 1n die iSihle tc tin- [H4|ilo in 
tlH! fuj'tn nf literature, lmn>ki. 

if. Do you tj. :. u i,!:; on itl A, On 
■umu '.f Ihetn, ynii mi^lit nay we -vrouhl, nmS on 
mhu; <>i t hi- 1 ii. «f iLod'L Wv give ijuilc n num- 
ii. i of tin., free. 

fj. Pint ydu d-ll Hie p«i|ik> Ikon' much poniri- 
ln.tinn you want an tlie books, don't yon I A, 
V':s mil the I .-.-.. 

ii. Vjiu li\ \\w price of tlu-iiiT A. 1 1 in really 
tiIulI i| i';n,:i, In hrinjr Hie iiiimJui to LI.i'iil. 

Mr. llrueliliaujicn: I move lo Mtrikc 
tluLl out, 

Thi* t'nurt: Klrike it out. Itc wnnlji 
tn tiiuv whrllirr you fix tli* price m tLiu 

Thp Witni'i*.: It No. 

TJ* Coufl : U th* rn-k* pjis) in Brnolt- 
Ijfh nt nni- p|att *!l*T 

Tlie WHrMM! Y«h 

if. Piil ynhi at tlinne time? in IHilH anil prior 
Ihcivto iti-liver .fdpiea of Ihe "WiLlfii TWrr" 
In IliPur t«en]ile ?iiat jnK viriiedt A, No, not nt 
Hint tjini- 

Q, Hid yon jiv^r deliver (opir* of tlie "Wnlch 
Torei"" lu anybciyl A. Yc% I }iave. in 1340. 



Wiiiis Ftimcmu — Far DelU-*~ J C'fittf 

i^. ItiiJ jou i-vkt deliver tbeai prior to lEUOf 
A. 1 cannot nay that 1 really hare. 

(j. Jiu-ii: you gets otJ.t'M attached Id tlio 
Wuli'li Tower dvlivfcr LlieniT A. Yen, 1 think 1 

tj. Lm 1H3:J and ijrior to ia3al A. Ye*, J think 
L ImYi!. 

i}. Tliry went uut un-.l delivered tht-in t« inr- 
nu l.iLJllt ; La n tutinJK'j-u of Jehovah's Wit- 
rNs(»I A. TJiut 1 would have to iay no la W- 
t'JUliie [ do not knuW. 

1.1, Vnu ilu nut kjtaw whether thai is *mT A. 
The only Lincii I liave ever been tlutni delivered 
In si'prv Mil- ultpK of ffoffli will W Un o°e« tluit 
i*t'ff jL^LnrLatfii wilh thein. 

(J 1 , Ar* thnne of girix\ will mctiilii-r* oF Jflio- 
\ ai i "n. A. Tliey arc not t'ull hh'ih- 
Jujris IhiI: llipy are upcoming interested, 

tj, Just at what jinim iloea a ppmon pradualc 
I/, ii cr.iiil will to Jehovah'* WilllOHit A, I 
don't knuw Ikiw to U(W*r Unit because it rt- 
i|iirtn i!X[)ljinatinn. 

Q. Ih there- any particular rule that deter. 
mines flu- ■ I iffMTneo between one iff j&irnl will 
jin.t n JcIjivjIiV Viitnusal A. Tint i* im Livid. 
uu.ll;. Jvirli mm muM lake Hint up for aiiiwelf. 

Q, So y»u HK6HI1 that the pcrmm you taJk ta 
d«L4rnu*tf whether he ii s fafmon of good will 
or a Jehovah 'a WilnrmT A- When he doe» the 

rfitilj F £H1Ciii3 — /"or XJf/l'j.^Crfijrj 

Q. In vrdnt wayT A. Out tiling i* walcr, Iwjt- 
li^in nr iuncwrvkfih From Ihsil tune on, he ftS- 
[irL-si-l-M Jli* purrKHK to tlml HnJ prcuchc* tln> 


Jly the Court, 

CI. lift ^I'fljLfcw (ft l.ntiw dopn In; bppnine a mpm- 
linr of Jrlundi'ii WJipcESCS w|)en he in bnptkitJ. 
A. Yes. 

(J. ISrfnn? 1lml, Vie if u pernon of /inni Willi 
A- N«. *ikiiic uf tiiiin arf alMt. ii^fore tliat. 

fj. In !lif tune you hremitK Jt liwrnbor uf Jflio- 
\nli'ji Vi'itDPKKM aiiej you are Imritiiwl t A, 
'I'litH if up to eadi]. 

By Mr. QritclilmuaMi: 

Q. fin yon Tuny lie ■ Jflinvali'ji Wititnim villi- 
nn| Kiqnjf Mjmujril tin* lnuplinliil A. WIiimi y«< 
nri- bap( rapJ^ 

Bj 1 l he Court: 

Q. Uay vdu hp Ti-livn you are l«i|tti*ftl! A- 
TkiL :'. - '|L.r' ■; .-x I'iri.i! i: : - i 
if. You rnnnnl jnKwfr il in that f«rmt A. Xn. 

]5.v Mr- B rurhi iDUfien : 

Q. nn i-xiilniHilion., it tl pi is.-iilhli' Lo 
hwiini* h. Jrlinvnli V ^^ilrfiB «,'Jt]H)iLt Ih'ihit Imp- 


WiSiii Ftnttcma— Far Dtfi(.-Crou 

Q, Wlial in iliatl A- H rwjuiKu eitriliiiiilioii. 

[j. Ho you ciiimt't answer it yei or r.<< wilJiuut 
nil vxiMiLtuition' A. Tliat ii rigbL 

(J. l[i>w Jiiiiny MeiuUtni war* tliere id tbi< 
1Vi.u(,uii Eflinpmay? A, I would any twelve. 

Tliu (iourl: We ore tatting in iS'Fi- 

TShs IVilottu: Tupelvt 

Q. You wen." the Wild uf the claaa there, vera 

yont A. No. 

Q. Tin: ItouacB u'ere' A. KVh. 

■Q. VVJiu *aa the t)sih HiTvanl therel A. 1 
Ihliik it wnu oilltT limy J*"l <ir »»y urolSi*r. 

A. The)' *'*rc Iwfor*. 
Uy the Court; 

(J. In Auj;u«t onS iw]il™il»r r 1D31I, nil" u-a« 
roin]nijiy wivBittT A, I aljJuL uiymollier ^aa — 
nut rniii|iany HfrvinU liut ^lie mi ai-tinjf mi n*- 
ninlnnt coinjiuny servnntr TI*J* wa« no emurnny 

Q. IiVi-pl tlte RuHiirii in tlml nnnriuJiy nl llmt 
(imp. Aujfuirt and Soptrrnori", 1933 r A. No, ncit 
At tune. 

By ifr. Brwhliauiten: 

Q. Did the liou«ea visit lliat eompuiyl A. 

^■|h..|j;."i-i.V" ■=.-.>!! |». . 

:li^t^oj»[*^J'- Jtjulit 

: ' I 

in '.'iJiot: en^i|i*ay_i. 

■ : ofj;f rit'n.'l"': I ' : 

' will ■of-.^eTmy'iny:yiri l viJfiat'.-iifiTPi'h*n ■]ii betoniti 
Dne"ot;"JiJtoi*h'i "WiLne'iifleiC ' .. . ' .. 
=-!^ Anjl \ir .determine^ Il«"t1 .ArTralfSrJWtrt;,: 

y.'Do*> p.*:."iftiiiiuiinsfilf it 'to •nyrtoiffr &J (o 
- ju; t .|wlmr | [iQ transition- eomfivf,-- A' r H* "nalui 
■^iiT^ii^frral wb ->'i tii :LK«" Lorjat''. _^ ! 

Mf v Cnvinrjlijh:^ Your- liniipr,. 1 Jlr '(pis-'" 
_-■' "' l*ii) J|irirlii*_TniiM'-"n^[-"hD3tWrt: rliijt. - 
..;' - TlieConrJ"; "I 'will ^Stniiit. Jiitrj. to nTniufcr- 

"it oaw more, ■ v ... .,',.',. 

A. I think T would liav* \n "i4y;jh* ; i-iric AnV 
lliat as I c|id! on the other on* !:,'. , , ■ — 

" ; .! " A - ' kf* i «wi/T,itv;"- ViJJftWi .:fflHvr t,. 

"•"'v^Feii'jif ■■ A T"!i*v viilti .1 

. -qficit - ,.' r "" -_■'.- ■ '■ 

'"'" q,:.T/hoy .'wen>i^|i kBowa". 

. l~ A-. : ThatT-^lti ; -'" ""..". -' 

-V._" ■ v Q." Anrr ll%- iiail-- j ' iiiirhtf i 

z^AJ r :Tpiat--i» fjeTj'L'" ,-' i " " 


, (i i= ^CVofi : "— 

_■ JVilt L j'ilrM'Tto^t'ur'l&ftl S=*J*fi*l:^ 

"pVllfii ^W'liijiiiu — I'Qj-'-DtftM.-^tSiSl^. 

JC&VJfii 'FevT&u.*s = rJoj ^j 

(iislrjs . rijjIiL, — —- 
[lc n^-jnur JwilK; 

■V BtO-0*»"r?fft* 

uiIk "I ..tin- le'.li- . 
AL-.W'Im'ji ]"l:nr' 

" Stop l|Ullili|nip. 

tv'lu.kiniw'.iii'tlis - 

%\t.. ViwihKlmt 

\k onmink-miip: tliC— 
r_ .ti"n1 iiLion_v liifit- 

ut yi nL « Pn i!"ll>H - 
iliiim all ] kni'W 

t li'Mpf or- Mr.- 
'', . 1 1 1 1 run ' piijii ; . i r j 
I iio( yrm) il, 
IT A.' I prirc it 

urn' tlir ltllrf nf 
A. I dnn't tliinlt 

puiitieitioB, dii! 

y Wjiieh Toitftr 

deit rtnA Hi A, 

^^y. WtlfTfiiUhii leUrrJ_ot. Mr, ihyle' be'qrv- 
"- t'^iF|w n J7 ilitT j'tiii Jnvl V_l A*. .Tjral itr dj;l|l, 
, iji-i-Tiid- ujiyJjSdy Ti^jUv'sl^;- ju to-iSud ■ it 1" . A, 

'■}■' :y£ho""rft|Ueb.U'd .y'rju.'l 1 1 ' jriid "Moyle V letter t 
..\ . . ! . i ' . : ;l .i r ill ' I ,\ i; '• 1 1 h! ■ i: : %i ■ 
■ (^T\Vlii!nT A la tlie letter 'llii'V "*eht wi«.li : " 
(^■flfcy a?n.l it.tb. y.ou(...'.d\. Jliey'ien't it' la. 
itbf'jftiiiiimjiy. . ■■. i _ — ^r — 7— 

,"_y:Vrin!j' iliil n0.t-.Bihlreii*.jt tri you, itidiheyT 

-A. Si\, il a : ii* wnl ttMlir vuiiijuray, 

t). Anil .you -were imf '1ho iieud. flf the. claim". 
^wVrr' you r ..\'. K o.' ~I ~. 

— IJ.- Jhil y"u liiok- it upon .ynurwlf lo TPad.|jT 
■A. It_ar4ii upjtointwi' t4h i up .!o rcjir] il,^ 

i}. \Vlin _ aji jjoinlcil ^j'jiul A, ' Tlie «»*islBnt . 
' rBhijMiYiy _wry anl ■ 

|ly til? Cn«rt; _ 

y. Yi-ti^.jiinjLlicrl A.^Tl'il "■■ fifiiit- 

!ty M r. ■ "Ifrntliliaujcn :" 

(J. sin- ii^Liil y<io to ri'ml il I ' _ Air Tlin't in rn^lil. 
. (J. i>i> 1 1 ni^pfuU' Ibr^Brlicfff ^("Ki'iif^iBlH-r 1, 

' 1 1 1. 1! i,-' iJiprpim in "incnEi'^BHl Ibat >lr< S!«yle is 
itii-iniKMHi liMiirii^"i.if. ujifaillirLiliiP^H T ATI do, 

• Q„ Didy.iiu read tliaf ft tlip.TIniitsinyr. A, I 
ih i ii r t nH-ii!l flletlirr' w« did. or not." 
: y. Tlh-y- read il llieir^Jvcr,; <l \A a H tlityj A, 
Tlmt iii riplit'. 

Q. What fJTect did tliut luivo on the wninnryf 
A. I ilon'tkaaw if it bad ?□ much effi^t on the' 

Ilia Court: He anted you wltut effect. 
did, that have aa.tbjt company., 

i-'flu .Wit nisi; It bad' EOnnr- eff«l-"o"n 

■ I ht y>«iipaiiy. J 

f wbut L'lTcttr ' ^. .,i.tji*irisr« piT^Tij4irtbpyr- 

-^CotiUjn 1 .. lifju f p "Iwli}"- Jtlo }'l* bad irfl tw pjMiuon- 
id c1h> i>rpaiiizjlLiuiL::^" 

Q. Ijut jliuy veni _not .iBvoring lJojli?,- , weri : * 
il..;, r " A. TV-y wi'rp'ntit- t'aviinnj;' aiiylhinp .it 
IJuit .tinip. -J ■-_-_■ _"^.r ^- ". . ' 
("j." Tij-li il'VjuiJse JiiiKtl bioil f A. No, 
(J. ->ii»' yiin.'want lo. Irll. tlii* fuurt'aml jury -" 
tlmt tlhiif iLi'tin'h-'iIi.^ Moyle for un foilli'uj^- 
. jiL-Kfl." did |hut cause diis'rnfion- bat . I bat Mr. 

iloyle's Jester which, mm It" jiia rRP*" 7 ojtainut I be ' _ 
.organisation did pjiusp diucntionl 

=J[f. C^vinKloH ; liilijircl to that oh ar-" 

£ume nta ti vt. 

The Court:'- Su*lained. _ 

Q. AVIuiiii. did' Vein you hpHik lo hofore ynu ■ 

runic ln-piSTrl 1mliv iihoLIt 1 hin (-J1HI' f 'A. TtKlay," - 

Q.'-Any time, A. The only one j can recall i * . 

( '^i rial k1 i in. _ . r - , ^ — - 

(J. VVliiTp db] you talk tn .him I _A. In 34 it- - 
mfaiikre nt one thlli?. 

Pfy "tin- "Cuiil-L ; 

Q ■ IVIic^ di<i I'c.u jji't lii'rct A, 'IjpL woek 
Slllldar.'a -wprk Jilfo Sundny. 

Q.- AlJil roil linvp nn1 lulLivl 1n unv'lkwly pinec 
ynu b'nvp l*cn Inti-T A, ,Timt tci II r.C'ovinBton.' 

(J. tlare yeni Ijdkni to him her*!. A. .Yml 

rty Mr. (Irurhhauiien : 

Q. Wlwre did you talk la Mr. ("ovinirtan in . 

lirookLynt A. At Columbia HfiKbtn. 

IJ.'Tlial' ~i*~i b "Jti-lJ lei Tt^Y, _T 

. (j7J'jj"T- .(i j"if jfV oy tr ■ tijJEFddiiti 
■luijjiy li-lEtl 1 ^^ 

"iMr." CoifinJ(iuii"V^^y liftui 
■ riii^' lnf . 

_£).- VVJifir-joi'i'lBfil 'Inlki^l IT. '2 

Iti'llli'l ItLLhI . v'niL po" iiVHT.llip. .nlvt 
luiuiy Vuil .nrp "KBVJj'aj;' 1'"; 
li'llk^I'LiV" JiiiiTl ' ' 

Q-'Y 1 '*- : ' 

■ 'I'lit .('riiirli Any tiiiip, 

Witll Wthni.1.'.::Ajl »P Ullll 

fad*. ... hid Yi iii' 1 :i IV to 

^=^_ rtafi* Sundjiy il wn"li hi; 

Tim'I'^ Hi" Ibis, rom 1 a ml "lb 

yoa'arr |ririn|L today. t 

Tlip Witnpjn*: -■Vck, I d 

Q.. Yiiiu lniil In i ii nil limit! n'li 

In |i-i|il"y Jih'il' JihLli, I A. I. tol 

llll-iil" llil- P41KP- 1 

(J. WIk-II .>|wj " yon srnd ' llui 
Sfwyk'V lhs.1 y"H n-a'l -li» llii"< 1 
1u dip liViilrh Towrf^'AI l-jliil 

(j. Wlint did you dn w-ii.Ti i 
to llowlrtt. 

(J. And wlipn did yrm ln;M 
Mr. Mnili", t( iijii fjlu il ii foil I- 
I li;n>. m-i-n il niiirc, 

t), \'nu never- »n»- ji i" ^ny 
fiilll j.t..Not Hint 1 kronr-'of. 

Q. Ynu never wn - it is 'in 
lnHEAlinpI A. Sio. 

y.Y" hi diil Bot lipjir. Mr: Ifm 
H* read parlichi af iL - 

'J J I 



hVilft* Ftf'twa — F vr Dcfti. — Vrott 

Q. What jji>rtj.:m« did he rent] t A, 1 d"n't 
n-i'iiJJ ; varums purlLumi. 

ij. liul yiill whul you did at lliij" Wiiu- 
jiun mut'ling in September, 1331*1 A. Yta, bc- 

caune 1 did ii mynilf. 

II Hut Vim attended [lit limftll^ thai llr. 
Hnwlrti iiU.ii.ledT A. Yes. 

({. Yon neenllcil wlwo taruiKet anted you nlmut 
wfclt details hi: (31V* at '"* wl"1' "Hi M at 
Iielhel. [ILilu'l yintt A. Tim: is riejlil. 

((, Wliii; details <lo jvm recall on Mint I A, 
You Jiu'iin I hi; details tt'liieli 1 L"<uvtrt1 jjilvr-T 

(J. YV", k'IiilL detail*; did Mr. Iluii'b'll give 
iiIiii-.iL (In 1 mmlition* at JSelhelT A. Fur <me 
1iiin^ lit 1 liilii linn' units' wns (nkinr jilnee mid 
rrcrytliing »'HH in cvni|iklf unily nnj wild nn- 


Q, Whai rlfd A, An. I nl*o 1liat the letler 
which Moyle h;i.j nerd »ii1 had nn reference in 
Innnm-lf ill nil, becauw he. claimed thru evrrylhing 
Hint wan happening In him ivan nil rigid; lir 
•tm finding fmill Willi nomehridy elw. 

Q. T>id lie sa>' U'bat f 11 ill* be wjik finding ni(h 
uni ncl m»ly ether 1 A. lie rend pari* i>f tin' tetler. 

Q. 1 urn itikinj; y«u In (ell thin Court mid jury 

l^haL Vrtti recall iiH In M-liril l[r. IlnvVtt paid 
?ilimi| Ihn1 ]i'1(it b A. He pntd Mini Mir (Iiiiik* 
which >|i>ylr wan. finding findl wj.lh was other 
lircllirr-n in (be Society: it warTi'l IlllilJ'flf : rvery- 
Hiinjj Hint was done (bere *■!* teeming liim fine, r-vr-j i ■ mr> e!*e wa*. the one* 1* wnn Iryinif l» 
find fault wilh. 

Q. r'n 1 1 ne my who Mae nlh*r penile were lhat 
Ur. J.lJiyle w»* Finding faidl »-ith f A. I des't 

WiJiLr f fimfmui — F*f Dzjtt. — Crou 

tj. l>u yuu recjill thjb ar!k!e of Uftobcr iitli 
EstilUil " ' 1 jiI'lulhj 1 k'li " f A. That it n^l-t, 

<J. Did you read Llia t hcfure t]it jtraupT A, 
That wu i*a<3 before the fiioup, yea. 

g, Jly *inwiil A. By llDwletl, 

Q. iJn yim unaJJ ituii*t)iinj; utid about Judjiu 
in 1 1 ;i: I A. Ye*. 

<J. Did you a«]ut«ct in Mis rtadirg of tlmt 
Artidcf A. 1 don'l gel Hint, 

Q. Did yim aj;r*e Mjtli I hit article T A. Yes, 
fully, rutn [Ji:t£]y . 

Q. U'lml uvtderiee ihd you liavc of Mr. iloyle 
ljL'iii" a Jmbiitl A. You Vint the de-dita of 31 T 

"A. i- ;::n:-L: .'liMsn ailliwer Li i' i,|i../hLml. 

A. (fontiniied) \Vliat evidenctT 

Q. Y"». A. Tim rvidc-rif* uia tJint it \vn\ loth- 
inf{ w]ia1*in<ver to tin willi liiia. Tin.' s. \\nrgtz 1 it 
ins milking tn tin- Si*irty ww* about ntlier 
lirr-Min'n. It Wluii'l ulwjtit IiLlilwl'If. It V!tS Other 
lirc-Min-n 1k l Wjik I'liniiLln^iiini^ llE.'ODt. 

(j I * ah <hn HjvidtjiLT! you tmve M.iit he 
nn a .Iui'IjimT A. Anil tW activity he tooli by 
H-mlirjr llinni; hdlrra uruuini. euupijlg conTu^ion 
minmp llir- ili fferrnl. brothera. 

Q. Wluil irdpiu did lie tend arnumi that you 
know nf prior to September !?4, 1!?I?J, ami to 
uliomt A. He sent it to the RetBvillt cumpun}', 
he m'nl it lo the ^Ynupuii company, he Kent it H> 
the roluiubui cQinpany. lionise done i(, biil it 
wax Hint Inter. 

Q, Ynii ilun't know 1ht! Mr. Jf^yts hh| it, <in 
ynuT A. ff", H<v«i* n*nl iL 

(J. ^Vbnt ntlier cf^lrne*" did you have prior to 
Heptemlcr 24 th tf *r>v ir!ter aenl to anybody I 
A. I ijjn'l recall 

IFiiiijr Fenneuta — F#r Dcfti.—Cran 

(J. TIioh* letter* m.-rt ten! aTtef Kepl#U|htf 
Int, ttrtu lhe> n«lT A. Tim" >* rii^il. 

(J. And Ihvy ware ^.tiV ul'Ur tin: [niI'liiLiLiriii 
of tlu.' unfailliriilni'.-.B nrln-h' mi Si'|ifmiil*r ]»t. 
A. I ilnn'l in'iiu'iiihcr ■ulii-thfr !h*T hi-rr «en1 
nlicr rir nhiiul Ni? mnr lime. It enine out in 
(In' Jirtiflu in (he "YVntnh Timer." 

t^. Vmii doiTl know u-lic-tlw-r ii won Iwfiire Sfp- 
li'iiilx>f \M or ol'kT St'|i1fiiihcr l*t, uj tlml ciir- 
recti A. Wlint in tin' i|ue-.linnt 

Q. Tlmt tli'.'Mj letlern were terit nrounil. A. 
Wlddi hdlfret 

(J. Thnt you have been ri'ferrinc tn by Mr. 
jinil llrn. liuime. A. That ma nrnt ofter Sc[n 
tcmlwr Int. 

Q. Did you bavo i.ry eviilrirt I hero an s,in- 
trinlMT 2-tth — I M'itlnlrnw that. Wah anylhinir 
Miirl to ynu by Mr. Him'lelt lit tliul hiiri L lini^ ulhnit 
\rr. IF i-iy]* 1 nat firti|ieFly n L |ir?j» 1 ntififr Mip JrliO- 
i-nli |M'<i[ili- in cnurtl A, Ji'ii. 

Q. TSilif-n hIn' vnq uvier lii'Hr of Mint for tlif 
first tijyiel A. T don't mtQ wbetlirr tlinl huh 
in tliiR eoart-hooiie or vhetber it »»« before. 

Q, Dhl vnit rem) Mie artiflc "Kparm" nn. Nn- 
viiiihrr 1'itliT A. Yen, 

Q. Anil dn- Von rrrnll pr*rr.rMitnfl: in ihnt nrli- 
ch" alM^ut ^lr, Mfiylc nnt [irnprrly rcjiiVJM'n tinj^ 
J^tiotali'jt \\ r itneN*cK in eourtl 

>Jr. Cnvinpion: Tf ynn,r llmmr plrn*e, 
tlii»re ic nntliinE in tlml. T1m> ortieln 
Hp^nbn fnr l(*c-lf. 

Th* Cniirt: T will permit him tn »n- 


A. I don't Ttcall 

Wittii Fcnncma—Fer DefU.—Crgn 

Q. ]>0 J"i"l fHTU.ll iLiiyHurjf; that in mini in jhnl 
nrlirlit A. 1 Jr.'ji't riMlil ntAtf. 1 lutVMi'1 n ,'i'l 
tin' ariii-h: for ijitite a |pej'ind of time. 

Q. l>o yun retail than jn that article: "Ii ■ 
• s > ■ ■ i l.-i : i r.H tu be GuBoerruljcd tu tlod nml in a 
liniyer nml ipfwara in court an couiim'I frir an- 
mlirr canffitralcd pcr^nn ami then cvodui-t* biin- 
s*Jf in the ease on trial in hocIi □ Ukurvarr Unit 
be ii in:' it receive the approval oF nlber men in 
Mir: eriurt, Mich lawyeT in a iiinn-p)nin.T M 1 A. 

Yen, T rp+lill Mint. 

Q. I>oj|'t yen kraju- Mwit lliat nrlietc "^nnrf-n" 
Will the first nrtirtr ju flln "Wnllb Towel" nf 
^iivr-niUr 1S^ lalST A, I Ainl ri>cnll tbol. 

t}- lun't jbc fii>l nrtirUf read at I he DKctinira 
nnd uhnHtilt A. Yea, 

Q, l)ri }nu >my yrmi i|nn':] I hat nMidi' nr 
nlmt T Imi'r ri*jirl or Hii> juili-iam-e nf ill A. I 
recnll rmrlinn« nf it, but it baa been a binj; tune 
*inrc T read Mint. 

Q. Dill vnii kr«w an v-iliing ahnul I he enec in 
rsmrl referred li) T A. No. 

Q. I'nl ynu a«|uir»reil ia that nrtieie wtieii 
ynn reoil itf A, J wouldn't '"J" s ' lat <* n tlni-t 
nrlicleL on mber nrtieleii. 

Q. Y«u flid nol write to any bin ly about it dia- 
jipproiins it, ilid youl 

Mr. Cnvinjr1i>n ; I obiii:(. It n^ali^ 
fdriijirlf. I Kubjnit (lint bi* pcrwinnl opin- 
ion if nrrumentfltii-e. 

The Court: i think, you are ripbt. 

■Q. Yftu *ny after Sir. Ito»detfn inWitinc 

everything; wan nmoOlbi'd 0*'er, il ll:at COrrerl T 
A. No, I didn't *aj tiiat. 

if 'di'ii Fnninui—pQr ticju. — Crott 

(J. 1'iil you uhe Urn weird* ''aninnlLiril over"1 
A . S n, 

(J, ^'hot wail I hi" i-JTer.t nn [lie eomfinrdl'lii llfli'r 
.Mr. tliiiioll'* uwtinjrr A. Tbom.- Muil lftttt in 
fnvnr of lbt WnL-li 'I'on'er, it ulahilini'il llirrii 
more, IhilH tiiat vrvft h|i[hi>i-'3 lo it, it alio 
helripi] tiu-in to ^u the opponite way. 

Q. Itiil y.iu <-v*t hear in all ytiar riperirnr* 
on a minimi er fr-r thin or^aniLnMnin of anyone' 
ivlii> dill nnl Like HiNiie of tilt dOctrinH'nf A. Yen, 
I did 

y, So : I 'jit wan pot an UnenfllPn'm i-n prrienire. 

for Hoineone lo dmugrec on Hie ilvflrine*, «a» ill 

A. J diin't ijuite — 
Q. You cannot answer lliat yen «r nol 

Tha Court: I'leane read the i[iie«iion. 
(Ttie i|iie«,tbin um repruleil by ihv *te> 
nojrrn|ilier nis ftillnw*;) 

"Q. ii j that wan not an uneniiininn eupcrieprc 
for BOinvonc to iliiui^rce on tlie doctrine", wn» 

A, Ve?., it wan. 

tf. Mill Riijiic did wLlhd;aw from Hie nrpnni- 
Mlion even jjiinr le Septeinber, 1!KKI. Iirrniiiio 
they did not like the doctrines, isn't that t"1 A. 
'i'hjt I don't know. 

(j. Yon don't Isnnw as to withdrawal* after 
Serrteraber. tSIW, yibellwr or not jome of timse 
[wnple did nnl ti'illiilrflu- Ikttium 1 they did lint 
liltf tbe rlorl rinen, do yon I A. The nnep I hnrn' 
nf witlidravrejj on iccount nf *!" '?Hr F mhirh 
iwnH ?^nt OT^iTiM, 

Q. T>id you nueptinn r^rh nns wbn vdbdrrw 


Wittis /'crnicmje — far PtfU, — C'Mf 

rruiii ll.i- \tuujmn r'iiri[i:inv t A. \~one of ^hirul 
w lEliiJri-w t'r-piji tlii- Wuii^mji eunip^ny, 

(J. 'E'lll- CvJuImIiUI ruii^nxny, ilnj yiju i|iji-iiLJ(in 
i-url. mil.- of itrraiT A. Vca, 

Q, liihw .umny wilhitniwl A. Une farndy. 

(J. -So || w«ft mil liiuny, I'm il t A, CSoe f»m- 

1}. lii-.w umny in lhe TniHilyT A. The man 
njid v.i1i J nr.i| Mm- rlijJiln-n. 

(j. Jlim- oi-in,i in llnl i'uni|mny. the CotamSnii 
ci4ii|FkiyJ A. ADxJUt nt'iicn w eight people. 

\j. |h> you h'lmi iih \i/ gather the ijiijpr-^-iufi 
Mutt lin-iiin-i' tJiis j, i !■' fns.nly uitlidreu'. thnt thpre 
Him dittenkkm eauned tberel A. Vea, there »u.s, 
ln-e«i],i. Jli- fiiiMily n*s related to un. 

i 4 '. Jurt linnu:-"' the one ■lumly witbdrewT A. 
Thai is riiflit. 

Q. iJirl ymn ewer luive a Tatoily ■uitliJra'v lw- 

furi'! A, Xu| that I lipnW of, 

Q, N't-ei-r in nil your es|"erienee as a miniatcrl 

A. ^ol tlml 1 know of. 

(J. Are your rx | h-nm'ji |mid tin eondh^ to emirt 
Ihti- tmlayl A. YY«, 

Q. hn >'nU ]inv<- nn B-lrienje n^riiunt a* a min- 
i »1 i-r T A. J raVia't ■ , u i tc net tbat. 

Tbe Crmrt ; Th»l iri a v<-ry simple i|Ues- 
li'm, As a minister, tin you fret an m- 
[H-nri acenunt from lirookJyn or any pise* 

Tilt Witnep*? No. 

Q. At fflinne tipefiHe do you. travel around 
n'jtli ilieiw d.JTerejil eompanieaT A. It ic rrnlly 
joy own enpenJt, 



Willi} FnirtCrta — For Dtftt.—Crw* 

I).- lilt Court; 

Q.WJinl ili> juib mean, il in really >uur nwn 
i-j. |jcbiu> ! A. Bltuuhi 1 reci-Lve It fr"in my folk*, 
fur unr llmnr, vulun tifj ly freni my fulka. They 
help cut, 

Hy Mr. lirudiiiAUjiKiri : 

(J t):il you dif "el an j money frum tJir 
WjUcIi Tower grKJi.i<*li*ll fur any <"f yonr a*- 

pen-M:--! A. Ye*. I June,, 

Q, Do you ajno pub>crihc In ilie nln1 infill 
nude litre in ruurt thai Uie Waie,h Tuner and 
JrhoTaJi '«■ WilntT-ht* are tifid''* orKanizntinn on 
e ait It F X, Thai, (lie Walcli Turner i* (Jed 'a or- 
gin list ion 1 Yes, I do, compktely, 

(J. And al*o lli*i ilr. Rutherford in Carl'* 
niirt^tntutive on earth I A. He waa a rcrranl 
of (Joi 

Q. Yon nrrepted Any *latelilM«.n lufide by Ihe 
h '\Y"a1rli ToWCX* 1 nrapattlt am roininj; fnim (ifkl'i 
nrtrjiniTaijim nn earth! A. Thai i» nirr«l. 

(J. And believed ill of the statements that 
were made in that article f A L With ijcriplural 

Q r Without any invpjiligatiorp at alii A, Wa 
inveatigaba from tlio Bible. 

Q. Did yon mveal incite any of llinr itate- 
mead in the article of September lit and tha 
a.rlirje.s nf October 15th A:nl November 15lb1 
A Ton rr.eau after the article came uutt 

Q. At any time. A. We did, to Howlett 

Q. Only frcm Mr. Hewlett A, That ia ri^bL 

Q. And you, juat bsteoed Id Thai he bad to 
UJ, i* that rigblt A. "W* did, ye*. 

fjnniaH C, H^r,-},—Faf i)tjlt.— Direct 

Q. You did n»t ask him any questions, did 
tji I A. I i h i oi Eoiae of ut did. 

By tha Ootirtj 

Q. Did youl A. I don't recti). 

By Mr. BfuchhauDen: 

Q Ton recall ig>m of (he other things Ibat 
hapjwitedl A. That la right, 

Q, But tjiii item yon don't recall f A. I don't, 
to teil you Ibc. Iruih nboul iL 

Mr. Bruehhauitstt ; That is all. 
Mr. Cevinjfton: That u all 

^WilneEa hj.clu<h].) 

EMllKTT C. MARSH. Bravor Ram, Wi«on, 
aio, «a!|]cd ai a wiine*i in b»iuitf nf L,» defend- 
■r.-e, hemg firat duly sworo, tcBliTiiMl aa foiiowa: 

Direct <r 4"rt miuet row tjr JJr. foi'i'ifirf itn ; 

Q, ^Vhiil ia yonr o^jTiijuhlinn, Jfr, Mnrsfal A. 

I Oil) jiii ordnineil n^Iilnlfr of the Oospi'l. 

Q. WfiJit &K101J. 1 do you tmtHln ^'iUi tit kucIl 
minUtert A. Watrii Tower Bible L Tract 5o- 

Q. How long havt you h**m (onneeted »ith 
the tVatch Tow^r K<*irly1 A, Aa an ordained 
miniili'r, jinre ]il.''H 

Q. la what cnpneily fiaTt yon acned tlva 
Watcli Tower Bihia i TTitt So^irtyl A. A. 
planter, tone aarrant, an<! ithrcia) pioneer. 

Q. 1b lik3». Anjmi and e*p1*nnb*r, i« -wli^l 

Ennilflt C, ^/ni-jJi— J'iJi' Dtftt.— EiYpct 

capacity did you (ert'e the company. A. Zam 
iervant at Vr'iaconaiLi, Kt>na Na. 2. 

Q. TiViial area did ttnt cover of WiKonsiaT 
A Kishteen conQlias in the- central part of Wia- 
eoo^iji, til? eaittrii part. 

Q, Did it ineSud* tbr Waupua ajd OibLuah 
and Colujnbm nnd other cnnxpauiaa oorlb of 
Milwaukee? A. 1'es, 

{J. Do you recall the occitEion of learning that 
Itltf n I iad botn cL«ulitad i R yonr zona by Laura 

an.l Tji'lanil Honnet A. Ta. 

Q, When wjuj il thui y«a nrit learned that 
lettera had been to tircidalKil 

Air. Brnchhausen ; I object to the form 
of the cjuaition unleaa aotuc derail* are- 

The Court: Objection auatained, 

Q. TVliat month >h it Ihat you fouad out tlut 
Uia lattera bad been circulated in your xrjn«l 

llr. BruchliAyaefl; I object 1o ttie form 
of the f|ar:«lion: *'leUcra circolBtcd" fiivaa 
thfl iroprctr-ion thai there were n gri L a! 
bunny Ictttrg, *bareaa lher« miglit hara 
been only one. 

The Court: Objection Euitnincd, 

Q. Did you bear of any difErnilly in yonr lone 
in respect to any company that had retrived 

lettera from Laura and Leland ItoneeT A, Tm. 
Q. Containiiifi a copy of tba 0. H. iloyle Icl- 

tift A. Th*l il rij|hL 

Q. Waal tompaoy did you receive auch in- 
fnr-i'ihc-n from, ruid *li*7if A. From Lie C»- 
Inmhiu comjjany and (ia Hariaaa eaaapajiy, Wl* 

Kni\nrlS C. J/«MfV i-'nr }iifix.—lh(ttt 

By tho Courl; 

Q. Wheat A. About ferrrtember 1, IMS. 
Q. Both of Iheral A. Yea. 

By llr. CoTington: 

(J. Some time in lie fird part of September 1 
A. To. 

Q. V'/jls it iHif.Dft or after Hi, Howlelt'a visit 1 
A. Il wat before. 

(j. Do you recall at'cr.ding n meeting of scl- 
eral of Uie companies in your icna that waa ad- 
ili-1'nnei] by llr. Ho*l[>tt1 A. Yas. 

Q. Wbat mcelinga did you attaod, Mr. Marsh 1 
A. I attended one at 0»htofdi and one at Wau- 

Q, \Vl»t eonipwnir* »c« present at (he Oab. 
bob]) incelinf 1 A, B3»ck CretV, the Green Bpy, 
(knnta and Oihlioeh, Wiscon&irj, and also Fbrn] 
du Lir, Wisicnitn. 

Q. Do you recall wbai Uie eabject of Mr. 
Hcmlctt'i iddrcti! *-atj A. Yea. 

Q. WJmt xic it 1 JI.Hp addressed the Irtaftt. 

ing in regard to the Moyle letter, and shuwed 
Unit be lifjii taken a course in oppoaition lo the 
Sofiely, and he was i>u! there lo admonish ua 
h lo (he courae thai wan proper far Chrietiana 
lo (ahe >n regard to matlfri of th*ae tind — 

(}. Dni he rcfld 1lie article entitled "Inronrti- 
tjti:-:" at tln> OalihoEli mcctinpT A. Tea. 

Q. And did ha stale hjiv h>s.ioiih or bnaa hia 
talk upon any Scri plural reAnn»na conceminjr the 
court* In In> Inken by Jehovah'a Wiv.enictT A. 

y. TOial. if anylhipRh c1l<3 he lay in r t - 
jafdT A. He uted Lha "i^nplfl of Saul and 

£mmcf( f , Mnrtli — far thllt. — Cra« 

DaTirL Saul had been anointed Kiag of ]«rael, 
but Lk win tiujr.p tliijiL,'? eiiAirsry lo the Lord, 
anil David thought ht waa going wronj, and 
Inn! a idujuvee to hill him two differeal time* and 
rLifticd to do no becauae he was anoiatrd of Ood. 
lie pointed out in tide cane the »irrjilanty. 

Q. Did In.- nienliuii tJie uu' of I lie or^aniai' 
tinn working in harmony aod citing Uw fcJcTip- 
lurid for iluti A. Yea, he did. 

Q. Wlial Scripture* did he rile in that regard! 
A, 1 i Inn 'I rt'L-nll. 

(j. Did lie uicntion nnylldnp cuniernihj! I In; 
cuurae tluil (J. li. lUylc hud (nkenf A. \<.n. 

y. Any Sfri|rtur«| citation in Hut rrwnl a* 
In thf nilirM' Ihat t>. I}. Jl«yle Invl taken in 
lilina him JiMlcr nilli like Sm-hHy Bihl laiH-inur ill 
A. li***, he iik'h c iu=i.-i I Siriptitrvii. 

ij. Wluil t-ffi-rl did tlie lluu'lclt vinii hare 
u|mn tluil of 1lie ciiiiipnny in Uie torn- iliat at- 
iL-iiik-d I he uui'linpf A.. 11 lui'l A ^nml riTrri 
iipiin the coiiiiirtniex, It ^tnliihu'd tlieiii in the 
Cjl-1 ii inn! mudc iliem iimrc umfml. 

Q, Aflftr Hint, did ynn noliee U'lii-tiwr »r nmt 
nny of Uie- faiuitieii uinvod auay nr ]iSllhil ouny 
rrnin tin- rniu|ianic*1 A. Yen. 

Q. Did j«u notice nny Jloyle Iflltrp rimi- 
■■n '■>■■ L ill Ihr Kship al'lir yrui Ikful nLICnileil Ihr 
lliiwirll iiiH-tiiii; in man or IWflf A. N'n. 

1). Did l|r, ijowlell ="I|..1V tin- iLnicte i-nlitlii| 
'" lafiininniupi" lix hn.YIJI|f lx^n ni^nHil iiy ill nf 
I he llimrd or lliri'dnrn, lea in nuinlieTT A. Yen, 

111 1 . (Invinjrlnn; I licEirvp that ip all. 

r?roi.i-rj:(jiitiwuti'Mi bit Mr, BnieM-tmirn : 

Q. The coinpanii>a arc now Snu-i«hip^ nut 

Emmtll P. Marth — fat Dtftt. — Croij 

|l«'-re, -uri' [Jury null A. Well, liny lire doing' 

*;■ ThiTi: i» n<> diffc-rewv in nundiera in the 
W.injayii i-i(in|»aiiy or the l'nliiiiihu» emajiany »r 

Imy ..IhiT rHilii.|riiliy 1 1 in ik Llu-rG- Iau* in ILiriLI! A- 
I hnVepi '1 lii-i'ii to I he T'lluuilihuri t\wa[pjij_s Fjiire. 

■J"he L'nurt; Wimt compBinei liava you 
hn-n mt 

ff, A* fur an you know, (litre ii- no ill (Ten-nre 

in imiiiJ-Tri in 1 a, .- eoiii^uui'.i ilmn lln-rp in-if in 
I'M'/'! A, Yen, (here in in "jpie tolnjiliny. 

(j. U'li.ii ri>iii|iM>y! A. Eioriran, \\ir<--ini<-\n. 

t{. Iluv: nuuy iiji-mlrtTI HIT! Ihi'li' in 1he I N.r. 
N'liii i^iujikny iii Si-pli-iiibk-r, IfTiflF A. I'lJevi'lL 

*l. Ainl Lrim- j,iii:iv ni^wT A. Nin-'". . 

(J. Wire tH-re any aili[i1n>nii mtt the time 
frii.i Mf.'ii up n, ,j.,r.-. 4ny nnvHiiui-r*! A. Xn. 

({. Tinn- I'lmijuinlrA iir tip hy juiir U'nhjT 
nrnaial ainl uiimir uiit tl>i--e irm-i- ami rirra- 
kir.i. hf'-pi'I llipyl A. \n. tlii'T ware n«.t. They 
*"■!■■■ -ill I'^iuiiJi.-lM'd l"'t'i.|e I KfMII i nit I lii-re. 

ii. At tln-i- lin'iluif, hclilK 1,1 tli<'.*e |K-ii|jle 
an j lie' i42Hni|n,ilL |rf-ii]jh-, are El.rt^ A. Vim, nir, 

t^. Anil :lie_\ iijijy li;it'i- .i'-iti pn I Ii- ■ rr for :. 
%i'<-k nf Iwp A. 1'Jinl ij4 ric^Jit, 

Ij. And hJrine uf thr-rn uiav a,-i I Jul rmv nTlv-r 
Ijii- 1 ! iinv'p- Ih-j-a lln-re a vi i-'-i tvi Iwn v^ekhiF. A, 
."Sriine ii^ I Li- !'■,■,': J,ili firij]ju-] 

If. Y'-*. A. Ye*. 

lj. Tlir-y inny rcril ]ite it ftr It may R'l-t Mlit 

rl.iiii, !« ilmi r i tiit: A, fJrepniwully. 

if, Su ilicy ei.ine in anil cm out for n oin.ilH-r 

i.f .|i|Ti-rr-r.1 rr-a-nri», if n't Il.n1 eurreelf ,\. Th'-e 

~.»i-|-uil| jM-i.piln are n j i( iiphiiIjti uf )he man- 
|wAy. but ihey do allend off and on. 


Emmtti C. Jfarjlt— fW Dtfi*.— Cnu 

Q. In irit nujubi-r* Niui ynu Ytaxt- eiitd lit-ra 

Ori 4Jll|4-J|i | J Pi I rl , UlAl llLL'EuiJvpl lillw.1- 'fi\\t^ JtllVv llc- 
t WPte J vhOVaJl 'a U llll<T.*l"H llSlli [Jil L ^ r 4^IHj-tt (LI [ri-lv- 

j'k, didn't lit A. Tbi* num uf llnni'au Wu*n 'I. 
'1'Jli-j.- wer« atl t-li-M-ii .Ivpiipvuli'* WiLjiBuifji. 

ij .In.. :u I.: !....■ :,li.i-r . ;.i,.;,unii'H : A. As- Tiir 
a* I knvw, jc*. 

(J. Si> m tin.' (.'ulumliuin cuiupunj'. h»bh l nf iliu^u 
|*-<p|p|<< wit* j;i 11 nl-w i 1 1 pwi|ilt>, wL-rr-n'i lb*} t A, 
N"t tin; urn.'* Unit Jut. Thi-j *vrz .k-liijistlj'j 

V 1 1 Hh'iWil. 

L^ 1 1 ..iv iimfiy lift it f A, T»Ti. 

(J 1 , Where «n: Llity liipwf A- Tlii'y jiri' livimjj 
in tluil I'lDLlJuyjiiU- 

4^, Yrni >my' that yriip /i.uhit HUfi|iiijt in tin* 
Si'ri||]uri-ii fi.r hJlu! Mi". IJiiuIp'1, J^IVT JP"»« Jit 
Uuii iin>t< i on ur In' riled Ill- SfriidUTp I A. Ik 
rnml IIiji St'ri]jiL!rtn- 

Ij, Did lie ti-ll »n« ni (but nii-Mim; Ibat Ibe 
Ipii.ird iif Ilir'Tl'T* r,r,|<Ti-! Mr, M.Ah- 1n i-AV* 
ltrlht-1 m h-m than "M liiiiii-jsT A, V™. 

Q. Did be ijive you an v. SenjUuni fur Hull 
A, I ib.a'1 r.'.jll. 

<J. Dif ypu IjHriiir j.f atpy Scripture' for Unit I 
A. If a. iu=in — 

The ('miri: S*« .V'nl Ion* — lli/l! i» ■ 
mj>i|iJ(- '[U«'-ti'Fn nod Ti«|llifrii ft raSi-unriivil 
iiifwiTr 'In viju Inrrt*',. veil Ar n-'T 

Tin 1 Wirnr-j-n: No. 

Q. Did yiiil kMl* ihi-n liml hr hart t»-en nr- 
dr-ri'tl Cp leuvj. in -'* li'.urnl Did anyl*'ly Ml 

y«m tUtf A. Mr. !!..•.. l-i;. 

ij. Ijiil li<' tell ynu n[ [lint Jrtwtini'T A. F !i"nt 
Hull wax filler the rnc"i:liu£- 

A'njiur.! [ (*_ JlcW** —Fat ItflU. — [>ui 1 

ij. E?pil j|i.«-hn 11 J.- 1- hjiv.pit iliiii iikM-iPRit 1I1.11 

"Jlipylr J(.»t j trtMilBUKK -mil npuliJn'l Uikr.- it"'l 
A. I iKi.'l r^-sill H.H1 iin iLnl. 
1^. IV >ll yiril sij II.M Hint btiih i„.| Mill liy 

IImuI-hj- a, Sp*. 

(j I iu yttn li'-l]i lii ipr^ik'Li^ji 11n-^r- I'kKiplfmrni'lil 
A. Xn, -ir, 

Lj YipH huv yiii] lin- in i'li:ir^i- n/ lln L psnnc, in 
lJi;tl p" t A. I wjli ill, III" 4 Lujii-, hiLi ll.i L ruEri|in- 
nii'p i*"i:ri- litri'iflily ipr^miiu^L Fpt-frirr 1 tfun w-jii 

H, Itiiri 1 yipii LiliL may activity in ipr^iiiiijcin^T 
A- V.-,. 

i$, Ynu ^1:1 nit[ unit try L *> IhjiI'I Iljp n("ti tfirrj- 
Inry, don't Ji'OUlf A. Tlinl in r'iffht. 

Q, Amj Iry to il^r-t nrw lurtSinjtnt A. V(tk„ 

Q To J Uy tn gci (Ih-hi* p,«nrl-w;j|| p^|ilo In 
noma in at In* mufdn^nt A, Y*B, nir, 

Q. i)d you Ttuil liny ollur reliesnuti hnnLj thm 
th« "W»tdi Towfr r ' or *"li;il you get from. Ihe 
"Witdi Tower"! A. OnuiriiJitsllT. 

Q, IIun' ofti'nf A. Oil, iiiftylir ln"ir* a, ynur. 

Q. What aliicr luniks ]iavc yirn r«Ji;i oil TC- 
lipt.rn atl'i'r lliun hliat VOH fist fmifi t].5 Wakh 

Tnwtyl A, I iwl ''Fiith of Our Fatlmra," 
ed J 1 lia'-'i! road Fime Mflhoijuii iitrrtlurr, 
"Strapitli Day AdrcM." 

Q, Do ypa r**J uy utriMDU delivered by 
nun lite r» T A. No, 

Q. But yoo -tad the "^"ateh Tfiwer'" rfirn- 
Jtrly, d^o't yaut A. 1'hjit it nsjhL 

Q, FrOW so**r tn eort-'t A. Tea, »ii. 

(/. AnO ynu ri-.nJ i.JI [tiH'w bofjltrt tlial arr Enl- 
Ua otil by ti* W.liii lower f A. TJiat ia right. 

EmtAttt C- if*r,*fc— F « fitftf,— Crvn 

Q. lly tlie way, ■*>■»■ [nail}' IiumU art- ihirr 
now op U> till" date jrotten out by tiie Witch 
Tomer tnuw otl A. 1 believe there » 
twtnty-fuur l^und hiwski, 

Q. bome of thi-m ire print';'! in hh many 
aM ttirly.pUJt I ruijruaK 1 '-* f A. 7 dnii't know tfiil 
anyone ol them in, but I plena Ihcy print book» 
111 LlnL 1-io.ny bnj^myea, 

{J. Sou know tlirjy iavt t>l!ir+F all over tli* 
uroricl, don't youf A. So. 

Q. Yao kna*' tJn/y haw Jr- olTicii In CHiH-tawn, 
Africa 1 A. I know that ilu-y itid have, I Hiink 
thfy ilt 1kiv«- }■«!. 

Q. Am! Ir. Hi: rni', Rwiliri 4 .»^d1 A. Yt*. 

Q. Ancl in l^nndnn, Knul.nnilT A, Yh, 

Q Ilontbaf, Jni)iaT A, I am not mrc -d! that. 

Q, Don't you know |n»t ;; ■* in thf hack of 
the book, that it jrii'va n atrcct idilrefB for Bom- 
hay. I.i.i.u" A. I don' - , know Liiat i; d«i, I 
wooMn't day it didn't. 

Q. Hara you aver looked at itt A. Yea. 

Q. 5a that in tin- bni'k of one of tlioae booia 
in listed >ouit tfii it twelve *itr*« of til* Tforld 
-where the Wptch Tg*cr li#f olE^i, ita'l thit 
airrwtT A- Yea, 

Q. And the "Watch Tower" irafrft-jiri* ii 
printed in hov many (i-fTfrspi bjSEluj[e«T A, I 
don't kno*, 

Q, Bat it ia printed in ji number at different 
foreign langnjurrsf A- Yea," 

lUr. Brneliliausen : That ia all 
Mr, O'ivi Afctdii : Nothing elae. 

{WitneH ticn*r<L} 

i'ltr SS, liHlhtlfi-w— !'<if fcfi.-.—Drrrct 

N'Uft S. BALT,UTKT":X, 2G4 Siith AT*riiii», 
TtmoHjn, New Yorli, paltiii as » *illt*S in bc- 
fi.iir tit' tlu) ili'li'iiilatite, being firat duly aworn, 
It.-tinvd aa fnllflvrfl: 

Dirtcl tiflM ipM ( row ty Mr. Cvvmgtvn : 

q. Are yon one of .Trhnvnii'i tYiluc»ca1 A. 

Tea, aii*. 

1}. Ili>»' long ba%'4 you bt'Cn oni? of JeJioraVa 
Wiinasesf A. 1M7, 

Q. T\Hiat ia your biuin^ftal Do yon norli for 
*nifn* rfturtrn n\,v-1 A. l'e*, I am working "ith 
a ji-wi-Iit. 

Q. During IKK*, vrhat oonipany of Jchovnh'a 
IVititfM** wet* ynu as^otinlcd nithl A, Wilh 
the MiLTvaiikr-i' fiinijianj', north unit. 

( ( 1, \t'lirr. did ;(m iiiMV tft llriWjklyn I A. I 

moved DVcrrnlMT, 3D42. 

Q. Von? ynn with llic jMilwaulin* eninnmny 
durinp ihe moot lis of Jniy, August and SejiHiin- 
Ijet, 1333t A. Vk, sir. 

Q, TiVill y*u jpVaiw* 1 r-1] whelher or not ymi 
kTiuTi- LJu> [ibuntitT, 0. H. Moyle, in ihia eaatT 
A Yer, fir, I know him, 

Q. How lonir liave yoo. linouTi Mr, Wflylel A. 
State he tame to Milwaukee in l r At& y Sefpten-hor. 

By the Court r 

Q. You mean wli*i> he retnmed from Brook- 
lyn to MilwauircT A, Yra. 

By Vt. r.::v.i:Kl'i:; . 

Q. Do yon retail hearing a atatenienl read by 

Mr, Ifoylo bfiore (he Milwaukee feinfiAuy in til* 
•arty part of tjeptember, ILpISjT A. Yoa, r-r. 


Kur S. nnltHlecn—Fitr l>r.f!*.—f>irttf 

Q. I refer (o PLjintilfi EiLLbit 7, Did yon 
htfar tilt tliargea tliat Mr, Moyle made before 
the oornpuny in tliat atatemenl! 

Mr. Bruehlinnaen: I object tn the form 
of the ijui'^tino. 

The CoMrt: Ti't. Did yQU litar th* 
Btatement t**A, Plninliiyj Kiliibil TT 

The: tVilneaa; T**, I did. 

Q, Did you h*#r tLr iliarges mndt by 
MTojlc befure tin- eompany tonterning tiit So- 

detyl A, Yt*, I ilid- 

Q, Do you recall m>:nci of Lini tbarc^n made? 

lir. BTUttibnuatn : Your Ifannf, I am 
tonfnaeil aliout thia, la l=r ik*kinp Ihr 
u'itniiBa nliont d Katemeot hi n-ml nr 
akiut pwniiitlLLne: thai Mr, Moyle tnidt 

Th* CanrtL I think you Itnl brltrr 
clear it lip. Ysa heard the atatement 

The Witneaa: Yea. 

Q. When be n>adi> tV *tii^jnent, did ha Iihto 
a paper in h is hand T A, Ye". 

Q. Of eourae, yon did not read the alatempntr 
A. No. 

Q. But you did he-ar what he nuidl A- I 
heard it. yea. 

Q. Tell ua aome of tin> tiiitipc that he said, 
A, Will, f IWtlU that he Mid that Brolhrr 
Tlulherfnrd UPi"ii bard, filtby lanfMipi 1 nn Ins 
tnlplt. and lie ia trotilinc lli>^ fvl.'nrbi llif-i-f cpry 
hafd and he j*: ^bnain^r [bf friendfi nil 'be Hw 

<J, Vflnil effort (ti'l 1 1 "it -Uat-witi Iiiitp iifmti 
the enrnpany, ir you Know ' A L ?t iff etij a great 


,\af S. Hatiuttrtt—Fot DtjU.—itirtct 

dual. All of us iilmoftt «err di^turlfed nf llif 
Kiiileiswiit. it iv»>. nru- 1u us, i:s|iMiully tny--i L lf. 
I ttu Vi'i-y mutli i|.ihlur)»i:il why llipyle raiin.' Cn 
Milwatjliet twelve lauEdrotl miles ami attaekeil 
Judj;* Hutherford at Iiih luiel;, juj-t like a poiurni 
uprcsdo* the ]wopli' tlitro — 

Mr. Brur.hhmi.-;k-n L I move So atrihv it 

Thi- i'oui-1 : Strike it nil "ml, 

Q, What effrni Jid ii buvt' upun youf A, ll 

nffifdil me a ^ri'nl ih'at, [but I urote lo my 
IitijI hrr-iiulaw hi'fi' in Itfnnklyn a nppeial tetter, 
1 rfit it air limit, tn n.<k Jiboiit (he matter nml 
i'17''Iiil:i it ki njf. 

Q. Before Mr. Mnyli' read thia atnteinent in 
S*[i1i'nitjpr, bad you beard of a eopy of I he Itdlcr 
of Mr, fl- Ii- MfiJ'f* adiireimed to JadjiTe lintlieT- 
foi-d ipfiiii; eifeuiati-d in the Milwaukee coniiumyT 
A. Tea, I did. 

Mr. ; \ 1 1 n-l iiiu'i.-i' n : 1 dbjcft and move lo 
■trike ii a.:'. nstlHn di'taila are pirea. 

Tlie Court; \"-j may a»k bim the iw*. T Will [HTtnit (hi: question. 

Q. Tell ua the oeeafion that you learned about 
M r. M"*, Ifr'n Letter beine; eirtulattd m and around 
Milwaukee A. I we* nt I be Mother 'a atudyinj; 
tlie liilile, and acme friend* had received the let- 
ter (bore. 

fly Irie Court: 

Q. How many frienditl A. Nine tip tin ;■ 

fj. Tli+y \n.i 1!! rerrived dopient A. Ufa Some 
of thein, «n« of thrlii had received the Seller, *.nd 


jVirr S. fttiltvlrf'<—l-'i>r Hfftr.—Difttt 

he was luliir.jj ataul it- limp I didn't know 
llr. Doylc-pcrsonally jnyirLf. 

<J, lie did not *kk Ji'ni that Ye-ii inn, 1 nar 
friend had received a copy! A. Yd. 

Q. Wlio wat 1 1 mil A. I don't reinrtiihtr. 

By Mr. Covington : 

Q. At •■■ J ■".■>« |ii;,<-c vna, thnt study btinj^ eon- 
lLutihhLT A. At the Kchbnijs home. 

y. At any oilier twniiti did yoa hear of any 
null letter t A. I reniemlier I had a store there 
in Milwaukee, and a ms tor enme alcmr ami told 
roc that nine hud received a letter. 

By th* Court; 

y. When whs thisf A- A roupte of Weeks l»e- 
fore Mr. Mojle come to Mdwaijkr*. 

By Mr. Covington: 

Q. Were there any rumor* in the Milwaukee 
company about Mr. Moyle'n letter being tircnlatcd 
m nip company during thai timet A I thint, 

Q, \Vhat effect did it have upon the company! 
A. U lmi a pcriit effect. Everybody wm jleioii- 
ijilunc what happening in Brooklyn here and why 
Mr. Mnyla ie-fl his position in Brooklyn, and «omr 

Q Wan (hart & division in the Milwaukee- com- 
pany rcaultLne; r r«ni this letter t A. Yra, 

Q. Some fiidrd with Mr. Movie and come Willi 
the Society t A- Tes. 

Q. After Mr. Muj'le's utatement was. r*nrt, dn 
you recall lli^c vl*i* or Mr. Howlell to lb* Mil- 
waukee company t A. Yea. 

Kur 4', Z(ij:ii.J ££jt — Far Dijli. — Ctqsi 

Q. Do yon recall the talk that V.; made there, 
bufbre the entire company T A. Yes. 

<j. Altar thai lulk was mad:*, did it hs** nny 
vtln-i in settling 'In: brethren concerning this W» 
lroVrr*)*1 A, Kvtrytlking was ckiicd up since, 
Mr, I low kit came there. We were satisfied, all of 
us, as far aa hit talk it concerned. Ha cleared 

By Die Court: 

Q_ Tlint cleared (he whole tnalterl A. Thnl 
denTcd the whole matter. 

Ey Mr. Covington: 

Q- Wbut it the nanus of your brotber-in-l*> 
to whom you «■* ot«1 A- Sfclin- 

Mr, Covington: That i* nil. 

Croti r.ziim-inat-iaii b'jiff. Eruckl\Gu-5W. 

Q. How manv merabjrB in U«s Mitwuikra com. 
pmiy in September, 193SJ1 A. I rcine'tiilm abonL 
it: to- SB. 

Q. What data do yon aay — I wiHidra* Uiltr 
WlMMI <li<i you fiji.t liear about \!r. Ifoylt'a let- 
ter t A- It vraa around the niiiidlc of August, 

Q. And h'hntn did you hear it froml A. I 
l.cjird nt Ihs iiiMtitij; Llitre. 1 don 'I rcrjicmbcr, 

Q. WhCH did you. talk lo Mr. Covington about 
I h is c!lm'1 A. I think it was on Friday, 

<J, Ifuvp ynn talb&T lo anybody about thii na.--e 
hctviMl 193? npnd Ih* date yaa apoke to Itr. 
foviniiloD tl>a other dayt A. Well, 1 don't re- 

Q. Did yon write down any Jiinir ahont wHal 

Jv'ai' 5, BaW-uiffcsi— For Dtftt.—Ctou 

linjipcrvpij in Au^Ull ir-d Si-)htfri:liftr, 1330, *l U>* 

tijiic ?t r-j^^-'ficnti-L T A. Did I KritflT 

Q- I>iJ you write it dawa on any pa pert A. 

Q. TMd you writr down T A. I wrote down when 
Mr. Moylc ttiry-t l« UftwOTkee, wiiat had h^jv- 
[lencd, and I rcinctnlK r the Mttr I \ to my 

Q. Whet a the date oi (he letter 10 your 
brother-in-law A. ^eptcmljcr 7, 1933. 

{J. &q you wrote your hrotli^f-in-la* as irf>^n 
rh you Imaril pljoyt Mr. MoyU'* h-Urr, i» that 
rij^ilf A- N---I 310 1 itft ngi'in nt I lii'snl jll^ut Mr. 
Movie'* kHi-r, I su'nt him a letter after Mr. 
Mn>'ie was. in ilHujiutee- 

{Jr Ynu uTotf it liy air tnailt A. Yvf. 

<|, fjn wjib pi nflt Ttrty ioon iif(*r you heard 
nlrent lli r trUrrl A, £uro, a stiort tiine. 

(J. A day or two ifttMf you jitard aboat the 
Eel ter. A. So, a few dnys n-.pre. 

By iJic Conrt: 

Q. How many day*; fi*# «r ail, «ven, eight, 

r.iiit I A. About two •'«*«, 

fty Mr. RrticEihatiaen: 

<j. Whjrt rcatcs you «s.y !*■« uerka beforeT A, 
Because »'L.'a I itrute the lector ¥m on fieplena- 
hcr 7ih r and I told my hrnslur in-law that Mr. 
M<fv|c came in the n.,-.ti: ■ -. ;--'Lcrxiay. It wai- 
WfdneMiay we hud ii«; ,,,-jvire nieetinp tlitre, 
End I told him t|-;ai— II r. Fint iraa th* ion* »rx- 
aiLt there and — 

(J. I am jnat asking you far a dale. EUd yon 
k)i you? la* ihat you Ji« abont thu 
letter t*o waefca baforol 


A'nr .V. JJhitfirtscm— fur Dtfts.— CfifiS 

The Cosirt: lie is lafklng nhr.ut tfic let- 
ter of Mr. Mayle to Mr. Ituthcrford. 

A. 1 don 'I think so, m«. 

Q. Now, after the Ijijjsc of throe yean or mare, 
ynu. want ns to believe I hat you recall I hat thi* 
was two weeka befo r e yma wrote" yonr brother- 
i»-lnv tliot yoy, Iward wlnmt the letterT A. W*B, 
I refrrshed my mind. My brnllnsr-isi-taw atill 
linve- the letter 

Q. Yon duj not mention in tha teller lhat it waa 
two wte!;s ttial yon saw Mr. ifoy'lc's li-ttert A. 
It wasn't essential hetauaa "1 didn't know Mr. 
Moylo TterU'iTin.lly, hot when Mr. Moylc <-jiirft to 
Milwaukee and I saw him attaching Judse B-uth- 
erford in his back tliert, I j-int i-ieiteii ami *a« 
intereiiti'd to write >iim a Idler and ask him nit 
information — 

The Court: Wan a nil nut*. Are you 
certain it was* iiro w^elii bftfortT 
The Witr-^H*: That is n'liet I remember, 
The Court : I'dq ira nut ^ure of thatT 
The Wilnr-H*: I am not mr*. ennctly. 
Th* Tourt: Yon don't kv-aw whether it 
it a vmIc or two "cehsf 
Thfl Witr.ena: Maybe th-at much, 

Q. You HA not become more certain about it 
after you talked to Mr. Cavinjrton the other day. 
dsd yonl A. Hr. Covington *Mlie<l :ne what I 

IJ. Jiid that rafresh yonr reeoileetionl A. 
About whatt 

Q. About this aeeiafr a loiter or hearing of it in 
Auiruft, 1939. A. H« -iid not tell me anything 
about lh*t- JU *ik*d me what I knew. 

b Vuj- d. Liiilutecn—For Dtfti. — C'oxt 

[j. Ha at in time aince 1WJ have you meu- 
tionad [vuvihin^ to jnyLiuciy a)K>ut B«wag Una 
leLtar in AttftHt, iLJJlJf A. l'he matter »■»» 
1. 1 1-;. 1 ; n: J up tlwrtl and J weal lo my own butineii- 
Mnyl* 1 talked to HKUlcUody here Brad there, but 
1 don 'I rcmtiiil»r i [ni,d B pecial attention to it, 
(J. J I iLuiy have btes after September 1, I!M!>, 
ihiit you heard about the letter t A. 1 don't 
think, ao. 

Q. Yuu nay lhat nonie- of Uie iiLftiiLbera were 
disturbed, in the Milwaukee meeting after Mr. 
Moyle read his letter, ia Uiat correct) A. Yes, 

Q. Did they leave tlwa ncttingl A. Bure, aflei 
it «aa over, we leave. 

(j. Tilci they come back again after they lefll 
A, Wfcm Hie fritndaT 

Q. Did you. low; any of the member* out of 
tho Milwaukee inmpanyl A- Y*a. 

Q. How many did you bMef A- Th* penon* 
I Inow of, about five or eix. 
Q. Out of the Ij5T A- That ia I hone I know, 
tj. Did you ever Lime aiay memben before 
lhati A, I (£o>i't femember. 

Q. Yira mean thai alwayii uf tn Sentemhcr 
you had IT3 ntcm'ier*, and Ihey always attended 
1here, mi,! vim never [n-'t *ny, but afler ficptetn- 
he? v-.-iil *i* of them, it tlmt right f A. Tea. 
U"r i<.»t a he MP? »er\'anl h loo— 

The fuurt: Jle> aiked you how many. 
The Witaeas: About fm or aic 
(J. You n™i the anicle nn September l*t r*. 
1 erred lo here a!k.ut Mr, Moyl* bedfif diamit*ed, 
did you. nolT A. Yea. 

Q. Was lhat rcai to the i»mn*rjy t that avti- 
eief A. 1 don'i remember. 

q. They lcne« about itf A. Thay raad it ia 

$ur H. If»lluIttn—FtiT Hrfts.— Cross 

Ibe "Wntch Tower," some of lleni- I rend it 

if. And Ilia nic-inherE of the company knew 
uhovl Lliiat urlwilo Iwfore they ever heard from 
Mr. Muyle, isn't tint ri^lrtl A. I think *u. 

fj. Wlint effect tlini tlkat article, lun'e uii the 
cMitpiay] A. They were diulurlied, hut [Ley iliJ 
iml Inflw nit oliout the inmltar nvhnl happened in 

Q. ila» (he «Mii|«L*y ever bi-cn dinturbod by 
anything el«c [>^<k: to tveptcmber, 19tf91 A, 1 
don't recall anything. 

(j. Alwny* ls.-c" js-neeful and nrver disturbed; 
ex^aiitma un tiiia oecasionf A That is what I 

(J. That ia the ur*t lb** Usty vtrt ever dia- 
torucdf a. Yea, 

Q. Ilnee you ever lurn perhonnlly dinlurlivd 
prior tn .September lutT A. About wlmtT 

Q. By anything in ImKineail A, Soraotiwea 
yei, Why notl 

O, Yoa sa'^' y fl u rend Kcune h-ttera — 1 watli- 
druw 1li H vL Wlien did you hear firf the firet lima 
—1 witlulrnw IhaL Hid ynii tee Mr. Moyie'i 
lellor nt aay limel A, Yes, I looked al it, 

y, When did you nee itT A- Aluout a wr^V nr 
two before September, 

Q, Y*va are unre it •■■ before Hcptcmbert A, 
T think aa, yea. 
fly I he Court: 

Q. lie meana brfore the ttatcmrat vim read, 
A. Yen. 

{J. Thai it September Glhl A. Y«i. 

By Mr. BrncMuUMB: 

(J. 'hlinm did you reeeif* the letter fromf A, 
I didn't rfeoeiva it from anybody. 

Nur S. Baiiuiect—For Dfft*.—C?ttt 

Q. When did you get itf A, They were talk- 
ing iirKiui it arid they atart 1« read it and— 

By tin Court: 

Q. Soinehudy in the company Im-d jtl A. 
Hoinebodf in l Ilk but,: puny had i I, tiui he start 

U> read it, and I jtuwl with him, 

By ilr. Bruchtiuiii: 

Q. You were mquiaitfo'e f A. Why iJinsltl IT 
Q You werel A. Yes, air. 
Q, You. alwaye lilted to read ntmt 1 A. Why 

Q, IV lir n did >'uu read it for the actond timet 
A. I never read it tlie accjJ»d rime, 1 .Llw not 
want to butlier with it, 

Q. Did you ever aes it puhiirdted any plae* 
after (Jutt A. I don't racaU. 

Q. You never uw it in [be "Watch Tower"T 

A. Nn. 

Q. Vuu never heard of the Jitter after that! 
A. Pram frkftua, tliey had Miue letter*, hut 1 

diil Ml in-, ! I if r mjcji Id inquire. 

Q. Vi'iimn did you hear abaut it from a r 1er- 
vrordi.1 A. I heard snuie compardc* outriidc of 
Milwaukee received §onve letter*. 

By Uie Court: 

Q. IVha thin ali about the aaraa limel A. 

Ahout the fame time. 

By Mr, Eruchlmown ; 

fi- You did not hear any jn^ro a!™>ul it after 
Mr. Hewlett got thereT A, I didn't bolSur. 

by/ the Court: 

tj. Did yon heart A. W*, 

Jetii 4S. iliiier—t'or DtJlM.—Diriil 

By Iff', lirucbhaascn : 

t|. Jt all quieted duvra,, didn't it! A. Yi-a, sir. 
tj.. YdU dill UGl hfc£i: On; laine; mure Ahc-Ut (ho 

j: i n- uJat jr-iia nf Aloy]*'* Letter — A- I did nut 
bullier to Aak_ 

O. Vuiv did flyt bear a Wut ilT A. I don't re- 

Q. Nn discuasiou at the meeting in Milwaukee 
about ill A, After ilr. llowlelt, I don't re- 
mcinber 1 heard iL 

Q. Aa far an yaii ran k#v uow., to the best 
of >06r liQowLedpe, nothing; was said alter Mr. 
Hewlett got there 1 A. 1 don't think ao, 1 don't 

Mr. Bru.e]ihan:seo: That in alL 
ilr. Ovuigioa; That is alL 

(Witaesa, eicneed.) 

JOHN O. MILLkE, 10 Conway Road, Sbel- 
burn Falla, MaauiehuEetU, tailed ** a witness in 
bchnir of the dideudants, i*isg firjt dojy aworn, 
teatiGed aa loilov:: 

Direct mmiwmiiam by di>. Covington; 

tj. \ibal it your ofjiupaiin*, plrace, Mr. Md. 
ler' A. 1 am a ntmiiiii:r. 

Q, How Iodj bsive yeis \n-.c-e vaniwetcd wilb 
the Wild Tomr Bihlo £ Tract Ei^iet? mr.d na* 
«f JcJiuvjl1l , » Wiincabcil A. Far tin laat 

LW.T.I V >«."•. 

<J. HaT« ynu arer bees a metober of tiia 
lle'Lel i'amijyl A. I bate, 

(J. Wean weT« >T5 a inembtr of Uia UetLeJ 
Family 1 A. La the !att*r pmrt ol iS£4, ail of 
19&5, and pert of BK& 

Jefem O. UiIUr—Ff DtfU.— Direct 

Q. Did yuu luauw Jeaeph F. RutiierffrdT A, 
Yea, air. 

Q. Whan did you first become acquainted with 
Jonafili F. BQtttrfcudt A In 1923. 

Q. After (bit, did yau Ikcoud *dl at^uaijitiKl 
wiib hiiol A. I did, 

Q. And were you wed acquainted with Jadpe 
Butherford during Auguil of 1B3UT A. I wee, 

Q. Alter joa. 1*1 1 1bt Betb.el Family, did you 
ever bove OTjcyiciiiq •„. visit i° lb* Bftliel Hoiaet 
A, I did, yao, air. 

Q, About !;oir frequeatly did you Tiail in tbe 
Dctbel liomel A. Hat very frequently. I ba- 
lii>?a I vinili-ii it ia that period about two tunei. 

Q. Al>e,ijt two tirn«at A Yea, air. 

Q, l>.irijL|L7 tlm tLae that ywi were niaoitated 
with tlia Jlelbet Family, did you havo occaalon 
to notice tan conduct of Juilgu Ratlierford to- 
warde bia tretiircn ia |ba Betbal Family 1 A 
I did. 

Mr. Brualiliaueeu; What period ■> 
tliiat The entire period you ara ipnJdsg 

Mr. Cuvittftam: Yst. 

By tlie Court: 

Q. Tuia ia wbea you resided, at Bathe] 1 A. 
Yea, air. 
Q. When did you lciTB BatLall A. Ik th* 

latter put of Sriiictnb*r, 192S, 

By Mr. Covington: 

Q, On tba oecaaiana that yon fiaited ia thB 
Betbei Home, have you ae*B Jtidg* Butharford 
at the t«blat A. Yea f air. 

Q. Dott you think you. had baUer fix lb* 

Job* ft ililltr— For Drfti.— Dirttt 

Mr. CoFin^lon ; Yea, air. 

Q. Wiuiu toiorv tlK*t Measifnis !>-r-L yen vi:iil.,-,.l 
ilT A. It wbuld be pretty hard for me to recall 
just w)mi tune it wae. I really don't retiiember, 
But I know I bare been during that time, 

By the Court: 

Q. Can't you fix tl.a yeart IVlien W2tn eIld 
lout linift you were at ElI)ii>11 A, 1933 at »ue 
lime. That wjib. during (.Ub toLivenlion. And 
then previoualy to that, I couldn't aay just 

By Mr. Covington: 

Q. Do you knot* the pUuV.iff, 0, B. Uoylat 
A. I do. 

Q. llow long have you known Mr. Moylet A. 
Sine* 193S- 

Q, Haw did ywu. beeome acquainted with Mr, 
Jfoylel A. I met him at a campaign up in 
Connecticut in the summer of 1X35, and then I 
became mora actjoasated with lira when my ton 
was ei^elled from adtooL 

Q. Wliat do you meaa hf "cam fraijm " tjiat 
you used in. your leetitnonyf A, Tb»t wae at a 
d iviiionDil campiiifm which »x hr,d at il'nl lima 
where various companies assembled together ia 
order to carry out the wort (bat waa a&aignid 
to m in the furtherance of the preaching of th* 
OuapeS Lu Sua orgBj-.iied nauwer, 

Q. What ewmpany or ooogrcgaliou are yon 
asfloiiated withl A. lae Greeofidd co^.^apy, 

Q. What area d wji that indudist A- That in- i 

Jnha Ot UHUr—Fe* Dtft r .—Hirfct 

cJ-jjca nil of Frunklih County, [leonrideii County, 
and part of Windham Couaty, Wrn-juL 

Q. Did \\t. Aloyle cveT have oceaaion to Jtnn- 
kII ,. jlti y ]j Lj -ilIliju in ftat area in behalf ot J*- 
hovah'a WitDtiw.nT A. He aid. 

Q Vh'hst Oeae, if ?*"* knawl A. Ili^ hoiMlh^l 
wiiat ia commonly IcoqwH b* the JoliaRoa case. 

Q, Duri^e; that time did yoa bemuii* belter 
acquainted with Mr. ifoykJ A Yea, nir. 

tj. Uo yon rocall a vi^it tlint Ifr. ilnyle paid 
in tba early part of duly, 11b!% to your eom- 
tounit)' to attend ta T h* lolinson easel A. I do, 
Q. What was tliit oteaaion, jf you reoiemherl 
A. That was the occasion wlicft lh(r Joluaaon 
i-niifi woa abseiled to the fcuferi^r (.'eurt, invt 
tbo^e wai to be a hearing before the Soperiar 
Court, nr.d I received a letter from Mt, Moyle 
stating that Hie caae would come up ou Tunday 
and Wcdntedn-y, 

Q. What local c^aJiael was handling the mat- 
ter with Mr. MoyleT A. Tbef* wua a Frofesiur 
Ganlncr from Harvard and alto a Mr. Poit 
from Bcmtan. 

Q. How piany daya wan it [hat ifr. Moylc was 
there in conaecli ftn. tuth that eaaef A, He was 
tliere. Tueadsj, Wednthday, and part of Thurs- 

if. On (bat sccaaion di'l yiju bav* a ennversa- 
(ion with Mr. Moylf uitii refrrenw to bin din 
sjir i af flc( i ixi at itethell A, I did, 

Q. VYhr.1 Tin* dii* conversation T A. W*U, I 
naked how thine* WW* irViinS at I!<Hliel, and he 
bhilI "Well, tluv arc Tary LlJl^flti^f! L rto^y- at (ho 
present Liiite." He nays, tliat the Judi^n hihl lveen 
(riving lbs fnmily nlentf v i table trinitninga, 


Jahm a. IltUer—For Defti,—liittct 

n.-ferriiiig ta tlie fact that he w^ij rejsriiiiiiailiaj; 
the fantily quite a lot. lie also atnlvd ibut t)w 
Jud^e was disaatiefsed witJi the handling of the 
iladiaon Square Carden cnae. 
Q. By hiiol A. By him. 

Mr. B ruoli liaustn : J objeet to the nuta- 
tion and move tu atrilta it out. 

The Court: You object not to the ques- 
tion but 1o the interpolation by couosid I 

Mr. Uruehhausen: Yea. 

T|lc Court : The objc ction ia auatained. 

Ilr. Ltrochliauaen : And I move to alriht 
out Uie t«atinwny. 

The; Couft: 1 will strike L" oat if you 
want, bai aren't you going to Imvn tho 

auinr tliinuf Iklarf 

Air, lirudjlintLfcL-n ; i\]J lipht, jf we g,et 
it La. 1 wo aid like to get the wiLaesa'e 


Tlac Court: Alt rifiM, alriku it out. 
"By hmi" is strichcD nut, 

Cj. Did Mr. itoyle elate Ida eoaneetion with 
tin- ILuliaon iiioare «!nrden rnset A. Mi^Hiij. 

(J. Dbl bt refer te tlie Judge'* diawtisfaetion 
with hi* hand! i up of the eaae, hi F c^nneclton with 
I he tM*1 A. Hr did, ve'v tHUH-b no. 

(J, And iliil vo6 have a conversation witJi him 
and adviae liim ai to wtdll Ci^uric ha ilioalif tafcr 
in rvferr-oir* (O^ 

The Cnurl : 1 rugge*! it would lie well 
to lei! the conversation witlKittt having; any 
tui.n>ad Lead in u. in-,., T,-LI un both aide* of 
ilie ennvei^jintien, what you *aid to him 
and what he w«id to you. 



John Q. Milter— For Deft*.— Direct 

A. A(, Ihe time (be conversation went an, J* 
lotd uie the Judjje v«4 very jiceTed particularly 
due in the fact tkal, ai ha put it, Heath was 
jbi-jvuci] un<J *■»■ ehu (|,6t had been sentenced, 
(inwl, ami tlsat he scviiied to be very peeved over 
that irintter. lit fiayi "Anything that knppenti 
H? Heath, why it ia an. if it happened to the apple 
of tin 1 J mljje'R- eye." 

!,'. 3). i. ine I in> iiuiiLnii-r tif tOSD. afttir (hat run.- 
veruation, did yoij receive « letter f**m U>, 
Movie hIul-Ii iji Defendant*" Exhibit Y (hiodinfr 
tci wilni'HKjf A. Vcr., air. 

Q. V,'m (1ml Ike Ural Hut you heard of Mr. 
Movie be fort- hr came tn Jour honnS— did be stun* 
to your home, nfler Ihisl A. Yn, be- did. 

Q. Iji lb in I3ii> fiml Vilq learned Hint II r. Uoyle 

wiw ffnisriii^ from the Society *» wuuel! 1 A. 

Tl wan. 
Q. Ho made certain cJiWfttt in litre acinic the 

Rnricly null Ihr J urLj^r , Dill yOU ttfliaTM tho** 

ermrfes to he Intel A. Xo, I did net, 

Q. Later on when Mr. Nnyte earn* t* ywir 
home— when wax (hall A. Th« Ant Friday in 


By Uw Court; 
Q. 19381 A. 1039. 

By If i". Covington: 

V, Win He, M<vyle bo nit there, how long; did 
lie atayT A. He »taye,3 until — he cam* late Fri- 
day iflOfiooa and U«ft early Katun lay morning, 

Q. Purjrir [l'H lime, fliitl you have a ee-n»er- 
siilion wiili liiiii in rmrard to thin matter of hia 
leivinjr BstSieM A. 1 did. 

Jeh* Q. Mi&ef—For Dcfis.— Direct 

it- J of i ilnU the conversation, plcaue. A. I 
r-jiuke [KTbuAally with ilr. iloyle just before 
linking. 1 wa* opeoi&if the garage doom for 
him — ■ 

TJid Court: Just tell o> the converta- 

A. (C-Mitinued) He tiatol "WeB, John, I e-an- 
jiflsit yon want to kmDW vlut it u nil apaiL I 
bill tell you briefly. You have Leva at l!i"thei. 
Y<i* know cond ilioni. " II* saj-a "Th« Juiigs 
!i:l:i UtT4 K>vil3£ plenty of tabic trimming*, an<9 
tbeve )i a Jot c-F injtuttiot prwlictj, and tbo^i; 
Itjion vlnuil injUBtiti.: is practical, viliy jhey irr 
Bl'rttbl to apraJi up. Thrr* u a. liunch of "je«- 
Iuh'Il 1 de>«-n tln-rf. Thnjy are Jifroid to tptok. 
An. I naiiu; Hi i ny; tlrjuitic iniwt tale plavisc, and I 
IjO-lin-vt I ata i he oa* tht*t can do il." 

1 Hated Mr. Moyte waellitr he ever bad taken 
tin- !iin1n-r up v-Mh the -lisile;* l+foi*. 11* uaya 
iin. 1 ji>l;<-d him if In- liml any jffievanft; fjerMia- 
ally nj^ain»( til? Juiln'c, whellicr the Judae raii- 
tr'-4il«l hiin. H* aaya "Nn, he treats me fine, 
okay, A* far a* ! am [>trh<>n»]Jy concerned, I bo 
J hi l^i- ha* Iji^-n very pood to me. hl 

J ^irl "U'ipulftn'l it bt advidahle for yon to 
FpK-nk-— wniililn'l it hare LiCtir better for yin to 
■■[u-iiIj to- the Jud^'o refuUve to this tbiaj; befart 
tnkiiie; nji-li a drjiRtic aetjooj" 

lie my* "No. lit Dcrda lonvetlueij Li> jar 
biiu, to makt liim Bnap oat of it" 

I advised him, I aaid ''Well, I tiiink yn^ are 
isakiat; a jrrievinn niitatia; tlial the impQrtaiit 
work far at Id do ia to Boutins* ■» the place 

Jot-n 0. J/iifcr— For Deflt.—Dirtti 

that Uio Lord baa placed ue and pgt voluntarily 
hiiM' it. Jiun't you realist tbt potitiaE you holu 
at IJ.l- |,ri-.!.t lime, joj do a [ ion 
ui i;ruvv rcA[icrjhib ]ity, and. whu :* piing to tnke 
up the legal matters after you lenveT" 

fir mid, "Vt'ell, I aFrun^ed tluit. 1 bav* 
jivi'ji ttio Judge a liel of ten caaea L " 

"Jlut," [ oil), "takf, fpjr ii5k1et>c*, Iht Jo!m- 
aon (.iKt. |L ig to come up very jjooti rvfnre tlw 
Sitrri'ijie Court, Will they have ample time to 
do it?" 

Up naiil, "Oh. T4.VH, that n."ill Sw taken rasre et 
in diK L tunc, 1 * 

Mn titfrjrc 3roviii& I couldn't nsnke any irn- 
pr'VMiiin, an him, lie BJiyt, ' ' Veil, evfry tiling 
ii Ml turn «ut alt n^ht. by! I lOiatn (he .pIkIh* 
Till I Ihj ravins; nmd. 1 jfupjib before I H" levrk 
jnto Uethfl r 1 !unl hetter throw in my *np. ahil 
il that f-tnys m, 1 rlon't know out wiiai T Imrl 
hniter IbfJiW in my nujtnme, ton. ami i[ Unit 
ilnya in, I ran walk in." And tlwy ikpartnl 
on (Pint tone. 

Rv the Court: 

Q. 1'luit in KiihstanUalJy tlu> {iwvf matinn I A. 
Thai in r uri.r.-inlii.Uy She eniH'rriUllion. 

Dy Mr, Covington; 

Q. Thai in yliat he nidi. bH you tell bun 

tnytliitij in ri'tafd H> your titJN'rieiir^ wills Hie 
Ji.:l;'i' in ilealine; with him eonferains cunlre- 
TenuaJ walltrat A. I bave never bad any ex- 

By the Court ; 

Q. You did not iiy inj'thina; On th»l iWOrtt 
A. He. 


Joan 0. isaitr—y ot l/tfti.— Direct 

Q. You Ijivt toJJ uu the vlibfe c<jnvcri«tipo 
j.u:..i.LiLj.:iu..jyl A. At far as 1 recall, 

J " ■ 11 r. L' i'V i r fjK.r. ; 

ij. llaatd mi your exptntDoe ^ith Jutf^c Botlt- 
crs'urij, liava yon fouad tun to be n. man (rllu- 
in iiitoleruiil and not willinf (o jpv* u.a andii-n™ 
to one who «oiutD 4o lain n» Uil!: aU^uL tudl mat. 
lemf A. 1 have- found Ui* JiuJtXt io I* a very 
tulerunl IhUIL In fott, he hmn alway-H treated "ie 
wtll a!HJ J.Hi (JfanlnJ IH( tvury ri-ijueiil I (Ver 
made to hiuL 

U. Ijunne tke rK>i^>,Lrjn ibat yuii vlhiUv] in the 
ftttrel Jiojne, have ym hjjl an (jijjujriunitj' la 
iikhLrrvpr bl>> eor.iju't tjjwanlii 111 i h Iprethrenl A. 
Ye», I did, 

Q. Uurjjiif I lit- Ljjiie that tnii liired there an n 
iiKuilieT of the fSel'uJ f'ajinly, did yipu liou* tw- 
uihi^n to uantnrt tiiK Judnje'ri conduct inunriS 
Iilh ].n:hi-i-n r A. I hIj>I. 

Q. Have y«u evLT ifbi<erved Uh; Juli"' kjv- 
■iii L7 a tklJt Iriwiuiinf; to biii bret'hTtn unj-.i-liti- 
ttl..|y nr in any JjiLimerl A. I vrouMn't C«tH tin -in 
ULitN; tri:ii3nin^n. lie ban repnnandfld the fam- 
ily wni lime wlien in; wa» jLLhtified. Of course, 
lie bsrl ;n npn-ak in a laad ViiUSc twcauiw it la a 
■0 -'I- halt, 

{}, fl'iw |ar|;e ih (he ball tliett where [be din- 
in^ Inkle* ori'T A. T^e tfilliilfl rVplll kcnonililiri- 

rlateH nor* than 2~ft ia my knimirHJ^e. 

fj. i^ii'L you ever nnlire [he tgniiltiun of j^lpi-ri- 
fieation i(f aitithol in [be Jletlutl Kami.)' i»r Homicf 
A- I dill 7.0T 

Q. Have you ever noticed ihot the -fudgfl dit- 
criminntiMi iipiimi km brelhrenl A, Ha. 

John 0- il,lirf—For Drftl.—Dircft 

Q. Did the Judge hive a kindly ami friendly 
altitude tow#rda inn bretliren jL belhell A. Me 
alunyjj bn^i iind while f wae there and "B I he 
vi»Hb. (tnt. 

Q. What effeet, if any h did this atatttnent that 
it r. Jlnylt Wirt riTi^ning; liai'e urrnJi V'piUj" mind 
v,iEli refi-n-nfe to the liiflic ul! in [Jul you were- 
in tlwri- ilul-iflj; I be -Puhns-on caatr A. 1 wa* 
1*ry Jiimb rlintlirUil over it. 

(|. Uicl ii'U I'll S^r. .Muyle tlial he did not ap- 

prn.jnle tjie a£ljpi» J,i' wan lakin^f ,\. 1 did, 

Q. I hlinw yon a letter rbiLed Aueunt I* 1 , I- 1 *' 
(handuij; to witiw*i3. 

>lr. Covintrton; 3 woutd like to offvr 
that in evidence. 

Sty the CrijTti 

fj. What in liuit leltert A. Tliitt in n letler I 
reeciiri<l fr-iin Mr. Moyle at the time he wan m 

nm1t In Wii>eon*,ii, 

II f. linielkliHU»en : No f.kjtvti, , n . 

(TV Jiajitr rufi-rrttl In »a» received in 
evi.h-nee: and marked Defendants' Ksbihit 
fSy Mr. C'ni'incton; 

Q. Jli-I >fr, Mnyle at any liiM fnrniph tra ymi 
HBf <,r vriK.f of the fbarflt" thnt he bad 
innile nj;,iih*l liic JuilKt in your rtaiwrrmMtm 
with lnm nnd in tiie LeUer ratwjved on July S-thi 
A- Jto. be didn't. 

Q. IKil job Ihelie-vt the rliartreH he madt wtr* 
tnieT A. I did noi- 

0. And <iid you "read the article *B.lill*d "In- 

Jnliu Q. XJ/tlri ■ F\ir I)fJtt.—CtMt 

firmulJim" in il- "1V.i1<'Ii Ti.ner" <-i ■' ■■ I ■ -1 ■■ i- 
15, l!K2lf ,V- I did 

[(, 1'iiJ iin| n-ili. ■■ Ik- ■ m.i.lJ ,,l' n :nn| 1||<- 

ni^lllllliri-H Of ibf li'Jll.l <H I lini l.n- ' .\. | .I.. I. 

Q. ]),.] tm N-hi-i-i- i|,,,i i„ I„- irucT A. I dul. 

yif. Covicij;tun: I '■■. ill now n-nit |ho 

(Mr, CoTmet^n rraHi T>e renilantn ' lrlji 
liibit U-27 to thtj jury.) 

Mr. Covinc^on: That is ell. 

The Coiirt : Mr. rinieliiiau.ien. will your 
CTQgt-tuuuaatioa lie lengthy of tbia wit' 

Mr. Brurlihausen ; It may be. Judge. 

The Coitft: Then ¥t had U'tler Inko 
our mi-irmrm jeccas now. W'-e will take a 
five-miaute reeeaa. 

fShor-t refine.) 

CfOil-fXtlmiiiatieii !.-/ Mr, Smr\Lr.-i.^crs: 

Q. Toa were deeply interested in the. Johaeon 
cute, wercn, h t youf A. 1 was. 

Q. And lha purposii «'. Mr. MuUt'i vinit wa» 
to help you (here, warn 'I it I A. Yes. sir. 

Q. in tiie caaal A. Yea, stir, 

Q. Hi: Iiad no oilier reawn for cominp; up to 
M^ns»neliuwtL«1 A. ft>X At that lime, a* 1 recall. 

Q. You have heard this letter read from nun 
to you cjyine: you Lha details an to hav you could 
be helped in the cat*, iin'l that tot A. I beard 
it, j'ta, tir. 

Q. Tfctrt it 90 indication ill that letter of hit 



Jehm 0. ihiict—Fur Dcfti—Crott 

trying [41 llir(i«- !hi? bun ha nr anybody site, ii. 
•ln'fi-1 A, X(.l hi il, ut taller, 

lj- A> n MUllrj- el" ranH, Wanii'l lie inHlruniClltfll 
in ^>iiiiii; |'roteiim>r Gardner in tin? i'lm'I A, ! 
drill"! J: I,! m- IkiU" I'/ofL'Sbfif (!ardn«r came to :m 

n>riiiwU'4 Turiili ihe casa. 

fj At k^Fl rr'ih'th.LT C n. i ibser Wan brought into 
the case! A. He wu kroughl in, but ho* I don't 

l>. And he did it uitlunit eomireneatinn, did he 
not! A. Professor Gardner did it without torn, 

fj- Vcs. A. No. 

I), Don't you know liialf A. lie didn't thi it 
without rmnpcitfalion beeau-it I paid hi* hill iLmt 
wap, rendered lo nit 

Q, Did you heur tri* letter rend here which 
mm u' !'■■ ten by Mr. Movie In Mr, 1'hillirirk, dated 
Augiwl 2S, ISim, tohki-h jji juirt nf Kthibit Vf A 
I not only read it hut I received n copy nf it. 

Q. In that letter yon itcill thia aLatetnent by 
Mr, Movie- 

The. Court : You hate Ihe *l»i|i exhibit, 

haven't vonf 

Mr. RriK'lilinuAen ; I have it marked ni 
piirt of ]■' ill i nil V, 

Tli? Court: V is (lit queelionnair* 
eigned by Ihe plaintiff. 

Q. Do van recall slain statement in tint Iclier 
by Mr, Movie. 1d Mr. Philbriet: J 'It ncult! In- n 
calami !y for- Hint ej*e to he Iff! htiiFPPSi' in mid 
*ir. Gardner lm» been a lirinre in hi» neiinn* in 
the ca*e He has done [pucSi office wiirlf, pcid hi* 
way cut to Greenfield, MaswacliuscL!.! »v«r»i 
iLiiien end asiiaLed m arguing lii »*«*, I don't 

JoJU ft Hiiltf—For Dtfls. — Cross 

think tlic local company can finance. Ihe matter, ao 
] inn JVtting it up lo you." A, I recall tlml 
itnteRKrat, yes, air. 

Q. And IjlhI is correct, isn't ill A. Not en- 
tirely correct, no. 

Q. Whul do you find wraiifj with tliat state- 
ment! 1 A. On-inur to the fact that we l,n: to pay 
L'ruffHMsr Gardner Later on. There was. a bill 
reaitared and 1 »■» instrumental in colliwlins 
the Funda far Ihe ]myinant of the hill w rendered 
h_v P^of^'P^o^ Gardner, 

(J. V'p lo IliiK lime, AufTiiMt lfllil), PrflfeMOT 
(ianljiur imd paid liii e>.pcni»CT, ij) llml tiiftMlf 
A. \vn, uj) to thai time, 

Q. Tldi ia uTiutn August 2S, ls>39T A. TSuii 
it trae- 

Q, Wasn't it a fact lhat tin? Society down in 
Brooklyn wait reluctant to advance any moneys 
for lhat n*-*rl A. TVat it a factt — Repeat Ihe 
qur&lion F pleaae. 

Q. Tea. 

Ilia Court: Viw the Society rrluctimt 
to advance any money in lhat particular 

The Wtln*u: Yea, they had a reason 
for it 

Mr, TJj-och^iMen ; I move to atrilce out 
the 3n»Tjt. 

The Court: "Ye* h the OBEwer i( yes or 

Q. TMJit i* a Tzri, '^tt ihey wer* to 
advance any moneyst A, Tea, wt. 

Q. And yoo people up iiicre gnthered 'outlier 
aoaae natnieyi for it, did yon notl A. Xol only 

John O. AlilUr—Ftr Dt}U.— Vmtt 

us, but alio Ut. IlutJitrfa rd eonlribuled lowatja 
tlie esipeaafcs. 

'i'jie Court: Later on or al I hit Linu l 

Tlie Witneg*: At this) Lime, 

Tte Court: TJlhI \.t> ,-.. taJJiing about! 

Tin; Wilnrs*; T*r h *if. 

The Court: RefW Au£ilM 29, 1339, had 

Mr. liulhersnrd eonlributed jomethLng to 

the defame ul thai cuu'l 
TJia Witntai : Ye*, ajid Ut* Swietj did, 


Q, IV'iuit money iiad Ihe Soeitl* conlrioaled 
prior lo August, 10391 A. Tl»l J don't know, 

Itr. CovanfitDn; Hay it plear-e your 
Honor, tii.ii. ia iuinntorial, ijetung into a 
fioll.i'.i^al matter. 

The Coijj-t: T Ihipil; it if immaterial and 
I wauld tike to *errect one thing. Thii it 
part of DcTcndabla' EiJiibit U. 

Mr, jBrorhluimm; I beg your pardon, 

Mr. Coving-toe: IV* would objocl lo low 
line of tnterrogaLion, 

Tlie Court: I liav* already aaid it ia 


Q- Tin I you leave BeUel of your on accord t 
A, Yea, I did. 
Q. What yearf A. In 19^. 
Q. How long had yoa beta therat A. Aaxioct 

two jeare, 

Q, Had yoo *hrn yon entered limned on* ut 
tie quedlisinnairea whisli proridtd Lhat yon were 
to tabacriba to what Lney did and. alay thar* tan 
font lifot A, No, I did not. 


Jekn ft Uillcr — For Vtfti. — Crest 

Q. V/ere you. aated lo Etgn onaf A NoL thaL 
fono, so, sir. 

The Court; Did yoo aign a qoestiori- 
saire 1 

The Witneaa: I fiij^iitd a ((Ocsliou- 
ctjre, bat th:-L dftleoJCHt wat not on tie 
ajueatiomiiaire that I aigned. 

Q. So Uinl there were metobcri of Eclbel who 
were in there at the time you got there aa-d 
prior Iherolo who didn't lijjn a paper that they 
h*d to tiny in therr foj- life, itn'l lliot riglit* 
A, That rejjvialion did not oonoe. into effect until 
after I had resigned, 

Q. Ii il not a fact lhat yon told Mr. MoyLe 
that yon had recarnd same, nufair trcHtment 
from the Judge while you were there f A. That 
la not a foeL 

Q. Wliatt A. nint ia not a fact 

Q. Yuo ilooy that ia anl A. I deny it very 
*tujihiil.icJi!ly, yet- 

Q. I* it not a fact that ^ticn Mr M*nyle rjinm 
io Lee yon in connection with this Johnson taw- 
ji.iL :! you a^ked hiru far the detaila of hit 
intentions to withdraw from Ihe organization? 
A, I didn't have to nek him. He volunteered 
tjiat information. 

Tha Court: Pleate, Ef you will, joat an- 

pvit Mjneatioet, 

Q, You, deny that you. aaked for the detaila 
of it! A. Yea. 

Q. Too, didn't nty, "I don't wtnl to hear 
anything r.'::i.uL it,' 1 .in I youT A. I i;n:n'L nuin 
that atatamanL 


Joftn 0.itiitt.t—FtiT J>tfti<—Crou 

Q. So you want ua to bdiave piat he come up 
thert on Uio Jahnaoa <*sa and ja*l voluntarily 
went into alt the litlculc tWut (J.jj otaer Diina- 
tiont A. I just aaked him, recaLiing Ihe tonver- 
aaticn I recited to begin with, I ajked him. how 
thing* y^rit at Eelhel. 

The Court: You aiked him how Ihinjja 
vara going and then he lold you the full 


The WiKatof, Yet, *ir. 

The Coart: Yon didn't ajiii ajaylhieji 
about ill 

The Witneea ; No. 

Q. Euriiiir the course ol the converaat ion 
didn't you njab: eoir.ment and ask qucitiOna 
youraelf 1 A. During lb* courts of whidl WD- 

Q. Tho eonveraalion wilh ^fr. Moyle abont 
conditiuna at Bethel. A. The nnt cenvertatiant 

The Court: The firtL converBation 
when he ww there on trie Johnson case. 

The Witncae: TVell, I tikrd him— the 
qnly thing I aaked him win Uiui, "How 
ar? ihinfpi going at Bethel"— 

The C<,n.-t: That ia aLL you mmkrA hiint 

The TVitntat: Yes, air. 

Q. JTow long did Ihs «on*traation take! A. 
I ihonld judjje ahnut l. r » ntinutca or ao. 

Q. And where wan Lliia converaalion held! A, 
Thai *ai held in the lihrtry of tho court, 

Q, Op what dataT A, Well, if my caleuta- 
tioua are right, tnat would b« an Iht Toetday, or 
July 16th. 


Jeh* 0. ilitlcr—Ftr JJe/fjc.— Croat 

Q. Are you aure it wa* the lDtht A, I 

wouldn't say pomUvtly, 

The Court: That is your best recollcc- 
lion I I* that what you want to loll oaf 

Tin Wilnnaa: Yea, ill. 

(J. ile didn't allow you a cojiy of tnj timber I* 
Uj. HatLerford, did bet A, No, he diiln't, 

<J. Yea loave never seen a copy of tXa latter, 
have youT A. Ho, i. personally never have aeen. 
a copy, 

Q. Never been dclrvtned or eirculaled aronad 
your neighborhood! A. In the immediate vicin- 
ity, ye«- 

<l. ^Vaaal A. Ii vsx iimilial lo Mr. ['hilbriL-k, 
1 bclievo. 

tj, tt'UHl't thill HhmK iit 1!M0 that thut Jiiip- 
inin-i|f A. J tiJiihJu'i Hojr when ill. J'inlliii:-, 
KM1 Ihe h-IK-r. 

il 'inn .J, i ii "I, kjinw Ihe diiteT A. Nn, I ilmi't. 

4J. Yijil n-4Li| lliiri arlh'Jr in tin' — tlii'ae ^ariinla 
Hrtirlw in tin- " Wjiieii Tun'er," did yoa not! A. 
1 did. 

tj, Ali.l Will toiik tin' rtaLenH'iim aa thty Wurt: 
hjWiI^ iji ll"v "Wmii'Ii 'I'lm'vr,' 1 ixn\ lhat eArreelf 
A, Tiiiiii "ii-n ntulvuHifltal 

■CJ. Aonpted mlial ilic *'Wa-1eh Tgwei:"' udd 
uIhiuI Una ihipKf A, Yi-f. I did. 

ij. Vim iicvi-r ntatla any irajuiiii'M yemTHell 
:i!k.u1 it,' A. Oh, yes, 1 have, liwaose 1 Linn? 
in eiiatarl Viith tlie Jlfthi>l r'amily a lot. thai i», 
tlu- Ih.iy <*Miiie U|' 1p ln]f ftnit, 

(J. J!ul y>u ateeiiteii il anyway t A. Yoi, J 
uftvptfil Ihe >ta1ciiiektik 

(J. Now, you Mijd idioelhmg about arranging 



Jiihn. G- Miiltf — Fur Drjl*. Cras; 

a pfruii]] of fioliipanKM there fh'T heltei m^anim 
Liiui, if [hat trirrrtA*. A. That lb eurrtet. 
t£. tt'jin e LilI (pj-t»ujjing lh*iH aider "in head I 

A. Ku, 1 LhinL you iiiib.u:idL-r*(<nMl that pari »f 
eI. I- ',-. i.jI;. Id 1iml [i.ifl of Hit wrk various 
iiuiuiiajiit'ii would atisKsBlble and e*ver a definite 
Lily Ihiii u;lj:Jil> ; in 1hat maimer, il WHU cvrlain 
I hat iJii' entire district W««U It reached with 
Hit liitajh-l j.Li'.-:,a L i;i:, 

(J. Were ( bL-y lu nil jralher Hi^lhcr nl put 
timet A. Yen, .sir, at uJitf tinic. 

(J lli-.i many < u I l 1 1 , Li i i i ,:■ H v.fLh il it if A. If I 
read! ii.Tri^'lly, it would lm Lk i '-, , l i j l ■ I 12 nr la. 

i-nillininin'l lh.ll iis.-,i L uih]r-il ill IIllI tluu''. 

tj. i\'-,| Ilia' ww* orjinum'*] hit* relic-iona in- 
rtlrurtiiTi. wasn't i-c T A, That is *orrv*l. 

<£. You call ymir dwstriiH'* ri*lij{inii, dea"t yi"«I 
A, No, wi- rhm't vatl il reJijiirin,; npr> eall it the 
1nif wornlup of AhmKlity find. There in a vmt 
difference Wluci'II rcJijiifin™ 

The Court: ICe didn't nuk vim ilwl, 
Ynui Miy you dun 'I nil I it rrlminnl 

The Vt r i iiu'jii* : S'r>. 

The Court; V<m full il the true ™f' 
*Liiri of AhiuKhiy' i J^mS T 

The Wtln***: "Ten, kip.. 

Q. Then y.,ii +-A* lln-v w-eivii'i ni^iniiwd fni 1 

H'|jj;i<nift |>Lir|hiiii';F A. Xut nci'ordilli: In lilt 
Scrigiliinll i-tilinl point, 

Q. Y.iu httid thai Mr Mnvle referred in ll|<! 

Jljidi^n Square fiarden rant A, Ye*, tie did, 
Q, A mi did you hear ilie hpiiiC nf Mr. Whpel- 
^Kh mentioned T A. lit inenlinncd lint llr, 
Wheeler wa& on ihe eaH*. 

Jo*« O. HiStT—Far Ptftt.—Crttl 

Q. [>oa't you. kuinw that Mr, Whietesa han- 
dled tin; mjicl A. 1 didn't £u- into detail m- to 

U'liU | ,:i IL, I h,4.L tiuC 4"Lli-l> UJ Qf>L 

Q, Just wk*t (klij-l JiJ lit- »:vc yoo atiiut that 
Minli'Cul tfcuwri! UnnJtn r:i.. i Will you atiite 
tluil fljjtiiii- A. He juist tv',A ■■■'■ llm Juttf^ «a* 
iiullI owe* tlie ease and partnL-uiiifly t^c fuel tlwt 
lli-.iili ww iavolred in it and fN aulcuiin? vasnU 
turisfcTiiiry, nt lie pat it, io tlie Judge. 

Q. And ".till lu.: any tint he wua frieitdlf to 
ilcntlil A. T'ljat vl-Lmi. wm f j-Li! is" II y I 

(j. Wan unyiliinj; huli.1 in il.ii cfiDVcraalion. 
tbuut ,Mr. lintlicri'onl ln-inj; ]jiirticulaply friendly 
to HimtLf A. As lie t J JJ-CSjied it, nnylliin^ Ihut 
|m|"|k-iirLt to ilentli would happen Id the fl]i|ilc 
of liu f>P. 

Ttie Court: That ic wlint llnWf iyii<l! 
The WLtmtfi*: Tlwt ■* ^.-lutLl JLuylc said. 

Q. And Hrjllll Wiih th* husfclTld nf Tionnie 
IS<ivi|, Titn't iLrf A. 1 believe At (hat time he 

(J. jVihJ vou krnjviu don'1 3'un, lliat li^misc TJnj'd 
Ii^l-iI Iwcti Ihp privnle BPCrtlarj' u>r IJfntls for a 
E<mm1 tnajiy yearitT A, Y™, I tni'sr tliot. 

I}, (ir KuLlh?» A. Vph. nir. 

Q. ]■'.¥«) prin-r tri l<er inturie^i; t A. Y(*h. «ir. 

(1- And »h^ ronlinued to Ih; Imh jifivatc nc^rn- 
tury Jifl-i-r tlif tnnrruiKrt A. Tlial 1 vmuMn't 
■my fur n?rlain liteuime I d™>'t knov:. 

Q. Do vim know: ilijil even aTtfr Hie m?irTil»KI> 
lllp r 1u"lj?f tnivHr-d nri^Hii^l null lllftt mT. And '■' n- 

Ilettli always wtnt with liimf A. Ko., I hot I 
ilon "I kn<i»\ 
(J. Da you know llul they even wtnt to Cali- 

Jolm O- UilUr—tW Deft$j-Ct*n 

forziii ia.j ttnyed vi'itti idin lli^ifvl A, i don't 
Liiuw i ..: :. 

Q- l>o you know thill aftfrwatdi Mr. nm'l iii*. 
lliiitU Imd a I't'iiic in Colifoniia op])iuito to or 
neur y±T, Hut herr^rd 'd Iiijibo? A. TImiI in tlie 
fim-t tiiul 1 licurd at il,. yuur hlnlenifnt nun.'. 

■ij. II uve yuu bfi-n Uuniiic Uoyd here in e^urll 
A. i*ea, 1 imi'r. 

Q. :-i _ 1 1 ■ tiuii i.^i'ii li*t« uti tlie tinif r huuii't ulirt 

A. Yen. 

Q. YtiU Iiht^ l:N'<-n frK-iKlly u'illi l\lr. liluylr-, 
linden 'I y uu,t A. Yph, j ll&tl. 

Q- And ii"t fpr n« iLiiyliiin^' in your r-x^i'i'ii-nrih 
HflUi i'aiu-crnrij, \i? iunl f orri* 1 "! on ,,r.,l ili'inc f-v^-ry- 
lWng v*ry n"i-li. hwlnt Lei A. Ko, lu- luiifnt, 

Q. \V"lint hadn't lie d«nef A. Ttit wwv fact 
thm ha wai wi!l)np to renign front tlu> Utlhet. 

The C'ourt: tfji nniit that tims Imd lis 
done everytliinj; all ri^htl 

A. l."|i unlit he Intel I'M. of hii^ ]irn*|M*1ivr ri L *iR- 
naii'm Irn.ii Belhelt N;i. Iw didn't md rvrrv tli inr; 


Q. Wcll k yi?ur ntliluilc fhnn^nl tountibi liim 
as i-oon a? he rcsiifnipil fr«iu U^'llu;), ph tluit ri^titl 
A. Sm atl*j!rlbtT, ni>. 

Q. Were yoa friendly svilli him iifi In tluit thrif 1 
A. 1 wan fi'lejiilly witlL liim u]i to lhat timo, hut 
ttwr* Ki'ff noiiifc tliiiign tm had done (hat I dtiln't 
Tecy well o^rea with, 

Q. Van mean in eonnrn'lion wilh liia r<^ipijiiii<.n 
from ISflficI, if tliat t*rn;rt1 A. In -rtilinwtiiir 
vitli tl-s <"n,*e- 

The Cuart; With lh« Uw*nit. 


John Q. H titer— Far lirjls.— Crass 

(j. With I he Jblinxhn tout yoo Timauf A. \e-.--, 

(J. Hl u-asn't onliniik-il Lu 1lie Bur in the Male 
of Mnp-hitliuielii, was ln-T A. He Hunt 

fj'. And }-"'U Imd in ^i-t Ihh-eiI i-ounht-L in llaH- 
MictniiMitlii, didn't you' .\- ^o, *e iliiln't, beF 
Oiusi! they permitted him 1o arKuc In-fart lie 
cuiirt ttifre. 

fj. Dill lie arjrai- the cn.-si- befoft the nouxt 
tta-n't A. Ybs, tit "Inl, in Hie 3»»"-r rourt, 

Q. Wlii'n Etid. he aiyue the ea** tlieref A. lit 
itrjfUHl I'.vn i-iiM'h Imfore the lower court, one oa£G 
in nnincrtiBii Willi tl* ftiJier und the other ease 
in fhniR-o ti<m witti Ihr cliihtn?n- 

Thp Court: liuth of llieni Jchimjfi 
Tin Wttntwt: Ye*, *ir. 

(;. VVi-ll, errBtually Hiecavnwi wt'rr won, nrnjn't 
thi-yl A.. S"w, c/mtually tiny wre mift 

tj. f)n v.1iAl "tal* did ymi find Hi>mc rciumn tfi 
dinrijirii' nilli liim on uny onf rif tht-HC cu^nt A- 
Tlir vrr; fart that v,1itn hi- mi.'. u.<t — 

'I'll" 1 I'oiITt: Iff in id nn wlmt ilali\ 
Tlie Wi1ih.tmi : That would rrt r»il-njr dif. 
ficiitl. J tloa't rccnii, 
Tin- (.'ourt : Say you don't rrcftlL 
Tin- ^Vilnemi: 1 don't recall. 

y. VVnn it |n-itir to the dint nf >f>ur foiiverna- 
lion wjtli him in July thai i nil folinil fnult with 
hih,r .1. Vn. 

<J. Ai«>ut tiuw lunjj prior to is* A, Well, il 
wan hr-swii-n the liu;r- wlitn Ih* v.nt apjir-nred in 
liu; Ifiwirr tourl »n"l wt-nt up tu ltn- tinjjerior 
Court, and I received ili« trantwnhei] trinl. 

John 0. Miller— For lltfU.—Cren 

Tiie Court ; The tninute*. 

(|. VYi»» il prhit 11. tin 1 date of ynur eonveTan- 
tion Willi tiiinT A. Yt*, it waa pnor. 

t^. Ilnw huiri firiurt A. I tnld you. between 
I he limf — 

The <%.urt; Ahnnt n rnfinth p* two 

■msnlhaor Ihr^e innntlist 

TIm> tVilnesi.: It would Iv-nhi.ut 41 month. 

If, Did ynn [ill liiui Hint VOII TKC-l* nil in ae- 
enrd with «nm°-l hinj? If, at ha^iK-ni^lt A. No, 1 
didn't, IbWBiuw lie nitn. tlw <l,jii:i-1 of Ihe Society 

ami I fiiouclnl he linrw whm h« wns ninin£. 

(J. You never made any Klaleiiwnt ahoul it to 
liimf A. No. 

Q. Uwrt vim ct er told tiim nhnut itt A- No. 

Q. So thin ii I he fimt time thut lie lic»r» slifiut 
it in fourl tndayf A. To my rtcoDecl ion, I itan'l 
tliiiik I have ever mentioned it. 

{J. i5o lliat you had b very friendly *rthTf-r*A. 
linn in -luly with tiim, July, |!3^>, und >oa never 
Miid a word to liim uhr,u( your feting* on tlie 
rime, i.-i that eorTf^l I A. Yes, I did i"iv niy ftrl- 
in^rf rm thfc cane, yes. 

Q When! A. That very name day when he 
humlcit ini^— Wha1 tin they fall it nnw — liotli rann- 
■pI airrii'. a HtnteiiH>al of fact on ihc cn*e, ftn 
npri-t-: *.m:i'ui"uc nf !aei* mi the ea»< tint *,!■- 

rK-nrf I ln'ftire lhr> RilJVfrilT fniirl. 

Q. TiVhnt win t^c mnfti'r witli fhi" ncrr«] fit. la- 
ment «r fin-In ! A. Tlie vi- ry ftr| that hi- riul-f-d 
lih inpnUrm d.Ihimi1 Ih" wjlm.^v U' onrt wily it 
wax llial (hr diililfen KtnUl nnl it.nhi1f Ihr (la.?. 
Thi-ri 1 ti'pr .^nly one ntaUincnl relutivr to thn! 
pn. I 1 imkfrl him the DjBSlrtian, why inn't Iti* fl*filli. 

Hon ut m'umhip inrorpc rated in the arpjimeatf 

Joio 0. UiOtr—Fm Deflt.—Cfois 

Alnl Mr. Jlnylt inkn-ervd. Hf> Hjiitl Ihcy wnirUin't 
|:-iin to (hut Muff, I wirulitn't £fl anywhere 
B-ilh it. I nJiiJ, " What in the u*a of ar.iritsnjr on 
Lvi'liiiiH'LjIiLii^ uT l!i* canel V.'/iy not :^:iv cur 
vLind vi.'ry [h-Hiiile on I tie tnottelr and giv« u drf- 
iiuLO"ik uf n-nlly what wurhhiji i», hl and f <|iiuk-il 
lull I wlul WflCHllip is, thul vrDrshi]) i( not Die 
mi-re fiu t nf l^riinfy inlii snuu: huildir.plu wnrhhip, 
liilt riilhi-r it 1=1 an unM'JlLi.h fi'clin^ In Almighty 
limt wJiii'h m.:-iin^ iiiul u.:u' niani lie ohi-.iic-iit to 
IJihJV liiw irn-i«.[hrplive of lhi- f-nnsi-imH'ni'eM- 

i$. Wi-re you a faw-j-erl A. Xo, I mil ruil a 
Ijiit L'r. 

Q. Ynn arc a fnrmer, aren't yout A. Well. 
not fSArlly u farmer, 1 have a place, hut i Jo nut 
do Lki'iiimif. 

(J. WJuil do ynu do for an nccupalionf A, I 
III Li- mill John. 

(J A I v.liiitt A. Al the present time 1 am 
nil [ui£ liitrtlier. 

(J. Tiii* tiKi-eiif ukatement of faet* had 10 he 

in In nil li-d !□ a mo rt, didn't i!T A. Eifift'y. 

EJ. And fimt wiui for a lawyer to 
|ia>M on, wimn'1 it! A. I wilt a^ree with I hat. 

<.}. \h,i\'{ you know Hint umirrtainpa even 
InnyiTH disHttTM on to what arpainrntfi or ntafe- 
iii;'ihh should lx> Bidnuitleil to a coortl A. 1 am 
well nwiire of ttmt. 

i.j. Did yon rver henr (he judRH'n flf Ihr? 1'niieJ 
SlnU'-K SiiiirHMiie Out! di^npree on tlie law ume. 
liiin-xf A. [ liave nol only heard il hut I have 
j** n er| it. 

Q. I>nn n 1 you kiwre- 1 hat lliijt statement of fact* 
wan MMtt in In Mr. Rutherford and tie approved 
of ill A. T don't hnnw whether thai it f-n or not. 

Q. You deny that that u sot A. I don'l know. 


1 1711 


Jehu 0. MtUtr—For Btfit, — Croit 

TJii> Court: He said he- dotair.'! Lncrw 
wl ivil ier it in in or Dot. 

(). Ynsu were more dislurlnrd atioat the effect 
of Hum I. m. .- on the Watvh Tower tlms you 
were ujubl II if, Jlnyle, weren't ynul A. Y«», I 


Q. Tlmt ii, you ore at«o m (Ubsrribtr lo the 
doctrine I lint ihi* in God "a nrjraniialioB on rarth, 
nnii't you I A, [ am. 

Q. An.l Hint Mr. Uutherford ii the represen- 
tative of Godl 

Tk* Court: Wn. 

A. He was the rcpreeenuautt of iind'» orjrm- 

Q. You have & sew r*pj-fj;^auiiivc nowl A, 
Y**, we have. 

(J. \V(|rt it> the repft-Jipntative now! A. Well p 
lh« One who servei in the, same capacity. 

The Court: What ii hu name! 
The Witneaa; Nathan 11. Knorr. 

Q. Kn whoever luipjinnM (ft lx- elfeled |invident 

of lite corporation in «t (hat nmwnt tW reprr- 
nentalivr of Ood (in earth, in that it T A, Uni lifl 
liinmelf hut tlif ciitirr- ninety in tli* reprcnenlniLi'e. 

We nri' nil .leliOWuYn Witnfrii***. 

(J. Anr ynu aiir of ili* rvprpj-enlalivvjil A, 
Yes. I inn. 

Q, Tb Hwr* any other arenniuirimi Hint Imi 
nnv repirneitl^liven in hi OWinixatmn of (l™.t 
on raMh ncrpiinj; .leiioh'eh'a !Vitnew*T A, 
No, onlv .Trlinvjili 'a Wirni L jtKrH. 

Q. Ih timl when too r*ad the** article*— 
Withdrawn. You n-Arl this alatrment mi S*p- 

John O. ifiUtr—Fftr Urfti.— Cross 

Irnibcr 1. 1033, that ifr.. Movie wis di .. .!■ y^d 

for "» Tpiid fulness, di-'ln'l youf A. Vcsk, I did, 

Q. And you took that at a elateinpnt rj.un.injr 
froiu tlie representative of Cod on earth T A. 

Q. You accepted that witbout any further ia- 
ouiryl A. I did not accept it without further 
inquiry. A* 1 told you. before, I did investigate. 

Q. Did you wrile in to ilr. Rulberfordl A- 
No, I dnttn 't write bo liim- 

Q. Did you write lo Sir. Howletit A. No. 

(}. l>iii tou writ* to any Manners "f ttn Boird 
of nifiM-torjit A, I npnVr with SKinben" of the 
Board of Dirttton. 

Q. Did you reid the article of October 15, 
J 3391 A, I did. 

Q. And vfiii bflifTFi) tli^t Wast itto^M: fr*m 
God't orj^iinii'jil ian on turthl A. 1 believed it, 


Q, And you alno read tlic article on OLtohex 
t.llli Iwciiiise lL came from God 1 * organization t 

The Court! Mike it November 15*1. 
Mr. B ruihliJiHieri : November lLith. 

Q. Ii thul cojrwtl A. Tikst is oorrccL 

ii. And dni you i^:?aJr to any memben of Hie 
hmnl of direr-Ion about the part which, ealla 
ilr. iloyla a Jufjnaf A. J didn'l B-pfat 14 any 
Hkmbrri tin tlial, I unn> t ft mj own roncloiioB* 
Oh l! ;.: 

{J. Did ymi E^t ony rvidtrnw of liii brinjl a 
Jiuliuf A, Yc, j'r, I did. 

Q. WJirrr in J he fvidpoo? Of hcinjf ft JmJacf 
A, TIip -ivry rrtrt tisat 'ht was villi ng lo leava a 
r?fpon>ihJe njotitioa and jeopardise the entire, 
orpin iiation by hia move, tna-wiajf that it wauld 

John G. iliiitf—i-'ot Dfflt.^CtOMt 

□lii.-iO ili.v.-,'.-ii,-iujL und divinioii tn tic or^aDiialLoB 
m proof t'jr-tliiijivf that lif "■«* a JuOa*, 

i.j. ,Ium liutaute lie lefi l!m orgtT.iintujn tit in 
u .Jn.limT A. Xol Ijt'fiiiio he hat tffl tlte orpin- 
iz^iliOR but undt-r the Lireuihisianftea which he 

u. [> he a J.hIhk because he write* a letter lo 
Mr, Rulbrrforill A. I didn't gv.l tliat. 

Q. in iir a Jndj'.> h in youf npjaion, because he 
•■til™ a Utlcr to Mr. KatlKfrfe-nit A, Ko; suv- 
one Hint v.Titta a IrLtcr lu ^L^. RullitrfoFd «r 
anyoiif el^e jji the oi xflLtziHivn. it not a Judai. 

Q. '['hat doc* not ntntr J.ilu a Judjul A. No, 
il dors sioL 

Q. W'tin he a .ludan becaune- lie roaij^ied oj a 
InivyfT and Hoini, L l ii;ii ly c-Lsr would ka*e lo take 
care of tiie bwEuit^l A, Tlic v tr y fatf Hmt he 
knew tl.m bin C"inc; would tJiiiit A lot «f din 
tiiihaiirc in tlte nrKanualion, and disrupt it. 

n_ 1Vl>it ynu worried ahoLtt tLit iawpuitiT A, 
\ lavriilLLC.-f t 

Q- The iii'ndin^ tauraidtnl &idn T t tou twrdinn 
thnt yoi,i ^vcrc ili^ULriwd bwa atw. noiaeli^dy would 
not Ik (licrr to tnte <m*r. af iht lawioital A. 
Yes, I sau vrry miicli di^turbfd. 

if. AViih tlmt one of the f ruin re* u-liirli linndp 
yim foi'l he mi a Juiluxt A. Yp*. tltp wiry 
fart Hint he left — 

The ronrt : You haw niinwcrT<!, 

(J, hiil vnit evrr rMid. Ilii* lcKrr thnt Mr. Moylu 
v,Ttttp tn Hie Jildifi"! A. No, f nrr^r did. 

Q. SurfHmt 1 rail your tthmttal to thi«: "With 
Hi i« lriiiT f am MtlopiRa a Htntmptnt of tlio 
injiinr cine*, nw in>ndinj( in wbirji T am actively 


ffflj-ry L- Parlhufit—Fo/ lirfts.— Direct 

pBtlii-ifrfitih^ 11 Wnicld be U^ren.^nnable and un- 
fair lo drip tin's!.' inciter:; in(o your lap witi.out 
furibrr iiMistance; or COtiiitkrutixniL I aim ready 
and williTic: l-o [iTcts llicie iss-uei in the rourl.i 
ju>l as Ti^iiruuily and carefully as thou^b I re- 

[nnini-d (it ISrJhel ftnd ^l\[ do SO if tllflt il yoar 

dciirv." Did you licnr tliat stalemeutt A. Vei, 
1 lil'arcl 1baE- 

(J. Willi that bfinj; rend to you and 1he atti. 
Indu fif Mr. llrtyk I'njiresuifd to lintlmrford thai 
he irafl rf-ady and \ to taUe rare of the taw- 
nuitii hIii'IJiht he is in oi- out of Bi-Hiel, would 
thnt feature brine; tn your mind that he ia a 
Judatil A. It would t<i'u«:<c— 

Th« Court : That i* aa anBwer. 

(J, It would! A. Yn, air. 

Y fr- UruL'hliJinEcn : Tfiat ia all. 

Rfliiffifl CM mi rHitl inn hy Mr. C«r'ny'«n ; 

Q, IVn* the Johnson cos* von before ot after 
Mr, Moyle Leflt A. It van won afti-r Mr. Muylo 

Mr, Corington ; That if, all. 

(WitrniM eK&ard.) 

11A11RY I». PAffiKITimST, resiilin^ nt 7 n !l 

Jlh.nniliHd Avenue. V'eronn. Kcw J<-nwy, a hrll- 
nr■'^^ enllM in helylir of tLt drfeadantt, buing 
flfhl duly hwora, ratified aa fnltnu-ji: 

Ditttl eiamirwiwn by Mr. f?oi.inj(i?b:. 

Q. You are one of JaiiOTih'i WilprBxci, are 
you sett A. I an. 

Harry L. farkhurtt — For IieiU. — Direct 

(J- And what soriiiar nr^ypatioo linvc you fni- 
lowfd in times A. Ar1e*ian wll?., ianliLilin^ 
luiiiinc |nuii]jinj; tM|ni|ttnmt for irrigation. 

(J. Ilitve yau lirrn vr. ; ',n-erl in that hikiiaeKf in 
New Jeraeyt A- Ve.s, rir. 

T'h? Court: Are yon ilili *ap.ged in 
TluiWKnpsi: CorreeL 

Lj. Have yon rvrr visilod in th* lielbpl Tlome-t 

A. Yes, on tnnnv ocen^ionp. 

<). Mow ninny yrnr", ple-TieT A. Rioee 1D]( 
naiit the ni-wpnl iimc h aJ»ut 29 year*, ir my 
liKarofl are right. 

Q. Have van pc-pr Mltfi at IW rStlltel lable.1 
A, T have, many timet, 

Q. llflve ynit ever spe-nl pi-chiiije«. in the Bc-Mtfl 
(TrimpT A. T hdive Klrpt there and mien ther*. 

Q. ITava van tit* bpen fit Ihc Smlrn Inland 
llrfhell A. I was there fnT nearly n year ocfit. 
pyin? a rnrun ndjafent to Judcc ftutlicrford 'a 
wliile I ]iut ia ibn irrigation ayMtm 

Q. Anil have you ever been to the Kiii^ijam 
farmf A, I llHTC. 

(j. And have you been to California! A. I 

Q, TTo* Irmp wah it you Inpw Jli((ki> HitiV,fr- 
ford at lhc time he iii4vlt A. .lunt lieforp be dipd 
I was in Nnfeienca with him at the St. Look 

The Caart: He »ra,nta to know how well 

you knew hint, 
The WitacsB; I knew him very welb 

Q. And did you ever have ouaaion ta eonverM 

Ii'. I 

ISa-tfy L. Patkhuttl^Fur fitfl*. — Dirrct 

with Jpiio rHf;ardinfj matter* of bmHauwl A I 

iy Alno mattern of pcJicy ptrlainniK lo the or. 
gnmHiLliianl A. 1 'Jill. 

'^, Ami Iilivp ym| sm.ji -|l|.! L '<- Kullirrfunt Jirf- 

virh-nl tlip Jn-ad i4 On- Ch'lliH table! A. I h-ive. 

1^, Ami luwrd Hfum y«nr nlib.eri'eiH.ii n.m! it- 

r t»ri"nr*' wild dialfic Uniin'il'i.jd nm|i| yon ir-ll 

1lie jiirjr ut- lo wlii'tlii'r he wac a kindly dinponrfl 

mattf A. I <an. 
<i. Was hf ar notl A. YVn. 

Q. And rbr[ he- tn-aE. hm bre-lliren with proper 
Ciirih-titin r*(f»nlt A. Ahnolulcly. 

(J. Ifave you ever lind on npporl unity to ob. 
"t-rvf tlie condiiiunx at I lie Ik-tlifl table wilh 
reference lo esjirc^Hi'm on the pnrl of the varioiva 
brethrpn at I ha taliln-n t A. \\'ii\ you kindly re- 
peal that. 

Q. Have you ever had an nppnrtuniiy to are 
tlie attitude of the brethren at tin Belhal lafalc 
during mcali in referejiot tc* apti^h annl talltT A. 

I |nvr 

Q, Do thny or have yon ever heard the brerhrrn 
maito eonLinpratd. nlmerve whelher or nat thry hav* 
freedom 'if upceeh thcrof A. Yen, air. 

Q, Tliey *lol A, Bible quentioni. 

Q, And whnl other nobinctd are nnually di«- 
enn*rd nt the table! A, RelaiiTe to ttie Seri(> 
!un..« ronrcminE thr- new world, the rie;hteaun 
npw world and the Tbeoeraey. 

Q. Do Ihry dincuKH the mutter of pervire from 
hoinw ta homvi-1 A, Not while T have h«pn there. 

Q. Joat whila yoo hav« been iheie ia all I am 
iaVui g. At *»y tima bava yoo «v»r aeen Jvilg* 


Harry L. TW&rWat— /"or litfim.—DLrtct 

-::::l,.-.-f::.-.:L hie brethren at the tablet 
A. NtTer. 

■J rliL-.c veils rirr ni-tri Jail^e fiutherford deny 
*ny of ]iib brctltrtO fftfcdom of speech f A. 

Q. Have yon iww seen Judge Rutherford or 
mjnrt] Judge n-uiheifGrd nse or permit to be 
o*cd prsfsBO and Tidear lanp^iage at the dinner 
table? At lfelhel? A. No, air. 

Q. Have yoi ever at any time that von visited 
there l.rjrd filthy, tuintty and dirty jokea pasted 
■xorujd th<j tablet A. I never heve. 

Q, Hutu you. ever Been or heard of alcohol 
glorified at the little T A. Never. 

Q. Do yon know JJ>- 0- B. Moyl*f A. Yes, sir, 

Q. How long bar*- yon know Mr. Moyiet A. 
Sines 1S3S. 

Q. And how did you become acquainted with 
himl A. Through the activities of tbn Society. 

Q. D:d ha act as coouse! or ever set t* coon* 
■el in ttiiy matters that yon wen interested in I 
A. Hi. did 

Q. Did yon. ever have occasion to engage with 
Mr. Moyle La preaching of the Gospel from 
house to bonse? A. I did, 

Q. Did he ever n*»t your neighborhood fr»- 
:[U.rn1ly for that purpose during tie timet that 
be *vna at Bethel t A, Yes. sir. 

Q. Hid you regard him n* one tli^l wns IQO^t 
for the. Society and its doctrines and praetioea? 
A. r did. 

Q. Did you accept Jura ob the h&nia of Ha 
itoomrnenditioa of the Socktyt A Tea, sir. 

Q. When did yoa first Intra that Mr. Mojl* 

Harry L, Parkhuftt—Fot Dtfit—T}iftcl 

■mu, bo lo-t,-.:r associated with the* Society! A. 
Is Auffout, 1033- 

Q. I>a yon rctalt having a eoaveriatjaii with 
Mrs. Van Nasaf Do yon know hrrt A- I do, 

Q. And tour* doe* *h* liv*T A, Townee, 
New Jersay. 

Q. And did you visit Ibere in her hoocc after 
Mr. iloyle had posted through then on his w»y 
U> Y.'LstonBin? A. I did. 

Q. ()a tie occasion of your visit state whether 
or ngt jrbu saw a copy of a letter dated July Si, 
1S38, addressed to J. F". Rutherford. A. I did. 

Q. And v)hl1 we* the orees i<in f,F your seeing 
that LstLerl A, I visited iht fum: and U[Kin ar. 
riTi.05 nt tlia Farm tlje litttr was bunded lo me 
l.'i jlrn Vjlii Srr.* iind :-li(: KULiL Hia! Mr. '■[■■!'■ 
■iked her Iq gita the Inter to Mr. farkbnrat to 

I). Did you Tetd the letter! A, I did. 

Q. And what wxa your re-iction when you I4ad 
the klfj-r, pJ«aaeT A. 1 beeame bewildered and 
eonfoied, to wy th* ItaiL 

The Court: Ho didn't uk yoo. to eay 
the Iv-Mt, Ue aaked yon to «ay what it 

Q, "Wdre you lurpriaed at the acti^a 0! Ur, 
MoyleT A, I wn.i, 

Q. 1>Ld you be] Lave the eJi*r^;c» that be made 
in the letUr 14 ho tnii when you re-ad itf A. 1 
did noL 

Q. Based an your knowledge of Bethel and the 
futulitirm* 1li^r* did you lieliev* lli^m to be 
falsal A. I did believe them to be frlte. 

Q. After baviog beau to lira. Van Nm' horoa 

Harry L. ParWtuni — For Stilt, — flirect 

did yau irifTeoFier rtepive a eemnauaieiiliot) Trfrc 
Mr. iCoyk dated Aegnet 17, 19391 A. I did. 

Q. 1 flbow you a part of Defendant*' hljihibit 
tl, beine; the la»t letter, and a«k you to take a 
look at it. 

Tha Court: That La the original or tha 
Utter you received from Mr. Uoylat 
The "Witieii: Vee, air. 

Q. Wlii-n yan li^d pdtic^id tbfj Cooriift of LjiO 
■ction tL1.1t Mr, M<?yle IiqJ Ejikrn a^jiiiift the 
Society, <hJ ytm have a kiiully- jittjiude towanii 
him and wont h> lu'lp liinvT A, I did. 

Q. IVhy did yo-j Lava tliat aKitudeT A. Writ, 
I immediately reverted baek to the Scriptural 
Cnurwu '.UiitLi otSier uicn had taken uinl lhc>" ma'la 
a mL:itakA. For inatanee, in t)ie case of 1'eter, 
the Mailor waa denied, and with loud enrsinga 
he don ied the Lord, with land itiriLagi, and ttie 

AfHjKlii' t'uul. tlse siisiip V.U.?. liir Was Mliiu-k 

down blind wlren he ande a tniatake, bat each 
one of thosa men irpumdifltely rftj-Jictd their 
atepa and made apolojrir;* r+ad took the rifllil 
diiirivi', ami tm I fi-lL vitv fsid (hut lie hml IaLmi 
this toiir*e and I hoped that "rery iadih>rjly h* 
would ill) tlie aenie aa these Holy men of old did. 

Q l)i<l yem IhercftflQr Krileliini u, l?!ter dntrd 
August 31, 1939, Of which I show yom a copy, 
beiae; part of Defendant*' EshihLl U1 A. I did. 

Q. Did yoii hope that he would f&Ueir tht ad- 
tioo that ya'it gavA him in that letter? 

Mr. lSruclAaiiKen r I object to what he 
The Court: Soatained. 
Mr, Coviagtoa: I withdraw it. 

Huffy L. Furiibnrft— t-'nr iirjSf. — Hirtet 

Q. feuUit: ; jti;:Ly to il.jt, I tliow you. a letter. 
Is that a true co|iy of 11 letter that yon received 
from 0. K. Moylo bearing that datef A. Yea, 

Q, And did you ceo the letter attached to itl 
A. Ye a. *:r. 

Mr. Covia^toB: We offer tl^o letter in 
sviJtaee, deled DgctjubAi' lit, K»d U>0 *,%■ 
baahedj letter, 

Mr. Ijjnflibinifca : 7 objwt to it- It in 
inooo'jH' aod liaa oothisig t* do with 
this particular cteo, 

'i'lie (Aw-rt ; TJib Lihjtctiupi i* ?.u*ltiin*J, 
Vi.ii n..:\ tnark it 1 1 . l j l1 1 - u 1 1 J i, ■ h 1 L j h .. 1 1 

Mr. (.'nvin^luH'; Vi'v ol'ir the uttaelied 

Tlir Court: li ii< all marUfil for idtn- 
tihr^li4>iL U4 brtfl EXhiljiL 

r Mt. CuvjLi^tH^n : \\ ^ i'^«'i-[>t. 

(Mariu^l D^ftfailunte' Inhibit 1>-2N ffur 

\}. \> if I'l'iul tin.- artieic t-ntitlod "Infnnna- 
tiiFi.," nJid uiu mill A. \"w, hi". 

i}. VVItiHi mtilfeur^ in tar ikt^hi-y l"i, lUvl 1 , 
"WitH'li iWi-r"t A. \>i", nLr. 

ii. Ilid v[,n ln.-liH.-ve lhal KtatfUH'nl to fa- Inn? 
a , i «jrn-(TT A. Yi'i, fir. 

i;, t'i.m.1 riiiric: llie runditiova* at lli-tlji-l and 
tin- uitfUi-t to tl»c rliarjfi-n Mr. ilnjL,- ijiu.Ll- 
ajeiitbl Hh- Soeiaty 1 A. Ji'o. 

y. Yoa h;i,L i-i-i-n a ttipy of the letter, had you 
ipiil 1 A.I hod, 

y. And you krn-w *h*l artirk "fnf-.rii-ialiori" 

Eariy £. PtifkhufMl — Fut f>r/Ij,— t-Vojj 

m-fcrn-d to tin: activity sif llr. Mojh- io nmnao 
titH) HfiUl Ho* Intlcr, did inu not? A. 1 1IL1J- 

ilr. (Jovinj^lon: 1'hut in jilt. 

Cn>*$-tmiKiwBiiQi* by lit. jVi urJi rV a iex-u : 

<J. Yuu viuted lliure since iLil4T A. 3'ard<'nl 
ii. \t,u viHitt-d fSelhfJ kLijic LUHI A, Yvh, >ir. 
{J. And al'ivu)'* Tnund etefj'tkiajt |*i'poi-riLl mmi 

nL-iene UteroT A. I rutver m* aiLylbinp oreur 

there in I he. ilmr^cH. 

'J'he Loart! He dijjn't 'auk you that. 
Kern I r I ■_- njue-jiliun. 

<Tliu |Mwling r|ue<lLnn v.ux Ihereupniv 
rt-|seatod by tike Court HqinrU-r-) 

A. Yes, iir. 

Q. Did )im i;vit litor <->f dintlni), by the nume 
of IVirHHt, HuelUA, ilirwh, Wrijjlkl and itilebief 
A, [ have, 

IJ. Are lliey "dill i|ire<liirjil A. N'oj, air. 

(j, Did tliey nil unike llieir esit at one liuie [ 

The i'.autl: Did liiey all leave at ppc 

A. I don't recall, 

it. Did you attend tlur Pltt»hkire;h eoavcnuVia 
In IfiLTT A. J did iv<i. 

Q. Did you attend (be l'iitsbori.'li ruBvenliiui 
in IQISt A. I did not. 

Q, VYerc you a director at that tinief A, I 
is an sue of Jehovah 'a Wur.e«>-<», 

I'he Court: ITtre ?**! a director? 
the WilneN*; No, 

y You wtn) a ineioher or sliarelmldcr at thit 
time, weren't yoot A I ' 

Harry L. J > flTtft«rjf— F or Dtfii.—CtUft 

Q-. In 10-Ut A, I d^n't know just euu-tly. If 
you am-hn — • Ki|iluio what that roeaiiH, to \m a 
■JiUR-buJih-r. J raa one of Jehovuh'v tV Ll nead**. 

llr. Covirajtuifk : TJiera is no evident* 

iiboul Iminp u *lmix;holdL-r. 

The Court: I don't Inow, hut h? *niij 
Jiu >'u one uf JehuvubV Wjlju-in-i. 

{J. Did you jjet noliuis. of the annual meet- 
injr»? A- '1'liat is li^hl. 

(J. iJhJ jvu ever sea thii Utokh-l, "Facts for 
Ukan-Lokitm" with a rO|ry of a iiciiiiun to Itu- 
tbcj'ford of tlje four dtijjon-sl direelo™ of tlia 
Viattii Tuker Uihk ii, Trftrt iiocielyl A. I may 


The Court: You don't know wht-thr-r 
you have or nut? 
The Witneaa: Tliat ia right. 

Q. Did 3 ou ever iu.-e Ihi* booklet, "Liirht Aflor 
Uui-k" wiili a eopy (uf a Idler from the auditor 
of the Sk*:icly, K. O. ilQton, da!ed April 20, 
t»lTI A. Ku, 1 did not. 

tj. Did yi'U nor Ikear that four diretlorj ware 
detxtaHHl after i'tutor Jtiuiu<JJ'4,LLi-jLilil 

.Mr, Covine^ton: TIiJj Lb n jnu:tH-r thet 

Lh entirely jiikiiinteroiil. 

The Court: I think it ia, 
Sir, ItruelihauM-aj I except. 

Q, You nay y^u did buiineps f«r the Watch 
Tower in coiiikeclLon with well*, ia it? A. Irriga- 
tion, including drilllnj; WclJi and initialling 

Q. When did yon. first do any work for them? 
A. During tba years 1S30 and 1931. 




Hetty L- PsrtftKrri— For bt{tt.—Craa 

Q. iJid joii vi»il the. W»u-u T*wtr btncn 
191 4 a ml 1013 1 A. V*». 
Q. II iw Liftfnl A. Well, I wouldn't recall 

jllKt llOW llflen. 

'die Court: Approximately. 
The Witness: Sievcm! times during ll* 

Q. ]fn«- many 13SHC-B- in 131 7 did you T«it 
lh<-rel A. 1 wouldn't recall, 
Q. Wa*i it a matter of once ■ year «r what? 

A. I null hi Illicit il wn» Tll'-'T* lIlBni that. I'roli- 


0.. Did yon ever hove occasion to tnllt to nny 
of tlif> '1 i i'iv-1 1 1 r-i I have mentioned during tint 
yenrf A. I talk*!! with them, yes. 

Q. Tlu>y wet* ilir<-ctors up to & certain tbne 

in I CHS, weren't tlttw J a. I dealt reealL 

Q. Dftn'l JnM recoil that I A, No, 
Q. Do ynu jHh-jill tl-nl thr)' all withdrew 4 On* 

Mr. Covington: This ii the nmi line 
or testimony that Iioji been eiduried., We 
oljjnct to It of litunntnrial ■■ la wli*! hap- 
Iienert in ID] a 

Tlie Court; Objection iu»tained- 

Mr. Bruclihauwn : His testimony is it 
wrm nlvay* peaceful and perene. from this 
.-. i : i Me. from IQ14 h aud I want te queilion 
him ob that, 

fclr. Co-vifijfton : I object to Hi* preju- 
dieial remark* of MkOflMl 

The Court; Please don't make »njr 
CQEoicienl ; yon haYe hut a rubnjr. 

Hurfjf tf. Parilj ur*I— i^'or XJe/lf. — Cr«f 

<J. H'liin'l [].:lI juur statclBOBt, that rsjj was. 
piawfuJ I A. That Lu Ourrec.t, u- bra 1 u-an. tU te. 

TJw Court; Mow iiutny tijuH in l$Jff 
did you visit lLcLhi.ll 

1'Jil- U'liuuoi 1 would jjiy probably 
tWO, UlJte or iaUT lime*. 

The Court: In L'J'i'J, huw many liiuiusl 

The Wilis**; It would average pnib- 
■JjLy Hit *.yn\it. 

Tint Court; And sometime! you %uu!d 
hIjij to diuacr, or nuwayjf 

'I'tiv Witness: isniiitiiiiee, 

J'JiL- Court : SuEuuticn^^ you did not* 
How iLidJiy LuuL L 4 h y&ar did you have 
dinner tLitfL] 

Tiu; Witocsj ; It would be ii&rd for me 
to isay. Ouw or twice, yea. 

Q, ilov long would you aUy there on endi of 
llmso Owjinidiiii I A. Only a eLort tiun.'. After 
ttJEUivr 1 h'oukl ix r'C-^S- 

(J. Vou tflour UuL Us. Kutheriord Iiid e luud 
voio« h didn't yvul A. lit hod ■. loud voit*, of 
HAUhte. It ic nteasHurv, 

(J. In IWl, lie b«d » wry loud Toiaef A. 1 
wouklu'l my Limt. 

Qr Ue was. amutoinett to considerable public 
iptokingj fu be not I A. TJiot is true. 

<J. And you li»d heard liira at eonvun-Jcent A, 

(J- And you Ikod heard liiin speak even before 
liny hid amplification lyilemsl A. 1 Lad. 

(^. Aad ■jwalein^ to l*rge p>Uujf Lft(» ift }*»■(* 
ball»t A- \'<m, pir. 

ffon-y L. ParJtAurjl— /iff JJf/(i.— Clin 

(J- A i ii I Ihey didn't liare any traalitt ln»rinp 
Ikim, did llieyl A. Tint in cornet, 

Q. Voil K'l'Lil llii.-i sxIilIht on .Scji'LiinlitT ]rt 
iJotilliHi — that Iijim lxi'ii c«fufrtd lo liere in court I 
A. Thai in richt 

Q. Ami you iM-Ji^^-rl thrjL iLrtirir] A. Right. 

<l Thnt Jn- u-pi unritilhfulT A. I did. 

Q. Am] <]o viiil my lie u'hh unfaithful betaut* 
\\r wriUiT a l<. L tlerl A. T wouldn't eny ihat. 

Q. You Kay lie m unTnithful l^eauiie he triti. 
ciulI Mr. ti u L ii i-r'o n] J A. I wouldn't say that. 

Q. So tl-rU in yi>ur opinion lie hud a ritiht ia 
crilifiso, didn't Ii d- i A. I9v vay of eiplanalitn— 

(>, No. Jlid lie or ilid he not have a ri^ht to 

Mr. r«iinpinn: Tliat ii hn»pd ufjon 
fncitK and wf ijIiJlti to it as arpsmcntaiive 
■ nil iu QKhniniinn a fact that i* not in rri- 

dfiici k . 

The Court : Sustained. 

Q, DihI ynri reiiiurtl ittn. Van JCes* to iVaw 
yon thr U'lti'rl A. 1 did not. 
Cj. Did yen eitr *ee it aflf-r that lim*1 

Thr Cuurl: Did you nver Jir« (he letter 
«r a ffijiy of |he h'tlnr aft^r that time! 

A. Thnt was the only time. 

Q, And ynu linv l"-en p*ttinjr ponmiEijii™tioiw 
fp>in [hi* IVnlrh Tower nil during that time, 
haven't voul A Yea, air. 

Q. Tint you did »•* the artitle- of Oclohtr 15th, 
einitkd, "Information" and ilu> article etili1h<i 
"HaaUM," did JtM rol f A. I .iid. 

Harry L. Parkharti — For DtfSt. — Croa 

Q. And you did ue theae varioui r-t-ioiution* 
that wltl' jjrinlMi tliereT A, I did, 

Q. And iih tlKS mtrie aloo^ didn't tlioy nil (hff 
■lore confirm iii yanr tnir.d that Mr. Moyle wai 
attia^ improperly! A. I had already formed 
my rpiiiij ? hcn[, tliat 

Q, tV'hen diJ you form thnt in your mi:id1 A, 
Afti-r I h»ii writtei] tlie letter on Aurum ^lst, 
I di*ridod tlmt if he toot the jiroprr -Srri[il]ira'l 
r-oursc iiiiinedinlely that tlitre was hope far him, 
and thnt if ho did not talc tht pfoper .Scriptural 
eoune that he would bc : onii af tlm evil jiervnnls, 

The Coart; When yon rf-^d tha articlu 
nf XovemlMT lSth and the one of October 
tMh Hint Ktitcd your mindT 

Tlie Wilneps: No. I had already de- 
eided thai iruvde up lay mind befora I read 
thou* articles. 

Q. Forccttiru: llie ScriplureB fnr a moment,, if 
as le^tiried to here a man han bfen counsel for 
an orjjan nation for four years and apparently 
rtrh>) un and dan ererrUviin! tlir.y trll iiim to 
do, and writtl 1 let II 1 r and tlu<n he it piven leH« 
than 2-t iLDiirK to mni'e H>ut h - i1Si hiH faciiilv, du 

y^n, itrj 1hat ■* « f*ir thing to dp.1 

Jfr. Covingftin; I object to that as »r- 


TW Court: Objection lOnUincd, 

(^. £o that your foundation of opinion was 
bated tolely on the Sfriptnrea, is that corrrelt 
A. 1 can frive you the Scripturea 

The Cgurf; He didn't (*k yuu (hit. 
The Witness: Pardon me. 


Burr]/ L. Parkkairtt — For F/t/tr , — Crott 

■Q. Do you find any Scripture* wliich su- 
tiiorized at aanctioned Ireatia); a man t,% in Jlr. 
iloyli»'» pnHition of bL-infl tlictc- for four years 
and Lellintf him out within £4 houri or ku than 
2\ houra' notice t 

Me. CoTin|jtoii; Tliat !h arjruBWntatilf* 

T]li> i'autl: No. He iak*<t IiIlo if he 

knew any Scripturet 

A. I do. 

Q. Whit Scripture ia (hntt An I know one in 
AcU, fi, wliifh Kfer*— -in 2 Cnr! nth Inns, tkr m;l. 
eliarjtar, ivliieh naya this; "lift not itnujuully 
jnkrtl toBother with onholic-vers, for n^ml con- 
cnrtl or wltat nerctment ludh iiplitcoii*aes* with 
anrijrhlcons.nrii*, nr lijjiit with darkneosT" 

Q. At wii^t jwirrt, in your opinion, did he bt- 
ci>me un ruiUiliaTUtt A. Tlie Tery moment thnt 
he failed to take the proper Scriptural courae and 
retrace hip ttepn and git on the ri^hl foaL 

The Court: When wU thptf 

Th|» WltlMat: Thnt "'a; I>t(*ccb Augiwl 
■tliit, whrn I wro^c my letter, in which I 
OuI.jili*;] to the Society in LJilh Jrtteri — ■ 

M r. ftrin-hiiau.ten ; f uhjcut tu what he 

The Witness: I enipbaaiied the fact — 

Ti.c Court; Don't tell what yon said in 
the Utter, Yon say from the dste that 
you wrote him tlu> letter and tried lo art 
him on the right path. 

The Witness; Ytt, eir T I <mphe»i»d 
I he Lord's org*nizalifltw 

The foort; Do yoa weaa to aay that 

liufrs I. Parkhxrxt—Fer Dtftt.—CrmM 

wln-n yon uTote him thia leltcr ditsd 
.-t njjis, t /IJ|i.( [|aat fi njii that snimite on when 
ho didn't tale your advieeT 

Tlie WitnCMt: Krom tiiire until the 
tTitlj,. That »'k ainfulc lime for him to re- 
timed hit step-., and uhco he didn't do at 
then T kn^w that he xn-uld git from had to 
wnrhi. That >h what I bt-licved, and I de- 
cided that 

Q. .Su ynu eoncttideil that Iwcauie he didn't 
tnke your ndviee tliyt he was an unhclievcrr A, 
The Kcnptural advice, 

Tht fonrt : As £i*en lo him by ynul 
The- Witiwrf; Thai in right. 

fj. Ah riTtiiiuni-ndrd hy you f A. In tha let- 
ter, the- Sffhilural arlv;rt, 

if. It hi !»■ wan n hi-liever hetWWri July !(lsl r 
an«l tin" en^l *-f Aufnjpl n'hen vcmr Stater wan writ- 
ten t A. The 1^1 tit uf Augwit, pny Idler wae writ- 

fj. Tic wuh a hi-lieTer until the time your tel- 
le i* ^"an written] A, Toilil he took the wrongful 
,Srri|i1ur7il enurse, 

Q- I am n^-kinp you lo tell u* whether he was n 
lwlievj-r hi<i UK-en -Inly 21h1 and the date yon 
wrotf- the letter. A. Thnt is an individual matter 
lielwecn the creature and th* Creator. 

l>, Wltra did ynu decide that he wan an nnl»- 
lievert Wasn't it in Aufnjet as ynu just paid I 

The f'nnrt: He paid bctueen Ancrnst 
.tlj-t and September IHitli. Isn't that ri^litl 
Thr Itfltneai: That i* et>re*ct- 

Q, So tliat bf was a believer np until the end 


Barry L. Pat).hur^t—y if Urfti^-Croi* 

of Au^um!. Uf Km nil richt us [u.t a* you »ier» 
nunn'riU'rt, until tin- end (if .\ukuh«I1 A. Xfc 

Q, What, waa tli* ntilter will him tiHween 
July and the tm| of August? A. Decnnsc— 
The wai&a whii-li li* LutA is «nHn£ thai letter 
wftH not Scriptural, [f I hi had any jgrMrranet 
1 10 CJiliJit l'i:l\'l' Mi L nl jir-rwsnall y. 

Q. Hit j'flii say lit Ikfcumc 41 Don-believer he- 
eause he «rrot« the Utter, in Out rijjtitt A. I 
didn't any ihat. I nnid he dLJjt't tali* tlif proper 
Scriptural aorera, 

Q. When did Fie Ih-cDnik a. jiaii -believer I A_ 
l''ri.m AiiiriBl 31 it ta Hit next few days. 

Q. IlLtw'ecu iJiu:.! 1 turn djite*.! Aj \ F eB. air. 

■if. YliU. nfirilif; n mnzncnl Hf;« s'h&Ut dihCUS|iiorj& 

th&t Ibey hid in r!<:«liel when you were ruiMOJit 

fi#T*ii F, V&* jVe«— f> JJj/J*.— f>i™rJ 

Tfao Court: Snots iocd, it ana Birendy 
been, answered. 

Q. DiJ joia ever tear Enyono of Ibe offers 
than ash anyone far *ur.jc.<.".ions an to *hat to 
lL<i [lit re, dIIjct titan the tkrijjlurefll A. Xo. 
Ojiiy a MtripLund proposition Jill the way 

[Witucu ciemcd.) 

HELEN B, VAN XESS, a vitfttta., called on 
behalf a! the defendants, being first duly itiQrti, 
testified is follows: (1-lesidinD; at Toxica, N. J.J 

Direct czamimiia* by Mr. Cevinglan; 

11 tit a B. Van Hat— For Defii. — Dirtcl 

if bo, why! A. They anted tny ho»band'i per- 
hsiihitin that day (hot iliey liked the tpiit where, 
tta Asm in bty ^ns, tint Ihey micht liavt tkitir 
trailer brought there, lhat they might mim up 

Q. During Ihat 1imo did they visit your pLac* 
on weeh-eadBl A. Very frequently. 

ft. Fr.j;;i lftii to Ifliff did you become better 
acquainted with ilr. lloyle and hii unlet A 
Very tjjJi so. 

-Q. E,,l you lejirn 1n tru»t him ("id regard 
hij:i c.!|.,h.j-? A. I Ihpu^lit o lot of nil (hree of 
them and I wrtuuily had ■ lot t>f eonfidEnce ia 

Q. Sid you trudt Mr. Karl*, cue uT JeLoTah'i 
Witae.ifiest A. I ffrluinly did, 

I, .'J 

II fieri IS. Van Nest — Fife Iftftt. — Cfft 

Q. T!ii-y are jurl UJii£aiLin>n that i*t forth 
tcli-L'jiL, fk:j-ijH arua and doctrine*, don't theyl 
A. Yen, tir. 

Q. And there ace a pruil huinlhrr of DTj;aiiL*tt. 
IUiii* in Niij inuril/y thai print *W**tai of Ilia 
Oihfel A, Yes, iir. 

Q. So (here in no riunrrr] I hut you hivp ahoal 
llir rout mix of thru* raa^niirnis n* fur as nnv at 
tai-kon the Wnk-h Tower im-oiu-urnrdT A, S'o. 

Q. Ton believe tint people luivc n rii;lit la 
print ivLrd (hey fj>nnider their hvlir-fj on the 
BihlliT A, llv nil DEUM, 

Q. When Mr, Moyle panic lo yinur farm in 
AiifiuKi. l'J'.W, u- i [ li lis* irailer, n* you pay, you 
vti'ir i[u;ui^i1ivc n=; lo win 1 he hah en hi* way u ut 
1<i Wiju origin, weren't yoist A, I don 'I know 

a-lKLIll I..'.' 

Q. Dill n't you wujlt to find gilt why its 
fnuiins on!, u-liy he wah on hi* way Is WiFmnninf 
A. T don't know Ihnt I hnd * diimct td fink. 

Q. lk>n"( you when yoii find p^oplr wins an* 
rhnnfrinK from one plucr tn nninhfr. rr..r.i|- of 
jour^ miSurailv uek tin- rrnwtn fnr it f A, Tlii'V 
wire very tired [J. at night and I u*ke<l no <|ii<.|. 

Tiif Court: Tliff nfxt nvomirif!. 

Q- Tiirln't yon a-r-k them the nntl in»minj:f A. 
Ill- fold | us KmI nfsJil Liiat In- hull ji rnfty of 
Mnt (lot lie mii, .1.1 hand rue in ihe morning and 
lli-nt "nflrired for d.iy. 

Q. THdn'l Iw m-k m.i — l^t iw t4 you if von 
can't r*frriin y«ur rweillrftiML He rnnn 1 in1» 
your farm on the evciiLnj; of Auiiupi $ih. y.pi uv, 
A, Of T99ft, 

flcttm U. Vntt AVo-,< — A ( r iirftf.—Crutt 

K^. ..\ji'I ■!'■■ Im- r'-wt' jiyl'1 li/ yn^ur j.oiihi- riiMl 

k.J.ll .v-r.l.l hlliir ,\ ,\0. ||.. .lidll'L 

(J. J>.-dji't In- L-nljuii^ r i- yjniiin.1^ witli juul A- 

I win nu -J.ueknJ J llwi'l Sltll L'rtlhW uIjliL ii<; «pi<l. 

(J-, W+j-i' ytju ilHH-J;tJ IUi-iBdt Vtjii fiumit 1L1; 

ItjuIl-f un j-i.ur r«amf A. Nv. 

S|. \1\rt ;ou fcii(H.k.-i| Iji-tauKC sun fuuiul it *vn* 
iir. iJiij-k-f A. 13! i/duck ut ni K ]il. 

y. Au.l did >itu Iijivo juj> di*i;u«iJoH UifJil A. 

Xul tllill J H-ILlJI. 

(J-. 'I'Ih'ji tlit foLlovin^ cijifriiiiiy; j-^jq lud Lirtst- 
fiKi, I ilfhuhh;. A, 11 r», if*i)Ji: man tbcra at 
Irr.-nkfiu.!, 1-uL 1 IU| [iu| ni^lr ulKiIlt III" riifct, 

(J. A fiiI tln'Ji >'u« nut iI^jwji tt» hnmkJyMT A. 
Yfcn, HJf_ 

t;. Ami ■ It 1 1 yij]L;i:.L Uii-ui «l'y llity in>d t,'A\.?\i n\ 
lln-rv mj lulr iii rii^iil! A, ^o, IfTTia umr I Llnnk by 
iln.L tijin: I luw] 1lit \iAU-t. 

if. Ik-l'crL' *uyiii£ jlm> Ih i rm' ut fiLI an la wliy lit 

k"l il" LlllT" Hint ilitflilj in: IiUIliUJ VolI ii L'ltrr 
wiii.iml miy ►iHliiurnL or jtiiytliiiy; el"* 1 A. Nu. 
i|i- lohl Btf limt lit we4ikl tell aiK |Ik niutonti Ly 
tin- If Her I'M- ih-xl utoninp. 

tj. IllJilll't LLl-IT 1 I HN'31 JiLUtll' I'UJIl'ITfiiCiljn jirilif 

In ihui imil you. utamlly iu<keil Ilimi *hy In? wnii 
;ln-n< ill li,it i ii.ii' uf nij^lil and n". .is iratu 
J1i'ilH'l? A. I waa tojifjimid, I iIoji'L I'cnicuibtr 
wliul luipi[M-jiiiiL 
t;. li in jKi*iii])tr Hint you iiad n fimrpiwiition, 

!Wn Of llirw yt'Hft BKO> n-'ilfl lllm ft^kpnif Iiiin ^-Siy 
III- n';i!i uui lljr-rft A, I D'fllk 1 v.,i» J.ijsy j'.'vttillJJ 

iJn- 1h-iI» rp,-idt Tor ■ T'Uiw for (hem to nh-tp, 
y. 1 inn H|f -isliiiii; sl.ii mi ;he Belt uwrsiug. A. 

1 jlijin'b j;pt ike ■ | nxii Lion. 
lj- [ inn ttnliiinf you wlielhtr th* imjjt mornijig 

fltitr. 3. ram Nat— For lltfitr-CrvH 

ymi (lulu 't v«T}' null i nil ly Kmy, " Mr. M»yh-, luw 3^ 
it i Lis | yon ni" out uf J'j'llifl ni'l run l.i n- in ilir 
Inwwrf'' lliiJu't yitu u»i Jnm tliaS. A. I i|rm"i 
tlifnx I did. 

tj. Y«y ilisln't hut* «r.y corn^rHfitionl A. No 
■loi.ii L we mJknl, inii J don't know iliat ir« ulkitl 

nbntLt flint. 

Q. Vuii knH.>i»- Jili 1 1 \rry wttl! A. Yrn. 

Q. Viu ilml mncii 1 1 kt uorin? jmrin af thr rsya- 
%'eruilion, tlidn'l you I A. 1 renMjnlH' rttl nJxtut 
tlic ..':,- 

Q. Ijid jinyJrihilr lail( tt» you, iir. <'ov"irjtloB 1>T 
miyiifjiLy I'Lm-, n.-wailly'l A, Yen, hir. 

li. T A. Al EntiV]. 

if. Ami did Uii')- nnk Inn wluvtlliT J'oll liml Jl 
kn^i' JiUJuiMl lu juiif A- He LinkHl inc what I 
kutw nlfout I Lu i-a.M>. 

f^. A 'id vuii IiillL huii ri^ki jiu'gi' thai V"U Jind 
n k-tlnf Jiniulcil [* ymiT A. Jiiti wliat 1 aid Iry- 
ir;.' to till tilt; ti.jr! ii:r.l jury. 

i'i, J>irl y<vti I id I tiiui Llw-j-p wn* no i^on vjs ri*atioo 
!>ul ju^t j li'tterl A. IU> didn't auk me tliat 

fj. He dddn'l ask you whclker tiicr* was »ny i. ti T A. Iir ih<!n'l o«k iih' iT tlitrt vu 
a Iclttr. ] I"). I hiui 1 y,n\ line klicr, 

(J. So ynu ihilii't tui'nlion any roni'trBatiun but 
you juil sjiid a h'lltrl A- No. 

y. Ami Lrri' yo« ]iave Jin&n _ n Mr. Moylfr fof 
iiituftlijiii 1 Am) ■joii fiwi no conwernation with him 
hut Isu ju»t Iiii[i.:ImJ you n IrtlcrT A, i *aid 1 doiii'l 
remrHnher. I was confimud. 

Q. So it jh jionr-ihli' tliAl you diet iuiTa n a>uver> 
fcaliuriT A. I don't -.mj.i. 

Q But it in fjLiuiitiJt t!uil yda |44 oiwl A. 1 
may have mud — 

fieltn B. Van AVs* — For Dtfts. — Crosi 

Tlit Court; It it jm m, 1 1 ,: ,.- that you had 
n i-ii.nvir^n lion, o-r inn't it jmniibls T 
Tim Wilnfm: Jl U- posaiLltiu 

Q. l>id j™ become ronfuued as goon an you 
r«*J tlwlrltcrf A, Witt, this in-adiifereDt utory. 

1'lre Court: You War* talkki£ aooiit 12 
oVifjck it nijflu, tJia Tisitl 

Tin TpVitdvoirj : Ytfj, £ir r myiflfj ao t*ia- 

Q. Uul you bctajue ror)Fuf>Lil aa unmn as you 
rtBd tin; lutler, isn't tiial lit A. Wj, 

tj. J)o you rL'iiieuibsr t^iinj; in the Irttor that 
III' Mm utilL loyal to (ha Sudvtyf A. V*a, sir. 

(j-. Jjulii't yuu Lu'liL-y* hiln Hi! « frifnd tluat 
lia wa^t A, I didn't know h-'hiI to believe, I 

VaiJ CTvnftLUl'd. 

44. IXia'l you tuke mfnn.' KUKik in what fricndi 
lull you I A. Ytt, ^rdiuaxcJy. 

<i. It a fritad eoirn;* lo yon and oayi that he 
ia bUll loyal, until you have joiita evidentie in 
d.tpiuof of it, don't you bti.evts itl A, 1 liidu'; 
know what lo believe. 

y. So yuu didn't form aj;y opinion theal A. 
] didn't tlifrii, ao. 1 w&i confuted. 

Q. And you nunajned coofuitd for how lorijjt 
A. Wfll, for practically a year. 

Q. Qui you tend thete art:d«a in the- '"Watch 
Tatfor" all the tinsel A. I did. 

Q. And >'ou never heard anything mure auoul 
the letter after that, ja dial ccrrectl A, I did 


Q. And hour did tlia lattar eet to the attention 
ttl the Wnlfh ToTi-er ]*ojd«1 A. I don 'I jiurt 
underetand that queition. 

1, UV 

HeSsm 8, Vaa N&*~Fer Dt{U.^Cron 

Q- How did the letter that Uha difiintlanin" 
aligria-y pruduetd her* in wurl £d mtii tht 
jiiui.i]> of Ihu ^Vhlch Tower flf^jmLia lion t A_ J 

lOru ii.::i.- vp, 

Thu Court: You duin't hand any iet> 
(er in1 
TboWttnesa: I certainly didn't, 

Q. You have alwaya been a believer in the 
"Watch Towor" magaiiae, haven"! yonT A, 
Sine*: IS27. 

Q. And ;w fllvL-ava believed that it w Ood'a 
ornaninaliiin an eu-rtJiT A, 1 do. 

Q. And the only oneT A. I do. 

Q. And also thnr. !tlr, RmluTford was- the head 
or llod'a Di-^ini-Entinn on eaxthT A. A lerpiant 

Of that OY^:iiiixu.tion. 

Q. Or it fi ri'Mir.r Aiiv» gf C<id'i orgnj iiatiiiu oa 
carrht A. Yv*. 

Q. So that nnylhirp; [hat cume froin that 
touPff you would baliav* without heaitialioa 1 A. 
I 1nld you I v.ah cnnfuind ahout tlml article. 

Q. Didn't y-nij bellow itl A, I didn't know 
*#hnt to iH ,r i'ir.i't!. 

Q. You didn't rlitiylitve it. did yo«T A. Vo. 

Q. A od you Im-lirVfd tht Afliclcii nfiprwards, 
OHotk'if l-"i.Lh, "Inronruitiori", and Ihe Noiemlwr 
]jtli rii-ticUl A. I had my StHptuxej t*> prove 

Q. And visa Mllfld it fratii the Katemenli 
made in thonr articlrsl A. I did. 

Mr. CoTirgton: That ia alL 

fi'mry (I. Juihnn — Fvf I)'}!*.- D:.,-rl 

Ittdiftet t-Mtini-ntltWn by 3lr. Coviri^tan-; 

Q. Tin- lilvi-atiire di'^iijnati'd 41* h VM<'iHianit: 
Thi-ori-ai-v", did you nuLnx 1 - v.diu that «-n* [iub- 
liidicd hyl A- I did Pot 

IJ. You IiaiI alwayn m>j;anled tlm Wateh Tower 
afjataixnUgfl. ^'ery hij.;idy, had Juu not, befan 
1011 r^'i-i'is-Ml llnx h'U.-rT A. I hi>d. 

Q. Awl niid 111 in hiivi- ji IrinkiH'v (o "imke your 
Ih-Iii'I in, tin orfianiinlinji At fir*tl 

Tlie Court: Sln> lia» ttatiuod kit *aa 

Mr. Covlnptim: W'iilidrawn. That it 

(NVilnes^i encutttd.) 

HKMIY tJ. JUDSOX, TOsidinjt 1U 1'irUhii 
Uiml (Jwtimlio, Mnj.iacSiu^r-tTn, a witiuvsa, 
H-alli'd mi U'lndf of the ih-IViiibnit*, Imvinp; 1«mii 
lint duly Hirers, le^tilied aa follow*: 

/Jr'rtxl cj-iiiwiuajrioi* oy .Vr, Coiinjfml ; 

(^. jin- u)U i-oiiiiLiti'd Hilh the Wateh Tov.Tr 
ISihli- k. 'ii-ail Sucii-t; 1 an oue of their uiiniitcnl 
i. Y«b, I a»o. 

(j, IUhk Iouk Imve >(n> hi±a eonnectod with 
tin- Sini'iilyf A. Sinrt lUfJl). 

Q. And in what |daii'« have you nutiil jib thu 
r^jircii iiunivc gf (he Socitty, what Btittit A. 
lu (hi- Slate of iliiHsachnLn'itH. 

y. Jluririj; lite tuna that yon liavi- reprc*cnte<1 
tlm iTL'L i l- L-. havL- yuu had an opportunity to visit 
in (Jie IWtlwJ Jluma A. Yes, I have. 

(j. When did j'gu fir*t Iweome acuaainled with 



/fciirp (/. /Hr^avn — l~i>( l>*jis. — i}iirct 

Jml^i' Umhrrfordr A. Well, pcrbeuiiLLLy. my 
In hi visit will. I ■ - 1 ■ I urns rttUcliBH after IUi2 or 
lUiii. I don't recall, 

Ij. Frnm MV£> to l.$£( i.| i J you have id oppoc 
[unity to vivit willi the Judge in the Uetliul 
Hume il!i<J diM-m-a (iiutliTii with liint uertainini* 
tii I lie terviceT A. 1 iuul met lulu on on* ooca- 
*itni H yes, ]«>,|ii-tiiit; service snaltera* 

If- And at 1 1 1 1 s <niier tihir:- hud you nrcit hull 
al tlie ]ii-il>rl Ultle I A. Yen, air. 

<J Have you mrpr viiiu-d and lunl meals at tlte 
Hetliel lloiwf A. Yes, sir. 

(J. AIm-uI ] i 4 p vi- many tiini'B i y*>ar isn an aver- 
np' h.'nv >(ni |ih-h<h in [In: Mrignrt A. Well, it 
vanc». Sk«k> jean perhaps "nee or twice, iier^ 
lit[M afu.-«pr, ik-|s-ndinc; upon the work. neeeit- 

Q. During tli*' yearn lflfS and 1K19 bad yon 

viewed lit tin' home vi'ry ufleivl A- Well, I had 

Into iIhwii lic-re. J Hindi twin 1 !- tiuil JVM, in tfi'SS. 
(;. Ami ihm umny tinn 1 ?., Ui ISini 1 . lief ore July 
El. ISlUilf A. I'mbalily not nwre 1han Mice, 

(J. On IV i!it;-l-.ju]i of YuUr vbdl ill tllr llniilC 

luLit- ywj hiul nn opihorlnoity to oli^rvr (he con< 
dilions thai e\i,.i Ihrrrt A. Yo, I WlieTr ao. 

Q. Slat? whetlH'l' nr not There linn always hi-rn 
ii tondiliiin (if unit}- nnd hannOu; in Hip. hoime. 
A. T liave never wen nnylhine; ebjt:, 

0\ Have you iuul iwen*inn in iiWrv* JudRe 
ftntlirrion] in llie InHr. before (lie Hetliel 
Family! A. Yc*. I have. 

tj. 1 1 ml yon ever nrn him mistreat ami jrive 
Hut Kaiuilv ill ireuliiHMilt A. Never. 

Q. Al any tutieT A, Kever. 

Q, Was there a cmtilil i«o of restraint of »r#ech 

Weary (7. JwlfQn— For Dt}t$.—MTtzl 

in (he Family when he waa at Hit tiblel A. K&t 
lh*S I nerved 

Q. Hjivj you eycr htard disttLtiLOiifl nt tltt 
Ikllid tihlc w.1h r«r*re.'i£« lc Any lovjie your- 
■ein A. Yea, sir. 

Q. What uaunli/ are tiic jnibjr^!« nf diKasstHin. 
aiiionj^f tin- meiiiliff* i>f tin; FunulyT A, Tin 
tinitil <1 iiL lisijicins, nf pnurtt, of Biblic.T.1 miiltf r«, 
klist'u-'.sionj of jirdnl^ciFs or such ittLn^i us that, 
and sninrtimea tch | ..v1 ; n-i; tlie field serriec 

Q. la thia done in lh<: form of quuttiosis aritl 
J'wii55i(tnii on ill A. Well, llic u^mil practiw, 
ns I Imve observed, il«5 to tfV thfi lietlict Katn- 
ily af any at llieiu had any comment or qoei- 

Q. Ami (hi'H wfhutl A, Then tlicy T^fra piTen 
tin? privi],.^e ft anJrinjr tlicsr t]Ufhti(ms. 

(J. And then t^'r* the qucsliJin thrown open to 
Ihe ei]!ire famiiyT A, Yea, air. 

Q. During nny of Ihoae diReaHa.iona have you 
i.ljaervi'il any srliLtrary liarth Hfpatme^t on tl-c 
jjiirt ai the Jv'ljCC (f.wiirJft tilt ortthresF A. 
K^l tlint I liiire o4lilcrvtiL 

Q. Did vou notice full lilncrly of ijX'vcnl A. 

<J. Hive ynu *v*r ne*n ar 1it*rd of fillJiy rniii 
vuljini- IrenpiMfii' l>i'inp cii^ulBtMl aimut Hie table 
anil in (lie FSftln-l llnjnc whrn >'** hav* l*?n 
^n'Sipiitl A. Kpver at tiny lime. 

Q, lYIim ii tlsn pMipj-jil [one ot tenor of tlie 
fnnverHatioii and conduct: nf tin; lieefhr^n in the 
Ifotliel Homo a! tlione tinLr.iT A. Tin; ftnly thins 
Ihat T haTe erer btea atle to notice ia the faet 
Ifial tbey are wIloIIv devoted lo Ih* Lord unit 
the}' dietfttt the LordV biuiaeai. 

/ffjify 0. JmliCm — t'of [lifts,— Direct 

Q tfavt you ev*i? hniard L>f the ^loriurJtkOii of 
alcuikil at Ihe IIi-[Ijl-I taUi'1 A. No, 

![. Any ^lunlK'iilLUjt i>f alujhgl \ir Ihe iwc ihf 
flllliy MlurLL'ji On I In- |0trl of JiIiIku liuLKerfcnd al 
the taMnT A„ I. noi'er have-. 

Q. IIdu- l^n^ Imve vl>u known tlie nlaiji'Jff 
0. IL lluylrl A. Wll, siinHT n [i 1^11^)111^1*11' iOSB. 

Q. A ii, I during and a/lcr 1 9^9 did yon liive 
McaiWka to liave viaita villi him and ditcuu "with 
linn ci'ruiiri matlfriT A. During and after that 
ppriihil, ycri. t met '-vilri Sum in comernaciou of 
ctTtiiLn Ijiih'atiori nr k^l c&wii 1lmt inv&tvpd our 
lirvlli-rcn ini Ihe Slate of Jl**apcli«»ctl« r 

Q, \)a ino rcH,ill tlie owa.sion tluit Mr- ll"\le 
vt Hk nllrnilin^: to I ho uripLtlicnt of A rime in the 
i : h LI. I ii-n "h Cmirt in i[jLn*iLrliu*ctli«, OrecnfieWI 
A. Ys-h. Hii", 

Q. Vdu hTiill Ihr Jolinnnn raw, do you not J 
A. That tyju! mi Hay I, 1339. 

Mr, riru.-|i;:iL.iiii.-Ti: 1 dotTt think that i" 
any i>ane iilh tlie Johtnusn raae here, 
The Court r He is. Heltinc Ihe date. 
Ulr. CovinElf": : That ia all. 

Q. Mlrr (lie Johrjon case lmrt hfen argued 
did Jim linTr nfriisi«n lo travel »ilh Wf. lloyle 
fNliil 1he court hi'insr to muIik Other -ihtrel A. 
Yi's, pjr, 

ij. ti'licri- iliil yon j;nr A. I tnoh Jlr. Jfoylf' 
1o Sjiriu^li.'h] in citch tin- Nciv Vfirlt train. 

(J. And nfltcft- ilisl the ar^niuc-nt tnke |ilfn'i>, in 
wh».t jiiilrtll A. li'lniTn, the tTlly of ('Irrrnlitld 
nnd SprinejEetd. which is a diKtanre nf appHsii. 
iYT.n-1 r I y &i riiilt^. wi 1 di*ruiiHnil tlie matlcni for 
appro^inialpLy an hour ot na hour and a Tiilf. 

Q, Van Llmt whiJv dj-iving in tlie autoTJ^jhiJi.-' 
A. Yc« r tir. 

tj llur;JilJ tke yiar* llmt ynu h^',-1* U'in eon- 
m-tK'd »jtli the irtiiitly, do you kno«' mln-tltr-r 
tvf p^>t iht jhipjiilron Hif Jf-ln^valj *B V 1 1 l-i-:-M-fl wilh 
ri-A]j'-cl I'r riijlitar^ ni-rvifir ia Hin~di]zir to llmt of 
tin. — they have objection lo miliUiiry ntr>icil 

'J'be Uourt.: How is tliat an insue heret 

Mr. L'u v i riirt''.ifL ; I ajjs goiiift lo lay a 
g^ns'lfoale f^r whit h£i[iji*ned neit. 

(J. Am you aware of the fuel, of the stand or 
Jeh'Hvah'n IV ii neK*' ■* on thnt qucnlionl A, Y«. 

(J, Kan (hat al that time a well known siand 
liy I'Vtry one of JehoYuh'a \V'itnesJ.e*T A. Veil, 
it w«* I'learly unrk-mtooil by Jehovah's U'lt- 
nts'tefi, y-i:*. 

ty. Awl cj([irc*M:r| in (be ofheiat poldicatiini, 
*'aa it nntl A, Y'ch, sir, 

Mr. Bruchl-aiisco; It [a not an i**uc 
in Ihin ea»« (tint I know of. 

The Court ■ I dna'l »ec thnt il ir. 

Mr. Covin^lon: Mi-, ifoyl* 1 luis irn'ji- 
tlirlae^) in hix hill" r.i aliOut IhMo^ t rhnr^ r i^l 
with Irllin.i? the i'iiid;'"i In fili I . n.ilita.-) 

nrliunl aj'd I am now getting; down to 
I hat |winL 

Q. Uid you liave any eonTerfjil ion wilti Mr. 

llu;.le — 

llr. lirurlihauien: That is not in 1hr 
isKiic-n in tLiA C-adie- 

Mr, Cu viiip;! on : Yf* h it it, 

The Court: Let him uk the quealiini< 

Q. Did yau Live a eooveraalioa with Mr. 

/Irnii/ it, Jw!-"n — for J>r/(.T.— three! 

lloyl* oa tbo way from Greenfield to Kjiriiij;- 

fuJd in rcfcmnM lo Inn advLbUi^, or did he 
ujjki! any st-ittaK-ati witii reference lo tLn 
court* thiil cLiMr*n shouSd tok* coaccmLn^ mili- 
tary icnmil A. Ytn, air. 

Iff. linH'hlaukfn ; I don't see anything 
in 1.1. is ItlNir of Hoyle ahout coiiilary aer- 

The Court: I don't see how it ii an 
ifeue at nil. Rut I will hear you. 

ilr. Covington; i *^n Uj'inR a firedi- 
Bftle for impcacluneiiL of Ur. llejlr. 

The Court; That la the only poaudle 
(frijumj il would be admissible, to attack 
tin 1 credibility. 

,\lr. Cavjnctot: And tbe atntenn:nt* 
made in the iettera tliat arc already in evi- 
dence to the effect that be had bee-u faUrly 
■:•:... r,-ii! with it. 

The Court: All rigbt. 

Mr, Covington; For tbal pnrpoae il ia 

Ladies and genltenicn of the jury, the 
■■ju^Hi.iin of iniltlary fiervie* ia not in 
isRiii- hire, Thi* i* offered for another 
par point. 

Q, Pienisc trll TAbat jsmvcrsnlion if any yon 
had with Mr. Movie in regard to thai j|uestion. 
A. Mr. Ifoyle Hotri to me llmt be had lwi-n iguei- 
tidni-d by aoine af the brethren renp^eting ilu.- 
prndinj; of I heir fliildrcn to military re-haiil in 
tlie event tlial coiii|<u^or>' military traininjr Iw- 
rjinii- n part of tlie ecliool curriL-aEum in 
tome cj«c«, u *a» bvLog discoMcd in th« n*wi- 


ilrtifsj il. JiiiliOM — For Btjti. — Dirtcl 

pajiersH and also the taLine; or the pursuing of 
tuiliiftry training by giu <■■■ n - u n*, shouid that ba 
Diflde tfTtvliiio in 1h is Nation. 

Q. \V)ifit Jid be Bay to you in rc-fi-reocc to the 
coarse nf action tbnl aboald be to kin by children 
of Jehoi'ali'u AVidirasciiJ A. He aaiit thn! tlu.-rc 
lvould be nolbine; wrong in either Ihe ehihtren 
or the grown.u(ra (akiog it or nuxauing ndlilary 
Ir.iiniiiEr il it b.^Liiii a. eominilcBiy affair. 

Q. Vflml if anytiiinir furilur did he soy with 
reference lo tlie objection* lhal yon had stated 
to biin that were going to eiist nn Hie port of 
Jrlnjiuli 's TiYitne^Besi to I hat Irainin^t A. YYill 
yoa jdiBjiej repnt I hat ^ucp-tiun. 

The. Court: Henri it. 
(The f n treai n^ rmr-stion ^na lboreiL|Mjn 
rend Ly the t'uurt Hi'portcr,) 

A. ^V<*11, Ii' r,ln1"<l (hat he tfiuld nee nnlliios 
wron^ in llie imliinjr on of til* vuiifnrm or uainj; 
the jifim for piireh- (mining purpoHfB; hill ^houhf 
it ciwno lo the fioint where nnr did actually 
cnni+. Ihen Ihe person Mold delcnnine whal be 
M'jtlu'd lo di>, and I Hfktd birn a qotrlion in con- 
nection with it. 

(J. And what did he say in flnnwrr lo Iho 
f|',ti"itn>n fnnherf A. He miiil 1Iiji| no far U be 
»na imscernetl he wmld s^e nothing urnnj wilb 
]ii.irduinp the military tiriiininpr "under can- 
dilionn, but if war cam* llmt is liine i-i'.oii^h 
to lay doYi'it bJa arnia and state ho wouldn't go 
any further 

Q. liYliat did yon say to bim in tliat connee- 
linn as to his recommendation nit that course 1 
A. Well, it rather surprised roe and 1 told birn 
miliar pointedly, perhapa, and yet aa kindly ai 




ittafg (7- Jmlion — for Ifefil. — C'riuj 

I knew haw. IhAt tlial would be an act of rank 

Q. Anything furtberl A. Yes. We for a 
moment or two brought out Hitch Scrjplur«» ai 
I ciinlil tall lo mind, thiiH-inn; that On eoafie 
(if etriel neutrality op our [>art would be vio- 

(J, Ton ht.vtt n*»tT read * copy of Mr, lloyle's 
letter, l:;iv»: j-flial A. Wo, I never have. 

Q. J>id »- yone (ell you about having received 
n ropy of the JetterT A. "Yea, lir. 

Q. Where iu lhati A. Mr. PhiJbrick of Boa. 


Sir. Covington: Thai it til.<sminA(io» fcy fl/>, pnwfcLffKjn: 

Q. Ton felt Hint nn on? could ever question 
Jin 1 .- t[iH-r ri mcr-. I hut are laid down fay [I ill erirarji- 
uiiiouT A. No. A person fast ihe ripht In inves- 
tigate- to we if IheFe tbirijM 1 audit are true. 

Q. Supp*pe they find out tliey are I nit end 
yet they lire in disagreement villi what Ut* 
Watch Tower my.«t A. T Wg jour pardon. 

Q, T*a mean only llir TTaleL Tower fan b» 
tnieT A. Only IV i>tu'j wont ean be true. 

Q. As determined by whnt A. At determined 
ty Lbs Lord's mttbtiIji, A» determined by the 
Lord bat gWni (o In* *prcpn1s on the earth. 

Q. So thai if Mr. Rutherford delermined 
theiti it earn*. Ibrourb (be Lard sud they en- 
edited itt A. T didn't My that. I laid the 
Lord'* servants. 

Q. Ton Are lb* t^erd'n servant it lb* lim*. 
A. lie wjih onty fiart of it, 

Q, If it cam* through tha Witch Te««r, 

ttrnfg fS. J\nS.%yit — For /)f/l*. — C/ea 

whether it was Rutherford or somebody else in 
the outfit, llioti Hint was the. 1-c.rd's ward, i* 
thtt it T A. IF it CMmr. through Hit Society, 
which is- the Lord'" arc-rant, 

Q- Mr, Moyle, oq thi* military service said 
if Ihcy put en (be uniform and il Kime 1" a 
matter ft w»r uflerwn pd#, 1hul wn* a matter 
to be determined wlira that ritual inn erase, 
iin't that sol A. Hopi-ul that (>ue-f1iiin, |ileaie, 

The Cuurt : Head 1he 4|iH-.*.linn. 
(Tilt; fufej^iinj; *|UP!di<m wow 1 1 lerc/iipiJU, 
read fay Ifat (,'uisrt ItrprlcrJ 

A. No, lhal ii not exactly Hie pninL 

Q. Weil, at least you didn't emiw t* any eon. 
elusion about what you would da when war 
eamef A. II r. Moyle was wry definite a_i to 
what !i* wotdd di>. 

Q P W^ifl J->« [Jeflnite yciar^r-lfT A, ^ r erj drtl- 

Q. Tcm believed ibey sliouhl stick to the olii 
1 nil icy nf not jri'llipijr in!« I he Anmtl Sen"irr. 
it tbst rltfbtT A, i ran nniwer 1lmt h no, Tf I 
mifbt jahl limi'ly ndd tlii* Hlnteuicnt, S^rifitiij-o 
riulrnst-nt, ihnl no loan thai warn'tH enlnn- 
gltlt liimRflf wiib (be ptfnir" *f thi* world, 
but the ScrrptTiros fines on ond nbows (bat a 
person ftghla in the eerriec- of the Jf^t Hi^h, 
but he dotal 't nee carnal Teaponi. 

Q. But if tii* ma^iini' earoe along and said 
it wax all rig-hl tn jt« t* vat, woiild yon read 
it and take it T A. Ko, I wouldn't, 

Q. Ha-ra yon e?er departed in iJl the time 
that yon have been a "mLsiiter from anything 

llcmif (1. Jml.-t/N—Fvr freflt. — CfQm 

tr.rjt Inia lM.'cn spid in tlinl rr.agaiinel A. I 
havo never been anyiliuig tu disagree with to 
far as [Jlc Spirit li concerned. 

Q, And that it ever tinea 1009 1 A. That is 

Q, Ton alio agree with their statement timt 
Christ suffered for the obedient onei, ia tliml 
lightl A. Indeed. 

Q, lit didn't iniftr Car All niankindt A. Tea, 

'■■/. lie suffered for Loth of ll.enif A. Only 
half of Ilia eeatence ia btiifi read. TVliat you 
are quoting is only half read. 

(J, Jjet us hear your venLon nf wlm He anf, 
fared for, A. The Bible dlutinetly utalca that 
lie ppiVB hih lib; a.- ii mmuuii U-r all to 3k 1 tenti, 
(itti in due time, Imt I he ^eriplurei whith. you 
quoted iiiwwn that it is Uoni'ri Will !hat all 
shall be saved and tome lo a knowledge of the 

Q, You don't include in your Ttrwion the 
ohtdient oncul A. Indeed it is. It ii tilt eltdi- 
ent ones that ihull live after tiiey have had nn 
opportunity to get tbo trutli and they Accept 
it or reject it, ■ 

Q. Do yoa say (bat ynu dnn't ajjree wit* thi* 
version of God's n"i ff i* tin |^ for the obedieut 
ontaT A. I B^rrec, Jaim *uff iMfed. 

(J. Who arc tin?- olhHlitnl aaiu h in year opbi- 
ioiif A. The obedient unes are HiObb wbn abey 
'.!.■: cofjitoande of tuc .VU^l High set Aat in the 
J 1 i I.! .- . and taught by Jems Chriit and thi 

Q. Are the memnera of the Watch Tawvr Uie 
obedient ooesf A. Nat necessarily. ThtTS ax# 

J/raFjf (i. JftrJ'-ait — For iirfts,. — Crozi 

many pinions of good will out in the world who 
afkr 3; r,-i rinjr 1'ie. I'oice of tl.e Lord, come and 
move Inu'ardi, Cud'« ai^ani^etl+sn. 

Q. But the pcopk </l p&nl kill are not IVatch 
Tower*, aro lleyt A, Not until titty take a 

Q. They an) out oo the ede^t A. They Ar* 
ouuide in llit world, 

Q. They are prospcclsl A. Mot ntecEiurilyi, 
Bmlir.Hs tleir heart ii ri^ht towards the Lord 
aid the Lnrd draws the.-:. 

Q, They A't the ecaej tl'iat py> oot and yon 
sell these books loT A, Tun don't go yut AJid 
■ell aaytlda£. 

Q. Dna't yon sell any books T A. No, sir. 

Q. Are yon on a salary 1 A. Ko, air. 

(J. r-\[n-n*f aecountt A. Jio. 

If Whu.t <lo you dn for A Jivinpl A. Well. 
tlie L<>rd inakci provision, A Jiiirall |fittion of 
whnl I lake as eon!r,ibut)i»n* I enn r^erVT to- 
warthi HIV es-penaei. The hutanee is t*red f«r !□ 
my s'ajiiily irfunfitintol* " n ''" f" TT1 ' 1 - 

(J. .Sn v«u crtl |>art (if it fr.ijn enntributions, 
ie that it I A, I mn [irii-ilpEcil lo renerve a 
imail ainnunt, wbich never ai yet — 

The Court: Yuu retain sniinf pi-rrc nlAge 
nf j mil- etmtirifiutmnH, is that itl 
IV WitneHi. That h ripbt. 

(), Vou btlievff iii Jrc* *p#?*]it A. I do. 

(j. And would .n« *ny that if a mm writ^a 
a l--t1 r-r (hat it free speech' A. Well, he lias e. 
Hfiht to write it, yen. 

Q. And lint dimes within the ijef-nilion nf 
frio speech T A, Of eonrs*. 

}leH/tf iw. Jiw/+dw-— For IJfjiv. — CfOJl 

Q. Jii^t beeaiue you disagree uilh Slip lefter 
dntzin't intLe it Aiij,' irntte nwttiiy to tilt dot- 
Irine of fret Kpredi, Hlne* i1t A. Xnt m nil. 

Ej. You any Ui4i! thej' h^d disrusau.n* in this 
It'- Hi el organisation! A, TliAt i» rij^ht, 

Q. tVho- wnduetcd Unonf A, V»i4(illv ll>* 
head of the table. 

Q. Wlm was tbulT A. liiniitlfiiseii Brollsf 
liutiierfurd. If lie via 1herc, If lie wasn't 
ilmre honieona tide wua ap]>i>inted to take bis 

0- Wa» he tlw nne who a^k«l the iiue'lioast 
A, tJn, jiii)rme In the audience ha» a right In aA 


Q. fizi (Iik Ttilili' soul on dinlrilmlirgt luMikn, !■ 
1luii rifihtl A.. On whatever tualter of iiii|H>r. 
taftci i:i i^Li.:! An answer. 

The Court; Wluilever matter wai h«- 
infl diueu^ieil at 1he liuie. 

The Witnen*; TlK're were varioua mat- 
ten discucHed. 

Q. Lhil you *Trf bear enibi*iy there iciy iniy. 
I hin pr nlmut bow la fun [b'Hielf A. AUnil nlmtt 

Q, Mow tn run. Bethel I A. Did 1 efer lirnr 
nnylmdy at lielhelf 

(J. Tec A, N-i, I don't thipk T !«**, 

(;. \nyl,fidy in Ihtt* rnpeline> Hmt Vmi nien^ 
liaiinl in Hull rwat tberi* Hf»r ht*HlMra»d asiv- 
1 1 i:nc; aW-ut h»w tn run flelhi-U A- No, it »a*n't 
H v.-i:' ..-.rv 

(). Ifnw mum' times were ytu tlierp in lfl^T 
A. T think it wns two or t)ir« umt+. f dnn*t 

Q. And how long- did you slay nn eecb nfra- 

V 1 1 J 

Hturjf ii. Jtirin>n — J'er Ifejn, — C'rnjf 

■ LuiiT A, .Sojiielimei only during Hit day and 
*.i m.-t i iiiL-h ! would i-Aby ttvurm^iit. 

tj. flow juujiy tihieji <1ih] you Htny ovempgbl 
,n lU^Hl A. That I couldn't. My, 

'l- Are ynn »ure it wasn't an t,irlii-r year 
Jijji 1^;wt A- There if hurvlly a ytnr goei but 
wi,;it ! cumm down to ISatheL 

H. Vuu Juive no very debsiite recotJetlMrt 

whetlier j.ui jiuiyml uvernij;]d in I'l'-i'i or titj 
othtr year, liavo yuut A, It jnul df];tndd. 

"J'he Ciirjrl; Yoa have nn defiuite reeol- 

Tin: Witness: 1 Itavu no definite recal- 
led km. 

y. Y<hu did not keep a diary of itl A, Noj 
ad rod. 
(j. Ami thai ia tfU* «r limX A. True of 

evi-rj }ear, 

il. Anit on (hc>»;r- micM«i*>n* when you wj?re 
U-i-rc v.\-i-t! tl,ere nny -dher vititorst A. On 
tJ,,,-!^ i^^a.Hii>ns, yoji- 

if. tV",.re llx-re timM when you were there 
wtiee 1li"h! were no other vi^itorsl A, Yea, Jiir, 
M.i-rf Van. 

ii. In otlK-x wionla, un. luuity uf trnut nnra- 
niiiAit that you were there it ki.i just the Walth 
Towrr Inunilvr A. That is rijjht. 

I}. Th:it in the onual Appreiretion in that 
lb-tbid ]|.,u-.h'1 A. I dent know. 

1^- It Iiju hee^n in ynur t£ peri meet A. Nnl, 
f mn n"l certain; after all, I don't know th# 
1 «j>i I i '.'H of the visilom to the- Dftliel Family, 

Q. 1 un, L~kii.^ from your experience. A. I 
only loin* that I nm there rhyitdf. 




HuMij 0. JwJ*v*—Ft>r L>t{t£. — Cr«ti 

Q. And yi,u ih.n't know of any Other Otlt- 
biLiJtirji that aerti [Jii-rt ud llii timea yum wt-re 
tli^rtl A, UnJeHs I liB^L-nt-d to know thi-ik 


(J- You dun"! recall any in nil the times Hut 

you ]iun- bcca tlitrr.-! A, Yes, I have been 
then when *oine of tin? friend*, mar a conven- 
tion, they Javu ln-un La ther<; on buujjiiis. 

(J. .'iljil On liiiW lailtjr utrdaLtiaii in the. JftllB 

I93S and J.. lu iturf >'«u weft Himc wi-re th*r* 

■")' trlhur visitor* (hi J'OUr fcjiowjid^e. eice|iiinj; 

j-uurn.lfT A. I don't Loqw. 

(j. A nit you ln-lievc Dial Hint in CnJ r » organi- 
tuSiun wi earth. 1 A, Thai p* ripht. 

(J- And that ymi unijhJ m' r |it anylliinLT Hint 
cubic fj-«ia (Jfid** nr^iniij-ln.n on earth T A. 
Xfi k uai I j" after pi — only «fter careful study to 
b^?« if il cuBportii ivi1|j the Scri|>ti[reH, 

Q, You only cnjnriareul these Ictler* of Hcp- 
1cmln*r M, tin; article, anil (be October Ifilii 
article, dim! thi- *'Kaare*" BFliplr with the 
Scriptureiil A. No. I now t\ir. trot I d id ncpi* of 
th'me an 41 F("-iilt ""■ f my per^onat obHervaliun of 
the individual alluded to, 

(£. You recall, do you not, in thi" ]e-ttpr of Mr. 
Moyle, of July, 1039, that he talk* about lain, 
hi :-lir.~ Home nf ilichc LncLz'L' ■:] illl.h ml th'- |i.Li--e 

during the lime lit wait the**, don T i jonT A. I 

rr rjill lliiil [lull Win the charge. 

Q, And it i» poiuible, il leant, thai you weren't 
there day in and day out, were yout A. Xo. 

Q, You, <inn 't have information on thai part 
of il *l »1lf A. I don't f«l il would h» noci-H. 

("VVilntiui Bituted.) 

Crater C-— Far Pcfti.—flinet 

CliOVKR C, raWEM, ruiilinj' al 733 Park- 

**y Fprivf, Atljinm, DcozjeLq. -a wilrif^H c-ullpii on 
L-luih" o r C I j ■_■ ii(f L-ni Luitii, boifig iirtl dajy i^gri, 
EcutJIirMj an ft>lkw b : 

/Jjr-Jl'J tUl HI ffKt J iO« Ut/ jl/r, C'>H'JT jliHt L 

(J. Mr- Puwett, Jioii' long hnvt yau >n>en on» 
of Jclmvah'a AVilnfMical A. Kifjc* 1DIC. 

Q. During that time liav* you ttKA in the 
cupnoly of a Full lime minLi>tfif far lkf Wntch 
TijuierT A. 'Well, y™, raftut oT that timf. 

Q. Jn *"hat tlat^F tiava you ropn^rntnl tlic 
.Swk'lyt A. Vi-ll, Jiv jTHJitt or Ih* dtnlHij. TlitJ't 
Brr jLuiir fpw tdat I i.avs not. 

Q. How you evur titeo a member of tin- Bi'tlu.4 
Fainilyl A. T hav-e. 

Q. And during what pcriodl A. From No- 
Tfmhcr, l&ij, onti) the Spring of 19I3C. 

<J. Arc yon a [Lwr.Hfd altoratyl A, T un, 

Q. Aa<i u-lial joris;3ii;lirjiiT' A, Tn Georgia. 

Q. Any olhtT iuil^t A, Ten ncscfr-, 

Q. Dliriris llir tirn« Hint vou lim.3 at the 
RiHW FTnroe did you lnMoiiit tu^inninU'd with 
Mr, O, R. Moyle and hit Tifs I'hocbtT A. I 

Q. Pid you ko onl : .ri the H'ilTieB* work, 
prtrefljiHjr Irom tiousr? to houw with Mr. ifoyfet 
And Phor-lir-f A. I did, fin (n'vcnd fyrcntionii- 

tj. DuTinjr that tims did yno F»r-r have an. 
opportunity to diKDEa with 1Tt*. Moyle the tc»- 
Hor.<i »hy X.PLC pave !o liatlifl T A. Ten. That 
nubject came an on mora than one occasion and 
tin': csTilamad ahout their co-miaff. 

Q. Do yoo Temember viwn that was I A. Tei; 
thai waa in tie Fall of 1935. 

Crtii ct €. Pundit—For litfts. — fliiw* 

Q Wuh il jit ilk: Tin'ili*-! IIueii^ or on llie out. 
fill"! A. \V*!S, it wjIh in Laiti ioutaAUi. 

t^. U l<iil hii.v4>ir.Litioji p if p.ny, <Jjd you have 
vulh 'M'l 1 in rL'L itl 1 ntx 1 eo udiy kIic had GOtoa to 
Jtijtl rl lim] in-r jL!tiLiuli- lovi'ttrdji noiiun^ to 
JLctUM A. VCi-W, viit w»k ju*t tidkinj; irtncrally 
ihout tlii'if oaininj; to It^iliid ind tlml tiwy 
formerly Ijvh'iI at [" Ci-civi', a KfuuJ] town in. 
WjiToaMJi, mnl thai \It. lluylti wuntpd lo aaan 
on to lii-iln'J vi.'ry Luil I r, hut hIlc Iteraclf wot 
oppoHtcl to tlte uli.a. lint ailiir il epjieni-od tluit 
It? niniit Imvc hid u-ay in the matter »hii ton- 
■*nttd S« rimn', u'liwtnntly. 

(J. Sum', have yjt>B ever »i*ilod in th* Helhrl 
IIuidl- ciilirr ln'fiirr vr aftej- you wrprc »t Dcthrlf 
A. Hi-for<: Hit time that I ml'ntinnrd, brt»'(*n 
l!in.l rod 193tit 

Q. Y'tt. A. V'm, 1 luiva — let ua •**, MfUMlly 

Q. W&w loaij hat'c ynit Inown of did yaa know 
Jowph F. liutlHTfonl doriiiil hi* lifelifnlil A, 
Well, during moat of I he tiia« that I Iuivb beta 
rniinfrli^i with II* uCf;aniialLon. 

Q. Unve you ertf hail an nprjortaai ty to dis- 
cus* with JnKc-pli F. Ituthorfo rd any matters of 
policy or iinrratiiui of Ute Society's huHin»s or 
oaylJiinr^ of tliftl tiiulf A, Well, ym, I have-. 

Q lloinj >iio also ol.ia*n"ci! Judge Hullserfurd 
■it the Bethel tithlef A. I liave. 

fj. Dili hi- uaually preside at Ibe head. «f thi 
InhieT A. Ut did. 

Q. Ut is ri'BiiTHlfd as the Virlid of the faBiily d 
Mm Hellu'l Family, ii that Ira*, »t that lim*1 A, 
Thai in true. 

Q. Did you and your ndft lift at tha Bethel 

t.'fvff r C. I'virrli—fitr iHft&.—Dittct 

HniiWf A. Yr-ji, during Uia( jwriod of 1D3J and 

ij. And (hut uiLit l,.r i^nii' Hiiiv Hint Mr. and 
Mrn. iluylt UvemI I lief*, in. llial riijhtl A. I're- 

\v. IJitriofl thai ti hiii-, slid you havt an oppor- 
tunity In i>3h.M L r\"e the jii-ti iljw] ululiIuoI of Jo*i-ph 
F, Hutlii'tfofd tawaj-ilii thf imjinhcr* of tho 
Hifthel KainiLy, hii hruthrtnl A. Y'imi, ] did. 

Q. t'ould yoi* tell what hi* Attitude was lo- 
w"un!» the fainply while at the litneT A. U'tll, 
Ikid attitude nun jtfnod, and he Minifi to lake a 
lot of intercut in tin- family. 

Q. Did he |ji'fuiit ire? nfmcrfit A, Oh, y*s, 

Cj. J|uil rl|iljiii IbCiW tin 1 uji]njriLinj1v ii) iImcu'h 
iLuiEti-j-ri ]j ollciwul al ih« lii-lhii lahl..', ^mj ot 
[hL^-rLkfoi-E, ilioner 11-31 il Hupiprir. A. TJlit^ lh n. 
tli/vrjlinupil [HTitwl m tlir iiu^rojor^, rind r;onn ii;1 ill 
Willi iSuil in a diM;aiKMrj3> of Itjhle li'uLa for thn 
ilay, tli"pil l*Oroy wr-nc ^nlhsl ujMhn hy dud^i: 
lUllllCrfurd and 0tl|i.T* vrer? pfivin the nnpar- 

lanity i<? votunterr thdr an tvn- in, n-qd Hum it 
wan usually oprned up for fjueEtio-os, Any^nt 
that hod a fimaitiofi that tbiey liked to propound, 
Uty hail 1lie privilege ofdoinjf so, 

(j Wi're the toruaieita usually ^cucrouB and 
pur! iii fin led ih by alii A. Yei. 

Q. Dur::i|; (he time tlmt you wrrc there and 
atii'intrtl tliri,' Uriliil Fcuiilty meeliupt at the table, 
iliil yiiu e>-er hr-nr of anyoruj e^ttiai!; a acserc, 
loud lahle trUniiiinij by Juilj(f Ibitl lerfonl f A, 
No, T iiinrcr did, 

(J. Did you t-TPr hear wiyon* d«aifii freedom 
of np^ptli,] A. No, 

(j. Did you ever hear of Jodge Hurtharford 

iifv\tr C. i'uKtii—Fat ittftr- — D'trct 

nrtinjr Ike [nnt of a dielatorial ltona licfor* the 
family ! A. Mover. 

ij. Did vim notire nny dihCTimination on the 
pjiri or thr JuilfCr affainjit hm lirellircn' A. I 
certainly did cot. 

(J. Did you irv-er li^nr fdlliy and vuls^ar «lOrie+ 
[■ah.-/'i| ahont tlif tnldfi- ami lliromjliout Hie faih- 
ily wlnli' vim wr<.- tlperel A, Xo, sir, I did not 

Q. Dili yon rvrr kear of liquor Iwing glorified 
hy iIil- Jndi;i-ii1 tlin latde, or anyone clue! A, Tt 

Q, ITavi' yau oliHenn^i that whenever Jad^B 
RiLt|hrrfnrc| was iprirafielpHl on a matter thai A 
ru-TAon. a]..proaLliiacc hini jni^iit liave a differi)not 
of npiiiloii in the illwdjiidon. that Judge Pitthcf' 
foil) immiuik: an lirhitrary and ijlflolisiial ul:i- 
ludi! 1 

Mr. llfuL-hhAuoen: I object anient the 
tittle in lunntianed. 

Q. ffonlinnitl) Kuril! if the time Hull voq 
were at Iti'Hiel from Xo veml n»r, lfl.'tfi to th# 
rfirjnu of lflLlti, did you ohsenw? him. tMt talk 
with him . luring ilmi tjiacl A. Oli.yCt, I talked 
1o him duriaff that lime. 

Q. What husinr-KA nr what nerrtion of the wort 
«vrr vou a*«ipnr<3 1n bundle while you were at 
Uethell A. Tl wan. in connection with iha 
ilri'iiter Kr-w Yorlf roinpuny, nnt»id«, 

Q. And did Ihnl inelml* nil of ihe nompany of 
deho^uli V \l r i1ni'HHi'K in SVvf Ynrlf Cily that yoo 
Yii^ri- 111.' hind oft A. Vw. 

tj. In Nirryinn i-nl Hint ililly, ilhl yon have at 
Airpattuhiljr to i-'mfar with Iiid»G UuLherford 
iaueh durins that liuntl A On Tariom *»*- 

• ILlfll. 


Crotrr C, Poaelt — For Dr/lj.— Jiirect 

Q. Did you ever make any utijt^i st i ons to She 
Juil;^- wjiiiiL lie diM>;;ried with and in wliich he 
cu^uiiujcl an arbttrn-y and dielsloj-ial attltudi: 
toward* yuuT A. Xo, nurer did. I dmcuii^nl 
ttingn and iufiptited thiiiyrj ta be done. 

y. Did he aefcjrt. your ■at'S"5t»oii» 1 A. So±ia-. 
tiiuus, liVhvq, 1m Uida'l, there wax aothin^ un.. 
uavaaajit about it in any sense. Everything wr..i 
vviy piaptr. 

IJ iJi you nagnrd Jodj^e Buthiirhird uh thi- 
IUlu) of LIiq fotoily at tluil timof A. Yea, I 
surely did. 

Q. How lun^ have you known the plaintiff, 
0. Jt, lloylef A. I met hita firuL when T rjm.n 
to Bitksl in the fail of 1335. 

Q. And after yon left Uorhr-t, you went to 
fleurjiia, did you roll A. Thai lb rifirit* 

Q. Put you fro there Id aid in the legal diffi- 
culties, of Jehovah 'h Witncnaeii jo thai et&tet A. 

Q. And duriiijc tiial tinie, did you have corre- 
Jprmdeiiico with Jlr, Moylel A. I did, quil* 

Q, What uttdiide or repnvrd did you have to- 
ward* Mr. Moyle during the year* l!);i- r s, lll-'H*, 
ISM, ISXttT, Bad 1935)1 A. Well, I regarded h:m 
highly. He waa hi^idy fenbinjuended, llu vaa 
reooimirricricleii hy the. Siwioty. 

The Court: He did not ask yoo that. 
You regarded him hiejilyl 
The, Witness ; Yes, 

Q. Did you believe that ha was One htifldriKl 
per cent For all the SJoti«ty'» doetruiea tad pnb- 
licalioajjl A. Vti- Ha *o stated. 


Orontr C. Pomrll — For Dtfit. — Difcet 

Q. Dul y«u Hunk he was in liarmony with the 
Society v \" tilt Utthel lloTAtf A. Yea. 

•J. t i-hnw you a purl of Def^ndante 1 Exbikiit 
V, the letter date I August IS, 1LGD, BddreB&td to 
you rind aij.Tied by the plaintiff, ar.d atk you if 
v-.u Ilhc L",'L'f fii.'L'n that {Mantling to wilnti). 
A. Vi:. r 1 am familiar, huvine. Been thia letter 
and received it through the rftuil from Ur. Moyle. 

(j. Dues tlml letter mulLma ce/tain charsc* 

that lie r.unlr n^iLin^t Jpdpe Hatlttrford u to 

condition* at IklhcIT 

Mr. Hntclihaufen : I object. 
The. Court: The letlcra riprnkj for 11- 
m-lf. It ]>atf already been read to the jury. 

(J. Did ymi Itrtipve itint the charjres made in 
tiiiH ieilfff «*re truel 

Mr. Rrn.eblmn«*ii; I abject to any rc'- 
ereiiee m a letter. I have not fwti it, 

TJn> Court: Y**, Thin i* in ndHefie* 
and ha* hern mul to (he jury- 
Mr. Hnn-Wimuitrt ; Ob, pardon me.. 

A, N", T diil not believe them I* ho tma. In 
fjiJ't, T knvw ihat limy -were mot true. 

(}. Did yoil rfnd I he article ealitltil "Informa- 
tion" publish^! in til" "Watrh Tower" innjrnzinr 
of DHi-iImt Ki. 1(9*! A, T did. 

<1 I Mil Villi kpion tin' men 1liAt 'mil nlniier! Hull 
article, iin'iiiEirm ul the Uourd of PifWtefttl A. 
"I knew tliea.i [KTwnlllly. 

Q. Bawd nn yiwr knowledge of the condition* 
in the HelbH Hume find llir slaliinentii ennlnin«l 
in that arli-rie. did yon Mi*™ it la he lrue.1 A, 
I did. T liari t**ry reaion lo believe it »'** trur- 

Grwet C foaciJ — far Dtfii. — Cr-css 

Q. VVlmt eJTect did it— I withdraw lint. That 
i» nit, 

The Court: Mr. ilruchhaoaen., nil] your 
trriSs-esilluiiintiol) lake SUWr tiintl 
Mr. Urui-hlinuHi'ii: It may. 
The Court: Then we will J;ik<j an ftct- 
jmirjimeal jut i I Iwn oVtodc Ho not di*- 
eURj 1li* cas*. 

{\VltMenpr>n ii h fld jo iiranuail *aa tatt-n 
until two t'dut p. ul) 

Two o'clock p. m. 
(Trial rctiuwd.) 

OROVBB C. POWELL rwaratd ud twlifM 
furtlwr ai follows; 

(J- Sir. I'uwrdl. you recall tlial ref create vaa 
(Nadu a vrbilt ago. to (be Irtk-: written lu you by 
II r. ilnvlc. dated Aupust !H, 10301 A. I mail. 

Q. Did you aver reply to that letlerf A. I 
IKR did. 

tj, Any rcisnn for act npiyinfT A. ¥u, I did 

liB^e. WoulJ yuu like jimj (o Tittle (liifnit 
Q. J I ad you then detcrmtiied that the cbergc* 

nere untrue 1 A, Yti, I jin.fl. 
Q. Vmi lindn't a copy OS" Mr. iloyle'a letter to 

llr. Ilullirrford at tliat time, Itad ycmT A. No, I 

ba4 i:i.l. 
Q. So thiil *.ll yea bad waj Ibia letter (iaditat- 

■off) T A. Yes, tlal i* rigbt 

Orovrr C- Puu-<rlI—F#r Utiti^—Cttiia 

Q. Mo you arriwsl at yuur ujiiniun from ihw 
kltiTf A. KntifL-ly — i tJiiil ebtirtly. i ebnulti 
odd 16 I hut .with Hit other fiita wLii-h wer* well 
Lnowu In tiit. 

(J. You uLfan (lit' fnt-ts. you have ntali-<) here in 
nturl tnilnyt .\. That lm right, and otlirrn llint 
I liai'f mil jitAlftl. 

(J. Do nin refLill in tlii.-; tetter tliij paraeni|ih: 

"'And a liileT aim iTi'inK iSiiu IcIUt, T niiplil jn»t 
a^ Well krejj a pmBiirt* T nsacle 1" tke .Tml^e In^k in 
■lune-. I liail ijiait' 1 :m afffllfiirflt Witb hn:i Ihe day 
we filled tin I ^f i Li^u i ty_ Tun i-L-liiiuci Iht 1Iip i*. 
titrrtaL-e. Kor poki* i-**f:nii tbe Jiid^t &hjfftnl 
to Ton" — awflnhie; you, tiie witneis — "aHiidinp 
a\t" — Mr. afarle — "in tiio^t lladiunn S(|unriv 
t'.irdi'n tfc», anil Binnit or Hill lle-atli liad ap. 
fUir'Titly iaforinfd liini 1lml you Mtrt i^oin^ alojitr 
in anwstiaff. lit tobi ate In Ml yen" — Mr. Povel! 
- "wtrf not 1o poolonjr. I"— Mr. llnyl* — "trieil 
to n-nrb you"— Mr. I*nwpl3 — "litfor? we pot In- 
T,eihn-n.itjL 'm ntlu'i-, hill euiihlnt, anil ynu" — ilr. 
|Vjirl| — "nTnll Viin wero (litre aliMid hi? u*. 
t']| rifc vtIiph 1 Tvporicd hnpk tn Ikt Judp 1 , JuV 
w-nmliirl In tin on.' wby T |terrni1l^il JVWi"— Wf. 
[■■[Well- -"■'■ 1 ■ ■ nil in nil Hw- eonfcrrnH't. f lol<i him 
T iiinihbi't infill yon" — Jfr. l'i"im|t — "by forbiil- 
itinajynu tn w in ^itb <&-. V\'i ll lid mili tt 1 di?fUhi- 
Nittn jirn.l ln'"^tbi- .litdt^ — " wanted im to in Form 
ynLi a I m r you iitrr 10 liave TlOlbilie lo dn will! Hie 
m«»n. I .-i^Rfd 1 13 dri si% hilt overlooked 1lit mat- 
ter, anil i| wajin'l utrt^nary. For you left risht nl 
tlijit limt. So 1 bnvc now inlnnned wii and my 
prriiui* i* kept." 

So you knew tl-Al Mr. Itatlierford did not waat 


van to thiHififilUe ift the Madison Ei'juAre Garden 
tut thongbl 

Mr. OoTingtoa: I nlijcel to that. 

Tlw: Court: ObjnTtinn nu^laincd, Yoo 
\ar.v tl.rst .Mr. Moylt Kajd tltalT 

The "^VataesBL T only tnew i: *n< iu tbi 
Idler. That ia all I lenow aliout-iL 

Tlie C'nitft: I my yuu knew tliut Mr. 
iffiyle vrrote tbutT 

Tim IVilnrKj; Xm, Ibnl is in the letter. 
That keon-erl. 

(J. At iiay Tiitt, yrtii wfrr- not ft'liod to pnrtiei- 
liatt in 1hs M^itiiMin Squnre Onrdsn e-nsel A, 
Noi T rlinl not espeet to bf: — 

Wt, BrurbhiHiFen r I nwf to strike it 

The Court: Mr. Po-wcll, yon its a law- 
yer, IMpiife ruimtr tlie onestiona. 

TbaWitnraa: Tardo-a me. 

Q. Do you rernll bpvini: Knnn eorre^pnTnicarc 
Willi Mr. Katberrnnl prmr to thr: M.jiHi^On > Siii:r. re 
IJavden rn*e ns lo n ease yon (marlled! iu tleorcpaT 
A. Well, I dnn'l — t rorrffijmncSfl rtcrufarly. 

f). Wnnl"! it dinrel yonr altenlinn to I ha pnr- 
lirnlnr row if I mm! (» ymi Miuae etisr wlitrt yoo 
bad iiilvi^iKl <<oiiM>nne ci T the .TrEiornh p N WlIqsmp^ 
to (ifead iFiiiHyl A. Kfc I don't retnll. 

<}. Ilnn't ymi reeall thai tbn Jiidee wm exrr- 
rinod c<vpt you liwiniHf ynn bad piven sbnt ddvieeT 

^(r. Oorinplom ITt bas IrntiGed, may it 

pkn*e yisur Ifojuir, Hist he did ant rtvaU. 
Tlie Court: lit said lie did not re«ill- 


rJror'fl' C fipa;*ii~rar [Irft*.— Cms* 

Q. Did you have aay sacb efts* in Georgia— 
I withdraw tbat. fljdn'l j'on, prior to I be Mwli- 
son Square (Tardea cast, reprtttr.1 imhi Ji'Ilh- 
raliV VVilnaiaea in a cap* in, tlrur^ia at Lhr: 
r..'|i|i-il i,f Mr. limherford or Boinoont ai-siKiated 
with liirnT A. May I havs the <[utglien, plcaseJ 

4 The BLcnograpber repeated tLe craea- 
tion referred t«.J 
The WitatM: Arriagrjd to reprttcat 

aonie of tbeinl 

Tae Court: Uid you repress! I The 
queation ii quite dear. We luuv repealctl 
it. Repeat it onte. more, aad tlua ii the 
last time. 

(The quest ion was again repeated by tlia 

Tli* WMmm: 0b, nut. I dula'i cuidtr- 
stand iL 

Q. Did Eomeon* plead piilty at your r*qt*tal 
in tliosr rjiK?»l 

Mr. CoTinpton; If your Hnru>r Jilea**i 

"h:iL is ::ii:;i.,U:ri!i„ 

Tbu Court: Object ifln auitaihtd. 
Ur. Briithbauien : Kxcepticm. 

Q, You my tlml you wtre at Tkthrl from No- 
vcniher, 1S35 to the- «priaf or IflJtl A. Car- 

Q. Can yoa pivr u^ the rnnatb a;id the ap. 
proiiiriBle lime jau left ia 1H.1G I A. I lwlieve it 
was UnumhcrHja around tbt lant nf Mnreh. 

Q Don't ynu recall tlml Air. ftutlicrfard »n* 
in CulitoraLa moat of that lintel A. I betitTe 
tliat h» vtt. I am not so auns, 

Q. Waunt it the cnatona of Mr. Dutharford 


fifa,rf (.'. VvKfil — Fnf fJf/'ji, — Crois 

I" leave tr.r hi* home in f.'alifrjmia about Hie 
month "f November in r-urb yi-itr ai.J noi returo 
until nli.'il May T A. Well, J cajiaDt ansn"er that 
.|in-;iinl ilr In the lilne. J knnw he wr-nt 1o tiili. 
fnroin, hut an to the time, I tmjldn '1 artKwer. 

Tin' t'l'jrt: N"^v»' Hint vour io*Tnon r hm 
Iftn refn-jilrnl, yua my y.,» »»rf. in Ji.-irn:! Novi'inVr. I'XSi, to Mareli, IS%1 

Tbt AViipi-**; Yen. 

tj, \t'a» l.i' flu'ro tthen ynn wt-fe iin-rcT 

Tlif- IVimi'^: Mi- wasn't there all lb* 
lime I u'a* there. 

The O.url; llrjvr h.njr whk iir tber* 
H-ln-n Jftfail *t-n, IhiTf-, if VmJ Jirjftwt 

The WiEr.r-hi.: [ nb.n 'I rerjilh hill [Vr'nlh. 
;'iJ. I y n liHlbtll f.r 1 1* i. NIMlllle tJint J know 


fj\ Ami didh'l Mr. lEuiherford lit iny lime 1» 

w:n in Helhel leave i',t w-'-k-enrls nrrr in Kiaten 

U., j| S. \jrnrf wl.iirh t 

'J. ^"',^ »'M'li.'-n'l* 'iv*r ia fitit^n Island? A. 
I '-''■il'lo't ajih>itr ihaL I don't knn'-*. 

tj, f'id jtia ever co to; the Staten Inland placet 
A, I ],av hrf-fn Ihere, yen. 

(j. You n«-v<-r h'-ard nnyihini' more from Mr. 
Mn>le Ihaa tbipj Ir-it'T Von rn^alN.ri'^F ur it hss 
U*« rrfn.rred lo l»*re. r f f A*ikm«I 1''. V.£?.i, ja tbat 
(v.rn-rtt A. WnB, lld^r hin letler to JltrljCK 
Hinhicrfnid wa» — a |inntml w[>j fan mailed to 

(;, Tliit tii in IfriAl A. 1 am n^t m mrt u 
if. ni- 'lulu 

f^ r Yi« d'^n'l T|f»BETw> tdfll it in in IIHO, do 
fOuT A, f*", [ ■wonhlffl't aay on that. 


f/r*jr rr C.'. I'bH'tllmmF&T Jtrfi*, — Vrv** 

if, Ho hrtnVi-n l'.'-lj, tln'r lb! i' of tJiiF hi- 
lor. A"j;:i-: iGla, ml l"HO y'iu did iwl n™i' 
nn vlh i nj; hy <>r on behalf of Mr MnvloT A. Xb 

f^, ] [r,w ninny -li'linVlh'i' WilBfflWP ST'- H'CF* 
in ynuf loiiiJity in {}*i'uw&1 A. Wtll, I snildm 
■muM-r iha.t rery debnitfly, TJn-n> i* ■ niml 
many, UViufjIi. 

By llit C'ourt: 

(J. What in your In;*-! ufi|ij-j>iiiii«tj(FAl 

Mr. fr^vl nytiiri : tVlsat plod Th* en. 
Lift- Btoltl 

Mr, lirurlj)iiiujn-jt: I nay. in lii- |rn-,i| i ty , 
ihr piWi; In- H f u in 1 1 1. 1 r uiUi (Jowji iUti-. 

T I ■■ 'i'l"iI rn-.,» : Vii.iil iji IIih: J.;ifl (if fill* 

ipimlinn I c^uldo'l undcrnlond vtry 
Wt-ll — 

The Court: I'ip-jH-, vtr are ant inter- 

tnt**! JJV J.|jn-?hr-s. If yi#u ^ilJ liMMl (ft the 
r|uc:ilion, BC Wi n 't bill"* to rf"[if-nl llinji 
tlirt-i- or E im-f »■ nml ir IjhMlM not J* 1 
pe&t)HABry to repent [li.-uii to n luwyejr. 

The Witim"*: I J IJ "' 'Ji'' i''l ondf Miami 

Tin- f««LTl; rkow lin*™ In (Ijp- num. 
lii.Fi. rr you dr-.n'l nndr-fntainl it, »f! wjll 
hnvi il null, lint ■* M >ll hu kf " ■* 
ifPfiThpii. IViH you r*wj til* tiiK-ntir^it 

The Winn-"."; I undi nuin'l Ch» i,iii-k- 
ti'-fl. I *-*n rjud.-r^Tiiiid lli* 1 i| IPC*! ion tlpal 
Ik- --u- ,i_-L- L 

TjV Caul: fj»t<:n In il- If vani tan. 
noi in>i>'t<r it, *OJ' i'Mi ennnot. \\"v want 
notpiinis; hw 1 W*nt uliiit you kflfj*, 

(Tin- i;«iiMli'rn ■»'»» . -J rJi*»!*4 by tLc 
»itaf-(ji-tjjli«'' a* follow*;) 

( £■', I'vHttt — For Det't. — Cmit 

"(j. JJrjW many Jk-bovjuVn WUkkuii are 
LiWre in jour lnuilily jn fittij-(fiA,T"' A. Jb Al- 
lnjiUb liwre in [i-mWhly £j0 or 3W, 

By Mr. linjehhauiien: 

Q. I>ii] you utLc.-i-l uiiy of. llio eliibnou ll icrr 
j-l-j-'hiLil rLv 1 j\. In Altunlul 
(J. Ytm. A. Tc». 

Q. Ami )"tiU rr-url t]n> urliili- in tin; S^jiti-lnbi^r 
Hi "Wklei "|Vjwi : r" wlnj-i' r \fr, Mafkj i? 
thotjjul witli unfuillifulniK-1 un«] Uin * * [ n fi>rni.a- 
tiem" urlklc untl tli« "Kauri!*" artjelt, didn't 
>ou1 A, I «ii<l. 

Q. Ami "-WHtch TdWfrr" jpr.^niiliU *[MiJ rft. 
Jiv*rt-i tu all ijf llitwt Jiriiii-vsilii'ji \Vi1n<?s«c* ta 
your kur^ltiJui; ■ I cj'--"ji in (jcoF^iii. "^rc ttay n»t* 
A, I cniiti'il iiitiw.|.r tlint. 

Q, U'Fn's jl'ii Itnaw Dull (ho nrlklcK in the 
■"Witch Tdwh-c" rruiKiiiinc virni utiS'Jii-d in 
iho*n i-I.-isk.i-ji ilnn-n Llu-roT A. They w«re itndicd 
iji the clft»K'?ii, yi-n. 

Q. Thejr came Ihfru r^'g^^lllI-ll , t A. (No ani- 

Q, Y*q }>«vt Iiaiidkd ciBti for Ih* Wjju-li 
Tewtr ort;jiniHitifln, liawe-o'l yonf A. I haTt, 

Q. In Qtorjnaf A. Tu 0«orgU, 

Q, Am] vni-iGUj pa:Lt of the rnvntryl A- (Nil 

Q. liave >-ou nny ntin"r aecupntion bat nciiiijj 
fnr .Ih-Iih*ViiIi"!i Wifn.-^rsT A. Nu, I hut I* nil, 
and ny mi niilt ri nJ »OrU in f&ni-.flr.tioD -witli tha 

<J. Do >-<iu e^I tocta, too, and Hter*ta»t 
A. Ku, 1 don't k11 hoiiiki,. 

tltni't C. i'viitO—Fur Itfjt, .—(■/,,., 

Q. D* ydii dtlivcr tJ-icna aa<| pn oantribDr 
lioiuif j^ Vt* ( 1 do thai. 

Q. And yot ipit part of the inonty, doa'l ja-uT 
A. TVifll, jes. 

Q. Ton uy that you diacMitd *iih Mr. Ruth' 
Ui-fcfiJ pnliti.h at JSethtl. J» Llml alating it «or- 
twilyl A. 1'ch, »ti\ 

Q, AS iJis time you *cr* in B<:htl, yon had 
Hoinotliinc 1c do vlih thij -u-n-rk in and around 
Ihe Ma* Ttuk ii":», dt-Ja't yon] A Tluil ii 

Q. And tlinnc «ro tilt ttlinfjB that J'tlu dii- 
««4Md wllq hint, iamt that right I A. TM it 

Q. You did riul ditcus* nilli him Iht nuaig?- 

DjfUt Of t]ic ISeUiI-I IltliKSt A. >*n. 

(J. (Jr Miiik<- iitiy r> uij L r > -m I Lim n ijirtin' 1 lie- nuiii- 
DKr-inrnt of the Dothol Ifamut A. Re, 

Q, Ncr did lie a«l< you about ilt A, Kg, hi 
duln'i ask mo about it. 

(j. Ami ymi lnivn Iv-cn rru-mlty f.ith Clw |il;iin. 
lifT :f..r Iuib- Ir-nijl A. Siiiw I nif-l biiii nl IbHhel 
in l5ii"i, up unh] the lime I left. 

Q. Si i Hh'i-h in ii ml ling- Hint iizinsiiiwrl nji fur 
us yen Imnw -from the time yftii fifnt nifit him 
l:i[II thin lrlh-r uj Au.k'usL lOlli whiicb i-jiUFn! 
ony ai)frirntlliiv«i, ii that unfT«t1 A. No, 1hut 
in ri^:-,i 

Q. So that thit loliet that wm wrillrn by 
him lo you uhnnjir-d y-nur opinion, il Elmt per- 
reett A. I tliink it wai Aufpiit 20th hnvever. 

Q. August lBtbT A. That Sa rii^ht, 

Q. Thdt changed your opinionl A, That ia 
.::: t r*i- L 


ffroi-rr V. PstrcB—Fv lirfls.—>u 

Q. And then you, read the; at-Urli-n in tin.' 
"WjjIcIi Tower"! A. I did. 

Q. And then from tisat letter And those srti. 
dei in the "Watch T*w<r," you wadsj b& jour 
u:. :i :.j_l that he vi« wrong, ia thnl cQTrtClt 
A. That is not correct, 

Q, Well, you -were net ut ths 'Wulch Towir 
Ih-lTi-ii-n 1lii' >]irirn; t-\ '■'■'■'•<'> ;ind AugUHt, 1B3S1. 
tr-Gre y;ju1 A. I WUkH'L 

Q. You dij not wiaLt tha Watcb Tuiiir at all 
during tlmt period} A. No, I did not. 

(j. So thst Eomc of thus* rnattiii-n may hum 
tfh.t, cpii-n.1 in your obsenccl A, I don't Uimk b«. 

l>. i fiiy ynn ilim't kirnu- ftf yo-ur oin> kpowl- 
ed.r^I A. I doft't Ihinlt io, however. 

Q. I say yon don't (mow of yoiar own kno»-|- 
*tl).^1 A. No, I dom't know *[ my <™n iaao-wh 

Q. You rc!y npon your foith as & minijte-r 
in J vour attnthi!N-iii tu the priociplrn of tin- 

.. Wnlfli Trxw^i; _«UF2iiiKr>.1i. i ~_.m„(j\f «i])lflt J1\T -VrUJE 

"o"iiimoiii-.'!f>*'l- y" 11 ^ 'A. Not llltag#th«t;." ■' ^/.-"^.; 
^■^,-Wiilj yu'i4 : -&;rLeve-. JlAt'-it, ie. Ood'js 'erKUii- 
r Mtioii on enrth. dwuH. Jbuf" A." I believe- it It, 


SlJLV4 ,-r 

fir, f" 

J«ejiA j|, /'oflffle — far Dfftt.— Direct 

coptus! an tod'* WnrdT A. Wtll, I had reaaoa 
Q. Bui you aoespted ilt A, Yea. I hud rea- 

i-*!i: L :. Li ;■■ ;: I it, 

Mr. Uraebihaiustn: That ia aU. 
JVlr. Covington; Th»t i« aU. 

(WitntH* excun-d.} 

hlr, CpTiisgton: Mr. I'aystta. 

JOfiKPtr A. PAYKTTE, 7E Glmwood At*. 

nue. North AU.tborC, Mteiiuhnsttta, ciUed u 
a witoess in ochelf of tlie d<. L L<uni.ianU, btinjf £r»t 
duly awQic, tectilied be follow*: 

liurci r:,i,.-i,,ifii'i:,i. ,'.■!,' .If r. Cu! ;irD'(i'i. 

<J. You are <>ot of JiJjuYnh'n Witnensea, are 
yoQ noil A, l'hnl ii ripliL 

ii Aiid how long iijivf- yi>u heaa. connected 
- :'.-'. ..:'.:; JJEir-'pWS iriM^i^ KJif'JM^j-i 

",™^ J eB '£*'. - ■'-_--.*■' -".'"".. -. " .■ \n 

: --QTAnd-"duriDg'lhat lim'tp] in --what tip3stilf. : _-_ ijj, _"' r _: j^^' j-^jj Krt-ed'll.ie_t^iet^T :: A. tt"ii'«'»*r™l~ 
~?^ " *r^i." J^^^ai a'"ia"lJ.B aeft'anla and.' back cadi ^lerfinlr- '^^^ 

rim* . 


luerof . 

„Q.' Ai»d' i.t ia the onl; - oniiyof ■ iti^hjnjj "bnr: " 1 ,■'-.. 'mi- i>(Jh.-j;T A.Kone, 

ilv— Ha* onA- ^UKaiuaaltoii, on - ..^^Jri- ' 

tort hi -A- H(r ehlj;-hs» *h*- ■OrganiiJilio.p da 
earih:-" ^ ■ . -. - . ■" ^ ' 

^Q.-_And . that •* ' th« ^fatch . T^.^HHtrma: - ji- 

rtiais t-- jji- Go'rrectr- 

^OT iljiv?' .1 im cifi-'r jenVd lift eoiMpany -.ucivaiil f .- 

A. l"am';BjtiTj.',.')'Pi,. I Juive: i ^_rT" ? ,™ 
(J.-iVliHt' pa" yiiur BKular ocf jipntinrr t - t _\Vluit 
i i-k\ ili i ji'jif I'ulUiw't A^i-ani * nyanajtrr^o.f- 


Je-ifjtA A. Paj/tttt—For Deft*.— Direct 

Imv* liftn rn>jain;el*d n-plli the Sjix-iclj", did yisM 
lu'L-iijiw iiL'i|Liiiii.:iHl witli Juhjji: Jtii:l«-:-r«niT A. 
[ ilid. 

ij, Wkrn nJiit you Im.'i-huju-: jim^ua ititi?d with liitn, 
jih-jim-I A, {lli, amipu twenty yrnr» agu, ]]£!». 
Aihly rarlitjr. 

IJ. I lure j'uii ever luul ofcnT-imi Io tnlk wiiln 
Jiid^i- lintlivrfuid au.l dit ItuHiania wilh hiniT 
A. W-^. 

Q. hi whiit m|*city, jdiMuir-t A. 1 ht;lII In 
tin 1 ihaHv dnyrj nf nuliii, arvupwl lSil, o ttis^uii- 
pjiin with hilll. 

if. ,\>n] aaV« you vi*ikd him pit hin i,flM-i- in 
I lr»nM} nl A. t liovc. 

il Sirif» 1!12>T A. Yen. 

(J. Vuu un- fRjiMliiif -wilh 1-4 t'olpumlnii 
lli-JEliiit. nrn you rm-H A. 1 n»i. 

Q. And are you fjitiiihar wilh l!ie hrtiUlina; 
tlirni f A. I Bin. 

Q- Huv^ you rvpr vij.ilett nl [h,- Eti'llu'l Humr- 
■ t l|i|l1 luhlTi-w-jiT A. ] liiivi'. 

"" -y, ix— (J. AiitJ'plttririfc tl w tiine ' (lint, ' Iijlvj 1 t 

v ^ , J'u'i lj^' s JtHlhi'rfo'ril,- rolrtd ;!you' IVJJ" "un njn 

■■■' -- iil-it^U" -ltiiw jpiiiny. _liitii"' ..rnrli V4 , nP" i vrni 

-. v vi>i[itI in ill**, holnrl- A. 1 ■ wnlihl nvi-rii 

_^_.wnuM ^iiy, 1j*-iv ii} -tLji-^Ti tiiiH'ji Jw-lr y«lp-. 

- » l>. EIjliv y/in ci-i'r^lH-f-n j-lhiTi 1 - At "nny. 

irt-liH'n-'.liHlpr-- tlLilS;|.rfnrd li^Knirrl aL F EliR !it- 

'liir-'triljlc-r ^ A:]]'ii)ji.>'- ""■'■■"■"'; 

^.r . (J." 1 1 «>■* y'oU'eW£.vlrnlcd2iai't1li^ roomn't 

^ A ; T l.iiiv*- ""■ 

tiin» '.<aSBTT?Si ; . Anii '- M t- Rpthei-ford. jJia^what/do, y_ fl ?' . lil^/e^l epiginrtrint?. ": ,",',■ : . ^5^'-.- -Q: : lWr,l> ™- vn'tuTfi -ijS nftif p and del 

n. Uip..- 'call "IjLn,, Qodra-aftent^or^cpij^i^TeT ^; ..CJ.^'ur' whiil -.BnHnTB I A, detain vR-S^la-, kitii.Jiulbr n u tlirrfflfH-aad .Vobj viiiiU i 

to "f ^t^ 1 *^!: — — T ^ -»--■> j. ^*T^^W" '^"— _— trolip tFi-H-jamitJiui, Atllehurn, Maan.J^_ ■-±iF T ^~ 1'inrnVV wuild yivij.' |fjl : -wl:.n't!he slli'lnrle w 
^StCj'r^^haMnyJliing tjmtTi&^d-'iD-^^Liip^^Jg] j[|_, fnypll*, during the yta^Mha f; y ^uMi^^ Jii."djrt'-T<iilhtTf"oTd toward^ th» family an. 

» H" ^=: 

^fithft .^atch_ ^o^eVniaB^tui' . b«ilialf^oa|. ao-. ■ 


Jsscph A. Payette — Fur D^ftt.—Diriit 

braliirtu there u( liethel in dD-aiin.^ with tla-nit A. 
Very u,M-t!k'iil. 1 found hint very nolicUoux "- r "J 1 .* 
wtdfuie uf lilt family tin: re it my visit*. 

t}. .Did yuu «T«r at any time Jiad Judfce 
liuil.i. ifurd unreasonable and arbitrary la deal 
v,i.!i in inzitlci* uf. pulley or Imaine** that you. 
tin ;:-! diiagrcu willi Jtiiu onl A. No. 

it. W I ut tuft ill' an audience or eonaideralion 
wu^ilil liv urjiimrilv gm '# «nuj>e:itiana «f your* 

in rrli-renee tu mtrli mat tern I A, I found Jiun 
Very oiTnt'k and advisory and i'itjf liclpful. 

y. Wu lie kind ant) eonsi'lcrate in hia deal- 
ing! with ether* F A. tie was. 

Q, Cinilil you till what the ordinary routine 
waa in ilia life nl the meat table it Hethell A. 
T have k'i'n there break Tan U in which a ilrvn- 
tiinml efemuui)" traniidred and then acme Henp- 
lurul I'Ulini-tiniipiin for the day. 

<). Have ever fit Any' lime nrjiicnl any 

lUeli l.lf ffn'l^lloill 'if M J 1 1 ■ L-* - 1 L At 111*- IjLlhlH' Or rt~ 

htraiiil On Dm |iart d( iuiy of Hit brethren tWrt! 

A. 1 never have. 

(}, Did yni «w*r notice JiuIkc nuLher.F«ril at 
nny lime render any iil trrfiimrsl '° mmibrra- 
or the "Delliel Family 1 A. No. 

■Q. Itnruhasle themf A.. No. 

{>. At any 1mii' Jul you notice any dinerinuna- 
(ion nn Ilia part I A. No. 

Q f>id ynu ever bear Irian u» any fLllliy or 
vulvar Unpjnj;? a! (he lahleT A. No, lir. 

Q. ("ir advntptc i> n*et A. No. 

Q. Did ynu ww htnr amyrwidy clue it the 
[ti'ijii-l table uh* smutty, dirty, or filthy lan- 
PuskkT A. I never have. 

0- rip ypu know whether or sot the cm of 

Jmiph A. Poytlte—Par Dtfts— -Diftct 

iil'i'lhil i.i gh»riljed at liar tnhh'I A, I don't be- 
lieve it in. 

(J. Have you era* heard Jwljge fiulherfurd 
k'h'ril'y Hie un uJ alrobnl m iliu la-ide I A. No, 

tj. Ilu yeii knew L I j ■- hlumliiijc of Hn- HeOii-1 
r'nwily niRimj! lin> viirMUp etuipn-cutinn"! nf 
J i-l.nvah 'n MTiUMKiust in the United Hiatal liiat 
ynu. kiiivF ViHkl+%1 T 

Mr. Jlruchl in u**n : I nhjcrt tn 1Sic tivn-n- 
't'lm t'oMrl: It ii> tini Lnmil. 

Q. Ihi y'uii kmrrf tlw si4Ln'l»)jr; of 1li* Kainili 
■>f Hi-IhJ Hi il in jp'iu- in Uy Jfnuwn iiri|i.ji|;-.t 
Ji-liuvjili 1 * \l"iLih'jJi-i( in tJn: tino. *1k n j en rc- 
FinicT A, I 1 In. 

Mr. Jtrui-hhoiihL'n : T oliji-rl tn I]h qiiM' 
li"n. I think il iji jl£1ij^<'1Im'I' tee n^wralL 

llli- Court- i viil! nllew ir il? 
il Ur Nil' BtfL 1 !! in m iiirii in- rn*idc4, 

if. iluw iir> Ji-hiivuli V Wimfimon at tflfj^e re. 
jjnn I lln> Ik-rlirl FurnilyT 

ilr, ItruHiliinieen ; 1 ohjivl tr, Hip fiirhi 
fif liih ijm->iiiin, 

Till' C'uilrt : I will npritlit liilu tu nn. 

A. 1'lii-v lmvi> fxrwririMil Ih* name Ihrill lli.^t 
T Ihivh' in vihiliiif; lii'thi'l. Tln-y 3tnv<i (ohi ijic 
iBThipnniJJy |imr j.[ wjih an in?piralinn lo pe there 
liiM'iiiLyr ..f Iht- \rrtee, liannony and the j^iplil ef 
m-in^' 1 1 1 rinl in ni I y in action. 

Q. tlavf- von i-viT InkJ Itit'lilhrm rif lh^ ripthnl 
Funily vitil in your home I A. Yi'». 

Joseph A. Paycitn^For Drfit.—Craa 

Q. Ami havf you nulirnitj ihcir conduct *Lln 
rL-fi'TL'nce tch jjriijjrii i ty I A. I hovie. 

Mr. CrmngtiKi: Tlint in nil. 

r..'j-iHj.r.cri'JJHrU«rfir»i by Mf. Bf*£hl\itwtm-, 

<i, Ynu |iu<] ibitiI innnl 1l».' jiltitmie of poopie 
Up*anJn .[i'Iiiimij 'h. WilaeniCH. 

1'Jir t'PUrt: N<i, J'nU aiT mih I ni I'll. 

Mt'iiihen of -l-cilmvah V Wilneisrt I6*'a.r4i 

Mr. Covington: TJaat ix fifilit, 

ij DuJn't ypii a jiiDcnrn-t ape hifore that refer 
In tlie ntlitiuk uf jiei>|ih' in nn area— A. No. 

The fpin-t ; Ypu are mihtaken. 

ti- Thin I ani Jiiihtaki-ri ahau; ihgt. You men. 
tiooni MJHiethinp about luirl; mils? A. Yes. lir. 

Q, H'lll you tell (lie Court and jury wjiat a 
hju-1: i-ull iit A. A liafli rail is filling bufk on 
a |»-i-uiui wing iiuH ihitw'n inifreat in the work, 
In comfort tluun ami tn explain lo Ihtm tiie ni. 
h<iii for lhe lL-i>| rrL'HUEEij^ werhl ronttilicna. 

Cj. J* Hint tiie puciil-U'ill prrtujit A. Any per. 
Hen wl„:, hliou-ii ijiUri-nt tu the Truth mtumlly 
inunt he a fitrjiftn of ttnoA will. 

Q- Arc ihcy Uh- |N"ijde w]io liarn written in 
li> iiui urn) Kanl llint tliey are i nlerejtrd, or art 
Ihry |H'ofiJr ill nt ynii went mil tu wlicilf A, 
Knlm'liiAfip H'ithfr way. 

Q. How jiiimy liwk ralli dj(j yoa nuibn in 
3 EJniH A. F cannot recollect. 

Q. 1 In vr imirJi tilde during the meek do yon 
t-pend on Jehnvah '» WitneueiT A. Apprexi- 
mately twelve Imurv, 

Jettph A. Payetlt— For Dtfls.—C-ros* 

Q. And do you diHlrLhutc literature 1 A. I do, 


Q. And ^et a fonicmweon, tool A. Xo n tiir. 

(J. Ynu ujiiil lliat yau d"Eou>3-ed viilii .1 aJj.;a 
llnihrrferd lhe iimtL-r pf radio tlaliaaf A. 
TliaL ii ripht. 

Q. \Vaa that the Mntion that the organitS' 
lion liiaJnlaim^t On jegi of 124 l-olurabia Ileighlif 
A. No. 

tj. Ynu hnow I hat they have a atati^n thcrft 
A. T ilo. 

Q. Ami thr»y hnvc ri ljooh-uri witli n firtiat 
many nllicr n|a1«0iin, dfin't Ih^yf A. 1 prr»utnA 
hu. \ot now, 

Q. Wi-ll, in \>mj A. I'Mnibty, yea. 

Q- "* }'"*> knew lio*' many llifre worel A. 

f}. Hon' ninny tinii-Ji flinl you viflit there in 
] A. 1 tvouM juilj?s ahnut llirw to r<iur. 

fj. Aru] viliat time of llw yenr wan ill A. 
Allied, any lirnf. 

Q. ("an ynu |e]] «K tin> month T A. No. 

Q. Tan ymi nil -ua the teason of the year! 
A- Ti.n i ndtrinil-p. I ran only ai'erap* ah(>ut 

fnnr cn|ln, 

Q. ('ua vim tell nii hpw many timea you vjnitcd 
iIhtp in 3 9^9? A. No. 

i}. fun ien icll ii* the ai-afton fif the year y«u 
wttil I he re I A, f woniri pucsa armut any if-nntm, 

(J. fan ynu trll lik aimjt lilWJl A. Nn, I 
lumen 't kejit n record of It. 

(J. ICew lenj; di 1 yon *t*y truer* on tiny ncca> 
sion in lfl:©f A. If it wan evenanjr, meal, I 
wouhl "lay for 1he eveniuj;. 

Q- Did you iiuy over nij;hE.t A. Ve, air. 

Jostpi A. TsioefJe— For Stfts.— Cf&tt 

Q. The*t iiuculiona — I think yen referred tu 
i|ia'*1irinit or jtEjjciliona— ikvi* alt abnut the 
Wildi Tower and the SwiptUM*, Ikh'i I hat eor- 
rcctl A. 1 didn't pit yeur (jii^tion, air. 

Q T;ie?e diHCLifciuonB, or whatever wordi yan 
ae-cd at lielhel— 

T'Jie Court : At tin; dinner table, break- 
fast talile, or toriptr lahle, 

Q. (t'oarimiijd) —were all ahout the Mfatcb 
Ton-er ikietrinFs, wore tl.ey not! A. Not nil. 

Q. VFtt* llicy about ditlrihutinc; lilFrctiircl 
A. (leni-ratly called tervic* work. Thol would 
surer that point. 

Q. Tlii'y w^ro entirely devoted to (he activi- 
ta* t>( tin) Wnlch Toner Script u rally aiuJ jp tho 
^hafhc of iiandinp out or nellinp literature, 
werL'nH (Wyf A. Sellinp literature ui never Jia- 
cuancd (her?, 

Q. Where v.-fi that djieuuxedl A. The matter 
nf Bflliap is, neeer diaeaased. 

Q. U'lial wr»re the onfasiuns il m t hrointhl you 
to rimnklyn from lla^ach unci ixl A. My love 
of the lirelhren Qtert tuui niiociation with them 
nthi llir- f('llbUiiliif! wltl, tbem was on ijiBpiriiajr 
thlllj4 Uh Ilia On hunin>'MA 1'Lblta. 

Q. Did you pet boota on tlioee ocraaiouf A. 
So, ln'l tm my hnewlKlec, 

\j. II ■■■*■ did you ^rel jour booknl A. They 
ronir In 1he Anli'linro roiupany. 

Q, Did you ever hear any dlacufHlen nhoui tli* 
rurminjE of tli* Hethel Ifomet A. S'o, I hai'en't. 

Q. Nolwhly evrr Mkni any. quention» about 
ill at T A. No. 

Q. And (he Judge never made any eonuntntj 
about that! A, Not to ma peno&ally. 

Joifpk A. Faytlle — Far [it/If, — treji 
fly tl w Court - 

Q. tir while yoe -»cre tliere at incal^l A. That 
is correct, air, 

liy Mr. flruchhauxen: 

{j. Did van knew an individual by the name of 
(J. J. U'ueilwprtliT A. tea. 

if. Anil you ki.nw lie left there, don't youl A. 
I didn't know 1hat. 

t|. I>h1 vim krni.w Mr. MncAulayt A. Nu. 

fj. Iht yoll knliw what llllii lelter uf Mr. M«yl* 
mi; .< (jihowinjj (o w i Ini-Hft} t A. I have never 
»»( it. 

IJ. Von rwrver hud any Irltera from. Mr. atoyle 
or itnylnKly on hin hi-linlfr A. No, 

t^, Mdw iiiiiny iii-o|ilr arc there in the latalil; 
Unit you nr* niiaiduii to 1lie Wflleh Tower or tJie 
-leliovali'.s H'iines*!'*! A. Ahnut forlv. 

fj. Anrl tlH-y alt fWvrn fr,pi£. n at lhe "Wntcb 
Tou'er" umpir-inr! A. I OTn-Unift ho. 

(J. And ynu ri-ml tin- nflirle of KriiLrinlHT IkIT 
A. Tftn 

(;. Aim] ll,c i,:I„t ,ir1i'-|ciil A. Rip;llt, 

(J. Ainl v«m kimw I hut the olher member* of 
the Waicli Tower orimni nation in Majm*eJiu»eti * 
rs'iid IhiuiT A, ] tloa"t know that. 

(J. And when ynu rend lhn aKirJej,' yon he- 
lii-veil lln-iii, didn't lull, in the "Wnteli Tower"! 
A. A Tier MWlie f] i^mtaiig;, J-eJi, 

(/. And you ;«nli lhe wnrct of flndV orpaniti- 
lion «n 1-arlhI A. Will ynu repeat Lliat, plcoai' f 

i), Ynu |nek ihp wnrd froril fiod'n :r, i..n 
on ejii-thT A. ] cenerally do, ye»- 

Q, Yon never dini'iuled that if il ia in the 
"Watch To»er"t A. Mel lhat point. 



Jctrph A. I'ayttlt — For Dttia. — Cam 

Q. Not if it i* m lln; "Vfnlch Tower"! A. I 
cuiiiunrc it uiih ihe Word uf (iod. 

y, Yoyr <M>m]j;Lrii.<jn uf tli^-be arlLi-lca »jth the 
Scripturea eonvjorcd yuii tlmy were rjjjlitl A. 
Thai Is rlyliL 

(j. Will pun loll a» how your toiYiparJson of 
tlii* article "' ] rifi.irLuiiljr f n"' lulling Mr. Movie a 

,lu.La> ri'iriipiUfd Yi'itll the i>*-r J [itur*» f A. J think: 

it St* Hi- 
ll r. (Juvinj^lusb: I ulijcct to [hat. 
Thu (uurt: (Jbjeetiiin nUatiiined, 
Mr UfUrUitUMfi: Tkiil it nil. 
Mr. Coviujcton; So further <|ue*tione, 

By II c. Hmehjuiuiiru.; 

(J. Junt a jiviiiuLC", 1 would lil» to Jiuk you a 
([Ui'BlKin: You liavu titvi; reading I [if '"Watch 
Ton'tr'' for Kuuie time, luiV* Vol) not I A. 1 haYt. 

(J. [>u you reejiJI ill i h HlaLeinrnL an the- ' fc \t utrh 

Tim'tr" on frVbrunrj 15> iiKty— A, Not nrde** 

}uu mentioned it, 

y. I will n.-Ml ii to you, 

Mr. Covington: Huhmil it lo lit* wit- 
ne*-ii firrf-t. 

.Mr. J S rurli I iau*en : All rii;hL 

Air. t'ovinjrlon: We ohjM-t lo it. 

The Court: Hi i* ankinf?. him if he 
read It. 

[l'n|iL-r hjinded (i! witness,} 

TJht WilBf^w: Tiii* l-eruf 

Q. Tin; pari that 1 have checked in pencil. 

l! v the Court ! 

Q. Do yon recall having raad that btfars, lirT 
A. I don't retail iL 

ClarfNfc i?ff«r( — Fur Utfti. — Direct 

Dy ilr. |!ruthliQiii-en; 

<i. Will you ju:-[ I" .ii! tliLt article for* moment 
ulid f<.||i^i- ii njlh Use. "IF" — 

Mr. (Win^lon; I nlijwl to counsel 

n'm'linjj il, 

"I'lu- I'mirl : Hi- iv3ji nut pbinc; to read il. 

Mr, ISrurhluiiLKCrn : Yes, I vtujil lb list 
hiu« if he OK"* 1 "" *'i'ti I Jim vlaierneal in 

r J~l if- t'mirl: fiii j iv( i rJFI mi stained, 

Mr. Unidihnifefi: Eiceptiun, No fur- 
ther f|i;f",i.or» 

(WitnCJts i' i :■ ..K..-.1 . i 

Mr. OnvmptoTi; Mr. Cl.irenne S&otl. 
Mr. Itrnf-lifijui'-i-n i Vnin- Honor,, i: 
n-m, t» trie tlinl that t[t/»limi i* a ^u?»- 

li'in ifF rr'-iliLilitt. 

Tlie CoiiJ-| ; I lifter rtilfnl on. iL 

CI,ATiRXOR SCOTT, OM Tami, Jljiime. i 
witr.H«, mll^l f.Ji trfimll of ihf iSpft-ftcliiilj^ tw, 
iiij firxt duly nqo, testified as follflwt: 

Q, Jit. J5-f,tl, liow tonyr hnv« you im-n tut lit 
JfhoTttll^ IVilri'-wr-rtt 

T,i« Conrt; Tnur h*il pi^Bt. 
A, I date, it frflin S.-fitf-mht-r, 1004. when T 
bsp4rn^ #■ tiihnf-fiher of "W*u-h Tttwe-i." 
Q, Do jpu knaw Joiieph x\ ftnthcrJoni or did 

Cisrf juts ficofl — Fof fii/Si.^DiTect 

you l.r.™ him diiring Sij b lifttuael A, I knew 
Jurn \ , ,-y wtfL 

Q. Lud you *ver !my c*canii)a Is hnve deal. 
in;e vith him £ml eoutrvrutisna with biml 
A. lei. 

Q. Hav* you p*tr HJiited with tia ia Ihi 
Btthel Homr-I A. T. have, 

Q. Du y(iu r«jjj) whe-n yati Ant btjan ¥i»it- 
Liipr (1l C Rtlhe) HomeT A. 1 thiolf: uiy firjit *i*i(- 
w*9 1321. 

0- j^Jad »in« 1SEJ did ^oo conHnDF to Wi 
regular viatta ia BrthpLl A, Not regnlar, tint 

Q. Wjmj there ever any tim* that y/on. tfunt 
djiiidrrable time at Bethel ov*ir * period of 
timeT A. Ten. 

Q. TiVTuit year* won thotT A, In the iprintr 
of t92(5 h I (jtlieve it wan. 

Q. And any otli&r ytartf A. la AagTat, oi 
tome part of 1930. 

Bj the Court: 

Q. How Irtrj* ii time did yon apend tliere 
Ihfnl A. Tit Aiiirup.[, lftlO, it wai Ttry trirf. 
It wis t*T a ipecial coDiuJtatioii with Jttdgi 

By Ilr. Ccmggion: 

Q, Usw many day it A. I rwjjit h*T« beta 
there a eoaplii of dayt. 

By Ih* Court: 

Q. And in 1329 how longt A. J wa* tbtn 
Vetw««a ten dayt and two wecka. 

Cturrvrr S'-'.lt—fi't-t Jtrjl^—flrtrrf 

lif Mr. Cfjvirjj^jjnr 

Cj. HnV^ >tiU IfUKlo fiT^iiMi'.nRil jJjiv viiiita 
th"r> iui'i i'«tJ*n NifJil* in IJi-ltn-l on M(*|i1ioaa] 

'FT^Il>lf.ilh ) A. 't'j'*, 

(J. J|r,w frn|Ui-ii1ly w^ijJrl vijli pjj 1h«ri.* CiilU 

ILJdJi: d.f 1| M ' lillJI- Hl*l( J J "U llJl"! TilMlllIlIln! fur 
tlKM! JJ|*".|ihIIJ{''"| t-jjilnT A Nf'l tl'T » l«Jif: LijlLL-. 

1 mi t; III ].uv<! <lcji'i'ii down from i»ni* frtinl in 

I i.. ; i«'Iih';.[ yiIi.-|i- u.i- Vii-li- I-mTj'LUi^ i'atfT-* Jill-L 
|N-l I'.f 1 hi"- iIjlv. 

i(, Hjipi-i| na your n j j>"-r ii- ju.-f ami dtaljofTB 

in. I Li-'ini, p>Mibl ;■■■;> l-ll ft'li'irVr 

in iii!: hi- kjvi. jl hiiui ol' J:in-lly <Li-|rdr--Llii/ii T A. 
V-^ l.ltiilly IiJhI vi-rh r.ill.>-rl^' in liip Err-jiluj'-nL 
r.l l-i- l.l-H-Mirim. 

(j. Iluvt yuu l.""fL Jit 11m 1 tuliln whrn tie Imn 
|i.-H»lm il«' l.iM>! A. I luiw. 

<j. Have yuu nvi-if aolifrtl ojiy dinpn-aitinn if 
hi... lo rurtiiiJ njjurh ul I ill' tahii-T A. Net at 

*J. Il-ivt vrjLi i-vr-r |i< liny fillliy Or iliny 
IttJi^uni^" at th" lulitft A. 'Saver a< N«c 
(jil.Ji-, nor in Ih" rooiiiM. 

Q. HavH' y^u ever iiotiri-d any glorification of 
lir|iiijj- null ulrohol ill 1 1 it- lu^h'T A. NVl\'Sr. 

tj. Havi- yoii notif-i-<3 lln 1 ^m-rnl jjEtiLiuh- n-f 
(lif Kamily h"Jii!l' at (Ne lal>le ulifjt Jinlj;f Kulh- 
rrfofil *an prpfleat on lite ofcasmnH whti you 
lu.-.'p p»"i-:i lln'i'i' uilli ri'fi'j'i-iirc 1n -|m.F|if A. 
Vt-ri kiniUi I'm! nui- In &tii-Hn-r rliiwwl jl ]ir<-[H'r 
Ch riiil ifln. npirit, nn*, 1 lo an^Hii^r. 

tj. Aod vifhiil hijIiJi-^Ih with 1 UHiiiilly rlirwuxut-rlT 
A. I illrln't fir-h Dial, 

Q. What Jiuhjwl* mrc u»u»Hy itiBL-uji«td at 

CWrwr Xr'rll — /Vr fJr/Iji, — i'rusi 

Wit- tuhl*t A. In ih» in'rininc lli'-y ■f'uuIi! have 
lit* KiM-ii/tun-ii MbowinK a brief prayer for il.c 

day, ami 1 1.- ji tli Lit ■»'»■! I< I l» ■ J i i- ■ LMaMl hy - 3 j ff h ■ r - 
ml riiiruSMrx of IlkC Family, all whrt vant to 
late JUTt during the t>rof;rHtii of tht Dttat And 

tin- other j-ui-al*, lhei> wi-ri- ojj purt cail \t% for 
cjiLi^Ktion^i Jind rhnroj'^i riit nf rrjjll l^-m uf iutrfrnt. 

Q. You rn'i-ava.-d Mffoa printrd Vtttlrt frO£U 
-Mr. llflyle, ftnlp'l yuiiT j\, T did, 

Q. Tlint vraii durinfr the yoar 13+CH A I be- 
liev« it waa 11MO or the latter part of 19J3. 

Mr, Covinjflun: Timt ih alL 

C?<iH-rjtlrnir\<ilKijt by Mr. ilftrfliliaaittiil 

ii Yiu liav*! haaiJU'i] caHen for Jehovah a 
WitDeBkev in .Miirj'-, have youl A. I have. 

Q. And were you paid for it I A How ia 

<£. WrrK yam tialnl for ilt A. Warn I paid 
for itl 

ij. yvr tioinp ill A, No. 

Q. Did you get your expense* paidl A, Scnu- 

Q. And i|n u»u luitidle k^al matter* for mem- 
ber«. of Jthnvah'n Witntjutal A. I hm*e. 

Q. And have for hou- many yearn! A. I 
think tiiy f,int wcrt ivi> lo [irtfiare one of ihe 

c.-iirly hrLi-Li. ruv<Tinj£ Caji^LjliiCiOrijiL Libe^ti^ftj 
and ()>al i'HJ»t ItAVi iM.'fu >liortly aficr Judf**. 
Ituthfrforil becuuie prc»idtnL 

Q. Ho front liLiif to time you have talked to 
Mr. Itutlicrfortl ahoul the detail! of tlieae caiea, 
havnj you :m..:T A. 1 did. 

Q. Waiio'i llaat One uf tl»t rra*orji for your 
oorjjj»ij to BrouidynT A. Sururticsu, y*a- 

ClflfcMrt ,*iV(. H 'j'— For Ifrftj.—Croit 

il. Arc your i-xpenacs litincf [mLO from Maine 
on L:ii.. aocaaiauif A. To be paidT 

lif [lie (.'chi rt : 

(j. Al* VOui Iwijl^- I n -III 1 1 .|]r><-i I fur jour <>9!|N'IUeM 

eiHjoiiij; ilonii hi-r.' for thn Iriiilf A. I'ruhuldy/. 
lly Mr, Hruclihauien ; 

Q, How many Jclinvnira vY*itncKH>> are lliore 

up Hi i-n- in ynur lm-:dilyl A. fl«r I'^ral torapnny 
i* wry Miuili, hot ul I'ljiniHir, I-*t iot[i*r' away. Ihry 
liinv a roiHjjany varying fmm Sti tn nti ineihl»Ti>, 

(». Ami you itevrt urn Mr, Mn;-|*'*i letter until 
nmund t\)Ui. in ihut n,j-rprtl A. That ix proli. 
ahly forjvrt, wlmlevrr ilule i" atai>i[h!il on the iua- 

t^. And hofare yon cwr itow Mr. .Moylu'n h'tli'i*. 

yon *|IM" 1hiT.r Jirliclen. ii) [lip- "Waffll Tii*'l;r" 

nuiriHiiiM', ilnl no-t F A. I did. 

ij. Tin- «nr of fteptcmiHir I, lflSft, anrl Qrloljcr 
ami Kai'rkikf, V-Mll A. Thai i» ri^ld. 

H- And ymi Mir-veil lliofj 1 -<iili-lln'raJM liuldr in 
1hc "IViih-h Tuner," ilirl you iiolt A. 1 JLil. nfler 
'Lur e^iii^icternlirin, 

il. Al'trr ri-adirifl the art ii-l ei t A. After read. 
inif iliii.j jLrii dui>innMiiIpratJon. 

rj. i^'i-re yon rluro lit HplhfL Ix-m-ptJi lftti anil 
llfin A, I dim 'I think uo. 

<i. JJul you knew — 

By the Court: 

Q. Year lient rHToLLeelinn is you weir* i-jt there 
lxrt«wn LIiojv ilatfwf A, Tlmt in jny lie«1 r «-,d- 



By Mr. rtnichliauseB : 

Q. Ami you nevi-r heard any/ Kuxxv-Ottn*, made. 
bj anyone an 1 1 n_- uanageaHinl a( lielliel, did yout 
A. Wluit in Lhutl — 

Tlie l_"«urt: Al Hit time* lliat yoB ware 


'-'I.i Witneiuj: An)' sujrjfOitiDne. I 

Q. The diKwtluM J'Ml beard were on the 

Kcrj [ituren, weren't llwy, find on delivery of 
literature! A. (jennrolly in Hie dijurumrioii* at 
tlu! ItihU: awl olher imill'T" "f inli'rcit 

Q. JSa you Nike purl in ]subliH)iiiijj;t A- I ila. 

Q. And alj.o fltt irofauiiadaiK hh itt A- Jia, I 
|>;lv more limn any contribution* lliflt art ra- 


Q. You d* rective commissions, do you n*lf 

a, n*. 

Q. You don't r^«ii"« any eoamniitton* on ill 
A. Nik 

Q. You liclirvi; ilia* Hint U is God'* orjrunixn- 
lion on earth 1 A, T da. 

Q. Am) Hint it is I lie only nntl A. Tint ii 

Q. Am) tlmt Mr. I'tnllnrfnril won flod 1 * repre. 
W'lilutiVtT A. 1 Ii- ii-jij; Hia Servnnl, n.i iilheFs are. 

(). Were Jill meinlKTu of Jcbmnlra WfUUMaM 
aar vnntal A. Tiial is ri^ht 

Mr. fSrijiiSihnnsen: That ia ail. 

Mr. Coriikgton; Tiial it ail. 
(Wimeaa axcnaed.) 

Chaf Ut li. Header— Far iftflt.—Diact 

rflAl.i.KM It !IKKK|,Klt. HOC I'lafiHe Rosd. 

I'ii'O-l.ind, Ohio, * miiu-w railed jji tumuli f -of the 
deirailunl*, hejnc; lir*t duly tworn. tctilied an M- 

Jlirr-rJ fMmtnutiOH tiif Mf. ■Tur'Mi^leii: 

(h, Mr. Ilewder, liwr limnr hair tui bran one of 
■Ii'lmvnli's Wilm-Hw-^. |iL>ascT A. fijnra IS)17. 

<f. An-I * m your i-ct-ulur im'ii]*iiliun nl (lie 
lirmeuJ; time" A. Well, 1 nm .in f >r-!a med Min- 
W*i I'H^iiped i)i nrfodiint; the liiR<|>eL 

<J. Ami lin'ft do you liiit* any otht-r ocraimliDnf 
A. Vwi I am in Hip printing Imnim--*, ton, 

(J. Yin* |>rin1»ij; UuninmK i* Im-jilcd In wtuil 
fii«i-ii ! A. I'lrvvlnwl. 

if. llftvr you i-ri"|- sq-riiTil tlie Wfllrtl Tower 
MiMf it TinH .Sm-ii-ty jm fill l-l i nn~ Miniftfr? A. 
Vm, I lun'r. 

fj. In Kki fiL|kiri1y lmvt you i*r»«l (In- 
Wui-ii'ly in Hint i-i-l:lij".I f A. An riiitiiHwr KrrvAjil 

^lll'l JklcM^ JLS T.IJIH" h'T^'Uiel. 

IJ. In u'lhihl il|lMVst| A. I ^I'rvi^l i lb |*Htri**nn, 
%"i-tv il^f^0rtf, ii* ih i'MUL|MLiiy KnrVWIt, Jiml in ] F ill^- 
ImriHi, l h cnpi'iy)vftnift h iii* .a. mupan)' tvrvant. ftiiO 
■rntU' M-rviDil, mhl iti CMiwitHn sane nerrut- 

(J. Ihinaf; Bin,- y<iir I£l3ti, July Jinii Auiiiisl, 
wlu'i*!' h'L-neyDu Uvatii] t A- In Pitlnhurpli, Cvnis. 

if. }[jlvp ynu pi-fr liTinn'n n limn liy ()n> tihum; 
nf O, K. Mnylp, Slip pJniniilT in tliin aeliunl A. 
Vf^, J h»vp, 

IJ. Wlii'n nm) turn- f]ii) you hnivnmi> nw| im i nl«j 
viiili liim! A. 1 met liim iu \YB>lii n Kl>m, D...C. in 
IS15, al n mnTenlidn of JrlmvuirF VVitnnniieii. 

Q. And ntler your hecammj; uc*tu..s in t«l vilh 

Ckart&i It. IltislcT — For l/eftt.-~Dirttt 

Mr. iloylc, did j'our mHDeiation villi hiui bttojoe 

(IoictT ,\. Yw, ildid. I »'n» in conlott with liim 
vt-ry frerjuenlty in Nl-w Jersey and Jotor on in 
I'ilttanrgh, I'ennisylTanii. 

({. Ai a rcsdt nf wlmtl A. ftwause of llic 
hmnlitouh. arrcsln llint occurred in KortJirrn Nc»" 
J<'i^H'j r «f JthuvalLB WitiwiKtu, ttntlicy wf-nt from 
],dilh! (u imtvif., f ruin lioiuc tu liQUuc, JutAdniig t' 1 * 
tiu^fk'll of (iulI'ii Km^iiCMiL 

Q. Did you have iinjlliinj; lo do with Hie »r- 
tmj^inj^ vilh Mr. M'r, ta fur IJn 1 Lumllinj^ o-f *ny 
of LliOKff rDKlijit A. Yt>n. Jn SrW Jfln«y — 

The Court; Tin? »nn»cr i* yei, 

(|. Aim] did you *Ls lmvt muyLhing lo do wilii. 
Ikitn in Lltitt regird in rcniuiyl¥uii*.t A. la 

l h i.(i.nfiurj;li J mi. 

if. Do ynu kiniH' wliethcr or no-l you Iiuvt mn 
tlmt kilrr Oiuhdil>E to wjlitwijl A. Yni, I 


Q, IVtwn did you ecr I'ml letter Hie first tuuc b 
jili-H'.cl A. .SJiurtly nfler il vrat vriJtteu. 

if, And did you. do witb il after you. re- 
cclved ilf 

Mr. liruclitiftuico; If Ihin ■ letter in 
evi. ,ii.'i't 

M^r. fiivington: Ya, 

'll.e Casit : \V1 lit id '.li« eidiibil uuio.- 

Tlu> VViluw: Kihibii DS- 

Q. That in * tetter addressed lo Mr. Ctun- 
bcrH, in il not! A. Tlmt u njjht. 

'■I- '■■"■. ii -i- ;li;l .'il- Ciimnber* lival A, la 
rittnourgli, PcniujyLvinul. 

1 it 
Chafla it. HriiliT—Far Defile Direct 

fj. And you aotirvd (lie eonlentu of tlmt tetter, 
did you noli A, Yt* h 1 *in vtry well *et]uainHKi 
u- ii H it. 

Q. 'iVhh tlmt t'lsc firjil lliAl Vnu liAil iMlJJifd 
lliol Mr. Mitylif Win nuittine, LLc Htiiietyt A. 
liVtll, i!r. Clmtiitires wrote— 

Tlktt Court: IV ia tiuit tltc fifatl 

(J. Wlmn yrsu iuiw (lie letti'rT A. Ko. 

if. W'I.cti u'ilh Hie ftril tJint van learned nf 
ill A. Una uf twu duyu before I uuw Un Ihxit. 

{}. \'e*. A.. II r. (.'Iiainlwrn vralc to me anil 
Inlii nir Hint lie Jidd mecived tlim letter ami lie 
«*« very imii'li ilisliuhed alxmt it 

\j And I ben did ynu obtain nmist'iwion nf ilm 
I'eKi'rr A. 'I'lie MU'i r*nuem«d Hint ilr, Clialtv 
bt'ii — 

Q. rurhimnt In tl«r- rit[iiest in tlie letter, did 
yuu ri'iTin? it mill fjrt jMssnHtiinB <i-f (lie letu-rl 
A. Jlr. Climnlwru g*^"* uie (he letter. 

(J. Mr. Uewler, viin'n you read Ibo content* 
nf tlii- letter, ultnl tlTeet, if any, did It law* 
ufma ynnr nitml ftB to Mr. lloylfi'n eondnrlT A. 
An a iiailtcr of fatt, 1 wea very much tnocVrd, 
j n riu:1 r icori fiearl-wV *'l*ti I Ljurnrd timl Mr. 
Uoylr. wIwbi I Iwd lM;i'n uaoeiated «i(b in 
('hi-inLiuii nrtivily, hud lukcu a «iuri.e at aelion 
tlmt wmi Id nm only lead (S Wb o« deiitruction, lie mui dcelitng — 

Mr. RrOclilittUBen : I object to 1'ia eon- 


The Court* ObjMiion iuitamed. If 
yon will linen In the q.ueitiiin, we will fj» 
■iu-ad fayter.. 

Charles JJ. lltislrr— For &tfli.—Dirtct 

Jlr. llrtifiihuTiiten: I xuavn tn »triVe out 
Hie nubu'er, 

if. IVLat ciTuel did it have ujkhi Jrnur mind 
in n-^urd to tlia cuur«e nf action Wr. MoyJq 
bud lukt'jtl A. 1 wu nliocKed t« Udnk tLul L« 
Imd taken, aueb a cograa of aeliob and Mtat oa 

waa — 

Mr. Druebltausen: I object lo any long 
explanation about it 
The Court; Ob jrel inn jnintaLotd. 

Q. At tints time was Mr, Moyie liandliiig any 
c**c* for day of tlie brethren in and around 
L'illiiliiiri;lif A. Vcn, tbere were ease* (lending 
invi'h'inj; uihuu liU7 of Jeliovah'a Witiu;»(e»- 

Q. And wImi v,au. counsel in UiOH Hurt* for 
tlmafl hrellircnT A, Mr, Moyle. 

By the Court; 

if. Dai you Jinve any loc*l ouujiuelT A. Tn 
intirodiue Mr. lloylo wlien lie came lo Fill*' 


By Mr. Covinjrlon: 

Q. Were you there on 1lie occaiionf that Mr. 
Muyle calltid at I'ltliburgb to arju«ar in that* 
rjiM.'j ;,i:il net a* counsel f A, Yea. 

Q. Win toi>k the loud in sucli cuaeaT A. 3dr, 
Muylt lii<d all the eatiea. The local counsel in- 
troduced hinX 

<|. Did you not*, tl-.e eontenta of that Letter 
with refcrenre lo ebarj;eii qunHrminp: LSue- cfliidi' 
tioiiG at Uelhut and the conduct of Judge Eulber* 
fordt A. lit* Moyl> ust mi a priotad «py 
ktef oa. 

Ckartr* H. Ittrslrr—fcr fhfts.—Dirrrt 

(J. Hut in 1 1 1 ■ ■ Ji'ltiT in i|ue:. I|(in th^re, did yen] 
niptii'e ihi- rbar^oi Jiuuh" in |hqt k-t|er eni^'erft- 
inj; llic ivndilain* at lli'tliel anil tbi- .■i..:,h.i I ill' 
Juh)^' liutlivrianJl A. In 1nis hitler Ji-iTe (in- 
dical injf) t 

The Court: IMVndanta' I-'aInImi I J-SJ. 
TJiu Witnuw: Will ynu kjjully repeat 
tlu Hjucf-iimi. 

Jiy tlie Court; 

{J. liiil you lead tin.' 1'uJiteiitn. of tlio litlerl 
A. tea. 

liy M r, iJovnurlun ; 

if. And 1 1 l 1 1 you notice tlie cliurgeti made 
tlit-tvf A, '■",■- 

ij. Ilurini,' Ih*' yi'iirn lluii yrm Ji^d been nc- 
iju-innk-d Willi tlie Walndi Ti^Yvi/r LidiSe fif Trfti-t 
Sni'H'iy, and Jud^e Ijulln'rf^ird, dnl ],ou i-virr July 

aa; vl-h> to lln 1 lietliel liomel A. Y<'», 1 have. 

[j. liejdiiiiiuj; VffctBl A. A 1 . i :. .. i C 19 ID. 

u. Kxieiulinj; un la wtcnl A. CoDtiminDg 
ri^bl on n|i uijiil tlie i^ti'Hi'iil time. 

if. \\ In-ii yuu wVre in Xi'iA" J^rtey, did you 
iiijiLt I iH'ijUJi'iil or iiifniiuL-iil h lo UetbidJ 
A. I uuiile frr...Lei: r . finite, to fifliii']. 

tj. Uiil yui H'vi'f v i m j t Mr. Mayle at DetlielT 
A, Yr», I hawe. 

if. Ilnvi' yon vihjtiil Judge If utile: ford at 
Hi-tbilr A. Yen, I J.av*. 

if. Ilnvi' ynu vijtitei] other of the hretlren at 
Iti-tlielT A, Yen, I have, 

if. IJunnc; ihe yearn iQXt la 193?. haw fn), 
igui'iitly did jou. vitiit in the Bvilic] llonrel A, 
Itatwevn IJ>e ywra lL>30 and IU3UT 



(,'JiiirJfjf /t. lltitttr— Fof Dtftt.— Direct 

Q. Yenl -A. I was lirfsted in ritlubufeji — 

The Court; Von were not at,kei| wher* 
you wtre local ed, Vou were Bj<kcd— 

A. (Cuntiniird)— lietween two ami three time* 
.1 year, [H>i:y iIjLv in ILKili and llJJiT, f.:ur lime* D. 
l r.'i r, 

i.}. Ami vilH'ii vuu wi-f* in New Jrrwy, how 
rri'i|UiM)ll)" did ymi |my vi»il»I A. Several timet 
n month 

(J. Ami wht-ri did vuu |en*n JemeyT A. Tn 
!!i::ii. .fiinuury. 

(j. t'ruiLi I IN' time vi'H Ih'^UjI ynur find viniln, 
until 1!EK, ilid you vi»il ilelhrl f reviuenlly f A. 
in KKHil 

Q. Ye* J A. In HH-tb and ID37 I visited it prob- 
ably four or five time* a. |tn; ainre that Linte 
jHixmlily three or four. 

Qi Anil l*r->« IH3S ami I5Q7. »hen you wen 
in N'pw Jerwy, did you make more frtqaeal 
TudtH I A. Yw. 

(,'. Ahoui Iiqw mufh, ob 1 1 ir areraflef A- I 
mould In? tlli're KCVCTDl tiintrn. a month. 

(J. Have you eve-r eaten at the Br.lhrL t*hl#1 
A. Yen, I linve. 

Q. Have you he+n (hen* at any time when 
.Iw!"*- Rutherford pr*p-iil*rt at (he hrad of tlic 
Initio f A. Yei, I hive. 

Q. Dure you ever had nftirdnn to nljgrrvit the 
rhnrarttr nf .IuiIr* R nl I lurf ui-d anil hi* randurt 
at 1li* heart of the tahtet A. I Imve, 

Q. Have you uren him dealing with lii* 
hrethrent A. Yrn, I have. 

q. Utvt r fi w irt'l "*<*ii*w i* talk with him in 

refcreuee to Fiifjjpntiontt ronecminjr the 

mil olln?r icliTitieftl A. Yes, 1 ha?e_ 

CharltM a. ilttsttr—For Dtjis.—DiTtst 

Q. Ua.*eii ujiim your nlpwrvulwii and Kin-ri- 
■■jiie with Jmliii: ItulkerfoFd, tiiulrt you nil 1 1 -■.- 

rhnrBflCr nf (Ikf |U^H !«.' vrau- in fi;l'.TL-Hfv lo 

ilr-jilmjj with kin hrrlhrval A. He i*as u veiy 
lovulilu clinraclc-r, noil he dealt with his brethren, 
Ijil ytiungar hrcllirt-p, [larliculflrly, at a IliL'kt 
would a wn. 

tj. E)nL >'im fiml ]ilin tn Iw nrhjtrury in -rfm- 
tji-ifriiip uij!Kn4iafH l)inl yuu miplit inafcc in tliu 
iValiupi tliat vuu IiqiJI A. E nL'cer found huiv 


O. I )iit j nu oiT Lii'a.(- liiiii rendei- ill tM , atin"ut 
anrt vioh'iit laLilp triuiEuin^K tn Ills lirethrpri lii'- 
f-jilhf Lli^v l^i^'ht fSrWiscfl K]sr«'i-h l>r fn:'Ai L KUfJ- 
Ki" : 'i|iiii'i nt tin 1 telilrt A, N'n. 1 b»t« nnt. 

tj 1 . Wlillt iinvf y^it nnlir-f-it in ri*rcreni^ 1n hin 

r I.j.-I hi H.L' IhfuI nf 1lif Ir.hh'I A. At tlus 

lit-nit nf tllC Pjlrpiiy, iir nrl™! liltr till? hriiii -i! i. 
f||]Eii|y p anL( fnm I ur I n I lin* lai'ziln ill a vrry <ji- 
Orrly 31 nd ("liri^titialiLr anarnc-ir. 

Q. I^mI lie rvrr tu.ll for rnciiinriiEn nr ([iK-hLj-inn 
al Hw IjiWtT A. Tn the pnomiai; n firriplurc I* 1 it 
u'riH Tinild .ITvl hf "uauld n^t; fnr any r"[ue!<tionrt fin 
(lie text, and Ihm lie ■.viniLi I guds for rntuiiiftUn tin 
(he Ifst, and llirn nflrr sivinp Wrtyno an oji- 
jjiirtiinity to .ijjiat who {Winnl to *]i™li, lit 
woolii Finn \ir. 

Q, IImw JfoK *WI lvciinl aay filthy or vnlfiUT 
lanijiiaqe ipifl nl tV lahlf Osfrfl A. Nn. 

(J. Hat'p yon rv^r n«»tici?H nlrniml or- iW ns«i 
nf il i;loriHM at Hi* lalilfl A. Hn, T Iibv<> nut 

Q, Ifai'f yifty rrrr notirw! llse uf* <>( Jil™lin) 
r. ''i r: I: r.\. in Mi' F*mt[y at any tiliwf A. 
No, I h«v# noL 

Q, D* you know what I he tuuiding of Jt 

Citark* Jt licMsltT—FeT Deftt.—Creit 

IkivuIi'j W il ni'moH — that in, tlie; at tlie 
]!..■( I, i4 [ j.' aioon^ Jdravuti'i WitiuttMta ui 
tin- cijilhi'l^lli ii/n- (hot you hive visited anil 
tDfi'i'il ssi tonijjany nL-rvant and rone ftrijint 
in.1 A. Tliey Joi't upon the ilttjitl KmiuLy an in 
ciiiin]]lf Hhf I'luriilian Living mi J unity of aclinn 
and vriio|i>hr>ai'ti>il ih'Vnticui lo (,'liiijililn jerries. 

Mr. Covington: That J* nil 

Cfoax-cjuuiiitalicm big fir. Brticli!\aine»: 

Q. Vou men tinned [ luc.=it* plaets an l'rnniyl- 
viiilu, iim] in r I l . t eoineclion, Mr. tlpsulrr, 1 

cajl i our atlCntuin to thin letter, D^N-ii'lantA 1 
Eiliihit P-S, n-likh you liaise nifrrriMl lo f and 
■pnrlirulnrl)" tli in part of it: 

"Jiml linn- pnurli «f a pr.rt \ will »till Imix in 
Ii.iTm.. .riLf I hi- rarfen for EJir? hrcllir*n i]L-]w.'ailji nn 
"hr- ■Jailer, I (JflW liim a lint of the inajiir eaiM 1 ^ 
]:■!' ni I l:i k In hi him I rouhl nnil Wnuh] liandlr 
Tpnpt of llifin if he mo dp-nirrHi." 

Dili yon i:i L t irm_ i n l >H lonn frurn thai nlltrmr-nt 
rhr. I Mr. ^1 ny |*^ n - aN not Roinjt to lirlji to hairl^c 
case* I A. 1 h |ie WloWlnjr p^rn^rAph i-hnvrn )ha[ 
In- irnn unH|tiali)jiMl lo mntinuc lo lumipi llirm, 
Jli' inentiou tlu> fart — 

Q. V.-vj are referring In llii*: 

■ L lTr KI -=iiirniiinp; Kiith^rforil^^iiiriy he *• 
nrrrhintnl lliul lif will *ny nntliinit itn-inc an In 
any Hif tlie faiM>H-"t A. Reai! nn ■ tilt If vinre. 

Q. Yon uninl tlip ni'i( M'nd'nfe, A. AtiOllirr 

Q, *'Tf h* dnen, Die in pninr: to luve one Tiect 
of il jnh KlraiKlitpninp lliiiiir^ on1. ,h A. Trj. 
Thih nhnwrd thai ho fcuu] w«m4 tn follow i 

Churlri H- Htsjtltr — Fiif iJtfli. — Crws 

t'liriilinn r'iiir.~L< and wau UIH |L1 jll llf.'fl to serve nt 

l(. !)ii|n't Mr. Movlf. ioditjiti- lh:it he hint at 
leii-l iirTiTiiLl Ui luiiidle 1 lie eiiu**T A- Y'tH • 

(;. Did In- nr ■ 1 1 <X Im notl A. lie iailkattd 
tliiit hr- km * iitbaif to ham Eh- tht i-ascH but dJvh — 

t; Then: !>. ilo ijnliratjiin in titer* that h* 
WBin'l i*oin£ to l.iiji>Jle tilt caief if he was uk"i 
10 l.aaillp- (Jn-in T A. \~l\ 1he(i- u'aH noL 

Q, "fh^it ih nn i?v.-.iiiij]jtN#n 'in your p*rt, i^n't 
it I A. Sm tn nxiiani|i|ioi on tny fiart. 

(J. [»n'l It liiat you are HO aniLOtln to help 
JehovaJi'.i Witn**aen (hot yoo want lo jtj>* this 
dnirf ami jury (In? inipnennon tlmt ISoyle 
mHulrta't hamEli- thone en-til ,\ : 'So. J atn try. 
inj; lo nl*U tint 1m iJi*|Uihfied hintM-JE l'ru:n 
liainllinR '.I, ■"■in. 

1^, And your ^laleJnenl i^ iK^inPie of your in- 
ter|ireioi|on «i' ihur hueft A. S"o, \ un not- I 
am -lutiniE (list MiaI* diM|Uklifie<l lusnvilf to 
hnlkile Hi" i-*~-r liy (he rourne r f r tli* aftion that 
he fvA', 

Q. E'uL In' <.lTf"-vl trn lianrtlr- I hem. did he JlOiT 
A. Elui li" dwfjnnlified hiimelf. 

Tkw f'jurt; Wa i i a m i n ut*. fid he t 
Tli* \t'i(ne*i*: Y**, he did. 

(|. Uid vr.u ..v*-r rr'ju] Mr. XEoyle'l J«1I*T In 
llr. Kiitli.'"rff.r.|t A. Vf-n, I diil. 

(;. f ei.ll your attention so tLi*.: "With (hit 
kttr-r I aoi i-m-h.-irvE n "KaUjnwal of the majnr 
rmr*H hot*- [n-inlinsr in •'hith I »m ai.ti^ely par. 
I ii--i fij ( i nsr. Il wiuhl ti» unrfa^inahie uni ui;'air 
in ilffif, thfe maiieifii inio yr^ar lip without fur. 
tbtr annrlom*? or ei»*k]erfltJML I un ready 

CkttrU* ft. Itcssltr—foir D*{It.—Cnni 

ajnl willLn^ lm> jirt'in tl.eie jf.hiitu in ffie courts 
jn^.1 l> iriejoriruhL} and carefully an llinagJi I rc- 
rnuiinjd at liiihel uad inll do no- if iha.t u your 
■httinc." li h| ;.-■ j ■; ever hear that «to,Kment bc- 
forcl A, Yen, 1 rtad It. 

(|. Thfu you kai^w from ligth of then* letter* 
Hat Mr. Jf.iy]e LirE olTered to llr. Huthtrford 
to liar. die Dun ciMeH, don't yoaT A Yen, hut I 
utated — 

Q. Yen or ftnl A, T heard t!»[, I read that— 
that he— 

Q- Yen or no, llr. Witneaif 

Mr. LVn'iogtoo ; The jujint ja — 
Tin; Court: You it-ill have a thine* to 
interroi^ai* him lai*r on if you want to. 

Mr. (.ruvinpf-.n ; TllC fjUtttion iinjumcj 

a faih ant in ei-id*n-c? uid that in ihat the 
fir»t letii-r ilid not inrtieat* that wittiiij^iem 
In liauiEie iIiom easel, flit n**iiml Etttn- 
1he mm reetivini in liMfl. which wan a 
year later. 

The Ourtj The- ftnt UjUer d«M indi- 

*Er. Corin^jsn : Y*n. 

.Mr. It rU'-h!i uc ten : H^th nf tii*:m are in 
tli» ram* nuMith. 

The Court L So eOmiTH-ntii, Ne^( OTjaa^ 


Q. Nfiw. wIiju a-a* tl.e nim* nT local eounneJ 
ulin h-Oji Bftgni*r of record in tliOm; *ih<iit A, 
At thai lime th r- re were m-veral that i\jd h<ea 
liandJiiLT ranen ami we hid a younjr man there 
at thai lirne hy the nam? of Louit, 

Q. Tliere went plenty of lawyeri in Pitta- 

Cknrlti Si. Htsiier—For Dtftt. — Cran 

liiirj.'hl A. Y**, hut not very rnnjiy *±fiahle of 
h.hnlhn^ tliw-c sjluvi. They weren't ns(uai;iti-d 
vl'iUl titan. 

li. You kru-n' .Mp. Moyle and t-iEti in many 
elate* nf iLir (."jiicr. t A, Vers Mr, Moylc lincl hail 
jienpiiml enntiiet in nil o( these eaiien. and moat 
of llii-m (Heir iieinlipj; on appeal, and should 
iiavt- lud hin in-r-^nnal nilentlon. 

(}, Ho y«n know Hint ln< off*rnl to t;ive them 
his im t-ijiniI A. Bit hr. hecanii: dii- 

Q. lh> you tnoh' Hint hp oiTered to (ji*e itt 
A. l!u( liL- lhTiini'' 'li-i||ii:lljfiiJ. 

The Court; I fon't tt!! roa aeain. 
1"I»b- W i LiU'jin ; I u Ni h'Tnta nd thai . 

(J, Yint niv* very nmioun to huve- ui j"wir 
Hl™ienir-Ilt Ilm1 Iw di<i|iUillfled him -fli. You nrs 
fery nn\ion», aren't yi.ul A. Welt, il i* vury 

impor'ant Unit Hint Ik hrnu^hl out. 

Tli* Court: Wait n mi out*. It ead that 

(Tli* forefMiiu; ©rwwer vsai thereupon 
ri>| k-ii I ml hy (he Churl Reporter.) 

Tin* Court: Afi-rr thin, thi- lawyer fur 

tile di-fr-ndiiuM ii'ill Tory a | h H |uHteiy tnl^e 

ejire of Hie ilefrndantH 1 fint. Yon mill 

]ih-une BUHHVL-r ijue^tioiiri nml don't worry 

or he nMH-erin'il willi what la to he brnanlii 

i'j! in i "is sane. 

Q, Tell iv" how- In- di«| ml ifi*d hinwein A. 

"Well, he hnd made a eonennnl to do Ihe Will of 

Alniijihly ilod. If* had h^en plaeerl in n very 

ngnfulEntu I relitiormhip with God' i orjraniEalion 


Clwkf R, Utfficr—Fer Dttti.—Cnu 

on liir crsrili, When Ii-r wrolo ih* fetter In Jud£B 
Jtnllicrford he sk-pjKrd out of jus uglier* ■* * 
cj.inii-,-1 and into one in which tn> ln~i;i no rn,'l.t to, 
and in mtietiing hi* hrc thren r hrifitiiLi* forth 
cltnr^r*, kVrant* a ninrnrurtr and fonipljuni-r, 
and In- piilijtuntieally ili.'-iiiElvljriril IfcinisHf. ]:i re- 
Ei^nin-, In 1 Ifigfc Ihe [mutton 1hftt*'lhcy Went out 
fr<™ i-Tnnn^si uk, becnuae they were not of us." 

Q. In other wftfdn, by writinp; a biter he die 
qualified liiuis*lfl A. Yes, his tgurtt of action. 

(J- .lust liy writing tli* Irltcf lie iiimjualilkd 
hijnuelf 1 A. By writing that typo of teller. 

Mr. Covinctci r. : I utji.ft to that hunu 
it itneiui'l contain the entire answer, 

'I'ln! Cnurt : He laid by wr iting that 
type, of tetter. 

Q. That ia tliii tint! of tatter. 

The Court; That trad of letter. 

Q. H* diaquoliiird Jurnadf I A. I wonM bit 
L<i 1* — 

Q. [<tt rn4 ssk 700 fins r Ton prradi ih« 
doctrines of Jehovah'! Witnesses, don't you! 
A. Yea. 

Q. And yon preach fraa tpe+fji, don't yont 
A Yen, jjir, 

Q. Thru is if anyone is at liberty to say to 
Ihe world or anybody else who.'. their opinion* 
are on ill aorta of subject*, don't yont A Tea, 

Q. Tn then; any limiiation thai yon. give in 
rear prtacjiinA* is to when and how that sp«tb 
shall be corbedl A Yes. When one becomes 
a Christian they an subject to lha ruliaoa and 

Caar(£* /:. Uttder—Far litfU.—Crett 
reflations that gov*rn Christian orgcaitaLionx, 

luLjerir. Ui linj higher power Ii, Jthornh u:U 

Christ Jejos, 

(J. And; those mica ami reDTutitiofis arc inaiJo 
by Qod'a urpnnimUon on eorlbl A. limit by 
Jehovah and Christ Jeans. 

Q. l?ul (Ley are put into printed form by 
ihr IVptiJ. Tower, aren't tlieyl A. The W*tdi 
Tnwer JtibJe A Tract Botiety ii ttie agrol or 
■Society that Almighty God is using At Ibis lime 
to aiSial his fieople no the rarih. 

Q. So thai whenever it taints oot in tho 
"Vfnttli Tower" nl iy it hus got to be accepted 
nnd you tj n'l eoiibjiuun about it 1 A It is ac- 
tepted Ity CJiriatiant, yes. 

Q. And you can - ! fomjilaiin about it t A. Yen 
bin, it yon desire tnh kjH'iiotui; a cdojigjliian^r^ you 
Lan complain. 

Q. And zlh s-:i:.n d.1 you co^iphiin jibout it you 
bctatn? a iiLuniiurtTT A- You become a com. 
plainer mid. iLiurmure-r, yea. 

TJio Court: You mean you can oarn- 
l4»HJ ativli* it, hut )'uU US.) nut; in that 
wimi you mean I 

The Vi'iiiiesa : You tnn if you de&ire to. 

The Court: And if y*il defira to, wr-.-.t 

Tlw> TiVitjirHs: It you Jwfrrnft n nnm- 

liliuuvr nnj iHuraianer, a (.'JiTiEtiaa, if 
things come out :n tiifr "lYat^h TVrwar" 
tlmt is not aecortlifii; lo their way or 
thinking, a Cbr Julian will wait ujiuo the 
l-itrii and in hia imn n)ue ti-roe Ike will 
forrttl it. 

Ckafltx It. Ilrxalrr^-j'Qr Unfit. — Cr&tt 
Q. Ku the- fitiit C4j[njjt;iint you- Dlflke sbont 

anyiijJoj in the "W»tq;li TovFor" mean* yon art 
a niurnmrerl 

lha Court L He said, coapininar. 

Q. Or a eootgilnimr, in that itf A If yen 

want lo totiijjlain — 

Q. Are v^u a ci^rn|.".ciijc-r if you oomplain 
about an.j-tliinjf in the "Wateb ToT«r ,T 1 A It 
all dependi on what that is. 

Q. Uan you give ua any dtfiailiaa cf eom- 
plfliner. A Vk, one who ia *cnn ^l»Lnii*s aoont 
sotntthinjLj! about which they luive no business 
to soni[Jain ft. 

Q. Wiu> iJetermmec as Lo wbetlier or mil it 
ia yu:ir hunir.r-t:, to COntplainT 

The Court: Tbi* 5* a Hiious mitter 
to tlifM' I i 1 i >in 1 1 1 k, in. ilie t'uurt and t« [lit 
jury and Lu. their lan-yer*. Tbere will ba 
no laLiglikij; or Irivolity in this court- 

Q. And wlw <)('lerniines ai to whether il i* 
thiii kiitri vf v, thins thai you Lan rompUin aboulf 
A. It d(r[i*ndB upon the atttiiijj. W't ore admon- 
inheii by tlie Kcripturi?* not to busy-body in 
ixl-er mon 'a affair*. A ptmon in a ChTuliaa 
orpiniLalion ia. ipvan an nstijjned dnty. H« 
ahoulrt cobJiiK' liinisclf to those duliea h In those 

Q. t>o would you eay thr-n that under the doc 
trLnes of the "Watch Tawer"' that one of lbs 
Witneaiea hds mi rijltl to regiakr a lurtnal 
complaint with Mr. iiuLherfoid, nr luul no 

Ckatlts It. ittttitf — y&r r}r.[li,~Crvn 

rigbtf A I didn't a Late that at all I ttattd, 
if you want me to tell you — 

The Court: No. 

Q. Do I UrjutersLlniJ Jnu tw write a iotterl 
A. Tea, sir, 

Q. But you can't write a letter containine, a. 
coropEointT A It all depends on wlial the aitoa- 
J: j ia. 

Q. Suppoae you write a letter H09f{ajriiri^ 
abuut tiiu ncoldicga hy Mr. Itutherloni of r«o- 
ple ia tilt IklliL-J lluluet A. I>u yau wAnt Dl« 
10 aaEwtr tltatt 

Q. J a that a eotnijlftinl or ian't it, in yoar 
(IsiiiiilionT A. ft All d[[K-nd» upon the Betting. 
I will b« gtod lo answer it, 

Q, J)u you HHjLih uJn.-UnT tilt' letter ia dudiv- 
nrn'il to the Walcli Tower cifliL-j: or otitiidet 
A. For irijLiLBrt', il" Mr. Jluyle pa cuu:..-il \..,d 

liL-i-jh I'l-q^u'^ti^ii I:', ihi! 0rgani£nliQu ^'bicli h^ 
wjh Bssircinled w-iih 1q wrile such a letter, then 
it would bo piijprr fur liiiu (o Imvt made an 
investjgatjon and written that h-'.icr. 

Tlie C«urt: Ah luu^ an. he didn't have 
the pulliarily ht. hid bo ri^ht 14 Wl-i'Jl it, 
ui year jud^qentt 

The lViluciuj; Y*Hi», *ir, 

Q. In other words, he had no right lo write 
il ToluntardyT A. No. 

Q. And In; had no riplit to complain ToSun- 
tarily until (omuuna aaked Mm lot A ilo con- 

nrm of liii. 

Q. IImta - innny jH.fiplo arfl tliert in LhiH arm 
in I'iltilnirfih — 

1'lu Court: Ik i* in (Jlevdand b*«. 

Charlt* R. Bt*dtt—F»T Dtfit.—Cton 

Q. — in Clevt'laad, tiiat you are associated 

M'ith i a. Soma -,:.•:.: 

Q. AjliI j'dii ntlit* «ftw Mr. llojk'a ktler t did 

youl A, Ye*, sir. 

4j. Vvi.rji njid you aee ill A. Viita ho moiled 
ine a copy. 
Q. Wlien was tiialT A. When be had tliem 


Q. TluH was in LSMOt A, boniutimo in tiial 

Q. But up to HUM) yo« had never »een itt A 

Q. Anil y»u hail Ih-cii around nil tiicse various 
iniiri in Ol.iol A. That in ri^lit. 

Q. ^'iftiiin^ froiij'x which «i mini ted to n'mut 
Zfiaa pMiilvI A. That is right. 

Q. And iln-rc- \s nolhinfi that you urn' uraorifl 
way nf thnsc [w£i|ilr I hat had ccune Tram or on 
bdiAlf of Mr. ili.vk up unsd litlOl A No, I 
ilidn'f nipic in c<>n1net with tliem. 

Q. Hut in tin- 1 1 h\lth i me the "Wnlcli Tower" 
nian-aiiiie eof i tn u n-i I iiie*c artii'Sc* of SscptciulMr 
Ij;!, nn unfailhriilncsi', l\!)olwr iTiih on "[nfur- 
inntioii", Xoveiu.ber lolh H on "Infoniiation", 
nnd n nuinlicr uf letlfTa from time to lime of 
ri'.-r.lnl khin nr dci.'lar,ntion* mentioning Moyia'a 
naiue, i.-r'( ilmi ri^lH T A Thai i» righl. 

Q. Arid yi>u rr:id thejai 41th T A. Ye*. 

Q. A:i;l )'nU know a [Trnit binoy people ill lluil 
jii-c-i ri-ml liiniiT A. That is ri^ht. 

Q. And you mid Ihey ftft^ptwl Iheln Wmr^ 
1 1 is.--v i'jn:r> r 1 - ■ ■ - ■ 1 i!<isl'H o rRai nirjitinn on rarrht 
A. Thfit in riplit. 

Q. Didn't iguestinri them at all? A. No, we 

Mr. BrochluLUHP : That is aJL 

Chaitrx It. littnitr — foflizllx. — Ittdirrci-IUcroii 
It^rjff^ct r^dju tuij t I4rn by Mr. C^i'-'JiJI^rti 

t;. In naehinri J'uOr '. , i>netu>i'.>n (hit Air. Movie 
hud diiij ullIjJ jwj JiiiruA-Jt' frvm otting in these 
i'uim'i, 1I11I viili tote inlu eunaidcTatiiio t'ie fa| H iiy 
rd lkif i'liJLrj;L-ji [JnU lie Uimlc sljJLjiri^r. ihe ur^ani- 
uiLihn in LLi-li-:j.iiiiin r r :l-.ilt A I did. 

(J. J J id >uu Itinv ih.jt tl»y were fakaf A 
1 did. 

Q. J^m'p, 11 ("hii^.tian bidieve it >* hia duty and 
nj;Ji.l to jj.iiki" iulur eluir^.-« njfa-in*>t the Or^unii- 
utiuk wila wiiitki he in aumjeialed f A, No, he 
din 1 * iiut. 

[}. I^'t Uh ui4i vhhU a i|innlioiE oit that. Jt«w 
ntinv imn'u •cm y»u dji-n- in ];ij!ri A. In ISrX), 
jKi^hihlt t'.vu \-: tapee tin m. 

(J. J Jton'l Jon tn<,*t A. Xnl r-iriL.lli-, on. 

IJ. Ari; .mil nure yon v,vtn tlwre ia I'Mil A. 
Yi-, J was (ln're. 

tj, Jli.w many limcfi in 19'iS wrrt you j !»■ re I 
,1, I'liHrtiiily merit tiliicn: limylie jnorc than 


1>. Did von 15U uvcr to Adama Klreut, Ihn send- 
ing nflwicT A. Ye». 

(,i Kiw books? A. No. 

IJ. hiiln'l you jijitnd huu! of j-flur tiuie over 
tlu'ivf A. Jiu. I srx-nl tnnsl nf it with Dtlllvl. 

tj. Ami di<l you know Mr, UueAulayl A. I 
ujl : -ii'l ii-rj- in- 1 1 ac|uninled with hini. I knew 
• Jim hi- wiit, 1 would know kiin if I auw him. 

t^, \>o you know that Air. llacAulay aia:ic a. 
i-rHkiiUi of" U'ateh. To*er atudyt A. ] don't 
know as I have. 

ij. Did yon *ver inveitigalc tlmlt A. No, 


Chart** U- Healer— fur Dejti.—itecrow 

llr. Covington; That in immaterial. 

The <L'ourt; He laid do. 

<j, Thut i» one of the ciiaige-a in the kiier, 
inn'1 Hi A- I read IriaL but I don't know 1 , I 
wiiiul't j j L- r j-. i .■ = i ji L L > acquainted with the eoinplaint 
I: :l: I.,.- mude. 

y. You tii. J u 'I iiiiJit any investigation f A, 

g. Bui yd >uu buy it in M*e n'iihout mnkian; 
any invent Ration, in iSiot correal T A. 1 uaid 1 
didn'L know tliu facta concerning that llcCaulty 
tip Lliere. 

Q, Whether you know the fatU or not it u 
fulM-I A. Yes. nir. 

CJ. It jk rulhi- bcennse Ilu? Wjisrli Tmr organi. 
Tniion IjiIh Miid ,iL in l~aJ*e, it iLmt righLl A. 
■J i...L in rih-Jil- 

i). Altil ill J you know anything nbout this 
liiidisdn Si|Luirt tiardtn nwllerl A. Well, 1 
in tki-re. 

(J. I)id you knuw anything nliout lb* court 
tnT.r ol Madiaon Square (Jnnlcnt A. No, I 

Q. And Tel you hcJievc ibi* article in Novcm- 
Ik-i, I'tJil, aliout Ifr. Moyk not ||HMfierlT repr*. 

nentin;.; Jl-il liVldl "i W 1 LnetSenl A. Yes H 1 did. 

(J. And }ou did inventignto 11*1, did yout A. 
Nn, I iliilD't. 

ij You didn't ui.k anybody about itt A, 
Well, I kne«\ I u'uji ort}uaintedi — 

The Court; Did you tile anybody ■tool 
The Witnen: No. 

Fred W. Prtnur-FoT BefU,— Direct 

Q. So you tovk your Klatcment on from 
ll iv "IVjiH'Ii Touc-r" innriHinef A. Vt!, I did. 

(J. And acvcnlL-dl it because il was God 'a 
mjra.nimtiBn on earth f A. Yes, air, 

(}. So you accepted every on? of those state- 
ments in tlione article* on the basie that it w,ij 
from the "Wulrh 'J'owvr" unit wm fioJ'u organi- 
sation on earth? A- That iml my knowledge of 
tike course that Moyk look, which vcat not Scrip- 

(f. Itccnnw be »ro(c n letter, i* Hint it! A, Re- 
c*ui<c of Hie delicti tJiit lie took, 

Tin- {'curt: Ueoaute l-.o wrote that kind 
of leltk-tt 

Tin; Vi'.lncsa: BrtituiK Li* Krute U ill 
kind of klk'r. 

( WitncEt fieuHKl.) 

KHKD W. KHAKK, nuiiliiiR in 12* Columuin 
llrii.-l.ti. Bmatlyn, Ktvi' York, a witruMH culled on 

iH'luilf of th<: il^ft ndjinti, being first duly iwoni, 
tL'.itilkil su fullo^>: 

liir&i ti i;.'iu i irri i :■ > r. i'.- '„. .1 1' v . Cuvcil^lDn: 

Q. Wlmt i« your OMUjmtioii, |ikjji;iEl A, 1 run 
an Orditineil Minister of tin? (loipcl and eMlri- 

buting' my terviccB,— 

Tin; Courl: Yon vera jam naked youi- 

A —to the Walch To-»er IliWi i, Tmel Sncisiy, 

Q. In mini! rnponty do you writ lli« Wntci 

Tower Bible L Trul Society t A. 1 nerve at 

Fred W. F/atu^For De[t$.^Dirtet 

wliiili-vrr iiutn'it lliej om-icji to me. Al the prcient 
tiioii I mil serving in tiie capacity of Editorial 
l'j-i.uf Rt^iidiT. 

ij. And in IDHD, what ana your cnpufHyT A. 
It ■■*..:; Un' rJiMiL'. i r i ..- 1 li i L L ri .p: j^omc out in aervm an 
u TJific Evrs-iiiil, vuitiiLjr the iwuiriariier, deliver- 
in,: ruidrfN.-.Lx, Htid n -,i;w rvinn jr tJis field aemra 

Q. And in ID-1(*. 1!H1 and ID42. whs.1 capacity 
did you m' r>.-[' in tin: fklill A. t alto aerved an a 
rtprem.'nluliTt of the Satiety foinp oat viiti tinj: 
tl.L- I'aiiiji.'imi'H untl ifKuiiiiflinp; tlit— -1'in'ie* ittandini; 
i.f 1 1 1 h : vuriokm e«ibipaiiiei>, ttraigiitenini! out inut- 
t*m, arLwfi an unrl of nuditnr of the Koeie-ty and 
U-inlini: tic fiitndit in tlis f.fhl aervin. I ana a 
HjiiMnl in llii> hvetlircfi, an they rail iL 

Q, lion' Icinfy liaVlf you lxfn n lin-iiiber nf Ui* 
iktM FfWlilyt A. Sinre Junr, tD3D. 

Q. iTow lon|r hare you tieen eonnKted Willi Lh* 
WiiLdi Tt«tr l^lMt- "fi Trncl Satiety and Jeho. 
vidiV lY}hM*HWi A. I firnt liefian to study the 
liulil Icatiiuiii in Ike: aftfirural 1' ; ii and in 191-t he- 
I'.inir- u fiill lime Pioneer *>f the Society, diilri- 
hutiNR k1 ri lirc'ru.tuf^ from Imujtc to lioiuifi'. 

Q. And lmvc you worked at tke Ilradijuarleri 
w-t Etnec you ioineJ Iht Bellirt Family 1 A I 


(1. Are you familiar *'ith itiost all of the pub- 
lirulionf of 1hu Wutdi Tower Bible- L Trait 
Society 1 A Vet. 

Q. Have you jironfri-nd tioiny of tliote publica- 
tion* fJurinff yiiur time tlitrat A. Eiiaa* Lha 

The Court: HaT» yon proofread many 
of HioRe publicaliona,. it tke qoeition. 
The Witneaa: Yu. 


Fred W. Franz—Ftr Bcjti.—D.ttcL 

Q. Alioat ko^ fl»ny, iT you kho*; please I A. 
Sinoe tke — 

Tba Court; lion- many, Hint i* tin; qutt- 

(J. What wm the first l*uk that you proof rem), 
if voU ixinentlierf A Tin- In lok'" Creation/" 

y. And liuvc you liuen a proofreader of the 
U' ii tck Timer kiiice tkut year I A. Yes, air. 

L>. W»» — What year wan- it that you began 
jimoffeadij.^; tin' "VotrJi Toweir"t A. 1LI117. 

i}. MurJi Iulh keen men Honed in the record as 
(■ J rl M n-uli '* Witm-M-ra. I should Like to have yuu 
.mil.- for Hie benefit of tko Cuuct and jury vim 
JfOiDVab'a Witncwcji arv and their faUlary niul 

purjki^v of Unn^ Lin earih Inwlny. A. The inner- 
Lion *"j|ehovjiLl 'a WitBrHH44 IT cxieufn eil luuiak'^ 
I'rujnWy, tiie -*3ni (.'liaiiler ICtli nnd 12Lk vej-M'3, 

where JthoTpk spiy:s *"Yi l*t iny" witS*t"ae*i 
*ayeth Jehovnk h and W? nervnola tknl ye in^y 
know: lind hdicve nnd kiniknttnnd me [hnl I (in 
lie." And Ihe 21*t ix-rte, Jle :-.iy*, "Thi* p™j)lo 
L liave formed for my*elf. Thvy a-hnll Hkn»' forili 
iny iir^iue. " Tke jvponLle TiiiiL in llelncwn, lh« 
I I Lk L'llBpIlT find !ha 11>H: CLmptef ri-frl^ In Jelnj- 
h'lilh'n Wituesh^ri. es tkoir origin. He point* out 
tkut Jeliovnk'n W'iHetwusffl began with the first 
iitiirtvr named Abel. Abvl became one of Jelio- 
vak'n Wjtite.-MfH becaniii! of the course of conduct 
i.f li i h ]ia renin. Adniii tml Hie. Cod plored Adam 
and Kve- in tke harden of Kden as His enrtldy 
rejij-i'M-iiliitivou to do llin VV'ilL Ue gnvf to them 
a uiandute an to their duties on earth, lln Will 
loni-eroini; H rhi. The llible liken nbuwi that 
Haiun eoterrd in upon tke neene and truarejnen 
Kutcd Ood'a oaiue, heJd Cod up u a liar, an an 

Fttd Vf. FfGttt—For Diftl.—Di-rcct 

Opprensor, 02 witlihkolding the junt duea from Hie 
Jii-.-L limn iliiJ u'oninn. and by preiEenling tkia to 
OH ntLentjoo of Kve, Lie deceived Live, tW.dering 
3od, and tkuri ike led Kee to Tiolate the comnniiid- 

jits of (Full, and through live he induced her 

l.i.ii.iajiJ, Adam, to brink the cuiiiuundincntt of 
(iod. This broajrhl jiruikl rtjinoack upon Hie name 
i if Jelitn'fiLi, Cod, in n L I i;e Seripturea alio* that 
SaLaii there challenged (iod to place a man on it 1 1 win. vould remain true and faithful to Hurt 
And continue in Coil's orj,'aniiatiun under atress, 
and under ner/eeutioii at tke liandx of the Bevil. 
So Cod iiiuiii. ilialely liefan to raise up witneaaea 
to serve to 1 da Elunor and praise of 1 1 in Xanie 
jin.L for the vindication or Ida name. The Apoide 

.'::.:! ronrirui^ tlltKC Serif: litres cS tin- Old Tl-sIu- 
llieill Ll.itt Alx L l vrUA t:ie fi;rj(t Much Wjtni^s, nnd in 
Lite 11 ill {'hziriLe.r of Htbrfrt lie fmu tliron^k tke 
riintinikijuj: hnv <;f Ji i..;i'. il:i 'a Wiloes^eA frum tikat 
day throui;h men liW Notklu, Knwli, Akrahnnn, 
I:,nne p Jnroh, Mom-a, nnd mi on, nil Hie. v-\.y 
llironpli (o John The BapLi*l n)i preceded the 
Irijrd Jcjuj Chrinl and «fu» kin forerunner. 

itr. ll.ruekhaui.ebL Tki* i» quite a do- 
*sri|jtion, I thought w* w«r» fraing |o gtt 
a eojKita definition. 

The Court ; I was vnitins; for an inter- 
ruption. 1 nee no purpose to Ihie. T don't 
mind kirn giving a nhort description of 
Jt-hovak'u \VitnvB<.ea h but 1 am not bene 
to lialen to a ntudy of the Hilda and I 
don't think tke jury ia, 

-Mr. t'ovinptoh: Tkat )>u been iojocled 
into the case. Many vt these doctrioei 
have been triliciwd and Ibia ia otT*r«l for 

Frt4 W r Franz—Fat Dtflt.—Pirtxl 

the I'kUrpoxe of SetLin^ the jury know wbn 

,l[-lin-i,-jih V A\ itocrSM'^ ace. 

The ^'ourl: f flon't hnre PJlv obit' Lioq 

lo him Kirtlf; u nhort uLatejnenl of ,lt-lio- 
Tfcli'n \VJtnk-s:«eK iiiul who thvy ar*' F hut I 
do have an uhjt-dion u> him ifivinjr a d i»- 
:■>•< L:h>.' thai OjijiLFerK L-;j t:.s on f .r a •'•■• '!i» 
of tiine. If J on «-ant kim Lo i^ive n. nlnirt 
dei-cription of Jebovnh'K WJIjh-jh^j And 
wlio they are, that in perfectly all ridit, 

Q. Jiirife the dnyj of Ckfist Je:;u* Iknvo thero 
been Jt-hovaliS vt r itries,srn Ufion tlie earth I A, 
Yen, Jrson in .TeLiovak'n' Witnr»»— 

The Court; Yonr anawor iis yen. 

Q. IVho wns lh« or the mnin nnd rJkief, Tor .lehovnk GoiiT A. t'hrijit Jesus, aiv 
cording lo I.iainh, BS^l. "' I have Bkrra. Him for 
a Vk"i t jiena " 

Q. And ►Iri-i' tknl dny luive there IhsmI Other 
JvSioVah'n ^Vt:nessi-> n|Hm tin- enrthf A. Yelk 
All kiit foothiep lidtnuer^, mtlnlKfr 1 of the JSody 
of C'hris.t, On- Likewise- Flchovnli's Wiinrfcii-fl. 

Q. tVere III* a,ins[leK Hint fiillowed Ckriit 
JfSun JpLiOyah 'hi Wit ne^es 1 A, Thi-e were. 

Q- Arc -If-hovnk'" Yfilne^pen enminnnti"! in 
foil our in tke foointc-pp of Chriut Jejuni A, 
IVlrr raid tlmt lie left ua an cuampk, — ■ 

The Court; You vt-re aikwl a Tery 
■imple fjaestion. 

air. llimel'iiiatisenL I object to tfaene 
lenjlhy ttfdiiciAtinni. 

The Court: Yen, an*w« the Hu*?|kon-, 

Q, Whll Striptural aulkofity did Jehovah "a 




Fred IV. froni— For DtJ!t>— Direct 

TVj'Ijli'ssj-i, have for following in the foots.te.pH of 
Clirint Jc«u*T A. Pint, Peter. 3:21, i!ui Chribt 
J#*ibi nufiVrol far im, leaving m u rmuTiple 
1J1..L ii( «kould follow hm itepa. 

Q. Ami ^lifl! ia thu primary endeavor of ill at 
Jehovah 'a WitiicEwaT 

Mr. I5nirlih3.ur.cri: I ohject la all thbi, 
if your ifoiior nlcaniv. 

The Court: [ will permit Sim to «»y 
what the primary purpose it id the jury 
may haw it. 

A. To hear wjl ::r.ii= [•:; ,T*bnvoh 'b Carrie and 
what that Nam* ntand.i ft>r, Hi* Purpose 

Q. And uhat is Ihe ehi*r purpose of Jehovah 
Cod 119 advocated hr Jehsv&Vt Witnesses lorlayi 
A. To relflhliidi Hi* RifliilrouB Tlieoerntic flov- 
fViiiaeiil tpfrt 'be rnrth by wbicb Government He 
v, III v I niLirji (t If i» Simp and brinp IhlegjiEg* la 
til obedient men of good Till on earth. 

Q. Does Chn-M Jesun hare any ee.nnMlion n-ith 
Ihnt riej/bleoun C.nTernmenlf A. Ik' in lh* Kin* 
of thai Government, Jehovah'* Anointed Kin^- 

■Q, Did -l-chovah'a liViinchftH Unit — advocate, 
thai thai {"love rnment in to toe *Btabli»hiii| in t!:e 
earth in due tinie.1 A. Yci, 

Q. Will you explain when and haw, A, The 
rVriptnm wlmw lhfl( Jehovnh find in (he one 
who TJitulilijiliTS llial fWcfmitml. It ia a 
Heavenly fi-overnment. He in appoinliag the 
lime For it to be eatahlinhed, namely, at the end 
of tin? fine af llir fitnliles in 1914, 

Q, And "iff that time what time are »t in 
nc™T A. W* are livinc in tlie time of the End. 

Q. And what period of lime ia that pictured or W. Fra-m—Fur t'tftt.—Difttt 

Tin' ChUrt: I don't M* ROW thlH an all 
rtl >■ rant. 

II r. Uovinffion ; I will nhtiw Ihe mate. 
rial i ly. 

The C.'u'jr 1 . . 7;. it, wij.jhv* v',u j,-gvi. i'.. 
Thin man i* nn) from ont of Iowa. He 
jui 1 ]n!i:n »>1[ipk her*- — 

Mr, ( 'ovinjfl rj n : Fie. Ji t,l\". fl-f til* rj>- 
f en .i r. : h 

The Court r Yoti itan rail I him luier if 
the jjHrjjfjue i« lo b* eMahlijin-fl, but not 
rl^Ll J.'^w . 

(j. HlbU wJif-Hi^r i,r not J^hfrVAli'* WHni-rm-ti 
fc^r- On|kJM>l ifjniHt>r«. A. ThJiy are OrdaJatid 

Q. Wliii art- lh<-y Oritirn-A for and bow are 
Jcbovnfi'n W1tlXi«Ma OtrdciiKMl! A. Tlity ars 

OriJiin«J LVjr rta*E<)l 'if rrjlfjIlilK" the H-fj Oiff:- 
nuintfl ';f firx], whidi in Vi l*]i*T* aa Hij/i 11 
t)v* only im': and E»*i* I ivinsf ■fkfl, (a lj^li*TF- 
tlint C.'Jirint -Jitiih it Hit Aii<iin['-f| On>- and 
th*: Ajnf^iint^] Saviobf Ehrnrj^li whom niFir.L-Dr'i 
frzialH ^piJvrilir,^. Th#-n r,n lh^ buhiK nf thai h*- 
)j"-f tji* inrliviiliial rwnjra nv« that be Km t»o 
nn^l Vj hpm.M:lf and li^ «y;)ij»ci , at^pi htm/vlf to 
ijmI U. \& fnbj Ih* l«r.rd'a and to rlo fi'A't 
Will. Tlnift fj'^1 a«*ptii thin CouwretRd in- 

'livjrjrjal t}.r',rj;rl, 1 h4 . I >Fr ,l Jj-yrjj f.brinl and 
jujCifj*:!! bjjfij**-lf I'fm-jufi*' f*f H iji r'li,: 1 h Jin^l Qtllt- 
Burj-nlirjn *nij Iji-nm Jijm '4 H>* S;»ir"i' to b?- 
■c,rnp> m MfiJriluil H'Ti 'if 1'"k1 unri I hen hft 
urujinr* w\Ut hi* S[<irit and fcrj" virtue or lbs! 
ari'jiiiliri/ Sf- In an Orj|«iknJ-rS XfmiNtp-r of f.So<3 
14 rUI«1 in !wii»h tl;l: "Tn>> fipirit or the 
L«rd God ia upon me hecanae lie hath anoint' 

JVcJ W, 1'rant — Far Uejti. — I'.r«-| 

(■d me lu prcatJi fiood tiiJin^H onto Oil nnk, 
tn hiad up Ibt bn-tsn-heaittd, It, pro«laim lib- 
trcy tu ii,f ca|4tTe* < (o ttudfart ull \\,:-.\ in^urn," 

Mr. ISruclihaujien; Can't we Itarr (hi* 

mort brir-fl 

Tbij Court: I wonld loTe to. 

Mi", :'. m.:.:-i h f, o k,_ n ; It Li nlber confua- 

Ij. IVTiat in 1he r^pn-et" i on Iwtiepn tli* Watch 
To^er Eihlp t Trnct tiotiely and Jfhorab'a 
IVilneHiAs, and in I hit fonnc-flinn (St* ihe bi»H 
lory of Ih* IValrii Tu»-f>r Rihile k Tfiri Jvji-ir-ij-, 

The ftjurt; I will minLsin an ohji^tion 
1r. it. I ih^n'l ,*■(■ h',v il 1.4 On ij>Hu>-, I 
doe't m>:K bnw ii it aa iiiae htrt. 

J[ f. O'lin^ti,™ ; V,'t .', fji-r lhat on 1 hr 
ijai-.tion df pcivileifp, to nhow the n-b- 
tiomiliijj U-tu-cen tlm (■or[HVfaIi' *Jrf»li(«. 

Tli<- Crilirt: I tliiftl; y.u An; rijjht Ihf-n, 
1 k'ilj [r-t hno ktit*! | f ri"fly Ihr ftlilifiq. 

rhip belHi'»*r -Jfc-liO^aii'n IVii n^jip* and the 
Wiif-h Tfm*r llihlf t- Tfn-t ftwaetr. 
^ii.jK- hriffli' *kai in* ^krmKtim ia h*- 
tn^en tbr-m. 

Mr. t 'iHi-jn^tiin ; I vrjnjd Like te- ajk 
firal for (. hiator/ — 

Jfr. lini'-hbBiiittn: May f auk th* 
Cdart to ask the witceii to n'» m i 
lirir-f tiialciBent nlber Iban a diiu^rla- 
titrj on thia, 

Th» Court: We *il1 hfc.1- th* jitat*Nwr>( 

Mr, Covin urton ; fn-t'i lriiit sntil wt 
hear it before job fudjt* tb*> lfl»tter. 

f rtJ ir. F««s— J'jr Dtftt.—Dititt 

Q. Wlial ia tba hiiiory of th« llfaleb Tp*tr 
ISibla L\ Tract ijociulyf A. Jn. 1J500— 

'J'hf ('onrl; Ttnt in not nny noalliT 

of pririlrj-ip, Thr rpinpti'in i« Hh- n.r ■ 

lion bclw^-n Jehovah 'j W'ilneBTna and the 
Tl'nleh Towtr Biblo & Trarl Sotiety. 

Mr, Corinetan'; There mH^l he a be- 
ginning. It won 'I inltf but a xooment, eo 
tlie jury fin sea the picture. 

Tli? Court: 1 ivnnl to jjiv* yon every' 
rea*JWSabl|| opfWirlunily, but I tkul't Ifrftnl 
lo tiT: th* iLirv n jind tit brav* Iwc-n vn-ry 
pnlirnl, 1 think you will all bpttf. So 
mnlio it brief and I will to^c it, 

A. Tim TVritrb Ton'pr fiihle & Trait Society, 
the Fennft vlv 11 n i a corporation, i* a Icrjnl orj;art- 
lation, which fa* chartered in 1HM, U Ivan 
orcrtnisod in order to carry cu the bu*ine*i of 
these CbristianB. 

0. And the neency of Jeliovab's TVitin:*Bri>1 
A. It it, 

fj. And i« it opj'raie.l in an onlirly nnd dui- 
neuiike fn.Hbi.inf 

llr. rtrntlihaiiHen: 1 object to Ihnt a* 
«allioit for a eoftdiuioa. 

Th* Conrt: Tlial talln for hin eonclu- 

Mr. Connfrlon: Tea, I (hiiili an. 

Q. Tell nhi'lhiT nr irnl it ba* fl !|Jvnrd of 

dinxjor*, lb* IVnnfylvania Corporalian. A, 
Te«, it ban a board of teren diredora. 

Q. Do y6U kim*' how frequently the ameers 
of th,» P*nniylvniiiri corporation — 

F Tt4 W. Fruiti—For- Dt:JU-— Direct 

Th* (..iiurl: .\ nni'l you going tg have 

HOJIh: (if III* i[. Tl%; |yj i t 

.Mr. L'ovibitton: lie ia a di r?L'lor. 

Tim Couri; Von are otie of tlu: dirce- 
UiTt at Urt lV'nn>ylvanin tDrp*ratien f 

'Yin; W'tinsat: >.'<*, the New York cur- 

Tlii; Court: Are you goLaa; to h*r« toy 
of tlkvmi 

Mr, Covijiijton : Vea. 

The Court: Why not as-li them' 

V-r. Covitij^lun: I thoqfihl »e tould 
lavku it at one lime nail pmbabl)' save lime, 
if 'Mr. 1'Yani kriMwn thii. 

'J'lio Court: Of coufne, it i« not com- 
pttojit if Ihrre lit any uhjuclinn, An lonq 
nh j on nno jroini; to Imve th* lVrnH-j-t- 
Vjinie. nun Fieri', liut if thfrfn in ng sbjec- 
tineii f will take il, 

Mr. TiriM'SilinunHiJ I itulmiit lhi< article* 
nf iricOf[mrntion am in eviilene* liera, un- 
le*n there i* ponielhinfl in ndihlion to the 
nrlii-len of intorrinrnlion. 

Thn Court; Hu|>|i4iiin ymi wait nnd ark 
one uf Ihe I'cnnnyli'nnia dirKtoni, 

Mr, Coi'ingtonr I will do no. 

Q, When ili'd the Wnteli Tower Bihla L Traet 
.Snciely nf I'enimylvtiniB tnnve' to New Vnrt! 
A. In 1309. 

(J. Aru] «in*o that lime tian Ibr-. Watrb Tow^r 
rtible t Tr:ie| Society nT PennKylvBoio and New 
York hnrl iln main nffir a j„ Brooklyn I A Ten, 

Q. T\Hiat in Ihe eonncelinn Iwtwtvpn Ibe Watch 
Tower Bible il Tuet Society of i'ennnylvania 


Fred If. froitiT— For Diflt.—Dir^si 

il 1 : I hi L U'nl-rli Tower lllhie & Tract Kucii;l\', 
lite,, nf Krw YorkT A. Tin* Xl-w Yurk corpora, 
in.ji ai-1n an un aj^^nt uf thi^ I'tnntylvaiiia tur- 
punltiuli ih ll 1 in nlu|«. 

!j. Ami it in a inMiiiWimkip corporation, in ii 
pi-tf A. Vft.. 

{}. A lid JYrtI an- a ineiiiber nod one of I i; 1 
LjhciL <i( ilinvlorH, iji ihai nofrvclf A. Yea, 

1^ thhnt In tin- (-njiinelioji Ikt-Evi'i-en III* 1 IWA 
.^.rf'iH-ii.-F. iiinl ,|,. hni 1J1 ■» VVi t ini-R-" tH f A. Tl«-i." 

iUlille fh" jjuvi'iniuij IkkIv of JriHivn Ii 'n Wlh 


Q. And wiint primmy pur|ni^e did Jchin-fth'a 
Wiiftrjuww mi- ihe (Vnlrk fru'i A, Thvy 

ll-p il 11. lk> Kiivi-riiinjf lunly, to diliift tin- wort 
il " tin- 1'i.liri' mrlli, m ni|tervJM> tlit 

t->4il|laBJi'<f ) flu'ir rt-rvier- BH3tivitit3l. lo IApUH! in- 
elrilrlion^ lo lln-lll Had to print ail the litem- 
lure whieli eunslitlftra (be SplfiUial fnnii nf 
tip-up ChriKlimiK 
I,'- Ami iliil -telmvuhV Wilni^.-i-.-; Inok ti! I be 

IVlkl.'h Towrl' Hi I ill- i: Tr;iel ShiM'h-Iv In ]irot'ilk 

Hi.ih with iniiiriiinl ion nwcerniap it» iiiiniHlcr.if 

Mr. Bnn'bh.n n "di : I obieel lo the form 
nf Ihe -lUl'Stiorl. 

The Court ; Your objection in, but 
won't it Hboi'tefi it tip if you withdraw 
your objertionl 

Mr. HrniihhfiiiHrn ; Ye*, T withdraw M. 

A, T tJ1 , 

0. An 1o vihelrier or not they nre faithful nr 
uiifailhfnl in the pe-rformsnee of their ohbj;a- 
li,in*T A. Yet, mr. 

''■} s . i.i I in full hnnnony with the Jvocicty'a 
nollcieal A. Yen, air. 


Fred W. Fran* — for tttfti.—DiftCt 

(J. Dl'l Ji'liLiVJlll 'h WLtlll-.Mrfi lino Luuk. tO thfc 

Watch Towar 1'Obk £ Tnitt Kwiiety U> unable 

L In- 111 t"l IllUJ'k ihot* tlml riimcd divillian Jilld 


![;. Jti'tiKikiljauut-n; 1 ubjecl to il»i 

'On! Cuurt; ObjL-etmn h l* mi ned- 

il:. I. u l i ; i £- L ..-| : 1 except. 

Lj. Art Jidnwlt'tf Wjlaeaaea a »tct of ci- It 
A, ' J ' 1 1 r - t, ;.i i nut. 

(j. NVIihl ^linliiijfuihlk'd th'-iri fi'TH n nwl of 
c-ultf A. A wtl i» un nri;jiPiitnlJ<m of |mipl* 
wltii I'rillmv 13 tmin n* (heir Itwkr, wci'pl liitip c< 
1in-if uuIIktHv nnd Huiile. \ cult whirh in an 
orumimLtinn wlut'b i* dikiinpiuiidieiL by [wcuJinr 
ri't'i-tNnaii-ii oml rmiatii which rcreinouira are 
l'lLiett upon tilt tradition* of men and iu>1 uj»» 
tin- word «f (in!. 

(J, la'lm ai* the Lenders of .Iphnvnli'n Wit* 
nnr.'-L-jir A. Jnlu-vali Hod and t'hriat Jetui arc 
rill* ifn<h*r*;, lli'LU'i-nly. 

[j, A | , ■■ L ik .li-Liovali Utn\ trtd t'lirint Jf«i( 
have fnrllily rr-pre^'niiiPier-H in mbrieclLon with 

|||ii i,'4irlSilV orj^itnizn" Liin T A. Ytf^ tir. 

(J, W'lmi ik die earthly w fltiantien nf Jehovah 
<;■*( ninl Hiriwt .It-nusT A. [[ in eannaiwd of a 

...l-.' or jrroup of thnue wlm nrr futty devaltd 
id Him by virtue "f i^uimcntinH. Tlir; air 
llWUJ*hl inUi fnvi-mtnt r* i p wild Mini In 
du II In Will bj it s» iiutlinnl for them in thr 
liihlr .niil lin'y it|iii>[ function together as on* 

Q. Ami thnl Society that Jftnl have dr.iirribiil, 
i] that JisitLiijjiuuJjLiJ then from the Watch 

Frtd W. Front— For Dtfts.—Dirtit 

TWi-r k Trnrt Kwh-ty n>i u eor|*iriit<' i-hlilyf 
A. r l'Jn: corpm-ntt* i-ntily a*-' a a* a servant of 
Ilia l.iinJjr r.l fl ij-Lr.t:isris.. The |.-t;iiL I'lfjmi :i:ii.fl 
!liij;lil In- iIifjiiiJvi-iI hj- u naliuital ppxtniMrm ai 
fyr in>|jmii- in llfrnun — 

1'lti' t'oiirt; Jiuh', ntjiil n minule. I*t 

LU ki'l-jl I il-llkLlll^' liU! hi ||hT4V. 

Mr- !.'uvinf,'ijFp ; \t r ff urt Uiuwjnf; ths 
<li"thPit;liii;» ln'tu\-L-h (lie BnrporaitiAa aud 

lllv MociirlJ, 

Tlii.' Umihl; AV^II, I tlii uk no fur Uiiri 
yu'Hijt limn Ii^k li'ii'd i4» nUuvt ii disJiinO' 
ti.m liaitu'i'i')] I'VHTvMurK; un<l Lhn't munt of 

JL 1,1, .:'.V[| i>..r.i Iii,iii::h' 

Mr. tlii-Tpu j;1uii ; Hit, tmnnf; it oil Itmnrl- 

'J'Jik t'»«r| ; !>oyic if (Jirnc are ]iik con- 

IJ-, llii .K-ho\-ii]i h n WiEnp-swn )mvc jirj mrpnljprr- 
h(ii[) riilET A. Kn, 11m-v ilo riol;. 

(,i. \\ lull in Elif iJiNliri'lsnii )h-iY%T-pn J*-)nirDh h j« 
Wil im^^i-j| nilij tlw [H^nita nf p/nnrt willl A, 
J i-]iiiv:ili r ji \\ iEiil-km'k iirr 1liQ^4' wliii art iLi'vi^Ii-lI 
to (hkI I iv llis-ir i'lii^-niiiLl vlLJj ]Iii:i il jii I u]ld 
oIji-v hia C'oiiiiiiniLOiiM-iilii bj< (iriH:]aiii)iiiK 1lh,: 
CJn>|K-| of I lie- Kin^dijiii ]i?i oulliimil in I PI H VVOIHL 
Wln'ri.-««, I 111' I*-"|i|i: of (,'iiud will raSltMllla ton- 

^Fvjjllliullri 111 « _ l>Olll Ji-|l"VJlitV WHUUSMi fi.Fl! 

hi-iit fm:h tn liLiiii.-lL-r tlit uord of Cad 

Q. ilriiftitm. hna '\ntn made many time* \t> 
IJh- i-vil HW«Ht, iuil nialy in tlit pul>l if at ions but 
in plip rviiii-iiH'ir vihifli you liavc heard. 1'li'^u- 
explain t* tJic (."uufl irnd jury wlio arc itlcjil tfivd 
a< 111? «vil Kn-snt, by Jelia?air* WiL'.Kiiiuui and 

Fret W, Frani— For Deft*.— Direct 

il-.L- Wulfll Triwcr 1UIJ* £ Tr,ir.l Snpiely. Ojve 
llioir >irri|i1ural origin uh v,i-]l px l\:v cl:is* HOW 
Oil tlif «Ar1li Wirt OFt ItFUfWQ ftn tile t*il JUfnuni- 

'I'JlC Court - ^Vf ^ill tnLe dji puJjoi;rri- 
mi-nt: unid ^:JtO n'tluL-k triiuorn»»' uiorn- 
inK, l'li'4i*c ilo nnl dincima. th« cnw, 

( Vi'lu'jTjjjiin mi adjaonuitat wna 
■nlil Wedtwaday, liny IS, 1913, al Bill 

o'clocJc a. in.) 

nrautliT, ST. V., May 13, Iflll, 

D :30 a. m. 

{Trial rcnunul, ) 
1/ilRI) '■','. h'KANZ fv^UliK-d lilt, nLCr.J find 

lenliliirij fiiriln'r an fuJW.n: 

IhrtcS r i ^.'.ii.rt'iiiiin f i^-jiiiliuiie-J,! L^ .Ur. i'uirnj 

Q. 'I'lm liLHl,i|iir-itJcin yeKttrday, Itr, Kimni., in 
Si folli.ttn " J Iff 1-reiH.v |j[in Itt-n ihlilIc uicuiy 
Unit* tn tin! evil Mrvairt, n»t only in (de pulili- 
MLLurbt lull mi the evidence wliitli ;cni luive tfnrd, 
I'kjuwi v^iiliiin to tin.' t^urt nud jury wl«i nre 
Uli'iit i liri I. aii llic evil tcrtnnt hy Jcbovdi'a IVit- 
iilt..ii:i in: Vi'a'ci Tamper i : n l.j Ii. Tf»'1 sJh- 
dcly. tii vi! itn'iL' fkrijitariil origin as. niU s.t 
ihc tlahit imv sin lb* Mirtli wIud ure known u 
i In- <.-vil bl-iTuiU" A. The axp«nwiiia "ivil 
iM-ri'iiiit" iriiiim s in t;lii-i4t'< |jru]jlii!ity on the l-h-iI 
iif the worlil, AfU'f ilfliiilinK vnriaup ninn umrfc- 
■IIJEE HiH ]ii'rii,iii -nl' tijiBj, natiun riaintf Ui^&in*! 
no Hon (inil JtmjrduliL iig*irut tiflgdeill, pyvd 

Fred W, Fraxz—For Dtfi*.—Dirt£t 

jiri'SU-liing Lhi! CiBiptl trf Hie Kin^dmii, HiPQ lie 
ii h.-ilI; n-ii:i llin i;vil suMrvjiiiL, lhur eenlrtltvt vi Li h 
ttr fiiilhl'iil Bod wjw; i-ltvuiiL Ck- J*iftU uut 
thill Ihlii ifniinl WBM in l\a J-Ord'B employ dud 
thiit ha lnr:iun; iiidiffrri'nt to the Lord'* idiiiitij;, 
Imh.-hiisi.- ]*<]|jdi r In^lill to VlilltC lllK MJow atT- 
vusits, und tn en! mid drink witli Uie dranke-n, 
Tl en Un 1 liord coimu upon rum- 
Mr. tirudilmuit-ii : 1 don't think wv. 

bllhUl'-l J-uve 11 ril-l LlitiOA of till! liilllfc WlleD 

a, ■ ■ ii-. : i.!..ii in- L-li : ; n x to- a di.'l'nuliiiti. 

1'lic tTimri: \it\l you plffl« nifd<.e. your 
•itiM»'L-r in* Jihort lid. it- j-ii ■■-.-. il.-li; 'J'Iji' iirr-ji- 
tnrjil origin [ifuvil attain whidi Mr. tov- 
injjlun iinki'd you, f ihiak ;»?y have given. 
Will you Eh-1I iii m far a Jthiuvidi'ii Wit- 
afwrtx :lit ci'iJ tiervulr it m Lfaa jury 
may Jiuvi: it. 

'flw Witin-ai: Ye», 

Tin t'uuj't: Answer in Uiii modem 
tlnyV fulnlliiiuiil wlio nrv Iuxjwb as tiia 
uvil BL'truut, dihJ p;pvo an ai full an, nn- 
c-»er nn j^hiilild hy Juhovairt U'itni;ii*t-4). 

1'liv vVLtufc**- That ]£ n. fliiM, not llil 
indivLiJiinl [ii'inun. This c]a\& in compoued 
of iIioal" lui'fi and wojiitm who wiiri; oit!;o 
u»6oriu(L'd with Llie \tVtxh Towl-f iidilu 
i Truct Stuivly m tlie fnitliful nnd wise; 
hoitluilb, and tr\w b«££iriie' <ij«grunllcJ nud 
whu severed llitir canneetLonB therewith. 
In J u 1 7 r tliii iiwitwtbt ke^an and these 
indLi'iLluuld wont cut. particularly tl» 
kadi-ra Like Ale llitilkr- 

The L'ourt; Tfou vi^riyi'l atdted about 
kaden' name*, 

Fttd W. Fra.H£—F<if DtfU— Direct 

Q, I wntud Uli*, he,n'uTtT n to oak that ques- 
tion dfllinilely tweouse I will bfing it in later. 

TLe CtjOIt; But please aak him to 
respond to ynur L|U*tQoo. 'Yon didn't itlc 
for Euay DBmru- Yuu wera mLed wno by 
Jer.QTAh'B. WitnL-Jiw* ar» rta>rdad u tha 

avii aerrant elans. 

Q. OsOtiuil*, ai-.J.tJnp tlte names. A, They 
Teat cut aud e^tublikhed independent arguuur- 
tiutii called Pontoril Bibl»— 

Tbe Court: We will leaw tl>« nanat 
otiL You t:;an tliose that formerly w«r» 
Ln^njbtia o: .kliovaji's Witneises vfao 
left, in thai what you mean by the aril 
serrnat «]»-ss, *i> Ibe jury nndsrstands st T 

TIb VKimh; ¥"«, nir- 

Q. Aid are tLey orgimiied lo^etJaer in groypi 
to upy*a« the YValcL f over Bibb & Tract So- 
aiatyl A. Thay are. 

Tbo Caait: Are all evil servants is 
gronpt the Watch Tower Bibl» 
k Tpti*!. Soeietyt 

Tin; Wilneaa; Yea, ah. 

Tbn Court: So an individual caa't In 
•fl evil sei-Tint, at I uiidejatani it. 

The Wilnesa: The prophesy doom ant 

Tin, Court ; 1 am aalriiig yon what it 
tie (aol to tm <±* Jelovah't 'Witneuu. 
It baa to be ■ gtiVp, in that n^ttll 

The Witness^ ¥••, sir. 

Q. Afid oVp indiTiduala fir h*Ta iadindoiJ* 


Fred W. Frantr-Fer Ecftt,— Direct the Watch Tower BiUa A Trncl 
Society and ailii-il ttu.TU*vlv*l with £rou[wf A. 
They hecoin^ a |mrt of (be ml servant. 

Q. And those Hist do leave the Wateh Tower 
Bible (t Tract Society and turn lo Ibis Ejoup 
that oppoaa are known as the evil aerrant, u 
that rightl A. Yea„ nit. 

Q r TiVliit are same of the practicea knovi'ii lo 
yon that tl-C evil u^rvniijn iinlu3;:i l in 1 th! iiy in 
oppos-ition to Iho Watch Tower Jiible & Tract 
Society t 

Mr. BruelihauBcn : 1 object to it an not 
relevant here. I don't know bow it is 
binding on us. 

The Court; It isn't bindins, but 1 nm 
going; to permit it so the. jury onder- 
alnnda it full v. Thia is merely for tin 
information of the jury, 

Mr. C'j v in - ton : Ko the jury can have 
as cppn-ciatiDii of who we mean by evil 

The Court; T™, jujt for that purpose. 

The Witney : Tlmy eti-ry pfi their f,wn 
iadtpeaiVnt pul>b*hinK »-nrli wliitli they 
have a r;;;lii lo do — 

The Court; Now, pleas*, don'L It ia 
not fop you or counsel or i;vcji ma to say 
who hat the right lo do whnL Pleaaa jus: 
aj:i»fi the qaeitiofi. 

Q, And they rnnlv a*flaulti— A. They make 
aianullj upon tlio^L - ass i>i:ia;H\l with tho ftoriety, 
and alto they send literature to try to wean 
away Lhasa who are aasociated with the Society 
from it 




Fred W. Fro-**— Far fJc/Jj.— Direst 

Q. When did Ibis or^aahatioo known at Lh» 
f-vit n.-cvijnL fiwt make, iti pre&eace manifest ia 
triil a£*ih*t ttlft Lord'* oi-KaniialioriJ A. lb 
1SI17 thin (jroup appeared and in 1318 laey tap 
am tad Ihcmsclve*, stefi-nitt-ly. 

,1. iiiaoe that time they hpvi BOutin-ned ia 
o,.^-uilioa sb an cjif/auited group, b»vt they 
noLl A- Tea, air. 

5. Why, ii pictured by Jndas; in the Serip- 
tnrfls id connestivn with tltt- evil eervnotl Ij 

Jadaft knuyvn to- pielUce flu} 1 in Connection with 
the- t'Vll pcrv^nLl A. He pinluceii ill id cloja who 
HO HJ-'nJJi^il to tlj? fjOrd and the, Kingdom, 

n!. 1 turn ayfi-ias-t lit Lord add Hjj brethren. 

Q. ("an you tell whether w nut t!ia group 
known a« tli^ **il servant claun follow a man 
nnd whet publication da ilj*y atudy nd advo. 

Mr. BruchhauBen i Whit ia that qui*- 

(Tli* for*|(oiri,:* question waa read by 
tins CoUct EepOrter.) 

Ilr- Rruahhauxen : I abject ta the Form 
o( '.'..:■ fpHtQM. No one could t«-'l what 
* lnrj.;o jfroiift of P*#p5* *-r» doinjr to do 
or liftv* done, 

"jic Court : Can you iUU of your own 
knowledge 1 

Mr. Bruchlinuticn: If he idenlifiea nsr- 
frody— ■ 

The Court: Stat* of your own kn*wl- 

Q. Tlii* group thai baa been identified aa the 
aril earvant by you. Amwer lb* qnealion. 

/Vcd IK, Frw—For fcfts.—Vtrttt 

lir. RnirhhnLi.'.en : ■ [ tjill object to till 

question. Tq uL'iit wo rde, the question 
imjilieji 1hat all evil eccvants for all lime 
Imvi; gone ant and done one particular 
tiling- If that in what it implies, I will 
sot object lo the answer. 

Tho Court r 1 will permit -yon la a:.k 
htm that question now. Will yon aak it 
now, Mr. Uruehhanaen.* 

JIt. BrDdihaiiieft: I d.o n 't want to n-.k 
ihe ipntipB. ] wil] withdraw the Objec- 

Q. Go ahead and anawer. A. They protect— 

Tlii Court; Thi» it of your -own kaowl- 

Tha Witness r Yea, sir. They make 
loud proleiLnttona of following Paator 
Austell, who ia nlcad, and Ujfry adhi>r* to 
hi* Vftrlc aa tbr utamlai-d of Imlli and 
docUint, fcud V'<zy "jon'in.uc pyliliiihin^ 
them lo this day, and cendaus flGdying 
those pulibcntior.j, 

Tlie t-'ourl: Who ia i*ontor Iiu*sell1 

The Wilness: llf was tl.i- first presi- 
dent of tlie Watch Tower Bible & Tract 

Q. W*a td is RTOup nppoml in foUowinf thi 
r^vealei] wnrd nf the 3-nn3 tliroijfrb lh^ Walab 
Tower channel 1 After I'aclor RuhcH diwlT A. 
Yea, air. 

Mr, fowMkuwit: 1 objj'rt lo it. 

TW Court; SuilaiiiHid. Jjtrika ont tii* 

r«d II'. Fran^ -Far UtHi.—Dift-tt 

ilr. Covington: We ticupt u> the nJ- 
Lng: oT the CoorL 

Q. Can j'Oh tell of y«sur own knowledge 
wheilifr or mil Hi i- Dawn, Inc. and wlsat ia known 
±n (lie 1'anjOraL Jiil^U' ! n si ii U Le aro part of that 
"r^iuiimlivn li r gntiup idvntifi^d aa the evil ier- 
vantl A. Yes. 

Q. Are tlieyT A. Yea, 

(J. li-pferenee lias been made tnany timea in 
!|Ufbl;cuia by coun.Md. U> Uotj'a orpin i m lion. 
PleaK iii])lajii to the CanM anil jury wbat Je- 

liovali'a Wiln^astfH LiniKJd^r-ed UM Iki Go<1 f 4 orjTiri- 
iiallori. A Owl'» <>rj;D]i.!ULti en is wmpajpd of 
twit pari-". *n invinihSe bfuvenlj- part aid a 
vjj-jlilf, firibij- purl. Tliif visible part ia orai- 
pOMd of hi" c'^vr-najil pwplt, iboae who h*** 
< l«.' I icji! t d their Jives wheily to Him and he or- 
gan iii 5 lln'ia or arraiigi-a them in order to ao 
coniplis-h hia purpnse. Thin organization ia not 
lJenioeratie or hierarchic or Kclealaatic It ia 
ThuQcrntii. It :;■- mi^l tiaai the top, Jehorah 
Gad, down, and not from the Itottom up. 

Q. Who ar* Ihi'i-tfi'irr the k-adert io that or. 
Rai.ltatioBl A. The r*TOj!|iiiiied leadYri ara Ja- 
hoval, Cod and Christ Jcsiji, lb; higher power*. 

Q. D11 Jcbovah'ji Wllnra.'-tij re^ognsM that 
tb«y have any earthly leader f A. No, lir. 

Q. VTimt are nil i)f the Min/iinLi of the Wi'jih 
Tvwer Biblf ti Trnot SoeiPiy, from th» pTe»iolent 
down, conKJdcrcdT A. They an ooocidarad 
merely a* *crvnn(ji, fellow lerranti. 

Q. l>a J'i.uvflh'a Witnesuee. adroeate that the 
evil servant dasa referred to by yon io yoni 
lettmiony ara identified to and part of tha Dtt- 
il'a organisation 1 A. Thay ara, 

7: : '! 


Frti W, FriHK—i-'w DrfU.— Wttct 

Q. Wouhl }j?u lixplnin io the Court and jury 
whnt ip ii leant by l>i-vil"a or tiataii's or^irl-iati'™. 
A. The llevil'a orjjaniialion b Ukrwisc cOmposod 
of two parti, inviiikle parti of detrjoitB- and a 
vihibli' pari cnin^iOihl of IIlokv i^ _ bo nre serving 
the Devil, paiftinularly in an official tapo-tily. 

Q. And what i« known in the if-t-limony and 
ilocl i-iiicif of the Wuteli T-unier Bible &. Tract 
So^ety 4a the Theocratic {Jove rnment t 

The -Court: lit ]u» npl ■inrj ibnt, toni- 
in^ rrom I he top, 

Mr, Covinptfm; Yrs,, T think lo. 

Tht Witnnn The Theocratic Govern- 

The C'-nnrt- You bHTe esfilained ibat, 
ihe flovernnient from the top inntfad of 
from ihe bottom. 

Q. Is tllit i<3i':ilififd ifta 1(|C IrfrnS's OrpTiiiitil- 

1inn, lhr Thcwmtic pvernin<- r-t T A. Yes, *ir. 

Q, And lh«l includes- both (he heavenJy nnd 
v^ihlo partR, iR that correct 1 A. Yen, air. 

(]. [>i> Jchovnii'i Witncasen exuect to establi^b 
a Thf-nr ratic fiovernmenl on rim eartliT A. N".i, 
Mir. The Keriplure saya that in tlia- ln»t daya 
(foil hIiuII enlabliah a Kinpdoai which ahall rule 

Q. Do JfhovnbV Wiln^flJt 1 * ^\ptfl to hare any 

part in 1l'C rKtpbliHbin^ 4»f tltjiE | A- No, air, 

Qi ^Vlien, ^lecvr'Unj^ tv J^li^T-^h % WitlMfiaea, 

will ihia The-or ratio Covcrnment be Folly e*tab- 
liabed in the earth? A The ila'tlc of Attcb. 
firddon, which will he foup-bt by [lie King of that 
Theocratic Government, Christ Je*3fc. and hi* 
angrls, will clear out lhr Devil's organization 

Ftei IK /-Vani— For Oefis—Dinct 

from (lir -earth an*3 El raven rotnpirtvly, and than 
uuikr tbr enrjh a rli-an plar* for rit,-lil*«ni» p»r- 
.-ii.,.i-- E,i live, 

Q. Ami will the fjnvv-rjimenl of Jehovah bring 
pjfiiiec ji|i(i ha[s[iinr-B» and pri>»p*ril]f lo *U Uw 
jsvihple who Eurvivcl 

Mr. Hriii.-lilumsiMi : That ia hia opiriiin. 

XI r. Cot'iii£ton: Thai Li wlutl w» advo- 

TJlc- Court : Thai i* tb* flpinioo of J*. 
hovali'H WitncaK*. 

Q, ilimt a.i to Jcliovuli a WilneEscs. A. The 

rkri|3lH«e »ayrt (he Covcrnmenl ehall lie upon 
Chrint'a Hi.nihW* nnd lit ahull be called the 
1'rince of I'eace. 

ij. C«nfi»rivinc: Hie henefi!* thnt will come to 
Ihe pi-i-iple fnim 1hal Oovemment, unll yau tell 
tin- Cftiiri and jurj - what Jeho-vah T a Witneste* 
uK'oeat* in thai regard. A. It mil bring lo the 
p<T"'pk' rrmlnjn tn aerve CTohI witliout pcrsec-ulion 
and obelrnctiafl from tha Devib tt u~ill Hmod the 
tndli v, itli peace, blr.ia mantind, the otwdicnl 
linn'M, w'ilh plenty, and btiuw upon Ihcm efer- 
1 1 1 >■- 1 j n u- life ami an earthly rtaradi»c. 

i}. l:i'fi l ifn!* ha.i lieen inade by Mr. Moyle lo 
hiii ohjei-tinn to lln- artiflc entilled '"Fill The 
lOulh" whifh war- riH'e-ah'il hy The Watrh Tower 
Ij Tj'iipL .Snpii-ly in 1!)!5S. Will you filcn.w explain 
In ikiH' fV»kirt jnr> J Ike doctrine known aj 

"Fill The KaHb" nnd when *"d who wi|3 Uva 

pnrl in I hat mandate. 

The Court: According lo Jehovah"* 

F rut W. Fm»i—F0T Drftx,—l>irtd 

Mr, Covington: Tlial if iiotterslood in 
all of Ihi-ae mollcra. 

I appreciate your aufjgealioii. 

A, The Divine nlandnle von lirnl issued lo 
Adam and >.ve in the Garden of IJla which 
wax to the effect (bat they dnnld fill the earth 
with a rij^hleoua r*re, Hy rea^ni. of Ad:m> mid 
Ki'l^'k foil inlo uin that Ujvine Mandate wu. h-iia- 
pemled and Odd did not IxTbtiio respdnsihle fur 
their offBurinp viho bave beca boro i marled, 
. i ... i ■ j i - l- 1 1 , clyi.-i^', illcj;iiuate, and ao mi, ntal f!<wl 
M-i|h'd o-iii llu'ir offiprLnj; at Ihe ftojiij in Noah'* 
lUyji, Tbrn God brought llironph the- ri|;ltenui 
peruana, h'nab nnd his se^ven companions- in the 
Ark through the «Wd. After 1hcj- enie rc^Tl 
'r«ni Sh» Art into (hi- dried earth, Gnd restated 
Ihe Divine Mandate tn Noah e.nd W\r, family uid 
lob I lliem to he fruitful and niuliiply oftd fill 
the eorlh, and the Scripture* show that thai 
mandate wax fulfilled typically to Ihe extent of 
TO different iiuljvidunli nnd cencrntionii nanitui 
in Ihe IDlb Chapfet of Grneaui. ITn-wever, tbnt 
wan only n typical fulfillment. Josus mid in hii 
prophepjr nn ihe end of the world that as it waa 
in the day)! nf fVoab no should if he in the davp 
of fbe iion of Man and (be Seriplureft ahow that 
ill thin end ilf tin; wurhi. jaRt u Yosb s'a.v iaf- 
rierl Ihronidi 1he pnd of Ibat wn-rld, that old 
world, ao Qod «■;]] carry Ihroutli the end of Un; J - 
wnrhl tlm?.e who olicy Ilini and do FJi; W||| and 
after Amiaseildin hap been foufrht nnd the earth 
cleansed, then fiod will issue Divine Mandate* 
tn there Armageddon enrvivort to nil Iha earth 
with n ri^hteoai race. 



fr*d I* 7 - fntHt—f'et Otftt.—Uiwtet 

Mr. Uriichfeiau&ea: Can't we have 
sJiurH-r di-lmitioas from the wiinettt 

Tin; Court: I'Leaee mabff ihpm o> abort 
at you can. 

Mr. Co vt« t,t°n : We don't wont to- en- 
ernat-b Ujmn tlic patience of the t'nurl. 
At 1 tic sante lime, ue don't — J krmw *c 
am ii.t[ being denied, 

The Court r I w*,nt the- r^nl to aliav 
1 haven*! denied unv-lbmjjj. T have merely 

pwUk.1 him tii Le a* abort dj 1i* fan. 

M r. -Coit ingl on l 1'tcaae uridfT.xUitiil ttm! 
I mil not Iryinp to abuse the privilege of 
lliis mailer, T wiinl 1m pet tlie full 
mnllrr liefiirr. (he jury and vlttit Vr nner 
there points. 1 will proceed afonjr tprtnlily 
villi 1)ie faeln. 

1'Ji» Court; I aWi mire, yoo. ere nnl en- 
rriBi4'ii i ii ji upon tho jnry'n lime »ml my 
tii.u- and I nit Kvrt Mm leiin i* nminly tot 
1I10 purine of ilmwrnjr llm jury Ifeie defini- 
tion* [if varioue Ibinp* feirtd by Jehovah'* 

Mr. Covinrjlori: Tlial in ri£feit L 

Q. In tin; lrntiinohy of Mr. Movie and some 
of lit* tritncasen as well an his cminsel, objection 
b:ic hcen nude In tin 1 «1olrmen1 in (be "Welch 
Tn-u'rr" mti^fliilie tlkhl Christ died fur the. 
uNfdli'ht onm. Now will yon pleas* Hale to Ihr. 
jury I tie history of the heticf and doc! Hue in 
1 feint rrj:nrd ndvoeflled lsv the Wptrh Tdwct TiLhJc- 
&. Tr;n-t .Sufi Ply Ami if my tilne iUrtf Iijlh Brrn 
nay change italic when it <«u And t*Ll Lh> rea- 
rx ri therefor. 

Frcol FT, fj-oBi— Far He/If-— 'Direct 

Mr. Bnjchin r .iscn ; Tf your Honor 
ploatc, I don't believe x-j^uiLKel statea my 

rK.sjlLiiji property- I jlcii nut GbJGCllliji to 
doctrine*, I am just pointing out tlie dif- 

Tho Court: Tfou were (tuostionina;, 
irtiirh you had a perfect rijht to <(n, an 
trfiae.eiBLnunation, certain wilnwefrs *L'n> 
ccrninp that portion of tli* "Waluli 
Towvr" inapniim, two uf *V» a* [ un- 
ttrf?lfinit it, one of them tli;il nM^ntioafJ 
ahwlititt outs and one that nwntiflnhl all. 

II r. Bnu-hhuuscn: I am just mating 
Ibnt I don't think I objedi-il to it. I 
pnijitH'd oal ttat (here uxr^ twa diilcrent 
dufiiiilioHH. The word e-hjeel Uin wts not a 
l^pnl oLjection. 

Tlie Court: The gnrj' *nd wnsns^t 
me*n llmt it wm Jue1 Hint In* made men- 
tion. f>f it Ln cropt-ranminli-on, 

Mr. Cov ] npton : Tlml "n rij:I*(- 

Q, Kmr, wnqild yfln plfrij* nlalfi. Ml. FrilV 

n'k'vt yon, know Ln tiial retfnrd. A. Thr aVidrJitie 
Ihnt ali *rr« hmvKht by tin 1 T#nril .Tr-sim Tliris), 
iiy II i* Hansom (.airifirt, mithoot cqjis idr-i-A! i fin of 
am- jnilivjdnnl cnut, nil tvcpt niilmiiiLiiinllj in. 
clrwlH in tin 1 random: that Lloctrinr wu c-arrifil 
n\fT ffopn tlie da>s of l*n=1rir T[ii?.Mrtl -.vlio ilird 
in tOtfi. Hnw-tvtT, aincf tli™, furllir-r iav»Blipa- 
tion of tSie rtihl^ Kn* lH*rn rhanle ajid fmra thi* 
vrtir lilJS, (he ™rl «>r tfeiil yf»r, it u-,l« |V>intrH 
ocit fmm tli^ Jlf ri [htn res thai (he rSilili* »hnws 
tnat not nil are iaclnd^l,nnd!"r the ransom aacri- 
fio* liutontj tbi otwdicnt git the benefit (hereof. 

Fred W. Fttm*rFor Dcftt.—Dittct 

Tbi Cvtirt; I>o&* tl:c RiLte atAte ha til 


Ttie tVilnes-i): The Bible furniabr-js Itn 
triits which bnve bn.>n utcd in 1Lc [pJUt in 
PmiSflr Ru;9cl]'a day. But tiler* are other 
K'j.(3 wliltli tiavr to be eonaideraj in rm> 
■eetMna therewitb. 

The Court; ido it dots <1«lc, •* I «n- 
i.tNrt-t.'md it, in one purt of Hit.* H>!>k, that 
nil shalt fei* rnniiomi"!, nnd anntlmr *ay» 
i!m tbt^itnt (ini-H, and yea hsivtr nflrr fur- 
ther ijivf^tiji'itiijn deeded that i.hcdient 

in SOTT«t, 

The WitnfBa: That they qualify the 
0>1htT ^criritnre*. 

The Courts Tn i(hnr woitlf, in end 
part of the Srriplurcji it nn-nfinna el] 
maaltind. ami after further inTeEtipnlioii 

-nr. hivil It in ijiuilifiwl U> UlfaB otn-diftat 


TTib Witnes-a: That in right. 

Q. Wbat fierin+nrjil anllinritP 5* th«e frtr the 

toriiliuiion Christ dierl only for Ihr nlifdient 
nr.ifh, liteanet A. The Scripture st TTthrem S, 
S and 9, eaya that beinj; matte perfect Ho l»o» 
r^nn the Author of eternal sal ration nnln ell 
(h.-m that nlmy iiim. John 3, Ifi. mva tbsl fJod 
»o iori>d the wnrtil that lii 1 pare his onSy bepillcn 
Son that vvh.-H'K-vrr l>rlii'vrlb in Hiiri flhoald aot 

peri*h, hm should have- tvttlaetioE Hf* 

Q- What in mcunt Ivy (bn^ ihil hfttteTetb in 
Himl Does it mean merely pmfnn Chriit Jenon 
or follow in Hi* foolaterul A. H d«e aot nwaa 
a na*» mental eeunt in tiv* ori^tnal twt of the: 

F t*A W. Frnvi—Vot Brtli.—Ditttl 

Eihle. The Orc-i-lc vuni hrliti and obej are one 
and the r.._.i ■ wur.l. 

Q. What it tbe dn^lrine edvHM'at^il by the 
irrLjii]i knoim as Ifeie evil Herman! or ifei^i [irupn- 
5 1 c i u n of arUetuer or not Chriitt Jit<i for the 
oi':'hent onrnl A. Tln-y adhere lo that which 
baii fe<tn w-i f<vrL)i bv- I'ashjr Ru^Bell in the 
rtutlif* in Ifte S.'T!j.ii!iir!, that all tlie wc-rld ef 
■luiukixd kit ini!':ni;i1n-iilly iachnled anit (l"4l In 
ihe j,raf (r'itili t.f Chn*! i?reryqne, in- 
rfu.^np ihi- ni'.'ul *iria-d of the earth, vill be 
brought f^rtb frimi ifeie jjrare. 

it. Do .leLfji-jiii '* WilJiHeeji and the Vakb 
Ton-er liihl* t Tract Sueiely believe ihnt (he 
ii^ht UJjoa \}\A> SeripKirea increaiien ai you ap- 
jin.ach tl.e jpmjbI jH-rfei-t ilayt A. Yes, *i.r. 

Q. And what <\" J r-bn vnh '■ WitftMnina advo- 
cult in that ree;ard1 A. That »<* mo«t *nlb. in 
I he I'KhLi if we doe 1 ! we wilt be kft btbind in 
Ifeie dnrkne^, 

Q. I> that tbe iliMiinrlirni lietwfea one who 
fnlluwH man and one who follows. Cbritt .It-ana T 
A. Yea, nir. 

t±_ J I Imi» I»m-o l.rniLirhi r,nl in eviib'dtfi on errMiB- 
titimLrial Ion and hy rfne»tl<'n« that J4:h ovafefa- 
Witne«neii miltt ft <lislin<-tioil feVln-r-rn rili^iJin 
and CbriHlianity. ^Viil you (Hat* I hat Hintinr.- 
tioo, pJwue, rrr.m a. Ifiblieal ntand point an well 
u tfens fact". A. Tii-liirijFn it a Ijitin word in- 
vented lK-fo.r4 the tinie r.l' f'brllt and ftfip,i''d to 
the feiretlien form fd wi,rnt,i[i by the inhahitantn. 
of tfen I Lilian F'eni nulla, but in the BifeJe tht 
word "reiijrjofl" iji-curit. It )■ Iranalaled from, 
a fJteclc wnnl, ■' t'hraaknya," wfeii^fei meant a form 
of worthip. ilchipQn Li thai which u in dia- 


Frrd IV. Ffunt—Fnf Deftt.^fHftet 

(.^^..b. : i- uf tiud. It it a form of wortlnp paid 
to a Ji> c -->.-~ pawtr, and wliidi worship ie aword- 
ing to ;,'aJiti4/nji of mun, whereaa Chriatianirj 

in "'li^'illrnte t<» I he will an- 1 t.'ouiijLLijLLhjLejktx. iif 

(rod an Jt.-i-i obey a. 1ti<* C'^iiLiiiandineaut of God. 

Q. Di Jei.avalj"a \VLtneHs.en attempt tfl pa.ii 
jodj-ijitot vpua the individual who ianpsenfjy; 
practiocu rtiigicnl A. No, eir. 
' t|. iv I io do Jrhuvali'a U'lineint** — What a 
the itlitnclB of Je!.o^jb> Witni!ii»*ii towarLii in- 
ilLvidiLulK thiil prjctiee nrliKiOnt .1. (Jur detiie 
in 10 li < 1 1 1 tbi'in 1u »L"6 tho lewllinjfa of 1 lie 
IlilJe, that there is a difference h»iween (he 
:-^-ri[rliLf,'A and r-i ■ 1 1 l: i ■■ i lj ii rluetrine*. 

Q. And on that hnniH do Jebevah'i WilnriKi 
spi.'um: thoae, anyone, heeoum of their rrtijiotw 
p.-'.fi. „i..,ii nr belief I A. S*o. 

Q, Well mow do they attempt to pais jndp- 
n-jni upon ibc individual oecacue of bit rehpona 
be heft A, ^o. 

Q. Wbat in. meant by the tcrot "fi.di|fi-n ii 
;i -wnare ami a i-itktt*' in umxI hy Jehovah '» 
Witntaseaf A. A »nare in a or a noose or 
a device thai is denipnrd to eateh on* qnatraren, 
asjieejaily if he iH not walking; according In ibn 
Will end Word of 4iod. A raeket ia a trick or 
device or scheme which ie translated to deceive 
and to worfc injury to an individual and to 
ratine I una lo fart with thai vlridl ii valuable. 
When an orjjanimlion arropate* lo it»rlf un- 
.Seriplural powera end authonliea sad then 
Ibrc-aletM penple who do not anhiait In it with 
an-iie ri ptur*! liunLnhment, then that n :„■ a, 1 1 ia - 
tion beconicn a racket. The Scrip tl*ren nay thai 
rehpon ic each a asare, in varioua plaaea. Ia 

frtd \¥. Fr<i«i—For Drlti.—Dirtct 

Deuteronomy, T, vtT*c» 1( sntl £3, it wamn 
Oed "a eovemint projik lo hove nolhing to do 
witJi the rtrlinioiin, Ipteouft they witt be a enuro 
unto them. 

4- What J" Ji-hoenb'n Wilneajsea conaider 
witJi reference l» I fit ajj-called Chrielian re- 
ligion f Lo they e&Biiieler that a misnomer, and 
whjl A. It i* a mihiianier. The Bihla doca not 
DK: *uv.b a term and the two are diametrically 
opposed li.j mi,- niLijifeicr. Religion ia of the 
Devil, introduced in Rden, whtreu ChriKlinnity 
ie of Ood, and waa aptciaHy eicmidified by 
Cl.: iul Jl !,:;k. 

Q Do JirliLMvali'i WilacaiCB eritieiu and halo 
ii.,Liv,.^LjiL t'alliyliiv iiiL'l Ibn.' >>1 oEli'-r n'lixiiHn* 
becanae of their pTofeneia«. "i foliowiog ro. 
LijrioDl A. Mo, air. 

Q. Well, what arc nonw of tbo mtwhrii day 
doetrinee that nupport tbo eonelanion that tn- 
ligioq i* a inarcT 

Tho Court: Hann't he answered thalT 
lie ho b qnotci] Uie Siriptarea. 

Mr. Tovnik'ton ; The liiakTa or preai-nt 
ilay ilm'lripen. 

'Ilie Conrl: All rMit 

A, 'I'll"' ibH'Irlhe nf [nirgnliiry, that tl" 1 di-iul 
ari- mt <h-ii'l, hut that lhtn>e who are lavnilMfit 
of the relipfM.u* orKSnijalinn. at licit to , |ro to a 
plan- "I |iar£Alb>K in ''■Ii** end olhar torliir^n 
■ ml afli-r a |K'ibnl of lime tbty ar* relensinl 
1hercfe"in, Hinl injuM'H run he nfTcred for Ifeiem 
hy tbl? ll»"ihH. pimyerii e;ln liVowiii* bn nfferNi 
to ax|K!<hte I he nrkime of tlie irnlti-idiinl de. 




Fred W. Fr*a*—F«f Deft*— Direct 

tainud in purfnUtry and hia entrance into 

ll< .iM'Jl. 

<j. Iti-jsardinj* the i|uc*Lkii uf J [tH-l'irc advo- 
h - . 1 1 -- ■ I Ijjf I'M hi.- nlitpunitl*, what in tile ultitud* 
fif ,J i.l u -vjiI i '* V/iLTitaHU on that fjutrtsliunt A, md tht-li place bf lik-rul lire and lirimHione 
r«r tlui eternal torture of creature* after death 


Q. What doe* tlie liibk- leach thai Hell is I 
A. II '-II i« tike pave and i* so designated in ill* 

margina of uuv I i i 1 .1 1 l- h . 

(j. ffim 11m: Kcviplure tench thai I'lirLut vm in 
I tell fur llirci- iliyrtt A. Ye*, sir, it mi>» that 
his M^ul vi u* left in lit:]] but waa li-rnu^lit 
out IIiith'Ti'mjil fin Li; i- I: i: I dny. 

IJ. Wlut do di-hot'iili V Wi Ljip.<^r!i teach in ref- 
erent^ la Ihe Ite^urrection a* jl men™ of SaJva- 
Eii>il to ttw* purple, and who n-ili s-njtty ||j< b?P4-- 
ikl p= r l|it- lH'lhl-r1 Iff of I hat Itesn nretioil T Ar Tlwj 

J, "ii I .f*»*n -aid Uml Ji-'l (hut uro in (btir Krovra. 

uliuli bear tlw Vivien rjf tiwr K'm nf fic4 ["*! jliall 
romr- F-irMi, ihnt l:nvr done flntkl unit- the Jlc^ur- 
rev-Moii of life Riiii liiey ihnt linve done evil unln 

Uir |te*n rnwlifti of, ond tlfce Watch 

TrnftiT jkiiiiit* nut thnt alii* word r;rovea ia the 
periikir fpri-ek wocd rnennini* memory. 7t ri- 
fcrH In Mu> iiiewocy of fi'f>d, and IIiokc whnaii lie 
retain* in hi* memory u eoininp onikr tin? ren- 
wpmi mn-ifirr nf Chri»[, and Ihercfinn Ainrnable 
to I In* He*urreciion. 

<;. When nil] tint rjeMirrection take placet 
A. Rurinfj the FCntgdim of ChrinL 

Q. Ami wlm will enjoy tit* ImteEtr- of the (ir»t 
Resurrection t 

Frtd W, l-'faAi—t'-ar DtfU^Direct 

31 r, IbudkBausciu 1 don't think wo 
lutve had imyilun^ nlmut llc^umcHvn io 
Ibcru. Aru n( Jfuiag oil Ihrougli (he ItiliM 

Tilt Court: Suttflin<-it. 

iir. t'itvjio^tiJn^ I PJiL ttyin^ tn r<norniL fc 
it !□ iiiOni' ii:iLt"i L rft LLut Jlilvi. 1 \aw:\ ij-'j- 
ji-^l^l To l>j' ik* evil m-rviuit aeeurdijsf 

10 tlLL^ 1 IU3LI [iJLLL'-L. 

HJ. Vou uro fuiviiiiur »-ith the >i£n* Ulit wsr» 
formerly ur*d, l>>' ll"; Wait). Trtu'sj I!11j!i> & 

Tr«l* S%»ri*jy in ULtvcrliuin^ mcetill£k I" A. Yen, 


fj. ))o van trnjieuibiT tJic tiga oilleil ''Iteligton 
in A Knurt; AjiiL A lijiciii;!''! A. 1 Itavo enrritd 

tj. Wliiit >ign in there </n the otlwr nhIc nf UF 
A. Alojti; witli that ni^ii llicro wad cwrrktd 
"finret t;cni Hint Chritt Tiiir Kin,;." On odd 
nu\i' l he one ttj>t'iiil and nn tin; oUtar nidt tlur 
nllirr. We wei* Iol<l lis turn tlml regulnrly >jci 

Unit |B1>[tj>' |-i|i[n'|-ii»ihiCiH Vji* «iuiit £^» both BrlltJt 

Tlio Court: You linve pvtTi * HiiJiffd 
or Htrii-titrjil qiintnlion for ■ruircr T^ 
llmrc miythinE; in the tiripturts lEinl «»>» 
ji-li^iiwi i» a rudiet I" 

TJiP Wilim-MiL Vl:m 

1'hc Coorl: Where doon iL aay tlinlt 
Till Ifer jur> , r 

'flic WiturjiK: It kuv* in the Innt 
iiovH— lln? A|tONtlr; l'ft^r particularly uilti- 
Unm it in llir 2ntt Clmfili-r — tliil 1here viil 

rnniC 1-ilnf pnhjpli^t^ n'ltu fciP i**lflHo r*a^ 

Fnn*i "Witt m&kt ■- grt"> of y^itn *iod tht 
A]HintIe I*e1?r ^nrni th* *ldfi« n>f the 

Fred W. Fmni—Fvr Dtfti-^Dwtxt 

rliurcll "l|4it tliry mIlumUI Inlt ovrnti^-lit 
of :ln- enarth not for filthy Ititno but uf a 
R'Jicly iliinLt. 

Tina Court: So tliA word "rulcet" ii 
:Iki n-.jtil ni Johovali'i Witueuei u iatcr- 
pjidud hy ycu Ihtc. Thent ii no. wo«i 
"rtseket" in tike UidIa. 

Til* Wiuie** : But the pnnaplt of 
racket — 

Tha Court: Vou Iiby? Sold o» thif ward 
"jnnr.'" ijs lti;ri>. I iLrr. uking if tha 
word " rnifket " win. tlujr*. 

The Wibiw.n: No. 

Q. Tilt Word "racket." i« a nitJcrn day <2i- 
lirsiwioil, ii il noLl A. ll emu*: in about 1923, u 
1 nntn'itil^r iL 

y. Da Ji'liuvnh 'i WitjuiMiMjit fhtirffe Ihnt indi- 
vidiinl* tliul innocently pradiee rchpoa art 
in. h:ii.:i;r»T A, No, lir, tli?)' are TJctimi. 

(J- Tlirrtr lum hoi<n t.osiu> evidetiet of a number 
of "ii;: Htlutt fnxt-u ihnt were liasnUod by Mr. 
iliiyle, and thn-t m»Utr i« w*H trtowB by bJL 
What ii< i:: i! atUfudA-df Jclwvii.h"s Witji^ijijs with 
n'l:Tfni.-f to the flag of (lie Uhilcd Kjal+ir A. 
Thi'V highly roHptct 1lie principles for ■byIiltJi Ihe 
!Lij' ti.Lu.ruLh, nuJ Ihey Cu-nijjlv wiUi alt tin? law* 
cf tlic land ah jjiwr. out by the floveramtilt for 
wiiij:;i 1iir Hug fctundi. Only in the cane whert 
any In* ii contrary to the eiprftjrje<:l word of God 
then Ihiiy uhty tied rather (lion mtn. 

Q. Wtiy dfi Jelutvali'j Witn?aac» Tiol «a]ute tli* 
i:;.,i'T A. Hr«:ai£!i4! lliey una. Ln a MjTfnjot with 
(lod to l.i'cp llin fooimo rati niL-n I * fnilhruil;', «od 
part "tf the covenant is that they tbetdd not 140- 


Fred W. Framf—Fvf Itcfti.—lKrect 

«1it olpeirjinec «r li«ni*ftf Ih» o«y creamre or 
Ihunjj, only lo Lfod Alnui;hly lliinvlf- 

<i. Wfint titTiptnral Authority 4* yon havo for 
tlmt miiU'PiH-ntl Wlmt i« the- fls^ salute a cytnbol 
ol' In -Pehiii's Is 'h WilncKtEKl A. It rcprrtcnta a 
UMWTHBHot and tlie principles, of that Qovtta- 
tni'hi Jii rxininn'kd pjirticulirty in the ConslilU- 
IkiiL tif the Onjttii Stated of America and tJiia 

Q, IV hit Sffijilaral Bullion ty do Jr-lic«.-iiV» 
Wiiiii'^M'it ri'ly o|ion fi»r tlieir wnscitntmus ie- 
fnnil to Haloid 1lu; flaj;! A. Thm Kecond Coin- 
iisuiMhiirnt w-|iirh furhidii iIh-ul 10 maVe unto 
thi'iiiHi-lven nnv emvi'n inia^e or iui>' likene^ii of 
nnvtiiinj: thnt i* in Ifcavpn alici\-i' **r (lint in in 
flu- esflh ln'iH-Jith i'T thnt n in Ihe watr-r undsr 
I lie I'L'irlh, Jind fnrhidH linnn 1n lirJw down there- 
in. (Illirr -Si npUirfpi nhftw lbi-V IltUV not nioli* 
pijT-ih of unrnl.i]] of liOtna^e hUcil CH lttllAilljr or 
(liru'u-iijp ri fcinN "aviriK 'I'f hnnd. urtd Ihf- 
A|>rwtl* .lohn wiy* "Little elittdirn, kwjs your- 
H'-lvrn from idols." 

Q. liii .TchovuhV WilncBKi Ijclirvj that lo 
anlnte till* fb>h7 ancribMi halvatien unto the fla^t 
A, Tra, ^ir, 

Q, Who does valval ion eome from, aecoitliivp 
to lii>? Rihlft A. Phalm 3-S sjiyt;^ "Sfitwatioo 
l<i-h>nj£fth Mda Jelwrea]!.*' 

If. [In .Ir-hnvjih 1 * Ws1 Kir jiMiF, IwlieiT; (hat pr-ossl* 
thnt tlepiirc lo naliiti' a ftia tan do w>, and ha^fl 
thi'v mode- Ftlnti'Diwiita to that effect in their pirtt- 
I i r;it ionf. T A, ¥*», fir. they accord to each indi- 
I'idiud liin ptrivilrHt in lhat rei-ppet, ihat he 
conncipntioiiily htrjicvC* he i« hound La do. 

The r^iirl : Permit membera nf Jeho- 
Tali'i WiLneBtei to lalitle tho flogt I 

Fred W. FroTU^For Jie}U.—S)iftci 

nm't quite underal&nd- You anid tLat they euch i odivid aal^-Do yen meac 
tiisiie outiide JehovbJi'a WilneSKJ? 

The Wilin>»; Yes, thotie sot in cot*. 
aanl relatiuniihip witli the Lord. 

Tii* Court: You wouldn't hare very 
mud i eonlrol over thet, weald yonl 

{'£. Jtut Ihero in no critifiiiin of on« for ululLnij 
il Ihig, it tliercf A. Nu, tw. 

Q. fjaminj^ Jim* (o ih« "IjYrVtth Tever" nn,g¥- 
»ijie h eouhl you [.tlepw tell what the purpoaei of 
liie "W'otih Tuntr" mi^aitne are. A. ll m to 
i-ncournjiT- the sludy of the word of (iod, to pro. 
vjij t jnnli'riul for Ltihle atudy elusueu, and alio 
niaieriut for tiTDiiikablmp: over radio iLatiuna. It 
in. to □tujiuiiiit people with Jeherali and hia pur. 
po«e and Kingdom, 

Q. fa it (br. idinanel of communicali an bctwocn 
Sim Watch 'I'oniT liihlc. ii Traeil Society, thi 
( Juvo. rnLri jif Uudy of JekoviliV WiUAeatei, and 
Ji'hovnli'a Witntmntji, and abut tha peopla of tftod 
u'lllf A. It ia. 

(J. And haw lojig iiaa it aerred that purpos* 
or that channel } A. Lver aiooc- it bejran ita pnb- 
Irealion ia 1371 

Q. Do Jehovah 'a Witneasea have a nwaiiae 
11-iui ia puhlinheii and deni^oed epeeiikally for 
ttie public, primarily for Ljb fiohlie-T A. Thar* 
ia nn ajmrjclale miusatet. "Conswlattosi," ai it 
in eslJed Itxte)'. ll u*4 lo be called "Tha Qalden 

Q And that in a inapuJnr. draipric) for tb* 
puhlicT A, Ye*, it if a Rtnerat angtsiix. 

Q. How mnny articieo uaually appear" in the 
"Watch Towex" majgasinel A. Aa a rule at 

Frfd" !t', Friiu-^l-'^,,- itfftx. — iJirf.d 

le,;it lFii\e d i ii-t i ■.;::,] ■rOfkn, he^iiki ktlcra, 
rr-jutluijon^, tJSjJt-rh-flt-fT( b which ot** 1 Appear On 
till' LiIkE Jii1,i;i: l of tlie jiia^nv.inC. 

Q. Ynit !uiy [ettf.'ii Jintl resolutions and exjKri. 
t-neeii. I« ( Tri-ini Jrhervah'a Wit^c**Ml A- 
Yen, ur people of j^ood will, 

Q. Anrt fnr whnt |iur|mn« ore tho^e ]ettcra h 
ri-nolutionn. jLnsS fji |M>rii , ivi , f'i currirj In the mnjtn- 
niricT ,\. Tn intlifnli- the inenud ottitnilc that 
tlit-'ic inallviiluul* l:ike with r<-^]iei.'t lo "die I^trd'H 
dmuiiisjiticigi and its piihlifolaon milk 

(J, 1« lln- "Watch Tuwtr" latnKiuiiifF n nne 
junn lEULLyjL^ine ? A. 11 1m .":bt. 

tl r \V|jii WHJ4 Elit- 4-ihloe n-f the 1. 1 :L r r:ij: I nc- in lhr 

llftVe l".ii. -!' 1 *■ t-t IMLlir A- ['Ur.1u|- [«LI^M-II Iff'!!* 

thi- ICdilni-, I be i"ok 1'VliUjr nf (he "Waftli 

T'ltitr" ihiwn l'i iii» ilculli in ItHC, 

Q. Who hifiiiiM> tin- i-ditor (if Ihe n:n^n^l>ie 
lljilin llic drBth of I'fihlnr ltiu<«t-Uf A, 3'n.ntor 
ItitrM'll tefl it hill th'idjiJULliiti; five Keiillonitn t" 
Kt-rvf nn an eililnrinl ciiituiiillfv. Ihn-o of whtoh 
inual HKn-f n>i lo an ftrlifle. 

The Court: Hl aaktrl yoq wiio they 

Q, Ho you remeiikhr-r who they were! 

Tlie Court: Da J'nUf If >'flu ujn't t<- 
joeiiLh^r, tc-11 Uu. 

Q. The nuinr-H, nnnl if y«u don't rtnseinhi.r 1iie r 
luiiui^-^-Vou nay iherc vtenr fivet A, J i nine 
liullnTf"rtl a'p> run- of tlit'iii. Mr. \'an Airihurftli 
uim ibiinllnT. nnd Kred HoljiMin »-im another. 

(J. Wait tlien 1 any provimon in Iho Cluirti't r 
of tlie Watch Trjwer Uilife i Tract .'iwie.ty for 


J'ViJ If, {■'rai\t~~Ft>r Dtfli.—Dirtel 

H-m-h cdilfinul tonuqiiltvc 1 A, Xn, that *•* th-fr 
Will of E'amur itiimell. 

(J Wh« pulineojiii-ofly U-t'iinc the Kditof of iLik 
iiUKimiie, |be liiain editor of lite "'Wiilfh 
Tower" auagnxincl A. In 10,11, Ortsher IStk, *» 
( retail. Hit "Watch Tiswit" tlii-mntlnued pidi- 
IiOmmje; the linmei uf nny ti'lilorio] ftunmiii™ o» 
Mm m.tun.1 jm^f, 

Tlit Court: He a*ked you who bacam* 
llu? alitor. 

'j'l.t WJlnfnn: And it no-id— 

Tlit t-uurt; Ww hncame the- edilorT 

<J. Vint kv e tin* cdilor w|un Hii» wan di«- 

i-unlintirdf A. lini.l, 

Q. Ami who wrote tiic limEazine under the- di- 
jri-linn nf Almighty (ioiiT A, VariMii indi. 
v:,|nalj ^ihni rihuii';] en tli? rnsjpiin*, Judge 
T! n llieiTHird, mill ftthffirj. 

Q.: Who |hi^iii1 nsi what went into- ilt A. 
.Tiidce Rutherford, jjfinmrily. Grid ha ulsn e*,!)*d 
In jiBaoeiulfn— 

The. Cnurt: Win had the. final aoyT 
The WjIikm: Judge- Hulherford auner- 
vlntd tA'ti-ylhinrr [hat went into Hie majrA- 

ririf, it. 

(J. 1« tlit p *U"at<ii Tower" muS-i-ina dfljr- 

llr, llrHrlihaiiFCfl ; I object to IbiL 
The Court; Ohjerlinn m stained. 
Mr. [!nvinj<1on: That in A italcntent 
tlini l-ft* ]»<•» rend to Hi* jury J mm. the 
jiLiL-iLiinf iiiul 1 wiint In- rfcpllin that. 

/W If. Fi-rin,-— J-V Drfls.—nirttil 

Jlr. RrucrihauKcn: Unlriw it ii in tlit 

Jlr. L-ni'ington; It *ay» it ■ m not ilne> 
lijitie ind 1 u'nnl In lum linn cijilain. 

TIi* Court: It doesn't soy Chfttl 

II r. Cariiifrton ; Yen. 

tl f. ISrui'lilisuiMin; Then I n'ill *i1h- 
draw (lie objection. 

Tlit Court- And I nil) permit (he. an. 

A. Tin 1 Magazine is nnt dojrnntlb". UaKiiifi 
lllrrjiLly jm'.lnp, iipirurm and I In- "Watfll TnWiff" 

ijtMA no1 kvI li<rtlk tlif opinion "f hu»n. Tlifs 
"WnH'li TdWrr" iiuilenJ of twinj; i|s,:;iiiatic is 
MMlhUlSt ImthILiu: it huHftl itit tancluxiidlii u|'"!i 
I tie n-unl i»r (licil sihI illierfCor'' it in mrc nf I he 
Knmiui ufHtu uliiili it in witlliiiiK. Jt dw* imt 
* rj-i .|jiii ii lj- hkhttI miy tijijnioii vrilh unw*-rr*nlMl 


Q, Thin ptiilriimii.t ">" h1h» found in I be "'Wutfli 
To«i»r" tint Iiuk luin introdiKwl, ]\>r* tli* 
"WhIi-Ii Tinn-i-" h enaiici! in contr(iv-cr*ii L * with 
iroliviiruak fiver "' IJ1 i l' 1 * 3 Ej1al« teni-lii-nl A- TJ»- 
"WotHi To«*f" dut'* not encsBe in pny vcritat 
Msinhati n'ltii jinjniif-. It dni'i not cnjfliF^ in 
[■fliilruvfTcJfi Ink lug up matter* of ite'biitLrifi 
point by point, 

Thti fuurt; The fifiswer in, it do*» hot 
men^e in fDntrnvrrFien. 

Tlia U'Utie-s*; Tliat in rislit. 

(J. The nucniinc hIjio iwcji llm nl^lcrnrnt 
nhii-li ha* bttn TffjrrtJ Ut liy couivarl in tli« 
HtmiiMtian tluit it <^k* n«l Lndulpe in pcrfton- 
iiiU*. Wliit ij ti» policy of lh* "W*(*h 

fViJ IF. J 7 ™ h;— l'a/ Dtflt.— Direct 

T<i wii-i' " ' in tluit r-ofjurJ end if tlit fiMi of nil is BiuntionMl jit sr.v llnw in it for 
Itm jhii;iik-i- ut' jiiiIl-iI^iiij; in rxrn^npJilM'* f A. 
'J'Jjft -" W ill cJi TniAtr" ilocti nnt rnKipc in |n-r- 
*uii;iiitii-ii. It \Ufa not diAruK* pi-rwin* for 1hc 
|iui';>iiKr nf tiriitjinB rc-jiroach upon (htm or 
I'iil.iT lr, lilnrify any ijuJivuluiit, Tiin "Walcti 
Tnui-r" [lirj'uNn'K iluetfiiicc apart from imli- 
viajiinl* lnmilfC '>' 1i"; effect of thoie doclrum 
ll|hiR |V(l|>Jo «li JJi i: ruif |o tticiu. 

Tilt- t'lHirl " Ami it iiufh lilt inilivinlllnll 
■^ eiuu|iU<Bf 

n"hp U'il n<'n-v : S<HivH;iiHcit it uiny iiirn, 
turn Hit- iiiLiiu' nf an initlviJiuti In intr<Nliirr 
[In- LiH-tncy [.J Hie (Lnrtrii-ii'. 

(J. 'J'lllll ii- in rrffrciH'i^ 1i> 1lir hiiiin iriioli-nl 

A. \'ea. 

Q. Tin- rlDlruirnt W mnulp fnun tlw wiltife* 
uluml l»y irnif of tin; n- i fin»jii|« fur tin- jiljiiiilirT 
that nliJH-tiitJI «J1H lllJliJe In (lir iprnnsi^trnry in 
Hit- Lrflurf "Paw Tito filet*" »'illi nfvirnrr to 
!'•»■ Ui-MirfOi-liiiii^ Kipliia tluil if you Innwv iT 
lln-rc in >u«h an iiiimiMisitcniy, A. I"npf fafi of 
ilw- iKHiktrt, "Faf* Tin- V'ficlp/' vrji* nnml kimil 
Ji:ul i1 Ktm rlnlnl llilt tlillt pil'Tf ikrlnri-n llmt 
tin, i<L-:til will I if riiniil iliirinc; tin- tlniu^niul 
yi-.Tr n'ijni nf Cliri-Bt hill will Ik? fir*t i»roncl<t 
r<ir|li Triiiii Ihe (nnih at llir i-nil of tlit ltiou*ai»l 
yfnriv hut tlint nn,K* ilnpii nal uy *.aj- mdi 


II. Tl'i JpllriViili 1 * WitriCTPM rniwllirl ndldirp ill 
Itir limmi nf fhrnrilr nf gf'tl «ill I A, Tlir->" n»- 

Q. Tn i hi I nirrii-il on thrnnfllinut llw rniin 
UnilH SlAlnWt A-Tei. lir. 


Fr*J IF. front— fet Dt(!$.— Dirtcl 

Q. And art tlwri- iiutny uurfi Ftuili^s coiuim-tcil 
in (he IwHin of lK*ple 1>>- JehoriJi'ii WitrieABeHl 
A. TlinkiAap<l#. 

(J. Anil at Jiurli BtuiLii-* Jo'* Wit- 
hiii?iL'M malic pn rffiiri Eo ^nmltTp^t tiicin nlpn m 
tlii' lludy fjf ilu- "Wtcli Tuwi-r" majiaiiiicl A. 
^u. 'flu; "Wnlrls Trnirr" lliJlf^l^illL 1 1* nut 
itiiHilr tlit ■mtiju'i nf Htiuly. The SHkokli-t* rnil 

Ihitllld l-onliH- linnl K-NPIlc- nT tlii- rH'i-i^i>:E"-<1 h.i-tUTi:" 

of Jmlj;u HiilhtrfiTii lire al*> Ktmli^d. 

Q. But ut aklth ntlllli"; 'lo (hi->' ullptnpl 1u en- 
cuiintfje tlit iijiliviihLiilH to j,|oily tlu> "VA'ateli 
Tmncr" iitiieitijni; fur thrmwHvwt That i* thii 
|mint I dm ^i'ttiii(f Hi, ]irivotitly T A, They n-,-nui- 
nuriil |hr "Wnlrli Tuner" mjura^inp in lliesi^ 
inrlivicldiilK nnti prthVLFast' Ihfm In nuhsTrilw! fnr 
itirin. or tliry may frntnhlish a ronlint — n routr 
iml rwli ii-sijK nf llif "Valfli T<"*cr" — 

Tht Court; Tin; mjiht i« that tlwy 
uncftimieii tlitin l« ntmlv it. 
Tlit Wilnun,,; l']«t i» rigllt. 

Q, Wlw-ii iliil 1hc "AValfli Tmi-cr'**- 
firj-i pwci» it» ]iul)linl]iiii (listrilisition upon llif 
i.tri-i-t» tlir™i|rl".iiut tin; TlfiitfJ Ktfili'^T Do you 
rwaU vtnt yrnrt A. Tlidt wafi in lD4f>. 

I^i Almut whnl pinnLlit A. r'flirjury. 

(^, I>n imeh of Jt-ho>-n]i '« WHnfwni Imrf ■ 
funflrtKution uliirli lie jdrnininttrn apirirnnl fond 
to! A. Yen. air. 

t^. Arnl i^ that amonc>l lln- pra-plr nf pwiel 
will in Ihi-ir iMiniMl A. All thoEr in a p»r1ir- 
uUr (UutSfifWient of territory. 

Q. ITni*" Inn;; Imvt you bfi-ia acintninltit wntli 
,lon*pli If, Uutlierfordt A. Sinte hi*, viait to 
i _i!".nnati — 

Frtd W. Franz— for Dtfis.— Direct 

1 h ht Cuurt: Ilciw lonr;, not tlit liJ*lory. 
The WUmih: SiiiLt about IDH. 

t). Wln.-1-p <li>l JMU l»'<iplis» «rt|UM.|iitj-i| with 

liiui, liinii A. [it fajKinaiiti, 

Q. And what year wai it thit yea cam* la 
rktlwll A. LSgfk. 

1J. t'nn yiiii htste llio nir-aninc nf llt-lhcl, why 
llin". ni.ui!' WIN ^iven tu the KoTHjJyT A. ft in i 
Hrlurw wtiril lOi'aninjf "lioiiHe of dm]" aikI 
»Rd j:ivrn to that Ii«um. , 1lu|iL heenn-'fl Uwy were 
nil >ii-vihtnl tn iIie I^rnl ami they w^re hrnveht 
Uijrrthrr ihrn- tn r^ii-ry on llw viriom finctioon 
of tlit fjrirn-ty in Ifeiiliiuai-itm. 

Q. Ik llmt a puljlic iiuliiulion or a priTAtt in- 
iirilutienf A. I'rivnr ItHMtitntion, *ir. 

Q. And in it cnnKMlrTiil a. F^inily, ami why I 
A. EL ii: Mnsiikri-il n fftlaily. IV* live tojjetlitr 
in tlit name linn*c nuil W* taLr all oor meal* 
tnj;utli(*r. IVf rlttdy thp liihln together from 
whith all oul i-itli'ri* ire r ifI uihit. 

Q. And eoulil yno tull Hit jury whit tlie riaily 
routimi life of tin; inerohcrji or lli'tli*l Fainily i» 
unrl wa* la Ifl^lT A. W* Maefillitl it T n'etnclt 
in the morning in I he dmin^ r^f>ta. 

Q. rniitinai-. A, Kirnl of all *f ui*rl to eirur— 

Trie Court: In 1939 what did jm dol 

Q. Frcm 1935 En l933 h 1 will put it that way, 
A. We. used to flinjr ■ tons; tht- first thing. 
Jadp: Bnthtrford diMonti nned thftt oflt of oon- 
aidtralion for th* oti^hhorhaod wh6 mifiht -ob. 
j./Lt to fcmcnPff h u <"ii'l>" ill the room tag. oO 
now we simply hiTe lh* rupreini" teit rtad out 
of lh» ^rir book which hit a text for euh day 

Frti. W. Franz— Fvr Deiii.— Direct 

of tht yfnr. And «* dtTole 10 or lh minute* 
to a distiission of thaL 

Quest ions- ari- A&k-cd hy mcmlitra. of tht Fam- 
ily, and ilii'ri-jiftei- tin- riuiirnioTi call? urwjn Tir- 
iouB oncu toe conuin-jitii m-il then throve open 
Hit diiicL^Ki-nB to anybody who roluntrcra a eatu- 
nneriE, Thtn at I he jjim-luiiun of this the Chair- 
man sums up 1lie (lismiis^iftii. anii he has- Ih« 
yenr l>ook ■romrnnit tit-ihJ nd fin final conipli-le 
inunniary. After that the r'aiuily TiFtft aaJ tbt 
Cli»imuin mntlutls thr muruint; prayer, asliine; 
0-od't hl^uinpi; on tlie dny'* aelivilies. Judpe 
Rutlitrford alniost exclusivtly olTtred those 

pr:n i'i-^ Vi kitll lie wnp- pri-^r-p1 h v, bed Sill MTIR 

ilire, nrni at I be t-orif-EiLsis'Ti of ibis h-nilin^ Hit re 
all of Ihe Family jinn villi lirt Cliairman in 
Hflnff "it fjiiti't prayer. Then «-e havt the 
bltusiinK iifinri the mtaL Vie mt<- our brtahfiM, 
Wi' hja*»«nJ)l* in Hie dininj room nt 12:IZi for 
oor dinner, a«d wheh Hit fi hilly ii KulTieitnlly 
fti] op »■? hni'f tli* 1irae tlirown oprn f<n- my 
Btrricc flrnniin^emenlii ej-i for Ililile f|iw?liiiiiJiL 
LilitwiBt, at tlie eveninp mea!, which n nt »ii 
o't&odk, tin 1 1 n~ Hit prnffri-s* of the rienl w» 
lijiti-a to the rnttin frnni Slalioa tTBBR, our 
o»ra ttation, and ihrn Inu-anis the clone of (hu 
pie'il wt Ihrou- the time Op^B for Herrifc- in- 
nOiiii*en»ent« ami any Itibl* diMiiiBJon. 

fj. Vlint >ln vnii ii|"an h>' nerv-re nnnoiirn-e- 
mcnt» ami nrr*ity iliHrumioni, A. The e*peri- 
«5cea that the- piihlinlinrii Iibt* Imd out in the 
field art ponnitted t<i It reloled, or if any rep, 
et*ttt*tiv* of tbt Suciitv ha* h*en sent otlt on 
an ap]Hjintii"-nt la meet with anolher company, 
be niay reliti »'hat ha» taten p!i« there thai ia 


FtwJ IF, Frg*i—F#r Dttlt.—Dirtei 

of general interest, or scrvire announcement*, 
irsirui ikjps rn»v al*o he lamed. 

'4. What is dune by Jehovah's Witneftees, 
members uf (he Ik-thel Fainily, wilh their 1 imp. 
off from their regular matin* rluHeit A, They 
arc encouraged to cngag* in the Mrrice of the 

Q. And what itn you mean h> that} A. Oat 
in the field, enrrying tlie mrnjjkpr from Iiobiui 
In linitiK-, mul li rUJIEl i/lll J! liriut Htudie>, mndncl- 
iiig model ■turiicn nnd linnie Bible pUudiea, 

Q. And is tlila Hie Christian method of wor- 
ship at f>f t-iirl 1 jjvp Hit Gri«.|t*11 A. Yea, sir. 

Q. And wha prl* IK* rrnmjibr fur Ihit rikethodl 

A, Christ Jess*, 

Q. And in whs! mapncrl A. Hr hirdielf 
went from bonne In howc and 1 Tn- »mt al«0 hi* 
12 Apostle* end tli^n 70 Evangelists fr-nm brim* 
to lioLj^h trt preach the Conpel of tine Kingdom. 

Q. During Hie years 1935 lo 1939 who th 
COTCsirlerpd the V.t-tid of !hp Units* It Bethel} 
A, Tin- Prtfcdenl, Judge Rutherford. 

Q, Was !w ?nnaidfrrd to Iw (lit head of the 
Family 1 A, Yei, air, 

(J. Ilia that alwnyij h«n (lie pr*c!i«r at 
Bethel even before titer day* of Judge Ruther- 
ford 1 A. Vps. nir. 

Q. Has the FrepideTit ali»ay« brrn rnrnKld<!«d 
the head of the Bethel FnmilyT A- Yen, lit, 

Q. Ifl Shut looked upon by member* of th# 
Bethel Pimilj 1 Lb Ihe name regard ai a child 
upon bie father, *a member of a private fam- 
ily I A. Yea, lir. 

Q, Dorian line j«*r* lli«l YOU hnv* been ac- 
quainted with Judge Ru1h*rfurd and a mtmbar 

Fend IT'. Ffrmz—Fm Jlrjl- Ihrrcl 

of Ihe Bellu-I Family, did ynu harp oernsinn 1o 
nuticc his jiitiiwlr tnwjinlii lint brethren at the. 
dining (aide primarily? A. Yes, Mr. 

(). llsre j-nu J. rul i-ji-riip.iufl in abnervY I in alti- 
tude with hill'lFihTi in iiinfrreiiine ihn Jim' 
matter either pj-ivaiely or 1 ■-< );j-«.Li|i*f A- Vrii, 

Q, Cnnld von jiii-;nM> finii- wJuii joia hnve 
obverreJ ni-tih rcferciHT to the fonilOLTt of .Iiiilj-rc 
lu/.lii'iiniri _n[ 1lii' 1nhli- ^ n.t in pflVUtt hTijiJlt- 
tpw lon-urd* tint s^rvi^-? ,\, .IndtT llutlicri'ord 
mai alwny* T*n - i^m-iiilprale and kindly toivani* 

his bi^tiiren. Hi- ii'm Very :ni>. iniLH far tln.-ir 

B]ij ritual jluh< jilut ilu-ir iintrrial nml jih i-ukiil 
welfare, rind In- mhujcIiI In make every provialon 
Jar lliftir prasfHTiiv in iIu-h> r^jfllTiU. 

Q. Did In? maintain a Hludanl of equality in 
Hie Tajnilyf A. Fie did. 

'(/. 1\ a.s tln'i-i a KtaflKlflrd nT ■-■! nsiliCv am^n^st 
jill tin- pni-udw-rH «.jf die Koiiiilv wiih caeli ottarl 
A, Vf# t sir. 

t^= Did tliEr Ri'NirL r'sjjiily look upon Jjilftt 
l;«ll)prr«ril an a liOKst A. Xq, sir. 

t;. Mad you evi-r lif-ard any ml a tpLnrnlA maiir 
hy ,>uil-r Hiiihi-j-rrjrd u( ilif Inhlt in rcftwiuv to 
hii< [j>in-i(i«n in Hlw* Fomily nnd in the iSot-iclyt 
A. I liavs- nlo-nrty liennl one otaloiminl mon- 
liows] frnrn (he »lBa*l here — 

Tlit Court; Hr n*lti-ii yon to. Tlftlicl. 
Thf liVLlhna: Y«R, *if. 
(^. ^I'IlilI irnu lw-jin| at Tlr-llirl, A. He ismd, 
^ A^ h^inf .1- [ a 1 11 J ■rrj'idi-n I fif E Jle- ri'Krirry (hrre 
nlmJ] hr no lio>srii in llit L ar^u.n'\Tnlmn." 

Q. And ha<l Jwr rvrr niadt liny HtiiEi'nicnE* with 

Frttt W. jr'ctra.;— Fur VefU.—tHrtct 

ri --jji- v- 10 hia [mul iu» io the &ucieL>~ iuiiod^iL 
iiiri IjjnLhrenT A. Yec, «ir. 

(J. V\J it nUiLL-iiiL-ntt, if yuu knuwl A. lie 
u,jd r "I urn one of the hoyu. I m 1 fellow 

(J. Uid tin' boyK at ItuUii'l i'e^ard liim iu obu 
iif I In- bi>viti And one of the felii>w ttrviuilj t 
A. Yi *, air, 

(J. \Vlin| utliluHJe i!jlI lie niLiiiiliLin at tlw tubli? 
iji iTL'J'i-rHTii-r |u iH.-rmiltinp Iiiri lindina to nuke 
ctmumnlu nml rsereice llieir hiickLiI A, lit al- 
Itiwtil lU-ni frctxkiii. lie wo* demroua Hint 
I'i'rry ImiiLljH'r nf the L''jLlnily [hai"tlri|ull4! in thtKi; 
tulili 1 l|iM?IL£lpU>niJ F [lar L k'ularh ihic liriJlherji, :lulI 
lu' i'iii>nij'jipri.l i-vi-rv uiiei Jit inn! on uuverul 
nci'iisl'iaH ^'Iil:H iM/IUeL i Im-a ruiiuueiit^ VH-ri." not 
fortln'ijiuiiij; «vry reiuiil>' h "J "lu Piol kisoiv llic 
Ituinc* of all u( viiu boji. I aju not here all Hie 
HUK'. Nf Vv' ^tli's urn iL'oJiiiu^ in and vciur miiiK'H 
da i:ii1 roini L 10 any iiiiiijil H-Jiitt \ ain iicre at Llw 
iii'si.l of I in' l«hh' L Hul 1 want yon tu feel per- 
fs-rili- fruw to- a-k i^tmitinriH and to inake coti- 
PITilL- even tlMill^h I don't ctl[ On van." 

tj. J>lil lie take Itie pa,j-t or Hit rttlitudc of a 
IKi'lolnr at 1 !■«- Iiihhr A, Kg, fir. 

(J. I>o yim luivc aqiy imliiHer in mind eoiusem- 
iiil? Ihc i-iiTlivn olderr and woidd you lell wha 
ttvnj kunwn a« lln< fktLt'f rbleni md if UMtj 
urre ri-umvwl Irf^'niiM' of teaileiirt in ihe urgani- 
xa(H>n ill laryi.- tn im-n ovet the hn.lhrenl A. 
lOleclivr fldtrn refcm lo lhii"p who mrr Thiers by 
vinar of an rlerlioi >iy tlie vo!e» or th* mi;mhrr< 
«f the Cni'jfn-Kiiiion- Itiit ibi* doeit not nt>nc«^ 
haiily ijii'jlii iliev lire eiik-ru. ateording to Cbi trku— 
tiu tli'rrlnpiurnt und proctiee and knowledge - 

FftA W. Frem—Ftr Vtjti.—Vircet 

mid rs]peritnt'e. Tlic lYatfh Tower- rointed oat 
lluiC there in no plaev! for elective eldei-a in (lod'ii 
nrpiniuiLjoii. In iy;IU, it expoMtl Uat, ami it di*- 
i-uiitiiLUnil throuj^houl the ttiitiri organization 
ri>in|injkii-ji r tlLrijULOiiHit the I'l-lifT 1 '■ecirlU, 111 Id 
11-arly |irai'1io(,' of pkKl'iBjf Itien tailed eideri. 
Many of Hnin WeT« Irtnling the liHal cojsgrTjja- 
tiora nx liiiir mm pnilicidur dock and w«ire lm:-s 
iri.LT ii'id ui-re "l-i ruc!ih p1 ' tlie iBalruotiona nf the 
SiH'itlT wliidi wi ie iwnl to tlinn* wgrei^aiEvng, 
tf. Ami diil thai pinctice oiii^nalu ptinr it> I In' 1 
1 lay "I" Judge Kutliri foid and tt«; dayi of 1'tulOr 
liuinpLl, riedive elder*! A. Yen, 

Tin? t'nitrt : Yoa mean the practice of 
«levung ihi-int 

'Jin: WjtiiiSJL Yea, ajr. 

Q- And— 

The I'ullrt: ArttJi (lie pnuita^ ^"IW ^ 1 14— 

eonlinyi'd during Judge Iliitherford 'a- 
TJie WitneaK: Yen, uir. 

tf. Did yim ever hear Judge Huthcrford mate 
nliili-iiii-jilH ri1 the family tablo with irffercnco to 
bit lovp fi<r his hretliUTi at BeUiclT A. Yeu, sit. 

Q, .SSnte, if you renn-iobt-r, the mbstaih*: oT 
mn-h ntnlniwtiln and the DOBaaisna, A. Well, T 
linre hi-aril Eilm (juitt frrfiiiently «ay, "I !vve Uiii 
family" anil when be limJ ki-n al^ent for noma 
Piiontlui, ] ui r i ir nla rly in foreign Inula riaitirig 1 1 in 
"or-'.;.i, — 

The Court: W'lion he waa aluent. 
Tike Witnei.; Id, *jr. 


Frtd W> Pratt— For Dtjti.—Dittfl 

Q. When lit! rnlurnetl from tueh viuitat A. 
WKieu he v>-uuld return from eucb niifa lie would 
>•(.•■ , '"J'i :n u Uiu I;--: faiuily in Uie earth." 

(;. And diil ho eijinrifs jay and njijireciaiion of 
mil n rn i n j; to bin hrttJirea T A, Yen, iir. 

l-l Do you remember any cpccibc otcaaioa that 
i-i-iidu out wbns 'Jiu brethren ■Xpnnta4 their joy 
1u m'l- Jinn return and wliat lie HJiid on Ibat ocsa- 
muiil A, I rtuiLiaber one inntanee, the lail uf 
iti !.ui-.| h wifn Juilgt liulherford returned alter 
an tttnMrliee nf nnj:ie jaoilllm, and na Wit hail Iw/i-n 
doiu^ ia tiiiiCH jjaB-nL'^l vi hen lie enli.-reil Ihe diniag 
room the iiJioh- Fajidly iduud up and wo oil 
ttarteil iinginij the «onj;, "DleHiH-d lie The Tie 
Thai Him!* (jur Heart* In Chri«linn luivc.'' 
This Lunt orciisiun Jadge Rulhrrford took bin. 

pln££ at liH! tnble bat did not jdul in I lie ringing, 
and vlkUfl we bat Jmin at the (mud anion uf lbs 
song be uaid, "1 a.|ipr«£inte thlji eipreMtion viLieli 
wad ijiade by lEiia ions, but 1 wan ted lo be uuder- 
»too'l tbut I am no diriVrent from any oilier 
membi'i* of Ibin Kauiilj ami when [ gt> auiy it 
is in tine of duly, owl when T come ltack it in ia 
il-e line of duty, and it dora not nmlctr any dif- 
reremre. no H|)i-*iaJ acknowhileanent tjlmuhl bo 
InO-lr 1r- 1im' p '' hi> ^LUgiii^ u'Hj dL^contanued, 

fj. \'jia inn li-ll liiuii Jinlgi- Hutl'iT'ord'* 
fMhljcy mns Yiiili cefi.'reni'e to llie hrulltren Bt 
JSri|ii.-| eLi]ii|iliing *lth iho rulcn of Almighty 
llnil nail j-lrifl'llr ailliering to (lllililian romlui'tl 
A. UVII, be ia>i*lcd [bat tlie law of God Ik lol- 

tj. Have yon L'Vlt heard Judge Huthcrford 
correct bin brelhn<n or male public *lalernenH 
at llio table for tit* benvfil af Lie enlira Faaiiky 

Frtd W. Prain—Ftir Jiefti.—tHrett 

in rel'i-riTKc to sue 1 1 euinJuit and if no, till his. 
attitude in that rrgard. A, 1 have brnrd lnni 
eorrerL the hi*Lhj>'iL Lhi-re in ihe Family wlii'n 
i liry Juive laaile tiii.siuLi>i( and In. 1 nliowi'iL the ri - tt- 
»tin [irr ihr I'lijTH'Pii^n, ]t wunii'l urltilriir}", but 
lie gave Hit Nnri l>I itn-ri. 

The I'ullt'Ll Did he i-all Hie brttlbfea 

bv IiUIik' ilk I hi- l^tih; ml n>Ki-iLil,hJy wbeu 
he ■'■r:-. ■ i,-d llieiul 

Tlie VYUlUnW; SiHin-ljiOts he would, 

*{. Dili you tvtr hirnr ut tlie iahlu brfihri'ii 
nuikt tuiuitieiilai or on the ocm-iiun thai an; 
lireihri-n made eoniiiivtit* out uf hurturuiy viih 
the JiulKli.'b uf the- Sueiety, H'bal Hie altltilile uf 
Jlnlge klllJll-rfuriL Wai, tu hUtht Uid he Mlsum* 
!ln< aililtlde uf a dletator. A, Kft, »ir, Wlien 
nUVulii! luade l-iOiiIin:lkEn wlneh Were nut ul Line 
With Hie d'i'Llil'i'J |nrlk-l' Of the Si.tiety mill tlie 
orgmiinluri hklrurtiuaH, Ihen Judge Itutherfeird 
ti-rrci lul uueli. 

(J. L'nl he do it in n bmd, nerere and dirta- 
Utriul iiiajiin'i' i>r in a kind maimer 1 A. No, lm 
did it in a lirui liiaiuu-r hill kind. 

[J. J Jo yuu n-iiH'iulii-r like oiTiision of Mr. llikC- 
Aul^v iikikLiu^ any k'oiiktut-ntK at I be ik-thel table 
in reft-renee to |Jkc "''YVB.tph Tnwrr 1 ' atudirftf A- 
Yi'ii, *ir, 

if. Tell what ilr. Mme'iVilay xwL what Hie 
di^-ii-i-i i ui nnr. ninnil and uhat a1li!inlfr, if any, 
laid rlndui' Itullirrlnnl diF|>layed lo referenre t» 

that romp I. A. Tlie "WatcJt Tower" atudy ia 

ronjkii le ri-Hj llic- mual^ 

Tin- C.Fiirl: Vt'hat iViimiK'ikl did Mr, 
Mui'Aulay nuikir and what did .ludgc 
Hulhcrfnrd «ay, if anyiliina;! 




Fred" W. Franz — for tttjtt, — Itircd 
t£. Cojieemiaj* the, "Watch Timer" atudj 

^hich V1>U have jn*l ululi'd jii llm iiriJiurEjiril 

tludy at liffhi.L h in that a atudy conducted at 
lietliel also? A- Yes. 

Q. Tell u» what was mid on t bat ncci«ion! A. 
Tim Jl \\'jl[cIi Tum'r" had juut published tli* 
uil-lIipJ fnr p.niutin'i in j.; *u<h a study, it had been 
tried out in lW Bethel Family and found to be 
ni!n..'.n-;i>rjr and pregrewgive. Hut in arnte of 1 1 if 
publication of Hint artiele Mr. MarAuloy contra 
tru'wanl and maki-H an i->tl ended comment at 1 1 if 
table critietxins ii and offrrin^ fcornvthmg eliic 
'.'. lufli In* ]ms [iLrnul, and therefore Judge 
Ilutlk 1 1' f l ■ r ■ I tMirrrctad him mil the iiidtter. 

If. I In.-...- J<Mi k ' i|iil Mr. MuiAiiliiy hju'flk on I hat 
4pC£WUn% il yny I'L'jjkruJtLf J A. 1 don't recall, 
but it wjih ijiiitt lenftthy. lie upoke without in- 

if, .'i> 1 1 wire" in- nan L'»nn-luiie..l ilt jtoi rtiuem- 
l.iur win! if anylhiiifi Judge Huthertord xaidt 
A. Yon. Judpc Umber ford naid, "I We ao- 
|M, lirHirlii-r MncAulay, that you are in the 
IiliI'i! nf jimkiii^ eomNierils repe« tedly or remark" 
whkh lire ant n T harmony and oh B ! ruc( ioni at *". 
And I hen lit- puiatcd nut that when Hie fweiety 
hjLH ileclnr"! n butt lilL'thod hhsll be pursued, that 
itbuul'l be iirei'[hti-d end complied villi hy 1hc 
airkulKn »t til* family, ile was rcapont I bLr jm 
I'reaidcnt to «■* lliat [lie ilundard of lite Fnniily 
and of 1 1 ic tViLh'li Tower order was fulfilled. 

Q. How lorn: hud Mr. MacAuley own a iuriu- 
Iter of the lti-Lln'1 Family wl»n Una happened-l 
A. For hoipi* yrar*. 

Q. Dul Mr. MacAulaj leave Ilia Bethel Family 
afier ili;iU A. Kui immediately niter it. 

Q. Y/#» it laiaetune after that that h* left! 

F red W. Fran*— For Dtfti— Direct. 

Tin- Court: How h.qig after, if you 
ii I...*- 1 
11* WrlM«i: T think, after Unit— 

<J. Ye*. A. ] don't recall hut i Lhink it waa 
in I'li'l 

Cj. I If h-ft iliuinffl T.i-iCl, ynu HiLnlt 

Tbi' r««rt: Yon rlon'l "knoa-? 
Till Witneait: Sot fM-jMl.iv.-Ly. 
\[r. ('^ovinKlon; We r«n i-AlaMJuli IIjoI 
definitely fr'itn anqlMcr mtrcc. 

Q Dili )Tjj Ibi-ar an (but MraaiQn in diil 

J"<J,;r UuLln'rlurcL bin il.o.'- [<■ Anil puljlj.tly and 
Hhoekin^ly (run Mr. Mn.rAiiia)' on Lliit u™i«Lunt 
A So, sir. 

Q. Do yon nernfnilirr 1lie oecanioo llial Mr, 
C, J- W*Mlwoirtli hmile a clali-iaeiil al ll.r lal<la 
in refrrencc t« n mgHmrtiftB lluia li' L hod inmliv 
fiinrtriiiajj a diinf;e fr'jtu ill* prewnt taiy cjlI- 
tmlor Dial i» ia himhthI une, or were you iuv«. 
aal on I bat oceaaiont A, I wan prroent 

Q. If jou renienilier, nliat «n» tjiid Ibi>nt 
Plpnse ifll tlit CouTl 11 nd jury, A. -Tn<tjjr Ridh- 
erfin-tl ntutril at llie iK-pnnink' of Ike meal tlial 
tie had rncsiived a eonununjeaTion wind-; ]ir ■r.r^.t- 
tA in hrinfy tn 1he attention if (b« Family. Ha 
after I l<e jm-ail luul \iti,grwi*-™l wij then .Tndjja 
ItulSierftirt] uta'eil wliut thiit ti»niniunkaii»n eon- 
Vtyexl, that it wa» wish rr-fjin! ti> the talfmlar, 
noirtiitLJag aboiil uriueii hod licm judilifched ia 
the S^twfty'a nia^aiinca, and llmt DbJMliai "JU 
raited to it. nod tliat lie 119 call^H i; I 
Earanse of lint ajiplylip thin ISibte ejilendar 
itnnieiliattlf. arw] when -lode,* Itutliepfurd had 
jtul rafarrad to llu*, Mr, C, J. WopiJwo'Ui *pck« 

for Deftt<—Dirtxt 

Fred W. F 

np mlbttut bi'inj» called apon, niid ha auid, "T 
Wi-aL la toflfeiu tli at 1 wrote ibat itatetatat, 
and he iiid, "1 made a hi£ jucl^Jia of najfas-U! 
hy en doiiig, ^^d waa out of anJef.'* 

Q. tVhaE, if an y 1 ii 1 :i;:, did Jadge Rutlierford 
KLiy after tliatf A. Jitdfi' liuli'ierford ihovrd 
thi-i irijjjraLtitability of a]jjjl}-ing the Bible cnt- 
emkt undti the pri-j^nl day fitoditiono. lie 
•bowed liow touie of llit brvtlu'tB liiroupjliout ttn 
Land had Klarh-d to une iheL nah-nilar ia com. 
ro-nicatioiui with the Koekty and it waa really 
feinling ta eoafunion and thtrvfart it via ua- 
vi i lit: Mil untimely to a|ijdy I be calendar, aad 
Judge Rutherford agreed wiUi Llivtlur Wnod- 
worlii that his liad made a jackaiu out of binv 


<i. Nad tliat cdlen-dor Ijeert undef en«»ifl^ra- 
lion hy inwnbers of the Family for samolirae 
and wad 1 Ik-re inuch diseuntion on tliat aubjeet 
cautinjr disturhonw in tlie farnilyl A. On, ye*- 
Ths-rt) had been distutii inn of it unlit finally 
after a ptriod of tinto Judgie Rolherford eloaed 
the matter ihiwa and an id, "Now it ia a tloaed 
toafter,' 1 and it wan atiljuer|uent to thia that 
Mr. Woodnorlh tried to reopen thia, 
Q. Taa. 

The Court: If .ludp* Rulhrrlord laid 
a aiatler was clriiied it waa eloned1 
The Witness; It wa* closed. 

Q. And after that Mr. Wuodworth tried to 
reopen it by thia uuj;geiSion thai thii calendar 
in pri'M-m day um; in the "forbl he almntlnnetl 
tad thia DoWdat bu a]>plied, il thai oorrtclt 
i. TbaL ia correct. 

l-'red W, Vrau*—For Dtftts—lHrcd 

Q. On tin 1 accajuoa of thai dismmien ditt 
Jifij^c Itulhtffofd iuuii:e an arbitrary nr.J dic- 
iLiLuri.iJ atUtUkle lowardx i!r, WoodnoriL or in 
ip.s wzikmg of hia tKunoient to the Family t A, 
i- o, air. 

Q. Wlat waa the altitude! A. Odb oi *«- 
ri^Liuo and of elao infonrdiig the l-'arady as to 
Lie renboa* H'hy such a method of teaching 
dataa, and ia vu, evuld not be ajij'hi ■■■!. 

Q. Durioj; the yean tiiai you Jiavc be<:n at 
Bethel have you at any time frein ifie time 
that you were tliefe until the day lhaL Mr, 
Moyk left ever heart! nny ditty, filthy, smutty 
■mriKH aad jokca passed around I lit lahlaf A. 
No„ sir, 

Q> lln^e you ever heard Judge Rutherford 
tell any nuch jilur.eil A. No, air. 

Q. Have you ever hrard Judge Rulheri^cd 
jjlorify Uia use- of alcohol at the table T A, No, 

Q. liav-E you erer bearrl Bvaj'«M filorify the 
aaa of aleobnll A, No, sir. 

Q. What is the attilude of Jehovah** tVit- 
atsiies and tae memberi ti Bethel Family an 
Itio ijueition of alcnlml and the u«t tliefeoft 
A. The Bible pnsu'tinn on the iiialtcr, 

Q. And wkat i» the Bibl ? pwiliao on line mat- 
tar which ia t$mpued by tin Family aa wtU na 
lii* Eoeiclj'1 A. Ahuhol ii a creation nf Qod 
and the sen-ant-^ ol the Lord, from Noah on- 
ward dranlt nine eonlninijip; aleohol and tli« 
fjord Jcsu* t'hrinl even rnndp wine at a mar- 
riage celebration wlu-n the MbK'k Jiad ma out, 
»ad they sritd f<" mnre -wiae to eontinu* their 
feitiviliej, and (be Aijuiile — 


Fred W, FrMi—For Defit.—Dirttf 

The Court: Tliat ia enough, So yea, 
perodt the 11..1- of i'.l 
The Wi(ncB»: "Vea, sir. 

Q. I vtvuM like lo fio further ped h"* yon 
eipladn now the attitude of Jehovah '» Wit- 
ne^dea aad the Family toward* Lhoae that de- 
aired to make p.59 of wina *.ad other aleobol, 
and what the attitude of JrhofiVa Witnaioea 
and the Family ik towards total ahslaiaeri. A- 
Whelher an indiviibml in the Bethel Family 
wants to imbibe alcohol in bin own individual 
priiih'ffe, aad he ia responsible for Ibat, and if 
ho h-^iilm in Iiare any aleobol in hi* room, that 
ia hit own ri'tjiafliiibiLbty. but no drunlcenaeaa 
ia tolcrakd and always moderatioo i? a/WiiwJ 
and ennoi:rn;;eil. 

Q. What ii< the Scriptural position on rim n»* 
of nb'nln'1 in^ufui 1 aa aiLOileralinn i* ennri'rnedT 
A. Tiie Bible link* fllultony with drtuiXtWKft. 
lt mym the jjtuiUm anil the drunhanl <.hnll cnioa 
to poverty anil i|r.n',_-,iuL'.-n plutll rlolha a man 
wilh rnKH- Ko inLeiii|ipraafe in thin rer|i«t La 
eiiiiileiLineil. and Judge Hillber-forJ paid llmt tlw 
I'^ainily meinlu'rs nbmitd not iadnlE* firefl*ively 
in wine or inttisifatiiir: liqunrr. and that the 
word of 4. j •■ » 1 H'ijirvM.-iy wiys tliul lie'fnrc they po 
out in the wnrlc* of the Lord tliey hlrtubl nnt 
(i«Hal;o (hereof, in nnler that they mijrhl b* 

fK^-^<■^.-l■^i nf tlieir full *<n^CH. 

Q, Aral ia that IIh altitude that **» assumed, 
the ]jrnr1ire 1liat was followed hy Ibe faithful 
reprnw-nialieen nf 'dud In tlie dayK nf th* ITehrew 
K 111 ion T A. Y«. wr. 

Q. And in tlwl Cnrumandment rpeeifirally 

Si 2 

Fred W. Fram—Fw Btfii.—Dvtct 

found in the Bible for one nerving in the Tein- 
jhler A. Yea, sir. 

<{. Arv total altMaiaiTi to be found in tliu 
I'iiiflilyl A. I fowl'Jn"! Mty, 

Q, Well, »rc Ibey oondeiHiwd or eritieiiinl 1)0- 
causa tin?y are, or aayon-T llitve y-uu ever h<*urd 
anyone condeinne<] or crithaxfai because «f ti.ia! 
ahatinence from the une nf ilIi-ijIi-nI r A. X«, mi. 

Q. VVIutt ia tiie |n!.-.iUnii of the Family and of 
Judt£e JtutliL-rfnrd iid tlie aubjeetl A. Tl^at has 
boi.ii fitlliltblji-d. Tim iljhle j-rfi 1 fi I.-, vaftM nT 1 nl ill 
abi-lnijiL'i'n. Fur Laalanci", the Jonndal»< r the Kimn 
of Uithab vr^Tt mentioned in Jeremiah, Xith 
Chapter, vrlifrt thai tohi Jereumtli to uo tn Hn-jii 
and offer them winp, 11 nd they Kfntod, and I bey 
mid tliey mere mihk-r a vow imide 1o tln-ir Kjilber 
to l>e total ab-lniii'-Ti from all atcohnlics, iind 
insteail nf cmiirli-iniiini; thein -Rod rnrtrvifleil 

Jrl-eiLiijibi t^ "i.Liuin'jid llieltl ht'^fl.Ur.l* rtf kr-i-|nr,^ 

their «it, Furlhenitore, Sarrmon wn & a Ka^n- 
rilc, Ile was under a von' nf total ahhtiuenee, 
and the "Watch Tower" sp*tu jirainewui-thy of 
Sainton and ahowed what it inrnn.H. KiLtrnttl 
waa another Jfaiuiriic, He "Hi a total abntnssier. 
All Kn^juri1i'» were total abstainers for tlie pe- 
tioil ol their v«v. 

Mr. Uruchhansen: Can't hr state 
whrlher they are for or apamat it T 

The Court; M'e are tfrtlirnj dawn to 
tbnt how, T bflrame. 

(J, Are Jehovah'n Wilnessrs nnd tlie- rnfmlwrH 
of the Bethel Falnily aflainst total ahataiaeral 
A, Ka, 

Q. Tun 1 ! that fe.mddere«l a matter for (he in- 
dividual e-nnscianoa 10 determine T 




Fnd W. Fram—For Deftt.— Direct 

The Court; He hoa already caid that, 

Q. Have you ever teen slcuhnl oT any kind 
m-ivnl u [ tin.- lietliel lahlel A. N't, kit - . 

ij J In- that eftr tn -en | itn is«1 (mJ or iniJiilKepJ 
inT A. Sever Uje-ji wliile I have brcn there. 

Q. l>n yon recall tlie ocrnsien aln>n Ik-it wm 
Fir villi ill Die fnetitry at nicihniniet A. Yes, nr 

(J. Jiihl h1ii.1l- tilt jraaHon r.nd n-h*t you re- 
]>n'in]nw in tlmt regard* A. IV-cJL, it ™ns nunnnvpr- 
thm- ilu'] tin? hent u-n* crest find urn wrur wni-k- 
i n.ur e\liu linnr at until ■':':'.; .-. r ■ I .: m:i.:t- 
I!n1hi'il'urd nluByrt wvw In it Hint tin ]f 
liiil kiiiui' inrl of refreshment nl the rlnnr nf 
llwir iiiplil'n wnrfc Itefure tlicy «i*nl l" l>ctt (Ft 
wnuJil wit* variouu lhmp» t watermelon and 
fruit •'.::.:. 

Tin- Ouurt; So one nttrlit lie J*!"»**J 
Tin- Wilntu*: One nmht lie Hrnil 

Q, Wax f'Hu'l mill rtfretdi merit* hntUftiit friHII 

(he Bethel Uwne nvcr ttj tlie factory *a*lli night 

nlten lru>y wnrtcd Intel A. Tint in right. 

CJ. Ami it gim rui that neraxinn that bt*er ™* 
hmiiRlii ni^ht, it tlml rormclT A. V™, nir. 

Tin? f'nilrt; Only imr. fliplltf 
The tV linen*: I recall one night. 

Q. ir (here were ulhej\*. yno. ilnn't knnw aljoiit 
it, in lliat corivriT A. Tlmt in mrftrl, 

Q, An- yiiii futniliar »itli tlie Tonmn nf Bethel 1 
A. T liavo hei-n in ULAiiy wT thelrl. 

Q. Are ww frvmilinr nlnn with 1 Kn» iMiiiim'v- 
dal'miaa (lint are ull"wed (lie incinhcT* of lit* 
HetlHl Family I A. \'m k air, 

F red IV, J'rtui— f W JtefUr-Dirtct 

(J. Ami urc you familiar wilti tin- wivmh Ikior, 
Hint m, Cite- tup lln'»r i>f Ihr Ik-tlioll _t_ Vila, sir. 

4. Wad iIiiti.- iiii LIh- 1 ■ ■ J i iSiinr — I h'jll anl] ;viLi 
Llttn ; Ir. the l > rr«ilni[ V ofiiti; Lm-iiiixi 1 1 1 q ■ j- 1- 1 
A. Vex, .i;i . 

'E'lie L'liurt: Wftv v |L «'*' l [| JimIko 

Jllillll;J"fiiJ<i'ii ]rt'imH' ijliiirttfii U'Jillu In; 
*"ns alive I 
'I'll*; VVilBl*-»: Yft», .-sir. 

(^. Am yim finml ,nr uirli (lie- ImiiHt nl Ninim 
I .-...nil * A. VfH, ^-ir. 

|K9^f> nT lini.ii'injf Irtl^lp irn tlie railmT A. H u'-ih 
r^ii^l rkirli-ifc flji 1ln' jLiliikiniel nilkvr liriLilijuiLrt*' i'i* 
nf llni rni:|ir> ^InliLpii vi'liirla krm cri^l^^l tlu'rc. 

((. Tlif Wuii-li T»*-tr Hil-jli- k Tru^t fvicipii' 
nrrtanixerl nn<l inn intnincrl a radio s1olicm WrsllTl, 
lijii il mill A. TJirtt in rit;lit. 

(J. Ami kIktc wfiM tlK Irnnmuitter nnil the 
HJliiiliii fiirnl liw-itdTt A. In the vicinity nf 
llni;in'Tin1 1'nrk. Stali'n Jutanii. 

Q iXnO nnji tfir liniliiinc rtiuntriKieri there fur 
(ln x nurpniif nf hnu^ino; ih? irlintx and airier* 
ihflt ni.nlil wi.rfe in Ihu r*4w (tatiiml A. That 
"» rijrltl. 

Q, Bill JmiKi 1 Ttislhfrforfl fm^ lien l)y pn tln*rr 
fur llir pnrfKijip uf making mlirireupca nrrr tix- 
railinT A. Yi 1 *.. *ir. 

Q P AttI ilnrinff what Sims wan (h»(1 W3irn 
<nm 1in: (tlalinn rrfftlMl and whfn wjih l!ifl atudia 
in«rt"«l frnin .^lali'ii Itland In Ikrtln-H A. TJip 
nfalinn nju-prtt up nil Kehruory "H, 1 !r^*, tun] nt 
tlial lime it inw B«**.MLrT fnr apr-jibfr* anrl 
urtii>tJi lo travel nil 1hr way out to the truaainit- 
tpr itwlf in nrd«r to pot an muaical and — 

*'Kfl[ W. Fft\nZ—F<H Ptflt—Ehtct 

Hi? Court; And lecliiiLcianit, obil 

The Wiliu-in; Ye*. »ir, except llinue 
Hi a! DTOHi JiouKtiJ rignl down tlicre, til* 

4. An] wifcrc |)r<iplfc permaiicBtty ilamitileJ 
jil tilt HlAlvn Uhiilii JiQiiiC T A. Yvm, lit. 

Q. liny, tbtre i» L ert sintp! tliat time a Stattn 
ImIildlI Kamilyf a. V*», nr. 

If. tJtirin^ 1 In.- lijiir (hat vi;u vi-,i1ni Slateii 
l.'in.i . ilnrini; lliaae ytara did you have ou-aiion 
tn natii-v ih\± ruiuiin ami (Liiarten neciLplod hy dm 
bii-liirt-h mid Jiiiljie fiurlicrfordl A, Veu,, air. 

tj. Jlov-c j"nn rmtiteil wJwtlwrr nr nut Wivm »■«■ 
any tliKeriininiition — 

Mr. J!rut3ihaDK*n; That a* a mndii- 

Mr. (Vivipsj^on; T mil »"ilhdm«- th« 
■Liucrinbiniition part, 

Q. lluiHtl tin ymw uljM<T\atJi>a of the nwa 
nrruiiicil hy JibiffL' It u1 tit j-f u rd and the room 
AKiii^niil hi tJiL- 'it her hrethn-a, h'hk there any 
lu-tK-r ^niiiiiiiuLLiiunB fnr him titan the other 
hn'lhn-nr A- No, air, 

{J. ^i'ri- 11 it- nM?r.n* tiir rtnnM' in h-i^e and tn 
aiTijiiiiniis-.i'iini* '- A. Ju*te* lEiilhrrronl'a ronm 
waa 11 frHitliiauLiiiin ijHii-i- and iMidroiiTn. 

Tim Cnuri; llu ilidn't auk V4D. that. 
Hi: flwkfil vi.»ii ilk tn tin: mi£^_ He aidseii 
yim 1 iir- Hisn Hilly, Wki-n 1 aay Hnmethini; 
tn ynn, iJnn?,— »'C have been very lenient. 

,\lr. CnviiifftOii : 1 am trying to get nut 

■J ■ rn:-:-i 

The. Court: WtUI hi *Jia tin of Jndg* 

Fred W. Ftaw* — Fvr &cfts,^Ifirctt 

TiutliirffariS '» rnnpn rjarijjjiiri-t) lip llu: nthir 
Itrp-El.ii'nT in iiin L[ui'K.LJH/ri jiv.i are 

Th* U'ititrHtm: TJiiil rri'ini in a liltlt 
hir^i-r I him n'lnie i>f I he i-uoirm, hut not 

Tlie t-'nurl: TJif-re are hoij>o of Hie 
rjihui- ii» bint that in. laijfejr than 11H1MI 

Tin- WimenB.; Tlml i» ricrnl, 

(j Suiipi- 11 n- hi InriM, an lar^e an that, if that 
epirivt-l I" A, Vi-i, tit. 

ti. |J|p| It h|ivi- jiiiv Di(liHT.^It hull a ljH'd ill It. 
Iif npSIFN-, lliii 11 IH»|I A. JurlLjH- ItatlH-rfu-cd'pi 
ln-i| lit Iih I ■ 1 1 p lulu Ihn will], Jlc h-t il duiiu at 
nielli tn hl"GJp in. 

(j. It iui'l ip .li-ptli iii ill A. Y<-.p. nir. 

t/, Tl«: fpiPriip' ipf tin- 'ilJii-r !p(p-ihri-n liad l"pi^ 
in iltpipt, diil ill" ij'pI I A. Yes, r-ir. 

(>. UVir (I n- 1. ike fi-hlinK kind Unit came down 
fj-piin lJli- wiill t A. ffip, tln-y n'ere *ini, r le Im*i|.<. 

(J. flii I p-nrh riKiui havi: a drctiM-r in it and a 
i*lmir and m.h"Ii an rp>mini>l:itip>ni, an are usually 
fnuinl in I^iItuoiiisT A, Yen, air. 

Q. And tall 1 he rpi-nni" *rr* tJir lame, in thot 
eor-rtelJ A. Y-o* h sir. 

Q. Tlmt ia in reTerama! lo (lie riilurej and 

Mr. JSriir-;:h=Ui i <'n: R"t> diiln't say (hut, 
if ynuf iTinnr [tlp-im^, Tlmt i* Tjiutlinip; 
wutrln in his mnulh and T move- to i.trihe 
ont th* anawar. 

T3i4 Court; Yea. itnle not th» asiiw*r. 


Frtd W. Frani^For DcfU—Direet 

i$. Thi* iPt-Ys-iiili flo^r ai fii-lliArl, i/lie cpaarlGrpt 
pj-i-i,;i:i ,J ljy .luiliri! Itiitlic-r bint, did ito have a aJbU at Ih-tliL-II A. Yen, Hie. 

ij. lit lliiLt ilia HiiJitp- utM a» the ollii-r e . ■■-■ :-i -. 
nf llu- kpj-a at Iti-thd! A. There, in a diitfiily 
ut Aw m I ho ripiitnn at ISethi-l, 

!j. Iluvii yi-iu aiF«r hi-i-n in tin* riwun nceupied 
In O. It. Alu j- lo wj.iie. J ( e «b« ai Ik-llttll A. Yea, 

(J. Ifrtwrn 1hr rnrntl LKjeupinl hy Mr. 0. IL 
)f»rh- uiul Hint isreujiierl It)" -Tinlfe I i ui herford, 
ulii.h i* i he InrpirT A. The one iupcitjticd bv 
SI r. and Mri- Moyk. 

(J. And ilid 1!ia( face on lac ri^trnrnn Cnlum- 
litK Tlp-ijililitl A. That liw-kiMl nut »nr llu? ltiver 
itnd J!.. r .."ir. 

Q. And iliiL^ F r Ft uljiirfrirjl'ii ropint fnw the 
Itii'^r er f ViEiim hba 1 Jlm^JuLh I A. tioliiinhja 

(^. There are ntlier hetlriocnin, are tliere nnt, 
on I he irt^-cntli ftoort A. Yes, air. 

Q. Arc- ti»t IhiPie rdoriiFt — I will utr Tnsi thi*: 
Ju 1Piep» any fL'tTercn™ between lliow rnnnni and 
the ro«ip|H in the other part nf tlie bonne, an far 
n« disc and m?rommofinlion"i are eooieerneil 1 A. 
There are aJiout tlie tine of Judc-c Hiillierford't 
ranm — 

Q. Dn llicy at! havn b<st« ax.d dn-miera in 
1hi-in1 A. Tet, iir. 

<i. And ch.iirnt' A. T*t, air. 

Q, Did Judjlt ■iullirrftjr.l li»v«j tmtt Utah on* 
heilruumt A No, air. 

T!ie Court] Did lie riava noon than on* 


Tha Witnen: Wo, air. 

Fred W. Franj^Far Dtfli.—I)iftct 

t>. Ml- laid an ut1ii'E.- h i|id he not, etii 1 lie Hivciitii 
Uppgrt A. Hr had liii uwn iwrsonnl nflirt ami hi-- 
iK-i.Ti-l;try 't (iIIkck, 

(J, Anp| in 1ltc tLecrttary "it Eiflkw, tlnrj- wrrr 
arnipi tin 1 Ian 1 1 T p\. Ye?- r 

t>„ p\nd In- 1 pi 11I li in la-p-lnn .pi 1 ntid Hie net n-tarien- 1 
li.ntni.bii.ri nn t|pt- lliporl A. Thai in. riiiht. 

f f , l h |pi-ri' in ripiiMi fur the «."1mj|i- ulUici: rnr<pi- i ■ ■ 
lire on tin- H-vetilk (hpiir, i^n't that rni-rri'l, A. 
Vrs Kir, 

(J. .\fir-t Din dimvwliminni-r nf 1h<- una of the 
Stnli-n inlnntl I'lnfi- hy Ibe rrnliri ^.tiiilifi* ham 1h>- 
limippi- unil w^k I he Inn^e "pnlinin-pl tn lx- it'i-l r. p 1- 
llu- |nlf|HBPr nf Itontiiijr tbe lin-tiiren timl live at 
Rt.tii-n Is-lnnpl t A, Yen.nir. 

(J- W:ip« I rflerf it fltntni crentwl al -^litten Island 
fnr tin- pui-pnne nf feinltn" tlte Faniily! A. ()nitp- 
;in rjt |i-Dipplii E p7 one. 

fj. And ilu not nieinivrii nf Hie [iVtIiel Family 
livt- n.t Slaloii Ijdnpd for Ih* ptirpiiHe nf j!jon"inpp 
fpunl fnr Hit- Hilla-r hu-inlipTH nf tSte Family at 1?4 
t'fll illlil iia 1 1 i-i '-]A H t A. Yr>, nit. 

(^. Tlial lias buMi ipiilc • lorte forrc, linn it not t 
A. Yon. nir. 

f}. And tin-re ia tlitu a familv l:nown n« lite 
Sinten lidnnd Relhel FnmiK", m tkrii i-nrri-r-l '. A. 
Vi-(i. nir. 

(}. On Mt- iw-Mminn wbm .Indpr Rntlierford 
visiled Hh"> Slali- Tnlnnd Urihel Family, itid Itn pre. 
jpnif al Ihr ln-ail nf lln» tnlile-, and 1^.1! at ("In- naiao 
tnlitc m (In- oilier Imynf A. Yp-h, nir^ 

iy W a i"-rf tltij riioinn. in tin- limine itepii]ilei| by lirelhren tlial wn.rl.ed at tin- FninLlvl' A. 
Yi?5, *ir. 

Q. Tlitn room that Judge Rutherf ard luid a* >ii* 

S3 LI 


1-2 L 

FcbJ W, primp— For Dtfls.— Direct 

■rtTiM! Mid Jidlr^orn jil Jilftli-n inland, wan tlialean- 
MnU«''L .1} ^ S|i"r'i for Jlluj v. Iii'li Iil: had Oi*eakiOn to 
lie ill KUtrll Wllll'l In iln wnrkt A. Ye.1, flir. 

Q. And did not .ladpe Ittttbo-rterf do Ida writ- 
hiK nt lidaTiiL u-ko lit *■*« tlioret A. Ye*, 

(J. \V|ii-n I h:iv writing, I refer lt» the work on 
the "\V:i<cli Tomer" jiiiiffiicine iuiiL tiic vnriou* 
injiitn nriil ]ii!iii|i:ilrlii ileiJ IjiinkJcla thai nere writ- 
leu nail jmhlisLied by the Kocuty, A. Ye*, air, 

«i- YtYrc "'>! irnint of thone iiookn and '"WateS 1 ! 
Tnwrr*" written l beret A. Ye*, nir. 

Q. After [luc nuLni WOH nmvi»d away ilii] .lurtjre 
[SullienViiil malLnue to noriip}- l«i» *iLine riinpn I 

Tim Ccmit: At males [iluinJf 
M r. fisvi o^lora : Yea. 

A. Yt»* h in> did. 

i-l And liiri i| lag L'1 p-r.s llipn aim nub^tanlinily [lit 
Komfl M 1 tic cilher bretJireiri hl tJie Ktaten IsJaxad. — 

The Court; That!* a pouctuiiion. 
,Mr. Cavinjrlcni: ALL rierlil. 

Q, You are rui liiliur wilh tliif lietlad rale",, are 
yoil mil f A. Yw. *ir. 

Cj. You Jire J'amiliar with the rule* in referenrc 
Jo inan'iiiL.'e, are ymi nott A. Ye*, air. 

(j. Do you knuw vrJiat the rules nay Willi refer- 

Tht Court ; We luvo hern nil -over tlii«. 
Thr rule are in i"viilcnr*. lYe- imve Imil a 
figll .-.■.;. in i nt i en frnui *nmeliody bIh about 

EJ. lo the lattar— 

FrtA W. Frtua—Fef Ptftt.—Dirtst 

Tlie Court: 1 1 ave a 't wef 

II r. Covington: Yes. 

Q. Yflii knew thai many iaeianrrs of the UeJhel 
Family haw Iwvn (sermi 1.1 i>d to marry ami remain 
in the lirlhpL lEijinr- :l]ii1 linrir, llii'ir Wif^iir InLM- 
ttnit nilli llirnii linvtn'l ynnT A, Vpe. sir- 

(J. fin tlm i| motion at nmrruwr, Imii! yon rvrr 
nnltml nny ilihcriiaiinniioEi cm tlie Tiairt of Jinl.i;i? 
lliillijt'rfQi'iir A. N*>, ^i^. 

^J. Cim Votl am'iitiim Any nisr^ Wtlliiil VOiir 
VeiowLi^I^ TA-lifr* 1 Tirr^np!! lu^f ibinrrifil and Thm'ii 
fH-rtiiill^t lo liiH'nair iwaiLhrnc of 1lif l^-lli-i-l 
Kni||iLy K Lhrtl is:, )>riiij7 tl^ir pLiirriin'l purErn-r in In 
ill* t^lhf-l Home sort Ikrronsa n ith'ihoct of 1Li« 
Bi*tl«l Fnmilyl A, Y«. 

Tit ("nurt; TliD-y Cfltild, a* l«ng ap tlvy 
pit IKirtiiisrJ.jn from Juil^t rtiidji'rft.fdt 
Tlit Witni'ji!! : Yin, nif. 

Q,. \Vlint intlirkilunl* iitp llifre, tntp-injc of Hia 
eaw> of rtnnnitf Hfiyfl, tlint Im* h"CTi mfnt5iHi™)1 
A. Mr. 41114I Mm. TiViw, Ailiiin Donnl'l and lii* nifc, 
litiipj't Loui', VaL0c»iar BfhnnJt, ss<l .lolm Bo- 

TLic Cnnrt; \Mio wtrc tiiKniliern n>f tlu 
Fmiiilyi tlie men or tin? nivwT 

Tht WitltrW: Til* Turn, 

TLit Court! The mnn vtot dw trrenibpr 
of tin? Fjinijly urn! lie lmirrird scunflnjity 
ontniOe <if (lie FftHiily nml brnnjrlil tlinn in T 

The \Vilnena: Yen, *ir. 

The ffnij - !; Pfi Jfon linow 4iny ollipr 
coition iM^iden T^oiinjc rWd, (lmt jiot nmr- 
ritvlnml itTQUffll! 0«?ir Jnijihijirifb inT 

Tlie WiLjicm: No, I do not. 

Fred W, PranM—Pvr Dtftt.—Dirtcl 

Tlie Con.rl ; Did yui) client tli« rcc«r(U 

li«forB jt-u teM* inl 
TSwt WitiN«»; Ko, T Jid. not chircl, Uueih, 
Mr, Co"iu5<*p ; W« will pirpdwt Ut* 

Vrilunu Uiit hut LboH fKordi, 

Q. Do j' kiioM' -vi'lietlicr or not Judjtt IJcLlJitr- 
ford WM vtiLLing to "Ji*<! i. Lj.;i;i-!,tLu:Li in jjirfrrroct 
Lo jimittTs uf doLh;i,- or any otlref tliinpi. affectinpj 
the ISOriflyT TLmt i£ to toy. would he eoniiider 
the sujiijVslioii* of otliemnml if he did dici Ik ■•> 
«uitie a djctuturiaL cltilude, or wNut tort of m 

Mr. liL lifiltlUltl : I HolLi nil Lmvi! heed 
all nvt-t tlmt. 

1'jii' Court ; Objivti-un i ilk lie 
H1SV Ottl if Jit: M-mitji Ep iT lie niadk- any 
Mijgg:H'iitionKi| l>ut I d* a*l *Ct Liww J'liu 
would fupwl Idm I* Imtify nlml tire 200 
p«n]iUr did, if jmyUii ng, 

Mr. Coviiir,l4>n r Only what, he Lno^j it 
nlml F sin calling for, ud if be do*» uot 

fclUJTT In? tflll klL 

Tlio Court : I uili jirrnut uiw Id ti-LL u 
fir an I lib. own Rljicriearcj art oomsBnind. 

Tin" Witnotw: la lay tapaidty — 

Tin: Court : Your own aipcrianoEi, oaly^ 
DuL vdli ln;mr mel 

Thu WitiusH : Tci, rur. 

Ia my L-apocity us proofreader on occa- 
lioat Jmlfic Jiutlierfoni would nihinii lo 
(nc Ids nianlmcripti on s "Wntch Tower" 
^!. Thit- nil rirelLminary lo-ils c si ng 
through the rofiilar order in the olTice for 
(HiUuatian. He would ask me lo read it 
Tory carefully arid lo dheek it and itody it 

JVfti tr, jPVoiij— /'or jUc/i*.— iJirfrf 

ovtT, and tit™ m.-.^t onirntnts and Biig- 
t'Uilipn> on it, and I would do eo ar.d 
■hU-asjonaMy 1 would have nu^KCilioaB to 
make, lie woukl «niiider tlioae. lie 
wont*] nir.te tlijinitiM in. lii* iiianuneri \,lr 
and iaearjHprtilt tlie uu^-v.*Liomi. 

The Court: How niany tiun-u did you 
kitkt Bu^L-itiiiuirt u> hjjii, io tlLt jury will 

Liavt it T 

Ttu: Witlnfflu: TliOitj lH'trt avuiieroiiH 

". II ■ :.. .11." 

Tlie Court; T«tl lht.:in if ytj.U fcuow, 

Tin W'iimovt: Siaw 1037. 

Tilt; CtiurtT Would yon *ay yau iiiatle 
mijEjjftrtiLtnrt. Iwiw tunny liratat 

Tlie WJInem: 1 foidd not my. Tin 
Luit I TetfllL — 

TJnf Courl: I did sot auk yoo lluiL 

(J. Xtiw, rto ytui know Uw |ilnijnilT 0- H- 
ilnyk'f A. L i In. 

Ij. I low loiijj liuvu you kaown itr. ifoykl A. 
ijiiitie bin tomiiif; tu ISt-ll*]. 

Tin; Ciiuri : Yl-u knew litru all the Hmr 
,'n- 't. :j. .:', ht'llwd I 
Thi- \\'i i ii i-m ; Ytiii, lir. 

Q. Ua you know- TltetlMf or not when he 

raiiFtr 'o ll"i" JJi'LIm'I Kannly Judi;i L Itullitfford 

tm>ii>fl"'-il in lam rtTlam "i ihc mnELt-rn Uia! ike- 
-ffljff liLriirj'U liud keen LnndhngT A, Aa fur an 

I OUrttniTl — 

Tin 1 Cuiirt: You tlon't Jun<>w thtja. 
11 linn alrt'iitly Intn 1 MliiVi I lo by Mr. 
HijiJc, Imum'I it, Eliat htj waul 
il r. Covington : Yt;*. 

Frf4* TV. Frant— for ttyts.—ltirett 

Q, Do you know whether or not when lie, 

Jfoylt uime lliat he atmipud Mr. .\|uyle to oar- 
luuk k^.il duliea iLml the Judk'e 3wd been lina- 

dlilig hlj!i*f|fr A, I otmervfd Liiro dtanjl it. 

The Cuiirt; You obxenred i(^>'lt doing 
tin.' jub, ih tliat wliat you racunl 

The Vitnent: Yea, air, 

The Court: So yuti don't know wliether 
JudLfv Ilutkerfortl aEtig^ed it to Jaira or 
-- not! 

Tlie lYitneaa j K o, I wai not peraonally 

TIib Court; Then don 'I loll u». 

Q, lliiiing tlie liin* Unit you kaew ilr. ISiijle 
did lit- vVkt evidtlRit or *tale Eo j-uU aia duts^ti!.- 
faction ol' any condition* at Bethel! A. I recall 

Q. Wlieu wui the fint tune that you leai-opd 
thai ilr. iLuylt; liud any ohjeelininj t? waditiuui 
at liW;la*l, and what was the owosioul A. That 
wu.i mi Auffunt tjlh when the hoard of dir^Um 
■ — lUtflMt H, i^J — 

'i'lit Court: He came into tlie rnertinji 
of thr hoard of director!, vijiob we bav* 
heard alH>ill. 
The Ti'itneui That it right. 

(|. Prior to that, luid you received any notiea 
fiutn aoyoTie wiili rtfertnee to any L-ompLaiaut 
that Mr. lloylij Liad r:uii£t:raiair toiulltioai at 
Ik'UL*ll A. NtJ. 

Q, W«JJ ao#, you did not leum it then until 
Mr, Kelitr read the h.-tier, i* that rifiht, before 
the buflrd of difeetoiul A. Yea. 

Fnd W. Fram—Fer DtfU.—Dircel 

(f, I *1 M <»- you a Et-tter dttt-l 21, 1D.T3, 
whir.h koj Ihil'N inaikid *m an exlikil and in in 
t-vjrli-me, ?>ijfiii-tl by 0. K. iloyle, addnj*siil r«i 
J. K. Itulherfurd. I wi»h you jiliaue wo<iid 
ilaiifL- over tluit letter. 

The Court: I'ljiinlitT ■ Kiliiblt 5, Yon 
linvt! read the better tnany tixrie*, 
TJbi- WJtiiLjttL Yen, h-i r_ 

Q, Set if I hat in the Itltfe j tliat you heard read 
on th.ji outtf-icin. A. Yes, ilr. 

(f. W'l'n j-oti heard the later ri-ad wlinl wan 

f at Lit ii< h-. If any, and what e-ffe-al did it hav« 

i.i I ii. ii your in.Adl A. WtLt, it waa Like a Lioinh. 
nln IJ i.-jcj.iJuiJIng to me. 

Q. tVere you, aurpriftnd at the attitude *hown 
by Mr. Meyle aa eiprensed in this. ltLterl A. 
Yr.i, all. 

Q. And when you heart! the letter rea'9 you 
had kaowltdge of the ctinjitioiit al Bethid as 
you have dewrilwd to Uie jury, dul you aotf 
A Yen. air, 

Q. And wlien you lienrd thrse tiling" read, 
vac your reaction liial the letter — 

The Court: Let him lell >ii» reaction. 

Q. Wlial wan your reaction with reference Id 
the clior^iK laiiile in the lflli<rf A. 1 resented 
Ihoio accuHationa Ihnt were wade. I knew the? 
vara falsa, 

Q. And basid on thai knowledge when !he 
foatlor eurnr. up for connidcraliini can you tell 
what If anylliing you raid ami what if any- 
thing you remenilrer I hut anyrindy elae aaidl 

The Coorl: Al the board of direeion" 



Fred W. Fj-oTii— Far Deflt.—Diwitt 

lit, Covir^nnj Yea, on August 8, 
1W3j axid lit. ilujfl* bting preitot. 

A, Weil, I li»c*r,!.-d I* nthei-a cipreia them. 

m.Ii..z, in condemnation *' lb« litter and oan 
pointed out — 

The Court; Did yon say anything! 

The Wilne**: J fciid tomethuig. 

The Court; Till lli whet job said fiisL 

A. "W^ll, I : aid 1 agreed with the other* till 
Mr. Mayle JiJ not £t* tlie Lord'* or pan iiation. 
i:f.:l the j.r.:.^... : j- cOndliCt of ■ Christian inside of 
that <,:..,.... iintion, and tli at there wm aprorlJiing 
wJiidi liiiii been 00 my mind for quite a while 
which I coidd hat understand but new I hd 
undi-.iritii.nd, uu'[ I proceeded lo relate to Jddpja 
Ruliiertoi'd. tliia — 

Tba Co'ttrt; In th* preset™ of Mr_ 


Tlie Witness; Ye*, fir, in the pres- 
ence, of ail. And that at one agtictin-.t 
V- had hud occasion Is speak apes that 
rabjwt of marriage and showed the- boye 
how LJ:u.t by jnorryi nf* in this precarious 
tune m Lin; world would be endangering 
tJitinnlvi'ii jinil their spiritual privilege* 
aod that Meanling to tli* Kirip.tu.reB it 
wan inadvisable U? marry now and they 
would t-ho uh ft ImrJtn and bucely Ia- 
capacitate thein«t;tvc» for U» tarYk*. of 
t3» Lord. 
Tha Court: Tliie- wai before 19391 
The WUneita; Tlii* was pJwrlly prior 
Id this meeting. Tbu ww at the ao#ft- 

J>i-d IF. Frnn t — For iJr/fi.^JJirrci 

time. Ho I went hock ,n the nfiVzc, a-iM 
my d.M.V beine. aJiMPETside nf Mr». Moyi>, 
Lad I :;nt down. Immediately upon seat- 
ing tnyself Mrs. Mm-lc burst nut about 
this epceeh of Jinlse Rutherford and she 
woBnd up saying. "If anybody talked to 
rot lite that nnd 1 wanted to get nrtarried, 
I would tell tlii. in to (jo to Bell," very 
roiphjil bally, and I told the Judga that 
now I could understand there w<ib 
disiotJif^ctiDO and b:ooiling under the 
torface on the part of tlve Moylea. 

Q. Did you on that occasion tcmdcmTi the 
BtaLementB in lir, Movie's, letter as. being fulw 
and full of lies-T A, Yea r air. 

Q. "Wliat, if al; tiling, did the other memhera 
of the board of dirgdan sar, if yon remi-rnhert 
If Jfotfl dont TtuH ftU the: i.[,'.£WB*flU reads hy 
tusli iJir-Niiior Ifiirn tfll u'Hnt >*ni do ri-ini'-iHtH.T. 

The Court: When MoyU? wsta prweptl 
Mr. fJovinglon: That ia under*tnod. 

A- Tfi. Thcj 1 (jinked ScrLplUT«B showing that 
3Ir. MoyJe had tnln'n the no ..'jtri ptura.1 emurp-c 
ajid then I recnli Mr- [Iea.Hi turning to 11 r. 
iloyl* and he aaid, "Ltt tut jink y<W n tiuea- 
tioa. Are you. a Jesuill " And Jtr. Jfgj'lit *nid — 

The Coart; What do you mean by 

The WUdc&e: A Jesuit pritat, 

Th* Court: A Jesuit prie*l- 

The Witnesa; Tea. 

Th* Coort: Wluit it underatood by 
tin word "JesniE"! 

Fred W. Fram—Fer Dcfts. —Direct 

Tlii; Wildest. It ia dt-fu-ji^l in tin die- 
tionnry, Li't-ntiai> of the reputation of th* 
Jesuit pru-ita throughout tha ctuiloriea, 
the dictionary defines it an that which t* 
very COTtrt And sly and eunsing, iuio- 
iiiiling itself to aa.-ouij'>liih an *rd pur- 

Uy 11 r. CJiivi ng:tifn ■ 

<}. Whs imy thing elne mUl by anybody elt* 
tlmt iini j+11 ImtT 

TI.e CJmat: 

.'l[I m :li' lirr.^iT.fn of Mr. 

A. Tlr iviiuiiiiitfp kji( appointed. Tt mil nee- 
simtiMidnl llutl jl nmiuiiillee be n]ir>>inte4i to go 
[H'l'f Mr. Moylr'x li'ttrr mid to draw up a reEO- 

lutioo, And ilmt %•$* ilooe. and then we voted 
on Iliul, L'lirli iirjL- iH'in^ ahIuhI bnciividunlly hin 
|ip^ilj>in vi'ilSi rr-^pf-d In ilk- rescolbl^lOO. AImo 
JikIkh' RlllSn-rfniMl riLTn riled lo Mr. M»vle 'he 

i-il^-ht ii* v|H'nh Tihr liiiu^t-lf. hn1 ]n i piiiil he had 
niillnn^ Eiinri'. to hiii'. Tin 1 ™ irfllT llir yiu^«iHB oT 
tlie j-i^oliitioii. .ludfie fiiillierf'iril made hi* &«tv 
ri'iiiiirk? on the li'Uer, n rijiM-cj-Ln^! the letter point 
by point. 

Q. Jliil yon lieliew thai tin* [i»tti>r was falivl 
A. Yvr-, nir, I knew it was false. 

Q. Am] when yoti vafnl on the rrmdnlinri, yon 
Hhf rihiirse lirLinv-Nl 1liHt 1he re^plutioii pl&tod tho 
eiirri-i-l [if ln,< li....r.|, nlicl Vrtil r.ilt A. 

\'*r. rir. 

Q. Hid it xtnle your nltitadeT A. It did. 

Q. Artrr t]i* ineftiTip ttis^ ndjonineil, Ihnt in 
to imy. the It^ard of Directora, vu thin letter 


Frtd W. FrajiE—Far Dtjit— Direct 

brought before 1 the Itcthel h'siiiitj' nt the dinner 
taldet A. Jt was. 

Q. And WAk u vole taken at the dinner table J 
A. VeB, sir. 

'.J. Ai»l Vi'hal i :.|ij" 1.'. I -it I :!' Ltirinrr tiiljli; zo 

ynn he*t rci"e">her i; oh AiiKW-si Si,. Iii3-H A, 

Ju<l(H* JinllnTl'iiiiJ lllid hi* 51'rretDrt', ^1 r- Keller, 

In n'B>S (lie N'Mi-r, und lii«n rniiunenln were 
pnndc hy piKpiiI>crii "f the ramily, and Jwilgv 
KuLhcrford BPBik koiw pttnmeiils on it, I pnr- 
likulnrly rciiniiilffr liin c»liiAicat ¥eg?rd>ng tbe- 

iiF-e oT tl^e wnrij "UiJGcfini! 14 bv N^r. Uuijli 1 -, nnd 

]«e [M^ipile^l oul '.lull lint wan IntVfn fniMi In-Ntnn- 
i"m, ond ilVn .Jm|j;f Ituiherford jislie'l Mr. M«yln 
VLJivtlier Iwr liad anything I'; soy, imd bn mid 
"The letter spofcc for itself," Ann) then Mr. 
lloyle *» K' vl n notice t" Tucate ihe pri?riii*rii- 
Q. I>id the vfliole family Hike a vole — 

By the Court: 

(J. Von took a riding vole, didn't youl A, 

That IK riLiut. 

Q, ^verj-hciily rum? hut 1he three Moyie*, ia 
that rijditl A- That i« ripht, 

Uy M r. Covington ; 

(J. IJo vois ree:il I n rneetinj; of the vnrirnu 

liii'iiihrrn of the liftiril uf Uirccioni J)n QT fllpOUt 

.Se|itvmhi-r 21, 1!H1 t A. Vei, sir. 

IJ, And mi' tl* mvajiion af Ihnt n rid- 
ing I A. It wo' rnthcr nn iiifiii-iiial niietiivg^ 

The Cnurt: In thin I'M II 
Mr. CVwinplmi: I mean ID^Kp. 

A. (Cf>nlinue<i) — uurt Jvilft. Itiiltierfflril 1 ■ . ! ■ I 
ui Lie invited ua over h^rauKe of ibe d^vrb^ii- 


F ri i W. F r **s—F<ir Defti^Dirat 

inL-nU of innltci* viilh. rar>nrd to Mr. Movie; that 
Ihe infornintiiin had some to the aula* in Ihe 
regular ebuiinidn that tiie letler uf Mr. Mnyla 
wim lieiii^ ei iL-uLal ed by hit aister — ■ 

Mr. Itmuhlinuben: 1 don't nee how tl-i» 
\* liiniiing, if yflkir llunor rileane. The 
]'l m ii tiff um ti*>t present. 

The t'ourt: Ubjeftmn i.u*taintd. 

Mr. Cuvingtnn: Jt in. only on 1he nirit- 
hT of noliee iind privilege and Miff, I hat 
iii nil. nut far liny nibrr purpr^e, 

Iifr. ISriiitilinuHen: It in i^'ir-itervihiT. 

The Caut: I nimanie tlmt you want to 
intiTnlui-e eritleneti eonerming the Jtrtii'l* 
i if fk-tolwr 1 JthT 

Jfr, t'ovinglon: Cktolier 1.1th *nd (lie 
Si-fil,'ndiL-r 21nt iin-etinfl ia tlie l*«i* nf ihe 
artielc "Information." 

J5y (be Cunrt: 

Q. An n ro*nl1 nf that meeting, woj Ibis nrii- 

He rei'fin'il In hk tlie Orlnher l^ilh nrti'lo drnwn 

u]i and pinned liy eai'li inemlter of the Donni of 

lliri-i-i.iri.T A. Yee, air. 

•A). Amt 1 1 id you sign it! A. I ligned it, fir. 

fly Mr. Conington: 

(J. Wlmt iiironnation was before tlie Tnrinhem. 
I'm ere ^repent willi rc-fercn«ic to the adivily of 
l>. It. Jifnyle in Wjuconninl 

Mr. Ilrurhhaiiflen : 1 object to tlial. 
The Court: I will permit him to answer 
what information lie had. 

air. Bnuhbauaea : Exception. 

Fred W, Front—For I>efU,— Direct 

<l Wrist iiifonnalkm iml had oh I lie iH-rmuiin 

i if LIniI iin'i-liriM. A, .Judge if n LIht Tri-nl ImiJ tkn 
h'Ltrrji In which lie prfevraj <>n llm luldc ui-furu 

Ily the Court: 

(j. dVnd lie iJinwod tltein to. yon or read llieniT 

A, lie ehlPW'i-i] tlkT'in lo a*. Then aSms pri'-u iln.' m 
fmm 1he nffwe. Mr. MiillivAii Ami Mr, Knorr. 
I bey referred to Ibiti infomiatinti eoming thnoigh 
Ihe 'iffiee ehannelr<. 

lSy Mr. Cneinpjton: 

Q. We referral to Ihe letter* Ihnt hai'p Ijeen 
iih'jUtlieil in evidenra m> Laura ami Inland Route 
h-ili-™., Kxkiliila M, N ami O. Did you M'e n 
b-th-r like- ibat, reTiirring lo the Iforimti rtim^ 
jmny (honiliim to wilocKijf 

Tin- (lifturl; .Sh^winp him Defer" Inn ts ' 
Kthihil O 

A. NV. 

<_' Jli'l yon see a letter like Ihnt Ihnt had lieen 
»i(!nerl l»y Inland ami l-atim [touceT A. 1 <h> 
n<il mall, mif, 

Q. Ynii i|n Tint prenllr A. Nn, 

Q, But there was letters on the desk and tha 
Judge wan dearrLhinc? Ihese latUra. it tiial 
right! A. That is right 

Q. I hand to yon the arliele^led "Infor- 
mation" in 1h* Outoher 15*h '*Watrh Torff-r" 
of 191FJ, Pie Let! IT '* Eahihit Jfo. I, and hkIi yoo 
to look at that, pleaw [handing to witaejw). 

The Court: He hat teen it before. 

Fred IF, Fmnz^Far DefU^V^etl 

Q. You have «een that, havo you ngtT A., Yea, 

Q. Did ynu *i[rn 1 1 mil Ik that your xijrnatnra 
Iharal A. It i*. 

Q. And w}iiti ftfi'l »'ll*m did y fl H "'P 1 It' 
A. Itifiht there in the office. Jw!$* Butherford 
invited na — 
Bj the Court: 

Q, At Uw September 21*1 meeting; of tlie 
Board of Director*? A, To, *ir. 

By ii r. Covington : 

Q. DLd you believe the utalempnta contained 
in that article entitled "Infnrmatien" to be 
trxet A. T did. 

Q. And why did yon aipj that article, f*r 
what pyrpnael 

Ifr, Bruehluiujen : I object to iL 
The Court! Objection euitained. 
Mr. Covington: IV* offer it do th# 
matter nf [>rivitc,B;c h your Honor. 

The Court: He said he beLiered it and 
he did si pi iL If you aak him why, I 
do not tkijik it je competent here. 

Mr. Cot-iiiflan: For Die pnrpojw «' 
■bowing privilege— 

The Cvurt; The article epeaks F*r it. 
aelf, null hi» ni^Tiatu^c on it speaki for 

(j, On tin' fn.Hr. Hint ion Inul Vforr yon it 
tho (inu> you xitrniNJ thix article on or ahoul 
SopiemlHir 2l«t, did you twlicve aw) tc4 * need 
that tha brethren in Wimoniin and tit* other 


Fred W. Fffli«— f ojf De/ti.— tand 

places haTe thj.» information preitptcd I* tbe-ral 
A, 1 did. 

Mr. Brudihaunen : I object to the ques- 
The Court: He. hog answered. I will 

permit 1 1 
Mr, Br«eh)i*u»«nj: E*«ption. 

Q. What is your answer T A, 1 did- 
Q, Po Jehovah'* Wi Lsi nun 1 * look to the Waieh 
Tower Bihle fc True! Society for information 
of and eoneernine; the activity of its miiiiatersl 
A, Certainly. 

Q. I)™ .Irhtrvnh'i \Vi«n«"r>i l«nk 10 III" 1 
Wat«h Tower rtjhl* & Trnet Soefel* anil Hri> 
"Watch Tower" inaRaiine to keep them advised 
m to the fataily of any of it* ministers! A, Yea, 

Q. Ami in en pope those that are prafeaoinK 
to U with the Society— A. Yea, tir. 

Q. (Continued); — and working aejaiuxt it* 
interests! A. Ten, tir. 

Q. When you tssmed 1 ti Ln article, did yon }*- 
litTg that Jehovah's WitnttW* iif»irwl to luivn 
(he inforiaalion eontairtcd in it? 

Mr. BrrtthViiunmr I nrijftet if thnt. 

The Cn-Jrt: i ',' ,|--.-l :-.r. Pi.:-I. ii:n'd. \lfi 

haj alrrady aniwtred that, 

Q. At tha tiine yon sijrned thi* artiek. <)i'! 
ytm lnvt any feetinp; of rrmtiee or rfirenpe or 
any other *n*h fe*lins in your heart agaiflit 
Mr. MoylcT 

Mr. Eniohhaafea- I abject to thai 


Fred W. From— For Dcftt.—DittU 

Tiie Court; T will pennit him lv *n- 

A. I did not 

TTia Conrt : Give, the plnintin 1 an ti- 
eep.tiijn tp fiver}' adverse rolin^, and tha 
defendant thtt *pim« thing. 

Q. "ffhnt waH your fcclinp md attitude 
lowarda Mr. llttyle at that time? 

Mr, Bnu'hhiinp^n: I olijeet to lhel. 
Tlie Court: 01jji'-tij,fi BUHtnined. He 

[.-HLil'iL-,1 [Ill-re W«* tiO inCilNi-. 

Q. Did you hflifrve tha *urfii:i <■ Jil or the ntate. 
ment in tlw* artidt that Mr. Ifoyl* max a Judai 
and had mctpd the pari of * Juilaa when yon 
tigned thia articlet A, Tho article nrtttnti — 

Mr, Rrnehheuaen ; f ohjocl, if your 
Honor plrair. That calls for a yet or no 

The Coortr That calli for a ttttgM- 
icr.l eiiBirer, tir. 

Q. Did yon hs-licve itf A. Tea, air. 

Q. Did you believe that yon ihonld deacribe 
hia aelioim nc A Judaj at the time yon signed itT 

Mr, BruchhaaJm ; I nTvjstt to that 
The Court; Objection ^attained. 

Q, B?d yent believe that the atalementB con- 
tained in the article, entitled iL Information" 
were fair cemment of and eonttrninp the action 
of Ur. Moyle dasoribed in tho articiaf A. Taa, 

Fred W. Frail— Fa-r Dtfls.— Direct 

Mr. BrtLebh&jtcn: I ohji^el to it 
Tim Court; Objection ^vernilcd. 
Mr. bruehhoiiaea; Eittplinn. 
Tlie Court: Tlic answer will atand; 
eaeuption to the piaintiff, 

Q, Did this arliele coisliun aa honeet expret- 
aion of yo-^f opinion! 

Mr. Bnwhh,Tii.*LT¥ : I objtffl til tW ijiie*. 

Tlie fiHirt : Objeelinn ovcrrukih rtM*F- 
Ikni tn the |i i.miiif. 

A. W%, >.ir. 

tf. You ki\,:vf at 1he lllilf yuu Piijrni-d tliia maltsr 
Hint Mr. i!u\k )i»d been 1 rusted wiih eunl'wlontial 
luulliir!- fiir i«ie Kui-Lety for Four yearn, ilid you 
not t A. \"e», »ir- 

tj. Dili you U'lieA-e that he owntteel ami 
iii;ilii:jiiil tl:n:J(- itnil iruhleil lunvt A- Vet, sir, 

The Court; He *nid he btliavrd the 
wlifjlr of it. 

Mr. Citvinfiton: All ri«tit, 1 won't in- 
(llll^ i° MOT* delBlled Mpei-ifiHitioiiS. 
(J, Bid vou hijjji llmt artiel* voluntarily, II r. 
i-'rniul A. I did. 

Q. Wlisl wnn the Fir*t u^e stated ttt lie nude at 
1lif- artiele L-nlitlinl ■' Iiifnnnation"— I witlulm*' 
thai. Won Mr. llu^lett pre*eat on that occawoi 
tluil y«u refill t 

The Court: That ia vt the S*fit(-mh*r 
Slut mceiinj;. 

.\. S"o, 1 don't recall, 

L). If he »'ai, or r*v;ardlc«a i>l that, do you ra> 


Fred W. Fran -—Far Dt/n.—Uirrct 

eal! ul.r-ilier or mil there war. any disc nation n)»ut 
ll,e nn-d ;if H-inlin^ someone to Viaronrnn todi«- 
cohw Ilia limitiT with the brethren tbtftl 

.Mr. liriLrlilmilled I 1 don't Ht hov that 
is b'njinp. 
'['iic Court; QQjJMlwi s.u»tiiined. The 

em jn front to Wisronriin. lie reun aent there. 
There i*. w.» ipie^lion in tljia rjine about it. 

(J. flu yoa knou r that ilr. Jlonleit irai tent to 
WiHpoiwinf A. Yet, sir. I understood be *»» 
tc gb. 

Q. Ami won he in late Ote prtii'lc entitled "Tin. 
rsH'tnation"* A. Yc*, *ir, 

(J. WaK ililil iia:)er.ilM-,ilI A. Ye*, sir. 
Q. Why did you believe that it vhm necer.aary 
for >fr. Ilowleit to j;o In WJafonsinl 
>lr, Jirui-ldiuusen ; I ohj<*rt. 
r rilP Court: ObjreHon MkLnlained. 
ilr. Covinplon: We eicepl, 

y. Wjii* f>. IS. Mojle on ordained minister of 
1 L i h : Wat^li Tovivr Uilile i Tract ISoeiety from \9'-U> 
tn July 21, liKBIf A. Yen, f-ir. 

(J. Did lie ever preneh and make upocrhca pa)>- 
lieljr at any erniprejintiona that you recall T A, 
Yen, xir. 

(J. Wax lie widely knnirn tlirnu^houl the 
Itnital Stutfn unir.'hip Jehovah'H Vitne^res as a 
i iti ci i m1 r: f of the Watch Tower Jiible t Tract So- 
ciety! A. Ye*, hir. 

if. Do you inow nlietiier or not lw? was re- 
enrded luphJr an holding a ponilion of conndtwi* 
and rlijHjj relations Imp m I be orE^ni^ation T A. 
He was. regarded highly. 

Fred IP. Fran?— For J}*-fi*.— Direst 

Q. Dif yon rcroll Kn-ing (he nrlirle "Sraren" 
that aj.|i«ir» in Hie S'tncinWr In, VX® ''Watt-h 
Tuwer,"' an artiitc- entilleii "Snorea"! A. 1e^ t 

Q. W"0': Uui1 lii-fure rar nfter it IIjik puUldlted, 
Mr. Promil A. It «*lh ileli*i'ied Lo the jhroof- 
readn»K deportnu-pi — 

Tlie Court: ^'n* it before or af her iL wa* 
The: Witiieos; Tlwortiele *'So«rea"I 

(J. Yen. Did you teir it before? A. Thi* wn» 
k* r BC« it waa puhljihed. 

Q. You had oceai'ion lo proofread, it, did yon 
nnlT A. That i> right- 
ly, llid you Iwlievr I In- xtateritentx cnntainwi in 
Ihn! artiele to eentaia the truth! A. Yes, air. 

ij, And in proof reading it, ilnl you proof n'nd it 
with n fen nee j the Kcri|iturea nuoled nnd eitedT 
A. Yen, air, according to my inatj" actions m a 
proi>f render, 

(J, What *rere your duties and instruct ion h sin 
a pnx^fr^ad'T m referpnee lo thete leading nr- 
lielr* in the "\V;itrli Tower" ina^aiina) A. Tn 
cJiock llieni over a* to their S^ripturea, to ece thai 
the Seri|iluren -u-ire properly ijnuled, that the eita- 
liniiH wtr* mrwt,nnd lo h-c IhnS tlie information 

in t'eiii'rr,.! TU nil Up ID date. 

Q, Wh.mrrdr the "Snarex" articlet Who won 
the nlttlmc rii in /.. Aa far a* ] know, J.nh;e 
llutherfoni. Il n-os Ills *(yle. 

Q. Ainl ymu tuiw at Hut LimC that it nn? Hut 
|mlie.y of JralfC ilatherford to writ" the '"tVatch 
TnWaf" artiele*, did you nolT A, Vph. air. 

Q, Anrl In il.nliih^ it, you, lielitvid it to hi- hia 
Writing, in that i-i;j;vi If A. Ve>, iir. 




Fr*.£ W. Fran*— For Dtfis^- Direct 

Q. Did any rwriihtr «f ihe Bonn! of Directors 
1*1 r Ll'Q ilofcndunt^ in I Inn -raj - ^-, rtuLMitle nf ynOrprtf, 
lave a nv tiling la do w ill j tiif rheekijig oF Hie 
" WntHi. Tower" artieie "SineFei" before il wsi 
|-i-.: 1 1". i, I .- ■- 1 " A. No, sir, 

(J. Did you bnve any ni.ilhg.rity lo make, any 
change* ill 111* conli-nl* aT Hint nrtirlc witluint 
consultation vilh Judge IJuth+rfordl A. No, lir. 

By the Court: 

Q. Did yso bave any con *ul ta [ion on Uiii ar- 
ticle "$nana"1 A. No, sir, 

Q. 1 nteun connutlnlion with Judfre RutltEtfard. 
A. No, 

TSy M r, Cariagtwe ; 

Q. lJid VQU believe l]l> eojilcnt* of thai irtid* 
to Lit tmel 

The Court: lit )iu already auwcrtd 
Mr, Covin jrlon : I am sorry, ymir Honor, 

I <]id not inlend to do I hit 

(J. Wit tin; articLt entitlr-d "HlMre*" alio 
|>i|l>li«lilj<l for tilt -Air -y-Ar. (if iul ■■ -a i &„' Ji-l.nVil '* 

WilnwiH!* sj.-uin-iL Ihofe tiial were working de- 
ception 4in<i J'iil.-ily juiiiiL^t Jeliovali'x WitnEsuieit 
A. Tlul it wlint tin? article il-ietf tinted. 

{J. Did you belicvo Hint Jetai'ah'J YYitneasea 
l.n.lio.1 lo the U'u Lei* Tower BiUa & Tratl So- 
cicty tu provide eucJi ui formation to thrmt A. 
Vt^, Itir. 

■j, 1 J> i ■ I jnq Keprd it tin; duty ol the Watch 
Tuu-«r Bible £ Tract Society to bring inch lu- 
fominlion U> Jehovah '« Witaeitei at l*rg*f 

.Fr-tfJ IP. Frans—for l}efls,—Dimt 

ilr. Brucbhau-iun: 1 object to iL 
The Court i (JijjecLjOB iUiiaincd. 

Q. ilr. t'j-jinz, tan you teil whether or not 
loyalty lo the orcein i ia[ ion on ihe purl of the 
i.i i ii i»1 t rn ia one of ili« important if not (be main 
bulwark of Lie lircngtJi of the \Yatoh Tower 
Bible a: Tract Society nnd Jehovah's WilncaiieHl 
A. Yuu, il i* r loyally lo Jehovah (J ad with lot 
VflioJu heart, mind, toul and elrongth — 

The Court: It in a V|:ry niuijiiis q<ius- 
ti(N>, Tin; nriKWer in "Yen, it it," 

(j. r l'l"-it jiImi iin'1 oiLcji Jujultj, d-jcHi it iiot, to 
.•ill tin- eWrtnri kulli* U-ni ^"'>i »lu*d (■"■ l>y lh* 
Irtji-ioty i A. Yt'», *n-. 

(J. Acid tin caHMt im!ili«-ti->ni(t A. Y03, mir. 

(J, Wlut Swri-ilun-l admauitiMI *r tutliority 
dL.i* tln<: Wnlcli Tmrer Biliks & Tr4«t Sociiity 
roLh.iv ii' i-i'd'TfRM to (ho"* Hint r*u^f divwion 
lam I uifi-as*; iii ilit iir^nii LuilLur T A, Tbo Socitty 
di,irl;ji llii'iu. [h.inU 1 l,i- in out, ju-'t oi llic Apvdtlc 
IVoJ <liJ in Ilia t'HiiUeu to Titnotliy, ilio First 
■ltd Sawnil Kpitlk 1 *, Hi 1 luunen fw* duti, nnd 
hi! wurarf lliti tjri'Llirtn t^aJokt Ihetu and their 
tvil wi-irkt, 

(J. 1'huxe. jriw« »n L n hnvinj; ly-cn oB-nncinti^l Willi 
!h«- A|XNitll I'niil. in 1:ni". ri-rhlf A, Yob, sir. 

y. Uo(Mi llic U'atsh To*vr bible t Tfael Ha- 
ewty nnd JfkoVlJi'i WitnciBOi rc^ird it tliat lii« 
n-iine yoLky Kin mid lie followed \a the organiui' 
lion ludiiy I Am Yea, eh r. 

y. VVtaot nil" "f eomlucl i» ]}r<amiK<\ by the 
IS 1 hit: nnd follo-ri-d hy Jehovnli's WltnatKI t-nd 
Ihti Watcli 'J'owi-r Snrioty for th* conduct- »f in 
minittCT* tint tuij-ht Linvo complain; ngniiiiit hi* 

Fttd W. Franx-Fef IttiU.—Hirat 

uretlirt-g concei-iimg Lim ooiidiliiini in th* nrgwi* 
uit ioii I 

ill. iir in.JiliJiUii.-Q ; 1 i-bjt&t to the fonti 
of Lie ttiwttioa. 1 don't J-now wbelLer it 
La Watch Ti-'uvr ur Uibk, or both. 

Tins Com t : The obj ectiou u nu^iued, 
Itef rnuic your (luoutjjon. 

Q. WhtLi j-olc of tondtict is iJjtiutfiLcd hy Hi* 
V/uilJi Towtj 1 Uihlv it Tract ijodoiy And Jti-o. 
vah'n Witniiiii.-n witli r*[itr*i«s* to tlm ntep» (o he 

tnkiu by Uioui who J.nve lauix for complaint 
nt'LLimt Ibu or-jMniiaiifMi or Uic brcflirta, tht 
in in Hk m, A. Tliere urii two, J udiro Ku f In- rford 
jrifitiu-d uut nt iho InUlo that hit will licSJf oci 
uccusntion sp 41 " u| l- unionu eicupl li/nt th« an. 
eu£tfd one Ihi brought btfurv IiLps nud •ocmi-r nnd 
nccuscd fuc* uno imolhi'r, mid tlieu be vriU braf 
both sides. And linin rtJtrred lo Dvv trronojiiy, 
U-bs rjtb din-jlcr, die HiUi to the 2 lit 1*MC, 
nialuij; tlut. Uia rule of Uod. Tiien (Ji* wc--rd i» 
in Hui-Jiiw. the ltUi cJtnpter, lim 1 Jlli l« Ui* 
lTtli VLTiii, Uiat, if nny individiioJ ii»5 htr.u 
xiiioiid n^tiaiit hy I1I3 broUitfj he nhodd 470. m 
Jjji broUier nlojiis nnd tujh lh* matlci' ovrr wiUi 
liuii to ilra:-flitL-n il out. If bio bra-Llmr rtfuicd 
to hear bun, then ha »liodd Udie witMffei, oat 
or molt ivi ( n cn-tCd, and g* 14 UlS hrolhfcr tod 
try lu U ret-jiiciied, Audi tJi^d if llii» faded, h« 
dJioiiLil Lrinp it to the n^tie* of U>« (^n-JreRntion 
or eliurch, nnd if the I n? ir.nmipr faded to betd 
the dtnrth, Ihen lie should b* tnatad ** * iiohli- 
Hinn pad A lienthan. 

Br the Court: 

Q r Is. Uml wbnl Jiidj-u ilotlicrfoi-d taJdt A. 
Yoc, iir, thai ■» the Saripliiral ml* he qnotad. 


Pro* W. FfitMii— For OefU.—Dirctl 

By Ifr Covin-jt-Hi ; 

Q. And iii Hint I ho polity that id nnivc-nmily 
fiiJUwi-d lit Ihc ui'ffiinimtiori kuowii a* Jelio'.'nli'ii 

AViluui^i-iit A. \tmi. 

Q. And nluo in tlm Wnleh Tutfur liibl* A Trail 
fiutii-tyt A, Y<*, iir. 

if. In n-liftl ri-miirvt did II r. 0. II, Moylto— t 
n-iU **t )o-j h di<3 .Mr, O. IL JSayle vicilnle Hint 
policy in denlin-r n'iUi lb* fntruSy ind Jndga 
llutlmrf ord J 

Mr, Brachfaausen - 1 ob]Kt to Lint, 
The Court; Objection ii-islaiiitd- 
ilr. Cri-nnj-tfln : We env-iL 

Q. 1 will imk yon if >fr. Moylo rompSicd willl 
llmt polity. 

Mr, ISniclilmuifn: 1 ohjf-et. 
The Court: Ohjtctioa. auttoiDcd. 

Q. l>i<i Ht, Moylc affer *■&>' evidesic* or proof 
of Ilk.- (-hargsH. Ibat Ji* n-.-jlu at Any Im.iu oj'mJc 
of hi* own Letter I 

Thn Court: lie hns nJrKjidy tfutjfied 
tlial he did not. 

Mr, Covington: That 13 nil, tlnink you. 
Your Honor, 1 would just like to *ny 
thid LhiiuT; 1 would like to show whnt the 
aniWL-ra would tj*-— 

Thr Court: I won't t* n "'l llltt - ^' oal 
rxrfiitinn will 1n);e care of llic teecird. 
Tli at in not Uie i*-ny w* do things in jS'e'ii' 

Mf, Cnvinjjlon: T wimt lo nuite nn 

offer oi iiFimr. 

Tbo Court; Mr, Sfebioin v-.SH till you 

Frti W, Fr- 

«■ Dzfti. — Crett 

Hint your aieeption take* ear* of yesir 


OiMH-enmiiimJiolt by ilr. iirutkhaiut*-, 

L}. You wi-ro n nLoul jii^eon for Mr, Ralhar- 
fordj tfurm you o«LI A. No, nir. 

t|, Dklji'l you j;o nruund to fitnlen Inland and 
nit Jiosb pJuei'* with liiml A. I hare been lo a 
nuiiihcr uf ]/'r- with him. 

Q. On Hi id tilite* Inland piu-H, ttiey hud a 
mini bur of buildinj-t>, didn't tbey I A. Yea, iir, 
at preiect- 

71 .!■, Court : Wtt are talking of 1939, up 

unlit A^ost a, maa, 

The Witnusa: Ye*. 

Ij. At Llml Lime Ru the rfurd had hi* own buihl- 
in.L', Jidn't bet A. N; , sir. 

IJ. You lmvo referred to him a* "Judge 
Hnlhorfonl," liavo yon nvll A- Yen, iir. 

Q. 1 1 nve jfnit any evidence IbnL ha wnj erer 
c-h'tletf a jkulp-l A. Yc*, »ir. Ho told ui him- 
*eir li«fw.- it i-anm nlmui, 

Q. Mare yuu uny rvLduRcci Ibat lie wai ever 
elected a jndfid 

Mr. Covinglon: J^et liiiu an*w« th* 

Tin: Court: Sie hai aihed liim if II* 
bpHJ imy evidence. The answer cill» for 
yc* or no. Did ynu have any eridenerT 

Tlia WitntB*: Hi» word for iL 

Q. l'i'l von r.vr.r dee any certificate from any 
court in thiK cniiivlry dhowing that h* wu a. 
jmlgeT A. No. 

Frtd W. rraxm—For Dtjlh— Crw* 

ij, Uii) you mci 1 tjo lo any court to find out 
wlirtla-r lie tin* i<ver elected u. judge 1 A, No, 

(J. ind yuu eref m* him til Eta a judge in uny 
court f A. Xq. 

g. And you Imvu knuWD hira *inte 1DU, 
Imvca "l ynu I A. Yt*. xir. 

<J. VYIial year dm you eniiui In- wun a judge) 
A, Al the lime lie Wu culliM Judge Kuthorford, 
when I lii'ht knew him. 

Mr. ill ul llliilll t.^ n ; 1 Mtovu to dlrikc out 
UlC nnii-vier. 

'f'iiu tiiuit: lie raid ' h hf vi-iiij cajled," 
Stiikt il iniL it id not rwlHMJi,^, Let 
Un -K-ar l:m* \ nil tn'iW he »nji n jod|.-<'. 

The Wiintflaj Junl by (he- »dv¥rii*h>K 
ihnt wad. jriven him vflitu he ((a** Mibte 
lnini'id. lie "in ijl«-aja ndverliwrl — 

Tin,' t'ourt; U«.' adverti^eil hiirmlFT 
Yhiu |irc|Uired tluil BilvHtHii-iai!, didn't youT 
'j'l.i.- U'itnenu: N<i. 

The (jnurt: (Jr kiieinlwri of your So- 
ciety f 

Tlie Viiin-H*: hivnlently Ibe Sjkiiiily did, 

(A V HMD tlnl hi- WiLnli judnc Ik-rnu^i- ihe 

TVnlrli T<iw*r adiwrtiwil hiia nn a j-udtre in tlndr 
lmnikx nnd -iVt-T flu- railni and «■► f-nrlli, j( lhat 
it I A, I rtiin't know. 

The Ci-orl: All riphi, I will »^k you 
th* i|Ui'>4i«-n ;. TiYlial dill .lod^e Rsithcr- 
fnftl Lell yim nhoul hin Iwinjr » judjjc or 
I, If: bavins been judge I 

Tin- Wiinens: He told ma how uul i« 
llir-souri, when Ihey bcivr a vacucy in * 
joditeship. that Ihe hedy nf lawyen gel 


Frci W, Ftn-a—Fw lteft*,—Ct<Xt 

Uigi-ther out there nil tiny elect a judfle 
tciuj-Mirjir il>'. 

The t'ourl: llnw lonj; ilwl be 1*11 you 
lie h;nl Wen a judder 

'L'lii' Witness: fer u lijnitifi period, 

Tlw Court: (ht'f tWrty iln>»1 

"L'Ih- U'ilneiw; I don't recall. 

'I'liu Onurl: A eery »ii art period? 

Tin- ^"3 Lni'^H : Yc-s. 

'Jin- 4. 'liiii-L : [n 'ither word", he »■*» » 
If I n)ji)r,i ry inap;ln1«ll*, in that whit Vod 
wiint nn In knuwT 

The WitlkM*: Ti*«. 

Tin- IVuirl: Ami lx> earn"! tlw title 
Tor rlie real of lii^i lifeT 

The \rilnn»: Yen, sir. 

q. Art Ji matter nf feel, it wan only four day*, 
n:ii-n't it! A. I llunk HrtTc *tft four ceeasions 
«'ln-n he mtvciL a* nurli, 

Q. Knur nnrHKiillHi im fnur days I A- J pee* 


Hy the C'nurt; 

(J. Do Vfiil kBnw wl-wl cmirl be Mlt ill for four 
■ ',!)>? A. No, I <I«m"S recall. 

Mr. Cnvington; Your linnn-r, if it will 
.I.-, lite t'l.isri mny \frnl, I cjjujfl rn&lie a 

xlnlfqiirnl m TO what I Vbiht, 

The Court: I An il tn clrpr up the 
ir.nlrer, (in ahi-ed ami mnlf the stale- 

Mr. Ovinplon: t mijrhl **y it we* in 
Ihr- (lirniil f'onrt (il rtonnr-ville, llijwsnri, 
where .ludce- KutlierlWd resided. 

Tli« Court: How Jong T 

Mr. f >rV?ji J(l r,it - J 4]ri-n P L ItJl'jW Ibr tim*-. 
Il vju four itn) * ',Ji fr,ar **-[i:irnte o«-fA- 
whm. It »** n hf»^-!*[ jlrdj'f-liil". 

The Court: And h* eArri^d Hie t«l It- *-l 
Ik* tilth* mr,rr thai! 

M 1. 4'ftvm iflJ-iji ; Thit is riifht. tl* ttu 
refp-rr^d to I'}' th* la.wy*rk*~ 

The d'Ort ; TMl etsleTnutt i* *tH***S 
fmt. An t P11* Iter of Flft, I haj,j-en to 
If no* tli* jU.'j-y my ."'If, inrl I could i.'mk* 
jl rtlsj^-iii'-^t on kl. ¥ hriv*- lrj"l ^i*f*« in 
MkiASJUri kt TitrariTM limm kit k lawyer. 

Jly Mr. I! reel, h*n«-n : 

Q, F t*ke il, it is eorafn-dno' Ii* wis n*-T*r 
»]u-t*v.| Lr, tjfuv- ki A ju'St{*1 

Thii tVrart; Wjf h»vi, hk-1 unwigii on 

f|. V'f!| rJli'l MIN*lklAy klifjilf [Irip "LEI tll^ 

fckrili" ffcujllillt— if J f-Ulf: jt irr'irr**tlp F >fjU 
e*i] t#-|| nle—lhlit J r,u thmil wjin rtUt [.f'^yfly 
ml*1wl Jij 1 l'i*tof IttlaM'll, ■ Nil yon }-•! o^iri'ijl 
V, ehmg0 it, i« l}.kt wirrwll A, Iff: q^xij" t*ll«l 
iPj-r.tlijn la tlult. *.r. 

fj. V<>B did ■rlmAB^t it, <i|j|ii't jviof You 
e)i»ri;«rr1 tlit kluC'ifienl tlu.t J'intor f[n*wll *Ji» 
utin#( on tjiktt A. Oh, Bf- 

Q. Tlntr* •■in n'mu- nlklirnenl ilial yon (fid 
rJi«e?»i 11. hi n-lji mrrJeil OS h¥ Mr, JinKn-llt 
A. 1"he l>>f'l fJ'dl u"*h tlw rill* *h'^ fjrw-n<-'l up 
IJi* Kcril-hJir-ii ['■ our nii'J'rrhknrLinjt lis »ee |h»t 
in the liilrl'- for ll,r fif-l time. 

JJjr U11 Court: 

<J, If*ii it u+*n thnr» b-fir* and jgij hkd liflt 
ggon aerou it f A, Th*i ia right. 

Ftc4 W. Frtta—FM btfti^rw 

Q. In uthier VHrdn, it Ltd t^cn La Lht IliUa 
fur Jji-iny. yearif A, That ii ri^L 
i-l And jfju hatl not cunt aertu it] A. TIulI 

<J. And *h-Ti yril caiOt axT«m it, JdO «hugtd 
JMiB/ rJucb-lnel A. Wt ktlxmeriL 

Bjr Jlr. ErnehJvaotn. : 

Q. Ha it liv.i l^enty yeir» »ftrr Mr. RumeU 
dicJ Iff fuj-rj bul lhat it oue^t to- I* changci, 
u Iboai riifhtT A, In tMn r,-,rrL'» lim*. 

(j- And j-v.rj ui r* tl-'.re k]J thai t»enij ye»r«, 
wjtrsj yia riMt A, Vei, <3r r 

(i, W^r^ j"o pruf'frfadpuji all 0«t timtT A, 
Y«k, air — nit, si'l all thai time. Hiw» litfJ, 

By tht ^urt: 

Cj. You tiihi l> jtju ebadktd r»ei7 artjtta thai 
Wu jjji|mr«il A, Te», 

Cj. And yjit had noi eo;nt acroia lhi> olhtr 
oflf: natd lh« Lord ailrinfl yout A. Thai ii 

ti- And l>,rd adri>44 johi about 15T3 and 
t>ifr fi^fd 4|ftn<ri| >oar Jinowltdgc to itt A. Tlikt 
it riftliL 

By Ifr. BrufhluiELKn : 

Q. JJiii ] undemland yoa to 'B7 tiiat Jelm- 
vah't WMnwa** or thtir doeliinca ar« not a 

rt;l,^ii.vi1 A. Ytn. nir. 

ii. You dint inj;ui nil ln-tu-eea wlmt they prof*»« 
and what firgaiiLe^l chtiKiktB prbfeu, don r t >uu1 

A. Yen, »i: . 

{J. J>o you call tli^ rtlixioji of ort;anii«d 

fhurchei a reliifion Iwcauaa it it an ort^anixa- 
lion, ii that ill A. No. 

Fr*d ir. I'l-aiu — For Jit/ii.— Cross 

Q, If they ]iave u profession in i;';urc][(r3 nod. 
profeb* tn rfijl tht RLU* and mbs,l# .Ifittrituci in 
it, isn't (hot Hsfuw proftBiiioii of fftilh-t ^ That 
ii tjieir creed. 

Q. And you. alio prnimx kj w tho Bibta and 
ktjiiL' name profttaiun -of frith, don't yoal A. 
Tes, air. 

Q, In (hat reaped, ihey am both the aamc, 
atsa'l tlieyT A. No, B'ir. 

Q. Haw it, the profcssiuii of ftitli by a n] :ir l h 
dirTtri'Pt fro:ii (Jit profession of faith by Jdio- 
uah'a Witness*?. A. .Harauar a reunions orfjin- 
isatjofl hat a fjxexl «r««d whiili repreftcats tint 
whiflL is «(nb]islu;d aa a d*?irina of the tbartit 
and from which it doea no! chiOE*- 

Q. Don't you havt some filed creefis Ihat 
don't dunce T A, Ths Rihla ia our tTLvcd, and 
si the Bjhl*; opens op, we jjet a clearer under- 
standing of it- 
By th* Court: 

Q. Th« Bihli; do.-i not *n*aj!*, dots ill A- No. 

Q. In other wurde, »hen yo* .pat to it ar 
when it oprrn o[> to your niimdt A. Yea. air. 

Q, ft ia Always (here and it ia aJwnys th* 
MTne IhiBRT A, Ye«, air. The t*st docs not 
Bj Mr. Bruehhauatn : 

Q. Kn Unit llu' .liffiTi'iuf lutnecn tJu> two now 
it Uiat one never chnnj;i-« thtir creed and. yoo 
do, ie.that itl A. Tea, air, 

Q, Ih there 11 further diffe^nr* or di^linetioa 
that ye-u mstf- hei«ee* your e™u]i arid chorehea, 
fiat one ii oreanised, i* that itT A- No. It ii 


t'rei W. Fra't—Far Dt{ti.—Qr<it* 

the doctrines which are haied opon the tradi- 
tions of men. 

The Court : Head the n,unstian io him. 
{TH nueatioii wna repeated fcj the 
atenoj^nijiher as folJo'*"): 

"Q. [m there 8. further difference or diatinc- 
tion that you make Sjctu'een. jonr groop and 
ehurdin, that obc ia orgjiniie-d, ia that ill" 

The Court; The answer is yes <w ua. 
If you ennnot enewer it yes or no, fell os, 

Thft iVitness: Orijeniiotian, is that the 

The Ceairt: We will read it iflain to 

(The qucxiian waa agaia repeated by 
the stenographer,) 

The Wif-cKR- Tea, 

Q. Thnt is One of the distinctions, ia it notT 
A. Yes, sir. 

Q. And you M ia jour group preach against 
or^aniied religienl J'on use that terwt, don't 
yptif A. Yes, sir. 

Q. And ii'hat do you understand by the word 
| - , (ir£ttmiistinn 1, 1 A. Il is the orgreriiins of 
men, particalariy the. official part, awcordioe; to 
reliRiou* creed, tn e*riry on n religioiii pfaetioa 
flT^I wort. 

{;. Thr Waleh TirWW is ftfil nn nrpaninsitian, T 
na-i I A. It i* an orfi«niiili6n. 

if. It ia an Nation 1 A, Yes. 

(i Sr, in Hunt rnpect, ehurehe* and the Wateb 
Tou'H-r have ^niuelliiiip in eommnn; they an both 
Hi HO aiJtJH inn* T A. Yea. 


FrtA W. F fans— Fur Btjti.—CTOsi 

<). Ko Uiat the only difference tjo.1 you bnTO 
now- is tluit 4JH1- \tsn a fui^-d ere^il pjid oae haa 

n<il? A. Tluit i^ nor chp Only i!i,:. 

Q, Wlmi h ihe other diftrt-enrtl A. The 
manner of or^jin nation, the u~ork of the orgnni- 

Q. Li't me nut yem eltout Ihe manner of or- 
{■nni^nlion ; \V\iat criticisni luive y on fiat apninst 
ebiiri'lw^ in their inairaer e( orfjinimtien' A, 
Tiicy are nol organized in the Thcocrntic 

By lbs Court! 

Q. You mean from thr. top down t A. Yes, air. 
Q. Tliey urr firpjrited from the hotlrQl U]iT 
A. From Jebnrali, ihe ejreal Theaerat, down. 

By Mr. Bruelihausen: 

Q. Yn-urB in nrcnninil from the top dnivn and 
(he oilier is From the Imttmn up, is thai itt A, 
Y*j, sir. 

By Ihe Court: 

Q. All ether religions are org»ni^«i, in your 
jiiNEweni, from the liotlom upT A, Yes, sir. 

By Mr. fl ruchhnusen r 

Q. An>l then tlnre was n* re-nl fnil, or pelijri'™ 
hfforr line Wa-trs. T-iiwer (H'siiilc fsuilft "U Lin; 
nr-cne, i« thill it! A. Xn i.nll, 11 r rrli-intil 
Tlwrr was — 

fj. Ko prn|ii>r prnfrnfions r.f fuiili njiiil the 
Wnlelt Trtwe'r 17.1l ^ti (he eeeiu*l A, Ob, no. 

Q, IHllI wii* Hm* firj'li I i oil "f 1lie |k-,i|iLi- bi-. 
fftre Wateli Tnwr enim 1 in I A. fi re-nl n-li^iniu 
ronfuaion; hundreds of «e^ts. 



Prtd W. Fra*i—F<rr Df[t*-—Gfo*t 

Q. .Sn ihf Wntrli Tevic-.t linn cleared tint; ill 
uri, it. Ui H i| in A. Ry Llm LorJ'u grace. 

ij Ami Hi id ilfwlopinHiL of tli in primp of 
yoarn rrojii l Iks (up down dim by organiiing the 
fijir[i*r*lJoii in Pennsylvania, didn't itl A. Oh, 

Q. You mean, it vfflj orpuniiod before yon baii 

a i'.ir;.i>UL[i::.n" .Mil)' I Gee tllDH b]f-l»wj1 

lip. Covington; H*rt up Ih* Fennayt, 
i-anin cimrter (handing to ill. Bradi. 

Q, Was. it wcnijJwd b«fort yon went to tW 
Rerrotiiry nf Slule'i elite in HnrriiiliuTg. P*Ht> 
sylinninl A, Yea, nir, 
t). To comply urii'h liiT lawT A. Yea. air, 
CJ. [low long Wore thfit wat it cr^Luiiinll A. 
Thf "Walcli ToT"cr" iiinKnxiiu* Ix-f^ih In be- pnh- 
IjfJpoiI in IK79, and Christim* nasivuiled with, 
I'nKtnr lliisxidi wtpT* petting 1npc1lier for Bibla 
atntly, and tin?? *'*■!*■ aluo ci rcuLrii in r; literature, 
a great mumml <sf 1 itrrfllarr, ljcfnro ever tli* 
WitU-li Tou-fT Jtiliii* £ Tract Kotiety VU incur- 
ftorated areordinj-- to Hi* law* if the Slat* of 

Q. Do you refill frtm yonr knen.'lc<te ^' thi" 
nrKJi.iiTtntiftTi tlml ["aatAf Rb»**l1 limi the theory 
cm Hiia tli-nt llieri! nhniild V «*vfn flint-torr that 
I wye elianse of ifm out fit f 

Mr. C&viflh' l0l,: Tlml i« a very irtv 
prnpiT n, uc-p tinn, if ymir llflimr pli>»jplp, 
Tiir Tourt: Ohjeclinn xuatajned. 
Mf, nruchlMiLWf p ; Of Hi* Society. 
Tin Court; Ofejcotioa »u»t*in<-d, 

fVant If. Pram— For l)tft*.—Cron 

Q. Y'ipu. knew tint up to Use lime of 101^, (hat 
il uas I'lutor Jtunsi-ll 'p. urj-an^i-nnriil to huTe 
Htvi'ii (li ri-tlfj i'ii late tare of tli in S«it.-ly, ilon"l 
ynul A. Tlml mm acvonlln^ t<i Hie Iuv-b ot tlte 


Ily tlii Oak) ft : 

ty. A«^inS I Nj: ^i (Iji- Inwrt ri-T tki- Hlmlr mi wiin'li 
yipy »*rf ipiiitr|rf<nilnlf A. 'J'lr- |jh»* nf [ljf 
SliilH! n'jf I>nepylTan«. 

Ily Mr. l!riH'Jiliiiu.*i''n: 

t^. Ilfill't mil tn'.w til ill a lii'-Uu- vim lirrniL/ht 
in iu Ki*"i- -Vtf- liiilhiTftrril full ^r.nlrnl in-n-™] *f 
l!w- rLLni-trtrst A. Sn, i flr.n't kiifiw tlmt. 

If, |)n| vim know frnii ilirnftrtlH vort 
ON'tfl nt ■!i<' line fl'«l Itiiilni-rufii ku ap- 
l^iinn'1? A. Thjt I* rmt Inic 

Q. Il'i yf.u know Mr. Hi.ftiin-T l-li'l ™« cwr 
lii-jir r^f !i Lh Miinfct X. I miiy Ii-t,!" ci-f-n iiirn, f 
]iiit<- ln^Jril nf liii IBriH-, lint I iinvru't Jinil r ■-"■ J" - 
«kjflAl Innrbi willi him. 

tf, llJi'l y(i<t ri'Ki' rH- Ih* I'tt^r fvf Mr. Vni-nn 
at the luilf ifr- R)|tbHf«nl *'BLfl An Jvi f 1 1 rn i : 'or 

tli* rifTu-i- i.f prftoMftnt, CMuptainiBS ahfnil thu :on- 

■ljti'>n^ tktrtf A, I ror.r.l pay tl it 1 Old. I wnx 

is Cin'irinati at tht licnf. 

{J. Y'.b rfitl li*»r I hit tiVir »« unris* aurtiTity 
■fir > i^inf^t, 'liiin'l y^al A. T**, pir. 

Q r fhv yrjo Vntin 1liai Hpr«inn wiiVlrrwi 
A. Thrj iM n*l uHlhilraw. 

Ity lh* Ciitirt : 

Q. WTu.t do yfin pay hafpjwnfi T 
fly ilt. flrtlriili*tliw« i 

Q. Vlial hi[.-p*n-yi £■■> th«n! A. TK;i V4r« 

Fi-jJ li'. Fra**— For Ittflr.—Crati 

not Jiri'rttiri nreorilinij (<i tli* taw flf [ir S[=l* of 

Q. Thr ]Jiinj raiiipil ]>>' l[f." J tulfirr Tufil mat 
ILai lliny u-iifj! nnt iliweiom Inpnauia they wt-n 
■nil riLiiinlly [.ri-nint in tin Hlatf of I'cnnny!- 
I'unjji v, Ncn Hit' I'lt'Lliitn wg> lielil, i» that cornetl 
A. Sn r nir. 

Q. Or Hint ll.f-y weri nnt rtapdnrll >>r *J>* 
Ktiitt ii-f ( J i:-priRyJviipiijiT A. Ko, air. 

Uy Hit t'.M.rt : 

If. Wi'JJ, vliiit in tl^ jiiiin! t A. 'fln> iNjirit i* 
liii?: Tluil ai'^orLliiiK to I hi- lit*n "f tli* SHilc 
■if ['rnnnylvunin. tin? <lirwH>m liinc (» l»e i-l™tdi 
.inmuilly, an<E tltcM mm liml nm h«*n rlwi«l 

Ik ilr. rtrwUKUKtert: 

tj. TliRl u-jih tin* ripiiuL ijf l(uihcffiif"[IT A. It 
VJlin't tiin- itiiuii tit Uijljii'r/rinl. 

if, r riii*n, n]L}v.jb}, Fii a jii^ull rff it. liilili^rlb/il 
fiut in Iilh own iiiHji, <liiln n l htt A, No h nir. 

Q. liut rluTr- wki-i- finsir 'ilher nvn tlml ranie 
In! A. Vij., nir. mill iliat wan acccjriling; to law. 

(;. Tiifn. tki-f viiit a hy-tav Jfli'inE llitllicrfrj nl 
full iiidiririiy wit tJii* f:kiar<l nf fJimrtnr^ 
»-j»n't tlieret A. I 'Jo W'E know (nat. 

Ilr. FintrliliiiiMTV : Hay ( liave tluil 
hj.l.i*,- Unit uni Ehfl^M-'k in 1S18J 

ilr. i ''pVinj-'lfin : I hart nfit hetnl ariy- 
iliirasf al.-iut the l.y-law nnlii thia mrnnriit^ 
y/trii fr/.nn.r. 

T Iw 1 f "*«i ft ; f T jnu. haTp nnt ir>t it— 

.Mf. F; nu-ii ha a*t n ; J -a-ill r*" 11 tbmt f«r 
1h» pnomwn. 

?Tt£ W. front— For teftrj- CtfUM 

IS> iJf, UfmJiUiuptB.: 

'.,■. V:..i .;r'i.j: ■;■[ pivjJ M-c^buLi » Lu LUiie ti- 
»nult* to Urf- ?wjui'-t> f A. V*», tir. 

(j AiiiJ ir>- ipi «uu awaj p*upEv from your 
KH/«jjf A. i'n, »«r, 

l^. Tlitl malm* tln-ui evjj i—rvaj-.Ul A Jl i* 
r^urlll'ja li^uilpnt tLA lj>fl'i iirijimjiatitili that 
nuikcpi iJivin nil ircrranli. 

if. Hi citurrn, your -Sufifts <J< Jiut try Ui 
wriiii d*»> ]"-i']iih: fruiN n.l !>*, ilo<» itl A. 
|( llit l.drjHrl of til* KlitK<lcnu, ■ltd 
■lluitit tin- iwlH'iiluul to Herein* liix gun tiioio;. 

tj. Wli.-ii junr rt-Jifi-.-j-iiiliilntif j;r* mlo U.l-i.k 
JiuiHii:)Hjhln kjlIi u |itij4i'J4;rU|>h unri tlu; n : ht of 
tin' J>jriiJiJiHTiijlia, ton JoJi't >lilV unl vIheh Vuu 
n.'I out ^i-j.lh- Iih-I j l^'l'iu^ii U. Jl diiudi, ciu yiyUT 
A. i^n. r,ir, 

<J. I'oil '(ill I'rjiiELiilli! 10 I'luy (h? ]itn*nii^ju,jjli1 
A. \ I'h, - L ir 

(J. Ami ynu dinilurl n very nutivti r:iiiLjjiijjn, 
Limi't ymit A. \f-N, »ir. 

If. I)n X i.Ij |,fif..|f. :..( Iln'rt- nllM'li-H HI "Jiifur. 
iiULiiun"T A. Vh-^, Hr, 

Q, |hi Mm wrile lln.-iiiT 

i[r. rnvin.-1un: You p:ij' "Inf-orinii- 

lU.n", Yp him mmn'tliinif i-ln:-- 

Mt. lini'-lilijliwu: "inrnniunit". 
TIm. WiIii.'mh I hat* |iMi|tri(iut?Hl »Hjinf 
■jlirlff I" i'«" "Infiprioiipii" 
Ij, I him urii-vuiLply ii.i-iiil.i-ip, [ meant 
"litfuriimiit". A. 1 luii'i" n-i.i.i[il'ii1i"l rwmw fcriL- 
tki to "iiifuriiiant" on ri-i|u"i<l- 

Uj 1 the Court: 

<J. On renneat of nrlio-tuT A Of tli* ofllct 

Prinf If, /Vow— For BiHir-Cnu 

Q. IVIuo ik Iht tJTit* (*nr»iilf A, Tfon vsulnl 
ull I mil. h niBnagkf "f 'he -tniwi — 

tj, li!/n": tninil tvliit I voulpl taJi liim. TrLl 
Hpv jury, li*}' want lu Imov. A. Ilr i± Hit ant 
a];[riHiukH| lii nujH-rviiH: tlit oflit* ud Hit ficLny. 

liy iir. UnnJiluiLjMn: 

Q. Uiil >un writ* on« (inJicatins)! 

TJit Court; ijlmw liiiii In* article. 

Q, Tliifc in "Ipfoninmt", *iiifh ii part ul 
1'iLi I n1 pJT V Knhihil H. 1 «Iii>h' }uu tliiii [jri un 
liow to ji!»y d pliifnii^rB|iJi In n Jioiuirlicilil (in. 
iliaitiji^'Jij It i< lln- UhL, lhpIluiih (Jmnijijiij in »it- 
DFjoHf. A. TJiin JUllp-lw^Jing: "' l*liuuui;rBjili"i 

ij. 1Vri F il iii in tli- IuhI cnJiiliin laWM J.-i*»tj 
wlnrre J ipmrlwvl a Jittlu ipeinciL-uuirk aooui tJ>* 
idiiiridgniNli in Ui# iiallkay. 

Uy Hie Court: 

(;. JJid you viibm UibI artirUl A. Ko, 1 di4 
ify Mr, Uritrfltmuann: 

(J. U>p yi'U liHSfw astytli-injf aUjui, 1ta Ju]»a ob 
Jiu» tu ]j|jy t plwpnojjriiijh u-nii li"» r tit a[n 
oromth lin'ri ]n.-0[ild in tin Lollwu^h H'itLi like 
litviultll'i: .Hid tilt ]ih(.noi;riifjlit A- I IlmVe lieard 

<1- And tlit-y itn {iK* very <Je!*ilmd inatructi'tiiii 
un to u~l'4iL In iLii id a iine-falniLy iiOL]pe h aiHJ 

kIiili In ilo in ii tv,u-fiiiiii]y lioiLbirt A. Y'-* r air. 

:.[. .'.ud wJiut |o ilu *ii4in you arc reiiulieiif 
A Ve*, pit. 

y. And (litH ail<fj liny Jo rLvi sonio ruJ*a sa 
win! tu Jo if thera U »o auauii liiat oociiraT 

F*td IK Fnt»»— for i)e/f*^-Cr«*a 

Air* Covington: TIihl in entirely iro- 
...: : ; .'!, uiiLiiutri'Lnl anil (Krc-judicin.1— 

TliL- Cokut: I tliiaL mi. 

Mr,, L'oviiipttou : Ami we Hunt tot o, 
tiu.-.'.i mil EIjl 1 jiii'jiiiiii-izil Hdatenientr 

Tin' t'uiis-l: JJu yuu »«i,t tfl iiPako a 
hiliI ,.hl: ),;, i I, i- I up : : I : .. 1 i I ; I 

Mr. t'iiviiij;iiiii: Tliai i* llii> motion. 
The SJourL Arr you wiious id tim nio- 

limi fur a mifitriiJf 
Mr. l'ovinj;1uii: 1 n^k (his — 
Tin- (,'iiui l : Vl'v w ill 1sii nix? thin k.' nl 

a linr. I mil U' ili-lii;lilLil In It'll llio jury 

tu il i^rii^il I'd it- 
Mr. ( 'uviiiLjton : Then tlml mil be suf- 

'i'he l-'iiurt ; Tlpon <li> you *ilhdniw your 

pnot !<>n for ii InictrHiM 
Mr. t'ovinclonr Vr*. 

Uy Ilr. iti-uriihiiiiiiii: 

(J. 1'lifn you auudc the ttateiiiiit, did you not, 
■'i>. K'r.ini, pjit'iiliinjjof the liUM-i-il group — 

t'lti! ( "ou rl : Tlic jur>' *i U dinrcpuM) any- 
tluBLg tlml iii «trid<en oui of tlhia, rcnwr<l, 


(J. {('onliniinl) Did yoil Ptot Dtakc Uie qpLMtuiMil 
un liini-t *xmiiitnilion, speaking of the Kupsrll 
iiruiiliy linn '"Jlii-y nutde loud pruleiliilpana in 
ftiVOf of lliir-.-ull." EIuvii yi)U uny -i-oiitpljiiiil about 
i l-u If A. No. I mutely *bal*d Ihat an Jencrijitive 
<if tliL'in, 

<;. VVell f did you coipJcinn th? ltun^nll j^ruiip 
lux-nun' lliify pruttMldd I A. J a'oulda'l eondomn 




Fft4 W, j^m— fV Dtll*,--Cres4 

Q. Didn't j'nu IpeCOUic 1 a|i]!LiM'cL Id Mii-ni hecuUKQ 
tln'TL- J.rotfiU-dF A. K«r ItrnlliM ItmuelJ f Jin, 

(J. Vtm VCIV, I ln!;c it) np[M>Hnl ta the RmuirLl 
group, were foil ihjII A. Repeat tluilt 

y. Vt-n y-mi not <>-| i pi i*«(l 1o the UuimcH groujiT 
A, We let thein nlonr. 

Q. Well, yon complained nlHiiit their loud pro- 
lAlutiufl*, didn't you J A. Of personal loyally to 
l's<lor Kussell. 

Q And weren't you. very active- in nii|»jnr| nf 
your iinitcilntimi^ Jicfliii'-I the Hiium-II gruMpf A. 
tVr inertly Milled nllem inn to tl^fiu-l iluii l'i<»tpir 
Hukh-II nor nay ollirr lima wa* tulv folium nl, Lit 

lilt r«ir<] W*« Ihi I* fallowed. He in our Iffulrr. 

t}, UVren'l j'l'H, Mr. r'rnui, uml .IeJiDvah'« 
WltlHT-H** Kt Qi.-lUi- ill tliPtr prutiwlaluinii p^qiiMt 
lliv I?',..-' II group that they printed ., .. i:, ;■;.-.-.! i «■.:: 
Oilliil" 1 In tvc:»t Silling*" In put their riewn in itT 
A. Ye*, fltafV jifiothl "Hanrtt Rifling*," 

(}. Ami tiuil luaj^iziivc did cnnlain very active 
proli'idiitionK dhnuL till 1 ICyatel group, did it but I 
A. V ea, Kir. 

Q. tin tlierr u us. tmnsiilornltle u^itniiou or the 
jjiu-i ul 1 1 in Hhiilicrfurd group, Iwlli orally mid 
UirtiBgn M, is iiiiij;n7iiic 1 I he "Harr*iU Sif1injcn," 
pretestings eprainst Hht llu*rfell groupl A Yn, 
*ir— Benin*!, the evil itrvanl, 

Q. Weru tin"}" evil Hrrvinbil A. Tliote who 
^■l"u;U'>l thejimelvcu from the tiorie.ty. 

tj. Were they evil srrvantt 1hthuim> sbey fol- 
lo*vd jiml odvmcalcd tli*- lIu^atH doctrine* T A. 
liccausc 1 1 icy rtfu.Mi] to follow in tli* Liijlil, nrl- 
lisring to I'mHor KlINittll'd leaching Aiiil tmkin^ 
ihui iLn tin: all-tune utandurd, and refilling to walk 
in Lie advancing li^ht- 

Frei W, Fttau—Far Pt/U.—CrSa 

Q. When did the ndvar-cinj; lijjhtoomc, id, when 
Mr, RaOitrford totk huldl A. Kfl h v.I.^q tho Lord 
Je&us tjuoo la tilt TempJe in 191 8 for j^d.-iicoh 

Q. Jle -wai not U*ra befotc 1919, rnz ^.jT A. 
Nut %l lilt Th.-:u|i]«. 

Q. Hu lie *-dj! tbufit all thi> time thai EtavcQ 
»»* thorat A, Yes, sir, lie bid boI cume tn the 

Q. i5o the foijiidfr cf I hit tri&vi^fttint, Pisl^r 
Ituflstll, did oot riavt Ji-no* in tM Temple Ls that 
iLT A. Notin 1h* Ti;mp]*. 

Q. And did Kutli«rfnrd bridR him in in 1JU3T 
A, CerLuinly n«L 

Q. T!ia,l it vhen Batherfcrd Wt,k fci.ld ■■ 
president, wajat ilt A, N&, dr. Ha became 
priiidJ:Ai in 1317, 

Q. Well, il via tlt*t be Imd elected t: 1 .. sew 
Board of Directon that Jezoa ami iiLo tba 
Temple, iroan't it — and that election took place 
in 191flf A. The aann*] alaclios Kwlt place fn 
j*.-iuarr, 1918. 

Q. Ajid that ia the time whoa tl:e U^ht cams 
Ji.T A, Nil. Tha S^riptora durooology indicate! 
t)mt the Lord Jtau* eune to the Ttsple is Die 
iprinj of 1&1S, uol in (lie winter, 

Q. Wiiat part of the Bitria asys that it bap- 
jn-nirl In th* ^.prinp of ISIBT A. The prophfwy 
of Mhla^hi aayi that the Lord Jcdds C\ :iet 
would come to the T«:i:pl*, tkat tae Ijjrd God 
Jehovah would send His to the Tettple and 
Ift would iiiBtstnle a pojpn^ vrork of the '.n.:> ; 
and of the urracta of God, and eooaL^jucnlly 
a pnxgizg work mtwt follow Hi* appearaBee at 
tba Ttmpla. 

Ftti W. From— For t}t.]U<—Cf<>** 

Bj the Court; 

Q. Hov do yon fix the diteT A. The U 
?.icJ tfcordiog to the parnlleti of tkc Lnn) 
Jcau* r'irat AdTont cjid Hit Second Ailvi'.:L 
la the jt-iLr 29 A_ D. the Lord Jetut Chriv t Wju 
liii:Liicd ia water ill i^uAxA of hia noDHora> 
tion — 

\i: B;ii,.!.''i.:iiii-:i. IiiLjin-L T »U. ui- 
iaj for tho date, 
Idr, Cffvmjton; Lei tho witnesa fi"i»" 
Tba Conrt: Yei r let him finish 

A. (ContiaMd): And irnm*diittlj aiLrr lav- 
ing lifted oat iit the wnttr, Lhe Halj Spirit 
eCuTia npon Jeiua, arid Tiiihic m :i -i i f Mutiny mn- 
cciroponyisgi and Jcjioj wu ajiainb^di tn- h* the 
King of Qod'fl Theocratio Oovoramtni, und G-od 
nscd him there, and h# iaiajFiiiataly bc^wa to 
puiidi the Ootjii'] of the Kiogdom Tbea thm 
tad 4 half Jrftint Afttr that, the Lord Jtsna 
Cbrilt node in to Jerusalem, and he immediately 
weal to the Temple and dcared it out of am- 
mcrcinl traffickers aad those who had no proper 
hncineaa is there. The Seriptnru «h.c* that 
tfci .-« ia a Tiarall eli :m helween the Sewnd Ad- 
neat of Jetus ar.d tlia Fifat, and the Scriptarea 
ibew that in 1914 (he Lord Jeioa Christ was 
enthroned as King of the world and — 

(J. Where do von (ir.d 1914 in the Seriptnretf 
A. That ii cakalalrd, air. Taat ia the end of 
(ha timaa of the Qen^iea, which ia defhubtly 

Q. That 11 tin waj yon ealsoUta let i Wt 
fnmish the JBihl* proof (or it And] therefore. 

fVfd" IK. Frorti— f«w Df/li.— fru^ 

according to n-hpl tlifr parallel anys, thr** and 
a lijiti years (hereafter froiu the fall of 1SH 
urgaldj hrifii; it lo tiic uprine; ^r 101B, and Iho 
I .tin I Ji' deitribed the eondilinns tliat would 
unnKdiattly tel in after he would com» to the 
Temple, and tliote phjiieal facta h»ve fnllowad 
191B spring:. 
By iit. Bruciil.oiiai'r. ; 

Q, Then mow do I understand thai Ehia Li^hl 
would have came in ju the spring ef ISIS no 
matter who Was elected president 1 A. Yen, air, 
regardlesa of iudividualu. The indiTidajd dcnin 't 

Q. Under tliia. Tl-ieoernlis Outferaruent, that 
doctrine alia does not take into ii.g prevision 
any earthly ^verumenL that aiists or any 
Mmrti or anything like that, doe* ill A- No, 
ail, thai is entirely froiu Qod. 

Q. Sn they don 'I reengni** ariy d'oiy tkeleri 
ofSciali of (fuv« nuiiEnt or court* or aaylhing 
lite lhati 

Mr. Covington r Your Honor, that ia 
ntSctjy ao asiiinipLion— 

Mr. Brut hhtoaen : 1 withdraw tiitL 

Q. 1 will aol; you *hal i* your Oieory on 

tluilt A. The Scriptures tliow tliOit God would 
aft lip Elk Theocratic (Jnvcrnni*rtt in the midst 
of His cnerjiica. In the dsji of Lhi;ae kings 
shall the God of Heaven hd up a tingdoin "*hich 
shall never he dH'arroyed, il says. Til* &Ji"p- 
lm*a show that God let* those govenuneala ft- 
n-ii'.in on this earth and Hi' rarriea on His work 
in the midst of these govt rnme-ntt, tad II* hat 

Fvd W. F raiw—Fof Dtftt.—Cfott 

appointed the lime, th* Battla of Armageddon 
■:i VhJikli to destroy all tins ROferumeata tlial 
o|-j.r.jiv Him and His King and Hi* Gotpel 

Q. So the present ffovernment that eiista On 
earth ia not part of the Theosratio Oovem- 
nu'nt, in itl A. No, air. 

Q, Not recognized at all \f JthoTin'a Wit 
nea^es. A, No, tir. 

(J. Untberftird was a director in tb* Rnietll 
resLme, wasn '1 bet A. Tea, air, 

Q. And bad bean for tome timet A, Aa far; 
at I know. 

Q, So he was a director both hafor* and after 
1CI] v-I A. Ai lir u I know. 

Q. I think ynu *aid tiiat Jehovah's Witnrmra 
do not attack rel igiorji«t«~didn.'l yon mite that 
atat^soentt A. We do not ftttaok personalitiea. 

(,i Vi.u attack the organization, it that itt 
A. The di>r.lri:ir-i. 

Q. And you oIfo wid Hial religiom ia a racket? 
A. Y**, air. 

Q. Flo that the orgaaii*lion it a racket, is 
that itT A. Yea, air, 

Q. And lh« individuate are not racket**!* who 
participate in H .in-»i> churches and all, vm (hart 
A. The official element is. 

By the Conrt: 

Q, What do yon mean hy "official element "1 
The guiding genjotea of these religion* t A 

Q r T!i<b Hierarchy I A. Y**, to* Hiarajiohy, 
the Clergy. 

Q. The Rahhi* and Ihf Frusta are all w- 
k*l4era1 A, Yes, sir. 


Fi'tS W. Fraas—Far Dt}ti.—Cron 

By Mr. Bmehhauaen : 

Q. And linn any organization threatening un- 
scrijitural punishment if a snare and a racket, 
is tlmt current! A. That ia right. 

Q. But yon have condemned Ibis plaintiff in 
Ibb action to a second death, haven't you' A. 
yVt haven "l condemned him to that 

By the Court: 

Q. You mean be bus condemned himself, ia 
tliat what you wnnt to tril utt A. If an indi. 
vidiial ^wruiaLn in iwn coar-^c curtrary to lha 
acripturcK, ut warn him thai he will end up 
in second Jenlii. 

Q. Yon warned M«lf A- Yea, air. 

Bv Mr. Bmchliftuseni 

Oj. AH evil ti'tvaats wind op that w*j. don't 

lhivl A. 'J'luil cln>K will. 

Q. So as man n* you classify him as an evil 
tenant, he gels into that category of the second 
dealh, isn't that rijrhlT A That it right. 

[J. l)oii"l yon. hy Inhflinir bii» ™ evil msrvaist, 
really metft out the punishment of a tecond 
deaihT A, Ob, nn. 

q. Or at Iful enll ntlcnlion to ill A. We 
w»rn U>e individual of the error of bis woy 
ami of Ibe conte^nencTa, the Scnfitiirol eonae- 

Q. Ily pointing oul In oil your inemlwrs of 
Jehornb'a 'Wi1ae.-sf* 1hal 1hip man \x an evil 
aervant and he i* mlijrH-t t^ lite seennd ih-alh, 
yon have anuonncrri the arntrriee throughout the 
world in your "Walch Tower," have yon not! 
A. No, sir, we htv* not pronounced seatenca 



frtd W. Frvni—F&r DtfU.—Crcu 

upon him, End thiil "Information" article: as-Vt 
Hit rendera th*r*»f to make & deiiBion hetwetu 
the evil -servant class »ml Jehovah '» Kingdom, 
■net Dial wniuld apply to any individual, nn 
[In- oim> w]m i* Ki'iiii)? is tic erroneous way. 

Q, Then you al&o mate the flattnun,!, "Rn. 
liijjonistn of c-harchr* ore victima of rtefcett," 
w that correct t A. That is light 

Q. tin 1 1 in t V [tfirtid paling in thi» nrjjaniwd 
reljgiun, tlicy h*c«l«e raeketccrM, nlon"f theyl A. 
No, sir. They are VteUniml by the racket 

<J. If they n re In > srOup which in prciidr4 
over by raekeloern. and they aru people of in* 
lei licence mid .ill, tiny knowing) y participate 
willi Dirmr j-arketeeri;, don't they't A. If tlicy 
kru.-Tymply |uir! if Spate and oct at afienta, then 
Iht y ljn-ptui- purl of Die racket, 

{j. Sn 1lu- lonf^r lliey remain with knowledge 
!>f Hi? p-i i ua Han, 1li* more they become reeke- 
1e* rht A. Tlie fairipturt* tell them lo pet ant 
or elne they will att-fler tl* ■HHiMtiu.iTHK", tha 
TiJaeyiex wlih-h flod mil! bripfi upon them for »** 
mainiiin in. They ncwnie parlalLera of the lint. 
They have a moral responsibility for lite tin* at 
ihr ur^mization when they any- it it flint and 
tlim tlioy rrfiuie to tcparat* ttainKhrtt and clear 
thi-ir nkirts. 

{J. Then nlno one «r U* doctrine, as I fiath. 
i-rci] from you, ia tlial JclmvalTa Witneanea pay^ 
obt-iminw t* no one, in Dial eoJ-mwH A. That 
i» right, 

tf. Jin ilijil nijindirtK up al any public rerehiony 
or pirn in n Wflrt-Tfimn Mid fill i* contrary— 

Mr. Covington; I ohj«! to thi* *a 
Th i' Court : Ob;eciion isntainad. 

VrtA W. F™**— F^ &efir.—Crm 

Q. Then von >]*>ke idmnt the fl: i l; isilute, As 
I undi-mtaild it, you are- nut lij i]jii!u.h1 — and I 

Kjnnk of you in tin.' w»y of iti-c SSoiavty — to nny- 
mie ehar tliiin .Miuvitb'* YVJlaesa-s sulntinc iht 
Pjij:, ii that euirL-itf A. 1 Mihi tlwt thova wlio 
llfi- mil in a roVL-tlflNt willi t!it Tnord 1u l^r 1 Hi* 
ruiiifiirjiiliiiL-iifH. (hey may Eiiititc tiir Hd« if Limy 
rlimmc to do JO. 

Hy tike Court: 

Q. Tou iiu-an i-eil one* may imluli? Hit mitff 
A. Tiit^c vrlifl am! rust in covenant TeUHioiudiip 
Willi Ihc fji»nl, 

(f. VVtil dn ynit imwn by that I A. TlioSl; who 
h:ii e ntnde a rWtottfaiWA ■•> the Lord to slo *a 
will pater inlo 41 AGYtftut nitli I tain of ^bc-d'- 
H'ni'e, Aifonlinj.'- to Hi* Word, ttvoy are bound 
t,y Elti Wuni, lhfn.»rorc liy (h<i/ oOfepant, to 
nliey |Ji» t'liiiiinatnlinenta contained in Ibe Bible. 

By Mr, iJrucldiausj'n; 

Q. Dhh f HiKtcrxInntl llwt >t i» perreetlv a)l 
riu-lit for ]«"itiilr who on Mll*i4e of Jchoviih'H 
Wii ih'km.'* — and j : on do nol criticise it, to- Baiutt 
tlw Jlikg, in Hint rinltl A. Thai ia all ripht- 

Q. Von ill not olijrrl to Ibntl A. Wf Av i»o| 
ohjift lo that. 

Q, But you do ohj«t to Anyone Jehovah'" 
Wiiin-jsi'ii di.ijuif it. in tlkal itf A. Each indi- 
vhlunl i'lin p-ri'i-rmi fu-pordinu lo niiat ii« natt, 
luit «■■*■ cm imint nut wlinl the f^riptu^n ka%'c lo 
«!,•■ 11:1 llir ; 1 1.. I! it 

<). You nrr ujininst il, ike Sofitjiy ii aisaiiut 
id A. 1'erninaLly, I mob' my wn choice in 
Ihr waiter. 

Fred TV. FrtaLc-For DtfU.*~Croit 

(J. Ihj'i tlie Socictj- jih-uLmt it at a. jjMsapl 
A. The majority of Jehovah's 'Witnrut'.m, or *il 

ill 1 lii-ni, du net relate any d»g. 

]!)■ llie Court; 

y. Vliidi » it, I lit Diajoriljr or *Ut A. I 

would nay all of them, 

lSv" -Ur. lirucliliiHweH ; 

(j. So Ikey folLau- the doctrine of the Society) 
A. (\"u aiuteor.) 

{J. "VVlu-n yon ff> in with the phonograph to 
peo|>h- of e.<iod will and tliosiu wko are nulutinj^ 
Ihr. (lflK, and >'oii set fi*ift inlereAted in yonr 
ijwlrinr, anil tliL-y hcciiioc Jriustah'j \Vilnesat14, 
iliry mnnot aahfti.' tlm flnjf nny more after tlial, 
can tlicyf A. They have tlw informs lion rrpBinl- 
inj; tilt! nmtli-v iirou^ltt to their nttrntion, and 
[key may <lo tn I hey pleaae. 

By the Court 1 

(). TI11I if they du, it ia a Bin, inn't thnl ricrlitl 
A. II Jill ik'|K'L-lr. on whether they mnke a mn- 
m-rr;LtiH»o In tllC Eiflrd. 

*j. If they arc mLTnh*ra nf .IthovnK'a 'Wit. 
■ni&M and lliey do it. whnt in it T A. It im'i a 
fHTMstnnl rent mint. The individuHl nJeci^iw to 
uiLr thai <7f>ar-te liimaelf. 

fly Ifr. ISruchlinusen: 

{}. Vmi nuike ini-nlinti nf carrying cut Mr. Iht** 

«fl'.i will. A. Yn. 

I; Did yull rvcr k<t il rtljij 1 of tJW willT A. 

I read it 

Q. Dnii't you know tlwt lie inad? a provision 

Si: t 

Ftti TF. Frtma—Far Dr.fti.—Cm* 

in Ins will tliat hi^ five daagblera ware to lun 1 * 

1lie rijjlit lo volif Uin atoiikl Did you. cvlt imar 
of lhati A. Hi* fiv* daughterji 1 

Q. (Jr Iria children, A. Tint isn't bo. 

(J. TJiere ware live pvftpl*, five feiiuilcs meo- 
licniid in the will who wew lo vole Ida Etock, 
isrn'l Ibat ri^klt A. Thai is rigbt, 

Q. And 1hai ncvi'L- c-arne about, did ilt Tltose 
people, were wi in-nuitleil to vote the «tock h were 
tlieyl A. I don't lainw. 

Mr. Crudnploiu Tout Howor, I objccL 
1'lic i-iuirtur ia in eviilencc, And il ahowi 
Unit- it in a. nun.ntock cornoralioo. There- 
fore, (here could nel 1m any aloft. Tins 
charter ni'V iliows that the volr-r* only 
had the rijziit 10 vota during life, 11 n- 1 
Ikervforc tlic- viitrs die with the [icr.-oji 
lioldinj; il. ISo 1h*rt in no -Btoet, nnd be it 
asinitiiinu; n nuiHtr (hat La eontTary 1* Ilia 

The Court: Objection nui-tsi n«i , 

Mr. Hrnchhauitra; 1 mn Korry, I 1hink 
I Klmokl liavr- Mild nhnTrhcdrliT*. 

Mr. ('nvinj^oa: Tiierc ^rc no idiare* 
to hold. 

y r There .in* L-onlribsitorst. "I'"Jick donntion nf 
j)lft xhnlL pntillo tllC cnniribiLtr.r tn nn<i n^n- 
ni.HCHHiii-r nim-dividi-nd-litBriniT rliare." Inn't 
tkal a nharelioldfrt 

Jlr. C°vi«KlA1t; Now, conn»*l— - 
Th* Cnnrl; Suppor* ynu wnil until 
nnnntimc and you can enaininc ibe charter. 

Q. There mi people whn i:nyc A n^ht tti Will 

Fred W. Frai«— Fot I>t{t,.—CioMt 

in (bin 1'rnnnylvpnin torporalion, iaa't that 
rilslilT A. That in ri^Ht- 

J!y Ibe t'aurt; 

Q. Who ire ihc pcojih-T A. Tho^e wlio have 
made a contribution of $iO or muLliplca tlm're- 

Q, They !;•■: one vote for eadi HOT A Yes. 

By Hi. Brucklinuienj 

Q, rVfttutf liiia^cli h^il indiratnil Hint a reriain 
nmnWr of llinabandn of vote* ur nJiure* nhould 
he voted by five people, didn't he, in hi* wdLT 
A. Yen. 

tj. And Unit wan never earned out, wnn itf 
A. 1 Lion '1 I; now. 

Mr, Covington: Yone Ifonnr, Sic i» set^ 
tins into a matter Ihnt in rirovidwl for in 
I he ehiirttr. 

Tbe Cnurt; I will lei bim answer iT be 
known. He raid "I don't know." 

Q. I ijiub'rsljim] I'ijl! rail nay that in I PS I, 
(lie tVVtrl) Tnwer diseonlinweii Ramlnn tlie- edi. 
Inrial fntutniltw, and then Jehovub Ond iH-mnia 
llir- cilitn-r, 1^ that eorreclT A. .Trliovali's plitaf- 
niilp wan indicated Iherehy citing Tnaiali Si;lJ. 

The Cnurt; Tie inked yem. if in l!>a,l 
Jchnvnh flml h^eanie t*lit*r, a«eordinj); to 
your ilimry. 

Tlie WitncfH; No, T wouldn't aay no. 

Q. Ilidn't you *ay thai Jehorab Cinc\ become 
the r-ditnr of Ihi* paper at tome timet A, He 
was aLwayi the One guiding the eeur«e of tb* 


Frad W. F ronj— For Ihfis.—Crati 

l;, Ui.ln'l you ktiiic 1hat en fkE^her li, l'JCtl, 
'.','!• 1\ f ji[,'Ii Tiiti.t ili.iL-ontii.n^'il Ihi; iiaiiiijit; i,f nil 

iitilnrijil n- lilKt ond then Jihni..Lh (>od Lo- 

rmw I hi- i-dilriW A. I ilidil't rtlj Ji<h'.vjli (iml 
hi-i'iinii' the- rililor. It wn> npprer ia(e< L I ha I 
.li-lmvnh (mnI ri-ully in Iln- One wkn in editing 
H,i- |u|Hf, Ainl lln-H-fiin- t In- hmiiirij; of an edi- 
toriol H-iiLijiiitu-!- wan out of plan. 

ts. A1 ilii> J'aIi-, Jelinvah (iod id nt»w tlie editor 
i,< iIm- gs:L|M-r, it Hiiii j-if; hi T A. Me is today ihe 
ciliinr nf Ibe jiapeT. 

ij, llnw lottfi bur: lit- liM-n OilitOr of Ihe piL]K!TT 
A. Si9M'i- ic> iiu'L-jjfN-ti he bus biwn iriliilin^ it. 

[|, Kw* iaii! A., sir, 

(j. Why did ynu IvftW an eilitori^l mmnitlce 
n;> t« l'Ctll A. I'niitur linv-;e|| in bi j - will c-pm- 
[ii'd [but there tliMiH Ik ducIi nn editflridl ti'in- 
uiilti-i-, niul it mas eoalinueil duwn till lii.n. 

IJ. Hid ynu hm] thai Lie editorial committee 

1,-itf in Ilirt viiih having tlie joarnal e<lited hy 

.fi'limnb linl, in 1liA[ itt A- No. 

if, Wiiji [In- pnlji-y in Hi|>IWiSitiftJi trt what YOUT 
rnui--|iliiiTi iif an editinK by .li-bni'iih (UkI ti'SipT 
,\ m It wns fo-.ind on nt-rn*jnjis Ibn1 nOrne nf CbesO 
nn tbi> i-dilonal ronnnillc^ were prrvenlinpr (Le. 
|iii(i)if;ninu of timely and vital, op-tn-*Satp tmtba 
ami (herein? hinderine: tlsp fioiug nf lliojse tTuiiw 
la tin- ].^«|dr of the Lord in Hit due time, 

By Ihr fHiufi: 

Q, Afler thai, 11U1, who on earth,, if anybody, 
had rhiir-frf nf what went in «r did not go in tho A. .Tndpe Itutherford. 

Q An lie in rffeci wim the earthly edilni-r. i a- 
ehief, bb he niiKht be etlledt A. He would b* 
the vitihla one to- tale urt of IbaL 


Fiid W. F-raiu—Fer Dtft*r-GtMt 

D y Mr. Hrael ill miEtn : 

(Jj, lit wan working hh (jii^'d rupre-icnintivfj 
Ut ugtpl in ruiLiiirlL' iIijk Biagaxitw, in tiiji: riK- lL " 
A- Ml- u'uh H\!iVir.\i tn tlwl GBlMcity. 

IJ. |jj,l:i't Jib JiaVfl 111* nujtie on it M edilorT 

A, No, BJf- 

Q, You Kiiid .hut the inugniLiiw: i1lj*» nut Ml 
furtli U><- L ujiiriiiiii «f iiu'Ti, awl in that tofinteLiiiii 
I cull ynur atLcnkiun to u rer»oluti«n in tlit arli- 
ele " Jsvfurnjfltiuji" Kindt it aitjned by you. A. 

Q. k-n'l lull! on i:r:iiii-:m eiiuewtd by yonl 
A. N- . »tr. 

(>. Yen *i|inf d your nip"* U> ilf A. I iLfrned 

tllj' ILL. Ll<' to Jt. 

(j. MTmj «w it that uij,TioJ it if you did not 
biijn U « intend lo tigu itt 

Mr. Covingtnn; If vonr Honor please, 

tlini tit a eanfuning stateinmL 

Tlit Onrt; Objection amitemed, Ynn 
iiK'iin y.'Hi had Dtvjna jjuidanpi? or goiiliHtea 
fr.uri JcIluvaIi when you aiijned ihatT 

A. C knew tlw? fjH'l*. 

(J. Hut you tlirl *ipi ju A- I did ziRn it. 

(J. Yen b-ipied it iv * bumI A, T »ixnial it 
IJil! iirat one. 

]5y Jfj", Bruthluuicn; 

>'!. Iii connection w>lli your ate Lenient, you r::;. 
Hint liu- "Yl'alclt Towe r " * iloea Dot rot funh the 
<h|i!niih|i uf :lhhl — in that your statomentT A. 
That in ligfct. 

Q. Tin* resolution, tin *ill*j(t**J libel of October 
IStli Minted by Oris* dirm-tsn, da you call that 
** opinioni A. No, lir. 

frfrf IT. F^mtt— Far Utfit. — Crtrti 

ij i'. .ir nl- ikii i-jtl J 1 1 .V It in a (Hah-iiii-nt 
i if I jui mo! "j. iili. 

(J. |n,ii'i } |.n— ;ni .<r[*n|r>n wlun, ymi 

cr,i,- mi r'uiu'Him-: A. VV» lifi- i J iLS'h-t| liy ill*" 
i'ui-Ih, w mil W,. llln.u In W llii' truth Jllld by ll,<: 
.Sjiiril ',]' tie- l..f.|. 

[J. Vlil llrtk u ti.1i- i.rl tilts iliiiii;ijT all iIht« 
(Jirn'ir jr > li, H.i* r>»nii i.ii Auj.tivi H, iLi-l'i, ilnln't 
yvilT A, \<-.-, ^if. 

(}. Anrl «i-n- yn nail •■XEifi-^riaj; ifjiir bpirkWir 
ill" IbLh l?iiiJi <*f iniii*n,-ibiT. N A. y^ il wasn't fi 

]J«H' l,[,IJl|frtl, 

liy t!* CiHirl: 

if. W'liit vh- il ! A. It »■»* f'ipi-riVMi-inK my 
MLjiicn uf U,ui M'.-uiluiion dii'3 ulibt Jl hiaml 

t JaF- tlnn^ir^H tlijt !-Jkr,u|iJ 1*. [LLlkl-n. 

l. ( i. Thi- n-~r,Jiilii,r, W»> pkiVt jl |..U r-L- -i J..III Liifi, veil 
hjv. WhuT tta* if! A. A dwlaration of ftd 
fjf 1h«- I'-rlnrNr ri f SM'liriii It, \m- tuki^n. 

<.]. ftaa il Jl jinkir.'-ntl A, ?irj, It *m A 
^tA tri-ipc-pi t ut lh*- liijrinj *jf riJri-^li'r* tSLf rr- ihiiE 
.Mr. M-.ylr IjmI rm-LifLji-Ll t r-«jliik-intijjl rHnt iop ■ 

i- 1 ■ 1 1 p <"ii 1 1 i hi- Kwiciy — 

Tlri' I'ulifEL IV f ItrviW wluiL lilt nt»H". 
Il ii-Ei L *Jlii|. 

1'ltr tVilmuM: h Viufl i;'H-f-U>L-n* WitlL 
J"iiI'1jh jili| iih U> tlj«r cxiiirirf- thill klVjuI'I In- 


Q. I>n 'I Liinl Lk ^u.lL^jiCntt A. Arl Iht H"jnl 
ui JtinrtiiPH, ui m-Pi: «ulhofJM-d In i-«orasiitfid 

U!l IN Jl tlF Ij+- tjjkl-R. 

Jty llr, )Srvlili»UM:n; 

Q. IV ii» il an DptlMtai. uf I lie nijjiil kl bJ]1 

A (J«rt*ijiljf. 

f s-«i TF. fj-jiF»— for £»»/(*.— fro« 

Q. »liuj you I™! to litttO to tin nujcnK-nli of 

wtijiE \l. u lilLI fajLjt,, di-i^'l yob! A. "\ i*h f ^Jr. 

(J. Tin I'trt li>linii:S to 1 1 ■ ■ h h'Llfir llial if*-. 
K^JJtJ" r<-;uj ilpcI liii-n \'uci KbtFc ]i>[4-iilcil^ ta whit 
Itr. i5ulJiH.rf(iJ-ii u»iij Bin] juur tiiiiul nJxtF^tiid 
Co determine u^io «■■#» rl^liit A. Oli, hd. ilf r 
liullic rfo-rd h&iJ no! coflUriMltcd un thr Icttrr. 

Q. Did you vote before ilr. Ratlitrford nnvde 
ir.f Leu^ur-Ll.-f A. Yes, sir. 

(J. Van vriln] rjjjEit after Lbe rending of Ihe 
IclKrrI A. A r;:ujML!n! K'liJV »[!|.»jij.:iid tu dnT 
uii il n'ji^jli^a. 

Uy the Court: 

<J. Thii- tosiniilte* tireu" ap thin rejolution uil 
run all i>.^rmi itl A. Tbjvt u nijriL 

Uy Jfr. Bj-gL-lil.nuucn: 

Q. S.> you Toted ri^ht after the rtidijig of 
llr. LUoyle'u letur I A. Aa 1 recall it, 

(j. That in Hi? ouly ';... t tl.Lt yon had ini!dii 
you I A- Ye*, air, a.i 1 recall jL 

(J. In yniir ri|imj«>j1, yuu vuS«J tlilLt be wai 
i'Fo-nf,', i\ UiJii ill A. Yml, »ir. 

t^, ^"n»n'i n pit ugiiijionl A, N T 0, [ kaiw 
fuctn. The JfUcr niJidt rcrloin riwrgn aod I 
krifHF tli^u < fijirgi:;i «-trt not true. 

<j. Vi-ju blill f-uhutnbo to liie utatcnitnt in th* 
'■\1'll<i.1i Tou-*r" Hint they don't tajpiKt in eoni- 
lr*,v*r«y. don 'I youl A. Vu, air, 

fj. ^'i,u ijriii't *iJl tnln jjrifclr "Iufgnpiitioii"' 
boj Ljjiintroi't.ri'y", Jn yuul A. Ko, tir. 

Q, W'lu.Tf- tut)- Diirnl;o» (bat llr. Jloyk it 
jjruilt)- and i* a Judaa and all that Nil of iIupkT 

TIlo Ceort : Tha articl* ipraha fur it* 

fVfrf It', /Voulp— jj-'or Dtftn—Gn*» 
if. Ainl lliul iirvfivn4»a of fiiili in your 

■ fcl "Viitell T«^'l-r" h lilrj* K-iy * ihiit ynu iLm't tfl- 

aji?t iii |nr>oii;ilitii->I A. Ye*, sir. 

IJ. YilU iSLL 1 J J ^uljHL'l'llh: Ut limit A. I do. 

lL 1^1 yi, u i*r il L-il yen mil tiiilt-lijur Mr, 
.Vo^li- u | uEily f A. He in a. ]K'Ct-at\. 

If. Ami uJiL-n yay nhtnil hint or tin 
SiA'ii'ly did in Hit i uii^Liiti Fie. weren't yon tli*- 
nttmiux ii ]rL'rr>iiiNililyl A. \Ya fit Ft no! ilia- 
nih-ii, j,- ei |nTUimulity nalickJiO nl' tin- nr(;aJii:'_uli uil 
ta'lim Ii:liI lakeu a timi>p Hnuhiii^L-riiiK liu; iiiler, 
L-hin uf llie Sin-iely Hinl rinliii,,L;i L riiiK tin.' iiik'Cfnl» 

Hi" lllllbf Willi IS-l-re SLLfHlllLlilLjJ Jiul quQllLTLltijIU 

nillt I Ik> Hmtiiuty, Ull w* wen.' fulluwiti]; the 

.-■• i . . .J i . , ;>.i euurw of marking tli<i.nj ■■•:.'.' LTJlllal! 
diHwin-iiptij jitu! iliMLi[,|igm in ihc Sixiety. 

.Mr. lltm]ili;LLi>.i.-ii ; 1 inma ta *lrik« tlu. L 

UlHitfcr i-'ilt aj* ll'Jt n-jA[^rlizitvCi 

Tin* t.'uiiri: I will lei it aUnd. 

tj. I J>*p> I ni|Lli-r>.t:Likl thill ihr Jiii'liilwr^ uf 
,li-lii,liili'r. WHIil-j-mth un' mil [wl-jnuluJi I H'h-I A. 
SuiH'k tlrt-e liu- |n'r*l'|i!llililTL- 

i.J. l'|i 1" Uil- Ijim- Dull yiLii giLilili.'.lii'il thii. ill'li- 

rlf u( " I iiiiimnil kin" wji* ur viu.h mil llr, iluylt 
ii jh-f.jfiuiIii y f A t'lTtuinly. 

tj. Wb<Ii'i tlie Ortlfk- " Jnfijj-LjialiiFll" 1 n. di*- 

i-Liflniiiii iiLiuTit u |«rtitri«aJityT A. AImjuI it ])tr- 
miiiLiJitj *i1hin the urganiitJi:iijiL nhniLt whifh all 
i1m*v rul^.rilnn^' In Hit "VUH<;Ii 'I'lF^i-r" and 
ni:;,;mjiIji.j;: il h;nl u L'.^lit to tn^w. 

H. t'oin'l y -niL give ua a uliurl imwer i* lc 
wln-ilier ur mH yen were diiicuMinp a ["jj-ikfu- 
ll. ■■■• A. tVrluinly, riroperly jjo. 

CJ. Y'uu were not prcntBt at tin? houTing in tho 
'■l i^itlrri-.e'i L'ourL wrm j-mlT A- Ho. 

Fred W, Fi-iHw— Per Defij,— Cret* 

Q. Dv yon n'rjill in HiiN ortide "lnfonnation" 
i.r in the *"Snjiri!ij" *rtlcfa— you Mibscrilie to 
tiiJiil A. Y'ts, htr. 

<J. ((.VintinnL-d) — tluit ilr, Muylc dlid not an! 
]in>|M'rLy in Ihc 1! u jfiu-triilu '» Court pfwajedinpr, 
ila yuu i-ccal| lluxlt 

Tin: Court: F U.L:ik hi« Untimdny ii 
llmt Jti, only [irciofr«arl Uib ''tiijiariii" 

Tint Witnena: That U lisht. 

Q. Ywti uoy that Hie "^uurn" article ie true, 
dont yi'U f A, I rend it but r and itudiod it, to*, 

By the L'anrt: 

y. Ami j-flu aubrjeri bo to itl A, In, lir. 

liy Mr. fir udJiauBen : 

(J. Ami llmt ii tru^T A. Yet, sir. 
(J- And you were not tJtero at the iljigintijite'i 
Court Jiearin^l A. iio. 
Q. Tlicy uij'j lie wjin a uifljifiltsirr tbeiet A. 

Yf^, BIT. 

Q. V.'ljaL j.i your ilefioition of a luan.fileaaerl 
A. A jiuiiL.jili'jiHcr u utii; uh» ii la rjjveoiot r«- 
lulton^bip willi Um: Lord to Hfrvo Hitu Bud tn 
ftlaj-ify Hiu nJime njuJ to obey Ilim rntlter thu 
Imii, iiriL.t not Jluit any dejdinga ta the ottciaJ 
u(TLvir» i>( Hi i n world, and one wbo violBtei (hat 
nnil out of fear mid reverence, of himuui erea- 
turtu, vwfca lo please them nod thereby violate* 
ilia con'iiaot, in> It u mnui.plBafler. 

Q. Would a lnvi'j>r Ihj a jtuirj-pleaaar il b* 
Kj>6k« tiy km JidvKrjLLi ry ic court 1 

Mr. (rovinfrbm : I object to that aa 
The Court; ObjoctioD autainvd. 


Frtd If. Fratu— f #r jDr/(i^-Oms» 

(J. Yuti JtBvt litnrd Home leiiliiriony litre that 
M^r. M'iy!t mink a joke in llic llagm lj-jj,k '* 
■vMirl i A. Ye», 

Mr, Coeni).;lrin: The ti'ritiiiiuiiy waji lioil 
Ml-|j\ihb1J luld a jukt tu bim un Hie nu(- 

Uy Ihr I 'nwrl; 

I). Jinl yuu iM'nr tin- U L *1iiimriy eonctrninj; * 
juke it A. Yen, -bjr. 

Q. Ami -iiLiiL- -i'pr> uS»Fiii Moyle luvju^ pyt hi* 
arm iiruLnid hililf A, Yes, 
l5y .Mr. ItriM'liJjaitiii'ii: 

lj. la ill in n forni uf iHnn-jiltoHtn^l A, In Mi 1 . 

iJoyle'i nwt it wjlh. 

Q, What part of it u-ijii the nnaji-pli»a»inj;— 
linli'iiiiij; to lilt j?iAr,f A. Tlii» jiLift, itir: ilr. 
lluyk wtj.ii llHirj.' in llmt tjiiurt, nol rawdy a» a 
lawyer, liouiijj by lltr etbie* of the euurl^i-a'Jin, 
I9l WL.JL llierr On Jl i"Vv«niM liervunt «r .U'luiiLLh 
tin] anil iiJuler IrcnimJeii iluly to defend JidM- 
vuL'ji jn-HFjih', jliii] 1 lii'fL'f i ilt Ijl- Villi liOUlltE by Jl 
llij^kltr Jjiw lb-ill fuiirl-ruoui I'ltiitji, nai3lL-ly p to 
kiH'^i liLiiui'if nuiiuuttcd from tin wurid, 

Uy [he Court; 

(J. Yuti nir-itn In? in not auiipo>wil to Inlk or 
lllll-ll Willi nlli.-l |mm|,|i- i-sw]rt m tin- hiuiiMMH uf 

il,-, ]in- bij. F-lH-hlr. Jtml lii« fnilhl ,\. iVj-iuiiily. 

■W'hi-n Jin i-iii'iml llMn liwn jmirhil mil 1n a |KT. 

mil, liH'il i,T I I« iTtatUH-l U'JIJl lilli'll llll 

rlli'Jity. tlinl i> Liufmllil ulrii'i-iJ UiJifiLl, 

t; Ymi niniii i i.r u|] mi huh an em-inyT 

A. Ycfi, Uv wjtri jn-diil.'J uUt, 




F red IF. fretf — For Dtfit. — Grow 

By Mr. Li -.■ I :-i,-.;r. ; 

Q. St) lit l>tt»aie a moil- plewcr &«■ *oon as he 
wrut out in tin; hull and put J "* * rLn ground li» 
adtferuoryl A, P'raternized wim him. y*B, air. 

Tilt Court; Wo me now going to ad- 
journ Until two O^rlocka 

I -would like In *av lu the witnea*: lie- 
I'rL-^Ji :"iif rtctilkfliori ubout the l^ltf 
rL-»olu1itui. if LliLTt he one. Unit ynu have. 
]«ein iu-LhI oIhmiI Jn.-rr, ihiiinj; Hit' m»n 
pthsh. Tint in the remilidjon that in tun) 
1.1 lull; MUUttainj; to do witfl additional 
jiower fur Judfje ltulherford. 

( tVhereu|iun ji lanthton rpucm wo* token 

until Iwo o'clock p. m.) 

Ajtipusoow Siawo*. 

3 a'fioek p,m, 
(Trial reaHimed.} 
FRF;!) W, FHAXj! mumed tlie stand and ld- 

lifkd further An follows; 


<J, How old up* yout A, IS. 

<Q. And j'ou became a Jthavmh'i YYilntia in 
1914, ynu say} A. Yes, sir, 

q. I assume tluit you had been sr*da»t«l from 
a divinity ae knoll A. No, air, 

Q. You received your education by way of tli* 
Wntrh Tower, m> far a» thia do«trin» it eon- 
cM-BdJf A. Yen, sir, 1 we* * student of Ihi 
Bible froui early on. 

Ftfd IF. rVaiU' — Fuf titftt.—tlffri* 

Q_ Aisd liutv did you Ik-coiih- arajuiiaiiSeul w:ih 
Mr. ItntliL-rTordt A. 1 beeajut aa|UaiuJg4 with 
iIje jwhl icutiv Jin (tF tin "Watch Town" — 

Tli* CViurt: lie Aalted yuu ntaul Mr, 

A- i Irfrnnic mmii4ini«! wiijj kim in hia visits 

r>. Ciiii-imknii, RKMilfWliClfi'jt :ir<n]iuJ ![>!■(. 

{j. You ls>C4'itL'. I to Injii LiLilrcyj the people, 
On iul-tre.u hi. him I A. Yen., £Jr. 

Q. Ami 1hui 1'fti di(: l" :-.,i::iLni: of your at- 
<[Uiii.JlCjiniri l n'ltli hljuT A. With hLto_ 

Q. Have you ever heard nf the Canaus o' 
EUlLc* of A, 1 may havo heard of 
them but I dun 't luiow what tlify am. 

Q, T>U\ you ei'ir heaj thia oac — 

ill. Covington; Vail a rninate. 

The Court: lie saya he did net knew 
*li^l ihpy nit. The objectiej] i* ina- 

Q. Ydii know (hey do ]»v« C»n<Hi» nf Klhitil 

jV. Yte, nir. 

Q. You nvvcr rrnd [liirmT A, No, air. 

Q. Yon duln't hiivi- a oopy nf tlic Ca^ona dJ 
Htliirs iH'for^ V1..1.1 hJiutj you a.loplcd this re«p- 
Juiion of "InfouiiiLtMin"} A. No, air. 

(J. Jul ri'frrriiijr a nun urn t tti the Ru^bc'I 
silualiuti, du juu kiow Hint Mr. ITooUips and 
[I i Mute Four dirfrtsr* mere rrsidenta at 
JiflhelT A. 1 don 'I linuw that. I preiume th?y 

Q, Ua j'Ou Lrtuv; lint lliey withdrew is 1917 
from Bctliflt A, I |>fr!iLinie tliey did, 

Q. Yon weren't eirtain *t Uu>t tim*)1 A. No. 

/■«d TF. /Van?— For £e/Ef„— Cr«» 

Q Tou *pol;e about Urn wiicdido of aetiTitiw 
at rScLlnsl. ilay I luii, juu wkni the hoara vrtrct 
at the factor),'* A. Frgm 8 o'clock oatil aoon, 
J2. ton beJl rinsrnp; five. rnijfiu[e» Wore th*- hoor, 
■Mid then from orm ^'clfteli anid 5l20 — 5 lift— 
whi. pi ih r l.|.|| rin^it i.j.iI «i- l.:i^e nvi» minute* lo 
drcsa up and ka.v< ul a ([anrter of lix 

tj, Aftor aix o'elock raiuiy of (hem ettertd 
into the activity of ctintrihatinff tliin. literature, 
is tliat correctt A. T«, lir, » many ftj ■r» 
free to do bo. 

Q. And did they work on Saturday 1 A, Tt*,. 

Q. Wlnit were the hour* on Sitnrdayt A. 
Fr«Bi eijrht until uooa. 

Q. And moat of— 

Tho Court: In the aft^rDoou. did tbey 

wiirt ! 

Xl-o Wituf:B6: TKat ii the re^nlar 

Q. ifo»t of those who were quartered at 
Bethel worked in the factory, did they nott A_ 
Ve». sir, 

Q, There vrere a gTtat many yoing sun 
there, were therat A, Ten, air, 

Q. TVhal waj tlu? lowest age in BethelT A. I 
don't kgow. 

Q. IS, A. I don't know. 

Q. Were lher« lone tn»re -who laexned to 
b* let A. Tcs, eir t I (hint ao. 

Q, Ar;d younger than tbatf A. I don't know. 

Q. Waoo't thfi [orf# pn>|!i*rtion of thEiu yoon^ 
men Wwaen Ig aod 2Sl A. I oonlda't My. lir. 

Frtd fF, F rum— F«r Drfts.—Cri,st 

Q- ^'ere 1herc • pteat many ymiii£ iatu 
tkrrcT A. Ye-Si sit, 

y. Were IhoK* youn^ men pttiriftn] lo go out 
to Stntrn Itland vLlhaul permisajcpji 1 A. Cer- 
tainly Ihey are allowed to go out to Statea Te- 

Q. Didn't frjva to hart nemiuion from tim 

The Ccurl: Tou ramn Stulrn Island, 

Q. 1 nuiin tim Slatfn Island Bethel T A. Yea, 
■ir. ikey wuntd f;» out. — 

The Court: Were ihry permitlwl Ia S* 
ta Slnten Island Itelhet wi(houl TiermiH- 

Tkr Wilnc'in: Kot at a rule. 

Q. It TPBi all in the JwlseV di(5ri!tiai»t A. 
Yea. "ir. 

(J. ItiH tlhe rTiiilce vimt ohtl 1« Statin T".1a"<I 
wWn hr w ju in tn i* r e-vrry nerk-end. di<1 n "l lu: 1 
A. Nnt rTery ivi'rk-rnNl. 

Q. Frnel ienl I y every -uTefe-riiil f A. ~\'ck 

Q. Didn't hr leave ahoin Tlmrmlnr nml eoma 
hark ft found Monday I A. Sunday nights. 

Q. Wluvl ik llir otliludr oF Johnvnh't Wil- 
nesae" on unuikinpl 

Mr, Coriri^liTir : Tfciiif in imTnulMriill. 
Tii-t Cmirl: Ohji-JiLmi »n«<ain^d. 
Mr. Cn vln kI fin : There i» nf* fharpc ai 
to that at all. 

Q, T«rt ipake ahflisl Mr. Mac-Auluy fritaeii- 
ing sonKthini:, did you nt.1t A. Yes, uir. 

Frtd IF. /"roiij— for fytftl.—Cmt 

Q. And [In- forrectioo of liLni waa rijjht in 
the optn fnertiivT in il.e Rrtlnd Familyf A, Be- 
fore 1he iletln-l Furaily. 

Q, Tkba eamplalnt that Mr, Woodworth made 
vni by way of a letter to him, to Mr. Ruther- 
ford t A. Y<'n, *ir. 

Q, Ami »» * result af that letter Mr. Ruther- 
ford brought it nut ia the apes meeting before 
the Family, diiLn"! het A. Not the writer there- 

Q. But he hrdupht Ibr »uhJMt upt A. Brought 
up the sutycel. 

Q. Ilefore 4 lie wknle nie*-t>nf(1 A. Tea, air. 

tj. Dd you knnw flmt Mr, It«1hiTfant hart two 
tutcar-n in Stalin Inlendt A, I dnn't kaow that 
ha hud any home in eitnten Triand- 

Tke C*utl: Wer* there two home* set 

ap-ine for hirnt 

The Witnenai. Th*r» were two houses 

Thf Court ■ Sft ngide for taint 

Tkr T\ r itm>tn : No. 

Tkr Court: Wlml was Ihe aitnationt 
1-et ub hove it. 

(J. IHhI Imi nifty at any paTtirnlnf 5inu**t A, 
At Ihe AdhhiiLxtfalLiW ltii.lili.i.L' lie had a r-nnm, 

Q. Ami diiln'l kr a'.»« linve a rnn:n in Ike 
flnudu ni- n haw* in I hi' wnn.l«. nut Iherrt A. 
He luul ■ wTvi-in-.t in idriMi down th***. 

Q. That wuh a hepiiroli- [ihujrt A. Yea, *ir. 

Q. "Witt that only for himt A- Thai ia whera 
kr did kin writinar. 

The Cniirt ; Waj 1hal only foT k'mT 
The Witness ; H<h b* took down viaitora 


Fred W. Franz— Far licfi;^-Croi; 

■nil ula<h he hail hi" Jintriiuirial ulaJT down 

li. TJiut wuf. Ktjiarete nnn] n[mH froni the 
Jln-tlM*! plncc in -Gluten lalnndl A. Vr*, uir. 

Tlii: Court: Did lie have sleeping ■|M.r- 
ler* tbtref 

The ''VltP.Csit. N'ji. 

Tin' Cuurt; Thai if ju«l a working 
The ^Vilnes"; .Tust a workinR pkiee. 
Thf Court: Wi*re y«u ever llierrl 
Tin? Witneaa: Yea. 

1^. IVere Ihe lifiiaiitaslH. frnni ISronSjlyn nr 
Klnli-u lalniulr A. I'p until tin? c ■■'. n l i 1 1 '■" i r.. r i: : 
<if Miuili'.N ;il l!ri-4;lvn in 1949. I lliink, 0»* 

Ipi-iunlrjinlui- van i]»ne frcim Scoter la land. 

The futirt: You nnw broadra^t from 
t'nluiilhia 1 1 rights 1 
Tl* WilneKH Yea, air, 

(j. Thin xreentli ftwir where Mr. Knlhprfiinl 
Imn his i|n>rter*. in Uml 1he top flour eif the 
luiddincrT A, Yv^ t »ir. 

(J. I^n'l lliere a p*nt-lLni|j<i* rm il, an Ihr hiiitrl. 
invt A. Nft, rir. 

I>, Yi.ii aay Ihere in no r*nt-)ina*n-T ,t, N'n. 

f). ,^ri'i how" lairpi 1 in that flnorf Wlial an- 
lhi- i|i|lien - |nna. n-|i^r^\nnntely, liF llk^ Hwrf A. 

I il'in'l krmw. 1 iininri™- ihe frfinf in arnnml 
TO fn-t. 

O. And tl>e IkiiiktiiiK rim" hnrk eln?e t«i IflfS 
fe,-t, nlid ynn »-rvyT A- AhniLl 1hlLl. 

Q. And iln ynu know hrmr many rnoma tJir-re 
nre on thai IWrT A, Kir, 



J^fcti W. rranj— far DtjU. — Crotf 

tf, t Jir_m< ruuiiii, aren't tltcyt A. So, nol uver- 

Cf. Anil nn onr ^'On fUTIililtl'd UP on lhat **■*- 
riilii Jlnnr witlmut ptrinim'iwn of Mr, It m I ii'rford. 

lu' unil lir* pi-cri-ln rial muff, hi* olhV* frtretT 

Tlw Court: IiVjiii anybody pmniltt4 up 
IhiTc witlmut hi* permiMfionT 
Tlw WimrM: N'n. 

(J. M» Hint whole HtvtHlli lloor wll» in the con- 
trol of Mr. Ilnlhi-rfordt A- Yea, air. 

(J. Anil mi i»iif l-ijilIh] fid up In Hut rtTHUli 
flunr wnh»ut An appointment made by Mr, 
"-:-.:! ■ -r-..rri nr jminchraly ill his brhnlfl A. That 
i* ritrlii. 

Q, Ywi any lUinnie Boyd lived up nn Hint 
jit-vc-uth fltinrT A. Ye*, jiir. 

Q, Anyhrnli' fWt A. Hit mother, 

Q. Anybody rihfT A. f rtnn't Iknwir. 

Q. |[mir i.fti'n, did you. firs up titer*! A, Oom- 
nionallv T li™..L hkwineu up there. 

f). AV'nrt \littt* a private dininc ronni np IhrlVl 
A, There i» a prim]] dinine: mom up llir-re. 

Q. That toi jimt fur Mr. lEntlterfnrd unci hi* 
ni-wiiiir-n ihrre nn that flnnrt A. f*r1 ainly, 

Q, The*e m*inher* of the Bethel Faraik wma 
transferred from lirn* tn lint* to different plnre*, 
weren't lli»yF A. T»d, sir. 

Q, That i*. unirirlime* tliey wnuld lw upai;med 
in wnrl; in the furm nl filial ia that cthttH 
A. If licopmrip in, 

Cf. Hon 'I iron know! A. No, T mint up In 
Hint fim at that time. 

The Cmirt: Did yoo, know of nnyhnily 
la-inr- trnnplVmvt from Bethel nr •ttt 
from Bethel to Ithaca 1 

/'red 11'. Fmnz—Ftir ftc/fl.— CriM* 

The IVilnfeat: Y**, iir d [have heard of 

{^. llhYc Vrii r-li^rlif-'S up (n fkn<§ nnt "ft-h^th^r 
It.i-r'- Wan any fclbM rnntlf in t]>ut Swii-ly of 
T^'lk'-] u Ijfn jiiiixri'-'l a mar fj'hui 1iii; Mllill'lp HnO 

runtiftunJ tn li vi- thw%t A, I \mu* fit *0 fnwh] 
wjui innrripij a jiuin from lb* nmtiude. 

TIijv Court: Vrjii -r.^l lliat befure. 
Ifuvi- y.-n. tJLtck'-'l it i,:,'T 
Thr- WittiKraJ No, I tiavi'n'U 

f^. Vriii rti^ii 't knuv t't £fi)'naij orii»r lli&n 
jionnii- I>j_v<!) A. H'liihit: J!'r>'il dj'En 't marry a 

■Him (mhi iLr Tjiir\iiJ". 

T]Kr Court: I*r< yon linnw of anyU^Lj- 
J:Ur- U-HJilKh Jl'ii.rii- JSo^<L] 
Tin 'A.l.T-^h - ."\u t hjr 

(^. VVm pjiv Irjaii you mink? initrv;r-*tioi)« lo Mir. 
HnH.r-r/orrl unriM-tipiK-a in m',n Ai-ti Lofi nith your 
(.rr.i.rrniiJiii^T A- V<a, air, 

0. Th'i^ ■* f-fi. I Iih- r.j>tv jiii-i'^'r-jiliOnip yoti IriA'b', 
»»:ji'j.'l (ln'j T A. On JnrlimUona fnnrji iiiin Lo 
tiujiiin- i-opy ill a4k'l[)W — 

Tlif Court; An- lliriup (hi- utily nn^n that 
ywi rnpi'lkt 

Tb* Witnf^i; V^. nr, 

Tl.i- ('i.:ir1' T>ki you <"vr-r irLihr- any 
pui'^'KliiHnp nUiiit h'lW to nin J)f:lhf-Jl 
Tli^L in what roUn«<l ih aaltiriM lUlui 150-W, 

'J Ik; ^^ iDi-Aii ; Xi». 

<J. W*re vtjii ilji-ry at R*liml from July 2] pit, 
lU'W, tu Atujuat Hlh, li'Ji*' A- I wtnt Art my v*~ 

Ffni 1^ froaj — Far Dc/h^^Jrmt 

i^iti'jn JuJy 21 at unrj uim ^-ni- fc,r lu? ue+ka; 
cn:nc L-ui in ,\u;pijjil ^!h, .Sanilay nij;ki(- 

TIji- CfHurt: Vou wpr* iny ffon JbIj 
21J.I unlpl AuftUKt ftlbT 
Trie Wilaeiw: Yen. pir. 

Q. hl'l you DM l(r. Jtotti-rfitrd nn jodt ra- 
ti! raF A. Mo. 
(i. WbGn <]i<i you firti rft liim on your retain T 

A, T\ r r-li, yt tlj£ iJinjnj; rnciar, 

Cf. tin u-Nut ilayT A. ffii Auinanl Ttb— l\eo- 

ilay, wan itt Mmnkiy u'an the 7tb. 
fj. In 1ln- hkOrriin^t A. Aa I rtn-iilL 

If. An<( Mr. Jlutlfrrford f|iiln*l m'-nlioTi tn ygo 
liin- In- Ii,"l'] wp'wvit tlii* letter until you beird 
it at (lii- hjulinj; on Aofrual Stli, it Hut 
lyji-rMlI A. Tl»*t I* rijfl't- 

fj. I.?n you n-jyu-jul »t I lie rt:iT»nu-nt mnHe }>y 
llr. JtLlh'.rforil, in nulnilanr^ thin: That era if 
Mr- M'.yTr-'s hlli-r u-aa true that ]li- I. art nn rij{hl 
lo ivnli- \\1 A- ^'n K I H^Thn't rH-fllt lliat h hjt, 

I}. Vn-n ijini"! r|r-ny thai tlmt .in aliment -wmm 
innlaT A. I ilon'l knou-; I nVnt't iliink *f>. 

(J. Waii your f.fnfrlaint about the writing of 
tiie !»tt>irJ A. Y^n, nir. 

(J. Y'-.u fill tint hi had no right lo write A 
inter al .tilt A. Tliat kind nf a letter, nn, air. 

Q. Tf il irm a ti-Eti-r of jiraiac il wnnM br m\\ 
tjj^IiL In wrflrr li, ih thai rrirr^rlT A. That wonH 

Iji- i.n r- nwn rf-Hpejr. KJIjiJuy. The Lord imyt he 
ahouldn't gtrajxe rrcature*. 

if. So you run "t write a. Iett»r if prsine under 
your dodlrincn J A. Jiuijje Rutlierford didn't 
»rtcnnvc »py flittrrj. 

FreJ W. FrnHi~yer Ifeftt. — Cw 

Ttir t'onrt: lie ar-Vi-ii if umlr-r your 
diH-trim> wticlhiT you cnulct wrilt a letter 
v( |ii'a;.-;i', 

Tiie ^Vi|p.i-H*i We rnulil Trite n. tetter 
of nnnrfM-ifition. 

Tlir <"oLirt: Yml ilidprentirttc 1*1**™ 
•jipreHjitinn mnl |ira]«;1 

Tlif WitbPMa; Yen. sir. 

Tlu> Cuurl: You. mn writo ji lollor of 
appri-r in f ion 1 

TSwL' WstHvan : Yin, sir. 

Q. What i* Ihe (Siffi>renre hpttt-ec-n npprecialinn 
an.] pkraijir, in VVlBr ifiinrll A. A letter of ip-jiTC- 
I'p.lliihii ik ranjc wl*f>-te VAQ 1x[hrrsA vaiar lllflnhflll- 
hc-iii fnr (lie nfrVpLTl llmt Iidvl: \k\e-c\ rrmlnlVcl 
fnr the fiilbfal rnvrH lli3t is ti'kfn by a wrvnnt 
of 1lu< Ijtril, a nil you place a value upon tlionr 

■ifn,-H , ^)|. ani!| arlinOwlriilp^ it, 

(J. TiJnt tiny hull rko« tg yout A. Atknowl- 
rtlsjv tin? jtfHnil ilial tlipy li-r^'e done 10 you. 

[). Aa miAn a* yfiii tiearil l]ii' Idl^r read on 
AaKut StS> yon rnrn-liuM it ft*a faUet A. I 
knew it wji* fslsr-, sir. 

(J. You didn't know Ll van fnJse before il k-jib 

rrqijl A, T iliilu't LauW nljiiul it. 

0. >in tliol yon rajnr lo Ihr tonrhssion il waa 
falsi- after you heard it rcadf A. 1 lintw it waa 
'. k.- u'iit I liennl what it *nnlaini(i. 

(J. Would ynu any that llu'iiK )jar!* of it an; 
fnl»i-: "I'liniiition* at Itj-lliel are a mattrr of 
ii.n.-i'Mi to nil of the lj>rd r i people" '1 A. Thai 

(j. Jx Ihia truri " Nowhere annonfist umr*rr«l 
men can there "be perfect freedom from opprci. 

Fni TV, jFraaj — f'or Dtjtt^-Crtut 

nign, (jWriuiinatifiii an<J nnfiiir*nt*' I It 
tliol trucT A. TJiiit in irui-. 

ij. "At Ihe JjfirdV 1 k-jnli,uarterB on eartli con- 
ditions bliouh] If aueh ihat injustice would be 
niLuL-L'.:l to a tmiiiiijutij. " A. That it not true 

Q. "! u;u in a jfoarf uuMttJMI lo make auch pr»- 
teat. bccauiie your IrcnUnent of mc luu been 
fjL'iierally tlnd, considerate and fair." A. Tbat 
il hiss own ttuttiLiiuLiL 

Q. \i that ln»1 A. Tlmt it hi* ow« ttalauent 
I ut'ct-pt it fur wlial it nays. 

Q. You, don't sjiy it it foluT A, No-, I du'l 
bay. that that is false. 

Q. " I irun make thia protcat ii the interest ot 
rim Iietiicl Kamiiy and of tlie Kinj;^iini vrork 
vi-i;huut buy iit-ruonal iutercut catering into Ihe 
iililiu:!-." la that trua or (altel A. That ia 

Q, "IVoonlvrortli in a persona! letter tn you 
<!aled BtunetllbtK to the elFw*. that il *auld be 
aervii't," ilie "Devil to continue u^ine; out present 
(lay cah.Titl^r. " A. That h true. 

Q. "They," men nine; JlacAulay,, McCormiek. 
Kiiurr, Prosper, ITice, Van Hi puis, Ke*s. and 
ijIiihtm, "have been publicly called to account 
viiihout any previous notice." A. Thai is falte. 

Q. You, Mid they lifld prtrigua njolioat A. I 
dnr.'l know about that 

(J. Ydu have no is formation on tbalt A, Ka 

Q. Su yon ain't say whether it it true o-r 
faWl A. I can't aay ttiat that is falne, becaum 
they weren't publicly called lo account — 

Q, I don't wwt your rcasonj- 

Mr. Covington: I object to tiiat Lit 

bim fjusa the answer. 


Frri W. From—For De[U.—Cr<Kt 

The Court: Have you finished your an- 
Tlie Wilneis: I bni'e fini*li*d, 

Q. Anollier one, "J. V, AlatAuLay usked a 
■[un'ation Tahicli carrieiL uitli it a criticism of the 
jj renL'tit method of Wutcli Tuwer study." It it 
true or fahtet A. Thai is true. 

Q. "Kn-uriiJK an rDh;ie(lt of ntudy With 
iiu |n-rf vet ntui; Jeailcrs ia au way lank, ami no 
iiu'IIukI yet prixlucvd has proved lo be 100^4 
Ipcrfert. 1 ' A. Tluit Ls true. 

tj. "Vuu Klalcil thai no complaint* Imd aorue 
lu yuu cujaiirniui; thia method of study/' A. I 
lIu:i "I know, 

Q. You luive uo infui'tuntion on tliatl A. Ko. 

If. So you i-uji't state ulieilier that ia true or 

|"llW_ "Jl lllJiy lw ttnit 'iifl ]irvsen( )Lie1h<xl ia 
the LhwI (h»t vnil 1*0 used, bul in view of lljt 
kn,ni - n liFiiilalinn^ iKmi-sl rritiri^iik nhould not liO 
nouuifwl nor hujiesl rritira puikiahed.' 3 A. That 
hi fulae, 

tf r "Tin- lUliel'n." lili-ILhiri^ IhrirJ! at Xfa<lirton 

S<.|iiare liankn, "wi* [dunil in a tou^li hpot hut 
ilhJ nn t'i*i'lli-nt [iirfr of 'iVihU." A, That m to 
Iht- il^li-nriinL^i in jlii irih'i L -li|_';LtiOM of the fact?. 

If. ]>!■) you inwr-i iLMir ■ I ir- fat'lsT A. I wan 
pri'^eni ul 1 L i • - iiu vi in l; iuilL fiiw wiiat went on. 

tf. At :,l hi I i f.iii s,|i,i,i-e finrdcnl A, Vet, ajf. 

If. Dhl you han" n nin;ii furl* lo know v,hrth«r 
tin' LLnliern WL-l-r fihicw] in a. toiurh apott A, They 

tf, So that id true J A. Yes, sir, that it tree. 

ii). And iLiuVt you have mou^h foets to know 
that they ilid nn eseelifnt piece of work! A. Tin 
work wasn't done perf«Hy, t-hov* critLsism. 




F'ti W> f'ro*c— F or />«/(*— Crew 

The Court; Wh it no excellent pie** of 


The Witneis; For the moil part, 

Q. Why didn't you. ansirrr tha (I 
Wluil wan your answer, that tliey did a good 
plie* of work) 

The Court ; fi For tl* moat part,'* i* 

Thai wjh your answer! 
The Witness; Yes, lir, 

Q. "They." meaning the nsbcr*, "nenLuiMi 
tore and diligence in wnouhJOK arrival* at L.ii! 
Harden, and prevented a number of tiMpieiout 
eLamctert from entering, '' A. Tliut is true, M 
far I* I know. 

<J. "Tiny intre on 1hn job inuaediately wluen 
Use dsslurhnrece started and quelled a djilnrbanc* 
wiiieh would have otltciwiie reached serious pro- 
portion*. " A- Tliat ia true to the eitcnt t!i»t 
ill*? disturbing wa* not prevented from spread- 
ing in nth«r quartera. 

<J. Wen llujy un the job inimodial+ly! A r Aa 
fuT an I oould obaervc 

Q. tin ihnt in true. Did UicJ 1 quell a dia- 
turbanevt A. After IS minutes, 

Q. But it km quelled! A. la \2 uiinutn- 

Q. But it wus quelled I A. Oh, yea. 

Q. "Tlie brethrfn nt Bttliel have- thoroughly 
driiiou*! rued (i:.-i.r loyalty and devotion In fc ■*«« 
Lord, and do not need to be berated, for wrong- 

Mr, Covington: This entire lip* of In- 
quiry — Counsel has Lakes pari of ***- 
Lmnce* nut of their context. 

Fred W. Fra** — f'pr lH{t4.~-Cron 

Tlia Court : You have been sitting 
Iphut. Wu h»ve a perftet right (o object 

U1 any Ni'ii; N..:!>ily L.-m Mi .-.;■,.■;• yim 

IF yon luit an objr^li'.'n make it; don't 
make u|pDe*!i«s, Do you object! 

Mr. Oovi nglon ; I do. 

TJip Court : The objection if. sustained, 

<J. In (hi* irnlenoc true; "A nuEccstiou or s 
kindly admonition from jthi would She more than 
milVitiini tr> Hieck any wrongful aeljoiiB. arid 
wihiikl t-liminatr rvhentnipnt and induce greater 
pappinmii and emudort for the whola family," 

Mr, Covington : I abjeet for Ihi; same 
The Court: XitHteined. 

(J. Ain'J Eliitt lycifi ' l Yinu Iuivr KtjiijMl rnany 
9 INi-ii-H I_li44-E 1ln-r4 v arc; ho Imuh^'h in ihr- Ij-rd'fl 
■fjr^iiniialion". I* ihat true <>f fjils*T A. 11 ii 

if. "W« In tli* world that all in th* 
f^nl'ii r,r^iinivjitir«i tft. trfH*d flljltj and 
rue iii- iln' -iLinr an f;tr a> tlii* vorld'a jroodi 
jir,- n - "iMT-rjn "I." A. Tlkat is troe. 

ii. "Vshj hint many boiuen, In *it, Hclbi:!, 
Slaii'ii Ulawl, California, rlt" \- That .1 h&l 

L», WHI. did he l»ve • hofn* at Dftfialt A. 
lir hh'l a r"">m, 

(J, it Hadn't a hnrnr h tbcui^bf A. TV Ik-tlirl 
I'. , liNt "n- Ini! tt rfi'ini ihi-rv. 

<J i'luii uimii'i * hitnir, in ynur ealLmationl 
m \, J]r- jjuiiN' Ii i m n-ALiJ^nur Ihere. 

(J, fJid h* JJTr: Ihera a»«t of the year! 

fffd W, From— For DtfU.—Crnu 

Th* C&urt: Y«a menn u waFn"t tbr 
whole I.ii-.iu* but ona pnrtJoii of it wa* 
In'ai] — liiaT 

The Witrxrtt: W*. di.*, h* waa aiiigned 
n room like any dtLdr rntnvber ef LIm 
lletliei Fjimily, 

Q. Hid he usr it Tor durtling purpoaatf A. 

WLcji he wan llitm on ba&ineu, 

Q. And be ufui Ihne a great deal of tin* uumt, 
in ikLlLul, wat-n't huT A Yen, tir. 

(J. And he aino npenl days at -Siateu Ifland, 
did hv aiftl A, Yei, air. 

Q. And he ilvrlt tbcrtt A. V™, lie. 

(f. Ann] he )ujil ■ home in Caliiomial 

Tiit Court; I tlunk we Jvave been aJl 
over UiaL 

Q. "Vou work in a nice ai r-condHi ontd 
rwun." A. W*H I luvi: been up ther* and — 

TV Court; Ii that trn*t 

Tint WitnW*: The ronra m ajr-«in- 


Tl.p Court j la that true a* ina't ilT 
Tin- V.~itnoa*r lie worked in as air- 
conditioned room, 

Q. Tru*, th^nt A, Yes, air. 

Q. " You und your attendant* spend ■ porinn 
of the writ in. tlie ttsiet of WjQjUrT mrrouod- 
iriKu". A. Thai ia not true. 

<J. Jp-b'i it the Eojalry nut Hurra in &txl*D 
J*larujr A. It in pan i.f Hit CHy, IV, 

Q. It i* quid, liiooght oat |her«t A. Tea. 

The Court; Too di ff itrtn tint* between 
parta of tb* City of Nav YorJt— pura of 

Fred IK. Frans—For Iit}Us-Cf&U 

(Jii'vhr vrbkb nn' liiortnisfldy rural yd nr'j 
puit of tin; Ciljl 

'I'lic VViIpiI'?" ; Ye*. 

IJ. If Iif hnd Uip h:liiii. jni-iiMitnuilrLtiriiin in 
N";u.hjiii I'nktaty would Hint In- thii rmbntryl 

>lr. Cnvin^liia; Tli,i1 in ar^umi'iitnlive. 
*"J ^ 1 1 r- ( L ourl: ^ilMlnim^l. 

I }. , "T1*! boy* al Lin- fui"l«ry i|ili):i'nl|y wjjrlt 

Wilhdlll ^'li-b lirlji.i iif Jllil irttnTl [HDlli- I<| (jilf* 

lin'iH*'. A. l L lml in nut Irui-. 

II. " Win-n |!".ui«ii- ILny,l unrrinl «li« did nut 
U'iuh lii iln'1." d\. 'rimt ipi Inn-. 

if. "Sii" ^'»i- |n>riNillvd in- lirin>; in-r HiihIjiihI 
■■tin Mini''. A. TI.h1 iii i»i! 1rnj-, 

(J. Jm,"i i^'f h Uh.1 nt ii< I iiviiij; nt Ji«-llit'! rum-— 
WTiin I,l- liiiii- nt ll'tl.i-l in IIRJII A. Ji.- wai 
liviiur ol IjH'iiii'l h'fqre vxvr In 1 ^"1 laarrKu. 

Tl«- Court ; JI"* h.pi« Im-fiirr. lir K .it 
HHirii"d I \M in hi?«. L On - lull I'jiL-in fur 
Lri -- jury. 

Tin- WiHii'i-n; Ki-<:i-rill Hirjilliin. 

Tl-i' C^url; Srvrnil iiiiiiiiJim licJnn- Km: 

Tim WilNCK*; \i*. 

Tim Court: WaM Jir- j-ukjietiI lo brr 
mIu'ji In- raiua llirrt'l 

The Wi!ncs»; No. 

The Court: lie wu then bo* many 

m^nllia, cin you Bayl 
Tbe Witncis*: W<:ll r I would tay abent 

tiiri-i' ];i!n;liin. 

Tlir- Coorl: And then he married bar 
and Ihen lie Iked 1 beret 

Tha Witneai; Yea, air. 

Fttd W. Fran* — For tttfii. — Crow 

Q. "TJn: Biliijrjt injOftttiona o^ainat naclean, 
fiiLii/ ajreakinur and jmlin^ hav* never b#«n 
abroj.'iid." j\. That )• true. 

Q. "Wheliier a nervant of Jshmrah driniij 
■Vclidiie liquor ia n«ine of my ^lKJnr-m, eictf.t 
in giving a hrlfjinjj hind to a brother who it 
Htui'il'inl Itw-n-liii.' 1 A. Tbtt dep*rd» U[ifin Jinw 
lie does it, 

Q. " Whether I am a total abrtainer ia 00- 
boily'i buaineFB hut my own." A- That ii true. 
Q, "We sold our iiome and bmynrm whrn 
we canM !o Iiitticl und fully intended to Kprivd 
the rclt of our live* in Chii ptaea. in the Lord't 
aervici?." A. I don't knnw. 

Q. "We arc not leaving 1I1* Ijird'a jjrrita 
hot will rflntsuui; to serve lism and Hi* Qr- 
j;aniiation o< fully aa atr('iij;ib and mcani will 
allow, 1 " A. That i» Bat true. 

Tha Court: Would you iii.» Ui axplain 

The Wit:u'a.; Yea, sir. 
The Court: On ahead. 
Tbo Witr.m.t: At Haadqnarteri Mr. 
>[oyle win ..■-.•:: tiny ''lin Ci;ti.'i: tuni 10 
the Lord's Serviee. Vilitn ht reniffnfd 10 
roromo h:fial praetsco oat ia bit hatna 
countiy he iH'^an to devote himself to 
titular owu fut ion and madt Ihe jntcr- 
*»tj< (if tJic Kingdom KulnirdiruiH 1 , Hocon- 
[iirt' in ])i.:-r.hin: it win relepinfl lo a 
Ittondary ppaiEion. 

The Court; Do not hhthi of your Or- 
dained llinisters praetie* st«llw profa- 
sion« b is you rjilL Iherut 
Tha Witnesi; 7*a, sir. 

F'r.J W. Frau* — Fer Hefts. — Crojj 
Q. You nhji-M to any nwmher of Jchor±l 1 'a 

VV i t r.fdf i-.s W4(kill£ L.11 Jjiri time da (.I'fular 
vorkr A, Not if bo is obliged to. The Apostle 

Tbe Court: Vou aiiaw*red Hlo quei- 

Q. Is tltat your ohjeetion, that no one who u 
a iinitnber of Jeliovaii'a Witnestina aliou'd work 
or giva any limr to Heoular work! A. If he is 
olili^i'd to, tbe St ri 1 ilu res any thai then ha ia 
fujl'iilinr; hi« obligation. 

The Court; Dida'l you testify l*r» 
that it 1* heart of Ihe individual or 
what is inbide of him that cmunUr 

Tha Witneea: No, I didn't testify to 


Q. Ware you able In determine thai, as la 
whether lie Vfinild hi' Allowed to spend a part 
of his lime at he ohii^ed lo RjM-nd part time in 
aecular workT A. No, I cnuldn'l deUrroiji^ that 
for hun. 

Q. Tbe individual determine* that, doesn't heT 
A Yes t sir, 

Q, "Neither am I running away from hauling 
the Devil 'a crowd m Ihe courts." A. That ia 
not tnio. 

Q. "I expect to return to the private practice- 
of law, pruliahly in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, nod 
lu>|H> lo tir ii iIh' light in i"V("r>- way [wn;iiihlr." 
A. I don't know. 

ij, Sa vou fjin'i pay anythiiijr tlinlf 
A. No, 

Q. "With this tetter I sm rndosiiiC a scale- 



b'r&d W. frams— for fle/l*-— Qftttt 

n; r.l uf (Jjc major caECi out pcndinR in which 
1 , b .,i ^.ritively Tji.-licjrutina;." A, I de&'t blow. 
{{. Did jou investigate! A. Nfc 

V. Am any i|Ui:Lr.riit A. ,'iin 

Q. "It would In aort-REonabLp and unfair to 
draft theifc ma" ten; ir.m your lap without fgrlhnr 
isuJjsljiiLca or eonnidenition." A. That i* Irt*, 

Q, *'T iio ready and willing to preu Uieae 
i*Buen in the courts jujl mi viipiromly and ■< 
earetuliy oj though 1 remained *t Beth*] and 
u'lll ilit wm if that in your dcujrr." A. Tint ii not 

(j. What rri>kwf> did yn* doterjume Unit «n1 
.1. A ijuit ultn quit* «tp iln L £ round* piven rer- 
Iniidj a*f»rdin£ tit llir Lupin rule, lie Ihnt in 
fiulliful in Ihnt wliii-h in least will 1* fuitiifnl in 
mtitti, and ft" individual will n«t flfcht iO(H& 
nftor takim 1 tolh-k* like that. FrR»fdLt»» tit 
wlinl liiri [trn fftwinjiji amy h*. 

(J. We™ Hie lawyer* vrhn livnd in Tnrimpn 
nrulrn, ill" tSw Ifniun inemlnrr* uf .leto ™h "j Wil- 
W*rrr. whn took rnra if HUH! in, Ih* ruuttlT A. 
So I unnYrptand. 

Q. Kit tlkf-y didn't liavr to W Hi Belhd in 
order lo take ear* nT thonc cihi, did llie-1'1 A. 
They »tik n 't invited to. 

<}. Ami ilip-n Mr. Powell twit, I he Minister 
from Opnrpin. (onli furf- of rane*. diiwn (her*, 
didn't lie! A. So I understand, 

IJ. And In? didn't liv* at Rr-thrlf A. NV 

Q. So it wjum't nWMmncy tn li*r nt Beth+1 in 
nrdcr In nHiwly lake run? nf Jl f»»(?t A- Tt mil 
(hppmnVd "11 whrrp Hit' l.nni ploetd ynn nnH not 
where an indmilual decide*. 

Q. "Wrll, vnu menu (hat an axnirnnnciit fmni 

[in- J."rd t-r tflLtr rare itf u i-a.'e if, Itellrr tiutp 
Bur lolur :Lpii;fUiiirkil, in LlialitJ A. That in the 
ri^lil jt-<>it~tiitM'jit. 

Q- Aik] imur un-ulil lite kwj-« rieunniaa 
wlirtlnji- tlif aj-iij^im.-nt tflmt fmtii Ilia J^rdt 
A. When it raise tJireuph the Lord 'a organ Lia- 
; i f-n , 

Q. Tt had to canm through Ihc Brootiyn 
oHicc, in thai ri^hlT A. Vi-k. >..r. 

The Cnurtr T<m «iy tlial your heli^r 
i« frrii ihnt nkit^Mo fnimii»l — tls»re ]ta* 
l>r*n. k(hiw> tmtipnmiy I Inn E veu Imvo him'l 
nr jiUnmpte<! (a iiir* munwl oulpidn- o-r 
your own orpjiniMition. Ato tlii>y «lmnfn 
in yotir ju-li/Tni-rit hy tin 1 - Lordf 

Thf \Vitiif*rtL CtrlJiinly. 

i}. "Wr lihVr fnnmdrrrd tlttn at:j|^p f^r 
wiiiM 1 lilnr. hill C Lin- Ir-llrr \* dHi^errd to yrt\\ 
Jiin-t ait we nri* tp-Ai-inar c-ii ji vjn'qri^n trip for 
vv-ry npwifir ^■l4lJlanH ^ , ' , A. J dnn"t ]fn*w*r 

Q, Jfn mfirlnir* nn 1lls.IT A. Kd. 

Q. Von didn't in^uirr nh^iit tKalT A, Nn, 
tj, H 'Firnr it ii di'iiirnhlr Ihnt \-nn tski* turn' 
fi-r iIumj^IiI ami rnnMilcnilmB of tin 1 Jitallrrn 
liKioin iH'1 fnrll, lnTurr Inking lull Jlrtiirtl." A. 
\\ lutl i^ lltr- i|iirHlirin, 

('. In ilnii triir nr fjiWf A. Tlml in Itin 

Q. Vrll, ynu t\i\vf nt oviili*B« eontrary tfi it, 

liliv* Vnltf A. Kti. 

JJ. *' S«-n>nil)y , frjinkly, I )mv<- nn jlcrirr ffii" A 
y*-r!uil! nrLnnnt-nt ^irh yon ttVrf ih'-^r nuitli-rn." 1 
Ti mi luiVf ihi p-vidrn^t ^rtnl rftrv to Ihjil, IidV^- Von t 
A. Til nl in n iJn'nuinrtLion fin hix |>.nrt. 

Q. Ynu lliivf nothing lo nlioW that it in an 

fVfd W. ^>a>u^/>r DtfU.—Croti 

ir,L-orri.-i:l prfeauin|rtion, havo >uuT A. Vcs, bo- 
tuaMj .Mr. Ici.ilK'jrunJ did nut ladi.ipo in any 
vol' limb a rguitii. - n t wi,4-rc:hy ait imJividanl dliouhl 
bu io anv fear lit pncuiiii. liin *a»e. 

(J, W]ll-ji it niuLwl In tii* li'ltiT, "1 have no 
BVaini U'f vt-rWl a rpuuniri t, '" tlifll in a *Lalemtnt 
nf the .jiilivjiluil whu wrileji tht ktler, md h I it> 
A, Vt--., njr. 

ii- And you Jinve no evidence tlial conrtieui 

WLlh L.i a:' 

Mr. UdtviiijrLnn: Hut ii arSAUflratatiw. 
Thet-'tjurl; ^u*tii«nfd, 

LJ, "If w'l- .HjK.\ik tj'roneou»L>' or ^Titnjjfhdly «" 
jin: rojMFrj.iiliJi' IntJ'ttte the Lord for nu n]xaik- 
JJIJT." A. TluL in L.riH>. 

Ej. "If we j>]LH'iik LruthJulLy and we stoutlj- ara- 
ti-nd Itiml i'Vi'i'jLltinj( lit re rein led i» tlw; truth, 
Ilnii tlici-i.- in jjiiiiiLilJale TC"|Mtp»|li"lity oh your 

[tjl:L lo ri'iiMily litis* IH-ornniLalinnt tliiji 
|imtEnt." A. Tlu-.t in not true, 

i}. M« Ilnii tlitre were Mint of tlione ilema in 
llir li'H^i' Hint virTC truoT A- Tatrn cut nf 
llieir i-fmL'.'iJ. 

(J. IVltrrfiti tJiey ar* laken ffnpn ia the let- 
ter I A, Thry are in tlie lellef, 

<l A in I they nn- ni';iujjiti' ncntencf* in 1llC kl- 
terT A. Yt*, *ir. 

Q. Alld MUTMS of limn. pri-lniiY bt n*JWlTal* Mlbr 

j<Tt lililtkTn.f A. ISlit ll»')' ora nnlhrnlied in a 


CJ. It iji all in llwi lelli>TT A, That ia Irn*. 
q. And y>iii ennt cejinrot* diflprenl Ihinar* 

from [li ill letter! A. Ulll ynu «U Hnt nrtiiii 

itaLciDtrtla in there lo (jivn .n apptar^naai at 


»«t W, f ram— For Dtflt^-Crw 

Irutli, and iT j'tu un>! your wpml": f tfi rnK 1 "*!' 1 ' " f 
ivj,i.h- li'lNir lo nujifmrl a lit. 

(j. V'jii hay thiil I Jmv* r"a'l all (h»mi nmlLFif* 
mid Ihut 1 hav^ JJili'fiu-i'kiJ tlii'in in she Jilinjif 
I hk I tlu-y are s tn-f A. Tinny arc put in tinTtt 
lo nivt- an m[ijn-araii' , r 1 'A Eriilh. hut to fiat BjfTOnt* 
■ lir. 

TJir f'^tiirl: It'-jx-ji! Ihf Hjiir-Kli/jn. 
["J'lrf- Ffir*-j, r ijiiip iin'-^lion wnn lliMhti f Htn 
ri-Jii| liy lh'- f r ouri Sti-nJi^rniiltrr.) 

The tYilnfnjii Sti, I Wouldn't Ji«y tlinl. 

fj, Ami yH i(tn rwall WJOliruf till* nrtirle "In. 
fbnitnl kn, " when, yi.n my Ihnt every |tar;irr;i]iki 
of tltnl Hi-T if ftili^i A, H ih fdt"| with |i-n, 

(f. Vi.ii -my i-Kif-ry j<,ifairr*[pli nf tli^i leiifr in 
f;dn>. Fi!1™1 wilh lir-n. and i" n nifkitd etnmler 
r.inl :'j.|r A. Kir"|it 1ln< fifnl |uiTJi(,T;ip]i. 

Q. KinpUnj the fjrnl fmrnp:rn|'i!i t A. Yf-n, lir. 

(%- &n yriip Klil| nn^" iLnl everv JjlirAfc/r;, ftlt of 
Mint l-lli-f in pi hd A, Kl<^-[tt (hat "in^, yen* 

Th<- f "uiirt: Kiri'jjl tltf find |iB,e*[frnT'li. 

[J. Vptii nji v lii in, tl-ip! In - ri-j|ui-Klf^l "" CfHImbn- 
lEfcn*' |o fi-.ililinh J.j>. EnHir^ l^n vnii n nli«r riitr- trt 
I hi I nlllieiiPfOlT Ar Til* " jnfnrriuilirjn" artirh- 
u rairjpj ] niflwd rtrOjAio* that, I ani'eriti'd it ni 
Ik* ir i:l . 

%i- And wlifil n^ijjiiiiee flirl yp.u Suit* iw-fnre »rju 
whi'ii you aUEMll lllik 'tf A r«|LHHt tn pohlihl) it 
jo *"(""pjin"Fhiiii.n"t A. Non' r ixopt, (he ntat«- 
Mii'til, frnin tin- au tli'jriiufi n'jurrt. 

Q. And Ihe buliiorinnl ttmi-ar- wan wiiOmT A- 
The J'ri'P-nh'nt. 

tj, !vi j'ftu iiiulr no invepitiKation of your own 
atrftui iluiiT A No. 


/red W. t'rans—For Dejts^-Cran 

Q. Thi-o yiju h3i - i. k Ihic nbali-un'ol, 'VaUhini; t^e 
(CIHI! Id ftt puUicty rend," luenuini; tl*t Mf. 

Mo)l<- caiirwri leMnf lo 'n' paMii'ly read, in, rr.r j-itI t A. Yi-h. n-ir. 

(j, WJiere u-jin :! pulilii'ly IVild, Jlfior to AllJUlnt 
Sltli I A. Affording to the inffirmrilinn that ha* 
nimr in it *,*n In inj; rfjld m eninftB7iie»- 

'I'lif Opart: The informal ion frnm Jfr, 
TE niln-rfr.irrT at lliia met'tinfr of iS*])lenJwr 

Tips "tVplnen*; Yr*. 

i i Prinf tn Si!ftlL-udt*f Stat) A K*. 

The f'ourt; Ife nnid tin- iiMt-tinj; at 
whirii ifr. Italherfonl enve liim tlm infor- 
pnrilion on S>'lmitj*r 21 nl . 1* llimt rishtl 

'flit U'llndtin: l'n, uiT. 

Q, Tlno you alnfl proofniad ll->c "Sjiare." 
BI'ltHi*, r I e 1 1 yrni ri'itt A. 1 did. 

')■ And y'O" nutintrihed lo thai mrtidct A 
Yen, jiir. 

Tht (.'our! : Yoii lutd noihintp io do wilh 

I'm: nrl.ii-h' nr Hie ijiihllrnLion 'jf ill Kl- 

n-|it La prpKnfread itt 

The WitiuTutS That i* rinhL 

Q. In Ihnt nrlirl* i» n.tat"d that if a man rfaipna 
to In Mrtinw-raltd lo i'i«l and in a lawyer and 

itjjfjTjr* in ej;aFl an rfninnel for anuttiP'T eon*e- 
iraled ]ir-rpi'i:i nn<l tlp^n condueti. hiiiufdf in tip* 
i-a.Mj oti trial in npicli tuuiipHir I lint he mi^ht rt- 
i'1-ivn thp' ajturovuL uf otit»r men in the murt, 
nai-Jt L-m'ytr SB a man pjngpjarj A. 1 aec?pt tbrnt 
g. And you hat* tint ftattfiieai of sub 

/"ruJ W, Franz— I'ot ['tfta.—Crofl 

Tili'Jihii]' nil w]i.n| yijii luive li-n1:f:i-i[ tp> IhiK iriom- 
jjil', fi* J nil »ay, Sir. >!ny|o lopu-liinj; the iillmf 
)iii> j*r <pIjI ill the I i-lla-ii y, in Dili. ■! ■ 

The Court: Ij't liim If 11 u* liimnelf. T 
liiinlj Utal wituH lie nvnre F«li n f Bnlonr. 

Q. In Hint ttlint it waul A- Yi'S. Judjjfi 1 )fu- 
ih.-rfiiril rullmi piut nlteniihi, io ihnt fAr.t at Ihc 

Q. And I hnl in 1 1 h- rutty evideni.^ 1 I hilt ynu DOW 
ill" iium plwirW («»T A. Tlmt in niiLliiicn:. 

(J. I'liiil it- Hiiltirh-nl fitr youl A. Yen, nir. 

i). Aptd yuip weri'u'l jj/i'iu-iit iu tin' curt mum, 
went yptul A. Xu. air, 

11 YlHll anepled Ihnt fruip .Mr. Itllllierfonil 
A, It wiui [lilt :;i-.:jiii.-.| Mthfii lie called intention 
!u n. 

1^. But Mr. IfPltherfonl ntntpnl itf A. lie 

ulaleil it lilrai^lil lo Jlr. Sfciyh-> fun- and it was 

»pi1 nil n] hi Li i L liy .Mr. .Moyle. 

(I Mr, MoJ'lr Inurlicd thin other lawyer, in 
Hint itl A. lie | . .1 - iiin anil IIWImI liim IRll 

|uiiLrd aim nn Ihc bmrt. 

1). Tluit Wan ||ir Lratli. AliM) in Ihin ortinle, 
'■Snares": "(Jnc w'lin fnits or rcfiLicn to look 

well to nud ilefepiil tlLC Lnteil'*!" of LI (.'hris.til"in 
itipd ih'i-n bij in 'Tilf'r that lie mijjil apiienr a* n 
Koiid fp'lluw in (he r-ye" uf otiier turn im tlicreforc 
Oii riii'Ptiy uf Clirint." A. Tlmt i* troe- 

(J. Wl'-isl iviJenee itid yon have for Hiatl A. 
" VYhontH'ver wifi I* a frii-rp< af tln> wnrld in i.l.e 
p'lminy of (iod," nrnl unyonc fralernininR willi 
tint liaovin eneiuien Unit have liecn jinintfil out to 
oae ia sinking himself, an cAtilt>' of l>od r 


y h I 

Fftd W. I ■'ran*— For ttefU<—Cfl>*S 

if. UuL you ktimr at tlmt lint that the de- 
rimliiiil hud \r- n artlHtltod, didn't yut 

Mr. (.'rivin^l^r : T lint OrnUlilf* a mal- 
trr rlml i* nol in I'Viiiene*. 

II r. [irvfljimu^i'Ti: 1 witlulnv it 
1'hi' fourl: Did you kn«w| 
Tin Witnma: No. 

(;, Diil you k: ] 1 1 .. v. 1 anything about what ha> 
pened 1o them ut tlmt lim^l 

Mr. Coving rm: I,tt mi RH Hir ijitm 
irmdvori. There arc Iwn iIhIch. invnhmL 

Sir. ]!riniiliBH»*-pi ; I am h fii-ntiinp af tha 
dale ultra Hit article "Hau^i" ™™ to 
Jmh nltrnlina. 

Th> Court: An I undiTMniid it, »u w* 
h!ni: r :i-"r» 0«t I lit iluti-n, ydu ]in,nfnpt.| il 
i>. ml lllfn you ho ill afti-rwnrdr tlul JfOU 

j-i-ji <l it ami suintrrilied to it in ihe "Watdi 
Tower," i* tint right I 
Tl.c VTitlK**: I Ami rsraH, lieeaiaaa 

till" | ■ f~ 1 1 1 1 7 1 i-ndinc; wrnt ahead about » 
month liefnr* pnhlicnlinn. 

The I'niirt ! Ah 1 undpFJilnorl jrgur t**tU 
inony. yon *aid you proofread it and afler- 
wiinln Hvlu>n yDO. rami it in Ihe *' Waist 
Tewir" yon frail it carefully and thru 
ynu auhcif riln-di to il- 

Thi> Witntia: Certainly. 

Tha Court: Tiiat ii about 4 month 
after the puhlkntion, it that lislitt Th* 
dale of the pu/blicotidn is November 15tbt 

The Witsoaft: Yea, air- Then th* 
proofreading goes forward about a month 
ia idv»mA. 

Fred If. frirxi—For Dcftts-Crtm 

Tlit Court i Ffirprtt al'ioul the proof- 
ri-jiiliii^, Imtjllim* ] Ninh'r.-4uiMl your lentl* 
many is nt that tinif ran just proofread 
il ?nil didn't rn in lei 1 hio nrtitlft carefully. 

The Wilnrs*: That in right. 

The Court: A f le rwnrrtw you said inn 
did fio into the article carefully and sub- 
•eriliHl ta itT 

Tlic Wil n ?p«; Tint i* rifitt- 

The Cfiurl : MHrnt i* llur dite ;wu w«il 
into it mrrfu'lly, if yoo can Ull on, »fi- 

Tlic Ultiipaa: Aflw tlie maijfltiii* in 
relcnFCtl h 1hit pnrjii-fllar issue. 

The Cnorl; Wl,i>n »pj! Ui» Navemher 
ISth issue TflpaatdT 

Tlie Wilnesa: A few dayj before Nsv 
?*qiibcr 15tn. 

The Ctoort: Afipfanininilclr Tforamhcr 
151 ii, in ihjit ■ felr liaOnstntT 

The TVilFira*; Tint i* r'RlA, 

Q. fvo that Ihii stnternenl T have just rend i» 
alMk lias<sl ant j rely on tltia paltinp of tbf hark, 
i^ (hjit ill A, I dftn't know. 

Q, \\'rl), y«n hnTr apprflv«l of the ariLc]« fit 
that time. A. I did. 

Q, That it the only eridin)™ yOO lind. A. 
Tlmt nrtiel^ Itvl (town prsnnpifn and mmtinna 
nahfldy*! name. 

Q. Tlmt i* lha only evidence yoa had nhnot 
Mi. Moyle, t>ie psiilfnw 1 yny just stated of pat. 
tinff it' tin 1 hnekT A, R^Bardinrt liitnl 

Q. Jttpai-iiinft him, yea.' Do jou recall any 

Fred W. Friuu-*Far Dtftt.—Crot* 

letter gqing out from IT«ul<|iiiirt*ra to find out 
about any eosuMnaieatuMUi reaptetjiig Mr. Jltylr 
Co tii^it vati^ui compan it* tat ia WiuamJaf 
A. T i:ri!lw nnlhinp nhnut EUfit. 

Q. TlieM lell^TS nil rnmc l<> ynu Tolnnlarilj 
« far as ynu kno' from — A. 1 Jon'l hnow J 

Q, You don't know Iidw they earn* inl A 
Mo, air. 

Thfl Courl: Ab a nmlkr if Fact* j»k 7 
TjnfkntBnil your lf*'imony, Jn*lce rtulh- 
erford 3kad Borne of (hem on hin depk or 
table ami you ho indicated! 

The W LI aana: Ye*, air. 

Tli« CflWt: Ton dinlnt »rr H* Vtlrlhi 

at all, Tin; nnly lime you henrd thi« le-E- 
Ict read, and you lienrd judge Rutliar- 
tard'a p-tatemprit eonmraing it. 

T:\r. WiL-vtu: Trji, air. 

The Cunrt: !■ that lltt samel nailer- 

Mr, C«TiniJlfl.o ; Tea. 

Q, Ton «ay [hat tbf hnapl of dir^tnr» si\^t, 
Ut, Ilullierford tin* power to write the article* 
in tlie "Wnkli Tower" I A. No, air. 

Q- Waa fsave him Hie pawert A Tlie Iicrd. 

The Court; FIc made him President of 

the Corprualinn ami flan hire tlm 
t* aapenriit or— 

Tie Wilneim; T!i* Bnvnrd of Dirielnni 
hfih't notldur - n O'l villi llie doctrinal 
malLei-4. Thin i* a lepal corporation and 
they take ear* of (he lejpd inattar*- 

ty. So tit Lord waa writing ilia magaxiss hi 
1929} A. H« ia gaUlog it 

Fred W. Frame— For Dijit— Cross 

Q, Van anakt about a rule of rooduct for 
minjiUr* Huikinu tiiui|ilflJr.lB. Ia tbat a printed 
ruh-t A. It if in I lie Ijord'ii Word jjri cited llierc. 

Q, That ii in tlie Bible. T A. Yes, nir. 

Q, Wlmt m the Scripture on tliatT A. Wall r 
fintt Timothy, Fivt;Qp* »ayi "Hebut* not an 
tldar hut entreat him bs a brnlheT," 

The Court: I thought you told v* eld- 
er* wen' r^Lsl OUt. 

TJ« AVilnesai lilecli^e eM'T", *ir, i"<it 
tliuH' vim are aucti hy mtMni of nludy 
nml fhriKlian practice and endeavor nml 

Q. IVell, under lh*( i~ul? or dftfliriH c^uld a 
laihichr write a letk-rl A, H* tan write a Ltt- 

VI ,f O.iitl : Jfat tliq kind nf a Irlter, 

Tki tVitni-jiH: Not tliis kind of a letter, 

i'i. Ynu nitan he enuld cinE write any leller 
Hint I i=i-3 any enin|ibint in il. i* iluit lit A. Tlie 
Sii-ijilurf sny> "Study To )!e Quiet Ami To I^n 
\<tiiT Own liu^.ini'.-H," uplI nnj'nne eiulnlin^ tlmt 
ride in n^l BUlkoriiml 1« »Tile n Idler. 

';■. Kn lie ruiildn't i". i-n h|knlIc ah" lit it, could 
lmT A. It vrnn in — It vmrn't in riij province 
In s[H'nt jlIimUI it to nlhrm. 

Q. >■■■ Ihnt lltr ininiiier ranli! neillier apnal! 
tiji t" any nuii[>laint nnr write ahuut a tomplainl t 
A. Xol In Mir up iliNcnnlcnt nnd ilisruplion sad 
m pprrn.l fnlse rcnnrlp. 

Q. Trtuhl li* write any kind nf n fomplaiatf 
A. IT il appertained |o thinj* orer which he had 
chRirflr or— 

Fred nV. F'*»*— Fai" JOcA*-— Crajj 

Q. And uhat lius Uit iuiniiiL-r gut eiiarjje ofl 
A. Lie i» iL-ul, nut hy tlie Suitit) at itn nqmh 
tciitulivt to vxuiuiais tlio eonditiujin uf the cujil- 
uciuios, to nee whether they are currying; ant 
organization instruction^ eatii itn'unt uf a cum 
pauy doing hi* a^igntd duly, and ui*u In givit 
ciHiiiatl and esliurlation to thr brtlJirtn, and 
to n-troishten out any uiatlera tlml an out of 

Q. Arid a miaialir living nt LU-tliel eouhl not 
write any letter of eoin^lumt aLont Itetliel uadtr 
tliin ducLrine tkat you mentioned! A. Thin on* 
»■(> written, It is pontibk, hut it i* not prajjer. 

Q. It ia contrary to tlko doririnenl 

Tli* Court: He said it in nut [sniper. 

Q. Is tiijit it I A. It in (Tontriij-y tq Cli-ri*tiiiQ 


Q- To «rile letter* 7 A. Such a letter. 

Q, So that wat: your ohjteiion |o wrilin^ tlia 
letter at ull r mn't it t A. Yes, sir. 

(J. Hit lie wan an evil uervanL as noon o« ho 
wrote the letter I A, That letter, yea. 

(J. You itienliuned niioul jut I what a miniiiler 
alwinltl iln. Did I quote you right, ll<nt Mr. Jia- 

tlii-a~fori| nt the liihlo niuit h^ hi-nr Ihr 

BcewJieHl nt n-ny tiinel Ih tlmt itt Yuu nlnled 

UNiiiL-Lliing and nuiyhf I didn't tjilota yan tor' 


The Cooxl: The accuser and the as- 

The Witness; Yes, *ir. Judge RutlLtr- 
fnrd *aid lie would not hear any aetuxa- 
linnri escept the accursed weri? also in bia 
presence ta answer for himself. 

t'red W. Fn*«— Ftr l}tfts.—CroiM 

H. AihJ tJuil also an individual codd g« to bin 
ijL., alunct A. That ii right, if Ida broLliar 
had Kinuiid nyainsl biui. 

(J. l'our Jib Lluc Ljuu it. that you bavo to go Uj 
i.i,.: ptnva 4'Jiu yoa cLuun did tlie <;inuing:t A. 
Jf omo si oh. q^iui:jL jou, iuji'iG^d at di>.Cuis:i:>; it 
with other* jou nhouhl go dire^Uy ta yanr 
LruUitr uud trettla llie mutter wilb him wilJiout 
B.ii ms; it uhroad, 

Q. Uut Mr. Ilutlicrford was still the rcpru- 
miiiiLtivu of Uud an earth, wadA't het A. TIls 
hoLs r u:iL uf thr Lord, yea. 

tj. \Viiut ij, thi* IntL-riialiujiuJ iiihia iitudesita' 
Union ur AniuriutiunT A. Tiiat is U.u LAiidun 
f orjMtra lion. 

<J, That is all pari of thi* S&citijt A. Vta. 
Tlmt lrunsatl« tlui- hkieiety's hu«ine«S in Hritain. 

(J. In your jiroofri-nding did you Encounter 
Ihii, artiele tiiat yon may liavc benrd Lie refer 
r« [ircviouidy in fJiu "Wntth Tower" of I'eliru- 
iliv Ii, 11IIK> reading: "If the telling of thai 
whirh atiually eiista would work injun1ice and 
injury ('■ othrrra it ia not at all d i nplen si r.jr to 
h:,h| to ,'leelitie to ttll the snine. A stateinenl 
hurwum a lie when il ii made with the pvr|Ki*9 
ilikJ iiilrnNiin nf woriinjt nn injury Lo another. ' h 
A. I njrn-* with tlint, 

(i. U Hint n ttHinilian of a lie that eiinies. frmn 
Iln- fjord I A. Them ia • Swiplurt right behind 
il, nir. 

<). Whol in lite Scripture! "ftlial doti it iavf 
.\ If you win.h T ahali read it. 

Q. lie! ua have it- A. I believe it is John 1, 
H !■■ If), imi't itf 

Q. I Imven't it here. A. Ikpardin*; declining 
Iu Itli the iitnalian. 




FreA W. J-Vnh* — far liejtt. — Crctt 

(J. Jnlijj, 7, i to 10, A. These vtm* reed ; 
"Go Yc up unto this fenit: J gs not up yet unlo 
tlui :Lu:-t for my time is not yet full tome. 
VvLi'n H« iuid bjiid the^o *urJi unto llieui lie 
allele still in (Millie*, but when Un brethren 
-,..jj l gone uj>, thus wi'ni H« h~ho ujj aula th* 
[eabt, nut openly, but n* it w«r* la te^rtt" 

Q. Under tlua deiinjtion if the tellies *' 1 ' 1 * 1 
which autaally etiuta would work iujiiiii;<n and 
injury tu othera, it ii not at all displeasing to 
Clod to ikc-ine tu lull iL Who determine* at to 
whether it i* going to work iujufitie* of injury 1 
A. 'flit individual who i* requested to givo U« 

(J, iliglil mil Hie individual iiuika a mistake t 
A. If he it ionUiwU-d by Lie Lord's Ward lie 
will nni make a miutske oa that point. 

Q. You Difir hnd any cX|i«!:ifcnco will) any- 
body leaking a mistake Under tJial definition! 
_\. No, Hiere are Biblical illuilrmtioui. to that 

Q. Un yeu belong lo ony or^jmixitaun* uut- 
Eiiii- of 1 1 ici Watch Tower I A- No. 

(J. If*, yon attend any luevtaK* uf M lf ■*■«' 
wrga-nixatiwinl A. Nn, tir, 

(J. You flivc ynur entire, lima lo Ills "Jludy of 
the "Wildi Tciwer" and trw Bibtef A. Ye*, 


t; And tin; telling of literature I A, No »rll- 
inp of lilerature, air. 

Q. And you dnBt cane in, contact with nny- 
ln.n] V elm.- tut Jehovah '» WilnctWBf A. In my 

WOrk frOm liOUhc tu hons* 1 cOQk in Contact 

with the [M;n|jb' in their own hornet. 
Q. K-ji oulaidc of that yon don'tt A. Nn. 

Fred W. from— Fv* Deftt.—Croii 

Q. Ujil- uf your doctrine* i* free ajtvccli, i*ti'l 
it I A. Ye*. 
IJ. And you bdiaVe under llial that everyone 

Ik lire In b-tuti: hia D]iiniona *>r rtnciioni ilmut 
di'fiTfiit lluii^nf A. Ye*, «ir. 
i$. And llii'j-L- in a. iiLOdf f ai iuTi of lliat when 

V v i, Ih^i-MiV n Jt-Ji/.'-h ri WiLlLL'.-^Si, iHll't l.ii'L 1 

A. Vim. 

Ii. Tlwre in u innni i Ileal ton dl llsutT A. Yr*. 
Itwicfe of ■ be L"t'd'» orfiiifLLiii U<=m Hie l^>tJ rt- 
iptiirr* 1 1 Lh 1'pijjjLi- In ^tofitnil lo Ihn ^Vnrd nf 
Truth, t.i ~|h-ilL ilit- troth, to K|K-ak Hie irulh. In 
»]n-jfc Niijfi' lliiiin* wldfli arc in tliii inusmit of 
Mi-. (Jipii i. '.;.:. >, i:. 

(j Ho Uoil thf Lb'Tmiliuit of rr!>e F]mwli 
Hinnffi'K ulii-n j un get into Ji'ln>voli'n H'tlncu 
I'tu^Mt A. It Lh ([Oil i tied by I be v'nnt of QwL 

Q. And you fan 'I nay anything un)e>n it i» 
ii|i[Hfnv*i[ nf by Ihe rfrtrricrnUilire nf <Jndr A, 
Tnlrsw il hi afP™*' 1 ''! fll " ' f )' ( l |l? ■"■""irl "f ^« M !- 
Tlie rr]]l>wnln1ivf of fjocl will TJ'Kt — 

Ttt Cmtrt- By tin- word of Oml. 

(^. ltu.1 llir r^preHfntnlive »f ii«d ifclrrniifM* 
wlu'llisr it if- Hit- word of (J ml nr nnl. A. If it 
in in hanvinny with the wwd of f!™i He h'1« it 
In' n [itii: !■ I.. 

Tl^ Court; He delenuineB whether it 
i* in hirmony. 
Q. Dili the IliliSr illoKiraii^n — 

Tin? Courl: You were talking nbont 1bc 
TrjTiliilinn, I (Liink the u-iineriH linr it 
Ira, I lie IfllS rcMilntion, if you. "\,\: la 
■n uln . 

FrrJ W. Prant— For Defit.— Redirect 

ilr. Uiuiiiliaimen; Yea r I would litt to 
liuw tluiL ritii inorntng we wen- refer- 
ring to Ike reuululioji of the iVninijliimiu 

Tli« Court: Hire you rrfrulted your 

(|. That wus BLlo]Heil in WIS I A- I dnn'l 

tij"W ciin.-tly wliat In- ml Lb for, liut thia \t like 
only 11 ling Lhm ha> to IK. I tiiaih.' tho 
rn | m'it, 
(j, May I Ki-r il 

(lit »"ilnor*a bnniJ* poper (p tovh»*!-| 
ilr, IkiKlihin utn : Mn-y I reserve tlu»l 
f»r the n?nmcnl1 
T1il> Coir I: Sur^'ly. 
Mr, UrutJih+niifrit - That i> alL 

llrdireel nomination by Mr. Coi;i»jr(o» : 

Q, Iti-fiTrnri' bnx Imhtj tliDiLtu tn 1 1 lis. "Wliteh 
Twwot" nriiile thai rmitaLni Ihe drfinition uf a 
lie, Ksfduin Hun niaitiT io tin jufj"* |ilrjine h 
i. ml [|k- -Sirijilurnl illuntf uli'iil that you lure in 
■iiiiiil, iinil hIhi the oblipulLoon of a t'liriidniu to 
li-ll tin- Inrtll nn llir witnt.HH ulaiid. A. Tltcre 
nn- a, niitnlH-r nf i-nhtua™* wln-re the N?rinii1n "t 
Ji-liiiVfili nr nrnjite uf j^Owl wilt have ilflinnl lo 
1 i-l I (Ii? (rutli anil Ililvc kii k' t J-|L(li i^I I lie eneiBICn 
of tilt f^Hft. For inntinrt>. IIil-H' fw .\lirnhnin 
when I'liaraoh of Kp'P 1 ilfi'lre'l (i> kill l>im to 
g^l liih i* r i r^, anil AhnMuin mfnrmiH!! Pharaoh 
Ihnt *hf w»». ii i n «in(er, and hi Wn* I rullifhti tihtwt 
Hint, elln 1 wflii (in hslf-«iiiiri' *nd Hip Ijttrl inttr- 
renoil ni that "eroMon to prrvmt Phnraoh rrnm 
working any injury lo eilhrr Sarah or to Ahra- 

Fttii W. f'mnj—t'or Dc/i^—Sir4vrrct 
Iujih, Thru tlLtre in Um.' tnsj; ^f Ituljab, wln-o 

j-ln- n-v'i'Lvi-il tJiL' ttvo b.juu2i 111 ti> bi;i Iiojlii: ulid 

hill: Jlllt llltLII OJlll Vrhl'lL tllU |l|]il'L a b* t'^LIIU to lUwtl 

tKi^'^v liliro into tiirituily idiL' j'l l [iIji;J tliul tbe lnun 
J ki l ■ I ^trimtly lull mid ^fijiti; uWay, nimtliL-r WtLy p 
UUlI tjnr Itublie I'uiioiwjLili'd Iiuj* aut iKrt Uu u lit 
liul a* apt nrt uf tujtli jiLi-aiiiii^ tu tiud. 

TJit-n llitn; i* tike ro*L L of KaunvM who *'n» 
iunuiftil uf by l*tlitttJi lo divulge tin.! tnjjMit of 
Imk rttri-jifflli, and K^rtrel tiuuis he .liilt'lfat-U'd 
In. I -ut uf fa i t hliLl tit;-: !<■ hi* cvvninul B'ilh ihjiL 

<l. Aw mil tliow; illio,!r:itiHinK ilistanee^ wbnft' 
|n'.hj,ilf alt' ndikiikg in<|tiiry uf one uliich i^ nut 
in* baininm* ami in riTcuinlnncm uhere tbi-y 
w.-rr no! mi [hi- u'lliivi* vtand T A, Yri. nir, 
Tlpn** individiuiln. ni'ii! uimU'I' no oath hefnn 1 
Ji'liiirmh (liul Lo difuUj* Hie futt* to I be in- 
>|..ii I'l'K 

"tin! t'liitrl: lii any cif yinjr t^liiinaiy 

lux-il on any alirli nnr*Ni>l | itinn hi-ref 
Tin 1 Wilfcir*; I mo unihr imlh l^forr 

i hi- l-livr Living llwL 

Tin' Colin: I inker! vim ■ Very pitajik 

i|iii In vji'W nl yrnir hlali'ini'iili^. ih 

unv '*r ^n'lr ii-^iiro'inv Ik-ihiiI ikii any niti-U 

]jlini-i|»l" nivi.lri-i| herrt 

Till' Wlln'WT Ah hIilUhI. 1'il- i> in.ilrr 

tirciitiiH,t«.n«" diflerrnl tluin heinfl under 


Q. And IbeHc fi!f*umtitanf?t* Inal yrm have 

iniintioiiwl w-crc ito[ inslaiic** where tln-y wen 

ujidiMf oatli, it 1hal risbtT A. Tbal is right. 

Q. TKal i» »'hal the "M't ti'b Tnwtr" had ref- 
erence In in that Ipllhlirilion, ilirl it BOtf A, 
That ia right 


I'red W. rVuaz — t'nr Defti. — Redirect 

Q. ll-.i! Ma umJrr imib. mi you are- ia tliil 
mfltlL-r r Vn nlillg^led Iw-fure the Kver Ijvlbij; Qod 
in ivbich you lielievri- to ™ ■ — J I I Lb- wbnl^ truth and 

nolhiap; iiut tlie truth. i« that rifht) A, Thtt 
ic ri^ht, 
Q. Ami ilii you aeoepl tliat ■■ your rrevll 

A, Tn-'il m ra^lit. 

(i iti-firrnrc una made nit crnSHEiamination 
wilh reganl Ii. 1b* faet 1bal 1he *'TVaUh. Tower" 
i-lmtfiEM. U 1ha( ebnnse due to an eir hit rar\ r 
di+lfinn ljy th* I''di1nr or the Hoard of Direc- 
tor*, or due lo Hie fulfillment, Ihe eornin^ to 
uuhh, of rjirlH phowing ihe fttirillment of proplie- 
cif^l A. Tl isi due lo 1iie clcnrer light Hint Ood 
Almighly eBnnes tn liglil no Hit wordi by fnl- 
filli ami I of pmphtty. 

Q. EiplAia thai, pl«HB, imw th* riropneei#i 
»re dlTHl Ufii I tania*; h»r>n fulfilled nnrj ehanKing 
from time to 1iin'- A. Thr> Scrijiture «ay« lhat 
all prDnheeien nre pivrn by EnApiration, and ihnt 
no proplieey ih nf nay private interpretation,, for 
Ihe prophecy eatoe not in old time-it hy lha will 
a' men hut only by men nf find uptaliing aa they 
wero tnitteA hy 8lsc MoIt Spirit, Oml ia th* 
ialerprcler or prnpheeie*. Hr eau«r* the»* to ba 
written far in ar|vane(>, Tltey are history writ 
ten in advaiiw, nnr"! til Hin dnr limr Ha canaea 
the event to off ur whirh fulfill* Ihe propnecy- 
Then IT« ealln Hie nt1en1ion of bin een*e*ra!*d 
people In mirh fuiriiiinent nnd idinwd them lliat 
tlte propbrey haw rnme true, malten thorn In na* 
deralund it aecnrilin*: In pby ideal farte. 

Q. Also, in ero*«-e*amin«.tmn, inqtiiry wm 
made cOneeniiAg the altitude of Jrhor»Ji h * Wit^ 
neiee* iowardi the preient GonnnAtnl M aot 

Fred W. Frans — For Dejts. — Redirect 

being a pan of Thi'iK-mey. Fjii you metan by 
tltnt rb;-i Ji'hOh-nh'^ ^i'linisji^N hebei'e that tltoti4> 
OaverBnianl* hsf* no right lo be on the earlli 
ttKiny at thin titiieT A. A a long a» Qod i* will- 
ing lo permit tarin lo exial we htvt no right or 
authority from Him )□ act **h»triivdy and to 
try lo overturti tlirte ^ovemnientu, That is a 
matter for Jooomli God to enact by Jlis KLtig, 
t:'1-.Tii;l J emu. 

Uy Mr. Covinglon: 

Q, And tin -li'lmvair* U'LlnfHies bollc-ye in he- 
iog in Lite- world na CThriit .Tnua wact A. Tliey 
art in the worhl, hut I bey are no pnrl of it. 

Q. IVIml SeiifiHinl autlinrily do you have for 
thatl A. Je*u* FJihl to hiii DiM-iplea that "If y* 
were of 1he wurh!, ihe world wwild love liln own, 
lute Iwenuiie ynu an- ns| of thi- wnrliL Uwrafort 
Ihe world hated yWL" Ife ^^iid ''L'iiey are not 
nf the w'orhl e"Ti un 1 am nnt of the worlil" 

(J. You did not Mpi [lie reriolutiori on Augunt 
SI, 1X0, did yon I A. No. 

Q. Tl* rrjolullnh thfit wbp prepared and 
siprneil hy Ihe eummidrc, who wbb the eommilteo 
that prepared thai repolutionT A. 1 voted in 
favor of that renolutian. 

Q. lint you »er* lot one nf Hie author* nf Lh« 
reprJulioa, wort youl A. No, no. 

Q. You did no| piira 4 he revolution itwlf, did 
youl A. No. 

Q. Hut yon did nign the article entitled "Ln- 
fonnnlion"t A.. Yeo. 

Q, Do you know whether nr nni Mr. Me- 
Cnulay bar drawn away from tha Watch Tower 
Bible ii Tract Society t A- Jl* lia* left lha 

Frrit W r Fmn*-Fvt Dtftt—Rtdirttt 

By the Court: 

Q. Dd yfiu kiuiw u-]jrt]ii>r he haa dr."iwn awoyT 
A. I understand Hunt lie 1* with one of the other 

Q. Do you lenpw itt A. Mo. 

By Mi-. Covington ! 

Q. Tim question wa« nnled ■concerning en* 
iH'nvidf Bethel and taking op jetid-ur wort. Yon 
nrr fuwiliar with tlie Bethel <|,ue*liQ]'inaira, ara 
you mill A. Yes, *Lr. 

Q. If oil* l***wj vrilhoul perminsijin nf lhe 
presitlrjit unO uLiliniil [k-riiUHtion of the T^nnl'i 
orEantiation. he show* that he it a cnveimut- 
hicaker, does he nn1T 

Mr. Bnichhannen: 1 object (a th»L 
The Court: Objection sustained. It 
ipe.ikj for ilju-lf. 

Q. On? who jjlwndonn hit poaition of duty 
without permission of 1 he organization, what u 
tr.e Scriptural ptnritim taken hy audi a one! 

Mr, BraeMn»Mf»: That in tiawning 

somel hinjr, if JfWM Honor please. 
Tli* Court: Objection mntained, 

(J, 1 nhnw yn« Plaintiff'* Rxliibil 4, (he letter 
dated July 2l*l {liriniUnjj to wiiacn). Cetuiicl 
liafl made inniurv jihcmt crrUdn eenfrncen. 1 
wish yon vthliM tnke 1luit Vlter nnw and j?* 
down parafiriLpli hy par*flT*Il* ami aho* Iha 
]nrj that each paragraph in fall*. 

Mr. Bruehlunuwn: 1 ohjett to (hat 
The Court; Tli* form in nhjertinnalila. 

*W IK. Frfliu— For &tft*.— Salirtci 

y. The fiJ»I paragraph is admitted t* he ihu 
Irutli uihJ u> itiitcd in the artddc "liit'erjiuilLuii." 
Toiitf lhc *ecua4 puiagrajih and point out why 
j<ju staled tluil that pumgrapli v. -n.:j fpke. A. 
iW tl?j» rr-asim: Tltat llie |wr^ji'S|:U purports 
tJkil llie orgBniiatLuQ Shei* Jit liciliii u-na filled, 
villi oppre»*i*H, dbaimilitiwi arid unfair treat- 

Q. Ia tliat a trut or untrue de&eriptian of the 
GMtiUttaM at Ik'thelt A. Tliat is ur.lrur. 

i\. Take tlit iLtiH iniiraj;j-npli. A. Alao lie snys, 
"I ran mute thin )iro!*jt in the interests of Ilia 
tttjlbel Family on J of tli* Kingdom nark wilh- 
uiit anj" persunnt inlirrrt cpterinf; into the jjuiI-. 
tar." Tluit is not true. 

Q. Tali* tht neut pmrjwnph and [w>Lnt out 
itlirrrin lliqt i& Liutruft, in your judgninit A. 
Tin? ula-lrnnrnt, ''Th* apRtlJicle of our hrrshitn 
r-w^i viliijf nTf)rrn ik-KL^riHtiHl aft u triiiunLnfl frntn 

Tlie Court: Hon't reAct it all. Tell o« 
why you eny i! i* fjilHe. 

Tii* Witncws: I^n-inne (hone jMaleineiim 
nro unl me nboul Inimninj^i ami tn.npie- 

(J, ^nH the ntlmr parts of the imnijfrsnh, 
Have von Bwn olhrrs, afarAuUy, MfformicSi, 
Kaorr. rriee. Van Sipmft, Hf**, Kiioilnrlj tTfated 
an flitiM-ribed in tliat paragraph f A. Ko. 

y. Tint in untmcl A- That it unlrui*. 

Q. Take Hit neit -pirjiKriilih aftd "-haw the 
jury *hy lhat in felfl*. A. ' "Tliat Mef aula; wnn 
wvnrU' r*priman{ii>d iTid. Jud.K* Rotlierfnini rio- 


f'ricl W. frtim — For l)ttl*-—&ttiirt£l 

JnUU llie [iLinc i yJc for wjiieli ve are ligliLinj;, 
freedoiu of ttpwitk" 

ij. Ij. lltat trm; or fnl^eT A. Tlial in inlrt*. 

i.j. Jiow, tin- jllxI MHtlence. A. It wasn't llie 
oetioo <>i a aom. l-'unLLriiiorc, tUs ttatpun'jit 
thai "ll'tlct To»er ntudh-n la« J<*e;eiii'ifatfe4 
iiil.i }iM!L'rv rraalini^ Luhh^iik" is almOlitt^ly fuW r 

IJ. I will n.-nb ^au whriliiT ur jid! Mj, ilcCauhlj" 
hiniiKilf raiak-il n 1 1 ijj ijishc Tu Juliet Rutherfonl 
fn'i'iiTL- (In- cdtirr luLnily, A. lie • 1 1 1 L . 

y. Ami axked for [lue mn:inenl« of lite loH^o. 
A. Ilf raised llie is*mc hiiusflf. 

(J. Tiilic tlif? arst pnrac i .iph and point out 
wln^rfiii Unit is, A. TlmL ftrotlipr Wnr»lejr 
V.:>t n piihllc ih-:iurn'3atkm, iuk! tlial Jmli'>- Ril- 
lliiTfnrH] Vt&p inlALrranl (tin's n I hi lib, ftnil Ih^it he 
[ l 'vl'JY , i^4 , c| l||fh-h{in^rH| p.plSuintv with n?K|irc?l In 
iiin iVIfcuv-APrvAnl*. 

The rniirt: Tlmt \r all falne. you navf 
The Witim: Thnl i» fnlne. 

Q. T:ikr 1hr nml Jjftrl*;rap]i Ami point Mil 
wlint |iiii-1h nf 1hj-il ftlfr falw». A. Tin 1 ! - ? Kir Hrt 
dil'trWwinft rtinditinn or fr><1raint Mm! ntt")''irioil 
nf Bi'lln'l nfrcr ilip XIadiiuha R^nnr^ flarrU-n 

Q. Any nhhrr purli A. Tliat tWtr has h*<Ti 
pvmKlaat mn^riminihnn «f thp h.nhf r^ nt llmt 
loivefinp hy Jinlc* RntlierfnT^ and 1h*l they haTu 
hrrn l:il.i»led Monies. 

fj. Hnn* ntwnt Hie nest *i»nteTiP<' "inHrmi'r of 
i™ir iinkind wnuirkp.' - in that Inn 1 nr falwil 
A. TWi 1 have- Iwen nn unkind remark*. 

Q. Nnw, lalff th<- next paraffrapli and pniol 
out wlie nfin lhat i* faln« h he«innine "Htli "Tim 

Fred FF, Fj-iiioj— for Wr/ls.— Ttodirctt 

lirrliircn at liLtheL" A. Tlut thef liflve L«cn 
]>'iiiIm] fn>r wj<iii,u:'l(>Lri^ r and that Judge Hullicr- 
forii uni "u'i givutf! kimlly ad monitions tn tliem, 
and thnl hi* cnomc re*uki"il in Lmluiptiinfsd ftnd 
■list-i mi fori, annl tlmt a r*Vtr*»J hy Judfjt fta. 
tltC'fford niould induce jjrealer hnppineAu and 
eatafort, and thnt Lb fiaUa lhe have nnd xiuiUh 
hi' frllnu'-mTvaiitii at Itttlnd. 

Q Wlml ih "j(mili'"T Ti thai a term of con- 

Mr. ISru-rhl'in.iBS'f n : I Lihjrtt. 

Tin Court: 01i>c!iiin jinptainni. 

ff. 1\ r >mt is Hir Strip! urnl deRnttLnn nf lhe 
tumi "smi1r h, T A. Tt dnrsn't niiyan an i-,-\. ■..-.. 
phynirM smntinp, hut a dirwiinj; of lanpaape to 
a persos. 

D>- (he Court: 

Q. Ton nniin n lonpue.laFliinirT A. Yc: nnd 
ln-.-iinc fnlsi- rhnrpr» ajtaiant him and cnnilemiv 
in^ him on (he hiuin of nmrli fnlpM> Hmrjnr*, 

Hy Mr, rnvinplon : 

fj. Tnli" lh» ni»sl pamprjiph nmd^t !hp \t*iiA- 
inc ' ' fli'irini i nation" nnd pninl ou1 alumt lhat. 
A. Ti «n*ftl^!i hern fit Ih? diff^T^nM 1 of ai*?iiniini^. 
rtfttifiii* Fiirni^llMl tn JndcT* rjnlll^TfnTid and liii 
n*™nn>il alt^ndamdi n< (■nmpnird w ' 1 a thniM* fni - - 
tij^hiNj to. tlw> olher hrethnen, and lhat hr hn» 
mnnw Imme* in vnnnn« rlnwR nnd that [hi* 
lim-tlnTi>n nt ntWr pnja|ji «rr i-pntiifMl tn livf- in 
flnrott TnomH n-nh^S'^'d thrtin£h tli^ hi Iter cold 
winter weather and wmp in th^ir tnmta-" 
Tly Hit Oonrt: 

Q- TJvftt « fain*, ia ill A. That ii falie. 


Fred W. Fs-on*— For P i/(*.— B*(£ircd 

Q. Yftrc yaa ever up lo llliaeal A. Mot at 
tla> tinie, 

Ey iii. L'ovinjfloB ; 

y. Did you Ju-nr I lie *UL|eiDienl« nmdr hy Ilia 
ISoned of liircttnrii coivremiinf lid* rfmr|nr befiirs 
the Tfutf vinr* i.iki'ti f A. Vca t fir, 

Q. Did Movie iIcjiv tlii tUarce* 1liat the I!*nnL 
nf DirrclvN uk-ainxt Iniii on thai pointf 
A. Hi' rcrlainly did not. 

By l!w* C'««rl: 

tj. Did you ever ?.« the areoninindnlionr in 
Cnlirorninl A. 1 have lieen out there hinre Ihia, 

By Mr, Corinflon: 

Q. You have viniLeJ CehforAia, haven t yen I 
A. Yes, BJr, 

Q. And yon have- been in lha house there 1 

A, ¥<!*, tir. 

Q. Ia the houne in the fune condition 4* il »a* 
in ISl-Ti nnd lllin, an far or- you know} A. A* 
far aa 1 know, it in. 

Q. Tht: last nata£n'Lph under the heading 
"DiHrtordnatkHV," txpllnl lhat wherein that ia 
a lie. A. The implication hure (hat Judpe Hulh- 
crford i> the only one nt licadqunrlr-r* who hai 
a nice air-conditioned room. The fuel il it im't 
hia room. It In hit office lhat *n air-condi- 
tioned, one of the offices, and lhat he and hi* 
attvniiants upend a poMion of the week in lh« 
quiet af country RiirrnimdiniT*. They *ntk out 
tliere heeause Judpe Hulhfrford 4^niip«-'"l many 
of hia artiriei of the "Wateh To»er" nnd hook- 
l^la out there, and il required retirement. 

FrrA iV. Fran— Faf Ittflt^-Itrditctt 

Jiy lhe tViurl: 

It. I iih»niiiI' yon linfn*" Ihln nil of your nun 

kni.wl(ilj;' v I A. \'i-n, uir. 
By Mr, CVfiiiRl'io: 

Q. Nov, lhe nr-Ht HrnlHilMi. A. On nil r ringr 1 

Q. Kb, tin- nfxt M'ltH'Jll^'. A, -IujI^j* ](n(ker- 
r i ■ r ■ .; ■ . f 1 1 ' n li 1 1 1 1 - h invito nvmhera of lhe 
JSi'ilir] tVoiily out in Stnten Inland for the 
I'wk-r-ml. Miiny nf Jln-ru Witrfa ottt tliere. 

Q, Wan there any din^ritnination an charged. 
lit lh<> l-l>-3 *4-iil4 L iir<- thi-n J t l\. No, nir. 

Q. Wan thnl rlmrpi' maile in lhe hint n»ntenee 
untrue, llmt She -1 ndjie had ]a'-.-.\ jruUly nf ■ I i n_ 
rripiiinntpnol A, T", thai ia untrue. 

(J, TulV ip llii* Ki|hJM-t of rnnrrLaps lhe n>«t 
ii-i r:ii r ro|il', A, The ptntrrne-nl jilhiii! isnM^iml 

awl dijieriminatory I rratmrnt with regard to 
niarriiiK* in nntnie, nnd that nne of th? hayn left 
Delhi;! to ticl innrriwl and »i« rofuncd !ho prl*- 
ile^c nf piMMoriuj; in Xew York hoeauw of ha*- 
inE" lokr-n I hot hIo|>. 

Q. I?id you knriu- i mp Ftroad that hart 
hMiu ml JMln'l nonte rime nnd WIT A, Ye*. 

Q, Jle hft-ojnfr n pionwr in ]'-H(i. did he not, 
on lhe reeordnl A. Aft far a* 1 know. 

By Hi* Court: 

Q. Wei], do j'ni know'' A. I viniled them out 

la Iheir iioiiif. 
Q, Do you knowt A. Not priniti^el^, 

Mr, I) rrtrhhaiipavrt : Thea I more to 
ali-ike out lhe oilier anawer. 
The Cnurl: Ye*. 




Fred fP- Fta*s~-For Dtjtt^Rtdirtct 

By Mr. Coeiagton; 

Q. Take Up lltb H-i- if t |Kjrn W rjL]j|j nini[-|- " Fill h/ 

and Tulgar f anguine" and point ouL wherein 
thai Li film. A. Kiwli unc!i-aa ctiil filthy 
s.[x'z]kin^ mid jesting hil* not liten indulged IB 
111 I In: L11J.1-I Hume. "Sliockiiur and iib lineal in l; 
to ii ptrtoi to hear vulvar ■i|M. , nliiii^ anil wnail. 
Aj=d (be. loudest laughter eoincj when * filthy 
joke in mid ai tlie table, and JVIgc RiiUifcf- 
fotd'a own skirls art aot clear With regard to 
telling Bud!,™ 
Q. Jb 4 litl A. That in a lie. 
Q, Take ;i|i lit jubjer.1 of In i nor, the nrii 

The fourl: ItiiHiv'i lit been aver tint 
lullyl You may ask Iijjil if you wont. 

The WitDf-u*" Iiwlrad of alcohol licins 
frli.jL.iH'il it lletlid, il i* the IjjiiI Jehovn.1i 
Quel who in glorified 

Tim Court: You -"'fro not a*kcd lo lell 
(Jiitt. You itn atkid which part* aro 
nol (rut, 

Tli e Witiwwt: The glorification of al- 
cohol, tint ie false. Tin- claim !■ nude, 
'"Op? eannol be i real Jktlielite without 
drinking b*er." Tlml ii nlwolulely false- 
ly. How about breaking in newcomerst A. 
That l* false, loo. 

Q, I* Ihc-ra any ramnlmcnl ■hoirn — A, 
"Aral tlml lofal aliplniiMT* nrc fnolinl u[n>n with 
♦corn in weaklings, bid Hint tola! abstainers iro 
designMed in pi udea, and lhat laera ii a Bnc- 
cbu*-li)c* altitude exhibited by members ot tht 

FrrJ IT. Frv*3—Ft,r Dtfa^-Rtiinct 

family, ami Judge Rutherford u reipoTufibli 

Q- \V)m! il Llie definition of " UaficliUi " t 

Tins Court: lie ban defined it. 

Q. Vu Ltmt w1ll.1l' jjatt ft ':ji...L false 1 A- Yes, 


Q. Tha next |>aregr»ph aWt *' Orisons in. 
justices al ISeiliel. " A, That Is falne, (hut Ibcr* 
are grievous injustieea perpetrated at bcad- 

Q, The neit para^/apb iboui "Iieiigrung 'o 
ran ^helically rvgintor his. dii&fireevnent with un- 
just conditions," ii that Irue or falnat A. Yea, 
there were so unjust cgnditivp.* a> a Imiiii far 
IrJivitifi BetLel. 

Q. Altuiit tin' rilaleincnt "SfaiUltr tin. 1 run- 
ning pi*jiy from Lattice; the dLTvil'a crvwds in 
tlHf courli"T A.. Wwit i* mol tine. 

Q. Tile next rn-fasnifin, tlu> laat piragraph of 
liia kllcr, whtre lie w't "1 l>*w» had plenty of 
t> -■■; il:i i l ii to olih^n'c I hat n rinitruvi- riinl matter 
di<1 not revive i ralin ami rcOHHUule diecuaiion 
«t (he r**U," in tliiil a true or Unlrue statement 
ngardinR Jud^e Hullierford t A, Unlru*. 
Mr. Covington ; Thai ia alL 
tDiiouuaisn bclwc«A conunel off tlie 

Mr. 3t;ucl.!iauitn: iUy I n-iii'rvi- ;cij 
riglK to eri>K»-friBi[Line hum on the point of 
lb? rfnolation tomorrow! 

Tb> Court: Vei, tht witu*** will b* 

Mr. Jtrucliii:iii.-<pn:. I ha¥t a ftw que*- 
liuua t VOukJ Ijit to B*k. 

Fred IF. Fraiw — f"«- Dtftt.—RteresM 

Re crosf-rxoai-Hutw* by ilr, lirvskSwuftn \ 

Q. \uu knfew tliiil iLer*j was Kuiii«llui^ tlmt 
wiLti tLnjii'iLV^Ju-l IIll'cij ia l^lS tiriiing Out uf LLi 
Ku»«ll wilt, did JDU null A. I'tTt. 

Q. Did Jrwl afar iM-ivr Unit ihero wn* <jui(L a 
dtHtr^itr^y gvinjr on, (lin-t |>a»nphkt" »\-nj 
lnniUiJ by lliOA' liiipg «idi.-* un llie ijucttionl 
A. 1 uinliL-ritand lint they lud a Uay of discn*- 
jiiuiL at the Lahic on Ike matter of like sevcnlli 
vulmne wIiidIi waa pulditlied aivl tin 1 nltj^loTj 
lln-netii WL-re tlwf ont?i wjiu l.tld -out. 

<j. Van know taerO was i bwikkit CFHilled 
"Fiwta fur Kliarelnddurs," and an-tlki-r "Liglil 
A tier Darkni'aLt" distfibiled ■ round t A. I 
didn't M'i! a eopy of "Facta tat SlLarihvldoj'ii," 
hai I did sL-e a copy of "Light After Darkness" 
at (JiacijtuaLi. 

Q. TJimc waj a petition far inve-ti^ation ad- 
clrH>»f,| In Mr, Hulliprford hv abuat 150 of the 
IPll'Dlk-r", dn ynjl knuw lliilf A J Ulf liiVft 
IVad I hut it I Hi' •.iri.r. 

Q. I)n vim Inow thai as a T£nult of llm f>H- 
tniviTKY niul 11lc f rxnluti^ln, Ihal four of tlie 

iliii'i'liirg ucrf nusttil friiin lietliel wiliun 4$ 

I t-hT A. Nd, I doa't itiow aliont tliaL 

Q. Yna iwvor did print tlio plainliffa letter in 
Ihn "Watrh Tower," nlid youl 

The Court: Tliis letter of Juljr 2l«t. 

A. No. sir. 

Q. Yoli krinv thai Wesley Latwiak wrote a let' 
ler lo Mr. Rutlierford, don't j<svt A, Now 

Q, Did yon inr know hiril A, Trs, I rrradl 


Grail Smttr— t'er Deflr.—Dixtet 

Q, JJn j'fliit know that Lo vrm ordered to Ivava 
in itn sl'U'mnuiit 

ilr. Coviri|rts«: 1 dbj^ct to liiat, 
TJil' (,'uiirlj ULijeeliun sustained. 

(J. You. know tlilt ill l|ji» nn'cliair of August 
Stli tlmt Mr, .Mi.ijIl' Euid "'/lie letter aiieakx for 
il«vlf"J A. Yea. 

ilr. Hj-iLH^IiauiH.-u: That is all. 
Mr. Uo-viagtoa : TLaL is all. 

(Witness excused.) 

iKI-.urt reoean.) 

UJtAXT Sl'ITKti, 12+ t-otiuiiliia Hej K lLta, 
lir.toklyji, New V"rk. eollfl Up a wilaeaj in be- 

lull ill the ileiViHliints, being tirnt daly aworn, 

tmiftal ik fwlktwa: 

iHrrrt cxauiiwiliim by Mf, C'^t'iji jJon : 

g, What i> yuur otL-npatmn, p!easef A, I 1.1:1 nnuiiitcd nuaiklef «f Ull- UaapeL 

tj. lit eiiiiLiveljiHi witli wliiii orginisjilion do 
}inl I'lLUcuiiti iz> ji niiaister of the tjijajiul f A. 
'I'Ih- U'jirli Tower Uihle it Tract Society. Jelio- 

l' k | 1 1 'h W llLILff --tlb. 

tj, iJid yon ImV* any eonaen-tioa with (he 
Iti-ditl iluiik-r A. Yi'i\, sir. 

((. WIilil manectim, if wyf A- I aui ai't-iiini; 
i:f Ik-fln-l KLcrvanL 

lj I.-, Hull mIlilI is known Us ltu)L:ii- n i;i rc: L^rr T 
A. Yl'K. treoi-ril sujx-riiKiindeney of the property 

UU>I Lkl' llUlilL. 

(J. Da you liave iuperviaiSB aver iLe enluree- 


<?ra*i Sxittt—F<* GtfU^IUntt 

mviit of tU- tMilw *ad Ti>etdaliao« in tin borne 1 
A. Yts, eir. 

(J. Apjjroiiirwilclj' J.nw umny people are domi- 
iriliid at llie JlL-tljal lloDJcT A. Approumately 

(j. And Lluit i^ tlie Injiii* for llie ones who 
work m Ui<L liwim <w we]] ■:, ih<ue at 117 Adaiu* 
tiirix:!, ia thut not truol A. Yea, air. 
.. Q. It is owne<i and op^raled. ia it not, by Urn 
Watch Tower UJble L Tract iioeietyT A^ Yea, 

y, 1 sliow you a docament which I wish you 
wouJil uxamiiiD and identify far the sake of tlio 
I'Lii'ord thandinj; to tritne**). A. This is a copy 
uf tlie ISeUitl lloiiiv rules ami rEgulatiaAK 

(J. Ana yoa familiar with thosol A. Yea, air, 
I am 

iir. L'ovinsjtun ; Wr otTi'f certain pnr- 

1iuan ia rvidtaEc whicJi ar* nwrlted, your 

"Mi* Court: Hon't you think you Inn I 
liettcr auk him whether they were in eF- 

Mr, CVi*itlEfta«: YrJi, nir. 

(J. Were tliexe tlje mien and regulations whieli 
you have just idetitiJieil, have they been in force 
nnil effect unl were tliey in full foro* and effect 
iluiitijr I hi- yram iSJTi to 1L)SS, irCllljiiveT A. 
V«y sir. lliry wtr*. 

Q. Did Wr, ,Mn_\li k hjih'c- a ci']>y of thnsc j^Vrit 
In i ii '-vi.en lie enU'reil lite lionicT A, Tliat ti (l-e 
jiulV y. I ln-litTe ao, ] am not certain. 

By (he Court: 

(J. Were you bouae bemnt betveav 1BJ5 and 


Oraul Suiter— I'vf PtiSi.—bntti 

J M: S-_i — • r i hive o*ed the correct tenal A. 1 
Law Imvii ISeiliul ten,"ant since July 12, l!fjtl. 

liy ilr. (Jovin^lon : 

(J. And who was Itethel sen'unt lnjfore yon, 
if yuu rttnlit A. Mr. MeCnnaikfc. 

y. Win-El waa Mr. MeiLorunek lictliel. win-aiitl 
A. J itn ant n-nall tlie ilatCs. 

(J, Hut lie «n» the (nan tint iiiiuHnliately pn»- 
e»ikil yi,u, i* llmt rorreett A, Yes* 

Tin; Court: Mr. ISrucMiiiuri'a, ilo you 
siL- Uie jwriiona be wirhea to inirtxIarE ia 

Mr. UrurkhauxL-n: Hi) object ion, if yniif 
HiHinr cili-D>p. 

The Uoufl; llo you know whicJi |n:.f- 

Mr. lirurhhaunen : Yes, I «ce it_ 
.llr. CuWinjStan: 1 do n«jl want In rend 
the ]ntrlji Hist liuve no ja-rtinrney to Ihis- 
nuLiter. Tlier*fore 1 have marked thooe 
il.t: are ]s:-rtinent, Jimf Jlonor, 

{Tlie |UiLn]ihlH'l referred 1o was rnrive<| 
an<L Ik-ft-ndanbs" Kschihit U-£!>.) 

lly M^t- ravingfon; 

Q. ho you know the nlainlifr, (J. It. Moylef 
A, Yet, air. 

(i. Ilnw lone have you known bimf A. Since 
alHiiit June, lllitTl. 

I), pn ynir khon- the plaintiff** *ife, llioehe 
Moylef A, Ye«. *ir. 

t^. And ynu liave known her frrr Ihc aannc 
Ifitglb <if UmmI A. Yh, air. 




Qrani Sutter — tat Dtftt. — Direct 

(J. iju you. knuw Joueph V. liulherf&rii, ur did 
y<iu LiLir*.' Jjjui duruie; bin JifeLuntt A. Vvit. »Lr, 
I .: .!. 

(J. lltiw Iar.i; have yuU kriuVD Jlld^ HatllS-r- 
funll A. I'hfjiuiLuJJy ticitt AUj/Ut,:, l'J'JS. 

U.llutf )<>"(; Luivr. yuL-W'fl It Ilittilljtr ol t'lif 

LklM IJOINCT A, Sine, AuifUh.1 13, 1'JLM. 

y, Would you kindly dasttiba lo the jury tin; 
Ul-'I.i-I J J u.i if, Hint Id, hl«r il u nrronRLiI on .iuJi _ 
Hoot, who livi™ on each flmir — not i-nth Lm.LiT.iiL- 
uaL — uii;J wltitl bin' fit HjaiiiMMtt :<■ in tapli ivwti 
f nun th* Lint (I'Mjr tu the bcvuiith fluorf A, lira 
Jklliil ILtijLr is a an '; u i il u i y building at lil 
t/oliuubLu HeL^lila, divided ujj Lulu individual 
rooms. I-.itL'h ruojn in fcigiiijjjipd with ulie i?r 1*0 
beds,, ji rjri'i;st'j-, ctutliut cJdiL't, tabled, thairr, 
wtjiliJinuJi, nn'iliiijit cabinet and othtr »uth gen- 
eral fii[-nLal.;iL(::i. Tut fluon from one I" BaMI 
ijLnJiihivf urn livLrij; naarlem,. lirinf room* .im| 
(libraa. The HcDu.-l filtift i(»elf la OP tlip. fir-it 
Ihrtir. The fldlpliniairmlive oHies nf tlic Prpdident 
of ihe KocicLv in. on the twrpnih ftuor. The- 
room* art a|i|triijtLiiJ»lely 20 feet Mjitaie- Thry 
vary in hIhiiw and in »iw AMMWhtt. lleiu'riilly 
Ihty arc all tin tame, They arc iHiupirtl l>j' 
the »<irk(?ra a! 1 1 ■«- faeiory Ami at Ihe IScihrl 
ll::ii:i' and the kLjiJiuh of IV. Si it- TC. ioratpd at 
Ik-ibr!, and tin: re ih b.I*o in !he Brlbc-t Hom a 
bnxjiL4.ul fUMitL, two hospital MUu in fact, ■ diM- 
ItimKary, anKiably hull where cjoup pludiep are 
held, muiiy mania, library, dining room, kitchen, 
laundry, tailor »]mp, and ollitr tucli dtpnriiwnli 
far the maintenance anrl ure nf tlu> pmn«iiy. 

(J. tV"h?r* Lb the fining room IncMtrfLf Ton 
]«»ve ■if«rihed frsiw ik« fi*»t fl**r up. No» 

Oraith Suiier— j^'or Dt}S4.— Ihred 

lliorv ut u-Jiut ih tiowD a.< .Hit bpm>un>«t aiuL LIil- 
mlIi-Ibih.'Hi'.'Ii[, in Hut rijjlilt A. 'J'lut ih oorieti 
Tin; buil'.Linj; rurii L'riFiii L'uluuilnn IIuj-IjIm Lh» 
J'urinun SLr^Lt, atid Funjion HLraeL i» much 

Juftvr tJuln Llu-lLULiLiLii iifi^htii. Ttie diniDg ruuiiL 
ih uk.iIie Furtiiaji ?iln*l »ul(! nl.tlic i^tlu.0 IfuLlil. 

JnK, tw'Hi Jliu,Lln 1m;]uW L.uluijiljiu 1 1 L-L^llljt, but kuv- 
htiiS H-LutjrH. ilJjijVh' Kurinan i>ln.s"1- 

t^. Anil, nl <:uyrHr, iL luiii uuliiidu l'ii:W, iittym 
Ll urit p * Lii<][»Vpii p und mh furUit A. IL IiiIh, ckuIh i<Ju 
wijnlindii on LlitH* wiiii'ji. 

i). IVIieiI mj.i- in tiki; iiiiiiiiL' riHnn, ]jEC'.uhi'T A. 
JL jk •|>|inuiiiu;1t;ly STi by 'M feet. 

4J, Ami ImK jimiij- IjlUiti iin> [here in tin: 'Lin- 
Liu; r'hfui r A. 'J'J»i.-n; ant kv^d, KUt af arblHi 
arc unil lo frail tli* ititinljcr* ttt Hie lk-lln-1 i',.n- 
ily at inH'iitliiite. 

l!y ll- i'.iurL; 

{J. tVliu! in thr M'vtnlli for f A. Tlip mi-Vi-ti Lli 

L« a wurli tuulc- 
Itj" II r. Cij%"i h j^on r 

<j, Tlir IcJLirliru, n'lwr-r in [lint Im-aliilt A. AlL. 
jm'L-nL lij tin- ilLnijii; rudu, 

Q, AiiiJ 1J0 jciii iijifi- a j^rnap uf rlipfii viiii'kiiiE^ 
in Jill' Liti-lil'Ti 1n fi'e-il tlir fjitiailly T A. \m p Mat. 
Tfcrrip IkiLif Jmx'3i 41 furrr of fnnr plirfs i L vt L t ioiii'l^ 
I Iiivp Ixt'ti Jit Bethel, in my tno«"lit|gr r 

Q. Would you |i Irani; dmqrfN the MVmtll 
fliMtr. Vim ute ranijliur with tlic Kcv«nlh fkwr, 
jin L vim iiul T A. Yi 1 ^, *ir~ 

1,1 ,ki»l fnf LJLf hcurnt Af 1li^ JBrt, tell lla 
ivlint Ihf HTflUjn luenlB anr nit 1lw wttitljl fluor. 
A. Thr »*vtn1li flunr r«upic". oLVujI Iwu-liunl* 

flrjil Suiter— tor itcftis—Dtrtct 

of tin? *|MH'e Dwujiieil L>y I he HoorB below. The 
fhi-ur hjs iiti'tn rcopn* un LL Tfity an ir/ancfd 
fur ijfl i'.-1'tt and fur bfulrvuiH. There in alai> Ln- 
L'luik'il in she i-ewn a Joltlrejiflt* and a »m.ill 
nliiiin^ j-ul-.hi. Tli l re are I lit nlfiecu of Id* J'reni- 
iIimhI ijE- !l;r VWirli-, a phvatf -Dtiicf, ami atrflnn._ 
llm hi'ill, ivllfM; nf biri ni|-n;tarii*N_ ' Titers in, aa I 
hlpili-il, ;i diiiiitK fruini -ami a bitdwatUc, n Iwil- 
niniii itf+uiiihl hy tin; pit'niik'tit'n itrnAMiim, 
Ih- [iri-niift-nlV liilfupiii iind tlM;T> [ln-r* in an- 
11 1 an 1 j-ni'iiii 11 hi kjiiii; 1 In- mivi-nlli, n-liiclt wa* for- 
riU'iK- nail nj'ij;iii;illy imrm)(il for nwii p«Tiry by 
(Miuir of Jhc NlufT »f tin 1 [irmjilenrd wereLnrif", 
Itnl wjin'k IjiIi.1 r wan titriti-ii nvi-r inln n Inik^hEjiL 
j^uiipii mill fnikvi'j-ti'fL hti 1l:uiE .Tailor- Itnlhprforcl 
ri^iil-L i^'n'jve Kri#Fnc Lnuijiiijll iro-u1nti L ni llip-rr: 
ViliiHi lit? iii'i-hIi'iL jl! tLc 1tnir. Tlir riKiniM nrp 
all similar ilk ^iw* anil iliTuriitiun.. furniidiing; and 
npftoinlpnrnL In Dip ronnm nji tlic other Bnnin of 
lUifltp). Wn luti-ji ■ realtor ralidiule tin?™ for 
pli-nninp urn! iMtintinj; jn»l tlic t^tne an m> its 
Dip niln-r rnontn at Belh?l. They art' Kinder tin* 
itiji-flion nf tbf iirtlicS hriiisrlifeprr (ind liic cm- 
f-rui jnUHTvu-Lnr, of Ih* Retlk 1 ! nFfic* and tin 
iietkel hsrvant. 

Q. 1" tlirr* anythinjjTinunnal or rliffisrfint al»Ki[ 
Hir fiirnihltLriB^ in tlicw rofliiw i* rnmijiiT«f witli 
nny ntlmr ronmr-l 

TllP Tniirt: Ifr hn> jilrp(ujy I1-.I1PH 

tlir Drvniirlrnanrc* w*m the piuii* — yira 
linix- Knift Ihntt 
Th* WSIHMM! Thnl i# riirliL 

Q. VrnI haVr ln-PB nrtVui'nt, litVti K'tVil rot. Vi'lnr 

.Tm-lcn! Untlipifnnl pre«i<leii nt Ihp >faH of Hm* 
tohli'* A. I have. 

rtrciwl Sitittr— for Dtpr-—J)ifi:tl 

Q, Aim) you liive Itcahl him condutl III* i.a-rv- 

litf pauli tLay, have you not, at (h* iK'S'niijig of 
rui-ii 1 lay! A. Yc«» nr. 

Q, You Itnv* lii'arrl littn nt unon-day in*al, lsnv* 
yon not, fohrlin-t tin? pujrrsfen ihPraf A. 1 liAV*- 

li, Aa4 aL iun]K?rt A. "Ves, air. 

f{. Do you know tilt? atttlude of Juil£e Ho.- 
Itierfnn! tuwaMit. ihf incinbcrF of tli« faiflily at 
I lie IkDii'l lahli? uii the opfaiiiinii that you liavn 
nlvcrml liim i|urinj> liette >var& tlial you hitv« 
iiH'iitiunftlT A. Y*», «ir, I do. 

if. Wmild vou lie timl miiuffli to atate t-t Ihe 
jury filial vku Itavt nniirrd in j-ejiard aj lo ihe 
n nitidis? dieptavHl hy him tovinrdu tht meniL"f;rti 
of ihu Itetlti'l Family! A. Ifin nltitiiil* trrtranl 
tJip rMl of tlip la-riiil^-r* of Hip Ht-tln-l Knoiily 
»-nji kindly, ciiflHiileraH' uml tlial of a Talhrr In- 
ward Si" family, and a* (he hi-ad M 1lic fiiniLly 
lip nrfti|iifil tin? hear] of Die Betlipt tnbfp whin, lie 
ttii prM=fnt aniL eondhwiei! ilip rtutruniHinn tliol 
v;rTi' hrlil in Hir liinmi: room. H-t 1 »■«» not only 
,'on<itli-ra1p and nff-^reil nil na oppftrlintiiy lo 
lnl;i- jinri in Lhp lliwilPwiniiji. hilt -pnenurBKeiS 
tllPliI lo do liO. Hf wan foliriinlLn nf tllPlf »>■!- 

faro, of Ihp riinil they haH -nnd Hitir pliyptral 
fomfort ii» well a« tlitir ppirilunl romfnrt, rip. the 
li+nd i^r tlii« fnmdy or Sffll nr mnnp p+FMin*. 

q. Air vnn faniiliaf wLlh tht? Rtttcn Inland 
nro(ipr1irpt A. T*F< l«Lr, I fffl- 

Q. Ar Tteilipl ncTvant, do your dutica tuko yml 
(a SraiPB TplnndT A. Tw, »ir, 

Q. Ahmil Ins*' fr*n.uf-BtlyT A. Ahout ont* a 

Hy Ihe Court: 
Q, To ilKIT nnd IMS and li»33l A. T«, «r. 


Gran.( Juiler— F at Dtflt^Dircti 

By Mr. Covinjjton: 

(J. Daring iho*c y*fttit *r 1S3T, 19SB and lM?;, 
dill yi'U have an pjijiurtiin i ty La ut-eoine rc- 
suaintcii w'ltb tin? bvune at Ktaten leluidt A. 
Yen, nir. 

tj. How innny nwidral hnuRpi are llwrn at 
Klaii-n lnlna.LI A. Tlifre hte tliree altoDrtlher. 

Q, UpiierjW tin? mail* Qn*. wIletc i. that! A. 
Tlml i* lix-Hed on ihe 3ot m-hr.r* Hit Iranwnitter 
of W. K. B. H. is loenlpd. H baa approiimatrty 
tu'i'lvp rooms, ll id furnished into — Ihey its dL- 
vLili'it ibtn 'ut'i.LjiK>n'.a and oOicn now. It vai 
orjgiailly — 

The ^'o-.irt: AVp are eortrpmeil *ith 
JiW, U-l:* and IMS. 

fj, Yi.», 1KW. lfl.lft and 19.W, A. It wan di- 

Tiiltd inlo nflLrei nail bpdroora* at that (iinc. and 
it liap a inrpi ilioino: nwum alio where Ihe rnrni- 
twr* nf the fnoiily pat. 

{J, [fnit- nioni' iniltviilltalK Tfinr conaeplpfl wlDl 

iliii Slflim fn-lanrl wflioa of tin? rVlh«l Pinnily 
ikirinir trio yparn IJKff, IflSfl- and 1WHT A, Fonf- 


Q. Tlid -Tnilcfp Tintbprfnril prp^iile nt the hood 
of tin? table when lip «Tt". at St«t*n Inland I A. 
Tts fiir. 
Q. An lip did nl TtetVlT A, Yep, »ir, 
(i, Wlmt ip. ma i nl 11 i Tied at Rlalca. Tplwd tvnf- 
&:rtc of the radio troitMinittpoi for the hpnefit nf 
tit* BetJjrl Fanulyl A, A ffardea of aboal eiptht 

The Court: That *aa 1p37, I93S and 

The Witnew: Tai, air, and alio * i*rga 

Grant £vtttr~FoT Dtfti,— Direct 

Llrrf-k uf efiicktnjf from wlitcli Ihe ej;i\'£ and 
H.-]tLi;tcn nieitt 1* pruducpi! fur :\,:-. Uclbt! 

Q. And did that reqfaiia a fom tu maintain 
the radio and the «cnnll rjarden fat-m Lherel A, 
Yc» t at:. 

y. And the meinlurK iif the Siati'n IntamJ. 
Family weru eonncc-ted with Ihnl worliT A, Y««, 

Q. Have you b*pn at Stalcn Inland whra Juil^C: 
KuLlierford prtbaded at llu? head of lite tablo 
IIutpT A- No, air, I never lure. 

Q, ilftvc voil ln>rri at Ktaten ^Lc.nd and In fan 
lioaite lliere End ohwrvrd the i|ciartp.r^, that is. 
tin? Iivihe; fjoarterit there Jud£e Ritthtrlord 
niayedl A. Yen, sir. 

if. lie hail a room I hat »■■ a eombinalion IhtI- 
riHjui jiiul oiTit\!, I hcheve it haK been le«linrd, 
n I lmt rip-litf A. Tliat ia correct, 

if, \'i':-iar pjn riinia did lie have there a* t?om- 
parpd u-itli l|i« other room* in tlir Slaltn Inland 
Hornet A. It i-(l> ihe pairte Hi*e an tlu^ otln-r 
lieiirnnnui, sraaller lhan -upie of 1h* nlltor* vrbieh 
*erp ivfil for olher purpow*. 

Q. Plpan* deatribe to Ihe jury liow ent-h nap 
nf thnm 1 rnonui are MiKitppcd. f>o thry havi? 
In"d« aiu| olhef thtnjiTiiI Jnat dp»rrth«; theni an 
Ihr^t yon fan, f>l**ne. A. Each on* of Ihe rooniK nt 
Ihe Kljilrn Tnlaiid H*tliel in oniispprsl alrnoKE irlpn- 

Iih~«iI Ly (he name ae tliope at Jlerht-I in Tlrnnlilyo, 
■-itli IipiIm, drepHprp, rlolhes flocetp, Ibey all hnvp. 
oarrwlji on the floorp, nnd thp other rrimiai>n 
itenm of fiimitar* »nrh a« rhaim, bodkf»iw« r mir- 
rorp and rndii™, 
Q. Did other peopU uhC Ihis honae aa their 



CfdHt S"it<r-r—Fl>r Dtfil.—Dttzd 

IhhiLo kIm'ji Hie Juilpu wai mil iheref A, Ttt, 

sir; 11L0 w]u.'n he um lliere. 

(f. VVJirn he wjs tlierr, tuof A, Yet\ bir - . 

1J. l» oilwr won In, thru va* tin: is home &■ wrll 
dji hi-:, n t| ut rijthlf A. Yen. sir. 

Q- 7>n ri-njr tli'w yearn, did member* i..f llit 
fli'lli'l I -"■ m i i i I ;. ■ of rji n iona 1 1 y £n to Slulvii Islnnd 
ni> wee|: j-nd* 1 A. Ye-, nit. 

Q, i)o you kjluis'— . coming bnvk to Botlie] nnw 
at 124 ("uhinil i iii Heights — compare the fize of 
tile rudpn aHunift] hy 0. R. Moris while he vaa 
at rS«!liT-l with [lint occupied V Judge Ruther- 
ford. A, The room oetupied by II f. and Uri, 
Jlnyle Willi miuif-w I ml lafe,ef Knip Ike rmim pr- 
eapied hy Judge Rutherford. 

<J. TJfJ you know whether or not Mr. Movie, 
frc.|Uen.!3y «peij| week-end* away from HeUwl 
during (he fiominrrtiDne in New Jcrteyl Did 
you ever lure him tsll yaa lliatf A. T«, »ir, 

]ir lias 1oEl] P1I-: tliul, 

Q. fl.TTP ynit ever Trailed, — during the yean 
1D^", ( IOT(^ 13-H7, ID^H and JOT, did yon w*r 
have aeranan to viuit tin- at Rn.itli I ji^.-,L:i n 
near Itliafa, Jiew Yoffct A. Ye», -"ir. 

Q. T>0 ypUr dutim #n4 did your drjlh™ as 

Bethel wrvftiit during Hie yearn of 1937, 19W 
am] 1939 take jrori in ihe fannt A, Ye*, wit, 

[hey did. 

Q. Prior In I he time that yoo became Bethel 
icrvant, did you make any vifiu tn In* farm 
with anyone!" A. So, *ir. 

Q. IVut di-.rim Ihr yriirs ut 1&.1T. IMS and 
1303, yen did, did youT A, I>urir(r ail °f 'b>>"* 

OfinU 5ui(er— for ^tjlt^—tHTCst 

Q. Di'3 j«u tvtr snukc a vitiil th*ri with l[r r 
0. IL ^f^,jl^^ A. 7«, nlr, . 

fj. And mi \nw -msny Meo^Enni, plfn»c, if you 
reculil A Jont on« eccatj^n. 

Q. -',u.-: 0i. h ix:.;hm0;i' A. Vet. 

Q. And wiiiLl jtir wu Jhdlt A, ThU wu ia 
Dn-trnl^r, 1338, 

fj. ITrvj? ynn e«T t»ii ut\ tin 1 infWff nf l!ie 
roflnn, Iht h«mt thai i« M«]rii*d by the nreth- 
ren al 1hr farm I A. Ye*, »Jr r J h*ve h**n in 
■all of tiam, 

Q r All «f Hit r«imit A, T*-», "if, 

■Q. Wan lh«-r» an ■.rrinewnwiit (hprt- fir a 
common <lipj«K tnhle a» there in at l'tf"h.-:T A, 

Q. And wan tli* TjiiTti fnimily i>p*r»t*"r] on tlif 
Ciiioe haii* im 1lio I (-■ - r I j r- P FjimilTl A. ft in, 

■ n>l tlir m / 1 m : r- nil--* Afijjtit^]. 

Q, Tlir- uirnf n|k* H[(rJii-f(T A, Ye*, *if. 

Q. HjiH-f] ftn Pili»rTAtiftr> nf th» farm- 
h'lfl** wh""r* iFi* hr^ihp^n »^'P'I^^ Minld y<m 1 r~-L| 
*liil H"rt f-r Myim» Ihev hflfl ^ll 1 ! wllAt tnrt nf 
Jti-"T.iriin<iJ!(itiAn» (he^ hud. fjcnfel A. Tli» m»- 
jiritv <»I lh» farm fftnily livl in »"1>»T we i-nP[ 
tin* main )jiiili]inp, ^'liir-li vm ImiH fur (hat nnr-*, and 1h" PiVHrt* fl» Ut »ij* and afirnmmn- 
■latj'uiF -tref- v»rr 'iinilhr ■*« lUtl^l. Tli^re f"F( 
rw.fnr iilW fannl*f<it'i"» Ihul WTt- nn llie prnT>- 
rrli iH-innnlli' jil lha lllfl* i1 i»d* lnulf, a! I he 
+iro* pt m - riM h**ni'hr. nn'l i}i*Hi^ *,'r-r* nl*rt n1i]lv*ri 
n^ dw*tijin« ff-r iii** ^ni-riiW-rii nf 1d^ Tl * a "t i i * ■ I 
Family fit KinprlVim F*mv. Th*-y n-crp» rwl 
fjirnih'riSfeii nnd }md th* n»na] n^rj-nirnndntiimi 
nf nwtd f nrmKon ppM. 

Q. And did Ikr-PF fimUun^ that job har* 

01-vaJ i'iiif r— For Drjltj—Dxtut 

metlttoned havt healing ^Qipnunl of any kindl 
Did tlity haTt atuvn in Ihrul A, Ynf air. 

By lit Court ; 

Q. What bf >U.v^1 A Wood aLni* 
tnd coaJ. 

By Mr, Covington: 

Q- Wiiniij «nd e^alf A, Yea, air. 

Q. And how many people vtT* im the farm 
doririp lirf year I£t37, if ycu rn-ail, appro-it. 
nialiOyT A. Apprniimnttty, In t)V Vat af my 
jrWfjlJKtinn. ahflUl tliirty-livu. 

Q. Arui did tiny reaiilt ihere the year aronadl 
A, Yea, nir. 

Q. Ami rli'l tSict litis- [ho name mulnvl of 
rDOitifit in tl^ m-ay nf nw-al-n Ami Hi* ninti* •*«- 
ice* ai Hie mr-ol n>t mn mninlngn^l ftl TMhrtT 
A. Tn, iiir, 1hey »-er» klrntieal Hitli Iiclh^l, 

Q, Y*ni >ay the rnftfjjii w(-f* f*[aipprf| jmrnitiii- 
ImUj Ihf- pMimtr an ihr nan at liplin-l, ii that 
rijfhtT A. TliAl in ripht, 

Q. Cnnld ypQ tell whelhrr »r nnt Iht rmmi 
"■■■re fn'fl.l*fl at (he famif A. Tin* rnnriM in tha 
inr^er hdiMins m-t-j-p lieihed by ■ fam*r», a oen- 
Ira I hcati.-in »;?t«'rn tlinnph the w nf tjeam, 
itfumheated. At n*irn- nf Ihr ntlirr hgildinpi 
(here hi a hot-air fumu-e in the hnnrrnrnt 
whirh halted tli* ho Deed, ard in nnp of Diftd 
there »a* a hoi .air f umnm' chi^h hraterl mini 
nf I lie house and tl:i- rt-s-t nf lb* hnuvr >p* 
l^nled Ly isidiviilhai stoVMft ia individual ranm*. 

Q. IVi* there any room in any of th4 tonata 
at Ihr farm tnAt »i'rr n,"i-u|i!i-rl hy uray member* 
of tin' fu:nily tliut did nut have a "loTii or nuU 

fjp-aai 5aiier— /'or Deft*.— D\T*d 
inj; njgLpDifot liicj-CLEt A 'There vu no room 

li i ■* n- nul :i;'.i!:-.l. 

Q. All, then, <li<J bnvr ln-aiinj; vqulpmenl of 
jome nort, in (hat ]tfflilT A, Thai i* nuj-rcct. 

Q. Ate you Fnirulinr wltli (lie htnjsr that i» 
ocgunied. of wliirii hax been ndvertcd to ray Mr, 
Mnyh' ni; Ih'Sul; kepi for Judpe liutlnrrford; are 
you fninphnr" iv] III Iinii lioaAu at the farml A, I 
ma familiar with the house where he had Kia 
-•:.'. r., yen. nir. 

Q. Dini yoj eri-r maiii nn inijrf^lUjn iij that 
|«ium;I A- Yen, sir. 

{J. W'lsat fori of (ii.:mm did it havel A. Tbftt 
wiih one nf i he onFinol fnniilioitdpfl, and it vrae 
n salMlnntially ^^^n^l nwl imS hnu^. The rooms 
were n- littlf bil IhTkit than Hi* mum! al Jlethel. 
Part of thtin ifWC oceunifd by oilier meinl».T» of 
tbe fjiioily ot Kinjjdnm Fni-m, And one of thetn 
was D-MUpinl hy Judjre Hul>.erfnrd when h-s went 

f^. .tal fc-hfn li» n-nn rml llierr-, tlid anyoni" 

i-Ipc nrcLifiy bin rflOluT A, Yeji- MIT. 

if. The whole liou** 1hen war nni set Ahidp 
Tor -Tudj,^ ItiilhrrfoJil. in Hint riphi, nt ilif fjirmf 

A. Thai is- rni-rfi-t. ll Win nflt. 

Q. Hid Mr. Mnylr rlisrB»* Kith yn« on thr nc- 

rapinn 1lifi( III* wenl In 1br infill Willi yon ri*tnril- 
ini' wlielliri- or nnl ibis whole hon*-* was. set 
K4i'te fnj- Jiidpe- Rnlherfnndf &t No. *ir. 

(). T)id he while Ite wn-i wslb ynii on Ihn way 
In llm farm nnd kirh innhf any -prnt^st In ynt,i 
MVI rlif>"0 enndilinnn Hint he fnund eiislinf At 
tin' fiii'lut A. I£p dill nni. 

fj. PilI he eviil<Tii-r nny disHfitisfnelina of nnj' 
kind at imv timef A. Ko, 

031 5*ittf—Far Dtfti^Direci 

i^. ^'tTir ^ro-viiijuiih uiadp for tin.: ipiedical euro 
'if the lueiulmff uf [lie JiL-tJiL-J Kaniily bj" the 
-fudt;vl A. Yuk, sir, tin- f-uiiuh had — gno of iln 
jiLvJii Lit* wiui a doeiar. 

t^. Tim drmllntnl room llmt you nvcnlioncil 

nr liotiUitnl rOuH irn Iln; Hevt'JiEli llaiir, you were 

fii»niliar wilii Jud^c liutlLcrfurHr* nhyniral ain- 

ditiim dutJAr; the Uimr yrnn. of hi> life, were 

-yoa nolT A, 1 wa*. 

Mr, liriichhaunn; ^Vluit year ia HiulT 
Tl,i* it ^rter lWi'X 

The Court: VM1, 193S and ID3D. 

Mr. liruehlunaucni J '.ilijitt to ahypjiin^ 
■iter 1!KB, 

11m Court: Ho, Lliii ia nil IJtfJ, i:i"J3 


Mr, (,"ovinjrt*o: That is riiiht, confin- 
inir it 1n UCSi, 18J7, taw and IMS. 

The Court: Tlut ia right 

Hy Itr, CiFT.-('agtnn ; 

Q, Were you familiar with I- in phy«iei.| oundi- 

Uon during tbuHn yiiimf A. Yea, *ir. 

Q. Stutii wtialhtT «r not it w fl ii jtooh] or W, 
A. It was very bad. 

Q. Wlut age bk .TekIbp Rulljcrford say dur- 
Uif,' IfJlSU, n[k|injiiiJiiL.itjidyT ,\. A pproiimnlelj' ai-v- 
I'jiry, hixty-oinr <ir ^r T --rTiiy 1 

1}, Dnriiiji tlii> timo tliai Xfr. and Mrs. Jlnyle 
rr-^iilMJ nt (tie H'-lliH limine, did you rvrr liuvr 
■irmrian tn ponvprne witli 1hein nvjairdinp? ihc 
i-Lile* nf (he family, either one of Ihrrfll A, Xo, 
Mr, I 1 1 on "I Lidh'Ve I ever dhl. 

(f. I>lcI yon pver have oeeasion to talk to >fr, 
Xoyle rTgardio^ the n.unta that waa let hy the 

Oranl HuHtr—For Dtftt— Direct 

iSiniii-Hy for tin.- Itnitlireti Lhrtjuj;3ihot the. country 
lo aim lur in (fie preaching dietjvj.iy from liou»« 
lo hoube f A , Yea, nir. 

(J, When wan thai, if yea recall! A. That 
wai on a return from KiRj^Imn J''arni in 1!KJ& 

1J. Tell uu-, ptctut, flliul tlmt eon vernal ion una. 
\\']m\ •*«.« injd, if you rttiit-inlhLTt A While 
Koirij; lit iln- Umn. Ihe Htatetm-nt tn the "Wati-h 
Tow^r eaikle UJi III eonverHutJon, uhirli hi'uLi^lit, 
In tli L . ntlenliua of U«- imhli^bers Ibcir privilege* 
aiwl rvh-u^iidh-iljiJiLJ^'K fur piubing iImj Kinj^tuin 
i-i fi'-r.;is in the fudd from Inju.^i- In )oj|ii.e, anil 
miftji-nu-d thiit r unoln 1h- e»1abliKln4 l»y eotu- 
|Kiny iiuldinloTM of Futy lnmiK |Mr iimnth in liLdJ 
■crvire. I «nprc!th'«l my enlhuaiiMn m-»r Hie 
s;.:,. ii v.* ri-i-riit|ii|i r.ilivj ,-,r nitfi^f hk-d, and ill-. 
Mnyk nl) id hi- lllti-llght it van UU Cbanooalilt Ami 
nni .d ilinnoura^e the hielbren am] that lie il i as— 
ajjproh'i-il nf ftiiL-li a k n^i-s I ion] hi-mp instle. 

tj, Mr. Hui1i-r, do yfu reealt Itie aeration nf 
(he MiuliMin Si |* w re (Janlen mwiinf; an Jun« E, r > r 
ISttlf A. Yen. air. 

Q. fn Kew Torli Oily t A. Yea, air. 

(J. W'fir \<n\ al Hint incrlinET A. T wis, 

Q. Yms lirtow',, ijo you nnt, (hat (he ntccdnjr 
sun invaded— 

The Court : Le-l hipn trstifj, 

Q. J«s| n-1 1 uk what haniR-niHl on ihal oeni. 
viim ijurimr tlwil rklivery ni 1he " (\ « vp rntnent 
nmil I'l-are" IrelureT A. Dnpint; tlte drlivery of 
1lie Ii-cliirt hy Judge lialherford, peveral bun- 
drei.1 men ami women wlia were Qinjr.Ii] Lni ten in- 
vailed the 3h[aili»on .Rfjaare Ounirn, 1nnk aealu in 
H •dvanlagevua ion 'behind (he npeuker. 



Grant Suiter— Fur Dtjtt, — Dirtei 

bcljjjlll llrt BjrtlilkL- J*- ' Ji|b'[«««, and R*h) » v Mi- 
ll: At alleuipt to disrupt B-nul bnjuJi up Lhu nieet. 

(J. Yuu wen not lflv(*t**J directly, I lien, wen 
ymi, .;; ii.-i --■ of [JkL- MaUiavn Sijuare linrdert cuae* 
Li -i nLi-L aluiijf Willi ilr, Heath 1 A. Nci, iir, i 

it, Were you afterwards invoked in * emic — ■ 
I withdraw (hit for |Ji« liiue being. I show you 
Plaintiff'* KsJnhil + h whk-h ia a Jvtler addressed 
Id Judge ttutlterford and aigneJ by 0. li, 

Tin Court: You know tint letter, 

(|. (Continued) Thai « the E*t«*r in euntru- 
v»r«iy ju i[UtiiliQn {handing' to wiine«»)l A. Yea, 

Q. Winn did yon first learn of 'Ik rnhlent» 
of that Idler t A. On August S, 1339, 

Q. Would you [tlras* tell os [he ore a»ion and 
how jo j came Is leam of the eiiidcnr* of lhnt 
letter! A, The occasion wm * joiat roeriing »f 
the Board* of Dirc-dora of the PlenaajInaiB ami 
New York corporation* of I lie Watdi Tower Ho- 
tiety mUhI by Judge Rutherford ftl breakfunt 
time-, tl"C nifrljiipr being net for ten, nod being a 
member i.f the Board of Biraclnr*, I wws or 
cmirjii-, present Mr. Movie wna ntno prt»*nl 
npHtn Jrtlfifl Ku tlii' r Ti i nl'i* inyitolinn ritr-ndi-d at 
liri'ibScriiht o[ llifl -nirc time. 

Q. At tlie limi» you nrmvoil Botiee at tlm 
breakfast table, did you Vim* of tlio rsi^lrnr* 
of Hi* letter or the fael thai iE had turn irUr- 
ared to .Tutlp* TtuliierfordT A, Nn, I did nnL 

Q. Or an; of iU eoatentaf A. No, air. 

CrfliW Suiter— For Deft*.— Direct 

Q. Had you erer heard of it up to that timet 
A. No, air, 

Q. J nut tell un what took place, if yon re- 

The Ci»yrt; Couldn't yen ihorten this 
Irf BJ;ii^,: =f be a*ord tHo olhcr dtrtMlta' 
lestimor-y and if bit teitunwsy *o<dd b* 
the samel 

Sir. CoTine^loii: Yea, yoiir fio-not. If 
thai it aaticfa^lory, Oiat wiSl aave a lot of 

The Court (m3dTT*«ins Ifr. Brath- 
baneenji : Yoa haye do objections, )4v« 

Mr. Bruc}j)iii-jar:i. I have BOBB. 

By Ilia Court: 

Q. You Iseard Elie laht vitiuaa trntify— yoa 
Vfflrs aiding over ihera fiiidLia[iofl)T A. Yes, 

(f. Wftiihl your tmtiiriony In' tiif nmcni 1 f*^ard- 
ing that IHfUtfl *' Auifont 3l!i, tlie Board of 
Dipectorii > fPP.-tinKf A, SaL*Eaiitiatly, with a 
few additions 

Uy Mr. Coyinjfton : 

Q, Can yon nd<l isnythiii^ diilrr+nt from what 
3ie said mid also tell u" «'l>at yoa wid, jitr-nm'1 
A. [ would like lo add the fact that the meeting 
wji« opened lay prayer, Liliewiie. that after the 
rendiTss; of Mr, Moyle'a l^tlfr, in jjiawr*] dt«- 
rojdiob by the memhtTi of I he Ronnie, I itatpd 
thru I kn»* N my En»w|p-)(» lliat Mf. Meyl» 
*aa not ia a position lo m»k-f the aM^r-rticma ha 
did, that I knew them to bt falie frcra my »*» 

knowledge and informDlion, T would iil« alio 
to add that one — that I was one of (he wmmil'jt 
of three onntuated to ilr.-.w up the ri"jin::iLian 
which the eocunittce of three did draw up. 

Q. Tel] u», pl+s<ie, *)m the iriirmtwj-n of tlit 
eQEamitteii were tlmt did prcpjre and draft the 
reHu-lufion. A. ilr, T. J, Sullivan, Mr- H- H. 
Riemer, and myaeif, 

Q. Hqw ionf was the ei?mmitt<e out in tliw 
prcnaraliaa of the resolution I A, A boot 30 

Q. 1 >.m:d you t. papier and ask if you can 
identify tlial, plens^ (Juimiiot; to witseul. A 
Yts, sir, tliijj ie the original of IN teaolntioB. 
whjt± I typ*oL 

Q. Too typed that ia the ucrclariea' erSte, 
did yost A. Ten, air. 

Q. Dili the ci':.riitn i 1 1 i-e discuu the ennleitle of 
th« tuolutjiho before it waa prepared! A, Taa, 

Q, And look np the Heriproiaa cited! A. Tet, 

Mr, Covin j;1 on: W* offe-r that ia e»i. 

dance, pleiito. 

(Mr, BrucLLiauten ezacunei papar of- 

fcn'ij ir. I'VLili'iLi'i'-l 

Q. Wliile he ui looking at it. I wjll go oa witb 
some cjoesiiprLj : You heard the- oonuneata made 
by Judge Rutherford, did yon Jiftlt A. Tee, iir. 

Q. And, of course, your letliiaouy Would b* 
subataivtially tlie taroe as that of Mr. Prwu, 
wcuJd it nc>t1 A. Tfes, sir, with a ftiw additions, 

B7 the Omit; 

Q. With tba juJiLLlium Lhat yon mada nowl 
A. No, othar additiooa T would lit* ta maka. 


G/ant Suiter— For DtjU^Direcl 

it. Make it now. A. 1 would like ia ilnte al^o 
thut juitt preceding trie contnieoU of Judge 
Itiiihi;rfuj-il and after tlie resotution bod kn:en 
mlojited, that 1 Ei|irensed by conviction thut I, 
having H'nrd cenfjie^lionB in litis section uf 
the country, knew the islanding that Mr. MojIb 
had nmonK Iht-in, and tiiat percODalty I would 
like to nee some wufd of Mr. llfiyle'a courM* r..f 
action be comvuytd to these brcttiren. I umdu 
that eaprehnmn. 

By Mr. Covinglon: 

Q, Did you bear Mr. Jloyle or did bit. lloyle 
oil it any avMcitci: tit the charges mndc in this 

teller outside of tlie letter itnelf I A, He offered 
ahaolulely none. 

Q. "Von attended a nu'elioj biter on, did you 
not, l(r, ijniler, in Kcjrtc-inlicrt A. Yea, nr. 

Q. Stpteinbiir £lst1 A, Yes, iir. 

The Court; Tliat aliio hns been tenli- 
tii-il to by Hit lixl witseHk Bid you hear 
him testify t 

Tlie Witnii**: Tea, sir, 

Tlio Court: Would your testimony be 
the aamsf 

The Witness; -Suhntantially. 

The t;eurt: Anything you xanl to- add 
to that! 

The Witne&Ji: Only the statement that 
upon learning that it *b« oontetnplalcd by 
the P**Mllfnt and Iry Ihr OfbfT membcri 
of the Uoord, in Imniinny with rny ova 
thoughts convirlinns I hat eorne word 
of tliis attioa and the developments 
ahould r»a«b tL* Mropany— 

Grant Suiter— For Dcjtt,— Direct 

Mr, BrurhliAiiaeaii 1 object lo the wit- 
ness' Uiov|;IiEj. 

The Court: Ohjttlioa luotained. Did 
anything happen at tha Dueling that yoa 
want ta add. 

By Mr. CovineEon : 

Q, Was anytliinf; E-ai'j or done at the ineel- 
ingT A- I eipreaMed by whoklwmfti^l approval 
of carry '"j; LIllh inromration to tbe brethren in 

WkH&Vri^Lii nnd ehiijwliere, 

Q, And >gu, l<w r signed ilf A. Yt*, sir. 

Q. Bid you iwtinve the conlrmts of Hi* arlielr, 
"Inforiuation," to he Iruel A, Yes, sir [ kn*w 
it was true. 

tj. jUld <<n tluil OtCaiibjn dill you ulnn vre Irl- 

tern tlial h^') lx'<'n etreulaEed n* at I in*: rvnl 
iut'i thu isflfca -iKTiwi t>y Laura am! l.-elnrol ltiitiK* 
un the dvid; of Jinlce Hutherfonll A. I ■** 
tln>iif htlri'it la-fore that iinreting. 

Q. AtnL wlifrc was tiialt A. In tin Ueltiri 
servants 1 oEnce. 

([.i-Urr |hfevi<" offererl by Mr. f%pv- 
iriKl<>n rt««jvwl in evidence and nmi-knl 
l>tfi>rHHsnla' K^hilsit 1M0,) 

The t'ouri [ add friinin jj llr. Orfin g\ nn > : 
Are you I'lnnsln-ct n'illi this topic, began** 
I em going lo luljnutii. 

Mr. C>ivin,T!«n: 1 am not through with 
tbr witness, your Honor. 

The Court: I know yon are rust throngh 
with Iti it witness. Are you nninWl with 
til in topic f 

Iff, Covinslon; Tlicr* ta th* matter of 

Oruai Suiter-^ For DtfU^-Dircct 

tlie runi<:nti of tli* letter I wiiold like lo 
gtr into tuiiuarfuw, 

TJ«e Court: You can go into it now, but 
i IlittUght the jury had a pretty long Joy. 

Mr, Covington; 1 suit not miiuling. but 
J want to iireet what units I he pleasure of 
the Court. 

The Court: We TviLl sow adjourn until 
'J:l?ri tomorrow rnarairur. 

(W)herr-up<»n, (he trinl wnn ndjonrnfil lo 
Tliuratny, May it). 1M3, at 9:30 ajn.j 

May 20, 1943, 

(Tkial lii-vurp.j 

TJie Cnurt : llefnre Vim K,tart. fur n'o- 
johk that ynu ran pr-rhapS ETLirsjt b 1 ni:t 
gitinfi to ailjoUrn frnin tm'lve unlil three 
Hwlny. [ ltave bad a ver>' bad cold. So 
yfHi ran guide en m m lwf nemirdingtr. 
TlH'n I will nit until five. So we will ad- 
joiht! frrao twelve- to three-, 

OlfAST SITtTFR. rmnmnl the stand and tts- 
tin<il further an follawu : 

Dirrel tlVmltatlWI bt iir. CvT'in^Jeni fCowfiu- 


Q. 11 r. Suiter, [hiring the mufith of Repl i>ral n>r, 
on or ahuiit lh* 2UI day, did yon attend an- 
other mealing of th* Board of Directors or mem- 



Grant Suiter—For Deflts—Dirtci 

**!»., *£> *t*, IIs-SIlL «& TUUFCW*- >T»- tfc», rtffi^B. (J. 

Judge?- liutherTo'rdf A,-Vw,-iijr- 
~Q. Do you recall- llio d-iiy UiaL-ilut.toak place, 
anjircsimatelyt A7S#))1Mlbtr .It, 1939, «■'! 

(J. And on that occasion what wia taken op 
far oonaiderniionf A, Th* article "Infonr*- 

Q. .Ami ijiit yon ih an J ft*A tlie article "Id- 
formil'tion " t 

Tlie' Court; At that' time. 

Q. (dnniiducd) At that timet A- I tard it 
trod ..i (but lima. 

($■, [Kil yn« ui any leltera that purported la 
be. written by Laura and LelaTid Rob**— A. 
Yen, sir. 

(J. tConlinucd) -— JiaviTiE triple* of Mr. 
llnylo'R. Idlers' attached 1 A. I did, 

Q. And ha»ed on. the knowledge that yoo had 
of the fa<!^ roart*n*WlS Mr. MoyleVcnun* of 
action, and the utW fnrbi that yon bad before 
vnu, diil ran believe I but the «>nlenl* of th* arli^ 
ele entitled A information" w*re tri»T A. Yea, 
ntaotutrljf true. 

Q. And far what purpnet rlLd »«W URn,. th* 
article- entitled *'Ibformalioa"I 

Mr. llnkhbn.usefl: I object 
i The Court: Objection nuatained. 
Mr. CorinfltdDi TV* eitapt. 

Q. "Wis the porp&s* ofaignincj tl>* article en- 
titled , 'l^^f^l^^ult"ln 1, to provide Ml, Hftwlett 

mill rridenr* ta tilre It WiaoMiilnt 
Mr. II ruchha nun : I objeet. 

Qra*i Staler— For Dtftt. — Direct 

lending untl BUL^L'iitive'and. improper- in 
fun 11. 

Jl f . (,'uV i nglon : . Ki/^LVtinn. 

(J. lVWt, if anything m tln» piurjM.Ne in. |jio- 
vi>Jiiia/-'J w JJ] jii*k vn?li, wjlk Mr, M Jmlr-ti [imvidi-d 
IVrlh l!m" article- enLitled hl Infiiriiiiilinn'' T A, lie 

<J. Whet wn- 1 Iih- [mrrMK«r <»r Mr. Ilitwlett tak- 
ing l]n' urfcielr- entiLled La lnfiirnialirni"! ' 

Mr. Brnclkhausfn : Objected lo. 
The Court: Objection auntained. 
Mr, Covington: W* ewe-pt. 

Q. Diil yon rYer hear Jud|fe Itu'tberford reta- 
iler ill treatment Id the Bethel Family 1 A I 
never did. 

Q. Did j'ou ew? mm* any evidence of diacrfaal- 
natinn tm Hit part of >ln- .Tudpf afiaLnsl liii 
brotlire ni A. Xo, I Mir none u- Im1 f vrr. 

Q. Did you rvfr hear ,luiliTf Rullifrfnnil pub-, 
licly rohdemn ln^ and' ridiculiFijr hi« lireOiiva f»r 
injilciiiir rn::imi'r.iM at \]w [jiii'-'t - A. No, air. 

Q. Uid ypu toimI H»pt pmfuprjiijh on "llar- 
ria^e" and dftirniiiK 1 »ltn-(l>tr *>t nnt .Ihm i»ji« 
f jiIhtT A- I read- that and determined that it 
*n* f Jilnr. 

Q. Did jrn« r*H- hi'ftf- anyone nae ftllhy and 

miliar Iiiwtjbep ■* "* f Uethel 1»lili>l A- I hew* 


Q. Did ynil n»r lifftf liquor jrlorified at the 
Qethel tahlct A. I did nol. 

Q. Did you believe that ail of (hi* leder -wan 
fall*, rrrrj pftrajfraplL of I he Ictl-cr waa f«Wl 

Th* C'onrt: Rutft the finl *nt- 

(Jraal SuiVrr— Fur Dcfti.—Dirt£i 

r\>{:;*7.t;w4, ^j^m^. 'bi* %rt»--«aJ. A* T . 

ltrji-w. i t km fake, 

Q,-.Jlii] yoo linv? »'ny matiM; pr. ill ^i]| towariii 

Mr, \(uyio..in_Hipiin^ the artiele..eniitJed[ "In-. 
fornuninn"! A. N 1 ?, »ir, I did not, 

Q. Jiid yoa ln-lieve tluit t)ie brethren - we'r* 
BAtLtle.rL t" liflvti (liit infrifniBlinnt A, T did. 

Q. Dirl li4lii:V<i it wah ynuT duly to provid* 
Jrl.avjih '» WLi ni'Hxi-H witli llie infoPination can- 

Umcd in (Jlut-.-arlirle-t 

Mr, Orucldi*Dien : I objpel to- Hn 

The i'aiitl : I. will allow hitn- la asiwer. 

A. YeBk'iir, 1 did,- 

Q. Hid viiti iH-iliovf (Tie abatement* eontained hi 
tli*. artirie esililleil. ■■Information" jwrtaininE to 
rinjinii'nl »* t» Mr. Mo>1»> pel inn to In- fair and 
jimt eoiiijitent na to hia aetional A. Yes. 

Mr. Bnicphnuntn; I: object tn the (jnea- 

The'Cmirtr Iff fcaa *n^»»-rf^ il. nn». 
■I am awn^'ta) alJnw I lie answer to Jtand, 
Rut -the i|wp'.iuii' In bad iji form. 

q. Did !ln; article eonloin *' Irue *it|>rfc«»ion 
of your' lioiiL-nt lielief at to Mr. Ifoylc'i c»wWl f 
A-' Vea, nil, it did, , 

Q. You rrnti I he article entitled "Sn*rei,""didi 
you rott A. Yr«, »ir, 

Q. Von' had nntliinn lo [In Willi the pahlita- 
liob of that article, did yaaT A. No, I had 
odtliinH to, do with it. 

By the Court ; 

Q. Th* flr*l licae yaa read it ma wban it aa. 


Gramt Siuitr— For 'Dtftt.— Direct 

pcarad in the ""Wutch Tower" of November 
15 lh when yoo reod ill A- Tliat in correct. 

Q. Ton had nothing to do will Ihe prepara- 
tion, or the potting cl it in that pubLir-aciDnl A. 
Tbat im correct. 

Uy ifr. CoTingtio; 

Q. Do members of the BelheE Fafoiiy Krve a« 
■ [HiL-.Li] miai*leri> and erangeltata to Con^rTga- 
tion» in nnd around New York I A. Ye», air, 
thrjr tin, 

Q. Do yon, know whether or not member* of 
the Bethel Fasnily ftlia t-etude at lli Columbia 
Height* and who work at ibe factory are recog- 
niud aa mui.c-UTfl by tl-e Federal o venunen t T 

i!r. Uruthbans*n : I objee-t t* IbaL 
'i'jil- Court: Objeelion auttain«d, I da 

not jit* how that ia material her*. 
Mr. Covington: I would lilt* to have 

thin marked for identification. 
Tbi Conrt: Before yon mark it for 

identification, we would lit* to know 

aoDnathmg about it- 
Mr. CoTington: I *oald like to ahow 

it to jour Honor I banding paper to 

The Court: I do not in bow that baa 

*£y beatint; in llnii uh. 

Mr. CoTin^tuii: I could eiplajii it 

Tht Coort: Hold il and yon can «- 
plain it liter, 1 will gjme yon an oppor. 

tnnitj at the ri#!it time. Tki* witaetB 
will b* hart if you iranl to call him hurt. 
But hold it becanae it it a lirtie oat of 

Orunt Suiter— Fut Dtftt.— Direct 

order now. 1 will Listen lo any uplau- 
lioii La private. 
Mr. Covington: Would yon like to 

hi. '.i' l". .-.-dl 

Tlie Court: No. Suppoae you keep it. 
Tliia wltuftrt vill Im: Ill' re all the time. 

Mr. CvvinKlon : Thai ia rigbt 

The Court r .So that th* record ia 
atraight. ynu will )mve all the oprjortunily 
lo the wofld tu ex[Lliiin it kur. 

Mr. Covington ; Yea, eir. 

Q. Do you know Ibe atandinfl of tit* Betltel 
Family nnuiiiji Jehovnh'fl Wilnepse* in !he varj- 
othi donsresaiiann that yon have ImfeM tnr 
integrity, upri^hlneniv and Christian lifeT A, 
I do. 

Mr. BrOL-hhauiitn : I object to th*t. 
The Cn-ufl- Hr liaa answered il. I 
will permit tiie pnawer to atand. 

Q. Would you. lell whether or not lh*t ia jjoodt 

Mr. ItruiTdiau^rn : I ohject to il. 
The C'ftUrt: OhJLTiiim itLnlained, 

[(, Vnii Ir-jitilkil ninrfniintr a plwr nl Klulen 
Wiiml vltvn .ImlLtr lEiittierfurd did wurk in Ihe- 
imnintrrtiliw nilicr lluni Oie main limine ll>m- 
lYftKjd yi.ii dcMribc to tlH? jury limt pbuT, 
■jl r.nm-T ,\. Tl.rrr Wim a. hlmfk *1 Ofl*- end «f 
llie jiniiliT hear the wiuhV nilil wnmiH on rnu- 
itiilr and the jinrden on the niiicr, whirh w*k 
RTfmml in Kniin- iliatesr^ from the main Iiouft. 
wliorr .Tmljje Itmlbrrfoird did jvime of bin wriiinx 
--= r, 1 1 [•todyine:. 

Q. Why wju that prn-viiion RiadeT 


uVgh* Suitct^-F'fT Defti.—Dirttt 
Mr. BniehiiaiiBen; I object to tlus i[LieB- 


The Court ; Objection sustained. 

if, Wluil moved the con 1 1 ruction of tiiat build- 
ing T 

Mr. Bruchhta'tn: Objwlnd to. 

The Court: Objcclioo eoxlained. Doa't 
vim think we have hud enough on Hint; 
T«u wilneibtE. have Icslified that it ia a 
place where Judge Rutherford did work 
end lltvrr were no sleeping accommoda- 
tions, Th* m-iinl La very clear on that. 

Mr. Covinjfion: I did not remember 
wliellucr be testified about the aleepinE 
av^oioiLioilo tion*. 

Tbe (^nurt; Tht other ■witne'it te«1ifped 
Ihnt tli cm were no "leepinff prcnnmirala. 
tiunH tiicro. 

Q. Did you (lijrn the article entitled "TnTormn. 

lion" volLinLarllyl A. Ycji, sir. 

Q. Wlien wa" tlie tn*t timf 1hal ynn *aw Mr, 
JfJiyle befnne tlii« triuli A. The day that be 

left ON AuElMd — lh* lul Mn> 1 rftikt In him 

*a* on Aujrunt 9, 1933- 

The Court: Re aaked ymi the latl lime 
you anw him. 

Q. Tlic lent lime yon npoke lo him, w«* that 
on Aiorutt K ISM » A. Yea. nir. 

Q. Tell ni wh«t, if any, converMilion ynii ami 
wilh Ifr* If oyle and ^her* tbat wai. A. Th* cOr- 
^'erMitioo weurred on the *idf»iilk in frrml of 
Tli-lhrl. Mr, l!oyl» waa attending to the loading 
of MHO* of nil — 



{Jmnt fitter— /*r titftt.—Qreu 

By the Court: 

(J. When lit wo* pirpurpajr to leurel A. Yes* 
sir. And 1 went In hpm oral uiil, "Mr- Moyle, 
u,'liV did y<>u cd v C a U r brePhren in ^'eW Rowland, 
advice to PCIld [br-ir rhildrrii 10 milliard jwJum^Ih 
and lo don tlie anifotto and comply oilier*'!**- 
with II ;iliL.-iry nrjrmiiaallL'n, Am! then Id ths errant 
war vi-Bi deelored to inke ofl the uniform awl 
decline to bear BrnnT" I mid, "You know that 
such advice wnuEd lie to f«l<* a ei-mrne thai ia 
hypocritical and thai i« lren*npiiible, ami .leho- 
vnli's Wtlnemen have never tnlvn siwh a rounce. 
And wpiy did yon advise the fcu^thtTfi to do 

By Mr. Covington [ 

Q. And dirt h* uuike Any HwirM to that 
Klaleiaienl t A. Mr. M<p)i* phrujEErxl hin »hnuh|or*- 
And iiui'l "Thai in my hu*lnea«," 

Mr. Covington: That in all, 

Cfaf-rsttiii-Mitiiin br/ Mr. RruMaatfit: 

Q. YuLi did not mention aovlliilnj; tAtoat Ihia 
convemathm In your article "Infomtnllna," did 
youT A. No, Air. 

Q. Yon did nnl mc-ntinn anythinp ahnul it yes- 
terday wlien ng w+ re miking about what hap- 
pened hi Aupjual Pihf A. N"o, Kir. 

(J IjiBt ni^iit you staved at Bethel, didn't 
you I A. Yen. nir. 

Q. Tlie defendants' attorney live* there ton. 
dufin'l li-e- f A. ¥*■, jiir. 

Q. AH tli* dir^clcr-defendanta linn there 1 A. 
Yea, air. 

Qrat( Sinter — For Deft*. — Croar 

if. Ainl where do you hold your conferences, 
in linudiug un thi* code, whnl roa-uit A. 
TIii-ite have k-L-n tm i.-uii 1 1' r LM'uhJi in Umi building 
tin 1li in ids* to my li li'UVlL' J j{*. 

(J. Yipii jii'VH't' Ijlkul to tin: iilturne-l' v,liu liT'ej 
in ILk? liliilitilii; aim ill Ihi* rawf A. Yn*, air. 

Mr. I '"vinj-Jnr,: If yniir Honor pilenie, 
|l=i^ MuUr-r of jr/iinj: intn fnn Terence with 
Hi'- 3ll"ni'-y U liniiinleriaJ, 

The Court : Gbjpclion overruled. It ia 

Q. You n-jint 1o tfll Oiis Court nnd jtn-y llmt 
you never Inlkfi] to tlie Attorney — 

Tlic (%'ui-l: Hh» jiint kaid lit ii]tl iulk to 
tlir Dtlnrucy, 
Mr. Brachhi*UMn; Oh, rmrdon me- 

Q. VtYn-.n did you talk to the attcmerf A. 
TV.j or 1lit>? liirifM during tli* (vast ttuk. 

Ij- WJ"'-n in* (he lust tjmc ye« In'ted '« liiiint 
A. Tlie Ton! lime 1 *pnke to liiin wu t)ii» mora- 
iniT here in [lie tourt-roont. 1'lie l-nat time I 
lalked tn liim alnml the ease vu trial iNbMl 

Q. Dill yflii talk to liim tiii* ninminjr about 
tltiH cunveiifiilicii rin [lie nidewalkt A. No, *ir, 

Q. Wlieh did yuit l^ll the attorney about U>i« 
eoflvernjil inn i'ui tlie nidewalkt A. About tl.ree 
wn-clw ajfft, 

Q, And how mnny *irc jsrefcMt in the eon- 
fer^rife dial >«u hi'l niih (he atiiirtifyt A. llr. 
Covin d oji n-ii >i myfeir. 

Q. ])o von meAii to tell nn that never in all 
thuj liine «?^re tlsia rwit had prsne to trial thai 
too and the etlicr dimLorf arid (he attorney 

Grant 8iittr—F«r Ik-i-t.—tJ (ill* 

have not jntt together t A. Tlial i« correct, I 
[!.< :.u tu ;-.n_v thaL 

Q. Haif» you talkij tn tlm otlicr directora 
ebput (hs tasff A, Yc*, *ir, 

Q. Amj ynu luvo talked in confarene* niri 
ihem, f.sven't you J A. No, sir, 

Q, lie* liave you talked vrilh theml A. lo* 
divjdualiy, one or If o of ua. aometinua threa 
of na. 

Q. Koch nne of you repjlarlyt A. No, air, 

Q, And wii'si n did you laat talk to aa an* of. 
Hie directors 1 A. llr. Knorr. 

Q. fie ia prcaidiiil of tlic ocrporattoa. Lid 1 ! 
lie! A. Yea, air, 

Q. When did you last talk to himt A. Last 

Q. And you tatLni abuul the, cant A. No, 

Q. Wlii'js did you Inm talk to |iun alnut the 
iajieT A. Yi'jitrrdny nirirain^, 

Q. Tji-.j ycyii ii'll in to obont [lie i:<iriiVTrim[i^n ^o 
lh^ tLih'w'nlkt A. No, wii-i 

Q. IVIitn oad wlirrr Iwfore 1hifl ronvcrwtinn 
on the awitwnik nn AiirukI ftlh ilij you nonr 
anything ahoul Mr, IfoyLr'a nttilude on »end- 
injr tliiMrcn I" rni)i1nry m-lmgll A, In JmlA B 
Iiutlu?rfshi-it'a oflifc junt a few in i rmt<'» before 1 
went dowa to the aiilcwatk and apoke to Llr. 

Q. Ten did noi [liiciiaii that at I he meeting 
i>! Au^iact Slh, did yoiif A, Ho, afr. 

By tie Court: 

Q. Who tsihi yuu, afr. Rutterlnrdl A. Jndga 
Botharford told mt, yn, air. 

Grant Svitcr—Fvr De{t$,—Crvn 

By Mr, Brothhannen: 

Q, AjsiI when did Mr. Ruth-erf ord any that he 
JuhJ ieord iimiirtJiinc; ahoul ill A. H* didn't 
tell at. He aaid — 

y. I am junt aakinj; you when. 

Th« Court: A few minutea hefere h* 
vent down to the sidewalk — ia tbal righlT 

The Witnsta: Yea, Kir. 

Mr. BrudJiauHeD : N'o, f ma askins, if 
your Hijii^r [ih.'Qjir, wlitli Mr r Ru1:Nirford 
aai'l lie bad itanl anything about it. 

Tlie Wilneua: lie didn't tell me vhen 
he had hfarii, but lie told me at thai lima 
tbs itntfrneot- 

By Mr. BradiliannenL 

Q. What time of the day wan Huh when yon. 
had tliia con*er*u1ion with Mr, ItkithfeiT ord f A. 
It waa late in the af le moon ur in the »riy 

EYKiinx, aa I recalL 

By the Court: 

' ; (p'Uhu n-ai-'allTtaitef ju-^hjfii 7 Jiad .neen 
told to -leave UellseJ I hat -you heard- f root "Mr. 
-E vtharford t A, Y*f; Ybar Honor. 

■■ fly afr.;n : 

Q. Wlut tinvc ia the nfltmnon '•ere. yfla Do 
the aiiitwalkt A. In (he evening, late aflernoon- 
It waa alniom lupptr-tiJM. aa J recall. 

Q. You were iJie'one who j^a/e th* order. at 
d,e dirrrtion '.■:" llr. fiutherford !■:■ vm^i- i!--- 
lloyle, wasn't itt A. No r air. 

Q. You tnw tlin.1 lie left from the biulding 
befor* ni^liLfall, didn't youl A, Y**, air. 

Uraot Sni'sr — f#r Beji*. — Crsu 

Q. That was your inatrucliDnl A, Tea, air. 
Q. Ajjdi yoa followed him right out to tha 
aiJcwaLkT A. No, »ir, 

Q. Waa it nece^aary in your du-tiet to go eat 
on the bidtfi'alk with hunT A Ten, it waa. 

Q. Wasn't it to. aee that ha actually got out I 
A. No, air. 

Q, At tliia Kingdom Fartn, thai ia a T*ry 
large farm, isn't Jtf A- Tea, (tr, 

Q. It has cowa and goatc and chicken* and a 
alaae/hterdiouae and all the equipment of a 
large, fai-pi, haa it notl A. Yea, air. 

Q, You kso*r II if- Booth, do you netf A. Yea, 

(J. He ia the manager of th« farmt A. Yea, 
air. Hia title ia fa mi servant. 

Q. But he takea tare of the ni|xmaiaa of 
the farmt A That is correct. 

Q, Tliis liouii lhat Mr, Rdlbfrford wtat to 

had oil heating, did it notT A. Coal, 

Q, Yon are poailr** about that? A, Yea, air. 

Q, If I (old you thai Mr. foe laid in a dtpm)- 

tion l:uii it had oil heating, would lhat elianf-a 

. yMr_ : -*jHnionf 7 -"- . , ■ - -•- . - : 'r" 

_■ Mr. Covin'slorj :" jfutt a' r>inhi|n't- f>tui> 
. 'arl.'la" fioing Into a tra»» -.that -it ■ *nlirttjr 

iliff f ran t. '■",..'.. 

. ' TTie Court : Yoaart ainirniiifi that Ihia 

' ih tlie'tinia lliat judc* Butherrord— you 

atkr-d him "the hours- . in -which- Judpe 

Hutherford lived. We ar* talking; about 

.tire time that .l,idr;e K'urhrrfont waa alive. 

Mr. Cofingttiai "Bat I happen to 


Ommt $uittr—For Befti.—Criiit 

The Court: Make an objection if you 
want to, 

Mr. t'ovioptoo: I ohjeel In ihe use of 
an aJHdavit to Eliia witnem airbed hy a 
linrd pflirlv' whu:h tln> TfrilnnifM bna nat HH-i^n 
and Watch is [-ntirtly ui-a-.-iL_v aa EO Uiiu 

Mr. BnieliluiiuieuL I will wittidraw the 

Q. There w n unitin Iiouxe where a great 
iuo"i.}- of IhoM who wtft on tlie farm atayed, 
wacn't there t A- Yea, air. 

The Court; Vft arc [atkinp ohout tlie. 
yeiir u[i to tlie tiim? tluii Mr. Moyle l*ft in- 
Auputl of 1U3U; all thejtc qur»tioai ara 
L|j to tliat I 'i,: '.-' 

Mr. rrrHthhMmiP ' That in carrce-L 
'I'he Court faddreimiriK the wilneua) : 
I'k-njie fix [hut in. your mind. 
Q.. By tin; Tiny, in Ihia house where llr. 
TtiilliiTfonl utnynl, there *»» a kiteh«i and din- 
inci r> wiiii, vu» thcra untl A. Y**, air. It waa 
nc-nlrt ?flnilll(il(M, :'-■ ,.-"- 

llr. BruH?hlwiu*cg.r T . niove . tn itrike' out 

j '.'It wax "an ' j)ld farjnhbjise.". 
. Tlie Court: Strike iE OML 

({, Junt anu'wer* my (Jirealions, pleaja. 

. ■' Thf C>srt; Yea, Plena* don '1 render 

(j. Yu-u are "i-ry aniioua -to volunteerinfornui- 
tinn, aren't youl 

The Court: Obj«*tio& auatained. 


Qr B *t Suiltt—F*r Dtfti.—Croit 

Q. TIiitl" uti a dhiiiih' mom f*r the people 
iin I lir farm, waan'l there t A. Yea, lir, 

Q. It van a very I n re* dining room I A, Ye^ 

(J. That is where everylmJy ate, avtrybody 
*-],,i n-Di-Lnl flruiUHi i hr farm atet A. Yea, lir. 

Q, A i .1 l:i- i'lr.r,; rnn:U »nd Idtdaen in Mr. 
Rutherford*' licninc wau uegjaratc and apart from 
lliatf A. IV o. Tliat wtu'l lir. ItolliHrrfDrd'* 
By tin; i'aurl; 

Q. Tin 1 Ijchw in which he itayedl A. Yea, 
nir. [lull wa* *f|nir«tt nnd spftfL 

q. You understand all time <nie*tion* ar* up 
10 Allium H, 19391 A, Yea, sir. 

','. If :lit- ri.Tidil.iiin been clanged • ir.™ 
LiiuL, ve «r? B«t <auieem*d with that, A- Ve», 
Hy Mr, lirucJttmu^iin L 

Q. That in (he Iioeuj* where Mr, Rutherford 
nlway* stayed when he wenl lo the farm, i*n"i 
iff A. J don't anow. 

i)y the L'ourt; 

Q. A* fai ax you k:n>wT A Ai far u I k»o»- 
By Hi-. bruehhauton : 

Q. And when Lie did not go there, it hi idht 
A. No, »ir. 

Q. How tip j-nu know that! A. It waj naed 
by other in cm bar* at tilt Bathcl Faioilj ulna 
he waen't thata. 

Q. !fqw many titnei *»rt yea ap on. Lb* farm 

(Jj-anl Suiter— For Dtfti.—Cms 

The Court: L"p to AujuiL Stk. 

A, I doa'l knovr eiaelly; probably two or 
Lam (inte*, 

q. Ami cm l'eu'Ii of tiiDHf 'veahions, how long 
di>d vmu jiiuyt A. J lint two or three day*. 

H- Van. dniit know what went mil at ih* funa 
Dm- fit*! of I Lie time of your own knowledge, da 
yuiiT A, Not in ill 1 Liil, no. tir. 

g, (if your awn kltowlejjre f A. That in richl. 

(j, Ho wilt eiI" Lln'-*t> two or three limes (hat you 
slaved (here fur a. IW day* at a time- in IlJ^ilJ, 
>ou ilul not IlbmiW wliat Hit *iinali«ri «tih tiiili 
tliat lioua* «|i tJii^rK hi[ your u*n !; ii«"tIci3s?, cliil 
yuat A. Yts, air, J kntv- 

y. Of joyr «"«r kuowlmlflt I A. Y™, sir. 

Q. You won not Hurt oLbfr than the I'D or 
thn-i: tjjiies in 1333— 

Jlj- tli* Courtt 

Q. Ymi ii irun fxum aotnt report* lluit wvrt 
itT.l lo yuuf A. Ytii h *ir. 

lly Ale\ Itnu-liliaimen: 

g. I Jim KtwafcLnj; of Jimr Ui™ oLBeiraLion. A. 
Ktil uiy ubhtrvalLon, hu •ir, 

(J. And Uial i* true aJuo af 1933, in it not I A, 
Y*n, Rr. 

Q. And alao of all the ycara ninra liKHJil A. 
Irt all thone yeani I noiLed Lbtrc and ohMcrvrd. 

Q. Y<m vii<i teil what,, two or three llflKi a 
yeu during ;Ikim l y ear* I A. Noi *&&*•* If** 
r[utnt]y rlunncf (lie later yvuri. 

Q. Did y-iu hlay Hitre fa* wceti at a timeT 
A- No, aif. 

Grant Suiter — /'"of litft*. — Ctiti 

Q. Did you go Lheni in (b« »iiit*rtuntT A. 
Yea, air. 

*J. What wirilrr wore you Lbprc iturinj; VDl'i 
nrwi 13^'JT A, Tl« ■wititisr of IH3T tu 11>3S— 

Lj. HejW Idiijj ditt yuu ntay Ltitna in :hat win- 
ter T A. Two or three day*, 

Q. And ytia know in tJuit boust »here mo*t 
til tlu'iM.: julti htayvd wu* a dining room, »rh 
tbene Mill A Yn, tir. 

IJ. And yuu know wiuit iiefttinj; equipment waa 
in tliiit ibuae, da you net I A, Ytn, lir. 

(J. Tltei't were 4omt> heater* in tilt LulJvfaya, 
u'H.rr lln'jx' :ii:-n A. KadLutDm, yei, tir. 

if. tint llier* wei-e no ^adiiitaiu in any of tlie 
bedroutns, were tlLoref A, Ye»i "ir, I iieiii've 
t!tere were. 

Q. An.: yuu poiilive nbouL tlmtl A- No, »<r. 

IJ. Ii a iioamhle UiBt there went not? A. It 
is po*»ibk L - 

By tbe Court: 

Q. Arc yuu nure ■oint of tiiein did not btvo 
ruitiaturH in Lkii'jiiT A. L tin *ure nuiie of lln-iti 
i.lkl. J think nil did, haL iriiHuiht}' not all dill, 
15 ut tlierti writ radi^tora bsnveyinjt beat to all 

the rciouui. 

Ily ifr. IS E-jehbauaen ; 

O. You art not pti*iiive of eJhe^, are youl A. 
I am [MHiitivt of wJiui 1 ju»i n*Ld. 

g. Didn't you juni •»>' **1 tiiiak aa"1 A. 
Ye», "ir, I baid 1 tbiril; they ire in aJJ Lhe roomi, 
bu* L LJ.ure lEdiy be tonie Lhat drm F t have a r*di« 
alor La tlieia. All trie ccutmM amv hulad by 
*U&ja haul tlirjoua;b rnejuti of radiator*. 


Q*a*t Sviter— Fir Ptfti.—Crvsi 

Q. Tin- TrtiLiatiiTt nre rol in the room*, are 
thi-yT A. Ye*, nir, tltey are. 

By the Uourt: 

(J, Ki«4W of tlipui nwiy n«t hav* rjiiliiilirr^, ai'nL 
yonr Hiorj" ia (hat tlify wi heat from tlw ouf- 
Mkth-, fcmn tilt halts, niHiLi'tiiirn; [the tliat, \i thnt 
whttl ynu wunl to tell uat i\- Vea, 1 want to 
IrIL yEiit (bat nil Lin- npiim*, lhe entire building— 

g, Don'L iiuikr any upoeelie*. AViit a minnte. 
I am. very Mitimt, Ytm nay ymi are not aur* 
vi'lu'ther all tin- rinmiH bad radiators, i* that »u, 
ye* ur nut A. Yen, "-ir. 

g, And thone that limy not », ynu any, grt 
ht-ut fruui mini' plate t]a, i* tlmt rifthtf A. 
Yen, utr. 
Hy lir. Lfrurhhauaea: 

Q, How inany floor* in the liuildinBf A, Two 
aid a baac-ineiit. 

g. liuw tiiuny ruiiuin i>n llie STeond QtMirl A. 
1 btliwi' i hne was *in, 

Q. Do yim knuwt A, That i» tny beat recoi- 

q. iJo you kaowt A. Tn the riest of my reeOl- 
hixlion, it wa* fix. 

0, Ho* many room* un lUt neii Cloort A. 

g. Are daert any floor* above that I A, Kcj- 
Tflu.' fluur, thai i« tbe fir*t flour, lia* (be live. 
The «*cond flotvt ha* aix 

g, TuLn the t(?[i floof, whith rooiEi* luw* radi- 
ator* in themt A. I don't remember. 

g. Take th* ana next lo the lop floor, waidi 


Omul 3viter—Ftr Dtfit.—CrotM 

rooniti have radiator^ in thtuiT A. Thay ad do, 
aa 1 recaLL 

g, llo yaa know? A. Yea, air. 

g. len't it pos'iibte (hot wn of Ihtra haTei'l 
radiator* in thrill f A. Xo. *ir. 

Q. You are poiiitivc ahrjiit Ibatl A. Yea, lir. 

Q. When did you ln^l li>ok on tliat floor and 
in.HjH'Vi theint A. I believe it Ml la*l Frl»ra*ry 
"r M-iri'l: uf iliia Vi'iir. 

g. And w-herr. did yao *tdyt A 1 stayed at 
Oiie-nd, Lhe ne* buildiiig tJiiL hai beta bnilt 
*i nej> — 

Q, Yon Hid not stay in tbi* hem** at allt A 
Ne>. tir. 

i,i. Hint oecmHion did you hare to jro oa. The 
decond ftnnrT A- I waa lootins to aee what 
To. failure wm lliere with a pifcw of brineing 
*LijL.e down to Belhel in Brootlyn. "Wn aeeded 
jiniif miirc, and I tlkomejit (here tu earn* extra 
furniture there. 

q. Tint, waa ia l94df A, Ko, air, that ia tbia 
year, mi 

q. Hid you go np thf-r« in IDI3BI A, Yts, »ir, 

q. You know tliat thert p«ji h-rn eonnidsrablt 
tlUft made up thert ainot 1S3(*, don't jnal A. 
Ye^, eir, 

Q. A lot ot new builiiinjpi and eoaatruationT 
A. Three new buildinj^, *" I reealL 

Q. And one very large hnildinjjT A. Yea, lir. 
That in HUtad. 

g. Th*t !■ to houae loms I. r ?0 people, ias'L Itt 
A. Ye*, nr; that in the foJIege boildine;. 

Tin Cuiirl: lie did not ttk roil that. 

It lb to ltou^e tjd [wnptst You said "Y*i, 
air." FEeaat aaiwet th* quajtiona. 
Tia Witnaat; I am aon?. 

firaal Suiter—Far Dt/ij.— Cro*f 

q. Art you familiar with the farm ia Florida T 
A, Nh, nir, llitrt i* no form in Florida. 

q. You kno* that tb*y had *ome arraaj^raent 
with a fann in ^Inrida, fllon'L yoiaT A- I knew 
lln-re wa* *ouit arranpciaenL for e^lLinij fond 
from I her*. 

Q. You fenow tlmt Ihere ii Borte afrangement 
with a fann or FarttttT ia Kewliurijh, S'ew Yortt 
A. Ni.*( eiattly. 

Q. *\\'a& tlicre smiw- arranpeniFnt mad* with a 
(nriiu-r in Ntwliurpli to Fumiuli (innlaee! A, 
1'lirrr \* w Farmer t],ere who wniLS down unite 
a hit of nroduee to a contribution. 

Q. So (here it an Brr*n£frnenl with * farmert 
A. Ye*, sir, 

Q. You ncmlee, diil you not, about a rnnvernsp 
lion, alltitfl eonv-ernation you had with Mr, 
JJoylr arwul puhliniicp* Berrina; illrty hour* a 
monlUi ia that torrttftl 

The Cnnrt; Going nf> on the train to 

Tli* Witnen*; That wa* on the relnTn, 
coming lo tlie train, 
q. Aeu I paling it eorrtttlyT A. Yv-r, air, 
(j. Sixty hour* a month! rV. Ye*, air. 
g. Waa thai a prints or typcwrittiii mlel A, 
No, ifir. That waa bn*ed on lha article in the 
DcBtnber, 1038 "Watch Tower" mafitizine, 
kinKdoii Aetivitirs whw-h arlicl* fecomtiieoded 
ami sugBreltd Lhat the eompanj piihlLahEr* ea- 
tnldmh that a* a qnota Lo meaaure their field 
aclivitiea hy and lo striTt for. 

Q, And Hieae pobltarana are part-Lim* worhtr*, 
are they nott A- Ye*, air. 



flranf Suiitr— For I>efti,~ Cr«j 

Q. They are net people wba |iv<j at Bethel it 
$LO a. month nnd get their k-ep th*r*, art ti*yt 
A. Yes, pir, they arc insludrd. 

{J. Aren't there oilier jnaSJJjilitn other Iks 
tho**i »ho live »t Hi-rhelt A. Ye*, sir. 

Q, And thifr "arisiag in lis ""Watch Tower" 
yum that tl.e^ - were 44 jjerve m^ty houri a month, 
in (hat Mureclf A. Net cioetljf, TT»j were 
re*unuiiended Eo establish, tlwt a* A cjuiitn. That 
v™» «uj^^cp-tf:ii leaned on two hours »■ Jay devoted 
tit 1he Lord'* aerviee, tiity hours * month M * 
qmiEa, m*L *a a r ute. 

Q, Were you in faror of the qaolat A. Yes, 

Q, You were in favor of it because it wu 
ataled in ibr "Wnesh Tow*r"t A. No, air, 

Q, T5u( tim( influenced yoiij did it lotl A. 
Y« h air. 

Q, And you have not at any time dieaerclrd 
about any of ibn KLaleinent* in th* "Watch 
Tower' 'T A, No, sir, 

(J. And you objected (o Mr. 11 oyle commenting: 
on that rule, (In I n 't you 1 A. No, air. 

Q. Or indicating hi* di*s*ti*factioa about it t 
A. No. sir. 

Q. You niadn particular ranhtiwn of that con- 
verialian here VBHterdsy, didn't yOB? A, Yea, 

Q. Wasn't titer* nrnoclhins about that HP- 
mont. by Mr. Marts tlml caused yon to com* in 
to court litre and lei] tb» jury about itl A, 
Tm, air. 

Q. You (till unt liVc it hM/rose. he disagreed 
■with I he rule, ia that itl A No, that in nut it 

Q. Hi- iuiiii.-ar.fti that aiity heart a saoaih ni 

Grant Suiter— Fer Dcfli.—Crutt 

(uo much (or people who, wort only en part-tme, 
didn't lief A. No, hi; did nut indicate tliaL 

Q. Did be indiuta (hat it I'asutd be more than 
■illy Iuii:jkT A, No, (Jr. 

Q. Didn't you get Lhe impression that ha to* 
diiuniiihed with th* mlil A, Yes, air. 

Q. Am] you Rftl Ibn impression that ho t*l 
iliftKatixfLcil heeniii* silly hour* was loo much! 
A. Ko t 1 didn't set the impression I hit that vii 
his diasaliatMlion, It wasn't a role, 

Qr At least he wai dissatisfied, with the rule! 

The Court: Not with the rule, He ia 
finding faflU wiQi Ih* word H ' rule"-- ia 
that ill 

The Witness: Yei, JtOuT Honor, 

The Court: With the BtiffgiistioB, or 
Wna1i:VfT you want to call itT 

The Wilneas; V^e^ sir. 

Tiie Court: What do you want to call 

The WMnfMi Suppe»ted f[Uota. 

The Court; RajKruled quel* jnMtfnjl of 

Q. And you were- disaatisfied hpirauao he hud 
c i f>n!H -ji-h] tiin op-ponitiou to that ruleT A. Ko, I 
wqkd'J divHALJKfihl. 

Q. Yuu mar]? aotn* particnlaT mention of it 
•JtTWtV. didn't yout A. Yea, sir. 

Q. How rnrany rO*ms w*re there on lha fouTth 
floor of 1'h.I:.-: n", Cuiurnbia HfiK^'-fit A. I h«- 
lievt it ia [hir!*<n 

Q. Ami tiuw tnany oceupnn t« *rre tliri-e on that 
floor t A. Approximately twcnty-fiTc, 

Q r On tJi* Tour floor*, the ftr*! to the fourth 

fi.-inl Sxittf — Fat Dtfit. — CtOMt 

floor, bow man} occupantd were there T A. Tlier* 
ar* u[)[Hu>;iiiLiti;[v Hie same uumbar on «ach of 
kite Saotu. 

Q. A lota] of al*ut bow minjl A. Approii- 
uiutfly one liundrcd pcrxone, 

Q. Wtre Iliiiri; nl nne time two hundred prop)* 
■tuyiag there 1 A. At Bell itl, jh, *ir, 

([■-. Whoro did you put the- oilier hundred 
XM'OJjIl- othef tlian in the place you havt mru- 
tioncil! A. Thu» floum abff^e the fourth floor in 
I!il- front I mi 1 1] i ni; an which the figure* Krv<m 
apt>ly ii.iii then also the portion of the Bellie.) ir 
term tin; rear liuilttuie; has a Inrjje number Of 
livinp; i-uuifi* also. Bethel ia ia two buildiana, 
tJie front and the rear. 

Q. On the average, the front and rear budding 
on the Fourth floor — does the rear budding gr> to 
I lie fuiirlb 9uor1 A So, it only gets to lie third 

Q, T*tc t,W third Dunr, taking that door and 
ioeludinjj the rear ImiiiJinj;, lion' runny room* ir» 
the re- 1 jS, 1V«»t\'-lhr**, I luflieife, 

Q- Anil h<>w crinny oe^u tmntji ate there on that 
flimrl ,\ r A f iproiinui(4]y forty, forty. two, forty- 

CJ, 'fl"' wiventli floor that yon raferred to in 
Hh- (■:ip floor, isn't ill A. Yea, jir, 

Q. And Iti ni ia whi>f« Mr. Ruifaerford nafedr hi* 
|l<-nilL| iin rier-Ti I A. Y'.:h, sir. 

Q. How many rwL'-| or occupunla wen ther* 
Tjpi. |hi|t flcHsrl A. Fitp-. 

Q. Wui ttiH-To piy floor other than the seventh 
rhtor w>ei> ili«r? were nra or leaa occupcDtaf 
A. Yej, sit. 

Q, IVliirli ftonrt A. The olhar flc-om Uiit **r* 


tJroni Snii Hf— *Fot Dtflt. — Crott 

di'vnlrj pnrlinHy to oflieM, liujtli na the bnseinenl 
flonr wltrra I lip mdio ftnd inTrrtaries' oflir-ea *ra 
loaled, liKewiHe some OlhcT room* derated («> 
■i Hi it use, the i-aine a* noiue of the rooms on the 
revH'iilli fioor u-eru deroted toother [lurpoues 
Ik-lI rooirii. 

Q, The firm ilupr did not have (my bedrooms 
on it, did itT A. The first floorl 

Q, YtiL. A, Of IScthclT Vca, sir. 

*J, Ho* many bedrooms! A. That incSndea 
bfilli I he rear nwl ihe fronl hnildinj!* al>o. Tlii- 
«:iiiic aj the olhi'i Hodtpi. with I ho rxrcntiun 1lmt 
the lobby lit ISclSul rulK Oilt llilff- romn*. 

Q. The fr'pot part of Ihf huildins; had atl of the 

S|Wj.t for |ii-lili-" s|UM'e. ilnl i1 nut, f.t-r dJniii tr rtKkm 
MnE rt'i-ij.iiiuii uiiil N i furil.T A. No, nil-, the din- 
inn raoin ik in Ihe rear building two flij(iiU lieloW 
Hie ('olqnibia ITeiuhta Blreel I e -.e I 

Q, There were no bed room? in the front parlo( 
the bnOilinj; on the first fb-orl A, Yen, nir, I hero 
une bedrooms there. There are nine bcdrmtmii, I 

Q. And bow many occupanta of tbatl A. 

Q. Ami Ihnl i;, comparable tfl the seventh floor, 
in i[ no! I A. Yen, air. 

Q, In 1^^*. how ninny OfrOjKiatt H'elV thi-rr or 
Retbel T A. There were ow 2fm. 

Q. And hn-w omny of tbu»€ -»•»■ n- ynunjr proplej 
A. T don 'I knnw how many were younj; pejple. 
A larfio pcrecnlape of tli»m were yoanK people. 

Q. Would yon say more than fifty per cent of 
tlifmt A. ?Jo, nir. 

Q. Thpy were hoy*, weren't theyt A. No, air. 
Thsr« are no boy* Iber*- 

Qrafit 5*ittr— F(jr Dr>i*.~Cre,i 

Q. Were ttiey under twenty. 1 A, Some of 
them were. 

t;. Many of them under lliirlyl A, Yea, sir. 
iguiLr. n :'i- - -v under thirty. 

ii- And at the njrtvfnt lime that mnn niloa.ion 
uiiitft, nleci it ml} A. Very similarly a* to ngv, 
yen, nir, 

*). l>unnp the yearn, you had memhtra or Jeho- 
vah '» WitneFhea caning in there to lake residmoe 
npil some of I hem leaving, didn't you I A. Yea, 

<.} A nit n great many left in raclt of IhoH 
yen/at A. No, not u great mnny, 

Q. ^'Miit hTtl A. IVn, nir. 

(J, How many left in the year IftfQf A. I dan't 

fj. Vou were the nmnrifer, wi-ren't ynut A. 
Yen, sir. i f.'ul'l eheck Lbs rerordx^ but T dan't 
rwdl 1 1-e number, 

i}. Won l<l it he m many an fifty I A. No, nir. 

(J. A* many an Iwe-nty-fiTet A, I qob'I helienc 

Q. And Kim; of them left without stating that 
tin-;- w,-re going to leave, didn't they 1 A. Not to 
my Linnwleitge. 

Q. Weren't ys>u in ehuirneT A. No. nir, I warns 'I 
in il:dri-r. I wan general superintendent at that 
I hue. Im1 ] don't recall anynna leaving without 
■tntiap; Hicy were gaing to leave. 

Q. Did n't you Veep a record of those leaving! 
A. Yes, nir. 

<}. And thnse coTdinjf inT A. Yen, nir # 

(J. Will yuu trii Ibis Court and jury timl in the 
year IN3D, Ibnt none of thmie who left left with- 
out ftetietl A. No, I wouldn't uy that, I doa'l 


Ommt Bvilcf—Far Dtfts. — Cm* 

Q. And even during (he period prior to lhal 
lime, (lure wen; 1hnxe w)hj left »Htl.out n-dicef 
A, S'et to my linowjeilge, I don't kaow, there 
uiigld liave itrcn H"me. hut there mij;ht nut have 
Ui-n nny, 
(J, Von dnn*t lin.iwf A. That in rie,hl, 
Q, Ami tli-^n during the period from ]D3, r > to 
V)-l\ there were mine who left after notice, 
weren't there! A. Yes, sir. 

l,y (Jie tr.nirt: 

f>. I>id yon *ee ever>'l»ody to the sidewalkt A. 

Vi, srf. I didn't net Mr. \fuylf to the sidewalk 
r-ilhrr, vOur Honor. 

l'iy Mr, Itruchliansen: 

(J. When they lefl, did you provide aceommo- 
.Ifliion* for I hem te move! A, No. sir. 

if. When Mr. Movie left, did you ealt up iwnne- 
l-ofly or inake arrangement!* for him a* to where 
lie mh'iuld go iin-'l his ronveynnce and thai Fort of 
thing! A. '.o, pir, 

Q. Ttio only pari yon ployed in it *» lo se» 
I hat lie gat out, wann't it 1 A, No, nir. 

CJ. Ilul you did see tint he got oult A. Yes, 

Cj. How long have you been a mim&tcrT A, 
Mi are 1H2G. 

Q. Vhid lioea men ntin inter en what itatr Lh 19SG! 
A, Orli-lwr £lli, J be|ie^-e, in the date, 

ij. And did you get a certificate I A, No. air, 

Q, Who told you you were n miniHler on Octo- 
ber Gtlit A. The Local Ecclesia of Bible Students 
in Sun done, California, conducted the ceremonies 
in which I pmt Id nated, ami in which ceremonies 
1 waa immersed u a ayrobol of my eooaKratlon, 



(if ant i'uslcr — for Dtfu. — C>o« 

niiJ titty ordained or ordered or nppoipHcd nw to- 
attve that etjnjjrejjiuion, *ed I did no frai then 
ou. Tl.iil «iaa prior to niy eniaing to UelbeJ- 

<J. What divinity «4m«I did you fo lot A. Ku 
(liVldity actio*] 

y. You i»)' thai you met ilr. Rutherford in 
lKHil A. la 19tf8L 

Q. Did you !n»r llJM on the radio or get tome 
" Witch Tower" pamphlet* bsfrjr* luffipr A. Yea, 

Q. And yuu ln'ciiBit interested in it through 
tin pouiplilcteT A. Not at find. At first I be- 
came LpltmsLdl in Li through the public iur-ttiat> 
that were being hcli I in- Sua Jo*c. UoJJ fomui, 
un lliu niubjcet "Million* bow living will never 

(i- And you believe in tint doctrine, >■ tliat 
EarnNtt A, Yi-b, sir, 

y. But Sin Rutherford died, slain 1 hef A. 
Yc*, sir, 

Q. ili. k wiu pot ineludtd in Ihuw "Millions," 
^uh h«T A. No, Lie Mt hpiril-htfjottcn. The 
iillILiujlh wIid iLtwr die Are comparable Is the 
JuiiHikhii, lli^ otliL-r Khe*|> of the Lord, whom 
lift liujjf in lift; will lit proaled litre on eurtli 
under fJiwi'ii Kingdom. Tim "MiJIiun* now Liv- 
ing u'liri will never ilit" refei to thai class, not 
iiod'n nnumled who muni die in order to jh*n> 
in 1 1 ik dm tli anil re*urrcetioi. 

Q In it ynur idem Hint Mr, Rulherford in (till 
alive t A, It in, my idea nnd fond belief, iwi 
hs Hcd on the i^cnp; uree, I hut lie hu been ruur- 
Twled. yea. sir. 

Q Ynu luive continually read the "Witch 
Toner" magn*ine ever nine* 19261 A. Yea, sir. 

Grant Suiter— For DtftL—Cmi 

(J. Have yon r«aj my oilier religious pubu- 
catioBif A. Yttf sir. 

Q. Wl«t onwT A. I have read die publica- 
liuim, ninit of Ihciiii of tin "Seventh Day Ad- 
vent i:;1n. " They hid a headqnarters in the town 
1 lived in in California. Also torn* others — 

'J'li* Court; Hi net J"uu went to "■.■'!■■!, 
have you mad any others— i* Hot w!,;il 
you mean (uddrosmitg Mr. ftruchluiMJicn } 4 

Mr, BrutJihaunen : Ytu, pif. 

The WUnt'iM ; r'jxfuive Jut-. Not nincn I 
liavt Iwcn to lJcllicl to uludy, but J rtmi 

'I'll? Cuari- Or junw you liad tliat tei-u- 
iimiiy in I'nlifornin an<L b«euM un (tr- 
Jainwl mini&tcr, Imve you rtaA anything 
fit-tri' ptihhr-n'ii.Mu of Jcliovali'ji Wit- 


Tli« Witriona: Yet, fir, I have, 
Tlic Court: That in what ho wnnCe tu 
IciidH'. Vliat art ihfyl 

Q, Kinrt l!13S> Imn; yon nddrr&Geil any irc- 
Upinij* purctinp* OT any mwtinea wliitli liavi.' 
Anyjliinir to rlo wilh (he Hihlc and Ncriiiturts 
filler than the Ji'hnvBJi'a Witiitnn*a' inectiupsT 
A. Mo, *ir, 1 flrni'l helievj I ham. 

Q, Sn your *'Jiolt ti]nn! enff niutty ninw l?2fi 
han bfj*a flnt hundred p*r ftnt iltvflii'd to .Ti'- 
ImvahV Witn^wu'-v' ■uritin^n ami teaflttn^nf A. 
Yen, air, an one of -Itliuvah'a "Wii ii^iuicm, tliat [■ 

Q. iTti Viiu altrnd dufet altva la ll*tlir!l A. 
Tr*, *ir, 

Q, And it th»( ib lh*'rrrnine;t A. Yet, eir. 

Grant Suiltr— J-'w Dtflt, — Crojf 

ij. 1L* many linni-ii a w«k <Jo yuu attud tiiot* 
flu^bii^l A. On an aviirnjj* of Uilte. 

it- iJj you IwHoiig to nay orgajiiiatiun* oilier 
iLuui J bjlivvult h K \Vi(D5B*i!*T A. No, sir. 

Q. Vau [jraciirally nujy Uicne day in and day 
uu-1, tin you nit-.l A. Yea, air. 

Q. Li toniiKtion wilii tJLid letter of Mr. itoylt, 
do you register protect bvcauie lie wrote a lau 
Sit r A. N i-: because h* vrate a Ittit^r. 

Q- You sgrco thai Mr, Muyln uaa in Hit poai- 
liwn U> fi]trc« dtu*o(mXatlLon, Uoa't yuut A. 
1 tfu nut ngrct that he vmt in Hit noailuie to 
tX|)fC*« wlmt hn np-rcAHfd in hid te/Uer, Jiu. iLr. 

Q. Vwi knev lin »n« gt-nerjil counsel of the 
Ul'^anii^liLiii, tLitLn 1 yi>ol A. Yck, WT. 

CJ. You Laorf he *&■, Eon*!an1ty mnVing *u^- 
^^.-■tn.,:!.-. i',j H'Vt'ih £rLlL4.'i?-iiLH tilw^ul bpvi'auilli that 

the Waiiii Tower »'•* engmgnl in ail over tti« 
egtmlry, >ik|ii't youT A. That I did not know. 

Q. You kni'vi LJutt In; n-*a lunnl]!n£ pratl ifalty 
alL tli« til Lpjni inn all over Hie United Statfji, 
didn'l yarjl A. I Intw a* general eoikcee] Ik 
prohably wea. 

Q. Am! ynu. were al^ayi fnendly Tilh.htraf 
A. \ ',-:i. Hir. 

Q. Durinp all Hie period from 1S& to 13331 
A. YtH. M,ir. 

Q. Never liad any ^numr for complaint nr di«- 
triht-i action aliuuL hi nil A. Well, I lioii anu, 

hut 1 didn't aftilrlt iiii[Kir1tinrr In it *t 1hr time, 
Q, Ynu newr tKpSeniwi in dLn.uilinriu;1ir,n 

to Itim, did ynal A. No, eir, nor to anyone elae, 
Q. And what yanf wa* it you went up to tin 

fanq, with himf A. Deetntber. 1933. 
Q. \"<m went up togethert A. Aa I rcrnll, I 


Gnowi Sviter— For Dtfis.—CrQn 

wt'tit up ahead of Mr, MoySe and he <am» up lh» 
rolltni'iujj tUy or so, and wx runic haclt tngctltcr, 

(J. 5o yon were friendly wita liim up to that 
timel A. Yes, sir. 

Q. You did not expresa aay diwta li«f act i on 
h'itli jiiiii <ps that uLtatiuaf A, No, elr. h except 
■o 4itatc tltat I did not aftee with Itim in the dia- 
nnsion on tli* nialt^r of 1lw aisty-hour (iiiftta. 
JtJ.t tliat wasn't ilt^ntiKfaction wilh Hi. Mi,yls. 
Th.'tt was tb\" djaiplclbatltj> at wnnt he aaid aoout 
tin? Hixtf-bnw strata — 

l*y \\k Ooufi : 

'■l lit mild it Wax ran) Nii>r!iT A. Jtc hoid it 
waiHi'l fair. 

Uy Mr. ilfnthliaum'n: 

(J. During all the (Line ynu were lit TSfliiel. 
ilhi aityom.! t-ljiB ei|ireaa any dia*ati^faetion about 
(hi 1 HiKS'-hi-itr l-ulet A. No, Hir, not to niy 

Q. Durinj; all ihe timq pt I5idlnl, did any 
othtr in i .ti i 1 ri< nlatn any dlaaj^etmcnt about 
aaythinEt A. AnylhingT Yea, air, 

Q. And who didl A, I dun't recall. 

Q. And in what way T A. Well, aomttimee tiia 
boyj used to chticixe the food, like the colfe* 
laade toa alraaf; or madie- top weak. 

By the Court: 

Q. Did tlii'V criticiu* at npen rneeiinflT or at 
lunchenn or dinner 1im« or htukfu^t time or 
at me*! lime I A. No, I'crmsnalLy to me. 

Q. Did you ever hear anybody tomnlaia in 
'he diaisg' roam or jtt aay timet A. Yt», eir, 
I J. a vil 

Grant Suiter— frr I/rjt,. Crw 

Q, What was itf A. 1 heard Mr. J. Y, Ma& 

Auley tomplaio relative to the «mduct of Watch 
Tower atudica — 

Q. The twti ineLiL-at; that the other witneaaea 
rj'.t t-Li'jitt^, ia iliat wlial yoti ar9 coinff to tell 
■a% i_t,«,-F A. I »'tn ftoing to mtatios tin ona 
that 1 r, T.JI. 

Q, Toa mean the ooe that the other witneia 
nitnlioned aboat Mr. MaeAnle/1 A. Y**, air, 
that is correct. 

Q. Asything etaeT A. No, air. 

By Mr. Bruehlumaea : 

Q. You aay bow tM tW onty time you heard 
aay dLaaatiitfActkin eipraue*! ju Bethel area 
about ilr. MaeAtdeyl 

Tlit Uiiiirt: H* murt (hot ia the oaly 
onu he remembered. Tha only one yon 
rememlitred waa the inr-iluni. that hu 
tri'i'A ih^-tnlicd ahout \\i: ifae.AaJeyl 

The Witneaar Yea, air, that ja the Only 
on* I recall, 

Q. What dale waa that I A. [ oWt 

tj. Do you know wltal year it w»at A. I be- 
lieve it vaa \n%, but 1 waoMnt aay that poai- 
b«l ? . 

By tie Court : 

Q, Did yon ever make any Faggeationt your- 
self in tin: iKfitnif ronm or at any ni the mtala 
aa to the conduct of Bethel? A, I don't beLitva 
1 evor did At the dining table, 

Q. Any auggeationa you made were to Mi. 

Grant Suite f— For Dcfts.—Gr$u 

Rutherford in t»rii?attJ A. fct-neraLly no, yea, 

£y llr. Brutlihauiea : 

^. Yoo are not iik ek-ar abutit the llatAulty 
ejiiboile ub you m- ainnut tlit eoovtroattuiL on 
military achoota oul on lltL- aidewalk uu Auc;uaL 
bill, BTt Jtiat A. No, air, I am not. 

<■>. You don't teen know the iitunth I hat it 
occurred inf A. No, air, I nlirn't remtnilitr. 

Q. Y'uu art anxii'mtt lii fiirjjel jutvth ii-i.j; ahout 
any rritii'iHii then;, Arc ynu autl A. Xih, l.ut 1 
wavi involved in the eonvtrsatinn with llr, Moyle 
and tiit ai tuition waa ao iirtportnnt that 1 don't 
forget it. I remember that 

(J. You mean the kituation about military 
eeliorjK ¥b> ho siaimrtiii.i t A. The advice lliat 
he i^ave, Tlic njueailiAi 1 m-k'd l;m wan un a 
matter of Much inapojtknec to Jehovah 'a Mit- 
iota thai tt ia outataivlillg. 

■Q. You Were jtillina in crjnfen-nre wilh nil the 
linnrd uf Director* for two aolid hour* on the 
mrirninjj of Aujcuat Stli, and you did not any a 
word about military aclityila, did youT A. No, 

-Q. You waited until yon got out on the aide> 
walk ia tlie afternoon of Aupual ath lrtfi,re you 
aaid * word alidul inihlary nehonkf A- Not us- 
arlly. I vu in Judge Rntherf ord "a ndite liial 
efleriioon and I «aLd that "ilr. Moyle i* Ketiin-g 
hia fhin^M patlted, and 1 win ■fjuitt aure that he 
will be Out today, lit itaa 1nl,[ me he thiaka 
he tan make it," And he Hatd "Lieforc he leart-a, 
vuu n<v down an'L puk him thia 'juealion, " And 
on Judge Rutherford h « inat fuctionft, I went 



OienI Siite^-Fat Dt(l*.—Cfaxi 

down and n.-kfd lie. Moyle. gneMion Abapt 
iiiihiary lk bulla. 

By lie Court i 

Q, Tint is the fii-nl lime military schools 
came in, when Mr. If-utberford aakind you to po 
down ond a».lt Mr. lluyit abgnt Uf A. Y«, ttr, 

to my knowledge. 

By Mr. IiiLi-.IJ:ujb«u. 

Q, So when yon spoke Is him nlioul military 
aeiiooln, he waa. alftady on IiJi way outl A, Yet, 
lir, h^ wai moving oaL 

Q. He wm fnisj out of the boildiag at tint 
-inLi>, vnuio't h*t A. Nu, lir. 

By the Court: 

Q. Hi; wan told to get out, it that right f A. 
He bud bri^n, >i l h, tiir. 

Q. 1ft wjiii told to i;.--'. :>ul and Hike bit fain, 
ilyl A, Not to ItiLe hi* f (unity, an, your Honor; 
juat hit wife and in- T'tru involved — 

Q, lie ami Iijh wifel A. Yea, air. 

By lir. E rachliauaen : 

Q. So you thought it very i:n|io riant, in spile 
of the fact tiuii lit- t*ji» ul.\!*h[ front the hulhling 
nod was on Km way In \\ i hc-i: n.- 1 [L, to £L- oat un 
tho tidewalk and Lc> ttLk to him tbuul military 
nehoolaT A. Vd, tir> I did. 

By tit Court: 

{J. You wert instructed tA dn it by Hulherv 
lard, it that sot ri^li: I A. TEiai it correct 
(J. Yam were iostfuciwl to do if and yon, u 

Pi-ant S-uilcr^Fgr Dcfii.—Croti 

the Bethel servant, bad to. do it, it that right, 
bciaua* ynu wire inatrocled to do it T A. Yp, 

By Mr. Brucbhauiie a ; 

Q, Did yon on that oottAioi on the aidi.-waJk 
ttilleoiihider hi m t Jttovdi'i Witneaat A. No. 

Q. So it wim not live talking froni ant Jcho- 
vuli'i Witncaa to anothnr an Uial occasion, wa* 
Lit A. X;.., ujr. 

Q- He wusfil to bo a Jehovah 'i W'itneea when 
he j;iH nut OU tht £. ■ . 1 1. iilt t A. No, sir. 

Q. When did lie t^oj* to be nut t A. When he 
louk a betraying action toward hi* brttbns — 

By tfa* Court: 

Q. "ft'hta he wrote the Idler, it that -whut jtw 
mtant A- I belii've and believed it Ihut time 
tlmt he ci-Bsrd prior llicreto, a] though Iti* letter 
culNiinaled the ercnt and brought it to i head. 

Q. It }ifn f*en tcntif:ad hi>f* tint a mui Tlc^i 
in Mr lii'jirt wlita lie is a minister of y»ur tret, 
ii tliftt Kjfliti A. Not i.*liri;ly h your Honor, 

Q. lie (i<;t.i(!cK. hiiHBi;Lf w|nn he. ir a mmis'ter, 
itn't that rightT A. No r tir, it isn't entirely 
right. It is partinJly riifht, but there it more to 
it Utan that. It it neraaB&ry — 

The Court: I nhJ tint nuk any more, 
The Witncu: 1 am parry. 

By Mr, Bructihtuitn : 

Q. When da yoa »*y, on what data did he 
veu* to be a JrhoyeL'a Witotnof A. I don't 
knnv lbs date. IE vat whea tlie Spirit of the 
Lord vu withdn-wa Iron him b«caiiM of trait 

Oram Svittt— For Prfit,— Ctom 

orout couru* of action. It miy liave hif-n a littlt 
before that time or untm Uma alter Uiat tinte, 
hut m lar la 1 woa concerned, 'whea 1 igK>he to 
hi em on tlie sidewalk >l , uit he vrat j>ud<i]ifr, ba 
WAio't leaving at that iAitaat, ha via sot at * 
brother to rne. 
By the Couri; 

Q Too mean you had decided he »u no 

longer at that time and hud not bun for tntne 
litil* Ume pott a rnernber of JeLiOvtli't Wi(- 
mfuHeu, in thiit riphtf A, Tijs, jir. that it right, 

Q. Wintl jioi-1 el 1he Scriplurt* tttowi you to 
pant jitd^iDPMt t> n r, n-.imT A, \YeU, (here it no 
Scripture thiit (iISo-vtb one jnut to put jndcnuot 
dd ano-liier er^ature — ■ 

Q- That it all, A. And I did set pan judg- 
jrjcrjt nn him. 

y. That is. all. Too la; jon had determined he 
woa no longer a member of ' Jehorah't Witnrtintf 
A. That I didn't, consider him at inch. 

By Mr. Bmctihauun : 

Q. Did yoa consider tluvt he waa. a JfeiiOTth'i 
'WitA.esn vlicA In; -xtui tittihjy in the direitprt' 
room on At^usi 3th t A TVtiea ha came into the 
room, L did. 

Q. But wtiaa he left, h* vti aa lunger a Je- 
hovah - n Wi1n^9«t A. I did not cfintldtr aim to. 

(j. Thoy did »j( make any record of it in thii 
retolutioM that you drew, did thej, that be in 
no longer a ^choveh'i WittMtaT A. Not ia to 
many words, no, sir. 

Q. 'I'nrro in nothing at all itativl in th. rrab- 
letion about trhndhcr ar nat K» vat a -Uharta'a 
WitntuT A. No, *ir. 

Ofat/ iSirilfr — Far Defli. — Crorj 

Q. And you wrolf (he resolution, dtdn'l joul 
A. I ty|>ed it, yet, eir, 

By the Court! 

Q. Vo-.i were One of the three that drew it npT 
A. That in right 

By Mr, BrtKhhauten : 

Q, And ynu at no time indicated is any way 
th nl hr vis not a Jehovah';, tVitneniif A. No, I 
did not wilt in the reaalutiuii imytli ir,f; about h* 
l-e-inp or not being one of Jehovah t 'VVilfluiisL'S, 
but tlie- rem'iEiition. of ronrse, apeiika for itsjclf 
And mroiiiuiH'ndi) tlw t^rjui ration of hia oervieo 
n^ oOun^vi RT>d the Itcnujul ion of hiji mentber- 
fhig) in tlie Uetlitl family immeiliat^ly. 

11 y Iho Court: 

(J. -S" yoa AraOimd frOm thfit hi' Waa nti !,.:n^T 
n iiieiiihiT aT ,1 ehnv ah 't- Witseaaesf A. I did net 
i Ll from l'i i' reisaliilinn iijieLf, but from 
th? MtftliTkpuEs in hit l^ltrr and his actions in 
rOiin4 l rl ion 1 herewith, 

Q. And tlie letter «»» the colminalion of themt 
; . Yi'.-, nil-. 

fSy Mr Bniehhnuscn : 

(J. Toil reinKidrml \[f. was not a Jrl-.nvnh't 
Willtc^K ln'-fdrr h? gijS nut On th? ^idewajlc, 

didn't yngf A, Yrs, *ir, That wns sBTeral hoort 

Q, And yno netoally thought it important that 
Hr. HiiLliorfond thought it important to find out 
wlint hi" attitude in military echoola waa, it that 
coTTtclir A, Xo, Ihit it sot correct. 


Grant Suitcr^Fvr Dtjti. — Crau 

Q. Hu vvas an evil Bervant out en the nidtwalk, 
wasn't bf:T A, Yeji, eir. 

(j, Bo you tukt it a practice to try ta find oat 
from tv'A srrvantii what thtir attitnujt i* an 
military schoolul A. Lb this ea#» — 

Q, Bo you or do yoo sm'.T 

Mr. Covnftom: If your Honor pkaie, 
tlie cvidcDTt *how¥ ho waa JattmotecL 
Councel la arguing now. 

The Court: Objection iiistained, Ho 
testified tlial Mr. ButJierford told him to 
go duwa arid oak him ohar. qoettioa — ian't 
Ouil what you alu'df 

ITib WituMt: Ybs, lir. 

The Court; And at IMIuil «r*mt, 
you went <k™-n inrl aaked hint the i|ur»- 

'VI i: WitnoaaL That it right. 

The Court: What tone of voice did 
Mt. iue vhen he told yon, to 
go dawn and atfic him that 4]ue^tiont 

The Witacn; Joat an ordinary coa- 
I'c-rHn I iootl Lor-P-. 

Q, .^o In* was very mild, Mr. Ruthr-rJnTd was, 
v.'b'-n yon i"cn! boeli and «"hi*rM-red tn hint *houl 
Mr, Mayje'i otlitude nn military srhooU, is that 
rnrntett A. No, ht, I. did not whisper. 

Mr. Cowington: I nhj«t to 1hpt. 
Tlie Court: Objwlinn iBttDlnad, Ho 
did not teutify as to whispering, 

Q. Mr, Rutherford a'u very mitd about it, 
waa Ita nott 

Th* Court: Ho (aid ha naed a aoartr- 

Qramt Suiter — For Dtflt. — Cfou 

tall una I lone uf voice when lie an!;ed him 
to gti down, Did lie tell you the ^urjjOriC 
of atking himl 
Th* Witneta: No, sir. 

Q, And he thowed no emotion aboat it t A- 
Hn, sir, he showed no emotion. 

y. Did yon ii^len to Sir. Ituthrrford in 1933 
at U million Sipiara tiardc-nl A- Vts, »ir, 

(4. J'kl he chow any amotion therrt 

Mr, Cwine.ton: Jf yoor Honor pit-am:, 
that is in.jMaCjt'ria], 

The. C'tiltrt: It is iRUiLal^ritl, fjhji-c.- 
tmn suntniinef]. 

Q, Junt flats to iia again the words you £a*« 
im tlx'Ut I he attitude that Mr. Rutherford dit- tnward member! of the family. A. Hit 
atLjtwle «m fatherly, kindly, nalieitoua, and at 
n Ki-iliJ or a family, of wiiich the lielhel Faj.-iiLv 
i* sin-h, md alno one of eucnaraging hi* yoiinjrer 
brethren to comment, talie part is tie Bible ilii- 
nmxionH and table dincnrt*ifinn witlicut restraint, 
withmn t diKrimtnaliori, with freedom, 

Q. Ynu had snune rait there about rtquiring 
Ihfito who cam* to Rethfl in visitors to register, 
ilirl you aott A. Yet, sir. 

Q. HWt yoq Itaaw that those nn She ifntnth 
flMir did nr.t rrgij,tn-f t A. No, I don't know that. 

Q. Will yon twpar nn yonr nith here is a wit- 
ittvt thai thnw wh» went ta the tevenlh ftnor 

TTJC^ tr rrrl T 

Mr. Covington ; -Taut a minuEfi, I nh- 
The Court : Objection nntlainoii Wnal 



Grant Bviler—Fw Ptft*. — Crost 

ynu mran to lay ■■ yon doo'l know, it 
(hot rijfhlf 
The tVitneiu.: 1 presume tliey did, bat 

■inmf imfty not have. I don't llldir. 

The Cnurt : li yon do list know,. yno 
have a perfect right lo uy yon do r*nt 


q. But (lie ru!e in tbal they rrirlilered. tu 
it jir.tT jjin't that in your book of ml" herel 
A. Yen, »ir. 

Q. At the*.' ynu ml in the Ineetini; an An- 
jnwl K(h, yon were a director, were you not, of 
rat ii r Ik, Hi nf tin rnrpbrtiriiMiJif A. Yen, lir. of 
U.i' j'en n*y 1 van i a £f)r juration, 

Q. YnU rrH A director ll that rorpnr*|inn 
*hen the article "Snarei" ww pubh»hdd J A. 
Tlinl in i-i^jht. yep-, air. 

Q. Did rtiu have, any Board of Director*' 
inr«lij>lt iteiween Aupuit S, 1939, and the dale 
of Ihc [>i:h Haitian of "Saarei"t A. I don't 
believe- we did. 

Q. lii)* many Boards of r>ireetom* meeting* 
did ynu hnvr in lDISSt A. I don't recall, 

Q. You recall (he um em Autruit 6th T*ry 
Pip™ fically, disnt, yonT A. Yes, air. 

Q- And ynu, enrmnt tell thi* Cenrt and jury 

nf Jiny olbrr djr^tnm 1 IrieHinjr, thai y^U it- 

tend«J in IMS other th** Aojput fithl A. No, 
I do not recall. 

By the Court; 

Q. Y<m had director*' metlinjrs. when Iff, 
JiutinTJ'.iriL filled yon together, anil ho wm the af the corporation, so hi would toll 

Craul Suiter— F»f Drlti.—Crmt 
totf uL lrn-aL.f;jv[ that tbure v(jl!J \»i & Steeling 

*'plil4- 1 LCJJI-, J* LLlll Lite W"il\ j UE1 llild iflU^! J OjfH 1 

j\. Vtnj hir — 

fj. X'f n'j^dar date* f«r IheniT A. That in 
crn.*!. It win a mailer of cunvenience because 
we ner* ill together, 

j!y iSr. Brurbhaujen: 

(J. Wluit "llicr diructom' meeting in ]'>,W did 
vuu Lav* wlirw yon had a ntmosraphtr iirnentT 
A. That 1 dm.'t trio*'. 

Q_ \\ Lul olbi-r director* ' meeting at tiny ihnr. 
thjil y^,u ov?f filli;iN3tHl jtj tliist SiKjitiy did yuu 
Lnvo a jiir-p(.j;rn|jh*-r prrsj-TH T 

Mr. I'flVihfJtOh: Hi' lill inHii'tiil tluiS, 
^YjUr ll'kiinh, 1 Th' mzliiI In 1 ili^l nijt Lnav/. 
'J'Iji- fj.,ur:: ]k", y«i:r Ann'cr] 

The Witncni: Yen, iu'r. 

Q. lh,n many dirf^lorj 1 mcrtinRrt did y«U Bt- 
H'nil in l!i^ST A, 1 am imre T d«n"l renifmlicr. 

Q. lti=»- nwiij- in l^^TT A. 1 don'l r^rnemhor. 
J dnn't lu'lii've ] won i dJTrflnr in 1!WL A* I 

Dy lb* Court : 

Q. In 193,^ wln'n ynn w^rr a dirw'lnr, vtivi 

■1'hJt'l biinv/ li'jvv innny ni^flin^s Ihcri: vr^rr, yr>n 
don 'I fi'hie-iiLPirrl A. YrH, mit, 

Ity Ur. BruenhjHwcn i 

Q. Wov many mcelinfl& aa director hnvis ynu 
jtllriwlcd nim'e yDn haw been a dincclort A. 
Jinny, but T don't know ho^" many. 

Q. Can yon giro n* the date of any director!' 

CffflHl SuiKi 1 — Far Pcftt.—Croti 

luMLUg tJulF, you bav*' atLnidc-dl A. Not off- 

tj. C«> yotl ){ive Lib till! date OF Uiy dirrckjn' 
■iioetini; that you attctjued in 13-1 J I 

The t'OBTt: I do o«t ua hov rt »r* 
caBer|iu<d viitti IhiL 

Mr. Covington: I don't, tithtr. Thai 
is LruinaLN'rial. 

j\. There have been »ome, but I cannot remem> 
bcr tbr riuu-4. 

Q, In it nut a fact tliat the dir«r1urji, under 
(In.- mien, gave full power to |ht pmidrnt to 
carry on! 

XIt. Covinj^on: The minute fi would ba 
(he btit evLdeneo on thai, Lf your Honor 

Tim Court: Have wr had Dial rr*ola- 
tion yet I Have ynn had a thancc — 

l]r- frHiiinptnn r I ba*e warched Ihe 
fun M or and b#vs /oand (he r«olutioD that 
be a^kei] for, 

TJw Court: finpjinne yon ibow it to 
him, and I will iu*[atn Ihe objection to 
thi* ^uPHtion, 

Mr.. Cnvinplon ; The renolntion ibow» 
tljjii jl wm brfnre this- "itntas's day, 

[Mr, f^nvirujjnn hondi paper* lo Mr, 

BtliH'llh^U.- IT.. J 

By \U r PnLehhanHa; 

Q. Ynu «ny you wer* a director of tin Pkutfe- 

tyivania corporation f A. Ye», dr. 

By the Court: 

ii. From 13331 A. That i> my Tacolloodos, 
Del ober 1, 133$. 


Grant $uittr—Fw Drfls.-^Cmtt 

The Court: Hccollectioa in oil you can 

By llr, Bruehhnnnen: 

Q. Hut the president had full poner to vcrito 
articl*!i, indadLnj; the^e artirtr->; "Infnniiotion" 
and "^aon*!", Ln tlio "Wntrh Ttmc-r"' majatiu 
and Iluvc lliecn rLrrnlulfiL ond pnb)i*h?rit 

JTr. ^Hivijij^tnn : IVe object to it. 
Thf {'ooi-t: Olijwjion, jiuataiiied. 

fj. Ynu npver rf|ri*icTf<l any objection or din- 
jia I j^f jii-t ion 1n (he p«bl;r-ji(ion of the article 
" I nf OF»e»tion h * or "Enaroii", did yooT A, Ko, 

Q. You fukly iBbucrilicd jo Iheml A. I had 
nnlhjnp to my nlsnut !hr piiblirntinn of 
"Snnrc»". I fully anhscribetl 1o "Information". 
Ami then wlion I rrad the article "^!na^eF^ , " I 
rii?ly nuhivri l^ed to it 

Q. And you never rrpiilrK-d any di*HaliijJ"ie- 
ticii: Villi l.-ii-:ri? A. Nri, 'IT. 

Q. How mr-oy vijiitnra did you have to Bethel 
who ate meal* there in the year IlWJf A. I 
doa't know, 

fly tJie Court: 

Q. UTiat ii your best recolkc tion„ or don t you 
liavr auyt Many, or fewf A, Many, 

By Mr. timchbaujen: 

Q. Weren't there tinnrj in 193!> when tbero 
wero no vinitorj at the talil*? A. Yea, air. 

Q. And many timrtl A. Ycsi, [lir. 

Q- I>ay* and wecku vroiild go by wheo Lh*i* 
would b» no vintortf A, Yea, lir. 

flrooJ SuHtr— Far 0<fU,—Cf»mt 

Q Jurt the family int.: A, Yes, (it, 

(J. And you do agree, do y«a net, tltat Mr, 
Ii utbe I'ford did expires* comment at the tabic 1 
A. Yes, sir. 

{j. And l,i' expressed it about individual! is 
the Beted b'anuly, did lie uotT A, Ye*, lir. 

Cj. And bmupht uKcnlion lo dcielictionj or 
eriMeittiiiH I hot lie had J A, Yea, air. 

Q. And tli i b. wa» a, large dining roonv wia it 
not I A, Yet, sir, 

■Q, Aim I he itpnlf so (hot c*oryondy in the din- 
in.c ritom could licar hiniT A. No, h« nni't 
cn[iable of doing that. It requirtd luiiplifie*- 

Q. You mcun lii< voic» could not ha heard 1 

By thg Court: 

Q. He had an ampliJiert A. Yet, air. Hii 
vojee wasn't loud enough. 

Ity Jfr. llrucldiauten: 

Q. Von had an aLiipLdkrotion uyatem iu Lb* din- 
\Afi hKini, iu that rij^hll A. Vcj, «jr. 

Q. AiliJ Lint cjiLiiiraLUH Wd,» tin Lii* tablet A, 
"I'jie iinfro^htriif; viius hiLHfu-ndui] over the latlc ht 
ih<'li|mvlL nmj ihe Kpculiern Mere phii'ed jiLkiuL l'Ji« 
i Lining room in different places so rdl could bear, 
ye*, sir. 

Q. So you did recall lb in incident about ifae- 
Autey, did ym\. not — in that the name of tbe man 
you referred loT A. Yes, air, I recall aorna. 
tiling about that. 

V>. Vi'.iili year did that occur inT A_ I tin 
not certain, but I believe it *aj J 039. 

Q. And he »pok* tbroagh tim mkroaavout to 

Omni Sviler-^Ftir Dtfti.r^Crati 

MofAuley, did he nott A. Ko, nir; to tlie cntiro 

(J. U'hen he spoke or mentioned IfftcAut+Y, b<i 
did Out Ll^e ihv lincTOpbant, \n. (hat COmoti A. 
Xm, Hir, but i| lAKiit addre^^ed 1 1o the entire 
fiiniily null fur at)] of our benefit — 

l). And it Iran loud enough thriHJiijb Hie n-iiero- 
]jhikn!' fur the vihohj family to bear ilT A. I 
l>elieve it vrar, 

Q. You wvnt'ui to net (bo impression that 
when lie n[Kibe about NacAulcy, it was in a 
fotJiorly allLludet A. That in tits way it wan. 

(J, And what vat the nature of tbe criticism 
of MaeAuleyT A, An 1 recotl it, it was lengthy 
nod in criticism of the mrlhod of conduct of 
Wakh Tower etudicn that had recently been 
established, recently prior (hereto, and that tbe 
Wnloh Tower sludten bad degenerated into 
mere reading periods, that the method was in 
effective and should not be continued, to that 
effect. It wan quite a long italei&ent, however. 
I think il occupied the belter part of ten BSin- 
ldes nr ptwxtbly lon^rr than Mr, MacAuley 

Q, You nay lir. UaoAoIey mentioned nil 
eritioitut there, in that correolf A. Yen, air, 

Q. And then did Mr. Hutherford speak 
Utrnur/h (be rai^rophancf A, Yd, air. 

Q. Did MncAuicy speak through the micro, 
phone T A. Xo, that waan'l ncteisary — 

Q- Don't gin u* the riplimation, Did h* or 
did he pot apeak through tbe microphone 1 A. 
No r nir. 

Q. So nobody else in that dioint; room had a 
micropbooe but lie. Kutberfordl A, WeU, Hie 


Gram Suiltr—Fur Dtftt.—Crau 

bond of the table, *h«W oaenpied it, that it 

Q.. Wan there anybody ehu who *r*f sit at 
tbt bead of the table but l!r, Rutherford 1 A. 
Not wiwn Judge Kudierford was in the dining 
room pr, ■ -.itiI 41- Bethel, lis occupied the heed 
of the table, 

Q. You Butscribe to the doctrine that tbo So- 
ciety ww Qod's nrganiiatioin ou earth t A. T^ea, 

Q. And that Mr. Ratherfotd was tin repre- 
aetatntivo Ood, 11 thit Coireeli, or t*t agent— 
what word do you uset A. No. Mr, RtUhcrfetd 
wu one of God 'e servants, ea are all of Jeho- 
vah's Witnesses, and the reprearnletiY* or serv- 
anl of God on earth is the eomposil* body of 
all consecrated Christians, not one mis. 

Q. Was there any other servant who wrote in 
the "Watch Tower" — A, t don't know, 

Q (Con Li dili .!) l —while ilc. Rntherford wu 
there T A. I don't know. 

Q. He wrote lit tho article*, a* fur ae you 
knew, didn't lie! A. I don't know if hi wrote 
them, all or noL 

Q, And he wrote all ths hoots, didn't he! 
A. I believe other* have written hools hut got 
during those particular year* under diecuician, 

Tim Cuurt: W*. ax* taJkiflg about thou 

Q. 7?.:.-ir.^ liLL thou* ytara that ilr. Itiilrier- 
ford wit Unjre-, be wrote the book*, didn't k*l 
A. That I don't know. 

Q. lie never uked you to writ* oik* 
did hot A. No, air. 

Grant Suite*— For Ptfltr^ffmi 

Q- You h»vt iLevtsf Written un<; nf (heml A. 
No, Sir 

Q, So how I DDK did Mr. Rutherford spesh to 
MaeAulay after MtirAutoy had mentioned this, 
criticism about the «ludyT A. J'robalily, as near 
ai 1 can recollect, Hires or four minuki. 

Q. hie MacAuiay n[Kikc tun minutca or more 
and Mr. Rutherford spoke three or four miu. 
ules llirou^li [he microphone I A. To the beat of 
my recollect ion. 

Q. And Ili Jxt. in ell the. speaking thai was 
dune ciD lhat o*Ta:KionT A. I am not certain. 

Q. Do you recall that Mr, ttnihcrford spohe 
in a fatherly voice 1 Tou recaJl thai, don't yoot 
A. Y::i, sir. 

Q. That pin of it ynu are certain aboulf 
A. Yh-*, 1 -~fl ■ r i eerlnin n-f I s* kindness in eneeHk 

Q. In ynur con vernations with Mr. Covington 
ami tlie other directors did 1 you say anything 
jiliuuL Mr. Rullierford'a fatherly attitude) A. 

Q, You liavr tni-ationMl fatherly attitude a 
noinbcr of timca down tin 1 re- aince this cam has 
been on, haven t yn-ut A. 1 have, 

Q, Yen fell it we* rather imfiol'tiTit In hnve 
the leelimnny hire tHnf Mr. listherford hid a 
fatherly Ktitadef 

Jfr, Covington: I object to it at at^u 
The Court r Suiteincd. 

Q. At W.t^l }'eu have all agree*! down thera 
in your 1uHi lliat II r. Rutlierfard l.nd m. fnili- 
rrly eiliiudtl 

O-rfljil S'uj'itr — Tor JD*/H.^^Ci , ij« 

Mr, Covington : I object to it. 
The Court; Objection imtoined. 

A. No, 

Th« Court: Strike out the anawer. 

Q, Wae there anybody el*e of the director* 
th:it y:Mi upoJiL' to in connection with thia cAne 
who need any ether expreiiuion bat fatherly atti- 
tude 1 A. 1 den 'I recall any ef them bjiag the 
ei;.hrefi*ion "fatherly attitude." 

Q. Were yoti the only erne th*t Med the woida 
"fjitliej-ty altitttde"'! 

Mr. Coviflffton : TlmL hi Froin^ too far. 
The Dawt; Objwtion ruiiiined, 

You njiiil, ami correct ntc, if I ini^tlote it, 
that at Uiii meeting you wnutd liki- to l;nvt word 
cooteyed trt tjiv brethren, ii tJtat rightl A. 
Well, in substance, 

Q. Did you &ay that or didn't yout A. Yen, 
in aubitanie, lliat I would like to ni word* cdIu 
veyed to tiic brethren in aojiie. way, 

1'^. TLnt V,4iH >[iiar iihia 1 A, YtK, nir. 

Q. Wax it ; uiir iilcB or <lid you make (ho aupr- 
^C'htiua til n'l ihhnkt bjii| n-ml tJipK letter h^fDre live 

Itelljul Kami!;! A. N*», nir, I hsd in mind nar- 
ticulariy the brethren— 

The Court: 'Xo, he didn't ink yon that 

Q. W'im tliat vnnt A, Mn, sir. 

Q. Djd yi'ii icuikr tlie ii.ii^L 1 T*tii>n to oa^t ilr. 
Moyle tkflt al'lernounT Was that yi^iir ^ucerit, 
tiont A. In ))un in tlmi it w inror|iorit!ed in Ike 
reholution that hii mnnliervhip in the Bethel 


Orani SuMtr—Fcr Drfli.—Criui 

Family alionld lie trrroinaled immediately, and I 
^no* tint in my miwJ there wae, that Tery day, 

Tli? C"un; HJo you diKnuMd this with 
tlie mhrr two directors that wr?re apjminted 
Id draw up tli* rewduliun and you dcttr- 
mlnpil tb™ that he vhoald JtiTi there that 

The Vinfo; Yea, that w H our rveon>- 
■Wakt aaWi 

The Court: And you were pe-rt of it, 
[«.rt uf that cDinmiili*! 

The Witnaaa: Yea, air. 

Q. Kn it waa in your mind tliat he wan to lea** 
thai dayT A. Yen, »i't_ 

y. Awl did yi'U nujrj(e*l I hat wlien you. eaute 
liaj-k to »o]J|"tvnwnl your fenolulLos tlinl he I* 
Dinted tliat aftcruixiD I A, So, sir. 

Q. Uid j do trll ilr, Kulherlord Ihet ynu 
wanted to jiel him out the! afterooonT A, No, 

Q, Ho tliat Ilr. Dutherfnrd direeled you lo put 
him out that afternoon, ia that ill A. No, air, 
lhat it not correct. 

(J. Did you jjut him out oF your own Tnlitinn 
a'itliout any inalructioua from enitnnlyT A. No, 
it wail rt'ally inntruftiens frem the entire IWrd 
and al^> fnun Ihe entire Iktli-rl Family n* well 
an front lira Fieri pturea, that that b* dune, 

Q. What part of the fieri pturea said he had to 
he pot out that afternoon t A. Well, in Nehrmiah, 
Chapter 1-1, bcfiinninp »"fth ?ernea 7 In 9, lliia is 
«ne of Tnur Keriptures in point: "Amt I eame to 
Jerusalem and umderalood of the evil that Kha- 


Ora-I $Mttr^-P*r Dtfttr-Cfvt* 

ahib did for Tofciieh in prepanng kiir. a dnuaber 
in the eourta uf the, Hume of Ltod. Anditgntrad 
me sore: tiierrfore 1 c-mt forth all tJie houachuld 
stuff of Tobiah out uf the chamber, Tfeeb 1 eoid- 
uiamJed, and they eh-anned tlia dunnhers; ami 
Ihitker broiiytit 1 again tlie veaxls uf the Huju 
of Uod, with the meat offering and the f no kin 
oente." ThnTt again in leeond John, this ia in 
point, beginning with verse 10: "If there eOma 
any onto yon and brinji noL thla doririne, rwi ve 
liuit not into yuur liouan, neither bid him flnd- 
Kpeed. For lie lhat biddelh hint Uvdaptwl It 
{drinker of hia evil deeda." 

Thi.u in 1 Corinth i ana, that ia the fifth chapter, 
veriKi ll to 13: "but now 1 have written unto 
yi'iu not to Sleep cuuiinny. If any man tliat ia 
culled a brother be a fornicator, or cni'eLooa, or 
sn idulater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an ex- 
tortioner, with ineh a one no not lo eat. For 
what have I ic do to judge tlrtm iiao that are 
without) Da nut ye judge them that are within i 1 
Iiut tht-in tliat are without God jndgvlh. There- 
for* put away from among yourselves that witked 
Jiereon." Then there la the other ana ] hare In 
mind, in Matthew, 25, verse 25 and fin* 30: 
"For unto everyone tliat iiath aliali be giTen, and 
he shall have abundance, but frout him that hath 
not ahall be taken away even lhat which he hatn. 
And cast ye the unfirafttaW* aervant into outer 
darkneai, the™ ehelt be weeping and gnashing of 

Q- So that is your authority for canting him, 
putting him out that afternoon I A. Thoae are 
soma of the Scripture* on the point, 

Q. Did yun happen to run across a part of tin 


Qrant Suittf—Fo* Stfti.—Crau 

fjEripturra lhat says, "Love Thine Enemies and 
do good lo Ihort tint han:i ye"1 A. Yes, sir. 

Q. You didn't inelnde that in the Scriptures! 
A. No, I didn't read it but I look it in lo considera- 

4. Tliat ia net paurt or yenr eilalumf A. No, 

IJ. Y'ou didn't cite thoae authorities that you 
got now in your resolution, did youT A, No, air. 

Q. Y'ou got some other authorities cited in 
Iheret A. Than a?a ethera n^ted there, and lliere 
an even othen in tlie Pihte tkat are not cited by 
ma or the revolution. 

y. Who did tlie riling of the Scriptures in the 
resolution f The one in Jude, Tersea 4 to 15, wu 
offered by air. Biemer, and U* one ia Ramans, 
Chapter 14— 

The Conrt; They were offered by the 
CunuailtiM, weren't they, and yon ail euo- 
acrlbed to themT 

The Witbeae: Yea, sir, hut he brought 
them Up in the eomnuttee'a discueuon. 

Q, Yon didn't have t— tOnsent lo consider 
Moyle on prnhation, having been there four yearn 
end having been an outstanding man in tlie or- 
ganisation, or anything Like that, did you I 

Mr. Covington: That ia objected In ea 

The Court: Euelnined. 

Q, When yon XOt together on finding the** 
Seriplurea, anrurlimes somebody brings in aotna 
Scripture* and somebody bring* in other Scrip- 
tures, don't theyt 



Groat fuller— For Oefti.—Scdirtct 

Mr. eoviugton: I object t* that 
Tlii Conrtj Snataifted, 

Q. Thnae Scripture* that yon put in tlm reao- 
Inlion, were they your Korijiturri or Kin^body 

The Court : They arc not either ana of 
them. Tilt > III Scripture*, 
TUWitwwr Thayer* Scriptures, M 

Q. Who hrought th* Scriptures in them isd 
cited them in thut resolution T A Wall, as | 
roentioaed before th* on* in Jade wu offered, 
brought Lb Iks attention of tha three of us, by 

Mr. Bicmep — 

The Court; And subscribed to by th* 

Th* Witn***; ¥w, dr. ij ft* *.|h*r 

Q. Ton didn't bring thou that yon haw* ban 
today be r ote Die meeting, did yoat 

Mr. Covington: Thai it *r|rnmrntative- 
Th* Court: Objection nuUiiwd. Tin 

tiiTiir i[M'nin fr,r it^lf, 

Mr. Bracbt«u*a: No farther qnas- 

Bcdirirt otam'itafiiMt by Wr. Ccl**ji'fo# ; 

Q. The load spenker In trie dining room, M 
that until for any ether purpose, other than talk* 
by Judge liulhcrfordl A. Via. 

Q. VfTuA pwrpo**, theft t A, In tit* evening 41 
tbu tima of the supper mail, Station WBflft ia 

Orent Suiter— For Dtftt.^Rtdirett 

on the Air with dinner tiiunie, and thcu loud 
■ liviLkci-j LriuK djpMf music into the ficthot 
Jininn ruojii for the enjoyment of the entire 

The Court; Ho meant th* ampliner, 
the on* that Judge Rutherford need to 

talk Ihrotfgh. 

The Witneaa: The anroa system ia osedj 
for dinner muait 

The Court; Was lh»t microphone used 
for anything except far ilr. Rutherford 'a 
talking t 

The Wit-irw; No; thai »m primarily 
for the head of the tabla. and it used the 
aainr amplifying system as the one used 
for tli* dinner munic jiyjitein. 

The Court: The radio used the ambU- 
fying system, not the speakers? 

The Witness: Tea, air, the Jtaj:n! ampU- 
fyinj* equipment ia wed fnr hnlh the mi- 
rrri|ilinnc nTnplif yinjr the viiire anil for the 
dinner matte. 

The Court: The microphone wu nud 
for the heed of the table? 
The Witness: That ia right- 
Q. Yon hlatud (hut this applied lo Mr. lfoyle 
an<l hi* wife Did you have any conversation 
Willi I'eler Movie aa to what coarse would ha 
lake* |het dayl A Vea, aji. 
Q. AiiRiiat Slhf A. Y«a, air. 
Q. Tel] iu that, please, A I vent to Fetar 
Hoyk'i rofltB— 

The Court: Just the ooovErsstion, 

Qrftnt Sviier^For Dtflt.—Re&ittci 

A. —and a».Vpd liim it he ivai lesvicg, stating 
ths fTili-r did iiut apjily to lilin, and ajkin^ if h* 
wnu k'lving aJna, And lie unlil jca, ho wm kftvjng, 
he was going to gat married anyway. 

Q. Asid at Kingdom F«rm win *)■*«* other 
house* Dumide ot the main h«a*e of th* diningt 
j-(Hiin that was occupied, by otlttr member* of the 
farm family f 

The Court; Up to August 1S39J 
Ur# Covington: k'ea. 

The Court : I want to keep tha record 
ati-night. Apparently wit eiuigiui Luti 
been mad*. 

Mr. Covington: f appreciate your sug- 

Th* Court: Up ti> Aojtmt C 1339- Any 
c|uc*(ioFi* nhout buildings or farm con- 
sider [hat data to be the end of yoor lint 
of thought 

Q. Were ntber hnildiogs occupied by the 
brethren living en the farm anEairi* of the main 
building at that liiort A, Trs, air. 

Q. And liit'i had i&mvt in thnaa huilttiujra, did 
ihuy iwtT A Yw, ailTr 

Q, &ut H» rentral rjinini; room at mraltima, 
they all eame from these bulldlnga to the maia 
buiidijigi, is that rightt A. That is dorncL 

Q. You slate tliut you didn't altrnd a divinity 
achofd. Do Jehovah '■ Witueaan try to follow a 
prescribed courae of study advocated, by the 
'Watch Tower Society fur education or precau- 
tion of the nunhjtiy of th* Oonprlt A Yas, air. 

-Q. Do you know whether or not Christ Jams 



Qrtuit Suittr—yor Dtfti. — Rcdirecf 

and tlw Apoalka attended] divinity school 1 A 

I anew, 
Q. Dki ihty 4r rtptl A No, *i"» &W » d Mt, 
Q. Tin third Auor, eecond Aoor and the 1Utt 

IJoor and lha hancrnent and sub-Dasenifnt Boon, 

all hav* ontsida viodowa, do they not! 

Tha Court; At Columbia ITeightat 
11 r. Covirgton: Columbia Heights. 

Q. Huti outeida window*, do they not) A 
Yes, sir. 

Q, Qn thon* floori, both the old building and 
the new building are connected together, ian't 
that right! A. Ye*, tlr. 

Q. But frum the fourth flflor, dlfth, siilh and 
■rventh, it ia rtnly the front iiuilding, th* new 
huililing, I hat gn«* high, in that correct I A. 
That ip roirHt, 

Q, Ami there art l*™ rnanipi on tlit fourth, 
firth, sixth and wfrntli flnnnt tlvftH th*na ara on 
I lie thinl, seennd, first, hawmrnt *nd nuiv-haa*- 
monu in tlmt right! A. Tlmt in oarract 

f). Whh'li is Hie larger building and floor 
spa**, lib? Imrk building, the old bnlhling, or the 
new building in front, if you. know! A Tha 
bach, building, tha rear tmitdlng. 

Th* Court: That has a bigger Boor 


The Witneas: Tea, air. 

The Court; On any particular floor or 
all overt 

The Wiinew: The hnilrtiiur ha*tf U 
deeper than (he ffisfl.t huildinnv 

The Court: Eiu:Il ih>nr i* bigger than 
the floor in I he new liuildingl 

Th* Witness: Yes, sir. 

Gmmt Smltr—for Dcfttr-Re&itttt 

Q. And it giw^, i^f course, several Aoora down, 
through Porman Street, in the rear, as yon hav* 
hvtifledT A Yea. 

Tlta Court: Yes, he hu, 

Q. Can you tell us what you meant, and ei- 
plain further about the Spiritual resurrection. 
of J. ¥. Rutherford! Yon don't mean, to tell 
tha jury that he has had an actual phyikaJi 
reanrreclloiL, do yont A, No, air, I dn not mean 
to IfII flu jury lhat_ 

Q. h^iplain lo tha jury what the Spiritual 
rtvUTrotion meana A. The Bible ahowa u 
Ood'a purpose In taka on! from auuimgit sinful 
and fallen men aasoeiatea with Christ Jena, 
>poli*n of us His Church and lliat tluaa will ha 
with frhj-int Jesus in Heaven after taking part 
in what the Bible calls the Firat ltenur recti on, 
ami tlkal the time of lha Lord's mining to th* 
Temple in WIS files the time for tire Resurrec- 
tion of the failhful footstep follower* of Christ 
JrxOH n'fcr. died prior to lhal lirne. Abm th* 
Anmille nlatea, "Wo ahall not all sleep in death 
hut we ihaii all ha changed," and that *nd nlber 
.^ririturei »hnw that Ihnw who died failhful lo 
Jehovah 'n Ond, listing hern epiri t-bejrntten, and 
Ji«encLal*ft with Chrint Jesus, and having a right 
In live in H*a**n if faithful, npon Iheir death 
TttAn a Hsdui-recliaii, in inctautaneoua ctiaiiRe. 
Thnt is i;f eoura* not a resarreotion to human 
organiam nor lif* h*n upon tha earth— 

The Cnurti I think that coyara IL 
\\t, Covington: All right. 

Q. T3ie phyidul rtsurrrctum of faithful ser- 
vants will take phut ou ill* earth, after Amagad- 

rjjant Sutler— For De[u^~IUtreit 

dun, will it Mit, and th* Kingdomt A That ia 

Q, And tlwre are many people that coma and 
gv, are titer* not, being people tint come to 
llotliel Tor Hid purpose of receiving special trsifl- 
ing and tlten leai-in*;' and g^irg *w fl y to tlw 
field, tu die ministry, ian't that right t A. Yes, 

Q. You are rami liar with the Charter of (he 
Hew York forparttinn profiding for the brinc- 
ing of minister* in to educate them there and 
send tlmin. aWAyl A Yoss air. 

Q- U tlmt not tire practice of the Watch 
Tower Bihle t Tract Society to cull in special 
Wini*lers for special training I A. It ia, 

Mr. CoTington; I believe that la alL 

IttCTOti Exa-minahnm by Ifr. B rvcAAau«K : 

Q, What ia lite aiie of tUt ««vantli floor io 

Eel halt A Th* aevwnlh fl W r— 

The Court: 70 by 100, it has been tai- 
lzied to. 

The Wilnea*: Kol quite. The wvrnlh 
floor does not oe*dpy the entire width. 

The Court: Wlial ia your olinute of 
the ii»1 

Tlia Witnoja: About W hy SO. 

Mr. Cowngtou r Could w* not have n 
drawing brought in lalerT 

The Con rt : You dnn 't have to have tha 
drnwing. You can t*ll mi and wr will lalte 
«WV statement Hltt it measured and 
tell ns. 

Q. Isn't thtn • eardsn ajao attached to that 




Croat Sailer — for Befit. — Rccmn 

ftoorT A. No, air, that ia no garden. Bui, ju 

i >ii«Uxt, the m ruth moor doe* nol occupy th* 
entire ifidth' of tl* building, so tlm rat of tit* 
roof 11 there and there ia * roof — 

The Court: You ana soto* plut* or 

Ttm Witncdt: Ye», sir, ih*r* ire hedpe* 

■1 urk in ituiLL- Liu£i« Out On tit* rOOf *s4 
lhat il "J I tb««i U to iL 

Q. I show you 1'laintilT 1 * Exhibit ud uk, 
doe* Ihia indicate to your mind that 1h« seYetith 

^jiur :■ tin same aiie aa the aiith Hoot to. th* 
"runl. A. This picture would indicate iL 

T*e Court-. It isn't »t 

The Witness: These ftre dummy win- 
dows on the left jnat to five il in archi- 
tectural finLnh. 

The Court ; Et*ti thodjrh Ihe picture i* 
that way, those an dummy wLiuluwif 

TTie Witness: Tu, air, thee* are 
dmamy window* bar*, 

Q. Yon j'uxt mentioned a moment ago tb»l lh* 
order of m-mins did tot apply to Pater Moyl*, 
ii that correctl A, Tea, *>'. 

Q. So 70a tell n* llml Mr. end lire. Ifojfe 
were to be ousted and th* boy *U tfi h.' T*. 
tained, ia that itl A. Mo, I don't say- tbtt 

1} Wleti 

Tha Court: Ho had hia option t 
Tlin WitntMi In, air, be bad hi* 

Q. H* ttm't iindnded Lb t!m order of <tt- 

T A. No, air. 

Mr. Bmchianjen ; That ia alL 
(Wits*** mould.) 

Theme* J. Sullivax—Fv* Dtft$j— Direct 

THOMAS J, SULLIVAN, residing it 124 
Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, New York, a wit- 
nn 1 ** cnilin] in VWlf of llie defendant*, After Iw- 
lug Ant duly, testified aa follows : 

iiitcei txumimeimt fcy Mr. Covington: 

Q. Mr. Sullivan, how long have yoo been ueso- 

cinted with the, Watch Tower Bible. & Trait 
Society, pltiuel A. Since 1915. 

Q, And how long hare yon known Joae-ph F. 
Entherfordt A. Gitta 1324. 

Q. And how Iook ha.y« you been ft member of 
tha Bethel Family! A. Since 1924. 

■Q. Ami an? j n» nnw a member of Ihe Bethel 
Family? A. Yes, iir,. 

g, Have you WnaUntly been a member of 
th* R*th*l Family between the two dale* that 
you kara mrntk-ir.nM A. Yrs, iir. 

Q. What position, if any, do yoa occupy now 
at Ui> Walch Tower Bible b Tract Society! 
A. A Minister of the tJosp*]. 

Q. What special assignment aa Miniater of 
the Ooapcl do you occupy with Ik* Sdiatyt 
A. Superintendent of Fvan^lialn, 

Q. "Whtre ie yftnr office maintained, plouel 
A. 117 Adam* Street, Brooklyn. 

g. And ia that the tame plaee where Mi. 
kfoyle had bia ouVcaT A. Yea, sir. 

<J. Do yon know tba plaintiff, 0. E. Moylaf 
A. Tea, air. 

g. How ion(f Lava yon knows Mr, Hoyl*t 
A. From the tiina he eanie to Bethel in 1393 
untiE he Ml. 

g. Da yon Twall * imwlinj at 134 Cotambia 
Heifbtv, on Angi=al 8, 1030, by the Board of 

Tlomu J. S*Uivax—Fc* Dtfttj— Direct 

Btrecbore, oa the aeventh door, Lb tb* offio* of 
X F. EutherfordT A. Tea, sir. 

The C:>urt: Yon were • direotor at 
that timet 

The Witnets S Tea, air, 

<j. On AdgtUit Stlt A. Yea, sir. 

Q. How did you co^io to k*m of such a 
Toe*tiE£l A. Judge i'.utl.crford at breakfast 
tiiat irjiirnLnj; anr.Ouin-jKi tk* fact thai then 
would be a am-ting of tb* Board of Diredor* 
at tan o'clook in hit rfa, of bulk ^orpat^linw, 
And united na to be present 

Q. And punuant to that notice you came, 
and prior to lhat I wilt aak yon — I withdraw 
th* qneatian, 

I ahow yon thla latter dated July 21, 1HM, 
■Ijrued hy Mr, Moyle, add rested to J. F. Hath- 
«rf«r4, and aak, whoa waa the first time that 
yon learned the coi-.^ati of that letter. A. When 
wo assembled at tk* Board of Director*" that 

The Conrtr Mr. Entbarford bad kia 

aefiretary read itT 

TLe WjtufjiM: Yet, air. 

(J, And that waa the first Hnia lhat you er«r 
beard of the eontental A. Tea, air. 

g. Yon ware one of the committee that waa 
appointed, were yon not! A_ Yea, air. 

g. To drav np the resolution 1 A. Yea, sir. 

g. And can yon tell na what yon. aaid on tha 
occasion, if you remember, before the reactor 


riflpwr /. 3*Uio**—F*r Pt}t*.—Dtrpct 

Tb* Court: lm tk* pretence of 111. 


Mr. Corinetoni Tbia ia imdexatood, 

Q. Mr. lloyl* *-j prtHnt lb* entire time, 
waa he notT A, Yea, air, 

g. Tall na what yan tajd, if yon remember, 
A. After tha letter waa read I wis untreated 
by tba faol that it core-red. a period from tb* 
•.jew lhat kfr. Moyla came to Bethel— 

The Court: Wlntl did yoo. aayf 
Mr. Brnehhauaan : I objtet to hi* Im- 


Tbe Court; Y#i, T*U na what you 

The Witnaa: I node a lUbtoitnt to 
tb* effect that this indicat** that Mr. 
bloyit nevtt had an appreciation of tb* 
Tin ocru-}- and that the letter itsolf was 
miartpr*s*»it«tipp arid falsification, of 
facta, and mi*rtpriet*Blud Jade"* Bother- 
ford, and Ihe Family at Bathel thai waa 
tba tubalanoa of it. 

q. Who »affk*tted that a eentmiUaa be ap- 
pointed, if yon laiuricuWrt A, J did, 

g. Did tlie oommittea retirn and if so where 
did they retire to and bow Ion* were they out, 
approximately! A. 1 mjorratml that wa ban a 

The Court: Did they retire) 
The Witrjuit- Yea, air. 
Tlie C-ourii Ward Utey out 30 minatetl 
Tlvt Witna**; Appraiiaialely 30 min- 


rkfMLf /, SwIUimm— ***r Dmft*.— THiut 

Tb* Court : They retired to anctbtr ad- 
joiaino; room hid th*y w«r* there 30 zoia- 
nJe* aJtd ihty bKrsgbt bw* lbs iwaolutwnl 

Tba Witntw: Ye*, air. 

g. When tha rtaolutloe waa rtLorTod wbat if 
anythiiifl waa aaid by yon and what waa dooa 
alter that I A- When W* antrtud Lht utiir* Jndja 

TtuEhnrtorcl ajk«l uj if wt haj Urn rcunluHoB or 

bad a reaololioB, utd *b*l w* bmj to *ay refud- 
ing the mils?, I laid him wa bad prepmnd the 
ncototioiL. lie uked me to read il and 1 did, 
in th* preseno* of 0. E. Moyl* and the Board of 
!>!»*£ turi. 

Q. Win th* rwdlulion. waa read it wa* 
adopted DoaDimousSy, waa it netf A, Yea, tbr. 

g Did yon hare anythine; to aay after that, 
Mr. bullivanT A. Yea. In tha diacnaaion of the 
raaoJuliun i verihad u ractkaily what it aaid in 
tb* retolotion, 

g. Did yol itttad 4 m«linfl on Ikptember SI, 
1H3S, il *bi;b some of tb* nwrobeft of tb* Board 
Of Director* were preieptl A- Yea, air, 

g. And! do yon recall lb* article «-nlitl*tj '"In* 
formation," that appeared in lb* October 1Mb 
"Watch Tower," 19391 A Yea, air. 

g Did yoa sign, that erbele entitled "Imfor. 
[nation "1 A. Yes, sir. 

g, And before signing 1 It did you either read 
or hear it readt A. I beard it tead and read il 

g, Did it elate in that that Moyla had been 
arcalalinjr or caused to be circulated bia latter t 

Mr. Bmckhanaan ; I sobmil tb* letter 
•peaks for tljutlf, or the artieU. 
Mr. OriojtOn.: All right. 

ThamuM J. Sullivon^-For D«/Jt— Dirtd 

Tba Court; Tour objection la good, but 
won 't thia ahort*a itl 

iir. Bruchhauaan: All right; 1 with- 
draw tb* ohJMtion. 

Q. 'What evidence did yoa have before yon at 
tha tim* to aupport that statement P 

Tb* Court: M any. 

Mr. Ci»jfltoa; Y**, if •ny. 

A. I had received 4 number of letters Itl lay 
dusk from companies in Wiscooaiq, anclosi-ng a 
latter sent out by- 
Mr. Bruchhausei : May I interrupt T 
object to thia and more to strike out th* 
answer on tha ground that tha letter* In 
evidence speak for themaBlTea. 

Tk* Court: Yorj haT* r*saiTed many 

g. Were there any of those letter* oa lb* dnak 
of J. F. Itutlberford at the time tb* article afi- 
liUad "Information" waa aiguedT AY*a,alr. 

g. Who *Ih waa present, if yon know, at that 
meeting, outside of lb* member* of tli* Board of 
Direcloni? A. Mr. Hewlett i* the t-oly «a* thai 
I reeall other than tha Board of Diieclore. 

g. Why waa Iir. Hewlett present! A Wall, 
1h waa pnaaimi bncaius* I balieTe il waa eemtem- 
platsd sending sontebody into Wlaooatia. 

Tin Court: Strike it out. Do yon know 
why he waj piKisrnt I 

g. Waa il th* iuttintioo of th* .Society to send 
Mr. Howlett— 


Tfoauu J, S*Hmi#»— J^ar DtfUr-Dlret* 

ilr. Bnjchhaa**rt: I objact 
Mr. Covington ; That i* probably enmo- 

lb* Court : Yea, mad it it Ob j*cttOb*bl*- 

Q, Did yea b«li*ve tb* content* of th* artiel* 
entitled "LifOrmalioo" to b* trnaf A. I knew 
it to be true. 

q, And did you »LRn that trade --*rt— * "Id- 
forjuBlion" with malice 1 A, No, sir, 

Q. Did yon sijrn it for the purfHise of sdriiing 
Hi* brethren u to the eonr** Mr, Mo>J* had 
taken.! A. Not Rime thai. 

Ilr, Bmchhansen: I object to the pnr. 
pom, if toot Honor plana*. It *pMk* for 

Ti» Court: Y*e. 

Ilr, Covington: Thi* ii on the quasliim 
of pnviUjje. 

Q, Did yoa baliev* that it was year duty la 
advise the brethren, me to tin ooulaot* of Iha 
artiel* entitled " BuT o rmatiaii" T 

Mr. Brnchhaiiaeji: I objecl 

The Court: I em goiiur to 1*1 bin 

A. Tm, it*. 

Q. Ton bctivttd lh*t ni Tour doty I A. I**, 

Q r TL>id joa honeetly believe that Jehovah'* 

WitB*s*ci h*d tie right Id receive that articl*! 

Mi, BrUcbhausan: 1 object to Loaf, 
Tb* Ccuri; I will sustain Lb* obj**- 


Mr. Covington:. W* except 


TloiiMM /. £WKvd*>— F w Dtfttj—Dirtet 

Q- ¥m did not hive anything to do with tha 
publication of the arlicl* entitled "Snanea", did 
JoftT A, No, *lr. 

Th* Court: The lint lime yen read it 
Li when yon read it in lb* "Wakfa. 
Tower", the article "Snare* "T 

Th* Wiloeaa: Yea, air. 

Q_ What ii the life or th* ilrenf/Lh tit 
Jehovah's liVLlneKju-n in th* earth totUyf I will 
withdraw that question luvd aaa you if (be loy- 
ally and devotion, foil devotion of the lliuiglcra 
of the Watch Tower Bible 4 Tract Society ii the 
fort* of iti integrity and itrengtb- 

Mr. Brucb|ian**o ! I object to tb* form 

of the question, 
Tb* Court; Snitained, 

Q. I* it the policy of the Watch Tower Bible 
at Tract Society to insist oil 10CK?» devotion to th* 
doctrine* and precept* that art to be found in 
the Bible advocated by Jehovah.'* Witseiaaal A. 
Tbat is true. 

Q. And doe* the Watch Tower Bible & Tract 
ijoeiety insist or try to insiot an the obedience 
to that policy on the part of all of it* Ministenl 
A. Tha Watch Tower .Bible & Tract Soeisty ii 
aaver arbitrary abont tha matter. 

Mr. BhucJihanaen; I object to tbat and 
nova to ilriku ool tb* answer. 

Tb* Court: Strike out the anawer. It 
i* SOt reaponaive. Bead Lb* question to 
the »-i1:ii!i.i. 

(The foregoine; question waa thereupon 
read by the Court B*port*r.) 


Thtmut J. 8tillilHm—F*r DejU-—Dirtci 

The Court: Talking about tb* politj of 
m*kjni tli*ift by*L 

A. That i* what 1 tri+d l* anawar. Tb*v u* 

not aibilrarj', 

Tlie Court: That i* lb* policy, that 
Lljty are not arbltraryt 
The WiLtitu: Ye* t air. 

Q I.j iL I..C aim uf lbs WattlL Tow«r tiLU* 
& Traet Boctelj' to reairb time* who eatua divi- 
non ant! orTentet A. V«, air, 

H. And u it their aim to expo** lb* wwer* of 
discord amonipit the brethren 1 A. Y**, fir. 

(J. For *'!iit purpoa-e u (bat aim attempted 
hf the i>iM.-i«tyl A. In order to protect tha 
■tr^-.hrL'n frota beinjr enuuired and trapped by 
d«3i'&tiv* ntethodi and Lbinfi. 

Q. I j ibt "Watch Tower" magaiine th* prin- 
cipal or primary channel of communication 
InjlwrED tin? Watch Tower Bible A Tract Society, 
JflOii.-jili'i WtUcaeea, and people of good will? 
A- Ytt, *ir. 

Q, Dun nfi 13I!), up to Novcm her ID, lilJit, wju 
not tit* N TiVa! i-h Tower" mapuine diatributed 
primarily do Jtluivab't Witibaataa and people of 
good, will} A. Yea, air. 

Q. When did (be "Watch Tower" magazine 
btgin lo ruejdiv* it* dictribatiBn npon th* pnblia 

Th* Conrt: We bava bad ail thai by 
two witneHea, I will let you do it if you 
want 14- Yon have a perfect right to do 
it I am not admonishing you, but you 
hare liid it hy two witneaua, and 1 think 
Ut jury know* tb* data, and 1 think 1 da. 


Tkotnai J. i'lfUiiion — For Stflt. — fJtrwl 

ilr, C'ovinirton: Them jb no dicpute 
about tltat, about tike date that the Watch 
Tower darted diatribulion npos tb* 
ill lat a. 

Mr, BruebiinnBen : I am not conocdinf; 
it. I doo't kpow. V«a. riBTe Hunt tc»U- 
mony in her* and 1 whatever th* te«timony 
■ayji will apply. 

The Court : Then gn ripbt aheail. 

i, . Oar nf Ulu jjlaintiU'i exhibit* entitled 
"Jufuriuunt" in dateJ January, 19-ul I* that 
lb* Tint iini* that tb* arinouriCfijiL-iit wad inaik 
that lb* "Watch Tower" would be distributed 
iu liia alruttat A. Vta, lir, 

Iff, Bruchlianaen: I aunmit it apealu 
for iLteir. 

Th* Conrt: Yea, that ia true, 

(j. What interest, if any, did JrhoTtVj Wife 
nct«a* hive in knowinjr of Ihr bcIltjIj- or raume 
of action taken by ilr. lloyl*, plea*ol 

Mr. Brncbhanacn : 1 object to that 
The Court; Objttlion auaLabLuL 

(i. What interest, if any, did lb* Society have 
ia making known Lb* conduct of Mr r May It! 

Ilr. B ruch hanson : Objee(*d to, 

Tb* Court: Kuatained. 

Mr, Covingtoq: We axoept. 

Q. Boes the Watch Tower Bible k Traot 
Society at a Christian orj^anizaiinii claim th* 
rifi'nl to di*cipline iti m«nber*T A, Yea, air. 

y. And it" piiniiter* T A. Yea t air. 

q. Did air. Moyl* h*v* lb* opnortumity t* 


Thmat J. 8vtlivam—For Dcftt^-Dirtct 

mnke * ■latemcnl it the Angv*t 6tn rnvelinj;, 
In-fore I hi IWrd of Director* T A- He **• 
re>|ncj|rd In inab* «wh * eUlCmrul, yri, sir. 

Q, Did be al that lim* mail* known *oy fact* 
to the Board of IHrwion otlter than tb* arm. 
tent* of hi* Ictlcff A, No, air, 

Q. r>i<] he itauj aoj oral avideaaa eutaid* of 
the IrHer iMcifl A, Ko, *ir, 

Q. You have considered thia letter and I Will 
auk you whether nr not yon helmed it to b* 

The Coort: That 1* 1'lainciff'a Kfhibit 
4, lloyle'i letter to Bolberford 

A, Y+a, T do, 

Q, You read tb* «b*Tfi* corvseraim; tb* ilt- 
tientnwnt of the Betbd Ffcmily, did yon aott 
A Yia, air. 

Q. Did yon know tbat to be true or falatt A. 

(J. Did you r«*d that *retion of tb* letUr en. 
tilleil "Diecriminalion," ond did you know that 
to he- 1roe or falaat A. Fal**. 

Q. Bid you n-nd that lection on marriaie di»- 
crimirralinrvt Did yoil know that to b* troav or 
fal«t A, False. 

Q. There ia ■ ioclion eoneeminjr filthy and 
vulgar lnnf»UAfttt. Have you ever heard Jade* 
P.uLJiiTfiirrl or any ini-jiLlw-r of the Belbet r'amUy 
u*e filthy and vulgar lanjrri*^ at tb* t*bl*t A, 
Positivtly no. 

Q. Wlut do yon hare to aay then of the para- 
jrmph enncerning filtby and Vtt|g*r Iwurnagtt 
A» It ia falae. 

TAowdj J, itvtliram—Far Deflf.— fJircel 

<j, The utalenwrit in mark, a parafrrapb is &r- 
vppImI |n Ihr (loi-ifirttinri of li^jiior or alcohol. 
What are the fartif pint I will a»t yon if at 
the tahk at Jlelhel ah-nhn) Km evtr b«m servod, 
A. Sot to my khft*lf*i(te, *M I h*r* b*« tHr* 
rvjralarily for many yean. 

(J. What ii the atlilofta of th* W»trh Tower 
Kru-i^fj- aiifl tin Bethel Bome aa to the use of 
■liM.h'rll I can ahortcn thia * artfid df*,L Yon. 
biwH th» tnrtimnny nf Mr. Pnurs On that *nb- 
JH*t, djr| ron notl A. Tea, »ir. 

ij. 3M >na inhficrih* to what he said on that 
jahjeelt A. Wholly. 

■fj. ft h*a h**rt mentioBwl by umiIiimi that 
■Imknl ha> b»r) provided for *«n* of Ibe rjirm- 
hr-ri nf the Family an ■tatad eccvaioiu whm 
rwylafl fqr tJln*** parpovfa. Ts that eorrectt 
A. Yes, *ir. 

ij. Th* matter of the dm nf alrohol Indi- 
VMlnally a* to each individual is for each indi- 
vidual 14 determine for himself, ia jl nolf A- 
Ym, sir. 

fj. Bid yon ever bear J, F- Hoth*rf ord label 
tntal •halainers a* pmdea al the tablet A. Ho, 

(J. Or any other placet A, Ko, air. 

Q. The alaleenenl of fad oonlaEned in tha 
■rtid* " Infornwlinn, '* In addLlion th«rel*\ G0TO- 
■n>nl i* made. Waa thai eomrmrnt maiie tbrreirt 
l*if*d on your honeal belief that they Wen tm*T 
A- Tfp^ "ir 

Q. Win it a fair expression of your belief con- 
otrninf 'b» conduct of Mr. UoyleT A. ¥**, air. 

Mr. Cvtngton: That la all. 




ThaMm J, BiVivan—For Dtflt^-Crou 

CrotHxaminalUm by Mr. SnicUauf*: 

Q. Yon wpt* in ebirp* of the** ipn'j tfuil 
yfiu n-nl llima^hDat the cane try, I bat mn 
tnifJirif, anrf tlis ojAD^tinn link httm lha 
Brooklyn nr**ni nation and lha wee* thrmiprh- 
onl the lulled HUIm, weren't yonl A, W«H, if 
you Till definp «ha( yon mean by areata— I jail 
dtm'l know what you ban reference to. 

Q. They wfi-f JehoTab'f Witnetae* under jaw 
anperriapoo that fan n-at out through the 
I' mini ffutnl A. fa, ail. 

Q. And then inn tarn* 150 of them at (bat 
time, in 1939! A- 15* Km* ae-ropta. 

Q. Anil th«y traveled and you paid their ax- 
rtr>W« for traveling to go out and lakt earr of 
ihrac various nuttingi in In* Mctiaoa and help" 
to orjrjinjje new people hi thmt A. Tha %nta*tf 
n*i J i • : = ■ i r niwniri, tm. rir. 

Q. Out of tine aim* *ai to militant]; hmLri. up 
*nd incr*-*** the number of Jehovah '* Wibrun 
•mi people of n«d will «Mt ill A. N*t » 
tint particular brand] of TDii 

Q. Wnii 't that «» of th* ainal A. Th* kin 
nf that iirannh of wort waa In aid t ha n ill aailj 

Q. Yon bad another d*partM**l (a go oat and 
organi** new territory f 

Th* Court: TboH an the Pien 
The Wilneu: Tan, air. 

Q. Ho* many different dapartrorst* did too 

have there in the. fmrku-y at Adams Street f A. 
Hiat afjfiLii-sl to ™ jui'licttUriyl 

Q. No, different dapariateflt*, A. Will, I 
MuMa'L aay o ffh a nd 

flvwv /. Sitttiwn— -For Dtftu—Cnu 

Tli* Court: If yon dnat know If 11 tk. 
Tin Witness: J dim 'I know. 

Q. How many people nn thm in th* feelory, 
«m|»]oyedt A* Km ployed, I would lay about 170, 
or mmwwhcre around that. 

Q. And vou have executi** offices there, do 
yout A. Yn, lir. 

Q. For all these virions departments f A. 
T*** Pir. 

fj. Anil nohBlil*7*l>l* machinery for taa prini- 
Ihji of tin?!* "Walrh Tower" magailnes »nd the. 
br**«, end thnl sort of tliinn-T A. That 1. right, 

Q. ft in a very large huilflinjrT A. Yr*, air. 

Q. And coven nnile a plot of ground! A. 
Yea, alp. 

Q, 11* porner af Adam* and York Streets, la 
it T j\, ]»Fwpr«* anrl Adanw. 

Q'. Dwrnit H ro*Pr aHftflt half a rHy hlotk 
tlirrr! A. No, ahoui a qoartrr of a tit; blade, 
|Mfmility a til lit li.m'it. 

Q. Th ipcii* about ttiij meeting of B*ptnn- 
ber Slit, and iora* latter* that w*r* before 70a. 
A. Yea, «lr. 

Q, Yoa particoTartT' nt%* to th* latter* of 
lir. and M ri. Ttonm, don*t 7*0 1 A. Yea, tir. 

Q. And they wen TecaiTed ia th* mnnth of 
SaptcntlHtr, ai ihortlT before Ub* meiliii{r of 
September KUtl A, Will, quite a Uttli w)|ib> 
before the meilisg, 

Th* Court: How many litter* do yen 

aay yoa rcctiftdt 

Th* "WiinHt: T don't tnow amrtlj. 

The Onrti What did yoo. do with 

TOoawf J. Sullwat^Fer Ptfttj—CfoM* 

The Witneea: I turned them tmc te 
the office maiiafer aerrant who tamed 
thftn QTtr lo Judge Hutberford. 

Tlie Conrt; Uid yea hava one, two, 
tan, fifty I 

Th* Witatai; Up to that time, profc- 
ablj two or three Mr (onr 

Q. And then they all earn* in ahent the mouth 
of Sdptnmbcrl A. Very early part of tli« iron I h. 

Q. And yi>a re«ll the pnblitaLoA In thi 
"Wat«h Tow**" on September Ut, dont yon) 
A. Yea, air. 

Q. And die] ynn have charjro of eorrcepond' 
ent# with lhp.*o dirfrrrnt companieil Wu that 
one of your aBliritirel A, Yea, lir. 

q. And you wrr* in contact with the** rtpn- 
■enlarivea, or whetircr yoo. call them, going ant 
frsii, jflor Jcpertmcnt out Wat and io the 
differrnt ecolMDif A. Yea, air. 

Q- And they ronatanlly reported Io titcjf A 
Y**, air. 

Q- fw> yon Would «ive them InalrortiorH aa 
tn whit to do, wouldn't yanl A. Thai in oot- 
tred in the policy ol |h« Sooiety that applied 
(0 all of tfliiEL 

Q. Aid there wer* eonpj inetmctiona to gather 
tap any letter* thai mi^hl pertain to thL* Uoyl* 
sitnationT A. I nn*er juned any emsh ieatrag- 

Q. TlifMe men know ahonl {h* Ifovle eiTaation, 
dirla't tiicy! A. Not to my k nowlrilpp, 

Q. Yoa mean that yon and th* ilirrr.Lun were 
Uie only one* who knew ihoyl 1h* Moyle linsa- 
tion up to tliit timet A. Rucept what waa pnh- 
liihed in the September lit "W*tdl T*w*r." 


raoiBHUT J. 3*Bivo*—F»r Defti—Crt>u 

Q Werant yon at (he dinLna; ro.jas reading 
on Anguit Bth, whan tha letter waa read to th* 
whole Fenilyl A. T^i, air, 

Q. Aid Hmi at Lho«e at the Labia bad ooca- 
aion to TiaiL nolaide, didn't titeyt A. I preinme 

Q. And ttf thrm miy W* "rary-n TJ.ilnn 

fn?m th* entaide, tome of theae timTeliitg min- 
iileril A, No, I don't think ao r 
Q. You dont recall whether ur do,- the* wtn 

thenet A I am pr*tty eoTe they wet* nOL 
Q- Didn't yon hear testimony here of some 

mLniiten, one who auai frou flroreia, and 

acme other* who claim to hava eat at th* tahl* 

at Bethel f A. T*i, air. 
Q. Tbey cam* In* did they itf, in ordir Io 

til annja af th* nn, what Wat going on I 

Itr. CoTington: That ii argnmentatiia 

■nd I will object to it. 
Th* ConrtJ gtuUuied. 

Q. But then were diaonaaioni of what wa* 
heing done at thota mealal 

afi~. Covington: There again tha aame 
abjection appliea. 
The Canrl: Soalaiaed. 

Q, At any rate, what ii the name yon gire 
to Iheee traTeLing repreaentatiTsal A. Zona 

Q. And how nsany aon* lerranU ttay it 
B*lb*lt A. YoU anas at the prrwnt tiroeT 

Q. Ualn their headqnarten Id Bethelf 

Th* Conn; In. 193°, np until August 
10th. Pteaee preeum* that that k rite date 

TkomoM J,— Far DtfU^-Crett 

that Una tha tbna of 

of the** bom- 

A. Tin? it were two 10a* eerraita operating 
aot af Bethel, 
q, Wh»l aoirt* did they hay* chajgt oft A 

In the immediate vicinity of New York, 

Thi Court: New Jitney or Loaf la- 
land 1 
The WitneaiL Yea, Lane Ialand and 

Now Yort 

Q. So they traTfled how often hank and 
forth 1 A. "Weekend*. 

Q. What ww th* »one Hnut for lb* Wb> 
ooMid Timtaryl A. Harrey FSnk. 

if. lir. llowlrlt, the defendant Hewlett, potn- 
pinij what peaitiou, in 6*plimher, tB3flt A, Hi 
Wat ion* atrvaaL. 

Q. For what loaet A. Ohio, 2, Clereiand 

Q. 60 hi* territory did not t°*t»J* Wlaeoav 
•int A, Nat at thai time, 

Q. Ho waa present at the dining table on 
Angfjit 6lh, waan't hal Al dont think 10. 

Q. Well, did yon tell him anything about what 
tranapired on Aqgnat 9th, t A- No, air, 

Q. Did ytjq iptft him at pay tfrqa, hirweefl 
Auput 8th, and the early part of September! 
A. I tnay hare met him whan hi ntnmcL 

The Court : You da not rttiMmberl 

Thn Witji*** : I do not nmrmber. 

Q- I>id he ha*s an olne* in th* fattoryt A, 
No, he waa a ran* aervaat on the read gentrally 
Up to that tint*. 

Taaeaau J. $*Mh*m—For Deftt^-Cron 

4). Ha w*a one of Tour men in your depart- 
ment T A Yea, air. 

Q. And it waa a matter of frequent occarreno* 
for you to coof*,- with the men and paj* on in- 
furrjiation to them, wa*n*t ilt A. That waa my 

Q. Do you recall talking to Hovlatt at aay 
Um*, htlween Anjrnat Stii and thi* snectinp ot) 
bepUmLer UJnt? A. I don't mall nporiAcally. I 
knew I Lalketl with him butwrcn that tun* re- 
garding hi* sone in Ohio, 

Q. And arranjrrnirn t* were being mad* a* ta 
a-kal Io do af.«ul Wiaumaia in.-i th* territory 
around tliere, wsfji'I tiiertl A. Not in any die- 
cnaaion with JJr. Howktt, 

Q. Did you have any <iueiw*ion — 

Th* Court: Who wa* the diacnanlon 
with. Judge Itntherford or air. Kuther- 

T5>* Wjtn^ia : Rejrerdini; Wiacoruinf 

The Court: Yea 

The Witreu: Wellt 1 limply sent thorn 
letlpr* 1 respired through lit Ihi Fr*ai- 
dent 'a effiot. 

Th* Cnnrt: Th^re <m w di«upiainn> 

Th* Witnea*; There w*a no diacu^pion. 

The Court ; Do you have any mail ar*- 
t«n where yon keep a renord of th* mail 
that you re**tv*t 

Th* Witneea: Well, the mall thai come* 
la amy day, th* total mail that ia re- 

Th* Conn.; So you aay, to the h**t of 
TOW re^oUeetPta yno gat two or three or 




Thenar J. SuHiora— For Be/ii^-Croar 

Tim Vitnen: About Tour, I bcliere. 

Tlta Court; Yon said two or three or 
four. 1 ltd nk I am Deinjj your auct wrdi. 
!Ju yoa now tell mi four! 

The WiLneiaj It mi nun than two. 

Tlirwi or four. 

Tim Courts That ii what yon tall 
many I 

The Witptw: Well, tai* waa cnv a 
limited period «f lima. 

T1:> Court r That ii the lira* ww war* 
tijkinj* iLouL 1 want k> get your adjoo- 
Iive*. They are a little confuting to ma, 
la that whet yon call tnanyt That it the 
*utii you. need? 

Tor Wibuai: Wall, yea. 

Q. All of iJioa* !ell+F* yon i*ftr In earn* in 
between the early part of rkptcinbtr and B*p- 
tejjiEmr Zlat, tae data of yonr iDerliagf A. Yea, 

Q. Ka that between Aognat Btii and<Septemb*f 

In! r.rHhinfl iinpixjird aboat tin llayie lit&atioa, 

noting happen**! in ll»C PvmlJi of Atifjuatr 

Tint Court; Thai yo*j knew at. 

A. Xnt (hat I knew of. 

Q. f>tli»r than what tranapired on, Angojt 8th T 
A. Yes, air. 
Q. !Sa the belt Ihiag thai Mearrad k, aa far 

M JOB. kr.nw gn f h (j SJnyla xijoaiitip. Min i 

Augnet Sill and Hcplember let! 

The Cftortt I d**H ihbk (feat k * 

q tuition. 

Hr. Enirihinam: I wltUltV tt. 

Jksm** J, flmffiwm— Fpf Ptftn—Ctit** 

ij. The next thing that occurred afier the meet- 

iiiir on Augual Sth, eii the publication on K*p- 
L-uiije-r in ii T Eh* a.-lL-ir r.-.^.!\i.:v.f. Ui'yln with 

Th* Cuiirt: 
The Wit**. 

Aihin you kaawt 

.; Aa far aa 1 In™, 

Q. I>Jd yon talk to anyone prior io the publi- 
cation of tliat article f A. 1 can't enawar LhnL 

Tli« Court ; Did yea peraonally U>lk to 
anyl*dy about Muyle'a kllcr, to Hulber- 
fortl, Ijeliwttq Auguil Sib and £rf-pl*mbc; 

The WitDeei : No, air. 

Q. At the meeting on Anguil 3th, waa there 
anything, laid ei>nut puhlmlung an ankle charjr- 
ing Mr. Iluylt with un faith rnln«a* t A. There 
wae reference tnade to aoquaLfltinfit the brethren 
wiili lbs facta. There wert <hn drlaJla about 
cliarifins llr. Jloyl* with anything 

Q. Van aoylbiag mentianed about what tb» 
anicle *ii la »*y that wa» to l* poMiihwl On 
i*cp1*nit«r lut 

.Mr (.'nTin^tiin: That ipnJta for i-jw-lf, 
lb* actual publicmtion itaalf u> telf-ex- 

TJir t'uort: I will aik yoti UiV Tiii} 
Irm Itijutd of Direclort |>ui flb Lb* u-LcJi 
of firplcmbcr Iitl 

Tll> WilriMi: Sp[jrj-ra!nT latl 

Tlta Court: Did ih« Board ef tilruiUtrt 
pain on that article before it wai printed T 

Th* Witreaii Ha, »Lr. 

The Court: Yon d«a't know who drew 

TLOma* J. JiiiiiHia— For DtfU^ntt 

tl Up, of aoythinjrl Tht bit dma yon 

knew about it ii wbea yon read it in tli* 
"Watch Tower" of September lit, it that 

The Wiboa*: Tbai ii HgbL 

Q. Were yoti in tQWa tad n-jiiliojj at BrtbrI 
bttKOrn, July £iil and Au^iuL SthT A. No, I 
wu oo v»ra[ioii during th»t ]wriwL 

Q. And whin did yon (el hackl* A. Haaday 
ai^bl, Aogsat 7Ul 

fi Yea. 

The Court: Approximately. 
The Wilotii; Yea, air. 

Q. And you wtre there, were yon not; at 

BaLlR'l, aa a reaidtnt, from Aiigmit Bth Is £>p- 

tvoiuer lit, at leaat, wereat yont 

The CauK; When Jon tetnm.«J from 
yaar vioaiioip yon. lived Iheiw eonlinBOTialy 

□lliil L>' f i liTP.bKT lut, at iKaiiT 

Tba WLLpHje; Tb*l bi oomst, 

Q, And wae Mr. Jiiitlicrfofd (here daring I but 
l^riodl A. I diin't know. Ut amy hare vent 
away a wi'fk-end. I don't know, Ha waa there 
a K*>od jHTtisn of (he time, 

p. You nre rml v«ry cl?«r about aome of the 
evtrit* in UiB Irmr.lh nf Aufruil. lOf!LJ r »r» yuu ! 
A. 1 don't tttiiJlbtt all lh<j dtlailj. 

Q. Did II r- Kutherford nay anytliinjr in yon 
in your capacity aa a director, between Aujjmt 
6th and Septereoar lull 

The Court i He has already leelified he 
didn't talk to anybody abont iL lan*t 
that your teituuonyT 

TaoiRju J- 8*ttiva*-'t'*r Dtfli.—Cron 

Tht WJUieu: Not in an offcial way. 
A* ptrinLern of the Faintly *• ilijiruuini 
wlml trann]iired in the dininz robin, but 
aot in o.i oitit'ial tap&city. 

Tltp L'ourl: An Hicrjibera of the Family 
wild did you (liscu&a it villi I 

The VitiieaiL 1 don't knnw, 

The Court: Tt waa talked gtneroily 
around the plate! 

The Witneai: Yt*, air. 

Q: 'I'lurr «■■ nalhjng, an I un>lf r»lar<l I', nn.l 
] em »uiiiniinE lllla If. that tnum]jiml IwUren 
AujrUHt till and Keptemher let (hat in any way 
but* on til* pi:lih<aii(m of ihr artiele or Ntp- 
trmlier latT A, Ai far V I wt) aofiterned, 

The Court: Tlint i« all T 011 «*" 'oT. 
ut far aa y«iu are concerned t 
Tli* Witneiu; Tarn, aif. 

<J, Dm yon know of any icf-flnion. >lr. r^ullivnn, 
when nrvj-Din' i-'lee wan ankorl to leava feliu huil 
been a re-nnlr-nt i>? liethelf 

Mr. CnvinfffflinL That if argnrrifntotivD 
and I br|ii"i-c it ia iniraaterinl, your H«nftf. 
Vt'e cfts't B" inlo llrt intril" «r ¥:Trry 
Cine at anyhaly lliat Trent awaf from 
Delhcl. It would pj-olong the conlroreray 
nodal y. 

The Court: T will initain (he flbJM- 

Q, Uo you ltnow Wr, W*#ky fjulwifkl 1 A. 1 
nnrolWl lliat be va* at Bell"-] a™™ yeora bark. 
Q. Waet't ha aated io ]o»t» I 

rjkffeia* J. SniHea*—Far Dtflt^-Creit 

i'[r. CovingUm; That I think would be 


The Court: If he know* lie eon atalc. 
If Ii* doci not know he can ao i'jile. 

A_ That in my iinpreuion. It ia n«l clear in 
my mind. 

Q. Do yau recall whether or not lie wrote a 
Ullor at Uio limtt A. 1 do noL 

Q, Do yoo Ureal! wli«th*r or aot lit waa pre* 
lean tlinn b. Ujiy Io nrnn nulT A T do hot. 

Q. Von eoy that (hi* arlirle, *"ln[nniu.lini* h " 
Unit thv facia in It are truef A. Yea, fir. 

The Court; You aJpird ll and wimi 
you signed it in, yenr jiulejurnl it tu 

T;m Wiluru: Yea, air. 

Q. Anil yon are penonally familiar with all 
the fnrtaf A. Yti. air. 
Q. You rame f" the cmtclunina Ant Ur, Ifoark 

nrnn n murrnurfrr A. Yen, pir. 

Q, S|wnliing nf yon rallectively, (lie FVwi^tv 
liavia uaod ihia eiproeaion "uiorrpnntr" an jjrior 
nocwiinnm haven't JWlT A. It ia a Scripiural 

TIib Courl: He aaketl yon if the Sn- 
ciety ha* lined it on prior o«u«inn* lv Ihia, 

The Witness r Wrll, in dinraoiiix 
Scripture* end thinre of that naiurr. 

Q. Im '1 that tbt erpraaiiiiMi that yon nj* when 
anybnti mokra pay raimjilaint about 1he .Sricielyt 
A. No. 

IJ. W*ll, la Ihete »»» diffarane* In yonr nind 


raowHU J, S*!livam—For Defit.—Crott 

between couiplaining and murmuring' A. There 
ia, in nuiking falae cbarg^a. 

I}. I am anting you if yon moke any dixtine- 
tiun urtm'ecn th* word '■muniiurer" and "pora- 
[Jnint" A. Ypa, there in. 

Q, Will yoo loU n> what Ihr dielinolion in, 
A. WrJl, a oomplaint might be junti fieri, A 
niunnur, according to I he ^cripturo^ ia one who 
ia diauliidied wilb a righleouo arrongemoni. 

The Court: In other fvorcln, a murinar 
ia a falM charge and a complaint might 
be a tjue charge? 

Tile Witueai: Yea, tir. 

Q, Yon take the poiition tout in writing thin 
Idler h* became a muiTnurtr at I hat moment? 
A. Thai i* trva. 

Q. Ju*l by writing the letterl A. By writing 

llmt letter and mating false chnrges. 

Tl* Court: By writing that letltrl 
The Witneaa: Yen, air. 

Q, That kind of a- letter! A. Yea, air. 

Q. That wat full of tnuTTtturat A. Thai par- 
licidar latter. 

Q. Thai waa all foil of A, That 
waa full of Ilea and tlandcn aod rpiix tjirrarn la- 


Q. Wai it all on* murmur or a number of 
di!T«r*nt munmirst 

The Court: I'm going to lojlaln on 

Q, Yon ¥rn preiinL in Ifedium fv:[uare Oar. 
den. or in the courtroom after Madison Square 
Gardan, were jout A. 1b on* hh, yea. 



Thermit }. SuUiva*—Far Ittftt.—Crnu 

Q. W«rc you present tiers whan (hie occasion 
arose where it ii alleged that Mr, iloyis touched 
111* other Lawyer! A. Nov 

tj, io anything Hut you know about tint 
occasion i» from what somebody else told you, 
isn't itt A. Yes, sir, 

Q. So than ire some of then thing* involved 
in your article, "Information," that «* tot of 
your knowledge t 

Mr. Covington: J«*t * ruinate. Notli- 
JEp ji tnnnliiiDMl it the article, "Jnforma. 
tion" about the trill or the court pro- 
ceeding. It is the "Sum" arliche. 

The Court: Objection *Q*l*rt*d- 

Mr, RnuAhaaaan; Th*a I will with- 
draw th.nL 

Th* Court: 1 wonder if joq asked him, 
1 don't think yen Baked bio about 

Mr. CnintM: 1 eaked him if b* had 
mle.vLIiL:i i% to do with ll 

The Court: A» yon snn of thnit 

Mr. Covinrftos i Weill,, I feel itnt way. 

Th* Cn-uri. Perhep* yon had Mtti 
later uk htm, to mains certain. 

2(r. CoYington; I will do ttit. 

Q, Ton recall th« arfjoK "Information, 
don't yoot A, Yes, air. 

Q. Do yon recall a itatenient made in then 
icferring to Mr. Moyle to lb* efleet that ha 
ratii*| hi* latter (4 b* publicly r**JT A. Tn, 

Q, Wan you prmnnl wnen hi publicly raid 
itf A. No. 

Q. rio that yon can't aay of yonr own know]- 

Taeauj J 8MMw*—F*r Ptftt.--Crm 

edg* tliat It '.Tan publicly read by Mr. hloyle, 
can you I A. The only fact I have ia that It 

*a* liia latter, that it had been distributed, ajitl 
in lit, coTxri-tg Jetter, Ihoee who received it 
vera initrnaled to read it to their ooigrega. 

tico — 

Tat Court; Tboaa three or four that 
you laalitied having i*oeiired it through 
flit mail after September lull 

Th> Witneta: Y*e, air. 

Q. Ton dori't know of yenr ova. knovrledt* 
■a to whether or not it was publicly read up 
to thai time, September Slatl A. 1 had the 
testimony of tAave people Who — 

The Court: lie aaked yon if yon know 
of your own knowledge. 

The Witraae: That ia lie Only knowl- 
edge I have, 

Th* Court: That U pot of your own 
knowledge. Ton know from what yon 
heard from other people, ia that right I 

The Witneas: id, air. 

(J. Then la yoar tealimony or part of it here 

when yon any it if of yoor own knowledge. 
based <>h *h»t other people told yon or wbqt 
other people wrote, to yon about itf A. I iiava 
indicated at the present time what I myself had 
to do with and what I knew. 

Q. Do yon any that when yon get information 
that way that it is on your own knowleiir^f A. 
I said that I had thia information from tho 
partial who claim to hare done it. 

Q. I am asking you whether warn yon got 
that that way it U on your own knowledge. A. 

TKoma* J. Svitiva%—?w Ptftt*—Cr*i* 

I made that statement jnet now. I may bavw 
bm-n in erro* in thai wncluiura. 

Q. Do yon bow want to terrect yfiur atRtcntcnt 
and aay you wen mietaken whan yoq mil Ibca* 
thing! wen on yosur own knowledge 1 A. That 
one thug. 

The Court: Aa to the publication t 
The WJtneu: Aa to the publio rwadinc 
of it 

Q. Let me call your attention to another on* 
in H ' Inf ormntiafti. " "He," meaning llr. UtiyLe. 
" rwrtteetpd ' Comobjlion' to publiab thia letter." 
vinirre di4 i"fln (p;( yopr eridrnw that Mr. Meyle 
ever re^ueiilad 'TuniKilaliun" hn [mliliihrril A. 
Kruir. the fact that it wna La thai ariirlr at tin 
time. I have no peraonal knowlndjte (hat ha 
did that. 

Q. So I hat ia another item that ii not on your 
prrsonal Lnrm-lfdg^t A. Mot on my penonal 
fcnonrLedfpe, na, 

Q. ¥on read toil article, "rjn^fw," did y*o 
notl A. Yea, air. 

The Court: If ay 1 uk him m Maple 
or nutation* to *atiefy my own mindl 
Mr, BrBehhnitien i Tc* 

By the Court: 

q. Jn thia article, "Srnrea," were yon naked 
whether or not you had anything: to do with the 
preparaties of itt A. Tea, air. 

Q. Jflat to make errtaia for Hie record, yon had 

nothing to du witli Hie (irrfmraticin, Tbe frit 
Him you rcml it ia when it appaarrd in the 
"Watch Tonw" of November I5Uif A. Tee, air. 

JJtoaior /. Sitiiivam—Fft Duft^-CraU 

Uy Mr. Bruchliaawn : 

y. Honietiioe after Auguat S, 1939, do you re- 
call a letter or notice thai went out from the or. 
pan illation aaking tlie aona aervunla and iipre- 
peiilnth'eH tn wend in anything thej Jiad on tlie 
}loyle matter I 

Jlr, Corinr^onr That ia repeating 

anoihur n,oe»tioTj that waa objected to be- 
The Court r Objection aoatained, 

Q. Yon read "Knaren," did you nott A. Yae, 

(J. An'T you xubpcribetil to that? A Yea, air. 

y. You nay that the »!a(Mnrn1« made in tliera 
are on your ovnj fcnowled|i^t 

Mr, Cmfinjrton; That ia A^jrurnentatiT*. 

Tlkefourl; Objection auKfriinnl, He had 
MlMrtJ! to do with (be prrpivrjilion of Uwt 

Q. Rut ynu ancepfrd the iilalefTienlfl in then 

without nny inyenutration, i* that riirhi I A. They 
were entinly fieriplHn], hfme<3 on tKripiurea, 

The Conrt ; Yon atrepted them without 
making any independent investigation after 
you read tli* article "Snnrea"! 

The Witnejia: Well, I investigated aa 
far aa tFiey u~ert- Scriptural. 

The Court i The only investigation you 
made ia to find out wha1li«f they were in 
the SetinlB re* 1 

Tb« Witnei*: Yfl*, air. 

Th« t-oort : flth*r»H» you made no in- 
eeetiiraltOB m to facta T 


Thomat J. rfu^itdp*— For T>tftt.—Crau 

Tha Wilaeaa: There waa no iudiridnal 
ruined in lite article. 
The Court: Yoa knew who it referred 


The Witntaa: Not trtccwarily. It 
warn 'I limited to any on*. 

Q. fu there anybody elae that you aoald think 
of lliat "ctnares" referred to other Lhaa Mr, 
IfcyieT A. Vi:\, yrn. t)f rjmrie, lha artida «rr- 
ered a great raany illnatrajtioni. 

The Court ; That portion of the artid* 
tb»t referred to what yon are gaing to 
bear now, 

Q. Irfi me mk you thia. Thia may ref mb your 
rreolleetjon in "Sum": "One who fjiila or ie> 
fuaei to look mtll to and defend the inteTeati of 

a Oirixliitn nn<l ilMa no in order that he nti|rbt 
appear aa a good fellow in the aye* of Otbar mm 
ia. therctora the enemy nf Chriat," TNd yon have 
nny rtoch! in your mind aa to who that nfcrrvrt 
to! A, Jt could refer la two at leant thai I know 

The Court ; Who ara theft 

The Witneaa : Our attorney at MagdV 
bora;, Germany, daring the lime that the 
Nana went then. 

The Court: What in hii ruinrt 

The Witnesa: I doa'l racall hit name. 
Hat at the time— 

The Court: Ton wen only aekod iheir, And the ulhcr OD«f 

The Wilnaaa: ft eeoM apply to Mr. 


TXonat J. Suiiiveit—For Dtftt. — Crett 

Q. Wnat wna Hie year thai thia German epiaoda 
oc-urredT A. f n the early thirties, filon'ttnow 
juat wjiat year it took place actually. 

Tlw Court; Yon mean the eeirly Ibirtinl, 
ao they might wnil nine yean 1o put it inlo 
fire "Watch Tower"f 

The W'tneaa: Aa an illustration. 

A, I would flka lo any tluit I don't think lb* 
"Wataa Tower" i« writtra rraardiajr, unj iodi- 
viddai lhat Ihe article, "Snarea"— 

The Cnnrt; Yoa will plena* make no 
alatement, and jnat ih«*rr i|nrc|ioni, 

0. I*t me o«k too 1hi*; neferring further to 
"Snarea," — "If a man elaima to be eonaeorated 
to ilod and ia a lawyer and appear* in court a* 
roundel for anullier fontavraled ]rnon n:i:5 Ihi-B 
conduct* liinweif in the rjinr no ttio] ib nurvi a 
manner that lit mjt;bt rcecivr tho approva.1 of 
other men in the. court aoch lawj-er ia a man- 
.ilraaer," A, A a an abstract fort, lhat ia true, 

Q, Thia artir-le "Snance" did not appear until 
mnnlha after the "Information" article* where 
ynu eat before Ihe Hoard of Di reel on, 

M r. L'orinfrton : He aaya montha. It la 

the next month. 

Tlio Coort; Amend the qucaiion, 

Mr, Hrnrhliauaeh: I am talking about 
I lie dale of iti appearance, on NoTenaber 
10. im 

T lip fjani ; : S* pleanber 2lat ia the data 
that the " Information" article apneara, 

Mr. CVrinr^onr It ia tho date of trie 




Tkoma* J. cJidKpa»-p>r Dtfl*,—Cro*t 

signing, ud October ii th* datt of pub- 
Tim Court: Huppo** yon refnua* your 

II r, Brachhansen : t will withdraw it 

Q, frlor to November 1& 1939. had jwn h**nl 
ahr.ut (he article, , '&n»rr*"T A, Not 

Q. And it fir*t came 10 J&nr attention >*** 
jon Ttad il id in* magarioef A. Ye*, tit'. 

Q. Friar tt November 1J, IV\ did you hear 
anything about a trial in the UagirtrsV* 
Coorlt A. Will yoc specify juit what y«i 

Til Codrt: R*B*TdJnr tbt UldisOB 
Square Garden in#4d*at 

Tbt vVitne**: Yea, fir. 

Tbt Court: A* a matter ef frtt, yon 
w»r* k wJEotu or were yon thtrt on am* 
oecaiionT T<m 10 ■tated un 

Tb* Witness: I wm il Uu polio* 
court when the— 

TJir Court: Tom wera than •> «* 
■W M JMf 

Th* TSfJtnnt: Y*a, iir. 

Th* Court; Yon- no stated. 

Q. Ton mean yon didn't know that Mr. Uoyl* 
»h Jin attorney in that Court and on (hat ca**T 
A. May I ask the Judge a enestSM, J am iap> 
pewd to iiy what I actually big*, 

Tht Court; That ii all yon an «n> 
po«ed to lay. 
Tbt Witnest: I didn't know, 

JJWaui J. oTvUiixw- for DtfU. — Crou 

Q. Too wan a member of Ui» Board of 
Director* is th* month of Janet And July p 
IB39J A. fa*. 

Tib* Conrt: He **y* he didn't know 

whrthrr Mtivtt Wat Ihr btT^tr tir a fit 
Th* Wi turns: T didn't know— I know 

b* wm in th* wnjrtrtmra, 
Th* Court: Ton know Vie w*s lhaiw 

bot yon. don't know whether he wae r»p- 

nsenting the defendant T 
Th* Witneat: 1 didn't 

Q. Did yon know that Mr. Ifoyl* wa* tba 
lawyer for tht Society T A. Yei, air. 

Q. And. yon knew that h* tu^*m. , i*d all th* 
***** that the Society wm intens*.t*d iol A- I 
didn't know that 

Q. Didn't yon discus* these matter* before 
tilt Board of Director* T A. Mr. Moyle wni 
atkad before th* Board of Director* regardine; 
Lhit particular nuir, why he was *o iribm*!* 
with Mr. McDonald, and bt offered no objec- 
tion and dirlo't ditty it 

Q. So yon knew that mi Attftttft R, 1939, that 
n* waa aaktd that qnpnimnT A. Yn. 

Q, AhhI il ih shout Mr. Unyl* being in the 
liagiitratea Court' A, Y"v air. 

Q. So then when yon read thi* article 
"Snares" on November 15, 19,1ft, "If a to*.* 
eUinn to b* oonaeersted to God and i* a lawyer 
and appear* 1* eonrt aa eonn**l for another 
conMcntvd pewa tad then conducts himself 
in th* can* en ItUI in audi a manner that he 
Plight recetra Ih* ipfiraval of other men in Ih* 
aoort anch 1awy*r t* a ■un.nleaaer ) " did yoc 

r*oma* J. jTui f i tw F*r Dtftoj—Aeiinct 

than hart any doubt that jt wa*. Ur. Uoyt* and 
it r*fcrr*d t* tha llagutnu* Court protMd- 
in([T A. I imderalood that It wold apply t* 

The Ccurt: Could it apply Lo anyhudy 
The Witntaa: 1 don't knuw, 

Q, Had anythinn oWnrnd between Anjnjt s\ 
1939, and the time that yon read thi* article 
about any difficulty with the lawyer in court 
other than Itfr. Itoylt it the Ifafjalralaa Court t 

A. Had anylhint; traarrtd T 

Th* Conrt: Any matter been brontht 
to tht attention of th* Board af Dit^t- 

TJinWilnrr*: No. 

The Conrt: Thi* waa the only matlerf 

The *.'i1n<™-. Ve*, »ir. 

The Court: Tet yon don't know 
whether or not thi* referred in Iir. 

The W itnewi : I aaid that I V*uV*4 at 
couLii b* tnrludcrl in that. 

The Conrt: Anyhody el*e be included 1 

The l*'i:u««ij Th* attorn*/ at Ifatda- 
hnrg, ji'n, air. 

Tbt Ciwrt; Sun thina: aa thiaf 

The Witnesir To a great eitent 

The Conrt: Abont beiajr a maa- 

Th* Witntai: Tai, air. 

Q Tfe* term, "aril Himi ' ' ud " Jadaa" la 

T%omoM J. Jv4li««>— F#r DtfU.—Rtetut* 

tued in tht article entitled ' 'Taforme.tion ; " can 
■jov. Vt\\ tht jury liow Ur. Ifoyte acted th* part 

of a Jndiul A, Tho artirlt pointed oat that 
Judas hetrayod the Lard. IT* was in cooflden. 
liaj nlationahin with Him, lie helrmird tht 
Lord *>d waa inatrnmental in enspinjr III* 
enemin 10 til timidly take edvantajre of "Him, 
In a »imil*r manner ITr. Moyli apnarenlly •err- 
in*; in a eonftdenlkl relalinnqlliip with !he So- 
ciety aa the altnmcy rtlini|iii*ii&l (hat. left the 
entire hmlter trilhoul proper enn*iderntinn h snd 
Undins lo rnnv« tway r and rfimjvjnjr him*elf 
from that poult Ion, and prnvidixl fat«e clale- 
menta rc^BrJinp rvrnla that tooV ptace it 
Bathoi, and rrnnrdin^ lha Prenident of thn 
Watoh Tower 1*iri]*> t Tract Society, and made 
tltem arailable tn olher pcraonn that liiey in 
tore miKht nae (rirm *■* (hey u* fit amin*! Ihc 
orjraniialion. There w B » 4 *intiiarit>' between 
lha sonne of Jndai and that of Ifr. Moyle, 

Th* Court 1 A* far an yon feaow every 

on* that flat a enpy of thi* (rtter waa a 
memh«r of Jehovah's Wlhimmt 

Tho Tt'itiw**: fir. fsr R* 1 inr.* 1 . yen. 

The C*nrt: And ynnr aTtrrlB nf S*n- 

iemher 1 "l *n* inmed, &r y "n "a }% trt J.^h^- 
vari'n Vh'itnrtsc*, end pecple of u<mil w ill* 
principally t 

The Wilnrtm; ¥«, air, 
Ur. Coriu^ion: That i* all 

JttentM tmmiMttam b r Ur. BrwHmvtm; 

q. To» -ay that lb* writing or thin letter con- 
st tal*d in jtior tniad itt. Uoylt a Judu t 


Thonoj J. Bi&bam—Ftr Ptft t .—Rarou 

Th* Court: 

Th* 1*U*r of July 21 »t lo 

A. Ko, air, 

Q. Do you mean to tell thi* Conrt and jury 
that by writing a* he did a private letter and 
havini; it ddliv* red lo 11 r. It inherf ^rd that -that 

nude him * JeiIa* in yonr opthioal A. No, air, 
Q. WcH, it what loomicnt in jonr mind did b* 
•begin to iwcoart* * Jndiul A. At no tint*. 

Tin Court' Yog Eneen h« waa oa* all 
the (imeT 

The Witne**: Nq. I Mmp^y *t*te that 
there was *imilarily between lha eo*rl* — 

The Conrt: You don't u; I* ii t 
Judaa. Yon say Lher* it a tiuuUril? W- 
tween hit cobth of action and th* action*. 
of Judaa ai deacrihed in the 6criptort*1 

Th* Witneu: Yaa, air. 

Q. Don't yon call turn a Judaa 1 A. No, iir, 

4 Yon aay yon don't c*dl him a. Judaa) A> 
No, air, 

Q. Do yon racaU yoor artiri*, "Inf*raaatin"t 
A. T**, *ift 

Q. And yotl recall Ihia: "i'or four year* 
May I* wns «ntm*Ied with th* confidential maU 
lcr» nf ll it Spc.irLj *nd tilta witlioal exena* h* 
aaaaolt* and malign* (how who trmted him. 
Judaa waa entruated by Christ Jeaui with aoofl- 
dential matter* and Jndaa {proved hia unfaithful' 
ae*i by fnmianina: to th* ancnty th»t which they 
oould o*e and did na* against tb* Lard." Do 
yon want n* to believ* mat that do** not auntf* 
Ur, Hojk with bung a Jadaaf A. That aay* 


T1«**bj J. SnHivsm—Ftif D^it,—Riefott 

that them wa* a ahniUrity botu«tn Iht conrt* 
Judaa followed and that followed by Ur. Mfcyl*. 
Q. And do yon want u* to believe that il i* not 
a ehaift of baieg a Judaa agaunat Ur. Moyle T 

Ifr. Covington : Thi* k getting into tb* 
realm of argument 

Tli* Conrt 1 1 think to. Objection ana- 
lain ed, 

Q, Yon say thai he waa not a Judaa at tht lima 
that he delivered thia letter privately to Ur. 

Th* Conrt: II* sajr- he wa* not a 
Judas at any time. Ha aaid hia action* 
wti-e aunilar to those ascribed by (he 
tferiplurea to Judas, la that ooTreclT 

Tht Witnesa: Ye*, iir. 

Q, At the time tho letter waa delivered 
privately lo Ur. llulherforil at that moment wa* 
h* ia a similar rtlalionifaip a* Juda* wast 

Ur. Covington; Thia is repetition* and 

Tilt tyiuiti C-hjection lutained. 

Q. Well, at what point in your mini] did (hi* 
hacfiaH) tli* kind of * litnation thai yon referred 
I* in ''lKLromiation"t 

Ur. Co-Hngttfni I think thit is tht aam* 

Th* Court: I (hink w* hav* bean all 
pvu (hia. einstaiawd. W* will now tai* 
*n sdjuuramant I'le*** do not diacnaa 
Ihs iws*. 

( Waarenpon, an adjoanrntant waa takan 
until I o'diwk p. as.} 



CUrle* J- W£*t— For TttfU.—Diftt 

AiiDi«n Suno*'. 3 P. If. 

Tiiit. SBrauu 
Mr. CoTrogton; Wr. Wm. 

CHARLES A, TYI5E, reaiding it 1*1 Colum- 
bia Height*, Brooklyn, N?* York, tailfd u * 
wilne** en behalf of the Defendant*, buying btea 
fiiit duly iworn, tntiflMl a* follawa: 

Direct rjnmiiHiiioji by Ifr. Cot'sapfe* : 

Q. You arc in of J*ho*ph T a Witnaaaea, ui 
j 'in null A I un; ye*, *ir, 

Q, Haw long hiTB yon been an ordained 
miniltof of tJi* Witch Tow*t BiW* and Traat 
Svieljrl A. Filly-two yearn 

Q. What niDnnetion, if any, bwrt job had with 
Ihe IV eic.h Tnwi'f Bihla and Tract Society T A. 
I Bin * mini»t«r. 

{J. You an * jTirmoer af tha Uelhel Family, 
art you nolT A, Ye*, lir, 

(}. You alao hare own liwi-ng there I A. Tit 

Q. Bow longl A Sinrr LULU. 

Q, Dp yog know, w did yon law*, during hia 
lifetime, Jinwjih F. Rutherford T A Y ra- 
ti.. When did you firet become v<|u*inl*d villi 
Joseph F. Rutherford! A 1311. 

q. And where »u lhat, pleas*! A At 131 
Columbia Heights. 

Q. I>u you know tht plaintiff, Qlia R Uoylal 
A Tei, lir 

Q. How long bcv« Ton known hiuif A, iJar- 
big tht four ya*ra that ha recidad thcr*. 

Q. Ur. Moyl* hi At Bathal from 1S35 to UBS; 
it (i*t C««slT A. Yaa, *ir- 

Ckitiu A. IF***— /*or frrftr.— Direct 

(J. T)prin|f tha yean, that you have been 
acquainted with Judge Hnlhtrford, did you hare 
an opportunity 10 (hear** hia character and 
dnnommr Inward* tlm brethren In ISelhelf A 

Y«, rfh 

tj I tare v«in *v*r awn tiiiih ilurlax Hi In ltm« r 
lifi-nlihi al Ui« IlKilivl IrI>I«1 4. V*', *lf. 

(J. And durihri tlie»* yi'*n Iir^r yau liid an 
ii|.|kiH unity to deal with Judg* Ituth* ?' tin] jwr- 
HKiajlyt A. llaiiy time*. 

Q, With matter* lhat had bear ent.-QEted to 
yuul A Yea, air. 

Q, And in wbieh both of yu*. bad a Dtutusl 
inlemU A, Tt^ air. 

(j. Would you pleaac tall iha jury wliethtr or 
not yon had ***r heaid Judge Rutherford 
Hvanely Iwihant and trtliciaa and trim any m«m- 
ber of the licliiH famiSyf A. No, air. 

Q. IIbti yd« *r*a him til* tfc« attitude of a 
boxtt A, Nn, air. 

Q, Durinjf ihe lime tliat yon hawboci a roeift- 
Ihii' of Hie Bethel family, hare you n?tjm] dla- 
eriininalmn dcIwhr Jod^* Rutlierfonl and hla 
hrelltnnt A. Ha, air, 

H> Did you read (Ha parajtrapli of (hii latter 
of Mr. 01 in li M»ylt addn-iiud (t Jndg.j jtulher- 
fard, relating to ii* RBbject nulEer of ramijt! 
A Yea, air. 

Q. Oi the riueitioa of diM-rimination et tnkr- 
tUgtt A Y« h afr. 

Q. Yao an married, *feo"- yoi*t A. Ym, »ir. 

<|, Yen *er* a member of the Belhal family 
*lxm yoo ffl! jaaniedj weren't yon I A Yea, 

Q- Did JuiIrr Ratherford pennit you to brio? 

Cltaritt A. Wi**—f"rr DcfU<— Direct 

your wife in under the iturr of too Kou«T A 
11b aiked ma lo bring bar tlian. 

Q. During tha liaie that >gn ba™ bwm fa 
Beiiiel and have tjiU'n at Lh. labia, bava yoa 
ever board any illtby *inl vulgar talk naad at tin 
lahM A, Nl^lf, 

y, Hm\Mf nli(H*» jjajpTH^i] irNUndf A, N*V 

Q, la it • fnct Eliat ]h|HOr ii KlorlfleO, and tint 
u«i of it ia glitrJUed, at Uio tabkl A Kn. iir. 

Q. Wkan did ;ou Tirat •« tbli tttttr t T Olin 
R Uoylr dated July 21, lM«r A, At tl*» Wit- 
ina uf tbe Boiaid of Director*. 

The Court; On Aupat Stbf 

Tbe Wilneia; Aoguat Stb. 

TW Onrt: Yon dtdn't at* it; it wmj 
Ttad to you. liner* I 

Tlu> Witnaaa: Yea. II waa mad: to mi 

Q You hoard it raad lo yon; ii thai rlfbt-f 
A Y ¥ a 

tj. When you heard tlut ktter read, what waa 
your reaction and corocJoiion M to the 4™i«n|a 
thervofT A, Th« aopteat* war* untrue, filur, 

(j. Dw yuu Ull Iha jury tfiat avary paragraph, 
outaida af tiie fimt paragraph, ia faiaa aod 
uuLrus I A. Ysi, ur. 

Q. Yan attended the meating. Can yoa teQ n» 
wliitt, if anything, you anid on that OKWtiouf A 
I iijidv a itatameat after Uaa resolution wb» 
bruu^Ut tln?rt 

Q. It ft* during lhat procesa, either before 
or after! You dan 'I bava lo ha exact. 

lir. Bruehliaoiea : H» JH*t laid after. 


Char*** /, Wia—Ftr t)cftn— Direct 

\ think th« witneta ahonld be permitlnd 
to teatiff. 

Tha C™rt: Was Moyl* tbtraT 

Tit* Witneu i Yea, air. 

Q, lti?jtirdleaji of lb* tima, wbat waa it lhat 
yijii aaid, if you remtmli*rT A. Thai 1 agreed 
iit-Rrtily ta Ibe reaelulion •« it had lent read. 

Q. Ih-f.Tr that, and during th* tinw lha> Mr. 
1WI* waa there, did you mRl» any nnminrnla 
with referenai t* the tmtbftil re™ of the iLatt- 
menu eontaineci ia th* ktl*rT 

Tha Conrt ; He ia talking about JJnyla '» 

<J. VpyWn letter. 

The Cotirf: He ia talking: abort 
UoyJa'a Irttar la HatherfonL 

If. Did yon mah* the jiatrotMit, with the 
ollttra, Hiat tli* watsuU HWi fal»e I A We all 
did that, 

Ci. All right. You Totod fo? the niinlulien; ii 
lhat riahlf A Yea. 

g. And inilirat*! your appiwaJ 1 A. Ye*, irlr 

y, Ynn heard th* remark* made by Jwlgt. 
tluthrrfufl, did yen nntt A. Yet, air, 

(j. Yr,u beard the rrrnark* nude by iTr. Heath, 
fiiil y<rn n'jtf A Y(». 

Q. Y»u lieard ihe rrmarki mad* by air. Heath 
«n that Mxuj'mf A- Ye*, air. 

if. Wai lir. Muyle Ibernl A Yt*, air. 

tj r AfH-r Annual N, 1SJ3S. did yoo h**e ™sew- 
iwo t» i'KB an arliH* *a.tjtled " lai onnatiou " f 
A. Afur lh* Aruwl* 


ChvitM A. WUe—Ptf IHfUi—nittei 

Th* Court: 0> ftoptambtr Stat. Wia 

Tha Witneai! Na r *ir. 

■Q. Watl, n*W, did yo» attend th* pMetlai of 
IJapiambAr Elitf A No, iir. 

Q. Whta and whure waa it, wilb rrferrara to 
that meeting, that y<m *ijm«d Ihe artida entitled 
"Inf(jrtTtatiw) ,, t A. [ tbiaa it w*a aheot aad air 
Iwo day* after th* moating. 

By the Court ; 

Q. You didn't attend tha ueetingl A Not 
y. AVh& ihowed it lo Joot A. Judga Hulh»r- 

ford ihowed it to oh, 
y, iia thowed ii to you *nd yau aigned itf A 

1 read it owr and lh-3 *'&*A '&. 

By Ur. Coriajf[ton: 

Q. Upon reading tht artid*eitlilled"]>forma- 
tiou"— wan that in Jodgw Bntherford'a office I 
A Ye*, air, 

i). Did you heliere the oonlrnto of lb* artid* 
*' Information" to be true I A [ ortaiolj' ilid. 

Q. Dvl yon beli*T# Ihe eonteint* nralained th*r* 
to *xpr*»* yoor haneat belief wiih rrferrre* lo 
the conduct of Mr. Olio R Mby|*r A Y™, air. 

Q. DiiJ you tijrn thai with malio* In ynor haaif 
towarda Mr. UoyleT A Mo, lir. 

Tha Court : Ualin any/wben aiseT 
Tha "Witneaa: Ne, air. 

Q. Did yon hav* any ill-will ia yanr heart 

agiinei iir. Moyle, or in your oi'pdl A. Ko#*W, 

Q, Did you jugn it for th* purpoaw of adri*inj( 

Cinrie* A. Win— For DrfU^-Dirtet 

your br*|hrafi ■* to what yo* knew ronrrminp; 
tha thing! A. I rralinsd my reanonainiiity. 

Q. And reenonaibtlily in what regardt A. Aa 
a mrmtirr of thi Board of Director*. 

Q, Yob *■»« that Mr. Moyle was widely 
known, did you sol, amonKit JeLovah'* Wit- 
MtaataT A Yej, eir, 

<J. Nuw, Ur. "Yii*, ItBT* you imr been in 
Kingilimi Ftl^nf A. Y*a ( iir. 

Q. Do you recall whftl J'** r , appnoiiuuilelyr 
A Th« iiiiiiiuer of VMi tad [lie atumner of 15^. 

Q, Vt'rra you familiar with Ihe Farm pro^r. 
tit* ahortly aftai Ihey were aoquiredl A. Yea, 

Q. For what purpoa* were you al Ihe Kingdom 
Fann I A. To do repair work that waa acoc*- 
ury and eonilruct a oommnnity houao, 

Q. A cnnirnunity haul* for what purpOaot A. 
For Iha purpoM of hoii*ing th* worker* on Iha 

q. At that tint* thef* were torn* farm Hpumj 
thana, were thrr* Jttfil A TlMBre were four or 

Q, Fanr or frr* at (hat lime 1 A Yen, air. 

q. B*fora th* Mmnreinlly hatue wu* <;an- 
atnietcd, wrra tlutra any of the brsthran teriiding 
on th* r*rmT A. Yr*, air. 

Q. And whore W*i* they reaidtngl A. Ia 
tha** H*e — 

Til* Conrt: Four or five haoitaT 

q, Fonr or five farm hon»ciT A. Yc^ air. 

Q, What anrt rf a buildinjr wre* thie pnnifnunHy 
houw thAl yau lia\e mrntinnttll A. WetS, II in 
a building fat general pnrpo***; a largo dining 




CMriti Jt. ffiit-fir Dcflt.— Direct 

h»b end office tod bedroom and kitchen ow th* 
tLret (liwr. 

Q. Anil no the HHxmd ftoorl A. On Lot amend 
floor thnre are ■crrai bedroom*. 

Q, And did ihat building home lb* eertir* fun 
family or only a portion of iLT A. Aboqt fanr- 

Tha Court: A portion, vu that! 
Tha Witneu: A portion. 

Q. Joal a portion! A. Yr*, lir, 

Q- And Hiihw that did not rcaidc Ultra eon- 
tinunl to tnlih In th* othai farm honaeaf X 

Q What tort of heating equipment wai [ban 
In (lie eentnil farm house or community haneeT 
.'.. H.-.I w-nfi-r 1-pannjr- j{«un hritinr.. 

Q, -S'cmi'T A, Kfeam Iteating. 

Q. Thr turnaro iu ailuated in th* baaemaatt 
A. Y«. 

Tht Court: A central heating lyalrm 
tltat radiated I hmnghout 1 
The Witnwa. Tea, air. 

(J. Did it en tltrDURhnut lb* btHiHl A Yea. 

q. \Va« p«rli ro*<m fqnipiwd wttb eitbrr **»»•* 
or radiuLon f I will auk yuu this r|*e*tion : FT*,** 
you been libera in winter time dnriag any of 
those yean J A. Not In what n consider riaimr. 
I dava been tliore in vary cold weather. 

Q. Have yon been there when, it iu nrraaaanj 
to h»ve beiil T A. Yet, sir. 

Q- Have yon l>epn in tht rooina of the central 
hou«c IrmC >on hate referred to at tinea when it 
wax. aacQiaary to JuvO Jiealt A Yet, air. 

CAi-riu A. Witt— For Dtftt.—Dirt£t 

Q, Vera the room* »I:1T A, Ho, lir. 

tj. Were tbe rvonu healed t A. Pari of them 
had radiator* in. 

CJ- And thote that didn't ha-* radiator* in, 
did they hava atonal A. Wot Ihtr*, no. 

Q. Sat tbanl A Ho, air. 

Th* Court; Where din they cat their 

A. A hall running through Ih« center of tit* 
building. And tlktr* wtix I*ra* radiator* In 

than, sort of * fitting room. 

Tht Court; Tod left *h* door open! 
Tht Witneu: Tea. 

Q. A«d there w*rt no individual atom ta 
tb* room; ia that right T A, Not npttain. 

Q. Hot uptteirat A- No, 

Q. How many radiator* w*™ 1h*r* In Out 
halll A, If I recall right, few, 

Q. Arid did that fbrnith vA«|U*U ho»t|ng 
facilitie* to heat th* op*lnir»' 

Mr, ftruehheuiwn; I object to that, 

Th* Cmirlt Objection Halalnad, 

Q. Hart you bat* In Ik* roomt tlMla daring 
winttr ItmiT 

Mr. Bruchhawn; Ht ba* tlread^ 
taatified that he baafa'L 

Q, Btatd on. your experience, did joo Arid 
Iba roonu upatiirt there to be eoldT A I did 

Tb* Court: Ton h*»* been in una 
of the roomt Ihat hid HO radittor (btrt-T 

Th* WJLnstit Tea, tin I tlrpt ik tbtm. 

Chartti A. Wm—Fitr Dtftt, — PjrccrJ 

Q, Did yon find th* room* b> ba ooldi A No 

Q, Tod an familiar with tha boot* that J, 
F, Ftuttierfunl lind, w*p* yog notl A. -Vea, air 

Q. Now, what boflH »at that; waa it bia bona* 
or did dlbtn mid* in itl A. Other* Tttjdcd 

Q, Did yon «nr mid* in itf X Y**, tip. 

Q. Pleat* fell n* what u>rt of a^nUpntnt Waa 
in that hoiueT Thire waa a forna4t La that 

Q. Did It hatw radiator* n lit A T**. 
Br tb* Court; 

Q. A eeniral heatinjF plant, tht tafaa, prao- 
tifiaily th* aame aa lb* other tdtt A Eioapt 
tbey bnroedi eoal, 

O. Bomtd 00*11 A And tht other oat horned 

Q. The other mi wat aa oil bcrtierf k. Oil 

faj TM * *. 

By Mr. Corinxtan.: 

i). DJd thry hove il»rn In Ibt room* or 
r til Jin lorn In ih« rnoin* oT Ihat hnua*( do jron 
muilit A. No radtalnra in the ronnit. 

Q. Wliat icft Of liealing arrancaraenl iu 
tbure- into tht tonmwl A. Upatain, yon an 
■peaking about; Mrond floor J 

Q Yet. A There w*n none, uospt th* radi- 
ator* in the ii>iLiii(f, 

Th« Court; Tht hent that seme* up 
tbrua^!, i he ftoor; it that what yon want 
to tell sat 

Th* WUaaat: Tt*, tir. 

Mr, BrnchJhaoarn; Hot air. 

CUarltt A. Wite^F&r Dtftt.— Diritt 

Q. Thai *M «. hoi tir bratiof imnpinipt 
thenl A. Y**> air. 

Q. And it cant* in tlirouph the Ttiti in tht 
wall; ii that right? A, Tea, 

Q. What tin roonu w*ra there in that hout; 
do yon rwoliJ A. Aremeje hedronm. 

Q. Did Ihey have, th* aarnt »*rt of eqnipment 
u tht rimrni at Ihr erntral farm hottit; bedtf 
Itf a* lb* ordinary, oiua! eqnipment in all th* 
roorna in the Trari<>n* bouiea oo tb* farmf A 
W«|], if there were two oecopyinjr !b« rOomt, 
then war* two ttrgle bed*; huahand and wife, 

Mr, BroehhtnMn: Which home it tb* 
wibiei* tallring about] 

Th* Coort: 'Which houie are yon talk- 
ing abootl 

Tbe Wit-neat: I am bikini; afeoM ill 
th* hnildinjra, 

Th* Court: They are all the aana. 

Q. Did other neoplt lr* i in the hoot* in whith 
Jbdjre Itutherford had a room located f A. T**, 

The Court r Ha ba* already U*tin*d to 

<J. Ha»* yon (W yonraelf lind in any o* 

th* honaeaT 

Th* Court i He has already aaid he 

Q, DfCi yon Irr- in tha on« Jndgt Rntharford 
oeonpitdl A. Yea, air 

Tha Oonrt: Hi aaid to. 


Cfartet A. Witt— For Drft^-Dircet 

Q. Did anyone da* oonopy lb* room that 
Judge Itotherford occupied 1 

Tb* Court' Wbea b* wasn't tbtmT 

A, That 1 don't know, 

Q Pid yon f-vrr oceopy th* room of Jodg* 
Entherfordl A, Tat, tir 

Q. When waa that; what timet A. All th* 
tim* he wa* not at the firm. 

Q. And aa to others, that ban occupied It, 
yon don't koow; i* that rigbt* X No^ tir. 

Mr, Bmchhauien: He said aa 

Mr. C(ivioy;.na . Tiijit n ri K Sil- I Ikink 
Ibtt il all— oK no. jn»t a momtnt. 

Tb* Conrt: Tht "Sum" arrid*. 

Mr, Covington: Tea, I on Doming to 

Q. Tb* other honte* that »er* on the firm 
before the eenirul honae wu wnairaoted then 
— what nort of heat did they ha** in thenl 
A, Excepting th* one Ihat waa eeeopEKJ by 
Judge Rutherford, |h*ia war* tw» of lb*m had 

Q. T«0 of them had fnTaaneaT A Tea, air. 

By tha Conrt: 

Q. What kind Of furnace* T X W* bamwl 

eoal aiuj TTood. 

Q, Tht m»-t at the one that yon have deurihed 
Ihat Jodjre Rutherford occupied? X Sam*. 

By lir. Cotington; 

0- Did any of them have atorea i«i thaut X 
Tea, air. 


Ctafct it. trite— For Dttit.—Ctan 

Q. And hare yon *rtr -riiitijd it any of th* 
farm honaea, oubiide of th* one that mi oo- 
ropied by th* centra! family or Jndge Ruther- 
ford, in winter timeT 

Mr, Rroehhanien: Hi baa alraady tea- 
liftetl thai he didn't. 
Tb* Court : He ityi no, 

Q- Ton iitrtr h**tt A. No, 

Mr. Covington ; That i* til. 

Th* Court: The "Scar**" article. 

Q. About tha " Snare* " article. Did yoa have 
anything; to do witb tb* wribnajl X So, air. 

By the Conrt: 

Q. The fint time yon aaw it waa when it ap- 
peared in ih* Watch Tower, when yon read tit* 
Watoh Towort X Yet, tip. 

Mr. CflTLQ^'iun: That '* *1L 

Crou esontaaJioa on Ifr. Bndriautrm : 

Q, Yon an one of the defendant! in thi* avo- 
tinn, artn 't you ? X Yea, lir. 

Q. And yon have been a vioe-preiident T A. 
Y«», air. 

Q. Of which corporation t X Of tbe Pennayl- 
waaiai eornpratjoc. 

Q. For ho* toagl X O*** twenty-ona yixn. 

Q. When did ros c***« to b* a viot-pnaidenll 

By th* Court i 

Q. An yon atill OMl X Ho. 

Q. Whan did you itopt X I an tryinf to 




Ckviet A, Wii*—r*r P*/t*— Cm#* 

Q. Y<mr be** recollection. A. t think abonl tm 
ir two end a half year* ago. 

By Mr. Broehls»o**n r 

Q. So yon. www a -rin-pntidcnt of that »T. 
poralioi daring 11*35 to 19391 A. Ttt, air. 

Q. And k that th* time yon now lettify to, 
•boat Tiflitinn the farmT A. Y**, oir, 

(j. You were ij» e. dimeter during th**» 
;un1 A. 1'e*. ut. 

Q. Thit community houi* pu erected in what 
year, thi* community house that you referred 
tol A ] think In 1A3G, it I in not miitkkeu. 

Q. And, prior to that time, there war* how 
many honaeii A Four farm*,— ji* fkTn 

Q. Were tiiay all the esmeT A No, lir. 

Q. They varied in lite ud type*, baill At dif- 
ferent lim**, umi* dld^r than otheral A Yea, 

Q. And Ike roomi vinsi ia »uaT A. 

Q. Different heating njiij patent, ir any. in on* 
■a againtt the other* A Tea. 

Q, Ho ynti know when the hon** that Mt. 
Rutherford occupied wu builtl A No, air. 

Q. Hair large were the ?oom* in that houa! 
A. J J i ant not ml&tiVro,. the bedroom upotaiia— 
(here wire two. and they were about II. iiroliahly 
Ifl feet wiDir*. 

Q. And, do ynq nrall how many badnuua oa 
:jit mennd tliwjrl A. Twit. 

Q. And hew largo vara the bedroom* in the 
ether hoiue*, other than the oonMionity hou**t 
A Ton. maan down on the Slat floor t 

CkQftti A, Witt— For DtttM.—Crea 

Q, Th* oUwr honae*. There wart three or 
four other rniLi*e»t A They run ahon! the name. 

Q. Sotii* of |hem amalkfT A There might 
be a tew. 

Q. And thi* heating plant In that bouaa of 
Sir. Rutherford waa, yon aay r a fnmaoeT A 
Yea, air, 

Q. Waj that a hot air furnace f A. Tra, »if- 

Q. With healer* in all tlie roomtt A Not 

Q. Dntlvti ia the room t A Yea. 

Q. Outlet* op»lain alicT A No. I uiid 
then vara wtntilalora that brought the iwaS 

Q. So th* heat could go throughobl tht hoiMof 
A Yea. 

Q. What time of year did you get Up ther* 
or were yon there from 1935 to 13391 A. Th* 
fir-it of April LnLii th* first of October. 

Q. 8* yoO weren't up there between October 
and April a J any of that* yaartt A Nat or 
than* y**r*> to- 

Q. Tin yon ™rall Imiaf at Bethel in the month* 
of July and Angurt, 1309 1 A I take it far 
(ranted 1 **a Ihim- 

Q. Do yon tt^all whether Judge Hulherford 
waa than al! thai tifneT A 1 couldn't any. 

Q. Iin't it eorrect, Mr. Wiaa, that you ateLtnl 
at on* lira* that you wouldn't i^ntinn* to iiv* 
■t Bethel if ju-j- had nun other ^Jus» to ro! 
A Ha, air. I didn't uy auythins like that 

Q. yon jot to Betliel in what j^rt A. 1919. 

Q. Had V(q 'nailed Bethel during 1517 and 
19181 A. 191S 1 did. 

Q, 'Wlien, In L6L6I Yon aay you (ot thora 
what yaarf 

CharitM A. Witt— Far DefU.—CwtMA 

The Conrtf Ha aaid mm J*J wiaitad 
there in 13 ia. 

By tUCowt; 

(J. Tao't that rijhlT Ton jaJd ywj did yiaU 
Bethel in 191BT Ilia mistaken M VP tb*t 
data, It waa 1F1& 

Th* Court: 1°IG, ha w*nt thara. 

Bj Mi. Brochhauian: 

Q. That you Tiuted Belhelf A Tea. 

Q. Ami yon went to Bethel fur your perma- 
nent home in what year! A Pa-ilonf 

Q. What year did you talca up penaaotnt rad- 
danne in Betlialt A. 1919. 

Q. Bid yon Tiiit Bi'tliel ffeq iratly between 
1910 an4 131 St A. Svwtai i\mn; yea, air. 

Q. Fat-tinqJnrly, did you go there in Lte year 
19181 A Very little daring the aimmer of 191&. 

(Tim Court 1 . Bid yon f* there al alii 
The Wilneaa: I w*j Un« in Ike Spring. 
Tht Court; Or 191ft 
The Wilneai; Yea. 

Q And waa that after Mr. Kutherfond had 
aapurnerl oAlce jii prssrdentf A Yea, air. 

Q. Did you know llr. ECoatina and ihe three 
other dineetoT* whs left in that yeart A I knew 

Q. Do yoo know the eirennuta.ieea of their 
l*avi]ij;1 A Joet what 1 waa told. 

Q. They weTe, vmre Otty not reaidtbl* of 
Bethel up to that time, up te 191FU A. 1 pn- 

1111.1! B(l. 


Charlu A, Witt— For •fe/la.— Crotf 

<), During th* aomnMr of 1HB tl»y no loEEer 
remained there 1 A. 1 ainldn/t 1*IL 

Th* Court: They weren't there when 

you got (hrrfl in iSlfli 

The Wltawaa: No. 

Q. Did yun know n man by the nana of J*. G. 
?JammT A, Not ¥*ry well, 

Q, Did you h«o« what position he otcnpiedt 
A. No, air. 

Q. Do you know whether ha waa audilort A. 
$ don't know, 

(J. Did you ever nee a letter thai he wrote In 
AdRiial. 19171 A No, sir, 

Q. IfaTV yon ever aeen tl-p» nuipii.inea or 
paper* entitled " Light after Darkneu M 1 

Mr. Corinjrlnii: I dot,'; nee thn mata- 
riulity of that 
The Court: So Tar T don't know, but 

I am point; to permit it 

Mr, Brorhhannen : 1 am not going very 
far on thin. 

Q. Hat* you ever aeen theml A 1 don't re- 

Q, Wrrr- y nn a nharrholder dorinf thoae yearn, 
1U17 to 1 9| 81 A. Yen, air. 

Q, Wlia.1 waa ynnr (ictttpalion hefor* yon took 
up rexidenee in Bethel 1 A. la my *arly life I 

waa a contractor in hiiiLdioR; arid later on t 
npent half my time in th* iot*neat* of Ihin work. 

1 rmTeling lhjou|rhoul nriout part* of th* conn. 


<J, Did yen do work fox the Watch Toweli A 
Tea. *ir. 

C.W. r « A. Wit*— Ftt Dtft4r-Cr<su 

Q, Thnt in, LoildLiie work I A Yetv air. 

Q, In different part* of lb* country* A Yea, 

Q. And yoa were paid yonr trmvaliaf *i- 
penieat A Yea, »Lr. 

(J. Were you on any eotsaeaaalH* 1 A. Yea, 

Q. Ten dollar* m. mosthl A Yea, aix. 

Q. Do you viiit *od naT* yon niited fitatan 
IalaadT A. Yea, itr. 

Q, Stayed than ever lh* wnek-end>t A Uaay 

Q. You kTiew that Ur, Rutherford *paat w*ck- 
endi tlierel A, Yea, 

C. Very conunon for him to lea** Bethel oi 
a ThuTBday and ilay over th* week-end al titateu. 
lilandr A Yea. 

t|. There weren't Tery many fmna Bethel that 
did vLii; States Icland Chat w*y, waiw ihefef 
A. At different time* there war* quit* i food 

Q. IVera ther* any o-ther* other than th* offi- 
cer* or director! who went o**T there! A. Ye*. 
1 >nrinjr tim eonatrnetion work J had a* many aa 
Ml and 7S for a week-end. 

Q. Wet* there any of the nember* of Bethel 
who went over ther* for week-cad* 1 A Yea, 

Q. Who were they! A Member* of th* 

Q. Can yon name any one who went orer 
there for a weekend 1 A No. 

Q. Ton *at in on tht* meeting of Augoal Sth. 
del yno not; yoc "™U that, Aogmt S, 1939t 
A. Ya*. 


y. TliLi diroetore' meeting* A. Yea, 

(J. By th* WLy, how iong befot * that had yon 
attended ft dinetort' mettjngT A How loaf 
tatara Ihatl 

Q. Before Ajpi.l 8. 1939T A- I hav* been 
aitending ilinclor*' ineetinri tiittx 1919, 

Q. And how long before Atif,-"*! 8lh liad yon 
■ttfrhled a niettin^l A I conJdnt recall. 

Q. And did you *ay whellier or nol you recall 
Ur. Bnthtrferdi \ting ia town it July and Au- 
gu*t, 193UT 

The C^ort- He ha* el reedy a-i-1 inat 
he dido'L rfjimstit^r, 

Mr, Bin?3ih»fl**a -' I didnt recall that. 

The C-"arl. J.n't thai «i Mr- Wi^f 
You *aid you didn'l r*m*tiihtr1 

Th* Witueaa: That ie right 

Q. Wa* there Hune mention — and correct me 
if I am nuitaVen on tl's* — al that meeting of 
Aitf^iul flllk, prior to going down to the dining 
rpnin, about llr, Rutlierford Trading the letter 
tft llw ]»m»b*r* of th* Painiljf A t don't T»- 
mtl tl>nt 

Q. Well, did yon know, before going to the 
nUmllng on th* morning q( Acguat 6th, what 
it waa alioutt A No, atr. 

Q, Mr, liotlwrford had Mi told yon what it 
w*j about! A No, air. 

Q. So yon learned for the ttret time, when 
yon got to the meeting, what it waa ahontl 
A Yon, air. 

}. And when, did you Ant learn on that day 
that that letter w*J to b* read to the Bethel 

1 049 

CAflr-iV." A, Wkc^Fat lirftr^-CtOMii 
f unity t A. WIhhi I wml down Id th* dining 

Br tin Court: 

Q. Tpicrc wo* no talk nhout that at Dm direc- 
tor*' lntrtinpT A. Net tl-lS 1 recall, 
Q, Not that you heard! A. Not that I beard. 

By Mr,.Brac hh * Ql *D: 

Q. \ft. Witt, would this refresh four recol- 
3« ion; Tint >e*t hefoi* going down in the 
dining m™ n * □.gBcatioa. w*» mad* about read- 
ing til* letter and you staled that it would be 
btttsr not to rad it betaae* (be menjb*rw injgbt 
w: Lo to other people! A. 1 did not 

Q, Po >>>4 recall everything that in said 
at tint mcptiiifft A No, air. 

Ttn Cfrurt: Too **y definitely you 
didn't uj thai, though 1 

Tb» Witness: I HO BUMt poaitiw* of 

Q, TV™ vu a (treat deal of eooTersstiou 
there during tb* «9m of two hourat A. Yea. 
Q. And you don't recoil, afltt tin lip** of 

three or four yean, everything t5-»t woe diia* 
mid said *t that meeting T A. No, air, 

Q. And then, afterwards, the next thing lhii 
happened that jott knew about in ewneetiPD 

with this matter wo* tlie meetjoa; of September 
21 «r it «ai brought to your attention; yen 
didn't rn.ttr.nA the meeting of September !tit? 
A. I didn't al'.end til* meeting. 

By the Court: 

<J r The nut Hung yo* anew cf|*r August 

Ciarre* A. tTi**— for lif.fif.—Crost 

lot, after th* Mle-r was read at luncheon or 

dinner, a* yoo call it, was r/lien air. Rutherford 
showed you the article "Information" in his 
office! A. Tea. 

Q. Ta that the next thing yon knewf A. Tba 
aeit thing I knew. 

By Mr. Brochhausex : 

Q. Whs brought the article " bformatod " 
to yum! 

The Court; lis oaid Mr, Rutherford 
•Bowed it to him in his office, la that 

The Witness; Yta, *if. 

Q. fla yaq r«4*JI the CciQtantt of it) A, Qnjtt 
welL I think. 

Q, When did yon lut eee the article, Mr, 
Wisel A 1 think probably a coiapta of days ago. 

Q. And whertt A. In my own roam, 

Q who gatft it lo yoo! A. I ban [t fa my 
peeka 1 . 

Q. Where was it, in ■ mageiina or some- 
thing! A. Yea, air, 

Q. Ton are aora you hadn't aeon It befor* 
that, eiiwc H* 1939 nuttugrt 

Tba Court: He didn't any that ha 
hado't aeeo it, 

Mr. Broehhunsen : Or hadn't read it. 

The Court; Yon havfVl a.ikcal biiti 
thaL He said the laet tima be read it 
wa* t couple of daya agio, 

B7 lh* Court: 

Q. San you read it ainoe- StpttmbcT of 1939 

C*«Wf* A, Wi*t~- Par Urfit.— Criui 

■when it waa ibowu to ynn by atx. Rutherford t 
Haie you read it unral bmea ainoat A. I h»Te 
read it Ibret or Four lintoa, yea, 

By Mr, Bruchtvauoen : 

Q. Daring the awne of tba prtparatioe, for 
trial o[ Lhii eaael A. And ewen before. 

Q. YVaa anybody preaent with you wlH* yon 
diacnfl&ed the article 1 A. Jndga Bnthartonj, 
yoa meant 

Q. I mcin, when you read orar thi* arttd* 
recently; 1 

Tba Ctrart; A wapla of day* ago, 

A, U7 wife might iuva been in the room, I 
doii't know. 
(J. Did yoa *T*r talk ta Mr. CoriQfbn, aaoot 

it! A, About til* arLidiiT 

Q. Yoa. A Hot rBpeoially, ao. 

Q, Well, yen talked ta him, did yen notl A. 
Yei, air. 

Q. And did yon have a eonferenoe with aonu 
of the other director* and Mr. Covington t A. J 
taJkbi] with Mr. Coviiigton. 

Q. AlaneT A. Yc*, air. 

Q. And all of the directors, defoadaaU, loVa 
right in Bethel, do they not! A. Yea, air. 

y. Will you aay that at so tune during the 
laet two or three mouthe have you gathered 
together with anybody among thou dLreetora 
and diecmeed the taatinttosy ia thia caaaf A. Wa 
KavM n..:L 

Q. Have you Uilknl In any or tit other djreo- 
tnm uhnot ilt A. Naturally I fould, bttt wry 
little, thoogh. 

Chattel A, Wit*— for Deftt^Croit 

Q. Haw* yon dJ -a? a *M d tl« teatimony that 
miajfit b* wiked «f y*0 ia thit **-*! A- N«, if 

<j. Not m thingl A. Not with the other dine 
tors, no, *ir- 

Tba Court: With wliomT Let ua har* 

A. I talked with the attorney. Mr. Corbijton, 

Q. But not in the presence of the other direc- 
tor*! A. ita. 

Q. Yon recall this artifle "Infnrmotinn." 
akhul callinjr or dd-ijrnating Mr. M'^k s? a 
murrnureri do yf)n r«alt th*tT A. Y*-«. *ir, 

Q. That **prc*sinn h«>* hctn tj«»^l !>>' Jlr, 
Itntlterfiml l*fure, ha«n h t ill A. f iirr-jiume en-. 

Q. Ifav*n*t yoo *t*p it is th* Wtich Tiiwerf 
A. 1 would think kj, jp, 

Q. And that 1* ant tiprtwi'Mi that ipTvan 
now and then in the Wetrh T-t*-*r in ■miiiinent- 
ing no a^tivitieJ* nf nih-r iK^\\\}c t ^n^jin't itl A, 
I don*t knnw an it i» ia epmnwnting on ol]»r 
n>ofhle r It ia preaented there with a view nl 
muliinir a nftlnt. 

q. l»nH thai an e«fitr**i«vn thai ia n«ml and 
baa >p*en ujwd hy the Watrh Tower and ilr. 
Riitherford tc riTirrtng tc lhw»* who are not 
in aaM^ment With the Watch Towrr nolicieal 
A, N«l piKxKumlj so, no, 

Q, T* a lannsLt; one who makea any <a>nv 
plaint directly: ia that a murmnrttr, a man who 
maces complaint* directly to the Watrh Towart 

The Coort; Why don't yon ask him 
what be hem***. », njunnurei it, 

ilr. Bruehh»4**a' I withdraw the quae- 

r,tariVi A. B'ua— Ft? DtfUr-Crtto 

Q. What is yoar conception of a muriOQrert 
A. A imiramrer ia one who aaaunei a poaitiou 
thot ht should not do and then trie* lo correct 
or preiaut — 

Q. Who in the Walch Tower d±tennine* 
wlietlier til* po*Llion assumed is one that it 
propor or improper f A Who in tb* Watch 
Tower t 

>'J. Who ia the Watch Tower had that respon- 
■ilulity of determining wliether or not it was 
jin.jjcr or im]j,--,isLj-t A. I prsiLUn* t!i* one 
who wrote t]» article. 

Q, Yon mean Ilr, Hnlherfordf A. Yea, iir, 

Mr, Coringtoa: What articl* an* yoa 
referring tof 

Ilr. Bruchhansenr The articl* "fnfor^ 

By the Court; 

Q. I think you were clear abont that, weren't 
yon J A, Ye*, air. 

By Iff, Brndihaaaen: 

Q. You understand that what I am anking 
yon is wl-u in the Watch TWer nr^nniiiHiifm 
at that time of 193!) would determine who were 
irtiiriiibrfrr* btiJ who w^ro i"vt Hiunnnre»T A. 
T think Mr. Bnthrrford would do IhaL 

Q. lin he would <kddr that point, would bt 
nntT A. Ye«, sir. 

Q, In olrier wmrds, he had ths full authority 
tn pass on anything along that linet A. T think 

Q. f5o that if Mr, Rutherford dacidtd that 


Clulrlee J. WU*— For Dtfl*,—Ctm 

smnoone wan a murrnnrer, that woold he en*o(|h 
fur youl A Ko, air. 
(J. Well, yon are- in harmony with, or were at 

that time, urifh th* pollem Ir'f the Watch TuWer | 
Were yuu notT A. Ye*, iir. 

Q. Anil Jtjil hail not (Iziuienini fr'iin tlni ar- 
ticle, h*rl yoaT A. I cmt.'i hctr you. 

Q. Yon harln '1 reined any diuMjil tu Ihic arti- 
cle after it wu euhniltted lc ;,nuT A. I read it 
orer earefolly and agreed io tb» article. 

Th* Court: When yon agreed to it, yon 
ajgnal Ut 

The WLrnen: Ye*, air, 

Q, You didn't write the article T A. Ko, air, 
Q. But you aubaeribed lo the jywilion that this 
w*e Qtxl'm Orgauiiation en h]arth1 A, Yet 

Q. And thai Mr. RuDiiTftinl **■ the leader 

or the «err*nt— ie that the tcrtrt that yon U»*h1— 

of Dod's OrgaiiijStiop on Earth! A- He was 
Uw president of lb* W*.t*h TTo Wrr Bihle *™1 
Tract tivstty. 

Q. So that when k* tchj ynfl thai M*- Moylft 
was a mormsrtr why, yon arrt-ptrd hin statement 
on that, m the reprewntmtiTB 0' OnA^t Or^rani- 
Talioa on Earth 1 A, 1 accepted tb* statement 
as read Cher*. 

Q. Bel Mr. Rutherford read th* article, did 
he nntf A. Yea, air, 

0- Kn that when Mr. Rutherford, thrnnsjh thhj 
nrtirlr, aaid that Mr. ,M«v!r wen a U W Htaa je T, 
yon arcepted it bocaus* Ilr. IfutlierforJ *a!d sot 
A No, 

Q. Well, what did you hft.«t thni on «>tltet 




OttrU* A. Wi**—Fpf &t{lt.—Crm* 

than wkil Jfr- Rutherford told youl A. Ob 
wlitl the original letter of Mr* Jdoyle ilaled, 

Q. Do foil mean — and I want to pel your ftm- 
tien her* correct — tbal you raroe lo the tontlu- 
ainn lie wan a munuurtr bacaute be wrote a 
letter T A, So, air. 

Q, Yon agree, do 70a not, that Vie, a* roanael 
tn (he orrJiBitatjon and a tnemher of (he Je- 
hovah'* Wilnewea, m perfectly within oil 
tight* in writing ■ letter to Mr. Rutherf crdT A. 

Q. And you know, do yen not, that (hit letter 
wu handed or delivered to Mr. Rntlierfard ; yon 
know thai, don't yotsl A- Jutt what la* tta[*>. 
men! in tin: lriirr ili'j'i. 

(J. Don 'I yon a*y (n*t In tha article "fnfor- 
»■!*"! Don-t yon rwall lhatl. Don't yoi ra- 
tal! [hit, thai An the 21nf diy of July, 1*39— 
jmL rrfmJt yoor recolJectioo on that, if yon 

Tito Court: Tea* yoor awn eopy jot 

Wl.nt pcreimphT 

Mr, nruchJianien 1 That ii the iteonnd 

Tha Court; Th» nteondl nftragrtph. 

The Wilnaat: Now, what i* tin, qnta> 

Q L Well, f am artine; yon whether jm* agreed 
(htt Sir. Movie, an grou-rnl Mtinarl, nr rniuipwl In 
the Society and a raemher of H* BVlhrl family 
and a Jehovah "i Wilnnj*, K*i within lii> right* in 
writing a letter to Mr. Rulhf rfoiclt 

Tha Court: Ha said yea to that qnea- 

CAariftf A. Wits—for Deftt.—Cratt 

Q. That ia correct, isn't ill A, Tat. 

Q. And yon traw llitl that |ttl*r wai dellttredj 

p-rraoaally lo ill. Ratlmrfnrdl A. No, I don't 


Tht Court : Tie taid he doei not know. 
Ian 'l that what yon aaidl 
The Witneaa: 1 don't know. 

Q. Didn't Mr, Rutherford tell yon at tha meet- 
ing that he received the letlerT A. Tea, eir, 

Q. Von hadn't seen Hie letter before air. Bulb' 
erford showed it to yonf A. No, sir. 

Q, So, aa Tar at yon know, of yoor own knowl- 
edge, the letter cam* lo yon from lfr. Ruther- 
ford! A Yet, air. 

Q, Or cam* to your attention from Mr. Ruther- 
ford? A. Yea, 

By th* Court: 

Q. Whal yoo are trying to tell ut i* you don't 
know ho* Mr- Rutbt-r'onl got it; yon don 'I knew, 
of yoor n*n knowing? A. Tl* rtgalar roniino, 

Q. But yon don't know whether this went 
through tha regular routine or nolT A. I waa 
told it waa. 

Q. You were (old it ¥11. Bat of yoor own 
knowledge yon don't know) A. Nobody knowi 

Q. It waa told! to yon that it went through tha 
retnlar routine? 

By Mr. Brnohhaneenj 

<J. Yon ligned thit tetter, Hying Hal tht Itttar 
reaobad Mr. Ruthuford; yoo afTttd to that* A. 

Ckarte* A. Win>—r#f Deftr.—Croi* 

The Conrt: Ha aaidl h* wu told that it 
reached Mr. Rutherford. 

Q. \Yh4l particular fcufur* of either the rabjeot 
of that lettes- or (hr contents of the letter do yon 
claim ii a muminrl A, The whole content! af 
the letter, ascnept Hit fir»l pangraph, 

Q. I>o ym njbajerche lo the poiition that any 
rtm;;;lfl.Lnt mnh hi the hend of (Jod'a Qi^anixa- 
licit on Earth anal ignin^t llta arpaniial ion ia a 
mttrmuTT A- Ko, The™ it prontr fjeripni* 
■ay* of fining {hose thtn.if*. 

Q- You mean yon cant do it in the ahape of 
wnliafl a IrltarT A. Not of the dtaracter of thi* 


Q. Yoi ira objw-tin^ to the wnteita of tha 
letter, are yon noli A, Yea, air, 

Q. In other word», that aoma letter* that wen 
written at yon mi^lil ftrl wrnr alnog a certain 
lin* would not be munnuni and othnr IntUri would 
bt mnrraora t A. Certainly, 

Q. Wli* in tha orgoniution delerminea joat 

Mr. Covington: That haa b™n an- 

The- Coart: Ohjc«tion tnatained. It Ii 
repetitioua. Ha ha* anxwarad that qoaa- 


(j. Di<) yon know of yonr own. knowledge all of 
the tiling! that are stated in thit article "Infor- 
mation"? A- Cflrttinly I did. 

Q. Did you Imo* thia, tha italnnaot mad*: 
"Mr. Hoyl* i^c^oited cunvhtioR lo pnbliih the 
letter"! A I dout know that vaa ia it 

Chart** A, Witt— far f)t}^.—Crou . 

Q. Do yon WML to Change ynura1a.jrmcitlt A. 

f thoHfilit in refii+iMT lo J he accimation. 

Q. I ant tpeakinft oT J''mr wh«]« Jtrticlo *'In- 
fonoalton." A. I don 't Itno* ony thing nhonl U'it 

Q, Did you know of your own knowlnl^ti thi> 
alnlcinanl In that article " J n FonnuLioa " tlmt Hr. 
ll«ylo "woaed it to b* ynbticly read"t A. [ 
didn't got that. 

(The ttenogranhrr readj tli* nutation-) 
The TYitnia.: Thai ha cauaed it to b* 
read I 

Q. That Mr, Mny]* "canned It to be paWrely 
raad"t A, You mean (hi* letter hrreT 
Q. Tea, 

Th* Conn: No. T^.t mr **L liiln- - 
Hr, Umchhtniert: There arc atveral 

Ict'cn here. 

By the Coart: 

(}. Let roe »k yjsn llirn f|ur«t>nn; ]VhtX he 
WnnlK to know it nhrtlipr ypu Itnnw of your inn 
kiiowiedfir tlint Mr, Jilnyl^ -munil hin Idler In 
ilr, lluiherfonl lo be read publicly 1 A. No. 

Th* Court; If* daeaot know. 

By Mr. Bmehhooaen r 

Q. go, many of Ihene thing*, tic. Wito, in thi* 
lall*r, you auenled becnute Hr. Rntltorfonl liul 

Tfrittm that artielt; it that correetl A RteauH 
I a*t*t*ed Ut* ttit of th* artirla wa* trno. 

Q. ToU did rat ItoOW thrin of your uwn knowl- 
mlgrT A. No. 

Caorle* A. Witt^Por DetU.—Crott 

Q. So you accepted Ih* ttaternentc mad* to 
yoo by Mr, liutherfordf A. Yea. 

Q. Ami you won Id do Iltat became he waa 
hrad of thi* orgnniiatdon 1 A, Not DcotttariJy 

T|je Court: Berattat he w*a Ur- 

Ri|.llierfoTd ; ia that wh»t yon aquji t* 

Th* Witntfa ; No, 

Q, Did tnvhody elw. other thftn Mr, Bnlhtr- 
ford, Mr, Wiie, tell yon abocit tny of that* 
aiatenvRnla in the article "InfonR*(toii"f A. 

No, tir, 

Th* Conit: What yon want lo tell o* 
It: In (hia matter ycfl b«lia*td Mr, 
Rutherford, Ti (hat rightt 

The Witneu: I beliond kirn, yea. 

Q, And yon didnt make any lrr»H(igalioa at 
■11 about ill A. No, air, 

Q. And tha! woahl b* your totimony ai«at 
the article "Snare*" of IToTtnVber lStht 

By the Court: 

Q. Yon bclioTed the article after you had Md 
It in (he Wtteli Tovrtrl A, Yea, tir. 

Q. Yon didn't mako any vn-Mpaligntinot A, 
Nam *t all. 

By Mr, Brudibauaen: 

(J. $0 (hat at no time, lfr. Wita, did yen, dur- 
ing any of thea* linic*, nttkt any independent 
intettigalion ar inquiry, otltar tiian what wan 
aaid io yoq by ilr, Butlvorfonlt A. What 


L'karlt* A, Wits— far Dr.fti.~Itttlirect 

inrettigntionti Except what wat brought Out 
in our Board meeting. 
Q. Other thin what they (cutilied tot A No. 

Ttie Court: You didn "I make any inde- 
pendent invettigation T 
The Witneti: No. 

Q. Yog wtrtnt prtvtnt tt the trial in Hie 
Mtgrjalralr*' Court or tnytikinjr/ of lini vrtT 
A, No, 

Rtdirrcl enoMtidcttoR ijr Mr. Cotiiintltm-; 

Q- An you familiar with the hdld:ng in 
fjltlcn lalnnd and the mom thtl ia ocenpied 
thcro by Judge I [ulherford t A Yea, tir. 

Q. Ant hi) acrommodntiota thera better than 
thot* of the other Brethren? 

Mr. Bruchhanitn: I — 

Tht Court; llavcn'l you had. Ihii froW 
two oLhtr vilnntataf 

Mr. Cav^ngiop: Yet, I think 1 h*** 
hid it 

Q. No»~, do you know how much tiro* Jndgo 
Kulhcrford tpent an I he farm etch year during 
ttaoae yearn 1 A. No, I do not, 

Q You fin not. The hnJIdinga trial ynu men- 
tioned were on th* farm wlwn they wcr* 
aoiutrvl, eicepl the — 

Th* Conrl : Me haa already letlirled to 
that. T think the jury oan. loll you tb* 
•xatt wvniiog, 

Mr. Covingfon ; That it alL 

fWitneai txtmaed.) 
Mi. CoainrtoE: tit. Baiintt. 




ffafln H. Rinar.t—For Deft*,— Direct 

HU(jO H. RIEMER, rtaidinjr at Ui Columbia 
Heiifliis, BphAIjh, New Y*rk, tilted u a witness 
on beluilf of Ihn dcfcndanta, and having bus 
first duly sworn, testified M follows: 

Direct eiuwinflfw* fry Jf>, Cori'njJofc: 

Q. How long have yon been aajocisted with 
1 ic "VVau-h Tower liiiile and Tract Society, Mj. 
liieme r ! A, Since— You mew directly 1 

Q. Yea. A. Kinee 1&16. 

<J. Wh-n did yon come to SMMf A. 1918, 

y. And, prior to that, did you iisve any con- 
ntcliu.i with tliB Watch To»*r Bible and Tract 
Swmlv t A. Vo. 

Q. WW placet A. Well, Inil traveling 
■iaiattr for lea yean. 

Q, Is *l»l alatetf A. Variolic itate*. 

li Anil, eftr/ voo CiTJll; to btlH*-! ID 13 IS, 

yon have Imitl liutrK aver tinea, luve yo» netl 
A. Ya. 

Q. Now, Sb* you. talk a utile loader, a* tha 
jury can heir yool A. Yea, air. 

Q. Talk louder limn i«i do ordinarily io nra- 
Tti-iatiojj. During the time thai you hare, been 
uiwcinted with the tielliel family, did yon hava 
oernsion to know J. F, Bethrrfnidl A ¥*a. 

Q. And during those uHiniiuni, did you aat 
at the same table thai hi did t A- Yam, air. 

Q. Kam.« dining rooruT A. 7m, air. 

Q. And von have hid nneeainn then to ob. 
■■rr« hit conduct at the Belial t»M*, ia that 
right* A Yes, 

Q. Hot. durinjr the tine that yon were at 
Bethel, can yon tell whether or not yon e*er 
beird Judg* Kntherfnrd giv* any of hie brelt- 

Hmgv H. Rirmi-r—Fot 1>{1*,— fiirfti 

ran publie trimmings and hornilletinns at till 
labia id ths prsscaoe of all tb* brethren. A I 
sever have. 

Q. Hare yon heard filthy, unntly, dirty jokes 
pined around tii« table or toid at the labial 
A, No- 

Q. Hsve yoo ever heard Judge RntJierford 
indulge in such practices! A No, 

Q. Have yon aver heard liapor and the naa 
of it glorifled at tiu Bethel hornet A. No. 

Q. Ara yon familiar with the letter dated Jnly 
£1, written by Mr. Olin It. ilaylt, nddreised to 
Judge Bulherft-tdt A Y*s_ 

Q, Wnen did you Aral hoar it rt#4t WVo 
did yon Ant know about the content*! Tint ia 
tiu question. A When Judge Eutierford called 
laa directora' meeting. 

Tb* Court: AngtMt 8th, *b*fl kit He- 
rniary rend itl 
TTi* Witnaaa: Yea. Aqguat flth. 

Q. Yon heard tb* contend, Hod *ben ynn 
Iteard lha oonlanla, did yon nelien Ibem t> be 
faint A Yea, air. 

Q, YaD wart a^nalntad with tha fatu, tl» 
trva facta, pertainina; tv th* ailuatioa, w*ri yoo 
■otl A Yen, air. 

Q. Yen alao algned tha artkle entiUed "Ib- 
foraution," did yon not, on Stptamber 2litt 
A Yea. 

Q, Tint c*ntai4i*d tl» rtaolnlion, did it not! 
A Yea. 

Q. A reiolntion that ia mentioned ■» ti>« 
articir entitled ■'Information." Wne that till 

llupr if, Hirwrr—ycr flrtiti^nimt 

reacloticin that wai preparid oa Jnly Slatl A 
Yta, air. 
Q. And the article entitled " Infonaatioa "— 

The Courts Yon hav* the wrong data. 
It ii Aogoat Jith. 

Lfr, Cwiogton: I Htttn July Slit, 

The Coart; Aqguat nth. You better 
ilart your qneation OTer again. 

Mr. Covington; Strike ant thai nnea- 

Q. On. fteptarnhar 2!rt the article etlitlnl "lm- 
torninlinii " iu ligunl, ui it null A. Yrm, 

Q. That nstauied it in • rasotDtion which wna 
drawn op en Aoguat filhf A Yea. 

Tha Court: Yon vera ana of tb* asm- 
Skiltai thai dm' It apt 
The Witiw*: Ye*, 

Q. The resolution wna aigsed than by yoo on 
Angntt Stht A Yea. 

y, Ynn Jim I Mr, Hgflur and Mr. BvHitph mm 
tTHntbere of the ewninitUa; ia that right! A 

Q. Did yon feel thpt that notion stated in tha 
n*uil u tion waji rp«eMa ry to lie taken on thai oecs- 
ntonf A Yea. 

Mr. DrnchhanMu: I object to that 

Q, What, if anything, did you "■? ™ tn > «a- 
lion of the meeling of Aqguat ft, 1939, is the 
fHT-Hnnre of Mr. aloylef A. I aiid that I 
tho^^ht that his — I rocognised that hia af?t«- 
meuta preacnled in that letter were oojApirkble 
to nli&l Jmhj nidi "That tlnoa* wha would turn 


/flip, ft. tirmvi-—rar lirfff.—SH.tft 

from the truth would he auch at would BpeuV 
evil of digiiiln"^"-" Tint wna my comment, 
quoting from J»dt. 

Q. Did yon mnko nny otlip-r commrnt, Mr. 
RVuto+rf A T L^ieaa I did, bnt I don't recall. 
I do retail that. 

The Court: That ii tho Mty one yon 

rrhienitiorl That ph. nil ymi ran tmlify tnl 
Tin Vr'ttneai; Yea. 

Q, Whm y*>0 nijfitfril tit* artide entitled "In. 
formation" on Spptt'i^bcf 21, iai9, did you be- 
lieve the of vl to he troal A. I did. 

Q, And the eifhresaiom f herein ct)ncfrnin>f the 
scliOD of Mr. M&yle, did you honeall)' believe 
thoae italcmrnta 1n \m trunt A. I did. 

The Court: You had no malic* in y#Br 

Q. T>id you heva any malice townrda Mr. 
UoyleT A No. 
Q. And tbia wni nn honest expraaef on of your 

belief, ii tint riphtT A Yee, air. 

Q. Did you aifrn that for the benefit' of the 
brethren, advising them aa to the Information 
contained therein 1 A Ye*. 

Mr. Bruciihnuten: I obj«ot to Ifaat 

The Coori: Objection auilnined. Strike 
out the an«wtf. 

Q. Whit wu the purpose of aignlng' the ■rti- 
cia "Inlomutioi/'f 

Mr. Brnchbauien; I Object 

Tb* Oivrt- Objection eaetaiaed. 
ii.:. Covington; Kxeeplioa. 

Hutfs II, UitiH'r — f'or Dtfit. — Ftirrel 

Q. How lonf have you fcnown the plniutiff 
tloylel A- ( think I Aral nude Lie aoquainlnnoa 
#vhen he ejUue lo Eelhet in i'J-Ct. 

Q. liunng tliat tine, did you have occasion to 
apenk villi him or lx.minia better aujuaintod with. 
limiT A. Yee, from time tn tiua. 

(j. And yoo knew Ur. Moyle we* widely known 
throughout the country, did you not, among Je- 
hovah'* Vr'iln&iK*! A After he eama to liot 

CJ Thnl ia what I am inlliing about; between 
193j and VJ&K A, Yea. 

Q. Did you tikiik il *M neoeifiory to proteel 
the Sochrty and JcWah'i Witnciiea in making' 
public the article enlittnl "Information"! 

Mr. HrutlJinuwn: I objwt lo that. 
Tl» Coort: Objection lUilajned. 

Q. On tlie day that you signed the artirfe «n- 

lillcd "rnforinntion," did you l*»e any evident* 
beloro yon to xhow Hint Mr. Moyle lud been cir- 
culnting hit ktter or cauaing it to he circulaledT 
A Yea. 

Q. What evidence waa called Ut yoar Qtlen. 
lLoht A. We were tailed up i" ■Judge RulJier- 
fnrd'l oflie*, 

Tli* Court: He aek*d you what evir- 
ilen ro wa* called to your attention. IV hat 
evidence wai called to your elumtJQuT 

The WiLiuan: tlom* lattort 41 Judge 
RulherfW* tab]*. 

By fh* Court; 

Q. Kd you Ml them yourself T A. Y*s. 

itug» If. itiemer^f-'or ifrfU.—binet 

Q. How many were thcret A They vara all 
flipped together. 
Q, How many were there 1 A 1 don't know. 
Q. Then you didn't an them ail yourself t A 

1 saw the bunch of tliem 

Q. Von aaw i hunch 1 A Yea. 

Q. Do you know they were lettara by Mr, 
iJoylrt A Ha aaid ao. 

Q. Then you ion*t know of ytmr own Imowl- 
nijra, Don't tell ui uytiiiofc th*t you gneu at 

By Mr. Covington: 

Q. Did anyone make nay iptnrnelt tcntetralni 
tiioee ktlwrst 

Ur. Brochhnusen: I object. 

The Court; Objection eoaUuned. 

Mr. Covington: Enwpfion. 

Mr. Bruchhanewn: I will withdraw that 

ntijiyliim T h*"t M ttjjretiiln. 

Thn Court: Are you tajlrjag about ilie 
owtinjr of Atigi.utT 

Mr. Covington: September 2t*vt, 
Tli* Court: September 2ltt1 
Mr. Covui|rto B: T**- 
Dy tha Court : 

Q. Did inyhody make any onimnent about Ihoe* 
tetters I A. Yen. Me, SolUre* -aid ihat ha 
Ibcuftil a reaolulion— 

Mf. Braenhauaan: I ohject to hi* 

Ut. C^ftoltoa: We nra Biking what hi 




Huge ft, Ritmtr—Ff Dtfti^-IHncl 
The Court: Thia U wbat hi aaid. lb. 

iJilJUv»T5 Hid 111; rt-UlElVan, thought — 

Tilt W Linen* : That the lettan hjd eon* 
(u Lim arhr-e liuro, *rjj 3t would be ihd' 
tary to (In* up * raealulion of Hut tort 
And wake u« of it. 

By Mr. (Juvhgtoo : 

q. In Tint wayl A, To tpread it 

11 r, Bruihhuuen : la tlu it in*TBff 

By On Court: 

Q. Tlii» b what Mr. Hnllinn nidi A Shelf" 
I continue with Mr, KoJ liven f 

(J. Only what hi uid. A. That h* thought i* 
tbi neueuary to Bend information Mtt to that 


Q. "To (hit aone" bkbbuc 0* Wtaanaaia 

tenet A. That ii right. 

g. What did Jw%3 RttbtTford *ayt A- Ha 
taid that then w U trouty* «rr i* that plaot. 
when itojle liad gone toy and thai lha brethren 
were In cuiifuaion anil the! it would ha nectaaary 
!□ k =i Home information ov*r then. 

Q. H« ialu uist, and Mr. Sullivan Hid what 
you told u*1 A. That ia right. 

By Mr, Covington: 

Q. Bid you hava anything 14 it wjlh 4a pub- 
lication «r tlie article anlitlad "Sa*r**"t A No. 

Thi Court: Tb* flirt lima 70* read H H 
whra JCB raid P» WtLfct Tomrl 

A. Right, year Honor. 

Mr, CaviAftao; That ii all. 

H-aga H, Jlirmrr—tcr Dtfit. — CrBMt 

Cr**wmm.nt6tn>* ojf ifr. Bruekltaum-L 

Q. Yuu nr« fnrndly with llr. Moyl* all dun 
iag tin? Ii™ ha wai there I A. Yet, ur. 

Q. 11*4 jpu called anybody elk* a Jmla* b+- 
inr* tint lime, b»For* It waj rnontiaAed Iq thi* 
arbid* '■JnJitno»Lnin"T A, U*4 I oalled anyon* 

g. Yaa, You ajamt 14 call Mr. Meyla a JnJai 
Ji lhat artiek, didn't yonl A, No. 

g. Ha you «*y that art kit doc-in't mean that 
you maul h* waa a JuluT A. No, L mnn't lay 

g. Did you mean, (hat ht wan iSniiStr Id a 
Judu.r A. Yea. ■[( had Iht Judt* ipinl. 

q, Ju*t like a JjOm; i» UuU right F 

The Court: "Had tit* Jndaa apiriV 

ia What hi u;ii, 

g. Had yon tnr charged anyon* el**, Ixfar* 
this, with having a — 

llr. Covirurton: Thia ia altngrthtr ivt- 

g. (Ooqlinains) — Jildt* ipirit) 

Ur. Covpnjrton : Jfrelevant 

Th* Court; Objection lustained. 

<}, Lto you rtcaJL when llr. Wiiu bronchi lib 
wjf» in UirraT A. I djin'l TtmtmhtT pajlicu- 
Uirty. 114. 

41- Uaay yaan ajot A, Via, quilt * fiw 
yaata aftt. 

Q. You donl knfl* wfcatbtr thi* print*d rata 
thai lhay had wai til* wbt m ai aaiatad at 
that tLia*r A No. I do not 

Hvgt H. Sitmtr—F%r DtfUi—Crot 

Q. What ii your ipaejfta duty, a r «am U 1S391 
A At Bethel! 

Q. Ym. A. T worked ia tile oflloa. 

g. Id Ailana Hlrntt A Te*. 

Q. In whm ^niaaeftyt A I »*i Uh falyaf, th* 
purchmlnK aKont. 

Q. iJurinj whit pcriodi did yon preach 1 A 
f prtarhnd all during that piriod, linen aaiif 
at Balhrl. 

ft. Yon ware preaching all Ih* thn* tb*t yoi 
wrri! purtLjuin-: »jtrctt A Wflt vbM I hi 
aant out on appointment*. 

By th* C«irt; 

Q. How o'len War* yon, mt oat tm appoint, 
mealat A. WcTk-esdiL 

By Mr. Bmchrutmu ; 

g. Ront out on appnijitoteota to pr*ufc 
around it the different gathering* F A Taa, 

The Court i Qa w**)hvj4* oulyl 
The WitiMUi: Taa. 

q. When did you h**gtn? • Hini*t*r ia tit* 
Witfh Tuwcr Or^ntialioat A Wall, I think 
that 1 began to aocnpl th* truth, eouaaantinf 
my lifa — 

Tha Court: Ha didnt aak you for » 
■peecrL Wheal A very lioiple question 
The Witneu: la IDOL 1301 

q. I aaibin* yon griadnaiad f«pi 4 diviajry 
acluwll A No. 

q. Hi** yon errer itqdied any otbar litara- 
tuna, mlijrioii* in nalava, lothar Laaa th* Watok 


Ilt/ti ft. RitmCf—Fur DtfU.—Ctoia 

Tnwar lit*rmtn»r A I did, whu I w** i 

Q. And tlut i* majiy y»n a^ot 

Tin Coart: Not iine* 1901. ii that lit 
Th* Witnew: That ii right 

H, Ha, vttt aine* tlt*t time, all of your adora- 
tion or infurmaLion along religiou* liu** hjia 
aoiiIe fxurd the W*Uh Tower and frotn pr*uh- 
Ingtl A Right; yea. 

q. Do yon writ* any of thcea *rtidtf*t A 

q. Hot yon taka *r*rylh : nft am it eonea from 
Llitr Welch Toa-'er oRkial majsaiinr. ■■ Ihe sir^uti 
ol (Jotl'i Organixation on hearth f A, ti I 
approved it from tit* lib's. 

q. Did you tear diiappro ve of ill I A. I don 't 
know that f did. 

The Court: Well, did you or didn't 
The Witnnsa: Nc. 

Q- Pi:rinn your time in and tronnd Bailie? 
r\nc* I'JlHf did you ever lienr any diHipprnv*! 
of it there 1 A 1 don't reailL 

Q. l)id yon ever hear that Ur. Rutherford 
hLmncIf ditapproved of tome of tlto doctrine* 
ui ilr. Ruaaelll A Yea. 

Q. Did yon know nnylbine; about the d:»- 
Inrlianro *ilb th* foor diree|or«T A May I aak 
whith dimlorat 

Q. Mr. Hoakiaa, Mr. Wright, Mr. Hirah aid 
Mr. RitehitT A I juat hat* bwruy inform*. 

g. Did yan lm then wfcan they lifed Ihett 
at Bathalf A No, 1 viiitad than. 


flwffo If, ftiemcr—Fvr Drflts-Crou 

Q. Did you know »nything about th* ay-far 
Hint nia chapgejt A No. 

q. Yon never heard anything about thalt A 

q. Now, you mentioned aome diacuiaiom yoa 
had with Mr. Sullivan or Bom* atateturnl Hull 
you **y Mr. Sullivan made. 

Th* Court [ It wain 'I a diietun-nn. Hi 

■aid Mr, Sallrruii uid it it the Senbunber 
21 at meeting that we hin heard ahont 

Q. WliB- wu preaent nn thai ooeaiiAn that you 
referred to when yon -claim ilr. BolSivaa made 
Mis "Latement yon have juat tuentiumiLt A All 
tltoH thnt ligned the article "Inlomation" 
eici'pt Ihe last thra ligneri. 

Q, And wai any itesographor pmeatl A 

Q. No one took down the itnteinenli that yon 
*m now malcina;, about what Mr. Sullivan laid I 
A I don't know whether [hey did or not 

q, You haven't, within the Heat lev montli% 
tied any ptenogrraphia itatentenU ilidwn la you 
aUtrftd to h*T* bt*n taken *t thtl lim*, |wn 
yout A. Nb, 

q. No one ha* laid ynn tluit * ■ti-.aCgr*P h k 
r»r<;rii 131 irptT \. Nn. 

q. Hi* Jinjhody *poktH tO J'on t'mti Srjitrm. 
her. I9S3, *hnut wtol Mr. BuHivan aaid oU S*p- 
leiniar 21, 1339 f A. No. 

q. Sp th*t you. raetlled Ibii Wtvtna-tiob, a* 
you itatcd It ben today, exactly aa you kin 
tiated it, from 1B3S1 A That ia right 

Q. And yoq havia't t*ik*d l« anybody, Mt, 
CoTington, or toy of lit* diraeten float jlf 
A No. 

littje ft. Itit-MtF — Far Dfflt, — Ctw* 

Q. Ton a*y thai Ihcrr »'i« n hundi tyt letter* T 
Did you uae thai itatemciill A That ic right 

q. Did yorj re*4 th* Iwirral A No. 

q. Did yon lto** whom they nn» from. A 
Only vu told they cunt from that aren. 

Q, Yon don't know whom they were fromT 
A No, 

q. And do you know when they Cam* int 
A No. 

Q. You uid lomethirg About aendin*; aome, 
body out to "that Bone," it that correct I A 
That ia right No, I didn't **y that 

g What »m! 

The Court: H* Bay* "I didn't aay 
Mr. Braatohnnien: Oh, pardon ma. 

g, WelL, didn't you sty oomething ahvut a 
Bon*t A. I aaid there wnt trouble iu tbnt ion) 
and there ought to be tomtlhing to enlighten 
the brethren. 

q, Wta there any decision made then about 
tending Mr. Hovirtt out to lha loeet A In 
tilt meetingt 

Thi Court: On September 21H, yta. 
Th* Witotati Yea. 

q. And when, if yen know, w*» th* deeillon 
DMift tit nnhtith the article "Information" ia 
the Watch Tow*rt A. I don't recall that 

Q. Did yon attend nny mraLng wh*n any- 
nody agreed at to puhliflhinj; Ihtt -irlklti in th* 
Watch Tower of October ISthl A I don't recall 
that, no. 

g Will, wheu. did you rtsxt, tf l*r September 



JfifjH H, liitmtf^Ftr He/fit— Crow 

21*1, near a hoot that article "Inf onnalion " or 
h* It anywhere T A. Wlien I ml it in the 
Watch Tower, Then it cunt oot, 

q. You dont blow who directed tint article 
to be printed in the Watch Tower, do youT A, I 
think the article aniwen that it*elf. 

Q. Do yon know who directed it to be printed! 
A- Tb* »rti*l* **id mo. That ia ell I know. 

Q, Will yon M w Mil 

By ffae Court: 

Q. Do yon know who direct td lh*t lb* article 
be printeM in the Watch Tower? 

Mr, Cewsffion ; Th* ariicl* 1171 "Ap- 
prv* id for pngU*alh>* hy J. **, Bother- 


Q. (Continuing): It wn* Mr, Rutherford, 
wun't id A, ¥«, 

Tfan Court; There doeen't eeus to be 

iciT (|ueiLiaj: abu-jt JL 

By Mr. Bruchhenien ; 

Q. So thii ertkle wei approved for publirar- 
tlon on September 2 lit, wun't it T A. Wb*a» 
mt Jodft* ButherForrf. tinned thit 

The Court : Ton don't knew when ha 

ligntd it, nlo yogT 
The Witness No. 

Q. T/*b hi* iign»tnr» en it et the time yon 
aignedT A. No. 

Q. Did you see it after hi* ejgaatnr* iu en 
itl A. I did not 

Hugo 1A Aiejner— for Dc/it, — <Jro« 

(J. Do you know bow lone; liter you ejgnedj it 
hie lignatgr* wee pot en it T A, 1 dt not 

Q, Ton knew thee, when thii wei approved 
'or publication, tint it would be Mul through- 
Oo t the United Stele* tad lirnujilioui the world, 
didn't jont A. Tee, 

q. And yon knew Et wb.i itoing- ta be pnb- 
llihadt A. I did eat know It Until I uw it La 
Hie Watoh Tow.r, 

The Court: Ton didn't give Mr. Bath, 
trfard authority to pat year neme in 
the W*toh Tower f 

Tb* Witaetc I don't resell that deft- 
Bjtely. £ would here no obgEctjoEt 

Q. Ton would approve of diet beiue/ printed 
in th* Watch Tower f A. Ye*. 

Q. And **nt thronghou t the United Statu and 
aeat throughout the World! A. Tea. 

Q, Did yon know, of your own knowledge, 
the** matten thai are elaled in the anient "Tu- 
formaliom"f A. Would you repeat tii»tt 

(The itenogr*pn«r read, th* qaeitlon,) 

A. Tea. 

G- Tat baud ta* qtantUonbii Mr. Wi*» abcol 
aapi* of tboM ittfiU in the article "Infiirain- 
Unn'M A. Tea. 

Q. Sid yea know i£o*e of jtw ow* knowl- 
•dg*t A. Ye*. 

Q> Ton knew lomauhln*; abont Mr. Mo-ylt bov- 
ine; publicly read tail letter atatsd in that 
•rtkle "Isfomi*tion"1 A. What ia 70a hen 
reference to, pmrtionlarly f 

q. I nail year attention ta the article "In- 

Hvffo U, Ricmr.r—For I)eft*<—Creu 

formation," which von ay yon signed, to the 
tflect that it »tate* that Mr. Mnyle publicly read 
that letfer of hit It f l*te* thtt ha "cauwd it 
ta h« rtnhliely read." And in that connection I 
eekedj yOU what evidence yon bad on Septem- 
ber Slat that ha had canned that letter to be 
ntablidy tm4T A. May I »*• a eopy of that, 

The Court: Snrtly, yon may. 
The U'ltr,r«i; Can ynb tall hie joet 
wlar* it iel 

Q. Well, it ie in tin imrt Wraminrfnit, "Afide 

ffpim tlin intrmloFtriry parm^rnph- " 

The Court: WhercahonieT Second 

Q. It in abost midway. It li after thi r»vlo- 
(ion itnir. And liien yoe elari in with "Aaide 
frtwr. tne in; ruiuthtry parajrraph — '~ 

The Cowrt: H*vp yon ftsnul is' 

S). "— arniouiwinjr the writer'* pnf|wwe," 

The C«nrl: He lis* it 

Q, The partinilnr »ntcncn in which iHit ie 
<Ani^i^ori| in ^rle.HT^in^Hini flrtiiHnlatinn (h pnh- 
lirh hkH Icibrr nital. Moyln hcirjf ie-fuMidJ BOW 
rnnnrrl liin NIk-Idli* pnprr tn Iu pohlinhM end 
^irruliitnl aiiMinji certain «unpaniee <if the &n- 
■Hretnl, cauiinff the ueine to he puhlirly mad." 
A. T recall that Ihet wan cowered by the remark* 
af Jnxlgt Rutherford. 

The Court : Thin yen don't know It of 
yonr own knowledjreT 
The Witneut So. 


Mute It. KitMtr—For Dstl*,—Crot, 

Q, And yon didn't know or yorjr own knowl- 
edge, did yDO, of any remittal by Mr. Uoyli to 
puhlieh tfiii letter in CninsalalinnT A. No. 

Q. (id tltii artitU "Infonnetion" wee np- 
prnnd by yon b**nu*B Mr. Ttnlharfgid hod n/rib 
Ito it end yon took it from Lim a* tne bead of 
Ood'* Organtiation on forth t A. Yra, air. 

Q. Do yon a*y that •Nrythblf in Mr. lloyle'i 
letter i* Tela*; do yoU mlmcrihe to ihatl 

The Conrt: Eictpl tin flnt pure- 

Q. Kiceptin*; the ftnl nareifrftph, A. Yr*. 

fj. And do you vent |hii Court and jury In 
believe that Mr. Ktilhnr forcl nevgr HniiliKl mem- 
ber* of the family in the dining hmml A. Not 
in the way it ia mentioned In the ktltr— " tri nt- 

Q. Tie did ecoid them, didn't heT A. Well, he 
talked plain to them. 

tj. Ke whatf A. He talked plain to litem. 

Q. And be talked rather londt A. Not nece*- 

Q. Didn't he talk throgjth the tnicraphon«T A. 

By the Court : 

Q. What do you rnean hy mlkinr H fn»ln"1 
A. W*ll, he didn't liccilala to pruent the rifrht 
Tiew wh*n it waa neceanary. 

Q. If he dJMurreed,. he would Icll themf A 
Tee. Du.t It wa* not "l*mh«itin(r" nnr *'trim- 

(J. What £0 yon aay U "laniba*tin|t T, r A, 


Hugo li. llvmer — t'er Dcfit, — Croat 

Well, il ia unduly luod ipeaking and cailinj a 
pereon down and. mi*u*ing privilege*. 

Q. Whet do the tjcripturei a*y about "lim- 
bn«ting n f A. I don't know that tb* word "lam- 
bmtitg" ii need in the. 13-Lbieu 

liy Mr. limchhaoatn; 

ft. tiw called tbem down, didn't b*T lii 
Bailed tlnnn to acwnol for d*r«Uctinu1 A. 
That ii right: K'l. 

Q. lit did it in a load f oi**t A. Net naeva- 
Mrily, no. 

it- Not neocnarity t I art Got Caahtn: yon 
Hut- 1 aim anting yon whether Of not ha did 
it in a loud voice! A- No, 

Q. And you avoid hear hint all over the iwunt 
A. Vou could liiii him all over the room, yce; 
but not in a loud voice, 

q. Tli at Is, he didn't take the Individual up 
to hi* atndy, but add raised him right before 
tb* Tktho! family 1 A. Yn- 

q. That vu the way that he tailed to talk 
anyone I hat he wonted to correct! A, Yen, 

Q. That wa* the ineliiod adopted, waa it natT 
A. fieriptural method, 

Mr, Bruchh*D*cn : I noowt In <trik» ant 
"Scriplur*l inethnd." 
Th* Conrt: Rtrdte 11 out, 

q L And yon heard abont thi* inddrnt with 
Mr. Wowlworih, C. J. Woodworth; yon warn 
present I A. Mentioned in the leltert 

The Court: afentioned la Moyle'i let- 
Th* WJLi**i: Tea. 


//*#• ft. Ri*mtr—Fm Dtfti—CrotM 

Q. Ton ware prcnent wiien Mr. HullmrFiihl 
gni't Lim a irakiing, weren't youT A I wouldti 't 
cnll A a acoJding; nmuarity. 

The Court; When h* plain-talked In 
The Wltnw: Ten 

(J. And he akpreaud li'u diupproral, didn't 
btl A. Ye.- 

q. And yon were elao pneient when ilr. llnr- 
Aulcy had jnnne argument in tint open thrre with 
Mr. Rulberfonll A. Vee. 

q. And; aa a remit of lliil, ihnrlly aflnt, Mr, 
MiteAuley left, dhlh't net A- Yw. 

Q, Waa he aeked to lrav+t A. Vo, 

q. Do yon know whether he wu a>kod to 
lenvef A. He left 0/ hi" an accord, 

q. Do yon recall on* TiVeaterly lj**lwigT A. 

1 don't know him. 1 Han't mil. 

q Do yon twealj Norxnan Wondwortht A. 

q And he had aotnt jliaajrimnant with Mi* 
Judjt*, didn't hef A- f tiiink no. 

q. That waa done*; that period around 1!KH; 
and waiui'l ha a«ked ta learaf A. I 4o not kn«»- 

q, ft» that yon were prenenl on all theae ocm- 
*!cma where Mr. HulheriDrd celled thoie uhmiiIhtk 
of Krihr-l to ucmnnt— MaeAuley, C. .L Wood, 
nrerlh, MeCnroiicb,. fCnorr, Proaier, Price mid 
No»e, Weren't youT A. Yea. 

q, And 1 m eerh of thone occaiion* Mr. Rutiifr- 
ford told tticifi ont in the open, tia-f iin- the Hnjhol 
family, what he wu diii]ilm*fil ahanl f A. Ye*. 

Q. And govt them hi* eritioiun** A. Yob, 




Hn/9 U. Ricmtr—Far DefUs—CtoMt 

Q. And roa rail also Brother Werekrt A. 

Q. Tail wrrn firrwnl wh?n lip. Huthcrfard 

talked Lit him and tnld him tiial he 111 in dis- 
agreement with himT A. Ti* 

<J. And thai wii in a rmlHrr tood »oiw h ti>r'I 

■t T A. Nat ** loud ik you am talking lit iim> gar. 

Q. WelL> il Win iWru Ihr rarvrnmtliHinl Inn*. 
KMn't ill A. It nectuai My would lin-ve In ha, 

Q. Ami tpulj he hard all orcr In* rwiit A, 

(J. Yon. rerill p.l«g thi* Medina Square Harden 
incident, don't yoq.1 A, Y«e, 

Q. And tiit dinrilraMire thnl II r. Itullierfunl 
hid nhmil tin uahrrn in Hie Garden 1 A. Yea. 

Q, Von know Mr. Rutherford m«s perturbed 
nbout the dittnriience canned hy other r-teincnts 
coming into tit* fJarden r wa«n't he? A. Yen. 

{}■ And lhe usher* had been niaigned with 
vn ts lake rare <>r tin protection ipi-id* of lit* 
tinrdrn, Un't (hit nglit I A, YtL 

Q. And whnn tliiMui ■Mr^rfl rinters got into th* 
fJardnn, Htna nf Ihn untie™ did in ilwtr nj»m r 
didn r t Lhey 1 A. Not la my knnwkidga. 

4- Were j'flu tli*r*1 A. Ym 

Q. At any rata,, then ni a dijituriianrr br- 
tweer the o*h*ri lud thtt»C whit atletujilcd In 
cam* trouble, wan there not? A. Yew. 

Q. And then afterwarda they had thin n*a In 
th* Police Court where Mr. Heath and Jlr, CirnU 
and one or two of tf>a others wen charged with 
nauuiltf A. I heard ihnnt it. 

Q, And Mr. Rutherford wan Hfoewhal apnet 
and perturbed ■boat thai happening', wun*t 1*1 
A. V«». 

Hugs IL Rimer— Fir fteftt.—Orou 

Q. And didn't In, in the presence of the Family, 
indicate hii dirplcemre with tike way the Uahert 
operated on tlml occaaion? A, Yea. 

Q- Asd didn't he ih the word "ti«*iei" [it re- 
ferring to themf Don't you nod] (tatt A. Ha 
didn 't nil them " si stiea. 1 " 

Q. Did ha us* Lite word "aisnici"f A. Tea. 

Br Vr, Bruchhansen : 

Q. And yon know that Mr. Rutherford apwti 
part of hit time nTrr in fctaten IaLind— A. Tit, 

Q. (Conlirprdj^-nr the farm? A Tea. 

Q. Week-end* » A. Yea. 

And Ultra nrre not any of the boys from 
11m rnetory who want owr there, were Unrel A. 

Q. Rat thBT arr.i i>v*r to WOrliT A. Tea, 

Q. The* did not go onr for wvek-aada, did 
tbaT f A. Yea. 

Q, fnn nuaa they went orer thtn t3 epend 
the wmfc-rivd a. pleanreT A It waa * pleaanre 
to work. Thtr* are no idle people in Bethel. 

Q. Thar *«r* aaalarurl to work Lb fitatrn 
IilendT A. That wae thrir plraiore. 

Q. That It, they were Hat new a. week at £ 
time? A. They were not lent there- Thry were 
lariled, end thijr aicepted of thtir Mn aM^rd, 

Q. And they wemt over ■ week at a Line, what- 
erer the reqninmenU werel A. And I think 
Ibey Wen if Lad to da JL 

Q. Bat Mr. Ktitherford went ot»i whnerer he 
plaaaad, did he not; A. That la rfjrht 

0. That l». at hia own diaoatlon *aJ tune? A. 

Q. A*A reel did pa4 haw way ha Went orer 
UHtat A. (Kb mew,) 

Hugo U. RUmtr—Far BtfU^Crmt* 

(J. Yon hid na peraonal knowledjni of what be 
did over liter* I A. No. 

CJ. Did yon viiit States. Taland jrQureeuTI A. 

Q. At tirnea they talked abont athar tidies Lhaa 
Bcripliiree at the labtt, didn't theyl 

The CtiArt: The BetfiaL tahla. 

A. Tea. 

tj. Didn't yoa tall joke* oaca in a wfciWT X" 

y« r 

Q. That i«, yon did not alwa/a qnta the Bihla 
«,tnnjB.l»,[|id yijnT A. No. 

Q. Attd nt tinrea they wonLd tell sffeoLor 
*tt,rite, wmuldn 'I tliey, acme of the hoyal A. No. 

Q. (Confinnfd) Who had been working at the 
factory t A. }iot a* aet foith in the letter. 

The Conrt: What kind do yon aaj Ibey 

Q. They did tell efnriea of one Idad or eaathtrt 
A, Judjre Rutherford lold comical atoriea coea in 
a while al the labia. 

Q. And lometunH they got In be a little naarh, 

didn't they, with the al«r!eif A. No, nerar, 
Q, Didn 't |h«y Jinvr win. anw and tnanf A. 

No, never at Lhi LaLLe. 
q. Ton mwr aaw any visa tharet A. Nerwr 

at the tabla. 

Q. Where wu it, in Lb* roanut A, Nol 

q. Where did they keep the wineT A, I don't 

know that any of them kept wiaa. 

By the Court; 
Q, Woera w*» it dnakt Lei m bare it 

Hup* If, Ilirmrr—For IfrfU^CTOtt 

II jf Ur. IlruclihanaBa : 

(J. Wlkfam did thajr baen the [Jijwsr th*re? A. 
Wtll, MdiH of (li* Itoya )uvJ lir^aj- in (heir jwnia, 
'I'ln.y *"t\i\fi lake a hllle drink, yo*. 

<i Thry wi.aU net tltt-Jr own 9»lEJet [litre, 
lirma l»iHli-n in Frum tlie oulnidtT A. Ye*. 

H. And at liMta it hail an nlTect '.n lliem, 
' diilnt it f A. Naear, 1 neeaj 1 «w anything like 

if., Th*y kt]Fi in Ikiir mania wild it, ia 11*:. ilt 
■f"(m( ti^ ynu did not *** what wrnt tip inclc [lx> 
naiaiut u-l-i-n th">~ Itafi Lbe aulUi-a did you? A. 
Tltm It'll* IHiLhinjr ihli ni|t«l-aH: aijiiut it. 

ij. TlH-rfr vi> fttiltra.-il ihfdn'F ami Vlmvimir an 
far *■ yon aawl A. lirfK-at that, 

Q. I »«y, rjuiwarilly, i hey lH:iiav*d thrmwlTm, 
ia llial It? A. Yf», outwardly, loo. 

(J. Hut ynu i|it| not Impecl all the room* a* 
to what happ»nH] with l\nw hatlba tlwy 
hroufllit in, did ynu? A- Aft^r li*Snjr thtFe 20 
year*, I wouht knnw. 

By liter Court; 

il. Did you in*|net Lhe reoina, iirT A. Why, 
I didn't make a uliecial InRjarLiut nf it. 

By 11 r. Bntdtliamiea ; 

Q. What fetor did yw lire onf A. 1 lived or 
like fifth, 

Q. 8a 704 illil tint haw* ncraniiia (e> no HI the 
fnutlk Boat or the Ihiid Rnnr or what nelf 

Q, Yaw did am- Ihraa hnltlnc aorniot; in,, being 
eewuabl bt, dida'l yoaj I A. Very little. 


Miife H,—Fnt [Itfli^-Craxd 

q But they did bring boltlta l«t A, Tbey 
war* Art objectionable. 

The Court: Will yoa pLwee answer 
the ajneationa and wa will gel through. 
Thi* jury hat been her* BOW almoel two 
waak*. Did yon see bolOes being brought 

The Witaese; One or so, 

Q, Al bines yon saw il bring hronghl in, that 
it correct, ia il nolt A- Yea. 

Q. And didn't yoo hear the comments mad* 
at one tin* that "One cannot be a Teal Bethel 
il* without driskiag beer'f A. J ber*r beard 
that atatemrnt. 

w- Tbey drank beer; yon heard It testified to 
that tlw:y drunk beer al the factory t A. Yea, but 
wilb moderation. 

<J. .And now and |h fn they wonld bring it 
orer to th* Beth?;, wouldn't thoyl A. No. 

Q. Yoar dnClriiKi was not agiinal drinkiqjf 
liitnor; it waa against drinking it to seCoess, 
wMflt that itf A. That ia right, 

Q. 9* yon did not object to their bringing 
beer in there * A. Na. 

Q. And) they hronftht Imlllra of beer in thtrat 
A, Nothing aa waa slati^l ia tlte letter. 

Q, Yon wiean not a* much of it aa was it* tad 
in the letter? A. Nat near aa much. That ia 
a lie that ia stated in Lhe letter. 

Q. How nraeh bear do yog think tbey athaaad 
to in the letter? 

Mr. Covington: If your Honor | 
the letter talk* alwul an entirely differ- 
ent nutter. 

Th* Canrti ObjaoUna a—tahad. 

ffttgr it, l;irmcr—f\r f*r/^.— Cf«* 

Q. I 4*11 yoar atlcnlinn, Ur. Itedmer, to tliia: 
Did yon lienr thia: "We cannot do tnurh with 
AloyLfi, hilt w* will nuke a man out of Peter?" 
A. Never heard that stalomenl until I heard it 

Q, Of eosrse, thay would rail about anyone 
that wni n teetotaler, wouldn't Lheyt A. I 
nen'or heard of that. 

Q. Wui'l that lit* ewhverantiM) that waa 
bandied about? A. h"n. RrthrL teat n plnee 
where they ridtraila fimrdr, 

Q. You knew tliat Ihere were aome who ab- 
atniand and. umt whe did not abstain, didn't 
yout A, Yee. 

Q. And there waa a drriaion between the two, 
thoMi who were for and, those who were agxiimtl 
A. No argument no. 

By the Court: 

Q. Was tota* kidding abent it? A. No. 

By Ur. Srnehhaasaa: 

Q. Ami tltey naver dla^uaaril it, the ones who 
dkl and the ane* wlio did holt A. No. 

q. Thai wna nol taken up al the tabla any 
placo? A. No. 

Q. Dldnt you do aainellilnjr other titan htva 
neala and |tray at (he table! A. hint. 

li. U'hal r I i . I j-i,u do in vour ■purt inont^nLt 
Uii'rnf A, Kt-rry ninn could do as lie pirated. 

4, AVbntl A. Kvery one could do aa be 

Q. Take, for tnilunor, afler dinner, what 
wnulnL yo*. do? A. Go to the room and lay down 
and rest or read, or attend to aont* oilier things. 




Bug* if. Mtmtr— For DtJi*^—Cfou 

Q_ Didnl jrgo hawe anj pl*n« there What* yod 
all R^'Wred (ngethcr and were friendly, is; 
meotinjr rooniT A. We hud a meeting rcxuu, >tl 

Q. And .Dulfin't ymi K^lXrr in cpu'niia-tiea 
tliemt A, Ye*. 

Q, And talk about the odditis of tiiii partic- 
ular individual or that particular ptraont A. I 
Jan't recall. 

fj r Ton did not mention anything ahent My- 
IkkIv oloe, wlwrtheT lie ii an interesting penon or 
wai soil A. Not aa allied in the latter. 

The Court; H* i* not oiling ym tbtvt. 

Q. Did you ilincufii anything hut Scripture* at 
tlirao inkling* in the rnomt Krticr* all of y*» 

f-n|lirrrdf A. Y**. 

Q. You dieciihaed the mattera of tha day, 
diriti't youf A. Vn, turrrnt topic*. 

Q, And didn't yon dijtrflM atorir* (tat yen 
rend in (lie iwnpapcri or what you heard oa Uh 
OHtaidel A. Anyone oould imagine, yea, 

Q. And didn't the hoye from the factory hrtnjr 
in noma evjisd aloriM nne*. in a whilel A If ynu 
Art gritting at trying In prove the 

Tha Courts Lnnk, air; Y«n at* here 

<n unmmr ijuratlnnn, Tint to iruika ajienrhrii- 

(J. The hoyn frnm tlm fnrtory wero In ennlaet 
villi people from tlie ontride, weren't they, who 
ciiin on hutineai to the factory 1 A. Eon. 

Q. t'ctijiln who made drtiverie* and all that 
port of (hingl A. Bar+ly. 

Q, Aad didn't lh*)r neaT atari** Ud Irfaf 
tun over to Bathah A. I do not know. 

CUytn J. Wmrtmrtii— f or De/ia.— flirirf 

Mr. Ciivinj^'in: If j'rtir Honor please, 

tluil in outride nf tlir ri'aliii of llir letter. 

The Court; 1 think il I*, Objection 

Mr. linir-hlinu^pnj No further ojuea- 

The Court (addnmiing Mr. Covington}; 
Anything further from Ihia wilaeuT 

Ur, CeViaElon ; TMkAl i* all. 

(VTitnru rirnvnl.) 

Mr. Covington: 11 r. C J. Woodwortk 

C1JIVTON J. WOODWOnTII, or ]2t Colurn- 

bin ITeichtis Uronklyn, New York, and 1622 
Qllincy Avenue, Kr.rn.ra1 no, Pi nun si van)*, a wit- 
nf« ml led on behc.ll' of the drfrndnnt*, being 
fimt duly worn, aa follow*: 

Dirrtl eJMIhlHflJia* 4<r i/r r Cu'NajfO*: 

Q. Hnw old are you, Mr. V ood worth T A. 73. 
Q. And how lone: have you been connected 

wftl Hip WaUh TWer Bilile 4 Trait Society t 
A. 4jt nrxl n half j«in«, 

Q. Flow Innjt have yna hno«~n JuHge Bolliar- 
fOTdt A. Since 1907. 

H. Up* ]<hir have you heen a incmhcr of too 
Ik-Uirl VamilyT A, ciiner Rrptrmlwr 1, mil 

1}. Do you know the plaintiff, O. It Moylet 
A 1 do. 

Q, How long have ynn tw-™ mpquainL«d with 
Mr- Uoylat A, I kaew him during tha four 
jwn, 1D3S lo 19». 

Cb#to« J. |l'o(HJ»vrfb— For lft(U.—l)irrct 

IJy Mm Conrt; 
Q. Vfaen bi> ttii at JiotlirlT A. Wht* hn waa 

nt JtHlirl. 

Dy Mr. ( 'AviiifittNi ; 

(J. You aljltod you ilfld two aihlmwk. Da you 
Jipond part of yohtr tinn: at Sf mntnn *ni| part nf 
yonr time Ircre in brook lynT A. 1 do. 

<). When you are in Kcr*n.t»n jai. Hay then 
at your liMiri*, ii tlia! right 1 A. Yea. 

(J. And when yon, an her* in Brooklyn, jua 
upend all of jnur time at 124 Colombia- Heiglilat 
A. Y**, 

Q. During th* yrant IMS to 1U30, haw much 
litae ar.phD<uiLil*]T would you *pend at both 
(hn*n riinrcmt A, A^prosimately nne>half, 
uli^hily ninrr ilme tu apcmliaa; tha odd waak-aad 
m Nrriinlnn. 

(■I- Yon an> tnarrkil, are yoa notf A. Ye*. 

Q. Dotii .i-nur *if« live mi FVthel or at Keran- A t>hr tiv« »t fc^ranton. 

Q. Do yog know Mr, W. E. Van AmhurtiiT 
A I do. 

q. Hnw lonft liavv you Icnown the defandaiil, 
'.V. E. Van AiiiburpliT A. Approxiojatfly Hi 

Q. And you Lmm- (hp. other riercndanli io tka 
piiflC ft>ll, ib vau iiotl A, I do. 

Q. During die ynif* that ynn Hvfd jit llelln-1. 
j|id vi'Hl luLVn an ihftfuu-lnnHy In m-nll 
ari|ii jii ji t'H L with JuiIjjp I tut I irrf<iri|1 A. I did. 

(J, WImiI wnrk in aimifn«l In ynrl In lin ill 
IhitliclT A. l"^liti(riiLl witfli- 

Q- And In coan**liftiL with what rnaawupn 
diirinjT tin yean 1M5 Id 1B3DI A. "CoowJa, 

i me 

Clmft^M J. WfJwvttlk—Tvf Dtllt,~Dirtet 

lion"' maewtine, pn-vnimily "The Golden Age." 
It i» durinK that (wrind aamrwheTra in ha- 
l»ri!n that the inm m rhnnged, 

lly the C°urt: 

Q, Tlwy are oar and th« aame mpp^iine, 

"flnhhjo A«e" »"rl " Coqwlatioa "1 A. Ona nnd 
thr? Knn<e nM|TK"iac, 

liy Ur. L'ovinjrlon; 

f(. What aiirt nf a nucaiin* ii Ihe "Conanla- 

tii n" maf^lincl A. Il it i rnn,inixi nt: nf prnpral 
in 'print tn ell prnplc that are iatrrcattd in truth 
An nVery whruppnnie KuhjiM-L 

Q. Tl in m n^a^nxinn that ia not drfi£nrd rn 1 )!!- 
aivrty or pnrri firnlly for .TrhiiTnh'i Wilnrmiri 
anil fimjile nf jrnod will, i* il f A. It ia daaijrnrd 
foP rrrrs IkvIv. 

fj. Anil tV "lValnli Tower" ia nurd an a rlian- 
nel of rftrnMUniration hrtn'mn tha Rfirifty and 
.TrlMYnh '* Witnmu-P, ia it «ntt A- That ia MVf- 


(]. Anrl the 'Tnnanlalinn " ia Uird an m char. 
arl helWnrn tlir- Km-irty and pt*>plr nrttaEii* nf 
.Tr-hnVnh'a WltnraKra primarily, ia il nnlt Aj 
T nil in rnrrirt, 

Q, And H al»n jrnpi to Jrtwmh'a Witnrta**, 
rlwia II luilt A. Yea. 

Q. And prnplr nf pond willf A. Tec. 

Q- Wlial ia Ihr njiturr nf Ehn aHirlra that ar* 
Irralrrl in the "Coiunlation" mafraiinf, ptrnrr- 
ally anrvkin^T 

Vfr. H rwdihaup+n : T do not aee tha 
rtlrvamrr of ail Ihia. 

CUt S le» J. LrV»oWl*~JW b*ft$r-D**it 

Tha Coort: Do yaai aaa aAythJaa; uih- 
rial about Uiiaf 

Mr. CoriingtoD: I wanted lo ahow lit* 
diiTeraaca between this and tlw "Watdi 

The Court: I think you have ahowa 
that when you have uked the i[Upaliohj 
that yon have, 1 [to not want lo limit ynn. 
I think ynn iiav* aliown rery definitely, 
and 1 think the jury underalanda that ana 
ia auppoied lo be for all prairie; whn *r* 
jnteretted anil Ihe othrr in jiuppnptd tn 
be primarily for JehoTah'a Wkneaaea and 
ppr, ^.lc nT good will. 

Mr. Covington: Tliat |a HjrliL 

Q. Durina; die j*ar* that ynn haw mided at 
rklhtl, ynu hail hteorae well arqiiainlnl with 
Jinlne Rntliorford, you aayT A, T did. 

Q. And during thai tirnp, kii yon hurl nrra.- 

»»n In tranuct much Luniarjia with nimt A. 
Many timee. 

Q. And hava eonfenneei. wllh Vint A, Ff*r 

CJ. Dnrinjr the time- that yrm « new Jadpra Ttnlli- 
erfoid, would yoo tell tht jury, fd*n«, what 
aort of a men ynn found, him to he, with refrr- 
p.ii*e tn the Ereatment of Ii in hTrthrrn at Bethel, 
A. Cnnrte-nofl nnd lrind to a faulL 

Q, And whnt altitude did he talk* toward* hi* 
hrm1hr»n at the tahle in rrferrnre tn the Tmllrr 
of permittinjr everyonr tn cipn™ thernaelve* on 
veriom malteral A, E^eeJIeal, hroadHnugdad, 

Q. Did ynn *ref ace him take the petition of 
a Dictatort A. T anrar did. 

Vttgtom J, IVuutwtirih—yaT Otfll^lHntt 

If. Arliilrarily »u|i^mm nnj-nrm froia itinklrjr 
p.[«itIi! A f >it tla- nuil m ty, hr encouraged froe- 
ditlii of ntprm-li at th* Ubl*. 

y. U"i'i*e \'m i'\Tr rvlneSant to exordne tperch 
a I Ihe Itrthr] iflMfT A. Never. 

tj. \Vlm1 mnji ilic allilude. or Ilia mlatithnaljip 
brLvrmn y>u ami I In- Jude^l Wrnj yon frirndly 
or wlmt »"ii the n-lal innah j pi A. I loved him 
like a brotlwr and lit mt 

The i'nart: Yon cannot T*ry well uy 

thai. <*n jronf 
Tim \l'itne«a; I judged Ihat^ 
Tli* Court; Yon can apeak for your- 

aelf, not for him. 

i*. Did ftp dlww nny ihrli**iion of love 1o*#rd^ 
yrnl [Uirinp; the ypnrn thai you lived 1 here I A. 


Q. Did lio *nnvr indliwitioni. tn nthere of We 
lnvi* tn»"jird». Ihrm in the Rrlhr) Family T A. 

Q. 1 alaiw ma a Mt»r d*led July "tal- 
ly lha Court: 

Q. Ton kM» tkat letter, dnn't ysnl A. T**. 

By Ur. C«rin|rlon; 

(J, The one that haa been referred to ad- 
dniei by air. kloyle In Jrujf^e Rnth^rford. 

Ifr, BmchlunM-n; Tlaintiff'a Exhihit 4. 

(J. (Continued) flaintiff'n Kihibit i. What 
wai, the An>t that you learned of tii* conLtnli o( 
that letter! A At Ihe mrelinfr nf the Board 
of Director* on Anjro»t !tth. 

Q. That w*a tha Aral timet A. Yea. 




Clayton J. WmdmrrA—fmr Dtftt^-Diftet 

By tie Court: 

Q. Tt waa nul ny Rutherford"* Beentaryl 

A. That i* «msl 

By Mr. Covington; 

Q. Winn yon beard th* letter read, what ni 

y-iiiT rrxrliDn nr npinicm u lu ill jMjatantif A. 

I re**nt*d it I believed it tn be falaa. 

Q. And did you know |hi fact* lad dim 
ftanee* upon which the*e charge* win iup- 
j»«»d la b# made, contained in the letl*rf A. I 
wm quits funiiiir with mo*£ of that 

Q, You >i*4 *i*ir.*d tt $tat*n lalaid, hid you 
totf A. Tw 

Q. Ton bad been living in Betbai, of aowaat 
A. Yea. 

Q. And yon wen familiar ^ritii th* Judge'* 
orRna, k<ri yen notf A. I vitittd him fre- 
quently OH tb* mvi-fi'.h flW, at hil ofioa. 

Q. Dunns tha time Dint you bar* been at 
Bethel, h*T* yon *v«t noticed Judge Roth*rford 
fcu ill-treat, lunbaal* and trim bis urethral at 

&* Bethel table T A, 1 turn net 

Tim Court: CWt y<*o ihorlen that hy 
afking li"m if he baa not heard Lha vlhar 

Mr. C°vinKtn»: I w*B ufc (hat if It 
will be acceptable and *ati*fa«tery, 

Th* Court: 1 im *a» it win h*. 

Mr, Brothhaueen: I »OS'l object 

q. You heard the lealimony of the other wit- 
neaae* «tncernii>g the— 

Cfcvfe* J. WooimarA—Far DefU.— Dirat 

The CVqrt; Charge* mad* in Mr. 
Uoylt't letter! 


By tba Court: 

Q r Your taatioKHiy would be auhatantiitly tha 
**jn* a* thaifit A. It would to. 

Q. With th* efcocptian of fit* ftrtl paragraph 
cf ft* letter, yom tay thai it ia faint A. 1 da, 
yen, lir. 

By It', Coringtoa: 

Q. There ia * *Ut*Dcnt ia thi* Jtllar which 
I will nii to you— 

Tli* Court: Mr. Covington, don't let re* 
ieterfen with yon, I think the jnry hai 
had it aevaraf (itnn. Yon do anything 
you wait, If yon. wont la go thruugli Hi* 
other, go right ahead. 

IJr. Covington: 1 am set flfllng through 
the other. There ia aa inline* ben that 
hai set been 1*#tifi*d lo. 

Tha Conrti Ho i-itht nliead. 

By Mr, Covington; 

Q. In thi* »tat*ment 11 r. Movie ny*; "Tha 
(Int. if memory serve* me correctly, wa* a 
fasgnc-huhing given lo C J. Woodworth, TV**), 
worth ia a perianal lrll«r t* jfon itatod HHne- 
tnia*; to tha affect InUt it w«!d be lerrinp Ihe 
DvrU to oontinne n*ia| onr prevent day calen- 
dar. For that ha wa* ImmlHatad " Were yon 
aamillalad by Jnd«7* Botharford on that ooea> 
akal i Not at alt 

Q. Wan yoa trimmadt A. Hot at alL 

Clayton J- Woorfjoori*— F or DtfUz—Dittd 

Q. And cnada a apaetad* off A. No. 

Q. Did you. get a tougue-lairtlng t A. No. 

(J. Jmt teO u* tha circumelance* pertaining; 
to that cutler, how it aro** r what yon laid, what 
Hnlberford aaid, aod what *njb«Jy •!** aaid, if 
then waa any inch thing, 

Th* Court: And where it happened. 

Q, (Coattmitd) And vhtn it happened. A 

I wh Hatod at No. 1 tabla, at Ule urulh mi of 
the dining room when Judge Holherforci vi 
Urollier liutlwrtord or air. Built? rford **id hi 
had receiTed a coinrrnjnication frgm a member of 
(ha Family wliich he wi*li«i lo read and would 
lik« tn gel an exprenion from the member* of 
tin family a* to what they thought or taia l*t- 

Q, Bcfar* yon proceed, u that a letter tbat 
you wfot* to the .TinJ^et A. Yes, lhat la a l*t- 
ur I wfi^te to Jurl^e Itmhorford. 

Q. Tdl tii« jury wlmt you wrote, if ynu re- 
meenher, in mh*!jince, to Jnrlga Bolharford. A 

II will be luecuary to explain a little. 

By Kit Court; 

Q. It waa conceraiBg changing the ealradarl 
A Ye*. 

By Hi. Cavingtan; 

Q. It related to the change from the preaent 
day «aiendaT to tha ne* of Ihe Bihlt *a]*hd*r, 
ia tliat rightl A. Yea 

Q. And yon had advocated that! A. Tm. 

Br tb* Cnortr 

Q. Adrocatad a chug* in the eelandart A 

Cis/i** J. TTaeaVartk— Far Defiir-Itir€et 

By 11 r. rjbrfjjgton: 

4J, Win yen o*e vf tin rsra ll*l uuda Lii* 
nimcdi in prtparalioo for the Bibl* calendar 
tiuil iu >u£gealedT A. 1 waa tha principal num. 

y, YflU wtr* TnUiatiaitio about that, were }"vn 
niitT A, 1 dvmiind 230 worlti on Ailrononay Lu 
wril* it 

(/, Tb* raatUr had bmn a aabjeet for diiKTin- 
tien for eomdilnrable lima ia the llettiel Fiamily, to Ul* oaiiion, had it nutl A. Yen, it 


Q. And it had b*rn bmujfhl up for ditcuzuun 
a-ul the mihjert rJ«mJ I A. Yea. 
y. (tWiRiied) la Ihn Family t A, Yet 
g. Aft*r tbat, tell m, after j-oa bad delivered 
th* lelter to the Judge, wlial happfiud an the 
day in (ineaEioa that jrod h*" mrnLinnr<l at tlis 
laWeT A. The etlendaT *tor]~ had orrupicd m 
pona <i( tb* uuuraiuite in tbrre Uaum, mh] hail 
gone into the mbject cihauativ^ly, It hu| ilrnim 
allcaljon to tin fact that 10 calendar*— 

Th* Court; Me want* to know the 
delaik of tb* eonv«r*stien willi Jndge 
Umherford, Yon told ua Jm3go Hiillirr- 
fnrd laid ha had received a c«™roHnic*< inn 
from one of th* nwmbrr* #f tb* Famiijf- 

Q. TJ-id lie *ay thai at tin opmlng of th* rnralT 
A. Vea. 

tj. Tell m wliat if aaylhihg waa aaitl tiszht 
away or how hing 4 w** befur* aaylhlng wu 
paid. A. Hi Ihtww thi piatlrr npam for rliaona. 
aioa aa to whether — 

lly Ihe Court ; 

Q, Did h* read yaw lattar uralt A. Yea, tny 
wai nad. 


Clayton J. Waodteorti—ror DtfU^—Diwnct 

Q. Then the matter waa thrown open for dii- 
ouaiioat A. Yea. 

By air. Covington: 

Q. Who wax Hie lirat 10 nudi* ctuiuih-ntl A, 
TIuti! wan two ■># llirrt wlw> iiunUf fwiihu'jil., 
ami Ihm f r«|nmtnd ^riidjia'wn tu oinkn a flian- 
roent, and when prnniuinii Trill crantwl tn «K', 
I Plated what I krw* to be a fat, lhat I Iwl 
allowed my tntlnj*i**m to go r*li«uJ of my lulur 
jodgment in Ibe matter, ami Hwt E h*d nuulr a 
jacltas* of rnyittJf, wliicb waa correct. 

Q, In adTocating tin change of Ibe caknlart 
A 1'b. 

Tli* Court; la writing lb* aHlfr nlvo- 

net ins i-1 

Th, Witint: Ye*. 

Q, Then wlmt, it anything, Jid J^djre RntliT- 
fonl any on that occaninn in reKponnc |o wlmt 
you eaidl A lie agTecl with what I Iwl *oiil, 
and I think that wan all right, 

Q, Bid you object to ill A. I did not. 

Q. Bid yon. ever tell Mr. >ioyk> lhat ymi <jIi- 
j-vzIchJ ft itT A. I did nnt 

y, |>itt yon ever (ril Vt. JfnjV yo« iminl 
liini to writ* a l*t«T tn Judge Rutin' rfnnl pnt- 
tojilinn in y<mt hrliairt A. N^vpr did. 

Q. Rid ynO U«nfiilri" Hint Ihin */1f |rrn)K-r ml' 
mnnilinii lit rr£*iuo at llm hambc of ilrfi ilml^ipf 

A Y*a,Ido. 

Q r Did yau reaeot what ha had aaidl A. I 
did net 

Q. What wa* bi* tonne of aetion aa '•hiprin* T 
with the Scripture* lowerd* you on lhat orf*- 
aioaT A, It waa jnat in lutnnnny. 

6'ioyiH J. Weae\*orik—Fef Dtft;,—pift£t 

Mr. liraehliamtn : 1 object to lhat. 

Th* Cnurl: I will permit him to nay. 

Mr, BrudihauMn: 1 WitUnw tlin ub- 

Th* Court: It waa hi harmony with 
ihe ScHpturatt 

The Wilneia: It m in harmony with 
th* iicripturea 
fj. Did yon TOimider lhat you were getting a 
Ublctrianiiing ur Iwins iiulilicly humilialed, Im- 

nuilm: uf Hiilf A. 1 dill nuL 

Q. Ihd you wn'klcf that tiiat waa for the ua* 
and laihclit at tlm rVimily b«auie uf tlin fuct 
that it hail been a aubjnK of ducuiaion J«[ura 
Ike Family I A. Yea, 1 did. 

Q. ]>id you make any abjection or aritiouim 
publicly at the tahlrt {la that occauoal A. 1 
did not 

Th* Court: lie hue already **id h* did 
ant uhject to it 

Mr. Covington: I am lorry, yoor 
lluaor, for tl»r renttitjon, 

Q, Pn ymq mall wlut yno uid on the date 
of Aiuni't H, ItKHI, al tlie Itoard of Dirrrtcvm 
landing in Ihe 'i:Ti™ of the l're«nkii( of I hi 
tuirirty al wliirn Jlf, Muyle attended! A. Ye«. 

i}. Wliat, if anything, did yon *ayf A. I aaid, 
"Jehovah Hod reprimanded Miriam, aaying to 
her, ^llaw i* it that ymt dared i-neafc on* word 
agaiapl my Korvant Jln«*Kt TT ' That I Inwijrlil 
I hit lliin Irltcr had xliown Hie name' dinpoxitinfi 
lhat ^lirieirt luiil r-bmrn, and lliriani, an we himw, 
>»■ etwerely puninhctl fnr wiial *he did. 




Ckftua J. TTdMfwtri'Ub— far Dtflt.—OirtH 

By tlt« Court: 

Q. I* that all that you taidT A. TlnU i* tb* 
drift «f It 

By ill. Covington; 

Q. Did yen Tata in favor of tb* resolution 7 

A. I dlil 
Q. You have heard tlit LrilLmony oF lhe other 

wi Liie»hM.!» nn whit taut [tlilCo OB EIlO.1 0*e4iH«lt 
Aqi( wluil wpji pi*id, Voill- leaLihlDny WmlLJ lp* 

Out muif in that rrgariL would il aott A, Vea, 

it would, 

(J. Did ;-!iil alao attrivl thr netting OF tilt 

It^Ihrl l''niiuly >t Avon that day wlien tin ttv 
Jiiou «m liiiill A. I dwl; >M. 

Q. Do you aprro ej to what hai been uiit 
from tin: ulln-r witntite* nn that point F A. I do, 

Q. After Aujpiit fllli, Anil in the neijjhimrlpuM 
of Slufi'rm'hiT SI, 1Q3D, did }'uu hiv* oceaaion 
'.a lipi si. article entitled, " Information " 1 A. 
I did. 

By th* Court; 

Q. IJLiI ywi hSki, it at tlifl Jlnonl of DitMtarV 
mcelinjrt A. No, I did noL 

Q. You are one of Lb* thru that nigued It 
afterwards T A. Ye*. 

Q. Where did you ti gn ilf A. Ik Judga Ruth- 
erford'* office, 

Q, Kb called youl A, lie called nu. 

(J. And rihowerl you tlic article F A. Yes. 

Q. And yia read it and tlten you limned il and 
*^rced with itT A. That it correct 

By II r. CovingtoE : 

Q. Did you bflitiv* tho eoBtent* oF that letter 
ta be tru*1 A, I did. 

iUdglom J. WnJmrA—Fer j»f/lj,— J)iV«f 

Q, Thai artiet* enlillod "Information," I 
pwun? A. Yea, I tuwIoi-jiIekhI j-nu (■> mean thai. 

Q. Awl tliil you "bc-liov* (hat the commend 
*x|pnnwed tliL-rcin Hi your hoseat opinion ud 
IwlitfF A. 1 iji.U 

(J. Did you think that they were ft fair Fxprc*< 
aiiNi hpC your IclieT nunramipig th* plaintiff'* (un- 
due! f A, L thought tg. 

y. Uid y*ra do it witlmul malice T A T tmr. 
taialy did. 

(J. Ilnl y«u uft. I* Pnt«Jirl tlml it won to ho mini 
in ln-linlf «r Lilt; Kotirljf In Uuking Ihik illfunnn. 
ti»n tiiuwiif A. 1 did. 

(J, ]}id ynu do thi* Tnt lU benefit of yenr 
fcnHhn-n In Ihe ftcld. Jehovah 'a Witnoucit 

Mr, BrndEBiuarn: T object to that 
The Court: Ohjenlinn luutained. 
IJr, Cwinfftan: Wt «i<-r|it, 

Q. \YIit did jau aipi tlm ortlrla entitled "Tn- 
ftwanltam 1 *! 

11 r, Bniehhaopen: t nlijnct. 

Tim ['jafiri: 01?i<Tti-(>B contained, 
IFr. Co*in«ton : We t xctpL 

Q. 1 want In isk q» more qu*»tift«: Ynu 
iww.1 tMl annwrr thin nnlil lie haa hod an uptmt- 
tu-nitj- to «h>n:l : Dm] ytn nmiiiiiliir (bat tlifl mb- 
Ject HAf tfr »T*r*l In (Ir arlii-le tnlitlnl " Infor- 
mal iim" wtM m matter in which Jehovah'* YVil- 
>e**ta bad an ininriat to noaiTB information nf 
■ad no«-ir«loj[T 

Mr. Bmehaaipra I T o1>J«a. 

TIm- Court: T will pumit him lo am- 


Claglom J, Wo*4warH—Fer DtlU,—T)irtfi 

Q. With relaroiui* ta th* "Rnnw" artida, 
did ion hara aavtldac to do wit* tiiatl A. 

By th* Coon: 

Or Ycg read it in th* "Watah Tower" after 
you fol your copy or tha "Watch Tow«r"T A. 
That U wrrwt 

By Mr. CoTinfton: 

Q. Did you ei;n tK* *rtiel« anLtltd "lafenaa- 
Uon" Toluntarilyl A. I did. 

(J. Baring the tim* tluat Mr. Ifojle wae aaao- 
oiaUni with th* Hodely, did ha han* nccaiion ta 
nuhlUh artldea in the maipjina entitled "Can- 
■platioa"! A. W* w*ra *erjf glad lo haTB fc™ 
for a contributor. 

Q. And Bow many artielea did Mr. UovJ* writ* 
orar hi* in nam* in lh* ■ 'ConjaUlio*' ' tnaga- 

Mr. BruehhatiHD: t object tn all thk. 

Til* Court; How I* thin matarlajt 

Dr. Covington; Uajr I axpIalnF 

Th* Court: Yea. 

Mr. Corington: The only parpoa* In 
tiiii i* La disw that lir. Ifoyli wu widely 

Mr. BrucKhaUHm We admit that he 
wea widely known. 

Thft Coort: Yen hav* had Ictiinwajr «■ 
that bvFom. 

Mr, CoTiBgtoi: Than I will mat pro- 
e**d with the natter Farther, 

Q. 0* or about Augul 1^1838, did yo* write 


Ctsfln J. Wtoiworlk—FoT Dtfii— Direct 

a Itllaf addnaaad ta Mr. 0. IL Moylet A. I 

11 F, Covington; Do you have the orig- 
in*! of Dial, pdeanel 

ilr, Brudihauaeni 1 dua't know. It 
inay lh licte. 

11 r. Covington : ] haw a copy, but I 
■"- ■ i .lI :J |in-liT In l.nv I k t iprijrilm). 

TIm? Ci.url: 1'iie Ihe l-o|»v now. iyUaw 
il Ui ilr. KrutfihmiWB, to nnvr tilMr. 

[ilr. L'ovinglun uliuy* ]iiij)i>r In Mr. 

Mr. JSru'hlieuiMiit: I knnw Ihe Itiu-r, 
liul 1 utij«-1 (o it Ijccntmc it in a «flf-uTV- 
in|r dotlaration. 1 h«v» no ol.J^y.i i i..i . \v 
the »itti«n lt»ii fying to wIlqI ho did, 

The Coort; He wrote a letter, lie hn* 

IIt. CoTiiiKtem; I (Junk it i* motcrial 
becaunfl there hove bevn pM^nn? cSinr^c* 
niade in oilier ltEtp-n tiin' arc ni»w in ^vi- 
■k^rc *npi^rniiijr tl>i* 'hiiir, ynur llnnor, 
and it in introduced for that purprwe. 

Mr. Bruchliaurfn : I ohji-ct lo n ho I ha 
wrote ia the kller. ) lure no ohjeclian 
to liia tenlifying to what h* did. I da not 
ace th* original. I liaven't a copy of it. 

The Court: la th ia the laet thin*, you 
have to out; him about J 

llr. Covington: It ie alnnut (he Ie*L 

The Court: TTitn 1 *-oi;'t :l!« »u thiis. 
It ia a lenjrthy letter. I thill read it 
anroiajht rnyielf. 

Mr. CorLiKlttt. ; Would jom tile to h»*» 


Clayton J. Weoitcorik—For D.{U—[Hrt*t 

thi* «.||« (handing paptr to th* Caitrtjt 
Thi* i* another kttar 1 want to offer. 

Mr. Braehhaoaen : Her* ia th* 'Original 
(banding to Sir, Covington). 

ilr. CnTiBgtoe; Ttiia letter haa been 
referred to in many other letter* that Mr. 
il.iylr ha* written which are now in evi- 

Til* Court: I wilt rt-jd tlip-m tn^ipjlit. 
Ti thie ell yon have to nak him about t i 
do not want to mak* lh* jury wait while 
I rtid theie. 

Ilr. CBvimttan; Th* letler aiirned by 
Mr. Moyla ia rtapone* to that Ic-tter n- 
que*ta Mr. IVoodworth ID publish it in 
the "CoBxBlatinn," 

Tlia Court i I will «ad tnera both over- 
nipht. Your eroejueKaminAtion of Ihit 
wilne*i\ Ilr. Hrwlihaiuiav I Ukr it, will 

ilr,:' 7|,|llh [in:rf 

Ilr. BrHchhanaea: I Ihin* it win. 
The Cnurt: All right. We ahall aA- 
jinirn now until SJXi ("morrow morning. 

(Whareupon, the trial ui adjonmod to 
Friday, liny Si, J £43, at 9M o'clock 



Vtaitom J. WmlKorA—For ttofS*,—Mrtet 
Friday, Hay SI, 1913, 

BJO o'nlnrk LIB. 

(Tun. BaaifHaav) 

CMYTtJM J. WOoBWOttTIf, laugxd lh* 
aland and lentilied Further a* folio** ; 

Uiftct tmmimulifm (Continued) bg If r. Cosing. 

Ilr. Covinjfioe; The defendant* now 

offer in evirirJie* the t»-o Jciien JdeBtlfieiL 

The Court; Have jou jesn both lei- 


Mr. BnKlptiaoppenj 1 iton'l know whtlhrr 
I have. 

The Court: WcIL y«u ha** tven on*, 
anyway, I know, 

il r. Itl'Llchl: n iftnn : 1 luvr id nhjrrlinn 
to Mr. Moyle 1 * lelftr, hul 1 h*v* l« lh* 
If tier written by Ihe witpicia tn Mr. Mojl* 
on Ihe irrHtod that it in n. wlf-wrcing 
d<*la ration. 

The C^iurt : Tlnr nhjedinn ia aupflained 
W* will mark hnth fcttera tm ideniificm- 
lioa. Ksfintiftti tn th* defendant*, 

Ilr. Goirift£lpwi; Thcr# la no need of 
offering the leller in rt-ply if fh* other 
witl ba 4^irivded 

Tbe Cnurt : ^irnTpnae we mark thrm 
hnlh for Identiovmtiinn and Hive ynn an tx- 
captioti to the eifhiMn* of th* nint ova, 

(Th* letl*n wen nnrV*d re*p*cti*«ly 
nwfamHant*' EihiMta &3l and BJ3 fnf 




Claulo* J, WoodwortSt—yor Iftfirj—CtasM 

The Court; I ipn with ynn Ihat lb* 
jH-rniu] ude lutiMJ nothing; without lit* 


Q. During the ye-flr* ftat yon. were acquainted 
frith Mr. iloyle at Ikthtl did you ever hear him 

make any compl-nint rcimnlinp any of (be condi- 
lion* there at Dethclf A. I did int. 

Mr. Co*in$tan,: That ii alL 

OdJJ~£lH*tlMdlioa) tjf Jeff, f ntcUiauiirx ; 

Q. I think that you aald that vim recalled Hie 
inridrnt whirli in referred to hy Ur. Mnjrk in 
hit Ml*T, ai-iein^ out of yonr letter to Mr. ttcth- 
erfnnl in connection with tint OH of the pres- 
ent iliy calendar. Von recall that incident, don "1 

The Cnurt: Yah laid u about it ye*. 

A. Y«. I cfc. 

Q. You had written thi* letter prim-lely tn 
Mr. Itutherford 1 A, I *ml« him the tetter. 
(J. Did you miil it to himt 

The Cnurt; ffnw did jon Mt thai it 
rraehed Mr- Rutherford 1 
The WilHeu; It waa delivered thn.iijrh 

IN* oaiwl JHTpi(tJ flrfirnv Jnnep Bandied 

the mail, 

Q. Ynn aaw Mr. tluthcrfnnl in and Around 
Ttelbel mmtanlly. didn't yout A. Yen, air. 

t} r Aim! m ynu tajr yon ha** hen. friendly 
with Win f«r a jpreat many years t A, Y**, *ir. 

Q. And it tile tin* yim wirt* fbl* Mif 1" 

Clvylv* J. JrWioortJt— ^'or Dtftt.— C'rou 

kiiiiL you lived in tin ujnt building, dida'L yout 
A. Vn, air. 

The Court i 1 can ehorfen tliin up. Wat 
llui way you diiiTtmi )Our loiter In Mr. 
Itu Llivrf uni tit* unual way of landing cann- 
III i m i'J 1 1- u n* 1 

The WitiiMi: That wat my u*ual way. 

TJie Court l lVu that the itnual way 
adopted hy the Sutielyl 

Tilt Witnea*: It WU nut M irnnctal 
rule ; hut tlmt waa tlie practiee, to try In 
aave Ida lime and ■Lrcrijflh u much n* 

The Court • That waa (ho cuatora and 

Mr. Itrurhluiuiien: I roov* to ■ I rile* 
oul, "try I a aave hi* itren^h anil time." 

Thr Court .' Ym, atrik* it not 

Q, A* Eililor of "Cftntnlfllinn," did yoa haTi 
norruii.n in ajtcak to Mr. i!ut!lf rfnrtl pOTiOT.iillyT 
A. Krfi|nenl tf. 

Q, Dji| ynu hip nflVe jn Bethel n thnwi 

nrnutinniR f A, V* 1 *, "Sr, 

Q, Hnw altra ihii ynn vinit himt A. PerhDp* 
onrf D nxmlli nr nnrr in twp innnth*. 

Q r Hut ynu flu! vliit him vhrnerrr the mwi- 
aity inniit A. Tea, air 

Q, Aiifl did yrtfl inalr *n afijiaiiilntttl b^r<ir«- 

linrailT A, Snmrl :ci icn . 

Q. TtiA h* hart regular nfliee honri toaret A' 

The Ctitirt: Outnn* vanneli tip antil 
Amntat S. 19CW.-in all rit th**a qnpulinn* 
ihur a™ heinjj anlied, Th*y era confined 
up until that day. 

Clanim J. Wvodworih—Fer Dtfi*-Crou 

Q. Wr-ll, at any rate, llr. Ru'tiorford did an- 
nounce Ln Lli« nptu uitoting at Bethel tltat ha r*. 
ooived a tetter ftoni ]fau,1 A. Y-ti, *if ( 

Tlie Court: lie rweived a letter. H* 

didn't uieutiun your naiuet 
The WiLnew: 11* received a letter. 

Q. That waa tlie firit aelmAwlad^mnnt he 
made either to you a r to the uieiiibtn nf tWtlvd 
family that lie received a Jellrf from yoal 
A. Vea, that it aurruL 

Q, Tlmt J3, he didn't write a letLn in rrjily la 
youf A. No. 

Q. On call you on tlte taleplbODef A. No. 

Tlie Court: Did ha ham your litter 
rejul publicly it lklNulT 

The Witnett: Ye^ eir, Iw tanl ha had 
received a loUer. 

Tl.i- Court ; And he wugkl haw it read 
to the rnnprnRatiunT 

Tlie Wilnea*: Tea, and aak Iheir epia- 


Q. Did yon aay that anmnhorfy wat called a 
jatka-in- fin that oceaiidoil A. I maid that I called 

■nyaelF one. 

Q. Hive you ever called youraclf a jorlii* be- 
fsr«t A. I think ikk 

Q. How of ton f A. Aa cj reutnalaama jrrmrd 
to MiirjreBt, 

Q. Dk»» Ihal-wcut very often 1 A. Quite often. 

Q. Did it nwur many time* with llr. Ruther- 
ford J A. T dbiln'l UniVrHtanil I hat <lDe*tion. 

Q. Dili it «riir many (ifnp^ in the preeenee of 
Mr, Hutherfordl A. I don't know that it ever 
nnturred prerioutly in hit preaenc*. 

Cli/fttm J. Wwttrurik — For Oe/lt.—Croa 

IJ, You had a ureal «dmiralnn for Mr. RutJl- 
rrfurdl A. f did. 

tj. Sii murli r" that ynu tort of idolised ItiuiT 
A. Ku, 

Q. Dal ui faint you would arcont any atatc- 

iihiiI 1 1 in I lie 1 1 : i l < I l> without dinaeitt A. No. 

TI»o Cnurl: He mud he lured hi*n like 
a hrotlaar, Waan't that the way you put 

Tlie KVitn™t[ Thrt ia correct. 

Q, Vthtb wta the leal time that you dinnented 
with liiiik nlhrr than nn thi* mominn with 111* 

llr. Cni'inptiin: That ataninet a mitlet 
nnl in rvi.lincc It atdnmei thtt lie dia- 
aphlr.1 Triilll liiin. 

Th-' Court : Strike oul the question and 
wr will ref nine it 

(J. Wlirn aai> Ilit- timt time that ynn harl ocea. 
Hinii |n difmrnl npninvt Mr. TV.iMirrfuril, [>risr 1 ci 
1li i* iMN'Hkinn, nf Mir rrnilinii nf ynur letter In 
Iti'lluHt A. I il^n'1 Uiii-vi' I unriiTiilnnd that 


Tlie CotiTl: \Wn did ynn di*aeT*a 

villi Mr. liutli-rfijnl, if ever, heforo the 
nrrtpinn nf tliit irller that you hare told 
ih nimutl 

Tlie Wilneva: That wnuld be a pretty 
hard nurfliim for me In aaawer. 1 dtat 
are laiW 1 ran aniiwer It. 

Tlie Court : Did ynn fl*er h»»* anjf die. 
aarmnenl with Mr. fiutlwrfphll 

Clayte* J. Womtmortk—Fer Qtfit^-Crau 

The Witnrgi: Owaainaallf I would aa* 
aoEnethiujr difTcrenl Tram what be did. 

Q. So that on thia aecaaion — 

The Court; Would that b. wili Lb* 

mnptixinc, " Cnntulatioa " f 
The Wit****: Yd. 

(J. After llr. Ruthirtord read Ihit letter of 
youra and nuule hit eomnnenti did you eipreat 
any diix^at at alii A. H* did not expreia hit 
ecmrneiit until after J expreated mine. 

Q. And then after h* eipreaeed hit did yon 
upraci amy di»*entt A- I did not. 

Tlw Court i Th* witnen bu leatiftad 
that he, the witneu, tpak* Qp blfon Mr, 
Botherford tpnk* up, 

Tlie Witntu: Yes, *ir, M aa* af 
thone — 

Tlie Court; Yon acted pvrtniaaiou ta 
Itave the floor. You £ot prrnuiujnn from 
Mr. Rutherford, and you get Up and aaid 
what you told ui yetterdiy. 

The lYLtnent : That ii oorneL 

Th* Court: And after that Mr, Ruther- 
ford tummed np. 

The Witness ; Yea, tir. 

Q. Well, the ftr*l IhinjC that occurred, Mr. Ttu. 
therford read the letter, it that ill A. Hi bad 
it reid. 

(J. Mr. Rutherford didn't atttvd «a*l* u* lh* 
♦Tenina; In Rclhel, did hat A. Rome Lima*. 

Q. Nnt alwaytt A. Not.alwiyt. 

Q. If* ate up In hit private dining room no 
tbe taventb floor! A. I loppot* to. 


Claifta* J. h'aodworih—For DtfU. — Croii 

Q, Don't you Iraowf A, Ha. 
Q. Du yuu know that he ever a|* op there I 
A. I do not know. 

The Court: Yon never at* thtrt witb 

The Witnrat : No. 

The Court; Yop amolnnl that bt «■ 
fatir.j (irrc, 

Q. Wat he in the building on many of ih* oc- 
casion* at meal timet A. P ratably an. 

Q. f)ii y du anew whclner or nut he w*a in th* 
buildinpr at any time *-hcn rncola wwre bc-itcH in 
thf cvfivinjft A, I could nnl tall. 

Q, You were in the building, weren't yonl A. 
Yet, tir. 

(j. And yon had an elevator that went np to 
the seventh floor throughout lh* hnihlingT A. 
Y*», *lr. 

Q. A telf.nerviee elevatnrl A, Yet, fir. 

Q. And ynn know, do ynn not, that invariably 
when Wr,. Rutherford went out of town or waa 
nut nf town the announcement wonh! he made hy 
i el -[ih nne that he «"t» on hi* wny back, if-n'l that 
no! A. T dnn't know that, 

Q, And lh*! the elei'otnr wnuld bn held and 
nn one onold n«c it onlil he entered the hniMinff 
and u*ed the elevator f A. That it all new* 
to nw, 

Q, And that *om*lime the elevator w*a held 
a* Inne; aa. h*lf »n hour and the other penpJe 
bad to witl't up in the buildiortt 

Mr, Covington: Thi* i* entirely imma- 


Clayton J, Wooimorih-^Fpf Dtjt»t~Cran 

The Court: Jl U usfjropc?, TIh wit- 
Hell tay* fci-ri tloKi not imiif, 

Q. What ia tin circulation of th» "Cooceta- 
tion" DtagiztDBT A. Somrtliinj; over 12 million 
copies lull jiui, 

y. Ami you wen the Kdihir of that oujpijjntl 
A Yh, air 

Q. By tli* way, year wife did not lira at 
Bethel, did thtl A- No. 

4- And yoor daughter! A. Well, ray dtUjb- 
Utf I* 50 yen* of age. 

The Court: H* **kad you a Tiry aim- 

Th* Witntu: No. 

Q. Your daughter it over 21, ynu eayt A. Yea. 

Q. Site iru intereated in Lhn I'm tori I Bible 
Society, waju't ahel A. Yea, air. 

Q. And »lill ill A. Go far u 1 know, 

y. Du yea recall wndnj; at any lime in refer- 
ence to Mr. kloyln'* letter or making any com- 
ment* — 

M r. Cat) np inn : Juat a minute. I jt t ui 
nhaw Lb* wi(a*w wiat yoa ban rafnraitcai 

The Court: He may **k dim if he re- 
call* writing the letter, 

Mr, Bmchhaiuien ; T *ra irning to adt 
him about item* in '.his letter on lha 
gfnunrt that they are aj]mlan;on*. tart I 
ililt object to the adnieaion of the who]* 

The Court; Are you talking »tv. q l Ihe 
Inter thai wa* not admitted in evidrad 


(Vinyl™ J, Wnmivort^Par ^e/fl.— Oa*r 

Mr* Jlruthk*flp«n; Yen. 

I'll* Court; Let him «e a copy or it. 

tj. Will yon hjii.w iJiia paper to ljie wit*-**. 

Th* Court ; t>o yon recall that IrllerT 
The Wilnen*: Yea, I da. 

y, Ho j'tu. say that y«u didn't want to iruli- 
niti; by that Him %W. i tulhtrfiprd wan entitled 
1u 1-iLlJ-r wxxptniniKlnliunp] I A, Certain] j linL 

y. 'I'lu-n yiiii do admit, do you »■>!, tluil M r, 
lEutlMrfnnl ilhl admin inter rebuke*! A- Vih, >ir. 

(;. Ami you Jinnw, Mr. Wood worth, llml !.f did 
ndMuiiilrr ri-l.iiLiu i» jma, i|on T t ynut A. "What 
wvt ia he whuin lit father chaatenelh aotl" 

The Court: He 'till n't auk j'nu thai, 
Annwer (he nwvimn 
Ilia Witnen*: Oeeajioiially, 

(J. And he wan diumtiifcil al litne« with lliihcu 
tlial >rrti did, wmm't bel A. Any Heeuliec lun 

a rifjhi In jnnke PUKHI-Ftion* bP roerrfli'imi tu 
L 1 1 1 1 h *■ llial MM eriMBHHl wilh him in tin* tun* 
iii't riiriwi. Hut hit alirayp trealrtt tins kimllj-. 

(J. All iiin*» MiTTtftJ'th* were ]«jii1» nut in [lw 
n|»n inniinif at lletlkell A. N»t at all. 

y. Ili»" many flf tlmr *rre1 A, Hnme of llieto. 

y. II"* maiiyt A. f ranrnl auMMaf llial. ] 
ihui't kniw. I pupjjMMi mayhe three or iW t jjuh- 
nihJy mure. 

g. AtvL yon heard— A. In the twenty odd 
year* that I wnrkrd f I if re. 

(J- Ynu Iward itijnilar enrreetinrn hrinjr ailmln. 
Ulereil to ullnrpT A. \ mra«inn«l|y hean] him 
u tlw head of Hi* H(hw adminieter r*peiw,fi or 


Cbgttm J. Wvodwerih—FBr Dtjtt^Ctou 

reprimand* Hut H-micd tn he ijnnorlanl *rnl 

(J. Anrl all tbnw: l-irri ri me< n- 1 H Wrr* riaht mil iii 
thh open i ftittiii it at Ititliui with the Kainily uf 
ia"J or \nnrii riuihff * fiiUiM 1 1 A. I uannut wiy 

(J All 1li*t y^n noer arc fcftrrinn fn ori-iirml 
'.htrcT A. AIL that I iH'unl (ret*, of euurne, in 
the liming rcvhin. J eoulilji't Iwmr repr«of» Dial 
ho adininiikU-n.4 U> jicnuipp in t< ix private <iHirjp, 

Q. ihi jiia know <pf any n-pruof* tiliiiini*Lrn«| 
in the privul« nfljrel A. Purely. 

Q. Ho tlmfe »err> pmliehly r^pfrurfd in tlur pri. 
von- oflite and in tin npe* iawtinjrn InpIIiT A. fir 

Q. Wi# lB*re * n y djffftftatn |jr|i«4>n wfi*I 
trpmoF^ were eihiilnljitrrril in tlie private milir* 
ami tlhpn* in the np-a mcetiiwl A. Uertainly, 

Q, Would a reproof he ailniininli'ml in tit* 
0|pen hitriiiiif wlip-re it wax preeetkil hy n leltrr 
wrillnn hy a cmn[ilninnntf A. i juilar- Uvt vnn 
ar* rtierriBH lo Ihe calendar Inopltnll Am 1 
e»rr*nt ia trmtr 

Q. One of tin inrhlrntu in your Idler. A. 
That happened Hint liinr. 

y. iTad ynu writlM) any ntlier kltrm In tint 
nEltcr than llial Irltrrl A. You meaa that *vn, 
hfouRlit up at thr lahlrt 

Q. Yea. A. 1 ilnn't reraM rver luving p|niH>M>. 

Q, Wa* there aay rramm wiiy yoj wmle n 
Iflier rather lhan lo ^n in nnd vf hkuT A. Yen 

Q. Cniihla't yon hnve ju*l u well rune in nnd 
Intd hiin altout llirne thinsHT A, I t«l.lil linvn 
Hnnn it Nil I ^nr^aviujie*! to explain why 1 iBrbt*! 
dn iL 1 tried to p**e hi* 1inm and Ktrr^irtli tt* 


■ /in.!.. J. WwlworiK-FAt Vtfti.— Cre« 

l»Li[^i *4 [ w Jd aad thought th* beat way to do 
™ lu eoiiuinipKaCa vjrji lueuiutaniiuin*, 

y. Weren't you afraid that you would be 
Lulled uui rf you weal is tharat A. Ngl the 

y. You did fear liiin, didn't yoal A. No, 1 
did not, 

Q. Von hnr pjlpliihecl II r. MoyJ*'* Itller in 
4 '{.'onjuilation r '' did yout A- Nu, 

y. And you vere rauiliu mith Ihe dittnltulion 
of the "Watch Tnwer," weren't yuu, darinR- Iho 
year l!13Stt A. I Itiuiw uimethinjF about it. 

y. And yuo inow, do you nol, that "W*lch 
Tower" uuKBiini'w were eent to other tiuin Jt?- 
huvah'* WilncHfeel A. Were aenl Ev the aub- 

Q. Tiiat ia, anybody that paid a ijoIIbt woiibl 
(tt » wpy sf tlie "Watth TaWvt"! A Yen, 

Q. And tliere were a jrreal msny pf tho«e who 
wrren'l nubeeribcrel A. Not lo my LnowJcttjre. 

Q, There ire a great many non-Jchovoh'a 
Wilneaaea who were aufcuriber* lo the maga- 

Mr, Covington: Ho *ai[l nnt to Iki* 
knowleiigCj and it i* ul^jrrti«Ti*h|e a* ar- 

The Court: Objection *oi.taioed. 

y. Too Itnow al leant there we»<aam« who 
war* not Jfhuvalv'j WitnwHea that tul the 
"Watefc Town "I 

II r. Corinrtca: Sutm objection. 

Tbt Cotrt; D« jm know whether 


Clajlom J, Woa4rortk—yer Veflt— Cr»u 

anyliwly bt-Midci Jehovah '• Witneaaea got 
eopie* Of On "Wa*ch Tower"! 

A I don't know- 

y. Lhi yuu remember the Halle; inei<irnt in 
19S1 or about that liisal 

llr. Covington: That it going into alt 
lb* ijlitacce* of tverj hotly tint hu erer 
been connected with tin "M'ateh Tower" 
and it will Uke tu many year* to jrel 
through with Ikia caae. It ia eatiTely iw- 

Tl» Court: Da yoa remeaiber Ike ia- 

Th* Witneatt I dida'l hear Ihe name. 

Tlie Court : Seller. If you doa't, tell 
ui you don't. 

The Witneai ; T don*t know what par. 
titular inchleat the gentleman refer* lo. 

The Court: "['Jim yoo don't resnenber 
any Lneideul. 

Q. Ynu know Mr. fiolter was out— 

Mr. Covington: Tlmt np^iin i* entirely 

immaterial. 1( wa t™ frolnc; to take up 
the tajie of everylppdy that hat been eon- 
n«tcd with the Welch Tower it ii going 
to enlarge the field of inquiry tremen- 

The Court: iff yon have an objeetioa, 
make it. 

kr, Covinfftnn; That la mj ocjaatuak,, 
that it U entirely Immaterial. 

The Court: Objection overruled. TT* 
■ay* he p-cmembern — 

TheWltneea; Yea. 


Ctafioa J. IfoedScBrfa— For DifUj—Cron 

(J fin you know Jlr. Lodwiek wa* ontled loo, 
<kjn*t y<pnl A Xevef rdnemhei' hearing the 
nisn'e name. 

y. Weren't you Ihere in 193Af A Yee, 

IJ. Uid yon know Ntiruimn Wood w<)rLli T A. 
Vith *ir. 

y. Did yon know that lie wa* ounledT A, No. 

y. li" yon know that ho dinin't reinain at 
itniliell A. I know tliat ho ia vul, 

Tht C-oort: Ia lie any relation of yount 

Tlie Witnetc: None at all. 

The Court : rinnit imme 1 

The Wilneea: Yea, air, happena to 1 be. 

y. Have you any olher neegnalion other than 
lieiiqr attaebnl to Ihe "Wtkb Tower"! A, 

Q. Are ynu u native of SCTBnloat A. No. 

y, l^ved there • great many yearif A -t9 
y, Hill you ever hear any foul knjronire Ihere 1 

llr. (,'uvinptnn; Where r 

llr, BrurhhaoeeaT In Reranton. 

Mr. Covington: That ia altogether Ira- 

Tlie Cnnrt: Ohjwtirin *u*lAiiieil, Vnn 
kiiv ynu *tny at 3^ranlnn approximnl^ly 
h*lf tlm ycart 

The WtlTiei* : Yea, "dv. 

The Court; And lha other time wort 
apend al Bethel I 

Tht Witneai: Twio week* m and twa 
week* off, nasally. 

Q. Yea need to Ulk to the henra earning ffpfn 
At f**t*r7 at Bijthi at Bttbelt A No. 



Clayton J. WooJrvrtl— Ftt DtiUt-Cnm 

Q. Navfr In any ill (html A. I ID 
raLbrir qoujl in my— 

The Court ; Did yon «if*r lalfc to lbrmt 
The Witneu: Yn, I tallwd with t**W, 

(J. Did yon gather together in tin reception 
MiGtn or My niuiilir reception room at nigktl 
A. Ho, — ¥**, uaually- 

Q. Directly after dionerl A, Daually. 

q. And stayed there! A. UaaaUy. 

Q. And thai ru your regular practice day in 
and day ault Ax I attended aeTeral of the 
miMilinBi that were held in Hie bethel, but I 
abould lihap to a*pUih that my «y*a an lenaitiia 
and many a tiroo boar afttr hour I aiood in ray 
room in the dark to rest my eyea. I ha,*! don* 
Ant Fgr yt-iri and had to do it 

Q. Did you ***r r*»t downalaira, outaida of 
your room! Did yon ewer ait down and real in 
any of the other rooms! A. I aomelimn ga 
down to tin radio atatioa and lit outside is the 
hihhj and Listen to tha rnoHie and lec-torea. I do 
Jiat Baually about iu-.i night ic tU W«fc 

Q. Dn ynn want tu to undenlnnd that all 
fimta at Flrthd I ha only participation yon had 
in tb* wsirk that went on au prayers and 
Scriptural! A- I doh't understand that qnoa- 

Q. Wta Ihira any ennwrpjalion, any words thnt 
ynn hnand or u(t«rvd other thai Scripture* and 

r.alnriid from the "Watch Tower f 't A. Thi 

Brthal H<ima I IwLitTi lo b* th* faw-i CuHalLan 

TuatihuLon Ln lh> wmll 

CbjrJ*a J, rfWirarJJf— Far fle/i*. — Croat 

Th« Court! Ton ban told na that IT 
you ilirti't lUHlcTHtanil the ^ucilion na,)' «0. 
twjy you ihm't Undrraiaind i[, ^Icoac. 

TIil Wilriuu: } do Out Mode-ratiod tha 

Tin iourl; Pk*»n do not volunteer. 
You will delay younwtf nod everybody 

Tltt WitreM ; 1 beg your pardon, 

(J. Have you told m tlial Mr. Rutherford di»- 

pluyed a 'liberty at! Hud* towards 11* pcojda at 
IktU'l! A. Van, air. 

(J. And did yon bear tlial #iprr»io<n, "fa- 
thurly attitude," in confc-ranr* do»'n at ihrjllint, 
between tha <i<hrr dintclora nod the attorney* I 

Mr, Codington : That aaeume* a matter 
tlml hna not bees testified to-. 
Tha Court: Objection luntsined. 

tj. Did yon *v*r *tl»™j my <m>,fcr«flc* dow» 
llicra ur aircting* with Elir diroctori, in aonTieo- 
tion with lliia iropcndiiur trial 1 A. Xo. 

Q- Did yon <rv«r talk to any director down 
tbrre aboat tne trial t A, Van, 

Th* Court: Wlra w#r* tlu-yl 
Tha Wilnpaa: Ooimr from tiof» -down 
lo tint JVrLhei ™J*»ri ire liave bren nvlting 

flur luiKh, 1 "•mJktd down nnte with F. W. 
Krani, and at another lime, II. A. Uow- 

lell, and we tallied ot the pi-r^tTim of "\k> 
Mag in tin oOUrt oat )oo«* *>CCll«icRa, 

Q. Did yon ever talk to the atlomej down at 
llalliell A. I did. 
(J. Wen the other director" present! A. No. 

CJajrto* J L fVoodverth—Fer Dtftt<—Rt£nol 

Q. And yon navar in all tha tim* dawn it 

TSrlhri luve tallied to any of the otljrr defand- 
nn ttMliroctori in thia caaa aboot tha caaat A. 

Q- And! they all Lin down tharel A. Yaa. 

Ur. Brmclihanaen: That it all. 

litd-.Ttcl ej-jniwMjiaa Jjj Ur, Coiimglenz 

Q. Did you «rer advim Ur. llnyt* that yon 
wqra going to publicly publudi th* laltrr that 

yuu had writlen lu liimt A. Ha. 

Mr, Covington: At laia time tike ila. 
f^ndajiti move to introdoct Eiliihit DJl 

fur Mentifiealion wliich. Iiaa been n«d by 
rounwl for the plaintiff in erou4iami- 
nntion of the uititeaa on th* j{rooiHl thnt 
tJie <to1<*intrn I b not referred to Ln the In- 
ter ore nor adnusuhle and reJevaat to tor- 
mhorale iha other te>timiitiy pin hy tha 
wilRciu on dirert eiaminalion. Oaiurt 
Iherefnre ha* fipenrd up lit* way aad 
ntnde it adrniajible. 

The CoqTt: Thf- mnlinri in rlrnird. 
TImtc are loo niany thinK" in |hr lHlfT 
I hat are nbiwtinrnhlr, Yon ma* inieittinn 
hirr. giknat nnvh'iinrj that i" propvr in the 
letter yonrpelf, but there are loo many 
thmpjn that are improper in the letter 1o 
be *howTi in full In the jury. 

fTnlh*|Liy flff th* rwordj 

The Cnnrt: Thcrf are certain portions 
in chin letter T should think I would want 
tW* jiiry Id knnw oHnut, and inatead of 
jroine; through the letter I think we night 


C'iajflom J. WoadwrSh—Faf Dt}l4.—Hciftilt 

Ht, CoviBf^on: 1 nave nn dhjectinn lo 
facia, I dont want tint ftnllfiLian't opin- 
ion on them. 
Tins Court l Then* ia one itatement 1 
^tkill -ant- fiAf^fii r oiLfn*-*lj(»ui.Tiu\-mf irjTi" n>*..i;. '■} " 

' tVo.rda of hia" letter. _"--.'-■£■- a" " i . -. ■ 

lifl-t'jiiLiijftun,: Canj--Wa;aet. togttlner ■ 
_ at. aoWinia, ' -_ _. .—=-_. ~ 


Coft* Dale QmHitnbuA—Far VtfU^Dirccl 


Cf«f i * JJaJ« O^acJ^aoicfc—f or D*!i*^Dirtct 

•mutant and Peaurn" delivarrd by Jtnlgo Bulliar- 
(unl, ttu Kiinlay, J una 2S, lt»39l A. Vr«, air. 
(J. Mara yuu pnanrat Mj that uoEmmdiiT A. I 

Q. So Ihat aa ira nrrecled you do not thru ena- 
lend tlinl he hna any inftuenea over thii riorietyt 
You don't aulwcrib* t* thalt A, No, I tjoi'l, 
Q. But yon inlwsriue to tli» Opinion that it la ™i. 

™. ^AViMitWF^^«r»ni-'j£;'^V.>'* Ji y i ^V- ? " ~ : * ""^ t^*«* n*s^^*l^%-^yt^*yifaly^: 
.Q; Ami that wliimeri]iapp™».to t#_ [h*.L'r*it r Jhinlf 1* "rdo^i/itlv tha nahtr arrani-enmit* Y" Af^ 

Tha Court: ■ Wt wdlado thati : WeUHjnlit 

la b» ahl* tn .aK'nr* ainonpt ma.- Kuppoaa '. 

wr itri'tc but alt of 'thia' 1e»tunon>~'.nQW. ■""" 

««^JXHH i*u_( rnii. tjn- iff. ' RfiMthkaiut* l 

II r.- Van - AitihafpS waa-the Secretary and.~~ 
*n«C of the .defendant-corporation; for a-^n, 
i liiarly yean^waa he- notl A. Yea, air. 

Ami evt'n .-h*Tk ' a» Far'u and prior to- IDlBf ■■■ 

■ *m-*-~^L, j__ -1-^1- ■ J- - _.-'--^- 

Tlbt. Court :..-_-liht II r, Van Amhurgli^^" 
jfiana; tn toatifyt ' -^, ji_J' ' - - --- — _ 

-'-ilr. CVny inwt.'inj ." Yea^-aiia h«"» here. 

TIh> Coure;'_^Theimfhy ga into -tbit J~*:= 

■fin JOu pnWribe';r« .|lir-d«lrinr:t*it?llri: — 

ertord ia nliil KUT^rviFinHtlHit-orploiialinait^ 5 
'haLHr/IiulSieirforil.ia. aldl tnpemjin^loia === 

niuilioiiT-" - " ■. -7 „..--■-" "-""" 

rV'(=«.' itay 1 juVf Hopple'nienl :that. and" ttk j= == 
il'j-Au a'lfrea wij li thi if 'doctrine aa pu^ forth ■■■ 
Hi Jiyioly^ aris I .*orrcd me- if 1-minatate it, 
i tlia .reioiT«tion r A; . I..hel3rro that Mr,' 
•rfnr4 naa- he#n'-Te*urre>t*d, bat'a* far um^ 
laHrinjf'flbbtroL.DKr tha Wateh' Tower' Bib|i ~ ~ 
a#i EloeUiy, that woiikl:bi ailly, 

Tha'X^nortt .Von beJiert JahnnK 0od_ 
n*a Boatralt 

Tha' Witnaaa 1 Vaa, air,' 

.daot'of it ia O.odi h *.aerv«nt carrying; on" tha" actirJ* '' 

tU>t - A>- That "Goti can nUke: ua of loch" a aar-' 
tant:.Uh ¥si .praxi*,' ' "" 

. Hw'. KrwhhaTiHni ' . WoL -furtbtr .^uea-^_ 
"turn*, ■ ' ','""•' 

' CWilaeaa exeQiad.) 

LE4.rnkiribiji Ik'ia/lila, Brooklyn, ■ wiinena cajled 
inhehatr nf-'lht. dcrendnnt«;_h*ing Ant doty 
1 »V n hj i -l<'«iifira-a!,f n -llQ'ws[->iI_ ■ "^ z .~-" 

Dirtft ersLmimttio* tig Ur. Cori*glamz_-_ 

Qi. II r, QSirliiiihdJih, how hnjr : hbt* yoa been : 
atnembernr ilu^ Bethel Family! A. Seven yrare." 
„,Q. Aod hefore yon been me a memher..of IhaT 
Bethel Family, wure yom on* of.Jehovah'i Wit-; 
n.HMii.1 A. Ym, »ir, -- -";"'*'.- 

' Q. Where did you Irnl A. Burhaak, - Cati- 
fornin, "' - [iiii 

. Q. And ia ynur hmther alno a member of tha- 
Brllipl Familjf A. Thnt ia mmet, - 

Q, Did yon Uth come to tha Balhal ■ at ■ tla 
"■UH tinwl A. Yea, air. i - ." 

* Q- IV* yon recall tha initanoa of tn* alailln^ 

Bqnan Ginkn miliar, tha ■ patch enlJtlad'"(loT'- 

Yk tlJF.Irta. 

Tha. Court r 
Tha WilJncaa' 

— . -- — _ ■Lcr-aai 

Ynt vtrc u ubtrt 

:-'_Y*a, »iT. 




uQ.-Ynn wen -Captain of- a group of naiyfrn-t 
A.l'waji Capiain_of.a-jrroup of about W; . 

Q- .A*i|- where wer* your group of uabara ila.. 

,Liun*d- in - the auditorium T.' "A". In th»-,top bal; 

fcjpBiy, bt-hind the npeakera' itand whan tha dit^ — 
(urlnha* liroll*. <njl. . '"" - **" "" 

(j. And at tlHi'lKvinnina- of th* leeture that 

aeclhph >-n* vacant, Wat it i>jntl A. Yaa,' air. '. I 

= Q, AmlaFler the 9rcLur+ waj gnihjf on_a jrreflt 

■ cn.w<l canne in and filled it up, ia tltal "correct f— 

A-: : .Tb4t'!» rijdit- ■ '■ ;.^_ , 

(j. IViui it in" lhat aertion that thti rti»torb*nr*rraa» _ 
orcurredl actually occurred t A, Y«a,*jl r , " ■"' -■" Q, ; 

" ; Q. Wliere wia fliat n-c-lion aituiiied; with ref-'"-"- flulb 
*rt>n(* ta til* ^peahrfi' pbitFarmT - ' A.:'Direclly .""■trA/ T 
tehihil tit* apealu-ra' platform ao4 VliovaJiL-7r ~bfgr« 

" Q. Waa it Hit lop hah»ny7in the 6«k1 A.' 1 " ' <{. 
Yen," nir, .. ._ ' ilaT - — " jbu'- ! 

q, Ynu frcall tint inntun* of-the"dijtnrbanc*,-' by_tl 

do yna, notl A. ¥p«,_air. ' .7 . _ ai' U 

Q. Ttll ua jnat briefly .what happenrdt A- I . Rail 
l*ll*r« at about 3H .nlnnta* aflar tha btlnr* had Ut 1 

Tpjt* iroina, aoraathinir like tliat, tha li-tiuj A Ti 

eBananad and imrnadiataly tharaa/tar' tha bt»h(t 
■pd aAoan^bw h^praff a*d 1*4 " dialitrhaaa* hmh* 




Calim Dale Qtmektwbuih—Far DttU.^IHrtct 

ent generally in that aaeihm whant all the** 
r.oweunier» bed filled in after tha atari of lb* 
Lilk Itwlf. 

Q, Did they throw any object* at (ha ■fw-akrjV 
atand and raaiit the naherc in o,uelliii(r tit* dia- 
lurbanreT A. Yea, they did. 

(J. Da you luow a. nan by Ilia uin of Up, 
Donald, an altnmwy by th* nrnm gf llrDnnaid. 
lliat parlLcipatnl in lb* elimination on Jnly 11, 
1M9, At the U.anjlrmln Court 1 A. Yea, air. 

Q. Yon wrr* !b*r* thai day, Writ jure act I 
A, Y**, air 

Q. AM [irirtr tn tlitt d*|* had yon pen Mr. 
' U Ounali] ! A- T uw liim, T Winr it wm, mta 
wi-n-k previnua wh*n «i Wrrn pi (hr Maflj*tralra 

Court 10 nettle tb* dal* f« Ifcla prdiMlMfr 

Q, And prior to that — 

Mr. Dronhhauaa* : Way T object In any 
teatiinnny Ahout Mr. »1eDn*idd at Hadi* 
son RquaiW I do unt hch*r* that it la u 
inane in thii <*e*et It I* ft* inn* *» I* 
what tranaplred at th* Court. 

The Oort : Th* ortjrvryro {a wwnl f aV 
Kiception ta Um plaintiff, 

Q. At Ihn Umdiaon rVruare flurdm did yua 
*e* He KrDnnnliil A. Yes, air. 
Q. Wji» ha one of th* dintorheraT 

The Court: Wham wu 1- awj Ull r* 
the drmiualniieea undm *kkfa jam aajar 

A. At tha trnmediat* eraihreak ftf lb* distartV- 
imt I in i ta wi injr In 1h» back aiahrway . I ia( 
oow* j« tha a«at aactiona, tad anw aa* aM* j 

CVia Dal* <j*itirwi,w*li—Faf Dijti^lHnet 

lalrF Irllftinl Id IV JIHinluthl watnl there hooinjj 
lulidly and Inking H \tnu\]n)( |mtl in tun ditlurh- 


TIh» Churl; Well, (l» lra<li»K part is 

inn r imrn intrrprr-tfllNin. Tell ua exactly 
what t<iu hiw hprii dn, (lint i* all. 

Tln» WitnrwT He *lo™l out from Iho 
otlnTa by Ilia Inni hrminK and nhouting, 

Tha Court : Pinna 1 I a*k«i yon to 
Lrll exactly what you anw him do. 

Q, ]>id jno ajtjinoKli himt A. I did. 

(J. Awl: iluS vnii nxk liirn tn W«at A. T **WnJ 

him In Irrivr. I ft waa ilMlnrlnrp fh* mrrtln^. 

*J- Aad !■' nl you *tk (n diprarriitut? A, T*a, 
air, I did. 

Tin- t'tiurl : Hii" loud, oooiog. 
Tlur TiViljifrp: Tc*, air, 

fj, Tlpnl Jifll lutvir In pnl liim rni( of tn» ftUC"l- 
foriutiif ,\, Vpb, air. 1 <Jid. T tumnJ hint OV*r 
tn ih» I'hIfc. 

The four! : Net did yra ban to but 
did yoit i>m liiip uut. 
Til* \\'i(op*Ki: Vna, air. 

Q. Did yon turn him over to tb» 1'clinl A. 
Y*r, *ir. 
(;. Aflrr jinn had m*n Mr. JffDnnaH at tha 

iirvl ln-nfini; ail thf MnpirhTnliw fouit dirl vim 
IsniT lnv njiK'riMtiini »ilh Ml". XTo>'l« in l*t*T- 

cihi' In tlar mnn Lliul you uw thcra ind known 
lo hr Ur.. Jti-nnnaldf A, Vfii, air. 

Th* Court: T*U aa tha Dcnvanatian, 
air. llrurlthauarn: Whn i* ttaiat 

Call* M« (JundreiftniJ*— J^c Dtfli.— lUttct 

Tim Court ! ArtiT ho J*W UvDnmald al 
thr firnl Jljip ■) naif a flmjr! farwrinj. 
Mr, (.'nvinjrtun : Yea. 
TV Witaaaa: A* w* |*ft— 

Til? ii'nurt,' Tfli im lh* H>a»*raati*»i. 
Tim WMitKaa: I told Mr. Hoyl* thai 

1iii« nun Vfclhinald mi tiw flrat im that 
T \ml put oat and lomrd ovar In th* 

Tnlice in lh* rliaUirlianpp, and lluit h« vu 
in Hi* cmnp tif diitarWr* thai eatti* ?*. 

Tht Court: What did Mf- W**l* aftjr 
tn j on, if anythins' 

Thr WDaan*: H« mid, "T. lh*t mt" 
Thai, ia all lh* mmmrnl h* miirla. 

Th* Cirari; That pi lh* au ha foam <■? 

th? ennrrraatinn aa y*n ramrrohar it to 


T!» Witnefcur Ta*, air, 

Q, At n later date, on. any other ooeaiiion, oa 
tit* datn of July H, 1:1E), at the hearing- in the 
Mniintrmlra f'ourt did you hava a ronTemlbn 
with Mr. Xoyls ia Tefanan to Hr. UcDonaldt 
A. Yaa. »ir. 

The Court: Now jriio o» the niTfntv 

Th* WilnBaa: I tnjtj him laal T wpa 
pnaitiwa that afj-DnnaW w*» lh* on* asd 

rpfwatrd in anhwtanc* th« *tal*Tn*nl T 
made on lh* first ocvaaign, 

Q. Did ha aay uytbiDK \a tiiatl 

Th* C^nrt; Moyl, tajd *h*tt 
Th* Witneatt Ht t»id it waaa't inv- 


CoJj'a Halt QvttbtitltUxk—TQT D*/(#,— CfOH 

Q. Yi.n, of eonrM,. altcndrtl lb* Itahel llotna 
at niroll itiJM, did yon sot. dorinhT the day* and 

X'aclui fnlJowinjr Die ManliHnn fii[uarr OftltleB 
uiaMert Did you notT A. Tea, air. 

Q. Yon hfiHi lh* table di«fD»«)np.i mnnniif 
the aftHW, did you nott A. Yea, air. 

Q, Did you *¥rr hear any of llm hoyi art a 
fabt* triinminsj foJ* wltit hortpened al llailinin 
f^|iinrr- (laHr-nl A- Nc r iui. 

% M r a* Hi* fnnt^r «if the condlKt of thr 
G-hern in 1iif apclion i'ciVf lh* ip^atvr*' at aril 

nne nf trarfm lh miifcliniil tlte antir* family 
flurinjr lhat timet A, H waa. 

Q. WflF- \\ diampwed at th* table by Tn*fnhrr« 
of Ihe Family ofhef than Jndjre Ruth4!i r fnr41 
/■.. Y*«. lir. 

Q. Did yno feet (hat tba jnh that hid horn 
dona thep* by yoil in th* nabera' lection wa* 

Mr, Brncfhhan»nT I objeel In hit f**1. 

The Court: finatiinrd. 

Q. Wa* tl-rir* any diacuiaion — 

Mr. Corinjrtcin: I lfitJvdfaw it That 
la all 

Groi»-rxami*n.lioK bfl Hr. BnckkmutWl 

Q. Are ynn ft Min3a|ef f A. Y^»^ air. 

{j. Aad bnw lonpr boTu ynn h<+n a ^frnipteTl 
A. I mm Ordain") by tlw Society in VW. Oetrv 

(}, Arid did yon (ret a rtHJfWfrt A, Yea, alt, 

Q. From whomt A. From the Satiety. 

Q. t?bo wa* it aipied byl A. Mr. Wiia. 

Coin* i^efe Qvatkr.nlmib — Far Dtfltt—CreH 

Q. And what divinity ichool did you |« tot 
A. I did not ftlltad any aeminary oi ditiaity 

Q. How old are you t A- ftS. 

Q. A net vlten did you flr*t became isterealed 
in the Soei*ly1 A. I knew of |h* *nrk all my 
lite. I begun lo atudy it paxtieulariy in tha yaar 

Q. Did you, com* in by way of tha radio! A. 
No, air. 

Q. By way of a meeting;! A. Hot at flriL 

Tli* Court: T*LI ua bow Aral jot la- 

A. Jly parent* knaw tlto truth enotarnirm tha 
Watcb. Tower all tlteir live*, dnd th* public*. 
Li una were in the haunt, and I »t>rttd*rrj*4iua; 
and ttudyiDB the publitalioni and than altrniU 
Hi* rariiting*. 

y Vim eturted to tait* a|T your naideno* al 
Batbal in 19371 

Th* Court: 1634 

A. :33&. 

Q. And what haa your necupaliou bean whila 
at Detltel, iin» lS3b"T A. Aa a iliniilar. 

Q. Wheref A. in Elta territory aratind Brook- 
lyn and also »nt out oa week-end* ta nriDua 
c4nf;regiitioii( through th* Eaulera Slal**- 

Q, Yon niean you attended Lbeae r a ** litn *. tb* 
■one. retoiinjf* or area meotinltat 

Tb* Court: Ccnpany dteatiuga, ia thai 
what yon call tbtmf 

Tine Wiiaeia: Yea, air, I do- I mm 
tbau moelJBgi by apeakiiif. 

Cotim Daft Qmattt *bu*h— For Iftflf^-Crnu 

f(. And yon an out and *eU book* und (iter*- 
luri-T A. I don't atH any burio. 

U. You gjTi Ibmi awayt A- itany 1 do gyre 

(j. A ail yen pet any eonl ribatiutut A, I do, 

((, What du you do with lb* mniieyt A- I 
mtilf il-utc il t* tint Roetety. 

y. And an you on tlte fid a month plan 
lln-rei A. Yea, *ir. 

<j- Aim] you jjirl your dialHinmiircntu, traveling 
niHTiiu 1 *! At Yea, air, 

(J. ltid you luiva a cane there, iu ilatliaon 
Kijuftre Uardent A. Y**, air. 

*J. Dili vuu uut t|* cujif on iletluiuilil t A. 1 
tapped biin with it lo draw iiii altenlion to me. 
1 ilid not pilriLo him. 

Tlte Crnirli Did you uao th* eana ob 
binif If you dim't undanUnd — 

llr. Covington: Tha word "una" la 
«niita a big: tvrm, 

TJta I'nurt; If In* ducui'l understand 
tn* <|ue>lioB let hiro toil m tltal bo do*!it"i 

(J. Vh'ltat did you do with th* cane twiJta 
wnlkinu with ilf A. The only uki 1 mode of it 
aaide rroin thai, waa to tap UclJuimlil liglitly to 
druw bia attenlion, beroua* hi* bead waa turned 
from Alt and Its was ljouinf. 

Th* Court : Wlier* did yot Lap bunt 
Th* Witneptt 0« the net*, 

y. And what did JdoDoBald do when yqi* 
tatiuod him «>n hi* nirkt A. lie shunted aL me 
and mid lit wia goiin ta have ma *f Mated. 

Q. Hid l« do any Lapplae; hltnaalfl A. Nb, 


Colm Half Quarli-mffv!i—F<ir hrffr*—CrotM 

The Court : What kind of a cane mi 

Tiic Willie**; II wn* a light walking 

The Court: Whnl liittdt Wliot weod, 
or dewrito >L II uw |nnj~ w/ia ilt 

The WiImw; it wim a lijilil wuod, I 
dim 'I know the I'Stuel *m*l I hat it ni. 
It w*n a cheap am. 

1'lit Court: thdid clu-ap wihhI am*. 

TJit Witjirj*; Thai In rurrrcL 

(J. To renth hi* nuA- wilh the enne j _ oii Hwung 
it riiHit over y.iur lbvu.l t La" that rip*hl I A, No. 
He wju uealeil in tjuile a way* in tie nectian uf 
■una, and from the aiak. J linaru.-tt arreu and 
Itntl to reach wilh tbo mine to taji him ami grt 
Iili Alteiiliun- TliuL i» the only way J nouiil draw 
till attention frum like aiide. 

Thfl Cnurt'. Will you nJr*H- p.mi*Tt- Ike 
tlimlion witlm«,t wlinjjwrirjf. 

tj. Hid fan ta.[i III ill » hi In hr ma jn-itnlT A, 

Vw, alfc 

g r Ami DM }HU in lax'k nf liiinl A. At Ilia 

(J, tin you lilt liim ffrim (lie aiilrl 

The Court: 0>>j«liun ■vulninvl. llo 

*aid ha t4j4rt.iL liim, nut hit liLm. 

(J. What did ha do I I want tlial ipiiii, of irr 

you tapped bin. 

The Court: Waal did McDonald del 
The Wilneae; llo (hrrattnod U> Ian* 
n» *rrial*<l. 

C*Ti* Jtaf* QtiaekfMtmth— Fvt Dtftis-Crou 

Q. Did he tap yon at allT A. Kg, air. 

Q. Did J'nfl rnalrn any enrnrilHint sajnLnai him 
ajiywhrj-r that hr iu disturbing; I he peace or 
iuIjiK any vidl-rinr T A, Ten, air. 

t}. Where did you mate your earn plaint 1 A. 
To the police that 1 turned him over to. 

Q. Hid you uk that he be arretted T A. No, 

Tl it Court; Hew did you talca hum out- 
aide T 

TJia Witnew; When he threatened to 
lu.v* btfn arreted. 

Tlit Court; How did you take him out- 

Tin Witr.r*,; J u t led hLtn by the arm, 

The Court; And he coma voluntarily! 

The 'iVitneai ; lie came voluntarily. 

The Court: And hit name i> McDonald. 

Q. Hew lorpe a man wai Mr. UeDapaldt A, 
Abnul my hriftlil, <|CllI<: a til heavier, 

Q. Did h* hav* tuiynna rl*e aaancUitad *i1h 
hlmf A Yfi. 

Q. Wen Ihay nearby when yon took him onl- 
atd* of tin* CnrrlmT A. Yea, nr. 

Q. A ail did Ihev du myl hinp I A. A hour, eight 
or tea went out wilh ma in th* jrraup- 

The Court: And they all fallowed) 
Tli* Willie*! ; Tm, air. 
Tin CouM : Did they cam* in a atnuajht 
The Wilnrat I Thej all Rat around »o. 

(J. Wii there any lapping back and forth on 
Uh way outt A, No, -air. 

Criia Wr y«arf«!»im«*- 1 f»f De(t*~-CreH 

Q. So nobody touched anybody elae in thia 
gruon gi> the »ay out! A. No, air. 

H- It waji all orderly aa far at tl»l m con- 
cerned t A. titt far aa any phyikal fare* wn 
eeiieeriiod, yen, 

Q. So you made no eomplaint at (he Hup*. 
tratei Court a^iiitit ilr. MrDfuialdf A. No, air. 

Q. Vou didn't tak th* Clerk of the lEagialralpi 
Court to entertain any eciojdajjjt about him, did 
>nuT A, No, lir. 

Q- Did you eec Jlr. TIulherFon] aflei tliii oeea- 
aicin at tln> (Junffuf A. No, air. 

Q. Did yuu we him at any maabt A, Tea, 

Q, Did yon Ulk to him about thial A. Not 
lip to that time. 

Q. 1 am Ankinj; yon whether after Ihia incident 
with UcDuiuitd at the Garden, wliether you 
talked h) Mr- rtutharford. A. Later, yea, 

Tlw Court: Wlicol 

Tie Witaeaa: Well, it v M a few w«ka 
after Ihs preliminary hearina^ poajihlj a 
week aft»r. 

Tbo Cnnrt; Too liad a talk with II*. 
nutherlordf ' 

The Wilneu: Yea, nir. 

Q. How lon« after the ineideat at the tlanlrn 

did you first appear at the alajriatratn faurtl 
A. Well, the Oarden— lena than Urn* nab, T 


Q- Did you talk to iEr. RoLherford dnrujr that 
threa werkaT A. No, air. 

The Court : After tin preliminary; fc*»T- 
inr at the iTapHralee Count 
The Witneee: That ia eorreet 

f'niVir Ifafe Qmrirtilmxt^For nrflf.—Crnit 

Q. Itut v-au niw Mr, Rutherford ul Thibet 

idmiMl daily dminjr (hat iiniet A. At the (Atj!c, 
jnan air. 

q. Dill yon relf Mr, Kutherford about llii- 
iliriitl'jil with MclJniLalilf A, No. HIT. 

tj. Hiit viiu Iri! any nf the dir»l<irv alniul thia 
iha-rtlrn! with Mr. Alrlhinplilf A, 1 don't nvji)!. 

(J, WhfB itid ynu firel tp|| ahoiil [lir 
iiirident with llrlJimiilill A, tlrnlh', it wen At 
II* linn- Hal tin- ilatr in art fer tltc nrelimim- 
«r>" hciirinjr. 

(», Win. did yrnu I. II tlirnt A, Mr. Moyla. 

if. Wtt* Ilr. WbnntM ilu-Fnt A. 1 Miem ha 

\ 'n». 
IJ, Well, yirti krn-w Dial Mr. WJiwT%-art wax |r>'. 

inn IJ.p rart>, didn't A. 1 .lidn'i tinow. 

The fitHrt: At tluU line, but jou knew 

i). A I tlirtl iMit, A. I Uwlernlood Mr. Mafia 
I'.-i. i-i*inllir>n it 

Q. Who i|U4't1ionefl Ihr wilneaart at the bear, 
injrl A. I ItrlirVc liotb Wlireleim and lloyie did. 

Q. Were ynu lift* in eiHirt when ooonael r*- 
frrn-d t<» I lir alrnocrephrrV iiiinulra of as 
aiamaaalinn by air. Wkwlmaf 

Mr, CoTinaion: That ii ar^ranventi- 


Th* Court: Thr nhjnrtien ii analained. 

0, Will y*u trll Ihia Court and jnry wHtflwr 
or »ot Mr. Whrrk*a csaminevl wiloeiar* in [hut 
brooaading. A. I am nut poviliva. 

Colin fiitlr Qirurtrtibu*h—f''<,r r>>fl*,—Cro*4 

The Ci>art: At*> yod pwitiT* that Ur, 
Koyl* didt 
Th* WUdmk Yri. air. 

Q. When did yon ftmt aee Mr. WheeleaiT A, 
I don't recall 

Q. But yoti did aee liiro in cCUrti A, Yea, air, 

Q, How many tinui wrr^ ygg in court, in th# 
Magiitratea CourtT A, Twice, 

Q, And at wbieh lim* do yon aay yon fpoke 
to Mr. Moyl* About thii inadeat villi MeDoo- 
aldl A. On both nrcaaioni. 

Q, And Ihia time that you apolta to him waa 
three weak* aftar Ihr indilrnt, or af jjrniimately 
three weelu afhnr the incident, la that wrreetl 

Tho Court; To th* beat of your recol- 

Th* Wiuie**: Yea, oawarntaf lie- 
J^onald'a Identity. 

<1- That ia, the find time after Hie iitcidaat 
in th* Garden thai you ntmlLnned lleDonald to 
aaybAdy> waa at the Mipfijilralea Court aa thai 

onraainn f A. By nnliHi, JT*. 

The Court: Wh»t you want la t*l| u* 
it, you. did.i't know hia name anlil yon 
got lo the Ifaffin rates Count 

Th* WilUtt*: That ia corr«t. I had 
apaken about Ilia incident before, iarohr. 
inf him, 

(J. Did you mention the incident to anybody! 

A, ¥«*, air. 
Q, To whom) A, I made a written report of 

th* disturbance anrt turned that in. 


C«fi> jfJipFc QnrirLrMl,n,l, — f?n r ftfftt.—CfOtt* 

Q. Whri dirl yfpH givr Ihr rr|rt>rt tot A. To 
Juri^e lEulhnrfrjnl. 

tj. And yi.u rnvn the drlaila lo him a heat Ihia 

intirlM,!) A. Yra, air. 

fj. Wl™ dhl yv.. B r*, I h*t lo himt A, r"fll- 

loiring Ihr HlintarlmniT* in I he Oardi-n. 

Tiro Court: A day nr law aflorwardil 
The Witnraa; Thai ia eorroeL 

Q. Ni.w Iouk «f iM-wanl" 1 Vdu aay a .|*v nr 

twi, afl*rwar>ln, A. I d'.n't r'-rnW the enart 
IriilTlh »r linir. 

'Ilia Ourt: Ysur Irtial recrdl^clion ia 
tlial it waa ahftrlly aflrrwardrt, « <Uy «r 

twi, l,r llitH; »r Imir art.TwartlaT 
r J"h« Wiln. b a«: Vrn, air. 
Thi' l.rntrt; 1Ih,w many feel in from 

tli* aiale *aa ilcl*"n*hl nidinn. Hire* or 
four or iivtit 

The Wilni'aa ; Mnlr Ihjin thnl. It mniit 
hay<i Irti-n d'me In a ilnim. 

The Court; And y»a U|i|ieil him on 
I he nrek willi ynur eenflt 

Tlie Wilra.M; I eioultl juat rearh biai 
will, th* tip of tlpe o*ne. 

Tlii (.'ri.irti And ujd, "Coma on out," 
aad lie came out I 

I'll* Wiliiena: Yrt, air. He wnnfd to 
hav>i hm arreated and we Imih wanled the 

The Court : You look him by the ami 
and yoti walked him out of lb* plana 1 

Th* Willie**: If* iwm* mil, and whrq 
ha jrot oat, [ Iwk him by the arm and 
wa walked out. 



11 :c 

Ci'lin UtiSr tJimtirnLnfU.-1'trr //e/jj.— Cf«*i 

Q L Mr. McDnnnld wo," itTj orderly In icing- 
ouL, wasn't he I A. if a didn't a»)f anything thai 
I re*)l « he left. 

Tb* f!nurt; Then ho w*a «*fefJfp 

An >wn f (ho nnentkn. 
TJl* Witnrs*: Yen, nr. 

Q. Ami lift was orderly in Ida (JardeaT A. 
Al»nlqr.«]y not, 

Q, lie *u niMinft down. A. And he WU boo- 
ins; u loud aa lie couhl, true ha via* *ilti»K down. 

The C'nurt: fhllniitl* of th<> Imrann wna 
ha dt»nK on rt I" '"K else! 

Tlit Wilae**: Nnl thut 1 wall 

Tin? Court: Ynu m-il] liiai hinting} 

The Wilnewii Yn, air, 

The tlourl: Hid yon tea him dftinj 
anylhinjr pWT 

Tli* WitatMl N«. 

The Court: Th*n dow"! «ay, not tint 
job nan recall, 

Q. Your naif rrilieism alioul McDonald *■» 
Ihr I ha Fail iHf.pnrfl A. Yea, air, loudly. 

Q. Did you «Tfr alfrnd a political eainpaiara 
mfiitiri^f A. No. air. 

Q. Haw yon ever hmfd my hooine; in "J 
olbtr plane*! 

Mr, Cnviripftnni Tliia In ■tlAfttthtr 
arjmripi*i1i>livc ami iriijiiMcria]. 
Tim Court; Huslnioeil 

■Q. You say I hot everylhinir was prf-reste aroand 
TW'lhrl aflir 1 li i rt MoiImoo J*|uare fUrrta inei. 
Hrnt, in llinL rrtrrertl A. No, fir. 

<j. U'lial nil nut «sren« LImitoT A. I staled 
tlml it »■«» a ppmltrr-of very srrpnu* nmviftrnntiaB 
ami tlnrv «H Lhsfiuaiou of the rliilurbmci at 
lilt- (J mien, 

{J. A™) did II r. UuLherford participate in it! 
A- Vw, sir. 

<J. Ami waa lie 'very dinpaaiinaatv about it in 
Hh.' d iacuasiou t A. He vaa concerned and per- 

<J. Not elicited, dionfjhf 

Tlia Court; Hint *ax hit tons of toioeT 

Til* ^Vpln^ga; Convi-rnpAlkihaL 

Q An I lie vat the spraler al Dili. oceaiiapi, 
wflHn't lie 7 A. Yen, air. 

y. Ami Iliey bo***] at him, didn'1 tb*Jp while 
If Viiaa epeakiiief A, Yc* r "ir, 

(J. Did ]il> int'ittioii tlial Ik? had beard the two- 
injfl A- Yea, air. 

<}. JJid In" T il wnt all riRlit, "Yery jfinvp*f 
Tut Ukciii 1n Vioo hip, lliajr could cxprcua tbeir own 
DjiiiiiniiH aUhiH mo"t A. lie didn't uy liial. 

Q. ])id hr iiv Im> alije^tevi Id ilT 

Mr. CoTirjrinn: Thia ia arKUDifBtative. 

The L'ourt; Ohjrr.hmi anataiaed. Let ua 
l>c-»r wlial 1« »iA, if yoij «*nt to aak Hie 

t}. Vlinl iIkI V r. nutlierford uy ahgat itf A. 
] di"!!!^ n<call ap^Hfiir wiinli. 

<J. Wlmt ia th* niilwiiii": tltat yon rtcdlf TY* 
linoar tou can only trll u» wnat yon do recall. 
A. Tliil it win a very ivnndji nonaideration, that 
all ihf dutiea of lha nahe™ tiaurt not been p*r- 
fanncil amtrdinK tn tin inalrnttiont, and tlmt 

Vol'* /Me WwfcraiuMfc— hit /Ir/la^-Cpjai 

IJk)/ muxt In- ulcrt m tlprag bm la aafrpianl 
Urf KmjnLoni m I errata. 

TIik t'oiirt'. Di^i ha refer lo the when 

or rail llii-m aiKaii-nf 

T[[K WjIfflMl Ko, HIT. 

The Court: He did ant vm Urn word 

4 ' 1 1 M IC** ' f 

Tin. Wilneaa; H«r Uard the word "aia- 

^l**,■ , 

Tlir Cnurt: AVnat did ae »*y1 
The Witneu: He apnlit nf thr r^liiiiQn- 
iala, rrfi'-rrinjc 1o ChrLjt -lfana br |Hrluriiij( 

him a« efliiniiiile, av>rj m "inlrj, a™l lliat 
a thrill inn Hopa nnl iMfnl tn hr a liaay, 
bill tliry li.miLd aequil tlmii«»iT«a iiaa 

Q, Did you Irear younelf called aitayf A. No, 

Q. Piiln't yftii jn*l mv that tha Jndfie men- 
(i(irnil Fihriiv.1 A, I Hid— 

The Court - He naed the word luwy. 

Q. Didn't \jiii talw it that yen were heinrj 
caLIiiI n MaFvl A. Arnol uOlj? nnL. 

Q. Vr'lict did you tnink tlir Judpt nrpned to 
wr*n lie mentioned the word aiaiuut A. Ko sua 

in thr Family, 

Q. Vth^ rmtiihlf: if tlic- Family T A. It war a 
mnifinriFdn or tlh' n>l i j;ionial V cflnflo-plion at 
("liriat .If^lUi, Blu] (hr mi»trdtMl opinion liy ratnr. 
ilsat n Clipolian tm.m| *<* md allow himveir tP 
be wallictl over al] liie tim*. 

Tha Court: Hii iafrrmee ' 

i dial fho 


Colin Halt. Oac-imW* — Far DifU.—Crt>$* 

onliera permitted themaerre* to ha waUcd 

Tlia WitneaA: Va, but ho »w piiiiiiihg 
out the neoHjaily for them lo w¥)tiit them' 
a*lvei like men and tlirre nil no inf^retiee 
made that (hey wens not. 

Tii* Court: Fie didn't eomtrrt that yon 
tap them a little herder sm tie n«k the 
dcxI lime, did heT 

Tlia Wilneiu : No, air. 

Q, Pi you ward thia Conrt and jury to jraHif r 
Ihat tlte Judfiy »*a braiaiaa; yon tor what yOU 
didt A. No, air. 

Thu Court: Tha aimile Ihit he naad waa 
that y«o nhiijld t* more imniyT 

A. No. air. It m an aibnon il ifla aa to proper 
eondnel. It wan not allied thai Iha uflhcru thcr* 
had nal eemiueted tbenvmsWeii in that faihion. 

Tor Court; He adn»rii-«lrcdi yen as lo 
liii- prniirr mminrt. i* that riphtt 
The YVi1n«aa ; lten*ly racrriiinu thnL 

Q. nid ynu eft th* imfirtaaifin thai the nr*l 
timr yoo M>nrd «■' a*htr yon ihontd l-com» 
Iminliprl A. t No, «ir. 

Q. PiH. you r*ad Wr. Moyla'i letter I A- 1 
IhmiitI it renl at (lie Rrlhrl lah-le. 

Q. Aral you romtt thr»* atalemenln: "Th* 
nahrn ttith yitaced in a lonrth ipot bnt did an 
nrrllenl piwr of worli"! Tfe-n irm wilh that, 
Ami youl A. 1 don't lurtte with the itattlntnL 
I nail th* ulitement, 

TV Cflori; Dm *bo tr (ant yon aire* 
with th* itatarornt T 

CoIih irnlc (jmrlirwbmli—Faf Otfft^Crom 

The VitaMM! Thry fell down oa aama 
IprcranllonaTr' inta«ut*i that tlmy had 
jicrn in h1 righted 1 1" ■ take care of 

Tlic Court: Thoy hadn't dona a good 

Tlws lVilncpa: Thoy hud fallen down — 

Tlir Cmrt; 11 k1 tiicy done a good job 
or hadn't tlieyT 

The WitnHi: Kot rnlirely. 

The Court: Partially xnnii and par- 
tially badl 

Tli* Wiltieia; Yea, lir. 

Q. VTrre yon one at the men I hit Ml dnwit 
A. Yi 1 -". to n prrtnin rxtrni- 

q. Tn -whal eilenlt A. To that we wrr* Sn- 
atrnrtfd lo permit no one in their; with bundle* 
nml bnpTtiiiP, witlmiil eMrnininir; i™3 "^in.! what 

hhi-v rnntninrrl nf rW htiVinB th'm fhn-ltni. mii 
tllOHf whn riirl romp in hlul th*^e hlfiniilM, and 
%r imhnrii np II if it foiled to inreatijrnte Ihtoe 
ihibijrp beforehand. 

Q. Tin you nflrre with thi"i "They exennied 
<*nTi- jind rTiliecTm 1 in watrhini arrivali at the 
(fnrrkn »nrl [>ri-*ented a nnmb#r nf pDipidena 

flun-jirl^rp ffn«| pnteriligl A. Not BVlOrn-thcr. 

Q. Did Iliey iirevrut nnyone fmm rntrringf 
A, T wiNh'1 down at th« entrnnopi: T don'( leaowj 

Q. TTow mmiy nphen vet* ther» In the 
fiardenf A. T don't f«n«nrier exnrtly. Ther* 
mmit hn^e been psewrril hundred. 

(J. Anil bnw many profile ount Into the Q&t- 
(letif A, The f^aidrn w*j pxtkaTIr Ailed awl 
parhiMl down, diirine: lot «onraa of tha lecture, 

Q. And aomo of UN oabtn vara at the *» 

L'fc/i« linlir yrnirLrntiti-h~l'nT ftrflw.—Itnlifett 

killing wi'rf 1hcy nnlT A- TliBl it vital 1 

(J. And did nf>t mme of I'hen ifunt out— lnrp 
oihl |ri-rip[,li' ta'Iio H'lnlrd to pntert A. I htiard 
that tl.i-j- luil; 1 wasn't there. 

Tlie flourt : Thra yon dnn't know 
vhi-riier Unit flnPiinml in trnf or false t 

Th* Wilnr-Bn: That in eorrprt. 

fj. Did yiHi s'f nny of tlte boye^ — Did all th* 
Imys lluil ]j>Pi'iiivi to 1lii> statem'Tl. hy Mr, 

Itufin'rfi.rd nri^j' '' Htlh'HIl any feeling- or npno- 
lioj, i.^iirwyi^l hy |hep n f Tfiey jus( iistnii-4 lo 
Mr, lti|t|K»Ff'rril t A, T\w ww <li'ri|H!i[ftn It 
tln> tnljpea funre rn i nd lhi» iiml'er, hut f don't re. 
•till any rwMvtiiai shown by Ihe on™ it tha table. 
(J. l>ido't Ihey n-nn to br lipssl anottt tha 

rlmrr> tbnl llicy Lul not propwrly nerfonin^l at 

I hi- linnleof A. They vera not u[w>l, no. 

'i. TlN'y seriiin) tn hi- sniisfirt) with the Jniijre 

I I II in- llirm ituit ihey lirnln'l prTfonoed prnji- 
i-rly. is (lint il t A. Vn, sir. 

<J. A|h| iiuith' mi rrnnjivnit at all? A. Not In 
ftXjrrtWnl lo Mi 1,1, 

t>. AlvJ il hnd no I'fTi^l upon 1h«m rmotlonally 
mlkulH'ri't'i'f f A, No, sir. 

Mr. 11rurhhnue*h: That i" all, 
ftnliiTfl fftlwiiVtiilHf U# iff. Coitji jfon E 

H- Wan pud (he spmt when ih« diiturhance nc- 
rirml tike me*l Vulnrirabia *p°t in th* eotir* 

Tlie Court: T1i*l ealla for a oopkIiiuod. 




Cati* ifalt QvBcbtubtfh—Fer I}tfU,—HriiTtei 

Rjf Iff, IfrurtiliKiHcn ; 
l wilnp'na in.JS-hair 

neinaafi, u it unit 

Jlf. Covinfftga.: I tm talking apont thk 

Fitfor F. SiAmidt—Fer btHt.—Dirtti 

. QH lid. ynu Talk: (StITt: Uu'(lnyfnM".fi1™i^dfe., 

frniiirfa; .year. _ f'V«li mfiBj'' <>| - lhfc/_ Mafcinlrats* - 
Court 1 : -A; tfdrijf. .. . . """.. 

Q. You nrypr tnlkfd 1n-him at, ill aViul what 

you H'trr. Koinjf. i*~ ir. rt J fy Inf" X--No, hT, 

SCHMIDT. SW ?l» Jtud, 
piTlirtil»r*pct --■ — ■ ■ riftjifcm^j^H:, rtliio, rnltrtl .+ i 

Th* Court:' A*- to youMipot.wmjTe'yao. "' of tJ^.d,Efeiui*nlii; .being Aral 
ww* helled. Only >hat. you- Scow-- ol fi*Sd aa.- follow* T 

you'r own knowledge. ~Thaf cpoL Thar* jifarf uwaiimrimn fr* Afj, 

you were located., were-- ther* ■ — 
ulien fiers in your .opinion! 

"Tl* Witncia : = No, aif.--' — 

r-irb. A. No, 
il -A, It be: 

• .Demon- of la* 

irieea jetit, . 
ending: wb*n.t 4, 


1 you huva occasion 

'ilh . Judge- Butter- ' 

iretida at lb* htdd 

Un>] "confined ' MtdH- 
oUnjr-jda^ during 
of tha family 1 i. 

' Uiu firtt two yean 

wanta '[# know-i* 
Llnml ' la Rrupklyn " 

KiiZH ;^[jq ftlwb 

r«**il A. Stat** 

Q. Triii had '*>«,_.*:. rt*li-(iiffit, hiil ipo Mtf fl« r «* fniMiW™ -by ifr internum 

Q: TUt- ws, ■ few day*, right tftrr th* di*- 

-tuHio.rjnp-1 A,~"Yp«,' Jiif. .. 

CJ.-lJid th* uahpr* ■ iVIInw"- Jh*lrqrtiim« in 
rt'U'fin-if i'l hfiffuiitjf "In. itjclra rWruiU in Hut 
Heigbhorlpofld when il filled up uri u adeo,ual* 

niiM)l*r of n^he rpTl A- K*>, nir. 

Q; Vi»r.t []«n>- i nutriKl ion* lo have an adV- 
/luate '»u'mlvr of unburn i» every area 

wu flLtrdt . A. Yea, »ir. 

i— Q. And wcr*"lJtrrg. in iiiti]ui!« nnmhaf *f 

inherm (brreT 

Mr. RrurhhiiiHTi ; f nlijael In lh»t til 
ea.Hinje fn r ». ro^rtaxniL . Tfnw ewi b« »»i 
wh»t in nftftont* T ■ 

T)i* Court : ftwlaiiHd. 

Q. Wan .'liin i nut rueli un in ' rpfirrnct to UM- 
'l-untr, UilDih#r- .'ftf u.ificiii r<Mii[>lii-<L nilh In Kiml 
irru »Ihti 1|k- rlipiturl<tfiira u^-u^Fnil 

-If r. B me h iiiu««ri : ] object to that 
'ftH.Coiirl: Objeciioa u»tua«L Eti 
■aid he wan only in iha on parlioa of tht 
Oaitlkti anct I don't ate Wt|«t| CMlifjr 
la wbat hiipfirmMd >T«iywb«r«. 

(J".' "ft>ll h -,lhnt l* vmir-r/jiiniim, [lull [hiin' 
mer? n ' t i-doukIi ifk.l>tr* thtrc f ' A. Y*iy' *ir. 

(J. 1 1 i"f rinir y mi wt> — ■ I low man v f tft aparf 
¥rn. tile kLilktrn I A. Tliey wcra_ itationed Uire* 
in an tiVff, a* 1 roealL 

T|i*!Court; Voo don't know thta. 

fj. -IVeli, ir Hie iiib»f» had been » litllft mora 
manly, "tike rt wouM ha'vi barn inoufth t>t thtm, 
.wukln'L theral A^^o,' air, 

Q. You Hitan -at yon incrcaa«d manlinaii :Job 
h*m1 leal oiiicri, rtoF't yoof 

■ Tbl C<iurt: I' »-iJ3 (Mtain an iiLji^tiiin. 
Ur. Uru-bhanKo; Th*l it all: 

(WiLaaaa «lcoied_) 

Ui. CDTinfton; Victor F. SckmidL 

<J, That ii a »uuDrb_ofCi 
A. If ai'u part of tins atj 

Uy^b* Conri: ^3 

Ii. lit aallrii jem ji il a ial 

ti:-. la" it dvu Jiy - Cincinnati 

&5 , "Ur. OorinRlikn'i 

<J,' iinyB. )^B .evw bpiii 
Briliel.FainJlff A. 1 bav*._ 

*(J, For bow lacjf A. Fui 

<J L UegJiiiiJiiK wlben and 
From June, l!Ktl lo October, 1 

Q.'And during tliat tinm dii 
to lweonie, -weli acquainted i 
(anil- A; Yea, 1 did. 

(j. Aid; you., ever iee him [ 
of- die Ub'lef A. Yea. 

Q. Were your diiliei at Be 
eivHfly t» Urgoliiyn or tome 
tl w' "tiine .y en .^cr^ a injembcj 
TUs curly part of hiy itaj tvt 
A BrOflUyo— 

TIb Court.; AH ho 

'*betli*t. yon *orfl tflf 

"Of wiirliiiT >-(iu yul I 
Thm Wiljuiij: X6* 

■Q. Wliajt otKaf plana wera ; 

Pe/lj.— Dirtet 

towam] tha famLL y 

for ^otuntenta dnr- 
"grd and ra^getted 
nera at tha family 
of Bibln inh>i^;Ea 
H> <Btfidflni*B lo lb* 
of lb* Lord'a aarr- 

beiii)o< Bible airrv- 

i oa thoit diingaT 

lylhinj at the dlo- 

lind tit it Balbal, 
udiail A- Yea. 

A. Ua wonld dla> 

L A. Tea. 

f A. I vDold dia- 

i_ Oecaiionally. 
Dialhly half a doa- 

A. That ii riiht. 

l-unnin^ af Belhrl 

«u eritieiaa tht 

ning of Statro la- 

■ fsr lla iatprOT*. 

[tited — 

o tally. 

#t aa bare IL A. 

f'iclvf F. BeAmiJt—Ftr Tir.flt.-rtirr.ct 

Q, For low lung ware you at ixtsiw-n Telnndf 

j\, Hvf yvjim 
Q, VCr-tv you llirn a mpmlirr of \\u- Rlnt.n 

InNinil illl'ixioil of tlte llctlifl Family ilnrinp 11ml 

limtt A. 1 wbi. 
Q, Mill you rat at Uib Inhlf llirrrf A. T did, 
Q, \C\\v\ dulkn did you |ierforhi at Ktmrn. 

InlnndT A. The niAnajccr nf Hie rndin alnlion 

IVTSHIt, n-liLcii riilailrd ntw BTiivoontiTig — 

Tim? Cuurt; You were nioivagcr oT tin? 
Tim Wbwat: Thai ii rijtfit 

H, Uorijic; limt I inn? al Stolen Js'lninl, did j-isu 
Hnvn flHHTMHJcin 10 ae« Juilf;« Itullirrfont n! SLq[,--n 
Inland vlu-n be rmtir thrri'! A. 1 dill, 

<J. HsVe you r*til hiiq *i>nilnrl liiuix^lf at the 
Hi-llii-l fitlhlr at 124 CnlllmlKLn Hfi|;klji anil jilnn 
hi Llw L lirlln'l Ijiblr at Ktnlrn lnlEinrl durinj; (Kniri 
ll'JLTjT A, I llill 

Q. RrwiI Iljiod Vnnr nbs^rmilLftn and knovl- 
nlm: nnd dralinbii wilh .luclj^v Iditkrrfnr^, rnnld 
>[()■ |r|l tiir jiiry wbrliirr nr not lip jiptnujnnL nn 
nrbilrnrk ami ilirtalnrinl m&nm*r h mifiprrHain^ 
hn: r\lrrf]i ft'liilr rOndnrliBR till- hrjui nf thn 
Idblel A. Abwibltrly miL 

Q. Tell tbt jury wlial m hi* fnmlart at thr 
kahar, in a general way. A. While T wan Ihem — 

Tin* Omrl; VTt do nnt rip«l you to 
tell arben yotl here not llicre, 

A. (Continnert) At lha nvorainjr meal, at th« 
□UIhiiU hp would fir*!— 

The Cnort? Ha did nnt a>V ygu vbnl 


Victor r*. SclmMt—Por fiettr.—Oireei 

he did. lip nuked yon hit allilude L lYaa 
il rntlterlyt 
Tlie Witnejia: Il alnolul'ly waa, yea. 

Q. Waa it kindly I A. Kindly in every rupeet. 
<J. Wliut ]iriiviitu>mi or itrpv, if any, did ba 

ln)«r tn provide nnfl tike vnrc of I lie nral* of I be 
Lirclhrm and allow llu'in rnavtiiipnEaal A, Wall, 
lie took nniiiJ,tnkinf faro nf tin.- pfi']jarnLioa nf 
llm fowl. Mr uv to it lh*i Hie fnftd rAiped al 
the vnrioua j;nrik-na on Klnloii Inland wlien I 
Wild, that llir. wflitaMon anil tlie frail* mxre not 
cciSLtiLijiiihuletl in any uxy with any ehfinii-ol* or 

fttpijionoujl tilinjnj, He oUn liwJj H|-^-inl lirrnlu- 
lionp lo m* Ihnt I he f™M| ami til* Vr|ti-Ublni anil 
llie fruil u'<T? ]5rii|hrrly nlDrnl an tlult Ibey likik^kt 

It pri.^eidvd nl 'lir- Initio with a ffetlineiM and 
fOH(lnrivo lo I In- lipiHh, 

By Ilia Court i 

Q. llid y«u F«f all lliin ymiredfl \. T dikl 

Fikri he r imtfr, 1 kiiovr during tire miiHer *po«oiv 
wllill? it unjin't jN>MKklilc Ui linvf frenb Ifttureami 
VeKTlulklra frnlu 1 1 in Sliilin IjiIrwI jrorden, that 
fn-vli vi'Hvtnlit™ lurii an carrot* wtcl Ifltuci »«* 
nTvii^l jil tbc licuii* — 

Mr. Broehhauun: If yniir llonar 
plenif, tvb jim not onmplaininf abonl a 
poot table Hwr* Tlwrr in no iniuu Ik™ 
about that. 

By Mr. CoTingtoti; 

Q, Tall nj. »hat hut alLtnih> waa toward* tha 
family. Sid yon »T*r hrnf hiin Upbraid or ridi. 
iml* tb« Dretkren at tbt taUa fur ajunrcton 


ri-rlW F- $chrnidl—Fnr , 

eommentat A. Hi* atlihad* 
wa* with conBtderation. 

Q. Did h» oak for and call 
in£ Uuil Linsil A. Ye*. He Ui 
that th* brethren, who were t 
partieipata in th* diacmuion 
and otber thiaga that would I 
ubuteimt and futthtrua* 
x* OD lha tank 

By tha Court: 

Q, Flaw about ntlLor illnw 

iq*T Did ha tn*it* diavOtlioi 
A. He innted— 

Q. Did you ever dincuna ar 
nor table eitbor at tjlati-n It 
Bmoklyn, oulaid* of Uibl* *1 

Q. What did yoo diicuaaT 

Q. You, I am lalking' iboo 

Q. What djd yoo lay, you 

oun world tTenti wilh him — 

Q. At the dinner tabltt 1 

Q. How many Simeit A. F 

H w a doien limci. 

Q. In your fourteen ycan- 

Q, Did yoo wti diaeua* th* 

la ep*n maallim*, or did yon 

TOBjiinj of Bttha] or lb* ran 

land or mail* any aogifPtlion. 

mentf A. Did I! 

Q. Y**, did! youl A. I *ug( 

Q. At maaltioie 1 A. 0«at: 

Q. TOat did you iitffgatt, ) 




Relative to Die program*, Lhnrii Warn c^gjnr*, 

Lidoa »!iii:3i wrrn null* oocajicinaJlj . 

Q, We 1f« not lilkjag about lb* program*. 
We ire talking pbnot th» running of Bethel, 
Brooklyn, -or Bflhrl, Stateu Iilaad. DM you trcr 
rrilidoe anything ■round tho plaonf A. Sot 
■ip^nJj 1 at the table. 

By II r. Caria^tAn: 

Q. Did yoo ewor have oocuion to criticia* 
unythiDj at Bethel, the uperalioo of it by Jndgi, 
IiutlierfcrrtT A. Only with reipeet to ijnjiruv* 
Mania, BnrL In »b* aiiirmiHs and fomldarad LLtm 
Tory oarefolly. 

Mr. BrucJihnoHin; I nbjact to tin |H- 
eralillai of lneie thing*. 

Tlie Court: 1 w.ll parmll bin to M- 

q. During tht year 1938— J '"ill *a* ywi »*•„ 
how long have you known LU* plaintiff, 0. B, 
Hoyiot A. From J asm, 1935, to— 

Br the Court: 

Q. October, IMS, when yon left! A. Yaa. 
By Hi. Corinjrlou : 

Q. And After lhat, did jou have ™**ton to 
In aat»oeint*d with him! A. tot, I did. 

q. Did you have aeeahioa La do huiintio with 
him id behalf of the Society) A, That u right. 

Q, You a» a lietnted attorn**, in you notT 
A. I im 

Q. In what itatal A, Tht Stato of Ohio. 

Q. Whea did you become lictBaod to praodfl* 
U that ttAwt A, Admit, 1637. 

fitter F. firhtoidt—t-'ar Dtft*.—f}itrtl 

Q. Wu Hal after yr>u Irft Bethelt A. That 
in rijjhL 
Q. And before you amp in ISflhtJ, hud you 

urulvrtnVen IJib tlil'ijy "if tljn |n»T A, Yi"", I 

wn* ol.Hjut tfj In ailmilii-d la thr Bur, and I 

Iu^-umh' iiitentelHl in 1In: hTji'k nT Hii- Kr,cieLy. 

By tliR Court: 

Q, A ill ■ixtreR yarn later, )"u vr.l bni-k 
ami jot admitted to the Bart A. Tliat i* right, 
after biking a review. 

By If r. t'" vi npr r,n : 

Q. I Taul you ever prrfonmd any mininfi-rinl] 
dutien Tar any rt'ligiouii oi-fcuniioliti n brforp you 

bftcajlUI Oil* of Jfhovah'n \VitnrHjic*t A, Yw, I 

4hl, f-T (hi- ('fini|iMLilc iirfianiEtlMD, 

{J. Where van thai church located! A. There 
wera two tliuretie*. Thrrn waa b» nt Stmri"*-, 
K*n tacky, and out at IJari-iiKin, OliLn, 

Q. During the yi-ir ]!)."lfl, afirr ym: wrUr jul- 
Iflilted to tlie ftar, did you linVn nWnninn [i> l-i»ve 
60nrrrulicin» with II r. 0. R. Moylr iq rrfrr- 
ette* lo M>hia of thfi Rnctely'a dodtriwaa [jlSv- 
lixhcd in Ihe "Waicli Tow*r"t A- Vtm, nit. 

Q. When and wlwir* wan. lhall Ti-ll ua wlat 
ynq «ii!'l and n'liJLl Itr Mliil. A. Tliilt wAjt Til) 

Drtrtfili*r 14, ISW, al W-l IJudliin* Avtflnw, 
Ciiwinnoti, Oliin, and: tli* ooEakian via— 

Tha Court: He did not auk 700 that, 
Kh-41 la Hie conTO rution. You vn a law- 

yer. Plunr li*1en lo tin- qdettian and 
do not malf* ■■p**fbfa. 
The Witiwwt: Vci. 

¥iitt,t P. StLmHl—Fof Hrfi'^-Cro,* 

Q. Whftt toot place! A, Early is tfia momin|{ 
aJUr i;riMilif«Bl, before going to court, Mr, 
McyUi in the f runt room, among other tl:inj{>, 
■tausd, "W«l], 1 «mnut Agreo viLh what Oi. 
jLilk't in ti rin piib; ml in ih« * Watch Wmmr' 
in. nil ttilainento rvlaLiva to (Uling the earth ,|L - 

t(. That jjh ll,L> tlocLriLi: Hut liui bt*n dncribnl 

by Mr. p'ram) A. That i> r^hu 

fj, Ami wliu 1 clan [liil lie «o>r A. He aaid. 
"Tlnr Juiln.: will huvit to nmnner «ujb/ <|Ue>IJobi( 
relutiv-L' lu IIiik. Tin.* JiiniKi-' ii wron^, H ' And 1 
replied, " WcVi I *tn n-ati; UliI yun art inking tha 
wronji altjtm]« limriind JuiIrf Uutln-rfgnl, luwanl 
Urolht-r ItiithHirfnnl, ftliij fo\l twl ItirttL-r go and 
Mraip;li1iMi )uu.rwjf muI ■■th Jtuu, according to 
tht .Srrir | tnri.-«r" 

(}. Yuu lulil Uipt tii mr on one onwioa that I 
Tioilesl la (JijieinnalL, i* Wwi right f A, I did, 

Mr. Uov J njjftni : 1 behove Lhat u aJL 

CrQMf-c&wtixittwH o|r ATr. /f mcUiueit : 

Q. WIkt fliil }"U lint 1*11 Hi in ntlliiiiiebt La 
Mr, C'ovfitgltjnl A. Wlien did I tell — 

Tin: Court: I'lrjwr. YuU arc m lawyrr. 
JTl'JLhi: llnteB lo till? l|Uontion. If you du 
iiot ]M*ar it, I will hav* it repeated to you. 
Alu'j. do nat sniwer a quezlian with a 
question. Firut of all, il ii bad biw, «od 
it ii bad fuj 1:1 — 

The WLtflrui: I rrOurit «. 

of it 

The Court: You nuulil not uy "Ttcart 
the (|U0it1ioB over aj»aln"1 I1™« md it. 

(The qui-aliijn wak rrtmaud by 1l>* *ta- 
flogncphar aa follow*:) 

I'tflar f. Schmidt—Far Dtftt^-Cratt 

"Q, tVlieti did yoo funt fell tliii itaLenwDl to 

Ur, t'OvJnuLuiit" 

Th* WitneaiL It m«al Lava b«CB, 
ahooL — 
Tbe Court: Hltikm it oot Yoa. ar* a 


Tb* Witnwo (oODliauiaj[> : Pout or Rvo 

muathi igis. 

Q. Did Mr. Uoriagtart coo* out thorn and aak 
yvu wliat >ou knew about ilr. Muylnf A. Ha did 
aot tuuii uut f oJf that purjxrtn. 

Q. bill fag did 00 tlinL oncaaion quratinD TOO 
abudl llf , llavi.1 A. Yr., ho did. 

(i, la 19331 A. TM«.t I Lna. about him in 
ISaflt that U right. 

<|. Ami tlAl ii hafofa Mr- Uoyl* bad «ftr 
written * attbKT to yool 

Tha Court: No, you art tiijitaJten. Ifo 
aaid Four or flnre imontlra t$o froia. ujw. 

Til* Witx.e«a. That il ri B ljl. 

Q. That wu rtirly Ihii year, io that correct f 

Tit* Court: Early thua year or late but 

A, Karty UiJa ymi, yai, 

y. »lil you know boron Mr. Covington tame, 
lhat tltrra waa a lihe! mit pending againit tha 
Watch Tower organisation 1 A- 1 believe ao, y«., 

Q. When did you. Aral learn of the libel ooltl 
A. Bhnrlly th«retofor*. 

y. How long beforet A. I d*nt k"**. 

Q. Hew did you Icam of ilf A. I kannd of it 
toiongh Mr. Covington— - 

Yktor F, SfhmidP-For Deftn-Crtta 

The Court: How did yoo leam tit Did 
you get a letter from him, or whatt 

The Witwujj No. Wo ooUaboratt to- 
gather, and we disctiaaed tba matter thai 
Ihsra wu a iuit «xi*liBg> 

Thn Court; Thtu }rMI don't b*b>ra to, 
you know *of 

Tbr IVilDou: Yeo, ilr, I know ao. 

ii- Did he ahow yoo tha pleading! in tba eaaaf 
A. H* did not. 

Q. Did he toll yon what thai facta want A, 

Q Did he tell yon what he was endearaHog to 
prore in deftnie of th* ennrf A. No, iir, 

ii Did he tell yon anything abont th* oaaat 
A. To th* extent of what ha told pa, I oaanat 
roeall now. 

<i. Wall, he did tell you aaraelhinjr, didnt hat 
A. Hi mid that then wu a lihel anil. 

Q. And ia that all h« naUJ, that th+f, wtt ft 
libel iuit and so othar dctailit A. Hr asked mo 
whether J know anything about M07I*. I aaid 
"Yfj. '' Aad I aaid that it pained ma wary 

The Court; Nemr jnlnd that it paiood 
you, Yon hav* dona St, 

<j. Ha did lay that h* w*o hTtlt to (tt *0M4 
*vld**!« r didn't hal A, No, air, 

Q, Didn't he aak you what yon know about ttT 
A. When th* anil wu hOTtiooed, I told him, I 
Tuluntoerad InformftUofi whkh niy bt of benefit 
to him, yea, air. 

Q, Yon mean yon wanted, iifiru pouiblo to 
banaftt him, ia that ill A. I wDatod to btnofit 


IVtor F. Wsamoft— F*r Dtfln^-Crt** 

tha Surinly hy my knovlnls^ Chat I hml of 
tliin^M nlp1iv<T Id tlie plninlilT in the rote, of my 
]R-rmruil LnDvrli'Elge, yea, 

Q, J)»ii you go out lo inquire of anyone elue 
for nrtylhin^ that inight lie k-ni-ftrial to thn <lr- 
fnulBnlaf A. Nu. I k*m* that Mr. Moyhs had 
written to m*. 

Tha Court: You ar* a lawyer. Will 
you read that liuil qdratioEi lo him, -ih-ju-cT 

tThr i[ur»tion waj rrpEited by the mto- 
nogrmpber an fnllowa:) 

"il. Did von po out lo inquirr nf anyoon thja- 
for anylllingr llial might hr In-nrhriiil lo thn da- 

Thfr Witncan; JTb. 

Tlkr Court: Xow t |il<-n», T dn not want 
In ■ ynu again nol lo rrndflr. Yon 
nn> a I it tin dittj-rpnt frnoi (lis ordinary 
|*rnnm. Y011 am ■ lawyer. 

■fjr You jn«l innde ■ Tnlimtnry "tatoru^nt with- 
out hi* Hiking ynu that Mr. Moyle had written 
lo youl A That ia right 

Q. Mill yhll W'aiif thr Cnurl and jury 16 prt thn 
ilii|]rmiiin frnm tlint that Ihrra ni «nin<-thinj( 
In lliat nlntnnrnl bfurMnl to the Hr frurlliita t 
A. Tlml waaa'l iny inlenlinn, nn, 

Q, Ynn Imnw nu a lowyer lhat v«n phmild only 
anawor I ha i|ueitiona thai an aaked, don't yooT 
A That ia right 

Q You know that yoa eonntantry tell witneoMt 
not to Tobmteef info Una tioa when thay art on 
tb* wim*** otawlf A. That ia right, 

Q. And yrt yrm com* ia to Ihfl (Hrt W * 



Victor F. ttclimull --t'ut Orjlji-—Cit" 

i iir in I v i "T Llic ])at ii ml make llin voluntary jilale- 
inrnl I hut jtir ti-LIrr wjirv arnt la yullt 

Mr. {'«ri»Etnn: Your Honor,. T flhjcrt. 

Tin Court: Objection nuntninod. 

Q. Wlwin wn* the Hter nut lo you that yon 
now refer lot A. The letter part of Augutt, 

Q. Bo yno know Hie datel A. On or ahoal 

Au B u.L ITlh. 

Mr. Cniinirlfni; Tl-» letter »pe*k* fur 
The CTonrtr Me h» ft riahl to e»k hha 

if he know* the date. 

Q, An* y«>i fi*»ilrvft Hint you Hwirevl that let- 
ter -n AiiiU'ft A. AnrifilinK lo my r»n,1lr[*l!n(t, 
if. Aw ymi |n»itiv<t ilmnt Hi A, Jf n-t |*"*i- 

Q. Tf I tnlil yon lint Hint kit*r •«.■ written la 
Rr|iErui)*r T wukilri I hit rffrwli yn*ir r**i>!lrrl-iijnT 
A, T don't know if it would. 

Q, Hnvr yon liwkfli ei tlw letter mrnllyl A. 
No. T (Li'xJmynl it 

Q. ] ib* you a ropy of a letter nnd auk JM 
if tlwl In n «-g]iy of (lie nriirlnpl lHirr wliirh y«l 
rrccivnl ami which you. Imve junt lrtlinc.1 tn Hurl 
you rerpivnl (hondiiin: to wiIihtw), A. Thia I* 
no! ji «opy nf tlm limt h-tter Unit I rwriwd. 

q. |)i.| jew receive tlut letter f A. 1 rraivod 
the eriirinBl nf this letter, ye*, sir. 

g, I low TH»ny letter* did yon recti** fron* Ur. 
M«yle nhout that timet A. I think *tw*t lbr» 
Thi* wm lb* »*aond or third 1*U«V 

F-j-ror /. Siimidt—F ur DtfU^Cro4i 

Ur, Bracbhaaarn; I offer (.hut letter tn 

Mr. CoTington: W* he** no objaetiou. 

(Th* paper referred to w** received in 

•vidtne* *nd marked Pieintiff'j Exhibit 

Q. I show you another latter ujilnwd to yoo 
and eipned by ilr. iloyl* dated January 5. lEHO r 
and aak yon if you r*sei™i that letter (handing 


Mr. Brochhaiiaaa: Whil* I am waiting, 
may I read thia latter lo th* jury* 

Th* Court: Sorely. 

(Ur, Bnichhauaen. read* Plaintiff's Ex- 
Mbit U to the jury. J 

Q. Did you lay you nohtd th» ietiar ot Jao- 
uarj- tv 1H0T A. Ye% air, that i*> tba Original. 

Vr. Br nrh ii iMn : I uffar tha aopy In 

lit. Coffngtoa: No objacUon. 

(1T»* papaT referred to ni rewiTcd in 
•vidanea and markad flaiatiff'i Ethitil 

Q. Did you bring to oonrt th* orfginali of 
tluna letters 1 A. I did not. 

(J. Do yea have an offio* whrre yOo k*«p fil*»t 
A. I k**p filaa, but I do not haTi a puolla vSoa, 

Q. Do yoti fceap aorreipondeneaf A. Ye*. iDon 
aa It ii warthy to ha leapt 

Q. DM yoo t*U Ur- Oricgton whu yon rpoke 
la aim iaal jam got tartan tram M.r. lleyltl A. 

Fieier F, Jclnidt— f er TttflM^-Cnu 

if. And did you give him tba letteri 1 A. No. 
Q. Whet did yon do vita the letteral 

The Omrl: TIr- tMtldtd tit deatroyad 
them- ii thut rigtitt 
Th* Wilniwi: That ii right 

Q. Te that yanr rnartlea, to dn*r*y lattara 
nflrr ¥fii[ r«*ivc HirmT A, No, jir. 

Q, How lonj? after yon rcefire theie letteri did 
you de#tmy tli"m1 A After giTinp eoukiera- 
(i'.'U to all of the facta — 

The Court ! Will yon llatai t* tb« 4««w- 

A. (CanUaiHd) About th* Middle of Jann. 
arj-. IfJft. 

Q, Woa ll>ere *ny parttcnlar reason why yop 
destroyed the letleral A. Tf**, then waa. 

Q. Dirt >uu ilc-truv btlwr lrtlrn at th* ttmat 
A. No 

(J. Were thry I'hr- ohIt Inil^T* jon dntniynlT 
A. At that nariii^iLlr lima, ym. 

Q Did PximclxMly ui yon lo dralmy (hint 

A. So, «!T. 

(1. Hail ynu luli^l In inybmU frnio lVt!u!l ha- 

t»i-i7o thn limt' ynis rMf^TMt Ilia letter* and when 
Ut, nln;, lr left IUthelt A. I dun 't belinv* that 

J 3iiuJ. J roTinol rrmll. 

Q. Did iny of il-p ion* n^rraata in that ana 
talk tn you nhoul Ihn mnol A JTo. 

Q. Did yp« !««■«• any wrta*F»ai**iiea tnta 
thn oflua in Brooklyn to «cnd in *ay Mum* of ta- 
f amuliun yuii had on thii cant A. No. 

Q r Too at* nun cf thatT A. Tltat it fight 


t'icivf t\ ItiitiiM—Far Itcjtm^Ctaim 

Q. You left Bethel lo get married, didn't yout 
A. N<i, I did net. 

Q. Wrrr yw» iparxlad at th* 1M»* y«tt w*r* 
in Bclhrlf A. No. 

Q. Are you married nowT A. I im 

Q. How long afler yon left Bethel did yon 
(tet mnrriedt A- Well, it w» a ghort ton* aft*T 
I left Bethel. 

By Uir Ci>urt : 

Q. "mint da yan rail a thort tin* I A, Within 
• wort or so, 

Q. And yos did not leaT* to get married T 
A. No, I didn't. 

By Mr. Bruehhanirn: 

(J. Yfli did not know irtien yon left that yon 
Wtfn (MJLDK 141 ftrf UtTa-tMV did youT A. I JuuIe'I 
i:uiilr np mj" mind TnnrfmiTely on it. 

Q, So your dcci*ion came hctwren th* time 
you left Bethel and a week afterward*, in that 
ill A. Ye*. 

<). Waa thii Tery luildeat 

Ur. Covington r Whit do yoo mean, 

Q. Thin ilnrLiinn »□■ wry inddca, wu ilt 

The Court: Tt wa* a III tie faster deti- 
■ian than ha makei in answering q^nei- 

Mr. Covinjjton; Wa tako ernptlon to 
that remork — 

Th* Court : Lot tlie record 1 not* that 
thi" witni*F» lin* ^itnt"! on eyery reply 
thai h* hat made. Lat th* record not* 

Victvr F. Schmidt— For fltflM^Crm 

that he hai taion SHnera] oaceod* (o 

smnwer every crnestion. Let thn rt«Mrd 
not* that hf Iju taken ti*H U> ttad mrf 
letter. And now give the defendant an 
exception to hit Tinner's remarks. 

Mr. Corington: That ia right, tba 00m- 

Q, Did yoo eontempkle mnrriage before yon 
[eft Btthell A. I thoujihL abont it 

Q. When did yeo Wgin to think abnt itt A. 
Several inonlhi befon, 

Q. And when did yoo become engaged! A. I 
don't know as 1 became engaged before I left 

Q. Wu there any enjragrnHnt at tilt A, I 
dont know. I dant ttcaJl. eir. 

Q. Anyway, yan jot naaniftdt A, That ie 

Q. Yoo know that, don't yout A. T**. 

Q. When dut that c-Burf 

Th* Court (addreatiaa; Mr. C4*ing-- 
ton): Will you [tl,-a» lak* oot yoor 
watch t I wint th* rprord to not* how 
Jonjr thi* witn*« takes to aBiwer each 
qac»tioD and the type of question it in, 
bo that the record may completely thaw 
that. How, will you. ash him a qtutttiunt 

A. I don't kaow the eincl date, *ir, 

tj. Yon don't know the data y»a were tjiit' 

riadf A. No, I don't, not now, Tt mu i* Oo- 

tobor, UH. 
Q, Did yoo *Tor celebrate any annLnraary of 

m a. Ko, 

Q. 1 «* -<m to look at thi* l*tt*r, PlaintinT'* 


fktm F. ftthr-Mi—Fnr tftfb.—Crasi 

Exhibit IS, and art if that doe. not rtfrtsh 
your r«Qllrction thai [hit wa* th* Ant litter 
you nocited from Mr. Moyle [hnnding to wit 
n*»i), A. If that ia th* first letttrt 

Q. I am asking; yen whether that i* the first 
letter that y/0d received from Ur. tfoyle. A. 
Atunrding lo my recollection, it isn't 

Q, What I* your recotlectian an La th* ]«tl*T 
Or th* content! of the Irllnr yoo say jnn re- 
npiTndt A. Th-n nr»t Mt*r Ihdt I received from 
JIt. Ifoyl* id in. hit own hindwritina:, tnd 
1hir» ™ no— thn content* of the letter stated 
that hi wai leaving Bethel, bnt ther* wa* no 
rmson itatsd. 

Q. Don't yon now in this letter,. Plaintiff's 
Exhibit IS, (ha' tell* yon th* rircTJiwatancri af 
IcaTing Bethel t A. That it true. 

Th* Court: That has keen read to th* 

Q. Will yen taw flftt be wrote yoo two latten 
■aytfljr ha vtf JMfuprt A, Tn* Brai latter waa 
la Ma owd— ye*, 

Q. So h* told ft to ym twice— A. That 1* 

Q. f Oonltnund) : — ■ ono* In hia first lattnr and 
one* b th* letter, Haint.1T 'a Sihfbit 1J| 

Vr. Corlngton; I object. 

Th* Court: Objwtion jutiinsil 

Q. An yon being paid yon; myelin* for com- 
ing on from Dbiol A. I am paid my tr*e*lraj 
eorpeoaea, y/ea, Br. 

Q. How lona; h«T* yon htcr. her* in town on 
thii oaaat A. I arrived Tnetday a wtak 1*79. 

Victor F. 5d.iNi.2t— *V Dtfi^-Cnut 

Q. And jot3 an »t*ying at * bold at tha ai» 
pens* of Lb* defendant!) A. Tha Ont ***k T 
atayed. with fame friend* h*r* in E'-xtklyn, and 
pew I m itaying ai IktiitL 

Q. And while it Bethel, tar. yon lalkad to 
tie defendant director* aboi;t tli» r*icT A. I 
hare sot 

Q. Did you talk to lit d.fuwUufj attorney! 
A. I hat *. 

Q, And wbu did you talk to mmf A. Sunday 

Q. And wm aaj" of tn* ether dimton pri*> 
mtT A Ha 

Q. How long a «mf*renoel A. About twmly 

Q. And tfutt u tha ouiy time yon talked to 
anybody down there about thia eutl A Ka. 
Th*n tr* other conFenationi that I might hare 
bad, not with the director!. Than wan other 
member* of the l&thel Family that aaked, "Wall, 
how ha the cue coming along!" And 1 aaid, "It 
ia ojrlta interating." That ii about Lb* ach> 
itanoa of ih* eooTtfiarioii. 

Q, Wltai it thai Cftmphellita thordi lliat ynu 
mentioned f A. WrEL, it it an organization Hut 
had ilia beginning wi» lima prior to tha miildle 

□f lh*i ]nn1 ^rnlnrv, And i'm linnet Tine" BTC flUMP'""*'- 

»- :, rounded on the Bible, but I lift it became 

there wu dUcnpaairj* 

Tho Cnart: Did }■* tak yo<i wh r yen 
left ilt 
The Witnea*: No, that ia right. 

Q. You found a diaczepasey! A That ia 

Vitlit F. Seb*>idl—F*r lttsft*,—Crot> 

Q. a*6 ?pv_ diaagtaed, ii that correct! A. 

Tlmt ia liubs. 

(J. Bui YOU JUHt mt'Ktiontd * ronvenalinn with 
.Mr, Moyte wherein be dtaagrred with aunie due- 
trine of Mr. Rutherford 'a, didn't joiit A, ?'■&! 
it riguh 

air. CoTiiigtoa; Your Honor, thin |* 
The Court : Ji ia 

Q, Yon don't claim, da you, that a incinbtir of 
Jtliuvah'i Wilneitae* haa not the rijjhl ta fiprrni* 
Ki» opinion about the doctrine* t 

Mr. Covington: 1 object, your Honor, 
thii ii not proper crou-exarmnnlinn, 

Tha Court: Objection lualained •« In 

Q, Did yoo bring that oot or point it ont In 
thi» Court, thi* convf-rwuion with Mr, Moylc 

nboul doctrine, to Kin tbe iinprp*HM:,n 1luiE n 
-leli'ivali'i Witrmw ■hciiin' hid ilimnrfi* on drit-- 
trintT A, Well, I brought that out lor the pur- 
pose of rclnlinjr tha fart* junt an tbey occurroil. 
Q, Tt look you u,uita a white to think Hint rar 
out, didn't ilt 

Th* Cuurti Qkjcetlon iiutained. iilrilio 


Q. But it w*i a alalemnit about a dilTrrrnn 

*f o[imi*tt on dortriae, waaa't ilt A. Th*l i* 

g. And the very principle fur which you left 
tlir ("uiMjilii'llii* rhurrh, ohjHting to ilifft'rrnn* "F 
doflrino — 

Victor V. Hrkmiil—Ftf rV/l»,— Cromt 

ilr, Covinplan: Ynur llnnor, <hn u 

•rguifi* nta tian. 
Tin* Court; Objection auitained, 

Q. Ditl you rcud lln» ntali-nbunt in the H* ]Hrui- 
ber J, 193!) "Wnteh Tow^r," thai Wr. Iloyle w» 

dl»lllLlb«i for unfaillifulnmiT A- Yn, I ilitt 
Q. Did you read tha article in the Octubrr IStli 

"Wnteb Towt/* h t-nlitk-d "lo[onnitjoii"f A 

I did, 
Q, And tho irlklo in tbo Nnveitilrer I5lh 

"Watch Towot" on "Snarm"? A, I dii]. 

Q. Ko tithci- tiitn tha tfmlinfl uT tltoiMr nrtid^* 

o/id tlkEKC letlern you have rt'Tcrred to fr^ui JI r. 
lloyle, you diil not henr any mora about Lbii 

nuiltar during tliona : i m r.'.\ \.i T 

Ur, Corington: Tliii ia again argu- 
mentation, your Hnnor- 

Tb« Court; It j». Qhjexlinft *UntniiHil. 

V.r. Bnifiiliaujitoi Ks£nT:ii,.n. ThiU it 

Mr, Covington: That h nit. 

Tli* Court: Aro you tiniihed *Hh tin 

Mr. Bmelibamura : Yo, fir, 

tWitnn* iicumhII 

Mr, BrurfihauiTn; Now, «a]f I i**d 

Ihi* niiihit tn liir jilfj't 

Tha Court i Yea. 

(Mi. llrutldui3Ji!yn reaiH Plui^tilTV Ex- 
hibit IS) (n tin? Jnjry.) 

Tho Camti W* will now lalca ■ Irn- 
niinuta rsccas, 

(Short neew) 

Wr. CoTington: Mf- McT^eHiftn. 


L^<*/ A. UtLtmatr— f nr Dtffi,— -Dirtrt 

LESTER L. UcL?:3,l011Ii; B*t,th rjumiag. 
New York, -called aa a witreai ia bahalf of the, 
uVf^ndtaur, htvif find duly aworn, teatiAed aa 

fdJI i»il 

Diftti cxaminattfm- bf Mr. Covin?!*}*: 

■Q. What la the mailbox Lhiral A Tha mail- 
box ia Doi &. 

if. Hew long hare you. been. La Bouth t^naiEnt 
A ApprOiimitvly Bereii yean. 

Q. And il that at th* pl»** Vuown a* Kingdom 
Farm! A. It ia. 

Q, Wem yon ox Kingdom r'anta during any 
timfl between 1934 and 1339T A 1 waa. 

Q, Did yon go to Kingdom Farm whn yoq 
firat want out to Sinth LauingT A I did. 

0- And did yon lira and ban yen li**d on 
Kingdom Farm **«r lisa* JoH want to 8«nth 
Lanainnl A 1 have. 

Q. And what ha* bten lha nature of your 
dutie* at Kingdom Final A My work was 

Q, And yon art ■OP* of Jeho'riJi'* WItneiaca, 
•rv vou nott A 1 am. 

Q. You i» a member of the Kingdom Farm 
Family of the Waicb Towar Secilty, art too 
nolT A I am. 

Q An yon Btatriad! A I am noL 

Q. Dm yon know tha plaintiff, 0. B. afoyto, 
Mr. Ul.j-1*! A I do, 

Q. Whan did yoa 3r*t become aoquaintod with 
Mr. Vtdylal A 1 ballvr* Jl >U h= 19M at Um 

»/ tbaConrt: 

Q. Waa It on thi oeoudio* or hi* viait to tha 
fenct A Tea, tlr* 

Ltitrr i„ UsLemure-^far tfetttt—Dinet 

by ilt. Covington: 

q. During thi year* that yn hart- baan al lb> 
farm btfore liJi, Au^tul 3, 1939, did you Lin 
in what ia known aa the Central Honaat A 1 

(J. 1m lliat tho plin whan Uw wjitril dlaing 
room I A ft waa. 

Q. Did you live upauin! A I did, 

Q. Now, did you live than tha year unuuli 
A. (did. 

<J. V. i.-.-t: tho rovtm of average ijie, tarmbonaa 
*iicl A. Yta, *ir, ili«y wtrc 

Q. l>id you liiivo room to hava a dtaaiar ia 
it .uii I uliicr hodtvOUl iccotrlmotilLioni 1 A Yea, 

(J. Wctb On: t-iHiLili inflkJeBtly Loafnl dtUUf 
tlta whale winter! 

llf. UrudihatiMn : I nhjnrt lo that aa a 

Tha Caurt: flbjeetion iBalaiaaA Ltt 
him leiL 

y. .luat It'll whetltaT or net they war* heatad. 
A Tin- r<ioiii« vara healed and were eomfortahla. 

(J. V,mu that Itarunghout lha entire winter T A 
11 waa. 

(J. Have you ever eorAplaiaed fo anyon* aboat 
having inatk't|;unte Iwaling attga inyaia li o aa at 
the farm! A. I did not 

q. Waa Ihrfa *v*r any Lima thai yen did a*t 
iiavu uilnjualr liraLing aooammodatina in year 
room al the farm! A Nn, air. 

tl And you war* tabrtly *at l * ft a d 1 A 1 waa. 

Mr. Corington I That il all. 


CmH^»Mit»» tjf Jfr. JpfkcAWim**: 

V. Wlrt-r* did yoq liv* brfon you went lo the 
farm! A Al (WnlirhJ, Miiaouri, 

tj. IVn-rt you * iwmlwr of Jeiuivnh'* Wit- 
ncMCH. uui in Miiaauflf A. For a dibit Lii-.ic, 
ji*, «ir. 

IJ, lluw 1'ir.gj A. Api.r^ximatrly tnns >onthi. 

it- An- you a miniiiU-rT A. I *:■!. 

(J, iv lien did ynu hecuinB *. !iiihm;^r* A. 1 

Ihv-iiiihi a niiniilir alien 1 inmlt my CtinwTra' 
lina. I do not iwiiH'iiilicr the exact date, *onw 
LiiiH- in l!<U. 

tt. Hid anybfxty gi*e you a certificate telling 
ynu ynu m-rr m miinnli-f t A. Yea, air, 

Q. Wlie bjvo yon the istrti'lTOEe! A. Th* 
WniHi Tower Itible I Ttmtl Sedsty, 

Q. Ami how lunu *rtci you *t*K«d atmlying 
i lid ynu Ipmuiie a tiiininterl A. J do not recall 
i-iiti-tly; Mihietbing like *ix raanlha 

ii. Aud wlial did run aluiLy during the aia 
nnn'tlm In lirmmp a ruinittter! A. 1 atinlitil 1 1 in flrvl [be Waleh Trtvti rjubliealioniu 

(J. Anvthing ei«T A. tin, air. 

H. hid ynu read any other rdigioua book* or 
InAKahiltral A. I did not 

(j, Have you pine* that lime read say other 
irliginu* hookn or magaiineal 

Tlie Ourtj dntairke of the Wateb 
Tumrr jmhl icatinna. 

A, KiJ tliat T nerjilL 

Q. Or ha** von altrnded any aehaola aincr ynu 
hwTtiw ■ miniriaf, wlaid* of Walah Towart A' 
I liavv not 

t}. Hn ynur eatin tdacaillon hat nt«* I trough 
lha "Walflh T«-*f"1 A That it lifait 


tfMltr f„ UcUmarr—F<>f ftoflM^-CmM 

Q. Vera Vim a firmei' trior* yuH wfnl tip lo 
LantLngt A. I wot 

Q. Ahd wluil it tli* averaga twpmtm up 
in IjiiULkrij; during Hie trintrrtinbAl A. Tli# *»»r- 

ipn.: would In* 1*'J<, W f rv^-xutfr. 

4j. Inn 'I ii In-law *crof A. No, I ils- »l think 

w, Hie m-srujrc, 

Q. Itt't it fp^uenlly brSnw »r»t A, Sora*- 
•.itnri il it. 

Q. Anrl v«n put A jftial d<wj of 1HW Dp tborif 
A, I'urdon mal 

ij A ;rn-n1 ileal oT tnowt A. Quits ■ ktt of 
■how, jtk, n'r, 

CJ. And I in* ninny firojilr- Ltvii in liiis hnau 
thut you I in V4' fi'Jrrrr*! t<i T A_ T rioa't raemll 
eiaelly, 1 Ln>liiw aliuut ?»rn1y. 

Q. Anil »ii«r* WU !ha henlint; JiUntl A. In 

11 ll! Ih.^i'lTi'JlL 

Q. "What kind of ■ healing plant m ilt A, It 
was t hotter, steam heated. 

Q, How long had Hint ktildint: been thrra, do 
you kT.u»' ' A. It wa* conttrueloit ia IS3G aad 
IIBT, I believe. 

Q. A» you tnre about it! A. Yea, tir. 

Q. Anil where wit the radielc-rtt A. Tor 
radiator* were in 1hc ruatm end haJla. 

Q. You i» utrc thrns wen radiator* in tin 
rooms T A. Ye*, air. 

(J. PnailiveT A, Yd, tir. 

y. In every room! A. Well, I wouldn't aay in 
every room, no, 

Q. The radiator* wart mainly a th* haJla, 
mta'l iheyl A, No. 

<J. But there vera radiators la Uh aalUT A. 
Tlicra vara. 

Letter L. Nctit*u>**—F'vt Defti.—Cron 

Q. Did you go into *viry room on each floor I 
A. [ did. 

Q. WJwn did yon 50 in I A On various ooca* 

Q. Wki; wtrt your dutiei in th* buHdingt A. 
1 had no datiet in lln building. 

Q. IVcre your duties outside 1 A. They wen. 

Q. On what occasion did you visit each room' 
A, On viirinUt aetaajana, uhtofever I w*at |o 
™it with the occupant* of tin room. 

Q. Was BVntJ room occupied 1 A. Ye* 

Q. ilnvr many room* nn thertf A. I don't 
rocall tlt« enact number. 

The Court; ApprouinaJely. 

A. (Continued) Thar* war* approiiaml*ly 
l*u room*. 

Q- Did you know Vt. Guranflo tWrtt A, I 

Q. Ho you know when he Tpftl A. I diiL 

Q, Do you know Iha cirainittann* of his leaf' 
ingT A, Yn, nr. 

Q. Ma lutd a diaagnnurnt, did h* uotl 

Mr, Co»in^toa,' t think that would be 
imuiatfTllI, in mr> jcil|t:n<iut, if your 
Honar pleua. 

Tt>* CoHTt : Ohjaclion anitained. 

Q. Was II r, Rutherford ntr tip than in tlm 
wintertimtl A. Mot iorjng tha •vvanit wtathir, 

Q. What do yon call th* armr wwrthurl A- 
WeU, TrtMn JJuTtmber on, 

Q. Would you aay that Mr, EsihtrfftnJ wu 
never up thti-« hetwete Nov*mher and Mayl A. 
I do Dot r*oall any tin^ that n« waa. 


Zjzxter L. MtljtT«t>rf — Fer Dtftt^-Cr&it 

Q. Wtll, you would know if La m tbata, 
wouldn't youl 

By Lha Court; 

Q- Tour betit racolleelton it that ha waa nnl, 
ix Hint what you want In tall uaT A. Y™, that 
ii right. 

By llr. BnKJuuaen ; 

Q. Taa w?rv there all the dm* betveau IKS 

and 19291 

The Court: H» taid hit beat naollectut) 
waa that Mr. Hulherford was not there, 

Q. And you also inh-icriha to the doctnua that 
thin if f!«f'« aiEianij-jilinr, n„ «iiht A. I do. 

(J, And that Mr, Rutherford waa God'i aanant 
in charge of it at tha time? A. I do. 

Q. And that ovrrj-th iuj that you read In th* 
"Watch Towtr" or hetr from flod'* oifajui*- 
tioB on earth, voie aeseptl A. 1 do. 

Q. Yon ntvtr diiwuted from anything that ha* 
oome out ia th* "Wattli Te*er' 7 or from Qad't 
orRaniiatiuii on tarthT A. I nave not. 

Q, And *licn yiro rrad in the "Wateh Tower," 
and I prttome you .H-.ri, the Septrmbar lit artidi 
wbieh you havn heard referred to here, Octob*r 
15th and November 15th, you biliered Iham, it 
thnt onrreclt A. I did, 

Q. You wftrt* no in«MliRtlioa of yuur awn to 
And out about it T A. I did not. 

Q. Ton jnit accepted it aa you read itt A. 

Q. And everybody that you kn*» of th* Watth 
Towvr organiiation aooepted — 

triirr }*, ZJci^wcst — >*or Dtjlt. — RtAitttl 

Mr, Covington; Your Honor, lliia ia 
Tin Court; ^jrcliot *<uilainod, 

Q. An4 yonr exptinxn hvr tmm rmiil to mmz 
down h»-rfrt A. T poirl my own enpennta. 

(I, IVidl, jirr you *t»yiinr at Ikllieil A. I am. 

Q. And have bre-n for how lonpft A, Thi* i* 
II* ■rrond day. 

Mr, rtrBehlitnjMm : That it all. 

HntiTtcl eraRiMriojt hf iff. Cui-in^iam ; 

Q. Mr, llf-I^rnori", the radiaton are in tlie 
itmni on the fir»! floor — thtr* ar* l»o hoar* in 
I hat hoLiie, ar* (her* airtl A. two nrnrt and a 
liatmf it tl 

Q. Thi-re *r« rafliatorn ia thf roonui no th* 
ftr*i (ltKir, ■» IhM *nrrwtt A. Thit it Tight 

Q. Whnt u the arrnwnwnl for the hcatina; of 
1I1* rmimt on the wwond Boor I A. The *eeond 
■loriT i» !ifal«i by nn-aai of radiators and hy ih* 
nfw"! strain pip**. 

(J, Ar* rlio »le*m pir>« I hat run through ffare 
tV tidf of 1lw wilFr lo tlrf ra-liaiorji out in tha 
r»THnil room I A, That i* corrert. 

(j, Ii lii'Tr a ti-hinl n-ntA in the *erond floor! 
A. Tl^r» It. 

tj. It I hat an nhlnnpr roninl A fl it. 

(J, And do all tin* nllw limirrwuin coontTt into 
l!mt c-rttral rnomT A. TiK"^ do, 

Q. And wliore are tins rmlialor* titntted on tlte 
PHPmnd (loorl Are th*r in I he f*ntrtf ohtonir 
room or in the bi-droooml Tliry are jiarlly in 
llw mtlral room ami partly in 1I1* rmonii. 

letter L tfeLtmorc—Fef tHH'.—Uttfo** 
By the Court: 

Q, You meui) M-mt- mow* lm*r nulittom and 
nlhrra have not t A. Tlml ia right. 

Ily Mr, Oovinjrtdn: 

Q. And Hut rentrnl room in a loon, oblong 
mom, Whnf ofhrnt nut inlo (he emlrwL room be- 
tiil»t (hem: ollirr ronm*T Ii [liere a stairway 
hanlinp np from dom-mitairjf A. Tbert ia, 

Q. And nrr there Irantosu over Ihr doortf A. 
There are. 

Ci. Ami har* tlip rnran* hwn tatiafaetnrily 
7iru.tiil, ■■ fur n« you know, tine* yon liar* brtt 
thttvt A. Thry have, 

Q, DW you nier hear any of yonr brethren 
tlnere iMu;;>ljiin nlmnl Hit inrl, of hcnl in tny of 
tl* roomt tlwrj-f A. I did not 

IJy Ifr. fnVi nt-tOn : 

Q, Now, d id nnyhi'ly liv* ia tlk- houts otmnier] 
hy .luilitr llnlltrrfnnl when lie waa tlienrt A. 
Y"i, air, 

Q. Tlial Wan an orrllnary faltn knflj*, Wat it 

not t A. It thi. 

Q, l(u ynu rrrpll how loan)' pmjji! lifrd in 

I lint IioeiktI ,^ r Not 1h« r%arl nurnhxr. I oe- 

tie** tofHit Imtf a iWjvh, 

Mr. L'"vintt»n: Tfwt it *!l. 

Jtrrrniw r^iljaiaoJinji by \$*. ftntthbilviktx' r 

y. Jiint one tiling inorf. Ar'nh- front tliit m>- 
rallisl ^npnniunily hrjiliir anil the luiiitr wlirrr ^fr. 
ltmlh.-rr<rrit n-iiilnl, ilwrr wrrr apreral farm- 
iioutes t'ur», utren't Ihenf A, Y««, air. 

Itatlhtr Arnold Hoidtti—Far T>tff*,— Direct 

Q. And their wrra much older than thii torn- 
lauoJty hooaef A, They war* User* whtn. thft 
farm waa token over, 

Q. And do yar, knoir about how many year* 
old thot* houtet werel A. I do not 

Q. Sine* 1936, t!*ra have been comiderahle 
iniiiruvmnimti mi Jfi up in litre, baTe there tott 

llr. CcTiaxtan: I objnrf. Thii ia going 
lata, th* ratlin— 
Th* Court; Objection nutaised. 

Q. Sin* 1B3S iMpfOTtnitnLi hav» btfi madiT 

Mr. Co^ir.gton : I object. It it im- 

Th* Court: Objectiae anilainad. 

Mr. BrcchhaniEo: Ki£rj;tioa. 

That it alL 

Mr, Covington; Trrtt it all 

Th* Court: 6t*p down. N*it witntat, 

Mr. Covington: alatthew Arnold How, 

tt 124 Culumhia. Heifthta, BrMklyn, New Torh, 
being Jlnt duly rNO, tv>tifi«d a= follawa: 

Oireci tfaminaiifm by Ifr. Cmii^^ton' 

Q. How long htv* yoti been * j^Tnth;- of th* 
Balhrl Family I A, About rwenty-flv* yrtn. 

Q. Afld how lone, have you known Jotoph F. 
Bulberfordl A- Bi£t* 1913: 1913. 

Q. Did Joa know Paabar Buaiell durjng bia 
lifetimtf A, I did. 

Q. How lung have you bam * UtWriktr of or 




JfotJJW Jr.n/«f llwhtt—?*r Dcflj.- Direct 

iwrn niKiH-ialrf with the Wtlth Tower Bible and 
Trnrl Society! A. Sine* i.317, 

(j_ Are yisu married T A. T em. 

Q, fWinjr tlic limp that you have l**n a m*m- 

BfT of tijr llrtlu-l Family', fmVi }-(rtt hjj] *ftMintl 

in cut nt )]>[> dining tuhlcT A, All Ihe time I in 

in Iftfliol, jet. 

(J. A-nil ilurinfl all thoiui JftB, liav'r wjo n:i- 
lirtd J uiijin Ilult'Tfunl fhrrjiiding it tlm lt«d of 
tlic tablet A Whenever he wu in the "ami*, 

Q. V«a have alaa bud h room and lind la 
Hpihr-1 ilnrinjr Hit time that yon bn<f* ben tbar*. 
have vmi noli A. i h*Tj, 

Q. II w« there been (biet during thnat yeara 
tlinl ynu have not h*-m 4 nnnner, ifct i*, luivt 
not reeled in llrtJH?lt A. 'Hie™ have been 
■.iinftj., ye*. 

Q. Hove you always fm>> > immtar of the 
IVlhel FangiJs T A. Always nine* l!llT. 

Q. And on uhut rxT-jmionis bavo yuQ Leea away 
from Betta!, if yog cen ree*llT A, WWn J hive 
l-H-pii sent rmi on rnf*1ing assignments and on 
radio service, 

(J. Were vim jL»Vtrf[ in tint honee at 12* 
Columbia Heifiht" ilnrinf[ any of Ilia nin frnm 
Itm to 133,'Jl A. From 1035 to 1933. 

[J. Di> yon know the plain! iff, CM in & Ueyla! 
A, I do. 

y. Iluvi 1'nip lnvr you kn»wn |ba plulnlifT. 
Olin It. Uujrlef A. During (ho** yearn. 

lty Um Court; 

Q, ftiiHw 10131 A, 1Qar> 10 1338, 

itttlktw AtnatA tlunirit—Per b*fU<— Direst 

Q, T tl»C!fllll ynn r-8nl 1E1I3. That m ifr. 

RiUiHcilT A. Ye*, 1 1 iji( in rijjht. 

By JJr. (."ovihjjtnn . 

Q. Tn IwllllliiUi 1fx Vflilr nniH>riytinqi with, Jud.LTO 
ItuLlHTTorct jit Hie lahle. Iiutc you liod occasion 
In lirrniMi' htlimatrly nml rloMly afiiuuinlcd with 
Juiljri- ttnlh^rfor.I during; i'nu*e ycttit A, T 

i}. Now, bared nimn yonr oitFtrrstioi; end 
Ifimu'Jfrljr* <,r Jmltfe KuLlrf-rfotil, fan joy t*U Iht. 
C'oiirt iiim] jut?' waul liln lllilvde *M towardi 
Iti* lirt'Uin'n ivl fintliei aliilti pTinidinjr nt tin 
hMi-1 A, II in nllituile el lite lSfltml table tab 

Tf l-y Pliticit^U*, hrnUifrly, zin.l Very Ititui, hid 4]- 

wayi ju>l. 

Q. Uiit yf»! ^pt »"• him Hlriiln-TiRlrftt* *M M- 
1i1nili- i»f ili<-(n1njjiJjL|iT A. I diit nut. 

4. I'ii ynn i'vpr nc* Itini cutting anyoae aliort 
fni- 1 Miikii:n rointiivntn Lit 1l.r inli>t A. Ko, (-ir, 

(^, I In* lw, ilurin^ Hie liniL- Ihnl In? ijrcei4"«l at 
Ili«- l,ihlr r mpj,'i'M I1.1 1 Hie inking «f (["."'K-tione end 
I iii' timkiiiK "f roihimiilrif A. He (T-Tltinlj- lii*, 

I/. Ami Ihnt Kin* durjue; the whole time that 
\nm kit-c tlifti'T A. Alwuyn, <incf 1 htfe knuwu 
Jjiiu jLibil Ikh'li llicre. 

Q r Kniui ti»H> In time nuilN'rp rciiLi' -.iff at the 
* -t. r 1 1 1.- whieh are of prcnil pnnp^nv 1n Iho wliiite 
fjiinily, [t<i they iioll A, Quite frniDmllv. 

ii, A>"1 on thame lu-i-nm^tit you lini'e lienrd 
Jmljfr ItullwrfnnJ limkc cu»nJin>atl, hlT* Jo« 
nnlf A. 1 certainly have. 

Q. Mn1l*r* of Mtncern before the v."holc family 
rri- 1: ■• iin 1 1 y- hrnn^kl brfore the funily in what 
niellKKl, if yoft fci»n*t A. Th*y were hron^ht fc*. 

UatttitK Arnold UowhH^For Dtftt.—Iiirtct 

fore the family at mtnltimn, benue that im 
thr. rtnl;- tiine th*y j;a.thert(L 

Q. Were they Biually brcn^liL op hy wjme 
member of the family, ur MjmfrLiiow by Judge 
lSn.lJierfo-rdl' A. Brttli, 

Q. Dili JiuIrt Rnlhrrfonl object lo- any oat 
bringing Dp itrma of ifiterect or qeettioni a4 th« 
t»bl*f A, Newer. 

Q. I show yon a letter dstf4 Jaly 21, 1939 t 
addressed tn .1. F, BuibKi-ford and aijnwd by 
O. K. Mayle, Will j«ra lake 1 look it that I i 
I know t'hr letter. 

Q- When did yon fir»l hear of that btleff 
A. Towardn the end of Anjfdht, IH3S. 

Q, Were yon it Bustlml on Angiut 8. 3SB9I 
A. I tp»» not 

Q. DnrtBfi th* eai-ly part of the year IMS, 
wJinre vtn yuor aui^nmnitl A. Zonn % in Iht 
(State of Ohio. 

Q. When did yaq l*tp mtr (hat icu 11 Zaa* 
BermntT A, July 1, 193a 

Q- Prior lo that timn bad ynq »rredl u a 
ImTrllnjr speaker and naininkr for the Socinty, 
Cm uppointnwnU 1 A. ainm 1917. 

Q- And that hat heen at frequent intermit; 
i* Ihnt nnt frm T A. Ten, lir. 

Q, And this inlerral vai on* of janh; ia that 
eurractT A. Tt tu. 

Q, Not, when yon reltirned dnrina; fhe- inm- 
KoEr of 1338— Wbrn wn* it (hat yon retqmed 
to Bethelt A, The end of AuguaL 

Q. da that a^raeion, did yon har* ai oppor- 
tunity tn ntt that leltert A. tea. Jndae Roth- 
erford (bowed me the letter at th* end of 
An^njt, wbrn I returned. 

ifnltkrir Arnold //oir/rJI— F or Deftt,— Pirtti 

Q. Sid lie diaenu with toil any aetion m part 
that yen would hpv* t> d* tft r*K»rd to that 
lirtart A. Not tl that lima. 

Ur, BrnrbbiaaeB; I object to any con. 
rereationa that were not la th* prettae* 
of Moyle. 

Mr. CnvinRtoa: I am net going Into 
the contents. I jnit want to know If Iher* 
wai a diacuiaion, 

Tht CoBTt: Ha taid not at that tima 

Q, Later on, was then tnch a. dlwoMiMl 
A. Yen. around S*pleMbeT lit, 

Q. Wu il— A. Faidom ma Hay I correct 


Tht CVnrl: Tea. 

The Wlbieaa: It wbj around Septem- 
ber 2LiL 

Q. Th* oocaeicm of September 2Ut, what was 
thatt A. I think it wat two d*y« hefora Sep- 
tember Slit, when Jncjj(a Enlberford called e^ 
tention, sailed my attention. I wu i» hia office. 

afr. Brachhinaen. L t obj«t to Uy eon- 
tb nation. 

Mr Corfnjpoftb ilf| Hgjht. 

The Cwsrt; Objeetion mutdjoed. Ton 
Hlit tell th« oOmrenatioa. two dayi be- 
fore September iliL 

By the Court: 

Q. Ten had p^.r^l^iajtr «ltsd to jobt altea- 

tjon liy Jndjje Rutherford f A. I^at U tilflA. 

By lir, COTlnj[tnq; 
Q. da or about the Slat day of September, 


Matthew AiwotA Huv'— fn* BtfLt.—Dirt{i 

did yun attend a meeting that war attended by 
tome of tli* member* of the Board of DlrtnLonl 
A. Tat, air; on November 21aL 

Th* Court : No. afaka it Seplambar. 
The Witneaa; September 2! at, 

Q, On (bat oocaeinn waa the matter of lis* 
letter and the article entitled "Information" 

diicmsedt A. It via. 

Q. Wa« thtr* a diacuiaion u lo jonr makLna; 
a. *jtll 14 WiaaoBtiitT A. Torn waa. 

Q. Wai there diaennion comcerning; Ut* need 
of yusr going to Wiaconiin to present the arti- 
cle entitled " Information ' 'T A. There wet, 

Q. You recall going to Wiacotuin, da yoa oott 
A. Very d«a.-ly, 

Q. Before we gat into that branch of the 
(eitimony t I would like to touch upon another 
matter. When yon read that letter, what HI 
yoor rtottion and Optaioa ttSWirniag iU eotr 
tantar A. I wax abocknd and I fall aid. That 
woa my r«aa(ion, 

(j. Diti yon btUtt* th* content! of that letter 
ta ha traa W faint A. I baherad th* oontioti 
to bo nhgolntcly false. 

Q- Well, bow, did yon believe that baaed irpon 
informatioo or baaed opon year own knowt 
edaa ef oonditiow j D tht Familyt A. Hy kaowl- 
adjt* of the condition* in the family. 

Q- Pid ynn bate it upon your knowledge of 
and ftorarning Judge Rutherford T A. Tea, air. 

The Court: Did yea alga th* iltid* 
The Witnaui Wo, lir. I an net aa 


U<tttb+*. A**olJ Hwtctt—For Ikflt.—Dirtd 

<J- Now, Ur. Howlttt at any iltAO wbile ywa 
havn been nt BellieL have yon ever noliued 
Jaiipe Rutherford adminUter ill-troatiaent to 
the liethel I'auiily. A. I hava not, 

(J. liivt yon ev^r ncen him adininiikr an 
qnjuat tri^isiiipg to hit bretlirenT A.- 1 Wu-vr aol 

Q- ]J«vt yon ever seen him fiiv* nny sort of 
4 I rimming to Mb brethren.! 1 A- T hare not 

Q. Have you *v*r wrn him edmintater a 
tongne laahingt A. No, air. 

Q- H**a you ewer aecn him brine; hit brethren 
Into unfair public reproach 1 A, I hare noL 

Q. Uave yon txtr ieen bim deny anybody 
frtrdijn of «;>eec.b at the tablet A- Norcr. 

if. Yuu nvrcn'l them during H:e btadiiion 
rS^uaaa linrilen di«cui4ionn in the Kernly, were 
yo-iil A. 1 u"a« not in Mev York, 

Q, HunT-K tl^n limes that yon liavt been there, 
hnie ynn noticed any iltectitninjilinn bflween the 
Hrwmininfla'.inna bad by mjioi; of the tncmlicrJi 
of tine family and Iho>e had by Judg^u Rulhw- 
fonlr A. Kn, sir. 

Q. Iljivt! you lieen to Ktaten Taland at any 
liiurf A. Very many tiinea 

4, 1 fnve ymi b**n ther* a! any (im* when be 
ha* (ten thcret A. Yea, air. 

Tin? Court: By *'(*" yoo mean Rnllter- 
Iff, Covtnfilon : Judse Rutberford 

if, llnvn ynu been there nt nny lime when 
In- |iMthiI(h1 at tb* (read of Ibe tablet A. Yes, 

lty Ibr Court: 

(j. Ilia comluel there wat tlm aotna aa you 




ileilli ftr Jr*>W fI"^lrll^Fei- fttftr.— r>irrti 

haw drucrihnl it ill Ili'Uirl, in HrftoUynt A. 
Juiit I lie nflini 1 , your Jluiiur, 

tty Jlr. CoifiiiKton: 

y, Are ynii fannin"- ui|h the arrtnuiifcidaliiiiiji 
I In I. ,fyslgic UuUu-rford linil ul JlHln-11 JL Very 

(J. Arc vim fiunilinr nitli lluj jiuftiiiiNioiLilLun* 
that lit; dud ul Hlnlm bland! A. fjuiie familiar. 

(£. Art you faiuiliur "it!" Ihe *rt-i'iiiiiMnLilJLina 
tlmt lie ln*J in Kinpdom r\imil A. Yen, he. 

If. Now. (uined on your Impn'lnJjjC, wwii tla-ro 

nnylhine; hlnjtlt thone nenHnmuiWlLiltnB tlljll lliH- 
erii ninn li-d between Hineo enjoyed by hie breth- 
ren T A. Ht, air. 

y. Wur* you permitted to get iiimrrictl anil 
remain at Dttlie-LT A. I waa. 

tj. Ai the time jliii got married, jou were 
on an unnj^ntiia-jit, ]< '.hat rijlil, t»ny frum Hit 
Kwiiilyt A. 1 Win. 

IJ. Did Ilia JuiIko deny you 11* right lo n-lurn 
h6cAUnE you had been married t A. Cert* M y 

did 11 01- 

Q. Al Buy limn Lhal you have been ul I lift 
Ih-tlu-l tulrit, liove you ever nnlired any filthy, 
vulvar language and BJoriot [«i*B"l nlniii. 
fuhlel A, I certainly have not, 

(J, JIjitb you Iten lioiior (jlnrifund at Ihn l=lh[e! 

A. No, nir* I have never even nemi it ul tim 


<J. h it the policy it rtelbel I* hrwik in hmt. 
comer* by mJijecting Hum to lii* cat if al'viin.ll 
A. No, 

Q, Willi i« tli* nililmle of the Tlelhel fttfeiii* 
n»l Judge tlulhcrfonl toward* luluF nbmnin- 

ifa.'l/rr* .Imofrf iUhltll—f-or Ptfli<—Dirtei 

inajl A, Can I rcTer to the icalimony given 
l>y Mr. Framt 

Tlie Court : Yea. 

A. ( Continuing) Ju>t the IMI — lh* k^limnnjf 

iluil «i'iik delivered hy Mr. (Van* is absolutely 
injf trmiiiiony, 1 heard hit rutins tcntimony. 

Ilia Court: Thank you Tar; mucli. 

Q. Have you ftVCf knuWn Judfje Ilnlliliffurtl 
In tiilir hnxly, i]]-ci;iiniJr»ed action aRuiunl HJLV- 
one vi lid hod a inaltiT lu pre Mf lit to liicn that 
ilifTcj-ji u'itli liiml A From my poTnona.1 luiowl. 
h]j;i», Tfry 1imu':Il I he OfipoilU. 

(J- WtTi; yuil iiArtil 10 t^itl^ U|) uiy mjHttr 
oh wliirli von dimpi-MM] ivitli hiiol A. I 
■ililrrmmJ Iiim ncra^nail)' Is "Pap". 

Mr. nruciiliausen : 1'apT 

Tlic WltMHi I'-a-p. 

{j. Imi'I it a fact (lm! tin entire Family ww 
cIim-Ij, H-nnnoft(HJ with tlie Judge and many 6t 
tlu'in runHlanily called him by thai namet A. 

(J. litre you ercr had mctllfa) Irftloiaji" A, 
I have. 

Q. Wlierel A, Font year*' tluijy t/t medicine 
in Kii K ]nn.:l r and aoina poat »jJu]ua.l« «a<ireej in 
ili I- tirantry, 

Q. Verc you bom in, Engjandl £. I wai. 

tji. UuHnK tli* y«ari tJuit yon hnew Jvilj^ 
'IllUu-rrtiril, did you kriw hit piiyaiijil nmditiuat 
A. I dii 

Mr. Breehhauiian: I objnt tn ti-1- 

Thtre i* an b>»j> here on th»L 

HoWJifK .Ij-umM //jjfrJefl— f„r Dtflt.—Mtvt 

The four! r !lc ^aid ya»i ha did. t will 
BTjit onlil the nrnt ijui'slion. 
Mr. iiruehliBueen; In ajitidaation jf 

further i[UfHtior.injjr Ob that aoni*. 
llr. Covington r AJl rigat- 

Q. Do yon know the rtanca why the dining 
room win jirovninl nn tii* neveaLli door for 
Judgo llutherfcrdl 

Mr. UrudiiuiuKn: I blijtci to Hut ai 
railing for a conci«*inn. 

The Court: Ohfcciiun jmalaiiud. 
ilr, Covington ! We ti-vtpt- 

4, WuHn't it r.i-n-ncary that becaiM? of Judgr 
Jtulkarfvnl'a pliyak*! tondition, lie- Itav* * »i 

furui of diet a*lininiater*fl aad prencriLcd by Uia 

doctor* 1 

Mr. BrnddianxiJi : I object Id the qu*»- 
liuii and flftk lliat Ttinnp:] I* adraonislnJ, 
That L'ourt: KuaUintd a* ta form. 

B,v the- Court; 

Q, Wax Uiara n *)iecl«l dieiae; room on tb* 

imvtniii fl'i-T for Jiidgt Jlutherford' A. Jaal * 

jinall ilimnj; ruoM mid Litdienelte. 

T3ia Court: Yav lata been dmng Tary 
nii-T-'ly u|t to now. Answer the qutntion, 

TJie Witneia: Ei?uit in*. 

Mr. Covington: la ooniitiilloja witli that, 
1 would like ta iubJh? an offer of praoL 

Thu Court: I am tryina; to lay Uv» 
fnuii-LiitioTi for yon. Ta» chjuttioe it to 
Iha farm of year (jimtioa. 

Mr. Coinnsluin: Alt right, y*o» Bob«. 

tU'ltlrir JrMrM Norkil—Fnf flrft*„—Dirt£t 
(J, W-ff* yon jkprnonat lahynkiaui to. Mr. Itulher. 

run] I A- ■ *'*' hia j(erHO|i«i n»r>i'. nrlinfjl Under 

las (ii rift ion of tin- liu'ioi* physkinr;. 

ii. And it K.'in Hivm-siL^I tliat lie have a ilininf 
r^ilu fin I lie IliHir in wliirli im Jiv«]l A. Aliwi- 

I iy 

y. And In- did Ihut h.:;ivc *n?al* lervnl up 
tlri'n't A. Vce. *»r. 

y. Iln I In- iu]vh.t! of liirt doelnr, and yon amv 
to il, iiniiiT thi" atlvin> of liin doctorl A. I wi* 
liia diid Irian. 

The finirl: In thai ulutt you want to 

Mr. C' Vinson: Tl*l i* what I wnnt Us 

llw Cnurti [ lliink thai in tlia right 
wny to- P*dv* iL 

]ty Mr, Covington: 

y. l Va* that tiu 1 rrarton the dininq room >■»* 
iln-n-r A. Alwiibiii-ly. 

(J-. Wan hia nliyninil fonditino eitcli lliat he 
roiihl nn-L iiil the »nli»u.ry fuoil, all "f tin- nnli- 
nary food I 

']' I is Cnnrt s Kirilie it nuU 
!ly tiio Court i 

tj. liid Hit dnclor prriwril* a apWiaJ Jiet for 
Mr. HutlierfordT A, Tea, air, 

(A Ami von, acting nnder tin? ilncjor'n in«tnn-- 
liona, i<aw (hat he got the ni*tial diet' A- I did ; 
Clint i» corn-et. 

Q r Amllin nendetl urnie ihinpi «wk cH e«p«ially 
fiir hi ml, ninJer tli* adviw of the (loetnrl A, 
That i> correct 

1 1 77 

itntikrm JrnoW llntrkll—Fvf I>tfl*^niftct 

The Court : la tlml what yoa wanteilT 

Mr. CnwinRlua: Yea. 

Uy llr. Covinjjloa: 

Q, You m Ei-iuliil Juilax-' Hullierford during kia 

iant UKHtlka of lifr, did you uotf A, I did. 

(J. Can you tt-ll ihn jury what Judge Kntlter- 
ford Mm nufferinE from diirLiijf tin laal ei^hlcan 

or tntnty si-jib of hia Hfel 

Mr, LiriirliimujiEti: 1 object Is tbia lilt* 
uf i [Ui-al inning. 

Thu CuurL How i* tlila poriintnlt You 
Jiavo pi-nved what yml »njil«l lo iirova, 
ilium! the «[RH;ial dining room- 1 think you 
arc guinjT on ilangeraua grounda, if yen pi 
any lurbVr, 

By the Court : 

Q, You arc a defend nut in 'hi» eaaal A. 1 am 
a defendant, your Honor. 

Q, Vnii kcIe Hut a nieniiier uf Hie Hoard of 
Dirtttora, nr an oiliocrl A, Vn, jir, 

y. You had se4lmg to do «itli tin prejnra- 
tign, or you didn't aij*n tin- nrtidn called "In- 
fojijialion''1 A, That ia eorrecL 

(J. The firel tiane you kieunl uf the eonlroveriy 

»ail late in AllKuat, k]|P II Judge llulhrrfaru told 

yon ihoat itl A- That ia correct. 

Q. Ths tint ticio yuu bbw tli* article "lafor* 
mil ion" wee, I wmUmnr, alter tlie Board ef Di- 
nsrl-iim liaul pomverl aorl r-i«n<-d ill A, Yer, yet 

Q. And then it w*a uliowa to yeu by aonn-body, 
or dhj you first see il in the Watch Tew«l A. 
Tlia nrlirir "fnfnniLiHioii" waa aliown In m» by 
Judge Ituiiitrford, yea- 


JtfaftW ,f nro(r! Howtttt—Fnr RtfU— Direct 

Q. After it had hem aignrd by Ine director*! 
A. Ye*, aia". 

Q. Yon weren't a*ked to vnte oa it or \a "pm- 
ment about it; you didn't eigo itl A. No> air, 

By Mr. Ooviau^dml; 

Q. Mr. Hutlett, wlieo warn it, approximately, 
I hat fin wcnl to WiHronidnl A- ApproEtmatety 

I he ^tth of ftrptcmear. 

The Court: Itefom you fret lo that, you 
U-ttrr Hi-ar up Lb* "Kaar**" article wilh 
tbia wiLaaaa. 

fly tine Court: 

(J r Ynu read "Snarea" for tlio ftrat time in 
I lie Wnlrli Towrr on Nonilnl>*T 15th, wlian you 
rrad tin- W'al«-h To»erf A. Torreet. 

y. You had nothing in do with 1lm jireparaiion 
Fir jiiihlinliing of thatt A. Nulllini' wlmlevi-r, 

Hy Slf. t'uvincjlon: 

(t A]jproximntely what day wai il that jwu 
ti-ft Ki>w York tfl j(o lo Winconaint A- 6*plem- 
bcr 23. I!KB. 

Q, And wlitl did you fd to Wiieoaain fori A. 
to convey^ 

Mr. ftmeldinuwn: L oh'rKt to that aa 
callina; for a eonetuainn, 

The Court,' It dwn, Hefrnrne your 

Q. Hid you gel any iqalrucUona before yoa 
wnitl to WiBconaint A. I did. 

Mr. I) rath haijHcn : I object to tbia Sizs* 



Itetthtic Arnold tforietJ— J?ar DtfU—Diw*d 

of ou*»tioniii|r. We hava bo objection to 
tin fc-jinena Htliap what ha did whin h* 
pvil fiL t.\.^--.. 
The Court: T will *Jc (ha question. 

Q. You itn lent lo Wpnconaim; jw WW* in- 
structed to pi to Wiscoffiinf A. Aa a **•* 


Q. A* * rona atrrtdtT A. Yea. 

Tit* Court : Now yon it* In WLmraiim. 

By Mr. Conngton: 

Q. And yen took lh« article entitled *'MoT- 

jnnbnn" »!th yoa, i!ir.l yOQ ncll A. I did. 

Q. Now, what was, tit* lint Ihinff yon did after 
you Rot to Wiaconninl A. Mud* eontael* vita 
the Company aarvant, Mr. Ellifon. 

Tim Court: Wtiat town ii <bi»t 

Tin Wjtntai ; Milwaukee. 

Q. Tell tit what, -f nnyUiiititi you disl on that 
ofcaaipnT A, 1 liad a Ittter of in*i ructions, 
which waa ahnwn to Jlr. Kiliion and Mr, H. H, 

Q. And what did that kstlef relate tof It i» 
in rvnirntc. A. That related lo iht temporary 
releajinir nf Mr. Kink at (he ion* atrrant for 
thin w<ne in Wiaeaaun, until he had performed 
certain oldigetiona. 

Q. T¥n Ihrnj a libeling of the ifilwanW com- 
pany fit JrJmiali'i Wilfltaiea on that oteaaisnt 
A. There »H. 

Q, Approximately how many ttatndadt A. To 
thn bent o( my Memory, about 300. 

tint firm Jnnfi Jtmrli-It -for Orftws-Rimt 

fi. Wlml *n* 11^* tnbj*.e[ nf rlljK'H'"ion on thiit 
(wmninn 1 A. Tfif niulinj: 1» 1lw> nnm-mMy of 
4 III' in ftx-innl inn ji* nintainmt in '" lllfurillntion." 

Tin- Court; Yno r™l il trK Ibtrnl 
TIh TiVLInrrti: i mid it (<■ I hem. 

ij. Knw, lll<ik, i[|il ynu |iiiil:<- Any nlAlthifltl*, 

ollirr timr. that fimlninpil in the nrlicle entitled 
1 ' 1 ;if f iniinl i:w "T A- I il hi- 
fi. Can yon tell (hi* jury snimlnnlLallY vlut 
it \»a» Hint j'tui ndvircl Ihp enngrnirotiftn on liia* 
nvjuinnt A. 1 IWp! i^'BhI tli* nnir> "Jnfntmn- 
tinn." llnvinj; rviu! 1 lull b T tlion apofct nT I'm 
fllTl of ifr. Mnvle luivjnpc If ft llir nrnnniTBtinn, 
a ffwl of wliirli thfy wt-re fanviliar. I called 
tlifir atlr-nlicm 1ft wliflt va» f on I n ir.fri in th( 
teller, one nr i*u [tts:n of Th* luttar. 

By Iht rnari: 

0. tin yfln nirnn Jfr, \foylrV WltT in Ruth*r. 
fnfilt A. Tr»=, (hi- Iriif r llinl Mr. NfiiyW trad, 
Enrierijiliy rnllinir »1l<Ti1ioTi lo the inyuntieen of 
the niatlM tit Hie air-rnmlifinninjt. f rjillfd their 
ntltnlmn la Ihr feel 4lin.l -Tudjf Itollnrford ilid 
m>i niiTP any nir-Pondilicmpd room\ but trmt rl-.n 
fiPftM of Ihe tTPO*ur<*r. 'Mr. Vaa Amhurjth, had 
an nir-?nrj(litinninjr uniii jmrl tlwt Mr. Van Am- 
horfih hnd (lrthi 1lirm, ankH .futiE* BBtli*-rford 
fpr-jilnlh", if »uob a liirtl ranld not be placed 
in [hi* prftce; nnl, aflor pfmswai^ a unit w*» 
placed La th* office of Judpc Butlierford. 

And that wa* fine tuploniitinn T fr*W L . in my 
own lanjriiBR». lo Ihnt nn^wnhly in Milwmkrt. 
I Ihen nrorenled tn Fhnw titat Mr. Ifoyte— *tn 
T oninjf rhe rifihl lanpinprT 

Thn Court: Oo ahead. 

jMaJWirif AttuM ih>rieil~~For tHftit—tHrttt 

A, I villi iimlcr ii ah hris-r an I can. T (hen 
[irficridcil t<k vlirm llnil SI r. Mctyir haii aiinnted 
an alhnlulrly nnSrfi|pIural oiurw. I qnoted 
Striptnrt 4f tmnliiiiu-ii in ilia >"in*t Chapter or 
Kaelticl, to »h"W n [tirinrf, n rrapblc |iic4urr of 
Hie fjord r n r^r^nntuition and tlml it wac pir- 
tiir^l jlp "Wilkin witliiit "ft'luflt'' — Ihnt picton 
in oontainnl 01 tin- DLit*i<]<; coTcr of Iht Watch 
Towrr innifincjnp — end tlml the- dejifrintion in 
(lie first diujiter of Kwfciel ?hn*rrHl Iht hrhtrla 
progretninff up ami thr-n (town licrr, ar^l !brn 
tliert wan y^rN'rt lmrmnnr ami unity in lhe 
o[« ration r>F Ihp f)rffnni™tion of Jplmingli, Tn- 
vi«i|ili> mhI ViaiMi>, nw i1 wjvh H]i'r^-r ili-d in Itrnvi-n 
and upon tlw KnrUi in die iir*l riiajittr of 

I tben (ohl tli^m 1Iiji| Mr, Itoylp had ownpied 
a very n?B|i"n»-ifile prwilion and Hint, on th* 
baaii at Ilia own clni nt nn<l llie nnnntrinK nf th* 
itatemeiiln in I lie riiio^linrinnin? — wilh which I 
waa unite fain ilinr — ( lint hi- iiinl nti'[l|H>d put, hf- 
tUfino n mil rtplin-i - nnnl had no nu>rr riftht lo 
(loil, nrriplumlly, limn Jn»lp# ffutlirrfnnl luuj 

I mlmlnml Scriptnirn In jilioi' »hy h» bpd 
become a rmirmurcr, viint il me.-.nt Tor iiiin In 
beumu a rniirinurpr, an<l ulint t)n» Now TVrtii- 
meni anil (he Old Ttnilani^iil Mitl nl^nl it. And, 
iftp-r Jin-H-nlinj; thJll vrriplurnl EotilAOnY. Hint 
rnqndnl nut lh<- Ftnlrincntji I Innnlc to |lit jip>*jii- 

hty in JfilwauV 1 *, 

B7 Mr. Covington: 

Q. VVm '.Ih-h! anything tltat ran or did 
on that nerarion dona out l{ malieai lo lit* 


UaJ'tcir JntaFJ fTatdilt—Fur Dtf! f ,—!>irttt 

Ifojlat A, Fa, air. Hay I jut add On* mere 
thmji yoor ITonorl 

The Court: Go ripht ahead. 

Th* Witneia r I aEmlcd that what if waa 

atatinc: m what I nsreonptly waa statinp, 
thai Jndge Bulhcrford nerdrd P* defenaa, 
that avtry word I stated in that aaDernblj 
waa of my own peracnal knowlrdRT, that 
I look that letter aa a persona) inaolt, 
and that bl had no nght, Moyla had no 
•cripraral rinht, lo r*p«a*nt me and 
writ* meh • leller. 

Q. Did you aak Olin R. ilojlt to write audi 
a liMrrt A. 1 did nnL 

Q. Would you ha" wriLtm aurh a letter) 

llr. BruclihaoaMi : 1 object 

H>. Cn^injtlon; Jl i* withdrawn. 

^. Hid you have mad ice and ili will; is your 
heart on the ouaatnn thai yon apnkt before the 
Mil wank** fonaj^atiant A. I certainly had not. 

Q. Why did yon pi nut 1hrrr and why did 
tod apeak before that eon jrreiBtstiDo T 

Mr. ftrochhanaen: I ohjert ta that aa 
eallinjr for a conciuaion. 

Th* Cemri; Ohjrrfion ^natailttd. 
Mr. CoTJnirton: Etcepbon, 

Q. Were j« doing il for th* (rood of the 
organisation T 

Mr. Ttrochhauarn: I objfel io tiio qnea- 
tien and *«lc th* Court to adntftfiiah «ran- 
atJ Uut it 1* hapropar. 

Uallhtir ArndU Ihirlttt—Por I>tflM^Dirttt 

Mr, Cotfinfftaa: J ami maldnf a nconL 

Mr. Bmclihnaatn.; Ton have made 
yonr record on the lira! i40t»tioo. I doa't 
think it should be bronnht In in mother 
way on another qnealion. 

The Court; Ii yon don't mind, I 
would 1j* ohlifled if yon would flup tl.c 
colloquy today. I am having a difficult 
ti^ir wilh my Ihront and ear. 

Mr. CiiT-iu-Inn: T sin jont tryine; to ex> 
plr..r. my pnrpPB« In |h* Conrt 

The Court : Thw olijection it ww-tajwjrt. 
The record ia made. Monday yon awn 
coroe out figiilinK. hut plra»e don't in- 
d^lAn in t£i]]Qf[uy today. 

^fr. HriifhhanaeB : I will try to ttay 
away from eoU«|uy, 
By Mr. Covingtcn: 

Q- Did yon hn** in taimi lhe futed of th* 
brethren to know of the facia H^neernint[ th* 
eonna taken ny 0. B. MojIaT 

Mr, Brnchhauien: Objected ta. 

Tim Conrt; Objection mniainrtL 
Mr. Cnvinctoin; Exe*pU«l. 

Q. Did yon liave in mind tlw fact that you 

ilrft-ired lo hrinfr Ihoa* fact* lo the attention or 
tl:r hnrtiirrn, fnr tlitir Tja* and heneiitl 

Mr. Bniehhau^cuT Objecttd to. 
The Court; Objertion anitained, 
Mr. Covington : Exception. 

Q. Hid yon heard that O. R. Moyla had read 
a ulalr-mnnl pfarioaaly in that 00BpT*(ralisri1 A\. 


Mnitl'tiii ArwrM ff—iltti—Ftf IfcfXu—Dinst 

Mr. ItrnehlHiiwen; 1 object, W*!!, I 

wiHulraw Hit nbjection. 

A. fCiiritihiiiNc) ¥m, air. 
{;. I>nl yi m rend) this article tntitltd "TnTor- 
inalidiii" in aiijwff lo tlial iJi'Mnrn'.! 

\U r Rfiunhaaftti; I object W that 
T!it Coitrt: Objretien anitained. That 
in p.lrirtly miliii^ for a tone luaion. Eirep- 

linn to iJi'frhdanla. 

(J. ]Swl j i-.u liavt kmgnrladjni of thai fad whin 
you fi-dij Ilia nrtirlt *n1i(l*d " Infurtnati^o " I 

\\e r itriinlilinUH-n: KuOwl^.lpo Of what 
f licit 

TJit Court: You mtan limn trd{T> of Iht 
i'a*l lhi< JKnytr 1 * Ittt^r bad h*th «*dt 

Mr. tWiuKlun: Tlint in riyht 

llr. llrurhlniiinrnl Ka «bj«-Litin. 

A. Tr»i, tir. 

if, VVjih. ilia; line of Uie lhinpi that prompted 
mil to mid tlir article I 

Mr. ItruMibotictn: I object. 
'I'iit Court : (Jbjtction Attained, 
^fr. L'nTJnirtoiij Kifeption. 
t}. llinr Ifir- dill the mti-tir.p lant, Mr. J Inw- 
■ 1 11 " A, An Imnr. 

if. Kfi»-, where did ynn go from Milwaukee! 
A. I am nnt ijuile mire of lhe e^art— 

The Court: Your beat recollection, 

A. (t'onlinuinjr;) Wtll, my beat recolltclion, I 
til ink it n'lt to ( )*l donli, I r'umnhitr that, 
Inf-nonr that waa tilt northern point. 




Matthew Arnold RvrltU—Tor f)eftt^Direet 
By Iho Cnart: 

Q. YuU lll'l B. nimiUf ini!rtinj[ there 1 A. Ye*. 

(j. Vim minI annul tli* uim thing T A. ?m- 
lie-idly ll-.<r naiur thing. 

By Mr, CortngUrt ; 

Q. And, from U:«re, vfaer* did yon roT A. 

By Tfcn- Conri: 

Q. TcU lit, the name* of all the Inra yw 
uiaittdt A. There were two plow* I *r«Al to 
Monday aid Tuenrtay— Oshtotdi and I forget lb* 
nsi itt of lli-r- rooond piac*. 

Q, Wanpunt A. Tan, Waupun. 

g. Osbfcoah, Waopun; where else! A, On 
Wednesday I nm back to Jlilwaake*. 

By Mr. Ctmn&La : 

Q. And then *li*f* did yon got A. Tien I 

nrjlH down tD JWm» as4 Moil, VTbDbgUL and 


By the Court: 

Q, AmJ you mads iimilnr speechei at each 
pllliwt A. Hsnin nrnoadwrti your Honiir, 

Q. And you wirt apiiroiiuiately the ivni 
thing*, to the bp*t of ?■*»? r***ueetLont A, Th» 

(J. And your testimony. In « ftr n tin other 
raMting* are concerned, would be I he same a* 
yon leitified. to at the JliSwaalie* inrelbHjTl A. 
Yea, air. May I eorroit llmtf I may ham nied 
inr or two additional »cripl«tTt, 

Q. We md luLE-taiilial)/ the urn*. A. The 

Hut tie* Afm/Ji! t/t,*!eit—Far infit.—Difttl 

tf, W'f xai<l "lulnUntiilly 1 * A. Yen, iub- 
■■lontisHy I lie pmroe. 
if. An'l il«! »n« «aid wftfinot pnoliee and (he 

ulln-r tliinjpi that you. testified t*f A. Ah#n- 

It y Mr. Co vi njrlon ; 

(J. Vna IibpI nn ill will torarda Mr. Hftyle, did 
ymit A. Xf-Vf-r. 

(,. WrMH. did ymo -hi hu-k 10 \>w Vi.rkt A- 
11 »o> in eijjht i]ni>, ti^hi or nine, day*. 

f;. Hid you mail in the article "Intsrnulion*' 
li*fnpj' jnj irnr barkl A. No, sir, 

l"J. itp-tnr* ynu jinl; hack to llronklyn, during 
1li" tiin» thai tub vinited Pip}' °' the rnnirreKi- 
1 iriii k f wi-rc/ lln-r# eiprefudonii of gralilndf. for 
y'rur yjj>iI T A. \ i-i, lhi-y elprrjaed *ji[trreiar- 

Tlit Coarl: In each of ihoke place* f 
The U'ltueai: Yb. 

(J. Dad anynjtB make a aUb!inmt *'i<h reffr- 
"niv t« the need of jour viaic S A. Tli*y c*r- 
lalnly did. 

(J. J J id you Lave Oceanian to notjc* — did yon 
nutke mi iiiv4-Aii]otJAn in coDneditm with each 
i>T yenr viNtlnf A. I did. 

IJ. In iljrjm; io*"m in liVtnaaniiin, dtd yon find 

nLy r'liLilili^n of divinity] And *!riT^ in the Cq&- 
jnny I A, TlJtre w»i vtty OomidtraU* «n- 

"j-.-.-.r, VH'K. 

I'J. 1>'hI your TJnit havt anythinjt In do with 
i J rfi-t' , nrT to nmo^thinjr o^uL Ih^tJte cnndjtjOnfct A. 
S* fur u f knew. I waa aaly titer* a ahort 

Hauler ArmeiJ H*trlttt—?or DejU^Dirtst 

Q. What wtii Hi* r«BMjn fqr thij cvndituo, 
diTJ*ion and utriTr, in Ibc Compuitsl 

II r. Uruf lii^-jM-n: I nbji-ct. 

Tlie Court: Otij^:i'..t nutalned, 

II r. CoYinjflon: KiDMptian. 

tj, Did yon know tint He O. H_ Woyie wac 

«"idt!y linownl A. I did. 

Q. You kni:w thai J>e had mad? talka before 
ainE-uil.Ji"« and toQveji'.ioiijT A. 1 did. I katm 
thai, yaa. 

ti- Ud ()i* 0«C*ttOJI Of JUy Of tLrn; viiila tbriw 
lo any of Uif (MflRTifHO lion*, did }«U le»rn about. 
:!'* rJrrgJ*U<iO of a topy of tit ittltx of O. B- 
Moylc! A, I did. 

(j|, Waa (Jiat ^iplalnvd aa beinjj ihr reawln tur 
Hie di>turlmuicc is Jie aoagregAlJonit 

II r. It ructdwiatn : 1 object to IhuL 
Xlje Court; Objeetioa luitaiaed. 
air. CoviMjEluEL : KxeeptioiL. 

Q, Did yon make a report to J. F. ItuLherf ord 
on your return T A, 1 did. 

if. Then ii jwrne evidence in Ilia retold — a 
ilaleiiuinl by II f. Uu)Je — i«j^flrdki|f a itatcrarot 
which yoj made at Ikt Uelhei tabic, m whjch ba 
rLn::n«l [Jmt yOU Bled tlw worda "Soa of B 
bllcb." Did yon oh tbat atatcmaotl A. 1 oar-. 
lainlY did sol 

g. Jmt trtl uc what word did yon any) A. 
Jwjt lliit wvrd or the occanioaT 

g-. Jiut Uie woriii, and then wa aiU get down, 
lo ! be oocaaion. A. X Baud, briefly : *' bin *f tbt 
bilcb. JF 

fj. Tell bj Iha uocaaum for your aaui£ thai aa. 


l/a<f4cKr Jlrjiula" Ifarlrtl~Fi> r tbfU.^'Krttl 

^ri-NKiHiru »'hi,| yiHt kuhI, whut uiiylnKly t-i^r amid, 
And gii'i- on. the wludf cunv-t-rKulinn. 

Tlit- {.'(mrt: lVliere it waa. 

(J. The wbrJr CJinvrmaliii!!, A. Tl^ii Vmn at 
■ he IViin'1 dininu tdiil", nitil I bi'li<Tr il wax 1b» 

ihf"ii in-al. The c^nvi-rwlifii in*' I I*tfi ri\nnn lint 
Ipzkii iif arptnbvd n-liipun ami iliinwiini ■■ to 
Hit- unfuJliiTui *hrpliti>lii: and ! an-ii^l prnn*- 
i-i'-o In riinkc n cmiuiM'nl accordingly. II m 
jTiiubni. And I kLuIe'I Ihul ll-i" A]"*Ilc I 'mil 

iMwIf 1 tin nipt rrl. * J [iH'i*arc t>l unjpi anil evil 

■|inTn h " urn I i hot ilif AjJuftJr I'tul waif (|U"lin^ 
Trinii the fl rtJ-->* i K (In tIimiiHt nf Jwiiali: "Ifia 
Willi'!' liu-n iilr blind; yi'lt, (h«-y IF' fill iIkiilIj drilfn, 
i lM-y mjirnl Lark ; »k+|iiiifl, lyiiuj down, loving lo 

"Y"it, llnry nrr jfr^wdy <1"«k wliich ean eever 
liBVt 1 I'lluuchk nnd Chny Arr idir-plicrtlH Jhut rjinncit 
iiiuk'tiilBiiil; Elu-y all b>"k t" lli^r mi »"ji 
I'riTjimr Xn( Lin JJIiilll rruill bin r|nnrl<*r, " 

I 1 ll'-Jl- nhifWI-d lb»1 .|<Ti||Ji ill li-T»B i fun t IhruM- nniiic 
n.1«-|>iiiTilit nnd a1ulc<l timt 1l«-y mv-m nt llicir 
fmlici- Hie nhivili aw In rwnplrd in Jubn, (.'liB[itrr 

i ulrn [mlrtlut to !l>B fwet Hull nrpanli«| ni. 
li^inn- not t'liri»luinity — nan *fn»1n^) of in the 
S. ri|.tijr<-» u a "lutrlot, r< Uiat (be uninithfol 
uli, j.l.rr-.;* are n|niki'n uf bj. "cliiblrrn" or 
"ana*" of llnl "a*rlnt"i """' Ibal, ina>mueli a« 
lb(-y wurt idL-nlLlk'd an "ilmiiLi doux," tben tlieir 
nnftbtT nuixl have been a frfliale d»jr — "id by 
any utlicjr nnikw "ho ia itilL a bilch.-^aiuj (hat ua- 
fnicLful jihe|)licnl» ar« thru termed "Oobm at tin 
Uiirh," ur"A wn of tie bitdt." 


Uatihrir ArmU tlnx-Irtt—Fer firftn^tHreti 

AinI thr itntriui-id in" mnrte and nttention 
to I In I lo I lir Ki.>iitral iiiixuic, nit it nuoted — 

Jty llu? t'ourl ; 

H- Iff* lt»Jlnl Vtitt Wlml }'uu >ailL A. ] inruk- 
Ibr-Hr Misiruimi*, Aj thr tL-Mtiinimy jdMiwrd, I 

ih L vrUj(M"it LIih* Mlrjn' r 'I'kni ihi v hIjlIh^iiii-p^E «di 'n 

Utr i-ffiTt thn| [ ulnpijj ti-nn "Sim of a hitch"* 
^-whicb I did nut vr ul M~- 4 'ti'in >d a bitch,'* 
(hut hIjiujt Icnn uiuit on tine ulrvrt wan rr-ntly 
frflin tin- rt-rii^jnil Itic "bl^'n "f the bitrb" or 

By Ifr. Cnvincton: 

t|. Aim] I but Una lulu biVii htiituiHhl by the 

proptc Oil 111* 1 MlrwilMt 

liy the Court: 

Q, la, jt 'Jiivrlui" -lie- n.iiiLL- n» a "hitch"! Av 
in the Ht-ni'Hiral ukuji: il u[i|>lic« to tlw naine or- 

(j, [ji iIiih lUrtaitina afta "hajdnl" and *" hitch:" 
tin! riiiiii' iliiit|f| A. Noi H'liM-tly. Il m only in 
tin- ri-rijitural u«r. 

y. In the KefipUlrM "liurh-t" nod "Wldi" 
are the JUjino Ibinu;) A, Apgilytnjc ia \\m rmum 
orpin burton, y<-i. 

By Mr. Cuvinilun: 

y. I iu<k you if VrYhaler's dieliiinary uom not 

uho I he Ism "Itilrlj," in rcfuri-nri! to a ualuraJ 
wuninn,, ia tanua uf eouUiinpt and impurity' A, 
Il doea. 
Q. Did you ever get offended vlien yoa read 


UairAeir Arxttli iloxitlt— I-'ur Dtfti^Birtel 

tliul di-fijiilion ia Wcbaler'a dictionary 1 A. T 

rgiibiuly did nuL 

g. You bar it tmril 0. A. II oyle make ipeeeliei, 
Imve you noil A. Oociudoually 1 nave, yea. 

g. Ynii lave hr-ortl hiiih iwdu: n'fcTeiM'r lit tLr 
]jubticutiona of the YValch Tower Society, tunw 
yuu not, io thuie F|*ttlk;*f A. Alwayi, 

g. l;i:l you rver hear him evince or stats any 
Luiii|ilnnH nljQul Hit rtfereoasa in ib« publico 
tiuhH Jo»cri hinj; "Unfaithful religion m" u "hai- 
|u(r>"l A. I linVe. 

g. Ynu iiJivf heard diet cijireimioji, but hiVB 
)nU IH'urd J'ini ever "laic any nbji-ntiun to itf 
A. .\u r air. Not rrfint-r any olijcstios to it, no, 

1(. Have yuu over lizard dim c*e that term, 
llmt you recall} A. I wouldn't «ay tliat I bava 
Li'urd lii in ui* that teniL, 

g, 1 1 avc you ever beard liLn eiprena any dii- 

np],rovii! hi lh<! rrfrrrure to that term III the 

Kin-iety'* ]juJilkfltionl A- Jie, iir. 

Q. Did be make any protctt to lie «xnlaaa- 
tioq that you made, on the occuion ia qaeiEioat 
A. Ko, sir, 

Q. Did anyone condemn, rritieine or objeet to 
anything you said on thai oocaaion t A. No, air. 

Q. In making the ipeechei iliat you did at 
WiKoniin, did yon have in mind thn ticripture 
wtiicb aaya, "* * * mark them which urate 
diviiipa* and offenaej -'*>•} A. That 
briptsr* wa» saotrd. 

Q. Wbal Scripture it that, if yon reull! A. 
That ia Homana. 1 thisk it ia t>* abcttaata. 
ehaptaj. That la eorract 




Vutllirrr strmiltl ffoiritit—t'irr Hrft»r-Vrott 

Q. Did yon trtVe liny action at my tin to 
injur* Mr- MayteT A. Never. 

Q. Did you t*)itivg the contents of tha ertirl* 
in "Information" to be trust A. 1 did. 

Q. Jlid you believe that the comment* (»i< 
tained [herein fairly and honestly eiprtaand th« 
opinion of (lie Board <J Directors! A. I did. 

Q- Did it ujprtq row opinion or conclusion 
tonttrninj the conduct of Mr. Moyle, as veil aa 
tJ* facta stated! A, Very definitely. 

Hi. CovinirloB,; That ii aU. 

CfOtl Examination fry Jfr. JJrttdiitriUHH 

Q, Yon wy that you married whiUs ydu were 
there' Did you mike thai atalemeatl A, I ujd 
I nmrried while I was out on an aa* igruTjent, 

Q, "Whit year was that! A. 1928. 

Q, Now, when you went oat "West and [Dad* 
this trip to the virion* ploc-ra, your expense* 
were paid, weren't thcyt A. Certainly, 

Q. Von had in c iprinc account on tint travel 
u well u 0.1 oiher travels! A, Yae. 

Q. Do you remember what your tjuprrtae *e- 
eonnt vu on that trip! 

Hr. Covington; Tbmt ii objected to u 
Trie Court: I think it is immaterial. 

(J. Yoo were sent out then ** port of a 
ti-uihlrnlinulpr, weren't yout A. No, lir. 

Q. 'A' I'll, \ oa went out there, to espouse Mr. 
Rutherford's fauna, did you nott A. No, air. 

Q. Ton went otit than armed with this artiel* 
thit yon lud prepared in advance* A. I had 
*=-* artiel* with m. 

Mttlihrtr- AnuJii IfnirUtt—yer Dtftt.—CraiA 

<\, Did J'au know nr da yoo knr.w whi-n ttifl 
dncinitm woa randr to pidjljuli Ihat atiid* IB tn* 
V.'ak-i; Twwarl A. No, sir, I don't 

Q. Did you talk to Mr. Rutherford about thalt 
A Ho, nir. 

Q. Af con rue, a'lrr you If ft for Wisconsin or 
when you If ft Tar WiKrinain, you bin* 1 * that the 
TWUtIi Tower law] ndrendy |juI>11hIl«<| lliia artiel* 
o i Sepk-tiiber 1*1, did you not? A. Ye*, I ku* 

Q. al uhtiivnmfl lint Mr. Movie wan dismissed 
for uafnithfulnrmit A. I had read uial in Ullj 
Walrli Tower, yea. 

Q, And, a* f»r a* yon knnw, rTrrynnf in Ihrw 
nitnjlinKH nt Ui-tn: [Mjuv* rnd of that! A. I 
don't know tlmL 

Q. Yua tnew that tents luew of ilT A- I 
diiiat knfl*f thai, 

fly Iht CV.-irt; 

ij Arij LkicLy tlml read tiie Ti'nti-li Tuwi-r vnuld 

linvr knnWn :tT A. Yt-a. TJint ii Irur. 

Q, And JrO Ptjl«t Jrlmtali'l Wilnrum to 

wl IIk Wnl?h T"tr, ilnn't youf A. Yrih But 
T «uldn t t say I knew. 

Tlua Court: You an righL 

By Air. Brurfilmiwn : 

Q. You luiTe nude pome mention about what 
wu said Iry you. Have you refreshed your Tec 

oIlKtidn t*fcflil)' frtfit any (rtonwaiiduiii* y*.tt 
mode ahoat IhntT A, No, sir. I tpolta w!<?rei- 

Q. Are you upeikini; extomporlnronvly now! 
A Yes, sir. 

ilatikiie AfnolA Si/iirStlt — far lirjlx, — Ctwt 

Q. What you tdl us today it your r«*]]w- 
tiun from 1939, i> Ihat riehlT A, Yea, air. 

Q. Hiti! you refreshed it by UlloDg; to any- 
body in lh«j mean timet A. Nov " r J no' ■ rags* 

Q. Do you recall maliioe; t]ie atntfoieot at on* 
o[ theae iiirtitjii^ii in tin' Middtc Wecl that Lfoyla 
was. mJjiitiifuit A, I certainly do, 

Q- And al» that IfoyJe received a trimrciine; 
from the Judge and. couldn't take itt A. Nexer 
haTO I made nudi a. iLateincnL 

Q. Did yon evnr uh the word " tTimming T 'T 
JL Fo, air, 

Q- Nerrr bave used ilT A. In sonneelieh with 
a machine, yea. 

Q. If on know wh*l it inrftiusf A. Yes, I do. 

q. Nevar wed it in your duKUiiion.r A. Na, 

Q- Did you make ihe stotement that ilnyU'r 
iblfailhfuln«H coDttsteil in Wvini; B»th»L A. 
No, air. 

Q, Wall, that wai one of your ohjrctipaa, waa 
it notT A. No, ijr. 

{J. Induded m your flhj»tion> to Jfr, ifoylu 
is tbe faet tjiat he left B*1MI; it that righll 
A. Objectuma to Mr. Uoylrl 

(J. Or yuur (uiiicumity or wiiaievr-r it ia to --'FT. 

A. I ha** kid inlmnittj, 

Mr, Oovinston: I oh)«|. 

Thi Covirt: Ih> yon vnmi to ulrilse obt 
tie anawerf He aav* "I haw no ani- 
mosity" towards ilr, Meyia. 

Mr. Covinftnn: Jf tho nuaation jto«* 
out, a t utawM OHJtk* to ip), to. Hut, nine* 


J/ir(Jjirir .ii^ioJd t/m-lttl—Fo* Wr/(«-— Ci-Ojj 

he ajia^rrcd, wa have up objection to let* 

lujl£ it i-tond. 
The Court] The objection ia withdnwn. 

Q. Well, you w^ro a |privAl« nurte, waa it, to 

ii:. IftitJii-rlunlT A. You cuuld cail it that, yea 

tJ. Are you rerLHlieri-d an itudit A. No, sir. 

tJ. Hove yuu evrr prnrlimi tlaat | irt>f i^alon ui 
Jivvr York »iih anybujy el«e' A No, air, 

<J. Anil win™ did you become privjitq nurjat 
A. t>n my rcHirn fr«ni my ajmitrnrOKoL nut West, 
jh-.— Iietwwn I'J'.H and l'J',&. 

(j. And ;ou nrlcil tut hhi'Il for how lonjrl A. 
Until tin.' tiniE uf Iilb JeatL 

Cj. And did pjivljody i-lne in Bfrthsl Isav* a 
jirivatii iiuriwT A If it wu neeftmary, yes.^ moat 

y. Were y&u private uur»e t* ur.yljody elsef 
A. Yt*, I Irtvi done— I hire a^iiated olhart, yt*. 

If. And uIhj were tlw nlher private nurw* 
there 1 A. Dr. llett hintFelf doe* that w«rt. A 
youru; ludy called Hannon aico does pnvale nura- 

<\ la hUf re~ifteredt A, 1 don't know. 

(J. \"uu are not a doctor, are you! A. I arn 
hot a tn-aeticin^ phyaician. I have diplomas, 

Q. You hove what! 

By the. Court: 

Q. An you adtnitlpd to practice f A. No, I 

\nri- prv^T mid* in application to [trartii*. 

t}. Von haTe ajadniiled from medical »i.]iool 
hut you an not admitted to practice! A. That 
i* rifcht. 

By ilr. Brachhauacn: 

Q. You nnvef pfaftirtd laedieinal A. I n*» 
never praetpeedj mciiicine, nn- 

Q. When did you beeoma iattTeated ia tb« 
Watel Tower! A. In 1913. 

Q. And wia that by way of the ndioT A. 
No, air. It waan't in existence Iben. 

Q. Throneh the majra&ina" A, No, air. 

Q. Thron^h altendsnp a mcetjup! A. Yea, air. 

f). When did you become a miniatar! A, About 
Apri] of 1SH. 

Q. Ifow lonjr did it lake yna to beoAtua ft fala- 
istert A. T *p nbad'yiad for ahain a yenr, 

Q. Wniitrnl>ij J rtrrt«p*qdCh4*f A. No, ill, 

Q. Where did yott eOudoel y«vr itudUat A, 
Jn WinnppcB, Canada, 

Q. Ailend Tueetinjrat A. Yrs. 

Q. Jupt [iftenirig to t«hiTe"l A, No, air: par- 
ticipating in thoaa meetinfra, in atndy mcetiinrs. 

Q. Were (leorde of a«mI wilt at thoaa meet- 
injrst A. No, air. 

Q, K.r.w many jK^filii at the staetiajrif A. 
They Ttricd. 

Q, Y«u juat imiii tlu>t yms ne*er l**l« aeH*n to 
injnn Mr. lloyle; ia that eorractl A- That ia 

Q. $.1 you. want tbia coort snH jary to belim 
thjit by readme; thi* article "Information" out 
hefon these pntherinpa in the Mr'eat, that 
irouldnt eaose him any injury; ia that itl A. 
Does Ibat hjiu* In bf aM**rod yea or m! May 
I tioalify itl 

The Court? You may qualify it, 


X'filihtu .IrNif/nl itbtcltti — t't/T Deft** — CVoaa 

A. {t'uiiLiituinjj) 1 want Ihia court to know 
lint J *:nr r»llnvrinjr entirety ncriplurnl proceed- 
iiiFf. Tlu>rr waa milliinpr )iersonii] in it whatao^ 

TJic Court : He >u»l jiappened to he Ii* 

The WilneiiK: Acee«*nry to th* fjust- 

Q. You didn't lliink that <h* reading of these 
tliipKH womiit ejiUi^r him aavy injur)', did yoot A. 
I itiiln'i jrive any lliouc'lit to that, 

Q, Kit you iton't lielieve (hat wlren you Ro out 
mnl use Ihe tonnn ami rxpreaaiona you did in 
Ihi* artirk' "hifrtnuoticir", Ihat nfiidd cuu«e any 
inJLirvf A. I iliilu'l pive it any thouarlit, 

(j. The thnitjihl tluLt yon hud in mind wia do- 
ini( Mitm-lliiiuj fur liit Vetch Tower, waan't ilf 
A. Xn. »ir. 

Q. You believe that il ia (rod 1 ! Organisation: 
on >jirlh! A. I efrlainly do. 

Q. And tlml wlnilfver Mr, Itulherfnrd aairt 
wok I'mtiiuli for you! A. No, lir. 

Q. S-H ynii wc-nt nptit 1herc, armored with tJii* 
rhinmient in wliirh Mr. HnMsnTford eonlnsd" thai 
. 4i in L tluil wan eniMutli for you to toll th*** 
peoplrl A. No, sir. 

(J. Ko you Ruve no! a Iboilirhl to Itr. Koyl* 
in Hny nf tluT* inwl injrul A. T dido "I say T jrava 
hhn tia thmijrtn. Von **m bhHoh ahout injur?. 

y, Ynn iiever paw n thonjrli 1 a» to whether- tt 
wmihl injnrr bila; ia Hint rorrcrl I A. No, air. 

<}. Kb all yng were thiplctlff Jir*nl was your 
Scripiurei and wlin! you had heard ihraupli th* 
mnjroi.ine of ibe Wnleh Tnwrr inid what you 




lf'iMeu) AnvM iluu-lrtt^Fut ttrjU.—CrM 

jT"t from Jlr. H till lerfnird ami lln- ipntple plovu 

in F-n-tlici I A. 1 would Mi}' ye< \ deliniltdy. 
Q. Ami you fay that everything in thin irtide 

"InfonniiLion" iii true, on your own knowlKiRoi 

Th* Cuurt : Kstwpt I Vnwt*|>li Ohb. 
A. Right 

Q. IVIinl in VOlli - ih-finiiiuil of a r:iLlhii:in"rt A, 
My defii-.iliepi nT n iLiurniHrsr in tin? definition 
Kivi>n in 1 1 ic iv-ripl « rep. It i* from i Hebrew 
Wnnl whirli iticuns "I^rlhpV. 

Q. Then loiihl you my that the tiiurniTir (iik 
wIhii the ]i -C t<f-r wti* written? A. No, eir. 

(J. At "•■] ill print iliil liir ingrainr l«xinl A. 
In tilt- ituinpic-r cif t|ji heiPR written, 

Q, At n-lirit linis- r|Ul the murmur lieeinT A. I 
Wouldn't trow Hut. When Mr. Moyln rcbeltal 
in In* hrrsrt. I don't, know nltat lijiif tliat wii. 

y. Kvt-it liernm it wai put ilnin in writing I 
A. I would itr^xuiiu* an, aeronlii^r to the Serip. 

Q. TJitl JPOO knew Anything nhenil Ibr FTqPWal 
to ind-ilipdi if "iii "'{.'nnanlAtinn"! A. No, fir. 

Q. Sib Hull iii not true, i* Lit A. D-Jfl J know 
jLfivtlun^ pl>Qtit — 

i£, You linve no knowkdipr of it! A, Yotl HTU 
imkinjE nf my j*'rtM>nut knowlnipi-t 

Q. Yr-H-. A- ( 'T inv own IciHkM'lit IjfF, rio. r only 
know tliiLl I wiix [old. 

(j. Then IIicm> li-titeiipput* Ln *' Information '*, 
in n'liicli idu concur, are sot clIl uf your own 
knuwUtlptt Aj Not of my onm rtfrwnal knowL- 

pijjre, Tift. 

IJl Ili:l V ml I ir; v u- ony jjiTruriaL kflOW']*<ljpr (l.aL 
rit Li.e lima thui nrtjcli: EU >*iitku Uf, Uuyla 

Jferlarrr AwvJS HQiflttt—F6t Biflt-arin 

''cniincn! it to h* pojhJS^Iy f*ajJ"t A. At the timn 
Lilt article vai written! 

Q. I dsti aakisi£ you; when the article wit writ, 
tfa- A. Of my own peraonal kncwlcdire, no; not 
ut 1hil time. 

Q. Hn far a* you know, tliil i« imt ffltTsctT A. 
Only up 1o a Mirtiitn. tlm*. 

Q, 1WJI, n-lifit Ihf arlkl* hthi irritlmt A- At 
thnl timr. T hnnr p.tnt<Hl, not or nsy own p?r#on*l 

Q. IWh wmi the artifW wri»«1 A. I dmi't 
Inmw *1icb it n'aa uritten. Tt w¥ it Stjitcmber 


Q. D(> tou triaw whn wTfotr itf A. I do not, 
Q. And wliiit won your drfinitinn of .TdiIaii, 
niwri ip lliin ftlnmvliOFlt A. Mr <1rilniiion in anh. 
*!nntiilK" 1hn( mrnliiMiMl tiv (he drfrndaTit Sn!!i- 
vjin. Am T i^Tmitlrtt — t 

Q. <\'t\t it to un ftE*m. ^^■ it tlie nmr Rffiiv 
tnr#T A. T wnnldnt fftllfiw jntl fln> n^nin- SeriT> 
tnr* in .KiTinE Ihf tWinilinn, Jiwlnt i» illiutTB- 
tivr of n nonrtil ton Hint nnp mifiht pri into. That 
Jinliui iviui a trnBlrti, ftonuri>nti*l aerrAiil wlfh 
Cltrial^ .T^nnii. ami pwtth] Ax »nHi until tin* P*ry 
niprril nf Hi* hctrayaS : anA «ra at the aKendsTi**- 
thmoih lh*t T**t KuTiTwr, it k*p tmH llirn known, 
the rnn-rtitirtrt fl ' .TnoTaaV hnnrt. c^<*|>t ^J tho 
Uutw liimiwlf. H» r*W^ thfir attrntinn W t** 
fact thm on* wunin! hrtrAy Hiai that nij?1il, a™' 
whm TT* tnaila tlial alat*Tnrn| thej qwiird m 
In whirli w it »hftuli1 h* nral He made lot atit*- 
nunt, "Th* one I Nat flip* wift tne in Ih* *op"; 
and fh*. imp waa hande< J octal : and the lual*- 
m*nt waa made to Jxidai, "Wliat thou doc*l, .So 
quickly"; "li Jodai went oet; aad erm wim 

Hatthtw Arnold Hewlett— Fw Dtfft—Crott 

he *cnt out t!tc nri>t of 1k<i Ancutlca did not 
know-' why \n: luiil ^oiw, luuJ Ahsolut* eontideoea 
in liim Ihthubc- of hin tru»[t(i |»aitiein. 

Q. In (liflt a39 Kcri])! Lire or viiur awo coiutntB- 
'- i i :■ n nf itf A. It is all Scripture; piarn p ii ranfd, 
lint Ll in Sfriiptiifi', Am], within up* Imnra, aino 

I ii i -, irvKytliinfl iiiLn jircrjprifiliKlurl, rvcp His 

crut-irUppin jliihJ tlu> Inlroynl of hi* Mantrr 

if. Ynu didn't Iliiitk yim were crueifytnjr Iho 
[dntntjlf whi'n yarn went mit tlurf T A. I did ao-t. 
(J 1 , Apm] yon iliiln 't iliink ynu wfrc tfHrifyinpj 
tlir plninLifr" when Ihene nrtiefc* vv.i*. peinthd in 
tin- Wntelp Tnwirf A. Ttm rnwiniiinl did not 
apply To.luiln*. It nj>|ilu'iL tn (liriid, .Tmu«, 

The C«art; Wh* npfilnmiftlf I mint 
niili wttiMvn iLv|>liLii(]n] tu Ipnvr llii* morn. 
Tliip if n Irjjil. lloE u flinw, 

Tli^ YViliifTiii: I aipp not trying tn b« 

Tap Conrl; T itm not eritiehuTin you at 
nil. tt in a I if- juidirnw. 

H- Art; iHI (he ponple in ilie p^nrlrnom Jicra 

from llip Wiiii'li I'ihuctT A. I wouldn't poMitily 


II Are litany uf ihemf A. f wouldn't Irhow, 

Mr- Covin uinm That ia entirely im- 


Til? C'inui: Jt in. nut if ilier* ia any 
nioTe of tkin, w« v. ill lirivq no t'mUnr, It 
kno't fair In thn liLi^nnln, to tige JDTy, 10 
tin- liLvrjrra, to tin: court, to tin witseia or 
anylnnly ei^n, to Smve nnytlunjr like that in 
the courtroom, Thii ii net a lasw. It 

Hwllknr ArmU f/itrUll- -far HrfU.—Cw* 

M A Ififlf nf iin f rfiTtn nee tn }u>rli li!i(r* nln, 
pinil t<i lli" jnrj" ami the efiiiri ami: tlio l*w- 
yi-rp, wh*> hatm nfT-nt a J{*iwl dral of limb 

Ity Mr, ItmirhliA nuen: 

Q. Mr, liurlwrfnrfj'pi "|pijirl<rii wrrr nrTnr,mN] 

I.U pin- kj.t-i.ikIi JlririT- ii wljut yp-nfl Ar I ean't re- 
UH'iiili r UfhI. 

Q. And th* 'lining rivfdii wan ettaM i »'M>'i tip 
tli«rp- ol lh«.l lirnr, wmm 't itt A. I i hjn 'I know. 
J wjiPui't Rt iEflhel nt liiR lime, 

Q, Vihtp. yon mrr.i> Ihjir* th»-y hlul A diiting 
mini lhi-nif A. Xrn*l] dioini; r'-vm. 

<j. 'in r]*. o->|. flfn.ri A, Vn, air. 

Qj Hip tl.crh wpi* a dioniir rrjoiri ihern before 
yoil Ipnfwm* A nPUnii! Uj ^Tr r JtnllierforH T A, Ye* r 

if. In fael, nil lh» liir.<- ftutt llr, llnlrnTfnn! 
h*yl hiN I:^-vl'iiu|f1' r r^ '.ft the- pt*v+7ich fki^r, lip 
hiAvJ Ijpat privaf- 'Iruini mnT A. I nVrn't know. 

The Cwirti Aa far aa yna know. 

(|. Ynn lirnn't knftwt A., f rHm "t, know, 

Q. Will, you livnj Ih^rti all Ihin time, 'Jpri yr« 

afttp A. Prwa IfcU mi 
t|. Itpf] hi! nfer i»i»ii* y^u tn 'line n[> the r* f 

A. iSnay tpinvn. 

(j, i hiring what yn.t*i a, Fpmtti ifrnx t<, ims. 

(j. JF'hw rjfii-n in J-friSir dill ypq rtiiwr op tl^r^t 
A. I *''Hij^lih't LnrjW. 

(j. Npjw, foil oy tliaE virnr- of 1H> r^^if-li 1 at 
IJf-rhi-l nllnl llr, HUlJo-rfortJ "fap'T A. I «aid 

I dprl, ftwl ro^ny i,tlip,rji H jF-i, 

Q, jIjpt) u.f Floy* in tin? fxrtory «H him 
"J'ap"T A. Th*y wrtainly did. 

Hatthem AnaiA HmrkU—Far I>rfu.—Cr»t* 

Q. fto he waj "Pap" to. «*ryhody aroniKj tha 
plai-et A No, ht wu "Pap" tn lho«* who fell 
that i-rlinionjhip. It w*» dtteimined ptj them, 
Dot by him, 

Q. Ko it wiuf perfxtly all rifht to call him 
"T J ap"t A> Vfn, eir, it? far aa h* waa een- 

Q, They diftn't call hirn "Pap" in the Watrh 
Tower ^fafraiin*T A. Jfn, »ir. TiSry l-.ui th* 
proper rer,p>"et tn an tidinri. 

Q. Yon dirln r t roll him "Pip" when you 
wrote lell*™ In liimt A. Yea, pir; I alwaya 

ttll re***-l hilrt A* mirh. 

I}, I>mJ you Vr Ihr leller that Mr. Wo<xJw»rtt 
wrotf th hijuil A. f Hid not. 

Q. iaM hr. nA.y "limr fnp*' fn that leltart 

A. I rUn't know. T iliiln't m-r it. 

Q. Ilayp yhn nny |i-IPer thai yon rail allow m* 

where anyijoily ™llrrt liim "fSear Pap-'*! 

Wr. CoTJAffton : f ohji*t tn it am imrrj^ 

The Conri s Ohji-lion mmtained, 

Q. TM yrm want !!• lo nndemlAnd that "ifr, 

Hutherforfl n">r Rot excited, ii that it I A. ft 
that A ojqeipti'vnt 

Q, Ye*, A, S'i(, T rlnn't winn jnjo to «ndei> 
iltnr] any turn thing. 

Q, So that he di-i k*I runli-t «l iimear A, On 
proper «&«iloA». J Ik* any-vnA efim, 

Q, And he did utrnv Mi emf^lpmiNT A. Oa 
pTTipf;r oora*i'^ip, like Any one e]*r, 

Qj Ke in .n. larire iruni, tijiI lie J A* ^V7 

Q. Six f*«l t-]Jf A, Ha. feet four. 


Jfuf SttK Arnold Ilavitlt—FJtr Drftij— Cfarf 

Q. And well hniltt A. Very veil Ipoilt. 

Q. Had m flood Toiet- for ipeakin^t A. No, h» 

did nut him n .rnqd foic*, 

Q- Fie spoke out in the open, didn't hel A. 
Not aiaet 1922. 

Q, lie ipote ia halla, didn't haf A. Not with- 
out ATnpl tfifjiition. 

Q. Thisy Lntl jn nniplillrt in Bolhol, didn h t 
Uxyl A. It wan nrrpiiw.ry. 

Mr. Ornehhauun : I mm to AtHkc out 

"it wo". Ilpf•eiAS'nl' , '. 

The Coui-t: Strike it pyat 

Yoo hiive riren doiniLT Ttry wfll. Now 
yoo are altrtinjr off. Ileau? aniwer the 

The Witnewi: There wau in amplifier 
in Bethel, yea. 

Q. Did yon think it important lo put in thii 
|ihrtuw, "it wab neceaeoTy", juit nowt A. Yea. 

Mr. CovinjrtMi: 1 nliject, 

TJic Court: OHjeclicm auebiined. 

Q. So tliot lie diii jfhlreM mcelinffn in many 
pari* of the country, did he notT A. Yea. 

Q, Didn't tie IrnTtd nhrnmUT A. Yvt. 

Q. And ndflrenn mtvlinea in mAny porta of 
the world 1 A, Yes, 

Q, H« wm able lo trawl, wan he nott A. Yen. 

Q, Traveled tack and forth to Cahrnmiif A. 

Q- Tn didn't jro with him u hii nuraa, did 
yonl A, OecaeionnUy. 
Q. Id 1933 did yo* so with him to California T 
A.' 19391 No. 




ifaitkcK ilrttiitJ Ifowtttl—Ftir ftrfix.—Tfi,** 
Q. Did you go in ID38 *c hii unrwJ A. Obi 

pf thpw J.TJVT*, I fn-r««i which on* it waa. It 

WH cjose op there, 

Q. TVlio else mcnl pul lo WiTomiii *ilb himl 

A. Ilia entire oflpcfl aluff. 

Q. Jlii aeeretsryT A. Tc»; inntutn, 

(£. Who m hit lecrctery ! A. Tiara waa liri. 

Q. Slut H Boney Boyd J A, Sim. Heath, fill* 
w*s De»py ftpytf, 

y, Ity the buy. did Mr. Km lierfoni '■ wifo lire 
at ! Sel I ii -1 1 A, Al 0110 unit, yen, «ir, 

(j. Vlienf A. hi (hi early day*. 

4 J low curly I A. 1 'Isn't know. 

Till; (JuUli; Do J'ua know liia.1 at yiHlr 
uwn knowledge! 
The Wilnee.: Ye*, I do know that 

Q. Hid ) nu !■¥« ttkv * drink! A- "Ye*, wlitin 1 
jjsit n elionec, 

<■!- Muhic nf the otlic-r Iwy* around litn.'r» like Io 
Prints, I<hi, ilon't 1li4!yl A. I'aiidonT 

(j r l^Hire of (he wilier Iwy* nrnund Bethel likfl 
Id drink, dun 'I Uicyl A. 1 don't know. 

(J, Didn't you cvtr go out wilh my of lire 
boy*T A. Not l" drink. 

(J. Where fliil you gel the drink; inside 1 A. 
Inside uf where t 

Q, Bethel. A. NO), I lieul my drink ooliide, 

Q. in n tMirlKulnr plni-cT A. No, not in ■ pnr- 
tic-ulur place. I'iscuiiL' my uniting 

y. I)hl ymi ever jrei il in b&ttt* form! A. I 
have luii] a IjijIiLi- nl N-or, yc* 

Q. Nnlliiiia; »lroifger lliui L*er! A. Oil, ye*. 

ilfdfflKjr jlnufj JfVurFfW— -for Prftr,— litdirtit 

Q. You mean yon have, hid jomctlnpc alronprr 
I linn Ift-r not Train I lie ImllLef A. Vet, I limit 
I Jiuvm- taken il out of U;e tattle. 

Q. AbiI that ii ot LWthtl, iin't Uf A. No, hit. 

(J. Where did you «el 11 1^ batlte-f A I didn'! 

ftft Hit I * I Ik. 

Q. Where iti I he bottle tlml yon. referred toT 

A, Ou1 in a Innihor entnp. 
Q. Ko llifrr nr» no bollL&i — 

Tht L'.i a t ; I 1 1 1 ink m )mvc Imd cnongh 

Of 111 HI. 

(J. fiu vim wml up Owre nnd I'inlt ku fir«H 
A. .'Mi. ur. 
CJ. VVelV wlml do you *ay; tsmporurdy i-*- 


Tin: ('ruirt: HuniMiidcd, 

A_ 1 i r r.. trrn|inrArily rHi^vn). 

(J. At \rf\M. \\c- u-jih omf A. JtOfht wjuh'IouL 

(j. Of jirrn ill J |ip n[ Ml]v»ouk«f A. Jutil b'ln- 
]ieriirily L 

TPie ('fiiiFl: He unm r^linvnl of Ida 
■lulk'K or preaiivtliH uji tliprr. -until, m you 

^iiiil, Ih> hkaiU 1 iip lux iiLLn<| rCh7irdin-ir ctr- 
mjn tliiuios I* tluil upprmimately what 
Vuil jmiil r 
Tin' WilnrH*: Tliftt h correct, your 


^, Yiig »-(-r? B*kod liy tmniwl in ("tom ra. 
nuiioulion jivl r.H'v n'uurHlinK "lie- tijimih for 
yniir rfiidtna the urti'-li- en titled "tafanulin". 

U'uilld yail f{i»e Lie re^a^m Vtlij' Ujlt Mi rcpj.H 

Jfaff^w MfN«/J //oijdfK — for Dtflt^Re&inct 

Mr, Bruf hhaaecn ! 

A- And (lip purpuwv. 

1 cbject lo the 

Tlip Caurt: I lian'l r«sl] *ny qowtion 
rnlhiii; fur LJl» renMun. Jf I na| wrong, will 

you tell (nrl 

Ur. CQvipjjIon: He n.sJi<xl; Wlmt did 
lir do it fur «|> injure hiiu:T 

Mr, tirvid-iluiuM'i): I milt liiin; Did hi 

do it to iijurc ilia [daidiiftf 1 didn't wk 

lii in (he icinion. 
Tin) CJoni'l: What Lh ynitr i|Ufo1ioiiJ 
All'. Cuvinjjton: lly <|nL?Iioii now ii: 

ft. Wmt rt-nsvn did J'OU. rend it fort 

Tlia Court: 1 will |>ennit il. 

II r. JJiuclitiniiium: I'ixceiition. 

A. Tlml nrfiulo "Jn/otifinlion" v,*. t r<*d in 
111 i wuu kit End His surrnundinf lo>'o«, Jir«l 
uniic-r ieatrutlionu, an i none BtnuwK, secondly, 
bvvniiM! I liiuJ Li^L'i! iiifornatHJ liy Judjje ltulher- 

ford Idtlisrll' thnL ihriiuil-idu lid J Lmtii mfldt: frulA 
\V|^ci^n>LBi (9 Iiiivh: iwnm utox h^lit OHt tlmrfr tu- ili- 
iv.-li^alf -lm tdLuntion. "1'ii* Blnlaiurill was IS the 
ifTvCt «ha.L liit; I*U« written by 0. Jt- Miyli wu 

\fctng JisLrLlinU'd in Ami at Amid llilwaiik™. 

T;is Court; Mr. ilullMrford told you 

The WjLikok; Juduie Itutlirrford told 
■ne I list, yen, ami on Utnt Imiii 1 went out 
UHire iirwl rtud "liironiinimi''. 

Air. (JoviojjtiHiJ Tlml u tlL 

Wof^cn- JtuoIi} llvtrlrtt — fur Drftf. — tttcrait 

tj. WI lid JmdjW !!lj1]K.-rrriri] tcil yrjit |fai|f 

'J'lii- C"uil; lli-fnn- >nu IvTl for Wi«- 
A_ ALi-uL lln'ri iIjlt.^ lw^Foni Sc]j1i-i,|hi-r U L =- B . 

(J. Y"h,|J j^Vi- .Indjji- |(ull|.-||'ii|i| lilfiiMT JuLl Wtnl 

anil Tlml ik, nil (he lime Is'luii'n Ihc <\nd tif 
Aiij;uhl :itnt Scfiteiiilicr 2 lit yn« mw at DnOiel, 
wliuji nniimi) lii-l ki-l, siiiJ (he SirJil liintf lie tuld 
vwo hIkhjI ihriM' li-Ui-rn mm on &ttteuiber itlrtlf 
A. \ipl I Hit j^3 l^i'n clii\ji lridAl"n 1 1 int. 

Tin t-ourl : He tiiil oboul two diyi !»- 

!J. j\lHjnt Hrjrirniucr imiii A. Alwut two 
duyn, on ucll n» I con muraibsr. 

The LVjurt ; NuIhmI], jh l"ir_i I in.i; failll 

»li"'ii >>m N>y "itlmui," We wonl jour 
brut renittccliom, 

Tim U"iln<iwi: I ajijjfctiiHi- tlml 

(J. l)o yi>u n-m.ll uny ItlK-rit eoraiinjr in fnun 
T>'L^cnHi-iii, uieinji out tine article of September 
[ii i-niLili-Hl, nljio, " I nfiiriiialiun ", diiuniiwinf Mr, 
Mayk- fur hi* " jh fuilti I'y ]iic-«ic "' 1 A.J diiln'l 
fund nny lethen. 

[J, \ km rtJid tlml arlirU'l A. I rend that 

<J. Tliil nrlide n-au puldinjsed uorid-v Lde and 
iJijdrilmli'd in tl>e VVnlrli Tower ^Uii-.i-intt A. 
1 latiLilu'L «■>" 11 wu> inil.ilii-.lnij wiirSd-wjtie. 

Uy llic Court: 

(J, It want whartw tkj WnLch Tower wcnU 

A. Tlml wjinii'l Warld-WJdi: Itien. 


ilallhra Arxohl lltitvitit — Tot Dtfti, — ReiroiM 

Cf. Wimitvt-r lht> Wite'ri Tuwiep went I A, Not 

fty l[f. ]trur.:hhilU>iuli : 

(j, I am H|nukiji£ uf JSXl JJidm't it go e.11 
o»ef tho world I A. Km. 1 jiui not aore. ldoa'l 

think it d:»l. 

Tin C«Mit: WlitroTtr lh* AValcii 
Towrr Wrnt, il WCntt 
The Wilitc*: That it correct 

(J. Will yi.u nay llM Vfateii Towt'r want di»- 

ij-ilitLtnl 1'.' uny fiii-ti^m (HiLiuIrit* in |039f A- I 
wnuldnT eay tluit. 

Tim; Court r In other wcinln, you »m 

".I'lln ■/, u-- you don 'I Lrnm-f 

7 1 t Wilaesi: I jun ti-„:ni- you T don't 
knofir thai rnrl. 

[J Sn -.lui jpun i i in I a En* leltrm tlml Mr, 
Iti.ilnTlV.itl lulled to wiii itlioat in Si'jJii'inlm 1 , 
V.tVH A. 1 Jiad n few lallcnil 

il ll« iilvhI iuned u ftw h)tt«n A. He raro- 
lioni'ii Buine (i-!lcr», 

(J. Ami yon didn't *re lh« tettt-rtr A. 1 didn't 
nee the letleim. 

{j. Vu'.i dSdnt i;r.,,w in, 1 * many lotlcri titers 
wfmr A. iie didn't tell nu- how miny tlien 


(j. You don't know wlml nime tone icrnnt 
who l*liiinp;iHl (o (he orKnoimtion won ntno writ- 
iag in In thi: U'ulcli r J'o*orl A, i don't know, 

(J. You didn't tmpiHc tli* curreufKindtiioe from 
iSnsHfi uervonln and rt-jtrcucnlotive* of Lli* WatL-h 
'J'hwit uixt there in Wiiworiiiini did you I A, No, 
bi r, 1 did nuL 

Mtilllirir Arnold Hviptttl—Fft J}rfix.—Itr.ct6<:$ 
Q, I] kin 't you tikiI nnnjm] |ha HJiff-rp-^nt plupT3 

lh,it vuil ui-iit Id and B'.k fnr any k-ttere or in- 
fiii-iiiiiiiiin tlu-y luid nlMtui Mr. Itujlct A. >"i, 
Mir, I iljij noL 

ii. Vfaii were in charfie of lliepe ^ B»rvBnlB, 
•rt-K'ii'l y"iu, or in tharj^r uf — vlml do yio aill 
llii'iu, "(.'<>iu|<'»"f A- Yuli iro-nn in Wi»eon- 
■ iii T 

y, V>-H„ A. I wi* there *■ a inne ecrvant. 

tj. And y«u hod Htutirfiiunn nvir iJn-he Com- 
puny "iTuinluT A. i unly lud kajjurviiiiuii over 

t^HiilijrljjiK ri'TVitr Aij-I i VillL'li. 

Ij. Didn't yiiu puke reeunaariililiDWi In IhemT 
A- Nut ill lliul tiiiHi. i wiiiin'L Lliere kinpj 

Hf |ll lUJf li, 

(J, 1 1ml ytiui p,Br mil (hen; lj(.-r«rc on ony 
oUier nniBionT A, No, xir. 

(J. Did yuu liave any corr*»iwini lenco with 
LJiculT A. \one. 

Q, Yuu ldilki<d la Ihiim-i Corn|iany t*rvnat» nt 
tile viiriouii pljwrrM. ynu viHited, dnln'l yoo-t A, 
Veh, Hir, 

(J. And ilidn't you auk Ihem for any infnrniB- 
tiun I lii-y hiul aliuut II r. MojltJ A. I did not 

Q. And didn't you al that tint* or mil iimiij ui-nt- 
ly auk thiiin In m-iid in any tetturj tkat Ihey 
tnijrkl K^-t ulitiiil Mnvli'l A. I did dot. They 
Tuknlarily g»*r lo ine tW lettrr* they lind- 

The Court: Now you are volunteering, 

ii, rkt T aU didn't twk or make uny inijuiry of 
any of thc»e »cnranl* in their purtieulnr [dacei 
for amy information Eli at they mtffht hive ibout 
Ur. Ho >' lii A, No, iir, 1 did 6*1, 


1 211 

Uallksw AruoU ttortrll — For I)eftt.—RieT9m 

Q. Didn't moke Any iTsguirieB at sit along that 
]rr( T A, No, sir. I didn't niaka any inquiriei. 

Q_ And yet yon kiKw, whrn. yaia left Brook- 
lyn nl Una suy^eilion of Mr, Ituthrrfnfd, 1h»t it 
wiiii becnmie. uf BorjoeLhing about II r. Moyle that 
you were ^oinf out there, didn't youl A, I 
went out there because of a condition that tu 

Q. And didn't yon tk:.ik it iztiliortjint, IB. the 

line of that mi*Hion *nd yuui- Vint; * apeeial 
reureaentBtivc of Jir, Jluihcrfp™!, !□ ftrl every 
bit of information you cuulcl about II r. lioyltt 

Mr, Covington ; This is argumeTitotivi, 
The Court; Objeelion *u*tnined. 

Q- Eut you, were, tunarioua, were you iiut, t!iat 
tit? cole ud apoeifie pui-noae of your trip wat 
tine Mojle run Iter! A. I *« trying Us tell yon, 
Mr. Bruehhi-viKn, t)mt th* infnrpjalinn *M 
given to ins voluntarily, I didn't need to ajfc 
for any. 

The Coo ft: 
cf your trip. 

Hi' nr hi:: far tin. ]iarpuM 

Q. You inonn each nnd every sone urfint or 
every icrmnl out there £nid, "Now. air. How. 
Idl, we know wluil you arc here for, uid yoi 
have made your address and all, and Acre ia 
what wo know About Mr. Moyle, and aer* ia 
vdiulever tflLi'j'K IK* haw ami everything slut," 
ami you. didn't make any inquiry it alii A. Y**, 
air, m*i i« Kit i|y what I mean to "y. 

Q, And that !■ llin unit procedure that d*- 
Ttlnped all tit? way through there! A. May I 
qualify ray ■ t&t etnentl 

M'lllhfn- AtwAil Umrlrll — FV ffrfl<.— !tfirol.t 

Q, Bid earn icrvanl follow the wme routine 
of K tv > n U i' to y flu 1 A. 1 want to qualify my 
■ tatr-mi-nt. 1 purposely avoided having an j tiling 
of the nature of u reaoliiliofi or undue inquiry, 

hi lEult i-nrh ft'lrt|i*iiy would lur leH entirety (li 

itn, uwh initiative, I merely prevented the in- 
J<; r;i :l t ki r>. 

Q. So you were very calm about thin whole 
si t unl ton J A. Very eatm, beeauta it vbi *ery 

£J. Tliii wa# jiiiit lili- poinj* oh u »oc1b.I call, 
Hint itl A. No, air. I don't fin An noe.tnl siilin, 

Q. You djiln'L think that thin wmihl tsiic any 
(lift j rljnnec or WOu any ullnrk an Mr. Moyle, 
did youl A, 1 don't uni lend and. yrjur question. 

Hi-. Ctrrjngtto: I chjeeL Thii ji argu. 

Tlio I'ourir fihjertion auiloiaod. 

Q. Tt u-jiHii't itiurli hinre tliit ft iWitinl Tinilf 

Mr. Cm'ington: Tfiut tftilin in «r(ru- 


The Court; ftfrjectian KUfttaJoni. 

Q, It didn't pcrturh you ot all In call Mr. 
Ifoyli a .Imlflri, did itt 

Ifr. Ci)vJr.(,'t;:r.: Tliat apnin i« BTCU- 

Tho Cuort; Ohjeclinn auntained. 
Mr. Jlnidihao«fFi ; Mo further quej- 

Wr, Cn*ington: TTutt fa uli, 
Tiie Court r May I nee holli rounaclf 
iCnurL nri-l rooiiml i-nnfrr ) 
The Cv-urt; I ■» going to exeuje tliu 

M<tiliifK .IrifdM HaKltti — Far thfu. — /iVfrow 

jury until nine-thirl)' iluaday nn>rninjj. 

Of course, do not diccuna Llie one. If 
yii.i m-t 3nj-;|jing in tlie newtrni|Kf t 
pjeaiH! — 

Ab AlbtrtuHa Juror; "Voor Hodot, eaii 
I lie *..ien*rd1 

Tl.<i (Jimrt; I am enrry. I cannot do it 

The Alternate Juror: Thii wen unr*. 
p>o*c<3 to bo for a week It may he two 
diyii over a wefk mm'. 

The Court: I don't want ymi to (liinlt 
I am hjiriJi. I thiiik yoii Air? n lilcW un- 
fair in Bikjisf; to lie txeisnrd. Thi^ cjimi 
won't taVe nnn-h Inn-cr. I have jimt Iwr-n 
tnllfing U> counM'l nhout IL IVe won't 
keep ynu niueli lunger. Tim ithhih \ ml- 
jnurned unNJ llondny in Hint yon cavMat 
poNiltily lininii llie tin.' teday. Tlint ih 
what T have- been Hlkiup to nnmni'l nlhrml, 
t'ljunmj], T niit mirt, hnv<? Jin .dnjerilnri \a 
my l*llinK yrai lluit, IT then were any 
IfHiHhlliility of finiidiing trulay, I would nit 
fhli liJterjiinin, rcgurijleiuj at my rotten 

(Wherennnn nn ndjoununent wa* taken. 
tjntil Mnniliiy, Way 24, 1943, al B-M 

o'clock b, m.) 


Arthur- 41Strt Woraltg—For Defti.— Direct 

Brooklyn, N, T, May Si, 1W3, 
PuTO a. tt.. 

(Trial r«amed.) 

Mr. Cfiviotrton : Arlnur Wornloy. 

AltTHTJlt AT.T1K11T M'Onsr.fiT, 124 roliiin. 

iiiL riMK-iK Ri-onl<lyn, S»w Tutrk. ull^l at a 

WJtnf-HK in Ifl-half ftl [hr> ihTi'mllint*, I»in^ Urnt 

duly »wuj-n, lealitleJ a» follow*: 

Q. Vou kip n mini^ItT of tlie fln?<pel n.fM>- 
eiutrd with Die yatfh Tower Rnciftyl A. 1 asn. 

Q. llnw Intip have ynu iiren rOm*ee1f'd with 
Ihe Ftetliel Pnmily I A, I bpr^ been ennneeled 
witlk the Retikpl Family fnr lliirteen yenra nrxt 

Q. 1\<yv lonj; luive you fi'r'n fw\t «f .Teh" vn h "i 
Wil nmneii t A. I liave h^rn ohc of Jeliovnti'i 
Wilne^wn for fnurtefrn VenCpi. 

Q, Dill ynu bnv Jt»ef>h V, Rutherfntd diir. 
inp hi h lifetiineT A, T did, 

Q. Anil T presume v<,ia heeame nnqjFininteil 
wqjlt hiifi wlun ynu e»we lo Sill Jlet'ie] l-'nmily, 

j^ lhat rlphtT A. Ye«, »ir. 

(}. During (be jeaTF that yno were B nqiuiinl-.-d 
wiih -Jurlge KuthiTforfL, did you harv nfermiiin 
lo olmervi' him priwide n» liend of trie [nljle at 
I be rtethel Ilom^t A Y*n. 

Q, \l'ilH Im tbe (ien<i nf Hie family! A. IT* van. 

Q, Tt ]|1P been Se^llfu^l nr it m in n'Mlenee 

friiin Mr. ilnylr eoneerninj; nn inciilent 1li-n! Ifml; 
[ilnee at tlie Hrlhi-i I a He- ri'lfttiv* 1 1 ri your r^euv. 
ing, ocenrding lo hi* letter, a puhlie denuniia. 


jirfJW Aiitri XVortlry—For Vtfit.— Direct 

(ion bw"ine you had prcpoTed Se.ri;,'ufiil 10(>i*», 
Now, will you plenfic tell the Court an/] jury 
what tooh plncn on tlmt DCCaaion, if yon recall, 
what you sz>\'i ftnd what the J.-iif.e nnid. A. Ye*. 
(J. Slow it CJimo nl.unl, fir*t. A. All TlghL I 
m nAMgned to our i.:eal net vise unit, Ihe 
ISriinklvn unil, a* hark roll nrrvoisl, and I Tifid 
(liKTi n nh'irl |nlk r*Jt*f<l|B(( III'.' i-'iinhwt of Wit- 
pet. .en white rnniinp hi:rk Millji, and to help til I'm 

in I !ii», f liad fin-pared many neriptur<-ii ni>d 
wriltrn 1bem out nn a ulteH of paper, n.n-1 unme 
of Hiern thounht ihey vore ell rijjlit, and many 
people Jilarted lo imk fnr them. Weil. Lhe rc- 
t|ijentK got *i mtiiv, Hint I ■Inrttil lo iriimeo- 
jj.-nph them, and tliey were rpreitil nrciund the 
eity lO quite fJliiie entent, ^nd I be prnjile- from 

the Bronv ami frnin Tjnng inliintt nnd >few .Jer- 
sey, parlii nf New Jersey nnd Hluien T*lnntl, bo 
Run to write in nnd Jink for liiore of Hiene abretp., 
Sn it nfnnnnlrfd tit Ihe fart tlial I llflrl fn «1nrl 
»lrr.rj«t n lit lit pi-ifitirtp hUninee". 1 mimen- 

grnpherl *nme H?-vtry nifchl,. eeverril hundred 
idirelH. In ihr enurne of the ff nver*rttion n! Ihe 
Iti-llH'l l ii Me one ilax, it "'nn hrmigl'l t*i Ju.t|ge 
ngitherfnril'n ptlentitm that Hi* wan liehe rlone. 
and, ejf eoiprxp, [ waw njrrn'l^d in it lwmi"0 1 
was the r^pre^eatftlive nf ihr IXnrif ty anil rioinej 
tli'» prinfin? vt-iihout the pruper Aitthnrity. 

(J. Antl did von rn-'h-e n^y ^1nh-ioenl,i lie-F*arr 
the fsiplily ill Ihflt rrfEArd "n *h' neeBKinit in qnnp- 

rinBr A. TiVi-ll, wln.|i ii -Knr\ i-nlleii In my ndm. 
1j"ii, I nnlhiiireil I wn» wrnnir. r,ml lnt^r on 1 
wmte a letter "O Mr. Tllltlierfnrd lellinp him [hill 
I re<-OKi*,H-d my niintato and tlmt il wnuli] not 
occur again. 


ArlLvr Albert Wet i!r. v - For Vtflt.—Diritt 

<J. Vl'lml in tlie uxlUi! iftMl rujnenlnlily lit rhnn- 
||i'] *J ri.|iiM"ll7iirji|pini in emuhrj«| litlv'ten 

lie- li\Vl'-li Tuwit rnjrjHy nn«l .lelininh'i Wit- 
iii'Hm-j T A. Tin: Watrh Tomer, i.-. ■:■-. 

(J. -lud niinruittiii-atiorift iTtahtishing ptJicy 
willi nTi-n-un 1 i*t the n,tir|lli'l i,f p-tuilii-a' nnd tnnl- 
ti-ry i,f |iri-n<'hinj; il<e I jj.fcj n-tl nn 1 linnttlitl throuKb 
I |n- S.^n-ty'ji pun in nfliet., ik thnl not rorrcctl A. 
Tluil ii riulif, jie. 

<I UVrr y«itr puMienlinnK xtiing out llimiuli 
llinl ilmiFPii'l t A. Nn. it Kin entirely limlr r my 
ipu n initiqjtiv^, 

(j. Hid y.n Hint yipa I mil lx'"'ii iinjunrli- 

fpulply ninl |ii|l,li'li llrfiriWIHrHl uiMmlll ejlU"'' at 
lie- tnhlfl A. K<i. pif. 

'j. |i|d -1 1 1' Itf" llitllri-ffiprd i:ilEi lo yo>i in an 
unkind ir.aiT I., i tlml iitnaxinnf A, Sn, sir, 

(J f^iil ymi p*r at nsiy litnf ii"k Mr. Wtpyle 
In i-ikinfihiii, 1ti jIiipIki' lint]*»ift,ri| in your ht-hnlfT 
A, I -ei-rtf ii ii I y tlid nol. 

1^ YpbH HpMlghl | lii. in^iih^tl vn« ehpHtvil on tli&l 
ii^i-ii?>:iiill, ilitl ynii nol r A, Yen. pir. 

i\. tliirnii; tiie ir-MtH I1i:lI ypLi haw ln-en llif-f, 
linvf tun rv-lf lipplieeil tin- lk-iml nf rrei^lnpn of 

• I— p'rli liy ,1pipI|Pi, Itolherriprl or tlie attihwle of n 
l.n.. „vpt I be Ipretlpp-o at tin- table T A. N't. pir. 

tj. I>ii] roil ei-i-r Ipenr any fjllby, foal or vulvar 
hiiirju.'iii'i 1 Hiv\ *l|in| ppnNMitl nljoiil tlie Bi'lhi-l 
inM.'t A. AIhwJuIHv n«rt, 

ti. !>•• yon k«ip* wlielbeF or n'lt |ii|DOr in Rtori- 
I1.-.1 nl tl«- lie-Hpf-l Inhlet A. It inflt. 

%fr, ( 'iit'iitprton : Tliat i* nil. 

12: 5 



Arthur Albert IrV-jfey-Fer Dtfl4<—Cn>H 

C'0'i r.r;uriir.-yiitiu In/ Mr. JiruM/BTaiim: 

if, Iluw uliL are youT A. Thirly-cit, lir. 

ij. linv,- iunjf iiavn you been a mi airier I A. I 
luvf In i ;i n iniiiijilcr for II ii rl'-tit years, ovsr 

HI nee Ilk)' £>-ri 1 1 njLt 1 1 -ri ill Ll-mh L_ 

If. Hour iuiijr ijiii i! Loin.' yu u lu Ikcoiik a min- 
inled A. I Umk almul tliree )*«■ of Hudy 

Jirii.T Lu iny rjJ'Ji I'm tiufl. 

(j. Aili ii'liiiuf duMCRf A, Ye», sir. 

IJ, IValeh 1'iiwtr elnnnniiT A. Yen, tit. 

({, Tbuw pimphli-l I hill yJiU c>l up — 1 »rio«r you 
;; p,n-f: ,-if jiupi-i- iiml axK J'HJ if HiLii i« tlio 
|iitiii]ihlel yon pl'i-jiared and have lHfnlinnc4 in 
yinir li-nEilnimy ln'rr- (dgdhlug tn witno**). A. 
'f'liol J«eeii i» 1° Ik- I lie oml all figllL 

?.i r. llru[-lj]m:iHL-n l I offer il in cri- 

j'lii- Cruirt: Show If to Mr. Covington. 

(I'DIKT lllliullll 111 Mr. ( -A-lildOH.) 

Mr. ffiv i n^tuli I I do Bill B*e UlC mlt(- 

rinlity 'if ii. your Honef, 

TJ>t Court: iJn ynu ulijecll 

Mr, (Jo vi uirUm : I uljjeet In it on that 

Tim Court: May I m it? 

fl'iiper Imnrled in roiirl,) 

Tin* Court : I dn not »*a haw it In maUs- 
rtiil. I »-l|| ».Un|opn the ntlctdMH, 

Mr, llnirliliiiujii-n L I tliink ll will OP. 

The (,'nurt: Tlien ynu may aik hint- 
IuIh't. Al lliA present Lima vi "ill mara 
it f"j idfntiu>olinn, 

JrlW .IJIrfr* IVorttty—Fo? Ptttir-€ros§ 

(Tlic pofH'T re furred to vu mnrted 
r"ltii n( iiT'it Kyliiliil 30 fnr LdenE ifiest ion, ) 

<J. And nt what jiIbct- ijid you Imve thin popcr 
|in*|wriilf A, That m pn ..urcd pit tlio hcad- 
iiminem of (Jm> jlrrwdllyj] Hint. 

if. llriH.ttvn unit of wltutt A Oh, JcWbIi'h 

\\ illfc-UHJfti 

I J. Ami Tilicri? in tlial located f A, It ii Iji-alnd 
ill lilt Henry Street, 

(J. And htm tltere. fituiiifmny ncrvjLiit intharffo 
tlwrcT A. Yes, sir. 

If. And '1k1 1il l kiioiv Mi ik I pi ik - n iH licinr pr^> 
|Kitnil mill 4 run t ii "rt'riir*- pt Iiik act^Li ii^rf-MCI? T A. It 
in (iinihlfiil Hull lit ktWW nlinut it. — 

Tin 1 Cokirl: Wnit. 1W will p;ct alnng 
if you will j iiM-t anwivrr flu* it-.N-Aiiiinv 
Wlil^n VOU kRV i( in i:tiiitli1ful H ({(i yiju 3:irnn 
tri Jn*' ji'riil ilnn'[ fcnnn.- u-|lf0ltr lie kn*H' 

Ii ,.r noj, T» u-hm you mfonl 
Tlu' \Vi tor*H : V^, iiT. 

*i. Vi'Uf Wili> 1 1 if tiHiigMlliy servant (lii^rcl A, 

T"l ■■ - roMiuny Jirrvtinl at thai tintc n-flji i;nc Corey 
I/. An.l aid he lin? nt IWllwll A, )l« Brod it 


<;. Ilnvr rnnny uttt in Ih* tlJlitsT A. Tllrra 
ut-jv lfc]i]aruixil|mtt'1y "^r 1 . 

f|- Ami afttT ill in wax jirppaneil, wai it read 
lit liip i'Iiih*! A. No. tl Hi-^uir't r*ad to tlis ^liina 

itflf r it tvo.;i [irr|3:LrH'. t, 

1^. Vi n^ if ilislnhiiLi'il T A, H wilk ili^;ri hi] Ir-il 
lii iIium 1 ulio n^kiil for it. 

jlrlliuf j^Jjtfi ITotjIjjp— For Dtjii.-^Cmn 

Q. T nsNumf you flBvi a copy to 1ru company 
irnniilT A. No, lie iliJ not liav* ojii*. 

(J. I>n you nuan to pay you vent into iliuL 
rblSi Jinil liistrilnittJ it wLlhoat uny linnwlnlj^ti 
nF (lie foir.pany xervaul? A. It wjl« my job m 
I j Li. i I L call hu>r*an| Id kit tlmt jnf nnolil inn wiui 
pt^ivjiLi^i Jor LlhLM4c hri'tSinrn why wldlioci il. 

t>. AVlie u-bji m diSrK'' nf llii" t'bsi, you ot IH» 
tiuiifijiny ^crvantl i\, Tin conipnny twrrauL 

ij AtjiI you juHi ufi-nl in thfim witli tliin tlon- 

|i:i'lil lllil I ftHill'il it ai'frUilil h'iilmLII «riy 'knnvrl- 

nlec or mii ha ri1 ;■ <»f (he r»nij>nnv Hi-rvmitT A, 
j li;ivoi»:|!liiini>sl tiint ] jrivu n jiporfli. featt Liinny 
nf Uh. l prii|i|e pakdl :iif for ii Mtpy, whith [ pir* 
Ihcni williiHit HfHitiLr iicrmi^iaii. 

ii. How Ion;; ln-Jarc tlii* Tnjjroulinn liy Mr, 
TllblliirMifil linil lliii jiiLppr r«n»7l prpnajinrtt A. 

IVeLI, nf I'minsr-, ] iton'l rrmrmrifT fxiwlly hvw 
linitT, bill jh inint liovir lu^n prnbabiy a eouple of 
u*.L'kji, if I reiiinnlier rifditty. 

il- Ifoiijk't you pn?pami otlier paptn hefon 
[Unit A, No h 

Q. Mr. RallhTfiwrl <li<l not ppervk to yoa pri* 
Tritely qiliniit ihii, lllil (iff A, No. 

V- So Ih? Amt fhinfl Hint yon incinl from Xfr. 
;< nlii-rrriHrl wan in (lit n]*n ir.^*.tiinjjf A. It ■wai 
ot Ibr- tilile, yi>H. 

Q. .vmi hi* roTTini'lis on Ll foillil l# jimiki nil 
ovfr )hf JliniuK Tflomf A. Th*y MLi!J Jt*- liciitd 
all orr-r tin* riinine rooiB, jt.n. 

Q. Anrt Sip fnnr.rl Tnul! wj1li your tinririir ftuiAt 
iij> tluM riof*! 1 , iliiln't Tift A. ITo allied me '"Iky 

T "lill it without |^rmis>inri ( yrn, 

Q. And Ire aiiowcil !;i< i!it|t|cuu.r« tawit it. 

Arltmr /Vbrrt Wo**l*g—Far DffU. — Crasi 

ili.ln'i 1m-! A. fir toW ii if tlml it wivnt tha 

fi-ri ■ | M-r tiling 1n> iIBl 

*i. WW l.r- pli'n^iil m; iliypL'ilM'kl olxltlt itl A. 
Mr ii-rlmnly njifii't pir-n«-d h Im-cjulut WO linw a 

Tlif Court : 1 T ynii n ill nimilr Lllf <JitDS- 
Ii«ll7l, ikv mill Lf>-1 .ll^nr; belter, 

ti. K» In- mah tlivihU'iiHf-il ribaat ill A. lla woa 

1 1 ii; | ili-nsvi I , yen, 

Q. Alii] III- h[HlliL k ilIui^ 1 IL IfhittJK'lr, iliiln't licl 

A. Well, y..*. 

if. Ami In* viis ii[iMt nlMiut il} A. Certainly, 

(J. And In- lull I yon no in nil tin' DfiinlH thai 

Willi Ui nifiVcl' liiitll A. He fold mi; I «ll 

HT11H4: in LtLiin^- whnt I diil, yoa. 

(J.. Ynu tny 1hn| :if U' rwJArdu yoo wrott a Ictlrif 
lo liiuil A, \'<?* t xir, 

Q. Yiju diil aid go- in to *va liito, di'l >cnT A. 
\n. nir. 

tj, llinl ynu 1-in nilii>r orr-iv-icinH w|-i11(-n Ifltfrn 
In him i A. 1 liin I wrillm on i^iiitf nrninimts («s> 
]kri-H>ijii^ iuy BpiiiHwiatinn fur \iateTi Tun'cr ar« 
lii-li'i 1 , yiic 

l}_ Si you wj-nlf 11 Ittlcr lo liiiti nllliiMijili ynu 
■uiw liiin in tlii* ilinint; rrmni pviry iluyl A, Vi-n. 

1^, And Jim JTHilil fcflVfi rl|KKl[L.l> 1u liilll I ln^-ti-* 
X. 11 iL-m ImrilJy rnuVfliinii. -iLids?? HitlliCrronl 
trn* 11 very Imny mnn, urn! it in ttuita hunt Eo oct 

I'f liilll n» A"."" nrriminB, 

if. I)n yuu mi-iLiL to nsy yfiu never rfink': to 
liiin in t1n> dining timhiiT A. Oil. T here upukpn 
In I1L111 in lliv "lillinK runcn. flf toumf. 

Q r Tint on tliiit pailicnW oofa*ioniyoi]tnouB;lil 


Arthur Albert tl'itr sky— Fur Defii. — C'r^.r 

yuo li*J lu n-iilea, kllcrl A- I ilid not tpr4iii t& 
him tlu.11, n". 

Tin; Ourt: li> »^I;ul1 you if yflu 
I Mil to *rtile a Itlter. 
Tin Witiea*: Yon, I wr^tii a lettar. 

Q. On how ULUny 4«:;i.i;Cn:, <I1;L yoa Uilt to hint 
in tho ilinius roOuil A. I il>m't raMflllKT how 
llULliy nucUiiotlLii 1 1lv2L:< a r_L |u liilu ill liie iLi:Lin^ 
rotiju; on «iw or tun or tliroe LM-tanJoi", different 

if. Van upend nil your liuir poiiiR; aruiiml lo 
Hiom; vnrioiu" iii|.i|iiit« h in Skit cnrMrrl, or the 
W.itch Tnwert A. Ku, nir. I nan iu.nijLtinfl to 
am' iiKM'tini;. the one at 101 flirnry Sitwil 

IJy Hie Court; 

(J. Tlmt in Hie l!i"iK>klyn eonipanyl A. Yen, 


liy lir. llruelilmusm ; 

Q. Dli Vim nlh.r ^o out with Ulenitnrel iV, 
Yc^, nir, 

y. Vim duii't In'Jonf; 10 nny OtiieT nrF/ailim- 
tionn exi'Lpl thi' Wnlcli Tuner r A. None vhat> 

(J. Ami vim hIhiii'e ri-iLil jiuy tiling of a n.-l i n i™ 
rILlLire H'iLT]i|L[ik r JLH LL f iMiLvn llimujili II in " Woleh. 
Tuwcr"! A. Well, I have n;LLtn<^il over iillier 
nli^ioun paprnx, yes, 

(J. IV lnil MihnT ri'fiiiinUH |iii]H-rpL did you uIhiiit 
ovi-rt A, UilTiTH'JLI. ones tliitl rOiui; in to my 
hmiiln. I ihiii'l nul'tirril^e to biiv- 

Q. What, fnr inKlancet A. Well, 1 have read 
ConJat:*ri Bikiiice iHl* and jjqcJi lilta. 

Arthur M'tH WvrnSev—Fur ftrfit. — C/ast 

Q. All niprH; Hipt lineE A. Yim. f ilnn'l mivile 

a jjuhil of it. Yon can nut lielp liul jjcttmp tonne, 

Q. UuL your mnin alien! i oin in. drvnieJ lo the 
L.|..uliL::' 1liiitt.oiin.Ti (hrOUj;li tJif. ''Wstcll Tow- 
tt"t A. Yea, »ir. 

Q, iVnd you nl*o inhperibe lo tijf belief llml 
it it Ccxl'i orjjaniinlion on eartliT A. 1 eertain- 
Jy do, Kir. 

ii. And tlml II t. HuLlierrornJ wan hend ef 
CinJ'n. oq;niiLiin.ti»n no carl hi A, Mr. Iiuther. 
ford •■it ami i>f Hi? ripriin..ntniive» of Jelievali 
Ood on I'Brlh. yea, lir. 

Q. Who wuh tin- ntlier nne! A. There were 
iiui.'iy tiLln-r*. All „ r il.ijiph '■ WjtnenHfn ar« r>rn- 
fthi;ntn[iv j i-n of Ji-Injybji on eartb. 

(J. Vu-rn ynn an w^uit ref>r*n*u laliTie of Ood'n 
OrjjimtTjit i fin rjii r-urtli vjih Jl jlherford f A, All 
men on- tx|uaJ, ntnti-rt (In- -Si-ri ptunei 

(f. You »entr M|uul1 A. Yea, tie. 

Q, And ytt you lii-li-reil Lo him correct you 
al the dminir room talile, in tliut itt A. Pur- 
dun are, hi.'? 

Q. You were e*p.|ial tn Hoi her'riri), out you !i»- 
iened 1o Iilh norrri.|j«in ot 1he iiin;iiif room laliJef 
A- .Juilire ituiJir-rr-tfiL «■,. I'f evident of Hit 
Wateh ToWei Society, nnd il terlninly nendn. ojnu 
to hr.ii; enrri'crion ■ - n murl a pojulimi. 

if. So an mi cjual Hfn'ui\|, ynu lind in miifh 
lo *A.y am In-! A. I wuiilrln'i nay I hit. lie 
(rait ntling? an I'fmictr-nl uf I hi: JtneietJ', anil it in 
bin Ji.b In rrail;.' ^rri-i'tiun, 

Q. So t-inl rnivle it unrtu'whot unrf|unl, didn't 
Uf A.4pMJt an far an IIulI guci, yea. 

J 221 

Arthur /(Jirri Warsifj) — t-'uy Utftn, — Ktiinet 
— lltcmm 

if. Ilk- wn* head of \\k wrji-fcul A. Hl> wan 
Prtsidvol of [lit Watch T«»er ULtlc & Tratf 

Mr. BrueliJiiUiipB : Thai ii all. 

Redirect r niuiindl ion h>j Mr, Caving I o* : 

Q. Mr. Worsley,, dii Hit eierjiKion thai lliiji ind- 
di'j-.l iiiuift btfon- Hie fnniily, you mpTcjiieil 
Jcnnctf <jy.Ui; freely, did you notl A. Ye*, sir, 

Q, Did you lirjvt aftj fur <if iiprtaviinp >our- 
aelf frttLy before l|i* family nu tlml otcuianf 
A. I did not, no. sir, 

Q. And J id you explain il to tit? family m 
J.dlv iui you did to Hi* jury here at thai tuiwl 
A, T«- 

Q, Had ihitt pa[i«r been, cireol H«l or peM**> 
ally bitmi to har* ln'cn circulated in the Hcllicl 
Family at lliat tiiac-l A. So, 1 don't think i:t 
t-7- I taen fr-m-ratty rirculuEei.l. 

(_■. i)ut the family knew of ill A. The fam- 
ily knew of it, ;_■«, 

Q. Do yon rrtnll trhtlhtr or not norawre pot 
one of tlitjo at t!>c in-ad jf il.s iaiJt that day 
when. J u'lifc JiutlieriVrd cent to- the nliflaer 
fciblel A. Yf* r *ir. 

Q. Pid yaa da il or did nomeliod'y cIh do ill 
A. It woa BdJiU'lKnly tin* Li-mi did itf 

Mr. Covfiijtion: That in all. 

/fceroi* Evmawrfion tv Mr, Hrocbheatim: 

Q. Whm did II r. It ill he rf or J object Id, yoor 
Hevina; made up a |i,ipiT at all, i* tliat Itf A. 
\fr, Ruttieiford objected to nu DiaJuuj n.p pap- 
er* wilhoat the proper aTjliuhrity, 

j|rrJ,vr Jtlhrrl ICnri'i-ji— J or ItrflL—Rrcre** 

D. H^~ diii nM ril,ji-i-t !o y4,Lir eatabaii of 
Htf i f rtn ri.-« iV-i-i-, djit In-! A, I *f*iililra F t *ny qV 
jetlerl Id rifotiou 'if Si-ripLiirH-n. Tluil 14 our _SfiE>_ 

(j. Id: ilnE not my tint yon wur* n>i»t*lff-n in 

jimIj' Striplur'-n, i.ii htT A. N"> r air. 

(J. fii< tin- |^ijj)'f win enrji'M, was it unit A. 
I «huJ'tn't nay tliu fmiwT wjlk M,iri-rt. It wan 
ihiL- a-"i Of iluiaij{ ii wiUiulil LJ.i- |if!j;MT auLLiirily up vfiiflK, 

if. WJiat iinfir'i-[nr ijUfjialiun of fitriptnr* 
have y.iu foiKnl on llii-n-T 

Mr, C'<'iJJ»irl "i» : Thiit ;■ unt tllC fxp-Fnt, 

if it pti-Ji hi- yf^wr lf"tr>r, 
Tl,[> f'trtirl: iJlujcrlion nuntiirn'rl. 

Q, Hi i tlml fii« Talijr-fljprni »nR to ywir fi real at- 
inH n i>iifji-r Lt all? A. J Tin abji«4ion vn» to eir. 
cnlu' mi- a piijj r wilboil Hi" j.r,|nr nuihririty. 

Q. »>nn litifjl A. Vmtn LJ.i- H'nlcli Tti-vrcr 

Ily 19k- Cnirt; 

il, Which, in rlTh:1, WnuliJ lnv fraift l.iiol A, 
V-.-h. .-!: . 

liy Mr, )lntf-l(hiMrU'j>: 

Q. Ami tin: unly Uiin^ tlint liin fHiyPt hb.% fiJ-fl 
ELiil lLi-y urn 4<iuiLif,nh ijJ S^-ri jjlurr, lh itiAr. 
riitlLM A. Thai in all. 

Mr. ISruH-Fil.niiM'n: Tital ':- nil. 
^Er F (iitvpn^lrjn: Tlml \n all. 

(lVitrai-»» l'K"iH"-i|.) 

>lr. L'ovinjctiin : Jtoilijli |j-flh-r. 

ltdrff* //. Af^f r— for tit{l*f-^fli/tel 

RALI'II II. LKKti'LKH. lill Wue/lrnw Itond, 
Klrin-.iJli', SUiUm Inluud, Ni:w Yui-li, rjilk-J jii 
a UFJCjieua in b<-hjilf" cil rjti- ili-Ic-fKlui'4, being; Llrit 
duly Jiwiprri, U> tilled ah r<,lkwi: 

hirtti ezanirwfioH t^ Jfr, t^puiifiTlow: 

Q. Vol] arti a jIli-j jlI rf f <:f !h<: Eclln-l Family 
■ L;i! ii^n ;■■! at !^ ! E ■ n In... mil Ax Yi-j, .<.r. 

Q. How li-in^ l«avs ynn U-tn al Slaltr Island 
u a mbnilj«r or Lin funilyl A 1 earn* Ihtrc in 
U!i!4, in ^'i-liruary. 

(J. llow knit have >uu kaown Judge It^'ii^r- 
rni'11 A. jVlmul tliirly>fivr vrara, 

Q, After you I'jirni: to NKHt-n Island as a mran- 
nr of ',i i ili-'l i-l Kainily, you Ixh-:mi.l bttlor 
acquainted willi iiini r did you sotl A. I difi. 

Q. Uurirtjt the yi-jij-n tluil J'OB winy at fSl.'-Irn 
I^luijidp did yuu haVn ucijantun Lu lit liitre TtfUrU 
Jh'Ikh; ll-uLln-rJord tufnr; to lilt; IjjiendT A. 1 did. 

ty And I'HJiie lu lilsLtra lilmtti Iieadi|uuj"l4if*l 

A . \ l-H. 

'J Jluv'h yinj 4!vi L r N'nn JaLil^i: J t ul IjCrfonJ Jjrr- 
Miilr ul Lin- in-JLiL ul tim tiihhiT A. 1 did. 

(J. Al StmLs'ii iHlariflt A. Yea. 

Q. IJitvr > 1 1 1 ■ Jiml wi-anifpn In nolii* hit alii. 
ItnJK nlmnri luvuriLn hin brethren at llm lalilel 
A. I did. 

(|, Jfjivt yriij n« Kto JmlKe Uutherfurd 
1 7 1 ■ ■ r j i ' >■ tin- UK'; or ak'idiihl at the. hj>afJ mf tlm 
inlil.: ul -Soji-n Ipjjiridt A. I rerliiiidy did ant. 

l^. ||»vp yuu hit lunnl Jiini or uay iiitriilrir 
*r iliK Slatrn IkIjuhI IMJurl r'uipiily uj* filthy, 
mii-.lILv and dirly jli.rtr* at Hit Ik-tltul taldtl A. 
I did noL 

Holpk- It. Lt-Sltr—For Ptfttj— Direct 

fj. You nre familiar wild tine Sicmsc there at 
SfjifH'ii i.-.hihd afid what il ia used [or, arts you 
nal r A. I an.. 

y. Hid .lud^e IiuliiiiifoTd liave a roam llifre-T 
A. Hi' did. 

Q. Ifid "tlir-r |H'i]pir: Jive in llic lumi* H-lttn ho 
*n» not [ln-rrT A, Ym. 

(J. Ami yuu Imvo r fioiim (lH f rt>, do ynn ivnl t 
A. I dik 

(j. Hid .Tuiiur IttLtlicrrord itidfrLiiiijuHp iji ffivnr 
of liin una lU'Ciitiiinodationa. over Iltut of tlio 
■ i '.i :■ r rirelhrrnt 

Mr, Eina Lhau-:i n : 1 (il^j^rt tci tliot. 
.Mr. Uoviajrlun; i wjl,ln]r»w liu; (|tie«. 

(J. Ylli lm\i> Iki-11 in tlio variant rooisiR of Die 
iuju^r, liuve ViiiL hoL E A. \rn. 

■if Are [lu'y nil Hiifi.,rjin1 iiillv of Hie name liiF, 
t)l<' U->lliin|i|»T A- V<1", tlif'y a it. 

!j. TUiil ik, tlm I*-*! mi mi* mTiipii'il liy 1lu> vnri- 
■ru* iMi.'JirriL uri: KuLi>tanliully uf C I si- tame ftiief 
A. Yr*. 

if, Vlii'i' o'l luivr Ik'iEh, ilfi-sKorft and If I 
rniiiki iii-^'niniiicKlaLiphiaf, do llu'V nolf A. 'tin - )' 

<J. Wind iltriitw do you perforin tlisre, at 
Slnim) Islunill A. TfaitHiiuKFtim oniinecr rif Hit 
nulilt nldtioil W'HIllf, and nJue mill idler of Hie 

ij. Ami nrt you familiar vritt:i I he ^htck, what 
ium lirrn raferrtd to in Hi in eidilencf ar> tlm 
HTrrisnl-in Ffiaf/L< I hat '•.'u uned by -Iu(Irt Huili- 
•/rfuftl In llir ■uaiiaerliiiiet A. 1 didn't «p* tint 


iiflljjn /J*. I*$itr—Fer litftt.— -Crm 

Q. 1 mean ttn you familiar villi lh« aliack — 
A. Y«i, 

Q. (f'liilisiupil) — thai wit otTU[tied hy Judj>e 
nuSticrfiii-dl A. Yen. 

Q, Wiml u'liH lltal UKfd for, if fi.m knowl A. It 
wan iijiini n.i a |>Iii£e for lEr. liuliierfurd tu do 
ninrh «( IliH murk in 1hr iliIiijiutIlI:^. linn 

(J 1 . t*id yriik Fver hrnr Mr, 0, It, Moyk tora- 

lilftin lu yoa nlmikt timdilioaB it SLnlrn Igliiiilt 
A. I di<l iif.l, 

(J. l>iil you a*!; Mr. Mo;. It 10 IhoIjo a engn- 
|>Iilsii[ In .hnl.i.p Hiitln'rf«rd in iiehalf of »ay ™n- 
diti-.ii at Sin I en Inland! A. t did not. 

Mr. CnvitijiE'in l That in all. 

The (,'uurl: 1 tltink yon had bolltr n*V: 

hi uk our uburt ([Uenlion, if lit known 11 r, 


fj. V»>li knuift- itr. Moyif, 'In yi'u noil A. 1 
lmvi.' I.jmtvn iiiiu Mimf! tin- year lifis 

.Mr. Cuvinpton: Thsl ik nil, 

CftiU'fwi'H'tiioH by Mr. Ufachhiswi'H', 

tj. Mr. Iji-niler, Jkow brge a Iru'l in tbi* pto« 
in ISLnlm l^hnull A. Aliou! Lt* tikly-tao atrrrt. 
CJ. jtrnl in tlirr* a trutk formi tlurrtl A, Y« h 

itllTI" I:.. 

L_. A nit how ninny IjuLlilin^i on llio property! 
A. Well, tliei* munt ln> len or twr-lv?. 

A- And eiio van lilgBiriBE tlktin, vhat tstli 
Isuilstiiiir iii, rnupflilyl A. Tilt mail r«ido*a Ii 
a. Lnrfle lirjinu'; annllier haililinf; which houw«- Ihr 
rmdia lirimilfaKtiiiir tmrnntiitttr; nniilhrr utiirh in 
a laundry-, a tinslmr building ud ti*a irirr* ij 

kalyh IL Lifflrf—F<* Pc[tt~-Crt>tt 

a (prdhi = .liL,p - there in a Waetsniilli (top; and 
IdeJk LlirliL- arv/ A BUhahfjr of elili-teak IkuUKi.-H. 
kiruiJiler lioihu-n; and llic power home Jut jrcn- 
eraLuiu i-lvt-LLic uC rjowar. 

(j. And in l:fl£t, huw uuiny ]SvO|>k weru f|uar- 
U-r^l ovtr t3n-ri;, about t A. Ajj^roiiniriteSj' 
I m-l vt, 

<V, AimI ftiil tlmy all lift in one Wusel A, No, 
IE*y ilii! ii"l, 

!;■. Was liirnf a limjn litiuiie wlkorU hiohI of 
tlu i, l lii'vdl A. Yekv. 

l£, Anil diii IliuL Eiaf'n a dining ruuln I A. That 


(J, This h«u!Hi (hat Ifr. Uutlu-rfcird ulayttl al, 
ulkul di-ij [Jml fuiis-iit oft A. Vi'i-ll, lliat h.%t a 
lar^e rwkltiit'ir, (hrkt Lloora, il wan a building — 

ISi thif I'l-iitI ; 

IJ. L Hiul '.In- Jin lint LlmL Jjioat at the pcupta 
hIuVitI al t A. Yea, 

Ity ilr, Jirai'hhuumea: 

li. V, hut did 1 1 huv*; a dining rootn, loot 
A, Wis, ilinjoc ruuiu. 

Q, Awd n kltrlu-nl A. liedroocni and parlor, 

y. Wlkpn Jlr. Hatlicrfonl ifornr tikcfr, hi* ikiily 
■ laj'eil ul tlii- lioiiM'. did they not 1 A. They did. 

(j. Hit p-n'i-L'Lai'iiii blunf A. Vei. 

IJ. Mr*. Ili-uth, I'uriikivrly knovn a* iSonnir 
i%>yd, u'uiilly went over Uiene with h'nn, diila't 
■Jn-I A. Yi-j. 

y. \Ylta elne uauatly tu in 111 partyt A 
Jiinl Mr. JtuihrrCord and liii nrcrrtarien, liin pri- 
vate aOcrclai tei. 




Jin/jit ff. LefltoWw D*fit.—Cn>ir 

Q. And lip tmudly r.-ime nver tliere <m mcck- 
eml*, 'Mn'l htT A, lfa di>l 

Q. N«rie iLine arnirnd Th u Juibiy nad *tayed djlv 
lil Mnmlayl A. That i* tight. 

(J. Ami diit any of the cither Funyn from fleiliel 
r,-,inc i-.i-.-r (hern :j il> I i. jju rsil u-Oi-i. ujiiM A* They 

Q. Haw manyf A, Wei], tlial wniilrl vary, 
Kuim-limm oaf. or In, mmetiine* (*"iv «r t*'rl** 
n 1:1 n,inr> out In »«rk in I he JTinlen, 

Q. Hut [hey crime n^rr Ihrrr tn wnrit, didn't 
Iheyl A- They Jill ejirnr to vrnrk. 

Q. They mm* over Here, to w«rk week* it i 
liirif, ilhln'E theyl A. Km rluyn al a lime, I tie 
nvr'k-eiid 1 '. .fiatnrdn v* rtnrl Kitndav*,. 

Q. Wluin yml needed extra, help on the fnnnl 
A. Th.'d i- r !,:!■' i- 

<J. Tluil iii* jns( nn. Ihnne wfn nin-Tt" wb™. yo* 
needed wjnnhndy tn lid^ out? A. Tint i« riEfvt. 

Q. Ynn abn brlin-r tliin in fiffllV orsftnvuitisHi 
on earihT A. 1 certainly dn, 

Q. Ami Hirst Mr. Hullirrfnnd ■» head *sf 
fJnilV n r-1 nmtinn nn north T A- Nn man i« 
lirml nf flat** nrpiHi7»tjnr>, Ori*t Jertnn in tin* 

Q. Wluit in yoor definition of hi« r«MPtpnn in 
Use orEnmiKitinBl A, lie is Hie toKol reprenen fa. 
lire 4>r tli* vi^iMe or,E*niuilh'in lie™ npnn earth. 
Hie HneintY. Mir President tit the Society. 

Q, And tlie diiree.1<>i£ t*on» of stT A. Well, M 
i* tine- hriuj of it Icpjiily, 

fj. Do jm believe he i« rewirreetedt A. Yea, 
I do, 

Q, SliVt livinjft A. JoeiiiWy, yen. 

J(.-ij>Ji //. f.tfitf—For fitfli.—Ilttiiftet 
Q. And ytiit read Ihe "Walrh Tosrtr" n.nd 

hivi- I 'rr a |, r ri-;i1 lmn.%' vt-nrHT A. T dn. 

(/. ,\imI lliiiL \.a% 1 h -i-Ti VftUlf .M-jiirC* of retif-inrU 
inh1rur1irio for nil E Iir-H* 1 yejirril A. Yr%. 

<;. Yuu tJrtn'l fny inj- ntn-n1inn trj uny othtr 
in-iriKltr-m nlftnj; ihat liFifl A, J n;nl i^inr 
Hin^udoM hihI ^innre rivf-r ntlwr »r1irli», yt«. 

(J. lii-lini'dM ins^aiin**? A. Vpa, 

Q, IVLs^Ij ij>iit-ii1 A. iVi-ll 4 rf-lic-nio^ Itrrnn in 
tlpi- n J - ^■■'T 1 ^ frf'*"* I ^ r ' f ^ OjlT<-rF-nt rimpi7.rin-* h *"Kf-T* 1 i' 
M'Hi-li" ^r.rl "ur-li a* (lint, I t\''p"\ « ulpJirriln; to 
aii}- TJ>lii.'J(-u» miqitnik*. 

f(, llul ynn Usvf Jill F|jf-»p yearn art+frtl^f > hnt 
fiiig n-nrl in I in- "U'Hrfc Tnir*-r." have yfjQ nnlT 
A. I*ninarjly h yf-a, 

<|. iJirl ym ever rfimr-nt frum nnytLinjr Ihjil 
-»n> In 1li'r-T A. S'rnii-tKjAf nt "he Lime when it 

r*ti+ r.nt I m,ii|r| IVlt JI^TM vilh. 

(p. I J'. >'ri| ft-uii »l>at t J i - y wt-n-1 A, flight 

n'lt T r|rjn H 1 lir-ficvi- I fBlt. 

<J, l)r, yF„ii r«n"kJJ Him Hi-n* utrtiit fhri*! Iinvinr^ 
»iiffpri-i| fur 1ln' i-iliinlkut ijnr*T ,V, NV. I '1h. nitt. 

(i. lii'l i'.u ''i-r-r lfll inyWly yj™ r8*jyrw*J 
it ill! ilnn.t A. N''. I flu) not, 

g r Ui.l y»u ■<-]] II r, IlulhtrfnriJ iJv.ut jtl A. 

fj. JJi<l v'HS f-VJ-r i-rr>ra-N* nmy djapnluirnr'tmfi 
nirli Finv fiT 1hi- »-i«rll itr nnyrliinif (n Mr. ItntlifT- 
fipnJI A. 1 rLnrl nrrf. I tuul J>fJ rjTCnfirjM In. 

ilr, fij-in-hhailiu 1 !!; S'n firtlntf f|n^n- 

l!rdirrri i-fjuninaji'jn I'V Mr, Ewriwgltlmi 

(J. 11^, li^nitr, u-Jir'n Juulije Itu lli^r I n ml wuulil 

Ralph H. Lejltr—Far De[lt^Re£*tct 

<■"»' out, '"IhI lie eoir-e out for tlie porput: of di> 

i-n^ *rirk or virfltiool 

Ifr. Rnirlih AS wn ; T fihjrrt In (bat. 
Tlie O^jH: OlijPTti^Ji mBtaqEiBil a# Lo 

Q. Wkat ilj<! .ladpj 1 Rntlvrf frjfd iln an the vac*- 

^pnup Mmt lir i-airif! nult 

The Clnart; Tf j'oo kngif of Joof o*b 
Icnriw h-rEcjif r 

Q. (("'tnljnueil} If yn-n i-pow fif ynnr own 
IfniBWInljie, tthi-n he enrrie rj::r wm-L-oihIji, A r Ife 
rrin:"- ifijI Fjh wijrk. He- rtirl j..urb rjf Inn Writing 
wl>il^ lie vjik mil [here nn llii* fNrDpO-rty. 

f J. 1 frt| "In n<rl i]jj*HKT»e wjtli nnv *hf thr 4flf- 

renl trullm urtV"-jLl<4| hy lh» "Waleh To»*r,*' 

rh. Jf*U( A. I il<. >!'.[. 

Mr, llmrhlijiiiKen : T rjliJM'l In tlw*- ti nn! 
** 1 rul'ij"" iui fi mnflLiiiir.iv. Tlirr* HiAV h* 
Furnr- r|i]fv|]iin nljuut *hr1h»r they are trm- 
ri-T ne»l_ 

Tl.e f'nnrl: OnjiTlinn rluntaijinl. Tl il 
n ennrliiiiiiFii. 

Mr. (Invinjflfift: We i?»»pL 

(f. Vnii nre in Irnrtnrjny wUh tlw fiirrJTtt 
f h.I ley r.f rJfi- ll'ntrti Tr.wrr K-priely,, nre. >'rju not, 
Jlf. IjiffliTt A. I aim. 

<j. n'nil if y..ii .lil tint uniJTHtnnil an irlirlr, »]iy yuu u-.mlrl arternpl lo »tinl? it 
»|1S| tin- f! i lite i"t'il ymi iiji| iinrter»l»itJ it brtlriV 
it tlytt njihlT A, Thai i* rifllil. 

{J r Vim pllenrl I hi- tVateh Tmrrr ulnill™, d£ 

yon not I A. 1 <J'i. 


(J. Nun- iFflen rto VOU bMr-ri'l 1lie Wuleli TrrVi'er 
>l u. lii-.< t A. IVt liivi: Wnlili TnVer tiludiet OnM 
il ^eck. 

Mr. Covin^'lon: Tiuit ij, frit. 

tiffrtjf,a-f rrjNi+JTr'ircpi hif Mr. JirwkiinuMfH - 

{{. HeiVeh'l )'nU fnlLRrl Miri nictis in I lie Itilile rtt 
liny :.n. f 

\Cr. OrV"i^1ri]i: I'liin. in nt-j^iirnenlnlivej 
if veilkr llnnirr jilniiM'.- 

Tlie ( h nurl: Olijertiiiii nU».tllini:rL 

l|, T|ippi liiiii-^i- [r\ 1h(- wiMMlri (li:r.1 hn* br/en i^>eia- 
[iii-iil^I llcTi-, liiivv Tirr VL'nM |lur[ fmm 1lie nurin en- 
IttMlrdllHt-ntl A, J nhnnlil jiilIjtc nlmut JfH) f*c1, 
JilKJ Teel, Shr-reulnnjl*. 

f^. War il mi 1 1 ie Jj?rc rpprt y t A. Ten, sir, 

ij, A hi I iii'V.- ]:ir(.T a iiLiilihiiLf ii'n^ Ihnlt A, Tt 
wpti u e.'MJLjp, fh-i-hji[^ 1-1 fi^-1 jii|iintr- r thereiih'ii:lH. 

f|. Ihrw" iiinny r<H»nirif A. One, nil aj^n eninn-. 

(j. When mjlk that nmut TKielnl T A. 1 ile imt 
kn-iM'. \ vrnioi't there nt Hk 1 <inie. 

tJ. Anil nn nine elue U^eil tl out J.!r. ItuttlCT- 
fonlT A. Xril to iny kiifin-leJpe. 

Mr. HrucliljBiMTii: All 1-ipltt. 

Mr, Ceviitrfon; Tlint i« ell, 

(Witness txeuxetl.) 
Mr. CuvinEton: Helen llnwlctl, 

HtUv. RutSi NmJttt—FBr Htfts^DiteH 

IfKliEN' HUTU HOWT.IiTT, IS* ColmnUri 

ITcichirt, Itrnnfclyn, New- Ygrk, ralltd u ■ wit 

ne^i; in Iwlialf of (he ik-fendnnln, Heine firjit duty 
i»nni, fe-*iilw<l nji r«tt°w« ; 

Dirtrt nitti\ inaf run iiif ilr. Ciwiiytttui 

Q. VniL will lijivr. tn tnlk Intuler tluin >'nu rln 
nrrliaiArily in eirnver-Kntlnn, ]i|i'iim>. Your IkkJu- 
l.i ■ ■! in >iljul A. MnltlM'W Ai'nnlil IF- - ! ■ >. L. 

t;. lie in <mc of Hie Jeti'inlnnln in Hiii nelrnn, 
in he n'll t A. Vei^, lie Ik. 

CJ. Ifriw lnnp liiH'r? yoa heen n imemljer of tin? 
rti'lliel Family, t'Jentii'f A. Kinec Aupist, IlBt. 

CJ : Ami iliil ran .-mi.c to BtH.rl ivitlr your hut. 
Ik&ntlf A. Yen, I did. 

<i- Anr[ nlmrn were- ynu Bi>rl your hunhar.rl 
mjiineill A. In fli'Wlanit, fthio, 

(f, linn- Ininf rUi] \nn Tniwipn nt (lie Bethel 
llimmt A. Kpilil July, IMS, 

£,• And wliy rfiil ymr lenve llir Belliet Knme in 
Jul;', 1H1H1 A. Iteestipe my linfhnnrt mjjh. nen! 
mil nn nn n^niKiiiirenl^ nnil I lmd the pp'ivilrjt* nf 
jririn^ ^rlh liirn. 

(,. Anrl lie vrjin JlH-*V nhnHl a. y«ir, it Dint 
1-iijlilT A, A ye<ir jlpii] lliref ninntlLH. 

Q. Ami ynn returned tn Rrlliel in 1!M9 and 
linvr Iwfii (here n'ei" tinw, i» tlint rifilitf A. 

\ es, in Aiipilp^ 

1^. ^Purine; the yejlr" tlmt ynn hru r e heen at 
Relliet, V<n) wrrr u<-i|iinin1ei| irjjh JodkW Hnth*f. 

forrt, vera yoH nnl t A . Yen, 

Q. Anil iliil V«u knJiw tiirn lielVtri: ynu i»uie tn 

Ttetliell A. Yei», f diii. 

Q. Pnjeil on your nstneinlisn wflh Jneljre 
Riilflfrfonli eimld ynn ttll whether nr nfrt ht> wrin 
a kindly ilinpcw'rl inan or natl A. I wciild *«y 
hu xan, very kindly. 

Hit™ Hulk llwtttt—rnr /).f Ix.~Cn>a 

[ ( >_ II live you hh'ii liiin pri'>.iile at I he head of 
tlie [Iclhi-I Inakl A, Y>s, I have. 

il At any tlmr Hiut ywii have hurt tttew, lava 
yini imtii'iil him deny lilMrly nf Jipeech anri FroK. 
rluiii nJ" ri|xrp»iiiLor to liiji hrellirenl A- No, I 
liave-n'I. lie- ntm-ayn iinled f<»r tlirir esprr^: ions, 

ti. 1 am norry, I did nnl Itenr you. A. tie j>|- 
wayii niknl fnr Ihrir esprenfiionri. 

tj. llm'e ynn ever lieani any jrlorifvatinn of 
nlriiLiiil hy JitrlKft Hnthr-rfarri ar otliern at the 
talilet A. No, [ haven't. 

Q. Have yoa ever lifjird filthy, dWl* e-ni] 
malty ntorien naMrxl about (be Betbel tablet A- 
y. , l haven 'L 

(J. H luar- tietHi teFtifirtl that ynn hnri a rnm'jjr- 
rtilinn 'rvitli Mr, Moylc and "InttH in liin )jrea*jift 
II m I one lmd to set n»er] tn filtliy, dirty ami 
joimlty i!li.i-irp. when tlrey lsfeniKi* a member of 
Ihe Hellie) b'mnily. Dili yon ever mnlte «ueh a 
plnlrhirnt Ui hi III et any lim*T A. >'n, I most 

certainly did not. 

Mr. Covinjrtun: That in ill, 
t>r>iT.rxrcjnii7ijiidji by ilr. Bruch\miutz% : 

Q. \Vlien did ynn imy tlmi ynu arrived bnek at 
lli'tliei in IM9T A. In AaEttk. 

Q. And vnn niere Hwny from IViar* from Jnly» 
tir-tll A. Yvk. 

Q. Ahd whnt ■part of tlie mantry wei* yo" In 
dnrinrr thai linieT A. Clevelnnrl, Obin. 

Q. \t>±ij ynu Torfcinp for Watch Tnwtr OicrcT 
A. Yea, 

Q, To ivlint eftTirtftlyt A. Well, I W* dninn 
TH(HH?er Tinrk, jind my bnitband. "-an tha lane 
jjervnnt in nnrAl«m Ohin, 


Uth* Uuth ffoH-Jcit— Far DtfU.—Croim 

Q. Will you row your vnifrl You. were do- 
in^ pionctrinj!*, vrni wilt A, Y**- 
Q. And ulinl ilid Hint HMai*t oft A- Ti eniv 

•fell of Hflill^ FfilH 'l(Htr to ilngr fifTHrlninff th* 

(jui-iM'] a( the Kintiliiriv. 

The Tmirl: M i-i. Howlrtt, wilt you 
Jipi-Jik ji liHlr- JouiIit ail i uil doil'l hnTe to 

Tl»i> Winnie I will try. 

Q. BM yon have a plionoETiiph frith yonT A. 
Yen, I ilifi. 

Q. And hr.cii;ji and Irnrl* and roniea of the 
"tVoti-li Tower"! A, Yo*. 

Q. An! ymn froiihl mpLYt enntribiilioTia for 
thnM: nMirlent A. Yes, 

Q. And you ngU tell tliwn whit amount of 
cnnErifoiition — 

Mr. Corio|ftMil Tlii» matt*! ii iKuti&l«- 
rinl, T hrlicvc, your 1 Ji-.nor. It tin* hern 

F«ne oTcr no nuinj time*. It rtocj not per- 
tain to nnvttiLii^ that nhe ha.« heen fl,n«- 
E i nnrrl ilIki i:' . 
The Cnnrt : Objection ovrrnilrd. 

Mr. Ciwinpton: ExcpLinu. 

Q, Yrm would 1i-ll lliem the ninnnnt of rtm- 
trilml inn ■ you rlfmrted (in lh*M Turin Bn tract* 
and hfv** r wralrl yon nni J A. Wtll, yen, at Tari- 
ftllpi time*. 

Q. And n*Tiallr woulil rrrriv^r IhetnT A. finine- 

ff. Hour lone T»*re yon a. .Tchnrnh'* WitntM 
prior tn ynnr morrinpfl A. Sinrc> 192ft. 

Q. Ami what plate did yon tin at at that 
linm! A. Cleveland. 

l7rkir iYB.,i Hm-trtt—F°r JOV/I i,^Cra« 
D, lh |hal when' Mr. JJuw'lelt tame frtrnt A. 

{J. If jul yoa (UM Beth*] between 1DE5 an J 
i:i::jI a, Yea. 

<>. Veil, your liiipliaiiil trnvrlfd a preal den!, 
lifil lii< iimI, fvj-n while he resided n'. M :■ I T:i :■ 1 7 A. 

\<*. In- .11. 1. 

I J. Ah. I did yon 1nnT-l wii h Mmf A. No. 

fj. V"ii fiavp Ikw-ii iwmnit in Hie rlininR i-nom 
hlwn Mr. Iin1ln-i-f.ini ba. I nfrniiran to voice l-.iit 
wlijirti-m* n!™ii nTtnin indiviilllal* gml n'hnl 
llii'v iliii Mini di^|>lrn~rtl him, have you TiotT A, 

(J. In tMirt wn-dn, tliiil in tlie ntrnna that he 
Lnvurblik iiant for 'MTfif tine people T 

Mr. fnvinfirton: Ynur ll&nnr, that iv 
'['Im t'riurl : rilij'ftion tn^rnilcrl. 
Mr. fnwihjaen ; Kxt p rition. 

(J. Wfl-lil tlml (lie Tiirjinji lie llniirilly H«(w1 f"T 
^■ri'ix-tin^ 111. .-e Yi'ai l| wham lu* f ^iiinMl tfllll! T A. 
Yr'», rr 

ri. A in I hr Pi.tI an (irii^nnlty l"i»tl v»iw. dkl lie 
ii' .1? A. [ u"iild i".y imi. 

tv. Much LnnliT (linn yawn, vir it n«lf A. 
IV-ll. ilirl.ilv In in lr r limn mine-. 

t) V..n ih.n'f i™nt tlii". jury lo pillier Hint fce 
iiMlii' hit i|i<|ih-n»iirc in n <i«i:c>M*liniukl 
loin , r|n yMlT A, Xn. hr> dMln'l. Vt'e luivc Bill' 
|.| f i;.'rt1iri, Hi tin- tmUt purrifiri'ty m evrryone ran 

<J. Wn^pri Ii* n lonn "' mhte emotions t A. 
HV. aM»iimlly. 

ft. Anrl Mir.-.- m.tllil' In tn plflv «" 1h ^ 1 I'd 
%«• ribnle&ffttl, wiriik.1 tlioy n'-tl A. Njnurnilj, 

H«T<i« /fiiJl HwleU—FQf ittfti,—Crtt* 

i J. AikI iLt ^TLjiftif lN« diii[»li-n>.u rt tib^ul noiria 
item that t':iuk' ll[", the- grcak-r Ilix emotiuji on 
laa.1 AfL-uuionl A. Yes. 

Q. IVcri: you tlwre when tl^c ln»y» emne back 
after the Maditon i^junrc Onrdrn iad'lrntf A. 

Q. iim au'ay at Hint lintel' A. I »thi 

liv. Ill' JlC tliuj till I'. 

Q. IVrrr Vnii llipn' U'lifB \w- liml 'rfMMrtion to 
talk Id Mr. Mnr Aulry t A. I iiflifivf m, 

Q. Ami Tic friL>i pn»!1y Muth fiirh-ini^il, Mr. 

] [nil., rfHhril fran, nn I hat rtn-aHlftn, W'EUn'L IkI 
A. Well, >i:n, nutnrally. 

Q. Tlml in, hr fllifll not want Mr. MarAnloy to 
no out ami rearraajSR thin- cah-nduT' Hie way — 

V.t. Coving Inn: Thai i» aprLiin inp romc- 
tlilni; mil In nidcnti*, if year Honor 

The Cuurt : ( Hijeei ion uaxtuinod. 

Q, Hul lie dill khjitmi ]iiin»Krlf fnrrf fully on 
tlml nmyimit A. Yen, lie nliviiyi expr^nseil Sin> 
Ki'lf fnprr-f nl ly ulirn tlitre nm nnyUiLng ineor- 
rrct or frrnnp. 

fly Hie Court: 

ii. Ami In- ilrriilwl wticlhpr i1 »na 1 n^«^r^et or 
wtHHisit d\. Ku; Hit ]«lii-y of Hie Siu-U-ly. 

Q. Arnl urai) ileeidfd 111* t>"lhy ef Hi* Shcielyt 
A. T MI|i|Hiwe lie did Aa Irjjfil reprf nvntalivn or 

hi'ufl i\[ LIh- S'icifty. 

Hy Mr. RfurHnnLttn : 

Q, So V4hu Iii'^iihI Jiiili rfcpr^H* rnriT'fMlly fin a«- 
riihiune nvhrli Em 1 Kiui di^ph-iliiE'iJ in the din'O* 
riripin, uil jl ililluln:/ uf oitunii-ne, ifrl yoi noli 
A Yc». 


(Imrif h'iSwi* ffmimam—t"tiT llrftt. — Uifrcl 

Mr. I'.nirlil.iLiihi-n : No further i|ui'n 

Itr. (!nvi!.J(lr.o: i'lent in all. 

[ W'itiihHH *H:im™J.) 
Mr. ( roviopftoo ; Iji'orifi: llnnnnn. 

lli'iKiitu, ItruMyu, Xi-* Toflt, f*l|j'd a» a wi|- 
II..., in l-lnji' uf ih>- il'-fi'ii'lNntH, trf-ipijf lirat <luly 
mtrii, 1'tIiI'"-! s* fr.Jlowii: 
I'tirci r ii ivi r-n t ".'■ i"J tt*. Vl"ri*#titH : 

(J. Mf. tJlHtwan, IhpW tunjf (|*vk you In'i-n a 

mh'iiiVt uf the HiUm-J KiLinilyT A, H.i.™> ID22. 
t|. lh iw |i.u|f hun; )'.» Ih'I'II or.1- fit ,|.i-|j'ivali '■ 

i,Viitii"-...r a. -^i""'* laifi. 

tj. Id,. li.riH epai I you kn'.w ,lwu|ili f. Itollief- 
Coid ilurinK lim |i Ti-I hiji> T A, Kion' llll'i. 

if. Aii.J i.Hi'r yuii liemiaa jl luNfrtV-r ■/ 1h'i 
ll.lln'1 KalnilV. yi.lL >a* hilll IJHirt. Tff (lli-ll1ty (it 
rln- di f Hi I .I.-, iluj jiiir mAl A. Yi-ji, *>r. 

f| r Aj.iI ion E.J.v- l.h-i .-■.i.Fi.i.h lo l.i'i-ir l.ii" 
■nil. mid i'pi- lii" Jillilu.h' . | ijj1 -- tl I'll, ha vi- t'"i 

..I .ir A, V», Mr. 

Ij. JlaVr hull i-vi-r at liny linn" hr-nnl 1'JH.y, 
■lirfv I luljfur jilnrii-a jj|irin.->J ntniui lh* litlbel 

lul.h'' A, A.r"l|l||i-|? li'll. 

i}. llliAr >J hiT Bl(tim| Jllillfr JtllHl'Tf" T<l 

r|l-H- Itri-lllli'll 1 1'!" rinl.l trH-XjJll'FN tlpi'lUhrtviH 

i.l Hip- ■■ I A. JCni.-ir. 

if. llmi- vnii eVi-r holiHtl ill tri'OlNW'iit hy liim 
■if 1li.' M"i]"l Kmti ! I y f A. So. air. 

tj. Will. Il»- I* aT plrnhol «lr,rif«Tl at tins ta.hU 
at Ih't.K'J. lihaitl A- Hv, air. 

iieor-jz L'difin Uanmmi—Fat Dtflt^Dif&t 

if. You rtt-nll Ihr- [ii-t'ria.riiti'.n orraniied for tii* 
MhiJipopi Sr|unri- UariJuit ineelijiKf rlid you not, 
Mr. ItunnnoT A, Yi-", air. 

IJ. H'l'ii t r if nn^ ronjii-ttioii .IM you JiLVve with 
tliiil. jjicjim-T A. I frM the lieul Laher at Hie 
u.-i ii r.r :!..- roi-flLnjj. 

[J. Ai.ri in the jtrt-jisruti'm of then* planm 
w I: i ii. i <luj yt>u jJ'-il! with anrl wt* had other Pll- 
tlujriliiial A- I ikall wiHi Jlr. Jli-u-th and Mr. 

(j, Mr, Mrnlli warn JuiIlji: liiithf .'foni '» Here- 
in ry dim I a ini-iutH-r- ui lh« JSvllitl KuNllIj' Bl tin: 
lilUi-, in Liijil rl^litl A. Yd*, Ire »'** tlitl Hjn-T' 
iril'-:i.'Ji-ii1 i.f I hi' u h 1 1 L' [ *• . 

(j, And Mr. Kn«rr wa» Vict 1'r^hidtat of tt« 
Ki.i-Li:ty ill tluH tJiiH. and hud nf.J>nl lii na; tn ill 
wuh Hiii pre|«araUapi if lim convention,, did h» 
noil A. Ill' fr*a .lurli(u ItiltLcrfuriJ'K inanaijer 
Eif ;!..■ eaiiivenlion. 

(J, llv you ri-i-iill l\ir ifmllLn't (it .Inn* 2.'i, Jft.1il t 
(Li- ill!} 1 1 ijl t !■!<: Mnrlii^JFi Kl|iurt tiuritHJl «'M> in- 
vmliil iLii.l Lin''.Ii inlH-rJ-uf.ii-dl A. f do. 

(J. Wi'ji: yrfli tlnnr at tim-t A. Y«) sir. 

(J. JJo ji'U r.-<nll tli<i f«l»**T wliLrre tin: diiturlt- 
■iiii-i: [ihirk iiliv'i- ar Lxiiurriilt A. Y^rii^ Hjr. 

(j, Winn- wan Llmi in rirFu r" nf* to tim apeat- 
era* \-.: ■ l r ,.-;ul A. It wan thu up[«-r lulmny in 

luU'k of 1lu: njx-akirra' platloj'UI, 

if. IViiat traa ihc Kcaera) jilan of arrnnjnN 
nn'iiL for tin- | i.f ithlnTi. in all nreaa 
Uifi.UufhiiJH lh;- IJardrnl A 'J'lif onlire llarrh-n 
hud lji'i'n diiiiM or m-jin-siuK-d ipln Jteillaha tr- 

j", rill i it; to til* chart that Hi" Cnrdl'n furninlllHl, 
ILiiil raplain* B»r* an»-iLfrti i| to eni-ll nectinn &nd 
u<iliei-H tn i-iitIl fa[itdinj aljutiL lifty lo each raft- 

Ovfjjc KJu-im. IIaH»a*—f't>t JM}t*.— Direct 

JSy tin: < L oufl- 

tf Ami yan Iiji.i1 rhurjfi' of all uulitm, did youl 
A. 'J'liuL in rij(h|, 
|ty Mr. I 'iivia^'i.a : 

1^. I s '' > E .il ''.-. -.11 1 1 «.- pravij.iiiaa thut ''.'" t; 
jiiikIi' I'm' 1'itrii utdarn nt'tir ihe ni'lionn had 
Jjlln] ,;:,! A. Vt-n, air. 

1^, H hal u'as thj- ] ifj n'inioji in ■ I i.i L n'j;iir.l I A, 
AI'l.t U.1' Jilty luii L Imi-u lUHKiml lo i-nrln tut* 
Uiiii, iIimi i-i'i-rjjjiH! tlml HUM .mil yuluats'L'ri'il 
tl" n Hir^ii'i-x nt- UHliiTe wn« luldnl to thi'HC dif- 
frn-nl uriaH. 'I'JilM-e III e i.'i .r h JrlL-ruliL' niltulnjr 
"t H.fiji, 

<j, Tlireatji luul la'fii iiuliU 1 lo dinlttfiV the niciri. 

i.lfc. J.IUL Slll-V lll^l, lB.'ror« HT M"A"li"K nan hvlil, 

in llmi rwtl A. YtK. *ir. 

(|, Vhoi luiirHi thnlt A. ( N" puntt -rj 

it, l\'h:il iLrrun^i'iiienlK InuI liftii iiiihIh: in the 
i-m ni ui jl ilinliLiliani'L.. fur 1ln: uxhiTJi tu Llut A. 
\t'ii IijliJ p.lm'wl EidiLiliiiiial inJivra in uil tin: area* 
Ihilt «ir LlkiiLi;ljl wUl'L! MiTcn.ijri ami Hie lutnl 
I l-d. 

y. Wio. ilM-rp liny eiLiii pravwi«i miule fur (he 
nl'i-o l|l«'V llW •■) .ii'JiLiTH ' hlntforiH nn that uCilL- 
pii»il A. So. 

if, Vi in.-:.- nrf \*am\ hill ly nun it tn net that tlml 
Hah i-urriiil mil J A. Thai rmt pny rn»i|>onni- 

<>. HVn Mr. IIthHi nuil Mr, HhutT »h*o in- 
I'oUjil in thai uilh yiiuT A, Yb. 

IJ. W'hn Ihe jltv;i lil In I olll ut Ihe UllW 'ho 
h.|h '.'-Ii U'jy.pi. A, N'n, Hir. 

if. Wh.-ii did it lu^in la lii' »]'. i f J' ,>u ^K^.-in- 
le-rf A. VVi-U, o|i|in>iiiaat<'ly ulioiLi lun iiiiiauti** 
afti-r Ihe »jn;a*ijr kail utmrtal. 




(itat^r tfdVid 1/ (Huron — Fpr fltltt.^flirttt 

it. Hid V"i] Jilt up rmpirl I >■ 1 A. Ypry Cn fiit.ll y. 

(;. Aft*r tin- iliHlnrJuirin.' Wfla liver, tltf n> were 
h'li'ie nrM-»,|* pupjji:, tt-tr<I llirfe naif A. \ it., hir. 

ii- Yuu, nf courts?, Wvtt mil invuLviil in liianc, 
wi-rr- vi»h, Jlr. H miibTLii f A. Utt, Mr. 

t.}. Arter tin: .Mfldiion Surumre (lUnlcri Hieflill|> 
Ian I Ih'lti iu-]i[, J In 1 (IihIbiIww™ trail I* 1 *'" u liintli'l 
of fiumidi-rjition by iiivifiIm-i-h. nr ||ir- Jirtlirl Fam- 
ily fur *«ii»' liini', h;ul Jl noli A. Vcr}' Ullirh »n. 

tj. Won llu' lunlfer»iml ut the (uhte 
uniunj^l nil (hi- hn-llireii Hull Jiud lui-n unburn 
ami iJii.'ir 1 1 inL I - 1 ■ ■ E btrn pn»eiiir A, Vt-*, «ir, 

Ij. ('onriTiiih^ I lie invDJtriut of llu; liurdeii by 
Hue C[ii1|?IiIiiiLe<'k (hut cnnu.' in I A- Cunnidernble 


I}. lJii yi'J. j<urull tin.' [n'i,Wk<ii« Ll ill JuJku 
kill lie [-ford wnn at llu lalik, hind U ll* UIpJp, 
iil'r.T t]H' Undn-ori Svijiuinj tianlcn incident ami 
ilnrijifi wlilrli tlsL-rt WOTe lliwinmiunil A, Yea, 

r;. I)>i yum rifuM itNikmir uny i*1 uli-numl your- 
u-lf at Uin' talpl" nrcmrilinjT I bi»= Mailimn Si|iHirr 
(irrtk'n Imubk Urol ]m'jiur;iliiHi ulld tin? |pnrt 
dour !»y (In- ii'lrtTnf A, J did. 

Q. ]Jo jnu rti'iill any n1 bUniuiiIu that untr* 
panda by .luiljin Itiilhorfnni! A. Yea, 

(j. Win- Unit ill the dinner lahleT A. Yc*. 

U. Will villi lib-nm: Ii-ll how 1 liic IliatltT nrijfi- 
jmliil ii, ■: ■ I u-lmi you MiiiJ ajiJ v, hnt I"? njiid, if 
iLnylhinift A. %Vi-|| n Judfcr Hulliprford wan can- 
hiiIltiIiIv i-iiiipitilwI nlmuL Utc nieelinp; and liow 

il INII I jflpnfl CIVHiT — 

T|ir Court; 11 r. Oivinalon ankni yon 
hi it'. ]k imiil 1n l\"r ffijneml ■menihly and: 
wlml you imiil t* tJir jjinc-rid naneiulilj. 

'i'bo IVitnoa*: Jutlgo Itultiurlonl •*■ 

GtOrrft EJu:in HannOn — F if DtfU, — Dirtti 

pri'M-nl hininelf Id Ihal cfTiKl, Dial !ir wjih 
iliM'ply tn-nctrnCH] about tlm Uafjliblf and 
linw it prwcwltd. 

Q, Wan Ihc uBtrnbl; ItfJ in ty tctfphonn 
wir** u-jtli radio aitd rc4<Vllill$ 4?p]inrntiuj *ilh 

i>tlnT pnrlri of Ih* caun'.ryt A, Ycn h «ir, I bad 
jij.h ,;Li-. I inBtructlnit on tlidU 

Q. And wan tlml thi reaHou for llic iniparLarsc* 
uJ jinl lin\inu nny intcrruptiuniT A. Abaohilciy. 

1|, TVIiHt v'4ii natd by you. on tJiul DccanJon at 
lliv iIjuikt luJilol A. Well, 1 Nlatsd 1 felt [J:at 
iiu i;k [dunu t joji *m iiMtjiiaiiry to Judj>e Rutin: f. 
dmi far Ijiu way [lie unlit rijift hnJ tmen ton- 
■Im-H-tii rthI [ frit Ihst 1 liuil fullen ilown uii Ihn 
joli in pmYidinjr amnio uulierinj; in Ihn ari>u 
wJliti Uii. <)i jit nrliairet otcurrod. 

(J, IVJiat 4:1.1? u-ad Ullid I A. Well, I nlnti-il Hint 

I )i4id lir*n inJluentil mjmswhal hy neurit uT tint 
(Jimiiri t4icii>l*. TJiey aaiii "Well, you would 
mil (Ml Hull area an>~way," and Ihuy uaually 
rii|iii| it iiiT, and tin? nenuhlifn were nul i» ao^I 

llw-rif, Jill' tloniH l||l| F1«t fJUt tlit Bmpl IfrCOt 1^11 114 

lluif iLn-u bo ntll, 4Hil| Un1 wv (I'd nut davf lo 
jf,ivu il Ni'rinun Ponr*'rq unyway, 

{£. lii.L ynu fttim; nnylhuiK MiiMjeminff tl» im- 
iKirliini'L' of ni-i-infl [lip pjliffoh Jffl flvtj- i»-|l}nput 
iiiicrruplirmf A, Yf« h I (Mil, 

Mr. Ii rutli I ifl UM! ji : TiVhert wan thin 
sdili'il and vlienT la thia a,l lire ilintier 

Tl.* tVilntm- Al tlMf Utlllfl t*hl f> y tf . 

I Jy 1 1n- ( "nq r( ; 

y. An'l I Nsa in In Ihe liretlirtn annomlklorl 
tlmrcf A. Vdii. 

Qeorgt l'Jm« //aitana — F*r tfeftt. — Direct 

Hy II r- CuTMijrliin ; 

Q- W!m(, if any! liinp, di'l you «uy1 A, UVII, 
T *tu[id thai I |iul| ntj,-lK:tt4 In uHHJKn adjjitkinul 
i:i,l v 7., Jq iliut arcn nntt ;j.'«v:dinj{ nin]ilc pru- 


U y tl-fr Or): 

It- Anil llial you relipd un Hit- |itoplt in 
Miuijiiuii Sijiuirt Uord™, aa ypil lolij u» Iwl'cirtl 

A 'I'JmL m ciiriitt. 

By ili. L-uviji^liiii : 

Q. And yoj knew lluii you liasE in>i r .rur1:i,'n'i to 
huVK an luJeijuHtfl nutnlicr of tutliera, tlidjn'l J'oul 

A. Ve», 

{J. Uitl J'oii timlio any uLiilHiitn'iil with tcfi-h-iii'i! 
la til* Hjsjt t Til In Wi> a Vuliverulilu x|ut, huh il 

null A. Via, Alter Ibr di nlu tkuicc atnrttd, I 
n itnt lurt <-il at the tuliEe tlial I rtialiml linn (hat 
u Juul iiMuluLc Imd rk'tn matli?, Ipuuuhc tin.- rarj 
H.|K>t I hut »a* lh« hHjut ojktfi (<s tliu v\H2Dlrr xk 
Hit' nn" I hot Fin<) the h hh( a-nimiTil or unlitTi in il, 

Q, LJiJi yem have nn up|iorliiiiily In cj|ireMa 
ynurnt'K fully -on (bat occindon 1 A- Yim, iLr. 

Q. JJurm.i; tJml rinM* ill. J .luiljjc Ituliarlord asy 
(n you, when ycu Iwgaa to. spc#k, "Thai i» 
enought brotlicr lianiian, 1 don't want to brar 
any mcro about it "I A. No, air. 

{J. Did ]ib cut you oil lilu: A. IV o, air, 

(J. Wiiit, if any, rlatcmeai* did Judpc Kmh- 
«rJori;| malio afltr you got through tnlldng, if 
you recall! You don't have lo remember the 
I'lact ixnrda, bui Ihe ttulmio nrc. A. The iiin and 
■ ubaLinrii iif it wh, lie faid "Well, vhai h»p- 
jmxiaiJ it MsdnuD iwtu*re wa caniot oomtct or 

flr.tirtf? fjitfl* ifavmiit—Fiir Sirfli, — Crejl 

dii i-jvht, luiL rf want In nmnbl^r lliin liuilltr for 
I hi- fntiiri' nii['lin^ii nml r-n nvi'iilinhii UinL W4 
]pL>vi : ru.i [list ■■ii[dr jirnln'ctjon wiJI 1st JiTOi'iJwL" 

by l!;i! f'liurt : 

-Q. In otln-r wnnla, ymp *ny llio ixum and phiIi- 

hlmbCf: in tllJil lit lul'l yiiU J'oll r.h'iltld l.fclNi 

li'iirnoJ by wlml wnn 'Iujm- ul ilnrtin'ia Kjuuro 
fiuriLrnt A. Thai \n iinLl. 

lly Mr. fovincfliiii: 

<l. Wi-rn. joii '»JTi-0"S(il nitil lairlremtpd by Hifi 

JudjCi- nil t l.-n t wnniun I A. Nn, /lir. 

(J J > i J J J uilu;c- liuli.iTfcnJ cull yi.'L a nin'.y — 
A. Mo, i, jr. 

(J. !Jr anybody rtii" a rtW; t A. Sn, H-ir. 

if, l>!d yut| Kct j i m I ■ 1 1 lz I > uijlnniilnl and rtpri. 
utir. 1 1 1 1 -_ Iji-eiium? f4 your bremJIinK uf (Iik prniLI»rI 

A- Nil, mf. 

Mr. t'ovini{ton : That in all. 
CtNAa-r/nHieiH^irH* irhi A/r. /Jrurl\Jiizifj>ra ; 
(J. I*rrliuihjtry in tlun Uar'lfrn mi.i'iinjr. "nm 

diHruri^ii-iiH lri L re liad an lu tin: |illiPi*. for It, 

wc-ri-ift iJii-rrt A. Ym, nir. 

Q. And much Wiin vrilLi'A dWh ol.mut wliivt 
Hm to lii- (Joiin nvi-r tl.i-reT A. SuHiC written 
jDitnw^iiiiiH, 1 lA-nuhln'r. tiny "hmdi." 

(J-, Well, limn.' wire innlrudinnj wriitrti nlmut 
tin. u»bi.riujr ami Lie luliing enre of '.it tranirnT 
A. Vet, air. 

Q. Davis you hruitffht witli you here llil" morn- 
Idk a nn]iy nf liiour inntrucliuna tliat Ftro writr 
ta-ei nlovinl A. Nn, »ir. 

Q, When nlid you but pc4 llwut A~ I Jknea't 

(it.vfyt A'l/lr'in J/nritM*— ^'(l^ tlrflt.- Ctan 

seen IhriHo aiivce ofti-r tbi- meelinR, alioot a wcolr 
alter tlw .Madimnn S-|uan: Cankn Ht«tinaf 

fj. Wlint diil you fin with your eopyl A. I 
dciitmycd it, an far an I ren rc^/ill- 

Q. Have ynu lidkiil with tin nttomey about 
your t<'nL.iiiiony In-rc Imluyl A. Y?ji. *\t. 

(J, Tbd you Intlt witli tin- oilier iliri.-ciornT A. 
N«, »ir, 

- i','. liil you lif-nr «m- id ynur cPilkneiirH in 
fJitli^l H "!lFy (llifiiil Hiiirii'lliiiii; pliliiI an 10 L 'pd*ny" 
at the dinner tnlih'l Ar Y<.«, «ir. 

(j Ai-d v-ii: iiiim- p.iiv lli.-it ■« iih not iiicnlirun^K 
at allf A. Tim won I "niaiiy" *o« ruentJonMl. 
»r, C'Hfiiuilun: I ankecl (Juj i|Ufitioii 
wan hr cnll»-d n ninny — 

llie ('inirtr I'ln-anr, if yuu have an ob- 
jeclinn, nmVi' il, 

Mr. tVuvinelnn : That in my nhj«li<in. 
Tim: Cuirt: Jk <l«l P"t »*y iL Th* 
n-ijiT'.Liin iH riiirMninM 

Q, Ycjq wy tlml lln- wnnl ■"Kinriy 1 * wan mo- 
tioned T A. Ym, air, 

Q. Wlin inrnlioninil ilt A. .ludffe Hutlivrford. 

Q. Art"! hr- nii-nlionrd il rik'lit nut in the dirj- 
irw rnnm, didn't lift A r V™, »ir. 

Cj. N<> Uiot <?virrylinily niuld bear it f A. Yen, 

^J, Anil ho llirntioni'd it ril l n«iJr, ill dln||b-npi- 
ure. did he nolT A. Well, I wouldn't r ate un a lily 
nay that 

By Hi* Court: 

Q. T.Vi'11, nil nl Hnul't you nay t A. lie junt 
m^ntinTird it in jieni'rnl r-nnvrmatinn, UatRjr. it aa 
an ilkalrntjoB. 

<7(M>rye JJiui* IlaitutH^Fbr Defls. — Crc*t 

By Hr. JJmclihauatn : 

Q. Did he Mftm pltaiu.l Qit you vi>re ninnicii, 
■i he noidl A. Ha diila'l hay that wa wrrt 

Q. Whom did he call a niniqf, himHelliT A, 11 n 
■aid the foripfirc* directly indicaled tint a 
Cbrialian did nni bavo to be a ninny. Iln bad a 
rijjlil (a ktep ordc-r in a Chfiatiaft nseistjng, 

<J l>nl yini jplLrr n:irn l;if iffcrmcc +n fbc 
Rcrip(urcn and tlw niord "*in«y" v,-as u^ini, that 
be mis talkiinr obnnt KOTneihinjr el^, rHiirielHNlj' 
r]** ollirr lliun. Ihe nulierst A. lie wjiu uninj; 
tbal iu a jujliri', tm a Ket-i plural polity. 

Q, Ha you did not iiike il Hull lir Vlin i^feri-inj; 
to the TiiJirrn. nl alii A- No, air, Ant individ- 

Q, Am! you lonk il llml yon were beihjr 
prnii\rt| for udint ynb. did (hen 1 1 A. Nl), sir. 

Q. IVi/M, lie u'jlk din|iltaiiHl, w'ay hr hot! A. 

(). And he mid rvn abme n wliinjnf, ilid lno 
not I A. Yok, sir. 

(J. A IfUJd tone of vnier-f A. ltc-nwinnbbs 
fucmpli fur two biindmi pro|ahr li> hvar, 

Q, And ln> wan npKrt filinn! I bin iufidonl nt lite 
Irarrh'iif A. ilo wni diElurlwI. 

<.}. Ib^fnliM- IhillC*! bud Tint piup jilnnFj a* be 
hud |i|ttun^l thnflli inn'l tbal ruslitl A. That i« 

Q. And thia Tneelinp nt the dinner Inble wan 
nharlly afler the Garden MttUajTrt wan it notl 
A. Yen, air, 

Q. llnw many nnliprs were Iher* in the Onr- 
denl A. Anywlierei from fi** tn ail hundred 




Otetjjc Edviw Hnww*—Fw DtfU.—Ctou 

Q. And j« it not a fact that in Li:i-_-r wrillcii 
iji-l rijrtiiprj:'-, Hptcial provision wai mad* fat the 
u .luTh in iht rear of the npeaken' jjl alf o.rtik f A 
There wan a. certain number uaigned bo each 

Q, Ami is it Tint a fact that in those wrilten 
in*triiflinna, Ihere were more ualiem auMeTUs 1 in 
■ecortlnnce with the upae* proportionately than 
in other ports of tlie (J ardent A. So, jut lite 

Q. Who mad* np the intlractionjT A, I n~ 
rvinti (hem through Judge ltulberFord'i »eer*- 
liiii. Mi. Hi-uth. 

Q. Mr. Itnlhrrfornl hat! MitiietliLnj; to (In with 
mating tluin up, did lie unit A. I don't know. 
I preiame — 

TJli C0Wt ^ If >"H don't know, bH tt- 
yon <inn'l know, 

The Witness: f don't tnoW. 

Q. How many u^her* in 111? (innien ■ I ■ = ■ triune 

inslruetioim f nil fori A, Fifly In each srclinn. 

(J. And Ten hrens-hl that number of apJiera 
over there 1 A t Yea. 

<j. That in, y«n hul exactly enouph wJiera for 

Ifin: Irian* -I ■ I -: t thnt had lw+ft made 

iijil A. No, not tincll}', 
II j- tin: Court: 

Q. Apprnjsinuitrlyl A, Y fu- 
lly Mr. Hruehiiauaenj 

y. So tint (her* KM no f&i|illw an that Kuril, 

nn Tli*- nurohrr 'd uslirrsH A. A* far as assies- 
injr the fifty to each section, there wu no fiilur* 
in that 
Q. There •» no deparhin — 

George Edumt Hannan — F&T iJc/tJi — Cj'O&i 

liy t)i.t Court : 

(). There m'nK no failure 1n curry out the in. thai jinn gut from Sir. Hcalh a* FfLr 
UK til*' nllllilhvr hf Unlit™ w-{i» comceniedl A. 
Ve*, I he-re was. 

(J. What U':lR Ihe fndtircT A. We were in- 
Ktrilflinl tuler — 

Q. Xh>, ot pin- talking itfmut die in^lruclinns 
Hint you j?ot origin nDy, Wo* there any failure 
to Follow thnsc iiihlrnelirin* in so. far an the 
ntnti1«.'r nT ushers wnx re.ncc med 1 

Mr. Cnvinptnn: The last iii?ilrurtion 
would Ik- lit "nt Imniinjf mi hi ink, if }"«ur 
llrnmr pltniic. 

Mr. T!nif!iliflLM?n: I ohJKt to any 

HliLif]iH?UE IjV rdhinjiL-l. 

Tin- ('niirt: .luji* n tniniitc, Krultcnrm. 
T «■<■ wlmt In? 1ms in mi m L I am ruercly 
Iryinp 1q rli-nr it nn rjuirkly. 

Mr, Covinc^mi i It there wui* an Jtinrinl- 
nn-nl — 

Mr. Uruclil-uuflfii : I iJijorl la i c- h 1 i . 
iikniiy liy nmnm 1 !. If he tbjiIb to teBtify, 
Irt Iniii Inter tJie Htnml. 

Tfcc C«urt: Vcr., |>lva^e ilnn't. 

Mr. firurhri-niiM-n : I irut to nee what 
■ ■■ ; - wilnnm know* ainiut Le. 

Mr. ("inijiKtnn : lj(t him aiwirer Hm 

lllll'litirnlg LJllMI. 

Ry I1k> 1'inirt ; 

Q. Tlw iimlnirtinnn 4 hill VoLI n>«tTO| rraiil 
Mr. Mnilli nr 1lir wrilfi'ii instrih'lioiiK Hut Mr. 
Mi.jLlh liniHlecI |4> vihu in *n Ijir iir (lie tLUinl^rY* ihf 

Ototgc y.dwix tlarnvn — For Defti. — Ctttt 

ur-hcm wait fimfi'tnitl ;:i Mnilinnn .Si|iuirf Ubt- 
don mul nmrtKUlarlj' in oach nrrliim, ijid yon 
I'npnply with tin <><' irtstrilrlionn t A. MjivIi* |lv?re 
u-.i.i Mini' [HMut I hImuIi! mate clear« 

(J. Xo. AiirtVfcr lhat iiuentiuu, jikstsr. A. I 
wuuld Hay nu. 

The Omrt: Hr sjiiit he etiil nnt fiCHpry 
Willi Hw inttnttliiiM tlial Ire reerivKl frum 
Mr. JR-iilh. 

By Mr, rtriichlMiiinn ; 

\i- IVl-II, ymt •'■:>[ fnniply with the i nnt mr! i [>□■ 
in fur n* hrinjrjaq oiTr aj^irimiijkAli'lh Ihr ninn- 
Iht E>f unlirrn I'ulli'il Fori A. la I lip oripinul 

Thr ('■uirt: That ix m-hnt vrv j\rr tn\k- 
H\j* iiIkiIII. \ i>u wilt >ri L l pliMily nf n]i[Kir- 
liniily liili'i-. D<in'[ Irj- lo an tifipnte ques- 
tifKjiK. Tim mily i n.ii np the trial, ilr. 
( ''ivinjfl . in will Itnnp uruiirtliinjt li a^d you 
in Tnrilir-i- ijiw^cinns h if iherc wrre any t 

TTle IViliieisHf T link Hcirry, 

Hy >lr. H nwli | i(iij*r/ii ; 

t). Hy the n.ay h iihen yvii 1 allien! lo Mr. Cnv- 
iuKlnn rcrrnlly. n-jin anyihir.p; naiil alwut tlm 
writU-n iiiiririKlHHtsI A. No, Kir. 

(J. Mhl you or ]>e nsentifiii atiylhinj^ alkiiil llipnj 
written iiistriwli'iiml A. Ko, nir. 

(f, In tike viritten itislritfliiuan, nirnlinn .vm 
jiijnli' ikK lo Itou- the. aslii-ni were In ln> iilaenri in 
I lie (JunJen, irn't thai rijlilf A. Criwralljr 
r-[i*I|Jlin£ r yes. 




fly ilu- CmiH: 

<;. Piil yoi live* up to those orisinnl inglruc- 
li«n»J A. The oricinnl one*. 

T1m> Onrt: Tliat it nil wr. Arr- tnll;inff 
nhi.nt nnw-_ Pleas* fori Fine ycunwlf to 
those naw, 

Thr Witness: Tlmt in rtjfjit 

By Mr. nrnelilmiiKen: 

Q. Anil the riri^'iiiiit iikKtruelinsis nlsn proviflril 
fnr thi" itl|iFil?er i.f u> fnr 1hi^ pnrtiOTii nf tlie 
trarr[i L n Iwirk iif the M]inikers h nEon^lT A, That 3ft 

(j. An.t Hint was complied wLthf A. Thai is 

Q. So Hint eventliint in the WTitlen instrn^ 
linns Frnm Mr. ltutherfnnt>~ 

Tlie Court; He sitid he TeeeiTcd them 
C»ni .Mr. I tenth. 

<J. Ili it lliey were i>re|Hirrr[ liy ITr. Rikther- n'l'h-n't Ihi'lt A. f ilon'l know. 

1^. .Mr. Ili'iich wits the neeretary r>T the lnlM- 
hiLiiit of iLe Hi'ereCJirv 1n Mr, Itnltii-rfr-ril, w:ik hir 
not I ,\, Vey, iir, 

ij. Hm\ >fin on other rHflvminns rereivtil in - 
m rnei iihis Fr'nn ilr. flwiiM A. ^o, sir, 

if. IVi'lt, you Jinew they e»ine frr.m Jinlfle 
IIiilherF"f"l. diitn't >nuT A. Ye*, sir, I hey e*nj» 
from his office. 

<J. Ami you say ynu hail some rtiance in tlie 
in^lrm-tions^ is thlkl enrreett A, Yes, *pr. 

Lj. VVIuik wns Ihe i-hanjti? loariet A. During 

thr ilni- rif 1iiii In.'-lili.e. 

fj. H'iui it rluriiifr Ihe KjA'ikin^l A, Vo, iir. 

att>f S t Edwin Ifonman^For Dtfttt—CroMi 

1»>- the Court: 

Q. Hefure the niretmp eipeaeiSt A, Yet, sir. 

(J. Before you nr>one<| " lln ntretinjtt A. Yn, 

Q. \V|iera wan the ehange made, hy whorn m] 
hnivf .:'. . IT I recall cofrectly, it -,.nr aaaul 
eleven o'eloct in ttie morning the day of th* 
hioc-line; — 

Q. Wherol A. That pilditional inatmliflai 

Wert treci'ive*!. 

Q. Wlierel A. At Hie Riguar*. 

Q. And who piv* ihrin to yprif A. I reneiiied 

tllelll rroni Judge Ku therrord '■ KiM-rotiiry, Mr, 

Tly Mr. Bruelihan^en: 

Q. This is 1he net-nnsi sft of writlen inalnie- 

tinlis, is lhat enrrrrlT A- That i* roinvt. 

Q. Anil how lonp hefnre the spenhinr^ bepin 
did i'Ov pet lhn»e instmelionet A, It w#« nlxint 
five hours- 

(j- Anrl did you hrinK a mfiy of Ihoae lo ccurt? 
A. Nn, sir. 

Q. U'Jien did you last nee theml A, T never 
uiw I hem after I lint day, 

(j. tVhat iSid you do with year eonyf A. I 
sent — t mm ant sure what heenme of it. 

Q. \t'ere 1hey 1y newrillenf A. &aittt of it wbj. 
anil si'iive of it wnnn't. 

Q. What were the "Snine" that were not ty|nv 
urittent A. Well, perlaininjr to Ihe fsft that 
in formal ion had l>*en reeeineel lhat Irauhle iraa 

aXfnH'lerl |l 1he Hipmr*. 

Ej. Wheo did you brinp; th* ran** brer to thi 

Owrgt A'Jnut ^/»*bij» — far Itrftt. — Crott 

'iardi-nf A. I dill n't lake »ny canes 111 t':ir 

r^. ^'hi'n Were 111* 1 u^hi-rs fyniisheil with 
cniw&T A. Sr^ni' tinn- l^-ffire I hi- pnea-l i pif, 

if. J I ii iv Funif U-fiire tin: hmvliiurT A, A» H«n 
'tipti-r<pil inilciT ni|(iM«l >i|. and n-jrtfUd,. f t oav- 
r-rini ei.iisidi-riihlii lipne, 

iJ-y Up' (Jnurl ; 

<j. 'iVi.i. 14..1M. i,jl. Hie i-jruHT A. One n T :,iy 


(J, Wlii-n did yoij (jT-t the esnen from! A. 
Thi-y ivi-rT J prriviih'd hy Hi*- Sueji-ly, 

1 1. Vfhir hroUxlit Hieln mVi-t la ^liuiisrm M'.unro 
UlPliJl'llt A. I lirUl'l kjHiW, 

Q. U'Im ih'liVe/iil Ehr-iii !<> yniLl A- Tliey 
riinii- ipi ;i etnti'.u waj^'pn, tiEit f iluii"! ljpo«' u'lm 
ihdiv^pi'il lln-ifci. 

IJ-. IVhh ili-livi-n-it ihr-iik In ytml A. Tlllry just 
|-ilu<'i-i| lh 1'in n! thi- Idi-ulkno of Hie iK'ttd ui"ln-r. 

i( Ami tl«-n ynu ai-nipfni'd unindH^ly due lo 
■Ii»lrilm1i- IheiiiF A. That is right, 

Itj- Mr. Ifrufhiuiuiiin: 

Q. Si ■ villi hri'l Ihr ^1131 i-a hrfnre v:u had Ihi^ 
uni'niil list nf ins1ruf(inn*T A, Th.n is right- 

Q. An) ynu knew what Ihe rane* were for. 
■Ijrhi'i ^•^lllT A.. Veil, sir. 

if. Tln-y wiTi- not jii'l oi-nniiienln, were they! 
A, 'I'liey wTero for ii leni icirnl Son. 

(j. Chile fur jilcntlFiealinnT A. \fe|l. 1hey ii-rrn 

iih.iI to hh»it i.Ff nLidiT, if nn+srtnry, Tiie hnihi- 

iikir was r^iin-lnl 1n In- filh'd. 

Ij, Tlten they wi-ro not to he Ois'd to Hip |WQ* 

1 ZA 



(Uiiri/r. t'oVm //amion— /'or Unfit.— Croit 

pie on the »«■ mjllL, wtrt tLeyt .V. Xot ac«*- 

lj. J lad )nu atttri'tifl any olb'-r infretinj?* I*- 
fnrt- 111!* jJndihou &|trar» dunk"! A- Vf(, nir. 

(J, And VNU llUl'i" h'4i| Knliir- djrtfcurhum-i'ii NT'.ru 
in ) ijili rJBrfeUf, IwV^B^ J I'U, at Ihi'pU! In^cSiri^HT 
A. t'rry lillk. ^'oiliiiur lihc that, llijk-tn in- 
dividual pf-mm, 

Q. J! lit )OU tlJ-Vf llJLlI PUUIHlt A. Vitj' lilllu. 

(j. A nH v ' n j ban Npmwo of dMlmeuMifeif nnn- 

inkj OUt of itinajirH'ii t Jh-Iuitu tho jmlit-u-* iif 

lilt IVaK'h T"»'t Ulnl "' i-tiiiM- olltel* nrj^iiiiui. 
lion*! A- (ill, n lot (, f j>f-"f Jt hIiuik" 1 " ■ '"■ "*- 
Tliry tin re ft rirjht |hi. 
<J. Dhiii'L ymi know tluii the iH*aj;ntfiiH'il — 

llr. O'Viiiifl'iii; Your I E.n ir. tliLn in all 
arp-iimrnlativc nlnL iuuoiileriuJ. 

T)w.- CnUft: ( Hpji-ftJHi-n ,iiiJ-Eaini*iL 

(J. What »'lx iLr r1,iini;r- in i lint nir[ ion*, Hiin 
j*rnml rn-l vt in>l rurtionit, nTtcr you e>t the firml 
ear.f A. It waiin't ivwi^FUiriJy a r.li3Jii;ii. 1 1 Ml 
an addition, 

111* Cniirt: I'k-ahr. *ir, filcr.M- try tn 
c.n**\-r ■ '"■ r^noKlinjni and we will H»jl 
nloni;. i'l^we Ij-lin'vc tlmUynii do not linne 
In aii1lii[tfltt; v.- 1 ia t i» ir'iiiif; to I*' nrdiud. 
Thnl jk wliit llr* t'liv.rjilnn in defending. 
Tin* \Vilh(*s.: Tlio fiinncp kjih Unit ad. 

:iih::r.rJ u*liprji yhoulil If* proyidnl In till- 
inn*t viatnrTiiMi* K[iolr». 

TCy II r. ririH^Llifliir-r-n: 

Q. llirl it miy what the vulnrriohlr- uptiln ■■i-rrt 
A. ¥**. 

George iVuna ffonmiit. — Per Dtfti. — Craft 

(J. Which one*? A. Bach o! lh» *pcnkcF»' 

y. VVm thnt the only one men tioned f A. Pri- 

(J. Jjid ft u; liniv tunny unher*. you &uou!d 
put tliiT?) A, N'i, 

Q. And Jill you put additional uichcrpj llijrr,t 

A. No. 

tj. riip ymi lfioliltJ that part <A llic iirtFiit- 
linaml A. 'I'luil n> rijjIlL 

U. V"u ■ | k ■ | uul l.iivi- riiby in^irn DhIitji ■XA'r 
iIil-i-h', inii't iluil r<Fri-Li;tt A. W«ll, n'u tijulil hovu 

t'«tlt(l HWilV. 

tA W'tOJ, yun tliJ nut Imvc any more nviT 
Uihi-fF A. U'f [lid nut jhliltr tihy Jilnli; in tluit 

Q. A>"1 >'"u h!1<| pot Imi'T Any mure uxJiera villi 
yiiii In ]itnfi% ilwl >'«uT A, lVt wilt! lin'ii j;ulti-n 
Ktnhii 1 : i . .-. 

lly tkc Comtt: 

(J. liiiL yrni liin'i- »ny mnrcT A, Vc». 

lSy Mr. 1 trut-li huus«n : 

ij. H'IrM Wrfr tlifrvl A. Tlifv wwrr cm 1lif 
! r-: Jlii.iT i. i.h.' rn :■:.!-! I ■■■ *|>fakl s rs r K Is nil. 

IJ-. Mill tlii'V KiT[ ■SMJ^nh] tfi ill5lif-H, «*rt lllt-J' 

nnt t A . Tl u'j" wrap jtwl a hc-»» j rv. , c. 
(J. A»<| Mml n-wnre »■* f.<;| up puruinnr to 

tlif Hbrij;inn] in:«lrili*1iw]*; i linl n"t tlif iiriniiiiSl in- 
*inii>iiH>riii priniili' tar a r^frvf T A, Nfl. Itnniil 

WIT !■> '"Hi-ll Piri-JL. 

Q. Wlml ^n-l "f qnKtrUctionn proviilril fur rr- 

ktvi^I A. T!if pwiuhl " 

Q. Sis tliip wa# fivf iinun l*rn™ ihr nuflinjfl 
A, Ym. 

Qeoi-yt t'Jlfrln J/imiKjiT. — f.'ui' Utfli. — CV*** 

By the Courl; 

Q. Ami yon my Uuit lln? xHund nut of inHlnio 

tlUllH [I I I .^-I'l irf 1 ! i. I Hr I'-'IILM 11'.M L C\U U»hl'E> tu IX? 

jiSftrrsS (linprnilani wjiurf ynu Imivb imliefltuilf 

A. V<i». 

By Sir. BriKlilinun*n: 

Qj. Sn Vi iu iIjiE fallow llic- itrcond hcI af injilnif' 

tiuipi to tliu tlti-llt (iT n*!iij. , nin^ I In' nvuilulili' ilnli- 
ttx tu tliu rurtn'u, iliil >'<1i jifttl A_ Tlicre mm 
nuiiiL' ri-Hi-rvH 1 *. 

Ij. Sn, in h-I In' t wrinlHf r-vt-ry m-licr 1 1 ml »jns 
In anil nrniLinl ilii' f Jnj-i!i:n ljrlnri«i njf In tin: WjiIcIi 
Tutuci- ureiinijiition vftH,:iMl In (July jpui - - 
MiLiint tu Hie inHtruftinn^T 

II f. tuvinflton: TIidI in nijruinrntntiifu. 
it ynur jlunur plfflp*. 

A. tfo. 

Tlir; ('unit: (Hjcrlion mi^liiin^J. S-tfiks 

o^t l! I..- ftlHWff. 

Mr. linH'Iilmui-sn: Kxe^plinn. 

Q. Wliifli i»r»PH vrfTr- nn1 nsiip^iiil to llutlM 
o*r-r in (lift Httl'ilcnT A, Tin* nif-nr MIUTt 

Q. ^ r H'Trn"l tlliiip illK|Fw1innH nni t]n L TCffrrVf 
Artiipnril llirrr IwHTHimu at th^ ncrnliil ififclPM- 
linnst K r Sit, lliry liml no onKij^nrnrrit. 

Q. Diiln'l ynii jnn-t uny thai Hir fWUBiI IItI of 
inNtTHClliinn iinlviilrtl for a rCFin-vr! 

Wt. OflfinctoTi- He 1* ftrltinp intoargu- 

]Hlen1 r ll" \'mir llnm^f plt'ilHe. 

Tln> CiFurt: Ohjii'tinH frtijrriil«!. ffi" 
dLnin't say thai. Kioefhtion to tliu il^frriil- 


faargt Eiiicin ;/ajtHJ»— Fev J}cftl^-Cv(Uf 

TUir 1Y i tiir-nji : 'flu'y wrrr (WrtipTnHS lo 
■itlw'F nnas, 

Tiir lV,url; lVill Jou n-uil 1 1 it- r|n™iinn 

Iff Jim- WitM-AI ' 

(Tlir«ii vitm rf|«'n(iHl |iy tin- irlnb 

«.|il ILJ.InT. ) 

Tin' t"<Fiirl: Anrl hnw" rt'inl lln 1 novwir* 
(Thf iiiihiti'i' wn rrpmlnl l>y llif- Htm. 

lSy Ihi- t"i«rl: 

if. I'i4 yn "ny il "t n-plt A, S<; 
lit -M i-. lii'iirhiuLti/.'Ti l 

(J. \ 'ill nujil ii « Ihf IfF'Jjf'V'- lljr.l Ihr-ji' v,tim nijth 

me. in IriF' lunl i'ur-|M.n> ^ I milt a ri'^i'rvi'T A- Ft 

H-lul'-il "A<|r| ii.l'lilimnil unli'TH tn th« an'im UlVfe 
In.FU ■ Iif- hi I', " 

[J. Anrl Jl ULirl nnlliin^ llhnill ri M'P'-I'l.'l'T A_ 

\r.. TJfiiI wiih iu% iFVin nlTjLiiKi-iur'nl. 

Ij 1 - rjlil WH^rc- Ihp-KT iijfIhtfi ihn 1he ■vrra^rT 
A. I iI'fii'i Innn-. 

ij AVi-r.' Ihi-y \iinnp li'sy* or nii'Sill^.jir^"! inn-n T 
A. X'p., >ir r 't'li'-y witt- nil — nn Ihj^h tahti 1 n^- 

HJl r IMl|. 

tj. l\ r *-ll, llii'y wi-rp yiFUnit nu'ji r WTn 1 lh'^ nrilT 
A. I rJiuik Ehr-rr- u'iih iiM'n llir-n- nl] Ihi 1 viny fTriln 
ii'liFi^: iiifii If, ii|i| iriF.n. ,tryr m T t lull rAun- Almia 
j< pi I ^i.|iin|i-"ri-.t, IA" jlh^IfTufhI tlir-rn. 

If. ^'i^ii' iJn'rr- nut fufuii l YnHttit nir-n ? A. Y i"* r 

^t- Aih| rlir lybrt'i-r ]ilir| of Mir-ui \vi L r> y'FiJni? 
iii'-n F .V, I ,]"i| L | Ln.'Yi- 

PJ W..-IE, vfii »crc in Tlinrcr of ILi-ui, uprr jnn 
unit .\. V<-., -ir. 

Gorge f£du:Ln IYichJMK) — h'or Dr[lt.—CfOit 

y. And yuu lmv t Wn wiili tliuia in Bcthrl far 
yt-arxf A. \<-* r "ir, 

T;. And yuti »fln trll m-hrlluT » i«nn ii« niiilill"- 
iij;i"l or n'pi, run 't ytFU ! A, \Ve lalit ug> fvcry- 
Inall (hut aliur ul"Plk,'i \*n'\ tli'y WW* aivul lifly- 

y. I'jic-y Ktfu itiajnly hnyi I lust "rnrlred in llit 
fjul-lnrj r A. S'.lin' of lh. In. 

'J'lir C'lBrt; Hi' unliwi you "iimjiily." 
'.Vr.->- Ihr-v niaiuJv T 

'1'hi- Wiln*it#; Tlu-y wrrf ififlUFlml. 

The Cnurt: Vt't-rv tlii'y iiininly Imy* 
:l ..I «T,rkM] nl the fn^l'.ry Of noLl 

Ttu' Wiltvrwt; X«. 

(J. Al Li-ju-1 thi' Ifoim Wjirj Wuru ILhIhitjI kt-ru uti 
Hit' juh Miiti'T A. Vun. 

I,\ They iJi'i lln-ir A. (No un hwp. r. ) 

(j. Kvrfj" iipIiet iliil llir joli lliat II* VfiJ ■*- 

joiiiiF'fL iij i A. V ph. 

Mr. rnviixtoi: Thai rn]]* fur a ron- 
flii.inffl, if yiiiir'.r ]i|f-OHr-, 

Thu flotirt: flljjr^ljjsn tun!apnt<L 
Mr. Kr.irlihiujiT. : Kjierptjon. 

Q. .Sn ihol *lu> npijy tlnnir you want, tu Ml nn 
hern ii tint you. fell linun on the job, ii that 
eon-MIT A. That in right. 

Q. It wan not lh» UH9u>rn ■■ho Mi down on the 
jnM A. tVrll, iDdwidBally I am nol a«|Daintcd 
with whnl tiLcli ml cr did. 

Itnl n- far an ynu ipi..i', llic ir.ilivi.lunl 
u-h<-rH Tnrrird mj| "h4-ir ai^iiTTiiTirnln and dlitific, 
Hlijn't tlifjT A. There mm'l tnoiifri in (hat 
particniar area. 

Qfori/f Ktluiw /fdKHdM — For /Jf/i'*,^7T>>«- 

Tli* Court ; TIiei! »■*■ r™r Juki— plsuse 
Jinten and don't try to mnlie plotMimll 

end wo wilt ovt abriff fantiT. 1'kK>»> *B- 
nter Hid i[u«nin>n. lli'imnt tlial gucilion, 
p^c ">.■■. 

(Thf ij«e«linji tin rriw-Jilrtl Ijy tlri ile- 
nriuniplirr b.* fnllo»n:J 

H "Q. Itnl aa far aa you know, iht indiTiiliuil 
usln-rii cafFHipl out their aanigsmenU and dutic), 
didn't Ihi'vl" 

The Wilnrnn: ] dun't tnow. 

By Mr, llrudihaune/i : 

IJ. WilL, you ■cue in cliirsi: of lli»m, ivcrtn't 
jouJ A. Y«i, hut I wann'l at the Ktne of 

Q. Didn't you nurwri-inr-l A. Tra. 

Q. An far ui yuu knn»', )hry rnrric<L out I lie 
dutii'* o.Hh.ifjniil I'l llicinf A, Aji fur in I know, 

Itr. (Vvinpton: If your Ifunur please, 
t>.nl in lii'iLrMiy anil iininot* rin!. 
Thi' Cnurt; (ihicctisn ovtrrukJ, 

Q. And you IwlitVl ihnt IM« affjani Ration ii 
Q-(nl'ji or^aniutlion osi cnrOit A, Almilutelr, 

Q, Anil Mr. Itullierfipnl wan the apfent of fjacl'i 
OTCuni^uiiiin on i-iutht A. He in the servant of 
Jthuvali {)(hI| one nf hin VVitiit-prH'a. 

IJ. lie was in diMXr of itT A, He wai the 
preaident of tin; Itrfinuwtitnu 

[J. And you hfiv fur n num^T uf yenrx InU'ii 
your iniitruf-tion* from Hit "YVatch Tower" puh- 
limlioni and lrflitvc l hem, have yen netl A. 
That ia eorr«L 




Qtwjt KiIkU t!ar>*un- — For Deft*. — Rtdirttt 

Q. Ann. you lime never dkitonted with any- 
thins U»rt Ids " Wateh Tt™w" ha» goltet out! 
.V Nff, iir. 

Mr, Brudthatiaea i Ha further quea- 


By tie Court: 

Q, Winn M r. Rutherford di«ua«ed at the 
Bethel mlhlc Hie nixatiJQi. uf the Madison Square 
'Jikplen incident, W|ia Jliu r.piP|jliiipL at ipBlriLC- 
tinn, whatever you eJknniee to rill it, in *■> far U 

till- : ■ . : - 1 - nf UwhlTU ur I in- fl.r i iv i 1 1 o( lin; 

mhernl A. Tl» ociivitieM. 

tj. There was no eomptninl about the number 
of tLK]icru.f A. Yon, 1 would My tlml in that 
Man i '■■:>! area, 

Q. W,™ it & eumploinl belly of ibe acUriiT ef 
the ui u- L >,' j- ■ dnj tlie — A. That in right. 

By iir. UrudiliAUxen I 

Q. At tike tisne tJkikl Mr. RutliprJard *i» BOnv- 
ploi:iip,g at (he toMe, did lur Iknve, Eofii?" at Liu; 

uistnictiojiH wiih Jkiml A- I don't Lnaw. 

Q. lie wns upm-l and ijinlarbnl becmuK of th* 
tranklo bark of the speaker*' atind. wat he nott 
A. i c-, air. 

Q. Ami didn't be allow bij diapleuure about 
in A. Yea, Kir, 

Air. ISncl'ihaiwji: That ii all. 

Redirect aamit^tum iy it*. Cavimfftw. 

Q. Did you knov what nu floing an oa. the 
part iif all (if tha eut hundred oater* that vara 
in tine audkLurikiiuf 

Otttge FJirru flanHim — Fdf Itefts.—ltcereit 

Th* Court; He (aid about five hun- 

(j. Five hundredl A. No, iir, 

(J. On the uoeasiun tlml you wit? nl LllB 
UuLkbl luble, did you tiiJji loud enough to bn 
litujii hy thu*i; in tin.' dining rooroT A, Vcb, air. 

U!. Wu it your inteuljop lu taJl toud enough 
to be heard Lijc tl» otlientt A. Yea, bit. 

(J. Ami dhl you do it fur Lie tieuehl of tint 
faikiiJjrJ A. Yen 

Mr. Covington : That i* alL 

ittc/PK-eifljuiBiilitfJi ty jljr. jtfruc^tiaueN l 

(j. Hut you did nut ubji'iil ■.;> Vrlmt II r. 3ii:".li K r- 
fEifil bond, did juul A Xn F i.; I r, 

Q, Van fi|jrfi-.J (l> ticryUllUJf LlC Biidl A. 

*■'■■:■■, air, 

tj, I If wot ituJiirij; LJLib tuiufhliiLciL aisoiit the. 
UbliLfit and >uu fitnuinKL-J in it, did yuu notf 
A Vbi, HJr. 

11 r. Ui-udihnunen ; Tlmt it all. 
llr. Cu*irMjt«ii: Tiiat n alL 

(Wilne^a oieu*ed.) 

iir. CcivijifjIOB : Wi]]iiicH 1'. Ucatli. Jr. 

William V. Heal!,, Jr.— for i>*/ij.— Piftrf 

WILLI All P. HEATH, Jr., +MD Uracbum 
Road, Sop Uii'fiQ, CaLifomio, wn of tha defcud- 
aata, being flint duly aworit, Icutified aa foliovi r 

The Court; At the ontael, will Jnrj 

jileaM tr> to ttns^er tlii quoalioni. Listen 
to thein, and i( you dos't undor*tiii»(i 
theiii, we. will be viry Jfbul to have them 
repeated. We are very Hu:iou> for th» 
jury and fti'c-fybody rlux to pet abead u 
maiJi a» jmisiblo. 
Tlw Wilpaia: Yea, your Honor, 

iHrtct ifttmiualiaft hi/ Mf- Cui'iAslBu: 

(J. You art ojse of Ibo tlefendwita io tJua oo- 
tion, are you niitf A. Yea. 

Q. ^ou are o^e "I tl"; tnen who Hjpunl (ba 
arliclo autitleO "Jrifo"natioB"t A. That i» 40f- 

(J, I Inn' lu»^ lii^ 1 >'im lin.'n <nir uf Jvlhnviill V 
\Vime»!«'sl A. SLnrp 11):C 

(|, Ami jinir Jimlln-r i» J nf ,Ti'lwrt«li h i Wil- 

iic^hph, in nlii'T A. Yen, the- ill. 

Q, lf«fi' InPiJ! ImiK Nhe U'H'il •■pe of JeliuVOh"* 
WifrU'NiMl A. Kiim alianl MH'i, 

(J. J>i.| vniL kiuiav JmlKe likitlkerford ditrini; lii* 
■■fpiiiiK-l 1 A. Vpp. I (In I, 

q. \h 

hiil; VrTf y«n nfTjiniin 

Iril Willi iiitnf 

When dul y»n hr.-i ln-cmm' a^giiuinled with hililf 
A. I firsl luM-anuc llL^.|.lia ill kil with hilii AluUt 
if. W'lu-ii did you join the niTreiftrial »ta(T or 

.IihIkv IfmkiTfpn)! A. In VJ&i. 

if. I>id you fa ubrtuul wilu hlUl ilk lln ;cnr 
l!KI7l A. Ye*, I did. 

Q. Did you Ihwoihi; a lufinber of Hie IfKlJiel 

i :•::>: 

Wiltiam P. Heath, Jr. —Far l)r/ti.— Direct 

Family ul afn>nl llml limo innmliiili'ly hi'topi- 

tfftinp Ji fi J A. Vm, jimt lii-foiT Ii-.tvieit. 

Sj "iViTi 1 ;-■;!: :"'.!i.-il in l<i ■>■■ . mm 1 ,'v: ,: r r f[i-l!i- 
rrfnrd'H ^een'lart 1 ' on tlml iwrn^ionT ll'iil ,Iu>r|^P 
Hiillierford fall you in for that purpoaBl A 

tj- ^llilil lurmlh, npfimiini.ili-ly, wjik tlml, if 
you iri-nllT A, !: wjw .hinr, .1ul\- h VJ'XT, 

I), Hu« Innjj KCIT ynil iihro^l! A. I lirlieve 
■bunt sl\ w^elin or tvrn inonlhii. 

I j. Von nre iunrrinl, nrc you not* A. W*. 

fj. WJuti dirl yfui j"f| nmjrii-dT A. In l!J-5H. 

fj. Vou Iw-c j jlciip an|iniinfr<l with i'liniii* 1 HovtI 
on I he 1ri|K. ■..!■! ynii nri( d nnd nvirkt-il nenr l^r 
ii |i unljJ r Iir tijuc ynii put married, i* (hat onr- 
hi-tt A. Yo*, Ihnt in tot-fw-t. 

<;. In whjii eapafite ilid yfiu nt^nr Jml^r 
IthitliprToril aflor you koI nuirrii'df A. f n'ni'il 
n* n-en'lnry. took kilter*, and infiilr arran^p. 
nipnt* fnr tniTei, dro^'u Mm on bunini!*iL 

I!y Ibe Court: 

Q. IrrniTol nerreturiol wnrkT A, General 

1 1 y Mr, CovinKlsn: 

<;, Aftfr ln'1-i.iiiinjr n ipii'inl*r at (he ItiMhuI 
riunily nml tn'iiiL: in-HociiiiHii nmn' Ho>rly with 

■lili l^i' J[nllji-rfor! n l h (|ii I yrui hnv(- (wv-jinion Io 
li'iirn liin liulkilH ami Ii eh rluirjuierij4lieK nnd hin 
Lf-'iicriL iLtlil .ii I. ■ T A. I iliil. 

if. Aflpr Ijw-iiiiiinc m-i-n-lary, ho*" p1o»p did 
ion lnTriinf lr h Judnfr HutlicrfunlT Ware you 
willi hiio veri iiun-h nt the tiinef A. I won very 
■ i H i 1 1 ■ n 1 ■ - 1 >■ r.„,hi,-,-tci| with liiiii; ]iu<i my mpaln 
until hi in; 1 ii cut in tiie ianw liouie. We vtt* 

ffifj'is.ii P. Ht&th, Jt.—Fat Dfflis-Dirtct 

not xeoaniti'rl at any lime dating Ida life from 

thru on until hi-, druth 
Q, Vi'licrei-er lie weot, you wentl A. That ia 


Q. And u'hPTtver he was, yon were! A. [Ha 


Q_. Y"0 werr ur per m< p.i rated from him at any 
time iturinJC lliOnr yrjirn, in limt rorrpelf A. i* porreet, 

Q. Anrl ypnr wife wju alnnp with yen at that 
I Ii: ii-, run. i« Ihnt rnrrecLl A- Ve« r 

[i In I you £n Went in flip j rar l!Kt7 beforn 
J ik I li' KnUierfonl didt A. It wan Ihe iMi tiinn 
wiii-n .'ie wpnl. 

fty tike Court: 

Q. You wen! with himf A. Yea. 

By Mr. <'o*inptonj 

!"j. Do ynlk Lnow '.vlidlirr or not Jilrtfip Rllther- 
fpTvl wni pon>iilpri-d by nil an the hrnd of th* 
lb 1 !]!! 1 ! Fpimlyl A. V'ci, lie wan. 

ii. lliivp vnn rvpr liM'n prpiwnt jit llip Bpthpl 

lAhip whrn hr wnn jirr-.Hpntt A. M:iny tnn«i. 

Q. What wnn lilt attilmh' nf Jlidpc TtillberfoETl 
lownnln hi." btethrrn nt I hi' Rclhrl P'amilyf A. 
It Wrtn eun.nirh-riile nprl ^fapioun and provolfinfi 
1n loving InimlK Mwffii bim ami hut krrtbmh It 
war Hull of n diiralroma ifentletnan ami I hat nf 
i.nn who had the rfniwnl nffeetinn fnr lbnw with 
wlinpi he wiik jiMnrijitc(L 

Q, As I'rnirlriit of the Wateh Tnw^r Bihlr Ii 
Trnpt Siieiply, yno Lppw (bat hu luul thp fipbt 
Io nee 1hat the nri^pixation waa oppraud pmn- 

prly, did j mi nut! 


rfiliiajK /", Ueath, Jr.— Fop Dt.fti,— Direct 

VI r. JtrkirhbonKpn : 1 object to 1 1 in I - 
Tln h Conrt: t.jhjrelion KUj(Eaini;-d aa to 

<J. 1 1 aw you tit-r heard JuiSce llulhprfnnl 
eorn'Pl rtivf»m-1 A. I have. 

i-l. I!«i"(^ jfiJii i«t l>":n htflvctcd by Jurl^T 
llmlMTUnll A. W-. 

<(. Ars yipii fumiliur with tin? <|unrltr* tlint Ire 
■jmctjifptl jjil Jiptli'lf A. Ye», 

K{- '!« Hie KPitrith ftonrf A. Ye«. 

(J. Are yuu fniikilinr wiih tl«r i|iinTler» I hot be 
Mi'll|ihil Hi i"i|a1PFI Ulnndl A. Yen. 

tj. Are yi nt r.iinilsiir wiih [he ij unrter* (hot he 
iK-i-iijiirtJ <kt KmKibuis Fnnn in (he yemnt lyW 
oiid I'l-^H A. I'm. 

lj. I*nl y<Mi ever trhi>'l wiih him Io Kinplorn 
I'^ij-piT A. Vph, w i nn iml 1iiim'^, 

Ij. Mill ynii i-VHT trm-H-l wiih him to SLatOn 
l^ljui'lt A, flfli-n. 

if. Hid you i'Vi-r Inkvd with him Io Cali- 
fiiruini A. Van, 

(;. Ilirl you live with bim wliile in Cohfornlnl 
A. 1 did, yen. 

<J. Wa.i thut nt -144(1) liraehuru Hoad, tiiui 
llii'l^i, fnlifonilal A. Yen. 

tj. Are yon fuimtinr iiIkii with (be other (|uart- 
et"ii lU'i'Mjiipil by I he brpthrejk Ot JtellieLt A- Vea, 
I Hill, 

if, Vou lien n I Ihe li-slroiony of Ur. Suiter an 
1n I how ijiNLitiTH. Woulil join 1 l-p~1iiiinhy he the 

MklllpT A, V'->, it would, 

tj. Ami willi rife rente tn the ■[kiarti-ra MB> 
iiki-d bv iIiuIki 1 [iiiilii-rfdnl, would yau li nlimony 
Ip 1 the pllini 1 Ji* 1 1 i h T A. Yrn, it wijuhl. 

tj. tin I ho mrcuxiuiin tlml Judge Itutherford 




IVVihihi /'. Iltath, Jr.— For Deftt.— Direct 

Jjdjfl In- VH«t» In hilulrn Inland JinJ 10 (lie Kir-p- 
(jfitll r'linii and I', ("aliftirnia, (lid he go (here fnr 
I In- |iur|iunii of lining work or for jileojjurcT A. 
K'ljr llii,- |>ui-|Hnr uf working. 

(J. V.'ln.'n I ir truvi-lfij. did ha THUftily Carry * 
■m-4 ri- 1.-. r izi I fnlYfr M'hlli Jiiin I A, Uc did, J"VB. 

(;. JJiuib^ ll»' linH- that jh'u wi-re a mtrnher 
nf tin- JJVIhfl Family am] (>rs-.m,."nt Willi Judge 
tiulhv I'll 'I'll, did you rvL-r lirar l.ljlll adiiLiniater 
finliLir ili-huneiulirinn ar,.| (riniinLii,^H to inemiwra 
uf (be Family (it Hie Itetliel t*Met A. 1 nerer 

Q. Mnvo ynu lieard him correct bretfiren or 
adinunirh Iheiil u» to [irnf-Fr rnnduetT A. \"ck I 

llJLVl' I H'il I'll liilil <]u llml, 

<J. J IjiVf- you i^vtr -III Jiny limp nnlbred flHJ" clia- 
friiiii nation IwIwgoii <Ili-:Iftc UuthiTFi'nl and thr 
Ihri-lliii-h rwHliflK at Mrlhi'it A, N^ver. 

ij. Wi-rc ih'-n- iliiuTttnimtiMW helw?*>n l.ii 
ifUirlerti il! HHhrl imi tlnn or tike brethren— 

M r. HruHihiuuir-n : I iihjrtl to il a» eail- 
ing f i ■ r il rom hikiiin. 

The l.'nurl: l<et tun finish. 

Q. W>r# tlwre dJWfflfti*lliw»i hetwp™ tbo 
niturlrix im'iL|>Hil liy Jmlj;p Kutherford and 
tin. hi- mTintBiil hy lii* liTvlhrrit ni IsVtlielT 

M r, ISriirlihoiiU'iii 1 object lo it o* call- 
ing fur jl ri-nrlilHion. 

The Court: I n'ill |wmiit bini In wi. 
hwit. A. Tln'ti- niK mi di*cniiiunli°n, ha, 

liy Ihii Oinrt: 

(j. In your judgment! A, In Sty judgment, 

WiViiflw jT*, ffwrt, Jr.— fur Dtfti.—Birctt 

|Ly Mr. Cnrinpftnn : 

<.;. Ik had * room nt fii'thel, did he sail A. 
Yep, lit tl Li I . 

1 1 Y«n In"' b rchrni at Bethel, you and your 
w 1 1 i' h kin L yc.i ia nut I A. ^ ■■:-■. 

(I, Did I; i i Jinve a rutuo at Stolen Island! A. 

Q, Iliil In 1 lutvr a rci'-m in California! A. Yea. 

[j. ]!iil In- Iijivf on «fiicc in Califortiii in tlie 
lu>thi-1 A, Yc*. 

Ij I >ii] ijilur ]in>|i|r livT at OlifarinLa auliidc 
i>f Elw L iillii'p fnn-i-T A- Yew, 

(J. WJinT A. Tin- nvpr^rtT or nuiMrinlcniknl 
v.- 1 lii clu'Lj'^r uL" tlip |iHhfHfl-t>' Jin] Ibitt iviFc 
TurtTi" llu'rr nil tltr t»n^. 

(J. Tbev InTil in 11m: pri'niiHrn all tin* tjftie, in, 

lluil ni:lilf A, Y™. 
IJ. All 1 1n- ymr rrtiiiull ,\. Tlml i« mrrrct 
Cj. Vmi havir hfjinl Ihf leslininn) nf II r. !*f- 

ll'i' iiln'Ht flu- n miller "f [nmjale Iji-inp v-t HWrn 
In Li i n It A. Vfs. 
1^. You i'ii vwuld Ij*> tlie mm?, i* tluil riphlT A. 


(^. ilnv(, you m-i't liord "toy fill liy. ilirly, 
nullity jiiki'a jiml jilnridH i^vxcil nlinul iIit llnlhrl 
ml.l.' I A. \>m\ 

(J. Aiiy L'l«riru-iHiiin «f olmlm! nn [lie part of 
,Puil^' ITmlifrfJir-l nr lltf uttlior lirrllirpn al tlie 
Ili'lliil'! A. Xo. 

y. Hi. I yi>ii \r\i>v ii-licllii-r r,r n«[ J*Js* lEutlicr. 
f'jnl Inul n IIH':lllill'Ul, Im-liilii] n»in Un tiif 

M-vi'iilli fli»>r il^riiiiL' llH' IdIKt y^r* uf lii» lift) 
A. Yi'H. I liiirii' lip htnl il. 

Tin 1 Cnurl; TlinJ i» ^' f (uiine »4 was 
tntiltnl to by ilr. HowktiT 

WiJJio.ii* f. V/faJn, Jr.— For DtfU.—Dirrtt 

Hr r Cisvihslom Yes. 

The Court (addrcising (he witwun): 
WjiMi't J t-e 

Tltr WiSiipflp: Tluil in tnrrect, yen t *ir, 

Tin' Court: Your testimony would bfe 
tin" 8uik m hinf 

The VViliemi: Tliot it ripltf, ye^ sir. 

I^m - Mr. Cnvinpti'm ; 

fj. Hn yn« rrinil Ihf inKianrr lif pr( L r t " : '' 1 li*" 
fur Miuliinii Kipmrc fliiTiicr 1 A. Yw, I ii<i. 

Q. Do yoo Stpciw wln'iliw ■**■ ftnl Iht'it riwl b«n 
threats TMeivrrt liy Judpp Rulh*rfQid of at- 
tempts to lireuk up Dml rrr-i'l sr. r?r 

Thij Cuurt : Qt your own knowledge. 

A. Y*«, of my oviii knowtmigF, I knew fhjit- 
Q, AVhnt p-rcimfni ion , if Jinv. a'a« mnde to 
hn.ic tinmntlilng drnip nhnnl it, T will ask you, 
did yon ro (n (Iip rotini f'nploin up in N*w 
Y.irk Willi Mr. Moyle unit Mr. KnorrT A. Th, 
wr did. 

Q. Wlijil wan Hit- f>iii-[iOHf oF trie vi»il to the 
Polirc Cnpljiiat A. UY ramti to refluent that 
tltii prilii'f fiirniflii prnl^wlirn itim-'h!^ tltft fljird^n 
hrcjiu*0 nf tllf tljri'fllH wtc lir.d licnrd Inat InfPfr 

winild hf iliflkiitly Jiiid pnme fffnrU rfladft ia 
lircnk up Ihf Tnei*HrsE. So Ihul w> mLcd thnt 
th*y provide n. onnlinjiSTit ^t fonf in th"c tn 
f[uel] any anfli iroislili^. ahonM it arine. 

Q. Anil wljal waft thr nitii'.,,'r Ifl thai nmrwinlt 
A. Tn* ahih'fr Willi tluil Llii'i' rliiln'l Ihink there 
wnulcl ne any Irnuiik ami tlmt Ihfty woold :n;i 
furnish any protnlinn in (here, thai w» tn>uld 

ITiilwM r, //c<r^, Jr^Foi' T)r//j.™i)i>fet 

havo In mnVf nur own |>rr])aTn,4iniiR to lake euro 
of trnuhlc which aiijjiil injiirle 1j:i l GnJi'li'n. 
Q. Y*U\ yan o'lli-itipt 1n p*-rj(iL:LiV tlina trt f Li r- 
j.,;i. prnlrelinn afU-r llml ^lalrmiiitt A. YV(i 
e:nplia>iiefl [lie |irohal>ilily tliat coirifiKKly Might 
■wiiiiL to try to break it nn breansc of lhv<« 
lliruats-. onil I hey fonliniiwi, howervr, to mako 
tin' s-ann? nlit1i , 'nien1. 1li.1t liii-v did not ttnok Ihero 
woithl ]« any 1rocil)k ami tlicy would not furqijilL 
anylioity inFin>. 

Dy the Court: 

Q. Did Ihey furnLsli any cnCuictcf A. Yet, 

they did. 

Q, Ti*ll hi nhuul Hip fiiilsidi*. A. Tlniy said 
■ 1;fi t if ilii'rr v.i'rr- (iifl": ml :i i-;: thai flrott, [hat 
Ihi-rr M'nuld Ih- un-n mil nidi* hf I In" Cariien wliirh 
r i ■! In sri-n hy iiiiitH'iiiir, l.i'i' i-.|"i:' u:' '"".ihl £0 
down nml li-lt Ihpm if Hn-ri' were nny Irnuhle. 

Cj. &id Bipy ninkf nnv Hlnlf-mrnt otioul— Hint 
yon imufd Iijits If. tisal:^ your own jsrolcclinn 
llirirl A. Yi"n, inside lliey dhl. 

Q. Aflrr tlml ulntcini-nt, an<i hupfd on (hat 
ndvi^L", were nny arrjin^miir-nls t'naxip or prrri- 
aratiiMi" m,id^ for Dint piirpn=i"T A. Tft. 

(J. r»nnppi'i<iii. ir any, ril'l >«u hnit with 

I he uhIiit* nt Mmliunn Si|iiar* flimlen on Jnno 

E-i, innilT A, 1 wn« In tIihi-jjij of 1ht nslierinR 


. ip jitiii ! .wjiIi " wm 7_wiiri^iiE~ »T'" A '' ^B™" i ii J iAii- • 

iVrcnuM^linn.-.f- A : - 5tPt-Kll«rP: R«Aj Jfrt TfJlUHifii ■ 

". Q. Ftid'-ynii-vivr lift) r lif timili "to" Mr. lfnnhjin- 
wijli ' i>f i-nriri- ■ 1 n llic 'o*lr<;rin(f^ A. Yf«. 1 for* 
oiiheil Mr. llnnnn-n in^lfueitonj on ihot-rr' 

Williiim P. Itealh, Jr.— For Defit.—DiTtci 

By Lha Court: 

Q. WTittea iimtruetion*. aa lie tostificdf A. 

Thai, is rigJit 

By Mr. Codington; 

Q. You lienfd tlie testimony of Mr. Hannaa 
with reference la tlidte initriitlioBi. W<ioJd 
yum t»Kliieony he tlift aaiU" us lo tins inibTio- 
tJouF Kivtn nt |he varioui liui«T A, Y«, 

Q. I'o what extent was I his tipwflj, "Govern- 
ment And Peace' 1 advertised and broadcs^It A. 
U id advertised very fcigWy, and it was lo bo 
hruodGOiL hy many radio station* in 1hui rintnLry 
anil 1>)' radii> li"h'jilKinp tA hiiuhj fnr^i^n enuntrie^. 

if. And wan it ulmi bring renurdvdf A, It 
Win lllao bcini; HSWnli'il, yf»- 

Q. And wan il tt-f otdi'd I A. It was rpcunded. 

Q. WYtft you Jire*i"nt in Jladi:.uli Sijtiale Qur- 
di" L n in'tn'ii Hii: ddlirnily htu^e Ontt A r Y pb. 

Q, Wlicre w^rc yi/u nt Hie tiiinl A. I wna 
tested on the ppcakeni' [iliilfonu. 

(j. Do you know the plaintiff, 0. IL MoyEol 
A. Yes. 

Q. !'■ lii-i. did you fir; L Lrcuiin" urij,iu:iiti"i] with 

Mr, Moyle T A, I believe 1 Wame aequaiEiied 
Bometijne in VXt8 t altlmujsii 1 Itad heard him 
jjpeok nt the Colutnlius (.'uAvcntion in 13: 17. 

Q. Jn 19S7, at llif t'elkiiiihun Convvnlinn, wai 
tliat after you had hvta to Kotnjic with Judf:* 
■flutheiff^rJt. A. Yes. ..: .■ "J- .- . 
, 'i}.~.\ nil -weiV JiHtl Midi .Tii.It'- liu'li^rN'rit" il1'_ 
lliiit liinrT A. Y*"^j Hial "iji_righ1r 

Q.-^'nlt iMTjiine-jii^jiiiiinli-d Hirii with hiio lhi-~ 

neit ^itriitt; oTter j;jbu ^'inrntj [twn L"aii"nrrikL ■ 


irnVipm I*. Utalh, Jr.— For E'fti— Direct 

Willi lit Jidjf i p» Hiul ri^Iitt A. The following 
»uiBiuM-r h I hid k-t'L-j 

ijt. Tluil uiuin I'.K'ls) A. Ye*. 

i,.i Wan Mr. AIuj h". on tin- jjlulfnrtii on tliat 
i*-, ■. i .,=,,,. f ,\. Vi'p, J-r- i"u- 

ij. When Hie liifkullina bruit* »ui in tlie bnl- 

CNiiy, did ynu (f"l nj. >,?. llu< Jilttlf'irinf A. \v.*, 
1 j(nl ii|i iiijrijc^li^lely. 

ij. Ai.d hutL-T A. Alid left. 

(j. Jiid Mr. Moyle i<" with ynuT A. N'o, lie 
rH-jpuLin' , iL 

[J. You firn:i"-']"il whlTr-I \YliLrf- ilid yriu X'i1 
A. Wi-I I , vuili i.."Vi:rnl "ilher-i. I |nw*nk<l t'» Ihr 
hr*ji whi-rt ihr- hiiriin-' and hlmMiing nnd din- 
liirhiLiici- wu«, lliat w, 1" 1 1"' rwir 'd li=c- KjitHJierp' 

(il;in'"riii, in 9 1 in- ncmhd luili-H.ny. 

t; Whti- tlw Tii-ln-rK ujiiijijjiii with canesf A. 

t^, ,\ff vifii f n uiilin i" with (he nrrnnirnnenlp 
nmdi- t<> I" | ni | j llir- imlnTH willi ennenT A. Yi-'. I 
inn fnnkllinr with tin- n rriigivMii'-nlp, although I 
dun "1 kinjw ma niLii'li aipilil I hi" — 

t|. I 'i"l yipil hnvf nnylhihg lf> do w]llt tho gw-n- 
«rnl in-i rufii'inn In pmvirtn tlnr upher* with 
ro Hi-it A, Y*>p. 

if. IYiih. ih'Ti* n ilinriiNpiriii al Ffpthel wito ri-f- 

i>ri'li*-i" lo I hi- iii-i-r| nf I'ani'p la I he event of In'il- 

hli' in Ihe hulrMinv Of in Hn- frarih<nt A. Yr-B, 

Hii'li" H'jip plbrll n di^rOHhinn afler 1he Polir* |nti| 

..uf.Ah? 1 ^ 1 ."*"' .-w:i 1 ijih' F J)'ii3"-.ii ".JO/!,* W«l«rtlflpi. Ju«pu1» 

I Ir*' 'I !■ ntfin. . r'J'Jjf iT ihfi t' mei;i ihjf wa'n hpfcl. i\ . 

JSi" )lrf" (ViBfli: r - • . -j"r 

Q...W1in wapnllli».'.tw*linit A.. The npherivV 

Mnt, oil"' upher«;"iiut'a- T*ii'r™™iV*t'''* IpJiwb, 


WMitm P, ISvath, J*.— For Dtfti.— Direct 

tlic eajttaia* »f'i-*; a -■ U rinynelf and J"r. 
Al&yie uil Mr. Knorr and ILr. Human. 

By Mr. (Jijvi nglnjn : 

Q. .:• .1 you Jjkaj? any cwn't^ilicin or t"jvtfin'-nt 
Ly il r. lloyte an tu Jim thought* c-oiKi-rning tlic 
LhrCkt* Unit had tieen HhHȴt*i1 A. If* rnark' n 
ata.tull£.D.t Mien Chut tk-re WfjiitiJ not bo any 
trouble, nlating Hill! while we wi'tfc at llifr llierl- 
inp{; lie Hiiiii Limt lie Hnm^lit K "e "t'f tilting lin 
li'nieii Eiljn.' UJi w||b tJiiK iiiij^le nT |»rrjtecCnjh, UrJil 
*t cuuld U'-'Ilt Jiijepj mme chile un Hoineth i n|r 
i ;vi i important. 

tj. No, you Pu-iir.:! |]t* li'riltrnriny rf Mr. flunnan 
IlT^'ljL El.l: u*J|l:rft liiiviriL; anes. \purit Wuiih] bti 
tin; mine iil thill rcgBPM, wnuJd it nott A. TJiOt 
\t eorreel. 

Q. After you left the Hpc-jikiTji ' platform, ami 
ex (in iJirKi'tnJi'il in tut top lalcanjr, did >uu run 

inln n. Krtiup uf (_'uU|(Jil LIU (fn End wen; you a»- 

Tlic Court: What, ir anydiing, hnp- 
Q. (Omlinifi^l) JJunl lei I uh vlial, JT uiythin^, 
].Bfi]jtDCHi, in ymir own wnrrln. A. At we gul up 

to the nrene — 

By ihe. Court; 

((. Dfi yr.'L| riii-nn ami vnnrhnnl V flff, flT 
v-iili f A. iljvsr-lf. At I pit then', 1 ?"- inlfl 
quite A howl i n;-, Hliriiili nsr jrrouri. Muny of thr-m 
w-ere htiu-JiRB kucIi Tliinjfji «ji '*l[eil, Hiller^ Vi« 

Tiit Court ! You run been n*ry r>ra), i". WmfA, J,.- Fvt ltfft:—IHTfxt 
ii jj liM now. J'li-n--- i'i in 1 1 niii-. ill- . ihki-'l 

J (III M |jll I _ |f |lJh> lllblljd, LILJijI'l.i-- '. LlX-ri-, 

'['iil- WilhiPi-n: Vi-n, 
hy Mr. 

tj. Anil jm yriu iLjipriiiiLi'iliii. did miyipni 1 un-null 
yiiu or hit > cj ii h or uuy LJjini.- liki- t ! ji 1 1 1 A. Winln 
I K'hh i hi Null jin-ii, q |[T4jU|i rdlHU ei f h unr| 41K- 
i-jlli 1 1 ■ iJ u»|i, S-1.1 i>i Lixly in liii' l.ujbi'li 1 , 1 L 1 1 Hi iii'tr 
lllJ. .a,-. 

(J. i>ji| ilu-y Hl1r-i.i|.[ |i. ||i I you iLpfliiif A. Vc«, 

L.I. 'I |Ul - 

(J. Ill llii> i-rjurpu' lit 1 hut i|HHmi|l, i|ii| yuu 1I11- 
f(-iiil y'iiLj«H-ll] 

'['in- 1'ijilfI: Jj-t J11111 1i-ll ■[. 

(J. Jli>t vlhlll ||llfi|if-ril'il. 

11} 1 In. t'l.url: 

1^. ,SrH P |d.lUu|l- M| j. ,|| in ||m- iKlli, n> yijll 4 1- . 3 ■ I 
U«. Iimt u-rin t rlhl i-fill i|«f A. 11w> RTOIIEj mi* 
riij-jSJ'iii Ipurfe lit im-, iiiiil ] i-iriii'l; raid willi 11 mn» 
ui.N-ii I diii] iii isiy fin Nil, uh nil f lie ubIiit* ruHr,' 

JlJi.J i kIiiu-Ii rol4il-<>ru-. 
i!y Mr. fuviiipttiirt: 

tj. Aji-I .liii I lif J'liliri' nrrivi.- HliorLiy iiili-r iIibL 
nr ilIk-iiI 1 1 i: i L rinn'E A. Vi-h. 

t.1 Hiil V 1 ' 1 alWwjir&i h'lirn tlmt il won n nuin 
liy I In- iiniiH' uf AuiTunlf A, Vi». 1 la'iiminl lie 

■--. iLrt III- jLHPiLiianl. 

|Ly l|.F t'niirl; 

1/. Ill 1 *'HK llwj fi-llis*' »'ius iliil ynu in Llir- P-Vr-T 
A V.T. 

IfiJTrK,, /'. it rati,, Jr.— fat ittftlj—ltimci 

II. IVjih Li' lln< fi-llux ymi Lit villi a nrnr-l 
j\. V.». 

t;. :«J lis ym wiy. III' Hun JnUi" HHUlUuit llirl 

Jui - k.jkJ jhu iiTC hii h uminilulit, 1 liikn ill A. 
T'luiE i>- i-orri-ft, 

iiy Mr. L'uviiiKton: 

If. VVIu'ii 1ui* J "ulnar iiJTivil, wcr* laitli id ynu 
Lah-n inln i.'iiHjijily'i A. TJlllt in ji^lit, Wr mi-h 
l'i:i' , £i- i- i'iiiii|iiuiiit iiiX]iiri»l "In 1 ul.ii-r. 

t^. A Iii I yuu Wl-ll' liikl'll trj tiiu |«jliiq2 *lu1iiiin H ii 
HimI 1-iitiitf A. \\M, 

tj Jtlil ;<nj mtr pJ!<' Mr, Mojlt hTK-r IfiiiEl 
,\. Mr. MoyJn I n-UHHiilKJ »*'i-iiij( ul Uw jiv.lioo 
Kmii'ih, jff* 

Hj- 1 1i4: CnlliE: 

<j. 'i'liiit iIjlj 1 t A. I'lmt 'IJiy, 

By Mr. {jjvinKM>n: 

Q, When tu |Iji- nfit liriiL- EJml ynu miw Air. 
MwyiiT, if you rwisllf A, Why, I iJrm't bt-llrw I 
#uv him ttcuin until tliu — not lliAl day at all; 
not Again thiiE Any. 

By iJjg Cjiburt: 

Q. Lid you m 1 ? fiim Hie ntut dayl A, Yea, 
Uy Mr. Cuvinjrlan : 

Q. You wrm roliiBneil thai nifht on hood, wera 
jou unit A. Yifh. 

Q. Ynuf uifi' praviili'rl tlit Lond, Ji Uut cor- 
Uoett A. An fur ah 1 linew, yra. 

Q.- l^ii yisii fi-i'ali u-Jiat you w^rc ^rLftr^wi witX 
AH (hut oiumJiiiijiT A- I wi» rlm-rgPHj with frlcii!- 
OIU li-EJii^.L, 

William P. J/ram, Ji-,— Fof Dtfft.—lfirtet 
Q. Ami Ihft IK-HI liny, or after time afler tlmt, 

you illl'l a mimt-rsiit inn W-itli Mr. Mo).](', W llml 
rifj'hlf i\, Yi.-*; s«HJu.'1iinr iht ih;*1 dny I !md a 
AiiivvTi-rxtion wiih Jiiiu, 

Uy tin: CotJ rt : 

Q. WJiut van E lie cflnYcrniliori t A. The un- 
l'lTrintion •fi'ui* iiuEy — 1 l]"]i't rrliieiiilHT Vi'ty innrll 
roihviTHuLiiin h«-furL- tin- Lilui; Wf IiAlL i. dWilHftinn 
in llir- Jili14;l l1 k nSii'r, 

(J. J11 uliirr >l ■■ riJ h p lhr i-iinvc-rnntion ih? r.i:-rl 
duy W41M uuaiBitcriulf A, Tiun \* my re col Itc! inn . 

Q. tfln-n won. Hit- confircn™ in I he Juilce'ti 
ollift' — that ]b vlml you are getting at {addrcsa- 
Lig ilr. Cuvinjjl unj t 

Mr, Cnvin^ton: Ycji, your Hrtnor. 

By Mr. (Jorinj;!«nr 

tj. Wen- jiirnutfi'jin'jilH iruiu> for Mr. MoyJe to 
IijiikIIl- i;aLsi-l A. \ l l h. 

Cj ill.' hjLii iw-i'iL rnunj^i-l anil yi?U tj-unN.tL hijn, 

i; Ihat Hglili 

Mr. RrDcliliaiuen : 1 object to the form 
of the i|ul-b.Lj"n. 

Tlir L'uurl : Ohji-clidn Mjitai ned. 

Q, Wrrc yi>il ^rt-jiliiijr tn Iltlv^ Jtir, Moyi* iiflndto 

(Jil- oi*c-T A. Yi-*, 

Q. And hli< I yo« waut him to handle the caifT 
i. Ye«- 

tj, Ami Ken pnV irnnTfmationii haii Willi H'f- 
« Co abtainirur Mr, \tJnclens to assiEt Mr, 
M^uylol A. Kot wjlIi iiin. 

Q, So y«u »re nut fiiuiiHijir wiLii thfl i;nni'rl"ii»- 

William 1» //cof*, Jr.— For I>rflr,— Dirrct 

1ioi3 tutan ^lr. llovlrj truJ JoilR* Hullirrrorri 

tlinn, i& tlmt rifjhtT A. Kot on Ihnt point 

Q. IVTttn do you recall that Mr, Wliseleo* 
euiiu' into Urt Bt«t A. It nmat have bi;*it two 
or Uirre Joy* I hfrcp f If r *■ fjir rm 1 wn rtmcro- 

Q. Do you recall urra nciracnta being matte for 
a 1 1 1 i_-J i ulLii ju-y hearing in the Majrialratca Caurtl 
A. f lio, 1 ML 

Q. ^V'sri' tlierr- emifecetarea lietween Ifr. lloylu 
anil Mr. \Vhri'h'>.H h'itli Judge I'.uL:i;-rfcir:] with 
r^'f'-r^'iiri- 1 n lin 1 hnndlinir ii- lli^lE cnnpT A, Vi-n. 
titer* uan n iiijifiTcnii- in wllirJi tilt -tuilj);« 
puinllil Oii1 I III' ur lions, ni to thn prnrrJuri', 
jiii1 lih-u- il nhoulil Iw linur, nm| Ijp finvc *rnvih> 
in it ructionft. 

By tlie Court: 

Q. Wiiiit were tln*y — in Mr. Moyle'r- preseneel 
A. In Jir. JEfjylr "« firrnente. ITe i<ni<l tiial thn 
tail- Hh'iuhl Ih — ihnt the wiineai, myncll, Hhnuirl 
not be put en at tliin initial hearinfr; if enough 
evidciiMi wan uii-eaily [li^3un»-i] to fflefee ft r.m', 
anil 11 it if I wrfe |"i;" nil, J hlLmihJ }je put on ftn 
thi' Irkftt Wltnrpi.s null, tVii rcl p lliiit if p Tiprtv iiy" tlif 
niiiiir- of V,. B. VfcDjinnli] Jihoul^l nlinw up, that 
ha hJi mi Id Se pu1 nn tiie wilnffla itan-J and fl,nn- 
tinnc-ii ror^irdin^ hie nr.tivitieg. 

By ilr. Corington; 

Q. At tlic OanlcnT A. At the Garden. 

By tiie Ciiurt: 

Cj. That was Judge Rutlierroril'ri in«1 i"ud inn ■ T 
A. That wan Judge Jtutherford'i inilruclioni: 


Wittitin, P. It tall,, /r^Fflr [irfli.— Dirtd 

By Sf r, CoTiupton ; 

Q. "Wan llert iilso n ^fnerul dUnwuAa ttt In 
ths? eulirc t'unel A- 0)i, yr-« ( lliero was- quite a 
general di*cu^ion llwra. 

The Cnus-t; Do you want (He K-ubatuiic* 
of 1 1 (mldrn'ining Mr, CoTinptan) J 
itr, Covington; It ia not inalerial, jour 

It r. 

By Ml-. [.'HivinpUiii : 

Q. Tlii- prtlisivmary iir-jiring waa set held an 
lire dale finl aetl A, No, 

By ilic Court; 

Q, It vpji prmipnnctt, A, Thai if nghc. 

By Mr, Covington : 

Q. Ami wliul dny did tl t> pir-TLmiiuii-y hearinr; 
astaallv labc |ibtv1 A. fin July it. J!09, 

Q. I i'i EliUt nri-u^i'm, iliil W. It. yU-l.>i-nji!i| 
■how' Ujii A. El r \ik[, y lji. 

Q. Anil ta hiil 1 in i'i, if any', iliil lie Ii.itc in tho 
]iriMTiiliiii:<T A. Ilr vium i'roNec-iilor for 
mi- uniinihiiil, AnlT.inl, 

Q, On tiun iKTo^inn iliil ynu nnlire Mr, Jfoyle, 
viittt lie ilui ninl nuiiJ in I he rniniiH-l of the ejirtc-T 
A. Ven, 1 iiulii-i'il very eji|ieeia]Jy lhal hiofor* 
even the rune Ik-jiiiii, tlmt li« Warn in thn area 
where Ibm ]ir«HCfuliif wjii— 

The Chart; JCn, he wants In know whill 
jiarlHjifralion Mr, iloyli- Jiid with tlnnnmo, 
if nriy. 

Tin? Vilnr-p.*- lie win eJ>f Jt-fenM law- 
yrr, Ut won my lavyrf. 




William. P. Iltath, Jr.— For Dtftt.— Direct 

The Court: Did He nnk tin.- i|UOiiliuin ur 
■ til ( Jlr. lYImltMa M* tlm tinemimwil 

Tkr Wil.nesH: IIl* ask-isl Hoinr lit' llais 
i|Cii-ruti<v*H and Mr, Wlu'demi mw of the 

(J. Wn* it uniteralood Ipr-tween Mr. Muyk and 
dudpo Hu1hfTfnr<J and J!r. Wfirelc*! llwt Mr, 
II en. Lr m pincra! counsel and had general iu- 
psfviiion F 

Mr. liruc hliftUEtn : I would like to £*l 
lh<! conversation. no1 ^hal he understood, 

Q. What win the conYerantirm bctyrmn Judpe 
Bo (.hcrf orrl nntl Mr. Doyle and Mr. Whtfkai a* 
to who would till'? generat aujierv Lilian in the 

The Court! If you know. 

Q. If you bum, A. That was. very tlear — 

Mr. Bruchhsuiswi: 1 more lo at rite ont, 
*'TI»ut wait very dear," 

The Court: fclrilie it Qui. Jwit telt ua 
lite r nnven-ation. 

Tlw WiIkm: That Mr. Moyfe liad 
diarrjo of Ibe enie, 

The- i "i.urt : And lift wan lo da »lia<tfv*r 
Mr. flullu'i-ford hnxl niH ed liimt 

Tim TiVJiiu'm: That i". nind 

Q, You. any ynu niiw him lxifnre lhf hi-Minu; 

iclunNy heimn with Ihr prnrecutor, Ju«t tell the 
jury jhk| wlmt y«u did ec* hint do and nay, If 
anylhinp?, A. I oh«orwi that he wan in the 
docket whore Ihr prosecutor *tayed or Ihe lawyer 
•.tayed, tome decorated area. 

Ifjllun, /'. Fltalh, Jr.— For Uefti.— Direct 

ISy lht (Jaurt: 

tj. \Vlnn thty mil (he lewy-em' roninl A. No, 
it nan jiint tlw. front pari of Kit courtroom, 
y. You int-an likf; out brm beyond thu roil (pn- 

iIli jitiri^M A. I wjuld wn<y jT you weri! her** fjft. 
dlCJllinjlJ, J I wrni|d I if- to rlir hidi- uf w3n-n- 1lic 

Jui Ik* nat. And J nulid-il I hat lie wan talking 
with W, It. MH/onnld n hn I hn>l pjisrnrrd, and 

tlml Jii: mIluwh] a pri-al rritmdliaew, and limn 
h-ppnj over nni| tniijrjiin^ly end hniilinply JiAltr-d 
liim i.n tin- hni-k. \l"l>n1 *s. i-.nn!, 1 d'ni'l kn<F™, 

My hie, Cvrinft&tin: 

Ql Were yon jiurprinfrl. jit thatl A- Vvty 

<J. M,-|?.,j„.|,| had hNll irtmliflnl hy Mr. Mnylr 

■vn niw nf llio encpnjf, liirl ll«! JfotT A, That ii 

(}. And y'lii km* tlml fit lh' linat: ynn >iiu! 
l*;"'n l-il'l that! A. I kn^w it, t^". I knew it, 

V,y On Court: 

(J, *\ I ItiM I i 1 1 ir- linfl ifcailxwiy p'jirilHfl ollt .Mr- 
U.-:r,.-j|.-l la Mitylr-t A, Yw. 

g, U'hn rw>ird"i hiin nulf A- Mr. Qtiafken^ 
tuiMll, Mil not i NK» ]if"ior t« (Uit. "niirfl wan o irl- 
(inif tn fhr hi'nrjuK, ini'l tlifn the hfBrinjf itiwlf. 

By ilr. foyin(ft"n ; 

Q. Wlien Ihr hcarinjf litppin^ di') ynu nnliw 
thai Ut. Mintr l.nd faiJiiL to ohMTt'C llje illrtPJi- 
tion* J mill? Hullir rf ord e»v?- him! 

Mr. nrufrdiamen: "I object to il 
Tin Cnurt: Olijuclian iu»tain«l. 

Wiiliaw. J*. ll™lh, Jt^Fot Drftt,—Dirtct 

Q, Ju«t k!l u* wJut, if any tiling Mr. Jloyli 

di'l during the hcsrjnj in rer«reiicfl lo (he 
Judexi'd itmfruettonnl A. Well, he failed lo foh 
Lun' any of thrin, Irtcaiue 1 wu tbe flrat wiln«xi 
pat on tlie ■tnr.r], 

Uf tli* Court: 

Q. WIiin pipl y kji 1lir KtanrtI A, Jlr. M«jlr. 

The (.'"iirl: I want to clear it up. 

Q. liV r <-rr yoa liir firi^t lirii n*-i*i* in 1lio fpjH* nr 
the. fir».t witnena put oaf A. J waa the Rmt de- 

fH-'UM! witTieHi. 

)!>' ilr. C"ovinjlf1nn: 

tj. ViiK, )lr liVhefbtxii i|ur>ntiohe'l ynn nn that 
mrnait in I A . YV*. 

Q. l\'n« Mr, Moylc nhn inline liy nnd lii-rnjnj? 
\fr. Whirlesn. rhirinp tluit I'SIIHlitlJUinn ftH riiiin- 
«rir A, Ym, In< wnn J-iehl ut lii* ni<l<'. 

(J. Did vfnt »"' Air. Whin-li-PH olTi'r nri y*or 
pnvnlf- fnalidi>n1inl utatMoi-htt Itiil ynii (five a 
ntnteami tn -Turin* KutlrfrfortI l*f"fe tliip hear- 
iiipjT A. Yen. 

(J. A niAwd ulrtliMiii'iitt A. That in eorrnrt. 

<> .Mr. M«yle had Hail, did lie ridtt A. Ym, 

(J. And h 3 i ■- 1 Mr. Mnyle Imvi the nk'Ji with himt 
A. Yi-H, In- i Jul. 

(J, On (In- iii'i-OHion I lint Mr. Vlwlrm wan fst- 
ntniiiinK j mi iiid ynu nMliet M r. Ihiyle and tYliec- 
Ira* iLu uaytliLnK with reference In ycur written 

Mr. ISrnildiauAcn : 1 objtct ta Ihia u 

IFiV'isiH F. J?*fl'A, Jr.— Fur tkfts.—Dircit 

'C\.k- ■: 'mil: t : flli; it-li in -j y; u , -n- i 

(j. du>l what, ir nnylliiriFi iii>l you noliee Mr, 
'I'm'. In ihmI Mr, U'lu'i'leHi ilo with rcf^ifiirf to 
Viinr 1-Miifldenlial ^tnlcinrnt pivfiv lo Juiljje ]ln!li- 

Mr. lirurliliantn: I objert to Ihr que*- 

The C'unrt; OIijhtIjhiii Hii»tttincl at 

(J. JukI tj-11 nn what, if anything, ynu notieed 
Mr. Miitt kjlv in jidiTrntT to tin' nlatt>iiient1 

Mr. RmrliliaiiM^i: T iilijeet 1o "in n:f- 
errni'e to." Yntl lilicrld as well put the 
wnnN in the imnitli sit the wi1ii^*Fk 

Tike t'iiurtr OhjfH'tion ^UKtainOil. 

'Ay Ihr '•'■i:;--t: 

Q. T*ll wji Tilml ha[iprnrrl ilnrih^ Ihe ffturse 
i>r I he liMiririKl A. Well, d«rinjf Ih- r^amt ol 
Ihe iM'iiriiifi vhile T w"UM nn Hie rlelYimr ft raatil T 
n'lliriil Mr. II hi If drew u fHi|n'r from lii« lirLi-f 
inrt- nr from HuMH'Vrlien' Jim! Pit^N it Hirer to Mr. 
1\'I)m-Ih-mi; jlii'I tl-e |irinui-u1"hjf ullorisey ankid 
fur 1hi" f«i|MT, hhL,^| Ihi' ]iivpi-r |irepuiri'il !..;■ 
■Hi- j iliiiI ^]r. Whril'TH Miiiil, "'Well, )'M« i'nn luii'a 
il r \ iiiwl [ijiiiim-iL i1 river U\ liini. 

tj. J*idll"t Ihi- pnisiiTllor Ualt if yosi hml Tnmhi 
a alali'jili'JltT A. Ve.-. 

H, llr didn't fii-k l*iir tin- rmrticular »tuteinent; 

l'C umLiiI if ynu Innl mink * ulnU-iisi-ntr A. 
Find; [lint i' rnrrrrt, 

Dy Mr. Coriajftfrii": 

Q. And Chen, when you Jinswcrcd that, he askfd 


William P. Ittoth, Jf.-Fer Dtflt,— Direst 

for lhc *laleureTiln ami it waa <klL7er*d ta himt 
A. Ye.. 

Mr, Itriifhliinuirn: I object to eounirl 
puttnns; wordi into the moulh of the irit- 


Tin- CfinrtL Objection initainnL 
By the Court ; 

Q. ArtfT you luifl hceo askfti that nuention t 
wliellirr you had made a alalenirnt, tell a* what 
furllinrkL|i|MMied. A. Wrl t, tho prfmeeutar aoirf 
for thu utnrcmnit, 

Q, He nuked Mr. ;Vlicek«ii ?r Mr, MoJrJt A, 
llo Bskeil— lie jn»t xaid, "May 1 hare thai rt»k- 
ntealT" a* 1 rpfnll. 

<j. It'lio drlivrml Ihe jilatcntTTlt tn IliinT A. 
Mr. Whrleni" tiirnrrl it mvr tn lkini. 

Ely Mr. ('i>virij(1nn: 

Q. And Hint *"aii li*r<\ hi- 1hr Prnwnilnr on 
tlml orrnsinn, i* tlml eorreetT A, Tl wn*. ft*. 

Py ti\r ( oUTl ; 

Q. T>ii] hi' refer 1n tin- ptritftur-nt fit all in r*i- 
fti'm-er A. Ik Innked it nvf r and a*Vc-d a ojuea- 
lion or pro 11ml fi [ifwa nil to lit ImnevJ on I ha 


(J. -fu*t apiM-arrfl lo lie: vmi dnnt knni*1 A, 
An fiir Jin I hnow. Hn wan TeaiJing il, and Mkfid 
a nucetioD. 

Q. Am far a* yu know, it vaa hswd on fh« 
atatrinrnM A. Yen. 

fj, WfiN 1lir nta'rrnrnt infTerpd in rriAeanef A, 
Th<' cluCi'inenL wiit offered — f don't know. 

tt'atiam P. Iltatli, Jr.— For Drf It.— Direct 

l!v Mr, Cnvinjrfon; 

if. Afl*r tlii'pft tlusfnt had ]m|i|"-ni"l, did ynu 
rf-|#rirt the matter to Jwlj^e tCu Lai i- r J £■ n I T A. Yra, 

jilf, I ilnt. 

t|. Yriu Vi'iti- held, w re you nnt; vc re you re* 
h-:i^>i| on iIijlE nrmNIOnl A. 1 man I ■ 1.1 for trial 
■^ ih,- |i->nH fjf 11,:, i liiiirintf', 

<J. After you had rvjj'irlt-d the mutl'T to ,Tuilj;a 
Ttiil Li-rforrl, did you ever have, 0£{:aidfin to diM- 
cu*h i In.- iuoHi't wiili JiiiiEi- Kntlierford in tho 
pri'Mi'nf-i- or O. It. MoykT A. Yfja. 

(j. Tell lift what, if Jijivlhittr*, kbj until and 
ilon'- '-ri 1hat acraiwill, nnd when it wnut A, 
\V. II. il wna lli'o «r Ihni- ihiy> afli-r I he I Mil. 
Thi'if! wnK tiri'M'iit O. It. Mnyk ntnl ,Judj.;e Ruth, 
orfnrd mid m^iM'Jf, ni.'l uliui Kui.M'nn (lrri'11. 

IJ. Me h-'Oh oin- of Ihf NMlcfrAbatitt A Ilo 
K'JIri' of Hi" llirii' ili'TnndLlnln. f»n (hot tiPrtl- 
xi'in, 1ln' Jmlffi' in» ni'i-oiiiiliiij^ Ink diiifilrnwjre 
nivr tl»' iiiiiiihi'T tn which Moyk hml ronducfed 
i|mi ihj-i-, li»i U nn rrt^inU me Jind f)rri'llE an'i hi 
ii.hJ Miiili. tluii Li' fnileit In follow initniripnnn. na 
reLjardinji: not pultinfl w on if auMH-irnt ciri- 
Ji'nun wan nunlf for a rase; and I hat nfuo I hat I 
■huitld W Ini-t. And aho, lie had failed to put 
as j I cl'ki.hiild ; ami atiin had nfferoii thin private 
ruiti'int-iit — whirh Wan frinfid'-nlifllly piffe tr> 
hijri — to tlie rjji|Mjhition. And 111 1 Jitaleil hi. dia- 
|ih-apiiri'. Ion. |1iil| he fijid ndil.eil Kiii[i'ni' IJr- 
ni| |o fih-inl jtnilly In ihe ntTrHttc lliat he haul 
not rririuiiitln]. 

fj, Mr. Hcalh,— 

By tin; Court : 
Q, Uid you hern snylhing- dint JQo you want 



\u lelt (wmelhiatf further nlieut tli Li een*eriilieftt 
A. 'I'jmh vum vrJial 11 K' JikIet itaiil. 

Q. Whit, it anylljin-i*, ilid yen *ayt A. I mt- 
fu.[ IPh'fj- fwln, I Ji r- Tjin-ii ll.nt I knrv. ] knew 
thut he hud not followed in^lrvielinti*, 

Q. Did yon trll him thai Mr. ll'jyle hid de. 
]ii'nif!i[ the HtntraneatT A. I hnd lold him (hat 
pn^-iininly. This uah \wn or three day* iftrr. 

Q. As a iimlter of fact, had lie delivered lb« 
»(4l!t r HITJllT A. Vi->, !;.- had, 

0. lit haul. Klwn Hit ill I if t aide hail oiled for 
its prmluetionl A. Yen, Air, 

Q. Anil Villi any Moyle wan ynur lawyert 
A. Mr, Mnyle h'nii Hi}' lawyer. 

By Mr, C"viajjl«.n: 

(J. Ailil Ml - . Vhelrnn Vi'lU with him, in ihat 
rij^htl A. iV*, Mr. Wheh-.KP wn.p iviLli him. 

Q. (In r.:ii-.v:l nil il I ell what e1*e vrun paid on 
that OcenAhta, if yon bmi'. A. Thra* ulotemenlB 
wepi directed '" Mr. Mnjls hy Ihe Judj;e, ami 
Nt. Movie linEi'imi lo llicin with no comment — a 
nhnag if liii h Li i ii I ilrrj4 — ami made no effort lo 
deny any of them. 

By lhc Court: 

Q. Wo don't wnnt what ho didn't do. What 

did lie dn, ir aitvtliinKf Hr naid nothing f A 
Hi pnid notliinjT- 
15)' Mr. CovJoKln; 

5- Did .lurlifHi ft u1 he rfnrd on tlkal occasion 
liirtka Any Hlalenicul nlmul — 

Mr, Brwc-Minunen; I object Id nny 

U'j7;;«mi j", Urnlh, Jr.— Far JJV/fl — J?|>C(( 

Rj- hV roari; 

Q. Dill liny Hi ihil further hnppenT A. Yes, 
The Court r lie said yen. 
By lit. Cnvinjfleri : 
Q, In refercntc to cnuntd — 

Mr, BrochlionKFn ; iVorcr mind — 
By Lite Court : 

Q. Tell m what, if anything else, wan paid at 
tlml limeT A. ile told Mr. Moylc (hnt lie 
sli«nM im)I handle my fate, nnil llicn he tinned 
lo Kugrne Omfl. und hr mtimI. "Bmrflier Qrrdl, 

i|hi yuii n-jtiil Mr. Moyle to hiiiiiLe your ninrt" 
And Mr, flirell pay*. Km, eiii|ilu>1irjilly I .Jo 

Q. Hut hr didn't nsh yd-n nnythinf; alwut it; ho 
jns1 *iiid L nj fnr n» yem nere crnieemeil, he dirln't 
Kirnut Mnyle to liandk your raid A, TJint ij 

By Mr. (Vjvi njflnn ; 

Q, Afler 1 1 in! rnnferrin-e wnn ovvr, did f>. H, 
v 1rnle ;jI1i-|i| any Other eniiMi'riTinfp in your fir™- 
tnir in rofiTi-rifo to thin niatltrl A. N"ol in 
n'T'Tf-nj-f. m Jliih innttfT, no. 

(/ Won anr I'fforl nutilr in ohlnin other CDIin- 
»'■" si 1 "" -r t A. Y[-m. 
tj. Wjln olhrr rniin*»t^ 

Mr. lSnu-liliaaprn: I nlijfct in *lnt wo* 
done, nnleiui il wan. in the nrctonco of [h* 

Tine Coort- Ohjrction mwloined. 

I^ffj'itNi F. tl^Bth, Jr,~For l)rfl*^-!)\rcct 

Q. Wbs, ether enwud uhloinnll A. Yea, 

ii, lYln'n wiLt uitujr <. , yunn. L l obtained t 

The Court: Subusjui'ut to Lhiwl 
A, Sjl,*n|i-mb| io Lluic ; a fti»- iLiy*, 1 naiild 

Q. After (hi*; neeoRiun of the conference [a 
JmJj;e |futberford> oIRm> ! wliem wrai the very 

next time tJutt you aaw lloykl A^ On Uk 2Ji.t 
of July, f believt. 

Q. On Hie 21 at of Julyt And what »ui tlie 
occatiunt W«» tluit a riinfcrcnee, or junt how 
dnl vmi i=i-i- liiui' A, I niiu|dy nii't him L^ In- 
Vfcul tn I Li- Jml;;i-'>, jillirl'. 1 JUht Ivl-hII tlutl lw 
CJH Hi- in lillll Mini |i;|i.j. 

Q. Vau jiavf hini p^mr in ami go out? A. That 
ii all, 

Q. After July 2lnl, did yon »ce Mr, >foylo 
after thatf A Vea, 1 tarn him ngnin Aupmt — 

The tpurt; August Sthl 

A. (C"n(iiuiiiur) Aiu»u»t fllh. 

Q. I refer le letter dated July 21, [939— 

The Court: Tlip lelCrr irrJHca by air. 


Q, (ContiiiuJitff)— to .TudgKi Jfutlicrfaft! nml 
auk you.: When Vat Uio firitt lime jw huw thai* 
if >!rti knuvri A, July Sim. 

H, Ah nil 1 rptii ry Id Judui- Itiilln-rrnnt, ynu 
hnndk' bJ* rurrrijjuiidtiite, Jh. you nolf Te*, [ 

Q. Where did y<M pfi-f Ilia (titer, if yon luvDwl 
A. Will, the htWr ui> lufl in the hthhy. 

JUv t}je Court: 

Q. Wilh wheanT A. Willi the lohby porly, We 

hav« mhhl-IkmJj in the lobby. 

)FUIMm !"- I truth, Jr.— fur I Jr fit,— Uirtci 

Cgi. Ifi lliiiL tin 1 hilpby win 1 re h-ltt-r* un- clellvi.-nyl 
tu Mr. KulJit-fford! A. T<-h. 

Cj. J i njiHii'l hft rui il,- llrif.r f)f (be bfbhy ; it 
win lefB with tin; I'b-rt irr xw-ej^iooi^Lf A. lit:. 
r>-] ,r i< .j-! i ^1 a j k -N, 

if. Ami Mini in I lie way the family of IS<-11n-] 

»,-,,. in I In, hrihpt ii T 'Ji'liviTin^ b'tlefK lo il r, 
lti|l|n-i I'.Jid E A.. Yi'M, thftl ih rijrrerU 

tf. Tin- |irpprri]rtTl niethrjilT A, Siaiuetijiwn they 
rBiiii- Jii djn-i'lly In ine, np H4:en:1nry, 

Jly .VI r. I.'ovmjff'mj 

lj. Yitu put tin' ]fll4'r in Tin; luhby, ia that 
riiflitT A. Vm. 

ii. Ynu lurili jl U Hi* .luilife h in that riglilt A. 

(|. I In I yuii i'']"-li it Bin I llflivcr it Id lim Jmlj;8 
nr dhl y*ill M"i' il nTler it ku li|min|1 A, I ib'- 
Jil'i-M'il jL I<i ibr' J it'lj^'! uilhnul [i|n-ninj{ iL 1 Hr, vr 
it nl'tiT il n-i'ut In the .lijdf^', 

1^, Wlml is tliiiiT A, 1 mn it nfW. I luiji- (bo 
runli-nti iiiii-r kl went lo lln L Judpe. 

If, Aim I »•■* il o« llmt day that you no* 1 ilT 
A. Vws it *'*" Ih'it day. 
J!;. ■.!■!■ Cuart: 

i{. Who ifnvr you I be bdlerf A. The Judgo. 

r J'Le t'rnir I ; T il^xuizn' yau are ^rjini^ La 
Iw 4|iiiEi' jl ichila will 11 thin, witnrmil 
.Mr. CniVihifl'in: Ven. I Hunk m, 
1'lie I'rHij-t: Wi'! t:iki! & flViMnJJiqitC 

[ H'cjIloViiJIH Jl I • P i d ■ 1 ri^'i'HK.J 

tCjffni-irt P. Uwth, Jr.— for ttrftl.—l>inet 

D-y Mr, OviiJijUfn; 

<J. Wln'h you read thin b-tttr rlalixl July 21, 
I'l.l'l, uLul vim yi.ur rrnclioa In iln h ' .' 1 1 L> F 1 1 h- ■ A. 
It tJinflriurd in my iiiiiui Mitiio ■ui|iidonn tliat 
I..;., aj-im-ri, 

1|. Mill you lii-lievi> LIjci conU-nlH of it la bo 
Inujl A. 1 ilf I not. 

t|, |i;i| yuu b'-lii'VL' Hie emlmln of tba letter lo 
b.- fnU:l A. I did. 

<l. On the <jii-unioij nT the aieHingf nf Aitjtimt 
H r I '.: !'i, you wi-re one or Un- uu'iiiUn \,t the of iJjfi-tturn [>rpwnt, vn:rB juu anil A. 
''i ;\- . 

(J. Yoil n-ijitl Wiu'n thr ISniinl wan iuIvJjhiI 
tluit mofiiirij^ at lifj'uLfapit^ A- Ye-h. 

t>, — (hill 1hj L n L wijubl Irf 1 o iiH^tin^f A, Yen, 

*J> Mr. Moyh- Him inviL-d in lo ottend, mm lie 
n«lt j\, Yen. 

y, Yon heard lln: olhrr tetiliisony an lo »'liot 

tlMpk |i..i.t li|| llmt ::■!■■ I h:-.I. It I" Hot |'| i-i . h."i r ■.- 

lo ic|n-iL( K, i'Xi'i'|ht I vuild kike lo Iulvt you tell 

tulbil, if niLythihji;. ynji naiil nn Hint iriuninn aiiil 
pfii'ti tike HllhpllUki'r. A. I hlLJLl UlilI il vljlh Hie 
hum! in|trnj.'i-'Pi|H lii' tliuL 1 hnd I'Vcr linird JJ]wkL-B 
■ KBilMt JLINjlbiT, lliiil it mm viriuiudy cruel, un* 
f"inn|™i. nrjd an iiHHiiult it|mn 1h« whole nrnani. 
TiHiua, tkiH 1 1 1 in r. i iii^lily diitT<jiinlJ<otini'e,l and 
'iii4]j|ir'>¥i>d of in thtr nlmnjiji-p'. way I coitld any 

The Cutirl: lie illdn't link yon what 
yiu naid in 1li" plrorj|t<'xt h'uy,. Tell ftp 
what you Miid. 

fj. r>id ymi vol i- in fuvor of tbi- repolulioaf 
A. Yun, hir. 

William P. Unit!,, Jf.—For Ptfli.—Ttirtct 

Q. Did jou albtt attend Die nicelinj.; of tlio 
JSi'lhi'l KjiiuiJy n1 nnnn Hint djtyl A. Yei, 

M- After lh<: renoluliun wai votr-il, ilii.| you 
Iraki iinj HlnldiHnta or aitk Mr, Moylr any 
tioiikl A. 1 united [Jii> LiuealJon ap iu wlidhcr bo 
Wllii a .lenilil. 

(J. WLut did lie dnyt A. He naic], "No/" 

(J- 1>i> you recall anything eln.'! 

By tin Court: 

Q. What do yon mean l)y a "Jestiit"! A. A 

J Wail is- a liLL-iiklier of the Soriely of Jl l j;us. 

tj Yuu iiLcan a 11m nan t'ntliobi-. Jesuit pHcslf 
A. Wcrll, itiore in the lueaikuic^ of one vfio la sly. 
cunning, kind or venadsry runntnc;. 

Q. Yo« mjlIiI "Soriety of Jeiua." What do 
yuu iiieon liy thntr A. Tint in the afheial najiue 
of (hi* iir^atLsuiticin. 

Q. Th":-i' an Jtiuil [krieatst A. That is cor- 
rect. However, Ibe term "Jenuit" haa come 1e 
inran ikDl lituLlixi Iu pricuti, not |iricit^- 

The C-oarl; I didn't julc you tliaL 

Jjy Mr. Covington: 

Q- Was there any discussion rej»ardtnj; ifoyle'i 
hnnillinj; of the case or hi« famjlbirily with Mc- 
Donald I A, I remember Jud|<c Itutherf ord '» 
Malenii'ht thai if ha IlAiI hnjiillivl it nith dill. 
j;i'iii-e. and ;kro|K:rly, thnt *i would not have 
beun in riiieh a Hi, luuh a Mmulilion a* ire wen, 
witli Kgfi ip v'mh'ing it, 

By thr Court: 

Q, Wu Judge Rutherford at Die police hear, 
ingl A. Na 



1 i-n 

rYtriiflin f . Ilftith, Jr.— For Deflt.—Uirtet 

By Mr. Covinglom: 

Q. You advised liiiii at w'liaL li&d tfone on aX 
IIlii liL-uriiijf, lLIiL yuu notf A. Oh, yen. 

(J, Am! lit hud uuLieu or tlifcnG thiit|(i before 
Auguil id. LilV.t, did ha noil A. Veil. 

*J. Ami tiie iliKtujuioD IhuL ]i* had with llr, 
Muylp. l]h>u1 Hit ruatlirr had a.ku taken plncc Le- 
ft. * 1111.1 dj.1 i: , kind It jiult A. TJtal in ™n«l. 

Q. V i ■ .l taw ■_! ■ Kaioily vol* in favor ;;f lie 
rr.riuktiuu, (oo, din] you oat J A. Yea. 1 did, 

ij-. And euinkuiii Uue letter t A. Yea, 

Q. Tlint. vu at tins dinner m.ble, after lb» 
ineclinK of tliv Hound of WirWlom oft Aupjual 
StlhT A. Yen. 

Q. Do you ree-idt o i>«t!jig utter tliul, Mine 
tn h' in Keptciuoer, od or about September 21, 

lyilt A TTm, 

Q. I)u you itt Jill tint u.rtifli: L-ulis IitL " Inform* 
linn," i.l:: I Im* lier.ii o.Uen.'d in evidmoest A. 
tjiiile well, yen. 

[J. Uo you rc«iH wlmt Unit article mi pr*. 
pored fort 

Mr. Ururlj]iL!iu>ji : 1 objee.1 to that «i 
C-'jIIii.;.' far ft noncLu^Lan, 
Tiie Coa-rt; Answer y** *' no. 

A. Ye*, I do. 

By tiie Court: 

Q. Tin you hnnll whit ll WU prtDAFtd fort 
A- Vei. 

By Mr, CoTLnglfin; 

Q. You ligBtd it for vlmt porpgwl 

TriTIinHt /*, ilr,oil' t Jf.—'FBr DtfU— Direct 

Mr, ltrueliluiiasen : I gBjeel to liilkL ilk 
ruJ^Jtp for a eoni-lu^h^n, 

Tiie Cou rl : Yft*. iswii'uned, 

Mr. Cwpnprlom: Kuwplion. 

Tli* Court: You ahould ut kin 

whi'HuT In; idfilrd it 

y, You iHjswd it, of loipmeT A, Y«ni, I lifrptd 

(J. ilnl ymi U-tii-vf lh<- contend) nf Hint article 
mlilU-il "infuriiiiitjon" 1 tn ■* trut-T A. I ilm. 

Tiie t'nurt: Aim] you did, when you 
nijrued il r 
Tin' IVitnemt : I did, when 1 aijrhed it. 

Q. l)id you liepspvc (he eon trill!* ennEnined 
lliiri-k to t\|irivii your ln-lk-f runce. rn irij; 
ill*.- si-linn* thai Mr. Moy|i> hid (ii km I A. TJicy 
RKivty ilnl. 

tj-. And ymi lu'lievinl lln'in la lie fnir jia to lii« 
ruilr^i' i if m (inn, n fnir riJiniiM'jil HA 10 iiif CiiUI'm: 
ill' iii'lirni T A. \ i-^. 

tj. Uiil ynu lui'i- nalipft, ill wilt t,:iL.jmt Mr. 
Miivle uh.-ri >i>u ■ijinnj tit A. I did nut. 

I}. ! Jul i nil bcIiM* ' .I..II lliftl irif ■ r ::■■■.' il -zi nlinllld 
Ik jjfiividnl In Ji'linvili'n WKlWuCtt 

31 r. MruflilmuM-n ; I utgn-t. 
TIn» fiiiirl: I ttijs.M| ii,n nuxiainnl. 
Mr. Cov i hjjdni l I'Anpl ifln. 

Q. Did ymi IkUc¥| IIijii you Imd an interest in 
tlir aiiliie^i nmliiT dintumed in [lie arLcle ca- ' ' J ,1 i"0 111 : , ! ■ ■ i; " ' I* 

Mr, flrwrlih^LiuMi ; I ofcjwt I* ili*t- 
Tbr Court I Otijprtiem lUiUioed. 

William P. f/Cdtt, Jf.—Fvr IlefU.— Direct 

■(J. i)id you liclievc Hint Jeliftvoh'i Wtncwc* 

dad Jin i»t*r«jil in tt.f Mfbjcct injitter of Ihut *r- 
lirir iMil i1 1 hI " f n Tomi-ul inn " I 

Mr. Ijj-lh.-I iJi auMrn : Ohjacled to. 

'I'JiL- C'unrl: ())>ji''itiiW1 u ilntllilii-d. 

Q. J-'iiw, did j'iju ever ln'nr Judge Itutlii-rfsrd 
iiimJi'iiiii ur Juliet lolnl flliKtniJniers ju prude*, ot 
Hdirul" tin-in nt tiie Hi1»!f T A. Kcver, 

{}. i'id y>Mi jLHtlinrpfii lli? (lulJieniiipn of (lie »r- 
title eiltillcd " Infurnuniuil" in iJiC Watch 
'I'livi'er ; i^ yuur nniiM.' timed en lit A. I voted /or 
it F yi'p*. 

IJ. Tell n* vrluit tunk jiliinc nn Ihp occasion lit 
tiie pii«Ttiii« at Si>ntf[iilKT 21. 1!K19. A. Well, the 
J miliar t»lii US HijlI unite lult?ri IuhI Iwvn r©- 

Mr. Iti'LichliniiHen: I olijeet to thii ai 
mil in Ihi- |»n-iK>nee oT Hie plflinlifl, 

Jfr, Cuv'jr.ptim: Il ii ui notice of 

.Mr. HrurlillnltiiPn : T lllink t'ir |Kl|>.-i- 
n| '■." . i 'T 1 1 i ii.*"'\i , .i. 

Tiie ('(Wirt: niijcrtidn nw l-nlEed. 

Mr. .';-i,rl/ Kxce|rtioji. 

Q, Jlljir 1e|| uk what Lniik [liner. A. Thr jurlur 
«nid Kiiltlr it-Hem tluil lie hid liefnrp him had 
lnH'li run'ived. 

Ily tln> Court; 

Q. Vmi, iv^ tiie iiftnTP ta ry, liad you neen liie Hf!- 
temf A. Yrn, I luid mfji tl* tetler*. 
Q. How nisny Itlteri wen th*r»T A. Smw 

half doitn. 

William P. Heath, Jr.— For D t jls.—tii it fl 

(j, \Y1l:iI dv juii int'iin, uiuio Imif iluuiLt A. 

Q. hi i vnu eiil^lIi Kiy. fit'i 1 , nin^-f A. I Wijithlu't 
hiiy FKHi'tly. J iku'l tntr* ciiurUy, Stul tk'rr 
KIT* KeVeJ'Jll ^ livu Or niv, 

ily II r. t'^vin^tuii : 

(,' U« yuU KCbII Hit Itkltm froill U'if,-nnmi:t 
A. Veil 

Thr t'liurl: 1^1 tin- witneM lenlify. 

tl. IVrrc (h^n 1 (Mjiiii, 1 ^ \>t Mr. Min?r^ It'jli'i" i*f 

July 2lnl itut-hnl to any vt Ihoxe k-Murril 
ily Ihv CsMirt: 

(J. 1)1* Viiltr nU"i k no vili^tp:, dn ynu kjinm' Limit 
A- '■)! my ijwji knuw hiit^'i:. 
IJ. JH.iw iiimiyf A. J risiill In'*, 1 lifdh've. 

JJy Mr. flivijiulim; 

(J I >ii I you ciHiniltr it your <ln1y, a* n nu-m- 

lirr iif th" llunnl of JUrtctnr*, \v *>tn ami jmh- 
iiuli tin? nriieli; pntitlivl "Jnfrirrniitiim"! 

Mr. lifihlLlmUMTi : JihjiTtiiL Iti, 
Til* Court: ■Ijhjreliiiii HuslniiHnf. 

I... in ..lijl. Iiiuiuirt dnl v,,u !•■ u-id -i Hull Mi. 
Mn; II' 111-1 nl ar. u .lljilii-. A. \YetE, In! lull I liLid. 
jii.-' 1 4ii .lurEil* IniiJ. ft i':iiihilrr.1iul ri'lutirijihliip, ift 
thill lie Vvun wi-PS fcnnwn 1 1 ir i lii i^Jli.-^i [ ■Ii l JiuvjlIl'k 
v. : I i i-.'-i*! -I' Hi- Irii-iJ iiinnv twn. 111' hull iini'ti- 
>-|H N-ln's n[ ninventiiinr. He wjik i-mrunrfil with. 
Ii-ji'iil iniiUrrn i.f f ufl fidtTif-Cj And, llirTefiire, 
v].i.|i hp n JH<lln] uj^iiinut tlft' uay of Unj or^jini- 
atlun, li" wim. in m -jnh-itK-n tn. Hurt did do (rn-at 
dftnuiKe In IhrjKe who *T-re luLin^ tln-jr in.-Iim;- 

William r. Heath Jr.— For DcfU.— Direct 

tionk end inr«i-innti»n fi'niii thii orpirii7Jitioii ; 
■i ml liin iiiliiiuiji" ri'SuliounliJip iiiiide il piimi till- for 
linn lu dcr Kurh lintur.po, ovfn m JudiiH Iid.iL Ttic 
fnirnt of JiuluB W3» dwtli-ilvfllinji, up. fur ft" 
(."lurirti wui conterncd; r-nd, in that Siyle'i 
1-nnrno drove iwoy many ■xrhn luvd dnuxlit Jthn- 
Vnn'n UrsariinutioBi drove Un'in nvi-,iy l»y tlur 
tunduirl, lift drove (hern l« tlidr ileatii. anil tluiit 
."ified thf riini^f of Jwlar. 

(j. ])Il| ymi iK-iieer tlint lie lunl hclnyrd tiie 
i >rKDiii7ni tion I A, V™r 

y. Ymi lire fHiiiilinr with the wmrti of Jmljro 
Jtiitlii-Ffoi'd, lire y«ii ims, d urine tin* yenpn ymi 
km" hi'oii n«u«riiiiiMl witli Iiiim [ A, I iKii. 

(J. Win-, hi? n fon-Hnut n-orhj-rt A. He » - erk«l 
111] Nin Hliie. K(r|i|it n ft"* k'lim r.f iiIh>|1v 

(J, 3JiJ I|i> hnndh' ituirli rrirn'^pH'ndmr^ t A- A 
In-iui-uiLiiui nilMiiiul of mirnyriporvlrnnr. 

Q. hi-1 Fii" h.-in'th- nnY lesil uinlti'Tnl A. Hp 
hiLii elmr^r iif nil Ir'^nl iiui'tri'ii. 

Q. And flii I lie HU|HTviee 1he imndlintr of thf(n 
liy Mr. M-yhT A, fTe did, 

Q. Kid lie Imndlf oilier ronftden I in I liiiidnry !*■- 
Inr-r-n 1lir Srrirly dwi i1n hrllnfhrp Ami offifett 
A. lie did. 

f^. Yiinr wiTe WDM utel^ifrftplirr, in Hint rifilil I 
A. Vw, 

tj. Arid vmli were e- mi' I'lfrei I w^rvliirT, ik llint 
rNirreelt A. Tllftt ii* r^irrrel, 

Q. H b 'ul1 nlhfr l*rerr+nri _ wnft (Jiprr; T purlin, 
Hl^iinr^rjiEilir-r Mint wnn in Enr oflirr at thftt tiliiet 

A. Sfr. 1-M i\"oUi-r. 

fj. Tun did r"i>ri'tarinl w-orlc yonrri-lf; T relieve 
you nn ill, ii thr)) forriwlT A. Yon. 

<l. Ymi lin¥e lirftrrl .llldtjy R lltherfnril at tlu* 


TCriJiam P. ilcatk, Jr.— For befit— Dirtet 

ifdih', Imi'i' jfiu n'i(. w|.ir-n inntli-m lmv<' eniun ii|> 
Fmi lo^Miuiion o* In liie nuirliu-i «f Hie ■retlinn 

■1 the In I'll- f 

T1»P Court: He hox ftlrendy tentifinl I* 
ilniL. t |irtniiine, 

if IIjivi- y.iu Mt'ur ln'Htil liim rnrriTl lib Im-lli- 
FMiJ A. Yep. 

Thr ioui-1: He tn* idriNuly l«liBiil. 
Mr, CuwiiurlDn: tin* he le*liFied on 
til At, ynur ElnnorP 
Thr Courl; Yuu Iiovk tintified fully 

ir>n Ekn1, hftvpn H t yngf 
The \t'|t3irnH.- YtPii 

Mr.. I'ovinKionr All rijtfit 

(I. Did you Imivi? nnylhinpf In do Willi tlir nril- 
init or pre|mriLlkn or the ftrlirir enlillnl 
"Spuiri'»"t A. Notliinjf. 

Jly tin- Court: 

Q. Tiie liful liini- ymi rend Elm I u'lH wliert il 
ftptiiin red in Ihr Wnleli Town-r id Xovi-iiiliej' 
litllt A. Y™. 

(J. YVhrn j-ni jrol ynur "imy flf il t A. Tlint 
*'»" fit'- lirHf tPPne I «»• i1, hlM-n 1 fliit ft enpy of 

llifi Wuleh Tiwr. 
fly Mr. C'oypptptnu: 

Q. Ynu I lire in-" nnei of Mr- d meipp upon hy 
JlliIllE liutJierfnrrl at Pile Inlrfp of (he MndliUMi 
S4tnnre Conkn after llie (neolinp, Ao yo.u not I 
A. [ do. 

Q. You reunl] tiie in Hinder, jilmut whiell Hr. 
Hnnnon tentifiedl A. Tei, 




Wifiiiun P. flralh, Jr.— For lirflr.— Direct 

Q. Did .Tnrljrr Rutherford brinf? to the aittrn- 
tirm nf Kit hn-Jliren Hilar*, yenrnelf, 
rind rjHurn nf Hiv unherpi, Llii'ir failaa-p lo prop- 
erty earry out (he inairuclinnnt A. Yen, he did. 

(f. lira JKMJ n-enJl what Hun hOadt A. Yea. 

Q. Could ynu lr!L what, if nLjtIiinp, Juliet 
Ttullierfnrd mtitlT A. I rceai)! Hint he ilatnl thjil 
Ih^t airr-n u-Jiir-Ji wain nn vsliJ haul nn! hern 
jimrKrty tuJiJ'Tt rare- nf fcy Ihe b*hr™, rrrn 
t'lnach il lnwj JiePFi. cnH'-rl in t||ei'r "J,lten1 inn, npd 
thnl I lie prnper defi-nne nf wh&t in iinnijrnet* In 
ynu in Uir Ijfinr* Orjinntmtinn nhnnld he ear- 
ned mil, wfl nhmjld nitjuit ngrnelvon lilm men 
nnd rjn everylliinji- Mini in neeennory In prolnrf 
Ihe fntnrninjHnn nr elinr^e — in Iron enne our or- inn fnr -lir neepnai; »f thfl fcer|»m( of 

Order — ftinl Ll ]md ml heen i)mie prnpr-rly. 

(|, Dili you hear him In]*'] nnynnF on » 
" ninny M | A. N F *h, T did nnl, 

Q. Rill VnU limr hint unr Hint, eiprenninn dur- 
ing llm MHWHtMIDf A. Yi»*. 

tf . What, if nit; Miiia^, iha nib rrvull him my iit£ 
in Mint rvfrjnrdf A. I rfinr-rnr*-r him pay in* thnl 
Ihow nf many frl irifi iin- nrajrtniKJatinnn think 
■lenun wain a "ninny," n.n1 ii rrfil man. that HaAl 
wnn wnin^; Mint Chrinlinnn were mm nnd 
slmiild nn|ii|| 1 hmfiwlv™ o?m1 hehere like itund 
be Jilicrrd in die nrrfnmmrei' of any chiirjl» of 

Q, rSil ymi hear him nil ofT Mr. Han nun nnd 
crt, "' Rm-tln»r II mi mm, you «n'l pmy nny 
ninre"1 A. T did no!. 

Q. Did I if permit Mr. llimnnn And oUii-m ta 
freely en-prenn EheniHelven: nn 1lm( nctraninnt A. 

Yes, he JiiL 

IFiWiW i>. 7/eaiJl, Jr^For TfelHr-Crtsst 

Q. Dill Jan -ptaulelnll E1JlylJ^ilJ , frnin t sere i wn % 
th«;if rifjlit »f »tic«h on Slut wcaiinnl A. »o t 

Crost exsNtiiHiiion ty J/r. iJnitJifjCTti.Trn ; 

Q. Trtlifrt* did y&n enrne from before vau toot 
u m rfn:r resilience in Uclhclt A. Urorei*. 

Q. And wliaL j'^ar did yno Jf-nvf ficor^iaT 
A. 1W1], I lefl it I he firp.( tun*, J iK-lii'vc, about 
'22, Tli<cn [ vii llicre n^iir 1* [\>r> I &lpk. te 

Q. So vnii vft k re i^lciTN.ird in -Teliovaih'ft Wit- 
iu'shch imfnre ynn It-ft tiiorpii I A. Qli, ye*; 

(J. Anfl IitliI yim cnni> fn mij- dirinity kIiooI 
bcfiir* yon Irfi Owtvl j\. Nn, 

fj. Jlitl ynu cnnliKitf fnnii fflJIepc ! A. T™. 

(J. Vihi'T* r|!i.[ VdH sillily Hcrr'litrinl m-nrt f A, 

I Klinliiil flinrilmiid nnl 1>r hlJ) S nl tint l.)ai» 

Vr rpiily r>t tirn rfflll. 

I|. Ilrrnini ynu *?nt If ltellirlt A, Ten 

<^ And did yrau wftfh n1 i(T A. Rr-^ pnrdonT 

Q. Dili Vmi wnrLc nt i! I*rr«re vnu wpnt to 

BetlK-1! A. Yrs, 
Q, W'lint wrni ihe nntiire nf yniir ernpFnymnnt 

Itctfiirr ymi w^m m Rr-nhplf .1. S'nluri 1 nT w)mt? 

Q. Wliitl niifilnvinrnlii did ynli llnVP Iwfftrfl 
yon knii |n TS^lh'IT A. I wnrkfil jik Fjilrjirniin. 

Tilt- Tnutl; ftrllinc ■alintT 
Tlip M : itnn»>.r t'nen-t'ftla. 

Q. Did VOl! ei!W ■Wiirk in nny nrtirr n» n nKri?- 
1nry, l^rnrT ynu n-f-nt I ft ISHlii'tt A. ^o. 

Q. Dili y*>0 |irrji,'li fnr llirnil A, t |irirnt-Pii-i[ 
tin- rinrpel, ye«, IwlWe iher. 

]fi'f(ram F. Htalh. t Its—For Dcfli.—Ctvti 

Q. Did ynu laniDic o miiiiHterl A, Yea. 
t(. VVImnf A, In liC{2L 

t{, llnw Jiinj; 'I'd !"*N kIuiIj.' 1n Im-mne a miii- 
i*Li-rI A. 1 Im"1 ntdplicd ner™ ^r eishl ytmra, 

1^. Al (In* U'hIvIl Tower viviml A. M*), nnt 
rln.iM-s, I iuiij I he Litifitji jin<) Ihe BilJe, oih3 1 
■- ■ -- a I a :-■ I ! : li, 

*J. f)i<l y«ti l*liinp l« nn nrcnnh&d eltureli l*c 
rr.iii ymi ln-i-;i hh; n Jcliuvnlit \- N"". 

(J. Nn diiuch lit nllT A. ) mi^n't a. inriulHr.r 
nr "Mil'. I h:i-"i nllendfO n ^:-i'il taany. 

Q. And IIijlI ttlw il rlilT^ieitl 4iri^:LTiLuitinTi Lhjin 
Ji hovnh 'a witiirs^i L ji f A. Vtji. 

Q. liiin- Inn^- diik Vnu ot1i L ndt A r I *hnijkl ^ny 
live nr >ix venrH, 

Q. hid yu« fiit 1n TSelhel nf vnnr null nevoid f 
A. Yen. 

(J. Ami did ymi linve wirrfK | if nHlr-nein nrii li l!r. 
Kulbrrfnrd lirfnre y*in a'fnt therM .\. Ve*. 

tf. Iliil yni nifr>[ ltiin l^r«re y<«« ^^Bt IhereT 
A. \f* t i niei Ikim !«Torr- I went ll»r-re Twniui. 

(). f>id yeiii Vnnvi- wlmt kind nl" nn mrn pa tiim 
ynu w-i-rc 1 kh'tit In have, ln'Tnre ymi pnl llietel 
A. I h-'nl ili^cn^eil tllJll tn Whlf extrlit, y». 

(J. A nit "hnil Tvnri villi 'H^iifailiiin, nf ftol 
nerarHtinn, whr-n >em jinl tn Tti'tlit-lf A. Hy ftml 
riTVLipfitinn TVnii nn n *]ii k Jit:iiir: 1mir. 

Q. And dad ynu pn wilh Mr. TtldlfcrrfnTiT I A t 

Q. WIlhI yrnir unn T A. 1FW7. 

fj. Am I rrnsii tliat limn nn yno wrnt on tnnr* 
vrilh Iiiiil, iLiiln H | yniif A. Y^_ 

Q. Did ynu ]iny ynur nvrn PJfpeniifKl A. S'nf 
T Inenn, nnt Jijivnyji, 

Q. And ynu were morriwl lo the prtsipnt JJri. 


William F. Ilcatii, Jr.— For Dtf li. — Cfott 

Di'iilli, iv)i" u-jlh. ilien known, ta Roiiriy Buyd, 
wl T A. Ill VXF. 

ij. Wheret A. Infant \l'e»t. In. Nevada. 

IJ. JI'.w Jrijipf limi vhiij refilled at Iti'thi'l he- 
firti" VMI ln;irrinjl A, Ahnm eipht innnliis. 

Q. And j I ill ynu meet l*r at nxltiflf A, Ye.<. 

IJ, (lr diil J««U IllCi-l lier nn miKh- t ri-|i tluil ynu 
lunl mail! Al r. Hiilh«Tl'nr<lf A. U'idl, f met IW 
nl J t.-c I .. -I llr-i. 

!J. And I'frun limi tiuw ..Ji I ...ill id yoiu Mint 
M, Vnii iuiil Vrnllr vritr, nrieriiriri|iTiis-i| \| r_ Jilltli^r- 
Tonl nn nil I. is 1ripn, ill. I yqu notf A. Thai in 
ln«i", >e,-. 

(J. lYIienrrr he wvnj, n-ln<1ln<r In SUlll'la Inlnild 
iif p^m'ta lii'iT T ,V 'I'lthl jp 1rue. 

IJ. Rwj H. ('i|jir«rnlul A. Yr'n. 

[i. Ami ntayeil tin-re in ('ulifrirnifi iii l,hin 
ln'Mrt-J A. Yc.i. 

ty Is (hi* li"ii>i' lliiit \f'\i nre linn- livijir in 
de-re 1ln' -dim* ■■nr- liuit Mr. liiirlnTfrtriL lirttl 
■r»I A. Whirl. hr,u F ef 

Mr. |lrin']dijniMi P : I n i r hd frt w Hull, 

tf, Vi'luil Yrn» tin- r<-ri. Ii-Mt% Hi" .Irn'l mmilirr, 
iif |h<- lii.<l-i- ihnl Mr. Iliuli- rPm .1 Inn] in" A. 
In I ':. I if.. ruin J 

IJ. Yen. A. UJO Itond.llrii li-i.nd. 

Tl.r. C : Viiir Di.:;.. ' 

r l|... Willi-'**: S.,n r»i,--,,. 

I, 1 - tie Iti" »»V, v ;i* lln-rt jmy |uir!ii'id:ir |v:l- 

f..f ^i-iliii^ in:irri.-d in Si'l'intill ,\. N«. 

n. Had inn L-en <||vnrti'dt A. Yen. 

Tl. IfriVi" hihj^ InmI lull Im-ii ilivnrrert rn-fiire 

V-n miifFi-iL in Nh'\jii|jiT A- Oil, jint a nlwirl 


IV^.'i.i.-n P. Heath, Jr.— For Dtftt.— Crust 

tf. [Iiw i-hiitlt A. It0(i rmrdniif 

if. il'i^v nllarlf A. I liiirik nhpiiL ji Wvrt 

Q. An. I tlu-ii yj»o wlv ymi rt->iile ainw in llie 

Kime Hun Mr. Hill htTfiiml nrni|iied in 

L'dliftii-TiHi ! A- I 1 1 id n't nay I hat. 
tj. I Hit "t il ii iliflVrt'ial liuildinijl A. I didhU 

H '■ . 

Ttm fnyrl: WVII, tdl w. 

11. 'hl'.ll ynu 1i.|l !i«T Tn it a liiynlefyT A, 
Nn. 1 live in nmdh'T hlLihlillp' frniM nliere Mr, 
JTn I lit-rd i rd nroidi-i — i e* i d"i I. 

Q- Tt in neai-liyf A. Clnne liy, j-fn, 

Thr- ("nurl; ttn |he -nnw firniindn-t 
Thr V.' i ! ik**. : On (In.- pcini* prnniim, 

y, -h 

<}, W'na I Inn I n new liuihlinp tlmt van rnn- 
HtrnefrdT ,\_ \w. 

Q, When u-flH ih.ll Imiltf A. IW. 

Q H%nd i» llmt nn ilii> Wateli Tini'cr jamtn-rlyT 
A, Ym, it in. 

fj. Ami whn nenijaiiNl (liat llllildinffl A. IVpTl, 
I In- r* -ire Iniir nf nn i*-|m n4ieii|ii' |1 ; iny H'if*" nnd 
I. mid iwn rdlier preneliern niul tijin'-iifTH. 

Q, \\ hn jive (lipyl A. Mr- l!nlf-rt A*1el nnd 
-Mr. dm- l.nlrt'cl:. 

Q, Are llity pen-pie from Itothell A. Ye#, 
Iht-y aire t>fd lieliteai, 

Q. tin Miny nmkP fnniii F^Lliel ur ev^r irnidH 
111 Iti-tlrll A. 1 bflrPT* nnt. 

Q. lli-1 yul LnnYi- Mii-in ht-fnre ynu fisid eomp lS'Ehr-Sp A, I iiml tlieni in CfilifiirniiL 
l"J, Thi-y aire friends of ymiml A. Yi*n. 
ff. Ynu met Hifiii bttorft Mr. Tlullierfnri wet 

llitml A. 1 Usinlt Jit did the name tinv«. 

! use 

ll'itlmm /*, lafeolt, Jr. — I'oi- Btfts.^-Cron 

If. IjH-lnii' yirii limit iln* hiiuHi-. V'.m i-U'ivid in 
1he ImilM- raixil|iieil lay Mr, 1 1 utln; rf nl, didn't 
Vina ' A. Thial ]*■ Inn-, 

(j. Ami uJiu n-nn HiR tlw- jjIjjiT of ID;. It a! her- 
r..r. I.' A. Wrll, Hli'TO WILh IHVM-ir nnil Urn. 
1 1 '-111 f i, illid Mr. KelhT. t tn-tii-Ve PU naie nii'4- 
hKdi Mr. IJimlett u-ni I here, aiiid Jlr. — 1lie fjj-niily 
wiis liii| Ihe valine eieii yenr. 

tf. The strrrfl m rin I nan" ennni.-iHwl nf ivhnin in 
Inrmi A, The wi-relnrml ntaff »'hh invMilf nnd 
Mrx. Ili-ail|i n.w] Mr, Ivdl-T, 

(J. ,\mS Mr*. II r-m h iinrl Mr. Ki-ller tunk ear* 
nf tin- ji|iim;m f rlik work, dinln'! theyt A. No. 

<i, Diil ynu Uikn diet :I1 if Hi f A. Vr*. 

[j, M Iiii liMili Inn.- 1 i'f I hi' 'LirlnLi'riiT A- Mrn. 


If. ^VShK «"ii* Venir 1'iirl iif 1|m- ^taifli 1n ninke 

nrnitivi-iin-ii!* drr iLr lri[i*f A. I diil Hm1. 

If. Vmi iv'i-iil i.nt iiii'l nriliTi-il tlw tiekeln nnd 
■■khlii-il Hi" h rj 1 1--. is I Jul rij;;nt A. Nn, 

If. I -id i nil dn it —ii tin* iji'i'ai* inn ll'flt vo-ll ivrnt 
In Kni-i-cier A. N... 

(}. Wlm-liil l],:ilT A. 1 rlnn h t knou'. 

ff. linn- ti.n^ ii-.-n. ynu piillf- in J-lnmyw nn JliAl 
im'ii.iinnt A. Alnilll "i^; iii'id.n nr IVCtl mnnlhn. 

tf. V.. l| *(.lv.-,[ jiJ .|ilTi-l J i-hl IiOIi'Ih limt ili (Ipl-en I 
eniiialiii-j-f A. Vr*. fIk. 

tf, Aaiil wjiill pcirl nf Mi.- irr a-i-l n r!n I w.-rk dill 

ymi 'In on LlnU Ir-iji* A. T iliiSn'i il-a my nr Ihe 

m:im|Jr>ri|'i1 wnrli. J Merely ninde n r raianrem'-llla! 

a-e^.irditijj F|H'nkinjr. whifh 1 ftnl. nmnr f.f— nn.'t 

^i'aii-rnlly ii'lnil ^i'i|hl Iri- neee*^nn" pn rvfinr't to 

I I'liVi'lina.', nl1ti»Mi*rh I ilid mil liiiri'linn' 1 llie tirlcr-ln- 

'J'lie I'mirt [ Ynsi inmlft Hie arrnnKe- 

iin-jiij. nnd Kiiatfhiiily eli-c puid far Ihfni; 

in limi avlmt yon mean to lell ual 

Tlie WitnoHi: Yes, nir. 




William P. Fltath, Jr.-Fcr lirfU—Cron 

Q. Who |mim] f«r tin? eipeiwen lo Europe! A. 
JuiI^l' Hutlterford. 

Q, Ami nil yuhir pxjwiunw', litilel oitin and hIcsjii- 

nliig: Inn'* mill I'tVrytliiniT, « I're fmid Hilt of lilt 
Wnlili Timer rX)N;Itaietf1 A, ^O- 

Q.. Any | i;*rl of ill A. Only a (wiirt f>r it. 

Q. AIL the- iiilnT i-si] »■ n*nn nf llw? oilier* on the 
trip wen? pnid liy |K L Wnli-li IVmtr, weren't llieyl 
A. 1 don't lorn. 

f}_ Weren't you (lie M-ervlaryf j\. Ym. 

ij. Diil mm hiit cJtorfi* of tlw lubuLi I i nc af 
tin' e*|iitii*n and iirrwij;ini: Fur 1hr piiyiueiil of 
IIm-mI A. fhlly tliul wliirli I tout rare uf. I 
ditln'l |Uiy fur (In- t iekei *, as I no id. 

Q. Vuii have entr-u ilI llii* rEiikiti^ room on llw 
■tttralh ilotir nf Helhell A, Ye*. 

L;. Vim .mtulcd then- fnnii tlw dn1* of your 
tnarrtajK mi, if Hint rijdnl A, Or the M'Yflltll 
fl-ior I nil iiieiiiif 

[J. Yen. A. Xo. V<w, From my marrUfle on. 

(j. Yiiu didn't live OI5 the neventll SirtT ln-tiiTt 
tin- iLiie of your innrrinpel A- N«. 

(j J till von moved up tln>re ufler tin- inniriuu^l 
A, Vc. 

Q And you ntujrd up lliere on llipt ninurt A* 


Q, Win llierf fl lire, i'enl refilled there! A. 
Pr-nlti-nT llenidine; nl lielhcl or on llif revrnlli 
floor T 

Q. Well, nl Bethel. A. Yen, 

Q, Didn't Klifi reside «>n tlip rovenlli ftnorl A. 

[J. Didn't h1m> Hll)" rin III? ncvenlii flnoT At 
limrjiT A. Win 1 eiiine I here, yen. 

<;, Winn diil -iie Rcl llnrrt't A. I !*]ievc about 

iu^7 houi* lime. 

William F, Heath, Jr.— For Dcfti^-Crou 

Q. Ami nhe nlayod up na a resident on lln kv- 
pnlli ffcinr fur isiwl of the tunc, didn't >.li.:T A. 
1 moidda'L iny tluvl. 

Tlir. I'nKrt: Well, what n-gnlil you ruiyl 
The ^VilnpKn: Well, t lsn.1 p=L(r rJ9ine up 
|» Die ici'tntli floor bk 9- vitilnr on «to- 
iionn; but *|u! diiln't live tlwra, 

y. WWrn did kIhi livet A. I Ih'Ijcvo »!»■ hnd 
.fi nunii U-lfltt" mnu«lion, «nim> oilwr floor. 

ty, Alld UKOfl 10 Cvtur. ll].i tlKTC, <lid Hill?} A. 

[^, SW|mn 1 1 ii> fk*itii1Ii fl'ntrnl liincil A. No, 

Mr: in<t In my t; n^v. I !■'.,■ !• . 

1J. ,lii^1 L-nlitc up tih i'i*it Ehji Nn- Hi'Vi-nlli floor t 
A. I ln-lirvi* kiv. 

y, Wlini n-.rt r)i,| ^|„. A- nl IMT^I! A. Stm 

wjiii ii dii'ih'jnii nml * frifml ii nd'e of 
.Mrii. Iji'ii1li'i% nml nIii- iajlm ii [irnrlii'nl ulLrK^. 

iiy 1 1 !!■ < 'oirt : 

0. WJiat wnrk diil «Ih- ilot A. Wi'lJ, T IwUrvn 

<(, If yim ilnn't tnnw, till q>, A. A* mine, 

Wln-n vnriou* jjerimn* w-i-rt i.ii-k, nho toojc core 
of ;I.i-iii, h t [;^i- h i rj diet* for tlwin. 

Uy Mr. HruflihouHoit: 

|Q. Wns *lw oeiiuaJotpil witli Mr. Hotli*rfor4 
brNirr *lif n^i llicref A. I liclitrr mi, 

Q. Ami ulnTc did uli* ftunt fronij A. Slie 
rnjin 1 frnni Olinh. 

1 1 Did ln-r IuikIwihI ti%'« tlicrtt A. In Oil io T 
<j, At Jli'lkl A. Si3. 

(J. Wu» nliD i lurried T A, I liiLnli ■*, 

IKi^iniu P. UmIli,JTj— Fur Deft*.— Gmtt 

Q. Ko^', ilid Mr. Jluiliej-Funl'ri wife 1vt« onl in 
tin? Oitifiiriiii rmidpnerf A- Vh'f. 

0, Arid tlnl live t3ii-rf all 10c j-i*r« llmt yoj 
wot out tlierrl A. Y*», 

Q. ^ili* iii.-vtM tame on tn r^iili> la LethclT A. 

Q. Kntt-, u-lin wjih tin- rani mir-Ht of Mr. Itutlirr. 
finl; u-Jio u'iSii I Lie HUM* f"r II r. liullierfnrdf 
A- Wi'J], 11 r. llimk-lt did ji (iuoJ (Leal of hit 
HRrnlli^;, n.H A uialt! Iiurnc. 

y, Wuh Mrik L'rd oIhoh nmnel A. Yrt, 

y, Kn lie JuiiL twii nnrj>*itt A, Ye«. 

Q, At (Ln 1 Kliliie tijilvl A. 1 lieLLn-e iM**nioil. 
jvttv I hey ai-rr lnj.-i-tlii-r; nitt iiI^hth Cp'llier, 

tj. IImw Iioik did j, nit mi( JLr. 11 ul Lierrord *VM 
iljr A. HI ww mhr> I kne* Ili i ii- 

y. Wlmt win tln» nulure nf Jiin illneuf A, 
Hi' Jin.- 1 Innj,-— Very Inlil lunjIM nml enrri nuitlO. of 
tLnr i'1-ttiuii. 

(J. lint lie did Inivel extentiivclv, didn't he! 
A- Vhk. 

(j. And lie diil tili-rwivr radio wort I A. T««- 

y, K^tnipiVE n|jenli;iii|? I A. ^iM. 

Q. AH otpI' llie couitlryr in futt . a " mfer **• 
wuridt A. Y«s- 

{J. ] k; vdu reineiiilici llic oc »*ion, nfttr leav- 
ing or wliiU; you wen 1 In tlie (innJen on tire 
mieaJkerB' utmid — 1 witJnlrni* it. Do you rtmem- 
Iht tidlinp Mr- Kimrr and nnnU*r I hot on jinar 
vi.iv up tii 1 1 it eniiiie ol" (lie di*(urLmnei: ynu made 
tliiii ■IdlL-nH.-nl, "irt-l'n h'« uri and erarU a. couiilc 
if IicuiIh"! A, 1 did nut inuke Hint ntntinKuL 

(I. Yoii 'Ifiiy LOLlfcinK tlml nLlLi'lOLHll T A, I do. 

(j. Did y«n tnke your cp»b ii|j Willi youf A. 

1 302 
1I*iJJiffnt F. f/attk, Jr.— For DxfU. — Oess 

Q. Yon knew Iwdorr lli.'it nu+linsr tliat (here 
liliclil In- !l tli^liirluLiiep, ilidln^l yubi T A. I iLLd. 

{}. In fnr-l yon VL-f-n- in-ik^nu rvnry [HTjulrA- 
titiii fi>r HI A. Veil lire rijjlit. 

if. Ami y<>U fcni*W *f H* |irinli'd in:<trm-1 iuilB 

linn Inn] Ih'i-ii imiili' to ]ilntv u^hi-r* in and plum I 
ihi-lianUnJ A. YrtL 

t;. Sn Hint aftirwnrd*, a.rtiT Ihii frjifin in tlio 
liirdi-ii, vilieti y»u jjirt to lldn dinner lueetinE 
Air. I^iiIIhtTiir] wan di*(urln-d nlmut it. nmn't 
lri-| A, I urn Tint I'lviir r,n " JU t <iueetiun. »ir. 

Ll;. lie LViurt: 

Q. lie n'bnld In liiiiiw wliellii'i' or not, slier the 
Hftdi»oj» f>i|unr<.- (ianien epi^oili', wlmii you re- 
tunuil in dinin-r at IkdiieL iLml ni^iil, Mr. 
JtnlV-r'oi'i L "*nn di'-(urlKi| nr nhrmrvl nny einutiuh 
'.:'-ir ="m;'.'^ Etc.- inndi'iiln. A. 1 u'DH no>t at ilionrf 
Uml oi^lit. 1 *"» in jiiiL 

Till; Court : Will you plejm* atop ren- 
ili-iiiij; onyllnnET Vuii wvtujlI Baked 
aLM.ui wliere yon were, Jf jou wbm not 
at ilinm;r, juiJlifi; it lo uj nn. All you ire 
Inn- lo i Ln i« In leptiFy and nut render iny- 
thiiik'- ^L'- ("i>viii({ton Una nnuthftr oppor- 
luiiiii' to esnuiine yon, if lie ttaiMifji lo, at 
On- i.-"r n.-l us-tur ol II c. UrueLiLmnKi-n'! ci. 


Itw WittafeM: YeH, >iif. 
Mr. (Vtinjjlun : 1 tnlic M Ciit'lition to 
tll'll" reilinrkx. 

'Jlii' I'nilrt: Do ynu luiVr BUY mnlLnn 
lu hiiiliel Vou niiint tote nu «XH>jitiiM. 
lluvc y<>u nny million T J Mil] ta.v« Uin 
renwrti read to you. 

WiKiiwi P. HtalK Jr.— Far Dtfti^-^Croit 

(1'lie nU'nuKmplier rtiil Uw rreord •> 

"Tim IJourt: Will ynu plfj*o stop ren- 
dering n n ;. 1 1 1 1 ilj.: 1 Yqu i»H;rtri"l n«lie<! 
nLinut win-re you were. If vim were nut 
oi dinner, Hiillwe it to iay *o. All you arc 
lie re l« du iii to testify nml uot to. re"hder 
BiiytluMjt, II »- Covington Jib" nnvUjber 
o|ijiortunily ti» ciunLnc you, if he tliooee* 
tn, at tin.' cuncLuniun ui 11 r. Urucliliau«n'« 
eijiiniibution. '] 

lif. CovinfrtOn: Hie witnei* uncitml 
Hie ifui-Hlmrt direolLy. 

Tlie (Juur t ; Have you liraird tho an- 
BWtrl HiLvr. you lieurd Hie entire nnnwerf 
If you liave nny fefcli-njj BliouL noylliioj; 
Hni rourt !• unjinni 1 WBnl you to inflLu 
a motion. 

XI r. CoyinjjMin: I liave no feeling. I 
Bin just try I np; todo my duly to ilia eliont. 

Tbu Court; D* you ™li toe tmwiirf 

Ur«i>*unrbai No. 

ISy air. JlriieiilimiHrnL 

g. Vuu [jikr a. drink now and tlien, dunt yaiif 
A. Vm, 

(J:, Yuu nml Liiinor ser*e4 wliiu? you *«r* 

nhroadl A- T:'ea. 
y, What linliilii did ynu "lay at »hn»*Jt 

Mr. Cm-bnjclon: lun't lliil pi-ing into 
LiihiiiplBrhil innllnrT 

Tin; Lonrl: I think it i*. Ol\i«tioo 


Ir'iffivM /'. ttraXh. Jr.— For tte}l*.—Cri>M 

(j. I.*., >'fii *ny llml ypu pj*r™H nt llie dinner 
imrliii^ ifint linn !(■■■-« 1*rdifiMl ('• in l'pfUp>t, 

wtri-rr -Mr. H'il)n-r''i,r'l reFirrri-.! L'p wlmt 1lio 
ii-iiem Hid m\ tin- liinlenl 

The (*uurt: lie didn't »Ay Uiat at all, 

TJuti; ip ■'iiiiriiKimi miw. II,- k n i -Ii ii lie 
»■«* in'I nt dinni'j' tin' nijfhl of the ,\!ad!»on 
Si | nil n 1 lirirdi'n i-'1hi..,i. 

r^, W*H, i»hti> yon it dinner, nl IleUiel, r*l «ny 
limp Tt|ii-n Mr. [< o I lie rford had ireen.«ion to inrii- 
1 ii in tvIiiiI |tw lifl n-rx dki or railed In dn nl (In: 
I Jiudh-ii 1 A- Yen, 

1,1. An.) In. iviih vr-ry lnu>h diplurlpil nVmilt it, 
■a.!-- Ii*' ii- I ' A. Nhl -i. vi-rV inii£-h. 

fl, | >■ i yni| irn-nii, Mr, lii-nlh, Llml Willi Ih.-Hi 1 
im-iiiiIi- fiji-LuiL^ il|i I Li-ri', Lji-yr,iiil [lie K[H-uki-rn r 
Khiml. Find iii'-i-ill-iiwi n[f H ||H yrjit enlli-fl ll, nr np 
nnliM- 1 1 r Hn- u-i I JH-nH'-r nnv. 111 ill Mr, I[u1 hi- rJi-jnJ 
■■in- n't ilmlnrlii-ill 1m yi-U »nn| 1n t'-li Ellin 
fimrl ii in I jlirv iLint lie WIMUl'l dlHturln-'l idmul 
itf A, I drni '1 iirnli'lnliilHl llml i|Hr-Hlion, Wln-n- 1 
I mnh-rrlippl Vuu 1n nny: WllP In- h 1 1 nl u rln-.l on 
lln- mNTipiriii kiniii' liinr- ijiter at dinner w|n-n lio 
war tiillniijr nliinit tlM> inliernf 

I.J. Tlml in u'lml t am BpikinE you nhoul. 

Tln' Cwlfl: Sn «f hnve nn firifiuion, 
I Ip'lieve Mr. Hnn-ldinusii-n i» now tolkinjr 

iilnint |kw liii'clinj; Chut you linve di-nel-iliril, 
whiTif Hut'- »'i* nnhie referr-n"' nindp to 
1Ih' word "nipny" an you have already ton- 
lifinl lu. 

Thr Wilnt'np: 1 don't tliink ho wjw very 
ntoi'li [llHlurltrd alioot UulL 



William P. Heath, Jr^-F&r Dtfti^-Cfstt 

Q, IJriw ltmt( ofler (In - occurrence at the 

frnnlr-n ■ I ■ -1 9 |ln* dinner Ihi-ftinff tnli' |il»t*1 A, 

My rii-olli-fllmi in ,1 wftfi utpnut » Wi^fc, ten ilnyy, 

(J. W'I.;.L •!> 1 hf lIuK- (if ill* *Jfll-'|r.Tl Ifltftinfft 

A. J me i\ lilSEt, 

'J, Kri then ynu fix 1 1 i i h occurrence m early in 

Jiil>. U Din! Ill A. I -Inn't hi it. iio. 1 think 

il wan ffcttaral day* a Tier, iniiylut & w™k, b-tf 

<3tl }>. J ILIIL Jiill MUfL 1 . 

(J. Wi'll, rti . inn knnw whetlier >if rial il Was 
em ur In'u [Lu_M4 or it wwk of torw-eru* 1 A. hot 
for mill 1 , no, 

i}, Vuii wi-re iTr}" oertoin, though, mbrmt I he 
cipin-HTi'iilN'ii rir instruction* Hint Mr. Jtiitln-rJnnl 
Kiive (if Mr, MnyV, *rei**j't ynu J A. Yen, indeed. 

*J, (nd fvu IJ-JI; !*i ,\ir, <-WipiMl n B uhnut tint 
|rl.p:«. ,,f ihl> ea+e Wore you conk to curt lo- 
dayf A, Vm, sir. 

(J. Wlu-ii .li.i yi, il tnlk to liiniT A. Alu.iit two 
wl-i-Lh il£ii, I Ipi-lii-ve, 

[J, Arid yon went over (.■'very dr-tnd nf this 
le*li»ni,y irn! dir h . KivirsK hi-rr. IndnyT A. Y™, 

tj. Miitr liniif did yuL tnlk to him! A, IHi, 
luilT mi Imiir. Mniu'Lliinj; lAe thaL 

tj. Anil ynu [invt: hern Ntnyilijf, nl Uiillm-l ever 
piini'i-T Ar 'I'eijlC iji enrreel, 

if, lluve vim ddkrd In any of (\«- director* W 
uyliudy dim- thai iDuruiufjT A. Ye», 

Q, The illm-lnnif A, Yen. 

(J. All ill' Liu- direeluml A, N<4 ajl »f Ihrhi, 

Q, I! ul ynu h*v» talked «hon1 (ho eutt A* 

Q, Yob came an specially from California In 

William P. KtaXk, Jtj—For Dtftt.—Croit 

■ripen r in llii* caw, did you not! A. 1 mi a 

defrmlHnl, I had l<D r 

The Csnrl; Kour, mir, tlmt i» not an 
uwKff. Itcrtrl Ifit f|Hi-Hiinn, 

Mr, t'livjijKiiFHi ; liVt fKfjrfFt, 

(Tin; fttenufrrapW ri'au] llu fiucjiltnn u 

"Q. Y«!i i'piiiui nil npntiiillj' Thftm Colifomia tn 
afipt-ar in ll.iri rjiiu.. iLinl \j >u nail") A. 1 wonld 
wv >!'*. Mny 1 itli you— 

TJn- Cniir! : Mr. (_\jvipKlon will Iiivc- An 
ri]i|n-jrl unity In i|UCntiHii] yiin nl IJn> rngifllt- 
nn hi iif il r. liniHqluniiirn V CSllnJnnlJnn. 
]L- iimy think Hint In? nlmuh] Auk yny 
nlmit! it. FT lid dur-JI, 111- Kill, 

Tlir- WitW-iDi; [ am nral tprmin ri.i to 
rlidlirr il wn^ to d fp^rtr in lliin ra-i- im n 
tci\vm ni- Ihmiuii* 1 ku 4 dcfcndwilL I 
V4lhli"t >\ltr uf wliifli, 

liy i.\f. lirufhliriujitn ; 

U- VifII Kuva :i iJi'Ti-nilinn af & Jrjitiu, n little 
wliilf- n(,'iit A. I folk-** ml. 

tj. iJnjl'L yinl klirii^ llmt ynu pave * pirtori- fll" 
■ JiLiljmf A, I uf«uliin't uiy il won a s)r-fir.ition 
■i< ii Jwfaw, 

(J. WIhI pId- vnu rail jit A, About copying U» 
cojrrir H>f .lurlnK, 

<J. In lliri-c nn* ili(T<;rrpici; Victw<Tin ffrvrtriinp 
uli ul it, .Tii.lrin if np)ij <(c4Ptrjl)injr Um coarnc pf n 
JiulnxT A. 1 til ink Wh 

Q. Trll UK wli&l llir rJilTrrpiiM i«. A. Well, a 
Ju.lnp is. tio dnubt, "Tie thinR — from what ana 
wkio JoU»»-« thai ramw. The- OlfTcrenw, for ln- 

WiSluim P. Ileatl, Jr.~-Fot> Ptflr^~£Tita 

»tnTiee, between being Cbriit and htiWf m Cliria- 
Q. In other wanln, wliot?nt>r Wtrayed a tniit 

in a J-j'l-ix; in !hpL il I A- I would nay Hial ii 
on* Gf tfio points in Hinl cuiilaaation, yo*. 

Q. *Si* yon unhntriije to tlmt, dont yOflt A 

Q. Dili yon went 1hin roiirt anil jury to nndcr- 
*'jiin! that lfr„ Jlnylf lnul N-lroyot liii (runt in 
Ifftnl fnnticrst A, f did, 

Q, YflO. ti-njo-u.-. dnoM vnil, llmt lliorf i* JiOthinjr; 
in Ii i r letter nhnul Ifpil matter* f 

Mr, t'l-'vincli'ii : T1ml1 in nut a h|j.1c- 
ntPiit nl Hit- wIhiIh- fjH'tn. I ohjfcl, 

Tlift (,'nnrt; Olijif(inn *u^lmin>d. T*lca)w 
ilfm't nmke nny ninii-ni^Tit. If yon irant 
in nulif nn nlijertinh. ynvii will r^l a ml- 
inR. II I urn in ilrndtt. 1 will afclt an what 
Jtrpdnil yon tFliprel, 

Q, You linvt ri>ferrn[ in nomp ixuTTrmmlion 
that yon nixl Mr. 1-t 1 1 r ] m - r- H- n- rl , nnrl null-he pntno- 
b<yly elwi. Fiiinl. wlirir, yen nny, Ifr. Moyle wan 
criiiiizcd for wlmt h* rtirt no llmt mne; in that 
correal A. Iictii puiirl — Woo urns I Ik frartiri, 

to llf J i]iin F E iiiMlrrjiJihnH] von. 

The Court: Yon lirtn't undcnrtBiml tha 
n, Mi p.! inn f 

Tlir Witn^R ^ No 1 . 

Tlir fViurl ; Hi? dnei not Undrr»tnnri 
Ihe <]i[c*linn. 

Q. Writ, didnt ynn Iwlily nt>rc- tluil lhrr> 
Wftn a cnavirrHntion lielw^en Mr, rtiilrnrffiril ami 
Mr. May le which yn* |Jp<|«rn*d in en, wlwre »lr F 

Williitm I", {ftvih, Jr.— For tftfli. — Cnm 

R u 1 1 n' J-I'nr. I f-ril iriiril Mr. Hftyjg lor wliat lie rllil 
ar faih'd tu <Jo ill 1lic triri] nC (lit canst A. Yep., 
I <h,l, 

Q. And when ito ytjn hay tlmt thnl fon^orna. 
tinn Im.k [ilj<T-t A, Tluil minvi-rMUnni rnn-urrs'il 
pwrrml rlinn nfiH-r the in-«ririK of .July IHh. 

CJ. livi n "t ynu Lnnn- I'm) nny roiiv*r*™ii<in Mr, 
Jtilllinjfiird hnrt slinut thin wait not Until July 
2l-ilT A. T ih nnl, 

(J, W|ui| iii,-,| |]> your ininil Ihr dntr nf thip, 
CiMiiTrHPj tii.n f A. Till' niT-i^nity tnr (jr-(1 iop sn- 
i-Jliicr rriun«i'l ih the rrihc. in nay cif,*,,, fi,r til* 
com Lurf i hf{ nf 1ln" Lrinl fur HUT. 

Q. floji't jTiu kniHT rlin1 Llin ilinrtlnnion alkiut 
relllininj; oEhl-r I'trlltHtrl r| ki I suit r-iTInc ilmpft unlil 
Mr. Mnylc n^ A. ] ilnn'l knuiv jiny nnHl 
lliio[r. It u-im Irt'fH-rr- Slot. 

y. Yon nri 1 [umitiw- jihnm H.jirT A. 1 am. 

Q. Yon nrc very nnsimiH in Imh-e 1lm1 ilnln 
hrTore July ilm. nn'ii't vim! 

Mr. Coviiifftrm : I nlijiTt. Thnl in jn-jni- 

Till' ["Miri ; Oliji-ilinii Hi|-Inihnl. 

Q. Y»n car 1iuii .Mr. M-.-. !■■ |nii m il.i- alletrerl 

■1*1' I i» ii.-iili-i.i-i- T iJr, I liipili-rilnmL llml ik 

jmor tmliiMmiyf A. I'linhmt I itnn'l under- 
«1iiim1 Ihr 1 1 Hi-fi inn, 

|ly 1 1n- Coarl: 

(). I>o vnu f nv rli.n1 l[r. Mmir> (Hit inlft evi- 
ili-iicc nl Ih" I VI in' t'lMirl imriiipy llm » l.iM-rnfjiS 
Hint yuu khvf In Mr. Huiherronl of Mr. Mnyli? 
Or whoever ynu ynvf U lof A. I il'in't linrtw. 


trillion, f. Heath, Jr^Far Drttm,— Cr-ltl 

By Mr. RriK?hhniiin'ii; 

Q, Didn't you juHt tell us that Mr. Meyla 

van it that trial and that ha lihlied a paper aat 
ol hi* pairlu-t tinil rjfTi* reil it in evidence! A. YeiL 
I don't know that it in offered in evidence-, 

Q, Offered it to the person you call vaa the 
prosecutor I A. Yea. 

The Court: McDonald? Inn't that toe 

Q. Am yon pnnilive (hut llmt statement was 
liAndcil hy Mr. Mnyfce lo Mr. MciXnnnlrlr A. Mo, 
Jl wjmn'r. ImitHi'it hy Mr. JJuyle In Mr. Jlr Donjil-I. 

Q. Who do yon niy it nun hnmJerl lot A, It 
wan liiimjeij hy Mr. Moyfc to Mr, Whelens, who 
turned it over to tin? prosecutor, nnd 1 am not 
lure if it won McDonald or the other party 

Q, Hn >lr. Vt'hrlenn WMm enndnrlinR tike lrinl. 
was he nutl A. Ko. lie w.nn enws ejamining 
at the tune. 

Q. [it I here any iliiletfnf-e- lietweeo from oxant- 

ininp and riindiietirif;, in ynvt C*liinol POItl A. I 

believe Fit, 

Q. What in ynur defmition of "c(mrlartinf"t 
A. Well, il would In- one who han I he- whota 
r^arn-- i>f the tnnl mnn-ricil ciul in ndvance, who 
directed how it nlnmld he conducted, whether he 
did the cross examining him*eir ar nal— hi 
would he in rduirg* oF itn ppep*rntion and be in 
rhnrpe of juHi «-hn( whs done, in.t, particularly, 
the times in which the various witneat** tmli- 

Q. With that definition which you. are just 


William P. Heath, Jr^-For Defti.—Creu 

ftiviift wan it not n fiict tlmt Mr, Ituthnrrord 

Wjis orjndnrtinn; i.l|i. Iriall A, J think B'J. 

Q. Hi- hail in I jre charee fif the nlratfrffy rind 
whnt nan 1n In- rl^ne. inn't tint correct 1 A, Ki- 
orpl Hint he t»'Up! not prexenL 

Q. And 1*-!' ri'-n 3 l y nU nnl ynu r wi fe i-nnslonl ly 
tt'le plpijil i.'iej linn frrFrn 1ln' en-urt rnr,| Jl OH to what 

war nr.jjs-j nnl A, Vl'e flitl lele].ihone hirn; sol 

The Court: How iniiny litaest 

The Witnesn : 1 Iprlirve rinly nnce, dur- 
ing dinner, dnrir.p thr dinner hour. 

Q. Ami your vipft wan, Ihl-rir Tor thr iFiirpnKe 
nl ri-|ji,rtinjr Ui Mr, Itutherfurd, wiMn'l she! A- 

if, Ami he j~"ue.l i nut ruftifrflK In herns to what 
ll> Jo I A. I i|(|.a"l ln-lii've ho. 

Q. Well, I here were innlriir1innH fkiHsivl to 
l-riun-ii'l On Ihi'V innie from Mr. Hut herein) 1 A, 
-'ii--.. ; froui u'hril 

Q. InHlnirliiFnn 1hai rnine fmiii Jlr. Iluther- 
Turd yean iun*i-il to tln-ne counnel in the nmrt- 

Jfr, Cnvintrlijn: I uhject. Thin j* nriru- 

The f'niirtr I iliinlc il in. 

Mr. ItmHilrawn ; I nalii'd Ihr wilneim, 
if ytnir 1 1 mi nr fih-nun — In- YiTm Uir-rft and 
Ii'- hjia hronj:ht ihiH (esl 11 unity iH'fotr 1|iih 
einirl, n* 1" the inxIrni-tiniiFi llsnt mine 
fr-Fin Mr. IJuthi-rfrrnl on that day. 

The ( J n«rt: Voa iniifhl axli hiiri: Were 
Iherr innlnirtions fmin Sir. ItuHiPrford 



William F. Ifea'k, Jr^Far DifUr-Crtu 

tin- dnv of the hearing while liie hearing 
wuh in jjr'fwi'it*" 1 
Thm WplneH*; [ un not lurm ahaul Ihat- 

By the Court L 

Q. ¥oa don't know! A, T dent know, 

fj. You didn't tfrl ajiy pertonal instruction!.* 
A. \ T o. 

Q. Hill yfto rln j»y that, before. (Ik matter 
wi'iil lo triiil/il h™ji ilittuwu'd with Wf, Untlier-, ftnrl hi- nnid that VftU Were. 1n (eslify lut, 
BJirl the othvr llllnffrt A, "Vtii. that is ri^ht. 

Q, WhWi you have trtLilWd tol A, Tint it 

Uv Mr. Bruchhauten : 

Q. Bn! you are poniliv*. nbool "It i i -- tertimany 
van pve it lo the conduct of M>. Movie at thin 
trial; that you arc |«>hitiv« anodt, it Ural rii;hlf 
A. Ye.*. 

Q. But you can't ffi'ee on- th* detailt of lit 
iaalruetiann lha,t Mr. Ttnlhe.rford gnvel 

Mr, Covington: T object t* this. 
The Court; Qhjurlion nmlained. 

Q. Ami yon wcrj; wry flmc ta Mt. Rotherfoid, 
weren't yon! A. 0«i»rally. 

Q, Ton wm constantly in hi* oompany til day 
Inns; njul during the evening hounrt A. Not all 
(hnt day. 

Q. Well, on any oilier nUays'T A. Many day*. 

Q, Y™ were in loucln wilh him before, the pr*- 
lirainnrv hearinc in the HajjiiilTOl* '« Court, 
weren't y*flt A. On that day, do yon meant 

Q. Trt. A. I tf>i»l< not 

IKItMM I'. If tali. Jr.— /'"or Dcftt^TOit 

[J. Wr-LL, you ;rul Olil on Lai] riuht avitty, (liiln'l 
)•(.»! A. Tin - I 'iii. ^m iiimiL- a week before that; 

l(Ullc sunn- lipie. 

(j, JJidn'1 vim pTl I'tijhl oul on haiit A. No. 
(J. Ilov lunjr were vim in«arnri*ttdf A, 

Alriul »i!i llOUTri. 

fj. Ami you linrl oeenjiion to tnJk with Mr, 
Mihjli- nlritui nit llir tli-lnilK of what tronnpireil 
jit tin' flur-iJi'ii jnni «]>»t Ilia lestimony vhh of 
1 1,,- wilimwii, didn't ynul A, \t»t on, tluil day, 
mot itf duy °f 'In- - (Jiinlen trouble. 

t^. Al rijiv ti Hflri' 1h* Uurili-n ncrnrrfnpcf 

A. I «i. }<* 

tj. Ami nil Hni-i' ■.lnh-ini-nlt %vto lyprvfitlcfl 

II |l. I. ill I. "| lliii ,■ l. , III Ili-IT Ml. 

{j. Mail y«ii lijn rrilr Hi-niT A. Kot Jill of 


(J. Ami Ifr. linllii-ri'dnl wan fully infrirrnpil 
nf hvlml (hi' i,i i hi' ■-::■■'.- Ii.-i'l rliiiiii"il liA]ijif»i><] nt 
iln- iiiiMlni* A. I (I'mi'i knew U lie iui fully 
j'iifiiniMil nr mil, 

t). I'ilIii'I In- p'1 Dii' Klnli'mrntl A. Hr ptil 
i<Mi-li ii riMfMril frmii iiiL-ii n-ilni'i'*, y*. 

if. Ami 1ln'ji t LifiJT ^H inn Uii'j Ktfitasttelit, 
llpi-ii lii> rjifl-i| in f^Hinifl omi tnll;«l l» t)i"ni 
nln'iit il, "liiln'l Wf A. Yen. 

Q, Ami In- inll>-.l in Mr. Vhrtrtnt A. Tcb. 

(J. Amt llipy uvnl nvtir nil 13i one- ituiniil A. 


(J. Ami ^[r, WhrlpNn h-iip jlfsipnatui an trinl 

rttniiKpl, njlnn't LrT r \, T <^ir. 't Eliinli ^O. 

Q. U'rll, ifliilii 'I 111- nrlivc-ly |rv Elir fAftel A. 
)fr jirliii-h' jins«B«1ri| ill il^ E rjnl . 

fj. Wn||, hi- nnniiiwd lh< wilnnst*, didntlitt 
A B Sii|ni> nf tlirni, ^ 

WiUiaut t>, llraih, Jr.— Far Utftt^Crott 

By the (.'i"ir:- 

<J. Who CuJIilufldcI muiL of Ile Iriolt A. ] br- 
J icv* thiL Mr. 'M'liuli-jift cfliulucLtil umtt «f Ihci 
ci'uad i.'xluninnlion. 

{}. VV*U, never niiml cj-om oxuminntirin, F,x- 
ami nation or arum i-insni nalionT A. 'iVrll, T bv- 
lii-vi: \\ jii'li'nji iliil jiidsI of it 

Q. l>o J' un knuur H'lmlt l|ic ilifTj-rrppc iiclwoin 
O^iLcninnrion nri'l CTmst I'^jiEiiiniilinn itf A. Vo», 

tj. IVJm nsniinrl^S jiu.^l j-.f )ln» f ssinirnliftn 
or em*« rxami nntion: Drjiu jlitl nmnt of 1ll(i O)]- 
HmillinK ! ■ r H'i(rK'M»i'»f A. Wrll, T ilon't InnW 
vrt\n ilk] cynrily the niu«l of Unit. I li^tiKva 
\l'lii-|i-.H ilir! 

Q, V"ii miy it wnn pnrtifi(MiI<iil in liy hotli 
>fr, Moylii nml Mr. Wi*V*tf A. Tliat it «ftf- 

By Mr. rtj-urFiliniucii : 

<J. You kn'iH' tlult ^fr. WIip-Icm nut ynnr «(nle- 

inoinl in tvklfsii^, ilim'L rniiT A, I knem- tliat ho 
iL.ii I M ml it lo di- [rtrly, 

Q. T^tiii'I yoti reriiti (hut lis nfffrrd It in pvIt 
itrnrr ami it Viiit pivm In the ?tfnoj:rnplniTT 

\ \ r. CniH np<on ; Tlml w nulii It* ihg hrp t 


By tiw? Court: 

Q. Rn yua rrrjitl wlinUier or not tilt tfuljimcnl 
w*s etflercft hy itfr. Wlu*l**ii into eviclMiM-t A^. 
The onjy thing I reniflmhor it tlmt he gffcird it 
to the nrnflf-eutinj; attoiriry, 

<J> Him the tnttttr it ygti donl Itnow wfi*tti»r 
or aot it wu rjfTern3 in ertdesceT A. Th»l it 

Wilthm r. UtAlK /n— Fof Dtftt.—Cmt 

fj. Dj Mr. WiVlrimT A. Thtl it n K hL 

By Mr. Bni^ti]iaui<<iit: 

Q. ilul Mr. WliclfEU nil the aaa lha± lauded 
Hr- - , :i:i-i:::":".l A. Yoh. 

Q. l>id j-ou line «nnif fiprrnjion Ihat Mr, >f^ 
Drinnhl ii "Hit profiiN:iitor' h 1 A. I understand 
hi* ^t|il" j\ Kri^i-inl. [iriiM-r-nli-ir. 

((, Vi'licrr- rliil ynu (jet tlial undcratnnding 
troniT A. lit- tnid so, 

Q. llon't jou knou- tJu-rc wni on uMisfatit ili»- 
tritt attorney ivlm vl-ih* iuinilsinp (lie canet A. 
Tlirro wiih a (list f if t attorney, jts. 

Q, Aliri tin- ilMrii't nllnrrniy wnn laklli^ TJire 

of Ihr rMiniinAlinii nf tlw- witwutat for Ihe Peo- 
ple or for Hie mm plaint ill'" eatft A. No, iir, 
not nltoEellier, 

Q. 13o you Fny tlmt Hie other jiuin rj ufitionod 
tim n'itnpiiso^T .\. Yjis, >feDonnld ques.tionr»d 
hit. As a witn^n. in the rase. It ti'hu ■ er^»-» 
ijnrnjilnint. T had tiintle a complaint, If I mny 
offer thin «fJn«ftlHi», T inmlc a caitiplnint. My 
aE^^ilnnt n ! ■■' ■ i m.-:, .■■ n eonijilaiiit. Anil, on tliat 
ImsiD, I hclirvt MeDonold wit nroseeutor, rpts- 
rial pTOBWiitor. 

Q. Wn^n'l Mrl^onnUl rejirpnrnlibj; a,na of the 
dtfendaniuT A, Ye*. 

By tlie Tnurt; 

Q, Dirl lie Tepreprnt liiis frilow AnffantT A. 
ITe rciircsenl e<] him, yet. 

Bf Mr, BrafhliaiiHcn: 
Q. Thii Auffant h-jid n ulefenrliinll A. "T>n, 
Q. And he w&u repr^Finling him, as oopnucl 

fer Mit djcfcndantT A. Vnt. 


Williau P. }ltat\ Jr.— Fur Pefl*,— CreM 

Q. And tht dintriet nUontey wt. nrpreierit- 
in>; ttc aqminloinoniui in the caeel A. Yra- 

Q, So*, yejii "ny hointtiiinj; ahout 8J>tne ooea- 

aion wlmn Mr, Moylc tnurtini iir, McDonald, ii 

that itl A. I niirl he pntlnl hini cb Ihr haet 

Q. Ami that i»-ji* nlierr, oat in the halll A. 

In eoiarL 

Q. Wan il while iiic trial «'ii going onl A, 
Jo<it ln'f.-jrt. 

Q. Wln-re dii3 ma put hit liandl A. On bit 

Q. Rin vfhiilp iuind on hit lmclcT A. And ha 
pnKeiL liini, 

Q. j\nd did lie kef-n il en hi* hnrl( or jmt 
tnurh him with hie I=nnil1 A, I think he jutt 
patted him nnrf* ot l«iee, and tlml wai aiL 

Q. Am] lhat it all the pnlling that n«* dnnoT 
A. I Irtdicvc mh 

Q. And ?>nine nifiry vran tnlrl, it thai ill A. I 
wouldn't know. I jliiln't ht-Af nn>1hin((. 

Q. Thi-y l Q iipli"i ilidn't ihtyf A. I think 
they tn-iiah"!:, fh*e ljinfih<>d, 

<J, Hid ynn Kiiuk 1tmt wnt ■ *ery *erioq» 
aiTji Lr F A. T itioueht it nn« fpiite eerious, yes. 
Q. And did yon i inrnoil i nlii] y Tvparl it lo Mr. 
Ru1l|iirfnn|t A. Kn, 

Q. lVli*"n did ynn rrpoTt it to Mr. HntlieT- 
fordt A. On (he nm»imi nhen T ranie hark 
frm ii l he lifi-ifiup. 1 hrJirvr. 

Q. Oo 1hin.ll iMinir dayt A- TfH. 
Q. Thnl *.-nt nn .Tnly Hlh, wm ill A, Yet. 
Q. "When dn yon ji»y — hoir Ion? nftrrvardt — 
tiial yen railed ifr. Jfnyle't altfntion to thii 
prtttinp incidenll A, I diuVl iwy lliat I cnHrd, 
hit attention Lo iL 


Willing P. II tall. Jr.— Far JtrfU^-CroM 

(J. T>id jnn ever mention it (n himT A. T be- 
lieve lint, 

Q. And yet ynn tnu- him arj>umi bethel nil 
tin' (imeT A. Xn. not Jill llip lime, 

(J. Yon my yon -lidn"! vant Mt, Moyla at 
your Inwyrr, i« flhnt enrrM"tT \. Y«», 

(J, 'Will, w-err-n'1 nil [lin lnn'ii' m hired hy Mr. 
Kiillii-rfnrill A, I I hi lit tn. 

Q. And llui Wiilrh I'on-er puid Jill the Inw- 
yerH. d idn r t I h*y ! A. N'ot ill »,-oy n. 

Tlie (Vurt: ffr nre nrd talking nhuut 
■ItA^iyn. Ill' ik (rtlkinj; nhnitl (hin ]inftiril- 
hir riih«-. 

Q, In (hit rn*e. A. I beliefe— he didn'l nay 
(he In h yen in (liin enne, The I rial— . 

Q, M'ere nny Inwyert peid in I kit tnnftt A. 

Q. T>iin'l I'nu know (hey were all paid by the 
Wolili Tnnerl A. J^n, ihey are not ill pn»1 h* 

tlie Wnleli Touer, 

Q. I^nn't yon knnn- Mr. TVimlets wn", pnirl hy 
lin- Wnteli Tnu-erT A. Yen, he war paid by the 
Vfmitk Tf.ner. 

Q. j\ml Mr. ^Toyle YT|iRn H ( pjiid at afM A. I 
(hmh nn1, 1 Ihinli ynn are TKEflih 

<). Anil (liiry wen; (hr nnly t^ra lawyer* in 
(he rrtne. on tin' preliminary henrmcT A, Yen, 

fj, And ynn wiere neujii i I iett, n-eren't youf A, 

Q. In Ih* Onrt of Snwinl Se«ii«M) A. Thai 
it eorri-dt. 

ti, Vhih epuke nlmitl (hin ineiilent of Supkm- 
Imj 1 21-1 nf apucnrinc in 1he m*etin(t room, 
did ii "I you. Mr, lirnlhf A, Ye*. 




IFOKbm P. //«d J n, Jr.— For Defls^-Crau 

Q, And 1lie i'iidenre lltol yn had before you 
151 « etrtiple uf letter* or Boiiw letter*, imi't ill 
A. No. 

Q. Dili ynu rend the IcUithJ A. Yen, 

M. Oil, I iv llii' Way, didn't yuil any that II r. 

Uuilni-^.i-.l aauwoil ynu lira leUw of July 2]at 
on J u I y i I ?.( t A Yen. 
(J. Ynu know that BntH of Hie director* here 

ti'iilibwl tlii'V didn't r-i'e tin; letter UtitiJ August 
tlrlt, don't jnnut A. Yen. 

(J. V.Ik'N' niTf wju ulu-n Ihii JgltiT nun jiho* n 
to youT A. 1 *ih in the Judjin'a nlhefr. 

Q, Ynu ihiln't jiinm :l In an} body «']w ftn tluil 
day ' A. Hi; tLiriwixJ it Ie> rue 1 didn't Imvr it 

(J. l>i<! you wx it ugnin between July 2int iml 
Aujrni-t Hlh f A. 1 don't Mieve 1 hit hi« pcr- 
Hm*l k-LU-r. 1 ip' eopie*. 

Q. You uro jm^lilve jun tow cngsies prior In 
AujjubI -Ht l> T A. No, ikpilc prior to Aiikilhi Sth, 

(J, Yi>u -aw LIil' cn-pirn «n -Si pkiiihir 21*1, wlin 
;■".: k..L in on Ijial un utiii^f A. No, 1 UW it 

pr-'ir In ^[-[hl^niLi^ 2 1 Kt. 

(J. Ju^-S I* fi-w duya jiriur to tluil tiling f A. 1 
Lliink "... 

y. J )ii] j nil imixm or ty|ie Clair- uriit'lo "ht- 
fontigtion M 1 A- R«- 

(J. JJi.iL you see it liffore it ti*k Jiubliahgd* 
A- 1 WW il onlj on llio 21*1. Tliol tu (Jib firal 
time J >!ji»- iL 

y. Did you prr|mre uf typo thia arliija 
"Snnfen"1 A. Xo. 

(j. Well, it Ivan written hy II r. Rutherford, 
wan it noil A- V™. 

Q. Alwl ><HJ knew it in krinjf written, didn't 
youl A. J didn't know IbaL 

H'diu*, i». ifeaJi, Jr.— For Dtftt.—Cr&i, 

Q. VVnll, weren't you on hi* ulalT ut Ilia timet 
A. Vw, 

Q. When (Id yoj my it first ajnif tu your at- 
tention I A. Jl brut cams lo my iltcatioa on Urn 
XI it. 

y. I um *|jvaiiiijj ^f tlit artit'lt *' Snares'", 
tin' liut urtitk-, A. Oh, '"Snirti'T 1'Jie iiril 
iJiiHr I Jin* ".Snttn*" w»j n-hoii J fL-Jicl it in Hit 
Wllltll ToWfar. Tlklt WiiUisl lx ubout tbg 1 Jtli 

of XuVL-iuotr. 

g. ,UI uj tliL-^c jirliili-M tlmt ill-. KglliTi-fufrl 
jin-|.iinij wuj-t wfilk-n oji on tin,- rl'joT, 
»t«.ii't tltjy, Ijy tbo uterttorini? A, 1 ibink nut. 
You moan Ibono tv<if Tbo two nrlR-lt-h, or all 
uf Lui urlklOb] 

<j. L'Uull}', In* grtEdn* liiftt Vftt n«At (iv^i- tu 
tilt printing ciflut hcj AiJ™n« ^trii;!, uunn,' frnnj 

[Jit uflitu ok tbt ortwiUi floor I A. Yen, *I'iw;y 
were uot nil writtcD UiiTt, 

'Hit Couft: iSomt iri;rs wriiltu in 
iJlatta IbIuduII 

'I'lie Wilnoaviij Yen, utiDit written in 
»St»ttJi JnlnniJ »ml Olbgr [illlcti. 

g. YvU wont to iltateu, laEund vilh liim, dida't 
you; wjili :\,t JipJ^eT A. Ytit 

y r J Jo you- i-i.*jiII wlrWg l!i. Jtollicrfunl wu, 

or ^iinlbor hi ^tlt\ pwiy, Mwci-n Ottiijs-r 1'iLli 

rulI Niii'i-inJri-r li. I'J'rtit A. 1 tlunk bo inoy Jnv« 

tmit twHlahui JkLliuI, 
ij. Ami you »l-i4 viitli Siiml A. Yin, 
(J. And wbti ht vroUt »rl>Eli;» nut tJnrre you 

aaw wluil wiu *J-iltin, 'Jidji't you f A. So. 
Q. Wn» »Jiy □)" it dictated to youl A. Not 

WaLtb Ttiwtr, 

William P. Ktatii, J r ,—F vr ItefU—Croit 

Q. \t'u* it, to your mfbf A J bclitvg n>, 

(J. You uouJii illfltlliul biMJiu; of flit: urlicl( : ii Hut 
he mvtg r A. Xu. 

<l. U'uuliin't you kit at dii>ncf wild bjjn, *nt- 
iut' tJnttif A. Yl-h. 

(J. You. Jiiid a iJiihinj^ nioiii in tliii Jioiuc tlu>l 
you lived in, didn't yuuT ,\. Ym. 

lj- And jou nnil ]j» Hvcrrluriul »uilf vouJd *it 
ttatv ill ilbiPM.-i', woulijn'l yLiuT jl. Via. 

tj- Y*u dkln't tu 11 in Hit Lo>» ffotn Hi* (ng- 
turv to toil tJn.-Jji lfliut tin; Ju>l^o Jmd trfitUnil 

Al f. (. "rurinj^luii f TIiik in ur^U3iL4-ut41lio& 
Tlii' Court: Obii-tiLuat huhUijipi J, 

li- but, ut uny rulOi. Uh." only group Ibut ant iu 
villi tbo Jui| : L'n in lliin dijijjiif ruuin ut hmii-n 
J blond wqi 11 r. luiLbeffurd mid ibt *,-rn-li.riiBl 

Mr. Covington: Objoetod la u urgu- 


TJie (JuUrt : ObJL^jtinii niojlniiK-d, 

g, VYlio was il Unit mit In on tbia dining room 
in tbo liuuiL' uu Pinion l»lund, hiUi ilr. Itutntr- 

ilr. {JavJnKtuA : 1 objott lo JL It ii too 


Tbo Court : l"ix tbo lime. 

a'. . ll?Ui;JibiiUAoja ; t ant tfying Eo ri-.'i-r 
tu ll ii* pufiwl gelKKHi OctaLwr Kub and 
Kevonrinr lo, ]'J&. 

Tl.i.- Court; Air UrucbJniuneg, ynu Uw- 
L<- r n -k tlilil nil «1i Oil iguJi:. 

i!r. C'ovingtoa: Uocj il rtbjlt In tilt 
'■Hiiurt»' r initio ( 

IfWavat /', WcuJJl, Jr.—t'bi- Dtflt^-Cftot 

ilr. Jjrutl.luiUxn;n : ".Sniftj" *i L tbJi> r 

Mr. OivijijfUph : I tliiolf tltf= witpiiii 
IOxEiHmJ lljFit Llii-rr^ wiiji iiti iJi-^iLh^.^iji 
l- i-.i .--L l.i ■ '■ -■ 1 ■: I. -j : i a. X\Mf{ on tbat, aui 
tli'iriifof, III in lit-- 

"J hfc ^Tourt: J li.-i 11*4 „ t\ ni te clr-nr on 
ibul. You rjiiijf w!] Jifr ri^lit. 

Air, iJiTji-fJ jiiHvu ; | nihil counnol 
wr,iildn't m.Hlii: tin** htntonrii'iit*. 

Mr. C .'ij ^ i r*.i^1 ij.'i : I hiu quite Murr- ibat 
}.[- ilid 

,Mr, E'riKlibji iir an : t will utr th* wit. 
IHftn ail to vbat »in tfjitLJaxi tit ut what 

r.o fTjillB. 
Uy llr. fJrud"luiuH.<'ni 

(j. Y'f.U ri-riM uninj; tn fitn1r-n Itlnii'] kith Mr. 
Ituihi:ifurd diii-inji itn- jji^rimJ fr J <rn O^lnl*/ 
K.llr In \'( H w-ifilptT |f. r |*JfJS1 A. Si-t jiartirularly, 

Q. Well, did ynu Vf Hurt it alii A. Ytt. 

(J, An.| did you jin durinjf thai period! A. I 

b*-tif-V|h W4 did. 

<;, Awl you w&l there ni-i-k-cnfl n r r|fcr]n"t ynu, 
during Umt fi>rioilt A. Yi>«, I b^Iiwr* no. 

(J. Jto you 4T-talJ ulptibcr tlif- artitln- "KjiarrV 
wdj. uriii(-n in J!.-!h*] nr in bttaten IjiIdbiIT A, 
J donl know. 

<J. Wf-II, ilidn't ynu ■(■* th# iopy thM Iff. 
Rijiht-rford \>ti-\i!i,U"\ ht *Midiruf In tin- Walrh 
Tnm-ii-rT A. \"o. 

Q. \Khfi Won 1|n? shief Rivrrolarjf A. T *a* 
rhn-f M-ereln r^ - . 

Q, And didn't ynu Jijiv* i-harp* flf all If t+irl 
material ihnl (]. f Juil«p> frot out, age tKat il wu 



re4uf a™) Rot to Hie plact tliat ii waa ta a* ic»l 
lo, Mr. 1 1 (-*» h ! A. So, 

Cj. LI ^n'l you liavt nipe.T:»JcjD tnr Ilia otter 
MftrP;liLritnf A, Nu, 

Q Whiat did you cormider * chief HcreUr? 
alifruld 'JoT A, 1 don't kunw. 

Tin: Court : Oh, 1 think thta ia ohjks- 

1l'jiuiJ,Ii:. I don't think wa art ioltrntrd 
in wbkt li- t::..ik,(. 

(j, J'irin(; tbii time ynu »ere at Platen J*- 

land, y"u bad oucanioa to take a drink oiug ia 
a rail*, ■ I id n't your A. Yi-t»- 

{[. Lvtti at Ik" [III It A, TtA 

ii. It irai not an unsuinraipii ornirrenre In 
liri:ij{ umt liijunr into the ptaer, an it I A. Xo. 

Q, Nobody prerc-oted that or itopped thalf 
A, No, 

Q, Ami you hail liquor up on the aerenth 
floor, didn't ynu! A. I tbink na. 

(J. And thtn. after liourn, you would all 
around ami !■-[! utorin, wouldn't yont 

ilr. (,'nvinj;(-nn: Thia if all U(KUincT- 


Thi> Coort; Sot alb Thia luention ia 
argument. I will auHlaia the objection, 
Mr. i;Qvin(;too : "ftit arennd."' 

(i. Yno irent doaTnitain in the ercnins honra, 
didn't you, around dinner timt, oa aotnt ooca- 
aionat A. To iltawr. 

Q. Tbrn, a tier dinner, didn't yon hear atorin 
toblT A. I don't rural! any lime, 
Q. TTow lonjr would yon ipeud at dionarl 

William P. tiealh, Jr.— Far befit.— Gran 

A. The evtninjr meal began at aix and waa over 

at iLt-tliirty. 

Q, And, uumedie tr)y after dinner, did you 
lenvu the rootuf A. Alntost iiandcdiuttly, 

Q- Didn't you ever ait tbere and have aouie 
lINtbJaiuilf A. iVo. 

g. Kevorf A. Hever. 

Q. Kever p*a»vrd tbe 1iinc of day with sorao 
ui thg n- 1 kit ibncru tlitrt-T A. Not after dinner 
Wan nvrr, 

(J- Wo evorybody abruptly left after dinner, ia 
that right 1 A. 1 don't Hay rJinL 

y. Wlujt did I bey di>T A. i moid tbat I left. 

<J. Dbl Ihe iitlLcm lenvel A, K'ot alwayn. 

Q. And tluty ws-uhl nit around and talk, 
wouldn't theyl A. I Ibinfc bo. 

Q- And I boy would tell of intidtalt that bap- 
p>ened outaidrf 

Mr, Covinpion; Objected to a» aaaain- 
The Court: Objrglinn aastajr.ed. 

(J. Wl'll. VI, n u-uuld hi'BP tbein Inlking, would- 
n't youl A. Ye*, 

Q. Y'S'U would hear Uirta IcU atorics, wouldn't 
yii- - A. 1 tbink in. 

Q, Wouldn't liny louch onee in R whjlgt A, 

Q. Nbv4 _ nnii (lies an oiT-eolnr atnry tmoald find 
it» way in there T A. I itfrhrer heard one. 

Q. Tou weren't ut dinner on thoue oeeaaional 

Mr. CSorinjCtsn! 1 ohjr*t la it, 

Th* Court: Object inn auatained. 

Q. Now, llr. RulJierford invariably dined tin 
the anveulb floor, didn't h*1 A. No. 




William P. Utath, Jf/—Fot Deftt.~Creu 

Q. In the evtuingl A_ Na. 

Q. Well, lie jJjJ dim on t!u» HT«9th floorl 

Thfi Court: On uuuiiuul 

A. On occasions, ;tu. 

y. Iiow uiany timet a week, dh an avigragt, 
TtfOuld In-, dim: ud Lhn ■iivujalh llogrt A. JN'ot 
»*ifr>* week fv-i : ri 

y. Well, Ita would be away aomctim**, WOtild- 
E't lie I 

The Court: When he wu in BbUhJ. 

Q, When he win* in luwa, 1 aia i^iling, 

air. (cvjLijIciu; J object. TLk ii in> 
'J'Ijb Court: Objection luit&intd. 
Mr. UrucuJiauueii: Wm it juuUiited ? 

Tli* Court; Sdstiified, 

itr. IlruciiliBuacii; If your Honor 
pifiuic, tiiere is an iiuue in lucre— 

The Court:: "We arq not going to aava 
any colloquy, l'leaie uak Hi* neil qaat- 

By Jtr. Bruehhauar-n : 

Q. You jpuido *ome referentr, uSL pre --:■; — 

sutl tvrrwl roc if 1 am Mtittsien— -that, on th* 
nam. I up, wlitik }|r, Jtutharford »|mln alvut thi M 
iiiln'm., tir (Jin I (ometlii n j{ abcmi "»rf[oitiififf oar- 
■*|v« like inen," I>o you rusitl about lhatt A_ 

Q. And he felt tint 1hey didn't ut Uk» KMs, 
i* that ilt A. I wouldn't aiy that. 

3r.Vi. : a..H J». Z/«Hn, Jr.— For Dcft^—Hedireji 

Q. lie thought tiity war* ■ iitlle too soft 

about i! 1 A. Ni. 

Q, H'cll, what do you voiuiidcr the eipres- 
livn, "I* ji(S[uit ibriwelvcs like men", to meant 
A. 1 understand it to mean lo be diligent tu 
yum p.Lii.iniL-.hi.jn in careful!) urfi>gurdiof wttmt 
juu nri? cii-!.'ii lo Jo, nx a man. 

(J. And Die the emue pretty tthLIT A. Ilejj par- 
don t 

Q. Ami make pretty good] u* of lb* e*aef 
A. Xa. 

Q. U* i m I i it, led tluil tlkey dicta 'I u^uil than- 
kI ve* litic men I 

Mr. Cnvincinn: This is rern>1 il iou* awl 
»rsm«n?nlativr. tVe- albert (o it for thess 


TJift Csmrlr Objection KUnlfiined- 
Mr. JlrurhhAUi^n: That i* 41)]. 
Mr. ("oTinp ['in : Tlmi In all, Jari «ne 
UMiirai. T wuuld like tn- uk a fev more 

I|IKtI tiill". 

Tim (,'fiurl: On ricbt alicarl, 

IfaJirrfi OWMilMfJiH F^ *?•". COuiefltpB: 

Q. Jlrp, HutherroMl, i»hn( in ln>r phyaiiil «ib- 
<iitwin t 

Tim Cnnrt: If yog Ishdw. 

Q, If you knun- 

Jtr. Brurliiuiiiiren : I object 

Mr.. Cntinjrlnni He- urenl into jt. nhont 

hi'r liiinj; »i'fnrati'lj-, aiwl m? vrniilU like 

to uliow — 
The Court; I will let yoq j 5 alitnit, 

Wtlliaim P. Htath, Jr^-Por Dtfl*—Rtdirtet 

A. S>.o *u an invalid for the yein I kiww 
the Judge, 

Q, Wai the niaintoiijrii in California bj Use 
Judge T A, She bad a home there, Ha pro- 

Q. ilirl .Tuilc« Rutherford die n'ilh tnnrrr nf 
II ir rcfltmn, did you aayl A. TtuU ti conr^L 

Q. Tin- house that you Iibts Ibtre in Cali- 
fornia, the one on the premwi, did you obtain 
that naaac Ami camnejr il lo Ike Sodetyt 

Ut. BruchiinuHon 1 I ohjeet to tlial. 
The Court: Objetliqh ■uatiiMd. I 
dnnl tee how it ii inaterLaL 

Q. Who paid (he lawji-m |h»t hfcidlH the 
eaxe in Sptrinl fleMRiniw, if ynu knovt A. I paid 
One, J liclirve (he Watch To»ier paid the olhfr, 

Q. You [Hi id yoeir lawyer and 4he WaDck 
Tower paid the orlteritf Wlio hanril^l ynuf camp I 

A. i]r. A|i|:illuui fihnhlrm, nf L "utrnni-vrr ii 

<J. Of what firm! 

TIk Court: You Imvo lite wrnnir Tinnra. 

if. liHKitiiilirhniT ii VnkniH'jrerl A. Ym. 

Q, Thit lelier of Jnly 2ii|, job raw that, aa 
aecnrtnryv did yon noli A. Tea. 

Q. Ho you know whether Mr. rtitlherfftrd 
shoved ilifif to any of |JW oihrr Jircclom (hero 
frouu July 21 »t lo AoEiuit 8th T A. I really don"L 

Q, l\Tinl in the poliry in the ollire with rrfrr- 
ence in tlue vpriiinf: nf [hr "tt'nli-h Towrr Article*, 
pnrrtarial poJify of the nflVtt A, WtJ!, lfn«. 
Heath look ihr nrlirlrii vaU wro!i>- Ik™ up, No 
ane elj* mw tlirjn, Tliey were turned orer for 


\FtUiam t\ llrnli', Jr.^Frir fitUs.^iiv-TQ** 

|]r<ri>frcai]jjpi{ ami |iul»lkcrii<>n, wlthuil pinning 
thrtfUtrll on; Om; i'i.-^A'. "h luiiids. 

(J. Wan it ]ji-niiiH*ilj|p tit >'n it the ]*>liey to 
■|iu:uitx any of llii-hi! artmli.'h in tin- Wnteh 
Tovn-r hefuro 1 in- v iif-ie-iirr-j ii.iIi.jlIv in the puV 
li>;i I iiriih f A. Il v,-jm imI. 

Q. Wu.* \\w nrli»-h' erililli'il "Snnre*" din. 

4viLhM-fl \vy yrrii Hiid MrM. J J ■-=! t Jb ur pin^ iFltf nt 
<iuy tiipii, lufrji-i- it Bpfir-ibrnl in Xk': Wabeh 
Tuwi.j-r A, S"j». 

ff. V<i!l H-H?Cl! (■KllMTlirl Villi [111- fiMl!l.(iila. 

t'i^ii,jiiui> in whiil idnrr, .Mr. lJ>-hlht A. In 
Alliirilii Piii-i in Si-iiiJi 1 1 r i :. 

'J. And yur fulli"— UnI v<fii liv: in AHmntA 
lMT*if"' y,,ii rikinp- h- Jlr'jnklyii, nt nny limp- hr- 
f<,r<' yijpi i'miri- ti, 1 SrririVI 1 it t A, Ytm, 

il. \i\-i ifni ^ij m M-lnnl Bnvmhir^ n.iil»idn nf 
Tlii' I 'ail'i-nity i,r f;<".Pi;pBT A. Xr-r, f'j.lmn^iji 
riilv>r~ili rn N'i* \',iU, 

(j Wimr n»,i Mr. A'-m"iiii1 |iii->Hii!i' a i-hnrsrr 
hCiiiiii-l him ill llir \fiLpri-1 jjiIj-V Cinirlt 

Tin- C"'.nr1: ||i, iiiiH pp.piiifii.rl ili/ii ih*>y 
Iriilh ppiiprli, rlritrjft-F ai Lraiinjual j'iieh oih^r, 
Mr. f'nviri-l-.ii: Thut pb ftlT, 

Ilfrfnmx naniltotitu,* }„/ Hr. lirnrltSinn^rn-, 

(1 It: inn llmP ,j.ii.i,|,, rn lii,ri :f |1,,. re I'll - 
Ip'ipi'it S.iiiniF.I l.ii.liniiii^ ivpih tun I L-fpirn Pin- h'JIT- 

~"W "1 "i" M 11 l i ri ml" 'h fiipirt; <]»n'i vmil A, 


tj)i Ail*', _"n, pi nr* friinitiftr niprl rriii *fTf> m nn 
F'vn-i.iFi viill 1 1 Iih - iprj|iplji>piH Huit Mr. Iht'li'Ti 

Tiilil Plin'lr" v, II pk^nPIUP'IklH lljftl Vi'i'-T'- i-iililllil l''i| |r> 

liiin: *r- iirip puidiT A. S'i'i Ko, I hiimi'L 

lTiil?inin P. Ilfnib, Jr.— Far l>tft*.—Rtcrat* 

Tlir (IrpnrE; Vnpt hnVe ix'rn diM'uir.i-nlH nn 
w|>ir-|i fin put nnl d I innn T 
Tlii- \l J ilnr*M; Yen, 

i\, lie iij-iiI tin- Mlftinji-"J.K.H.", iliils'l hel A. 

[ III ink tie Hint, :,<•*, 

[J, I vlunr yrni Pinintid'p Kniiihil II for ii'lrn- 
ipln-niipiii nnrl nxk yrni il" Hint inn't the Hlninp 
"J.jV.H." onr thi-'i 1 tluLi. lie uni-d (hniiiliftir 
i,.n|...r In. wilin^n)! A, Whrre in tit 

Q. hn 4t>e weand f*Ljf ' A. {Aflcr exantiniit* 

fh-jf^-rp Vej*. I liB'LpiM.'e il i^. 

i;. Am I vppK knnw, nhiit't you, Dial mnny tin«-« 
hlli-mv uupilil hr ulilh-n hi 1 llrthf in tin* nriTMbaY' 
I imp Ii, Mr. [Iiilln'l-fur'i pi In L hr whju|i| iiiw this 
Mf.iii.-, "jy.ll." in ri'turniiK it 1 

Mr, t Vivin ulnn : I nlpjl^l to til At OB 
miiHaturifll nnl ' BWIi<***ati™, Thin mat- 
|i- r h,i« hw»ll luki'ii n|p lip'fiire. 

Tlu» I'iiLirl: fJlpjirtiiMi or*rTnlmt K*- 

r^-|i|iun ttr iLi-fi-n'lanl. 

Mr. rtfncl.liniiM'ii: I am nHnhliFhinjr 

tin' Jinietire, 

Q, Inn't Hint eipl 

Mr. ("riviniiliiia : If he known nUml th* 
[Hirlipnlnr Ji'ltpT — 

Q, Tl.n1 wiiH the | irliel im. wb* it TintT A- 1 
wnulilft'i M'f i|ij'iiiin'n1it iwni in 1fi hhipiifli'r flify 
»i-ri' Hi'pit, I ilhlip't pu* all rh^rinnenlii lhat went 
in Jinil wh'ipI nut, in other wonlB. 

I J, The jtrii-t'i't- »!', wnn il n"t, I" km th*«o 
lelti'iH epIliE'j- iii tin: lol'tiy or Sn unn^i; plar* — 

The Court: 1 think fee haa tntiurd 
fully to Hint. 

Elngt County CJerlf'i Ind« No. l.mWYrar 1940 


Apptllata DJTiiloo— S«cp»4 Depart**** 





rikukk. William k. vax AMurut;ii, aktjiuk A. oouX 

PawKyLmia, wrpcrali&n, and IVATUllTUWUlt 11IBLE AMD 
TRACT HOC! STY, INC., a Naw Jfork lunburHhip corporation 

V*4 III— Papa 1329 to IttB 

.tffonuy far i)tjfntia»ii-Afifitlla»U 

LIT AiUam Sirrtt 

JWouffh r.T P nyii I yn 
X** ywfc Cilj" 

W-tlTr* ]!*].: jii.bis 

Alt"fmry fnr Pluintif-Hetpv^dthi 
14 Will Xinnf 
KoruiijiJi nt Manhattan 
Haw York City 




WtmffTwnt VnAr.t Rule IS4.™ ^~ 

Notlw nf Appnl I* lh* Appt-llali Hirininn 



Kihihli A— ArtW* tMilied "Iftfflrtn*. 

iLma" . ., _— — 

D*fl!^^l■Jrt* , Pint Am*flfl«l At*Wtf__ — 

Orfkr It Wli.-i w (.'jitiH- Why jL»lcn*n t HhoabJ 

Kn* f}« ltowtornl in A«oj-iUi*« Wiln Hn- 

Vrnn of IWiinlanli fnr i Mrwlerf Vtnlirt 

hi Farar nf Km* Deftartant _ . 41« 

AIM* fit of Jlaydm C. Cairjjvu™ in Koplwrt 

at kfolion for Uirtrlrrl VrMirt, »l«. -„™ 

OHur fl^nyinpr, DrfrmUnU" Motion for * 

Oirwtal Verdict la R" 
Eilrti-t from Clerk 'i Mlim 

Jn4nwnl >■ ■ ■-— — 

Cat* aw) Kxirptiimu 1 — 

I'!ali>1ilT'» lliiltfm tu tJiju-tmUnui! Ar> 
Ifat AnTilrt'1 Joncnh F. 






Plaintiff 'a Motion In C*«*rf flisltlJona 
Nam** »f Ortaia DrfmdaaU lo 
Tlmif True N*m™ , . — ... .... . .. 4fl 

)f All on In JliptTjilmi Complain! ** to All 
Dtfmdanli .^_— . ~ , .. -■ . -. 4fp2 

TEewnral nf Ifotlnn to PJ«n5a» Com- 
plaint and fnr HireHion of Verdict 
la FiT»r of Dttondanta- ™ 1600 


Itntina for Dir«-lk>n of Verdict in 

rVnr n( I'lflinlplT „„,___._, ,™~ ISO 

rlninLirT'n .H-1 ii-Lion to Dimnlaa thfr S^|i«- 

mlo Drlrnmi, ntc , 1004 

('mirtV KuJin^ lm SlnlirinH lWi 

]|(-Fi'jplii ntn * llotiiifl to laalmci Jury lo 
ItmaVr a S|H^tal VnnlieL.-..—....... ICOC 

Plninilflfa M«1ion to HUmU* Iho Klml, 
Hn»»i|, Tliinl Pfl4 F°*trth C*tnpkta 
lleli-nKi Id th« Fint ns4 Bocnj 
CaQHM nf AdLdn IGOfl 

Lint nf D*f<:nd»jit»' H«|U*it* for SJpfr. 
fid Hnriinjpt , 1012 

TIb^ Cnurt'a (1i<nrt r ™ mr _™ m , 1033 

Prri'iHiMt*' Rjdsepiioiu t* Cnrt'i 

1*»F<!iHl"Titii* Re**avtti to fT"rjp« 1C.14 

1*l»)ntilT\ RitihmU lo Chnrjrja _— 172ft 

Drfrpilnrln' MdiLcih to Sol KvA% lha 

A'trdiet and for a New TrW 172*1 

Opinion nil MoliAn for * Dir*d*d V*nl«rt iWfi 

Slipulnlioti an to ?:xIiLfaitn. 10HH 

■^1n.|i-iijcnt thai Com Coataina AH in* Kvi. 

dcnr* , „„ 199(1 

Aili-hvil nf No Ollwr Opinion „ r „ r ^_ mT 1990 

Wl i | iu[a1 inn ami Ordar H*lt]in(i atii) f'ilin/r 

fltiimlnlkin WnivditK OrtiAcation ISM 

Ordar Filing Cav in Apptlltta Ditiiion 1992 

WUaam for Dr.femAamlm 

Wititrw fft Ptiintif 

William K. V»n AwMtwil 

^i unlink Linn Itefora Tfial „ 

Harvey Kink' 


It«linwt . 

Joiaph T. Jamba: 



RedinKt . 
Itteroaii , 

Katbarino Fink; 

CtOM — 


^^ 92, 

.mm 127 

mm* 137 

, 140 

__ 142 


_ 1S3 

Uatlhar A, llovlctl; 

KftuninaLion Rafor* Trial 

1'etar 0. Hr^vlo; 


Fho»tie U. Mnj'lei 

Oirnnt „ lr . 

Nalaan It. Kbor: 

KjuLcniniiian Bvfora Trial 

Olia It Mojlr: 

Direct _ 






mm J72 

^. 176 



, 194 

__ 3DB 
— 331 

C, Hilton FJliion: 
Piroet , 

IMiract «~_ 

Da* Panic*: 

nir*ct ™^ 


Rodirect - 
IlHirnia _ 

Fiwl A*Jsly: 


Crtiii — „ 
RMlimrt _ 
RiT.n™ _ 

tlrrnerl W. Harkbarlhr 


Croia „ - .... 


1+nrf R. jArl»gni 
Dilttt __ 
Crom , 

Kfrdirttt _ 

Rnffvr MarfiwiNJl; 

Uirwl _ 

Hill Taarp; 


Croat ,™ 

Jrwcpli filarl ■ 

Direct ^^ 

Cnua „ 

Dadiraot , 



mm 470 
mm 4B3 

_ 484 
















Z. AJka BottrfMI 

Dirt** _-_ 

Owl** J . Elrttwff: 
Dir«t „_ 


R*di»«t - 

Willii Pejinrrr*: 

Sine* __ 
Crw — 

Fmrnett C. Mt-rrt; 


Cr&w — 

Nnr B, BsHat™: 
Cireot . 

Crw — 

Join 0- Miliar: 

Direct _^ 

Cmm — 


Harry L. PfcrUnnt: 
Dtltwt _ 


Helm B. Tan »«■»: 
Dinet - 

CndM — 

Redirect _ 

Henry O. Juditm: 


Crew — 

finmr C. flwulll 

















Jompli A. r**y*lt*: 
Direct w„ 

ChiVTicii Scull: 
Direct . 

fro it* 

Clinrle* ]{. H cruder : 

Direct .. 




Fred IV. Fruni : 

Direct .„». 
Crow _ 

timet fkiitcr: 

Dirrrt _ 
f nun 
Hcdirrt „ 

TIhhiu J. Sullivan : 
I>inM ___ 

C*nm .-™t— 



Churta A. IVlw: 

Redirect , 

ITlipTo If, Hicnier; 
flireel _. 





04 1 



_ 9ST 

_ mo 

_ !»!U 
.... itttt 
_ Ifffii 

_ lira 






CJUytoo J. Wwriwofih; 
Dinicl _ 

(>ih- — 


Olio l>nLe (^uacktnl^Uiit: 
Direct _ — 

Cmu M 



Victor r\ Hclimtdti 

Direct . 

Crwfi . 

Irfulflr f„ Ur.\*mt,t+l 

Direct „ 

(IrQhn ■ 


Itee-row ... . .. . . 

Jifutlljair Arnold lEnwldl: 
Dirwl .. 

Cirnci _n — 


ltrcrtiM . 

Arthur ATlwii Wo.reley: 
JJircci — , _ 

Redirect , . 

TtecroH - - 

Ibilpli H. Utter 1 
Direct _™ 

Crflu" i 




mm 1115 
__ 1110 

__ 1117 

_„ nas 
„, n,* 






i an 


. 1213 
. 1213 

, 1221 
. 1221 




Jiithan Homor Koorr: 

If ti« flnlh HnwWU: 

Direct , 

Cnu _. 


limgni >LdwLn IluULUi: 
Diiwt ^^^^.^.^ 
Crou ^_ __ 



llaerou . 

■ !•. i ■(«!]•. Jr.: 

TOraot - 


RrerfiBt — 

Dillw Orrtll; 

DifW* __^- 

Crt« __™ 

™ 123G 
— 1Z42 
~ 125? 








^__„ 1JSO) 

Willkjd hi Van A«nliurp(lii 

ftnu^ _, 






r;illwr1 Torwwul VaOormkk: 
IKi*tt ^— 

Cnw ■ 

Ba«lie Hnvd Heilli: 

Dl'rtd „ 

f>s«i — 


fltln B. >rayl*i 


Cnou _„ ... 

Arthur Tt. (InH: 



Rrrrwu . 

. 12M 
. 132fi 

. 1329 
. 1339 

, 1353 
. 1350 

. 13S4 
. 1380 

. 1403 

. 14D7 
, 1407 

- 1443 

Wiintttu ftr PUtmilf 

Dirwt _ 
Crow — 


I**M F, HoafciM: 
Direct __ 

Omi i — 

B«firwt ^ 
B«niH _ 

flneho IT. Ibyha 

Dinot . 

Crow — 

Oli-n R. Vay!*: 

Pirttt „_ 


___ 15ft[ 


™ i«n 

^^.1376; iam 

^4BTB, IWl 




^ ...^_ I8t77/ 

1'LaiK.lifM XtMihiU 

Dllufltl l 

AA-mb^ vFrniid 

nv I've 
1, — AtiLclo «nlill«l "lBfonu«- 
liuii " tpj>tiirjB^ in Ht« Wilch 
Tuwier nHLK*iiim J*t«d Oft. 
1 a, I!DU 63 1T2T 

i— Ariid« ?niiil«l *'It* M* 
An *' upprtring in Ibr W*leh 
Tiwcr niBgniine (tilrtl Oct. 
13, 1933 ^ , ^~ CS 1730 

3.— Ijutlur f ram Olin 15. lluyl* lo 
J. F. Rullnrtori tilted July 
31,1939 04 1731 

4,— Ultcr from Olin B. W«ylc 14 
J. P. Ifutiwrfurd, dtbd JuJj 
21. 193S 64 1733 

3. — Article entitled " Sjibiwi " »p- 
peerijie; in the "Watch Toner 
nmiiiii lUted Voir. 13, 1939 6S 1740 

U^ Article entitled "For Yoar 

liLfonualitiit" npjwirinK in 

ll(i> Wjilcll TimTr m*g««iM 

ilntnlKrpL I, IXftl 79 177S 

7^-StitclHcnt 'Into! RfpL 6, IP-TO, 
rroti by Olin It llojle >l ■ 

9C 1774 

8v— Tw»lw pMfiphltU tntitk«l 
"Ti-.c livfonnont" ditnl .Tp.h- 
nirjr 1HSS. Dnsmner IfttS, 
Juntury ISSft, May 1 J39, Jme 
1!!39, Jnlc 1939, AnjriLst 1939, 
(*c]ii™il*r li)J5 h Oclnbur 19^19, 
MdV£EBlper IQ39, Deeemhrr 
1P39 tM Slant 1340 147 



B.— Photograph at Bethel . 




;.Q.A_— Article on pupc 2 of tin* 
Witch T«»er utagaiiiia of 
Jan. 1, 1939, entitled "Watch 
Tower Campaign" _ 307 1804 

1 0-R— Article en laal page of the 
Watch Tower magazine of 
Jul 1, 1939, entitled "Witch 
Trow, Sample Copiw" 907 1806 

11 for iJu Dt. — Ltdier front Olio li. 
afovle to J. F. HiiLberford, 
dated July 3 t 1937 — . , 2lS 1807 

lZr — l'liolograph oF the printing 
plant of Watch Tower Bible 
£ Tract Society dt Adam* 
Street, Brooklyn __„ — __ 316 1*17 

11— Letter from the Wnleritower 
Bible £ Tmel Society, I™ 1 ^ 
of Brooklyn to Olin It 
llnyle, dated November 30, 
1KB - 331 Vm 

It— Jjettor from Olin A. Hoyle to 

W. >;. \-4in AiniiuTgh, d»t*d 

Not. 24, 1KB 323 1806 

13. — Letter (rem Olin H. lloyl* to 
J. F. Batherfc-rd, detefl Aag. 
10, 1939 416 190° 

1(L — Letter from Granville end 

Urnc* Fluke eddreBied to 
Bra, Rullici-toid end AH the 
Bptliel FmniW, dated July L 
1940 438 1610 

17.— Letter fr™ Olio R, Moyle to 
Fred end Jetaii Aably, dated 
Feb. 1, 1310 , ..,..„.. _„ Ml 1813 

AMld vi'iiind 
]&— C^pir or letter from Olia R. 

Uoj-le to V. F, Kehmiit 1LM 1813 

liL — t'ojjy of Ititer from 01in B, 
iU}'le to V. F. Schmidt, dated 
Jul 5, 1940 ., , , ■ — 1134 1815 

30 Tot ktent— 1'ampiikt prepared 

!■> A. A. Woj^hiy _™ 1210 

A^—Letler from Watch Tower 
Bihk k Tract Society, let to 
Jrluivsli'i WitnjHMea in Zona 
I, Wieroniln, datrd Sept. 31, 



106 1810 

IV— Utler from II. Fink to J. F. 
Rutherford, dated «ept 12, 

1933 _ I0( 

LV-l>MUw from IT, Fink to- J, F. 

Hulherfard, dated Sept 21, 


107 1S21 

TL— Uller frmn J. F. Ilutherford 
In H, Fink, dated Sept IB, 
1939 „ „____ 

R— Letter r«m J, F. RHtherford 
Id H. dated Sept 19, 
1939 „, 

Fw— Letter from J. P. Rntherfnrd 

14 H. Fink, dated Oct 3, 1930 106 1330 

(I,— Letter from H. Fiat ta J. P. 
Rutherford, dated Sept, 25, 
1940 ™_^_ 11* 1835 

107 1030 

108 1829 

EL— Letter frnm H. Fiak to J. F. 
Rqlherf aid. dated Oct 6, 1839, 
and a npttj thereto dated Oct 
9,1939. 133 1836 

L— Third paragraph in the inaide 

eowr of the Watch Ttwir 
Hagaaiin entitled " VoJnme 
of No. IT, dated September 1, 
1939" 143 1838 

JT_ Letter fmra Peier a Wojle 

to J. F. RuuWnni. dated 

SepL 16, 1939 ITS 1B3B 

FL— Envelope ™nLainin K ^inteil 

docunent ntiltnl "Intorma- 

\i\is Vital to JenoTah'a Wit- 
dbibh", dated Sent 36. 19401, 
coii«]<tinj5 of Iel1tr> from 
O. It. iloyle dated Sept 2Ti. 
1940 anri May IB. 1940 114 

L.— Qufi.Uehiiiaiia filled by Phoebe 

K. lloyla IBS 

II.— letter ligncd hj Laura end 

Inland Honae add r«a*d "Dwur 
Jnnatlmju of th* Waapan 
Company", dated ElepL &, 
1939 ™- . ZSC 

N,— Letter lijpied by Learn, and 
Lclind Itotm add reeaed " Dear 
FrttDdj of i be Colnmbm Conv 
pany"j dated Sept, 8, 1939 _ 367 

O.— T*fter ligned by Laura and 
Lelani] Itoiweadd meed '* Dax 
Frienda of the Darken Com- 
p*ay T ', deled BepL B, 1939 — 258 IBM 






ilrtKHHJ "Fred Mid Jendn", 
.let"! Aus;, 24, 1939 

AjhMHrf ul'rirtttd 

An* n** 

2» 1ST* 

tj,— I j'tlsr fmin Olin Jt. ITofle Up 

it, Fryklanl, deled fknl 2T. 

two 3G4 MSI 

(L— Mlex fmni Olin II. Moyle to 
Klmf 0, SIcLeuM, deled 1 
I*t. 29, ll«ll 271 USB 

H for Jfkiri.— Jx-stor of Olin IL 
!['.}■]* ijjp*eriitff in tli« VIaks- 
iihi- MiLtlwl "The J'rufrren- 
*i^", of K*pt S, 1W3 2» IBOO 

T for IiVnt, — Clipping from th* 
Uilwmukec Journal of October 
1^ 194! 281 1S1 

IL— I*tte« I', or [mm O. K, 

Unyln . 2S0 1863 

V. — fjui-ntirjunairi! lililal h}' Olin It, 

Ur 4 ie.daiHl -I". 2.1W3 28T IflSS 

W^'Vllrr fnta 4"Hjji It. Moyle to 

tin M<-ni]ji'ri of the Welch 
Tnwnr Ujlple & Tract Hiieiely, 

Tw, .launl Jan.. B t 1J+0 288 1890 

Xj— Twn letten front Olin IL 
Mdyle ti> Fred and Jeule 
Aekly, dalrd Feb. 1, 19*0 mxi 
Jm. 8, IB+3, re-ptcUvrly £» |»9 

Tr— IWter from din H. Uoyle to 
J^im a filler, dated Jtdy 297 
lWt 281 1903 



Z^-Opr of Iflter fron, f>lin IL "^ **** 
Moyle to Clarence Maaf t, dated 

July ao, jaw an turn 

D-l^Uttor Olin K. lloyl* 
to H. II, Jtorber, deled Jen. 
6. I04O , „, £tf tin 

U-i^-firealar nippwd by Olin K. 

Moyln ^ 23B 1019 

D-a— ^'ircalar entitled "(lad la 
N'rt the Aatlwr af taef a- 
eion" 296 1916 

.LML— Knvirlcjji-' in wjiieti nrnn mn- 
teihnj a nVtcunii-nt identical 
to rhf^xkuiU' Ki D>1 206 16l6 

BJ*— J^lrr fn^n riiiH>4i= S. 
j|«ykc lo Hitter Bill} 1 , datrd 
Hrtjt. 10, I9HL ailk enrel- 
ofje ulilrraitrd to Mm. Ilat- 
tieUilly 300 1SIB 

BS,~ IjMft (ram Olia IL lloyle 
to itf. Coafehr, dal^ Kofit. 
2, 1939 — , 314 10U> 

D-L— loiter fniBi Olia It Moyle 
la Hr. Cnefebr, detod OrL 
30, 1039 327 1921 

IIJL^Ij-IIrr f r «pi Olin R, M»rl« 
t-Mr. tHn.0. W„ Chem- 
lutrt. deled July 23, li*39_. 391 1923 

&A-I,*Mer from Olin B. Uoyle 
to Bra, CliembtJn, dated 
Am 11,1839 in 1925 

IMG.— Ltillur frtm Olin Jt Moylo 
to II r. < 'rinf rl i r, dated Wed. 
AM. „___ 


Pin Plti 

— 302 192T 

-tfottoio endrckd portion 
ol uuidc »v»r of magaiin. 333 1928 

11-12^— Top enctrrlei portion of 

inaide sorer at tnafaiine 394 1923 

D-KL— EAfetopr nmtauiini; three 

printrd [enfleli and Lwo 
printed piunprdeti, el] cent 
to eddnjee* Allarney 
Clerence Srntt, Old TlUm, 
iiaine &£ 1928 

lUi^-diertrr of (he Watch 
Tower Bihk & Tract So- 
ciety, lor,, a Itunnylnnie 
Corporatum ■..„, , 411 1930 

O-lfc— Chnrtor of the Watch 
Torrer Bihie t Tm*t So- 
ciety.- Int, a New Torir. 

413 1941 

IMH fur Id^nt. — I'i'PV (utmSajwd) 
or lettrr to O. R, Moyk 
|<>ri|(iiuil eifpHfl J, F. 
It^tlpprfontlr ilalrd April 
26. | !Qa __ _ 413 ism 

D-17^ — Mulion ecrvnd o-n Olin H. 

lloyle, deJnd March 9, 1940 407 1941 

D-li— NVtioe eerred oa Olin It 
Moyle, dated Uanfa 2], 
1940 i 4*7 1*42 



D-1A— Letlof F™tn Olin E_ Moyl* 
hi C, H, Elliaou, dated 
Marrh 32, WO 

ti» 1M3 

D-20^Lctter from OLin R. Moyl* 
to Mr. & Hi*. Fred Aebly, 
dated Dee. 30, 1930 SOT 1MB 

D-2L— Couunankaiio* in Th* 
W*ltht<>wtr maf/axlns, 
January 1, 1W0 DOB 1M0 

D-E2,— I^Ucr from Hj, A Wra, 

A*.hly to QltH a hfoyla, 

dated Jan, 3*. 19*0 S» 1990 

D-£3. — Declaration appearing « 
page 310 of tii* Watch 

Tower liLU^OXiriS of 0*L IS, 

1030 Alt ttfil 

D-24 f« Jdc nt.— Letter from L. B. 
Jackson to J. P. Ituther- 
ford, dated SepL 12. 1939— 538 1961 

D-Ii— Page 207 of lb* Watch 
Tomr nujEaaiu* entitled 
"In Harmonv with Action 
Taken" . - MS Iff* 

D-2&— lielter.From Olio ft. Itoyle 

to C- J^ Kiekhaff, dated 

Kept, a, ISCW , ^_ B&5 U»7 

D-27i— Fitter from Olitl B. Moyl* 

to J. 0. Miller, dated Aug, 

10,1«9 so* iwo 

D-2? for IdenL— Copy of hrHef 
from OLin R. Ifryla to H. 
L, Poikhurnt dated Deo. 1, 
1030 „ 478 is© 

_ Ft** )1»i 

D-S9/— Pamphlet oootaining mica 
anil regulation* of Bethel 
Home 020 1003 

I>OGL — I'npcr Containing resolu- 
tion signed T. J, Sullivan, 
II. 11. Riruier, (Jranl 
Suiter __ 107 1«J!I 

D41 for Idrnt.— Letter from Olia 
R. Movie to Clapton J. 
Woodwork — 1100 1969 

D-32 for IdenL— Letter from Clay- 
ton J. Woodwork to Otin 
1L atoyle, dated Aog. 15, 
1939 1100 

D-2X— Artirk- cooarninx J*bo- 
vah'e Witnesses appearing 
in the Fnel Digest of June, 
1939 „ . 140T 

&J4 for Idwit— Letter from N. 
H. Knorr to Olia H. Moyle, 
dated HtpL ft, 1039, and 
letter from Oliq R, lloyla 
to N. H. Knorr, dated Sept, 
n, 1330 „, 140G 



DJ5 for IdenL — Application for 
Pioneer Seniet made by 
Mr, Broad 14G8 1975 

D-3UL— Minnie* of Joint Mealing 
of Board* of Director* of 
ih* Watch Tower Bible * 
Traet Society of Peansyl- 
vnnia add th* Wateh Towar 
Bible A Trent rWiety. Ik- 
of New York, bald Ana, S, 
unv _ wza lors 

D-37 for IdenL— Miqutfl* of UntrtV 
injr oF Board of Dinctori 
of April ]£, 1928 . 1MI 

Bv3» for IdenL— UinotM of Meet- 
injr of Board of Director* 
of Jnn* 11, IS30 Ifiit 

D40 for I4«t)L— Letter from J F F. 
RBtbtrfonl to Joieph WK*- 
ksi. dated Aqjt «, IMA, 
with riieefe attached 1S67 

TMfl for IdenL— Leltn- ftmn 

JijH-jjh WlirJew to Uo»t 

Errirnrnd Fraaoi* J, 
Spellman, dated July 7, 
1939 ,„ . 1S57 





E*fc*e Dallam Orrtil—F«T Dtftir-Dirmct 

Meifiiii., RmoldjTL, New York, called a* a wit- 
ness in hoholf of t)ie defendanta, aeiaj; firat daly 
»wom t tutifted a* follow*: 

Direct riaminctitni by iff. CoviiiffUm: 

Q ih. Orrel], what position, if any, do you 

n«ii]iy with the Wetth Towtr BiU* £ Trart 
RorielyT A, A* a eerraTit to the brethren, 

Q. And do yon nerve the variflu* eoncjega- 
Hnn* tlironghont many areoii A I do. 

Q. tVliat nlalei do yen travel inf A North 
and Knmth Carolina. 

Q. liow lonej hav« yon been trflreiinfr in North 
■nd Sndh rirolirti for the 'Watch Tower Bible 
& Tract &vietTt A I hav* been iravelinjr for 
the pant fivs year*, in North and South Carolina. 
Q. Wrrt too, in that area during tb* ja*r 
19.WT A- T ***. 

Q. Have yon «*T b«n * nwmher of the Bethel 
Family, a permanent t-mitknt of th* B*)ht( 
Family t A Tea, 

•J. ITnn' Ipjiij bare yon hen one of Jcharah'i 
"Witntanent A. Kinrs 1321. 

Q. And when did yon h«om» a member of 
ths Bethri Familyt A. In IC23, Jannary. 

Q. And hoTr Innp did yea itay at Bethrll A, 
I ifmainr^ ihm innld tlK- year of 1927. 

!,\ And Hi™ di<3 you f;o harlt an the road! A. 
I went tn the mod from that tin* and hare ben 
On tit? road liM*. 
Q, Trjnrrlinjt In rarioiifl italetf A. Tn, 
Q. T>« yrva know th* plaintiff, O. R. Mnyle f A, 
T**, I do, 

Q. How l.m B ban yon known Mr. lloyWf A. T 
DMt bin in th* year of 1933. 


Jfofca* Dalle* QrrtU—Ftr Deft*.— Vint* 

Q. At what placet A At Racine, Wisconsin. 
Q. Da yon recall when Mr, Hoylt went to 
Betliel and becam* * tuenber of the Bethel 
Faniilyt A Yea. 

IJ. Yon war* not at Bethel th*a, w+r* JMll A. 
1 wm at Ikthel ihortly tiiertaltor. 

{j. You v-jajted at Bethel an many occaaion* 
whilei yon have bees on the road, did yon ftof.f 
A. Tec 

- Q, Did yon rj*it at any time while Mr, May]* 
mu tlwK durinjr the year* 1035 to 1039 f A Tea, 
I waa there in 1939. 

Q. Were yon in N*w York during (hi monlba of 
Jnna ami Jnjy, 10391 A. I m 

Q. Hi'ffiTf we get to that, Ilow long iiare yon 
known Jotcph F. Rolherfordt A. I met lam in. 
Hie yrtr of 131t>. 

Q. And when yon became a member of the 
Ik'tlirl Family, what position, if any, did yon. 
ooru[iy with the Society in Bethel t A Well, I 
ucEopied TaHou* poitLlion*L 

Q. Did you ever occupy the position known aa 
HMM Servant I A. Ye*. 

Q, What year wu tliatf A. 1031 and |»rl of 

Q, During Hi* tin* tl*l yon wtr* at Ikthel, 
did you hare wraiiinn to bwome better acqaainted 
wiih Jndp> Rutherford t A. Ye*. 

Q. You, of course, olMerrod hi* nets and con- 
duct at I he Itethel table, did you not J A, I dii], 
Q. And lutv* you noticed him at tiinea when 
eemnainiln were hod at the table? A, Yes. 

Q, And based upon your observation, couJd yon 
Ivll the Court and jury what bis altitude iu in 
refrrence to bin brethren at Bethel t A JF* nu 
aJwiya kind and eeataal and Muidarat* and 

Eugmtt Dallat Orrell—For beflm^—Ditut 

Cj. And in your dealing with him, wna be tb* 
*ort of a man that would take loggHtion* from 
you I A. Yea, very much «► 

Q, During the time that you «*** at Itelhel, 
dill you hear any flirty, filthy, miiulty julep* pasanl 
amm><] tlw Betln?! table r A Never. 

Q. Did you find Judge Rntherford In b* the 
■ort of a main that diacriminated axalnat hi* 
brethren 1 A. I did not 

Q. Waa th* n»c of liquor ptorifiod w u tn mn- 
dann total ahiminervr A Nu. 

Q. Waa the use of lirjnor glorified at tin- Lahl* 
or ..ifiywhtre at any time at Bethel! A, Nerer. 

Q. Y<m ore familiar with the aeveath door, art 
yon ml, Jfr, OrrellT A. I am. 

0- Did you ever occupy a room on l\w seventh 
Snort A. During the year 1&M and part of 1932 
I orcnpinl * room just adjacent to Judgs Ruther- 
ford'* aide?, 

Q. Is thai th? room flint was Inroad into that 
trrntmrnt hospital rooml A Yea, 

(,'. At that ttjnr who else lived oe the seventh 
flnnr, if yon ttvtillt A, JuHjre Butbrrfnnl *nd 
Bnnnie Boyd, and her mother. 

Q. Did you see O. R. Xfoyle duriag the jvwr 
tittitf A. I did, 

f). Did you "re him at Ih* IFmlisoB Square 
ftnrfl™ Conventin entitl«i "gnvemmcnl And 
Pence "I A, Yes, I new him fliere, 

Q. Yon heard the testimony nf Mr. Heath with 
reF«rentTf to the interferejAre at Ms,dison rlqnare 
tinrden, did you notl A I did 

Q- And your testirenny as to that diatnrhance 
would b* SHhjitnnl ially thn s«m*. would it nolf 
A. Yes, mint would he tb* una 




Euffcmr- PoUom OrrtU—Far Dtftii—Diftet 

Q. Ttmt la, ini-nfir n fix diiturhnnr* iu ton- 
nmnll A. Yea. 

Q. Ton wrrp irrtettd jirni-iiq) col of that di*. 
ruThUKi, *tre tod noli A. T m, 

Q- And ynn were nn» nf the defendant* along 
willi. Mr, Heath, were yon notT A. Yea. 

Q, Aftrr your arrest and release, die] yoa lmv% 
eeradou to have a convenatiuo. with Mr. Mnj-lr, 
pnor to Julv 11, 19391 A, Yea, on July 8th or 


Q, \VTini Art of the wwk v*j thin if you re* 
alll A. I think it wa* Friday. 

Q, And where im itt A. In hia office, it 117 
Actus* Strctt. 

Q, And [ it On the top floor of the factory 
offwe hnuTdiflfc is tint right! A. Yea. 

Q. On Hint ocHlsion, wit anybody via* nreHfltT 
A. No, do one present hot he and I. 

tj, Rid yon go there to talk to him alwnt your 
flH*l A. Yen, I waa nnt th*f* by .Tariff! Rntlwr- 

q. Whnt, if anything, did Mr. Mori* nay to 
ynn I Did hn ro into Ihi* nwttrr mtraaivriy nj, 
lo what th$ defrnae a™, or una the eanverantinn 
flmrtl A Wrll, the conversation wa* ah Art. Do 
tati wi*h enf lo relate T 

Q. If yon «u, in vubstanoe. A. TV*-]], he Icmk 
the nit out and aaid, "Tour cat* ia in pretty 
food condition. And I am wandering," *e said, 
"if w» couldn't get rid of your can* and if you 
will plead guilty. I believe that w. unlit sr( rid 
of your ease, and tha fine, I am mnr, would not 
ho tttt DiHh; (10 or I may **rn be *ble to 
I-t &»t remitted." 

Q. And That did yap. ityt A, Wall, I Mid to 

bun, "I *™'t hnw; I will Java to ate about 

(J. Did yon disousa that vita. anyone el*e be- 
foi* yon aair Ur. Uoyla tha next tim*T A. No, 
I did not diecun* it with anyone lis*. 

Q. Now than, wbn th tha next tun* that 
you aaw air. aLoyi* after that oeeaaionf A. On 
the day of the trial of July 11th, at the Felony 

Q. And yon hoard tba teatimuny of llr. Heath 
B to what happened on thai oacaaion, did you 
uutl A Yea, 

<j. And if you taitined, yeura would ha xnb- 
atniilially the Hint, la that eorrect) A. Vary 
much tha aaate, y «. 

Q. After the proceedings >vt all Over at the 
xlagiitralea Conrt there in the Criminal Oonrta 
Building did you have occasion to have a eon. 
vernation with Mr, Jloytt again T A, Yea, «io- 
iog from tho Court to the Braaldjn St»tt C^r 
Lin*, «minf over tha Bridge. I aaked him tin 
qnution — 1 aaid, "Why tlid they uk mi lo gj.Ll!i! «Ad R'jiy ma lang without icy c&a- 
*:..n 1:1 mj coaet", and h« eaid, "I waa talliuj; 
with tin tXipfmy*," and than ha aaid, "I itiil 
beli«T« ttiil if yoH pTwJ irudlj' thai 1 aonld cat 
rid of your uite and thtl y<M would let nar* 
1a pay a Asa of over %t0." 

Q. And what did yon say to aintt A. I tald, 
"1 hara already plaad and I am not jrwHy <>f 
any erima, and if I plaad guilty, it would in- 
erisninate Toy brethren. And, fnrtbernwra, it 
»Ao]il iBorimLnjit* tha organiaatian, for I waa 
obediml t» the imtrnctioB aa pn to ma." 

Q. And were J«o l*(*r aoqaittad ef tha- crima 
yon wen ohargad withl A, I HM. 

Eugtmt DaiSe* QrrtU—For Dtfit^—Dittct 

Q. After yva bad tit'n eonvtreatioa with Mr. 
lloylt, wbore did yon eta, and did yea tall My- 
ooe about ilf A. Well, on tba way aver the 
Bridge, I determined that J would immediately 
fA and loll Jndet Rutherford about it I had 
not dona ao hecta i e- - 

Hr. Brochhauatn: I ohjeet to the "ha- 


The Court: No "I 

Q. Yon nead not giv* any explanation. Jaat 
tall wJut J'ah did. A. I want than atrajght tA 

Judge ItnLimrford'* office, and downitaira I 

aaked for an appouHmrnt with him, and he told 

ma to coma up, or lent word for ma bo soma up. 

<J. And did you tall him what yon laid tin 

jarrf A. I related ciactly EljaL 

Q. Did Judgi Rutlierford alter that get in 
touch with Mr. afoyla and did Mt. Hoy to eorae 
to Judge fioLharford'i office before yan, and waa 
thia matttr diafuaaed later I A. Wheti T. rrLalrd 
It to Jodge ButbtKord, h* Iwlc the "phone and 
amid, "Get Kalium on tha 'phooe," And be 
aaid — 

air. Bruehhauaen ; If thia ia not in tha 
pneanee til tha plaintiff, I object. 

Ta* Court: ObjMtioii tDttained. 

air. Broehhauaan : And I miiva to itrika 
out the tnawtr. 

By the Court: 

Q. Am a reauht of acme eonveraatien, llr, 
Hvfl* Mm* **»r IA Buthttford'* «Snf A. Yea, 
that ia right, air. 

K-ugtm Utllum QtrtU—Fei 1 DtfiMr-lMnvt 

By Ja>» CorinFlon; 

tj. And be eUH ie, ud who waa than; yon 
and he, and waa the Judge there! A. Judge 
Untharford, myaahl, and ilr. Moyla. 

Q. Did Judge Rutherford aak you to ftlata 
that in the pretence of ainiaclf and ill. lloyiel 
*\. Ha did. 

Q. And did jou repeat tlialt A- I repeated it 

Q. And what did Ut. aloyle Hf in ntpAoa* 
to the atatemtnt madel A. 11* aaid, "Wall, thai 
would get rid of Orrell'i crue." 

Q. And then did Ur. Uoyk le«Ttf A. Yea, 
Judge Butherfurd taid, "Tbat ie all" 

Q. And when waa the next time dial you taw 
Ifr. ilcylet A, the next time I aaw Ur. nfoyla 
Waa *aT*nl day* later in Judge Butbarfard'a 
offioe; I think tJjoul t*o d»yi Inter, 

<J. Wlio tu p«*cut on lliat orr**iont A. irr. 
Heath, Judg* RuElwrford and DtyieU and Ur. 

Q. T«U TU what took plane on that oceaekw, 
if you recall t A. Judge Rutherford aaaed Ur. 
Heath aereral qoeetioua, about whether he want- 
ad llr. Moylr to conbuue to repreteht him, and 
then tamed to nt* and he aaid, "Gene, do you 
want UoyLe to repment you in thia neat" I 
aaid, " Positively not." Then Judge RulharfATd 
aiid, "Why V I aaid, "Bee&ner anyone who had 
aited ao Indiffercnliy M Ur. Jloyle, and further, 
u viit that would oiler * cotuproutLie to me, 
I lo not think be ia worthy of handling the 
a. a." 

J !_ And on that owa^n, waa It agreed then 
tr. t^t ether CDnnaeil A, Well, thrrn waa toma- 
tlj ig aaid *hoot that altar Ur, Uoyla Ml— 


jfafoia UatU* OrrtU—Fsr IhfUf-Qntt 

Tba Court: And don't tall na. 
Tba Witnaaa: I oould not aay. 

Q, Well, Otlter oounacl wm retained in tha 
enae, »'aa it bOtl A. Yea. 

Q. There u in eridenc* Defendant*' Exhibit 
D-13, of which thee* ( ibdicntuig) are dnpiicatea. 
I would like to ha,Tt you look at thee* tire* 
lettera (hattdinf tu witaai*). A. Yea, I aaw 

The Caort: lie did not ant, you. any- 
The Wilneat: I beg yomr pardon. 

(J. Ur- OrrelL, then* art duplicate! to Defend- 
ants' Exhibit D-13. Did you see tlttee, cm* ad- 
drwied tu Xr*. Qrtce Sebtli, another to air. 
Harvey Uibba, Dana, North Carolina, and one 
to U. V. Cappa, Handaraon, North Cardinal 
A tee, I aaw tboaa. 

Q. War* tbay handed to you la your travel 
through th* ioaer A Th*y were handed to ate 

in my Lr'kviLl, J**, dnrlng til. tiism tl^t T w*» 

on Ut* road. 

Q. Did you aak for Hum I A No, I did not 

They Totastarily gava them to ma, 

Q, And when yooj got Uiem, what did yon d* 
with ibtmf A. I inup a dii t a l y tut them in to 

Q. Do you mean by that to the Wntafa Tower 
Bible t Treat Society, 117 Adam* Street, Brook- 
lyn 1 A Yea. 

II r. Covington: That ia alL 

Cntf-txamvtmlivn frjf Afr, ff*^Ua*ttn: 

{]. What aaetioq of th* wuntry have you, in 


Bugmt Delta* Qfr*8—t*er D^tti-Crm 

your juriadintion for th* SceUty 1 A> New *f 

Q. Let da haw* now. A. I aal tow th* Bemtat 
to, til* brellina in North *ad WoBth Carelina. 

Q, And how long haw* you beta avlikg ht that 
capacity 1 A Since laal October. 

Q. Wiwr* were you acliag, ih 19391 A, I wa* 
noting iu Eailsitd, North Carolina. 

Q. Whare w*» you In July end Angnrl of 
1339 T A July **d Auguat, I waa in Brooklyn, 
Q. Wlien did yoB uret go to the CanUnaal 
After August. A Boa n yii lW *, I think, in Octo- 

Q, And you want around to the di ffetvat sOHa, 
or Uie different eompauLnT A Ye*. 

Q. How many conipanie* are there in — la it 
South Cnrolmul A, North Cantlius, it ia. 

Q. How many cvolpawe* art tl«re there 1 A 
Well, titer* ia about 35 uoupauie* enibraeiag; that 
parlknlnr xone. 

Q. Do you recall what part of Octolivr **-ou> 
gal to Cerolinal A, About the U'tli, I Ibink, 

Q. Wlian did you leave Brooklrnt A. WtU, 
just pfevjoqa to that 

The Court: The day before, I tax* it 

Q. And did yon have a regular time echedul* 
to visit dowd tliert or »« Ud* bouh apeeial 
miasionl A. No, I had a time achadulo, 

Q. That had been Axed up ia *dv*ne*t A 
And atnt Oil by Hemiqnirtera. 

Q. Ta that a nriuled afhtdnlal A That ia a 
printed schedule, 

Q. When did you reeeive that tehedul* before 
you went down there! A. I think I reotivvl It 
while 1 wax here. I am not aura of thai, bat if 
not then, ehortly after I arrived t* lie HH 




E*St*4 DaOnj Omlt-Tor DtfUr-Grtm 

By tit* Court: 

Q. Either shortly btfon or ibortly attar yon 
ful tuartl A. Va*. 

Uy Ur. ttrochhacaw; 

(J. And yen wen handed down thoaa letter* 
while yon wen down than in October! A. Y**_ 

TiaS» Wu» tut 1839, tLuUgk 

q, Yuu any it wu not id 19391 A. N&. 
(J. What yuu iii itf A This «u In IWft 
g. What month in lMM A It ni in tit* fall 
i#f Un yenr 11M«. 

Q, And tho*e Win tb* fint latter* that warn 
handed to yon by anyon* down in South Caro- 
lina affecting Heyk, pertaining to Jloylet A. 
Vv, tfiiMio wtrt lb* flnt Ictl*rc Kwnted I* dm. 

q, Dv you r*e*U receiving Lutroclioa* front 
Ur. RuUwWord ot uyoi* el** to pick dp any- 
thing tint pertained to tit* Uoyfe matterl A. 
No, 1 did iuiI. 

Q. Whan yon west to Brooklyn or itoppod in, 
yon would get uajtroctions about different thint*, 
roukin't yon? A Yae, from th* Ktrvic* De- 
parts* nt. 

Q. And whan did ran Hunt learn of thii mat' 
tar of Ur. itoyla and hi* laltarT A Tliat wu 
la Jnty, 1909. 

Q. Whit tuna in Julyt A Or ratbar, August, 
1939, August ft, 1939. 

Q. Did yon than know Hit too warn fatef to 
South Carolina, nr In Hit Carolina* 1 A I did 
not, at th* tunc 

<j. B«t Sfr r HowkHtt Hi Dun, wuul b*f A 

Q. W*f* you U 111* tatur moating In Septan- 
fat- that Ur. Howtttt attended 1 A. No, I wnin't 
. tt that mini iin 

A'uon* IWtei OrrtH—Ptr Dtfltj-CraiM 
Q. At tb* September nntttlnfl A, t mat 


Q. Do you know what tranpirtd at tWt aatat- 
Jnjr I A. No, 1 did nnt 

Q. Do yon know that Ur. HowUtt wu nut 
oat to Wueon»Ln ! A I saw Ur. Howbtl prtuaat 
then but did not ta«w of bl* oommUsKRL 

Q. Now, yon h*** uintieuvd something about 
thij lladiaoit S]mh Cardan ipicnda, didn't youl 

a. Em 

Q, Warn yon Ob* of tbr aufa*» Willi tb* aUutt 
A. Yen, 1 waa, 
Q. Armani of Unking soinabody with a aauaf 

A. Tlhal »*» the ittuaalion. 

Q. Yon had Lie una at tb* tuna, did yoaf A 
I did. 

Q. Won yOH in tliii aartioo that waa filled with 
dinonlcr iwck of tb* ipraltfra' aland 1 A No. I 
we* on the Arat floor at Inn tun* whan thn dbt- 
order Iwann. 

{J. And whom did yon lap with tha otatl 

ilr. CoTuiRlon: Tlat I* nrgnnntntatiTa, 
it ymir lloiior pi****. 
Tlw Cfiiirt; Ohjnrtion in«t*ia*i 

Q. Have yon bwn n fnard or an unbar »t OuMT 
occaaiDiul A ~Ym- 
Q. How many tuna* Wu yom attad in • 

Ur. Covingtom Toar Honor, thia da 
inuiutarial, a* to other «nT*ntioni. 
Tl« Court: Oojaetiaa wltaiaad 

Q. Whan Wan yon delatntnd by to fa orac 
than to Uadiaon Sqoiml A, I Wat dll*(*.t*d 
by Ur. TTanK^K, tin ohiaf of thn Unban* 

E*<f**i Dalit* OtrtO—For DtfU.—^roti 

Q. Did yon rneain any Initroctjoiu from Mr- 
Utathl A J did not 

Q. And how lony bafeT* yen want to tha 
(jinlun did yon R«*n4 your iaatrtKtioaat A 
Wrll, I »o* M KHL*T thronfh the eoavantion. 
ami than-for* I rteaivsd my lfl»tmrtioit at in* 
lihil ilay «f th* eotTtntion, 

Q, At tin convention or fcwfor* yon got (Jwrtl 
A At (he oonTtnlion. 

Q. And yon rmivad tirtU bow; ju. wribagf 
Ax [ rfwivwi tlicm vwbally. 

Q. DiJ yon an* tha writtaa iMtmctionil A. I 
did ant. 

Q. And what thn* of tb* day did yvt, r*e*iv* 
your LaatruetiMtaf A WtU, I KM with Mr- 
HajiiMiL ilnring thn day at MMv/tat tiia**, and 
IharafWa 1 moairtd initrontioa from kua u it 
waa DaeanMry. 

(j. Moir, Hit Aral hippnlllnft M f « M tha 
oonrl proccadinga after the IfadUon &)nnn 
<lardes cpiiode, wan when Hid wlmPC, ac for aa 
yon van ooncaTnadT A Tha ftnt bappeninc; 
diil you myl 

Q. V**, A Well, tha ntxt inoninf I had to 
npp**.T r 

Q. That wu on tha prtliminajy araiKPIiMntt 
A Tlmt i» right, yen. 

Q. And that wan what date) A. Tha 261b of 
June, J think, llw next morning, 

Q. Aiul a pit* of Not Onilty wa* put in, waan't 
lit A. Yea. 

Q, And Ur. Uoy)* pat in tha pUa of Not 
Oniityf A That ia H K hL 

Q, Than wna no ditpul* ahont that by yoo, 
wna tknro, at thai timal A TW* waa no dia- 

£»ir»n* £hrllaj £»rre/i— f or DefU^Oreu 

Q. And waa a itattmat of facta taken at that 
time by Mr, iloyle from yonl A From m*T 

Q. Yea. A A itatament of facta wna taken 
eithar * d*y or two ]n|*r, t*«fl»* 1 wna nqnatttd 
to wril* out * tlnlamanl of facta. 

Q. And Ur. Moyi* raqnutad yOtt 10 do tint,'t hef A, I don't know whttbtf it VH Ur. 
Moyl* or whvlhar it waa Jodga Hutbirford, but 
I wu* requested to make out * itat*maAl of fnet*. 

Q. Ton mentioned Mr, Rutherford birtnift 
•reryttdng wu neported to Ur. Rutherford by 
yon, nint it I A No, I did not report amy- 
tiling to him la Hint nonneatwik 

Q. War* you living an tha armnth Boot OH 
tli*t datat A. No, I waan't living an dm aeranth 
Boer then. 

Q. But you oonilnntly did report direotly to 
air. Rutherford, didn't youl A Not «niitan|lT, 
no; only wlin I wu* eilled in foBfcranca. 

Q. Whenever you had anything to ttport, you 
rninrtiri it to Ur. KutJierfordl A Eitl-.rr that 
or to onr nf hia itcretari**, or to Iff, Koyla. 

Q. And on thia occasion, it ia pomibla that you 
did go to Ur. Rutherford ud pW* brru tha 
rtaleTnanl Of faota, or him one of hi*- afera- 
tarieaf A. T think I earn tht ataUroant of f«** 
to Mr. Moyl*. 

Q. Are ynn tor* ahept that I A I am not 
poaitive, hnt I Ihiiik it wna jrtven to him. Tt ytu 
oillier jrivan to ]T**th or 10 Judg* Rulherford, 

Q r Ha» you aaeu that statement of facta at 
any tint* line* yno gnvn lit A. No, 1 un not 
Han it 

Q. Well, you h»T» talhad about Hu* aitnation 


£nvta* Doilat QrttO—For Dcfti.—Cro4M 

with .nmrWr ii I*e*at time*, h*¥Cn'tyouT A 
I ralaled tht incident to my attorney. 

Q. Ami didn't you talk about taking a atnte- 
mtnt or facta, didn't you refer to that I A So, I 
don't think ao. No, I know not 

Q. You know that a statement of fwt* wan 
tokeo, dofl'l youl A. Yet, 

q. And you wen naked to give all of the 
dcl*il( n-boul it, either to 11 r. Rutherford or 
J[f. iloylet A I related it and wrote it out 
ia uarion on tha typewriter nod presented it, 

Q. You have not any quarrel nlxmt |} u t ; that 
contained your en! ire alory, did it tantf A Thot 

q. And then what next happened after that 
nrranircirient and tin: civintf Of the ntiiUiiLi-nt 
of fnrtat A. Ulpptnud, ]* wlmt connection T 

q. In connwtioii with thii enae. Uid you 
appear in court I 

The Court [ Tlie Madinon Square Car- 
den incident and yaw jirr*Kt[ 

A, Tli* ineident »Tiii n«tl July llUh in court. 

<J, Sn you nay Hint you *f>p*nrfd twe in 
MuTt; thin one time wn* in Jund 00 lii* arraign. 
Pwiit — A Ye*. 

q. (Ominued)— anil then on July lltli! A. 
Tluil in rigliL 

q. Between tlie arr*iEl3infnt iit June and the 
flfitiftaranta on July 11th, nothing iiapfKned a* 
far M thii cue wna concerned 1 A Other tlinn 
n>y pnhrnTenea witli Ur. Woylt, 

By lb* Court; 

q. That yon lurea related lienl A I hava 
•Jtendy rtlntad hera 

Evgen* DaUoi Orrtll^-Far Ptf$ln—CfoU 

&y Ur. Bmchhluaan: 

Q. What data did yon any that ooufaranca 
ml A That wu Friday, th* 8th. I am prattj 

poiidva it wu that d»tr. 

By tht Coort; 

Q, Of Julyt A Ye*. 

Q. Tb* Friday before tb* Uondny that you 
bad your bnriogl A That bi right, yen. 

By Ur. Bruehhauien: 

(Q. Where did it tnlce plaeaf A It took plat* 
at 117 Adam* Street in air, Moyle'a offiet 

q. Wetn you requested to come in tlkertt A. 
I wna sent than by Js4ga Ratlierford. 

Q, Ynn were not rrque»led by Air, Ucyle, were 
youf A. Judge Ratherford *nki I ihonld go 
eeer aad toafer with Uoyle o* suy ew*, 

q. And you did hav* * eenftroiei *h™t tb* 
caaat A. I did. 

Q. And yon did go otbt In* facta, did you 
nolt A No, tha fad! war* not ralabtd *1 lb* 

Q. Waa the ilateraent of fact* befan yon at 
that timet A Not before me. 

Q, Did yon see the itatement tt fact* In Ur. 
Uoyla'a office I A I did not 

q. Did you ever see the itatement of facta in 
hia offittf A. No. 

Q. And before you went over to Ur. Unylac 
office, you had tntked to Judge Rutherford, 
hadn't youl A I had been lent then by hint. 

q. T am uking you whether before yon went 
to Ur. Uoyhi'i aJfiea you did not talk In Ur. 




Sugtnt Dnllm OmO—Far DefU.—Crut 

fl utlierford. A, Not shout tin cut. Jnit 
merely sent Iher*. 

Q. Wore you. Is Mt. Rntherford'e oifieel A. 
Tem, I tu, and li* rent me there. 

Q. tint you h«l tallica with llr. lintheriard 
ahnnt tlif r*»* it eametim* before fan want to 
l>r. Mnjle'j cffise, did you notl 

The Court: On th* 9th. 

Q. (Cnniimird) On th* SthT A. Well, J bad 
apaken la hint about it- I had ob several o«n. 
ibn» f mm attar Jtm* SSUi up until that time- 
By th* Court : 

Q. Ton F]iuk*. to Mr. Rutherford on Mv*nl 
r*en*inh«, between June SStli and JoJy Btht A. 
Ye#, ni r, that in correct. 

By llr. Bruehhaajttn ; 

Q> Yen hin /rone onr all th* facts in th* 
et*e vLtb Mr, Rutherford f A. I bane whatl 

Q. Y* hiv* told lb* fact* tn the c*j* la Mr. 
Hulherranll A. 1 think Jtnlfr* Rutherford had 
knowledge of It. I tioa't know aa I told him in 
person, no. 

Q. Bnt you anew 1hat ha haw th* f**ta la th* 
nawT A. I am confident that hn did. 

Q, And that «i before- yan »**« to Mr. 
Hovlt'x effiee an, July T£b or fithl A, Ten, (bit 
wo* hefar*, 

Q. Kn »U at then* happaninea In the gm.ii*. 
y:«ir appear**** at court and all that, mn 
directly reported to Mr. Rotharford; b* m 
fottowia* th* a***, wm'l h«1 A. Sam* van 
reported dJre*t to Mr- MeyJ*. 

Q. Bnt yon, tlao raporlnd to Mr. Rntherfordl 

flfau DsUu OrrtU— for DifLt.—Crm 

A. WaU, I don't recall any definH* report i 

to Judge Rutli*lfoid- I cmnat recoil B»y U*f. 
inite report that I mad* to bus. 

Q, Ton liar* knows, llr. Rutherford line* 1B1Q, 
haven't youl A. Yea, 

Q. And yon Wert f*rj friendly with bbu.1 
A. Y**, I waa friendly with him, very, 

Qi Toil am stayed up on the fifth Hoar than 
with Himl A. Seventh floor. 

Q. Seventh floor with htm lor aero* than! A. 

Q. And yon war* th* only ttctabw of lb* 
Family other than th* eearatarial itaJT whn 
atayed on that floor! A. At that dm*, 

Q, Win Mi*. Heath on that floorT A. Eh* 


Q. Tea uy at that eonrenati«i on Jnly B(h 
or 9l!i, v<wj hurl h«rn l"ld th* aae* waa in good 
ooihUtionl A. By Mr. Mnyle. 

Q. And everything th all ready la jpo ahead 
with lb* bearing on Jnly Utkt A. And then 
ha itated aa I have related. 

Q. There waa mo plea of Guilty entered l> 
the cam; that ii correct, la It not! A, That 
waa correct. 

Q. There wna no plea of Guilty la lh* fan*, 
and when the cat* oame on for trial on Jnly 
10th, ii it, or 11th f— A. Jnly 11th. 

Q. Jnljr 11th, both IftWyart Wer* thrr* and 
Mr, Moy!« and llr. m**]***, and they pre- 
*«nted th* facta in the eaae, didn't theyt A. I 
think Mr. Moyl* preveatcd the facia in th* aa**. 

Q. Don't yon reotll Mr. Wbealaaa babv U-™' 
A. Yh, k* «*• p r mit. 

Q. And he in examining lritnma**, Mr. 
Whaclaaa waaf A. That la riffat 

Stt$*ti OaSu O r r t l i Fit DtfU*—Cn*M 

Q. And tb*r want ahead lad tried the cueT 
A I'ta. 

Q. And ernstnally yon were acquitted, w*ra*'t 
yonl A. HventojJIy 1 waa aoquittftd, 

Q. Did too know about the attempt to retain 
Mr, Tj«ibowita in the cueT A. No. 

Qr Did you erer hear that aemet A. I have !hm hixd. Ihtilm Ik ii i prominent law- 

Q. Y*a, Sot didn't yon know In lh* eatrterea- 
lion* Oul went on even before the hearing an 
July 11th, that th*y had eOnaDlled Mr. Leiba- 
wjlil A Ha. 

Q. Yon are inr* yon did not bear of it 1 A. 
I didn't bear that. 

Q. Hare yon heard of it ainael A- No, I 
bare not. 

Q, Tod enid yon had a connraaann after yog 
rame onl of eaort on tbt 11th, i> that it! A. 
Afler whatt 

Q, Van l*d a «anr«»A|iao wilh Jfr, Moyls on 
tlir" way bark Tram eourtt A. On the way back. 

Q. And where waa that, on the etreet or on 
mum mhveyaneaT A, On tha street and alio it 

Wjik (■ftrtlinued on tlip rtnil'i'y»njr rnminjr BCTOH 
Ihp Brftofclyh Briilpt 

Q r And JMi nf lliel h* uld! xnniethhiff ahont 
plrndinu ejnilljl A. TTe praelimlly rep*nti>d 
whnt he had uiid to nte in the eonferene* of th* 
8th. in r*ply — 

Q, And thi* jots art ettre ocenrred after the. 
tienrinc on Jnly llthT A. Inunpdiately Jtfter. 

Q. Don't ynn know that all thn tmriniKiy tn 
in nn Jnly ) 1th in Ihe 4amf A. I know (he terfi- 
raoay ma* jriTm (bet mnrnins;. 

Bugatt LaUai Qm\l—Por Dtfu.—Crcitt 

Q, And yen knew, did yon net, at that timt, 
of thia conversation, that th* plea entered in 
the canrt record w«« Not Otjjlty, and that the 
tn'tlmnnj- had been pnt Ik in support of th* 
plcn of Not Onilty, didn't yonl A I told him 
that I had already plead Hot Guilty. 

Q. 1 am Baking yon whether yen did not know, 
when yon walked ant of the notJit with Ur. 
nfoyle, at IhU tim* yon »pt*li af a* tt> the tn- 
verantirjp, that lh* pl*a pf Not Oollly waa en- 
trmtl on the mtpri record, and that tlie tealbmny 
hail hrcn laletponcd in infirwrt of lh* plan of 
Not Onilty. A. I know tfait— 

Th* Conrt: No, did jam knav thai 

Q. Did yon know that! A. I ecnid nay I don't 
know folly Ihe routine ef Iba aenrt thtra, Ton 
mifikit pnt it that way. 

Q. Tan tnaw that the Ipwjere did nmrething 
in the rviortl A. 1 know that there waa a pn- 
Urninarj" — that I wn* held there far trial 

Q. Tfou know that tetlimany ■!* taken, A. I 
know tpitiriiony wnj lakrti. 

Q. And haw lasft »*t» yon In canrt that 
meniiiwl A. Ho* Ions; wnpf 

Q, !?«»■ lone w'rro yon in court on the mATniafi 
or Iho 11 th of Jnly, KIWI A. Till about 1 SO, 
I think, sompwhore alone; there, one e'dnak, 

Q. Ton hod hor-a tlwrc all mnmint; ainca ahaot 
nine o'clock, hntln't ynuf A. T«a, 

Q. And witncvnrx lijid jrone on the etand in 
yt'iir rjiw, hr.d they notT A Tea. 

Q. And Mr. 'Wheolea* had «t*ntined wirnewCaf 
A Tea, he had. 

Q. So lhat the tan waa eneaplattd htfar* yon 


S*$tm* Daiimt OmO—Fer Dtftt^Orou 

kft DOBTt an that dayt A. 1 abdtratand that I 
waa bold for trial. 

Q. Bat the caae Waa oomplatad in (hat «owt 
bafor* yaa lafl court Unit ilay I 

The Conrt: If yon don't know, tall 
him yon don't know. 

The Witna**: I doat know, dr. 

Q. Taa knew that yon did Sot have to go 
back to thai effort, didat j™T A. I did not 
know that. 

Q. Well, did yea or did yonj not «t*t go back 
la that eaurtt A, I did net go back to that 

Q. Bo th* next time yon. went into any court 
wu in th* Conrt of fjpacial 8«a>niut A. Thmt 
ii ria-hL 

Q. And that J* th* Conrt that aoqtalHtd yon 
be th* «U*t A, That in right 

Q. So u far ei yon know th* ease waa con. 
eluded in the Magistrate* Cowl on Jilly 11 1 h 
before yon had (hi* alleged eanvcrantion with 
Mr. Uoykt A I knew that I wu held for trial 

Q, Don't yon andentand my qoaation! 

Mr. Cevingtoti: May it plea** th* 
Court, thia ia argnment. Connael is aren- 

Mr. Arnchhanatai: I am aakina; aim If 
a* hnawa, 

Mr. Covington: I ohjaet to It 

Th* Conrt: Tan may ohjjeet to It M 
arrament end sorarnaflan, 

Mr. Cwrinrtf*; Tie, 

<}. Did ywn er did ywn not know (hat all th* 


Eufftut Dalle* Qmti—For D*fUr-C*<ut 

tattiDway wa* in and to* eaa* wu aeaplttedT 
A. I did not know. 

Q, Do yon mean to tell oe that yon did not 
know that yon war* held for the Canrt «t Spa- 
niel SeasionaT 

Mr. CovingbHT Wa objeet to thia. 
Th* Coort: Objection snatainad, 

Mr, Brufiiihauaen: iExaaptiaa. 

Q. Yon had known Mr. Moyl* for bow long 
before this Oceanian of 19391 A 1 knew Idta i* 
1U33. 1 ma pretty poaillv* it «M 1933, 

Q, And did Jon me*! him in Bethel from 
1335 to 19391 A. I taw him from time to time. 

Q. And yon knew lhat b* waa handling eaaca 
in many porta of tit* eonnlry h and, is faet, all 
of lh* cdm-j Jrhuvidi '» Wibriam l«4 in >paay 
parU af U>* aounlry, didnl yoaf A. T*e, I 
knew h« >u general eoeAseL 

Q. And did yon at eny tim* prior to lldt 
ooenrrenca in Madison Square Garden ever bear 
any oribaam ef Mr. Moyl* ea a lawyer A I 
dM not, 

Q, So thll this ii Ihe fitit lime, the** afaale> 
nunta that you main ahont him, that yon know 
of, that thera waa ever any erilidam of Mr. 
Moyl* a* a lawyarl A. Tee. 

(J- Yon w*r* at en* tin* in ehair* of lb* WW* 
ui Philadelphia, weren't youT A I Wna. 

Q. And yon ere a moderate drinker, am yon 
notf A. Well, 1 drink rnoderataly, 7 would nay. 

Q, And, of 

Mr. Covington : This b iranutarlal. if 
the Conrt pleaae. 
Th* Conrt: Ooj«etio* tMttiotd. 




i'«7<™* P*4w Omli— For Dt[U^-Crm 

Q. Didn't you have a drink one* in * while 
el Balbalf 

Mr, Conagtoii: Thi* 1* alto Imma- 
terial, it your Honor please, 

Tin Court: 1 will permit him la an- 
iwar tbaL 

A Ym, I btT*. 

(J. Up on tlie eeventh floor t A. Tea. 

Q, And c* p«h of a* othtr front A, la 
my room, alwaya. 

Q. In fact, you did have a party one* i» * 
wuiia la yoor room, didn't yont A No. 

Q, Didn't tin boya g*t pretty high aomatimea? 
A No. 

Q. Art yon tun about tbatf A, PoaltMy 

Q. But yon did bar* other* who Tltitad you 
in your roam on the** partiea, did yon nolT A. 
J never ha4 any partiea. 

Tb* Court: Hi baa testified h* u*W 
bad any pariir* 

Q. Tan any that no Una *v*r viatted yon in 
your room oa aa. oeeation of that land for a 
littl* rafmthmantT A, I **y, I n*f*T bad any 
partiec ill, my room. 

Q. Hbi anybody wrap viaited you in your raom 
for nfTtthment? A. Yea. 

Q. Soma of the boy* tronnd the pjet+t A. No. 

Q. Who? A. We]], Jmrifta) Rutherford, when I 
lined on Ilia eevmth rWiP, 1ciu>(1.?<1 at my door 
at night oik* La * while, when he would close 
Ilia work, and he would uy, "Gene, what art 
yoo doing?" I laid, "Well, I am at your eer*. 

E* 9 r— Dalhn OrrtU—Fat Q*/Ir,~Oo*i 

Jet," Jit Bald, "W*U, dout you want to go for 
a walkT I am thrtdgk" It wffu]d U In o'clock 
or along: there, and I bat* bad a drink witk 
Judge Edthtrford under thoaa drtunuLaticaa, 
ami we would go for a walk and than return 
and go to bad, 

Q. Lat ma direct your eUtotiOa to la* firth 
Boor. What period of time did you lira oa lua 
fifth floor? A I lived on the filth Boor. I think, 
la 1931, a part of 1331. 

q. Weren't you than aftar that timet A I 
don't think aa. 

Q. Wb*n did yrt *t*y in 193U? A la 1939, 
I ttayed on the aiath door, 

Q. Didn't yon at (hot* timet or at (finer ol 
that* limta, oceaiianally have *0M*on* in for 
rtrVtahirwnli? A. I did not, 

<L Will yoo deny to thi* Court and jury tbat 
you attar had partiea in your raoml A 1 bar* 
never had partiea in my room. 

Mr. Brnchhnuten: Ko farther qwt- 
Hr, fo<*Ug1«; That la all 
(Witnea* axooaed.) 

Oiliitn f ar**W tfrfonak*— Fer Ltft*r-Din* 


Colombia Height*, RrunklTii, a witoeat called in 
hehajf of the deftadanta, being Drat dnly mr\ 
taataflad aa follow*: 

Dw*£t avai»rthVm fcy ifr, Coafaftaa: 

Qr Mr. MoConaick, how lone Lara ran. baan 
oat of JehC'Tah'i Witnaauit A Apptiojumataiy 
UU9 I mada a aoDtacratioa to aarrt tb* Lord 

Q. llov iabf iti4 you b4«n Bffiiuaintad with 
Judge liutherfortlT A. About 1320 tnoiun- of 
biai before that ticaa, of oOuna. 

Q, Whan did you bawma a member of tb* 
Batbal Faulty T A In 1B29. 

Q- Prior to that, did you earn tb*— I mean, 
aflw? IttB, did yon aanr* tLe Wakh Tower Bible 
A Treat Hociety ai a traTalkaf ETaugeliit and 
MmulerT A. l'at, I did 

% In what ttataaT A I oorarati— Too uaaa, 
tnm 1S2S on? 

Q. Tea. A — erary atata in the Union then, 

Q. What T*an w*n yoo itayiBt- at Batbal, 
12* Columbia Heigbtat A I atayed tbare in 
1329, ind I had a permanent rtiideeoe from 
lAJt until 1A36, and of comae I am there now 

Q. Huw long hate yon been at Bethel thii 
tinaat A I oama Ootobar UOu Of laat jmt, 

Q. Tod w*t* there dnvrinff tb* tinvt that lb. 
0. It Moyle retddcil in Baikal, wer* you notf 
A. Part of the tima while he waa than, baaanaa 
I left before be vaj leaving. 

Q. While yon were there daring th*t limn. 


Gilbert ramj NtCermich-Fvr DtfUs-Dintt 

did Ton aarvt 1* the eanaailr aa Balbal gerrantl 
A, Tea, I did, air. 

Q. That la lb* iam* potitktl tbat it tow 
ooonpied by Vs. &ut*r, bnt ill A Exactly, 
rat, air. 

q, Dnrinj; tiia tima that yon hate reaided at 

tin lic[Jn;] tluujB amd afunr you hwanM *^|DAilit- 

ad wilb Juda* Bulherford, did yoo liar* oeoaaloa 
to ohaerre hit eoadaet at tha Uetbal table? A 
Taa, regularly, avery day. 

Q. And hara yon aeeo him pretidt at iba 
tail* irhrn hralhna would make aoaunlaf A. 
In, air, I hava. 

Q, Hat* yoo *y*r sotiead any tcadaaay or 
diipoiition on bia part to daay tb* hretlirm an 
opportnuity for free apaeobf A. AbaolnUly noU 
H* rather enoouragad it 

Q, Did h* glorify the ma of Bloobol at the 
labbl A, Abaolately never, to my knavledga. 

Q. Did you arar bear bin label total abttaio- 
ari aa pmdetl A No, I don't racnll him baking 
that atatement at ibe tahte nor prirately either, 

Q- Art yoo familiar wilb the aeoommodatxtiu 
that the Jodf* had at 13* Columbia Hajghtel A. 
Tea, I am, 

Q. And! h*ra JTW rUllad at State* Ldaadf 
A Tea, I did. 

Q. Aad bar* yon beam at lb* lUngdata Farm • 
A Yet, «ir, I ban, 

(J. Would yoa tall whathar or tot la dbMriin- 
Inated agaJatl hU brethren la favor of laaaHif 
in the oa* of *uah aetOmmOdltlOaBt. A N*y air, 
he did not 

Q. Hate yon fir heard filthy, dirty and 
tmntty itoriet panted around the Bathal tibia 



Gilitwi Tantvaa* UeGvrmvk—Fer DrfU^Dintt QiO#rt fantsod ifcConmkk—Fur DtfU^-CtorM 

at uy tiftt thai yoo ban ban Ihtnl A XtTtr, 
to my knoalodg *, not oo«, 

Q. What wp* lh* allilud* of Judge Rnthtr- 
ford toward* provfttaM for tb* Inembara of tb* 
Bethel Family! A Wail, he wat rery Intiatenl 
on eating; that the Bethel Family wat well taken 
ear* of, wall provided, from lb* ttaadpOmt of 
e«wimiud»tiuiit Is limii rcK*m», and likew:« Tor 
tl* food provided for them, that it we* tatty 
and well cooked and taken cart of, to that they 
t«t tb* v*r>' beat that wold potaibly ha east 
there at all timet. And then aa to hit perianal 
reaction In them, ha waa kiadly djapfltod, friend- 
ly, brotherly. 

Q, Hav* Jon **«r had occation to make any 
enggwilJona to Judge Hutherford with reference 
to anything pertaining to the Bethel Family 1 A. 
Yet, aararal timaa, 

Q. Had he ever accepted or racngauod any 
of your engfMtiOMt A Tat, air, ba did, many 

Q> Had ba arer denied yen the right of free- 
dom of expreteioq yourself at the tablet A Nik, 
air, aerar did. 

Q, Did any of tb* raemnara of Iba Brlhel 
FamUy *t*r eomplain to yon about any dicta- 
torial prartioaa on Iba part of Judge Huth*r. 
fnrdf A Xertr ono* Id tb* time that I tarred 
then did that happen. 

q. Wbil* Mr. Uoyla wat there, did ba arer 
Oomplaia to yon about the dictatorial praclicei 
Of Jodte Butherfordt A Mr. ilcyla nertr tald 
a word of that character to ma ebonl lhaL 

Q. When did you fint meet Mr. HJaylet A 
I ehsrald nay it waa in 1233 or 1S31 I ant not 

too anra, bat whin I w*» mm in*; lh* mid-Wet t, 

1 would ijllhiL Llaran nii-n and wuirirn runntl about, 
Q. Lid j-Iju HEMjt II r. lluyla at tb* Waphlaf- 
ton ConvmUoa tiia year that ba east to Bathnl? 
A Yat, lit, [ did. 

ft. Did yon nteoupany him from Waablnwioia 
to N*w YothT A, Yat. I bad ipwik inslrno- 
tioaa from Jodnw Rutherford to gnidt air. l£oy» 
in liii ear to tluit be could follow the car I waa 
driving Heal dinttly to Ektlitl Houat and tlwn 
to pat him In a aatiataatory room. 

Ur. OoTingloa: Tliat it *JL 

CroiM-cxmmimiiiiw by itr. BnnAkamttm: 

Q. How long have yon bean n klinitterl A 
Well, aince 1313, 1 ahonld aay, 

q. Through a divinity aohoall A No, 1 never 

q. TtlTQUjrli the Watch Tower? A. Through 
the Watch Towar, yet, air. 

Q. How long did it tea* yon to become n min- 
iaterl A. WeiL we had a teriea of <juw(i«R* 
railed V.D.JI. qnettioot, which you inbiuitled, 
und on I3w hntia of your itanding, that yoa wen 
duty accredited to repreteat the Watch Towar 
Bible L Tract rioejety in that capacity aa a 

q. When did yon get thate nnettiontt A 
From tho Watch Tower Bible A Tract cbciely, 

Q. Yon mean they mailed them to yonl A 
They did not mail them to ine becaaat I tailed for 
tlnrni nnd pit liiem at ibe office. 

Q. Wticrc *-oji (he pCkv tl lb* timef A At 
tluit Ijiuo I he oBip* waa On CDneord KtreeL 

By lh* Court : 

Q. In Brooklyat A, In Brooklyn, yen, air. 




OUbtrt Ymmooi if oCarmicb— For DffW-Croae Gtibtri Tamod UcCvmitb—Fnr D*ft*<—Cnt* 

13" Mr. BnHJiti*B*tB I 

i^. Sa you wookl nil thar* ud get the** quaf- 
tiuin frfliLi lima to tilt*? A. Yee, Then «•• #«t 
bSkua tlier*. 

(J. And take Ihein home and work on Lnem, is 
Uut right! A. N*tflr*lly, yea, I would work at 
IwtiM awl J pniinn eouKtunee in the office 1 may 
I live dun* tint likmirt. I waoldn't jut Bay 
alam . 

Q. At Itut you did it aw*y from th* Watch 
Tumrf I Vun did if in your own qnortertl A. 
Yen, 1 did il in uiy own quarter* in my uwp tine, 

Q. And bow lung did Ihnt jooa) A. Wlmt go 


Q. T!iin *yel<nu that yoo nae* of th* questional 
A. Thai in something that »■» worked out by 
li*f Soritty. 1 wouldn't know that. 

(j. Hut 1 ianjr did it pi on with ynu before JoU 
became a Jiiiolrtcrl A- There, ni & aerial of 
qnatLuna — 

Th« Court; 21* mat! to low* how hjnr, 
what period of time ebpeed from tin lUn* 
j an liml jtot the queitiona until yon were 
ordained, M yon say. 

The WitM«i : Von attended rfody wt- 
injc* it which there wu ■ diecuaaien of th* 
Bible, ami then then questions were given 
lo yon. 

Tlit Court; H* aaked yon how Jong, how 
Binds till*. 

Tha Witness: Than oneitiorn wen 
printed. THey gave yon— ■ 

Th* Court; How l«a ( mm th* time yon 

Th* Witness: 

SmCelv * nir. 

t would say ipproii- 

Q. [few diet ynu And ont that yon had attained 
tin ministry! A. They relumed the questions 
baric end they were all marked up. 

Q. Did the* lay nn the paper yon were e mla- 
liter or jiut what did they del A, Ho, they Rev* 
yah a marking, g tnting. 

Q. Whal did it say. 100%, or something, like A. ft Said, BS.I, to be exact. That «tnr* 
In Hit mind, 

Q. Ihd that indicate— 

Th* Conrt: Aid that wa« hijtli enon/th 
to 1* a minister, la that what yon a*nt to 

Th* WItneea: Yee, In etl*r word*, ir 
yno did not pass with a mark of 70%, then 
Ton would take the qutationi over again. 

Q. And did yno art a certifcwlr phnwimr Ihnt 
too were a mlTiie'etT A, I now hair, yr»^ «ir, 
eirrned hr C. A, Wpne, the former Tie* fimidml 
mf the Watch Tower Bihl* t Trnrt Boriaty, dated. 

Q. Wan that th* fnwl rwrtfAcale y<m avii A. 

Q. Did yon jcel •ny Vtler w anythtair ehnwlnt: 
fhat ynn ^TF* a mini^tert A. They retiFriwi 
tlnwe (]Dpal]tae with thnl pemnlaxe, whprh in- 
dtmted yno had a rausbia; mark. 


Q. And then yon dtttrmirrid ytHlTWIf Out yWI 
wept a n»irii*t«T, ie that what yrm waat to tell Bit 
ton determined (hat you vera ordained a nla* 

(Kffccrt JanrMi a/eCemwfr— ""af Dcftt^-CrvH 

ialer t u one of tht Witneaaea aaid, by his heartt 
A. It would ha more than ygar heart. 

Q. An Irnip ai yam had: paened th* f|He«ti*fl» and 
your heart *aH, "Tta," JW1 knew y^i *W* or- 
dained a miniatarl A. That in correct 

By Mr. Brtwhhauan: 

Q. Did yo& Itn** any eredeatlata t« ahaw at iliat 
time tlsnt yno were a nrinirtert Ah Oilier I nan 
that paper! 

Q. Yea. A We reeciTed idenhfteetion mrd> 
lirif* tltn, yea. 

Q. But yon did not at that time! A. Not that 

Q. Do yon knew who paaaed on your qneatinne 
a» lo whether yon Itad rotten tiK%, at lomelltinjr 
] ik« th Rt I A. Ko, 1 wonldn 't know thaL 

Q. IViiere would- — Wltere.did yon eay tlif office 
wiu that van left your anewera ntl A_ At Can- 
Hird Street . 

Q, Tji that where they th**) had Tl*rir JTeed- 
a,«arterat A. That w« the factary alBce at that 
time, yea. 

Q. In any partunlae department t A Th* 
ofiice department. 

lly the Court: 

Q. Ynn aiailrd tliem ia lo Concord Ettnett 
A. ii ri K ht_ 

Q. DtliTarad or tnailad lha«t A. Delivared 

Q„ To tliia dark who na taking tha mallf A. 
That k Tiirat; yaa, air. 

By lie. Braia h t u MH : 

(J. Uad yon Bttandfld uy ciorck btfor* yom 


(Kbtri Tarmod McCorm v h for DtfUr-Gmir 

rot intereitod id tha Watch Trawl A. T«m 
mean oatiide chnrchatt 
Q. Yea. A. Oh, ys*. 

0.. What! A. Well, I ***• aftendad Jawtah 
ij-Liftgaguea, PreihyterUa crmrchei, Homaa 
Catholte ehnrehee, Uethodjat ehnrehea— 

Q. Was that before yoo. became a Watch 
Tower miniilerl A. Yaa, 

$, Bat ynn ht,v* not ainoa yon became a Wateb 
Tuwei miniatett A No, 1 haea net 

Q. Since that time yon nan taken all yew 
iniU-uctioti from lb* Witch Tower orcaakatieol 
A. Partaininr to my aetmti** Tapaaaaati n a; 
titem, y«a. 

q. And y«i read tht "Wateh Tower" ra»(m- 
alae icrulariyl A. Yea, I do. 

Q. And attend lecture*, and that eort of Usiaf I 
A. Yea, air, I do. 

<i. Yon don't Ulead any other retirimia lee- 
tun» any plane tie* other than the Watoh 
Tuwert A No, I da pot 

<J, Vonr home where T A. 12* ColnufaiB 
EeightK, Brooklyn, New Tork. 

{J, Yen traveled— Hew nauch time did yom 
travel in 19391 A TnuntdialeJy after the eaa- 
vnliuii at UadiaoB Sn,nni-e (larden I went hafk 
10 tit* Toad. So I w*nhi aay aU the UlaiMsa of 
Iliat year, and priw ta th* eonrentina, whaterex 
liiae it took nut lo oonva in from the road. 1 waa 
around Cleveland, Ofcio, at that time, when I 
reoaieed th* noli** to come in and attend tb* 

Q. Are yon h **»«• of any araa of aoaujl 
A. No, f am not 

q. Do yen haw* anythinf t* da with Ulara. 
io« t A. At tbii timet 


GilLtri Tarvooi UcCermitk—Fer Dtfi*.—Cra*M 

Q. At any lime h*** yon had anything to do 
wilh UlnTBlnre, hueikl*** and pampliltla, or tak- 
ing INtm odl Ihrouph the country t A. Yon 
mean acting a* a Witoee* lwmdin a ' them t* 

Q. Tea. A Certainly, I go from door to door. 

(J. Tt that what your function ■» now! A. Nn, 
it in "I my function, although I do that now. 

q. Do all these miniitera who are ont on the 
road do that, too! A. Yea, ebaolotely every ana 
4f UKm. 

Q, They ipend a ctrtaia propor(i« of tb*ir 
lima in going from door to door and going ont 
wilh the phanagrapha! A, I would not at* 
"oerlain 1 '. I would any all the posaihle time. 

By (be Court; 

Q. Ail your free timet A. Yaa, air. 

By Kf. Br aehh aaa e i: 

Q, So that ii tha Btajor aeliwity of th* min- 
ialera, iin 't hi A. Tha major activity i» more 
than that 

By tha Court: 

Q. That ii one of fail aettvitiesT A Thai k 
oa* of hi* actii-iti**, that ia right, 

By II r. Broehnanaan: 

Q. Do yon get a oommieeioB an thote thiigel 
A. No, air, we do not I don't *ith*r, per- 

Q. Yoo don't take a commUaian on ill A 
No, aiv. 

q. Yon know thai acme get a wuniaiion on 


Gilbert rafwW HfCarmut-Tvr tftfU^Crou 

it, diAt'l ynnt A. I don't know that aom* gat 

a ninuniuiun cm It, no, air. 

Q. Tan nnrr heard of anybody ReilvT oot with 
the** hooks thai msalvaa a comtniellMl A, N*, 

By the Court: 

Q. Do you get any perenue front it 1 A. I 
have rpent more money Ihan I eoL 

Q, Na: did yon get any revenue trom ttf A. 
Do yoq nwan an income from it) 

Q. Y*f. A. No, aiT, 

Bt Mr, Bmchhanaan ! 

q. What ilo ynn do with th* eontrflration* yn* 
ret I A Turn them Into the Society in exchange 
for the literature Which T la Mm paaa ant 

■Q. Too VaT* attended at mealtime down at 
Bethel, Wave yon notf A. Ye*, 1 am a regular 

q. Yrm know that Iker* «aa aamethlng aaid 
In tht letter by Mr. Moyl* ahoiit yon, dont yont 
A- Ten. th* letter waa ehnwr ta me. 

Q. Too havn been called to aeemmt by Ifr. 
BnlherfoTd. hevent youl A. Wantd yon mind 
rtprelinr that! 

Q, rTnTent yon been ditiehnxl by Mr. Unther* 
ford! A. Nn, 1 wonldn 't rary that 

Q, Ha. he ever talked to yon about aayfHa* 
that h* wanted yon to dot A. Yea. 

B* the Court ; 

Q. Havie yrm been «orrertad by Hr. Bntherv 
fordl A Oh, ym, T hav« been eorreetad, yea. 




Qi&eri Tonceod IttCtfmkh—Fvr Dtftt.—Cron Ciii,r.rt Tonreoc* ttoCc><rmide—For DtfU^-CrPu 

By Mr. Cruel ihanaen; 

Q- The Jod** *ai pntty positive the timet he 
made time rctrtclwu, nut h*T A. Yea, he 
wa* rather poti'ivt, 

tj. lie waa rntlwr direct in bringing home bjj 
pointi, Mramv't he I A. Certainly. 

(J. Jit would *ay, "Now, ML-Cormiek"— Did 
lie mil you llcConiiick or Br. MeComrickT A. 
He called me "llac." or "lirothtr Una," or 

Q. Dili he nay, "Mm, I don't want you to die 
liinl anynniref " A. I don't recall any atatemenl 
ULk (hut, no. 

Q, Ho wnuM not come to yon. and aav, "W«v. 
] Ikovn Iwxn thinking thai thi* ia wrouR, what 
ilo you (hiak about ill" A. Yas, hi would, nine 

Q. Y«u rftnJd bt+r Ihi* ednvertitiois all ever 
tin- dining rnoml A. He talked (hrnutfi an am, 
pliTying *y*tem. 

Q. Ht *DLild not uy, "Mac, come np to my 
vOirt, I Jmvc B al something to tell yonf" A, Oh, 
yv, he did. 

Q. (>n mint at It™* oeeailona he weald hring 
It on* in llitflininE roomt A. 1 don't ever retail 
anything like that in th* Witter of eorrortioH wa« 
nw brought oat In the dining ram relative to 


By (he Court: 

Q, Yon bo** never been aarnctadf A, In the 
dining mom, u», air. 

By Ur. Rruchhnuaan: 

Q, Do yon aweer positively to thia Court and 

jury tliat yon have never been eorractad in Ik* 
diaitp; r°om at Iktheit A- Foaitivaly, ye*, ait, 

Q- You aaid a moment ago yon did Hit rwulL, 
didn't youT Aj 1 did not recall what I 

Q. That yon have, aver been txirractsd ii In* 
diningi rouint A- I paid positively j we* never 
corroded in tike dining room, 

Q. Are yon nun yon <!id not nay a moment 
npo, *' t cannot retail tliat I waa ever airret-tnd in 
tike dining ruotn"! A. If I did, I euiulLuLuxl 
that he never did. 

Q. Would tliii refresh your rf-callertiaa, Ihmt 
on one occasion yum were in lie dining n»m 
and yon nrtt- urktd a L|uritiun, yon weir ualuil 
a [jue»tlftn by llr. Ruthrrfnnl and tin ilidn'l un- 
«»jt, run] he jlmntod to yon, *'Why don't von 
jin*worf " A. I never recall anything like that, 

Q. Yon don't retail tint I A, No, air. 

llr. Bruchhaueen S No further qaevthnuj. 

Mr. Covington: That in all. 

II r. nmrhaortn : Wait a minnta, 

Q. Yon hclirv* I hi* h find** Orxpniiatkn On 
Earth I A, Tea, I *i. 

Q. Anil Mr. Rulherronl •» lln hetal of il and 

(■MV llrpnacntalknT A. At tht hml of tl* 
Icnril end of it. 

CJ. Wimnt lie hend of the nirRaiiiatinnt A. 

TVfll, heart or tlte organiulion, meaninjr In* 

Q, V*p. A We think of Jean* Chriat a* tha 
li-ciul of that Orjain iiatioa. 
fl. TVun^t Ur, Hatltuf«4 aetiii* far Him 

Bonnit Birf fftafk— Far DtfU^-Direet 

Jwr^t A. H« wna a reproentative of (rrt Moat 
Hijfli Gent y«, dr. 

Q. Yon heEiere everything that von read in the 
Vateh Tower ami ftcwpt itt A. Yea. Bnaed on 
my (tody of it, J»a. 

<}, And yon have never diaagraed with any of 
itT A. Xol to my knowlfdp^ no, air. 

(Witneaa axonaod.) 

Mr. Oorington: Mr*. William P. Healh, 

BOS'STE BOYD HEATH, midinjr at 4440 
Bmehum lioul, Ran Ditgn, California, called aa 

n WLlniim on bfhulf of the Dcfendanta, bain^ ftret 
duly iwurn, tpalihnl aa follflWB r 

The Court : Yon m itoinj: t" n*«* to 
talk a lot louder than that. 

llr, CnTingtsn: Yw, 

ffitret tiamthtatio* irg Iff. r&rntigtcx - 

Q. Ynu «~ill hava to talk lender ao I ran hear 
jou and the jorore can hear yon. Yon will have 
to talk louder than yon ordinarily do in oouvar- 
aalion. A. Yea. 

Q, When rtki yon fist eooM to Bethel, plena* T 
A_ In 1923, 

Q. And with wkomt A. With my mother. 

Q. And what pirt of tha year wis that, phwaef 
A. That Wh in th* fall of tine year, 

Q. And Waa (tat tha addmay 124 Columbia 
Heiehtel A. Y«c air. 


Somh Boyd Until— for Dtftt^-Diftei 

Q. Tliut wh btfons tha preaeat bnilding vaa 
«ui»IHM;tfd there I A. Yea, air. 

Q. And at tiiat lime who invited yon to come 
to Betltell A. lly mother atad ) attended a eoa- 
ventiun and Mr. Van Aiuborgh ulwd ma «*«&) I 
epirio in and hrlp. 

Q. You cam« to act u itennexapher to Ur. Van 
Anihurflli, in that riulitl A- Yea. 

Q. And your mother nl«o bceam* a mi-mbrr of 
the Bel hf I Family, la that right I A. Yea. 

Q. You. nn at present a uiuinlier of the Bethel 
Fiuuily, hut living in Kan Bll-jjo, ii that fight I A. 
I am, 

<J, Wheu did ymi LcriiiFW itrnapraphrr lu til* 
■nllk'e of Juiljjc Kuth*rfnnl1 A. In tlft year JA23. 

<j. And nl Ihnl time who kImi wan Urn *!ijnnj{* 
ra]ilior and accrtlnry in Ike olGcalt A, llr. A, B. 

Q. Wna anynedy el*e in the oBie* at that lime, 

Itwidfla i'nn, t*H>t A. No, air. 

Q. When ilid llr. (loux leave the offiee, if yoo 
knowl A. Ahoot thrtn or four yeara later, I he- 

Q. Aid (Inriaaj that time, befsre Ur. tloui left, 
he on net inn; ** aearvtary, i* thai oorrectl A 
Ha wna. 

(j. Ami n'lien Mr. (I nn* lift, who beouna aaeiv- 
tnry (4 Judge Kutlberf ord I A. Mr. Donald Ham- 

Q. How long nlid llr. Hulot eontinna to act u 
■ttrttaryf A ' I thinli AhdUi fiiuryrutw 

Q. And when Ur. Hmlet Ml, who hnu (MM- 
relnryT A. I besom* aecrelary tlien. 

(J. And did yon continue to act aa aaaratary 


Bomnit B»j/i Untit—For Dtfltj—Dirttt 

until your husband, Mr. Heath, became tm wtaryt 
A. Y'ev, *ir. 

Q. Now t vlke worked in tl»* rfBe* daring tha 
tin* |li*t Mr- Ha»l*t waa U»e»f A. Mr fiulet 

ami m> wlf. 

ii. Were there ever any other stenographer in 
tlko oltko liCTidca you and llr. Haaietl A. Yea, 
at wme of the liniaa, Uiat Deaait Twiroaclik wu 
in the uJTut- 

Q, And niter llr. H inlet left, did any one alae 
hcenme a nieniber of the aerretarial itafft A, 
Y«, J'r- *M Keller. 

Q. And did Ur. YA Keller continue to aerve 
with you up to th* time t lint Judge Butharford 
dietU A He did, ye*, air. 

(J. Where were the uaartari of yen and your 
mother located during tit* lima that yon w+r* at 
B*|ht|! A- -lly Briber and I eotopaod i room on 
Ibe KTmth itmr, 

Q. And did yon and your mother eontinna to 
occupy that room until yon and air. Heath beuiin* 
Mtrriedl A- We did 

(j. What position did your mother occupy with 
tlie Society t A- My motlier waa hau*Ekaepar 1 or 
Om atventb Ooor, till* took e*t* of that 

Q. An lh«rw li^Hvkrtperc on each Boor at 
Bethel I A. Yea, air, That n the ■ rrangement 

t^. How long did your mother continue to hi at 
Bethel I A. My mother wm there until 1937. 

Q. In lite fall of the year I A. Yea, air. 

Q. Ilid alia remain thera until you tod Jndjt 
Untlierfoni w*nl WnlT A. Yea, She accom- 
paoied ua to Cahforn ia. 

q. bh« diJt A Vea, 


BoJtMiV Bvfd Htatk—yer UtftM^-JHrttt 

Q. And where ii yuur niutbir Iwmied now) A. 
ily nuilher i* hnta* in Ttiu. 

Q. Did ib* luivi, to diacontinne aernce* on aa- 
wont of l»r health and age I A, Yea, Baa ia ail 
inv*liil now, 

Q. During tht tune Uiat you worked with Jodg* 
Rutherlord *a »tinograi]ilier and arcFctary, could 
yon tell whether or not he «(i a bard worker I A. 
He waa a vary hard worker, ■pending eliteee La 
eighteen hauini a iMy, including Sunday. 

ij. And 'durihgT tl*l tinir, did y«a take M of 
hie dielntinn for tlic book* and the Watch Tower 
and audi maiiuacriptal Aj Yea. Tliat va* my 
part of il. Hie auiffHcTipl work, 

<J. Bid yon continue tin aerve In that eapaeity 
up to tike data he died 1 A. I did, *lr. 

Q. Outnide of writinj Watch Tower arualaa 
and tin bevka *fA booklet*, did Judg* Jtnther- 
ford have any other vort of work to attend to, 
aa preaidenl for the JSocietyT A, Yt*, be did. 
There were nearly forty branch ofltcea all artw 
tliric world. He handled all th* legal tod of it 
until we hod Ur. llnj If com* in. He averaged, 
to my perianal knowledge, more Uuu Ally IdUn 
• day, 

Q. And did l*> work on office mantoranda, hart 
ejonmonieationi with the futoryf A. Yea. And 
he had many appointmnU durioa; the day. 

Ur. BradilmuKn: I don't aaa the rele- 
vancy of all thia, if your Honor p i aaa* 
Tlie CvWt: Neither do I. 
llr. Covington; 1 an Jul — 
Ur. BrucJihauwni I object to it 

q. Yon are IwniLiar with BUten Ukad, are 

yoo iott A. I am. 




Bvniti* Sofi EttOt—For DefU.— Direct 

Q, When Judge Rutherford want to States 
slirKi, did be jo out titer* for th* purpose *f 
■Torkiag out thertl 

ilr. Bruahhansen: 1 object to it. 
The Court; buetained. 

Q. liy the work u th* Society's presidesiC 
wanned to 13* Columbia JH«i$tit*T A. Xc, sir, 

Mi. Brochhausnn: I object. 

The Court: Sustained When there ii 

an objection, pJssse don't answer. 

Q. Yon have eaten at the Beth*! table quit* 
a lot during Uh Inn you win there t A, Yss, 

Q. Did yen iuvre occasion to soda* the stli- 
tsda of Judge ltnlharford toward Ma brethren! 
,_ Vet. 

q. Would you t*U us whtt Uut aUitudt vu! 
j.. Ha vu sieartdingly Lii:d and Kinsidi-rate 
end always hail the Bethel Family at hi'srt, 
Uieir comforts and evsrylbjnn; in regard to (hair 

Q. Did be hnt (rtojeenl intertiawt villi mem- 
bers of the Bethel FejniJyT A- Yet, indeed. 

<J, Did you sotiee whether or not Judge 
Rutherford permitted all the meabtri of 1h* 
Family Id oofnartat (tetly *t 11m Usbltl A. Tee, 
)i* did. 

Q, What did Judge Rutherford do wt*a at 
wei it Slslon lelandf* A. Thai m where h> 
did most of hie manuscript work in regard 14 
the Watch Tower and the hooka. 

Q. What did he do in California! A. In Cali- 
fornia 1m particularly wrote, all the volumes, th* 

Btrnmit Stj/d ffsaili— far Dmfu.—Dirtet 

books and the booklets; and, of soar**, ha had 
tliers aldo Ida office work to attend to. 

Q. Did he carry on the same correspondence 
aod office wort tittn thai ha did whoa in New 
Yarkt A, Yea, it was— 

Mr. llruelihauuen : I object to it, 
Tlia Court: Objection sustained. 

Q. Did Id* business rnguir* him to go to the 
Farm occasiousJlyt A. Yes. 

Q. When at 'Jia Farm did lie tarry aa Ida 
work there? A. He did. 

Q, Kb-*, Judge Rntlterford trartJed ■ food 
deal, (lid in not? A, Tg*t *»r. A* did, 

Q. Made qjiftny jptn-hf*, did h« Itotl A. Yet, 

Q. Dp you know Mm, Peall A, Y*e, ] do. 

Q, Ther* ll*» been sota* roentio* Made \>y 
toiinwl hert. Wliaa did thg «otoe to BathaU A. 
I beliri'« V?rpa tame in 1938, 

Q. Dili ch« H-sniit ti*n> to tain your ntothar'l 
placet A. Y*i, ih* did. 

Mr. BrwIkhaoaYB r I objmt to that 
The C^«rt; l'k*w aak h*r qnwtiggt. 
Mr. BrudiBauurttt; I nwr* t* ttriht Ml 

thr aiuwar, 

Tha Courti euik* it wt 

Q. What wai lirr pn«ition at Battel wlbeo tb« 
Earns to B-ctlwIt A. Her pOtitioo Waa that that 
my mother had, of housekeapar. 

Q, And did tsht al*e— 

The Court: Ack bar the Ojaaation. 

Q. TVTnnJ ii tW duliri did ill Ii*rfo™T 

Tl» Court; What oth*r dntiea, U any, 
dkl aba perform. 

BtmwU fioyd Hmaik-.For Dtfii.—Dirtei 

A. Y««, a|i« did. Sbt waa a very Ana dtatitiu. 
aid alio a ouraa. Sho aauated Mr. llowlelt; 

*|]«n JuJkti KothetJord waa tcry ili ii:r a» 
»«t*d him, 

By the Cwirt: 

Q. tVM *he a Iwgialand lona! A. No, I 
dim 't think >o. 

{J. Yon jay aha ii a *wry ta* dietitian T A 

y. Kvw da. you know lhati A. From her ax. 
pcrienee and the way aba perforstEd ktt dotiea. 

By Mr. C'wrinston: 

(J. Kow many booka and booking did Jndfe 
Kutherlord write, omuidv at the Watch Tower t 

it r. B rucJihaoeen : 1 object. 
The L'oart : Objeetion amtainciL 
Mr Bmcbhaman : I will wiltulrav tin 

Q- AH right. How many hooka and booklets 
did Judge RuUierford write, oulaide of tlu. 
Watch. Towerl A Nearly one hundrtd- 

Tl* Court: WhenT 

Q, During the time yon vtit with Judge 
Rullttrford. A, Nearly one hundred baolu *jid 

Q. Yon aud II r. H«ti nm rsarried whsnt 
A. Jaiiujiry 2S, lSSfi, 

Q,. And wbaret A, In NMntow. 

Tli* Cmirt: What biwut 
Thai Wicaaaa: Laa Y*g**- 

Rami* Boyd Et*lh—¥*r Dcftrs— Direct 

Q. Add, of ler you were married, did ]Wn lake 
pn w t MiMt e at Beth Sjarimt A. Y*t, lir. 

Q, At 4440 Hraebttra Boad, Htm Dtcgot A. 

Q, And, aFier the winter work wa* dona La 
California, did you and ilr. Heath return-— 

lir. Brudiiiauien : I object to tin* lead- 
ing i|iiciiliun». Thol, aod it U irreUvut, 
it jour Honor pica**. 

(J. When did yon hint become noquninlod with* 
Hr. C. R. Mvylef A. When ha cam* to Bethel 
in 1935. 

Q. And during titat time did lit. Moyh? h**e 
work with Judge Hnthtr'ordt A. Yea, he did. 

Q. What were hia relationa t« Judge Rntlier- 
fordt A He waa cosftdeutia! counaelor for 
Jeliovab'* Witsenea. 

Q. Wlinji he came there did Judge Italberford 
Eren'IiT to mjlJ aieipi fa Mr. lloyl* any dnlieiT 
A. He did- Ha suigned all of the eonit cue* 
and ail (lie legal *»d of it, to Mr. Moyla. 

By the Court: 

Q, Did h- divorce baneelf OHDptettJy fr*M Ihe 
leg*! wdrkf A. Not entirely. 
<J, He «Hp*rvii*d ill A. Yea. 

9y Mr. Corragtun: 

<J. Did Mr. iloyl* carry on corrctpondanoi 
with Judjrr HEutlterford during that time in riftr. 
anae to Hk legal mattaraT A He did. 

The Conrt: Whea Judge Batharferd 
ttoM nut of townl 

Bonnie Boyd ffwi* — For J>c/f».— Direct 

Q. Y'pa, when Judge Ratberford vaa out nf 
town. A. Ye*, 

Q. Waa that tin* while he *y ha CaliJorniiT 
A. Vea. 

Tlw Court: And Judtfa Rulherfurd eor- 
reeponded with him, I laJl* itl 
The Wilneae: Ht did. yaa, dr. 

Q. After yon and Mr. Heath became married, 
did you have any arrangementa with reference 
to -Ujing at Bethel r 

Mr. Bruchhana-n: I obj«l to that, 
unices Lbey aisle what they did thtre. 

Q. Wlmt, "T any, arrangement was made 
htlw^eit Mr, ll^th, yen and Judge Rutherford 
villi rnferente to J'MI ttaying at Bethel nfbar 
you. were inarriedt 

Mr. Brnehhnnaear I ohjest to the torn 
Of 1h* question. 

Tht Court: Please don't Yon hare 
been doing that. Yon practically put the 
words in tba month of the witnees. 

Q, After r«a were married, did yon ooutLnna 
at Betbelt A- Y™. 

Q. And did Jna hare any oonversstioni with 
Jndge Rutherford a* to joor continuing at 
Bethel 1 

Mr. Bnif WiiOHtn : I object It is not 
binding. I dont cee how it has any rele- 
vancy here, what they talked abouL 

Tht Court: Objection HlJtaUI*d 

Q. Did you gut perrniaeien, from Judge Rulbtr- 

tord to rauiain at Bethall A. I did. 


Bomtit lioj/ii Heath— For Dtftr. — Pirtd 

Tim Court; Before «■ after ;m wore 
married I 
The Witness: Before. 

f). Daring til* time (hut Mr, Moyl* served as 
eounwJor up to July, 1939, did he nr express 
amy cfrmrdsiitl to you about the coniiligiu at 
Bethel* A. Ho, air. 

Q. I eliow you what appears to be a latter 
dated Jilly 31, 19W, addressed lo Judge Rather- 
ford, eignrd by Mr. Uoyk {haadiBg paper to 

The Conrt: You know thai lettart 
Tht Witness: Yea, air. 

Q* Whta was it that T*U first *aw that, Mrs, 
Heath t A, Jndge Rutherford ealled my hna- 

li*h<l and w* b the oAVe on the day ht jv m nd 
tht Vtter, nnd showed it to ut. 

Q. Did yott read it over on that ceeaaioiif A. 
Ht permtlted nl, yes. 

Q. Wis it shown to anybody else, wj thin your 
•mowledptt A No, air. 

The Court: Ym ntaaa ttPt that yaw 
ta>ow oft 

The Witness: 1 knew that ha did act 

Q. When you read that over, what was your 
reaction 1 A. I thought it waa the worst, nnat 
virions nttnek I hare mi known anybody tn 
make oa eny one else. 

MY Brachhsuaent I object to what aba 
The Court: Objeetion sustained. 
afr. Brnchuausen : I moY* to ttrilPl Olt 





q. Did ypo bow tba content* of thi* letter 
to b« I*l**1 A. Abaolataly, 

Q. His> yon **er heard Jndn Rutherford 
at any tiiae adminiater what Mr. Moyle tilled 
"a tongue leaning" ud "trimming"! A. No, 

Q. Hat*, yon rrrr heard hus pnhliely deny 
hit brethren freedom of tpccch and act the p*ri 
of * "hou" and "dictator " I A. Mo, indeed. 

Q. Hl*e yon **«* htard him g>n hii brethren 
a public denuAtiatioa at tlia table' A. No, air. 

Q. Could you girt n* th* iMtanee* of aome 
of tha other brethren who DAT* lived at Bathe! 
who hare become married, if y«?o knGwt A_ 
Vrij tli*r* have been many that married that 
tmm ta B*th*L 

Q, And rrmiiand thent A. And remained. 

Q. Can y«e nam* * fnwl 

Ur. Brnchhanaen: I object to tht qn*e- 
IIdh and m«n to atrike obi th* Muwar, 

The Claim : Objection auelaiped. llo- 
linn granted. Exception to th* defendenL 

q. Would }on pit*** name taa pvnuua wit* 
ban raided *t JMK*1 who han gotten tnarri*! 
and Motived penninaion from the Prwudent to 
remain there! A, Yea, then waa Mr, end Un. 

Q, Waal year waa that! A, That waa In IMS, 
I bdien. Ami Ur. ud Urn. Howl*tL Ur. and 
iln, Wlat llr. and Un, Lav. 

The Cenrt: Can 70a itate the »m» of 
any girl that waa pertniitod ta remain 
aft** baring been married? 

Bottmi* Bafi £eaffc— ftrr OtftM^-Dirmt 

Taa Witnaaa: Un. Twaroaehk. ft* 

51 rl that waa in our office, married. 

Q. And ah* waa permitted to remain! A. Tea. 

Q. Hut* yon. arar heart) any fllthj, dirty, 
amotty joke* awl talk pasted around tht Bethel. 
table} A, No, indeed. 

Q. Waa it a en* torn to glorify tha na* of alco- 
hol at th* Bethel tablet A. No, air. 

Q. Now, yon recall th* eccaakou af the UarUaea) 
Sqo*™ Garden conference, do yon notT A. Tea. 

Q. When th* Coughlinitei invaded and »t- 
oampted to break dp th* raetting, 704 wan than, 
weren't F*»' A. Ye*. 

{J. Sid yon hear taa diaturbannaT A. I did. 

Q. When wan you i**4edt A. On tha 
apeaher*' platform. 

Q. When tht djatqnane* occurred, a/lar It WH 
Duelled, did yon **e Ur. Uoyla attar that T A. 

q. Wham yon learned that yonr hatband had 
bean *n**l*d, did yoa convey; that ialortoation 
to Mr. UoyJef. A. I did 

Q. And did yon and Ur. Uayl*— 

Th* Court: Flea**. Ban bar t*Q tha 

Q, Jnit tall What yon did, from lh* Urn* yon 
learned your hiubaad waa amwled, nnlil h* waa 
releaaed that night A. I went to Jndn Hulbtr- 
font after tn* meatint; and told htm thai iJilJ had 
baan arretted lie uked hi get Hi, Ucjlt and 
that Mr. iloyle and I ahonld pi and m if n 
6qM Rnd ant whan b* waa. Bo Ur. Uoyi* and 
Siyeilf want to dilfarnt plaa*v nmtil w* Gully 

fiamu Bafd flaitk—Fof Dtftt.- Mrtet 

wen) up al the polip* *t*ti«n n I belie),'* it ia 
cillfii, wlkpr* the opnoidte partiea w#re utjikinjj 
rbnrjrr> jipiiiwt Mr. llenth. Then T aaked Mr 
lloyl* if he wu «at fts'np tn i^eli* vOnntef- 
rhnrge*. and be told me to keep quiet and not 
auk* a aeen* it eanrt 

Q. Tha! raa at the polie* itationf A. At (he 
noiio* alatinn, ytK He newer did m*.l<« charp-B. 
When Jnd|n Kntherford cam* in the door, ha 
went out 

Q, Did *oa pet llr, Meyh Itltr or>1 A, In, 
I taw him at home, at the office. 

(J, What ele* did yon d(i that dnyf A. Well, 
when we flat home-. Mr. UayU nad I waa In 

Jurl^r rtulhrrfnnrii iiifirr it|»akii.p ahtlul the 
rape. And he fold them that w* wwild need bail 
fiad tltat hf wonld like to fi*t them bailed ont 
tint nipht. Of en;irae. It wan Utl*. Sti Mr. Moyte 
mntA iTloflant to take po much hail money on 
hid rwrtnn at nikhl. M T offend t+ d* that, •* 
«t hivAnnd w*» 1htoIt<!H. 

W» then went wner to. f helinr it ww th* 54th 
ttwinrt. nt th* Fint Court nr the Fint Pnlit* 
Htminn, T had ivptit Wn in t fKilirt atatian 
before, hi T really don't know. 

The CouTt : Madam, ymi weren 't aeVed 
tn tell aTiythinK esfept what the Mmmi- 
tion w*». We ar* not concerned where 
Too wen before. 

Q. Tell what yon MA at th* atation. A. Th* 
time waa pauinjr. the time for the eaart at nine 
n'rlork. and! ao we- went hac-k and f nrth frnm On* 

poJic* »ti - .iuE to aaolher, to £j.d oat where Ur. 




BemU Boy* Hcatk—Far OcfU.— Direct 

Ifenth wan, and wltere tn pay th* haft So I 
finally had tn aik the jodpe in th* Uacdntrtlt'l 
Court where it vna the nrnner thsmw to pay th* 
hivil. «o they rnnld RCt onl, m-liicli T did Ur, 
Movie (tood hy me, hut he didn't do anything 
ahnnt It, I paid (he bail end sot the receipt, 

Q. J,ater on that nifrht your fimband wa* rt- 
ln»>r<lt A- Tea. W* Anally, at a little after 
eievrn, went back lo Center 8t*tiM, end 1h*r* Kr, 
llovle left me. I don't know where he *ent. I 
had lo bjb beet alone From Center Rtrwt to lb* 
S4th or the Night Court, -where my hnaband'e 
father cam* in with the relrAm for my hnaWbd. 
So he *ta» frlraVnl jnal bef or* midnight. 

(}, And wen lb* fllher bai-a nlnaed, toot A. 
Te* »ir. 

Q. I bef yvit pardon! A. Tea. they w*n B- 

Q. Wlmn waa it that yon net* e*w Mr. Meykt 
after that nLnlitt A t believe at PtthcL 

Q. De you re**JI the accaiion of th* hearLan; 
on Jnly lltht A, Tea, t do. 

<}. Were yoe Ihrto lh* entire timel ^n. I waa. 

q. From tbe time the ew atartedt A. Ttt, 

Q. Were yon prenent at *ny tSm* that Ur. 
iluvia had a «uiver*ation -wllh Ur. Qnacan. 
biirlit A Yen, I wt* 

0- Did you ice a man hy th* name of McDon- 
ald I A. Vee, air, I did. 

Q, Had J on aoen Mr, ITtDonald before t A, 
\c I wiw liim, both at tl* Night Court tad tha 
Police Slalion- 

q. On tltat oeaeinn of July IL, tBOS, what, if 
HBytiiing, did llr, Quackaaboab eay to Ur. Moyta, 

BDtmu Bogi Bt tt k F ar DefUr-DirtCt 

if j-on know! A. Hi cam* np to Mi. Uoyla and 
■aid, "Mr. Uoyla, I know now that th*t WU th* 
Htt 1 pot out of the Oalden. That'a tba man, 
Ur. UdhmaldL 

y. Duriag that d*y, did you h*Tt any «nnj> 
tatioa »Hth Mr. Uoyl* with nfnrenot to what 
Jud^t ilatherford wulad done in the ****t A. 
¥*e, I told hitn that he did aot obey iratruOosa 
end that 1 heard Judge Rutherford tell him not 
to put ray liuibtnd ou th* witneia aland Ant; 
and tluil ie juat Ibe thing he did. I nu lent him 
np * n»t« and Mfcad him why. 

q. Did be i»*tr tha nolet A. No, ha ignored 

Q. After tba hearing waa onr, did jrom rapart 
th* matter to Judge Kntherf nrd 1 A> I did. 

Q. Did yan go with yonr hmhajid to wiait th* 
offiet of Judge Rutherford r A. T*% air. 

Q, What, if anything, did you report to Judge 
Rulhrrford, and whenl A. I reportad it to 
Judge Rutlterford, that Mr. Uoyla had not fol- 
lowed aay inatroetiani that I beard him gin 
1o him, that to had pml my hnaband on th* wit- 
litu aUnd Unt, and that be did not pet Mr. 
McDonald oa die witae*e itud, a* he had been. 
ineimrtsd to do. 

q. Were yon pre* ant at any of th* confer- 
run* after lint I If yon weren't, all right; bnt, 
if yon wen, 1 wonld like to know about tbero, 
*ny mafenaeea at which air, Ileaih and Ur. 
Uoyla wen together with Judge Rjotherford. 
A. I don't baliem I waa praeant at any af th* 

Q- At tny of lh* emfenawttt A. No, tlr. 

Q- Were yua p reee ul at tba rnwtbkf of lb* 

ftowaia Bvgd Hialk for DtfUj—Dkttt 

Board of Directors m Angmt 8, lS»t A. No, 

Q, Wan yon present tl th* neetJlu; o( tn* 
Board memben in September 21, J939T A- No, 
air, J waa not, 

q. Did yen e*t Mr Hayb) during tba bearing 
of July Ulh have any robrtriatloa with Ur. 
UrDonaldT A. Tea, air, I did; ■***»! Iteaa, 

Q. And wonld you tell what yoa hoIwhI or 
obserred with yonr own eye* between Ur. Uoyl* 
and Ur. alcDosald on that occasion t 

Mr. Bmhbantas; ] objeat to tht fatm 
Of th* qotxtiiiii- 

The Court-. It t*tnjn«a that the did mo- 
tka eotnetbing. nLjrolioa euahuaed. 

Q. Did yon notioe anything with nfertne* to 
tho ™ndurt at ill. Moybi with Ur. HcDanaJdt 
A, Yes. He waa unduly familiar with Ur. Ue- 
Demld he for* tht trial 

Q. Did joo *** him eloaa ta Ur. UcDoaaWt 
A. Tea, h* wt* ttlklRg to Idae moat of tba time: 
and, u ha» be*n •ttted, be patted him an th* 
back, he pat hi* arm amtnd him and pattad khm 
on the back. 

q. Did he appear to bt iwry frhmdryt A.T**, 

Q. Did yon nptiTt that nutter to Jsdgti RntV 
erfrtntl A, I eertalaly d>L 

Q. The artiel. entitled "Snare*" waa dkU,l*d 
tn yon, wan it notf A. Yea, it waa, 

q. What waa the- dnitom I* th* alb* with 
tern-ence to Watch Tower trtletol that had bna 
dlcmUdt A. It wee dlcUM hy Jndjra Katber- 
ford, tad never diicnaied with anj uai. 

q. And, when dictated aad wheel ywl had 0*- 


138 1- 

fta*n\t B*fi Utxtit—For Dtftt.—Crot* 

ishad I nnjucrihin g (bom, what w*j done with the 
article* (liiH preporwil A. The artida vis pat 
lush aa Jndft* ifutberford's dejk. completed. 

Q. Whnt wo* I he custom of handling such 
Watch Tower article* with tha oSwel A. Tit* 
proof nader vjis tomttiiDai called aver *nd 
luuu]«d thr article and jt wpi t*k*n, to tl>* Of&M, 

llr, Covington: 1 think that ii alL 

Crom»*ciemmatum by Mr, BrtteMmae*: 

Q. You iitt to Bethel {n 1923, you **y* A. 
I did. 

Q- And fbit did you talc* up qnrlin wh*» 
jr*a flf*l *nt to B*lb*U A. At Bethel) 

Th* Court: Where did yon Ant have 
youf quarter* at Bethel) 

A, I lliitil my room mi 121. 

The Court: 1* (hat on the first floor! 
Tha Wifnasi: It la. 

Q. Was that in the present building f A. Ho, 
not the new building. 

Q, What wtm tha aridreaa of the nid baildinpJ 
A. It ii the aama; 124, 

Q, Ami when wan the present building; erected t 
A. CompletHl jn 1927, 

Q. And then where did yoo. take up your njoar- 
irmT A. Chi tha aeventh floor. 

(J. And who was on th* atvanth Our,, beeidea 
jottraair and your mother, whan vim Aral took 
Up*) lh»r*T A, Mr. nftd Mr*. Donald 

g. Ha* long ^W thay remain then) A. They 
than until, I think, 1931 

fDMiie fla?*" IfMii— £W DtfUs—Ctav 

Q. And (bun who occupied tha qnartar* up 
than from 1935 to 15391 A. From that it wh 
kLr. Killer, and than, it «H toned lata * 
tna,tta*n,t rootn, that room that air, Haalel had. 

Q, So only you, and your mother and. lit. 
Entnartord war* up than during thrca* four 
I«nl A. That u rijrht, 

Q, During that bus* that I have jut »fen*d 
to, Mr. Rutherford traveled ap n iidi mM y, didll 
»t A. Yw, b* did. 

Q. Didn't ha each year go to California, bar. 
tween around November and liar at to* follow- 
ing yawt A. Taa. 

Q. And yon want along with hhnl A. Yaa, 

q. T« and yonr mother) A. Ye* ; end others. 

4 Who wan th. others) A WelL than waa 
Mr. Keller, and Mm Peal and several others— 
Mr. Dideriaa, Mr, HowlatL 

q. Whan did Mr*. Paai flrat am to B*tb*l) 
A. Ifl33. 

Q. Kb* U Iba dirtitiau thai ¥«m r*f*frad IvT 
A. Yea, and my paraoaat frisnd. 

Q. TVlan did ah* earn* frmftl A. OUo. 

Q. Had th« b*M 4 dWtkiah ml IhanT A. 
Oh,. J*a, 

4 Wgrting with »b«nt A Sba want werfc- 

Q, How long b*for* thai had ah« hwH a 
dictieiajif A. I saulds't t*U yon, rir, 

Q. Had yoq viiited her nut thin^f A, T«. 

g, Mr. Both«rfor,i, ajl*g r A, Ng, T d*-.t think 
kf knaw of her htfer* lb* MA** to B*tfcd. 

Q. Toq letrodttged h*r t* Mr, Unthfrfotrlf 
A. WaJi, I aatil bin if U Mtid M*« bar than. 

Aiirav jlaawt ifaata >of iHfii^-Ctm* 

Q. ffm «** * J*bo**h*a Witoaa* b*tn» aba 
oajua bvitT A, Oh, yaa, indaedu 

g, Uuw touf had lit* beeft t JaJtorak'i Wit 
auit A. About twenty yean. 

<}. Whan did you Ant huaiM tcquaiatad with 
btrl A, 1 beeaiu lo^nuntad with bar shout 
tan >bsji atfo. 

g. Vvi *bt PODtino* that JSj*™— work fnrn 
lKftt OjjI A Yaa. 

Q. Did she anppLmant tha tffnrto of Mi. 
UowltU, k that ill A. I iMak aba aaaistad on 
M, y oa. 

g. Yon *l*a Ti#it*d with Mj. Ratlierford 
wlnaavtr be want up hi hlingduiii Partn, did 
yen nott A. I did. 

g. Yen went abroad with hjmt A Yes. 

Q, By tbt way, What year was it that yon 
Went abroad I A. Kr*ry y*ar ainea I ebjuo to 

g. Waal period of tba year did ha go abnadT 
A. Usually in th* summer lime. 

Q, For bow long) A. Oh, two bhdUu aome- 
liine*: air we^ka, 

Q. Waa that after h« an bask from C+li- 
fomiaT A UmaUy, yea, 

Q- And during a ptriod of how many yean 
h*T» yon goat abroad whh tiwt A. Twnsty 

Q- Who wen in th* party that wnnt ahrmd 
™ IWtpi A. Myarir and my hasband] and Mr. 
Kiurr and i(r». P™1. 

Q. Did you *ay your husband Calnt to Bathet 
■hnrlly heron, your marriage 1 A. J belian ha 
did, yea. 

Q. Bow long bafora the majrlaatt A. Ha 

Aoaate R ov L Hmilk—Fst Ittft^CnM* 

want to Erjrop* ta 1837. Ha cant to Bathal 
Q. That was ]*** tbn ft yew prior It yon* 

□airiajniT A, Yd, 

(J. Yni knew tlut Mr. Uutlicrfonl di*tocr*^cil 
marriage ol anybody enlaida of the instititlioa J 

ilr. rovicjflnn: That w inuiHilarial, 
Th« Court: I will V«t Jwr atuwar. Tba 
Huntion is ohjnctionabl* as to form. I 
will enstain the objection oa that ground. 

Q. You know that tb*n waj • nale on mar- 
rillK*, rlnq'l youf A. No. 

Q. Did you ever bear of amy rale that bad 
anything to do with married people living at 

ilr. Conan-ton: Tha rufe iU*Jf i* a 

Th* Court: He may ask bsf. Tbia is 
anas axamination. 

A. I don't know tlint Judge Itulbcrford erer 
nbjaetad to anyone galling married. 

Mr. Bnto Mi iuae n ; I mart to ttrik* it 
The Court : Strike it nut 
The Witness: 1 don't know of any rala 

to (hat *ff*Bt. 

Tba Court: You doftt taknv *f aay 

A. Vo. 

Q, You nerer beard of any rate tban about a 
party h»f io a p to live at BalhaJ Aw* yean bafon 


Bo+*it Bend Htalh — Far BtfU^-Creu 

marriag* with tnyona at Bathal I A, Thai la 

The Canrt: Yon have hi*ml of that 

Tba Witness: Than is a role to thst 

Q. I think you, sard • zniaat* ago that tha 
JudR* fW* p*Traiauon ia your oasa, ia that itt 
A. Ha did, yes. 

<J. When did yon ask far parmitaifaiT A B*> 
for* w» married. 

Q. How long Ufor*f A. Wall, I don't re- 

~*~ -t— aiactly, bnt it waa bafon we marriadj. 

By th* Canrt: 

Q. Wall, was it a short time or a long timet 
A. Short tiin*. 

q. Dsya, weak*, month* or what I A I really 
dnnt nmamh*r r 

By Mr. Bnu&Iiausen: 

Q. Did you leave Bethel and go Mi ha Narad* 
for the marriage, directly? A No. My mother 
and I Went to California with Judge Rutherford, 
to bis party. 

Tba Court: You stopped off at Laa 

ThaWiEnesa; No, 

The Court: Ton dam* baok from Cali- 
fornia 10 I Am V«J**t 

TboWihwrna; Y**. 

Q. Did Mr. Rutherford go out than with you; 
did ha go to Nevadal A. Na. 

Btmni* fidfd HhIA— F*r Dtfli^-Cm* 

Q. He waa En Calif oral* at to* tta*. fat that 
itf A Yaa. 

q. And Ihem yon joined Mr. BflnMTfetd ia 
Caliiorniaf A. I lived than, yaa. 

Q. And, you hav* been living it California 
cloudily, bavca'l yon, for sow* tint* now) A 
Bine* Judpt HuUrtrrord died, yes. 

q. And yon liive thia HpsrsUt hoDaa, aeparata 
and apart from tlie on* tlisl Mr. llotherford had 
Ihenl A That ia right 

Q. Bafun that bonae waa areetad, when yaa 
ThuLBd Celifurnia, when did you aUyl A. 1 
tir«d nl R«!h KariM, U46 Bneborn Street, 

g. How la.j;r a honsa ia lhati A. r'our bad 
room*, three hatha, bring room, ,diaing mnas, 

g. WIhi wen the aaeupenta of thai bawaai 
A Mr- and II ri. — 

q. Th* aecreiarial itaffl A. Yaa. 

Q. You hiii'n luenlianad tkie prooaadh>g to the 
Magistral*'* Court, gaim around to get baiL 
Do yon fwhII th*l yon tealihed to lhati A. Nn. 
1 didn't l«|iry *Wt— 

Q. It wa* ■ mattor of polling h*H U> gat your 
Ituibaad oat an bail, wa*n't lit A Yaa, 

Q, Hadn't, the Court flied lb* aluouat of ■ftlll 
A. I reftlly tlori't know. 

Q. Well, w*F* ynjn there on tha day in JuM 
when ha wa« am ijrW after th* Madiaoa Sqoan 
Qftrdan proctedinjfl A_ Tee. 

q. And don't you kn*w that bail waa (bad at 
that tUwtt A Ho, I doa't, air, 

q, Did you attend wort nt that tbna) A. I 
wa* 1b*r*, yaa. 

q. Didn't, liay taU y*o. wbaj toe amoont *f 




Ben»i4 Btyi Btatk—fer DtfU.—Cratt 
liilxul A No, fhay didn't till dl I didn't 

luuir iL 

<J r Wltta did jrou, atoertoin what tit* amount 
of boil nit A. Whi* I nut to pay Lha hadl I* 
tbe-^at the Night Court I believe, it was. 

Q, Wat that whore they fljted (be amount of 
boilt A- That i* wliat I undartsand. That it 
wlitt the dark told ma, 11 r, Moyle didn't iiandja 

Q. Waa that tin mih tvtaing of (kit ocear- 
reiica in lladiaou Square Garden? A. Ye», «tr. 

<J. S« it waa only— Wbnl tuna of tin do) 
m tli* »ptrth given! A, I eeliera it Irac from 
therm la fOBJ. 

<i- Sv that it waa only a far houre after that 
ih* yciu B[i[if»rtti id Night Court, La that itl 
A, Yea, il Waa — Ujriht aoart, I beliera, ni Bin 
« "clack, 

<J. And tint is Than they faed Urn bait, wa* il 
oolf A. I didn't hear Ultra fix the twit, an, fir. 

Q. Wort you. preetot Ibartl A- Yea, torn* Of 
tli« tiiite. 

<i- Did yon lack at the pnptrt to §*• That 
waa written an the paperat A. No, I have 
■erer been in aaurt before, I dont kuo»— 

Q. I didn't «k you that, 

Ur. Bruehhautfju: I movt to ttrike it 

The Court; Strike It out- 

Q. Yo» vara vary anxioue to toll ul tba fact 
jon have never bam in court before, and 'I Tool 

Ain't yon vary aaxioiu ta tall u that JM have 
■mi keen ia court before! A. No. 

Sinai* fio^f Etsik—Fvr DtfU^-Craa 

Mr, Cefinfton: I object to It at argu- 
The. Court; Objection miUiwd, 

Q, lYImt I am inking 704 lira, Heath, ia 

whether yon inked anybody to «1h>w you tba 
paper*, allowing the aiuuunt of bull A No, 

By I lie Court: 

y. Vim tubl ua Hdiu'lliiaK about llta large nun 
of luoney that Mr. Uu_vl« wai loatli* to carry at 
niifht A, liitfht. 

y, Huv did yon kaow f Whet m the amount 
of jiHint-rt A. 11 waa #3,000. 

(J. Who leva it to yon I A Judge Jtufeer- 

By ilr. Bruclihauien: 

(}. Diil Mr. ItutlMrford have thlt nwney right 

in tltt iMrt fherat A KindeaUy. lie left tiie 
offi™ Bivi calm ht«k wiUi jt, 
y. Uot il in nmiit 

The Court; Von dent know irhara he 
got i( [fo»1 
Tike Wiinma: 1 really don't kaow. 
Hie Court: Bat he giTO il to you I 
Tilt WilM**: Ye*. 

Q. What time of Ihe night did Too aak bim 
for Hi* *i[KK>1 A 1 didn't ut tin ftr l«t 

Q. Wlml lime of tho nietit did ymi ftt (be 
t3.0fflti A. Annul ri|rjit o'clock. 

Q. Tliai k r>* twiH> liirht tlant Uua pw c e ad- 
inp wim ia pi)(ht ronrtr A Vc*. 

Q- Now long tiler your ajvtanutet b oijtbl 

Bonnie Bogd Heath— Fur Dtftt.—C*aa 

cimrl iJiil you j;ft (lie money from Mr. liul'icr- 
Curd I A. 1 gul it In-; urc, Ix-Lure hi vront aver 

ij. \(ta tlidn't knov u-hot timjuot you eeedeil, 
id tiuil rijflili A, I didn't know. 

Q. JJnl you flik lor $3,0001 A. No. 

(J. Did you oak for aey anions! of hnincyl 
A. Xu p n-ir_ 

(J. TiVlmf diil you ray: "I need some hail"! 
A, N<i. Mr. Jlnyle und Judgn Ifuiliorlird wore 
K|B".ikijijf o-lioul bniting tiie bftlljrcn out 

(i- Ami tJuil wue tu oovt-r the oilier defoodmil^ 
nl-ii. v.iip it not I A Why, 1 aupjiaae aa. 

ij. Vim knuwr lliere were three defeoi'lantut 
A. Yim. 

Q. Kn yon were banded the |3,0DD, in lEiel HI 
A. Vc^i nk, 

(J. Mr. Iiutherford daunt html It to Mr. 
lloylef A llr. Moylt refnud iL 

(J. Well, waa it offered to air. afoylef A. It 


Q. Who waa preaeot 00 that ooeajiont A. 
Jui-r Mr. lloyle and myaelf. 

(J, And wbtrtl A, In Jodf* Rutherford "1 

tj. And si iii w«« about eight 0'ckcfc lit ni^ht, 
j ci 1 net T A. Tri.. 

Q. Ami ynu Went from ttiort to lh« ni^bt 
court, ia lliat itt A Tee, 

Q, Anil vho Trent to (be night court T A Vr. 

<]. Ami bavf did yon go ovtrl A Wt went 

In A Inii. 

Q. You weren't an friendly with Mr. Moylel 
A Ka, indeed. 




SiiiBit i?H>£fJ ifcof/i — Far Utji*. — Croit 

Q- And up lo that tiiiu! you never had any- 
thing nrui; that any uiBdati*it*tion at 
•HI A, lie '."iii exceedingly courteous to me, 

Q. In ill your timo tliere — o-nsl yon »'«rr enin- 
muukaJiitfj, going bock end fnrlh ond ln'nriiig 
*on*cr»tioiis Wlieen llr. Rutherford And Wt, 
Hoy lo— (here land, never been any eriticunna of 
Jlr. JloyioT A. No, *ir. 

Q, 1S0 tlien, viien yon n _ ent o-ver to night *0iurt, 
the defendtnia »xra trroigned, it (bat itt A. 
Well, 1 don't linov,- n-kot you mean. 

Q, Were they lined up in front of (lie iud K «rt 
A Na My huHWnd wnan't there, 

Q. Wero tin otlteni Ibrre-T A. I doiit inaew. 
I didn't tee theln, 

<J, Did you nee tliem ot OP* time thet ijveninfT 
A. Well, when Mr. Moylti and I cuiue hack from 
CenlsT Stfo«t, ihirini; flnt of thoat tript that we 
vero buck IhjCWi J believe I ww Mr, Cnlangftn- 

Q, Wjmn'r the time of that canted by ha vine; 
(bem htiakftL in jlie police atation bc'nrr Inking 
(hern In night court 1 A I dont itpilcratoud 
your niie»1ion- 

Q, Well, >'oii ipnke of eome lenirth of time 
lhdl Imd eliipneii running back find farth frntii 
the polie* ilnlioe to Ibe fnnrt nr t^o vurfl*- 
Y«n did mention noiiielhing about thai, dulnl 
youl A, Yeo, 

Q, Wntn't s™™~ of 1he lime token np hv the 
■Tsi =-1 tliol the iLefrnilantA were taken to 1M pa- 
lice ntnljnn firntT A, Shell 1 tell yon knw— 

The Court: No. 

The WHitow: 1 don't know *hy be^ 
Tb* Conrt: Tlira nay "I dnn't know." 
The Witnotti 1 don't kno*. 

Bmnie Boyd Sseih—Far Defti.—Ctot* 

Q, Do you know whether they vere taken to 
the pohc* ttttiouT A Yet, they were taitn to 
the police itation. 

Q, And (hey wero taken (o the police Italian 
nller tho Mngiitrnlo'i Court hearing! A ThaX 
it right. 

Q, Jin you know what timo they arrived in t!m 
[inhee jilnlionT A. No, 1 don't, 

Q Were they there »'ben you arrived tlierel 
A. Yea, 

Q, And that wna when yon had come back 
from the night coart, it that itl A, No, that 
Wat right after (he meeting, 3:30. 

<J. You left there and you went back and taw 
Mr. Rutherford end gat this money for built 
A At eight o'clock that oichL 

Q. What time did you leave the polie* tiistinn 
in the afternoon J A. llu»t have be^n nb^ot 

Q. And I hen you went ilirMtlj' baek to Mr. 
Itntlierford'ji affi«f A. To. Bethel, y^*, air, 

Q. Anil yon left there around cijjht o'clock. 
A Ye* r »ir. 

<J, Ami you went 1° nigbt court! A, No, w* 
went t« Mwhion fwtuara Oarden firnt. 

Q. And Ibfn wliens did you got A. Then wo 
went to tike night court. 

-Q. Well, you were going around these differ- 
ent pincpa to find out where the nova were, 
weren't youl A That it right. 

q. And Mir. Mojld *»n,l with youl A, Ym. 

Q. Hi didnt rafutt 10 go with you, did hi! 
A, No, 

Q, Tml don'l eompliin about IhalT A No. 

Q. Hi wil>( with yon to the poliot itation T A. 

Tkat i* rifot. 

£«Mw f?uyi Bealh— For Dtftr.— -firou 

Q And (hen did yon And them at the poliot 
itation T A. N<v we didn't. 

<J. Then -»-here did yoa gol A Wo went from 
the police ttalion to Center Street 

Q. Will, whet police itation it this that you 
refer tot I know there it one on Center Street, 
L«t 11* not gel mixed op in the police a lationt. 
A. It waa (hr nut clow to Midiaon Square Oar. 
den. I ihinli rl it Mth Street, 

The Court: Yon hav« it right 

Q, So tlien you went lo lieadi^uartera OS Con- 
itr Street, on I hi* Inst occaiion, it that right 1 
A, We went to Center Street, 

Q, And then what did yen Hod there t A 
Well, tliey couldn't tell Ui my more, and tho 
Jlngitlrale (here apkrd Mr. blftvle if hn had ever 
tried a ca*e in New York be!or*i that he didn't 
stem to knou siiui hr. waa doing, that it wot 
unncvvHifiry in ga hack nod forth so much. At 
ksel Ihree lold me that, 

Q. You ilidnl tell ua that before, did ynut 
A, J don't think to. 

Q, lVhen dill tliat come to yoor miDdl A I 
don't undcralaod you, air. 

Q. Wl*n did the alatenunt yon jutl mad* 
eonrt to your mind! 

Mr. Coviiurlon: That it immaterial. 
Me colled for tl"> aa.w(r. 

The Conrt; Well, I object to your 
ilatement wliat be catted for. It it ira- 
inaterial, bat please tnake oo itatemanta, 
outiide of the objection. 

<J. When did Usi» atatemtnt you ht>et jnat 




BomnU Boyd ifenlik— For D*fU.—Crot* 

Mr. CoTington; That ii the same ob 
The Court; Sustained. 

Q. When did you last mention t'j anyone this 
statement made by the Magistrate that you ht*« 
just referred Id hereT A. I didn't tell — except 
in my alntement, maybe, to Judge ftotherford 
four years ago. 

Q. And haTe you looked at the. abatement mada 
four yeare ago — recently I You haven't read it 
over in four yenra 1 A No, I think Mr. Moyle 
hu that 

Tli* Court ; IT* didn't **k you that Ht 
a*krd you if ye-n liod read it ortr. 
The Wito***; No. 

Q, Hare you refreihed your recollection from 
any diM'njuent of jiny Lijsdt A. ^o. 

<J. Hare yott tilled to anybody abont thia 
C* .i-T A, Ye*. 

Q. Hftv* JoU talfctd to Mr, CoringtiMil A, 
Yet, I did. 

(J, And at unt length, ha** you notf A Tea. 

(J. How long have yon been on here from Cali- 
fornia! A Abont two weeks. 

Q. In fact, you hare sat in wart **try day of 
itm trial, hiv* y«B netl A. No, air. 

Q. Well, yon have, oa * somber of oocasioni T 
A Yet 

(J, After you saw this ilagistrate, what did 
yon do I A Which on»T 

Q, Tha l**t magistral* you mentioned I don*t 
know who. it waa. Yon know. You. taw bin. A 
Al Ont re Street, 1 aav tba Magixtralo tbtrt- 

<J> Hut ia tb« on* that I an Taftrriae; to, th* 

Bfljiate flopd ffcoit— For DejU.—Cttttt 

Lnat one thai yog uw. A. When did I ace bin, 
did yon aayt 

Q. What did you do after yau tnw bi,FnT A, 
Oh, I gflt a toil and vent back to the siicht eonrt. 

Q. Did Mr. Uojl* go with yonT A Not that 
last lime, no, air. 

Q. Did you aak him Id go with yout A. Ho 
»M jrrtnfc, 

Q. You mean ilint Ik loft you without saying 
anything at allf A. H* certainly did. 

Q, But you had the $3,0001 A. I did. 

Q. And then ynu got up to night court, is thai 
it I A. 1 am sorry. He wat with me. I didn't 
have the $3,000 with roe the but time. 1 waa 
at Centre Street, ^'o, ■»■* had already paid tlial 
is. Mr. Moyle waa with mo at that time. 

Q, At what time of the night did yon set nil 
of the $3,000 1 A. It matt have bm about ten 

(J, Add was Mr. lloyle with y«n wlitfi you aV 
poaited the *.1,O0OT A Yea, he was. 

Q. So the hail waa put up, wnau't it! A. Oh, 

Q. And it «U Jmiitrd where, at til* inline illa- 
tion 1 A. Al the night court. 

Q. And then alt that rciuainrd (o be done was 
to Ret th* relea*! Jiaper* thron^ht A- Tli*l t" 

Q. And that in what canned the delay; you 
posted the bail at ten o'clock at night 1 A. T 
suppose that ia it. 

Q. And it for* «ont lint* bejwten thrn and 
what, midnighl, to get the raleaae* throughl A 
That ia ri^ht 

Q- And that wai a matter of getting, the p«vp«r 
at th* poli#a atation aad aKadina: it up lo th* 

Il&iuiic Boyd Hcaih—For DffU.—Croti 

IVsrdM of th* City PriiM, w»iit itl A. I 
don't toow the proeedure. 

Q. Yon waitad for the releaaeil' A No, I 
didn't gat it 

Q. V-'ho got itf A My father ■in-law. 

Q, Wn' he with you on thia occasion T A No, 

Q. Did he codib afterwarda, a little later onl 
A, Y«*i, air. 

Q. Vi'hiu tim« did be tall for itf A. I don't 
know. Ill got haet to night wurt at twclv* 
o'ctoch, about two minutes before. 

Q, W«b'1 it * tnottrr of haTing to have eome- 
thing *igned by th* llagittratc 1 A I ftalty 
couldn't tell you. 

Q. He wai aent up to the night oourt, mra't 
hef A- I doji'l kpow wh* you ineftn,, 

Q. What tima did the night court Of^n that 
you know of that night T A At nine o'clock: 

Q. The nent lima yon appeared in court wait 
on what dntel A. 1 believe there wa* a prelimi- 
nary hearing about a weak before the trial of 
July 11th, 

Q, A bearing before July 11th f A. Tec, nir, 

Q. Do you recall approiimately how loug ba- 

The Court: She aaid approximately a 


>fr. Bnichh*l»»*ni; I didn't gtt that. 

Pardon m*. 

Q. Hid you attend that hearin^t A. Yen, air. 

Q, And Mr. Moyle attended that hearing 1 A, 
YtK, air, 

(j. And that waa the lime when plea* of not 
guilty were put inl A Yea. 

Q. And np to that time there waa no com- 

Eortnie Bojfd Heath—Far Deftt.—CrMt 

plaint by you about Mr. Moyle, wai there 1 A, 

Q. Wan that reported, a* to what tranapired 
at that hearing, to Mr. HntherfordT A No. 

Q. Fight after thia pretiminory hearing you 
went right bark to your offi», didn't jroul A 
I believe I did. 

Mr. Covington: WltUh nearihftt 
Mr. Hmrhhauaen: After tlk* prelimi- 
nary hearing, the first hearing which waa 
licld at the Tijtihl court. 
The Court: Approximately July 4th, 

Q. You went right hack and reported all the 
detail* to Mr, Rutherfordt A, Yee, 

Q. Ton did that cm olh*r Mention*, did yon 
Botl A Yea. 

Q. Tu your enpaeity ae privalc eocrelar*, yoft 
wnuiH, n» n eitMtnm, ottend fnnetinna or inatteni 
wlicre ^ir. Ti ut lierfoid couldn't pi and would 
report nil (lift detniln back to liini; iin't that 
lijthil A. No. 

Q. Didn't you on other -occamon* report back 
lo iihii luififupning" wlw»re yon jUlend*ri in tltr 
place of II r. Rutherford T A, Well, I didnt— 
If it wa* irKCMary and my nffiec- dulie*, yea. 

The Court: Well, waa it c*er in yonr 
ofllee diiLkm 1n do lhati 
The Wilnrfj: Yea. T reported to Judge 

tiutherford the thins* ^^ *rrc »*«*- 

Q. &o you made a report on tbi* occaaloul 
A, fdirl 
Q. Wiif tliAt ty[i*wTitienr A. No, *rrbal, 
Q, After tliat, what happened t When waa th* 


Rami* Brtj/rf tlt.atft — Far Drfti. — Cra.u 

next time yon did anything abont thai rap* nt 
anything transpired in it that yun knew off 
A w*ii, n Jnt? Uih. 

The Court: I* that lh« nest U>injr after 
July 41 h ! 

The Witneaa: Yea, air, an far *« I ra- 

The Conrl: That (a all vt are aelrinff 
you, to tell u* what yon rtmenitMr, 

The Witneaa; On July lllh I notieed 
that Mr. Moyle waa exceedingly familiar 
with thi opposition. 

Q. Do yon recall a moment *^o yovj raid 
"Unduly familiar t A- I did. 

tj. You rtr* t«T ahXioll* to eJOphariea that, 
aren't yorlt A. Not e^nctly, air. 

Q, You eonldn 't tell the jnry and the Court 
that he wan junt "familiar"? A. No, I think 
ht th" unduly familiar. 

Q. Well, yon aay that in the eenae that yon 
arc familiar with court mom procedure 1 A. T 
are fijnite familiar, 

Q. Had yon been in court roomi before thai T 
A Not very much. 

Q. Hnd yon ever had any experience with 
cnii:iM-l (jilfcinfl to efteh Other in ronrt or in th* 
hnllwnye c-utaide of rourtf A. I don't know. 

Q. Co yon know the rnnniui of tthica b^tneen 
Tnn-^i-rji I Wni it yonr coTieention tliat a lawyer 
for one aide shouldn't talk to the other lawyer 
at all T A Nn, air. 

Q. Your fharnc tet-juvt inn here of "unduly fu- 
Hiiiia't," 4oen that come about through loncbing 
the other lawyer! A. No, but when be waa an 


fouoiie JJojd Utaffi — Far Dcflt.-* Crdit 

HKnrj, And lie knew it — Jlr. Moyle kntw that 
he waa, 

Q. So the distinction you make here ia vhtre 
there ia an enemy, ia |hut itt A I think no, yes, 

tj. Would thai hit jHt in (my ct\xt, in your 
■'■HinnLinr., in a umffiiitriiie V court, Ivelwee-n Ilia 
Complainant and defcndunlT A. 1 don't know. 

Q. Well, ii "enemy," in your judgment an 
aecmed p*jrH*n in a Magistrate '■ Court eaaal 
A. I don't kno*. 

Q. Or i» it tliat the rnciny here happened to 
be a non-Ji;l:i!>valL'i Witneiut A. No, it wacn'L 

Q. He wun't a Jshorali'f Wilneev, waa hal 

Q, Tbe loettkd ancray in thia MugiitiuLt's 
Court e*«cl A Jlr, McDonald 1 No, he ia a 

Q, So he wai non-Jehorah't WitnettT A 
That ia right, 

J5>- Hit Court : 

Q. How dn you knuw he Li ft CooghlinitaT A 
It waa innrtigated later, 

Q. You don't know of your own kuowledijef 
A. Yin, 1 da. 1 law the paper*. 

Q. What [iS|KTi.T A The paper* iJiuwing that 
lie was. a CougMLniti. 

Q. Yi'luil paper* T A, In Hie offier, 

Q. 'iVJuit jiitjjert! A Pictured of hia camo in 
tin Coughlinitc liill in Ntw York City. 

i.j You mean your orguniutiou hud it in.T«tl- 
gated and you aaw what purported to be Use 
naperaT A, Yea, 

y. You are fnmiliuj- u'itli th* expretiion '\t'd 
aarvantl" A. 1 am, »ij. 




Bgxnu! Ssj/d Ihotht—Fm Dt}ti.~*Crt3* 

Q, Did you clm-nity Mr, McDonald ■■ an «tU 
aervnn.l]' A. Na, bit, 

Q. Wtucst lit iin «vit xervntiLf A. No, «,Lr. 

Q, Wat he n jicraon of gnod villi A. No, *ir, 

(J. Whul caLcgory did lit come in ao far aa 
Ji'li./iil.'d WiiLewnt wen tonoerftudl A. Juat 
An ou(*iik'r. 

y. And you never haord tlie term "evil *er- 
vuut" uaL-d in connection with the people that 
dia-turbod lladiion Square Uardeu on tint oeca,- 
■iunf A. Mo, 

Q. Ju*t U-JJ u» how Mr, MoyLe touched Mr. 
lltDonnhl, u you liava referred to I Jus-t (ie- 
acriltc IhuL A, WelL, lie waa talking with, him 
for t[LiiL4! n. while before tiiu Court — we wen 
tltcre lutlf an liiiur. 

(J, Fardon me, in whit purl of the court room 
did this take place 1 A, 11 wee ju&t down- in 
frur.L uf tiie judya, where ha wee alanding. 

Q. Wu* it fight belur* tli* Barl A. No, it 
mi over a liUls. 

Tli* Court: To tha kit of the Barl 

The WiLnems: 1 think it ww to the left 
of the Judge, yaa. 

[J. How fur away wen they from tl» Judge I 
A. Oil, I guews whort lha jury tiu. 

(J. Well, •» 111* Judge- doing name talking, 
tuul A. So, air. TJiftt ww befor* the Court— 

Q. Tit* Judge na't on Lb* Beuciif A, X«, 

(J. Wen thtj iUivaisg «jp or littiiij downt 
A. Tb*y wen lUnding up. 

Baadt Boyd IttaA—V or Dr{t*.—Cro*i 

Q, Ami how many wen in [ha group f A. Oh, 
tiuj room wd> lilted. 

The Coorti [i, their kiijU|i. Ii* L= LiilV. 
inf (dwut, McDonald, Msiyle, Ami my- 
body t Ue f 

The Witnesa: Weil, yen, Ibere were 
other lawyers. 

Tii* Court; Qthtr kwyera-1 

y. Right in thia group there were a number 
of lawyer*, you Lay I A, 1 believe no, yta. 

Q. How many pcouls in tiic group altogetherl 
A, I guusj tan or twelve. 

Q. Dii yuu Lnuw who Ihey weraf A. Nu, 1 
dun't know all of tiiem. 

(J. Well, wen the three defendiiHlt Lhanl A, 
Yrt, «r, 

Q. Wm Oie eoLnplninuut there f A, Yen, »ir. 

(j r ilr. WJidew titan T A. Ye*. 

Lj. ilr. lliDouaiii f A. Yet, eir, 

Q. Tlie DLatiki Attorney I A. Vi<, in* for ■> 

<J. And wlto ei&ef A, I dont Idiow ejayone 
«la« UWJ*. 

Q. How fnr away were y«l [fOH thi» group f 
A. I wot eitting in the front -••:■*'■ 

Q. H*w far awny >cn ]pn ffotu llr. Hoy let 
A. Well, Mr, Heyie »™ Fluqtlinjf with llr. llo- 
Dojinld. The oHUt tootn i> very tiinikr to tliio 

Q. WiDi Mr, Vlieleii* fight nearby, tool A- 
Yu, J hthei'e he «"*•- 

Q, Wflj lie engagibg 9 the eonvennliop ttool 
A. I dhin't eee hicn, nn, 

Q. He »-in right nearby, "within hearing dlf- 

liuittiie Beyd fffttlA — Fvr Dtfirs^CroM* 

tance of Mr. LIcDooatd and Mr. Moylof A, 11 
could liu'.e boeii li*ariB£ difct&nte, jm. 

Q. And tilt other* vera is heariiig <9iilance pf 
Mr, il.;lJ;.'uahJ and Mr. Moylet A. Yea, 

(J. And yuj *av yoa wrr* about ho*- ninny 
feel .'iny frsw Mr, IkDonald and Mr, MoyleT 
A. I *n nitling in tho Iront row: 

By the Court: 

Q. ghow nt mmething. A, J sal about like 

thik court room in, 

Q. yiiow ub (,t.tu( Jint*jiw r A, I was littbg 
ib lh* (tout r ou-. 

Q. I'Vodj where you nra Kitting now, how far 
swoy »rre theyl A, I vu titling juat like in 
the- front row (indicating). 

Q. 1 mil asking you, from when yon are lif- 
ting, jioint out Bome'.hing titaf will tall u* how 
far away from EJia group yon want A, Well, 
when Ht. UruclJiausen in atandlng. 

By ilr. Uruthliauaen i 

Q. Ould you, hear what waa laidt A. Uo, I 

Q. Did yvnt tak Mr, Moyle what waa aaidl A. 
Vn, air, 

Q. Did yoo nt tnyofltt wlie waa in that group 
what waa aoidT A, No, air. 

Q, So tiiat you fomml your eowJluiot! from 
jual Beting tJiEm together and laughi-ng, i( that 
itT A. No,] didn't 

Q. Well, di<l you see anything else in (hut 
CCUrt Tnuin ou thia owaeion yon are leitifyiflj 
jtlMiut, nllitr than llivir alandmg around miking 
iiinj miiLtbody toi*5niitg nnother pcThor.T A. 
Yea, I did. 


Bonnie ItoyA Heath — For {IrfU, — Ctoti 

Q. Uliat tlatl A. During tlie trill. 

Q. I nil «p*ahinj{ ahoul thin (irn* wltfta yo(t aly 
tin 1 -;.' were talking there. A. Xu, air. 

Q. And did you, til'l-T ;, l.u kliw' thin iiuidi'iit 
nay anything to uuvour ehou! it r A. Nu, oat at 
that time. 

{J. Ami tlitn you a-tayrd tliert all muroing et 
th« tj-Lo.LT A. J did. 

Q. Willi tlial io mind you Jidm't eoiue to tlie 
eanahukin at that time that he waa "undnly 
familiar" with llr. JltrDonaldl A, 1 did, yes. 

Q. Tliut'a Uif time when you funned tha opin- 
ion lliot Lie wm doing sontetliLng iniproperT A. 
*Vei, -Xi . 

Q. Juj,1 hy talking with Mr. McDonald ia tliat 
jtt A, No. 

The Court; 


And patting liini on tint 

Q, And lifting hint on tbe altoulderl A. tio, 
tluil in not all- 

<J, What elae, lip to that time, made yon teal 
lie- waa "undidy r<UJiili»r"1 A. llr. Hloyie saw,- 
tlml Mr. .Ik Donald in lw»th conrtn arfinK a* 
nijuiiiHt \m and again*! my htmSiand, ami he know 
it", aiiil he was appearing for my hunband an 
■^Einat him; awl, >'ft, he waa familiar with him, 
umjuly so, air, 

Q. Yonr "nndwiy" in that he was Iftlkinfi to 
hid), U that ill A. He was- familiar with him, 
like hr Jtad been u )ir<;-]oiig friend. 

Q, And rati hrlirved that lawyen ehootdit't 
talV ',o rach other in f«orl, ia that itt A. No, I 
wouldn't nay tiiat. 

Q, Wlilt do >on inenn, thul Ihey shoitldn't pat 
each otlwrt A. No, I inean that when » nian— 

Bn*».it BogA Utalh—Ftr Dtftij—Crott 

Q. Or can't cratk a joke at all) A. When l 
Utnn lina a conftdential reUlionship with an or- 
gan itation and a real friend, and he govt agiJEit 
Ihem, for the enemy, that, to my mind, ia cer- 
tainly unduly familiar. 

Q. tki you eatua to the condtuiioii, ;u*l littiog 
in tlie front row of a courtroom and Mcing tbia 
groap ataadiitg aro-und together, wailioij for the 
judge to come in, tltat that meant he waa unduly 
familiar with the tfltny, ii that it J A. No. 

4, Didn't you coota 14 your conclusion, titling 
on a chair in Hie courtroom, watcldng- thia group, 
that that waa tlie nault in your utindf A, Yea. 

(J. And you gauged it on what you told na you 
mw front thii lent in Die uoartroOml A, 'it*. 

The Court: And your huibavnd Waa in 
tbat crowd I 
Tit* Witnaaa: Yea, air. 

Q- Ytiu auy tbat yon aaw aoma otlier tldngi 
iiaj)fM;iii:ijf in that courtroom 1 A. 1 did, 

(j. Ii, Uiat tlie ociiiiiiia wh«n you aaut a note 
up to Mr. .MoyLet A. Ye«. 

Q. And you auVed liun why lie didn't put your 
huiliand on the itandl A. Yex, air, 

<j, Where did you get inetruAl ioiu, or iijlcm to 
any in a! ruction*, aa la who tliould Ihj jiut on Hit 
wiUKBi-rttmid or who ehoubdo'lf A, When iU- 
Uoyle was in lha office with Judge HuUierford. 

Tjim H-LirL : Witc yr,u LHnroT 
Th4 Witnoi; I waa. 

<J. How long before tide hearing I A. Juat be- 
fore the l.curiiij;, 

H. How long heforet A, I think it might hav* 
been the day hefora. 

Bo*nLt BagJ tfmth— far DtfU,—Cr<f*t 

Q. And waa Mr. Wlic-leua [lient A. Yea, 

(J. And Mr, Buthorford wtte giving; inatruc. 
liuim at lo hi>w io try tlto cate, in that itt A. 

Q, He tulii iiio exactly what lo do and who to 
put vn the witoens-Btand end vho not lot A. 
(feva liiui BugficationB, yea, 

Q- An 1 ! told hioi wJiftt quealione tu aalc and all 
tlkat aart of tliingl A Y'es, air. 

(J. Hew lung did that Wr A, All ntorning. 

Q. Did you ever hear that Mr, Itntlicrford 
wanted Q'.uiciiviihuih lo ehtutga hi* ttatemenlt 
A, No, sir. 

Q, Did you ait in on, all Quae legal diacu- 
lional A, Soma of thena. 

Q. You ial in on all of ihem pertaining to thia 
tdirt, nriaing out of MadilOa Square Qardaut 
A. Not all of thcoj, 

Q- Did you ait in on other diMUBiiona of tonrt 
eaien, involving Jehovah 'a Wituesaea throughout 
the country I A. Xo, not all of them, 

Q. But you would write out a great d«al of 
the itepographic work on tlmtT A. Yea. 

tj. And y4U were aomewhat familiar with tlie 
thing* that were goinc on in Ubi diffennt place* I 
A. Somewhat. 

Q, \fhca did you tell Mr. Movie that Mr. 
Rutherford'* inttruelioM vncrim't followed 1 A. 
Wtien we wore at tha hearing, tha pninninary 

Q, And it what part of the trial did yon Ull 
him Ihutl A, When In pat Mr. Heath on lint. 

By the Court: 

Q. You called Up Mr, Rutherford and told him 
tbatl A I *ent klr. lloyl* a note. 



BohhU Biyj/tl Heu'.h — Fat Dt}it. — Croit 

{}. lie iruii lit know when you told Mr. 
Rul I isirford i A. Oh, yea, Voi, 1 c&lted him at 

By Mr. Itruclilmuwii; 

■Q, You did call and telephone 1 You vers re- 
porting to Mr, Itutherford nil during thte trill, 
weren't youT A. Mo, Dot all during. 

This Court; Haw mam; times did you 

Tha Witneii; Once. 

Q. You told him about idttinp; in tlie court- 
room, dte-iug thia group elanding around, and 
that sort of tbmpT A. No, I didn't 

Q, Did yon evBr tell Mr. liutherford about 
thnlf A. Yea. 

Q. Wbtinl A, After (bt trial 

Q, But you reported (O him M lo what tran- 
spired in the courtroom, to aom* extent, when 
you called up at noontinusl A. I called Up ami 
I "Hid, "Puppy, their* >* AciMitliihff wrang. They 
put nil) on tbe atand flraL" And be es-ked in? 
why Dial wju »nd I Hid, '"I don't know, but that 
u what happened. 1 ' 

(J. Do you know -who Wtu csajnininp tin u-it^ 
ncwwft when Mr, H*ath got on tlie atand 1 A. 
Mr, Mnyhi and Ur, Wbalaea ware both examin- 
ing the witnesses, 

Q, Wrre th*y both examining him at the aau* 
liiiLuI A- They were standing aide by aide. 

By tie Court: 

Q. Who win anldtig the queational A. ftuine. 
ItnlU Mr. Wbeleai and Eometimea Mr. Moyle. 

Q. Of the Boma witness! A. Yea, air. 

Iroanir. Soifd He«lh—F$f Deflx.—Itetlirect 

Q. WT-ici wLlcd your huahand, mud, "Tokc llin 
stand," th* way Mr. Covington told you to take 
the standi A. I tlLifli. — -J" realty don't know. 

Q- You don't remember I A_ No. 

By llr, Bruchbauiuiii : 

Q. Most of 11;? evening mesja were eatra up 
on tSie fl*v?qih JUfor, ivaren't theyf A. Ob, no. 

Q- WelL, a grrnt man; of them vtnt A. 
iion.r. of them wen:, J**. 

Q. And you had occaskm to din* up « tin.' 
•♦vtntb floor bufoT A. On, yen; always, 

llr. [Sruchhaoeen: No farther t|U*- 

ilr, Covington ; Just one or two ques- 
tion a. 

The Court : Take your lime. 

Rtiiftel nomination, by iff. Cv"'*ijtQ'> ; 

q. Why dirl Mr. lloyle— Did Mr. Moyle alalc 

any reason* why he refused to lake Ihe luiil 
irifini'v Chul ni^lilT A H'fJ, hf eaid tl-Gt hi! 
really didn't fetl like taking thai much mnitey 
on the »trmt at night, especially after tin- 
Coughlmite* ' meeting. 

Q. Tlmi money was all used lo releaae Iha 
braSbrrfl ffrihj jail, wan it nott A. Yrt. 

Q. Now, Mr. Moyle fane 1 *', or nt li-aa-t luiil Ihtii 
odvi«ptl, 1li»i Mr. lfcl>ihniild vfjia onnj or tltc liv 
nulcr? of the Harden, had he roll A. Yea. 

Mr. liriicli hauiien : 1 oiijeift In I In- j)u*a- 
tson aa leading, and it luu alreaily been 

Tin Court: Objection auttaioed. 

Be* nit 8q$S Htaih—For Defti. — Itcdirttt 

d. TVrre t'hpre othcra at lietli iiarim, cuttido 
of the stcrelariil staff T A. Oh, yea, 

Q Taat livid there the year around 1 A. Yea, 

Mr. Covington : TluU w all. Juat one 
minuta. That Li all. 

The Court l ADylhixjg ■)!■«? 

Mr. Brucbhoiuen: No further qQva- 

The Court ; Step (town, 

(Witntu turuacd.) 

Tha Catlrt: Im \.Lh next wiuuaa your 
laal witn«*at 
Mr- Covington: No, your Honor, there 

are Uiree iq^ra, 

Tlie Court: If you have ■ ahort vfit 
neiia, hrio^ hint op. 

Mr. Covington j It will b* about twenty 
or thirty minulta, I gueaa, 

Tim Court; Well, I guena you both are 
tir«d. We will adjuurri nttv until nine- 
thirty tomorrow morn Ling, 
l*ka*u don't dizcuae tlie cue, 

{Whereupon, aa adjoumrotint *o» taken until 
TutMiay, May 23, 1913, at 9s» o'doek 1. m.) 

Oti* R. Hoyle—Ftr Dtftt r —Dittct—C*e>tM 

BreoUup, N. ,Y,, May 25, 1943, 


(Tiiijj. TSkhuuiu.) 
Mr. Covington: Olin E, Moylo, 

OLffl E, MOYLE, recalled. 

Pireet tuaminatian ay Ifr. 'Jovatgtan : 

Q, Mr, Moyle, I show you on article appear- 
ing in "Faet Ddgeat" eonefming Jrbowali** Wit- 
seaeea of Jun^, 1939, and ask you. if yea aro lh* 
■ulbor of OlbI article- (banding to vitneai'i, A. 
I am, 

Mr. Covington: We offer it in Evi- 
Tli* Court: Did yon aay June, 19391 

Mr, Covington: Yt*, JoW Honor. That 
ia all for tli in Tilnea*. 
lir. lirurhhauHn: No objtelioa, 

(Tlia article referred (o ■»■*« r***ived in 
«vld#Beo and marked Defendant*' Eihihit 

The Coart: Any qnealiona, Mr, Brutn- 

Mr. BrmJihauatn: Y**, your Honor. 

Croii~€Jsminaiittn Is Sir. JSnuAAowtm: 

<J. How l(iB(f bflfone June, 1939 Wis tbat ar- 
Stein wrLitenl A, I cannot recall auclly. It 
w*a inri:i!- weeks. 

Q. And V- wboae request f A At the requeat 
of Mr. Knurr. 

CJ. He wa* tb* Vie* Preaident of the Corpora. 
liont A. Yaa, 

f>Jf» H. Vfiifk—Fttr liffta^-Crou 

Q, And did he giv« y«o pome idea of '"■hat the 
nature of the article waa tbat he wanted! A. 
I wu trt]tl it Wil» tft be jui jirtieie cvpUrilnrj 
of Jehovah V WitnenaeiiL 

Q. And tou had fcf+ft rw[0e*!*d *l other tta)r* 
to vrriH- *rtid*», if- tn»l mrrectT A, Yea, 

Q. Atnng the- lines that would be indicated by 
thrae in inihirityT A. Ye*. 

Q. You did inil write nrt teles of ynnr own 
Tfljition and put Ihrm in the joumala, did youf 
A Not to my rwollection, no. 

Q. Tt waa always at the rN)*te*t of one of lbs 
oflbjialj of the Watch Tower eorpnrationaf A. 
In ?r-Th-7a|, yen, 

0- Tbat ia, yon bail no ircpcrvinion Ar onntrol 
o*sr what shnnld he or abnuld not r* printed in 
those publications t A, That ia right, 

Mr, RrndihauBen ; Tbat i^ all, 
Mr, Cnrinjrtnn: That is all. 

( Witnws excused.) 

Th<> Court: ]>> jrm *i«l Ut rnd the 
articled W* have kept up to date with 
Ihe exhibit*, so if yon want In read it, 

ynn c-Mn po ■brsil r 

\U. CoTpnictnn ; T bave t*o or Hire* 
rxbil.ili Ihst I hav» nrtt reiul. I Ibinlr It 
wj-juld be brtler 10 fv*d lb*m all at on* 

Th* fViart: Wbai*if*r you want to- do, 

Mf, C"vington: A, R, Horn. 

Mr. Aon* faddTeispjig (be Cncirl); Rir. 
let m» warn yon that under th* -noans*! 
written by Jctoi Christ, I da not a*e*r — 

Arltiur a. fiem—Fot Dtfti^IUnct 

TJie Court; What ia it y/OB want lo do, 
do you want to affirm rather than awearl 

Mr. Ooux: Yea, air. 

The Court: We would be deli^ltd to 
have you afltrpj. 

ARTHUR R. OriTlS, 144 Columbia Hei B hti, 
Brooklyn, New York, ana of th* defendants, 
called as a witness oa brbalf of the defcEidatils, 
sftrr a/nrrniiiR to trLl tbr troih, tntiliitl ss 

The Court: In order that ihe jury may 
understand, Ibe wiincss i* thoronKhly 
within hia rights by anliinK H> afirm 
rather than awear, That is hia legal right, 
and the jury iboold draw no inference 
from tljiL 

Diftvi txamirMiim ojr ,1/r. CttvtTtgto* : 

Q. How lr,njr hai-r ynu been one of Jehovah'i 
VybatHHl A. Ripw 19HL 

<}, And bo* long have J'oa been a member 
of th* Bethel Family I A- Kine* 1911 

Q. JIow long have you snok-n Jojeph Y. Ruth. 
*rfordT A. Over thirty-ftv* yttrs. 

■O, In wlia! rapfwity did Jno ser*e wilh Jnsrph 
F, Ruth»rf"r'l aflpr ™mir>)t ** Bethel 1 A, A* 
his sM-T-plsry, 

Q. Kcfrjrc wnin^ u *wre!ary lo Joseph F. 
Ttal hrrfijrit. did yaa urve as sKretary to- any- 
one 4-ls-e ; A. T did mtretariaJ work f»r Cbariw 
Rnssi-ll also, who was then president 

Q 7 And bow long did yon conliau* to s#r*» W 



141 2 

Arthur 11, Oeu* — For Dtfit. — Dirtet 

secretary uiwkr Jiwrpb F. Itutherf ord 1 A. 
Kroiu iniB until T-ffi, as private ttetretaryj and 
limv alnn performed ncerelnrial work up Id the 
lime at hi* jiossing i»i)' in 1&!2. 

Q. Who! branch of 1he Society ar* yon now 
rftniiii-led villi T A The heaihjuirijen at 

Q, Arr you connected with tin legal desk 
lln-ret A. T iro. 

tf, Were yen «j connected during the yean 
lilXi la IfiK A, T was. 

Q. During that lime, did yon know the ptaJfl- 
tiff, O. ][. Movlet A. I did. 

(J. During that lime did you have occasion to 
«orl( wjjli hita it the legal desk! A Yes. 

Hy lite Court: 

Q. Are jiou a lawyer, eirl A. I mm not a 
iiU'iiJy-r J»r tiic liar. 
<}. I live you studied Inwl A. I Imve. 

Uy Mr, Covington: 

Q. Durmfi Hie time that you. have been resi- 
dent at Bethel and have been associated with 

J<i*e]>h P, Rutherford, did yea have occasion to 
asserve bin habit* and his mnr.:i*r uf treatment 
of tiii brethren at Bethel T A Very closely. 

Q. fan you *Ia1* whether or not he assumed 
1 1 in attitude nf an arbitrary dictator and. boas 
over the Family at (he table T A He did not, 

Q. Did you find bilu to be amenable to aug- 
•ri'niLtiiin while you luive been «ein*eiated with 
liiml A. Very mueh *o. 

Q. lias lie awt ifteepted 1 sugjre*lioni mule by 
1'inl without inlirferenee or wilhddt eonrtemning. 
yout A. Many ■nmeiilnns. 

Ariimf R. Qo«s—For Btfti.—Dirtet 

Q. During v lint coarse of timet A. Daring' 
ult ilip tints Hint I liiive been associated with him 
in Inn work both m. secretary end dime 1&2S 
after leaving his olEee to perform n-thcr as*ijrntd 
ill. iii':* with reapect to radio broadcasting and 
things tlml developed Later. 

Q. Did yon attend the Itaard of Directors' 
meeting on AnjjiiHt % I'JiU} A. I did. 

Q. And did you hear Hie letter r*sd on thnt 
date I A. T ilhl. 

Q. Did you hear the oilier di»tups<inrm Hut lbs 
other* had at Hull liuiel A. Tei. 

Q. Did yon lifu any urn iinenM nmd* 1 by Mr. 
MnyU' or Juil^i- llutlio-rfnrdf A, By Iwith. 

Q r In rt'erfBrt to the tetter, »ln'n yon lirttrj 
it H'Hil, ami you have rtiwe read it *t'vc nl liputi, 
liave you nolT A, I bavc. 

(J. Ifnve yon ever nt uny tinM notieed .ludjre 
IliitlnTfonl ailinininlcr- to hln lim-lln-eu i tfiatk- 
irv md dertlocUtlAjr. trilttMiDff n.\ the table T A 

Q. Did he ever jrive anyone i tonjruc lanhintft 
A. So. 

Q. Did lie ctxt liold bi^ hwtlincii up tn pnhlic 
fl4>rniJifi*tion in an intolerant nwnnrr it Iba 
talilef A. Km. 

<J. Did tie etfer Iserata bit brethren for eier- 
CTflinff friN^lnar of npr*?ph ill tl» tftbEfct A. Ko, 

Q, Did In* phy tin? \mrt of m h*** in ifoldtne 
anfl unbrni'liiiB 'ti» hrrtbwnt A. Ko. 

Q, lln" yno tver Iteurd nnjr dirty, filthy and 
emiitty ttorien pallid around Lbe Dethel tahkt 
A Ko. 

Q, Wei lienor glorified in the Betbel TTomet 
A. No. 

Q. Wen yoa. familiar witb tb» fnnrt»T» ocen- 

ArUmr R. fJo»»— f or Dtfti.— Dirtci 

jjiinil liy Judge Rutberronl on (be wVentb floor! 
A Vcji. 

Q. And you are familiar with the other par- 
tem tliroLLptiout tilt entire building, in you nott 
A. Y«i. 

Q. Wnuld voo tell whetbti- of not Jodfte Ttuib- 
frfgul itim-ririiinited DClinit hi* brtlbrtfl m 
favor gf ufttMtft A. H* did Hot. 

Q. I aliow you a letter dated July £1*1 tipipil 
by yir. Movie, addressed to Jodge Rutherford, 
and I aih you when you. heuid that rend on 
August ^tli, if you voted on the resolution passed 
by Hie Hoard of Director* on that occasiou 
( hfLfiii J jif to wilii£ii»). A I did. 

Q. Did you veto in favoT ol the renolutionl 
A. Tea. 

Q. Did you have asy comnxnti to milce on 
that oeeaaion yourself T A. I did. 

Q. What, if anytliinp, did you atute in hefer- 
enri: tn the Inter T A One sentence; "It it f»l«e 
End entirely out of order, in my jndjjniefll," 

(}. And did yoo beai" th* other* mik« com- 
menl^T A T did. 

IJi Mr. Mnyle mule rArnrn*nrjt A. 1 did. 

Q, You hovf l»'4ini the teJitimony of the othera 
conrcminp wliqt took plaoi. Would your te"l|- 
niony V« cnlmtantiilly the uine as that! A. ¥««, 

Q. Ton did not ittend the meethng — 

Tho Court (addreaiing Mr. Oorinictnn ) : 

Before you fminh with tiat, I tliink tbil 
wilniu "aid tltat hi heard Mr. Moylc 
COlkl rrlfiiirkl. 

Mr, Cenringtom: Ye*. 

Tb, Ruoxt : Perhapi you ihoold wk 

Arthv R. Oowe— for D«/(j.— Direct 

liisn, Immune my recollection is not eleur, 
but I think the testimony here bus been 
that Mr. MoySe wei e^Led whether lie liad 
anything to «»>', toil Ur naid nothing. 

Q. Wliat, if any tiling, do you remember lir. 
lloyle »ajio[{ in reply to any' vlaleiiienti iruide 
tu lihul A, Jle sold '"Si* h'^r upealm for it. 
self." And tiieu I ulao vMaud kin utate, m re- 
B^iiae to a (gueation tint was dirveted to luru 
by Defendant Henth n* to whetlier he was a 
Jesuit, "No, a lliousjmd iiilliiu from it," or irorda 
to Hiut effect. I didn't remember Hie precise 
binj^iage, but thnt *»* the iubstance of it 

Q. Uid you attend lbe ileH;el table at noon 
tliot day I A. Yea. 

Q. Did you see the family lake a vote on the 
wntaara of liiat lottcrl A, All wiHiin range of 
my atgbL 

Q. There are ajiprunimately how many p**ple 
lliat ni in the dining roomt A About two bun' 

Q. Vou did not attend the mceliriK of ytptetn- 
b*r Slut that hai been raforred to, did yoat A 

Q. You did, however, *ign tbe article entitled 
"Iiiftirinatinn," did you notf A. Yee. 

Q. Iliil yiiu believe the cnntentu af tluil anicle 
entiltcd '■'JuforrnatioH" to b* UueT A Abao- 

Cj. Did you believa the contents of the letter 
of Hi, Movie to be faltel A. Yes, air. 

Q, Did yoU sign tlie ariicla entitled ''Infor- 
mation" n>i in expression of yaatt honest opinion 
and belie' t A ¥es. 

Q, Did yon consider that yon war* annssing 

Arthur Jt. Gvux—Fvr Pcftfr-Birstt 

yaor fuiuinents an to tliu ocliofl with ilr. MoyleT 
A. 1 did. 

Q. Par iliut purpose did you *ipo the article 
entitled "Information"! 

Mr. ItrocWnUHfl; Objected to. 
Tbe Court: Objection sustained. 
Ilr. Covington: And this is alon^ the 
same line: 

By Mr. CcTington: 

y, Did you have an intercut and believe you 
bin I in interest in tike eon tun ti of the artidt 

entitled "Information" to efttivey to the hretli- 
reo, Ji'hovah's witnesses, in the field f 

Mr, llrueliliauiien : Objf*ted to. 
Tlie Court; Will you pleMv read that 

(Tli<- noestioo was repealed by the ste- 

The Court; You may answer tlml yes 
or no. 

A. ¥«. 

Q, The 'W'nlch Tower Bible & Tract Society 

is llu; pjuvemingbody of Jehovah's WitneRMes, is 
it noit A Yes. May 1 qualify thai— 
(J, It is the esrtbly— 

}le. HruchhaurtO t Let bim siiswcr. 

Ilr. CovingtOAJ All right, you way an. 

Th* Court: Do you want ia qualify 
that answerl 

Tbe Witness: ¥«. 

The Coort; Oo ahead. 

JrtJliuir 11. fouw—Ftf J)ttiM.—l)iftct 

The WllnM*: The Watch Tower Bible 
t Triwl .^Lii-.iL'ty, a. legal CDrporation in the 
State of New York, and tbit tu rppraliim uf 
sinutar came in the State Of fenisytva- 
uia, are inutrumvntalilies uwid by Jeho- 
vah's Witnesses who ax a body eoaialilute 
the Kocdety, anBoeiatioiii, congregation, 
coniiiany or aiwaoblj', that proceed under 
Hie leulerehip of the appointed one of 
Jehovah God, namely, Christ Je«u«, and 
all of these as a joint body throughnut the 
earth use thene corporatiooii evea as they 
uso other eorporalions, for instance, the 
una in (if eat Britain and tbo«E in Austra- 
lia and Canada, and to forth. And thi'Mi 
corporations, tlie one thai ia diuied in the 
complaint, WAtcli Tower liible i Trntl 
SjuL-imt;' in tiie United State?., function in 
the same relation to tlut body under the 
IcadiTuhip of Clirist Jeses, all wlm have 
entered into a cmlrucl with the Almighty 
(J oil, an do the other eorporntinns in tidier 
lands. They n.Tt merely instruincntslilk'* 
or v,0iii-',i:s that are used by lh«i«e wn:i 
are [iruo'ediu^ under the teaderiihip of 
Cbrist JcmtK a* Jtlwrfall'l Witnesses. 

Q. I have in my bandt Defendants' KihibLi \', 
referring specifieaLly to a letter dn-ttd Septeio- 
ber 6, MSB, addretmed to J- It. Miller, signed by 

O. R. JJnyle, aod ask you if you aver saw thnt 
during the year VJ3D (banding to witness). A, 

Q r Ami where did yon sea that letlerT A. Jt 
k'M {riven to we at Hie oBice of tbe Wsteh Tower 




JrJour A. flour— For Dtfli.—Dirttt 

Society at LIT Adams Street on its arrival from 

Q, And did yw-u turn tiui- pv^r Id Jftdg* Ruth- 
erford! A I gave il ID liita with a wtiiioran, 

Q. Who.', month wai tint, if yon recall! A. 
In Kepteofcer. 

Q. VVu it before or after the September 21 il 
meetingl A. It wai about the wine time. I 
wasn't at the meeting, and this cam* to my at- 
tention about that came time when I rrtum*d. 

Q. Were job present at MadisOO Sqoar* Oar- 
den in June, 19391 A, Y**. 

Q. Did you attend tilt preliminary bearing of 
July 11, 1U391 A. Yea. 

Q. RelaliT* lo the c4M of Mr, H**tt w4 
others! A. Yea, 

Q. Did you aee II r. Moyle while handling; that 
cue! A- Yea. 

q. Did you see Mr. Wheel** w)iil* huncLlii.^ th* 
cue, both of them! A- Ye*. 

Q. Y*4 heard the testimony of the other wit- 
hbwc-i with reference, to Mr. Lioyle'a conduct 
at 1hut jiuwitup;' or tlial trial while in conference 
with Mr. MitDtinald. Would year testimony he 
substiiiitLaily tlm aamel A. Yea. 

Q. There are letters in evidence «igned by Mr. 
lrujlii toUr. I'hiibrick and Mr. Miller. Did ytia 
ever hear of those lettera prior to Sc-pttJuh^r, 
15331 A- Yea. 

Q. Were you in Massaahaaetta and conferred 
with either one of these, men during the inooLh 
o( September I A. May I ask f or th* pree*diag 

The Court: 


Y*s, Had tbn la«t twa 

Atthut B. Gvux—For Deftt.—Dirtct 

(T!ie stenographer read tim first o.U*»- 
tion an fullnw*;) 

,L Q. Tliere are letter* in evidence signed liy 
Mr, Moyie to Mr. Pbilbriek and Mr. II Liter. Did 
you. ever hear of those letters prior to Septem- 
ber, 1939 V 

The Witness: Not prior to rjcplfirJicr. 

During September. 
The Court: And ll* next nueslion, 
(Tlie stenographer read Hi* nest nuei«- 

tion aa follows:) 

"Q. Were you in llafisadmattts and conferred 
will] eLlber one of tlbeae men during the n>onLh 
of September !'* 

The Vfrfcataa: Witt boib of them. 

Q- Did you convey that information to Juti|-m 
Rutherford f A. I did. 

tj. And when was. that! A On my return. 

Q. Was thai on or about th; bmc LJiat yon 
bipied the article entitled "Information") A. 
It wan abuut tlie shuje iky. 

By th* Court; 

Q, What day did you. sips the article " Infor- 
mation h, 1 A. Approximately Ui* H»l of Sep- 

Uy Mr. Covington; 

Q, You don't remember Lha exact date! A I 

do not. 

By the Court: 
Q. Wiiere did yon sign it! A. In ikthcL 

Arthur H Gnat—For DsfU.—Gran 

Q. Wheraf That ia a seven-story building. 
Tlfllftt p*rt of itt A, I d« W»t rasall distinctly. 

%y Mr Covington: 

Q, You liaci nothing So da with tie writing oT 
lh« article "ranarea," did yout A. Ho. 

The Court (addressing Mr. Covington): 
Your memorandum will tell yon that. 

(AddrnuJiiK the vitoeM:) The Ant 
Uin* you read it waa when it appeared 
ia the *'Watea Tew*r" in Lb* NoTarober 
litis iaiuel 

Tiu> Wiineesi That ii right. 

Q. Did you are Mr. McDvoaLJ— you know the- 

man Uint hai been identiliBd aa a lawyer by Ik* 
iuuub of Mcfl^Wldf A- Very well 

{J. Did you see him at th* hearing on July 
llllil A. 1 did. 

<J. Had you *ceu him before tliatt A. Yea. 

y. Where T A. At Ui* Night Court on Sunday 
evening, J^nu JG r 1W. 

Q. Did you two Mr. Hoy la at any time daring 
tliuiB uupearnnoea befor* th* Magistrate 's 
Court'* oft Jun* Ej, 193^t A. On that date I 
aaw him at th* H (gnt Court on 54th Strat, lot]. 

(J. Was that tho ««:"£ (/U™ whera Mr. Mc- 
J^OOtM appeared I A. H* did. 

Mr. CoTijigton: That ia all 
Cratuxe-itiaatiem by Mr. BnvMunttn : 

Q. Mow old ware you *hca you fint went to 
Buthfill A. I Ml horn ib W7- I vaut to 
Otlimi il iShl 


Arthur Jf, Gouv—Fa* VtfU.—Crot* 

The Court; Tf wy mntlierflatie* ja aa 
fpntd a» ymea, that would nuike you iLi- 
lecn, wouLiI it noil 

Q. lied >on iron* lo wltool befor* yotl went 

Uirrcf A, Ye*, 

Q, WlLi'fcaboiKaf A. In Illinois. 

Q. A lofnl selioolt A. 'jraiuirmr achool and 
hkminees ktliool 

Q. Yon na j y<hU became neeretary to Mr. Enth- 
*rfar<lt A, Vt*. 

Q, Wlicnt A. In. tylS, January. 

Oj. Did Ii* llav* amy rthtf ancretaries at that 
time! A. Ye-r, 

Q. And when did you begin the aludy of the 
lawf A. river ciurc acHKialing wilb Jqdee 

Q, Who LnKtruetcd >~uu in tlie law) A. He did. 

(J. You got all yuur instruction from himl 
A. Hi-Jii-.! of It 

Q. Whcro did you got tli* real of itt A, Sin** 
Unit time by |*n*>n*l atudy. 

Q. You *ay you *i1i*r!(4 in atudy injf wlmnT 
Aih»ul wln!« '.lid you begin >'»or study of Uie 
Jaw. A. AltW* tliot time tlwt 1 w serving aa 
secretary to Juseph Itnthcrfard. 

By the Court: 

Q, You DH*i in 1316! A. In 191ft, 
By M r. Bruchiiaosen : 

Q. And y«ii lum been slndying th* law ***r 
ain**t A. Kigbl, 

Q. In wbat way I A. As opportrmily offWn- 

(J. Uav* yau ever applied for admiaiioa lo th* 
Bar of tha HUla of Maw Y*rkt A. No. 

Arthur R. Gous—For De/fj r — Crou 

Q. Anul you have participated in all these 
ycovs ji] tlie preparation of canes for trial, have 
you not* A, T* a degree, 

q. Ami pan largely liad aonKthing to do with 
tin- prv[>iimlion of tbia *•** for trial 1 A, Aa 

q. And you went to different part* of the 
country- in counrctiun with that proparatiorit 
A. V*a. 

Q. "V uu wrnl out to MasaadJUMtts for the pur. 
jjtisi' uf t'li-Tiferring with Mr. J'hilbrick and Mr, 
Millur, didn't yuyl iV. Hat in relation lo Lhh) 
fas* 1 . 

(J. I>i4 ym take their atattwaatt! A They 
vulmitarily told rme tiling* COneemliur th* ao* 
lions of t>. R Kloyli when I waa then during a 
vaenlioji in liffii. 

q. Yuu beard my question, didn't y*u1 Dout 
you knew 1 asked you whether yon took tlusir 
aiateuusntsl A, I heard them apeak. 

By lha Court; 

CJ. Did you tak* amy/ writtam alafamantf A. 

By Mr. Bruchhauaen : 

Q. You went out there after Jin receivtjd tha 
letter* from Mr. Millar and Mr. Philhrickt A, 

g. Wlu-n did yoil g* therel A I went (her* 
on a vac ation trip in 1K0, in iScplember. 

q. Witnl date in September I A. About tlie 
midilk 'A tlie month. 

q. And tliea* letter* are dated wlient Do you 


Af'.hiir R. Ooi££— For Defti.—Ctai* 
recall the oat« of the l*I|*l*f A. Not sp™f- 

Q. Do you recall lha date* of (ho ieltent A. 

Not sperififlftlly. 
q. Well, genera]]}-, thtnt A, Qenerally during 

August and Stptember. 

By Uis Court: 

Q. Ion are refcrrinp to two Iftlcrr. one by 

t'liilbrick and one hy Miller, ia that right f A. 

By Mr. Brttc hhausem : 

Q. Ymi nay they «mr lo your altention, iliow 
two M (em, about Sc-pltmbeT 13tb, in it 1 A, Tley 
dirl not 

^ Q. W1i*n rlo you say tln-y came lo your atten- 
tion! A. Rfljji* time aftpr (hut. 

Q. About when! A. Within one year alW 

q. When did (he letter of Mr. Plirlhririt firpt 
come io your alien! ion! A. Wjdu'n nn* jvar 
after I »y.s Hn>r* tnltinp with him, 

q. Whnt vrnrdid tliey pome In yn*r nllfntism! 
A. PojiHilik lh* Intler p*rt of !?Mf|. 

q, Then tlirtt* ]e tterH Wfirn* nnt hf fniv> vnn wlicii 
you sifflvrtl II ,f arlide "Information"! A. Not 
tlie lM1crs tlknimelves, hat the mnleria] that in m-t 
forth in tliMB leltera wns a mfttter of ImovrlrrTjrp. 

Mr, BruclLhauwii: I move lo strike out 
the answer. 

The Court: Strife* it oui. 

q, Tholclters from Mr. Philbrh-li and Mr. Mil- 
ler bail not heen brought to your atlration at lha 




JrlAur fl. <7uuji— £'or De/ii^-CrsM 

lirue you aigncd "Informal ion." T A- That it 

Q. And you had visited Mr. liillor and Mr. 
i'bilbrick prior, lu signing tins article "Jnforma- 
tiiM"f A. Vej. 

(J. Ainl of e oun<e you did not p> "Qt to «m Mr. 
I'Lilbritk or Mr. Miller in MnuuschuiMiLU in math 
oration with the iloyle ninllcr, did youl A. The 

un-ii ■ii-u.i.lLluil that I rfCOt to Jltdjp Eutlierford 

»[x.'i liM fa i L'.st-lf. 

(J. 1 ntil flitin^ you whether j-ou j! i J or not. I 
dtuTl waul JfoOT explanation*. I nm ankinfi you 
whe liter you did o-f did not go to n« SJeasni. Ph.Lt- 
briek and liiLier in eonneelion with Ilia llnylfi 
tajm. A. I w«tl to- W* 11 r, Sliller in response to 
bin. invitation that I aptud a brief period of veea, 
tien t* i'ii him, 

Q. So yW (fid not go there o* the Movie eajol 
A. Do yo» »'i*l' m* to annwer about the other! 
Q. (Jan 't j'a-ii iiiutwer my ([ueiliou J't* or no I 
The Court r If yon me studying Inw, 
you Trill pic-ure iimke repponriv* anuwen, 
IF you don't untleS-ntand Line rraratioa, w<i 
uUl have it read to yoft. Will you read him 
the |a^| i|uebt]ONl 

(The alvmogrnphor rrjieslefll tho question 

referred to us follow*:) 

"Q, I am an king fM whether yon did or not. 

I don't »luit yonr explanation^- 1 am asking J'OB 

wlielhcr vott did or did tint ja to see Uorni. Phil- 

hrick and Miller in connection with the Ma-yla 

Tlia WitiWA*L 

Completing tips aniwer. 

4rDnar fl. Sous— For Be/if*— Cro*i 

The Court: Answer it. 

The Witness (eonliniship} : — aa to Mr. 
Fhilbrick: I have already answered with 
reHpeet to Mr. Miller, tut as to J!r. T'hil. 
brick, 1 did go thp-re *'ith reiiptct in infor- 
mation that hud ™me to me relieve to nil 
attitude cunreraing tlia resignation of 0, 
B. Xttyh fr*jn Bethel. 

By Mr, BrachlipuKn: 

Q. Whom did you visit fin*, Fhilhrick or Jlil- 
ktrt A. Miller. 

Q. So yon vtat to «e llillcr va tb* lloyle caul 

a. Ma«f 

Q. Yen. A. No. 

Q. TS'liom did yon TiB-il Cralt A, Miller. 

Q, And did you or did yon not p> to o*e- hijii 
in r^f^renee to the iioyle eureT A, Kn. 

Q. Van went there for a »rnHn|, i« that itt 
A- Absolutely and only in that rffx^t. 

Q. And the date you Tailed him was whenT 
A. I wan Ihere -for nWt » Tirtlt. 

Q. When did jou Ant Mt tbnf A. f)n srriTnl. 

Q. Can't yoa jr v <s " u " *■ datct A. Ahont (Ik 
middle of S»|)tr!nljH'r, 

Q, Don't yon un<ip™Lan*l what a dale uiT 

Ey th* Court : 

Q. This niiildie <if Keptemher what yrarT A. 
By Mt. Brucldmun™: 

Q. And by that tiiruc, n'hvn yea tijul flons to »« 
Mr. Miller, yon knew Hi&( Ihi? Itller liad bren 
Ttrilten tiy Mr, Doyle, didn"| yonf A. Yee. 

Q. Did you hdv# a copy of it with yoal A. No- 

Q. Ami liiii vuu lake a n^itten utatemeot fruiu 
II r . Milferl A. Mo. 

Q. Ikd he h:jd alreadj writfeB the btter, hail 
lie on I T A , ] llj.Jn 't kimw. 

Q, Did lie (<■)) ynm h-IsitLIh-i- nr nftl lie liad »riL. 
trn jc h'MerT A, No, 

tl Jlow Ions did you tuik tn himt A, On that 
■nliJM'i, fnv-filjly nltoEn-ther lesit tliBn onv iiiKur. 

{>, And limn you went over to see >fr- Phil- 
brii-kf A. JJwrme the period of iny stay at 

Q. And ynn n«.k«3 hiin That lie know about 
Ifoytc, in Hint itt A. No. 

Q. Wjih that ii anrtdl ni:l t A. Tl wan a rjili In 
ri-lnlion Lo 'I:-- .kihnnnn i:^; n.'il:il>'- ■ il:-: 1 U.;.L I...-; 
Iwi>n nmntionfd here. 

Q. Did yon cir diil ynn not dineuFU Mr. Mnylel 
A. When Mr. Philhrick inLFoduerd tlie- suhjMt, 
>rn> (iilk-t'd nbnut it. 

Q. Sji Mr. PlnTbridi first menfioned it. it lhnt 
riphtt A. Thfil is ripfct. 

Q, Aii;l jvm fcjlCW n.l r. I >: -i ■ I "h-- Xfnylf pane and 
yibn \vpre n'nrkinn in Lin* IprhI dfparliuenl of tho 
U'ahdi Tower fii'ftan iiation. ami ynu did nnt mnn. 
1i<hn (In- Mo-rtp- rf\sr. r(1 nil rintW Jfr. Ptiilhricfc 

nicnlinnPil it, U thai risflill A. Tlhat i« true, 
Q. And bow InitR did yon talk about the Moyk 

rjiM' ni1h lii:nT A. IjWSi jlian m:ip hour. 
<}, And did you Ink* a alakwefltt A- No, 
Q. Did yon rnnte a memoranduiu of (lie j^st 

of Li i rm-frfii>ir,ii A. fTn, not at Ihat time, 

bit I tnadn a memorandnm — 

By the Court: 
Q, On your return to Batnall A Within a 

jiHAiij- fl, i}anj}—^<ir DtfSt. — CfOtS 

few huuj!) ufli-r I nrrived at 1^-Lhtl, end «ent it 
to Jotf]ih rCutlicri'ard- 
B>- i/r, Knieiihiiflien; 

Q. And did you vinlt tnyoxt rli* in «onn«c- 
(ion will( tkft Jlfiyte liiiM; while you were on viuja- 
tionf A. RtjieJit lliat) 

(Th* fjuention waa repeated by ill* ata- 

A. fCoiiiinufd) No. 

Q, After yon ]■* turned fmm I'aeation, did Jtm 
jro out and visit Anyone in toaaectioa with the 
Mnyle finsT A.. No. 

Q. Sn ymi iia-vo not Virited A«yi>nf, any of 
tin 1 **; wiuii'MjiCB in varioot stales on llir IFuyla 
eaae ot]u L r tli*js Mittw ami I'lnlhriek, ia that «*t- 
rertf A. Tlint if H.'iactljf ripl.L 

Q. Did you correspond with IIumcl! A No. 

^. Bat you knew a]] Lbat ^l^a^ pcinj; oh. in. the 
prpparntion of tliit *aae, did you noli A. To 
a dtjrrec 

Q, Wkvt dpfire^l A. Wiftrier Ihst Tfnuld b* 
^iprefrnc^l in [n-r^rn t ji j^k nr wliafiever way you 
wj^h In vsprena the dfjrrt* — 

Q. Well, (riv* m* your answer. You are the 

By the Coort; 

Q. Tnu wer* actively enpigod in the pitfTiara. 
tion of Ibo ennft— I mippoRe you nhject to the 
wnrda L ' fully iafnimpd"? A. That :a riofht I 
knew *niu« Ihinpn liiat were b*infr done, out hy 
no nieana cverytbinf! that waa being done- 


Arthur JJ. Q#&—For DtfiM.—Cnta 

By Mr. UruchhaUiKii : 

Q, KoW 4iuLny art there in the legal depart- 
ment of the Watch Tnn'erJ A Several hua.dr.Mi- 

tj. All devoting their tinio to lejral mntteraT 
A. That i« rifitiL 

Q. And nil devoting their time to th* eafles 
that the Watch Tautr ia ititereatod inT A, That 
i> rijjht. 

Q. How nuiny ftmrs doe* the ltfifll departmant 
Ofpnjiy! A. The flonra at Drooklynt 

Q, At Dcooklyn, A, HT Adania StrOotT 

Q, Vftt. A. One ftWj 1e«¥ tliaa, oim floor. 

<J. All )lic-*e two Imndred persona in the legal 
department — 

The Court; Obviously bo meuaa 
througliont tlw waiitry. 
Tbe WitDosg; TSuit ia- right, 

Q, l!ow many is Lha legal defiartnsejit at 
Adninn Stm-ll A. Four, that i*, creloaivcly in 
I he h-jial rieiiorbneat, hut there nre tnany other 
indJviihiDla that do work ia conjuaJ-tion with 
I he lc?;ul departinent, (Jiat are members of the 
ttctiltpiaxten' staff, 

(j. Did you in 1939 devolo all your time to tli* drpnrtirantT A, Not nil of it 

Q, Ilftw." Jiniph nf your time did yoit devote to 
tin? lejjal di'parlment 1 A Aa to all the tune of 
nil ilayx uf earli week, ia tluil what you meant 

y, AppnojiinaU-'lj- iuiv mucii lirod — 

By tal Court: 

Q. IVtat part of yoof working day do yoa 
devote to ^al work or did y«t in 13331 A. 
Moat of it. 

Arthur X. Gans~Fat DefH.-^Crn&t 

By Mr, Brttthhauaea : 

Q, Wnat did you devole tbe other part of yftur 
time tnl A. Asuiatine (he necretary, aaaisting 
with the Tnntters pertaining to the radio, also 
dutica in pivarhing in the field, and alnd in publia 
At iiHKriiiblii'ii to which I wan aanigned. 

Cj. And what alalea did you preach in I A, 
CJuite a number. 

Q. About bow many! A. I hnTa never takm 
paina to count them. 

Q, And wbtn did you become a miniatcrt A, 

Q. WhaL Divinity acbool did yon go tot A. 

By the Court; 

Q, You b^ritno n miaialer when yon were 

fortrteen yeara aldT A. i did. 

By Mr. riruchhau&en; 

Q. JIhksv ninny mnntlm did yon purine yonr 
nti:iliw to Ihrntme a miaiaterl A. From 1906 
until lbat dale, 191L 

y. Anil where did ynn ntlend yntur inntraetion 
fur Iba miniHtry, at what plnee*T A. In Jlliuoia 

Q. Did yon rrrtiv* yonr material from the 
Wnteb TowcrT A. I did. 

Q. Wan that rpf,njlarly eTery month or every 
weekT A, Rp^birly. 

Q, Ia lbat a regular **urtr m'heru you get book 
Ha 1 or hook No, 2f A. Tbeni «m publip*- 
tiouE fkirhiahed continuously, tjneatiou boajdeta, 




Arthur It. CfliB-^df Dcfts,—Cfvft 

uludy fLiu-HLi 1 1 nL I attended in CKItbjjo, and I 
xludieil nil home -. • 1 1 1 1 toy father. 

Q-. Were llicw- bookX* hamb*r*d that -eame to 
van firm tin Wuivh Tower I A. Numbered! 

Q. Yen. 

Tin? Court: Whjit he ■w'onla to know ii 
wliettar tliry ha*e * fifKt Ji^r-iea of leaseron 
u'nrl d flcrapd H'ri&N of ]c*(*ons. 

The Witness: Tha find hnnk called 
"The Di^ne Plan ctt the Axt*'' bod a. 
number on it, The Sffund book alflp- bad 
a nomb*r on it, annl up to the *ixth boot. 

Q. Was (here anything OH it '"How to Become 
* Minister in Sin Months"! A. No, that* i* 
nolhins In Hint eflVct 

Q, Wlml dull- iliil you become a ministerl A. 
Ib January. I fill, when T ennm* rated mvself ji» 
one ready to serve Almipbty fiod and perform 
if rill 

(J. Wilt dale in January diil that occur! A. 
January 23. 1911. 

Q. Wier*! A. A! Chicago. 

Q. At irhiif addrws in flhirjiffol A. I do nnl 
rwn]] tit* *.trH>L adVbwa. Jl wjm nt Ih* auKpiWy 
llml mi tliai weaairin hod fcMa ETStliered tar 
(lit- pnir|v>MV nf iminc™inn o' tbfine »hn hart 
*hown (hereby tbeir nnn,*e*ratiiwi to tin the will 

if ■rir.ii. 

Q. lVw I hat n njwtfal rtireninnyl A, It »■*. 

Q. For yraf A. And other*. 

Q. 1W nWHiy othemt A. Mnr* thin t**ltfy- 
firft othecp. 

Q. And wns iHiThftdy (Tore Bronfclyn there tn 
curry on the eeremonyl A. Not thai 1 know of. 

.irJ&ur fl. Goto— Far Dt}U— Cren 

Q, In what »'Hy were you immersed! A, Just 
ua Jctua 'was, in water backwards, folly eub- 

(J. With your dollies onT A. Mo r with a black 
roll* no bijiiilur to that tlint is, warn in court*. 

(J. Was [bore a bathtub there! A. No, it was 
a regular ba^tiiiiiaJ font The (Jldeago tltmx, am 
it wai thea called, liad eogae;ed lljji EajUJ^l 
CJmrcb not only on thiu oocaaLom but on antuer- 
uii> pjYfiiLiiLj? uefaaioab for like pmrpoifr*. 

Q. Ytjii hired tha liaptLtt Cbnrsh for it! A, I 
did li,: Met it 

Q. tV'ho iiired itf A. TJia company at Ja- 
hutah'a Witii^uea at (Jbicafo. 

Q. Ware tiicra any Uaptiat presentl A. 1 
■:!..! n'l L:li/j.'. 

Q. lluw iiuuiy wane prtatatf A, Orel fina 

Q. Vou TWfntitmtHJ that yea war* is {lit Nigat 
Court, did voa holt A- I did, 

Q, And Mr, MoDo-nsld wu tl»r*, w*t h* Oott 
A. Ym, 

Q. He *a* reprcp^ntinjj ntt «( the pdrtia in- 
Tnjvcd in 1lml MTadiiKin rjriiyife (j*f(Uin frte**, 
v,.it.:i'l In-: A, At tliat tin.!' i.i- '.mlp ..'.■i:L..-il-.::: 
Sufi In Htliiiiin a warrant for the orroj-l of Joicpli 
F. Jttillw rford from tba ilagiutrate that wan pre- 

Q. Well, he was acting as attorney for lome- 
hniy, waHn't lie I A, I don't know whether he 
waft at that tinx, 

fy Wan Mr, Aofunt in enwt thent A, I don't 
recall tlmt lie van there, brnt I Uw hi* Vitt. lit 
may have hptn there, th*n.pli. 

Q, Yoa kn^w that Mr, AulTan-t wai the client 

Arthur R r Qa*x-~For Beflt.~Cfttt 

of Mr. McDonald, did y&n nut! A. K#t at that 

Q. IS ut yciu iatar learned tliat he waul A. 
TJjut ih ri K liL 

Q. And that woj the fir»t !imc yoa *hW Mr. 
Mr.l>ftnald, wa» it not f A, That nigbl. 

By the Court; 

Q, \Vere you tltara uaiatng Mr. Moylal A. 

By II r. BruchiiameQ : 

(J. And you aluo had talked la Mr. Bnlrier- 
ford about Uje enie, liad you, noLl A. Mot up 
In tlml an.e. 

By the Court; 

Q. Wlicsi yuu went bm:k from Night Court, did 
you ri'iitirt to Mr. Jtutlierfordl A. No. 

Q. TlmL day or lb* next dayf A. Tba next 

Hy ilr. Bnwhhauittt: 

tj. JJid xdu ever talk lo Mr. Botliciffonl about 
earien! A. Ye*. 

Q. IVau'l it the cuitoui lo go over tlw Maei 
with him in nrojutratianT A. Yes, 

ii, lie wis tlie main, legal counsel of the t)t- 
Kauitulion, wasn't bef A. lie supervised nil le- 
gal niaLlc™ during the entire period of lus prcxi- 

Q. Well, ht wan tins hud of the tegul dep«rV 
stent, wnn-b't lie! A. To thai dcgTW. 

Q. Tliat iia bad full mpernaion 0¥*r th« legal 
a»tter*t A^ Yes. 

AflkuT Ii. Qeia—For DtfU.—C'rosM 

Q. And tlivn yuu 'ftVre in tlie Magistrate'* 
Court on JuJy 11 (Ij, wen« you nvtt A, Bight 

Q. And am I vinling St>H*c£rJ tliat ;■« say 
you tettifv tlie hjiiuc tr Mrs, HcuVb did! A. 
Substantially. 1 wjmn't ia ptMSCE^ion of all tin 
details that sJjo cxpreswd personally. 

Q. Wltc-re were y-ou silting in tlie court-roomf 
A, Near tlie front 

{j. Were you sear Mrs, llealh I A, No. 

Q. Wliat were yuu doing o-vct tlicmtl A. I bad 
gone there at the rwjnest of 0. B. Moyle tJml 

Q. \n\i M'rr antintijlK ill tlie tame, WL'tt JuU 
not i A- Ah far an neceesnry. 

Q. Did you have any paper* witb yout A. 
K a . 

Q. Did you make any sng^eftiona hi the coerce 
of tlie l.iaringf A, No. 

<J. Did you fit at I he table when the hMrinjr 
wan going on! A, No. 

Q. Y'on did not say enylhing *r mah* any eng- 
geutions nl allT A. I don't rte*H Hat I did an 
tl.n: oceaaion, 

Q. But you were there as in aui«tnnt to Mr. 
Movie 1 A. That is rigUl. 

Q. And you nerc nl perfect lilXTly to make 
aay mifi!PHtions at any tin^cf A, I'aftially. 

Q, Well, a* law assistant to Jfr, Movie, wasn't 
thnt your dntyT A, Not particularly, 

Q, Whut -en-.™ you tliera fori A, Whatever 
ho may have required of me, I *m thrf* to **- 
operate and comply, 

Q. So you would not innVe any au4;pei*lions 
tinleH» iiotnebiMly asked yon for Ihna, is that itf 
A, No, that would not be right That would not 
be oorroct— 

Arthur R. flour — F-or fle/tj.-^CroM 

Tha Court l Then let ua bave tlte cor- 
real B&siwei-. 

The Witne**: I would snake them if it 
appeared projier to make tiieio in relation 
to the mutter thai wa* Ijcing dealt with. 

Q. You did not fiod iL nsccssury to ::uiku any 
i-.i|--i'i,iiL,ijii La tba toiuue of the trial 1 A. 1 
waho'L d^oi enough to see evtryljiing Uuii W40) 
^ding on, 

Q. WeceaH yon Ibare for that purpose! A, 

(j. Wbgl nai-tl How mtuJa part of it were you. 
tlie re fur legal M'orkt A- According to tlie ni- 
t|SC*t of 0, IL iloyle, YVhdtft^tr lie may bovo 
tW|UCs1c4 of "ie on that oecosion, 1 would luive 
cuLuuliC'd with. 

Q. rjo tliem it was not your function to make 
Ifly HUKgeEtions at alii A. Sot relating to the 
bandlirig of the case. 

Q. Ijj relation to «n><hinS tonnected with tiie 
cane! A, Well, poitftly. Just to iliiulrmte. it, 
if 1 may— 

Q. Uluitrate it, I'M, A. SappdB* that lame- 
material toi refiuir«> from the Broollyn (JBe* 
and someone liad to go to gal it Hf, Mnyle 
niay have requested thai 1 go to get such a paper 
or dorunient, 9nd for that purpose 1 wai hold- 
ing myself in rBadinass, la sdditjoo to that, I 
van holding myself in Teodiness far instrnetions 
from the Prcaicknt with renpret k a letter- Unat 
lia hid written and which ho told m* that morn- 
ing was to be delivered by tuc to Mayor La- 

Q. You were a messcng** , thw.T A. PsvLijilLy. 

Q. Put naeaseng«r and part law clerk, is that 


Ai-fAur Ji. Cokj— Foe DtfU.—Grmi 

ill A, Fossibly that would ba the accurate de- 
acriplion of it 

Q. And hfljj you *vitr been ia court before 
that! A. Yes. 

(}. How maay timet hail you been in courL up 
to tbat time! A. Many liaiea. 

Q. How many times! A. Ovm a Lmulrni. 

y. In various courts, local oourti and lumber 
court*, liad you not! A, That is right 

Q, Had you *v4r sit at tin counsel tnbla dur- 
ing those lUneat A. Ycft, 

Q. And had yon worked on Ujckb cases and 
made jdUt^tfltioaa about thanl ia (Jit course of 
preparing them.! A. Ye». 

Q. And when you got 10 court, you mnde eug- 
geationa also in tin course of tils truilsl A. 
Whenever it was in order, I did 

Q. But you did not make any «ug£e*(ioRi in 
this case! A. It wasn't my province to make 
any of tba type that yoo, Indicate in specifying 
suggestions of a taw clerk. 

Q, Yen did not make, any Bug^Alinnii of any 
load! A. I don't retail that 1 did. 

Q. So you don't hftTs to qualify that, do you! 
Can't you say that you did not make any sug- 

Mr. Connttton: Yonf Hoaor, tin* la 
going lo far. It ia LftttftateriaL 

Th* CoaTt: If yon have any objec- 
Mr, Coiington; Tbat ia my objection. 
The Court: Objselion overruled. 

Q- Yon sal ttera in ooort bow long! A, Poa- 
sibly on boar or more. 
Q You sat then from the beginning of thai 




Arthur B. 0«u»~Par JJe/4*.— Cr«»* 

trial amlil tb* &*&, didn't yo*J A. I belieYB I 


<}, Ikin'l you know LhatT A. Not dciwii+ly, 
for tint reason tin: ibo UKatogr; teai* to me to 
carry thia letter for Jadg* Ituibcri'iJrd 149 tit 

Q. Did you or did yon not *ea tha iiiycr in 
belVrvanf A. Bapsnt that, plenaa, 

Th» Court: Itead U. 

(The queatioa wa* repeated by (be ile- 

A. (Continuad) Not in between- 1 left tb* 
«u^ sad the rut of tie day I wp» e«upi*d in 
going to find the Mayor both »( tb* City HaU, 
and labaoqucnli)' located llim 

The Court: All Mr. BrucJih*u*en ia try- 
ing to find cut ii whether you left the 
court baton Lbs proC**dia# waa over or 
whether job did net or wlieilier you know 
about it. 

The Witneia: I lot net *M* to pay 
vbatholr titer* *m anything done after I 
left tb* eoartroaia in relation to thu cue 

Q, Do yon taw* whallaar Lb* can vu ftniabed 
when you left Hue conrtrooml A. I did not know 

taut at the lima thai I left 

By the Court: 

{J. Wet* yaa then wkea Mf. HMtb WiMl 
i. Y»a. 

B> J Sir. B-ruoliljanaen: 

Q, Didn't iliey ail walk Wit *f the courtroom 

JrtAur A Qota—Fer Ptfu.—Cftti 

when tba case wai fuuihadt A. There wu an 
uitenniisiou at noontime, and, ai I recall, lbs 
entire froup mi expecting I* go baek after tb* 

By ib* Court; 

Q, Whet lime WU iaternuHUDf A. ckwetnn 
after IS o'clock. 
By Mr, BruchlmiuitB: 

Q. Did you go bank after invniainiaal A, 

(J, How far away were you from Mr. Ifoyla in 
Itio courtroom? A, Within '2D feeL 

Q. Will yon tell ua what Mr. Moj-ie did ia r*- 
flfmct Co iff, McDonald in tb* courtroom, a* yon 
eaw iL A. He vu itiqtjir.g- *ity doe* [o him 

■t the time thai the examination vh Umicr way. 

By the Courtl 

Q. Let ut fio before tb« examination started. 
You beard the witnoaiet (catify tare I A. I 
would be saying a great deal by rviM?n r>f tho 
remark* that were mad* ia amplification by th* 
tiaion of other*— 

By 11 r. Brnclihuuson : 

Q. Can't you tell m what you aaw. A. A* (# 

tbo dotnit* that I taw— 
Q. I want U know what you «\r, 

The Coart: Tk»t ia all we want to 

A, Snb*tanti*lly a* teitifled, that tie attor- 
ney* wen all together at ta* float, Mc D o n ald, 

Ariimr R. G**#—Ffr Defti. — Omtt 

lilt AuiuEuat D-ieLnU Attorney, ujil] WltCclcn* 
ami iluyie — 

Q, H*w many wvn tlien in the aroupT A. 
Vim ("■** (be whole building. Hie whole court' 

Q, In lite grasp in which Mr lloyl* waaf A. 
Tlioee thai I ban named. 

Uj- the Court; 

(J. Were Utn defendant* there. Heath ami the 
other (wo Die ill A. Part of the time they were 
plandiug and *ome of the time llicy wme iceted- 

il. We fire Inliinj; about tliin pnoup. Do y»u 
f-iy il van to tLe left of the Bench where you 
urc Kitting now! A. it wa* riglit iji front of llic 

<;-. Vmi linve henrd it denerihed here. Ton 
Jjdvi l !hi«ii niLniijr litre ?very day *iuce thi* trial 
■tjirlcrt. Win-re do vnu *ay this group waaT A. 
]| nw ulnnding riplil at tha l!»r. 

Q, What do you not an by "the Bar"f A, The 
rail in front of the Ma^mmte'i table or desk. 

Q. The l[ojri*trate vae not there, ia that 
n^iit J A. 1 atn Epeakin^ ahnut the time when he 
wan- on the Bench and hearing what waa going 

Q, lid you mean to say you liave not under- 
r-iotiil tlial Mr. ItruchliauRen want* to know about 
l.-eL"Ti- I he pri-cf-dare itartcdf I ar-lted yoa that 
(|OC*(iii!i a namute ajto. There hat bepn teati- 
mony here about a (jronp of lawyera. kfeDonnld 
wnt n»tn nf llwrn, Miiylt- mm nn« of (hem, 
ll'lbe-i-li-Hi mini uue of iLenu And they weiro «ii|V 
IMMilly p,l»[iJijin— It liae been Er*tiljrd lluit 
ilu-y wrre atnndii^r, to the- left of Hi* Bench, ux 
I am *ittinjjj- now. I>o you reineniber any inch 

Arthur It. Qows—Ftr Dtfitj—Cmu 

jrrnu;! a* 1hatl A. I dnn't aay that I do. I 
\nv.\\i\ siut lie ahle (o npoafc about anything that 
Adored prior to (lie actual le*tiini?nyv Them 
was a very large number of peflpk in (ti foorn. 

By Mr. Bruchhauaen: 

( . Di:S ynu w.-e >lr. Movie tnuch Sir. McTlon- 
afalT A. I did not **e idm toneh him. 

Q, Did you IvAt lbi?i-ri Ungh in the court- 
roniu.1 A, Often. 

Q. 1 tow of ten T A. Several time*. 

q. 1 em upeaking of Mr. McDonald use] Mr. 
Marie, A. Stverel 

Sy the Court: 

Q. Tin* wa* dnrinjr th* proecdnr*! A. Too 

nu-an the etiorwy* nr tk* wadieacaf 

Tty Mr, BruH iliauaen : 

( ;, I mm talking about Mr. M"yk and Mr. M<" 

Donald. A, I noticed they wan near raeb «tk»r 

during the fiaraiaatien. 

By the Court : 

Q, H-e uk«l yon if they wcr* Viij(hir/(. A. 
Wluthrr Ibt-y »*re lanihin*- ont Vo«l1 They 
mny hnve hrrn jimil i tif(, looking nt One another, 
cxehnnjrinE; gjeese*. 

(Jl, Von r-ny, "may h*T« been," T-no know 
thnt (hat i* ■nnt unnicient Tf you don't Know, 
tell nn you don't know. A. I Am,'t ktnw, 

fly MY. nrucbh)iB*eii -, 

Q. You Iinvo ber*v jtitUng her* fr. ennrt ever 
since thia ca*e itnrtcd, haven't you I A, flight- 

Arthur U, Ooite— F or Effttj—Cratt 

Q. And you Lave lieard every itiLaoe$ testify 1 
A, Higjit 

Q. Ami you have hi,\&rd (he witnee^ew testify 
tlm[ ii"im:liody lnu^in-d at * joto that wo* 
eniel^ill A, JiL— lit, 

Q, .N:i.l y-iiu did n<it hear diet or did m>l nee 
(Ii;lL yhity.K i>( [111- jjriK-enliojj et alii A, Not Ulut 
I ean atahi di.-ilinrlly that I remember that — 

The Court: Von ]inv* a ptrfef.t rij;ht 
lo n\,y ychii dfln 1 ! rt-j/M-jiibi-r. 

Q. V«o s't(j!»d lliii) urtiek 1 , "IlitbTWUltia*:,*' 
a'lik'li iv.llvJ Mr. Aloylo a niau-jden^er, didn't 
ywil A. Wri»t 

Q. A.i.l i-i ^list yoll ufl* in tb* eoaitroi.nn tlir,t 
yon j' i;-* h>r:[lt" ..t (j I he Isl-u* iif your Luecusation 
fit liiui b.-ir.;,. : ■■ :t-i)i:-.i->rT A, So, 

■i. IV Mm ... !." nvei m-t n< r- tuen ;-i,-.L.vr on 
am- otii i- o". i'n'tJ A. On Ihu OI!cS- , - -:i. oi July 

O, ^^tl.l^ ,, H'.i.i l''.'1| iti i- ''on' 7 ! riwoiiT A. Np. 

<;. (VkrrrS A. Ill kirooRlyn. 

Tl i I -..■; i: ,'hr .t: :.■ Urnt' Ij.-I 

■I. '■■■.•; .-,- ii :.■..,-:■]>: ,'. \fior lb- i'ltcr- 

ni. ... ,,; an in1 ■■ .'■. ■'■^ ■'- : ..-- I- ■ a 

v, ill i'i-: i- ..'..■ ■»>■; I ...■■i'.vil w :;ie ■: ■ iii^.:i,7 
r !*• ,n| t! i, i :;. 1(1 .i. : -' -1 iW* Iflt. U, ■■ '■■■ ■ 
, I J,li,.-..,l,"ii ..-■ ;.-*■.! v-li* l.fluj bwn '..ti-d 

I- Jih -T, :-.: . -ml -(■■t ■■:■ i- ■.■' ii -■■■■ -'-■■' 

■ :.-, <■;' . L- ■) u )„i i •, --ten.?. !b» 1 ir- 

. .:. yv, 


jlrtowr B. (?4tt»— F or Deft*.—Croa 

(Qumtjoa repeated na follow*; "Q. 
Wtm did he B.r-r not a* a maa-plctbicr on 
my oilier ocamioo.") 

The. Court: The fimt q nation i* 

The AVitnejia: July 17, 1939- 

Tiue Caurl: Th* matt tiuentiion hi 
M Wbh»l" 

Tha Witness; Id Brooklyn. 

Dy Mr. Hru*ldsauaen: 

Q. In whnso ulliee did he becomo h ioan-pleaa> 
of 1 A, At Bethci 

By lb* Com*! 

Q. "Wbero, in Bethel 1 A, In the proEenco of 
Ju.lijid Unthecfoni— 

Q. WbeH I A, In the room Inflow tlie lobby. 

Q, Ami wfco waa pit-aeiitl A. (.Irani Suiter, 
LylQ Rv; .::'i, 0. it. -'loyle, J. F. Bulhorford, and 

By Mr. j!i,i Llf...J*i|: 

<i_ Ann; how l*hg did Itiii incident [nhoT A. 
Thin Entci'T'vvi 
Q. Yc*. *-.. ' . i thfji an iLOur. 
<i. Ai:d i'ii l'i thflt lii lie, up t* July iTtli, h* 
wo* mjl li tanU-pl 1 1> fl 

.'.t. Co-^-i,..; \'our llniHrir, !h«t \* 

.-. ,:ii|f ;i Hlu;ut Unit h*i liae hot (rtti- 

(i. i JO. 

'i'liu C-.iit: (ybjeolfpn "-li ■■ "lined. In 

ynu jii.!.,i-i. j;I, ilo ya,i - ' ,- tiutt !h*t i* 

Vj.'-C you du'idad h.- vi^ji a isian-ph'.*-ier1 

Tin \.';ii,'-«; TVdt i* Hie point (Jiet 1 



Arthur P. (Jowaj— For Heft *,— C™* 

bad in mind in MnnecXion. with tb* rea- 
sons that I *igned— 

The Court r Look, lirt riiMlfM? anawer 
qoMiaaB, Will you read him tht njues- 

(The stenAgrapbw repeated, the. ques- 
tion at follows; "Q, I» your judgment do 
you my that that in when you decided he, 
was a maTi-plsasert'l 

The Witness: Ye*. 

Q. 34 lii) ■* it- not a maii-plenBer at tho end i>f 
this MaEitttal*'* Court proceeding, in JuW 
opinion f A, That is not my statement, 

Q. Cnn yep. anawer it yaa or no I A. Ho *U 
tl i'n also. 

Q. He first hwame 4 man.plesBer rn the Mag- 
istrate r i Court and th^n he became it a second. 
I ime at (his intfrrirv of July 17 ill 

Mr. Covington : T «bjf*t ta that as ar- 
The Court; Objection sustained, 

Q. Win-si dirt tie herame * mnvrmurert A. The 
dnlo T mnnot fix. 

Q. Was he a mumvurer am August 8th f A- He 

Q. Wan tie a murmorir on July fiatt A. He 


Q, Am! that in because 1i* wil* alerter, lent 
it T A, Because he wrote that lrtlef- 

Q, It in the type of Utter that lie urate that 

mnken aim a murmureM A. Tliat letter, the ex- 
preiMinn tbnt he. mnda on that (twarinn indicated 
Ihit wliirli in |h« Scriptures is identified aa mni- 

Arthur R. Goitti— For I>tfii,—EeiirtCt 

Q. Tiie (vpo of lotUr ma<le him a mUrtnurerl 
A. That it right, tta lyps «1 tsftwtbm, 

Ry the Court: 

(J. The typo of rxpcwMoa in tlift teller, Ib tliat 

what yaw incnnf A- That I* rifjnt, and (tig typo, 
of exprrstion in any other form of iKtefanco. 

Q. Did ho make nny other attcranr* tliat you 
know of T A. He did, on Angasl 8th, 

TtMOrartl We are talking of Jnly Hat 

By Mr. Bruchhausen: 

Q. On what dale did he become a Judas T A, 
Hi- acted a» JihIbji nfler^ 

Q. On wlmt date did lie become a Judas, il yOBT 
opinion t A. On thai Mime date. 

Q, July 21*tT A. H« indicated hie position en 
one who was actiiijr a* Judas. 

Mt, TSnirhhBUaen; Thst " aJL 

iMiVwl tramiitaJion tv W r. Covisjji'ea ; 

Q, Oti August filh, you heard the ttHtemmts 
matin by tho** in the pretence of 0, B. Mnyle 
about hit conduct of the e»*e, did voa aotf A» 

The Court: Wan thia at tho Board of 

Dircriors 1 meeting T 
Mr. Covinfiien: Yea, on Aojpnit Sth. 

Q, You heard that, did JOu no*' A. Yea, 
Q. Wlwi wan tho Moyle fltse brom-ht, befinu, 
if you remember, the Cae* »fini»»t Ina Society, 
tViia prenoiit Bfiionf A. Oteb«r 1S40- 
Q. Tlwre was no case' Or prtinn brauRhL hy 

Arthur It. Govs— For befU,—EtdireBi 

Ifnylo at tint lim<i you *i»i<ed Jolin MLlteJr and 
3'liillirk'fc, waa tlieret A. So. 

Q. J dltour you. )lt'fi>ndanli' Exhibit IT, and a*lt 
yav lo look at Hie varioue bl!er« there and find 
tin: niiFn Ac)jlrc**cd lo j'liilhricfc and Miller, and 
turQ if yen can irWutify (be dsttB of (he flret nn» 
(hamtiiijr lo witnemj, A. Tlw firet Urtler in Ihii 
cihihil oLhir***cd to IT. L, PhilhricV in rtflied An- 
put 2$. 1(139. There are other*, Jioire*«^ 

The Court: Will you read him the last 

(The last {juestian vu repeated ai fol, 

"Q, I hhov you TtefcndnutB" Exhibit If, and nsh 
you to look at the VarioSa lellcrB Ibcrc and find 

the one* nditres-ucd lo 1'liilbrick and Miller, nnd 
nee if yrnj enn identify the dalea of the find one 
{banding lo wilneia).") 

TIj* Witnfmt; By "Itral" da yon 

Q, The earliexL date, 

Tlifr Cfiiirl : He Rave you an exhibit 
beri-. Ttrad the ftnettlon to him opsin. 

(Tin- : jural inn «u aftain repeated by tit* 

Tim Wjlnete; Tike da(ea of the flrat 

Tlir Court; He haniktl yon an exhibil^- 

Tln- Witnenn: At to chronological order 
or at lo relation in the exhibit f 

The Court: Any way. Bead ail the 
datea in the exhibit. 

(j. Tho dalea of the virion* fetters to Miller 

Arthur R. (Tow* — Fw Dtfttt—BesrtH 

and Pliilhricfc. A, The firm, one in the culiiliit 
arlilrewHi lo II. L i'liilhricV is dated Aujn»l SS, 
1 H J3!J. The weond one in tho exhibit jukircmed to 
II. 1. rhilbrkt in (luted August 2$, IWHt, Tlio 
lliinl un* in the exhibit addreu-hcd to IL L. I'liil- 
brtrk :-■■ dated July 2S, 1931 The next one ad- 
dr«««ed to II. L. I'liilbritic it dated July SI, iDSO. 
The next, August IT), 133H, alio Bitdr¥"Kvd (« 1 1- U 
I'iiilliriL-'k. There in none adure«>M^ to lliller io 
!hiK (xhibiL 

Q. Did 11 r. Ilijlbrict dincuta until you (he enft- 
Irntt of these lettera on the occajiion tlml you 
viiitctl liimt A. Yea, 

Q, That vex dvrin# "* month at Sepiemlier 
nnd after tlio dates shown in theae lellerB, it lltat 
correct 1 A. Yes. 

II r. tlnvinflton : Tluit in all. 

ItrcrtoW f.T<ii\rinfiii&ri itrf Mf. RnwhhtHtscrt'* 

Q. You altio *nbB*ril» to tho hsnUcnT tlial thin, ia 
Cud'* or^uiti nation on earth f A Jehovah's Wit- 
w coiulitute <li^!'n organisation on wirth. 

((, Ami Mr. Ituttiertord utii the head of Pod"* 
orjiiHHmiinn an. cart hi A. lie wan one of Jrlio- 
rail's Wilncneos. on« of I hone bound io covrnnnl 
witlt Almighty Onl. He w Tre^nlenl of I be 
4i t r]Knntion, Walfb Tn^'rr Bihlf & PXact Bocicty. 
The head of rtod'i 1 pr^niniiatinn ImtK iji HeaTen 
r.inl on enrlb in nine, Chri*! .Tpjuh. 

Q. Well, br vtih nrtinp fnr Christ Jeflut, vraBn't 
lei A. He wok lifting antler the direction of 
<"hritt JesoK in the tame way that erery one oi 
Jtiinmh'H Witneatet act under his direction, un- 
der the direettan of Clbriat Jeso*. 

Hatha* Homer K*Orf—Fot Dcflt,— Direct 

Q. Ami ever^"tliinjj that you. *fti«" in t]to *' Wolth 
Tiiytr" you suhBcribed iof A. Yes, 

i*. Yuu jLl^-ayn rend tlie "H'okli Tower" and 
all their [mlil ita t jonut A. Bight. 

H. Hid you read any other relisiniiii innRniinent 
A. Many. 

Q. Vital T A. Cntludic, l'rolfKlnnt, Itehrew, 

|iqd citliHirp. 

Q. Kor vlifil length of timet A. Even to Ihit 

Q. fJid you read them while yon wore sludying 
for (he niinittry under the IVmtch To*rrt A. I 
read them in the line of duty, in eonnectinn with 
Ihe uHivitic* of JehoTsb't lYi(ne«ten, 

Q, Before yon hwOsne a Hiininlerl A. \o. 

Q. After you bwanw a nvini>t*r1 A_That is 

Mr. (Iruchiiaufleo : That is nil. 
llr. Covington] That i> all. 

(tVituett excused-) 

Mr. Covington; Natluln H, Kwrr. 

SATHA1? HOMER KKOBB, 124 Co-Iumhin, 
Iteih-bln, Brooklyn, Xew Yorli, a withes* ealltd 
on behalf of the defendant", being firtt duly 
jiM'tim, tealified as follows-; 

Direct ciaminaJio* by Mr. Covington; 

Q. ilr. Knorr, wben did yon come to Bethel, 
please T A. 1923, September, 

Q. And where di<l you live before you came to 
Bethel T A. AUctitOvn, Pennsylvania. 


WdJJuiK HoMtf Kitarr—For He/a*— Direct 

Q. And at Allenlown, were you Uving with 
your folks, your father and toother T i 1 wns. 

<J, And since the lime Ilia! you find came to 
Belhol, Iiqvb you ountiuutd to reside there con- 
itantlyl A- 1 have. 

Q. You have visited on vacation* since that 
time with your fwaity, among other oecasionB, 
hav^v-dU ;il-[1 A. I have, 

Q. When you firtt eftme t* flelhel, wkiat wora 
your duties t A, Preaching Ilia Gospel from 
dnor to duuT and also working in tho Shipping 
Department at the factory, 

(J, How long dini you continue to serve in the 
&biji|iioB DKpurtmentl A. About two years, 

G.. During that time, did you continue to 
preach the Gospel, from house to hous* also I A 
I did. 

(J, And you Itfiv* don* that oonsUally eu'er 
since, yon have been at Bethel, have you ooi 
A, That i« right, 

Q. Wb^n yen left the Shipping Department, 
wiirrr did you goT A. To the office. 

Q. That ii the — A. The general office of (he 
Society and it wutj. located at 13 Concord 8tr**t 

Q, What duties did you perform at the ulboe 
tlwnt A, Worked On the dinli*tnh detk, 

(J. How jor.p did yrni work an (ha dispatch 
daskr A. Unlit 1333, late it, the year. 

Q, When did you btsome office tervmntr A, 
In September, 1932, 

Q, MTbat were your duties as dispatch clerk 
in the office! A. The routing of the publications 
throngh the fae.tury, the general planning of the 
work und what publications should be printed. 

Q. Thll U* your duties as office tervaiL A. 



btalbaH SSntntr Kuorr — Far Befit. — Diftti 

The general supervision of th« office and the fac- 

Q, Anil jot; worked as office servant from 1932 
unlil when I A. Until January 11W2. 

y. And wliAL posiJipn h]J<J vmj occupy after 
Jonunry iH2t A. I wa* president of 1lic Waich 
Tower liihle £ Tract Society, Netf York cori*)-* 
ration and Pennsylvania corporation. 

(j, Hi-foro Hint, did you ever occur.y any oifi- 
rial |KiKi|inn with tbe Siocielyl A. 1 was a di- 
rector in the Jit* York corporation, I believe, 
around l£H1. 

(j. ]>id you become vice president of cither or 
hath nf Hie rarpnrnlioim later nnT A. I bee 111110 
\lt-a pn^idi'lit OF tilt NtW Yurk Ci>r|i«rilti<ir. in 

Jnisunry, JSI.'UI, I In'liovc it ir, and [ became vice 
]iri-Auh-n! of tiie 1 'sunny Ivnnin Corporation in 
:'u: i- ::1n: 
L" . A i. office servant, did y.'Mi have under four. 

rr.i; iTviftiilh ari'L direction nil llie men 1ha! 

worked at LIT Adara* Street! A. Yes, air. 

(J. Did you Itnve under fair control the mat- 
iit ii f hrintriaa boy* to the office and put tine: 
Ihero into tli*- office there t A. That **• atwayi 
umifr Ibe control of tit* pr»*id*B.(, At times he 
woold auk me to go through the applications or 
files in Ilia office and moke some suggestions, 
and from tluit lie always made tie selection of 
vrhn riiould come into Bethel, 

Q, Before you win* ta Rctbel, how long had 
>■*« hf*n one of Jehotab't Wilnttsenl A. About 
a year. 

Q. And Then vera you ordained, as n minitter 
of the "Watch Tower Society T A. On July i, 

NatkitH Home/ Xnarr—Fvf Dtftt.—Dirtsi 

Q. And what wo* tli* wietnion F A. There wa* 
a convention in Allentown, Pennsylvania. 

Q. Anti uliD performed tiie bnptiimal ctronio 
aits on tluit occasion! A, llr. hYanz was nerv- 
ing tiie convention at Allen Sown, and tic delivered 
the lecluri-K during this CMrrotitioa, he aod Boiut 
oliiers^ and lie nLju ddmnd [he kctiiru in oun- 
saction vntii the hajifeiisiil ncrvtce. 

Q, And were you bnntixed on timl ftccamianT 
A. I tf(j, I wat tn])tiicd in tbt Leiit^li Uiver. 

{J. And cvit tiinm tliat date, did you continue 
to nreaeh the ilciijX;ll A, 1 ham 

Q. After you cnine to liidlid, did you under- 
go a ea-j.nt of ftudy Uicre for advance inini»lerf 
JL I did. 

Q, And wlicn tvoj thatl A- W|i«n I fii"j*l tainc 
to BethiJ, (lioy lijwi what wnn known a* the 
I'ronbctii ^eboaV, nnd llmt <w a school within 
the- Bethel orpaiahation wjirro til? brethran earaa 
togstlier to deliver brief talk* tin Bible subjects 
that iverc aisigned to you. Main, nucnw] and 
instrddion were given llie diflrrrnt anrakcr*. om 
their deportment on tbe platform and (beir c4- 
preuionH, -on outlines, of talk and Ibeir nuanef 

Q. WLat in tjjc Jvrimury source of autliurity 
for tlift en>]jnBtjKi-ii of Jchnvali't Witneiueiit A. 
It ii based cm i!;a Bible, which LsUod'n word- 

Q. And what J3«ijjtur*if A, Isaiah 6\, 1 and 
8, uyi that "T].e Spirit of tbe Lord Hod it 
upon ma to preach the Gaspc] unto the poor and 
olao to comfort thoee that mourn," Again, Ma-*T*rJment Ls set forth in l[a'.[bew lH;]i; 
"Tbia OOHjjifl of llu) Kingdom shall b* pr^clied 
in ajl the world for jt* Alness," Tlierc atc 
aumerona other Scripture* in (In Bible that m- 

Sathan Homer Kmirr — For Dtftt. — Direct 

dicate that a Chs-isti&n must prttch the Gospel 
of tilt liingdom enen aa Chrutt did wben ho was 
apoa (be earth, 

Q. And what tuelhod ie that, of preaching, that 
is eioployed by (olJowen of Chriitl A. Well, the 
metbod ia tiie tana* h* Cbrint «|iapj6y*d. He w«nt 
from place to place, front village to village, from 
house to bouse, and prcaelied tiie Cuiijicl. It »n« 
Hi* purpose in life, after Lie bad euaiecrat«d Hi:ii. 
self and was immersed, in the Jordan River, to 
■bvote oil of his lime to the Proclnmation of the 
Kingdom, wliiel) is tiie only hope of the world. 

Q. On the occasion, tliat He waa baptized m the 
Ttivcr Jordan, did lie cite Isaiah, 61, 1 and % as 
Hit Audio ril v for ordination I Uruchhansen : If your Honor 
please, I submit the itiUe spenks for itaelf. 
The Court: Objeetiou sustained. 

Q. WluH d**» tft* Wfttih T*-»'er BiWo & Tract 
Society havw tn do with the tirganiiution itl Jeho- 

vah'a Witney! A- Tbe Watch Tower Bible & 
Traet Soeiety i« tbe governing Irody of Jehovah's 
Vi'inu'iuiifjf. Ordination comes from Jehovah God, 
but nwu flr tbe Society rrcogniMS that orduia- 

Q. Does the Society moke provision to ideality 
its ministers in the held? A. It is that it has full 
Knowledge and record of such as those at the 
BeJbel Home, tltsy know what they art doing and 
are coffniaaitt of their eou.r« of life, and they also 
kno«f what Hie full-tisa* pioofrers are doinff in the 
Ctld, l*caH« tbey jn*ke a roport to jbtoi, 

Q. The f*rt*tinie naiflietcrn tnewi) o* Compftmy 
Publialiors, wluit r*i-orcl it lt*iH with reference t* 
their Oifdioatioal A, Th* Society hM bit ftootd 


Wa^Jion Haw-cr Kn$rf—Fvr DcjU. — Direct 

of it, but the record is kept in the local company 
by tie company servnnt, and t)iey know wbo arc 
the representatives of llie Society and carry On 
mimiilfrial work, 

Q. Who in with company has tbe authority to 
identify those ajilhoribed to preach in the com' 
party part-time I A. One who has made a conse- 
cration and so symbolized it before witnesses 
makes outward exprcan-ion that he is an ordained 
minister and is. one of JeSuji-tib's Witmjun'K. The 

company g^rv^pt ur aliier tiei-VELntft in the ealft> 

psjiy ncafSUSC thin and will give tlient ai-iiijoi- 
menls- of territory and work tn do in tiie orgoni- 

Q Do Jehovti"* WitneBkex attend parochial 
or divinity wiiuuli in preparation for the minis- 
try T A. Nn, jjir. 

Q. Wbnt OMin* of instroetion or what soorce 
of instroplion, I wid put it, do Jehovali's Wit- 
ne^fm folloiv in preparing themselves for the 
ministry I A- Their ehief source of Instruction 
ia the won] nf fjiH'l. the Bible. 

Q. And n'iml jinide do they Ube in tbe study 
nf the ItiStlu I A. Tliey 0«* tl«; Kpirit of a Konnd 
Mind, and then they uw siwh pnliJkatinns as the 
Society Itad set foTth, and u»o it in connection 
with their study of the Bible, 

Q. Is, there any particular length of tiiafr pre- 
scribed far tliat conne of study? A, Tltcrt it 

Q. Wo" (berr any particular length lit lime 
prescribed by Chrint Jesus— 

llr. Ltruebliausen: I object. 
Tbe Court: .."jet him testify. Objection. 

ffeJAo* Homer Krwrr—Fir DtfU.— birtcl 

Q, It ea«h man at Bethel an ordained minia- 
te.-] A, Ye*, sir, 

Q. U endj man st Bethel certified on a list 
wiib the Selective Service System in Washing- 
ton ai an urtlnined mpnuslerf 

Mr, Bruchhansen r I object. 

Tli* Court : Objection sustained. That 
i* highly improper. It boi no part in this 

Hi, CefuigtOn ; We etrrpt, your Hon- 

Tit* Court: You Imd tm cx^'eption to 
11ml one*, and if yoit mention it :,.iri-ir-, 
there i» pi»g to be troable. You offcrtd 
it in eviHleiker, tlmt paper, and you have a 
rulir.^ un it, and yuii hud anothi-r witatMi 
Ivtlify tt 10 hix iJruft Clanjiincatioa. Wa 

uill "in' ilu uiure uf L:ml: ii. :!iir, COUIt 

room— to width the Defendant may have 
an iiirv[hti<ni_ 

Mr. (.'uvisiffton: All right, sir. 

Tli* Court: Tli* courts, of law arc not 
bound by the Selective Service. 

Q. Xow, how long bave you known Joseph F. 
lfuthcrfonl ! A, Since 1023, SepU-mtrtr. 

<i. After roiuiPK to Betbet, did you become 
closely oc<iH*inted with Jndjle Rutherford t A. I 

Q. During the years tlmt you worktd at 
Itathel, did yon hare occasion to deal with him 
ia a fiduciary capacity 1 A, I did- 

Q. In the psrformance of these duties that you 
have mentioned 1o the jury, did you have Occa- 
sion to visit Judg* liutherford frexjuentlyl A. 
Yea, vary of tea. 

Nathan Uemer Knerr — Far DtfU, — Direct 

Q. After you. become olhce servant, how fre- 
H|ucolly did you communicate with Judge liuther- 
ford I A. Usually two and three timet a week. 

(J. And whisn he wai in Urooklyn, did you do 
that by correspondence ur by personal visit* f 
A, L'bUuLLy by ijertnnal visits. 

Q. Did you nepcirt to biai generally the opera, 
lion of the factory t A. 1 made regular reports 
to bini on the wui'k at the factory, producjioii, 
and the general routine. 

<J. ^'hut vaa the puiicy foJJofted in reference 
to tiie "Watch Tower" copy, the copy for the 
"Watch Tower" umgitzinel A. Judge ilutlier- 
fonl usually bunded that to ine personally wlten 
I was neeinLf bun about some matters at his desk 
at Betliel ou the seventh floor. 

Q, And when you obtained the copy, what did 
yi-u do with itf A, If he gave uie ju«l vne ia*w it nn* due nccarding to schcdidr, it went 
riiflu llirinLK"l> In the proof reader*. If lie bod 
rriltih Kouie cupy in advance, (ben I lield it Until 
the wlaeniitle enllvii for the copy to go to lb* 
Proofrcndin^ De|iurEuu'nL. 

Q. The "Watch Towtr" nmKaziae i* Ibe dian. 
ail of comnmntention between the Society am] 
Jehovah's Witne&*e^ is it aotl A, Yet, sir. 

Q, 1 1 [if il al»ay» been rwiijrniieil sw tucht A. 
That is riglit, 

Q. Wns il eoimideretl at such during the yean 
lflflj to lSffitl A. It was. 

Q r And up to LLUCJ 7 A. Yes, six. 

Q. And nou 1 , i» that eorrecLt A. Yea, lix. 

(J. Did you ever see Judge Huther(o*4 preside 
at tiie head of the table 1 A. I have. 

Q. How frequent waa thai when he wai ut 




A'ation IJamtr A'norr — For Oeflz. — Direct 

I Jrontlyn I A. When he vat m Brooklyn, lie 
HKiiyn cmjH' down tu the table. 

(J. ][uve you, during tlit years of a*«ociation 
with JiwJj^i' ItkJ tlit rford, had an oupportunity to 
M'H hint ronduct hiiiutlf at the to bin t A. 1 have. 

(J. What wu* his attitude lowarda his breth- 
ren :lI the table 1 A. 1 Lc- was very kindly l<> liii 
hcvlhKfl lit tilt ti.Ui'. Hu alwaya looked out 
ufitrr Unit bfc»t intaTttti. He would give tticm 
iiii-lruelioB uu lite Bible uud comments on the 
SirrLptusv and advice, 

g. WM oilier -subject* im usually discussed 
nt iht 1'elhel tabic! A. Mainly, tit? dibeusaion 
vua liible (juesliona, und is the morning service 

II Wuj bdwajTI LiUaKi DTI iOUUS Scripture, Atld 

■|Uei>(iijiLi vera propounded nii it. 

^. At [jtii^r Ijji'uja wa* thcro Jj.-fcuHKian ^j<iq- 

ec-rning the servicvl A, berviee problems were 
njit utted. HeporU were given by di tie rent 
brethren of experiences, in the field, tstune legal 
reports mt'rt given. 

Q. Vat it usually (lie custom of tit? minister! 
that served in the (ield 14 mnlto customarily re- 
[M..i'tit wln'ti they ritunicd from the field f A. 
Wit, sir, Uny did, when they weut cut ai^aiing 
ou Sunday ButioiuliuciLtej usually, en Monday, 
tin*)' gave 4 brief report oC the attendance and 
any outstanding oiperiene*, 

(J. liii^vd "J* your observation and experience 
with Judyo IhUlherlWil, itsirinS Li.csu y*ai*, 
:■< ..'A you ta'A whtftliNr or MS JS* WW noticwi 
lijui give anybody #. table triinming and a severe 
tciiifjuu-limliingT A. No, he lie* cat. 

y, llai'B you ever soen him publicly call to ac 

A'afAda Hflmf/ AfnfljT— For Jftftl^^-DiFtci 

count and eomdi-tiia and 4-cprisn*Pi'l hi* brethren* 
for making ronimt-n ts T A, Nn, 

Q, Have yrjo noticed the ■condition of the de- 
nial of freedom of itwd'h at the Jk-iJu'l {able 
while Jurlge Ruthflrfotnj [irfnidi.'dt A. Never. 

Q. What wta lliir altitude of the br^hren dnr- 
inS 'Ik time that he via there Tvitb reference to 
propounding cnientifHU or making commentat A. 
He alwnya U|h':i^l the cumjaenU at tlie tahle for 
Inhle diwusoiofl on t|«i?stinne r AiJ'Ont vrnt jil 
liberty to aak a t|ue!ticin onri nlso to convene- nt on 

Q. Did you ever n«tl» any cAndition cf i*e. 
atmint among the hrelbri'n nn [lis mis tier of dia- 
rUn*ifin mul eninnirnlT A, Jfo, I did r\M. 

Qr l>id >oa ever n.itice Judcje Iluthf rforrl act 
intolerantly before hin brcthreat A. No, *ir. 

Q. Did yon ever hear liim boratr hi* hrethrm 
fnr rirmin;; Jlicir comment* nt the table! A 
No, lir. 

Q. Ton are ae(|ijiinted with Hr&. TIrntli, are 
yau not ! A- I ]"ive known her for many ytur!. 

Q, Yon knew Ijer before aha got married, did 
you notf A. Ves, air, 

(J, TTIiflt rwitiflirt diil *be otttlfrjf with XTib 
Wulclt Tnwrr Itible & Trari Society t A. She 
worked in .Tudjje I tutherrnni 'a iJErr- aa a, itfriirc- 
tnry or ulenojrrnpher. 

(>. During thn&e years yon had iwanlon la 
deal ^ith her, apjirouehiriK .Tuikr Ttuthrrford, 
too, did you not t A, Vea L ^ho n'as in the *e«re> 
tary'e office 

Q. Y-nn were fnntilinr with the areominodationa. 
that Judge ilutiterford had at lietlteJ, ware yon 
notf A. I vrun. 

A'ai j'i an Vtitntt }~-nu n — Fvf ?ie!f3.--DiTect 

f£. Ami iviTe yoa fnniiJmr ■«-* | ■■ ik? octoinSiio- 
il.ithiiH and ii.ituua [lint LIll qIEiit hretltren at 
J.Sri hi;! Itadf A. 1 Bill. 

H. Wen .Mm lAiidfiar with Uiojih nc-i'nji^cita- 
tiuifti itnrin^ J by yrurji 1 H ,WT> t^i l^.l^tl ,\ r Yrn, Jiir r 

IJ, WIhj Dtrajnvd tlje fourth Jlynr iil JJuthrit 
A. The fuurib ll«or of Uitlie! if JeVotcul txdu- 
Hivcly — 

The Conrt: lu l^tki to 1D2S, 

Q, tCotilijiuetl); — lSfSfi to 1;UJ1 A, It via 
dcvoltiil fxtiuaivtly to tlii! altl'jrn wurk at 
li«:hul aud 1u tbe murriud n-uiJea, la fact, i.o 
alwaj* ecunidenid it as ih«; ludiei' ftuor «wwi:t 
vfltcra the folks were ».U'!,rtJ;d. Then tbe- nien 
lived on the «rjite floor tin- re i-'ilb their wives. 

Q. And the other Jjuura nt IJeth^l were occu- 
pied by .lij^le m«ri, were fheyt A. Yeei, all the 
Othi^r tli-urHp an I r£eiilE h Wtfl'ij im:U|>iiiE by Kindle 

men ticcryt, 1 tbinkf 1he »iith flosr, Tht^e wero 

Kfll.O ■,!lir.-ii , (i rou|ij.-h IJ|I tl-iiV. 

Q. Did Mr. Moyk and bis *ifo ooriipy a rriniit 
on tiin sintti rtoocr A. They dhj. 

Q. (Jid yvu evur ii^ar nlwhol er !ii|nor jrlori- 
lied at the Jietjiel laU«1 A, No, sir, 

Q, Did yOu over hmr liltbj, dirty ahd 1 *multr 
atoriea pmsaed Broun J Qk Bethel table! A, No, 

(J. When did you lieeoma acquainted irith tbe 
plaititiff, 0, R. Moylet A, Wbea ba «ma to 
Bitboi, in 1833, 

Q. During bis Stay at Belhel, did you become 
heller Msrfuaiated with hun! A. Yea, 1 was quit* 
well Hcqunintei] with Imnv 


A'nUtrn Hvati-r K 

-For I)<!f!.s.—I>ifia 

Q. -Vi.iJ, did von rt[ ard iutu higblyt A. I 

Q, Did you eoiuj^ar bin* a Kin of connfiL-ncal 
A. Vea, 1 did. 

Q. J3sd he owupj n ftouition of confhieiwo Tith 
the Jiiittttyt A. fU ilM. 

(J. !■)■> yoa nv;.<i ih; ii.-i'pantuiii for the Mad- 
iaon !iHjii!t-r* f!jtil,j| nrtivthr^l A. Ye*, jiir. 

<J. W[i,it, if anylhimr, did yen. have \o do with 
taat! A. WtU, Ua™IJy I hnndSod- 

The Court: Hoi usually; thb partio- 
nlar iaciiii:j;. 

A. rlCuiatimunlJ: At tbo lladiBon Square 
fiardun, I wfig appointed to be the tleneral if&n. 
aysr uf Use fonvcuiion -which was h.itd on ^at. 
urntny and Sunday, and 1 looked after all th« 
general arrangements, the hoatr room*, «nd gen- 
eral superriflioa or the arh«r» *nd th* plitform 
and the load apeakiug, ami everything in gen- 

Q, H^gBrdios th« M*herr, whom did yoo deal 
wiLh, pjeaacT A. I deaJt with Air. Heath and 

Mr. HTannaQ. 

Q, Did yon gv with Mr. ffrath and Mr. Moyta 
to see the Poliee: firior to the convention with 
reference to Pnlinfi protection T A. Yes, sir. 

Q. yea Mirall the testimony or Mr. Heath 
dewrihinp about wJiat was aaid and done on 
that oeenaianT A. Ueneially, 

Q. Your testimony wni:hl be substantially the as to what took placa there, would it nott 
A. Yea, air, 

Q. jVfter that rne*ting, what preparations 
were made to protect Lie Garden aiiemblage! 


A'niAnH Uotntr JCtorr— F or Dtfit. — Bireet 

A. Well, it was thought wise to put a large 
number of nfihm throagliont the enrir* MadijoU 
Square, flardon and to furniah ths u*her! with 
eaoes, and that wat dose 

■Q, You weraj ia tbo Garden when the difltnrb- 
aaee took plfteso, wete yon not I A. I wa*. 

■i- YoQ Were one of t!io men that left the 
platform with Mr. Heath, wero you not! A. Yesi 
1 was on the platform an<l left 

Q- Did you havo anything to do or appear in 
any of the night eourta during the day of June 
S3, 19391 A. No, sir. 

Q. rid you have anything to do after thai 
with aay of (he cases! A. No, air. 

Q. Yoq were not at the Magiatrale'* h**tiag 
on July 11, 1933, were yonl A. That w tba 
flrnt ohftl 

Q. Yea. A. No, 1 waja't fher*. 

Q, You appeared U A witueu at the final 
hearing in October at Special geasiona, did yon 
not! A. Yes, iti- 

Q, What did you appear is Special Setiiona 

The Court; How is that material hfirat 
l! lit That was all Bfior Mr. Moyle waa 
jrone, and there it not aaj qaeition about 


Mlf. Covington : I jn«t wanted to ehoir 

that it was not ia refertaoe Lo the (lei. 
den disturbance, hot it was only aa to th* 
contract made with the Garden, that ia 
all- To show ba did not bavn Buy inowh 
adga of it 

Ifothan Hsmtr Knatr — For Dtftt. — J3jr«t 

The Court: Yon mud it do*, and wa 

win aosejpt it 

Q. T ahow yon a lett*r dated July 21, 1939, 
signed by 0- R Moyle, addresaed to J. F. Bnlh- 
erford, end nek if you have ever Men that 
I.,!'.H!.- ( :i nn :-m ^ :o w.tnctBJ. A. ¥*s, >jr, I M.-x 
it on Auguat a, l'JS3. 

By tin CTourt: 

Q. At the Board of Director* 1 netting when 
Mr, Keller, the secretary of Jadgn liuUisri'ord, 
FMd it! A. Yes, air, 

£y Mr. Covin fiton; 

Q. Hew did you learn of the Anguet filh meet- 
ing! A. An annouripement was nude at the 
breatfatt tahle that a Board of Director** meet- 
ing of both corporation* would bo held in the 
President 't office at If) o'clock. 

Q, And on that o^ca^ian v aa Mr, Moyle id- 
vised to appear at the meeting! A. He wa«- 

Q. "Whera did you eome from immedia tely 
prior to the- Asgust filh meetingt A. I went Over 
to the factory right after breakfaat, I stayed 
than* until about rguarter of ten, toil (hen wilkad 
over (« tho mcoting with Mr. Hoytr. 

<J. Ami prior to that time, did yrm know »ny- 
tliinjr Shout what (lie meeting pertained tnl A. 
Not at all. 

Q. Had ym rvitr wen this letter dated July £1, 
1939, prior |o tliat Board of rjireetor*' raeetihgt 
A. No, sir. 

Q. When yon heard that letter read, wkat win 
your reaetien! A. Well, I iu -"««*-< vary 




. v al?ta* Earner Kmart— Far DefU.— Direct 

much surprised that Mr. Moyl* could writs inch 
* id ler hereon* it vn* so otloriy f*l»e, 

Q. During th* oecWaa of the discu*fion had 
by the director*, did you mat* any statement Vfilh 
raferramt tp the truth nr fnliity of Ihn contents of 

tLi» h-itrrf A, Yes, I n»*cl* e tlaleutenl before: 
Mr. Moyk JUwl th* diieetor* tlial the ilatenrait* 

in 1 1 iime letters Wete false. I expresaad, ulffr 
tall, Ibat Mr. lloyle did sat appreciate theThca- 
eratir [Joverncuent by Jehovah God and under Hii 
Sou, Christ Jhui, tbat he had lost all apprecia- 
tion for I Lie truth, and that tin statements that he 
mad* in then were faint. 

Q. On that occasion, did yon Lear Judge Rath- 
er fu id make aoy statements, to ii r, Jfoylt, in ref- 
erence to how lie handled the Madiaon Square 
( matter 1 A. I'm, I did. Ho ssid some- 
thing to Air. Moyle to the effect that "Why ia St 
tbat you were so friend!)' to 11 r. McDonald and 
pat hint on tin haftr'' To which question or 
rtnlcuwnl of tin Judge Mr, Moyl* bad no reply. 
It* Mru silent. 

By tie Court] 

Q. You any ha had on reply or he nude do 
TCpLyl A. Hriuadii no reply. 

Uy Mr. Covington: 

Q, A resolution w*a prepared »Jid adopted on 
lltot "crcuiioR, <i> it n"l* A. It <u, 

Q. UiO you rote in favor of that resolution 1 
A. Yes, air. 

Q. Did you nltrnd Iht IMatiHg of til* Bethel 
Family at tin Bethel dinin* table that day I A. 
T Hi. , 

Q. IVm the letter read before the Bathe! Family 

Nathan Homer Xaarr—Pw Def Si.— Direct 

oi> that Dotation t A. Yea, it waa read again by 
Mr. Keller, 

Q. Was a vote taken by the entire family with 
reference to th* truth or falsity of this letter! 
A. It vai 

(J. And what waa the vote T A. The Family ac- 
cepted the some resolution that the Board of 
Directors had passed, end they were ell unanim- 
sou, wiih tlie exception of Mr. Uoyle, Mr*, iloyle, 
end (heir ton, I'eler Moyle* 

Q. Did yea have snj1 hing to do with reference 
tr> t<*in£ that Mr. Moyle left the Hom*t A. Not 
tlit Hnrar, but his office Jit the factory, 

Q. And did he come hark to the factory and get 
Lift perSnnul b*lonjrirtjrii there at tl* factory »nd 
lake them awayf A. Yen, »jr. 

<J. And was tlint on July £lst — I mean, August 
Sllif A. August Bib f I b*li*va it vaa. 

By the Court: 

Q. It we* Ilia aarne day of tli* Euanl of Dirwt- 
icii i ' iuf*tin(f 1 A. Yea, »ir, tluil af taraoon. 

By ilr. Coviflfilon : 

Q. Kow, you nuhnquently aignod an article en- 
tillcil, " Inr^nnaJton," did yen nntT A. I did. 

Q. Von are familiar with the eontenta of thai, 
an you notT A. OeneraUy, yea. 

By the Court ; 

Q. Did you »ign it on September 21»t, at tlic 
Ikijd of Dircetor*' liaeetingl A. I did. 

By Sir. Coviflirton: 

Q, On that veCMion, did yau baluv* that to* 

XaihaH Hornet Kmorf- — Far Defii. — Direct 

coq ten!* of Iht art kit Entitled " IiiforuiatLon, M 
wert truer A, I did. 

Q, And in signing "'■*. ^i-1 1'oU d* it a* ex- 
n-rc*Bingr your lionctt belief and opinion eoncern^ 
infT iU content! T A. I did, 

Q, Did you expren yfler titntM belief and eom- 
tnent eowrminjir tht acSna tal«n by Mr, Moylel 
A Vc*, «i r. 

Q, Sid yoii believe ererytiiQg in the statement 
to be tract A. I did 

Q. Wlml iiid you base your statement on re- 
garding the liamllinp of tlic case by Mr, Ifoykl 
A Only On *h*l I heard at th* Board of Sine 
torn' meeting on August RUi. 

<t. Did you read the artkla anlillnj, ''Snares," 
before it van publish tdt A. I did Sot 

By the Coort: 

Q. The fitat time yftll saw it waa when it ap- 
peared in tin "Watch Tower" mietaint, on No 
Teinber 15th I A, Thai i* tin iirat tine I naui it; 
althonirli I handled the inanrjaeTipt. 

Q. The first tia>e you had read itf A. That ia 

Q. Yon had nothing fo do with the preparation T 
A. No, sir. 

Q. You wore merely jnat pasairgr it along; en 
you have deKribedl A. Routine walk. 

J*y Mr, Covingiflp ; 

Q. On and prior to September 2lst, had yon 

seen any copies of theae letters that are referred 
to in evidence as from Laura and Lelftivd Rnnpet 
A. Sniitetiiiia early in September, nidi of lluine 
kllcrs ewo* Mto Iht BrisoldjTi ofivee, and they 


Kathan Homer K*arr—For Dtfttj—Dintct 

came throogh nty desk, and I passed (hem on to 
Jodgo llulherford 'a olQee. 

■Q. And on ih r owaiiou al September 2Ut, 
wliat -ft'M eonfliilcred to bo done witli the article 
eudtlei.1 "Information'^ A. It was soniidered 
to publi«h it in tire '*Wntch Tower" and also 
give it to Mr, Howlelt to take with him to Wis- 

Q. And did he talc a tHt with 1dm t* Wia- 
coniinT A. I undersbood he did. 

Dy tlie Court! 

Q. That ileciaion was made by the Board of 
Directors, I Lake if, is thai rightl A_ I don't 
retail that the Board of Director* voted OB tliat, 
'.luil he laJ.4' i1, hut we alt uaderalood he waa, and 
it vras a^TCeabk. 

Q. It wae discussed at the Board of Dirvctora' 
meetingT A. Tbat ia right. 

By Mr, CoviBflLaa; 

Q. And that waa to go to 'Wisconsin to be 

presented Ijefore all the eoropaniea, waa it not, 

that were affected, all these oonopaniaa in Wis- 

Mr. H ruehhaunen : I dhj*ct to that 
Thu Court: Objection sustained. It ia 
highly improper and suggestive. It ia a 
very' i(n]>c,]-tiut part of tVi eWe, and I 
wish yoo woold not do it, 

Q. All the bunpaniea to be visited by Mr. How^ 
lett, inclusive of aonne of the compantea that these 
letters had been received frOmt 

Ur. Bruchhaosen : I object to that 


ifutbiM JiUHHtf Kmorr^For Belt*.— Direct 

Tlie Court; Objection sustained. 
Ur. Covington i We except. 

Q, During your stay at Bethel had yoo noticed 
any discrimination on the part of Judge Ruther- 
ford witli reference Ui the facilidea that he bad 
am compared witli those of Lis brethren I A. I 

Q. Are you f emiliar with tlie. property at 
SlsLru Inland t A. Yes. 

Q. llnil you ever visited at StsleQ Island dur- 
tag the veer* 193J (0 19331 A, Yea, 

Q. During tlult due liad yon visited inside the 
liOU«e there and noticed tlic aeeomniodatjona 
thertl A, Ye*, sir. 

Q. Did yon tne* whether or not olher per- 
eons oee.mpk'd the hou"C in Staten Island, out- 
aidt Of .Toilpr Kutlitff^rd wlien he was there 1 
A. Ye«, they did, 

Q. VJiij u1S»t jvnijile slay there when he was 
gonel A, Yep, 

Q. Wen his eocornmcKlations at Staten Island 
better thun the aooonuiiadations enjoyed by the 
otlter brethren who lived in the bouse 1 

Mr. Bnichhauwn ; I object. 
The Court: Objection sustained as to 

Q. tfhst was in the room occupied by Jtidgft 
IiuthexfarJ, if yoo Itxowl A. Well, I know that 
Judge Rutherford, for many years, had bis bed- 
room and his nfnee at Staten Island in the same 
room, I titct know thai in later years— T don't 
recoil the year— 

The Court: We are talking about 1633 
10 19391. 


A'aiilm* Homtf Knurr— For Uctts.—iJirccl 

A. (Continuing) — he had the bed taken oat 
of tlie wall and he put in their** and made it a* 
a library or booliceae, and lie used another roOJft 

aa his bedroom. 

tj-. He maintained an olfice, did he not, there 
at Staten Inland! A. Yes, 

Q. In his ImmIiuuiu did he Ikave any different 

eiuifHiKjnt thrre I hen that of any of the other 

rOOBK lh*t the hK'thrtii owupiedr 

II r. Brucliliousen: I objeet to that as 
calling for a conclusion. 

t). .lul ielJ what wee in his bedroom, if yoa 
bnawl' A, Well, he lias the general efguipnient 
of & bed room; a hhl and dreuser and cliairs. 

Q. Dili Mr. Moyle ever nuke any statement* 
to you or complain to yoa ahoat condition* at 
Bethel, while he was tlicref A. Never, 

Q. Do yon know about the waiter of serving 
beer at the factory T A, Yes, (hen wa* beer 
served at the factory eoinetinset, when we were 
working evenings. It was in (lie sanaum moutlu; 
I think two or three tilnes, at the most. That is, 
on dilTeront uecaaions a small boltle of bttr stl 
given to each member of the Family — al tb* 
factory, ratlter, 

Q. How many times waa that, in all these 
year*, that yoa recall T A. About tbrw turn, 

Q. Did Mr. Moyle tdvii* yoa as to the eon- 
tents of (hit letter tt tttf ttfee prior to Angus! 
8th J A. No, sir. 

Q, Did he ever tell you that you had benii 
publicly condemned . and ridiculed by Judge 
Rutherford at the table! A. No, «ir, 

Q. Did he discuss that with yon at any time J 
A No, all. 




Nathan Homer Kuorr — for Dtftt r — JKreet 

Q. Bid yon amthorii* or request Mr, Movie to 
buaks this compiciot in your behalf to Judge 
nutherfordl A. No, sir, 

Q. Do you know whether or not any of d» 
other bcya at Bethel mentioned in thii letter, 
aaked Mr, Moji* to ttik* ft complaint in Iheir 
behalf T A. I htajd tl»Jii txpteai that th*j 
didn't, aome of tiem. 

<J. Were yon familiar with Judge fetntherford 
daring the last year of hit life! A. I m, 

Q- Did you viiit with Mm at California*. A. 
. did. 

<j. When waa that, in rtftrttct to hi* d**lh! 
A. A few month* before ha died, or a nonLh 
before ha died. 

Q. Were yen familiar with hi» phyaieal «oa- 
4iti«n daring that time! 

Mr. Brnchhanaea : W*ll, I object, an- 


The Conrt: Width tune I 

Q. Jnat during tha tioB uumtdiatidy prtotd- 
inj bii death, 

Mr. Bruchhanaen : I object It la not 
an liana here. 
Tli* Court: Suailiniad. 

Q. Do yon. know— pleas* do not amtrer ilia 
until I have usitod it-^how many annuel Jndfia 
Rutherford bad at the time of hia dealhl 

Mr. ftr-i-lrian*™: I ohiec! to it 
The Court: Mow ar* wa eoncernedf 

Q. After Mr Moyle left Bethel did yen ha** 

■ to on&inranjaai* with him it any timet 
A. I did. 

AViAan Homer Kmerr—Fow Dcfit.—Dirtci 

Q. I thow yon a letter dated September 21, 
1539, & i(ip,y of a letter, nrid u*k you to pU**e 
identify it (Handing paper to wituena}. 

Tha Court: A latter you w»(* to Mr, 

Moyie, copy of letter 1 

A. Yea, I wrote tli* kttor, 

y. turn it over and *ae if yon reoogHiaa that 
ether letter. A. Thia ia an amwer from Mr. 

The Court: To you, 

A. To the letter, to tha Walch Tower Uibla 
•Sd Tract B««i«tf. 

Q. I« that your ligMtnr* OM «* of lie cepint 
A. On th* flint OM, yea, 

Mr. Covington: We offer the letter 

dated September 21, V&3S, aa mil u Mr. 

Uovlv'i reply, dated September S2nd. 
The Court: la that September Slit, 

that letter dated September Slstl 
The Wicneaa : September El ut- 
ile - . Bruebbanaan: Objected to a* in- 

competent, irrelevant and immaterial; 

aothlug- m do with the cue. 
The Conrt: Objeolioa anataijjed, 
Mark it D-34 for Identification. Th* 

objection ia being anilaiited ai to Knorr'a 

letter to Moyle, 

(Tbe letter referred to was marked De- 
fendants' Exhibit 34 for Identification.) 

Mr. Covington: Don yonr Honor'* rul- 
ing apply lino 10 tin letter signed by If r. 

Nathan Homer Khott—Pbt De/ii,— JJfjttf 

Th* Court: Do yon olTar thai! 

I didnt look at that yet. 

Mr, Covington; Yea, p]f**«. I ofteP 

Th* Conrt: Some rnling; and tlmy are 
ho Hi marked for identiiicafbii aa one ex- 
hiliilj a* Jonjr as you have the laiae ruling. 

(The letter referred to wan i\mii-.Ii1iti_':S 
iriAri:td as part of iaai EOdauLi ' Exhibit 
Si for IdantiflcaUon.) 

Q. Diet you have any hatred or ill will toward 
Mr. Moyle at tW time yon ticked the article 
cnlitkd ,L In f urination "f A, None at all 

<}, Did you know (hot Mr. Moyte was widely 
known throughout the Untied States amoni; 
Itm Jiin.vjdi"d WitneaMaf A. I did. 

Q. l^nrjihj,- Uiit tiuis were j ;a foiitLlinr wiih 
Itiu oarni^jHMi'loiwe; tliat wnd. i,i na.l cut of Llin 
oflki', pttlniitiog lo eIih legal department ami Krr, 
Moyliif A (J^jdi 1 rj-Liy ; but 1 never r^d iL AU 
wrrL-bp'iL.diiiju Hat \»vA, 

TL; UtmrU TfoU mi'sn to any you kij^iv 
Uuve v.ia corral] n:".tJti:cj jroinff 0| df 
TliO YtUdeH: Yica. it nil went through 

my t*. : '■>.„ 

0. Ail ji^- oBf^iiijr^'correaponc'.'M* '*a. ;' r .1 
I": > ,i-:qj- J . !. F jV Vci^ 

|J. Hid tl..n ujrlUii* ^ie li'tdrji aiv..j L | by ?rr. 
Mi.-:..] A. V..f.. 

t{. Did ho l-iTi-y vt, . .T<Vt,v..: ':-iid* i-: [.,- „:-.,' 

Dtt'iw, nn rOuimlor'a h'iiti'ri^j'j 1 J A- J Lc uji'. 

tj. Yh'-J. t!.t Haw. ;juiit (Ij; otttini lJi;,i.!j 
f.'fatcsl A. I' w:n 

y. Civj^d yuu i: -Jo >iiii tNa jirinwcy f-.cior 


JVaifian ifomtf A'nof r — /"or Dtfts, — Dirtel 

of the lift? Atirl ulrength Of Jehovah 'a Wilneeeei 
and tho W»Lrh Towor Jliblo and Tract iJociety 
ia, bctwetji Lheuibtl vea f 

II r. li methauncn : Well, it litis a doc- 
triiii' I 

.\: f. CavMstn : It i* portly ?o. 

11 f. J!nn'idiaUiiH.:H: I« it ])Ubiifilnsd or 
BdiiivlLiiriL' in Hoidli'LLnly '« tuiadl 
TIlw ("ihort: I>ft ynu oliJK*t1 

J. Jr. UrikiiltHLneia ; 1 dWt ohjHt I 

wilj wjlltdraw iii« objection. 

Tl.» (,!(i"Url: linOni tJi» ij il.i!.-;lii:ifL 
(The u.l:'iiagtt.fili\iT read rJict queetion as 

"Q. Could yon aLate wliat !be primary 
betipr of (he life ajul utrem^lli of Jelio- 
Yali'n Wilncsxea fin-! Die Watch Toivcr 
fiililo ainl Tract Socitiy it, :-*lwccn them- 

M'iVtiltl 1 ") 

A. Of it* fail li Ful m??* asul loyally to Jehovah 
Gml u»d tn the Suji Cbrial Jeauh., and to their 
;.:, (bri-.i 

Q, li it 1|n- KiuTVty T i ]ji)lir->' to mate known 
to- JthoTiili'n V,'t!a>!=jtfi Ikvio thaU'nuas divi.tion 
and affenraf 

Jlr. Itru~h1t; '..-n: T obj.-jt. 

'f'Jiiz (,'■:.: i J,, lijn aulii'iiid, 

He. ■'.•■ iihiiUbia: I Ihi.ik go;:!.bt1 
si 1 :, i i!i! I !■ i- .i.i.i mi. ;:;d. 

II, j t'ouc!: i . r.n't aJrjioni«3i him for, b?raiui« 1 1'uinLa he want? to wuSi* 
I'-M-Mli ill! I 1 J 1 i >jk1h"hmI— 

i. n.j.-L.i'j. ^u.^OLnerL 

Q. I u.l;nw yim Uiat L.pplieotiiin (banding 
p.*JK;r L>,... i), K. Yta. 

Kalban Foner A'no^r — For Deftt. — Direct 

(J. Now, will \on plcJL-se tell what It if 1 A, 

It in on application for Pioneer Service by Air, 
Q, What ia the data of ill 

M r, B nicJihausen : I ob jecL That haa 
been offered before, and it baa boan 

Mr. Ciivjiiftpa ; Jfo, 1% haant 

A Febmary i, 1944, it ia dated, 

Mr, Brmdiliaiweu ; It ia looOBptfenl, 
irrelevant and immaterial, beyond the 

Th* Court; It httn't betb offered. 

Mr. Drnchhanaenr I thought it had 
beta offered. Pardon roe- 1 t*y that in 
anticipation of the offer. 

Mr, Covington: Hen ii the offer now. 

Mr, BflWhh*n*eo: T»U, I r*o*w siy 

The Court : Objection lUiieinedL 

Air. Covington: Exception. Mark ih 
for identiCcatioa., 

(The paper referred to wa» marked 
CefeodanU' inhibit 33 lor Identification.) 

The Conrt: Identification only. 

Q. Do you know tha nan'* nam* nurutioscd; 
do yon know the man who aigned that applies 

Mr, Brnchhanaanr I object to it for 
the lama reaaon. 
Th* Cottrt: Objeation anatilnecL 
Mr. Covibgtea: Exoeption. 




A'altsn Homer A'aorr— Far J)cflt.—Utr*£t 

Q, Wontd you state, please, the policy of the 
Society Lu reference io sdvitinjr Jehovah *i Wit- 
nea*e» cflnceming the Activity of tin Snraeiy'n 
iiiniilai a 1 

llr. Bruebliausen : I *h;«1 In the fisrm 
(•-' :!.■■ <| iLvtiOLl. 

?lir Court: Objection sustained, 
Mr. Covio;cf«n: I in lorry. I didn't 
hear yon, your Honor, 
The Court : Objection simtaioed, 
Mr, Covington i Exception. 

Q. DEd yon sign the article stilled "In'or. 
■n.-iiinn " ill tin' nourae of your duty mi a ttircc- 
tor of the Society! A. Well, in the course of 
duty and because 1 wanted to. 

Q. Why did yon iign the article entitled 
" Information "T For wait purpose! 

Jfr, Brnehhap*eB ; Objected to. 

The Court: Gbj*cti*H aualainecl 

Jlr. Carington; "W* *iot*pt, your 


Q. Did you believe thai yon had an interest 
in the content* of the article entitled "Informa- 
tion" to convey I* Jehovah's Witnesses? 

Mr. Bmjehbansen : Ohjwleaj to. 
The Court: I will permit him to anew 
yet or no. 

A Y*s. 

Q. Did ymi believe that Jehovah's Witness** 
had an interest to know the content* of the arti. 
«l* entitled " Information M 1 

A'athaj. Hoimr Knorf—^Far Deflt.^-Crott 

Mr. BrucbJmoBcn : Objected to. 

The (Jcurt : I will permit him to answer 
yea or no. 

A. Yea. 

Mr. Covington; That is -11. 

The Court: Before yn» mutt (ran* 
exnminetinn, »i will lake our rnnrnin# 
recess. I'lcnes do ml di*cus* the c**«, 

(Pn)WL:ij( n atari urn,) 

Cron e/umtiifl ti#n l>y Jfr. SnpJiLaiixrn; 

y. linw eld. are yog, lie KnorrT A. Thirly- 


(J. And you left Allcntown *l ItM age of what! 
A hlijiiitven. 

Q. Had yon attended public school there t A. 

Q. Hud yon lieen employed in an ylli inj; f A, 
1 wni-Led in a nidi* after school and Saturdays 
mid during vacations. 

(J. Dili you know Mr. Ruthcrfurd before- yini 
left AHeiitownl A. Only through hi* writing*; 
not p>r**Batl; . 

Q. How did you fl*t I he writings there I A. 
In 1!£J1, it wan, (here was a serin* of lectures 
put on hy (he Suricty in Attenlown. nnd J w*~nt 
In hnw jHonc iff tliime lerturcs. They hud r»- 
piped n IIhtiJit. ami I wi>nt In lii'nr llie Mrlo*. 

Q. Dili Mr. Jtulhnfind leetiirvt A. N<>, lift 
wasn't ime of 1lie ackers. 

i i. You art not married, are jn-.i T A. >>"i>. air. 

(j, A very ]arf!e pcrrenlaR* of Ih* rwddenta 
Of Btlhsl art nnmarriadl A. That is rijthl. 

xVa(Aa« Bsm*r K**rr—F<>r Dtftt.—Ctu.m 

Q, Ien't it about To per cent! A. Tea, of 

Q. And tli* ages of those people nl Bethel — 
I withdraw, tlie question. Many of tltta art 
uader thirty, aren't tlieyT A Yes, quite i few 
arc under thirty years. 

Q. Would vou say at Jeul 5t* per Mnl of Ihtm? 
A. I douht if it is 50 per cent. 

Q. Well, ian't it close to th*tt A. I never 
have eh celled. I wouldn't dinfutl* tlie. point. 

Q. Mrniy of them, tome io as hoys, don't they, 
to Bethel I A. Young men eighteen and over; 
twenty-two, twenty-five. 

Q. And they come and go, don't theyT A 

Q. And lit, Rutherford was reluctant to frjva 
lliem mrotjtm*, wasn't hef A. No, he wnaa't 
He alwAys arrniijijed vacalionji. 

Q, Wwn't li* reluctant— don't you re*all tills, 
lieeiUiSe in rnajiy caaeo they vr™% out and ^°' 
nuirriedT A- No, He adinoniiilied tloit they 
would km* tl* privilejres of service if they iiid 
Act mumed at Bethel ; and be alvjrun eijilAined 
how it na ». far greater privilege to f*m« 
the Lord than to lenme tliia privilege tlmt we 

Q, So tliol it tJ*I did j^et nurrieii, thef lfi*l 
the privileRrf A. Nol in every instnnne. rt«- 

Q. Tn mciiil inatanrent A. Yen, hnl very few 
ilint 1 knnw ever rnjiieited In alay wneiv they 
did pi*t nnirrieil. 

Q, fionve flf them did leave and intsmad shortly 
ofter-warda, didn't tlmyT A. Soma. 

Q, In fnct, you rremll tba cawi of Schmidt 
mnrryinf within a week after ha left! A Yt*. 

\'atkan lletner Kiwrtr^Fer Dtftt.—*Gr6iM 

Q, Them tiave been many chongea of doctrine 
id this orgnniiation while you liave been there, 
bar en 't there t A. Soioe changes. 

Q. Do you aubseribe to what Mr. J'rani aaid, 
tlLit tiod had erected the Watch Tower in Ulijt 
A. TVill you repeal tint I 

The Conit- Bead the question. 

(Tlie stenographer re*d the question as 
follow! I 

"Q. Do yon adoBcribe to what Mr. Frmn\, 
said, that Uod had erected, the Watch 
Tower in 131BJ") 

A. Ym, Ko hus. 

Q. Dn you Toctll this wrifitig, "Finielicd Ky*- 
(»ry" s-hieh *5* published in BUT 1 A. T recall 

1lir rudihrjilinn, vpn, 

Q, You rcnll (hat wa« an fxpOKillon o-f Reve- 
Intinn ond ETelrirl and wns eirenbHed to th« 
nniroint of millions of copie* to 1030 by lha 
Wateh Tnwerl A. That li rijrht, 

Q. II was writlan by Mciin. Woodworth and 
FiKbtrT A. That is rijrht. 

Q, Ami ibe Watch Tovm- his aeenpterl that 
na a truth, didn't ItT A. Generally, yc*. 

0- Thfn do yon recall that in 1P30 Mr. Ruther- 
f:::ii wrnti^ thiii book "Light" which came out 
in twii TAlnme*! A. Tet. 

Q. And in that don't yftts M*»!l that ha made 
nn euniwitron of Rfvelntion which »M dilterent 
than net forth in the "Finnish Mystery "T A 
Yen. nir. 

Q. And after iluU time fhia d « trine an n-xmeed 
in ^'J^ijrhl" tAoh the plam of the doctrine in 
"Hniihad Mystery "1 A Ye*. 

Italia* ifoiHsr ^LflOfT — Jor Dt/U. — Crau 

Q. &o that the doctrine eel forth in the earlier 
wort wbi erroneous! A Yes, I tnight aay, if 
1 can eipresD further — 

Q. Well, it was erroneous, was it notf A 
Well, not all of it was erroneous. The Light 
thine* more and mora under the perfect day, 
and an thinjru become: clearer it ia much eauier 
tfi understand the SeripLurea. It ia difficult to 
uniler^tand i^cripture. until thiitga h&vc trau- 
■.pired to fulfill those Scriptures. 

(J. Ood was writing these books ever since 
ISlfl, wa>a't hel A. I wouldn't say <lod wu 
writing thlOL 

Q. They wero written under the influence of 
Clod, weren't theyt A, They wer* written by 
men io the, nervire of God's Orptiniifltion, to 
hrint; to the attcntiori of the People the truths 
a* ei prt!H*e<( in lha Bible, 

Q. Would you any that Clod 'a view* had 
changed hetween 11*18 and HWyt A. Ood's views 
npver cbnnecd, and tholr only Fipre«pion la ha 
the Bihle, which is flod's word. Mnn can make 
a miKtahe in the interpretation thereof. 

Q. So that these leader* or aeenls of Ond 
am not iofalEihle, are theyT A. That is ria:ht. 

Q, And they do make mistakes in thepe doc- 
trine?! A. Th*t in rijHil- 

(J- But when you put out the«e writing in 
the Watch Tower, you don 't make any mention, 
to those who fit the papers, that "We, speaV- 
inji for Ond, may make a rniMalte," do yont A 
When we preoent the pnolications of Ih* Hoeietjr, 
wo present with it the, Scriptures, the ScriptHTts 
set forth in the Bible. Tlie citafiona am (tW(* 
in the writing; and our arhric* is to tha People 




Ha/ha* Mow cr Xnorr — For Dtfit. — Crest 

to look np these Scriptures end stody tbfcm in 
their own. Bible*, jji their dim hames. 

Q, Pat >'on d*a"l TOftke any mention in the 
fore part of your Watch Tower that "We are 
not infallible and subject to corrcclaon and may 
make mistakes"! A. We have never claimed in- 

Q. Hut yon don't make any such statement, 
tliat yon are Buhject to correction, in your Wateh 
Tower pnpcrB, do youT A. Not that. I retail. 

Q. In fast, it in net forth directly ai God's 
Word, isn't itt A. Yes, as His word. 

Q. Without any qualification whatsoever T A. 
Thait ia rifihL 

Q. I)i> pan tahiicribe la 1hi» j,(Ali;n'L(-Dt (hit haa 
been made in liowt, thnt Christ suffered for th* 
obedient f A. Vea, I do. 

Q. Do yen retail this part of the Scriptures 
ia Ronaanrs, 5, &, tint "* ' * in due tine 
Oh rin L died for the Ungodly*' 1 A. T«, 

Q. It that a truth I A. Yes, it is a troth. 

Q. Well, now, don't yon find in the Bible that 
there aro different consi derations thnt can be 
placed oo different wordings and sentences in 
tlie BtlJel A. I believe that when yoi are study- 
ing ftnjf -iSbJBtt jn thii Bible you should bring 
all tlie Scripture* tnficther and**- one heading 
and get tbe genera! thought of all InoM Scrip- 

Q. Well, van snow di Cferent considerations can 
be nliftd un []:k Bible, don't youl A. If yon 
take on isolated Scripture, yet. 

Q, And it is very possible for these infsilililii 
people in the Watch Tower to take tbe wrong 

Nathan Earner Knarr — For Defi*,— ^?rp« 

Scripture f A. I can't say they were infallible, 
loot premise- is wrong. 

IJ- Tiny have made many mistake in the 
cuurpHi uf the time that jron bare been theret 
A. They have made some tain takes. 

Q. &f therct A. It il: depeads on waftt 
709 mean by many. 

Q, WelL yon hare been there a great raany 
year*, haven't yout A. Nearly Iwenty now. 

Q. Too recall thin Madison Squara Garden 
errniL^eioent made for th* ushers, do yon nott 
A. Ye*. 

Q- And there ware written lost rod ions, were 
there nott A. Yes, air, there were some written 
iattnetionB given ant; act U> tbe nafaera. 

Q, And yon admitted — 

lie laid, "Not to (be turn- 

The Court r 

Q. Well, yon had written instrnctwoif A. 
fee, I had some. 

Q. Ailij the nsbers were assigned and given 
their pniiidjin pnrtuant In those instructional A, 
That ia right. 

Q, Yon followed tlie instructions exactlyf A. 
Well, I am subject to error. 

Q. You followecl them properly, didn't yon! 
A. Followed (hem to the beat of »y ability at 
tbe time, 

Q. Tbey were simple instructions, weren't 
tbryl A. Yea. 

Q. And didn't you make the statement that 
the usher* did very well, performed well at tbe 
Garden! A, I may have nude that statement 
sans* timt. 

tfttlhas Httmtr h'xvr-^For TiBftt.—Creu 

Q. Do yc,a rRrall jin instance in 1039 when Mr, 
Rutherford «dkd you at the office and yon were 
very much disturbed by what he told you and 
you came into ilDjle's office and tried and said, 
"The Judge has given ma a trimming aver the 
'[.!.0j.t"t .'■-. No, 

Q. Would ytsa say thnt yea newer did eern- 
ploin in Mr, Moyie'i office about whist Sir. Ruih- 
erford had said over the 'phone to youf A. No, 
I have never complained to Mr. afoyla, 

Q. Your o:Tic* was right near hia, wasn't itf 
A. The aame Hoar. 

Q, And yon did go into bis office a Dumber of 
time* during th* eanne of the dayt A. Quite 

Q. And dant yaa reeall this iantaues*, Mr. 
Kjiarr, that one tiiiu? tint Jada^ and Oo-tt* ware 
utnivg dawn m the ektmlar nnd Gout men- 
tioned that Ibe Judge hadn't wnt sufficient copy 
o**t and the Tndge wit very mueh eieTeissd be- 
cause he knew that sufficient copy had ocme over, 
and he came in and talked to you in a lond tone 
of voice in the roam at Bethelt A. Na. 

q. AVnt thatf A. N*. 

Q. And berated you I A, No, he never beratrd 

Q. Will you say In this Court and jury that 
there *** 6« such fnejdnt, ihABt Ibftt Id* *f 
copy, which wns ratted by GouaT A. There was 
an incident years ego, about some copy; and I 
recall mentioning — 

Q. This wns three or four years agof A, No, 
I never mentioned anything; three or four yean 
*£» that I know of. 

Nathan Homer Knert—Fer Deftf. — Cross 

Q- You did have aoeue intideat wh«r* you dis- 
eR$&e<I copy, did yon notl A. Yea, 

Q, And it was in the dining roomt A. In the 
dining room, yes, 

Q. And the Judge mentioned it finit, did he 
not! A- I believe be did. 

Q. And you were the one \t--ko was nicniiuned 
by litln in respect to that copyt A. Yes. 

(j. And everybody ia the dining room could 
hear itt A. Yea. 

Q. Whenever the Judge talked Stout anything, 
you eauld hear it all over the dining room, could 
you not I A. That [a rigiit, 

Q- And he woant a man without emotions, 
wl atucever, wal hal j\_ No, tia ixaJ taW^ndi, 
like moat luwifje hnvo. 

Q. Hia Hnotiona roue »nd fell as things pleased 
aim or diupleased him, didn't ltmy I Al 
woulJa't aay that. 

Q. Were they always en the same level t A. 
Nn, not on the same level. 

Q- Didn't his blood presaur-e j;o up 4 bit new 
end tb«1 A, Kot that I titr noticed, 

(j. 'I'J.iriL^. went wrong, didn't tbeyt A. Sumo- 
tiioea penpla luedi mistnkeB. 

Q. With all tliosa jwoule working in the fa,e- 
tory and in and arai*iiid tlie place, enmething did 
snap once in a while or displeased liimf A, I 
wouldn't say that tilings saapjxsl er displeased 
him, 00, 

Q. Will yon say that In all tbe eouna -of his 
work there tliat he, wasn't displeased on any 
occasion T A, WcJl, there were things that o& 
eurred Itat he didn't like. 

Q. Wasn't the purpose of Str. liutLcrford's 
talking ta any individual who displeased h'r\ in 


A'aJhoit Homer Knorr—Far Deftt, — C^tt 

■lie dining room, to pasa it out to the rest of 
them, titi- ;lan iliey wouldn't comiait aacua of- 
fense t A, No, it wns for tlie pnrpaaa 0/ making 
the eorreeUon and setting out a general paliey 
or rule of pjo^edar*, 

Q, Didn't you knaw ltiat be Imd a private 
office wliere corrections could be uiadef A, Tea; 
and often he K»ve correction in hie private cuke. 

(J. Uut tber« were tcma>" time* when tliese eor- 
rtetions were made in the dining roomt A, 
Soiri'jLLhiLji, yes, 

ti, ilany times, Ifr, Knorrt A. Well, I 
wouldn't say too Jfroouent. There were occusions 
wliKD he tnnde corrections in the dining room, 

Q- And it was mad* load enough, so -eyerybody 
eould hear itl A. Fraperly sci, bec*ut« wn 
wanted 'hem to bear iL 

Q. And you War* present on those occasion* 
when he did ear-rect C, J. Weodwortb about the 
calendar? A. Yes, 1 wsa there. 

Q, And ilso ifooAuley, alcCormick, Pronier, 
1'riff, Van JsijUrm nnd NiissI A, Weil, tliat is 
itr. hfoyle's Atatrment, tb*t he did it. A. tie 
may have aaid souietliing, but— 

Q, You T-'ere present, Mr, Knorr, on all those 
octaiiiajn, when Ulobs corrections were made} 
A. Yes. 

Q. Yon had your meal* there every day! A. 
Ycb, every day. 

Q. And yon heard those correcliona made to 
those people! A, I beard corrections made, y«s, 

Q. And it was made in a land tone af voice 1 
A. Over a microphone. 

Q. Ybb. And you were there when Worsley 
was corrected! A. Yes. 


Afatiua* HviHtr Kitorr — J'or Lftflt. — Cross 

Q. Did thane uske up this Scriptural lilt I A. 
Yes, be made bje statement for the benefit of lite 
whole family, so the rest of Us Would hear iL 

Q. In a luud tone of VokcT A, Loud enough, 
so those in (he dining tvta uiight hear hia 

Q. Over ibe nuerophonet A. Over the miar«~ 

Q. Yeu were there after tbe jiadisgn ss L un. r e 
Garden epiiudt, when Mr, Itutherford tuetitiuned 
vrhm tlie usltera had failed to dol A. 1 reiaeia- 
bur his discussion, yes, about tlie usbors at liur 
iliidibon tjrjunre harden. 

(>, Mr. Itutherford wasn't jwrljcularly pleased 
about LShjsi! Ho-callcd rioters ifKttinjj there ia hack 
of the platform, was hef A. He was very much 
concerned as to why they got back there. 

Q. He tt'aa npaet about it, wasn't hef A. I 
wouldn't »ny upset. 

Q. Wis lie very calm and eolleot*d about itt 
A, He was very niucli eoUcetcd in wlml hi bad 
tu my. 

ti. Diin't you know that theru were soine bauds 
damaged: in the plaice when thrae rwttn cuitiii 
in njjj the canes gat tu awjngingl A. £uiua 
people ^verc Lurt 

Q, And ilr. Itutherford was tlierel A. Hv. 
Rutherford was on tlie platform. 

y. And the ineclinjr at which lie was presiding 
or speaking was interrupted, was it natt A. 
Ha kept rijrht on goinff, They »™dc the noise. 

y. But there was a lot of eonimoiiDur a. 
Yes, there wajj, 

Q. And they bM to have the putice in ta take 
tare af part of it, didn't iheyt A. Tlml is ri^ht. 

Q So tliat tins aiertina- in tlie dinieg room 

Kalho* Howtr Knorr — for Diflt.—Criw 

was very chortly after thai iiuudeat, Was it sol t 
A, Yes. 

Q. And lie was exercised by what bad hap- 
p-.Jiiiivi at tha Uaicen! A Well, ku u*ed the 
(jurjiia tipericnoe as an opportunity to give 
tlo Family soma advice. 

Q, He wm exercised about it, ftt h* aotT 
4- 1 b'ucsi yea could Dae the, word "exareiMi" 

Q- Anil of oourssj a lot of plana had been 
made Jof pro tec; iua, before tie pi chxh sdingi 
started in the Garden 1 A, Yea. 

Q. In which La had iwitrtipntedl A. Yea, 

y. Ko hen* he luid all tins Ushere wlm bud been 
at the Cardan, in tlie wn around Ik* tablaf A, 
Not i- 11 Uie LaJiera; jrut tho#e who wore of the 

Q. Most of tb* nihera. And Lore ha was trying 
to show them what they should haTa dona in tola 
innUmce, isn't (hat sot A. Not particularly what 
they should have done, 

Q. Wlmt they faded lo do! A, No. He pointed 
out how that in oecjiuioni of this kind no one 
»ln>uld fi'tl n hashed, "He kab broken in our awn 
heeling plow, W'b need not consider tin. llndimia 
Su/uare [rarJi'n ns a spurts jn.1in-.rn.rn At llftt 
tune it wut really our Temple for worahiji," H<j 
j.iuinLi.r] out Lo the tYruily that there t'i| so rea- 
son why we shouMn't defend ourstlrei, "v,i:.. I. 
you did in taJdng cure of this meetiaa>" lit 
pcialwl out tha nccil of BeLT-dofciiaa a:.d that It 
was » proper llilnjr in 'ii'rijilurul — 

Q. Hut at tlial vury Uioiuaut threa of your 
ushers wcro out (Hi Unit m.di.r charges, weren't 
they I A. Tliat is ri^hL 

Q. Asn result of thit epissde in Ui* Clank-". 1 
A That ia rifikL 


}!<tthan Homer KtHrf—FtT Dtfts.—Ctoig 

Q. And llr. Rutherford knew about tiiall A, 

Q- And you want to tell Uiia Court and Jury 
tksi ho vain't oieileil ftkout wlmt happened and 
wlmt the nshera failed to do on thai raavioht 
A. Well, 1 wouldn't &ey lie was excited. He wa* 
intensely interested in it, 

(J And lie apok*. in a loud lone of Toiee, did ho 
not I A l^>ud aci^uglj for avcryona to kear. 

Q. And Ihero '.hip soigto criticism hi kit addrcsi 
lo :ht DBoen there t A. I bould coll it adwoni- 

Qr He owsd thic aitprcnaion * ' »Im*lcj! p " did ha 
Hat, and that tdoy wana "umiiably "| A, I fa used 
that pijirt'smio-Ti, but he didn't »Ay tin Family 
were uLhxsm or uninanly. 

Q. Whaa» vrni lid talking aliout, tkfr CowjfJdin- 
iteal A Xo, ho wasn't telkLcig nlhoul tljfm. Ha 
brought it in (ut • limiJc, Von might nay he imcd 
tha word, naying: that the Ckristian has n jKTtel 
riglit in dfcif.ik'fiinw, tl;fre ii no reason why a 
person should be b !i«sy in inch ci rcumt-uiBooa. 

Q. He didn't (har^e the ushers with beinj 
ait-niesf A. Xo. I didn't Inks it that way. 

Q. II a waan't tlnnf^gg anybody villi bemg 
aisdiesf A. No, I didn't tftfce it Uut way. 

(J, It didn't have any particular [HWnt ikert at 
that lijnej in your mindl A. Well, it kwl a point, 
by mntrasL 

Q. \\ f c\ I, it was al I i ii rflatioe to wlmt hAfincncd 
t]n,r--t You knowtltnl tiio inslniDtions wart li.i.L 
tho hadt of th? «iieaE;orR' aland was to have no 
usb*™, don't youl A. Tke Imck of tluo speaktrs' 

Q. Tl!«* * ta S«B no uiheni in the hack of Hid 


'fin' 'J, ■;: Yyil il:i'-.lL l.h '. n i: ,-.-d]:- .■ in 
i ■:.'.: I': i!il. >j,i^.L f . j' L £.->.i;0 o; \'i:iv:', 

oi '.i-.., , .-:^r>' i>lu-iJT 

(,'. \>'i;A -J.;( ■. /. :.:■,,■ • .. A.-j hh Id I a 
!■ -..-.i iu Ii:-.-!; i;i" iba t\ :::'... .-..' P .t-i;'J| A, £ 
dvt.'l rwslk 

Q. Wluit liKiipin.'d to Hijjo WriMca k.<>ti^-- 
littaaf A. 1 J.i-i". . 

<J. Ati= tliey ik*i ■. : ...!l A l^aylie 1 hnvi-i't 
SOt lh>»i:. 

y. You Ikr.u- :'t Lhdia i.i toart vntn yon, In... 
yoaf A. tin. 

Q. 1V'in;iL iii-3 yott list *wu ll.eiuj j*. Oh, pr:.!- 
ohty ti*-« *ijr Ifirue Weclrf t - .■ ^ r the lliidi-iun tkimn^ 
tlaiili :i DHClihg. 

Q. Yuii i^iFirmt li.ll n» wiuit tbe Ih^ithi'm irs 
wejw aa lo th« jjhirinit n>f ■onlwrs in Ihr- Li^nU ui ,i. j 
sp+alwF^ti.'itidl A. Ho r I Jms't rfp-udtior. 

t]. l>i)n't yftia Irxi&ii that Mf r I..itlutrf(frd, nhcn 
ho wns tt iking in tiiu dining rinuii, made (tome 
»liil .■ iimiI na to liow lii* miliars ehould li&s-n hueu 
pli'iLH-il ha«k at Iho Bptaiciw' stand, and that snft- 
aaallim hr lundo was dilferi'itl liian the writlen 
initruelitna tl-sthid b«ta inadu bcforol A No, 
1 dun't know in 1 said Inytliinjr luVe tluL 

Q. And thai, even though Mr. Hulharford wai 
mijlakcn, in wh«t he hod tkon aaid h and the coa> 
iki-t with the written instructions before, that yon 

Mr. Covington: I ohjefL 

The Court: Objection HPftl faasj 

Q, That ia not ao, ia itl 

Mr. OurfPAlomt Saloe oh>eti<* 

The Court: I vtit sHataia the objection 

t« tket qneatkm. 

A' ■ tHl tf. 

'\,r T>,'f:s.— Gt«st 

'-\ .' ■■- !• ■■■■■ cm t!.;ii o*i~i^iu:iT A. I 

du-.'t , i ;., 

t}* I.'. ", ihii't iJ |-.-j^ilile LiM.i ytiii «iid y<*U were 
I* -i;,il. A. 1 !oid .ln^i J.'utiietfurrl ntany a 
tii!.L> Uvat 1 v.ju fti'os'.t;. 

''. l.n tiii.-L, j:m JilLi'L fi.:'j iii L y nocaaigD where 
yi« i! n'ui, wilii, did youl A, Yf*, 1 dis- 
atl-n.d Witt ki;tL uIIlii oa ihftt lYtii poi.:!::. 

(j. t'lui you till b»" anylkii . li.i.t ynu rin>agro*d 
with bhn ahtwtl A- Matteri uf pf*Juri"i.jii tiA 
iHmittics ui j^i|,i'r niuj p/iinnl hwinws rdation 
m the fuctijfy, Ik- ketl the liiuit fttitlmrity to pay 
"Wfl wiil," or "TVo will not," lie wm President 

of l.llif Or.gnn lultiri". 

Q, Yuu wstb Vi**-l J r»»iJtkt, Mcraysd nolT A 

Putt Ot til* (J UEC-j y,iw. 

tj. lliri. versiua would be aret|>t*d on all dicim 
ooeiLuioimT A. That ii ri^iiL 

Q. Yuii airreul tiiut ha wns the head of God's 
OrgBiiiiatiuii on Liartli and accepted his state- 
ment on itf A. i don't spree with your expres- 
sion that ha wa* iho bead of Cod's UrponiiB- 
tiun. lie waa preiiident of the Watch Tower 
ISible. and Tract Society and ba waa cue of Je- 
ln*'- nrl j 'a WiiwaiMa. 

(j. Well, ha was a direct leader of Jehovah's 
Witnesne* and did what Hod wanted on earth t 
A. He utToLo tkft Watch Tower articles and w* 
dintriiiuleil pablication^ that ha wrote, which 
wire ha>ed nn the liihle. 

<J. And ke didn't anbenit those publications 
to yog far approval, did hel A. hVuneliHiei he 
«*v» nu> hackn ta read before they ware era: 
lirmtni!, sutainj; cfm for saggestioiis or comments 
«n tiwrnu 

Nathan Homer A'norr — Far Dtft&,^)tea 

Q L Did you prepare the ftrUdt tliat apprurcii 
on iSeptciuker lm in llio WalrJi Taworl A On 
gepteinbH I^ll The utile— 

Q, Tiie one which charged Aloyle. with unfaith- 
faJAUaf A. Ji'Oj 1 didn't prepare it 

Q. Hid you pass on it at alii A No, 1 didn't 
piu* on ttiaL 

Q. Did yoa rtttsl it hefore it was pnbliaihedt 
A. Yea, 

Q. But yuu rnvde n<> cliangics is ill A No, 

Q. Tau didn't talk lo Mr, Rutherford about 
is.* A, No, sir. 

Q. You r'-m I it because itianie through the 
eimnnet of Dcthel to your o'hee in the printing 
phitit, in that IrneT A. That is riglit, 

Q, Ami yoii just tnolt it bnaun S^a were in 
ciiiir^ of tho fuetury and hat) tc do with the 
priming ot tkinga that came from tfr. Butker^ 
fordl A Yea 

Q, And yon didn't check up on Ibis Article 
"Infomintinn'' did youl A, Yes, I know thout 
tbr. mnteufct of ''InferUifttion" holn^ corn-cicd. 

Q, But it wa»nt tubmitled to you for ap- 
prm-nl by Mr. Tt aihfci-f ord, waa itt A. Yes, it 
■*;$*, on Septeinher 2l*t, wbtn lit— 

Q, Tt vrm all written out en that oae&sient 
A It bid been prepared, 

Q, It wasn't zubmitled to you in sdmncc of 
tbe meeling of September £lstT A, No. 

Q. It wen nil on the table there when yon got 
in there! A, That is right 

Q. Ready for your signature 1 A. That ia 

Q, And ih'n article "SnaTea," yon didn't have 


A 1 *! haw Earner Ktierr — for Ptfit. — Cresi 

tknt suhhiitted to you far approvnl by Mr. Ruth- 
erford 1 A. Xo, sir. 

Q. You didn't even rend it, did you, before 
you published it T A Not when ba gave it to 
me, no. 

(^. riu _yuu would just take it because it came 
from Eutherfnrd, and you pot it in the TValurn 
Tower 1 A, That ii right 

Q, You never mattft any tkwtgei in any of 
tkn*e nrl iciest A No, tir. 

Q, And never made any asgRceled change* ia 
any of llieml A If he womtd ink me to read a 
pmhlicntian or an article, a»d Kilted me to eotu. 
ment on it, why, I would. 

Q, Yon wouldn't give any comment nnlesa h# 
H-iked you for itl A. If he inked me ta read 
anythiiip, I would usually eomrnrnt on it, 

Q. Tf he didn't nek you for a canuncnt, you 
wouldn't paae on it at allf A. No. 

Q. Yod just go ahead am) print itf A That 
i« i-ipki. 

Q. Yon were there when Mr. Trfdwick left, 
weren't yea, in 1930T A, I waa ml Bethel in 

Q, And tKerr *■» disaEreement, was Ihfr* 
not, hetwiMKi hint and Rutherford! A I rtont 

Q. Well, you don't deny that there, wan rtiwtit: 
dimigrtieriient with Jjulwirkl A I 4m t mrmem- 
ber Ike IncidcnL 

Q, And yma know lie left, don't Ttiul A. I 
tiiink f J rhi-fled rpy records I imuld ^ee Hut 
he had left Bethel. 

(J, And be left vtrj' (fnickly after Ibis dis» 
agreement, did he notf A I don't know. 




jVaJtan Somer* K*6*r—F 9f Dtft*,—CreMt 

Tin; Court; He doftHO'l retail. 

Qr You don't deny thai, an J you recall ilw 
Woodworth incident in lEKfci, don't yon, when 
Winsdworth leFll A. I remetul>cr him leaving. 

(J. AolL Hint w(m a dk^KTecttvent, tw>f A. It 
tuny linVe Wen. 1 *m not aet|uniBlrai v,'il] ( the. 

Q. And he left shortly after the diiwgrecmcnt T 
A. I don't kr.nw, 

Q, Well. there ware *ome wnj-ds between 
Itiil lierford and tlmse two, weren't then?, in the 
dining room I A. I don't reenll tlml there wnx, 

Qr Yon don't deny tlml llienr »ffct 

The Court: Jit dncm'L nit ye" and lie 

doesn't Fay no. Jf that rigiitl 
Tlie Witness: Thot is right. 

Q. On you. recall the insinne* tliat MacAulay 
loft r A. Yon MtcAlLlny tofti I believe, abruptly. 

Q. Tie tu nuked tn IrftTt, wftn he noil A. I 
ita'i kirnw if he wa*. 

Q. And I hat mine about thmoah rtmt word* 
in tltc dining mninT A, I ilmi't (hank m, I 
think lie Irf I of his ran nceoril, 

tj. Isn't WooflVrtTlli, !hn present Wofidwnrrh. 
Ihat i* in your nr K nni**1i.nrh on A piemtlily notary 
nf #12.*jT A. He receives an ollrmaiwe from tln> 

Mr. Covington: This ii immaterial, aa 
tft what II r. Woodworll 1 V oompeniulion 


Mr, Ii rac hhansen : Discrimination. 
The Court: Objection overruled. 
Mr. Covington.: Exception. 

b'atkan Ht>m£fK*arr~ F of Sifti^-Crou 

Q, Isnt that the amount that he guist A. I 
think it is — 

Q. And Mr. RaiJje.rf<»rd could— tod did — in- 
crease the &ipen(o aeceftnts as he pleased, 
souldti't lie; he had sole power on thalt A. 
There must have been some reason foi tjiii jlj- 

The Court: No. H* is not asking about 

that nrrjin.L;iiii-i:nL He. ii asking yon 
whether Mr. Rutherford in the years of 
U9Ji to 1339. could and did increase ex- 
pense acouunls at hi* wiiL 
The Witness; I don't know if he did. 
The Court; Could he have done sot 
The Witness ; lie could have, I sup- 

Q. Under your rules, Mr. Ituiherford, ted t 
great, deal of dlwc'trioni' A, Y«, he hid 

Q- And he hiw tins right to ps*» on these el- 
pea*e accountB ud say what tliey ahoitld he end 
whit they ibonJda't he, ian't that 10T A. I 
think ao. 

Q. Yon diiii't pejt on the eiperue itcounlat 
A. £ome:unei in hii ehitn** h* would dnl^mt* 
that ieiponiihiUty to me, 

The Court; But only in hi* thinmeijt 
The Witoe»« : In Ilu ehsem^o. 

Q. 'When he wsi i round he look entire charge 
of {hit expense money, did he not! A. lis* ap- 
proval vu final on expenditures of money. 

Q. So he didb h t euhmit it to voo. or any of the 
other direetorel A. Not that I know of. 

Kolhax Ram-tr Kmor*— For Dtftt.^Cww 

Q. Do you beheve that Rutherford it new* 

retted 1 A. I do. 

Q, And in ttil] in cliarg* uf trdj «rjraniiation t 
A. T don't believe that, he is in charge of fho 
organiiation. I believe that he is part of JVno- 
vali'i Orgwssatioti in tht fLpirirnol part of Hia 
Kinj^dom. He is with Christ Jreue ae part of 
the tody of Christ. 

Q. Dot* h* take any part in running and man- 
aging the organization t A. T doo't know how 
the heavenly arrangement of Jehovah ii opurat- 
ine. as far at the body — 

Q, T *ta osl-injr you if you believe that he if 
atill takrng part in itt A. Not in the affairs of 
thft earthly orflanlrAtioji, I don't believe he does. 

Q, 1>* yoa wriie atlieJes now in th* Wafch 

Mr. Coviajrlon: That if immaterial, 
what Ihey ere dftinjr now. 
The CiujI: Objection lUHteined. 

Q, Yon Fnh"i;rihr» or yoo know that BnlhrT- 
fnrd stnlid that there werr no hmwee in the 
orjrani™tion T A, That if ripht, 

Q. Wasn't there a letter or communication 
aeat oat from the office to round up anything 
♦IVnit Vt- Moylt, »njl any of hi* wiitinjpil A„ 
I non't faiow. 

Q. lint yao did have en orjranixation there 
that bad clmrfl* of 1ho xone *erviTit» — wen* ihey 
— hv*r Ibe Urtitrd Star**! A, Yet, 

Q- And they were jrivrn inetrnctjons, hnany 
times oraity, from lime to time, weren't thayl 
A. PcRsibly. 

Q. And pari of thsir duties waa to keep peooe 

W*I*uif Hitrntr Knerr—Far i>e/lt — Crat* 

around lh« country, wazn't it, u far aa Jeho- 
vah 'a Witness** were concerned t A. Their prin- 
eipai doty wan the preaching of the Gospel of 
The Kingdom and Organization, and the preach- 
ing of the Goapel 

Q. Outsiilt of that they were aleo charged with 
;<:i -;• i :n; the pca«e and serenity in the a: u, , .il:i '. i :. T 
A, If then was a discuxsion or tvDM tr&ab3* 
amongst a company, he might try to ilraigntaSi 
It out- 

Q, And Q>Vf traveltd buck and forth from th* 
Brooklyn office to the various elates and th* 
ijornpany rGOma in thoea itabe*f A &Dmetinwi, 
but not to t*ry often. 

Q. And they would pet their instruction* from 
Brooklyn as to what to do and what to obtain 
and whnt information to ptt from these servant* 
tliron^hout the country, if the [ftfliractioni wsri 
given from Broahlytit A. That is right 

Q. You didn't hava eJiarg* of that depart- 
msntf A. No, sir. 

Q- Yon know (hat the JudM nwd this practice 
of InitJalinjr raport* that esw* In tt him from 
time to timet 

The Conrt: 

Did he have a rubber 

A Ua had a rnhher stamp that he Utd On, 

Q. Itan't yea lmow that at general eonnsel h* 
passed on the straleay and what was to he done 
in the lawsuits that were pendingt A. I balieye 
ha did. 

Q. Cnrmetled with Jshov*h"s WitnesaesT A. 
I believe he did. 

Q> Did van s«e nporti thai w«re roads from 


Nathan IJamr.r KnotT^Fer Dtits. — Croj s 

time to lime by Mr, Ifoyte to Mr. ilntberfordt 
A. No, *ir. 

Q, Well, I show you this Plaintiff's Exhibit 
11 for Identification and axk yon whether that 
ruijber stamp on the coennd page is the official 
stanip tliet Mr. Rutlierford used after he passed 
en paper* T 

Mr. Covington: I object la tbtt. 
The Court: 1 will let him anewsr yes 
or no. 

A. Vr*, that Inoks like hia robber *tamp, 

y. Ho was I he one that solely imed that stomp I 

A. 1 ean'l Kay. I can't swear to (hat. 
Q. An tar an you know J A. To llie bast ol my 

knoukil^L 1 , 

Mt l5rnr:iliau>tii: 1 uffcr it 3n I'vlilenrc. 
The Court; The objection is still foi- 

Mr. Brurldianiteii: Piceplion, 

Q. W'HOt't jou present — Didn't yoti tell 11 r. 
Movlf (in Ihiri otrnsion of the riotiog ift th* 
Cardan tV.nt llealh said in your prenenic end 
firri-11'n, "l^'l'ii go up and crack a few iis'e.d»"T 
A. Xn, that mi never void. 

Q. You have no recol letlioii of anything like 
iliac f 

Tine Court; He does not ray that, lie 
MflA-K, "1 never said that*' 

The Witness: 1 never have heard that 

Th* Court- Ht uk«d you if you said it. 

Tlic Witness ' Uo, I never naid it, 
Q. You a|»oke about how the president would 


NatSiau Hamtr nTwrr— For Deft*.- ■ Cran 

ptm on how ificn were to be Bztii^ned ir) the 
fnr lory, is tlml rijrhtT A As, to how n>en wn 
to lie onsij,nicd in the faeloryl 

<i- '-:■>■ 

The Court: A* to whfl't 

Q. Au to tin; assignment of workers in the 
factory oil (lie ^fTtfutlt job* I A, txjlurlion-s I 

I I ill an,l uornetiiue» 1 didn't, 

ij. Itut you did KWtltMU kuImhj t these pro. 
»fnietive nusigniuentt lo the presiilentT A. Yes, 

Q. Now and then lie would nuke changes in 

I I I ii., Mooiil he imtf A, Yes. 

Q. So wlialevcr clianges were made, you ac- 
eeplod T A. Yen. 

Q. He yijik 1lm anal nntlsority on thstf A. 
Tlml in rtgbl, 

Q. Kon', I here is no o/ueslion hut this Watch 
Tower Majpq-?ine had a cireulaiiiiin of IGO.QOO 
mjneii in St]iti > iiilwr and (Ictaiwr, 1939t A. Tltat 
was the mulling lif,t of aolracribera, 

Q- H«w many more did yon print limide* that I 
A. Well, I believe tlie printing waa around 

<}- Whore did llie. other (flfltifl tapirs go tot 
A. Arnnnd iS,(«.T0 wouhl jp> In KngJnnrl lijr freighl, 
w,-L-f:i| thonsuind lu Auntrnlin by frriglit, ami 
I hen '£> In iij.000 woalil gri to what we ™ll«| 
•ItJ^Icji or ih'i*c what would expire. And then 
Mm hi; extra < - j - i ■■=-- n'pnt. Jo Ihr eoiapani^H, around 
EJiOO com[uiriieK in the country. 

(J, Thoiie were piven to tl»e eimpinies for di«- 
Iriimlion to any people of gnod willl A. To (he 
people of flood will and to be afced in -the otoriy 
chusea of Um Watch Tower. Many people would 




A'of Aan Homer Krtorr — For Dtft*,~-Crcst 

come la Ibfl study [hat didn'l have a Tower, and 
theft Chr>" tt^uld gel to use them. In Itus atudy. 

Q- The people coming into the atudy might be 
pi-ople who- had utrer attended a Watch Tower 
clous be for*, im 't that to T X Snitit would have 
to come, naturally, far their lint time, but tkn»y 
winlti 1h? people whom we had Knot in the field 
and conducted itrndiea with. 

Q. P«*ple who had never read any Watch 
Toiler literature, or anything else, might eoin* 
inln those «tudie»it A. That, in my opieioh, 
would V a Tiire oce*Mon, bnt— 

Q, But pome of thaw copies vent to tho*e 
people who jiwt had heard of the Watch Tower 
and enrae is to tea what it waa about T A. Very 

Q. A»d Many of these estr* eopie* oner 
Idift.OOO were used Tor that purpose T You wena 
nurdou* to grt more people in the JehoTftli V Wit- 
nouses, weren't yout A. Jfn, they were uped in 
Ihe home* or I hose people where we were son* 
dortinS studies, TV* had, thousand* upon thou- 
sands of Fludif* in tike home* of these people of 
good will; and (how "Watch Tower maga-finea 
would iv. presented to them; sometimes Ihrir nnb- 
wrintion* were, obtained and (hey Tver* put f»n 
the re under mmting list 

<J, Rut in many ™>ts tha Watch Towers vrf-wr 
jrlTcn ro those people who limited in the homes 
and ynu iiml never net those people before; it 
wan (be flml time that yoa made any an^n.ftin- 
innrr- with therm, isn't that aol And thfty (tot a 
e*ny rtT the Watch Tower T A. That wn» nftt the 
p'nKCol diminution of the Watch Tnwer in lAW, 
necaoM the literature that wa contributed from 

tfaisnis Hotatt A'noi-r— For Dcfii. — Cross 

dotir to door for the iHluciiiJHin of the people 
wan in book forio And in booklet! and probably 
lOJJie leaLiita. 

Q. Aad the-re were soma Wateh Toweml A. 
Wall, I never carried, them with me until IJHOt 

It Well, ynu were ia the office in Brooklyn in 
133S, wen yun notf A. l'ea. 

Q. And IbfH extra Watch Toweri, 40,000 of 
thejn or W,VHi t were aemt out to the different 
ectnjuuLiiMf no tlia! the coaptfiy aerrajatt s&uld 
niw them aa Ihty pieued, uua't that aol A. 
Well, they usctl tlieui, aa 1 tay, in the aludy af 
tli* Wilch Tower or in Uw tunnel of the people 
interratfd in our ¥iewa, 

The Ofan; What yoa He trying to lay 

i< peotdv that shovad aome intenat im 

your urgnniinlign T 

Tha Wibiaia: Yea. 

Q, And Hies, tlitue, you aay, that vera aent to 
Australia; tlioae weren't «rt to luburibtraT A, 
Thoat were uaed tor the «*m» puxpow aa men- 
tioned io lliia «»ptr>\ W* liaVa nfbwribrn get- 
tir.g them dirtal frotn tine office in Anatralia, and 
I.:iit. :!i<' companies IhemielTef Iulth extra eopdea 
tlml tiiey gel, for Um in th# atodiea. 

Q. How many did yoa send to Australia that 
WAren't sent to aubacribont A. Oh, I eonlda't 
say offhand. I might baae a gue&a, if that ia all 
right; maybe l&no or 1SO0. 

Q. And out of tbia whola £26,000, how many 
were sent where (hi-nc weru no auhKripliona for 
themt Wm it 60,000, If tbe lohwritora were 
100,0001 A, Tha lotacrisUon lift v IGO.000 

ymknx Hqww Knorr—Ftt Deftt. — Cro4j 

Q. Sit All the Otlueri, nv(-r And nhnve tfi^OOO, 
Witi' dikirjliuliN] iritboul lu^iHTiplinmil A, Nn, 

nt't exactly, because there were probably 25 to 
EO.iXKJ aitbucrlpliona thai hid bean getEing their 
Watch Tower for a whole year, and u r e call 
tliciti ilckU-H. They would get an extra copy 
after that, inviting thtni— 

The Coort; All right, then; the other 


The Withtw: Tbe other 30,000 went 
K^nr-nally to the cotupunits, and the 

{J. Ibdn'l your Fioneera get ten copies for 
diatributioa at tlkat timet A> Kot at that time, 

y. How ntadl Epau doea 220,000 Watch 
To«'era Ilka mpl tVo you l«U uc ia tlti* OOUrt 

Mr- Cariagfimi That would ha im- 

Th* Court; I dotlt •*• why it i* m*la> 

A, I would h*** to do <0m« salenlatiaK. 

Q. You bav« no record of tli* mbutrra of the 
Watch Tower, yoa uyt A, As I mentioned, we 
have 4 record of tboes who an at lWthfi and 
Iba fnll-linic iioiaijterB, aa engaged im the 
FJooeer wurb 

Tl.c Court: But aa to tha part' time 

HiiimCerH yoa have no record I 

The WitatM: We hav* no lUci on it 
at Kuadttuartera, no. We keep no mcni- 
bcrwhip nil. 


ypilmn Homtr K-nair — For Iteftt. — Cratt 

Q. So 1 QBderntnnd thnt tl>t L only record of 
iilL'iliiLujk La aa to uiilh ut ! i..l. i ... I ! 

The Court ; And the full time uvini«l*r> 
working in Iba Held, U Uiat ill 

A. Veil, air. 

Q. TlmL iLiolit tlicir bradiiuartcrn in Brook- 
lyn and go out to the diJIcrenl eectiene, la that 


T3i* Court; Not neeaisarily, ia tlial 

A. That ia right. 

The Court : Home of Uicm »th in the 
territory all tin tiiue, in tluit riglit; it Dial 
wluit you. want to tell nit 

The Witneaa: That ia right* 

Q. How iiuny inini»tefn have you got a rec- 
ord on T A. In 1SKW or thereabout* t 

Q. Yea, A. Well, my rwoUeetioa ia at thoi 
time we liad around 2,Ci00 full tkne uiioitlcrB in 
tin neld, and 1Z6 **a* aerrajit* and ti m^innal 
*orvanta, and all those that were at the Bethel 

The Court: About 3,000 would yoa 
TL* Witneaa: AppnMJiaately, 

Q, And nil tiioaei pionecra, brethren and com- 
pany servant* are ministers, i* that right 1 A. 
Yes, sir- 

Q r So even those people wlm go out and work 
part ti]ne end«avoring to inlerrnt peO|>le in the 
literature are minuter* T A. Yea, the) 1 are 


SsUvm Somcr JCvotr—Fet Deftt. — Cma 

miiiiBti:rK, asinl U:.y ore JirfAtViisg tho fji,: ji.-i.. 
i'.i ;■■ i'.i-t (in! i.i.l.L ii y tl, i'. til di) it. 
Q. TllL'y t,et a e<n.nui;.hi;)n 00 UtOM 1:.;...,:il 

A. 1'hu l'oi!L[,:iLiy psibliilyits raceivo no coinmit- 

(J. The ptonecre or utm> of titlB tsedf* n 
ooniinif ionf A. Tiwy reedf* an allowaivca 0a 

the puhlieotiuoa tiial lin-j \:\.n.t. 

Q, And the money thai tiiijto people set fur 
tin) Hl«;rat4n gel: brick to Aduiiid itrtetl A. 
That ia Hjjht 

Q. J lave you ft it y ii!fin. ih lyjy, bow mthj' I\io- 
lialMirs thuie weiel A. Oh, I wool J say iii-ound 

oijHui, tOftya 

Q. linw Inasy pioiteeral A. I mentioned 
about 2,&X), I hilicvfi. 

Q. Yuii (ay t!.:it yoa tlid diecuss Innllera of 
ei-rvLce with Mr, Jtalherfont at Ik^ntl A. 

Q. Tbo^e were niatlcrt of (he prEnti:. ■ buui- 
ne^a and ao foitlif A. And the Bill 

Q. And live work of lEia Pntilibitctl in lb* 
field; nolfaL,g eke buf Ihatl A. That in iJL 

By lb* Court; 

Q, May I mk a, tfiiet ■. ! ,:i for my own. inhtrua- 
tiont 7s c*cry h-ihi Ibit iii u mrmb«r of deho- 

in\'i Witj -i-i.,n Ji <j Lly c. ...,i:,.,l IqiiiJcterT A. 

If IjS hi.n made the noncecratiort to MnTm C'A 
and entered into a asveaunt with Ifiin and vs 
punching: iiii; Uo^pel and the Kingdom, ho is an 
ord:iir.i?d Hlitlttftr. 

Q. Dot's tlmt uw*a every msu'-n'r of Jthovalt'a 
Wilni^sAOsr A. Vi'rlt, I gutda you would caQ it 
one and the amne thing. If he u v- member of 
.Tii'l.nvai'a WiUiuaiei, yea. 


Haihan Homer Kaarr — Fet Deftt. — Cro« 

The Court: 1 am eating taat for my 
own purpose, 

A. It ia an iu;iividual matter. 

Q. But every onn that in a mruiber or Jeho- 
vah 't Witnegaei id. a duly ordained mintutert 
A. Yaa. 

Ky Mr, Eraehbamen: 

Q. And kH thi!st stAtereints that are inAile in 
the "ij'i.iiiniition" artltle you had no pergonal 
aniiwle^e, and weren't present at the lljidmuit 
ijijtiiiTC Court or anything el»T A I was at 
the Uddhioi Sqoare Qnrden. 

Q. What 1 n'ucei] ia yon weren't present at the 
iltdiiihiij Ht|'jTi p i» Court or anything elaeT A. 1 
Waa ot n'-j '■ I -jili-.-'ja •S'iuisre {inruen, 

tj. What I menu is you weren't present ir, the 
eourt room I 

Mr. Covington : May it please the 
Court — 

Q. " Snare* ~" article- 1 will correct myielf. 
You weren't present ia the court room at all, 
were youl A. So. 

By tha Court: 

Q, The jwlice ef,urt heref A. Not at the police 
court, I was in the final hearing. 

Thft Court; We *t* not concerned with 


Q. You ■'<!: infi.jrnuL'liiju frtim wliat Mr. 
Hutherford teld yout A. Tliat in rifiht 
(J, H.r. itulherierd -sasn't in tlio iourt roomt 

The Court: Aa far as you know, 

A. Aa tar M I aaow, he wasn't 




Nattam Earner Knorr — Far Htftt. — Redirect 

Q. And the only thing that wn jiijj oa August 
Bth tbout tiiat court room affair, vu that Mr. 
Jiovle was friendly to McDonald, isn't that sof 
A. Tex, 

Q. That ii all yon mentioned about it, Did that 
if all you heard on it I A. Yea, that is all I know 
about that particular matter. 

Q. Yon didn't tee any letters that dm* in until 
after September lit about this Moyle niatjer, 
isn't that so T f A. It was after ^September 1st that 
I saw those letters, 

Q. So, Then yon met on September 2 let and 
signed the article "Infonsiatiooo," that i* when 
yon alio agreed on. publishing, n-uin'l tiiat it I 

Tba Court: Putting it in tin Watch 

A, Ye*. 

Q. You agreed on pak] LnKtnjr it? A, Te*, 
Q, In fact, in it, aa I recall, ia it not a fad that 

it has stated "Approved for publication"? A. 

That ia right. In fact, the opening paragraph 

mention* that. 

TKi> Ccunt: The bottom of it my* "Ap- 
proved lor publ bcotiou, J. P. Ruthorf ord" t 
Ia that correctly stated! 

The Witness: Yei. 

Mr. ErnchhaojieD : No fnrther questions. 

Redirect eiomjiuiiiaii by Mr. Cwi» ftvm ; 

Q. You hire mentioned that Judge 
has corrected tbe Family members and Ilia 
Fomily on various ocrosionn. Those occasion*, 
did they pertain to mutters in which the Family 
.iad a general iutertol t 

Mitts* Mower K*arf—F<3T DefU^-Rcdirect 

Mr, lirucbhaiiteo : I ub jnct tu it unless 
he stated the detail. 
The. Court: Objection sustained. 

Q- Do yon know the purpose of Judge Ruther- 
ford, (lie express purpose — i witltdraw that Do 
J*u know that Judge Hutherford ever at any time 
expressed lug purpose* in making the criticism of 
thin^m at the table; did he enr upreis fail pur- 


Tine Court: Did he ever express it in 


A. Yea, he expressed iL 

Q. What expressions has he made in that re- 
paid f A. Well, lie jme mentioiusd the fact when 
he brought thing* to the attention of the Family, 
that he co shirt 't speak to eaeh individual member 
of tin! Family in hit oltioe; to when |uj had some- 
thing to tay to the Family, he would do it At the 
din nor tails, when we were all present. 

Q. Mention has beco made of the CO hour oaota 
in he hi service. Did you mate tiiat suggestion to 
Juflge Rutherford or who did I A. 1 don't know 
who SQggented that. 

Q. Did you agree to that quota yourselfl A. 1 

Q. What is tlie proiiiee At Bethel after each 
meH is ww, Mtd cleared? Do they re-wain or 
what happen* T A. They usually leave the dining 
room immediately, an toon as tjicy are finished 
eating. The n the kitelien force and dining roam 
force clcftr the [Allien and get the tablet ready for 
the next dinner <»r meal. 

Q_ How often are studies conducted in the 
Bsthel UotubI An studies cotiducUd ther* for 

Nathan Hototr Kn6rr—For Dtjti.—RtAiret4 

tie benefit of the entire. Family] A. Th*y are. 
We have tho Watch Tower » Ludy and a book study 
und a course on public speaking. Service meet- 
ings are held in tin JmlU or unit luJla in Hum 
York City. 

(J. IV as tliti-e ft. service meeting conducted at 
lictliel dutEiif 1Q39T A. I htiiere there irer* ser- 
vice meeting* e«»uuctal in Bethel at that time. 

The Court: Do you knowl 

Vim WLlncKii r I am not positive, We 
used io hsve them is the Family home, but 
I can't rftte the year. 

q. Hain't the "ft'ateh Tower called attrntjon !« 
pe«t (LiiL-.Lr;iie* tiiat are found ta rrr and [lublidy 
acknowledge tlicm as error 1 

Mr, UrnchhaustfM ; I object to it unless 
we have ape*iil« i^tine*!, 

Mr. Covington: I am gviug to lead to 

The Court; I will let him aaswer an- 
*w*r it IxsrjiUfle i t was brought out on cross 
examination. Yon, may answer. 

A. Yes, that is so. 

Q. Awl do you recall any instance at this tima- 
»her* ehnuges h*ve been made 1 

The Court, i And tit error Wat publicly 

acknowledged, yea. 

A, Well, the doctrine o( the Hansom was 
cleared op. We had thought — 

The Conrt: Before you start that, did 
you publicly acknowledge that the first 
doctrine was in *rror, in the Watieh TowWf t 

Haiku* Howtr Knorr—For Dtfti.—Rtdirtct 

Tho Witness: Yes, that has boon done 
seuend times. 

The Court: la this On* that you are 
telling oa about! 

The Witness: I Lelii-v-u it warn. 

The Court: All right, 

Q. Can yon tell of any otherl 

The Court; Yon can't tliiak of \aj 
other, but your best recollection is it was 
done, several timcjT 

A. It wax done several bote*. I know quota- 
tion* w*» token from various book*, then showed 
tbe error of that etatenoent, 

The Court: It had been dona several 
times, but you don't recollect right here 
the xjxtfiu* in*t«iccBl 

The Withe-*: That is right 

Q, Among Jehovah r s witnesaex, is tliere a dis- 
tinction of clergy and laity, or most nil Jchn- 
vali'e Witnetses lie min inters of the flospel, in 
order- to 1* Jahaval'* Wltntcstail A. There ia 
no diiitinciinn in any at Jehovah's Witnesses. 
They are all nut cla*s, devoted (n serving find 
and they Imve *jster*d into a covenant with. Him. 

By the Court: 

Q. S^ (liey are all minister*! A. Tbey are all 
Q. Men and women T A, Yes. 

Bv Mr, Covtajrloni 

Q. Ancl do not the people- of good will aaniti. 

Hatha* Homtt K*9rr—Por JV/ir.— RtSirtCt 

tute their congregation or tbe people whom tlKy 
serve I 

The Court; Objection sustained, 

Q, Is the Bethel Family a public family or 
private family t A. The Bethel family is a pri- 
vate faojily, 

Q. And how dw» one become a. member of the 
Family t A. Only by filing application and then 
such application being accepted by judge Hutlier- 
ford and he -calling them in— or, rather, the 
president of the Society, 

Q- Did you ever hear of Von Sipma publicly 
lambasted at the table T A. Ko, I didn'L 

Q. Did you ever hear yourself publicly lanv. 
busted at the table by Judg* JtutherfordT A, 
N», sir. 

Q. Did yon hear Judge Eutli+rJord jpablkly 
bunbasl Prosscrl A. No. 

Q. J>id you *ver bear him publicly Uinhari 
r/riec-l A. J?o, air, 

Q. Publirly lamhoat ^east A. No, sir. 

Q. You heard the statement* made by Mr, 
MarAulay, did yon notl A, Tea, »ir, 

Q. And nUn the statements mode by Mr. 
Wnrsteyl A. Y'es. 

Q. You heard tlie testimony of Mr. Worsleyf 
A. Yea, 

Q. And in tliai rc-fiard your testimony would 
he ji'4.b*UiF.::aJly the samel A. That is right. 

Q. Of what tonfc plocel A, That is right, 

Q. Yoa heard the totimony of the other de- 
fendiinu a* to wh»t Mr. MscAolay *aJd an an* 
Oecaaioa ia th* duuaaj rooml A. Yoa, 

Natlum Homtt Kxotr—Fer Dt}l*j—Rcsrou 

Q- Would your lettimony be substantudlv the 

■nmeT A. It would be. 

Q, Wliat allowance doe* cor.h mWivber of I he 
Bi'lhol Puinily receive? A. Ten diillam a montii. 

Q- Does that include every inemlior of the 
Family, from the president downf A. Ye*, sir, 

Q- How many companies of Jehovah's *it- 
news *re there ia the United Btateal 

The Court: He said 2500 one*. 

A. Yes, sir, in 1939, 

The Court: I939f 

Tbe Witness: Yes. 

Mr, Covington : That is all. 

ftcerosj trojw mariois by itr. BracJtbame* ; 

Q. Did you know Mr, aiirtinf A, Yen, 

Q. Do yon recall an oecaaion of your Koing 
with a girl al that time which ilr. llartio called 
to your attention 1 A. Yet, Mr. llartin tpoke In 
me alheut St, 

Q, Didn't lie say Hint you might be put oot oC 
Bethel if ynu continued to go with the girll A. 
No, he didn't. 

Q. Jint you did discontinue going with lite 
girll A, Yes, but I had no girl, I was friendly 
with different sister* in th* congrnptlioit, 

Q. You had a particular girl at that timet A. 
No particular girl. 

Q. You had a number of thrmT A. No, not a 
numli«T of thun. I was friendly with some 
sinters in the *ftngT*)flHinn r 

Q. Did yvu sp*nd tu months «| esjsh year ia 
California I A. No, air. 



i'ufJuiB H»mtf Kitarr—Far DifU.—Rceroft 

Q. Did you spond about tii week* or id io 
Europe 1 A, No, air. 

Q. ITr. Rutherford didn't hav* hit office' in 
Mm factory, in thin printing' bo*in*M, did hel A. 
X<», sir, 

Q. Everybody hut Mr- Hqthorfordi had iheir 
oQu-et in the pri alius; factory? A. That it rifltit, 
[■if*pl th* ewretary and tha treaaurer, and the 
Bel he) i+rvant don't hut* their offices at th* 

Q. Mr. Rutherford wee the OBIS' "" ^at hid 
Ilia nffir*, with hi* atnff, in the Bethel home; at 
Columbia HeijrhttT A. Ha It** teen there U 
lch£ Ml T ever knew. 

Q. Hi it ft* only ono that bid am office IberoT 
A. fo, sir, 

The Conrti Tli* fcrfaaurer »•■ in th* 

The WtEseui Tub trrasur+r has tn 
office, thtrr, 

Q. On tb* terwilli floor, tool A No, air, 

Q. In th# ba**mentl A. On tb* Boor below 
th* flrnt 

Q, They »r* tin* nnljf two that had office* in 
Bethel, it thatriphtl A. Tb* Bethel «mnl ha*, 
tin- lioinw mnntp^if- 

Q, Th* man who acta ** msnifler of tb* planaf 
A Yen. 

Q. Ton mentioned iwueii of th* Warah. Tower 
whtrfr correction* w*r* made^ Too don't recall 
ihoH ttaue*, do yonl A- I don't remember. 

Q. Tfa# dntei of the iMtieit A No, 

Q. They dida't pnt than In ™i ink in th* 
W*Lzh Tower, did they! 

JfaJJiaa Ifomer A' tore — For Befit. — Recrott 

'Tab Court: 

1 thluk that it ohjeetion- 

Q. Ton stated a doctrine about faithJulceBt 
and loyalty to the orjraoiiation. Von mentioned 
thai at the doetrjjie, of the Watch Tower 1 A 
Well, it it. I mentioned, I beliere, lhat lhat it 
tb* ihiag that bohla the OrganuKUioa loeelber. 
It it the faithfulness and loyalty 14 Jehnvaii and 
Christ Jesus, Hit Son and to the hrethTen. 

Q. So, a* statm at von writ* a letter directed 
to th* president anil eaSl ulte'ntion to tome 
things, things Ton ara in ditajTresment with, yon. 
are unfaithful wilder that, Lr> that rifihtt A If 
it it foil of lirt and false statements, yt* 

y. The person who reeeiTet the letter, who it 
head of flod't frrfraniiation on earth, determinet 
whether it it true or nott A. Well, he wonld 
tnow if it wins true- or not, httaiM* of tht fa«ti 
that he knows of. 

Q. He ia the head of God 'a Organization on 
earth, the recipieiit of 'he Ietterl A. He tU 
the pfrtidscit of the Society that rrwivod the 


Q, And h* enlled yon all in on Anjrost Hth 
and told you that it waa all liett A- TJa, h* 
didn't mention It at flrat. He had th* Irttrr read 
and ire made our awn expression*. 

Q, The pr'xiiknt ilidn T t talk to yon abont this. 
letter between Joly 21«t and Anjrnat 8th, did het 
A Nflt to me. 

fj. Bid yon hear the Icntimnn* that b* thawed 
H to hix aeemtary and her hntbudf A Tea, 

q. At Ibat timet A. Tea. 

{J. And you were the Tiee-preaidant at tb# 
tbaal A Tn^thal ia rifbL 

A'oJJtflit Ueuttt A'nofr — Far Deft*. — Retrots 

Q. So yon never heard a word of it, and yon 
vtrv living all tlio time in Boih*] fthd taw 1b« 
president every dayl A No, I waa off Ha 4 

Q, Wer* yoo oh ficatioa bertween July 51 it 
and August 8th 1 A, Yet, sir. 

y. The entire time! A WhenT 

Q. 1,Vliat time, did yon get backl A Sunday 
mgU, 1 bt[iave- 

Q. Ho* many day* wa* (bat before the meet A, That vnuld have been (be 6th of Aug- 

<}. Ton eaw Jfr. Ratherford bolt'feta the Etb 
and the morning of the 3th, didn't J'oul A, I 
am not tnre that I did. 

Q. Bid yog gal down to dinner! A. Yet, I 
wtt at rnralt. 

Q. Did the pretridcnl call ycu In and i»y, 
"Haw, we have received a letter from lloyla"! 
A No. 

Q. Before the 8th 1 A No. 

Mr. Brnehhanaen : No farther qnaa- 
tiona. Oh, ju*l nJ«e ™ore. 

Q. What is file percentage of women La tfci* 
oHJct, Retiiel^ abont ten per cent, would yon «*j1 
A. Probably so. 

Mr, Bmchhtttwo ^ That it all 
Mr. CoTingtonr That it all, 
The Court; Step down. 

(Wiliest Excused,) 

Wdkem E, Van Jmbvrjfk—For Psflt— Direct 

WILHAM B. TAN AMBUBOH, residing at 

IS* Coliimhii Height*, Brooklyn, New Tork, 
oallad at a witness on Wmll of the DvitndniLt-5, 
bid beimj first dnly sworn, ttttiEed a* follow*; 

Dirtel cammiiion oy Ur. Ceftafltow: 

Q, Ur, Van Amhurgh, joli will baTa to talk 
aa loud B» you. pottibly can, «o that I can hear 
yon, and to that all the membtn of lha jnry 
can near you and *0 that counsel can hear yon. 
Bear (hat in mind on every question, A Yet, 
(J. How old are you, Hr, Van Ardbarghl A 
1 will be eighty neil AuspuL 

Q. And how loaf itav* yon been associated 
with th« Watch Tower Bibl* and Tract Society t 
A. IBM. 

Q, Bid you know Patter Bulteil dnring hi* 
life timeT A I did, 

Q. Did you know Judge Bntherfoid d*rioj 
hit ifi' timel A. I did. 

Q What ia your potition with (be goottyT 
A Smretstry-troasurer. 

Cj. And how Lu:lk have yon served in that 
tap.AiityT A Since 1901, 

(J, Ami what position did yoia have with th* 
Society before thalf A. I wa« a reeraber of the 
Board ia both corporation*, firit the Pennsyl- 
vania corporation, and then the New Tork oor- 
no ration, 
ft. Before J90I — 

Th? Court: 1 Mil —don't yon think tlwt 
is far Incv; enouplit Itr wan elected a 
indnbcf nf the'linnrd »f lliriTliprt in lmlli 
corpomtionn at tiic name time. 

Tito Witneaa I Only one oorporation. 

William- E. Va& JiiiljuroJl — For £tcfts.~- Direct 

Tin: Court: Th« JVnrujj'lvuikia t'or[KV 
ralioh at tlwt tilue, and ufterwanls 
j-ou liccjune a din«-t«r of tins New York 
corpi i ration J 

Thir Witneii«i Yea, 

Q, When waa the New York torporalion 
fonood, if you remember I 

The Court; You S*!l kim, 

Mr, ISrucliliouneni It is all in evidence. 

M r, (.' ;;',' i ri^tc n : It in in evidence, to I 

will witlwlmw it, 

(J. Wharo wan tiie Hociety'i* olfiec Jlnt located! 
A. in wbn.1 is known tut Alleghany, PennxylvnniB- 

Q. 1» that l J i[^Lii A It ia now called 
North Side, fittsrtjurjn, 

(J, 1 low Jcixiff klV« yini lrii(-ii a member of the 
Bclliel Fninilj'l A. Si«rt 1901. 

(J. llai-e y«u Iwe-B o. itieiobor of lite Family 
eiTr sincef A, Yet, *ir. 

Q. During ihche j-car*, Im^ you traveled ar 
a ttwaker on appointments by the Society I A. 
Every year. 

Q, You nro married, are ynn n«tt A- Yen, 

Q. Your wife live* with yon at Bethel I A, 

Q. T^A^ed on your kriOfc'lHfit ami aPFneiation 
wiili Jwten Rutherford, cmild you teLt what hi* 
allltu&t wtr towardij tlie member^ of ttn.' Bethel 
Family ul ibt Itrjliel tattle 1 A. Wry xaljeilou* 
and lorinR, 

The Court! If yow w|«K I am etire Mr, 
nniclili!iii*i'n *ill *1ipwlo*a Hint he nill nn- 
twer all these ijuettion* at th* other wit- 
Dfatta did. 


WXttem E, Van Amburgh—Fer DffUr-Dirett 

Q. I will iiiakc tliis- tlak-nicnt; Mr, Van Arrt- 
huj'^li, you liavu liear^L the k*( imon-y of Mr. 
rYani anil Jlr. Knurr and itthert concerning 
Lin- uttiLiuh; uf Judge llivllierford at the tabic. 
Would your k'*lunony be the aame on tlialT A. 

The Court: Tiie rcuaon I say that it 
that tbo wimem ujipearu to be in u little 
piiin an fur un hi* h'b'* ora foaeerncil So 
1 would like to sluirtrn it, 

Mr. t'uvingtdo: I want 10 shorten it aa 
much at I can. 

Q. You attended the moetiruj of Angutt 8, 

did you notf A I did, 

Q, Anil your tenllniony would lw the nam* at 
tlie other men on tlmt, would it noli A- H wonliL 
Q. You also n t lended 'li«r rutietirur or BepteiQ- 
ber 21, tlid you notf A. I did, 

Q, Yuur lenimiiniy would he the taiua on that, 
would it notl A. Yo*. 

Q, Did you couw to be produced or do you 
have the minutes of tike earporttio*, lha Hoard 
of Directors uiectinjrtT A Yet, sir. 

Q. I nlisw yuii e pholottatie copy and ask you 
to plew»* identify thai 

Tbn fnurt; I? (liftt a photostatic copy 
of the niinutatt 
Tlio Witness; Yes, sir, 
Tlie Court: Photottali* copy. 

Q, Is lhat n phftlnrttfllic copy of the nlnutM 

of the niroiijij nf Aiuriuit n, VXlii (liuiwiimpf pfllier 
to witntwsH A. Tet, air. 

Q. Was Mr. Moyla preaent on the oenaabn of 
the tiling* slated therein t A lie was. 




Witttam E. Van AmburoX—FoT DtfU^Dircd 

Q. And tb^se an now part of tii* regular 
minute* of tlie hlaciely, art lli#y pot I A, They 


The Court: Tho*e aren't, but he %ati\t 
the driginnls cat, and had them pholo- 
staled, and the** are photostat* uf tine 
oripinut. li tint right! 

The Witness: Yet. 

llr. Covington: I will offer- the min- 
ute *. 

Hr. Brnehbauaen : Hay I Juwe mo op- 
portunity to look at them ov*r tint 
lun.-hetvo r(wn1 I have never MH Data* 


Mr. Covington: We offer them now. 
May we turre them marked for identill- 
ca-.ion for the lime heingt 

Mr, BriiehhiiiH«n,; Hark ihtm foe iden- 
tiJwKtion. T will tafca a look at (hem. 

The Court: There is no objection to 
them yet. 

Mr. Covington : I understand that. 

(The parier* referred to were marked 
Defendant*' Eahibit Number 36 for Iden- 
Q, Mr, Van ArnburgH, did J«M belie** [he ar- 
ticle "Information" e*prcTj.«ed (ha troth t Yotl 
knew lie article entitled "Information" — 

The Govt: Yon wouldn't have signed 
it if— 
The Witn<s*tt Yea, air. 

Q. The one tint ill pubJiehed in the Watch 
Tower, did yott UiUm that to b* th« truth! A- 

TFiUtaw £. fail Asiturjji— J'or Dcflt.—liirtct 

I read it vrry carefully und signed it a* Ibe 

The Court: A* the truth! 
The Witness: Yea, air. 

Q. You Imve heard tha testhou-ny of Utc other 
brethren with reference to the matter of sniutty 
and filthy jukti and the pftorificaliun of alcohol 
aiuj tiiupe ►uLjiflt. Would your leutimony be 
the Kimn'f A- It would, 

Qr No*, llr, Van Amhurjrh, reference has 
been made in the testimony an to Ibe nteeltng 
at which aotue of tlie memlsers of the Society 
left in 1913. You were familiar with that meet- 
ing, were you notf A. I am. 

Q. Were yon present on tint occasion t A. I 

Q. Are you familiar with tlie ''Kvil Ser- 
vants"! You kno* their Origin! A. Ye«, *ir. 

Q. Doe* that refer to one wit* at ooe trine luid 
b**n connected with, the Society and Lakes a 
pOnilioti in apposition to itf A. Yes, 

Q. Will yon please tell whit thin mec-tirtf ***, 
and whnt !«(k place and who participated in it I 

The Court: That is the 1SH8 md- 

air. Covington; Yea. 

A It was an election by the aha re-holders of 
the Society for the pur-pose of electing officers 
and a Board of Directors, 

Q, Are you familiar with tlvt nUrttiofr at tlie 
Bettial lable prior to that— or after thai, in 
1&1&, it the IV'hrl table, where a discuasion 
waa had at the Bethel labia T A Thai was 

0. In 19171 A Ytt- 

W-'i'ffi'aiB E. Van Amhtrghr^Fof Dtftto—DllXt 

Q, C*nlJ yOu tell us whdt diltu^inn >ii 
mul if yuii jjirtUiipatedl A, Ma^ 1 mai* a little 
jjri'.ii.,!i' to itl 

The Court: Go ahead. 

A (Continuing] The charter of the Watch 
Tower culled fur a Hoard of Directors of seven 
directors arid three ofncerij tlie oGicers to be 
■elected from; the Hoard of Directors. The 
oJIiuct* were to be elected annually. The Gourd 
til DirwtOrs were to hold their offieti fsr llf* 
unl**s vftiailed for aoroe reaaoo. 

Tho Court; UiditN* rOiuivvtt t 
TJib WiLiitiiai Ihdi-na ronoved, eithor 
death or otherwise, And the meeting wai 

held annually every year from iSSl, viicn 
it wax charlcre[l, coo iLouolly, ?nd Ibe 
olliccrs uera r*cl*c1*d The Bsjard of 
DirMtora would not he reelected, but the 
januricf oecorring after Uiat would be 
filled according to the Article 8 in the 
Charier. That Article 9 provide* like 
tli U; The organizatiou shall he directed 
by a president, Yiee-preeidcat, aecretary- 
treasurer, wbo shall be ekclod aunoslly, 
and, in cast- of vaeanniei, the viu-..i..-irr. 
ahall be filled hy tha ballot of the Hoard 
of Director* within twenty days; other- 
wise, after thirty days, the president was 
to appoint the rraeDihtrs. These numbers 
were to held their ylEft* until the follow- 
ing annual election, at which time they 
were to he elected tlie same as the officer*. 
A Tacancy occurred in 1904, and Mr. 
3- R. Wright wis elected by tha officers 


Ji'iJji^ji; E. Van Avib\irnh — For Dcfts.— Direct 

or-d directors; and hie offsuc expired in 
H.'i'j. At LJit nimiDil clculion he never 
was retptficd, Tin:rcfoi«, ledulctlliy, he 
ncFsr was a mcinlxir of the Hoard aftor 

The mum thi>:£ occurred in VMS when 
Hi. UoiiEdaa waa elected to tlie lioard, 
He never via elected by the Ebarclioldcn, 
In 19U0 J, P. Hothaiftud was *lwl*4 by 
the Board of Directors a* a nieniher. Ilia 
office tipirftd io 1911. lie was not 
reelseliJ a* a member of the Board. 

iu liyil another vacancy; and Mr. A I. 
Ritciiio was elected in a ptuihitr of the 
Buurd aod then elected, au Tict.prenkUnt. 
The other* had oil — the terms of the 
others had ail expired- Thercrvrc, lech, 
nicutly, there w*rt only three member* of 
the Board: Mr. llnaaell, llr. 1-Litchia and 

This continued until 19lC when Cantor 
RllanctE died. That left two member* of 
the Board, 

Iu J.917, at the Anneal election, lit, 
Iljitlivrford wa* elected as preaideot, ilr. 
Andrew Fierson as vice-preeident, and I 
was elected a* seeretary-tremurer. Tluit 
made thtee roembei-i of the Hoard. Tech. 
nically/, tliere were so other members on 
the Board. Shortly after that, troohl* 
began bcrouMj they were di^aatJFned with 
condUi*o*, 1 mecui, tbene four other* wbo 
thought they ware directors; and this 
CHsOtialUCil U3i(d Elic ttOuhlr ^t nu liani \\t. 
Kotherford said, "I know what I eaa 
4a," He didu't tell me what lie wai 


WiKsm E. Vm JwoMrafc— for Dtflt,—Dit*ti 

going U do. Bat this is wluU he did 
later: He had the jw-wer to ajipoiat theae 
four director* to l'ullill tlie vacancies then 
•ZUtlBg Cq the Doftrd, 

The Court: A* president, he had the 
power to fdlthe vftoineiest 

The Wuneaio Yc«; this he did. On 
July 17, 1&17, lie tailed Ida Board of Direc- 
tor* to ta official meeting- at the Bethel; 
and at the table he announced the appoint. 
ment — 

The Court: Of the four ne* ((ireeWrtt 

The Witness i Of the new direclore. 

They; were very much perturbed; and, 
shortly after tlie dinner, abortly after the 
nve*L h on* Of them, Mr- Hirsh, jumped up 
and taid, "I waot to ntnta aaluthUK." 
He talked for avtr one hour. Following 
tliat, llr. HriJee, tiie attorney, talked for 
thret.imartera of an hour, and we nil ual 
at the table, not interfering, Judge lttih- 
erford didn't interfere in aoy" way r Fol- 
lowing that, there were Jive or six Others; 
Jin;: aft hijryiii th«r* UBti^ ;j .\M a:n.i iliil ;\c: 
interfere with an)' one of them. Wo give 
them full opportunity to aay anything they 
wanted to say, 

Tim Court: But they were still no longer 
directors; tha on** h* appointed had supar- 
saded IJiiusiI 

The Witness ; Absolutely, tcoorduui to 

the barter. 

Thay continued the diitu rbance for some 
tim«, until air. Rutherford ordered them 
Out of Bethel, and whan h« ordered them 


Wiilkm E. Van JmiwryJ; — For Dtfit. — Direct 

out he jsav* each 00* of tluMfl $3W> to earr)' 
mi until they euuld get settled to somk-iliinj; 
eke. Thi-y cuutinued and then appealed to 
tlie nharelbohleri and the- general eleetlun 
for lLJia. That wan the next election. At 
tluit meeting there were over 2iu0 uLure- 
Jjuldern present, either present personally, 
or by proxy. The re*ult of that election 
wan tliat tlie opponents got about 7 per 
cent of tlie electoral vote, in other words— 

The Court: 7 per cent of the ulmrc- 
holdu-m voted for tlitui actually or by 
[iruiv, and the new director* got 93 per 

The Wtoe**: Ve*. They said, "This 
is not tlie Lord's Organimtion. We are 
goirij; to leave this/ 7 and they loft. 

Tlie Court : Tltey had been gotten out of 
Bethel by Kutherford beftat that, and paw 
they left Jelio*ah'« Witaemeji. after tha 
election; is ilmt rie;htt 

This WltlMtt Thnt is right- 
By llr. Covington: 

Q. Since that date, haa that group organized iu 
opposition to the Society T A Yes, air, They 
have had «evertd organisations, 

Mr. Brueiihauaeu : I object, 
Tii* Court ; Objection sustained, 

Cj. Do 1 you tnovf whether or not the S«eier>- has 
designated tluit group iu ila publication! a* an 
"Kvil Skrvanl" class f Aitliac, 

Q, Ami are you familiar with tl>* **t» aad eon. 
duet of thai group since they Ml the Society ! 
A, Vary iittt*. 




William E, Van Ataburgh — For Defii. — Croti 

Q. Very little. Are you familiar with the atata- 
menU np]senring in lite publicutioni cit th* soeiety 
with reference to th* "Evil 5*rv*nt"t A. They 
Imve bcw» Ttr>' linuted, and I don't know what 
ti-rv *re, 

Q- Von ditto 't have anything to 4s with the 
"Sim™" article, did youl A. No, til, Hiieapt to 

Tii* Court; That is all Yob K*d it 
when it was published 1 
Tha Witness: Yea. 

Cron c-rsufinelie* oy iff. rJrucAAaiwrii: 

•J. You remember Air. Hoolans, don't vo A T A. 

Q, Both lie and you were members of th« Board 
pri»r to Dr. HunaeU't death f A. Yea, he wa» * 
mcmW for » year- 

Q, You remember Mr. Harsh T A. I do. 

Q. And thcrt were three or four others yon 
remember, *lw wert pvenibera of the Board than! 
A Yii. 

Tha Court: Is that ligbt, th*r» want 
three or (our othtrsf 
The Witust*: Four others, 

Q. You disagreed with P**lor Ramell at times, 
didn't you! A. I seldom did; not diasgreed ; but 
when I had aometiujig to say to him, I talked 
things over. 

Q. Yoa were Yery active in helping to procure 
(1 .- I'WLiori of Rutherford, ■* pre.HJ<i<:nt t A. No, 
I jut i*l«d for him Ha w*S nominatad at th* 
regular maeting, and I voted for him. 

Q. Bdt yiiu had a bat to do with lb* preptrt- 

WsWiaia S, I 'a* Amiiurpi— For fJf/Jj..— tr™ 

tions, and what went on before thit meet in j, in 
1'ituburgli, in January of 1317 1 A. Y'e*, I did. 

The- Court : You were for iiii electionl 
HnWitMHi Yes, air. 
T iul Qua rt : You voted for his election 1 
Tht Witness.: That is right. 

Q. RukcU had di*d very shortly before thalf 
A. October ISM. 

Q, And Iben, ffnm that tint* on, ther* was 
quite n commotion for the election of Rutherford, 
m tliero nolT A. Not that I know of. 

Q, Don't yon know, ju*t before the rkelion of 
Rutherford, timt be hud 1 arranged to borrow 
fljHKll A. No, air. 

Q, 1>, you recall tlmtt A. No, sir. 

Q. To go out (ml »tnrt practicing out West! 

The Court : Re saya, *'I don't know." 
The Witness; I don't mall IhaL 

Q. Yon don't mall (ball A. No. 

Q. Bat ytui know 1hat Kk wu going to leave 
to jro out wrotl A. I don't T*call that. 

4 Out lo California! A- I dont retail. 

Q, You know thai Rumutll hail laid down (be 
policy that if anything happened In him lm 
wanted tin Board of Directors lo run 'bat or- 
ganiuilinn, ami not one-man rale. A. Trt> *ir_ 

Q. And that tint was mentioned in hi* willf 
A. Yes, lir. 

Q. And yna know that in thin convtntinn of 
Jnounry, l&lT. that waa tha first tim^ that 
Bntberfor.i nunt ilftof; with a new hgf-lsw to 
jjiwr him sole OBtbnril.v over the orjraniialioa 1 
A. TS* 1>y-lawi w«n pasa«d and they are on 

Wiiiigm £. Van Amburgh—Fer Dtftt.—CrBtt 

By tin Ooiirt; 

Q. ffn tlint th* first time a by-lav was 
passed I A. O'-i, no. 

Q. {living Rutlierford full authority! Tha 
fftrnntr pfuident bad tlia same anthoriryt A, 

Q- Hsi there lieen a by-taw for the former 
jireroiiicotl A. I don't recall whetiutr tliere h'hj 
n by-law or not. 

By Mr. Bruchlutiasen: 

Q, Don't yon know that Mr. Rotlurrford cam* 
to tltat convention wWi |b« by-law,, tliat tlw by- 
law had been pr^j>ared by Hisliicrfnrd bcfnro 
tlir-y yfii to the convention! A. 1 think lie did. 

Q. Yoa vere familiar with tlie by-law before 
you went to tha convention! A. 1 don't tliink 
1 wan. 

Q, And you koow this is tin by-taw (indi- 
cating pupET)! Lei me see if you remember 
it, A. 1 know the by-lan r . 

(Pip*r lianded to wilnrw.) 
The Court: Don't raid, it 

Mr. lirnchhanaen ; Just let him see it. 

Q. rice if Hint part in blaflc. not in red, it tha 
by-law Hint Itntlterford brought to tl«t conTcn- 

Th* Court; Tha part bj bkek, joat th* 

Q. J ml the part in black. 

Mr. Covington: That is just a port, 
Mr. Erudihaoa^n ; I may ast him about 
that Oka. 

A* Yns. 


Wiiiiam. E. Tam Amlurph-^For Drfts.—Cratt 

The Court: The part in black is the 
by-lav, is that right! 

The Witness; Yea. 

Mr, Rrooblkousen; I offer that part in 
blaet in evidence, 

Mr. BrucbltauAen ; Both of these paper* 
hnvu h..-i'L |ir::;'h.r;i..L by the defendant'* at- 

Mr, Covington: 1 had them prepared 
oral prtnluord them for Mr. Bruchlintwen. 

By the Court: 

Q. Tltifn tb in iiave something; to do with it 
(ia.tii-uiLnK on pajier)t 

Mr. CovingloH ; It i( part of the entir* 


A. Yc», xir. 

Mr, Ernelihnuuen: J otTrr \\m\- I think 
the juirl iifui iiceo idonlilieil tlkal I tiffcM'd. 

The Court: Sbow it to Mr, Covin^ton- 

M r. llrufblujnj'eB ; 1 jiuit want to ulTcr 
that. U'e will come ■«'■ Ibr i**t of it laler. 

llr. Covington: If your Honor pl*a*r, 
v.c hnve no lUijreJion tu thin by-lav.-, I ■ ■- ■ c 
we think tlie entire thing lOtouid bi» before 
tlie jot.v. 

Thv CmiJ-t: He haa te*lined Hint only 
Ihr bliii-k |iart wn« pa* of tha by-lnw. I 
will ncfttrit you lo ask him a tturHtion : 

Mr. Bmthhauaen; May I hfly* my ei- 
nairnalioi, and if gunnel lias anything to 
(IhV, wliy. lie may do it biter. I want (o 
follow (hrouflh with «om* cdittinuily to the 
different paper* hem. 

WiUum E, Vb* Ambv*gh—Firf Unfit.— CroU 

Tli* Court; I wont lake it in evidence 
without giving counsel for tb* defendants 
a chance to ask thij wiciesa a qneation, if 
be wanta to, 

Mr, BructihsuMn; I don't *oe b«w I 
can connect tbis 'without baring the' wit- 
ness identify, aa ha baa, tbii by-law. 

The Court: He haa identihed it. There 
is no doubt in my mind about that 

Mr. Bruebbansen: And that vu a by- 
law that is* paaacd at the Fitttbnrjjh 

The Coort: He say* that is tlie by-law. 

ifr. B.-ucbhaimen: Then I think your 
Honor should have at least that on tha 
record, to ahow what waa passed at that 

Tbo Court: Th* |OTy ha* th* full tea. 
lininny he fore th*m. There j*n't any doobt 
a boat it 

Mr. Brucbaaasen: May I read tl inlq 
the record, tbtnt 

Th* Court: Not without the defendant 
having an opportunity to ask a o,o,cs*ir*i 
if he wajits to. Tf yoa w*nt do a*k a <pie*. 
tinu, go altcad and ask ana, Mr.. Coving- 

Mr. Brucnhanaen: I iabrflit (bat I 
jdiould be allowed to proceed with the 

Tha Court: You may have an rxcep- 
tion; but I am giving him jwrmlmifir. to 
aak a question on wbetbnr or not he want* 
to object to the admisijan of the first part 
of that, which has baera da«rib«d ai th* 
put writtan k bkok ifilb 

Wiiiiam E. Van- Amhurgh^-Far DtfH.—Crou 

By Mr. Covington: 

Q. Air, Van Ambujgiu is the pnrt thai ;if:pesiB 
bar* in red typ* also a part of that bj-l»w! A. 

By th* Court: 

Q. What was th* by-law, tha whole thing or 
the part in black or the part in red! A. Th* 
whole thing is th* by-law. The whole thing. 
There war* s*versd by-laws patted. 

>i- Wit tb* Wbolt lbip& or juat tha black 
partt A, Tb* wholt thine, black and red. 

By Mr. Bracbbtutcn: 

Mr. Brucbbnuseo; lien I call on th* 
d.:fi-a<Lmii to prudoee tlie original niinutea 
of the meeting at i'ittsbargb in January, 
lDlT, and also that part of tlie by-tuwi 
which refer to any Advisory Cooitoittet 

Mr. Covington: I don't know about the 
ndrijsory casnmiitee, but 1 will give you 
tb* by-law and try to find th* on* you 
mention, about th* Adviser CoJiCaull™- 

Mr. Bmchhan**a : Tba reason wh]? — 

Th* Court: No discussion. Have you 
the by-law hen! 

Mr, Covington: Ya*. 

Th* Court: Show it to coanttl for 

Mr, JVruehbausen: If I may point this 
out — 

Th* Court: Please, 

Mr, BruohhauMn: I ant sot arguing 
about it, but I want to point out for fba» 
record that bare ia mention In tliis part 
in red about tha Advisory Board, and 




WiIliMm E, Fas AwihuTgit—FQr DtfU^-Crati 

in anna of the papers that bar* been 

■ LriiniiLtii] lit :im by defendants' eDiiniH'l, 
ii titer* wtftMnf nb*M the AdvUwrr 
If""* 0' I will amend liiat request. 1 
will modify thet requeat ud oik eOuMcl 
to * ubmjt to Hi lb* report «f tit* Caw- 
isiLi** on By-laws (tart was appointed »t 
tki« Pittsburgh cnmatioa. 

Mr. Covinajton: tl.r, ia the entire 

thing ri^ht hrrt^ the fchol* thing. 1 will 
trader it La nniiml (henitinj; pap«« to 
Ur. BfrirnliilVrtilij, 

Tbe Court: Do you wiih to ojHStias] 
tin witness farther it tbll thn*l 

Ur, Br»chb*a*t»; X would like to 
entwine the** paper*, il 1 may, YVs, I 
wottid like to question r ho *iiuu, becwuw 
there ii something more to this. 

Tbe CoEtrt: I will b+iw F« Un oppor- 
tunity, Hum. I didn't nut to nil tin 
gentleman back hasana of his ;un, 

Mr. Brftclihsasea i I appreciate that. 

Tb« Cowti I am net complaining. 

You belh hav* y»« job* t* d*. 

Ur. □TuflirLBiuan; I -»ovi!d '* happy 
to nub this img3TMtiaa h to *t*H, delay 
hi* tsairiinatian for several bear*. and 
let U4 k» ahead. 

Dm Court: No, it «nt to delayed for 
several boon. We wilt take an adjourn. 
himil now. Conn* back It two o'clock. 
Dent tak about th* case. 

(Whereupon, an adjouramswl iu taken 
Until two o'clock P. II.) 

•Tsuwaj £'. lass .da^tu-fb— ye/- IfejTts^-Croaj 

Actssiliui Session 

Two D'sLasfc p, ■. 

(Trial nnrnd,) 


llr. HructihuuHn: If She Cenrt flew, 
tit* di-fiMnlafit at tha last Huiisi offcrsd 
in evidence the minutes of August olh — 

The Court; They were offered for iderv- 
iLtWiaa, Exhibit D-3fl fur idintiikatio*, 

Mr. Bruchhaaien : I hare so ob JKlioa 
to tha offer of them in evidcaea. 

Mr, Covington; Tfl'e offer there in evi- 

Tie Court: They ik new in evidence 
by consent. 

Mr, Bntthhaiuirn : TV\HI, I hem no 
objection to thm. 

The Court: Yon hunt no abjection to 
then. It w becomes Pnf—rtinlr' 
Exhibit 36 is evidence. 

(Defendants' Exhibit T^3t f« idcoM- 
firatiun received in ■vidnte* ufei aurktd 
DeTnikuU' EfcbtNt DJG.) 

llr. Bnubbaiucft: Tin rlcfcm&ntt b««t 
odfred in cttidrnce tit* Lyjaim fll tlu 
i'en ti£yl4aii «Arporatiaa„ «n4 I tat* a* 

ob^ecUoD to thdr introduction into «ri- 

Tb« Court: I do sot know that tbry 
hiTe offered them. 

Mr. Coriniftnn: We have aa* •ffer£<d 
them. Connwl *M iaijnjricf of Uh wit- 

U'i^taia ff. Fa* Jmbiri-jTB— For Diftt^* -CrM4 

nuts rtg.vd'ji ,; tb e m . i^d 1 koatei l» j."jn 

n r.ipy ',l" i -o Oiiaijj!«".ft bj-^;^.; 

Tiii <^..i;t: .ils y*a *a,it lo oJ;'e/ t;^TTi 
ii cn p i J,--s*i 1 

l!c ]>tu."'taar«io: I bara ■« i .Tiir^il 

iji r-JJ Af (!.!■::-,„ I aia TriJl.L.; Kf - '. i \ .i 

Tmo OuEirtr Van »»u;i >tn dp «£lv 1 : 

llr. firurhiaBBfi: 7inJ* it ac point 
in offsfiag all llitLJ lif-tiW* I ciTtr tU 
rEBtlht^oa^tjta^l t» V- 1 : Iry.luva nad 
Krliana S And a of tba by-LiTpa, 

'^l'- C-im-U: J'fi! sm liStariiifi Itr riiulu- 
ti'i-t and ttciinm 2 and 3 of llit bji-T*n-t. 

^ifr. Cdriflv?tiBit' TV* Luto lo' obiertiLiti 
to ttttuH, your ilubnr, and w« voultl j/ka 
to hnra pemiliision to h«T« wjiic* ms,1-.'. 
^bhu kit* th« Oi'lguiAla. 

Tiro Coisrt: I da not Illicit y.m hav* to 
do <ha(. Wujipu?« Jfr. Hf i'-|.iLMLCf jf rtjul» 
tbem to The jnrr, and we wirT diupcnc* 
with mskinjr n sa^j', twadsey oat *f Dort- 
*l(1i?!t7. Li--n for tin jury and everybody 
eJ*C, I *m gtjiog tit fiiiL-h the *fid<Mirt h*:rr 
today no ranU*r what iitit* w* alt lp» 

Mr. HrntahaiiM* : E wJU do my part, 
your Honor. 

Tba Curat: I am not t±£iQf la f fately ■ 
to hurry, lot I »■> going to ait here until 
we fiaiih th* «vidnuH. 

Tit. Ilrucrihai;Hrii : "J'urtnifll to ch* 
terma of lh* tiii.t-'irr of thi* corpore,! ion, 
anil itfi hy-lnw*, the bjiJiu J meeting of the 
ananliolden of tbe Wiicur Towtm. iitrtM. 

Will iiiM E. X'a n A :.\!}ufgk^FoT We/i J,— CrtM* 
f; Ti::,lt iiiMhiry v;au 1m*lil j.f (.>.nwpe 

i: a, ;■:. ;;. i : ■ ..i-,-!., r. \n.,„::»uis, aj. 

I. ;'i. v dy Ci'i."!;', «j ll'ii ti- ' : titjrdvj of 

Jii;]iL':iy, tii l -ir, 1 rfl (U"u [i^v vi J ihOSTJ, 

1817, "Ih-! r&'JS r ',: drt i-.ilisi lo -id .rat 
ItU ,*.. iT. ! , i'i. ,.1'rLiI'Jbit, lnoiiifr 
A. '(. Eilri, ,. u- n t;d iJiut Uj* *!*j- -t 
trf 1J. , ■■ . i". . . : ..' -r '.'.» elr.-ton ol a 
P/jij ■ il. Vi- i ■ ■■ 'i'tui, rjvd a 5«rt- 
kii^it.- 1 r j'. - ■ .- i >t :'.:•) i-'iioi.i.f yi>jj. 
1T« !■=■ ■*■ v * ' .. . , '' ' . ■ i : '. . !\* ^on. 

Mrr;.::,;; iritr ir.,;,. i i : •' ,;. p j-J.Cjlki.:<' C, 

T, E-jf.-], l.,,.1 i;. ■ .,. .( ... ■+',.. -.viiJt.l! tin 
Lord !'id Ik.* <'r ,. ■;,■ <::t i'.-.-'-.i';}' h^n- 
aid f.:)t ac.,1,-. ^ flir.l tl.a Lafd w««Ji 
contiiiua ilio Vitft aud ttciiintts |.i» bke*. 
iaj wpOC liiOdi; wlioiii hft fflijtit si-1....t for 
neb v*rfc for Elm «umiq£ yesr, lie jilno 
it-'^cd tliul it ivimiIu L* prf-f^r for tb* 
chair U aiLij-viiiil n eowiniUr:f o-n tij-^a,w* 
and reflilulioi.j, and would tbcjrfore apv 
point BtL'Hitia 1- 1. *l arj;*iJD-D. of Uo^ton, 

A, W„ OntrajiJ.:r of (3fi r«b. F i J, 0!iio, and 

B, H, Brlettr of Fittaburfth, Pa. At it 
Woold lake B;ns«i tirna for tin; ootftmittet 
to prepare their ItpOTt, hs t u^cuKal that 
tba meeting idjn^trn until 4 o'eloek m tbi 
aft«rftoon, at which trma the committee 
would teak* it* report. In tbt mmmtim a 
the friendi would b^v*. ife* sririlef* of 
aiteniiing the conTmlion, which had been 
•rrengwi tor at tba same pbua and aiter- 


WUbmm K, Vm Amtmtfk •¥** PtfU,-Cr**t 

"Tb* adjoiarniftdl ata t ii if iu calhd to 
order ■btrrtry after 4 a 'cloak; and la* 
coimnittH on by-lawi and recolntiou pn- 

unted the ioHewinj: 


''WltlliHi, tb* W*wjn Twwaa Bnu * 
Taaw twoErr ww farad for lb* jw- 

paaa of teadumr tbe Bible by oral aar- 
hhhu awl Imitui'ta awl varimu imNita- 
tit**, and it rminf i nmi by tba vobtntary 
Motributione tn*d* by many ptaBoaa; and 

"Wmsaaaa, wa t+»g/UM* tb* BeOtttltjr 
aad impexlaiHa of Being- Our c«b*4«Til4d 
talonlli to the beet advantage that wo nay 
render a proper account of our etoWard- 
ahip to tba Lord: 

"Now therefore, resolved by the voting 
memheta of laid Society, la annual meet- 
lag aHcmblcid, that reeomrnendatioiu ba 
mad* to the Board of Diifv4ar« fcud irfS- 
oari in charge; of tba work of our Society, 
and that lush raoffliLUMrkktw** b* «*rrk4 
out, if poasihle, In harmony with tbe ipirtt 
of tb* Lordr nainrty; 

">irat: That it si tba sswl at tb* 
voting members nt this Uoaiaty that its 
vers eaouid be kept «m * h&m of strict 
jfc "-"-7, aad that an sen be SB Bf io yd , 
kept or maintauud at the Society bead- 
tmsrten who J* nnabu> nr nnwilirni; to 
raider aCannt aarriea Wtdet tin ditwetlom 
of Ulb Board or flBioen having the man' 
agwuent and rtepjueibility «f ta* So- 
«Mr r «wiiik 


William E. Van Amliiiryi.—I'of litftt* Ci aa w 

"Second: That those properly in 
charge of tha aCaira of the Society at tta 
headquarters ascertain if there are any 

JXTiicr. nr ;jcck*j» wis ir= kept Or =*!»- 

UHd then and who an utabl* «r va- 

wiLiiAg to rrsder ifflcie«t irrrinr, and tbat 
those only be invited *> rea-ahs wtio an 
aass and wilting to rtudcr aodi -«*™a* 
serrjea; eicept, however, tb* Society may 
with propriety kt-*p, la oiasw in anst «ajs- 
port the » ife, ehiildren or other depesd- 
cut (Htcs who Are ttnsUe to render efficient 
service, Who ir« dcpcndVat d aw a e«W*h 
sr who U gtvins; all of.lut tinn and 
ertorii to tha werk wf tire Society under 
tK* dirtntivH of its pronor offiotxa or toa*- 

"Third: That Pa*t*r BosmU'* ««- 
fWMwd wish for the conducting; «f tha 
Society '* affeire ha earned oat ai tar a* 
deemed poeaible by tb* ofaoez* of tha So- 

•■a* ui 

"Seclloi 11. An Advi«4>ry Coluuiittvc, 
routitoAoil of ihrm luombcre of the Socnly 
■batt U anpoiatod by the I'liiiissa oi tail 
riocjpty, which eiiall be subject to caannn 
by til* rrctfident once every three a nnrthw . 
tbeir leaure of n.iwi hesas; tliras ■natas. 
or until the President appoints their eae- 
n-jiH.>f or s wexa aei r a Tba pun bsl rl l n s; 
Iba ffti of l k wi*<ary awi Ttaanavw 
Bl^uiil nlwny* Lv a il^imIht of imiil Att- 
-Thory (nsninrttea. It akatt be thw sbriy 


Willi** E. Fa* JaaWflA— For Dcfitr-Crm 

of Haiti Advisory Committee^ from lima to 
tijjic whenever requested by the President 
■i) eaxfuli and advise wilii the l*n-.*ii]v:ii 
tonferaing the work and aff&in of the 

"Section II L The President of Uiis. 
Society shell always b* tit ei&entwe. 
oflicer And jjiinitiil inannfier d! Uiii cor- 
puration, having- in charge the msuiag&r 
nicnl of its exTain mid wort, both in 
America and in tiie foreign couninea; but 
be ahoU, from time to- time, consult with 
Hit members of the Advisory Board eon- 
corning lha work and affairs: of the 
Society. The President shall mile* rrjiorl 
16 (lit beard of Direelora, frond tins* 14 
lime upon requeiit, concerning any waiter 
touching the Society 'a work wiuclt tie 
Boartl niay deaire lo hear/' 

C<-oK-f raiKM^imi &Jf Iff, BruMoMiem (con- 
tinued.) : 

Q. Hi. Van Aiuburgh, yea at timet did eppM* 

and crilifiuc Pastor BusselL. did you not! A 
Not eriliciae. 

By tit Court: 

Q. Did you crieicit*! A. Wot alwaya, 
Q. Sometimes! A, Sometime!. 

By air. Brodiliiuaan : 

Q, Yoo Hat* hem ia court every d*y daring, 
Uiit trial, hart yea nelt A, T«a, air. 
Q. All da? fchgl A Yea, fir, 

Q, You recall (>ii» pwviaipn ia Fatter Bua- 

hJ'i will; M Wjr obj««t ii Lfc«H itqiunvutt. it 


WOIwbi £. Yarn Ambwgh—For Dtftt^-Cnti 

to inifejjtiard the committee and the journal from 
Any spirit uf ambition or pride or headship. In 
the event of lay death, tli* Board of Director* 
nil] sonie forward"! A, Yea, air. 

By the Court: 

(J. Do you remember that in Pastor Buasall'* 
will! A. I do. 

By Mr. liruchhauaen : 

Q. The by,lsw* tliat I hart jwt read wet* 
the one* tliat were brought to the convention in 
Pittsburgh, on January 17, 11117, by or on behalf 
of Air. llulbarfordl A. Yea, air. 

<J. And (or ueveral inontlui preceding tliat con- 
vention, tiicre had been considerable Activity for 
the election of Ur, l-lntherfordl A. Not lint L 
know r,f. 

(J. Didn't you pardtiu*U> in those efforts at 
that time! A, .S"*, air. 

By the Court: 

Q. Did you lend your effort* to the election of 
Mr. Rutli+tfordl A. No; juit my vol*. 

Q, You did not do anything before Lhatl A. 
No electioneering, no, air. 

By Air. Bruchhaus&n: 

Q. Yon knew, did you not, Hr, Van Amburgh, 
that Ur, Buflierford vaa a candidate (or that 
ollioe of president! A No, air, I did noL 

Q. You. resided at Betovel at that liu, didmt 
>ouT A. I did. 

Q, And air. Bntherford did! A. Yea, air, 

Q. And ]u hid beam a rntmbar «f the oaanl 


William E. Vn» Amim'fh—Ftt Dtfl*,—Cron 

witli you for bow long at Bitbtl prtur t* lfllfll 
A, From 1317 vlten tie wa» tl*tt*d, 

By tlic Court: 

Q. One ar two years! A. One year. 

By Ur, Bj-ucljkasiB*B r 

Q. You recall, do you not, in 1S18 there vaa 
connidurabla dincuiuiun about one 11 r. Jobnsonl 
A. Yen, eir. 

Q. And llr, Buthtrford waa opposed to Llrt, 
»'a* Im nott A. K#l firctiiiarily, 

Q, Wasn't liicn- niijifr diaai^reement between 
Ur. Jwhaaoo nad llr. Rutherfordt A II you 
wiU girt nl( lirt Wf tlrtt* joiautaa, I. cjlb eiplain 
it I" vein. 

By tike Court: 

Q. Wai there a disagreemeiit between JLY. 
Rutiierfonl and Mr. Johnson! A. llr. Johnson 
amutiicd loo nioch authority. 

H- He I'anU you lo tell Itim Thetlier than 
rm n dicogrBeinenL A, To that sahmL 

By air. Urucliliauaeo; 

Q. Van recall, don't yoo, i!r. Van Amburgh, 

after ti>e meeting in I'iltabnrgh in Jannary, 
1U17, tliat there waa a meeting of the Board of 
Dir^Ttor* in June of li>18 — 1 will withdraw tli at 
[|Uttntiun. Aftar the convention in ISIS when 
them by-law* ware produced — A. Thaae by- 
law* were produced in 1317. 

Q_ Yon are correct. After that meating in 
PiltibnrpL, do yoo recall that there wan a meet- 
ing in Brooklyn oT tfc* directors warn the direc- 
Idn had brought forward * motion to readad 


Wiaiam E. Van Am*wrjfA,— For VeftMs-Crou 

tlie by-law* tliat had b**n pasaed at the request 
of Mr, llutherford c*rii«r that year! A, I donl 
IpcalL If it was, it should b* in the minute*. 

I), You know, don't you, tliat tltera was some 
opposition on Ilia part of thu director* agntnil 
tlio^e by-laws I A. 'f]ic uo-catled director*. 

(J. You cull llimi so-called direetora becauae 
there was some eiau-ment made tliat they were 
not reakLenls of I'toniylvania, is that eorrectl 
A. Yes, sir. 

Q. And alio because yon daiu tliat there waa 
no election hod of tlieinf A. No rluttob by the 

Q. lhiciH you know Hint Sir. Butherford nc^er 
bud been t'lvctiil liiioxeLf by the sJjarelioJderal 
A. Prior to 1»1", tlujt ia right. 

Q, So lie waa en iilu^al director under tliat 
provision all the tint* tliftl b* *erted on the 
board prkir to ISlSf A, No, ail-; from 131.1 to 
1917, he was not a ie^nl director, 

(J- Tliat wa* nil during tlpc tun* tliat Mr. Bft*- 
sell wati alive! A. Yew, lir, 

Q. And ho never itientionrd nt any of Hit 
hoard ineotinj* that lie felt that lis wis illegally 
in aa a director! A. He look fbia up with PAatof 

By Iht Court: 

Q, When I A. I don't know. He told me. 

By Mr. Rruislihauten; 

Q. But it waa not mentioned at any board 
nwctnt£ that ho feit that be waa an illegal di- 
rMturl A- Keu 

t}. Ho tl ,t nr*l liinn liiat any njAHtioa wa* luada 
■Jk that conr.«lion about Iba ilkgality of tb« 


WUiiam E. P#» JnUtrg*— For De/t|.— Qtoh 

aleulion of directors was after the 1'itSahurgh 
Lloaventioji in lULo! A. Yes, sir — 1U1T. 

Q- And the LiruL lima that any *ueh illegality 
iru* nientiaued waa aftar the direelora aoujfht to 
n*cind these by-Laws! A. Tha supposed direc- 
tor*, yea, sir. 

(J. Yea recall that the auppoaod directora, aa 
you call tbtm, met together and attempted to 
rewind, liioaa by-laws! A. I don't recall tlmt 

(J. Don't you know at that point tltal Ur, 
l!u1ikrti.ird tlien oskvd for an adjournment uf 
the nulling for a month! A I don't r«6&U. 

y. And he wenl «Ut to ki a i'eaii.H.yh'ania 
hnijiT about ill A I know he, coanuiled a 

Q. And don't you know Hint b* canta ha«k 
altar ji month and cajd that h« had dvterinined 
tliat Urn foar (brectora who wcr* op|>OHsd to 
tlieca hy-lawa and wanted to rescind them were 
illegally appointed! A, His hiwyer said that, 
yes, air. 

Q, And tiny then refused to permit the direc- 
tors to rescind the by-laws! A. I don't recall 

Q. You. were praaeol at that lueetingl A. I 
don't recall it, 

Q, And don't you recall following that meet- 
ins that Mr, HuHierfonl tnAde an onnoanctraen t 
bef«r» (he Belhel Family to tlii* tfltet: "My 
anthhi-ity in. thin Itaiisc ha* get to h* obeyrd, jviui 
yon.vill all get out of tit* bou*c by Mnnday 
nnoo. Brother JohaaoB will g*t out today,*' A 
Ye*, I recall that 

Q, And whiit h* (Bennt by lho*ii Isaving to get 
oat of tli* honae were the fobX supposedly iBagal 

l r i33 

rVtHuiia E. Van Aiu.btiwah^-Far DelU.—Cran 

dirKtont A, Yea; Hitobie, liuilans, Hirseh, and 
on* other- 

Q. Titer w *ro aubaeqiienUy ooaled from 
B«theh A Tb*y w*n lent oat and given |300 
each for eipenccs. 

Q, But they wen let go out of Bethel! A. 
Yes, air, 

Q, Don't you recall that between the meeting 
in Junei when the directors asked for a rescif lion 
of the by-laws and tha adjourned meeting in 
July, tliat they had to all {he police 1 A- I 
don't recall, 

(J- And don't yoo know the pnlire were called 
to prevent the four (uppoaed illegal director* 
from getting into BcthelT A. No, air, I dosi't 
recall that 

Q- You lived at Bethel at that time, didn't 
yosl A. I did. 

Q- And don't you recall tldj ; Tliat you went 
lo this convention in Anguat of 1917 at Boston, 
didn't you! A. I did, 

Q. And i!r. McGe* and Mr, Peamon wan 
there! A- Yes, eir, 

Q And Mr. Pearaon waa the vice president! 
A, He was. 

Q. And he waa o^n of the so-called illegal di- 
reelora,. was be noil A. No, sir. 

Q He was one of the proper dirertore! A, 
Y«, air. 

Q. And do you, recall him paying to yon at 
Hat convention^ "W* never had a aatiif actorT 
report from lh* Ircaenrer since T have been a 
director"! A, I don't recall that He may h**« 
said it. 



Williavt E. Van Ai*bwgk— For Defit.—Croti 

Q. "And when: w Ulc ftismunt of $100,000 
hocrwfd Fur i hie (birn workl" A, h'o, sir, 

Q, 1*1* joq mall vk.'lker w nit that was 
saidT A. I i.t'Ui'L TWidl it wiui ¥iiirl. 

(J. And then yuu. rwaJl tlwi-a »i:» a ]>tii lj... u 
1'1,-i.iaJ by on MIC 100 ri.-iulK'jH o&ktag for p.n in- 
vestigation of iidi t-iLuatioal A. Yen, sir. I 

ll,1Vfl & *0py of it. 

(J. Aii to ill* by/-Uw*1 A, Ti'h, sir. 

Q. Aiid y«i rMi:i-inhfr Mr. P. ll. M«i*j!f A. 
YcMj sir. 

Q. Hi= wjl» iiicilttAf of tins Sofielyl A- N<i, 

Q. ivn>rt'r. im nervffijr in i*m* eupmoiryf A. 

Ho nm ki Ilk' i.]i']-jsiiifl il > ;l:!iL-j: i.r tit. 

Q. Inctki'l he Ir.v.- >, i.i rliki~ tu ilu wirli fhnt. 

in— Up Mir J i: -- 1.:- ■ . . ..' i .:.,; iin.jit Jr.- [lK-"jJ!i( 

(J, llllil't n - II i. -■ i. Y.\\i:± ■:, 1 ■ 
f'i.'U.H ill jlllMiht, )k't7 h I.i' If. ,..-.■ ML. .. ■ 

lane j>i|:t r>:irr- .1 t'j whtrrin )■'! t...J: 

Air. (\ivii;, .fill: 'i'hii l.-i (r|ii!-;r^i(lv lirt.j- 

mv. if y.-.f I lunar rd*s:ie. 

Tlii 1 ('uart: Art kim if >■•* r ■ ■r.?ll j . id-l 
!:liiiu- J.ifii ii-lui' j-uij huve in yi.-ir l ; -... . 

y. i"k> jsifl rival I iln^ Irtifr (hMdim* t,i 

flf'.MiJT A, Nt>, [ llonH Ti"".i 'J K'"iil,; llrlt h-H 
■ • -h. ■ - - ■ 1 ■ S ll VKLi. [i-i i-i1.\l i.i !: ,.i (indwalia;;) I ;.-■>^ , .■ 
r. I ;ipy I if Hit! |,iiiilill^ 

B.f tlie.Ci»urt: 

q. mi ^oii -ifrii'i n-raii Hv leiurt a, No, 1 

liWt >rirc!.U tlii leltfl'. 

ffu^iom E. YaH^iaburgSb—Far Dtfts.—Crot* 

By Mr. BrneliLaiiitn ; 

Q, Mr, Van Ambtiigh, do yon reralS whrn t it 
ever, the hy-laws of the Kiiek'ty were changed 
prior to these dulses suggest!*} hy Mr. R^sher- 
fnrd in January, 1DIT1 A. Hay 1 males; a *t4tt* 

Tlia Court; No. "Were th* by-la wp. 
flian^cii btlmt Html 
Tt« Wltn.i.j; !,'ii, tbdy w*r* net 

(J. Kij Hint *■»» lin.i rli-Kt CnAiigsi jit tiis hj-laival 
A. Tl'i ■., Hi r. 

(J. Van Imlii: iiuMiiiniinJ, ]l»v« you iw>I, some- 
ill i 'I.i. i():r,lLt tltil rrulo^il S 1 "-? 11 !'' A, tin. 

Q- V' ( u kiuiw iJuit OKM wm <i l ! a:'1nvji| ^rnap 
wiw » i -flp rha't yisi-p A. VI, its K.inu pruni*, the 
V. H, m!.,— b ti-: I ■ - . < ;, - uii nrf-aul 

I'ii] .vn ovor h' tne >iinl "P|inlr>i-jil"t 
A. ! . •.-.,' J:,:fi],j of it. 

Q. r'-k-'ji i!iL!-» I;.:L'!;1i>, Imifl jbtj ever 
tiBi;i H i 1 1 I ' i '.i f A. "."■."■■■., after '* : ■■ i m;;. 

i>: Mr Ltfwrjihini ;':i: 

Q. Ti, ■ ■ !.-.■'- ■ -il/clnfit t,tv J.,i ;.,-ft*rthijj«f 
<-"":i . ! ■'■■* - I i, !i wi' !,!...■ ji=..i ri-fi-fri'il 

\t.l '. , j'.-iii.. ■!.)■; tU- I.i i.i ilViimi. 

,. Awl l... h ') |'..l! m, .1:,!.: ll t,.- .;r.(rtiMi \iV 
• '■ V. ' »;•..■,,.. r. , | I:. ,| J-mi] «lllic-f 
l'j,.| . . ■ ! ... f i 'i : : ■■;■■ .: :■!>. 

fj. .'■■... iji.i ■i.i-'' i',-.-[i.i, I .. \ ;.',;r<! (Mjrin«. 
1irtU \:\il. i".;.'l'.r ill; .... ri< A. * i '!-, J>:r, I UUJ nport 

Wiiiiam E. Van Amhvrgi^-FoT DefU.—Jte&irtet 

Q. And they liiuj €onlcurJ«l that llLr> rloctrinfi 
of I'sslor Hansell vetre nnl bcinE; carried oat, it 
Ihat coirpctt A, Yen, sir, 

Q. Anil ■wbrn iTicy went not o( Hiis arffrin im, 
tioa, llisy *«re njcseribed an «ti! aervnatit, n'er* 
tiiey aptt A- T*b, air, 

Q. AmJ ASna *fl(n'l th« terra "manmur^r" 
medl A. I dpn't recall. 

¥r. BmehMuM* : Tlunt ]• ilL 

Redirect fuawifljiijoii ig Mr. ■Coifin^f a* [ 

Q. (Countiel hands book t* witness.) A. Yes, 
air, I r<f r.!*n i-o it, 

Mr, Coffiniftfln: "We oifpr in evtdVnne 
the three receipli sikmrini; the alsienaenta 
of tltCM jinrik's, Kitohie, HosidB* ar.d 

Tin Court: Shair it to Mr. Bmch- 

(Papern handed t<i Mr. RTachhaiiBeii.) 
Mr, UrnfhhaMen : No nltjwlLrjiL 
T.|» Court: May T jant Ml Ihe jury timt 
ihfre are three rfocinLi litre, each, for 

Mr. C&rinirton : Ye^ Md U aho-"R "An 
Jwr arrangement-" 

Thr* Cnnrt: Tt r*ads— one 6f tVem is 
*i.B3Wd by Hihhip. on* of Uncm is sipied br 
TT<v»tiuri and tote-, of Ch^m 1» «fpnod hv 
Writl»t. Th?y are all dated Aiipnrt fl, 1317. 
"HeceiTed frnm Watflt Tnwer RiSle it 
Traet Soriety $3fKl for tli* 4*frtiY\rg nt onr 
«T 1 »l" l « , " l»r arranj{«iiBcn I *ith the of. 
flrara of tti# Soeicty, im, the president, 


William A, i *.~ Awtntrifi~ For Dtfti.—Rtdirttt William E. Van Amburgh—Fer Dtftt^Rtdireiit WUlmtn E, Van Ai»kuiff)i—Fv Dtftw*—Btdinsi 

vise president and trcnitiiTer." And eaen 
of Ihetn is signed in the liandvriling of the 
person. Is that Enfflcicntt 

Mr, CovLngtoa: Tliat ia rijilkt, your 

Sow I want to offer this retaliation of 
July !.?< 1517, 
Mr, Bmehhanacn : FjiiL mo took at it. 
M^r. Cnrinston : And I wjijlI to offvr Sm- 
li'.>n 1 of that *anie liylaw time you rend, 
}fr. Urufbhaapcn : No oEijcdidn. 
Thf Coo rt i finprrcma you xtw\ i C 
Mr. Co-Tsnjrton; "-Seetion I. Each p*r- 
son ormtrihniinjf 1u the fanftsof tlia Watch 
Towcn TliBrjs ft, TiwCi Sociext, and who ia 
in full hjirmony ^rith the work and teach- 
ing* of aniifi Swtety, shall be eiiittted in 
Qiits Vfitr for cbicIi ten dollars so (ontrih- 
litnl: providr-d that no credit on Toting 
aharcs will ba piven far afty som less than 
ten dollars, rules* »t the trme of naeli eon- 
trihutjon (he SrUrHnry is informed that the 
cnMtrilnitirjTi is pert nf the *(Jn«l Hunts' *f 
smIi eonlrihfltor for the eorrent yeir. At 
the time nf uneh eonlrihntion tli* sonti-iU 
otor shall hare the right to haw a volinjr 
sSiare or »hate» h issued to himself ar »ny 
one el*e who is alws in full harmony with 
the leerliinpi, and work of Raid Society. 

"Any person whose address is unknown 
trt tlie Society for a mntinuniu period of 
two yenrs shall h« eonsidftred (is havina; 
ceaiied to he a voter, and such name shall 
l« drooped from th* list of Totera. 
"Any person who has oontrilmted money 

to Ihis eorporntion nnd who is therefore 
ontilhid li.i a votinc sliare or nhare* therein, 
and who afterwards beeoniKJd jiii DpjjoneiH. 
Up said Kueieli', or out of liarniosiy with its 
purtJuaes and woj-fc., imrtteuJarly wilh ref- 
erence f« the [ittivivce of the Lord and the 
cfLuULidnutiot of hh King-doni of rifcjiiniM*- 
noHis aa ta-UBrht by tlie IJihle and tlie pob- 
licaliona ;>f j.niij Socie;v, shall Lherrfiy 
ceaiio to In; a voting member of this Eorp«- 
ralion, ain] nhall liuve no riplit to cast any 
vtite or votes ftt raiy election or other nieet- 
Hig kidiL hy the Society. 

"Ka pefion ii.'bo ii the Itolder nf votiup; 
shnros in tlds 3oeic(y eholt have tlte right 
!« tninnrer the sarna hy ansixjinient, or 
deed nr will. The words contained in (ha 
eluirter, vii^ "or Ws as6ijrns t, h are eon^ 
*l ruled (n mean tJiat Jlir »harehotder H at 
tlte time of making eontriliulton or hnving 
the vol ins "hsrea issned by thu fitaatftry, 
shnll have Ihe right to have the tunic 
irauotl to hhnufelf or lo any person to 
tr|i«Tn he may aasij^i sach riglit at (ho 
tiiiie, wi(hin the mea&ing of the pt™m^Tik 
pafifirti|)h of this section. The right to 
cant a vote is a personal right which 
cease* with tha death of the perten." 

By Jfr. Covington; 

Q, Mr. Wq Annhurgh, I arm* you two pieees 
of paper (handinjj to witnesiSL Will you iden- 
tify them I 

Ur. BrtSchhiusen : 1 ohjert to these 
minutes (indicati ng ) , 

The Court: Wait until w« Jin ink this 


A. Yea, nir. 

By the Court; 

Q. VVIwit nrr tlieseT A. Tin-y are verified 
eopitui of tii'o naeetijigs of the Bofird of l>ireo 

Q. One datetl June II, VJ30, and Liw otlier 
dnlHl April IS, Jt03St A. Yea, air. 

Hr. Covington: At this time we offer 
in evidence tlteze -a>;uea of the motsinpik 

The Court (iKhJrejistns Ifr. ]!rneb- 
hnuhen); t>o y*u want to look at those 
a iiiintileT 

ifr. Jlriii'hliausen : Yen, I wcj.ieil to 
iiiako on okjeetion to the ix^-rman offer 
of tlie minutes or iith-ged fniiBLten of Jitly. 
11J17, mi the ground thai they do not Hate 
Ihe whulr Ktnry, nor do they state it cor- 
ractly, and 1hey are not oiado op hy us 
or anyone on oor Jjehalf. Thfey lire uiade 
Up by the secretary of tha nnii|iiny who 
was n witness here. 

Mr, Corinfilon: It pertaina to Ih* dis- 
charge of Ihoae men. 

The Court: May I «* itf 

(l^in-rs hamlpil In the Court.) 

Sir. liruciihnuien; And may I also 
object to l;ii'.-,i' i »-!i — 

The Court: Jlo you mind wailing a 

Me. BrurtihsoiU'-'i: Pnrdon me. 

Tlis Cnurl (addressjnjr Mr, Covington )i 
Yon are just offering tha resolution \ 



IFiUuna £, Fa* Atabtirtf i— Fflf Deft*.— Rtdittsf 

Hi. Covington; Yea, your Honor. 

The Cowl; Not lie other thing* after 
til* rtstLtttiaa. 

Mr. CoYingtonr I don't recollect what 
followed it 

Tho Conrt; Ton ere offering; down to 
where it soya, "3. F. Ru l?i t r Jo t d, 1'ieni- 
d*nt of th* Watch Tower Bible & Tract 

Mr. Covington j Yea. 

Tho Coort: Objection overrated, we 
will ink* it, 

Mr. BrnchlaBwn: Plefplinii, 

The Court; And one* again I will ml* 
yon to lead it to the jury ud then give 
the stenographer a chance to copy it. 
Eitrptimi to tie plaintiff. 

Mr. BrHchh*u*enr 1 also object on the 
ground that it it • atlf-terving d«l»r*- 

The Court: Yon can read that after 
tho wibii'j;p! ha* [eft the (land Now we 
haw another offer that is objected to. 

Mr, Ernehhan&en: I objucl to these oo 
the wig ground* I hawa staled. They 
art a »«lf-aerviug declaration, incompe- 
tent, irrelevant and immaterial, and not 
binding an the plaintiff. 

Mr Covington : May it pleas* your 
Honor, they relate to two individual ■ 
•bout whom inquiry wu made eoneern- 
ipR their being removed from Bethel. 

Mr- E™*hhft'Q*cii: J Wn»w, bat we have 
no chance of nrosa-exaniinJnjf these 

The Court: Objection, euiilained a* to 

William- E. Van AmSmrgK—for D<s/tt.— JJtmujj 

tneaa two- Thoy may be marked far J4a»- 

(The paper* rnfWrrd to were marked 
Defendant!' Kibibit B-37 for ideotiueu- 
tinn and Defendants' Exhibit D-3S for 
Idonti Ilea, lion.) 

Mr. Cotingtdn ; 


That is all of Ihia 

fUcran t-xamnwiian hy Mf. BmchiaitMC*: 

Q. Mr. Von Ambnrgh, after the meeting in 
Jnly, 1917, when the four director* were totd 
they vera illegal, there waa a meeting in the 
Bethel dining room subsequent to that where 
Mr. Bntherford. presided and eomnMnlid about 
tboae directors, didn't liel A. The uwlins; 
tool: place in the foranoon — 

By toe Court: 

Q. Do yon remember nach m meeting at the 
dining table 1 A. The earn* day;. 

By Mr. iimnKhaLuitnr 

Q. Anil Mr Kathcrford woe very math ujiaut 
about thi* situation, wasn't hef A. I nemer saw 
Mr. Butherford npsat, bat I have ekou him iUrl 

Q. Wasn't he excited! A. No, air. 

Q. And didn't he in aa many word! order 
those dinsctorn ont of Betfeelf A. He told them 
to evacuate in a trrtmio time. I think be gave 
llxm a week ahead, 

Q. And he ordered Mr, Johnson ont thai lama 
day) A. I thiak so. I don't recall taaL 

Q. A ail didn't is have guarda ported *i tie 

II'J/mjii & Ton /liKOKrjh— /W Defn.—Reerott 

limn-.* pih lI-iiI ,liihn*o!i v/muld not relurnt A. I 
don't know. 

Q. Didn't lie sliout at Hint meeting t A. No. 

Q. And didn't lit grab Johnson t A. I didn't 
so* hiio. 

Hi-. Rrueliiuiiiwn ; That n *1L 

By Ur. Covingliin : 

(J, Wom Mi-. MocMillan and any oilier persona 
u;i fur eonuLdemtiun a* enndidotea for til* t>raia- 
dL-aty duj-ihj( luift A. The only one 1 heard 
mentioned in A, 1\ ItileJiit, who was vie* prtii- 

Mr, Covington: That ia nil. 
Mr, iimclLiinuieji: Thnt in alt, 
The Court: hiuw, if you want to raad 
Mr. Covington: Yea, I Trill do tKiit, 
"l J nr«iNLnt to tlio cjlII of ilir President, 
J. V, Unlherfon], fui- n iiir-ctijig ccf til* 
Hoanl of I>i:(i-I«r* of Ute WatSii Towia 
Biiioj; ii Tiu« Siinm, to be heid it tlbu 
Jlplhrl Ifwne, !J;:ki A. il^ Jnly 17th, the 
fdllini-inH uicuilierji Trtre prctent: Droa. 
J. F, Jdillierfonl, A, ». Bieraon, W. E. 
V»n Amlmrgli, A. 11. MoeiuiJlari anj 
Qcorgt H. Fhdicr, \V. JJ. K|dll <iftd J, A, 
Bolm^L Tlie Preaidcnt nlitd the mooting 
to order. 1'rayer by Erollicf Van Am. 


"The }'rertdcnt *|«lod that he hod in- 
quired of Bio. A. I. liilchie if I ho data 
of July 17th u-iiuld be nnvenieql fer Broa 
fiilehi*, Wrifht, Ucaldna ted Hirah, and 



waa informed verbally that the 17th 
would be i&etptaLUi And, jjtvhobly, a pref- 
erable dote. Written notice* had then been 
■est by mail to Bni^ A, I. Ritchie, L F. 
lIuMkittH, J. \i. \Vri«lit am! II. II. Itir»h; 
bat he had a written statement from Broa. 
ifitrllk-, Ho-nSiinn, Urijjlil aijd ilirrh llult 
they wonld not attend the seseton on that 

"The PtKitidenl then atoted tliat p*. 
euliair oomlition* had ariuen wiiiuh ha4 
lomia fteistH^ury certain action upon hw 
port Ho alms sabmitlcd legal hi-icf frpm 
an vmincnt authority on J the Artielea of 
Incorporation of the Witch Trtwim Btku 
£ Tuaut iiociCTY and of tlic Peotub Bui> 
vn ABBoai,T[Q»; nl«n referred to atate> 
menSa nudo by vunoua brethren to him 
pi;n,u!ui!ly. He further atoted that, act- 
ing under the authority confemd upon 
hint by die eharier of tha Watch: Towim 
Ufuu £ Xkaa SutiKTY and the taw* of 
Pennsylvania, ho n-ad the following: 

'Wiiintjii, the ebnrtcr of lite Watch 
Towjta Biota & Tjuct Soctctv, * corpora- 
ti(in ciintinc; under tho la^-s of 1'ennayl- 
Voiuo provide! for a lmnrd of direelora 
eonauling or mw membeira, three of 
wi;o;;l Hie \ rao.uirea ahall he rvnidVni* 
of PennnjUBjijn; and 

' V^iif-ajus, there ia auw, and for more 
than ail month* ban been, only three 
member* of *nid Board or Director*, to 
wit, J. P, Butharford, President, A. N. 
PWnonv Via* Fretftknt and W, & V U 


Amhurgh, Secretary and Treasurer, vho 
vera ekeeted to their respective ofii«sa by 
the ahareholdera at the annual meeting 
thereof held, according to law in Alle- 
gheny County, Peraiaylvaiiia, January fi, 
1917, and who, by virtu* of tbur Mid eleo- 
liou nod tlte lenua of an id charter, are 
member! of the Board of Director*; and 
- "Whkueas, A. f. liilchie, J. 1>. Wright, 
I*M4 }?. Hoakina and iL iL liirah, who 
have oofumed to aet aa member* of oaid 
Board of Directors, are not in 1ft* n«M in 
fact memheri of said board, but that (hero 
:a nuw and for a long time has been four 
Ticoneie* o& a*i4 Board of Director*; end 

'Wiitth*, the charier of mid corpora 
lion provide*, that where a vacaney oc- 
cur* in *aid Board of Director* the re- 
maining member* thereof ma? wilhiD 
twenty day* thereafter meet aud SJI tneh 
vacanoy, ami failing to do ao for a period 
of thirty day* tben the duty and obliga> 
tkm devolve! upon the Freaident of the 
OO-rponiioo to anpoint torn* luitahlo per. 
*on or pvnmn* to BS Inch vacancy or 
TacanoLea; and 

'Wmuua, there are now fonr vacancies 
on eaid Botrd, aa aforesaid, whien vacaa- 

RiiM h*v* <nu!trd fur a t n;rLiKt nf cuurn 

than thirty days and tie remaining mem- 
ber* of aaidi Board of Dreotor* have not 
filled inch vacanciea; 

'Haw Tuxuroaa Kiow An. Mx*r w 
T»» Paaanrra, that LJ.F, Rntberford, 
Ptaaidant of aaad Waxen; Town uou ft 


Ta*DT SKOTf, by virtu* Of th* power 
and authority conferred upon me by the 
charier of said corporation and of the 

law* of the oommonwealfh of Fennaylc 
vania, have appointed, and by thea* pre* 
fcnt* io hereby appc-int th* following 
named pcraon*, at least three of whom 
are resident* of Hie elate of Fennaylvania, 
to fill such vacancies on said board of 
Director*, to wit; W. E, Sfill, of Pitl*- 
boigh, Pa,, J. A, BobueE, of Alleghany 
County, Pa,, George £L Fisher, of ctcran. 
ton, Fa., and A. H. MucTrti Ue n of BroosV 
lyn, N. Y, as aefiihers of said Board of 
Director*, each to bold oJfiea as provided 
by th* charter of said corporation and 
the law* of Pennsylvania. 

" under toy liatu: nt I'Lttihorgb, 
Allcgtieny County, Fennaylvania, tld*. I2tb 
day of July, A. D., 1<H7. 

J. P. Rutherford, 

i'reaidnal of Walrb Tower Bible ft 

Tract Society." 

Mr. Covington: At thia till)* I Would 
like to read soma other exhibits, your 

The Court: You may. That was your 
U*l wiUMssT 

Mr. Covington ; Yea, your Hitdur. 

1 am leading Eslubit D-33. It io dated 
June, 1035. 

(Mr. Covington reada DefeodonU' lii- 
hibit D-33 to the JUiy.) 

Mr, CoVion!tOa: Now I am reading a 




{portion of tbt Hn-hel raki which J marked. 

yuur Hunur. 

ill- Court: WL_; exhibit nuiuW i* 

Mr. Covington: Till* ia ilxhibit E-23\. 

(Mr. CovifLjjtun mi)* from Defendant.' 
K*bibit D-EU la the jury-) 

Mr. Covington : At tlnta time 1 will 
rend Defendant.' KiMbil D-3S.} 

(Mr, Covington rest)* Dcfendunta ' rJ_- 
hiliit U-3C to 111* jury.) 

itc, Covington: 1 now derir* to rem! 
tin? uriieltj entitled "Snare*.'" 

TLin Court; 1'ltat ii quitH iunjr. Da you 
wjim n> nit downt 

Mr. Covington: I tlt»nk you very much, 
but I will jiliun] up * while, if you will 
permit urn. 

Tim Court: Any lima you want to sit 
[town, pleas* rip do. 

(Sir, C'oviiij(lort hod rend tin? greater 
port uf Uir article ' 'rlnarai ' * to Hie jury 
when the fiillnwing occurred:) 

Mr. Hru.lili_ii«rn: If your Monnr 
\>karv, may I inlrrntptl 1 have MOM wft- 
neiKW here on rebuttal. I bad no idea tJut 
tlii* would taiga wi lorijr. 

Tin C-Qrl: Do you Lav* rnudi mora 
in rtad, Mr. Covington? 

Uf, Covington: Tlier* are junt nlxuiL 
eight more paragraph*, nine nron> para- 
gTAplu, your Humr. 

Tha Court: Hew many pajrett 

Mr. CoriBirlan.: About two t-ig**. 

JoHjau hVJi.J..f— Rthuilai fit Plff^-Dinet 

The Court : Wall, hav* you fiaiahed una 
paragraph now? 

Mr. Yen, I liavg. 

The Court: Art thfrta witn*u«t in a 
hurry 1 

Mr. Bruclihauti-n! 1 Lave a Major from 
Hie Armj 1 Intelligence tjeir-viwi, Majnr 
WhelCM. I vault! Jikf to g«t him iii'Dy. 

II r. Cuviniftnn: We have no ubjoriLnn 
to |n:ttin^ Uif witnen. oq. 

Tin: t'o.irl ; Tlu.1 id VlT>" nice uf vein. 
You can continue reading the articla hilmz. 

Tim defendant rent*) 

Mr. tluvinsrnn; Defendant reeta. We 
rent. I wr.* woing to announce that when 
I ,-iit through reading, 

Tlie Ccnrt: In order 14 tall In in in re- 
btiMnl, T tinvo to have tlutt, 

II r. Covington.: Yci. 

The rri»|rt-f-Livc ffilmi : I will alirm, 
umli'i the Jiliiulr. 

Tlie Court: V«y well 

.JOfiKFW WJirXESa. reniding at TSO Jlive.- 
aide Drive, Star Y«rlt City,, fulled tiy lh« Tbin. 
tiff, in rebuttal, beiug n>»t ''"'j aBinned, l**li- 

fltil ii* fr4imi-B; 

fliVrel *jnwrijialifl» ^ Jtfj'i Bmthliimm* ■ • 

Q. ^Vbul in. your occupation, Major "WtielrjuT 
A. T am a Inuypr. ur; * In^XT. 

Q, Are you ribw rpeeiaHy mwepjnl in n-, la r. 
etninT A. I It*** retired froiii aclin prtetjr* 

abuut two or three yean ago, and I am now in 
the truvemnMnt aervin. 
Q- Wbat la your occupation tliertf A. I am 

in Llit — 

ily tha Court: 

Q- Is it Qnsfxlenliial T A. Why, yea, Jodgc- 

Q. You axe eoniideotially emoloyed by Uts 
United fttataa OpTenumeist t A. Yea, I do work, 
I niight lay, in the Ejpaniih. aid Italian lan- 

I'JLO Omit; V.::q dpn't liave to aay any- 
thing, if it ie eunfhJeatiai 

By Mr. ilrudiJ.aL^m: 

Q. And you wturc formerly a Judgu-Adraeate 

in the Arniy, wtra youf A. In the United ijtatee 

Anny, yea; in the other W4r, 

Q. You aeied as an jitlorncy in eonneclion 
Willi miliw delanrittinB io the MagiitraU'* Court 
in a case artHinc; oat of tins lisdiaon &)uan* 
Ounien diuturlunca ; do ypu rocoll tliatT A. Qli, 
yej) t 1 recall that I mip-bt eay that my aenio-a 
to the JchovaiL'i WlLnryisea, howerer, au t«.k1 i-i 
— miveral year* btfofu. 

ay the Court; 

<}. We art tulbing abotit thla particular gate. 

You rvjireuonted |h* drftudanla in tha Wi+ji^ 
trnlis'. Court hcarine; ai-iiinR out of the niadiaon 
fjrjuBrp (fnritNi Lnoiih'ntf A. Yea, I was prtceiu 
at thai IniiLiJn^. 

1'lic Court 1 He say a he w«a preient at 
tkat ht'irbnj. 

Jtirtph Wldtu—IUbutlat for Pljf^Diitti 

By Hi. Erar hbansan, : 

Q. Had von bt'en uked by Mr. Euthe-rforrJ or 
aomeooe oh bin behalf to repreaent aom# defen4* 
anta in that eawT A. Yes. 

Q. What part did you take io thf trial 01 that 
eaael A. I »**— 

The Conrt: Yce »rr» tha trial urayeeT 

The WitniTji: Y**, 

Q. Did yon have fall therej* of *h* caseT A. 
Yea, eieept I vaa ax«o«bat«d wili Hr. Moyle, 
■who luler took part in the ease. 

Q, Who eiamirjed lb« witn**B«a in that caaeT 
A. I 4id, all morninjr. 

Q. Yon put in «mdenf», do you fScalL. soma 
•tatamtiit by Mr. Heath t A. Yei, T roc-olleet 

Q. Ami wa* that atatement beneficiiil to the 

Mr. !^5Tinfit(5n : That ia a eoBcluaiou. 

Tins Conrl; Objection auatained. 

Q. But you, as n lawyer acting for (Jie iJeferMl- 
anli, deeded to pat in tltat jftatement: did yon 
Volt A. I did, yea. 

Q. Then do yon reeall a man by the nana of 
McDonald 1 A. Yen, I remember that chap, 

<J. IT* rttpreiteiited a party in tha prftefteriina: 
'. -h ;■!<■[ va« Auffant; do you rnall tb»tf ,A. 
Yen. t remember hira. 

<i Do ytn recnll nny Incideni rft «r aJxrtt the 
cnurt ronm where hloyla or you (alknd. to Mr. 
ItaDanjilitt A, IVhy, for a few mnrmnta durinjr 
thfr re*'"!!. We met in th# bnllun* ooteida tha 
eonrt reons, and had a few wnrrli. 


Jo/ttlih tVkxtejs— /fehiflfof /or I'Sff. — Direct 

V{. ilurt you e«t met i[ii*ona[,l bcl'urf tbqtl 
A. \l". 

(J. lint yutt f«i!iui be was tbo micmiy in the 
csm 1 , in thiLi Hjjbll A. Yea,. ]» wan attumcj- fur 
*yjLiii i>f ll.ii eompbipiinta. 

ty. l)o you ircjill wluit you imiil oat in Llm Imll 
cm tlial Mi-cuuios vr »h»l anybody *iaidr A. Xtit 
a wont 

Tbr> Court : He dr>es not recall la that 
\vlmt yuu pnyf 

Q. Vnu don't reeal] a wonlt A, IYd had a 
Utile talk 

Q. 1; was just bu JTittnniaaion. in the proeefil- 
in^iij ij thai right! A. Yen, tliftt'a it 

Q. Aiul ilii'n u-bitt Im [ijieiraT an. to your con- 
tijiuatlhii in sbi" i-ani:l A. You iumib the ineittMt 
ill Li;i" nflLTjiurniT 

Q. Wrll, piuiy I, you thi* ! Do you know 
iJniiny lbii'il. »'lrrt in n««' kin-'wn n« Mre, ITeatb; 
dri- pin km,w herf A. I lint unfry. I dnn't 
iindenlitiid you. 

Tin.' Court; Did yon know Jlonny Dnjd, 
-'lie ie nut, Mm, 1 1 <■.'■ 1 Ii r 
Tlie Witnemt: I liave a verj- eiuiinl ae- 

i : .in-i:'jirnie wilh her. I met licr probably 
at the— 

Q. Dili you phhs Ibet in Itic **Urt POOirt ftn that 
rtny-t A JTn, I ilidn't. I don't itnivi* if I vmM 
tlti iRnizc her if I aaw her sow. I undantood 
that the wu lltere. 

Q. Did yon eontirtao to try the rej^t A, No. 
At lur.rli titn* Mr, Moi!( And I were together 
tad 1* -aid that ba Waa Tiry aorry to have to 


Jo.epn WAtlt$f— Rebuttal far Ptf^Cnut 

mfen fltich a alatemeat to me, but that he hj« 
.■-;■ ■ t| ...r, ™-ordtrom Judge Butherford tluit I would 
bo dinpcDuri with, ajid Ito,. Mr. iloyU, would 

Tha Court: The eaaieit thing u> (Ire :a 
a lawyer, 
Tlie Witftcea: Oh, enja, Semetimea 

they tfon r t fiot paid, 

Q, Wax Mr, Itutlterford ih eourtf A. No, he 
wasn't in court, 

(J. Who in funned you Hurt your serri«» werti 
diftpcqiHl wtlht A. Mr. Moyle told in* at laoeli, 
*i>ry rogretfutty. He enid tliat he h4rl gotten 
word from Judfit Hutlicrford that I wm to be 
discharged, ili.peitned with, and (hat that infor- 
mation on whlt-h Judge Itutberford— or miain- 
foniwition on wbidl J_d|je Kutherford acted, 
cmitt from thin lody, Mr*. Ilcnth. 

Q, Hr. j'cti no l.njrcr took any part in (lie ease 
nfd-f thill A, Net nt nit, I win* out, 

Q. And jou werr- jmid by Mr, Itutba/foriL for 
jTiur wirvlcr-n tn tlw ea«, wera y<in (jutf A. 
M'kII, T i*m\ eumtHler it jih Any gmpd pay; hut 
1 wiui |_iii| xeinetlitnjr yen, 

Q. Yr>u Itud previously den* aome iefpjl i»er- 
viif* for Mr. Itutherfuid, had you nott A. Y*«, 
beginning in 1&I6,— in 133<S. 

it I, firachuauaen; TUt ia nil 

Cr.-j-rrffHiiiTUJign i,^ J/ r Co-uitt^D ■ ; 

Q. TiliTio introdueed yna to Judge Hntherfoid r 
A. Why Uf. Mo.y(t t I aaanme. 
Q, Well, umlar wltat "'"^milirrHiT * All 




J«sc;ili IFIiWtirj— Rrtottlqt fat Fijf.—GTBU 

right, I will If]] van the story. Early in July 
of nfj] a genfli-iium t-jLtnt- into my ofl:ce and :_i- 
liwlurcd himself as Mr. Moyto or Jehovriha 
Wilne saf ?■ outfit, and iHlid tint Jutigc Rutherford 
liful in-nl hito over tliero lo consult me in regard 
I* bringing n law HUl in Philadelphia, 

Q. Yes. A. And! I ww i-tpployed to prepare 
Iwo suits — Twill to Philadelphia vritli Mm— ana 
in tlie State** Court, end the Miter in fli* Fed- 
itb] Court Anil that was Ilia day Hint the 
Franco revolution lirnfee out in Spain. Thai mn 
July, l?KHi. 1 ilnitt know whether my action* 
were responsible for that revolution or not. 

Tins Court ! Jut confine ynoraelf. 
The. Witness r Tee, I Till. 

Q, On- nlieod. Anything elscf A. What il it 1 

Q, Anything fleet A. That it all. 

C Toil say that yon did not consider that yon 
were ndrtlimifly eoiopenaated 1 A. Well, I "till 
*Wl ennsider *o. 

Q, Hid yon hare any conwtTinlion with Judge 
Rnlberford with reference t* the aereieos [hot 
you were To Trader in that ee**l A. Which 

Q. The ease arising out nf the- Madison 
Sonare flnrdon matter. 

Tlie Cnurt : Toft mean in reference, to 
fee or Iba aertiev* is* 1** (U(1 

Q. Conversation with reference to fee for 
aemeee to be rendered in thai tajic-T A. Mot a 

Q. JJflt a wnrdt A. I was employed by Mr. 
Morle, and Mr. llbyle on several nccsirions — 

Jotcph Wbeittt—Rebutial far Ptf.—Criw 

Tlic Court; He tubed yon if yon had 

any conversation. 

The Witness; No, I (.ever tpoke to 
Judge RatJierfOtd about it until after. 

Q. Before the hearing! 

The Witness : Not before. 

Q. Ib It not a fact that when yon first came 
to see Judge Rutherford about lie Heath case 
that yon told Mm Chat yon were wilting to volun- 
teer yonr services free in this mailer against 
lar Cough! initds, becftue- yon bed been terryine; 
on a fight against trie Roman Calliolk Hier- 
archy, for yean; is that not a fact, that yon 
had volunteered yonr servicet free, to partici- 
pate in the fight T A. I did not. I mast lell 
you what I did my, however, 

Q, What did you **y, however T A. I said I 
waa very .nueh interested ib the hWltsr, that 
I had wiinewed the trouble there nt. Madison 
fjonare Garden, 1 would be very pleased— I bad 
already been employed and waa aervinjj (a * 


Q. 1 am talking about your Hret amvanation 
■with Jadga lintLarford in Tar"erance to thia, A. 
I w3] amy no. 

Q- Too didn't hj anything la him at that 
time, ahont thatl A- Tee, tare, 

(J. WTiat did you any in referenoa (4 JoUt 
(ee, then, about Tolnateeringf 

The Court: "Wait. The witoru baa 
testified that wben be lraa hired, hr taid 
nothing such u the qneationi you pro- 
pounded to him. Do yon want to aak bin) 

Jatepk Witl&t— Rebuttal far Pff^-Croaj 

whether Lit- nidi sindler taJngi a>l ■ dif- 
ferent limtf 

Q. Did you aay aay atsiilar thinga t* him Wt 
any other oeeaaiout A. Ko, 1 never efiolw to- 
Judfre Itulherford about the matter, bat one* 
lo injr life, axcept later wIho I went np there 
and trip] to get him lo pay my fee. 

By the Court: 

Q. Yen mean after it was til overt A. After 
It wee all over, I did remark to tho Judge — 

Q. Wiit. After it en* ell owr, yon w*pt 
ever there and tried to collect yonr feet A. 
Thin Wat previoualy. while the eaaee were on, — 
1tm incidml bs li«* ?rferrtd to. 1 itld I MtM 
ha very plad In labs a jmrt i» the {**«, that 
I was Tery much interested in that line of Afthl, 
evm to the extent. If neceeaery, to not charge 
any ft* at all. It wasn't taken ne anything, aa 
bnnineMa segotiationa, and ban no i-rierisnfr lo 
any negotiations for fees. It wee juat e valnn- 
trcneil nnd idle statement. 

By Mr, Covington: 

<J. riot yon never aaid anything |a ;iin. c- 
anybody elm connected with Jehovah '* Wit* 
nr««&, that ynu irouLd be willing to volunteer 
.', :>;i r (imp jint: effort ir. tlic defenBC nf tflt»G 
ta»f* heeaniie you Iwd bwn ftgliling the Roman 
('fitliolie. Hierareby for yaara; didn't JMI nay 
TluiE to anybody I A. Well, if il baa any Irf-nrijip; 
on 1lic ea«*. I am ppdeetly nillinjr to anewer 

Q-. flint is right. Annwer il- A. Well, I will 
lake my directions from the Judge. 

Tbe Court; Go ahead and an»*vr it. 


Jjsrjin Wuiltft— Retmltol for Plff.^Orou 

Q, 1'leanj. A, Ye*, I Jimd* came rnch remark. 

Q. To Judge Rutherford t A. Ent it waa, u 

I *ay, a casual remark, had nothing to do with 

cn_v cxitiloyuuiut, juat a itatamant of mf general 


Q. Did yon and Mr. MoyLe diaeuas with Judft 
Rutherford *l»ot you had agreed upon for a 
feel A. Ni, sir. I liud been paid amounti 
aloflg from lbs hegiaainj;, * eheeb or eaah on 
account, end I never naked for it It waa sent 
to uw Voluntarily, I don't believe I mad* any 
roquetl at Any tuirt tot a fee. 

Q. lit. Jloyl* hired yout Then be waa Iba 
one that arranged it with you, ie that correct T 
A. He did. 

Q. And what waa the arrmngHnenU if any. 
in regnrd to yonr fee, between yo« end Ur- 
Itcylet A. Nona except Uut — olt, originally, 
yea, We agreed Anally on bringing two suits. 
Q. I am talking about Shi* Ht&tJL rnj*, the 
Sllglatrate'a Court. A. Nothing, not a word. 

Q. Tliere wau not a word of diaeuwioa between 
you and II r, iloyle at nil, is that correct I A. 
Kii, sir. I bad been conducting u hearing in 
Home liflecn or twenty eases arising out of I but 
Madison Square riot or disturbuneca, end I 
never inadc any ^wrount uf nfirrial cliirpe l;i 
■ny efts*. Ut- Hoy I* (jave mt several amounts- 
Mr, Brudtbtlaeex: Speak a tittle. 
hhUilr-r, IE njLir. The bidien ainl pL'rtl Lnnen 
of liif jury ean't hear you. Speak Louder. 
The Witness; louder 1 I will try, 
AU right, no* 1 Ivt's go, 

(J. Kaw, what did ynu fay to Judge llulhcrford 
in u CiiHiuil ramark concerning tl» ntallcr of the 


JattjJi IVhttef,— Rebuttal far Piff.—Cfat* 

fee, and you volunteering yonr services! A. I 
did not loluntecr any eeiricee. I n'as already 
tinder the employment of Jiidqe Jtitherford-— 
retniner and rti-eivinp [<w, and wEien we nooke 
about lliie particular matter — and 1 tbon^bt it 
was a very grievous, outrage against these peo- 

The Court: What did yen t*yt What 
you tokl u* before? 
Tlie Witneti: Tt»L An4 I jurt said, if 

neeeuary 1 would— if npymiary — figltt the 
cane free ; •omelhinjr to tliat effeet- 

Q. Kf* if you em TTfejfnpiK thttt (liNnHing 
papers ta tt'itnr**) C A. Tes, T p>l tlvit letter Sod 
tike cliK-k. 

Q, Hid you j^et that letier and the rlieek from 
the -lodge F A, Let me see how I endorsed it. 

Q, T!id you, sirf A. Wliat ii ilt 

Q. THrt vnu get Hie thttk find letter from lbs 
.Tudjinft A. Trtt And you ■** *JLal I said about 

Q, T\:if wrni August fii, IfMtt. 1I1J1I yon stol Ibis 
letter nnd cherkf A. Jusl n few Hay* afier I re. 
tired from prarliiti Tlie 1st of August T bed a 
little loimirr, and I went over to *M tha Jitdgo 
about it. 

Q. All right A, That i* tlie final result. 

llr- Covjnjrton. : We offer that. 

The Witneeej Ton way rtad tbe letter 
to th* jury, jf ynu want tO- 

The Court : Von have lo liav* my [*r- 
nis.iion first, sir. 

Mr. RraKhauMh: 1 object 10 (bis as a 
self-eemng ejsclermtjoa. 


Joieph Whetat—ltcbvltal far Plff.—Crau 

Tlie Court j Ohjectioo auelained- 
ili. Covington: 'Your Honor, we would 
like it marked for identihealion, 
The Court; Mark it for idonlincatioa. 

(The papers referred to were marked 
Defendants.' KxJiibit 3S for Identification.) 

Tlie Court: What i» the dau> of thatt 
Oanrt Attendant: Anguat 0, IMG. 
i'ha Court : That is not in svidenca, 10 
please put it away. 

Q. I hand yon this paper. A- Ob, yea, I reeof- 
nize that. 

Tin Court : He identifies it M his letter. 
Mr, Covington: Wo ofTer iL 
Tim Court : Objection sustained, with- 
out one having been made. Hark it for 


(Tln» pa]>er referred lo was marked De- 
fendants' Kx.ldbit 40 for rdenti Creation.) 

Thr Court: Wliat is the dale of that 
Court Attendant j July 7, 1030. 

(J. Mr, Whelms, toll us exactly what yon sold 
in a joking manner to Judge Uutherfortlf 

Tlic Court: Objection sustained; it has 
already been answered. 

Q. How Loiio; have yon been in the employ of tin, 
i'wknd (Imci-ninenl t A, Employed where 1 
Q. He v :■ 1:11.7 luive you beeO in tbe employ of tha 

Cnited States Govermasentll A, JuataniHit a year 
today, a* I recollect- 



Jturpli Whdett—Iti&ufta} far Plff^-Cntu 

y, tt'hul deicarbuent are you connected with, 
pkin\f A. I don't tuft to «ay. 

ft, Kir — A. It jk rub I ictcatial iMiiiitoyinciil. I 
aiu nami mil lo uhUm any reference relating lu 

Mr. t,'ovi^g!»B ! We would like lu liave 

the ([L<*[i«n apwWcred, your lienor. 

% lilt; L'uurt : 

(J. Art you ouiyloycd with the Uovermtusiiit 
A. Yea. 

(J, Will yj»u li-ll iik w|a( branch of Una Uuntni. 
aunt yum in viunjoyed in I A. War laMhtSZiicn, 

Uy II r. ('etringtMl i 

(J. Willi Vi'jipi oflk'o of [Jit War liitH I i^viicL', 
Xwr Vuik i^r Washington T A. Thai i* the very 
Ihiiur i juu jiut (ellhisr you, 

<;. Ymu jum? Jiut Idling IIideI J J iivc you i« 
tried any tripiiaaj caw* in >ievr York. I A. Wiry, 
yifji; nvwrnL 

ft. And when u-iu tin- Ami «u» you tried, a 
rrijuiiuil aid* you li-hil in Sew York I A. til., 
mm-, injii- uuilIi] I tnitu", 

(j. Ill, n.t'nJl limit A. No. ] linvt been 
in NfW V'orft Cor IvrMilyJivo year* and J JiuVo 
liLihilii ■ - iihjiv -or k'.-rt i'lihi-*, 

if, Yew luiil tliejiK |wu caws flown in J'hiJudrl- 
(kliin, you «iy, fur the Uodfityl A. Veil 

ft. Wliidi row* *■*■«; titty I A. Ona we* 
rJiMi-|i|j y. MuQttrrTnril tLvp.itxt \l\o—l don 'I w. 
nii'luinT Hint FcJInvuV iinme. Itiiihurfnrd npjiimd 
Ihr t'aidinol »r Archiiiii|io|M]DWu there and a linlf 

flnK^U jJUOJllc. 

Jo«jiA WJifiVi*— Rebuttal (or Fift—Crai, 

The Court; rty I 

The WMlHe*; Pongtorty, that iu right, 

(J. In neJtreiKe to- wlintt AVIia! did Uiat raw 
ivriiiin ml A. The tam> oi 1 HuilnTfunl apoinrt 
Duu^imrly and oilier* — there wen* nil, five or til 

!>L [l.i:llL. 

The Court: I* there any materiality lo 
tliint -. " 

Mr. Coving on : I csturl lo connect tliLa, 
] wotikl r-jilhi:r nnl *(a(c u-lmt I esprrt. 

Tins Court: If you think you are £oiii£ 
lo fowiis-t IliiiL u]3, put Aliens. 

Sir, ("oviiti^un ; r wilt nitlNinmr Hint fur 
Hi? liiiM> Ik'inf;. 

'J 'hi Court: I rueut, i f it i« material, 
go iiiionil. 

Mr. Covin^nn: I wilt witLdrav it, 
yonr Honor, 

H, Dill Jiidjro ItutlteTfonl fiLvn yon any io- 
•(ruttiortii at tn <li» irijil of liiif raw in tine 
Qjirden I A, (Site nic imttrnctiont 1 

Q, Yes. A. To try tii* cone. 

<J. Well, did lie tell yau— 

The Court; Did ho give yea any 
farther inwl ruction*? 

TIM Witni'Hn; JucflT, I don't IlllnSi H). 

I Jon't lliinlc iiiyiliinjr u'n« imkl aJ>nut 
(I'llir^ mi Iidw to try (he euro. 1 tried 
clpei before Mir Judjgt wu born. 
By tie Court: 

Q. Piil you dincu^H .die kimi wilh kimf Did 
ht mike any Buggeutionii ji» Id what you ihoujd 

Joi^A tVbtiemt—Rrbutlql f 9T Fif.—Crot* 

dot That is whit llr, CwvinptMi wmta to find 
out, A. I that. I rally and honest- 
ly don't too^. 11 wu tnek in — 

tj. Yon don't remember F la that hdwt yon 
jdiu to tall oat A. Yojl 

By Hr. CuTiajjlun: 

Q. Do you remember anything th*l m said 
(fa that Dceaaian of tbe oonf«r«i» with J-ndgt 
EuQiErtordf A. Afujr I bad bran employ*! ia 
tbii paTticiilar eual 

q. The Heath cue. A. Whatf 

Q. Tbe Heath eAiie. A, What caie! 

Q. Jndfie KuthL'rford'B lecretary, "Bt&fk, D& 
yon ranejiiber Mr. Healbl A- Ob, B**tti. Sni», 
I rexrjeiab«j; Heath, 

Q- All rigbt Yon vtr* empi&yed to mpreneat 
him) A. Ym, and aewral othen. 

Q. Pell u». if you miiciiiber,. atiylhjjjj tlut 
waa uid by either ywj or Jtuige Hiitherford on 
the occuiun of that eonf er epefi I A, I do not 
recall I do r*caU that ilr, Moyle and maybe 
Mr. Hiath wu present, And maybe mnw uf the 
other*— .there were ch&j>« that Trer* uiToltad m 
taeia— and myulf had some tall abovt ft. 

The Coart : What h* -Pants to And out 
DOW ii about your talk. With. Ju4g« Eu tK- 

Thfl Witneit : Y*t 

21* Cdwt; You biTo no reoollBaliofl 
of itl 

The Witseu: No. That ia fiv* jeari 
■CO or ak yaui ago. 

Q. Yun have no racoileotion about any Id- 
atraeiMui A. So far at I knoir, I didn't rt- 
ijtive may mfttrueti-Diu. 

Q. Did Judge Kutlserforrl luggiit anything to 
yoaT A. That I don't fcnOv. 

Q. About jhov (he cimr ihonld be triad f A. 
He needn't tell me I10* to try a caaa. 

Tho Court: You don't ixmtmbtri Ii 
that what you want to tall ml 
The Witneai: T«. 

Q. Tun Wouldn't have receive! or taken any 
ng^utioui from JmLpe Rutherford at allt A. 
lf he had given any, bat I dent know if ha gafu 
me any, 

Q, How long were yon Ln confenaoa with 
hintt A. W»ll, now, that waa ia 1*39. 

The Court: You don't remember C 
The WitneEg; I dont rUrjember. 

Q. You don't r«ti«iB]»r how longt W«e jt»ii 
Uiera in Ui* moraing or the rvr-oingl A. 1 
wouldn't Lnow that, to aire my neek. 

Q, How many time* didi yon go down th#r*t 
A. Qo dawn -whet*t 

Q. To 13* Colaiobia Heighta, 

The Court l On thii Heath cue. 
The WIqjru: Jolt that onoe, I Waa 

never that* hot (wo or t.hTMi^ Kiw* in my 


Q, Did yon »ver hive mexli at th* Bethal 

hornet A, T« h onea. 

ft. And at th* Balbal tablet A, Yea, atoi-lly 

J«ffjtb rVhekta— Kthtittal for Fiff.—^rott 

The Court: Yon had meal*, u that 

The Witncei: I had one. 

Q. Now, did you notice tlio eharatter of the 
pine* while yon wore there! A. NoticA vbatl 

Q. The character of the people. Did yon notice 
anything they aaad and did whil* you, were there 
that lime! A, It waa a pretty piooji aort of a 
meeting; lenuoBa, prayere, and this and that 
and the other, whi^b are not usual for dinner*. 
That naluraUy attracted my attention. 

ft. Did you hear any filthy, dirty, amutty 
itorifcn paiud around the table ) A. Not a one. 

Q, Sid you hear alcohol glorified and nied at 
the tabiel A, Not a word. 

The Court: Thii ia not the proper 


Tae WitneiB: They Were perfectly 
aaber and eerioui ud decent 

Mr, BmchhanMn: Union hi wa&te to 
Uake him hi* witaetc 

The Court: Not even if hi* o«ti wit 
neea, la it proper leinmony now. How- 
ever, it (here ia no objection, I will let you 
go ahead. 

Mr. Brtchhiaien. I will object, U jaw 
Honor pltaie. 

Mr. Covington; Kay I have an txoep- 

By Mr. Covington: 

ft. You aay yon gate thii statement to the 
District Attorney f Do you remeuiher whether ar 
not the MagiatjraL) that preaided at that hearing 


^'Dj^ii WLrtxit— Rrbvitat for Pltf.—Cteu 

VM you tliat you didn't have to do tluitT A. No, 
I don't knoir anything about that. There wai a 
judge up th.er4, iiii name, J think, wu Aadrewi 
and be didn't say anylhinj| tLi,t Judgu ooma- 
timea don't any, 

The Uourt: Tlut ii enuugh. He doei 
not rciuviLiber 

Q. Yoa don't reincmberT Well,, titan, reflfah 
youf rewllwiioi. 

(Mr. Covinjjtoa pruducci paperaj 
Tin Court i Indicate that yon an* je*4- 

ft, I am rending from tlte itenograJ^hic utin- 
iilt-u of (he tiimrijjjj; now. A. Yon Bjwtn befon 
the Magistrate '» Court, Andrew* I 

ft. Yes, Andrtwa. A. I remeoibef fhat very 

ft. (Bendine;) "ft. Do you know whether lhat 
■Menu-ill wan ti-aaacribed, whetlur it wai typed! 
A. Yea, it waa. 

"(Mr. Wlteleag Immdi Mr. Portia the 
tranacript in i[ue«tiua,) 
"By Mr. Poreti; 

"ft. I abow you thii ilntement, and tak 
you whether tliat ia a true copy of tli* 
atateriHuit that y^u mldeT A. Yea, 

"ft. May I tee it, pkaeeT A. Yea, 

"Mr. 1'orter; Any objection! 

"Mr. Wfcdrti: Not at all" 

Do you recall making that jitalcmentT A, I 
Knew the thing wen offered nod I had no objec- 
tion to it, I bod notliing tu hide. 




JojryrA ]"J.rik.j.i — JTc^jLCVdJ /o<" FiJ,~-Crt: : .Q 

CJ. And yoa answered "Kot il t«t'*l A. li it 

h4i>R, "Nut o bit." i Juii't il.ti^i- vliAl I! tiid, 
exc-pl J hwl r.-rail hi Hi. 

lJ. And 1r..n the Miifjistials h»j&: " V.-.i i;ro 
under no duty lo giro him : 1 i i'Il:( ,- :. ' ' 
Do you recall ibrrtl A. No, 1 don't rcsiHwhtir. 
I liuv& heard cures. 

The Uuwt: If it nv* pi io (lie Euiu- 

U>ji, yCUl W»"f dispHUt itl 

The VYitnena: ^u, if lha ujhuIm buy ilj 
it Ju all right. 

Q. "Mr. Wbde**; r don't hear you, 

"Tin Court: Yon are under no. duij " — 
Tin Court saya Again: "The Court: 

Van are under no duty to give him tint 


I>" you ntutt tlwt admonition from tho Ji>ile,c1 
A. if juu toy il M-iiij it M, it is nil right. 

Q. "Mr, WlHueas: Tjwl it all right 1 be- 
lieve in p<itlinjr my cards fuc« up on the table." 
A. Tliut id. ttirlainty my poticy. 

Q, Do you follow that policy of giving eon- 
ndtTiUal information that your client given to 
youf A. Oil, now — 

Q. In every c*se that yon try J 

Mr. DruchhmoiBO : I ohject. 
Tito Court; Objection fcOiLuiaed. 

Q. I a niiii y raue* hav« you. #i*en eonfidontint 
ttnteincnta that your (Jinn In have jrivon to yOB— 

Mr- HnicMiaoven r I object. 

Q. (CoatinuLsig) — to the opposing aldel A. 
I will not answer any eueh quealiou. 

Jaictfi \YUii>-ii—RtLuii<A for Itf^-lU'Jlmt 

", r ,r.',:- 'on; The qncstmn wna 
Mfci.oJ. 1 Wu.i:il LV's to. have an answer. 
iJLi Obrtj Vuji thjtiet to Hi* ques. 


\ir. I ■ i U'li tli iif-«'ii ; I object, 
'L'.ii tY.-iiii; Oh ji alien suiitainco. 
Mr. <Jovir;f;liin: We except. 

By the Court. 1 

Q. Lrf me a.i'k yoq 1lii»r Row many times 
have, you round it Ail v i> ;sl>V (o give a ntntMnr-dt, 
if you Mil it, In anoth'T side! A. A* far on I 
know, it is the first time in my life it evrr ix- 
fiipreil, I mlvriiyii mitlii! a ba»itiT»« of going 
artirmd and ]^utlinff ih* ririi> on tin luMr. 

fif direct erajtiiirflif™ ht/ ifr. Bntch fotvst * : 

Q. T*n ff]t it wu liolpffll to vonr rlirnt r « 
caumj to [>ut I lie uEAfcincAt id (^jiIhticp, <Ji(in't 
yonf A. Certainty. I don't rrmrrnbur suythinji 
nlkHit what f may have thiiuj;]it, lint I *nrriy 
diiilt (riiuk it wonM <ifl any jiun?i lo BuyhodT 
fit I u-nuMri't hnifr ilfnte il. It wan n nort if 
«elf-i?erTiFi(r alatwutoi, hurled an hin OTin Hut, 

Q, It ¥i* a atatemwit mudc by the c\uynt in 
noppnrt of liiit cans« l^fora the Conrtt A. Sort. 

Q. Anrt cvrrytliinjr thai he had to nay in fever 
at himfcolfT A. I don't know a iinjlc vord of 
it now, but you may have it th?r« r and eon Bee 
what it is. 

Q. To tout b*nt remlltctinn J?rerything in t*M 
■tAl^rncnt mpporlMt th^ 4 x vidnrj' , e in your caa^f 
A- Sure, It road* a pralty naaA caM for him, 
I thought. 

liuuc F. JfL^tmj Rrljiiltul }nr Kg.-THrzst 

II r. Urufhhouh*n: Tlmt j* nil, 
Mr. Cuvitigton: That w all. 
The Coui-t: Kt^p down, 

(AVitntw DOnawd.) 

Tlio Court: Now, Itavi you any ot!u>r 

rebuttoJ wAnMaml 

Mr, Urudilwumn : In Mr. Jlontitio 

The Court: W'Iujid are you S°' n K la 

Mr, Uruel iliauHfn ; 1 have j j at Mr. lfo*> 

tiim niwl Mr. and Mrt. Moyle on nliort 


The Court ; Ik- you want a fivi- r\ur.:dr. 

ilr. UrjiClil-nuiMiii: Ten. 

(Tlicre wnn a thorl iNrcm..) 

ISAAC F, KOSK1NS, AH FinliMr<!et» Brook. 
Ink. Km V»rV, ■ witnoin ™il«l in. behalf of 
tlir plHiuirff. in rohuttal, being fir.( duly iwnrn, 
tmiiJlrfl an folluvrj; 

ilifrii fxam'tntiom h,w if K Bnithhavrtin 

Q. Vou l*T*nK: a J«toov«b ■ Wiineu in what 
ycarf A. JiVv^r, 

Q. Wlu^ft did you hrr^roc a mnntwr of the 
F aiitor Buitell Orgthiulionr A In 18H3. 

Q. And »hfn did you becone a dirertor^— 
What Waa it, th« P*opl«'i Pnlpit Aitoditiont 
A. Watch Tower tJorir'.y, in tMIS, 

Q. Ar.d ilr. Vaa Arobttrjrh waa a dirtctort A 
J balir* o to, y *«, 

Isaac F. liosititu — Rebuttal far Plg.—Hitttt 

Q And you continued ej a. dir^tor Until 
i'aiior iiosMlt'a death, in 19161 A. I did. 

Q. Wono you present en any wscaaioni with. 
Ilr. Van ABiburgh *heii be actively opposed itr. 

Mr, Covington: I object to that u 
irnnoKtriil, your Honor. 

Tin- Court: Objection overruled. 
Ilr, Onnplon ; Ewoptiou. 

A. Yes, eir T I was. 

Q. State it u briefly a* you can. A. Yon 

rueun the circiunauLnc-utf 

Q. Tea. A. It waa opon th* hut Wtwi of 
Paat*r Bnaaall't trip t* Great Britain, ia Jojoa, 
1911. H« chHl'J a inwting; of the directors Uib 
evenihjr before ht tef t nod that meeting carried 
until about midnight, anil there Pantcir Hlk>l'IL 
brought beforo the lizard a sotic* of ei-iliuxru* 
aod reproofs from ISr. Van Andmrgh, in whirh 
he took n Jong time to eip'niu very patiently the 
nvenoin;; of it all, and it alt reflected, of eoane, 
buck againut Mr. Van Amhui'^-li. 

Q. Were you present at any meotin£ when 
[hero, wan n dincunjiinn ahoul A tltounnnd dollar 
limn to Mr. rtsitherfonl I A. In tin juinimer of 
19lit Mr. Hullierfun! bad withdrawn from tbi 
ar-tivo work arwl wrote a letter lo Pastor Ru»- 
iel] Bfldng if the Society would loan him. a 
(hoitnand dullam, tliat ho wiu nlmut to net up a 
low office in L<m Angclea. Paator IIeuihII rec- 
fisnuncndfj to the Ilnard tl*t it he loaned him, 
and ao I ho motion wna pAacd. in hii favor. 

Q. Vou mmt precent mi Pttutmrgcb ua Janv- 


lnun f. HOflitu—Rtbuital for Plff.^Uircct 

ary, 1317, Mere youl A. I waa not, being vi'ry 
ill ut tlmt time. 

Q. tVlMin aut did you attend a Board tnccting 
of tin: Watdi Tovror ot whieli tlrero waa any dia- 
cuaiian ulwat One by-la wil A. Veil, that dit- 

The Court; When? 

Th* WitKcu; It would tie aboqt tb* 
month of April, aa far no I can trmcmimr 

The Conrtr 1&1T1 

The Wilneas: K\J t 

Q. Wan thrre Mm dbtcuiuion nhout th" tiy4aw 
thai LiiiJ been pjui»*(t givijt^ Mr. Rutherford full 
pe^Crl A. Yen, air. 

Q- Qv*r l he orgnnizBtiont A, Trs, air. 

Q, Wtat wan iht di*rnH«ignT Tt!l us briefly 
ilmut that. A. At that lime there was a very 
imponanl nuilt^r for tlw fioeipty to dwil with 
and untie. Thin itqf alwut two loontiu After 
lh« i;'icfi inn tn ritraburgh, in 1317, and Mr. 
Ttutherford — 

Mr, Cnvinjricm : This it objectionable. 

The Count Saatained. 

Q. ttliat was stated at that time at the direc- 
tors' meeting- in April that you refer tof A. 1 

wiu SfAding up to thaL 

afr. Covington; Th>p U puhsoqncnh 

Th* Court ; Till Ua the •latcmentK that 
went made. 

Q, Voo can only tell what occurred (il thia 
nuetung. A. VFhtn it km »{*t*d to Mr. £nther- 


Usae F. Hfffi.-in3—lltbattai jar Plf,— Direct 

ford that the directors tlMirui'lves were the man- 
agera of tita institution, then he aaid a by-law 
w« peai«d at Pittaburgh. 

The. Court: This l. the fi»t time you 
heard of tlio by-law! 
The Wilnest: From him. 

Q- Wliat u-as aaid then about l>uitl A. I ra- 
Jitied myself and aaid I bad token the matter 
under adviuinent with the Ap*pi>t*nt Attorney or 
Tn-iiton, Neiv Jersey, Ami be bud advised me to 
train (he information and lo auy tlmt Hie by-laws 
were to be mode by tlM director! and not hy 

The Court: It Ls my nndereUmdinar 

that you Mid this in the preeenee of Judge 

Rutherford f 

The Witness : Yes, eir. 

Q. Wai there nnylFiinpf elso snidt A There 
was Eomo diac&Mon grew out of that He tried 
to defend hia position that be had nil the power 
and We lmdn'1 ony power in the matter of dedd- 
injt tbnt nartienlar nut that •» important at 
that lime. 

Q, Then did you attend a meeting in June of 
lite Board of Directors! A- I did. 

Q. What wos unid thenf A The diraetorm had 
taken thr> mailer nnder adrioomeot hefora Any 

The Court; He n"l(pd you to tell Jiim 
til* m*n venal inn* at the dlrertor'a neMing 
in June. 

The Witness : Well, at the director* ' 




/nut F, HWipM*— Ftivlltt fgf Plf.—Dirtst 

ini'i'linp in Junti llui uj:> iuui tame Up 

lo the front again u to who wtra the 
managers in the institution and ou* direc- 
tor*, four in nuinbef, had dcawa a resolu- 
tion with the is Lcntioa of passing it, th.« 
iiu]x>rt of which wa»— 

Tie Court: Never mind thja. 

Q. What waa saidl What did tbo resolution, 
■a.}-! A. To repeal the resolution paa&ed by tia 
director! early in the y*ar giving Mm tliat 

Q. Wliat happened at the meeting? U*u * 
vote taken r A, No vole »w ta]iea, no eote waa 
ajlosisd to tumfc to a vote. Mr. Rutherford wss 
very touch incensed about it and e*id, "W a will 
adjourn the meeting until aouselime later." 

(J- Went limre taihr tirrectctn ia favor of that 
luoiipiit A_ Yea, air, four. 

11 r. Covington: Tint ii leading. 

The Court: It ia. I'leaae do do', load. 

Q. How many director* vera there in all t A. 
The re were Beven. 

(,. Wm the meeting adjourned T A- It wu, 

(J, And did you altend the tflhtequent meet, 
ins '" Ju 'j ' A - w * *d n* 1 - Tult "> *"• 
Ikmrd did ftol, 

Q, What Itappensd after tin April meeting, if 

Tlte £out(: After (he June jneetingf 
Mr- Ufuelihauaen: Ye*. 

A. II r. JluElicrford we* nbai-nt for a month 

nr "" o.nd ruiiue Luck with the tour new director* 
up, lie claimed to fill the plttcca of (lie four 


/iau ^. BosltiHt— Rebuttal for Plf. — Jjii-rci 

(J. What happened at any steeling that yob 
were present nil A, 1 wni present at ao other 
meetinc; with ili*. Riiilirrfnrd after that, 

(J. Were yon present in Betlwl hhen iny 
atntrmrnt «'it made hy Sir Rutherford about 
the IranKicticiot A, I WO*, 

Q. \Vhea wa» thai I A. That waa ■nmewbere 
in Anguat, I think. 

Q. Were She member* of the Bethel Funily 
pre'tntl A. They were. 

Q. What wart wid by Mr. Rat her ford f A. T 
wouldn't he able to state in detail, 

Q. Wlmt ia the aubiLanea of what &'m anidf 
A. It wa« wilb regard to thote of na wH/i he 
claimed were representing tbt opposition and 
were desijrnaled malcontent* and poinlinjr, out 
that W* WrtuM hiive lo leave toe initiation 
undo/ the *i rr aiMAnree. 

The Court! And yno did leave t 
Til* IVilnrw: We did leave. 

Q. Wlmt wak hi* lone df Tnice on tnet oeca- 

aioTif A, Wlkat vrau IV (jm-niinnT 

Q. Wltat wna the tone. of hi* TfiWt A. Very 
ttrrn and verj' impernliTe. 

Q. Was ao^binjr done by dim i*-ilh rnfemire 
lo iff, -TnhnsnnT A, It wan jn*l at the c|n«e 
of the evrninjt fflial ; ■■|im they were diniiimrd 
Ihe eonvemation won ennlinmid immediately and 
Mr. Itulhfrfnrd riu-hfil acrnw th« floor atxml 
2t> f»t over lo rbcr* Mr, Jolmfmn wan alandinp 
am) took iiold of hut irai an (Imujrh ha waa 
Rolnff to do violence, hut he didn't Mr, John- 
Jinn had made a *1 ntfTiif nt tliat wua prnvemtire. 
it Mfenia, nt >lr- Hntheffonl "i dippiea>ure- 

Q, Dill Mr. Jdluuon leave Bethel theit A. I 

/mm F. IlPthin-^IleimlHii far Pif.—Diract 

couldn't aay how many days it waa, hnt about 
that time. 

Q. After that time the four director* were 
naked! to km Bethel, U ttal correct t A. The; 

Q. When did you tint meet Mr. ifoyle t A- I 
tut Mr. Uoyle, I think, about Jid'ember of last 

Q. Of 194! 1 A, Ten, elf, 

(J. That ii the iirat tita* ypfl. wer tote vt 
Mr, Ifojler A. Tea, air, 

Q- Bid JWt bar* aoraethiae; to do with the 
oFfjnn iwtion of tlie l'ai<lontl Society! A. 1 did, 
at the eommencemerit of it, yti-. 

0- Tlie rnxloral Bible Institntef A, Yea, eir, 

Q. You 'B-rreone of tha orpaniierpf A. 1 wna 

Q. Wnx llint cnmTHffied of thore who had korub 
dortrinc fif Mr. Ruanell'aT A. It was composed 
nf tlit*e Hireetors nnd enough othen to moka 
wixn, men whoae purpose waa to tarry ant the 
general plan of rniaiatrv aa it had been hv Paatar 

f J. And una that flrganiiatinii the one that ae- 
1in>ly n]irn)«(Ki Jehui'nh'a WilneMPdT A. No. 
Thi* nr^nniintifln did not «meera itaelf ahout 
inyhnfly clpe, 

Q. Wliat did it derate itself to! A. T* «n~ 
fiaMition* of the Bible. 

Q. "Win the nutrrial — Was it merely as ot- 
Unpirji'ion wilh a joumntt A, Ye?, air. 

Q, They hod no orpaniMiliofi, did theyT A, 
Yf, it m« n \<*p{\ rorporaiion. 

Q, Bnt I3ipy had nn meetinjr ptnee?, did they I 
A. Yen. By thin time there were jungle reptruird 
from different rmrtu of tlie eounlry into trronrH 
w\ia went ot car name sympathetic attitude 

Itaaa F. ffntkint—Iltiiulbil for PlBr^foM 

tflvrarda Paator Ruaueil'a roiniutry and ttAehioga. 
'.vi our thought waa to encourage lltei* friuda in 
all parti of the eounfcr y. 

Q. Were tiioao group* independent or 'afore they 
eoiilroUed hy tlie or ffll n it a t io a , the groopc you 
uieiilioneil throughout tha eoitntrj'T A, Tbey 
were entirely indepeadeat e^oupa o( Bible *t«- 
denta and not interfered with at all by any qt- 
gsnizatiini of ours, 

Q, 8t» tliere wero no representative] who want 
out from ynitr dr^ni^Btiona to tlieae croupil 
A. Kotliin.!!, Kicijpt of flnunse tJiere were brethren 
wlm we tailed I'ijgrinns Iteturera, who went to 
vin it, lo nil who requested their iemcea, but not 
until tlitj- writ re<n*eii(od, 

Q. Did you »e|l *py books or literatnraT A, 
No, air. 

Mr. Brochlnusen: ThatiaalL 

Crost-examlMtion btf Iff. Ca uia.f :on : 

Q. When did jmq liral become aoquainteit nith 
Jtiljjc Ituliii-rfordf A. In Ihe auinmer of 130ft. 

Q. On what ocfu&ion I A. In eonneetinn with 
a (fitl»ri«j( df Bible atndenta in St. Paul, or a 

if. Aiul htiii' long after that did Jml^n Tlntlwr- 
fonl eoinf In Bel hell A. The iiutitutiqn wwl 
then ot Pittsburgh and called The RiiJo lTou«, 

Q. Yen, Bible lloun*. A. 1 tltiah abanl 1900 
he lieeame definitely eosneeted when th* work 
wan hwsvoi It, Brooklyn. 

•Q, Wliat did he do after ho wjim to The Bible 
ElonseT Wliat poaitjon did he occupy or fill f 
A. He enent n>o»t gf hi* time bcturinjc, ai far 

ftanc F, flotkiai — Rebuttal for Ptff. — Ctott 

iu 1 tun rmaU now, viiat tu known as tlie 
I'ilgi'iin hvurk. 

ij. u'huae uunpieenf A. Under tlna iiu- 
<|iu'r» iif ihe Wnir-Ji Tower 

Q. And I'lintor i[u»aellf A. Yta, air. 

Q. You. have a grie^nnce agaiiint 1h.- Walclt 
T«sivr htuciely, do yon natt A. ] wotddn 't apeak 
of it jih a grieviint-e. 

Q. Y«* have a cow]4ftinl mrmnjl tliem, dij yon 
»«l r A. Not Uir IVnU'li Turner u it wua under 
I'hrtlnf liitPiH.ll, nu. 

(J. Yhiu. tliuuj;h| that 1'aetor liunifll was tlie 
faithful nnd »i*e rcrvanl pictured in the Bible, 
did you nott A. 1 thought and still believe his 
minietry reprtnentrd fuliiifnient of promises 
umde in tlie Bible of a miniatry of a eperinl 
ckaraelej in ihe end of (hi* age, Never mind 
tlie faithful iwrvanL I leave tliat aa a matter 
of ilpiliinU, 

Q. Vnu did not cvnuider tlie Waleh Tower 
Bible & Tmel Society a* (lotf* orpin I m ti;>n. did 
yoal A. No, not in lh* way it hn* come to bo 
rejranl.'il *! :;:■■■. 

(J, llut yon did not ronaidrr the orpinir-ition 
a* (i^l" urftuniintinn. Yhiu rnnAiilerrtl I'mnlnr 
liuiwell o« the fail hf ul and *w eer^anlf A. fie 
wnn tiie nne raimi that managed the whole Ihinp, 
end he Paid at the time be orjreniied it it woa to 
br an imstruinent that lifld no, ereetl and wjm'l 
nnyihinp of iisclf, a lee^l eorfiorati<iq, hut (he 
fimdj miftlit h* preserved far n*e in cane nf his 

Q. Ynil m»' fioit'ir Kuvhell managed the wholn 
tliin^t A. Yce, eir, 

Q. Wn^ that during hie lifetime (hat he did] 
thi*l A. It cartainiy would hare La Im. 

ItOM F. Hotlti**— iicbuttoi for Plfr-CroMt 

<J. I mean, daring Jm whole time that he woa 
foanected with ths Suciety I A. Yea, dud In «aid 
aa in' wrote Ihe Cliorter that be intended tliat 
he and Uo. Uoasell ijhoiiM ooetrol til* work, 
thoy had a majority vote, until tlieir <leatjtr 

Q. Did you consider Poator Uuaaall ta U,' ■ 
dietatorf A. Mot a dictator. 

(J. Did yon eataaidcr liiin ta be dincntaiaaUng 
ngaiuat but hnitiircn becauno be managed the 
tjoriety aa president I A. No, I did not 

Q. Did you or your gtoup have any ouulidaii-* 
Cot freaident at the i'ltbibuTgli meeting in mitt I 
A, We did, but not for Preaudent, but •ens 

y. Didn't you lia\-e a caadidale for PrendentT 
A, I beU*Tt w» did, too. 

Q. Who WU the candidate for Pmidcntl A. 
I'm afraid I Wouldn't ba able to aami th*t 
now. It ii baiy. 

Q. Waa it fiitchiet A- I doobt if it waa, I 
don't think »ow «« I tteumbtl. It weald be 
nor* likdy, Sturgeon. 

Q. And yon got about 7% of the rotas caat 
thero, didn J l yoat A I had so way of detw- 
tninisg percentage at ell. 

Q. tVnen did JfOu uy you met Mr. Ol R. 
Uoyhll A. Lset NoTtmbar, 1942. 

Q. Aid ia that the fkat timt that yon aver 
haard anything about Mr, a B. HeyleT A. Af 
far Mx 1 rrmi-iiiiwr now. 

Q, WKet institution are yon connected witfcl 
A. I am not connected with uvy iaatitution ai 
all at tha present time. 

Q. What looiely are yon eanneetad «itbl A. 




Isaac /'. Ilatiutt—UtbulleJ fw Pif,— Crou 

I juh not connected with any society at tic pres- 
ent tlm fl. 

Q. Da you know a magazine called "Tii* 
Watcher* Of Tin* Horning "1 A. I da, 

<j, TV** puMwb** that! A- I publish, it my- 
»cU with [he assistance sad cooperation of a 
number of others. 

Q. Did ifr. Hoyle aver talk to yea about tiia 
oust A. Set — Yon mean last NovesobtM 

Q, Tel. A. Not in special details, except to let 
mo Stuow lie woji once connected with the Watch 
Tower and had found it necessary to withdraw. 
That ia about the auLataaea of iL 

Q. Did h* aak yoa about being a witness in 
tlisa c*te? JL H* *,*Ud me at to the posaibility 
of it, y«». 

Q, Do you bore any connection with the Pat* 
toral Bible Institute I A. riot now I haven't. 

Q, When did you taver Toot connections with 
ii! A, In 193$. 

i- And yo-i have no institution or oorpora- 
Ut-n organized I A. No corporation. 

<J, Td operate tills magazine, ii that eorirectl 
A, That ii correct 

Q. What was the occasion of yonr leaving the 
FtstOTal Bible Institute f A It had boon going 
nbont 13 year) and while we started off with 
tli(- »*n Wlo were the founder* of it, at th* cad 
df 19 year* all of litem* mea Kid pmited off the 
scene by denlh r*crg>t myself. Their place* had 
bpin filled. They took a different rtcw of a 
nnraber of things with regard to policy and 
ministry, and all, And were not troe to what Wo 
had stated wr,« the pcrnose of th* institution 
n liie eObUncncacnenL Therefor*, I felt I could 

teaac f. lloikitti — liebuitat for Ptff't-^Ctatt 

no looker conscientiously conrinna in that at- 

Q, Tfiia conversation tlial yon say that Mr. 
Van Amburgh had with 1'as.tor iiusselL when 
cud that take place I A In Jane, 1314. 

Q. And how loog did Mr. Van Afflhurgh Con- 
tinue with the Hjujruiiniti-on after that! A. Ha 
Continued up to Padtor Rnssril'a death. 

Q. Did Pastor ltus^e]! rebate him for mak- 
ing these suggestion*! A- By infarre**, b* did, 
H« taid the (natter beforo all the director! and 
lie Van Ainburgh did little or no talking dur- 
ing that evening. 

Q. When did yon cent* to be a djreotor of the 
Watch Tower So?i«ly* A, When our placet 
ware declared vacant in 1917, 

Q. Well, yon knew the proTiitom of the Watch 
Tower charter, did you not I A At I nader- 
atood those provision* - 

The Court; Did yon know therol 
The Witness: Tea, ilr. 

Q. Yoa knew tiiat the charter provided that 
then jjhoaUl b« an election every year, didn't 
you* A, No, sir. 

Q, Ydu didn't know thatt A rTo, air, Wants 
the charter itaelf says that tbay shall hold office 
for life antes* they art removed by a two-third* 
vote. That it what the charter aays. 

Q. And it didn't say anything about annual 
electionit A, Not for directors. 

Q. And you were not an officer, war* you! 
A. No, SIT. 

Q. Wtll, who wer*. you frying to get in ai 
Freaident ut tbnl Meeting Oitt yon told ua about 

/.-.. .. j". Ueiflimt fcJ-.yHoi fur rlf.—h'e.fifcel 

tbat wan ftt^-nfbt] i>f laf.' v rtutn:rfe,fd ia 
Urouklj-lll A. I ilun't k^ir.( tJiit 1 know \,;i;.'j| 
niaatin^ ji'ii have rvfe r.'nep In, 

y. 1'be one Jit tfhick y^u iwy ti.jt t!..-:- - ! 'jr.; 
a jiiunu'i ofL ae to who aiicultl L.ike fon.' ji of 
lite orjjnsii f.n tioD. A. Mr. hulherford hayi."|j 
ti^iio eki-K-d 1hot Jo:"i^jL'y wo Wi?ru r.ot tr;i- _; tit 
ujib4;at him as [u. rn.fiVit at i.\\ bait ■ l : - ■ - ■ i - ■ [a 
rojitid tlte by-iri¥frt i.i;d '.he u^'.ve:' '.-. I'.iv it 
be ■■:. .-!, in. the fuinjlf el tr i' ilinji: iij;-j. llf- - : [■ Ili a t 

J.Li.-j.d Lu r:'-. -|.;f. Il.i- |!'i' li:<. .n. 

(J, Vi)u e'c« fi :i:: '■■ >' Ut t ; .. (■ J a'r- 
teiinifti! to l'.i.i ii rtj, :J, is thai livii,' A. I 

w ■. -. 

(j. A'Iljii ia (lie tlaJc ih*t ysu iricd to -;t it 
ze ;■■!■ .iliid, thr: hj.Pawf A I wml ■ i't wive >-..l ifce 

l-ij : llliii? Liji I Jltl) prj-Ll}' «qjtDU| it TfcY,* i : j..; 

lilt,!- jt:,t tii Juue ut tdrly in Juiy, 

Q. '.'- L.-rt year! A 1!»J7. 

V. J J-.H Vhhi l':n-f nl-.y >;rirvn[u;f EfuJirAt the 
1'ilti ut ;.l I'ihl* J,-.-<i ! ul; t A. 1'Lih!ii '[ j.jx-:d( of 
it ;m a g^iinaaee. A ilija^nji'jjttjiL 

ilr. Covington; That is all,. 

/i^rfirfff «*ui*bi|J(0# by JlJr. /fr^.Aottar a : 

Q, What wae Ilr, UnthcrfOiVd , ^l f.iti!udti at 
Ihene ti i"." t imjis that you hare <Je*wil»dl A. An 
attitnile of IxJiif* v^ry muth ittttrmtd ariii ilin. 
Jur'.tl t.i tl.L.ik that he wch <|ue»ii*JSfil < r ]ii« 
Itnowletlfje L:i any wny w DlOfljiht hate f|ijt:'liira. 

Q. Wiiut Wbk hi-, in:W, al vaific nl tl.iT.>j|; h^t.i- 

jiiiuiftf A. Vi'l-II, ij wan vi-ry flrio nnd Vi. L n IJ " 

tvote n iliJ >i-j'y I l1! £.f i,, 

Jjbk F. ffosiinj— ftebartol /or Ftf<— Storm* 

Harass t n',n'.:'^lha h$ Mr. Cocir.ffta": 

i]. Did Jja I.-.1VB V<i|,l. ' -Lily ti'Olu ]!i:lLdl A. 

\V;i!i tomJiii-iaLli) jiiuxwLiL'o Luuu^Jit ;<j btar 

L: d - ■ ,;j. 

Q, liun" lin r ; wblu j'ou n. l!illn;l ilE'[«t I lie 
sk...ii(..i ul I'ij .'■■ .■ii' .\. W« i'-:'t UL-lhel ill 
Ats -a- 1j 1L'I7. r l I, >i i Ltutiou wan In January, 

i;. Aiiii yoa i\i L <\a ariwiti ihciiIj with tlie 

O^i..-.;; i.l jjhil- Il-.i ,■ i fi ;, (iid J"4 "nil A. 

V, -.-IJ. ■.■■ i't :;l;.\,'i atij h .'j -. f.yy: n^n t». They 

n- '.:■ l ; liu in .L.i-::., cnLj.iu ;■! "itrtill all 
di-..;.:i u.. Vr"Wf h.-l'-l I'j Ui, <l-<1 r.. '.ill if we 
i.^j;,:-: i.i.'.i f,,,.l .;...!■ ,i.i and ft.. -■■ jaL t5 id fur 
6 .j- r . :j»'h iji |;,.. I-. ,: li-jL 

'i. .•.'::! i,"i >li'l th ■•«' A. Ye: , *ir. 

■ ill f« 1 .i<i j'';i-cl;h'n to it, did youT A 

'... '. I ..-.•. ,.; ir, ^..:i i ' ..I, !.•( uLij-ut-, !hal wo 
u.. ;■..::;.' v. .:'. '.':.. ^.-i--W\.y m it hM bfed 

R. iL'i. I, ii' ,1 Li i.ij.llij^ Lt" Ji]TjijtM.-y, bt.-LI-jE W6 

. : '.n'L it, utilise jjl our uiLoi!a thvse iil-w diroo- 

tj. Vwj wera tiiMi -.'ij'.jnal to Ihra Bociely aa 
it '■'■... Nun op'-ian -i, i* thnl coiToetl A 1 
utiliiiAi ■■ ,: Sl .::<ir.l U> iih*t liiUl ln^n ilhn*. 

O .".:,il yiu wi-r- *ot in Luiiiii, j, y uitli Ihe 
iiivli-'y of Ojier;itii!ii triftt. fii^ tioritty was tli*n 
ii'jit»> . In, i'i (\y.'.t .: r ;htT A. I wm not in 
li[lr:m.;jy with tii-^ |il.ii3 Li.iy ■Vntn iatrodarin^, 
(, ! i<! <" '.'n': of tna whute foaiMialion of ila 

Q^Atad did Jfd« OOOUbjU In «lody tho. booka 
of Itittor Hii,.-,tlt A. I did. 

U. Ai>d do >uo advuL-ute tFieir aludy I A. I 


Q. In tlie nxXtiti+M LLil you conduct I A I 


Phoebe A'. Jfo$!t—BtJrattal for Plf^LHrtet 

Iitcratt eiamiialien by ifr. Covingie*: 

Q, Too hated Judjre Tlutherford, didn't yoliT 
A. No, eir, 

Q. Ilida't you oppo** hinit A 1 opfHHied 
what he wished to put over. Ha wiahed to pat 
aside Paitor rtoesell's whole plan of operation. 

tj. Were you a friend of Jodge K-utherf ord '* I 
A. I wonld not be considered a friend in the 
'ordinary acceptance of thnt term, IwcAiu* I feel 
lie wan [wrfflrminpf a very a'ronjr thinjr. 

tj. Did you not constLh>r- yonr^rff a friend! 
A. Sot in the ordinary acceptation of the term. 
It is hard to any. 

Q. Since that data you had not been at Iho 

L-.'i.Lb- with hi:n, hnt! y:>:iT A. Rinrfc wr hdt 
Bethel, no, never been at the table with him. 

ilr. Covington: That it all. 

("Witness eiented.) 

PHOEBE If. MOYIJi, reea-led na a witness, 
in behalf Lit the plaintiff, in rebuttal, having 
bean pravloutly *FOrn, tealifiod at follow*; 

Street ezaminaium hy Mr. Brack fc«t«ifit ; 

Q, Ton did testify about aome of the marten 
inTolving liquor at Bethel, did yon aott A. I 

Q. Prior to an occasion, Are there any other 
matters along that line that yon did not testify 

Ituee F. if<islii#*—lttbtittai fur Pljf.— Redirect 

Q. And what boob* are tlieyT A, The ail; 
volujiic* of tkripturt atodiet feud tho back iwue* 
of the "Wnteh Towwr" »ntaio many funs aipo. 
jitiujn of the Bible, 1 claim. 

Q. And you don't stady any other books, it 
that right! A Yea, air, I study other bootn 

Ij. I menu, at tlie meetings, thought A. Anv- 
LhjlIv i* at liberty to brinj; fortli any othet VolutaU 
Llmv ..'ic. 

Q. Don't you hare orgftaiicd ttlidic*, a tyt- 
Ifln! A. Nothing to ftpety drown ai (hat- la 
a gnncttil way, the Hihle it oar tettboct. 

Q, To a dou't f»* Pa*|or ilusicll't books T A. 
Yea, sir, and aorcetinaei articlei of the "Wttoli 
Tower ' '. 

Q. Tho '"Wfttth Tower" nnagei : .n* published 
hy the Watch Tower Bible &. Tract Society! A. 
Afi edited by Pastor ltaiseu but not tinea bi* 

Q, WKaI in thu name of the maguinel A. I 
**y, tlie ''Watch Tower". 

Q. Von said you atudied sometime* artidna 
in the "Watch Tower'*. 

The Court: 


During Pastor Rustsll't 

The Court: 

This la not proper 

Redirect trom«taJio» by Ilr. BmcMaitot*: 

Q. At thcee tiuies that yon have mentioned 
at the meetings, and particularly tho nwOtinjf 
at Delbel, waa Mr, Bw therf otij > attitude at that 
time such a* ft father towards a son! A I dont 
recollect of ever seeing an occasion like that in 
my lifetime. 

Q. What was his attitude! A. Well, the atti- 
tude was one of bting autocratic, autttr* and 




Piwebe A\ U nylt- Bebuttat for Plf.— tercet 

Mr. Bruehhaosen : Well, yoni Honor 
will recall flint ■** w«re about to go into 
Lhe letter tie last time *od I d.lnL tha 
ruling of the Court was that we didn't 
have to prove lb* trnth of it until the 
defendant went on. 

Tha Court; That i* ri^ht 

Mr. Uruchhiuscn; &> this M Use only 
opportunity ne have had since then, to 
proceed on that line of testimony, I HN 
tninly do rec*U tlut to bo your Honor'* 

Mr. Covington: I 4w't noli that to 
be your Honor '■ ruling. 

The Conrti 1 have no objection to 
proper rebuttal. 11 yon asked if tin; heard 
the testimony hid by the defendant's wit- 
nesses concerning ILojQOr, end if she has 
unylhuig 10 *ay concerning tlut, I will 
permit that. 

ilr. HrDdihausem This ii not cumula- 
tive, Thin i* supplemental, because it *M 
not thought nttrniary under your Honor'* 
ruling to go into it, 

The Court : You **V tlie. question find 
I will hear the objection, 

Q. You recoil, do yen net, tie letter flint was 
wTitten by yonr huiband to Mr, Rutherford I A. 
I da. 

Q, And yOU recall that there is n statement 
there, "A New York ai*S« elated that ihe never 
Utd liquor or Hired it until soSte #1 th* Bethel 
toy i insisted Ujiou it." 

Pkp&e H, IToyf*— RtbviUU far Plff^-Dirtst 

Tfe* Court: Do jcrn recall tha ■tat*' 

incut in them oomaeraing liquor t 
The Witness: I do. 

(J- And do yen know what that incident ill 

Mr. Covington; I ebject to it a* haar- 

The Court : finataduad, 

Mr. RriKiihanaea: If your Honor 
picas*, th* letter doe* not atat* knowledge. 
It My*, "AN** York aiater atated.*' 

The Court; Pleas* don't make any 
statements, I am going to sustain th* ob- 
jection to the question. 

Q. Do yOB retail in th* letter thi* atatement: 
"A brother who urn) to drink liquor to *»esl 

became a total abstainer liter getting tha 
truth" T A. I do. 

Q. You know that incident t A, I do. 

Q. Can yon elate what (be fact* are about 

Mr. Covington: We object to it a* im- 
The Court: Objection eattained. 
Mr. Bruchhauwrn; Part of th* 1*11*?. 
The Court: I know, 

Q. And do yon recall 4 statement in I he letter: 
"Shortly after we arrived it ** arrogantly 
itated we can 't do much with If oy le but w* will 
m*i.e a man oat o( Peter" T A. I do. 

Q. And yen h**rd thati A I did. 

Q. Did you hear any smutty ttorU* or talk 
at th* tahJel A. I did. 

Plarbe A\ 3fwlt— Itrbnt ial far Fljfr-tiirtet 

Q, Can you give na any detail* nboat that! 
A, Yes. One inatance, I thmk it waa after tli* 
Hadiaon Square Garden meeting, a lad at the 
end of 0D4 Of tin? toliln told at hi* axperieno* 
in BIMtiug a Woman. 

Th* Coart: Loader, 

Mr. Covington : Where did talc* 
plaea, pleat* ? 

The Witness: At the Bethel table. On* 
of tha lads at the fni-tl^r end of t]ie tablf, 
second tabic 0V« from whers *•* s#t, told 
the meeting — told of his meeting with a 
woman and ha was out aellinjr the books 
that day, and abe mij that she believed 
that what Sir bad in the (rath tad that 
the would tell her priest *h*t Linrt of a 
•40-of-a-bitch, I guts* it was, that he wm, 
and the Judge up at the head of the other 
table laid he didn't know — that wasn't 
right — bastard was the word that waa 
used. She «™i« of tclliup bcr priest *hat 
a bastard he was And the Judge at the 
end of the table said, well, he didn't know 
about him heing * fcaetnrd, but he knew 
that bo had a lot of litll* baalard* run- 
ning around. 

Q. Wa* that tatd *nt in th* optnf A. Yes, 
air, that wns Hid at the table. 

Q. And did they indicate that they beard it 
by any commotion t A. They laughed. 

Q. And were there any other occasion* wli^s 
yon heard any had Unjtnaflst A- Well, using up 
and down the elevator *t the «f&» we uved to 
banr plenty of it and I remember one time going; 


Pliaebt If. i<o<ttc~Ittl>Ultcl fur P If -— Dirat 

back into the ladies ' rest room, and I lappoaa 
my face was pretty well Hushed, and OP* of th* 
women said — alia laughed to think that I *n 
blushing nttd she *»id, "Too will get naed to 
that," "■! used to blnah vrhch I first camo here, 
hot we get meed to that nCler a while." 

Q. Do you recnll any incident which referred 
to an accent in Ih* BcendiQavinn countrirot A. 
I dJdat nadentand the question. 

Q. Ws* thcr* anything wlitreby Hr. Bnther- 
forj was referring lo a Scandinavian accent! 
A. I don't rrrall Scandinavian accent, but we 
had a man aat at tha tabte, Dsbcca, Ilia nnme 
waft, and tbe Judge would aeem to delight in 
calling on him, and when he had anawctcd he 
would imitate him and mimic him ami used 
to tell him to talk English *4 he could under- 
stand liint, 

Q, Did I in; Judgp say anything abont hi* atti- 
tude towards women on any occasion 1 A. S*i 
often be did. 

Q. What did be snyl A. I cant remember. 
We would po hack tfr th* oJK** jm»t heartaick 
with the stun' he said. 

Q. Cnn you reraerniber anylhiltE that wan «iid 
about women 1 A. T «*a'(, I jiwt bar* live gen- 
eral impreMiou, 

Q, Bat the** were itatementa— 

Mr. Covington: That ii l«adinji and 

adggeetivc and repetitiout 
The Court; Sustained. 

Q, Did b* mak* ■talemanti which war* ll 

prais* Of wtraiiint 

Mr, Covington ' That it leading, 
The Court; SusLaio*L 


Phoebe If, llegtt— Rihuttet /or Flf/—Oittti 

Q. Can you tell ub any details about that 
phase of it 1 

The Court: She ha* already mid that 
she doesn't remember, 

Q. "Were yon present on any of these OM»»inn« 
if iliey occurred of fteoldin}^ by Mr. HaUii'tford 
of Mr, Woodwortbl And HacAuley, MeCor- 
niiek, Knorr, E'coi^er, Van Hipina, and NesaT A 
I think I heard them alL 

Q, And also Worsleyt A. I think so, 

Q. What was the attitude of Mr, Rutherford 
on tlnise occasion* T A Well, he would yell at 
tliem. Worjiley, he didn't give WotsJey n 
chance to answer and jutt took away his job at 
the Brooklyn Unit, nn4 later lie was put bank in. 

Q. Wos it an attitude *Uth ** ft father to,ward* 
hi* aonl A Hftrdly. 

Q. Do you remember anything about n mat- 
ter ailcHrtiiipf Kliaabetli Oatyasf A I do, 

llr. Covington: That in immaterial. 

The Court: I don't know what It is. 
What doea it have to do with this caeaT 
What is it concerned witht 

Mr, Brncldiausen ; Language, filthy lln- 

The Court: You may answer. 

Thft TiVitness: Site worked in tbe Mail- 
ing Department. There were three other 
hoys working there and she and I were 
friend*, very good friends. 

The Court ! What waa the storyf 

The Wiincci: Well, they had been 
telling smutty *tOri«* to htr ud thii day, 
when T mj fdiog, aha atood right ttp to 

Pke£b£ iV. Xoytc—Rebvital for Fifr-Greu 

them and aaid, "I don't know what yen 

think I am, but I nln »0t taking any more 
of that", and she laid, "I HA going to 
report you", and they jttat lan^hed- 

Q, Did you see any liquor around there at 
nuy liniuT A. I ea* the e^npty b»ttle4, »>any. 

Q, Wlii-nj did y(>n nee theiat A The hrat 
year I worked on the third floor and 1 saw them 
in the roonia of tlie men and then I saw the 
empty bottle*, the whiskey bottles; I bad lo take 
care of them and put them into the pW whrr. 
the houseman, look tliftft away. 

Q. Did you *ee tbeiu in other places around 
the huildinjfl A Vet, wherever 1 had occasion 
to go. 

Q. This was during the period you were 
there, from I"ft lo_l$&H A, Well, it was that 
first year, yes, air. I worked one year on tha 

Q, You just happened to be working on that 
floort A, I en lioiuiekecp*r for oti* year, 

Mr. Brucbhausen: That is alL 

Crosj-srajtuaof w?a by Mr. Couinjloa ; 

Q. Did yon ever have to scold your son i'eter 
while yon were bringing hiin upl A. I did. 

Q, When he Went out of the way you always 
corrected kirn, didn't youl A. If In weat est 

of the way, 

Q. And yaq eoneidered that to be your duty 
as ft mother, didn't yout A I did. 

Q. Did yon consider that you were a member 
Of the Bethel Famurt A I did. 

fj. Did you consider that Judge Eutherford 




Pkoeba iV, Uotft— lttbviiol for Pig<~Cfv*i 

waa til* h&ad of tie family 1 A . Not in ths sense 
that Ih presumed to bo. 

Q, WtH. j-cm did coftlidtr liiin to b* |]it bend 
of th* Family, didn't yoni 

Mr. Bn^!;haa«n; I thiai tiiin tnUi 
for * flo T ifll n ai n n. 

A. I don't kftOW wbetfcw I esjn say that Of 

The Cwsrt: I will permit her to 

The Witnean: He considered himself 
llic head of Lite Fniaily. 

The Court ; Wa are asking what you 

The Witness; No. 

Q, What did yoo consider dim to lei A, 
I'reai.lcnt of tlie Watch Tower Bible & Tract 


Q. Van know that tlio Bethel Family wna a 
family I A, They called themtelvca a family he- 
ci-.i«h they lived (fiRviEicr. 

Q, Whn Wfl" (be wmrtn tlmt Inlil ynn llint ynii 
1 n>\ to get used to that port of stuff 1 A. Helen 

Q. That ma in the ladies* toilet, in tliat right f 
A. That ia right 

<j. And wliat year wan thatt A. It wasn't *o 
Tonjr after 1 started ta work at the flHiea, I »op- 
poss that would be in 193&. 

Q, Yon heard the brother use the ward 
"bastard," ia that right! A. Yen. 

Q. And ha mi relating aa experience of whnt 
miu woman had tald him in the (t*ld, ia tliil 
right 1 A. Thai ia rjjhL 

fftwi* ]*, lfsji»— ffelmifoi /or Plg^tou 

Q. And alto had told Jiim wliatt A. cilia, had 

told hiiu liuat alio vat gains to tail bar priest 
something to that effect 

Q, To wliat effect! A. TJiat he was a haatard. 

(J, And thin hoy waa relating tkat ta you ml 
the tautet A. That ia eight. 

<t- When did you uitl A. The fourth tail*, 
accuad from the head. 

(J. What waa the name- of the hoy, nlaml 
A, 1 don't know. We couldn't see him. 

<j, How long j.itd you hecn in the family warn 
you heard tJitit? A. A guod taacy year*. 

0,. Bid you know tlie voicea of tlm various 
ouea tlmt made cciiruitent* at tlie labial At No, 
They taine uad west on an average of 12 or 1& 
a year, 

g. But wliat table waa I* aLUJag *tl A. He 
wuk at tlie Judge'* table, at the font 

Q. And iva« In* telling tltis nut loud or just 
talking to hit heighhorf A. Hs was telling it 
*o I h* whole dinjjip rwim heard it 

<J- Ynu objected to the repetition of wliat the 
hay )u.ul liccn tcld by Uiie woman, ia that right! 
A, I did r,i : t. 

Q. You olijected io him qaotidjr ]ser, ia that 
ri^hlt A. I did not 

Q. You were offended at wlmt he nidi A. I 
waa not 

(J. Didn't it make yon nmd, angry T A, It 

Q*. Did it plens* yont A. It didn't. 

4- What offended, the ojtiuiinjr, at tbiil What 
effect did the <|acling of thja wonum'i word 3ian 
on yon J A. I don't think It h*d any siTact 

Olim It. if oyU— flftuttoJ far Plf,— 0i>«| 

Q. JJiti you ever imdfti any complaint to Juilga 
JtuUnvrfprd about ill A. No, air. 

(j. Did yoo wer make any complaint to ajiy- 
bmly elm; around tlie f ani i ly about itl A. 1 may 
liavtt inf nliuned it to my buaband. 

(J- Did you meutioa tu your hutband, the in- 
stance abput Htlen Howlettl A, I cant remapa- 
ber whether 1 dill or nut. 
(J, Ijook nt Deuteronomy £3;Z 

Mr. Bru«]ihaux«ti, T abject IP Ibiv, if 
your Hont-T pJen»*. 

Tlie Court: He juat nuked ber to look 
at it. 

Mr. Brfleohaiiflen : I object to it 
TJli> f :.nuri : Objection iiutaLdedl. 

Q. Vnu know the word "bastard pr is men- 
tioned iT. the Bible in many pUeetF A. I have 
no ahjbt lion to that one. It in tlie Dae of it 

Q. Did you eonaider thia atntetueat by the boy 
tn Im a filthy j.«ke tliat be waa telling, a «mutty 
jidcpt A. T did not It waa tlie JuiIrb'* attitude 
ajjd bin repetition ts4l I objeelfrl la, 

iir. Corington: That in ail. 

(Witneaa tucnaerLj 

OLIN H. irOTLE, recalled in hia own behalf, 
ia rebuttal, teatinad further u folio wai 

DtVeri tXUM-maliom bg Kr> Bntikautm: 

II r. Bmdihanaen: Kay I offer in ari- 
dence all lha mk» of the Bethel organiia- 

Otim H. ttoylt—Kebvtlai /or Ptff^Dirtct 

The Court; ThajH ar* already in tn- 

Air. Bruebhauaan; I think only tout 

of then. 
The Court; Tbty are all in evidence. 

Q, You heard Jlrs. HemtJi tetlily about the 
proceeding in tlie ilagiatroiej- 1 Court 1 A. Yea, 

Q. And waa there any note paaaed qp to yuu 

by her! A, There vaj, a not* pawed un t* 184, 

Q- 'Villi did the not* «ayT A. T-ke note said 
thai from tiicre on that Wliecleu should he re- 
nioi'ed from conduct of tlie case ajid that I 
ahoukl take hie place. 

ij. Wliat time of the day wan that iiasded to 
youf A. it ia hard to recall. My beat recollec- 
tion in that it waa towarda the dune of that 

lUOniiWrV K*HH.!Mi. 

Q, Ur r Whetleen liail practieally enrnplf ted the 
trial at that lime, bndn't hcT A. Tliere wns still 
soother witness Or so. I Hunk. 

Q. Did you luire any Uilk with Heath About 
plending gollty 4a he referred tot A. You mean 

Q. Orrell. Tlie only cen^ernation I had with 
Orrell relative to my plea of guilty was made 
after the hearing nu over; during the hearing 
Judge. Andrcnf* hod made the suggestion that 
if Orrell would plead guilty he would reduce the 
Charge, and impose a $10 fine. I did not POhKcnt 
to that and on the relnnt a* *« were walking 
avenua the street Orrell ashed some question or 
mad* soma reference to that and I made tlta 
nt, "Well, mayba if yon tad pbandad 


OJiji R. Htiylt—Bt.lmitiit for Plff.—Dirttt 

guilty w* inny ba^e saved a lot of worii iuiii a 
liltlo mrtney," fflntfe it a* a jnkt, 

Q. After the wlunc trinl w*< orerf A. Tes r 
sir, after the uiiok trial wan over. 

Q. Viut tliere any conference at any lima aa 
to how to try the cane and whether or not to. 
put in a. deposition before the trinl t A. Nn, eif, 

Q. IVai. Ihert; any conference after tin; IrLiJ in 
the lfaf-ih,1.IalL^' Court njUUt ri'lalning ni;W 
eoiifi*el for Spttied! K<-j4*in»csl A- Yti, air, tirtr* 

Q. V'Ticn did that luke placer A. Very short- 
ly nfter that hearing — Wait o'uiirmte — Theri 1 
ity.-i a. fonffrvnc* pa ihLt r.\t:n hefu^t thv tyt< - 
tiniinnry ljCJII ing, I beUfVO. 

Q. You niiMJi tliat waa in connect io.i wlUi Bon- 
b. ii N ■ t L i : .ir n'lniuing Mr. I.eJljuwilL? A. Vl". pit'. 

Q. Tli nt ws« ;l lOntifluatidB of tlmt c-.n.k . . j:;r, 
till it In 'it A. Yi»-1, I belii! L .V) tlmt Bran. 

Q. NiftliJTig ™ eniJ \<hw.\ ai:y dis'-.f inciinn 
iiV-uut 1'ic trial in tJio ili.^atraita" CourlT A. 

Q. Dili yon thin identify, or a^vfiody identify, 
Mr. WiiMu'riLihl 4a th:v.UiUlj H'llO bail paMlcii.ntid 

at Uadi^nu Sijubi* Cart!**) to- yopt 

Tli* Court : before Ihe befirif;,. 

A. 1 ii.-ns't rwall wlwfJtJT it iraa bejioro or 
nftcrw.nrfiit that tiuncriOiiljMnh did tell ran that 
ln> Tii'iiffiiioil tii-lluniilit aa bring up tlmre. 

Q, Hut rtabtrily ctct ttkvi to liavii vIue^bb 
qiude ufaiuaL hiinT A. No 

<i. Tlii-i^i wu» nu aomplninl nude that t.a aa- 
■nulled anybody? A. No. 

QliH- li. iloijlt—ltrlntltiit for Plff.— Direct 

Q. Ha waa tlie attorney for Auffent at Ihe 
liruc yiio wrtt Win in court t A, Ton, sir. 

Q. Are you familiar witli the canoas of ethicaT 
A. Scmawhat 

<i, Do you kaaw the canon which refers to 
courtesy between attorncyst 

Mr. Covington; I ohjtct la it asimmar 
TJil-i Court: Saetoinid. 

Q- Do you know whut tlie practice is and the 
»uthurity of a uiagistrn'e io holding defendants 
for the Court of Special S«FainiiK.T A. l"c». 

IJ. What is itl A. The practice e« I under- 
t(4ind it ia tlmt On-y dn not find the party guilty 
bid they dp bold lima for trial to the Court of 
Sessions,, as it ia Mill?..!. That is not a triid to 
rlot*ri;i u. j whether or .put the fxftrty is guilty 
but wiielhax ai.:i.i.-nt aridOuM to hold the party 
for Irid i« tlu;ri;. 

Q. tJoiiiftliijig was said shoot your faJJnrt to 
answer B,iiJe • : i .■ :l i i.-i i,. IV hat it \'.:.-m ahput 
thatt A, I douH l:now. Wl*n ilr, Bullierfprd 
Baik) I irtaltiiicnt that utis the first tiino I 
tnew |h ii 1 had aerer answered nny. 

Q. Wore you away n great deal in connection 
with ln.'tiA business 1 A. I waa a great deal of 
the lii.w. 

(}, Aji nrlicln ban hi;rn tefcrrrd to whith was 
re*] by rMcrtw counsel *:i titled "Factn For 

air, Covington r ''In FaoU,*' 

4 At wliuso request waa that written! A. At 
too iHjueat Hit air. Knorr. 


OH* R, MoT/le—Rtbutlel for Plf.—Dirtct 

Q. Haw long before it was printed waa it 

w? it A. I cflji't yw*11 It wu sometime. 
Qoite a few week*. 
Q. It dee*— 

The Court: We have, had thin beionj, 

Q. Some refereoe* was mad* to convenjstioas 
in the Fink home in Augttit, 1939, that you- had 
mode some statement! of some kind about doe- 
trknee. So you recall what that wu, the testi- 
mony heraT A. No. I believe 70a ana referring 
to testimony concarairjg meeting* in the Fink 

<J. Yea, that you weld supposed to hive been 
present tt tlfl meeting* in the Fink home, ud 
nuule some ttatetnnnt*. A- Tliere van nothing 
Out of tht w»J in any of At meetingi In the 
FlhIc horns or any other home, I never otad* 
any referencea to doetrmti outside of Jehovah's 
Wilaes*** or interfered in. any way with the 
proper conduct of these meetings. 

Q. A statement was made by the witness Mar- 
quardt, about * Cartoon list you prepared. Wit 
there any ouch cartoon 1 A. 1 do not driw. I 
duii't think I could if 1 wanted to. 

Q. Have yon iw drawn one-T A. Not to my 
knowtedge, no. 

Q. Titers were priot*d instructions for Ilia 
Madison. JSquar* Pardon B«*tinflt A. There w«b 
tVfHiWfiliiT. iji iitrutfLlon j, 

(j. And lho*e war* fallowed, w*rt they not? 

Mr. Cuvjnswpr That [1 a eonclusioa, 
anrt (urmtmenlniivf. 
The Court: SnlUined. 


OttM R._ Maifle^IttbvtHJ far Plf ^Direct 

Q. You did not htm about Shi* by-taw contro- 
versy of 1*J17, uatd bOmfctijni io 1&J0 or 1&41, u 

lluit right T A. j knew very lLLUe about iL 

TJ:ic Court: tie didn't ask you that. He 
aabed yuu when yum heard about it for iim 

ur«t dm*. 

The. Witness: I rand tome item* about 
tlml bade in 1W17 or 131B hut umd* no 
study of it. I knew very liUtt about it 

•IJ. Koui* nienlion wis outdc by Mr. Baiter 
about n converse tiun oa military schools. Did 
you hive any ton venation with liim and what 
wn* ilf A, XVIjiJm loading Uns truck with our 
go*d*, 1 was checking '.he 4ttkl«it off ae they 
Were put in on the uidewalk and llr. Siillijr ouue 
up and said, "I would like lo &j<k you * question. 
Did you advise tlie ehildreo up in JInssschuictlj 
to attend a military Jtchtoll" I mid, "No, who 
iay« that I didt" And ha did not tell me. That 
wan ill Unit vaz saii 

tj. You are rat oppotiid lo ehUdr«u atlcndinft- 
militory ecIiooJh, ar« vh)u art! A, h'o. 

(J. You, an not oppoxvd lo people beLonjjing to 
otlviT lejigiunal A, Not at alL 

IJ. AjhI yon do^'t critkue them for daing *ot 
A. So. 

Q- Whnt wji« there about holding an aleualor 
open for Mr Itutlierford at lifoail Do yon kftow 
nnytliinf ahoul Unttf A. Very frequently, u- 
peciaJly^n Hunddy ovoaingi, tlic elevator would 
Its livid uJj*h for Idtrt. I might atalo that the 
aEavator there i* a nltepbtui-mg. one and need 
by the WicSnbcr* there to go up to the different 
Goon and when II r, Rutherford and hia group 

Olin B- Utr/ir- FeiiHtial for Plff— DirtCt 

nra roturaijtg fraiii Statin Island or e]*6i'1i4t:e 
tLu ubrrBUir >ouhl he held open for them and 
lliuna who want up to the upper floor* nuaLd 
ii»vo to walk up during tlut period of time. 

Tiie tlourtL la that the only ana in the 
TLie tVitne»ai That ii the only am in 

tlit place, 

Q. IhVh tlkOt held open for long periods of 

fjinet A. Quite kngtliy period*, i*ruetioie». 

(J. How long lOTOCtimca T A, I tliink from 15 
iidnulL'it to half iiour. 

K£. The Wilucsa illtlcr oeid something about a 
coiivcrMitioji wilh him Dut in alaeiacJtuaelta, Do 
you recall Ids toutimiouyT A. Yen, air. 

Q. Did you any anything to him or did he any 
that wouldn't it be belter to apeak to Rutherford, 
and ■oiiiolliing ainut throwing your hat in and 
tlH.4 your duitcAvel Was then anything like 
flint Kiidl A. hTo, tliene was noL My otmvcru- 
lion with him wu very brief. 

Q. Wlwl w~ns it, briefly T A. Aa we were leav- 
ing (lint ikHKnirig tie uid to nut, naked, ma what 
it wets nit about, and I said I was Itarj-ajf bo- 
can** I didn't care to thsy there under thO*« 
condtlion* and J did not give him the details. 

Q. .Sonic refcrenno was made about a number 
of sseople in Kenouha wlso left U» «a tlieri ag. A. 
Ye»» *if, 

Q, Vilien die! jh<'/ leave 1 A. The great ma- 
jority of them left about a year aft*r»-nrds, 
along in the summer Or fall or 1340. 

Q. Do you recall some incident in Jaf? Isvolr- 
lag a chair with atr. fintherf ord t A. Doiutg 


Qlm B. tingle— Rtbuttdl far llg.—Crm 

the conferencon over tlie Ifudisoo Square mpet- 
in^ii we were f.illrd into the rnorn, I lldnk [hey 
call it the radio lobby or nwJitioji room, by Mr. 
Butherford. There n Tnimlwir nf uj, Grant Suiter 
van one, m>-sclf and two « three others, were 
there nnd Mr. Rutherford, right after brcnkfa"t 
table, Aa *e enlorrd the room and. were wJiifinjr 
for tike Other* bo FAt ilfin-ji in a stenographer'* 
chair, • small «*iwf( ehiir. The chair tipped 
hack and nlmoHt threw him onto the floor and ha 
rose up from the- chair and jrrabbed it with hie 
lunula and threw it the whole length of tlte room 
towards the center of tjw room. 

Mr. Bmahhauseu: That i* nil 

Croii-MoFBurtliaii by Mr. Cammgtm 

Q. 'Wlien we* thalf A, Thai wia afterward*, 
after tlie Gnnlen riots, nnd hefort (be bearing. 

Q. And brTftra the hcarirjt' A- 1 am not sot* 
of that, whether it wn« nr tiot- 

Q. Hew Inns' A, Tt «u while the di*cn»»ioni 
we*e soir^ on. 

Q, Toil T,nw rerrill the mftltrr *f talking lo Kt. 
Orrell (tuitc ch j arly, (ihout pleojlinB (fuilty now. 
don't yon I A, Yes, air. 

(J. And your mind h*» l**n refreshed on that! 

Mr. Bruebhinm»n: 1 object to th*t 
ft was testified hefflre. 
Tlif Court l ObieellOft «(ujtaincd. It i» 
for tht jwry to say, 
Q. That ■waa a pretty eeriona rnatter to be 
joking aboot, vaan't itl 

Mr. Brucbhsu»4n; I object to it. 
The Court: Suiteined. 

Oii» B. itoyle—Btbuttal for Pt$.-~Cr6s* 

<J t Did you get any instructions regarding 
putting McDonald on the witness Hand I A. I 
don't recall any initruotiona to pul lui.i on the 
witness Ktand. 

Q. Will you oay that you did not! A. I did 

(J. Yon did not receive inch instructions 1 A. 
I did not, 

(j. Wjiat instrnction» did Judge Kntherfard 
Kiv» you end Mr. tYhceiensl A. 1 don't rotall 
any (ptTilie instructions. There v.ia a confer- 
ence concerning the eaM. We discussed »ho 
were tlie witnesses and it was left lo Wheclcss 
to arrnnjre putting lam on. 

Q. Weren't you and Hr. Wheeless in confer- 
ence with Judge Itntlkerford for more than half 
a dnyf A, Utt. 

Q. Ilnlf a dnyT A. I don't think so. 

<j. Il<)w long were vtui in conference T A. 1 
don't reml I I hat we were there more than an 

Q. Did you hire II r. WheelessF A. At the re- 
([Lieut uT .Innl^e liutherfard. 

Q. A:nl when wsjh tkialt A. 1 can't rernll the 
;'i;>.L date. 

1;. 1 i<hnw yen Defendant '■ Kxiiihit 11-0, and 
Ark vhjil if tlial ie the truth and did you write the 
I m:h Iberr, A- Vex, I think that i* the truth, 

Q, YihO did mention to Orrell tluit jt was a 
swpfl tiling fnr dim t<>^- 

Jlr. jlruehliau«en : I object to it. 

The Conn: Objection ^iiatnined. The 
teller i» ih evidence and haa been read to 
the jury. 

(\Yitnets eicuacd.) 

Ur. Uruthhaustn; The plaintiff reata. 


(Mr. Covington reada article «atithd 

" Snares, " to the jury.) 

Mr. Covington: That ia all 

Tlie Cowl: Thait is the defendant*' 

Mr. Covington: We clo«*, yoor Honor, 

■I'iic (•„;.: I. i'lulntiff n^tit 

Mr. Hriiehhauten: Plaintiff rest*. 
The Court; I will hear the moliooa now. The 
Jury will be excused until S JO tomorrow morn- 
ing. Thanh you very much. I *m sorry to rAv* 
kept you ]al«- llease do not decide the ea*e or 
even dtstaaa it until you have finally beard the 
suiLimnlinn* and the elurffr. 

(The mrmher* of the jury it*T* the conrV 

Sir. Covington: At thia time th* defend- 
ante, til* two corporate defendants, nod *«*h of 
the individual clefenn»nt»— - 

Th* Court: T. think, if you don't nind, yon 
had l*tler take (hem up separately. I regard 
the individual defendant*, a little difftrtarty my- 
Mr, Covington: AH right, your Hooor. 
The Court: If you hive prepared *omething, 
I will liettr it. 
Mr. Covington 1 T will proceed separately. 
Find, in hehatf of the individual defendanls, 
nnl in beWf ot the cDrporition defendants, each 
nod all tlie defendants move the Court to in. 
struct the jury to return a Terdiet in favor of 
enrh of Hie individual defendaalt 

The Conrt: Do you wait to roski * motion to 
djamiaa the complaint 1 
Mr. Covington: Yas. 





The (Virt; I think you ought l« more la din- 
nix* the complaint first 

Mr, Co ving^on - I move at this tim4 fw * die- 

inir-«jll- ipf (he Cljlllplaint id behalf of CBC-h 'if tllO 
jp\..VLlluLjl iLrfcjlllunt* — 

Tin? flmirt: A* to both causes of nutjunt 
Mr- Covington: As lo both mOsea of action, 
Tli* Tourt: What have you pit 10 *ay to thai, 

Mr. rtrnclibeuseii, only as lo tlie individual do- 


(Discussion n(T the record.} 

Tli:; Court: 1 linve heard no evidence that 
would $<ive toe the ri^lil to uend the case lo the 
jiiiy a* to tJw; individual defendants, es fiir la 
I lie- fvntiid cause of action is eonremed. 

Mr. UrnrhlihUKi-n: I Dm inclined lo think your 
iTi'Dor U rijfllt Tilt only u,ve>tioB we may have 
i* ns lo the (MHO it lakes. 

The Court: Why shouldn't the complaint bo 
Oi'iuiivcd hi 1 to the individual def'eniLanti as to 
tlii' first rii-.iM* of notion! 

:' DiKiinmnn off the record.) 

Tlie L'otllt; I lake it you huve m> rwoHeclisin 
.'•r any MetlHMly HiaL (fives me 111? ri.ifhl to 
fmhI 1 1 ir vase to lilt jury a» lo the second tanno 
nf actioi invnlvinK tli* individual defendants! 

Mr, llrurhhnni<en r My recollection ia tlmt 
there is stn evidence tytn*; up It* defendants. 

(Further dwouseion bit lbs record.) 

The Court ; I will reserve. dMNUH « to the 
Individual itefendanta, 
Mr. (■nrinjftrtii; On both Causer; T 

The Court: On both causes. I am going to 

Hal ; o i. for Pientitdol af Cma<.lmn t add Directum 
e-f Verdict ■■! fatter" vf Defendant* 

look a li'.tl* bit myself into tlie first mui of 

(Further di*ni*nio|s off the record.^ 

'I'hc Curt: You u-boll have n decisiso before 
you atari to aum up tomorrow momina;, X«w, 
aa fur at tlie corporate dc/cndnnla bfo eon- 
cem?d — 

Mr. Covijiffton : In lx-halt <if tli* corporate 
ilpfiTKlfciilji jit (liiji time, u'itli rL-ftrcrife to bath 
riittsCFi nf action rlAlttl in llm tnmplaiat, I lie t\t- 
fetiujirlif ntnvo fur * diniiLsuiii] or tin- fomnJelBt 
^n;l for o- dirvebinn <\{ a werilist. 

Tbo Cain-1; Let (U m*k» tlw imiliaii far tbw 
dtniiuHiuiL firnt. 

llr, CflvL*Hiori; All ri(l»t, b«*ii«4 ttero ie 

no eviilfJltic tli nu];i:iit till' flirC to 1lrt! jury in 
bflinlf i>f tlnj filaiTiliff fin rilhrr nuc nf tlm tminrM. 
af Brijoo. Ftirtlntrwftrc, that tlie *v-ith>n« li in. 
juttticfccnl lo ^urtijn a ■cctdkt upon tiny of the 
JjjueB tircjKnlwl on eillier nf !ht nrntn nf ae- 
tiim, Thr umlisjuitpj] rT-idcn™ phnti'F Oiat 1hn 
"Snarsi" artiele end the article entitled "Ih- 
f itnuiuthNi, *' l\iivt n^cn |tnvri^n lo ho tli* truth, 
aihl jiiHtifbfntion hex l>ecn «*tniiliahcd ai a matter 
af law. Kfil, the u.udi»pulc4 fvidiDce ilLn^e 
that ;hi* fn:h!i(-ntinn of thv arlifle entitled 
" ' Sua re ji " niid rhr artirV rotitlpi "Information" 
wan in Iho "TVatch Teller" niaEMiitf, whtfh wa« 
a clumnct nf oommuniretinii hptBiwii Hie "Watch 
Tourer Bible ti Tract Society and JehnT-ah'* 
Witneueai and Ihat Ihe andi»[Hitcd cridene* 
Mtohliehra an a matter of In* that the rom- 
tnuniwtittl of th* "finaTaa" article and the 
"Information*' artjel* «*e priTileftd becan^a of 

ihtum far Ditmitsal of Complaint and Direction 
of Verdiet in F±vtr of Defendants 

Uic reluliojmhip betweeo the Watch Tower Bible 

£ Tract ttatiily and J^luiv&h'a WttHMH, and 
th* imdMj»U4 eridwm ebo«e thet there ^ M 

liu Jjiilhci.' or Llien *■'&* u<> **idl3iBij uf :n.;lii'fi 
'.Titill.'llrhiil Uiat would warrant thr (Utunuusinn 
if Uliy injillt: utl that. 

Kin I, the undisputcJ evidence ithowe that Iheue 
"luHMiieuld contaijiod in Uie article entitled "In. 
fnntintion 1 ' and the article entitled "Ssoarei 1 ' 
were: in rt']>ty nod were made in *clf-defeiuia to 
rljur-L's isui'Je hy Mr. lloyle in copies of htu lol- 
tar u-|iicii he caused to be circulated or permitted 
to lie cireukted and aluo in letter* width he 
nmiliil lii vnriouu per&ons fihonii In the evidence f 
□Jul rlmt Elicie articles caused the motive! of 
tin- | tlniri ti (S mid hii cendact in vrhting this letter 
uru I olio in to'UnB: nn he did in ceurt. And the 
naHlMpfllal ^viil™™ mShj»f th«l there ia no 
malice en- ill will on the part of *ny of the dV 

Neil, the article entitled "rjnarti" and the 
artii'k- cnlilli-ij " I n rornulUm " are jhown to have 
hciii |iuhli lilted on a man whose name and fame 
nnHinjr Jehorah'k Witneetea tiiron^hout the 
VniliNi Ktatcri nee far and wide and broad; that 
he woe e man of public, eharected among Jeho. 
v*h'i Witjiwiiea; that Jehovah'* Wibnj«*C'5 bed 
mi intrt*t4 in liii oonrluet. end, thoTpfni - ^ in 
Hritlos ei"*h of these article* nnd caosinjr the 
smw tn lie published, I hey tmnfilitulcd fair oon> 
ment on the plointiffn acta and condurt, and 
etprwjwl Hieir opinion nf and conceminn: the 
plaint iff, and there in no evidence of malice, 

That is the motion, and we move now that 
ll:r Court order thr <itrai|ilaint dinjiiimii'd for 
IllOM rriuuKia. 


livtion far Dirfciiun of Vctditt in Favor 
ft? I'Sainliff 

The Court; The inetiop i« denied aa to the 
eorixirata defendants inxnfar an both caueej of 
milium are ponwrntth Kieeption to the corporate 

Mr, CovilWtoa: And we will make a motion 
fur u iliitwlkil Vvrdict* 

Tbe Court: Iniofer M the corporate dafead- 
anlh are ciincHUied I 

Mr. CoA r Lnj;ton i Ven. 

Tlie (Jiiurt : On tlie »aine jrjoundftt 

Mr. t'nvinjrttin: On Die xnitie pmumle. 

The Court: Have yen anything to bbJ about 
n dirortiiti of a verdiet (addretwinE Ifr. Brucii- 

il r. Jlruchliauxen : I would like to omt* a 
motion lo diHiniy* the eepomte defrn»o» °o Ibo 
(froiind — 

The Coorl ; T^-t hk ennr^ra ourjielvM with 

One Ihin^ ill n. [iiill L - 

¥:. BruchbLunni: May I have about five mio. 
uten On thinl 

The Cnart: Tea, etrtainly. 

(Short recejja.) 

Mr. BrncblLauaen : The plaintiff morei to d*e- 
Misii tll<! dofenii* — 

Tap Court: Wnit anu-. Tbii (^alleiman haa 
moved on behalf of Ihe corporate def«id*q.t» for; 
the direction of a verdict insofar as both MUM 
of action are concerned. 

Mr. Coviiifijon: For the reaaona stated in the 

Mr. BmchhauKcn: Tbe plaintiff aJso movce 
for a directed verdict in favor of the plaintiff 
on both cauaee of action, on the fuel canae of 


Plaintiff's Hfofwii fa Hit-iHhs the Separate 
Prfeinei, ei£. 

action against the individual and cotporat* da> 
fendants, and on the second cause of action, 
against tlm corporate defendants. 

Tlie Court: Prcigion reserved, I vilt a!w 
give you a docif-ion on that before yon atart to 
euro, up tomorrow morning. That ends the 
Iflntioni ininfur m tin defcodaoti a™ oon- 

Mr. Covington: We might just as well rajilie 
the aarie motion in behalf of the individual de- 

Tlse Court: For a directed Yerdictl 

iir, Co viojrton ■ Yen, for the reasoni atoted, 
on both cemtf 1 * of aotloa. 

The Court: I>cci"ion reserved, 

irr. Covinfrlon : For the mine reasons elated. 

The Court: Taj the same reasons staled in 
the motion to dismiss the complaint on behalf 
of tbe individual defendants I 

Mr, Corioijlon: Yea. 

Mr. ItnidilMiiiiifsi: \nw tlw plaintiff ipoven to 
dismiss the separate defenses of truth, and juiti- 
ncntion, privilege, fair comment and mitigation 
of damage, on the grounds — 

The Court: Will yau refer to the nomber of 
tlie defenseR yon move to dismiss t T would pre- 
fer that you make your motion in the morning 
as far as tlie dismissal ia concerned. "We will 
hare mntinns at 9sSD and we will keep the jury 
ool'ide until the motions have been disposed of, 
which is the fairest thing to everybody. Is that 
utiifaotory to *v*iryfccdj1 

Mr. Covinjrton: Tea, 

Mr, Brpehbaasen : Tea, sir. 

(Trial adjourned to Wednesday, May 2G, IM3, 
at 9:30 lid.) 

Court's Huiix? «■ JfOliOM 

May 24, 1943, 

{Trial rimnmed.) 

{Jury not preaenL) 

The t'oiirt: We will now talk about tbe 

&M)lmUJ* r 

The motion lo dismiss tlie first cnuse Of action 
ba* ninthly been denitd in so far us the eor- 
porute itt-fvndaiLta are eoneented. It is now 
denied in so far a* tin; individual defendant* *>n 

The motion to dismiss the eOOOnd euiue of 
action by the corporate defendants ia denied. 

Tbe motion bo dismiss the sevoiul oanBO of 
action in so far on all the individual defendant* 
art concerned is granted. 

Mr. Bmcbihoascn: May 1 have an exception! 

The Court: Wait now. Each side may have 
an exception to the advc/Isa ruling. 

Now wa will toko the motion for a directed 
Verdiet, In ao far as the Tint cause nf action is 
concerned, the defendant hna made a motion for 
a di reded vurditii in favor of the defendant. 

Mr. Brmdiheuien: The plaintiff e]a» aganrea 
for a diraeEcd verdict. 

The Court, In favor of the plain! iff! 

Mr. Bruchliuusen : 3'n favor of the pJaletlff, 

The Court: Ton both, must saj that. 

Mr, I! f uclil iu ijhh.'ii : Oo both causes of action. 

The Court : We will take one at n time. 

Both motions are denied. An szoeption ia 
given to each sido. 




Dt-f extents' Molion i# fcttmtt Jwry tf 
Rcmtcr * Special Vviict 

In so far an the second cause of action is con- 
cerned, do you also move for the direction of a 
verdict in favor ot the defendants I 

Mr Covington: 1'*?, your Honor, on tin 
*aiu* jatotindu u 1 staffed yesterday. 

Mr- Bruuhhauacn : Plaintiff aiao mini for 
t directed verdict 011 tlie. second c*ue* of acliou 
in flavor of the plftintiJT. 

The Court; Both motions an denied. An 
enceplion ia given to everybody in tlie oaec. 

Let it be moled on lbe record that Mr. Coving* 

!:.n'i iiiUtiul'i, tiie HJi.ijj.iLi itdt^-d id hil MTgll»3 

WOti-oq for flj*o«onal >r« stated in all' the motion* 
On all causes of action, 

Mr. Coringlen; Ye*, your Honor. 

The Courts Atsd Jet it be notod that an ex- 
ception ia given io ill partita 

I have a motion I *m going U hand to toe 
ClKflt innde by Mr. Ctf*i*glM. Fat it in tie 
record u though Mti Covington wade it at this 

(The motion made by Kr. Covington ia a> 
follows : 

K"..i* conns defendants at elet't af all lbe evi- 
dttHt aod before the Court 'a cliftrg* to the jury 
ajid teC-vi? that the Court instruct tha jnry io 
render a special verdict and not 10 r*tWT> a gen. 
arid verdict. 

Defendants any that this, causa should b* »ub- 
raitlvd upon specific question* of fact bo that Alt 
taut* tnQ bA found by tlie jury according 10 Hi* 

rjubiuitlillg 'In cause on a genera,! charge end 
permitting the jury to return a general verdict, 
either for the plaintiff of lor lbe dcJcftdusUj is 

Dtfftonti' Motion to Instruct Jurg to 
Render a Special Verdict 

inadequate and prejudice* .lbe right* ot the de- 
fendants herein. Defendants are entitled to 
know on what ttieory the verdict to be relarned 
by th* jury ia baaed. Under a general charge it 
■will be iuipousiLl* to determine upon Thai ele- 
ments of L'acte ths jury based ita Terdicf 

The fact* tir.i] circumalaiwwii in this cause pre. 
sent a si: u» Lien that require that the. Court 
instruct the jury to return * *j>k4h1, pur. 
auanl to Sections 459 and *5l> of I he Civil Prac- 
tice AcL It ia respectfully aubmillcct tlial 10 sub- 
mit Utia action to the jury u[»b a ^rnctal 
cbarge would in an abuae of dixc-retion i-::l 
prejudice 1 and imperil tlie rtghu of uWfendnita.) 

'Fh$ Conrt: Hint motion ia denied witb on 
exception to nil tl>* defendanla. That ia your 
motion lor a apeciid verdict. 

Ht- (Jorinpton : Yat, your Honor. And in 
(tmiKrtion vrilli 1imt, an rehired by tlie ruien of 
Civil i'rdcticje, wd luijjiit certaia apecial finding* 

Tike Cooi-t: That ii another motion T 

Ur, Covingioa: Ko, it ia a part of iiii* mo- 

Th* Court: Nsv yoa art jroifl( to mn^c a'b- 
Hlbtr rut: i i-:tn becauae Lbat mntion, in my iwilfi- 
moait, la m>l proper. It you. are mating fcnulfuer 
utolion, it m*v b* proper. 

^!r. CoTinjrton lunula copy of motion to the 
Court. } 

Tli* Conrli ThfS* motioni I will (rive yoo an 
ij]i jhcrt uti i [y to nud.c after lite aiiimemtiona to- 
djiy *o tJiat [ may tout tJV-ni over. I will nl*o 
note en ih* record Ehitt Ur. Uorinffton hna a 

Plainlijf'i Mvtivn lo Dirmitr lie 

Complete iPefensa, etc. 

right to hidvo Tor, a directed verdict after the 

iiun' lA till,' i,.;uj::iii!iOn:-,. 
iil. CuvIjikUiji: Vbb. 

Mr. Ej-oebluitwen: N*w h if you Honor plant, 
I hivt throe fiirtlier jnolion* On. bclinU of llio 


1'lBJnlilI movoa to ditniitft the fir*l compl»l« 
ili'JtnjjB to tht finst cauae of Action wliicb it 
alleged in Pursgrmpha 11 to 18, incliUive, of tJw 
onjjucr, TilitrcLiy the defendant* plead juxliftcA- 
tion or treUj, on the- ground that the dofon-jimU 
Jinve not proved the troth of th* article "Luftir- 
ijmtion" wkiich waa publitleed on October li, 
1VKI. TJwy have not shown that tile ptoiiililT 
libeled the family at fiethel bceouse the plaintiff 
baa proved that ha vaa privileged Io write the, 
letter, and ita eontenU were (Ubatautiaily Innv 

The Court: iUolion denied. Exception to tli4 
pliititiiT. It ia my judgment thai tint ia for the 
jury to any. 

Mr, DruEfahaoHb; The plaintiff farther ttinvn 
to diamiea the second complete 4ef«b*s t4 lb* 
firit cause of action which i* pleaded in P*ra- 
graphfl IS to 22 of tiie tiiiwer, whrrefcy Urn plea 
of privilege ia act up both 14 cOnnuuniiikta to 
tlw meiobera and in fair rcpTy Io thtj (ilnintiif 'ji 
letter, upon the ground that the defendant* have 
not proved thnt tJiey irenr priTilrgwJ to eemwujii" 
«ito lbe article " Inf ormnl i on " )■>■ pohiication in 
the Wntcli Tower miaiaiiv* And bfl«aii«* it waa 
nofa fair reply in that it inj«itnd pertonnULea 
and atlacked Ifoylia ii hie paraonal and- profaa- 
aional capacity. 

Tha Court: Tba aottou U daniad with an 

Pia'mlif't Mvtiv-n Jo Ditmiit the 
Cvmplttt VeftBftt, tit. 

Exception. It is my opinion liuil tbal ia for the 
jury to determine, not for iae. 

llr r IJiucliljaufien: The plaintiff further movea 
to diamine thi; Jdrd complete defenw to tht nrat 
caaan of action upon the ground thftt it ha* not 
bevn tjiiablialKid by the evidence in Ihit caae.' 

Tho C'0*rt: Mr. Covington, Wft't th*l * repe- 
tition of the second defcnsel 

Mr, Covington : It is a repetition, of Lbe facta. 
However, it ia not a repetition of Hi* defenaa. 

Ttte Coiirt: I wiil deny tlie. motiop with an 
exception to the pLauitiff, 

Mr. HruthhauBen: The plainlilT furtlirr movea 
la digutuLK tli* fourth complete der*nje to tl.o 
SiTRt enuu of ac'irn vhich U pleaded in Fara- 
Ifrapiin 2S and ii of the in*w*f, whereby [be 
defendants plead: fair comment, on Hie ground, 
drat, (hat (lie defends nit have failed to establish 
(he trutb of the ir.p,l:iir« in the < L Information " 
article olleBod t"> bu f^lualj artnV tecoudtyj lb*t 
the mutter* alk^ed to be opinion 4r« nvl inch 
comment frs *, reaaoaabla man would mate ou 
the facts ftirlj stated. 

The Cooi-i: Motion denied; *i«eption to the 
plomtilJ. I think that that is for Lha jury, 

Ifr. Erutlihansen 1 The plaintiff further movea 
to dismiss th* brat complete dtfonu to th* sec- 
ond cause of Jiction — 

The Court; Are you mnkintf th* same mo- 
tion with Rtpaet to the second cauae of action 1 
Atr. BrutbhauBen : Te*. 
The Court: Let it be notad that the plaintiff 
mode th* *aiue motions with raipect to the four 
defenias Id Lb* second caua* of action, tnd be 
has the hdi ruling tad an aueption. 


Mr, Bruchhausen : And may I maluv * bLantet 
niotioD on beltalf of the plainEiiT to di«mi&i aepa. 
rakdy all or tiie eeparale canaet or action, upon 
the ground that each of th* said alleged causes 
of action, have sot been ejjtabliahod by the de. 

Th* Court; That ia denied with on exemption 
to tin ;jlnij.:LjT. 

The only thing w* have left ia for a motion 
for a special I'erdicl lo be determined after sum- 
mation. If there is nothing elae to ba said by 
anybody, we will call in lbe jury. 

(Tli* jury ii rncalled to th* court-room,) 

The Court: Now T UBdenland you went the 
jurniuatiori* Lalicn downl" 

11 r, Covington : Yea, yonr Honor. 

Tlie Court; I would lilt* to say for the edi- 
fication Of I he jnry that if yen hear otn interrupt 
ecsnsel at *ny t)W4, yob vill reeliie that we have 
agreed that Lbey will b* linited to a certain 
time, and it is no r*S*ctian on either counsel. It 
is just an aarcement that I am going to call their 
attention wlvan their tin* it about op. 

(Ur. Covington summed up to the jury,} 

AmtVoOV 3caaiD> 

(Hr. Brueiibanaea aunmed up to the jury.) 

Th* Court; Because of th* Utteeai of the 
hour, I will not ait tonight This 1* fit* last lira* 
1 will tall yoa Hue: Pl*U* 6a not ditto** the 
*M*V arven among younatv**. Th* ItHH J do 


C civs </uy 

hot charge yoa tonight is that this has been a 
Lis.,: that J.i-n uiti^j a long tiiti* to try, and h* 
do hove blafk(;ut» on occasion, and I want nott 
tiling to interrupt your deliberationa. 

It tins been 11 10 policy of this Court, ever sine* 
the inception of blackouts, not to mnd joron 
cut tot*. Tliereforr, wo will charge you at fl JO 
A. ii. loinorrov/, promptly. Hod I shall not lake 
laont liian twenty or twenty-five ""'"'i t*? to 
elmrjos you. 

(The jury tiiercupon left tlie court room.) 

The Cuurl; The jury is ail gone. Defend- 
ants' eoujLKfl Jit* submitted in writing to th* 
Court Iwuiily^ix motion* under Beotiap 40$ of 

Lh* Civil i'mctifca Act, UetVina; too Court to eub- 
jim; t(j thi' Jury twenly-ala aeparal* question* for 
answer, thirteen On each of tba two cause* or 

A" mo bona are denied, eadi with an tisepiier, 
to tin defendant", Tim motions are to he mad* 
■ part of the record in this caie. 

{The motions referred to are as follow*:) 




Litt of Diftxdamlt' Meqw*U for Special Finding* Lui of Defeittiautt' Bt^uatt for Special Finding* Lint of flcfrndami* ' iitqutttt for ispttud Findings 

Nuunn Osz A 

Now conn; JujfcndtLn t« at dot* of tit the *vi- 
d<iiL«! *.qd beford the Court'* charge to the jury 
and ttovt S^ 1 * CoUri 14 dircel Uw jury to return 
» *i*jti*l verdict And answer specific questions 
jiuj-Bucnt l* Sections 408 and i59 of fha Civil 
J 'rue-Lice Act, cue of which issues defendants 
request the Court to submit is, to wit; 

Da you find from a preponderaoiice- of tlie *vi- 
denee that the snick entided "Information" 
pinldij<li*<| in tbe WiTCiffl>wii* ni^siiiiB* of Octo- 
ber Ifl, 1933, libdkd the plaintiff, aa that term 

haj been doused to you herein 1 

(Answer Taa or No) 

Aaswaai W*, the jury, answer 

RaipneifuHy requested, 

Hattix* C. Coyimwov 
Attorn*/ for D*I#*dsJlts 

Dinxcjjrrs' Kbqtji*t fob Snmu. hmmi 
NvHUa T*frA 

Now come defendants at close of all the evi- 
dence and before the Court 'i charge lo the jury 
Add more the Court to direct the jury lo return 
u Kitfcud verdict and answer s|Kxific question* 
pursuant 'to Sections 458 And *59 of ih* Civil 
Fragile* Act, one of which issue* dsfwdaoU 
rtqlMH til* Court to submit is, to wit; 

Do you find from a preponderance of the cri- 

deuce that the article entitled "Information" 
published in the Wjuchtfowes magazine of Oelo- 
ber 15, 1939, actually charged that the plaintiff 
bad been enframed by' defendants with confiden- 
tial matter* end that be had proved fedtble** to 
lii» trsmt, end tluiC in the manner <>F JhiIilm who 
betrayed Jesus Christ plaintiff betrayed tJie de- 
fendants and Ida fellow witnesses of JeliovsL? 

(Antwor Yw or No) 

A H n wfs : We the j nry. tnsrfor 

Renpetlf id ly rrquestcd, 

IIayluih C' CamafTmr 

Attsrnay tar Defthduti 

JJarnjuwjra' liBQUKKr ran SFKUL Fimuxai 
NruiiKft Taiw,&-A 

Kaw mime defendants at close of ail the evi- 
< knee jlHiI before the Court 'm tliaijj* to the jury 
and minr; tlie Court to direct (lit- jtirjr to return 
a special verdict and answer jqiccillc questions 
pursaust to H*ttion» ii& und 4J4I of ihe Civil 
rractiag Act, aim of which iiau*-i defesdonla 
r&[U*«t (In- Court to auhiuit Ln, to wit: 

Do ynu find from a pn-nondcraoco of the evi- 
dence that the article entitled "Information" 
published in the WATCnTowjik mogusino of Octo- 
ber 1*, 1933, actually charged that tlte plaintiff 
"had became An 'i;vjl wmim', via unfaithful to 
Jcliovali and an unfit person for mewheri of 
J«bova]i'« wiinvrses to aaaocdate *ith"t 

(Answer Yes or Ho) 

Amwu; We, the jury, answer _„ . 

R^pwlfully nqueatsd, 

KaTM» C, C*fl!(«0*t 
Attorney for Defendants 


Lift of Dtfedanit' Rtijueilt fgtSperial Findngi 

DinflPAF-rs r llstusm res £fxcui. FiKMjrus 
Niiiuaa FomtA 

Now come d«ftnd«±its at rJo«« of aJI the- evU 
denes and btforu Iht Cvurl 1 ! chapfi* to the jury 
and iiusva th* C«uirt to dir«t the jary to wtum 
4 special verdict And Answer specific questions 
pursuant to Section* 4i8 and 429 of the Civil 
Practice: Act, one of which. Isaacs defendants 
request the Court to enhmit is, to wit; 

Do yon find f rcuu a preriorjdfrraittt of the evi- 
dence that tlit article entitled " I nf amaaLiorj " 
f.ublLulLtd in Hi* Watcmtowhs juagailne at <Jtto- 
tober H, 19(39, by m;fri"rin(f to Jtsde, vers*! 4 to 
IE, in MtorJan™ kith the beliefs of Jelio^ah's 
wiLntoiwB, actually chArg*d that l}>* pWiitAT had 
"put himself ua opposition to God's Fovemmcnt 
arid is a man who has denied the Truth and 
thereby eammitted a sin, the result of which aon- 
dtmna him to a second death and eternal dfr- 
atnution, a death from which, then ia no re»ur- 

(Answer Ya> or No) 

Awsvm: We, Hi* jury,, answer 

Itespectf ul ly requested, 

KAfuklf C. CoVtHOTOV 

Auonytjr far Dtf*sdut> 



Litt of Defendant* ' Request* far Special Finding* Lift ef DefemJomi* ' ReiptaU far Special Finding* 

DertKuum' Hw;ur-tiT mm Unutu. Fusniiros 
Nuubeb fm-A 

Kow MHt di'f*i:danU at cltiM' of ull the evi- 
denoe and before tim Court's ehar$c to tlie jury 
und uiDve Ui* C>»kUt to diriftt t)4 jury to return 
a apecial vtrdicl and answer epeciftc questions 
pursuant to Sections 458 und 459 of the Civil 
Practice Act, one of which issues defendants 
nqtttvL [lie Court to submit is, to wit: 

Do yi>n find froin a prepondernnu of the evi- 
dence that the article entitled "Information" 
published in Ihe Watchtowidi innjrniuie of Dcto- 
her ISi IPSO, referred to the plaintiff in hie 
capacity as o lawyer instead of hii capacity aa 
a member of the Wotchtower DiMe and Tract 
Society and as one at Jehovah's witnesses! 

(Arwwrr Y« or No) 

Axswua: We, the jury, answer . . . 

Reinutfnlly requested, 

Htlra* C. C«tl>e»r 
Attorney for Defendants 

Ttttrfymmt' Rk^uegt f.m Si-suIaL Famna 
Kumbs» fill-A 

Haw come defendants at close of all the evi- 
dence and before the Court's charge to the jury 
and move the Court lo direct Ilia jury lo return 
a special verdict and answer specific questions 
pursuant lo Seel tans 45& and 439 of tlte Civil 
Practice. Act, one of wldeh tutus defendants 
requent the Court to submit ia, to wit: 

Do ynii find fruin a preponderanee nf Ihe evi- 
dence that the os-tirle entitled "En fornuil Lou" 
pahlinhed in the Watchtowks iiuyjoiiin; of Octo- 
ber Hi, inan, referred to His plaintiff and was 
written of and concerning tlie plaintiff in his 
private capacity ns n member of tlie WoteJitowsr 
Bible and Tract Society aid 4a one of Jthcrah's 

(Answer Vns or No) 

Asswaa ! We, tlie jury, answer » 

BttpecUolly nqiuttad, 

Hathek C- CuTiiHroB' 
Attnrwy for Daf udu t* 




Lit! af PtftmfatU ' Refuel* for tfpeewJ Fautaat Litt if Ptferivti ' fltgaatfj frr SpeciJ Finding* Litt of DeffA)*!*' JicgVHM far8f*&et Fitting* 

JlxyzMOAitTM,' RfXjCtBT FOB SfECXU. Flld'lJfBA 

Now c:"Ii'h- dchvndiin t* At clot* of all the evi- 
dence and More the Cenrt'* charge to the jury 
i\ id hihvi: tSt Court Lo direct the jury to relnm 
ji »rMTiul verdict and inifir ■ pf-cilic <]ii*jIldiii 
|HtmnuMt to Bectinne 4W and 430 of tht Civil 
I'm-ika Aft, one of whieli iuu«* defendanta 
Teilibnt the Court to *ubinrt it, lu wit: 

]>o you find from a nrrpoadrriaee af the evi- 
dence that Ltue article *nti(l*d " Inf onnation ' ' 
jmhtifthiil in the WiTOirrffwalt roafiaxine of Octo- 
Iwr 15, l£J39 kltm prepared, publiulisd and eircu- 
]*|hmI hy Use defendants of and concerning the 
■plaintiff wilL actual ex prow inalic* u thai Uttfi 
iuu hten defined to- yon herein 1 

( Anawer Yei Ot No) 

A«»"; We, tha jury, ant*ef _ —> 

Respectfully MqnMted, 

Hiww. C, Oohbutoit 
Attorney for Htfandanta 

EtiriiunTi 7 IkauasT for Stt-chl. FifpJob 


No* oomo defendant! at tlosa of iill Hi* evi- 
dence »nj lxfore tlic Court'* charge to tlw jury 
unit move 1 1 m Court to direct the jury to return 
«. npit-iai verdict and «n»**r «]ysi:ifie quaitioni 
[MjiTiinsit to tttetione +58 and eOSJ of the Civil 
i"rnttim! Act, onv of wludi iuoet defendant* 
re^ut-nt the Court, to lubinit in, la *itr 

]}r, j-o« linct from e preponderance of the evi- 
dence lln»t I lie charge* contain cd in (he articlo 
entitled "Information" appearing in the Watch- 
Tiiwji» Diaganioe of October 15, 1SJ3Q were the 
truth and ton»tituLeil juiliflfalion for »ucb publi- 
CTitiiin, a* that ttnn Iuu been defined to yen 

(Answer Y**. ax No} 

AyanrKBt We, tlte jury', enau'er _ 

Biwpectfulty requested, 

Hiviki C CcwiHOTOir 
Attorney fat DefeBdaiti 

Dzfisoajsii' IIeuliiet Foa Sr-acm, Fijumio* 
Xl'uiuu NiHa-A 

Now e<raw def en-dun t* »t etnn nf all the *vi- 
dtuce nnd lief ore the Court '« ehargo to the jury 
and fp*t» the Court to direct the jury to return 
4 »uww! i,xrdict and «Tie«er epecific quesUnn* 
pur^BJiot to Scotiom tiS and; +,W of the Civil 
l"rnctLce Act, one of which iaatiea deteodanta 
reqoeut tLo Court to submit iia, to wit: 

Do you fmd from a prbpotidenLnee of tlia evi- 
dence tint the pTfparmion, imhlkotion and fDin- 
Tnuiiicetion of the urtiete *ntt!led "information" 
ap-nrarijii; in the Watci [tUh"i;b nunruxinD of Qe- 
IoIm.t 15, ]!1JD ooni!tilu1pd a niwltftiiily pftvitejted 
coiiiiLiuiiii'atiijn between tKp- defRnduntH -ruid rjif 
■u'birrihi'n ttt mliA WmMilUwrJt tua[;aitiia aa 
that lerro ha* beeB drfmed to ywl hftrtifl! 

(Anivar Yei or No J 

Anbweb: Wa, Ut) jury, anawer , 

Be&pectfuliy reqneatod, 

Attonwy tor I>*feadanU 

Lut af DtfrmlanU ' Rcijutrnta ftr Special FindUgt 


Mvkh» TaV-A 

Now cviue defendant* at cloae of all the tri- 
di'nw and befure the Court'* charge tu- the JBry 
nod ntuve liie Court tu (Lir«:t tine jury to return 
b. siKtial vwdiel and auawer specific cjueatiorjB 
pareuwnt to Suction* -J5S and 4S9 of the Civil 
Prrwliec Act, one of width Luauea deleudanla ra- 
^otiit the CoujI tfl- auhmit ia, to wit: 

Do jou Itnd frora a prenonderanc* of the *vi- 
detiftft that uefore diff jjublic-nlion end Kincula- 
iioa of tiie artiele entitled " Information" ap- 
pearing in tlie WiKUlTW** of OttubcT 15, 193S 
lIju fjlainlitT cbculatad or |»nnitbr<l to b* ieaA 
a- copy of III* lisllnt of July 21, 1939 delivered 
to the defembiat Ji>H*f>b F. Ifutherford, de- 
censed, and Own-by uttackedf and a»uuljed tha 
head^u.-ir Llt* «taiT of the defendant *ooetu» 
and of Jthovali '» witatiBest 

(Answer Yes or No} 

Amawia: We, the jary, answar . 



Liit of Defendant** Itfjucsti fat $pti.iiil i-'i-jJinj* Lilt of Defendant*' tteg.\te*U for Spemvl Fi-w diri g* 

If you have antvered the foregoinR rjnrjitiDa. 
Yea, you natl arnu-er [he rnLLawjns juration: 

a-, yaa And f ram u preponderance of the evi- 
dence that Hie publication and eircuktiiju of the 
article entitled "Information" contained in trie 
WiWH*owfcR uiafiaiinfl of October 15 H VJ33 **m 
made by the dtfauUil* in aatf-defenae and ia 

dcfi.-uw of the or,Hnn iiaiii pb 4»u-iin|(t (lie cLi«li ^i-« 
mnlaiuwl in tne uibiiiliJT'a letluj datcJ July 21, 


{Anuwer Vu or No) 

Alib^i.l: Wi, the jury, aia*tr ~— 

E*Bpwtfnt[}' rfniutjttd, 

UatAair C, Coyiuqw* 
Attorney for IMendan U 

DjijftifOAKTit' IbnuEnT roa tirLDAL Fu'Disoa 
Hi-iuata blLjfl-Ejf-A 

Mow come defendante at cloae of all the t*t 
deBOa and botare the Cuurt'a cliargo to (he jury 
and uiuvd U it? Cimrt to direct the jury Co return 
a uptijiat verdict and anawei epeciuc quC^lioat 
pursuant to Stetloni (38 and 453 of the Civil 
I'raclice Act, one of which iiiuea defeodanfe ne- 
<|ueal (lie Court to ■ubmit is, to wit; 

Do jou iitid f rH>DJ » pnenornlsraae* of the *vi. 
dence tlut the pubUcatioB tad circulation of tl»a 
article entitled " In foiuiutitin " contained in Ul» 
WiiciiT-jwui magaiiue of October 15, iS3& of 
and 4:Mi:r<;ruJij(j tlia jilaintifl conatituled and waa 
fair conuncnt u to pbjiaiiif'j nonduet and 
eourue of action u thai term ha* beoo d«ns«d 
to yen bereinf 

(Answer Y«* or h'4> 

Ainu; Wa, tin jarf, ataaWal , 

B*ipeetfolly recjutatod, 

Attototy fu DcfaadMtiJ 

liiiri-.mi.iTii' iLuiuijit raa SPfiOU l f ij>-;usfii 
N'uknui I.'welvi-A 

New come defdiid^n t» *it etoiie wf #1) tl>u i*>i- 
0*1100 and Wfore U'e- Ccurl'fl iJpurfo tu ilm jury 
and ruoffe the Cwurl to ilinrtt tli« jury to fi-tura 
a epscud verdict and imiiw«r njievifiE tiui-jiicinn 
IJurmmnl to Sl'etiuai) 45S Aad iit uf tut Civil 
Pt&glicm Act, one of »1lllJi Luuee defendanU 
rot^ueut Ui* Court la iuhiail id, tu wit; 

What auwanl of money, if any, do you tind 
fruiu a prepOoderanng of ttia cvuleoce would 
reAmmtblv and fairly coinpeoeulo Hit piainlilT 
for the injuries, if any, ilireotly ami proai- 
nulcif requiting from pulilication of tlw article 
entitled " lnf onnation" contained in liia Vftxtm- 
towlb niagaiine of October 14, 1939 T 

(Antwer by elating the amount, if any.) 

Amvu: Wa, tlto jury, aatwer - 

B*»p*cUuHj- rwtucated, 

llama* L". Covumroi 
Attorney for BeJaadaajU 




Litt if DefenianW Aegverl* faSpetiel Finding* Liti oj DeffJ^it' Rtr^tt* f&tSjptiai Finding* LUt p/ 8 tfcmtivxt* ' Rtqntit* torSptdni FiiAixgM 

DjLrasuA™' RrttfKsT TO* Srictu, Ftxniifos 
KtMja Tl!iaTtB.5f.A 

Now wijlc defendants- at close of rdl the evi- 
dence and before Ilia Court's charge do tint jury 
mid wove tiia Court to direct the jury tn return 
* special verdict and aiuwer Mpedlic queatinne 
pursuant to ScctLong iio- tad 4A9 of the Civil 
ffactice Act, one of wbieh isnues defendant* 
request the Couft to submit is, to wit: 

Do you find frorn * preponderance of the evi- 
dence tint til* article entitled "InfofiireAiasi" 
published in tha Watolitowr*; ismpiiiijit of (k:o- 
ber 13> 193$ vu published withnul probable 

(Answer, It wa* without probable o*u»e; it, 
U «u nut without probable cau*e,} 

Antwii: We, tin jury, maw . — _ 

By the Ur*H "probabia -cause," i* meant a 
reasonable ground of suspicion, supported by 
eircuuastnnst* suBicieutlv strong id IbenSMlvci 
to warrant a cautious n:an in tli* betief that 
tha person mentioned in the publication is guilty 
of Uia things with which he i* ciuirged in tba 
article. For one to have probable cause for 
pubbshing an article which i* privileged, it it 
not new*sjsry tbat the one publifihEnn; the sonio 
should have before, bira legal evidence of the 
subletted wrongful conduct It i* epough that 
tha apparent facts tlial have coma to tJtft atten- 
tion of tha publisher am anffietent in tba drsnin- 
itmcej to lead a reasonably discreet and prudent 
person to lelitv* tha statement* made wen aor. 

BeiptctfnUy roqueal+d. 


Attorn*/ far Defandaata 

DiiiiKSjjjT^ ' JlajfiiT ion Snoit, Fiiroixoa 
JJuunia Ona-It 

Nov coma du fcndiuils at close of all the evi- 
dence and before the Court's charge to the jury 
and move lire Cnurt to direct tlw jury to return 
a apeeial verdict and answer ■['tccific 
purjunnt to iieclion* *a8 anal *50 e| th* Civil 
I'ractiee Act, one of wtiicb inane* defendant* 
r«|SM>»t the Court 10 inbmit i» t to- wit: 

Dp voji find from a preponderance of ihe eii- 
dtnL-u tli at tiio article entitled "ftn&ne*"' pub- 
lished in tVo W*TicbiTi3wrj. m*fl*iin* of Nav*knJ>*f 
lb, IffiW, libelled tl* pl«4tiffl, ** tnat term au 
been d?iir-ed to yon Wntnl 

(Answer Y» or NoJ 

Ahemtei : We, the jury, answer - 

.Respectfully requeued, 

Hifrajf C Coyinotoit 
Attcrnay for DtfeiuUnt* 

IJiPiNoi-i t»' RtULUjiT :rom Spiou- Furtuxa* 
NUUKU T-w::. rs 

Nov cojjig dtfcndantw at clone of all tba bvj- 
JtAta and before jjje Court's charge to the jury 
and move the Court to direct the jurjf to return 
a snudnl verdict and answer specific questions 
panuaat to tjcclion ii>& and 4by of the Civil 
i'raetiee Act, one of which ibjsuis dcfendantu 
rviueit the Court to ittbmit i*, to wit- 

l>o ion find from a pnoponusranw of th* **i- 
di'jicn that Lin artjcl* BntitJcd "ijnaren" pub- 
LLhIjl-iJ in Hie WiiuBiumik i¥iA|{axii9* of November 
l!j, lu^y, niLluiilly tliarfftd that Hie plaintiff, aa 
* lawyor who had been antnuiled with the 
dtfuj.iMi of tha inlercali of hi* elicr.lH, "'had 
failed to protect inch inlerent* and had been 

(Answer Via or Jloj 

A»awa« : W*, tli* jnry, asawar . — - 

EsjpoetfaUy rw|Ut*tod, 

LUtki* C. CovuroToJr 
Attorney for Defendant* 


Lut $f Dtfenduntt' Itequestt for Sptciat Finding* 
I)Ere)c|l^Jlr* , lim-oa for Krrciu, Fmpiiia* 

Ku* etmu dtftnrlant* at close of ail the evi- 

d^r.r<! aail liefore tlw? Ciiurt'n i;hari;e li> tiie jury 
and jimsvo lire Court to dirwl tire jury to return 
n ►|n--:iil verdict and answer anedGc ejueation* 
pursuant t« S*ttions 4, r )S and *M fl the Civil 
j'rirelici: Ad, (me of whicii ijjsues defendants re- 
ijul'hi tire Court 1o tubmit is, to witi 

lin yuii find, fnmi a rwepnnd*: raaiee of the eri- 
diMiee that tire nrticli; entitled " Snares '' pub- 
lidltL'd in liie 1Wri:iim>WKa macrawne flf Nflvem- 
ber \ty, 1U.W, wtUHlly cliarscd thut Hi* rpiaiBtifr 
"foikti nnrl rtfuiwd to looli well tin defend the 
inli'reuls n[ hi* dinseeraled brethren in order 
tiiui lie [nielli nji]*ar an a 'jturKl fellow' in the 
uyiw of ether rata, and that plaintiff ia, there- 
fore, thf ertesriy iff Chri»t" f 

lAnn»er Yi« or No) 

AimWBa: We, the jury, answef _ ^— 

KenpwIflJiy aubmitted, 

lUybttr C- Comrtrtv* 
Attorney for D»( *adaBta 

lf- r : 


Litt of Ds/e*ifai»(j' Rrjrufjli fet Sptciuf Fimlinpi Liit of Htfe»iiai\ it ' [UqutMti for Special Findings 

DarasTtisis ' JlrjQursr roa Special Fisrocsoi 
Nuuaea Fotra-!B 

Now fflimt dijfcnjopt* at ?to»r of nil the evi- 
lLi ill-ii and before tirt On urt \ charge to tbe jury 
ami move the Court to direct the jnry to return 
o, mp«ial verdict and aniWcr speviuc djueiUDna 
|iur*iiunt to Section* 453 and 4-ti) o( tbe Civil 
l'rjkctice Act, one of which iuoc* defvudant* re- 
<|ve«t the Court to aubmil i*, to wit; 

Do you find from a preponderance of the evi. 
denee Hint the article entitled "£naree" pub- 
lished in the vYaichtoweb magazine of Xovem- 
iH'r 15, liJ30, actually charged that the piainlitf, 
"]jivtnj^ been fai'ored aith a ponitifin of eoo> 
ftrknra and trttit in the Lord's urganjialion, 
iuii.1 proved faithtee* to hi* trust because he de- 
sired the approval, of men instead of liaving a 
proper fear and reverence to tbe word of God, 
and that tba plaintiff had been snanared by the 

{ Answer Y» or No J 

Aiiwaa: Wa, tha jury, aniwar . 

E**p*otfo]Iy reqa**toaV 

Hatdik C- CoriH(7roi 
Attonwy for ENJ+ndaiit* 

DtWsiDtJTs' Uexsuebt for SpeOuhi FimiKfla 
Nuubeb Fm-B 

Now ■GAirre dfrfejiusnt* (it elaa* of all tba evi- 
dance and before the Court 1 * -charge to the jury 
and move the Court to direct the jury to return 
a special verdict And aoawer apecihe cjueitlona 
pumuaait to Section* 4^S and 459 of the Civil 
Practice AeL, one of which is&ues defendanta re- 
quest tba Court to aubonil ia, to wit: 

Do yon find frtun a prepondtraAce or the evi. 
denee that tire nrtizlo entitlhi "Snare*" pub- 
IIhIjln] in Die \l"j,Tin ltou-kr tna^ozlni; of Aiii'fto- 
ber i.l, 193S, ndirrwl ta tin- plaintiff in his ca- 
pacity at a luwyer in*k'*d of hie eapacily a* a 
member of the lYatehlowtr B:We and Tract 
Society and as one of Jehovah's witness**! 

(Answer Yb» or No J 

Ajhtwiar We, tba jury, answer „_^_^_^_ 

Tt*!»peetfolly requested, 

H*v?irf C, Covi x<rtQ* 
Attorney for Defendant* 



J 032 

Lit! p/ Dt/pidanli' Request* for SpcriaJ Fiw4ixgi 
DrJ-iifbiKT* 1 llxnuisi foti SrEUAi, Fikdinus 

Now come defendant* at do«c of jlIL Hie evi- 
dence Mid before the Court *ji chante to the jury 
Mid move Iti* !.!ou.rt to direct the jury (o return 
■ »p«]*d. verdict and an»wer specific qusation* 
pursuant 1* Section 1 ! +3S and 4JJ of tlie Civil 
L'ractice Act, ens of which i*»u*a defendant* 
rotjiMiiit th* Court to aubqnit ia, Lu wit: 

Do yen find from a preponderate of tike evj. 
dene* that I be article entitled "'ijiLimes " pub- 
Iptdicd ih tlit W*tikh,ix>wi;*. majprcine or Novtsriher 
15, lU3y, referred to the plaintiff and wb* writtEn 
of nod toJicerDing tike plaintiff in hi* private 
cajniriiy an a member of th* Watchtower Bible 
4nd Troel iioclsty »nd M on* of Jehovah * 
w ftumi T 

(An<ver Yea or No} 

Axiwu; Wo, th* jury, answer __ __ . 

Respectfully requested, 

Hatdbh C. Co*utMWM 
Attorney for DalmduiU 

Lui af Defendant!' lUquettt for Special Findiuf$ 
P*fttB*jn»' Rhidist wot Sfegwii Fiid&hb 

Nov cone defendant* At done of til (he **i- 
dewee. Bud before the Court 'i tlmtjci to the jury 
and HUnve tin Court to dirwt Ih* jury to retonrt 
a *)>eeial verdict and answer apecifte question* 
fnir*u#nt to Section* 458 and +59 of the Civil 
Practice Act, one of which le*uei d-rfeodaat* 
r«j5it»t the Court to *nbmil ii t to nil; 

Do yon find from a preponderance of the evi- 
dence tiiai the- article entitled " Snores ,h pub- 
lished in the Wiichtcvkh cnufrailne of Novem- 
ber ID, 1939 wu prepared,, published ind eitvu- 
lated by the defendants of Kind «oncerc:n^ tb* 
plaintiff with nelnal eiprca* iiialiaj a* that tarm 
ha* been defined to you b*r*iat 

(Am war Yu or No) 

Awwb: We, th* ;ory, answer „________ 

Rtap-sctfujiy reqnaatad, 

Batdiij C. Covmiotim* 
Attorney for Defendant* 

Litt sf Defendants' Requests for Special F ifldi«jj 

UEfEWUthTs' RE(it"K.T J"OA ^I'litLU. FjHDIKOB, 

NuiiijEi Lj-:3t IS 

Now come ciefendajnEi at of nil the ivir 
dunce hjllL before the C.'UrL 1 * charge- (o the jury 
and jnovtr the Court to diroct Uili jur) J to rt«urn 
[i ji^ial vchlict and rir-«wer epc?Lfvc questioni 
jxirtoant to SccUop* -iW and 4'j9 of tlw Civil 
I'riictico Ac!, one of u'bicb isiutt defcndaoti 
retjueikL I tie Court to lubinit if, to wit; 

Da jiflm fitiii from a preponderance of the "'i- 
ilciif* tlial tlifc eluii-^/'B coo.taiaed ir, :l.a article 
eti [ LUvil "SfUTW* * npjttafjng in 1h« W*icjirocKa 
iiui^jixinc of KoTflMbtr I5> 1939 wer? tlir ti-uth 
rtDtl rOu*(iti:!jt3 jilk t ii'][iit i i.jil fiir niish plih] LtatjOji, 

a* tint irrm Lai Imn tltluaeii to yon herekat 
(Anawer Yea or Ho] 
Ahiwu: Wo, tint jury, asswer , ^^^ 

Roipeatfuliy rmjuMt*d, 

HAtour C, Cenppto* 
AlLoniey tor Defasdan'U 



List of Bufeadatit * ' Ktqaerlt fur Special Finding* ti't of D&fend&*<*' Fttpttti for Sfteiol Findi^M 

y!\-.M.n.x Nisrlt 

Now cvmii! ds::>ndiir.'s at hOosA of all the evi 
dKOttt ami lMfore the Court h * flia^is to the jory 
and msn^ the Court lo dircel tli* jury to return 
a jj]jLHfiiiil renlict and answer *p«iile qneatiom 
iHirmiant to Setiioni 4M ni?d 450 of tlie Civil 
i'rDirtieu Art, one of which imue* defendant! 
-iS|ij.-nL tin: Conrt to cubinit ii, to wit: 

Do voy fmd from a ppepomlcrjinTe of Ihe evL- 
denre that the jtreparation, pnblicutinn and bmo- 
mnninLlion of Hi* article entitled "Snar*»" 
n])peorinp in (lie Watciitoweh mv-Kazwi; of 
JJo^emher 10, 1A3Q eonalituted a aBaliAedlj 
prkileged rnniinnriLca.t]on between Ihr defendant* 
and (lie suhtaribera of said Watchtowem. majsa- 
line u timl tenri hat ocen defineil [0 yon Itereint 

(Ainuxr Y"» or No) 

Anrn; We, Hi* jury, nnnwer J „.„^, ..— 

Reipec-tfallv re^aected, 

Himx C Covmuror 
Attorney for Defendant* 

J)jtfKSi>»' Rbql'ebt fob SrictAL Riniai 

Ninon Tmt-B 

Now ctiino defendant* at etoiw of alt tlio cvi- 
di'jiri' and l>L-fuie the Court '* charms to. the jury 
ami iri<,ve tlm t^ourt lo tli reel the jury to return 
a up -rial verdict and annwer ipmllic (laintiom 
]i<irniiant tu fieeliosin i-ii and 459 of the Civil 
I'rai'liro Act, one of which Lhau«* tlefendant* re- 
■ i ■ ■- -t- L li.i- i.'ij-irt to «ubinit ii, to wit: 

])'■ v<jU And frotn 4 pti'iwiiimrancc of the evi- 
dtlHfj tSmt bafon I he puhJirati'in and ciretilattun 
of [)li- artielv entitled "ttoar**" appftai-lng in 
Hit WiTOrroWKI of S'ovemlher li, 193'J the 
[iluiiitiff rimiiliiti'd or ntmuUcxl to ha read a 
[-Hipv of Ilih letter of July 2i, 1D30 clettrered to 
tli if di-J'i-riLjjrit Jlih-|i1i V. flu th^rf ord, deeva«e<l, 
and lb«f*h)' nttw'ktd and uuauUid th* h^ad- 
■ijiiurSH rr> miilT i,1 the ilefendajit noeieliei and of 
Jcjiisvuh's wilncmni 

(Answer Vjh or No) 

Aw**/*: W*, the jury, asawer . 


If ynu liave anitwereil the furegoing i|o.eetion 
Ym, ynu will a«»w«r th* folio winjj quoatiAo: 

Do ymi find from a preprimJenme* of tin evi- 
dt-ii'v that tin* piiljlhntiuii nml rirciilininn nf (he 
nrljf-ln' '.'Ulilliil "r^iiun'ji' 3 cnntjiinrd in the 
IVatciitiswhh njB^fti?i!ie of HWuhIvt l.\ y.ty.t 
woji itnule liy lli' rWvniVnil^ -n ^rlf-ili-feni-e anil 
in cli'lei^e of 0-j m^arjivLiLt^io a|*uiLiHt tin* 


LmI o/ Dcfcndanif' /(ej«i?if* /er Special Ff"Ji»j# 

clEArgn cnntapiicd in t tic p)«lptijT'* letlvr dated 
July 21, HOT 

(Amwrir Yra or No) 

Asmw; We, tin* jury, an»*er , 

Renpeclf u lly requeeted, 


Atloreey for Pefeadanta 

DtmsfOiifTi' H«o,UJf«T Ton Hnifiju, Fjwhhsai 

H<,w come dcfcnitiintpi nt efMi* of all the eri- 
cb-nci and ln-f^n? the CmirtV rhnrjjc lo the jury- 
an.i| fnovc lhr CfHUt ts dlffet the jnn' t" r^lurn 
a Fpecul vrriliel oivd in>*'tr xprrific ijac*-t30i>« 
pnronut In MitEmjh* *'>s Jind AZOt of (he Civi] 
I'rnrrn'Li ,vt. one of wlileh ijixueii defcpdiint* i*- 

ipLii'ht like l-rnirt lo nilhpiot ]Ji p 1n Trit" 

flo yai find froru a preponde ranee of ihr t*i- 
di-nm* 1 1 if fHiltHration nm-l cirrnlation of the 
BTllela enlitJerl "Knnnen" contained in th* 
\t'.4in-ii L fuwnB mnta^ine of NnfenibeT \'', nf 

nsid tiimytuinaj tin* plain tiff cnnJitilutriJ and *m 
'lit t-i.'ii.ii.i'jil ax to plaintiff 1 ! ecnulurt and 
r<nir™» of nHifin »» lint I* mi hoa ]n*en defjn*il 
lo VihO hi'felnT 

fAiiHUTr Ynn nr Kol 

AMawni; We, Ihe jury, answer 

Tjjwprrlfiilk reilUrritKd, 

IIjlYHFif C. C'jJYISnTOlf 

Attorney for Defeadanti 

lAit of Def enfant*' He^frt* j> tSyt<ifai Ft*Ji ■_/-* 
Uuyj s o*s *V Ki*!Ut*r rta SiTt-UL. Finn::-* 

Jf iiii- nmif <ic li'lullLfl t* at Clone cf all th* ev|- 

ttmce ami More the Courl'a fliar^ to the jury 
ami in-ov* the Courl lt> dlTtd tl« jury lo return 
a a§ie*!nl verdict Eiid anewtf ijwcifa: in.if r I ir n» 
|rqnnnqt Hi fifrtiarD* liiS Bin! *5!> of H?n CHI 
l'rnolico .^r-t, ojie of which laanra- detmrtenle ft- 
quest tin? CVrart lo abhfliU it, fa wit: 

Winn aiiinunl «, T jjtuiitT, if any, do you find 
fhnn n. iWJKKKktlUK* of the evidf"i>ca Trtiulii 
i*n»o(i»Lilj r anil fairly ttHapenaai* the plaintiff 
for lh* injuriefc, if any. directly unit Tn-rni- 
wiately ramiltinjT fmtai polili^itio* of the rlrliito 
entitled "S'ilinrpa" oontniumi in tlie Wrtnai- 
Tawtn magazine of Nirt'JraW IS, lMSf 

(AsiM*(-r hj elating the amount, H taj-) 

Atswei: We, tho jury »n*w*r — 

E K r,peetfiJ!y reqocrled, 

Hiitwy 0- Ccrrrlnrro* 
Attorney far Defendant* 


££■■< 0/ Ikt^KaWa ' Be J 1 ■■.■(* /or i'nccuf Finding* 

PuiciiiiANTa' ]i-..iijr:;r Ml BfctUu, FisfLiiat 
Kl/hdkd TiUHDadJ 

Now cofnt di'^-iiiiihti at tlo&a of all the tri- 
J.iii',- 41 .j I Iwforu 1h* Conn. 'a i-hargn lo the jury 
aid HM tins Court lo direct Lie jury to return 
a apttirJ ve rdicl and unawer apci'ilic quaaiioni 
puratumt lo aeclAona *TiS nod *5U of the Civil 
Prattim Act, oae of which Ulnae defendant* 
rwjUL>j.t in* Court to auliudt ii, lo wil: 

l><f J'imi find from 4 ]w*]*)n«]erarire at the evi. 

litfico thai tits Bilivln entklM "Sjiiairf" pub- 
Ji.-io*d in Un WiTflmtow m inS^iitu or Nontiuber 
li. 19 as waa publiihcd without p^haW* etna* I 

{Ansver, It wai withonl prntaUa *■***; or, 

It im not without prababl* eiih.| 

ium: Wb, Ibe jarr, aiawer — .,.^_., J ...-,_... 

liy tba term "proWbla c*o»*" i» meant a rea- 
ooruilila ground cif 0jUH|rl£i£hJi p inpTWrttil by *u- 
eDinutancca mSiflhinlly aLrong in [JiCJiiaeHvea to 
warrant b ChUohi maJi in tee Ltlicf Uiat tin 
perjjcm iricnlmiiti] in Hit jitblit :i'.ioa ii piilty of 
Ute thiDga mitli wHiali lit it charged in Uia irtkLa. 
For cm to JiAVa fir^bnWe amc for pabltslitrif 
an illicit *ii»di i> ptinileged, it to not imwu aary 
that '.ht on» pwtll»h»Bf <J>a same should ban 
before him legal uvjcIsnM of tba Jinapected wmmay 
fnl KHidael. It it wongh that tin appaMnt facta 
that haw nmm to th* altcalion of the puhlitlxir 
are auflipMU in Uia ctrcmoitancet te bad * 
TtMoaahly dlmraet and prodrnt pitvM 14 htlitv* 
tbt tUiamenU mada "«ra MrfteL 

Ilaipeetiallj Faqotetad; 


ItfirriMTj *t FtfaWlltt 

fCja O i i aai i j 

(Wh«fnB«n to adto«runant ■ 

27, 1943 *t 9 JO a. n.} 


Tka Coort'i Cbart* 

May 37, 1MJ, 

Cxa ComiruKS 

iTln Court ehKTftd tit jury *■ foUtfwaO 

U^ h> t i^i J,: Uaaaiwni «/ ta> Jmy: It hat 

haw a loaa; irial, and at the ootaat 1 anal at 
toHWeBlt Joii tot the aUaalkin yon han fivta, 
for lilt puliuact ycu han aam, and oa bduttf 
•f liaa Uaart 1 wast to tkuglc you tar Iht liist 
yen km apent and tfat latiiiftiri that I laatv wt* 
aaeaauary beciLiuA of tLa tiaat antanL 

i araal La uuprtut an yam, Dmt of all, Lhil a 
tret a*l— iatotrmtintt af jqatiea it tha ortuaat njUaj; 
of good govLrataent, tad thai yttu ar* aera, at 
aau 1, ta an thai Jiutiea la dona. llf< an aal 
uysk^ toF* anything aaeept a lihtl toil. 

Tht plaintiff in thia eaat aayt ha la aiilitaai 
iv iBBaay dainajet heeanat of tha hibtlt thai fag 
aiu-ar» tht 'fa*—''—- pnhtiahed. The dtfiuid- 
ania Jwy ha U Ml aAtitled to DDBtJ ■da rn taai, It 
ia ap lo yon lo dattnouta, ttnd*r tha avidvnea 
yoa ha¥a heard aad under the la* vtuch I ahull 
givt you, irhtthar or not hi it aatitlad to dam- 
age* or vhttbar tht dafuadanta art right You 
m not hart to try Jthonrah '1 witnaatta. Van art 
■44 hart to try any rtliptq, ttot, tnjt, artad, 


T*e Court't Ctorge 

ffjt^ uj anythliig nke. Tom tie here to do 
junLkn. Tlitutik Mia two litigant!, riotiiDg cliff, 
Hk j>ljin.tjnT and tha deftadanli. Ht ii itriclly 
an imptrinmal oiatler. They bath ttand trtD in 
tlila caEuL The popularity or lack of popularity 
of eithfcr ar bath it ao caniiera of yonrt or mine, 
fan art to do jnnXitx without ftTor, without 
prejudictj without biu, without ty»p*thy, Jnt- 
tiea, nemember that word. 

I want to thank both cobuhI for tht jsntlt- 
mardy way in which thii cut baa hnvn trwjii- 
Olten in a eaae an long aa lluat, patience he- 
eorwia abort or turret become taut, and often 
tht lawytra or the Caart laaa tltatr Vnap*r. 
Very fotlualaly Umi Lti out Ltppentd hi tbia 
ran, and I think both cqivduuI art lo bt oan- 
DMirdprt for tha way Ifcty Lriad tlte «■*+ tha 
gnUamaniy way tbty tcaJlueltd thtnuelTea, the 
able way thai Ibey praftuiwl It, and th* able 
way hi which each triad hie pvftius af law eaat. 

Wt are iliil oiKratiiiR undtr tli« Ataeriran 
ihaeiy and it* Sili of ithjhla wbinb gnanntcct 
le all, uarmm: vthtr Inintp, frwMhuu af whihIuu. 
Lb otfirr worthy, all id tliia arrat coustrj- are 
tatitlad at a matter «f rient t» wwwaip at ihey 
aim My rtliwjtti, ftilh, ar itch of it ia aa 
coRfern ef ytOft, Yofln, or hdt af it, ia no 
eonwm nt dbopb, Tho p*rti<w htir we are not 
woeanxd with. Wt W» aol tuanirnnl with 
tlteir fnilh, religinn, of wlwlaver \ou would nil 
IL Wo are only cotntatd with tryidf * lihai 
toil. aoilHtur cite. 

Beaut* of the number of wilnaaan pmloced, 
tht Court will not mratica any of Iht wja aajaat 
by nam tuaaiit the fi-i-H* and I mtalioa bun 


Ik* Court'l Chaff* 

■al ui wilaawa hut *a a paHy. And beeauau 
uf tlie va*t auiounl of latliioojiy and lh« fact 
thai ]»y DiDuiory it apt to be wrong, th* Court 

Will tot wi-miirnt on th* tTHitUCt. 

Under oar tyatem of juritprndence, there art 
two fanetioAt in thu sort of trial, yonra aad 
taiat. I Baty lot eaoiuath on your fnaetioa, 
and, eonvenswly, yoa roty not on mint. 

Yea in th* vol* ftiul cielntiv* judge* of the 
fact* in tiki* cm* aiod tht tobt and axctuaiya 
;u'1j;l'h of Use credibility of the witntaut. The 
law you mart lake from tot, Qotwiihattadijuj 
any idea, any opinioB, or any thought* that you 
bava fat tkt aaaLrajy, Ib warda, Vht facta 
are youn, the law ia mia*. If 1 naha any sois- 
taJit in atBiiut; tht law which to applieslsle to 
th* (halt it ihit cue, tlicre arc sourta at Ttritv 
wLiah laay aatrest theae Brror*. 

It ia net what either lawyer a*yt regarding; 
tht fmstt or what I nay regarding th* f*4t* that 
eaaatM. It ia your rwoilection, your ohntrvt- 
tion of th* wit tama , what thaj nil 40 lh* 
itiuwl, tlteir demeanor, and what yea •**, that 
ijcjulrnlji. Their manner of teatifying, tWi tp- 
|Knt eaader or fiankoca*, at hvak thoTteiT, 
their oppartorrrlie* fe* ehttrwita; th* faolt lo 
which they tralbVd, and lh* probability h In- 
pruWwUty tf lh* Ifntil of tludr aavanj *tata- 
manli in idc* of all th* other evidanoa, facia 
and rircimtHttana provan at tht trial, the** art 
all to he con»i<ki-fcil in determining whether they 
Ivtiiftnl wnff*rtly or not. 

Tjawjeri lmv» a Ifjfal rijrht to »<lrtre>* you 
heforr ll» trial alartt. to give yon their reBpec- 
tiT* claim*, and to tddmt you after all tlta *vi- 


Tht Court * Ckarff* 

denee liat t#C» uruducol, nod lo giv» yon what 
liifey Hiiiit are the soundest and beat rt«*«nt 
for Unfir cuatmliona. Yon art not Itonai) by 
tliva* c viitail ioDt , You have a right to eciuid^r 
thtiB, but if jour recollection it different year 
«n:»Ui'£iiion inuat ountroi. 

1 mighl alw) Halt Uiat if you heli*** that I 
ImTB any opinion on tlie facta ia Hi* caac, dit- 
nhaa* your minda of that belief, hcrAuet I *at> 
pluuiM- again that it u your reboUtetioa of lb* 
tridnira which niunt control indepettdrotiy of 
anything italed. with nferenet to Hi* fact* by 
tilliirr ruutwcl or the ConrL 

if yen lind that any witnent in ibia came baa 
lauiwjjujly and wilfully laatinaa bluely aa lo 
any nmlerial fjiol, then yVd hate 1 right I* dia- 
reganl all or any part ef that wiineta't teali- 
niuivy, and ci-rlnimy you. Duttt dwrcgan] that 
part that yon f En <! hr tctllnc* fabiely. 

Of anuiaa, ti» pwajntjfl sad lh* indiridnal de- 
famlanli tltcuiaolvr* win) bav* laatitwl an all 
intaretted witeeatet. Wbtibcr a wi a aaaa ia in- 
terealed or duiWtiiratft**, it it yaar <taly to cx- 
amiaa 1he teatiiooay af cukU, and it ia> ywanF 
right ami prerogalJT* I* ajirt It wbatnwr endit 
at wei^lit yon Lialia** it ia entitled to. 

In <]etAinii.l]t!iin; (ho weight to be graaaa fa* aW 
to»tim**y tt tho wiiiio****, yt>* ahuuil eoanvdm 
their relationaliip U> |ha purtl* p, jf any, Uuir in- 
temalj If any, in the retnlt of thto ttm*. Ibtif 
tcHiptT, faaHirn*; *f kia*, if any Jinp beeu »linwtl, 
tlwir dcramnor on tins wilneat atand. and Ihtnr 
irii'onii and ofrnvrtsmity of iafcrraaLion, and Ilk* 
pn*ahUitjr n* Jware fr a h iJUy "t the atory told 
by Ihem, 



Tit Cevft'i Chora* 

Ijitcr in thia ehnrga I will mention faff pre- 
ponderniice uT uvidtnee, and 1 think tit Ihi* 'link 
J, fthuuid explain Id you jQ«t wh*t f» meant by 
a Ivif j>f*;>ofideraj]c.e of the **ideaoe. 

A fair preponderance of (-tin evi4«np* Sir weight 
of tin evidence d«i not depend en tJm number 
of witnea*ex to a given fact, hut it depend* upon 
lbe amount of credibility Ihmt you {fin* to liie 
testimony of one of all the witnesses in tin caie. 
The ideations are, Wltat did Lbe witno** meiir 
to, livw LituJi did be know, vi*n be positive or 
unrarlniti or equivocating; what were hia niuni 
of knowledge about the uyillera he teatshed to. 
and what i* tii« character of th* witnaae for 
truthfulness; it he credible t 

Oilier things btiluji equal, lbe greater number 
of wilneaues testifying it tlii aim w»y about 
Lb* trajinaetion in ooestiun would ordinarily 
Carry tbe greater weight, l)ftt whether thing* are 
equal depend* upon the decree of weight which 
you generally may give to the several witncnie*. 
I might »l*o abate at tins tan* that the plaintiff 
must entabliah bia allegation* to yen aolisfBC- 
liun. I do not mean to say that tbe plaintiff 
iiioai eiclude from your minds all p**aible doubt, 
but I maun, to s*y thia: That when you. bave 
hrturf all tlie testimony, and if ye* e*-pnat reach 
Lb* cvntluaion that the 4Tid#n» of the plaintiff 
prepoHderalea over that #1" the dEfendant*' on 
that issue, that on that is*U* you must And fur 
the d^knJantn. Tba justice of this rule i* per- 
fectly plain because the plaintiff sue* for money 
damage*, and before you, tike money from lha 
defendant*, you unit Cud that be ha* established 

till C***. 

Tkt Cm>ft'i Charge 

'I'll in afliti.ii in brought by tbo plaintiff, Mn/yle, 
for libel. LHwJ in I he publicntiiin of uny written 
nl:il:;n. ril whiHi Luklri the JjluinlLff up tu lha 
haired, euiLUiiujjt, ridicule or acorn of Ilia fellow 

I'ublieuliun of a libel it tit* communication of 
thu defamatory writing to some tliird. parses or 
persona. In ulbenwards, the defamatory writing 
in not [iiitiJikln:il if in in read by no on* bat the 
partita, in oiLier word*, tbe plaintiff and tha 
ik'fi;rn:Dut.i. It in published, however, aa anon 
an it. is mud by anyone elue. Of course, before 
the plaintiff run recover in this action for libel, 
lie must aliou' that (lit ft iu publication of til* 
alleged iibcioua artiriee. 

In tlii-H Tmut tkire are i*p alleg^ libeia, the 
urtivk rtferrirj to btK, ii« yuu- will renujnber, 
vulJi'U "JnfWtnatioai," publiuliod in tlic "IVatcIt 
'I''H.-r " H>f t*i:l4>lirf IS, 1^21), and Lbe arlkle 
]-<■ Krr til (l. livre as " Snarea," pnbliabed in the 
"WuLch T*n«Vr" (if S^iietunm 15, 133S. 

It id not for y«n lei nay whether or noL tlteae 
article* nre libvlu-ua. Tliat iiaa already been 
1jii*>=viI ni*ii in tlii* eojue- Tbe law in thia can 
in Llaut lliu tno triitlun rtjirred to are libeloua, 
Kor it liter* Any i[U«!»tion thai the article*. 
were published, in tin,' "Watch Tower" llagaiine, 
Tlu; plaintiff in hia fimt came of action cue* 
Lbe Watch Tower Bible *tT«*t Society of Penn- 
nylvunia, lha Watch T&w<ur BiW* & Tract JSociaty 
nf Nnvi Yuri;, and [bo individual defentlanlL I 
shall mrt cnl) tlmia by name bosaiua it in not 

If yxm find that he in eiititled to a vordicl on 
tlte fir»t mu*v of aeLida^ which eoa«arD* th* 

Tht Cavrt'm Ciarg* 

artid* "lafonaatloa," your v«rdict with re*.pcet 

La that caw of aelion iliall ho fot the plaivtilT 
againil all tl» drfndanta, boeaua*. ali th* db- 
feiHlanta wnaridadjy [ia> ticipat&d in thia publi- 

With raapaet to th* HMinnd canaa of action, 
kowawr, if you find Uiat tha plaintiff ia entitled 
to racover, your itrdiel alnJi b» for Lbe plaintiff 
and ■(fainit the two corporaLioDS only, for the 
return thai the Court havi alnjady diaiuliaed til* 
contjdaini in tlie aecojid. caiua of action againat 
Hit iiHlividual derendanta, 

Jb otltar worda, tlie ftnl eaUM of action, if you 
liud fur the pla.iD.tiD— ami Uiu fact Utat 1 men- 
tion, thia dues not indicate that I Itavn any feeling 
tint you *hould find for tin plaintiff, but >u>L 
mo tlml vt kwip tin record ttraight — tL* lint 
ra-uiti of action, if you find for the plaintiff, it 
i* igjiinJ-t tbe two corporal* enfendanti and tha 
individiiala. Tbe iccoBd «auaa nf action, if >'oU 
1iiii for til* plaintiff— ajid uat* again tha.1 i* no 
indicBtion tlml I feel that ycu ahoulxl find for 
lbe plointifT— it will b* agftilwt only tha two 
corporate [Ipltnrdmnta, 

Vour verdict, therefor*, will U for the plain. 
tiff nn tin lint <moaa of action for »ucb luin aa 
yon. find the pluntill ahaJI have apimt all tha 
dtftsdanla, if you find b* ia antiLnd to a TcTdlct 
under tha mlea wtucb I luall gin yon, or for 
the defendaala if you frnd h* baa failed to eatab- 
bali bia firit taaa* of aetinn. 

Siiiutarl}-, on tlie letond c&u** of action, your 
Vtrdict will hm For the plaintiff for tuto aum 
aa you find the plaintiff ehall have againil lb* 
two coroormta dafendanU, U yea fjnd b* ii eo- 


TAe Ctwrt'i CkeVfU 

titled to a ventitt nnifcr tha rule* wbieh I ahali 
gii-e yao, or for the eorporate dVfe*d*Bt4 it yon 
find Hint (he plaintiff ha* failed to tcUuIiah hia 
KHOiid eauce of action, 

If yon hjid tint the plaintiff ii entitled 1* 
recover Under th* rnlM which I *h*H flive yon 
on hia first eauao of action, ypn nrtd not of 
ft*w**ity find tliit he ia entitled to nearer on 
Hie t*#ond «nu«c- or astion, and, oonTe-nely, if 
yon find for the defendant! on the fir*t eanae nf 
action under the rule* which I shall give you, 
you n**d not of neeenRity find Unt tin tlefend- 
anta arc enlill«1 to a verdict on the urconii caDie 
of action. Th«ro are two tihalsv Ton ana to 
decide both of Inen aeparalely. 

You will rentier Iwc- Terdictn, one on th* flr*t 
cniuiB of action and one on tlie aeeond rtuwc ot 
neltun. Yonr verdict will t* for blank dollar* 
M itgninnt all defendanta on tin Ant eanaa of 
action, or rrnlirt for all defend*"!*; and on the 
iiecond eftium of action, jnmr veriliet will be for 
blank doHnr* araiiuit tha corporate ^rfi-ndanla 
onlv, or wculict for the corporate deFtodanbk 

Tho atntemrnta eotn.nlaia*d of hy the filainriff 
being lihelotw, lb* law taya plaintiff i* entitled 
to damage* unteia th* *l*l*Danta an joati n*4 or 

In thia case th* drftnennta claim that 1h* 
atateraent* are th* truth am!, therefore, an jt*- 
tiflint, *nd that tbe plaintiff ha* no viftfci to oom- 
pUin of tluir publication, and b*tw* I* nat aav 
tilled to dnrn«c^*. 

The burden, of prteing th* trnth of tha attt*- 
mtnli ctvnlained in the two artiel** eomptalned 
ol i* on lb* defandant* in each kil l** **). 

The Cwi'j Charge 

In order that the defendnnli' claitn nf josdfi- 
enlinii b* inalAined, it ia neceuary for the de- 
fendant* to abow that lha charjrea made in Lbe 
article* or* in fact true. 

However, juatifcatioEL, to be a eompkle de- 
I-enf*, moit be aa brood aa the charges. The 
ilcf L-ndiiiili, to be BOfenmf ul in thia defienae, niuat 
jutiMl*.qti*J|y justify all th* defendants cohV 
piained of by tin* plaintiff a* lbe truth; that ia 
lo *ay, tint the proof offered by the defendants 
tiiiut niir.v that the chargea nuide againat tlie 
plaintiff wer* true, mcaanred by Lb* nnderaland- 
inn; of th s word* o*ed by ordinary men in tin 
ordinarily accepted sense of lh« word* n*td. 

If yon And with reaped to the libel first 
allejrtd that the defendant* liavc nlsnu-n that Llir 
charge* were true, your verdict on lh* first 
rniine of action ninit be for tbe defendnnla. And 
oo abut with Lfa* aeconct came or action. If yon 
fhd I htt Ihe defrndanta liavo failed to justify, 
that is, to prove tin truth of either of the (dlrccd 
tibrl* by * fair preponderance of the credible 
etidenre, Ihrn yoa may pro*«il In tht neii quesh 
lion, which ia the question of privLleir*, 

The deferaknta contend that In any «vrn.t then* 
two publication* were subject to 1 qnaiifttd prir. 
llejrt; tint i* to nay, tint lh* rnmm un imti^rii 
vtn mail* in good faith and In the honc*t bel|*f 
of their Iralb, and they were mad* without 
m*li™, and were- nmie by them only lo ether 
per«*o" havjn|( * mutnal intereat with the d*- 
frndant* In th* "nbjeel watter ot the communi- 

It ia for yoo lo say whether the defendants 
atlud in piinl faith, and whether th*y hnnmtljf 
bolieved Ilial tin* charge* made wen true, and 


Tkt Coutt'i Uh*rf* 

whether lh*y pnbutbed them only to persons 
having a mutual intermt with th* dafesdants a 
the subject matter. 

If yon believe that such win tha facta, and 
that tha defend"!* proved thia by a fair pre- 
ponderance of th* credible *vid**9t, and Uwt 
they hctcd without malic*, then th* daftadant* 
Would not ho iinjwerahJe in daniage*. 

If, ou th* oth*r band, you aoneluda that lbe 
defendant* did not act in good faith, or wen 
motivated by malic*, « nadt th* aharjra* nek- 
lcialy, than there ia no defense of pririlee* in 
thia eaaa, and you *haald prooted to Lh* next 
qneation, which ia fair comment and critiaLaU. 

Th* defendant* contend that tbea* aitient 
w*r* publiahed aa * eomnient Ml and an anawar 
to a letter dated Jaly 21*1 froip, lloyle to 
Rutherford. I will not eenttntmt an thai letter. 
Tl ha* been read her*. You know lb* l*tl*r. 
Both counsel have examined wi tn i nin very 
thoroughly on it That letter contain* c*rt*i* 
chtrgt*. So that there will b* no question la 
your rainda, lhat it Lha l*tt*r from hloyla to 

If aloyla, th* plaintiff, dreotated and pntv 
lUhed hia latter btfora lh* libala win publiabed 
—and th* libels li*n an th* libel* o( Oetstnr 
15th and Nowmbvr I3tb, th* article* called "In- 
formation" and "Snmrea"— then he most prove 
the truth of his lrllrr by a four onponderaaco 
of credible *vid*ne*. If he did nut pnblish it 
and circnlate it hefort ihef* articlaa, than ha 
does not hav* to pre** tit* truth of choaa state- 

Tha plaintiff enntend* that than* ahargaa wan 




Tie- Court'* Charft 

contained in II *e»Jed envetop* which ni ad- 
dressed to Ruth#tferd and delivered ia this 
leulod eondiliin in til* tnatoranry way, and lhat 
I lie chirp* contained therein were not published 
liy him, the plaintiff, but were publiened by 
Itutherfonl and tin other defendantn. I am lurt 
you will recall the talfmoey on that and one* 
again I am wit going to attempt to comment 
m it. 

Then ia a qneetion of ffrSt for Tin to deter- 
mine in » Iir ii these matte™ »K concerned, 
f«r tlir** defendant* contend (hut Moyle circu- 
lated hi* churpn-a before the alleged libel « were 
jr.-iriiiSml, and Ihnl the publication complained 
of cnnsliittM hWrely fair comment on and a 
lair innrr In lbs ehargee made by Mnyle. 

It in for jmt lo *ay whether or not Mayl* 
puhlislml and eimiljted h)» Liter of July 21. 
V'/Xi, mldnwd to Bnlhfrfcrd, which hn* ■><■»" 
referred to ccml iuuftoaty throryrhont Ih* trial, 
ntfor* the liheln wrr* pnblirtied by the ifcfend. 
ante, and whether I hi" he en or not, and e.f|« 
reeding Movie 'a letter end thu alfcevd libel* end 
eonsidei'ing all (be pridrncu whl?h yon have 
heard, if yon conclude that the alleged libel* 
cvmilttoted merely fair comment on and an an- 
swer to Moyle 'a letter, Ihrn the defendant i 
would not be answarehle in damax**- 

lf art the other band the defendanta failed 
to establish by 4 fair prapnndertmse nf the 
crrdibhi evidence that the publication* rum 
plained of vara not merely fair oonunent »™1 
crHkiem, tot went beyond the bnanda of fair 
iiaiiaat and nrilicjam into M unwarranted at- 

Tka Court'* Ckargt 

tack upon Moyle, then the defendants' dafensa 
of fair comment and criticism fails. 

Jn eoitiidaring the defease of fair eefttocnt, 
if the oeminent went beyond the bonndi u de- 
scribed before, the fact Chat it wee not Bull- 
eious, if yon And thai In be Ih* fait, dee* not 
make out this defeoav- In "ther words, taking 
all the eireunistanoes into einsideratioB, bare 
tlte defendant ihown lhat their article in 
merely a fait reply to Moyle'* letter I If you 
find that thi* haa u-ol brrn node mit by a fair 
preponderant* of the credible evidence, and if 
yon find that the plaintiff'* aaaa haa been made 
out by a fair prrpondertno* of the credible evU 
dance on the «ntir* *«■*, yon may thn onuicWr 
the queition of daniij^i™- 

The fact lhat I tk»r^ii yno on the qn«(i«n tif 
damairea i« l ta indicate to ynu that I fctl yom 
ilkall nr raumt find fur the plaintiff, twr dtea it 
indicate to yan that I feel that yon ih*» or mart 
find far the defendants* 

If you find lha plaintiff ia entitled to damages 
Bark* the rnlea I hum aH*t* yon, yon may 
award hint inch asm aa yon Had will reasonably 
compensate him for whatever actual loss you 
■nay And he haa aoatained, mm well aa eowrptit- 
aatary ruma|rea for tba injury, if yon find any 
has been tad, which mU kaen dona to his ohar- 

In addition to thi*, if Jtm find that the libel* 
or either of them »*r» malirioDS, yon may 
award in addition enmplarT or what ia known 
aa pnnitiT« damages; that b, damages by way 
of puniahnmt of the nfcfentUnla for matitiowly 
lajorinj tht ftharaeter ef tha plaintiff. 

STin Court't C\o*$t 

If yon find that there waa no irtfJice and that 

tin: tli'fi-mliot* actcil in »jeod faitli, no punitive 

iJiilnrr^i-i my H AV-nrdcd, 

The ] ils in!: It is not entitled to pnnH:v* dun- 
ag» onkijs you find he is entiLlsd ta souia 
nntount of conipcnwitory diuitagee na matter 
Ixiw emalL The amount of compcnaalory dam- 
ag«i r in order to reeeiTa punitive ila/iui^n, ir,-.v 
ba shiial L but as long ai the piainliif ia aatirtai] 
to nny ceinpcnnatory danwgnat yon have a ri^ht 
to award ^unilive liatnagtu In proportion ia the 
actual nkalic* diaptayed. 

1'nnitiva danu^ea art awarded ta punish the 
dpfi'i;diLH"j for Tenlinjr maliea againat a i«llow 
creature, here ia ana point on which. Christian 
priikcipla and lejjal obligationa auim-idr. 

Kor expressing actual malioa without JuatiR- 
natiua, the defendajita are p-.mi.ihcd with puni- 
tive dnjuagea because they have failed to treat 
their hc-titJu-ra aa lhay woalj like to he trwted 

Tin defenilanls plead in mitigation of danv 
ages tbal they acted in goad faith and without 
malice. That ia fur yen ta determine. If yon 
find that they in fact did act in good faith end 
witlitiut malice, yon may not award pnnjti¥« 
damage*. If yon find that th*y did not act ia 
«>hm] faith and did art with malic*, 700 may 
•word punitive damage*, 

Vou den I wirh (hie c*M impartially, These 
two liltganta eland here exactly alike. Thry 
might just aa well be John Do* and Jlmmie 

Aa I pointed out before, yon ara not to be 
awayad ia the slightest degree by any hies, prej- 

Pf ftK&a*li ' ExctplioTit U Coast's Char/* 

nujcf 1 , sympathy or favor. Too go through the 
(i- ? Lii:!fj:iy and the tuliibiti and find out what 
the far.ti really era and base your dcci»ion iin- 
rjitrtially -an tlmt, jual aa you would want done 
ii you had n ti»tt ia ou-f court* ntit week, and 
were juiljitiittihg ii to a jury. That is the only 
wjiy, |j«lii!i ahd genLlcnien, tliat we can admuv 
iaM: r jnntie*. 

I'kain keep in mind that this case has taken 
a loan; time- to try, end in consequence, yoo 
sliuuld give il serione oonsidernl iwn and *b* 
dravor to arrive al a fair and proper *WukL 

i'ksfle keep in mind uiso lhat irilh rrfasd lo 
all iuKuei In the caw, ten of yoar number may 
decide all question*. When Un of yen rutvr 
s|frt*d on your verdict, you may return to the 
court room and deliver yfinr tenliet. Ia Other 
words, no unanimous verdict sny tnara, I am 
■ura yon know that II is a fivr-n i illw vardiet 
When ten of you have agreed, notify tba Clark, 
And exception*, first! 

The Clerk Ikaa called my attentioa to ova 
.1: ■■.„'. Von nndersiand [hat yon are to bring in 
(wo verdielrt, one on the first cause of action, 
either a lump sum for the plaintiff, or for alt 
defendant*; in tike second nauae of action, either 
a lump iuui for the plaintiff or for the corporate 
Kiecptinni flrst. 

Mr. Covington: Hlull I make lham ft th* 
pri-PM"nce of ih» juryl 
The Conrt: Yea, please, 
Mr. Cnrinirtoni We except to yoar HoacT 1 * 
ehr.rge bernnH of haying failed to define (be 
torm "malice" to the jury. 


Dtjt*da*W EsetptuMt to Qcwt't Ch&r-ft 

The Court: Da yon want to submit a dtfl. 
nitian of the word "nialica T, t 

Mr. ('uv':ji^;tcin - Tea, I will do that. 

llie Court: Submit it, 

U r. Caviagton: We lake an exn'ption al«a to 
that part of the chafxe which advi*?* the jury 
that if they ftnd that Mr. Moyle did not publiah 
Ilia letter before the October lith and November 
15th ''Watch Tower" that the burden will not. 
be on him to prove the falsity of the charge. 

The Coort : Exception to the defendants. 

Mr. Covington : Becnuae the harden, we say, 
is upon the plaintiff, 

The Court: You are just excepting now. Kx- 
oaptioE to the defendant*. 

Mr. Covington: Next we except to Ihnt por- 
tion of lha charge where the Court said that 
fair comment is limited to reply. 

The Court: I do not think I aaid that. May 
1 read you the exact words! I have it written 
out. How, ahal is your — 

Mr. Covin ittnn: My recollfclinn was thai the, 
f.'iiiirt said to the jury that unless the jury ftnda 
(hat Hie jmhlinUlnn* veh) in reply to Mr. Moyle's 
hrtter, lhat there OouM hat be a fair aomniant, 
DM you make thai statement in the charge 1 

The Conrt: Here is exactly what I nid; 

"The defetidnnts contend that thene arliclea 
were puhlixliet) an a eomment on an aniwer to 
a Idler daleu Jflly Slut from Moyle to Ruther- 
ford which contains e« charges and erili- 
einms hy Moyle of the defendanls." Ito yon 
want an exception to that T 

JIr. Covington: Yen. your Honor. 

The Court; Certainly, 


Dtftmfantt' Exetptimt to Court's Gkw/t 

Mr. Covington : And also wa take exception 
to so tHueh of tin charge tliat tin defendants 

had a light to comment only in case Moyle pub- 
lished Hie latter of July '2laL That ia the same 

Now, with reference to punitive damages, wa 
except beeausa the Court haa failed to inatruet 
t !lij jury to re-tun eeparale verdicts on punitive 
and actual damages, and there ia no way to 

The Cuurt: Yon may have an exception. 

>[r- Covington: Also we except to that por- 
tion of tit* Court 'a charge where an effort ia 
nun hi to datine the term "malioa" in connection 
with whether or not there ahonjd be punitive 

The Court : I am asking you to mbmit year 
definition of the ward "malice-", and if it ia 
anything within resuion, I will submit it to the 
jury. Vou may take a minute to do that. 

iir. Covington: I want to call your attention 
to that statement made in tin latter {Art of tba 
charge willi reference topiinitiva damVjrat where 
you elated to the jury that the defendants should 
treat a Lrother aa they would like to be treated 

The Court? I did any that here ia one point 
oa Which Christian principle and legal oblige- 
tiuns coincide. Far uxpreasiug actual inaliee Jnfltiacxttlaa, the defendants are punished 
with punitive dsiangei because they have failed 
to treat their b> ethers M thay would lika to be 
treated themselves. 

Mr, Covington: Wa except to that because it 
■eiuiuts and is a comment thai the d efend a n ts 
failed to treat him— 




ittfemdanlt' Jlc^a&rti to Ckarg* 

The Court; Wail p ininula, TLtrc u no in- 
lenlion on (h« part of lb? Court to indicate that, 
1 u>n *orry, 'I'lnira waa au attempt iia 1>hj Court'* 
part to isdical* ur m mien. wa^gKut, w whatever 
wurd you »ont lu ««*, I wnnot be eajjreatJvi; 
enough about thai, tlivrt ■■ n« indication by Hint 
wording Hint the deftinckuta failed In lrt*t thia 
iojui a* they would like hi b« treated, (AildriMia- 
ing LIj» IBtUiberj uf [In jury) : Thai i* f*ir jwi, 
nut far lit, 

Mr. L'rjv i n^ii/iv : That IN talitflfrtory. 

Tim Court; Lei ui h*v* y/our del initioa of 
"inalk-e. 1 ' 1b tha meantime 1 will h*jar ilr. 

liru:^ihuuH!j/ii tiLXjjliuaa. 

ill. liiudjliauimsi. I Jlm»-e nQ eatCDliojS* »*- 
W|il uiiur hijui-Hli, if your llODOr pltU*. 

*J'1m CuUHJ Ndl InjUnli y*L 1 alii Jtuing l" 

lab* the ddL'isndauli lint oil lb* rHiuttla. 

ilr, (Ju vingflon : Tin defendant* request you 
la t'iiurjrr Xo. 2J, if your Honor pleat*. 

Tht Court: The defendant* have a*kvd Irw 
to rJiiiijiL- tin! by tins term "actual malice" i* 
meant 1 1. ll I publication result* [roia ill will or 
itapur wrongful motive, fruin willingneu or intent 
I* injiiH'. 

Jf you mean MKh * rwkleia or wanton di*r*- 
-in! tit tnulbar u u equivalent 10 ill will, I ** 

Mr. ttwinrfon: I have numeroui TH]<welm 
your Honor, and 1 will auk tbrol by number. \V* 
would like to lieve the Court tulimil defendant! ' 
r*i[flc*t In cIibjkV No. Iti. 

The Court; itty t" *(at* for the rrooid t lint 
any of the hamlrctl or mm* charge* Were 
■uhwilled in writing to lit* Court tevcral day* 

PtttnAanW ftcqutiti le £'Wp« 

befor* hi atartcd Id charge will b* mentioned by 
numbtr, and if I refute to tharjfe, 1 nhall Jund 
it to Ul« Ckrlt »sm1 h> mjititt, jjhl tlk. dtftbd- 
LUti will li*v* id uc«£jtiin) ai Id thlt- 

DeftnJautu' rtqu* it Xt>- 16 1 r*(SU* I* ehfcryc 
Zx£*pLu>B Id tli* dtftridanti, 

( Defend*ot« T reqaeit to chirp No. 16 ii u 
followi: "Tliat in tuimidt-rmg tin artiel* va- 
Ltled 'Snirti', th* cnliie irticl* ullu-1 ht rud, 
tad not wrtly lb« pir*jfTiplii upon whirli 
pl»i»UiT r*lk*i ill KOpa atid jjm[K>rtLun mu>) Ii* 
Jookrd into, iHtauw ifjc law twwul tik* wonli 
from their itirijvg and HUHKiolion; detactird 
ilalcmentj cannot be n*t apart to ilntroy Hie 
charac'.tr ol lh« whole; wordi irt to be eon- 
itrued \tj givinjr tlwm their ordiriry meaning. "} 

Ht. CVfinftva: Ko, VJ\t, 

Tbi Court r T will -slMffaw iVV l»h May i aril 

you if you dp not wart fi aioi-nd rlialT 1 juvr 
HDHil on minr Dial jiial h«P Ifl <Jq -vnly Willi tlw 

wcorn.1 <rau>L^ ikf arLn.'n. 

Mr, Covinjftun; Y™. 

Tltfe Court; Tbi* ia anly fur Hit kt4k) rmaaa 
of itlion: "Tlial Hit eliar^e ajjainal jilainliiT ta 
tJiit a* a lawyer *nd dec of Jtiiovali'j wjtntiutn, 
he did not look well to ir*i defend bia Ikrtthm. 
If yon find lliat to be true, it it not material for 
what realtor, he did «o." 

I 10 eliarge. The la«t amteaea I nfaat to 
chirije because that it for the jury, nul for me — 
w«jll. 1 will clmrgs it: 

If you find lie to faiii-d your vrnliet will lie 
for dtrenilant*," ta ta Uit mwuhI ean*e of ar> 
lion. 1 to rhorge. 

Ilr, Covioj(LUln : Jiu. Ill 

Btf**da*U ' Itequeiti fo CXargt 

Tho Cua/t; You. hart giroo. ma that. I have 
refiuujd. lu eliar^e that. Wit] you keep a record 
of tbeMa nuoibun ao tiiil yeu OS check them 
witb lbs aUinogripb«r aa4 ana thai lity all jjt> 
lots the noronlT 

ilr. CorinctoB : Tu, your Honor. 

No. 5L 

The Court: I refnae to charge that That ii 
a mallor ftrieliy f °r the jury, in tha Court't 
opinion. Liccplioo to the di'^nilaott, 

{Defendant* 1 reqneat to charge No, 91 » n 
fottowa; "You may <soniider that the artlclea 
d» not attack the general ability or competence 
of plaintiff M alUraty, bat are limited to hia 
f^iiurv at a uwcnbiT of Jehovah'* witneuei lo 
defend oilier bralbreo, u t*t forth ia tha article 
'Baaraa , .' , J 

Mr. Ofinetea ; 5T nait. 

The Coort; I rtfove to m tlurea in the Ian- 

gung*. of the raqoatL Eucplidn to the d*-, 

(Defcadanla' requtat to charge No, 57 U at 
folluwt: "la arriving at your nrdial the ar- 
ticle entitled "hkiaaia' did not refer ta the 
plaintiff in bia Ktncral eompettnoa and ability 
aa n tawyrr in bandling lilieatioa. la deter- 
mining the qowli-On* tha sieaninj; ot the juLdt 
'tinarea' and whether e>r not tlnnlKfrndejitt bait 
prored Lie truth or joalirlcatioo df aaul arlidt 
•{jnart* 1 , y«a will not Hwaidcr that d*fisndan.ta 
charted (he plaialiiT with gaoeral jm^mpumn, 
far tha dafeadantt aaitfcw aharg* aor o wiUn d 


ibftuiimU' Ittquttti Jo C)tttg* 

that the plaintiff m Itnw Jjiaeraily iBoamne- 

llr. Covington: No. 67. 
Tha Court: I refnaa lo bo oharg*. It ia 
itrietly for die jpry. 

(DefendaBl* 1 rp6,utal Id chaift Ha, IT k U 
follow*: "In nefenniiunij; wbclhtr dr apt Iha 
plaintiff, white fonductin^ (lie trial of th* pnt- 
liminary hearing in the cue of P*oj*[f **. Hmik 
el oL, acted jlj a 'good fellow' and eondudod the 
caae in o-udi uumner ae lo win tlie approval of 
othera, partjeniirly thoie oppoting bim, you an 
inalructiid that you :nuHt take into ooniidcration 
nil of tha [jurta and eirennutancea enrroQnding 
the entirt trial and yon ara not confined in 
determining tlitt <|ucelion lo Uia black and white 
wordi reported by (he court flcnograpber at 
tending said hearing, bnt you should eouiider 
any oilier evidence that, "van offered in wnmfr 
lion with the plaintiff"* conduct and if yon find 
ami believe, from the preponderance of eridenes, 
Ihat tlue plaintiff conducted hinntslf in inch a 
manner 4* (ienribed in the *rti«l* «ntitM 
'iinare*', tlten yoo. may find that all other re- 
mark* end ititementi contained in the article 
'Snare*' of and oonceming the plaintiff'* con- 
duct an that oocaaion are proper deduction* 
from hi* conduct and aa fair comment upon hia 
action in connection with the trial ol laid pre- 
liminary hearing."} 

Mr, Covington ; 71, 

Tb* Court: 1 -will obara*. that. 


Dcft*d&*tt' Rtqucitt to Charge 

"Tl» ueftndant* do not contend that the 
pkintiff wu gen«raUy iagompftttnt and negli- 

Kcjiliy handled inaller* and the affairi of J>*id 
ijooiuty and Jehovah'* wilaeiue* prior lo tb* 
mciih'jit of the aladiaon tijuare UardaUj. and 1 
clurge you, aa a matter of law, that the entire 
complaint and publication wu limited to the im- 
proper handling of the on* particular cane, which 
grew oat or the aladiaoh £qur* tlarden inci, 

Dont yoo want Id add "in n> far M lb« 
■ecdod cauue of action U eQneeratd''T 

Mr. CovingtdB : Yea, "is *o far a* tlte ew»nd 
eaoKv of action ia concerned. " 

The Court: 1 *Q charge, 

llr. Covington: No. 14. 

The Court; 1 r*riii* to charge wtctpt aa al- 
ready cltargcd, 

(Defendant*' reqneil 16 charge No. 14 if a* 
follow* : "If you find or believe, from a pre- 
ponikrtne* of the credible evident*, thai the 
thing* published of and conecmini; the plain! 1 17 
in the artkle entitled ' In formation ' and re- 
peated in the article entitled 'Snarea' are the 
truth, then yon will find for tha defemdnfLt*. In 
order to eifnbiiab the defense of 'juitifit-jiliun' 
or - Until ', it it not nWUniary that each and 
every imnwterial and irrelevsnl fact contnincil 
in tlte article ihould be found 10 b» the truth, 
but it i* rufficienl if yon find and believe, from 
n pTepopduranee of the «*idenoe that the article 
entitled 'Information' ia BUholanlially a* broad 
at th* charge ; that u to uy, that if yon find 
and believe, from a preponderance of the evi- 


PtftrnJaJtU' RtpUlL* to CJWjT* 

denee, that the plaintiff proved failhleaa Id hia 
truit, ni one of Jolioveh 'a witneaie* and falnely 
libeled the i'retideot and the fainily at lletliel 
and thereby acted in a manner aa ilid Jmbu, 

and xpokp evil ugaintl tlw orgnnualiae, and he- 
caiua a inurmur-ur anil «ompininer, and tliera. 
after funiahed infoniinlUin to the enemy that 
they could u«c and did line (ujaieal tha Lnird by 
maligning the organimtioo and hit brethren and 
that tlie plaintiff becjune tn 'nvil MTvanl' and 
put hilliseir in oppoiition 14 Cotl't Aorrmntrnt 
f.nil, UL-tuAiuig lo 111* liclief« of Jrhnvab't wil- 
nfniteii, put hininelf in tW ponitlon of wnunilljnp; 
o H-in, tin; remit or which condemned bim to * 
winnd death, you will find a verdict for drfrud- 
il:iih, ll ia not neceeaary lliat each of Ihrar 
rJinrtf -h lie preciaely true, but il i* romciaat if 
you find and believe that each of them ii cub- 
Ktaiiliidlv trur. If you hnd and believe Hut tb* 
defendant* haw, (by a preponderant!* bf IH* 
vvklenHW) aWtahlMwd the truth of each of titer* 
cliargc* published in the article entitled 'Infor- 
ltiri(i»n', *" m;nc the faelH ni puhliahed, llwp yon 
cannot Tenor! lo fbic jmd thaded diilineliona of 
word*, nor can yoo prrta tb* word* ant of their 
ordinary 'jump* lo autlnin lb* charge of libel, 
ffir no lejrnl iiarm Iml* bi*^ don* in the article 
'iuformalLon' if tbe trnth of tli* facta are aab- 
■lantially true.'') 

Mr. Covinirton; No. IB* 
The Conrl: I refoae to to eharge except aa 
alKftdy thnrged. 

(i)cfendajKji' pyjoi'jft In diarge No. 1ft I* aa 
follow*: "Thut if the jmry find (hat the plain- 
tiff in the defauaa of Heath, OrraU and Col- 




Dtfewdaxii' Rtqutttt lo Ciargc 

ftrt^lo in tint ilngiltnle*' Court, did not eondoot 
will d*.-rriuc vigorously, but nought In cam 
promise tha rights of (lefendnnln; if knowing. 
llbai hjjvuaL tuurtitl assisting (lie IhetriO, Attn*, 
ncy ia ill* prow^utiiiji oF such member* wo* an* 
of llu- eoitiuies of Jehovah'* witness** and hod 
inLt'n puLf t in Ilia attempt to tireak up tit* Madi- 
iini Sy|u«rff (larden lortting, lie nctol familiarly 
uihl in a friendly nuyiner with nidi (xiiinki-l; ]f 
pluinltJF ihowed to sireh counsel ami lo Ibo A*. 
Mjlunl District Attorney * confidential written 
paper prepared by Heath solely n* a guide for 
liJuihlilt in the ittfanae of Ilea! 1 1; if plain lift 
hl^^.-.IctI lo Orrell I hat At might plead until y 
and |*y a eum]1 fino nod tho* avoid lint* and 
tmulilc Had a ponaibla conviction, then tli* 
eWcr tlmt plaifltiff ai ok at Jehovah's wit- 
inunt* anil attorney eoughl Ih* approval of latn 
and iiiadE liiinHtlf ft 'Rood fellow' and failed lo 
IcKhk well to the defence of hi* brethren, waa trua 
and tin verdict mu>rt b* for defandaaU,") 

Mr. CoviEgton: No. 19. 

The Court: I will charge that 

"'That il ia fm the jury to decide if the arti- 
cle 'Surta' referred to plaintiff only at a part 
of aa article illoitrolino/ how a member of Je- 
bovph' vitnenK* may h*ton» lilt victim of 

mint o.n<l pitfalls. Th*t it ii for the jury to 
**y whclbrr the reference!! to plaintiff were 
madia in hi* ejuiTeeteT is a coitntcrttttl member 
of Jehovah's vilneiaes and Only incidentally ia 
ki profataiisn aa a lawyer." 

Tba Coort; J K charge. 
II r. Covington ; No- 19*- 

Dtftx dn*U ' Rapt&ttt (a Gaarjn 

The Court r J refoa* lo ao charge txcept u 
ilrrr.Hv eharpd. 

(Defendant*' request to charge No. 15* it at 
foHawi; "That it ia eutaUirbcd by ilia evidence 
thai in June, 1039, an assembly of Jehovah 'a 
nJlTiriinni wan held at lladi*an S|o*irc {tardea. 
New YnrL 01,1 y. That prior thereto, tHrcnta to 
dittdrb naid juuH-mlily Imrl roma to Llit ottiT.lina 
of the dinctom, Tlmt jtlftjntjiT, at a inriabtr 
of and counsel of th« Societj', with alhtf m«ft- 
hora llmreof. vinilcd the police to fcwj prnlfw- 
lion. frnin tneli ontiripaled di fltnrhanw. That 
sftid wM-mhen wtre mid that (lie Pneicty WnnM 
rewire no |irol*ction innidf tlic building: Tlmt 
at p*H njiPfnnhly, * numbM a f r*rwvna,. btoim 

U CnuKfalinitr-K, Jtllcinptnl to Kr*»if dp Hid t«- 

arnihl;-, Thnl nnwmp thMit ¥«■ on*, a lawyer, 
named If BcT>»[inl'i r (hot • Iftht toolc p3o«; "Tti, 
ai t tonrM'oui'njr*, <hree of Jthovah'* witra**** 
wens nrrtnterl br thai police np«n thaT|R4 nada 


That Mill J^liovth '« witnemH »o armlnt imo 
H«ath, Ornll and fotanectn. That mid 
[H'riumi utit nsrr*iftii«t in (he MnsriptraC-c* 1 
flonrl. Tlmt thr charge ftfrain-L Orr»!l and. 
f'n Iji o.^r I n wa« simple luftalt. and aRninpt FFeath 
!"' on i on ■ onwiolL TKal plaintlft »■ the mnnifi 
of tin- Snrii-Ly wot fharped witli Hit dot? of their 
iIpfi'niK. toapt^ir with one Whelm, an attorn*?, 
siul uTMlrriorik thtir n>fenH. That paid Ma/- 
Dnoald ftppcar«d aa attorney aflaia*! tlw o4frAd- 
an|« and on hchalf of Iht coinplainaata 10 p t B > * 
Fnlc **id eriDiplaint with aa Ae^irtant Pi*Lrirt 
\ Llunir-f. That hefar* tike hearina; in the UiffU- 
tratet* Court, plai=a*r, wJh wma htamlf aa «f 

BffrmltLmti 1 RaptiMit t* Cimrgt 

Jrlmvah'a witnti»ra, ft toim*crated pcraoa and 
a lanyer, w*» infurtued tiiftt Maelhriiald »b» an 
i-nimiy of Lbe Koeitty iiul one of tlione whD had 
toagh-t to brail np the Madiioa S^joare Uardeii 
awfmLly. Tiiftt prlar lo aaiil hi^ai-isig the defend- 
ant Heath eavt to plaintiff, at hin ftltomey, a 
fltalMiwnt of til* fart*, for plaint iff "a aeiintanca 
to iiia dtfunae. That durtag aaid prorwdincn 
plaintiff and kaid Wlteleat dinruMod with en id 
Jfa^Donftid the matter af adjournment Thnt 
pbinliff Jvla*«l hid ann on HieDoBald'ii bade 
That lattr uport »t»] Jhmrinj*, with plaintiff*. 
Icnow lfd[,T tml riin?[irr^nrK, \hr. atatenunt whirh 
Heatlt had pivtn to plaintiff, waa Itanded by 
Whdc« (4 (he aaid ITjicDonald who placed the 
■tint in *«i3*tie« oa aaid hearing, against aaid 

Tlmt Iftler ft diacuaLion tuck place betweaa 
plaintiff *™I OrrtM aa to Orrtll inlorpoaing a 
plea of piilty *nd paying a amall nne_ 

Tlic arlkle *SitatM' wittaint tlwi* ient«K»: 
"If a man dainw lo bv ™ai<«-rattd to fJod and 
ii a lawyer and appear* in Conrt te cnonael for 
nnnlher oonHermtod pe-nton, and then oondocta 
liiiuttlf and the nie on trial in tndi a manner 
that ha mighl reoeire the approml af other men 
in tlte Court, »nch lawj-tt 1 ip a M*« pltawr and 
provei hi* tinfaithFolqir?* te Ocd and to the King- 
fiem.' 'One wW fajl* or r*fo»ce to loop wrll 
lo and ihtfcml the intereat of a Christian, tod 
dor* ao in order that ht inipht appear *e a igood 
fellow in tlit fyea of other men, i« thcfefair l!m 
eorny of CiiritL What Owl TniitiriMi of Lis 
aervanu ii to be wholly drToted to him and hki 
KiB]{dom. There eaa he no proper eaorat of 


D*f*m&tmt*' RsjtmtM ia Ctefy* 

wmpwwi** with aay part of Sataa'a «tftaEaa- 

I eh*rg« yon, that it la for y«4 a» trim of 
the fart, to detanniae in yvftr mud whether th* 
r*cU alMTe art forth do or do not ihow that 
plaintiff waa atelcing the apprdTal of other* in 
the court room, and *M a 'man pieacer* and 
whether at not the pioioliff failed to look well 
to and defend th* inleretta of Ilia brethren, ftud 
wltetlnr at aot h« failed to do ae ia arder to 
appear an a *K°od fellow 1 .") 

Mr. Covington; Ne, % 

The Coart; I Rfutt to » charge. 

DefendiTiia' rnjunt to dtara* No. 3 i» af 
fnlloWa: '"Tliat in nmiddering the article *In- 
farmitiain' the jnry moat coniider the entire 
•rUele, and pot merely the two pUfe/raph* npoa 
which the pUibtlfT reliea. The e»tica article 
moat he read, ita aupa and pntportiaii, parpsae 
and meaning un*t be looked into, heeaaaa the 
law cannot iek* ward* from their letting, and 
association; detached atntcincntm cannot be art 
apart to deatroy the character of the whok 
article. Word* are to In (iT*a their ondtoary 
and natural meaning,") 

Mr, Cn»i>i|rtoni No. 3, 

The Coort; 1 refute to m> eharaj*. 

'I>fnndaTit.' request to ehare* Ko. 3 ia aa 
r n !it>*piL "Thai Bfcnrdinfl to the reaHnnahW and 
nntort! wuMtriKtion, th* artid* 'Information* 
did not refer tp the plaintiff ia hie rapacity aa 
exiiraral fjosnnfll. Baid artiole judged npon it* 
face plainly refer* to plaintiff tat hi* print* a*4 


Dcftndaxti' Etqutitt is Charge 

indi'iidajLl capurity m* a m^mlwr of the W T ateh 
Tower Jtible ohd Traet i^--.- if n:ni j]i o?m a! 
<!el i»vnli''« v.-ilhcvaea. Tlktt wiiil article Tnfs*- 
■niklion' cliorjee tike plant: ill*, a* A inrtiiSn-r uf 
JehiKah 1 * w| I oomcpi r'Iio Mi a |Kmi(ion of Irimt 
pinl coofLth'iirr, wilii I i.j viifepr written end rirru- 
lutnl a h'LIrr fillftl with fjilno, lylnjr, tla-nTuroni 
nod lilH'Imut ittteiornla aifninnl Hie I'rrnjilfnl 
and the family of Ilia Society ftt licthcl, arnl th it 

c: ft r::ri:i:-|ue-:iT bl hnvinji: -.1 ntirnrki:] tin' CftUlily 
at Itrtlirt, tlint he iflVulifif.i hinlrttlf with tha 
Si>eiH;1y'» vnrniirK, Uetrav* liii Iru^l by fumiah- 
ing the Roeir1y*a ^nrniics n-ith intiLcriftl dh'ai'iat 
it, mid breoinoa a trnitor to it, and tlmt he niuat 
choose Mhom to eerva, it or it* enemiei.") 

air. Codington l No. 4, 

The Court r I nftUe to so eJinrgft. 

(IkTendantu' request to charge No. 4 is n* 
fellowa: "That ia the letter of plaintiff dnled 
Jaly 2lM, lH,Tfl H the plaintiff Made tfojirpiptji 
tgninal ilic l^renident nnd the fnmib' ftt Ih'tlnd, 
which rh.irgea were plainly elftwlerou* aod 

l(r. Covington: No. o. 

The Court: I refns* to ao chafg*. 

iDtTrinSflnin 1 r*t|u r «.t to charge Nek ft ia aa 
follovi-i: "That unless all of **id «hargea were 
Irur, then plaintiff waa guilty of having liheled 
iuu| alanrlered tha Prtaident and 111* fabiity ftt 

t£r. CoriiurtaB: No. 6, pew Honor. 
The Court: I rvfaH to ao eaarga auept aa 
already chaigad. 

DtfcmdaxW Ikqvtilt Jo C*arf« 

(DefandonK* refjiaettt to oharfit- Ko. 6 ii jw 
fuliowt: "Tiu( Ilia bmrdeji of proving mid 
■tbekni oaai^ea marlu by lbe piaiutiff a^aiait th* 
President ajitl the furndy at l^itltel to oa true ia 
upon tho plaint! IT. And pluiftliff mast proT* 
*nid lihelnut charpon to h* trua by a prepon- 
(kirauee of tho erolihla tvidenoe,") 

Kr. Covington: No, 7, your Honor, 
The Court: I refttM to aa ohaxga 

{Ih-fondaritn' ronjneit In fhnrff* Ho. T b aa 
follows: "That if Uio pl-tintiff hns failed to 
]in>vn the chftt^e ea mada in hii letter of July 
21, 1939, by eunh pftponderanoB' of fho credible 
endraca. then th* vctilitl npon the ariiole Tu- 
fortnntion 1, in plaintiff'* Aral aaase *f action,. 
and npon the repelilioa of the chnf£* that plain- 
tiff had libeled the family ftt Bethel contained 
in the article 'Snares', in plaintiff* aeeond eaaae 
of action, neat be for defendant*.") 

Mr. C**bwtoa: No. A 

Th* Court: I nfnst to ac charar. 

fOffeadanta* reotieet fo «f!arfp Ho. B t* a* 
followa: "Tliat if th* jury an in doubt a> tn 
tho truth of the chargos tuade by plaintiff 
aoalaat th* President and the family at Bethel 
then Hi* rerdirt on plaintiff** tint *an*a of ac- 
tion and lh» verdict npon ao much Of plaintiff "* 
•emari cftuao of aetunn aa la based npon Iht repe- 
tition of the claim that plaintiff libeled and 
slandered th* ftJally it Batatl auat b* for 

hfr. Cortfigton ; No. fl. 

Tha Coart: I retaae to *a e%*H*- 



Ptfendamti ' Request* Ut Cltrg* 

ffiefi'mliuiti' neigDnt to charge No, 9 ii u 
folluws: "That the plaintiff: in said Utter of 
July 21st, IBM, made charges of aril practice* 
ajjainst tho family *l B«llieL That proof of. on* 
Or two acts, by individuals i* not iiiiT.der.; to 
■unlaid each chargea, That U oeeaaional or 
separate or isolated act docs nut Ooastitutt * 
prut too.") 

Mr. Covington ; No. Bo. 

Tim Court; I refuse to so charge. 

(DcFtsdnivli' request to charge No, 9m ii it 

foltew*: "That ia considering: th* dt*Tgoa made 
by plaintiff in hie letter of July 21. 1943, the 
jury unit consider the intent and porpcta of 
tlie plaintiff; that it W written allegedly to 
r-:jK>wi conditions and practices kt Bethel which, 
if true, Wtre t> ■enere indictment or lb* manage- 
ment practice* and manner of living of 4 body 
of persons, who were Ihe loaders and head- 
quarters' "1»ff of a aoeicly, elsiminjf to lies 
eecordinjr to the pm^pla of the BiNe, It Chris, 
liana. That it (ha pljiinliff 1w failed to prove 
to the jury the truth of all of said tJsftrgfs, 
as lo the charge, ht failed to prom,. be slen- 
dered tlit family at Bath*!, and th« verdict roust, 
be for def+ndanla." } 

air- Covington: No, 10. 

Tike Court: I refuse to ao charge. 

( Defendant* ' request to eharjre No, 19 is an 
follow..; "That plaintiff in fill tetter of July 
21 ut, 1!KM, taoiU- ehiirKW of different deproe eed 
u-riwiiuieHi. That proof that the President aua- 
pended An alleged rule concerning the right of a 

Dtfcxdamtt' iteovuU U> Ctarpt 

ptrson lo bring liii or heir spOtts* iota Bethel or 
nt lime* ehaatiaed a brother, would not be proof 
of the tharjici tltat the President lived in Inxnry 
or tltat filthy and vulfjor language wax used by 
members of the family, or indulgence in alcohol 
waa practised by member* of the family and tbst 
■aid oraetites were approved and encouraged by 
the defendants.*') 

Mr. Covington: No, 11. 

The Court: I refuse lo to char**, 

(Defendant*' request to charge No. 11 ia m 
follmnt; "Tiuit unless the plaintiff has proved 
by preponderance of the credible evidence tin 
truth of the dtargej he mode in hit letter of 
July 21, 1939, in regard to Ihe approval of the 
practice of the nee Of vil(s fdthy language, 
nod tilt indul^rricn of the member* in alcohol 
and I ho approval end encouragement of ouch 
practice* hjf the defendants at Bethel, and the 
living in luxury by the President, then the ver- 
dict on lite plaintiff*! Ural onus* of netitn, ««d 
Ihn VL'nlic-t tifmn an murri of plain!: IT '» acrOnd 
efttlMC of nrtlon an i* bumeil uwin Ihe etaini by 
defencknta thai plaintiff Hl>c!r4 the f*mily at 
BoUseJ, moat he for Ihe defendanta.") 

Mr. (_'tivi n^rton : No, !£. 

Tbr C'uhH : J rcfuiio tn ao charjrj*. 

nir'enilnntp*' rfrqiiCJit In rhnrsu No, 12 i* at 
hfttnwv: *'Tlpit Hip JihinlitT nwip many arrioui 
nnd lihclnim rlHvr^rn ncainr! Hie PrpnMen! and 

fnuii!>' at Urlhi't "f eiHl prorfirp^, Tf the (tlahn- 
liiT lin^ fnihsl in prnvr the troth of ma? one of 
Bftiil tthelnun tliAtpo-t, IkiCn anid unproved charge 

Dtfcndamb ' RequeaU to Chargt 

wim kiafoundad and untrue, and ax to inch un- 
fouoded and untrue cliargc, plaintiff li hoi led the 
rajnily at DctbeJ, and Ibe defendant were juati- 
hnl in llitir puhlj^atipn thai [ilaintirT had libeled 
the family at Bclb«| «ml the verdict on plaio- 
lLJT"a ijr*t cnumi pf mtzt'mn and the verdict npon 
ao mud i of plaintlnT'a second cause of act ion aa 
ii bo«-d upon defendants' repetition of the 
claim tliat plninlifT libeled tlto family at Bethel, 
»uit ha for defendant!. 1 ') 

ilr. Covihgtoh: No. 13, 
The Court; I rcfuae to ao charge, axoept at 
already charged 

(RefeadanlV nrquFiii to charge No, 13 is aa 
follnwa; "Tin defendanta for a firat «Hnpl«te 
derenae rely upon Ihe truth of (he artide «n- 
titlrd ' Taforraatioa ', Thia defenie it in |a« 
wbnt ia linnvrn aa 'juatifacalion'. Trmt it an 
abiM»la1r and cmnpleto di>f*oi* In an flrtion for 
libel. Tf a chnrfie matin ajrainnt plaintiff in true, 
thai end* hia eaaa. Bcfendanti may pohtiah the 
troth nl any bote, or plaoe and in any manner. 
Ynu ennnnt eenaider dr-fundaiil ji ' mntivcn in no 
jiublmriinff the tralb. If yoq find that pfainliff 
in hi» letter of July Sljt, 1939. nwda one fila* 
wrion* dkarjre ifflin«t the fnmily it ftctlhtt, 
thpn (.lie- Hlrfenilnnl:" had a right to publiah, an 
oftfn and in any way tliw deaiH^t, that plain- 
tilT liad lilvlod the family at Tlrtlirl, and tr- 
gardleH or Ihe n*rfn[lant»* r*ajioi!e or mntivei 
in ao puhlitbing. the rrrdir.t must be far defend* 
un n» that branch of Ike cam,") 

jrr. Covington i No. 15. 

The Court: I nfuaa to aoar^a «Keapt aa al- 
ready charged. 

Defendant*' BsqtutlM to Ckargt 

(Dalaadanla' request to charga No, 15 ia m 

fvUo*va: "In. tha event lhat yon tad, from, a, 
p^^rjodideranea of tha andenee, thai the article 
' I uf oruaation' waa the truth and justified, than 
you cannot lake into eonaideration the rootiv** 
of defendanta, whether the arlide wat published 
with malic*, beemae if the (ruth ia aatabhancd, 
nuliict i< iiiiuLit*rial, and it would ha your duty 
u> r*tum a verdict for daf&ntlants refardleai at 
wite'thtr or not there »*j MiaHca. ') 

lie, Covington: So. lo*. 

Tho Court; That is fur tlta jury to detannina 
■lie facta. I r«£ u*s to aO charge, 

{Defendanta 1 request to diarge No. l&a ia as 
fdllowi; "Tbot pLaintiiT liad no personal Imowl- 
edge of the tooifts Of faun* aaaurned lo Judg* 
RuLlrctfordi pr«aid*a.t of tit* Watch Tuwer 
B-ible Tract Sodely at Sl*t*n Jsla™!, wr upoa 
the Kingdom Farm. Tliat piaintiff ha4 been in 
but one otlier room on bihhI fartn. That oo 
number of Jehovaii's witnesaes had iter oora- 
plaJncd of the quartora ajisigned lo him, eider 
tci pLiinlift* ar the Society. That if tha jury, in 
tli* ILk I it of said facta, find that plaintiff mado 
a charge, implying thai the president lived is a 
■Ute far above th* other mejolieri and thna 
praeliced diKrioiinaliom tlien if the jury find 
said charge to bo raise, [lie plaintiff Waa guilty 
of aLutdorinjj the preatdent and tha Society, and 
the veruicl tiu that branoh o( the eaa* nanat ha 
for defendant*.") 

Ilr. Covmgtoni 15h. 

Th* Court; t refuse to so ohaifn. 

Ptftn4a*tt * Jtcqtuitt lo Ckargt 

(Defesdnnta* request to charge No, 15b ia M 

r«tluv»; "The evidence ibowji tlmt on two oc- 
casions in four yean plaintiff dnioLi to hivi 
hnard vulgar lanjjuags uaed by a member of tin 
family at tlie table. Thai there were about two 
hundrud person* at Bethel who ale three tneali 
a day. TJut tlicrc is no evidenee that Judge 
Mulhorfonl uacd vulgar or llllhy languago nl Ihe 
table, That pbintifTV dinrge ia without proof 
lo KLutnio it- TIluI plaintiff having mnilc shuil 
fill*? duiri;*, wa> guilty of ulanderinjt tbr 
Faniily at Buthd and tiia verdic! must be for 
[lr>rH'niJnnt» vn Ihii oranch of Hie ease") 

ilr, L'ovinplon; Iftfe, 

The Court: 1 refnae lo an charpe. 

(llpfembmU 1 rtijibmt In charge No, l.V i* aa 
roBtraw: "That if the jury find tlmt plaint ii? 
lu*i fnilf^l to prvvv (he filthy and vulgar j«lies 
and language it line Ifcble at Relhtl was reg- 
ularly uaed hy Ihe membcra then Ihe charge so 
nude hy plaintiff vm fshv, and tlie plaintiff 
was a vlenderer and tlte verdict moat be for de. 
frmbiDta on Hue branch of the ease.") 

Mr. CnvinirUini l- r nl- 

The Court; T r*fo»* to ao charge, 

, Defendants' reqnent to clmrsf Va. IM ia aa 
fiilliiwa: "Tliat it appears from tlte rubra of Ihe 
Society, thai the president hod eulhority to relax 
■nid rule*. Tliat plaintirf had bound liinuirEf lo 
elhinlr by «urh mica. That Hie prentdcitl had a 
nvitun' wlin van of great BMiManre to him. 
That «hc Lmided at BolbeL. That nhe liter mar- 
ried a member of th* Society, Tliat lier hue- 


DtfvdantM' Rtq**iii to CMfff* 

land «amt to lite at Bethel, Thai if the jury 
finds that plaintiff boa failed to prove thai tha 
praiidtot was frailty of dlncrituiiiatiuiL, then tha 
charge made by the plaintitT was falsa and plain- 
tiff slandered ill* president and tli* verdict must 
be for defcndanls Upon this branch of the e*LM."J 

Mr. CoviBgiob; 15a, 

The Court: 1 refuse to so ehara-a. 

(I^fOndaota 1 request to charge No. Ilia k as 

fallows: "That it appears front plaintiff"! testi- 
liiyoy, that he never tow alcoltolie liquor or 
beverages at Betiujl arid never saw anyone at 
Bethel unuVt Ul* influent* ol liquor. That if to* 
jury finds that Ui* eharije coneerniag |ii|aor at 
Uclhcl nude by plaintiff wat without personal 
knowledge and false, tlien lite plaiatilT Itad 
slandered tlte Family and lire v^rjin must he 
for defendants on this branch of lit* ess*. "J 

Mr, Covijiglon: lif. 

Tlte Court; 1 refuse to so charge, 

(Defcmliint*' mjurjt lo charge No. Ijf is aa 

follows: "That it is conceded llul plaintiff iud 
been onlnuted with ooniidcnjinl matters and was 
a trusted member of tin Society, Tltat lie lived 
at Betltd wilii hia wife and von fur four years. 
That on July M, l33y he delivvrrd to Ut* Soetety 
a letter, in which for Ihe first Uut* he road* 
certain charged which, if untrue, were lilsrluus 
UpotL the previdenl and Ilia rVnitj' at Betlnl. 

"If yon find, npon all the evidence, that any 
one or more trt mild diargvb was untrue and fal**.-, 
tlicn, us a mntler u* low, tlie plaintiff had made 
a false charge or false duargea against tii* presi- 
dent and family at Bethel, apd Ih* oharg* ha 




DiftaAaalm' RttpttAtt to Clara* 

* Information' tint plaintiff 111 a liar, *l*ndereT, 

libultr and ntnligncr of his brethren was true, 
and [hit lie thereby was giving the Society'* 
enemies OTstcrinl nth which (o attack it w« 
slbo true, *r,d your verdict must "be for defend- 
uti an thai branch of the oat") 

lit. Coriegtaa: Now, yonr Hannr, 50. 
The C»jj-t: 1 refuse to 10 charge. 

(Defendants 1 request to charge No. 59 it as 
full ati : " Yon an instructed tint in the plain- 
tiff's letter dtted July Si. 11)33, h« made certain 
chnrgct sgniitst llii org»inti*tion, the head- 
quarters' nrgnnixntiou of JrhoTah'i wit heater, 
■jmI flu? TSrIIieL lloiDB, and tin individual* con- 
noclnl ihr mvfilh. You are initneled, u a mailer 
of unr, that many of thews charges are libelous, 
ami the burden of proof ii upon the plaintiff to 
sustain, by a preponderance of the evidenca, tha 
proof of rarii of those charger; and if ha fail* 
tu to t-ilebliah the proof of luch charges, then 
you vdi he justified in holding nod Anding., u * 
bullvr oF law, that the plaintiff did libel the 
Family of Clod *t Bethel,, u cliarged in the article 
BaLitlrd 'Information' puhliihed by the defend- 

Mr. Covington: No. VL 
The Court: I refuse to so (hale* H**pt U 
already charged. 

{Defendants' request to charge' No. 30 it a> 
f i Jlowi : "'The defendants aet np a complete de- 
tents of qunli lied privilege. Uany time* in human 
aiTjiitt it become* necessary for one person to 
oonmmnicalt to another, information which may 

DtfoiJawtt" llequttli to Charge 

be defamatory, Eves if the information, turn 
ont to be feluc, itJIL the law recognizea certain 
relationships and situations which ucusc tit* 
coEiEnuiieaiion. These relationships and titua- 
liona the law does not rigidly d***ify. They may 
■ rise in many different ways. Winn a cotwnuni- 
cnticn is made under each eircuHttauOes, it ii 
sailed a (inalihcdly privileged eabunuaJEatwR. A 
privileged communication ii m cOlitmuniaatipn 
made in good faith and in the honest belief in 
ill truth, upon any subject m»t(*f in which tit* 
party making the communication liaa an interest 
or in reFcri-iie* Id which tilt party hat a duty 
to iiiekt.- Iht eontntuAieatioa tu a person of party 
having a corresponding interest or duly l« re- 
ceive it, Jt>e* tlvafk the dtfuutnry mutter m 
noi I rii lb latur ibuvrn til ba false, lb* law 
|irr«uinrn it 1'ii huufci Willi good k*ft>ti¥»*. Evil 

motives, actual analirw. eaaaat ba inferred from 
the eel of publication of baeaaaa tha bulging* 
need it harsh, nrtri of *tra«u>, la meh. a nuin, 

unluH Uh pUinUT pnvaa by t, fair ]irrjmniliir- 
aucc of the credible evidence, that |ha ihfrndanta 
made tlic comrntDiiesitioa, aol to protoet ttmir io- 
temla, but uolaly from a daauw to injure th* 
plaintiff, the plaintiff fail* in hia oaaW and tn* 
verdict mnsl be for defendant!. Bfen though 
inch a commDaication turn not to bt felte, there 
can b* no recovery by the person defamed if tha 
perton making the tanu did to in good faith and 
in the banjatt belief that the oomnranieation wai 

Mr. Cotington: No. 21. 

The Court: I rafaaa to *• abut* «« B *pl *■ 

already charged. 

PtftmJmalt' fiaflWflfr t« Chaff* 

( Defendants ' reamaat to eharea No, 31 k M 
folJovri: "Tin ovfendanta claim tlnat Ih* evi- 
dence ihowi that Jehovah 'e wiluciu-j qolUctir*- 
ly, lhr«gioat la* United Statu, and other 
counlriei, conalilut* an uninoorporabid organi- 
sation couipaaed of CJirtstian people, *aclt of 
whwtu Itu made a covenant with Almighty Uod 
to do Hu will acearding to Uodl'i revealrd Word 
and purpose* iwt forth in Hi* BiUi, sad lb»y 
art iiamuiu wLo **rv* J«buvah Cod in ipiril 
aud in trulb, uod their solo minion, defendants 
induded, ia tn pnliliene the ntabtislimcDt of 
Uud'i K^Ujilom on earth, that will bring peace, 
lujiLwa and life to ail whs faithfully aerre 
Jchurah iioi. TJkty hava no connection with any 
wurdly orfaniaatloe) ar thinj. Jehovah'* wil- 
Dessa* and ptnon* of jfvvd-will lOw«rde them 
aeett it group* throeurhout th* country for the 
purpoae uf UiaJ* etedy and living accordingly. 
Tilt inttmntentalitict Arganixed aecordinj; to 
law for tits protection of taa eammon inlereata 
sf Jahemh'i witit*s*ec are the Watch Tmit 
llible and Tract He&sty of renanytvania and 
the Watch Tew*r BiUt and Tract gaataty, Imr-, 
of Saw York. That the headquarter nf Jeho- 
vah '« witncHti it Located in BrooUyn, N«w 
York. That tha beadquartere ttaA 1 of Jehovah t 
*iltii m occupy and lie* in a building- and are 
known to the members of Jeh^vab's witaasae* a* 
tlte Family at B*lbeL The Society pnhliihts a 
mteaxiae kaorn aa 'The Wstehlower*. Thii 
nuiRniine w thr cPSaal pu.h!ica( iun *f Jehoveh'* 
TllueiFC* ind of the defendant ccrporatiom and 
ii the chief and principal means of eominuniR*, 
lion between Iht Society headquarter* sad Je- 


Dcfmknti' Stgnttti (4 CksTtt 

hovab'i wilnctset tlirouglioint tht Uniled State* 
anil nlaOwFiire, Aa the omcial publitber* of 'The 
Wslrfi Tower* for Jrlioreli'* wltnrMts, It fll 
tlir duly and iroira! obli)|a|iuo of the defendant* 
tu dimiieraiuj rc*itt any febiiLy or d*e*ptian OB 
tin part of »ny person vIm churned to b* one of 
JeJiovah's wilneetcsj and to ewblitho the facte 
they faclUfVod to be tru* oaearniaf alt who at- 
tack Jehovah '* wilncuri and the Walnh TowaT 
Bible & Tract Society, including the Family at 
lj*thcl, and to duly inform Jehovah's witnesses 
by said publication in said ' Wslch Tower' maga- 
lino of iuch wrongful practice* or other*, til 
for the purpott* of preventing discord and strife 
among Jelinvth 'b witnejii**, and to pwinot* haj> 
many iti<J unity in Itu orgsnuotiea, so as to 
cnnhlc all to appreciate their reBponsihUity and 
relationship to Almighty God and to their tru* 
brethren and to enable them ta reaiit any c*uM 
uf dhuwntion and diviaina amosf 1b*M In tfc* 

Mr. Covington: No. 22. 
The Court: I refuse to charge axaept aa al- 
ready diarged. 

(Defeedanls' request to charge Nu. 22 is aa 
foltuw*; "Th* governing body uf a Christian 
orgjmimtiun liae llie right to publish in it* nffi. 
cial publication atntement* of and cOnewrniKg its 
member* ia regard to Ibrir muduct for the pur^ 
pone uf d ijtci [il i nc and in the interest* of the 
organization, although defamatory of the pcreOn 
rerurred to in said cuunnuninlllen and although 
false, provided din in*Uer ie published to taid 
tnsmbere of liie organization and is mada ia) 


DtfrnJanW RcqwuU to Charge 

good faith *od with honett belief that tosh daU- 
nttsis an tra*.") 

Mr. Coringtesi: No r 2S, 

Tha Conrt; I feftUM to charge. 

(Defendonta' requeit to chargei Kit, 23 u ea 
follows i "That th* wuuininjcalivn. Hlilled "In- 
formation' as * matter of law was and ia a pnv- 
ileged conununicatioa because the evidence thowa 
that iht nokniQiUAicaLij(in was made by the. de- 
fendants in the dietharge of a private, legal and 
mural duty to inform all of Jehovah e witnesses 
of any believed or supposed disloyalty of ana 
of their urj-aniaiUnii so as to promote harmony 
aad unity in the organization and to enable Jo* 
hOTab't witnessn to resist anyone wha wan 
likely to cause dissension or division amung 
IliUss in the orgniization. That aa a. znatlef of 
law lite individual and corporate defendants 
acted is tha saope of (heir duties and retpon- 
libililivs toward Snd in their common interests 
with oil the members of Johov&h't eritoesiw In 
pubiithmg the artid* entitled ' luformtLliou ' and 
that said pnblicaliaB, was qnalinMlly pxiei* 

Mr, dndngtaa: No. Si 

Tha Court; 1 nfot* to charge, 

{Defendants' request to charge, No. 24 ii u 
follows .- "Tha artuJe entitled ' I reformation ' be- 
ing so qnalinedlj privileged, even thoogh it be 
falsa in fact, bt whole or in part, the plaintiff 
etnnol recover unless tha plaintiff aababliahea, 
by a preponderance of th* aredih]* aridenea, that 
th* dslendantt pubiLthad Hid arttola with actual 


rjufmdaaU' Ri-.qnt.ftl SO Plnro* 

mntio* on their part, Ih sunk caa* yonr nrdiet 
must n* for defendants.") 

Mr. Covington : Ho. 28, 

Th* Oonrt; 1 Jefoaa to (taiga, That h 

strictly for the Jury. 

(Defendants' reqneat to charge No. 2d is aa 
follows: "That th* article 'Information' being 
privileged, th* burden of proof is upon plain tiff 
to prove that th* charges mad* by defendxnte 
were false, and warn known to be fait* by th* 

Mr, Covington: 26a, 

The Court: I refuse to «h*rffe. That as tsr 

th* jury, 

fDefendants' reqntet 10 chance Hi). 2fia in a* 
follows: "Tltnt ])lninliiT has faiTed to pror* 
tlte publication or sale of the Watch Tower to 
nny person, not a member of Jehovah,** wit- 
nesses or *> person of good will,") 

Mr. Covington; 2Gb. 

The. Court; I refuse to so charge. 

(Defendants' request to chare* Ko. 26b i* aa 
follows: "If th* jnry find thai th* Wateh 
Tower, which Is th* oSidal pnulionHsn of Je- 
hovah't witness** and cmitains articles fnr Bih- 
lical study, was pohlinhed only to am*ecr*l*d 
member* nT Jrlinveb'i witnesses end other per- 
sons intenwtrd in the Society ud qjitina: with 
it tor Bible study and th* practice *f Bible 
preeepta, then the pnhlieatiori of th* artiste* 'I«- 
farrnatJOD' and ' So* res' was qualin*dfy privi- 
leged, and the plaintiff cannot raenwer onloaa ha 




Ptftmtaittt' Ittqvtsis fs Charge 

proves actual malice oi Kit jwrt of the ih-Je.b.-.|- 

Mr. Covington 1 . 27. 

Tie Court j I refuse to to charge. 

tDefeBdsnte' r*nec*l to rkiarge Jto. S7 in a a 
follow*: *'Jfl nriVr la pertuit a recovery by 
plainlifl you Intel ftfiil and believe, ay a ttre- 
ponderaneo of (ha credible eridi'ftcft, that 1li* tie- 
lendjinls pui>li:,liril Ibe artirj* 'Information' 
■with actual malice and with a desire to injure 
Uib plaintiff, rather U*n (o aim]*! '« 
witreswos, Peiiure Ihi establish trnth dnen sat 
wnulilul* evidence nf actnid malice; tike falsity 
of the erliele due* nut eonaliluto evidence of 
acluaj malin:; nor can actual malice be inferred 
■ rniu nny nfrnsijf or forceful Janpuige uned in 
•In? pii:!iiicjL'LiiiL. Actual malice ennna-t I* ia- 
rrrtd rr- ■:■ i liie article ci f Ilia fad of publjca- 
.Lin, tjr I Jin f daily of it; actual malice can only 
be mtuljliidini] by proof (tint defendants were 
aettialrd by jnotive* of porpnnnl qiilc and id 
will and ]>y testimony independent of the Ocea- 
nian nn which the article was published. In 
u tli it wnj-iln, yom mini And not only Ihat (ho 
Article wax fajtt, buL that each defendant knew 
il was f(iJ(D wIirii iiiibliitKid.") 

Mr, Covington: SS. 

Tlia Court l f refuse to so rfinrga 

(Defendants' request la diar^e No. '28 is ai 
follows j ''That the defendants honestly be- 
lieved that any one of (he eerioue charpe* made 
by plaintiff ajraisul tha Family at Bclhd vtili 

De/ssdanf*' B? ^utiti Jo CAarps 

false, and that the cforsct against (he pleinliff 
in the article 'infnruistion' we™ Int; Ibrn lie 
article being privileged, lit Verdict nut be far 
de fcjuluntB. ") 

Mr. (lavinjrtan: 23. 

TIjh fluuit ; I refuso to so charge. 

Oefendunls' request to- chnrjre No. 2Q li u 
fallow*: "Tliitt if dcfcr:dii--its in publishing- 
said article entitled 'Inforukatian' believed in 
gc-od faith and honestly thai naid article mi the 
trulh, then tlicy were not ftrtilty of actual malie* 
and the verdict muel be for defendants,") 

Mr, Covington; 30, 

Tie Court ; I ref one to to charge, 

(Defendants* -request to charpa Via. 30 1> aa 
fulk'VH: "llta article being privileged no ac- 
IujlI malice may be found frejn tike fnct of pmb- 
ikcolion or that the charges were in fact false, "} 

Mr. Covi-ngton; 30a. 

Tli* Court; 1 nfnaa tit so ctiarxa. That is 
for the jury. 

(DcftBdanU' refjoesl Io clutreje tft>. 3fl» i* M 
followt: "That Ilia dirrctii? of the TV*lea 
Tower Bible £ Tract Society, beinjr all nf tlirm 
members nf the Bethel Family, and eye-wjl- 
ne&MH of conditjona at Betbel, and thereroi* 
c^rnixaat of the trath or falsity of tlia cl;srpes 
laada by jilftintiff, were nut bound to farther )*id chi.--.Brpi, a>d thtir artioa ia «- 
virwin^ tl» name on AUfront S. 1933, C*a»t be 
tnnsidered a* arideace of Sialice,") 

Ds/ascTaass' Riqvttl* to Ckargt 

Mr. C^rina-t«*i: SOft, 

The Court: T nfoce to k> ehasg*. That ia 
for the jurr, in my iadprnmnt. 

(Defendants' request to chanre Xa, 30a- 1» M 
foltowa: "That lb* letters puliUnltcd Iri July. 
1EU1% in Use Watch Tower oroil*inc4 approval of 
the Soedetj-'s treatment nf pleintinT, hot did not 
in any vay repeat tike eharjirt cnntainoil in lh» 
aliesod libels, and cannot be considered ividenoa 
of malin. 4 ') 

Mt. (IsTinirtoa; 31. 

The Conrt: I refuse Io so charge. 

(DrfrKUnln' fTHTSMt to riiarfr* Mo. Si in as 
follow*: "That 1'ln repetitioa of the ebarpra by 
■ a aiithoriaed rae«sh«r of the fi«cii*ty, iimde In 
the amnm of hia Haty, to * jfpftop or body nf 
J«boT*li'ji with*«i»n t4 wtmm plaintiff 1 ! letter 
ar Ilie ebarejr* therein contained bad bem er 
wm af fn likely tn a* eAWflnaioated, will liVe, 
vlj* finvliefhrjl. aad aelnal maliea eannat be in- 
farrwl from said repetil ion. ") 

Mr, CoTlwa-tpa : S2. 

The Omrt: T nfoea to pb fharjrr. T>*t ia 
etriVlly fer tit* Jiqry. 

(l>rfHria]its' reqneat to chare* No. 32 is as 
follow*: "TliBt [he prirtVjpe of publication In 
'The W*trb Tower', th* nfficial majraxine of 
JphoTsh'* witiMHui**, jinhliiihed la its member* 
•nd nlber tw""™"- •>! (rood will, was «H lost 
by nstson of the fact it KBt-y hae* been read 
ioeidenlxTty by ■ few fWreonl not *Dth nwrobera 
ar paraoa* of p>ed wilL'1 


btfendantt' HcqwuU to Glorff* 

ill. Covington: 33. 

Tha Court: I rafna* to- so obarga. 

(Defrodontu' request 14 thftrfte No, 33 11 U 
fftllou-*: "The ertiele entitled 'Snarte' bciajl! to 
qualifiedty ^riTJlcited, e+cn thanph it ha fal** 
in fact, in whole or in part, the- plttihtiff cannot 
recover nolest lha plaintiff celabliehci, by a pre- 
ponderane* of the crtdibl* erideace, that tha 
deFendanbt publuhed said article with aetoal 
nnnlbca on tbair part. In sneh oaae your randiet 
must be far defendants."} 

air. CoTiatto: 34- 
Th* Cottrt: I rtfna* t» h ebuys, 

{Defendants' roqucrl to- eh*r«» fit, H li M 
fallows: "That the article 'Knsrea* beinjr privi. 
leged, the burden of proof I* upon plaintiff ta 
pi'-nvi I Lnt thr pli» rpn made by defandwata Wer* 
falee, end w*r» known t» be (ale* by ta* da- 

Mr. CoTintrton; 35, 

The Court r I refuse to to charge, txaept H 
already charged. 

(TJefendanls' request In charwe Ne. 35 ia a* 
f of Iowa; *'Jn ordar to permit a Iwweefy hy 
plaintiff you meat And and bsliev*, by a pn- 
pindsrance of the credible evidence, (hat the d»- 
fondnnbv pnlili^hed tike article entitled 'Snare*' 
with aclnal mnlica and with a desire H injure 
the plaintiff, rnthcr than lo assist Jehovah's 
T»fc(ntK*p*- Foilnre to establish troth does not 
ronetitnta rHdene* of actual malice; nor caa 
actual malice be ixif*rr*d from any srrons; or 


De f ewiaeii ' Sequel it to Ckargt 

forceful langnaje Med li, the publication. Actual 
tiialit* cannot bu inferred from the article or the 
fact of iJuLiinitiun, or the falsity of it; actual 
nutlica can only be ettablisbed by proof thai de- 
fendant* wet* nft«**ed by motives of personal 
spile aajd ill will aad by testimony independent 
of Hie occasion ou wbiek the article wju pub- 
linlipil. In other words, yon must find not only 
lli» L tlio Sirtkte was falsa, hot that eacb, defandant 
knew it wai fs lie when published. ") 

i'r. CovioKtubL 35*. 

Tb« Conrt: I rtfos* to cherge, Tktt at fof 
the jury, ia tb* Court 'a opinion. 

( Defendant. ' requ«t t* ^barB* No, 39*. Is as 
follows: "Tliil lb* daf*tadojit( Imneslly believed 
that any one of the eeriaua elkarjtet made by 
plaintiff sgminst th* Family at Bethel waa false, 
and Iliat the elkarj^es against tha plaintiff in the 
article entitled 'Snares' wer* true; lieu the 
art id* being privileged, the vtrdicr moat it for 

Mr. Covjngtgn; X. 
TheCout; J thill charge 36, 

4 'Commonioitions between the jrovarning body 
of a church or religious organisation and iti budi- 
bcrs with reepect ta a member's oondact are 
<■}' privileged. The governing body eaa 
pubiiidi tlic renulti of a trial ar matters cor-cero- 
iiijr. lli* conduct of it* officials, vitally attracting 
it* intercKle, in like official newspaper or maga- 
iiiic of tli« organiuilion. In Ihix partk-ulnr in- 
»Innce, it is within your provinca to determine, 
fraie a prepundernne* of lb* evidenee, whether 

Defendamtr' £«ffs*vft'fo Clmroo 

or nut lit pnblitalion of tha article 'Informa- 
tion', was a pri*ilee*d eo rnnrn n ir a ti un," 

T ao charge. 

Mr. Covington i 37. 

The Court: I will charge oli 

"Communic&lrtHJ between the governing body 
of a church or retigionj orpaniiatjon ud its 
piolnbers with respect 10 a> megtbtr'* oonduct in 
Ordinarily privileged. The governing body «U 
publish lie results of t trial ot matters UGDoern- 
io? the conduct of its c-Bkiais vitally effeeiiDf; its 
interests, la (he official newspaper or magazine. 
of the OTganiiatiou. In this particular instanea, 
it in. withia yocr proriuoe to determine, from * 
preponderance of the evidence, whether or not 
(be publication of th* ertiele 'Snares' Wat a, 
privileged wkosiuaie*:™,'' 

Mr. Covington: 38, 

Tie Court r C refnat to eo eharsra, 

(Defendants' request ta dare* No, 38 at a 
follow*: "The defrndiflte pel «p » opfflpkt* de- 
Jfn« of ejaalifstd j)rivil*a>. Uany time* in 
bunan affaire it become* necessary few so* per- 
ion to conjnmn i^a te witi another, information 
which may be defamatory. Even if the infoTua- 
llon torn ont ta be false, still the law rainsaiasa 
certain relationtbjpa and titnations which «na) 
tha coinmunicatipn, Theee relationship* and 
nil nationi the law docs not rigidly classify. Tbsrf 
m*.y arisu in iramy different ways. When a 
rnniniimkiation ia node under soeh einemn- 
elanecs. it ia called a ^aalilledly privileged eeea- 
manieatiaiL A privileged eoranranicatkm b m. 



DcfendaaW Req*c*tt (* Ckarft 

coi^m no i cation mad* in good faith and in the 
hoti**l belief in it* trcLh-, upon any subject 
matter in which the party miking the communi- 
cation he* aii interest or in reference to wJucti 
the party ha* a duty Id make the communication. 
to e person or p»rt y having * corresponding in- 
terest or duty to receive it Evesi though the 
defamatory mailer so communicated is later 
shown to be fal*e, ft* Uw fRtUln it »M made 
with good nw?tivt«. Evil motives, eciosl malice, 
cnrinot be inferred from the act ot publication of 
because the language naed ia harsh, severe or 
■trong. In inch a case, unlet* th* plaintiff 
proves, by a fair pi*pond«raum of the aredihle 
*vi JeuoK, that th«i defendants mui> Eh* poramnni- 
calian, sat ta aii-eliyit thair interests, hat solely 
from a desire to injur* (ha plaintiff, th* plaintiff 
fail* in frit «*** and lb* Tudut mart b* for 

"Even (hough soch * Ceiiunu&kettoB tern* «Vt 
to be false, there ran b* no recovery by the 
[w.-Kin tlrfmtinl if th* person making the ibid* 
did to ia good fsilh and in (be honest belief that 
lie eomraouicetioo wu hue. 

" Therefore if you find and believe, from a 
preponderance of the evidence, that the dsfond- 
anla had a doty toward the member* nf Jeho- 
vah'* witnesses: and a common interest with twh 
mtwibflrt to- eoramunicale to them through tbe 
oEH-ial ma^teine of Jehovah's witnesses, the 
article -called ' Iuf oraiatiau ', in order ta. prevent 
discord, dissenBion, division and disunity and ta 
wain Jehovah's witnesses agsjirutt anyone thst 
weald cause strife and division, yoa wilt find 
that the puhlicalkit was privileged and will find! 

Defendant** RiqvtuU to Civg* 

a verdict fur th* defendant*, nnlea* tha ptsiafj-rl 
ha* proved to yon, hy a prsponderene* of tha 
tvidanca, that defendant* man anrnalarl by eo- 
toal snalic*/'} 

Mr, Covington; 62 and 61 
The Court: The flret paragraph of 62 I think 
i* all right, bat the second paragraph. I won't 

charge. So in view of their being; submitted aa 
on* request, I refill* ta to charge. If it i* 
pririlepjed, it U * complete dafea**, a* I hew* 
uiillimul ia tha dttrg*- 

(Defendants' reqeeet ta charge Noi. 62 ia a* 
fallow* : "In th* event yon find th* article* ware 
not privileged, then yon at* instructed thai in 
arriving at your verdict and oonsideriag lb* 
question of whether or not th* plaintiff hi* •*- 
tahliahad nelie* and lack of good faiths that yon. 
cannot oflnaideT th* jjieaditig of tb* truth ud 
Uh failure, if any, on Eh* part of th* defendants 

to establish the tniLlj of th* chmrpH mad* ia 
the publications aj. any vYii^g* af njajiw, «n- 
t*w j-flo read list ittch pleading- wai in bad faith. 
"In the event yon find, th* articJea wen priv- 
ileged comnnuiiEstioni between the governing 
body of Jehovah r i witmuea and member* of J*, 
horali'i witneaaet throoghDnt the United EJtatea, 
yen a« inatmriad that a defewjant h*» lb* rifjht 
to- atleg* and plead thai th* arttel* wu th* 
truth, and if you find that the defendanta failed 
to establish the troth thereof, you cannot give 
any consideration to anch failure, in arriving at 
your verdict.") 

Ur. Corinftoa: 61 

Tb* Court: I nfua* to jo charg*. 

(Derandant** nqoMl to chwg* No, 63 ia a» 
rotlow*; "In the event you And th* article* 
w»r* privileged, then, in arrivina: *l yanr Tar- 
diet and in dtttrouning wbethar or ttttt lb* pub- 
lication* were made with actual malic* or with 
axpna* malice, you **amal cooakiar the falsity 
of the charge* a* evident* vt laaliee, nor can yo-u 
uouider til* inoEmperate language, if any, con- 
taiaicd in tuth article u tvidi'^rv of maJiee. The 
pJabatiff rnuat show, by a prtpondsranoe of the 
mdub*, that each defcadant had actnal knowl- 
*dg* of tha falsity of (aid article before publish- 
ing the aame, and if Ihe plaintiff fall* to estab- 
lish, by a preponderance of lb* *vid*a#e, that 
itlftailaalT lud actLsJ tEon-lc^sc of the falsity, 
if any, of (aid article, althongh it be in fact 
bound by yon 10 b* fait*, yon will nevertheless 
return a verdict for the dafandanbi,") 

Mr, Oovjagtoa: flt 

Tb* Canrt; I refute to eo ohtrg*. 

(DefEndant*' ttquwt to flharg* Mo, 66 Sa a* 
follow* ; '"Id order 14 ettabliah malio*, lb* 
platntilf mul prtw. by a prcponderaac* of lb* 
•videaee, that th* defendant* did not hoaeatly 
belie** that the charge* mad* in laid artielt 
published by Ehaoi wert true and that *ach de- 
fendant* beli4*'*d or had reaaoa to badiev* that 
th* abargea wir* fait*.") 

Mr. Covington: 6ft 

Th* Court: 1 refuae to *0 caMrga. Thai |a 
for tb* jury, ia, tb* Cont'i opiaum. 

D*ft*Lomtt' B*g—tt* to ChtTf* 

1l>efendan(j' request to charge No, 66 I* a* 
follow*: "You are instructed that yen cvnaot 

consider at evidence of malice th* visit of th* 
defendant Hewlett to Wisconsin Or Ihe writing 
of any letter* to the congregations of Jehovah'* 
witnesses in and around Milwaukee in Iha Fall of 
1939 or the Spring of 1I)*U, and for this purpose 
in arriving at the question of malic* yon will 
completely disregard any such evidence") 

tit. Coviogtc-nL Ko. 63. 

Th* Court : 1 refuae to to charge. That Is for 

the jnry, in the Court'* opinion. 

(Defendant*' request to charge- Ko. OS i* u 

follows: "I is arriving at your verdict in da- 
(jcrniinrnf, whether or not tike article entitled 
'InformaJion 1 ia th* Waichtowar mageiine we* a 
privileged communicatiac, you can consider the 
feci that The W#(cJitower at that tim* (1SB9) 
was confined in it* cfirttiltulion to tubscribcr* 
and mecubers of Ihe WHehtawer Bible It Tracl 
Society, Jchoraii's witnc**** *ad pertan* of good 
will toward Jehovah 1 * wjtn**tc*,") 

Mr. Covington: No. 10. 

Th* Court: I iwfo** lo m chttf*. Ia th* 
Court'* opinio*, U»t it for th* jury, 

(D*f«rnl»nU' rccjticst ta charpe Jto. 70 is t* 
follows: "In arriving at yaur verdict In deter- 
raiuiot; wlietltar or not th* article entitled 
*8aarc>' ia tlie Watchtower magaiine wai a 
privileged oamnnunicatiorj, yon can consider th* 
fact that Tb* Watchtawar at that tin* (1D3») 
wa* cooflncd in its djjitribatioo to suhtcritmrt of 
good wilt toward Jehovah r i witoetaea, and mem- 
ber* of the WaUbtowur Bibb L ItMt ckewty 
and Jehovah's witac****.") 


Dtfemdnmtt' &tqmt*U Ut Chtrfft 

Mr. Cuvingtoni 30-b, 

Th* Court; I refuse lo so charge, la th* 
Court'* opinion,, that is for tlrt jury. 

(Uefaodants' r»qoe*t to chsig* No. 30-b if H 
follow*; "That the directors of the Watebtower 
Bibl* (t Tract tiocitly wire within their ngliU in 
cuosidering the charge* mad* bj pluntifl ill lb* 
m ? r.Tii.r if, which they did, and the jury msy Bot 
Huidei their action as evidence of malice."} 

Air. Covington: 30-f. 

Th* Court: 1 refuse to so cbirgs. Ia tb* 
Court'* opinion, that is for the jury. 

(Lkfenilanl*' rK)ut*t to charge Ho* 30-f is as 
follows: "Xbet tb* vtttimony showi that from 
July iL, 1KB to Sjeptember U, liS^ lb* plainQff 

spoke and wrote I* a nuinher of Jehovah a wit- 
ne«S4* eLating Lie aattire and subttanoe of tbe 
charge* j.xiaiainoJ ia pbunliff'* letter of July ZX, 
UKfit, and g*v* to aeveral others copies of said 
letur, tod eathuriud otber* to circulate mpia* 
ot said l*U*r. That teid persons to wbow p=*ifl- 
tiH so ouuiiaaiueabed wer* loc*t«d ia various 
pert* of the United State*. That early id Sep- 
tember 1MXJ pltintiB made a aUlemftnt *t several 
chuse* of Jfcho*eh '■ witnttsts, anid clatee* baiog 
open to others then Jehovah 's witnestes. That 
uid ststeiQcnt set forth hi* *ida of th* Hse. 
That plaintiff bavinSE chosen such etaase* as hi* 
method of preBcnliug hi* side- of the controversy, 
defendants were at liberty to present their side 
Ujfore a like forum- That the reading by dcleoti- 
*ut lluwlull of th* article, later published in The. 
WalcLtower, entitled ' JUif ormation ', wa* thus 
uiwh an oocaaioD of privikga, and auch reading 


Ds/e*isatr' Rtqaat* ta CJufgrn 

cannot b* considered by the jury as evidence of 

Mr. CvVingtcm: Nou 39^ 

The Cout: I relate to so charge except aa 
already charged, 

{ Defendants' request to cbaxg* No, 38 is as 
fallows; "Tb* defendant* *ct up a further eom- 
pl«(* d«fepj* laaowna* 'Thaprivileg* of raply-' " 

The plaintiff on July 21st, 193D wrol*. a letotr 
in which he attacked the Family tt Bethel. He 
thus began th* controver*y. The defendant* 
have offered evidenc* that between July £1, 1^3? 
tod October 15, 1939, by word of mouth ead by 
tii, eirculation of his letter or its contents openly 
or hy other* related to him with hi* knowledge, 
ha caused or Buffered the charge* made by him 
to be circulated T)>e Socioly so attached by him 
bad a right or privilege to twply lo this attack; 
This privilege i* called tb* privilege, of reply. 
It differs frojit tht quelifued privilege which lbs 
Court ha* heretofore defined to you, in this, that 
It doe* not depend en rabil toaihip. Any person 
wlio i* attached it aoaorded this privilege of 

If yen find and believe, by a fair preponder- 
ance of lb* evidence, that plaintiff began this 
controversy by circulating and publishing hit 
letter before said artjcl* entitled " Information " 
wa* published in "Tb* Walchtower" on Octo- 
ber 15, 1939, and if you find Ibat lb* article 
entitled "Information" wee published tod eir- 
col&ted by defendants for the purpose of re- 
pelling- the attack by plaintiff in bis letter of 
July 21, 1939 upon the defendant* and published 



DtfemianU' jtcovuf* to Charge 

by defendants to retort npon plaintiff' * act of 

junuJing tlicm, then yoo may find that such re- 
tort and publication of the articio entitled "In- 
formation" m a neeesaary part of (heir de- 
form* and fairly inn fiat of the ch*rgr« mini* 
*g*ja«t th* dc fund*" tc ! However, In Order to 
be entitled lo <rfa.Ua thi? privileg* of b« If (Mens* 
u<l reply, tbt tH>na1*r ntuui must not be unre- 
loted to Ida charge. In this cam the reply of 
ilefendantu m directly related to th* nliarl. 
TJh plaintiff hiving stilted the ditpul* by miit- 
in« such serious cbsrges, il *aa with Lb th* privi- 
li-pr* of the defrml»nts U? qqcilion and attack 
the motive* of the plaintiff isa nuking auch 
charge*. Is this connection, )Otl art instructed 
that one in self defense i* not confined to parry- 
ing tint thrust of ids assailant, but may al'nri 
•Jji- plaintiff and may attack hia motive*. While 
it may b* found that jam* expression* go be- 
yond what !■ nflra-simn- for e*lf defen**-, it does 
not follow that Ihry can in every cut afford 
■videsc* of exctedirnr, th* privilege of reply. 
Dufendanls were not eanfhied to circulating lab 
tar*, but could choc** th* medium moat readily 
avmilehl* and acceptable^ as a means of com- 
mnniea.1 in jt with Jehavah's witmsosea. It if not 
ji«*nj>ary to submit th* language of a privileged 
MnjiLitinifi'.LoB to strict scrutiny and hold all 
t neiuirj beyund lb* necessity of tha case, be-* In An tu wonld in effect greatly limit, if 
nut altn£*lh*r defeat tha protection which tba 
law allow* priTiceed DommaaicelioBe. Thars- 
fer* if yon find, frOM • pr*pond»r*ne*i of th* 
evidence, that 1h> arliel* astilJsd " Information ■ " 
was fairly in reply la lb* eharfM mad* by tha 

DtfriUo*!,' Stqptit* to Charge 

plsi stiff la th? letter circulated by bun, and 
without actual malice en tba part of tba defendr 
astn, you will hud for tba def endonta "J 

air. Uovington: 40. 

Tke Court: 1 nfua* to to charge, That ia 

for Ilia jury, 

( DefeiHULBta 1 icquait to charge Nu. 40 it u 
foliowe: "That if the jury find that tha plain- 
tiff, hoviag writtea thr latl*i at July 31, IS33, 
thereafter openly or >bcr*tly oit«il;»*ij or ant 
fered olhern lu drtuLuta tha ahargaa mjnLaumd 
in aaid letter, tha defendant* an October 13^ 
1939 were pfirikgeil 14 rtpl/ to aaid atUHfca.") 

Mr, CuTington; *0-a_ 

The Court: I rafnaa to ao charge, la tha 
Courl'a judjrmant, that ia for tha jnrft 

tUtfcadi.-itB 1 request to charge Ho. 40-a k at 
folL-owa: "That the plaintiff began tha contro- 
Yorap by making the chargea in hia letter of 
July £L, 1339. That theteaJter up to September 
'21, l&SJ pLainliff apolta and wrote to a number 
of JehoTah'a vitneue* atating th* nature and 
aubntance of iia charges contained in plaintiff's 
letter of July 21, 15311 ssd gev* the tame to 
several Other* and smhorirod others to eireulato 
eopiei of said letter. That said person* to 
Thorn plaioliff Mi c«m3[iniiie*tTd vera Located in 
various pttrte of the UhLtrdi States. That early 
in September uiainlilT made a statement at ser- 
•ral chuue* of Jehovah 'i witoesties, said classes 
being open, to others than Jehovah 'i witneues. 
That said statement set forth hia aids of the 
ease. That up to said time defendants had 

riuid^ bo sLh lenient of thvir lidi 1 ,'fjt on &■}>- 
IrtisUT 1, ID:.!.), to iiilii'y tho tin-' ':ia ol liin 
difuiiii,..; Jin J tl.o ^'-iienii riMiii^n llt.lljfor. Thit 
iDTMi.LitiuB of th,: ubove action of i.tamlift' wjta 
received by the iLunilfiiite. 

"Tluit dsffinunnta vare not bound to wAit 
until plainlilF bjcidiaiit line ctmr^vj farlin.T, but 
tiflsl the rtght tn mate known ttrsir aids of tho 
tain ticfuni furlliKf dnnui^* lu Hiiiir ikxiuty 

"That if lh« jury fmd* lh»i ids r.i'Atia i la- 

i<imt!ilt<tti : hum A r ''l'0' ^ iv tiiM c^hni, ■; I . i-fit 
tit* JSurii^ty at IJdLi*], llira Ilia IfLitiii 'llifor- 

uialicu' wiu a privJJcffod aotatuuoiojitten. If 
tine jury linJ.i that ThfotnuiLioD. 1 was pub- 
linlihl by di-i'm iibuLta M.itlj:iul iiflual ntilico, in 
Li* Imueat belief of Lite truth of &.i id articie nnU 
in good, f uitb, to protect th* intei atls of J*bo- 

Tali'» wilnrnnr.-:, 1lii'!i lh« tfrfrlict muiit b* far 
diirrniknLi h>b that tirau::!i nf th* ton*,") 

Ifr, Covington: 40-b. 

The Court; Gain* rultOK, I refuse to ao 

ehnrp*. Jo th* Court 1 * jodgment, that ia for 
the jury. 

(Defendants' request to charge No. 40-b is aa 
followa: '"Ihat the defeudants were vilhiu their 
jighto, after Teeeiving information that the 
charge* nind* by plaintiff against the Family at 
Bethel hajl been, eirculated to widely acattered 
parts of th* llflited Sliiu>a, ia elioaainjr the cfB. 
eial pub!tc4li*n b| JcheuaVa wit ^-<Si*e*, 'Tl-a 
Wilclitoww 1 *s th* beat way «f *Df«Upely ro» 
fotiug said attacks and poiiuMosiaitiog' with 
Jehovah's witncHU and p*rsoM of good will, 
throughout tba conn try. " 1 




BeftHtluni*' Eijittitt to Charge 

Jfr. Covi:3 : ';ton: ^l- 

Th* C^iiit; I wiil p't'lja 'bit. "Th* da- 

fern', .its *^l up Ji fm Ifcar Oh-,"-B**, \-'li;"!i il 
kji*»Ti (u tho defwiso n| 'Ynir CoiiintiiL' 

"Tho law reca£im.--> Li^a r:,;htB of pcraona to 
comment en tho rondnct of otliara. This right 
of eomnimt bj nnt kulLIjh':! la any piu-tiftn].!/- 
prcup lite the prrjiB pr piitjjil, but is open to ail 
It ii part ftf frcedftrn «f np:^ch. But the U* 
pla*f* strliiin li'.ulnthjne upon tins exercise of 
jiiwh riphl tn toiMuc-Bt, There nrs: 

"1, That the person up*n n'hom the comment 
is mode muiit he a public cbnrnctor, or offer* his 

eerriecs or Bclicnuia to 1he publiCj or is setiT* ia 
a cause or movement society. 

"2, That lb* fact* u T irm wbish th* aOtDxaent 
i* m*4e: mu*t be Inly stated. 

"3. That the eamment must appear a* ana- 
meat and nat on, * paailive tlntemenl of a f*ot 
SvAMtimc* |ht linn Is not clear and! then it 1* 
for Hie jury lo say what Is stated as fact, and 
what !■ stated a* comment. 

"4. Tli* comment ranst b* fair, which incan* 
that it ia ana which on liio*»t niu would draw 
from th* feet*, end he hi* hancst epioion. Th* 
opinion may w*at to * jury t* In anWuiMi Of 
illogical, but if it i* one honestly held by *- pcr- 
■□Ti holding view* each a* defeudaata her* h«ld. 
and is based on th* facts, it is justified as 

"6, It nut n«t b* »ad* wfih antul inaJie*," 

I ao eharga. 

Defnda*W ReqnUtt lo Charge 

llr. Covtngtou: *2. 

Tit* Court: I rafuss to so ehnrg*. 

(Defondiusta' request to charge Mo. 42 1* a* 
follows: "The defendants assert that tha eld- 
dene* ahows that plaintiff was a prominent per- 
*qb ia their Society, that he was a member of 
th* TVatchtower Bible and Tract Society, Inc., 
thai he wu leneraj coonae] for Jehovah 'a wit- 
netHS in th* United States, that hia duties took 
him t* Hrtity p*rt* of th* country, that he often 
preached at meetings of groups of Jehovah's 
witneeses, (hat he atlennVd the general a*s*m. 
blisi of Jehovah's witnesses and epok* at »nth 
gatherings^ that he lived prior to July 21, 1933 
for Tour year* at Bethel, and that e* a cans*. 
njoenee ho was a man of public intermit and an. 
e#m among Jehovuh's witness** everywhere and 
that wlmt ho did and **>id and wrote ware 
mattem upon, which the pltBiber* of Jahnvah's 
witness** hnd t right to ecrfirAcnt," 

sir. Covingtan: 43. 

Th* Court: I Ttfnue to ao chars*. In the 
Court'i juilginenl, 'hat in for Una jiiry. 

(Defendants' request to chnrR* No, 43 is as 
follows; "The defendants wy that lb* facts 
truly atated, npab which the comment w** inod* 

"Thai plaintiff wo* far yeara entrusted with 
the most rnnfutenlial affair* af tb* arpnniwtirm. 
That ho daily lived in th* Fajmily at ISelhel. 
That an Jnty £l, 19M, he left a letter addressed 
to the President of the orBiniiitioM, anr,oufteang 
that he wna leaving the Family Ot Bethel on 
cleptember l h 1039, and gaw* hia resson* for ra- 

Dtfvkitmtt' BtquuU to Char/* 

aiding. That 1* this letter he mad* a long and 
virion* and libelous attack Upon th* President 
and th* Family at Bethel. That ha charges th* 
President with discrimination, bcuism, bid with 
living in luxury while tho Others «l**ed, that th* 
family practiced filthy and vulgar laag-uagt, and 
that alcohol was glorified and iaduigsne* in it 
approved at Bethel These charges ware tb* 
first he had ever made and were an attack cm 
those with whom ha had Jong lived and asso- 
ciated. That thereafter in his presence^ tha 
director* a t tb* Society considered hi* charges 
*n4 drafted > reoolatiaa, which, raaolotian i* a 
part of th* Iraniattion*- of tha governing body 
o( Jehovah's witnes***, that b*twe*B. July 21, 
1839 and Octobtt Vb, 193$, plaintiff orally and 
by eitcoJatiofl of th* cantenta af th* batter, fur- 
ther suaed nr anfflored |hea* ehargea to beooin* 
knave, among many membere af Jehovah'* wit- 
ness**. That the charges were of so serious a 
character aa to be likely to causa many members 
to doubt th* fidelity and integrity of their 
leader* and ft* likely to he used by tha enemies 
of [be Society, particularly a granp known to 
all of Jehavah't witneaaea a* tha 'aril **r- 
naflt-' ") 

Mr. Covington; 44, 

Tha Court: 1 refuse to so charge, 

(DtfenuVnt*' re^ueat to charge No. 44 i* aa 
folio**: "Tim defendant* aay that the Arat para- 
graph of the article ' Inf ommation ' ia a comment, 
upon the resignation *n<l attiiMt uf plaintiff. Th* 
method of compnent is one Mitplloyedi by J*bav»h '. 
witnesses, lo wit, by r*f*f*no* to th* Bib], and 



DtfatdamW Re^utili to Ci&rgt 

to the njnot*tion* themfraro. 'Being reminded 
thai (hi* is * !ipm when God ii moving from hi* 

QrpiniTr.lmiL rvrrythin£ that can be- shaken ' * that 
thone thing* whieh cannot be shaken m*y remain 1 
(Hebrew* 13:26, 27), 'referi to Ihe K*iRnalu>n 
*nd n-mui'il nf thr, plaintiff.' That the remainder 
of Hi" «*K+, 'l^t member* of th* hoard of 
direet*f* ef th* "PViTaFrmwrt UmiJi Awn Turn 
Bftvirrr, for the information and protection of 
thmm who ere devoted to (lad's nrRanirnlimi^ 
r*<|oe*l that Tb» T7*tehtower polish what fal- 
lows* nivc* lb* reason far the publication (negn* 
tiring Malice). 

"Tha next paragraph ") ■ etatefflenl of Tact, 
except on* sentence: 'The letter, being flHrd wiih 
false, rianderou* *md libelem* atetements' which 
ni ■ comment on the r>ia.*ic*« made by plaintiff. 
"The meit paraprnph 1* * part of tba reeolfl- 
tioi. reciting [he Board'* aHion 'M a joint 
Difcr tin? of Hie hoard* of dirertor* of the Penn- 
sylvania Corporation awl fbe New York Corpora- 
tion fit the Watriitower Bible and Tract So- 
r\f\f held *t tlit nffere of th* Sraricty at Brooklyn, 
V. Y„ thk* Nth (1st nf AupruKt, ira3, at which 
(vtlmT member* of tint family ww» present, ther* 
wm* raid to mid VinTd* mid! in Iho presence of 
(X II, 7,lny]* a letter nlatid July 21, 1939, wrilt^n 
by Mid Movie and addrasned to the president of 
Ihe Society.' tt is a etatemeat of feet*. 

" 'r*or four ye*™ P«it the writer of that letter 
ha* be*n entrusted with Che confidential mailer* 
nf tb* Society,* i* undisputed and ranceded 
fait*. 'Tt now appear* that th* wriler fit that 
letter, without eYTO*, libels Ilia fmflil* of <lnd 
at Bethel, ' ia a ctatement of fact and a eomiuMiL 

DtfendanU' Scovub hi Ohorjt 

A Eonnneit on the action «f fti« plaintiff in ntakv 

in j F.i id charge, The wonda, "and idenrtfim 
hLmnrlf an one wha ipeaki eril aeatnf t the fjrri '» 
ertihiajLtinr, atid who ii a nannurer and cAiiV 
plainer, even aa (Tie Heriptnres have fawloltL 
{Jade +-16; 1 Cor. 43; Ham, H'.iV tr» daarlj 
mmment It tharact*rii*i lh« plainUff, who 
complained of the practice* at Ttpllii-1 anil mad* 
tne libfiomi cFiarflv*", a* « murniurtr and conv 
plainer, with ficriptaral unlhnrity. 

"The nut jmrtsrajiK 'Tin memlliera of the 
hoard of director* hcrrbl TtM*t tit* unjnat 
crbtieiam appearinE in that Ictlrr, dinapnrer*. of 
tit* writer and of hit »rtioT«, and rr<rfimnieiiid 
that the preaident of the Society imtiwdiateV 
tcrnviDjate the relatisTiBhip of 0, R. Mori* t« tlie 
fvvietr u Irftal coTinsel and ma a melnper of tilt 
Btthtl familv,' i« tlie ntfltement of Ibe artt«n ftf 
tbe Bn»rd of TCn«:tori and their mtnbnvtit at 
and d]F»ppro«a! nf tfi* plaintiff. 

"Aaide from Om fB-tlooWtorr parajfrapli an- 
nonKhng the writw't pnrposa to leaTa B«tn«tl 
at a fbued tiifw, ***rjf paranraph of tlhat letbw 
la fill**, (TOW with H*a, and ia a wicked ri*md*t 
anA libel nol ofllf PRainat the prtoiidfcflt hut 
BKnintt tb* entire family, and for lbat r***6it the 
letter llal n*t been pnbHehed bf the floeiefy' 
in a coaMMHt. It rharaeternttt tb* tetter of 
plaintiff a* flllwt with lie*, etc. While tbia 
fhnr.cTn plaihllff with harinp written U*a and 
lihflu, eKfl U i« * eomrnent upon (br ehatBea 
wliich plaintiff mad*. The fnllnwirna; «»nt«»*, 
'II* reqamtcd (7<nutoJfltfe» to pnhlinlh hii letter, 
and Ifnylr. bcinc Tefuacd. now cjio»ct hi" !Th*lon» 
paper to be pabtiihtd and circulated untmg. car. 

Ptjenintli' Rrquttt* i* Ckarfe 

tain eunipaniea of the nnuecrated, eaDflng the 
isirie to he poU'idy read,' ii a etatement of fact, 

Eltat ptaintifT ranwd llie letter to bo drculatcd. 
The ruimindcr of thai whteooe, *am| then hy bU 
own wnriln, wliieJi may be called 'fair apeoth', h* 
[ttrtrmi* to he in liartofiny with the Raciely, and 
LIilui furl her deteiveii the mnanapectint: onea.' and 
the fottovrina; neetence, "Hia only poiaible pnrpoaa 
in fnrlltrr puhlieliinfl Ilia letter ia to jnatiTy liim- 
eclf and to 'canae diriaioa emong the brethrm", 
bolh of whbdi are condemned by the Wcrd vf 
Ood (Luke ».-»; Rvm, 1«;1T, 18,}' cbar^tHad 
bis mntive a* aclf jontiftestioo and to eaau dm- 
■Inn, wilh Srnploral »fttb<itilj for pflbdaanalion 

of pijiiil *i-lji>n. This is rlfcarly OulUtUent, BOD- 

lilx'luiiM. 'For thin rfnnu* tlwr brethren thonld 

lxi linuiL' in iicin-jilx-loiu ciiljirUfrtlL 'The ilfure- 
jumlinoril letter bring filled with liej leried 
aRninxl I he hrHb^rn, tb* aamt ia hated by 
Jrhncah: 'Sis tbinpi dolb tli* i*rt bate; yea, 
atven are an aboniinatinn Unto bint. , , - * fala* 
wllneM thai apeakpth lie*, and ha that *ow*tb 
di*cord anmnjr brethren."— ^rorerfj tj;l&-l9." 
ajpiin coninienta on. the letter of plaintiff a* 
■filled with lie*" and aa each, being hated nf 
Jebovali, with Scriptural anthority. 

J * 'By indurinff olhera to join with him in the 
firrulntiiiti onil publication of hia alandenna let- 
ter liWotiK tlie eonaacrated be maloea othera party 
to his wrong,' ja etearly a comment on the acta 
of plaintiff in rireulnlinj; the falae charpii and 
Inwlmdinjr othem. *The alajideroua paper, being 
in nppoailimi and aswiiiit (lie intereat of the 
Th.Ticnitie eweminent, w pleaainf only to tbe 
Devil and Itia earthly agenU', ia * tiuaniL'Ot tliat 


DtfradostU' Rtqut*U fa CUrgt 

tba <bara*a madn by Flaiatiff an againit 
Jcl-.ivah'a vitaaaeaa ami pleaauig to 1ao*4 that 
work *viL 

" T^r four yaata Moyla wa* anlrnated with 
the confidential ma.l(*r* of the Society, (a oom- 
tfrltd fact) and then, without txctaa, ba aa- 
aaulta and malipis tboae who ttaated him', a 
comment elutnrtcriiing plaintiff'* liaTing writ- 
ten and cireulnlsd the tetter containing to* 
cJutrgoa, Tb* wurda, 'Judw wa* entnmtad bj 
ClirUit J**ns with confidential matter*, and 
Juclaa pruTcd hia on f *ithf olneai hy fomuhinr 
1n tin) enemy that which they eoold DM aad did 
Kim efninatr the Lord' *r* fair conuflrnt *nd an 
tn bo rend in Ilia liftht of their context- Tbey 
likrn plaintiff, bewnae of hie lelt*r altaekinr 
tb* Soeiety and ai*ing comfort lo il* enemdea, 
with JiiLlna in hia like action toward Jean*. 'H* 
who walijrna [be brethren of the T^rd nuligaa 
Uk I*«nl hiioaelf, and Ihe end of *ocb tbe Scrip- 
tore* plainly point out* U a comment that thsa* 
who malign [heir hretbrcn, eoine to no (E™d ■*■"• 
Tlif a«(t »nd laat, 'IfaTiitjT been warned, ***h 
one uiusl di90«a- to Join the 'evH aerranl' ud 
Kike tl» con«tin*imf*a (ITntt. M^SJll or r»- 
main faithful Ui Jehovah and hi* government 
by Christ Jnna. Choe*« whom yolt wilt aerra,' 
1* dearly a cnownent upon plalntilf'a fotnre 
cmirnft (tlie 'evil **r*ant' being plalntiff'a prea- 
ent ftaaoeinteH.} Ritlter be can remain faithfol 
or j">i« the memiw of the Society. 

"The defendants clfrihi that erery Tatt atated 
hi the nrliele ' Information' wa* tme, afld that 
every cnniltvent waa ancb as a fair.muniH man, 
aitnatad aa wer* the director* of the Society, 


iMftndanit ' Ktquut* to Caerjr* 

and hokfiag; the views of Jehot*,h'4 wjtneaaea, 
would make, in the light of plaintiff's suddenly 
madki charges, in characterizing the libdou* 
tharije* and plaintiff's motives and neaeens for 
looking litem; that said comioenta *nere the 
lioeeat eitpreaaion of the opinion* of alt the de- 
frndanta wlio sjpnrf aaid article, and were mode 
in [he honest belief tliat the facta were true and 
lb* ecmunent fair, and were made without nctoal 
nulien on tl» part of the defendant!,"} 

Mr. Covington: 4& 

The Court: I rtfna* to as charge. 

{Defcnrinnti* leqnest to rbarp* No, 'fS la a* 
follows; "If you And that the- eotttJnenLt were 
ontrue *nd d^fnmBiory, »ti|!, if yon find they 
nri hkJl jib i fjiir-raindrJ member of tit* direc- 
tor* of Jeiovab"* witneiaea could make from 
tl>ft fntt» of the 5 jlaititi fT'i letter and the cbn-r.i?rs 
therein [-untninnl anil Ihe snhee^nent action of 
plaintiff in, further cirfuletinp Ihe cluirff". and 
vera tba ban**! axpreaaion of tin ditvclfjr*' 
oprninn*, ami were nade without actual malice, 

thrn yOr.T vrniirf inupt 1* fuT thi CLifondtn!!. ") 

XI r. Covington: 45-e. 

Tike Court: I refna* to » eharrf*, 

(Defendants' reqne*t to charge No. 4&a is I* 
follows: "If yon find from the facta hervin- 
brfnre elated a* profra that the actions of 
plaintiff in I lie CnnrtmMiv he heina; a eonaer 
crated member of Jehovah'* witneaaea aa wHl 
as the biwyeT defmdinc other con»cr»ted raeni- 
hara, in patting on the back one who had roupht 
lo ln-mk up Ihe aaaembly of Jehovah's wilnn«*i 
at afadiswai Squar* garden, wonld appear to a 


DtfndanW Rcqututi (a Ckarg* 

fair-mijidcd number of Jehovah's wimeaaaa the 
action* aa of a person aeeking the approval of 

Other* in the Court, and Jjum of a 'roan please r' 
and that the publication of said article 'Snaraa' 
was the honeit expneuion of tba epinioA of 
Jcdg* Uutkerford who wrote aaid article, and 
waa not written with actual Toalioe, not in hon- 
e*t belief that tb* comment waa fair, then tb* 
verdict npva thai itatenunt would b* for oV 

ill, Oovingtitnr 45-b. 

The Court: I rafss* 10 to ciirga. 

(Uefendanta 1 request to charjjt No. 15 b ii aa 
follows: "If yon And from the facta above, 
that plaintiff haviitf r«c*iv*d from llsath, a 
ticrcr.dmit in tb* oijuinjil tclioB cltirgid with 
felenioos ananli. a *tat«ni*nt of fact* *ftn*tit*»U 
ing iteatli'a defeaaa to aaid criminal charge, 
and mat plaintiff gave, or approved of other 
counsel giving; laid itatemeat to ilacDoaald, 
tlu attorney aaaiating na tba prnse cn tiaa of 
Heath, and himself one of tit* disturbers of tba 
Uadiaon Square Garden Asaembiy, and that 
said statement waa used in aaid llafiatrate'a 
Court proceedings, then if yon find that (men 
action* of plaintiff would appear to a fair- 
minded member of Jehovah 'a witness** a* tb* 
nctioo* of one, who being a consecrated member 
of Jehovah's witness** and a lawyer, had sot 
looked wail to and defended other Consecrated 
brethren, then you may find that ttt* languagt 
used in the article 'Snarea* waa a fair comment 
npoa lb* plaintiff 'a actions, and If you And thai 
It waa lb* bouat «xpr***iaa of Jodf* Ja*A*V> 




£u/Mo1fl*uj*' Scomatt tt ChaTpa 

ford'* npinicm, wriltiui in ROod faith and the 
Lnjllnf liuit il iru a fair ""■"■"', tad wilhuul 
actual iiudbni, jtnl will find * verdict far defend- 

Ur. Covington: 4&-C, 

Th* Court: I refute to to tbtre*. 

( Defendant*' nque*t to charge No. *5-e ii u 

follow*: "If you find that laid plaintiff tug- 
getted tu, or edvifed, or diicuiced with Orrell, 
a defendant in the action brought in Mugi*- 
trute'i Court in connection with th* dielarbwnee 
at 1ii« Mnihwn Square dardnn aaaetnbly, lhat 
OrrriJ plead fwlij to tjttifn* t***.*lt, teen it you 
Ami ihnl «uch uligiu uf plaintiff would appear 
to ■ foir-ftisded Bnetnher of JthdTah'a wit- 
boun u the allium uJ nil, who being a aoaaa- 
eraltd luohiber of Jehovah'* witnctiai and a 
lawyer, had aot looked wall to and defended 
olhtr ronaocratad Brethren, than you may find 
that tli* UflEnaa* n**d in lie article 'Snare*' 
vti *. fair enanntaml upon the plaintiff's acikre , 
and 1 if vat) find thai it m tha honeat eipre**iOn 
nf Judfl* Rutherfnrd'i opinion, written in good 
faith mad tha belief that it wna a fair comment, 
and without eetaal malice, you will And IV far- 
diet fur defendant*.") 

Mi. Covington; 61, 

The Court: I rafu** to *o thvrf*. 

(Defendant*' raqueat tu charge No. 61 it a* 
follow*; "If yofl find and believe, from m pre- 
ponderance of the tvitfenea, that tb* plaintiff 
aetsalLr libeled the Family of God at Bathal and 
thaf plaintiff faila to aatahliah tb* proof nf tha 

Dmfm im& £*u*ai*f* to Chary 

charge* mad* la hia latter of July 21, U90, tben 
yon era Luirnctad, aa a matter of law, that eaid 
Utter unu tibnloua and that the plaintiff wat a 
libelcr, mad that all of tha othar autre** and 

rr.mark» timrrLn Suadii Li. tin article entitled 

! Inf nnaatioa" nf ami concerning tin plaintiff, an 
{inijWT ilwluB'Juna, ouiniua* and comment* of 
and concerning the plaintiff in mating each libel 
again*! the member* of aai4 Family, and non- 
eritute fair comment upon bit cnudaet dateribtel 

Mr. CMaftoai SB. 

The Court; 1 rafuae to eo charge. 

[DeftwUata' req.u**t to charge No. 65 ia aa 
fall^wi ; "In aniriBg; al your verdict la de- 
termining whether or net the article* ooaatitote 
•Jaif cofupuat' at end concerning the plaintiff '■ 
conduct and action, yon are iaetmttod to the 
fact thai member* of the jury may Italian that 
each comment vii Logically nnionnd or bbw*- 
nubw etnuot *>d doe* set aoaatituto pooadj 
for the withdrawal of the pmleiiion of fair eona- 
menL In other word*, in arrivint; at your Tar- 
dint and in dktonniaiaa; whether or not the ar- 
ticles eonatitate fair powueni, th* jury ahoold 
attempt to view th* plaintiff'* eradnol through 
the yea of the defendant* by placing thamaelwea 
in the mm position that th* dtfendaut* were in 
at th* time of and prior to In* p n M i na tto n or 
th« artid* in qnaition,") 

Mr. Cortoft«n: IT, 

Tha Court: I refute to an ehanu. 

llcfrmdemti' Btquttti to Charon 

(Dtffrfidonti' roqatal to charge No, IT i* a* 

fulluwa: "lliat the jnry may oontider lhaj lh* 
aflUil* enlitlL-d 'Knarea' waa a general one, ad- 

tJrcMU'd Id jttcnilKTi or Jeltorab'* witiuiuui, deal. 
ing with the many min and pitfaJla which 
braet tJte path* of inch mem'Mn : that it waa 
iaie oded a* a ba*i* of diacuiiiao and itndy by 
tlio Dirniben; that tha plaintiff ve* not men- 
tioned therein, by name; that the action* of th* 
plaintiff na a member of Jehovah '» wita«K* tnd 
hi* duly a* a hta-ycr-nKmber of Jehovah h * wit- 
ncnat( in th* tlcfvnue «f Other member* of Jo- 
liovah'i n-ibtcasca and not hi* general character 
end wiugwlBBce as an attorney are diacuaacd ; 
that tlw part of anld article referring to plaintiff 
it A Urirf and incidental portion of the wholn. 
f*i>tr*l Ircotieo; Hint tin article charjpa plaintiff 
at A lawyer-member of Jehorali'a witneaaea with 
*ct.'^ipp npproi'al of other*, of trying to be a 
f gim\ f«Baw' rather than deroltnj himself a* a 
ttcuitwr of Jehovah r * witneesea to thb proper de- 
f*nia of an acciued brolber-member.") 

Mr. Covington] 4ft. 

Tb* Court: I nfuae to Ghana in your lan- 

Mr. Covington: We except. 

The Court: I would like to fay then ii So 
evidenc* of definite amount of Iocs of income. 
Tb* ciutltion, therefore, i* for the jury. 

Ur. CoVington: That ia refuaedf 

The Court: I nfose to eo charge, hut In riaw 
of the statement, I wanted the jury to (et on* 
fast that I think they ahoold haw*. I refnat to 
*o ahann. 


Dtftudaolt' Rtijiitiii to Churgt 

[Defendant*' requeat to nhuiga No. 49 la a* 
f ollowi : '"General Damage* ' era inch dmnagea 
n* the law pniiumoi to Imve neeuurily enened 
*od dowhI from the publication complained of. 
They are inch aa a jury, in ito eonnd diacralion, 
may And that a person in plaintiff 'a position 
dnd ttaluB hai inffcred in hit reputation, foeit 
ing* and mind from the circulation of [be article 
referred to from the nature of the charge and 
tb* atanding of tb* defendant*. Thai p^f'""'"? 
he* offered no evident* of any to** of income u 
a neiult of the publication. In Hrriring mi th* 
damngeiit if aay, yon cazuiuL nuuidur any acUal 
lou ia inicnw beeans* n<ran lia« bfen tatibliahed 
by artdcao Id 1» the Jiruct rwcilt of tb* publica- 
tion in qneatipOL Ton cannot omeidcr any 
proapectiv* or ineeniaJivt Ljh Of injury. If 


Mr. Covington: 4$-tL 

Tho Court: X nfu** to eo charge. That it 
for th* jury, Jn the Court'* opinion. 

(Defendant*' request to ehergn No. *9-a ia a* 
fnllnw*; "Ton oannot eonetder Plaintiff'* in- 
pom, before hewnting * member of I be head- 
^uartort vtoff bfcauie no difference ha* been, 
•hewn Hd tb* djffervae* bttwoen th* inconi* 
then and bow 1* ml tb* Jeeult of the pubiica, 
tion cfanplainrd Of, but the remit nf plaintiff '» 
quitlina; hie general pcBctic* of th* law before 
aoming to Urooil yn : and the fact that h* did 
not engage in practice of law in Wiaecn*i> djojr- 
ing those yean. 

"Plaintiff, *inse leaving Brooklyn, h*J hot de- 
voted hit entire time to the effort of praetktAf 

Hsftndtml*' Rr.qvrjU to Charge 

law but ha* fuKuwtd; a* his main endeavor the 

proffflniou cf * nci»i)ier of rc%j'#n an.,1 trnvul- 
injj spi'iilicr for * religion! orgaoiialioa. You 
at* in*1rjcted that yon cannot aontidex, in ar- 
riving at tlte ainoont of dnuiage, if toy, to be 
awsnled any lota of eandng* due to hie alum- 
doming hia law praetjc* in Wkeoniin before 
moving to New York, nor can you consider any 
ton* of earning* due to t!m rnfom-inrnl of the 
ciintreet entered into Vflth Aitnroey Brown of 
Uninn Clrovo, WiKonoin, oeforn comiufi to New 

Mr. Covington: SO 

The Court: Same rulin*;, 

(Defeudanl*' r«qiie«t to charge No. 90 ia a* 
follow* j " Plaintiff'* Mmitig* wilh Jehovah '■ 
witneane* preetoci* plaintiff from *ho»ing any 
monetary dniue^n u losn of income. rTmintiff 
bail no otlier lew prurtie*. You may consider 
in that regard (hat plaintiff having nlfacked the 
leaden of Jtlmveh '» -wilnneee, had no right to 
anticipate tli*t h* would receive employment 
from the member* of Jehovah V witness**: and 
thet hnvinj joined up wftb *a organixatiiHi op- 
pfming tp Jehovaaw witntttn, plaintiff cannot 
cleiio any poanihlt failnr* to wcor* law butine** 
from Jehovah'* wiUe**e*.''J 

Ur. Covington: bl 

The Court: 52 I will ehug*: 

"The amount of damage*, If any, aueiaed, if 
yon find plaintiff entitled to recover, ii vmieci 
entirely in your *onnd and fair dtiortttOD." 

I to charge. 

D*fc*da*it' R-tijutttt to Charga 

Itt, Cowngioa : 53, 

Tho Cojrl: I tefia** to *o charge. It ia for 

the jury. 

^>ufenihi[it»' r-ttj'Mit to charge No, o3 is a* 
folluwt: -tiijdj r.a :.:w.a of action of plnintiff 
gj-uw cut of hi* ponitioq in Ihe Society and with 
.: ri.nvjifi'* wilneaim; in one he is charged with 
libeling il:i<1 irmliKaing bii ouaociatiDn at bethel, 
wiin trutttd liiH ! in the other he ia charged with 
foiling u ii uieinbor of JehovaJi 1 * witnesue* and 
m lawyer not to Itave looked well to othar Diem- 
ben' JefejiBO. If you find that either one of 
tliM* ehar^je* ia Iran, then you con giv* no dam' 
age* to plaintiff, on each sharps; you tahf far- 
thor eoneidcr tli* truth of lucb cluugt in deler- 
laining; th«i elniiunt of ooinjunsatitin you will, 
if any, a*-ard to plaintiff on tin ehtr^t you find 
to be untrue. For if tb* reputation of plaintiff 
lia* been tarnished fay tlte truth of oae of two 
charge*, growing out of the *aio* relationship, 
yon may contider thai fact in determining what, 
if any damages, be should h*v* from the un- 
truth of the other. 

fir. Covington: 54. 

Tb* Court: I won't charge 54: "If you find 
that either of paid cbarget i* petrtially tea*," — 
referring to the two article* in "Information" 
and "finai**"— do you mind that amtndnuntT 

Mr. Covington : Tea, 

Tht Court; "If you find that either nf iaid 
charge* it partial])' true, or 'Jiat plaintiff e evn- 
ducl bo* lent eOmt color or verity to the *ttto- 
menti eoteplnincd (J'ereaf, then you may eou- 
•ider LbtM elementa in reducing, th* oompen**. 




Difadamtr' RtopuLtti to Cfcsro* 

tion you would oCfaerwi** have awarded plaintiff 

if iiij reputation had not been us iffMtad by the 
f»eti io proved," 

Ur. Covington: 55. 

Tit* Court; I will charge that; 

'You an net to eoiukitr any active malice aa 
■Kintiiijj before July 21, 1309, U the plaitibiT in 
iiii hitLer of LhaL data hae negatived th* nia- 
to» of actual malioe." 

I to charge, 
llr. Corbgton: 56, 

The Court: I decline to oharg* w th* lan- 
guage requested. 

(Defendants' request to charge No, 68 I* M 
lullowt i " If y on reach th* qaettioo of damage* 
in your discussion, joo should consider, for the 
porjiwa of rvdueti*; and snili£atiag the dam- 
■jrj, if #n}-, «ny facta and charge! contained 
in such publication, and tha fact thai the de- 
fendant*, in good faith, believed the artiel* to 
Ik Lrua in whole or in part; aud th* feat that 
parta thereof wan true, if Jou eo find; alao yon 
can oaniider Una belief by the defendant! in 
good faith that it waj their duty, aa members 
of the governing body of Jahavah'* nlniuu, 
to advise all of Jsh.0**h'e witMaatt of the 
course of conduct laken by th* plaintiff in re- 
signing and circulating aaid letter of July 21, 
1303, and the fact that it wee noeiaaary to reply 
to Lb* charge* made by th* plaintiff in nil 1st- 
tar. You can alao tafca iota oonjidsrntion, in re- 
Aaang th* dtattgee, if any, th* fast that defend- 
ant* were fairly ooroaienting and expraiiug 
hvnaat opinion upon Lb* ooura* of action taken 

Dtfendanti' Rtjpmli te Charga 

by tha plaintiff, a public character among J*. 
hevsh'e vitneaset, in rttigniag hi* position at 
th* heeihjuarLert ataff and in ainnilating hi* 
Mid leUM.") 

Th* Cowt; W* p*aa*4 on that, 
llr. Covington: Y**, that it ri(jft M T **■»■ 
take. StV 

The Court; I refute to chair* except at al- 
ready charged. 

(Defenilirit*, 1 request ta charge No. BS ia at 
fellow* ; "In determining In your deliberation* 
and consideration of lhe evidence, if any, toucb- 
inp upon the f[ueslion of malic*, if »ny, yan are 
instructed that yan cannot consider th* reading 
or the article entitled 'Information' or th* repe- 
tiri.^r. (lirh'nf, ar th* rrp*Li!ion fit part* thereof 
by defendant Hewlett befar* any of lb* eanjrre- 
gation* of Jeliovjili'a witii«meA, which he Tiaitad 
in Wiaoniiln, beeanae it i* contended that the 
ipeecbee made by Hewlett Wforc the rarioia* 
congreKntiorii were limited to uirmber" af aDoh 
MAfTepatiorU^ and, aa a matter nf Law, «r» 
prrrik*»d eomrntinicttian* hetwem tbn drf#ndant 
Haerlell ai a npraieAVrlT* of the, ftoetaty ml 
tb* variaui rson^ii^atian* of Jehorab'* wit- 
bcpu**, and in tttia aonnactian yon are instructed, 
a* a inatlrf af law, that tha repetition of a libel- 
ooe pnblieatign under eircmnatanoac of aon- 
Mrntiel and nrinlcfltd TeJattonabip, inch aa 
that mrntiontd, canflrt be eaneWt t*d aa eridtooe 

nf mali(*l thcrpfnrr, in MTtTinn; it yatr Vinilrf, 

you will iKSlode from rttw oftneideralion ef th* 

qwatinn af malir*, If anj, any ailrJi nommiiara- 
tiam mail* h T Lb* drfmdait Hnwi«tl_ Nor ia 

Defen d a nt ! ' Requult (a CKarge 

arriving at your TardjcL. if you Had the article, 
privileged, can you consider Lhe fact, if yon ao 
find, tluU defendant* failed ta «*ti»factorily ca> 
Labliih I h* truth of any af Lbe charjfed made in 
inch publication*. N« can you «0n*kler in 
arriving; »t yoaj letdict Hi* rtpclilioh of any *f 
*OCh cliflr^ee in th* plwilings and ipewer tcrr^d 
•od nied in thi* notion by th* defendanta.") 

Ur. Oorington; 1 and la have- been eorered 
by Tout Hanor't charge. 

The Court: And lb it the tame thing'. That 
hat been charged. 

llr. Cavinglon: That k ripbt. 30 1 

Tha Court; I will charge that; 

"That the plaintiff baring on July 21, 1939 
made charge* agaisat the President and the 
Family at Bethel and having olTered hi* reslpnn- 
tion \a lake effeat Sr-pt. I> 1310, th* Board af 
Dinetnr* of the Watclitnwtr RJ1>I ■■ & Trent 
Society w*r* within thr-ir rijfhLK in aeeering hit 
cannrrliun m eoudpel uod tarwiinnliap hit reai- 
deee* at one* and their action in aa .doing eannot 
b* cwn&Jertd ** erideno* of raalioe." 

I to charge. 

Mr. Corington: 3W>. 

The Court: I will charge that; 

"That lhe director! of th* Watchlower Bible 
t Ttaet Society were within their right* in eon- 
eiderinjr the charge* made by plaintiff in the 
manner if which they did, and th* jcur may not 
eanaider their action a* eridanca of malioe." 

I to aharf*. 


DtfrndoMir' Saaweatt to Cfcirjt 

Mr. Covington: 30-*. 

The Court: I ref nae to ao charge. 

(Dcfeudaahi* reqnett to oharg* 304 la aa 
follow*: "That an employer hu th* Hflbt to 
notify all penoot, with whom a *erraul hi' bad 

or might have rtlalianif of hit ditmielaJ, and 
may state the rcnton far mid ditmlteai, and the 
publication on September 1, 1939, in The Watch- 
tower of the plaintiff'* ditmittal cannot be «0a> 
aiiicrad by the jury u evjdeno* af nulisa.") 

Mr. Co%rrn gt»ji I *G, 

The Court: I will eh*rg* that: 

"Evidens* baa been offend that defendant* 
and all of Jehovah'* witneatea take a position af 

atriet neutrality at to the wart between maliom 
of the world, and fc«eaua* af inch polities tbey 
refute to participate in any capacity for any 
nation in inch wan. You are ipecially In- 
tLrncled that inch eridenoe it immaterial to Hit 
jieuee in tbib action and ihautd be diaregarded 
and not eoatldered ia arrivia* at your TirdioL" 

I to oharee. 

Mr. Corirtgtan: 4T. 

The Court: I would Ilk* to emend your re- 
d.ueit to duirge, 

Mr, Oiington: That I* ptifeeUy all rigbt. 
Your Honor. 

Th* Court: I would like to tay Lbia: That 
Jehovah'* wibieuea and th* defendanta nave * 
right to bold, belief* and teach nal to taint* th* 
flap, and thit hu DO bearing on th* aaaa. 

Ur, CaTington ; That it all right 

Th* Court: I to ehare> It that tatiaf actory T 


Dcfcmdoxti' Rtqatftt t" C^Orae 

air. Covington: That it eatiefectory. Ko, 48. 
The Court : I nfBn* to to charge. 

(DefendanU' retpiett to «h*rg* No. tfi in n 
follow*; "Th* preachinp; activity and mode at 
worship engaged in by defendant* and JchaYaV* 
wiloeue* Ihraughant th* entire United Stale* 
and eitewhtre i* mtilltd to the taroe TighL and 
pririlexe a* the more orthodox afid recogniied 
nlipinne organiiationi. 

'* 'Till* form of relipoue ertWty oAcnplca tb* 
nmt hij;h estate under the Firet Am-ftndnmait 
at do Torahip in the cHu relic* end prcacliing 
from nnlpita. It hat the rame claim to protection 
at the more orthodox and oomentiannl fiHfiiei 
of relipion . . . ipmding one** Telipiona 
belief* or preer-hing the Gospel tbrKVOph diHtri. 
bulian of rfli.riuns litarntore afid thfaneh per- 
tonal rfiiitaiion* ii an agnrold type of pvar.peliim 
with a* liiph a claim to conetitotion*] prottctietl 
ae the moTe nrthndfli typee.' (SunrffM Conrt of 
tbn TTnited Plal« in the out of Mnrdnok at at, 
(.Tj»hnTab'" witBe**ei v. Coramonwe*Uh of Penn- 
■ryrvnii. ViJ 3, 1*0, 63 & Ct. 1M)." 

Mr. Covington; 60, 

The Court: I refuse to eo cliarp*. 

(Defeedtnti' requeat to obarK* Tfo. 60 ia a* 
follow*: "In conaidering the *vid*nce and ap- 
praitina the contention* r*.ie*d by both partlea, 
yan ahould he careful In emvinp at your verdict 

ta dt*tin»rai*h between th* eharge* mode by the 
plaintiff in hi* letter soh*trning oondrtiflns at 

h**dtinarten\ and the chtrgtt which are made by 

tha dtfrhdant* of and TOncemiog the plaintiff,"') 


Defendant*' Rcqwcrir to Chaff* 

Mr, Covington: $6. 

Tint Court: In the Ant eenteac* I an going 
to take out three worda "under lit* law." 

"The defendant* had a right to immedittely 
diachnrge the plaintiff end order hi* removal 
from the premitaa at 124 Columbia Height*, 
Brooklyn, New York, on Angmt 8 t 1M9. In 
arriving at your verdkt yon cannot eonildtr 
qualLon of the prompt and inuuediata diiciiarg* 
of the plaintiff in detennioiag whether or not 
the defendants were- prompted by malice in pub- 
lishing the article entitled 'Information' ur th* 
article entitled 'Sntnea,' 

I io charge, I h*v* taken Oat three wordt 

Mr, Covington; That i* all right- 

Th*C*WL: Itocharget 

Mr. Covington: 10L 

Th* Court: I will charge that: 

"Under th* law, the mnlting of the defene** by 

the defendants and their merit ia not affected by 
th* failure of lhe defrndant* to file a eouuttr- 
claim or erorn aclion againtt lhe plaintiff, Th* 
faLlore of th* defendants to file a couuter-elttint 
and eroat action against the plaintiff for d*ro- 
eJte^ cannot b* *On*id*r*d by yan in arriving at 
your verdirt in thit «*** beau** HKh failure 
la entirely Immaterial." 

1 aa charge. 

llr. Covington: Doe* Year Boner b*v* No. 
Tb* Court: Yes. 1 refute to to charge. 




Dtf m t imt* ' Rtquttu 1 1> G*#rpi 

(Del radar In ' reqoeel to charge No. 98 is U 

follow* : "In deterniiniag whether any rules of 
llic orjraniralion, written or un»Titien, earthly or 
Scriptural, have been violated by any nf the 
parties in any material way, you mint 'Hew the 
nuillcr from tti« understanding or prttetiee of 
Jdmvah'a witnesses uid no; according; to lb* 
standards of any other organisation, church, reli- 
gion or group; nor ran you suhalilul* your own 
□jiiiiiuiLi an such mitten for my rules led 
rrr;u.l»lUin« established by evidence,") 

llr. Covington ; And !&■*- 

Tha Court: I wjJl cliarge that, in connection 
nil tltt nrlicle "Sum*"" only: "The plaintiff 
)iavinjr olT<Tf<) hl« resigns! ion as counsel to tlie 
Sofch-ty *n<i lining attempted to resume (he 
private [unielLce oF lb* law in certain counliea 
of ltm Stnte oF Wineansin, end hiring hew en- 
joined Omu practic iujf in tltose places and having 
nflVrcd mo proof o( any damage* to- Vn« pro- 
fession, if you rind for plaintiff on taid ttoae of 
action, then you may coupler what it tailed 
aniidna.1 damages and in you; discretion may 
award pLaintLiT a verdict of aix. cents nr Hindi* 
euliia OF lb* charge nude in Hid article 
'Snare*,' " 

I J!o rharo^t. 

Mr, Covinitnn: No- 100. 

Tlse Court; I refute to charge except u 
already cliarsed. 

tlMondanls' request as to eliarfla No. 100 is 
u follows: "If yon find that the article entitled 
'Information' ii true, then Iht plaintiff cannot 

recover damages frorn defendants because beins 

f>r./e»4<Httl' Rtfii&ll to CWje 

avoided and shunned by Jehovah's witness**, for 
tlie reason that he assaulted tat organisation and 
nothing more than nominal damages can b* 
awarded to the plaintiff tinder the second eania 

of action." 

Mr. Covington: 100-e and 100-b. 

The Court: I uav* left S3, 57 tod 64. Da 
yo-i want those! 

Mr. Covington; May I take ■ loot at thoaaT 

The Court: VVIiile yon are looking at them. I 
will look at the two new onea, 

I refuse chare* 100,* or 100-b, except aa al- 
ready charged. I think I have covered both 
f nlly in tlie charge. 

(Dtfrndnnfji' request aa to charge No. lOOa ia 
M follow*; "Pot a first complete defease in tha 
second cause of action, tlie defendo-nta rely upou 
tit* truth of the article entitled 'S-nnrri', claim- 
ing thai ila contents are 'he truth, Thij th-feu** 
is, in the Law, what t* known aa 'justification'. 
If yon Find ar Iteliav*, from a preponderance ef 
the evidence, Hut the things spoken of and eon- 
earning the plaintiff in the article entitled 
'Snaps' are the truth, then yon will find far the 
defendant* In order to establish the defense 
of 'justification' or '(rath 1 , it ie not necessary 
thai each and erery imtpaterHil or irrelevant 
fact contained La tU article should be found to 
be the truth, bat il it enfficitat if yoa find or 
believe, front * preponderance, of U™ iridrnrr, 
that the article entitled 'Snares' ia ebbetantially 
at broad a> the charce; that ii to tuf, it yon 
rind and hflicve From a prtnorfdetsnet of th* 
evidenoe, that the plaintiff proved fajtalaai to 

Dtft*danlM' Jlcouests to QXarjt 

his truth aa one of Jehovah's witnnsea and 
acted ia the manner aa did Jndaa and falsely 
liljuled I lie family of Coil at 'llclhr!' and 
spoke evil oj»ain»L tbe orfraniialion, and became 
a munnurer ami cnmpLsinrr and tboreafter far- 
nianad 1 inf ornui t ion tn the enemy (hal Ihry »ald! 
oae am! did ose asamit the Lord by nmliinninjr 
th.p (lrjrunimtion and jii* hrstnren an^i tlst 'lis 
plain! iff became an 'evil aervunl' and put him- 
self in opposition to FJod's jnnvj-mmpnt and 
aocordinj; to the brlicf of Jehovnh'i wi(n«M** 
pel himtolf in (he popitinn of committinr; a xin, 
the result of which enndfmned him to awond 
death, you will find for llir drfrndantn. It ia 
not necessary that each of thm» rharRH bo 
preciaely trnc, hot it in unnVien!, if ynn fmd and 
believe that each of them is aubftantully true. 
If yon find and believe, by a preponderance of 
the evidence, that tin* defendant* bare estab- 
lished the truth oF each of Ihcpc rhargrs jm n^jir 
the faeti at publiehtil in Hip article rntitlrrl 
'Snarm', yon cannot rrsort tn fine ami shaded 
diatinctiohs of wojd^, nnr can ynn prena th* 
worda out of Ihrir nrdinaty uaaxe to sustain Ih* 
charjfe of lihcl. for n* VwH harm hat been donn 
in the article entitled 'Snare. ' if the truth of 
the facts is calahlijihcd, 

"You ar* laalmrtrd that in the event yon 
And, from a preponderance of the evidence, that 
the article entitled 'rinares' waa the truth and 
justified, then yon cannot take into considera- 
tion tlie question of whether it not the article 
was published with reiftlifc, Weuu*? if truth is 
vtlablishtd then malice St immatcnaT and it 
would he j-ost duty lo render a verdict for tin 


DtfeHde»t*' Aeanuti (a Caaraa 

defendanta if yon ilnd the truth la establish*!, 
regardhjsa vi whether thara waa or waa sot 

(Defeadanta' request aa lo CltsTja No. lOO-b it 
at follows: "Pot the first «rfnpL*ta dtfenat. tie 

defendaaEa rely upon the truth of the article 
aqtitltd ' Iiof ormalion ', eLaiiruiig that its enntcnta 
are tike truth. This defense is, in tha law, what 
ia kuuvu as 'justiGeationu' If you and or be- 
lieve, front a prvpondcranea of tea evidienea, that 
the things spoken of jiod conrjernins; lis plauv 
tiff, in tha article enlilird "Infunnatiun' 1 , an tha 
truth, than you will fund for tha defendant*. It 
order to establish the defense of 'justiAcmtion' 
:>t 'Irnlh' il is not necessary that each tad every 
immalerioi ami irit'lersnl fact contained ia tl« 
articla should be found to be the truth, nut it ia 
sufficiant if you And ami believe from a pra- 
pofiderance of the evidence that tha article en- 
titled 'Information' in subatanlislly as broad at 
(he charge; that is to say, if you hod and 
beUere from a preponderance of tha evidence, 
that the plniatiff proved faithless to his txuth 
as OSa of Jehovah's witnesses and falsely libeled 
and eLandercsi the president and the family of 
Ond tt Bethel and thereby acted in the manner 
at did Jodas and apoke evil against the orgeui- 
xatiob and bocamc a lnurraurer and oomulaiuet' 
and tharesflar furniahad information, to the 
sneruy that they rtmid use and did uaa against 
tha Lord by maligning Iht organisation and hit 
brethren and^ that the plaintiff became ad, "evil 
servant' and put himiclf in opposition In Gtd't 
goverament and, aosording to tha belief of Je- 


D«fe*da*W Rtqvtsti (a Chargt 

hiiTiii '» wilnesws, pal htaiHlf in the position 
ef commit ting a aim the result nf which con- 
demand him to second death, you will find for 
the defendants. It is not necessary that each 
of three chtrc^t be prccincly true, bat it is suf- 
ficient, if you find and believe that each of tbcm 
ia aubaiuntially true. If yon find and believe, 
by a preponderance of the evidence, that the 
defendants liave ealablijjhed the truth of each of 
th*** charges so near the facts as published in 
the article entitled ' J nfoniialjon ', you cannot 
reaort to fine n>vd ehtded dirtinctiwie of worilq, 
nor eta you prc»Ji tin words out of (bcir ordi- 
nary usage lo eustiin the charge of libot, for no 
lagal harm has been done in tlie article entitled 
'Information' if the truth of the facts is estab- 

"You art instructed that in the event that you 
find, from a prepondereao* of th* eviilroce, tltat 
the article entitled 'Information' Wat the truth 
and justified, then you cannot lake into con- 
sideration the question of whether or not tha 
article was published with malice, because if 
truth ia eeUhliehrd then malice ia immaterial, 
and II wpaid be Jrtor doty to return a verdict 
for the defendants if you And the truth i* es- 
tablished, regardlose of whether there Waa or 
was not malice. " 

air. Covinaloa; I think your Honor has cov- 
ered 20- We would request 67 and 64. 

The Court i 67 I refuse to ao charge, In the 
Court's judgment, that il for tha jury, 

(Defendants' request to charge So. 67 ia as 


Defendant** fleousis (a Cava* 

"It arriving at your verdict tha article en- 
titled 'Snares' did not refer lo tha plaintiff in 
hit general competence and ability aa a lawyer 
in handling litigation. In determining the ques- 
tion, the meaning of the article 'iJnar**' tad 
whether or not the defendants have proved the 
truth ar Justification of said article 'SnuirV, 
yon wilt not consider that defendants cMrgrd 
tha plaintiff with general i^coMpetence, for the 
defendants neither cliarge nor »nlend lh*t the 
plaintiff was thus generally incompetent,") 

'The Court: Si, I rtfutt tr> to ehar|Bx 

[Defendanla " request to charge No. H, k u 


"With referanee to Iht publication of the ar- 
ticle entitled 'Snares' it appears front the irri- 
danco that it was the editorial policy of the da- 
femlants that reference lo tlie preparation, 
printing/ and publishing of said main or leading 
articles in The Watchtower Wajmiine, tliat such 
leading article be prepared by the president or 
the Society^ which after preparing were drliv- 
ered by hhn to the linotype, operators and type- 
setters for publication and that hone of tint 
Board of Directors or the defendants herein bad 
any part in I be preparation of said articles for 
publication, nor knowledge of lite content there- 
oF until the rnAgjislrje was released for general 
distribution. Therefore tha individual defend- 
ant* herein may not be charged with knavledsnt 
of the coulenta of said Watebtnwer nuguine. 
Is arriving at your verdict as to whether or not 
tha Individual defendants wert liable for Iht 
pobllcatioa of amid articla yon art charged, M 



PlaintiJ'M R-rQitetti to Charge 

a nuilitr uf lew, tlml if uiid individual do fond. 
auU laid no iKjiifie^iiuu therewith and with iu- 
»uect la tin'iin £i to tLs if tide entitled 'Kturti', 
.!i IJhi jirruj^J utui* uf action, yon, ara directed 
La ustuj-a * verdict in favor of tha individual 

Ur. Co-rir-gton; lliy it plc*ee your Honor, 
v* would like Co tun your Honor Klvjnti Hit 
jury IbiiL counto] Lai a tight to make these H- 

•|ukkI» to Aid lit Coilil— 

The Oeftrt: Will yon wait and ee» if I dtmt 

In iLT 

Ur. Covington: All ripbt, thank you. 

1 ahull eny it after llr. BrucWmUMB g*1* 
through. Nuv, Ur. Brudihaozeu. 

Mr. BrueiLhausen'. 1 have just a few re- 

The Court: Any of ycrnx written ones fintt 

Mr. Bruchhauwo : No, I would lika to uk 
yon to charge that the jury may find that the 
iibela wen published and circulated among tiie 
public other than members of Jehovah 't Wit- 

Tbt Coort: 1 nfna* to char** except at at- 
reedy charged, 

Ur. Bnichltaosen : Eawption. 

I ink your Honor to charge lie jury that 
the jury may find that the raiding of Hi* ar-tieLa 
lo t|i* R«1li*l family on August S, 1939, HI a 
joblicntion thereof. 

Thi Court: I refute to charge except ai al- 
ready charged. IlM»t g "** **> invade the 
province of the JE77. 

air. Bruehhausau : Eiaeption. 

Piantif't RtQHtMtt to C^afga 

I ask your Hfinot to- charge tha jury that tha 
jury nwy award both ooripinaatory and puni- 
tive damage* re^nrdlou of proof of actual lota 
of iJSfOineL 

Tbt Court: 1 refuse to charge except hi al- 
ready Charged. I think I covered that fully in 
the charge. 

Mr. BruchltauDcu ; ExotptJOn. 

I ihk yonr Honor to charge tbt jury that 
freedom of ipeech ti alio an American pria- 

The Court: The jury k=™ that 

Mr. Brdtlihaua&fi : I auuroe. they do. 

TI* Coort ; 1 do nu| think ii ia a matter I 
ihould charge, I have indicated to yuu that th* 
Bill of Bights ia alill a good thing. 

air. BrDehhiDiao: Alao Hut tin elainl of 
1100,000 ia baaed on the chum of »&0 H OI» on tach 
MU4 4f acti-at. 

To* Court: Ton are right in that 

(Addretiing the members of the jury}: Yonr 
terdict, if yoa find for the pLuJntiu*, altall be for 
any lain not to tinted *M,000 in each caaat of 

Now, ladiea and gwiUciocn of the jury, sonruiel 
m not only within their riglita, bat it U their 
duty to protect their record, isd Ibey Im a p«r- 
ftet rJj<!it to nqneit tha Court to obatf* oartaul 
ipeciflc lliinga. Yon an not to form any opinion 
became tha Court did not charge Ihrtn. Of 
conns, if tha Coart eaarged tham, yon ire njh 
poasd to pay attention, yon an to pay attention 
to them, hot you are nut to draw any inferesot 
thai lawyan an n4t withia thaur lifhta whan 

they do uiaka requeata to eluuge, beeauie they 
are entirely within their xighta. 

An>lbiB|f elitl 

Ur. Covington. [ That ii alL 

lite Coort: At thii time I will discharge 
Jnror No. U and Jnror Na 14. 

{Th* altaraata jnron laave tha jury-hoi,) 

Tha CunH: Now, do ji»tie» h»t*i«n thtw 

parlin nnil tliew jurtirj miunt. Rroirmlmj-, you 

are not trying pnytLiiiK hqt ttw libel moil, 

(The jury rrtind at 10 38 A. U. 10 dcliWr*1« 
■noa the caaa.) 

(2^0 F. U) 
(In tht ahoeaca at tha jury.) 

Tt»« Coort: I have nearted from tht jury 
lb following rne>aa(p: 

"ffeaK Krid op the laattnumy of Ur. and lira. 
Heath. When Ur, Rutherford allowed Ur, and 
Ura. Heath Mr. Moylc'i latlrr, awarding to lav 
van (hat pobliihing tk* ktterf" 

Yon ha*e tire wrillefi lealimuny, ham yon not, 
Ur. CoTinjrl 031 T 

Ur. CoTinptun : Y*«. 

The Court; Om me tba taatiduay of Ur. and 
lira Heath. 

(Teitiuiony handed to the Conri,) 

(The jury rttorriod to the court room.) 

Tbt Court: 1 ban a conunanication from lb* 
jury wliefc randi : 

Jttfjf's lltiUnrvivm 

"Fleaae send us Una testimony of Ur. and 
ilrik Haalh." 

l>o you want til* entin testimony of Mr. and 
Mrs. ileotlit 

Tilt Foreman: No. 

Tilt- Cuurt : Then by itipTilition of counsel, I 
will give yoa the typewritten copy of the testi- 
mony, with the consent of the attorney for the 
plainti If and the attorney for the defeadanls, and 
yon will find in that w|iatev*r part you aiw «On- 
etmed witii. 

You sho amk rm ■!»• rjWtlioii: "Whta H». 
Rnlhcrford ilw#od Mr. and Ura, Heath Ur. 
lloyle i letltr, according to law was that puh- 
ILsbing tlm loiter f" 

If yon find H a fact that llr. and lira, Ifettln 
wen private secretaries of and lo Ur. RutlteT- 
fortl, and tliat It, RullMTTord, ihowed it to then 
in their caOAcitita a» iuch, then that alms ii 
not publirotu?n- 

Ur. rimclihauacn: And i tak yon» Earn* t* 
Charge the jnry— 

Tlut Court : Wait a minnl*, 

(Duciutioo between Court and counsel ontaide 
of lat liearinff of the jury.) 

Tha Courts Exception to (he plaintiff. Toe 
-will retire now. We will sand it up 14 JM. 

CWbennpon tht jnry further rttirt to dslibtr- 
att upon the ca>a.) 



i!-JI> F. U.) 

( Tbt jury not present.) 

Tlwt Court i The jury hat sent tht following 
request 10 tha Court. This js tbt message from 

the jury; 

"Your Honor, was tht reading- of Mr. Uoyle'i 
letter to (lie Beth*! Family coosidertd a puhli- 
eation according to lawl" 

(ligned) "L. Loaehnnidt, Pun-uiAii." 

It ia itipolnled by both eOuotel that tlw ouci- 
tion inny be aiuwered in writing instead «f 
hringirvf tbt jury down to the court room. Will 
the conient of tonnsel for both partial, the nuti- 
lion it sn»wcr«l u follows by the Conrt; 

"It it a publication. However, it ia for you, 
the jury, to det*rmine whether or not ii was 
privileged in being to published." 

(436 p H.) 
(The jnry nturntd to the court room.) 

Tht Clark: Han you agreed upon a Terdici, 
meiBberi of Hit juryt 
Tht Fonmau ; We haws. 
The Clerk: What it your ytrdictt 

Tht Foreman: For the plaintiff. 
The Court: In tht nrit cause of action 1 
The Foreman: Tht first dust of action ia 
actual t~:OO0, punitive tlO.WW, 
Tht Court; And tht second Ctvias of action 1 


DtftnionW Uolio* to Stt Attdt tat Vero«t 
<w4 far a Xt* Trial 

Tht Foranuui: Tht same, actual (2,000, puni- 

Tht Court: Yon find: a verdict of 115.000 in 
tht firit (iim of action and H5,(B0 ia the sec- 
ond cau«t of Action, a tatal of 430,000 a^aiut 
tha d^fendtnls; to tbt Ant cause of action it 
will be agairwl all defeodauta, and La tht second 
coiiHe of action against the corporate defean- 

The Foreman: That, is right, your Honor. 

The Court: Ii it unanhnoost 

The Foreman: No. 

The Court: TVhat wai ill 

The Foreman: Ten to two. 

The Court (iddreeting Mr. Corington) : Da 
yon wjel (he jury polled, siif 

If r. Citrington ; Yes. 

The Court: Poll the jnry. 

(Whereupon, the mem hen of the jnry wen 
polled and ten oat of the twelve Haled that the 

verdirt ii reported! was their verdict.) 

Tin'! t"«UM: f **nt tu thank i uu, Hinnix™ <if 

tiie; jury, fur the- tin* tliat yon Imve apeet aM 
tl:r altentjoo you lave given the muw. 
The jury may now be exeaeed. 

(Tlut tnemben of the jury leave tha court 

Mr. Covington: If it please your Honor, at 

I hie time the defendant* raoet lo ttt Midt the 
verdict and for a new tpial upon all th* proonde 
tet forth in Stetson MS of the Civil Practki 
Ac( nnd on all the ejirentieni in the caee. 

Tlie Court: On all the grounds except inade- 
quacy of damage*: 


llr. Covins* 011 : Tb»t i* right. 
Hi* Court: And nt ail the exerptiooa in th* 

ilr- Covington ; Yea, We also would lit* tie 
Court to grant * stay pending— 

Tl» Court: L*t n* dispose of th* motion* 

As to ft* »WHl «oh of iclian, the. mot but 
it denied villi Jin eueenition 10 the defendants 
iuv"lYcd in that cause of aeliun. 

Aa 1o tli* Tint «uhc of fietiut, I would lifci 
Id hcur you, llr. Brurl.iiaiiiieo. 

llr. HrnehJuuMn: I believe tl* verdict pi 
projicr on tin first canti* of action ngnintt nil 
^r tilt defefldajit*. 11<rn i» plenty of evioene* 
to anpnorl Unit verdict, I do not think you 
cookl gel n flnnr ei»e of *H Hit** people sign- 
ing i'ii h liboL 

Tin? Court : J might my ll»t if I were defiid- 
injf the vp*e wi&aat * jury T wnuUl not h**t 
f«.und imclt ■ verdict in I he f'*** tnan of arliau. 
Tint, of eotir**. it it no! my duly I* ■uhn.lhul*. 

ftiy judgment fnr lhat of ill I jury. 

I it-ill deity tin nrtlian, E*ce|ilion to thtr d*> 

Ntiw T a* far a* the *tey ii enneerned, I *rc in 
reason why Mir ilrfaidiLBti thould not have a 
■lay ip thtH rum — ■ On you I 

iff, Ttrtifhlyiu*en: No, if it ii no! U» ling. 

The [Viurt: How long do ynu w»nt. sir! 

llr. Covington: TV* need about thirty day* 
your Honor. 

Tlie Court: Ton Till get thirty day*' *tay 
jind *iity d»ys to make * tw«. 

Hr. nrudiJmmwii: That i* acceptable. 


Plaintiff 'n Rrh&il 1 

tl iujrn fl«(li 1he Lord lull*; yen, (even are an 
BborainMinn unto dim; , , . a raise witness that 
sptakelh lice, uiul lie that **«*& di*p*rd among 
brethren,"— Pmr- BiIC-lB. 

By inducing olhprs ta join wits bun hi Dm 
circulation ami pnhlitfli ian of hit nianderous 
letter among; Use rnnmc/rntal Ira mnke* othera 
party to ]iEp wrong. The ainndrrttns paper, 
being in opposition and ajwinst. 111* interest of 
th* Theocratic govcTmincnl, !■ pleamug only to 
ths Devil ami hi* earthly nperjt*. 

For four jwiri Movie wa« entrusted with Ilia 
Bonfidenlijil m*Hpm of tlie- Society, and th™, 
without raenw, Ite nssiiillx and roalign* Ihoca 
■who tTmtH him. -Twin" *-jk nitniwlMt hy Clmat 
Jaaua with conM^ntinl nmilej-r, and Judas 
pntned hia unfaithliilnom by furniehinjc td th* 
tn*my that wliicli ihey could tifp and did 0*4 
jjtftain"t thp I.jumI. He wtio Tr.ali^i* tht Tin-llirrTi 
of the Lord Ti>alijp?ii tilt fjord hnnulf, and the 
«id nf uueh tli? Srri jit lire* plainly pniut out 
HaTinji; been *nmo<l h ench nn* mu»t dusoee te 
join the "'eril perr^Tit" HnH (htf tli* arna*. 
o^ufne*pi (Mutt. a+ M-P-Hl) «r remain faltliful us 
Jalutvreh itnd hit ftovj>Tnnniit hj Chriat Ja m , 
Chaoaa whom you will atrre. 

FtD W. Faun 
H. H. Knou 
(luirt Surma 
T. J, Bvumjr 
Vf, P. Hlbrnt, Ja. 
ft. K. fttitKlta 
W. K. Vn <mi;:iHI! 
\, R. Oami 
P. A. Wnaa 
C J. Wpflowcuni 
A;i[iriiYr<l f«r publication 
J, F. BmvmuuaB 


PlaintifFi Exhibil 1 


BL-iopr rrminiiiH-i that thia ii tb« tim* wbes God 
b remorina; from hia orgnnixation eTerythinj 
that can Ijk ahaJien, "that thoie thin.aa which 
eajLoot be abaJten may remain 1 ' (Heb. 12 J£, 27), 
tha membcri of the board of director! of the 
Watchtqwu Blbli iio Tiact Sociktt, for the 
information and protection of Uioee who tin de- 
voted to flod't organ LintioH, Fequal thai T** 
Watditotetr publiih what follow*; 

On the 21 it if July, ID3s, * paper «ritlru: in 
the folin of a letter, «i£ftt4 hy O- H- Moyle, waa 
left at the deck in (he lobby of the Bethel jaoma 
adJreaaect Id tha praaidtat of Iba Redely. Da- 
canae that paper irrrolTed the entire family at 
Bethel, it waa properly bronjrht before the Voaid 
and bffore the family. Tlie letter beinc filled 
with faint, ilaadtraut and liheloui atatementi, 
*t.r viirnrnunly «niulerniiei| by the board, asd hy 
all the tnembei-i of the Bethel family. The 
board UhftBiSKWdy adopted th* followirir R«*jv 
lutiou. Which win alto inprovrd by th* family: 

"At a joint meetine; of the hoard* of director* 
of lha Fennayhranin oorpnration and Iht New 
Tort corporation of the W*rcnT»wit* Btaut una 
Tbact gociitTY held at the office of the SwiHy 
at Brooltlyn, M,Y. tbia Glh day of Augunt, iKja, 
*t Which othrr mrmber* of 1h« family were prea- 
ent, there wne read to i»id hnarda and in. the 
presence of O. E. Voyle a lell«r dated July 21, 
lt>S&, written by mid Ifoyle *ni| pddr™*ad to 
tli* preaiderit of the ^oeiEty. 

"For four ytara pant the writer of I nit letlet 
hue been vn'-rantnl with the confidential nuilten 
of the Society. It now appear* that the writer 
of that letter, without eieOM, libel* ti* family 


PUintiir* Exhibit Z 
lEitud tnm b*#* 3 *f TU Wabshtowar 

[T » iftjaiojf 

Th i it publiaheii for ihr purpose of 
enahlinc; tin people to know Jchsvnh Uod and 
LLk pur|Hwc* ti* I'lpremml in the liihjp. It [iiih 
litlim Wilile uiitTOftiuiL ijieciliciily dmigfiad to 
aid Jvliovah'* v.-} tiuaautt uvd all people of Rood 
will. It iirrniijc* Ky«1cnialic Uible study for ita 
reaJi'ni and (he Society *uppli*s tither literature 
In aid in uueh ttudic*. It puhliahe* mitidi'm 
lnalrri*l fur radio broadcasting and for oilier 
■ncium of rmliiic jjmtTuction in the Keripturcn. 

il ndlicrw elrielly to tlie Bible a* authority for 
it* utterance*. It i* entirely free and separate 
fnnn nil relijpon, parlies, sects or other worldly 
orj^nimtinnM. It i* wholly and witJioUt reuerra- 
'.ii.ii Tor Ihc bLLi^iJoui of Jehovah Ood under 
Clirinl lii< beloved King. It is not dogmatic, but 
invite* careful *nd erilical exafpi^ation of ill 
conlentu in tlw lift** of tlie Sci-i]ilur*J. It doe* 
not indulge in coolroveray, and ita column* are 
net open Id peraoualitiaa. 


Plaiwiif't Ei&ibii i 

of 0-od at Bethel, and identiAe* himself as one 
who speak* evil against the Lord'* ocKaniislian, 
aad who is a mormurer and oempla iasr, cvkq 
a* I be ijrrifjlarri liave foratold. {J ode 4-14S; 1 
Cnr. -ti3; Rnrn, U-tj 

■'Thti menibere of the bonTfJ of directors here- 
by resant the unjust criticism appearing in tint 
letter, disapprove of lbs writer and hia action*, 
and recommend that the president of the Society 
inrntdintelr terminate the relationship of O. B. 
sioyia to th* Society *i lejrnl counsel and a* a 
member of the Bethel family." 

Aside from tha introductory parmjrrnph 
snruinacirur ihn writer'* purpose to leave Bethel 
at a rixad Lime, every paragraph of that letter 
1* fain-, flllrtl with lirn, nnd ii t wicked slander 
and libel not only p^ainil the preaident hnt 
againat tha entire family, and for thnt naium 
Hie lftlcr ha* not been puhliahed by the Snricly. 
H* reqoested (Joajolaiio-* to publish fits letter, 
and Unyle, Deinjr refused, now causes his I ihrlmii 
paper to he PMbliehod and circutsted among cer- 
tain enmpaTiie* of lb* cooaeerated, csnsing the 
same to be puhlirly rcsrl, and the* by hi* own 
word*, which may be called 'fair fcp*e*h', he pr*- 
Irnds to be in harmony with the Society, and 
thus further deetrrr* the uniutpectme one*. 
En only possible pqrpc«* in. fnrthsr pnhiishing 
hi* letter Is to justify himself and 10 'cause 
dlviaioB among fha brethren', both of which are 
Condtnined by the Word of Bod, (Lake 16:15; 
Horn, lC:17, IS) For thin reason the brethren 
should ba warned. "Th* aforejnentioned let. 
l«!r" lK-iii/f filled with lies lorried *£*in*t the 
bnibran, th* same i* haled by Jehovah:. "Six 


PLaintUrV Eaiibit 1 

0. B. MOTTLE Counselor at La* 

lit Atkiiu* Slrect Brooklj-n - New York 
Teloplion* TBiangJ* &-U74 

July 21, 1939 
Bro. Rutherford *. 
On reading this you will no doubt flneatioi 

n-hy T didn't ■peali to you ennterning this mat 
Irr while in yonr olhee ihi* oftemnon. Ptsnlcly 
T didn't wnn't to, 1 want you to gel my entire 
rrnN>n* wilhniit inte-rrnpfinn or argiunenl. That 
is why I (In In 'I iiientian like mailer to yon today. 

OR W. 



Plaintiff* Exhibit 4 

OLIN R, MOYLE Counselor 

1 17 Aila inn St«"iT* . Brooklyn. . New \'ork 
Telephone THiaagla 5-1474 

Jul; £1, 1939 
Judge J. F, Rutherford, 
Brooklyn, N. Y. 

D**r Brother Batherford: 

■Khh letter in to five 7-00 notice uf our inteo. 
lion to leave lletbel on September 1*1 nost, Tli* 
TeasonH far leaving pre slated herein and we 
ask Hint yon give them <y>refol And thoughtful 

Conditions at Bethel ire ft matter of concern 
to ail of the Lard'n people, JIatt'here among 
imperfect men can there be perfect freedom from 
ojsjirfsjiicni, discrimination and unfair treatment, 
but it the Lard'i. headqnorleni on tnrl h condi- 
tions ithniild be audi that injustice volild lw 
reduced In l!i« minimum. That in nnt the ens* 
here nt Bethel and a protest should nc hrful* 
nr-ii nj;1 K. I Ain in 11 good position to ffiH-ke aneh 
prolcnt lircnHJie your treatment of me )wb been 
pjonprftlly kind, considerate and fair. I *an rnolu> 
lhi« |mrlea| In the Intonate of tho JScllml fnmliy 
and af the KWioM work without any personal 
interest entering Jfito tls*. natter, 

lix TiiE*™r.KT of Bethel Fiiin,*. 

Shortly after poinios; to Iteshel wej wtro 
■hocked Id wilness the upwind* of our bnrrihrc-n 
receivinp wimt is dr*ij?ial«i a* a " trinn-iin^"* 
from you. The first, if memory serves irh *,>-- 
rcct, van a tongue lashing k'i TeD - lo C J, VTowl- 

PI&Hlif'i Exhibit i 

worth. Woedivoi-th in a personal letter to yon 
stated totnetbinp ui Hi* effect cJict it treuM be 
iervine; the devil 10 contiuue using our present 
day calendar, Fur that he wan homil inlvd, tidied 
a jatka&js, and given a jiubiie lambasting, Oilier* 
have been similarly treated, llciliug-bey, Mc- 
Cormick, Kr.urr, Froaser, Fries, Von gipiua, Ntn 
end ot5iers here been similarly *eolded- Tliey 
have been publicly called to account, condemned, 
anil reprimanded without any previous notice. 

Tin* summer aoine of tlie matt unfair nebba 
reproociies have been given. J. V. AkCauley 
asked A question winch curried witli it a criti. 
eiun e( the present method of Watch Tower 
study. For tlwit ]>* was lev^irly reprimanded. 
Yo«r mitioB tdmtituted * nioletioji of the prin- 
eijjle for wbity we are fig-litirfi, to»-it, frwOom 
of specebr It was tiin. action of a b*i«a. and not 
tlott of ft fellev KRUlt Seeiiripg *n efficient 
iiHida s( «tudy with imperfect *tudy Imidtrn is no 
?n*y u>sl£, and U ni^tli^d y*t prodwed hu 
pruvvd •* be Mi hanJrttl per deal perfect. You 
xtAli'd thai no eiemfklainta bad eeme to ;au «on- 
terjtinjt tliis naelhixl of study. If that be tbe 
tar* you have not had all the. fact* presented to 
you, There in- complaint in various place* that 
tlm WnU'h Tower *tudies Isnvo cti-Kc-ni-jatiict into 
HKHV f l' 1 L 1 1 L ci jj: Itiknoiii, Jt ilia}- be tlmt the jtreunt 
utL-thcnl it llm Ixial that ran he u»ed, hut in view 
of knesu limitalioni honoHt eritieiim should not 
he cenuored nor honest critics puninhed. 

Brullier Worsky received a public denuncia- 
tion fttun you bccanuQ he prcrmred and handed 
|o bri'DirCn a list of helpful Seriplare citoiiona 
on fundamental tupivs. H«w c*a we consistently 

FSaitvtijf's Exhibit 4 

condenm Ti'lijr-tnii^ii f<-r '!*\h:g intolerant when 
yi*u BSen;<»* iittolieranee against tiioxe wiio work 
with j'uut Duewi'l lliii prove thai ihc only 
fri-i'?iuiu t"*riJiitted at Uclbel is freedom (n du 
aad fcay tiial which you v.thJl to bo ^aii) n-nd nhniif 
The Lord eertaioly mt-^-er nulJiijriu'd yuii to 
exercise »uob l.:^b handed authority over your 
(<!ii(iw scrraata. 

SJiiiCa I he .MudieoB iiquare Garden li^ettinj 
then; has bevn v di^tli-.^Jn^ coniliiion of rextraint 
ami iu*.[tic]on al hU-[l»el. The uihfti* wire placL-1 in 
a touch riptft but did nn eietlLent piece of work. 
Tbey nereised rare apirt Lliiigeutie io wateMae; 
arrivela at the Caiden. and prevented n nun'Uir 
of stw[Hciou» ch*r*vlers freui entering. They 
were on iiie "}<A iiiunetiinteiy when the distur- 
bance tiluj'led mid Hjuelled a duil urlmnce which 
we-uld inive nlherwiae reached aerioU* t-ru|n>r. 
tions. But l^r two weeks following llm r(»oven- 
tioq there has hctn conntant criticieii) and W>- 
liemiiation e-f (heta- from j-ohl Uiey Iibtc beeu 
rhargini with direleetitirii of duty and labelled 
as "dixies'". To stc sain* of these Wys brealt 
duwa and cry Lieoaui* or yonr unkind rctfuirtu i^ 
to say the least eudiJ^ning- 

The brethren at Wethel boTe liiorougluly demon, 
■trated llioir loyalty aad devotion lo the Lord, 
and rlu rttht need to be berated for wrong: dolus. 
A EUtTji^tion or a kindly admonition Jrfiin you 
would lie mure than auflicient to cheek any wron e-- 
fal nction, and would eliminate, reaenhnent tfld 
induce greater happiness and comfort for the 
wtiolc family. Yon hs*» sUAed many tintes tluit 
there nrc nfi boases in tb* Lord 1 * organiiation 
bnt tho tiodeniabi* fact camtuiL ba evaded that 


i'lti.-ilig'.-. i\.'. ill £ 

your acliona in scoldins and nphraidiag tbeHO 
buvjH are tlie a:tii.;iii oj a boe». It luaken one 
ujch at heart ujuJ iiJ-.j , 1— : Lu J to halcn to them. If 
jois will cense oii'iiling your fclhiw fteri-imts 
Bn'.Lie] will be * hoppior plucc and the Kiu^dom 
work will prtttper accordingly, 


We publish to the world that all in the Lord's 
ore;tuuiation am mated alike,, and receive the 
*uj:'u) *j lax as this vrorW* ^eady are eoncemtd, 
Von know that is not lliv ei«e, Tlie factd cannot 
be deeded. Take fur insiaoee tlie difference he- 
Iwccn tlie accouiodblJona fu.rniiLi=d to yuu, mid 
yttai pumonsJ ulltutSUJiibi, eouipand with tln^im 
(LLTiiiuhed to some uf j our biethren, Vmu hjiva 
many niuny houiei, towit, liulljcl, feUHcn Jjitajid, 
California etr. 1 am infuriiini that iitel at the 
Kingdom Fariu ono lious* is kqil fn>r jour tuiu 
nae duiing tlie abort period* jou s]«iul tin-re- 
And what du the brethren at the farw receive I 
£>jiiajj roopuss unhealed thru llie bitter odd 
winter a-eulhcr, They live in tlieir trunks tike 
campers, TJtftt may be all ri^ht ir sr.etjutiiv, 
hut there are nuiuy houses on the fs.rtn standing 
kite or used for otlier purpoue*, wjiith t-uuld bu 
used to £ive somn coiufort to lliosc who work 
ao I on^ and iwi hard. 

You work in a hice air eonditiooed rooni, Vou 
end your atlemlanla .ipend * portion of the week 
in tlie <LUiet of country jurroundinjjs. The bay* 
at the [actory diligently work thru tlw hot sutt- 
m«r months withnut s«th lielp*, or any effort 
made to give tlwin, T'lia - . it di&eriiuinajtiua which 
iBiauld receive your tliaughlful consiilcratiun. 


I'iahiif'i ExhiiU i 


Here *Kain if idiCmflt mici[iml utd discrimina- 
tory treatment. Due brother left Hethel some 
time ago for the purpose of getting married, 
and, so I aw infonued, was refused the privilege 
of pioneering in New York, apFsurentJy as an 
i..: ':■..;, I disapproval ;;- hi* Action in leading 
- Uelhel, On the oilier hand when Wonoie Boyd 
got married t-he didn't have to leave lietheil. Hlie 
¥!■ permiUcHl to bring her hnsltoud into Bethel 
in i.]ii1e of the printed rule providing tliat both 
WUT}1aj pftrliea should havs lived tliere for 
five years, 

llarth trenlment of one and fnVored Ireitintfil 
of another i* discrimination, and should not luve 
a place in tbe Lord's organisation. 

F&.THT un Vl'LiOjui Lurun*OE. 

The niblieal injunctions aj^ointt un-el^an, fLltliv 
kjji-nkir,- and jt'stiag have never been abrogated. 
It is i-hdtking and Miutpuluifl tn hear vulvar 
ijji'akijip end ninat at Hethel, It ws* stated by a 
•isttc that war. one of the tilings you had to get 
used lo at FetJiel. The loudest laughter at llie 
table comes when a filth or near filthy joke goes 
through, and your skirt* are not clear. 

Under your tutelage there lifts grown op a 
glorification of alcohol and condemnation of total 
abstinence which is unseemly, Whether & servant 
of Jehovah drinks *k*hoJi4 li«|uor i* noao of my 
businesx, except in jgiving > helping hand la a 
brother wlio ii atnmbled thersby. Whtther I 


Ptaiwtift E&rhit a 

am ft toiat abstainer is nobody's business but ray 
own. But not so at Bethel. There appears to 
bo a dc'iniLa policy of breaking in new contera 
into tho use of liquor, and resentment is hIiowb. 
againtt those who do not join them. The claim 
is made, "One con 'I be a real Ilctiiclite without 
drinking beer," Shortly after we arrived it was 
arrogaotiy slated, "wo can't do much with 
iloyl-c, but trail make a man out of Feter" A 
New York brother intimated that 1 was out of 
harmony '.villi the truth and with [ha Soeicly 
becuH^e I didn't drink liijuor. A Nt:w York 
siiter ttateil that slie had never losed limmr or 
served it until some of tlie Re the] bey* insisted 
upon iL A hrotiier who used 10 drink liquor 
to exeeaa became ft lalal Abstainer after getting 
1 the trnlh. He knew tlmt * single drink of licrnur 
would jjtart hiiu off to hia former drinking 
habits, but in spite of Uuit brethren from Bethel 
iaautcd npon bis imbibing liquor And inferfod 
that be was out of harmony with the orKiuiim- 
tion through refusing. Total abitaitier* or* 
looked upon with scorn as weaklings. You have 
publicly labelled total abstainers as prudes aad 
therefore must assume your share of Ibo respon. 
tlbility for, tat RiLcch iiu like attitude exhibited 
by members of Iba family, 

Thijse are a few of the things which ihanld 
have no |>lne* in the lord's orgoiii^ation. There 
are other more previous injustice* but I have 
had no personal contact with them and thertfon 
do not discuss them. 

It hasn't been an easy or pleaaant task to 
writ* these thing* ta you, and it* still harder 
to make tlds protest effective by Wvijtuj Belael 




PlaMiff'M Exhibit 4 

We sold oar home *od biliHne*s when we. carr.e 
lo Utllis) and fully intended (o spend (he rtit el 
our live* al this ptaec in (lie land's service. We 
leave in order to register most emphatically our 
disagreement with the unjust condition* related 
in thi* letter. Wi are not leaving the Lord's 
.service but will continue to serve Llim and llii 
organiiation a* fully m ttrenglh wd means will 

Neither em I running away from hattiinc; tii* 
Devil 'a crowd id the rourla, I tjepcel (<> return 
to the private practice of law, probably in Mil- 
waukee, Wisconsin, and bop* to be in th* fijjbt 
in every way possible. With this leticr I pin- 
encioaing a atstcmtnt of llie major case? now 
pending in which I am actively participating, It 
would be unreasonable and unfair lo drop these 
iimHerH into your lap without further aniiialaneB 
or consideration, I am midy and willing to 
prem these issue* in (be courts ju-xl An vigor- 
ously and carefully aa though I remained *l 
Bethel, And will do io if tlunt is your deiire. 

We have pnnaidered this action for Borne lime, 
but thin leller it delivered la yon jutl a* we are 
leaving on a tfaeation trip for very specific rea- 
son*, Firtl; It i» desirable that yon take lira* 
for thought and consideration of ibe- Batten 
herein ih'I ffirlh before taking any action. Hasty 
and ill considered action might be regrettable 
Second; FranSdy I nava no desire for a verbal 
argument with yon over these matter", I jirs.-i.Hi 
had plenty of pt*a*ion lo observe that a con- 
troversial mutter does not receive a calm and 
reasoned discussion, or the facts. Too often it 
tarns into t denunciation, of some person by yon, 

PltiKiifl Exhibit 4 

I (mi nnt interested in that kind of a wordy 
battle. These atateLLituts -arc the reasons [irv- 
KenHxl by Sinter iJoyle and myself for leaviac; 
De-tin.-], if we apeak errrmconidy or wroosfuUy 
n'e ar* rmpoiuible ht-forn tliu l^vni fur *o tptlfc- 
iiff. If wa speak truthfully, and »r sliiutly «>□- 
1it.iI thai everything here related ii the truth, 
then there it &u ttnstiediate responsibility on your 
purl to remedy the conditions necessitating Ibis 
pretest. Mac tlie Lord direct and guide you. 
into fair and kindly treatment of your tallow 
servant* is my wish and prayer. 

Your brother in the King's service, 

OlJlf it. AlOTli. 

P. S, Should you desire to write- U> me concern. 

ing these matter* during vacation * letter will 
reach mi: at TiennderDga, New York, General 
Delivery after July 23th. 

Plaintiff * Exhibit £ 


A*aiuK<;ijia Jchovab's HntooOM 
VoLLX Naverabtr 18, 1AJ* Nc.£2 


"TAdfni and ma-rtt are m it{ imy o/ lie 

fi-irmfLrd; R* iliat Jflfi tfej? Aij j;otJ i&aiJ 

JkIiu'.hIl duly Tvarnifrd hij typical covenant 
pi'Oplv cuncerain|r the Miiarct tbnt endangered 
theif livta, Ln Hie fioe of such vtarnimg I lie 
tyjjitul jjfople fell iato snareii, and the natinn 
wfla <Ji.'»troycd. Jehovali'u words of warning 
WuifiB toeorded for tin) K]>wiiic- benefit of tii*™ 
upon whom the ends i>f the world are now ctiine h 
hnwrjiiig the end of Satan's world and tli* btj- 
gltttilna; pnrt of the world, of riglitenuftnein, fl 
Cor, JUrll} Sjueh warninKS were "written for 
our learning" (Rout. 15?tJ and for the protec- 
tion of the people <tt Ood, who are today in a 
covenant with hiro, to Hie end that they mny 
give lie*rl to su-h w^rningB, "See tberi that ye 
wait eirtusiispectly, BO t u fools, but as wise," 
(Epb. 6j1B) To "walk circuioapeelly " means 
ta loot curef uliy round about ami to sea to it 
that one ii moving in harmony with the way the 
KcripUrw point out and is doing at all time* 
that which it ntrieUy in harmony with and in 
the internal of tlio Theocracy, 

A more U n. noose, a net, a hoot, or a trap, 
into which the creature ia liable, to fall, and 
o»[nwijill}- in danger, wtien ha it not Watchful 
and uiJIgi-Eit in doing the will of GodL Suarea 


i'iainliff'M Exhibit t 

arc laid by Satan, the wicked one, In [shiciiij; 
snnre<i the Devil une» tlte wkfced tpirit* UhI 
wicked men, all of whom are moftiil eatndt* of 
tho covenant people of (3*d; "The wicted tiava 
laid a snoru for tne; yet I *rr*d tot from tby 
preceptF." (I'b. 119:110) "Tl» proud bar* Idd 
a «nare for mfr, and iordi; tbey havt apread a 
net bj 1 the wayside; they liar* te-t gin* for ma. 
Selab,"— Ft 14(1:5. 

* Tho chief ta'tirii Of the witted one, t ": 1 1 - Dwil, 
ia to destroy ertaturcH wliO Jia^e mani* a eove- 
nint to do the will of God. ThlH tile D*vil dot* 
in his endeavor to curry Out hia dialing to 
Jehovah that be, ficlMt, onutd titrn ail wen a* r ay 
ftom Ood. (Job 2^] There are JTrJUVr anarca 
Of- jitU laid now by (be r>tvil irt biji eodfraror- td 
entrap J he covenant [itvuptfr of Rod, tliat ia, both 
the remnaot and (be Jooatliati rfasi, which will 
fVihn tho *'e;r«At mnltitusle". To enable Qod't 
penjdo to nleteot ond to avoid auch anarca Tlie 
WeJcbt/strtr *all» alt^ntion of the owennnt rrfo» 
pie nf Rod, and i>f all who deaira rifshtei-ioaj 'mb, 
tii thi- m:rij-jturiTi wbifili jjive warrdnp of inch 
nifties, and nlHO to tho ttSLptara* wliLrh paint 
in the way of tit* oely roeaat of e*eapiajj *nch* 

A snare thai stands at tins bead of tin- li»t of 
tlioiM! prcpnred and Bet by Sntnn the Devil i* 
relicion. Any form of wnrnbip tnat eivce ador- 
ation, prnise or reverential recognition to any 
object, creature or thing or imacjv is properly 
detipnated at religion and religion is a snare. 
For this reason Jehovah commanded his eoro- 

PteiHtif't Exhibit f 

riant peuple: "Tlmu ahalt have no olbes- jjmLi 
befipre (above, Ijuairb-H, in the plate- or &lead ofj 
ma,*' . Kx.. Jj.;j) Jelie^ab CJ-od in the u>urax uf 
Jilt, and salvation belong* lo bin alone- (Pa. 
34i:!>; I**. Z'A) Ha grant* Kalvalion imly to 
Lbu»e who obey him. A creature tlutt claims to 
4ome U>xl and who at the same liinca gives 
revt-renliol iionor h n-orihip or pruiac to- any 
creature or thing in connection with such vor- 
dJuji, ia practicirig religion, Jehovah Uod eont- 
LiiiiiLiJi all to vorihip Christ Joans because 
t'hr-ial Ji-iai is tl;a oxtireaii imago of hta Fotber, 
Ji-hovuii, and beonin« be ia the Executive Officer 
Of Jihovah always catling out JeboT'ab'a pur. 
fiose. (ikb. 1 ;3-C) But *nv creature- perfotm- 
ing a ct'reuiony of adoration Or ta'di-jiblfi, in 
which rercicntiaJ honor, praise, or warship is 
given to a roan, to woman or cny image or 
lliing, ia lierL-hy ignoring (lad's commandment 
and i* practicing religion in direct violation of 
iht c-i-.cLmLi:id uf the Hunt High. The netting up 
and urt of iiiELape* of anything, rlaiiniog the 
Bame to 1* a part of the worship of flod, ia 
wronE liecuiiHS in violation of (Joira eotoroajiJ. 
ni'.-nl; "Tlmn sliah not make imt» the* any 
jjraven image, or any likenem of any thing that 
ia in hvaven aljove, or that i* in the oarth be- 
iii'iuh, ni- that in in the water under the earth; 
thou, idialt not how down thyself to thciu, nor 
Ki'j-ve ilwi:i ; for I the Lord thy (rod am a jcnlous 
Ciixi, viMitinR the ioiquily of the father* upon 
tlwi rhili-lrrn unto the third and fourth genera- 
tion of tlicm that h*t» m*."— Kk. 2QA, S. 

Knowing this, the Devil shortly after the 
flood act forward Nimrod a* one before, abov» 


Piamtig't Exhibit S 

and in tbo piaco and stead cf } tbovah Clod tn be 
worabiped by the people. Kiiarod wm a mighty 
busier and ideyer of aaiinabi and men and al- 
ttnyt did mi ij. violation of Ood'a tverbuting 
covi-nanl. In wonsbiping: Nimrod tbe people en- 
tirely forgot the Creator, Jehovah God. Nim- 
rod wa» the bi^iininjj of organiied religion. 
The people wero indyepl lo worship Nimrod 
while be lived *md all* after bit death. He was 
tnade n " J j;od" or tnigibty oiw, whom the Devil 
indietd the people ht womhip, ^Qen, lO^-lfl 1 ) 
The Devil ensnared the people of ::i:my nr.l^p.s 
hy leading tbetn ta wornhip the varioua wicker! 
tpirits colled "godt" or niighty once, TWijdon 
»■«* thus uaeil at a trap to ensnare tbe people of 
all nation*, f^injj tbereftflcr Rod chose lamel, 
tin descendants of "hi* friend" Abraham, at 
bis people and made, a covenant with them and 
led them out of Egypt and started them on 
their way to tbe promised land. Thereafter ho 
used that people lo make pictures foreshadow- 
ing thiuga that would come to pass in the end 
of ihe world. To safeguard the .'ht.c-; ; 1 .:■■-■ from 
the Devil religion, and to thus enable them to 
raenpe tbe snares of reliaion, fl-nd gnvo lite 
Inrncliles srwcilic comnuindment coneerninK re-* 
licinn or the worship of g™ln, spirits, «r bamae 
miEhty ones. Note the upccifie cnrnjnandntent 
nf Jehovah warning the people tjrainct sVch 
.snares : "Thau shall not bow down to- their 
p;*]n, nor serve [hem, nor do after their works; 
hat than shall utterly overthrow them, and quite 
break dawn their images. And ye shall serve 
the Lord your Qod, and he shall bless tby hread, 
and tby water ; and I will taka socknea* away 


Plaintiff' i Exhibit 5 

froia Hi* midst of the*.*' "Thcv sha!'. n»t 
dwell in thy land, lest they make Hire sia 
against roej far if thou servo their pods, it will 
surely be it j uare trnfo thee." — Ex. 23:21, 53, 33- 
* The people that inhabited Canaan ami th* 
countries round about practiced the Devil re- 
ligion, Tl.une included the Amoritcs, Om Ca- 
maaniloa. Hi* Hittitea, the Periizilcti and the 
JebOJOtrs. Id making a covenant with the peo- 
ple n r Isrnrl And KSi™fi tliem ™nung against 
rclipion, God mid I* tliMSU "Behold, 1 make a 
covenant; before all thy people 1 will do m«r- 
rdu. such as hove not Wo done in all the earth, 
nor in any nation ; and nil the people ouvona; 
which thou nrt slui.ll see the wort of the Lord; 
for it is a terrible thintf tliat I will do with Iheo, 
Ohnnt thou thnt which I command thee this 
day; bchnld, I drive onfMolfilhce the Amorite, 
and the Camanite, and the Hiltite, And the 
PrriHitr, ami the Hiviie, and the Jfhnsite, 
Tnke hoed lo thyself, IM thou, make n covenant 
with 1lie inhabitants of the land whither thou 
^nf-jil, il t>&. far a snart in rh# ntiAtt of thee; 
but ye shall de*hroy their altars, lirrn.'!f their 
iinaprt!, and Cut dftwn their groves; for then 
Bhnlt worship no other Jrod; for the Lord, whnin> 
name in Jealous,, is u icalom God; lest thon. 
itipliE A. covenant with lb* inhabitants of the 
land, and thr T g* a whoring eftftr tne ' r K™ 1 *- 
and do sacrifice Imto Ihtir grids, and one tail 
11im>, and thou ent of his sacrifice," (Ex. 34j1Q. 
IS] tlod tlma gave hi* law to hi* people to *ftf*- 
Kuftrrl them from religion. Hie mire of the 
Deril. in order that they mifflit be as a peftpl* 
ready to rtofciTt Christ when he came. 


Ptaintiff't Exhibit i 

T EdJacrt ly btFop) nfii[-.biiig the pfenning] [rand 
Jehovah caused 11(cm'm tu doliwr to the Israel- 
ites ills eanuiiajLibiieat concerning tlieir proper 
conduct, and in this He specifically pointed oat 
religion at a snare, of the wicked one into which 
line Israelites were liable to fall and which they 
mutt he diligent to shun: "And thou (halt con- 
sume al) the people which (he Lord thy God 
ilmll deliver thee; thine eye shall liavo no pity 
npon them: neither shalt Ihou serve tlieir gotta; 
for thnt Kilt bt s snare wnto ;.Vc, If thou sliall 
sny in liiine hcartj TJicsc natinna nre nw>rr than. 
I; lw)«" can 1 di«|>o«BCNS Ihcnil Tho« jduil! *)<>t 
l>c nfrokl of them; but »Wlt »cl! njinfL-nbcr Kfttl 
ill* JiPrJ tlij' (l(nj H.liil unto Pliiirjiult, nikd uoto 
jilj J-lgj'])!," "TA* (jrBPJM iutajta o^ (ftiir jo:f* 
.T?;n- r / .rjc liirrN irif/i /re; jh>jii .Tf.nft ut/i ilr.ilte :Iik 

sjksr or gold that i* on tiwin, nor take it unto 
tlieo, le-if - J/irtH fee jrefl/crf ;ifr*ia,- far ii ii an 
(tti&imnathn to the tcrd Org Gitd." — Dtut, 7;16- 

1 Mere. (!•:«! vfarna npecihcnlly ajniinst the 
Mutirr n( n-li (,-iin) nnd alno npniivpt ttic unnnc of 
(Vm 1 ; "TW« lii'nl t« lliy^elf, thnt tlion be not 
fimrci by fo3h™-injr tlUFH, after that tliey he de- 
■tMyad frnm before thre: and that thon inajnira 
not nfter (heir jrodi 1 , sayrBf, How did na^ 
linna ncrre (heir pndil c^cn *o *'ill I do like 
wiiie. Tiiou !>linlt not dn eo nnln tii* Tjord thy 
fiod ; fnr every ahotnination to the Lord, x»birh 
he liati'tlL, have ihny done nnto tlieir kocU; for 
mi llivjr Ki-ir.H and tlteir dnnglLlcn thry have 
btii-nt In the ftr* l* tlieir poda. Wlut Ihing ao- 
v^er I comnkAnd yon observe lo do it; thon shall 
not add llicreto, nor diminish from it.*'— Dent 


flaimtif't Exhibit i 

■ JubJina succeeded to the place occupied by 
UVtit'S. Both Moses and Joshua were types of 
(■liritl Jenas, and their words delivered to nat- 
ural Urael applied Kjueiflcally as eocnmand- 
joentu fjiven by Jehovah throufrb Christ Jcins 
to those now on rarth who art in a covenant to 
do the will of God. They both *poke tJod's com- 
iiiantltnfintji to tlic people,, warninc; them acainst 
the unarc of relifiioo. Joshua delivered Id the 
peo|iEu nod% ciiiftiinuLdiaedt: "fate good heed 
tb*r*fsr« upiUt jffljunjiil*tg, that ye love the Lord 
your IIhh]," "Kniii fqt a certainty that the 
LopI ytHU God will pu snon* drive out any of 
tlicsB notions from before yoa; b*it ia«jr sfeiU he 
flJHir^^ uitrf Irapi unto jfoH, and atourfles in yonr 
niden, and thofm t» your tyti, until ye perish 
from off this, good Land which lb* Lord your 
(Jail hath piven yon." "When ye have trana- 
flreasfid the {ovenant of the Lord year God, 
v.-hii-|i )n? curiijnzLntlwi you and have gone tnd 
served otltcr gwis, and bowed yonraelves to 
tliem; then shall the ang#r of the Lord be 
kindlod against yon, and yt eltftll perish qniokry 
fTOio off the gnod land which be hath jriven nnt« 
yon." (Josh. S3:1L, 13, L6J By his anfiel Qod 
ilflivi^il fliin farther message to Eh* people, of 
Ijhi-ml'I: "Aod an angel of the Lord, canw Tj.p 
front flJl^n] to Boehim, and said, I mode you In 
Sa up out of Egl'pl, and luive bronpht you into 
the land which I swart onto your fathers-, and 
] said, I will never break ray Mvwoent with yoa. 
And ye ehall mahe no league with the inhabi. 
mota of this land; ye ahull throw down their 
altars; bint ye> have trot obeyed mj voice; why 
hava ye done this! Whertfora I also said, I 

Plaintiff'* Exiihit S 

will not drive them out from before yen; but 
they «'ioll be ae thorns in yonr sides, and their 
juJj .ikaU be a. snare ut\it> ypft" — Jndg, 2:1-^. 

" At the present tiioe and for soma time putt 
men huve been made mighty ones in the eyes of 
the pCo|de. These include the pope, the cardinals. 
and htnhops and others of the Hierarchy; and 
iraftgvn are nsed in coiineetion with tlieir wor- 
ihip) aud while tlie people are induced to beliuva 
tlu.'j- nre worshiping God they give honor and 
prajw and adoration to creatures, in direct vio- 
tatMi of God's law, aad tbae U.i-y praftsae re> 
It^ion, which originated with the Devil and 
Which constitute a sna.r« into Which many 
people are caught, 

11 Although duly runted of the snares which 
the. Devil had l#id for tlicm, the laraeliles for- 
sook tlieir eoTMiaat and: practiced religion, rec- 
ojfniiinjf and Imwing down to the wicked spirits: 
"And they forsook the Lord God or tlieir 
fathers, whii-k brought 1bern out of the land of 
Klfypt, and fiilhwred other gotts, of Uhj gods of 
tint people (lift were round about thera, and 
l».iwed themsekes nnto them, and provoked the 
Lord to anger. An<1 they foreooji the Lord, aod 
served final and AnEdarotli. And the angi>r of 
the Loivl was hot against Israel, mid h« delivered 
thejn into the handH of tpoiltn tl.nt spoiled 
llu'in, and he uphl them into the hands of their 
enemies rn«m-l *!^>ut, so thai they could not any 
longer stand iafore their enemies. 'Whitherao. 
aver they went out, the hand of the Lord was 
against them for evil, as the Lord hae said, and 
aa the Lord had sworn nnto Idem; and thoy were 
greatly distreaaed.™ "And jet they would mjt 


Plaintiff Exhibit S 

hearken unto Jhcir jodffaa, bu.t they went a what, 
iiitf afttr atker ^r«fj, and bowed thcmECivee unto 
them; Ihi'y tgrncd ([uickly out ol the way which 
lln'jr falher* uiilkcd in, oheying tlie cojhi::ilj::I , 
me.uU of ilic Lord; hut they did sot so," (Jiidg, 
2:12-14, It) "And thetj tervei their vlnts; which 
licra a i!i<rre mjtto litem. Tea, they sacrificed 
(hfir sons and their daughter* MBtO devili,"--?'s. 
IOC :3d, 37. 

" When the I,c.rd J«4U« tani* to tlie earth and 
went about prcaclting the trBlh to tho people he 
found thai rirLipioiii had hrei] adopted nnd whs 
!-uinK liractici-l by thnt jjeoplo in tho pSooa and 
■lend rd ||jc true worsliip of Atmighty God. The 
1'hariuL-ea or otlier teachcni ■wlit) led in tho prHO- 
titB or religion made tlie eJaim thai tinny were 
siorTrinjj tJod, even at the Puptwy makes (hnt 
eUim loitay, but JtaUs toOd them that they drew 
ne*r to Cod Kiith tlieir mouths only, but tlieir 
limit devotion wna not In Him and therefore 
they were serving the .Devil and Lid ln'corne th* 
children of tli* IX^-tl.— TAv.lL 15-l-9j John o:42- 

"Srnsl of Taran* wnj a Phftriitea and a pnC' 
tiiioner of religion, which rclision originated 
witli .So ton and was snpported by the traditions 
of itie» nntl latiglit lij~ them, yet the c'aira was 
made thnt tut-\i vma the worship of Aiinii^lity 
Cod. (flal. 1:10-14) The I^rd revealed to SmiI 
Hie tridh concerning himself and opened Saul's 
understanding, and he immediately thereafier 
uhcmihined rfiiginn and wnrBiiiped (7od in &|iirLl 
and in tmth Thereafter he wis known as Pad, 
the apostle to Jesus Christ, and henceforth 
served God aod Christ, proving hi* faithfulacs* 


PtoaUif't Exhibit 6 

sued ihiv L.Linn (o (lie Lord to Ilia end. (Acts 9:1- 
X); 36:1-21; 2 Tiro, 4A3) ciaui was n itaJonS 
Tharisec tad persecutor of Clinstiana aod was 
eauglit in the religiouy snare of the DeriJ. ISe- 
caute of his honesty of heart Use Lord delivered 
him from that snjir* of mlijjiMU aod mado him 
tiie true son'Sjit of Chi"int J«ua, The forc^oiujr 
scripture* prove beyond any (jueation of duuhl 
that religion ia a snare of the Devil; and when 
religion is procticed in lb« luiine of God and 
Christ it is even a greater ineana of decoptioa 
ind if an aLoininalion in tlie si^ht oF God be. 
causa it is fraudulent and hy pop ritical and 
aulilly tiims tho j>cupte away from Johovah, 

" Let it in: aMsiamjd that tlta i'opal clrarch eya- 
tem wa» orj(aji!i*d OrieiDally hy sincere men. 
Karty in tLe eiiiitiMia; t|n.:r-e<if Gjk teachinj; of 
men was substituted for (lie truo worzhip of 
Almighty Gdd, From then till now images have 
been employed in connection with the reiigiou* 
practices of the l^lpnL ryatcin. In that church 
uytjtLii: men ore honored and praised, and to such 
n:c-n other* how down, laia^ej are toied and 
prayeri are jncale to f n-a1 y en, CLiacrary tofiod'i 
^t'ord. tireat reverence and devotion an shown 
to creatures. Trie Pupal religion is clearly and 
openly a violation of God's, law. It is proved to 
be On* of the most subtle *nfl,re*,of tht Devil 
Millions of sincere persons have been caught in 
that snare, nnd tho result is that Bullions of 
pei-ioaa tgnorantly worship creatures and 
Ullage*, io defiance of God's law. Religion has 
become u political oigar.itatif.n, carried on in 
the name of God, and by reJigion lbs men who 
practic* it are enabled to earrj on tha worst 


Pkimiif'i SxJ&H f 

racket known, amongst men. It ii not it ail 
neeoaaory to find tliat ail ■who We prattisiss; 
religion are dih-ioaeit, Oa the contrary, many 
sincere peiiflin ) been eaajht in lie '»"( of 
religion, even. i» Paul was ensnared. Many in 
tlie victims of the religion* racket, and thtsa 
are repeatedly robbed of thei* mateiriiJ «ttbatfrD«4 
by flic false claim* of religiouji leader* who take, 
tlteir 10011?/ upon tho pretext that tbBy are get- 
ting for the. people favors with (lod. 

11 In. ;!.i,- present day Ood ha? revealed to the 
bouiwt seeker nfhtr truth that rtlictan i* i amire 
nf Hit Devil, and one who lii--i received KKi 
kr-uwJedge from (be I^rd ho* laid upon him the 
obligation to toil others about th*; autre in oifier 

<0 aiiJ 0(hcrs in gjiininjra knpwledjST of tile Ifulb, 
that Ibty nifty flee frosri religion and find ilja 
truo -*ny Jo |jf«. There-fore- Jehovah's wiLneeics 
and On; if "tonsjiajiiond" proclaim, to the people 
the Ward of flud, that "religion, is a snare and 
h nulii'L" TJil« i* done sot for ihe purpose of 
liuldinjj up creatures Id ridicule but fur lh* Jjur- 
puie af aiding honest and Kinecre jj^tsuiim. in ed- 
e4|ie fri.uu these snares o( the Devil ftnd to learn 
what it means to worship God in spirit and in 
truth, and t" had tbe way to life, Tim s»unding 
of the mcs*ogo of truth today in a warning to ill* 
people, mid audi warning- should be sounded with 
firmness nnd yet with kindness,, bceuujw fhid has 
commanded such warning to be given. The pur- 
pose in not fo offend anyone, but to aid sincere 
pernor™ to see the danger into which they have 
fallen and the only menu of c*t*p«. It is now 
fpitnl iv W- caught in and remain in tlie religious 
mare. At the tajub lime then Art other ipare» 


FiniMig 'i Exiibii S 

laid by the Devil and which are cioaely allied to 
religion, bid into tiiorna annrea many ara caught 
and held and which Litad lo their deutiLiotivQ. 
Attenlusn i| here called to ionic of them marej. 

" It li writtea ia the Word af a«d ; "The fear 
of man brinjjeth a liaatfe." {Pruv. 29JS) 1'iiijj 
text, of cani-it, iticajiu that h> liive « iln-iul qi 
fear of mcii t**d* Lata n «nftrv; hut Ihe ftar tliat 
roeo may ih> one Hn irijiiry i« nit tba only ftar 
included in thin, 1yit. Tliv fcord M f«j(ir M has & 
mtuh hroiulei' mixming than (Htrdy to antitipulc 
that you ibaut tij rw^ive (MM I'liyniuiL in- 
jui>'l The ward here uncii ufflAi "to trf-iMc", 
incana "infitinif reverential fttiarntiun toward 
o!litr»"; hence it ia »ecn that fi-ar id not limited 
to Jiril:i:i[mU'i| bodily injury. It alum Jitean* Hie 
f«*|- tliAl «nc may not have the o.[hpruvel of nii'ii 
Of Hftttaa tin." jitumJilt of men. One who id 
atiiiuiLn to m'wivo tliu apjiroval ot men ia tlit-rx'- 
fur* lh« vi«(bit of ftur, To drcait lo bo duaiK 
proved by sum even (ar doinjr stta'pi duly ia fear 
thai lead* into tbc Devil's. Knar*. If one ia enm- 
Diunded or eunuaikaioned by the AlMJ^bty iiwl 
to do ibiri pt-rfcu'oi is. ^r-rtoia thine; and then OiU 
Of refused to t*.rty out tha[ eaiiiiiiinsion. bocausc 
of k-mt that tli* performance I hereof ni>uld call 
down upon himsdf the disapproval of other*, 
tlicn he ia thereby led into the enure of the DeviL 
Oftan one ia hoard (o fay: "If I go into the 
wiLuesa service, going from house to house and 
apeai:inj4 the gospel mee^age, what will the ]:*c[tli 
tiiinh of niel It id Hie fear of men tliat leads 
one to diieii eoncluiion, that ia, fear that human 


Plaimlif't £riiibit s 

urcaiurta will sot thini well of the one vIlo goca 
ijm, tiad'a lici'vice. God CDimiiends his covenant 
Im-jujiIl to bound tbe doom of religion and 1 tic 
warning to the Deopla of the mean* of eecapc, 
Ujiu viio ha a niiido a covenant (u do Use will of 
Hod, ami who then refrains from Bounding tlic 
tiic^.-iu^L of Jeiiovali against religion because: lie 
feajni to jeceive the reproach of otiic'rj for no 
duing, i-i Lhei«hy led into Hatan'a snare. One 
who rufudea to tall the truth of Uod s Word by 
aijiiuuuebj; thut ieiigion i* a B.tisre and a raekct 
tlKJcby I'L'fiiHCB to Ejicah the truth of and con- 
cerning tho iioiiian Catholic Hierarchy na set 
foilli in the Scriptureo. Or if he refuiCB lo 
■|wak (he truth concerning other religious prn-c- 
UoA, or if he puta on the soft podal concerning 
rcligiuik and data 00 because of a desire to escape- 
udvifrsu criticimn of Hicn, *uth jjcraop is tins vie. 
tiui of fear and Lb t hereby caught in tlie mate of 
the Devil 

11 Thu great issue ia God's kingdom, the The- 
ocracy by Christ Jeans, against Satan's organi- 
zation. All of Clod's covenant jwople are com- 
manded to proaLahn tbe kingdom message as his 
w line ■.:■?*, and jiiiyijna of such, covenant people 
v. :i:: fails Qi jiifusist to proclaim ti'at nies^ji|je 
against Sut^n's ^rganiinlio-n and in favor of the 
ThtDiLTicj at commanded, end tc fail* or refuses 
Ikxullkc of fear of receiving adverse eritioism of 
men, i* lltarebj led straightway into lire Devil's 
son re, TSte prafesood Chris! ian who deiires Hotd 
i-i-chd a]i|:roi:al of men cannot be faithful to 
Jehovah Jind to hii Kiiier. The man who desires 
ti» se highly ih^U^ht of anioucpil nien, and re- 
fiifcrtji from bold sftrviea to the Lord for that 

Plaintiff'* Zxkibit S 

reason, is ensnared hy the DeviL Wlien Paul 

received thu trutlt and became the aposlie of 
Jesus ULirist he no longer aoiight the approval 
of men, hut pi utlnimed the kingdom gvupe! in 
Rjiile of all erilicisiti and persecution that were 
henped upon him. As the apontlc of the ].:>-il 
1'aul utiHc ; " Do 1 neck tn jjIciwi; Jiw:n I far if 
1 yet pleased men, I aliouhl net lie tlie atrvmf 
ci f Chlirt.''' (Linl. L : I U j It van because of bin 
ti;.:l(ljii'.-,n and fai tlifuUw* lo (iroaching the e;ust*l 
tonccmiiig Jthnvah and hi* Kinjf and Kintdntn 
tliui he not only was ri'[>roa<'hod but Buffered all 
i.Linr.iT 1 if enitl pcnMCOtton at the hands of men. 
.In Hi is lie rtjuiccd, lutcnae, au he pointed out t 
Kin-li nil 3ime*»ary fi> prove faithfulnens under 
jH-rsec id inji in order to leave a part with Christ 
Jesus in liih kinKiJoiJi. — Coh 1:2-1- 

" The man viho elutiiies lo havij eonawiratcd 
hiiiiself to Ucul and who then itccbi* to ha what 
t% ge-nerally called "a good fellow" torioapit 
otlu.-Ts, and craven tbe favor of men, proves hini- 
nelf the-rehy lo be a inan-ptcasCr, which i» an 
iiluiiiiineiliiiii in Ihe sight of (iad. (Eph. 6;li; Col. 
J! .22) If 11 mail claims to he consecrated to God 
and is a lawyer and appears in court as counnel 
fur ajiutlior consecrated person, and then con- 
ducts liimsvif and the esse on trial in such a 
tnannor that he might receive the ajiproval of 
Othcl men in the court, such lawyer is i snaa. 
plcaser ami ]irov« his an fai) hf ulnexs lo 0»d and 
|a the kiugdom. The treatment of one of God'* 
children is I he treatment of tits Lord Je»a» 
Christ, jib JoH* hituielf declares: "Then (bill 
ho answer tlwin, Kaying, Verily I soy uulo you. 
Inasmuch aa ye did it not to one of tlie least of 


Ptoialiff'i Exhibit S 

theat, >"i- did it not to me." (ilall. i^-.ii) One 
who fulls or refuses to look well to and defend 
the Merest e>f a Christian, and does so in order 
that be might appear as a e,ood fellow in the eyea 
of other nidi, is fhei-cfori; Ui* eoemy of Christ, 
What trod resjuireit of bis servaoht is to be wholly 
devoted to l;:o ojii] his kiagdoro. There can bo 
bo proper cOQraa of compnintiu with any part 
of Satan's organization. To receive the lord's 
approval one rnuot b* wjiolly s.nd entirely for 
the Lord- r'ear of leceiving the disapproval of 
men is due lo atlf pjide, which is rdso fear, and 
which leads into baton's snare and enda in 
diMHruc-tic-J}. h< friite pai^th hefore deairuction, 
mid on IwstgHy Jjjiii-il m falL lie tier it 
is to be of *n hotahlo [obedient J spirit with the 
lowly [(lie follower* of Christ], than to divido 
the sptsil [hofior] with tho proud.' 1 — Prov. 
16:18, 19, 

" Those vho- prselice rebffioo. seek the ap- 
proval of others and thua at;enipt lo make others 
believe that they are escrcdmjjiy of good char- 
neltf, and this tlaey do because o' fear, that ia 
to say, fear that others may not think no well 
of tlieifi- In (his they foil to be ebtditnl to 
find's co:m:ui:i<L:nt'ii[ and are led into a snore. 
Uecause of his iiiiperfeetjon no one euu d«*tlop 
himself to perfeelion tliat (lod would approve 
him, but he can kee-p bis heart perfect and his 
duration wholly to Ood, and awh Lt required in 
order lo receive Ood 'a approval. 

•" lteverencc exhibited toward men, auvh at 
that shovrn lownrd (he pope and other (jififiuls 
of the Hierarchy, is induced by fear and lead* 
into the Devil's snare. The acifing or hailing 


Plaintiff 't Exhibit S 

uf men and praising men. ia induced by fear of 
11.11:1, Ij .:i|, uLiitiiinatiou in tlie sight of God, and 
lead* info the Enare of tlie Devil and ends in 
destruction of uuch fearful ones. 

** Within tlie meaning of tlie Scriplnrea, the 
word "fnni'unl" latins "being psrvene*', and 

therefore Jneons tliat ana is disobedient to tied'* 
nnpointvd way, not willing lo obey iui metiuas 
from tlie l.nrd, bol -s aoe whp seeks the approval 
of men and becomes a mumiurer and cumntainer 
against liod's organiialion. The iudispntahle 
fiujis iuive shown anj do ahow tliat there have 
::i-i-n lanny ;i!ti:t:o v.!ii:i r^in: ta be ia a covenant 
ta do the will uf fJod, and who not only have 
thaws Iheir uiiwill In jjuess tn he obedient to <Jim1 , m 
commandments but have caused division* 
ami mot (ind'a people by evil speaking and by 
speaking against tlie manner and meana through 
which Uod carries on his kingdom work. Conn 
corning such it is written: "Thoms and snares 
are in tlie uny of the f toward ; lie that dolfi keep 
hi* soul .-hall be far from them." — Krov. '£2:5. 

"Thus it is seen that the disobedient one, the 
lourmurer and eninplainer, ia ted straightway 
into the trap of the Devil and becomes tbe enemy 
af (iod's kingdom. Moses prophetically wrote 
concerning such aa vowed to do Uod 1 * will and 
llien took a perverse course: "And he said, I 
will hide my fact from tiiem, 1 will see what their 
end uliall l>c ; for (hey are a very froward genera* 
tion, children in whom is no faitlL They have 
moved ine lo jealousy with that wludi is not Ood; 
they hum provoked In* to anger with their rani- 


t---n.ii-:: 's Lztni>il s 

tun; and I w-i[| move tTicm to jealousy with those 
which ure nut a ]ienj4c; 1 will prevuLe thtm to 
on^cr wilh a foolish nnlion." — l>tut £i:2ti, 21. 

" Krimi time tn time there urn h»iiic who claim 
lu Ik Cu4'k nOn/AH-l*, lib d whn hecailM of fvnr of 
ri..viviii^ Um! d:nii;:.r>r0VL] of men. have become 
ufftutdu], (ben murmur and rajwptoin, and willi- 
(tr-M-*' /h>ui Owl'* organization an J his service 
di-'l mum tv worldly vvco I, ions, In order to 
find ail excuse- or jus-tifieulion for such action 
nidi [Knom indulge in perverse e-po-ldL ooocen- 
iiij,' Slit J^ird'a organisation on tarlh and murmur 
and complain nud tpeak wu-kedly against tho*»e 
who arc endeavoring to aerve the l.ord. Such 
ii a frtiword or perverse person within Ihe menu- 
iup iii (Lig Sc riptures, and consuming such lit is 
written; "likeiriaa also these liltiiv dreamers 
deTdc tlit ileali, dtipi&e dominion, and apeak evd 
uf dignities, ltut these apeak evil of those tilings 
which they know nat; but what they know notur- 
nlly, m brate bca&Ea, in Hios-c tlungs they corrupt 
thdWilvei*'* — dude S and 10. 

" HuiJi perverse person;, seek a pcrsenftl re- 
wind ur gain by posing in tin* prc*tnre nf nlhera, 
liepiriu to lit classed as approved critics »f flml'ii 
orpmizAl ion hy reason of their feigned gQOd&rH, 
hoi fir* hypocritical; and conecm-i-ni; suih Jud* 
further »ay*: ""Woe unto tlicm! for they have 
gone in Om way af Cain, and ran greedily efle-t 1 
;Im- error of Balton. for reward, ond perished 
in tlie gninsuyine; of Core. These are sputs in 
your feasts of charity, when tliey frail with you, 
feeding, themselves willful fear [ of God); -clouds 
they are without \-akr, carried about of winds; 
tree* whose Fruit wiLherstiL, wiHieal fruit, twice 


Plaintiff 't Exhibit S 

JaiiJ, |ilurln'i| up hy tin? rootu. I'tiaae ar* miir. 
inurem, eiuupluilHrK, n'nltinj; nfter tlieir own 
1 untii; And il.i'ir raniijli *pvokc!li gTial E^clling 
^'ordrt r having iiLvnV ^K'jvriiiH in nd miration bc- 
cauui of jKivaritojjf." — Judo If, 12, 1G, 

"Tilt IftnjnH! (i T t!i* «vil apf-Altcr luKOntt! ft 
EJULI-Hi, I.? wtlMl Kji:iin [AkKH Aih'Ahtaifj' la entrap 
i tin onn u'Iid rlnmifl tci Ihr d^vrttcnl In [lie J.d^I 
Am] vtha indulj;(*s in evil K[Hi>r!i: N A fiH>t h v inualli 
in liiii [Lp.<lrnr-I ion, anij hi* Lijjm Are (lie 11111™ uT 

Li i H drtid," (Prnv, ]S;7) Kuril ]M'ri«in& liflftO ta 
make llii-niselveif (if pr ,M >d H'[Mj(ji(i*A anions Mi-a 
hy : v i!:i-h - IbKUSin^ find's orgvAhltAtino Anrl liiu 
Kervn iLIji, and, tliu* ini3id|^in|^ in JisIm 1 and *lil 
MiK-i'eLi, llicy Innl (liriiiM'SveK i L n^nari^3 in Kaluli 1 )! 
Iran. One vl»>\n tiie fjrnl f/nnrji Vitlh a Tilarc 
in liis (nvJinixnliiin, anil ivliiidi Twrrun iKTiijil''* 
a [kmLILu:! [lii'rrin of n^nnileiieh InnRirdi liii 
arttun isjil ii m mid Iihh in i-liari.'e trmfinVntinl mat' 
far*, Ami wli'i ilicm nHnJiults tln> Drpfiiiii'jUirin wnli 
Talni: and i^vil wrrnln, n-lmwn liimu-lf t» luive iiwii 
fimimrinl liy I lie wicked one. Ife di«clnwB thnt 
Ii* linn icnon>d Odd'* nord and Sum tnH'n led liy 
hat tlmt lit will not rernive Hie appmval uf 
ntliem nnlew lie fnllnwn I He course of e%'il speak- 
inK. SnHi n fmT*cm hIiouk Hint lie haft m> fear of 
flod, Lilt Hint lie does f«T wen, devirinp tlieir 
ap[irtmil, Ho liliewisf uliown tlmt if lie ever had 
a virion eif tin? ICinpdoni Jw Im* entirely lost aucb. 
KiiMS. Having ninee *taft"l (ft NTBB tlie tiriir. 
do-iii, nnle^ 1hat on^ 1m* w viaicui of tlit Theo- 
eralic Fn.verjmienl end fbta wlioEly and coEn- 
pIctcK' demote* liiBnicLf to and endearon to 


PiairUig't Exhibit 3 

promote llie inlerent of tlie Tli***riity, li* is *er- 
lain to Ik eninnred by I he Devil. Reinj* tliuti in- 
liaeoTa ae indulgea in evil upcreli HKiiinut (lyd'a 
ftnuAnitaiinri, allowing liis offense AHpninut tin 
Ij/ini, Wliiit y: llie rcault of sueliT Jesus pn- 
*wctk; "Tlie Sim t>! man shall send forth hi* 
arijrelis and tlivV f^iaU j»atlier out ttt hi* kin^dofB 
all tliingi lliAt o(T«ad, and them whieli do in- 
ii|iiilj r ," tMalt 13^1) Tlie facta show tlmt 
nucb ]ien«ipiii jfrnemlly n-ium. to tlie religion! 
ortrimimlion mnl indulge tlnireafler in reliKi»u* 
prnetiee* liy iramiq nf lieing completely in tlit 
*nare at (he cflnfiaiy- 

uniioMi Essntmn 

™ Tlmre ara nnmeroni en*ne« wfiieli the .Devil 
luiit tut for men, but without * il»ul>t it in the 
rcli^'inn Knare liinl iias taucht tlte ureii1i L st num. 
l»r. l'Vnr has led almost all of (he pcojilK intft 
that snare, who pave thus. h**n caught in lli* 
erjraniiationst Millionj) have allied thenmclven 
•u'itH relijrioui orgnni'iiitiHins, btirig indnced to 
lndii:ve that they are Iherefiy K*rvinp the I^rd 
f«r iielf-prolcclion. Conctrninfi such it in writ- 
ten ia Hi* Word of God: "Wherefore the t^i'i 
unid, Forasmuch ss thW l^ftrila draw nesiT ieo 
witli tlieir mouth, ami with their lip" do honour- 
me, riul have rcmorepl theif heart far from me, 
nod their fear toward me in taupht by lh« pni- 
it'jit nf men." (Isa. 2fl;13) Thus it is shown 
Hint Iheir fear ia due to the tmehings of men. 
Tlial is CKAftly the condition of l»e«y religionists 
tixhjy; nnd the leaden in these relifiions or^uii- 
inlions having proved their nnfuithfuLneas to 
God and to iheir covenant, Jehovah- lh«A * fln > 


Ptei*iig'$ Exhibit i 

mitK his "atrange work'' to his hoinhle and obe- 
dient nerval - -'* lka tlie earth, and hi'noe he uses 
them 'In do a wanderfsd n'ork', (!»*-, 29il+} 
Such privilege t» denied religionisls. 

" Today the f**r of roeo controU ehnust all 
who are ■ part of or under Satan '» orjjariiiation. 
Tli* entire world 1* "jittery"- The people of 
the world fear whnt men may do to th*m *ltd 
what others may think of them, but they do hot 
fenr Ood, and are h^Afc against him end hi* 
kingdom. The Ijenl Jeaui pointed out tpe. 
cifkilly that this condition would exist at the. 
end of the world, and all the faeta prove that 
thnt ptophcey is in. course of folflllmeiit. (Luke 
21 :2ft) And fa'li&t it the end of aneh fearful onesl 
The answer in fftund in the S^ri^ture*, and the 
following ere eonie of the ic*ls: "I have laid 
a snare fur thee, and thou art also taken, O 
llabylon, and thou want not awiire ; tlion art 
found, and uIeo eaUfiit, because tiion li*«t el riven 
ipAiitoit the Ixird. The I^rd luith oinmed his 
drmonrv, and halh htought forth the weapons: 
of his indications fnr this is the work «r Ihe 
Lnrd 0<>d of host* in tlie T*nd of the Chatdcpnn," 
(Jcr. WS*. 2o) "Feet, audi the pii, unnl the 
snare, *|i*H h« upon thw, inhabitant of Itnah, 
■eilh tin- l^orft. Ho lhat fieeth from (he 
shell f*H irrln the pit; and he lhat gettcth up out 
of the ftit shnll be lakea in the *nnre; for I will 
hrinx a|x>n iti even wpoa Moab, tin year of tlieir 
viHitolion, unith the T-ord." (Jer. i$-*3, +t) 
"fear, and the pit, and the snare, are upon tlie*. 
inhabitant of the earth- And it shall oOm* to 
pasa, that he who fleetb from the noise of trie 
fi-nr shall fall into the pit and he that cometb 


PiaintiJ's Exhibit S 

up ont fi\ the miilst of Ihe pit shall bo laken in 
the snare; fnr the windows from on hi;/li Are 
open, and 1iic fi-iundations of tlie earth do sh.-'.r." 
—Ua. 24; 17, 18. 

" The 1 1 nffedly and tlse wicked do not fenr 

JrhOvfih, hat thev drt feflr inOli. "TSierft i.i 1..I 

fpftr of Ood Wfore their eye*." (UmiL 3:t3) 
"Hut it jSinll not iia wi>ll viilfi 1h« wifked, neitlier 
shall he prolong hia dAys, which nre ah a slmdoiv;»e lie nraftth not Imfore flod. '*— fe-r I. S:1S. 

* But what nf those *h<i lav* nmde a covenant 
to do tire will of flod and! who henuiAp of for nf 
crrotarts fail or frfojse to anrvc find faithfollTl 

10 Rnppnpe one t-bimF to W in e fOTHmut (o <1a 
the wtLL of flod and lion then eonunfltnCi In hiia 
sendee of a confldentsnl nntnre in Om]V orgnni- 
tjitinn and wihirh eonfnlmtinl rT-litlmirtip l - ! - 
(Kvnpies and aerneiv in for a time, nnd nppoae 
Hiirh jjerw-.n middenly cnneeiveii 1 li n idi>s thitt lie 
tn?i*t fn'rjiake the- sorviee of firdV nrpiniintirt-n 
nnd 'relurn tn worldly rmnniitu, and in d«in^ xt\ 
he i" moved Ifcy mmip nclfiHll Tf>APon. Plirh n* fenr - 
cif whrit nien mihThl Ihlnk of hiin, that is, t/lini 
hiii repii(A!inn mijrhl hu Ainonirst men if hr enn- 
Hrtum in his nnsition of sen-ice with -God's 
cirpAii iiui I ion, or iiomu^B b* dor-s net like And 
n.|inriiic s.™ieone else in the Lflrd'ft orgoniKAlinn. 
Ah An eKeimr for returning te M'ni-ldly pnisinits 
he then write* And fdr>s wilh the So> - ie1y a p-iper 
in which lie innies many neeOMilinna ARninnt 
othrrii who ore *ervtng in. Ood's orjpiniLation. 
]>eNiring to Via-tb the approval of ftl'hf-r men as 
to Iilh rourHe nf action in leavinS Ond's nrenni.. 
nation, hp nntifleH men in advance of Ids retain 
to. worldly puraoil* and that he intend* to do 10 

PtaintifM Exhib\i s 

hfcsnee nf hi* disap]imvnl of tire Shirty 's 
nietlnn)^ of corrvins on the Lord's wort and of 
hia disaiiprovol - of certain aervnnts of t].t Bo- 
eieiy. \Vhnt is hi* pyaition wilh the bard I 
(Horn. 14:4) The Moving cfinsa for etMsh action 
la a failure to fear Cod and having a fear of 
men, that is to nay, fearing lhat he will not 
receive man's approval, Such a course of action 
aliOWH a lark of love for And and hence a failure 
tn fi*rf«t love and praelice perfect love. "Tlicra 
in no frar fof men or ilevils] in love-; but |*rfMt 
lovo [of Jehovah and his kingdoinl i-aidi-th out 
fear; he<'aufle fear hath torment. 11* Ihnt fcjrPth 
tmen] is oot made perfect in love."— I Jolm 

"One who lias "pat hi* hand to thn plow", 
tliat i^, Iias andnrtikea to servo tint] and Ilia 
jii-iiplv of Idh orKftnixJit-ion, and WlM thw lisrrbi 
hui'k t'i woildl;- pursiiil.H, shows a fidlot-e to fenr 
(Ind; and of i-m-h tlie Lr.rd J«M» upeaks; "And 
,Ti-.hiui naid upl»» him, No num., hai-iag put hia 
hand to die plough, and kwking back, is fil fur 
Ihi- kingdoni of (1 ml "—Luke ":fi2_ 

" It iri not fur man to jrtdfit, oh* the judpaenl 
oT the Lord has been written and it is Man's doty 
v. h<i K..'r.'M the Lord to cull alien tion to the Name, 
in order lhat others nuir lw wAnied of the iftsne* 
and pitbull in the way of Ih*«* who arc tK * 
rove mi nl to do CihI'» will- In Ihe following teit 
it i* Hhouii by the Lord Jems that the ffiarful 
and unlielieving and nhominftlde are *H m 
ttt HMif da»H, and other 1e*t» of the Bihlfi 
show that the fenr Tn! are who fear Ihey 
will not receive tlie upprtval of men, and (on- 
coming iBeh the I^ird Je*aa say*: "Bot'th* 




Ptaintif't Exhibit i 

fearful, sr.d unbelieving, iral tJtt ■huinJjjuUe, 
and murderers, and whoremongcra, and sor* 
cetera, and idolaters, and nil liars, shnl] have 
their pnrt in (ht lake which bumcth willi (ire 
and brimstone; which ia the second dcnih. " 
(iiev. 21 ;S) One who 1l±l» & vision of tta king- 
dom now, and who love* th* King, fears God, 
and thus continuing to fear God he will never 
turn back to the world 


"How eon * nson escape, the snares of the 
Devil T "l'lis fear of n?na bringelh a snare; 
but whoso putteth his truth in the Lord Jdiall ha 
jib ft." (Prov. 29:25) Thus it ii shown that oae'a 
only wifely in la put Ida tenet wholly in Ihe 
Lord. Fear of rnan leads into the Devil 'a snare 
and into destruction. rT«I <>f God is the wnjf 
of escape from the Devil'* snort and leads to 
lift, On* who undertake* to eerve. Ood must 
love him, which means lo He unselfishly is- 
votwl 1* God and hi his serric*. That man 
Who luta unselfishly devoted himself to God 'a 
serviee is pursuing a wi*e enumi; "The fear 
af (he l^nrd ia the. beginning of a/isdonn and 
the knowledge of the holy i» Understanding-," 
(I'rov, S:)0) Otherwise stated, (be man does 
mil begin lo be wise- until he fenrs fiod. He 
begins to see fluid to appreciate the rtlatiotnship 
of iniiTi to Jehovah the Creator. Ha learns (but 
Ood ia the fountain of life, (Pa. &o":»> Only 
those who fear Ood can receive the blessings 
of tli* fountain of life, "I* the fear of the 
l*ord in strong confidence; and Ilia children shall 
have a place of refuge. The (car of Lhn Lord is 

Phintiff'i Exhibit $ 

a fountain of life, to de;mrt frota the snares of 
death,*'— 1'rov, 14:30, 27. 

11 The wan who fears Uod does not give heed 
to what other men may aay about him. The 
wise itian ia one tuncorncd aLEu^olLer about whst 
God may think of kun. lie *ra.v*a the approval 
of God became he LiLDWi that he muat nave 
God's approval before lie can obtain life. To 
have the disapproval of Jehovah God means de 
structieji, A* the fear of God ia tlie beginning of 
witdttti on the part of man, it followa tliat 
man must *WI thereafter enhtinue to tear God 
and pdrtietilarly to fear that he might not re- 
ceive God's approval. The only means, there, 
furt, of escaping the snare of th* Devil ia the 
fear of Ood and I* have no fear vcliatisaever of 
man. Tha approval of man by tbe Lord God 
moans everything. Jehovah therefore said to 
his typical covenant people, and hi* word* with 
far greater force bow apply to bis covenant 
people on earth, to wit: "Sanctify the Lord of 
hosts himself; and let him be your fear, and 
let him lie your dread, And he shall be for a 
eoncluarv," — Isa, 6:13, 14. 

"Tliat sanctuary ia the holy pliWe and th* 
pJnco of safety from the sjian-n of the wieked 
nno. Fur o Christian (n manifest fear of man, 
fven tfca f™r that he would not revive Lie ap 
prjjvnl of man, i* nn nppn BTd dirmt iniult to 
Jehovnh Ood, awt God permits him that t* b* 
ieil info tike Devil's enure. 

"This ii the day of evil, tl» time of wielnnl- 
nes*, nnd in? fculness lias gnne to seed. It is the 
thru? of peril. For n Christian to have fear of 
man inean* lark, of faith in God. Therefor* 

Plaintiff 'a Exhibit t 

sayi tha Lord: "Let [ Jehovah] be your fear, 
and let him he your dread" He is the Ood of 
(Kittle, and hi' will destroy the enemy, and all 
u'bo ally thetnuelvea with the enemy will suffer 
destruction. The rclorc the Chriatiaa at all times 
travo» the approval of Almighty God and fear* 
tliat he might come short of that ajiftrov*]. 
"Lot us therefore fear, lest, a promise being h-- 
u* of entering into his rest, any of yon should 
■eem lo eorne fthyrt of LL"— Heb. 4:1. 

M The Chrislian must devnlo himself wholly 
In (i'M\'n. Mrtice 'i"il emri[hlelely tmst the Host 
Hi|;l', For a nirixliuii In fear that he might 
nn" itiivr (he niiiiruval nf ulhfrt is certain to 
result in bin ;li.-i:|i|iri'vji! hy the Lord God, Hie 
1Vnr of fiod in (he In-pinning of windom, and if 
he ennlinurs In be wie* be will continue bo fesr 
.Tnbnvnli and finrlk.iilerly Ui feer that he miirlit 
fail to Tecoii-e JehofAh's approval. "In God 
I will th-bijw his wftroH i» Ood T bave put my 
trnflt; I will not fear whftt flesh eah do unlo 
me." (Pa, Sfi:4) *'Tlie T»ord i> nn my side; I 
wHl not Tenr; wlmt enn nxm do unto met" (Pe, 
118S) " Hearken unto me. ye tliat Jmow ri(rht- 
ntu^nese, the people in whose heart is my law; 
f^nr ye not the reproafb of man, neither b* ye 
afraid of their revilieK*. "— Iia. 51:7. 

Xui TnaooiAci 

"Jehovah's government by Cbriat Jeans ia 
The Theocracy. Set ovct i*fiain*t tha Thcocrsey 
U Sjirnii'n world, wbieb noon sliall be eimpletety 
dr*tro:"J- Tike eonfliet betvi'eeoi tha Theocrney 
and Span's organi nation ie therefore a deadly 
one. There *aa be no compromise. At tie end 


PiaMiff't Exhibit i 

every creature will be nn Hie side of one or of 
the other. Only thene win: are, of tha Theocratic 
government, and those who find refuge under that 
ThKDurutio guvehiment, rjiu hojjo for life. Ail 
o|>[ at Hit TJu:iM!rm;Y aire certaia to be de- 
etreyed. The desire to have or cocking to have 
-in; (nviir of nx-y pn r t C| f Satan's organization, 
or to have tJie approval ul' ineo of tlmt organj- 
swtion or outside of it, (nrnns tliat such person 
diJed ni>i liiive a vision of the Theocracy, or 
tine lie i» dtUbaralely end knnwiagly opposed 

to (he '.'i.i:n:rai:y. in <:L;k:j- caw! tile result wiji 

be lite niiuifr. The man who now has a vision 
of tlie kingdom, with appreciation seas that every- 
one who is nut fur tht kiugduiii is ajptinst it, 
"Ha that in nut with nie ia against inc; and he 
that gathcruju not wilh ms eva tleretli abroad-" 
;iluit. J2:^Ci) hlitlier one must be working for 
tlie kingdom, or else lie is npiinHt the kLegdom. 
If a niao has a vUioR of the kingdom, which 
Clod has nuw revealed to these wli* love liiio, 
that man Loves tlie kingdom and will permit 
nothing to (urn him away '«•« a full dcvollon 
to nnd service of tlie kingdom He sees tliat 
the feingilom in Hie means of the complete vindi- 
cation nf .Fehuvah'u name ami is the only *™*an« 
of aoivatiuii for man. Ho sees ilmt the Theoe- 
rjicy by Olirint Jesus U tlw lii-f* of hiunankiiuL 
(Malt... 12:19-21) lie seen that nne who entera 
into aad Ihkoiucs a part «r the kiimdnmi, or who 
finds prnti-elinn under the kingdoin, mu^t he 
wliolly and entirely devoted lo I)(k1 und to bi» 
King, lie KMa that ell who rocerVfl life *md I Lib 
altendiiif: hleisineH thereof must liave th* ap- 
proval of Jehovah, and therefore be give* heed 


plaintiff't Exhibit 6 

to Lie admonition; 'iJtudy to shew thyself 
approved unto tlod, a workman tliat needelh 
not lo lie ahhainad^) nor doca lie fear wliat man 
might say al«jut Ljjii. {'2 Tiin, 2\l't} lie ih-sirfs 
to have nn |narl In (he things of this world, and 
llnTiTorc he dues not covet anything that the 
world tw |H)B*ibly give including the approval 
of men. "Let your conversation (course of 
aciionl be without envetouaness; and be content 
with nut'h things an ye have [lempuraL ihin«» 
iifiL-1 udedj : for lie hath said, I ■.ill never leiivc 
I her, nor forsake thee. So Hut we liiav bohlly. 
■ftj'i The Lord is iny helper, and I wiLl not fear 
what man ehalt do unto me," — Heb, l3i 0, 

■' One in a covenant witJi the Lord may be 
wiirking in Hit organization by the aide or ono 
who dtH'u not pleaa* him. He may think that 
lie l.iiH. i.-nune for oiTense hecaute nf the action 
of other* uf the Lord. 'a organisation who are 
nerving ; but if Ik I** a viiiun of tlue kingduiii 
lie will not permit that dinlike of ollmrs lo be 
nn excuse for separating hintscLf frmn the 
Lijrd's orpio uiiation and the nervvca therenf, 
wiiieh he haa undertaken by the Lord's favor. 
He will have in mind (hat <jod is conducting 
liix own affair* according to his own sovereign 
will, ond that the Lord ajene dioosea his own 
tenant*. (Horn. H;4) He knows that Ond alone 
in right and riphleou*, and if he has a vision 
nf tlie kingdom he loves God and loves his law 
and no he continues in peace and contentment 
to Mm in the place, where be ic put, and that 
wit limn oiTenne; "Ureal peace have they which 
love thy low; and BOthing shall offend them," 
— 1-a. lt9J<& 

Ptaintig't Exh&il 9 

** Having- a vision of tbe kingdom, which ii 
titude possible for him by reason of the love of 
0*1 and llis Uinp, (hat |nr««m folly determines 
that nolhirj|j shall sepairati: him from lbs love 
and servica of Qai\ and IiLi King: "Nay, In all 
these things wo are more than conquerors 
through hi in that loved us. For I am persuaded 
that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor prin- 
cipalities, nor powers, nor thing* present, nor 
things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any 
other creature, shall be able to separate us from 
the love of Ood, which ia in Christ Jesus oar 
Lord"— flniri. BJJ7J9. 

"'-The man who ao«' ha* a vision of the king- 
dom and who inve* the kingdom beholds (he glo- 
rious high Throne (hereof, and lie knows that 
aueh is tlie saneluerj- of all who hope for life, 
and lliat there is none other. He knnwe that 
whether he Live* or die* al the bond nf the 
enemy bin hope i* in that glorious Theocracy 
nnd (hat it i* Hie hop* <>f all jipiriluaL Irirael, 
and of the *'pre»t midlitude" tliat jdiail "fill Wie 
earth", He Hpiircrinf™ tlie prnphvtic wonls re- 
cti riled hy Jereminh and whit-h apidy to tlwn* 
wlui now Inmt Jelmvab: "A glorinua hrgh 
throne from ihe ljeginninj: i» the place of our 
aanctunry. O liord, tl» Hope nf Israel (Ood'i 
faithful people], all (hat forsake thee ehall be 
aEhnntcd, ami they that depart (mm me sliall 
be written in tlie earth, because they t*ve for- 
saken the Lord, the funntain of living waletn." 
^Jer. 17:12, 13, 

Plaintiff's Eri&il 5 

svHne UTTMiB 

**T)u; imm who ha* * vision of the Theocracy, 
arkl wlnh-^e bo-p* is c^nle-ted therein, wuika cir- 
e-anajajutly, fearing God, lent In foil to receive 
Uod 'a approval {Huh. 4:1} Thereforo he watch?* 
cut foe snared or pitfalls and is diligent to avoid 
liiciiL Jla shun* religion bee-ouBe lie knows that 
religion in one of the moat fatal enarea act. by 
[lit Devil, Iju r*f uaea "to hav* anything to J* with 
religion, bat, cm the contrary, uniiligent to warn 
t .■.mi whet w.i I hear that religion in an abomiiie> 
lion in the sight of Almighty (led, Ha knowa 
Hint, once having been enlightened concerning 
(iod's purpoae and his kingdom, to then turn 
again to the "beggarly eienaenta" of the world 
meant Complete disapproval of God, ending in 
destruction. (G*L 4:0) "For it had been tetter 
Tar thein not lo have known tin? »n» of righteog*- 
Mtv, than, after they have known it, to turn 
from Lite lioly unS'iMiiWiduiaut deLiver^d unto thera, 
liut it jji happened onto thent according to tho. 
true proverb, The dog it turned lo his vn vomit 
a tain; and lhe now that was washed lo h»r *»1- 
Inwiog in lhe mira." V-2 Pet. 2: 21, 23. 

"Tn hi:n wjiu vihualiii:;. lhe tjj;j,;::!ii:L li|« full- 
lime wniee. I" tin; lfin£ and kingdom ia dearest 
lo Ilia heart, and Hie feais Id fcM lb* opportunity 
of servic*, nnd he will not voluntarily withdraw 
i .::i.-.i-l: f rem that for any reason. 

" Tin: man viKcualidnflf tin: kingdom hates flit. 
tery, Wcrtune he klMv/a (hat flattery i* a net into 
which he in liable to l*c mu^hl itml destroyed. "A 
inan tbat flaltereth bis neighbour "prondeth a net 
for hia feeL" [Prov, 29 : 5) He yields not to 
flattery of one, even the one nearest to him, in- 


Piaiatiff'* Exhibit S 

dudioj; Li* wife, because he believes, as it is 
Tvritlen, "A flattering mouth worketh rain," 
(Prov. 2G:2BJ lie refuse* to give flattery to men, 
knowing Uie danger resulting therefrom, iilibu, 
who pictured the faitldnl members of tiie body of 
Christ, with authority from God said: "Let me 
cot, I [irny yon, accept ajiy man's person ; neither 
lei roe give flattering titles onto man." I Job 
SEjEJI "Tin.. Lord shall eut off all flatten ng lipa, 
and tint tongue tbat speakelh prond things." 
(IV 12: o) Therefore the man wlio love* {Jod 
and Iijj, n vision of i l;e Theocracy does not glory 
in himself at in hi) solnsh attainment*, but 
glories in tiie l-ord ami in hia kingdom. He lUhm 
not de»ine or crave the approval of hunt, bat he 
greatly desire* tml tr«v«» tmly Iha T*rd"i eam- 
mendalioBi: "But he that glonelh, let bun giory 
io Iba fjord. Fur net bo that eoirunendeth bim- 
Jii'lf is approved, but viiom tlui Lord oom- 
inenucth."— 1! Cor, 10 1 IT, |& 

" Tho man whu now Eijlh a vlHioa of the kiug- 
doin and who ium lita heart furd upon it casta 
itqr frooi libn all fear of olitj or devils, lie 
levee tiod, and In; mirvr. : n liiqi wiioSly and son- 
tinuoujiiy; "Aiui w(» liAvij knou-n and believed 
tho love thai Rud hntli to a«. fltd. ia love; and he 
that ilvi'lk-'.li ia Leva dweltutlir iu Ood, and God in 
Jjiin, Jtrrviii ia wt love inpjj, |><rfec(, thnt we 
may bavc lanldnew in the day of judgment! 'be- 
cause as he id, ae are v-e in this world. There ia 
no fear in love; but perfect love eaateth out fear; 
beeauae fear bath torment, life tliat feareth ia 
not nwjdt perfect in love." — 1 John ■tjlE-lfJ. 

" He »'lm loven Cad doea not fear that ho might 
foil to receive the approval and eumiDendstion of 


Ptaintig 'i fiUcil 5 

men, heeaute be knove that anch fear n$*:-an be- 
fore liiin a pit into vhiob be ia likely to fall. He 
doea fear God, knowing that by fearing Ocd ha 
bej^ioa to be »nc, and he deairea lo forevrr 
pursue a wiae eourse, tliat he may receive Qod'u 
approval. .Like the faithful apcatl*, ho nbeya (led 
rather titan men, (Ae,!n 5: 2D) Free from fear of 
the opponenta of the Theocracy, he goce forward 
in obedience to hia divinely y-wwn coiaiitinision, 
]>rtiflainiiag tlw> good ncwa with A light And joy- 
ful hear!, He luia entered into the joy of the 
Ldrd aad cru.vea to have a pari in the vindication 
of Jehovah 'a name, 

■' A man who covenants to he obedient to 
God's law may awake to the reatiialion tliat be 
is tied in marriage to a woman who opposes the 
kingdom and who attempts to force her husband 
to cease serving the King. Even the wife may be 
aieo eenaeerated lo the Lord hut attempts to 
control her husband in the coarse of action which 
be takes. The man who yields to such influence 
walk* right into the pitfall or net aet by the ad- 
versary. The one who haa s vision of the king- 
dom, recognizee, that bie Aral obligation ia lo 
Jehovah Uod and to hia King, Christ Jesus, and 
he- nitvr full consideration and obedience to the 
v.-unk ci r the: King, to wit : "If any man come to 
hie, and li4(0 oot hia father, and mother, and 
wife, and children, and brethren, and listen, yea, 
and Ilia own life alw, ha tanaot be tny disciple." 
(Luke 54 r 2ij ) Hia love matt b* for God and 
against all who are agaiaat God 'a government 
Likewise the wanmni :nay fusd herself bound lo 
a man who «v]>ij»cr tin' kingdom, but she ia re- 
minded thai her Aral obligation ia lo Jehovah 

PiaMiff'M Exhibit S 

and hia Kin;.; nnd kingdom, and ahe takes Ilse 
enurM; of aerving God (irat aod all tiie time. To 
yield to any I .uuyin e real ure because of fear that 
one will aol rirwive the approved or men is 
certain to h-oid into ft *nure. Tlierefore the 
Christian wii» wholly devolea himself le the 
Lord, and who Iuih e visnoti of the kinpitHn and 
coiklinuen to faithfully teree the King, rejoice* 
that, HO far an h« ia ronLH'rn^tl, the ana re act Uvr 
bint by tlir Drvil !nu> bvnn bruiu'ii sjiJ that lie 
linn Cncapeil thi'rrfroui an; J found refuse m:d 
peace and safely in the I-oni- Out of hia nioulli 
come witii j.iy tYir. apjiropriate word* of the 
paahoUt' " liliL-iMtd Ian I lit Lord, who hath not 
givtin us aa a prey to their tenth. Our aool ia 
Bseiipvd aa u. bird uul of lite imare of the fowler*; 
tine anari: in broken, and we are escaped. Our 
help ia in the name of the Lord, who msdrf 
heuvea acid earth." — I'saLm 1E4;C-B, 

" The tn^inbers of tiie rctiinant yet on tike 
earth,, and who are in line for the kingdom, are 
ia theiuielves very imperfect and tunc? inska 
auiav tui^takeo. TSioul- who are their "eonij-ain- 
iun«" an likewise imperfect and make uusloket. 
All siirli fully realise that their strength comes 
frum the Jjjrd and In bis strengtJi tliey can as- 
conijjliah tho work coinmilled unto them. They 
knavr that if they keep n perfect heart devotion 
to God his uverlot-Sing strength will be nuu- 
felted in (heir behalf; " For the eye* of the Lord 
run ta uiul fro throughout the whale rurth, to 
aiwvr him.HClf strong, in the Mi&lf af Ihero whose 
heart is perfect toward binj," {3 (Jnron. 1C:SJ 


PifliltiiJ"', Ezitiblt 5 

Tiie faithful see and tiie greatness of 
lha kinfdoai and that it is their privilege to 
firmly *tuiid together and fight for their hrethren 
ami, doiug so, to never yield because of fear of 
uny man or devil and lo never ijuuil before Hie 
ejieiiiy, (1'biL l:27-2&, WtpmoMh ) T)*y af» nut 
surpri*ed when »«u* do jiftld to fear and fall 
away to th* MHWJ and art ensnared. The faith- 
ful do not aorrw or weep because of the foil of 
iuch, beeausc to do so would be ta violate God's 
c«n»noJidini.'nt.-«-Kiek. 24 : Id. 

" Tho faithful remnant and companions recog- 
nixt the SiingdMLu aa the greatest creation of Gud, 
and iu tliv kingdom is centervd their h"pc Gi>|l 
hat hui'tivd up Ziait, Ids capital organimtion, njid 
innde (Jhrist Je*U* tli* Head thereof, and tktro 
Jekuvali estubljslie* bia dwollinuplpee, (P*. 
13iL \3) Those who trulv Jovo aaid fear Uod, who 
are fully and couipletely unvoted to him, b&ve 
lixod their hearts upon the kingdom, and hence 
they joyfully aing' the song of Jehflvsii'a prophet: 
"Great is tho Lord, and greatly to bit proiied in 
the city of our fJod, in the mountain of hia iioli- 
ijtiM. tieautiful for siluatton, the joy of the whole 
earth, is mount Ziou, <m Hie sidea of the oortlt, 
the city of tii* great Kin£. God is known in her 
pulaeea fw a refuge." (Ps. 48: \£) "Truly my 
aoui wuitetb npon Qodj from liim oonielh my 
aalvulioiL, He only ia my rock and my salvation; 
he La my defence: I shall not be greatly niOTed-'' 
(Pa. (j£:l, 2) ''Qreat ia the Lord, and greatly to 
be praised; and bis greatness is unsearchable, " 
(It's. 14"i;o) The fear of J«h0vah ia the beginning 
of wisdom: '-"The fear of [Jehovah 1 ia eleao, 
atidviing for ever." (,*?*. 1^:31 AH those who 


Piaiutiff't Exhibit 6 

get life ahull fair Jcliovah, "0 fear lhe Lord, ye 
hia suintA; for lliere ia'nn want lo tliem tliat fear 
him." (p*. 34i) "ljet all tlio earth fear the 
I jjnl ; lei all the inhaliilunts. of lhe world stand 
in awtfof Imiil"' (Pa. 33;fl) -"With llckufak] is 
my »alvati<ni nnd my glory; tie rock of my 
strength, and my refuge, ia in (Jehovah]."— 
Pi. ffi£:T, AdtA'* ' 

Plaintiff* Exhibit A 


AjriroiTKenro Jehovah's Rjvooou 

VoLIiX September 1, 1&39 No. 17 

TOa V0..a is nljiiaA-nii.T 

By ronann of bis unfaithfulness to the kingdom 
i nti;rcK Ik., nail to those who mm ibe kingdom, 
0, Ti- aloyle ia nn tnnjrer witli the Society. Tim 
full l*-inrd nf dirrctom <hf llin £>>ricly 4>n August 
S, by ilcriolnlion, unanitnonaly demanded thai tiie 
president aever Movie's connection with the, fvo- 
ciety iinuiediotely. It was done. Brethren will 
addresa their communicotions concerning (heir 
legal diSietiltsri : WsTcnTowr* Huu jijrp T»*ot 
Sooonr, Legal Desk, 117 Adoroa St, Brooklvs, 




Plaintiff's Eii; ;t 7 


Tba SrptetaliH 1st Watah Tower contain* a 
notice jf-Jinj," 1 t:jLt my eocuicytiaila "iitli tha So- 
ciety wtro eesered because of iufLiLlhfglneua lo 
(be Kingdom intfiTjilB and to tie brethren. This 
statement doeu iiijt conform to tim fi^ta. Tho 

[jli'Ih. AT4 AH FoiltlWB: 

On July 21al I gave BrtUi« Rutherford thirty 
day* nolice in writing vf liy iTnLivnatijin li* tho 
■Society's counselor, This reni({i'iaiion »'■* Riven 
i* an anipfcatic. j..r<iit-.>: »(.'^iiibt striata cvniitioni 
which bftd ariMll at IVIIi>'l. 1 bad iki H rHirnel 
grievance against the Sjaoirty'a prMii-^int l.ut I 
protested bhoin;ly a/jxiiihl unnte of his actions 
such ns ill tmilwmt of tius Iftdlfccl family; scold- 
ing and lai;ib*alih.i; them at the dinner Laliie; din- 
nriiuittating ftj;cJriat thcnt in tin; muster of nun- 
furl Bit J ciihvkb ienera ; und-ir rJtaltalhia of the 
nee 4>f alcohol, and the utt of Htby _u,.i vulgar 

Oil Annuel 8th, Immediately fJWins vaca- 
tion, rininiut action was tiihra Eonccrning the 
iimlter. Tue Board of Dirt-cton! uu» called to- 
gether sad tuy letter of rt-JJiKnaiinii read to the 
uiemhera lb.flr*of, The Board rKuiirtmended thai 
my connection* with Ilia Society to severed itn- 
metliui1i-;l> r . 1 waa br^di^l a* a religionist, ft 
member of the evil witvaat, and in all serioiisfltfla 
it waa claimed limit I woa a Jesuit, prcJinptebly 
in disguise. Tin; Meyle family wan, thereupon 
frWcs h-ilf * day to pack up il« fiandit and get out, 
iiince lea-.iitfj 15,*i;icl otln-r slnriea have 14?..- 
teriously ewiu'lo tli* from, Li* tint crfeet Hint i 
Ih'1 i-h vui the brethren in the eourl* acd I...L [ 
instructed brethren in >N\ -irlntMct: 1 !, [hot Li 
would lw dU right to sern) tkn;if il.ilfirsn to a 
jiiiilary bcIk>iI- "riLEst tluiiDH BJid itorisa are 


Piflfliiijf"* fi'jcAfiiJ 8 

ing tliia work to an uniTTi*iiiabla eitrtms and 
in fiDDto ea^tn making llnjuiivclvfla akiuoEt ridic* 
uloaa. Tltia work Ehnclii atao be conduetod with 
tat proper dignity, 

A aetnp La whtn* enfl or mora psrsoni liattit 
tci a aonnd nconJinp wfcsfft thay can give ftlttfl- 
tiom to wJiat ie- bcins n>M tB d aak Hny fjmtttiona 
they may havf. Wict o»* aeti up hi» aonnd 
machine in a Imllnrjiy ind pofa on the irtarfioe 
a a anon ao the Jonr i* opened whether the peo- 
ple want tD hear it « n^l, ihia its rmL prfftentiae 
tiie mcsBBj^f in a h'SiiOnahla and effwli^e man- 
ner. In many tiKi lha door ia shut 
nod lha people w>nsLdcr tha *itn*«* a* aema 
kind nf nut or A faoatit Tna oilier people on 
tli at particular flrn>r of tha npartrp^at honaa 
will not epen apsnnr at the door; *o r Lnnread 
of eoTitributinp In liie wiSneas, aoeh arrnnfe- 
menta hnvc th^ «f)fiOiiite elfoct, Thrrc- mn} h* 
oecniHttTtF. ^"licn it in nocepFjiry to fiftt cin tha 
witneuM in this IlaSI. Fat illuptrnlinn: If a lady 
in in lha npnri™rnt nnd ?ihc i* fMirrut nf Itttinfl 
in utrinpra h>it in willinn In li^Irn at lha d«nr, 
nn«l she npirei'Ji to linten, it may ba ethirnhlt 
to put on n nt;OK) in the halln-ny. Ijet each 
on* QKe.tbe apsrll ^f a. sound mind, i«d not in 
fooliuh tliinga simply to Ret a high pereentajre 
of sftlLipa. 

AlHflw tiomple of on inffljeetive phflinoprfipn 
setup Is this: A piiMisdier rinjss m bell for nn- 
ilnira, nnd tho Jflirty puts hi* hpad out flf lha 
window one or two flifrhta up and iiujuurea what 
the nnhlijsher wn?it*. Then the poWislwir aayn 
thrtt Its hna a nte»a*Jpj of importavum a*(l ufca 
that Hi* party liatwi to it, asd ataita the phono- 

PSaiftijft Exhibit 7 

falu and apparently made with an ulterior pu- 

f ha-^t Tirv*i L*tA disloyal to the Sicietj or 
tha intei-eat; of the Kir.gdo:jL. My position waa 
elated in a letter to JJrDiUtr ButhArtofd »■ CQQfli 

<A wci:kB ago, I qoolo fivm th^t k'-ltr <Mj 

"The frictu indicate that you uni VVowl- 
worth have tlio idea that I hano left Ut( 
.S.K-mly and intead to embark upon it 
eompaifin kgalnrt it- Ttda is toojt em- 
[.1—II.L-ully mot the ansa, 1 ant loyally sup- 
porting the Boclbly irt t!ii< aftatiui tXftXt 
to aonliniH to do M rc^ardEeas of the slli- 
tndc of the Society towards nu. Nnlli*r 
am I wafjin^ *njf p*ri!iin*l uarfjift aejeinat 
yon, I hove nevar quenlioned or denied 
Ihftt tin: Lord is uaing yon ad Ins earlldy 
director of Kinj;JoEn worJi, Hyt yo'jr p»Kfi- 
tion does not five jml i:rtin unity frotn pro- 
tect affnimit wrongful lu^lioB. I protected 
to yi>L ptwoiJ- lly and privately becauae of 
your ahiite r. ■;■! discrin;inalion ngni™!" 
your feilow u ..'.'iiitB at Bethel. It *'*« tuA 
a personal [jrievunce, hut wjn laadi- eolaly 
in the inttri'ijl* of the fainily and the or- 
HnriJjLiilsiir. fLgaioft your penionaJ acta." 

\\'c, the ll^yle fpmity, are now i patt of tha 
Milwaukee mniLjuny of Jeh^vah'a witnrape. 1 ) and 
put gKti deaiiv ia to CTtgagc whole hfartedly 
wiLu yon io the sdvojifctur-nt «f the Kingdom in- 
teres t*. It would to re^i'ettishle if any of tlic 
eompoJiy received ihe iiiijjrcMiifiit ll:nt we mere in 
any way onfaithfid or ditlayal, Tljartfure tliia 
brief *;ii(T"ii'nt lh made so that yoa may have a. 
clear UBilfirjilanding of the tiraation, 

Dated Sftpttmhar 6, 1939. 

{Signed) Qua B. iloTLi 


Plaintiff Exhtint S 

graph on tha pofth or holds it «n his arm. The 
distance is li» preat for the party «n tha aeeord 
floor So heftr, and the disconcerting noiees in the 
Glrc-et intcTrupt it. This could not be considered 
a pi~'.i'|jeal or affective witneaa with th* phono- 
graplL Tht ivti^lihors loohinK on from axr«*i 
ihc ntjrrt nnd nnl door will be inclined Id 
think you are more or less of a fanatic, and In ajinwer the do«r whe-n you call. The 
ini | ■■ ii-cji nt liiins in to h»v* the people hear end 
uhdi'T'MtSml the fiw-KWj.He, Id order to do tliia 
wa iiULHt tnifpl Ih'in n.i th» d»T, t*lk to (hem 

Old (hrir frtjrit porrh, or in th^jr bwrJt yard. Or 

in their home. To approei*!* A «hort loeturo 
Hie people uiunt he *hle to hctsT ft!l of it 

{Eaoarpti ■ Iron pariodiul antidMl *1»f|»Mi»t" 
pi tlifl-Vir, 1*»] 


Decrnther, I!i3B Broolly?, N. Y, 

'Be »it aft&it!: fa« h?.t:le u QiA't/— 
i Cnro*. J0;t!>, 

"WiTcjivnwKii" C*Mf*ioif Foe* y«irrMs l^sfo 
Njtw rVK i.4 PifHUsKttfts Shou-ld &o*rtM 55,000 

ynffliihiprnbinq Cwttriti to tltceivt itvft ihom 
l^iMCyiOO "face tk* Fixti" 

Etitfuthinff in BfoAitO-tn for TremtadtHH 

Tlit AluttttoJr. ilmi Hta.f 

Th« fonr-motith aampaigo is B*n*rally known 

u.i (he "Watthloirt.r Caniaaiitn" bec*UH Ihe 

Plaintiff's Exhibit 8 

(Eiui;ti from psriodlul <nltrEl«l "[sformu!*' 
of Juuit, ISMj 


J»rrt*ry h 1936 BrooTtlyn, Jf. T. 

30,000 PpjiLiiiHTO roa "Hu Woai" 
W&L You Bt Ojtb of Theh T 

Fcinwi^ 5-13, 1938 

cThfniies a nJ /(fcnei to i?* (jg&rtiL on a 
Contribution ol Site 

"Waichltnvtr" and " OontolatUm," 

Oilier ver; - important provisions that Jehovah 
lias made for the people at the present time are 
The WatckSmL'tT and Coii/tatatiQn. Tliehft Hhonbd 
be consistently made ovailahl? for every f>erir>o 
of jro*>(3 ^nlL Kihtfle.iinii'H lh^ piih|3shcr T when ho 

place* a liooll Or ^Miilunatiim of hnaku or lH>olc- 

klP, iiverlw^liH to mention lliran two very iro- 
fMhrlaht puhiiralinnit. Tliin i-hriulij not hr; anil 
ia onltr In lie nnttuully qt'iJiimlerl of tho faet 
ihnt j"oh have thent, you should enrry them in 
your cMie each lime you pn out in the serviea. 
Tall the people about them. Show them the 
need of having theae publications eoming to 
their Unmet *v«ry two weeka. 

Photograph Utlupt 

Tho phonograph n«rt ii eijiandinjr and it ia 
giving a tremendous witness thronjthont tilt 
Eonntry and throughout tha world. However, 
admo of tha brethren are bo anxious, to get 
phonograph aatupa that a few of taem are carry- 

PUtiHtift'* EthOii S 

uo«t important ntaRaiioe ever printed will h* 
featured. The special offer conaisle of n year's 
subscription for Tht WaichiQv>tf f a copy of 
Ettentui, Rielitt or any other bound book pub- 
lished by (lie Society, and the booklet Fact t&m 
Fa^ll, nil on a contribution of one doilM, 

The Wolchioiucr is the means oaed hy Jehovah 
to feed the lovers of riglitoonaneas, and we meat 
see that they get this inagaiine. To those who 
cannot subscribe for a year, offer a aix-mantli 
anbseripliob on. a *onlrthatioo of 50e, with * 
eopy of Fart tht F«cU free, but -not a bound 
booh. Those who iron! j(i«l a bound book should 
be offered ftnewtfj. F(k!nr» or some other re- 
cent book, along with Fate tit Fasts, ea a con- 
tribution of 25c Pereone who declino t« *ab- 
acril>« for TTJi; WalrhSairr.r or to loke the took 
should by all iixhhw get a copy of Face ike F*etr. 

The Worid-miia Quota 

Tho quota for thin mm rmipn has heen »et at 
llKyXX) Watihtrnt-ff mhaerilrllaaia, one million 
bound ImalM and* l»'clvp ntiilion Feet ihr Fad*. 
Tbnt niflaiii. that every ntenth at leaat tbreo 
million hnaUatu uni \ iio.nnft bouml hooka mu»l 
he plopNl. and -jrj.lBX) mthivrtplioni for Tht 
Wateblau-Kr olttainrd. If each puhlliiher ittiivra 
to moke the individual <|tLn|a net out elsewhere in 
the Informant tlte wnrid-wjde quota will he 
reavhrfl without diflkullv. It iiwt't hish. If 
i>t placo the rCiite^hiin above c-ve ry'hinc else, put 
in Ihe hmar* in dnor-to-door wilnesaing, in back- 
call work, and talk the Kiagdom every boar of 



Plaintiff's ExhAii e 

the day poBJLJjf'. thia quota of tu'elr* million 
booklela, on* minima hooka and 100,000 aub- 
tcrijvLibns mill }kj c»*i]j- reached. Anyway, the.}' 
need the 1fafcK'<ii(ier magazine, They should 
■rndy it, and if flu?)' da Ibey will Boon become a 
part of the Lord's aTftmitatian. Thia i* a 
IFsteJMMf-ir «fn|ttigrt. Tft'e lftu»t talk IKaJcft- 
(i»^. Wb must use this record "Irntruelion" 
to obtain Wattlitewtr anhac-riptinna. Therefore 
th* pbanfiff>*t'Hli in &iinp; In tna frrtal aid in tliii 
C4LmpAiga in reaching our <toota. 

. : JiTi Your IJwit.1* th "Tuns oft ran Heat'*! 
iJo Tjhi to Lou 

"it trade*" Witt Help Your Back Ceil* 

Tbo eonpcinit which we can iw!«ytt with Llfo 
Premium Bfinarlrnfqt in Jt'rnry City aro as fnl- 
Iou'«: Ochjpnn Sjujs Product*; Kirbnuin Soup 
Prrului-.U: TkfilMi Club Unking Powder; Bal- 
IftTil'* Oboilnk Floor, and Luiianne Coffee and 

Vis au^ffenl that each company prepare 4 
"tharmojifwtfr" abaft liln lb* illustration ehoirn 
her*. »n Ibftl llip pnlitinhrni tun Ht at a glance 
■what ]irop;ri>»« in l*iiijj mndo trnwk hy week. 
Tou will have one "tli^nnnmeter" fW booklets, 
another far hnokn, ami a tliinl fur nqhjteriritiniai, 

Herewith we publinh a )i*t of The Walch- 
iounr in foreign language*; 

Plaintiff* Exliibit B 

icopie* to 
Published ate addrttt 

Language Per year Per year 







*i .'Ji 


















roe It 












































A'eu PtiWicaitoMj 

Since the printing of the March 1 co&t liat, 
the following itemi have aunt in In alcuJc; 

fcnsliah: ffoj-nin^, Tscc ilw Fact*. 

Al t iluant 1 Safety. 

BohtmliB! Safety, }Iii Warkt. 

ChlnOM; Safelff, Uncovered. 

Cbiwftntbt,; OooJ' J^fw^ 

CidJMsjaVr fjin7avef(;d h Clinoring. G&ad Neira, 

Favored Pcupie, Hereafter, Health and Lift, 

Liberty, What Y<m Need, 

Plaintiff'* Exhibit 9 

Daniiii: Enemies, Unrwrrd. An*a$eddon. 

£ttouian: Hvmr. and Happine&i. 

Fir-:i:;i'i.: Entmiex, Wafting. 

FitDcb; P repartition, Jthoiah, Warning, ffft 

Vengeance, Nil Wvrki, Fai-or-cd People, 

Geruiajij Eneiitiet, Warning. Hit Works, /{if 

VtMjfcirnec, Favorite Pcepic. Uafei'j. 
Otttiti Safety. 
Ilollnmlish: Entmie*, Warming, Hume and 

lltLn^iirian : AntagedJem, Hi* Werkr, Hi* Vrm- 

Italian: Safety, BurmWM. 
Jajpanose: What It Ttvthr 
l?0(-w^jpan: Eirttniti, Warnipi), His World. Fa- 

vorcii Pioplf, Kejfn 0/ Htavtn, What Yen 

Seed, Safety, 
1'oliflli; Aruuigtdtliiu, S'lfrtir, V ' tKsrttrrd, Hi* 

Works, ]lr.yn*d the Gturr, h'rifn 0/ Hrttvtn, 

Wttat Ytm Head, Came of />*aio. Home a*i 

PorLufpeioL Cure. Armageddon, 
Hujiiia/i d Protection. 

SrrhLnn; Curt, Atma$t:ddtm l Btyntid iht Grave, 
Seavuto ; Preltetitni, C*«Mt"!j- 
SloTnk: Cwre. ProUttiim, C*o6ii*ti, Safety, 

What You if ted, Cause of Dasth. 
Slovenian: Harp, CrtAliom, Curt, Armnatddom, 

Where Are the Deadt Rigkicoit Bultt, 
Spasuah; Warning. 
S^ediah: Exttb-iet, Wanting. Safety, Beyvrd 

the Stave, Cans* */ Peath, Hi* Warts, 

Favored People. 
Tagalog: Protection, Beyond the OffliM, Right- 

taut Rultr, Arrnaaeddom. 


Plaintiff's Exhibit B 

T«ftbft4 Softly, Arm&geddom, 
Xow; Safety, 
Znlo : Chvoiing . 

"Wtixv oacrajHO litejutuij; fluse fOT on TKl 


01 t=i iuii &¥ T«» Iran, NOT AJTTEJ1. 

(Lxxnrpt> hum pswisdk^I <nti(l+d TufwwMM^™ 

<J J U «T7, 1»t>) 


Jaauaiy, 1939 IJrocklyr, N. Y. 

"J?hJ IJKjr jJmii ■<;( juriniiii CTjatlui Jh«." — 
Jir. 1:19, 


TkH CiliCJdOX In the Hoar InrOftT*I!T KfEC 

AnE Vi'LT PafepAdkJ> TCI l>o Vol"! ijjJAllT 

Thii cdntiAlgT; i» jj'iinfi lu rK«iilL in bringing 
the WBieAfcwtr inn^aiin* hSgulii'ly into tbe 

honwa of at least 100,000 town fitflili**, wiiLth 
magaiine itreusfa fhe great issue of jwmtuj 
Jthovabj tlie fraal Theocrnt, and live, or iwrv- 
ing th« cruel dictator Satan and hia wirked or- 

[HUSItMtt, ll:i:.1 Jit. 

Offer She Entire CvmhiKutiim 

The fijjt-^al Combiaatian to be *trti««d 
at ianii gall, if iMsiiibL*, in a year 'a aubscripl i on 
for The Watchttimer, thfl bonk £n£mici (or any 
other bound book), dad tii# booklet fflc* tha 
fact*, ail on a contribgtinn of »na dsltar. 


Ftaimtif'm Exhibit 8 

Vte Hew Hecord "Hiracles", " Jtxitfuction" 

Fait the Facts in Foreign. Language* 

Face the Faei* can be ordered mu] will be 
shipped uiunadLolely in any of the lisgai£?« 

lliilivi Lm-I ;:•»: 

L ohemian 





^ : ,-:.:...- h 





Aa annoTjaced by !t» new title, TAe TTaJf*- 
(flii)**- it truly a "heroid of Chriit'a tlBgdom f *, 
and tJio9* who would enjoy the b*n*flli lander 
that kingdom mual now inform thetnMlfW nf 
tia mes&age whifh Jfeliovab pTovidea for tb* 
pn>opla of good will Uii-ungli Uie eolinmn* of The 


l5t:i..i>.a fbould bo uent insured iiaatcad of itg- 
iilered. Uorden eoupoxiK are not ndscDKibfri 
for eaah and ibooild not be included in p»«irLi 
aejit ufl. Send a uext card atating nsmber, kind 
ULd imlue of coupons btin(t fcent. Ho not in- 
doaa tbi* in package*. 

500 Morn Punter* Heeded 
Can You Arramgt far Full Timet 


Plaintiff >* £sWn'( 9 

Itwitl fern* pmtliidu^l «itiLL*J "lof trust" 
«f Mar, ItSSr} 


May, 133SI 

Brooklyn, N. Y. 

"Bui they thail not prevail against thee."- — 
Jer. 1:19. 

" WtTOfTci wee " Caufuoh to Be Eitebdip 
TiucmoH MaT 

Ajhjeh ta Month to id Tuaa Oir tk» HiiT 1 ' 

At tbi* hita b«ft imrticuJarly a taniimitTL to 
obtain IPoJ chtotier aubatriptions, all are pleaaed 

to a»e tlbo large number obtained. 

Don 'I Neglect Your Rurats 

Tb* current imiui-11 uf The Watfhtover defir 
njbrly ahtiw Lkn Junu<itilx 4 hctr mpooaibility 
toward tim Kingdurn «ervicv ; and to these ihould 
b* «alUd on and auiiioi 

20 Ujovteixe Hepoet ox Cutrsiam 

Splendid Increase m Pubiiiher* 

"WattKtower" Subsenptkini High 

Stt V9t balow it the labukatjou «f (010* 
couatrtH 1 rtp^rtf toi trwo months and ei oUht 
canatnea' reporta for only one rnontiL 



Plaintiff', Exhibit $ 

Jannary md February 

United Ktatea .. 

British lalft -___„_ 

Canada _ „_ 

Northern Europ* 

Mmim . , - 


Ag_tr-Lasia ( Jaa-nry 

OlJyJ -r™-™.„__ _____ 

Thirteen cvuntrie* 
(Ouu-awnUi report). 

Total „_ 





Booklet j Subs, linker* 




570,2 12 









77.281 7C4 1,656 

73,(36 517 3^BG 

324,159 4^90,960 68,408 03,053 

It it » real joy to consider tli* (jih]e set out 
an the report of tii« Walektomet Crujipaign I far 

it diom real and determination op tits pari uf 
the publisher* for (he Kirigdntn to flul Uu? BHt> 
isjrs lata LIji± hund* of the people of good kill. 
Vte have entered into the Laat month at (he 
tampan^™, April, but betaun* the Waiclngu-f 
Dtayiuine in puna; xtt well and in *n greatly ap* 
ptwinted by the public Lh. eattipijjjn. ii being 
attended far one month. 

Hiw Yobk Cm Ciktu. Aenmif rot Juki 

UWTHtt RuTHEItrOtO TO Sm„ JIf _ljL[slftU!l 
Sq/JIM. (JltoKK 

Ezptct BjOOO P-flftsirrr Pint JW Roys of 

Hany Store StmdHjf 

Can tit nlian to Do lizltiaift At) ittriiihig 


L-'&ttiiiS't Exhibit B 

For -■cek* prior (o the convention tins pub- 
lisher* in New York City will be ndverlitaing 
by luindbills, "taandwjeb o-ipn*'' paraded, Hilk 
screen iiiga-, elteLrie: .igtn, and ut-Jiy otlwr 
toeftn* ta'hervby tlttsy con uiake known the big 
public meeting to be add:e»_ed by Brotlier 
Kutharford and held at the ALadia-a Sunur* 


For book liteta*: lichecoiflii, Cliineoe, Danish, 
French, Ciermsji, Hungarian, Italian, 1'uliih, 
Fortu^Iieaa, ijpaaiHh, Swediuh, and Ukrai- 
n but. 

For tlirst booklets; .Armenian, Chinese, French, 
Gernmn, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, i'olluh, 
rortujpitaWj Spanish, Ukrainian, and Yiddiih. 

Let each one of ojj Ant strive Id reach our 
quota un htisiU, booklata nnd Watchtevmr lub- 

•oriptimit by t]» end of April. 

Tlie nre*«ajfe contained ia t'atoUm or free- 
dom, tho new publication added to our eainpaijrn, 
ooataJHi very engenlinl infonnatiou for tlm fn'Opie 
of good will, Tiity must be intunnvii about the 
Tacocraey and ue tijuir rtitponiibility toward 
the Kiugdoin. Tlie ^rtat rtspunjibility nuts 
npoo u» to it* that thi» D*w Ixjoklet, *!nng with 
the stiitr litcfjiturc o( the campaign, in prop- 
erly distributed and made aTadalu* Tor xil |jeu- 
plo of good niU. 

Let's turn aa the heat with greater Mlivitj 
and watch U>a tavriiiuijwteri rLad, 

J'i 1 ,!'. 

"', ExUiiii 3 

oJ JilLH, 111, 1 ) 


Jnac, ILi;;!J Brooklyn, N. T. 

"/l«l (fcraf i/£.JI ttet prevail uyu i«tJ| tlit* r " — 
/ir. 1 :1 J, 

Aa tlda li\jurr.\i:,:l ffKn to prtie arraiii*. 
iJlL'litB llui,-e L;:C!:l aaidft tu tie ill 21 dtiYn to Ihu 
Ijwlwurk L-Lriv<:ib!i..,:i: ]() in (Jjo Unitud tltolii, 10 
iu the UfjLbJj JaJ<'», add llouoiulu, Hawaii, 

It C*,k Ba lkiaa 
3*/i SiitH&m Fieea af Litfrtiluft Piared in- June 

The Walchlauct Cimgmign ia over. Tin: fis- 
£uJU of tlie Liiril'* blciisisg u]>on Ihu fotj.jjiijj'a 
iryjii bcj-'iiiniiifj to end hill tlu died tli* ln-.irU 
<tt the Lord'e otnBStrated pt'ui.le cverywbtr*. 

Vi\-\[ over lW.OOll new u uiuer ibcrn l'*.r J'A* 
lf'^J,..i 1 ':,i^f r, ilillioni wiio tiilli'e rtii.l :!,..: l-\rc 
Ike FugU and I'cscuui nr J'rrifdymi bcicUirts are 
dldtLUinl jiiutipce-U for tltv nj^cind eeyen-bookkt 
*ffer in juae. 

Tut Fooi-Mohth CiMfWSlf Jtf UnrraD &riTis 

A Highly Witutst Wat Given 

We are aulsmitting in tliia Informant a mm. 
mar; of liie activity ia tli* United States alohe 
fwr the four-month fiauijiai rpi t for your tarefoj 
aoitaideraljcin. There sr* aome poiuta (Lei eliow 
up very favarahli 1 ; other* tJiot do not idiow up 
in veil aa wo had anticipated. 


I'liu-rtiJ'M EjJv&it & 

Boots __ J -.::;::> 

L^ooi.k-t.q ...,- ^_ r., J , •.-.bO 

Total KlwistitiTC — 

f>_k of j^L. i; iNTS 


N. .i' JHLlj:<Cri[>liijii« . 

Atttijiilancs _ 


. I i h fl'!. , l,773 

a r v3i ,rai 

4l,Tt ' 'A 

A'eii 1 H'nfdl!u_i£r ,S'ii„rrj"jiJi_nt fe d-'f, 

Ik'tn-rtifd Uty 29 Ity BrwMy. Office.- 113^54 
Hi' rue OiTiue . 2,430 

No. European Offie* 3jftJ3 


foLal tfl date , , . 

■^-Iten't Forget Sutaeriptiorae^ — 

If arreHtn oesur, Lhn j.hbu^h „h«u!d Ik-, cun- 
teated in «ourt: along; Lin-u* stateil in the "Order 
of Trial" 

Ordr-m Tar tiitrr. ti<kilffniirfcji I'm !k> plncod 
immmlialiily. The ^winly nail fomiuli (lirin at 
tlm folluivi n k ral««: 

la lot* of 1,000 or mora, (£.00 

per llaouRand; 
:VY> booknuirkji, $1.25; 
200 bookjtuirkji, t.7S. 


F_*i„i/'j E_Aihil j 

(£_«rpl* from p«ri«Iie_I *n|ill*d "]_for-t-Ut" 
of July, 19M) 


July, l!BJ) Bronklyn, H. T. 

"jtful they tliitii not prevail against iket." — 
J*r, l;lft 

Now Jet'a prove to Ihciii that we lueaa hgsi- 


"Salvation," "A Tzit-Booh roa the JoifiBjifla" 

Tit Be offt/td tn Con ( nfcw Jion ft _Sc 

10.006 Publishers m the United State* 

The Brethren *t the f*cton' have l«cn wnrkinjf 
day and nisbt to crt «ut »_flirien( of Satcitlia*, 

and ju tltt* Inform mt t gixn to pre*j over 4OOJ0OO 
copies have already been printed. 

Stnttji the "Order */ Trial" 

It i* apjiBrml from tlie rorrnipniid'Civce Hiiat 
cottiea lo BrnnkLyn tliat tuany pnl:iEi*liera linve 
oat studied their Order of Trial. It i» especially 
1...1! ...-,'_ 1,1 1' v. i:l, 1 i'fiTi-:.k-i- In fi.iH:::iL.:i Three. That 
Motion _41h what In do in the ease of -usanlt and 
riot, but tii* pu.hliH.Wn _'ri|e in daily reporting 
n.Lr'ii jLinaultpi And H»t* and wind up with "What 
ehall w* iki IMKtl" 

Thii fi-rns of r"elr.ijin_* a*Jiu» ie iaer*a*in* in 
vHrious parts of tlie eo&ntT}', t-rtil it thefefnr* 
apprarii neee Kfiory to reirate the eoursa of action 
for jisiblitl ifrs to follow, ilenoe, hud, wtmu and 
r_jo)a_v_ the following: 


Plaintiff'* EiAibit 3 

1. Study your Ortffr ef* JVtol. This applies 
to the publisher individually and to tho company 
ai a groufh Study it by yourself and in your 
company gatherings. In yowt study pay par- 
ticuLar ntleiitioii lo Seelion Three and. dotflrmin* 
in advance, wliat courses of ovation to talks when 
•awaited or mobbed, 

2. A» part of your atady, aEcertoifl in ad- 
vance how to secure a warrant far the arrest 
of a person who lift* unlai*»l|y interfered with 
your Kingdom activity. I>e]c£ale » member of 
the company to invtiligat* tJKL« aahjeet and re- 
port clearly to the company Hi* e*t*t stepa re- 
quired and the place to go to mwdio 4 nmst 

3. ijsdf-dcfcnw il justifiable under the laws 
of man and the Wa of Gotl, Con 't let any Papal 
aubjeet or other religionist cnatsl yon. in the dirt 

or beat you up without inch reiiatanoi a* yon in 
able to pre. 

4. Prepare for trial If yen Ui HHtnlted 
ami unlawfully beaten or stmek by one or Mot* 
pcniriiiii, grt the nime and address of each of 
mjHi pcr^nn^i alw> g»l the name and add re** of 
each one wh« wilrn.'&Kwj the- affair. Talk with 
these, witnesses ami have, each one write cut a 
statement (or yoft writ* il out for him) as to 
what happened, and let «a*h witness aipn his or 
h*r name to it. Keep these Flal^menta for yonr 
own urn*. If necessary to fui-niuli the facts in 
Much statements to the prosecutor ar other offi- 
cial, fomish him with n copy, but yau keep the 
ori^iim)*. Send u. copy of each atatament to 
Brooklyn, marked "Legal Desk*'. 


Pfcrnttf '* Ezfc&t( a 

5. Oct a warrant for the arrest of each of the. 
lawhreakers. The plane to fi«t the warrant is 
determined by your local conditions. It may bo 
from a ju-itir* of the pwace, from the police court, 
or from a mOnieipftl Court, « it nsiay be neees- 
ujiry for yon to see the district oltorney. Of tha 
city or county proMcutor. As Mljrptwted above, 
find out in advance the exact procedure. Inform 
each publisher. 

&V Su: them for damapes. If you are seri- 
ously injured or property is destroyed as a 
result of such assault, follow up the criminal 
pKHjeedLng with a civil action for damaflsa, 

7. Publicity. Evit-doe™ hate pnblieity. They 
prefer tc- wort; i* lb? dark. It is our privilege 
and duly to drajr their cml deed± out into the 
orrfii Vfbfrc tilt may i*t and consider. Therefore, 
when pu njr»;rave,ti*n' juinml t or mob action takes 
place, fiivn- the mutter ji» much (ironist publicity 
as possible- Lot 1bn world kiwi* all about it, 
espeeinlly if Ibe HirrArchy or it* allied orpnntMi- 
1inns are inixcil mp in tin* jkfTaLr. Writ* out tlm 
fn*U 4'lcArly in tamtlvo form, mnkio^ teveral 
cnpirK, an^l tbw lura Jiurh over to the editor of 
wh local rn;iirs)inpcr. Value of murli publicity 
binees larp'ly noK>n accuracy of the points mi- 
bfHlipt: In the ynil ■linlic^t story; henn (he need for 
prepnHnjr proroptly and canfully that which I* 
rtlfn«K] ta the prets. 

8. Rcntl foil rmuorta. lieport these events as 
quickly Us th^y ocr or. In reporting, jrive cajn- 
pteto name nod address of each participant, as 
far la pastddc When yon have intorriewod 


Ptaintiff'M Exhibit 6 

officials, each m a chief of Juliet, «li«nff, or 
judge, give Iho naine and address of each of such, 
likewise. With aueh information at hand So- 
ciety's counsel may then he in position to Tender 
special co-operation and assistance. 

Kjuo- thefw instrncliona. Stnsjy them. E« 
prepared. When n modi'im-dfly Philinline hits 
you with a brick, don't write and ask "What 
•hajl I doT" Go ahead and do it Heport fully, 

Han Your Cwuidtrr-a' Pionetf Service! 

(Ei**<Sti f»B periodical tatilltd "laf^MaMU" 
of Aus«*t, lft)») 

Auguzt, 19,19 Brooklyn, N, Y. 

"But thutj 'hull «flt jirtvail ojfli*r( Ihtc." — 
Jtf. 1:19, 

Tha book will ho offrrcvl to the iicofJc oh a 
contrihiqltnn & 2T>Cr Alu'jiyj \k\ prL^HLrV-il trt 
olT^r Ji cnaiibina'inn of brirhkli k l rt vhrO Ehpy do 
not take Salvation. A bonkniaxk ahoald be left 
with curb one Inking Sirlrutim (annl, fnr that 
matter, any ni!n>r bmu™! Inoot), atid each iridi- 
vhlual Abrvuld he briefly encouraged to some to 
the study at your Kingdom hall. 

— Din't F$rtfisl oTnotcripIt 

Extra Capie* of "Kmgddn U&v?i" 

If tho company desires to have eorni? extra 
copien of Kingdom i\ r *»t* for their own use or 
far distribution to tlie people of good v-"ill, these 


Phfiatiff't Exhibit 8 

Cart he ordered from the Society —1 ,(B0 copies 
on u tcutlrihution of $1.00, 

iiy uKinc; tlii* order blank and sending it to 
(he Brooklyn oETspe U-rorc October 1 you wiH be 
ajl^e to lake s'lvimtapi: of the special rate the 

,Society i<i inskinjr o-f 50c a disc. 

Always take pterdy of Sa'"'«'i*i» along with 
you. Don't get caught "rtnning: aol". 

Aufijat is a bound-book month. If Salvation 
ruim out, unfs fintmiti or Htcka or Any p[J-.itr 
bound Ijooli. Keep pushinfr the campaijrii with 
tkiiiEid hufiiji. Hend in your order and it will be 

fill I'll UK Hikin as posttble. 

U*e Ihia nnlcr Wan* for the eonTenienca of 

Ihe nfli^e, 1 1 n^cd not he mmlKl sa before Au- 
Biift 7, ami hy thai li[n« f*ll «"ill be able to de- 

ttrniine how many m-"rt i'nJrfllHM yon will ro- 
flitlrc. your needn. Tor IJeflkmarks, Flcctrio 
Flnahcr nijrii" and any other material you need 
to advance the Kinpdoin ialoresta, 

^di.-irr.'ij* Uuivation by Electric Fiasker Big*. 

The Society bjw prepircd tbreo very attrac- 
tive inner!* for Klectric Flinher kifrna for ad- 
wrtijiiiiir Die new book rjaiud (ion. The inserts 
nro In bo ehwifcccl periodically, to u to create 
the jrrC4ilc«l »»no«nl of inl«rejit r Th* company 
wrvnnt jdinuhl prnm]itly arrange to order a set 
r,t insrriM for each Klrrtric Klanher sign used 
in (hi- cumpaay territory, The cost of a «et of 
thnr insert* ie I Or.; 3 *eta Etci Id sets, Gfc; 
iin»r« Ihon 10 aeln to one address, Go per set of 
tlireif inaorts. 


Plaintiff' I Exhibit 9 

We atill liavo a limited supply of EU'ctrio 
Flaaker nijros in slock. In ordvr to place them 
in the fiolJ, ihe specin] offer of two of tlic*4 
fiixna for H)c ulitl liulds true, Onkr nnd on 
IhciM,! idgait for advertittng Mvlvtitian, local pub- 
lia meelinjra, lr r fl(tft(oi*er studies, alio. 

(Ejt£.*f[>t* from puiodicci antidad 

ui 5-pt*mb*r, 1939) 

J LafonHiit' 


feptcmher, 1330 

Brooklyn, N. T. 

"tint tiny elialS to! pffimit agaimt tbec." — 
Jer. 1:10. 

Alsciiat SI ark It 
3fJ,771 PaiiifiJitrx New Pink 

Kvery roponal, inne, and com,|Miny ^crraiit 
abould in every manner u<"isi the publishers (0 
Kct inln 1hc fiuld and should aid them in making 
GO hour* n innnlb. 

The a?*rtur« nvimlmr of publisher* in the field 
for I he biHt 10 HM(ti lias been 34,6-10. This in 
marly <t,fO0 mAre |>ul»llhhers in the field per 
tumji-li ;hr-n hint year, 

fJK.tunlay, OtnbeT 1, will •«* y^nr desire ful- 
filled. fJflr'entBf !■' on^ PtJtet will then be 
nlTrn-d with Snlvtilinn on a contribution of S5c, 
Where thn 2%: comhi nation cannot be piac^l, 
{/wcrp-m-cnt and P«a& with two other booklet* 
should he offered On a Ifk; cionlrihutionj and 
where they 4m unaMe to caalrihuta Ihia amount 
bat an interested and wish to raad, tha booklet 

Ptamtif'i tixhibit* 

(tourrrrmtnt sM t'racr, ihoulrli }*) ]':ft -On any 
a>nlrLhiilii>n tlu>y nre nl-k \ti onVr; end if they 
arr mi. 1 1 j|i: 1ij ontriluttu »jtj-tLi.[ijj, leave the 
]*M,kJ>-l vriOj lljMin free. TJiin ini[*nrijuil booNlet 
h'n..iiM ,vi in tiv^ry hMm in Uj& territory, 

Whrltier lliin yi'tr will rmnlt In m/it* Hlera- 

Uin, krjiic fJinil Ibhji 11) IH-SH r|r-pd:iuj* mu'-h on 
llm wJirjlp-lH'£r("<l f nlhiaFijuijfi end (be tbn» dt> 
VOhrd If 1h<- ll'HllJtfl'P JiOUfJ' IWd erri'f™ by *"- 
L J ui \ifiA\\n-.n iJurinx Kw|»lnnl*r, l*t'» (5 ahead 
ftu-l i!» Stt 

Tim hftiT ilnrinK HirfiliTiitmr lia» l*tm In-cr^ftned 
Ifj i(H'!'Mln tfiiluiiti'iit mid iLriH! hrttdcl* on & 
eiMtrtWIittN '4 lifit 'J"hu<* uli'mll iwult not only 

In n ]jirj(«! II if:F nf tjnhrttiti* bowlm planed, 

i-.ui ii!("f In ninny irjf>r* pV*>kle !■ dUtrittiM. 

Sitilrillinic Inn tirnlc-n all rwiuJi, W( ha** 
|I|inllll ipvi-f J> uiitliuli iJii'i™ fl|n-n>ly, anil now 
jipul jl dwhW)' Uj wurk nijjhta al*n V> moat the 


fa-MMM, 1'.m, ttj Jiuur, WW 



]E>vi.:h ..., 

rjT3.(PO I^WUMT 

lljfrjTjJSt Hjfifi7 r «U 

r Ji ll*rf lie* 
Wt.Hftft Inert ee* 

T«IpJ lj't*rBlfl™ 

I'ljI.lirililTH (Av*JJI.K«) 


K>*w hlnVmrif^iifnit .... 
Mi.uj.jj Aliswliui<!tt 


H,xKt Tin: ri*ji«n 


T^rftMfft S,1«l,7.iii Z.inWif* foftratM 

lltf/fl^ H!p,*H Jtf.WH htftRiBMl 

tn/i'dj'z Tr,i.'i.*sTT iijTj,?h.'i Ijim^-rm 

Jt.cL UJhIIji MAT;*! lOfytll fl.yr.lMl ]n«fi'M6 

*Tiiii retire ^-**n imly tins »[n:einl " Cloiuwlalion" «ubi«rirrtioii 

«Wn|ai()l of Ajprll, May auJ Jujui, IJ3& 


Plqtntiff'f tfxhitrit a 

{tMBmpU from papiodkal ■stlllad "ta f ir» lej i j * 
of Ott-:W h 1*J*> 

October, ma LreoUrft, N. T. 

"Jj'a-f JnCJI »/i«U if' pr-TUijJ &jftli**l th&," — 

Jtt. l.lSt. 

flo/fjti!irm Ami fioVftitii'iiJ iifJ ft^e, wiiitli 
iriU b* GfttTw] I* Ifm [""].'!" Jurinjf lite mrjjtlh 
cl OtUiirtj' Mi t eontrJuutim of i'jii 

"finni*»Mn*f ±*jp I'KJUje" JIhjI*» 4 New Vju> 

Tin N*jci»ty is printing kVn JIHlljrJIi a'jjpim irf 
It It I* lh* [rul.liK>ii!r»' jub tfl tulit! H miiL |iUa 
it Wilb 1)i« l»i*|pJfc. 

Uwrt » *A« ^'ie/J— iu:sa 

Nuir, nifjj-n timn tviir Urfuri". It i» ¥itnJJy nws»- 
i*ry In ItaVD jKj)iii!ttiinj( wJtJi i-flJ-J' jjtr»fjii wlup i* 
at all Wiiilly A\\\Kifi\ In Ihn KinsiJinn rutinuij!*, 
even thr^li that may \w "ul Um Wulwalioai fji* 

Tiuljlk EDfeetinj; fylilKf. Jbr[Krftt I'fjpni Bij( In (n 

tha i/ITt-j- iiliow 1hal nmeb «"'«! rrsulin fr'JFn "iwil 
advertiulnjr, »™1 all «uik|>4nii«« mI jjJiljlinJitn 
tliuaJd fully ivfiiip tlKrrjuu^lviii Willi all Uifw 
fnnju of irivo j-i i«;ji if an'l ilnily fml tlu>in tt> line 
In tha IWlil. Tim Mileni ein (u< hwl H +'tt i 
IhbDhand. 1'h'r (ymlmiarfc* sri; f2 ji lh</uiuiri.l; 
|1^5 for GOO; 1,75 f« '£*i. Net J-o»i U'»i> 5^ 
IwokfiM.i'lLi can In orJunnI 


riaiitlif'i Exhibit S 

Day and *i|(u1 wc nhould l» adv«rtiiinjf (he 
sew kxii iXaltmlaaa, Ick-jjiI public laccii ntfrt, 
tFefeNJuntf alclie*, rta. Tin? Kkclri* F1wu>ec 

ei^r.h [li-c- a flr04l! [n^uauisn'Jil uid n. lhi*i pihiiil-o- 
tiu-i, iiwJ fnch omijiaiiy *luiu3d avail ili^Jf of 
Uila luediun uf aJvtrlining, Ofdtr end usu 
tliL-MU nijllIK ilttiJy. VtiU cull »tlll gpjt Iwn uf llli'na 
jii^iiH for Airily SOe, und iin-ludcd in 1 1 hi nftpciul 
cITijj- ere U»w ijiiw.TUi Uk adverliainff Salvatw*, 
and in«i-rlN fin 1 iiit'tttf* 

Voa can pdvurtine vuur local Suvtlituji by 
nidiim oT UtD KJujilmr »inn». 

Wu*lJ.i-«"ll;K "WtKriLTuliriilt" U*HJ'J-igN lUl 1 ^! 

uTJiJH I'ui>Ii«),trs in the FittJ Work 
Sttre tl,i* iipOtyUa Hour* 

]2t h tl(i3 mow Wotdii^mtr aubmcxipiinuM were 
oLilaimib, ►." fjjuuriinp; our quota. 

Wlitn wu eumnidcr tl-nl ov*lf 5,C00jlJ0O Iniur* 
wtri: ein'ul in wiiitiJHmliijr, F! knnH 1 for n cer- 
Utirtly tiiul n)BDy |n:rj]jli; litard tf Die Kiwdom 
j>:nl uflilDiiljHrtlly ore now rKfivin^ n ricLi lIchii, 
ins; fnmi lha rcaiJing of TA* ly^fcftioifitT, (Jik 
£n?ini&f book, face JJir, foci* aoj FmctM pr 

It ii ft real rileimurc to "tl out tlo Wflfct- 
lowir Ctni|i*ifru of I'JStf willi ■ »imil*r world- 
vide campaign of Itut year; 


Ftaittiiff'l Hikibit 9 



Uooiiltl* _ 

Total Lit 

" Cn rf ' ' 

■SDiVJl* 17-1,2*41 

AuiiiiurUta __« 

(.lompany Pub*, __ 

Tjalal J*ub«. . .... 

Hootk .. 

New feul.'H. ._..,.,.,.,.„,. 

Sound Attend. . 

BdiA-iUu))* . „.-™„„. 

MtmorLal — 

Attfadance , 







3l b 42«S 



l ,::is 


. r pS,fj!*a 






Cl'IIJPflif* JiKHPud C'il'ijJJiiiiiiry in /'i>Jii<t 
TK« paper-hound edition toil! lie Ste. 

of N«4mb*r, 1939) 


Mmamligr, 1333 KrooUyn, N. T. 

"ihiJ (Aey siaii mJ pr*™^ ajfliiitl tiee,"— 
Jer. 1:19. 

Where ttw people ftm Unable to ui«])l tlio 
three bookkta cm » 1-Oc UStrilrtlUoa, <iroi> to 

r.nvi.f mwi^ui aW j?«Ke and iTiBjioin iVfiUf on 


Plaintiff, '$ Ezli&ii B 

a , r )c conlriliution, or any cOnirilmllOJ* thuy art 
uulo to inokt, «vnn nna cent; *™J if tJu-y are 
intcrtihtuit and, wnul to reutl but ere iioaljlo to 
eonlnlmte, lcav» CoutrumaU and ferns nnd 
A'ia^ifiijia Uevit »'iUi tliSBi on tltcir asnirtneo 
that UiHi' will rend tlifin. 

Tlio object of tlii* campaign Si to covor a> 
HtUcli territory aa pogaihle with tliic veO' if0- 
jmroint ineeiagB during the month -of DMttaban 
Therefora a ihoroifflt nrganiaatinn, f,|kkh3 aad 
lilT^etLveriesm arf nt^eBSiry. 

Wlki'is (he puUiidier i» aide to ptay the "Bnara 
djbd Hntket" rpouiil, tli*H h ol CDurwc, galr-aliem 
ami Enrmir* sh&Hld aleo be offered i.n addition 
to tlic F/orcsoing eoinbtiialLun, on n- winSi-JLiution 
or tifls or Me, detmidsne upon -a'betlvcr tb«y wi»b- 
to take both or one of the bound books, 

Sew Puhlietttioiu 

Tlw follnwins pulilkitlijnJi bj" 1 * oonia into 
■lock eince tb« |sr:ating of tho M*)f 1 Coat Lint: 

r«nj;li>; tSutvatiati, OnnfMrntui oikJ Jfrtt*. 

lbo; TjWivtEr'tLj. 
Italian: /^rjjucrjem or rrteaopi. 
1'riitiiiaiiifo: J'nnifftirt*. 
Pulittli: faid^iM. or fTfenJfllH. 
Itumn niftrs : *>« f*e Farljj. 
ftpfciiub; f'ascjirn or fi'rtJn™, (VJoJfJ J?fi(jy 
(rurw nnt of elock}. 

l)im'! Fofgtl (iiWtl]i1inji 

Tin: bk*li pninte of tlie rep"'! for tin* United 
fi1uti-» (intlodiiR pinr«r«') are inerea*?a OTer 

the prtviooji yiair of alrooH IHDOO piiljlJurjcra, 


FlaiHtilT* Exh&il 

half tt rail lien piece* of literature, three million 
hoars, OU million l^ck-co))*, and 00,000 sub- 
ttriptiont. Tin increjme in pubSJuhcn: would 
have. be*n alilt greater Imil tin publishers been 
Mnrt regular in tluj Berviett, 

HQww*r, ili ordora for phonographa and rec- 
ord* pfhoold Iw ftceoinpwied by * rcuvonnbte 
down payment aclnw y-noT *e*ti».Ht hi* a credit 
holaoaa Ui Hiver tic ounI of tin equipment 

(LiwjjU frotn poriwlkal aatlllni "Informant" 
of D«l», tSJ J) 

DvoCmber, 1^3© Brooklyn, S. Y. 

"£«t lhcj/ikaU iKil ^rtofttl ojjiKut SAtt,"— 
J«f, 1:19, 

No hotna in whieli Lhare art publinhers far 
The Theocracy should tm without Hie ri-arinso*. 
Oitht it now UnrouKh tlw company tartan t. The 
50o contribution fur each copy covers tltt Wit 
of Ibis edition. The Ytarbvuk and Calendar* 
will lie ready for ahipiaent about the lith, of 
Cite tuber. 

Jan-pur BoTimj-BociK Warm 

An Yov Rhnv 1 Hiy*. Yep Sirnuiat 

IfoSr CTatUiuH 

3 Bound JSooJfcs pn 35(3 ComtninitUtm 

We ore obligated before the Lord to raise up 
i standard for the p&oplc, and, it the canlnbu- 


Flalnii$"* Exhibit S 

lioa on which tide combine-! ion ia offered, tli* 
Lord iia» made it po*«ibk faf practically every- 
one to obtain at leant one eLiinbtiialion. Let tin, 
therefore, by the Lord's Krate, accept this grave 
rtHpon nihility which Jejiotah has placed up-un 
itM Djid go forward wilh uid end thanksgiving 
tarrying thin life-giving food to a perbdiing 
world during thin campaigii- 

The Qgtt 

ALL of the Uoeiety'n bound book? fr'wi 1'i<$ 
Harp of Gad to Jthof.nh may be offered during 
this period, 3 oo a contribution of 3&c on "(fc 
eontrtiiution. 12 en (1.40 contribution, etc, Fof. 
ci({n- language biiiikii Are uIho lo be need in this 
campaign ; any 'i to lm offored on a contribution 
(if lit, G un ifie twn/lribuiLuH., etc. Jiolc Ibit 
iiieJrcs, Enemiat and ttaTcNjtiap are not to be 
ij;uJiiiJed in this cori)bin»lJ<in oiler. 

(Eacfpt* fr^ panxlnl •atltled "UafM^anl"' 

Uirrii, 1M0 Broold>ii F N. Y. 

"My Awf fb>U r^joiii ** (af taJujafw*." 

-JV. 13 A. 
Thi "Battml Bizoe" Beoi*! W«*ld-w™i 


It ll juJtihle for u to kereua th« diilribn- 


/'Jdinlif'r P.-Ail,id 8 

tiaa of 7/if U'jjflifiir-*!' ftni) Can*oiation to at 
lij^Mit IJOO^iOO ^hfninjB of ^jLrh tH«u* r But, t£ do 
rJKlu, i( WlLI Ini-nn til lit L-iLrlt wp!| liavv 

to be coniii'ii-clly on 1 lie alert to develop the 
nngazme roulv in li La individual territory and,, 
aa opportunity afford*, get oat oil the elreer. 
corned in the lioay i&eiioen at the !mn when- 
ever ho fcftn, nod teptciaUy on Sinlnxdav aftcr- 

iwom aiat] tmtlngB, 

This wide ditiinbulion of (be tnagBjioea will 
open the way toward getting in direct touch 
with the peoplt of good wiU fclio hive Ihi-ij- pcr- 
HiMienl adiirenHcu in taiuta ajid private or ei- 
duKtve ujisr!ii;i'ni», which reiiiienLi op tu,tba 
present lime have been practically ioacccMibhi 
to the |;;.Li.i.-,!i/i k, 

Ai tbvt «irjrc U carried on agninit the Deril'a 
<i r^'Hii iialioq, Ihouiuindi of people of good will 
will read of Uie truth and leave the prixcm-hcon* 
Of tlie DctiI an4 come into tli« "citka of 
refnge'*. WJiat a gloriuui f>rivi.icfle ii onris dur- 
ing llua world-wide tsstfanony period I \Vhat a 
privilege i* our* here in America, where we ziitl 
liBTe the freedom to ri> forth advertiKing Tnr 
THUocaAcv I Tbi* ^aniftwiKTi, beginning with the 
Vi inOrid. *h4a]d kn the gTenteet of all teKiniooj 
penoda to bring io the peopl* the gre»te*t offer, 
the memage of The WtiicMtwtr, a bonad boot, 
and the new booklet Eefitgett. 


PlaiutifFi Exhibit ft 

Thin axhibit in a photogTaph. of BcfheL 

>'dL reproduced pnrsmint 1o »tipidotiOn 0s 
]Wij>Ea l^SS-igSS of tlnu record. 

PlawtlTa Exhibit 10A 
January 1, 1 !^i, : Tn WaTtSHOWH 

" WATcnTOWEa 1, ' cjuriiom 

Four full B'.oathi of IQ3D,. January lo April in- 
cluaive, have been set auide for the biggCut, if not 
iinxl iiri[iortant, yet o-f tho Bultspaigint to publish 
JthwaVt kjn^doto. It in designated the " Wotth- 
;,/..,-" rJiiojioij!;ii becauae, of tlie tpceial offer 
toaJo, ugrocabla lo arrangements of tins Socii'ty, 
to wit, a fu!i year's subscription for lb<; rhaj^uino 
T\e Watch! outer togeiitr with U^ Vc*k Entmitt 
or any otl'.L-r one ilL'^Lird cif tlih boond book uories 
and a copy of tha oew booklet Face the Facli, 
on a contribution of but $1.00. This will be the 
offer in evury bm^uaga in which The Watc\- 
iuiL-tf appear*; hence thi* four-month csm;iaign 
will be both international and wOrfoVwid*. Ktitty 
reader of Tht Tfaieafa-HJ^r' who appreciatea its 
renl vjiiu* anil the <iiro need of all people of good 
will today for ila spiritual food will without Urg- 
ing detira [o talta port io tliia ftujiifiaigii. If sot 
alrpady in touch, willi tti* Society r s aerwiea or- 
ganiiation, write thin office and make arrange- 
jnenta for ibe cdinimign. A monthly report io the 
regular may will be expected of each publisher. 
Consult Oio InforaunU for all details, hereon. 


Plaintiffw Eibibit 10-5 
Jannary l, lftW The WatcutoWe* 


"TJic uJicfolni'iin of estra copies of bMk num- 
bers of Tie WutrhlouT.f as pari of each puh- 
li* liar's repular ef|ui|irnci!it is empliBBiied in a. 
puStli slier 'u experience biTji iiarraled. It serves 
to shi-iw the need (w be alwjiys alert tn display * 
cample copy lo nny pcrsfm that exhibits «i»C*i* 
ntrrcal, even nt Ibr juibliitl ler'a firat coll upon 
*uch I^T'ltU. 

"A lady o,r llin hou«n FourtpWl4y refnppd lo 
ink* tli* iKioltlfi lt'*Tri»iit^, pU'inlinit »be wn* not 
in poHitinn to ofliT any eontrihntion. Holding 
mil the Iwwiklet to her, the pnlilinhfr qniAly rc- 
jolnad tiial ainre she licul grenlli' ^fliiyed rejuJing 
now* of the otiier bnnlilcts it wa* important for 
brr to hnv<> liiiji tiniety infnniictioni mid "lie 
i-tnild *bnre in I he work t)y mntine: a small c^n- 
Irilndion volonlnrily. At nnee nhe tonk [hi? hook- 
lei, remarking ait hIi* stnrtH aWny: 'Oh, I enn 
i-erJninly gi'.r- a ilime.' She diil- Tlien tlw 
P«b|pKlir-r [ircwiiteil ftTinther bojtklM. nsyinp: 
'One of vh>lic relotiviw nr gn^l friMMl* wilt 
gnvitk' opjan'Tiate rawiiix |bi" inrflrniali^n 
Find licre'i nil nlm copy of the. hiime iKinHrt 
tlmt yon can u*e in (lint wny. 1 Shr pladly ac- 
«-ptnl it. Then, alert tn flip opportunity, the 
piihfebrr followefl np with n. "By line way, bnve 
you ln-aftl Hi* latest MMndf Tbere-upon nhe 
weleoinci h'fn onto ber porrb to play tlie T^nnl- 
ing 'Ht'licf, At itn end *lie widi *I certainly 
want to heir the Hc^nlution ftlso.' Tiiat playpd n 
and ]unt before proceeding In ]Mfk up, tbe pub- 
lifher bonded brr A nample VFattitasrr, reinark- 
iau; 'Tiiis nample iafgr of Tht Wnithtuwcr you 


i*fcmli"#*j Exlibit 1«-B 

will alno enjoy. Tl coaiei to you by mai[ t Iwiro 
each montli, and the KLibscriptian, in only a dollar 
a year.' An he waa iiackang up his plionograpli 
and record* nhft haatity glanced through the jour- 
nul unci njiiij: 'Mavb« I'll send in a ^uh^criptioni 
»o:iii:l«ric, or ]atrbapx yoo wilt tak* il n<>wl' 'Yea, 
your jubueription con be entered rifitit now," 
said be h and look nut liN [ia<3 nf W , 'otefcJuir*j' wok- 
scriplion blanks and henna filling in tbe boun* 
auuihor and nmne-nf "trret while. *h* waa inMidq 
procuring the doltur." 

Aceurding to this publisher's observation, the 
particular piece of literature, whether book, 
booklet or magazine, actually produced by him 
and turned over to the householder's band if an 
essential aid to such to clearly understand what 
lib* publisher then tries to describe verbally. 



PliLntiff't Exhibit 1 1 far IdmtiAcati an 

This exhibit it *■ UttW from G]in B. Hoyk to 

J, P, BotUrfwd, dated July 3, 1337. 

PiaintLfTs Exhibit 12 

This exhibit is. a photograph of tin printing 
plJLnt af the Watch To-wurr Bible & Tract £o- 
*Wty tit Adams Street, Brooklyn, 

Hot reproduced pursuant to itjjtutaljon qh 

pagea 1S3B-13BQ of Lhi* record. 

Plaintiff i Exhibit 13 

This exhibit is. a letter from the Watchlower 
Bible & Tract Society, lac, of Brooklyn U> Olio, 
a. lioyle, dated November 20, 1939. 

Not printed purituuot to (tipola-tiou on pages 

lSSS-lSBB Of tW* ntourd. 

Plaintiff 1 ! Exhibit U 

OLIH E, MOYLi] Attorney-a l-Law 

1439 Underwood Ave. - W annates*, Wi* 
Telephone BLuerouuiul SSM 

Not. 2*. 1S39 

W. E. Van AmhurKn, 
134 Columbia Heights, 
B* pally n, N, T. 

I) Ear Brother Van Arnhsrgh: 

I have juist received a Letter from A. B. Qoux, 
iiM KMiylant necrelary, informing me tliat at 11 n 
aniitinl meeting, of tin Wal*hiowrr Hildc Js Trtet 
Society, Inc., n uinlinn hill bo introduced stk- 
ipg for the reiiinval of mv imiut! *» g member 
of the corporation for the r*M4A that I have 
assumed a position in oppnsiiiun te I be Society'* 

J expect i4i deny thin rltarge and furnish evi. 
Hence ih KupjHirl of (hr dcninl. A* a matter of 
fnimess I aheuht Im informed before hand just 
wliat nrtii i l»aw done which »ne alleged In ho 
in nppaniiiaa tn the fWirty'a jpilirty, and L 

therefore H~k til 111 V-'LI fuimipll inc with a bill 

of particulars giving that information. 
Tour* in Kingdom service, 

Ou* E. Moiu. 

PUinliff'i Exhibit 16 

En route, 
August lu, 1939 

Judge Jj F. Rutherford 
124 Colombia Height*, 
Brooklyn, N. ^. 

Bro, Rutherford; 

He: IrviKgtm vs, Cto™ ScArm'der. 

On Tn«*d»y you, in&trocted ffrnis te write 
eouoi-i'l in the various cases regnrdiajf edjemnt- 
jjii'iiIh iVrniil -m;.' f- brine: to your ir.te:iLi::n 
1lm urgent need for different action in (Iki above 
entitled owe, 

Tliis eruie in H*fnre tlta XI. S. Snnff-nie C"Urt 
oorl in nne of the first ea«pft on Ibr Ilk! for !ho 
qnjninu October TcnilL AdjnUmniRntK »re nut 
fti«ily MCTunrtl in that arart, and the rhnorm 
d«! tlmt yn.n will not have |be ewtm-nilinn nf 
Tnrinjrton eonrmel in aeenrinp th« ww, Briefe 
nh.nrM br printM ami filed and nervnl and the 
™»p arpiiH w>hmi railed, 

Ovi>r finr v,i(>el(n ajfo I turned tmr tn Roq^ 
Mir brirf for tyrrimr. On Tocnlny tltp iuh *n» 
vjill nnfinislirdj The time for filinp fiml H-rv- 
iru: r I- 1— brief if clone at hand nml it in riljiltv 
irnpnrlnnt tlmt *ik>1i wfirt In; djire. Vnn ore 
wr>leame lo kic nil or ftny p^rtinn nf my brief 
tbiit yon nleKir* r ^limsnftliii^ pty tiih^t and hav- 
iiiiK it sipned Iny unifl^ tm-inb^r of the Siiprpme 
Court bar, Wluitlitr ymi tup thio brief is hn- 
mratpriiil to me-, hot the pnint iv (but »rtinn 
Aliouhl hr> Ijibon nt mine w that there vil] be 
Sit default. The ense in -vitally ini[torl»iit to the 
intertiitii of (l, c KUtJpUirn work throughout tbe 


PtoinJiJ'j £jAtfrij is 

nation Ami I therefore hope that the matter will 
be uiUcn rare of rorrectly and efficiently. 

I renuin 

Siull for the Kingdom, 

{Sdgnedj Oue U. Motu 

Plaintuf * Exhibit 16 


July L, 1!M0 Tea W*Ttmro™ 

ths csiniiEi. ihi uian ia qkio 

Dear Brothor Euth«rford ajjd All the 
Bethel Family; ,. 

. Having rrud the article " Information" . in the 

Odulier 15 issue of The Walehiower, wa wish to 
i'i[:rc-ii.> our dinipproTel of the things done by 
0. It. Mojie against the family at Bethel, 

Wo do not knov the contents of the letter 
written by Mr, Moyle. nor do we care to know. 
It is cnoujrli for its that onr great God, Jihov^h, 
it pleued to me you. all tn hia service, and je 
flJLoucrinc yon with, 

■H'b believe that the Societ}' ia the channel the 
Lord ia oiing to cany on bis Kingdom, interest* 
ip cnrtli at this time, and Ihit onr brethren at 
Rrlhcl ore bring spent in that serrioa 

We never listen to accusations sgainst Brother 
Rutherford or any faithful servant of {Jod who 
i* performing his piven service in the Theorrslie 
fJovfrnm^nt; fn>r to do so would be disoiiedii^nt 
ami iJangtmit to ontntha*. All of tbe faitl-ful, 
hnvinit Instil n'urned, would do well to be on their 
£UJird ugainet the wiles of those "wild waves of 


Plaintiff's EiLibit IS 

the sen, . , , fnr whom lha blaetni'ss of darlt. 
iit-.iK tui!h tiecn reserved for ever". (Jno> IS, 
A,B,V,) Tiieae do not dinCeri the body, but, *.» 
Jude «ijT t 'thaw mpect of pcraona for tiie snke 
■of odvontJiRi.!.'— Jude It. 

Owing to force of circujiutanees while I tin 
stilt .' tinLi. malrinif,' 'vr. *if*, ifltdms,, 'Jiwvt *rmnt : *k 
a eoinjia.ny of.servsnta, . VhVbr.ciw Hint the faith- 
ful mil orerth* earth will haitup to stand openly 
ob the aide 'cf onr brethren at. Bethel, and 
ne;iiinKt.' all wicked accusera. Wc,. also, wish to 
be.- found. fighting shoulder i;> ehwlder with' -our 
b,retli n:n,. -and' to let it be known thai, by Je. 
htivah.'a Kraoe, ve shall ever, be found elnnding 
■f nr Jehovah 0«d f . : hie . Kio^ Chrinl Jesus, the 
Kingdom, pjid all' who faithfully hit. (bat king- 
With K-mr.h love, we remain. 

Tour brethera and felinw' locusts, 

OaijrvDLLi: E. Fuskb, 
Qmjjm ftial, Piotutr. 


Plaintiff'i Exhibit 17 

Feb. 1, mo 

Frod and Jessie Aebly, 
Wankegan, 111 

Dear Pred and Jessie: 

yfusis, if, fiin, ' > 4f\\,. ifwsijivtt, *y,fWL, hnnn» ■lit 
firstly tnijisrd the .' point , of u\y rt^ueat. for on 
ftxulnnnlinp, If you with 'eubltmc igncnuice of 
the situBtion at Bethel and .the fpcts in the case 
waint to decide tiinl I Imve .co.ninutted an offense 
in giviiiu reo.iniui to Judge liEatlierford ■ for leav- 
ing Bethel, .that is your prwilejcB and I luiTe n* 
ar^uiLieiLt. v.-itL you OTtr it, Jfo. hutpn^ ere-jiEu™ 
■Inn yet lH\-n piling on *;wh 11 lii.i;li 'nnd c-^nlled 
gilitne thai onu cannot cull attention to sneh of ' 
n^rwngftd nets, but if'ynu wnnt to .think' ollier- 
u-ise. you of eoorae haie the right to do so. 

The point of my argument is this: You with 
others sign n Ktstrmcnt fnlnely nccuHing me of 
sending letters throughout your orcji,- If Ihcro 
wnn any circulation in your area yoi} are tin 
one that did it for 1 did not send any copies 
downlhere oilier than the one I loaned to you 
on rnfOeat Now j-ou attempt t<i jottify your. 
**lf by sloling I eireiildted it ^lspwIu-re-Ti'itiiont 
rrniient, The stories of wide«f"rrS(l eirvfllotitfl 
of this letter are exceedingly iiiyatrrious and I 
would like very much to fcnnw tin Dimes of 
IIidho lo m'Iidui [ havK 3*nt it witliont request. 

I)..-.\--:ni> of otie'h .i;'i;-<L nsme seain;*. wrongful 
cbavg* it not urir ju;:'ifwi*ti»n, or at least not a 

Wrnnj'.fnl i-i'lf ju^tiliontlno- Tts OB a TUir With 

pfrlf 'lefCR"e of pcreon or property which Is up- 
hold by the Scriptures. Bat yos, to justify your* 


Plaintiff'* Ezn&ti Iff 

wlceri Imve resorted to faljiehood and fain* 

I can't believe that the Lord approves of »uch 

Yonr* in Eingdofli wirvi**, 

duiB. Movix. 

PtxintiiPa Exhibit I& 

7218 W- North Avenue 
Wauwatos*. Wisconsin 

Mr. Vwtor Schmidt, 
liiddlelown, Ohio. 

Tliiir Bid tier iidiiiijl; 

I presume yon linvc ftin the Seplember 1st 
Tower and Tvatl tin: nosies ai-c-K 11 "-? ' IL >' unfaith- 
fulness to tint Society, etc I'm net arguing 
with the hjiHcujly jiLhjiii it but wont 14 tell a few 
of my friend* tbut "it ain't no,'' Juat before 
veuition I sent Rrollier Rutherford * pole pro- 
tecting against JiimLt of bin practice*, partita- 
birly the table trinifiiinpi no gives tli* family. 
Iliirncdiiilely after vacation the Hoard of Direc 
lors wu gathered toother and. the lloyle family 
was given iuilf » day to pack- iU stall together 
and get oat. I wn still loyal to tins Society and 
working with the. local company here in harmony 
with it. In view of onr pteas«nt associations 
tojjelher I wasted to let yon know that I haven't 
gone with »jiy opposition grnop and do not im- to. 

I hop* the holy hishop'a case at CoInmbnA is 


Plaintiff >m E-rimbii IS 

progressing satis Fac1 ority. llnvu nny ItfterinR* 
btL-ii held on the opposition's, latest move-nt Of 
caaxH 1 haven't any more connection* with l!i-u 
fa.-*, but when, you liav* lime- Hlbe glad to bear 

Of itH pKlgjeSlL 

] am just nt present marking time nnlll some 
luTiees urt filled up fur n**- One of the local 
brethren ia giving roe <Vli room *t present and 
(i'-iiii u'c eXpKt to move into ^acne very nice 
chimin dions offices, Will probably get enough 
haniucHS to keep alive for n while,. 

Will 1m jilad to hear From yon Then you gel 
time to write. 

Yonn in Kingdom service, 

Own R, Moth 


Plaintiff. Exhibit 10 

January 5, 19*fJ 
Mr. Victor &c lunidt, 

lliddlctown, Ohio. 

Dinu Brother Scluniilt: 

Home time in Septeti iber 1 wrote a tetter to yon 
and did not receive an answer, 50 1 presume you 
considered 1 was guilty oF everything alleged 
against mo Ity Ike Tower and not worthy of a 
tetter. Kneispt far the Fuet tliat no person likes, 
to Iw misjudged by kin f fiends, it should not make 
any diffcVcBW to toe if yen do consider fH a 
haL'talider. ThereFore 1 wouldn't bother writing 
to you again eiccpt for the circWuilancea oc- 
casioning this letter. If memory serve s me cor- 
rectly you. are- a mcmW): of li* Wjichtowl* 
IJiulb &, Tutr Socotrv, Imn. (formerly the I'eo- 
ples Pulpit AsjiocLnlioa), 1 have received notice 
that at the Annual meeting of the corporation tlii-a 
coming week A uioltoa will be introJiiccd asking 

fur iil-, rKii:uval flu^ Iht -1C' r;:-; C,i 1. 1 .: r. 0:1 -I-- "— 
kgrd jj*ou.iii!ii of op]:iO!-iti«n !■» Soti-ety jjolir*'. 
I Iiavw prepared an aoi^er to tlrecluir^i; fur uub- 
□xmjon to the mecti^Ti a u| l am pending a copy 
lu you aa one of the members. 

Tour« in Kingdom sarvict, 

Ouir B. Mdrut 

Piiintirl'* Exhibit 20 (or IdentifcAtion 

This exhibit in a pampldet prepared by A. A, 


DtafcnihwU^ Exhibit A 

Jrtavak'i jCiQflka 

12* Cclmahia. iieightij Brooklyn, N. Y, TJ. S. A 

5'-_: -Jkii luf- 


C1U1 A.ilmi 

SeptemhcT 21, 1&39. 

JiHDTiii'A \Vitkk«m[!s in Zona 1 

Dear trothreo : 

Iteports to Uiis office tn to Hie- effect lint 
H. II Fink, wbo for AOifli) time haa been aeling as 
ions »ervant, hi* h**& disregarding the ia.-itfist- 
tioni frttfl Brooklyn, which would dlAqisalify him. 
for the [Kv.-iition of zone servant, A letter has 
been addressed to him to giv-c huo a duinn lo 
■itnte his aide. In the n:e4intiiiLe, however, he ii 
suiipentled as lone strvant and UmporArily 
lirother 11. A, Honrlett ia appointed for woo 
servant of thnt HAM until definita nrrAng*l«Ciil4 
can he mad-e. Brother Howlelt, tlicreFor*. »p*aka 
at the dircclion of the -Hociery and Fiok he* no 
aatbority from the Society wh»!ev<.'i' te represent 
it at the present tints, and not until the aitnalton 
is cleai-ed up and he hot pureed himself of the 
charges made AgAin^t him. Unless a person ii 
willing to curry oat instructions received from. 
headquarters he ia not supporting lift Theoeralto 
OrRiniiation of Jehoi'Ah Rod hy Christ Joaoa. 
Everyone who tally ia in favor of Jehovah 'a or- 
|M>i II I i ilH Ahonld AC w ""' f " t it in airing fait 


Defendant!' Exhibit B 

aapport to the Society'* representative, Brother 
rlowlatt, who hcAra this note, 

'!;>■ J. F. Boxmciuroao 

D,fcud*ot»' Exhibit 8 


Foon Fjvcoutrw BaosLLaa 


ctnJbnrb of MilwAaieA 


7713 W, Merlfa Ax*. 
Ttkitam HLmaevti fflii 

Sept, 12, 1339. 

Mr. J. F. Rutherford, 
124 Colombia Hviguta, 
BriHtkl^s, N. Y. 
Pen! Brother Rotberford, 

I arii writing you as jOu* iiervant for tlii* nrea 
and as Society representative about a puitusr 
■ahicli ilioulil he of interest to you an<i which 
concerns lifotlier O. It. Moyle who is now in our 
loidiL 1 OABiuJie tliat a rejiort of this kind *outd 
be weltoiuwl n» there might b« somo apprtberi- 
jiiun aLrout jiin aclivjtjci (inee hia, being dinted 
from Bathelr 1 am recitit)J( tiua fael* innjiflrtiallj- 
and- not for tli* purjxw* of flilhar eosdauuing o* 
defanduig llim. 


DeftndamU' Exhibit B 

Bra. lioylc, Sr, lloyle, and Peter have been 
regularly aitcmlinfi all of the meetings in tlie 
iliK-aukce Cuiopany and hftve been engaging 
KkolalwArtedfy i" the kingdom Mnrice. Up (o the 
time the lilaleinr nt came out in the: recent Tower 
about hi? alir^vd nnFaitlifulne**, the friends here 
were all under the impression that be had left 
voluntarily to resume practice having found lifn: 
Last rather slranuous. 1. dl course, hne« thai 
he had »ritt*n a letter 10 you, and liaving known 
iiim for s {pud rnany yeiwm, asted. to see a co[>i 
of it. Until recently, he refused to shou- ine s 
copjr, ctuimiiiji thnt tbe watttr was a perjjniLiil 
iiiatter hel»e*u you. and him and he felt thiit tlie 
less said Jibout the whole matter the better, i» it 
might posvfbly distarb some aod jeopardize the 
IfingdiNii ioterfHts. Sinee- that time, aF ooftrne, I 
liave swn Hi* latter. Katurs33y I am not in posi- 
tion lo put" op 011 th* 'f* 1 "' or the filiity of any 
of the *tmtr>mcnts contAJned therein and ntillier 
am f in Any aenseof the , w*id interested, 

HovovtT, tliat atntetunit in the Tower pre- 
Wltad >|iitte a liit of niMtulation and ftoiinip on 
the purt or the f ricnfl* hei-e and at the very next 
tantot meeting [ aa iuae sen-ant pnhlieally 
deiiKu»l*d to linn* of Bro. lloyle whether hit 
ansocialion with this company meruit tliat he was 
wholeheartedly in f*e»r of the work of the 
Society and intended to cooperate ™jtb thin com- 
pany individually in ill matters in which ea»e 
we would ho only to glsii to havo him do so, 
otlianyiBe *•* wanted An **filsnation of the state- 
went Found in the Tower, We were all gratified 
to hear him puhlically eipres* hia full and ecru. 
plate coavinlioQ that th* fioejalj *»* tho Lord's 



DtfrmiaaW Exhibit B 

instrument in (Jit- earth todjiy, that lis m fully 
nnd cDin]j[L>ti'Ev hi, liartuony with iti work. tltot )ip 
njjfi.*J (lie articles were the lneil hi due 
i-oawMi fyr the Lord'* people 4nd san-ared us or 
liii aud the Mnylc 'family 't full drlertuiiultion 10 
engage in the wilncn* work. Uu alaled that 
he hud resigned vduntardy before being 
outted and I hot bin, pemuual dilfereocci ever 
soiilc matters at Brooklyn, in no way shook hie 
conviction tliat you, n& president of the Society 
ijt th? urRiicii-EfltiaB ob ■ whole, wan being ci«d 
by the J»rd uQi.l thai be was fully vrLULnjj to 
cooperate with it la the fullest cktonl to hi* 

I Ukuuned him i« liehalf at the company as well 
us iiu'self tint if those were Ms sentiments *s 
would he only (<*j k^ •* have h:m ™ our mid*l 
aud tint even if In; bad hern wrong, which <>f 
course 1 cannot say dogmatical! y, the l-ord a* 
tt'L-LL Hi we an b conijwny would be only too glad 
iu let by gune* be- by goiiea. 

I Until jwirlir- ubir n<ite <jf the statement that lit 
liiudo in nne nf lb* iritetinp* thai I luijijiened to 
attend, A question u'fis anfced of him relative Id 
the Euitund ability of some men whoia Ibn L*trd 
was using ft 'in; p rent ti lime or hu ilu^s is cLu 
pant.. I wun very pleased to hear binl say the 
r<j| [owing which I ojuote is near •» pnnaihie; 
"While the J.ord could possibly uno any person 
and ciiduvi' him with special gifts ta do hie wilL. 
it seeius that lit (lacs take men flf mar* than 
ordinary ability and uses such iJ.ili'.y tu the 
he irjr and }inbim> of biri name. Bre» Butlserford, 
far instance, in unquestionably such a man as be 
pouaesnes far more than Ordinary energy* depth 
of micd, and jjeuersl ability," 

Deftw&ar-U' Exhibit B 

Kiiturully s;r.:i'ic ?.-i L r:.!!: are toiiK-u'lict pu^iled 
b\-nr lb« «Uikin«ni. fvuud in t3ie Toiler and tlte 
0jiyiikn;nl invunsisltncy h'iUi it in Brai Moyls's 
D^tionEi. I however, lliink it is to his credit to 
take, tilt- altitude tiial be luu iBtlier Uiun to 
esgit^ iu a campaign of bate over wbat may 
ordy bo, in tbe fjLal annlytia, a lauuridnixtaadiDi!. 

Evi=u if, han'ereT, ae was dead wtaag in what 
«ewied ifl Brooklyn, I tbink it bw^mei oiir 
Cliristian duty to lead a hrljiin^ band teflnu who 
nu^liL liavn uuiJc A Iilinlaka but ■■ r.lilL wLLlinj! 
to mt'i'b the Lord, biiiultly and tislb uniautioaliy . 

lly jjrvimi dad used to bay tltot tbe loom one 
utirt iu a pail of masure the woriie it etinke. 
Tlndtf tli* etrearnGtajtceo, 1 think tbe Ii-hb uid 
ulttut tbrf wfc*iW thing tilt helkt, hul I ftlt tll*t 
ym: Ji:L^lit b« inl*r*»l*(i 10 kfegw tiuit Bro. M«)'9« 
Is not out here raising A lot .of Urn. and poiaon- 
ing tiie mindd of the friends against the .Society, 
in work, ond even you in particular. 

If tiifr altitude we lion; have tnkc-n toward 
Oilh tacl'tr' is irif mntt I with yau would let me 
kn<™ j imiin'iliiiU'ly, givine; ub and eouipietei 
rciifcn* thcfefert', but I would par&oaally thhdi 
tltol »e would I* poor diriHtians if via were to 
tick a. brotlicr in Uie face who is already down. 

Brother Wcylr do*s mat know that I haTe 
wrilteo tbii loiter «nd Aeitinsr do 1 Intend io 
alunr him a copy (hereof. 

Yoqn in tha JxtenaU. if (a* iOafdora. 

UjjHTiT H. Firm 
Wisconsia Zone #L 

DefcmluTU' Exhibit C 


Food Peodvo?^ QviiEXB 

Suburb oi liilwaukee 

Wiin*>iDii MiAm 

S2IH w. S«1k An. 

'[ ■iriJ.m, nLuonom iu 5 

S«pt 21, 1)33. 
Mr. J. J- 1 . Kutherf bri 
l£i Coiurulstn. Heights, 
Brooklya, N, Y, 

Jtcsur Brother Itulbrrford, 

Tide iviH ncknowl*d^ yoor two lettere of SapV 
1'JtJi wli i(Ji I shall Eikeu uifi answer air mail, ap*cial 

Brother Jnctnon's letter )□ you charging ma 
wi(b "gnihjr lilwut amoBfiat the vuricnm eora- 
pniiica, tncetlier -with Mnyle, luuiiip bin. lettor 
n»ad to tlm cajupanicu. and liavinp Moyle inako a 
htutetuunt" in a deliberate fobuitinod At nn time 
bus lloyle'ii Irifrr to you been ftad |p any «mm- 
nnny and ouiiide «f myself 1 know tf no. titlier 
[hereon, esecjit my wif^ wh» lull read Itin Jetl-er, 
Ni'ilher hove I puoliety nr jirivntely di-ffmlrd 
Bro. Mmli-V nelson to other brethren tie 1 tin. 
eerely believe it i* none of my buMinrtm. Others 
have tried to engage in* in converttotiim nn it 
niiich I Sieve discouragad hy tolling -them tduntjy 
tliat it Ivan none nf niy eoneern, lhal I did not 
hare the facta on bfilh isides, did not want thuu, 
and the leu saiil almut it tha better. 

Hflweve-r, I took tlie attitude tha) even if liro. 
Moyle wta 1<X>% wro nff ia wlut hajipwied at 

btfundnatt' Exhibit C 

Brndklyn, it was my christian duly (o help him a* 

I COUM an long an Ll' wan nil* billing tn do rip]:!, 
«trva the Lord, and did not utir up trouble oiisuiig 
(bo friends, thereby doing hirrn to (lie Lord's or- 
ganization. He has minded his ou'n bunistK*, 

u'i'ti ni-.rivt i:i ih.i.r -[:> il;:j:-r witm-KK w:;rk, | 
and privately ox:preased hm loyalty to the Koc-iety 
and until aiu actioaa prove him Io he a riynotrito 
I cannot condemn him for vltat I know nothing 
»t, I umsure yoaj how _ ei"er, *l*o«ld be 4, (*m 
diviiiinn 1 ' in lii<! I.urd^ or£Ajni£ilt inn I wi33 be the 
firnt to Lt' off of hilil liki- u diriy nhirt. 

I ffui readily see, Bra, RulEuirfunl. fraiu yanr 
pant cxjSL't-ienee with 11iom> ubu hurt- la*n onnted 
from Bttltel that you are saturaiiy nuepieirius 
that Uro, Moyk has or inteivdi! tn turn agminrt 
the Soeia+y. aloyle has not done so and while v-e 
should watch him dovely let's nol «cr.wwj him V' 
fore be in aeiually KUiliy. He ban nevrrtl tijnta 
rxpj-i'BMicI bia gieat oontern over tliin whole mat. 
ti-r becaaae be thought some iniglit In stumbled 

My ae;ioa in demanding of Bro. Moyle thnt he 
tt- II the Milwaukee Company of bin toward 
(he Lard'a work and the ijofiety won prompted 
hy the, fc-llowing. The whale matter had been 
nlmonl fnrficlti'ii whrn that fltatflucri frame out in 
the lower, JtmiiiHliiHtly a \tA uf toftgur* hegan 
to wag, Mflyle, vrho did t*il tvt» *ant to talk 
about it, was )iroddnl "for the ffltt*," SofrD 
wtiitiit the whole tliine; aired nut for sli-.-tn ;.-ii- 
lidy to dw^da whether right or wrortg had been 
dgna Olhera demanded to know what bit meant 
by a! tending the meeting* and still other* chat- 
Itnfred tlu Kocietiea right to dedare any man 
faithful or unfaithful to lb* Lord, jJjt —'iB; ttat 

DtfevLtnU* Ezh&it C 

"God alone can judge." This thing threatened 
** really develop into something so in ardor to 
nip it in the bud and "clear the atmosphere" I 
publicly demanded of Br. Aloyle to loift* a'liem 
he itond. He then read a short note setliag forth 
exactly what I told you in my letter of the llilh. 
His letter to you was deunitiely n«t rend nor any 
part of it. The whole matter at far wa era 
Concerned ie ever with now, eo let the matter rent 
and W aiuurfd ihet wbody is *—■ ™"fl any divi- 
eiana tliat I knon 1 of. 

Now, about that Racine jvropositiiw, let we *ay 
the fallowing. I -asaally make a. sane vinit during 
the week in addition to Saturday* and Sundujn 
tecaute olmoit all companies have their eervirt 
meetings during the week. Very often I take 
jplcng with me a few of the Milwaukee friends 
Who Hji.-.iet me li". tunee. in ji.hti u in,t: Knitlli-r <:..:n- 
panies how they arrange for hack calls, start 
model studies, etc We, of course, drive baek 
home that mw night, One Thursday I hud asked 
four riliiiT hretiiri-n tti ^li wilii me tn Rui'ii-.e aril! 
a* thet* vtl room far one mare. I anked Pro. 
Moyle if he eared to go. He caruiented as wa 
wore going ta bin own home town. Ho took na 
pan in {he meeting except ta answer queatione on 
tin,; Watch Tower study which preceded the ser- 
vice meeting. He never opened hi* lunuih pub. 
licly or Tirivnti'iy over anything pertaining to bit 
leaving Brooklyn and moat certainly read no 

While the Tower study was going on Bra. 
Richards the Company servant and Bro. Jackson 
HGonHnled to giving me certain information for 
ray xona report and aa ws were ta the very nest 
nam I mttud ihta-ifftfittk ut low tunas *o a «nt 


Defendant*' Ezhibti C 

t* disturb the weetin(j, Jeckten'a a«ciitEiig me 
of naying tiuit *'|he Infonnaot is not really a 
part nf the Theocratic arrangement" is a rank 
fir. I at no time made uuch a statement nor a 
*.i.;i ilaf one. As I recall wa dieenneed their infer- 
malitin marches which they had then discontinued 
pending an oppeal on a case in their territory- 
I told them I had writ tin yon abnnt Ibe objnic- 
tions rained fcy th# cdliielaU nnd tbot yon had writ- 
ten mi: a very nice letter *ngseatdng a different 
niuii thaji the one that rendu "fteliirinn i« nauRre 
and a racket". T Jidl^Hhem that I felt that the 
new sifT" war better than the old one. 

Abnut the ctndy chairmen he again twists 
tlni-jpn to gel me in had. I ntlM who the com. 
pany had r«nmmMnWi to (he Sneicty for "tudy 
nluiirnirn. They Maid that thre* namen hod he«n 
unit in. I wanted to 'know if they tliereby behiewed 
tliat brethren nltrmatinc; At the meeringn was 
more fsI inf aelni-y tiuin bnvine; one brother 
bundle the fnrrte meeting nil the tira*. Both j'ofk:- 
unn and Hiclutml" thnnrfil Jiltcrnsting nde*t ht 
l^eder n^ it ri'ift* tlte Insd nnmewhat- T Laid tlhem 
T tiiiinL'li! so tno nnA (he Milwonkee frienrtn felt 
(be prime way. I infnnnnd them that I inteadMl 
(n nnk ynn alimit it biter hut wsnted to knnw 
first what the eillior enmponi™ in thu snne hod 
dftne in tln>ir remmmenillntion": tn the Kwiety. 

Rrti. ft- Kr. Jae kwin ImT* no nw v.-ha1*oewr for 
Moyle, Several years ago the errrie* desk fdt 
Mnyle io Belojt to etroijrhten ont * raw *h**«, 
Jpirkpnnt were then psTl of the Rrlnit cAitifUmy 
and I nndemtacd Movie's report *enr*elf «™v 
demned their sriianii. **pwially ftr. 4nel*on who 
mlet tin* IWWft in thnt household nod who I hwre 
also found out fos all tbei earmarks *f ■ax*£ *, 




/"JefeisJunJ.' fi-E/itiit C 

trouble tiinker. \V|ij Ihey should be gunning for 
mo I ritmot explain except tlint I have rafoxcd 
lt> rwunuiLtOiJ Uro. Jmiwi a» (Jotnpnny Senaut 
over lira. Itielianls who Sf- Jackson hn* repeat- 
edly tried to discrtdit in Mj estimation, Jattctaa 
Inlh u«n native ability iliac Richard* but 
liirhsrdu in tlie humbler of the tWfc Alms, Si. 
JurSuinii eo very definitely waul* hahby to bo 
Company Servant And that wnuld uuttm that 
llnrine would actually have a Woman in rhurKo 
IxHtnUiH; wltile Hoy in not ft bad Iclliwc at hearE, 
■ho runs Sire "how. SI* probuhly feels n now wne 
servant would make tlie elidiipf. I wont. 

One nan thing bfI«M I bring this triiMle. Id n 
close, T AM ft rone sen-Ant Hironiph no e-hoice of 
my (mm anil wtaita T will gladly fctvc aa long a* 
the I,ord mala me to, r will fee) il no less to 
hiive yon nfmoint another. I suppose I have mado 
mistake* httt whn. has nntt f hate tlftde tlu>in 
though, nfter carefully ami prayerfully enniuder- 
ing Hie facts and "Hint tlw TBrJ best judgment 
I have. My MiHTfc dc-lcruiinnlinn is to Williams 
to »rTVt my f?ud mid ITin orgnntirition huntldy 
nod without preKtimntion nnd tltot ran be done 
a" taw Mrrartl and also as jiwt anoll'ier eom- 
pany |»ubl i*h.- r, 

Vy brokeraE* tain*** (Ake* m* to New York 
once or Iwicr n year l"id T would like nothing 
hrller titan to rit down "nil a yon And disca-wi 
mutter* personally. I will 1m dr>wn tlicTt in about 
a month, so let me (mow if yon care to »e me. 

Your* in Hie Sendee, 

n*.iVKT H. Ptmi 
BL H. Fink 

DefesdinU' Exhibit D 

l&av&Mlud lerf [I* PiWWli#» cF |b« la^fnmj pf 
Jchwnh'i Kinjduiii 

134 Hright*. JJrooklvTi, N. T„ TJ, S, A, 

I'uLI.-. .r:i J:n' 


iililr Aitilmi 

SepttmbeT 19. 1338 
Mr- H H Fink 
7218 W. Nftrtb Av* 
WiV.vntujiii, WLiitatiiL 

Dear brother: 

Hii.i-'i writing yen the tLtl.'.-flcd lotlev I l-.nvf 
youn of Die 12lh. wlilclt I have jiint now read. 
Your ailion iit thit to»tt?r id entirety oat of tins 
lint »f yaiLt duty, Tiie lioarii of Directors nnd 
the Family htnA tiit matter and all Terc t£ Um 
pjjiniiin tlMt M*vle had made not only (al*e 
klalorntnln, but ttalein^nta in that letter t)4f 
was n lii^l on lli* entire Family end open tV-u 
orjfaniiation. In addition thereto matter* *cre 
brought ln'fpjH' the Board of his unfnithf \il - 
nem in handling IfgdJ sriattera. It is nraeh but- 
ter for yon \t> let the Bobtoj of KrwteiTfl to de- 
tide the matte* rith»» lhan for yoo to ftitife it 
Moyte'e Etatepornt of hia complete bamvoby with 
the Society is. opes to considerable donbt, to my 
the leant of iL 

DariDS the four ycftr* of hie prBience at 
Betliel never at any time in the dtninjr room, did 
b* iiiu'we-r a Hihla (rueution when propouoded to 
bin. V»ry irldorji did he attend ft fttndy and 

De} indents' Ezhihit D 

there ore ]nftn>' repi>rt» Utiin varioua parti of 
hi n til :i l li 1 1' agaiiHt tin- Lord'a organixation, If 
you prmivl in your cuiaric of fttlion in Attempt- 
ing 14 tftk« ISllm matter up and C4tni<inj? ft din- 
iiiriinnnr with thta brethren 1 will consider it 
my doty to nsk you riuiekly to quit the mnt « ; r-.-- 
i™, Subtlety i* pft*n ioi*d to get sympathy. It 
ie not necessary for »* lo B0W &° ™*o tlie qa^- 
tion of other matters oopwrainj; lloyle becftusc 
that ia a mutter in which j'Od ftr* not concerned. 
But I jntmt tlioron£liiy disjipproTic of your at, 
titwle cf dwiuindinp, r.s yon Kale, "*To know of 
Brolhcr l[«yl* whether his assortation with thia 
cninjiBiiy roi'Jint LlLftt he was whole heftrttdty in- 
fo vor of the work or not" And then t* h*Te 
his letter rcftd he for* the company. 

It does not bftOOUS* noy part of your bosincs* 
to get into a otio Irnvc ray that arose in the action 
of the Beard of Directors. Yon are assuming 
entirely too much in attempting to- do something 
thftj is not at all your aflftir. It is well [or yoo. 
1* duly consider I 'T)icsBnlt?niAOn 1:11. 1 cer- 
tainly do not wish to do Brother Movie any 
injnry but if I have to £0 into many things thai 
are unneieina ry that eAn he- don*. 

Tl*t Ids letter is false oo^iil to ha sufficient 
ami (list the entire PimLly km hftTO decided 
it is ffttue, n>f itself wanld be jgffificnt to show 
un faith fulnc"» for the reason that any mao who 
is a member of tht fftmity who will Wtttt ft let- 
ter eontaini ng ft deiiherate libel -nf the Family 
is unfaithfalneui tA the organization, Snd that 
ie only a p*rt of it 1 knew that Mnyle wonld 
bo out and try to carae dipttnrbar** and »o 
told him before tha Board and he hfta adopted 

Dtf&idantt' Exhibit D 

a subtle method of doing il and a^alnisfi an 
attitude similar to tat which religionists ■malty 
atibuiitc winii limy want to put over HinetllUf. 
If you fully erJnrftc lloyle 'i action jiknnft lut 
me kn»vr iuimyilijLli'ly. \'oa are eitlicr for llife 
Wiiuli to»rr n r yon at* not, 1 wiitli yi>«i t« j.tat^ 
potulinrely and I with to know whether or not 
you are jwinj; lo represent the Society or attempt 
lo cflUKC diltorbftDce amoncat tlrt brsfrrm, 

I have a l?lter from Urother IviaOB fr«m 
whieh 1 ((nete the following: "Brother Fink 
look our {om»A.ny servunt nmd liij'Jtlf ftside 
while the Tower study wait on and niKfot tontid- 
eriildc time in eip-iaining with giinrtltd lAn^uaso 
thtit the lnTonnant was not really ft jmrt or tha 
Theocratic arrangement, then pobttad our hia 
ohjtoiiuna to Hie inforxnalLon mari , he» 1 and also 
hiit ohjeitiona to the 'one-stmly ehninaan idea.' 
lift euded hy alaiing tliat he jtt*t Dlrttd to flel 
our view* and that he wa* goi^K t<* nil llm other 
cmnnamea in Ids lone and get their ideas or 
views.' ' 

IF jou made this aiatnnmt then you arc not 
fit tu he a iDne sfTTant. If you ore n<vl in liar- 
rnnoy with instructions 1hut esums from the or- 
(piniiajii'ii then you nujtlit to he frftftt enough 
to noy so anil quit atleinp^injr l« n>iir-se-Bt the 
K.irii'ty. If it is your d™ire to join ihn oppe- 
eilion and fi^iit against the Lord's orKSoiuil ■ ..m 
Ihtn you fcndw of nnarat what will be the eonjif-- 
qnrnees hefore the Tjird. I am speoking fr.inHy 
lo you now because I v»pt yon to hove fall op- 
portunity to make your posilian clear therefore 
I salt an immediate reply, Rikivj rly, 



DcfenrlftJiU' Exhibit E 

taeotpaawi tor lln PFPi^iiin "i U* lnttrmt s4 

JdlOTli^ Hu.»i«i 

124 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, N. Y., U. S. A, 



JLiUlr SLn4c*ild 


SaptetBber 13, 1939, 
H H Fink 
TOE W. Norlh Jlvs 
"rVauwaloua, Wisconaia. 

DeAr hrotheii 

Letter iu*l no\^ raouved from Rftrine, WiAcon- 
uiu in msLirntatic-L' bLutea thia: Thftt you as lone 
aerrartt ftre going shout amongst the vefioua 
ooinpunicN, together with \Ioyle, JtAving his tetter 
read to Hie compaJty and lloyJt moktng a etate- 
nient, t u'oiild SLLu uiiniL-diately lo have your 
reply to llii* and why you sris doing iL I call 
your attention lo tiie fact Dial this ie no pari 
of yinir duty as sonc tervimt; you Iiavc, not a*- 
cvr^uincd tltt real fact* ami if you. are prooetil- 
ing in 1Iijm ce) then your liervices as zone B'.'r- 
vant are no longer needed fta you arc manifestly 
not working in lbs intercut of Hi* Lord's orgnni- 
cation bul attempting to couw a division, as the 
aiKratle inentiooa in Homanu 16, The letter of 
Jtloyl* does not state any facte wlu>tiio«ver. 11 
vi-ft* read to all til* Board af Direetorji and 
everyone of the Bonn! denounced the Ictler and 
lloyle. It waa read to the entire family of 
llelhel and not one riers&a in the funily 6ua- 
talaad Uojk If it u your parpoae to- altaao ( 


Pe/rwiflaij J Etkibit F 

In ratwe tlrvuionii ainongtit tlie brethren hv taking 
a one-flded matter then let in* know immediately 
und I «ltali knvw wliat Selion to lake. 



Defendant*' Exhibit F 

toti*jK*mtofL tilt lilt rVOmtiLi&f. tit At thUrtlL e[ 

121 CehiMLliift Heights Brooklya, M. Y, TJ, fi. A., 

lUliiJicn I:t 
! ■■! : n:_, I -kli. 

J -i iurirta 

Qtk AiUrm 

"V, j-.:l-::i„rr 

October 1, 1030. 

Mr. II II Fia- 



B**r hrother: 

In your Iftlcr to me of Kenle-niher 12 ia which 
y<i-u rirluled tlie action of vourself and tlm iliU 
n'uiitra- Cviiij.iiiny with reference lo II Moyhj. 
you rrijiifuL that 1 point out to you wherein your 
attitude ban been ineurreet. 1 replied to this 
b-lter alHO your letter of (teplMHiter ZlaL 

Tun Fun: A laUer addressed to Ibe ?fcii. 
dent at the Heeicty hy; Moyle was left in lite lobby 
of ilu Jietiiel and later received. Others knew 
about tlua tettuf ft»id« from tha Belitid i'njaiiy 




D-ifcadaifta' Exhibit F 

nsraa time before Ihe letter was neat \a tiie Presi- 
dent of the Society, A full meeting <if the -Hoard 
of Directors wan held (hereafter- lluyle vat 
present. Tin; letter wan read and til* Raard 
uiuminjowsly e* [>rBni.wl themselves 'hot (hi- Lctie-r 
waa iilled with lies, wa» a slander upon the mm- 
bars, of Ilia Bctlwl Family a»d had been written 
witliout any jutt cause or view-m mid tluat there- 
fore tli* action of Moylo at a confuleiitial adviser 
of iJk Society wan an net of un fail bf nine**. After 
cock iih-uiuur hud stolen [wintmg out to itoyte 
the grow wwwwiuBt of which lie was guilt)', and 
iie whs asked to snake a ttnlcsnent, Jim ujlLv reply 
wub: "The latter i^sU for i(*df." KcHIk? 
then nor at any linia since liim lie uproned inn 
rut'ret or jri'iHjiitiiiicu fur thin nlandcrout publica- 
tion against the Hetbel Family. Su far at 1 know 
lie ttilL perHbas in dabnine, Unit Ijjb ntulutuanU 
in th«t letter are true. 

1 1: your IcllcT lo UK of tllBi 1 — I * ■ - yo-Uj Ki.;.'. "1 

uf courw knew l hut Jiu hud written ft letter to 
you. ... 1 have seen the letter. Naturally 1 act 
not in a ponition to puss niton the truth or fui.-uy 
uf any uf tilt <Uiti;"i?iitia tonlained therein and 
nuitber un 1 in any ■ctisaj uf the word inler- 
eatcd." Furthermore your letter it*tan thai you 
colled mi<u: Aloyle at a jnctling u( the company 
ta Elate Ilia (losition, nod IB this connection I 
ouole from your letter alto: "1 at i«ne «rviiiil 
publiely deuumdisd lei know of lirulhcr Moylo 
wlwtW hit assouBliou wiUi thi* tumpsjiy uicunl 
tJjiit lie wbk wholeheartedly in fivor of the work 
of tln> Swrielv p. ml in tended tu coujicrote with 
;!..., rdiintiny individually in all matter* and in 

Defendant*' Ezl&il F 

whic-li case vi-jl wocri-p iijc qj^ly too ni_ij> to hav* 
njii lhj h,i. UL/mri'iBe ve wanted an eaplanoii on 
uf Un' mnt(-un-nt fvund in Uw Tower- . . , I *»■ 
Mlrtd liim on k-i-ulf of tint «ujijiuii>', #■ wcil e> 
luyidtf, tliat if ih-we were Iiii Hciitinn.i)t» wo 
would l>t only too ^,'lail to have him in our midst 
and tLitt even if lie liad been wrong, which of 
eourtu 1 tWfflOt «a.y dafimititaHy, ihi Loop ia 
ivjiaj,** rmt or thj: euir i-as i wdnm jiu uKi^r 'Xhkk 
ijuui to let aYOastg m snwHui 

VDiir uetion in thifi regard wjie entirely un- 
Stri j>t upiil. The Lord J (Mm mj's.: "If tlty 
brutticr IrojiiiiiKi i^ninut tlioe, I'L'buka iiitn ; and 
ik hk uniWT Cijj-j-vj vt; him." (Luka IT J) Vuii 
hud no tvidtnci; talintswvcr I but li* bad re* 
jiciilnl. Tlia t1nH.-ini.-nt in hi* lutlor wjm a Rrojm 
IiIkiI and kIjiiuJit jiKiiiitut linn Ktuidtj- pf Uetbol, 
if fatiie; nnd if irm-, ibon Ui ™u.]<| ncl liavq tOJ3- 
N'.lii,-.!nii»ly wild Hint Ju; Wnx in full harmony'. 
V«u jfni'1-u jiu ntluinj4 1o niwrjuin (iiv Iruili nf 
tl.u Jiuttier. io.; iirefcrml to tuke lu., ur..,u|i- 
]»rtk-d ulali'jnnil of tin: truili uf Um nuiticr, 4ih 
again^l Ibo VVati;i[towk» ]iublicalinn and you at 
teiuijtinl to K]Mrak fur tke Lord, wJiieli yun ha-d no 
uutJioril) 1 lo dn. 

You w«tb JiW*BaapOWUi before Uia Lord in 
thin entire matter, Your I'uril duty woe to in- 
i|uirc from the Suciety if you dcui™ to tnoW wby 
Uiiu action Wtt tnhiiii because tlie presumption 
inD»l bo indiitt'od that the- Watcjikiweb would 
not wuW »ntb a ttaleioest aiiout ainyon* anlcau 
it nil fully «u[iiJorli.'d by the facta. 

In your letter of Ihi Slut yon any that yon 
tool; the position that if h* vrna 100% vrovg it 
tju Jlill jrour duty io haip liim, until hit fmtieui 

litfewdaMti' Vxhiltit F 

provod liim to- itc. a liyjxj^rite. ''I cqmiibl cvn- 
<1l!LijBl li LI jb for uJuii 1. knuW ndtlun^ of. 11 \(>u 

did know wluil lie bud mid jji tJm LeLiur. You 
did klluw H'Juit Um WiTtlMOWtl liud auid, uid 
your iiuLidnii show tbat juu approved wbaL iiu 
■aid in Uwj, latter. 

You furthermore add: "L*t oi not tiaut 
lii i-i U'loro JiB is aclunJIy jjuiJty-" TJio Board 
of l>irMturd bad dceidrd Jus »w uttually guilty. 
You furlliorjiiuie nay that he ttatcd to you that 
ha had voluntarily rebij^utl before being ouaieil 
If tliiiL wan true why did lie go to Haw Eng- 
land and tell nevarai brethren there about bii 
IrfiruiiKe to i L bufore tver inentioninu it to 
anyonu hcri^f 

Vou nay tluil "Thi Lritndi ware jiunsled abvut 
thu h In I (-1 hl'I 1 1 in the WATULtuwri; and tin.- agi- 
]nimij niciui«iiteni;y wills it ami "JSrother 
Uvyio'x octiiin". In Otlidf woitIji, tint W*Tupp- 
Tun-Kji Wilt hwujuiintt'Jit flliil >ln)'lu 1«ai Bonniii' 
'.i-i.. in tin 1 KjLii.iLi-r of hia brethren. 

You i^onle worda ulterod by him about my 
pornunal ability. SueJi word* du not foul mo 
for a iuiuutc. Word* of liuttery oro dctpk-ahlei 
"And a. flulturiug jjiouth Ktrrkutli ruin". (1'rov- 
erbn ib.iTj A tLandorer of the Lord'n organt- 
Batien, including the entire family, won a r 
nplinst (be Uird iiinujijlf. Y«0 ware wiLlioK l>Q 
Jjusi that up a* itulnatcrial and <vt the .111:11c titua 
ngTUv in yonr own mmd tliut 1hc hreilircn thoidd 
restore him. Your nation onty (tilled to ejiust 
Hbviaiun. Has be renenled yet fnr liii »'rm( 
doing! He hail not on August 2-tllh bpranw; on 
that data be addressed a letter Io Hum nlh«rj 
eiiL-lrtuJng eopien of hi« aUindcrviia Icttar aail 


Defendant!' Extebit F 

miking tlia pci-jtonn addreaaed to distribute them 
jinivngxl liit braLlirtm. Tiiat in. not much evi- 
dence of rciK-nUino,'- That i» over kia own nig- 
n*ture, If tli?r« wjLi any dinooaitiiMi on hia part 
to dhow regret for Ida attempt to cause division 
oinongdt the bretljriin there would be b leoaon 
for tuilcing Vbout furgini'iiebi. Say* the Lord 
nt Luka ?:■! that rtjMiiLijifnj iii a condition prece* 
lirtii to fuijjiviiijj a wilful wrong-doer, lit 
jiiiiuvii 1 ji^uiiiHt the Lurd and agajntt the Lord 'a 
brethren, arid niiiiied againdt the I if lit and it b« an intuit to the Lord to forgive tutb 
a jjtrm/n who tLill permtta in uiniBtaing iliat 
bin tlamler in ri^fit- 

Uccnu«n of hie circulation of the HlancLeiuut 
k-ttor tiie R<*anl of Uireetora passed a RceolU' 
lion and n«)<ed tliat the came be publiabed. 
■brother Hewir-tt wta tent to Milwaukee with « 
iianolution wjirl: wu read before the cornnsny- 
I11 tlie^ atrenuow i\fl#x »o on* ha« an encuno 
for trying to keep un buth nidft It in the priv- 
ilege nf the company at llilwuulioe and elne- 
wlieca to endorse Jl^jle'* ■landeroon and 
nnfailbfub action or lo repudiate it. That privl- 
leppr i" youri alno. A oiipy nf this letter aw* 
In Iht eoiupany servant at Milwaukee. You raoy 
read thin letter to the oaanpaujqr if you wish at 
have the company servant re awl it or ha con rend 
jL, .in llu) company may r*<|uirt, and then tlie 
(wnpiiii* witl take whalcver action it winlies, 
Brnther Houylalt was temporarily appointed ««» 
tcn-ant at you know until you ahauld have, an 
opportunity to eleai up the ntumn(tfrifKtandin|r. 
Vp to this lime yoo have made nn eOfftrl t<> rec- 
tify your wrongful aelian. Under tho circaza- 


PcftmlanU' Exhibit Q 

stances it would \>v improper for yon lo serve 
at the Society 't re nresentati ve and at the tmne 
tiiiic com tunc I be action of one who lias to gross- 
ly Hlnndered the Lord's people, and who ba* at- 
leuk[iteil to cause dlviaii'in amongst them. No 
pvAHHialiiiea aje involved in this matter. It ia 
only a <|uen[ion of whether one will be for the 
dnrd'i kiafduin or not, Mere words will not 
Kufliec, 1 am layiT-e Jiit matter Ireforo you 
jKiijuifijj out ynur wrimgful actian tl*t you may 
lie fully ailvicvii and take wbat*c*var cemmo yon 

J.UlV rlKKi-He. 


J. F. £imii»roiui 

Defendanu" Exhibit G 

This exhibit ia a letter froiii H. b'ink to J. V. 
Rutltvifi^ dated fcptealMf S3, ISfa 

N'ot iniiilc.l piir« uaut to etipulation in page* 
l!W*-l!Wa of thid record. 

DeEcniUuV Eiliibit H 


t'tidu I'aonucrs 
Wiiijwatc*^ Wihovkji 

Suburb of Mdw»ukce 

IIFTI. «■ 

'.vjhh-atw* Mux 
li .i W Sana An. 

t^fJiuv lll.iirmrtrtl iSii 

Oct C, 1539. 
Mr J. F- Ttatberford, 
UM Colombia Hti>.;]iU, 
Brooklyn, N. Y, 

Dear ItroUiar Huthorford, 

i am sincerely thankful for your juotL icci'iit 
letter uf (JcL 3rd and thu frnnknost with which 
yon treat the innller under dincuKsion. 

J'enuit me to idala firnt of all that J alone am 
solely umI exclusively tvx p iiibiJHc f»r having 
linked Jlro, Moyla ta make his nl4it<iiu;nt to tike 
Milwaukee Cumjiany relative, to bin faith If u Incut 
tu tin 1 Hitciety. M the time 1 honestly hclievcil 
it tn Jh: tiie proper thing to do at J did not want 
the .Society to jjet a block eje in [hi* ihijip. Ktod 
when 1 dijteuiuied lii i h matter willi Mrv. HowJelt 
1 Kiill waa of the Mamf opinion, 

Since bin nlcjnij-tun- I huve jjiven lite matter 
iiMinl MM-irjuH um] (iriiycrfol cansiilcrati>rn and I 
ma new thoroughly eunvinced that audi action 
on my juirl, no matter how good the motive 
hthiml it, wax unrulLed for and \try unwise. 
Ciinm-t^n'iiily I ain rnntl willing to publicly 
ocknnwjcrjgt tudi Wnm^ *h my part befora the 
MilwHukco Com(inny at our very next To*er 
and !irrvi« uvetiBg, 




Ptft.MtauW Exhibit B 

[jml Sunday evening we iirninimnuiLj- puswsl 
a ri'snluEi-iin Iwre in Wilujllhlrne sidell wA» miuU>J 
lo s'ou Tufwbiy, ritlirrjj forth in iininjuijikudilc 
ti:nllH imr Ixjuilioil ttiwnrd tlsc Hwiciy and Vt'Ll 

A* ik prctWnil. T aiu happy tfj my (hut tvy-ry 
buH ifiic of <i ■ (n'nrtiiy eMoimed thai [v«nl ulinh 
whirli xInhiIlL insure you tiuit there hop bet* mi 

diw.inn caiuim! by what turn happened, 

I'rntiit nir [n nuKiirC VOU thM in wiliillglf 

mn.:inj- Ihlpi public acknowledgment nf my tm- 
wisr- pj'jlr.n 1 a hi «nt pjrjmpScil by fenr of nnl 
Ik-i-ik ri'iiiH(ul<"l ail i»na ar-rvnnl. Frankly, I 
in.nltl prefer tlml thia pvmilinn hr. t'i«J» to an* 
otiier even thouj^i 1 «hnll Ik in«wl willing to con- 
ltnm in HIule jvifaicjly if the l*>rrl Ml willn Tn 
ejlher n-t-^-Fi t y«n Iiuvk iny Khlejnn fiHiLurnpi' , e h^- 
tvn> tidtl vr|jn jj uic tudjsf. that I nlmll do my 
[m-^1 heKt tn fcpfrtfly c-oapcrate 1 nilli whatcMOir 
on-'inifeiroeol y"! ns'iuht d^de La make* 

Tiro. Jiwkunn nf lloi:inf wlm wrote yon oorn»- 
jiift me iff n puulliltide *d other *h\* ha* never 
niifh-o-rnl my leftrf in him <!niifliiiJinB an Fipln- 
runlioa. i npii jilh! wondering if lie wrolr ynn 

Vj^nr* in Hit Kerviw, 


Utftndanli' Exkibit I 

Defendant*' Eibihil J 

October 3, 1933 
Mr. H. El. Flsk. 

WailWBtOSB, \Vj«, 

DtQT brother Fink; 

Thank you for j'oiitb nf October Gib. t am 
fi-iilly t'Lud to have it, I pin shd l« »e* 'hat 
jjju Inlet my reprimand in tlw pro|jer npirit. 
H \VhntR iln- Lord loveh he riuuhpni"| T tiiink 
iv i; hIudiM alwaj'H tolif tliinas of tlii« kiml. I ant 
jiljnl liiat yrm dim" ]Iik ntatlcf now in tit? proiKT 
L j — 1 1 1 _ Is in nul n i|iu.'v.tiun at ilnylfi or any uthrr 
man Iminfe* imiihnl; tlw- qat^lion if, in; *v. (hi- 
the T'liKocaaTlu tjmvwHKXX 11'iylc iina tuniln 
1 kin- jfrt-Jil*;pt Mlilfltla br rvrr himle. I To minn 
vpfy nviir crntrnijpinjr yguj, I hope yon, are fuliy 
ci-:-L|ii-il frmti tlint, 

Coutinnc In rninpptmte with th(> ollipr hprltitpii 
in tin? Ii*>r'l'<i pwTTJc*. 1 iipprreijilc tli* llcjialu- 
tion pan»cii I iv titc rfttnpnny nl it ilug jlicr. 

Witii mucJi tor* ant) hut wislir*, I : :-:=iu.iti 
Tour brother att<J atrraat by hip (fMt, 

[J. I". ItuTUEII^ab] 

Def«j4»nU > Eihibit I 

Scptnubtr 1, 1039 Tk» W^nrKiawEit 

That Jf»us wna made Vraroan, and th* raan 
J*kU6 «.u fT-n rtd dcr-lb in nrrlsr Hi prndun tiic rnn- 
aom or rtslifoiplLve pric* tor -onrtlifnt nrs*» nf 
mankind: tliat Cod ts\*xA vp Jtsu* divint ajiil 
txallwl him to lieavHii above every n-eslurF and 
iiluivc ev*rv Ti»m» *nd tLothtd him wilh all powsr 
and auQioriiy. 

Dtctmbtr lb, 1933 

Tu» WiTiiinuwr 

171 ^;,:v. jiittiiOinr 
(The following it from the rod df 0- E. lloylc) 
Dear Brother Ruthtrford: 

On AogTiat % 1333, when the B*lhsl family ini 
asked to fsprcm Uirir eJilippraval of the ltlt*r 
of 0, R M-iyif-, I uKprwaed my approval by ra- 
n-.niainjr «c»tpJ- After prayerful and Sjcriplurat 
nmiideral ion, uf tti* matter I nm now of (he opin- 
ion th*l my ailion waa wronp, 

I wiab to >tate that I am in fall harmony with 
the Theocracy of Jrluivali ia*i 1 rtfo^nixe tine 
guciaty aa th* viaibla port. I d*iirr to to-op*»le 
to tin beat of my ability *od opportunity, 

Toan in tb* Kiilrd«ai iutereiti. 

Til** O- IfOYLP. 

Dcf^EtdanU' Exhibit K 

I Envelope pwtUMtriwd Brooklyn, N, ¥, 6, F^b. 

1, l'A\ t 11,30 T, U-J: 

After S Dij'fl Itckun to 
F. Mnj-li 

102 Diamond St, 
Erooldyn, H, Y, 

llr. ITtury alaCay 

SS Konnan Ave nne 

Bruoklyri, Naw York 


Sept 23, im 

To; Jrluwah'a witneaueB, 
Uiiwaukw, Witwpaia. 

Ucnr BrtOlKi: 

ftji Mnr<h £lnt nf Hub vfiir- I waB ^xfommiin"- 
mH"il fnniL (ho Mik-rmfef't CfirjLpany of Jnliorah's 
».■ ifneuin'ii ninliw orl^rn fnjni tlrf' Kneiety'a preai- 
iVnL Mum' nf ynu hji'Hin'ii ate htill in i£noranco 
nf thia fart alid unipm Imvr inqairrVl aa lo -why 
Sinter Mi.vle pnd I do mil now cttpnd nteetinEP. 
Otii^m Jiuvd mnLU'fp) phnut iiio ewitrorany 
I*.'', t f-n r. Juiluo liiiik.i Y rf<itd and ]Tij>i;lf, Durinfj 
tli? j'^ir yoa hiT* tn*fd flntl fCid jjiLfit one side 
at Slial ennlrisvcriiy — Ibc fv..JL:ty'ji tido — HTid 
vtrcnuouj elt'iirra liava been nuidu to lf(-p yon 
finw httawiAft «oy ImrM I wirtvl pre«at Auy 
caniudnraLfOa ** ray aida at Cn WA4 U t>Tanded 


DtfcrtinMii' Exkihit K 

by Cl.i: Sjookity us an ott of Irt'Mori against tbo 
"TJieocrnty" au<l a stirring up or cu'stftiHiioii, 

la order Hint you may know aome of tb? F^nTa, 
I am atUiiJiinjr lo t3iia letter enpies nf two 
letter* to Jihdps lfiitherfnril, to wit: Fir*l; my 
kttfr of July SI, ]&J!V traderiiiE my rwinmAtioa 
at the Society 'a couniwdor. Second ; C« 1 1 y of 
letter ^f Hay 16, 19JQ, tcviewing Jndcj? Rolher* 
ford't anhaequtnt nctiona in th? ntnllrr, These 
letter* eontcin Fact* of vliich !hr Soeitry'a 
preaident ia dcfjrrtitiily tijine: tp fciffp yon and 
all of Jehovah '* witnMBei in iajinftisf*- 

Many hav* •■omlcrod why thj .Indpo bn" 
wapod aurJi * malicionj nnd vin(lietive campaign 
apitinat nit. There- ia just ope anawer: tVj*- 
Tha whoU; alnn 1 wfla not (old in my letter of 
prnteut, Tb*« are taany aildilionnl Fa'Htb 
about thia eclf-slyltd fltiminiftttator or "The 
Ttieocrary," wliirh if ramfraHy known would 
«aui« hijki to bo looted u|»n witli alilinrnciife 
jmd di*pn*at. Fkar of eKponure ifflflxiHfid hini to 
embark on a amcni-inff rainpnigTi flfsinpt my good 
nAm* and repulflUnn. with the purpoBC of 
thoroughly dimerediiinK HM in tlte even of ilia 
enpportcr*. Visa in Iba motta •*•<*• ™»»l 
him lo hUeken olberp T*thoj lliim have bin OTn 
miadwlK brought to lipnt Ff^ft of thetrnlli 
has broiiprl'l to birth pnuny n relipioui itwiniailtnn 
and Judfte Rutherffmi follow* in thai weli-bcstm 
path, WhttiHir lha wlwlt atory of his raono- 
rnpntal diw*ption of flod'a pcopJ? aball be pub- 
Uafcau i* a j»tl«r for lima and tha Lord 'a ls*d- 
ingi to Ji'l^iViunc. 

For mora than. tw«orr ycara Ki»t<-r M flyle and 
I pave oor b;.*l effort* and eervior. 40 tl* mt& 


Tttft*fanti' Fxhilil K 

difectoiL ijy tlio Society, We did (hi* •* unin 
ike (ifllil, ur.d il Jinn ijin'ii licart-ri'ndinir ttiT at 
to 'n-licvft tbfit the orcan ira ! ion ha* departwl 
from the foiib. Blt Wf C*^sot Df.xv I"*cn5, 
"fhe Society '« inloler«ot attitude and pracliecB 
4-aniioi lu rvtOn^ilfd wilb t'hriiiiiftjiity. lira) 
liiiilr fttudy haa been gniwd a™l nutMH^Bwl liy 
the orsranJaitioB- Tiie cdinfortinK do*lrin*a of 
Ite^lilutiou, l!c*i.rrerlioa and the Kint;Joiti have 
h«>n ret a«ide ami are replaced n-iih tlm won- 
(■r.,n- dgluiDa lhat the Jonadnb bubk-P will Jill 
lb* iMirlh. <lnil'* pt&jd* among Jcbovnh'* wit- 
TifNin's are being eniuipred into bondnr^ to « 
Etulatrliard liierarehy wbioli » of tlie pani* 
onltT oral jnut aa intokraot aa the [**p*l 
ninclijuc. Troly tho nirnnage, "Com* out of her 
my rumple, (hat yc h* not partpltBr* of her aiup," 
applicii mi fiilly to Ibe Wntcb Tnwer orpaniiatinn 
a* to any other falxe retigiiniW a f^a i nation. 

It in my Iwjk and prayer that IilLh latter and 
il* otTn]i»|Min>'ing cneioiinrf* will help anmo lo 
break the*e *1iainn of restraint and oomt (ot^lb 
into the liltorly wfcer*wHh t'hrial bu nuulv uh 

Your brother in Hi* •erriee, 

Ofatir B. lions. 



May ifl, iJMa 

Jodjre J, F. Rutherford, 
124 folumhia Heights, 
Brooklyn, New York. 

Dear Brother Rutherford : 

Rneejitiy (he Milwaukee C<nn|pnny Servant, jn 
M^rtrJaoeo with yonr dircclinnji, linndcd Mr * 

lilti-r excel isrninik'ntinjr in* fronk !!■» M ilwaulie*. 
t'ojii|kan.y, at tltu eraiue time atatinjf, "I •»> sorry 
tu d« tli i n. I) I in. J like- jioii nil n roan, lull you are. 
in hail with til* Society." lie well knew thai 
my *iii|iw of aelion in Wilwnnkcc lind always 
lweh in hiiniiany with tli« Truth, hut nevertheless 
fi-lt nblifailed tn put nn (he ban of exenmmun iea- 
tiun Indium' ynu dfrired it. Some other* nf Hi* 
("'ii][||inny tunic n similar stand. Tit?)' rcnik-m that 
I nin toynl Eik the Jjfinl ami tn the Truth, lull 
fiir fj'Jir of incurring ynur dkuplensuno they 
rwnrily Si'ilh Dm' 1 1 hlrnliit. 

Thiji nun's tn iji^in? nf great ipnrmrlane*. 
^VIiLl-Ii in Supreme! An eiliel fmm J'nn, nr tlw 
priiKtJilrip of rhrlilenuitiira*? Mwit .Tefoovah's 
mifn^HM-n ^undone and nup-pnrl tint which in evil 
snlely liifnima ynn reiucpt itl Tin your eom- 
jiumil^iiH president nf Hie Hociety Huperpteda and 
nut 1 li<j hi'* nf Almighty Haftl 

AlwlrefO? Mated, thine i« nn dtiiiht but what 
jliu will fltrw thai Hrr Ihw* of Rnil end Urn 
jirimiijili'M nf truih jin«l ju*!itM> *i-t f*»rlFi in (inl'ii 
\V'«n] nr* mipwiflc In nny demand*, rfnuejitH. nr 
liirrrtiiinft inxlied Ipy J'till nf thfr Society, Hut 
in the di*tnrd and division ymi are flimnjr up 
uIhi.ii t hh> lin'in hn« !>epn ii iwy definite din n-jm n I 
uT lid* fundinumilal prineipln of HupnfflafJT, 

DtfttuttHtl*' Exhibit K 

Th'm 'lu'M «nii«r ynn to ■'■rionily consider y«ur 
rniir*!-, and for ynur own welfare 1 am again 
running tin* pnntteT, 

UnriiiK Hi 1 * p»*t few rnnnlh* yon haw used the 
KmHity p farilittHi tn j] i u? rn1 i [ Ami dejrradn my 
nnpn* vml rf-pjiiinii'in n-L'n nlli-.iii nf fsf!^,, truth 
nr jimlii'i", Von [!«*■» inprk'fl fnrMi falw apnuiin- 
ti'Ht" nn<] '■irr-iilhir-rl fi*fl f .rripn im-Hfmiil y ira inJin- 
pu-r ahuibtr i" dmi* whn |pmpnj(ntr- fjilmi tHIjiHwi. 
T rpjjf ft |i;w in»t«innf«; 

K,ib*t: Tli* Hi'i>f*Tt\tfr tut "Walrii Tv™?r e/m- 
tflipM] ft nniiM. Hint iriy wrvWn i\* CttMmrbtf 
iw* liirpnirsptMj ii^isi!!* nf "anfarllifufMN tn 

tii* KihivliiHi inli'thh\r nritl tli* l>r*liiT'-n. '' Tiii* 

W*ri whnlly llP>Pri|i>, TlV ^nrls f rlijj KjirnVa t'ir 

ilfif. An'l nn I" wHWn n «l»JTt Urn"- of my 
li'iniriif yfin fjlh'n rwnmenfVd my w-nl mil mrn- 
■■ii|ji"«ii in liftlpPinw *.nr nun. Tp> tmlii 3< flint 
1 fi'FPfnNl my pdpail ii»n an'l trjiv* yon rkirly rUyn 
nnlifri- tlM-rw-.f. Ypih *f>^*lrt| my nil i** 1 nn** I 

Ir.Jff yPhii Pljr- iP-iilh Alnmt yirOT OWfl »Tftnnril) 1u4p, 

KBmTpi; \nii jTinwl 1ft 1"* p«MppJ»*H in iim 

fpflolrf-j- I 'H 1p Tfiw^r •- F'n|..ipiJ-n( nll'-jriinir H»n' 
I'vt-ry lujirntfrjifl'. n*f*fil ll-P fpfil "t PPiy Iflfi-r nf 
.filly jflnl In yon *n« fnl«*. Tiii" w?im n Ttlmpppcf. 
Yfjipr riTurft nf nc'jlrl in.H*, TrtlllljIPit onFliHTit*. nf 
tP-PFj]jr-r, ji.-i.<1 dmi-rirn'ttitiiVf* f.;'i:ii.'«t "he li'-!ln'] 
Jjf»liir^n ip Fi-Hh tnl] tnr.N'n In n* kn*f'*«nfiilly 
'|f-nin|, (\ J r Wnri'lK'ntlli JuTn-"1l«! lb" trnlli 
in hi' 1l-l1l-f tn Hi' nf Ai|Jfl1*l l-'-llo Th™ «|nrti-f 

yjiir ftirictiopi li^ rvTvcru*'! iiinnnjf wuJ ■i.inpi-*] n 
V'tl"r nr rtntpmiTit ftl Ns.'iri nr pny IKSt to h* 
lldally fnl»i', T3"n* UftPTfr »*m'>a frnin ynn lin' 
I^nl'* pnH-jjjfp or* Fpjj«iJ'*il In njx-nk Ippi iml 

ht'iftfi fnliit ?e^*. Olhera even ainnnj; tJiq 
IJoarfi nl JlinirlvTa Jiisvt privately deplored yoar 
tirrisli'ii nj^niniit yrmr Wrtli n-n, bnt llity atoll rt. 
[fiin jn;ir fnvnr liy kc*- p-ljlfi i|llin-[, Kcjir at y*Ll 
and Lie rLv»3rc; fnr yfiipr fovor more tluvri tlif 
fnvnr nf Uih] priiiirt Ihp !hn r,nly motive far tha 

Uirirt:tji,rn Lu hij^ji juti'Ji jl .nii3 nrl I- rrnjji ntJi1 pnw-nl , 

'J'iueup: K±.r\y iii fi-|,[ciriJrtT yira **nt Hi. A. 
Iljjwjp'lt tn hJjJViSu] nnc] I'pilm^n yrmr 1 fjiifi Jin i«n 

of ilefaioatinn. It I* unw dmi-ly itvidcjit tlml Jm 
jnl, M> [ft Hjpitatd 1 1 1(1 jilrn I .ll-l I . j*y 
nircuJiLiirif; Fnlwlnnda nnrl alrrrinjc up alrife nail 
rliviniim ip lldf I 'nipijmrjn:*, jlo jniule nn invents 
(fntinn tn lU-tp-mpppw >'it"r« Out (Jnf a very hkj- 
fenfiil jnh nf liuitijing op a «ua nf nppr^Pjriiirft 
!.;....-! imlliiAjr. 

Uny I ritinimj ynu tlmt tike dmilatinn ef 
TmrifJf hJihir nn.t ennntiliii* the ntprring up nf 
*lrif> iiihI pipvijiinri. If J ImrJ drcidntfn] ine 
|i-(Ut fjf Jnty JUt nrnnjilf tlie hirthrm I wniplkl 
Iw ilnijijf pin ipn>re I Imn >ri*iimr thunt pefonnnlina 
Hi whiiih lln-y ur* tpjlitlpji]- I luive urtmilty »hnwq 
jt lip ilIkiiiI Pi pl'jfepui i,f ii^y fi-N r iiili, hut nn Pnnfc, 
Tim lirritlin-ji nf llilwftliki;*., wImp r.l'J.nnmunirjsiMii 
Prill tli.'ikf ftfllfm frlturj ynu, yre Pilill ifii'innl uf 
ttui curptenla nr Ihal lett*r. J!iil fjovli'tt hml to 
"irnrh* a Eftiw" ami limri'iiiAPi irrruinf-il Tur a 
hiiprth irf Ji'llem ami rli-i'lnrikliriria n-ferHnjf tn 
"ninfifjiiti* Jutli'PTt nf iloyjn" aiw! i,nyl*'pi "al- 
I'rjEiptn. Vt mHW! llik/ikiftn nJ(inn(£ tlur hrt-LJir*-fl/' 
riptfAjjn, Jiin'trnnl, Aiprnrikf KamJindn-,, W'au- 
if^'iin, j p. r ■ ■ I 'fllirr ]'lnf» ar^w; t" tiiir r^ji»i'ii 
i;mJ Hpj-nnJ in nurh i lif.lnrnl i nn*, Tfpn nlfik.pijf 
fuct M \ri i .1- J ii.tV£*'T MtUf VP'Jk *at up 1 
ttuMtt Tnwaji *na wmiiJi*T*lt *vmi)m 10 TUtM. 

Kevertlmtcuii, you cantinne pubtialiing tl» atatty- 
lneDtt l.i unjur to cant* the brtlium Ukrougiinut 
thi> founlry to IxALavB b lie. 

We lira told that a ' h faJ*c n-itnfb'i that ipeak- 
tUi lien" in aik oUaJiLination unto Hie L«ril, Hit*' 
uui you r^e-iifiU) your tallica With tliii ytmn 
decJuratiori from JeJiuvniil 

Fuuhtji: Uy tJto UMi ol fnLncii*nii Hod WJn- 
pLitiuiL you «ecar«i my viixmuimoJcu'.Lun fiooi 
tJte il iJ 1* auliLit L'otuiiBny of JvJiuvnii'* wiLntdneft- 
Tiie breliircg Jitrv kouW liint I am Itjjil Id the 
Lor-d, iiut yuii wrutv tlmt 1 bud "tommittod an 
loiiiiuk ii|H>d Ui« rjoaany 1 * (wlkidi in aaotlifr 
Lie out of wh*le du-tik) bi»J 1 shvidd ho B^Erii^il 
and wA tolerated. The Unthru tlki-ough fear 
Eia n i.,:.:.i 1 .p^i- -i I with yu'J^ autncraLie detnaiid- 

Now U4WC Tun: Tliefe wftaii't Lie Bliglileiit 
sijjii ol' division uf ntriffl in the Milwaukee (Join- 
jiioky unliL ynu uulI HuvbLt tuwed tlie eeedu nf 
■ !:x ur.l. N't;*' tl-ir« is dii-n-miuf action and uiircut. 
Why' JlKaitau yon stirred up a fuJue iame and 
GuLunsI eunfuniiui an) cliff the bretltriD, On o«- 
cuiint at tli* fttlbfchood* nf a henpcektii ayeopimat 
of Jta^Lne yen kieked llari'ey Fink, Zone .Servant, 
out ol giliuj. And JiecaiLie lia woald nut join in 
yuu* inlvrdiet ajjaiuut me. be tan been, treated 
lihe a lepruii* jietBon by the breltireu of Lie 
Coinpfl-ny, Tht) fact that Harvey Finl i* 
liinrnugliiy luyal to the Lord oiid active in ttke 
KkiijjdijEn work haa been disregarded by >'oU- 
Olwdii'iieo tn your dennnndf thua cenno aiiead 
uf loyully tu Almighty Ued. Jinny iro nielt at 
ItBttll over aueli unri^hteoai, acta, and otliers 
IuUi..u' your example of Jipmadiiig falsa tucuna- 
liooj and pokHO. Th*t m. Uui kind of ducord 


UdriuUnit' t!j.)'il/U h' 

ynu hav* hruu^ht to birtli in Lia ililwaukee 

Tliiu isn't the whole ttory. One evil hcgula 
aaother and the fkerver^e eourtv you ittartod on 
Augunt Kt]i t ium uprewl uatil it ha* reached 
volmidtiouit progHtrtienik No iml)Vk44k4 lnu Ikvr*- 
tolore ronenad llie citi-nniva ruLui.iini'ii a«vtnled 
tu me in Ike Watch Tuwvr. Tlpe nnelaiiuit i« 
::i:'»riL(ii:i:lr. tliat while pouring out h.'.nl. eon- 
diWMtHfl on relitjioih you are guilty nf indidj;- 
|gg in the worst kind uf nttgioUa [iracti™, tu 
wit, tiiat of ptreeeuting a btutlier wins iiad the 
tekuerily to tell ynu the traili. And it it fan 
U.Lt Iill-i ltd you into tin* trap, Vou were afraid 
that 1 would Ijt.uii1<ij±ii[ 1* all brethren the fuel* 
concerning: ynur unbridled dh of the tonjrv.', and 
you tliL'rcby determined to DikiCar ma *o badly 
tlmt 00 one would believe me, Vou have had 
aotue lueature of Hue™** tin ±t vkJi*T * uns^r. 
"Wlienrfore haul tlkou dcapiHed tlie coiti)u-nnl- 
iiii'iil of the Lord,, to do evil in Ilia eight T" 
Truly you huve plseeil y^uruelf and your tvpa- 
Lalioa ahead nf the law* of God. That in or 
much ereuler eonseHuenca te ynu thiui tlk* dc^ra. 
dation of repoilution in ta me, 

Vou tlaim that I had no right Eu eend ynu 
that letter even tjiaugh its eluteinenui bo true, 
la other u-urtLn yoar peailion is so lafty aa to 

give you ;nii.:i,:;i'.;- fctilsi cri'lfiim Of prflest 

even Liougb yuu semtnit Lib mott wraiigfaf of 
acta, This is farllker oi-ide>we tiiat in your 
unrighleniS* eourse ynu hafis exalted ami plaeeil 
youficlf ami your coiniiuipida above the lawn of 
Cod. You have- ibroujjh eoereinn r*T|uir*iJ Jtba- 
Vnh't witneuaa tv condone and eupport your 


DeftndaniM' Ex)ut>%t H 

wrongful Coumr. Ton nave pauiuned the«e who 
would not, and havu tnerehy engeadcred a woeful 
upiril of fuar and reolrnint Bjne-rjf tl»o brethren. 
That is 4- vitinu* in* of tiod-jpven faeiJitieii IWd 
a IraiupiiiLr,' upon the i-i (rliaji pf ynar hrL-tlil-eo. 

My ataiulLcg villi Jehovah Qud has not anf- 
f/e-rtd in the iligbteit by reason of your on- 
alauj.]iL I still lovo the Lord and still engage 
n.|jidttrly in t]u> wltnesa wort 1 ahall continue 
to da ia rt£ard!et« of your embargo. But 
through aiaiice ami f«ar you have been eaeaared 
into Satan's trap, and you hare violated 30 many 
of 1 he p!pi n ikf need or Almighty God that a con- 
tinuance therein Bunt surely merit Ilia stem 
disapproval, r'or your ova wclfana then may 
1 urge you to carefully, homatly and prayer. 
fady ik;cw thi* whole matter, and da tliat which 
i* right before God and taeo, 

Tfoiirt la Kiatgdam aerviea, 

Qlui B. Mom. 

[Hero appear. IN THE ORIGINAL of 
Drfi-ndanLn' r.xluhit K tike entire text of 
juuintifTs letter to J. t\ Itutlterford dated 
July 21, 1S3$ which letter of 0. H. 

ir«yl« ia P]aial:(T'x Kihibit 4, printed 
herein ul pit^o 1733 and therefore not 
printed OEn«n bijr*.. Cauipara paragraph 
1, page l!Ml p aiilwa.] 



Defendant* 1 Exhibit L 
PlAiAit Ati^cp PhotoclUlFB 


Th* undersigned denirea to becoioe a member 
of the Bethel Family and to enter die aervica 
of til* Watch Tower ItslJe & Tract Society at 
Brooklyn, H. Y T and for this purpoao make* 
truthful anawerti tc tJne following quetlioiu; 

1 Nai:i* Pboeb* N. Aloyle 

2 t-'oospleta nddran 124 Columbia Heijjhta 

3 Single, or Harried II, Age 4i) Weight 
Whita or (Jolored White 

i Are you phynicalily mad runntsJly »Uong1 

G Hrnfo you any perns d*j>e»d*n:i upon you 
fur aupjrvriT No 

6 Are you wholly consecrated to tha Lordf 

T Ar* tho Lord ami hi* kingdom of s**at*at 
importune* [4 youf Ye* 

8 Are you. is complete harmony with prewnt 
truth nod Hut Society '■ workf Yes 

9 What languaga do you. speak and write I 


10 What particular work u* yon qaaUawl to 

11 In what business are you bow engaged! 

12 Hara you any meant of aapportf 

BtfttuSanit' /Exhibit L 

13 t'an yuii pay your way from your homo to 
ilj-uuLly n T „. 

14 If you enter the aervice of the Society and 
ili* iirtfd.eL Home, will you willingly conform 
lu all the rules of the Office ami the HoldoT 


15 K (Jib Lord Open* lho way for you to enter 
t!w iKiTJco at )Jetlicl, wiU you remain faith, 
fill lit audi punt of July until III* Jjutjl 
tnlliin you uwayf Ye* 

U*(* Jlny tith/Sb' 

Signature of Applicant 

Application* for service are filed without ac- 
kiKfwlislpnenl unless audi is Kt|W*l*d, Xotice 
uf nttfplunca will be sent In [Jil l uppliwnt *in'n 
a jiositiiin ia ■, in which Ilia- or her services 

ran be utiliatd, £jxi% notify tlie President's 
Oflice of any clung- >o your addrets aa given 

Defendanti' Exhibit M 

XUctrtatcr, Wii 
Sept, 8, IS© 

Dtjir Jonathan* l (of the VVanpua Company) 

IjuulI ilurnjnyl And HOW axi* " you-n]] ' 'f 1( 
is l^uj tv a while hinee »"e Jljiv* J141LL a M cbin-ftsi" F 
n:i^ it i« a bw>}' lime, to usual, »>'cn if W* tu"« 
liiuj lo Juy tiJT un Mw [ti'jnwicing, 

W'v have Ix't-n 4«wir Ihjj - * to ii-ucjH^tef around 
lU-i'ii hrulif, jimJ u-ill priiluljly fDinaift t^v we»jlu 
luMi'k'i IjL-land Jh wurkinit w 'th hid I'otanon, nty 
»islvr'« ImnljiHid, |ja!ii(ii)g and repairing' hii 
]iiut-L- at VurkvilJc. Wc aro parked in onr trailer 
on niy ruuuina' lul litre at fiocliecter, and liove 
Llnii^i> very coiiVLjLH.'iit. 1 wan goiag with Lcland 
Uiiht iiLuribinjr lu gtaint thu mrnlow uiuh for Illlu, 
l;uL it Ifl-jji-i: in niixl b. I ,.-n- hit CuuM £Ct atarled, 
«j 1 (uok my Jyiu'EL uat ttwun, tuid «1u;<ii bonut. 
1'i-LiTaojiit am ui~o [Mirtdi hero in iIlb trailer. 

V'.'u bo;i Lurpud tu gi-1 uut in tlic urviee ia bo 
tween l..i,'s. hut uur fruit and garden hava 
daiuiL-J unr atteatioiu and w» have had cum- 
gmny. l^jLirid'n sinter and fauiily {2 all to- 
ipjlhcr) frniu llinioi, V.HI-S with tu at Lake llilli 
tu-,! KLiuJay ariii ilflnslny. Aftui Ibey left Tuea. 
nninijjijf, we put out » twtt-witiji waah, and 
lumen ltd nlmul a Lmsliel vt gnifwa and put the 
juice of tlieiii in 21 buttle*. The »'t«lt befui-a 
tiial, we went down Sat. afternoon and bnr- 
vivIikS fil oiiin, mm, beana and tontatoci — 35 ut- 
jill tugtthtfi A"d lit glieuea of manaaladc aid 
jclJ each, 

1 a>up|io>e j."ciu rr^iivvd Ibn card I acni about 
tl.n vacuuiu flea aar I Well, with the uiideruuuvd- 
"iK LiLul dm new biTuli would celt Only 30 004(4, 


Ce/CT4oa(i' f^aioix Jf 

1 ordered one from H. Ward at Waterlown. 

Viluia uo iitvat to get LIj6 cleaner laut Tuesday, 
wo fcujid IJmt lli* nMui who. bad (eld me tho 
price liud £uui; and Uiat tl<e Ouu-jf* m 7& ceo.!*, 
1 protected a little bit, but to no avail. Paid it, 
and j;d! Uiu cleaner. Kow, if you n-idli to ehango 
your ndad about buying it wilIl that 7J casta 
addud Lu IIki cost, it will be perfectly all right, — 
hetauit yon dida't bargain to have iuo get it 
lined for you and pay that prica for iL 

Wo ju«t got out laflt Towera when wa were 
Imnns liust IVaday, T>i* litll* pajafifaph cailtd 
"r'ut Y*un 1 k I'dauATion" ' waa tlta nrst tiling 
that lul oat— ripbt n^nar* bi the face t I'urluipa 
you got a ali«l(, too, — 111 Uf eoura*, 1 knew 
that 11 y brotlicr had been "ptlelkod oul", aa ho 


DtfeR&mW Exhibit N 

j. your prii'ih'KC, A»id now I must atnp, and 
write to the other*. Tbi* in A very oorrowful 
"Dai-id" who bet written (bit ittUV. 

'With mueh love to you all from ui both, 

Lipai ft Luajrn. 

Df fcndtnU' Exhibit N 

Boebester, Wia 
Sept. ^ 1939 

Dejir Friend* of the Columhaj Campany; 

Wo van Iiotm to Loko MLeIh Inst TucsiJay, 
ond got our latent TnwKI. The little para- 


Dttmdaxi*' Exhibit 

given mo. permiBiion to nae the letter for that 
(lOrpouo. We should r*cr Tin rjtcra, ahoutd wa 
iidII Yon may copy tlia letter if yon wish. It 
yon do not *ar* for the letter after reading it, 
you may return it to ma. I am sending a copy 
to each i)t lh* four eompwvya that wera formed 
in our fOrtntr lo^ritoty, Wi^ van, the eobi|^ny 
nerviiiit, pli'ii*e see (hut p:lt1i mrsolji'r haft an ii)i- 
portuiiity to read lllin IcHri- earx'fullyt And if 
you winh to p«w» oii this infotinalioft 1* Otliera 
in (lie truth, tiial in your privilcpi"'- It in n very 
aorrowful "Drnnjo" »]in Vius writtes thi» kttar 
to our tlrar "JruiAtnia''' fricndi. 

Witli mueh lore to you ail from na both, 

LCU.KP ft Licai 




Dtffdaxh' E#h&it 

Of ton™', I knew that my brother had been 
"pitched out", as he expressed iti and thai the 
reason for it «u * letter he had written to Bre, 
B — about the conditions (hem. I knew rJ^Al he 
had resigned, loo, and tub expecting la come la 
Wisconsin and again practice law after Sept. 
IbL He came two n'eets earlier an account tf 
the hiity action of the eieeutivei there at the 

Well : For your farther information, and be- 
cause 1 believe you are fair-minded enuff la get 
both aides of any question before paauing judg- 
ment, 3 am tending you a capy af the letter my 
brother wrote to the judge, and including same 
of the rxcm that followed iL Hi> *aj-s he sees 

:i:: Linn i:i j.-lrinp tin- tit?t% 'a: knCm'n, ej:i! tuU 

given tan nei-piiiwinn to am the letter fat l hat 
purpose, We sttauid **.<:k thr r*cii, nhmdd we 
notf Yno nwy eopy the Idler if yon *i*h. If 
you do nnl enro for the letter after reading it, 
you may return it to me, I am sending a rnpy 
f;i en,- 1 *! «f liir /(hit cr.ii-.;MLn v p Hull were formed 
in onr former territory. Will yon. lite company 
servant, pleas* see that each memher him in 
opportuni ty to read thin letier carefully! And 
if y.iu wish to pass on thin information to olhem 
in thn fri:;b r :hat in your privilege. It is a very 
sorrowful "Divin" who ha* written (hi« letter 
to c<tr dear "JnNATHiBr" friend*. 

With much love, to you all from ns both, 

Jjstiifn A LiTti Bomm. 

PiL We are parked at Rochester while Lelnnd 
is working for my sister'* hu^hend- He drive* 
nine raiH'« to Tforkville each day. Will be b*r* 
two weak* more — maybe three. 

Defendant*' Eifjibit P 

7318. W. North Avenue, 
"Wnuwnlosa, WiBCOQSUl 
AngnBt 44, liH9 

Dear J< h red an J Jessie; 

lfqrlvHnt you witl find copies of the. enrre- 
*puiuj['ivre relative to our riit fmm TSethel. I 
kiJI nccil these for other purpose* en would tike 
to- line them resumed when y«u arc through 
with then!. Von can uiukp enpies dC llicm to 
keep in yon so desire. 

IVc -certainly enjoyed your visit ymtrrdny and 
an< ™p™inlly grateful for the kind synriyLJhy 
ynu expressed to us. We have pnnc thru ii 
wnre wmrkinjr experifiu 1 ? but iSif tiindneM nmi 
sisnpnUty of the brethren hnrk bfrw ware tlmn 
flimijennates for the injuries sulTiTisi. 

Ynu can nhow these le.lti'j-s In any «f tln> 
hrethren that you d**Lre. Wood'Wftrih it in- 
iMtdla^ It inoke it publir thru lis* "public d«. 
fliiJiTPntlor" ao it is all rijoht for any of tin: 
hretbrrn to have alt tlie fiels now, 

Yours in th* Ijord's nnTi-ia', 

OUM li. ifoi"j! 

DcfitiLfanM' Exhibit Q 

OLIN E. HOYCE Allomey-at.Law 

1439 Underwood Ave. - Watiwatosa, Wii*. 
Telephone BLuentauniJ SS56 

fiepL 27, 1JHC 

Mr. 0. i'ryklund, 
Aadabon, lawn. 

Hear Brvdier FrjUsAd: 

YoHr letter uf riejrt, 2Jrd addr«M«i| to me at 
lironJilyn wan rurwtmkd and airiv*| Jutc this 

jjinrninjf, I do nut Hjuiia iinderstujul a» I did 
nr f t v.rilf to you under date of Xp|>trinl*r 1st 
coiLeernina; any land fur thf use of pioneer*, if 
you. liflve nny *wh |ttt«r p«rpf>rting to nnnn; 
from mi, [ tih approcintc it if yon will send 
me a topy. 

If you have fiillowni the Towit irry elowK' 
sou will Iijlvk ncen the vnrinas statennents anil 
Inarers thsreiji uoneeming me. Tim judj^ Ihia 
hnjjivl a nialifiouji and un! rut Itfttl *ain fjdi^n lr> 
*mi-»r my ^iml iniiiir aistnnjr the brethren, I 
have ki'ftl i|uii'l iind \rt liim mve for a yrar but 
the (iiiK- has now ensue to let Hit brethren kmtw 
the muli, tin will find a cnuple of pnm. 
I'liih'ts. nteiMed which I hofH' yen will rem) care- 
fully. And 111 he glad to km from you after 
you havr read thein. 

When Bis nrjrnDisiation elaim to he the njrent of 
the Jju-d's Tiic-ncmcy indulgen is> rel ijriniis per- 
sectttiori it in (lute for those wlko follnw Hie l>rd 
to sit U|i an<| take nntiee. 

Tour Brother in His service, 

■Ouw K Moru 


Definrianti' Exhitil R 

OLDf H, 1I0YLE Attorney at-Ii* 

Hit Undtrwond An ■ W«nwato«a, Wis, 
Ttlephaaa BLtwootuxJ CS56 

Dhl s, isaa 

ilr. Elmer J. UoPaniel, 

Zon* Strtfftnt, 
SKSL N. Hit St, 

i'ii->*suJ(ee f WitsoiuiB. 

Deer Brother Udhuiel: 

Will you permit ma to gime ywu some infor- 
aiatinn concern injr the appeal* bow pending in 
tin Kenosli* County Circuit Court. 

Tiie situntina is this: These appeahi involv- 
ing IhrKo ev««s were taken lait amnuner. A new 
t 'mi hns sow commenced and the eatea have been hrQUErlit to trial. 1 understand that 
tin ntlnrncy for the defendants is waiting fnr 
tiin pnur-cutinff nttorney to hrinfr the ease* to 
trial. Tlie cli&nees are strong that the iirnKe. 
ruiinjr ntljjruey never will hring tliem np fnr 
trio I. He lias won the eases ia the lower »nrl 
jljuI l>n««'n thnt hi* chaneei bj-« poor in the 
upper court. Pnrthenuor« by Ivttinjj tit* eases 
tide along he can in tin* sreura a dismisnnl of 
the appeal* without «tna tryini; ihem, provided 
they are not nntieed for trial by the rlefendanti. 

ft ia a rule af eourt in that circuit that if a 
«u* on nr>r**l i* n*l fcrnufcht up fur trial -with- 
in thret terpis fif its Cljn S (he ppp*aJ will be 
dismissed and the original judgment will still 
stand against the defendants. In these cases 
therefore the prosecutor need only wait until 
thru* terms pus, and then if His attorney for 


Defendants' fliliiif B 

the dcfahLanta has not brought the cam np fnr 
trial ha can inorn for dizmuaal and collect the 
fisi'B spinu;! the bnndinuuL 

This ii a piece of information whieh you as 
a layman are probably not familiar with, and I 
«ib passing it on to you for aueh as* M ynu may 
feel advisahle. Fleams do nat niisundentond 
me on thia, I ant not trying to hutt ia on Ilia 
case, or tell you what to do with iL I would 
hale to see tlie hrethren low out on the ease 
(lira a legal technicality of this sort anil tiier*- 
fore jfiv» juu the infortnatinn. There is no im- 
mediate present danger hot there will be in due 
time if the case is not noticed for trial. 

Toon in Kingdom aamon, 

Qua- BL ilcru 

Liwitielppe post marked: llilwaukaa Wis. De* 
2J 1039 12J0 I'll] 

Olui E. UovLa AlEnmey.aLLa* 

1+3S Underwottd An. . WauwatO**, Wia. 

Ilr. Elmer X MeDanH 
HSl N. tlat St, 

llilwaakea, Wisaoaaia 

«/o C IT. ELliUMi 


D»f «daoU' 5 for ldaot3£tatio« 

Tux PaoOuWuvii &mraniT, SirnuiasL 6, l*t2 
JtuuTAii's WrrtiDHni 
Dear Sirt: 

\trur editorial eoaeeming the recent Knpretna 
Conrt deeiiion was an eiccllenl protest URiiinsi 
■ deeiaion wliieh may have far reaching evil 
effects, 3b preTioun cases Jehovah's Wilncosr* 
had secured a number of good divisions %-hi.cJs 
elarihed the fundamental lilseriies of press, 
speech, and rbdij»;Jon. but this laler decision has 
inwldied the ikhUd ami ih|Mi3iei| the door for auto. 
cratis form In elpuip down on tlie unortliodox 
of al] Varictiva, 

The n n -ly brand of intolerance which attempt! 
In anppntss opinion and expression is had hasi- 
™*ss for a ilemocraey. Jeliovah'i Witneurs 
Jiave rendered a valuable oerviee nnt only to 
tlieinsi'lvea but to the tounlry in ?onnigeoes<ly 
fighting canes through tlie emjrts, 

I tut thia militant hand nf religimis devotee* 
baa not shown itself fret and clear nf intolerance 
nnd hitcolry. I waa fnrnuirly nnc of them, and 
for four years, ending in 193», waa Ocnerat 
C!oL.B*e] far the organ wtion, While s« enjmfrjed 
T protested At the lma<]i|Qarlers againel rnma 
af the iffl^hristian pmcticva there abounding. 

For so dning I m excomrnnnjeated from the 
organization; condemned to Gehenna as a com- 
plainer, a murderer, a Judas, and an evil serv- 

f>n investigation T learned nf many others who 
had been falsely condemned and harshly treated 



DefemiemU' Exhibit T far Idcntifkntiom 

because they did not conform lo (He tenets of 
the hierarchy managing the group. While pro- 
testing loudly and vociferously against persecu- 
tion of t]^jim*li'rji, tiiey *r* not at all hesitant 
about inflicting harsh treatitaat on ethers. 

Persecution of Jehovah's Witnesses in this 
count)-)' by intolerant form Pi to &» greatly 1* 
bo deplored end Tlie Progreesivs « to be com- 
mended Tar protesting against It. Bat tkry 
should do unto others as thay desire othere to 
da unto titan. 

Ouk B. Hon* 
Johnson Creek, Wis. 

DcFuuUab' Exhibit T for Identification 

14 TciLDir, Ocrosn. 13, 1942 


W. Nitum, Founder, 1882 
Published by The Jafinisl Company 

HI J. Coast, Chairman or llu Board 
V, H. CauGEa, President and Editor 

J, D. Fjaousoir, Vice-President and Associate 

L. Li BoWTUt ■ Vice-President and Publisher 
J. P. Kutisq, , Vie**Pr*sidenl ami Prodnc- 

lion blgJ. 
Rati*— Carrier delivered and street sale i Daily 
$ rents. Sunday 10 amis. By mail in Wiucoa- 
sin iud tin': tipper Peninsula of Michigan where 
r.iLrri<ir icmib ia not available: Dally $S> Sun- 
day IS. Foreign ratal on application. 

OcjVwoVpV Exhibit T f*r I4c*tifaOi<m 

Phone Marquette 6000. Private telephone ers- 
Inin. Addrea* all correspondence to ipecino per- 

attu or depmi-tnienl- 


P"— ' T axo Rnmiiroij) 

To Tltt Journal ; In your issue Of Oct, fi, 

referring to the case of two children of Jelio- 
V*h s Wi tsetses in lId*aokee reFusiag t* salute 
the flog, you male* Hie flowing *tftt*»ent: 
"Jehovah's Witnesses is a ascl founded la 1878 
by Cltarles Taxa Hush II." 

That statement should be corrected, for the 
facts are that Charles Tax* Russell did not 
f I5M ml Jehovah's Witnesses and never bad any- 
thing to do id lb. them, Himsdl did arfjsjaisa and 
iw a corporation nanvd (he Wateh Tower 
Bible and Tract eod/ety for the jm roast *f dis- 
seminating Bible truths. On Ftum-U* death 
"JulLu.b" Rutherford secured eontml of this »n 
porulion and proceeded to do away with (h* 
(cachings promulgated by Pastor RusScll. Id 
llm taunt* of a few yean Russell 'i publications 
were superseded by the proline writiinj" of 
'*Jui]j(t" Rutherford apreading' tlie teneti of a 
diJTtMrt Uttohf^ 

Cnn«M|twTi(^ tlionaanda of paopla adhering 
tn the- biblical Icaohinjrj of Paator Kaieell with- 
draw iHrpf support from the "Watch Tower 
TliliU and Tract ooclety and aro now found in 
niimerDiu EihLn itudenL cliimwi throughout th» 
ctmnlry, Tn link tlharlaa Taia Ttuw<?ll and Bibla 
j4iHJenta with JehoValii't Wlttw»f«P il ttn**\j 

Ou» 8. llDIUL 
JohjUKm Cnak, Via. 

Dctwulajda' Exhibit U 

OLIH G. MOVLE Attoract^H** 

1439 Urtderwood An • Wanwaloat, Wi*. 
Ttdiphana ULnemoojid liSK 

Sapfc 11,1«» 
Hr. C, F, Frobarji 
lS3fi N, Fairfltld At», 
Chicago, Ell. 

Dear Brothtr FroUrg: 

One. of tlio Milwaukea publiahvr* win bed beau 
*-i«+ting in Chicago reported tb»l J'ou wanted to 
ffil in touch will; me but ttwt you did not kie*r 
mid were not able to ascertain my wLicrraiHiuU. 
Ho I aiii writing to 1st yoa know wlujr* I an) 
and to alate Uiat if I ai bo of any My U> )'oq 
or tn* brelJi-ren please let ine know. I expect 
to ooan as ofiict for llu praetiea of biw here in 
Waufc'atoa* at th* «bo»* «kjfwp» but ia Tiew 
of rjte fact that Lhow ofbrr* era undergoing re- 
inodtlliBg you altoaJd addreat di at, 7218 W. 
Mortji Atc„ Waowmtn™, Wi^ Will probably 
I0QT6 Into ihe n*w <(iuirtrra about Oct 1st, 

Von ito doubt read the nolie* ia tba September 
let Tower <jf jiiy d' 1 ""'"* 1 from Bethel Tor 
alleged unfaithf nlm a e 1 am eadoeinjr a alAta- 
rueiit Bonirerring tha mailer which wilt giv* you 
further enligbl+tWjenL I'ts n*rer been diiloyal 
to lit* Society or Eh* Truth or lb* brolhren. 

If £ cts be of any Hirbn to jrot pleaaa let 
m* kno*. 

You» U Kingdom aarrica, 

Opt B, kf on*. 


Ur/cmlanl,' Exhibit U 


Tin ScjiUiidier lat Waleh Tower contains 4 

boCjou staling that my connections with die 
Society n-cre scvitrml because of unfaithfulness 
lu Jm Kingdom, intertnl" and to tlie brethren. 
Thin statement docs not conform to the facts. 
TJ.L- fai.-L» lire as follow'* - 

On July 21st I gnvo Brvtlitr Rutlwrford thirty 
4ay* ilu'.lc* in writing of my Hsipoatiori aa ilie 
j^iely'n counaclor, Thto rnwipiatioB was given 
PS ad etopliatic prolcfl n+;ainst mtilaia condiliona 
whieb liad arisen at Bvthcl- 1 bad no personal 
gruvsaea o^uinst tlie Swicty'i i'raiident but I 
jnotcEti-J ilrojigly against son* of hie actions; 
audi ax ill treatment of tlie licthcl family; 
acvldinj; and lauthAxting litem at Use dluner table} 
s|i .(v-ir.iirui:L:ie. ae,ui[i*t 11 I'.-ii l in (lit mutter of COU1- 
furl and con^'ruienns: undue cuntlalioa to tlio 
use of akfjiiul, nod tine use of filthy and vulgar 

(hi Augnjit Stb, immediately following vocatiikB 
jjruuilit action win iu\tt;n roiMtrning tlie inille?. 
The Ititard of IJircslom was calkd together and 
jilV k'tter of ix'srifnatioa read to (be jocmiiers 
thereof, The lion/d retrinunendeiJ that my con- 
nections with tl»e Society be aerercd ijiLnttdialely. 
I nail branded w a religionist, a rticrolacr of tho 
evd *c mint, and i" *U *eriousnees it was elairoad 
Lliut I was a Jpsuit, presuniably in dioKuise. The 
Movie family tvjis tliereupon givtn lutlf a day 
to park up it* goads and get out. Simrtf leaving 
Ih'tbftl other storirs have mysteriouHly eoroe to 
Ihe front, to tbe effect that 1 betrayed the breth- 
ren ia the court* *od thnt I instructed brelbren 
in ILaiiHachiuietts that it would bo all right to 
send tlteir ehildnm to a military sthooj. Tneas 


Btftndetti*' Kxliiliit V 

eloima and atorics are falsa and apparently made 
with an ultcrier purpose, 

[ have never been disloyal to iluj Sodety or lira 
interests of Ihe Kingdoni, My position was staled 
in a letter to llrulher Hutlierfond on August 21it 
from which tlie fol lowing is quoted ; 

"The facts indicate that you and Wood- 
worth jiuVu the- idea that I have left tba 
Jsutiety and intend to entliarli upon a cain- 
puij^n against iL This ia most einpliali- 
cnlly not the cose. 1 ant loyally support- 
in); the Mudety in tlus area and expect to 
continue to do so regardlcsa of Ute atti- 
tude uf tl.u Society toward us. Ncitlicr 
am 1 waging any personal warfare aguinst 
yuu. 1 liavo never questioned or denied 
Unit il.i- Lit d is tiding you as his earthly 
director of Kingdom work, But your peti- 
tion docs not give yon inununily front 
protest against wrongful action. 1 pro- 
tested to you personally and privately bc- 
eaune of your abuse and discrimination 
iipjiLimt your fettiiw servants at itttbd. It 
wan not a personal grievance, but was 
made solely in the Lntermiji of tlie fnjuily 
find the organisation against your peraenal 
I no dow a part of the Milwaukee Uoraparty of 
Jehovah's wijnesscs and engse^nij wliolehcart. 
ally with it in the advancement »' th? Kinj^doot 
interests. Thin statement is ratile En peraanal 
friends so that they may ha** a elsar under- 
standing of tlie mutter. 

September 7, 1033 

Ouir B. Moru 

Dttcmkmtt' Exhibit U 

OLTN B. MOIXE Allorney-at-Law 

li-'Ht Underwood Ave.: - Wauwatosa, Wis. 
Telephone BLuera^und 56M 

Ootobir 19, 1939 
Mrs. Frances Hunter, 

Plainuc-ld, N. J. 

Dear Sister Hunter : 

I heard some uewi this morning to the effect 
that ia spits of the statement in tlte, Watch 
Tower tosM of th* PUutfu'liI friends still 
htlifcved tlnl I could not be guilty of tbe things 
witli *hicli I am charged. You can't imagine 
what comfort that brought. I hope it is tne. 
1 never r*cviv*d each i bettering in my lifo at 
] have this last month or so from tha Sodety. 
All 1 did was to send to Brother Rutherford s 
letter pj-aU-siing against aame a( til*, things, he 
did, as lainbiisling the brethrto at Bethel 
ete, and for tltat 1 h»v» been charged with 
unfaithfulness; with being a Jesuit; a Judos; 
anil an evil servant. 1 liave imagined that every *lii> read tit* statement in the October 15th 
Tower would balitre ] wa* guilty oi writing 
false and malicious stetemeots; to tbe President 
uf the bkwialy. Of course rcpatatioa d<man't 
mean touch, but nevertheless its not plcaasat to 
be aecUHed of unfaithfulness, and I am mor* than 
overjoyed to hear Dial some of y«u friand* 
believe that I >m not as bad as painted, 

1 haven't any war or quarrel with Brother 
llutlierford or the Society, Kister Moylt and I 
are wurking along with t9w lliSwankee Company 
in full hariDvuy with the truth and 1M Lord's 
organisation. VTe intend to do so as long M the 
Lord is using tlis Organiialion. There is no 

nutation lint what lite Society i» the Lord's 
argftniratian and tliat lie directs its «i:tivitie*. 
>>'eTerlhele*s tlmre. i.™ human ereaturen in 
cliarge who have their share of human frailtieo, 
and do thing* not in conformity with tb« princi- 
ill's (if riKhLeouur.e<«, To protest apiiu*t 
■lorjhleous icla doe< sot constitute nnfaithful- 
oui, and for that rrjojin I da cot consider that 
I have dans anything uufaitlif liL You cm tell 
any of my friends who inquire. Hut I uu juit u 
faithful to the Lard tod 11« or#*uis*tinn as 
■ivbt , and doing whit I can to arm Him aod Lbs 

I onderitmod Dm alory b*a bean circulated in 
tli« I'.'nM Uiat I JLavc been ba»y circulating a 
fall* letter s-jjainal the judges That is not true. 
1 h*vo iliewii «pp3e* *l my letter to him to a few 
friend*— lesa tjiirn a. doiert— and that ii li 1 
don't Hunt I wontd be dying anything wrong 
if 1 did ci-'.-Liljico the letter, boenusa I didn't UeU 
LJm any lie« in it, bat it wouldn't In food policy 
msd would be onadueivB towajd* «liv luiuQ and dis- 
•fiiiiuuD. So Smler Jloyle and I iuivb qaiet in 
spite uf what tli* Society lui published- But 
you, epn't imagine how oomi orting it is to bear 
thai some of you brethren, still Iuto faith in HI 
and do not believe that I am a renegade oil 
*4 mat. 

I often think at you brethren at Plainneld ud 
the good on-'-Ufl yen) put tip agaiaal the P hilisliuet 
of that pUn-n. I don't lappa** that cm* against 
you. wai ?vor brought up far trial on appeal. 
I gwstm they *c* glad enough to forgot it 
llemeinber me to the friend*, especially lo Sister 
liiehmopd. I'll be glad to hear from you. 
Your Brother in Kingdom wrVit*. 

Oui 11. Mom. 

DifcndattU' Exhibit V 

7218 W. North Avtnua 
WiflwttAu, lViooooain 
BrpJcmbor I, 1939 

Mr. William C. Shook, Jr. 
Du1l.Ui, Mian, BFD#4, Bai 401 

Dear Brother Shook; 

Your letter of Aagtut iStb aunteining letter 
front The National l"rotecti*e Conferenie luu 
been forwarded to nte hy the Society. 

You no doubt have eoen tlie Sotiee, in the Sep- 
tember lit Toner to the effect that nay eoiuicn- 
Imiu with the Society have been n*wr*d became 
of ailrged " tat oithfnJlnent. '* Tltil u»t eorreeL 
1 nude protwt tn Brother Ru'iitrfonl oRiiuit 
oondiliivu whicli appeared to me In be npfair and- 
oppreisiT* of til* brvtbrtn «t Bethel. For ibat 
I wai diitLUBiod frarn B«tl>el and charged with 
btfirtjt unfaitlifuL I am itHl loyal to the Laird 
and the Society and doing (01 J ran in the King- 
dom lenrioa, 

Tl*F*fore I oannot *n**er yoo on &odety*a 
couiiMrlo r but ai an indiTidiial I would itate that 
it would *eem adriaable to sivid- tlui organisa- 
tion the infurwuilion it desire*. Some liberty 
loring organiioliiOM of tint sort bin's tfiren aa 
murli nieful Hrriee m caaea throaflliont the 
oountiy and thii org»4i«atJon may be able to 
tuwiat yo*. 

I uu engaged in piiwot* practin here *o4 i* I 
run b« #f any aerriee 1* yon in the c*»* please 
twl fre* m 4aB on me. I certainly hop* yon 
will ba aqecauf nl in giving them a goad battle 
wfeea It tamo up an app*aL 

Tanrt la Kingdom aerriee, 

OluB. Htm* 


Vtftn&l*t*' ElAibit V 

T218 W. North imn 
Wnnwatooa, WiRcoDiin 
geptcmhw 1, 1939 

Mr, a a B*H»r, 

Deox Brother Barber: 

1 prejume. you bar* read in the Sept lit 
Tower the ttalioe allntipg ray nnf ai thf nlncni and 
KVonnoe of nclatiaais with tli* Society. I'm not 
fighting wtlh (be Society abont it but I wmnt lo 
let * few frimdi knOT (bat "it ain't oo." lb* 
fucti are time jiut before vacation I pTotesied 
lo Brother Jtjitherford agninit ocn,nin act* which 
to my mind were diierimii»tory end npprreniv* 
agaiiiit Ihe Bethel family. Immediately after 
vnritiflm a rniftijitf uf the Board of Director! 
waj held and I wop given half a dny (Mn)'la 
family liki-nir*) lo pacli onr poods and K"t o _ JL 
I fhni'l fOiuiidei protiMting againil wrnngfitf ac- 
liana of tln> Society President on Kt of tinfaith. 
fulnen, and I am ■.till faithful and byal to the 
Sjwicly and lo the Kingdom. 

Therefore aam one else will be wnrtinff *ith 
you in eiJupieetson with tlte Brown estate. 1 will 
miiui hnring lb* Cipportniiity to aee and talk! with 
you ocsuionally. Will h* glad to hear from yon 
at any time. 

Tuun in Kingdom eerrioe, 



Defendant*' Exmibit 

7313 W. North AvawM 

WanwuliipuL, WU, S.1939 
Mr. J. a UiUer, 
3011 So. Woehipgtdfl St, 
£nglewood, Cok, 

Bear Brother Miller: 

"tour letter of the £Jtb wo. forwarded to Srt 
at the above oddreH, J ani bo longer serving a* 
cuunsel for the Society and that ie no doubt the 
riiflhcn yon bnve not hoard eoDceming tb* pun. 
litily campaign for Timver. I u rcluroldg y«ur 
letter and euggrnt tliat yon write ta the Kociciy, 
addreifing ypit letlor to the Legal Oeilt. L"»- 
denbtedly soror one there will take cue of the 

No donbt yon b»Te notified in the Tower .the 
notice to the effect that my nonnectiona with the 
Society wert aerered on iccOQnt of alleged di»- 
layalty and iipfaitlifnlneei on my part Tirt 
rtolirt doein't gv*e the fuels. The facta aio that 
I protcited to the Sodety'i pitttdtat againit 
csrtaln acta of hie, For making i«eh prolcil I 
wan- aBmnmrity diuniwHsii- 1 am itill loyal to Hi* 
Society wwi working in harmony with it, but not 
u eonnseL I make thii ititemeiU *a yon will 
not have toy miimpprthenjiion conoerninf my 

I hope that you will be in a poiition to give 
publicity io the ustiTitiw of the enemy in Denver 
in the very near future. The gang there oar- 
tajjily »Mdi it 

Tonr* in Kingdom Mrri™, 

Ctiif E, Mona. 


Di/™fnaU J ExXxbil U 

Augnat 2&V 1939 

Mr. H L. Fhilbruk, 
Botlon, KaA. 

Dear Itrotliar Fhilbrick: 

Tiianit for your good Setter of the 25th. I 
am glad to l»ve your counsel and advice, even 
though I don't Agree with *)l of it. It doesn't 
Kfin that tlte Uixoli matter i* OnalOpnH lo the 
pnieont litnotion. If there i* any oOBiniiifiiioa 
with tlie Old Te»lnmrnt crentii I thihk a clearer 
coRiparieop wu|lIh| be with that of tlw king* and 
the prophet*. The king* of Israel wrnr !lml '■ 
anointod and had rale over hi* onrnniznl ion. 
They commilted many wrongful net* and the 
prophets rebuked them. I haven't triad lo h«* 
'.he Saeatty*! pre«ident removed from office. All 
I did wbj to call to Ida penonal attention inn* 
vrtiona nf luu which were oppreiiive and unfair 
to hie frllni* KiTb'aotiL Tf tho*e holding poei- 
tianB »f rrHpcinH-lti lity in the TjurdV organization 
were pcrfecl men, and had a perfect line of 
communicfttiqn wilh the Ijord, tliero Would of 
coune be t\a neewmity for J«tch nation. Dot they 
are not, and I think I here ie a r«mpouibility on 
tlte part of the individual to proltit <o the Presi- 
dent of the Society wb™ be commit* gnmoinp 
wrongH, jnat oa there )■ a ruponaibility on hi» 
port to call to tin allcittkon of thai* under him 
their miideedi, 

furthermore I heliert my letter it bearing 
goad fruit in epile of ertrythlBg. The Judge 
hoc now given the Bethel brethren all day Sarar- 
dayi off during the hot weather. Furthermore 
I would ba willing to bat ten. nenta ogainit a 


l}r.!r.ndiL*!i' Eskbil U 

doughnut that there will be little or none table 
lain-Utstinfi" for Hie real of thii eeoaon at Bethel. 
Flu- that I am find, 

Vou will be interested to learn that Wood- 
wurtlt hoi now entered the arena and lent me 
a lettfr in which be "publicly denounce*" me 
and ntnkrii an exceedingly vicious, fjitve under- 
iiontlcd ollurli nn ine by alurrlng and niiErepre- 
Kenting anil f unifying mntieri poneeming f.iner 
Jjuyle. 1 uiulcrKtand that in Id be pobliajlfrd tn 
dMaaSUmoai iii the n^ar future. It laokg. like 
nn attempt l« pn^h um over into the oppoiition, 
hut by (lie Lord'* cratr it will nol succeed, We 
nr^ lrti*y and happy cno|wralini; with the local 
*[iiiLpany in the witnenn »ork and ibnll do ouf 
tpi'i-l In-iit lo keep our hearts with diligence and 
keep eweel no utatter what cornel, 

Yeuri in Kingdom aervice, 

Ouw B. MotU. 

7213 W. North AT«ine 
Waawatoio, 'WiecOnlin 

August lo, 1939 

Orover C, Powell 
Atlanta. Georgia. 

Deaf Brotlter Powell; 

You will toft enrprised to note the change of 
nddresi as above,, nnlea* you have already heard 

the gory details of onr leavine; Bethel. Iti a 
»nd itory, rover, and rather depressing to 
write about but in view of the fart that we have 
worked together to rotfth I'm giving: you at least 
an outline of what ha* happened. 




DeftndanW EMU U 

Just ljrTnre rantiun 1 prenentpi) to Urn. 

Ruiherford a li-ILrr in which I protect"! ApniiiKl 
some of Ike nHnl™ ikl Bethel unci) an. i"r table 
tri:niiilnj;n given by him to Sonne of (I* brethren, 
disCailililHllinim nj;niji»t 66Itui And favoritism to 
himself, tilll t nt inn nf ftlruiiul find rimdcTClnal ton 

of total alwlainere, net of Tulgar in- J filthy lao- 
iiiui£e etc J al*o gave notice tint I wn* leav- 
ing rltfrt IhI Titit immediately after vacation 
ciulod tire Judga failed Hie Hnftrd* of Directors 
or [lie Ivra corporations tr-gother awl I was im- 
mediately expelled frr-m liethel oi»tt given half 
ft day to itmni my effect*. It was niaitt A l*"*' 
but we utntte it and or* now hack in Wieconsin. 
In. addition the Judge pronounced m* a Jit sub- 
ject ftsr tlte evil *ervAAl Haso, [lenonneril m* an 
ft rrlipfiAniHt, anil Heath claimed T «i» A Jennlt 
in rij*e-uiw>. Su here »'« are. ! am r«iAhlii«hing 
nn nflire here- in Wftuvralnsi and Impn In get 
eiMiHch prodice tn make ft living. 

Ami while ( rhi writing thin letter F micjit 
jiihL an Well keep fl prmnipe I lik-wle tn the Judge 
hark in June. 1 hid iiuitr mi argument with 
liim I In' ilny we mllcrt nn Lirhowirs— you remem- 
ber Use ncrorramc*. Fnr r-ome rraaon the Judge, 
nhjnclod to you. uisieting me hi tlinw Mndiwta 
Siiwr* Garden ennea, and Bonnie or Bill Hralh 
lis J apparency infnrmfd him yen were going* 
fllnnjt and awiiliog. tie told im lo tell yon 
vim were nnt tn go along, I tried to reach yon 
before w* pot 10 Liehowirs office but couldn't 
And yon recoil ynn were Ihert abend nf us. 
Then when I reported hnck to Hi* Jndgr lift 
wanted to knew why I permitted yon to .nit i* 
fin the conference- I told him I wmalrlr/t Iswilt 

DcfendanlM' Exhibit U 
jwtt by fofhiddLnj; yon to gn tn *Un to. W» had 

i|i:jli- u. liincUjiiiLUft ji.t:) li« w»p lc.ij iilc Ix) UkfiJTTll 

jnu Liini yoit were to liav? nothing to do wilfi 
tin clues. I »^re«d to do to t hut overlookcrl 
the limtler, and it t-ju.o'1 necessary for you Il-1'1 
rij;lit at that time. So 1 hftTe nov ijifonucd you 
n;nl ui)- j.'j'jtuiiB is kept. 1 tunsiilered liis action 
ralld'r unjust but of course ha is President and 
it wan Jii« rtstKjBiLuil i ty . 

I J;av* ft Kuiiiiician llitt nfllil* InSporbl will luz 
|;hin~ fnrllj to I lie effect Hint Wc liftVft ^l.Iiu over 
villi lint oppottilipn and tliat v* lilHclleil I he 
Judgic- nnd tike ISociety. You may receive kdihb 
jiiil-Ii re parti in due time. Iktii't p»*s jadpitent 
luu fnxL Wh ftre loyal Tu tlm l>ord and Ilia Su- 

piuli n:nl fipvl l;i runtiiir.n in t:ip jiltsllh lii'Te 
in II ilvn ute* at fully ie lime, rne&n* no4 enerffj' 
u'lll penikit I'm not brondensting the letter 
ftrannd til* rimntry, but if I Jim miirepresented 
1 nluill use it In order lo present tlia faeti. If 

Ally ntnlviAAntn Ar« rntlle tO J'oU CORCemillK it 

nn<l ynu wAnt to Lnow jtut wlwt was laid, writo 
nw nral I will ae-nd you a capy. 

Ill ho glad to hear from, you any lime and 
hnpe you vril! ^fet liana trute#*t< fully in your- 
hattla in Oronritij,. Altlidujfh I ins no longer 
repreiCAtinjj the Society if I ran lielp in any 
way call on me. 

Tonn in Kingdom Hrrio*, 

Uur K, MOTI*. 

Dn/ma'fliiij" E&Orit U 

1-139 Underwoc4 Avenue 

VV*uwaU>*ft, WLnrOP»in 

Dewtober 24 1939 
Daar Friand; 

K\nrr thn puhlirait i un in the Qelober ISth 
WBtph Tower of ft ntitKinent entitled I STFOLUiTIDI 
I liavn received nuLuy reouefttj for *opies of my 
letter lo Judj^n Rutherford. In response to thne 
fi-quenix I l.av-p nenl ft itateatcOt outliae my 
)ion,itiun. A brother La Cleveland df»iren ttial 
you reneitr onp af these statements and tu rr> 
sponim to hin I-M|Leel it in heinp enclosed to yon. 

fSliiniid yon it-KUm further infarnulioil I will 
ho glad to hear from you, 

Yanra ift Kisgdam 1*1™!, 

Oun B, Motro. 

Shelburto Fall. 
Ifain 05 ■+- niag 2 

*[r, H. U Philbriek, 

Rnntun, Hium. 

7318 W. Nwth Annus 
Wuuwntnna, WLnConsin 
Aopwl 28. 1839 

Dear Brother PhilbrieJc 

BkJ DtnuTOXD Fusi Cue 

1 am probably butting in on ftotntthtoA' vbirft 
nay not be a concern of mine, in writing you 
C0nc4rninjT the oiove matter, bnt it appears that 
an wwrgeftey hft* arisen whioi aeada attention, 


Dtfct&mU' Eriiibit V 

and I am vitally iatantlad is tn* icwdch of that 
cue, 10 her* guea, 

I'rof. Gardner has kept ma informed onnepen- 
ing the propresa of Ihia ease sinoe I left Bethel. 

II r. Pott, Aftothar able attorney, has beeo doing 
moat of tn* work On th* c*»« ainc* T left with tins 
cooperation and uairtoiie* or Mr. Gardner. Sir. 
dardner WTilea tliat the Society has paid Iff, 
I'oat *200.0O for hu labors bat it present it docs 
not seeoi disposed to pay for the printing of tip* 
brief which they have prepared for the Supremo 
Judicial Court. Gardner says, "Aa nearly is I 
-pan judft» the national arfisniiation ia washing 
its binds of the PeerGeld situatioa which rather 
pals it op to Mr. Miller (John (1. Miller, 5b*l- 
hura* Falls) and Myself." 

11 wimld be a eaJvnity for that ease U> be left 
hangine: in mid air. Onrdnar hai been * prince 
in hii actiom in the case. H« has don« much 
ufnev work-, paid his way ont to Qreenfteld, afati 
several limes and •Misled to argninir the cssb, 
and it would be a lousy sham* for hicn to be left 
carrying Ibe brunt of the matter. I don't Usink 
the beat company eon finance the. matter, so I on] 
put linn it up to you, Yon or Brother Oram or 
(lip servant* or some one should take it up 
with tli* oompaniea and m that noma money ia 
rained for printing and any other nKpenaea Uiat 
come Up. Further coidda't you get in contact 
with Oardnor ~^— Prof. George K. Gardner, 

Langdell Hill, Cambridge, and aM&ft biro 

that Jehovah's witoftiaes of laajaavshuHtta are 
banking him in th* matttr. 

Fleas* bear in mind in this utter I am apt 
trytftg to again aaarun* tbl alitui of couaselnr. 
I im vrLLioj u one of tb* Lord's peopit to kb- 

DtftndmW Exk&ii U 

other poiatins; out • placa wberc {(Krpiralioti and 

assistance is needed in thi butlls. I hope you 
can see yoar way clear to hilp. Am s«ndiog 
copy of this Ittttr to Brother atillir. 

Yoiura in Kingdom service, 

Oust R. lIotTJ 

Mr. fi. 0, Moyl* 
7E1B W, North Avesna 
Wauwat, Wiaeoiisin 

ThtLt Brother Moyl*: 

I was glad to get your letter and I want lo 
thank you for your willingness to cooperal* with 
me in the Kingdom School raaltrrx. 

We moved from 1'atcrHn 10 Lakewood An- 
gus! 14. The landlord there, Mr, Sfroe, Iias fur- 
nulled everything we inked hint for. Tips 
Friends have done splendidly In grRing th* ptirtt 
clean And in Rood condilion for school aclivili™. 
We hAVe 22 bedroonu at our disposal Hilly 
ctjuinimi] with ruBmngt water, etc the Lalce- 
wood Kingijam Hill U entirely separat* from 
the PKihatil room, which nukes it a mudi better 
sfl'.-up than we had in Pitoraon. 

Our negotiation* with On Falerson landlady, 
Miu Donaley, has not been settled as yet 1 be- 
lieve sha will accept another month's rent, a* 
yon suggested, and sign a release. 

We have net set a data for opening the school 
as yet I hop* to have seal* desjuto infannsLuift 
in a few days, 

I am happy to toajw that 70* all nstsssd to w*- 


DtftmianU- EsktbU U 

tiiiiio aerving (he Ijird ai much aa your means 
nnil energy will allow. I have hid a nuntloer of 
winere jolti during my Christian experience. I 
tliank the pond Ijonl for e*try Ono of them. Th« 
ATiostlp Pinl rctoindi us thai Uiene experience* 
will be a little grevioui at the limt we receive 
thpni but if wi re-act properly, then they will 
yield tin peocibl* frniLs of righteomntsi. 

We know that lha Lord has a viaibli organ- 
iinlion on lha eartb. Thia organisation is_f/ij:i- 
pved of imperfect creatures. llowtver, It 
pleases, the Lord to as* aoch to carry ont. Ilji 
purponcn on Ihe earth. 1, therefore, aa a Chris- 
iiA», intend, by God's grace, to keep the inane 
cipor in mind rather than the imperfection* of 
my brethren. My earnest prayer Si that by God T i 
ffrneft I may hivw a share in thi* great worV of 
carrying nnt tin will of the Ahniglily while it is 
yet iky hocanso we know the night cotnelh when 
ao mil eon work. 

PlcOR* roiAr-inhfir me to eJiibrr Mocli and Pel*r. 

I am Yoar Brother and Servant Ely If is Grace, 
U, L. pAiKBmvr 


J 890 


DffevdanU' KskAii U 

QUJf R HOTT-B Counselor 

117 Adun* Street , Brooklyn . Mrw York 
Teiepioa* TBiangle 5-1474 

(Eagle L*k*,) 

Mr. n. L. l'hiibricfc, 
Bostou H Mas*. 

Bear Brother Fbilbfick: 

TiuintM for yonx very good teller of tins 26th. 
I rwrii-itij a letter from lirother Anderson and 
tlte Sudbury parenta today aid have answered 
Ik It in de*r that Uitehetl ia bent on dictating 
and njrninjf school affair* according to his own 
potion, und therefore Ida he»l tiling for fha 
brethren Id do Li lo let him and thoea who fol- 
low bii leading sueiuot full responsibility and 
educate their children without iniiniuim from 
the brethren. I have advised the Sudbury 
hi>t]ir<!it to go ahead and conduct their own 
school tnd leave tin Lynn crowd to no their own 
way. Hid. Anderson wj]l no doubt, ahoy yog th* 
letter I sent to him, 

lib difficult for on* oa th* outside to appre- 
ciate the eoDditioa* existing at Bethel. An hon- 
est facing of the facta, — and fact* ore difficult to 
fsce— tends to th* inescapable coaeluatoA that a 
dictatorship exist* there. There ia no freedom 
of speech, or *v*n freedom Of conscience at 
Bethel. That is **d but true, 

I have not wavered <jne inch in ray allegiance 
to tit* Lord and Hi* organisation, lie permits 
these thing* to eontinoe for some good reason 
and will undoubtedly «hwa them oat when ia ilia 

DrfendatUt' ExttSiit U 

good pl*a»ur* ho deem* it neMosary. Nererllny 
Ion »e hive a noapnnwhility to prnliml ovur 
wmniffu.1 conditions ami that U wliy we are tear. 
lug the plaice. I have no penuivul c-nfrove-rsy 
with lirutlker llutherfprd, and am. glad that I 
hava in>L 

At present it ii practically impoMiUle. to di«- 
euu a ttuitrovemial matter — and nmdilioni nt 
Br.lln-1 funn-titute a ecnlroveiwial matter^a-illi 
liiin fun- to face In my letter of resignation to 
him I inlil him that a diwciuitJon an such topic* 
was r.'it a calm and reasoned discoj<nifln hut 
tuntnl into ■ denunciation u~j!h him dtitninnting 
tli* scene, Thai ia tlie reason why I gare him 
my i¥*iir»njli"n in writing with reason*, no Hint 
Ik* would have time ta calmly consider tit* 

Tl it depressing ant! bunt on the ■arret to 
even write concerning the matter. To en thru 
it in ten tiinra worse. Therefore we are hoping 
tlul we can elill «erve the Tjord bark in Wiacoa- 
■in free from oppression end injustice. 

Yours ia Kingdom servtas, 

Oi-ir a, Hon* 

Defendant*' Exhibit V 

OLIN R MOYLE Cnwuelor 

117 Adaiia Blreel . Brooklyn . Now York 
Telephone Tiiisngle 5-147* 

Cbilson, N. Y. 

July ffli, 1U3S 

Bear Brother Philbrita; 

I waa ap at Greenfield, Uaze. laat week oa the 
Johnson case and bod a talk with Urotluer B. A. 
AiuJnrwia about tun achooi mattera B. A. ia 
at tin opiniun that Oram ii nollung but a »!ujk* 
for Mifchall and that llstchell will bu dirt^luof 
tin *ff»ir» fit In all iirnhnbLLily lb< pintlrr p> 
going to be numvod Uji eoniHilrniuiy T ami thrn 
will not be a bona fide effort on the part of 
ttitchell and hi* crowd to comply with the cob 
ditiodi tpttiAad for aeeuriug' !h* aid of the 
brethren. If the Lynn and HaPgtu k">uj.i want 
to opente in that roanncr Uiat in llieir privilege 
of ooorae, hot their nctiod* ilmuld not be per- 
mitted tu interfere with the other*. \ou will 
aaed ter act ao that tin tiuJbmy achool will not 
h* jaopiipdiiad- 

I think it woohl be well for yon In keep In 
clo*e touch with Urotlter Jndcon and! he in lure, 
a* -in iiiiJiTidunL, r*ji keep in date looefa wilt d,r 

«ipL|ui!i i I'l in lb* M»ae. Tlie cuujjjanic* ihauld 
be informrd of the puoditiam fnjuiring their 
aid and if the Uitehell grasp don not art 
■qnuely and honestly aid should be- n^fuacd to 
theniL Then under such drcnmalancea it would 
evtajuly b* proper for the Sndourv purcnU to 
net on their own irtitiattTt and present their 
need* to tha companies. In all probability th* 

DtfeutodW Bxiibit U 

brethren when Jahnaon live* will take th* mat 
tar np with tha cffimpudta in thai aon*. 

H i> mifuJrlilfuit* that thil iubLIit *Ut in 
jnmhkd U|i in Hit, fiudiitin but I don't uw way 

mtajju from it iindiir th* oin^unataoou. 

Her* ia onolhwr uaatter which will ondooblodly 
be Hon or len of a lorpriie to yon. Jut be- 
fore leaTing on ''■cation I pr?eented my reeigna- 
tioD to the Society '■ president to take effect Sep- 
tember lit, 1 did to mi a protect agsinit rhe 
nnjnit eondiLione eiiiliog it B*tnoL I clpwt 
to £u hock to Wisconsin and opeo up an oSice for 
th* practice of law again. Yon are f amitiar with 
soma of the conditions aziiting at Bethel and 
therefore know th* need of a proteat. Hy mig- 
naliokt u. n long itory and I Invent the deposi- 
tion or tha energy to writ* th* dtltilt this 

If yam writ* to oa daring nation una ad- 
dress below. 

Jul Kingdom aaTTina, 

0. B. UbiLi 

Ctuhiou, New York 
QeoataJ Delivery 


Dtfentent*' Etlibit V 

721S W- North A™oe 
'Wanwaloia, Wueoasdn 

Anjrnat 13^ li39 

Mr. H. L, Foiibnok, 
Boston, U«a». 

Dear Brother Fhilbruik: 

ID newt tnetb fact eo I prewuBd 70a ban 
hoard that we were expelled from Bethel laat 
Tuesday. Tha facts are u foitowa: Tuesday 
morning the Judge tailed » special. tn*»ttas; of 
th* BoaJrd* of Direotote of th* two oorporation*. 
At this meeting the letter which. I sent to him 
waa read and tha Judge Baked the member* of 
the Board for their advice. A Committee waa 
appointed which deliberated for * few minotn 
and e«nu> bade with the r*OOfiW»ei(idation thai I 
hm expelled from Bethel immediately, This waa 
dose. The letter waa read to the family at noon 
and we — self, Sister lloyla and son Pater — wsr< 
ordered to pack: up and be Out of Bethel before 
idgbL That waa a large order but with enen 
getic industry we aacomplished it- In addition 
th* Jndge consigned ae tn th* eril **rv»nt olssa, 
eaM I was a religioiDiet and One other charged 
ma with being a Jeenit. This ii not a joke. Th* 
charge was made sarioojly. All of this beoanaa 
I protestad vigorously against soma qnjnat per- 
sonal action* on lb* put of the President of tha 

The serious part of the affair ia that it dem- 
onstrates a philosophy held by the president of 
tha Society and his associated! to this effect that 
no person is permitted to eriricia* «an p*r*onal 


Drfrwtanh' Exnibit V 

aelions of said president. Such criticism, r*rn 
though true, is In- Id to violate the Lord's theo- 
er*(k 4rrftnan:iafn| 1 I d*n't think the Lord has 
endowed any imperfect mortal *'ilh soch a high 
and einlted situation and the doctrine may lead 
In aarions and dangerous results. 

It wasn't very pleaiant to be ousted in *ucb 
fashion, hat we arc not complaining, W« *lu>|| 
coollnoe to eerrc the Lord u far m itirn^h 
and means wi || allow S*. Th* JodiJ* Mid aa far 
an he wim nble to prevent it I would not he per- 
mitted to represent any of the brethren in court. 
1 have liopee however that tike Lord! will give 
me some service of that kind, 

There were several lettern from Dro. Oram. 
on the desk the day we were ooeted. I had read 
them thro bat <ti<ln*t na** time to answer them. 
It R|ipoar* that Milch*]] he* fcu-ind out. that lie 
i* not going 10 luive the eooprral ion of th* hrwtii- 
rtn in Ills SehoOl nifnini, nnd ihetwfOrO ate 
hoinble pie and went thru *wne sort of an apol- 
ogy to Oram and some of the rent of Mie parents. 
1 didn't hnve time to give Oram any advice on 
the matter and of poors* am not giving any ail. 
vica now, unless f am asked far iL However, 
in th* school matters I waa specifically in- 
structed to act ■* an individual and not as a 
rtprrsentativa of the Society' wo if any of 111* 
parents or brethren want information or advice 
oa that subject I will be glad to assist in any 
way possible. 

I am not sending any copies of my letter to 
friends in general for the reason that such ac- 
tion would be ntiseonat rued *a no attempt to 
eraat* division in the Organization. Navertha- 



l»r T .hill us* it to defend fflywiif Spain*! mia- 
reprencntatidit. Stories are nl rcmclj* starting (0 
circulate and I hare »a douhl there will be many 
going the rounds. Thr day after we were muted 
J we* politely informed that I hi4 «d*iiied tha 
patent* in MuB&chuishi it woaJd I™ t,1l right 
to jend their expelled children to a mililnry 
school. Such utatemenl in of con™ completely 
fail*, and apparently is a forerunner of others 
to nana. So if at any lime J'on desire toiai 
»py of Ibe letter to JFIt in order lh±| yon may 
knew tin: exact facts, please advise sad 111 mod 
Ton or* 

Jail it pnatnt I aid pitting ready to Open in 
office in (hii town. Peter ii looking for * job 
•• * linotype aperalor, and Bister lloyle la ar- 
ranging for *ur Liting quartern, Bonn of tha 
friend* Inn Iibt* glvm o* a friendly wirwen* 
and r tnink well gel along. 

I will n« jrlad Id bear from you from time to 
tuna, and will h* enpeeiilly interested to learn 
how tha scowil ramltrni can* along. 

Your* in Kingdom serric*, 

QtiB B. lion* 

D*f**Atmi*' Exkibil V 

7il3 W, Xorth Avwu*. 

Waowntnsa, Wimxiuuh. 
August IT, lfl33 

Mr. Harry L. Pirkhurat, 
Vtm&a, Near Jersey. 

Dear Hrotinr Parkhutat: 

Wh*n I talked with yon nl .Vutle? a little, nwr 
a week agu I iVWl nrfllizfc that within twenty 
four hours I would 1» expoSod from Bethel. I 
presume you haTe heard some nf ihc ffnry uVtaile 
and il may be tlial you have been informed tiuit 
UuvIh ha> Kane with the apposition or the evil 
fervent clan. Timl iter)' )• being circulated 
and liks awn* olhcr thing* of Ihia earth it ia 
Ml till- truth. 

Just before going cm Tn,-jiti<ir, I wrote a per- 
sonal letter 10 Brother Rutherford profaning 
ngninit *nmo n» (he unfair nelinrn 41 Rf-tJitl. 
Same of tho things protested were hit scolding* 
of the brethren from time lo time; I he di«iirimi- 
nntiori Bgainat enine of the brethren; the glorifi- 
cation given lo alcohol, and tlio scorn and taut* 
heaped upon total abstainers at Bethel etc. All 
of the thine* stated were true, and the letter was 
not published (0 nnjMnis i-liio up to that time, yet 
jwrtrtheVw I was kieked Out and gi**a only 
half a day to collect my good* and W out 

I'm not complaining abonl it We intend to 
eontinna aarring tha Lord jnat u much aa onr 
raaana and energy will allow. 1 value tha good 
oplnioa of yon brethren in New Jersey and trait 
that yon will •ectirt ail the faeii befort pajabug 
jedgmani agaLnat ul II jon recaiTa ajiy reporta 
«mnirnijig tbia latlar and want to know what it 

JJ*/a«[fl»J*' Zxkibii U 

actnally ataled, a*t Siettx Vana H«a* lo ate it 
Hhe haa > oopy, 

With reference to th* Kingdani School I am 
glad to aaiiat or id™* yoo at any time, I waa 
anting solely u an tndiridnal and not aa a Soci- 
ety TepraaentatiTa in the School matter* io if 
yoo want to write to me at any time I will be- 
more than, find to sj*t*t yon in any way pcaajhlc. 
Tod, bat* a big problem in the echool matter and 
I hope everything will go all right I will ha 
interested in learning bow yon noma ant with 
yonr negotiation* o»er the rent and lean* nf fa* 
Patiurion puun. 

Town h* KLngdom aarrua, 

OuiE Moni 

D*ferjdnrjLi' Exhibit V 

Semi your jihoto 
with thin i|tuwtioo*Jr* 

i)rn:irArHj«i kr TilK rJonFTT r« 


Tli™jja1, Al'OI!»t 14, 1Q39, 


The a™-]* niicn+il dfriwft lo liecnme ■ nvnnbcr 
of lh» Rr-llwl Kntmily ftml tit enter (lie wmec nf 
th* Watch Tower Hiltlc t Tmcl Kwiety nt 
ftrnyiWyn, N, Y, and for (hip pnrfxip* malie* 
trullifuJ anewer* lo the frillovinjr <in*^tinnA: 

1 Name Win IL Uoyk 

2 Coinjdel* aililreM t'nion flrore, Wiiwonsin 

1 flinglt! or NnrriiHU Mirrinl Ajrr <!i Hcifiht 
:> ft 5% in Wright I +T> Vliilc or Col- 
ored Whit^ 

4 Are you phynically ami nHnlally ■Ironpf 


A 'Wr.vt,, you nity p»nmn ilirn-nilcn1 itpmi yon 
for pupporll Yes. Wife and ono jon, 
age IT jxari, 

6 Are you wholly comeorated to the Lordl 

1 Are the Lord and hii kingdom of greatest 

impel [tinea ia you I l!u»t r.!n[lli»tltllly 

■ Are yoo in. complete harmony with present 
truth and the fjoeiety'e work! Yet 


Defendant*' RxbUiil V 

What lamgufte* do you ipsak iad Wriltl 

lb What p#rticul*r work an y<" qualified to 
rk1 L**al work 

11 In what nnnincia ej* you rroW rngagcdl 

Attorney at Uw. 

12 H*ti yon any means of ■.npportt Income 

from my law practice i> all 

13 Can yon pay yrtnj 1 way from yonr ban* to 

Brooklyn t Yn 

14 If yoo Miler tbe aerrics of the Society and 

the Bethel Hume, will you willingly con- 
form to nil Ihn rule* and negnlntiatuj of 
tho (Mat am! HomuT Tea 

15 If the lioH *f*nt the way for yoo to *nler 

tlir Jierrice at Prthrl, will you raropin 
faithfully at eneh pout of dnty until th* 
L*rd lake* yen awayl Tea 

Date January 2, 1033 

0. IL Uotut 
Bip(n*tur* of Appltcant 

A pplicatinn* for ju-rvi™ are AImI wilhont me- 
Mnoaipiljii-iiii-iit unieim inch i* rrf|i»r«teil. Kotin 
of Becrptno™ will he sent to the applicant wlu*n 
a petition is. ojX-u in which his or her services 
ean he utilised. Kindly fH-lify th* President's 
OfiHse of any change in your addrfM a* giTra 


Defendant!' Exhibit W 

January S, 1940 

To: llnohert of ^Vatchtuwor Jtibl* & 

Tract Society, lna. 
l!4 ll.ijdilt, 
HrooVl)-n t New York. 

Ih-nr Kr^thrtB: 

I hnvm reooivKHl noiire that at the annual mn-l- 
Insr of the cnrponition a rnntiun will lm iiitnv 
diiratl nuking for the removal of my nnrnr An a 
mrmber for the rcimiin et tllegfd that I h**o 

";i i- L a puniliuti ill ::|i |ki.-.L^ inn In the S;y-3- 

ety't polity," I atq rr.t Rn-nUy wiumthi-H ahonl 
ii-raiuing Tni-mtirmli i p in the rorpnrntirin. 
Neither will I ln» Fatnlly injured through did- 
■nifsal on a fnlte rlnrpp. Hut Tor your own 
wife rig 1 am tntin^ tliin ofnTorttntity lo revkiw 
tho facie ami vircsrot nr^ununt ngninel tho mo- 

ErttiMEirr or Facts, 

On July 21st last I * ent a letter of ri>*ipnn t ion 
at OOtinselor to tlie Pn-ni<!rnt of the Snriety. 
Aa redKniui tat «iwh n-AJarint i nn I ^1ni"l it wan 
a pretext Ojrninvl ocrlnin condition* at Bctlirl, 
chief of which were Ilia following; 

1. The frequent sroldingt and npbmiilijigu 
given Bethel brethren hy the Society's President. 

2, Discriminnlion by the Pr^nidoDt airaintt 
his brethreh in fnvOr of Jiimsclf in "Hi* matter 
of cam/art* and conTenienccs. Nora: I did not 



Itefem&amb' Exhibit W 

object til KrnlhcT Jtutherfnnl having wmfort* 
and aohventencc*. Tlifj point minis wa* Ibul if 
h« had them, hi* brethren ahoukl also have com- 
forts and conrenLoncesi. I referred spedriesEty/ 
lo the mnditioim at tbe KinK*loin Farm. The 
remedy would tonaist in giving comfort* Id 
the™, not in removing (hem from tin President. 

3, Undue *j(*lUlian of the ns* of Moohol at 

4. Over indulgence in vnjger ud smutty Iks' 
jpuiH« at BethcL 

Ai a result of this Seller, on August Rlh I was 
eipelled from Belhd, hrandod a rttiginnist, a 
nmronuroc and comi'tainer, A Jiuln« t ■ Je^Bit, 
»n(i Qt only for second death, filiortly Ibero- 
afler in in (ml let >u Lsaueil barrinfc mdnhora 
of lb* Dellicl family from mannnuiicatiiUf with 
sib in my way. 

On August 1 TiIIl C r J, VYDodworlb wTOl* ft lat- 
ter to me termed ft "public dcnundtitinn" in 
whiob ho admitted tin Iriilh of the major pnr- 
ifea of my letter to Brnthc? Ttnlherford, and 
attempted to justify hia scolding* ami diaerimi- 

On September 1st the Walsh Tow*T eonlaineH 

a Boiiee thai rnj atrvwr* an tunnwlgr Wer* ter- 
minated because of allcR**! rcafnillifuuscaa to 
Kingdom interest* and to the brethren. 

On September Z«h M, A. Hawlrtl came to 
Jfilw»ukBd a* a .Society repreeenlaliir* aiul de- 
nounced mo from the platform, claiming tliai I 
waa attrring up dbriaion and dissension amnng 
tit companies. 

Defendant*' Eikihit W 

Tkt September 15th "W*|ch Te*»f contains! a 
■ IjiL-mrnl entitled IwnonifATTOw. signed by tin 
Bosrd of Directors and approved by the Presi- 
dent, which among n'btr things alleged thai 
«vrry paragraph except (he Ant of my letter to 
Brother ilutlicrford waa raise, and that I was 
going- among the companies rrailioe, the 1 ■■ 1 1 cr 
to 1brm and stirring up dissension and division. 

F-»t)y in September ens Leltoy II. Jackson of 
Itucino wrote a letter to I he .Society alleging 
Hint If&rvay Fink anil iflimrlj ware going etunng 
thr m u n e nie* , reading my Setter In Judgo rtuth- 
erfprd, mating (-(nterutnt* wmwrnine; tha Ramie, 
and Ihu rehy etimns; up itrifa and diTiaion. Jaek- 
aon'a letter wai false anil preof of itt falftlty 
waa iti'eB to tite Koriety. Kev*rthel««4 ProtJicr 
Finlt, in jpit* of sii^ny jT«ira of fnidiful itnict 
to tho I,uj-il npet hi* organiulion, waa itmmarily 
resntiTMl from office. 

Tj»t*r two pioneera Inland and Laum. Ttuumi 
were denied pioneer pritildRwi lolply Vwnt 
lb#j endeaTorwi la cj*« Lh« fpcb In th* Krclhren 
in their area. 

The Kfrtffrmh#r ISlh Walth Tower in it» lond- 
i»S Htlirle "Snare*" alle*** that 1 lian **- 
mtillml tho orsnniuition with i",il and Ms* 
wurjii Jind tbnt 1 wjin unfaitliful in tho haniUinjf 
of tutm for I he hiffthrcH. 

While nil thia publicity anil agitation haj brrn 
ntntlucEetl by the MocJety, I ha?e quietly altendhl 
lc my t>wn affaira. 1 htrt- jiai tifijinU-it in King- 
dom actJTitiea with the Milwaukee Compnjiy ami 
have n»t ensured in any propaninila work 
»K*iaif tbe Sseiely or oppoied it in ajay **y. 

Dt/cndswti " Exhibit W 


Foimt On: I Am Not Oviltt Or thi Orrum 

II it alh-ifed tiat my letter lo Brother Ituthrr 
ford U #alir«ly falat, except Ui* Grit paragraph. 
Of th» ten men who have aipnrd the ilaUfncn! 
eailed Iiiroajttnojf a number nan at different 
tim*l pfiwalfljy aJmitte4 and d*plo«d th* aeold- 
ingr and diecrimiiwtioj] iwm*J ty the S«i- 
aty'a President C. J. Woodworlh made a great 
Uctstal error in aie^nine; hia name to ft letter 
ftdflrittinff tt« Irlllh of th* major portion of toy 
lattar, and then later limning a italemont alleg- 
ing that Bite letter waa entirely FaJte, with the 
euception of tho fint paragraph, Woodworth 
Uilu aiposed tti<i preroriciLli^iui of til* entire 
Bnarti of Dirtctonu With one bi**lh h* My* 
that UoyU told the troth, hot that Judge Ruth- 
erford had the right to lambaste hia brethren. 
Then he atated that afoyle lied in arerylhinj. 
Tbia wonid be funny if it were not so recalling 
to »iti iiifq in ri'j.jxj:in;i)l* [Ktxiliniu in lim Lord'* 
prpnntiAtifln um nirt Ixclicji. 

Tbe claim (hut I haVre cftttard ray letter to be 

poblicly read ami eirculntod nmnna; Tarinne emu- 
panles la abtolotoly falno. An bonrat liavc*ti|Tft- 
tion would roadiiy prove (hat fact, Tho men 
who aigned this statement cannot produce a 
■ingle company of Jeborah'a witnesae* where 1 
la*i ttiiud th* leltar to be publinlv r**4 iad 

Tbe allegfttios, «f usfftithfulntw En thi hand- 
ling of Msrs for the brethren is a new one in- 
csbated and brought forward line* L protested 


ftr.fnidawti' Exhibit W 

against Brother Rulherrord'A wronfffnl aeta. I 
dfny tiiJil ohnrge, Tlie facts are Ihst J worke4 
doyi, nifihls ami fSu-ndnys an Iho batll* to main, 
tnin cor right to preueh the jfa*)n>l. I Inbored 
diligently Jipfiin^t uoprinc-i[ilrd j^dgt*, praafien- 
lom, and police officers, )i?rag» I ptuled theae 
*ii^a vigorcntly I have bem ftWUsed by lome 
of theaa judges of rrolLiing ]*^,l ftthfe*, &t><X 
have been tbreateued wilh eOntompt of cuurl, 
(tnd dinbiirraent, I Imve on Imwl many Sstlexa 
from tie, 3iK]eiy's President id *bwh h* eom- 
ncniii mc For my ical and earnestness in hand- 
ling orihh of the bretliren. This false charge it 
juat anetliar ttUtlint lo cover up Jud^a KutJier- 
ford 'a wrongful acts Dim divctediting um. 

f"o:ar Two; I ITati Not Amditid a PowPOif or 
Oppoarnon 1<3 thi Socirv'i Fouci, 

Hy IflLlcj- la the President wis not an ftot of 
disloyalty or of opposition. It was a protest 
against wrongful nets by Hjk chief executive o( 
the orgudwtion. The Btakty'l l J i*aiident claims 
that I have no right to writt such a letter *vfto 
though it be true. Surh deiro is fa]*o. Th« 
apuraa I followed wh in fall aw0f4 frith 9o*i*lf 
policy and the Scriptures. I Went to hiffi with, 
ft private communication to show him Eh* orror 
of bis aotion*, Sister lloyle and myself weie 
Iba only ones seeing that letter prior to our 
euaommimication from BclficJ. Thu Soeiety'a 
prcsiiinnt titu caoBi-i it to be cxhihited 1* ft dotta, 
tkmos as mnoy people aj 1 have. 

Bince leading Bethel I hare followed a sours* 
of ttftioa fully in hamoby with Boeiaty paliny. 

DtftndanW Eih&it W 

I hare heen misroprescnted and lied abont bat 
have kept quiet and attended lo iqy o\ix affairs. 
It ia strange that tlia Bonril of Uiraciorji mid 
tbe President will lose llieir oyea and rrfuio to 
accept any eridenca that I am beliaring dr«rilly r 
It is atrange tint they will aecepL tlie fplne, libel- 
ous slnlejnent of Jnck.non and publish it M UM 
truth, but refoit lo aKopl ebd piibli*^ tlm f#cttv 
Boeaa't this indicate a perAkioii* dc-nin to con- 
vince all people that I'm an evil servant. 

Publication, of tlie so-called TscfQaH4TT0V ift 
tlio Oclohiir lEth Tower openrd tin ■uVor In inftny 
opportunities u> »hnw disloyilty. I received let- 
ter» from all iHirt* of tho United Statea and 
CjuijwJa nnd from England inquiring; about tho 
matter. Many from opposition fjronpa Trrcite- in 
lulling iat * copy Df Ull- Ipttrr to- Jodgr no.theT- 
ford. N'one rtoeivod i(, nrnl I cile ft portion of 
my reply to one suob letter which give* evidenee 
o( my position ; 

"If Jlujwnll Pollock wauls to see tne on 
ft legal or business matter I will be glad 
to see him, but frankly 1 am not tho least 
interested if it is hia pftrpoa* lo secure 
my cooperation with any maweanitt or 
organization not in harmony with the 
Watch lower. 1 am still * awrt of the 
Society; aat appeting it is any way, and 
acliTcly working in ila iotereala. There- 
fore I do not care to attend the meeting' 
yon mention nor wafer with any person, 
an niattera not ia harmony with the Truth. 
I bftv* no doubt but wliat your motive* 
are of tbe beat and appreciate the inler~ 

1KSG' Eikiliii W 

eel yon take in ma and Sister atoyln, but 
let it be understood clearly and unequivo- 
cally tlwl we do not want anything to do 

wiUi any so-cjdkd opposition movemeat or 
meeting*. hl 

Why not be fair and open minded and con- 
sider evidence ftnd facta in this matter. 

Four TiiU*- Tei Pbuboeht ikd Boiod ot 
BttcOioai EUvii iv Tma Cass Aaiuueo aji 
AtRtuev or 0«t»flt«K r* Soaarv Porjov t 

It baa ever been the policy of the Society lo 
publish Truth; follow principle* or righteoas- 
iu-j>h And justice a* set forth in God's word r I he 
Bihlf, and lo deal honostly h fairly anxl deoantly 
with all men. 1 submit that the President and 
the Board of Hired or-s have departed from thii 
policy ia Ila* following particulars. 

First: My ttpuhsion end lh« foUawing inter- 
dict va* WrongfuJ. The evidence il conclusive 
tltnt 1 was expelled because I told Brother Bulh- 
erfunl mullii; unpleaaant truths about hia actions. 
Tbe upaJsion ^os nn vA of revenge .mlJ cmn- 
trary to every Cbristias. principl*. 

Seaoad: Tli* Hoard of Director's statement 
in theOetnlicT 15(li Tower w»s *U pJfens* against 
irulh and decency. Ha amount of words could 
justify the nphraidinc* and reviling* given to 
Bethel brethren by the Society's President, Th* 
only iwraurst Infl 0|hh w*i to OOtidemu my irl.< 
ler es ealirely false. Hen wh» hftv* pviw-hly 
admit led such act* then aigned ft statement which 
(bey knew to he lalse. 


L?9 S 


DcfrmlxniM' Exhibit W 

Third: Hewlett 'n activities In ihi* *re* worn 
pemicimta anil wron jrfnil. llowlelt appeared hero 
an till! Society 'a reprcucJItatiTe. Ho oiplnitcd mid 
published tins fain* elalcincnl at tin Bnard of 
D rec-tors. Ho added corn; FaIimi Lreim or hi* 
4*1, one of thoin being that the rwmn UoyL* 
hi.! written his letter was 1 1, at "tin Judge had 
gi*** Moyla n trimming and lioyle eouldn't 
fake It" That wu a lie out of whole doth, 
M iwlntl made ljo honest inviMi!- n -u".LO:i 1o deter- 
mine fact* hut circulated and published false- 
hoods to furlbor bring ray suub l^d refutation 
into di*r»r>u(s. 

Fourth: The «** of the October J&th mul 
November lSth \Voteb Towers (or tins purpose* 
of coiitroverxy Ond personal I (y an contrary la 
Society polioy. The Vfaich Towrr nmnthead cat. 
ii::i thin ehalernenl: "It don not indulge in dor. 
ttrjferiY, and it« column* arc nut njien to 
personalities" Them 1*0 iasnea an ekarly 
Boatrtrjr |$ Soaiety policy. 

Therefore if yon ore lading Btlion again** 
thoje juinanung a position of opposition to Soci- 
ety policy tlntm it rooai to begin at home. 


Tbin hnaLoes* of spreading falsehood and itan- 
der about one man to tin far corners or Ilia 
earth, and of presumptuously running ahead of 
tlit Lord lo adjudicate a poailion lor mo in 
Gehenna ia smsiing and allocking. All of it 
ha* bean done witb the approval and direction 
Of the Society's Pre»idnnL It look* to ma as 
tuoHgb Brother Rutherford W*i (pi(iil«a*i for 

Deftndanh' Exhibit W 

fear thai I wnuld pnhliuli ami circulate the facts 
concern injj lit* oiitiridle.t art or lite tnnguc and 
tli en ft. n: uotd (ho Koeiety'a facilities in a nmcar 
eatn]i!iiKn to destroy my reputation cnmipleti-ly 
•m ilifil nflrje wuull believe any tiling I say. He 
could Ibiti sn^icd Ilia t ffert* for 1 have not done 
any hurH publishing and do not intaoad to. 

Jl makes little difference to me whether my 
name it stricken from the. metnlrtr&liip roll of 
tlio torporalinn, hot it may make a treat deal 
of differi-tiee to you wIm ar-1 oa [be ninti'm. Tjih 
liav* il in yfiup liandx In fli«-i.Sr w ln'1h*r tliin 
campaign of lute and faJitrh<iMl Qgftifint rnjaelf 
■haLL cujitiniii fc . Yuti 1 n\M Li - e [H>ni>r In [Inniilo 
whether a few men nt Brncildyni K^nll kii^1ihli<i 

to uso ChmI Elvtn fiu'ilikif'* fnr ntalif.iCHM and evil 
pisrjxMir-ji. It will Ijikr courjif^r tar )'O0 to act 
juslljf biw! u-LhcIj 1 in lUj mntter. Ynnr rrrsponai- 
bility i* not to ntr, but to Almighty God, "flurai 
you liurc roTcnanterl lo obey. The seodi you 
are soring loday will brinj; forth their fruitage 
1b the J^rd'a dot time. 

Mny you follow the £uiiuince of tin' Lord, and 
have Ihf t&urage to da Ilia bidding ia tho boat 
[ e« *iib for j«u at (hi* lima, 

Your Brother in Mil aerriccj 

Ouic R. Moru 

Defendanta* Exhibit X 

OLUJ R, MOYLE Aitorney-at-Lair 

143^ Undcrwaosl Ave. - Wainratosa, Wis, 
Tulvphoo* BLnemnond 5S5fi 

FaJ*. 1,19*0 

Ftcd and Jessie Aeblv, 

Wankegan, El 

Dear Fred and Jeaiio ; 

Yon™ nf (h* 24th riHsiTfd. Yna havi entirely 
minstcd th^ point of my m|«rjd ' n r al1 asiplaun- 
liflrt. Tf you with anbliine ifrnoranci of the ailoa- 
:ii.:i at Bethel and the footi in the taa* tbji! to 
iWidc that 1 linvo cnnimitteHJ ah Affcns* ift ffiTinp 
H'ftsuii* to Judge RulhFrford for leaving Bethel, 
that ia your privilege and I has* bo arguraant 
with yon over it. Ho humnji creature has yet 
ljeen placed on irttch a hij;h and eocalttd plane tint 
one rnnnct coll nt!entio» to audi of wrongful 
tttu, but if you want to ihipk alharwiie yon of. 
tmtm have tlw* right Uz 4* «o- 

The point if my argument !■ thia; Ton with 
nthrn si«n o jitalement falsely aecuaing me of 
Ptiiding Ifltsr* (!iro(m! L **t 1'our area. If then 
was, any eimihtioo in your area you are the on* 
that did it for T did not **nd any oopiei down 
titer* other than tn* one I loaned to you on n- 
qnenl, Now von allcninr. lo juabfy youraelt by 
Ktntmg T circulated it elittwhen williout re- 
flucst. The stories of wideaproad eirenlatson of 
this letter are exceedingly rOyaUriouj and I 
would like wry rnach to know the namea of tKoM 
to whom I hava tent it without request 
Defonee 4f azui\ good buds against w^rongful 

Pefi-mdnxii- Krhiliit X 

rh.itKi' i# nil! M-lf j-!iHtiftfs1i«n. or at len»t not * 
dnmjiful *-|f ju>tilic*tioii. 11* on n pur with 
n-ir ih-feiite nf |«>rmia or iim]Krty which in np. 
ln-M by llw ScrijitufL-rt. Itul yoa to jmitify your- 
K'lvm lutvo reported lo TalwhoOd and falaa 

I eaa't hrlieve that the Lord approve* of loeli 

Youra in Kinplom semoe. 

Qui R. Moth 

tllJX K, MDYIjK AtlornfcJ'-aMjiW 

UTE) l/ndcrwood Ave. - Wnowj1unn, Wia. 
t''te|ilu>n<! DLut'invund .Vi'Ki 

January 9, 1*40 

Kml k Je»*io Aehly t 
Wunki'iraii, 111. 

JVar r' and .lefnic: 

.1 hmna"i hinl (Ik- piuthmy n»f a reply Id my 
li'in-e nf Itrwiiitwr ^Brttb, 

t)iw «f tin 1 vi.ry jiiuiiiiiig i-i i f mn«i nnei-n in con. 
IHT-Liipll WJlll Ilun vrlllJe laB>iltf-Ji|t in I In- fjirt thrlt 

ninny lin-lkrwi are almnlutf ly iniliffcreiil to ftuHs 

an) trntli iit ll>i* iiuiiitniign apainNl y«um truly, 
lid itic tint vhiu a rtiuple nf etnuipk*. 
Tlw KtsteiiHTit colJi'il lstt*jJATnis in 1hc tte- 
f i<iinT l.Vlli Watchtowhh allvgcd tliat every parn- 
pe;.i|ili »f iuv h-Ller to JnlRi> ItrHtarford except 
1ly fir>t wn* faluc utid full of lie»- rihortly 1*- 
T«rp Hd* M1rr ap|imred oni- ttf ihe diroelor* 
v,|in ^ignl'.^ it wt«[c to JIM', ullHJltcd tli* iiittjnr 
lKi>rJN<ik of my h-ltcr to 1* true, nnd nltrn^Hed lo 
jutdify* ISniUicr Hullierford's neural il i nfLf af hiw 


Dtftwiani,' EMbit X 

brethren nnd dim-dini nation agalatt tliein. Later 
he : i i m jiiuilo lo the utaleiaent that the 
-.-.-: ■ .:-! ■- leEter w iik full*, lie lied in one of those 
letlern didn't hel 

T|i|» Kn-eelle<l In HMuif atio^ further alleged that 
I wns g«inj; nhnul among Ills companies circo.- 
Inling jmd pnljlirly reading Ihe Letter and caus- 
ing divtHTnn among the companies. LeTtoy Jaek- 
unn of lineinc hmi writOn in stating Ffjirve^ 
Flail And I n'eire engaged in Hint practice Hit 
lei ler wan fulw end proof if its falsity wna sah- 
nullcil lo Ihe Siiciety. KeveTthelmn neither tlut 
Sririety ur JnekKnn have made any enrreclLnnii. 

llowli-lt nlno did bin lilllc bit At unit pEnee* 
in hi« journey thrn tltis nrea no tnlrl llie hreth- 
rr>n Clint tlit rce^on Moyle Iwid n »Til(cn hi* If Iter 
to the JiLilge was that tbe Jodfte Kail piven 
Mnyle a I ri taming and Mnyle couldn't (alte it. 
Thin whs nlknalulrly fnlw, ami apparently pot fnr- 
wnnl lo utiow a limlive for wrong doing n n my 
1 1 .- 1 r- 1 . 

And then rnin»s Ihe To»?r with tip letlrr from 
Wnuk^gan eign^i yon ymi tvro and n nmnlicT of 
o1tii'j"ri. Thar i|oe>li n | nmforin In Like fncl^, dnes 
LIT fi limy Iks that ynu luive an eiplinalion to 

HIV. If >iri. sh'illMll'l ynil give it n* n mjillcl 1 

nf fnintnoi m y»nr*elf on<l tn Uftl 
fn nil thi« ivni[iaiffii nf mnearinp we *r* tenrn- 

ie;: wbn- nre frjeiidM and whn am not. f dn not 
nsejin tcv infer ibnt every |^riM>n "vchu llnnkn 1 
did wrong is nnt n friend. Ono denr old «i*ler 
in n nei^'liOnring inw-n [old me tluit iha wnn sorry 
T l>nd left the Trulh. Ko amount of enpLunatinn 
on my part would persuade her otlierwise. In 
view of all the atuff tiiat ahe has read in tba 


Oefndml,' ExJi&ii Y 

Tower aha could not be blamed for so thinking, 
I -Kill consider bt-r my friend in npilo of bar 

ihpiihiEin of mi'. Hut, MH3W f ci r varum* rennonft 

luive juim\l the campaign ami added their own 
litn-vx of uiiiinformatinn to tlio others. That in 
e+r Is Ltdy not frienddhip, or even decency. 

Wt thot yon twa were friends and yon can 'I 
imagine Uow diatrcaaing it is to find wn war* 

Toilrt id cLtBjdotn serrioe, 

Our R. ltOTUt- 

Dcfondanta' Eihibit Y 

OUN It. UOYLK Cooawlor 

117 Adaru Street . Brooklyn . New York 
Telephone TftiangLi .1-1474 

Chilaon, N. Y. 

July 49, 1339 

Mr. John Miller,* rails, NY 

D«r Brotbsr KiUei: 

Hunk* for tlia hufidte of etippings whieti 
reacheil lifi* In* allief ilay, W* era earoped on 
Ike Imlik nf HngLe Lake, wbieb is «ne of tin 

hrjiiiiy *]iols nf ihe Adirnndaeks. Tla a brtolv 
plaee, nice and rod, and w* are getting' a rnueti 
nrwleel rest There are five of us here. Threw 
from Philadelphia and tlio wife and myaelf, 
Feier i« ntill bark in Brooklyn bnt may be up 
this eomirgr week. 

1 have mentioned coming to your place at the 
Utt tod of th* Taottiom and tha proposal meet* 




Bfft*da*lt' Exhibit 7. 

with approval, But before yon my yejt to th* 
bunch coming, please consider carofuSly the wn- 
secrtanee*. Thero wilt bo at least four of us, 
lire, and Siei*r Confe-hr and the afuylca. Qnn 
of th* PailajWnhin. group is reluming today or 
tomorrow. In addition Peter may be litre and 
coma with m, and the™ ii a bora possibility that 
-ii n fir] friend may be. along. She is a quiet little 
Polish «lt«r f~ii:i Queen*. Then ia a lot of 
different* betwetn a whole, bunch coming ia aid 
<m» or two of us, and if you OF Sitter Miller itel 
that ia too many, plean My *o f nmfcly and lint 
wiU be ail right with Us- We havo. a tonpl* *r 
eels »]<*n;i which will hnlp out for * tee ping par- 
poie*. If you e*s *t*nd it to have a bunch of 
nt drop ia in will ait your place noma time 
Friday afternoon and will be pulling mt Satur- 
day. Addreu ma aa follow* : 

CMIls*, New Tort 
{Eaglia L*k*) 

Here ia aome more Information which will be 
somewhat of a surprise to you. You lia^e hcen 
at Eetliel and know something of Elie conditions 
there. Whether they wen as bad or worse at the 
time you wen there, f do not know. Tliey an 
had enough now. JFJl has been on the war path 
tli lb aummtr and frankly speaking, there ia a 
RM*t deal of injuatica. Taula trimming* lava 
l«r*p pionlifoJ and a lot nf nth*r thinjf* oeear 
whieh should not hnv* a pi*™ in th* Lord'* or- 
Sanitation. The Lord permits, it, I ptavUrn* for 
a good pun-pose, but I have frit for a Jon* time 
that a good protwt should be Had*, 60 we 
made it just before leaving for vacation. J Mini 
the judge a letter of about five pare* giving ray 
reaignation aa general rrimul to lake affect Sap- 

Btf mJawli' Exhibit Y 

ttiiiber 1*1. Ia that If tier I prelected *g*iniit 

l:u- uujsiHt hop|Knin£H Kt Bethel and utok! liim 
In- nuinly tlk- rinKlilLuriH at Bethel. I eipec-t to 
g[i lunk to WLivons-tn and lump oat my Fliinge!* 
ugiiin f"f the pri.TB.Ee practice of law, Whether 
the jihljft- will nto me any further in [lie cases 
now pH-ndhig, I do riot know. The extent of par- 
ticipation in the court bottle* of fours* depends 
lij-iii what he say*. 

Thi* doesn't mean that T linve left tin*- truth 
or am lenvtrfg Ihe truth, alilmusli I am awa-n 
lliat nutnv will cnnidde-r I hot in !* Din- ra«e. At 
]-ti-C l»r-l ii in generally ermsideried I hut anyone 
Imvinir (her* lin« hwnme a heretic, Neverthe- 
Wh I h 1 ill Mine Ihe SociHy i« the Turd's nr- 
gsriiralioii and I list he \i lining ihe jiidsjr- greatly 
al thiii lint*. 1 Itaven't lmd any penuiisal set to 
with Ilia judey Bnd *m only [wuteatrng and h-av 
itjC wilh (hi? liojir that 1lu? pral^jt will thai h* 
fiun'Tul *naiip3i tn- rana* hiin tft think arul 
niiiNiy ll«- fAhilititUlt, ivn Hint tin? ljndhmn at 
ih'tM run I1B1V fulm' i1i-k:u1' ri f" fri'i-<l.i:ri front 

nutrainl and ruibfnrt durinfr their haty dajs 

■Iu#l wbenr- this will leave me as far aa tlie 
raw* of liie Johnron rhihlnn it likewiiHi BtMl to 

He ikti-rsiiisfiL Mail* travel a tang way*, and 
tlie trairu* rqn fr*ro WiHroiuin iflln IfAinarhu- 
«■»■ Ihr aainr *■ froi* N* 1 *' Toft, *a if iHr jm:^t 
in. 1 ■ to ronlinue nn tlw fint you will b* hearing 
n-pdprly jm«t the mine. 

Well 1 jrneu this is enneffh for this letter. If 
all i* well w* will sfe you at the end of the w**lt, 
hut if 1he rrowd it too murfi or would in any way 
iBCubvr-nichc^ ygu pl*a*t ity no freely, 

Yoon in kingdom servioe, 

CLW E. Monk. 

D«rf mdiiiu' Eihib it Z 

Jury 20, 1 MO 

JrJ 33 B*i'd 
Olin B. Uoyle 
Alloruey At Law 
l+fti Undi-rwoorl At* 

Wauwatoca, Wia. 

JHt,T BrBthcrT 

If a person is faintly charged with canals*; du- 
sensiim, tlanderin^ tlie brethren, anil being nn- 
foitJifut to the Kingdom rnter*»ln F i* it wrongful 
for him to present facta etttahlishing hit inno- 
ffiiff ? For almoit a year the Society has aon- 
dwteil a rnnipaign againal me, and it now cp- 
prnr* aftvi*ahle to let a few friends know the 
truth Will >'ou therefore be kind enough to read. 
this letltr in entirelyf 

On July 21, 1!KB) l*rts lettrr In Judge Bulh- 
♦ffnril resigning my fwnitiou a* Cnnneelnr for 
the Kneiele, A" rraiKnia for *ueh resipnilinn I 
etatenl it wan a p^oli-il ngainnt certain rnnrlitioii 
il Beth«l, chief of Wluch were tli* following; 

1. Fref|nent raililinps and upbraiding* 
givrn hrelaren by (lie Society 'a president. 

2. DiacriminatioiiL by the president 
against the hrelhre* in favor of himaelf 
in the matter* of onnfort* and eaaveau 


3. Undue g{orih>atiou of th* use of 
alcohol at Bethel. 

v. Over indulgence ia vulgar and 
at Bethel. 

Tli# statement* in the letter «•» TtCtt, but 
tt*v*rth*leas I w promptly upoUed from 


Ptftntdimit' tiiiibil Z 

1-ielLirl, lahelled a Judas and an evil servant, 
rlunwi] wjtk conunrtting an assault upon lb* 
Society, aud with caoiiiig division and Ji«jeu- 
■iim iui)ij>m tha brethren. Although tin BoaH -nf 
liirn'tnn *inT]eil a ttatfinont nili-gutg my letl*r 
In V rnlirvly faina, tii* t rutlifulnesi of the pnnjor 
iwrtnin nf il wsi niluiittrd by one of the Dirr4- 
lnr«. C. J, Wnoilwti rlh, in a previom letter ia 
whir* ne attempted l« justify th* lambasting* 
and diwrimiriBl *irr«i*ed by th* tiociety'i 

I returned In Wifc*vn*in, opened an office for 
tiie pruftice of Isw, but bov* not been permitled 
lo dwdl in psmn. Tin Tow*r in i»sus nftef 
iimue lin* piihlinlmd letter* and statements if 
tliikuling ttmt I am biay circulating false state- 
ments mtiong Oiaj iH-etliren in Chkngo, Anrior*, 
llw-kford, K*nkftk«* r Waukegan, and otlier 
pl*ce*. Tin rAar* ial tiut I n^«* kbt idi 

■ ul TlllBt MJliJH* Am ItiTW QSttfl-lTPUt ITnTHlUfl 

im tiiku. Tiie Society paUiHhw only il* side of 
Ihe rnnlruverey, and I errbmit lh*t »vmi it I had 
rin-dntrd copier, of the letler it would bava been 
* nuilttr or juctifiabie difeniiB apainul faJu ao- 
runalinsi*. Ill due time under orders from the 
Society's pref-hlest I toi ncnniniuiiieated from 
tlta Milwaukee Company wilhnnt prEsentafiom of 
diargas, or hearing, or any opportunity to be 

How can we raape th* eonclujuon, that while 
pouring out moch nonddniBatloB on religion, the 
Society ia guilty of Lndoljr^ig in the worst kind 
of falae religious practie*, towit, that of ptrw- 
tating ona who told th* S^ftty'a president some 
anJiUriiiiail truth*, about h>* actioru. Judg* 


Dcjendamtt' Ezkibit £ 

n lit hor-f nrd claimed' that I had no right to pro- 
lent to hint or cr!(ici» him, even though aueh 
pmteit or eritieium be the truth. In other word* 
hi* poniticn ia r-n lofEy as to give him immunity 
frtim (he eommiMion of the meat wrongful of 
nets. I? n't that placing himself and tiie orgnn. 
i^ation above the laws of f?udf TVhat diilf.rcne* 
ia there betweeo tueli a theory arid the teachings 
of the Itornaa Catholic Cliurpli, 

The record in this can prove* thai lit* So- 
ciety lias departed from the s( night and narrow 
course of rijsltleAitnnfM, *mij ho* colnmitted itself 
to a course at nclinn and policy whtrln providea 

THAT IhpIE Wipr> mvATT4,V ™«j7aT* 
TO Til*', ftjoiprrv's rVnuirVnT U>U*« 
wao-noruL aot* ei^qiifrTXn nv miu 
■H ThJtSMir >n r>:C""iri.-'<iCiTnh 
moil th* o*ojiiciinTii)y - obcla*d> to 

BK *lf XVII. JlHtVA XT, *. jL'niA *Jip OX1 

fit oni.T ros isoomu bUTii : riuirj.v 
OHJtnnKn. with ths cioim uuunw or 
wamcorm. acts: ('<iaihimtt^> noil iuf. 


rnExcwmirp wtth hi* ateTHaas isr 

n» oouiuiirt 01 Jtuovijf'a wtt- 

Tbie is something to think about. Can such 
policy and course of action be ju'tifled under 
the law* of Almighty Godt Isn't it a bios. 
phcDiy to claim that God's "Theocracy" would 
be guilty of such tactics 1 Bo tbey not manifest 
the fact that Ssian ha* been "horning; in" 44 
the management of th* Society and that tit 


Pffr-TfT'r' Bxbibit X 

l*rd ba* htrmitted it In order to 1**1 his people 
aa to whether they woaN p*ru>Ll a nun or an 
er^nniialinn to come *h**d of Jebovab Dodt 
And while orj |h* BBflgatt Uien are other mat- 
tnn for eoniideratiM *a«* aai The throttling 
of Uthln ilody aiAftng th* eompaniea: The regi- 
mentation of th* hrtlbren thro coercion in hoare 
and lervie*: Th* hanh and nniVripturtl leach- 
ing that lhp*e who do not accept the message 
now will h* aUnwlly l**t: The denial of the 
ddrtrinr of rut ilntion. And the impoaitton of a 
apirit of f**r *nd r**lniint among the brethren. 
W* left * deMroinatiosa! eharrh ia order 
I hat wu might be oat in In* liberty wherawith 
Cluint inakea us free. Where are w* nmT An 
Ihe Lnrd'l people in the praeru of beinjr rn- 

■nnre>) by a more subtle bienrrhyt That 1* a 
ijuivlmn that reqnines tb* mntt **r*fnl Bdoald- 
eration hy all of Jehovah 1 * witnesaaa. 

Yuurs la th* aarvisa of th* llost High, 

Qua- B> Mori* 

[Knvelope postrnarlted Milwauka*v Wia, July 
37. 1040 3 P. 41.]: 

OMIT ft- HjOTlx Attorcn;y-at Law 

1439 Underwood Aw. - Wanwatoaa, Wia. 

llr. Cbucna* Soott, Eta. 
Old Town, Umjh 




O* f atyjtntt' Eibtbti CM 

OLIM E, HOYLE Atlonny-at-Lew 

1+39 Underwood At*. - Wauwatou, Vu. 
Telephone BLoanniad iS&tf 

Mr. B. H. Barber, 

1265 W. tieoese* fit, 
fiyTacusa, N.Y. 

Dear Broth+r Bwber; 

Your good and eonifni-ling l*tt«r if Septum* 
bar 6th deserved much prompter treatment than 
it baa received. The long eilebei following it 
does not indicate that iU content* wet* not ap- 
preciated or fallowed, On receipt of il I waited 
far a while to see devalopraente. And durvrlop- 
menu surely did come. You hnve rrad miirh nf 
them in the Tower, lluch more llun tht Tower 
eiocounjj have taken place, and I have been 
amaied and have sometimes wondered what hi i* 
ail about 

I have followed your good advice in large 
reaaiLre- I hire sot discussed the mat ter except 
with a few personal frieada, audi, report* to (he 
<nntrajry notwithstanding, I haTt not been «r- 
cubiliiuj awl publishing tat letter to JFH. Tha 
rcadinc** with which *nm* brethren tigned 
false etatemerlta concerning such eironUUeb it 
astounding:, I wouldn't ha™ believed it powible 
some mouths ago. At far aa tha local ccrnpwpy 
ii concerned with the exception of a few friends 
tie entire company is ignorant of what bap- 
panod, except (he Society 'a aide of the story. In 
apita of the Jtaot that wa bar* kept atill and 

DtftrndtaUi' E±hibit D-l 

attended strictly to Kingdom business the thing 
ii fermenting and boiling underneath, and I fear 
■Dine day will break forth in to an eroption. 
The cause will be the continuous hringinjj dp of 
tht matter in. the Tower thnl ita article* and, 
IstKtt* scut it, 

Thia constant bombardment from tha Tower ii 
slowly but itrely breaking down Sister Movie 'i 
itmi and health. iSoe is a good soldiar and 
stands it welL I teii her sometimes that •k* 
haven't quite had everything handed to ni that 
Job did but that *'• ana well on our way- It's 
vary dilEeult ta slam) by nndnr this deviiiah 
treatment withnul hauling oil and swelling tnra* 
One in return. 

It ii also difficult to look at the affair from an 
entirely dispassionate altitude 0*0111* I im the 
one involved. I hive Iried to do that however 
and believe I have succeeded fairly weEL To 
data than are certain findings which cannot b* 
nfuled, to wit; 

1. The Preaident and Board erf DirteLari 
have resorted to falsehood and YillJucalinn Id 
iujmdh ta buneit nritii'i«rn 

1 The President and Board of Directors 
have run ahead of the Lord to adjodiesl* second 
death for an honest critic. 

3- Th« Watch Tower contrary to ita declared 
policy ii used for purposes of controversy and 
persons lily. 

4. The principle ia put in effect, if not in 
actual words, that the President or thv Society 
unit not be criticised even though their aeti be 

Bome mora oonld be added but is is euongli for 
now. In ipite of all thia I am stiU otDvinoed 
that the Lord ia using the iioetelj as His chan- 
nel for (he i|i*srrainatlfia of truth, I cannot aaa 
that be *ii) continue to use Ibe organisation of 
this kind of business continues, but its Hie or. 
gsjuxation and I am confidant Ha will cither 
clean it out or guide at in the proper way fa go. 
And in the meantime Siiti'r Ifoyl* tod I will 
continue £0 do our lut in preaching the King. 
dom mesaage as we have opp^Tlataily. 

The test eteji at tkia iaquisilion ia to kick nw 
out of til* W^vgHTdwas BjaLa b Tasor fiocim, 
lac. (lortnej-ly Uhj Pcoplfl* Fulpit Associatioii), 
I have received notice that a motion will be ia- 
trndooed at the annooi uneetin^ to eanod my 
Uvuibtrabip bwauao 1 am sappoxed to have taken 
a position of " oppoaition to Society policy,' ' If 
memory serves me correct you are liJetwiaa a 
■ntm bar of tint corporation, and I am tlterefora 
eeuding yon a copy of the statement I haTa pre, 
pared in answer to the thargts. If yon are not 
1 member you can read it anyway. Don't think 
because I have this enpy nrade with a duplicat- 
ing machine that T nm broadcasting it generally. 
I am lending ill*, original to tha Secretary, and 
I am likewise somlirig copies to the inecuhtri of 
the Board of Directors who signed tin* elalcmant 
colled TNTotMATioir which appeared in the Ovto- 
W Ifllh Tower. I may ev^rl a copy to one or 
two other members of lh> former FI'A. 

Well I guess thia it enough of the doleful Ink. 
L«t me state again Brother Barber that we Ap- 
preciated your comfortiDg letter math nu>re than 
the Jong delay in replying would, iadicata. I will 

flc/carf(ml«* Ex&iliH /)*» 

bo ffUd to hear from you again, I hope Ihe* 

Sittnr Berber is improving in health and that 
yua are lihi'Viae busy and hnp;>y as uiual in 
the Kinjr's bituijiest, I *■•»* gbid to hear that 
yon were ro-instnlrd at Comlwny Seri'tiLt, but 
frankly I don't think that was a real vindica- 
tion There should have been in addition an 
apology from the Society'* President for hit 
part in tht matter. 

Tours still in Kingdom service, 

Dux R. MorLt 

Defendants' Exhibit D-2 

f)Jj[Ji FL IIOYLB' ArtDnnyy-ntXaw 

l*Sfl Underwood Awe, - Vdraamii, \l'i« r 

Tiii-[tliu!ic BLuemooitl &&j6 

#1 Weigh is jScnutui: BjCHTicousxnta oa Oa- 

#2 If a person is falsely charged with causing 
HliK^rn^iLuir nlrin<lrrjue; the lir^llirifn, p.iLi.1 bfing 
u:r'iiil iiful Ili tlio l\3nj^ln:iv inttrcftj!, js it »TOnp- 
fu| fnr tiiii> 1o prcfcnt facte establishing his 
Innocence I For nlnnost s year the Society lias 
i-OT"! luftoL n foiiipnipn against me, and il now 
«p;>rfln, inivinnble 1c lei a few fiieudi know the 
truth. #3 Will yon therefore be kind enough to 
read liijt letter in entirety 1 

On July SI, 1339 1 sent a letter to Judge 
liulhe rfsrd retijrning my position es Counselor- 
fur the .Society. A» renKORH for each resianation 
1 itetMi il wut a protest tj»nin»t certain condi- 
tinna at Bethel, ehitf of which w«r* the feUowing; 


ntfenttaxti' Kibibit D-J 

1. Fr«|<ient aroldings. Lsrnlriisting* and 
upbraiding* given bretliren by the So- 
ciety's presidenL 

£, Discrimination hy U» preaident 
against the brethren in favpr at bimaelf 

in the matter of wmfnrls awl 1 

3. Undue uloriiicnLiou of alcohol at 

4. Over indnl^euee in vulgar and 
smutty language at B^tlirL 

Tlie jitntement* in (lie letter were r**crs, but 
newL-rthtleiia 1 wu« proudly expclted from 
llctlio], LaU-ttnl a Juilat and an evil eervant, 
charged with roiiiiuittiiiK nn aeiault npon tht 
HutL-ty, and villi c-nuting djvftiaa tn t l disxension 
ubioijH t]u> hrn.-tlircn. Tine Hoard of Diroctorw 
nijrucd and pubJidEii'd a ttateiuvnl alleging my 
JtttvT to be ojiiiraly false, bat on* of them, 
C J. W'oud*oitli, overstepped hiiueeif. He toul* 
tliii nUghl iitistnkc of signing an addiliunal let- 
ter admitting the truth uf tike major portion of 
my letter and attempted to justify tlie lambast- 
ing* and (litcriimnatiun ok«rcised hy Judge 

I returned to Wiecoim-in, opened nn nlhee far 
I lit! pruclice of luw, but have not been pcrmitlcU 
to dvrcU in pence. The Tuuvr in inaue after 
is«uo linn publinlied leltem nnd statebiieats in- 
timating tlutt I am buay cirenLnting falx; stnte- 
rno-nts ainong the bretliren, in ^bicngu, Aurora, 
l^icklorH, Kankakee, Wankegan and other placet. 
Toe FaCra Aai Tsar I tLivt Kor Bux Nua, 
TiioeK I'ladiu ind If^yi CacuuTKp Kotmi|i« 
is Tbss. The tionitly pubuabas only its side 


ntfexia-wl*' Eikibi: D-3 

'■t (1h- rrnil nrt-crsT, and I suhndt that even if I 
hud rfrruTnHi] v^pkf "f the letter it would have 

la'i'ii il uuillfw of jus-tirinhle (Jofenf* ajjainnt fatue 
iM-.-m-ji-i M.r*. In dne time under orders from the 
MiirivlyV pr^Midcnt 1 wet evoiimtmiicnlnt from 
)ln' Mih.'BiikrD' t'ltnipany without presentation of 
i-l;i\ rjjt-H, nr hearing, or any oppcrl unity for 

it A Ifow ran we etcspe the couclui'ion, that 
while pouring' out much condemnation on reli- 
gion, the Society it guilty of indulging in Ibe 
■fl-.irsl kind nf Cnbn rL'li(ri'hUn. [irncliiv, limit, tlittt 
of persfCHting nne for Hit uffrn«r (T( nf pTnleni- 
ing ngainut sin fill net* of Use Society's ])reii- 
denlT Judge Hulhtrford claitnt-ri 1iial 1 hail no 
Hpbl tn [iruU'iil t(i him Or (iriiLiiij.i' him, fvi'ii 
tluiiigh siwli pfnt^jil or rriticimii l«? the truth, In 
other trord* his poeitiou it en lofj- as to five 
hiui iminnnity from tlir* coiiimispinn of Ihc ian*t 
wrongful of acts. 3f-i Isn't that placing hiinnclf 
and 1lie orgBnixalinii almve 1h<> IuWji of (Tndl 
#G Wliat wtlTrrencr i« lliere iN'tuvi-n ssirnh n 
Ihenry nml llm LcuHiirh'a DC liie Itoman Cnlhulio 

Thr ni^il^l in Hii* Ct»r pri.«Vrit ilint (he Hiiricty 
I .i .1 ■ I ' - 1 1 ; 1 1- ^ ■ ■ - 1 fr-ijLi (he straight ftud narrow 
rourpe or ri[(hlfou*neMi, and lion cutmnittnl itwlf 
In n mauve nf net ion and policy which provides 

ThAT Oms Who FsiVATEi.if I'tortLira tu 

Tin: Sf»'ik-*Tf '■< I'atJhiirLMT AiiAt^nT IVaOKCl- 
ri'i- Ai-ra tVlMAlTTi» ay Hur fiiiiu. 

TiiMHaV on h^tsiMUi-KieiTptn rtflM TMk 
Op:i>iTjTiiin : Dr-cniKn to iik in Evrt, 
Kepvakt, a Junta asn Out Fit Qklt rot 
Umaito Dratum KAUiKLr Chjuueo wtth 

PefenJaxti' Kilobit DJ 

Tin Cokm twos' or Wwmnn, Acrsr PlO- 
pilDITED FKOli K\-n.uirs[-, i]t Km'iTxm \V<iik 

nun Fellowship with lbs Birnme* iw 
nut C'JiiL'isua or Jejiwad 1 * W-ffXHaaa, 

That if Wjfetiliijip to think about #7 Can inch 
polity and eooma of (Mtiea be justified under th* 
taw* of Almighty Godt #B Inn't it a blasphemy 
to claim that God's "Tlitoci-iuv" would be 
guilty nf inch tactical #9 Do they not manifMt 
Urn font that Rjitflfi haa lw*n exercising runtrul 
over the mpnnuienient of the Society, and 11ml 1hs 
Lord hna permit led it in onler to test J Lis people 
u to whether they would permit a man or an or- 
gnnisntinn to coine ahead of Jehovah Oodl ^nd 
while on the subject tliere ora other matters for 
ronniderntion such us.; The throttling; of real 
Jlihlr «l l'ilIv among (he toiit]*rk«: Tin regimen- 
tntinn. n?f tli* brethren through ^oerchm in hours 
nod mtriee: The hnruh and unS^n p1 nr»l teach- 
ing lliat tiimie who do not *rne]it the message 
n«w will he eternally lost: Tlie. denial of to* 
(hwlrinii of rejdilutiitn, ftnil Ibn im|K>*ition of a 
H-pirit «C four ami restraint among the hirthrrn. 
We 1 1: r t Jl i li'nti:ni national church in nnirr that 
wo rniK'it Ik mil in tike Eilhcrlv wlwrtwilh Christ 
makes mi free. #10 Where art Jthcrart'a wit- 
nesses mow? #11 Are the Lord's pvepl* in the 
process of Itrinp; ensnared by n Don «bti» 
hierarcbyl That in *. creation which require* 
Lbs most careful consideration, by each one of 
th* Lord's people who claim* to he a part of 
tk* Shttiety. 

Youn in tit* aervifii of the Moil High, 

aa*_, and sent 

Ar/cmbufi'' IWkifrif U J 

DnftnaVnto" Exhibit £W 

This exhibit i* a fiirnjur fd titled "Uod is 
Nut the Author of Uonfiwiun ". 

Xnt jirintrd [iunuant to ■tipiihilion on page* 
ISHSMiUCJ of tim record. 

Defendant*' Exhibit EM 

This exhibit u nn rnvehijjt in width wa* con- 
tamed a docuutent niniUnr la Defendant*' Kv 
hibit D-3, 

Nut p^inlrd |iiiTBU0nt to stipulation on page* 
lafiS-iWit) ui' thia j-inruid. 

Dftfcndanb' Exhibit D-5 

Waifwntoaa, Wl». 
Srpt, W, 1333- 

D*nr Si&tcr DILI;': 

I^oubtieH ljy thii tinie you to« «<iri Ihe ttatc- 
us^Kit in I he tkpl, l h Watrli Tow't.', nmminp Oiin 
*f luiitif urifiiithful. To t)m« of our frkniU, we 
wjjili to FtuU that neither of ij* ^'«r« *v*r 
unfaithful (o Jehovah, hif orBftntfttion, or tuny 
of the lniithren. 

JjW Hoy, wl> [h'swlffli Wf did not winh to <tm. 
tilPLHi living at Jli-ll.L-l, 'tifuiinip uf rtJinLitin'iH 
n-i,'ina llurn, vhkli wti t*HtH not npprr>w. Wo 
deeided thnl by ijp|il, 1. of HdH yrar Olirj wnuld 
have I he inn-ny *»»*« in varioun wurtJi of n]i|n'al r 
*a arrnflpW titit wa eould Imndto (h*Hi fnom tfl 
cHuf in lliLwaubce, 

On of i1j« rulei of the organisation it (hat 


£>t/'fttdd>ttj' £jcUliit D-J 

any ona leaving iictltel ahould giv-t a 30 dayi 
notice. Thin we did 35 day* before tSepd- L 
Oiin tabulated all tlie pending cok* sivitig ttote- 
nLentd of Ilia proprrta of encli & offered to 
lutndle them jun-t as lie had lj«?n doing, lie aim 
wrote a personal letter to lira. 1L itafis^ our 
reiHOiL* for leaving. 

Thi* anj;*ri-d 111* Jnd^, who called a latcring 
of the boarr! of dinw'orf, afl*f ■prdl.inK at 
lene^li. J, P. B. odli-d Olin on* of th, cm] 

Kfrvanl, rlc 

H'met wo Irft itoriei hnvie eircolated tint Olin 
it a Jfjnil that lie advised parenta to Knd their 
rliililrrn to military Kltuoii, (hat lw w£» unfaiih- 
fuf, all ■tal^nenl^ are nnlrno. At the dinner 
tajik, tl» letter Olin «rote »aa re*d 10 thr 
family (t J. F, R, ordered OUn lo Irair B«t>i«l 
at once. Later he included I'eler k myself. It 
tvsj! a terrible hot day. We had to pock oar 
jAormvnnl flTMtii, find a moving van £ pet out 
befwa nipht. This *'ft dhl We hud tmr trailer 

parltml A*. Urc Van Kpr'i fnfuh, aliukit HO btiles 

firnin Brnntlyrh in New Jerney, We n«d lo jja 
nut there over week *i»j* ft- with Van Ne*""" 
watneji* in the nionntaLn*. We got to Van Jifji'" 
at ll:+Ti I', M. They took u* in b we stayed 
with I hem until we could get n trailer hitch for 
the Plymouth. Tlken wo came to *f»lwnu>ee, 
where Olin will engage in privnlo prtctie* *jn>irt. 
Jtrei, If, Fink, it hrnkcr pf Veg^lnblei, i« BiTPitS 
us-thf urn of lilii iHltlro- frto rUfil Bro. ft Kr, Nbw- 
min arv (tiring u* a juint frto nnrJI iitj or 

Wren wd went to Rethei orer 4 yean ago wa 
■old our horn* St buainsm It all bvldnginga. W' 


Ut. fauianli' Hlhbit D-S 

eouhl not keep a ear, pay for ptriLgo it upkeep 
on JIQ p;-r month. 

Kadi of ui drew $10 each month nf oV %kv- 
ings for the four years beside* using rponty aj 

wo needed it, 

Never hiTo nnj it KJs been nofaithful. The 
Vil-fCiiutra j-ii.ti[iany linvt! wcieomeil tu, we have 
oar pa-rt in Uia banse-tn^housg work, model 
stvdict, Ixiri ovlls etc and ia epite of all stories 
to (he ennlrHTy' we d^nirt to «ontiao* aerving. 

The House '• arc again in Lake Mills. Wis 
trying to mn.03 tjitir property. 

We ore t;'lad to fenow yon are to comfortahly 
loealed, near your chiWfM, b »r* alwayi glad 
lo hear from you, 

Yooru in the eervice or Jrhorah 

Phoub N. Uorus. 

(Envelope |!*iitiiHarl<fu. 11 ilwauk**, Wis., fiepL 
W. mat. 12S) P. MJ: 

-After' 5' days,, re tara .to 

— -jL, #s-iSi sis.o. 

Wanwatosa, \vij3.' 

Mrs."HitlL» Dilly, 

■42* Erie Street, 



J>foad*>nt«' Eihihit &* 

721B W. North Atsdo* 
Wanwntosn, Wit, 
Sept. 2, 1939 

Dear DrOtbor Coafohr; 

Your letter cume akfiff in. guwl Jieaaon and 
we were much mttresUid in iti contenta, 1 wa* 
especially intcrcnU'd in the comment* of the 
Itetheltlcg. The claim that I advised Orrell to 
pay hie fine and settle the ta«e in false. At the 
hearing the juilj^e made the njf;p:ntion tliat he 
wouid re^lnee tlie charge nnd maltE a neuunal 
Hoe of ten dollars if we would plead FruJlty and 
pay the fine. 1 turned the Dfler down, Omll 
didn't hear this and I explained it to him on trie 
way baek lo the olnee. I Imve been WH>ndering 
when) they got the idea I advised him lo settle 
and finally it came to me thai while e^jshiinins 
it lo him I jocularly ina4e the e1iilrnu"jst thai it 
might not have Iwejr a bud idfa in jmy tho «ne 
w it wnurd sniie us n lr,t n( wnrk and mflney. 
Jiri- .i! .nytfip.** i^- Ol r Jcll! .is nnnJiini.' .p^^d .u»o 
..p(- 1 lutt' flUif«n'ent,.". : wh Lib . I iiho'iin have, krmwn 

hetterftliari'.to" mate, at lcmsl'tn Wm." It.gjyea. 

them .f>ne moreltem-for sinj^ftringjinrpones, -. 
I . sidpj5Djie : you J liove. ■ »een ' Jthe ' wtuW . jii tlte - 
_Si,-pt lut Tower. ' 'CoeiohATiBJi ,will follow rejtf. 

_wilhiU on*l4' vl ^^ L ^'^ n< ':-t n . ( ? lll ^* n PP D&e " ( ' iB: ^ r ™ r 
Jookrerxf^wiJl giv*'.* 'final send off. Then 
^mnybe they, wij] feavo- Us laloji*,' -At fltut 1 -was'r 
I"5neliT3e4.-to'defen4 inyiielf bV Stndiajr eo^ias. of 
Imj .letter- to . je^eryorie that I-.«ould, nfttliitf* now_ 
deeided. .fo-' wnte'^tof jnj|t.'a v f_ew friend *nd'"d*njt 
the allegations' of . nnfnith f.olneis and tot it ho al 
ithaL ^.fha 'fiord ■ knows, thif.- tatt* so wa do. pat 


Iff.Uud-j.nti' Exiiiliii Is S 

iicoit lo Imi worried Tflial others think of ua. I 
sun ly ilu ]\iwv a i;re;il Jtrhin^ to tell CJW allot 
E Elunk (if him fur hij; cunliMrij.i'Lh]e iillnck on 
riitji'Le hut 1 lih.ill ev,-n let liim plod hi* outi 
ltm>v wjiy without rt-! inke. 

'I'l.v hri'lhri'ti here have been jitnt grand to un. 
U - t:\-ij hail -.'luin of financial novistance and so 
Hir I he Towel nuliee dm^n't aceni to have alien- 
IlMl tlwni from ua. 1 think the Koeiety will 
hm-p one futk of a j<ib to hnr ua fr<riii utrvite 
wuj-k in c"nnei*-( i«n witSi thin ooninajiy, Tiwea 
>* n fiwdom here which ist nut found in [ho 
rimtern MtBpHnips. Tlmir nlndj^it are a plensure 
1n jiiEriL.l. The MiLnnukee (VHtinany han ahmtt 
3tfi nnhlMwira, !>uit (Lie Sunday i-vi-nlne; ineetijig 
i» niH'jiilod hy nhout Wfi with new i.ntv ratiiing 
unntiiiiuiHy. Tlucy Hlinly the Hu.VATins \nM\i end 
1 1 ii' sluJy \r fri-A and lintnisiuiii'llcil \tvm eefuof- 
rthi[>. I |n a rt-al jilcamTe l<> nt in on radi 
ntiii lies nmt nl»n a jov [n wort iith them in the 
T am »hl| marking time ns far a* the praclira 
i»f "Itiw \i if nnrernnl. ~ ;f)iir- nffiffit-will tint" he 
"■'-"Trady until' (he hj1l4'U isnrt- pf .[he. m«n1h. '" Peter = 
"w utill jmnfing fnr wj^k, buflluis n jiili' in' »ight 
in; Chiragin,. Ifo- will krow.drrinilely nfwlit 'jhnt-' 
Hie i;nd of thin coming weet ' Plioebe: .in hnsy 
■"frcilinj; rcs'ahdto lier great -joy .and. happiness 

is n I iiMhling. .a few jionndil . .'"-': ■ 

\Yv n fp pAi-t-V' .jn= h"jar. ahfin't yonr iunn ■of 
hi-nltji. ■_ High bl"vnd pro^nnf i» .A prrinns pmr>- 
— Dfiiion'.^ ■Tou h ]l-hai' , £.i : o' : ' it.eany from now.- 
■^^nfij.- T can we|l believe the cla^ ?iruafion then 
fa had' a" : lo do" with thai enndition. , 
:A<id3s l^lt« ; tlwii^ jnall-har* to eut do*n^ 






Defendants' Eriubit D.T 

tie cuuVe ci'Hniin]i(i-on and take up — or rather 

down — ,i Haifa It . We hop* thaL ymt ill In 

in u pufiLkm to oast up and improve, in. health, 

Well it looks uu though Ibe huilr-U end nuraln 

Will 1* ilviiig all rtVrr l']urii|m before tnng, 

Our rural Lore it still an the way from Brook- 
lyn. We are, hgpjflfc il will get h*r* before 
Arniegcddon Flartu anyway. 

We heard thai Bethel now he* nil day Satur- 
day h off. Don't you think nty epi*(l* did sortie 
P'ihI after all. 

Time to quit fot dinner. Leva to Becky, 
J-nnney, Hill and all the n*L 

Aa «nr t 

Ouw R. limits. 

DefEittttiu" Exhibit D-7 

01 JN ft. IfOYLE Altomey-at-Law 

1439 Viiderwood A™. Wnawateiss, Wis, 
Telephone BLoemound 58SS 

Oct 30; 1939 

Dear Bro. Confchrr 

Ytnir rani received. The w»teh fiatn'l ar- 
rived here and in view of the present strained 
relations I fear I will have much detay and diffi- 
culty if 1 write in |hr Society about it There- 
fore can I trouble yon In ank the Philadelphia 
brother for, th* amount of tKe Nil for repair*. 
Then if yon will give me- bia addres* I wilt send 
a check direct to him and have hiro direct it* 

DcfcndcntM' Exhibit D-S 

shipment 1 "■■ inc. lie can odd the cent of mail- 
ing to his bill 

IJEinl to hear that the Cooghlinites pot Irinusred 
ud Hit llriuli, Orrtll etc cose*. And, Conlkkn- 
tijilll, lleacb in 1 licit y. When a limn gneH up 
three ur fnur stories with Ins avowed ipltntion 
nf ciaehing «mno head* lu> ia fortunate if ]u? gels 
ell free. 

T jli'xl jirrt, The fWiety Ihw reoehril out ill 
lone; arm and prohibited (hie en] servant from 
rvpn.->.enN rig brethren jrrati* on an information 
nmrrh rjiiu.i, It wmihl ralher pny contributed 
fund* for an out*ide attorney. Thai hierarchy 
purely works with efficiency. 

Still in the Kingdom aervi**, 


DeTmdaaU' Exhibit OS, 

OUN K. VOYLE Counselo* 

117 Adorn* Street . Brooklyn , New York 
Telephone TItiangle 5-1474 

ChHson, N. Y. 
July 25, 193* 

Mr, unci Jfr*. Q. W, Chunber*, 

rjlLnLjui'nlj r 1'an, 

IV*r Brother and Sinter Cljambers: 

Vacation tiirio in hera and ve ar? perthed in a 
pike nilljifrc on the Imnkc of a litllp Lake near 
Ticcnderojra, KV rcntinir frayed ne rvca and tak- 
iig it eaay, Tba lut few weelu at Bethel bare 

Defendant*' Exhibit D-D 

UH-n prt'Uy atrtniirjun and it fecLd pretty good 
iu iJit MdiliLiijr but u-Jiat ore ^anU to do. 

Munr Jjaopt qn to your chair njid your fahie. 
tCL'EU isl..!c 1 [i:r;:'. i.-.if some r;.l.;j'r nurpriaiag 
new* to you.- It will come to you in doe lima 
but I "11 pLve yon tlw admnce tip and break it 
Ki'titly, JitHt iK'fura leaving Friday I arnt fm 
pji^i-n Iu tin- Judpr ».1ntiiip that I wu resiRming 
as >;t-nKfTil ttiiin*el laid resignation to take effect 
On iyspK'Jitljer 1st next. Iteaio-na for tin* ieniaria> 
tJsm wete jriyen in tlie five pajren sent,, tin? pri- 
uuiry- n'B*on Htinjr lo protest aa effectively and 
an jitrunKty *a puwiblf ajrainxt the unjoat con- 
Jilidn* pxiitiOB: at Bethel. I »m in a pretty 
pond poortiiinn tn m»ke wen protc*t for the 
rwiiOB tlmt tb+ Jud^e has hern pretly decent 
toward* n* arid be sealdo't claim I ■>■» acting 

for j.H'rininnl ri-lidm, 

We *f+ »»iag hack lo WlseOtiain where T ex- 
pect to npen up nn office for fclte practicf of law b 
pr-niictbly in Wauwntnay, a raliurb of Milwaukee. 
lis not the ensieit thinft In pick up prarliee but 1 
piii'?* vie won't Ktarve. ,lo^t Unv touch of a pari 
I'M nlilt have in linndlinf; th« enj«« for Lite 
Itrrlliren clpp*iwj 5 on tl»c judu*. T jrattc him 31 |i«l 
of tl*c ninjor caj^-s p*nflliag and tnld him 1 c"«hi 
*nd «"«uld lirindlc nq™pt of Ihrra if be s* dt"irv<l 
it. He IHH.Y. be «i nvcrb-ntrHl 1hat ln-'ll say nolh- 
ing doing an In any of [lie nOMcit. If be dnes he 
i» piLiijr to have one herk of « job straifrhlenih^ 
lld^FTs fiiv 

Wrll tbata the eriniy atory, or at least a skele- 
ton or it. The whole story in loo long to put ia 
ihit letter. Maybe someday 111 hare a chases 


Dcftndaxi*' Exhibit D-8 

tfl toUv yi™ #U about it A great many of comrw 
j re gi'injj U> ctaiio tliat wo are <loing the wrong 
tiling in lenvinfl lktbr-1, nml tliat we should iljiM 
it tliru there. The aimwer lo Chat it that tltcra 
isn't any ehanee to fight ogainnt eonditiona at 
Jb-Eiii-I,. imil 1 don't lielieve [he l>ord KH|Uirpn one 
to live under the dictatorial f^nditifina exist inj( 
UiL-rf, I hojK) the action we liove taki-n will eao^e 
(In- Jinti^, 1 if.' tit n>mc nerioua Elimkioj; nnd cor- 
riTt many ^f (he ymjuat condLliona. Tlie paal 
f*« weeks — ever since the .Kew York con- 
tention— Slave been terrihle. We're glad to 
forgi.'t the whole bunlnesa for a while out here 
anions the mountain*. 

We'll >*■ at 1hii place until near lb* end of 
next week, if you write lo dm addreu it 

ChilKoa, JJ*w York. 
(Ka^k- I-akrl 

1 ila-n't lianw wlicn I'll *cc you folk* again, 
but 1li7|m l it will itt. i«?cne time and somewhere 
before we wind nn our earn-n; on th» *Me of 
the IviiifTilinn. You have lxyn mi very kind and 
gooil In mi- when I hdiT iH-cn M l^tbtljurgh that 
the meniurt- I hereof will nut he roTpOlten, 

You ran 1 i>l I i.'lirirlif and I he Campbells about 
tiki*, hut [irnlmhly it wnubl be jiiiit u well not to 
jiuhliah the matter jrencrally threoghnul the 
rilt^tntrKli crn»i|i*ny until after the 1st of Sep- 

Youra in Kingdom service, 

Ouji Rafotu 


D<rf*■uUBta , ExLibU &4 

Enronte to Wiaooaaia 
Angntt ll r 1533 

Bear Brother Oiambera: 

Your kind letter eaitic along while we were 
still on vacation and was certainly appreciated. 
Sirica vacation tilings have happened fait — so 
fast that we are now ex-lletlieJilei and on our 
way to Wiiwonbin. Tucuday morning the Judge 
called a joint meeting oF tlie Board* of Direc- 
tor* uf (be two corporations and asked me if 1m 
(incaenl with tliem. At L;ir oieeting n.-, letter 
at July Z\m\ in whicb I tirnti^ited over cotue of 
his action* wn* r*nd. The rVmnl* took proinfrt 
action by rccnniiLiemlipg Oiot I b* iuiitipJiniely 
ovpellcd fnnii lliiLlu:]. At nthon the Jctlcr vu 
read to (hn family and tlu> entire lloyle fatnily 
ordervl lo [mick up i(n ((ixkIh and be out of the 
place by cwninF>. That wax Kutnr tank hut we 
ByocoHipli«hrd il, Tim fmully uader gire*ideiiliaJ 
pressure vupporii^l chr jLirtioo and a lar^e nuiik- 
ber of Ihrru prurnjidy unuMK'd u* in i^odiI »tyle. 
In adiiilion to all Uii* (he Judjro con»i^rneil iob 
to the evil sennnt cln^H, dcnouitrecl jhc u a 
' 'religion iiit" and announced, his iJctiTiuinition 
to prevent ma from ever ngnin jutttting any of 
the brethren in court. In addition Itill iicath 
claimed I vas a "Jesuit". That* not a joke — 
an actual daiia. And aoji* otlier unknown per- 
son started circulating a story tliat I bad ad- 
vised parent* in Massachusetts that il would tn 
ail right to tend their expelled students to a 
military school. So it appears that before many 
weeki go by I'll have a pretty blade reputation 
KBMDf the Lord 'a people. 

ItefrwdirmU' Ezhlit D-S 

But we arc not complaining, We are going 
back in Wisconsin nnd eIhiII do all we can to 
give wiln£»> to tlie Kingdom and fight line 
modem nltanbnem. 

I wisli we could accept yuur kind invitation to 
*iaLl you bul it ia iiupoitihle. We moat geL back, 

gel utlted, Hrtd gel 1u carjiin^ ihuih,' mnney *0 

we can continue to eat, Wo. arc pulling our 
traitor and dodging tlte big cities including 1'itta- 

In all probability tlie elor>' will in due time 
como to you and. other friend* that the letter I 
sent tu JKK was a lualicioum lisetloaa doeu, 
jneat I 'in not giving It gem-ral clreulalion as 
I do Hot i-aic to t-tart & nunjius tlireugh^ut the 
orgimiiation. It cbiitalnrd my reaeoni for de- 
ciding to n-tui-n to ]irivate practice and I shall 
ufi it wfcefl BMtxary to dcfi-nd iny ^uod iiimt, 
*od (lie i-T^i'il name of Iny wiTe and Nin. I value 
tlie friendship of you nod Sister Clininbcra, «q 
if any euch sloric* come to ynu, I will be glad 
to send you a copy of the loiter lo yea any time 
that you feel yi'iu would like to read it_ 

J[y adjoin for (lip jinjucnl will he: 721S W. 
North Avenue, Wouwatoca, Wisconfm, sod I'll 
be glad tn hear from you And J 'll 1* glad 
to give you counnel on the ease* or any matters 
at any time. Tvll Charlie I'll he writing him 
MOB. Haven't lime Joat now. 

Your ( in Kingdom nmoa, 

Gum B. UVhu. 




Defendant*' Exhibit D~10 

0. It. MOVIiE 
117 Annans Street ■ 

Bear CmWih:— 

Coumclor at Law 

Brooklyn - New York 

TBuugLe S-1474 


The Lightning struck yesterday. JFR rilled 
a meeting of (lie W.T. Hoard of Director*. My 
letter won rend und ltd Bnnrd recommended my 
immediate <li»Luisuiil Then tlie letter was road 
at the table at noon, ami llic family unani- 
mously supported th« action of tlie Bnnrd of 
Directors. Therefore ve — Hit Moyle fnmily— 
w*ra ordered to pock up our goods and set out 
Ibat nfteimoon L That inn nomc task hot we pbi 
ttnijiL pocked, and 1 aid now wailing for the Rinv- 
ing Tan to ftlmrt I hem on tike wny to Wisconsin, 

Thcicf o re — don 't Bend any more, letters to toe 
jit Eraaljlyn. 

I don't riiTH an extra copy °' t- 1 * letter lo 
J Kit »t hand jual saw but will aend yoo. one in 
doe '.-:nn. 

Ail for DOW 



~TM~w. North St 


Defendants' Exhibit D-1I 
August, J 041 Tut H»Aiiji or Ch.ust'b Kiwodou 

Ln^Ukjui nv Biimiut 0. B- MutI* 
Colby, Wis Aug. 10 Canton, Dl Aug. 31 

Defendant*' Exhibit D-12 

August, 1D41 Tut: Hiijujj or C hoist's Kixarair. 

A«*0CUTsn Bk»m &ru»r-*T» Ouuera 

The brethren wliouc appointment! are- tinted 
heR-under nre believed to be loyal to the Word. 
of tiod, clear in in fundamental teachings, and. 
is general Immuwy with tlie spirit and purport 
of Lji-i' Institute r a :nii]!riry. Thooe to urban) tl^i-y 
minialff are counseled to pnxi all thing* wad 
huhl fust to that which ia good. 

Dafendajita' Eiiltiil D-13 

This elhibil riHUuiIJi of an rnvrlnp* postmarked 

"Milwaukee, Win." becrinn ty [ww rill**, address 
"Attorney Clarence tk-Gti, Old Tuwn, Maine" 
and bearing sender 'a rubber- utaanped ad- 
drcu* "1439 Underwoudl Aveoue Wa-uwatoia, 
Wit" Axa attached thereto Km printed fdee*% 

(ir I*iriiT 1i1led " IsronNfio* Vrru, to 

JpiiniTApt 'n WmrEHBEs", coatislf**, of letter* 
■i^pod 0. It. Moyle dated Sept. 2J, lu-UJ and llay 
IS, l£HCt, both of which letters are the aajiie aa 
TJcfrcidonta' Kx])ihlt K (printed Jo lull herein); 
uml ipeluitiiijr nl*n Itltcr of 0. It, iioyle dated 
July 21, lilSU ln'inff thp name u Plaintiff! Ex- 
JiiliU 4 (.printed In full her«iq). 

(i) Liuruvr 'i(l«l"Aj< Oror Lptb to Jrao- 
v*n'» AVrrstiiiri^" dated Sept, £>, 1M0 and 
Kkirnin] llurrry II, Kink t being Uu Mint ia I>o- 
fdmliini 'h K^liihit 0, 

(.-sr,! -:rjiLliil lu-rrin jiuraLLant Eu iti|juL»liun o> 
pifje l!foS t>r tliu record.) 

(S) LK^rc.KT titled "Wkict the Uokstixo 
CaHKm" iKi'lutwl and oijrncd r*BTnnu, Dinif 
iH.irm'Ti!, 177 froapccl i'laee, Brooklyn, K. V, 

[Kot |irinttd herein ]iu r*uaat to ilipnJalion on 
pmre 19S8 of thii record.) 

ii) lVui-riLET, 32 pafrea, titled "Tni Uxbb- 

* p il: Tii KnctjiftY " undated and aiRsed THa Daw^, 
,J3ft Fulton Slree-L, rtrooklya, N. If. 

(Not printed herein purgoaDl to atipnlatioa on 
pa^e IflSfl of tliia record.) 

f5) PiUrMUrr, 32 pajres, titled "Tsm" 
iimljiccil and niKtiecl The Dawk. Dept J, 130 
I-'ulluu Street, Brooklyn, H. Y. 

(Not printed herein pursuant to lUpolaLjon 
«n p*K«» 1SSH9SS of tail record.) 


PEfEoJejUa' Exhibit D-14 


Watch Towna B« d Tm*t Sjocmr 

F<T4<H L rlv ZJ.^n'H Watch Tdwer Tract iiocicty 

lit: it k.suwji, tlLal llje Bubucribe ru, having mbo- 
i -iii'.rit lliLiuacIveB lo^cthLT for tic paruAM of 
thi- il^.-i'inioatiipB of Hihle Irulim in viiriom 
Jutj^'UiL-L'n, and lu-::ii; i \r» i L'- l* of tiocuininK attor- 
uuratiij akjni-uhly lu the proviwoc* of 1l^ A^t 
i^l' Ike lleneml Am.'-mI.-Iv of tlie Uoiuinonv^'altli 
ill |'«aiU!"lvania, i-nlltleJ "An Act to provide 
fur i i.' Ijwin-jHjj-ulii.iiL and lbinilatjon of certain 
Cjiii»>rr|jniih" n H|jpii>vwl the twenty-ninth day 
uj Ajiril, Aimu DuiiiLni, One thotuond and fii;:it 
hiinJri-t] unit nevHity-foar, and itn Btijiplusnonta, 
ihj hi-ri'ti; dh'laFL-, ii-t forth and nrrtity thnt the 
fnJIuu'iiijr li'i' the pnrpoar*, ohjcetn, articles and 
nnnliliiiM uf their ooid oMocijilii" for «»d upon 
kIluJi Hie J" dodirc to Ite inoprponited : 

1. Tlir nam* of the corporation ihaJI ha £>na 'a 
Watch Trmrr Tract Society, 

IL The ]nirp»ne for uhieh Hie corporation is 
fariiK-d id, the diiiscinination of Uihle trutlis in 
yui-iuUM laniniajT"* hy means' or the publication 
«f truct^, ]iuin|iJMrte, i*j)rrs and other relipoufl 
diM-uuiL'iitr, and by the use df idl other lawful 
lUH'Jin* whicli Hi Board of Din-Cton, daly eonsti- 
luU-'J Hlial! doeui eipedienl (or th* furtherance 
or tike purport alaled. 

Ill, The place where tlie baainesa of tlie said 
edrporauon ix lo be trantacted ii tho Cily of 
AJlejrheny, in the Coftutjf of Allegheny, and 
6t»t» of Fennaylnnkk, 


Defendants' Exhibit D-lt 

IV, The corporation is to exist perpetually. 

V, Tlie boiijch iiiiil r*»iile«o«ji «f tit* iuV 
w*rilx>rH ntv as folLuwi: 

Charles T. Itoascll, Allegheny Cilj h (•ennijrli 
William I. alonn, iiEnvood, West Virginii 
Marin ¥. Uuxsell, Allegheny City, Pennoyi 1 
Win. C. McMillan, Latrone, Feiuiiylvonia. 
Simon 0. lilundiT-n. Hew York City + Mew York, 
J, B. AdaniTOn, Allegheny City, Pennsylyuii 
Josrpii P, Sniith, I'kttiburgh, i'enns>-l 

The corporation lift* no capital atock. ficli 
donation of Ten dollara to tint funds of anid 
ri'.'pu ration aliall entitle tlie contributor, or hia 
UMgna, to one non- forfeitable, nan-nsaeaBaMe, 
und non-dividend bearing share, and to one rota 
for every such thare in &oid corporation. Certif- 
iiMite of memliership bo ncjuiroil sIlbII be issued 
by tlie Sr«relnry r counters] jraed by tb« President, 
to ths persons enlktlfld thereto. 

VI, The corporation ia to be managed by a 
Board of Directors consisting of seven member*, 
ond tlie nume-a and reiidencea of those already 
chosen Directors are as follows: 

President, dharieaT. ftnjsell, Allegheny City, 


Vice I'rea, William I. ilaiui, Henwood, W. Va. 

Hacy, fcTreaa. Maria. F. ftauaell, Allegheny City, 


Wm, C. UelfillaB, tatoal*, Fenna. 

Sicaan O. Blnodrn, New Tort 

City, N. Y. 
J. B, Adunion, Alleghtny City, 


Jasvph F. Smith, filtitmrgt, 



Defenda/tlt' Ei/liiLit D-ii 

VJL The Hiiid co-rpnrii!krin by its ltnnrrt of 
ESitm'I or*:, a untjorily uf whnjM xbn'tl fsvus-t i lule 
a cjuujuii) for Ibv irjin.-,tc!ii>n of business, nliall 
have full power nud authority M make and en- 
act by-laws, ruli-M. and oruin^nccK, v.-hich jiluitl 
be deemed and token lo lie the Iilw of s..j.l r»r> 
poration, and do any and trarytking Uftuii for 
tlie ~i>ud ppvfrrmitnt nud >up[iort of the aiTaira 
of the said corpora lion; pruviiled Hint thr mid 
by-lmi's, mien r-n;l oriJinanMS, or pny of (lscni, 
shall not 1m rcjiiiL' jluii t Ut |hia cluUlor, to 1he 
cv u>ti t ill ion and lava of tin- t.'i,!uf,.nii,u-i-jili'h of 
IVaj.i-ylvania, and the ConslituJiuJi of like Lbiii«l 

VIJI. Tin- xnid cur(Mkrntinn nhnll have aik ulTi- 
eers n I'trniilfiit, who *h;i|| j^r-- -Lihi at tike Pin-fl- 
lTj^u ^r I lie lS(Hu-d n f Dij-^'ltkrx, a lice t ' re ■- i d*. irt, 
wlio uliult ikk-rside in The ab^oncc of tJie Fredi- 
dent, nnit a Secretary, -who *!iall nlw) be Treas» 
Uri't; and tliL'«c rjhi.'i.-rs »l>!ill lie eho.*n from. 
*jjiuiij; (he iiLviikbt-r* of ihe lioord of Director! 
»ni»uiUy on the iiriit Knturday uf eueh year, by 
on election by bnllnl to he held at lin 1 pria^ipul 
office of the corpuiatioti is. Allf.rl.n'iiy City, 
Fennivlvanu. The meMlwr* of (hi Unard of 
BLrct-lci r* siiall hold iheir rcrpectiva ollicea for 
life, linlrs* remfivcd by a two-cliirda vote of (he 
sSkurclkolders, and ^Tit-nncies in the Hoard o^ia- 
aioned by death, resignation or removal slnil) In 
filled by Tote of n cuajotity of [Jjo n-ioainijig 
members of tlie, wl.o ahall mct't for that 
pnrjlOsiii within t»cn(j r days from tlu? lime when 
such vacancy, or vacancies., shall occur. And in 
the event of a failure to fill tacit vacancy, or 



Def/nAmd!' Exhibit &-H 

tucnncii'n, in the irumurr aforesaid, W:fhin thir-ty 
days from the time wlieo such vacancy or *a- 
candee, shall occur, ItifiL Ibo aaid vacancy, or 
Taeanric:;, shall be filled by (he appointment of 
thr. Pieaidcnf, and the person, or persona, so 
frrtjiiiiiitiit! iba.ll bald Ilia, or (heir, tiHiea, or ofU 
eta, until tfi* rtfiet annual election of officer* of 
th-a GOrparntiiirL when *udi vacancy, or Tieon- 
eies, alia]] be filled by election, iri the nme man- 
ner a* Hi* President Vice l'rawkjjt, and Secre- 
tary and Trc-annrer are etretiid. The persona 
*n1-tl*d to •*■□ 1 1* ml annual election* of (In- eOTpo- 
ration, shall It* (hose who laid certihrAren of 
rncmtwriiliip n^jiiij-fil in tiHj manner afoTrnaidr 

IX. Tha wiirl nnr[M>fntiftn, under the mmo, 
at; ie, and ti tic- nfnre.-nid, nlmll linve full power 
and auihority to sirAk?, luive and vk n common 
aea'i, with such device n™i inju-riplion ai tbey 
may decMi p^jper, and the Mini I* slier and re- 
new at thr-ir pleasure; mid l*j- the name, style, 
Hid title aforesaid, j=puiII I* nble >" lit* *ad 
equity to sue and he sued, plead nnd !* im- 
fili'Rilod in. any Court or Courts, before pny 
Judpi Or Junti^i; of I he Peace, in uli manner 
of suit* and eninnlninta, pleas, causes, ma iters, 
and demands vhatSMTOr, and all and every 
inn Iter or tbi^J therein lo do in a* 'nil and 
ample & manner, and an effectually, a* fthj nlher 
perion, or persons, bodiea politic or corporate 
»-ii;iin Hut Com lAtinw* tilth of Pennsylvania, may 
or top do, 

X. The said corporation, bf ill* name, etyle, 

and title aforesaid, glial! haw the right, power, 
pud authority to take, receive and hold ia fM 

Dtfendaitt*' EiJuiil D-li 

iimple, bT any lets estate, all such message*, 
tola, Lands, buildi:^, lL L nrturntji l ri L hta n annuil^n, 
franeJiiics and bcryditaiuciiU a* jnay In neri'i- 
sary and pr&pcr Tur :tu purp<j>-r5^ and tu st!!. 
JenBt, iuort|fag« r or otiierniae (liup*ea of the 
umt or any part Iht-reof ; unci it ihall liava (1* 
sains right, puvrr, and nulhority lo tnte, ro- 
«ive and hold, and to sell, lease or diupoae of 
any and all kinds at iwi-»(inal property and 

Wiinm oat hands and mli this 12th day of 
November, A.D. l\S6t. 

CiuatLa T. ltubitLL tutu.] 

TVii. 1. IIakit 1»eil] 

MaKU F, RvtttLL {heal] 

Wm, C ilcMn-uy lauE,] 

Gniii3 0. JlLUKUfiir Jbem,] 

J. 1). x\ruii«>;r [ukal] 

Jl*. Y. KillTll [llEAI,] 

Cmnrnon wealth of lVnim-ilvaniu i 
Couniy -nf Atl^fllifny i 

Defore nie r Elte ^tiljffrilx-r, Hi'mnirr of IV^l* 
of the County of Allej^lii'ay, THTKinnllv apiK-nrr;! 
Cluirlt* T, llU3u.cH, llftrla F- OurMl] and Jo*. II. 
Smith, three nf tlte HuhHeribera to llse above and 
foregoing certificate of incorporation of tlie 
2ion> V'*leli Tower Tract Hodr-ty, and in du* 
fonn of lawr aeknokledged the uttue to he. their 
act and d«d- 

Dtl 'enfant*' Exhibit B-U 

Witaesa my hand and oSuaal seal thi* l£th 
■daj of November, A.D. 1SJ34. 

Wm, U, Oiuhai; 

Recorder [oinrjAL seal] 

In the Coart of Common l'kn Ko, I of Alle- 
gheny Connty No, September Tenn, 1SS4, 

And cow th Is JStli day of DtctmheT, lSSt, the 
witltii! Cii^ii-l.r aiiil CftrtifefLte of [n..ft7porit;or. 
aaiing been presented to me, n Lnw .lottpc of 
aaid County, aceonipan Led by duo proof of pub, 
li:iiiinr. of the nolwr of thin application as re- 
^nired by the Act of Aaaembly and role of iVvt 
Court in aneh case made and prodded, I certify 
that I hare esamiiU'd and permed the said writ- 
ing ami have found the tome to lie in proper 
fonn And witliin the porpoeei! .n*med in tht first 
class specified in Section second of the Act of 
General Amienjhly of tue Commonwealth of 
PonnsylTania, entitted, "An Aet to provMo for 
tlio Incorji^rntion and Hi'KiiJnti-m of Cnrlain 
CorporBtiorj",' 1, npr>rnvr<l j\pfil Sitlk, W4, pM 
tlie supplements liieretn, nnd (ho tiwno ripiN-nr- 
ing to bo lawful and not injurious lo the Com- 
munity, I do hereby on mot™ of Weir nnd 
(]u.rriMon. allorneya for the within named auIh 
Acrihur* aarl their aasoeiatrs, order and direct 
that the said Zinn> Waltb Tower Tract So- 
ciety aforesaid be and the rami i» htrrjby ap- 
proved, and that upon the recording: of the tamo 
and of this order the suherribers thereto and 
their associate* shall be a corporation by th* 
nam* of th* Zion'a Watah Tow*! 1 TraaE Society 


DtftnJautt' EjJiibit O-IA 

for the purposes and upon the terras therein 

F. H. Coujxa 

A"wna!o Jud(r*, tt, 
Couirnon lleaa Ks, 1, 
Allegheny Co., i'enna. 

From the Record 
J, 0. Baowh 

Pro. [eoun am] 

State of Penna. ] 

AUefrheny Co. j* 

Recorded in the office for retori.liiiB Deeds, 
£c. r in and for xiid Coaoty, in Charter Boot, 
Vol 9, pa^u 250. 

GiTen under my hand and seal this 15th day 

of Dec, 1 Wi. 

[orrir.TAL, iTit.J War. [I. OumN 


Tm re pel it inn for Hirnipf nf name INo. 
*t lion's Watch Toner Tract Korii'lv jSepten- 

lo \ J" 

Wttth iWr Bible and Tract Rwiely j jgjg/ 

To the Honorabl* I he Judge? of the Court of 

Coalman I'Ifjia Ko, One of Allvjjhen* County: 

Th* petition of Zion's Watch Tower Traet 
Society respectfully represents: 

That it ia an Aasoeiation incorporated rmd*r 
the laws nf the Corjimoiiweel th of P*njiiyl*Bnia, 
by Um Caurt of Common Pleas Ko- 0n» (L) of 

Befenda*(i' Exhibit 

aaid County, on tlie l^th day of December, 1334, 
fur I be purpoae specified in Section Two (2) nf 
:lj rhnrter, which nadu an follmm; 

*'1L The purpose for which tbe corpo- 
ration is formed it, the dineemmatinn of 
Bibl* truth* in various bnjruac^a by means 
of the piihlicr.linn nf Irtcln, pa.nnhlets, |U- 

pern, and other religious docymei»|n and by 
the use of all other lawful means winch tit 
Board nf Dir*el*rt, duly eonatituted, shall 
deem eigmlieot for the furtherance of the 
purpose elated," 

That aaid purpose is embraced within the eor- 
[Kir-.l.dLH of ttn fir»t tlawi, npecified in Kecdou 
Second, of an Act of the General Assembly of 
this Common went! h. enlilkil, "An Aet to pro- 
Tide for Uie IncnrpornlKin an*! B*ftUlati*n nf 
certain Corporations," approved t!» 29th day 
of April, A.R I6T4. 

Tliat in pursuant* »f th* profiaiou of the 
aaid Act. of the Genera) Aivicnitily, tlie aaid 
Association is deaiious of chsnRin^ tli* name, 
atyl* and title by which it una incorponi,l*d, and 
at a meeting of the said corporation doty cod- 
Tenrd, the following change in the name, atyla 
and title M act forth in aaid charter, was duly 

"That the name, sly!* and title of *ald eorpu. 
ration b* changed from Zum-'t WaUk Tower 
Trrct oVrieiu to Wakh Towef Bibit ourf T^aet 

la witntM wh*re*f t th* aaid Zjoo'i Watah 
Towar Tract S«i*ty fast bertusto afiud it* 


lJrfrntIa*t.t' Exhibit D-U 

Borpoi-ite a*al. attested by its President and Bee* 
rotary, this fltla day of Aug™', A.D. 1SSC 

Zinir'n W*IC» Towi* TaaCT gdCIETT 

Chiaijs T. P-SKskUt [ooaroaATK aiiAL) 

M JlElJk F. linJWTr.r. 


JOIIZ If. 3-lwLKil 

Commonwealth of Pennnylvania } 
County of Atlegheny ', 

Ec it remembered (li H t on (lie lltli day of 
August, 1SWS. before me, a Notary Public, in 
»nd for pjiliI County ond Slate, personally canw 
Clmflea T, RHunel), I're^ifhmt of «aid corpora- 
tion, nnd Mnrin F. RuabiH. Seer»lary nf aaid 
eor])orntk!n, w!io beinj duly altimied, did aay 
thot th»i' wcts ptrnonal I r pi**ent at the eiecu- 
tion of tlie within petition, anil &aw tbe commoa 
seel of said corporation, Zion^s Watch Tower 
Tract Society, aJfixcd thereto, A)td Ibat said seal 
is the comtoon and enrgmrat* ks 1 and that the 
foregoing jwlition was nijncil. jimled and duly 
delivered by, as nnd for tbe act und deed of aaid 
Corporation, for (be u«e? and purposes (herein 
mentioned, end that (heir sijrnatures (hereto arc 
in tbeir own proper handwriting, and that the 


Dr/rmJoBl*' Sxltibit D-l* 

(nets aet forth in anirt petition an eeiroef and 
time u they **rily believe. 

CjJiifJPl T- Rduex 
oLuu F. HuUUi 

Affirmed tad euhacril>ed before mi 
the day iad ye*r aloreaaM. 

WitnrM my hand and notarial MILL 

John K, Ewiwfi 
Notary Publio [N. P. Seal] 

■ * * 

IwTlii«in-rioaT Dion 

And now, to wit A&Jrert 24lb, ISflft, the fore- 
going petition for change of tli* name, ityle ud 
title of the charter of Zion's Witch Tower Tract 
Society, having been duty prrniittd to this 
Court, iii order thai the came michl b*- deemed 
btiH taken fo 1m part of the charter of the laid 
corporal ton, and it appearing that audi change 
in Ibic nUF, elyle and title of said eorporalian 
in lawful and Ittnefietal, and dnee not conflict 
with tlir* requirements, of the Act of the Gen- 
eral Aemmbly of ihia Commonwealth, entitled, 
"An Act to provide for the Incorporation and 
Regulation of certain Corporations,"' approved 
the 29th day of April, 1574. nor -with the Con- 
stitution of tliii Stale, anil proof baring been 
produced to Unit Court, ehowina; that notice of 
the foregoing application bos bem duly [riven to 
the Auditor General of the Slate or Pennsyl- 
vania, it is hereby ordered and decreed Hint 
notice of this application ihal] be giTen by pub- 


£>tft»dmts' £ihibit D-lt 

Itrtlinn in *orordn™r with (.he elalute in lUch 
can mode iW provided,' 

By the Court, 

FlFUr I>KI!ttRF. 

Ami now, to wit September 19, 1SWv Ihe with- 
in. petition for Ito change of name of the -wilhi-n 
doiignnled corpora I ion, having Ijcen presented 
to 1hi( Court, accompanied by doe proof of pub- 
liealion of notice thereof, and no citune liai'inpr 
been shown tn the contrary, it in an motion of 
Charlce W. Dahlinfifer, Kh|., ordrrfld and ic- 
creed (hat upon the rrrordina; of the hjhhi 1 , (Hot 
the naflip, rtyle and 1ille of "Zion's Watch 
Tower Tract Society" be changed to "Watch 
Tower ULhJe and Tract Society", and mid 
ehanjta ehaLI h# iht'turil and InltHi to be part 
if the charter of uld Corporation. 

&j the Cotut 

Commonwealth of PcninyKenin, J 
County of Allegheny ^** - 

Recorded on thii 22t! day of Sertlrmhcr, A.D. 
1396, in th* Recorder'*. (Witt of njiirl Coonly an 
Charter Bunk, Vol. 22, Past 415, Oiven nndfr 
my hand aim! the. Seal of the nid Qfiic* the day 
and year aforeeaid. 

Ohl 1L tow Boki^hobbt 
I«ul] RoodtqW 


Defendants' ExLibit IMS 

7i:L« I'lLiiUt in tiie OliBTler of the Watch- 
tawtr Bible it Tract Society, 1d&, a New York 
Ca rporalioiL 

Xat printed puronajit to jtipol»Lon on paflia 
lDfiS-1060 of thii record. 

D«f«ndaiiu' Exhibit D-1S for U em i fic a tin n 

Tliii irxiiihit in nn uutiigritd oopjf of letter 
dnted April 22; IDS!?, to a It. Jloyl* [original 
nigned J. I 1 ', ltutherford]. 

Eter«ndaaU' Exbibit D-IT 

SlilwaUtcr., WimOnnia 
llazch 0, 1»40 

Olin B. Moyle. 

143D Underwood Avtalw, 
Wnuwoloia, Winconnin. 

The foltonnup J* a <|Uvlalion froni a letter of 
March 5, IH4!), from J. t\ Kutlwffnrd, 1'rmidcnl 
of tin WulcliUiwiT Uililc it Tract Socii'ty. Quolc: 
"Ton luve Jiceu Mo,vk> nmuiLLlt upon tli* Socqely, 
lie bait never nimle nn effort to apfJogne- for 
hi J) wronjpfisi conduct, bot on the contrary rnn- 
tinues to »cnd ktlcni Ibrouglioat tlid country 
npltolding tiiji wrongful ponition. Llnd*r «ucb 
ei rnuniitancea tliOHe who really lorn the Lord 
and are Loyal to his The«r»tio Onvenuiicnt 
iliould not tolerate inch nor permit them in Lha 
Company lo answer qnnLinu or malia oonunenta. 


hut rttjf hIluuIJ be ignored exactly u (he apoatle 

Tljr rnnduetnrn of the llilwuaiee company will 
be ^'uidiMl ancordingiy. 

liu,wAOKU Coxfi. irr or JuiOiUi 'l Wrrsrasaia, 

aujned C- H Eiluboji 

CtJKLJpxnj aerranL 

Dafandaola' Exhibit D-I8 


MiacH 21, 1940 

O. R. Movie 

1439 Underwood At*. 

WfiowatflKa, Wis. 

The nervants of the JTilwackee company of 
Jiliovnli'e vrilncMca pointed out to the cODipany 
een~ant and ions nervjint IhaL it was our duty 
to notify O. It. Moyle tlujt Iw.- did not have the 
privilejtee a* a pudILhIict for the Tliftocrajry. 
Therefore thii in notice that you will be refused 
oil privilege! auch ns literature anil equipment 
imipninnitp to territory, {lack cqjl( jijid any 
oLhera 1hul are enjoyed by a puhliihcr for tba 


Eutn ilcdJjurrjn, 

Zooe clerrant 

C, H. Eluzok 

Company Berrant 


DafwDdajaU' Exhibit D-1S 

OLIN JL HOYLE Attorney-ilrLaw 

1439 Underwood Ave. - Wnuwulo«*, lVii, 
TeJephoiiB BLuetaouDd iiiOfi 

Minib. £i, IWO 
Mr. C. H. Jilliion, 
2151 N. <iil Ht, 

itdwaukeB, Wi*. 

Deal Brother EUilon: 

On Sunday, MaitU UOth, you Landed nit * 
letter alulkig that 1 was, sot to he (ojetaicd Or 
pemittal to ut»w«r i|itv«(ioiu or make couimcalj 
at the nit'titijig* ol tl» Milwaukee Canupony. You 
know tl-jiL nt no timo hAre I aiid anything oor 
of hamjonj' with tli* Truth or tho Socjcly, and 
yet I am now to be gauged aud forbidden to 
tpvok. Your letter kuiuilbIb lo in eiconunnjij- 
calion by order of one nun, the Soeieiv'a preui- 
dtoL The Bible presenbts the correct method 
of ejcorumunicatiOD (Ataltaew Ltl:15-1TJ but thin 
in ignored by yon and Brother liutherford. ijuch 
actiojj i« indefeouibte, nnjUiit and miScriptural. 
NiiveriJuilcsd I do not LntHiiid |o ttir up any di*- 
Qrder nnd will subuiil to ila term*. 

Will you kindly permit ine lo make Home eom- 
mentii on tlie letter nnd ask Eome qneatiani 
which may clarify matter* for future wnduct. 

In th* letler of Judje, Itntherford of llarch 
il\ apparently written to yon, he itataiL "You 
hiv*. ^een. Mtiylfl't uiaalt npon the Solely." 
May 1 oak: Ultn and were did yoo. eee ue 
nifli* an tuwanll ujioo the Society f H*"« >■** 
told Judge HutlLerford that you witneaeed auch 
aaiaullf If yoa did bot inionn him, how did be 


Dtftndanti' Exhibit D-l) 

get Ihe iilmf And if you did not wilncxs ludl 
abkuuJt, did you m infonn Judge Itullicrford I 
Or am }'ou williai; to let liim pat a falsehood 
is your jnoutli and keep it tlicroT 

1'ou fcnow that during the period 1 have met 
with (lie Milwaukee Company I have never at- 
lac^vd the Society. Neither did 1 in:J:u aucb. 
aicirii before couiine; here. The Ju..l je appar- 
tnlly in iryirifi to create the huprcexiem that my 
li-ticr to ci ij-iL ]>riiH->.t.iojt ejminiit )amt> of hi* 
»Ti..nrhil iii- 1 a fOiibtitulod an atlACk 'lf-:.n ', li' 
Soricly. And Utsl i» *-tiy ho Cjlbi:hJ tin Dir. ,•- 
tori lo i\^ii liisfr nn i lie* to a atalniii'nt that every 
)>iuu^rjL^ih citciipt tlie fir.-l of my letter waa 
f»l«. 11 S>inj iuU-reat you to kilns' that I bav* 
on hand her ubititint'Ot atoned by oh* of 
I bote men, C. J. IVniijuottlL, wherein he adiidta 
Ihe truth of the ]SHijor poriiin of my letter end 
Btli'ijiptff to justify Ll,e Jud^e'it vnu:f;Fu! extn. 
tllliHjra i d die Direclori have La prjvr.1 ; fnnrer- 
r-..i I, i . li di'iiliKn-il .-.i.-:! sCbi, Vuu E^O h^-'n bi\'ii 

kiio»n lu e^[irej)ij ;i>Hr amnnAlk o[iinion jp^in^t 
iui'h JiL-lftUirini ac;i by Judge :.'.itlieiford. I 
•v:i[ 1n liim iLirf'.-L wiUi ili>~ protett, and as- a re- 
huL( have Ik'l-d hi!.i'il*'il a Jndu.1, mt evLE iervant, 
loundrd in live Wntlitoww, run! t«|«tUwl frons 
the orxunLmnion. Yuu anil some of the Dirc:!>re 
-can make similar &tali'i>i jnti hrtiind nis buck, 
where it in safe, and still bask in the Eruilig'it of 
hbi lower. 

I nin expected lo apolorjis* tr> the Jnd^e for 
wlmt lie ilfttcribtta iu j:iy "wrosKruI i''i.i'li:ft." 
gillie of the a(il«'flul;>e !irt'tiiri», nillinii ,' :'i b!;:j- 
fnlly iifnurmit nf the fiictK,.nre njitile bu>iiy (olk- 
inr{ omuhl that "Brotlwr Mm : Io ought to sjxilo- 



Difttidanti' Exhibit D-13 

gii* and then everything would be all right" 
Tliey do nut come Is me with tills Ulrica but 
uHcr U gmluitoiaJy to tlioae who will lihlen. 
SliLiUld I apoloEiio for honest ly perforiiti n;; the 
dutlua of nay ofl«ce a> Coun*elor1 I hove en 
tin mi u signed copy of my [i rcw rilm I dulse-*, jind 
it will bo well for yon and olhrra so willing to 
condemn to know (ho! itiy bet cams witliin the 
dm tea prcac-ribed by the Si icirties president, ht- 
cfiii-« J fisvfc refused to apologize for standing 
by f»tl* aad Irulh T taut thrown out nt Bellie!, 

iiiu] i:nw with yci nr CuiDlJ'iiiihlh.-* Bllil a-l.vislante 1 

bill ercGmSnunicalaJ from "lie Milwaukee Com- 

Yott bejhl * r^pan^iljlj puiiitino n» Company 
Belfast, If thru lionMk eii^uLiiifj (lie ilulia* 
of year o!!'=ra jua sliotild Lntur I he diaplcft*ur* 
of :bt Society V ;iif'»iilj!ul (find bjur in inind 
UmiI xiidl liop |i* ,.ciH-d In tics ) % lit JlLnl can i-Ull 
]iU]i]H>n) h woulil 3 [mlojiizt tat your rightful 
course of ui'UiJtl Not if you value your ih- 
tegcty and have- any luve for ri.|rh tooumMiafc. Of 
course if >'fnt value your ofiice and Tjio fiiinr of 
Hk< He*kity"* ciflii^fs above. IrutL and jnaihre y«n 
will do what they coy KfflttlfaM <tt Ilia fart*. 
And til lit appears to be u-Jutt you in dning la 
iv;. case. 

J L'liovalt V witne.&son through the Watehlower 
hnvu *tlffeU m LiLirifal bnttlo ajaiiist inloler- 
ttirp, We hMC vir/nriHlidy protcalis] agnismt is. 
frin/'Miirnt!! on freedom r.f urirceo niul frcfdom 
iif riHiMMinirt. Wis lama I1..1M the H«nmn CatRO- 
l>« iliemri'liy vp lo arum and ciipiLcnijit bemuse. 
of its in to-li'rji iij-o and Hi; en | iprc.iljiin of lb*. 
ri;;lilH of enimriiTjirje, And i?o'* I am condemn'sd 

Dtftndott*' EnAHit D-I» 

epd "ili'rdicled aufely because I e* prfitsed (hose 
fiimlnnii'iiinl right* in the inLrif-L* gf llm fso- 
cii-Lv nin I Hif *!iii Ii(v1 lirr-n. Tlsat it amui'tliing 
fin Hun l-i Ilicujg-hl^Lilly n»ira;ml»T wlujn trnmiid- 
i-ln.' Tint it nrLlriiM. tx^anng oil t^re bu'::J,tL t.; 
ri L l i|;aEi-4!t i ntplrranc*, 

I A tin' <jiLi:.[jL(Liin tram Judge Hathfrfcrd '« fal- 
ter it is jilatix] that I Am not fo be "lolc-rst^l," 
Tlial rifiili furthcir mfjlnnatton, iVill you tlwit*- 
fiirn jJ*4iiHf wnd m» *ininer» fo the fullawjnfr 
ijueal ban* : 

I, Art my report! of Srrvin! a^'.ivity >HII 
tn lnj i«fp(ttt and coustnj in vitli than 
of I lie Company T 

£ Will Watditower aixJ Consolation iqIn 

■crlplioni hteuriMl b^ me be forvanJal in 
tin: 11MU.I muintrt 

3, Au I IrrohibitEd from BttMrina; boolai, 
Iwikbti ami nf-rt-ifre Icrritory throuRi 
the Company! 

4. I>m^ Hie fnct I h»t I vn not In be *'tol- 
rralnl" nveui (bat I am rn-nlhibitcrt from 
*tlcj>iiinij study or service errn tlmugb 
Mot participating Utereint 

T Imtb been in Hie Truth for a rrnod nianj 
yrnri amt have never liriijitrd frum wh&Ie 
bearlpd clevotian to [Ji« Lord and lo the- KinR- 
<1ran inlei-enliL. J tin ny and prove tliat iny 

f"u«e of action hm in Milmiiike* haa been «n« 

of thoroupH loyalty (o the Lnrd and lo llir So- 
ciety. Trt *i1hout opportunity for tl*>f<?n« or 
[■■ri'Mculnliim of facta 1 am HngJpKl *JhJ m-rfnally 
kicked out of the b\[ilwa'ntee'~Caiupajiy. Thai ia 

Defendants' Exhibit D-19 
•jt OBtrt-S*. How can jron, JDxtify tanh a«tbn 

in btilij[ in tllw KLngdubi inlerrntnl Tli» sjmBt'n 
l*l!n 1tnj brethren that limy a» to "iqve on* 
anoUiar iVn^nfly-" 1 Fetor 1:S2. Tliat calls 
for at k'fiat dcijt'iit treatniant, but your action 
in tliie faae la below the realm of decency. Yon 
cannot diuslaim n»non«ibility by claitiiing yon 
act under order* of tlie Society 'a president The 
laws of Uod are ttiU auperiar to lua mandatea. 
H* ia thtt jndfe and it ia to Him that yon bear 
respoDaibitLly. Roman* 14.10. 

I feel tliat the Company ahoutd have Uiia in- 
formation and therefore a copy of LMiia letter 
goes to tha Company Secretary. 

Tour Brother in. Kingdom aarrioa, 



DtfvwUsta* Eiiibit D-Sa 

OLfN TL UOYLE AUomej-at-Ltw 

143!) Underwood A.T*. * Waitw«ti>«a, Vht. 
Telephone BLuemoond 5636 

Dcxmlwi- SO, 193S 

lb. and lira. Fnd Aably, 
SO Soufb L* win Avnnoa, 
'U'anle^ab, HI 

beat Fred and Jeuie: 

And ki you too naTe Joined tlte hoe and ary. 

Tlic VVatrh Tciver jsint arrived containing the 
atatrmrrnt nipmul by Waukrcnn company and 
with your nsnip« (IwnM, I note partLcularty 
thii aluii'inenl; "'Tjhtp: ban been no inudi eon- 
fuaion treated by 1tn«w Irtltm tliat <1. 11. lloylo 
ami to the difTVrrnt brcUirrn thr»u^(iODt tliia 
particular area,"' 

You reiuf-mbrr that S'oti r»m* to *« u« and 
ex.prrased your ajniptttliy and >'«ui- dcsiit to 
kno^- lite I mill, You w»n1?ii tn tno* wlml tlia 
fni-tn. vttf and to ace the letter 1 wti! to Jihi^a 
Hutliri-ford. IVe loaned ynu a eopy of lliat Irl- 
trr ii:d nttw we tee your namsa "ipncil tn a 
b-Urr Irllinjt how I aent that particular letter 
thnMiEtiiwl inur arm. 

Ifnw ran you ju»tify ancb action f It wem» 
tn mc (but irr irr rntitled to an explanation. 

four* still in Kingdom wnrrice, 

Qui K. BfoTLX. 

DefeodanU' Eihibit EUI 

Jantairy 1, 1*W Ten WATCHTOWES 

1D0 maurr rur tbm ctuJTJIbI* 
Deur BimUirr Rutb*rf or4 : 

ChriitLan ireetingi in tbe name of <juf KihJB, 
ClirJut Jeana. We wiali to thank you for •end- 
log Brother Hewlett to visit the different com- 
paniea in thia part of the country. 

W* believ* that Brotlier Hewlett 'a tdnit waa 
ttm*]y, folly nnder the direction of the Lord. 

There \ in".:i nti Lniicll Oijn f Ui-LOLi CTeatetl ny 

time* letter* that O. JL Ifoyle aent to the dtf- 
ffjrfat bretbren throughout this particular area. 
KnrJoimJ you will find the lVaukeiran { I II ,] 
<-niil[niny '« Plisl^i' of Loyalty to (lie Watch- 
tou'r ISijujl »\i> Thjuct Societt, also to yon ji* 
the lociety r * iir^nident t>nr cnnipony i« 100- 
percent for mi cil*nwh. tliat haa been nwd to 
diKpenjit Ilia "incut" in due aeneon to the house- 
hold of faith. 

rucoa or LOT*lTT 

W«, the ojidetfalglted, wi*h to eiiir«ia our ap- 
preciation and thanks 10 Jebo*fth'p THe»eratia 
nrranprennent on each, the WVrrartowit* BlM* 
un Tract Sociktt. 

We deem il a pTivillejr* and honor to fcurr* 
Jehovah and to have a part in th* v^udieatinn 
or "in. name. 

We deeiare o-urnehTea wholeheartedly for Je- 
hovah and hU Kinjr, Christ Jceoa, alardinjr 
firmly in the belief that the WnToirmw™ rSiniJa 
uns Tiuot Socunr la atill bulnjr u*«d to rnaka 
Clear Id hia anointed the Tairrrtt wbieh are being 

Defendanis' Exhibit D-2> 

revealed from hi* vait Slorelionae of Treaaurea, 
Ilia BlbJ*. 

ilDWiao J. Hqkakut 


Ztpiiva Tvttu 
Quint SuBiir* 
iliUMiti. J. Koiik. 
Luu S. Enm 

F i :i-i A I'.ii! .-.' 
Jkksii Axaur 
C**»* Holooui 

Lawua IIoujoub 

lliaoi MonAnAjr 
licm* Kt f [ ku>:*m Ufa 


Ltuaa 1Idjt*hu 

J ii'K ll03!AIIiT 

Aax£a Ajruiaaov 

Daf cttdants' Exhibit D-Z2 

Waukfgan, 111. 
Jan. 24, 40. 

Dm»r tftim and l^hoebe; — 

IV e Tw'il \inir two letter*, anc) will now try 
and anrwer unit. You nay in \<>nr lettrr *» 
didn't have thr wiiirte*y to nnnu'iT ynur Orit 
h'Sirr, th«l i* not the cane, onr lennnl' iimv^l 
riLil lirxt pari of thin month and that meant 
H'-aninfi and dorormtini; tl» opesrtrnent for some 
nrv," tanant*. Tlien Jaiit but not leaat w« ham 
a liip <-aiii[MiiiTa on thin month, that ineana niak- 
iiLp rnu: of all the »par* time we have, lour 
|r|1ar< Mrae in the tuiddle of alt lld*- 

Utiin for the rcaron for ajgRlao; cur name* to 
that latter in the Watch Tower. We have be- 
lieved and still believe that the Watch Tower 
ia tba Channel that 'he Lord baa used for many 


Defendants' EikitH D.S2 

•Stun and ia still using. Tn order to he one of 
the I,oi : da people we must be one hundred per 
Mint for tlial Channel. A* you know car whole 
Com|iuj signed ihut letter. Vou. itaea in your 
kller M-sl w* u^LlmI ynii for that letter yon wrols 
to Bro, liutlmrf a rd, that if true, we did, never- 
ihekis we know of other brethren in nihqt *om- 
iwmica ree'd copies of thai ume letter with' 
ou! requesting name. 

Tlu> Lord lui* said in He* Wom> thai He wordd 
put lho» ool of Ifw TtMM* who earn* discord 
B7iu>ngi.t the brethren. St* "Malt, 1341, 4S." 
if all yog said in that letter ■*» true, it wasn't 
your place to dean out Bethel, the Lord has 
piven His angels thai job « jut above at riptnre 
citation. We are responsible tn I In Lord aa 
individual*, what oar brethren rlo i* between 
thrill and tins Lord. IF yon wanted to kuT* 
TSclhcl that van your business hut to write tlmt 
letter to I'ro, Hutlierford, finding fault with yooi 
brethren there and tiwn ei reulating the same tu 
utiifr brethren im (he outside fanning only con- 
fusion and putting doubt ia their mind* ni 
entirely nut nf your jurimlitfirm and miml h«.v« 
boon wry displeasing (o the r^ird. Surely yon, 
vreidd not wunt tu lw guilty of stumbling your 
brethren und causing division amongst time. 
"Koni, 1C;17," After talking wilb *on, flun 
after we prayerfully roiuiiilcred it, und slodied 
the Inter Watch Tnwer* we came to th» sonciu- 
sion tltnt there could be only one motive on your 
part far your action in circulating tint idler, 
namely, that of jollifying you* own posnboa, 
before yortr brethren. 

Was gL*d to mm tin *l*ud that Paler took 


fJr / f k£ii;i(.t ' Eriibif jT/vii 

accordine, ta the letter pnhliihed in the Waleh- 
tawer, it must have taken great coarnjje for him 
to conic to (hat decision. Peter wm very quiet 
that day «e were up there, it mi plain to bn 
seen he dittos "t have all thing* eltar in his mind, 
hot tliank (lad he must li**r had the right hurt 
condition a* he earns out on (he rifcht side, We 
iirr living in i>e riinuii time* and the kicked spirits 
*re e»rr ready to take possession of our uiinds 
in any unguarded moment. 

We hare always thought highly of you, and it 
hurt rJenly to ■« one I bat we bnTO knnvn for 
Mi many years arul learned lo low dearly, taVe 
*wb a course of action, Rut in order that w* 
piftv tnaintain our own nt«^rili' we tiiiut jtand 
by rbt F^ini'i Cbaninel. The Waleb Tmrc-f, Bihte 
und Tract Society. If you haw* tltf right heart 
condition at you claim you would frrleorne ror- 
Feelian from the Lard an stated in "Itaii, S J9. 1 ' 
and would he glad to make amrndi for the wrong 
you have done to firo. Hutticj-foni and the brelb- 
ren at Btilhel. Whiin you do make ainendi we 
will be glml K> call yfV, pyr brother end sjioriale 
with yon at we did in the past, bnl until aueh 
lime we vuuit do aa the Kripturt save in 
Bom, 141:17, lo. 

We tnut liiii will matte our it*nd «l«ar 
lo you. 
Youri b fUagdom Serrioa and. the Theocracy. 
F«e U Jaaa, AcaLar. 


Dufaxulanra' Exhibil D-23 

September M» WS. 

We, the Iloricnn, Wisconsin, euuipany, Zone 
Number 2, of Jehcinab'* witnessce, iiiiliuling the 
pioneer wortcri. def Jare lhat wt are wholly dht. 
voted to JcIiovdV* Thrormcy under Christ, that 
we alssolult'iy refuse la consider tl*e jnuliciou* 
hrtterr which soiim? of the "evil ncrvnni" elaia 
have licen eirinilptinS ejimrifisl Iks bretlir*^ seek- 
ing *Hr-jiiKLjl'ira[iuri alio »>atby. W« »-ill not 
co-o]ji"rtit(; witli a clam, known n" «ucb who opj>i*» 
JrLiovaJL'j Theocratic gorcmkiieiil under Christ. 

H. W. IucKwimt 


BMUff B r Mxanw 
Ciajy frr» 

lltLVia IllCKBUtTH 

If ahold lUrisiiAiTK 
Ctua £Lu:xunx 

DefrndanLi' Exhibit I>24 f* IJanti&eatioB 

Ttiii exhibit is a letter L. B. Jackson to J. 

Rutherford, dated HepL O, 1333- 



Defendants' Exhibit DJS 


Dear Brethren; 

We, I he Jefferson [Wit.] conrpany of Jeho- 
tbIi'h witsiff-aes, ackrowl?ib>« Jeliovah God M 
(he prre/t Tiieaerat. that hi* oi^aiiiitJitiH-m is * 
theoenvey, nmi that Christ Je»n» in the Chief 
(tmcer (lierrof. 

We nre in full accord with JeWrah's Word, 
(he lSihle. and bis «]ilanation of (lit Bible which 
be JH now revealing to ni tltronch his rarlldy 
rhcuiivel, tlue Watch T*w**, and real™ it i* our 
duty us bia chosen servanta to work toftetlitr 
rttuukkt lo shoulder in protliiranif; his Kingdom 


Wc resolTe to lei mothine; hinder a* in earry- 
!ng nnt Jelwmri'a will, and will wn r k toother 
in unity ond*r the dirretion of the Tnenrrney, 
With the hope and full asNuranee thul we shall 
Imve Jehovah's aflprOTal and blessing- 


De*r Brttbreni 

We of I he Wnupttn [Wis.] eninpany dp hereby 
dri'lrLre tlml kc are wholly devotenl to Jehovah > 
Thoocrncy under Christ; 

Tluil we nlnnlntely refuse lo eonnider the 
mnlietous letlcrs wtiich those of Hie "evil ser- 
vant " data Iist* been eircnbitia|r among tlie 
bfethren, SMking oeJf-jnjtifKation end sympathy; 

Tbst wt will not eo-operatfr with tb*l dai* wha 
oppose Jehovah'* Tbeocratia Qovem-nient under 

Dtfcndanlt' fznioij D-Ji 

TH£ alUIOSI, Tilt HMD IS CBJffl 

Dear Brother Rutherford and All the 
Jlethel Family: 

lljii'ins reed the artiri* " Inf ormatism " in the 
Otnlnrr IS issur h>F TUt WnlchtiiKtr, we wish 
to rtpre** our ilis(ip|iirova| of the Ihinr^s done br 
Ol It. MoyJe agninst tlie faiaily at Bethel, 

\\'n i[o not know the contcnf* of the letter writ- 
ten by Jlr. Jloyle, nor do wp care to knaV. It 
is enDnph for its thnl our greut God, Jt.iiotak, 
ii pkesod lo noe you all in hi* serrine, and is 
»lin«'rrin£ yun with blcBeinc*. 

We liflivve lhat the Kociety ie thr* eliftunel the 
Ijnrd is tiRtBg la enrTy on hi* liiupioin interest* 
in earlh at this tiuie, and lbut oat brrtlircn at 
Hftliol are beine spent in thst serrifc. 

We never listfn 1o necnKotions airainst Urotlier 
KiilTierforil -nr any failliful wrt'unt nf tiwl who 
in performing his pivin «rrviM> in tlss Thencrndc 
tlnvernntents for If dn so niniild be ili^hwlient 
and 'lungeron^ t" oni-sclvcs. All of the tadhfitl, 
I « tin r; lieeu wunml, w«tihl do well In lm ot< Hieir 
guard agninsl tbr wili-p -tif Ihose "wilrl waves nf 
the eea, . . . for whntii 1he hlacknr^ of dark- 
ness liaih beon rrservnl For ever'*. (Jnde IS, 
All i\) These dn not iliseem the hody, Inil, as 
Jnde unys, 'ultnw renjiwt of pcrsont for the siko 
of iidvnntnge. " — Jude 1(1, 

Owing to foreo of circumstance* ^bile I am 
still 'tent limbing:' we are seldom wlier* then iii 
a emnftfLny of servants. We l;now that the faith- 
ful all over the earth will hasten to stand openly 
on the side of our brethren at Bethel, and against 
all wjckr4 aeeuser*. We, also, wish lo be fannd 
fighting shordder to shoulder with our httthrtn, 
and to let it bo known that, by JcbovsVt grace, 


Dcfc»iUi*l*' BAM DM 

wt shall ever be found standing for Jehovah God, 
hi* King t'liriiil Jesus, the Kingdom, and all who 
fail b fully serre that kingdom. 

With much love, we remain, 

Your brethren and fellow locusts, 

flLLDTVILLI E. Ftske, 


Dear Brother Bui barf ord : 

Tlie brtliircii of (he North unit I of diouro, 
111, cou!]>Bii;'| nf Jrhovab's witneiwea have 

UDOJiiiiuiusly adopted tlie following resolution ; 

"We, Jrhovab's witness** of tlie North unit 
will he on (he alert tot uny information froni the 
eneina; in relalinn to the tbinps 1! rot bee Hewlett 
bT.-iight tooornllenlkin Sunday, October 1, 19311, 
relative lo 0. K, Jloyk- W'u are on* hundred 
percent bock of yon in tht Theocratic (Jovem- 
ntent. pushing fiwwjirHl to publish the Kingdom 
a* mtiiitiandnel U) the ,*buif!hty Qod thnragh his 
Vindicator Kin); L'hrial Je»u*-" 

in uiuitTT wrra icncir «m 

We, tl»e Itai-ine I Wi*.) company <»r J«9iava,lL'a 

witJiL-Hsmi r wish ta '.■'■■ pre-" our disu)i|irOval ui the 
uliunji or O. It. JJoyle a^niust Um Sotielj and 

its prwiideut. We Jo hereby acknowledge |l, c 
W.ifrii Tuft'jai Sixlikty aa the visible eri4nn4l of 
Jehuvih's Tbe<irratie. (Invemnipnt, and we are 
in]jhrte liarmonj' with the action taken hy 
(he buard of direetDRL We nr<s thankful to the 
rjuciely fur sending liroll^er tlOWleU in our midst 
14 Kijjjiia die utatter, which he did so w^U, 

Dcfmcknla' Exhibit D^O 

7218 W. Xcuft. Avenue 

U'jiuwniima, Wis. 

ScpUmbfx S, 1K» 

lb. Cbarlea J. Ekttwtf, 

c-i'-d family] 

D*aT Brother Professor : 

'■It ain't id." Tim nolice in the September 
l»t Watch Tower declaring tlmt yours truly had 

liei'ti unfaithful etc isn't in coofoniiity to the 

luld, IS 1 ilBVH 1o Writ* tli SollHS Of luV friendl 

and tell Ilium tlie !rl<x:iely imi't telling tin* Irulli, 
Hit whofo truth, and nothing bat U» tfath wn- 
cerning the snaltcr. It* a sad elory> ClmrJea, aa 
got jour handkerchief ready and listen to t-bp 
lalu of wool. 

I resigned my job of Counselor on July 21*t 
end £ul cueniniiiuiiicnted August Stls. Tli* feel* 
are Sliat ever "inr* n't hav« tscn at iirbhp.l iciaur 
tiling* which nci-iured have grated on the hbt*f»- 
The Junior* liabit of 1 smb&si jng the family at Hie 
dinner table wan one of (licm. When it eames la 
culling' a person down, and up und around that 
party luin litem alt beat, Many of the brethren 
have taken HiHiie terrific colligation* for little 
i>r hb cause except JKJl'S ill temper Tlien 
tlic-ru wan Hit matter of discrimination in favor 
at binutelf and again** hi* brethren, Ihe exalta- 
1 tcjiii of litjuor, and a[i|hrohalton of smutty talk 
So l'limiw oik] 1 finally divided we had enough, 
I *cnt the Judge n five page letter or resignation 
containing TCAuin* therefore wbieb protested 
against Bouve of Hi* above, acta. 1 sent it over 
to bim just before vsusalioa jo he would haw time 


OrfaiJmt*' Exh&it L-SS 

li> read and H"J o(T ilipring the yarn Lion wttlt*. 
J ' t- ■ - 1 1 1 1 ■ ■" I T-" after vacation. in 1 railed Dm- "^■ritil of 
DifiTliirn U.i;..'lliiT, bad tlko Setter nail to them 
And that augutd Ixk I >■ by unanimous vnte decreed 
I KlHiuhl 1h! ] i l v j l i. ■ i L to leave. So that noon Hie 
Jlayle family icas j<iven Itulf a day to pack up 
ami frit out. Iii addition 1 wan. labelled a rc- 
liaV'Hult, « LuctubeT of the evil servant class, and 
an all M*riuuw*c** claimed to be, a .le&uit in ilia- 
Riiinp. In aditition it is rlainutd I bttrayftd tLc 
iiVvibri'ii in (lie cturli nnii lh*l I BdvuriJ lirrlli- 
rc-iL in MiHr-:iehitHetEs to bend their tlnklrm !j> h 
Initilftrf n'LhhiL Tlie Tover ennse out nvitlt tbiw 
Rintiri; nf itrifuitliridajis, and U'oodwttrlh. in add- 
ing liis lit Hi; bit hy a BaJity scurriloai artiela 
wliifli wilt Ajij:<'ar iKiOrt in Cu^jhuutiuw. 

We got Our nli:IT packed io the one afternoon — 
Phoebe did *"ondi'rs at tli$ j«b-^aed gel. a tan 
to JihuI it to WiseonKin, bat Ut* v*n lm* out yet 
erri\Ti.l. J I "-an- onlj' a JmHiol ]<Mnl *o bfts I a 
wnil until l]tc>" S^ a full luwd. Vs ^*t bAt-k 
litre on il-.c l-lth of AugfiiNt awl u*r* giv*a a 
roj-ai w*4f«h by llw Wilwaukct winpany, Tlicy 
lime hum kind ax could, b*. W* ere Eivios ill Hie 
ujjuioirn. of (lie Xvwnum home, jii*t outdid* of 
ViLhWAtcidii limitn. T Imvo n de«lt in llerv^y 
KLiik'n HifticL- and we pxpect soor to rtiOva to lur^,! 
■Jul eoru|f"livuil quaslers *"liers I «-ilJ put tin; 
miurucy 1 * hinTi on 1ii« ilutir and Jiopoforbumncw, 

So iinTC Jje tin ntury. TJsa Judge is rf the 
opiaium Uial I am nniii(r out to raise coin s-uinst 
tlte Society nod Ibnuerore apparently has deemed 
it n-j«e to jrfit tbe drop on me by ?miwbir-g my 
reputation fthtaiiflel the brethren first. I bin 
^ivtn IlJeu jilcaty of ' proof that I aU Hot ena, 

Lrfrnii-sMi ' Exhibit D 2S 

harking hsi »™>li n FQinpjijnt, but vbnn thnt boy 
jjrl* jim tdi'u in hid bniiii't in pritelieaHy unpos- 
jiiblo U> [ir}' it lnfi^e. W rio<|i*"ortl ' 'b article, nliidi 
will came in Consolation is a nouly att^^k. It 
niNtrtpreMnla and faUifjes the entire matter. I 
rmivetl itpi adfanee copy and told htm be Blionld 
be at Jfiml derent enough !o pi-int tuy letter to 
J Pit u-jtb it, but I douht if Uiit will be dose. 
\^'cl], we ean take il t und w(s']] iVtii on jil^gpng 
i.liii.^ ii'i^ardicf-a. 

Hijwh cvcm ytiilng with voul IhVill be plod to 
Ikrjir fmui you if you caa write lo an exconi- 
nninb'aleil b™tb*r without eontaniination. 

1'idrr is looking for a job ju a linotype oper- 
ator. Me h;w e, prui<rKM:l in Cliicifio wliieh we 
hope wi.ll wHii* out all rij>LL Phoi-bcr In buty 
lenmiii^ tn eoolt A^aia *ad to her great joy is 
tnonLnfl a fMHiiwl or two in the protean. Let na 
hebr from you, 

As ever, in Kingdom scTric*, 

Ouj: K Uaiul 

Dear brother: 

Ovin^ to KiJKplacimcjit of letter oontainiiur 

]3ro. FriilHir^'n aiaWm, thin wa* net sent looner. 

Your brother in lCinadom serFieB, 

Cxaa, J. Ewsm«rr 

f^feddant*' Exhibit D-27 

En rout* Co Wisoonun 
August 10. 1939 

llr. Julm U. ildter, 
10 CobwOjV Hood, 
Hlidburuc Falla, Mass, 

Ptfii Brother llillrr: 

The lightning utruck oil retiirn froin vaeaticn, 
TuemJay inorjiijk^ the judge cjillwi the Board of 
Director* lugetlier and niked jjh- l tu be present 
at lilt iikH'I iiu£. Sly letter wm re^id and the 
Hoard rrcouiuiuBded tiiat 1 be *s (Hilled from 
ISullml iuune.di»t*l} r - Tliat noon 1l«: Ibree ol us h 
wii<;, l'ettr and payivfif wfire oriltred to poek oar 
KoiidH and be out before night. It vfjis isoioe task 
but *,* e;ot our p>nh topetliCTi got n ¥tn; ami 
anr lu-edihl weulward. The ju^e consigned me 
to the <-vil iiervant class; caJUnl jae a reUfiuninl. 
Jleuth rljiiiNfrl I was oetually a JeaulL, and itOmu 
our iii busily cireutalins; I be »tnr>- that J rei-oin- 
iiH'wh-d to poitfFits in W B*Kacli usetts ihat it 
wuubl 1m- jhmm! tu nend tbeir eijielled childna 
tu a »uiita.ry n-liuul. This is the bej^nning, so 
i^'fnpri; buiK I enin-^l my repntation i» ill be pretty 
uvIL iili'it U> p«*f, 1 am neino-vni from par- 
tirijJiifi'Jii in nil itjihc^, and the jud^c save tlial 
ilk Tiir ari he in n-bh; to prevent it,, 1 will never 
iimain ri'|jri'.^Piat »nr of the brethp/n io court. 
All «f Uiiji nmtea fi»r umfcinfi a pcrHonaS. private 
inweHt In Jr"H afsniii>,l «oiu* of ilia aetions. 

i\ii uiit rtiiafKlaliiiiip, Its nut [iloajant to lie 
kii-k^l alxiut in tlut fai.Siion, but 111 continue 
jrrvinjr llif Lord and T/htlng t]ie ffttmij in 
every **.)' He five* m« u|ipartiudty. 


Dr.ftmlantm' Exhibit Dj7 

I wj-nto lo Uardncr telling liim I woe nut of 
Hie picture in tin- eaVBh IJurdner and 1'ost can 
hsuiiLLi; tsnM pretty K«ll ajtd I certainly hope 

iJiLit tlie Society wi]J t;tiobcniLc with them thor- 
oughly. There is one tiling that is nuincvlial 
dislurbinj; and >uu nioy brl]i in siittiBj; action 
on it Post i* handling Mm 1ce!miral ib-iailn uf 
the nppeal and inamuueh iu lie ■* |iaK of u fii-Lii 
lie- cannot work For noliiiog altbnu^h be dhi dji- 
pi-ar at Ureenackl T»-ilii UftnlOH a« a volunierr. 
There is al*u aome eipenii' fur printing the 
britf na the liuie will uiuloUibtedLy be too short 
for the HiK-iety to print it- Just Iwfore leaving 
on vacation 1 informed JFH <>f this and avketl 
tluat lm sicnd I'uil a. check fur *2TiO.— In draw 
on a* the isuiltt'r proeocded. I received a letter 
ftnlu I'ust to the effect that tltc check had not 
arrived, K«w J niu out of tlwj [►ieluri; and can 
do milling luori-. I rtg^tat lhat you write 
Oardner— Ijinsdel] Hall, Cambridge — nud Und 
v.-| ii ■; Ih:t i he cbwk arrived. IT il has no1, juu 
could write tu tin- Society, Leva] Dck, nnd in- 
i[iiiri> ciuiriTnisij.; it. Hut don't mention 1 nug- 
|^'i<k'd il, if yj>u wei^t any fjvorahie result*. 

Thank*! again to yon and Hialcr iiiller fnr 
yuiir kimliiCH* In Inc *nd fur Ibe pleacanl lime 
viiii ffiive us ln«l week. I httfr we'll nice! again 
mitne tinn- nml I will Iw Klad lo hear from JfWL 
Ami rm al ynur serrice a« to individual for 
advlrr, niiliiHAl otc at Any 1irnr. 

Yours in tho r(W* of the KiftB- 

Quit B. jUotul 

New Adilrea* 7218 Vr\ North Art, 

Waawatoea, Wiaaoaaia. 


Defendant*' Exhibit I>-2B for EdentiBcation 

Tl,i* 1'iiliiliit i* n c*[>y of lutlor from Olin S, 
llovln |o II. I*. I'arLliumt, dated I>ec. I, 1930. 

Defeodaiits' Exhibit l>-29 


RuXEz it ltEainj-noyn 

(1] n»e li-gol lill* lo the Bethel home Is beld 
bv I be f'r„jjr'i l'u!)til A'-'ttitiliint. ]| is held in 
I nmt fipr I )-■- Idird I Iilm iininl ntL-il_ Uy the 
("Hiis iif 1lie ehnrler apd b>w* of tli* Association 
(he I'nMiknit tlM>reof moat coulrol and nmnag* 
tin 1 home, 

121 lEnlfHi and reculntiunn lit nwessary to 
■vferto nil tlie ucrupnnls what nuiy be properly 
, I , k n h- in the jiuiuo nml w]iat i» imnniner to do, 
Al) who are ilevnted to the T*nl err anxious to 
cooperate, C»»P* ration can be had only by each 
one faithfully ebaw-nrinj; the rules md regula- 

(3J Bvwry ineniber of tbe fnmilv must read and 
iwrrw lo Ibe rules and regulations- Hy becoming 
a mi'iulvr nf Ibe family each one thereby agree* 
lo Ik jcovrrrihl by such roles anil regulation*. 


Hi Fi>r the wcll-bciTis of tbe Hethe] ^lorne th* 
foltewjajr i* tlie icf f ajl it a t ioa i Hods* manager; 
Wtscliecver ; aapistanli" to the honaelteeper ; chef 

and jnai»tajat»; dinlng-rooni attendants; l^nndry; 
and liealicg. Each on* performing duties ia any 


Ptfendantt' Exhibit D-ti 

part of the organ i*ntinn will b* appointed by th* 
President Mr by the Iniuad manager, witfi Ihn 
advibo unci cunnpnl of the President, AIL such 
persons mutt be consecrato! Chriictiaai. 

(0) The limine manager shall s*ti* general 

charge of the iionit It shall bo hi* tiuty In nat 
to it that each »ne in every department at Hi* 
urbanisation is properly parfomiiHg hip or Mr 
duties. For thin purpose, the. house manner 
■hull regularly iEmjh.'eL the dining- room, kiiclirn, 
liouaekeopjng, all Hie rooms, the kuj>Jry 3 beating 
arranuwiint, antl eomnlt with oniJ adiis* each 
and tfr*rj part af the onginiii»tion Kim-crning 
the work, Where the* is toy differi-isc* of 
opinion hk !u what ahull tn done, Ibe dacinion of 
the house manager shall be final, tnbjsct only 
to the President. A3) matter* at controversy 
muiL 5« tnhisn. up by the hoii*e uukiuijjer and 
referred to the Treaideal only wl*ai it become* 

(G) If more persras are required in any part 

of lb* organization Hi* houue manatftr shall 
notify Hie rrcsklcnl, that others may l* brought 
in for thai purrmse. Anyone may be asked to 
leave tlie Uelhel bom* or any pari of tins orjeaai. 
latjoo for cans*, Far good and Bsdrkieni cause 
Iho houw manager may, with lb* ad vie* and 
consent of tit* Preaideal, rente** any one from 
the hoati. 

(7) It sbnJl be the duly of tSm houae manager 
to know what penron. ot f*r*on* uwnpie* each 
and every room in tit* home and no one thai] b*. 

DtftHdnnW Exhibit D-t> 

brnnghl into Ihc lmu** for Hit pui-pos* of per. 
forming [Lull!-* <ir li ij- remaining uVcr nifthl with- 
out 1he LibuwkiLje and consent of tlie Louie man- 

(K| The buying of food ami nlbpr supplies lor 
1 1 io Jiuine ultall be dune by I he home manager. 
i;tH|L,l!-it!<>n» fur tiifl SJiine dI.iliI lip prnpcriy iiuule 
out 4i i hi iiiiiiilc.l to (he bookkeeper for any ami 
alL tueb purchases.; and nn jjersnu nf the home 
jdudl be iieriiiillcd to purrliBK auytliinti On til* 
aixniiiii or ercdil of the Ausoeiitioii euvpl «n 
projwr rmjiiiiitioD. 

(!!!) Tin- tidier and factor)" forto arc under the 
direction 4jf lbs ndllec luncia^*'!-. A ay of the force 
ein|ilo>tTl ilif re '^corning ill nbnlj iiiuiw.sliati;ly 
I* ft'jiurliil tn- I be oft'ifc laennKCp an'l I"" *ball 
hnnillf ibi- inSlei an tlie awe xttqim |g nijiiire. 
Any iiBiubor of tli* force of tin? Ht'tlncl fcdnlly 
■ml Fhi]ilDV«l al tlie office ot factory bpniuiuiB 
mrL khiill Lie rt|Mrlad iiviiiiftliatcly lo (he Ii4>uk» 
fiuiiHiRi't of liiHimikfapa*, am] dooton nuiy bo 
muainieiKtl if tve*fixnary. 

HHiBRaa or trz tamil.i 

(X>) Xi> ]vruoti a-liall become a mrpilKi" of lit* 
ftclliH l'ViMily li-lii) doca not profess full r«n:.r- 
eralion lo do IJoI'jh will. Kac-b one applying for 
BiL-uil*r»bip «liall fill out and ii(rn a questionnaire 
prut-Ldwl by Hit Ajuwiation for thai purpose. 
l^i:li une of tae questions propounded iball be 


Defendant!' EzkibU D It 

(JO) When jmy jicrmn rrpnits to Hetnel Imm* 

tA br*nmc a irwmln: r Ibrrrnf lisii nr her flriil doty 
kIijiIE Ii* ta J-i-jliI I'urr-fully tin; mien nn<| rrpiln- 
tiona, Tfj tliin end tbi; bmnic; iimnaj;!-! ►Iinll firn- 
Tida tilth witli ncfcunary ropier. A nunply of Hit 
niliri riiill Ih< kt-pt by ibu bsMine manner fur this 
|Jnr|juHii r Kvi-ry j»mon iHioiiiiing' a inemlaT «if 
[be fjimily agree* (o suiWrihe to and carefully 
[ibur-i-ve alt the rules ami rpgiilstions, Tliii it 
ranupjiHi-iry for tin? vnell-liring of the iwhie and for 
Hie fotufort of its itiembc m. 

(41) No perron be^oiarA a mriultrr vl (lie 
llolliel LiUdic jijhI fi'luninn 1 Sit re an n Inn tier of 
rij;iit, but in Hirre by the grar* nf (he JioH. He 
may Imv r«(]ujr»ct tn lenve tl»e lmnir a1 any linte 
f<tr jiint fjinni. All peiMons becaininp iiwmbers 
4>f (hr fwnilv »gre<* that tltey arc in luinnony 
vrilh. line divine plan on act forth in the Jliblc 
nnd an liebl nnd tauflit hy tho Sririrly. ^lionM 
imy rme hrconie an oppo-nent of tlie Koriely, tliat 
mill he jiiiljirierit can*e for M» iinmefliale removal 
fnim T\\f- bmiie. Kvery member nf Hie family 
iHTnj.ia* a confiilfiilial relationiibip to Ilia So- 
rfetv and to tvirey oilier memhor or tin: family. 
He or she iJierrToTe will fully fnoperatr is parry- 
ing nnt Elie IjurjuiiM-B of lira Snrirty. 

(42) Tbc nrmiber* of (be fmnily wilt be 
nmdjinrtl In (heir rcffifrtive rnnni" nr nunrteTS 
by tlie hniw;r-k<>e[H?r u-itli [be advire and coT4«cnl 
nf Ibr bnupc miinagrir, and may he renioywl from 
«ii* ™:iim lo inotlier at any time Ibat I lie honae 
manager or IiQinekerper may deem nereuary, 

{AH) The rofims uliall he kept neat and in 
oriltTd Any ono vho defaces or man aty of 

DtfauiBtUi' Exhibit D-if 

(be furnilUTO or {be walls or other part of the 

hiiihliiifl jiIijiII uv hald i-ee-nnnaLhlr. Ibercfor. It is 
itM-fKiuiry fnr Ivi'O i>r man! pitcsana to oceup}' a 
ratlin. Knell one lh«r*fori] ^'ili giv( dilt ton- 
Fidcralion lo tlie other mid while in the roolna 

be imlcrly and quiet 

(.it) Nil niijli sball be driven into the walli 
for tlie porpona i>t han^inK pietur^a, calendan 
or oiliifr tJiina,M. Th* walls will be kept free from 
nujrlcs- Nn one wilt put any furniture of any 
kind inln a roo*a without thn cuBrant of tli^ 
lionse mnuiger Or ii::i:: r,:i-'|i.y. 'Tb.-rr glial! ':■>■ 
no visiting by nnc person in nuotlter's room M- 
lena Elie viHitor is iniHted. Ekcli one'* ronm slisll 
Ih> fonsulered bis privafo home, and hi* privacy 
hoi la be intrud^l upon by anyone else. Z3,«p- 
(inq In lliin rule is that tba houF^keeper or tlie 
bmirt n'.tiiiijjtr may viftit any room at any time 
nei-csnity rf.-gni'ris*. 

(4. r i) Tlie re mhnll be nn viiitlrqt in rnfiini be- 

Ivcrrn tin; iHirrfmite ux. If a brother desirr* ta 
n[-i> n. ntntar-, ut a Pinter a hrotlier, they shall niecl 
in tiic praeral parlor. 

[4H) Any one wlw lieiiortn 1 * a member of the 
IiHhi'i borne ilmold rnn*id*r that tlte Lord ba.i 
I ilnntt him tbere und to not witlidraw from the 
bniur and from the service -onles* it in manifestly 
Hit will of tilt Lord. Any one who it enqaptd 
at tlie biiane or factory, and *|lo dMenntsiet to 
rrvcr bin rohiiattion, nliall give thirty dayi ae- 
tia of the inleetioa so to do. 

Defendants' Exhibit D-3) 

vjmti-ks if nil BDUB 

(41) I Tlie liethel home is a private and not a 
pnbllu place. Fur the protection of th* boiiie and 
thnso wluj reside tliar* strict rntoi must be bad 
and be enForccilieaBcernirjp; riiitors. BetiiUM of 
the jinjnbtl* iu lb* IWme the rule hereHifnr* oil- 
served o'liirli pcriiiitted any member of tlie houxe 
to in-rite some nne in remain over night sh^ll no 
|nng*r be in for**- Any member of tlie family 
desiring to enlortaip a nemoa in the hnme or who 
invites a pemnn In Ibt bam* to remain over nifrbt 
ehall first cce I lie boas* manager, and in liii 
absence lbs bouseteept-r, 4*J receive con»™t sa 
lo do. Tlie boose manager »n»H assia^i a visitor 
lo a room if lliere is or<y vnrnnt. The houxe 
iiumager must Sinnw each night wbat rtBitors arc 
in tlie home and what rooms Ibey ooenpy. To 
this ciiil be nliD.ll keep a reeord of the rooms, 
which narnrd nliall *liow wlm WM pecupyinp encb 
and ctkit' mniu in tlie hoiuc, Tt njl] not he con- 
venient In invile any ona tn nmk* a prolong'"! 
v%il nl the Belbi'l. The Bethel is nnl a placa for 
vkiling, but a pla* a Tor service to the Lord 

(SO) Any member of tli* bom» ImrUtajr. an. 
oilier pornon to dine ia ll* iStthcl homn shall 

first cbtain the mns*nt of tlie bonie inanappr. 
Tliia is nec4fflsnry in oribir lo make proper pre- 
vituftn for llmse wim mutt have their im-al* in 
tlie Belbel. Tlia space i* limitod, and Jb* hrelb. 

r.,:i v'l':, liJiv'e to wr.jk .■li:;u:d not he cromd^l oat 
nf their places at the table. Visitors will 1* 
entertained at mesJi as Ibe spaea will perTflit, 
Fi>r this reason the bousa UnaBagar mnit bhoW 


DtfetidaniM- Exhibit D-lt 

who tliey are and wlicn they are Ti«iting tnd 
k'lii'ji taltiog incaln. 

(fbj) 11 hhall !e improper for uj man residing 
in Ibe home In invite any girl or woman to visit 
him in the home. Any single girl calling at Ibe 
ISelhcl hnuic, Or vinliing, will not IjC ailiiiilled 
unlaw hJic is oacoJnjiarjictl by one of ber 'parent* 
or untauK bar parent* are elrcady residing in His 


Any nne eatliaj; at the Bethel for 11* purpose 

of seeing another person sliall be sent In tlie 
parlor, and all visilinft will be lind tbert, Na 
pernon* not living in th* lioro* fhall lie permitted 
to ga about the hoin* ***epl Ibey are accom- 
panied by tlie hon** manager or some on* 
narigneil by him lo accompany tbeni. 

On Sundays meals ire ufrred only for lb» 
nuinliem of the family, ml it *ill not be con- 
venient to entertain oul*>dw* »t meals on &nn- 
ilars. It *-ill be proper for any member ot tbs 
family to inform nay firiloY of Ibi* FUJa, 

Mipaaatutxv or aUOtt 

(frii) It n-ill Iw tlie duty nf the hnHno nianngcr 
lo w* Ihal ill rule* of tlie liorae are *lrielly 
tMtfnTceii and to lake appropriate action I* aee 
(hot thiii iii done. Ail members of Ibe family 
arc ranpef lively nsinrsted ta cooperate with llm 
house W^aniial ion and lo carry their grievance*, 
if any. In tl* hanse manager, "Where eacli end 
every on* in 1he house manifests the- spirit o( the 
Lord nnd strive* lo coopermts, the nest results 
wilt be bad. These rules and regulation* are sub. 
jeet to- condition or eliaags at aay lira* by the 
Preeld'nt wilbout noli**. 




Defexdamti' Eibibil* f»J0 'a S-JJ 


(71) Any p*n.un, mjiother a nocntbtt «f tin 
family or not, desirinjr to hut-* an asipoiuttisent 
will) the President tamit first apply 1° Che Prcsi- 
(tent's private KcretJiry. If it becomcH nM-esnary 
far any one to see tin? President in an tBiWjIWey, 
lu: may with the 1'reaident's private 
secretary by telephone ggiiig fa tlie iMreiury'* 

DeFcnduata' Exhibit D-30 

Tlii* enbibit it ft Paper containing RrKdulioa 
*:fiied T. J- Sullivan, 11. li. RLwuer, Giant 

Not printed parsumnl tn stipulation en page* 
1DS3.1D9D of ihii ttconL 

D-fond»nti' Exhibit D-31 for Identification 

Tint- exhibit i« a letter from Olii R. llnyl* to 
Clayton J. Woodwortli, 

Dofeodant** Exhibit D-32 for Jdenti&ctiaa 

This exhibit ia a letter fre-B Clayton J, Wood- 
worth 14 Olio B. Moyle, d*t*d Anjpist 15, 1939, 

D*fe.idaiiti' Exhibit D-33 


Tin. ilagaume DuimU>d to tin i'opubiriiiitinn 
of :■ OC-tlJtt" LnfflriiuLtian 

KJitar, J. L lEudale Hayde.n E. Norwood 

AaBociute, Job, lioJide 

Jitac,li)jg 10 cents Vol. VIIl. No.2 


By Q, H. MoYia 

Whining' presses, duck i ag typewriter*, heavily 
laden Hacks cviaiiiuj ami fiuiufi, and the clatter 

of uUwr uiadiuiery. give evidence of tins busy 
iiflLivijy of Jeriuvoh'e witneStta at their fadory 
<m Aitatui Ktrtft in the Borouph of Brooklyn, 
^'tw York City- A we ll lighted, immaculately 
titan 6«iJ neat eight-itttry concrete building is 
the ttarlmf jHiint i..f the mil liana of bool;*, [wm- 
piileti anil periodical* of tite orpaniiyition 1li«l 
go forth Co she ends, of the eurth in English anil'fri iit ntjier Innpjufiftf n, Almllier 'building nl 
aiuttkir mM en t'lihiiuhin I h'tgli! * in llninklyn 
slidier* (he t»« Imndred vulmitt'tr vnrbrM en- 
gaged »(■ Ui» plant and Iiend(ji.i3rler" nfiH'cS. 

In general ftpfHnaTanec J d """nil** u-itrcesses 
are like other people- They near ho tlisitiiu'Lav* 
form of apparel, You 'will not find tonjr w3ii*k- 
*mi r sanctified appearance, <>t any holier-tlioit- 
IhiMi atmoEpiifcie atrioiip tln'«L TEiey cLujici lo 
be jeoniirt, hoaeit. to- goudiapM Clifistiana, Tln.Tr 
defOLion is priiu:ipSe r to llicir (aidiR, an<S tlw 
•bssnoe uf dmirn for honor of men, ot nmiwlazy 
profit, givva m*rit Us Uieir claim. 

J/cfnulaKi.,' ExbiUt IMS 

Ask Die of Jehovah** witnesses lor a Male- 
mrcit eonecminjr bin \v\U T, or rciMNi Cec !■ i h eon- 

viti^jiKj jinj hli npyiHtr l»rinj(i» j'tu iuuniilnUi'ly 
to tlie i:'.'.i'.,. The Uihhj in thrir ppiiile- 'J'hcy 
eur Liar-, , ii aihl rejL'Ct any' aiiil all crMiln ami 
piatLji. -.i v. ijjth arc Dot unhi^Jd hj 1 Ihs SerijiUiri-ii. 
They cji^nsB in much mdepL'ni liint re^arcli of 
the ScriplujM jui. I fruju it exjirt'd tlu-ir bvlicf 
to the whole Woiid. 

Th*y lln^ly <h-ny snnny ilnetrin^-i PfJieli! ai 
filinly^w.jfcUnt hy I'tiipMni^ iiri:njfiinnlnHnit_ A pahl- 
[ilf 34 lljul: nf I Im' iiitirrt'nl iiiiiiirirlitlily Hhf tha 
mml The inrcrwjVlniinjf jimjnrily of rliiirriin- 

itsHHTt Hijit tfctrc IK w it'll in I he ln:iunii flrnllirci 
an ItUltWI'lnl HJJMWfc nf lifi', l<ruir-il 1ln< DMll, V.'liir-'h 
doe-s not die and *anms( dir. Axk fine nf Jt'hu- 
vilh 1 * li'al CH'^n'M far Eiiri opininzt 4-Lin4'L a rniiij^ I he 
;:Lil>|4"c.E r IN- will yij-i.cnpl'lv hrcne; 1n V'nJt AlE^n* 

lion Kiekiel 1(1, Ttr^e 4, which in pnrt irpilft *» 
foHnmi: ". . , . rbe hhu! tltnt nnneth, it hIlrII 

dir," Til in will he fo[|r>ivc*r| tip by l**l>lrn fi^, 
Ttrie 40, "What man in lu? that tivrlh and *h-ill 
I'.nt M { f Hli'iilhT nbuJl hf (tf-liver liin J"n«l fmn? 

1 9 ■ 4 ' JlHllil *fF 1 1 in pruva L J 1r If tluH dnejJ lint rtm. 
vcurp vnn llijit tln L jiciilI nrh:i<lU; chrj«, hr H^'ill ci(e 
Imlf n i[nwn Titnrfl Sen Jjtilri".*, find iaJfoml y^H 

tluit ':'. if not a mnllcr uf interpretation but of 
ii.-foV' tbf pilnin and deBnito lanpiiac^ of the 
H-ilile on tin? nobjrcL 

An tn Ihr rnnililion nf Ihe dead, JfrhntTlh '» 
irilnnws liln-winc diffir from 111* l»Tt|rlo»!l fie- 
acnimatiOTii". "ilsey asfterl,. ond pnrnr., volami- 
noofl Striptnre nilkluna tr» «ii[>pnrt it, (hpt th* 
dhul arc out of exiHterce, (hat thin nnenrsriira* 
condition it likened to aleirp in the Bible, ar-d 

D^tniamtt' Exhibit O^ss 

tluit tlii'refnrt all tlie creeds and (heorien wbiirb 
ehuin I he dead are being tonuouted or ponudifd 
villi eH<nsri"im KUfffnnj; in a jjlaee eallcil in-,1 
or jnir^LiHiry arc film and a di-faitialion of tlie 
giujii iHtinc r,f Aliuljjhtr i'n>d. "Ilia hivatb goeth 
forth, lie relarnvth tg bin i-jirtb; in tliat Tcry 
itay lu< lli«a|;h1» |»criiib" (PaaLin H6l4) ic one 
of (he in»ny Jicriiitmrtil jin;tiiaj;eii presented lo 
]i, r <. '.■!.■ ihnr pnint Ihst )hf lIi'ihI arr unf^ruieioiia 
nil, I iinal>k' W knnn- anyliiinR fit tutTef •.nytliiiifr,. 
The leueliinjr (if etn'riud ti'htu K'1'i.E. in hell, or tpm- 
jH,||iry lurtur" in a plnee ealled viir^ntdry, i« 
»,*. r- : i »;.M y r--irik':nnLil. 

Shine- 4,jj|M)ni'ati af Ji'liovoli'ii witneii^en claim 
thnr UKW*** i» vi m lii- 1 i ve and pfifvoeatife of 
■Irifo nj- reliirinioK hiputfv. It in alleged I hat 
iierli nverlnfll; nnirli uf what id disv^jjiitinCcct, 
Tii'.re in im? iiu]in riant tfa^Siine; which Jelrn- 
viibV vitneKum einj>kitsiie p;iTotl>"- That ia tlia 
^n^|rt'] nf tlie Uinpnloni of Abnijrbl}' ^r»J. They 
nrfer In I he utatcincnl of llic Lonl'* pTaj*r, 
wliii'li ray*, ""Thy kiniiloiu eoine: Thy nill lie 
don* on earth, as in Swaven," Citing oitier 
Seriplltit^ *ftrroliora1it r e of tlihi, JrlnH'dir* wit- 
nn«v9< ii'H nf 'hr i-iLi-ty ftntabtislimenl ami inahi. 
ftT-.iiLlirm of n ibencrnlifT jjiffverniiient on this 
cmrth which ■n.ill diinlnal* tin 1 ULiufsFrmncH, ond 
injantifeji nf I.I us (lay and imhef in a reiopi nf 
richtcnuKpeim Tnr all people, ulm iritl be iubmis- 
poif* tliD-retn. Tliey' ItftttJ that the tiin* M at 
land fur the complete minifeHtation of (bin D*w 
Kin^pbini aad that a jrreat time fif diatreiia mm\ 
Inmhle r^mtlltnn in the forcible destruction of 
all earthly Rnramment*. hy AtmiEhty OoA ii 
cli*»* at hand. It in vitally ne«HARry, they Kay', 
for all p*o)jl« to gi™ atlcnlian to the proiuisei 


DnfrnJun;.' AiJiiti'jl O-JJ 

in tbe Divine Tevclaiien and lake their ilsnd 

ikHnftdy un the tide ut the Lnrd and nf J!i» 
Kingdnnu That in nu doing they will inherit 
Hit; jjrHuiLiKfH uf priitettiun during tin ln»t ftmt 
IjiittJe, jimi he unJji.'fiH.l nalely into tlie Kingdom 
Hiid rceeive it* bl™»in^M. 

Juilgi; J- P. Hullnrrfunl, a former lli*«nnri *1- 
hrtTwy, i« Ibq virille JirLtlor of nctivilke* of 
Jehovah'* wltBCWCI. tie docun't elaiin to lie a 
liro|ilu-t, nor duvn. he fit tlie ordinary idea uf a 
).iro[hln-t. Them are mi Jontr wiiijiker* <ioveciiuj 
hi" «oub tcnanee t and lie wear* no dittinii-tive 
Ktylp npf ruin- nr lihilliinjr, not even ft fn^-t tniat. 
Kiiiuc yciirn i\g» be K«ve ujj ii!n law [ipafticc !■* 
u*i' all lii". liiiHi in |>rac-lpiniini[ tlie "Kiaa^luin 
limsHajTe,*' 'I'Juiie yi'Bt-» iiave l>e*n yparm of tr< L - 
]ih'jiflou« indiutUy- 1 E im. wrilingt have rviwhtil 
tliu Ir^inenihjiia eirralalinn of two hnnilri.'il »ev- 
i-n1i-nine milliun, A r*T»i«t( unetiiiallad by an.v 
puhlicution except Ibe HiWe- He in the ehii-f 
ennl ritatfac to The H'nMiJdii-ei', a n*iui-im in till y 
)jiTi(h!i(nLl, and overiwe* (Iik qji'tivilieji {•( llii> or- 
KJLiiiitntJHhn from one end of (be earth to tlw* 
•Mlivr. An a rmliu aiirnker of world refm.iT, bii* 
voice hns nn ninny nrranionn eneirclet] Hie earth 
i^it Ihr ]arpet*t rail in bnnLojju in history — on (ime 
m-ftisiun idrtiw 1C3 HtaliuoH. rnmpriHml tlie ehnin. 
*at>|ibTiiL-niMl by eleclrienl lraa*eriplinn of (he 
#jmv\i neer 300 BtotionH., F)v*ry year aSiout 
2.\ffllfl,flfKi hflukn ami iHmklcln b« forth frpin the 
headn,uarten at Ttrouilyn to all eounlriea, kin- 
di-eilpi ami dime*. Sound carm Hound htint*, 
riortahlo ] iliono/frapb*, radio, and tlie printed 
pair* art tlinJi all oied to etny * Bibb nvaiaiir* 

UefemhmW Exftbti D-» 

to all wjnj hunger and thirst after truth nnd 
hiuii-*ly in ibe tri'ftLitieiit uf l"ic J^ri^tures. 

All iiv thin Ln-Jiicnjuns m idckjireiut eirciiljition 
of Judical mat ten dms :iut go forth without 
onfJUiiaLon. Iieljgi'>niil4j greatly oppose critieiKin 
uf its doiinned and praetiem by Jehovah's wit- 
uer.-!'.*. It Jiu by thein been challenged to pro- 
illtn its best s-neaker and debate tlie itsuea on 
ike potdie (liatfuriii, but ban not met the dial* 
h-ngi-. But 1li*y bftve appou«l the work in vari- 
ouj vi-|hy-ri. In the United Stat™ twu ll:i,.'.i:-i_i"...l 
'jf Jeliwah's wi lllleJl** , ^ liave been tubjcetad lo 
arret t anil iinpridontncnt daring tlie pafl two 
vvarrt. It luLd l>een a uiultiple-lnw in<|iii8ition. 
Hrnuc iwenty odd varieties of lnw», such n* eir- 
ciil;ir*dJpilribution law], peildliug ordinaneeB, 
oJJl■llai^ , c-li^*falllre Ibwji, vaj,'rnney law«, tolici- 
t;iti«n ordinanevi and liiiuilor ennelmenta have 
k-i'n liiU'il lo inlerdiet niifl Hupprc** tlie «'»rl(, 
Jn (icnnniiy nix tlmumnqd of Jehoi'ali"" wilneHjie« 
haw been !lirni<l inln e'uiei'nlnitinn eaiup* pml 
Ircatwl with bflriinrit eruehv. Jlnycnit rsm- 
paignt agairuil radio rial ions hroadeaiting Judge 
hulherfnrd's tcefnunea have licert initiated. And 
wbi-n nthrr inelluHls bftve fniled, hnTnmiiiintled 
reliirioni-lH liovo nlirrotl up the racdl element tn 
ntlnrk and inflict pbywejjil Tioknee on thru* 
t'lirinliaa |'irL.]ile. 

Ami ihmnjrb it all JeliiwnliV wkuen.iejj J50 
cheerfully nn their way, sjiendinp their liroe, 
tlieir tjtuiiey, and their Btrenptb in fulfitbuent af 
isjint lo UkiA ill «, Pivin*. Biandato to preach tb* 
gpjpcl of the KingdolD, to »H people. 



Mi 77 

Defendant/ Exhibit 1X34 For Identification 

Tlniiv csiiiliit Taimi»ti of « letter from N, H. 
Ktww* to 01 in It Meyta, dated September 21, 
iy::y, and a letter rnm. OUa ft. Ho*l* t* Jf. H> 
Knurr, dated Stiplwnber 22, 15H9. 

Defendant*' Exhibit DJ5 For Identifieklim 

TIlLm exhibit ia an Application tor Pionear 
Service I.: lull 1 by II r. Broad. 

D*f**' E*libil DJfi 

Brooklyn, N. V, Anguat 8, 1933 

MifiirVu of I hi- joint meeting 

o' the IVni"1h, nf Director! of 
'1'iit W.vivu Tiiv.r:; KniLr. am' 
TlUCT BcniBTT nf J'rnn«y]vjVrLit 
and of Thk Tft'ATmniwwi liinu. 
iSO Tract SOCIKTt, Ino-, of 
New York. 

A juint bir*1iiij? or the Hoard, nf Director* of 

TlTt V*T<:p| T(lWr:lt HlltT.K »XI( THACT SoflETT, 

tlio Ponnhylviinin Coi pi i rat inn, aim] Tun Witvii- 
towui ItmiJi ami Tm« HoCilTT, Jilt, of New 
York, «i thia Bth day Df Augimt, A.P. lSttJ, it 
a mcolin;; of [In' Buaidn af Direetora of tilt 
aforementioned Oorpn ml ions there wrra firiu- 
ent eJI (lit member* of tin Board*, to wiU 

J. F. Itnlliprforti 

C. A. W»M 

Vi T , hi Van Arnburjju 

T. J. Sulbvan 

C.J. Woodvarth 

]1. II. iiiemer 

F. \Y. Fulbi 


Gnmt Suiter 



T]n> President repnTlod to Hie Board! of Di- 
rwlon a Idler whieh tie luid rrnpived, RdilrfB*ed 
to him bj' (1. E. Movie wbn for noisic time pa»t 
him acti-d m Icjrfd coHneel for tlie, Corrnirationa, 
Tlim-ajwn (lie tetter waa rend before the 
Boards, Bad which biter in marked, "Kiriih.l 
A" ■nit made a part ol Ibia record and fded 
atnnne;*! (lie paper* of thia Corporation. Upon 
the rt-adtnc, df tlie lei (or a motion <ru made 
fcy T. J. Sullivan that a committee be appointed 
to connider the letter end matt tTCGinrnends- 
tions tfl the President. The million wti duly 
carried. Therfu.jp6n tbo I'renidenl appoinSed 
aueh a eatiiiniHtc c^ntpniwd of T, J, boUrtaja, 
H. H. ILi-inrr, nnd Grant Suiter, Thr no:n 
nil(*« tutirtd to tunaider the letter. After dv* 
evn^Hleration tlie coEuniillee QPftHlnMUlj re- 
ported a reiotuti«fi wjiLi-I. io wcjrdi and Rgnrea 
ia «J fdlldHH, Io wl1: 

"'AT a joint iinKTTKn of tlie Eojini* af Di- 

reftor* Of llu- IVnr.; > J ml ilia iVr^nrji^inn, and 
the Mew \>rl( C'**T"nitjnfl nf Ibo W*tcir Tawna 
Diia* £ TiiCT SoctHTr neid at titt office of the 

DtfevdfiHlt' Exhibit I/-uS 

•Suiii'Li nt Rrouilyji, Sew YotIi thin Stli. day at 
August HkiEJ at I'liUii older tiiL-uib*^ n\ tbe 
family were priwwt, Sliiirt w*» rend to said 
Boardu and in ilisj prewncr of 0. U L i[o>le a 
letter dutn] July 2Lh t. |:.Jj3 •rilten by said 
Moyla and addreaiwd to Ibe 1'reLudect uf tlia 

"For four yeara pant tbe wi-itivr of (hit Idler 
Jut* been entrusted *isb (lie run fiiln-iil bit jnntlfr? 
of tin? liodet)-. 11 n«w apiK'nm Mint ihn k'riler 
of thai letter. wLtliaiit cxctIK, lilicli the family 
of tiod at Uetliid, ami idcnlitic* himscK oa one 
who apealLM rvil ugainst tlie Lord'* orjfnniai- 
tion, and wbo i« n. inurniurcr end eomplainer, 
even a* [1ll> firripluriM bnvc foretold. (Jude 
i-lfl; 1 C'arinliiiiin* i;?- Hcunana U:4. 

"Tbn dirudii-™ of 1he Iioard of Director* 
Irtrcuv rrvi'ltt tUr llUJUht f lit iiinUb :.|i|Vur;nL' in 
tliat tettsr, dijuippnive af tin writer and Ilia, 
aationn and iceamwenill (lint, (b? 1'reaident of 
the Society i»i»mdiat«ly lenninni« the relatioii- 
ehip of O. It. Movie to tltc ijiviety aa legal 
counsel ami u a haTn>U:r ^f the Bt-lM Family, 
■" [ tigned J T. J, Svi At *** 

]f. }[. UlKMXl 
OUHY tiviTIM" 

A Utcrtion was made that tlie KenoJiiliiOn. bo 
adopted. Thi? motion being duly wM-undrd, the 
letter and tlie ilraolntioa wera diKlticed ai 
letigdj by each member pf Ui*- Beard, 0. li. 
Moyle, bc-in^ uIki jui'irnl at 1hm mecling, w« 
iiivitrd h>~ (be I'midcnl to make any statement 
lie laid Id luike or any dofenaa ho denired to 


ItrftilHiimti' ElhMi f)-3C 

mule* and hi* nnty ulptrinpnl was 1lii«, to- wi[; 
u l liavi- iinlliinpf wurr l*i hlv. TIil- ti-lter npeatfa 

fnr itfwlf.* 1 'I'lirrs-iLjmn 1ln. 1 nqlii^ Ehf rnrii Slw, l lrt- 

ber of tile Ifnnnl »ni cnlirrl pTid ench one I'^led 
to adnpt tlie Hewlu tion. U|>on flip adoption o( 
the RemiliiLiwi, tbe rre»Ldenl made tlio follow- 
iiii,- renuitliH, wliifli are here intertcd in the rec- 
ord, to vil: 

LJ I liuvt b»4i ill thin dt-iJ; Tot 27 year*. I 
Have Imil many 4r<-u m a [irtrt n, freni the 'evil aer- 
V[tilt'. iml IcVVf Imd J lulil A vomr One Ib&n 
tlli^, if Ul iiad- Thr CL-Hiigilajn t al^at tac bavinp; 
different places in u-bieh \a reside i« the very 
language nf the fvil «?rvant elasa. Tbe aeeuaa- 
(ioiiB infide in tbid. letter (lint I have many place* 
in which to live, ami which are. much better 
Iban any oilier nn'inbei* of the "FganiMilion : 
Tli« fatt» cancernioj; ihia Iinvi- hn-rra paMinlted 
lirne and oj;aia and the brethren evcrywbiTe 
knair Itie ftu>1n, and tlicv know tliat 1 do not 
own a foot Of land iiJid-rr Ihn aun; thai lllpa* 
proTiBio-nn have h*en made tn fori her Ibe king- 
dom inlere^ln, and, ar Hinted in the book S.uaa- 
txm, I wauled K^metliin^ an a [angthle record 
aod na tvidi-ncp 1.Smt *a lK-liei'r (bat (Irtd is j;o> 
ins; to brinn lnu-t to tlie enrlb the fnitliful men 
af aid. The Farm waa boufjlit for the Bupporl 
uf (bi? foully, iir.d far ui liij- p;o*>ii rear,oii6 vrliieLi 
I have not yet J i^H n»ri 1 H Imt whirli ar^ in lli« 
intercut of the lfingitom. A» Brotbpr KijorT bin 
itated, Ihia office woa arranged for me, I liad 
nothing tu <]ji u-iLli arraiijrinK it, hut it was done 
by Brolber* linrtin, Knorr, \\\hh and Van Am- 

"1 have been criliaicd in ihia tetter for hav- 


i>e/eitaW* J fiiAioil jDJf 

ir-K' an u.- r-i' il i:ir.i.:l rouiu. Brother Van Am- 
burgli w 1 1 L W'nr ttiliiirin tu lhi«, I±ilL my ijltieie u 
Hid hiil I i-irl room in Urn bujbiing, rigol Under Iba 
rouf find diibeml llatKia, I* got good air. An 
aic-ij*aiiitivu«d wraH^tuieiit wag put in Brother 
Viin AnibdtrBil'li olLir* Lir*t r anil Jib li IV one 
Hull «hiik; Iv me *jjJ ln'tj;rd u* I* put it in my 
islli™. I'liu Siwn-Iy did on I pay A dJine of tins 
ai»l. (Brother. Van AluburJJIi verified tbia.) 1 
tbiulc tiic cfiiticHH about tliat bi a aotd-btooded 
i;rui^lty F au tiuLtlur wbanv it eainei. from. If it 
enable* ine lo work, why ulioidd aomebody criti- 
Lki; riitDfit aue wbo lm» tlie spirit of Ibe evil 

BflVL.1.1 . 

'■ JitnL-rf tin l Every rebute I bare adininis- 
ii!i Uii luii. been given, u I believe, in ibe interent 
of the Kooinly. 'The Apostle 1'aul *ai the (jin- 
eiui npiikerftiMn for tlie J^ird Je*o* Christ, Ai 
tlie Watc i ituw tM h.ii ulaltd, Tiiunthy «iij Titu» 
pittiiri'd llie -'ii-'Cn:;' ur-il iih eIid Ijird tJirnnijIi 
l h aul iiibirucled (Item no tlie l.urd thrnufrh tin 
Hociety inntiUL-ti and dirpcl* others. Tbn Sd- 
cJaty upvuka by its vlflciul Head, To Timothy 
Pnot mid: 'They tbnt tin rrbute U'fure nil, 
llmt ultiuju iil-..i n.n_j tear/ {I Tim, -;:i0) Con- 
I'i'iniug rjHi uha JiiLiI taken a vrongfid onii-e 
I'aul iuiil ryclrd Tilua in ttieric u'ordd : 'Tlii* 
u-ilm™ in trm.', wli«refure relmke tbeia aliarpiy 
llmt lliry may be aoimd in the faith.' (Tilui 
1 ;13J x^Kiiin lie »*W : 'Then* tliinsa apeak, and 
I'VJiort, and rebuke witli all aatluirity. Let ha 
man de^piKe time.* [Titoti 2:t5j A« I have Bfle* 
staled lo uoine of tlie brethren, it hitrta Til* far 
ntorc tu adminT-ter a rebuke (bnu H dovi Ibe on* 
who rcficivej it. II I see «nmecb;njr in tlsn or- 


rtcftniianti' Eihibil f) JJ 

jjnniuiliufl (,'uinjf ^Tong, Bi 1 lieliei'e, thin I 
i-iu-ild lie-. uiiLnilhl 111 *o tlui Lul'd if i did nnl re- 

bujiv xath wft*a()U»W, 

"I iu*\it trieil Lo jirpcml awnrrling to tlie rule 
niiiHiuiH'i'il by tbe a]>usile, wliich ia Uod'a ride, 
that in lo *ay: "Wlmni the Lurd lovet he ro- 
huktu. (Ileb. I2;lij If *Vofy peruun in per- 
mitted to lake hid own course ilia nrgani^niion 
u-ipuJiL jju to pineet. One wlio believit* in the 
J l'lw>rtTUI ic fjiivfrnmenln and tliat Jehovah there, 
fun- ia dnn-tinn bin jjeirple, liiitrit net tliat it ia 
Ihp [ii'rij.H'f caui'Ke for the Kmaeiy to nrrun^i' a 
nynli'iu ui xiuily. Then if ci-ery |X>raon almuld 
JKi tH'i'inillcd to bfinji furlh Ltud Klapl liin own 
uiHIiim] of nluily that WMlU mean ntlinjr «nrt- 
triiry lo lb>- l^ord'u initnictiona, Jii-buki-a are 
therefore neoennory lo bring nucli muttem to H.c 
ulli atiun ■;;!' ul'iti't tlml they hn nmy l\iir Ip go 
cuiil rury lo Mil* Lord'* arrongenirnl. 

"l.limiuni>4TH)sr I liavis urn. la nn dincriini- 
nation with reference to mnrriajra. Vhi-n linn- 
nii- Jloyd gut 1 1 ui mud llmt wni lier himint-'K, It 
wjik Niy bituim'iii, lu dHdt-nnine whelhi'r nr nnt 
n-Ih' flliuiili! riiiiain in the hmiko. I riihrr liuil In 
]«■■ luer liuitbunrl ri-nmin lure "f ftWa ■lin|K , nne 
wilb her nerviceft. Sbe baa ln-rn my aerrctary 
far fil'li/en yearn and tlie must elbrirnt nni' tlmt 
1 have had in the ulfice. Mlie bun Ukm tl|r1ji1inn 
for prerything ( have written, Fpceplica, niapn- 
line nrlicleis Wnkli lem'tr, tmoka and bookltld. 
It WOK for urn to determine wbelber *lie ahuubl 
ri'inain in I lie niTirc and I did determine that *hr 
r<fiouhl ami that una my affair and my ret.pona.i- 
bilily, ami not (bat of nnnieoni! else. 

"Piltmv Liifouidi i If otbere in Ibia buiiBe 




Dtfmianh' Kxlnhit D-3& 

us* it, that i* their re>ifur.,;ibi]Jty. The state- 
ment that filthy jokes are tnlit at 1he lable und 
that tlit family laughs at thwe ami Iheae only, 
in a duiimuble outrage and nay inun who my* 
lljLt (mIlIi lit the tan* id a detiberal c liar ri'^i'ln]. 
lent of vita be is and from wIuimt !*, eajuep, 

"Liquinu Tlii* timrj;e in tfiniou*. I havn *]• 
ways twn open and abovebaaid iihnul surh iiuh 
(ST- Broiler Van Amlmrgn wbj one* a pro- 
hibitinwiaf. I'pon tin? doctor's advice ha lakea 
noma intnsieiKing lienor and T help him Hi get 
it Ttrnlher Wine ban staled (lint from three, 
doctor* lit lian been iilirixed to dTink h*er. I 
haw furnished Honor to Rrtlbcr find Kinlfrr Ru!- 
livaB, enpecially her when jd»o «u ill. and tn 
other* in tlm hnunc. Tlmt n mv liaflinoHn ami 
my respoBsibilily. {.Kprnking directly tin- MnyM denounce in; as lh* 'god of win*', which i* 
Urn meaning nf IWehup, which in the wend yon 
line. You had tn e'i li> mythology and not tn the 
Scripture* nnd find this name for ate. Mythol- 
ogy proceed* frnin the Devil find other wirkrd 
xpirit*. .lewm Hindi- *isi*», the npci>Md ndvi»ed 
tSiil it h* In 1;™ in nmrteration and ynn nre wel- 
come In rmuifHire Ihetr statement* l-n Hint* -1 flu* 
evil *piritii, if you wish. If your *|alemrrft ia 
not of the evil servant thru I am not able to un- 
derstand it. Tn thin connection your charge 
apiinut the family ia vicious* and M**: *™t show* 
Ihnt it procseds from Ihe apiril of (lie wicked 
HK »n<1 iji a damnable liiirifi. 

"NW T fay this to ynu, Mnyle. yon have alii"! 
yourself with the Tlevil ; ynu h»Tt wittingly, witti- 
«ut any ju^t ri»UK( or «tfUM» ev*n. wididraTii 
yourself from l>if Li'inl 1 * nrpnn™ t i«*n. and yon 
irt gfting back ta the Dtvii'* orginimticin to 

i>i*r)Kid!rii' ££Ai6t.l i 1 55 

cngagn ia (lie practice or lav. I have never 
kiiuwn any u in ii Vj wit I id rnu" froni the Lord'< 
brj^uiimlHiB ami ^o inltt the. Devil 'j: or^ani&a- 
liun, llijl t-nded up rif,'lii- When yao my juu 
waul in ronlinue to light for the Liird, thri-i' is 
nnt a jhTKun in thic j)rca*nce tlmt hi III-, l-h a 
m'upil uf Uiiir. lltBnifijftli yau j-ijnill iKVtr r*J>- 
rciifiil itn; VYalH.-Jitorwtr li-y my tonatnl. Tl.ii 

l!i'^,luliim |nl» btM lUioplcU, I shall follow it. 
You liriio scnxnJ iMjiite tu k*vp tJi'pli-iTiber 1. 
Ynu i.ku DM wait but move out of Ike lions* 
;inr, day. If yuj Tt-jsti to join the cm-iny and 
fi^lit, do so. 1 liftvc nil tue for a. <|iiLlter. I am 
rare tltc Lord (JiiJ 1ms no u«e for a i| miller. You 
are a quitter^ Yuu liave fui'jii>l:Cil ar :.n finta* 
1 Fi.-lL llii! pfusuh'jil of llaia or^nniuilinn liaa not 
corjdsLtlrtl Ih? fjiwiuly atHirdin|7 to yuiir iJeari, 
ami I rlnn't tliink yotir \i\ta* arc Mi-riiitural. In 
tiktr 4 yi'Ui'H lljal vau Iiave rk*B lie re, I have 
rn'i'i'ir hfanl ytiu ask or answer a amu;je Blkle 
rtumliisn in 11 hi BHitiifl liuint Any inan tliat 
(irrti'mls to Ijr nf tlie I^uriTu orpaniuitiiin, and 
nliii <!(»■» n<ht allrml tlw BtwlJM iljiiI <lo*i not 
HtXtgr i-i Jin.' Hplrihinl iiim'Uiwiion Lit thin liome f 
hit -..nn ilpviktm liiuiKi'ir lu hii general work, 
Jiiid llii'n >:<«■» alitHst lattijip wltli nlJMTrt to rauic 
.:-:■■ ml ii-i.: In Im! fault \\\:\. Hit} i.! LMiiiiLl.-m. 
mannl 1« ia tit* (rutli, I *l*tt read tliaa tetter 
So LH» family or lmtrp it frjld. Yon iruiy be pa** 
mi; if you wHsli lo ilrfcnd vhiuf**! T. Hencvfortii 
I uliall expoft yon to ally yon m: If uilli 
wlm npjjnu: ihu Hofioly as In^f m I am liern." 

JIoitjl: "I hIob'I eipect to ally nfymilf U'ith 
any opyinMlLoiL " 

B»fh. |fuTitiaii*oain ' l Voq. complnin aoont lie- 

I'tfffidatW Exhibit DJC 

«mmoilatJ*nii. You Slave llio 'boitt room in lh» 
Iujliu; iisijc frow my mat. Viiat IsiwintM ia it 
af yuan* »|i3( BuiiicbojJjf elio liaul That is not 
jDui- hugLfltB*, You liavo gone to (lie Kami and 
talkis) wjtli. Bruilnir Dafnnl'a wife iIkiuI condi- 
tions tin: re. That ia none of yonr bufiiiicMi. If 
Ihci'c n'ji nuytFiing wroBj^ tlitre you bIlbuJrL ImTB 
He|>ortcti it to int. You have never reported it 
lu mo, If yoo. were u rral confidential servant 
of tlic Lord, and of this Society , you would Ita™ 
ro|jnrl<!d hiicli tliin,i;H, Imt yon «id not 

"Quoiiiii; frtnci Uie Afnjntlr Puul in nuh^tance, 
yornr critkiMn <»f mt in a ntnall thinp. 1 care 
nn tiling about that. Tlir ii]«?tle yiiid: 'More- 
over it in MKjuiiM^t in h tf-'iVifLl h that- a man he 
fiLithfn], but VfiLlt mt it in a very nnuilt thing 
that I nliouliT la judueil of you, or of man's. 
jadpnvoL ... lie that judctth me n tht 
Lnni.'— 1 Cor, 4:3, A. 

"If everything that you hnvir ?latc<l in this 
h'iTi'i- war* true, ihal is no ejyuje fnr what yn-u 
hnve nhuie. 'T.Vlio ni't Ihnu that juifgvtEi enntJiT 
mnnV Movant T fit his omti nnoKtrr Ivc atnwlelh 
or fnlklh.' — linirairii- H:1. 

"Your dinieolty, . ojle, in fV-nr. pri'lmldy net 
(hat you niin;ht reeiv"'* mut h™lily injury, Imt 
foar you n"on*t ho ar'PTnvcil nf mrn'nnd lmvc it 
said that yon urc a coou 1 Wlow. In my npi-ninn 
you nrf a nludoaast nmi ant a Christian," 

7i^.vrrR:n HjUtbt "Moyl*, I wi«li to pro. 
ponml to you thii qnp^linn ; Art you a, ,Trnui'.f " 

Moytjs: "Ahuolntcly no, * Hiniuaml mil** 
from it." 

lli/iTnt:« Rimmiraiuir "Yon miajht ciflilain, 
Hfoyk, xliy you wero bo familiar in Iht wbiI 




with IfeEtosiald, patting hin> on tlie hoot, when 

yng Iek* that ht was one of lha leaders in the 
Rhjiaidt on iti» Lnrd'f orgnnizaiion at Mfldiaon 
Ssnuore finrdcu. I tad you performed your duty 
In our brethren the situation would have been 
far better for in now in tie fight with the enemy 
*)io attempted to break up the aladiton Square 
Garden meeting. 

"To tub Bojud op DinFjcrona : No» r , l>re[lire«, 
your advice and this Renoluliun in ailoritcd And 
will lit eorrioft out-" 

7^10 President theirupnn Ordered tliat snid 
Moyie should be discharK^I as legal counsel for 
the Corporation and, in harmony with the Reso- 
lution, immediately terminated his relationship 
to ilie Society. 

There being no further business^ opon molioii 
lite joint meeting adjourned. 

vV. E. ViX AlrtmWH 

I>efes<!a£t1«* ExbibH D^7 for Ickntifieatioai 

Thia cxliibit ia the iJiuBtn. pf Untiag of 
llnurd of Directora of Apnl lb. 1W6. 

Defendants' Exhibit DJfi ita Idetif ifaotipn 

Thia exhibit ia the Mmalrt of Uaering of 
Board of Directors of June 11, 133(1. 

Defendant! 1 Exhibit D-39 far Identification 

This (inhibit ig n, letter from J. F. Rutherford 
to Joseph Wlidcas, dated Angutt 6, 1940, with, a 
eh.e&k attached. 

Defendant!' Exhibit EMO for Identificatioa 

Thii exhibit is a. letter from J. F.. Butanrfoart) 
!□ Jiieph Wlicleu, dated July T, 1933, 

Opinion on Motion for * Directed Verdict 

[Rucerpt fmm Nkw Youh Liw Joun^u^ Tliura- 
day June £4, l'J43, pitge N*9:] 

[Kivc* Cotrwtr, Nbw Yohk] 
iiUriiKMlJ fOUlit— TKIAL TEItlf 

PiOT srv. 

By Mr, Justice UannrL 

JToyle v, Fran* — Tn'o npnlinns. Ill this net ion 
1o recover dm niiy,r« fur liln-l, thn v<nii'( nuhniittiil 
tin* coiifliiliinir N^iii'n or fact in the jury. Tjiter, 
IliL" jury rcHibced Ihoxe cuicntiiin" in favor of tha 
pliiiinlirf ainl bruUj^ht Eii a viTihei nn 'ioeIi causes 
of nftinn in the coiiiplniial, each in the amount 
pF >J1jiO0O, l']ion the rendition of the verdict, 
defendants moved to set it asidr> as contrary to- 
the evidenc* Aiih) ennlitiry to I he lAw, Tliat mo- 
linn WAS denied, fl*f ewian ti* nav nir-ve to set 
Bside (he verilict of I he jury and for q lUrertvd 
verdict pnrsunat to seciiHin 4"i7-o of the Civil 
Prarli« Act. 

Afler a careful reeorifiideral ion of lb* evi. 
denrc and the del ailed brief* or counsel, lb* 
-court in Hatijfh'd Uial llirre n-nji xiilfirient evi- 
dence addm-ed at tit* (rial tn *nif>pnrt the jon''l 
verdiet in frit-or of Ihc plaintiff on both rarnus 
of action. Defendant*' motion ia accordingly 

Plaintiff also makes application for an addi- 
tional alloxans* under section 1 51 3 of taa Civil 
Practice. Act, The power to grant such an al- 
lowance in a "difficult and aitraordinary " case, 
whara a -dafenit bat b*«b JDtcrpo*«4, b dis- 

iirLiiiary with Ibo tcuri, 1'he U-rrns ' " clLfTitr^Lt 
and extraordinary'' mojt bs aina thair OCuaJ 




Ojjyildn 0» NvtLam fat i, Pirffifd Vtrfitt 

and asSepted Jneaninp* {Standard Tro*t Co. *. 
N, Y, C. & H. KB. ITS N. V. iVt). It ha, bt« 
Jil-M Nul( nn extra allowance will not tw grunted 
in on ordinary action for libel, wherein the an- 
swer Beta up a defense of privilege, jua-til'iealioti 
and mitigation, the rules governing which are 
simple aad eleiiienlnry, ail hough defendant ex- 
pended larm! ulcus of uimtey in investigating 
tlm )jn*t life of ]i!tunti(T sec-lciiifj hiatlvr to plead 
in Jiistifteotjon, (Vcnner v. liclmontj 15H Aj>f*> 
Dif, &IU, 2d I >n ■ 1 1 n l 1 [ 1 3 l- u I j ,. Wnr- ilumi thu ]rni(lh 
of til us Ihul lit* trio! roiiiiuntni mndor iLir toso 
difficult and cilrjinrHlinaf}' (O'Conne-li W, "WeaU 
inghooao X-ltay Co,, Ime., T6 K, Y. Supp, 2d M; 
reversed on oilier ground* in 241 A pp. Div. 8; 
11 Cntraody p. 211). Wltile it ia true that the 
present action did not tnko fourteen court days 
10 try sad thai a. lar^e number ol witneiaex 
wen examined and trow-eKaiiiined, the «ort it 
of the, opinion that tin raw Wna net "difficult 
and extraordinary," within the porview of tie 
foregoine pertinent uatl»orilie» construing Mo- 
tion 1513 of the Civil Prntfice Act. 
Plaintiff '• motion is, therefore, denied. 

Sti^uIfclioD as to Exhibits 

OiJif B. Movii, 

Plai*! tf'-./ief jHHubxtt, 

Fatn "W. Fjuaz, NiTfLur II, KjcHw, G***? Sorro, 

TjIDllid J, SULLTVlM, Wl^LIill i". HeATII, J«,, 

lluiki iL ltitniyc, Wjlliaii SL Vaji AmbijjHpHL, 
AiiTiitx R. tioL-i, CuA&Lsa A Wise, Cuiton J. 


Tuwaj, Builk & Tract BcCUTf, ft. Ptanayl i an La 
corporation, and WATOJJTOWK» btPLC I'eti Tjh^T 
Huiii-n, Inc., » New York moinborslMp oorptfra- 



1 allowing eiiijiuta which were (auric**! in aviJcnw 
on Um> trial of this, nctisn, i>* and Use snjtw ate 
imreby omitted from Ul* printed reftJtd ami Umt 
a aiakinent deaenbinf liem be printed id lieu 
thereof : 

FUintifl'i Siaibit *— Photograph of BetW. 

PlaintilT , i Eildbit 12— Photograph of too 
(irixitin^ plant of the "Walcli iTower BiWo & 
Tract Society it AcUma Street, Breotlyn, 

Pl&uiLff'i £ihibit IS — Latter from the 
"Wfiliiitower Uible & Tract Society, Ins.. of 
Brooklyn to Olia It Woyle, dated Uov^m- 

6"hi^irt'crio7i at to fxAibifj 

Defendant ' RdJuMt 0— letter from. H. Finlt 

to J. F. Aulharford, dated September Si, 

Defendants' Filiiiiil D -3— Circular entitled 
"Qod ia Net the Author of Confusion ", 

DrfrndsjilV Eiiiibit 11-4 — Envelope in whieb 
wai contained a document similar to De- 

fmdanta' Exhibit D-3, 

Defsiidnnta' Rdihiliit D-13— Envelope con- 
taininj; tlirec printed leaflets and two 
printed panvpldctiSt nil sent to addressee 
Attorney Clarence Scott, Old Town, 

Defendants' Exhibit IMS— <3rtrt*r of tlm 

Watditrjwer ISihlo an4 Traot yociety, Inc, 
a. N*W Vui-k torporatiorL 

Defrndanl*' Exhibit D-30— P>pd r fSntainir j( 
Resolution tinned T, J. Sullivan, B. H. 
Riemrr, OfMt gaitor. 

It is jTirkrun* *T<tvLint> <J"> iaE±xo that flta 
original <>f tlwimt cxhiliiti may Imi referred to 

orally and in tint lirii;fa and bonded u|> an the 
argument of t!ii« appeal with the same forca and 
effect an Ibo-ug'b incorporated herein. 

Dated, Oetobar 


Hatdejt C. CovrjniToir, 
Attorney for Drfendanta-Appeilanl*, 

WaLtn BstrOuriAtnili, 

Attorney for PLiiati 3 -R**p»[idtat 



Statement tbat Caae Contain* All the 

The foregoing MBtolfli all the ei-idenoe, excep- 
tion* and proceeding? hacl and taken on the trial 
of thii action. 

Affidavit of No OxW Qpinioo 

State of N*w Toft, } 
County of Kings, J " 

EaY-tftB Cbvikctdii, being- duly sworn, deposes 
and says 1 hat' lie ia the attorney for the defend- 
anta-anpellanlj bf«in; tiiat he is familiax with 
all Jilt proteedinss land in (liia action j and that 
no oilier opisiion has been rendered by the Court 
below in ibis cace, except that wliieh i« jirinted 
un pn^ea lySti-ll'tiT, rvffa, 

HLltoxf CoviftWW. 

Sworn to before me this ) 

day Of October, 1343. j, 

WlUJias K- Jachsow, 

Kctary PuUifi, 
EJngi County. 

Stipulation acd Order 5«tt)mc and 
Filing Cat* 

J* i* HEaxif tTO-eLiTtp tliat the f orepsiryf caae 

tontaip* all the et^Jene* fivi'B npon the trial of 
tbi* aetinn and that llir sanvr b« arttlrd and 
Ordered on file and annexed to llw indpmeat roil) 
hereba on file in the office of th* Cleric of the 
County of. Kings. 

Dated, Xe* Torii. Oetohar 

, 1943. 

Hxn>ur Covivoton, 
Attorney for Defendants- Appellants. 

IViun BatrcndAOtey, 
Attorney for I'taintilf-Rnpondent 

Upon Iht above t.tin'Dlation, Ilia forejroin|r case 
on A])[>eal enatninipa; all the evidence is hefrby 
settled and ordered on file and aonritfd to the 
judgment roll On Ale in the office of l>ie Cleric of 
the County of Kings. 

Dated, UTt*.' York, Ortitbrr 

. law. 

IfrniY L. Van-rrm., 

j. a. a 

StipuiiliDn Waittng Cerllficatioo 

It ra bosibt exipolatet, putauant to Seotion 
t70 of the Civil Practice. Act, that the foregoing 
eonjiists of true and correct copiea of the notice 
of appeal, th* judgment roll and woe and excep- 
tion* aa settled, and the whole thereof, »v an 
file in I fie ounce of the Clerk of the County of 
htinp, and certification thereof pannajat to Sta- 
tion GIG of the Civil Fraction Act Or olherwim 
ia hereby Waived. 

Dated, Htw Tor*. October 


IIattjiw Covj^otoic, 
Attorney for Defend ants- Appellants. 

WalTta BtrtTcm rUTrtxJf , 
Attorney for Plaintiff-RespoBdeoL 

Order Filinf Cue in Appellato Diviiltm 

Pursuant to Section filfi of the Civil Practice 
Act, the foregoing printed tax* is ordered on file 
in the ofliea of the Cleric of the Appellate Divi- 
sion of the Supreme Court, BeoOnd Department. 

Dated, Hew York, October 


HJunot L. TJoHMnj, 
J, 8, C