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Volume 1 , Number 2 j^^^ c^/, L,^,^ (Uam 

The University of Maryland College Park 


September 8, T986 


Dorm Overflow Nil 

Of the 7,687 sEudcnts housed in 
L'MCP's 31 dormitories this fall, only 
50 have been asked to accept tem- 
porary arrangements due to overflow 
conditions, according to Resident Life 
Manager Jan I3avidson. The 50 
Dvcrninv students now reside in 
' L-mcrgency triples." dorm rooms in 
which one extra bed has been add- 
ed. "Additional space will be 
available due to no-shows," Davidson 
says. "We guarantee overflow 
students a room within two weeks of 
the opening of school," 

ATMs Come to Campus 

ThrL'c AuiomaiLc "Feller Machines 
(ATMs) have been installed on the 
IJMCP campus to serve faculty, staff 
and students. Two are operated 
under an agreement between UMCP 
and Citizens Bank of Marj'land, the 
third by the Credit Union, The 
Citizens ATMs, one of which is 
located on Stadium Drive in front of 
Ellicot Hall and the other at Lot V on 
the S( ^utheast corner of South Cam- 
pus Dining Hall, will eventually be 
networked, offering depositors of 
other area financial institutions the 
convenience of on-eampus banking. 
The Credit Lhiion ATM is located ad- 
i:tceni to the Rekord Armory at l.ul C. 

New Life Insurance Plan 

The University Board of Regents has 
approved a new voluntary life in- 
surance program for al! permanent 
employees through the Commercial 
Life Insurance Company. Effective 
Oct.l, the plan will be available to all 
half-time and ftill-time faculty and 
staff who have not yei reached age 
70. According to Gene Edwards, staff 
benefits manager, the plan com- 
pliments the program now available 
through Teachers Insurance and An- 
nuniiy Associadon. "The TIAA plan 
is limited to faculty and associate 
staff only," he says, "whereas the 
Commercial Life plan is open to all 
employees." The new plan offers 
coverage options ranging from 
S 20,000 to 5500,000. 


UMCP Grad Dean 2 

New Phone System 3 

Calendar 4 

Eric Bentley 5 

Pugliese Theatre 5 

Geocentrifuge 6 

College Park People 7 

FYI. 8 

Ag Alumni 8 

Regents Approve 

FY '88 Budget Request 

On Augusi 12 the Board of 
Regents approved The University of 
Maryland 1987-88 operating budget 
request which includes S493 million 
for the State-Supported Progiam. The 
UM asking budget within the Max- 
imum Agency Request Cciiing 
(MARC) is S335.7 million, an increase 
of S23 million, (7.4 percent) over the 
General Funds appropriations for this 

Faculty and professional staff will 
receive an average merit increment 
of 3.5 percent; classified staff will 
receive step increases, and a 1,25 
percent increase is included for part- 
time employees. These salary in- 
creases are in addition to any cosi-of- 
livjng raises granted lo all state 

The budget request includes a 
major initiative — S5 million to be 
used for facilities renewal University- 
wide to begin to correct the critical 
problem of a deterioradng University 
physical plant and infrastructure. This 
is the first phase of a proposed four- 
year approximately S20 million plan 
aimed at ultimately providing ade- 
quate funding for major main- 
tenance and repair of facilities and 
refurbishing of classrooms and labs. 
College Park is expected to receive 
il.'y million of the first 35 million. 
Special funding of 8550,000 
University-wide is once more 
directed to recruitment and retention 
of outstanding facultv. with about 
5280,000-5290,000 lo he returned lo 
College Park. 

The budget request for tne College 
Park Camptis totals S2-il million for 
the State-Supported Program, 
representing an increase of SI2.5 
million (5.5 percent) above the cur- 
rent year's working budget. The 
General Funds portion of the campus 
budget request totals SI 56.7 million, 
which is S6.8 million or 4.6 percent 

more than the General Funds ap- 
propriated for this year. 

Though commenting that this 
budget would not move the campLis 
forward on its major goals and 
priorities, at his budget presentation 
before the Regents Chancellor 
C!hancellor pointed out several 
'bright spots," including continuing 
support for the histitute for Advanc- 
ed Computer Studies and funding to 

support the Desegregation program, 
as well as provision for new facilities 
related expenses, 

A total of 22. "^3 positions is re- 
quested, along with funding of 
.several important initiatives, in- 

— 31 million and 10 new positions 
lor the Institute for Advanced Com- 
puicr Studies. This will bring funding 

cotiliiiui'fi itn page J. 

Research Network Gets NSF Grant 

A SI. 4 million grant from the Na- 
tional Science Foundation last May 
will establish a regional computer 
network allowing researchers at 1 6 
Southeastern universities access to 

The grant to SURAnet— the 
Southeastern Universities Research 
Association network— Is part of a 
larger program to build campus-based 
state and regional networks leading 
to ihc creation of a national 
academic-research communications 
network that will be called NSFnct. 

The SURAnet grant was made to 
universities in 12 southeastern states 
and the District of Columbia for con- 
struction and operation of a regional 

SURAnet president and UMCP pro- 
fessor of Physics and Astronomy 
Harr\' D. Holmgren says it will be 
operational b\' the end of the year, 

"The network will provide a 
direct, high speed link between the 
universities and the NSF five super- 
computer centers and extend the 
already substantial supercomputing 
access of the The University of 
Maryland," he says. 

"In addition, creadon of this net- 
work is one of the best things SURA 
could do to enhance cooperative 
research venturing in the southeast 
and is a way of beginnning to realize 
SURA'S hallcst potential as an 

The network will link the consor- 
tium member insiitutions and thev, 

in turn, will be connecting points for 
their state higher education research 
networks. It will also be linked to 
the "backbone" network that will tie 
together the NSF's five university- 
based supercomputer centers. 

SURAnet is hanging two super- 
computers, a! Florida State University 
and the University of Georgia, to the 
NSF network. NSF-supporled super- 
computer centers are located ai the 
University of California at San Diego 
(which UMCP linked with via satellite 
la,st May as one of 19 SDSC 
members), Cornell University, the 
University of Illinois at Urbana- 
Champaign, and Princeton University. 
The fifth center is jointly run by 
Carnegie Mellon University and the 
University of Pittsburgh. H 


September 8. 1985 

Call For Education Proposals 

Oct. 1 is the deadline for ColleRc of 
Education faculty members to submit 
proposals to the Center for Educa- 
tional Research and Development 
(CERD) Rcscarcfi Grants Program foi' 
1986-1987. CERD grants up to 
85,000 may be used to obtain release 
time, hire research assistants, pur- 
chase equipment or meet other re- 
quirements of the proposal. For in- 
formation and application forms talk 
with Maizie Delanccv, .-^119 Bcn[amin 
BIdg., x2l08. 

Planet Named After A'Heam 

How do you tell an astronomer such 
as UMCP's astronomy program direc- 
tor Michael A'Hearn he's done a 
good job? Name a planet after him, 
.say the members of the International 
Astronomical Union (lAU), a group of 
professional astronomers and 
astrophysicists headquartered in Cam- 
bridge, Mass. Planet A'Hearn is ac- 
tually an asteroid orbiting the Sun in 
a band between Mars and Jupiter. It 
was discovered in 1982 by 
astronomers at the Lowell Obser- 
vatory in Plagstaff, Ariz. 


A Conversation With Arnold Thackray 

Dean for Graduate Studies and Research 

Q. Since you've become the 
dean, has there been an increase 
in UMCP's research funding? 

A. Vcs, The Designated Research In- 
itiative Fund (DRIF) is a moment of 
opportunity for the campus because 
we now have more funds available 
to help build the campus" research 
capability than we have ever had 
before. The question of the wisest 
use of these fijnds is something 
we're going to have to give a great 
deal of thought to over the next two 
to three years. 

There are certain well-established 
initiatives in place — principally, the 
faculty fellowships and research sup- 
port of the General Research Board, 
the Creative and Performing Arts 
Board and the bio-medical research 
fund. Those programs are well tested 
and should be continued. The ques- 
tion is how, if at all. they should be 
modified better to integrate them 
with our emerging opportunities. 

If we think about research fiinds in 
a more general way, perhaps we can 
characteri;!e two sorts of Initiatives. 
Obviously, there needs to be a 
campus-wide pool of funcLs to which 
any individual faculty member is able 
to apply. There also may need to he 
a focused fund that is intensive 
rather than extensive. The problem 
with extensive funding is thai only a 
very low level of support is available 
per person, when you are looking on 
a campus-wide basis. An inien.sive 
fund could give a significant boost lo 
specified areas over a short period of 
lime. Such a fund could be con- 
nected to the ongoing discussion of 
campus priorides by the Academic 
Planning Advisorv Committee, 
Q. How much are you talking 

A. The funds available to support 
research through this office amount 
to approximately S2 million a year. 
These funds are part of the DRIF 
fund — a total pot of SS million a 
year. Of this sum, one-third is going 
to faculty with funded projects in 


Outlook is puDlished weekly during the academic 
year- by the Office of Institutional Advancement lor 
tlie (acuity and statt of The University of Maryland 
College Park Campus 
A.H. Edwards, Vice Chancellor lor Institutional 

R<K Htetieri, Director of Public Information S Editor 
Rick Borchelt. Production Editor 
Mercy Coogan. Tom Otwell. Rick Borchelt, 
Tim McGraw. Brian Busek Staff Writers 
Harpreet Kang, Student Intern 
Richard Horchler, Director, Creative Sen/ices 
John T. Consoli, Designer & Coofdinalor 
Stephen A. Darrou, Design & Production 
Margaret Hall, Design 8 Production 
Al Da nagger. Contributing Photography 
Letters lo Ihe eflitor, story suggestions, campus intorma- 
lion and caJendar itams are weteome Serd lo Roz 
Hietjert, Editor OUTLOOK, 2101 Turner Builair>g, through 
campus mail or lo The Universilv of Maryland. College 
ParV, MD 20742 Our telephnre numtjer is (301| iSa-SSaS 

proportion to the indirect costS 
which they incurred, another lat^e 
share goes to the deans of schools 
and colleges for their distribution, 
and additional small elements to 
undergraduate research. The !2 
million to which I've referred is the 
remainder and is specifically devoted 
to enhancing our research 
capabilities, on a campus-wide basis, 
Q. Have you discussed placing a 
higher funding priority on those 
programs which rank highest na- 

A. There are two answers to that 
question. The extensive part of the 
support continues to be based very 
much on individual competition and 
individual merit of proposals. The in- 
tensive support must be focused on 
campus priorities. We have two vcrj' 
central campus priorities. One is to 
nourish already excellent programs. 
The other is to bring forward pro- 
grams on the verge of excellence and 
find ways to give them the additional 
thrust they may need to move to a 
higher level of quality. 

Much can be done to assist depart- 
ments in upgrading the .strength of 
their ma.ster's and doctoral programs. 
i would like to see Graduate Studies 
and Research become much more ac- 
tive in program review, working 
closely with APAC to target areas 
where improvement is possible and 
of importance for the campus. By 
utilizing experienced faculty already 
on campus as well as the expertise of 
consultants from other .schools, we 
.should be able to raise admissions 
.standards, recruit more effectively, 
and produce better dissertations and 
graduates. The Graduate Council has 
gone on record in favor of an in- 
creased effort, and the coming year 
will be a first test for a revived Pro- 
gram Review Committee 
Q. How do graduate fellowships 
relate to all of this? 
A. As a campus we have not enjoyed 
the resources with which to attract 
as many talented graduate students as 

we would like and to support them 
to the extent that our competitor in- 
stitutions do. The graduate fellowship 
initiative is one promising beginning 
in redressing that balance. However, 
we have a long wa>' to travel to 
develop the graduate student sLippori 
we need — this is not simply single 
year fellowships, but multi-year 

W'c must also focus attention on 
the quality of graduate student life. 
\Xc have considerable need in the 
graduate housing area and we have 
no graduate center where gradttate 
students from different departments 
and disciplines may meet with one 
another, encounter faculty, take 
seminars or relax In coffee shop or 

Q. Has your office had increas- 
ed responsibilities since you 
became dean? 

A, Yes. The most immediate example 
is the transfer of the Office of Spon- 
sored Programs into Graduate Studies 
and Research as of July I. This will 
be tremendously beneficial because 
we need to both "recruit" and main- 
tain research grants. You can almost 
think of a grant by way of an analog 
with a student. There are recruitment 
and maintainence concerns that arise, 
and the ability to have a stronger in- 
tellectual input into helping faculty 
define funding opportunities is 
critically important. Alsrj, the more 
those people engaged in maintenance 
activities are also engaged with the 
intellectual research life of the facul- 
ty, the more there is a mutual gain. 
Q. Will this change bring a 
broader ability to support cam- 
pus contracts and grants? 
A. There's an allied issue. We are 
passing across a certain sort of water- 
shed with Gramm-Rudman-Holiings. 
Federal research budgets have been 
rising more or less steadily over the 
past 40 years. We cannot expect 
them lo continue rising in the 
decade ahead. Indeed, the question 
may be what is the size of shrinkage. 

The corollary to that is that competi- 
tion for federal research dollars is 
both going to change and become 
more intense. If we are to hold on 
to and enhance our share of those 
dollars, we shall need new strategies. 
Q. What kinds of strategies are 
you thinking about? 
.\. \X'e mtLst searcli creatively in all 
directions and move away from too 
heavy reliance on any single source 
of funding. We must think about our 
appeal to corporate sponsors, about 
alliances with metropolitan, state, and 
national agencies, and about OLir 
ability to raise money from private 
foundations as well as other types of 
donors. We should be thinking of 
ourselves as a multiversity, and a 
multiversity goes to multiple sources. 
Q. What Is the biggest burden 
you face? 

A. The problems of this office arc 
the problems of the campus in 
microcosm— fundamentally, that we 
have not enjoyed the resources 
necessary to allow us to fulfill not 
only those ambitions that lie in the 
hearts of the faculty and students, 
but also to fulfill the needs that the 
state wishes to see fulfilled. As ! look 
at this campus in comparison with 
others I have known, I am struck by 
two things. One is the extraordinary 
sense of vitality, forward movement 
and optimism that characterizes the 
community. The other is the woeful 
lack of resources to translate our am- 
bitions into realities. 
Q. What's the solution? 
A. We need to consider together 
how we may better make the case 
for excellence in graduate studies and 
research at College Park— firstly to 
ourselves so that we are persuaded 
of it and know what we wish to 
achieve and how we wish to achieve 
it, and secondly, to the university 
system. We also mu,st carry our 
case to the people of the State, par- 
ticularly to those in the legislature 
who also as citizens, philanthropists, 
alumni, private supporters, en- 
thusiasts and donors need to know 
that excellence is going to be built at 
College Park. 

We all need to be reminded how 
one of the principal attributes of this 
campus is the extraordinary quality 
of faculty in a large number of 
academic units, spread all across the 
academic spectrum. Failing to see the 
forest, we also sometimes fail to see 
even the trees, unless they are the 
trees we are most familiar with. As a 
campus officer, it is my great delight 
to work with talented faculty in all 
the colleges, and the cumulative ef- 
fect of that exposure to academic 
talent is striking. Faculty and graduate 
students in individual units may suf- 
fer ups and downs In morale when 
they look only at their own 
discipline, but there is a larger, and 
very heartening perspective too. The 
College Park campus is truly an ex- 
traordinary' reservoir of talent and 
creative energy. It is that great depth 
of talent, in so many departments, 
that is our longest .suit, and our 
means to progress. Wc must not lose 
sight of that. ■ 

— Roz Hiebcrt 


Seplrmbcr 8. 1986 

Whole Approach to Health 

Lifeline Wclincs.s, ;i spons ;ind 
preventive medieine program offered 
by ihe physical education depart- 
ment, provides the campus com- 
munity with an inexpensive way to 
stay healthy. Taking an approach thai 
integrates physical well-being with 
spiritual health, the program offers a 
wide-range of services including 
counseling, stress testing and physical 
fitness classes tailored to fit individual 
needs. For info, call \19IH. 

High Tide at Stamp Union 

"Surrs Up!" is the theme of the 
sixth Annual All-Niter set for Fri., 
Sept. 12 from 5 p.m. to 2 a.m. at the 
Stam|) Union. The event, which in- 
cludes free live music, movies and 
cartoons, special food discounts, 
games, prizes and a myriad of other 
entertainment, is designed to in- 
troduce the many programs and ser- 
vices available through the .Stamp 

caiiliiiiict/ friiiii pafU' I. 

for die Center to $2." million of the 
requested S3 million requested for 
full funding of the plan. 
— S335,OUO for desegregation scholar- 
ship and fellowship support. 
—8938,1)00 and 12,73 positions for 
equipment, maintenance, utility and 
salary support for new facilities, 
about half of which will be allocated 
to the new Modular Research Facility, 
.scheduled to ultimately cos: some 
SI 1.6 million. 

—5 ^44 ()()() ■^^'hit-h restores some 
SOOO.UIK) cut from this year's 
operating budget and adds an addi- 
tional required amount to be used to 
upgrade salaries for poiice and an- 
nuali^^aiion of enhancement programs 
for the (A)llege of Engineering. 

— 5540,000 for salaries and fringe 
benefits for instaictional support 
staff, which the Chancellor points to 
as the Campus' highest priority. 
—83-42,000 to support increased 
costs for the Health Center. 
— 8262,000 for increased fuel and 
utility costs. 

— 5314,000 for increases in financial 
aid and tuition remissions associated 
with the 8 percent tuition hike pro- 
po.sed for next year. 

The budget request also contains 
516t.S million in the Non-State Sup- 
ported Program, which is 510 million 
(6,S percent) over the current work- 
ing budget. Of the revenue increase, 
S=i,5 million (55 percent) will come 
liriniarily from auxiliary enterprise 
and c)ther self-supported activity in- 
creases. The remaining 54.5 million 
(45 percent) will come from an in- 
crease of 5.5 percent in federal 
funds. One million dollars of the 
federal fund increase will be allocated 
to the campus' Designated Research 
Initiative Fund (DRIF), which will 
total S6.2 million in FY '88: 83.5 
million will support on-going con- 
tr;ict and grant activities. 

Kight new positions are requested 
within the Non-State Supported Pro- 
gram. Two will help expand network 
and course offerings of the Instruc- 
tional TV Program (ITV), two will be 
dexoted to athletic/academic counsel- 
ing of students, and four will be 
needed to operate and maintain the 
new campus parking garage now 
under construction. 

This parking garage — a self-funded 
operation — requires a hike in vehicle 
registration fees next year. Fees for 
students in residence halls will in- 
crease from S25 lo 5-45; commuter 

student fees will rise from S20 to 
540; and faculty and staff fees will go 
up from S25 to S7«. Commenting on 
these parking fee increases at his 
budget presentation, the Chancellor 
said, "These increases, I know, are 
bound to be unpopular, but unfor- 
tunately they are absolutely 
necessary. The cash How from tlicse 
increases is needed to support our 
long-term commitments to our bon- 
ding authority. We have an impen- 
ding debt service for the new park- 
ing garage, which is now under con- 
struction and which will be ready for 
use in December of 198". The new 
parking fees are truly modest when 
we look at those of other urban 

Slaughter also highlighted the im- 
portance to College Park of the items 
on the University's Separate List — the 
request for funding of high priority 
projects not included within the 
MARC- based budget request. 

Separate List items for UMCP total 
511 million in FY '88. They include: 

• SI. 8 million and 55 new posi- 
tions to increase base funding for 
operating expenses and support staff. 

• 8 1 ,4 million to increase the 
average merit increment for faculty 
and professional .staff by an addi- 
tional 1,5 percent over the 35 per- 
cent contained within the MARC 

• S2.4 million and 51 positions to 
enhance selected academic programs 
which have the greatest |ioiential for 
excellence. Among largeied are 
8550,000 and 1-t positions for cur- 
rent excellent and core departments 
including policy studies, professional 
schools and colleges and arts educa- 
tion; S300,O00 and 3 positions for 

life sciences; 8150,000 and 3 posi- 
tions for marine and environmental 
and estuarine sciences; 8175,000 and 
2 positions for the honors program; 
5200,000 and 5 positions for foreign 
language initiatives; SI 00.000 and 2 
positions for cell and molecular 
biology; and S920,000 and 22 posi- 
tions to enhance undergraduate 

• S475,0(X) to increase 
undergraduate scholarships and 
graduate fellowships. 

• S3.1 million and 35 positions, of 
which 51 million and 20 positons 
would bring added .support to UMCP 
libraries, and 82.1 million and 15 
positions would go to the in.struc- 
tional and research computer centers 
and the administrative computing 

• 5125,000 as a increase in 
funding for new and replacement 

• 5306,000 and 2 new positions 
for the State's Desegregation Plan, to 
provide more minority .scholarships 
and fellowships. 

• SI. ,3 million and 7 positions for 
new research and public service in- 
itiatives, including 5108,000 and 2 
positions for a public school in- 
itiative; 8200,000 for the Maiyland 
Fire and Rescue Institute (MFRI); and 
SI million and 5 positions for 
Maryland Industrial Partnerships 
(MIPS), established by the Engineer- 
ing Research Center to encourage 
cooperaii{)n on advanced 
technological projects between the 
Tni\er,sii\' and indusirv. I 

-Roz Hicbcrt 

Campus Telephone System to be Replaced 

A major step in a multi-year pro- 
cess to replace the existing campus 
telephone network with a state-of- 
the-art telecommunications system 
was taken earlier this month when a 
request for proposals was issued. The 
request calls for the installation of a 
new system designed to meet all cur- 
rent needs as well as those projected 
over the next ten years. 

Deadline for proposal submission is 
November 3, and a contract award 
and notice to proceed is expected to 
be made early next March. The new 
system i.s scheduled for operation by 
March 31, 1988, 

"Changes in the regulatory scene, 
data processing revolutions, and great 
advances in telecommunications 
technology have affected every 
academic discipline." says UMCP 
Director of Communication Services 
Jonathan Rood. "The University has 
accepted the opportunities created by 
these developments. Its response is 
reflected in part in this project." Cur- 
rently, UMCP is served by a Centrex 
11 system provided by Chesapeake & 
Potomac Telephone Company. The 
campus system's switching equip- 
ment is located in the C & P central 
office in Hyattsville. 

According to Rood, the system is 

growing at a rate of six percent an- 
nually. Service is leased from C & P 
under terms of a Centrex Rate 
Stabilization plan that expires in 
March 1988. 

The Centrex system provides basic 
telecommunications services to some 
9,000 faculty and staff stations. 
Direct- Inward-Dialing and Direct- 
Outward-Dialing services are provid- 
ed to departments and individuals \-ia 
about 6.000 lines. Centrex II offers a 
reasonable mix of modern telephone 
features including touch-tone dialing, 
call forwarding, waiting, transfer, 
hold, and speed dialing. The more 
advanced features are installed on 
about 25 percent of the Centrex 
lines. distance service is provided 
by a variety of tie lines to other 
University locations, Foreign Ex- 
change lines to Baltimore, and WATS 
lines, both in-state and inter-state. 

A number of electronic and stan- 
d:ird electromechanical key systems, 
including an AT&T Merlin system in 
the College of Engineering, work in 
conjuntion with the Centrex system. 
With the exception of Merlin, most 
of this equipment is rented from 
AT&T on a month-by-month basis. 

Presently, leleplKine .service to 

each dormitory room is not provided 
by the University. About 800 hall 
lihones are available from the Cen- 
trex system. Toll calls from hall 
phones can only be made if charged 
t{) the called number, a credit card 
or a third party. However, dorm 
residents can make their own ar- 
rangement with C & P for a private 
residential line. 

Rood notes that in addition to 
replacing the faculty and staff 
telephone system, the new system 
will offer the potential for telephones 
in each student's room. 

"A wide variety of microcom- 
puters, intelligent workstations, per- 
sonal computers and terminals 
numbering well into the hundreds 
exist on campus," Rood says. 

Options for .special high speed data 
cummunieations systems are included 
iii the RFP. Additionally, the request 
for proposal calls for the provision of 
low speed data communications 
facilities to serve both host and ter- 
minal needs, potentially from any 
location on campus where a 
telephone exists, without rendering 
existing equipment obsolete, B 

—Tom Otwell 


Septembers, 1986 

African Music at Tawes 

The songs, rhythms and dances of 
West Africa will nil Tawes Theatre 
Sal., September 20 at 8 p.m. in a 
program featuring the Ghanaian 
drumming and dance company 
'"Odadaa!" and "Memory of African 
Culture." an ensemble from Senegal. 
The program is sponsored by the 
UMCP Dept. of Music, Student Enier- 
tainment Enterprises, Nyumbuni 
Cultural Center, and the MarylancJ 
State Arts Council, For ticket info, 
call 454-2201. 


September 8 — l4 

September 8 

Behavioral and Material Deter- 
minants of Production Relations In 
Agriculture, a trade and develop- 
ment workshop by Hans Binswanger 
(World Bank), 3:30 p.m., 2106 
Tydings. For info call Dr. Clague al 
X6362, • 

The Structure of Fish Communities 
on Coral Reefs: Where do we go 
from here? an Ecology, Evolution 
and Behavior Series lecture by Peter 
Sale (U of Sydney, Australia), 4 p.m., 
1208 Zoo-Psych BIdg. For info call 
X5904. ' 

Connections: The Architecture of 
Gottfried Boehm, exhibit of drawings 
and sketches by the noted West Ger- 
man architect and winner of the 1986 
Pritzker Architecture Prize, 
at The American Institute of Ar- 
chitects Building, 1735 New York 
Ave. NW. On view through Oct. 3. 
Exhibit hours are IVlon.-Fri., 8:30 
a.m.- 5 p.m. and Sat, & Sun., 1-4 
p.m. Sponsored by the School of Ar- 
chitecture in cooperation with the 
American Institute of Architects, ' 

Intramural Tennis Singles registra- 
tion begins, 8:30 a.m., 1104 Reckord 
Armory. Deadline for registration, 
Sept. 16, 4:30 p.m. For info call 
X3124. • 

Women's Field Hockey vs Loyola, 

scrimmage, 6:30 p.m.. Turf behind 
Byrd Stadium. * 

AAUW: What is it? Where is it Go- 
ing? chapter meeting 7:30 p.m., Col- 
lege Park Municipal BIdg, For info 
call Terry Baylor. x3022 or IVlary Ann 
Elliott, x3000. 

LUV, a lighlhearted production by 
Hillel Kosher Dinner Theatre of the 
B'nai BVith Hillel-Federation Jewish 
Student Center, Tickets to the 7:30 
p.m. dinner and 8:30 p.m. show are 
$9,50 for Hillel affiliates and $11.50 
for all others. For resen/ations and 
additional info call 422-6200 between 
10 a.m. and 5 p.m. 

William Kapell Remembered, an ex- 
hibition of the great pianist's papers, 
diaries and memorabilia, at the Music 
Library, third floor Hornbake, through 
Oct.31. Library hours are Mon.-Thurs. 
8 a.m. -11 p.m., Fri. 8 a,m.-5 p.m., 
Sat. 10 a-m,-5 p.m. and Sun, 
noon-ll p.m. ' 

Opening reception for Technology: 
Another World, an arts and sciences 
exhibit featuring technological projects 
from various campus departments, 
4-6 p.m.. Parents Association Art 
Gallery in the Stamp Student Union. 
Show runs through Oct, 3: gallery 
hours, Mon.-Sat 8 a,m.-8 p.m. and 
Sun. noon-8 p.m. * 

New American Paperworks, exhibit 
of two-dimensional artworks and 
three-dimensional sculptures using 
handmade paper, opens at the Art 
Gallery in the Art-Sociology 
Building. Show on display until Oct. 
12. Gallery hours are Mon.-Fri. 10 
a.m. -4 p.m. (Wed, unlii 9 p.m.) and 
Sat, and Sun. 1 p.m.-5 p.m. Call 
x2763 for info, " 

September 9 

Quantum Electrodynamics 
1938-1950, an Historical Perspec- 
tive physics colloquium by S. S. 
Schweber (Brandets U), 4 p.m., 
1410 Physics. Tea will be served 
from 3:25-3:55 p.m. 

Trouble in Mind, movie, 7 p m. S 
9:30 p.m., Hoff Theatre. For info 
call X2594, 

Benefits Orientation for new staff 
and faculty, 10 a.m., fourth floor of 
Hornbake Library. For additional in- 
fo call Linda Kelly or Gene Ed- 
wards, x6312, ■ 

Eric Bentley in Concert, a one- 
man show by the UIVICP Com- 
munication Arts and Theatre pro- 
fessor, 8 p.m., Rudolph E, Pugliese 
Theatre (formerty the Gallery 
Theatre). Program continues 
through the 13th and resumes Sept, 
16-20. Performances will also be 
held at 2 p.m. on Sept. 14 and 21. 
Tickets are $8.50 for the general 
public and $7 for students and 
senior citizens. Call x2201 for info. 

Intramural Flag Football and Coed 
Volleyball fall entries deadline, 4:30 
p.m., 1104 Reckord Armory. Call 
x3124 for more info, * 

September 10 

Meet Me on the Plaza, dance by 
Improvisations Unlimited, 12 p.m. 
and 12:45 p.m.. The Plaza in 
Bethesda. ' 

Stellar Explosions from a Nova 
Point of View, astronomy collo- 
quium by S. Starrfield (Arizona 
State U.), 4 p.m.. 1113 Computer- 
Space Sciences BIdg. ' 

Nyumburu Cultural Center 
Housewarmer, 7:30 p.m., 3125 
South Campus Dining Hall. * 

Women's Field Hockey vs Rich- 
mond, d p.m., Denton Field. ' 

Women's Field Hockey (second 
team) vs Georgetown, scrimmage. 
5 p.m. ' 

Men's Soccer vs American U, 3 

p.m. ' 

Women's Volleyball vs UMBO, 7 

p.m.. Cole Field House. * 

Mediation Process: Conflict 
Management, a Counseling Center 
R&D lecture by Peter Maida (CRtM), 
noon-1 p.m., testing room. 
Shoemaker. ' 

Computer Graphics Exposition, 

sponsored by the Design Associa- 
tion (DA), features hardware and 
software demonstrations and guest 
speakers including a professional 
computer graphic artist, 9 a,m.-3:30 
p.m., Marie IVlount Hall. Call x2135 
for info. ' 

Trouble in Mind, movie, see Sept. 9. 

September 11 

Minority Leadership Forum for 

minority student leaders and minori- 
ty student group advisors, 4-6 p.m., 
1101 Hornbake. Call Bekele Molla, 
X4901, for info. * 

Dtssipative MHD. physics seminar 
by Adil Hassam (PHYS), 4:15 p.m., 
1410 Physics BIdg, * 

Big Trouble in Little China, movie, 
7 p,m, S 9:30 p.m.. Hoff Theatre. 
For info call x2594. 

September 12 

Reef Fish Ecology at the One 
Tree Island Field Station: Ques- 
tions Being Asked and Methods 
Being Used" seminar by Peter 
Sale (U of Sydney, Australia), noon, 
1208 Zoo-Psych BIdg, ■ 

Big Trouble in Little China, movie, 
see Sept. 1 1 . 

Back to the Future, midnight 
movie. Hoff Theatre. Call x2594 for 

Global Development and Coopera- 
tion: Common Crisis, two-day 
economic development conference 
on the UMCP campus. For info con- 
tact John Rownlree (Infl Programs), 
X8993. • 

Communications and Signal Pro- 
cessing: Research and Applica- 
tions, Engineering Research Center 
Symposium, 8 a.m. Registration fee, 
$30.00. For additional info call 
x7941 . 

Maryland-Delaware-D.C. Press 
Assn., Summer Conference through 
Sept. 14, Sheraton Fontainebleau 

Inn, Ocean City, MD. For info call 

Prevention of Chemical Depend- 
encies, Lunch 'n Learn Series Con- 
ference by Donald Ian Macdonald 
(ADAMHA), 1-2 p.m., 3100E Health 
Center, For info contact Paul 
Steinberg, x4925. Sponsored by the 
campus Mental Health Service. " 

September 13 

Football Team vs. Vanderbilt, 7 

p.m.. Byrd Stadium. 

Papermaking Lecture & 
Demonstration, 3:30-5 p.m.. Pyramid 
Atlantic. Advance registration sug- 
gested. For info call 291-008S, " 

Reception for Paperworks Now. ex- 
hibit at the Wallace Wentworth 
Gallery, Ltd., 2006 R St., 
Washington, D.C. On view through 
Sept. 27. Call 387-7152 for info. 

Big Trouble in Little China, movie, 
see Sept. 11. 

Back to the Future, midnight movie, 
SepL 12. 

National Benefit for Judith A. 
Resnik Memorial Scholarship and 
Fellowship Endowments, tribute to 
the late astronaut and UMCP 
graduate featuring Carl Sagan (Cor- 
nell U) as guest speaker, 7:30 p.m.. 
The Pavilion of the Old Post Office 
Building. 1100 Pennsylvania Ave. 
N.W,, Washington, D.C, For addi- 
tional info and reservations, call 

The Role of Handmade Paper in 
International Cultural Interchange, 

symposium by Ruth E, Fine (curator, 
Dept. of Prints and Drawings, Na- 
tional Gallery of Art), 3-5:30 p.m.. Arl- 
Soc. BIdg. • 

Awards for Excellence In Interna- 
tional Cultural Interchange 

presented to Robert Rauschenberg 
and Shoictii Ida by Daniel J. Terra, 
U.S. Ambassador-at-Large for 
Cultural Affairs, 5:30 p.m., Art-Soc. 
BIdg- • 

Reception for the final showing of 
New American Paperworks, 6-8 p.m., 
the Art Gallery, Art-Soc. BIdg. ' 

Women's Soccer vs West Chester 

U.. 2 p.m. • 

Big Trouble in Little China, movie, 
see Sept. 1 1 . 



Seplcmber 8, 

Curtain's Up 

Nostalgia, comedy and music 
highlight University Theaire's 
1986-1987 season. "The 1940's Radio 
Hour," a show that takes its audience- 
back to the golden age of radio, 
opens the season Nov. 6 and runs 
through tlic I'Sih. It is followed by 

the -Shakespearean farce "Love's 
Labour's Lost," which will be per- 
formed Feb. 26 through March 7. 
The season's grand finale April 2-6 is 
"John Raitt! Encore," a musical 
journey by the actor through his 
40-year career on Broadway. For 
ticket info, call x22(}l. 


At Seventy — A New Career for Eric Bentley 

Eric Bentley, professor of Com- 
munication Arts and Theatre and 
Comparative Literature, will celebrate 
his 70th birthday September 14 on 
the stage of the Rudolph E. Puglicsc 
Theatre during his one man show, 
"Eric Bentley in Concert." 

Bentley is internationally known as 
a scholar, writer, critic, playwright, 
and translator of Bertolt Brecht. 

In this, his premiere performance 
in the Washington area, Bentley will 
sing a program ranging from his 
Brecht translations to the love songs 
of Jacques Prevert, songs he calls 
■'romantic and otherwise." It is the 
same performance that won critical 
acclaim at the Lyceum Studio during 
the 1985 Edinburgh Festival and at 
Reno Sweeney's cabaret in New York 

Bentley performs September 9-13 
and 16-20 at 8 p.m. and September 
14 and 21 at 2 p.m. Tickets for "Eric 
Bentley in Concert" are 58.50 for the 
general public and S7 for students 
and senior citizens. For information, 
call 454-2201 or write University 
Theatre, Tawes Theatre Box Office, 
The Universit\' of Maryland, College 
Park, MD 21)742. 

On September 18, at 2 p.m., 
Bentley will introduce and sign 
copies of his latest book, The 
Pirandello Commentaries, in the 
University Book Center of the Adele 
H. Stamp Union. 

Although best known for his 
translations of Brecht's plays, Bentley 
has written and directed many plays, 
produced translations from several 
languages and now, at age 70, is em- 
barking on a new career as a cabaret- 
style singer and .songwriter. 

"1 began singing at an age when 
most singers gave it up," he notes. 

The Times of London said "He 
could be the worst singer in the 
world, and it would still make your 
heart miss a beat to see that fragile 
figure arriving at the piano keyboard 
and launching shyly into the material 
he loves. His singing needs no 
apology. . . Its range is confined, its 
quality husky; but such is the in- 
telligence and sensidvity behind it 
that he can touch the heart of 
anything from a Prevert street- 
walker's song to the grief of Brecht's 
'Song of a German Mother'." 

Born in England and educated at 
Oxford and Yale, Bentley has taught 

at Columbia, The State University of 
New York, Harvard, Bennington, 
Queens College and the University of 
Delaware. He joined the UMCP facul- 
ty in 1981, 

Among his awards and fellowships 
are two Guggenheims, a Rockefeller 
grant, the Longview Award for 
Criticism, the Obic Award for Off 
Broadway Theatre, and the George 
Jean Nathan Prize, 

Bentley has spent most of his life 
in Hollywood and New York and 
currently commutes weekly from his 
NYC home on Riverside Drive to 
teach his classes at UMCP. Following 
World War II, he worked closely 
with Brecht as a translator and critic, 
and his experience during the McCar- 
thy hearings led him to write his 
best-known play, "Are You Now Ot 
Have You Ever Been," 

Last year he was awarded the 
AMOCO Gold Medallion of Ex- 
cellence during the American College 
Theater Festival at the Kennedy 

"There are few books written 
about American theatre that fail to 
make mention of Profe,s,sor Bentle\",s 
work as translator, critic, historian. 





director, anthologist, playwright and 
pundit," the citation read, "He is 
widely admired for what he means 
to the American stage," I 

—Tom Otwell 

Remembering William Kapell — An Exhibition in the Music Library 

Where do you go to find 
memorabilia associated with the 
greatest American pianist of the 20th 

Answer; the William Kapell 
collection — including acetates of his 
greatest performances — is now fully 
intact at The University of Maryland 
International Piano Archives in Horn- 
bake Library, 

When the IPA was still in New 
York, Anna Lou Kapell-Dehavenon, 
William Kapell's widow, presented to 
the archives a number of unique 
acetate recordings of Kapell perfor- 
mances. And now, with the naming 

of the University's international Piano 
Competition for William Kapell, 
Dehavenon chose to present the 
William Kapell collection of papers, 
diaries and memorabilia to the ar- 
chives on behalf of the Kapell family. 

Kapell, who died in 1953 at the 
age of 31, has been described by 
critics and champions as the greatest 
American pianist of the 20th century. 
American born and trained, his 
career lasted barely 1 1 years, yet his 
impact on the music world has made 
him a legend both to succeeding 
generations and to the people who 
knew him during his brief life. 

In the 33 years since the pianist's 
death, Dr, Dehavenon has maintained 
contact with Kapell's friends and pro- 
fessional colleagues and has caretiilly 
preserved the papers, scrapbooks, 
diaries, photographs, press clippings 
and recordings which document his 
stunning career. 

At the opening of Williain Kapell 
Remembered, an exhibition of stime 
of the material which will be on 
display in the Music Library until Oc- 
tober 31, many of Kapell's friend,s 
and associates were on hand for the 
presentation. Some of the guests in- 
cluded pianists Gary Graffman, Leon 

Fleisher and Eugene Istomin; 
composer-writer-pianist Abram 
Chasins; and Mrs. Eugene Ormandy. 

The exhibition features six sec- 
tions: Musical Origins, Building a 
Career, the Touring Musician, Musical 
Growth, Kapell and the Critics, and 
Kapell's Legacy, A 20-minute muld- 
media show on Kapell also may be 
seen by appointment. 

Music Library hours are Mon.- 
Thurs, 8 a,m.-l] p,m,, Fri. 8 a.m. -5 
p.m.. Sat. 10 a.m. -5 p.m. and Sun. 
noon-1 1 p,m, I 

Greene Wins Kapell Piano Competition 

Following an intense final round 
with the National Symphony Or- 
chestra last July, the winner of The 
University of Maryland International 
William Kapell Piano Compedtlon 
was selected by the finals jury, 

Arthur Greene, a H-yeaT-old 
Massachusetts native, won the com- 
petition with his performance of 
Brahm's Concerto No, 2 in B-Flat, 
the longest in the repertoire and con- 
sidered a risky selection for 

"But Greene assumed the risk and 
won— in more ways than won," ac- 
cording to a reviewer for The 
Washington Post. "It was virtuoso 
reading. But that was not what mosi 
mattered about it. For above all one 
was conscious throughout that here 
was a mature musician— one of in- 
tense concentration and seriousness 
of purpose," 

The final concert, which 

culminated 10 days of intense com- 
petition among 35 contestants who 
were chosen from more than 90 
young pianists, took place at the 
Kennedy Center Concert Hall, 
Greene was awarded the first prize 
of S17.000, followed by second 
prizes of 87,500 each for NeLson 
Padgett and David Allen Wehr, 

A,s the competition winner. Green 
performed with the Philadelphia Or- 
chestra late last July and will perform 
in a debut recital in New York's 
Carnegie Hall on January 7, 1987, 

Semi-finalist prizes went to 
Lawrence Blind, Monday Night 
Musicales Prize (!500); Peter Collins, 
Loren Eisely Memorial Prize (S500); 
Duane Hulbert, AW industries Prize 
(S500); Dalya Khan, Piano Festival 
Alumni Prize (S500) and the Charles 
& Ethel Morganston Memorial Prize 
(S500); Thomas Labe, Baldwin Prize 
(8500); and Carolyn True, Boucher 

Memorial Prize (S500), Abram 
Cha,sins Award (51,000) and the P,G. 
County Arts Council Prize ($500), 
Two special prizes were awarded 

to finalist Nelson Padgett: the 
Beatrice Simmons Sabghir Memorial 
Prize (S600) and the G. Maurice Hin- 
son Pnze (S500), ■ 


Gallery Theatre Renamed for Rudolph Pugliese 

Rudolph E, Pugliese, a professor in 
the department of Communication 
Arts and Theatre, recently retired 
from the University of Maryland after 
38 years of teaching and directing. 
To honor his dedication to theatre 
on the College Park Campus, the 
Board of Regents has approved 
renaming the Galler\- Theatre the 
Rudolph E, Pugliese Theatre. 

Performances in the Rudolph E. 
Pugliese Theatre during University 
Theatre's 1986-87 season include 

"Eric Bentley in Concert," September 
9-21, "The Learned Ladies," 
December 2-14, "Ubu Roi," February 
10-22, and "To Gillian on Her 37th 
Birthday," April 28-May 10, 

For tickets and info, call the Tawes 
Theatre Box Office at 454-2201 
(voice & TDD) weekdays from 1 1 
a,m, to 4 p,m., or write University 
Theatre, Tawes Theatre Box Office, 
The University of Maryland, College 
Park, Maryland 20742,' ■ 


Seplembtr H. 1986 

UMCP Joins Holmes Group 

The College of Education has ac- 
cepted an invitation to join the 
Holmes Group, an organization of 
some 40 research -oriented in.s!itutit)ns 
committed to making changes in 
teacher education and the teaching 
profession. The group's goals include 
making the education of teachers 
more iniclIcclLiall}' solid, recognizing 

differences in teachers' knowledge, 
developing skill and commitment in 
education certification, establishing a 
|X}lic\' that relates to standards of en- 
try into the profession, connecting 
institutions with the schools, and 
making schools better places in 
which to teach and work. 


Shifting Sands: 

Campus Centrifuge in Geotechnical Research 

ig professor Deborah Goodings with campus geocentrHugi 

At the end of the arm of a rupidlv- 
.spinning centrifuge, a scale model of 
an earthen retaining wail begins to 
crumble as increasing gravitational 
forces start to affeel its stability, The 
break-up of the model is monitored 
and recorded by a \'ideo camera, and 
a series of sensing devices measure 
pressures, particle movement and 
strains taking place as the loading in- 

Although she is spending this 
academic year at the University of 
Colorado at Boulder under a National 
Science Foundation Visiting 
Fellowship for Women, UMCP civil 
engineering professor Deborah 
Goodings will continue the 
geotechnical engineering research she 
began at UMCP. 

For the five years, Goodings. 
who earned her bachelor's degree 
from the University of Toronto and 
Ph.D. from Cambridge, has been us- 
ing a waist-high, ten-foot diameter 
centrifuge to test stability in soil 
models of slopes, tunnels, founda- 
tions, dams and retaining walls. 

Attached Co one end of the cen- 
trifuge arm is a swinging model 
mounting platform — a glass- 
windowed box about the size of an 
orange crate. In it, Goodings builds 
earth models of the structures she 
wishes to test. 

Hydraulically driven and ac- 
celerating at speeds of up to 200 g, 
or 200 times the Earth's gravitation, 
the centrifuge simulates the effect of 
full scale stress gradient conditions 
by increasing the self-weight of the 
model by a factor of 200, 

Twenty-four electrical slip rings 
allow transmission of a continuous 
picture of the test in progress taken 
by a video camera mounted at the 
hub of the centrifuge. As the model 
spins at speeds of up to four times 
per second, images of the model are 
preserved on a video tape recorder. 
A variety of sensors measure and 
record pressure, strain and displace- 

ment of the model during the test, 

Goodings says that the special ad- 
laiitage to this geotechnical engineer- 
ing is that it allows researchers to 
test real soil in a stress correct, three 
dimensional situation. Results help 
scientists and engineers determine the 
strengths and weaknesses of the full 
scale structure. Tests can be run on 
soil and rock slopes, tunnels, retain- 
ing walls, piling foundations, em- 
bankments, off-shore drilling islands, 
and can model loss of soil strength 
during earthquakes, 

'Centrifuge modeling is equally 
useful," she says, "for structural 
engineering research into the 
behavior both before and at failure 
of large members such as long steel 
arches use for roof supports in sports 
stadiums and of large dams. What we 
can do is simulate the stresses on 
soils and structures in real 

Goodings' research has included 
work on centrifuge modeling of 
slope failures and slope instability in 
Ottawa-area Champlain Sea clay, an 
examination of the behavior of rein- 
forced soil-retaining walls for the 
Engineering Foundation and a study 
of slope instability for NSF. 

"By using real soil from the site, 
we can observe and test a real soil 
event, the effect of individual par- 
ticles on the behavior of the model," 
she says. "In the model under stress, 
particles of sand or gravel might 
behave as boulders would in real 

Currcndy she is working on pro- 
jects for the Maryland State Highway 
Administration on the use of retain- 
ing walls reinforced with gcotextile 
material and the Air Force Office of 
Scientific Research on basic modeling 
of blast-induced craters. 

In 1985. she won the Transporta- 
tion Research Board's Fred Burggraf 
Award for Excellence in Research, 

The campus centrifuge is about 20 
years old and until last year was 
located at NASA's Goddard Space 

Fliglit Center in Greenbelt where it 
was used by the space agency as a 
high speed accelerator for space craft 

For three years, Goodings had to 
travel to Greenbelt to conduct her 
research. Last year, the 8100,000 
Genisco centriftjge was declared 
"surplus" by NASA, and Goodings 
was able to acquire the machine and 
have it relocated to a bay in the 
UMCP Engineering Laboratory 
Building. "NASA only asked that if a 
problem arose, could they use it 
here," Goodings says. She gladly 
agreed to that condition. 

While it was still at Goddard, she 
adapted the centrifuge by strengthen- 
ing its arm to increase its payload 
capacity by 50 percent. This upgrade 
was funded by the Minta Martin 
Fund, the National Science Founda- 
tion, the College of Engineering and 
the Department of Civil Engineering, 
NASA, she says, was extremely 
cooperative in allowing her to 
modif>' the machine and, as long as 
her work did not interfere with 
NASA's own research, she had liber- 
ties to make adjustments with official 

She found that the University used 
the centrifuge more often than NASA, 

UMCP is one of only eight 
American universities with such a 
modeling facility. Others are located 
at Princeton, the University of 
Florida at Gainesville, MIT, the 
University of Kentucky, Cal Tech, 
the University of California, Davis 
and the University of Colorado at 
Boulder which, Goodings says, is 
completing a centrifuge with a 4 
meter radius arm, which will make it 

the largest operating university 
research facility in the country. The 
idea of using centrifuges to simulate 
geotechnical events, Goodings notes, 
was first introduced in the 1930s by 
twxi scientists in the Soviet Union 
and one in the U,S., each working 
independently of the others. Because 
of U.S, predominance in the field of 
computers and computer modeling 
of soil behavior, the trend in this 
country was away from physical 
modeling. The Russians continued 
their centrifuge work, but, because 
the research was primarily related to 
defense and explosives, little informa- 
tkin emerged from the U.S,S,R, 

In the 1960s, Andrew Schofield of 
t^ambridge University, who was 
Goodings' PhD, advisor, renewed 
Western contact with Soviet resear- 
chers in the field and by 1969 had 
revived the idea of using the cen- 
trifuge for soil simulation, 

"The shortcomings of computer 
modeling led us back to the physical 
model," Goodings says, "For exam- 
ple, subsidence in underground 
mines — how far apart should the 
solid pillars of coal, rock or ore left 
standing to support a mine roof or 
tunnei be spaced? The three- 
dimensional efi"ects needed to find 
out are difficult or impossible to 
achieve by computer modeling alone, 
and it is far too dangerous and ex- 
pensive to determine in the field, 
"But together, the two techniques 
work very well. We can calibrate and 
investigate new mechanisms where 
we are not exactly sure what the real 
thing is going to look and act like," I 

^Tom Otwell 

Sagan To Speak At 
Resnik National Benefit 

Astronomer Carl Sagan will be 
guest speaker at the National Benefit 
for The Judith A, Resnik Memorial 
Scholarship and Fellowship En- 

Sagan is David Duncan Professor 
of Astronomy and Space Sciences 
and Director of the Laboratory of 
Planetary Studies at Cornell 

The benefit and memorial tribute 
to the late astronaut will be held 
Sunday, Septeniber 14 at 7:30 p,m. 
in The Pavilion of the Old Post Of- 
fice Building, 1100 Pennsylvania Ave. 
N.W., Washington, D.C. 

The program will feature an ex- 
clusive showing of the motion pic- 
ture. The Dream Is Alive, videtJtaped 
tributes by U.S. Senator John Glenn, 
NBC News' Tom Brokaw, and 
Pulitzer Prize-winning author James 
A, Michencr, and performances by 
jazz pianist and UMCP music pro- 
fessor Ron Elliston, and fine arts 

.siudents from Carnegie Mellon, 

Each guest attending the benefit 
will receive a complimentary copy of 
Challengers: The Inspiring Life Stories 
of the Seven Brave Astronauts of 
Shuttle Mission 51-L. The book was 
written by Staff writers of The 
Washington Post following the 
January 28 explosion of the 

Judith A. Resnik earned her Ph,D, 
degree in Electrical Engineering at 
I.IMCP in 1977, Following her death, 
tlie College of Engineering establish- 
ed a memorial fellowship in her 
name. Proceeds from the benefit will 
be used to help endow the scholar- 
ship and fellowship funds at UMCP 
and Carnegie Mellon, 

Benefit tickets are S50 each. For 
information and reservations, call 
454-506:^. ■ 


Looking for 

a Few Good Tutors 

Tutors with j^pccial talents in 
Mathematics, Economics, Computer 
Science, Chemistry, Physics, and 
Business Management are being 
sought by the Office of Minority Stu- 
dent Education. For details, call Joel 
Smith or Alcm Asres at x4901. 

Especially for 

The Hearing Impaired 

A 12-week course, "Better Com- 
munication for the Hearing Im- 
paired." begins Scpi, 23 ai (he cam- 
pus Speech and Hearing Clinic, All 
UMCP staff, students, faculty and 
their immediate family, including 
retired employees, are eligible. The 
course costs 120. For info, call Lynn 
Perlroth, x6906. 


The Poet of 
Hornbake Library 

IN THE SPOTLIGHT: Valerie Russell 

Valerie Russell is hard pressed to 
remember a time when she didn't 
enjoy words and image.s and the in- 
terplay between them. As a 
youngster growing up in Frederick, 
she recalls spending hours at a time 

trying to capture her thoughts on 

Today, Russell is a desk supervisor 
of the library's Nonprint Media 
Services- — a job she both enjoys and 
does well. She is also a person com- 

miticd to what Carl .Sandburg called 
"'the achievement of the synthesis of 
hyacinths and blscuits"^thc art of 

"1 have been writing poetry for as 
long as 1 can remember," she says, 
"1 consider being a poet my 'real' 
work, the reason for which 1 was 

In one of her earliest works, 
"Poetsong," Russell expresses her 
deepest feelings for what a poet is ail 

!f my words can help 
you. let ihcm fall, 
a warm shawl draped 
around your shoulders. 
Lei my words give you 
joy, or make you free 
enough to own your own 
pain. Let them hug you. 

If you need them, take 
what vowels 1 phrase together. 
Let them heal. Come, drink 
from the flood wells of my ink. 

Let them be an anchor. 
Like a lover, you can come 
close and remain welcomed. 
In the silence in between 

my sounds, we are all here 
lo listen. AH of our voices 
rise up from the same waters. 
My words stream out, 
bloodstrong, for us all. 

One of four children, Russell says 
that neither her mother nor father 
encouraged her pursuit of poetry. To 
the contrary, her father felt there was 
little future and less money in 
becoming a full-time "rhymester," 

"The first strong encouragement 1 
received was from my Frederick 
High School English teacher," she 
says, "She told me I had a talent and 
that 1 shouldn't hide it. Also, I had 
the opportunity to meet Gwendolyn 
Brooks when 1 was 16 and told her 
of my aspirations. She said, 'Just 
keep on writing no matter what.'" 

She took Brook's advice. Par- 
ticularly since the birth of her and 
husband Don's daughter. Raesiquilla, 
in 1975, Russell has devoted several 
hours every day to writing. 

"I usually sit down around 10:30 
p,m, and get to bed by 2 a,m,," she 
says, "Sometimes, though, 1 get so 
wrapped up in what I'm doing that 
it's suddenly 4 a,m. and 1 have to be 
at work at 8:30 a.m. It gets a little 

Russell's poems have appeared In 
several publications, including 
Calvert, the campus' literary 
magazine, and Upfront: a Black 
Woman 's Newspaper. Most recently, 
a work entitled "Oh Sylvia" was 
printed in the New York Quarterly, 

She has also given readings uf her 
work at the Montpelier Cultural Arts 
Center in Laurel, at Artscapc '85 in 
Baltimore, and at the campus' Nyum- 
buru Cultural Center. 

"My favorite things are the sun, 
the moon, rainbows, plants, good 
poetry, good music and purple." says 
the poet of Hornbake Library, "Some 
of my least favorite things are TV, 
guns, cold weather, apathetic people, 
violence (of any kind) and oppres- 
sion (of any kind)." ■ 

— Mercy Hardic Coogan 

Behind The Scenes. 

"One ringy-dingy. two ringy- 

Avid Lily Tomlin fans break Into 
wide grins jusi thinking about her 
sidesplitting portrayal of "Ernestine," 
Ma Bell's marvelously eccentric 
operator. Who could possibly forget 
her conversation with Gore Vidal 
("Is this the party to whom I am 
speaking, Mr, Gorie Veedal?"), her in- 
imitable facial expressions or her elo- 
ciucntly insinuating body language? 

Fortunately for the campus com- 
munity, UMCP's team of 12 
telephone operators bear not the 
slightest resemblance to the ir- 
repressible, nosy, opinionated and 
often testy Ernestine. Under the 
supervision of of Carolyn Foxwell 
and Kitty Grabo. full-time operators 
Erik a Bollinger, Mary Lou Ker- 
nan, and Donna McTavish, as well 
lis p:iri timers Ethel Holford, 
Josepliine Keefer. Jean 
Schroeder. Mary Tliackeray and 
students Bob Libys, Robert 
Mendelson and George Rankin 
are known best for their patience, 
courtesy and helpfulness. 

Recently, the operators, who field 
over 2,600 "information please" calls 
each day. received automated help 
with their work in the form of the 
Hewlett Packard 3000 scries retrieval 
system. Computer wizardry now 

ciiables the operators to process 
callers' queries in a fraction of the 
time it took to do the job manually,,. 

The Computer Science Center has 
its share of computer wiz-ards. too. 
Consider, for example. Linda Hoff- 
man and Carol 'Warrington, Just 
two of the center's resident experts. 
They team teach classes to UMCP 
employees intent upon unraveling 
the mysteries of IBM's WordPerfect 
software package. "Learning this pro- 
gram is not really difficult," said 
Warrington to those attending a re- 
cent session. "The directions are 
quite clear and even people who 
have never worked with a computer 
can master it — eventually." Righto. In 
addition to teaching, both Warr- 
ington and Hoffman have supervisory 
jobs at the center. "We wanted a lit- 
tle more challenge in our work and 
asked if we could add teaching to 
our job descriptions," explains Hoff- 
man. The team has earned rave 
reviews from students, even the ones 
who aren't exactly prodigies when it 
comes to mastering the P.C. — 
especially the ones who aren't 

Tina Rapisardi, Dept. of Com- 
munication Services, also belongs to 
a team — se\'eral, in fact. During the 
.summer she spent most evenings 

pla)ing Softball for three area leagues: 
a women's slow pitch, a co-ed slow 
pitch and a campus intramural. "My 
fiance coached the co-ed team and 
my two brothers played on it as 
well," she says. Rapisardi is also a 
member of a scuba club and has 
made dives off Soloman's Island and 
the Florida coast... 

Besides his work as an engineering 
technician with IPST, where he 
makes research equipment for UMCP 

and other institutions, Ray Bendt is 
the vice president of the Classified 
Employees Association. "Ours is the 
oldest public sector labor union in 
the state," Bendt says. "It represents 
nearly 23,000 people, about 500 on 
our campus." UMCP's Chapter 21 
was responsible for recommending to 
the administration the establishment 
of the emergency snow policy that 
was enacted several years ago, For 
more info, call Bendt on x2245. B 

New Employees Urged to Attend 
Benefits Orientation 

Don't put that invitation to attend 
an employee benefits orientation 
seminar into your circular file. 
Especially if you are a new UMCP 
staff or faculty member, it might be 
wise to mark your calendar for one 
of the seminars to be conducted on 
the second Tuesday of each month 
through December, 

"Many of our employees, par- 
ticularly new ones, really are not 
aware of all the benefits available to 
them," explains Linda Kelly of the 
Benefits Office. "So we conduct 
these seminars and invite faculty and 
staff to learn about the full range of 
options open to them as UMCP 

employees. It is very important for 
everyone to fully understand these 
matters so that delayed enrollments 
and/or loss of benefits coverage do 
not occur." 

All benefits seminars will be held 
at 10 a.m. on the fourth floor of 
Hornbake Library. Presentations will 
be made on health and retirement, 
life insurance and all other benefits 

The staff benefits seminars will be 
conducted on these dates: Sept 9, 
Oct. 14, Nov. 11 and Dec. 9. 

Additional information about the 
seminars may be obtained from 
either Linda Kelly or Gene Edwards, 
x6312. ■ 


Scplcmbcr 8. 1986 

UMCP Has Peace Corps Ties 

This month, the Peace Corps 
celebrates its 25ih anniversary. Tlic 
agency's ties with UMCP arc nearly 
that old. In the early l9(S0s, the cam- 
pus was a Peace Corps training site 
for volunteers bound for assignments 
in British Honduras (now Belize), 
Turkey, Ecuador, Venezuela and 
Morocco. According to the agency, 
almost 500 UMCP alumni have serv- 
ed as volunteers, ranking the campus 
3I.SI among colleges and universities 

whose graduates joined the Corps. 
And, according to Rich Delia Costa, 
director for recniitment for the PC's 
1-Listern Region. "The University of 
Maryland is our number one pro- 
ducer of voluieers," UMCP faculty 
and M;ilt members who are former 
voluntccns include Roger Lewis and 
W iliiam Beehhoefer (Arch.). David 
Sammons and Raymond Weil 
(Agron.), Stephen Sawyer 
(Geography). Harriet Lipowitz (MD Inst.), Edgar Butt (CS Center). 
Philip Favero (Comm. Res. Div,), Paul 
Maxwell (Iniernation Dvlp, Mngt. 
Center). Lee Knefelkamp (Counsel- 
ing), and Tom Otwell (inst. 


Auburn Honors Prather 

Elizabeth Siurkie I'r^ither, head of the 
IX'partmeni of FcKid, Nutrition and 
Institution Administration for the last 
18 years, has been named the l9K(i 
Distinguished Alumna of the Auburn 
University School of Home 
Economics. Prather, an Auburn 
native, earned her M.S. degree at Al" 
and began her professional career at 
the Auburn Human Nutrition 
Research Laboratory. 

Schumacher Wins AlA Grant 

Thomxs L. Schumacher (Architeciure) 
has been awarded the Brunner Gram 
from the New York Chapter of the 
American Institute of Architects. He 
will use the grant to write a book on 
the Italian Modern Movement Ar- 
chitect. Giuseppe Terragni. 

Valadez Wins Fellowship 

Jo.-ieph J. \ahide^. who earned his 
Ph.D. at UMCP. is one of .16 
minority -group .scholars selected by 
the National Research Council to 
receive Po.stdoctoral Fellowships for 
Minorities sponsored by the Ford 
Foundation, Valadez will spend a 
year at Har\-ard U, working in the 
area of tnicrnation;i! affairs. 

Kelly Heads Md. PRSA 

Kathleen S Kelly. :i.--m )ci;!ic dean of 
the College ul Journalism, has been 
elected president of the Manland 
Chapter of the Public Relations Socie- 
ty of America. Kelly, who has been 
accredited by PRSA .since I9-9, 
serves as treasurer of the Educational 
and Cultural Organizations .Section of 
the national society. 

Robock Wins AAAS Fellowship 
Alan Robock (Meteorology) has been 
awarded a Congressional Science 
Fellowship In the .American .Associa- 


tion tuc the Advancement of Science, 
Beginning this month, he will serve 
for a year on the staff of a member 
of or a Congressional com- 
ntittec as :i scieniihc advisor 

Samon Wins Award 

jud Samon. coordinator of academic 
.services for international students and 
faculty at UMCP. has won the 1986 
Apperson Award of the Potomac & 
Chesapeake Chapter of the National 
Association of College Admission 
Counselors. The award recognizes 
"'extraordinary- service to students." 
Sanion was cited for his "longtime 
devotion to students and to higher 

Lee and Mcllrath Honored 

c:hi H. Lee (Electrical Engineering) 
and Thomas j. Mcilralh (In.stltute for 

Physical Science and Technology) 
have been elected Fellows of the Op- 
tical Society of America. Lee was 
honored "for his pioneering work in 
jiicosecond optoelectronics and 
pico.second lasers, and nonlinear op- 
tics." Mcllrath was cited "for ouisiaji- 
ding contributions to the spec- 
troscopy of laser-excited atoms and 
ions and the production of tunable 
VL'V radiation by nonlinear mixing," 

Mangold's Opera Published 

Martin Mangold's one aci comic 
opera "BLEAH." first perf'ormetl b\ 
the University of Maryland Opera 
Theatre last May, has been accepted 
for publication by MMB Music Inc., 
.St. Louis. Mangold, assistant professor 
of music, also composed 
"Huckieberrv Finn." an opera also 
published by MMB Music. 

Honorable Mentions Awarded 

Roger Lewis and Paul C. K. Lu (Ar- 
chitecture) won Honorable Mention 
awards for their individual entries in 
the Maryland Vietnam Memorial 
Commission's competition to design 
a memorial honoring the 1 ,009 Free 
Slaters killed in action and the 37 
still listed as missing. Architecture 
graduate Michael Elliott ('82) was a 
member of the design team that won 
.First Pilze. 

Nugent House Just a Memory 

Nugent House iBldg 1 16) is now on- 
ly a memor>'. During the weekend o 

Ag Alumni Commissioned As 
County Ambassadors 

August 16-1-, the three-story wooden 
frame building that once was home 
to the HELP Center and for 13 years 
\V3EAX, the campus amateur radio 
station, was demolished and burned 
as part of the Phase V Housing Pro- 
gram. Members of the campus Fire 
Department practiced fire fighttng 
techniques during the building's 

destruction. During the 1950s, the served as a fraternity and 
sorority house and from 1959 to 
1964 was home of football coach 
Tom Nugent, The site of the 55-ycar- 
old house will become an extension 
of parking lot J, according to Resi- 
dent Life Engineer Joe Guiliani. 

Thirteen alumni of the UMCP Col- 
lege of Agriculture have been com- 
mis.sioned as Agricultural Am- 
bassadors from the University to the 
Maryland counties where they live, 

The new ambassadors were sworn 
in at a special orientation and cam- 
pus reception last spring, notes Ray- 
mond Miller, vice president for 
agriculture and dean of the College, 

Ambassador Program Coordinator 
Ronald j. .Seibcl. associate professor 
of agriculture education and director 
of the Institute for Applied 
Agriculture, and David Simpson, 
president of the Agriculture Alumni 
Chapter, presided during the com- 
missioning ceremony. 

The ambassadors were charged 
with establishing "a presence for the 
College of Agriculture in the county 
in which you reside, to represent the 
College to the public and the public 
to the College at appropriate occa- 
sions, and to initiate and enhance 
local awareness of the College in 
your community," 

Ambassadors also will assist the 

College in identifying outstanding 
high school students interested in 
pursuing undergraduate .studies in 
agriculture at College Park, Simpson 

Former Dean of the College of 
Agriculture Donald Hcgwood, and 
David Miller, past president of the 
Agriculture Alumni Chapter, were in- 
sirumcnial in setting up the Am- 
bassador Program, Eventually, the 
College hopes to commission two 
Ambassadors in each county. Am- 
bassadors serve iwo-year, renewable 

"The Agriculture Ambassadors Pro- 
gram launches a new and important 
convenani between the C{)llege and 
its graduates," Miller told the new 
Ambassadors, "Under the joint 
leadership of Dr. .Seibel for the Col 
lege and Mr, Simpson for the Ag 
Alumni Board, I have every reason to 
believe that this cooperative project 
between the College and its Alumni 
will exceed beyond all reasonable 
expectations." ■ 

Bohr-Schrodinger Symposium Set 

A syniposium honoring the centen- 
nial of two fathers of modern quan- 
tum mechanics, Niels Bohr and Er- 
win .Schrodingcr, will be held at 
IMCP this fall. The symposium is 
spoasorcd by the Physics Depart- 
ment, the Committee for the Hi,story 
and Philosophy of .Science and the 
Insiitutc for Physical Science and 
Technology under a grant from the 
Maryland Humanities Council, 

Three guest .speakers will deliver 
special lectures during the .sym- 
posium. H.B.G, Casimir, retired direc- 
tor of the Philips Research Labs, Ein- 
dhoven, The Nethcriands. will 
discuss "Bohr, Schrodinger and Eins- 
tein: Reminiscences of the Eariy Days 
of Quantum Mechanics' Sept, 15. He 
is one of the few people still alive 
who worked with both Bohr and 

Schrodinger. Casimir also will lecture 
at a Physics Colloquium Sept. l6 on 
"Van Der Waals forces and Zero 
Point Energy." 

On Sept, 22, Aage Peterson of 
Ye.sbiva University will speak on 
"Quantum Physics and Philosophical 
Tradition, ■ Peterson worked with 
Hohr in the 1950s. 

Jeffrey Bub, an expert on the 
philosophy of quantum mechanics, 
recently appointed to the UMCP 
Philosophy Dept., will speak on 
"From Micro to Macro: Reflections 
on Schrodinger's Cat" Oct, 6. 

Lectures will be held in the 
physics lecture hall, room I4l2, 
Physics Bldg, at 4 p,m, A film on the 
life of Hohr, produced by the Danish 
government, will also be shown. I