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The University of Maryland College Park 

February 9, 1987 


Calling Deans, 
Directors and Managers 

"An Overview of the Personnel Ser- 
vices Function... Helping Us to Help 
You," is the name of a seminar to be 
held on Feb. 25 from 9 a.m. -4 p.m. 
in the Maryland Room of Marie 
Mount Hall. Pre-regist ration is 
necessary and those planning to at- 
tend should call the employee 
development section at x481 1. John 
Thompson, manager of employee 
relations and development for the 
Department of Personnel Services, 
says the seminar is aimed especially 
at new deans and their assistants, 
managers and directors, hut that 
anyone may attend. "The Chancellor 
has made it clear that he wants 
everyone, particularly newcomers, to 
know exactly how the campus 
operates and what the processes arc 
for getting things done with the least 
amount of difficulty," says Thomp- 
son. "Wc arc anxious to provide 
departments with all the information 
they need to head off potential pro- 
blems by making use of our ser- 

Outlook Mailing 

to Lifetime Alumni 

More than 4,300 lifetime alumni of 
The University of Maryland will soon 
begin receiving copies of Outlook 
each week. Because of mailing costs, 
Outlook will be mailed via bulk rate 
which may delay arrival. Consequent- 
ly, alumni readers may find that 
some calendar items may be out of 
date. However, we hope that UM 
alumni will find the articles and in- 
formation in Outlook of interest. 


Migratory Birds 2 

Micro-Computers 2 

Capital Budget. 3 

GE Scholarships... 3 

Calendar 4 

Tent Exhibit. .....A 

Valentine's Day 5 

VCC Concerts 5 

Teaching Fine Arts 5 

Black Philanthropy. 6 

Len Elmore ....6 

Campus After Dark 7 

Development Director. .... 8 
Alumni '87 Travel. 8 

'Father of the Classical Guitar' 
Will Perform Benefit Concert 

The maestro of the classical guitar, 
Andres Segovia, will perform this 
spring at UMCP. 

Segovia will play a benefit concert 
for the Maryland Summer Institute 
for the Creative and Performing Arts 
at 8 p.m. Wed., April 8, in the 
Memorial Chapel. The Spanish 
guitarist also will be awarded an 
honorary Doctor of Fine Arts degree. 

Segovia, 93, is credited with bring- 
ing the guitar into the mainstream of 
classical music. 

Joseph McLellan last year wrote in 
The Washington Post, "Segovia is the 
last of the giants who revolutionized 
music earlier in this century by put- 
ting the spotlight on previously 
forgotten or neglected in- 
struments... his biography is a large 
segment in the total history of his 

Segovia offered to perform at 
UMCP in appreciation of the in- 
stitute's First American Classical 
Guitar Congress held here last sum- 
mer, says institute executive director 
George Moquin. 

The Congress had been held in 
honor of Segovia. The musician was 
unable to attend, but later indicated 
his desire to perform at UMCP this 
year, Moquin says. 

Admission to the benefit concert is 
by invitation only. 

To request an invitation, interested 
persons should contact the institute 
office at 454-5276. Because the con- 
cert is a benefit, invitation holders 
arc asked to make a contribution of 
at least $25, Moquin says. Persons 
making a contribution of SI 00 or 
more will be invited to a reception 
following the concert. 

About 1 ,000 seats will be available 
for the concert. ■ 

—Brian Busek 

The world-famous guitar virtuoso, Andres Segovia, will perform In the Memorial Chapel on April 8th. 

University Budget Hearings 
Begin Next Week 

On February 18 at hearings in An- 
napolis legislators will begin to 
review the University's fiscal 1988 
budget which will take effect next 
July I. 

The House Appropriations Sub- 
committee will hold its first hearing 
Wed., Feb. 18, at 2 p.m. in Room 
130, House Office Building. The 
Senate Budget and Taxation Commit- 
tee will hold its first hearing Wed., 
Feb. 25 at 1 p.m. in Room 100, 
Senate Office Building. 

If the General Assembly approves 
the University budget recently 
recommended by Gov. William 
Donald Schaefer in his State of the 
State address, College Park will 
receive $245.4 million for its State- 
Supported Program, a 7.3 percent in- 

crease over this year's operating 
budget. The governor's proposed 
budget includes $4.2 million (1.73 
percent) more than College Park re- 
quested, a good portion of which 
will be used for much needed repair 
of campus buildings. 

If the University budget is approv- 
ed as it now stands, the College Park 
Campus State Supported Program 
will include $160,870,457 in General 
Funds, $78,534,336 in Special Funds, 
and $6,002,116 in Federal Funds. 
Since state law requires a balanced 
budget, the General Assembly is able 
to cut money from the governor's 
budget, but cannot add to it. 

The proposed University budget 
contains approximately 4 percent for 
faculty merit increases. Since this in- 

cludes $1.2 million University-wide 
for recruitment and retention of 
outstanding faculty, the increase ac- 
tually amounts to an average faculty 
and professional staff merit increment 
of 3.5 percent for the College Park 
Campus. Classified staff will receive 
step increases, and a 2.5 percent 
cost-of-living (COLA) increase for all 
state employees is also proposed. 

The budget includes a significant 
new initiative— first time funding of 
55 million to be used University-wide 
to begin to address the long-standing 
and increasingly critical problem of 
deteriorating physical plant and in- 
frastructure. This money marks the 
first phase of a proposed four-year 

continued on page 3 


February 9, 1987 

A Tidbit from the Past 

In the 1940s, the M-Book served as 
the campus' official student hand- 
book. It contained a detailed code of 
behavior and generally took the form 
of graduated restrictions based on 
class year. Freshmen had the most 
restrictions and seniors the least. 
After World War II, when enrollment 

doubled from 4,897 in 1945 to 9,792 
in 1946, fewer rules remained even 
for freshmen. The major rules had to 
do with attendance (required) and 
behavior (spirited) at athletic events. 
In an effort to take a more positive 
tone, the M-Book contained such 
phrases as "Every smooth freshman 
would know. . ." 


Migratory Birds Take Wing in UMCP Wind Tunnel 

The campus Glenn L. Martin Wind 
Tunnel has been used to test the 
aerodynamic design of aircraft, 
automobiles, trucks and ship hulls. It 
has been employed to study the ef- 
fect of high winds on traffic signals, 
buildings, and street signs. 

And for three days before 
Thanksgiving, it was a place where 
the flight of migratory birds was 
simulated, a research project being 
conducted under a cooperative agree- 
ment between the University and the 
Department of the Interior's Fish and 
Wildlife Service. 

The Service, explains wind tunnel 
director Jewel Barlow, has been ex- 
perimenting with ways of tracking 
migratory birds and animals by at- 
taching small radio transmitters to 
them and using handheld, airborne 
and now satellite receivers to 
monitor their whereabouts. 

The Service eventually hopes to 
launch a new program to trace the 
movement and location of migrating 
birds such as waterfowl and raptors 
using radio receivers aboard orbiting 

However, Barlow says, scientists 
need to anticipate the effect transmit- 
ter size, weight and especially 
aerodynamic configuration might 
have on birds that during the course 
of their migration may fly hundreds 
or even thousands of miles. 

The research at UMCP will be used 
to gain preliminary data on 
aerodynamic drag on bird bodies and 
the additional drag thai is created by 
various transmitter shapes, says Mark 
Fuller, a wildlife biologist with the 
Migratory Bird Research Group of 
the Patuxent Wildlife Research Center 
in Laurel. 

Using the bodies of birds that had 
been illegally killed by hunters and 
confiscated by Fish and Wildlife Ser- 
vice officers, Barlow, Fuller, Holliday 
Obrecht, another biologist from the 
Patuxent center, and Colin Pen- 
nychick, an expert on bird flight 
mechanics from the University of 
Miami, obtained drag measurements 


Outlook is published weekly during the academic 
year by the Office of Institutional Advancement for 
the faculty and staff of The University of Maryland 
College Park Campus. 

A.H. Edwards, Vice Chancellor 

for Institutional Advancement 
Hoz Hlebert. Director of Public Information & Editor 
Mercy Coogan. Tom Otwell, Tim 
McDonough, Brian Busek, Staff Writers 
Stuart Hales, Student Intern 
Harpreet Kang. Student Intern 

John T. Consoii, Designer & Coordinator 
Stephen A. Darrou, Design & Production 
Margaret Hall, Design & Production 
Al Danegger, Contributing Photography 

Letters to the editor, story suggestions, campus informa- 
tion and calendar items are welcome. Send to Roz 
Hiebert Editor OUTLOOK. 2101 Turner Building, through 
campus mail or lo The University ol Maryland. College 
Park. MD 20742 Our telephone number is (301) 46*5335 


on the bodies of several species that 
included a snow goose, a tundra 
swan, a bald eagle, a green-winged 
teal, a broad- winged hawk, and a 
mallard duck. 

During the course of the three 
days of testing, Barlow says, the 
birds' bodies were kept frozen with 
necks extended to simulate their nor- 
mal patterns of flight. 

After obtaining drag on the birds 
in flight configuration, the researchers 
added transmitter models with 
various contours to the birds. 

"In effect, we were testing the 
streamlining of these transmitters and 
their ability to decrease air resistance, 
or drag, on birds in simulated flight," 
Barlow says. "It is the first time 
anybody has tried to do something 
like this using the resources of a ma- 
jor wind tunnel. Initially we had to 
sort out just how we would measure 
drag. The force levels are quite small 
and require very precise measure- 
ments compared to most other 
aerodynamic studies at the tunnel. 
We have an ongoing and cooperative 
relationship with the Fish and 
Wildlife Service people, and as the 
data is analyzed we expect we will 
continue this project with them.'' 

Broadcasts from the low power 
transmitters, no larger than a package 
of cigarettes, rely on clear, line-of- 
sight transmissions for reception by 
satellite. Depending on the type of 
bird to be t nicked, transmitters can 
weigh from less than a gram with 
reception of only a mile or so to up 
to 220 grams. 

Signals from the tiny broadcast sta- 
tion probably wouldn't carry from 
the Wind Tunnel Building to 
Outlook's Turner Building offices, 
Barlow says, because of trees, other 
buildings, vehicles and pedestrians. 
However, the satellite receiver can 
pick up its transmission from hun- 
dreds of miles away. 

With this improved ability to 
follow migratory birds, wildlife 
management officials say they will be 
able to improve their understanding 
of the demographics of wildlife 

"Being able to track an individual 
bird by radio is another field techni- 
que that can be used by wildlife 
biologists," says the Patuxent center's 
Fuller. "We will be able to better 
identify the habitats of migrating 
wildfowl, to pinpoint feeding and 
nesting areas, and for how long they 
are used, and the effect adverse 
weather may have on migration pat- 
terns," ■ 

— Tom Otwell 

Providing First-rate Computer Advice to Third World Managers 

The Third World's use of computers 
is growing every day, and a UMCP 
international management specialist 
wants to insure that the leaders of 
these developing nations make in- 
formed decisions on their computer 

Marcus Ingle is coauthor of the 
revised edition of Microcomputers in 
Development: A Manager's Guide. He 
is currently the Director of UMCP's 
International Development Manage- 
ment Center, which is a research unit 
of the Office of International Pro- 
grams housed within the College of 
Agriculture and the College of Life 
Sciences. Ingle says the book is a 
primer for leaders of developing na- 
tions, telling them how microcom- 
puters are acquired, set up, and used 
properly. First published in 1983, this 
second edition appeared in 
November, 1986. 

"Microcomputers are proliferating 
to all parts of the world, and there is 
a hype involved with that 
proliferation— that they will solve all 
of your problems," Ingle says. The 
goal of the book, according to Ingle, 
is to cut through the exaggerated 
claims and give managers practical in- 
formation concerning what com- 
puters can do and what they cannot 

It answers such basic questions as: 
Do I need a computer? How do I 
buy one? What software do I need? 
How can I get it serviced and 
repaired? How much will all this real- 
ly cost? Such questions are taken for 
granted in technologically advanced 
nations like the United States, but are 
vital to managers in developing 


Ingle says the book makes an ex- 

cellent text for management courses 
and that many local governments in 
the United States have expressed an 
interest in a domestic version. "It's 
filling a real knowledge gap," he 
says. ■ 

Case Studies of 

Building Failures Developed 

Some 500 case histories of structural 
failures in buildings collected from all 
SO states have been assembled in a 
computerized data base by UMCP 
civil engineers. 

The information is expected to be 
available for Lise by the engineering 
profession and general public in 

The data base was developed by 
the University's Architectural and 
Engineering Performance Information 
Center (AEPIC) under a 550,000 grant 
from the National Bureau of Stan- 
dards' Center for Building 

"The intent," says Charles Culver, 
chief of the CBT Structures Division, 
"is to develop improved criteria for 
codes and standards pertaining to 
performance of building structures 
based on lessons learned from in- 
vestigations of structural failures in 
the past. The data will be available to 
assist designers, manufacturers, con- 
structors, code writers and regulatory 
officials, and building owners in 
avoiding similar future failures." 

The National Bureau of Standards 
has been authorized by Congress to 

initiate and conduct investigations to 
determine the causes of structural 
failures in buildings ttsed or occupied 
by the general public, Culver notes. 

Donald Vannoy, UMCP associate 
professor of civil engineering and co- 
director of AEPIC, says all case 
histories in the data base involve 
structural failures unrelated to natural 
events such as earthquakes, flooding 
or high winds. All were collected 
from cases that have gone through 
the appeals process of either state or 
federal courts and adjudicated by a 
judge or panel of judges, he adds. 

"These are structural failures of 
buildings of all types — high rises, 
hotels, offices, hospitals, shopping 
centers, sports arenas," he says. 
"Because all the cases have been rul- 
ed on by the courts, they arc ex- 
tremely well documented, contain 
complete technical information and 
are not the subject of third-party in- 
terpretation or speculation as to the 
cause of the failure. That's what 
makes them so useful." 

Those interested in contacting 
AEPIC for more information should 
call 935-5545. ■ 


February 9, 1987 

UMCP Expects Funding of One 
Third of its Capital Budget Request 

If the State Legislature approves the 
governor's recommendations for next 
year's University Capital Budget, Col- 
lege Park will receive S 13 million in 
FY '88 — just about one third of the 
$39.9 million the University believes 
is necessary if it is to meet its highest 
priority capital improvement needs 
over the next year. 

"This is obviously less than we 
hoped for and significantly less than 
we received this year," says Warren 
Kelley, who is coordinating the 
Capital Budget this year for the first 
time as part of his job in the Office 
of Resource Planning and Budgets, 

College Park listed 24 projects as 
its highest priorities for funding in 
next year's request, but the governor 
recommended that just nine of the 
projects be funded. Money for two 
other projects — PCB transformer 
replacement and asbestos control — is 
scheduled to be administered by the 
Maryland Dept. of General Services. 

With the project to convert the 
Bureau of Mines building to a 
Microbiology building now 98 per- 
cent completed, this number one 
priority item in the Capital Budget 
calls for almost SI. 4 million in fun- 
ding for supplemental construction 
and built-in equipment for that 

The second highest priority— a re- 
quested 3920,000 for equipment for 
the Veterinary Science Research 
Center scheduled to begin construc- 

Budget Hearings 
Begin Next Week 

continued from page I 

approximately 120 million plan aim- 
ed at ultimately providing adequate 
funding for major maintenance and 
repair of aging facilities and refur- 
bishing of classrooms and labs in 
need of upgrading. 

Of the $4.2 million in additional 
funding recommended by the gover- 
nor, $2 million is designated 
specifically for inclusion in the Col- 
lege Park budget for facilities renewal 
projects on the campus. 

The governor also recommended 
additional funding for several other 
important College Park requests, in- 
cluding SI, 250,000 in additional 
funds for instructional and data pro- 
cessing equipment which will allow 
for increased academic support by 
the Computer Science Center and for 
the purchase of more instructional 
equipment; $400,000 for library col- 
lection enhancement; and $650,000 
and 3 new positions to support the 
new Maryland Industrial Partnerships 
program, a non-instructional program 
that supports University-industry 
cooperation by matching funds 
through the College of Engineering. ■ 


{The following projects in the UMCP Capital Budget were recommended for funding by the Governor.) 





Conversion, Bureau of Mines $1 ,395,000 (E) 

Building to Microbiology Building 

Veterinary Science Research Center 920,000 (E) 

Animal Science / Agricultural Engineering 4,635,000 (C,E) 

College of Business Management / 675,000 (P) 

School of Public Affairs 

Utilities: Extension / Replacement 6,945,000 <P,C) 

MFRI Vehicle Storage, Maintenance 430,000 <C,E) 

and Classroom Building 

PCB Transformer Replacement 1 ,695,000 (C) 

Building Safety Modifications, Phases VI and VII 1,780,000 (P,C) 

Asbestos Control 1 ,045,000 

McKeldin Portico: Repair and Column Replacement 340,000 (C) 

MFRI Training Academy Grounds (supplemental) 766,000 (C) 

$1,395,000 (C,E) 

485,000 (E) 

3,380,000 (C) 

915,000 (P) 

5.025,000 (P.C) 
535,000 (C,E> 

300,000 (C) 

340.000 (C) 
700,000 (C) 




Fund^j tot both AfiCtfSKS Ronwval W*? PCB TrBrrsfcnTflf Reptocemenl Wil be flpprcfraleC to a apnt-al fund to be adjnuOerBd by The Qepartmeni of General SefVCes 

tion in May was funded for 5485,000 
in the Governor's Allowance. 

UMCP's third-highest priority pro- 
ject in the Capital Budget request is 
construction and equipment monies 
for the first phase of Animal 
Science/Agricultural Engineering. 
UMCP received just over $34 million 
in the Governor's Allowance, for the 
construction portion only, rather 
than the $4.6 million requested for 
both construction and equipment. 
This money will be used for two ad- 
ditions and renovations to parts of 
the building. 

In one case, planning for a new 
building, more money was recom- 
mended than requested — the gover- 

nor calls for $915,000 rather than the 
S675,000 UMCP asked for. This 
money will be used to begin plan- 
ning a new College of Business 
Management /School of Public Affairs 
building to be located south of the 
Architecture building. 

Another important priority in the 
UMCP budget request is $6.9 million 
for utilities extension and replace- 
ment. In response to this almost $7 
million high priority item, the gover- 
nor recommended that S5 million be 
allotted to planning and construction 
of a number of utilities extension and 
replacement projects. But most of 
the money is targeted specifically for 
replacement of the campus' obsolete 

underground conduit system which 
holds all of the campus' telephone, 
electrical, and data transmission lines. 
About $4,685,000 will be used to 
replace this aging conduit system 
with a brand new one, a project that 
coincides with installation of a new 
telephone system in FY '88, says 

Though the budget addresses some 
of UMCP's most critical needs, a 
number of other important capital 
needs College Park listed as priorities 
once more remain unfunded in the 
Governor's Allowance. These In- 
clude; SI. 4 million for Phase II of 
the North Fields development; 
$825,000 in planning funds for altera- 
tion and additions to the Computer 
and Space Sciences building; 
$285,000 to plan a multiple use 
academic facility; $ 1 .7 million in con- 
struction money for fire alarm 
systems installation and replacement; 
$3.9 million for renovation of the 
Maryland Fire and Rescue Institute, 
known popularly as the fire station; 
81.3 million in planning money for 
the Plant Sciences building; $390,000 
for 3 vehicular circulation im- 
provements; S85,000 in planning for 
steam plant boiler replacement; 
5730,000 for construction and equip- 
ment of the Northeast MFRI Regional 
Training Center; $1.6 million for ex- 
pansion of the Instructional Televi- 
sion System; and $2.5 million for 
land acquisition. 

In terms of how the crisis of "a 
crumbling campus" will be dealt 
with in the future, Kelley indicates 
that the approach today, versus that 
of two years ago, is to try to obtain 
more funding within the operating 
budget, specifically for the renewal 
of existing facilities, thereby gaining 
greater flexibility to use the money 
in the most efficient ways. 

Kelley points to the $2 million in 
new funding for facilities renewal 
projects included in the proposed 
operating budget as a major step in 
this direction. ■ 

—Roz Hiebert 

General Electric Awards Scholarship Funds 

-Roz Hiebert 

The General Electric Company has 
announced that it will award $50,000 
to UMCP to support graduate 
students in computer science and 
engineering who plan careers in 
higher educaton. 

Called the Teaching Incentive 
Grant, the scholarships will be 
awarded over five years. UMCP is 
one of five U.S. universities to 
receive such a grant from GE as part 
of the company's commitment to ex- 
cellence in both teaching and 
scholarship in higher education, 

The announcement was made at a 
campus ceremony Feb. 4 by Robert 
R. Hench, Vice President and General 
Manager, Information Processing 
Technology, General Electric Infor- 
mation Services Company, GE's 
Roc kville- based computer network 
services division. 

The relationship between GE and 
UMCP has been developed locally by 
Hench who was named company 
liaison with UMCP in 1981. GE also 
provides eight scholarships annually 
to the Computer Science Dept. and 
two to the College of Engineering. 
Last year it donated SI 5,000 in aid to 
both graduate and undergraduate 
students, and recently renewed a 
$20,000 grant to help support 
UMCP's Electric Power Education 
Program. GE also contributed some 
$72,000 worth of equipment to the 
Colleges of Engineering and 

During the ceremonies, Hench was 
presented with the first Distinguished 
Service Award of the College of 
Engineering. Dean George Dieter said 
the award was established this year 
to recognize leadership and support 

of the College. 

In a related development, the 
General Electric Foundation announc- 
ed last month that it has selected 
UMCP as one of 16 universities to 
receive a GE Foundation Minority 
Scholars Program scholarship, a new 
program aimed at improving the 
quality of the nation's minority 
engineering graduates. 

The annual $5,000 scholarship will 
be awarded to a minority student 
with a B or better average grade and 
enrolled fulltime in an undergraduate 
engineering program. Recipients will 
be selected after the first semester of 
their freshman year. The scholarship 
will be effective in the student's first 
semester of the sophomore year and 
will be renewable for two additional 
years. ■ 


February 9, 1987 

Music Program 
for Young Children 

A new UMCP music program will 
give parents a chance to help their 
children discover music, A Time for 
Sharing: You, Your Child and Music, 
is an eight-week program of par- 
ticipator)' music activities designed 
for children six months to six years 
old. The weekly sessions include ac- 

tivities involving both children and 
their parents. The classes, running 
Feb. 1 4-April 1 1 , will be held on the 
College Park Campus and will be 
taught by T. Clark Saunders, a UMCP 
assistant music professor, and Dawn 
Baker, a West Virginia University 
associate music professor. For more 
information, call 454-2751 or 

February 9— February 16 


February 9 

James W. Cowan, the director of interna- 
tional affairs for the National Association 
of State Universitites and Land-Grant Col- 
leges, will speak about The Crisis in 
Foreign Affairs and its Impact on 
University Programs at noon in 2118 
South Administration Bldg. Call x3008 for 

The Counseling Center will sponsor an 
R&D Meeting on "Racial Identity in the 
Counseling Process" featuring Janet 
Helms (UMCP) from noon-2 p.m. in the 
Testing Room of Shoemaker. Call x2931 
for info." 

"Resume and SF-171 Tips," the third of 
four workshops on Job Search 
Strategies for Minorities, will be held 
from 2-4 p.m. in the Nonprint Media Ser- 
vices Center of Hornbake Library. Call 
x2813 or x4901 for info.* 

Scott Wolpert (UMCP) will deliver a Math 
Colloquium titled "Cut, Paste and a Lit- 
tle String Theory" at 3 p.m. in 3206 
Mathematics Bldg. Call x2841 for info.* 

Chee Ng (UMCP and Univ. of Malaya) 
will discuss "Interplanetary Transport of 
Solar Energetic Particles" at a Space 
Science Seminar at 4:30 p.m. in 1113 
Computer and Space Sciences Bldg. Call 
X7313 for info.* 

John Carlson (UMCP) will speak about 
"The Ancient Maya Culture: Clues from 
Paint Tomb -12, Rio Azul, Guatemala" at 
a History and Philosophy of Science 
Colloquium at 4:15 p.m. in 1117 Francis 
Scott Key Hall. Call x2850 for info.* 

Plasma Physics Seminar, title and 
speaker to be announced, 1:30 p.m., 
1207 Energy Research Bldg. Call x3511 
for info.* 

J. David Allan (UMCP) will speak about 
"Sexual Selection and Swarming 
Behavior in Mayflies" at an Entomology 
Colloquium at 4 p.m. in 0200 Symons 
Hall. Call X3843 for info.* 

The Guarneri String Quartet will conduct 
an open rehearsal at 7 p.m. in the Tawes 
Recital Hall. Call x6669 for info.* 


February 10 

Gaurang B. Yodh (UMCP) will deliver a 
Physics Colloquium on "The Cygnus 
Experiment" at 4 p.m. in 1410 Physics. 
Cat) x3511 for info.* 

Women's Basketball vs. Wake Forest, 
Cole Field House, 6:30 p.m. 

Men's Basketball vs. Georgia Tech, Cole 
Field House, 9 p.m. 

Movie, "No Mercy," 7 and 9:30 p.m., 
Hoff Theater. Call x2594 for info. 


February 1 1 

Counseling Center R&D Meeting: Bar- 
bara Jacoby and Martha Baer Wilmes of 
UMCP's Office of Commuter Affairs will 
speak about "U Map's New Face on 
Campus: Where it is— Where it is Going" 
from noon-1 p.m. in the Counseling 
Center Testing Room of Shoemaker Hall. 
Call x2932 for info.* 

THE ART OF THE TENT exhibit will take place In the School of Architecture from February 6— March 6. The 
hours are T, W, F, 1:00-4:30 p.m., and Sunday t:00-5:00 p.m. 

In celebration of Black History Month, 
Harry J. Elam (UMCP) will discuss the 
History of Black Theater from Langston 
Hughes' "Mulatto" (1930) to Charles 
Fuiier's "A Soldier's Ptay" (1982). Noon-1 
p.m., 3123 South Campus Dining Hall, 
For info call x6790.* 

UMCP's Women in Development Group 
will host a colloquium on Women and 
Agricultural Production in Guinea- 
Bissau, West Africa from noon-1 :30 p.m. 
in the Maryland Room of Marie Mount 
Hall. The featured speaker is Joana 
Dulce Castleton, who worked for three 
years on the crop protection project in 
Guinea-Bissau. Call x3601 for info." 

Astronomy Colloquium: John B. Carlson 
(UMCP) will speak about "Venus and 
Ritual Warfare in Ancient Mesoam erica: 
New Light from the Maya Grolier Codex" 
at 4 p.m. in 1113 Computer and Space 
Sciences Bldg. Call x35l 1 for info. * 

Movie, "No Mercy," 7 and 9:30 p.m., 
Hoff Theater. Call x2594 for info. 


February 12 

"Job Fair Strategies," the last of four 
workshops on Job Search Strategies for 
Minorities, will be held from 2-4 p.m. in 
the Nonprint Media Services Center of 
Hornbake Library. Call x2813 or x4901 
for info. ' 

Condensed Matter Seminar: M. 

Randeria (Cornell Univ.) will lecture on 
"Resonant Modes, Phonon Localization, 
and Thermal Anomalies in Glasses" at 3 
p.m. in 4208 Physics. Call x3511 for 
info. * 

George J. Huffman (UMCP) will speak 
about "Doing Meteorology in 1987: 

Digital Real-Time Data and What to Do 
About It" in a Meteorology Seminar at 
3:30 p.m. in the Meteorology Annex. Call 
x2708 for info.* 

John Millson (UMCP and UCLA) will 
discuss "The Satake Com pact if icat ion of 
Symmetric Spaces" at a Math Seminar 
at 4 p.m. in 1313 Mathematics Bldg, Call 
x2841 for info.* 

Y. S. Kim (UMCP) will deliver a Physics 
Seminar on "Further Contents of Eins- 
tein's E 5 mc" at 4:15 p.m. in 1410 
Physics. Call x3511 for info.* 

Wrestling vs. Navy, Cole Field House, 
7:30 p.m.* 

Movie. "Jumping Jack Flash," 7 and 
9:30 p.m., Hoff Theater. Call x2594 for 

"The Counter- Revolution in Pennsylvania, 
1784-1786" will be the topic of a History 
Seminar at B p.m. in 1104 Stamp Stu- 
dent Union. Call x3795 for info.* 


February lj 

Published Women Luncheon Series: 

Anne E. Imamura will discuss her for- 
thcoming book, "Urban Japanese 
Housewives: At Home and in the Com- 
munity," at noon in the Carriage House, 
Rossborough Inn. Call x3940 for 

Musicologist Joshua Riskin will deliver a 
Music Lecture on "The Dispute Over 
Bach's Chorus — A Look at the Sources" 
at 12:30 p.m. in 2102 Tawes. Call x2501 
for info.* 

The UMCP Mental Health Service will 
.host a Lunch 'N Learn Conference from 
' 1-2 p.m. in room 3100E of the University 

Health Center. Colin Frank (George 
Washington Univ.) will speak about 
"Clinical Hypnosis: The Positive Use of 
Dissociative States." Call x4925 for info.* 

Movie, "Jumping Jack Flash," 7 and 
9:30 p.m., Hoff Theater. Call x2594 for 

Wrestling vs. Virginia, Cole Field House, 
7:30 p.m.* 

Midnight Movie, "Ferris Bueiler's Day 
Off." Hoff Theater. Call x2594 for info. 


February 14 

Gymnastics vs. West Virginia, North 
Gym, 2 p.m.* 

Men's Basketball vs. North Carolina, 
Cole Field House, 4 p.m. 

Movie, "Jumping Jack Flash," 7 and 
9:30 p.m., Hoff Theater. Call x2594 for 

The Music Dept. will sponsor a Valen- 
tine's Day Concert featuring the Auryn 
String Quartet from West Germany. The 
concert starts at 8 p.m. in the Tawes 
Recital Hall. Call x6669 for info.* 

Midnight Movie, "Ferris Bueiler's Day 
Off," Hoff Theater, Call x2594 for info. 


February 15 

Richard Cionco, 1986 winner of the 
Homer Ulrich Distinguished 
Undergraduate Pianist Award, will per- 
form a University Community Concert 
at the Tawes Recital Hall at 2 p.m. 
Tickets are $6.00 and $8,50. For more in- 
fo, call X6534. 

Movie, "Jumping Jack Flash," 7 and 
9:30 p.m., Hoff Theater. Call x2594 for 


February 16 

Richard L. Hopkins (UMCP) will speak 
about "Long-Term Planning for Colleges 
of Agriculture: The Case of Burkina 
Faso" at an Agricultural and Life 
Sciences Colloquium from noon-1 p.m. 
in 2118 South Administration Bldg. Call 
x6407 for info.* 

Math Colloquium: John Benedetto 
(UMCP) will discuss "The Definition of 
the Fourier Transform" at 3 p.m. in 3206 
Mathematics Bldg. Call x2841 for info,* 

Robert O'Neil (Purdue Univ.) will deliver 
an Entomology Colloquium on 

"Predator Search Strategy and Life 
History Characteristics at Low Prey Den- 
sities" at 4 p.m. in 0200 Symons Hall. 
Call X3843 for info.* 

Women's Basketball vs. Georgia Tech, 
Cole Field House, 5:30 p.m. 

Men's Basketball vs. Central Florida, 
Cole Field House. 8 p.m. 

enotes free admli 

If you bate an event you would like to 
include in the calendar, please submit it 
in writing at least 10 working days 
prior to the week in which the event 

Affairs of the Heart 

Be someone's sweetheart. Help save 
a life. The UMCP Health Center of- 
fers training in cardiopulmonary 
resuscitation (CPR) evenings from 6 
to 9:30 p.m. Classes arc scheduled 
through the end of April. For infor- 
mation, contact Mike Owen at 

Lecture on Black Theater 

Black theater will be the focus of an 
upcoming lecture by Harry Elam 
(Communication Arts and Theater). 
Elam, director of the Black Drama 
Workshop, will talk about black 
theater from the 1930s to the 1980s 
at noon Wed., Feb. 11, in the Nyum- 
buru Cultural Center, 3123 South 


February 9, 1987 

Campus Dining Hall. In addition, 
students from the Black Drama 
Workshop will perform brief scenes 
from several plays. The lecture is co- 
sponsored by the College of Arts and 
Humanities and the Nyumburu 
Cultural Center and is part of the 
Collegiate Encounter Series. 

Valentine's Day — It Couldn't 
Have Happened in Roman Times 

If Valentines had existed in ancient 
Rome, Valentine's Day would have 
been a complicated holiday. 

In our day and age, the Valentine 
that a man sends to a female friend 
innocently and unambiguously says 
something like, "Won't you be my 

In ancient Rome, such a Valentine 
for such a friendship would have 
demanded a twisted message along 
the lines of, "Won't you be my 
sister?" according to Judith Hallett, 
UMCP associate classics professor. 

Modern Valentines have many 
socially acceptable meaning-; they 
can be exchanged without controver- 
sy by Platonic friends as well as by 
lovers and spouses. The tradition in- 
dicates that all those kinds of rela- 
tionships among men and women 
arc acceptable. 

The Romans had problems with 
men and women who wanted to be 
friends, says Hallett. 

"The notion the Romans had is 
that if men and women weren't 
related by blood or marriage, then 
their relationship had to be sexual— 
and that meant there was some kind 
of impropriety involved," she says. 
Hallett, who studies male-female rela- 
tionships in ancient societies, has 
presented a paper on the subject at 
several universities and academic 

The Romans took a dim view of 
adultery to the degree that adulterous 
relationships were illegal under 
Augustus. If a man wanted to have a 
sexual relationship with a woman 
who was not his wife, only a slave 
or a prostitute was socially accep- 
table, Hallett says. 

The dismissal of Platonic relation- 
ships appeared in the work of 
Roman authors from the Second and 
First Century B.C., she says. 

The Latin word for a male friend, 
amicus, described an individual ac- 
corded respect and equality from 
another person. However, there was 
no comparable word for a woman 
valued as a friend. The feminine 
counterpart of amicus was arnica, 
which signified a sexual 
companion — the sort who often ac- 
cepted some kind of payment. 

To avoid stigma, male and female 
friends used language describing a 
more respectable part of society to 
cloud the true nature of their 

"Men who had women as friends 
often recast the relationship into 
familial roles," Hallett says. In the 
Roman literature, she has found 
many texts in which men describe 
their female friends as daughterly, 
sisterly or motherly. 

Not everyone embraced the status 
quo, and one group — the love poets 
—had success in breaking down the 
sanction against male-female 

3F *^~v 


Hallett found that by the late first 
and early second centuries A.D., 
Platonic relationships had a better 
name in Roman literature. Poets such 
as Catullus wrote romantic poetry us- 
ing the word amicitia to describe 
equal and respectful relationships 
with women. Their work helped 
ease the stigma attached to the male- 
female friendships. 

"Romance often allows men and 
women to look at each other as 
equals," Hallett says. "In many 
romantic relationships, people chose 
each for reasons of attraction and af- 
fection. That implies mutual equality 
and friendship." 

Perhaps then, Valentine's Day 
would have had a place in ancient 
Rome. A good romantic holiday 
might have let men and women be 
just friends. ■ 

—Brian Busek 

UCC Concerts Feature 

Early Music Group and UMCP Pianist 

LIMCP's distinguished young pianist 
and an early music group head the 
University Community Concerts' 
playbill for the month of February. 

Richard Cionco, a 22-year-old 
senior studying piano at UMCP, will 
play at 2 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 15, in 
Tawes Recital Hall. 

The Ensemble for Early Music will 
perform at 3 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 22, 
in Tawes Recital Hall, The perfor- 
mance, part of UCC's 1986-87 Olde 
Musicke Series, will also feature a 
pre-concert seminar beginning at 1:30 

Cionco earned bis chance to per- 
form in a UCC concert by virtue of 
both his musical skill and a foot in 
the proverbial door. 

Cionco 's foot- in- the- door was his 
job last year as a student worker for 
UCC. The organization rarely features 
students in its concerts, but director 
Eva Horny a k told Cionco that she'd 
feature him in concert if he won the 
University's Homer Ulrich 
Distinguished Undergraduate Pianist 

This fall, the New Mexico native 
won the competition for the prize. 
Cionco previously has played with 
the Phoenix Symphony Orchestra 
and the Las Cruces Civic Symphony, 

Cionco, who studies under pro- 
fessor Thomas Schumacher, will play 
six selections including pieces by 
Beethoven, Chopin and Franck. 

The Ensemble for Early Music will 
devote its program to bawdy and 
satiric selections in a program entit- 
led Medieval Madness. The five- 
member New York group has com- 
piled selections from three major 
medieval works. 

The Roman de Fauvel tells the 
story ofa mule named Fauvel whose 
social rank rivals that of the pope. 
Written by a French clerk in the 
14th Century, the poem mixes 

Richard Cionco 

liturgical chants and bawdy songs in 
a satirical story about the religio- 
poh'tical hanky-panky of the day. 

Cantigas de Santa Maria are a col- 
lection of Gallician-Portuguese songs 
recounting miracles performed by the 
Virgin Mary. The songs were not 
originally intended as satire but, for a 
modern audience, fit with Medieval 
Madness because their stories are so 

The Gambler's Mass is a parody of 
the Missal that at first glance looks 
official and innocent. The piece is 
drawn from the Carmina Burana, a 
notorious group of secular Latin 
songs which feature gambling and 
drinking songs and parodies of 
religious songs and services. 

For ticket information about both 
UCC concerts call 454-6534 . ■ 

Teaching the 
Teachers Fine Arts 

A UMCP program to prep Maryland 
high school teachers for their fine 
arts classes will continue next 

The Center for Renaissance and 
Baroque Studies was recently award- 
ed a 550,000 matching grant from 
the Maryland Humanities Council to 
continue its Interdisciplinary Summer 
Institute for Secondary School 
Teachers in Maryland, The matching 
grant will be combined with a 
550,000 grant from the Andrew W. 
Mellon Foundation, 

The institute will conduct a three- 
week program designed to give 
secondary school teachers ideas for 
improving fine arts classes in their 

The program was started last year 
in response to a fine arts requirement 
that began in Maryland high schools 
in 1985, says Adele Seeff, executive 
director of the Center for 
Renaissance and Baroque Studies. In 
order to graduate, high school 
students must earn at least one credit 
in music, dance, theater or the visual 

Through the program, teachers 
broaden their scholarly background 
in the fine arts and gather ideas to 
use in their classes, Seeff says. 

Thirty-five teachers will participate 
in the session which runs July 
26-Aug. 14. Three UMCP professors 
and seven visiting professors will 
guide the program. 

Richard Etlin (Architecture), Paul 
Traver (Music) and Larry Warren 
(Dance) are the LIMCP faculty involv- 
ed. Etlin is the director of the in- 
stitute. ■ 



February 9, 1987 

What's a Hug? 

Associate professor of English Gene 
Hammond, the author of Informative 
Writing and other works, recently 
uncovered this data on the subject of 
hugs. A hug is: ecologically sound 
(does not upset the environment), 
energy efficient (saves heat), and re- 

quires no special equipment. In addi- 
tion, a hug makes happy days 
become happier, impossible days 
become possible. And most impor- 
tant, reports Hammond, a hug keeps 
on working to dispense its benefits 
even after the hug's release. 


The Case for Black Philanthropy 

Robert Steele 

Two hundred eighteen billion 
dollars — not exactly chicken feed, is 

That's how much black Americans 
will earn during 1987. But because 
the media focuses to a great extent 
on the deficiencies existing in the 
black community, few Americans — 
black or white — realize the extent of 
its economic potential. 

Associate Professor of Psychology 
Robert Steele has been examining the 
economic trends of the black com- 
munity for more than four years. As 
a clinical community psychologist, he 
is interested in the ways that black 
people use — or fail to use — the 
resources they possess to empower 

"Because clinical psychology 
comes out of a medical model," 
Steele explains, "it tends to focus 
primarily on what's wrong with peo- 
ple rather than what's right with 
them. But I approach the subject 
from a different perspective, that of 
empowerment, and as such I'm more 
interested in strengths than in 

This is why when Steele reads a 
headline stating that a 15% rate of 
unemployment exists among the na- 
tion's blacks, his immediate reaction 
is to mentally rewrite the headline to 
read: "85% of Nation's Blacks Are 
Employed," Similarly, when a televi- 
sion anchor-person announces that 
30% of all blacks have incomes 
below the poverty level, Steele hears 
a different message— that 70% of 
American blacks have incomes above 
the poverty level. 

"My point in looking at the black 
community's economic resources 
rather than its deficiences is this," 
Steele says. "Black Americans need 
to realize that they have sustained a 
most effective economic boycott 
against themselves — and that it's time 
to put a halt to this boycott. Of the 
S218 billion that black Americans 
will earn this year, only 7% will be 
spent with black businesses or 
donated in support of black causes. I 
believe, as do many others who 
study the matter, that strong 
measures must be taken now to 

reverse this trend in black spending 
and charitable giving," 

Steele recently completed a study 
of the one black owned and 
operated institution that has con- 
sistently and successfully utilized 
black economic support to achieve 
relative financial independence — the 
church. The study examines both the 
methods and the motivations used 
by the pastors of seven black con- 
gregations in the Washington, D.C. 

"This study is a small part of a 
larger research program," Steele says. 
"Its purpose is to examine those fac- 
tors that may prove helpful in 
designing programs for the develop- 
ment of strong financially self- 
supporting institutions within the 
black community." 

Not suprisingly, Steele's study 
found that individuals who are 
religiously motivated are among a 
church's most generous supporters. 
"Having internalized spiritual values, 
it is easier for individuals to whole- 
heartedly accept the Biblical position 
on giving and increase their giving as 
they grow to adopt new attitudes 
concerning their spiritual well-being," 
reads the study. 

"The study shows that the move 
toward higher giving is not a one- 
shot appeal, however," Steele adds. 
"It is up to the individual church to 
teach its members how to lead a 
more spiritual life, and to adopt 
tithing (the practice of committing 
10% of one's annual earnings to the 
church) as a standard for Christian 
stewardship rather than emphasizing 
to them the general need to increase 
their giving." 

In addition, Steele says, before 
people contribute to a church, they 
need to feel comfortable with the 
credibility and authority of the pastor 
and other church leaders. His study 
also makes it clear that bigger is not 
always better since members of small 
congregrations tend to contribute 
more generously more often than 
parishioners of larger churches. 

"This study helps create a model 
which can be used in developing 
economic strategies for the black 

community," he says. "Just as the 
pastor of the successful black church 
has learned to recognize where the 
church's resources lie and how to 
manage those resources as well as 
create new ones, so too black en- 
trepreneurs must develop similiar 
plans. And, at the same time, the 
black consumer must be educated— 
'religiously motivated,' if you will — to 
the idea that he and she owes sup- 
port to black businesses and black 
non-profit causes." 
Steele is conducting related studies 

of black college and university alum- 
ni financial support for the institu- 
tions from which they obtained their 
degrees and of black financial sup- 
port of political candidates and 
causes, "The object is to find ways 
to help the black community 
separate itself from the notion that 
'crisis management' is the only way 
to operate," he says. "We need 
definite strategies that will help us 
support ourselves through good 
times and bad times." ■ 

— Mercy Hardie Coogan 

Len Elmore: Black Alumni 
Should Support Higher Education 

Etmore left UMCP in 1974. 
For ten years be played in the 
National Basketball Association for 
the Milwaukee Bucks and both the New 
York Kntcks and Nets, as well as several 
other teams. Now in his third year at 
Harvard Law School, after graduation 
this spring he wilt become an assis- 
tant district attorney in Kings 
County New York (Brooklyn). 

The University of Maryland opened 
its undergraduate doors to a single 
black student in 1954. Today, over 
3,000 blacks pursue degrees of 
higher education at College Park. 

For black Americans, the oppor- 
tunity to attend college is an in- 
dispensable element of our growth as 
a people. Recently, greater emphasis 
has been placed upon the depen- 
dable and effective black colleges and 
universities. The pressure will only 
increase as the reality sets in that 
government grant money is drying 
up. Through direct contributions, 
donations to the United Negro Col- 
lege Fund, and various other funding 
sources, the black college structure 
continues to provide a number of 
students with the opportunity for a 
sound education. 

Yet, as effective as these institu- 
tions may be, the resources necessary 
for meeting the goals of every eligi- 
ble black student are not apparent. It 
is a safe assumption that a significant 
number of black high school 
students with college aspirations will 
choose to go to predominantly white 
institutions. Where will these young 
men and women get the financial aid 
they need? Competition for the 
limited scholarship dollars will result 
in some closed-ended awards and 
grants, many of which— intentionally 
or not— will eliminate black students 
from the competition. To whom 
should these black students look for 

I believe that it's time to pass the 
plate and ensure the availability of 
resources for deserving black 
students who may choose to attend 
predominantlywhite institutions. I 
think it's only fitting that these 
students turn to black college 
graduates who were the beneficiaries 
of a more progressive period when 

grants and scholarships were readily 
available and the resulting oppor- 
tunities blossomed into advancement. 

Len Elmore 

Regrettably, for some black alumni 
there is a lingering dissatisfaction 
with their experiences at a large 
white institution. Yet, it is still vitally 
important that they get involved in 
the effort to support black students 
who may want to attend even those 
"less-than-perfect" colleges and 

Chancellor John Slaughter has 
made it easier for black graduates of 
UMCP to support various alumni and 
black scholarship programs there. He 
is committed to doing everything in 
his power to make College Park a 
cooperative and multi-racial campus 
community. He also has given new 
emphasis to the Minority Affairs Of- 
fice in an effort to provide support 
to students learning to cope with 
new and sometimes intimidating ex- 
periences. Without de -emphasizing 
academic standards, the campus has 
undertaken extensive recruitment 
campaigns to attract the best and 
brightest black (and white) students 
to its classrooms. Efforts like these 
should not exist in a vacuum. 

It's time for us as black alumni to 
flex our influential muscle. Our 
children deserve that much. Money 
talks and apathy can take a long 
hike. It's only though involvement in 
a university's affairs that the chances 
to affect greater change and to 
cultivate greater responsiveness 
becomes available. ■ 


February 9, 1987 

Just For Dads and Kids 

The Center for Young Children in 
the College of Education conducts 
Saturday morning classes for dads 
and their two, three, and four-year 
old youngsters in the center's facility 
on the first floor of the Benjamin 
Bldg. Brent McBride, a teacher at the 
center, helps fathers to discover a 
variety of creative ways for interac- 
ting with their children. To find out 
more about the program, call 
McBride at 454-2341. 


Behind The Scenes — After Dark 

You say alarm clocks are an inven- 
tion of Beelzebub — especially radio 
alarms and their collection of 
disgustingly perky sunrise disk 
jockeys? That early morning sunlight 
is an abomination to the senses? That 
the Supreme Court or the NFL — 
SOMEBODY— ought to make a law 
prohibiting people from talking 
above a whisper before noon? That 
the segment of the population label- 
ed "morning personalities" should all 
be forced to live in Guam or Wyom- 
ing or some place equally remote? 

If that's what's bothering you, 
what you may need is a go at the 
graveyard shift. 

"I'm a night person. Even when I'm 
not working, I wouldn't dream of 
going to bed before 5 a.m.," says 
Judy Cathey, a library aide who for 
the past twelve years has minded the 
reading room desk at Hornbake dur- 
ing the midnight to 8 a.m. shift, "I 
know a lot of people don't under- 
stand me or people like me. The fact 
is, my biorhythm is such that I func- 
tion best at night. Also, I'm more of 
a one-to-one person. I like to work 
on an individual basis with students 
who come to the library. During the 
day this isn't always possible due to 
the sheer number of people using 
the facilities then." 

Cathey says that there arc always 
people working in the library during 
her shift. Many, like her, find the late 
hours more suitable to study. "Dur- 
ing the day — when I'm not 
sleeping— I take courses or work on 
my avocation, writing fiction," she 
says. "I'm fortunate in that my super- 
visor, Ted Schlesiger, understands 
and values the way I work." 

"Night is our most active time," 
says campus police officer Sgt. Mark 
Sparks. "It's when we arc most in- 
volved in what we do best — 

preventing crime and responding to 
crimes committed. During the day 
we perform many service duties, 
such as bank runs and making out 
written reports. But at night we're 
out on patrol all over campus — in 
cars and on foot. We take turns on 
night duty and rotate monthly. This 
month the 11 p.m. - 7 a.m. shift 
belongs, in addition to Sparks, to 
Cpl. John Duncan, Cpl. John 
Brandt, Pfc. Marylou Piernik, 
Pfc. Vince Johnson, Pfc. Edward 
Coursey, Pfc. Christopher Jagoe, 
Pfc. Jeff KiUion, Pfc. Peter 
Quuin, Pvt. Mary Brock, and Pvt. 
Ralph Ac qua viva. These uniform 
officers are kept in touch with one 
another and the station by dispat- 
chers Lee Brant and Laura Frey. 
"I'm not sure I'd want to work 
nights only," says Sparks, "but it's 
part of the job of being a police of- 
ficer. I take it as it comes." 

"Our midnight to 8 a.m. shift is- 
the one time we can get our 'batch' 
jobs done," explains Gus Williams 
of the Administrative Computer 
Center. "That's when we do work 
for the personnel office, the bursar's 
office, the motor vehicle administra- 
tion and other campus offices. Dur- 
ing the day, our computers are oc- 
cupied with on-line activity from ter- 
minals all over campus." 

Just who works the center's two 
night shifts (midnight to 8 a.m. and 4 
p.m. to midnight), is determined on 
the basis of seniority rather than per- 
sonal preference. The lower one is 
on the totem pole, the later the shift 
one pulls. 

This week the center's four 
Hewlett-Packard 3000s and the main 
frame Sperry 1171 will be piloted 
from midnight to 8 a.m. by super- 
visor Dave Cooper, senior operator 
Jeff Wilson, Cleveland Sanders, 
Wayne Brozyna and Thom 

(l-to-r) Sgt. Mark Sparks, Cpl. John Duncan and PFC Pete Qulnn go over the evening paperwork. 

(l-to-r) Clinical nurse, Phyllis Mattox, checks blood pressure of freshman Tray Rtrell at the Health Center. 

Newlin. The 4-12 p.m. shift is made 
up of supervisor Sydney Taitt, 
senior operator Ray Caudle, Dave 
Cox and students Alec Ott and 
Adam Hamilton. 

"We work 24 hours a day nearly 
every day of the year," Williams 
says. "You can imagine the enor- 
mous amount of administrative work 
that this campus generates: student 
bills, report cards, employee payroll, 
you name it." 

■ ■ ■ 

Agnes Scott will retire from her 
job as a night housekeeper in Marie 
Mount Hall on March 31, After work- 
ing nights for 30 years, she says, 
she's ready to become a daytime 

"I decided long ago that I'd rather 
work at night," she explains, 
"because I prefer to use my days for 
other things— shopping, doctors' ap- 
pointments, visiting with friends. But 
now, with my kids all grown and 
my husband disabled, I think I'm 
ready to become a full-time daytimer. 
I believe I've earned it." 

"Sleep is my big problem — getting 
enough of it, that is," says Charlie 
Elmer, a work control specialist who 
for the past 13 years has been on 
duty handling campus emergencies 
from midnight to 8 a.m. "I average 
four hours a day but I think I could 
use a little more." 

Elmer, who graduated from UMCP 
in 1971 and has been with the Dept. 
of Physical Plant since 1973, is the 
first person contacted when someone 
is stuck in a elevator, a pipe bursts, a 
steam valve pops, a lock won't 
work, lights suddenly go out. 

"1 take the call — usually from the 
Police or someone on the night desk 
at Resident Life — and pass it along to 
our 'reflex man,' Vincent Klotz. He 
decides whether the problem can 

wait until morning or needs im- 
mediate attention. You could say that 
at night Klotz is in charge of the 
whole campus as far as maintenance 
is concerned... 

"On weekends I keep regular 
hours — it's the only way to maintain 
a halfway decent social life. But then, 
talk about readjusting come Monday 
night! Still, I like this job. I'm not 
one for working under the gun and 
usually I don't have to. If I don't feel 
like filing at midnight, 1 do it at 4 
a.m. And it's really not lonely. I'm in 
radio contact with supervisors of the 
cleaning crews and with others up 
and about at night. It suits me." 

Nurse Phyllis Mattox began 
working at the Health Center just 
about a year ago. For ten years 
before coming to campus she was a 
night nurse in a local hospital's inten- 
sive care unit. What began as a 
necessity ("In the beginning I had to 
work nights," she says. "My daughter 
was young and I needed to be with 

her days."}, is now a matter of 

"The night is a lot less congested 
than the day," she says. "We don't 
see nearly the volume of patients the 

day shift does and we have more 

time to spend with each person who 

stops in for treatment or phones for 

advice. I like that aspect of it very 


"The kids we see at night are 
often ones with serious problems 
who either can't or won't come to 
the center during the day. Sometimes 
they just need someone to talk to. 
And sometimes they need profes- 
sional help. We offer both." ■ 

— Mercy Hardie Coogan 


February 9, 1987 

Hats off to Physical Plant 

To the men and women who spent 
the last week of January digging the 
campus out from under the Big 
Snow: thanks. Thanks to Lindy 
Kehoe and his grounds crews for 
operating six snow plows 24-hours- 
per-day for the entire week and for 
doing their best to make access into, 

out of and around campus possible. 
Overall, nearly 400 grounds crew 
and other physical plant employees 
put in almost 5,000 hours of over- 
time during and after the two storms. 
In addition to scraping and plowing, 
workers spread approximately $6,000 
worth of sale, sand, cinders and other 
de-icing materials around campus. 


New Director of Development on the Fast Track 

For the past three years, Brad Bar- 
wise, UMCP's new Director of 
Development, has driven his Porsche 
91 1 Targa in sports car club races 
throughout the southeastern U.S. 

It's the kind of pastime you might 
expect of someone who travels in 
the demanding and highly com- 
petitive fast lane of university 

The 3 7- year-old Barwise joined the 
Office of Institutional Advancement 
at the first of the year. He wears two 
hats — the more traditional one of the 
development officer, and campus 
Director of the Campaign for 
Maryland, an ambitious University- 
wide capital campaign now in the in- 
itial planning stages. 

Barwise says his career in develop- 
ment is an outgrowth of his earlier 
jobs— director of a residential pro- 
gram for Cincinnati, Ohio prison in- 
mates who had been released for 
educational and vocational training in 
the community, and executive direc- 
tor of a group house for adolescent 
boys in Providence, Rhode Island. 

"Both of those jobs involved ex- 
tensive fundraising to provide money 
to help meet the food, clothing and 

T. BrMt Barwise 

transportation needs of the 
residents," he says. He also served as 
a parole officer and furlough 
counselor for the Ohio Department 
of Rehabilitation and Corrections and 
as a probation officer for the Cincin- 
nati Court of Common Pleas. 

"Every person on this campus is a 
fundraiser," he believes. "Whether 
they are members of the faculty or 
members of the grounds and 

maintenance crew, the impression 
each of us makes on students, alum- 
ni, parents, or campus visitors con- 
tributes to the total development ef- 
fort. I guess I still have the old social 
worker mentality that says whatever 
you do has to be part of contributing 
to a quality product," he says. "My 
job is to pull it all together." 

For the last two years Barwise was 
Assistant Vice Chancellor and Direc- 
tor of Development at The University 
of Tennessee at Chattanooga where 
hi- directed all fundraising activities 
for the campus and for the indepen- 
dent University of Chattanooga Foun- 
dation. Prior to that, he was assistant 
director of development for capital 
campaign and director of the annual 
quarter million dollar giving cam- 
paign at Buena Vista College, Storm 
Lake, Iowa. 

Barwise holds a B.A. degree in 
sociology from Graceland College in 
Lam on i, Iowa and an Ed, M. degree 
in personnel training and develop- 
ment from Cincinnati's Xavier 
University. He also attended the St. 
Paul School of Theology in Kansas 
City, Mo. 

With assistance from associate 

directors Nancy Hiles and Yolanda 
Pruitt, Barwise says he expects the 
Development Office to develop a 
computerized system for tracking 
donors and to improve and upgrade 
its mailing lists. In order to uncover 
new prospective givers, he says he 
hopes to be able to electronically 
screen all alumni records. "We want 
to move out of the planning stage 
and into the fundrajsing stage," he 
says. "Raising money is often a mat- 
ter of listening to the special needs 
and interests of prospects and then 
finding a way to answer those needs. 
And because UMCP has so many 
things going on that appeal to a wide 
variety of potential donors, my job is 
that much simpler," he says. 

"It's kind of like re-priming the 
pump. People want to return 
something to an institution like the 
University of Maryland that has had a 
positive and lasting impact on their 

And that is what makes this such 
an exciting place for me. Years from 
now there will be students attending 
Maryland on scholarships that we set 
up today." ■ 

—Tom Otwell 

Holt Donates Papers to UM 

Marjorie S. Holt, a member of the 
U.S. House of Representatives from 
19^3 until her retirement at the end 
of last year, has contributed her Con- 
gressional papers to the UM Libraries' 
Special Collection Division. 

The Holt papers, which span her 
seven terms as Republican Con- 
gresswoman from Maryland's Fourth 
Congressional District, include her 
speeches, voting records, schedule 
books, bills she sponsored or co- 
sponsored, press clippings, 
photographs and political cartoons. 

They also contain Holt's research 
files on environmental issues affecting 
the State of Maryland — Chesapeake 
Bay studies, hazardous and nuclear 
waste, coastal barrier islands and 
coastal zone fisheries, waste water 
and sewage treatment, solar energy, 
water resources and acid rain. 

"The Holt collection represents 
another step in our continuing efforts 
to document Maryland political 
history," said Lauren R. Brown, 
curator of historical manuscripts and 
archivist in McKeldin's Special Collec- 
tion Division. "We are exceedingly 
pleased that she has selected this 
University as the repository for these 
valuable historical documents." 

The Holt papers, which total some 
25 cubic feet of material, will be 
available for scholars and researchers 
as soon as they are properly 
catalogued, arranged and described, 
Brown said. 

Spacecraft Control Project 

A three-year project on basic research 
in the modeling and control of large 
multibody spacecraft has been 
established at UMCP by the Air Force 

Office of Scientific Research under 
the Defense Dept.'s University 
Research Initiative program. The 
award for the first year is 1344,930. 
Led by P.S. Krishnaprasad (Electrical 
Engineering), a research group in the 
Systems Research Center hopes to 
develop benchmarks for selecting 
controls and configurations that will 
meet the stringent acquisition, poin- 
ting and tracking requirements for 
proposed large space platforms. 

Lifelong Learning Conference 

A two-day Lifelong Learning Research 
Conference will be held at UMUC's 
Center of Adult Education Feb. 19 
and 20. The conference has been 
organized by the UM Dept. of 
Agricultural and Extension Education, 
the University College Center for 
Professional Development, and the 
Maryland Cooperative Extension Ser- 
vice. Nationally recognized experts 

will focus on such topics as com- 
puters in adult education, learning 
theory, international organizations in 
the development of adult education, 
distance education, and agricultural 
extension worldwide. For info, call 
Sharon Walker at 985-7195- 

Red- White Game Set 

The annual Red -White Spring Foot- 
ball Game will be held in Byrd 
Stadium FrL, May 1 at 7:30 p.m. It 
will be the first spring game played 
at night in the stadium, 

Lockard Wins Grant 
for MINTS 

J. David Lockard (Curriculum and In- 
struction) has been awarded a 
1 1 8,860 federal grant under Title II 
of the Education for Economic 
Security Act to support MINTS — 
Maryland Information Network for 
Teaching Science, 

New Pre-School Ed Program 

Maryland residents interested in early 
childhood education now can take 
advantage of a unique curriculum of- 
fered by the College of Education's 
Institute for Child Study. The In- 
stitute now offers a program in Child 
Development Associate (CDA) 

Established in 1975 as part of a na- 
tional effort to improve the quality 
of pre-school child care, CDA train- 
ing until now has been available 
primarily to participants in federally- 
funded programs such as Head Start. 
The Institute's CDA program, when 
fully implemented, will be one of the 
few in the nation open to anyone in- 
terested in the field. The program 
will lead to either a CDA certificate 
or an undergraduate and graduate 
degree. Trudy M. Hamby, associate 
research scholar at the Institute, will 
direct the program. 

UM Alumni International's '87 Travel Program 

The University's Alumni Association- 
International still has openings for 
eight exciting tours it is offering this 
year as a special service to alumni 
and friends of UM, including faculty 
and staff members. 

1987 tours are planned to St. 
Maartcn (March 15-22), Bermuda 
(May 2-9), Swiss Bavaria (June 21-29), 
Wimbledon Qune 27-July 4), Alaska 
(July 7-19) and Russia (August 9-22). 

Next fall the Alumni Association- 
International will sponsor tours of 
New England (October 13-19) and 
the Western Caribbean (November 

UMCP tennis coach Bobby Gocltz 
will serve as the Wimbledon tour 
tennis expert and will critique the 
matches with the touring alumni. 
Thomas E. Berry, associate professor 
of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 
will accompany the group touring 
the Soviet Union as guest lecturer. 

Director of alumni programs at 
UMCP Leonard Raley says the tours 
are an excellent bargain and are 
packaged to appeal to wide range of 
interests among UM alumni. 

The February 19-March 7 tour of 
the South Pacific is already sold out, 
but interested alumni and friends are 

being encouraged to add their names 
to a waiting list for this trip, notes 
Joan Patterson, director of alumni 

The St. Maarten get-away will take 
place during UMCP's spring break. 
The package includes (at a cost of 
8979 and up per person /double oc- 
cupancy) round! rip airfair, accom- 
modations for seven nights at Maho 
Reef, all transfers and baggage hand- 
ling between airport and hotel, and 
taxes, service charges and gratuities. 

For more information, call Joan 
Patterson at the Office of Alumni Af- 
fairs at 853-3743, ■