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Volume 2, Number 

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Of Dickens, Graduate 
Students and The Closing of 
the American Mind. 

These remarks by Associate Professor 
of English Dcirdrc David were made 
at a reception for Graduate Fellows in 

In a very different context from the 
one that links us today, Charles 
Dickens had some interesting things 
to say in 1859 about what it felt like- 
to be alive in the hectic years just 
before the French Revolution... Let me 
read you the opening of A Tale of 
Two Cities: 

"It was the best of times, it was 
the worst of times, it was the age of 
wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, 
it was the epoch of belief, it was the 
epoch of incredulity, it was the 
season of Light, it was the season of 
Darkness, it was the spring of hope, 
it was the winter of despair, we had 
everything before us, we had nothing 
before us, we were all going direct to 
Heaven, we were all going direct the 
other way..." 

Is this not somewhat similar to be- 
ing a graduate student? Feeling that 
we live at the very best time of our 
lives, that we are wise in ways we 
never thought possible, that we 
believe in our futures, that this is our 
season of light and hope — in short, as 
Dickens puts it, that we are on our 
way to heaven? Yet it's also a time 
that seems the very worst, when we 
feel foolish in front of our teachers 
and fellow students, when there 
seems to be no feasible future in our 
chosen fields... 

Of course Dickens deliberately casts 
his opening in the language of ex- 
tremes, of vivid contrasts, yet it 
seems to me that one's life as a 
graduate student often oscillates in 
such a way — the ups and downs 
making us wonder what we're doing 
in graduate school in the first place. 
But I also feel very strongly that for 
most of the time what really matters 
is we are at the heavenly end of 
things, the seesaw weighted, so to 
speak, with the splendid stuff of in- 
tellectual excitement... 

[Recently, however, I found) 1 was 
in flight from a monolithically dismal 
vision, to be found in a book by 
Allan Bloom, The Closing of the 
American Mind (and let me give you 
the subtitle: How Higher Education 
has Failed Democracy and Im- 
poverished the Souls of Today's 
continued on page 8 

Report Proposes Early Retirement Policies 

W » or the past thirty years the 

m J University of Maryland has 
m relied on a standard faculty 

JL appointment contract that 

allows termination of a tenured facul-' 
ty appointment when required by 
"the lack of appropriations or other 
funds" to support a program. This 
provision has hardly if ever been used, 
but in 1986 when the Cooperative 
Extension Service conducted a pro- 
gram review and priority-setting pro- 
cess as part of a procedure for possi- 
ble downsizing, it was time, UM of- 
ficials agreed, for the University to 
take a hard look at early retirement 
and termination policies. 

In August 1986, President John S. 
Toll appointed a task force to sum- 
marize existing ways and recommend 
new guidelines that might be 
adopted when a faculty member 
chose voluntary early retirement. The 
group was also asked to recommend 
new policies for reducing the number 
of faculty should programs be 
eliminated or if lack of funding were 
to mandate the "downsizing" of 
departments or programs at some 
time in the future. 

Chaired by Francis C. Stark, the 
University-wide task force met twice a 
month for almost six months. The 
group reviewed early retirement poli- 
cies at other institutions, questioned 

I Mde 

consultants, and finally formulated a 
set of recommendations to deal with 
the sensitive areas it was asked to 
consider. Its report was submitted to 
President Toll in March 1987, accor- 
ding to Stark, who appeared at the 
Dec. 10 Campus Senate meeting to 
answer questions. 

In early November the report was 
forwarded to the Campus Senate's 
General Committee on Faculty Affairs, 
and the group prepared its own 
recommendations for the Dec. 10 
senate meeting. 

The President's Task Force Report 
continued on page 3 

Schaefer Governance Plan Announced 

Governor William Donald Schaefer 
plans to submit to the General 
Assembly a major piece of legislation 
designed to restructure the gover- 
nance of higher education in the State 
of Maryland. 

Under the proposal, the existing 
State Board for Higher Education 
would be replaced by a stronger 
"coordinating commission" that 
would have greater authority over all 
public, private and community col- 
leges. This commission would coor- 
dinate academic programs throughout 
the State, including those at private 
colleges and could have the authority 
to deny funds to schools that do not 
cooperate in efforts to reduce un- 
necessary duplication of programs. 
The executive officer, and ail 
members of the commission, would 
be appointed by the Governor. 

Beneath this new commission, a 
consolidated governing board would be 
created to replace the current Univer- 

sity of Maryland Board of Regents 
and the Board of Trustees of State 
Universities and Colleges that now 
govern 1 1 of the State's 1 3 public, 
four-year colleges and universities. 
The two remaining institutions, 
Morgan State University and St. 
Mary's College, would keep their 
present governing boards and answer 
directly to the new commission at the 
same level as the consolidated gover- 
ning board for the 1 1 other schools. 

According to Lt. Gov. Melvin A. 
Steinberg, the commission would 
have the power to modify academic 
programs and set deadlines for such 
changes. The commission can invoke 
sanctions on schools that do not 
comply with its directives. 

The plan also provides for a $50 
million "dedicated purpose account," 
controlled by the Governor, to sup- 
port schools and programs that com- 
ply with commission mandates and 

According to Steinberg, the com- 
mission initially will be handed three 
mandates: the development of an 
"enhancement program" for the Col- 
lege Park Campus within six months 
to a year; a plan to address the defi- 
ciency of graduate programs in the 
Baltimore metropolitan area; and a 
plan to develop greater access to 
higher education for the State's 

Although an earlier version of the 
plan encountered opposition, 
Steinberg says he is confident this 
final version will pass with few 
changes. Not everyone familiar with 
the legislation shares this optimism, 

"The new approach avoids many 
of the political obstacles that threat- 
ened the earlier proposal," says Brian 
Darmody of the UMCP legal staff. 
"But the earlier lack of consensus 
within the Administration may raise 
questions with many legislators. "■ 

—Ttm McDonougf) 

Graduate School Announces 

Faculty gets nearly half a million!- 


A Look at Language 

Say it ain't so 


Transportation Dept. Gets 
High Marks 

CBM's transportation faculty are 
national leaders 



January 18. 1988 

Campus Professors Contribute to 
Smithsonian Exhibit 

What is DNA? How is "life" created? "The Search for Life,' 
an exhibit currently showing at the Smithsonian's National 
Museum of American History, tells the exciting story (if the 
development of modern biological science and the scientists 
who study life. Filmore Bender, associate director of the 
Maryland Agricultural Experiment Station and adjunct curator 
for the Smithsonian, and other College Park facility members 
helped to develop the exhibit. The exhibit will be in the 
Tayloi Gallery of the museum through the end of March. 


Graduate School Announces 1988-89 

GRB and CAPA Awards For Faculty Research 

Tbe Office of Graduate Studies and 

Research has released the following 

list of recipients of General Research 

Board and Creative and Performing 

Arts Board Awards for the 1988-89 

year. The GRB Awards totalled 

S4 7 8,880; and the CAPA Awards 

S.14.250. Congratulations to this 

war's recipients.' 

■ ■ ■ 

General Research 

Fall Research Support Awards 

• Arthur Miller. Art History — Painting 
and Sculpture in a New Tomb from 
Oaxaca. Mexico. 

• George Bean, Botany — Funding to 
Purchase a Chromatotron Thin Layer 

• Debra Dunaway-Mariano. Chemistry 
and Biochemistry— 31 P-NMR Probe 
for Organophosphonate Bioorganic 

• James Herndon. Chemistry and 
Biochemistry — Selective Cleavage of 
Tetraalkyltin Compounds. 

• William Lamp. Entomology — 
Electronically Recorded Disturbance 
of Potato Leafhopper Feeding 
Behavior by Plant-Derived. Antifeed- 
ant Oils. 

• Kenneth Beck, Health Education — A 
Survey of High School Drug Attitudes 
and Behaviors. 

• William Healy. Horticulture- 
Carbohydrate Partitioning During Ear- 
ly Seedling Development. 


OUTLOOK is published weekly during the academic 
year by the Office of Institutional Advancement for the 
faculty and staff of the University of Maryland College 
Park Campus. 

A.H. Edwards, Vice Chancellor 
for Institutional Advancement 
Roz Hiebert, Director of Public Information & Editor 
Mercy Coogan, Production Editor 
Jan Barkley, Brian Busek, Tim McDonough, 
Tom Otwell. Staff Writers 
Linda Freeman, Calendar Editor 

John T. Consoli, Designer & Coordinator 

Stephen A. Darrou, Design 8 Production 

Maria Sese. Design 8 Production 

Paul Cofrancesco, Jill Horine, Student Interns 

Al Danegger, Lan-y Crouse, 

Diane Guthrie, Contributing Photography 

Letters to the editor, story suggestions, campus infor- 
mation and calendar items are welcome. Send to Roz 
Hiebert, Editor OUTLOOK. 2101 Turner Building, 
through campus mail or to The University of 
Maryland, College Park, MD 20742 Our telephone 
number is (301) 454-5335 

Lee Preston 

• Jayavant Gore, Mechanical 
Engineering — A Study of Drop Boun- 
dary Conditions in Spray Flames. 

• Graham Caldwell, Physical Educa- 
tion — Muscle Synergism at the Elbow 

• Willard Larkin. Psychology — 
Season,' Research. 

• Alan Neustadtl. Sociology — The 
Topograph}' of Elite Political 
Behavior: Networks of Corporate PAC 

• Lee Preston, Transportation. 
Business and Public Policy — 
Multination Business and Public 

Fall Book Subsidy Awards 

• Theresa Coletti, English — Naming 
the Rose: Eco, Medieval Signs, and 
Modern Theory. 

• Raymond Martin. Philosophy — The 
Post Within I 's: An Empirical Ap- 
proach to Philosophy of History. 

• Wayne Kuenzel, Poultry Science — A 
Stereotaxic Atlas of the Brain of the 
Chick. Galhis Domesticus. 

Semester Research Awards 

• Arthur Miller, Art History— Native 
American Encounters With European 
Literacy: Oaxaca c. 1500-1700, 

• Marie Spiro, Art History — 
Completion of the First Volume on 
the Mosaic Pavements of Caesarea, 
Israel to be Published by the Edwin 
Mcllen Press. 

• Anne Tntitt, An Studio— A Series of 
Ten Major Sculptures; Paintings. 

• Mukul Kundu. Astronomy — 
Research in Stellar Radio Astronomy. 

• Jane Donawerth, English— Science 
Fiction By Women. 

• Theodore Leinwand, English — 
Below the Salt: Plebian Culture and 
Shakespearean Drama. 

• Stanley Plumly, English— The 
Abrupt Edge (Poems). 

• John Joseph, French and Italian 
Languages and Literatures — Internal 
and External Motivation in the 
History of French. 

• Charles Butterworth. Government 
and Politics — Averroes on the Rela- 
tionship Between Theory and 

• Stephen Elkin, Government and 
Politics — The Political Theory of the 
Business Corporation. 

• Alan Mintz, Hebrew and East Asian 
Languages and Literatures — Hebrew 
Literature in America. 

• S. Robert Ramsey, Hebrew and East 
Asian Languages and Literatures — The 
Reconstruction of Pre-Korca. 

• Robert Friedel, History— Stuff and 
Things: Materials and Change in 
American Culture, 

• J. Benedict Warren, History — 
Analysis of Early Linguistic Works on 
the Tarascan Indian Language of 

Stanley Plumly 

Western Mexico. 

• David Lightfoot. Linguistics — 
Explaining Syntatic Change. 

• Lawrence Bodin, Management 
Science and Statistics— Vehicle 
Routing and Scheduling in a Parallel 
Processing Environment. 

• Carlos Berenstein, Mathematics — 
Studies in Complex Analysis and 

• E. Eugene Helm, Music— Decay and 
Restoration in the Arts. 

• Chia-cheh Chang, Physics and 
Astronomy — Exploring Nuclei With 
the Electromagnetic Probes. 

• Richard Ferrell. Physics and 
Astronomy — Theory of the Josephson 
Effect in High Temperature 

'• Rabindra Mohapatra, Physics and 
Astronomy — Superstrings and the 
Physics of Quarks and Leptons: Or- 
bifolds and Four Dimensional Strings. 

• Harriet Prcsser, Sociology — Low 
Fertility in Industrialized Countries: 
The Significance of Gender Issues. 

Harriet Presser 

Creative and Performing 
Arts Board -1988 

• John Gossage. Art Studio — The 
Plains of Hell: America's Hazardous 
Waste Sites. 

• John Ruppert, Art Studio — Arts and 

• Harry Elam, Communication Arts 
and Theatre — The Preparation of 
August Wilson's Joe Turner's Come 
and Gone for Fall 1988 Production. 

• Michael Collier, English— A Collec- 
tion of Poetry. 

• Joanna Scott, English — Travels and 
Confessions of a Wunderkind, 

• Carmen Dclaney and Robert McCoy 
(Joint Project), Music— The Prepara- 
tion of Works for Soprano and Piano 

• Robert Gibson, Music — Composition 
for Solo Percussionist and Computer- 
Generated Tape. 

Next week Outlook will publish 
the list of recipients of 1988-1989 
Summer Research Awards. ■ 


January 18. 1988 

What is a BLURB? 

This is a blurb — a short, to-the-point. occasionally pithy 
news item that gets top billing in Outlook by virtue of its 
position on the page. Blurbs are rather exclusive in that only 
seven or so can fit in each week's publication. Their excep- 
tional visibility makes them among the most widely read items 
in Outlook and, when accompanied by tasteful artwork, they 
can be excellent advertisements for faculty, staff and/or their 
respective departments in search of publicity for any number 

of worthy causes. Therefore, hesitate not to submit blurbable 
material to the editor. Send particulars at least two weeks 
prior to the time you wish to see them published, and include 
art (black and white photo, book jacket, pamphlet, etc.) if 
possible. One of our eminent blurbologists will then transform 
your who, when, where, why and how into a truly hot item. 
For more info, call x6330. 

Senate to Develop Campus Guidelines for Early 
Retirement and Faculty Reductions 

^k new Report from the 
/ | President's Task Force on 
/ I Early Retirement and 
jL. JL Retention Policies was 
discussed by the Campus Senate at its 
Dec. 10, 1987 meeting. The two-part 
report presents some major recom- 
mendations for new university 
policies and options for voluntary ear- 
ly faculty retirement as well as a 
detailed set of procedures which 
could be used to terminate tenured 
faculty appointments because of pro- 
gram elimination or cutbacks. 

The Task Force report was reviewed 
by the UMCP Campus Senate's 
General Committee on Faculty Affairs 
which presented its conclusions at a 
Dec. 10 meeting of the senate. 

At the meeting, faculty affairs com- 
mittee chair Rose-Marie Oster said that 
the committee was concerned over a 

number of new policies and pro- 
cedures proposed in the report. She 
said that the committee agreed with 
the general concept that early retire- 
ment options should be developed 
and made available to faculty at all 
UM campuses. However, these 
guidelines and options should become 
part of the official university standing 
policy, much as policies for sabbatical 
leave and unpaid leave are now 
available, rather than offered "in 
whatever form, for whatever period 
of time, or to whatever department 
or program the campus chancellor 
may in his discretion decide" — as the 
task force report recommends. 

The senate committee also ad- 
vocated that all discussions of early 
retirement programs should be con- 
sidered apart from considerations of 
terminating faculty appointments and 

that the report's recommendations on 
terminating faculty appointments 
"should be reconsidered, revised and 
clarified giving due consideration to 
AAUP guidelines governing such 

After considering several courses of 
action the senate might take to res- 
pond to the report immediately, as 
requested, the senate voted, instead, 
to notify the President's office that 
the Campus Senate will develop a 
campus-based plan with options for 
voluntary- early retirement and pro- 
cedures for termination of faculty if 
this should become necessary in 
response to possible reduction, con- 
solidation or discontinuation of pro- 
grams. The proposals developed by 
the senate will be transmitted to the 
President's Office by the end of the 
academic year. ■ 

"The Road to Retirement" 

Policies for Early Retirement and Faculty Reductions 

continued from page 1 
on Early Retirement and Retention 
Policies consists of two parts, the 
first, "A Report and Recommenda- 
tions on Early Retirement Policies," 
and the second. "Policies and Pro- 
cedures for the Termination of Facul- 
ty Appointments under Terms 
Described in the Standard Form Ap- 
pointment Agreement." 

According to Stark, the report is 
based on a philosophy that no single 
plan of early retirement incentives is 
likely to be adaptable to every cam- 
pus and that it is most appropriate for 
each campus to set up its own plan- 
ning and legislative groups to adapt 
the general guidelines outlined in this 
report to its individual needs. 

The first report on voluntary early 
retirement contains a series of five 
proposals and includes descriptions of 
eight possible voluntary plans for ear- 
ly faculty retirement. It suggests that 
campus chancellors might want to 
consider these plans in full or in part 
for Implementation if the early retire- 
ment policies are approved. 

The plans fall into the following 
general types: 

—phased retirement plans — two plans 
which would permit employees who 

have reached, or are nearing, retire- 
ment age to continue employment on 
a part-time basis for a specified 
number of years. "These plans would 
be most attractive to employees be- 
tween 57 and 69 years of age. 
although others would presumably 
qualify." it says. 

— repurchase plans (three plans that 
would authorize the payment of a 
specific sum to an employee who has 
tenure in return for a surrender of 
these employment rights.) "These 
plans might be most attractive to 
faculty members and employees hav- 
ing substantial seniority who are 10 
to 15 years short of eligibility for full 
retirement.'' it states. 
— retraining plans (three plans that 
permit employees, including faculty, 
to take leaves of absence to retrain in 
a new field.) In two of these plans 
the employee would surrender 
whatever tenure he or she previously 
enjoyed at the expiration of the leave. 
These plans would be most attractive 
to relatively junior employees, the 
report says. 

The plans would require no enab- 
ling legislation in most cases, and 
similar ones have been adopted as 
options at other universities. 

The senate committee reporting on 
the task force plans says it approves 
of the concept of introducing early 
retirement options at I'M campuses. 
However, in its review of the Task 
Force report it points out that at 
other universities such voluntary early 
retirement options arc part of official 
standing policies, may be planned for 
and negotiated by faculty, and do not 
depend on the discretion of a campus 
chief executive officer — as the UM 
two-part proposal recommends. 

Part II 

Terminating Faculty 


Part II of the Task Force report 
suggests new policies that could be 
used to reduce the number of faculty 
in the event that reduction, consolida- 
tion or discontinuation of UM pro- 
grams takes place. The report says 
that each campus must have pro- 
cedures in place for this possibility 
and that these must include appoint- 
ment of a representative advisory 

group. Final approval for program ter- 
mination rests with the Board of 
Regents, it points out. The procedures 
recommended in the report are based 
on the fact that tenure will be 
honored where possible. An appoint- 
ing authority will receive a report 
from an appropriate review commit- 
tee, with this document to include 
specific data on appointments that 
may be eliminated through voluntary 
or early retirement or nonrenewal of 
expiring term appointments associated 
with reduction or elimination of a 
program, and programs will be 
specified that have been legislatively 
authorized for reduction or elimina- 
tion. It also recommends that if a 
program is eliminated, all faculty posi- 
tions will be eliminated in that pro- 
gram. If a program is reduced, the 
order of reduction among faculty will 
be as follows: temporary appoint- 
ments; yearly appointments not on 
the tenure track; tenure-track faculty 
members serving in probationary 
years; tenured faculty. If distinctions 
must be made to determine the order 
of cutbacks, seniority will determine 
how terminations are decided. 

The report also suggests that the 
appointing authority may make ex- 
ceptions in the reduction sequence 
and continue the appointment of a 
faculty member who would otherwise 
be terminated where this action 
would decrease the effectiveness of 
the program for students or cause 
failure to achieve equality of access to 
programs for all citizens regardless of 
race, creed or color, religion, age, na- 
tional origin, sex or handicap. It 
recommends that a faculty member 
who is terminated be given first con- 
sideration for another suitable ap- 
pointment for a period of three years, 
and states that no eliminated program 
shall be reestablished within three 
years without consideration of reap- 
pointing all faculty members 
eliminated from that program. 

The procedure to notify the faculty 
member should be in writing, and an 
appeal process should be initiated 
within 20 working days after notifica- 
tion of termination to the faculty 
member. Grounds for appeal should 
be initiated within 20 working days 
after notification of termination to the 
faculty member. Grounds for appeal 
should be limited to the accuracy of 
any data and/or procedural error, and 
the appeal committee should review 
procedures but should not review the 
decision concerning the need for tak- 
ing the termination action. This group 
would be responsible for hearings and 
for notifying the faculty member of 
its' decision within 20 working days 
from the date of receipt of the writ- 
ten response of the committee. 

The President's Task Force which 
produced the two plans consisted of 
the following members: Edward N. 
Brandt, Jr., Brian P. Darmody, 
William Fiedler. Irwin L. Goldstein, 
Andrea Hill, R. Lee Hombake, William 
A. James, Raymond J. Miller, Julie 
Porosky, Gary W. Reichard, Sherman 
Roberson, Robert Webb. Lawrence 
White, and Ruth H. Young. ■ 

— Roz Hiebert 


January 18, 1988 


Talk About Your Cosmic Campus... 

Of the 38,058 undergraduate and graduate students enrolled 
at UMCP last semester, 26.000 or so were from Maryland 
counties, with Montgomery, Prince George's, Anne Arundel, 
and Baltimore sending the greatest numbers. Approximately 
9,000 students were from other areas in the U.S. or its ter- 
ritories, while about 3,000 hailed from foreign countries. China 
(Taiwan), India, Peoples Republic of China, Republic of Korea, 
Iran and Vietnam sent the most students to College Park last 
fall, according to a report on the geographic origins of 
students prepared by the Office of Institutional Studies. 

January 18 - 

Martin Luther King Jr. birthday 

Wanderlust Travelogue: Italian 
Treasures: Venice, Rome and 
Florence, 7:30 p.m., Hoff Theater; 
tickets $4, $3. $2, call x4987 for 

Intramural Coed Basketball: In- 
formation available at Campus 
Recreation Services, 1104 
Reckord Armory, call x3124. 

Astronomy Observatory Open 
House: "Black Holes and 
Quasars," T. M. Heckman; 
weather permitting telescope 
observing; 8 p.m., Astronomy 
Observatory, Metzerott Road, call 
x3001 for info. 

■21 a™ 

For information about: 
Intramural Free Throw Shooting, 
Intramural Weightlifting, 
Intramural Racquetball Singles, 

Improvisations Unlimited, UMCP's resident dance company, will open its spring season with a performance of Looking Back, Its fifth annual 
choreographer's showcase, on Feb. 12 at the Publick Playhouse in Hyattsville. Tickets are S8 (S6 for seniors/students). Call 277-1707 for info." 

Write Campus Recreation Ser- 
vices. 1104 Reckord Armory, or 
call X3124. 

Continuing Medical Education: 

"Dental Emergencies. Part III," 
Margaret Wilson and Larry Cohen, 
12:30 p.m., Dental Health Clinic, 
Health Center, call x6751 for info. 


College of Education Alumni 
Chapter: Deadline for reserva- 

tions, play and dinner, February 
14, $25 per person (Children of a 
Lesser God and dinner at 
Rossborough Inn); call x2938 for 

First Day of Classes 

Intramural Basketball: registration 
until Feb. 2, Campus Recreation 

Services, 1104 Reckord Armory, 
call x3124 for info. 

26 oa 

University of Maryland 
Equestrian Association: registra- 
tion for spring semester, 7 p.m., 
1144 Animal Sciences Building, 
call Gail Willoughby x5906 for 


Maryland Basketball vs North 
Carolina State: 9 p.m., Cole Field 
House; tickets $14, $12, $9; call 
X2121 for info." 

'Admission Is charged for this 
special event. All others are free. 


kh UMCP Women's Basketball Home Games, 
i > Spring 1988 

Jan. 30— Wake Forest 7:30 p.m. 
Feb 3 — Virginia 7:30 p.m. 
Feb. 6 — North Carolina 7:30 p.m. 
Feb. 8 — Clemson 6 p.m. 
Feb. 20— N.C. State 7:30 p.m. 
Feb 24— Penn State 7:30 p.m. 

Tickets are S3 adults, S2 children, $1 each for groups of ten 
or more; Maryland students are free. Call x2131 for info.' 

Dance All Day 

The UMCP Dance Department will present a day of dance 
classes, workshops and performances — free— during Dance 
Day, Saturday Feb. 13 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. in Temporary 
Building EE. Classes in Modern Dance Technique, Repertory, 
Improvisation/Composition, Exploration of Efforts, and Expres- 
sion in Movement will be presented as well as an informal 
performance of student and faculty works. For more informa- 
tion call x4056 or x4656. 

Nigeria Honors Eyo 

Ekpo Eyo (Art) recently received an honorary degree, Doc- 
tor of Letters, from the University of Calabar in his native 
Nigeria. An expert in African art, Eyo was director-general of 
Nigeria's National Commission for Museums and Monuments 
before joining the UMCP faculty in 1986. Eyo currently is 
organizing a major symposium on twins and imagery in 
African art, which will be held this spring in Washington, D.C. 


January 18, 1988 


Setting Language Standards Ain't Simple 

£ ' ince the first grade nearly 

^k everyone has known thai 
^ "ain't" ain't a word and you 
\*J ain't supposed to use it. 

Still, people persist. In fact, "ain't" 
has been used so much that one finds 
it in most dictionaries. A lot of 
folks — people who consider 
themselves guardians of the language 
—ain't happy when respectability is 
given to such vulgar English. 

Some scholars, however, say that 
combatting the "ain'ts" of the world 
is a less than noble endeavor. 
Language standards which dam what 
instinctively flows from the tongue 
ain't natural, they argue. With this 
argument, these scholars are taking 
sides in an intellectual debate over 
language and language standards that 
has raged since antiquity. 

John Joseph, UMCP assistant pro- 
fessor of French and Italian Languages 
and Literatures since 1986. explores 
the tussle over language standards in 
English and other languages in his 
new b«x)k. Eloquence and Power— 
The Rise of Language Standards and 
Standard Languages. 

In Joseph's view, the roots of such 
contemporary arguments as the con- 
tents of English dictionaries were 
planted thousands of years ago. Two 
schools of Greek thought— analogy 
and anomaly —first grappled with 
questions of language standards, he says. 

The analogists believed that 
language should follow logical pat- 
terns, Joseph says. Logical standards 
governing language seemed wise in 
this view. 

The anomalists didn't see the sense 
in binding language within such stan- 
dards. They felt that since logic was 
developed from language — logic being 
in a sense bound to language — then 
language should be left to develop 
naturally. Usage in speech should 
govern the development of language 
in this view. 

The spread of Judeo-Christianity 
gave a moral importance to language 
standards that intensified the argu- 
ment. Joseph says. 

The idea of language is important 
to Judeo-Christianity. Joseph says. In 
the New Testament the essence of 
god is described as "The Word." 

The bible, through the story of the 
Tower of Babel, conveys the idea 
that there is a kind of pure and godly 
language that mankind has lost. The 
notions of "good " and "bad"' English 
today result from this tradition of 
considering language standards in 
moral terms, Joseph says. 

"Most people firmly believe that 
there's a better' way to speak," he- 
says. "That's our general cultural 

In modern times, the debate has 
become a struggle between defenders 
of language standards and linguists 
who believe in the natural evolution 
of language. 

"The linguists hold the idea that 
any prescriptions on usage are 

artificial — pernicious and nonsensical 
illusions," he says. 

The fundamental ideas in the 
science of linguistics developed during 
the Romantic period of the late 18th 
century and early 19th century when 
many thinkers sought truth by 
observing the natural order of things. 
"Linguistics has never emerged from 
this period." Joseph says. 

While Joseph is himself a linguist, 
he strives in his book to persuade his 

fellows scholars to give more con- 
sideration to language standards when 
studying how language emerges from 
the mind. Language is not only an 
unconscious phenomenon, but many- 
factors including the value judgment 
implied by language standards are part 
of the psychological process from 
which language results, Joseph says. 
Beyond the academic arguments, 
language standards carry social im- 
plications, Joseph says. Often the 

dominant class in society determines 
what the "right" way of speaking is. 
Language then can become a tool 
through which a dominant class main- 
tains its power. 

An example is the current move- 
ment to make English the official 
language of the United States. 

"That's misguided and dangerous. 
It's a power play to keep a minority 
from advancing," Joseph says. ■ 

— Brian Biisek 

Skowhegan Exhibit Brings 
Young Artists' Work to Campus 

Detail of Plow by Jarrett Huddleston. 

A variety of work from some of 
the nation's most inventive young art- 
ists will be on display at the UMCP 
Art Gallery when an exhibition from 
the Skowhegan School of Painting and 
Sculpture opens here Wed., Jan. 27. 

The exhibition, Skowhcg;in: A Ten- 
year Retrospective /9 7 5-#5, features 
one piece of art from each of 51 art- 
ists who attended the school during 
the decade covered by the show. 
Megan Widger, a 1986 graduate of 
UMCP's MFA program, is among the 
artists featured in the show. The ex- 
hibition includes a mixed bag of 
work ranging from a massive steel 
sculpture to a tiny installation made 
up of little more than a strand of 
copper wire and a dish of garnets. 

The Skowhegan School offers a 
nine-week program each summer at 
its rural base near Bangor, Maine. 
Residencies are offered to 60 promis- 
ing young artists who work with a 

group of resident faculty and visiting 

The students are carefully chosen. 
The school has estimated that about 
one of every four Skohegan students 
goes on to become a professional art- 
ist, compared with the national 
average of one of every 2.000 
students. Alumni of the school in- 
clude Alex Katz, Ellsworth Kelly, 
Robert Indiana and Janet Fish. 

The program is designed to give 
students on the verge of a profes- 
sional career an opportunity to work 
in a relatively unstructured setting. 
The faculty acts more as a sounding 
board for ideas than to teach in a for- 
mal environment. 

The exhibit will run through March 
8. Hours are Monday-Friday, 10 a.m. 
to 4 p.m.: Wednesday evenings until 
9 p.m.; and Saturday and Sunday, 1 
p.m. to 5 p.m. For more information 
call 454-2763. ■ 

—Brian Busek 

String Day Features Classes 
and Scholarship Competition 

A competition for the new 
Dorothce Einstein Krahn String 
Scholarship will be among the 
highlights of the Department of 
Music's first String Day Friday. Jan. 23, 

String Day. organized by associate 
professor of music Evelyn Elsing, will 
be an opportunity for state orchestra 
students to spend a day with UMCP 
music faculty members and guest in- 
structors, Letters have been sent to 
Maryland orchestra directors and 
string instrument teachers asking them 
to encourage senior high school 
students interested in string music to 
attend the event. 

Classes include a String Quartet 
Seminar taught by Oliver Edcl, pro- 
fessor emeritus of the University of 
Michigan and Director of the Adult 
Chamber Music Conference at In- 

terlochen Music Camp, and a theory 
class taught by Robert Gibson, UMCP 
associate professor of music. Master 
classes in string instruments will be 
conducted by UMCP faculty members 
Joel Bcrman, Miles Hoffman, Hal 
Robinson and Elsing. 

In addition to the classes, competi- 
tions for two scholarships will be held. 

Krahn, who holds a doctorate in 
mathematics from UMCP and is an 
amateur cellist, recently donated 
SI 0,000 to the music department for 
a string scholarship. Krahn has also 
stipulated that the award go to a 
Maryland resident. 

The Agnes White Bailey Cello 
Scholarship will also be awarded. 

For more information call 
454-2501. ■ 


January 18. 1988 

The Magic Number is 24.4 

The average age of the 32,779 College Park students enroll- 
ed in the fall 1987 semester was 24.4 years. The mean age for 
all undergraduates was 22.2 years and the average age for all 
graduate students was 32 years. Nearly 16 percent of the total 
student population, 6.022 students, were 29 or older. 
Chancellor Slaughters vision of UMCP as a "multi-generational 

campus" was confirmed by the fact that three full-time 
undergraduates were 16 years old and nine were 70 years old 
or older. Campus statistics showed two full-time graduate 
students who were 20 years old and two who were 70. Most 
students (48.6 percent or 18,500) however, were between 20 
and 24 years old. 

Transportation Group is on the Move 


ecause of its location and 
gc igraphy, the State of 
Maryland is an ideal 
laboratory for the study of 
transportation issues. 

Researchers and scholars can pick 
from a host of topics, areas and prob- 
lems. They range from the Port of 
Baltimore to the needs of the state's 
rural and agricultural communities; 
from the high tech corridor along 
Interstate-2"'0 to congested commuter 

roads like the Beltway: from rail, 
pipeline and highway traffic flow 
along a section of the nation's north- 
east corridor to the relative isolation 
of the Eastern Shore, or the growth 
of a major international aiqiort. 
Maryland has it all. 

It is no surprise, then, that the 
University of Maryland ranked first 
among colleges and universities in 
terms of research productivity in 
transportation. Members of the 

UMCP Leads Nation in Faculty Output 
in Transportation Journals 

UMCP has been ranked first among 
colleges and universities in terms of 
the number of articles published in 
12 of the nation's most important 
academic journals specializing in 
transportation and logistics. 

The findings were reported in the 
spring 198" issue of the Transporta- 
tion Journal. They cover the six years 
between 1980 and 1985. A similar 
survey for 19 7 4-"'9 ranked UMCP fifth 
and in 1967-73, 14th nationally. 

The University now leads such in- 
stitutions as MIT, Berkeley, Penn 
State, the University of Texas. Austin. 
Minnesota, Michigan State and 
Wiscoasin in faculty journal article 
output. MIT had been the top-ranked 
school in both the 196~ , -73 and the 
1974-79 time periods. 

The journals selected for this 
analysis arc concerned primarily with 
the managerial, financial, economic, 
marketing, regulatory and policy 
aspects of transportation and logistics. 
Those journals emphasizing the 

engineering and planning aspects of 
transportation were not included in 
the study. 

Of the UMCP faculty publishing in 
these 12 journals during the 1980-85 
period, 86 percent were authored by 
Faculty of the College of Business and 
Management, primarily members of 
the Department of Transportation. 
Business, and Public Policy. Faculty 
from the College of Engineering, 
School of Journalism, and depart- 
ments of Urban Affairs. Anthropology, 
and Economics accounted for the re- 
maining 14 percent. 

As Rudolph P. Lamone, Dean of 
the College of Business and Manage- 
ment, notes. "We clearly have made 
an impact not only in transportation 
education and research, but also in 
transportation practice. This is con- 
gnient with our mission as a profes- 
sional school to advance not only the 
state of knowledge in a field but. also, 
to advance the state of'practice." ■ 

Department of Transportation, 
Business, and Public Polio ol the 
College of Business and Management 
generated 63 percent of Maryland's 
faculty-authored articles included in 
the survey (see sidebar). 

The transportation group, says 
department chairman Thomas Corsi. 
has a three-fold focus: transportation 
economics, regulation and policy; car- 
rier management — the business aspects 
of transportation, and logistics— the 
physical supply and distribution of 

Transportation is offered as a con- 
centration at both undergraduate and 
graduate levels. 

Faculty members include Corsi and 
Curt Grimm, both of whom specialize 
In the management aspects of 
transportation; Richard Poist and 
Joseph Mattingly in the area of 
logistics, and professors emeriti. 
Charles Taff and Merrill Roberts. 

Their work includes pure research 
and teaching as well as consultancies 
with state and local transportation 
agencies, national trade associations, 
business forums and federal govern- 
ment agencies. 

Working with the NCHRP of the 
Transportation Research Board, Corsi 
is engaged in a project that involves 
monitoring heavy vehicles using a 
new technology called "WIM." 
weighing in motion. It is estimated 
that up to a third of all interstate- 
trucks are running overweight. Using 
portable scales, it is possible to 
monitor trucks as they travel the 
highway instead of requiring them to 
stop at roadside weighing stations. 
Corsi is looking at various alternatives 
and monitoring strategics, the costs of 
such monitoring, and the impact they 
have on the trucking industry. Grimm 

has done work for the Interstate 
Commerce Commission on the anti- 
competitive effects of railroad mergers 
and consolidation, looking at the im- 
pact of loss of direct competition and 
the public policy issues that are raised 
by deregulation. 

He and Corsi have also been 
collecting data for the past year on 
the economic impact of rail and taick 
deregulation on both shippers and 
carriers. Their findings are due to be 
published next year by the Brookings 
Institute. For a number of years, Corsi 
also has been looking at the changing 
patterns in costs and benefits to 
owner/operator taickers since the in- 
dustry was deregulated, the safety im- 
pacts resulting from deregulation and 
trends among motor carrier managers 
who are turning away from using the 
( nvner-operators. 

Strategic management issues have 
arisen as a result of the newly com- 
petitive environment facing an in- 
dustry that had been sheltered for 
years. Grimm says. Companies have 
been energized to start looking ai 
strategies for profitability, tracking 
their choices, and comparing and 
evaluating those strategies that are 
successful. Poist specializes in logistics 
and how the flow of goods is man- 
aged Recenth he has been wi irking 
on a project to identify the educa- 
tional needs of logistics managers in 
the future. 

"I'm looking al those areas where 
managers need to prepare themselves 
if they are to be successful and able 
to adapt to change." he says. Poist 
believes modern managers must be 
well versed in a wide variety of skills 
that encompass business and manage- 
ment techniques, as well as the 
technical expertise of logistics. 
Another area of interest is what Poist 
calls "reverse logistics." Most firms. 
he says, are not well equipped or 
prepared to bring goods back through 
the distribution channels such as 
when a product is recalled. 

"Special arrangements must be 
made, special care and handling is re- 
quired and the process is two to 
three times more costly than for tradi- 
tional forward flows," he says. Poist 
and Paul Murphy, a visiting professor 
from Cleveland's John Carroll Univer- 
sity, are surveying a number of food 
and drug firms as to their "reverse 
logistics" procedures. 

"As recycling of materials becomes 
more commonplace, reverse logistics 
will become increasingly important," 
Poist says. At this point, however, 
very few researchers arc working in 
this field. 

Another area that Poist believes 
holds great potential is space 
logistics — the problems associated 
with the movement of goods and 
materials to and from the earth and 
orbiting space stations. One of Poist's 
doctoral students is exploring this 
new field. ■ 

—Ton Otwell 


January 18. 1988 

Take Your Beef to the Mediation Center 

Do you happen to live next door to what you consider to 
be College Park's very own version of the Animal House? Is 
your office mate driving you up the wall and nearly over the 
edge for one reason or another? Is there something about 
your working or living on campus that is making life less than 
enjoyable? Then contact the College Park Community Media- 
tion Center at 4511 Knox Road. The center, a cooperative 

venture between UMCP and the City of College Park, has a 
complement of volunteers trained as mediators to help resolve 
all kinds of problems— both on and off campus. Staffers seek 
mutually agreeable resolutions to disputes as a way to avoid 
costly litigation. The service is voluntary, confidential, and 
free. For more information call center coordinator Melissa 
Henderson at 277-5591. 


New Snow Removal Plan Passes First Test 

For some people, snow means the 
promise of a winter wonderland, but 
for others it is: twelve miles of roads, 
more than 27 miles of sidewalks, 
some 300 acres of parking lots and 
"too many" Georgian steps — all of 
which have to be cleared. 

That's what Kevin Brown, 
manager of grounds maintenance, sees 
every time the first flakes of snow 
start to fall on the College Park 

"In the past we had a kind of un- 
written snow plan for the campus," 
he says. "Priority areas and routes 
were cleared, but everything else was 
just putting out fires." Snow moving 
equipment was shuttled from one 
crisis location to another, he says. 
"It was an ineffective way of doing 
the job," 

Although the surprise Veterans Day 
snow stomi in November caught 
both the campus and local 
municipalities with their plows down, 
the January 8 snow provided a tme 
test of the new snow removal plan's 
design and effectiveness. 

Until now. Grounds Division per- 
sonnel had the primary responsibility 
for removing snow from sidewalks, 
roads and parking lots; Physical Plant 
employees cleared individual building 
steps and those secondary paths 
leading to main campus sidewalks. 

This year's new plan, which has 
the enthusiastic endorsement and sup- 
port of Physical Plant Director Frank 
Brewer, divides the campus into ten 
zones. An operator has been assigned 
to each piece of snow removal equip- 
ment and several new pieces have 
been added to the snow fighters' 
arsenal. Each piece of equipment has 
been assigned a campus priority area. 

The Grounds Division now has six 
John Deere tractors for sidewalks, 
seven snow-blowers, six hydraulic- 
driven rotory snow brooms, two 
30-horsepower tractors, one 32-hp 
model and a new 60-hp workhorse 
each equipped with front end loaders, 
four trucks equipped with snow- 
plows, two payloaders. and two 
4-wheel drive trucks with plows. 

"The net effect." Brown predicts, 
"is that wherever you look on cam- 
pus, you will see snow removal ac- 
tivity underway. Snow removal has 
been our number one priority in 
terms of the kind of equipment we 
purchase. We are always looking at 
equipment with the view of how it 
can be used to remove snow." 

Another factor that should make 
the task a little easier is the Domar 
storage facility. The new dome-shaped 
structure is especially designed to 
store up to 500 tons of salt, sand and 
cinders and to keep it dry. One of 
the problems in the past. Brown 
notes, was that the salt got wet and 
froze before it was ever loaded on 
t nicks or froze on the tmck beds 
once it was loaded. A new, heated 
truck storage shed should prevent this 
problem from happening again, he says. 

Brown has also ordered two tons 
of de-icer, a material which works 
like salt but which will not kill grass 
and plantings and is effective at 
temperatures as low as 16 degrees F. 

"Ice control and prevention has 
been one of our biggest problems in 
the past," Brown says. "We hope this 
year to be able to a better job." 

But musclepower, not just new and 
better equipment and storage facilities, 
is the heart of the improved snow 
removal plan. This winter, instead of 
only 45 people clearing ice and snow, 
Brown says the campus will have be- 
tween 400 and 500 available. Physical 
Plant staff as well as Grounds Division 
personnel will be wielding shovels, 

"Although everybody will shovel, 
crews are assigned to smaller areas 
and when they are finished with that 
sector or zone, they are finished," 
Brown says. "The new equipment 
will cut down on a lot of the hand 
shoveling we've had to do in the 
past." Physical Plant Director Brewer 
has also purchased 14 small 
snowblowers for each of the Physical 
Plant trade shops. 

When the snow begins to fall, 
whether it is Code Yellow, Orange or 
Red. the College Park Campus will be 
in good hands this winter. ■ 

— Tom Otuell 

J ! 

Kevin Brown 

In The Spotlight: Jacqueline Willifor d 

Jacqueline A. Williford's 22-year 
love affair with UMCP began on St. 
Valentine's Day 1966 when she joined 
the Personnel Department, then 
located on the lower level of the 
Main Administration Building. 

"Starting on February 14 seemed 
like a good sign," she recalls. "I've 
always enjoyed working at Maryland 
and have never thought about look- 
ing anywhere else." 

And for everyone who draws a 
UMCP paycheck, that's probably a 
very good thing. 

Williford is responsible for supervis- 
ing the payroll process for virtually 
the entire campus. Every two weeks 
during the school year approximately 
12,000 paychecks are written. 
Williford, Supervisor, Personnel Office 
II, Dept. of Personnel Services, is 
regarded by many to be the single 
most important person at UMCP in 
making sure the campus payroll is 
processed accurately and on time. 

There are few jobs that call for 
more tact and patience than dealing 
with irate employees whose 
paychecks are late, incorrect, or 
worse yet, missing altogether. It takes 
a rare individual who can maintain a 
composed and understanding de- 
meanor under those unsettling and 
almost always confrontational situa- 
tions. Williford is one of the best. 

Like the lettercarrier of legend, she 
has been known to endure the hard- 
ships of snowstorms to ensure that 
the campus payroll deadline is met. 
Several years ago, for instance, during 
a major winter storm, she was ferried 
via a Physical Plant four-wheel drive 
truck from her home to her campus 
office where she distributed 

Williford is always responsive and 

sympathetic to the needs of others. 
Once, as the result of a monumental 
administrative foulup, some 890,000 
in wages did not get paid. With enor- 
mous patience, she assisted between 
70 and 80 campus employees in ob- 
taining their emergency paychecks. 

In addition to supervising five 
payroll office staff members, she runs 
a kind of boot camp where all new 
campus employees involved in payroll 
procedures get their basic training. As 
probably the most well-versed 
authority on payroll issues on cam- 
pus, she continues to serve as a 
resource to help resolve payroll 
dilemmas. In fact, she has been called 
"the answer grape" because of her 
ability to solve problems. 

In recognition of her outstanding 
contributions to UMCP, her colleagues 
and supervisors nominated Williford 
to the Office and Clerical Category of 
the 1987 State Employee Performance 
Awards competition. She was one of 
two finalists out of 4 1 nominees from 
agencies around the State for the award. 

Before joining UMCP, the long-time 
College Park resident and mother of 
four grown sons was employed by a 
Mt. Rainier finance company, 

"I would have started working at 
the university sooner," she says, "but 
I thought it closed down during the 
summer." ■ 


January 18, 1988 

Gift of $25,000 Could Be Yours, Professor 

Laventhol and Horwath. the nation's ninth largest account- 
ing firm, has established a fellowship in the UMCP College of 
Business and Management to recruit or retain an outstanding 
senior-level member of the accounting faculty. The 
Philadelphia-based firm will make a gift of $25,000 to the UM 

Foundation at the rate of $5,000 annually for five years. At the 
end of the five-year period, the firm will coasider renewing 
the gift. The Laventhol and Horwath Fellowship will be 
awarded for one year and can be made to the same faculty 
member in subsequent years. The recipient will be chosen 
based on his or her record of success as a researcher and 


Remarks to Graduate Fellows 

continued from page I 
Students). It's a book that's been 
much in the news and I'm sure it's 
familiar to many of you. In many- 
ways, Bloom's book is valuable — it 
leads us to consider carefully such 
crucial questions as the usefulness of 
professional specialization, to re- 
examine a suspicion that academic 
standards are being lowered by the 
presence in the curriculum of such 
things as (dare I say it) women's 
studies, to wonder about the function 
of the humanities in a technological 

After I read Bloom's book, I read a 
fine review of it... by Martha 
Nussbaum in The New York Review 
of Books. There, she makes a convin- 
cing case for the debilitating nar- 
rowness of Bloom's scholarship, his 
failure to quote from or to refer to 
any of the classic texts in philosophy 
whose cultural neglect has. in his 
view, led to a very dire state of 
things — nothing less than the destruc- 
tion of Western civilization by 
relativistic thought. ..But at the mo- 
ment I'm less interested in the details 
of Bloom's scholarship, or his non- 
scholarship if you will, than in the 
despair of his vision. It's as if he sits 
forever on the gloomy end of 
Dickens's imaginative seesaw, a grum- 

Perfetto Appointed 
Assn. Director 

Patrick Perfetto, director of Campus 
Guest Services, has been appointed 
Director of the Eastern Association of 
College Auxiliary Services, and to the 
National Association of College Aux- 
iliary Services' Publications/Journal Ad- 
visory Board. NACAS represents col- 
lege and university administrators 
who are responsible for auxiliary 
business and sen-ice operations such 
as printing sen-ices, postal services, 
student housing and food services, 
bookstores, public safety, vending, 
and a host of others. 

Blumler Elected President of 
Communication Association 

Journalism Professor Jay Blumler 
has been chosen president of the In- 
ternational Communication Associa- 
tion, an organization of communica- 
tion scholars based in Austin. Texas. 
Since joining the Journalism faculty in 
1983, Blumler has divided his time 
between Maryland and the University 
of Leeds where he holds a chair in 
the Social and Political Aspects of 
Broadcasting and is director of the 
Center for Television Research. At 
UM, Blumler is associate director of 
the College of Journalism's Center for 
Research in Public Communication. 
One of his major research interests, 
political communication, is the subject 
of his most recent book. Com- 
municating To Voters. 

py pessimist, weighted down by his 
grim view of American students cut 
off from tradition, caring about 
nothing but the latest album from 
Mick Jagger, their minds destroyed by 
what I think most of us believe to be 
a good thing — liberal education. 
Whatever our particular discipline, 
whatever our particular politics, I 
think we agree on the desirability of 
such an education — ideally, among 
other things, it teaches us to value 
cultures other than our own, it 
enables us to develop an historical 
imagination, it encourages us to 
understand the struggles and aspira- 
tions of peoples less privileged than 
we are. It makes us believe that the 
university, rather than being cor- 
rupted by contemporary democratic 
demands for equality as Bloom would 
have it, is a place for opening the 
mind, not closing it. In short, we 
don't believe that relativism is a dirty 

One hundred and eighty-seven 
graduate fellows are being honored 
here today and the scope of their 
support is astonishing— we have 
fellowships from industry, federal 
agencies, private donors, foundations, 
whole government departments. Let 
me be specific and give you some 
representative examples (to list all our 

Search Underway for 
Undergraduate Studies Dean 

Nominations for the position of 
Dean of L'ndergraduate Studies are 
being accepted by members of a cam- 
pus search committee chaired by 
John Burt (PERH). Other members of 
the committee are: Maurine Bcasley 
(Journalism). Robert Coogan (English), 
Bruce Frctz (Psychology), Jordan 
Goodman (Physics and Astronomy), 
Effie Hacklander (Human Ecology), 
Debbie Kurley (undergraduate). Jerry 
Lewis (Upward Bound), Estelle 
Russek-Cohen (Animal Science), and 
William Scales (Counseling Center). 


UMCP travelers qualify for a variety 
of special hotel rates, says campus 
travel coordinator Sue Kernan. These 
rates are labled: educator (all L'M 
faculty and staff); government (all state 
employees, including I M travelers); 
Federal Cost Reimbursable Contractor 
(to UM travelers using Federal con- 
tract funds): and corporate (business 
travelers). Some hotels offer discounts 
to guests who fit into one or several 
of these categories: Best Western (UM 
ID# 526710), Days Inn, Sheraton. 
Quality International and Howard 
Johnson. For additional hotel informa- 
tion, contact Kernan at 454-4755. 

support would, I fear, take too 
long) — we have a Judith Resnick 
Fellowship, a MacArthur Fellowship, a 
Republic of China Ministry of Educa- 
tion Fellowship, a Patricia Roberts 
Harris Fellowship: we have 
fellowships from the National Science 
Foundation, the National Institute of 
Health, the Naval Research 
Laboratory, the United States Depart- 
ment of Housing and Urban Develop- 
ment... (in all] we have 187 graduate 
students committed enough, open- 
minded enough in the sense of rising 
to intellectual challenge, to merit the 
support of an impressive line-up. All 
of you here today arc not engaged in 
research at a sheltered, elitist universi- 
ty (and I think this is one of our 
strengths), you do not shut out those 
who believe the vibrancy of American 
culture derives from the fact that it is 
created, and has been created, by dif- 
ferent ethnic groups, different social 
classes. Your presence here today as 
graduate fellows is a resounding re- 
joinder to Bloom's gloomy vision... 

In (he early seventies [when I was 
in graduate school] academic employ- 
ment in the humanities had all but 
gone down the drain and enrolling in 
graduate studies in English was like 
getting an advance ticket for 
unemployment. Everyone rolled their 
eyes and said I was crazy — but I was 
not, because on some very simple 
but very important gut level I knew 
that graduate study in English would 
give me pleasure, would give me 
power through that sense of 
pleasure — would, in fact, give me an 
exhilarating sense of opening, not 
closing my mind... Sure, it was 
sometimes bleak — holed up in a tiny 
carrel at the top of Butler Library on 
the Columbia campus, on some days 

turning out many pages on Charles 
Dickens (among other writers) and 
being told by my dissertation director 
that those pages were not as good as 
I thought they were, or, and this is 
probably worse, discovering on other 
days that I wasn't turning out any 
pages at all. ..I'm sure those of you in 
the natural and social sciences have 
had and do have similar experiences 
as you oscillate between exhilaration 
and despair... [But] when I think about 
your achievements, about the dif- 
ferent fellowships that both enable 
and recognize those achievements, 
when I re-examine my own values 
about a liberal education or think 
back to my own graduate career and 
the way it opened my own mind, I 
refuse to accept the negativism, the 
prejudice, the despair of Bloom's 
book. Paradoxically enough, though, 
we couldn't respond to his vision if 
we did not have open minds — if 
even-thing Bloom says is true then 
there would he no audience for his 
book, no reviews, no appearances on 
Phil Donahue, no cafeteria chat or 
dinner table conversation. It's Bloom's 
despised "relativism'' thai enables 
publication and marketing of his 
ideas — ideas which he's absolutely 
justified in having and for which I'm 
not ungrateful. Fie enabled me to 
consider where 1 sit now on 
Dickens's imaginative seesaw. When I 
entered graduate school in 1972, all 
around me engaged in collective hair- 
tearing about the state of unemploy- 
ment in the humanities, I really did 
believe that I "had everything before" 
me. I think you do too— most of the 
time, it is "the best of times" not 
"the worst of times," "the age of 
wisdom," not of "foolishness," a 
season of hope, not despair... "■ 

Here's one New Year's resolution that shouldn't be too difficult to keep: Visit the Dairy Sales 
Room in Turner Lab on a monthly basis and have a banana split or ice cream cone made with 
100% UM ice cream. Dairy sales room manager Mary Barber says you can choose from among 
24 flavors, including this month's specialty, Chesapeake Wildberry Ripple. 
