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Volumn 4, Number 19 

Residence Hall Students with Fall 1989 
4.0 Grade Point Average Honored 

Annapolis Hall residents in one of the designated study rooms 

Committee To Develop College 
Park Accountability Plan 

M M ow docs a university go 

m—m about measuring the quality 
■ m of the educational experience 
JL* JL of its students and the quali- 
ty of life of its students, faculty and staff? 
What kind of indicators can be 
used to define and measure intellectual 
excitement? How can you determine if 
an academic program is improving — and 
whether it is gaining in national stature? 

These questions relating to the goals of 
this institution and indicators that can 
help track the university's success at 
achieving its goals arc by no means easy 
to answer. Hut a committee recently ap- 
pointed by President William E. Kirwan 
currently is grappling with these— and 
even more difficult issues. Its charge: to 
create a performance accountability plan 
that examines the goals of the campus 
for the next five years, specifies the in- 
dicators that can be. used to measure pro- 
gress towards attaining these goals, and 
states where the campus is positioned 
today relative to accomplishing its goals. 

The development of the university's 
first "Performance Accountability Plan" 
has been initiated in response to the 
legislative mandate of Senate Bill 459 and 
the requirements of the Maryland Higher 

Education Commission (MHEC), Each in- 
stitution in the new university system 
created by this legislation likewise is 
responsible for formulating its own ac- 
countability plan. Ail of them will be 
submitted to MHEC for review and ap- 

To get started on the process of 
developing a plan in less than a year, last 
fall Kir wan appointed Lucie Lapovsky as 
a Special Assistant to the President. With 
a Ph.D. in economics from College Park 
and 13 years of experience as a Director 
of Finance and Facilities at the State 
Board for Higher Education, now MHEC. 
Lapovsky is exceptionally well-qualified 
to undertake the difficult assignment 
given her. 

Since last October she has been im- 
mersed in interviewing department heads 
and deans, gathering and analyzing infor- 
mation on university programs, and 
assessing the kinds of documents, data 
and comparisons with peer institutions 
that are vital to creating a plan that suc- 
cessfully delineates the goals of the 
university and shows whether College 

continued on page 3 

rwo hundred and eighty-six 
residence hall students who 
earned a perfect 4.0 grade 
point average (g.p.a.) during 
the 1989 fall semester will be honored at 
the "Outstanding Academic Achievement 
Banquet" this evening in the Stamp 
Union Grand Ballroom. 

Sponsored by the Division of 
Academic Affairs and the Department of 
Resident Life, the banquet, which begins 
at 6-A5 p.m., will also include faculty 
members invited by students to join 
them. The guest speaker is Diana 
Jackson, assistant dean of the College of 
Behavioral and Social Sciences. 

While this is the first "Outstanding 
Academic Achievement Banquet" for resi- 
dent students, the guest list includes an 
additional 175 eligible students from fall 
of 1988. And from fall 1988 to fall 1989. 
the number of resident students earning 
a 3-5 g.p.a. or better increased from 480 
to 1,200, During this time, the total 
residence hall population decreased by 
300 students to 7700 campus-wide. 

"Clearly, the campus initiatives to raise 
admissions standards and reduce enroll- 
ment are reflected in the success of resi- 
dent students," says Patricia Mielke, direc- 
tor of the Department of Resident Life. 

But Mielke also acknowledges that re- 
cent efforts to improve the academic en- 
vironment of residence halls may be pay- 
ing off. especially with new students. 
The majority of resident students with a 
3.i g.p.a. or better arc first- time full-time 

The special efforts to recognize 
outstanding residence hall students began 
in the fall of 1988 when Mielke and 
William Thomas, vice president for stu- 
dent affairs, sent letters to congratulate 
students who received a 3.5 or 
better. They have continued to send 
these letters and have received positive 
feedback from students. 

"I'm very pleased with how the 
residence halls are helping students suc- 
ceed," says Thomas. "The whole living- 
learning environment for on-campus 
students is improving, and we're seeing 
the benefits of hard work by students 
and the residence hall staff." 

Other initiatives that have helped im- 
prove the academic environment in the 
residence halls Include: 

• The formation of an Academic En- 
vironment Committee to advise the 
Department of Resident Life; 

• The opening in March, 1989 of the 
Annapolis Community Center for 
residents of the South Hill Community. 
This brought to 19 the number of 
specially furnished and equipped study 
locations in residence halls, in addition 
to the two existing community centers 
and more than 55 unit lounges; 

• The addition in February, 1989 of 
more than 90 computer workstations, 
some stand alone, most with connections 
to the university's mainframes. This 
brought the number of workstations 

continued on page 3 

Sturtz Describes Master Planning 
Effort At Senate Meeting 


The Elegant Pleasures of 
Theoretical Physics 

Gates "plays" with superstring theory. 

In the 21st century, the College Park 
campus may be a place with more park- 
ing garages, more pedestrians and much 
more office, laboratory and classroom 
space, according to Charles Sturtz, vice 
president for administrative affairs. 

Stiirtz made these and other observa- 
tions about the shape that the campus 
may take during the next 15 years in a 
speech to the Campus Senate Feb. 12. 
Sturtz drew his observations from 
preliminary work on the Facilities Master 
Plan, a document that will provide a 
framework for construction and renova- 
tions through the year 2004. 

Preparation of the plan began last 
spring and will continue through 
July. Outside consultants are working with 
campus steering and technical commit- 

tees and staff members in Sturtz' division 
to complete the report. Final approval 
will rest with President William E. Kir- 
wan and his cabinet. 

Although the effort is still in progress, 
Sturtz commented on ideas that have 
emerged thus far. 

Foremost is the goal of expanding the 
amount of space on campus during the 
next 15 years to alleviate a space 
shortage. Based on state planning 
guidelines, the campus, with its current 
nine million square feet of space, is near- 
ly three million square feet short of 
space, Sturtz said. 

When the amount of space currently 
available at College Park is compared 

continued on page 3 


A Harmonious Relationship 

The Guarneri Quartet celebrates its 
silver anniversary,.. 


In Search of Black History 

Annapolis archaeology project uses 
partnership approach 




February 26, 1990 

Ayyub Wins ASCE Achievement Award 

Bilal M. Ayyub, associate professor of civil engineering, has won 
the American Society of Civil Engineers' (ASCE) 1989 Edmund 
Friedman Young Engineer Award for Professional Achievement. 
The annual award goes to ASCE members 32 years old or younger 
who have attained significant professional achievement. Ayyub was 
honored for his exceptional technical competence and integrity. He 

currently works in the area of risk-based design and assessment in 
civil engineering related to buildings, bridges, off-shore structures, 
industrial facilities, construction engineering and marine vessels. 
Ayyub is the general chairman of the first International Symposium 
on Uncertainty Modeling and Analysis, sponsored by L1MCP and 
scheduled to be held here in December. 


Theories and Thought 

Exploring the Mind of a Theoretical Physicist 

■ Mf /hen James Gates talks about 
[ / physics, his eyes grow wide 
m/m/ and bright His voice rises 
r V and quickeas. It's as if he's 
just fallen in love. 

"I probably shouldn't tell you this; it's 
sort of a secret among theoretical 
physicists, but we're having a lot of fun, 
more fun than people imagine," confides 
this professor of physics, "Do you 
remember that new toy you got for 
Christmas? Well, it usually was fun to 
play with it for about three weeks, hut 
then it got old. Theoretical physics is the 
toy that never gets boring," 

Gates* favorite toy is something called 
superstring theory. It is not an easy toy 
to play with. Like Eiastein's theory of 

physics is the 
toy that never 
gets boring. " 

relativity, it requires complex explana- 
tion, but it seeks to order the universe in 
the simplest way possible. 

Explaining how the universe works is 
not your average job. but many people 
do have misconceptions about the daily 
routine of the theoretical physicist. 

"Theoretical physics is not a solitary 
endeavor," Gates explains. "I don't stand 
at my chalk board by myself all day do- 
ing math problems. It requires a lot of 


Outlook is the weekly facutty-staff newspaper 
serving the College Park campus community 

Reese Cleghom. Acting Vice President tor 

Institutional Advancement 
Roi Htebert. Director of Public Information £ Editor 
Linda Freeman, Production Edilcv 
Jan Barkley, Brian Busek, John Fritz. Lisa Gregory, 
Tom Olwetl 4 Fariss Samarrel, Staff Writers 

Stephen A. Oarrou. Design A Coot dmal ion 
John T. Con soli. P holography Coordinator 
Heather Kelly, Vlviane Mori!*. Chris Paul, 

Design 6 Production 
A1 Danegger & Larry Grouse, Contributing 


Letters lo the editor, story suggestions, campus infor- 
mation A calendar Hems are welcome Please submit 
all material at least three weeks before Ihe Monday of 
publication Send it to Roi Hiebert. Editor Ouftoo*. 
2101 Turner Building, through campus mail or to 
University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742 Our 
telephone number is (301) 454-5335 Our electronic 
mail address is outtook@pres.umd eou 


interaction with my colleagues. My col- 
leagues and I are constantly exchanging 
ideas back and forth. We live in a sea of 

For Gates, the earth on which the sea 
of ideas floats is the computer. "The 
computer is now essential," he stresses. 

The computer lets him interact with 
colleagues that he once might never have 
met. Last year he was sitting in his office 
when he received computer mail from a 
physicist in Switzerland who had ques- 
tions about a paper Gates had written. 
Gates sent back the answers. Then came 
more questions and more answers and 
more questions— and the two realized 
that maybe they should write a paper 
together. They did. 

"I had never seen him. but with the 
computer, we worked together as if he 
were sitting right next to me," Gates says. 

The life of a physicist revolves around 
questions and answers. There are always 
more of the former than the latter, but 
Gates likes it that way. The quest for the 
answers, the pursuit of the ultimate 
theory, the endless possibilities— that's 
what keeps his mind energetic. 

Gates takes an unanswered question 
and studies the problem thoroughly. He 
pours through the literature on the sub- 
ject and works on calculations. 

"I familiarize myself with the problem, 
and then 1 stop." 

Then, later, the answer will come to 
him. Sometimes like the flash of a bulb. 
Sometimes in dribbles. Hell go back, do 
the math, see if the answer makes sense. 

"I'm not sure if all theoretical physics 
is done this way. but I know it works for 

"A colleague once told me, James, you 
do physics like an artist.' People don't 
think physics is like art, but I think 
painters and sculptors must work the 
same way I do. Somehow, it just comes 
to you." 

The answers have been coming to 
Gates for a long time. He received his 
undergraduate degrees in mathematics 
and physics from MIT and his Ph.D. in 
physics from MIT as well. He studied 
quantum field theory. Gates was never 
one to shy away from the hard questions. 

Textiles Student 
Earns Fellowship 

Ann Wass, a Dept. of Textiles and 
Consumer Economics' doctoral can- 
didate, has been named a 1 989 recipient 
Of the Sullivan Fellowship by the 
Museum of American Textile History in 
Andover, Mass. Wass is using the fun- 
ding to further research for her disserta- 
tion, "The Use of Synthetic Dyes in 
19th-century American Textile In- 

S. James Gates 

"When I was a graduate student 
Finishing up in 19 7 7, ] learned about a 
new theory called supersymmctry, 
Because it was a totally new field, 1 
figured I had a good shot at making a 
name for myself in it. It was unlike or- 
dinary quantum field theory." 

Quantum field theory and its parent, 
particle theory, assume that matter is 
composed of indivisible, point-like ob- 
jects. When physicists talk of leptons and 
quarks and photons, they are speaking of 
these point-like objects. 

Particle theory explains the universe 
quite well. It helped scientists understand 
nuclear fission and electro magnet ism, 
which brought with it the development 
of the telephone, electric motors, televi- 
sions and other modern-day 

Particle theory has its problems, 
however. It cannot adequately explain 
the quantum theory of gravity. 

But in the world of superstring theory, 
the fundamental building blocks of 

nature are strings, not particles. This 
theory has some advantages in that it ex- 
plains gravity and gives a unified descrip- 
tion of nature. To make the current 
theory work, however, it would require a 
world with more than three dimensions. 
Our universe as we know it, only has 
three. More questions to be answered. 

And so Gates finds himself struggling 
with the questions and the math and a 
theory to explain our universe in the 
simplest terms. If he or his colleagues are 
successful, like the theory of elec- 
tromagnetism, superstring theory could 
bring endless possibilities for new 

"The pace of the research is slowing 
down, however," Gates explains. "There 
arc some important questions that we're 
having trouble answering. Hopefully. I'm 
asking the questions that could possibly 
get us around these impasses." 

Someday, the bulb will flash. ■ 

—Jan Harliley 

"Career Move" Seminar Responds to 
Workplace Changes 

Making a long-term commitment to a company may no longer be 
the right path to guaranteed career success, "Moving up within an 
organization is not the way to develop a career anymore,' ' says 
Mac Saddoris, Career Development program director. "To make the 
most of a career, new college graduates need to develop new skills, 
to become entrepreneurial workers who can effectively network 
with others. The concept of networking will have to become a 
way of life if today's graduates expect to be well placed 10 to 15 
years from now." The campus Alumni Association and the Career 
Development Center is planning a day-long career planning seminar 

for College Park alumni and other adults who are considering 
career changes. The seminar will be held Saturday, March 17. 
Registration priority will be given to graduates of the university. 
Registration deadline is March 7. The seminar will be held in the 
Grand Ballroom Lounge of the Stamp Student Union from 8:30 
a.m. to 4 p.m. Cost is II 10 for Alumni Association members and 
1135 for other Maryland alumni and the general public. It is the 
first in an on-going series of outreach programs for graduates being 
offered by the Alumni Association, says Saddoris, who directs alum- 
ni professional development programs and who will lead the 


February 26, 1990 

Inclusionary Language Workshop Will Help 
Keep Bias Out of University Publications 

The first of a series of workshops is 
being held on Feb, 27 for selected 
university personnel with responsibilities 
for publications to acquaint them with 
the university's new Guidelines for Us- 
ing Inclusionary Language and II lustra- 
tions in University Publications. 

These guidelines will assist staff 
members to implement the university's 
"Policy on Inclusionary Language," 
developed by the President's Commis- 
sion on Women's Affairs and endorsed 

by the Campus Senate last spring 

The policy specifies that "Those 
preparing official university publications 
or written communications shall accor- 
dingly avoid biased language of two 
kinds: 1) using generic masculine words 
or titles to refer to all persons; and 2) 
using terms or expressions that reinforce 
inappropriate, outdated, or demeaning 
attitudes or assumptions about persons 
or groups based on age, disability, 
ethnicity, gender, national origin, race. 

religion, or sexual orientation. When il- 
lustrations are included in publications, 
they shall be chosen to reflect diversity. 
Care shall he taken to ensure thai 
women, minorities and disabled persons 
are portrayed in no n -stereotypical ways " 

The workshop will focus on how to 
create publications that reflect and repre- 
sent diversity. Participants will have the 
opportunity to review and critique the 
guidelines, and recommendations for 
their format and use will be incorporated 

prior to their campus-wide dissemina- 
tion, planned for March. 

The workshop will be presented by 
Betty Schmitz, special assistant to the 
president. Reese Cleghom, interim vice 
president for Institutional Advancement, 
will make opening remarks. The 
workshop is co-sponsored by Institu- 
tional Advancement and the President's 
Office. ■ 

Academic Environment Improving 
in Residence Halls 

continued from page I 

available in residence halls to about 110; 
• Creation of the Faculty Programming 
Fund for faculty, residents and staff to 
provide for programs that encourage 
more faculty/student interaction outside 
the classroom. 

As a result of this last initiative, last 
semester. F.kpo Eyo, professor of art 
history, took students to an African- 
American museum. Peter Wolfe, professor 
of mathematics lectured on the use of 
statistics in sports while on a bus to an 
Oriole's game, and students held a Party 
With Profs at the Cambridge Lounge. Of 
the original $10,000 in the fund, 55,000 
currently is available for future projects 
(call x^009 for applications and informa- 

In addition to these programs, a new 
cooperative arrangement with the English 
department has resulted in three sections 
of ENGL 101 being taught in the 
residence halls. Now, instead of trekking 
across campus to the basement of the 
Armory or Ritchie Coliseum, students 
can take their first or last class of the day 
right downstairs from their rooms. 

In addition, proctorcd study lounges 
now exist in the Bel Air and Chestertown 
halls, and renovations are scheduled to 
be completed in 1991 to make Anne 
Arundel Hall an Honors House for 
students in the L'niversity Honors Pro- 
gram and Dorchester Hall an Interna- 
tional House for students who want to 
enhance their knowledge of the world 
and its people. 

The efforts to improve the academic 
environment of the residence halls may 
also be resulting in a positive side effect: 
fewer behavior incidents. For fall 1989, 
reported incidents of alcohol violation, 
lighting, harassment/pranks, noise, and il- 
legal drugs were down to 474 compared 
to 1135 in fall 1987. says Mielke. 

She also reports that the residence 
halls have something they haven't had in 
20 years: vacancies. With the reduction 
of students, Resident Life will be con- 
verting old Leonardtown Hall into hous- 
ing for graduate and older students. They 
are also allowing residents of Prince 
George's and Montgomery counties to 
live in the residence halls for the first time. 

Pat Mielke 

Mielke also hopes to better serve 
residents and continue these trends by 
adding more resident assistants. She says 
the current ratio of resident assistants to 
students is 75-80 to 1. UMCP's peer in- 
stitutions have a 40-45 to 1 ratio. 

"We think the parents and students 
will be more attracted to residence halls 
in the future," says Mielke, "Studies show 
that resident students are more part of 
the campus community, have better 
grades and are more inclined to 
graduate" ■ 

—John Fritz 

Accountability Plan to Assess 
Achievement of University Goals 

continued from page 1 

Park actually is on target in ac- 
complishing them. 

On January 30. Kirwan convened a 
new Advisory Committee for the 
Development of I'MCP's Accountability 
Plan to help Lapovsky create the plan. In 
discussing the committee's charge, Kir- 
wan said, "As yoti guide the development 
of the plan, it is important to keep in 
mind the campus' role and mission state- 
ment and the recently developed 
Enhancement Plan. You should develop a 
plan that reflects both of these 
documents, is tied closely to the goals 
established in the Enhancement Plan, 
and includes specific targets whenever 

The committee is headed by Robert 
Lissitz. Department of Measurement, 
Statistics and Evaluation. Lissitz has 
published extensively in the areas of 
testing, assessment and data analysis. He 
has also conducted accountability studies 
for NASA, HCFA, and GPO and is begin- 
ning a new project with the IRS to 
develop a computer-based diagnostic 
assessment system. 

The committee includes; Frank Brewer 
(Physical Plant), John Burt (College of 
Physical Education, Recreation and 
Health). Roz Hicbcrt (Public Information). 
Norbcrt Hornstein (Linguistics Program). 
Martin Johnson (Curriculum and Instruc- 

tion), David Lockard (International Clear- 
inghouse on Science and Mathematics 
Curricular Development), William McLean 
(Academic Affairs), Gerald Miller 
(Chemistry and Biochemistry). Linda 
Scovitch (Student Affairs), Richard Samp- 
son (Student Affairs), M. Susan Taylor 
(Business and Management), Thelma 
Williams (Computer, Mathematical, and 
Physical Sciences), Lisa Wicderlight 
(undergraduate student) and Cindy 
Colclla (graduate student). 

With the assignment to complete its 
work by the end of April, the committee 
is already meeting weekly and has plans 
to meet with selected internal and exter- 
nal groups. Lissitz and Lapovsky already 
have met with or scheduled meetings 
with many administrative unit and 
academic department chairs as well as a 
variety of others so that they can en- 
courage input from many campus 
sources. Their preliminary meeting 
schedule for the next few weeks in- 
cludes: President's Commission on 
Women's Affairs, Feb. 26; President's Stu- 
dent Advisory Council, March 1; Equity 
Council. March 7; Pease Implementation 
Committee, March 9; Deans' Council, 
March 19 (tentative). 

Those interested in making further sug- 
gestions or receiving more information 
may contact Lissitz at 454-3413 and 
Lapovsky at 454-4795. ■ 

— Roz Htebert 

Facilities Master Plan Discussed 

continued from page 1 

with that of peer institutions, the short- 
fall is even greater. The campus is par- 
ticularly deficient in research and library 
study space. Sturtz said. 

The master plan is likely to recom- 
mend an additional four million square 
feet of space for the campus during the 
next 15 years, Sturtz said. 

In addition, the report will provide a 
list of recommended improvements and 
a timetable for their construction. While 
Sturtz noted that such a list is certain to 

evolve after release of a report, it reflects 
several tendencies the campus is likely to 
follow in future construction. 

With the campus physical plant 
becoming more crowded, a trend toward 
buildings with greater density is likely. 
New building projects would need to be 
planned along a timetable that avoided 
an excess of heavy construction at any 
particular time, surface parking lots are 
likely locations for new buildings, a 
development that would necessitate the 

construction of more parking garages. 

Planners also envision a reduction of 
vehicular traffic in the center of the cam- 
pus, Sturtz says. The report is likely to 
propose closing Campus Drive between 
the North Gate and the Stamp Student 
Union. Access routes to the center of the 
campus for public transportation and 
emergency traffic would remain under 
the plan, Sturtz saw. ■ 

—Brian Busek 


February 26, 1990 


^ February i 


Honor Outstanding Clerical and 
Secretarial Staff 

The President's Commission on Women's Affairs is again spon- 
soring a program to recognize outstanding clerical and secretarial 
employees at College Park, who will be honored at a Personnel 
Practices Conference luncheon in May. Nominations and letters of 
support must be submitted by March 9. For information and 
nominating forms, call the chair of the 1990 selection commit- 
tee, Linda Seovitch at 4S4-2925. 

February 26 to March 

international Security Studies 
Lecture: "The Future of Space 
Reconnaissance," Jeffrey 
Richetson, National Security Ar- 
chive, 11:45 a.m., Student Lounge, 
Morrill Hall. Call x4344 for info. 

College of Engineering Black 
History Month Lecture: "Meeting 
the Technological Challenges of 
the 1990s," Horace L. Russell. 
U.S. Air Force, noon, 1202 
Engineering Classroom Bldg. Call 
x6347 for info. 

Computer Science Colloquium: 

"New Directions in Testing," 
Richard J. Lipton, Princeton U„ 4 
p.m., 0111 Classroom Bldg. Call 
x4244 for info. 

Space Science Seminar: Title 
TBA, Qian Wu, 4:30 p.m., 1113 
Computer/Space Sciences Bldg. 
Call X3136 for info. 

Panhellenic Council Debate, 
featuring Mark Mathabane, author 
of Kaffir Boy, and Stuart Pringle, 
13th generation Afrikaner. 7:30 
p.m., place TBA. Call x5605 for 

Tokyo International Music 
Ensemble, "New Tradition," Toshi 
tchiyanagi, director, featuring works 
by Cage, Takemitsu, Sawai, Ishii. 
Kanno, Hosokawa and a world 
premiere by Toshi Ichiyanagi, 7:30 
p.m., Tawes Recital Hall. Call 
x6669 for info. • 


U E 

Registration Ends, for doubles 
badminton. Call X3124 for info. 

Zoology Lecture: "Implications of 
Streamflow Variability and Predict- 
ability for Stream Biota," LeRoy 
Poff. noon. 1208 Zoo/Psych. Bldg. 
Call x3201 tor info. 

French Department & Swiss Em- 
bassy Lecture: "Sur les traces du 
promeneur solitaire: Vagabondage 
irtteraire autour de Geneve," 
Maurice Davier, 2nd Secretary, 
Swiss Embassy, Washington, 2 
p.m.. Language House Multipur- 
pose Room. Call x4303 for info. 

Art Department Minorities & 
Women Lecture: sculptor Ursata 
Von Rydingsvard will discuss her 
work, 3:00 p.m., Art/Sociology 
Bldg. Call x0344/5 for info. 

Graduate School Distinguished 

Lecture: "Origins of the Atomic 
Bomb," Richard Rhodes, writer 
specializing in nuclear energy, 3:30 
p.m., 0204 School of Architecture 
Auditorium. Call x2843 for info. 

Physics Colloquium: "Phase 
Transitions in Josephson Junction 
Arrays." Christopher Lobb, 4 p.m., 
1410 Physics Bldg. Call x3512 for 

SEE Lecture, "Abortion Debate," 
featuring Nat Hentoff and Judy 
Goldsmith, N.O.W., 7 p.m., Colony 
Ballroom, Stamp Union. Call x4546 
for info. 

University Theatre: "The Singular 
Life of Albert Nobbs," by Simone 
Benmussa, translated by Barbara 
Wright, 8 p.m., Rudolph E. 
Pugliese, $7 standard admission. 
$5.50 seniors and students, pro- 
duction runs today-March 4 and 
6-11. Call X2201 for info. - 

Hoff Theater Movie: "Raging 
Bull." Call X4987 for info." 

Counseling Center Research & 
Development Meeting: "Problem 
Solving as an Assessment Tool." 
Bonnie McClellan. Catholic U., 
noon, 0106 Shoemaker Bldg. Call 
x2937 for info. 

International Coffee Hour, 3-4:30 
p.m., 0205 Jimenez Hall, Call 
x4925 for info. 

SEE Concert, featuring Sweet 
Honey in the Rock, 7 p.m.. Tawes 
Theatre, $10 genera! admission, $6 
students. Call x4546 for info.* 

Men's Basketball: Maryland vs. 
N.C. State, 7:30 p.m.. Cole Field 
House. Call x2123 for info. 

University Theatre: "The Singular 
Life of Albert Nobbs," 8 p.m., see 
Feb. 27 for details 

Architecture Lecture, featuring 
Simon Ungers, Rensselaer 
Polytechnic Institute. 8 p.m.. Ar- 
chitecture Auditorium. Call x3427 
for info, 

Hoff Theater Movie: "Raging 
Bull." Call x4987 for info." 


Registration Begins, for indoor 
soccer, registration ends for MD 
Sports Day. Call x3124 for info. 

American Red Cross Blood 
Drive, 11 a.m. -4 p.m.. Grand 
Ballroom, Stamp Union. Call x4796 
for info. 

Systems Research Center Collo- 
quium: "Nonlinear Control Syn- 
thesis, Expert-Aided CAD, and Ex- 
pert Systems for Real-Time Con- 
trol," James H. Taylor, GE Cor- 
porate Research and Development, 
3-4 p.m., 1100 ITV Bldg. Call 
x5880 for info. 

Meteorology Seminar: "Numerical 
Calculations Concerning the Presi- 
dent's Day Storm (Feb. 17, 1979)." 
J. Steppeler, 3:30 p.m., 2114 Com- 
puter & Space Sciences Bldg. Call 
x2708 for info. 

CHPS Seminar: 

Idea of Nature," 
p.m.. 1117 F, S. 
x2850 tor info. 

"Bioethics and the 
Mark Sagoff, 4 
Key Hall. Call 

Reliability Engineering Seminar: 
"Improving the Reliability and Life 
Characteristics of Polymer Materials 
Through Irradiation," Walter Chap- 
pas, 5:15-6:15 p.m., 2115 Chemical 
& Nuclear Engineering Bldg. Call 
x1941 for info. 

University Theatre: 

Life of Albert Nobbs,' 
Feb. 27 for details. 

The Singular 
8 p.m., see 

Hoff Theater Movie: "Parent- 
hood." Call x4987 tor into." 

F R 

Purchasing Month in Maryland 
Forum and Luncheon, featuring 
representatives from national and 
local purchasing associations, 9 
a.m.-2:30 p.m., Center of Adult 
Education, $25, Call x0592 for 

Housing and Design Lecture: 
"Two Manhattan Illustrators: Tales 
from the East," Greg Spalenka 
and Michelle Barnes, 10:30 a.m., 
Maryland Room. Marie Mount Hall. 
Call x 1543 far info. 

Mental Health Lunch 'N Leam 

Conference: "Genetic and En- 
vironmental Factors Influencing 
Risk for Psychotherapy in Rhesus 
Monkeys," Stephen Suomi, NIH, 
1-2 p.m., 3100E Health Center. 
Call x4925 for info. 

Men's Lacrosse vs. Franklin and 
Marshall, 4 p.m., Byrd Stadium. 
Call X2121 for info.* 

Artist Scholarship Benefit Con- 
cert: Guameri String Quartet, per- 
forming Beethoven's String Quartet 
Op. 18 No. 6 in B-fiat Major, 
Berg's String Quartet No. 3 and 
Sibelius' "Intimate Voices" in D 
Minor, 8 p.m., Tawes Theatre, $10 
standard admission, $7 seniors and 
students. Call x6669 for info, ' 

University Theatre: "The Singular 
Life of Albert Nobbs," 8 p.m., see 
Feb. 27 for details. 

Hoff Theater Movie: "Parenthood" 
and "A Clockwork Orange." Call 
x4987 for info.* 

Men's Basketball: Maryland vs. 
Virginia. 1:30 p.m.. Cole Field 
House Call x2123 tor info.* 

University Theatre: 

Life of Albert Nobbs,' 
Feb. 27for details. 

The Singular 
8 p.m., see 

Hoff Theater Movie: "Parenthood" 
and "A Clockwork Orange." Call 
X4987 for info.* 


University Theatre: "The Singular 
Life of Albert Nobbs," 2 & 8 p.m., 
see Feb. 27 for details. 

University Community Concerts: 
Young Concert Artists 111: Chee- 
Yun, violin, performing works by 
LeClair, Faure, Ives, De Falla, 
Rachmaninoff, and Sarasate, 3 
p.m., Tawes Recital Hall, $11 stan- 
dard admission, $8.50 seniors and 
students. Call x6534 for info.* 

Hoff Theater Movie: 

Call X4987 for info. 


Violinist Cbee-Yun will perform Sunday, March 4, 3 p.m., Tawes Recital Hall 


Computer Science Colloquium: 

"Online Tracking of Mobile Users." 
Baruch Awerbuch, M.I.T., 4 p.m., 
0111 A, V. Williams Bldg. Call 
x4244 tor info. 

Space Science Seminar: 
"Magnetospheric Substorms and 
Pi2 Pulsations," W. J. Hughes, 
Boston U.. 4:30 p.m., 1113 Com- 
puter/Space Sciences Bldg. Call 
x3136 for info. 

T U E 

Zoology Lecture: "Innovative Ap- 
proaches to the Preservation of 
Tropical Forests: The Palcazu 
Natural Forest Management Project 
in the Peruvian Amazon," Gary 
Hartshorn, World Wildtife Fund- 
U.S.. noon, 1208 Zoo/Psych. Bldg. 
Call x3201 for into. 

Physics Colloquium: "States of 
Anyon Matter." Frank Wilczek. 
Princeton U., 4 p.m., 1410 Physics 
Bldg. Call x3512 for info. 

Design Alumni Chapter Meeting, 
7 p.m., Design Conference Room, 
Marie Mount Hall. Call x5471 for 

University Theatre: "The Singular 
Life of Albert Nobbs," 8 p.m., 
Rudolph E, Pugliese, $7 standard 
admission, $5,50 seniors and 
students. Call x2201 for info." 

Hoff Theater Movie: 
x4987 tor info." 

"RAN " Call 



Registration Ends, for indoor soc- 
cer. Call x3124 for info. 

International Affairs Workshop: 
"A Totally New Europe: Its Impact 
on UMCP." featuring an opening 
address by President Kirwan, 3:30 
a.m,-1 p.m.. Founders Room, 
Center of Adult Education. Call 
x3008 for info. 

Human Relations Prejudice 
Reduction Workshop, featuring 
Dvora Slavin, National Coalition 
Building Institute, Prince George's 
Room, Stamp Union, $25. Call 
x4707 for info.* 

Counseling Center Research and 
Development Seminar: "The 
NAMES Project AIDS Memorial 
Quilt Continues to Keep the Love 
Alive," William V. Patterson, noon, 
0106 Shoemaker Bldg. Catl x2937 
for info. 

International Coffee Hour, 3-4:30 
p.m., 0205 Jimenez Hall. Call 
x4925 for info. 

Comparative Lit., RTVF, and 
Visual Press Lecture: featuring J. 
Dudley Andrew, U. of Iowa, on 
Tanner's film, "Jonah Who Will be 
25 in the Year 2000," 4 p.m., 
Multi-Purpose Room. St. Mary's 
Hall Call x1603 tor info. 

University Theatre: 

Life of Albert Nobbs, 
Mar. 6 for details. 

'The Singular 
' 8 p.m., see 

Hoff Theater Movie: "RAN." Call 
x4987 for info." * Admission 
charge for this event. All others are 

* Admission charge for this event. 
Alt others a>v free. 

Calendar information may be 
sent to John Fritz, 2101 Turner 
Laboratory or (via electronic 
mail) to 

Human Relations Workshops focus on 
Multicultural Community 

The Office of Human Relations is sponsoring workshops that focus 
on building a quality workforce in a multicultural campus com- 
munity. Upcoming sessions include "Prejudice Reduction" on 
March 7; "Negotiating and Building Good Working Relationships 
with Supervisors and Peers" on April 1 1; and "Managing Diversity: 
Strategies for Responding to the Challenges of the '90s" on May 2. 
All workshops run 9 a.m. -noon in the Prince George's Room of the 
Stamp Union and cost S25 per participant. Call 454-4707 for more 


February 26. 1990 


Guarneri String Quartet 
brates a Quarter-Century 

Members of the quartet are (from left) Arnold Steinhardt, John Dalley, Michael Tree 
and David Soyer. 

Play Tells Story of Woman Who lived as 
Man in 19uYCentury Ireland 

While cross-dressing usually rates 
among the cheapest comic devices in the 
theatrical repertoire, the gender switch in 
Simone Benmussa's The Singular Life of 
Albert Nobbs serves as the basis of a 
complex and poignant drama. 

The play, which focuses on the life of 
a 19th-century Irish woman who adopts 
a masculine identity to escape poverty, 
will be performed by University Theatre 
Feb. 27-March 4 and March 6-11 in the 
Rudolph E. Pugliese Theatre. 

Bcnmussa. a 20th-century French 
playwright, derived her work from 
George Moore's series of shori stories. 
Celibate Lives, says director Harry Elam, 
assistant professor of communication arts 
and theatre. A 19th-century Irish writer, 
Moore's series was based on the real-life 
stories of contemporaries who chose a 
life of celibacy. One of these people was 
Albert Nobbs, an individual who served 
as the head "male" servant in a hotel and 
who was unveiled at death as a woman. 

A life that in Moore's telling was essen- 
tially a curiosity, is seen by Bcnmussa as. 
in the words of Martha Solomon, pro- 
fessor of speech communications, a tell- 
ing reflection of "perplexing and persis- 
tent questions about the nature of 
gender and the relationship between 
gender and power in a society.'' 

On its simplest level, the play presents 
the circumstances that motivate Nobbs' 
decision to live as a man and the conse- 
quences of her gender switch. In short. 
19th-century Irish society as portrayed in 
the play offers women virtual!)' no op- 
portunity to live independently In order 
to survive alone in the economy, she 
sees no choice but to adopt a new 

While Nobbs, played by Catherine 
Schuler, assistant professor of theatre, 
does achieve her goal of economic in- 
dependence, her decision also carries bit- 
ter consequences, 

"Although she finds (her gender) adap- 
table in many areas, where it is not 
changeable is in sexuality. In seeking 
economic independence, she loses a part 
of herself," Elam says. 

In a larger sense, Benmussa explores 
how gender roles, as dictated by a 
pairiarchical society, control and limit the 
lives of women. No men appear on 
stage, but Elam. following Benmussa's 
script, uses a number of theatrical 
devices that indicate the controlling 
power of men even in their absence. 

Off-stage male voices — most pro- 
minently Moore's— frame much of the ac- 
tion. And Nobbs' costumes, designed by 
graduate Mireille Key, suggest 

Solomon, who wrote the program 
notes for the production, will lead a 
discussion of the play after the March 8 
performance. For more information call 
454-2201. ■ 

— Brian fiusek 

rhe mix can be volatile, even 
dangerous. Put four extreme- 
ly talented string players 
together, stir in the demands 
of temperament, schedules, and high 
standards, and you may have— for a 
while— a good siring quartet. 

What is virtually without precedent is 
the Guarneri String Quartet, a world-class 
group that has performed together 
without any personnel changes for the 
last twenty -five years. 

Members of the College Park com- 
munity will have a chance to participate 
in their historic anniversary season on 
Friday, March 2 at 8 p.m. in Tawes Recital 
Hall, when the quartet will perform a 
concert as part of the 1989-90 Artist 
Scholarship Benefit Series. 

Featured on the program will be an 
early Beethoven quartet, (Op. 18. No. 6 
in B-Flat Major), Berg's String Quartet No. 
3 and Sibelius' "Intimate Voices" in D 

For the last seven years the quartet has 
been enriching the College Park campus 
as members of the music faculty, coming 
to the university regularly to teach master 
classes, perform with students and give 
individual lessons. A devoted audience of 
"groupies" of all ages have discovered 
the delights of hearing and watching 
them in open rehearsals, as well, 

Indeed, because of the loyalty of their 
audiences world-wide, the Wall Street 
Journal once called the Guarneri Quartet 
"The Grateful Dead of the classical music 
world." And as the subject of Allan 
Miller's critically acclaimed music 
documentary, "High Fidelity: The Adven- 
tures of the Guarneri Quartet," last fall. 

they became film stars as well. 

In addition to playing with the quartet, 
each member has had a major solo 
career, and each continues to perform as 
a soloist and with other ensembles as 
well. Violinist Arnold Steinhardt, a win- 
ner of the Leventritt Award, made his 
solo debut at 14 with the Los Angeles 
Philharmonic, and he has appeared as 
soloist with the orchestras of 
Philadelphia, New York and Cleveland. 

John Dalley. violinist, made his concert 
debut also at 14. He toured widely 
throughout Europe and Russia, and, prior 
to joining the quartet, he served on the 
faculty of the Oberlin Conservatory and 
was Artist-in- Residence at the University 
of Illinois. 

Michael Tree, noted both as violist and 
violinist, made a Carnegie Hall debut at 
20 and has made solo appearances with 
the Philadelphia, Baltimore and Los 
Angeles Orchestras and at the Spoleto 
Festival. In 1989 be served as president 
of the First American String Quartet Con- 
gress, which was held at College Park 
list June. 

Cellist David Soyer, following a solo 
debut at 17 with the Philadelphia Or- 
chestra, distinguished himself with the 
Bach Aria Group, the Marlboro Trio, the 
Guilet Quartet, and the New Music String 
Quartet. S oyer's early musical experience 
also had a lighter side, which included 
playing backup to Frank Sinatra, Nat 
King Cole and Billic Holiday. 

Tickets for the Guarneri Quartet's 
March 2 concert are S)0 for general ad- 
mission and $7 for students and senior 
citizens. For information call 454-6669. ■ 

— IJtulii Freetmm 

Architecture Sponsors Lecture, 
Exhibit Series 

New York architect Simon Ungers will 
present a lecture at 8 p.m. Wed., Feb. 
28, in the Architecture Auditorium, as 
part of a series of lectures and exhibits 
sponsored this spring by the School of 

Ungers, who teaches architecture at 
the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, will 
discuss his recent work. 

Vermont landscape architect Dan Kiley 
will speak at 8 p.m. Wed., April 4, on 
"The Education of a Landscape Ar- 
chitect." His appearance is co-sponsored 
by the Department of Horticulture. 

Connecticut architect Mark Simon will 
present a lecture on "The Three Bears," 
at 8 p.m. Wed,, April 25, in the Ar- 
chitecture Auditorium. 

The School of Architecture's "Ar- 
chitecture in Acadcmia" exhibit con- 
tinues through March 1 1 at the National 

Building Museum. The exhibit features 
the work of students from Catholic 
University, UMCP. Howard University 
and the Washington-Alexander Center 

Tin; museum is open Mund;iY-\iturd,i\ 
10 a.m.-4 p.m. and Sundays and holidays 
noon-4 p.m. 

An exhibition of recent work by alum- 
ni of die School of Architecture will be 
held in the school's architecture gallery 
March 12-April 4. 

The school's final exhibit will feature 
Simon's work April 9-May 4, 

The gallery's hours are I p.m. -4 p.m. 
Tuesdays and Fridays and 9 a,m.-4 p.m. 

For more information about School of 
Architecture programs call 454-3427. ■ 


February - (> - 1990 

Rebecca Williams Award Honors 
Commitment to Social Change 

The Counseling Center is seeking nominations for the Rebecca 
Williams Award, which is given each year to a College Park student 
(graduate or undergraduate) who has demonstrated outstanding 
commitment to positive social change, on or off the campus. This 
commitment may take many forms, through individual or organiza- 
tional leadership and over varying amounts of time. Nominations 
are due March 2. For information, call 454-2931. 

Archaeological Project Will Explore the African 
American History of Annapolis 

c e 

To realize you 

have a history 

means to realize 

you have a 

future, " 

—Omar Badsha, director of the Center 
for Documentary Photography at the 
University of Cape Town, South Africa. 

M M ark Leone, associate pro- 

/ 1 /■ fessor of anthropology, had 

/ ^u m never considered it possible 
«i. ¥ JL. before— the idea of explor- 
ing the archaeology of the last 200 years 
of the African American presence in 

As he put it. he had ignored the 
African American presence because he 
did not think it could be excavated ar- 
chaeologically, and he did not know 
how to involve the Black community in 

For nearly nine years, Leone has 
worked in cooperation with the Historic 
Annapolis Foundation, excavating various 
sites in the state capitot as part of a pro- 
ject entitled, "Archaeology in An- 

Until now, that project has dealt solely 
with .Annapolis' white history. 

Now, Leone is in search of the rest of 
the story. 

"Maryland culture is not just British, 
Scottish, Anglican or Catholic," says 
Leone. "There have been African 
Americans in Annapolis ever since the 
1 600s, and an attempt to understand An- 
napolis history needs to acknowledge 
this fact." 

Leone came to this realization while 
visiting South Africa a year and a half 
ago.- While there, he formed a friendship 
with Omar Badsha, director of the 
Center for Documentary Photography at 
the University of Cape Town. 

Leone came to admire Badsha and his 
struggle to secure freedom for South 
Africa. And eventually, Leone, himself, 
began to develop a new appreciation for 
the importance of Black history and 
culture in his own state and country. 

"Annapolis, just like the rest of con- 
temporary America, would have a richer 
heritage if it included the stories of 
African Americans," says Leone. 

According to Leone, members of the 
African American community in An- 
napolis, like African Americans across the 
county, have expressed an interest in ar- 
chaeology, as another way of exploring 
their heritage. 

"I have to be honest," says Stephen 
Newsome, executive director of the State 
of Maryland Commission on Afro- 
American Heritage and Culture, good 
naturedly. "When I used to think of ar- 

Seen at a fund-raising dinner for the African American Historical Archaeology Project are (stan- 
ding from left) President of Historic Annapolis Foundation Mark Leone , Joseph Coale III and 
Stephen Newsome. Seated (from left) are Tony Whitehead and Richard Leakey. 

chaeology, 1 just thought of a bunch of 
crazy white folks digging up bones." 

But that impression has changed 
through Newsomc's involvement with 
the African American Historical Ar- 
chaeology project. 

"I had no idea how it had any applica- 
tion to me or my people until I heard 
from the University of Maryland," says 

Leone says that the project has two 
primary goals— to be a means by which 
African Americans can take greater con- 
trol over the interpretation and 
understanding of their place in An- 
napolis' past and its present and to con- 
tribute to the production of a more in- 
clusive account of Annapolis' past. 

"As a Black American from the planta- 
tion South, I'm very excited about what 
we're getting ready to do," says Tony 
Whitehead, chair of the Department of 

The project, according to Leone, is a 
partnership between a group of 

academic archaeologists, preservationists 
from the Historic Annapolis Foundation, 
and the African American community in 

The academic participants hope to 
work with community members on 
leaching how archaeology works and the 
kinds of results it can produce. Com- 
munity members will be able to par- 
ticipate in archaeological excavation, ar- 
tifact analysis, and in interpretation, as 
well as the process of selecting research 

"This kind of partnership is not 
always the way archaeology works," 
says Leone. 

Often, he says, when social minorities 
are studied archaeological !y. an ar- 
chaeologist, usually a member of the 
social majority, does the archaeology of 
a minority group as a case study for 
answering a research question derived 
from some current debate in ar- 
chaeological method and theory. 

' 'We hope this project is of interest to 

Funds Needed for African American 
Historical Archaeology Project 

In order to support the African 
American Historical Archaeology project, 
a comprehensive fundraising program 
currently is underway. 

The first grant received was from the 
Maryland Humanities Council. 

According to Mark Leone of the 
Department of Anthropology, a total of 
1110,000 is needed for such projects as: 
summer scholarships to allow African 
American high school or college students 
to work with the project; graduate 
research assistantships to fund graduate 
students for the academic year to work 

on lab analysis, computer data analysis 
and historical literature, and a laboratory 
specialist to oversee comparative analyses 
using data from African American sites in 
Annapolis and similar collections from 

Following his recent lecture entitled, 
"Origins of Human Kind," as part of the 
Distinguished Lecture Series, Richard 
Leakey, the well-known Kenyan an- 
thropologist, addressed a special dinner 
to kick off the fundraising efforts of the 
African American Historical Archaeology 
project. ■ 

African American archaeological artifacts 

other archaeologists, but we are very 
concerned with its meaning to the peo- 
ple of Annapolis." says Leone. 

From 1810 until emancipation, 
Maryland had the largest population of 
free Blacks of any state in the country, 
according to Leone. By the Civil War, 
the number of free Blacks in the state 
was roughly equal to the slave popula- 
tion. and in 1 8S(), tin- free population ol 
Annapolis was 2,3 = >9 individuals with 25 
percent of that total free Blacks. 

To compare free African Americans 
with other Annapolitans, we will look 
for similarities and differences in residen- 
tial patterns, housing construction and 
costs, room arrangements within houses, 
and patterns of refuse disposal," says 

He adds that the project will also 
study food ways including food prepara- 
tion, food consumption and the disposal 
of food remains. 

"We will pay particular attention to 
the numbers and kinds of dishes and 
pots selected by African Americans in 
comparison to those selected by other 
Annapolitans," says Leone. 

This would also include searching out 
African influences in African American 
culture in Annapolis by studying 
decorative items, cooking traditions and 
the evidence of folk medicines, which 
would be compared with those from 
African cultures. 

A project in historical mapping con- 
ducted in the 1970s by Historic An- 
napolis and the Maryland Hall of Records 
has identified several African American 
ncighhor hoods in Annapolis that have 
been intact for nearly two centuries. 

Among these areas, the project will 
focus on inner West Street, which in- 
cludes Gott's Court and the site of the 
new Anne Arundel County Courthouse, 
which shares a city block with the 
Banneker-Douglas Museum. 

Eventually, though, says Leone, the 
project hopes to move beyond the idea 
of Black and white sites with the goal of 
creating an integrated history - 

"As we cross this threshold," says 
Newsome, "hopefully, we can change 
the shape, and may 1 say, the color, of 
archaeological exploration." ■ 

— Lisa Ctvgory 


February 26, 1990 

Returning Students Program Helps 
With Transitions 

The Counseling Center's Returning Students Program is designed 
for students 25 years of age or older who have had a break in their 
education. Study skills workshops, a one -credit course, individual 
and group support, information and referral, and financial aid infor- 
mation are just a few of the many services the program offers the 
over 4,000 returning undergraduates at College Park. For a copy of 
Second Wind, the program's newsletter highlighting some of these 
offerings, call Barbara Goldberg or Beverly Greenfeig at 

Spring Red Cross Blood Drive 
Scheduled for March 1 

College Park faculty and staff are urged to participate in the 
American Red Cross blood drive on Thursday, March 1 in the 
Grand Ballroom of the Stamp Union. Volunteers from the Red 
Cross will be stationed there from 1 1 a.m. to 4 p.m. Eighty 
units of blood is the goal for the spring drive. 


UM Ice Cream Gets Jump on Sales 
with Spring-like Weather 

Considering that most of the 
winter has been relatively 
warm, it's no surprise that 
the campus community is 
starting to scream for ice cream. 

In one recent week, more than 540 
gallons of ice cream were consumed on 
campus and demand is escalating with 
every sunny day. To meet that demand, 
the Dairy Manufacturing Laboratory in 
the Turner Building is producing ice 
cream three days a week at the rate of 
65 gallons per hour when operating at 
normal capacity. 

"During a typical year, we make 
20.000 to 30,000 gallons of ice cream 
for consumption by the campus com- 
munity and a few other organizations 
that we're contracted with," says Gary 
Lapanne, business manager for the lab. 

According to Lapanne, the peak 
seasons for ice cream sales on campus 
normally are spring and fall. Summer is 
the slow season because most students 
and many faculty are away. 

The lab, an arm of the Department of 
Animal Sciences, operates as a wholesaler 
for the campus, selling ice cream and 
milk to the Dairy Sales Facility, campus 
dining halls, and a few state mental 
hospitals with which it is under contract. 

Although it is widely believed that UM 
ice cream is made from the milk of the 
450 University of Maryland-owned cows, 
the fact is. it isn't. University-produced 
milk is distributed as milk to campus 
dining halls and other facilities by driver 
Herbert Thomas. Surplus university 
milk is then sold to the Atlantic Dairy 

According to Lapanne, the most cost- 
effective way for the small campus lab to 
produce ice cream is to buy its base- 
formula from a distributor. A "custom- 
ized" university specified formula con- 
sists of dry milk powder, cream, sugar 
and other ingredients. It is from this for- 
mula that the Dairy Manufacturing Lab 
mixes flavorings and other ingredients to 
create the distinctive UM ice cream. 

"We've been using the same ice cream 
formula for 50 years," Lapanne says. 
"We have some customers who have 
been eating it for nearly that long and 
they drive from as far as Baltimore and 
Annapolis to get it." 

In addition to Lapanne, the lab in- 
cludes three classified employees and 
four students. Four of the employees, 
Karl Echols, Kurt Walther, Sean 
Petrone and Ray Yang, make 95 per- 
cent of the ice cream produced by the 
lab. A new student employee, Dan Bart 
is learning operations procedures and 
recently began making ice cream too. 

The ice cream is produced every Tues- 
day, Wednesday and Friday. Employees 
are usually working in the lab by 5 a.m. 
and are ready to make ice cream by 7 
a.m. They continue production until ear- 
ly afternoon. The ice cream is then 
stored in a freezer that holds 700 tubs of 

ice cream plus 700 half-gallon packages. 
Much of the ice cream is later delivered 
to various sites by driver Mike Whale n. 

The lab produces 1 5 flavors of ice 
cream plus one "flavor of the month." 
The best seller, accounting for 65 per- 
cent of the market, is vanilla, rated the 
best in the Washington area by Wasbing- 
tonian magazine in 1983. Other popular 
flavors are what you'd expect: chocolate, 
strawberry, black raspberry, chocolate 

chip, mint chip, and fudge sundae, "One 
of the newer flavors that is quite popular 
is cookies and cream," Lapanne adds. 

in March the lab will start packing ice 
cream in plastic Terp-colored University 
of Maryland tubs rather than the brown 
paper ones currently used. "It will ac- 
tually be cheaper to use the new tubs 
and they should be quite popular for a 
lot of other uses," Lapanne says. ■ 

—Fariss Samamtl 

Left, Kurt Walther pours the "custom" UM 
ice cream mix into one of the two ice cream 
machines In the Dairy Manufacturing Lab. 

Above, Walther pours ice cream from the 
maker into a three-gallon tub, and Sean 
Petrone adds cookies to make the popular 
"cookies and cream" flavor. 

Bottom left, Walther tallies the day's output. 

Bottom right, Petrone labels ice cream 

Photographs by John Consoli 


February 26, 1990 

March 1990 

omen 's History Month 

The University of Maryland 
at College Park 


Black Women's Council 

"Choices. -Minority Women's 
Perspectives on Equity Issues," on- 
air participants will discuss 
resources, strategies, and informa- 
tion for enhancing decision making, 
1 p.m., Prince George's Room, 
Stamp Union. Call Pamela Paul at 
X4124for info. 


University Theatre Production: 

The Singular Life of Albert Xobbs, 
by Simone Benmussa, trans, by 
Barbara Wright, the story of a 
woman who lived as a man in 
19th-century Ireland. March 1-4 and 
6-11 at 8 p.m., March 4 and 11 at 
2 p.m , Pugliese Theatre, admis- 
sion $7 ($5 students/seniors). Call 
X2201 (voice and TOD) for into.' 

Women's History Month Opening 
Event: "Transformations: A 
Sampler," panel discussion by 
Sharon Harley (Afro-American 
Studies). Evefyn Torton Beck 
(Women's Studies) and Catherine 
Schuier (Theatre) with Mary 
Cothran (OMSE), moderator; 
3:30-5:30 p.m., Maryland Room, 
Marie Mount Hall, reception will 
follow. Call Deborah Rosen felt at 
X5468 for info. 

Libraries Exhibits: "Resources for 
Women's History," lobbies of 
McKeldin and Hornbake libraries, 
open during regular library hours 
through March 31. Call Betty Day 
at X2110for info. 

Photography Exhibit: "A view of 
Her Own," work of five women 
photographers, through March 15, 
Mon.-Thurs. 11 a.m. -7 p.m.; Fri. 11 
a.m. -5 p.m.; Sat. 12 noon-5 p.m.: 
Parents Gailery, Stamp Union. Call 
X8309 for info. 

Ctvil Engineering Exhibit: 

"Outstanding Women Civil 
Engineers," East Lobby Entrance 
to Engineering Classroom Bldg., 
open during class hours through 
March 31. Call Deborah Goodings 
at X6256 for info. 

Horticulture Seminar: (Part of a 

series of presentations by women 


Ethel Dutky, Director of Rant 

Disease Laboratory, 4 p.m., 0128B 

Holzapfel. Call Francis Gouin at 

X3614 for info. 


F R ( 

Computer Science Brown Bag 
Lunch Talk: (beverage and dessert 
provided) "Women in Computer 
Science: What's Stopping them?" 
Stephen Brush (IPST and History), 
12:30 p.m., talk in 1112 A.V. 
Williams followed by dessert in 
room 1152. Call X4244 for info 


Horticulture Seminar: (Part of a 
series of presentations by women 
researchers) "Isolation of Genes In- 
volved in Peach Fruit Develop- 
ment," Ann Callahan, USDA, 4 
p.m., 0128B Holzapfel. Call James 
Anderson at 344-3061 for info. 


T U E 

Experiential Learning Programs 
Presentation: Feminist Internship 
Opportunities, 10 a.m., 0119 Horn- 
bake. Call Rennie Golec at X4767 
for info. 

Women's Studies Film and 
Discussion: Carmen Coustaut 
(RTVF) showing and discussing her 
film "Small Change," 4 p.m., 3293 
Art/Soc. Call Lynn Botles at X3841 
for info. 

Anthropology Roundtable Discus- 
sion: "Gender and Colonialism," 
Lynn Belles (Women's Studies), 
Caroi Robertson (Music) and Smita 
Jassal (Anthro), moderated by 
Nancie Gonzalez (Anthro), 3:30-5 
p.m., 1 1 27 Woods, refreshments 
will follow. Call Bob Aronson at 
X4677 or Alaka Wafi at X7762 for 

Student Chapter of the Society 
of Fire Protection Engineers 
Talk: "Engineering Careers," Lisa 
Heiser, program director, Engineer- 
ing Careers. 7:30 p.m.. 0405 Math. 

Zoology, Chemistry and the Col- 
lege of Lite Sciences Seminar: 
"What Has Happened to Women 
Scientists? Struggles and 
Strategies 1940 to 1990," Margaret 
Rossiter, Cornell U., 4 p.m., 1250 
Zoo/Psych., reception to follow. Call 
Margaret Palmer at X5980 for info. 



Horticulture Seminar: (Part of a 
series of presentations by women 
researchers) Sandy Sardanelli, 
Nematology Lab,. 4 p.m., 0128B 
Holzapfel. Call Francis Gouin at 
X3614 for info. 

Women's Studies Program Lec- 
ture/Reading: novelist Paule Mar- 
shall, 8 p.m., Architecture 
Auditorium. Call Jevera Temsky at 
X3841 for info. 


F R I 

Women's Studies Brown Bag 
Lunch Discussion: "After- 
Tiananmen: Chinese Women in the 
U.S. Today," Cht-Kwan Ho, 
moderator, 12 noon-1 p.m., Con- 
ference Room, Mill. Call Deborah 
Rosenfell at X5468 for info. 

English Department Reading by 
Women Faculty Poets: Verlyn 
Flieger, Phi I! is Levin, Sibbie 
O'Sullivan, Kim Roberts and Betty 
Townsend, 12 noon-1 p.m., 
Katherine Anne Porter Room, 3rd 
floor, McKeldin. Call Kim Roberts 
at X0935 for info. 

Textile and Consumer Economics 
Brown Bag Lunch Lecture: 

"Fashion and Women's Roles," Jo 
Paoletti, curator, Historic Costume 
and Textile Collection. 12 noon. 
Maryland Room, Marie Mount, Call 
Jo Paoletti at X0964 for info. 

Comparative Literature Program 
Panel Discussion: "Women in 
Politics," the ambassador of 
Guatemala to the O.A.S. and an 
international panel. 4 p.m., 
multipurpose Room, St. Mary's 
Hall. Call Silvia Cwitich at x2685 
for info. 

Women's Studies and the Cur- 
riculum Transformation Project 
Brown Bag Lunch Lecture and 
Discussion: "Them's All the Facts: 
Food. Fate and the History of 
Women," Mary Matossian (History), 
12:30-1:45 p.m., 2109 Symons. Call 
Deborah Rosenfell at X5468 for 

Comparative Literature Program 

Screening and Lecture: "Three 
Women," a film by Robert Altman, 
discussed by Robert Kolker, 5:30 
p.m. 0220 Jimenez. Call Silvia 
Cwilich at x2685 for info. 

Experiential Learning Programs 

Presentation: Feminist Internship 
Opportunities, 10 a.m., 0119 Horn- 
bake. Call Rennie Golec at X4767 
for info. 

Mathematics Department Talk: 
"Was Your Grandmother a 
Mathematician?" (Women in 
Mathematics), Judy Green, Rutgers 
U., 3 p.m., 3026 Mathematics, Call 
Rebecca Herb at X7067 for info. 

College of Journalism Panel 
Discussion: Issues and Concerns 
of Women in Journalism, 7-9:30 
p.m., Atrium, Stamp Union, recep- 
tion will follow. Call Rhondie 
Vorhees at X2228 for info. 

Horticulture Seminar: (Part of a 
series of presentations by women 

researchers) Holy Shimizu, U.S. 
Botanical Gardens, 4 p.m., 0128B 
Holzapfel. Call Francis Gouin at 
X3614 for info. 

International Education Services 
Brown Bag Lunch Discussion: 

"Career Development for Women 
in International Education," led by 
Valerie Woolston, 12 noon-1 p.m., 
Arts and Humanities Conference 
Room, F.S. Key. Call Charlotte 
Groff Aldridge at X5728 for info 

AAUW Published Women 

Luncheon: Susan Leonard! 
discussing Dangerous by Degrees, 
12 noon-1 p.m.. Rossborough Inn, 
$8. Reseve rations are required, 
call X3940." 

College of Business and 
Management Second Annual 

Reception: for Office Support Staff. 
12:30-2 p.m.. Maryland Room, 
Marie Mount. Call Mercy Coogan 
at X6553 for info. 


Art History Lecture: "The 
Language of Criticism: Its Effect on 
Georgia O'Keeffe's Art in the 
1920s," Barbara Buhler Lynes, 4 
p.m ... 2309 Art/Soc. Call Josephine 
Withers at X3431 for info. 

Astronomy Colloquium: "Women 
in Astronomy— 1 B40 to the Pre- 
sent," Vera Rubin. Carnegie In- 
stitution of Washington Dept. of 
Terrestrial Magnetism, 4 p.m., 1113 
Computer and Space Sciences. 
Call Eunice Burton at X3005 for in- 

Career Development Center Pro- 
gram: "Salary Negotiation for 
Women," 12 noon-1 p.m. presenta- 
tion; 1-1:30 p.m., question and 
answer session, 3108 Hornbake, 
South. Call Cheryl Hiller at X2813 
for info. 

Women's Studies Poetry Reading 
and Book Signing: "Crime 
Against Nature," Minnie Bruce 
Pratt, poet and essayist, 4 p.m., 
Katherine Anne Porter Room, 3rd 
floor, McKeldin, reception will 
follow. Call Jevera Temsky at 
X3841 far info. 

Housing and Design Lecture and 
Discussion: "Design History and 
Practice: Is There Room for Diver- 
sity?" Judith Moldenhauer, U. of 
Michigan, 11 a.m., 1413 Marie 
Mount. Call Terry Gips at X6267 
for info. 

College of Computer, 
Mathematical and Physical 
Sciences Talk: "Making Scientific 
Advancement Accessible to the 
General Public," Kathy Keeton, 
Publisher OMNI Publications, loca- 
tion and time TBA. Call Yolanda 
Pruitt at X4906 for info. 

Experiential Learning Programs 
Presentation: Feminist Internship 
Opportunities, 10 a.m., 0119 Horn- 
bake. Call Rennie Golec at X4767 
tor info. 

Department of Computer Science 
Brown Bag Lunch Panel Discus- 
sion: (Beverages and dessert pro- 
vided) "Women in Computer 
Science: Don't Stop Now," 12 
noon, room (2132 UMIACS Interac- 
tion Room), A.V. Williams. Call 
x2002 for info. 

'Admission is charged for this 
special event. Alt others are free. 

All telephone listings are in Area 
,10), with the beginning exbange 
of 454, unless otherwise noted.