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Volume 4, Number 23 

UPt;6 X7-002 
University of Maryland at College Park 

President Kirwan's Inauguration: 
Celebrating a New Era at College Park 

rhcy say the third time's a 
charm. This saying seems 
particularly appropriate for 
William English (Brit) Kirwan, 
in his role of chief executive officer of 
the College Park campus, since he has 
held that job in three different capacities 
over the past several years. 

The first time was from August to 
November 19H2 when Kirwan was ap- 
pointed Interim Chancellor, awaiting John 
Slaughter's arrival. 

The second time he filled the post of 
Acting President from August I, 1988 to 
February I, 1989 while the search For a 
permanent president took place. 

Finally, on February 1. 1989. Kirwan 
himself was tapped for the job of presi- 
dent, an appointment that had the 
whole-hearted endorsement of the cam- 
pus community, many of whom had 
known and admired Kirwan for his out- 
standing teaching, administrative leader- 
ship and vision during his 23 years as a 
member of the College Park community, 

On Monday. April 30 an historic event 
will take place at the university. For only 
the second time in its history. College 
Park will hold a formal ceremony to in- 
augurate a new leader. 

Starling at 2 p.m. in Tawes Theatre, the 
inauguration of William English Kirwan 
will take place. The event actually marks 
the tirst time a president has been in- 
augurated on the campus since the title 

William E. Kirwan 

of chief executive officer was 
changed from chancellor to president 

with the reorganization of the University 
of Maryland System in July 1989. (The 

first ceremony was held in 1983, when 
John Slaughter was inaugurated as 

The April 30 ceremony will climax al- 
most a week of special events celebrating 
not only the inauguration of Kirwan as 
president, but the excellence of the 
university as well, says Vice President for 
Academic Affairs and Provost Bob Dorf- 
man, who chairs the committee that has 
planned the inaugural celebration. 

In his recent letter inviting all of the 
campus community to participate in the 
special inaugural events, Dorfman said. 
"In addition to fulfilling an impressive 
Maryland tradition, the formal installation 
of our new president provides an impor- 
tant opportunity for members of the 
university community to affirm their 
commitment to our institutional goal of 
academic excellence." 

Activities will include exhibits high- 
lighting the past history of the university 
and its presidents, two distinguished lec- 
tures, a student arts festival, two concerts 
celebrating faculty excellence in the 
humanities and performing arts, and the 
inaugural ceremony itself, which will 
bring 10 campus many alumni, academic 
leaders, and dignitaries from the cor- 
porate, political and private sectors to 
join with the faculty and stiff to witness 
the installation of a new- president. 

continued on page 3 

Afro-American Studies and Public 
Affairs to Present Public Lectures 

As part of their S^O.nnil grant from the 
Ford Foundation to create a joint 
bachelors- masters' degree program in 
ethnic studies and public policy, the 
Afro-American Studies Program and 
School of Public Affairs will present four 
distinguished lecturers speaking on issues 
relating to race, culture and public policy 
in April. 

On Tuesday. April 3. Kenneth Manning 
will speak on "The Legacy of" Blacks in 
the Medical Profession" at -t p.m. in 
loom 1213 of the Art/Sociology Building. 
Author of the acclaimed Black Apollo of 
Science- The Life (Did Times of Ernest 
Everett Just, Manning is professor of the 
history of science at MIT. 

On Wednesday, April 11. Jerome Taylor 
will discuss "Race, Consciousness and 
Public Policy," at 6:30 p.m. in room 1213 

of (he Art /Sociology building. Taylor is 
professor of psychology and director or 
the Institute for the Black Family at the 
University of Pittsburgh. 

On Wednesday. April 18, M. Belinda 
Tucker will sjx-ak on "Marriage and Fami- 
ly in the African-American Communiiy: 
Policy Issues" at 3:-n p.m. in room 0102 
of Francis Scon Key Hall. Tucker is direc- 
tor of the Center for African and Afro- 
American Studies at UCLA, 

And on Wednesday April 23. Joyce 
I.adner will speak on 'The Black Family 
and Public Policy" at 3:30 pm. in room 
(111)0 of Marie Mouni Hall. Ladner is an 
associate professor in the School of 
social Work at Howard University. 

All lectures will be followed by a 
reception For more information, call 
454-5665. ■ 

1 Mde 

1990-91 Lilly Teaching 
Fellows Named 

Focus on 


Six junior faculty members at 
the University of Maryland at 
( !ol lege Park have been named 
Lilly Teaching Fellows for the 
1 990-9 1 academic year. 
Maureen Flvnn. History; 

They are 

Nabil Kartam. Engineering; Roberta 
l.avine, Spanish and Portuguese: Margaret 
Palmer, Zoology; John Seidel. An- 
thropology: and Angelina Yee, Hebrew 
and Fast Asian Languages. 

Last year. College Park was one of 
three universities to be selected for the 
national program that supports junior 
faculty members working with senior 
faculty mentors on projects related to 
undergraduate teaching. Fellows will also 
be selected next year. 

Flynn will work with Bernard Cooper- 

man, associate professor of history, on a 
course examining the relationship be- 
iween mainstream western culture and 
its deviant groups. Such a course will 
meel the new General Education require- 
ment for a course in non-western 

Flynn earned a Ph.D. in 1983 from the 
University of Wisconsin Madison and has 
published essays on various aspects of 
charily and ritual in the medieval and 
Renaissance periods. She has been at 
College Park since 1989. 

Kartam's project, "Expert System Ap- 
plications." will be a distributive studies 
course for undergraduates on artificial in- 
telligence. His mentor is Bilal Ay y ub. 
associate professor of civil engineering. 

continued on page 3 

University's Space Shuttle 

Eight faculty to use Hubbte telescope* 


Mining the Subtleties of 

vtM.)/ tnr Wives opens April 5 


Mentoring for Academic 

pon lieips ; duates achieve.. 



April 2, 1990 

WAM Lab Enhancements Made 

The Workstations At Maryland (WAM) support group has an- 
nounced a scries of recent enhancements to WAM labs. Math Co- 
Processors have been ins ml led on the 18 IBM PS /2 s in the 
Worcester WAM lab to increase the speed and accuracy of pro- 
grams requiring numeric processing. The lab is located in the lower 
level of Worcester Hall. Six NeXT units have been installed in the 
Engineering and Physical Science Library. Four additional PS/2 

workstations have been installed in the Centre ville WAM lab 
located on the ground floor of Centreviilc Hall. And a 24-hour, 
fully-networked WAM lab in the Hornbake Terminal Room has 
been equipped with ten MAC lis and 20 PS/2s. The Workstation 
Support Group is always interested in improving services in the 
WAM labs. Questions and comments should be directed to Ron 
Borgenicht at -04-0283 or Lida Larsen at -n-t-WHO. 


New Book Looks at Socialist 
Economies of Eastern Europe 

/n the wake of the dramatic 
political changes that have 
swept them in recent 
months, nations throughout 
Eastern Europe are beginning to grapple 
with the issue of economic reform 

Advice from Western economists is 
that these centrally planned economies 
reform their price systems and eliminate 
state subsidies. They are also urged to 
replace planning with I'rci markets and. 
to enhance performance, offer increased 
Incentives to managers and workers. 

Peter Murrell. professor of economics 
here, has just written a new book. Tbv 
Nature of Socialist Economics: Lessons 
from Eastern European Foreign Trade. 
published recently by Princeton Univer- 
sity Press. 

in it he presents evidence that these 
standard prescriptions for reviving cen- 
trally planned economies may not be the 
answer. Murrell s conclusions derive 
from an analysis of foreign trade data 
from Albania. Bulgaria. Czechoslovakia, 
the German Democratic Republic, 
Hungary. Poland. Romania, the Soviet 
Union and Yugoslavia. 

Mur celt's study reveals that what has 
differentiated capitalist and Socialist 
planned economies for the last -til years 
is not efficient allocation through the 
price system, but rather the promotion 
of innovation and technological change 
through an evolutionary selection 

Traditional comparative analysis of 
capitalism versus socialism has empha- 
sized the informational role ofprices. the 
profit incentive and the harmonizing 
nature of market forces. " notes Murrell 
"In many ways this is a comfortable 
view of what capitalism is like. But what 
it doesn't emphasize are the forces ol 
natural selection in the market process in 
which inefficient companies are 


Outlook is ttie weekly taculty-staff newspaper 
serving the College Park campus community. 

Reese Cleghom, Acting Vice President lor 

Institutional Advancement 
Roi Htebert. Director of Public Information & Editor 
Linda Freeman, Production Edlor 
Jan Barktey. Brian Busek. John Fritz, Lisa Gregory. 
Tom Otwell & Farias Samafial. Slaff Writers 

Stephen A. Darrou, Design & Coordination 
John T. Consoli. Photography Coordinator 
Heather Kelly. VMane Moritz, Chris Paul, 

Design fl Production 
Al Danegger & Larry Grouse, Contnbuting 


Letters to the editor, story suggestions, campus intor- 
mation & calendar Hems are wetcome Please submit 
all material al least three weeks before the Monday ot 
publication Send il to Roz Hiebert, Editor Ouftoc*. 
2101 Turner Building, through campus mail or to 
University Of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742 Our 
telephone number is (301) 454-5335. Our eleclronic 
mail address is 



The Nature of Socialist 
Economies: Lessons from 
Eastern European Foreign Trade 

destroyed and where workers 
who happen to he in the 
wrong jobs are forced to Uriel 
others. It is that sei of forces 
that Schumpelerian economists 
emphasize— the creativity of 
decentralized eet momies 
in forming new institutions com- 
bined wiili the destructive cap- 
acity that capitalism has for in- 
efficient institutions in society " 

(Joseph Alois Sell urn peter 
was an economist and sociol- 
ogist known for his theories 
of capitalist development and 
business cycles and for taking 
a broader view ihan his con- 
temporaries in the 193' is and 
'40s and embodying in it an 
evolutionary, or Darwinian, 
view of economic processes.] 

The Sehumpeteriau model 
emphasizes the rigidity of in- 
stitutions and policies in 
socialist economies and their 
lack of mechanisms either to 
create new institutions or to 
identify and to foster the 
growth of the most efficient 
organizations. Murrell says. 

"What has happened in Eastern 
Europe is that the economic systems 
have protected jobs, protected all their 
enterprises," Murrell says. "They don't 
ever destroy existing economic ar- 
rangements. This job security explains to 
a large degree their poor performance 
The Eastern European economies have 

gone to one extreme in protecting in- 
dividuals from the cold gales of 
economic destruction. Bui it is also ob- 
vious that some of the plans now being 
proposed for free markets in Eastern 
Europe go loo far in [he other direc- 

The fundamental weakness of the cen- 
trally planned economies is a result of 
their institutional inflexibility— the 
absence of the formation of new firms, 
ihe lack of bankruptcy, and the unwill- 
ingness to embrace the operations of 
multi-national corporations. Murrell 

The critical feature that has to be built 
into these stagnant economies is a 
system that allows for the easy entry and 
exit of firms into industries, including 
multi-national corporations. "Whether 
this is possible in an economy with a 
dominant state industrial sector is a ques- 
tion i hat has not yet been addressed, 
much less answered," Murrell says, ■ 

— Turn Otuvll 

Astronomers Prepare for Research 
Hubble Space Telescope 


rhe College of Computer. 
Mathematical, and Physical 
Sciences has eight professors 
who will conduct research 
using the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) 
during its first year of operation. The 
telescope will be launched April 12 by 
the space shuttle Di set) very. 

Roger A. Bell, director of the 
Astronomy Program, was a member of 
the Time Allocation Committee of 
NASA's Space Telescope Science In- 
stitute. He will use the telescope's wide 
ficld'planctary camera to study stars in 
three globular clusters, Globular clusters 
are the oldest object-; in the Milky Way 
Their ages, which can he determined 
from studies of the brightnesses and col- 
ors of the cluster stars, place a limit on 
the age of the universe 

With HST's wide field/planetary 
camera. Bell will he able to observe 
globular cluster stars that are so faint 
they appear not to have altered in 
brightness and color since the clusters 
were formed. A study of the relative 
number of these stars, as a function of 
brightness, will provide Bell with insight 
as to how stars form and how they are 
distributed to different regions of a 

Michael P, A'Hearn, professor of 
astronomy, is connected with four ap- 
proved programs for HST, one as prin- 

cipal investigator and three as a co- 
investigator. All are directed at 
understanding the chemical composition 
of comets and how thai understanding 
will constrain theories of the origin of 
comets and of the system. Three of 
his projects -are directed at spectroscopy 
ill tin bright comet that happens to ap- 
pear. The fourth project is for spec- 
troscopy of a periodic comet. 

Mukul R. Kundu. professor of 
astronomy, has been studying solar flares 
and their relation to sunspots for many 
years using three Earth-bound radio 
telescopes. Using HST's high resolution 
instruments, he will now search for 
energetic protons in the impulsive phase 
of stellar flares 

Timothy Heck man and Andrew S. 
Wilson, professors of astronomy, are fn- 
terested in the nature of cxtragalactic 
synchrotron jets They will use HST's 
planetary camera and faint object camera 
to observe this energetic Outflow from 
the nucleus of galaxies and quasars. 
Hcckman and Wilson say the action of 
jets is part of the life-cycle of most 
galaxies and an understanding of their 
composition will bring an understanding 
of the nuclei of galaxies. 

J. Patrick Harrington, professor of 
astronomy, will make observations of 
rhe structure and composition of 
planetary nebulae in the Magellanic 

clouds— the galaxies near our own. lie is 
interested in the chemical changes 
undergone by gases that were onec on 
the surface of stars Harrington hopes to 
gei high resolution pictures of his 

Stuart Vogel. associate professor of 
astronomy, will use HST's wide 
field/planetary camera to obtain clear im- 
ages of spiral galaxies outside of the 
Milky \Va\ . He will attempt io unders- 
tand how spiral arms make the stars that 
grow and die there. He will combine 
new HST data with similar data already 
obtained using the University of 
Maryland's BIMA radio telescope in Hat 
Creek. Calif. With the wide field camera 
he will be able to observe many stars in 
different stages of evolution. This will 
give him perspective of the aging pro- 
cess of stars. 

Another researcher. Douglas G. Ctirrie, 
a professor in the physics department's 
Astro-Metrology Group, has been in- 
volved in the design, fabrication, testing 
and calibration of the telescope's wide 
field/planetary camera. Curric played a 
large role in evaluating the capabilities of 
the camera for detecting planets orbiting 
various stars and will continue to analyze 
ihe effectiveness of the camera during 
operation. ■ 

—I'nrisi Stmuurui 

Women's Commission Plans Welcome for New 
Vice President 

The President's Commission on Women's Affairs will host a din- 
ner in honor of Kathryn Costello, the new vice president for In- 
stitutional Advancement, on Monday. April 16 at 6 p.m. in the 
Chesapeake Room of the Center of Adult Education, The purpose 
of this event is to welcome Vice President Costello, to brief her on 
the status of women on campus and to provide her the opportuni- 
ty to meet university leaders. Everyone is welcome. The cost of 
the dinner is $Hk there will he a cash har beginning at 5:30 p.m. 
Call Mamie Kuglcr at 454-4702 for information about reservations. 

UMCP to Host Forum on Volunteer Immunity 
and Liability 

The Office of Experiential Learning Programs is hosting a com- 
munity forum on volunteer immunity and liability which will be 
presented by the Governor's Office on Volunteerism and the 
Young Lawyers' Section of the Baltimore City Bar Association. The 
UMCP forum will be held on April 4 from 7 to 9 p.m. in the Art 
Sociology Building, Room 1213. For more information call 
454 -r "'ft" 7 . 


April 2. 1990 

New Undergraduate Teaching Fellows Selected 

continued from page I 

Kartam received his Ph.D. from Stan- 
ford and has published widely on ar- 
tificial intelligence and computers. This is 
his first year on the College Park 

l.avine will explore ways to integrate 
learning strategies into the Spanish cur- 
riculum to help students use- their time 
more effectively. Richard Brecht. pro- 
fessor of Germanic and Slavic language, 
will be her mentor. 

l.avine received her Ph.D. from 
Catholic University and has published 
both in the areas of Spanish language 
and language learning strategies. She has 
been at the university since I9®6. 

Palmer will work with Sandra Greer, 
professor and chair of chemistry, to con- 
tinue her development of a course on 
Women in Science 

She received her Ph.D. from the 
University of .South Carolina and works 
in ihe area of tidal biology. She has been 
at the universitv since 1983. 

l-r are John Seidel, Kathryn Mohrman and Sandy Mack, co-chairs of the selection committee, 
Margaret Palmer, Roberta Lavine, Maureen Flynn, and Nabil Kartam (not pictured is Angelina 

Seidel will develop a course called Mark Leone, associate professor of an- 

"Thc Historical Archaeology of thropology. 

Anonymous Peoples.' His mentor is Seidel has a Ph.D. from the University 

Inaugurating a New President 

continued f mm page I 

The formal opening of the inaugural 
celebration will take place on Wednesday, 
April 2S when professor Kphraim 
Katchalski-Katzir of the Weizmann In- 
stitute of Science in Israel presents [lie 
Presidential Inaugural Distinguished Lec- 
ture on conformational fluctuations and 
alterations in peptides and proteins and 
their effect on major biological pro- 
cesses. The lecture will take place ai 3 
p.m.. Room 2211% LcFrak Hall, with a 
reception following the lecture 

(>n Thursday, April 26 at 3:30 p.m., in 
the Engineering Classroom Building lec- 
ture hall. Daniel Rudolph, professor of 
mathematics, will present a distinguished 
lecture. "A tale of two numbers: an ex- 
cursion into ihe complexity of simple 
things." These and all subsequent in- 
augural events will be free and open to 
all. says Dorfman. 

Thursday evening ai 8 p.m. in Tawes 
Recital Hall a special concert will be per- 
formed by the G turner i String Quartet. 
Widely acknowledged as one of the two 
or three best siring quartets in ihe 
world, the four members of the group 
now celebrating its 2Sth year together 
are faculty-in-residcnce at College Park. 
In ih is capacity the group has performed 
in many memorable open rehearsals and 
concerts over the past seven years, and 
Kir wan has been one of the Guarneri's 
most faithful and enthusiastic admirers. 
Although the event is free, tickets are 
needed for the Guameri concert. Call 
Suzanne Beicken in the music depart- 
ment at 454-6669 for information. 

On Friday, April 2". in the Parent's 
Association Art Gallery of Adele H, 
Stamp Student Union, a special exhibit 
will open in honor of President Kirwan. 
featuring portraits of past University of 
Maryland presidents, the exhibition will 
run until May 3; the hours are 11 a.m. to 
5 p.m. each day, 

That same day. April 27, another in- 

auguration event will focus on student 
life when the all-day annual Student Art 
Attack will be presented on the south 
Chapel field. Stirling ai It) a. in featuring 
special booths, music dance and other 
cultural performances, games, food and 
activities, the traditional student festival 
is a particularly appropriate contribution 
to the inaugural celebration since both of 
Patty and Brit Kinvan's children have 
been College Park students. William E. 
Kirwan 111 graduated with a masters 
degree in architecture in 198". and their 
daughter Ann Elizabeth is a student ma- 
joring in journalism ai College Park. 

Sunday evening at 8 p.m.. a gala in- 
augural concert will take place in Tawes 
Theatre. Highlighting the strengths of the 
College Park arts and humanities faculty, 
ihe concert will showcase ihe talents and 
original works of a number of faculty 
from the theatre, music, dance, and 
English departments. No tickets are need- 
ed for the gala; Tawes Theatre holds 
1 3^1) people. 

On Monday, April .Ml at 10 a. m, an 
exhibit presented by UMCP Libraries' 
University Archives, eu rated hy Leslie 
May. will open. Located in the reception 
area leading to the Grand Ballroom in 
the Student Union, the exhibit, "A 
Celebration of Leadership: Presidents and 
Chancellors at the University of Mary- 
land," will present a visual survey of the 
life and times of former College Park 
leaders from 1859 to the present through 
a collection of University Archives' 
historic photos, publications and 

That afternoon, starting at 2 p.m. in 
Tines Theatre the actual inauguration 
ceremony to install P res idem Kirwan will 
begin. As part of the traditional inaugural 
ceremony, university representatives enter 
the theater in full regalia, musical selec- 
tions will he played, and Governor 
William Donald Schaefer will conduct 
the formal investiture of William E. Kir- 

wan as College Park's fourth chief ex- 
ecutive officer. The campus community 
is invited to attend the ceremony. No 
tickets are required. 

Immediately following the inauguration 
ceremony, as a grand finale to the six- day 
celebration, a public reception will be 
held in the Grand Ballroom of ihe Stu- 
dent Union to which all of the com- 
munity is invited. 

As the person at ihe focal point of 
many of the inaugural events, Kirwan 
himself has been present during the 
tenure of all three College Park 
chancellors who preceded him. 

The first chancellor of the College- 
Park campus was Charles Edwin Hi shop, 
who was appointed in September 1970 
and resigned in August 19 "4 to head the 
University of Arkansas. 

During the search for a permanent 
chancellor to replace Bishop. John 
Dorsey, who bad been vice chancellor 
for administrative affairs at College Park, 
held the position on an acting basis 

Robert L. Gluekstern was selected for 
the permanent position of chancellor 
and served from March 19" until August 
1982. when he resigned to remain at 
College Park as a professor of physics 

Kirwan, College Park's vice chancellor 
for academic affairs, acted as interim 
chancellor for a short period until the 
appointment of John Slaughter, who 
headed the campus from November 1982 
until August 1988, when he re- 
signed to become president of Occiden- 
tal College in California. 

Once again Kirwan stepped into the 
top leadership role on the campus when 
he was appointed acting president during 
a search to fill the permanent position. 
On February I. 1989 Kirwan was ap- 
pointed to the position of president. 

Vice chancellor for academic affairs 
from 1981 to 1986, Kirwan became the 
campus' first provost when the position 
was created in 1986. Before his appoint- 

of Pennsylvania and works in the field 
of 19th century American archaeology. 
He "began teaching at College Park in 

Yee, who is on sabbatical this year. 
wilt use her Lilly project to develop a 
freshman seminar on the role of gender 
in Chinese literature. Her mentor is Tom 
Rimer, professor and chair of the Depart- 
mem of Hebrew and East Asian 

Yee earned a Ph.D. from Harvard 
University and has focused her scholarly 
work on the Chinese Hung/ou nieng tor 
"Dream of ihe lied Chamber" in 
English), a famous Chinese novel by 
Chan Chun. She has been teaching ai 
College Park since 1987 

The new Lilly fellows and their senior 
faculty mentors will meet regularly 
throughout the IWO-'H academic year 
and attend two national conferences for 
Lilly Fellows. Each fellow has some 
release time for his/her project plus sum- 
mer support in 1991. ■ 

—John I lit: 

men l as vice chancellor, he was a faculty 
member in the Department of Mathemat- 
ics. He came to College Park with a HA. 
degree from the Universitv of Kentucky 
(I960), an M.A. (1962) and a Ph.D. (1964) 
from Rutgers University. He joined the 
faculty as an assistant professor in 1964 
and rose steadily through the ranks, with 
appointments as associate professor in 
1%8, professor In 1972 and chair of the 
department in 1977. ■ 

— Rfiz Ifiebert 


April 2. 1990 


^^ April 2 to 11 

Check Your Blood Pressure and Coronary Risk 

The College Park Chapter of Club Maryland will offer cholesterol 
and blood pressure screening Wednesday, April 4, 7 a.m. -1 p.m., in 
the Wellness Research Laboratory, Room 0110 in the College of 
Health and Human Performance (formerly known as the College of 
Physical Education, Recreation, and Health). The tests include Total 
Serum Cholesterol (TSQ. High Density Lipoprotein (HDL), Low 
Density Lipoprotein (LDL) and Triglycerides. Screenings, which arc 
$20, are open to all state employees and family members over 18. 
To schedule an appointment, call Mary Luctkcmeycr at 
454-5616— rand remember to fast 12 hours prior to your tests. 


School of Architecture Alumni 
Exhibition, today through April 4, 
Architecture Gallery. Call x3427 for 

Art Exhibition: "Contemporary 
Latin American Photographers." 
organized by Aperture 
Photography, through April 27, The 
Art Gallery, Art/Sociology Bldg Call 
x2763 for info. 

International Affairs Conference: 
"Preparing for an International 
Decade: UMCP in the 1990s," 
featuring opening remarks by 
President Kirwan, 8 a.m. -5 p.m.. 
Founders Room, Center of Adult 
Education. Call x3008 for info. 

Horticulture Seminar: "The 
Ethylene Biosynthesis-inducing En- 
doxy I anaze: Purification and 
Physical Characteristics and Possi- 
ble Roie in Plant Pathogenesis." 
Jeffrey Dean, USDA. 4 p.m , 
0128B Holzapfel Hall. Call x3606 
for info. 

Computer Science Colloquium: 
"A Computational Basis for 
Phonology," David S. Touretzky. 
Carnegie Mellon U . 4 p.m.. 011 
Classroom Bldg. Call x4244 for 

Registration Closes, for outdoor 
volleyball. Call x3124 for info. 

Zoology Lecture: "Adaptive 
Significance of Infant Care 
Behavior by Non-Reproductive 
Golden Lion Tamarins," Andy 
Baker, noon. 1208 Zoo/Psych 
Bldg. CaJI x3201 for info. 

History Department Revolutions 

Lecture: "The Significance of the 
English Revolutions of the Seven- 
teenth Century," Lawrence Stone. 
Princeton U., 3 p.m., place TBA. 
Call x2843 for info 

Afro-American Studies and 
Public Affairs Lecture: "The 
Legacy of Blacks in the Medical 
Profession," Kenneth Manning. 
MIT, 4 p.m., 1213 Art/Sociology 
Bldg, reception to follow. CaJI 
x5665 for info. 

Hoff Theater Movie: "Das Boot.' 
Call x4987 for info," 



Registration Begins, for team 
horseshoes. Call x3124 for info. 

Employee Development Seminar, 
'FAS Training." 9 a.m. -noon, 
Maryland Room, Marie Mount Hall. 
Call X4811 for info. 

Counseling Center Research & 
Development Seminar: "Current 
Issues for Jewish Students on 
Campus." Rabbi Robert Saks, 
noon. 0106 Shoemaker Bldg. Call 
x2937 for info. 

International Coffee Hour, 3-4:30 
p.m.. 0205 Jimenez Hall. Call 
X4925 for info. 

Writers Here and Now Poetry 
Reading, featuring Phillis Levin 
reading from her works. 3:30 p.m , 
Katherine Anne Porter Room, 
McKeldin Library. Call x2511 for 

Distinguished Scholar-Teacher 
Lecture: "Lasers: The Good, The 
Bad, and The Ugly," Christopher 
Davis, 4 p.m.. 2203 Art/Soc. Bldg . 
reception to follow in Art/Soc. 
Atrium Call x2530 for info. 

Horticulture Seminar: Molecular 
Studies of Catalase in Ripening 
Tomato Fruit." Gordon Inamine, 
USDA, 4 p.m., 0128S Holzapfel 
Hall Call x3606 for info. 

Architecture and Horticulture 
Lecture: "The Education of a 
Landscape Architect." Dan Kiley, 
FA SLA., 8 p.m.. Architecture 
Auditorium. Call x3427 for info 

University Theatre presents "The 
School for Wives," April 5-7 and 
12-14, 8 p.m., April 18, 2 p.m., 
Tawes Theatre, 

Early American History Seminar: 
"Destined for Disappointment: 
Scottish Sojourners in Jamaica and 
the Chesapeake. 1740-1820," Alan 
Karras, Georgetown U , 8 p.m., 
2135 Stamp Union. Call x2843 for 

Hoff Theater Movie: "Das Boot." 
Call x4987 for info. - 


Meteorology Seminar: "Develop- 
ment of an Interactive Analysis, 
Forecast. Retrieval System for 
NWP." W Baker, 3:30 p.m., 2114 
Computer & Space Sciences Bldg. 
Call x2708 for info. 

Department of Housing and 
Design Lecture: "Scratchboard 
Workshop," Ruth Lozner, 3:30 
p.m.. 1413 Marie Mount Hall. Call 
x1543 for info. 

CHPS Lecture; "Creating the 
Climate of Opinion: Vannevar Bush 
and the Decision to Build the 
Bomb." Stanley Goldberg, Johns 
Hopkins U., 4 p.m., 1117 F. S. 
Key Hall. Call x285G tor info. 

Reliability Engineering Seminar: 
"Probability-Based Codified 
Design," Bruce Ellingwood, Johns 
Hopkins U, 5:15-6:15 pin., 2115 
Chemical & Nuclear Engineering 
Bldg. Call X1941 for info. 

UM Symphony Orchestra Con- 
cert, William Hudson, conductor, 
featuring Mozart's Symphony No. 
41 and Brahms' Variations on a 
theme by Haydn. 8 p.m.. Tawes 
Recital Hall. Call x6669 for info. 

University Theatre: "The School 
for Wives," by Moliere, translated 
into English by Richard Wilber, 8 
p.m., Tawes Theatre, $7 standard 
admission. $5.50 seniors and 
students, production runs today- 
April 8 and 12-14. Call x2201 for 
info. " 

Hoff Theater Movie: "The Abyss." 
Call x4987 for info ' 

Linguistics Colloquium: "Syntactic 
Features and Syntactic Process- 
ing." Paul Gorrell, noon, 0109 
Hornbake Library. Call x7002 for 

Mental Health Lunch 'N Learn 
Conference: "Ethical Issues in the 
Maintenance of Professional Con- 
fidentiality." David Joseph. St. 
Elizabeth's Hospital, 1-2 p.m., 
3100E Health Center. Call x4925 
for info. 

University Theatre: "The School 
tor Wives," 8 p.m., see April 5 for 

MSICPA Piano Festival, featuring 
Sylviane Deferne, finalist in the 
1989 UM William Kapell Piano 
Competition, featuring Schumann's 
Fantasies, icke, Op. 12, Chopin's 
Scherzo No. 3, Op. 39, 
Beethoven's Sonata, Op. 109, and 
Barber's Sonata, Op. 26, 8 p.m.. 
Center of Adult Education Call 
X4241 for info. 

Hoff Theater Movie: "The Abyss" 
and "Monty Python and the Holy 
Grail." Call x4987 for info.' 


Men's Lacrosse vs. Virginia, 1 
p.m.. Byrd Stadium. Call x2121 for 

Women's Lacrosse vs. North- 
western, time TBA, Denton Field. 
Call x5854 for info. 

Homer Ulrich Music Competition, 
featuring instrumental, vocal and 
piano contestants, undergraduate 
finals today, 7 p.m.. graduate finals 
tomorrow, 7 p.m.. Tawes Recital 
Hall. Call x6669 tor info. 

University Theatre: "The School 
for Wives." 8 p.m . see April 5 for 

Hoff Theater Movie: "The Abyss" 
and "Monty Python and the Holy 
Grail." Call x4987 for info " 


University Theatre; "The School 
for Wives." 2 p.m., see April 5 for 

Capitol Composers Alliance Con- 
cert, featuring the Eakins Quartet 
performing works by Emmalou 
Diemer, Janet Peachey, and Scott 
Folak, 2 p.m., Tawes Recital Hall. 
Call x6669 for info. 

UM Chorale Spring Concert, 
Roger Folstrom, director, featuring 
Faure's Requiem, Haydn's 
Achieved is the Glorious Work. 
Manuel's Alleluia, two Bruckner 
motets, and several famous 
spirituals, 4 p.m., University 
Methodist Church. Call x6669 for 

Hoff Theater Movie: "The Abyss." 
Call x4987 for info.' 



Art Department Minorities & 
Women Lecture: painter Mary 
Lovelace O'Neal wilt discuss her 
work, 12:30 p.m., Art/Sociology 
Bldg. Call x0344/5 for info. 

Computer Science Colloquium: 
"Logic Programming Using Bilat- 
tices." Mel Fitting, CUNY, 4 p.m., 
011 Classroom Bldg. Call x4244 

for info 

Guameri String Quartet Open 

Rehearsal, 7 p.m., featuring Frank 
Bridge's String Quartet in E minor, 
Tawes Recital Hall. Call x6669 for 


Registration Ends, for team 
horseshoes. Call x3124 for info. 

Employee Benefits Orientation, 
10 a, m., 2202 Hornbake Library 
Call x6312 tor info. 

Zoology Lecture: "Energetics of 
Lactation in the Evening Bat (Nye- 
ticeius humeralis),'' Suzy Steele, 
noon, 1208 Zoo/Psych. Bldg. Call 
x3201 for info. 

Hoff Theater Movie: "Apartment 
Zero" and "Drugstore Cowboy " 
Call X4987 for info." 

Human Relations Skills Develop- 
ment Workshop, "Negotiating and 
Building Good Working Relation- 
ships with Supervisors and Peers," 
9 a.m. -noon, Prince George's 
Room, Stamp Union, £25. Call 
x4707 tor into.* 

Counseling Center Research & 
Development Seminar: "Financial 
Aid Issues for Students in the 
1990s." Ulysses S. Glee, noon, 
0106 Shoemaker Bldg, Call x2937 
for info. 

International Coffee Hour, 3-4:30 
p.m., 0205 Jimenez Hall. Call 
x4925 for info. 

Distinguished Scholar-Teacher 
Lecture: "The Joys of Physics: 
Romancing the Photon." Joseph 
Sucher. 4 p.m.. Art/Soc. Bldg,. 
reception to follow in Art/Soc. 
Atrium. Call x2530 for info. 

Afro-American Studies and 
Public Affairs Lecture: "flace, 
Consciousness and Public Policy," 
Jerome Taylor, U. of Pittsburgh. 
6:30-7:30 p.m., 1213 Art/Sociology 
Bldg., reception to follow. Call 
x5665 lor info. 

Faculty Jazz Concert, featuring 
Robert Gibson, bass, Dan 
Reynolds, piano, Bill Foster, guitar, 
and Michael Smith, drums, perfor- 
ming original compositions and jazz 
standards, 8 p.m., Tawes Recital 
Hall. Call x6669 for into. 

* Admission clmrge fin- tfji's emit. 
AH otfters mv five. 

Calendar information may be 
sent to John Fritz, 2101 Turner 
Laboratory or (via electronic 
mall) to 


April 2, 1990 

Two from Public Affairs School Board of 
Visitors Tapped by Bush Administration 

Two members of the Board of Visitors of the School of Public 
Affairs have resigned to take posts with the Hush Administration. 
R. James Woolsey. partner with Shea and Gardner, has been 
appointed chief negotiator with the Conventional Forces in Europe 
talks. Publisher Philip Merrill, board chairman of Capital Gazette 
Communications, Inc.. has been nominated to be the new Assistant 
Secretary General for NATO, General Brent Scowcroft, President 
Bush's National Security Advisor, continues to serve on the 
school's Board of Visitors. 


Moliere Making Fun of Himself Brings 
Good Humor to University Theater 

If Moliere's portrait of Arnolphe. the 
bumbling manipulator of School for 
Wires, seems unusually vivid, it is 
because the playwright understood his 
protagonist's dilemma all too well, says 
Ronald O'Lcyry. associate professor of 

Famous for punciuring the vanities of 
contemporaries wifh his sharp wit, in 
Schiial far Wires Moliere turned his 
talent for ridicule upon himself. The 
hilariously human results of Moliere's 
self-poking will be on display in Univer- 
sity Theatres production of School for 
Wires April v8 and 12-14 in Tawes 

O'Leary will direct the production and 
Mitchell Patrick, assistant professor of 
theatre and a professional actor, will play 
the leading role. 

The play centers on a -tO-ish man, Ar- 
nolphe. who plans to wed a young 
woman who is in her late teens. Fearful 
of competing with other suitors, especial- 
ly younger suitors, Arnolphe arranges his 
engagement with obsessive care. 

When the woman was younger, Ar- 
nolphe had her cloistered in a convent. 

Upon her release from her vows, and in 
preparation of the wedding, she is 
stowed away in the country— presumably 
far from young men. 

Unfortunately. Arnolphe's best efforts 
fail comical h 

"Moliere himself married when he was 
40, to a woman who was 18," O'Leary 
says. "His wife was an actress, one who 
was notoriously flirtatious. This gave his 
enemies, the people whom he'd 
ridiculed, an opportunity to make a 
spectacle of him. 

"It was brave of him to take this situa- 
tion and bring it to the Sage. And 1 
think this adds a certain depth to the 
play. It breaks through genre and offers 
wonderful insights about the man." 

With Patrick in the lead role, an ex- 
perienced actor will be mining the 
subtleties that O'Leary finds in the script. 

Patrick has acted professionally since 
IVT 1 ) and has performed ai (heaters in 
Houston. Seattle and Washington, D.C. 
[lis Washington— area roles have included 
appearances in hiioglossia at New 
Playwright's Theater. Shooting Magda at 
Studio Theater. The Butterfingers Angel 

Latin American Photo Exhibit 

Pedro Meyer's The Double Mask, 1 980 

Sandra Eleta's Pajita. 1984 

A photo exhibition that confronts viewers with a complex view of Latin American culture is on 
display at the Art Gallery from now through April 27. The exhibit features 100 photographs pro- 
duced by 26 contemporary Latin American journalists, artists and documentary photographers. 
Such artists as Sandra Eleta, Pedro Meyer, Graciela Iturbide and Sabastiao Salgado present 
works that explore the differences between the many peoples of Latin America and the poverty, 
oppression and social injustice through which they havesuffered. Organized by the Burden 
Gallery, a division of Aperture, the exhibit was cu rated by Fred Ritchin, picture editor of the New 
York Times Magazine. Sponsors of the exhibit include the Art Gallery arid The Research Center 
for the Arts and Humanities. 

Mitchell Patrick (seated), professional actor and theatre faculty member, works with 
students in a rehearsal for University Theatre's upcoming production of "School for 

at Olney Theater and Zastrozzi at the 
Round House Theater. This summer, he 
will have leading roles in Othello and 
The Taming of the Shrew at the Wiscon- 
sin Shakespeare festival. 

While Patrick has directed University 
Theatre productions! School for Wires 
represents the first time he has acted 

with students in a College Park show, 

[Rehearsals | have been going well, the 
students seem very comfortable working 
with me. Whatever teaching I'm doing in 
this play is indirect; [it will come from] 
having students watch the way I go 
about things," he says. 
For ticket information call -n-i-2201. ■ 

Dance Students To Perform 
in National Program 

Student dancers from the Department 
of Dance will present two works at a na- 
tional showcase of college dancers in 

A group of nine dancers will perform 
two works at the National Convention of 
the American College Dance Festival 
Association at the University of North 
Texas May 1H-22. The College Park 
dancers earned the opportunity to per- 
form at the event after successful presen- 
tations at a regional dance competition in 

At the regional competition, held in 
Crccnsboro. N.C., 21 schools presented a 
total of 24 works (as many as two by 
each school) Of the presentations, three 
were selected for the national per- 

Students and faculty mem hers from 
competing schools choreographed the 

Mcriam Rosen, professor of dance 
choreographed "Fierce Attachments,'* a 
piece performed by students Korcn 
Brigham, Heather Bryant, Stephanie 
Ginger Butler. Michelle Hall, Kristin King, 
Heather Oldfield and Beth Spicer. 

Oldficid choreographed "Unheard Ut- 
terances" a piece performed by her. Hall 
King and Isabel Hon 

College Park was also represented at 
the group's last national convention in 
1986, ■ 

Dance student Heather Oldfield choreographed a 
piece that dance students will perform at a na- 
tional event in May. 

Dance Department Celebrates 
Spanish Culture Week 

Performances by the Spanish Dance 
Society will highlight the Department of 
Dance's Spanish Culture Week April 2-7. 

The Washington, D.C.-based dance 
company, noted for the stylistic, 
historical and regional variety of its 
repertoire, will present concerts at 8 p.m 
April v" in Dance Studio F.F.. 

The group was founded in W.S2 by 
Spanish dance specialist Marina Keet. For 
her work with Spanish dance the native 
of South Africa has been honored as a 
Dame of the Order of Queen Isabel of 
Spain, the highest Spanish award given to 

In addition to the performances, Keet 
will present master classes for College 

Park students. She is a visiting member 
of the dance faculty this semester. 

Oilier activities will include the screen- 
ing of "Blood Wedding," a film based on 
a Frederico Garcia Lorca play, at 7:30 
p.m. Hies., April 3- in the Language 

As part of the celebration, an "honor 
roll" of Spanish cultural figures will be 
on display in the Department of Dance. 
The honor roll will feature photographs 
and mini-biographies of important figures 
in the Spanish arts. 

For ticket information for perfor- 
mances call 454-S853. ■ 



April 2, 1990 


Focus on 


Goldstein Elected President of Council 

Irv Goldstein, chair of ihe Department of Psychology, has been 
elected president of the Council of Graduate Departments of 
Psychology. The council consists of the chairs of the 350 depart- 
ments of psychology in the United States and Canada that have 
graduate programs in psychology. Goldstein will represent depart- 
ments of psychology on major national educational issues such as a 
national agenda for research in the behavioral sciences, research 
ethics, animal rights and educational requirements for scientific and 
professional training in psychology. 

Spring Cleaning for Departmental Vehicles 

Motor Transportation has recently installed a rapid— 
approximately hS seconds— automatic car wash in Building 11 It is 
open for use for departmental vehicles between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. 
weekdays, weather permitting. For a charge of S4 each, the new 
facility can accommodate sedans, pickups, vans up to 12 
passengers, station wagons, and vehicles with roof-mounted 
emergency lights. Call Victor Chiariello at -n-n212 for informa- 

Two Programs Work to Help Black Students Succeed 

Ten years ago. when Ulysses Connor, 
Ken Morgan (no longer at the university), 
and other faculty and stall" members 
were concerned about the opportunities 
for academically talented black students, 
they helped create a scholarship program 
and named it after an 18th century black 
inventor from Ellicott, Maryland. 

Ten years later, more than 2t)0 students 
have come to the University of Maryland 
at College Park as Benjamin Banneker 

Over the years, the value and number 
of these awards have increased from 
eight SWlli awards in W9 to 28 full-ride 
scholarships this year, according to Ray- 
mond Johnson, professor of mathematics 
and chair of the Banneker Scholars Selec- 
tion Committee 

Were nut just looking for students to 
maintain a 3.0 grade point average." says 
Johnson, '"but to be leaders and willing 
to engage in discussions about their 

Johnson is the only black faculty 
member in the mathematics department 
and the first to go through the ranks of 
assistant to full professor at the universi- 
ty Like his colleagues on the selection 

Raymond Johnson 

committee, he has made it a point to be 
mentor to the Banneker Scholars otm e 
they arrive at the university. 

'Each one of us has four to five 
students with whom we keep in contact 
during the semester." says Johnson. "It 

Deron Burton: "Poetry Involves Beauty 
and Symmetry, But So Do the Physical 
Sciences. I Just Enjoy Them Both." 

i T ff J n f*- 

Oeron Burton 

There may be as many as 400 students 
in associate professor Daniel Fivel's 
physics lecture, but Deron Burton, a 
sophomore majoring in Aerospace 
Engineering and English, doesn't mind. 

"On the first day of class, he came in 
without any notes, picked up a piece of 
chalk and just started writing," says Bur- 
ton "It was amazing, and he's done the 
same thing every day since then. He 
really knows his stuff." 

Burton, who came to College Park on 
full-ride Chancellor's, Banneker, and 
University scholarships, and has a 4.0 

cumulative grade point average, has 
taken all of his three required physics 
courses from Fivcl. 

"He's confident enough to present a 
totally different view that expands our 
theoretical understanding." says Burton, 
"He's very challenging, hut that just 
gives me confidence in what I'm learn- 

But then Burton enjoys challenges. 
Some people may think it challenging, if 
not unusual, that he is working on a 
double major in English and Aerospace 

"1 went to college to study Aerospace- 
Engineering, but 1 really enjoyed my 
English classes in high school." says Bur- 
ton, who has been writing poetry since 
he was ten and is currently in one of the 
English department's poetry workshops. 
Poetry involves beauty and symmetry. 
but so do the physical sciences. I just 
enjoy them both." 

Burton has only recently added 
English to his program. He was in the 
General Honors Program, but after 
weighing the benefits of having a degree 
in English versus an honors citation, he 
opted for English. 

"I'm not convinced that the honors 
program is worth the time involved," 
says Burton. "I can still pick up a course 
or two. but 1 really wanted the English 

Eventually. Burton says he plans to at- 
tend law school and decide there about 
a related career. "Right now I'm enjoy- 
ing my classes and learning new ideas," 
he savs. ■ 

helps get them through the transition 
from high school to college," 

Eventually, even the older Banneker 
Scholars learn to be mentors to the 
younger ones as big brothers and sisters 
Sherita Hill is one example (see below). 

Although he is in his last year of a 
three- year term as chair of the Banneker 
Selection Committee, Johnson likely will 
continue mentoring black students in 
another support program. 

The black faculty and staff association 
and Office of Minority Student Education 
recently have instituted a mentoring pro- 
gram for incoming black freshmen. 

"List semester we had over 100 men- 
tors for black students," says Connor, 
who is an assistant to the dean for 

ui undergraduate studies and president of 

the black faculty and staff association. 
"The mentors focus on academic suc- 
cess, but the students also seem to ap- 
preciate the fact that they have someone 
they can talk to." 







Ulysses Connor 

Connor also says there will be a recep- 
tion on April 9 to recognize the support 
and commitment of mentors. 

"Ultimately, students will succeed on 
their ability." says Connor. "But it helps 
that they can have someone to connect 
with once they arrive." ■ 

—Jtilm I'litz 

Sherita Hill: "There's More to College 
than Academics." 

As a senior Biology/l J rc-Mcd major. 
Sherita Hill has accumulated a host of 
awards and accomplishments. A few of 
these include the fact that she is a 
Regent's. Chancellor's, and Banneker 
scholar with a 4.(1 grade point average 

She's won awards from Procter & 
Gamble for minority student leadership 
and from Alpha Epsilon Delta, the na- 
tional pre-med honor society. She was 
inducted into Mortarboard in 19K8 and 
into Omicron Delta Kappa, the national 
honor society, in 1987 

She has also been accepted to nine 
medical schools, though she's narrowed 
her choices to the University of Virginia, 
Johns Hopkins and Duke Universities, 

Alter all that she's accomplished as a 
student, however. Hill says that her most 
memorable educational experience was a 
General Honors Seminar called "Ways of 
Seeing" taught by John Howarth during 
her freshman year, 

"We read about scientists, artists, polar 
explorers, and many other people with 
different hut kgmumk >;ns Mill, who 
comes from Upper Marlboro. "The 
course was complemented by the fact 
that the class itself was diverse. Like the 
good teachers in my major, Dr, Howarth 
took the time to get to know us as peo- 
ple, and that has always stayed with 

Another thing that has stayed with Hill 
is her commitment to service. She has 
served as an officer in Delta Sigma 
Theta, a public service sorority, and 
volunteered at Manor Care Nursing 
Home in Largo during the summer of 
1988. She's been a leader in the 
residence halls and a big sister in the 
Banneker program and for the Office of 
Minority Student Education. She's also 
taken several recruiting trips for the Of- 
fice of Admissions since her freshman 

Sherita Hill 

"Sometimes my schedule gets com- 
plicated, but 1 like to visit high schools 
and meet with minority students as well 
as other students," she says. "I think I 
can he a role model and let them know 
what college is like." 

Hill credits the mentoring she received 
during her freshman year and the 
thoroughness of her curriculum in 
biology as a reason for her confidence in 
going to medical school. 

There's more to college than 
academics," she says. "I really felt sup- 
ported my first year. 1 also feel confident 
about my education and that it will help 
me succeed." ■ 

DOLLARS ($80.5 MIL) 


ORDERS (10.081 TOTAL) 



April 2, 1990 


Looking at the Total Pie 

Administering campus needs fur goods and services, the Procure- 
ment and Supply office helps the rest of us carry out our respon- 
sibilities for education, research and public service. While each of 
us knows about our specific purchasing needs, most of us don't 
know much about the larger picture. Take look at these charts to 
see where you fit in. Call Bill Hartline at 454-4^45 for further 

„- " """" ' ~ 




Lawyer-Turned-Counselor Helps Students 
Succeed in Graduate School 

Carta Gary 

As the new associate director of the 
Office of Graduate Minority Affairs, 
Car la Gary is a counselor in more ways 
than one. 

To advise minority graduate students, 
Gary not only draws from nearly ten 
years of advising experience at the 
undergraduate level, but also from her 
training as a lawyer. 

"I think my law background helps me 
gel at the heart of students' problems 
and give them some practical ways they 
can help themselves,'' says Gary, "i can 
also assist people in what they want to 

In addition to a law degree, which she 
earned in b>W from the University of 
Iowa. Gary has a B.S. in psychology 
from the University of Oregon. She also 
has a keen sense of humor that flashes 
just beneath her professional exterior. 

After several years in undergraduate ad- 
vising positions, including assistant direc- 
tor of the Office of Multicultural Affairs 
at the University of Oregon. Gary ac- 
cepted her current position because she 
felt that more attention needed to he 

placed on helping minorities succeed in 
graduate education. 

"The pipeline was getting stopped up 
at the other end," says Gary, who has 
been on campus since November It. "I 
was helping students in college, but then 
they weren't going on to graduate 
school. ! wanted to help." 

Gary realizes that just getting into 
graduate school may not be enough for 
minorities to succeed. "Let's face it, 
graduate study is very different from 
undergraduate, If you don't like a teacher, 
you can't drop it for another section. 
You teive to learn how to communicate 
with your teachers and department." she 

"Sometimes misunderstandings occur 
from a lack of familiarity and com- 
munication," says Gary. "We want to help 
minority students and departments work 
together, rather than become a ghetto 
where students can come to complain. 
In graduate school, you're on your own." 

While advising will take up most of 
Gary's time, her other duties will 

• Coordinating Minority Visitation Day. 
a special effort by the Office of Graduate 
Minority Affairs to bring talented minori- 
ty undergraduates to campus. As a result 
of the last Minority Visitation Day, Oc- 
tober 15, 1989. 91 of 100 students who 
visited have applied to graduate school: 

• Chairing biweekly meetings of the 
Graduate Student Advisory Council, a 
group concerned with issues that affects 
students of color; 

• Meeting with graduate departments 
to discuss retention and advising of 
students. She will also work with depart- 
ments on a campus-wide committee to 
discuss recruitment strategies and 

• Coordinating an undergraduate sum- 
mer research program that will give 
undergraduates the opportunity to work 
on a long-term research project, 

"Carla is a valuable addition to the Of- 
fice of Graduate Minority Affairs,' says 
director and associate dean of the 
Graduate School Dario Cortes. "She is 
committed to students and wants to help 
them succeed, We're glad she's here" ■ 

— -John Fritz 

Happy Birthday, Slawskys! 

Today the Department of Physics and Astronomy recognizes 160 years of physics as Professors Zaka and 
Milton Slawsky celebrate their 80th birthdays. The Slawsky twins have spent the last 15 years heading the 
department's Moltie and Simon Slawsky Memorial Tutoring Clinic, which the brothers endowed in memory 
of their parents. Over the years, the Slawskys have volunteered more than 30,000 hours to the clinic and 
have tutored thousands of students in physics and mathematics. 


April 2, 1990 

Volunteers Needed for Playground 

An estimated 1,000 volunteers at all ages are needed to build a 

9.600-square-foot. woodm. adventure playground during .i five-day 
ham raising" work party. Playground construction is rain or shine 
from Wednesday, April -i through Sunday, April 9, at Canollton 
Elementary School (3200 Qu in tana Street, New Canollton— -easy to 
reach via the I'M Shuttle). For more information call ""-1 153. 

Volunteer for Christmas In April Program 

On April 2N over 1,000 volunteers are expected to do a quarter 
of a million dollars worth of free repair work on the houses of SO 
low-income citizens of Prince George's County who are elderly or 
have disabilities. The Office of Experiential Learning Programs is 
coordinating volunteers for the Christmas in April' Prince George's 
County program from the College Park campus. If you would like 
more information or to join in the one-day effort to clean up, 
repair, paint, patch and fix up houses of those unahle to do this 
for themselves, call Rcnnie Golec at 4S4-4767. 

Truman Scholarship Nominees Show Promise 
for Leadership in Public Service 

Paul F. Caron and Dawn K, Nichols 
have a number of things in common. 

Both will be juniors at College Park 
next fall. Both have maintained excep- 
tional academic standing with GPA's of 
better than 3-H while actively par- 
ticipating as volunteers in campus and 
community service organizations. Both 
arc members of the University Honors 
Program and anticipate pursuing careers 
in public service. And both have been 
selected as scmifinalists for the 
prestigious Marry 5 Truman Scholarship 

The Truman Scholarships are awarded 
annually on the basis of merit to 
students who will be rising college 
juniors in the following fall semester and 
who have demonstrated outstanding 
potential for leadership roles in govern- 
ment and related public service To he 
considered, students must be nominated 
by their college or university. 

The scholarships cover tuition, fees, 
books and room and board up to S7000 
each year. One scholarship is awarded 
annually to a resident of each of the 50 
states, Washington, DC. and Puerto Rico. 
In addition, up to 39 scholars-at- large are 

Since 19"", 1,137 students have re- 
ceived the scholarship 

In the 1990 competition, 46 of the 
2S() nominees were from Maryland and 
six Mary landers, including Caron and 
Nichols, were chosen as semifinalists. 
Final selection will he made in April. 

Caron, who graduated from RockviNe 
High School, hopes to join the Securities 
.ii kl I vehange Commission following 
completion of his education. He is in- 
terested in promoting friendly U.S.-Japan 
relations and bringing about fair interna- 
tional trade between the two nations. 

Around the Globe, 
Gastronomically Speaking 



The Language House Cafe recently opened on the ground floor of St. Mary*s Hall, on Campus 
Drive near the Student Health Center, The Cafe features a different menu, week to week, over a 
seven-week cycle, that includes food from the countries of the seven languages spoken at the 
Language House— French, German. Italian, Japanese, Hebrew, Russian and Spanish. Cafe 
membership is open to Language House residents and all others who are interested. "This is a 
place where people are encouraged to practice their language skills in a relaxed environment," 
says Kathy K. James (pictured), acting coordinator for the Language House. The cafe is open 
Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. 

To that end, he will attend Tokyo's 
VCascda University this summer to learn 

Nichols is a double major in jour- 
nalism and government and polities. A 
graduate of F.lkton High School, she says 
her primary concerns are in the areas of 
welfare policies, monetary allotments for 
higher education and women's rights. 

Eventually she says she wants to become 
involved in local politics and run for 
public office. 

To help her prepare for a future career 
in public service, she is interning with 
the Maryland General Assembly in 
Annapolis. ■ 

— 7i ii 1 1 Oluvlt 

Annual Research Review 
Conference Set 

The Annual Research Review Con- 
ference on Automation and Information 
Engineering will be held here May 3 and 
-t at the Center of Adult Education. 

Hosted by the Systems Research 
Center (SRC), the conference will feature 
remarks by President William E. Kirwan, 
engineering dean George Dieter and SRC 
director John Baras. Haras also will 
discuss current and future research in 
automation and Information engineering 

The conference plenary session, 
Manufacturing Challenges in the 90s for 

VLSI," will feature Graydon Larrabce, 
Texas Instruments Senior Fellow and 
director of Tl's microelectronics 
manufacturing science and technology 
pr< >gram. 

Throughout the two-day meeting, a 
series of concurrent tutorials and 
technical sessions will be held. 

Registration is £200. Deadline for 
registering is April 15. For details, call 

Phone System Connections on 
Schedule for August 17 Debut 

The campus's new S32.H million 
telecommunications system is winding 
steadily and surely toward its scheduled 
August P completion, says Jon Rood, 
director of communication-services, 

The new S3. 3 million Communication 
Services Building will open in mid-April, 
trenching for system conduit will be 
completed this spring and phone sets for 
the nvw system will begin arriving in 
campus offices in June as the massive 
project progresses during the next several 
months, according to Rood. 

When the system Is installed, workers 
will have laid more than 10 miles of new 
cable and conduit on the campus, wired 
more than 20(1 buildings and attached 
some 17000 individual phone lines. In 
addition to the full-time efforts by the 
campus Department of Communitieation 
Services and a team of 70 workers from 
system contractor AT&T. 200 campus 
employees have assisted with the project 
as departmental phone coordinators. 

When it goes into operation, the 
system will provide the campus with 
state-of-the-art phone service and wiring 
for computer and video networks. 

Communications Services personnel 
expect to move into their new building, 
located near Horn bake Library, on April 
Id. Rood says. The three- floor building 
will serve as the nerve center for the 
new system. Cables snaking out from the 
switching center on the building's 
ground floor will connect each campus 
building to the system 

The need to connect individual 
buildings with this communications 

center necessitated the extensive tren- 
ching work that has marked the campus 
since last fall To reach each building on 
campus, workers have cut temporary 
trenches through fields, sidewalks and 
streets and tunneled under Route I 

This work is now coming to an end. 
Rood says. It is 95 percent completed 
and should be entirely done by May I. 

As the trenching winds down, progress 
is accelerating on the stringing of cable 
through the conduit. At manhole open- 
ings across the campus, cable is being 
run into the conduit system from trucks 
tarrying huge coils of the material. This 
work is expected to last until early June, 
Rood says. 

Meanwhile. 10 separate crews of elec- 
tricians are wiring the interior or campus 
buildings. The 10- member crews are run 
ning wires through building walls in 
order to attach each of the P.nuo 
separate phone lines on campus to the 
system. Working at a pace of 100 con- 
nections per day, the electricians are 
scheduled to finish their task by Julv 

Also, final checks on phone orders are 
being done by the 200 departmental 
phone coordinators. Phone sets will 
begin arriving in June 

In m id -summer, a two- week test of the 
system will be conducted by activating 
ihe system for on-eampus use. On August 
17, the campus is scheduled to switch- 
over completely to the new system. ■ 

— ISiitm Bitsek