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<rvi.a.\,*^L*-«. ^->t?iv ■'- vA^t^- 

SEPTEMBER 4, 1990 


i/PUft X7- JoX 


An Array of Stars Joins College 
Park Faculty This Fall 

Two new deans, several new 
department heads, and a number 
of members of the National Acade- 
my of Sciences are among the stel- 
lar group of tenure-track faculty 
who are newcomers to the academ- 
ic community this fall. 

Richard Herman, the new dean 
of the College of Computer, Mathe- 
matical and Physical Sciences, is a 
distinguished mathematician who 
comes from Penn State University 
where he was known for the high 
quality of his appointments as de- 
partment chair. Steven Hurtt, the 
new dean of the School of Architec- 
ture, has arrived from Indiana 
where he was on the faculty of No- 
tre Dame University from 1973 to 

The two deans are among a dis- 
tinguished group of new faculty 
that includes such scientists as in- 
ternationally renowned Soviet 
physicist Roald Sagdeev, consid- 
ered one of the premier theoretical 
plasma physicists in the world; 
mathematician Mikhael Gromov, 
an eminent geometer who is one of 
the few people in the wor5d to be 
elected to membership in the Acad- 
emy of Sciences of the USSR, 
France and the USA; and Harvard 
economist Thomas Schelling, mem- 
ber of the National Academy of 
Sciences and current president of 
the American Economic Associa- 
tion. These are just three examples 
of the high calibre of scientists, 
economists, engineers, educators, 
arts and humanities professors and 

Construction Update 

Much activity during summer. 

Political Art 

Art Gallery opens new exhibit.... __/ 

Homeless Children 

New study examines their /I 

development \J 

behavioral and social scientists who 
are new to the classrooms and re- 
search labs of College Park this fall. 

The total number of new tenure- 
track faculty comes to 79, with a 
few appointed last spring. This in- 
cludes: 19 full professors (including 
three women); 18 associate profes- 
sors (including five women); and 
42 assistant professors (13 women). 

"We've attracted an exceptional 
number of peopte who are at the 
very highest level of academic dis- 
tinction. We've also hired a group 
of younger faculty who have great 
academic promise," says academic 
vice president Bob Dorfman. 

The provost attributes the uni- 
versity's success at recruiting this 
year to several factors: the high 
quality of the faculty already at the 
university and the fact that many 
have become personally involved 
in recruiting promising newcomers; 
department chairs who are work- 
ing aggressively to find and hire 
the most highly respected faculty 
in their fields; and the assumption 
of Brit Kirwan to the presidency 
and the quality of his academic 

The faculty's growing sense of 
self-esteem and the conviction that 
this is an institution on the way up 
also helps, says Dorfman. 

Money and facilities are also im- 
portant, of course. But despite the 
fact that the university did not re- 

Dean Richard Herman (left) received his Ph.D. from College Park in 1967; his 
specialty is operator algebra. He joined the Penn State faculty In 1972 and has 
headed its malh program since 1986. Dean Steven Hurtt (right) taught at Notre 
Dame University for 17 years and was senior partner in Hurtt-Kenrich & 
Associates Architects. 

ceive hoped-for major increases in 

state funding this fiscal year as it 
had for the past two years, depart- 
ments managed to create the in- 
novative packages that would help 
support the research needs of pro- 
fessors they hoped to recruit. DRIF 
funding and money dedicated to 
hiring more minority and female 
faculty also helped, says Dorfman. 
A listing of all new faculty will 
be printed in a forthcoming edition 

eon tinned mi page J 

Bill Cosby to Be Featured Speaker at 
John B. Slaughter Endowment Dinner 

The university is hosting a black 
tie banquet for the John B, Slaugh- 
ter Endowment in Science, Tech- 
nology and the Black Community 
with entertainer Dr. William (Bill) 
Cosby appearing as the keynote 
speaker of the evening. 

Cosby is appearing at College 
Park in support of the endowment 
on Oct. 5 in the Chesapeake Ball- 
room of the Adult Education 

Emmy award-winning journalist 
Renee Poussaint, who anchors 
WJLA-TV's News 7, will be the 
mistress of ceremonies, and "In 
Process," a Black women's a cape! la 
group wii! perform music from 
their repertoire of popular record- 
ings. Also appearing at the event 
honoring Slaughter is the Maryland 
Gospel Choir, under the direction 
of Valeria Foster. 

"This very special gala fundrais- 
ing event is a tribute to the visions 
and goals of UMCP's former Chan- 
cellor John B. Slaughter," says 

Samuel L. Myers, director and pro- 
fessor of the university's Afro- 
American Studies Program. 

"Dr. Slaughter worked to heip 
create a truly multi-racial, multi- 
cultural and multi-generational en- 
vironment at the university," says 

The goal for the Slaughter En- 
dowment, which will provide 
funding for four undergraduate 
Francis Scott Key President's Scho- 
lars and an endowed distinguished 
lecturers' series, is $250,000. 

The pre-dinner reception will 
begin at 7 p.m. with the dinner and 
program starting at 8 p.m. Tickets 
for the dinner are $100 each. Tick- 
ets for the VIP reception and din- 
ner are $500 each. Corporations 
will be able to sponsor tables at a 
cost of $5,000 each. 

For more information, contact 
Marsha Darling at 405-1 158 or Tom 
Hiles, senior development officer, 
at 405-1679. 

Bill Cosby 

John 6. Slaughter 


O F 


A T 



New Faces of 1990 



AUGUST 24. tBffi 

J FT L STERNE. Ectiloful F^ge E4lor 


JA^CS I HOUCK. Mansgng Edilor 

Momentum at College Park 




WfUlain E. *Biir Klrvfar fs on a roll He has the 
Unlvfr^ily of Maryland CoUef^ Park htimming as 
the Tall semester apprtache^. A bumper CTT>p oi 
faculEy membrr? has been recruited. Enn^llment 
appllp^tKinB art up and thooc accepted hsvt 
higher achlevcmrnt scores Lhan any prrvtous en- 
tprin^ class. Stale and fcdrraJ gov-emmcnt arc pul- 
tlnumflrc resounrcs Into CoUege Park. 

ThIMa a campus with monicntuni. Were It not 
Tor a iDog-runnlng scandaJ In the athletic depajt- 
mtnl, UMCP would be glcwUng about lis rapkl 
progtesfl. The scandal, though . haa captunrd the 
headlines. This obecuns a Ihirry of positive devel- 
opments that now pofnti u> a bright ruuui: for 
DiOege Park- 
Under Lhe 9tate'a revamped higher education 
system. College ?ar1t won special stattis as Mary- 
land's top public research untver^ty. Gov. wllUajn 
Dsnald Schaefcr has pumped mllUoiu Into the 
campus to upgraiSe academic prDgrama, recruit 
faculty "staj^" and hegtn the renovation and re- 
placement of anliquat^ bulkllc^. Meanwhile. Dr. 
Kirwan has used his Initial 18 n»nths aa campus 
president to chart an ambitious course that 
stresses enhanced research, a more ngoroua aca- 
demic pnigram for undergTBduates and strong ties 
to dty. stale and federal governments. 

SymtMlIc of those tics was the decision of the 
.^latlonal Archives la locate Its S250 million re- 
s^rrh center on the campus, mailing Cnll^ Park 
a center for future public policy research. Concur- 
rently, the untverslty ts working with Baltimore 
City schtjol orftcta.lfi to enlarge Its pilot programs 
aimed at Imprxjvtng lhe academic envtronmenl 
and language skills far inner -city kids. 

This kind of Intellectua) fennent and g(>vem- 
mcnt Intcresl has made College PhtIi popular with 
scholars. Next month, four members of the presti- 
gious National Academy of Sciences will be Joining 
the UMCP faculty, t^mpetlttvc contracts and 
grants (njm WafihlnglAn are rising. Shident SAT 
seoves will appTt»ch ] . ItX) this fall (comparable to 
the Untverally of North Carolina at Chape! HUl). 50 
National Went and National Achievement schoiars 
win be tin campus {more than any other school In 
Maryland) and 75 students have been awarded 
full schoCarshlpa baaed slrlcUy on tnerlL 

Dr. Klrwan haa succeeded m rcfurtdahlng Ool- 
kge Park's Image. While tough noanclal time* 
may require modifying these king-range plaru. 
UMCP la well poaltlorMd t£f ttyntlnue Its rapAd aca- 
demlc advance. College Park may not be In the 
forefront of American public higher education, but 
It has Its alghls act firmly on that ot^ecthre. 

More good news 
about College Park. 
The editorial above 
appeared August 24. 

cfyitllnuetl friim page ! 

Roald Sagdeev i 

Thomas Schelting A 

of Outlook. Here is a selected sam- 
ple of some of the outstantding ap- 
pointments matde this year, 

Michael Brown, chair. Botany, 
specialist in the origins of the rocks 
that make up the planet Earth; 
jomed the faculty in February 1990 
from Kingston Polytechnic in Great 
Britain where he headed the School 
of Geological Sciences. 

Avis Cohen, Zoology and affili- 
ate associate professor. Institute 
for Physical Science and Technol- 
ogy, comes from Cornell U; recent 
research combines mathematics 
and physiology to determine the 
relationship between structures and 
function in locomotion; first person 
to demonstrate functional spinal 
chord regeneration in any 

Kerry Stuart Coppin, Art, noted 
photographer who has an extensive 
record of major exhibitions and 
workshops; in 1989, published 
Changing Chicago: A Phoioiiocu- 
mentnry, an outgrowth of exhibi- 
tions at the Field Museum of Na- 
tional History and Art Institute of 

Theodore Diener, Distin- 
guished Professor of Botany, dis- 
coverer of the viroid, smallest 
known agent or pathogen of dis- 
eases in plants, flis studies on vi- 
ruses have led directly to control of 
diseases in a number of important 
crops. Awarded the Wolf Prize, the 
Presidential Medal of Freedom, Na- 
tional Medal of Science, elected to 
National Academy of Sciences. 

Richard L. Greene, Physics and 
Astronomy and director. Center 
for Superconductivity Research, 

has made many significant dis- 
coveries concerning physics 'of su- 

perconductivity and superconduct- 
ing materials; former manager of 
the Condensed Matter Physics 
Group at the IBM Research Lab in 
San Jose, and research staff of T.J. 
Watson Research Center. 

Mikhael Gromov, Mathematics, 

awarded the Prize of the Moscow 
Mathematical Society, the Veblen 
Prize of the American Mathemati- 
cal Society, and the Cartan Prize of 
the French Academy of Sciences. 
Since leaving Leningrad U, in 1974, 
has been associated with SUNY 
Stony Brook and the Institute des 
Hautes Etudes Scientifiques, Paris. 
One of few to be elected to the 
Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 
France and the USA, 

Marcha Herndon, Music, lead- 
ing ethnomusicologist and a tribal 
leader of the Eastern Cherokee; ex- 
ecutive director of the Music Re-, 
search Institute, Richmond, Califor- 
nia; former associate professor at 
UC Berkeley and author or co- 
author of seven books, 

Brian Hunt, chair. Aerospace 
Engineering, former technology 
manager for the F-23A Advanced 
Tactical Fighter Program of North- 
rop Corporation's Aircraft Division; 
Fellow of the Royal Aeronautical 
Society of Great Britain and Ameri- 
can Institute of Aeronautics and 

Alan Milward, European His- 
tory, comes from London School of 
Economics where he was chair of 
the Dept. of Economic History; 
held tenured appointments at Stan- 
ford and U. of Manchester; author 
of six books t>n economic and pol- 
itical integration of modern Europe. 

James G. Quintere, Fire Protec- 
tion Engineering, extensive re- 
search on fire modeling; received 
awards from former National Bu- 
reau of Standards (NBS) and from 
Science and Technology agency of 
Japan; recent chief of the Fire Sci- 
ence and Engineering Division, Na- 
tional Institute of Standards and 

Alexander L. Roitburd, Mater- 
ials Science and Engineering, one 

of the world's foremost theoretical 
materials scientists; Ph.D, Institute 
of Crystallography, Moscow, and 
Doctor of Physical and Mathemati- 
cal Physics from the Academy of 
Sciences; for most of career, profes- 
sor, Bardin Central Research Insti- 
tute of Ferrous Metallurgy, Mos- 
cow; since 1988, with Institute of 
Materials Science and Engineering 
in NIST. 

Sylvia Rosenfietd, chair. Coun- 
seling and Personnel Services, for- 
mer professor and senior research 
associate in Center for Research in 
Human Development and Educa- 
tion at Temple U,; well-known 
scholar on school psychology; 
book, bistruciionai Consul laiions, 
considered a classic in the field. 

Roald Sagdeev, Distinguished 
professor of Physics and Astrono- 
my and IPST, known for pioneer- 

ing work on nonlinear plasma phy- 
sics; from 1973 to 1988, director of 
the USSR Institute for Space Re- 
search; was science advisor to Sov- 
iet President Gorbachev; full mem- 
ber, USSR Academy of Sciences 
and foreign member, U,S, National 
Academy of Sciences, Royal Astro- 
nomical Society and Max Plank 

Lemma Senbet, William E. 
Mayer Professor of Finance;, top 

expert on international finance; 
held tw,o distinguished named 
chairs at U, of Wisconsin; most re- 
cent research on mainstream fi- 
nance; frequent contributor to Jour- 
nals of Finance, Business and Fi- 
nancial and Quantitative Analysis. 

Thomas Schelling, Distin- 
guished Professor of Economics, 
School of Public Affairs, leading 
expert on economic and public po- 
licy; comes from Harvard U. where 
he held Lucius Littauer Professor 
of Political Economy; theorist of 
strategy in nuclear age; current 
president of the American Eco- 
nomic Assn. and member of the 
National Academy of Sciences and 
National Academy of Medicine. 

Mary Helen Washington, Eng- 
lish, leading scholar on Afro-Amer- 
ican literature; Her book. Invented 
Livef: Narrative? of Black Women, 
1860-1960 (1987) and many articles 
make her one of the best known 
interpreters of Black women's 

John D. Weeks, Chemistry and 
professor, IPST, comes from AT&T 
Bell Labs; in April 199[), received 
the Joel Henry Hildebrand Award, 
one of the most distinguished 
awards of the American Chemical 
Society, for his work in the the- 
oretical experimental chemistry of 

Roz Hiebert 


Outlook Is the weekly faculty-staH newspaper serving 

the College Pa* campus communrty. 

Kathryn Costetlo 

Roz Hiebert 

Linda Freen^n 
Brian Buselt 
Lisa Gregory 
Totn Otweli 
Fariss Samanal 
Jennifer Bacon 

Judith Bair 
John Con soli 
Stephen Oarrau 
Chris Paul 
Ai Danegger 
Pia Uznanska 
Michael Yuen 
Peter Zuckamain 

Vice Presidem tor 

InslitJtional Atlvancetnenl 

Director of Pubiic information $ 


Production Editor 

Staff WritBf 

Staff Writer 

Staff Writer 

Staff Writer 

Calendar Editor 

Art Director 

Fonnal Designer 
layout & illustralion 
layout S liiustration 
Production Intern 
Prciduction Intern 
Prr>duction Intern 

Letters to the editor, stofy suggestions, campjs informa- 
tion & calendar items are welcome. Please submrt all 
material at least three weeks before the Monday of 
publication . Send it to Roz Hiebert, Editor Outlook. 2t0i 
Turner Building, through campus mail or to University of 
Marvlard, College Park, MD ?0742 Our telephone 
numtjer is (301)4054621, Electronic rrtail address \s Fax number is [301)314-9344.. 



19 9 

Switch Flipped on New 
Telecommunications System 

Jon Rood, 
Services Director 

August 31 marked the comple- 
tion of a new telecommunications 
system for the university, the de- 
parture of an old friend — -the 454 
telephone prefix — and the begin- 
ning of what is expected to be a 
vastly superior way by which 
members of the campus commun- 
ity communicate. 

This Thursday, September 6, the 
new system will be officially in- 
augurated with an 11 a.m. ribbon- 
cutting ceremony on the Lee Build- 
ing lawn. Guests include AT&T 
chair and chief executive officer 
Robert E. Allen, who will tour the 
new telecommunications building 
with President William E, Kirwan 
and Vice President Charles Sturtz. 
Allen also will meet with engineer- 
ing, business and computer science 

Some 700 guests include more 
than 50 AT&T employees who 
worked full-time during the past 
year installing the new system and 
the some 200 departmental tele- 
communication representatives 
who served as the backbone net- 
work between the system's contrac- 
tor, AT&T, and the campus users. 
Other guests include telecom- 
munications coordinators, staff 
from engineering and architectural 
services, the computer science cen- 
ter and administrative computer 
center, the purchasing department 
and others who worked together 
on the $32.4 million project. 
• Jon Rood, director of communi- 
cation services, notes that the de- 
partment has now become the uni- 

versity's own telephone company. 
"Since we own the system, we will 
no longer have to call on C&P or 
AT&T," he says. "We've geared up 
the department to provide installa- 
tion, construction, electrical engi- 
neering, order processing, staff for 
the help desk, repairs, all new 
functions that didn't exist a year 
ago. We are a totally self-contained 

Considered by AT&T to be its 
showcase installation, the Maryland 
telecommunications system is com- 
prehensive and includes more than 
17,000 state-of-the-art telephones, 
numerous features and the replace- 
ment of all wiring infrastructure 
with extensive use of fiber optic 
cable for future high speed data 
communications. Rood says. 

Visitors from around the coun- 
try and from Norway, England, 
Australia, Japan and the Middle 
East already have toured the new 
facilities. In fact, Rood says, there is 
a waiting list of requests for tours 
of the system, mostly by represen- 
tatives of government agencies and 
large businesses and institutions. 

The year-long project remained 
totally on schedule from the start 
and totally on budget. Rood notes. 
The department of communication 
service staff was heavily involved 
in every detail. 

"People have really worked long 
days and most weekends to serve 
the project, to supervise and moni- 
tor each phase to catch things that 
went wrong early and get them 
fixed right away," he says. "Our 

theme was that this was a joint 
project. We were on the scene. The 
department telecommunications 
representatives (DTRs) completed 
the loop by working with AT&T to 
insure that departments and offices 
got what they needed. Each DTR 
spent scores of hours in special 
training sessions that we began call- 
ing 'Telecommunications 101.' 
They were really essential to pro- 
ject's success. They had to know 
the system and how it works to be 
able to match campus needs with 
the system's capabilities." 

Rood says the new system has 
been designed to accommodate the 
university's future telecommunica- 
tions needs for the next 10 to 15 

In January, he says, his depart- 
ment will open a new, full service 
center offering fax, telephone or- 
dering, copy, telex and a variety of 
other communication ser\'ices. 

A limited number of interim 
campus directories that contain a 
partial list of new telephone num- 
bers is available from the Office of 
Institutional Advancement, 405- 
4615. Users can also call 405-1000, 
the university's information num- 
ber, to find a new number. 

Tom Otwell 

New Telecommunica' 
tions Center contains 
main distribution 
frame switcli. 

Summer Readership Survey Leads to Changes in Outlook 

Early in the summer, approxim- 
ately 9,000 questionnaires were sent 
to Oitflook readers for an evaluation 
of readers' attitudes concerning the 
faculty /staff newspaper. We want 
to thank the over 1,000 loyal, opin- 
ionated and frank folks who re- 
sponded to the survey and to let all 
of our readers know we've planned 
a new look for Outlook to respond 
to what we have learned about 
your reading habits and interests. 

Right away, you'll notice Outlook 
has lost some weight in terms of 
the number of articles presented 
and amount of space for copy. 
Since more than half the survey 
respondents said they spent 5-15 
minutes reading selected articles 
each week, we hope the new de- 
sign wilt help you find the infor- 
mation you want quickly and easi- 
ly. Also, there's more room for 
photos and artwork as part of our 
plan to try even harder to show 
you what's going on. 

While the overall design creates 
more white space, we're actually 

increasing the number of news 
pages from two to three. We did 
this in response to most readers' 
reply that they enjoyed reading the 
news section, particularly stories 
about administrative actions. As a 
consequence, we'll try to publish 
more stories about such issues as 
parking fees, campus construction, 
implementation of the enhance- 
ment plan, the budget process, and 
actions of the Campus Senate. We 
hope you will continue to suggest 
issues of importance that you 
would like examined. 

There still will be a weekly close 
up page about faculty or staff, a page, an arts page and an 
F.Y.I, page for short news items, 
updates, opinions and letters to the 
editor, since many readers indi- 
cated they read these pages fre- 
quently or always. Keep on send- 
ing us your news. Outlook also will 
present a calendar, but it's been 
moved from page four to eight, 
which we hope will help make it 
more convenient to find out what's 

going on at the university. 

Eighty-five percent of the re- 
spondents said Outlook was either a 
good or excellent publication. Some 
felt it could use some improvement 
in such areas as timeliness, copy 
editing, or subject matter — one 
reader told us Outlook is to the ad- 
ministration what Pmvda is to the 
Kremlin, Ouch! 

Overall, however, the comments 
were very positive and very help- 
ful, and we especially appreciated 
all the good ideas for future stories. 
We want to thank all of you who 
took the time to fill out and return 
the surveys. We're trying to adopt 
as many of your suggestions as 
possible, and we hope you like 
what we've done as a result. If not, 
please let us know. 

Finally, keep the comments, sug- 
gestions — and helpful criticism — 

Roz Hiebert, Editor 


19 9 




New Public Affairs Program at EPA 

This fall some 25 Environmental Protection Agency professionals 
wili be enrolled in courses leading to a Master in Public Policy 
degree at the agency's Washington, D.C. headquarters. The new 
program at EPA was set up by Peter G. Brown, head of the School 
of Public Affairs' emphasis in Environmental Policy which was 
launched last fall at College Park. In addition to Brown, faculty 
members Susan Hedman, Frank Levy and Peyton Young are 
scheduled to teach courses at EPA headquarters during the first 
year of the program. Brown says the Maryland Environmental 
Policy program is unique because of its blend of science and public 
policy and its close connection with the federal government. 

Animal Sciences and 
Agricultural Engineer- 
ing Building 

Archive II 

McKetdIn Mall 

Services Building 

McKeldin and Hornbake Mall Projects 
Nearing Completion 

Despite the mud and dirt, the up- 
rooted grass and dismantled 
sidewalks on the McKeldin and 
Hornbake malls both spaces should 
look better than ever by Thanks- 
giving, says Dennis Nola, assistant 
phvsical plant director. 

Nearly $1.9 miliion in renovation 
began on the two spaces shortly 
after commencement last spring 
and has continued throughout the 
summer. Renovations of the nine- 
acre McKeklin Mall renovations are 
furtherest along with all heavy con- 
struction finished and the entire 
project scheduled for completion 
by late October, Nola says. 

When the project is completed, 
the mail will feature new sod, a 
new lighting system, rerouted side- 
walks, new plantings of trees along 
its upper half, a fountain of cascad- 
ing water along its lower half and 
an enlarged seating area around 
the sun dial at its center. The work 
is funded with $595,000 in univer- 
sity funds and about $60,000 in stu- 
dent contributions. 

Omicron Delta Kappa, an honor 
society, has donated $50,000 to cov- 
er part of the cost of the 
$175,000 fountain. The senior class 
of 1990 is donating S10,000-$l 5,000 
for work on the sundial area which 
will be renamed the "Senior 

The current work, along with less 
extensive improvements in three 
previous summers, was designed 
to correct problems and enhance 
the space aesethicaliy. Inadequate 
lighting, poor drainage, poorly 
routed sidewalks and a lack of 
gathering spaces detracted from the 
space, Nola says. 

The lower half of the mall has 
been reconstructed to accommodate 
large campus gatherings. Previous- 
ly, a new drainage system was in- 
stalled to prevent waterlogging and 

Hornbake Mall will 
have new seating and 
greenery to make it 
more welcoming to 
students and faculty. 

a staging area was installed near 
the Main Administration Building. 
With its new decorative features — 
the 1 6- foot-by -2 50- foot water foun- 
tain and the expanded sundial 
area — the space will be ready for 
large campus events. 

Commencement planners hope to 
use the area for the Spring 1991 
graduation exercises, Nola says. 

On the upper end of the mall, 
crab apple and oak trees were re- 
moved and will be replaced. The 
area will be replanted primarily 
with willow oaks to create an alley 
of tall trees similar to that on the 
lower end of the mall. New flower- 
ing trees — a combination of cherry 
trees, non-fruiting crab apples and 
dogwoods — also will be included 
in the arrangement. 

The upper part of the mail will 
remain an essentially open area, 
available for all kinds of activity 
from studying to Frisbee games. 

On both ends of the mall, 
sidewalks have been rerouted to 
create a better flow of traffic. Light- 
posts will be removed from the 
mall's open areas with new lights 
set among the trees and shined on- 
to it. 

Between the start of classes and 
the end of October, workers will 
complete the last parts of the proj- 
ect — sodding the mall, planting 
trees and installing lighting, Nola 
says. Sodding and planting must 
wait until at least mid-September 
when the weather should be cool 
enough to ensure proper growth. 

On Hornbake Mall, a complete 
resurfacing of the space is in 

The previous pavement was 
breaking up, creating maintenance 
and safety problems in the area. A 
new, sturdier covering is being set 
in its place, Nola says. 

Hornbake Mall previously offered 
virtually no seating. In an effort to 
make Hornbake Mail a place that 
people use as well as walk 
through, some 30 wooden tables 
and more than two dozen benches 
will be added. 

Also, the amount of greenry 
there will be more than doubled, 
creating a more pleasant ambience, 
Nola says. 

The project will not be complet- 
ed until mid-November. One of the 
major stumbling blocks early in the 
project was the need to replace the 
roof of Hornbake Library's 24-hour 
Study Room, located beneath the 

By the beginning of classes, how- 
ever, work adjacent to Campus Dr- 
ive should be completed, reopening 
the sidewalk there. For 
both projects, the design work was 
performed by members of Nola's 

"I'm extremely proud of my 
staff. This is definitely the most 
work we've had going at one time," 
Nola says. 

Brian Busek 

Photogriiph.s hy \\ L5;incggcr 

Construction Season Continues at College Park 

Every season has been con- 
struction season in recent years at 
College Park. This fall more than 
$70 million in continuing or new 
construction projects will be in 

Here is a rundown of this fall's 
construction projects: 

• Construction continues on the 
$18 million College of Business and 
Management and School of Public 
Affairs Building in what was form- 
erly part of Lot 1 near the Architec- 
ture Building. The 130,000 square- 
foot building will house the Col- 
lege of Business and Management 
and the School of Public Affairs. 

• Three buildings — two "surge" 
buildings and an administrative 
support building — are being con- 
structed as part of a single $13.5 
million contract. The surge build- 
ings — one located near the St>uth 
Campus Dining Center and the 

other in Lot 11— will provide tem- 
porary homes for departments dis- 
placed by building renovations. 
The administrative support build- 
ing, located on Paint Branch Drive 
beyond the North Intramural 
Fields, will house personnel, archi- 
tectural and engineering services 
and procurement. The three build- 
ings are scheduled for completion 
in March 1991. 

• The $13.6 million first phase of 
major additions to the Animal Scie- 
nces Building, located on Farm Dr- 
ive near the campus barns, should 
be completed early next year. A 
second phase of the project will 
begin after the first phase is com- 

• Construction on the $10 
million second phase of the A.V, 
Williams Building will start early 
this fall. The addition will virtually 
double the size of the building and 

house electrical engineering, astro- 
nomy and automation research. 

• Planned renovations of Byrd 
Stadium and construction of a foot- 
ball team building are scheduled to 
start after the football season. The 
work will done with a combination 
of state and athletic department- 
raised funds. 

• Other major building projects 
either underway or scheduled to go 
under construction later this fall 
include a $9.7 million Physical 
Sciences Lab located on Metzerott 
Road near the Elkins Building; a 
$2.6 million addition to the Mary- 
land Fire and Rescue Institute vehi- 
cle building; and a $6 million satel- 
lite control utihties building near 
South Campus Dining Hall, 

Brian Busek 




19 9 

Young American Wins Internationai Piano Competition 

On July 21, a standing-room-only audience at the Kennedy 
Center was treated to the prize-winning performance of Rach- 
maninov's second piano concerto by this year's University of 
Maryland International Piano Competition winner, Christopher 
Taylor, 20, of Boulder, Colorado. An undergraduate math major at 
Harvard University, Taylor will play a recital on Nov. 17 in Alice 
Tully Hall, Lincoln Center as part of the prestigious music award. 
Two young Soviet artists were runners up in the rigorous competi- 
tion: Ilia Iten, 23, of Moscow came in second; Oleg Valkov, 32, also 
of Moscow was third. 

Gallery Exhibit Features Contemporary Political Art 

In a region that is the home of 
American politics, art gallery walls 
arc almost bare of contemporary 
political art, says Wendy Owens, 
director of the university Art Gal- 

Whether a product of artistic 
preference, the nature of local ex- 
hibition space, a chilling effect from 
the National Endowment for the 
Arts controversy, or a combination 
of all of the above, there has been a 
decidedly apolitical quality to 
much of the work on display in 
area galleries in recent years, she 

The Art Gallery will buck that 
trend with "Trouble in Paradise," 
an exhibition of thoroughly politi- 
cal new art Sept. 12-Oct. 26, the in- 
augural show of 1990-91 season. 

"Trouble in Paradise" features 
the work of 14 New England artists 
or art teams who address topical 
political and social issues such as 
censorship, reproductive rights, AI- 
DS, racism, sexism, substance a- 
buse, domestic violence, homeless- 
ness, hazardous waste and the 
American flag. 

The artists use both satirical and 
emotionally gripping techniques to 
present their messages. 

On the light side. Jay Critchley 
confronts Ali^S by associating safe 
sex and patriotism in his multi- 
media mock advertising campaign 
for Old Glory Condoms. In a dark- 
er vein, Nancv Jenner refashions 
the images of women in Renais- 

sance paintings into victims of sex- 
ual violence. 

"Being a university gallery, we're 
in a better position to present this 
kind of show than other galleries 
are," says Owens, "In this show the 
artists present what may be unpop- 
ular ideas — people looking for pret- 
ty art probably won't be satisfied. 
But a show like this, that features 
emerging artists, gives the artists 
on this campus an opportunity to 
see what people are doing 

The exhibition was originally 
shown at the List Visual Art Center 
at MIT in the fall of 1989. Im- 
pressed by the works, Owens re- 
constructed the show for the Art 
Gallery with the help of a grant 
from The Andy Warhol Foundation 
for the Visual Arts. 

The exhibit's opening will fea- 
ture a lecture by its original cura- 
tor, Dana Friis-Hansen of MIT, at 
4:30 p.m. Sept, 12 in the gallery. A 
reception, where many of the exhi- 
biting artists will be present, will 
follow. Both the iecUire and recep- 
tion are free and open to the pub- 

The Art Gallery is located in the 
Art/Sociology building. Hours are 
Monday-Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m; 
Wednesday evenings until 9 p.m.; 
and Saturday and Sunday, 1 p.m. 
to 5 p.m. For more information call 

Brian Bmek 

Frederiksen Uncovers Unknown 
Heine Manuscript 

Despite learned assurances that 
Rahel Varnhagen's papers con- 
tained nothing of interest and that 
any worthwhile documents would 
be in her husband's material, Elke 
Frederiksen looked anyway. 

And in examining these over- 
looked documents, Fredericksen 
found something much better than 
anything in Herr Varnhagen's 
papers. The associate professor of 
German found something so good 
it serves as the primary source for 
her forthcoming cover article in a 
major German academic journal. In 
her search through Varnhagen's 
papers, Frederiksen unearthed the 
manuscript of a previously un- 
known poem by 1 9th century Ger- 
man writer Hoinrich Heine. The 
poem had been written at Varnhag- 
en's request for use as a discussion 
piece in the famous salon she host- 
ed in Berlin in the 1820s. 

Frederiksen's 60-page article on 
the discovery will be featured this 
fall in the 1990 Heine Yearbook. 

Frederiksen made the discovery 
at the Jagell Ionian Library in 
Cracow, Poland, where she was 
researching Heine's role in Varnha- 
gen's salon. There was reason to 
believe that Heine had actively par- 
ticipated during his student years, 
and Frederiksen hoped to docu- 
ment this connection. 

Frederiksen did not expect to 

make a finding as important as the 

"Most of the documents in Varn- 
hagen's collection are written in 
her hand," Frederiksen says, 

"When 1 came across the manu- 
script, 1 realized immediately that it 
had been written by someone else. 
Yet the handwriting still seemed 
familiar. In my work on Heine I 
had seen many of his manuscripts 
and it soon dawned that it was his 
writing. I almost could not believe 

The poem was written in 1823 
and concerns the plight of a fam- 
ous Berlin actress, Madame Stich, 
who had fallen from public favor 
after a martial scandal. Vernhagen 
asked Heine and her brother, Wolf- 
gang Robert, to write poems de- 
fending Stich for discussion in the 

The work was written during a 
time when Heine was experiment- 
ing with several different literary 
forms, including the dramatic verse 
in which the poem is written. 

"This discovery is one example 
of why the study of past women 
writers is important. I am sure th- 
ere are more treasures hidden aw- 
ay in the papers of overlooked fig- 
ures," Frederiksen says. 

Brian B^tsck 

"Anonymous" is an example of Nancy Jenner oil paintings which show portraits 
of sbusett women in traditionel artistic poses. 

Kirwan to Tell 
the Tale of Peter 
and the Wolf 

Prokofiev's widely popular sym- 
phonic fairy tale, Peter and Ihe Wolf, 
will be one of the attractions of the 
first Artist Scholarship Benefit Ser- 
ies concert on Sunday afternoon 
Oct. 14 at 3 p.m. in Tawes Recital 

Another will be the performance 
of President William E. Kirwan as 
the narrator for Prokofiev's familiar 
presentation of Peter's defiance of 
his grandfather and his adventures 
with the wolf. 

Featured artists in the afternoon 
of all Russian music will be music 
faculty members Daniel Heifetz, 
violin, and William Hudson, con- 
ducting the University of Maryland 
Symphony Orchestra. 

Other concerts in the 1990-1991 
series include an evening of one-act 
contemporary operas by the Mary- 
land Opera Studio on Dec. 8; the 
annual Happy Birthday Mozart 
concert on Feb. 9; a recital by James 
McDonald, tenor, and Ruth Ann 
McDonald, piano, on Feb. 23; a 
concert by Bradford Gowen, piano 
and David Soyer, cello, on Mar. 15; 
and the season's finale, a perfor- 
mance by the Guameri Quartet on 
Apr. 14. 

For ticket information about the 
Russian concert Oct, 14 or to re- 
ceive a brochure about the entire 
concert series, call 405-5548. 


19 9 


Promote your Organization in the 1990 First Look Fair 

Each year campus academic, service and student organizations 
have the opportunity to promote their special activities at the First 
Look Fair. If your group wants to participate in this year's event 
on Sept. 26 and 27, call Brandon Dula in the Campus Activities of- 
fice at 314-7174 for information and forms by Sept. 12, Because of 
the McKeldin Mall renovation, this year's fair vfill be held on the 
Engineering Field /Mitchell Lawn. 


Study Examines Problems of Baltimore Preschoolers 

Martha Taylor (on 
couch) and Sally 
Koblinsky talk with 


Homeless preschool children in 
Baltimore exhibit significantly 
more behavioral problems than 
populations of "normal" and "em- 
otionally disturbed" children, ac- 
cording to a recently completed 
study by College Park faculty 
members in the College of Human 
Ecology. The children in this 
study also consumed diets that 
were less healthy than those of 
children in normal home situations. 

The year-long study, designed 
to examine the physical health, nu- 
tritional status, developmental 
skills, and social-emotional behav- 
iors of homeless preschool child- 
ren, was conducted by Sally A. 
Koblinsky, professor of family de- 
velopment, and Martha L. Taylor, 
assistant professor of human nutri- 
tion. The research was funded by a 
College of Human Ecology Dean's 
Research Award and a Bio- Medical 
Research Support Grant. 

The study involved 73 single- 
parent homeless families in Balti- 
more, each with a child between 
the ages of three and five. About 90 
percent of the families were black 
and in percent were white. At the 
time of the study, 35 families were 
residing in emergency shelters {fac- 
ilities providing shelter for one 
night to one month) and 38 fami- 
lies were living in transitional 
housing (shelter for up to one 
year). The children and their 
mothers had been homeless for an 
average of 9.5 months, with a 
range of from one to 52 months. 

According to Koblinsky and 
Taylor, only 29 percent of the 
homeless boys and 41 percent of 

{ Ntf,5/, \\4p«D a U'^mG 

the homeless girls exhibited devel- 
opmental skills characteristic of their 
age group. The researchers used 
an inventory to evaluate the child- 
rens' language and cognition, gross 
motor/body awareness, and visual- 
motor adaptive skills. 
Overall, 35 percent of the children 
passed the inventory, 47 percent 
failed, and 17 percent earned 
scores indicating a need for re- 
scrcening. Only one child was 
screened in each family — usually 
the oldest child under six. 

"Homeless children were especi- 
ally likely to exhibit problems in 
the areas of sleep, shyness, atten- 
tion span, withdrawal, demanding 
behavior, coordination, and ag- 
gression," Koblinsky says. The 
findings also showed that pre- 
schoolers in emergency shelters 
had significantly more toilet train- 
ing and sleep problems than child- 
ren in transitional housing. 

According to Taylor, about ten 
percent of the children were under- 
weight for their age and 11 percent 
exceeded the 90th percentile for 

"At the emergency shelters, 
dairy products and fresh fruits and 
vegetables were consumed less fre- 
quentlv than at transitional shelters 
where mothers were responsible 
for meal preparation," Taylor says. 
"There was no blatant malnutrition, 

Taylor and Koblinsky conducted 
their study through two-hour inter- 
views with the child rens' 
parents. "We asked about the par- 
ents' background and child- 
rearing behavior, the reasons for 

their homelessness, and about the 
child's health history and behavi- 
or," Koblinsky says. 

The children were also given 
developmental skills tests, and 
their height, weight and fat-fold 
were recorded. Koblinsky and 
Taylor then compared their data 
with that of preschool children not 
living in shelters. 

"Results indicate that the physi- 
cal and psychological conditions 
under which homeless children 
live, place them at increased risk 
for developmental delays and be- 
havioral disturbances," Koblinsky 
and Taylor write. The researchers 
say that without immediate educa- 
tional and parenting interventions, 
a significant proportion of young 
homeless children will experience 
difficulties upon entering school 
and may begin a cycle of life-long 
learning problems. 

"Our results suggest that home- 
less preschool children need more 
than permanent housing — they 
need comprehensive educational 
and social services to improve 
their chances for optimal physical, 
cognitive, and social-emotional de- 
velopment," the researchers say. 

Koblinsky and Taylor are pres- 
enting their results at the annual 
meetings of the Federation of Am- 
erican Societies for Experimental 
Biologv, the National Council on 
Family Relations, and the National 
Association for the Education of 
Young Children. 

Fan'ss Samarrai 

University Hosts International Science Congress 

The Fourth international 
Congress of Systematic and Evolu- 
tionary Biology, "The Unity of 
Evolutionary Biology," was held 
June 30 to July 7 at the university. 

The congress, which was 
co-hosted by the Smithsonian Insti- 
tution, featured a number of major 
symposia aimed at illuminating 
some of the newest areas of evolu- 
tionary biology, as well as provid- 
ing a synthesis of historical and 
mechanistic approaches to evolu- 
tion in animals, plants and micro- 

The symposia focused on three 
major areas, evolution in perspec- 

tive, which included such topics as 
biodiversity, conservation, biotech- 
nology and global 
change; tempo and pattern evoluti- 
on; and systematics and phylogene- 
tic reconstruction, 

"The goal of the congress was to 
foster a resynthesis of the 
theory of evolution, incorporating 
new and traditional approaches," 
says Marjorie L. Reaka-Kudia, pro- 
gram chair and associate professor 
in the Department of Zoology, 

A number of university re- 
searchers presented talks at the 
conference, including Eugenie 
Clark, professor of zoology; Rita R. 

Colwell, director ot the Maryland 
Biotechnology Institute, professor 
of microbiology and a council 
member of the International Con- 
gress; James L. Reveal, a professor 
of botany and co-president of the 
international congress; Gerald 
Borgia, associate professor of zool- 
ogy; Charles B. Fenster, assistant 
professor of botany; Lin Chao, as- 
sistant professor of zoology; and 
Charles Mitter, associate professor 
of entomology. 



19 9 

Booklet Kelps Students Assess Group Participation 

The Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs has pro- 
duced and distributed "Friends" are everywhere, a guide to making 
judgments about groups. The brochure is designed to help students 
make reasoned judgments about their own involvement in certain 
kinds of group activities they might encounter at College Park. 
Denny Gulick, professor of mathematics and an informed and 
active observer of destructive cult activity on college and high 
school campuses, drafted the booklet. Roberta Coates, Hoyt Brown, 
Rabbi Robert Saks, Ralph Bennett, Rev, Peter Peters, Susan L. Bayly 
and William L. Thomas, Jr. served on the committee that devel- 
oped the publication. 

Kudos To... 

Hans Griem, Physics, for being 
awarded an honorary doctorate by 
Ruhr-Universitat, Bochum. 
Ibrahim Ades, Zoology; Robert 
Denno, Entomology; Richard 
Weismiller, Agronomy; James 
Hem don. Chemistry; and Sandra 
Greer, Chemistry for earning the 
Colleges of Agriculture and Life 
Sciences 1990 Faculty Excellence 

Jack Minker, UMIACS, for being 
elected a Fellow and Founding 
Member of the American Associa- 
tion for Artificial Intelligence Fel- 
lows Program. 

Henry Mityga, Horticulture, for 
winning the L. C. Chadwick 
Award from the American Associa- 
tion of Nurserymen for outstanding 

Henry P. Sims Jr., Business and 
Management, for receiving the 
Stybel Pea body Prize for his book, 
(co-authored with Charles Manz), 
SiifH'rleadership: Leading Others to 
Lead Thetttselvt's. 

Lindley Darden, History and 
CHPS, for being awarded an ISTSF 
Visiting Professorhip to the Labora- 
tory of Artificial Intelligence Re- 
search at Ohio State. 

Elisabeth Gantt, Botany, for earn- 
ing an NSF Research Opportunities 
for Women Career Advancement 
Award to do work on the genetic 
structure of thylakoid-phycobili- 
some core proteins. 

Patricia Mielke, Resident Life dir- 
ector, for being named eastern dis- 
trict representative of the Associa- 
tion of College and University 
Housing Officers-International. 

Richard Harwood, Washiiigton Post 
Ombudsman, who has been named 
to a second term as Baltimore Sun 
Distinguished Lecturer in the Col- 
lege of Journalism. 

Herbert Peers tel. Libraries, for 
being named a judge in the Hugh 
M. Hefner First Amendment 
Awards. Foerstel received such an 
award himself in 1988, 

Robert Carbone, Education Policy 
and Administration, for being ap- 
pointed to a three-year term as the 
Public Member on the Educational 
Standards Board of the American 
Speech-Language-Hearing Associa- 
tion. Carbone replaces UM Vice 
Chancellor David Sparks on the 
board. Another former Public 
Member on the board is former 
UM Vice President R. Lee 

John Consoli, Creative Services, for 
winning an award of exceUence for 
promotional material from the Pro- 
fessional Photographers of Ameri- 
ca, Inc. 

Mark Levy, Journalism, for being 
selected to participate in the 1990 
Leadership Institute for Journalism 
and Mass Communication Educa- 
tion sponsored by the Gannett Cen- 
ter for Media Studies at Columbia 

Gladys Brown, Office of Human 

Relations director, for having been 
chosen to attend Harvard Univer- 
sity's summer 1990 Management 
Development Program, designed 
for higher education administrators 
in mid-level positions. 

Cyril Fonnamperuma, Chemistry, 
for being awarded the "Vidya Jothi" 
medal, the highest honor bestowed 
by the head of state of Sri Lanka on 
an individual. The award is com- 
parable to the Presidential Medal 
for Science in the U.S. 

Pat Perfetto, Campus Guest Ser- 
vices director, for being recognized 
by the Convention Liaison Council 
as a Certified Meeting Professional, 
the highest honor of professional 
achievement in the meetings 

Daniel Leviton, Health Education, 
for receiving a three- year grant of 
$83,000 from the U.S. Department 
of Education to expand his Adult 
Health and Development program. 

Parris Glendening, Government 
and Politics, Prince George's 
County Executive, for being chosen 
the Most Valuable County Public 
Office 1990 in the nation by City 
and State Magazine, a bi-monthly 
business and government national 

Denise Hayman, Education 
Careers program director, for re- 
ceiving a research award from the 
Mid-Atlantic Association for 
Schools, Colleges and University 
Staffing. Her project is designed to 
encourage and assist minority stu- 
dents to pursue careers in the 
teaching profession. For informa- 
tion about participating in the pro- 
gram, call X47225. 

Leon Major, Music, and the Uni- 
versity of Maryland Opera Studio 
for being the subjects of a comple- 
mentary article featuring "New Tal- 
ent on Diverse Stages" in the Sep- 
tember 1990 issue of Musical Ameri- 
ca, the journal of Classical Music. 

Physics graduate students David 
Griegel and Donna Naples for be- 
ing named receipents of South- 
eastern Universities Research As- 
sociation/Continuous Electron 
Beam Accelerator Facility 1990-91 
graduate fellowships. 

Camp Tortuga 
Had Happy Campers 

Robert Freeman, Counseling, ran 
Camp Tortuga for the I8th year 
during the last two weeks of June. 
The camp is designed to provide a 
positive experience and an inten- 
sive helping period for children 
ages 5-12 who are having adjust- 
ment problems. This year 30 camp- 
ers attended, the largest group 
since the camp began in 1973. 

Memorial Service Planned 
for Wofford Smith 

A memorial service for the 
Reverend Canon Wofford K. Smith, 
retired Episcopal priest and chap- 
lain emeritus of the University of 
Maryland, will be held on Sept. 26 
at 4 p.m. in Memorial Chapel, 

Jack Minker 1 

Kirwan to Present "State of the University" 
Address to Campus Senate 

President William E. Kirwan 
will address the first meeting of the 
Campus Senate for the 1990-91 aca- 
demic year on Thursday, Sept. 13. 
His annual "State of the University" 
presentation will be the highlight 
of the meeting, which will take 
place between 3;30 and 6:30 p.m. in 
Room 0126, Reckord Armory. 

Also on the agenda are the 
elections of the Chair-Elect and 
Executive Committee members, 
along with the annual reports of 
the 1990-91 Chair and Executive 

Nominees for Chair-Elect are 
Gerald Miller (Biochem. and 
Chem.) and Paul Smith (Math,), 

Executive Committee faculty 
nominees include: Ashok Agrawala 
(Com p. Sci.), Frank Alt (Bus. and 
Mgmt.), Marvin Breslow (Hist), 
Joel Cohen (Math.), James Grunig 

(Journ.), David Matthews (Inst. 
Phy. Sci.), Earlean McCarrick 
{Govt, and Pol.), Gerald Miller 
{Chem. and Biochem.), Judd Nel- 
son (Entom,), Mary Ottinger (Poult, 
Sci.), Behnam Pourdeyhimi {Text. 
Cons. Econ.), Suzanne Randolph 
(Text. Cons. Econ.), Paul Smith 
(Math.), Winthrop Wright (Hist.), 
and Grace Yeni-Komshian {Hear. 
and Speech Sci.). 

Associate Staff nominees are 
Barbara Aycock (Elec. Eng.) and 
Cynthia Hale {Comp. Sci.). 

Classified Staff nominees are 
Barbara Cronin (Pub. Affairs) and , 
Helen O'Ferrell (Ag. Exp. Sta.). 

Undergraduate student nomin- 
ees are Jeff Trudell, Denise Cheung 
and Montressa Washington. 

Graduate nominees are Wendy 
Ford and Jay Thomas. 


19 9 


September 4-12 

Rrst day of fall classes. 

Shuttl^UM Commuter Service 
Begins, call 4-5274 for info. 

Student Locator Service, today 
and tomoiTow. 7:30 a.m. -2 p.m. 
Orientation staff will be in special 
booths on campus to provide 
direclions, maps, and infofmation 
to students. Call 4-5274 for info 

Priority Pahcing Sign-ups, 8:30 
a.m.. Hoff Theatre, StarTip 
Student Union. Call 4-5274 for 

Student Legal Aid Orientation, 
11 a.m.-1 p.m., 2146 Stamp 
Student Union. Call 4-7756 for 

S.H.O.W. Check-in, today-Sept. 
6, 11 a.m.-2 p.m., 1104 Stamp 
Student Union. Call 4-5274 for 

Parent's Association Art 
Gallery Exhibit: "Schooling in 
America" and "Mothers & 
Daughters." today-Sept. 28, 
Parents' Association Art Gallery. 
Stamp Student Union. Call 4- 
ARTS for info. 

Publit^tion Celebration, to 

honor publication by UlvtCP 
Libraries and Yellow Barn Press 
of The Kelmcott Press Golden 
Legend, essay by William S. 
Petefson, 4 p.m., 3101 McKeldin 
Library (Katherine Anne Porter 
Room). Call BO-41 54 for info. 

Baptist Student Fellowship 
Cookout, 6 p.m.. South Lawn, 
Memonal Chapel. Call 5-8442 for 

Women's Reld Hockey vs. 
Washington Club, 7 n.m.. 
Astfoiurf Field. Call 4-7064 for 

Retention, Orientation, Positive 
Enrichment Seminar, today- 
Sept. 10. Designed to welcome 
and acquaint new Afro- American 
first -year students to the 
university. Call 5-5616 for info. 

Unity Picnic, 4-8 p.m. Denton 
Beach. Call 5-5615 for info. 

Agrlcuftural Seminar; "Present 
Issues in Agricultural Extension 
and Whal Needs to be Done: A 
World Bank Perspective," 
featuring William Zijp, Agriculture 
Extention Specialist, noon {bring 
brown bag lunch), 0115 Symons 
Hall. Call3-1253 for info. 

OMSE's Annual Operv House, 

1-4:30 p.m., 1101 Hornbake 
Library. Call 5-5616 tor info. 

Time Management Workshop, 

3-4:30 p.m., 2201 Shoemaker 
Bldg. Call 4-7693 for into. 

Computer Science Colloquium: 

"A Status Report of Parallel 
Processing Research at Hebrew 
University, featuring Larry 
Rudolph, Hebrew LT & IBM T.J. 
Watson Research Center, 
reception, 3:30 p.m., 1152 A.V. 
Bidg., lecture, 4p.m., 0111 
Classroom Bldg. Call 5-2561 for 

Employee Development 
Seminar: "Planning Your Career 
and Your Future," 9 a.m.-4 p.m.. 
2146 Stamp Student Union. Call 
5-5651 for info. 

"Fun in the Union," noon -2 
p.m.. Stamp Sludeni Union. Call 
4-8495 for info. 

College of Engineeririg First 
LookFlcnic, f p.m., 1202 
Engineering Bldg. Call 5-3855 for 

Women's Soccer vs. Virginia, 
4:30 p.m.. Soccer Field. Call 4- 
7064 for info. 

Department of Dance Open 
Ho use' Reception, 5-6:3u p.m., 
1115 Temporary Bldg EE. Call 5- 
3180 for info. 

Maryland Sailing Association 
Informational Meeting, 6:30-7 
p.m.. Jimenez Hall. Call 589-5643 
lor info. 

Hoff Theatre Movies: 
"Hairspray" S "House Party." Call 
4-HOf^F for info. 

University Titeatre Open 
House, 8 p.m.. Tawes Fine Arts 
Bldg. Call 5-2201 for info. 

Art Gatlery Exhibition: "Trouble 
in Paradise." loday-Oct. 26, 
Gallery Talk by Dana Fhis- 
Hanson. exhibit curator, MIT, 
today, 4:30 p.m.. Opening 
Reception, 5:30-7:30 p.m.. The 
Art Gallery, Art/Soc Bldg. Call 5- 
2763 for info. 

Center for Minorities in the 
Behavioral Sciences Open 
House, 11 a.m.-2 p.m., 2201 
LeFraK. Call 5-1706 for info. 

Meditation Center Open House, 

11 a.m.-l p.m.. 2113 Mitciiell 
Bldg. Call 4-8428 for into. 

Police Department Open 
House, If a.m.-l p.m., 1101 
Police Station. Cair5-5731 for 


New Student Celebration, a free 

picnic lunch for all new students. 
11:30 a.m,-l:30 p.m., Engineer™ 
Field. Call 5-7484 for info. 

Men's Soccer vs. Loyola, 3 

p.m.. Soccer Field. Call 4-7064 
lor into. 

' AdmiuAM cbar^efar Ibis 
etvttl. AO others are five. 

Wesley Foundation 
Organizational Meeting, 4 p.m.. 

Memorial Chapel Lounge. Call 
422-1400 ior info. 

Interdenominational Worship 
Service & Reception: 
"Celebrate I Many Gifts, One 
Spirit." 5:15 p.m.. West Chapel, 
Memorial Chapel. Call 5-8442 for 

Canterbury Club Welcome 

Dinner, 5:30 p.m., St. Andrew's 
Parish Hall, College Par1<. Call 5- 
8454 for info. 

University Theatre Audi lions, 

today- Sept. 7. late afternoon and 
eariy evening, Tawes Fine Arts 
Bldg. Call 5-2201 for info. 

Hoff Theatre Welcome Back 
Special, "Teenage Mutant NInja 
Turtles" and "Back to the Future 
III," tod^-Sept. 9. Hoff Theatre, 
Stamp Student Union. Call 4- 
HOFF for info.* 

Astronomy Observatorv 
Talk/Slide Show; "Solar 
Oscillations," David S Zipoy. 9 
p.m.. Astronomy Observatory 
Metzerott Rd. Call 5-3001 for 

Stamp Union Tour, 10 a.m., 
meet at the Information Deslt. 

Women's Soccer vs. Villa 

Nova, 3 p.m , Soccer Field. Call 
4-7064 for info. 

Men's Soccer vs. Coastal 
Carolina, 2 p.m.. Soccer Field. 
Call 4-7064 tor info. 

Welcome Back Picnic and 
Information Fair, noon -2 p.m.. 
University United Methodist 
Church Call 422-1400 for info. 

Catholic Student Center 
Welcome Back Cookout, 3-6 

p.m.. Catholic Student Center. 
Call 864-6223 tor Info. 
Wesley Foundation's First Sunday 
Supper. Introductory Program: 
"On God, I'm in College Partt I," 
dinner at 6 p.m., meefing at 7 
p.m,. University United Methodist 
Church. Call 422-1400 for info.* 

Commuter Affairs Expo, 10 
a.m. -3 p.m., West Foyer, Stamp 
Student Union. Call 4-5275 tor 

The Astronomy 
Observatory begins 
its fall schedule on 
tfte 5th and 20th of 
every month. Call 
5-3001 for 






19 9