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OCTOBER 22, 1990 

0' Haver and Trasco Win 
EDUCOM Awards 

Two computer programs — one 
that enables students to perform 
sophisticated signal analyses but 
costs less than many textbooks and 
one that lets students view and stu- 
dy the universe on a computer 
monitor instead of through a tele- 
scope — have garnered University of 
Maryland at College Park research- 
ers two top awards and one distin- 
guished award. 

Thomas C. O' Haver, professor 
of analytical chemistry, garnered 
two best of category awards, one 
for the best chemistry software and 
one for best software design. Of the 
23 awards given, only nine were 
for the "best" category. 

O'Haver, the only individual 
candidate selected to be awarded 
two top prizes, received the honors 
for his SPECTRUM (Signal Process- 
ing for Experimental Chemistry 
Teaching and Research) program, a 
user-friendly, Macintosh computer- 
based program that allows students 
to obtain, enhance and analyze sig- 
nals generated by such widely- 
used scientific instruments as spec- 
trometers and chrornatographs. 

The awards came from the Na- 
tional Center fur Research to Im- 
prove Postsecondary Teaching and 
Learning (NCRIPTAL) and 
EDUCOM, a consortium of more 
than 500 colleges, universities, and 

Longitudinal Study 

A 10-year look at student 


Happy Birthday, 
Maryland Handel 


Tenth anniversary celebration 


Sims Serves on 
Nutrition Labeling 

Recommends national nutrition 
disclosure legislation 

List of Promotions, 
Tenure and New 

Wlni>'s been promoted, received 
tenure, been hired 


other institutions concerned with 
information technologies in higher 
education. The two organizations 
jointly sponsor a higher education 
software competition each year to 
recognize educational software that 
best reflects innovative and effec- 
tive approaches to improving high- 
er education. 

A total of 170 entries were sub- 
mitted for the competition. 

John D. Trasco, associate direc- 
tor of the astronomy program, won 
a distinguished software award for 
his ASTRO LABS program. ASTRO 
LABS is a collection of four, multi- 
part experiments that allow stu- 
dents to simulate actual astronomi- 
cal observations and analysis on 
IBM compatible personal comput- 
ers. All three awards carry cash 
prizes as well as trophies. 

are given to original educational 
software that best reflects innova- 
tive and effective approaches to im- 
proving higher education. 

O'Haver and Trasco were pre- 
sented their trophies at the 
EDUCOM '90 meeting held in At- 
lanta, Georgia, during October 15 
to 17. The cash awards were pre- 
sented to the two researchers bv 

Vice President for Academic Af- 
fairs and Provost J. Robert 
Dorfman at a special ceremony 
held at the physics lecture hall on 
October 5. 

O'Haver's SPECTRUM is an 
interactive, graphics-oriented com- 
puter program used to explore and 
enhance signal data produced by 
measurement devices. Measure- 
ment in science is important, ac- 
cording to O'Haver, because scien- 
tific progress depends largely on 

itw tinned on page 2 

Thomas O'Haver and 
his SPECTRUM Program 

Engineering Joins $15 Million 
Grant Coalition 


A coalition of schools and col- 
leges of engineering at seven uni- 
versities, including the College of 
Engineering at College Park, has 
received a five-year, $15 million 
grant from the National Science 
Foundation to help fund a project 
designed to improve dramatically 
the effectiveness of undergraduate 
engineering education through cur- 
riculum renewal. 

The project — the Engineering 
Coalition of Schools for Excellence 
in Education and Leadership or 
ECSEL — also aims to increase the 
number of women and minorities 
entering the engineering profes- 

ECSEL is one of two national 
coalitions funded by NSF. It is bud- 
geted at $15 million from NSF and 
$15 million in matching funds from 
the private sector and the univer- 

The six other ECSEL universities 
are City College of New York, 
Howard University, Massachusetts 
Institute of Technology, Morgan 
State University, Pennsylvania State 
University and the University of 

The ECSEL Coalition will be di- 
rected by a principal investigator, 
Howard's engineering dean Lucius 

Walker, through a Faculty Execu- 
tive Committee with one member 
from each coalition school. 

College Park chemical engineer- 
ing professor Thomas M. Regan is 
the principal investigator at Mary- 
land and is ECSEL's associate di- 
rector in charge of Teaching /Learn- 
ing Innovation. The project will be 
widely based throughout the Col- 
lege of Engineering, he says. 

College Park has the responsibil- 
ity for devising a program of facul- 
ty development since a renovation 
of engineering education will re- 
quire the renewed efforts of facul- 
ty. Maryland also will develop and 
operate ECHO, a coalition- wide 
communications network. The 
Maryland budget for the first year 
of the project is $700,000. 

"The grant draws attention to 
the high priority and focus that we 
will be placing on undergraduate 
education in the College of Engi- 
neering," Regan says. "A natural 
consequence of ECSEL will be a 
significant enhancement through- 
out the curriculum, an emphasis on 
new ways to teach and learn, and 
an increased professional compe- 
tency for a lifelong career." 

Tom Otwell 

See you at the Seventh 
Annual Faculty and Staff 
Contnvocation, Tuesday, 
Oct, 23, 3 p.m., 
Memorial Chapel 
(reception afterward). 


O F 


A T 




Dorfman to Discuss Budget Issues 

at Senate Meeting 

The next meeting of the College Park Campus Senate is sched- 
uled for Monday, Oct. 22 (today), from 3:30 to 6:30 p.m. in Room 
0126 of the Reckord Armory. Items on the agenda include Dr. J, 
Robert Dorfman discussing budget issues, a motion to approve a 
name change for the Institute for Urban Studies to the Department 
of Urban Studies, the Student Honor Council, an ad hoc committee 
to work on the campus policy for the training and supervision of 
TA's, a motion to approve the Graduate Certificate in Women's 
Studies and a resolution to proclaim Nov. 14 and 15, 1990 as 
Multicultural Community Awareness Days at the university. 

Professors Win Awards for Software Design 

continued from page 1 

the ability to make accurate quan- 
titative measurements, and modern 
scientific research and technology 
relies heavily on sophisticated in- 
strumentation to perform such 

Many of these measurements are 
obtained in the form of signals. A 
signal represents measured quan- 
tities of such entities as voltage, 
temperature, pressure, mass, ener- 
gy, volume, density, concentration, 
or wavelength. A type of signal 
most people are familiar with is the 
spiked line that is produced by an 
EKG (electrocardiogram)— an in- 
strument that measures and 

John D. Trasco: "A 
computer helps show 
the interrelationships 

of the discipline of 
astronomy in a way 
that is much better than 
simply using a pencil 
and paper." 

displays the electrical activity of 
the heart. 

With SPECTRUM, students can 
graphically manipulate signals to 
gain a better understanding of the 
signal and its source. They may 
wish to compare two signals, en- 
large an area of a signal, or apply 
one of several enhancement techni- 
ques to the signal. Additionally, 
SPECTRUM features more than 20 
built-in mathematical operations 
that can be rapidly applied to the 
graphic data to obtain various 
quantitative measurements of the 

Because the program is highly 
interactive, students can perform 
multiple operations on real or sim- 
ulated data, obtaining immediate, 
dynamic visual feedback. This al- 
lows them to perform computation- 
al operations in the same way as 
would a professional scientist. 
"Text books are crucial for learning, 
but they have no room for explora- 
tion by the student," O' Haver says. 
"SPECTRUM brings the textbook to 
life. There is no substitute for the 
real thing or for hands-on experi- 

ence in performing scientific ana- 
lyses or solving scientific 

Part of SPECTRUM'S analytic 
power comes from its ability to 
help students see information that 
is not always apparent from a 
simple visual inspection of graphic 
data. For example, a slight bulge or 
peak in a signal graph line may be 
almost imperceptible to the naked 
eye. But when isolated and en- 
hanced by SPECTRUM, that signal 
deviation may reveal important in- 
formation about the chemical un- 
der analysis, such as its purity or 

"A common misconception 
among inexperienced students is 
that the information content of a 
recorded experimental signal will 
always be obvious by visual in- 
spection of the plotted data," 
O' Haver points out. "But there are 
situations where important infor- 
mation is presented in recorded 
data in such a way that the human 
eye-brain system completely fails to 
recognize that information." 
While fledgling chemistry students 
can benefit from SPECTRUM, more 
experienced users are finding 
SPECTRUM equally helpful. Be- 
cause its user-friendly format is 
coupled with a wide range of soph- 
isticated features and capabilities, 
SPECTRUM is appropriate for in- 
troductory chemistry students as 
well as those involved in graduate 
research. It allows both student 
groups to easily perform a multi- 
tude of functions in seconds that 
would be prohibitively difficult 
and time-consuming otherwise. "Its 
user-friendliness encourages less 
advanced students to use 
SPECTRUM while its speed and 
power encourage more advanced 
students to explore more sophisti- 
cated analytical techniques," 
O' Haver says. 

Students in other scientific dis- 
cipline also can benefit from 
SPECTRUM'S power and versatil- 
ity. Although O'Haver designed 
SPECTRUM for analytical chemis- 
try students, the program is equally 
suitable for any field of study that 
uses signal data, such as physics, 
medical research, clinical psychol- 
ogy, environmental and earth sci- 
ences, biochemistry, or materials 

The other University of Mary- 
land award winner was John D. 
Trasco. His ASTRO LABS program 
harnesses the power of the person- 
al computer to simulate the power 
of the telescope. Using ASTRO 
LABS, Students can "view" and 
measure the positions of Jupiter's 
moons, the distance of celestial ob- 
jects, and galactic rotation, and ana- 
lyze the expansion of the 
universe — all on a computer monit- 
or. "A computer helps show the 
inter-relationships of the discipline 
of astronomy in a way that is much 
better than simply using a pencil 
and paper," Trasco says. 

In designing ASTRO LABS, 
Trasco and his colleagues wanted a 
software program that would give 
non-science majors a meaningful 
astronomy laboratory experience 

while teaching them the fundamen- 
tals of the science of astronomy. 

They were also motivated by 
more practical concerns. "Ideally, 
all astronomy labs should have 
some introduction to telescope ob- 
serving," says Trasco. "But practi- 
cally, this is precluded because of 
weather and equipment limita- 

He notes that the traditional ap- 
proach to surmounting these limi- 
tations relies on using photographs 
of celestial objects or providing stu- 
dents with tabular data with which 
to work.. But this method, too, has 
its limitations, according to Trasco. 
"Using these materials forces stu- 
dents into a passive role," he says. 

Instead, Trasco and his associ- 
ates wanted a system that would 
actively involve the student while 
mimicking as closely as possible 
the functions and workings of a 
telescope. They succeeded. Using 
IBM personal computers, ASTRO 
LABS provide realistic images of 
the moons of Jupiter, star fields, or 
entire galaxies. 

But there were other impedi- 
ments — of a more cosmic nature — 
that ASTRO LABS had to over- 
come. One of those was time. As 
Trasco explains, with the exception 
of the motion of nearby celestial 
objects and the evolution of cata- 
clysmic events, astronomical phen- 
omena are largely static as mea- 
sured bv human time scales. But 
with ASTRO LABS, "the long time 
frame encountered in astronomical 
observations can be compressed by 
the presentation of successive im- 
ages at set time intervals." 

This feature allows students to 
watch a celestial event unfold in 
seconds or minutes instead of the 
millions of years it might normally 

Gin/ M. Stephenson 


Outlook is the weekly facutty-statt newspaper serving 
ihe College Park campus community. 

Kalhryn Costello 

Roz Hiebert 

Linda Freeman 
Brian Busek 
Lisa Gregory 
Tom Olwell 
Fariss Sarrtarrai 
Gary Stephenson 
Jennifer Bacon 

Judith Salr 
John Consoli 
Stephen Darrou 
Chris Paul 
Al Danegger 
Linda Martin 
Pia Uznanska 
Michael Yuen 
Peter Zulkarnain 

Vice President for 

Institutional Advancement 

Director of Public Information & 


Production Editor 

Start Writer 

Staff Writer 

Staff Writer 

Staff Writer 

Staff Writer 

Calendar Editor 

Art Director 
Format Designer 
Layout & Illustration 
Layoul S Illustration 
Production Intern 
Production Intern 
Production Intern 

Letters to the editor, story suggestions, campus informa- 
tion & calendar items are welcome. Please submit all 
material at least Ihree weeks before the Monday of 
publication Send it to Roz Hiebert, Editor Outlook. 2101 
Turner Building, through campus mail or to University of 
Maryland, College Park, MD 20742. Our telephone 
number is [301)4054621. Electronic mail address is Fax number is (301)314-9344. 




19 9 

Greek Chapters Active in Community Service Projects 

During 1989-90, the university's fraternities and sororities were 
actively engaged in community service projects that resulted in 
contributions to charity of nearly $118,000 and 2,845 hours in 
donated time. Activities ranged from Zeta Beta Tau's Dancers 
Against Cancer annual dance marathon that raised $75,000 for the 
American Cancer Society to the Pan-Hellenic Council's donation of 
20 turkeys to homeless shelters at Thanksgiving and Christmas to 
Zeta I J hi Beta's Halloween party at the Hospital for Sick Children. 
During Greek Week 1990, fraternities and sororities gave 100 hours 
and raised $12,000 for Students Against Drunk Driving. 

Visual Press Signs Agreements with 
Smithsonian Institution 

The Smithsonian Institution will 
distribute and provide funds for 
development of a variety of video 
productions by the University of 
Maryland at College Park's Visual 
Press under a pair of agreements 
signed recently. 

As part of the agreements, The 
Smithsonian Institution will distri- 
bute the Visual Press production of 
"Beckett Directs Beckett," which 
features performances of the late 
Samuel Beckett's "Waiting for 
Godot" and "Krapp's Last Tape." 
Taped in 1988 with the Nobel 
Prize-winner's participation, the 
productions were shown on public 
television stations throughout the 
United States earlier this year. 

In addition, The Smithsonian 
Institution will provide the Visual 
Press with funds for the develop- 
ment of several other projects, the 
first being an historically based 
dramatic presentation that will fo- 
cus on an African American 19th 
century quilt maker whose work 
now hangs in major museums in 
the United States. Academic re- 
search and script- writing for the 
project is underway. 

"Distribution through the Smith- 
sonian will give us access to the 
kinds of audiences we're trying to 
reach," says William Gilcher, pro- 
ducer/writer for the Visual Press. 
The Visual Press is directed by 

Mitchell Lifton, professor of com- 
parative literature. 

"The assistance that we'll receive 
for productions is very important. 
The amount isn't huge, but it is 
enough to produce scripts for proj- 
ects which often is the most diffi- 
cult part of a production to fund," 
Gilcher says. 

Among the goals for future pro- 
ductions is utilizing the expertise of 
College Park faculty members, Gil- 
cher says. For instance, Gladys- 
Marie Fry, professor of English, is 
the chief scholar for the current 
project on the quilt maker. 

The relationship between Har- 
riet Powers, an ex-slave artisan and 
quilt maker, with Jennie Smith, an 
upper-middle class artist and teach- 
er who helped preserve Powers' 
work for posterity, is the main sub- 
ject of the drama. Smith discovered 
Powers' work at a "Cotton Fair" in 
Athens, Georgia, in 1886 and even- 
tually bought a quilt made by the 
artist. The sale of the quilt began a 
relationship that lasted for a num- 
ber of years, with Powers' making 
periodic visits to Jennie Smith to 
see her quilt. Much of what is 
known about Powers' life comes 
from Smith's diary descriptions of 
these meetings. 

Powers' quilts feature narratives 
that blend elements of West Afri- 
can and Christian religious tradi- 

tions. Examples of her work are 
currently on display at the Smith- - 
sonian Institution's National Muse- 
um of American History and the 
Boston Museum of Fine Arts, 

Fry, a folklorist, received nation- 
al attention for her work in curat- 
ing a museum exhibit on slave 
qui It-making, "Stitched from the 
Soul: Slave Quilting in the Ante- 
Bellum South." The exhibition was 
shown at museums in New York 
and Washington during its 1988-89 
national tour. 

Another project on the drawing 
board, although still embryonic, 
would draw upon a forthcoming 
biography of dancer /choreograph- 
er Anna Sokolow by Larry Warren, 
professor of dance. 

In addition to its Smithsonian 
Institution- related projects, the Vis- 
ual Press is in various stages of de- 
velopment on other productions 
involving media organizations in 
Europe. Foremost among these is a 
planned eight-part series on Bertolt 
Brecht, based on a forthcoming bio- 
graphy by John Fuegi, professor of 
comparative literature. Scripts cur- 
rently are being written for the ser- 
ies under the direction of Jorge 
Semprun, award -winning screen- 
writer and Spanish minister of cul- 

Brian Busck 

Conference Looks at Entrepreneurship 
in U.S. and Japan 

The Dingman Center for Entre- 
preneurship at the College of Busi- 
ness and Management sponsored a 
conference on entrepreneurial op- 
portunities in the U.S. and japan, 
Oct. 15-17. Attendance at the con- 
ference, by invitation only, consist- 
ed of selected Japanese and Ameri- 
can entrepreneurs. 

The conference sessions focused 
on building practical skills for 
doing business in the two coun- 
tries, according to Charles Heller, 
director of the Dingman Center. In 
addition, it provided opportunities 

for participants to form business 

Among the topics discussed at the 
conference were: the factors that 
influence successful operation in 
another country; the structuring of 
effective joint ventures; the cultural 
differences between Americans and 
Japanese; and the government pro- 
grams designed to facilitate busi- 
ness opportunities in the two 

Funding for the U.S. -Japan Con- 
ference came from a $500,000 dona- 
tion made to the Dingman Center 

by Shoji Kanazawa, one of Japan's 
leading entrepreneurs. Kanazawa is 
founder and chairman of the Ftero 
Group, a Tokyo-based conglomer- 
ate with interests in both North 
America and Asia. 

For information about the 
Dingman Center's U.S. -Japan pro- 
gram, including the results of the 
conference, call Ron Holtz, manag- 
er of international programs, at 

Math Department to Host High School Competition 

The Department of Mathematics 
will host the 12th annual Univer- 
sity of Maryland High School 
Mathematics Competition October 
24 and December 5. 

Part I of the competition is open 
to all students enrolled in high 
schools in Maryland and the Dis- 
trict of Columbia. Part II, adminis- 
tered in December, is a showdown 
for the championship between the 
highest-scoring participants of Part 

The three top competitors will 
win $300, $200 and $100, respect- 

ively. Also, the highest scorer from 
each county of Maryland, the city 
of Baltimore and the District of 
Columbia will each receive $25. 
Scholarships will be awarded to 
highly-ranked competitors who ap- 
ply to the University of Maryland 
at College Park. 

The two-part format will be simi- 
lar to previous competitions, con- 
sisting of questions that require 
mathematical insight and ingen- 

Part I, which will be held Oct. 
24 from 1 to 3 p.m., is a multiple- 

choice test with 25 questions. Com- 
petitors who perform well on Part I 
will be invited to compete in Part 
II, which will be held on Dec. 5 
from 1 to 3 p.m. Part II consists of 
problems to be worked out and 
then explained. Both tests will be 
administered at College Park. 

This year's competition chair is 
Kenneth R. Berg, associate profes- 
sor of mathematics. 

Harriet Powers is the 
subject of a planned 
Visual Press-Smithsonian 


19 9 




William L. Thomas, 
Vice President for 
Student Affairs 

UM Police Begin Bicycle Patrols 

The campus Police Department is now putting some of its 
officers on bicycles. The department recently obtained three spe- 
cially equipped mountain bikes to allow officers more access to 
bike paths, around construction sites, and other areas that are 
difficult to patrol using traditional methods. The bicycles are 
expected to increase the department's mobility and maneuverabil- 
ity and to allow a faster response time to incidents around campus. 

Student Affairs Completes 10-Year 
Study of Student Attitudes 

Although a few of its members 
may be greying by now. College 
Park's freshman class of 1980 con- 
tinues to provide fresh insights 
about the attitudes of College Park 

More than 700 students from the 
university's freshman class of 1480 
participated in the Maryland Lon- 
gitudinal Study, the most extensive 
examination of student attitudes 
ever undertaken by the university. 
!n addition, black students in the 
group were tracked separately to 
provide insights into the black stu- 
dent experience. Over a five-year 
period researchers from the Office 
of Student Affairs annually inter- 
viewed and surveyed the students 
about their attitudes on a wide 
variety of issues. 

In a series of 16 reports, the re- 
searchers reported on such issues 
as the commuter student experi- 
ence, transfer students, student 
employment, campus services, the 
black student experience and 

Although some of the data has 
become outdated, the reports 
provide insights into the student 
experience that have implications 
for current policy and practice, says 
Janet Schmidt, coordinator of the 
project. The data has already in flu 

enced the views of administrators 
on such issues as commuter stu- 
dents {see sidebar), residence hall 
life and changes in the under- 
graduate education program. 

"The most important thing this 
research does for us as educators is 
give us a greater awareness of the 
culture with which we're dealing," 
says William Thomas, Vice Presi- 
dent for Student Affairs. "We're 
particularly interested in seeing 
this data used by faculty." 

Among the findings in the 

• Commuter and resident stu- 
dents arrive at College Park with 
similar SAT scores, identification 
with the campus and expectations 
for success. However, as early as 
the second semester of their fresh- 
man year commuters were signifi- 
cantly less involved in such key 
aspects of campus life as campus 
jobs and student organizations. 

• Students who left College 
Park after their second year at the 
university tended to leave in good 
academic standing. 

* A large percentage of College 
Park students work. About 40 per- 
cent of the students surveyed held 
jobs during their freshman year 
and about 75 percent held jobs by 
their fourth vear on campus. 

[JUJJL-Ll. lilt LliUtl IIlI-i (III L'tlU V 1111111" UlCII lUllllll Vtitl I'll ItlllipilS. Llllll ULIUUI 

Jacoby Works to Bring Commuters 
Into University Life 

AlthonpVi mmmiitpr thiHunt* HmiK*» few 

• Students who entered the uni- 
versity with weak academic back- 
grounds often had unrealistically 
high expectations for their educa- 
tion. Incoming students who said 
they expected eventually to earn 
doctorates entered with lower 
C.PAs as a group than those 
students who expected to earn only 
a bachejor's degree. 

In discussing the implications of 
such findings, the reports recom- 
mend more institutional direction 
for students in a number of areas 
of their education. Among the re- 
commendations, the reports call for 
mandatory advising and more 
faculty-student interaction. Helping 
students develop realistic goals ear- 
ly in their university careers could 
improve retention, according to the 

As a final step in the project, 
researchers are planning to pro- 
duce a book on college student 
development that would be 
marketed to education researchers. 

"For researchers in this field, our 
work is valuable. We've looked at 
areas that have never been studied 
in this way before," Thomas says. 

Faculty members at the univer- 
sity who would like copies of the 
studv or would like more informa- 
tion about it should call 314-8431. 
Brian Btisek 

Although commuter students 
account for more than 80 percent of 
the students at American colleges 
and universities, institutions often 
ignore the special needs of this 

Often more detached from cam- 
pus life than residential students, 
commuters (defined as anv stu- 
dents who do not live in institu- 
tion-owned housing) have a differ- 
ent — and sometimes less success- 
ful—college experience than that of 
peers who live in the residence 

For example, the University of 
Maryland at College Park's recently 
completed Maryland Longitudinal 
Study found that commuter and 
resident students come to College 
Park with similar bai k grounds hut 
perform differently. According to 
the study, commuters and residents 
arrived at College Park with simi- 
lar SAT scores, identification with 
the campus and expectations for 
success but as early as the second 
semester of their freshman years 
were significantly less involved in 
such key aspects of campus life as 
jobs and student organizations. 

College Park commuters, how- 
ever, benefit from the services of 
Barbara Jacoby, one of the nation's 
top experts in the field. Jacoby, 
Director of the National Clearing- 

house for Commuter Programs and 
Director of Commuter Affairs at 
College Park, is the author of a 
new book on the subject. The Stu- 
dent as Commuter: Developing a Com- 
prehensive histitnitknial Response. 

"The first thing to recognize is 
that there are positive aspects of 
commuting, especially living at 
home," jacoby says. "Moving away 
from home is a rite of passage that 
some college-age people aren't 
ready for. 

"Commuters have their own 
rooms, good cooking, etc. — it's a 
nice, supportive environment in a 
lot of ways. 

"On the other hand, when a stu- 
dent lives on campus, the univer- 
sity tends to become the focus of 
his or her life. For commuter stu- 
dents there can be many distrac- 
tions — friends, jobs and social ac- 
tivities that aren't associated with 
the university. 

"With commuter students, it is 
terribly important to draw them 
into the life of the campus. It's a 
misperception to say that commut- 
ers are apathetic," she says. 

At College Park, Jacoby works on 
developing programs to keep com- 
muters attuned to university life. A 
continuing concern for Jacoby is 
making colleagues, everyone from 
faculty members to coordinators of 

services, aware of scheduling con- 
siderations that affect commuters. 
Among the Office of Commuter 
Affairs' important innovations in 
recent years was the creation in 
spring 1989 of the "Commuter Con- 
nection," a newsletter that is sent 
to all commuters. 

This fall, Jacoby is working on a 
campaign to get more commuter 
students working on campus. Of 
commuter students who work, 93 
percent work off campus as 
opposed to 60 percent of resident 
students who work. 

"Employment certainly is a way 
of bringing commuters to campus 
more often," she says. 

Brian Busek 



19 9 

Solar Car Video Documentary Wins Top Award 

Leanne Norton, a graduate student in the Department of 
Radio, Television and Film, has won first place in a solar car 
student video competition. The award, which carries a $1,000 check 
from the U.S. Department of Energy, was made for a student-pro- 
duced video that best captured the development, testing and 
operation of solar vehicles competing in the GM Sunrayce USA. 
The Maryland car took third place in the U.S. race and will com- 
pete in the World Solar Challenge in Australia next month. 
Norton's video will be broadcast by Australia's Territorial Tele- 
vision Nov. 10, the day before the Solar Challenge race gets under- 

At Age 10, the Maryland Handel Festival is 
"Half-Way There" 

From Oct. 31 to Nov. 4, the 
Maryland Handel Festival will cele- 
brate its tenth anniversary with the 
distinguished mix of performance 
and scholarship that has been its 
hallmark from the beginning. 

And, according to music profes- 
sor Paul Traver, founder and artis- 
tic director, the festival is right on 
target with the goal, stated at its 
inception, of performing all of 
Handel's English oratorios in the 
order in which he wrote them. 
There are 18 or 19 of them, de- 
pending on how they are categor- 
ized, and says Traver, "We are now 
half-way there in these performan- 
ces, with this year's presentation of 
Joseph, the ninth of the oratorios." 

There have been some interrup- 
tions in the orderly sequence of 
performances, for the most part 
caused by presentations of Messiah 
in 1980 and 1984. Messiah will 
again be sung in this year's festival, 
in a special gala performance con- 
ducted by Traver at Baltimore's 
Joseph Meyerhoff Symphony Hall 
at 8 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 31. 

But in addition to the well-loved 
and familiar, Traver also continues 
to present little- known treasures, 
such as this year's Joseph and His 
Brethren, According to Traver, all 
the scholarship available points to 
the festival's production as being 
Ihe first U.S. performance ever. 
Traver encourages everyone to 
"come and hear what Handel did 
with the 'technicolor dreamcoat' 
story." The concert will be on Sun- 

day, Nov. 4 at 3 p.m. in Memorial 

Another little-known delight, 
Handel's opera Agrippina, will re- 
ceive a full-scale production in the 
1990 festival. With an all-student 
cast, the opera will be directed by 
music department acting chair, 
Leon Major, and conducted by 
Baroque specialist, Nicholas 

Major is pleased with the link- 
ing of educational programs 
between the Handel Festival and 
Maryland's Opera Studio. "As part 
of the studio's training program, 
Agrippina represents a wonderful 
experience for our students— and 
we are finding that doing a 
comedv of intrigue is great fun," he 

The opera will be sung in 
English, so that the audience can 
share in the humor, in performan- 
ces on Oct. 30, Nov. 1, and Nov. 3 
in Tawes Recital Hall. 

Scholarship has always been an 
important part of the Handel Fest- 
ival, and this year the tradition 
continues with a lecture, conference 
sessions, and a pre-concert panel, 
all with no admission charge. There 
are, in addition, two other concerts, 
one of chamber music on Nov. I, 
the other a voung artist recital on 
Nov. 2. 

Concerning the Handel Festi- 
val's tenth anniversary, Traver 
declares himself "thrilled and 
shocked that we have made it this 
far and that the world has seen fit 

to support what we do." 

Noting that there has been a 
world-wide increase in the number 
of performances of an enlarged 
Handel repertory, Traver feels the 
festival has played a significant 
role in this development, and 
invites members of the university 
community to "come help us cele- 
brate what is, after all, a really nice 
success story." 

For information about tickets 
and events in the 1990 Maryland 
Handel Festival, call 405-5568. 

Linda Freeman 

Computer Expertise of Housing and Design Faculty Leads to 

Partnership With Smithsonian 

When Alex Chen and Wendy 
Jacobs teach exhibit designers at 
the Smithsonian Institution's 
Museum of American History new 
and better ways of doing their jobs, 
the pay-off goes to College Park 
housing and design students. 

Under an agreement signed last 
spring between the university and 
the museum, faculty members from 
the Department of Housing and 
Design are teaching museum de- 
signers how to use computers in 
mapping out exhibits. In exchange, 
the museum will provide two paid 
internships to university housing 
and design students. 

For museum designers, the com- 
puter is a tool that can help them 
do their work more quickly and 
cheaply, savs Chen, acting chair of 
housing and design. The students 
receive the opportunity to work for 
a semester with professional de- 
signers, he says. 

Interestingly, the two faculty 
members most active in the proj- 
ect — Chen and Jacobs, a depart- 
ment lecturer and assistant to the 
chair — do not have backgrounds in 
museum exhibit design. Rather, it 
is their adeptness in creating com- 
puter images that attracted Smith- 
sonian designers to the program. 

Chen and Jacobs are teaching 
the designers how to create com- 
puter images of the spaces in 
which an exhibit will be shown. 
After the computer model of the 
space is made, scale images of the 
contents of an exhibit can be placed 
in the model. Once mastered, com- 
puter design proves quicker and 
less expensive than the traditional 
method of building a scale model 
for an exhibit. 

Working on a compu ter also 
affords more flexibility, Chen says. 
The viewing perspective of the 
computer model can be tailored to 
the wishes of the designer. For in- 
stance, the computer model can be 
manipulated in such way that the 
designer can observe how an 
exhibit would look to people of dif- 
ferent heights. 

In addition, video images and 
written captions can be super- 
imposed onto the screen, A com- 
plete video presentation, featuring 
text and pictures as well as the 
model, can be created for an 

Finally, there is no great start-up 
cost in shifting to computer-aided 
design, according to Chen, 

"We do all this work in our 
open lab," he says. "You don't need 

a million dollar machine to do 
computer-aided design." 

An example is a project Chen 
and Jacobs worked on last spring 
with Michael Carrigan, the 
museum's assistant director of ex- 
hibitions, involving the historic 
Hart House. The house, built in 
Ipswich, Mass. in the late 1600s, 
will be reconstructed in the 
museum for a standing exhibit on 
the American family scheduled to 
open in 1992. 

Within the house, artifacts will 
portray changes in the American 
family during lives of the 1 1 gener- 
ations of Harts who occupied in 
the house. 

During a six-week period last 
spring, Jacobs, Chen, and Carrigan 
created a computer model of the 
house and incorporated key ele- 
ments planned for the exhibit into 
the model. In addition, they super- 
imposed images of the actual house 
into the piece, along with a written, 
narrative about the project. The 
model is now being shown to a 
variety of audiences, including pos- 
sible corporate sponsors of the Hart 
House exhibit. 

Brian Busek 

John Aler, tenor, and 
Phyllis Bryn-Julson, 
soprano and former 
music faculty 
member, will be 
among the soloists 
for the gala tenth an- 
niversary perfor- 
mance of Messiah on 
0ct,31 In Baltimore's 
Joseph Meyerhoff 
Symphony Hall. 


19 9 



NSF Grant to Support SAY Project 

Associate engineering dean Marilyn Berman has received a 
$100,000 grant from the National Science Foundation to support 
Project SAY — Science and You — a new, two-year program designed 
to identify and, through mentoring, academic enrichment, and 
other support activities both in the classroom and at home, en- 
courage some 30 area young women consider studying science and 
engineering. SAY is being run in cooperation with Prince George's 
Community College, and PGCC's Science Resource Center director 
and chemistry professor Vera Zdravkovich will work with Berman. 
SAY participants will be encouraged to enter the two year pre- 
engineering program at PGCC and then transfer to College Park. 

Sims Serves on National Nutrition 
Labeling Committee 











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tfdlt and pr<e pan} ■Sent) la N*Uixj ; 1 Ce* 
■SLinv*f «ilf|.H 0*p-»i crrn-(*l P ^ ■ 
Saim? &#■* VI *9tJ'6iM6 

If, in the not-too-distant future, 
you know exactly how much satur- 
ated fat is in your can of soup and 
can find out the nutritional content 
of a Wendy's Classic Double burg- 
er before you take a bite, you mav 
have Laura 5. Sims to thank. 

Sims, dean of the College of 
Human Ecology, was one of 14 nu- 
trition and law experts who served 
on a committee appointed by the 
federal government to recommend 
changes in the wav foods are 
labeled in this country. 

On September 26, the committee 
presented its final recommenda- 
tions, which included better disclo- 
sure of fat, cholesterol, sodium and 
fiber content, and the labeling of 
fresh produce, meats, and restau- 
rant food. The group also recom- 
mended mandatory food labeling 
and legislation giving federal agen- 
cies greater authority to require 
labeling changes. 

In looking at the final report, 
says Sims, "1 am pleased that our 
recommendations will make it 
easier for consumers to get reliable 
nutrition information." 

Only about 50 percent of pack- 
aged foods in the U.S. now carry 
nutrition information. But in the 
past decade or so, a flood of scien- 
tific evidence has linked diet with 
chronic diseases such as heart dis- 
ease, cancer and diabetes. In the 
wake of this evidence, health 
experts and consumer groups have 
put increasing pressure on the 
Food and Drug Administration and 
the Department of Agriculture, the 
federal agencies that regulate food 
labeling, to revise outdated regula- 

So the two agencies asked the Na- 
tional Academy of Sciences' Insti- 
tute of Medicine to assemble a 
committee of experts in food 
science, nutrition, marketing, nutri- 
tion education and regulatory law 
last year. 

Sims had an ideal resume for 
the job: she has a doctorate in nu- 
trition from Michigan State and a 
master's degree in public health 
from the University of Michigan. 
Her specialties are consumer beha- 
vior and nutrition education. 

Before coming to College Park 
in 1988, Sims worked at the USDA 
as the administrator of the Human 
Nutrition Information Service. She 
says that experience gave her a 
"double perspective" that was use- 
ful as the committee made modifi- 
cations to almost every feature of 
the food label. 

For instance, says Sims, 
proposed labels will be more help- 
ful to health-conscious consumers. 
Recent medical research focuses on 
the role of the so-called "macro- 
nutrients'— fats, cholesterol, carbo- 
hydrates, sodium and fiber — in the 
diet. But existing labels highlight 
the "micronutrients" — vitamins and 
minerals — even though most 
Americans get enough of these in 
their normal diet. 

So, she says, "the committee 
downplayed the emphasis on vita- 
mins and minerals and put more 
emphasis on the macronutrients." 
Proposed labels would list percent 
of calories from total fat, saturated 
fat and unsaturated fat, and 
provide dietary fiber content in 
grams per serving. 

And instead of listing the per- 
centage of the recommended daily 
allowance (USRDA) of micronu- 
trients on each package, says Sims, 
the committee recommended des- 
criptors such as "very good source 
of," "good source of," and "con- 
tains," each of which would have a 
uniform definition established by 
the regulatory agencies. 

"The emphasis is on variety and 
balance in the diet, instead of a 
search for super- fortified foods," 
she says. 

The committee took a major step 
by suggesting labeling regulations 
for restaurant food, fresh produce, 
meat, seafood and poultry — items 
that have fallen through the cracks 
of current FDA and USDA regula- 

"I think this coverage issue is 
one of the most significant things 
in our report," says Sims. "We 
know people are eating out more, 
and right now fresh foods don't 
have any nutrition labels; so this 
recommendation represents addi- 
tional information so consumers 

New Program Will Link UMS Libraries 

The Maryland Board of Public 
Works has approved a $7.6 million 
contract for a library information 
management system to link the 
libraries of the University of Mary- 
land System (UMS). 

The information management 
system, to be designed and imple- 
mented by CARL Systems of Den- 
ver, will link the 13 UMS library 
administrative units by a computer 
network. Staffs and patrons of the 
libraries will have ready access to 
the combined resources, and any 

person in the state with a personal 
computer linkup to the library net- 
work will have full access to the 
library catalogs and a variety of 
other information sources. The total 
number of volumes in the Univer- 
sity System libraries is about seven 

The full operation of the library 
information management system wil 
be phased in over five years. Its 
central processing units will be at 
College Park and at UMAB. 

Laura S. Sims 

can make more intelligent choices." 

The "serving size," a unit of 
measurement that is now arbitrari- 
ly determined by food manufactur- 
ers, has often been a target of criti- 
cism. The FDA, in preliminary revi- 
sions it developed, proposed 
changing serving sizes to metric 

"But research shows that con- 
sumers don't understand metric," 
says Sims. "So we proposed that 
serving sizes be given in standard 
household measures, such as table- 
spoons and cups, with the metric 
weight given in parentheses. This 
way people can learn both." 

Sims says her own research has 
looked at "how consumers process 
information, and how that informa- 
tion determines behavior." Those 
concerns surfaced in the form of 
committee suggestions for making 
labels easier to understand, and a 
recommendation for a public edu- 
cation campaign to accompany the 
label changes. 

Officials at the FDA and USDA 
have said they will consider the 
commitee's recommendations as 
they revise federal labeling regula- 
tions over the next 6 to 12 months. 

Lisa M. O'Rourke 

FMCD's Randolph 
Receives $95,000 Grant 

Suzanne Randolph, assistant 
professor in the Department of 
Family and Community Develop- 
ment, has received a $95,000 grant 
from the American National Red 
Cross to evaluate 13 Red Cross pro- 
grams related to HIV- A IDS. These 
programs, which are both educa- 
tional and technical, operate across 
the United States and are part of a 
three-year collaboration between 
the Red Cross and the National 
Centers for Disease Control. The 
project, which begins this month, 
extends through June, 1991. 

Randolph will be working 
directly with the Red Cross staff to 
test the effectiveness of AIDS-edu- 
cation projects aimed at specific 
populations, including youth, Afri- 
can-American families, Hispanic 
families, and people in the work- 




19 9 

McCormick & Co. Makes Major Contribution 
to Business School 

McCormick & Co., one of the nation's leading producers of 
spices and other seasonings, recently contributed $250,000 to the 
College of Business and Management's capital campaign. A class- 
room in the business school's new facility will be named for the 
firm. McCormick's gift is the sixth major contribution received by 
the school since it launched its capital campaign last March. Other 
donors are: the Artery Corporation, Ernst & Young, Safeway 
Stores, Rouse Corporation, and Wheat First Securities. 

New Appointments and Promotions for 1990 

The following is a list of 1990 pro- 
motion and tenure actions and new 


Professor: William J. Kenworthy 
(AGRO); Ramon E. Lopez (AREC); 
Timothy J. Ng (HORT); David ). 
Sammons (AGRO); Charles J. 
Wabeck (POUL); Richard A. 
Weismiller (AGRO). 
Associate Professor: Brenda 
Alston-Mills (ANSO; Robert L. Hill 
(AGRO); William L. Magette 

Professor: Vincent Caretta 
(ENGL); John L. Caughey (AMST); 
Hasia R. Diner (AMST); John M. 
Duffy <CLAS); Vicki S. Freimuth 
(SPCH); Gladys-Marie Fry (ENGL); 
Norbert R. Hornstein (LING). 
Associate Professor: Jonathan D. 
Auerbach (ENGL); Brigitte M. 
Bedos-Rezak, tenure (HIST); Joseph 
Bra mi (FRIT); Kent Cartwright 
(ENGL); Michael R. Collier 
(ENGL); Harry ]. Elam, Jr. (THET); 
C.L. Terry Gips (HSAD); Hugh 
Ming Lee (CLAS); Susan J. 
Leonardi (ENGL); Lowell R. Sparks 


Professor: Howell S. Baum 
(URBS); John C. Haltiwanger 
(ECON); Mark P. Leone <ANTH). 
Associate Professor: Bartlomiej K. 
Kaminski (GVPT); Dana J. Plude 

Professor: Thomas M. Corsi 

Professor: James F. Drake, Jr. 
(PHYS/1PST); Robert G. EUingson 
(METO); William M. Goldman 
(MATH); Jordan A. Goodman 
(PHYS); Paul S. Green (MATH); 
David H. Hamilton (MATH); 
Christopher K.R.T. Jones (MATH); 
Benjamin Kedem (MATH); Glenn 
M. Mason (PHYS/IPST); Marvin V. 
Zelkowitz (CMSC). 
Associate Professor: Jeffrey D. 
Adams (MATH); James A. Carton 
(METO); Howard Elman (CMSC); 
Wendell T. Hill, III (IPST); Eileen L. 
McLellan (GEOL); David M. Mount 
(CMSC); Ricardo H. Nochetto 


Professor: H. Beth Davey (EDCI); 

Olivia N. Saracho (EDCI); William 

E. Sedlacek (EDCP). 

Associate Professor: David H. 

Cooper (EDSP); Deborah L. Speece 


Professor: Kazys K. Almenas 
<ENCH); Andre L. Tits (ENEE); 
Lung-Wan Tsai (ENME); Donald W. 
Vannov (ENCE). 

Associate Professor: Shapour Azarm 



Professor: Robert H.L. Feldman 


Associate Professor Richard 
Ettenson (TXCE). 

Professor: Richard N. Armstrong 
(CHEM); Philip R. DeShong 
(CHEM); Michael J. Raupp <ENTO); 
Paul W. Steiner (BOTN). 
Associate Professor: Steven W. 
Hutcheson (BOTN). 



Christopher A. Herin (HIST); 
George O. Kent (HIST); Elbert B. 
Smith (HIST). 


John H. Cumberland (ECON); 
Theodore McNeily (GVPT). 


Yaohan Chu (CMSC); William F. 
Homyak (PHYS); Robert Zwanzig 


Hung C. Lin (ENEE). 


Kenneth R. Henery-Logan (CHEM); 
Chester E. Holmlund (CHEM); 
Robert E. Menzer (ENTO); Donald 
H. Messersmith (ENTO); Hugh D. 
Sisler (BOTN); Francis E. Wood 



Associate Professor. Madis Pihlak 


Dean/Professon Steven Hurtt. 


Professor/Chair: Keith Campbell . 


Professor: Marcia Herndon 

(MUSC); Mary Helen Washington 


Associate Professor Judith 

Lichtenberg, (PH1L/CPPP); Terry 

M. Parssinen, (HIST); Ineke Phaf, 

(SPAN); Mark Turner, (ENGL). 


Distinguished Professor: Thomas 
C. Schelling (ECON/PUAF). 
Professor: Allen Drazen (ECON); 
James R. Markusen (ECON); James 
L. Smith (ECON), effective 1/91, 
Associate Professor: Joseph E. 
Harrington, Jr. (ECON); David 
McDowall (CRIM); Edward B. 
Montgomery (ECON). 

Professor: Lemma W. Senbet 



Professor and Chancellor: Donald 

N. Langenberg. (PHYS/ENEE). 

Professor/Dean: Richard H. 

Herman (MATH). 

Professor/Chair: Michael Brown 

(GEOL); Robert D. Hudson 


Professor: Roald Z. Sagdeev 


Associate Professor: Celso Grebogi 

(MATH /LPR/ IPST); Christopher J. 

Lobb (PHYS); Robert L. Pego 



Professor/Chair: Sylvia Rosenfield 


Associate Professor: Peter P. 

Afflerbach (EDCI). 


Professor/Chain Brian Hunt 


Professor: James G. Quintiere 

(FIREP); Alexander Roitburd 


Associate Professor: David L. Akin 


Associate Professor: Mark R. 
Meiners (HLTH). 

Associate Professor: David C. 
Staplecon (TXCE); Jacqueline 
Wallen (FMCD). 


Professor: Eugene L. Roberts, Jr., 

effective 8/91, 


Professor: John D. Weeks 


Associate Professor Avis H. 

Cohen (ZOOL). 

Outlook makes every at- 
tempt to include official 
up-to-date information in 
this section. !t apologizes 
for any omissions or errors. 
The editor 


19 9 


Campus Kitchen Offers New Classes 

The Campus Kitchen program offers free special interest 
classes presented by Dining Services staff members. Each class is 
approximately an hour long and is presented to campus groups at 
no charge. New classes include Training for Intervention 
Procedures by Servers of Alcohol, Non-Alcoholic Bartending (The 
Classic Drinks Without the Spirits), Italian Cuisine, Chesapeake 
Dining, Afro-American Cooking, Nutrition for Weight Loss, Cake 
Decorating, and Substance Abuse — An Insider's View. For more 
information call 314-8056, 

OCTOBER 22-31 

Women's Studies Lecture: "The 

Women's Health Movement in 
the United States: Past. Present. 
and Future," Judy Norsigian. 
Boston Women's Health Book 
Collective, 8 p.m., 2203 Art'Soc. 
Call 5-6877 for info. 

Art Gallery Exhibition: Trouble 

in Paradise," today-Oct. 26, The 
Art Gallery, Art'Soc. Call 5-2763 
for info 

Employee Development Semi- 
nar: "Speaking Confidently," to- 
day, Sep. 24 & 26, 9 a.m -noon, 
0306 Benjamin, Call 5-5651 for 

Center for International Exten- 
sion Development Colloquium: 
"Institutional Development in Agri- 
culture Development: Focus on 
Research and Extension." Alain 
Tobelem, International Develop- 
ment Specialist, noon (bring 
brown D3Q lunch) 5115 Symons 
Call 5-1253 for info. 

Women's Commission Meeting, 
noon-1:30 p.m., 2105 Main Ad- 
ministration. Call 5-5806 tor into. 

Computer Science Colloquium: 

"Improving Software Productivity," 
8arry Boehm. DARPA-ISTO. 
UCLA, reception. 3:30 p.m., 1152 
A.V. Williams Bldg.. lecture, 4 
p.m.. 011 1 Classroom Bldg. Call 
5-2661 for info. 

Campus Senate Meeting, 3:30- 
6:30 p.m.. 1026 Reckord Armory 
Call 5-5805 for info. 

Guameri String Quartet Open 
Rehearsal, 7 p.m.. Tawes, Call 
5-5548 for info. 


Sexual Harassment Education 
Workshop, for vice presidents, 
deans, directors. & department 
chairs, today & Thurs.. Sept. 25, 
9:30-11:30 a.m. 2118 Lee Call 
5-2837 for info. 

History Department "Lunch 
Bag Talk": "The Resources of 
the Institute." Marcel Van der Lin- 
din. International Institute of So- 
cial History. Amsterdam, noon. 
2H9 Francis Scott Key Call 5- 
4265 for into. 

Zoology Seminar; "The Limits to 
Population Viability." Mark L. 
Shaffer, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Ser- 
vice, Washington D.C, noon, 
1208 Zoo/Psych. Call 5-6949 for 

History Lecture: "Dutch Migra- 
tion History," Jan Lucassen, In- 
ternational Institute of Social His- 
tory 8 Free U. of Amsterdam, 
3:15 p.m., 1117 Francis Scott 
Key. Call 5-4265 for info. 

Writers Here & Now Reading, 

Linda Hogan, poet. 3:30 p.m., 
3101 McKeldin Library (Katherine 
Anne Porter Room) Call 5-3819 
for info. 

Physics Colloquium: The Zero 
Experiment: Microgravity Critical 
Fluid Light Scattering in Earth 
Orbit," Robert Gammon. Institute 
for Physical Science & Technol- 
ogy, 4 p.m., 1410 Physics., re- 
ception, 3:25 p.m. Call 5-5980 for 

University Theatre: The Rimers 
of Eldntch. today-Oct. 28. 8 p.m., 
Sunday matinee, 2 p.m,. Pugliese 
Theatre. Call 5-2201 for info: 


Counseling Center Research & 
Developmenl Meeting: "Center 
for the Prevention and Control of 
Substance Abuse: A New UMCP 
Resource," Raymond Lonon, 
Psychology, noon-1 p.m.. 0106- 
0114 Shoemaker. Call 4-7691 for 

Astronomy Colloquium: "Self 
Consistent Models ol Spiral Gal- 
axies," George Contopoulus. 
Florida State U. 4 p.m., 1113 
Computer & Space Sciences., 
reception, 3:30 p.m. Call 5-1524 
for info. 

University Theatre: The Rimers 
of Eldritch, 8 p.m., Pugliese 
Theatre. See Oct. 23 for details.' 


Noontime Seminar on Comput- 
ers in the Art & Humanities: 

"The Learner-Centered Dream 
Machine." Kathy James, Lan- 
guage House, noon-1 :30 p.m., 
St. Marys Hall. Call 5-4337 for 

Art Department Minorities & 
Women Lecture, Cam i He Billops, 
Artist, Co-director, Hatch -Billops 
Archives of Black American Cul- 
ture. 3 p.m., 1309 Art/Sac. Call 
5-1442 for info. 

OMSE "Celebration of Hispanic 
Student Excellence," cultural 
acts, dances S music, 3-5 p.m.. 
1101 Horn bake Library. Call 5- 
5616 for info. 

Outstanding Hispanic Scholar 
Seminar: "Endocrine Function of 
the Placenta: Polypeptide Hor- 
mones." Frank Talamantes. U. of 
California at Santa Cruz, 3 p.m., 
Maryland Room. Marie Mount 
Call 5-3912 for info 

Meteorology Seminar: "Review 
of ENSO Theory." Max Suarez. 
NASA'Goddard. 3:30 p.m., 2114 
Computer & Space Sciences., 
refreshments at 3 p.m. Call 
5-5392 for info. 

Center on Population, Gender, 
& Social Inequality Seminar: 

"Like Daughler, Like Mother: 
Young Women's Lives and Social 
Change in Sri Lanka," Anju 
Malhotra, U. of North Carolina at 
Chapel Hill. 3:30 p.m.. 21 15 Art/ 
Soc, Call 5-6422 for info. 

Intramural Basketball Registra- 
tion, join or create a team. 4 
p.m., 0117 Reckord Armory Call 
4-721 6 for into. 

Campus Recreation "World's 
Largest Aerobics Class," 5-6 
p.m,. Reckord Armory. Call 4- 
7218 for info." 

Early American History Semi- 
nar: "Music and Ihe Scottish In- 
fluence in Colonial Annapolis," 
David Hildebrand. 8 p.m., 1109 
Center of Adult Education. Call 
5-4265 for info. 

Movies: Total Recall, loday-Oct. 
28, Hoff Theatre. Call 4-HOFF 
tor info.' 

University Theatre: The Rimers 
of Eldritch, 8 p.m., Pugliese 
Theatre. See Oct. 23 tor details." 


Geology Seminar: "Early Pro- 
terozoic Continental Tectonics of 
West Greenland and Baffin 
Island," John Grocotl. Kingston 
Polytechnic, 11 a.m.. 0105 Horn- 
bake Library, Call 5-2783 for info. 

Zoology Seminar: "Black 
Pineleat Scale Insects on Pon- 
derosa Pine: The Case tor Local 
Adaptation by a Parasitic Herbi- 
vore." Donald N. Alstad. Ecology, 
U, of Minnesota, noon. 2242 Pat- 
terson. Call 5-6887 for info. 

Speech Communication Collo- 
quium: "Language and Politics." 
Michael Agar, Anthropology, 
noon, 01 38 Tawes. Call 5-6524 

for into. 

University Theatre: The Rimers 
of Eldritch, 8 p.m., Pugliese 
Theatre. See Oct. 23 for details." 


University Theatre: The Rimers 
of Eldritch, 2 p.m.. Pugliese 
Theatre. See Oct. 23 for details." 


French & Italian Lecture: 

"Nobility and Literature: Ques- 
tions on Tomasi di Lampedusas 
The Leopard. Eduardo Saccone, 
Johns Hopkins U„ 3 p.m., Lan- 
guage House Reception Hall, re- 
ception to follow Call 5-4024 for 

Computer Science Colloquium: 
"Design Notes on Some Virtual 
Machines," David Gelernter, Vale 
U., reception. 3:30 p.m., 1152 
A.V. Williams Bldg.. lecture, 4 
p.m., 0111 Classroom Bldg. Call 
5-2661 for info. 

"Lunch n* Learn" Mental Health 
Lecture: "The Battered Spouse: 
A Civil War Case History," 

Virginia Beauchamp, English, 1-2 
p.m., 3100E Student Health Cen- 
ter. Call 80-8106 tor info. 

Music lecture: "The Musical Ico- 
nography of the Com media 
delarte: An Inquiry." Thomas F. 
Heck. 3 p.m.. 2102 Tawes. Call 
5-5548 for into. 

University Theatre: The Rimers 
of Eldritch, 8 p.m., Pugliese 
Theatre. See Oct. 23 tor details.' 

Midnight Movie: Frankenhooker, 
today & tomorrow. Hoff Theatre 
Call 4-HOFF tor info.* 

Psychology Colloquium: David 
McClellan, 4 p.m.. 1250 
Zoo/Psych., reception to to I low. 
Call 5-5929 for into. 

Space Science Seminar: "HF 
Coherent- Scatter Radar Observa- 
tions ol Electrodynamics at High 
Geomagnetic Latitude." J. M. 
Ruohoniemi, Applied Physics 
Laboratory, 4:30 p.m.. 1113 
Computer & Space Sciences 
Call 5-4829 for into. 



Maryland Gospel Choir Con- 
cert, 4 p.m., Center of Adull 
Education $6,00 standard admis- 
sion: $4.00 students & seniors. 
Call 4-7758 tor info.* 

Zoology Seminar: "Food 
Storage Strategies tor a Prudent 
Cacher: Analytical Models and 
Empirical Tests." Jim Richman. 
Ecology Program, NSF. 1208 
Zoo/Psych. Call 5-6887 for info. 

Writers Here and Now Reading, 

Tony Eprile. author of Temporary 
Sojourner, 3:30 p.m., 3101 Mc- 
Keldin Library (Katherine Anne 

Porter Room). Call 5-3809 for 

Physics Colloquium: "Two-pho- 
ton Polarization as a Test of 
Quantum Mechanics," Eugen 
Merzbacher, U. of North Caro- 
lina, 4 p.m., 1410 Physics, recep- 
tion, 3:25 p.m. Call 5-5980 for 

Women's Field Hockey vs. 
Pennsylvania, 7 p.m., Astroturt 

Field. Call 4-7064 for info. 

Movies: The Handmaid's Tale. 
today 5 tomorrow, Hoff Theatre, 
Call 4-HOFF for info.* 

Public Affairs Lecture: "Compe- 
tition with our Friends: Trade," I 
M. Desller, Public Affairs, 7:30 
p.m.. Center for Advanced Re- 
search in Biotechnology Auditor- 
ium, Shady Grove. Call 5-6330 
for info. 

Maryland Opera Studio Perfor- 
mance: Agrippina. Leon Major, 

direclor: Nicholas McGegan. con- 
ductor, 7:30 p.m., Tawes Recital 
Half Call 5-5546 for info.* 

Dance Performance, featuring 
new work by Stephanie Skura, 
Improvisations Unlimited, today- 

Nov. 3. sign-interpreted Nov. 2, 8 
p.m., EE Studio/Theater. Call 
5-3190 for into." 


Employee Developmenl Semi- 
nar: "Overview of Environmental 
Safety." 9 a.m. -noon, Maryland 
Room, Marie Mount. Call 5-5651 
for info. 

Counseling Center Research & 
Development Meeting: "Reflec- 
lions from the New Chair d( 
CAPS," Sylvia Rosenfield. Coun- 
seling and Personnel Services, 
noon-1 p.m.. 0106-0114 Shoe- 
maker. Call 4-7691 for info. 

Astronomy Lecture: "Microwave 
Imaging ol Saturn's Deep Atmo- 
sphere and Rings," Arie 
Grossman. 4 p.m. 1113 Comput- 
er & Space Sciences, reception, 
3:30 p.m.. 0254 CSS. Call 5- 
1524 for info. 

American Hande) Society Lec- 
lure: "Words and Ihe Word: 
Sounding the text of Handel's 
Messiah," Don E. Saliers, 4 p.m., 
Tawes Recital Hall. Call 5-5568 
for info. 

Halloween Movie Special: The 
Exorcist 9:45 p.m.. Hoff Theatre. 
Call 4-HOFF for info.' 

Architecture Lecture, Charles 
Gwathmey, Gwathmey/Siegel 
Arch., New York, 7:30 p.m., Ar- 
chitecture Auditorium. Call 5-6284 

for info. 

Handel Festival Gala Tenth An- 
niversary Concert: Messiah, 
Paul Traver, conductor, 8 p.m. 
Meyerhoff Symphony Hall, Balti- 
more. Call 5-5568 for info.' 

* Admission charge tor this 
event. All others are free. 




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