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OCTOBER 29, 1990 

The New Realities: Dorfman Pledges 
to Maintain High Standards 

Stone Wins Political 
Science Book Awards 

Studies look at pluralism 

and city politics 


Listening to Complaints 
of Unfairness 

Compliance Officer Powell deals A 
with disputes T! 

Conference on 
Renaissance Women 
Nov. 8-10 

Uncovering the history 

of ordinary women 


Geologist Looks at 
Land Use in Antarctica 

Resource use vs. environmental 
damage control 

In his second annual address as 
to the Campus Senate on Oct. 22, 
Provost J. Robert Dorfman listed 
some of the past year's enduring 
academic accomplishments and 
urged careful planning and self -as- 
sessment to preserve the univer- 
sity's gains in a period of diminish- 
ing resources. 

Noting that over the past three 
fiscal years the university had 
received greater increases than 
many other state agencies, 
Dorfman toid his attentive audi- 
ence, "We have done a lot with 
those monies, but one of the most 
precious commodities we have pur- 
chased i s— m o m en t u m . ' ' 

"The University of Maryland at 
College Park cannot, and will not, 
Stop moving forward now," he pro- 
mised. "The cuts have not brought 
an end to life as we know it. I want 
to emphasize that." 

In redirecting academic resour- 
ces, "We will be guided by the par- 
amount need to maintain the integ- 
rity of our undergraduate and 
graduate instructional programs; to 
continue to foster research; and to 

fulfill and exceed our commitments 
of service to the larger community 
and the state," Dorfman said. 

Dorfman listed his priorities for 
making budget selections, which 
include, at some level: the mainten- 
ance and support of the Francis 
Scott Key and Benjamin Banneker 
Scholarship program; the promo- 
tion of cultural diversity at the uni- 
versity; the recruitment and reten- 
tion of quality and diverse faculty; 
the support of the graduate fellow- 
ship program; the assistance of pro- 
grams that are poised to attain na- 
tional first-rank quality; the main- 
tenance of the university's academ- 
ic core; and the use of the Enhance- 
ment Plan as a continuing guide 
for program development. 

He also outlined how the new 
budget planning process in Aca- 
demic Affairs will work: "Follow- 
ing consultation with faculty and 
department chairs, the deans will 
submit plans to the provost's office, 
which will seek the advice and 
consultation of the Senate Execu- 

amliniivd mi jxiffe J 

University Establishes Center for the 
Study of Post-Communist Societies 

As a result of the recent political 
and economical changes in Eastern 
Europe, the university has estab- 
lished the Center for the Study of 
Post-Communist Societies (CSPCS). 

The purpose of the center, says 
Bartlomiej Kaminski, the center's 
director and an associate professor 
in the Department of Government 
and Politics, is to serve as a focal 
point for collaborative research, 
business and public policy activi- 
ties, linking American and Central 
European educational and research 
programs for studying the complex 
political and economic problems of 
former societies in their transition 
to democracy and a market 

"The university is in a unique 
position to establish such a center 
because of its location, unparalleled 
blend of active research interest in 
Eastern Europe, international secur- 
ity and political economy and the 
diversity of backgrounds of faculty 
members," says Kaminski, a native 
of Poland. 

Currently, the center is a joint 
program between the university 
and the University of Warsaw, but 
will eventually be expanded to in- 
clude other major educational in- 
stitutions in post-communist societ- 
ies of Eastern and Central Europe. 

"Because the disintegration of 
communism can be seen in its most 
advanced stage in Poland, the 

country constitutes the best labora- 
tory for studying the transition to 
democracy and a market economy," 
says Kaminski. 

Major activities planned for the 
center's first year include the estab- 
lishment of a data base to docu- 
ment the process of transition in 
Poland, launching a series of joint 
research projects on the politics and 
economics of transition, organizing 
regular seminars, preparing a series 
of workshops and symposia jointly 
with the Warsaw center, assisting 
faculty in designing new curricula 
in social sciences and organizing a 
program of modern political econ- 
omy for graduate students and fac- 
ulty at the University of Warsaw. 

Two major conferences are also 
Ian nod for 1991, including the first 
on "Institutional Reform in Poland" 
to commemorate the 200th anniver- 
sary of the Polish Constitution on 
May 3 which will be held in War- 
saw in June, and a national three- 
day conference in October on 
"Comparing the Transition in 
Poland, Hungary and Czechoslo- 
vakia," which will be held on the 
College Park campus. 

Faculty members from the De- 
partment of Government and Poli- 
tics, the Department of Economics, 
and the Department of Sociology 
are involved in the center. 

Li so Gregory 

Bartlomiej Kaminksl, 
director, Center for the 
Study of Post- 
Communist Societies 


O F 


A T 



Guest Lecturer to Speak 
on Amazon Deforestation 

Antonio Nobre, an Earth scientist studying biogeochemical 
cycles at the University of New Hampshire, will speak Nov. 5 on 
the causes and effects of deforestation in the Amazon. The lecture 
aims to shed light on myths created by the popular media and to 
give factual background on the particular nature of the tropical 
forests. The lecture will be held at 3 p.m. in Room 1400 of Marie 
Mount Hall, with a reception to follow. Call 301-405-5393. 

Human Ecology Creates 
Mentoring Program 

Mathew Goldberg, junior 
food service 
administration major, 
talks with his mentor 
Jerrisa D. Perkins, 
assistant manager at a 
Bob's Big Boy 
restaurant. Perkins is a 
1983 institution 
administration graduate. 

The College of Human Ecology 
kicked off a new mentoring pro- 
gram for its students during a re- 
ception that brought 50 students 
and their mentors together for the 
first time on October 9. The men- 
tors are Human Ecology alumni 
who have been working in their 
professions for several 1 years and 
will brin£ insight about their career 
fields to students who will soon 
enter these professions. 

"We've had a great response 
from our alums," says Sallie 
Holder, chair of the Mentor Project 
and member of the Human Ecol- 
ogy Alumni Board. "Thev are eager 
to work with students and to 
strengthen their own ties with the 
college. Thev feel this is a great 
way to give something back to the 

According to Jan George, coor- 
dinator for the program, students 
and mentors will arrange to meet 
and communicate frequently dur- 
ing the vear. Mentors may give stu- 
dents tours of job sites, introduce 
students to professional colleagues, 
assist with resumes, discuss their 
careers over lunch or dinner, even 
allow students to sit in on business 
meetings or conferences. "In short, 
mentors mav take whatever ap- 
proaches seem appropriate to assist 
students in preparing for their car- 
eers," George says. 

Most of the mentors live within 
a reasonable distance of College 
Park, but some, particularly appar- 
el designers, live as far awav as 
New York City. 

"We have been able to match 

people with great expertise to our 
students," says [(older. "This ex- 
perience should be invaluable to 
these students who will now get a 
first-hand look at the professions 
they plan to enter." 

Though the response to the pro- 
gram has been excellent from both 
students and mentors, the alumni 
board is still attempting to find 
mentors in the area of consumer 
advocacy for students who are in- 
terested in that area. 

According to George, a survey 
of recent graduates from the col- 
lege showed that, while thev felt 
the College of Human Ecology had 
trained them well for their careers, 
one area that could be improved 
upon was career development. The 
college's alumni board then estab- 
lished the mentoring prugram for 
current students. 

The college also is developing 
other programs, such as resume 
writing and job search workshops, 
appointing faculty members as 
career development advisors, and 
inviting alumni to classes as guest 

Fangs Samari 

Clarence Stone Receives Major Book Awards 

Award-winning author 
Clarence N. Stone 

Government and Politics profes- 
sor Clarence N. Stone has received 
two recent political science awards 
for his book. Regime Politics: Gov- 
erning Atlanta, 1946-1988 (Univer- 
sity Press of Kansas), which an- 
alyzes the past 40 years of political 
and economic activity in Atlanta, 

Stone is the recipient of the 
American Political Science Associa- 
tion's 1990 Ralph J. Bunche Award 
and also the Best Book Award from 
the Urban Politics section of the 
American Political Science Associa- 

The Ralph J. Bunche Award is 
awarded annually by the associa- 
tion for the best scholarly work in 
political science that explores the 
phenomenon of ethnic and cultural 

In selecting Stone for the Best 
Book Award for Urban Politics, the 
association noted that the 
"powerful theoretical thrust of this 
work represents a paradigm shift 
in the study of urban power and 
policy making." 

The association also described 
the book as a "pathbreaking work." 

Using the concept of urban re- 
gime. Regime Politics: Governing At- 
lanta, 1946-88 analyzes the ways in 
which resource-rich groups are able 
to devise informal means of co- 
operation and create an effective 
capacity to govern. 

Stone's other books include Eco- 
nomic Growth and Neighborhood Dis- 
content (winner of the 1977 
C has tain Award for the best book 
on southern politics), The Politics of 
Urban Development , and Urban Poli- 
cy and Politics in a Bureaucratic Age. 

Stone's future research includes 
a comparative study of several cit- 
ies, focused on how they set their 
policy agendas. 

"As their economic functions 
change," says Stone, "many cities 
give the highest priority to re- 
development — to a restructuring of 
land use and the development of 
new facilities." 

He notes, however, this is a 
somewhat puzzling pattern — alter- 
ing land use is no easy path to fol- 
low; it is one laden with conflict 
and controversy. 

And Stone adds that the re- 
wards for pursuing redevelopment 
are indirect, long term, and limited 
at best. 

"In Atlanta and other cities that 
have long engaged in redevelop- 
ment, as many as 40 percent of 
their children live in poverty," he 
says. "And no matter how many 
new convention centers, exhibit 
halls, and office towers are built, 
these children have little prospect 
(if becoming part of the post-in- 
dustrial economy of these cities." 

Stone says that many social sci- 
entists have identified a need for 
special efforts to enhance human 
capital, such as programs to edu- 
cate people and give them skills to 
be more productive members of the 
work force. 

Stone also notes that even 
though popular sentiment favors 
^uch programs, they are often 
neglected. His research will try to 
determine why this is the case and 
what might achieve a more equal 
balance between physical improve- 
ments and "people programs." 

"It is important to know what 

would make it possible for com- 
munities to organize more exten- 
sive human- resource efforts," says 
Stone, who adds that he is specifi- 
cally interested in what kinds of 
supporting coalitions and what 
forms of cooperation would be in- 

L/s<7 Gregory 


Outlook is the weekly (acuity-staff newspaper serving 
the College Park campus community. 

Kathryn Costelto 

Roz Hiebert 

Linda Freeman 
Brian Busek 
Lisa Gregory 
Tom Otwell 
Fariss Samarrai 
Gary Stephenson 
Jennifer Bacon 

Judith Bair 
John Consoli 
Stephen Onrrou 
Chris Paul 
Al Danegger 
Linda Martin 
Pia Umanska 
Michael Yuen 
Peler Zulkamain 

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Instilutional Advancement 

Director o( Public Informalion 8 


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Staff Writer 

Staff Writer 

Slaff Writer 

Calendar Editor 

Art Director 
Format Designer 
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Production Inlern 
Production Intern 
Production Intern 

Letters to the editor, story suggestions, campus informa- 
lion & calendar ilems are welcome. Please submit all 
material at least three weeks before the Monday of 
publication. Send it lo Roz Hiebert. Editor Outlook. 2101 
Turner Building, through campus mail or lo University of 
Maryland, College Park, MD 30742. Our telephone 
number is (301)405-4621. Electronic mail address is 
oullook@pres umdedu. Fax number is (301) 314-9344. 




19 9 

It's Time to Nominate DSTs 

It's time to submit nominations of outstanding faculty researchers 
who are also excellent teachers for consideration for the prestigious 
Distinguished Scholar Teacher (DST) awards, according to Kathryn 
Mohrman, dean for Undergraduate Studies and chair of the selec- 
tion committee. The program has been made more flexible this 
year as a result of a study by a faculty committee chaired by 
Stephen Brush (HIST/tPST). Only tenured faculty are eligible for 
nominations, which are due on Nov. 7. Call Susan Koonce at 
405-9353 for details. 

Ponnamperuma Receives 
International Service Award 

Cyril Ponnamperuma, professor 
of chemistry, has been chosen as 
the first recipient of College Park's 
Distinguished International Service 

A banquet in Ponnamperuma's 
honor is being planned for the 
evening of Dec. 3. In association 
with the award, a graduate fellow- 
ship is being given to a College 
Park student in Ponnamperuma's 

The award was established this 
year by J. Robert Dorfman, aca- 
demic vice-president and provost, 
on the recommendation of the In- 
ternational Affairs Committee 
(I AC). The selection of 
Ponnamperuma was recommended 
bv an awards committee appointed 
by the I AC, chaired by Grace Yang, 
professor of mathematics. 

The award is given for signifi- 
cant contributions to the develop- 
ment of international programs at 
College Park, backed by a distin- 
guished professional career in in- 
ternational affairs and scholarship. 

Ponnamperuma was burn in Sri 
Lanka, received his B.A. from Bir- 
beck College, University of* Lon- 
don, and his Ph.D. from the Uni- 
veisity of California, Berkeley, 
where he studied chemistry under 
the direction of Nobel Laureate 
Melvin Calvin. 

Ponnamperuma joined College 
Park in 1971 as professor of chem- 
istry and director of the Laboratory 
of Chemical Evolution. He teaches 
a graduate course on Chemical 
Evolution and an interdisciplinary 
undergraduate course on cosmic 

He is the author of more than 
300 publications and ten books 
(most notably. The Origins of Life) 
and is a recipient of innumerable 
international awards. He is science 
advisor to the President of Sri 
Lanka, director of the Institute of 
Fundamental Studies and director 
of the Arthur C. Clarke Centre for 
Modern Technologies in Sri Lanka. 

At College Park, 
Ponnampentma has played a major 
role in developing programs relat- 
ed to Sri Lanka. He has headed the 
university's Sri Lanka Committee 
for many years and has worked 
with the committee to build proj- 
ects thai place College Park a I the 
very top of the list of United States 
universities with programs in Sri 

Among the many College Park 
projects that Ponnamperuma has 
helped develop is a laboratory in 
Kandy where young Sri Lankans 
can prepare themselves for partici- 
pation in world-class science pro- 
grams, a program to build a mod- 
ern information system for Sri 
Lankan libraries, and an AlD-fund- 
ed project of the School of Public 
Affairs designed to build relation- 
ships between the private and pub- 
lic sectors in Sri Lanka. 

Before joining this university, 
Ponnamperuma served with 
NASA's Exobiology Division and 
became chief of the Chemical Evo- 
lution Branch, with a primary goal 
of studying the origin of life. When 
the Apollo program was estab- 
lished, he was selected as a princi- 
pal investigator for organic analysis 
and was later involved with NASA 

Senate Debates Honor 

Pledge and Takes Action on TA Training 

An energetic debate over the 
appropriateness of a student honor 
pledge proposed bv the Student 
I lonor Council dominated the Oct. 
22 Campus Senate agenda before 
the draft pledge was ultimately 
voted down. 

Presented bv philosophy gradu- 
ate student Toby Linden, the draft 
pledge was designed to meet a re- 
quirement of the university's new 
Code of Academic Integrity. The 
code is currently in effect and calls 
for the wording of the pledge to be 
recommended by the Student Hon- 
or Council for approval by the 
Campus Senate. 

While beginning with the word- 
ing of the pledge, the debate soon 
called into question the appropri- 
ateness and effectiveness of any 
such required pledge. The failure 
of the motion! sends the draft back 
to the Student Honor Council to be 
rewritten. Several senators indicat- 
ed they may also make alternate 

In another action, the Campus 
Senate approved a proposal from 
the General Committee of Pro- 
grams, Curricula and Courses pre- 

sented by chair Thomas Regan 
(Chem. and Nuc. Engin.) regarding 
changing of the name for the Insti- 
tute for Urban Studies to the 
Department of Urban Studies and 

Approval also was given to the 
Campus Policy for the Training 
and Supervision of Teaching Assis- 
tants, a revision of a document 
originally presented to the senate 
last spring. 

Also approved was the creation 
of a Graduate Certificate in 
Women's Studies. This action reg- 
ularizes a program that is already 
in place and staffed, according to 
director of Women's Studies, 
Evelyn Beck, and as such will not 
require additional funding, 

A resolution to proclaim Nov. 
14 and 15 as Multicultural Com- 
munity Awareness Days at the uni- 
versity was presented bv M unique 
Clague (Ed. Pol. Plan.) and carried 
unanimous! v. 

The next regular meeting of the 
Campus Senate will be on Nov. 15. 
Chancellor Donald Langenberg will 
be the special speaker. 

in the Viking and Voyager pro- 
grams. He also has been on the 
visiting faculty of Stanford Univer- 
sity, the University of Nijmegen in 
the Netherlands, and the Sorbonne. 

Anyone interested in nominat- 
ing a candidate for next year's Dis- 
tinguished International Service 
Award, should contact Grace Yang 
at 405-5173. Those interested in at- 
tending the banquet for 
Ponnamperuma should contact 
Karen Lasher or Bo!a Dawson at 

Dorfman Outlines 
Budget Priorities 

continued from page I 

tive Committee and APAC [Aca- 
demic Planning Advisory Commit- 

"APAC will review the deans' 
submissions, as well as receiving 
information from the deans direct- 
ly. APAC will make recommenda- 
tions to the provost, and 1, in turn, 
will act as the representative of 
Academic Affairs at the higher 
planning levels," Dorfman said. 

Guardedlv optimistic, Dorfman 
observed, "When, as it undoubtedly 
will, the economy of the state im- 
proves again, we will reap many 
benefits from these actions. A uni- 
versity that is entering that new 
period of growth will be a univer- 
sity with a healthy balance of pro- 
grams and a well-thought-out set 
of priorities for continued growth 
with higher levels of state support." 

Among the past year's achieve- 
ments, Dorfman singled out the 
hiring of distinguished senior fac- 
ulty and promising junior faculty, 
the admission of high-SAT-scoring 
freshmen and able graduate stu- 
dents, and the increasing numbers 
of women and minorities among 
the graduate students. 

Dorfman also commended the 
work of Don Piper (Govt, and Pol.) 
on improving student retention arid 
graduation rates, and John Osborn 
(CM PS) and a new Campus Course 
Access committee to increase the 
availability of places to students 
needing required courses. 

Linda Freeman 

Cyril Ponnamperuma 


19 9 




College of Library and Information Services 
25th Anniversary Celebration Announced 

On November 2 and 3, the College oJ Library and Information 
Services will host a double celebration of its 10th Annual Alumni 
Day and 25th Anniversary, The two-day program, "Impact of 
Information Professionals on Society," will take place Friday from 9 
a.rrt-4 p.m. in room 0109 of Hornbake Library, and will include 
talks bv Brenda Vogel, library coordinator at the university, and 
Jim Welbourne, Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh, as well as a buffet 
luncheon and afternoon faculty fair. On Saturday evening there 
will be a champagne reception at the Elkins Building Atrium on 
Metzerott Road. Reservations are required; call 405-2064. 

Michael Powell: An Ear 
Campus Complaints 


When E.F. Hutton talks... every- 
body listens. 

But not just anyone is willing to 
listen when serious complaints are 
voiced. When a student, a univer- 
sity employee, or a faculty member 
has a grievance about unfairness... 
University Compliance officer 
Michael Powell, listens, 

"i'm in a position where I can 
make changes and have a direct 
impact," says Powell, "not just on 
an individual basis but also with 
policy development." 

Powell graduated from College 
Park in 1981 and received his law 
degree from the University of 
Maryland at Baltimore in 1986. 
Soon after passing the bar exam, he 
began working here as compliance 
officer on a contractual basis. 

"1 had no inclination 1 would 
end up in higher education," says 
Powell. "Gladys Brown who was 
acting Human Relations director 
then, was advisor of the Pre- Law 
society when I was an undergrad. 
When she became director, she of- 
fered me the contractual position. 
Later on ! became the permanent 

Since he began, Powell has dealt 
with all kinds of campus com- 
plaints. He especially likes working 
with students, and whenever an 
organization wants to sponsor a 
controversial event, he strives for 

"I'm a strong believer of First 
Amendment rights," he says. "I 
don't believe anybody has a right 
to infringe on that, (f a group 
wants to bring someone on cam- 
pus, I feel they have the right." 

Since the semester started, 
Powell has read over 20 compli- 
ance cases. Some involve students, 
or employees, but he says the num- 
ber of faculty complaints is also 

"Since the Supreme Court decid- 
ed that faculty can now have access 
to tenure decision minutes and rec- 
ords (in the Equal Employment 
Opportunity Corporation v. Penn 
State case), more faculty are using 
the information." 

Manv of Powell's cases are dif- 
ficult and require long hours of re- 
search. Two unusual situations 
involved disputes over religion. 

"It was a First Amendment case 
dealing with Church and State," he 
savs. "Someone was complaining 
a Knit prayer during convocation, 
but the Amendment's establish- 
ment clause decided having prayer 
was not a violation. Or if it's a situ- 
ation where a student is assigned 
to take an exam but it conflicts 
with a religious observance, I also 
handle those." 

Other types of cases Powell han- 
dles include those dealing with 
race, national origin, gender, politi- 
cal affiliation or physical handicap. 
Besides handling cases, Powell de- 
velops workshops and training 
programs to provide human rela- 
tions remedies for the complaints 
processed. "I'm a believer in man- 
datory training," says the 31 -year- 
old Powell. "For instance, prejudice 
is a learned behavior, and to deal 
with it, it has to be unlearned. One 
day workshops won't do it. There 
needs to be a commitment to this 
kind of personal development." 

Although Powell admits he 
would like to return one dav to the 
excitement of the courtroom, he 
believes his experiences have in- 
creased his respect for the collegi- 
ate system. 

"I think I've gained an apprecia- 
tion for the schools in the region or 
even nationally," he says. "Some 
schools outside of the Maryland 
svstem don't have this type of of- 
fice, so in that respect we're lead- 

Michael Powell 

ing the way. 

"However, there's still a lot that 
needs to be done, 1 would like to 
see individuals develop the mind- 
set that the law only sets minimum 
standards of conduct." 

After four years of listening to 
complaints, Powell has vet to see 
one of his recommended decisions 
overturned. This added confidence 
and the recognition that what he is 
doing is important, helps him to 
cope with the occasional stress of 
his position. 

"I like conflict," says Powell. "I 
win mure than I lose, so that helps 
a lot. I'm a strong believer in prin- 
ciple, and I just want to do the 
right thing." 

Patricia Cay 

Equity Council: Mission and Members 

The Equity Council serves as an 
advisory group to President 
William E. Kirwan and provides 
leadership to the articulation and 
development of affirmative action, 
desegregation and grievance reso- 
lution policies and procedures re- 
lated to equity for the campus com- 

After these policies and proce- 
dures have been developed, indi- 
vidual Equity Administrators assist 
the president, vice presidents and 
deans in implementing and moni- 
toring these policies and proce- 
dures at the college, school and 
major unit level. Collectively, these 
administrators make up the Equity 
Council which serves as a resource 
to individual council members as 
well' as to the entire campus com- 
munity on these issues. 

The Council consists of repre- 

sentatives from each vice presi- 
dent's and dean's office and the 
director of the Office of Human 
Relations. Ray Gillian, assistant to 
the president, and the Equity Ad- 
ministrator for the President's Of- 
fice, serves as chair of the Council. 

The following are members of 
the Equity Council. 

Amel Anderson (Desegregation) 
Agriculture and Life Sciences, 
x52085; Marilyn Berman (Affirm- 
ative Action) Engineering, x53871; 
Cordell Black (Affirmative Action) 
Arts and Humanities, x54030; 
Gladys Brown, Human Relations, 
x52H38; Dario Cortes, Graduate 
Minority Affairs, x54181; William 
Cunningham, CLIS, x52046; 
Richard Ellis, CMPS, x52313; Col- 
leen (Coke) Farmer, Health and 
Human Performance, x52475; 

Sharon Fries-Britt, Student Affairs, 
x48431; Ray Gillian, Office of the 
President, x55795; Nancy Hiles, 
Institutional Advancement, x54631; 
Diana Jackson, BSOS, x51679; 
Gene Johnson (Affirmative 
Action), Agriculture and Life Scien- 
ces, x5 1 1 76; Jeanette Kreiser, Edu- 
cation, x52339; Noel My ricks. Hu- 
man Ecology, x54007; James New- 
ton, Engineering, x53860; William 
Powers, Public Affairs, x56336; 
Stephen Sacks, Architecture, 
x56314; Greig Stewart, journalism, 
x523^0; Sylvia Stewart, Admini- 
strative Affairs, x51 109; and Mary 
Susan Taylor, Business and 
Management, x5224(). 





19 9 

Request For Names To Be Read at AIDS Awareness Gathering 

Members of the university community are encouraged to 
submit names of people who have died of AIDS to be read during 
a gathering that will be held in the Memorial Chapel Wednesday, 
Nov. 28 as part of AIDS Awareness Week. People are requested to 
submit the names of people who have had significance in their 
lives or professions. The names will be read in groups throughout 
the service. Persons interested in submitting names should contact 
Jon Boone, 405-2087. 

Conference To Examine Life of 
Women in Early Modern England 

Glancing into (he hooks and 
papers surviving from early mod- 
ern England, one finds a man's 

Men, for the most part, conduct- 
ed the public activity of society and 
kept the records of that activity. 
When women, with the exception 
of extraordinary women such 
Queen Elizabeth I of England, ap- 
pear, it is usually in the margins. If 
even there. 

In the past several decades, 
however, scholars in such fields as 
literature, history, art history and 
political science have worked to 
pull the women of early modern 
England from the historical shad- 
ows. By carefully sifting through 
public documents and private writ- 
ings from the period, these scholars 
have identified characteristics of 
the public and private lives of wo- 
men in early modern England. 

This scholarship will be the sub- 
ject of a major conference, "Attend- 
ing to Women in Early Modern 
England," Nov. 8-10 at the univer- 
sity. Leading authorities, including 
Lisa Jardine, professor of English 
and history at the University of 

London, will meet to discuss cur- 
rent research and new methods of 
uncovering information abotit 
Renaissance women. 

A special theatrical performance 
directed by Catherine Schuler, as- 
sistant professor of theatre, and 
Sharon Ammen, a doctoral student 
of theatre, also will be held in con- 
junction with the event. The perfor- 
mance, which will feature readings 
about women of the period and a 
scene from "Meriam," the first 
known English language play writ- 
ten by a woman, will begin at 8 
p.m. at the National Museum of 
Women in the Arts in Washington, 

Jane Donawerth, associate pro- 
fessor of English, Adele Seeff, di- 
rector of the Center for Renaissance 
and Baroque Studies, and Virgina 
Beauchamp, retired associate pro- 
fessor of English, are university 
members of the event's planning 

"We don't want to talk too much 
about queens," says Beauchamp. 
"What we're trying to retrieve is 
the history of ordinary women. In 
this conference we're bringing to- 

Group to Perform Traditional 
Japanese Comedies 

A San Francisco-based theater 
troupe that specializes in tradition- 
al Japanese comedies will appear at 
the university Oct. 30. 

The Theatre of Yugen will pre- 
sent English language performan- 
ces of three works of the Kyogen 
theater at 8 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 30, 
in Pugliese Theatre. 

Kyogen theater is a theatrical 
form that developed in feudal Jap- 
an in conjunction with Noh theater. 
Noh tended to be long and serious 
dramas, and the Kvogen plays 
were short comic interludes per- 

formed to offer relief from day- 
long cvcles of Noh plays. 

Within the bodv of traditional 
Japanese theatrical works, Kyogen 
plays are considered among the 
most accessible for modern West- 
ern audiences. 

The program is co-sponsored by 
the Department of Theatre and the 
Department of Hebrew and East 
Asian Languages and Literatures. 

Tickets must be purchased at the 
Tawes Theatre Box Office. There 
are no telephone reservations for 
this show. 

Center of Renaissance and Baroque 
Studies Organizes Japanese Culture Day 

A day-long festival to celebrate 
Japanese culture, co-sponsored by 
the Center for Renaissance and 
Baroque Studies and featuring Col- 
lege Park faculty members, will be 
held Nov. 3 at the Friendship 
Heights Village Center in Mont- 
gomery County. 

Experts on Japanese literature, 
art, music and cultural values will 
make presentations at the program 
which will be held from 10 a.m. to 
4 p.m. 

The College Park faculty mem- 
bers participating are Thomas 
Rimer, chair of the Department of 
East Asian Languages and Litera- 
tures, and Mark Sandler, assistant 
professor of art history. 

Rimer will discuss the relation- 
ship between Japanese literature 
and Japanese cultural values. 
Sandler will focus on important 
elements of Japanese art with a 
slide presentation on woodblock 

Other experts will discuss Japan- 
ese musical forms and kyogen the- 
ater, a form of comic theater. 

The event is part of a continuing 
series of days highlighting foreign 
cultures coordinated by the center. 
The other co-sponsors of the event 
are the Montgomery County Com- 
mission on the Humanities and the 
Friendship Heights Village Center. 

For more information call 405- 

gether many of the different aca- 
demic disciplines that can help us 
gather that history." 

Examples of materials that con- 
vey a sense of the lives of women 
of the period will be part of the 
theatrical presentation. The read- 
ings will include a woman's court 
disposition before she is martyred 
by being burned at the stake, a wo- 
man-authored satire about the rela- 
tionship between Adam and Eve, 
an excerpt from the autobiography 
of Margery Kempe (one of the first 
autobiographies in the English lan- 
guage) and a court document cen- 
tering on Hie testimom of a 
battered wife. 

Co-sponsors of the event are the 
College of Arts and Humanities, 
the Graduate School and the Center 
for Renaissance and Baroque Stud- 
ies. And if less is known about wo- 
men of Renaissance England than 
scholars would prefer, it is not due 
to a lack of current popularity for 
the subject. With more than 230 
registrations, it will be the largest 
conference ever hosted by the Cen- 
ter for Renaissance and Baroque 
Studies, according to organizers. 

Brian Bitsek 

^pj^.^j^?- jr^_ 



J (J>r,nr*J frr 

imj arc It iff , 

UlrTvSikl; . 

Scene from a performance by the Theatre of Yugen 

Voice Competition 

July 10-20, 1991 will bring to 
College Park its first international 
competition for singers, named to 
honor the famous contralto Marian 
Anderson. Sponsored by the Mary- 
land Summer Institute for the Crea- 
tive and Performing Arts 
(MSICPA), Office of Summer and 
Special Programs, the competition 
is open to singers aged 21 to 39, 
and will offer its winners over 
$50,000 in cash prizes as well as 
prestigious performance engage- 

For the past 20 years, MSICPA 
has sponsored the Maryland Inter- 
national William Kapell Piano 
Competition, which will now 
become a biennial event, taking 
place next in 1992. The Marian 
Anderson Vocal Arts Competition 
will be held every four years, alter- 
nating with a similar event for 
cello, the Leonard Rose Internation- 
al Cello Competition, which will be 
held for the first time in 1993. 

Famed contralto 
Marian Anderson 


19 9 




Coed Team Triathlon Planned 

Campus Recreation Services is sponsoring a mini team triath- 
lon consisting of a 1/2-mile swim, biking 10 miles on a Schwinn 
Air-Dyne exercise cycle, and a three-mile rim. Each team must 
have at least one male and one female participant. Each team 
member completes one phase of the competition. Entries close on 
Friday, Nov. 2 at 4:30 p.m. Sign up today at the CRS office in 
Room 1104 Reckord Armory or call 314-7218 for more information. 


Owns Antarctica? College 
Study Looks at Land Use There 

Eileen L. McLellan 

Antarctica makes up more than 
nine percent of the Earth's land 
surface, and may contain a wealth 
of unexploited minerals such as 
uranium, iron, gold, plutonium, oil 
and gas. Because Antarctica has 
been designated a "global com- 
mons" area bv the United Nations, 
its mineral wealth is theoretically 
available to all countries of the 

But for about 30 years now, sev- 
eral countries have laid claim to 
parts of Antarctica, causing the 
problem of deciding who actually 
does own the vast resources ex- 
pected to exist below the ice, and 
who will be responsible for pre- 
venting or cleaning up environ- 
mental damage caused bv mining 
or other activities. 

Eileen McLellan, an associate 
professor of geology with a special 
interest in land use and public poli- 
cy, has been looking for answers to 
these questions. 

Claims to Antarctica center on 
the theory that the continent once 
was a part of Gondwanaland, the 
hypothetical ancient super-conti- 
nent that once included what are 
now Antarctica, India, Australia, 
Africa and South America. If An- 
tarctica once was part of these oth- 
er continents, shouldn't its resour- 
ces still belong to the lands that 
once bordered it? 

McLellan suspects, however, 
that many countries are staking 
claims based almost solely on the 
locations of resources. 

"I had to ask," she says, "why 
would one country lay claim to a 
piece of land that somebody else 
already has claimed. Then I found 
a map of areas claimed, and placed 
it over a map of areas where it is 

believed that the largest concentra- 
tion of minerals lie. Not surprising- 
ly, several countries are laying 
claim to the most mineral-rich 
areas of Antarctica. 

"While members of the Antarctic 
Treaty System, which includes the 
United States, argue that thev have 
the experience needed to manage 
Antarctic development, the United 
Nations argues that the mineral 
wealth of Antarctica belongs to the 
world at large. And environmental 
groups are concerned about the 
possibility that mining will lead to 
habitat loss and toxic spills," 
McLellan says. 

In an effort to deal with these 
concerns, countries of the Antarctic 
Treaty System, an organization of 
nations with research experience in 
Antarctica and including all coun- 
tries claiming land there, drew up 
the Convention on the Regulation 
of Antarctic Mineral Resource Ac- 
tivities (CRAMRA), aimed at regu- 
lating mineral development in Ant- 
arctica. The United States currently 
is deciding whether or not to ratify 
this agreement, and several bills 
are before Congress on this issue. 

But according to McLellan, the 
ATS is sidestepping the ownership 
issue to avoid conflict among spon- 
sor nations with competing claims. 

"The basic problem is whether it 
is possible to use a resource while 
controlling or eliminating environ- 
mental damage. The problem with 
mining and land use is similar to 
that of maintaining air quality, and 
may be solved in a similar way to 
that designed for the United States 
by the Environmental Protection 

Like the EPA's air pollution con- 
trol program, McLellan proposes 

University to Participate in 
Interactive Voyager Broadcast 

The University of Maryland at 
College Park will he one of only 
live universities across the nation 
participating in an interactive 
broadcast on the Voyager Space- 
craft sponsored bv the Digital 
Equipment Corporation. 

The program will be broadcast 
Nov. 14 from 3:30 to 6 p.m. in 
I fornbake Library to a selected 

The lecture entitled, "Sail On, 
Voyager," will be given by physi- 
cist Edward C. Stone and broadcast 
live from Arnold Mabel Beck man 
Center of the National Academies 
of Sciences and Engineering, iocat- 
ed near the University of California 
at Irvine, 

Stone, who served as project sci- 
entist for the Voyager mission, will 
discuss the findings and challenges 
of Voyager. 

According to Marilyn Scannell, 
School /University Cooperative 

Programs coordinator, 60 local high 
school students and staff and 30 
universitv engineering students are 
invited to participate in the broad- 

The audience at College Park 
will be able to direct questions to 
Stone, as well as see and hear the 
lecture as it happens. 

Also on hand for the College 
Park link-up will he campus facul- 
ty, administrators, school system 
science supervisors, school princi- 
pals, representatives from NASA, 
the aerospace industry and state 
policymakers and education lead- 
ers, says Scannell. 

Others wishing to watch the 
broadcast may do so in the non-in- 
teractive room in Non- Print Media 
Services. Room T, 4 th floor, Horn- 
bake Library. 

For more information, call 405- 

that a permit system be developed 
that would set strict limits on total 
environmental impact within deter- 
mined areas of Antarctica. 

"Mining companies from any 
nation wishing to operate in an 
area would need to bid for permits, 
and the more environmentally 
damaging a company's operation, 
the more permits it would need to 
buy," says McLellan. "This could 
help to make it economically ad- 
vantageous to keep environmental 
damage to a minimum." 

McLellan adds that the system 
also would allow environmental 
groups to participate in the permits 
market and buy up land for preser- 
vation rather than exploitation. She 
also suggests that a fund be estab- 
lished from permit fees that would 
be available for environmental 
cleanup in the event of an accident 
such as a spill. 

McLellan is presenting a paper 
on her findings, "Earth Resources 
and Public Policy, or, The Legacy 
of Gondwanaland," on Oct. 30 at 
the 1990 meeting of the Geological 
Society of America in Dallas. 

Foriff Stvnarrai 

Sixteen New Faculty 
Emeriti Honored 

Sixteen College Park faculty 
emeriti will be honored at an 
awards dinner Monday, Nov. S in 
the Grand Ballroom Lounge of the 
Stamp Student Union beginning 
with a reception at 6:30 p.m. 

Vice President for Academic 
Affairs and Provost J. Robert 
Dorfman will welcome the new 
emeriti professors, their friends and 
guests. Public Affairs Dean Michael 
Nacht will deliver after dinner 
remarks and President William E. 
Kirwan will present plaques. 

The newest faculty emeriti are: 
the late Francis C. I laber (HIST), 
Christopher A. Herin (GERM), 
George O. Kent (HIST), Elbert B. 
Smith (HIST), John H. Cumberland 
(ECON), Theodore McNelly 
(CVPT), Yaohan Chu (CMSC), Wil- 
liam F. Hornyak (PHYS), Robert 
Zwan/ig (IPST), 1 lung C. Lin 
(ENEF), Kenneth R. Henery-Logan 
(CHEM), Chester E. Holm fund 
(CHEM), Robert E. Menzer 
(ENTO), Donald H. Messersmith 
(ENTO), 1 1 ugh D. Sisler (BOTN), 
and Francis E. Wood (ENTO). 



19 9 

It's Physics, and It's Phun 

"It's Physics" is the title of the next "Physics is Phun" lecture- 
demonstration, set for Thursday, Friday and Saturday, November 
1, 1, and 3 in the Physics Building Lecture Hall. Dick Berg, the host 
of this series, now in its ninth year, will answer the kinds of ques- 
tions that are asked by children about the physical world. Doors 
open at 7 p.m. The lecture-demonstration runs from 7:30 to 8:45 
p.m. Call 405-5994. 

Kudos to... 

Terry Gips, Housing and Design, 
for being awarded Artist-in- 
Residence at Syracuse University 
for November 1990. Her work will 
also be exhibited in Dulutii, Min- 
nesota. She was recently guest 
editor for a special issue of Art 
journal, Computers and Art: Issues of 

Mancur Olson, Economics, for 
being named a Distinguished Fel- 
low in the Jennings Randolph Pro- 
gram of the United States Institute 
of Peace, an independent, nonpar- 
tisan federal institution funded by 
Congress to expand understanding 
about the prevention and resolu- 
tion of international conflicts. 




Each year several organizations 
offer the opportunity to honor stu- 
dent achievement at College Park 
with recognition and awards for 
graduate study. Among those 
groups whose application dead- 
lines are coming up are: 

•The Selection Committee for 
Who's Who Among Students in 
American Universities and Col- 
leges (Alethia Nancoo, chair), 
which honors undergraduate schol- 
astic achievement, participation in 
campus and community activities 
and demonstrated leadership. 
Nominated students must complete 
forms bv Nov. 14. Call Nancoo at 
314-7174 for info. 

•Phi Kappa Phi National 
Honor Society (Jud Samon, presi- 
dent), which awards graduate fel- 
lowships worth up to $7,000 for 
first-year graduate or professional 
study. Graduating seniors with su- 
perior academic and leadership re- 
cords should talk with Phi Kappa 
Phi Scholarship chair, Scott 
Rickard, associate dean for Arts 
and Sciences, UMBC, Catonsville at 
(301) 455-3181. Samon at 314-7739 
can provide information about the 
society's activities. 

•Alpha Lambda Delta Academ- 
ic Honor Society for Freshmen, 
which awards $3,000 fellowships 
for graduate study. Any member of 
Alpha Lambda Delta who is gradu- 
ating with a cumulative average of 
the society's initiation standard is 
eligible to apply. Kntherine Pedro 
Beardsley, assistant dean, BSOS 
(405-1679), has application blanks 
and information. The deadline is 
Jan. 15, 1991. 

•Orientation Advisors Program 
(Greg Sharer, assistant director), 
which recruits and trains students 
of high caliber and enthusiasm to 
work with new students and par- 
ents each summer. Applications are 
due Nov. 9. Call 314-8217 for 

Eugenie Clark, Zoology, for the 
publication of her 12th article in 
the October issue of National 
Geographic. Clark may hold the 
record as the author for the 
greatest number of articles in the 

Lawrence Moss, Music, for receiv- 
ing another award from the Ameri- 
can Society of Composers, Authors 
and Publishers (ASCAP) for 1990- 
91. The award recognizes original 
compositions as well as recent per- 
formance activity of those works. 
Moss has a long tradition of receiv- 
ing ASCAP awards. 

Danuta Nitecki, Libraries, for 
being elected to represent the state 
at next year's White House Con- 
ference on Libraries and Informa- 
tion Services. She will be one of 
three librarian delegates from 


Carl Bode, professor emeritus, 
English, reports that the treatment 
for his glaucoma has been unsuc- 
cessful. This means that his con- 
tacts with the university whose 
faculty he joined as professor of 
American Literature in 1947 will 
diminish, but, he hopes, will not 

Experiment Station Awards $900,000 
to 38 Research Projects 

Researchers from the Colleges 
of Agriculture, Life Sciences and 
Human Ecology are the recipients 
of $900,000 to support projects that 
range from a comparison of the 
commercial quality of wild- 
captured and aquacul hired hybrid 
striped bass to the feasibility of 
Asian pears as a high-value, pest 
tolerant alternative crop for Mary- 
land farmers to genetics research 
on the Colorado potato beetle. 

Administered by the Maryland 
Agricultural Experiment Station 
(MAES), the Competitive Grants 
Program helps fund research pro- 
jects in the areas of water quality 
and global climate change, alter- 
nate crops, aquaculture, integrated 
pest management, and other un- 
specified research topics. 

Investigators for each of the 38 
funded projects will receive 

between $10,000 to $30,000. The 
awards were approved last spring 
after a 16-member competitive 
grant review committee of repre- 
sentatives from College Park, Penn 
State and North Carolina State Uni- 
versities and the U.S. Department 
of Agriculture evaluated 99 

The program, which last year 
made awards totalling $700,000, 
helps support high risk projects by 
College Park scientists and funding 
that can be used as seed money to 
attract additional financial support 
from federal agencies such as the 
USDA and National Institutes of 

"We already have several exam- 
ples of leveraged aid from projects 
funded last year," says Robert A. 
Kennedy, MAES director. 

Funds for Future Public Servants 

William E. Kirwan (left) and Jonathan Wilkenteld, chair of Government and Politics (center), accept a 
$3,200 check from Prince George's County Executive, Parrls Glendening from the executive's 
Education Support Advisory Council for the Conley Dillon Memorial Award, a University of Maryland 
foundation established to provide scholarships to doctoral students of public policy. County 
Executive Glendening Is also an associate professor in Government and Politics at the university. 


19 9 



Luncheon and Fashion Show 

All campus women are invited to attend a fall luncheon and 
fashion show on Saturday, November 3 at 12 noon in the Maryland 
Ballroom of the South Campus Building. Organized by Randi 
Dutch of the Rossborough Inn and sponsored by Dining Services, 
the event will feature a showing of the latest fall fashions from 
Sassafrass. Reservations are required; the cost is $20 per person in 
advance and $25 at the door. For more information, call 314-8(112. 


A scene from Edgewise by Wendy Woodson, part of Improvisations 
Unlimited's tall program, October 30-November 3 at 8 p.m. In the 
Dance Studio Theater. For information, call 405-3190. 


French & Italian Lecture: 

"Nobility and Literature 
Questions on Tom a si di 
Lampedusa s The Leopard. 
Eduardo Saccone. Johns Hopkins 
LL 3 p.m.. Language House Re- 
ception Hall, reception to follow 
Call 5-4024 for info. 

Computer Science Colloquium: 

"Design Notes on Some Virtual 
Machines." David Gelernter. Vale 
U. reception. 3:30 pm, 1152 
A V Williams Bldg,. tec lure, 4 
p m., 0111 Classroom Bldg. Call 
5-2661 lor into 

Psychology Colloquium: David 
McClellan. 4 p.m.. 1250 Zoo 
Psych, reception to follow. Call 5- 
5929 for into. 

Space Science Seminar: "HF 
Cohereni-Scatter Radar Observa- 
tions of Electrodynamics at High 
Geomagnetic Latitude." J. M. 
Ruohoniemi, Applied Physics 
Laboratory, 4:30 p.m.. 1113 
Computer 4 Space Sciences 
Call 5-4829 tor info 


Carolina, 4 p.m., 1410 Physics, 
reception, 3:25 p.m Call 5-5980 
for info 

Women's Field Hockey vs. 
Pennsylvania, 7 p.m.. Astroturt 
Field Call 4-706* lor mfo. 

Movies: The Handmaid's Tale. 
today & tomorrow. Hot! Theatre. 
Call 4-HOFF for into.' 

Public Affairs Lecture: "America 
m a Changing World 1 Succeeding 
or Gelling By." I. M Destler. 
Public Affairs, 7:30 p.m.. Center 
for Advanced Research in Bio- 
technology Auditorium. Shady 
Grove Call 5-6342 for into. 

Dance Performance, featuring 
new work by Stephanie Skura. 

Improvisations Unlimited, loday- 
Nov 3, 8 p.m.. sign-interpreted 
Nov. 2. Dance Studio Thealer. 
S8.00 general admission: £6.00 
students & seniors. Call 5-3190 
for mfo ' 

Japanese Theatre of Yugen. 

featuring Kyogen works. 6 p.m.. 
Pugliese Theatre tickets 
purchased at box office only. Call 
5-6522 tor info ' 

Zoology Seminar: "Food Stor- 
age Strategies for a Prudent 
Cacher Analytical Models and 
Empirical Tests," Jim Richman. 
Ecology Program. NSF. noon. 
1208 Zorv Psych Call 5-6887 tor 

President's Reception, in honor 
of Chancellor Donald N. 
Langenbem, 3-4:30 p.m.. Colony 
Ballroom, Stamp Student Union 
Call 5-5790 for into 

Writers Here and Now Reading, 
Tony Eprile, author. Temporary 
Sojourner. 3:30 p.m.. 3101 
McKeldin Library (Kathenne Anne 
Porter Room] Call 5-3809 for 

Physics Colloquium; "Two- 
photon Polarization as a Test of 
Quantum Mechanics." Eugen 
Merzbacher. U of North 


Employee Development 
Seminar: "Overview of 
Environmental Safety," 9 
a.m. -noon. Marylana Room, 
Marie-Mount. Call 5-5651 for info. 

History Department "Lunch 
Bag Talk": "Social Structure and 
Weallh Distribution: The Changes 
m Maryland over Four Centuries." 
George H. Callcolt, noon, 21 1 9 
Francis Scott Key Call 5-4265 
for into. 

Counseling Center Research & 
Development Meeting: 

"Reflections from the New Chair 
Df CAPS." Sylvia Rosenfield 
Counseling and Personnel 
.Services, noon-1 pm., 0106-0114 
Shoemaker. Call 4-7691 for into. 

Astronomy Lecture: "Microwave 
Imaging of Saturn's Deep 
Atmosphere and Rings." Arie 
Grossman, 4 p.m 1113 
Computer 4 Space Sciences, 
reception. 3:30 p.m.. 0254 CSS. 
Call 5-1524 for into. 

American Handel Society 
Lecture; "Words and the Word: 

Sounding the text of Handel's 
Messiah." Don E. Saliers, 4 p.m.. 
Tawes Recital Hall Call 5-5568 
for info. 

Halloween Movie Special: The 
Exorcist. 9:45 p.m.. HoH Thealre 
Call 4-HOFF for info " 

Architecture Lecture, Charles 
Gwathmey. GwathmevSiegel 
Arch., New York. 7:30 p.m.. 
Architecture Auditorium. Call 
5-6284 tor mfo. 

Handel Festival Gala Tenth 
Anniversary Concert: Messiah, 
Paul Traver. conductor, 8 p.m. 
Meyerholf Symphony Hall. Balti- 
more. Call 5-5568 for info.* 


Handel Festival Conference I: 

"Handel and his Performers. " 
Paul Hume, moderator: Howard 
Serwer. coordinator, 9:30 a.m., 
Hornbake Library Call 5-5568 tor 

Committee on the History and 
Philosophy of Science Lecture: 

"Whitehead: An Analytic and 
Historical Reassessment. " Tim 
Easlman, Institute tor Physical 
Science & Technology, 4 p.m. 
2324 Computer 4 Space 
Sciences. Call 5-5691 for into 

"Physics is Phun" Lecture 1 
Demonstration, Richard E Berg, 
today-Nov 3. 7:30-8:45 p.m.. 
1410 4 1412 Physics Call 5- 
5994 for info 

Maryland Opera Studio 
Performance; Agrippina. Leon 
Maior. director; Nicholas 
McGegan, conductor, 7;30 p.m 
Tawes Recilal Hall Call 5-5548 
for mfo ' 

SUPC Issues S Answers 
Committee Lecture: "Sex in the 

Twenty-First Century." Dr. Rulh 
Westheimer, 7:30 p.m , Grand 
Ballroom. Slamp Studenl Union. 
Call 4-8587 tor into ' 

Handel Festival Concert II: 

Chamber Music. Music of Handel 
& Bach. Anner Bylsma 4 John 
Gibbons, 8 p.m.. Colony Ball- 
room Stamp Studenl Union. Call 
5-5568 lor into - 


Handel Festival Conference li: 
"Editing the Halle Handel 
Edition." Paul Hume, moderator: 
Howard Serwer. coordinator. 9:30 
a.m., Hornbake Library Call 5- 
5568 for info. 

"Lunch n' Learn" Mental Health 
Lecture; "Trealing Male Sexuality 

Dysfunctions." Uzi Ben -Ami. sex 
therapist. 1-2 p.m., 3100E Stu- 
dent Health Center. Call 80-8106 

tor info. 

College of Library & Informa- 
tion Services 1 Oth Annual 
Alumni Day & 25th Anniversary 
Celebration: "The Impact of In- 
to rmaiion Professionals on Soci- 
ety." 8:30 a m.-4 p.m.. 0109 
Hornbake Library; Champagne 
Reception, Nov. 3, 7-10 p.m.. 
Elkins Bldg, Alnum. Melzeroll Rd 
Call 5-2064 for info " 

Graduate Student & Faculty 
Gathering: "The Advance of Sci- 
ence the Relevance of Prayer," 
Rev. Canon Michael Hamilton, 
Washington National Cathedral, 5 
p.m., St Andrews Parish Halt, 
College Park Call 5-8453 for 

Handel Festival Concert III: 
Young Artist Recital. 8 p.m.. 
Tawes Recilal Halt, Can 5-5568 

for info. 


Handel Festival Conference III: 

"Handel and the Old Testament." 
Paul Hume, moderator: Howard 
Serwer. coordinator. 9:30 a.m.. 
Hornbake Library Call 5-5568 lor 

Japanese Culture Day Festival, 
featuring discussion on Japanese 
literature, music, art, & theatre. 
10 a.m. -4 p.m.. Friendship 
Heights Village Center, Chevy 
Chase, Call 656-2797 for reser- 
vations: 5-6830 tor program info. 

Maryland University Club Fash- 
ion Show and Lunch, noon. 

South Campus Maryland Ball- 
room Call 4-8015 tor mfo.' 

Maryland Handel Festival: 
Agrippina. Leon Ma|or. director; 
Nicholas McGegan. conductor. 2 
p.m . Tawes Recilal Hall Call 5- 
5568 tor into,' 


Handel Festival Pre-concert 
Panel Discussion, "Joseph— A 
Coal of Many Colors." Andrew 
Porter, moderator; Howard Ser- 
wer. coordinator. 1.30 p.m., 
Maryland Room, Mane Mount 
Call 5-5568 lor info 

Handel Festival Concert V: 

Joseph and his Brethren, 3 p.m.. 
Memorial Chapel Call 5-5568 for 
info - 


Women's Commission Meeting, 
noon-1 :30 p.m. 2105 Main Ad- 
ministration Call 5-5806 for info 

Computer Science Colloquium: 
"Functional Documentation lor 
Computer Systems." David L. 
Pamas, Queens U . Canada, re- 
ception. 3:30 pm., 1152 A.V. 
Williams Bldg . lecture, 4 p.m.. 
Oltt Classroom Bldg Call 
5-2651 for info. 

Space Science Seminar: "Solar 
Winds Interactions with Venus." 
L H Brace. NASAGoddard 4:30 
p.m. 1113 Computer & Space 
Sciences Call 5-4829 for info. 

Women's Studies Lecture: "Wo 
men. Peace. & Ihe Israeli 'Pal- 
estinian Conflict A Poets and 
Activist s Perspective," Irena 
Klepfisz. 8_p.m„ 2203 Art'Soc. 
Call 5-6877 for info. 

Faculty Emeriti Awards Dinner, 

6:30 p.m.. Grand Ballroom. 
Stamp Student Union Call 5- 
4638 lor reservations 4 info.' 


Employee Development Semi- 
nar: "Public Relations in a Uni- 
versity Setting," 9 a.m. -4 p.m.. 
0109 Center ol Adult Education. 
Call 5-5651 for info.' 

Zoology Seminar: "The Evolu- 
tion olSpecilicity m InsectPlanl 
Interactions." John Thompson, 
Zoology 4 Botany. Washington 
State U, noon, 1208 Zoo/Psych. 
Call 5-6939 for mfo. 

Department of Minorities & 
Women Lecture, Yvonne 
Pickering Carter, Performance 
Artist, 12:30 p.m.. 1309 Art'Soc 

Call 5-1442 for info. 

Music Department Faculty Re- 
cital, 12:30 p.m., Tawes Recilal 
Hall. Call 5-5548 for into. 

Manufacturing Seminar: "De- 
sign tor Analysis: A New Engi- 
neering Strategy tor Improving 
Manufacturing Competitiveness," 
Rajan Suri, u. of Wisconsin at 
Madison, 2 p.m.. 1105 Journa- 
lism. Call 5-2241 for into. 

Physics Colloquia: "A Theorist's 
View ol Whal Experiments Are 

Telling Us About Oxide Super- 
conductors," Douglas Seal a pi no, 
U. ol California at Santa Barbara. 
4 p.m., 1410 Physics, lea recep- 
lion. 3:30 p.m. Call 5-3401 tor 

Guarneri String Quartet Open 
Rehearsal, 7 p.m.. Tawes Recilal 
Hall. Call 5-5548 lor info. 

See Production Lecture; "Viet- 
nam : How Could This War Have 
Happened?." Neil Sheehan, aulh- 
or. A Bright and Shining be. 7:30 
p.m.. Colony Ballroom. Slamp 
Student Union. Call 4-8342 for 

Writers Here 4 Now Reading, 

Irena Kfepfisz. novelist. 8 p.m., 
3101 McKeldin Library (Kalherine 
Anne Porter Room). Call 5-3819 
for info 


Employee Development Semi- 
nar; "Overview of Corrtmunicalion 
Services," 9 a m.-noon. Maryland 
Room. Marie-Mount. Call 5-5651 
for into 

Counseling Center Research & 
Development Meeting: "Is Whal 
You See What You Get?," 
Maynard Mack. English, noon-1 
p.m.. 0106-0114 Shoemaker. Call 
4-7691 for into. 

Faculty Seminar: "Chaotic Dy- 
namics and lis Relevance to the 
Social and Behavioral Sciences." 
James Yorfce. Institute for Physi- 
cal Science 4 Technology, noon- 
1 30 p.m. (bring brown-bag 
lunch). 2141 Tydmgs Call 5- 
1680 tor info. 

Committee for Undergraduate 
Women's Leadership Seminar: 

"Women in the Classroom." Betty 
Schmidt. Ronald Leary. 4 Sherry 
Parks 4-6 p.m., Prince Georges 
Room. Stamp Studenl Union 
Call 4-8505 for info. 

Graduate School Distinguished 
Lecturer: "Evolution ol the Early 
Universe." Alan Gulh, Center for 
Theoretical Physics, MIT. 7:30 
p.m.. 1412 Physics Call 5-4258 
lor mfo 

Music Department Jazz-Piano- 
Vocal Workshop, 8 p.m.. Tawes 
Recital Hall. Call 5-5548 tor mfo. 

Urban Studies Carl ft Ruskin 
Memorial Lecture: "The New 
Wave in our Neighborhoods: 
New Opportunities lor Partner- 
ship." Paul Brophy, Enterprise 
Foundation. 8 p.m.. Auditorium, 
Social Work Bldg., Fund-Raising 
Dinner', 6:30 p.m., University 
Club. UMAB, Call 5-6790 tor info 

' Admission charge far this 
event All others are free 



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