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JANUARY 28, 1991 

Research Awards Top $56 Million 
During First Half of FY 1991 

Research contracts and grants 
administered by College Park for 
the first half of FY 1991 topped $56 
million. This represented a signifi- 
cant increase over the same period 
of the previous fiscal year, accord- 
ing to Victor Medina, director of the 
Office of Research Administration 
and Advancement. 

According to a report just re- 
leased by Medina's office, more 
than 1,000 grants and contracts were 
awarded during the quarter, for a 
total of $56 million. The federal 
government provides most of the 
research money to College Park, 
with more than 35 departments and 
agencies accounting for nearly 64 
percent of the funding awarded to 
the university. 

The National Science Foundation 
was the largest single federal 
sponsor, awarding a total of $5.3 
million. The National Aeronautics 
and Space Administration was the 
next largest federal research spon- 
sor, awarding grants and contracts 
for more than $5.2 million. Depart- 
in e n t o f De fen se a ge net es fo 1 1 o wed 
with S4.3 million. 

Rounding out the top group 
were the U.S. Department of Agri- 

Celebrating Black 
History Month 

Kick-Off Ceremony on Jan. 31 . 

Empowerment and 

Excerpts from Berlin's 
Commencement Address 


Special Education 
Center Established 

New policy issues center opens. 

News from the 
Campus Senate 

Debut of new column . 


culture with $2.9 million, the De- 
partment of Energy with $2.4 mil- 
lion. Health and Human Services 
with $2.2 million, and the Agency 
for International Development with 
$2 million. 

State of Maryland Departments 
such as Education, Transportation 
and Natural Resources provided 
some $3.5 million. 

Private contributors such as cor- 
porations, foundations, institutes, 
societies and associations provided 
an additional $5.6 million. Other 
sources of funds, such as local gov- 
ernment, other universities, and 
consortia provided $11 million. 

The College of Computer, Math- 
ematical and Physical Sciences re- 
ceived the largest share of research 
dollars with a total of more than $13 
million. Rounding out the top five 
College Park recipients were the 
College of Engineering {$10.5 
million); Education ($4.2 million); 
Life Sciences {$4.4 million); and, 
Agriculture ($4.4 million). 

Medina expressed some concern, 
however, that though the volume of 
research proposals and awards this 
year may likely increase sub- 
stantially over last year, the contin- 

Awards to College Park 
First Half, FY 1991 

Total: $56 million 



a 1% 


State of Maryland 




The above pie chart shows the sources and proportions of 
research contracts and grants administered bv College Park 
for the first half of FY 1991. 

ued erosion of the university's bud- 
get will reduce the abilities of the 
departments, colleges and central 
campus to meet the increased de- 
mands for grant support services 
that will inevitably arise. 

Fariss Samnrmi 

A Letter to the Campus 

From President William E. Kirwan 

In a letter to the campus com- 
munity earlier this month, Presi- 
dent William E. Kirwan discussed 
some of the implications of the 
state's current budget shortfall on 
the university's budget. Here are 
excerpts from the president's letter. 

January 9, 1991 
Dear Colleague: 

At last, after months of rumor, 
uncertainty, speculation, and frus- 
tration, 1 am able to provide some 
clarification on our budget expecta- 
tions for the remainder of the aca- 
demic year and on our projected 
budget" for FY 1992. Although the 
situation is still fluid and could 
change again within the next several 
months, I want to share with you 
the information available to me at 
litis time. Unfortunately, the news is 
not good! 

As you know, this past Septem- 
ber we had to revert $14.53 million 
of campus funds in response to the 
state's revenue shortfall and pro- 
jected deficit for FY 1991. The de- 
cline in state revenues has contin- 
ued/ and we recently have been 
informed that we must give back an 
additional $6.04 million from our FY 

1991 budget. Included in these 
reversions are 33 FTE positions. All 
of these reductions will carry 
forward into the FY 1992 budget, tn 
addition, we must cut another $4,05 
million and 58 FTE positions for FY 
1 992. The combined cuts, 
approximately $25 million, 
represent a 10 percent base budget 
reduction in our state support since 
July 1, 1990. 

It is my expectation that most of 
the $6.04 million second cut in our 
FY 1991 budget can be covered 
without levying additional taxes on 
the units this year. However, I have 
asked the vice presidents to ensure 
that deans, directors and 
department chairs strictly observe 
the existing limitations on new ap- 
pointments, out-of-state travel, and 
equipment purchases. 

1 am aware of the terrible burden 
that the cuts already have placed on 
units. Contract personnel have been 
terminated, vacant positions have 
been frozen, important searches 
have been suspended, and 
operating budgets have been deci- 
mated. In a real sense, however, the 

cnuti'ttuett nit /rage J 


O F 


A T 



Brandon Dula 

Snow Alert 

We've been asked to 
reprint snow emergency 
information. Here it is, for 
vnur use. 

When there is a snow 
emergency, you should 
listen to radio or watch 
1 \ in find out whether 
the university has decided 
to close or have a delayed 

The following are the 
TV channels and radio 
stations the university 
contacts when there is an 
announcement to close or 
open late. NO 

Washington area TV- 
W[LA— 7 
WUSA— 9 
WTTG— 5 

Baltimore area TV 
W!Z— 13 
WMAR— 2 
WBAL— 11 

Washington area radio 



WAVAfm— 105.I 
WASH fm— 97,1 
WTOParn— J 500 
WWRCam— 980 
WMALam— 630 
WKYSfm— 93.9 
WPGC fm— 95.5 
WWDCfm— 101.1 
WGAY fm— 99,5 
WLTT fm— 94.7 

Baltimore area radio 
WLIFfm— 101.9 
WBAL am— 1090 
WCAO am— 660 

As soon as a snow 
emergency is decided upon, 
the Office of Public Informa- 
tion calls the media listed 
aboi'c. Although the univers- 
ity tries to insure that its 
message is used, it cannot 
control announcements 
presented on the radio or TV. 

Observing Martin Luther King Jr. Day 

Over 750 members of the campus community— the largest 
ever— gathered in the Stamp Union Ballroom to commemorate 
the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King jr. on Jan 15, Par- 
ticipating in the program were students (front row from left) 
Anne Kirwan, Jyotsna Gupta, Michael Schaffer and Angelique 
Best. Seen to the right of Best is Brandon Dula, associate direc- 
tor of Campus Activities, the sponsor of the event, and Dan 
Morrison, coordinator of Resident Life and a member of the 
planning committee. 

Black History Month Kick-Off Set 

The "Dream" of Dr. Martin 
Luther King, Jr. and other black 
leaders will be remembered, Jan. 31, 
at the Black History Month Kick-Off 
Ceremony coordinated by Brandon 
Dula, Assistant Director, Office of 
Campus Activities. 

The ceremony, which is scheduled 
for 3 to 5 p.m. in the Colony 
Ballroom, will include performances 
by the "Shades of Harlem," readings 
of poetry, personal student 
expressions and feelings about 
Black Historv, and the distribution 
of an upcoming events calendar. 

"We're going to have some proc- 
lamations read from the governor's 

office and the City of College Park," 
Dula says, "because the University 
of Maryland was declared the 
official site of opening ceremonies 
for Black History Month." 

The kick-off was started by former 
Assistant Director Artie Travis in 
1989, and was continued by Dula 
after he became assistant director 
for Student Involvement and Mi- 
nority Programming in 1990. 

Dula graduated from Bowling 
Green State University in 1982 and 
began coordinating student activi- 
ties at the University of Missouri. 
As their Student Services advisor, 
Dula worked with fraternity and 

sorority members and commuters. 

In addition to coordinating the 
Black History Month kick-off, Dula 
also plans the First Look Fair and 
the Annual Student Awards Ban- 
quet. He also coordinated the Mar- 
tin Luther King Jr. Commemoration 
Day ceremony held in the Stamp 
Union's Grand Ballroom 
Jan. 15. 

For more information on upcom- 
ing Black History month events, call 
Dula in the Office of Campus 
Activities, 314-7174. 

Patricia Gay 

Kirwan Writes Campus About Budget Prospects 

continued frotn pnge i 

full brunt of the reductions has not 
yet been felt. In the hope that our 
budget reductions would be for this 
year only, the vice presidents and I 
made every effort to cover as much 
of this year's reversions as possible 
from sources that would have 
minima] negative impact on 
individual units. Thus, we gave 
back central resources such as 
facilities renewal funds, tuition re- 
ceipts over budget, and reserves 
committed to campus-funded pro- 
grams and projects. In addition, we 
have requested permission from the 
Regents to impose a 7.5 percent tui- 
tion surcharge on out-of-state un- 
dergraduate students for the spring 
semester. We anticipate approval of 
this request. Regrettably, we now 
know that these are not one-time 
cuts and we must develop a budget 
for FY 1992 that will be diminished 
by nearly S25 million and 91 posi- 
tions over the budget with which 
we began the current fiscal year. 

We face a situation that none of 
us expected or predicted two years 
ago. Then, we were receiving un- 
precedented budget increases and 
the talk was of further enhancement 
for College Park, It would be quite 
natural for us to harbor feelings of 
disappointment, betrayal, and even 
anger, over this disheartening 
reversal in our fortunes. Although 
such feelings are understandable, I 
do not believe that they are justified. 
Governor Schaefer and the General 
Assembly have had to balance the 
merits of cuts in agency budgets, 
such as higher education, against 
the termination of social services 
and the elimination of jobs. Given 
the choices, I believe that the 
University of Maryland System has 
been treated equitably by the state, 
and the campus has been treated 
fairly by the System.... 

The difficult challenge we face at 
College Park is to prevent this bad 
budget news from reversing the 
significant progress we have made 
in recent years. Although we will 
have to scale back the scope of our 
plans and reduce some areas of, 
activity, if we use our resources 
wisely, we can retain recent gains 

and continue to make advances in 
areas of highest priority. 

Success in facing this challenge 
will require extraordinary effort on 
the part of the entire community. 
Later this month, I will be meeting 
with deans, directors and depart- 
ment chairs to discuss in greater 
depth tin- implications of llii-- bud- 
get reduction. Also, to help guide 
the campus through this difficult 
period, I am appointing a Strategic 
Planning Committee. The commit- 
tee will be c ha bed by Provost 
Robert Dorfman and will consist of 
the other vice presidents (Charles 
Sturtz, William Thomas, and Kath- 
ryn Costello), four individuals des- 
ignated bv the Senate l:\eculive 
Committee (including at least one 
student and one staff member), and 
three senior faculty members ap- 
pointed by me. The committee will 
base its work on the goals and pri- 
orities put forth in the Enhancement 
Plan and will obtain input from 
APAC (Academic Planning 
Advisory Committee), the divisions 
(Administrative Affairs, Academic 
Affairs, Student Affairs, and Insti- 
tutional Advancement), and the 
colleges. All areas of campus activ- 
ity — including current workloads 
and administrative costs of all 
units — will be under review. The 
objective will be to determine areas 
where we can reduce expenditures 
so that we can reinvest in areas of 
higher priority. The committee will 
be asked to recommend strategies 
for the support of campus priorities 
through the reallocation of up to 
one percent of our budget (approxi- 
mately $3.5 million) annually. It also 
will provide advice on the 
preparation of the FY 1992 budget. 1 
see the need for this committee to 
continue over the next several 

Ultimately, this process will re- 
quire us to make some very difficult 
decisions — decisions on which we 
cannot expect necessarily to achieve 
consensus. However, the objective is 
one we can all support — continued 
improvement of the university. The 
process will be open, and units have 
every right to expect that their input 
will be given careful consideration. 

When I assumed the position of 
president about two years ago, I 

never dreamed that in so short a 
period of time I would have to write 
such a letter. Nevertheless, if we use 
this period of decline in the state's 
economv wisely, clarifying and 
focusing our priorities, we can 
continue to make progress and be in 
an even better position to advance 
the institution when the economv 
turns around, as it surely will. 

We are a strong community, and 
we have much to be proud of. I ask 
that, despite the current budget 
problems, we hold on to our vision 
of the University of Ma rv land at 
College Park. We still aim to be- 
come a model academic enterprise, 
a university that is known and ad- 
mired nationally and internationally 
for the quality of its programs, 
students, faculty and staff. We still 
aim to become a showplaee for the 
talents of the citizens of the state. 
And, above all, we still aim to be- 
come the pride of Maryland. 1 be- 
lieve that, working together, we can 
make this vision of College Park a 


Outlook is the weekly faculty-staff newspaper serving 
the College Park campus community 

Kathryn Costello 

Roz Hleberl 

Linda Free man 
Brian Busek 
Lisa Gregory 
Tom Otwell 
Fariss Samarrai 
Gary Stephenson 
Jennifer Bacon 

Judith Bait 
John Consoti 
Stephen Darrou 
Chris Paul 
Al Danegger 
Linda Martin 
Pia Uznanska 
Michael Yuen 
Peter Zulkarnain 

Vice Presidenl for 

Institutional Advancemenl 

Director ol Public Information S 


Production Edilor 

Staff Wriler 

Staff Writer 

Staff Writer 

Staff Writer 

Staff Wriler 

Calendar Editor 

Art Director 
Formal Designer 
Layout a Illustration 
Layout & Illustration 
Product bn 
Production Intern 
Produclion Intern 
Production Intern 

Letters to Ihe edilor, story suggestions, campus informa- 
tion S calendar items are welcome Please submit all 
material at least Ihree weeks before the Monday of 
publication. Send it to Roz Hiebert, Editor Outlook, 2101 
Turner Building, through campus mail or to University ol 
Maryland. College Park. MD 20742 Our telephone 
number is (301) 405-4621 Electronic mail address is Fax number is (301)314-9344 




19 9 1 

Langenberg to Discuss Physics at Maryland 

Chancellor Donald Langenberg, a professor of physics, will 
open this semester's physics colloquium series on Tuesday, January 
29 at 4 p.m. in the Physics Building lecture hall, room 1410, with a 
talk on "Physics and the World of the University of Maryland Sys- 
tem." For information, contact Richard Ferrell at 405-6148 or Joseph 
Sucher at 405-6012. 


Do Not Go Quietly: Emancipation, 
Empowerment, and New Beginnings 

Ira Berlin, professor of history, 
director of the Freedmen and 
Southern Society Project, and 1990- 
91 Distinguished Scholar-Teacher, 
delivered the December 21, 1990 
commencement address. The 
following is an abbreviated 
version of his remarks. 

1 am pleased, privileged, and 
excited to stand with you (and your 
kinfolk) at this great rite of passage 
through the university. 

Rites of passage: We distinguish 
such ceremonies from the rest of the 
business of the world by their trapp- 
ings. We prepare our bodies, scrub- 
bing, polishing, perhaps even get- 
ting a haircut. We dress in funny 
clothes — -academic costume our 
program says — with secretly coded 
colors and designs. We display for- 
eign objects: maces and mortar- 
boards. We recite benedictions, 
evocations, admonitions, and var- 
ious ethical imperatives. We 
mumble our alma mater. Then for- 
tified with thoughts of rich food and 
strong drink, we listen to the incan- 
tation of tiresome cliches: Go forth, 
be strong. Carry the torch high. This 
is not the end but the beginning. 
And still other admonitions, exhor- 
tations, and ethical imperatives. 
Look around you, you see the acad- 
emy gone native. AH we need now 
is an anthropologist to move in 
among the tribe of academus Mary- 
land us, as you take the ritual charge: 
The world is a mess, we screwed 
up, you take over. 

Having experienced such rites 
many times before — baptisms, con- 
firmations, bar mitsvahs, and yet 
other graduations; perhaps for some 
of you weddings, more baptisms, 
promotions, and the like — no won- 
der we greet these ceremonies with 
a yawn- — if not considerable fore- 

Despite our best efforts to reduce 
them, such moments press themsel- 
ves upon us for their significance. 
They are the narrow neck of the 
hourglass of our lives — individual 
and collective. They are a chance to 
examine not only the great mounds 
of sand that have spilled and to con- 
sider those that are yet to be 
spilled — but also the fine grains 
which are passing right before our 
eyes — to capture them, to divine 
something of their meaning, and to 
be empowered by them. 

For rites of passage are above all 
moments of empowerment, and if 
we project our own personal rite of 
passage onto the larger world and 
its history, the light of historical 
magnification reveals precisely 
how. Clearly, we are living through 
one of the great passages of all time. 
Rehearsing the events of the last 
year or two, in eastern Europe, in 
the Soviet Union, in South Africa, 
and — sadly — in China and at the 
eastern end of the Mediterranean, 
we see how such historical passages 
sweep away the patina of routine, 

how they expose the cross purposes 
and warring intentions that have 
long simmered — often unnoticed — 
beneath the surface of daily life, and 
how they encourage common peo- 
ple to step forward, to abandon 
their usual caution — for plain 
speaking is dangerous for most 
people most of the time — and to 
speak eloquently of long cherished 
beliefs and to act forcefully to create 
a world of their own making. That's 

The revolutionary force of such 
passages not only empower the men 
and women swept up by events, but 
also the most distant onlookers, 
who view the events from conti- 
nents or even centuries away. Who 
cannot be touched by the emergence 
of Nelson Mandela from a lifetime 
of imprisonment, his body withered 
but his spirit unbent and his intelli- 
gence honed razor sharp; the eleva- 
tion of the poet Havel from a prison 
cell to the presidency of his native 
land, and heroism of the students in 
Peking, Lhasa, Bucharest, Jerusa- 
lem, and elsewhere. The collective 
impact is so great that they force us, 
at once, to reach — as we must do in 
any seemingly novel situation — for 
the history books to connect our 
daily lives with the momentous 
events which are passing before 
us — and it does no disservice to 
men and women caught up in these 
revolutionary passages to compare 
their moment with our own. Is our 
passage like 1968, 1917, or 1848 or 
even 1789 and 1776? Or perhaps 
1861 — the beginning of the end for 
chattel bondage in the United States 
and the passage of some four mil- 
lion Afro-Americans from slavery to 
freedom. Let me say a few words 
about the latter — -for, after all, there 
are few commencements greater 
than emancipation. 

For more than a decade 1 and 
other members of the Freedmen and 
Southern Society Project here at the 
University of Maryland have been 
studying the passage of black peo- 
ple from slavery to freedom in the 
American South — for no event in 
American history has more defined 
our collective and individual iden- 
tity — our world. More than 
anything else, we celebrate our- 
selves as a free people, and this 
commencement is a step toward 
taking the full burdens of our re- 
sponsibilities as citizens. So in 
studying the passage of slaves into 
freed people, we have been inter- 
ested in all aspects of that revolu- 
tionary transformation. What names 
did freedpeople take? Where did 
they live? How did they rebuild the 
institutional infrastructure of Afro- 
American life — family and church 
and fraternal societies? What kind 
of new institutions did they 
create — schools, businesses, and in- 
surance companies? How did they 
cam a living? And of course how 
did they understand their new con- 
dition — freedom? What did freed- 
om mean? 

We have tried to leam these 

things by eavesdropping on the 
newly freed slaves, analyzing and 
interpreting an extraordinary cache 
of tetters found at the National Ar- 
chives written by former slaves at 
the very moment of emancipation. 
Recently some of you may have 
joined our eavesdropping when you 
watched Ken Burns' Civil War 
series on PBS, And if you listened 
carefully, what you heard was the 
empowerment of men and women 
caught up in a revolutionary pas- 
sage from slavery to freedom. 

Let's listen to Hannah Johnson, a 
black women — a free woman but 
the daughter of a slave — who wrote 
to Abraham Lincoln in July of 1863. 
Hannah Johnson's son had gone 
into the army in spring of 1863, as 
had many black men following the 
issuances of the Emancipation Proc- 
lamation. In response, Jefferson 
Davis, president of the Confederacy, 
threatened to treat captured black 
soldiers not as prisoners of war but 
as slaves in insurrection — and insur- 
rectionists are of course punished 
differently than prisoners of war. 
I lannah Johnson was worried. 

Excellent Sir, 

My good friend says I must write to 
you and she will send it My son wettl 
in the 54th regiment, ! am a colored wo- 
man and my son tons strong and able as 
any to fight for his country and the 
colored people have as much to fight for 
as any. My father was a Slave and es- 
caped from Louisiana before 1 was born 
mom forty years agoue I have but poor 
education hut I never ivent to schol, but 
I know just as well as am/ what is right 
between man and man. Now I know it 
is right that a colored man should go 
and fight for his country/, and so ought 
to a white man. I know that a colored 
man ought to run no greater risques 
than a white, his pay is no greater his 
obligation to fight is the same. So why 
should not our enemies be compelled to 
treat him the same, Made to do it. 

My son fought at Fort WagO}ter hut 
thank Cod he was not taken prisoner, as 
many xvere I thought of this thing be- 
fore I let my hoy go but then they said 
M'. Lincoln will never let them sell our 
colored soldiers for slaves, if they do he 
will get them hack quck he will rcttal- 
lyate and slop it. Now Mr Lincoln (font 
you think you oght to stop this thing 
and make them do the same by the 
colored men they have lived in idleness 
all their lives on stolen labor and made 
savages of the colored people, but they 
now are so furious because they are 
proving themselves to be men, such as 
have come away and got some edicathm. 
It must not be so. You must put the 
rebels to work in State prisons to mak- 
ing shoes and things, if they sell our 
colored soldiers, till they let them all go. 
And give their wounded the same treat- 
ment, it would seem cruel, but their no 
other way, and a just man must do hard 

continued on //age -t 

Ira Berlin 


19 9 1 


Help Recognize Campus Student Leaders 

Omicron Delta Kappa, one of the most prestigious national 
societies to recognize leadership, is looking for a few more student 
leaders to honor. The university's Sigma Circle of ODK, begun in 
1927, seeks outstanding juniors and seniors in five areas of campus 
community life scholarship; social, service, religious and campus 
government activities; athletics; journalism, speech and mass media; 
and the creative and performing arts. Applications must be returned 
to the Office of Student Affairs, 2108 Mitchell, no later than Tuesday, 
Feb. 5. Call 314-8432 for information. 

Berlin Sees Rites of Passage 
as Empowerment 

These images, 
courtesy of the Na- 
tional Archives and 
the Library of Con- 
gress, show freed 
slaves voting and 
serving in the military 
after Emancipation. 
Ira Berlin, professor 
of history, discussed 
Emancipation as part 
of his Commencement 
Address Dec. 21. 

cum tinned from page ,i 

things sometimes, flint shexo him to be a 
great man. They tell me some do you 
if/// take back the Proclamation, don't 
do it. Wlien you are dead and in 
Heaven, in a thousand years that action 
of yours will make the Angels sing your 
praises I know it. Ought one man to 
own another, law for or not, who made 
the law, surely the poor slave did not. SO 
it is tricked, and a horrible Outrage, 
there is no sense in it, because a man 
has lived by robbing all his life ami his 
father before him, should he complain 
because the stolen things found on him 
are taken. Robbing the colored people of 
their labor is but a smalt part of the rob- 
bery their souls are almost taken, tiny 
are made bruits of often. Yon know alt 
about this 

Will you see that the colored men fight- 
ing now, are fairly treated. You ought 
to do this, and do it at once, Not let the 
thing run along meet it quickly and 
manfully, and stop this, mean cowardly 
cruelty. We poor oppressed ones, appeal 
to you, and ask fair play. Yours for 
Christs sake 

Hannah Johnson wrote as a 
petitioner — but there is no supplica- 
tion in her voice. She speaks not as a 
poor washerwoman, daughter of an 
enslaved people grateful to be ele- 
vated to the new world of freedom, 
but as a women empowered by 
events to explain to the Great Eman- 
cipator his historic duty. 

Let's listen to other voices.... 
Thev too ask what is the condition 

of a free people? What did freedom 
mean? Slaves and former slaves and 
the descendants of slaves thought 
they knew. They knew freedom, be- 
cause they knew slavery. If slavery 
denied them the right to control 
their persons and progeny, freedom 
would confer that right. If slavery 
required that they suffer arbitrary 
and often violent treatment, free- 
dom would enable them to protect 
themselves against such abuse. If 
slavery allowed their owners to 
expropriate the fruits of their labor, 
freedom would at least guarantee 
compensation if not the entire prod- 
uct of their labor. As free people, 
former slaves expected to be able to 
organize their lives in accordance 
with their own sense of propriety, 
establish their families as indepen- 
dent units, create churches and 
schools, and— most important — 
control productive property as the 
foundation of their new status. 

Knowing is one thing, acting 
upon their knowledge is another. 
Thai is empowerment is 

Hannah Johnson and other freed - 
people speak with iron in their voic- 
es. Empowered bv their passage to 
freedom — by their commence- 
ment — thev speak in a clear voice: 
free men and women deserve re- 
spect — men and women should not 
make brutes out of us — the rights of 
family should be guarded, and they 
should be allowed to have a right to 
an independent livelihood — they 
should not be forced to accept some 
one else's price; that the right not to 

have a master means more than the 
right to change masters or em- 
ployers — that freedom must rest up- 
on an independent base of property. 
There was much to learn from such 
voices in Civil-War America, and 
there is much to be learned from 
such voices in twentieth -century 

But most of all they remind us of 
how such passages are moments of 
empowerment and opportun- 
ity — and how such moments can 
free us to remake our world. 

But there is more. Over the next 
century Hannah Johnson and her 
descendants, real and spiritual — 
and 1 trust all belong among 
them— would continue the struggle 
for freedom. There would be battles 
won and lost. The revolution which 
emancipated and enfranchised black 
people did in fact go backward and 
forward and now backward again, 
as Klansmen run for public office, 
presidents veto civil rights legis- 
lation, and bureaucrats revoke 
scholarships, and budget crises 
threaten all. It seems if freedom is 
never secure. 

We need no lesson of that. In the 
last months, our own heroic passage 
has turned ugly. The thrust for 
liberation in Eastern Europe and 
South Africa threatens to degenerate 
into a war of all against all — not 
between the old forces of repression 
and liberation — but among the 
beneficiaries of liberation. The de- 
sire for a more productive society 
and a richer material life in Eastern 
Europe has created not plenty, but 
empty shelves and larders — devoid 
of any of the former collective will- 
ingness to share the burdens of 
dearth. The ethos of capitalist cu- 
piditv, it appears, has been easier to 
transfer than the cornucopia of 
capitalist productivity. All of this 
has only affirmed the forces of re- 
pression, in the Far East or Near 
East, and encouraged vet other 
demagogues (never in short supp- 
ly) — so that when we connect our 
own rite of passage with the large 
historical pa s sa ge s o f 1 990 , we s e e 
hopes of a better world disappear- 
ing in the slough of recession and 
sands of Saudi Arabia, our future 
and even our lives at risk. 

Yet it is precisely at such 
moments that the empowerment 
drawn from the conjunction of great 
historic passages of 1968 and 1917, 
1848 and 1789, of 1776 and 1863 and 
the small passages like the one we 
share today become important. If 
Hannah Johnson could lecture 
Abraham Lincoln on emancipation, 
we too can raise our own voices and 
make it clear we will not settle for 
any thine, less than our birth right as 
a free people. This is your passage; 
your empowerment. Do not go 




19 9 1 

Special Olympics Day at Cole Field House 

Head basketball coach Gary Williams and the Terrapin mascot 
visit with a youthful Special Olympics athlete prior to the Terps' 64- 
48 win over Lafayette on Dec. 22. The Athletic Department hosted a 
"Maryland Special Olympics Day" at Cole Fietd House. A reception 
for the young athletes followed the game. 

David Driskell Featured in British 
Film on African American Art 

From the streets of Harlem to a 
College Park lecture hall to the rural 
countryside of his native Georgia, 
David Driskell tells the rich story of 
African American art in "Hidden 
Heritage," a British film that 
premiered recently in London. 

Driskell, professor of art, narrates 
the 55-minute film which deals with 
African American art and its role in 
African American culture from the 
late 18th century through the 
Harlem Renaissance of the 1930s. 
The film was produced by Cue 
Films for broadcast on Channel 4 
Television in Great Britain and was 
premiered in November at the 
British Academy of Film and 
Television Arts. 

Acclaimed for his work both as 
an artist and as an historian of 
African American art, Driskell ap- 
proaches the subject from a personal 
and scholarly perspective. 

"1 am the grandson of slaves. As 
an art historian, 1 present the soul 
struggle of black artists and their 
two centuries of art in America. 

Their art is not different from any 
other art in form and color. Art has 
no racial barriers," Driskell says in 
the film. 

Driskell presents the individual 
work of African American artists in 
the context of their social history. 
The influence of emancipation, Jim 
Crow laws, racial violence and 
segregation on their art are 
described by Driskell. 

The three main settings serve as 
general backdrops for the subject 
while also holding personal rele- 
vance for Driskell. 

Eatonton, Ga., is not only an ex- 
ample of the sort of rural southern 
region where the roots of African 
American culture can be found, but 
Driskell's birthplace as well. 
Harlem is the setting of one of the 
major movements in the history of 
African American art: the Harlem 
Renaissance of the 1920s and 1930s. 
Driskell is among the preeminent 
historians of the movement, having 
cu rated major exhibits on both the 
Harlem Renaissance and the history 

of African American art in general* 

Driskell has served as a faculty 
member at College Park since 1977. 
The presence of courses in African 
American painting in the curricu- 
lum of an art program at a major 
university is evidence that a long- 
neglected subject is beginning to 
receive academic attention. 

A screening of "Hidden Heri- 
tage" will be held at 3:30 p.m. Sun- 
day, April 7, at the Ira Alridge 
Theater at Howard University. 

Brian Busek 

Exhibit Will Feature Works From 
Art Gallery Permanent Collection 

The Art Gallery will feature 
works from three parts of its per- 
manent collection in its first exhibi- 
tion of the spring sememster. 

The show will open Monday, 
Jan. 28, and feature groups of New 
Deal era mural sketches featuring 
images of farming and urban labor, 
silkscreen and acrylic portraits by 
Andy Warhol, and contemporary 
prints by several different artists. 

The mural sketches and Warhol 
works are among the better-known 
pieces in the permanent collection, 
says Gallerv director Gwendolyn 
Owens. The contemporary prints, 
featuring works by juan Genoves, 
Risaburo Kimura, and John Christie, 
are among the Gallery's more recent 
acquis! ions and have seldom been 
shown publicly. 

"We always look forward to 
showing pieces from our own col- 
lection," Owens says, "The works in 
the collection are an excellent 
teaching tool." 

The scheduling of the show was 
not entirelv by design. As recently 
as fall 1989, the Gallery offered an 
exhibit from the permanent collec- 
tion in 1989-90. 

Originally scheduled as the 
semester's first show was an exhibit 
of paintings and oil sketches by Van 
Dyck. Late last summer, however, 
Gallery officials learned that the 
organizers of the exhibit would not 
be unable to fulfill their com- 

Not onlv was there little time to 
find an alternate show, but gallery 
officials felt that their own vault 
contained more than enough 
material for another good exhibit, 
Owens says. Moreover, the timing 

of the exhibit carries a happy 
coincidence — 1991 is expected to be 
a banner year for art donations. 

This year donors to museum 
collections can take advantage of a 
one-time tax break, Owens says. 
Under current tax laws, donors, in 
1991 only, will receive a tax deduc- 
tion based on the current value of 
donated works as opposed to their 
purchase price. 

Museum donations have 
dropped dramatically since the new 
laws were adopted in 1986, Owens 
says. With the temporary tax break, 
museum directors throughout the 
country anticipate a dramatic in- 
crease in contributions. 

Owens is hopeful that supporters 
will add to the Gallery's collection 
during the year. 

The exhibition runs through 
March 15. Gallerv hours are Mon- 
day-Friday noon-4 p.m., Wednes- 
day evenings until 9 p.m. and Sat. 
and Sun. 1-5 p.m. For information 
call 405-2763. 

James A. Porter, 
whose painting, "Still 
Life," Is shown 
above, is among the 
artists featured In 
"Hidden Heritage: 
The Roots of Black 
American Painting," 
a new British film on 
the history of African 
American painting. 
The film Is narrated 
by David Driskell, 
professor of art. 

Sen Shahn's sketch of 
hts mural, "The Riveter," 
is among the works 
in a new Art Gallery 

Annual Concert to Honor Mozart 

Musicians of all ages — students, 
faculty artists and children — will 
come together to present a Mozart 
concert on Saturday evening Feb. 9 
at 8 p.m., when the Department of 
Music will present its eighth annual 
"Happy Birthday, Mozart" concert 
in Tawes Recital Hall. 

The University of Maryland 
Symphony Orchestra under con- 
ductor William Hudson will per- 
form the overture to the Magic Flute 
and, with singers from the Mary- 
land Opera Studio, selected en- 

sembles from that ever-fascinating 

The simple yet profound motet, 
Ave Vent in Cor fit?, K. 618 will be 
sung by the Maryland Boy Choir. 
The evening will conclude with 
pianist Santiago Rodriguez per- 
forming the intimate and lovely 
Piano Concerto No. 17 in G Major, 
K. 453. 

Tickets are $10 for general ad- 
mission and $7 for students and 
senior citizens. Call 405-5548 for 


19 9 1 





McKeldin Library Move Runs Ahead of Schedule 

Dusting and moving more than one million 
volumes from McKeldin East to the new addition, 
McKeldin West, was accomplished during the 
January break, with a minimum of disruption to 
students and faculty— and a few days ahead of 
schedule. McKeldin West is equipped with 2,660 
sections of user-activated compact shelving. Several 
ranges of shelving, shown at left (along with tradi- 
tional shelves), are pressed together with just one 
aisle among them. An electrically-operated system 
permits users to move the shelves back and forth 
in order to gain access to desired volumes. 

New Center Created to Study 
Special Education Policy 

The University of Maryland at 
College Park has established the 
nation's only Center for the Study of 
Policy Options in Special Education. 

The center will address pressing 
policy issues facing special educa- 
tion within the context of school 
reform and restructuring, including 
how new performance standards 
and curricula impact on students 
with disabilities and how increased 
local control of education enhances 
or limits options for these students, 
says Margaret J. McLaughlin, proj- 
ect director and associate research 
scholar of the university's Institute 
for the Study of Exceptional Child- 
ren and Youth in the College of 

Funded by a SI .5 million, three- 
year contract from the U.S. Depart- 
ment of Education's Office of Spe- 
cial Education Programs, the center 
is a collaborative effort between the 

university's Institute for the Study 
of Exceptional Children and Youth 
and the WESTAT Corporation, a 
research consulting firm in Silver 
Spring, Md. 

"While education has moved to 
the national forefront, the issues of 
special education and children with 
disabilities are frequently over- 
looked," sa\ s VI cl aughlin. 

The goal of the center, says 
McLaughlin, is to develop policy 
options for state and local special 
education programs in three areas, 
including site-based management, 
outcome assessment and students 
with severe behavioral disorders. 

The center, she adds, is unique 
since it will bring together diverse 
groups of individuals representing 
both general and special education 
who will provide their expertise and 
perspectives in identifying issues 
and developing policy options. 

"The two areas have really devel- 
oped separate agendas and separate 
constituencies," notes McLaughlin. 
"It's amazing, but when individuals 
were asked to be part of our group, 
they saw this as challenging because 
they had never really thought about 
the other part of education." 

Representatives of all major edu- 
cation associations and organiza- 
tions, as well as researchers, ad- 
ministrators, teachers and parents, 
will be involved throughout the 
process of issue identification and 
policy development. 

This combination, says McLaugh- 
lin, makes the center truly inte- 
grated and innovative. 

A series of issue papers and re- 
ports of policies and practices will 
be generated over the next three 
years of the project, accord ing to 
VU Lmighlin. 

Lisa Gregory 

Professor Named Co-Editor 
of Congressional Encyclopedia 

Roger H. Davidson, professor of 
Government and Politics, has been 
named co-editor of a massive com- 
pilation of scholarly work about the 
United States Congress. 

Davidson joined the faculty full- 
time in 1987 after six years as an 
adjunct professor. He and two co- 
editors are at work on The Encyclo- 
pedia of the United States Congress, a 
four-volume reference work on the 
country's national legislative his- 
tory, its members, structure, and 

Publication of the multi- volume 
work is planned for late 1993 by 
Simon and Schuster's Academic- 
Reference Division. 

Davidson represents the political 
science profession on the project. 
His co-editors are Morton Keller, 
Spector Professor of History at 
Brandeis University, and Donald C. 
Bacon, a veteran Washington jour- 
nalist and biographer. They are as- 
sisted by an editorial board of 19 
other prominent scholars and jour- 

Planned as the definitive refer- 
ence w r ork of its kind, the Encyclo- 
pedia will contain some ],500 
signed original articles contributed 
by leading academics, journalists, 
elected officials, and Congressional 
staff members. The articles will 
cover a variety of topics ranging 
from art and architecture in the 
Capitol to the concept of represen- 
tation and the role of the media. 

The Encyclopedia also will in- 
clude interpretive biographies of 
famous and lesser-known Congres- 
sional leaders, essays on legislative 

history, and thematic policy articles 
on topics ranging from foreign af- 
fairs, agriculture, labor, and civil 

The project is underwritten by 
the U.S. Commission on the Bicen- 
tennial of the Constitution, and 
owes its origins to a group of polit- 
ical scientists, historians, and jour- 
nalists convened several years ago 
by the Lyndon B. Johnson Founda- 
tion and the D.B. Hardeman 
Bequest. The idea subsequently won 
the endorsement of the Bicentennial 

Commissions of the Senate and 
House of Representatives. 

Davidson has served on several 
1 louse and Senate committee staffs 
and was senior research specialist 
for the Congressional Research Ser- 
vice of the Library of Congress. He 
has authored or co-authored some 
120 works on legislatures and pol- 
icy-making, including Congress and 
Its Members (3rd ed„ 1990)' the 
leading text on the subject. 

Tom Otwell 

National Engineering Design Challenge 
Finals to be Held at College Park 

High school students from Ten- 
nessee, Texas, Virginia, Pennsyl- 
vania, New Jersey and Maryland 
will compete in the 1990 National 
Engineering Design Challenge 
(NEDC) finals at College Park on 
February 2. 

The competition will be held in 
the Engineering Classroom Build- 
ing. The finalists will each receive a 
medallion and a trip to the Goddard 
Space Flight Center in Creenbelt. 

The NEDC competition, now in 
its second year, challenges high 
schools students to solve a non- 
routine, societal problem using 
mathematics, engineering and tech- 
nology. The six state teams will 
compete, this year to develop a 
method of enabling physically 

handicapped people to turn the 
pages of a book without the assis- 
tance of another person. 

Each team will publicly demon- 
strate its working model at the 
competition. Judges will evaluate 
the projects based on their safety 
and cost-effectiveness. The solution 
must be user-friendly and demon- 
strated by the team in a quality 

The N EDC is sponsored by the 
National Society of Professional 
Engineers, the junior Engineering 
Technical Society and the National 
Talent Network of the Educational 
Information and Resource Center 
with funding from the National 
Science Foundation. 

Roger H, Davidson 


19 9 1 

Maryland/Japan Technological Affairs Program Launched 

A program for engineering students has been initiated at Col- 
lege Park to heJp facilitate their entry into the global marketplace. 
Eventually, J-TAP, the Maryland /Japan Technological Affairs 
Program, is expected to involve 20 students each year including 
internships with Japanese corporations. Modeled after a program 
offered at MIT, the College Park program is designed to make it 
easier for engineering students to participate in educational pro- 
grams in Japan. Last summer, three students attended an intensive 
course in Japanese at Cornell University. The course was the equiva- 
lent of Japanese I; the students are taking Japanese II this year at 
College Park. 

News and Views From the 
Campus Senate 

by Bruce Fretz, chair 

^t The large number of 
y^^ respondents with neutral 
^r c-.m P u » views on both representation 
r ^" » and the role of the Campus 
Senate, and the fact that faculty xoere as 
likely to agree as disagree that they knew 
little about the Senate, raised the question 
of whether views of participation represent 
a genuine lack of involvement, or a 
problem in communicating to faculty 
the degree of involvement that actually 

The latter part of this statement 
from the recent report of the Ad 
Hoc Committee on Faculty Gover- 
nance was reiterated this fall during 
the open hearings held by the 
Senate Task Forces to review the 
recommendations of this report. 

One suggestion from these hear- 
ings that has been possible to im- 
plement immediately, with the sop- 
port of the editorial staff of Outlook, 
is a periodic column by the chair of 
the Senate. In an attempt to improve 
communication about the increasing 
role of the Senate in the shared 
governance of College Park, I would 
like to focus each column on one or 
two of the more significant issues 
under review by a committee or 
task force of the Senate. Names of 
appropriate committee chairs will 
be provided to facilitate suggestions 
or inquiries to whatever group is 
currentlv working with the issues. 

The two issues 1 would like to 
address this month aTe: 1 ) the 
Senate's review of the president's 
response to the Appointment, Pro- 
motion and Tenure (APT) Policy 
approved by the Campus Senate in 
Spring 1990 and 2) the urgency for 
the Senate to elect a representative 
committee for the 1992 mandated 
review of the Senate's Plan of Or- 

Regarding the APT Policy, on 
Nov. 30, the president and academic 
affairs staff provided a revised 
version with extensive commentary 
on several substantial changes. In 
the view of several members of the 
Senate Executive Committee who 
reviewed this revised version, a 
number of the proposed changes 
reflect significant differences of 
opinion on questions of criteria and 
procedures. Consequently, the Sen- 
ate Executive Committee is request- 
ing that the Ad Hoc Committee that 
prepared the final draft of the 
document approved last spring re- 
view these changes to identify those 
that can be seen as essentially 
editorial clarifications and those that 
represent substantive changes. For 
the latter category, we are asking 
the Ad Hoc Committee to indicate 
which of those changes they find 
acceptable and which they wish 
returned to their original form. 

In those areas where there ap- 
pear to be significant differences of 
opinion, the Ad Hoc Committee is 
asked to suggest any possible alter- 

natives that they believe might be 
mutually acceptable to both the ad- 
ministration and the Campus 
Senate. The president has agreed to 
provide a prompt review and 
response to these suggestions. If 
there are any remaining disagree- 
ments, they will then be submitted 
to the current Faculty Affairs Com- 
mittee for their careful review and 
preparation, if desirable, of a "Dis- 
senting Opinion Report" to be sub- 
mitted to the Campus Senate along 
with those administrative revisions 
that have been found unacceptable. 

Assuming a prompt response 
from these committees and the ad- 
ministration, the revised policy 
should be available for Senate 
review in late spring semester. The 
primary goal of this discussion will 
be to reach a consensus as to 
whether or not the Senate wants to 
recommend to the president the 
implementation of the revised poli- 
cy, even if there remain significant 
differences requiring a "Dissenting 
Opinion Report." It remains with 
the president, in consultation with 
the chancellor, after he has reviewed 
the revised policy and our 
commentary, to decide whether the 
present or new policy and pro- 
cedures will be used during the 
coming academic year. 

If you would like to receive a 
copy of the revised APT document 
and the summary of changes with 
supporting rationale, please call the 
Senate office, 405-5805. The chair of 
both the Ad Hoc Committee and the 
Faculty Affairs Committee, which 
will be reviewing and preparing 
recommendations on the revised 
version, is Paul Smith (MATH), 405- 

A Plan of Organization Review 
Committee must be elected as soon 
as possible if the committee is to be 
able to benefit from this spring's 
Senate discussions on recommen- 
dations emerging from the task for- 
ces reviewing the report of the Ad 
Hoc Committee on Faculty Gover- 
nance. The current Senate Plan of 
Organization calls for a very specific 
structure of that committee, i.e., a 
representative from each college, 
staff and students, with the majority 
of representatives being other than 
Senate members. 

We have recently identified one 
senator from each college and other 
constituent units to serve as a con- 
vener of a caucus of senators from 
each college or unit to provide the 
Senate with a slate of three or more 
nominees that can be submitted to 
the Senate Executive Committee by 
Jan. 31. We have asked the senators 
to pay particular attention to diver- 
sity of backgrounds of their nomi- 
nees as they choose informed and 
committed persons to recommend 
for this committee. Since this review 
committee may be recommending 
far-reaching changes in the 

Bruce Fretz 

structure and role of the Campus 
Senate, we believe it is critical that 
we have the campus' very best 
representatives for such a commit- 

May I urge you to communicate 
to your unit senator any persons 
whom you consider outstanding 

In my next column I would like 
to address; 1) the issues of diversity 
in the election of senators and 2) 
considerations from the ongoing 
dialogue between the representa- 
tives of the Campus Senate Execu- 
tive Committee and the Executive 
Committee of the Athletic Council. 
In the meantime, 1 welcome your 
inquiries or suggestions about the 
Campus Senate. I can be reached 
through the Senate office, 405-5805. 

Outlook will present on a regular 
basis a column from the Campus 
Senate on significant university 
concerns and issues. This is the 
first in an on-going spring semes- 
ter series. We would be pleased to 
receive your comments and letters 
to the editor. 

Campus Senate to 
Discuss 40-Hour 
Work Week 

Kathryn Mohrman, dean of Un- 
dergraduate Education, will be the 
featured speaker, presenting "Good 
News About Undergraduate Edu- 
cation" at the next meeting of the 
Campus Senate on Thursday, Feb. 7 
from 3:30 to 6:30 p.m. in Room 0126 
of Reckord Armory. Also to be 
discussed will be a resolution, 
"Priorities for People," concerning 
bud get- re la ted lay-offs, furloughs, 
COLAs and the 40-hour work week. 
Other agenda items include a 
resolution on retirement benefits for 
TIAA subscribers and a progress ' 
report on a survey to identify 
impediments to research. Call 405- 
5805 for information. 


19 9 1 




Carry Out Your New Year's Resolution: 
Join the Terrapin Fitness Challenge 

Campus Recreation Service (CRS) challenges you to start your 
year off right and exercise for just six months. Choose any aerobic 
activity and exercise at your convenience. For each 15 minutes of 
continuous aerobic exercise, you will earn one point. CRS will keep 
track of your points. Earn 150 points in six months and win a T-shirt. 
Sign up today at the CRS office. Call 314-7218 for more information. 

January 28-February 6 


Art Exhibition, three concurrent 
exhibitions featuring New Deal 
Images. Contemporary Prints from 
the Private Collection, and The 
Andy Warhol Athlete Series, to 
day-March 15. Call 5-2763 for 

Engineering Colloquium: "A Pot 
pourri of Physics." Richard E. 
Berg, Physics, 3:30 p.m.. Bldg. 3 
auditorium, NASA'Goddard Flight 
Center. Greenbelt. Call 5-5994 lor 

Computer Science Colloquium: 
"Ten Minule Madness." Com p. 
Sci. faculty. 4 p.m., 0111 Class- 
room Building. Call 5-2661 for 

Entomology Colloquium: "Nat- 
ural Mortality of Ihe Dusky Sap 
Beetle on Sweet Corn," Angel 
Pena. Entomology, 4 p.m. 0200 
Symons. Call 5-3912 For info. 

Space Science Seminar: "The 

Cusp." Mark Smith, GSFC, 4:30 
p.m.. 1113 Computer and Space 
Sciences. Call 5-4829 for into. 


Zoology Seminar: "Viroid and 
Viroid-TiKe Satellite RNAs: Pos- 
sible Evolutionary Significance," 
Theodore Diener, Agricultural Bio- 
technology Center, noon. 1208 
Zoo 'Psych. Call 5-1640 for info. 

Danish Lecture: "People. Land, 
Culture," Bent Skou. Minister- 
Counselor. Royal Danish Embas- 
sy, 12:30-1:45 p.m., 2122 
Jimenez Call 5-4097 for info. 

Physics and Astronomy Collo- 
quium: "Physics and the World of 
the University of Maryland Sys- 
tem." Donalo Langenberg, Chan- 
cellor, 4 p.m., 1410 Physics, lea 
reception. 3:30 p.m. Call 5-5953 
for info. 

Catholic Student Center Gather- 
ing. 4-5:30 p.m., reopening and 
reaedication of library featuring 
speaker Marie Davidson, Execu- 
tive Assislant to the President. 5 
p.m., Catholic Student Cenler. 
Call 864-6223 for info. 

Women's Basketball vs. Penn 

State. 5:15 p.m.. Cole Field 
House. Call 4-7064 for info * 

Movies: Last Tango in Paris, 7 5 
9:45 p.m.. Hoff Theatre. Call 4- 
HOFF for info." 

Men's Basketball vs. American, 
7:30 p.m.. Cole Field House. Call 
4-7064 for info.' 


Molecular and Ceil Biology 
Seminar: "Signal Transduction m 
Bacterial Chemotaxis." Ann Stock. 
BrandeisU., 12:05 p.m., 1208 
Zoo'Psych. Call 5-6991 for info. 

History and Philosophy of Sci- 
ence Colloquium: "Interpersonal 

Com pan son of Ulility: A Theoreti- 
cal Solution with Cntical Reflec- 
tions," Daniel Hausman. U. of 
Wisconsin, 3:30 p.m., 4105 
Tydings. Call 5-5691 for info. 

Center on Population, Gender, 
and Social Inequality Lecture: 

"Middle-aged Japanese and Their 
Parents: Co- residence and Con- 
tact." Linda Martin, National Aca- 
demy of Sciences, 3:30 p.m.. 
2115 Art/Soc. Call 5-6422 for info. 

Movies: Last Tango in Pahs, 
4:30. 7 8 9:45 p.m., Hoff Theatre. 
Call 4-HOFF for into." 


Meteorology Seminar: "Determi- 
ning Climatic Sensitivity from the 
Fluctuation-Dissipation Relation- 
ship," Thomas Bell. NASA'GSFC, 
Greenbelt. 3:30 p.m.. 21 14 Com- 
puter and Space Sciences, recep- 
tion. 3 p.m. Call 5-5392 for info. 

► Opening Ceremony for Black 
History Month, featuring various 
speakers. 3:30 p.m., Cofony Ball- 
room, Stamp Student Union. Call 
4-7174 for info. 

History and Philosophy of Sci- 
ence Colloquium: "Gender and 
Early Modern Science," Londa 
Schtebinger. Pennsylvania State 
U.. 3:30 p.m.. 2283 Zoo/Psych. 
Call 5-5691 for info. 

Movies: Flatliners. 7:15 & 9:45 
p.m.. Night of the Living Dead, 
midnight. Hoff Theatre. Call 4- 
HOFF tor info 

Women's Basketball vs. Duke, 
7:30 p.m.. Cole Field House. Call 
4-7064 for info.* 


Movies: Flatliners. 7:15 & 9:45 
m, Hoff Theatre Call 4-HOFF 

'or info. 


Reliability Engineering Seminar: 

"Control of the Quality of Ma- 
chined Surfaces in Real Time." 
Guangming Zhang. Mechanical 
Engineering, 5:15-6:15 p.m., 2115 
Chemical and Nuclear Engineer- 
ing Bldg. Call 5-3887 or 5-3883 
for info. 

Swim Meet: Maryland vs. Vir- 
ginia, 1 p.m. (men), 4 p.m. 
(women[, Cole Field House Pool. 
Call 4-7064 for info. 

► "We Are Family," celebration 
of African American culture, 6 
p.m.. Memorial Chapel. Call 4- 
7174 for info. 

Movies: Railiners, 7:15 & 9:45 
p.m.. Night of the Living Dead, 
midnight. Hoff Theatre. Call 4- 
HOFF^ for info 

University Community Con- 
certs, the Cleveland Quartet, 
program TBA. 8 p.m.. Center of 
Adult Education, $1 7 standard 
admission, $1 4,50 students and 
seniors. Call 80-4239 for info," 

Gladys Marie Frye. Maieka Han- 
sard, Mary Cothran, Rhonda Wil- 
liams, Sharon Harley. noon-1 :30 
p.m. (bring lunch), 0109 Hornbake 
Library. Call 5-6877 tor info. 

Horticulture Seminar: "Con- 
straints on Using Composed Sew- 
age Sludge and Municipal Refuse 

in Horticulture and Agriculture," 
Rufus Chaney, USDA, ARS, 
Belts*, 4 p.m.. 0128 Holzapfel. 
Call 5-4336 for info. 

Computer Science Colloquium: 
"Ten Minute Madness II." Comp. 
Sci. faculty. 4 p.m., 0111 Class- 
room Building. Call 5-2661 for 

Entomology Colloquium: "Larval 

Defense in Tortoise Beetles: 
Costs, Effectiveness, and Inter- 
specific Variation," Karen 
Qimstead, Entomology. 4 p.m., 
0200 Symons. Call 5-3912 for 

Space Science Seminar: "Par- 
ticle Acceleration at Shocks," Don 
Ellison. NCSU, 4:30 p.m.. 1113 
Computer and Space Sciences. 
Call 5-4829 for info. 

Classics Department Lecture: 

"Perceiving Achilles," Rolf O. 
Hubbe; response, Lillian Doherly, 
4 p.m., 2309 Art/Soc, reception 
following. Call 5-2013 for info, 

Movies: To Sleep with Anger. 
7:1 5 & 9:45 p.m., Hoff Theatre. 
Call 4-HOFF for info. 

Writers Here and Now Reading, 
Alan Cheuse, novelist. 8 p.m.. 
3101 McKeldin Library (Katherine 
Anne Porter Room). Call 5-3809 
for info. 


Anthropology Seminar: "Plan- 
ning and Evafuation: Applying the 
Anthropologist's Tool Kit," Robert 
Werge, U.S. Depl. of Agriculture, 
3:30-5 p.m.. 1 1 14 Woods. Call 5- 
1423 for info 

Movies: To Sleep with Anger. 5, 
7:15&9:45_p.m, Hoff Theatre. 
Call 4-HOFF for info. 

The Cleveland Quartet will perform on priceless seventeenth-century instruments once owned by the Italian virtuoso, Paganini, on loan 
from the Corcoran Gallery of Art, Saturday, February 2, 8 p.m., at Ihe Center of Adull Education. Standard admission, $17.50: students 
and seniors, $14.50. As part of a music sampler promotion, (acuity and staff may purchase tickets for $10, and student 
tickets are $5 at the door. 


Black History Month 

Speech Communication Collo- 
quium: "Transactional Communi- 
cation in the Classroom: Going 
Beyond Direct Explanation." 
Michael Pressley, Human Devel- 
opment, noon, 0i47Tawes. Call 
5-6524 for info. 

► Episcopal Campus Ministry 
Graduate Student and Faculty 
Gathering: "Afrocentrism: Princi- 
ples, Perspectives, and Prob- 
lems," Russell Adams. Howard U„ 
5:30 p.m., St Andrews Parish 
Hall Call 5-8453 tor info. 


Movies: Flatliners. 5, 7:15 & 9:45 
p.m.. Hoff Theatre. Call 4-HOFF 

for rnfo 


Zoology Seminar: "Molecular 
Phytogeny of Plethodontine Sala- 
manders and Hylid Frogs," 
Richard Hiohton, Zoology, noon, 
1208 Zoo/Psych. Call 5-6945 tor 

► Women's Studies Lecture: 
"We Were There: African Amen- 
can Women and Ihe Civil Rights 
Movement," Gladys Brown, 

► African Storytelling: "Umo|a 

Sassa." 7 p.m., Grand Ballroom, 
Stamp Student Union. Call 4-7174 
for info. 

Women's Basketball vs. Geor- 
gia Tech, 7:30 p.m.. Cole Field 
House. Call 4-7064 tor info." 

* Admission charge lor this event 
All others are free. 

► Black History Month event 


Physics and Astronomy Collo- 
quium: "8CS Mechanism at Work 
in Various Fields of Physics," 
Yoichiro Nambu, Enrico Fermi 
Institute, U. of Chicago, 4 p.m., 
1410 Physics, tea reception, 3:30 

p.m. Call 5-5953 for info. 




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