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FEBRUARY 11, 1991 

University's International House 
Will Open in the Fall 

Dorchester International House, 
a residence hall and multicultural 
center, will open its doors to the 
University of Maryland at College 
Park community this fall, 

"Living with a diverse group 
helps students develop understand- 
ing and appreciation for global and 
multi-cultural issues," says Susan 
Gate, International Program Speci- 
alist with International Education 
Services and the International 
House's program coordinator. 

The International House is the 
result of several years of work by 
such organizations as the Learning 
Assistance Service, the Maryland 
English Institute, International Edu- 
cation Services, Resident Life, the 
Office of International Affairs, the 
Office of Human Relations, Student 
Affairs Office, the Language House, 
International Referral Network, and 
Administrative Operations. 
Women and men from over 140 
countries are eligible to live in the 
newly-renovated residence hall. 
There will be a mix of American and 
international students. 

Located in the center of campus 
next to St, Mary's Hall Language 
Htjuse, the co-ed residence hall will 
house approximately 163 under- 
graduate students in traditional 
dormitory rooms. 


At a press conference on Feb. 6 
Gov. William Donald Schaefer 
made a surprise announcement 
that caught even his staff off 
guard. He announced 
that his Executive Order calling 
for a 40-hour work week would 
be rescinded Immediately. 

Although he left open the 
possibility that It could be Im- 
posed as of July 1, he indicated 
that the state would be consider- 
ing other options. 

Outlook will keep you informed 
on further developments. 

Unlike the Language House, how- 
ever, the focus is not on language 
acquisition; foreign language ability 
is not required to live in the Inter- 
national House, says Gate. 

"With its mixture of American 
and international students, the 
International House will provide an 
environment which will foster un- 
derstanding, cooperation and 
friendship among its residents who 
represent a wide range of ethnic and 
cultural backgrounds," says Gate, 

Internationa! I louse residents 
will work with Gate, the interna- 
tional programmer, and staff and 
faculty to develop and implement 
educational and social programs 
such as international speakers, field 
trips, coffee hours and cultural 
theme nights. 

Short-term resident faculty and 
international visitors will add to the 
diversity of the community and the 
large, newly-renovated public areas 
will encourage informal exchange 
between students and the campus 
and local community, says Gate. 

Like other specialty halls that 
have more than the usual expecta- 
tion from their residents. Interna- 
tional House will have an admission 
committee to screen applicants and 
admit only those students likely to 
take advantage of rich opportunities 

"- "*>. 

in international living. 
Deadlines for applications are 
March 1 for the Fall semester and 
Nov. 1 for the Spring Semester. 
For more information about 
Dorchester International House, 
please contact Susan Gate at 314- 

Lisa Gregory 

Dorchester Internation- 
al House, a residence 
tiall and multicultural 
center, Is located in ttie 
center of campus, next 
to St. Mary's Hall 
Language House. 

Senate Hears Good News About 
Undergraduate Education 

By Kathryn Mohrman, 

Dean of Undergraduate Studies 

On Feb. 7, Kathryn Mohrimn ad- 
dressed the Campus Senate. The fol- 
Ivxinng is the text of her remarks. 

While all the bad news about the 
budget is discouraging, we can take 
heart in some good news about 
undergraduate education at GoUege 
Park. We have evidence on this 
campus that a research university 
can strengthen its scholarly 
productivity, recruit outstanding 
faculty, and also improve its educa- 
tional programs. Let me give you 
eleven facts that make me optimis- 
tic. We liave much to be proud of in 
our efforts to enhance academic 
programs on campus. 

Fact #1: More than 70 percent of 
all GORE courses this year are 
being taught by tenured and ten- 
ure track faculty. The biggest issue 
in undergraduate education is the 
implementation of the general edu- 
cation program called for in the 
Pease Report. This year's first year 
students are required to enroll in 
the GORE program (Core Liberal 

Arts and Sciences Studies), a signif- 
icant improvement over the USP 
program. The prevailing wisdom 
about general education is that most 
of the courses are taught by 
graduate students and adjunct fac- 
ulty; the reality is that the vast maj- 
ority are being taught by full-time 
tenure track faculty. And, in addi- 
tion to contact with our regular 
professors, freshmen are in a cur- 
riculum that empliasizes writing, 
discussion, essay exams, and other 
methods of encouraging active 
learning by undergraduates. 

Fact #2: The average size of 
Distributive Studies courses in the 
CORE programs for fall 1990 was 
27.4 students per section. Another 
piece of campus mythology is that 
all freshman classes are huge. Not 
so. We are serious about giving 
entering students a chance to know 
their professors, and smaller classes 
are one of the best ways to ensure 
that personal contact. This is not to 
say, however, that the freshman 
experience looks like Swarthmore 
College. We still have large lecture 

continued on page i 


O F 


A T 



Nominations Due for Outstanding 
Service to Commuters Award 

The Office of Commuter Affairs seeks nominations for its 1991 
Award for Outstanding Service to Commuter Students. The annual 
award recognizes an undergraduate or graduate student who has 
made outstanding contributions to the quaHty of life for College 
Park commuter students during the academic year. Nomination 
forms should be returned to the Office of Commuter Affairs, 1195 
Stamp Student Union not later than Friday, Feb. 15. For more details 
and nomination forms, contact Angela Scott, awards committee 

U.S. -Soviet Project for Women in 
International Security Initiated 

In an effort to seek out Soviet 
women specializing in international 
security, the Center for International 
Security Studies at Maryland's 
program on Women In International 
Security (WHS) sent an eight- 
woman delegation to Moscow last 

The group met with scholars at 
the Soviet Institutes of Ethnogra- 
phy, U.S.A. and Canada, State and 
Law, and World Economy and In- 
ternational Relations, as well as 
with experts from the newly organ- 
ized Committee of Soviet Women 
and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 
They also sponsored a day-long 
workshop on the role of women in 
international relations that involved 
prominent women leaders from a 
wide spectrum of Soviet profes- 
sional life. 

The project emerged from the 
concern of WHS president Catherine 
Kelleher and Soviet scholar Gale 
Lapidus of the University of 
California at Berkeley that, while 
gla<i>wsl had significantly expanded 
contacts between American and 
Soviet experts on international 

security issues, women rarely were 
included on Soviet delegations or at 
seminars or conferences. They 
began to look for ways to identify 
qualified Soviet women and to en- 
courage them to participate in new- 
ly arising opportunities for research 
travel and exchange. 

Their efforts converged with 
those of Rose Gottemoeller, a Rand 
Corporation researcher specializing 
in Soviet miUtary policy. She and 
other American women working on 
Soviet Issues had planned a group 
research trip to demonstrate to the 
Soviets the high-level involvement 
of women in security issues. 

With a $17,300 grant to WHS 
from the John D, and Catherine T. 
MacArthur Foundation, the two 
groups became the WHS- U.S. -Soviet 
Project. In addition to increasing 
contacts with Soviet women 
scholars, the project aimed to 
enlarge mutual research opportun- 
ities for women and increase their 
access to the research and policy 

Frances Burwell, WHS executive 
director, says the delegation iden- 

tified scores of outstanding Soviet 
women scholars and met personally 
with more than 80 of them. 
However, she adds, "Soviet women 
made it clear that serious barriers 
remained before them. The eco- 
nomic reforms have made life dif- 
ficult for all Soviet scholars by 
sharply cutting back funding for 
research institutes. Women u,sually 
hold lower ranking positions, and 
so their research assignments often 
reflect secondary approaches to the 
study of peace and security." 

Women scholars also carry an 
extra burden, Burwell notes. "They 
are the ones who stand in line at the 
stores; they are the ones responsible 
for all household chores and family 

WHS plans a number of follow- 
up activities, among them a dedicat- 
ed information exchange, an effort 
to assist Soviet scholars in present- 
ing and publishing papers in the 
U.S., and a continuing program to 
involve Soviets in WHS outreach, 
including the possible founding of a 
WHS chapter in Moscow, 

Melattie Billitigs-Yuu 

Comment on the 'Pay Reduction Plan' 

To the Editor of Outlook: 

Why should we call Governor 
Schaefer's first Executive Order of 
1991 (#1.01.91) the Mandate for a 40- 
hour Work Week? The so-called "40- 
hour week" is a neat exercise in 
newspeak mystification which pulls 
attention away from the gross in- 
equities of this Order and tend to 
make those of us who are opposed 
to it sound like knee-jerk wallers 
and complainers, particularly to 
those in Annapolis who write off 
the College Park campus as one big 

Such is the power of language! A 
"40-hour work week" sounds like an 
equitable adjustment responding 
sensibly to the budget crisis pre- 

cisely because it glides over who 
will hear the burden of this and 
how. 1 propose instead calling this 
the "Elective Pay Reduction Plan." 
Now that comes a bit closer to accu- 
rately naming what's at issue here. 
One thousand nine hundred and 
ten non-hourly employees of 
the College Park Campus are being 
given five weeks notice that their 
hourly wage is being reduced by 
more than 1 1 percent. No less than 
82 percent of those who will be 
inequitably dunned by this pay 
reduction plan are women! And all 
of this to accomplish what? Even 
the purported budget savings, 
which might look OK on an 
accountant's ledger sheet, are being 

Snow Emergencies: 
Advice from Physical 

Although it's been a warm win- 
ter so far, there still could be some 
unpleasant winter storm surprises 
in store for our area. The Depart- 
ment of Physical Plant would like 
you to be aware of the following: 

•If the university is officially 
closed because of weather, do not 
come to campus unless you are 
designated by your department as 
"Essential Personnel." When the 
campus is closed, it is likely that its 
roads and sidewalks are unsafe or 
impassable, and car traffic hinders 
snow removal. If you are an essen- 
tial employee, note that priority is 
given to clearing lots 1, 11 a, VI, Kl 
and G3, The lower levels of the 
parking garages are also available. 

• I^f you notice unsanded or un- 
salted icv patches after a storm, call 
405-2222 or 405-3320 and crews will 
be dispatched as soon as possible to 


take care of them. 

•Be careful. The first three or 
four days after a snowfall are typi- 
cally the most treacherous because 
as your confidence returns, you are 
not as alert to icy patches underfoot. 
Don't take shortcuts in icy weather. 

•Expect fewer available parking 
spaces in your lot after a heavy 
snowfall. Hauling snow away is 
costly and beyond the campus' 
budget for snow removal. 

Physical Plant is responsible for 
some 160 acres of parking lots, 1 1 
miles of roads, 23 miles of sidewalks 
and several thousand exterior steps 
on the College Park campus. It'a big 
job, but with tons of sand, salt and 
de-icer stockpiled — and the 
cooperation of the campus 
community — they hope to be able to 
handle most winter weather condi- 

seriously challenged by people 

more savvy in these matters than I am. 

Although 1 commend the uni- 
versity administrators for their at- 
tempts to soften this blow, their 
actions arc largely an exercise in 
frustration since the regent's Jan. 24 
rubber-stamp approval of the gov- 
ernor's Order leave them with very 
little room to maneuver. 

Josephine Withers 

Associate Professor of Art History 

and Chair, President's Commission 

on Women's Affairs 


Outlook is (he weekly laojlty-slafl newspaper serving 
the College Park campus community. 

Kathfyn Costello 
Roz Hiebert 

Linda Freeman 
Brian Busek 
Lisa Gregory 
Tom Otwell 
Farl^ Samarrai 
Gary Stephenson 
Jennifer Bacon 

Jifdilh Bair 
John Consol) 
Steptien Darrou 
Chris Paul 
Al Danefiger 
Linda Martin 
Pla U man ska 
Michael Yuen 
Peter Zulkamaln 

Vice President for 

Instilulioral Advancement 

Director of Public infomralion & 


Produclfon Editor 

Staff wnier 

Staff Writer 

Staff Writer 

Staff Writer 

Staff Writer 

Calendar Editor 

Art Direclor 
Format Designer 
Layout & iiluslralion 
Layout & Illustration 
Production Intern 
Production Intern 
Production Intern 

Letters to Ihe edilor. story suggestions, campus informa- 
tion & calendar items are welcome Please submit all 
material at least Ihree weeks before the Monday ol 
publication Send it to Boz Hiebert, Editor Outlook . 2101 
Turner Building, through campus mail or lo University of 
Ivlarytand. College Park, MD 20742. Our telephone 
number is [301)40M621 Electronic mail address is 
outlooks Fax number is (301)314-9344. 




19 9 1 

President of Police Foundation to Speak 

Black History Month includes many interesting events to watch 
for, among them the Institute of Criminal Justice and Criminology's 
guest lecture on Feb. 14, Hubert Williams, president of the Police 
Foundation, Washington, D.C., will speak on the rise and signifi- 
cance of African American contributions to the field of criminology. 
Williams headed one of the most progressive police departments in 
the nation, in Newark, N.J., from 1974 to 1985, and was founding 
president of the National Organization of Black Law Enforcement 
Executives (NOBLE). He will speak Thursday at 7 p.m., room 2205, 
LeFrak Hall. For info, call 405-1689. 

Mohrman Updates Senate on 
Undergraduate Progress 

iiiitiimiert fntrn page I 

courses in CORE, but they ail have 
discussion or laboratory sections. 
And many of our general education 
courses, especially ones that involve 
extensive writing, have fewer than 
the average number of students. We 
alt realize, of course, that our 
budget problems may require us to 
rethink issues of class size; the 
Senate General Education 
Committee is doing just that. 

Fact #3: The Fall 1990 course 
availability situation was signifi- 
cantly better than ever before. A 
year ago The Battimorc Sun was tak- 
ing us to task for the problems un- 
dergraduates faced in getting the 
courses they needed and wanted. In 
response, the campus alkKated 
more than $1 million (in a difficult 
budget year) to increase the number 
of seats in both Distributive and 
Advanced Studies courses. With a 
great deal of thought and effort by a 
number of departments and 
colleges, the campus provided 
thousands of seats over the origin- 
ally planned offerings. As a result, 
summer orientation was the 
smoothest ever; freshmen even at 
the end of the registration period 
had good courses from which to 
choose. Not every student had a 
perfect curriculum, but he or she 
could make real choices rather than 
simply fill out the schedule. For the 
first time, we could expect students 
io plmi their general education 
program rather than merely fulfill 
requirements. While budget cuts 
will inevitably erode some of these 
gains, departments and colleges are 
working hard to maintain some of 
our progress on course availability. 

Fact #4 Our freshmen class 
continues to improve. In 1980, the 
average SAT score for English and 
Math combined was 81 points above 
the national average; in 1990 
College Park freshmen scored 1 87 
points above the national average. 
This .statistic demonstrates our ris- 
ing academic standards as well as 
our growing appeal to high quality 
students in Maryland and other 

Fact #5: Our transfers are im- 
proving, too. In the fall of 1987, the 
admissions office considered any 
student with a 2.0 GPA; today a 
transfer applicant must have a min- 
imum 2.7 GPA to be eligible. And in 
fact the Fall 1990 transfers had an 
average 2.97 GPA in their prior 
college courses. 

Fact #6: Almost 32 percent of our 
fiist year students are persons of 
color. We are proud of the growing 
diversity of our student body — a 
critical factor in achieving the goal 
of being a multi-culturak multi- 
racial community. The world of the 
future will be increasingly diverse 
and we at College Park are in the 
forefront of educating the leaders of 
all segments of that society. 

Fact #7: We now have 148 Ben- 
jamin Banneker and Francis Scott 
Key Scholarship students on cam- 
pus under our enhanced merit 
scholarship program. Their creden- 
tials are steadily increasing. Since 
the entering class of fall 1988, SAT 
scores have increased 35 points for 
the Banneker scholars and 28 points 
for the Key scholars. More and more 
of the top students are accepting our 
scholarship offer; yield rates for the 
fall 1990 class rose to 77 percent for 
the Banneker group and to 60 
percent for the Key group. And 
once they come, they stay. All of the 
scholars in this new program last 
year registered and returned for 
classes this fall 

Fact #8: Entering honors stu- 
dents are the most diverse ever. Of 
the students participating in honors 
orientation this summer, 27 percent 
were students of color. These high 
ability students included 10 percent 
African American, 14 percent Asian 
American, and 3 percent Latinos. 
The University Honors Program is 
clearly not the province only of 
middle class white students from 
the suburbs. 

Fact #9: The freshmen taking 
Honors 100 will contribute 2,6000 
hours of community service this 
year. A new addition to the honors 
curriculum this fall is Honors 100 
"Freshman Honors Colloquium." In 
addition to more traditional 
readings and discussions, all 265 
students in the course are expected 
to do at least 10 hours each of vol- 
unteer service in the university or 
the community. We believe that 
from those to whom much has been 
given, much also shall be expected. 

Fact #10: This past summer, all 
undecided and pre-business stu- 
dents received freshman advising 
from faculty advisors. The 1,500- 
plus students assigned to the Un- 
dergraduate Advising Center re- 
ceived the best kind of advising — 
close contact with a faculty member. 
Undecided students in particular 
need guidance as they begin their 
academic careers. For the first time 
ever, at! these students were 
assisted at summer orientation by 
an advising team comprised of a 
faculty member, a trained graduate 
student, and an undergraduate ori- 
entation advisor. Each member of 
the team played a vital role — the 
faculty member provided wisdom, 
perspective and mentoring; the 
graduate student knew the rules 
and regulations of the university; 
and the undergraduate suppUed a 
peer perspective. And each of the 23 
faculty members participating in 
summer orientation is personally 
advising 15 of these freshmen this 
year. We need the continuing co- 
operation of faculty to assist the 
undecided students most in need of 
faculty advising. 

Fact #11: More than 450 faculty 
members and teaching assistants 

have participated in campus clim- 
ate workshops over the last six 
months. If we are to make this a 
welcoming community for students 
from many backgrounds, we need 
to act according to our beliefs. Ad- 
ministered from the Human Rela- 
tions Office, the campus climate 
program has offered training to fac- 
ulty, staff, and graduate assistants 
on ways to work effectively with the 
growing diversity of our faculty and 
student body. All too often, 
individuals inadvertently offend 
others of different cultural 
backgrounds because of insensitiv- 
ity and thoughtlessness. Campus 
climate workshops in doz.ens of 
units have provided practical sug- 
gestions for improving life at Col- 
lege Park for everyone, 

Maryland is a national leader in 
strengthening the undergraduate 
mission in the context of the re- 
search university. Some of my facts 
were the result of enhancement 
funds, and they will obviously be 
scaled back in the new financial 
environment. But we can continue 
the others that don't cost a lot of 
money. 1 believe we have much to 
make us proud. So the next time the 
budget news gets you down, 
remember that good things are 
happening^and will continue to 
happen — at College Park. 


19 9 1 




Nominations Due for Outstanding 
Service to Commuters Award 

The Office of Commuter Affairs seeks nominations for its 1991 
Award for Outstanding Service to Commuter Stvidents. Tfie annual 
award recognizes an undergraduate or graduate student who has 
made outstanding contributions to the quality of Hfe for College 
Park commuter students during the academic year. Nomination 
forms should be returned to the Office of Commuter Affairs, 1195 
Stamp Student Union not later than Friday, Feb. 15. For more details 
and nomination forms, contact Angela Scott, awards committee 

Jankowski Found Plenty of Action 
During 20-Year Career at College Park 

Leonard B. Jankowski, director of 
the Department of Campus Parking, 
says he works in 2(l-year cycles. So, 
having given a few months more 
than his standard to College Park, 
his career here will come to a close 
later this month. 

jankowski joined the university 
community in 1970 to head the 
campus police force as assistant 
director of public safety. Fresh from 
20 years as a counter-intelligence 
officer for the U.S. Army and a 
veteran of service in Korea and 
Vietnam, the former lieutenant 
colonel anticipated a second career 
quieter than the first. 

"When [ left for work on my first 
day nt the uni\'ersity, a Monday 
morning, I told my wife that I'd be 
home by six, 1 figured there 
wouldn't be too much happening to 
keep a person in the office late," 
Jankowski savs. 

The estimate of working hours 
was a bit off, (lis first day on the job 
lasted more than 36 hours. 

On that day, March 23, 1970, 
87 persons occupied the Skinner 
Building as part of a protest against 
U.S. military involvement in Viet- 
nam. "1 didn't even know one build- 
ing from another," he says. 

However, jankowski's unfamili- 
aritv with the campus was not a 
particular problem during the inci- 
dent. His role in such a matter was 
destined to be limited, regardless of 

In 1970, the campus police force 
was essentially a unit of security 
guards who were required to call 
upon the state police in times of 
emergency. Jankowski had been 
hired mainly to coordinate training 
and recruitment programs designed 
to upgrade the force. College Park 
was then part of a national 
movement to create more profes- 
sional police forces on university 

The incident at the Skinner 
Building, and other crises later in 
the year, further illustrated the need 
for a highly trained police force 
located at the university. By 1975, 
through Jankowski's efforts, the 
force had more than doubled, was 
professionally trained, and held 
jurisdiction over the campus. 

In 1980, Jankowski switched jobs, 
but it was not a transfer to quieter 
pastures. He became the 
university's parking coordinator. 

When the director of the then- 
Motor Vehicle Administration be- 
came ill in July 1980, Jankowski was 
appointed as acting director. 
In May 1981, he was installed as 

Having left the police depart- 
ment in good order, Jankowski 
welcomed the new challenge. 

"I'm a roamer, I like new things. I 
saw parking as a tremendous ad- 
ministrative challenge," he says. 
"At that time we were anticipating 
big lasses of parking space due to 

const njction. Innovative techniques 
were going to be needed to deal 
with the resulting problems." 

Parking lots indeed did become 
construction sites, and jankowski 
became a visible, if often marked, 
man on campus. 

"One of my first 'sins' in the eyes 
of a lot of people was the intro- 
duction of faculty/staff parking 
fees," Jankowski says. 

Within a year of taking control of 
the department, Jankowski pro- 
posed a first-ever annual parking 
fee of $15 for facultv and staff. The 
cost of redesigning lots to cover 
construction losses forced the in- 
crease, he says. The alternative was 
to hike the parking fees of students 
into the stratosphere, an idea he 

An acclaimed friend of students 
on that occasion, at other times 
Jankowski was the butt of student 
complaints — -especially during the 
first three weeks of fall semester 
when the demand on student spaces 
is invariably highest, 

"Parking, unfortunately, has be- 
come less convenient on campus in 
the last ten years. As we've lost 
spaces at the center of the campus, 
we've added them at the perime- 
ters," he explains. 

Jankowski prides himself on the 
fact that parking spaces, though not 
always the most convenient, have 
always been available — often 
through creative reconfigurations of 
parking lots during summer ses- 
sions. His evidence of available 
parking: he's never lost the standing 
challenge that, at any time, he could 
take a student to an empty space 
somewhere on the campus. 

Parking is one of those areas that 
sometimes seem synonymous with 
trouble, but Jankowski is not one to 
dwell on past conflicts. Instead, he 
emphasizes recent changes in the 
parking program that have made 
life easier for university commuters. 
The transition to registration by 
mail has spared students long waits 
in line outside the parking offices 
each fall, he says. 

With its recent switch to hanging 
permits, the department registers 
individual drivers rather than their 
vehicles. The move has reduced 
parking lot traffic and offered the 
opportunity for savings to commut- 
ers with more than one car, he says. 

The appointment of "parking 
coordinators" in departments and 
offices has increased communica- 
tion between his department and 
the rest of the campus community. 
The program helps keep the parking 
staff abreast of the special needs and 
concerns of individual departments 
and makes it easier to distribute in- 
formation about the parking system, 
he says. 

As Jankowski looks forward to 
his next "20-year cycle," in which he 
plans to do some technical writing 
and consulting as well as "slow 

Leonard B. Jankowski 

down a bit," he will remember Col- 
lege Park warmly. 

"1 had a good time, and 1 grew a 
lot. Some might think that a man in 
his forties doesn't have much room 
to grow, but the students keep you 
sharp. I always found it enjoyable 
when I had a chance to talk with 
students. Every encounter was a 
learning experience, for myself — 
and I hope for them too," jankowski 

Brian Bitack 

Search Begins 
for Jankowski 

A search committee headed by 
Drury Bagwell, assistant vice presi- 
dent of student affairs, is reviewing 
candidates to succeed Leonard B. 
Jankowski as Director of Campus 
Parking, Jankowski will retire at the 
end of February after 20 years with 
the university. 

The position is being advertised 
nationally, and the committee's goal 
is to appoint a new director by late 
spring or early summer. 

The Director tif Campus Parking 
oversees operation of the more than 
16,000 parking spaces on campus. 
The department includes 35 full- 
time and 33-40 part-time employees. 

The search committee includes 
representatives from the College of 
Business and Management, Campus 
Dining Services, Campus Police, 
UM Shuttle Bus, the Department of 
Campus Parking, the Office of 
Student Affairs and the un- 
dergraduate student body. 






19 9 1 

Museum Makes Donations to Center 

Helen Bailey, president of the International Peace Museum in 
Washington, D.C. recently visited the College Park campus to do- 
nate $4,000 to the university's Center for International Development 
and Conflict Management (CIDCM). She is pictured with Abdel R. 
Omran, acting director of the Center for International Development 
and Conflict Management. In October Mrs. Bailey and the Peace 
Museum donated a library of over 600 books on peace to CIDCM. 

Historian Speaks to Maryland 
Legislators about Carroll Papers 

As most College Park faculty 
members w/ere tending to their first 
classes of the spring semester, 
Ronald Hoffman lectured to a Spe- 
cial Joint Session of the Maryland 
Statt" Legislature. 

Hoffman, professor of history, 
spoke to the state legislators and 
other officials, including Gov. Wil- 
liam Donald Schaefer, Jan. 23, dur- 
ing ceremonies for the opening of 
an exhibit of the Charles Carroll 
papers in the Rotunda of the Mary- 
land State House. Hoffman is the 
editor of the Carroll Papers Project. 

The exhibit, "A Priceless Legacy: 
Charles Carroll of Carroll ton's Pap- 
ers and the History of Maryland," 
focuses on one of the most powerfu 1 
and influential families in Maryland 

Using documents, letters, paint- 
ings, photographs and interpretive 

notes, the exhibit traces the Carrol Is 
from their roots in 17th century Ire- 
land to the ascendancy of the family 
in three generations to one of the 
wealthiest in Maryland. 

Charles Carroll of Carrollton, the 
focal point of the exhibit, was born 
in Annapolis in 1737. He was one of 
Maryland's four signers of the 
Declaration of Independence and 
helped draft the Maryland 
constitution and bill of rights. 

In part, the project is designed to 
educate the public about the im- 
portance of preserving, editing and 
publishing historical manu,scripts, 
Hoffman says. 

"Executing this assignment has 
proved to be one of the most de- 
manding challenges of my academic 
career," Hoffman told legislators. 

"Understanding what these rec- 
ords hold is one thing, [but! finding 

a way to convey this priceless 
legacy to a wide and diverse audi- 
ence in a succinct, compact, com- 
pelling way is quite another.. .1 hope 
you will find the exhibition 
meaningful. Its preparation has in- 
deed been a meaningful experience 
for my staff and me and has chal- 
lenged us to think about communi- 
cating historical research in ways 
that differ sharply from our usual 
reliance upon the written word," he 

Sponsors of the project included 
the Carroll Institute of London, the 
Maryland State Archives, the Mary- 
land General Assembly, the Mary- 
land Humanities Council and the 
Philip Morris Companies. 

The exhibit, which is open to the 
public, will be shown through 

Brian Busek 

Education Professor Unveils 
Sculpture of Supreme Court Justice 

Randall Craig, an associate pro- 
fessor in the Department of Curri- 
culum and Instruction in the Col- 
lege of Education, recently unveiled 
his sculptural portrait of Supreme 
Court justice Thurgood Marshall at 
the 1 toward University School of 

Marshall graduated from 
Howard in 1933. 

The work was a gift to the law 
schdol from its class of 1991, and the 
unveiling was witnessed not only 
by Marshall himself, but other 
Supreme Court justices including 
Byron White, Sandra Day 
O'Connor, Harry Blackmun, 
Anthony Kennedy and David 

Craig and Marshall both attend- 
ed the Frederick Douglass High 
School in Baltimore. 

Craig's other artistic works in- 
clude the 4 by 1 6 foot frieze in the 
Benjamin Building's north lobby, 
which the sculptor donated to the 
college in 1987. The frieze, which 
symbolizes the history of education 
in our culture over a long period of 
time and recognizes the important 
leaders that have made significant 
contributions to the development of 
education, depicts a range of per- 
sons from Black and Asian to 
Anglo-Saxon and disabled, 

Craig says that he tries to capture 
the emotional and intellectual 
response of a political, social, and 
cultural phenomenon in his works. 

Craig also recently finished a 
sculpture of the former University 
of Maryland regent Clarence 
Mitchell Jr., a lobbyist for the 
NAACP and a civil rights advocate. 

A resident of Baltimore, where 
he is an influential black artist and 
sculptor, Craig is represented by 
various area art galleries. 

Randall Craig with 
sculpture of Thurgood 

Not One, But Two Messiahs are on List 
of Maryland Choral Music 

A recent music department sur- 
vey uncovered close to 150 faculty 
recordings that are currently com- 
mercially available. As promised. 
Outlook will present lists of these 
recordings from time to time, sub- 
divided by categories. Our first list 
is of Maryland-related choral music, 
and it includes the following: 

• Bach, Johann Sebastian, St. loini 
Pctssiou. Jeffrey Thomas, tenor, 
James T. Weaver, bass, David 
Ripley, baritone. The Smithsonian 
Chamber Chorus and Players, con- 
ducted by Kenneth Slowik. Smith- 
sonian Collection ND 0381 [2 CDs], 

•Beethoven, Ludwig van, M/ssa 
Sokmiiis. The University of Mary- 
land Chorus (Paul Traver, director), 
conducted by Antal Dorati. BIS 

•Bennett, Robert Russell. Be CM 
Then, Amerkal The Fun ntni Faith of 
Williiiii! Billiii^^, Aiucricaii. The Na- 
tional Symphony Orchestra, The 
University of Maryland Chorus 
(Paul Traver, director), conducted 
by Antal Dorati; album includes 
also William Billings, Four Hymns, 
and William Schuman, New Eng- 
land Triptych. London; an official 
souvenir recording of the John F. 

Kennedy Center; inquiries may be 
directed to Friends of the Kennedy 
Center, Washington, DC. 

"Handel, George Frideric, Mes- 
siali. Edith Mathis, soprano, James 
Bowman, countertenor, Claes- 
Haakan Ahnsjci, tenor, Tom Krause, 
baritone. The University of Mary- 
land Chorus (Paul Traver, director). 
Cathedral Choral Society, 
Smithsonian Concerto Grosso (led 
by Kenneth Slowik), conducted by 
Antal Dorati. ProArte CDD-232 
[CD], PCD-232 [tape!. 

•HandeL George Frideric, Mes- 
mmli. Carole Bogard, soprano, Elvira 
Green, Contralto, Jeffrey Gall, 
countertenor, Charles Bressler, ten- 
or, Leslie Cuinn, baritone, Smith- 
sonian Chamber Players and Amer- 
ican Boychoir and Norman Scribner 
Chorus members, conducted by 
James Weaver. Smithsonian Collec- 
tion N-025 [tapeL NC-025 JCDJ. 

•Mnn/!(j}ui Clwnifi Christmas Al- 
bum. The University of Maryland 
Chorus, Linda Mabbs, Maryland 
Festival Brass (Emerson Head, di- 
rector), conducted by Paul Traver. 
Available from the University of 
Maryland Chorus. 


19 9 1 




1 991 Apple Computer TV Series to be Shown 

The Computer Science Center, with Apple Computer, will make 
the 1991 Apple Education Television Series available at College Park. 
All three programs in this series will be shown from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. 
in Room 4205, the NonPrint Media Center, Hornbake Library. The 
first program, "Macintosh Solutions for Administrators," will be held 
February 21. It will demonstrate a common user interface to campus- 
wide information systems such as executive support systems, e-mail, 
financial and library systems, and alumni development services. The 
March 21 program will focus on mathematics and data analysis, and 
the April 25 program will look at new computer tools for integrating 
multimedia into the curriculum. 

Physics Department Colloquia 

Bring Distinguished Guests to Campus 

The initial wonderment of the 
first cave- person who rubbed to- 
gether two flintstones one coid 
winter's night must have been tem- 
porarily forgotten when the ensuing 
sparks set fire to a pile of debris in a 
corner of the cave and her shivering 
children crawled toward the 
welcome warmth. The light from 
the fire even enabled her to see the 
entire cave. She no doubt realized 
then that this was a tremendously 
beneficial discovery. 

That discovery would have been 
lost to humanity, however, if she 
had not been able to communicate 
the necessary skills to her children 
and, thus, to posterity. 

For the past four decades the 
Department of Physics has been 
providing the necessary platform 
for famous discoverers to impart 
their knowledge and skills not only 
to all interested facultv members on 
campus but also to the general 
public at large and to the next gen- 
eration of the campus: the students. 

Every Tuesday afternoon of each 
semester, in a tradition which was 
begun in the 1950s by John S. Toll, 
former department chair and now 
chancellor emeritus, distinguished 
scientists from all over the United 
States, and sometimes from over- 
seas, meet over tea and cookies with 
assembled College Park faculty, 
students and the general public. 

After this informal gathering, 
people in the audience take their 
seats or squeeze into any available 
space on the steps of the auditori- 
um. The speaker is then introduced, 
and the colloquium begins. 

Many of these visiting lecturers 
have distinguished names that stu- 
dents learn when they first open a 
physics textbook. Other lecturers, 
like the students in the audience 
before them, also have sat at the feet 
of the founders of modern physics. 
All convey the excitement of 
discovery and the stimulus of 

Last semester, for example, there 
were colloquia on everything from 
the high-precision determination of 
fundamental constants using quan- 
tum electrodynamics, to the origins 
of the solar system, to the physics of 
earthquake faults, to the use of laser 
tweezers for the study of biological 
motors. The speakers included 
Alexander Migda! of 
Princeton University, Hector 
Rubinstein of the University of 
Stockholm, Steven Block of Harvard 
University, and the President of the 
American Physical Society, Eugen 

For the present semester, one of 
the biggest draws will undoubtedly 
be Fang Lizhi, the noted Chinese 
astrophysicist now at Cambridge 
University, England, He will speak 
on February 19. Another will be the 
Nobel Laureate Roald Hoffmann of 
Cornell University, whose topic on 
February 12 will be "Making and 
Breaking Bonds in the Solid State." 

Completing the program for Feb- 
ruary, William Phillips, on February 
26, will describe the latest de- 
velopments at the National Institute 
for Science and Technology in his 
talk on "laser cooling and the 
coldest atoms ever." 

Yoichiro Nambu, of the Univer- 
sity of Chicago, winner of the 
Heineman and Oppenheimer Prizes, 
spoke FebRiary 5 on "The Bardeen- 
Cooper-Schrieffer Mechanism at 
Work in Various Fields of Physics." 

This year's organizers, Richard 
A. Ferrell and Joseph Sucher, ex- 
plain this last topic: "If you shine 
light on atoms, you'd expect the 
system to warm them up." Not a bit 
of it. "Actually it produces a toss of 
energy and cooling." 

Many of the speakers come to 
College Park after being asked to 
come here for a visit by physics 
department faculty members who 
have heard them give talks else- 
where. One of these is John Mather 
of the infrared Astrophysics Branch 
of NASA. Mather is a member of 
the team analyzing data still coming 
in from NASA's COBE satellite. 
Though the satellite has run out of 
helium, data from the instruments 
that require the gas are still being 
analyzed, and the instruments that 
do not require helium are, continu- 
ing to function well. Mather will 
have a great deal to report during 
his lecture on April 30. 

Chancellor Donald Langenberg, 
who is also a professor of physics, 
opened this semester's colloquium 
series on January 29 with a talk on 
"Physics and the World of the Uni- 
versity of Maryland System." 

Many of these speakers come to 
College Park because of their close 
ties to and common research inter- 
ests with members of the physics 
department. Many of these ties have 
been nurtured for decades through 
mutual respect and, often, 
friendship. They serve to stimulate 
the development of the research 
being carried on at this campus by 
faculty and students alike. 

That first cave-person discover- 
ing the means of manufacturing fire 
and light would never have 
regarded herself as a physicist. 
Moreover, she would doubtless 
have had cosmogonical beliefs that 
would have left her quite unable to 
comprehend those of one of her 
distant descendants, such as 
Glennys Farrar of Rutgers Univer- 
sity {the speaker on April 9). Farrar 
is well known for her work on the 
physics of the universe less than a 
second after its creation. 

For further information on the 
colloquia scheduled for the spring 
semester, please contact Ferrell at 
405-61 48 or Sucher at 405-6012. 

Pani Sotomas 

Engineers Examine Surface and 
Groundwater Contamination 

To address the possible contam- 
ination of surface and ground wat- 
ers due to agricultural pesticide use, 
agricultural engineers Adel 
Shirmohammadi and William 
Magette are working with soil sci- 
entist and transport theoretician 
Tim Gish of the U.S. Department of 
Agriculture's Agricultural Research 
Service (USDA-ARS) to track the 
movement of pesticides through soil 
and water. 

The scientists are examining the 
impact of different tillage practices 

and chemical application methods 
on this movement and the resulting 
surface and ground water quality. 
Their project, sponsored by the 
Maryland Agricultural Experiment 
Station and USDA-ARS, involves 
the first field-scale research in the 
nation evaluating the movement 
and fate of encapsulated pesticides 
under different tillage systems. The 
results could have important impli- 
cations for the quality of the Chesa- 
peake Bay and its tributaries. 

1991 Foreign Policy Program Underway 

Twenty fellows from countries 
around the world have come to 
College Park to take part in the 1991 
Seminar on the U.S. Foreign Policy 

The program was established in 
1987 as a joint initiative of the 
School of Public Affairs and the 
Ford Foundation. It enables mid- 
career government officials, policy- 
oriented scholars and journalists, 
primarily from developing coun- 
tries, to engage in direct, intensive 
analysis of the United States foreign 
policy process. Directed by I.M. 
Destier, a leading specialist in U.S. 

foreign policymaking and author of 
the a ward -winning book American 
Trade Policies, the program combines 
the resources of the university, 
including experts from the School of 
Public Affairs faculty, with access to 
policymakers and institutions in 
Washington, D.C. Seminar 
participants conduct individual 
research projects on aspects c^f 
recent U.S. government policy- 
making of particular interest to 

The program runs from January 
through June. 

Donald Langenberg 
discusses "Physics 
and the World of the 
University of Maryland 
System" at the January 29 



19 9 1 

CIBER to Award Summer Research Grants 

The new Center for International Business Education and Research 
(CIBER) will provide funding for four to six international business 
research projects during the summer of 1991 . Each grant will pro- 
vide between $5,000 and $1 0,000 for faculty compensation, graduate 
assistant support and project expenses. Competition is open to 
faculty and graduate students from throughout the UM System. 
Projects funded must involve international business research de- 
signed to increase competitiveness of the U.S. economy. Interdisci- 
plinary research is encouraged. Proposals must be received (not 
postmarked) by CIBER by Friday, February 15. Grants will be an- 
nounced by March 15. For details, contact Robert E, Scott, associate 
director, CIBER, 405-3126, 121SU LeFrak Hall. 

Kudos to... 

E-an Zen, geology, for winning the 
1991 Roebling Medal of the Miner- 
a logical Society of America for out- 
standing original research. Zen also 
was elected 1990-91 vice president 
of the society and wli! become its 
president in 1991-2. 

Bernard Khoury on his appoint- 
ment, effective iast summer, as ex- 
ecutive officer of the College Park- 
based American Association of 
Physics Teachers, an association 
with a membership of more than 
U),000 high school and college 
physics teachers. Khoury most re- 
cently served as associate vice 
chanceilor for Policy and Planning 
in the System Administration, 

S. (Rama) Ankem, materials engi- 
neering, for winning the 1990 ASM 
International material science award 
for his papers on the physical and 
mechanical behavior of two-phase, 
or composite, materials. 

Robert Bimbaum, Education Policy 
and Planning, for being presented 
with the Association for the Study 
of I ligher Education's Research 
Achievement Award. This award 
reCQgni;ces scholars whose entire 
body of research on higher 
education is held in greatest esteem. 

Laura Wilson, Center on Aging, for 
being appointed to the Governor's 
Task Force on the Delivery of Ser- 
vices to the Elderly. The task force is 
charged with developing recom- 
mendations for an organizational 
stmcture for the state's system of 
sendees to the elderly. 

David Segal, sociology, for being 
awarded an honorary degree at the 
January commencement of Towson 
State University. Segal also gave the 
commencement address to the 

Gary Marchionini, Library and In- 
formation Services, who won the 
1990 Best Paper Award for the out- 
standing paper published in the 
Journal of the American Societi/ for 
luformntioii Science, the official 
scholarly publication of the society. 
Marchionini's paper was entitled 
"Information-Seeking Strategies of 
Novices Using a Full-Text Electronic 

Darryl Christmon for his recent 
appointment as the university's 
comptroller. Christmon previously 
served as director of Howard Uni- 
versity's Office of Financial Analy- 
sis and Budget, Welcome! 

The coed triathalon team of Allman, 
Mikoy and Parsons, who had the 
best time in a triathalon consisting 
of a half mile swim, three mile run 
and 10 mile exercise bike ride. Each 
team member completed one phase 
of the competition, and the team 

with the lowest combined time was 
the winner. Finishing next to the 
winning team (in order) were the 
teams of: Campbell, Moore and 
Romano; Peterson, Ricard and 
Temsky; Searle, Washington and 
You; Deshong, Lessen and Smith; 
Dogherty, Tucker and Tucker; 
Eidadah, Martins and Obermeier; 
Leimkuhler, Reiter and Rosenberg; 
Arev, Fell and Sinha; Johnson, 
Silva and Smith; Christensen, 
Fracasso and Orefice; and Beuchert, 
Lee and Munn. 

Paul Traver, music, and the Mary- 
land Handel Festival for again 
garnering rave reviews for this 
year's festival, locally in Tlie 
Washiiigtivi Past, nationally in The 
New Yorker and internationally in 
Tlie London Financial Times, which 
said, "The famous University of 
Maryland Chorus was splendid." 
Opera studio graduate student 
Leneida Crawford was singled out 
as "an exceptional new performer." 

Nancie Gonzalez, anthropology, for 
being elected president of the 
General Anthropology Division of 
the American Anthropological As- 
sociation, the largest subdivision of 
the association. Gonzalez will serve 
for two years as president elect and 
another two as president. 

John Bielec, Administrative Affairs, 
on his reappointment for a third 
term as chair of the Prince George's 
County Personnel Board. 

Laura Grunig, Journalism, for win- 
ning the Award for International 
Scholarship, given to her at a 
Mexico City conference in Novem- 
ber by the Association for the Ad- 
vancement of Policy, Research and 
Development in the Third World. 
Grunig's award was for a chapter 
on telecommunications technology 
in Cuba, written for the 1990 book, 
iutcniational Development and Alter- 
) 111 five Futures: The Coming Challen- 

Ashok Agrawala, UMIACS, and his 
student Shem-Tove Levi for 

receiving high praise for their new 
book, Real-Time Si/stem Design, the 
first text to cover practically every 
aspect of the field. A "veritable tour 
de force, explaining in detail the key 
concepts of design and imple- 
mentation, said Vladimir Botchev in 
Computing Rei'ieu's. 

Christopher Walsh, horticulture, 
for being awarded the 1990 Exten- 
sion Award of Excellence at the 
November annual meeting of the 
American Society for Horticultural 
Science in Tucson. Walsh was re- 
cognized for his work on increasing 
production of tree fruit crops in 
urban areas and for promoting In- 

tegrated Pest Management pro- 
grams throughout the fruit-growing 
areas of Maryland. 

Joan Retallack, Honors Program, 
for having her work included in The 
Best American Poetry, 1990, out this 
past fall. 

Ashok Agrawala, Jack Minker and 
Hanam Samet on their recent elec- 
tion as Fellows of the Institute of 
Electrical and Electronics Engineers. 
All three hold joint appointments 
with UMIACS (the University of 
Maryland Institute for Advanced 
Computer Studies) and the comput- 
er science department. Agrawala 
was cited for "contributions to dis- 
tributed algorithms and policies for 
computer systems." Minker was 
recognized for "contributions to 
deductive databases, disjunctive 
logic programming, and artificial 
intelligence." Samet was honored 
for "contributions in the area of 
higher hierarchical data structures 
for application in spatial databases 
for computer graphics and image 

Lemma Senbet, Business and 
Management, for being elected to 
the board of directors of the 
American Finance Association. 
Election is considered one of the 
finance discipline's highest honors; 
members are selected on the basis of 
their scholarly contributions to the 
field. Senbet is also an associate 
editor of the association's journal. 

In Memoriam 

Eugene W. Troth, 1922-1991, De- 
partment of Music, died Jan. 26 after 
a long illness. Educated at Illinois 
Wesleyan, Illinois DePaul, and the 
University of Michigan at Ann 
Arbor, Dr. Troth served as chair of 
the music department from 1971-79, 
and more recently as director of 
music graduate studies. He leaves 
his wife, Marilyn, and two daugh- 
ters, one of whom, Kathryn Karam, 
works in the Spanish and Portu- 
guese department, A memorial 
concert is being planned for later in 
the spring. 

Bernard Khoury 

Robert Bimbaum 

Nancie Gonzalez 

David Segal 

Lemma Senbet 

Paul Traver 


19 9 1 





Art Eihlblllon, ttiree concurFeni 

exhibilions leaiuring Atetv Best Imag- 
es, Contemporary Prints Irom the 
Private Cottection. and Ttx Andy 
Warhol Attjleie Seties. foflay-MarcH 
15, The Art Gallery. Call 5-2763 tof 

Center far International Exlen- 
sion Development Calloquium: 

■Communications foi Technology 
Translet in Agriculture: Farming 
Syslems Research and Social Mar- 
keling for Effective Exlensiort,' Gor- 
don ^ples&y. Academy lor Educa- 
tional Development, noon (tiring 
lunchl. 0115 Symons- Call 5-1253 
for info. 

Horticulture Seminar: 'The Use a I 

Genetic Mutants in the Sljdy ol 
Ptiolomoipfiogenesis tn Higher 
Plants," Pan lien Adamse, USD A, 
ARS. Seltsville. 4 p.m , 0128 Hol- 
zaplel Call 5-4336 for info. 

Space Science Seminar: 'Mea- 

suremenl of Cosmic Ray Proton and 
Helium Specira during the 1987 
Solar Minimum,* Eun-Sul( Seo. 
Louisiana State U.. 4:30 p.m., 1113 
Computer and Space Sciences. Call 
5-4829 for Info 

Itnlversity Community Concerts, 

Emanuel Ax. piano, program TBA, 8 
p,m . Adull Educalion Center. $20 
standard admission, $17.00 sfuderts 
and seniors. Call 80-4239 lor mlo ' 

Wanderlust: 'Australia. Und of 

High Conf/asl," Ken Ijwrrence. 8 
pm. HofI Theatre Call 4-HOFF fur 


Seminar In Ecology, Evolution, 
and Behavior: 'Demographic 

Consequences of a Plant-Animal 
Inlcractlon for a Neotropical Herb.' 
Douglas SchemsNe. U ol Washing- 
ton, noon, 1208 Zoo/ Psych Call 5- 
6684 for info. 

Physics Col1o[(uluni: 'A Theor- 
etical and Ctiemical View of Surface 
Science.' Hoatd Hoffman Nobel 
Laureate, Cornell U . 4 p.m,, 1410 
Physics, tea receplion, 3:30 pm. 
Call 5-5953 lor into. 

Gull Crisis Forum: 'Roots ol Ihe 
Crisis. The Gull War in Perspective." 
Michael Hudson, Georgetown U , 
Serif Mardin, American U , Ambassa- 
dor Alfred Leroy Whehon, Cos Foun- 
dation, Ziad Amu- Am r, Birzeit U 
West Bank: Biud Spriniak. Hebrew 
U , Israel: Caiherine Kelleber. 
CISSM, presider, 330-5:30 p m . 
Zoo,/Psych. Auditorium [Room 
1240) Sponsored by CISSM, Public 
Alfairs, and Government and PoUlics 
Call 5-6349 lor info 

Michael Dingman Cenler lor 
Entrepreneurshlp Seminar: 

'Financing Opportunities lor Enlre- 
preneurship in 1991." registration, 
6:30 pm, program, 7-9:30 pm., 
Sloufier Harhofplace Hotel. Balh- 
more. Call 5-2144 for info * 

Movie: Miller^ Crossing, 7:15 and 
3:45 p.m.. HofI Theater. Call 4-HOFF 
for info." 


Seminar In Ecology, Evolution, 
and Behavior: XosI ol Defense m 
Brassicae.' Doug Sctiemske, U ol 
Washington, noon. 1230 Zoo/Psycti. 
Calt 5-6884 for info 

4 Counseling Cenler Researcli 
and Development Mealing: 'Cur- 
renl issues Confronlmg Black Faculty 
and Stafl," Roberta H Coates. presi- 
dent. Black Faculty and Slall Associ- 
aiion, noon-1 p,m. 0114 Shoemaker 
Call 4-7677 tor inio 

Molecular and Cell Biology 
Seminar: Ca' Mediated Perme- 
ability Control,' Sidney Pierce. Zool- 
ogy 12:05 p.m.. 1208 Zoo/Psych. 
Call 5-6991 for info. 

* Colleges of Engineering and 
Computer, Math, and Physical 
Sciences Guesl Speaker: Colonel 

Ctiarles Bolden. Jr aslronaul. 2:30 
p.m., 1202 Engineering Classroom 
Bldg. Call 5-3878 lor Into 

Women's Studies Graduate 
Student Hehvorlc Organizational 

Meeting. 4:30-5:30 pm. Confer- 
ence Room, Mill Building, Call 5- 
3B24 for inlo. 

* Education Lecture; African 

Americans and tbe Mass Media.' 5 
p.m., 3237 Benamin Call 4-7174 
lor :nlo 

» "Proud to Be Black Nighl," 

celebration ol African tieritage, 7 
p.m , Colony Ballroom. Stamp Stu- 
dent Union. Cali4-n74 for info. 

Movie: Miller's Crossing, 5, 7:15 

and 9:45 p,m , Hoff Theater Call 4- 
HOFF tor inlo" 

Men's Basketball vs. Georgia 

Tech, 7:30 p.m . Cole Field House. 
Call 4-7054 lor inlo " 


V l^akntine's "Day V 

Public Reiations Council Meet- 
ing, featuring speaker Andy Geiger. 
intercoHeglaie athletics director, 
1:30-3 p.m , Dean's Conference 
Room, Francis Scott Key. Call 5- 
4621 for info. 

Graduate Student Governmenl 
Meeting, 3 pm, 1 143 Stamp 
Student Union Call 5-5788 lor info 

• Chemistry and Biochemistry 
Lecture: 'A New Reaction in 
Carbohydrate Chemistry A Contem- 
porary Case of Serendipity." Bert 
Farsen Held, Duke U.. 4 p.m.. 1325 
Chemistry Call 5-1788 lor info 

Meteorology Seminar: 'Climat- 
ically- Tuned Radar Reflectivity-Rain- 
lall (Z-R) Relationships," Daniel 
Rosenfleld, Hebrew U , 3:30 p.m. 
2114 Computer and Space Sciences, 
reraption. 3 p.m. Call 5-5392 for 

* OMSE Interactive Discussion: 

"Celebrahng our Heritage: The Afri- 
can Diaspora and the U.SA," Tony 
Whitehead. Anthropology; Marie 
Perinbaum. History; and Duduzile 
Moerane, Ed & Pol Planning, 3-5 
p.m ,1101 Hombake Library Call 5- 
5520 or 5-5616 tor Into. 

History and Philosophy ot Sci- 
ence Coffoquium: "Double Nobel 
Laureate or Scientific Drudge?- Un- 
raveling the Marie Curie Myths,' 
Helena Pycior, U of Wisconsin. 4 
p,m . 2283 Zoo/ 
Psych, Call 5-5691 for info. 

Relialiffity Engineering Semi- 
nar; 'The Etiology ot Structural • 
Failures," Neli Flbsimons, Engin- 
eering Counsei, Kensington, 5:15- 

Two'time Grammy Award-vrinning pianist Emanuel 
Ax dedicates his only Washington-area appearance 
tills season to the IStli Anniversary of Ihe Uni- 
versity Community Concerts series, on Monday, 
Feb. 11 at 8 p.m., at the Adult Education Center. 
For ticket prices, see entry of Feb, 1 1 ; for info 
call 403-4240. 

Pamela Frank has been unanimously acclaimed as 
one of today's finest young violinists. She 
v/ill perform selections from Beethoven, Schuliert, 
Dvorak, and Stravinsky, Sunday, Feb. 17 at 8 p.m., 
Tavires Recital Hall. For ticket prices, see 
entry of Feb. 17; for info call 403-4240. 

6:15 p.m , 2115 Chemical and Nu- 
clear Engineering Bldg Call 5-3687 
or 5-3883 for info 

Movie: Jacoti^ Ladder 7 15 and 
9:45 p,m , Holt Theater. Call 4-HOFF 
for info.' 

* Institute ol Criminal Justice 
and Criminology Leclure: Pio- 
neers ot Justice ..Traveling Toward 
Success.' Huberl Williams, president. 
Police Foundation. Washington, D.C , 
7 pm , 2205 LeFiah, reception tol- 
lowing. Call 5-1689 for info 

* Movie/Discussion: 'Bill Cosby 

on Prejudice," ? p m , communily 
lo* rises Call 4-7174 lor into 

Women's Baskettiall vs. Clem- 
son, 7:30 p m . CoIe Field House 
Call 4-7064 for info," 


17th Annual MarylanrI Sludent 
Aflairs Conference; "Responding 
to Competing Prioiilies." 815 am -5 
p m , Stamp Student Union, Call 4- 
8429 lor info ' 

Speech Communtcalfon Collo- 
quium: "from Chil-Chat la Change: 
Daily Discourse and the Complexi- 
ties ol Social Change," Joan 
Disburg. grad. siudenf. Speech Com- 
munication, noon, 0147 Tawes. Call 
5-6524 lor Info 

Analytical, Nuclear, and Envi- 
ronmental Seminar: The Modu- 
lar, Higb-Temperalure. Gas-Cooled 
Reactor." Peter Williams, Nuclear 
Regulatory Commission. 3 p.m., 
1325 Chemistry Call 5-1860 for 

Movies: Jacob's Ladder. 7:15 and 
9:45 p.m.. Oarkman, 1215 p.m., 

HofI Theater Call 4-HOFF for info." 


Dance Lessons, lO-week session 
ottered by Dance Dept. lor ages 4- 
18. Call 5-7039 for more info," 

♦ Lecture: "Air I can American Histo- 
ry and Culture." Carroll Gibbs, 11 
am -noon LeFrak Auditorium. Call 
4-7174 lor inlo 

Men's Basketball vs. North 
Carolina, 1 p.m.. Cole Field House. 
Call 4-7064 lor Into * 

Movies: Jacob's Ladder. 5, 715 
and 9:45 pm, Daikman, 12,15 am.. 
Holt Theater. Call 4-HOFF lor info." 


* History of Science Society 

Speaker "The Complexion of Sci- 
entllic Communities." Kenneth Man- 
rang, MIT, 1 p.m , North Ballroom. 
Sheraton Washington Hotel, NW, 
Washington Call 5-4846 lor inlo. 

Movie: Goodfellas, 3, 6:30. and 
9:30 p.m., HofI Theater. Call 4-HOFF 

lor into • 

University Communily Concerts, 

Pamela Frank, violm, program TBA, 
3 p.m., Tawes Recital Hall $12 
standard admission, $9.50 students 
and seniors Call 80-4239 for inlo." 


Meteorology Seminar: program 
TBA. Richard Lindzen m. 
Cambridge. MA, 3:30 pm., 2114 
Computet and Space Sciences, re- 
ception at 3 p.m Call 5-5392 for 

Horticulture Seminar: 'Changes 
In Calalase Activity in Post-Harvest 
Carnations,' Steven A. Altman, grad. 
student. Horticullure. 4 p m,. 0128 
Ho1?apfel Call 5-4336 lor Inio, 

Entomology Colloquium: "Phy- 
logeny ol Some Plani/Herbivore 
Interactions." Brian Farreli, Entomol- 
ogy, 4 pm , 0200 Symons. Call 5- 
3912 lor into 

f Psychology Distinguished 
Speaker/Award Ceremony, Curtis 
Bank HovfanJ U., 4 p.m.. 1250 
Zoo/Psych. Call 4-7174 for Info. 

Space Science Seminar: 'The 
Quiet Terrestrial Ring Curreni. Data 
and lylodeling," Rob Sheldon. 4:30 
p.m., 1113 Computer and Space 
Sciences. Call 5-4829 for Info 

♦ Campus Pro-Choice Advocacy 

Lecture: Women of Color and 
Reproductive Freedom Does If Ex- 
ist?." 1139 Stamp Student Union. 
Call 4-7174 lor inio. 

* Blues Harmonica Workshop, 

tealuring blues arlist "Chicagobeau.' 
7 p.m.. 3123 South Campus Dining 
Hall Call 4-7174 lor info. 

Movie: The Krays, 7:15 and 945 
p m . HofI Theater Call 4-HOFF tor 


Seminar In Ecology, Evolution, 
and Behavior: 'Inbreeding Not 
Depressing m Pink Lady's Slippers," 
Douglas Gill. Zoology, noon. 1208 
Zoo/Psych Call 5-6884 lor inio. 

Physics Colloquium; "Is the Uni- 
verse a Small One?." Fang Liihi. 
Institute lor Advanced Study, Prince- 
ton, NJ, 4 p.m , 1410 Physics, tea 
recepiion. 3:30 p m. Call 5-5953 for 

Classics Department Leclure: 

"To Whal Extent Are We All 
Achilles?." W Thomas t^^acCary, 
Holstra U., response. Eva Siehle, 4 
pm , 2309 Arl/Soc Call 5-2013 lor 


* Business Lecture: 'Economic 
Empovnerment m the Black Com- 
munity" John Raye, Majestic Eagles 
Financial Corp,. 7 p.m., location 
TBA, Call 4-7174 lor inlo. 

Movie; TiisKrays. 4:45, 7:15. and 
9:45 p.m., HofI Theater Call 4-HOFF 
for Info,' 


♦ 14th Annual Minority Student 

Job Fair, featuring represenlalives 
Irom 100 organizations, 9 am. -12 
p m , 1-3:30 p m , Grand Ballroom, 
Stamp Student Union Call 5-5616 
lor info. 

Employee Development Semi- 
nar: 'English Relresher," today and 
tomorrow. 9 a,m.-4 p.m.. 01O5 Adull 
Educalion Center. Call 5-5651 lor 

Counseling Cenler Research 
and Development Meeting: 

'Access is Noi Enough.' Ray Gillian, 
assistant lo the president, noon-1 
p,m.. 0114 Shoemaker, Call 4-7677 
lor info 

Molecular and Cell Biology 
Seminar; Analysis ol Protein Fold- 
ing Pathways," John IVIoull, Center 
tor Advanced Research in Biotech- 
nology. 12:05 p m , 1208 Zoo/Psych. 
Call 5-6991 for into 

♦ Art Leclure/Presentation, Keith 
tWlorrison, Ail, 12:30 p.m . 1309 
Art/Soc. Call 5-1445 tor inlo 

• Live Interactive Broadcast: 

"The Rise in Campus Racisni," 
teleconference from Black Issues in 
Higher Bdiicalion, 1-3 p.m., fyledia 
Resource Room. Hornbake Library 
Call 4-7174 lor info 

Anlhropntogy Lecture: '^Towards 
an Anthropology ol reaming," John 
Caughey, American Studies, 3:30-5 
p.m., 1114 Woods. Call 5-1423 for 

Meteorology Seminar; 'Sensitivity 
Analysis Using an Adjoint of Ihe 
PSU/NCAR Mesoscale tVlodel." Ron 
Erricu, NCAR. 3:30 pm.. 2114 Com- 
puter and Space Sciences. Call 5- 
5392 lor into. 

Movies: 3rd Animation Celebration. 
4.30, 7:15, and 9:45 pm., Hot) The- 
ater Call 4-HOFF lor info," 

* Workshop: "Building Bridges: A 
Connection ol Cultures" 7-10 p.m., 
Annapolis multipurpose room Call 
4-7174 tor into 

Women's Basketball vs. 
Virginia, 730 pm, Cole Field 
House. Call 4-7064 lor info.' 

' Admission charge lor this ei/ent 
All others are free 

4 Black History Month Event 





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