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FEBRUARY 25, 1991 

Unveiling of Plans for Margaret Brent Memorial To Kick 
Off Women's History Month 

A reception to unveil plans for a 
university memorial to one of the 
most distinguished women in the 
state's early history will be held 
March 1 as the opening event of 
Women's History Month. 

Drawings and a model of the 
proposed memorial amphitheater to 
Margaret Brent, a poHtically active 
landholder in 17th century 
Maryland, will be on display at a 
reception at 3:30 p.m. in the Multi- 
purpose Room of the Language 
House. Marion Weiss, assistant 
professor of architecture, is the de- 
signer of the memorial. 

A team of College Park faculty 
and staff members that includes 
architects, planners and scholars is 
working on the pianning committee 
for the memorial planned for the 
slope on the south side of the 
Language House (formerly St. 
Mary's Hall). 

The March 1 event will also serve 
as the kick-off for the project's 
fundraising campaign. An es- 
timated $200,000 in private funds is 
needed for the project, according to 
Virginia Beauchamp, retired associ- 
ate professor of English and a 
member of the memorial committee. 
Beauchamp has been working on 

the project for several years. 

While no portraits of Brent exist, 
she is perhaps the most visible 
woman in Maryland's early history, 
Beauchamp says. 

Brent traveled to the colony in 
1638 at the age of 37 and settled on 
land in St. Mary's County that she 
obtained from Cecilius Calvert, the 
Second Lord Baltimore, according to 
a fact sheet on Brent issued by the 
Cooperative Extension Service. 
Her holdings increased in 1642 
when she acquired property from 
her brother and emerged as one of 
the major landholders in the colony. 

In 1648, Brent appealed to the 
colonial assembly for the right to 
vote by virtue of her status as a 
property holder. Although the re- 
quest was denied, she is believed to 
be the first woman in America to 
petition for the right to vote. 

Brent became an influential fig- 
ure in governing the colony through 
her close consultations with 
Leonard Calvert, the colony's 
governor. Before he died in 1647, 
Calvert appointed her the sole ex- 
ecutor of his estate. The alliance 

continued im page '' 

Campus Senate News 
and Views 

Fretz stresses importance of 
upcoming elections 

APAC Recommendations Go To 
Strategic Planning Committee 


Women in Science 
and Technology 

New report sees modest 

Gowen Overcomes 



To play in March 15 


Outlook Salutes University's 
Black Student-Athletes 

Honoring outstanding achievers /I 
of the recent past \J 

Women's History Month 
Calendar Included in this 

Listings of special observances f 

throughout March / 

During the past year, the univer- 
sity has undertaken a process to 
make some extraordinarily difficult 
budget decisions as part of the 
state's mandate to cut $20.5 million 
from its current operating budget. 
Next year's budget outlook is no 
brighter, since that will carry a $25 
million reduction to the base 

How can the university manage 
such massive cuts without compro- 
mising the quality of its academic 
programs? There is no simple an- 
swer, says Vice President for Aca- 
demic Affairs Bob Dorfman. 

The provost plays a pivotal role 
in the university's decision-making 
process. An advisory group, the 
Academic Planning Advisory Com- 
mittee (APAC), whose membership 
includes a faculty majority, current- 
ly is making final decisions on re- 
commendations it will present to 
the provost, who in turn will 
present his plan to the president 
and the Strategic Planning Commit- 

As to how the university intends to 
handle the cuts, Dorfman says, "It's 
simply too large a cut to cover just 
by tightening our belts. We're going 
to have to exercise extremely good 
judgment if we are to retain the 
quality we already have gained." 

The Academic Affairs budget 

alone, including all the colleges and 
schools, comprises about two- 
thirds, or 67 percent, of the total 
campus operating budget. That 
division has been asked to absorb 
about 55 percent of next year's total 

But those numbers do not tell the 
whole story since, while the uni- 
versity spends about 75 percent of 
its operating budget on salaries and 
wages, Academic Affairs spends 
closer to 90 percent on this item. 
Another five percent of the 
university's budget is dedicated to 
such fixed cost items as fuel, 
utilities, and servicing of debts, and 
funding for such categories as tele- 
phone bills and postage, leaving 
little budgetary flexibility. 

To guide the campus in setting 
priorities and make the final com- 
plex resource decisions, the presi- 
dent created the Strategic Planning 
Committee (SPC) and appointed 
Dorfman as its chair. The committee 
will examine plans submitted by 
each vice president as well as 
consulting with the divisions, the 
deans and other campus groups and 
individuals as part of the process of 
developing a comprehensive plan to 
cut 10 percent from next year's 
operating budget. 

cnn tinned on paj^e 2 

Governor Calls for 
Moment of Silence 

Governor William 
Donald Schaefer has 
designated Thursday, 
Feb. 28 at 10:05 a.m. 
as a time for the 
citizens of the state of 
Maryland to observe a 
moment of silence for 
the troops overseas. He 
Is asking that people 
pause to reflect on the 
situation in the Persian 
Gulf at that time. 


O F 


A T 



Help Identify Student Leaders 

Each year at the university's annual Awards Banquet, Omicron 
Delta Kappa (ODK) recognizes those junior, seniors and graduate 
students who have demonstrated exceptional leadership abiUHes in 
five areas of campus activity: scholarship; athletics; service and 
campus government; media; and the arts. ODK also honors the Top 
Ten Freshmen and the Sophomore Leader of the Year. Your assis- 
tance in identifying candidates is welcomed and appreciated. Appli- 
cations are in the Student Affairs office, 2108 Mitchell; the deadline is 
March 1 . Call 314-9606 for details. 

Dorfman Outlines Budget Reallocation Process 

corttiniieil from page I 

"We should understand that this 
process is not an issue of determin- 
ing whether all the things the uni- 
versity is doing are good. The real 
issue is, we cannot continue to sup- 
port all that we are doing now—and 
if we must make choices, we must 
decide what our highest priorities 
are and which programs are the 
most valuable to the university in 
the long run," says Dorfman. 
"Making such choices is never easy. 
But there comes a time when we 
arrive at a crossroads and these de- 
cisions simply must be made. That 
time has come." 

To begin the process of deter- 
mining academic priorities, 
Dorfman first met with the Execu- 
tive Committee of the Campus Sen- 
ate. This group proposed a broad 
set of principles useful in reviewing 
each dean's plan for reallocation of 
resources. These principles 
included: making decisions based 
on maintaining the balance among 
teaching, research and public 
service; continuing the university's 
move toward increasing diversity; 
and making careful, targeted cuts 
based on quality, needs and 
centrality rather than cutting across 
the board. The primary message 
conveyed by the committee was that 
the university can continue to im- 
prove only if it does not insist on 
maintaining the status quo. 

With these principles in mind, 
Dorfman requested that each dean 
work with faculty to develop a plan 
that would reflect the college's 
current budget cuts and show how 
these cuts could be made perma- 
nent. Even more difficult was a 
charge to produce a second plan 
that contained a cut that in some 
cases was as much as twice as large 
as the current one. 

The deans have met with APAC 
to discuss the college plans. On 
March 4 the provost will forward 
his recommendations, based on the 
advice of APAC, to the president. 

who will continue the process, 

"1 want to emphasize that these 
are not necessarily final decisions. 
All of the recommendations will be 
reviewed carefully in the broader 
context of the entire institution. 
Some will be accepted, some reject- 
ed, and, no doubt, some will be 
modified with a view to recognizing 
that the campus' perspective is 
different from that of an individual 
college's. Our ultimate goal must be 
to keep in mind the good of the 
entire institution." 

"This process may be painful, but 
it's the price the university pays for 
an open system," says Dorfman. "I 
feel that we have a sensible process 
in place, and we will do our best to 
protect the university and all of our 
people to the greatest extent pos- 
sible," says the provost. 

Some principles upon which de- 
cisions will be based include: 

•Tenured faculty will not lose 
their jobs. Even if a particular de- 
gree program were eliminated, fac- 
ulty would be transferred and con- 
tinue to work in another program. 

•Consideration will be given to 
consolidating programs, but re- 
sources can be reallocated without 
people losing a job on campus. 

•For non-tenured faculty, the 
probability of promotion is less 
clear for the moment. Tenure is not 
guaranteed to everyone, but the 
university has hired some out- 
standing assistant professors and 
will do everything possible to keep 

• If programmatic changes are 
necessary, the university will follow 
principles set in place several years 
ago by APAC; that is, any program 
slated for elimination would be 
given an opportunity to make its 
case, would be phased out as 
gradually as possible, following 
university procedures, and would 
allow students a reasonable oppor- 
tunity to finish their degree 

"It is extremely difficult to have 
to scale back the scope of some pro- 

P.G. Delegates Seek Suggestions 
About 40-Hour Work Week 

To the editor: 

We are writing to thank all the 
members of the College Park cam- 
pus community who are working 
with us to block the State Depart- 
ment of Personnel's plan to require 
more than 1,700 UMCP employees 
to work 23 extra days a year for no 
additional pay. Without doubt, it 
was the outpouring of opposition to 
this unfair and counterproductive 
proposal by so many classified 
employees, their unions, super- 
visors and others that persuaded 
over sixty delegates to support our 
legislative efforts to block it. And 
persuaded the Governor, and thus 
the Board of Regents, to suspend it 
until at least July 1,1991. 

We have won a reprieve from 
precipitous adoption of an uncom- 
pensated increase in working hours. 
But the need to continue the fight 
against it remains. One option is HB 

897, a bill which would simply 
block the Department of Personnel's 
plan. Other possibilities include 
phasing in longer hours with 
proportional increases in salary. 
We would appreciate hearing 
your suggestions and concerns. You 
can write to us at 210 Lowe House 
Office Building, Annapolis, MD 
21401. Your thoughts will be helpful 
to us as the legislature considers 
how to balance the budget without 
imposing unfair burdens on the 
dedicated and hardworking 
employees at the university and 

Pauline H. Menes, Delegate 
Tim Maloney, Delegate 
Jim Rosapepe, Delegate 

These delegates represent the 21st Dis- 
trict, tvhich imi tides the College Park 
campus, in the Maryland House of 

grams," says Dorfman. "The chal- 
lenge is to emerge from this process 
with the best university that we can 
possibly have. If we can learn to 
make tough decisions and choices 
that are not always palatable, then I 
believe that the outcome will be a 
stronger university. And that will 
benefit us all." 

Roz Hiebert 

Academic Planning 
Advisory Committee 

Cordell Black (French and Ital.); 
William Destler (Elec. Eng.); Alex 
Dragt (Physics); Bruce Fretz 
(Campus Senate); Jacob Goldhaber 
(Graduate Dean); Robert Griffith 
(Dean, A & Fl); Jerry Hage (Soci- 
ology); Jean Hebeler (Special Ed.); 
Norbert Hornstein (Linguistics); 
Rudolph Lamone (Dean, B & M); 
Frank Levy (Public Affairs); 
Kathryn Mohrman (Dean, Under- 
graduate Education); Arthur Popper 
(Zoology); Joshua Rich (student); 
Stephanie Stockman (graduate stu- 
dent); Nancy Struna (Kinesiology); 
Calhoun Winton (English). 

Also, David Falk (Academic 
Affairs); and J. Robert Dorfman 
(Provost and Vice President, 
Academic Affairs). 

Strategic Planning Committee 

Rosalind Berkowitz (undergrad- 
uate student); Nancy Bockstael { Ag. 
and Resource Economics); Kathryn 
Costello (vice president, institution- 
al advancement); J. Robert Dorfman, 
chair ((vice president for academic 
affairs and provost); Cynthia Hale 
(director, administrative services); 
Benjamin Molman (Journalism); 
Norbert Hornstein (Linguistics); 
Gerald Miller (Chemistry and 
Biochem.); Ellin K. Sc hoi nick (Psy- 
chology); Charles Sturtz (vice 
president, administrative affairs); 
William Thomas, Jr. (vice president, 
student affairs). 


Outlook IS I he weekly faculty-siaH newspaper serving 
the College Park campus comrDiinity 

Kathryn Costello 
Roz Hietierl 

Linda Freeman 
Brian Busek 
Lisa Gregory 
Tom OtWBll 
Fariss Samarral 
Gary Stephen sor? 
Jenrjifer Bacon 

JudHh Bair 
John Consoll 
Stephen Oarrou 
Chfis Paul 
At Danegger 
Linda Martin 
Pla Uznansha 
MIctiael Yuen 
Peter Zulkarnaln 

Vice President tor 

Institutional Advancement 

Difectot ol Public Inlormation & 


Prodiictior Editor 

Staff Writer 

StaH Wfiler 

Staff Writer 

Staff Writer 

Staff Wnler 

Calendar Editor 

An Director 
Format Designer 
Layout & llluslration 
Layoul & Illustration 
Production Intern 
Production Intern 
Production Intern 

Letters to tfie edilor. story suggeslions. campus informa- 
tion S calendar ilems are welcome. Please submii all 
material at least three weeks before the Monday of 
publication Send it to Ro^ Hiebert, Editor Ov^ook. 21D1 
Turner Building, through campus mail or to Universily of 
[Maryland. College Park, MD 20742 Our telephone 
number is (301 1 405-4621 Electronic tnail address is 
outlook^ pres.umd.eclu. Fax number is (301)314-9344 




19 9 1 

Symposium on Second Language Learning Set 

The Foreign Language Instruction Committee (FLIC) is organiz- 
ing the First Annual University of Maryland Symposium on Second 
Language Learning to be held in April 1991 on the College Park 
campus. The one-day symposium is a cooperative venture between 
the foreign language departments, the College of Education (Curric- 
ulum and Instruction), the Maryland English Institute, Linguistics, 
and the Language House. For more information, call Roberta Levine, 
FLIC chair, at 56451 or Madeleine Hage, Training and Outreach 
chair, at 54033. 

News and Views from the 
Campus Senate 

by Bruce Fretz, chair 

Heard on the campus walkways 
and in the halls: "A major problem 
in having the current Senate take a 
greater role in the governance of the 
university is that many departments 
and units fail to make sure that their 
best representatives are elected as 

I have heard such a statement 
quite often this past semester — if it 
fits your department or constitu* 
ency, then act now; elections are 
coming. The Senate is taking on an 
increasing ro!e in governance. 

The Senate Executive Committee 
recommended to the provost the 
criteria to guide the fiscal retrench- 
ment for this coming year. It also 
appointed four of the seven mem- 
bers of the Strategic Planning Com- 
mittee which will be meeting with 
the vice presidents and the presi- 
dent to recommend campus-wide 
budget reallocations. Under our 
recently approved faculty grievance 
procedures, all of the faculty sena- 
tors serve as the grievance pane) 
from which hearing panelists will 
be chosen. Further, if current fiscal 
realities lead to recommendations 
for phasing out some programs, the 
senate wilJ be required to review 
such proposals. 

obviously, there has never been 
a time in the recent history of the 
university when the election of out- 
standing senators has been more 
critical! These elections will deter- 
mine those who will be serving in 
ongoing consultation with both the 
administration and the state legis- 
lature as we weather these 
austere times. Only those who have 
been elected senators can be elect- 
ed to the Senate Executive Com- 
mittee or appointed as chairs of 
Senate committees. 

The coming elections recjuire 
your carefu! consideration in yet 
another way. Our recent annual 
elections of senators have resulted 
in a set of faculty senators that, in 
demographic pattern, is notably 
different in gender than the constit- 
uency it represents. Of the current 
110 faculty senators, IS percent are 
women, whereas 28 percent of Col- 
lege Park faculty are women. 

Also, among faculty senators, the 
percent of Asian- American and 
African- American senators is even 
lower than their five and four per- 
cent constituencies respectively in 
the faculty at large. 

Among student and staff sena- 
tors, the representation of women 
and minorities approximately 
equals or exceeds their proportions 
in the campus community. 

Faculty and staff senators are 
elected for three year terms, stu- 
dents for one year terms. Initiatives 
must be made tww to ensure that 
your department or unit will con- 
sider the very best faculty, staff and 
students who can represent the 

diverse interest of our community. 

My second topic for this column 
is a report on the ongoing discus- 
sions between representatives of the 
Senate Executive Committee and 
the Executive Committee of the 
Athletic Council. The primary pur- 
pose of these discussion is to ex- 
plore how the athletic program 
affects the entire campus commun- 
ity as well as student athletes. Dur- 
ing the first two meetings, consid- 
erable time has been devoted to 
learning about 1 ) the role of the 
Athletic Council in the athletic de* 
partment programs and 2) the ad- 
vising and support services provid- 
ed for student athletes. 

Our next meetings will focus on 
how the athletic program affects 
non-athletes from a variety of per- 
spectives, e.g., fiscal, academic, use 
of facilities, activity schedules and 
so forth, if there are particular 
questions you would like to see 
addressed in our discussions, please 
send me a note in the campus mail: 
c/o Campus Senate, Reckord Ar- 
mory 104 A. 

In the coming months, the Senate 
and its committees will be coping 
with many difficult issues. For the 
April meeting, we expect to have 
the final recommendations for 
shared governance at the depart- 
ment, college and university levels. 
At the May meeting, our response 

to the president's suggested revi- 
sion to the appointment, promotion 
and tenure policies will be debated. 
In the meantime, committees are 
preparing recommendations on re- 
tirement policies, merit-pay policies, 
use of the SAT in admissions, stan- 
dards and accountability for advis- 
ing, and reviewing the Linowes 
report for parts it can recommend to 
the General Assembly for restoring 
some fiscal resources to higher 

Any suggestions or concerns you 
would like considered regarding 
any of those topics should be sent to 
the Senate office; they will be for- 
warded promptly to the appropriate 
committee chair. 

High School Computer Scientists 
Match Wits at Programming Contest 

Nearly 140 students from 20 
Maryland high schools were on the 
College Park campus last Saturday 
to take part in the Department of 
Computer Science's first computer 
science programming contest. 

During the four-hour compe- 
tition, student teams solved com- 
plex mathematical problems using 
Pascal, the programming language 
selected for the contest. The event 
was developed in response to a re- 
quest from Governor William 
Donald Schaefer calling for new 
partnerships between the univer- 
sity, industry and the public 

"This contest was a unique op- 
portunity to bring together some of 
Maryland's most talented students," 
says Satish K, Tripathi, professor 
and department chair, "We are 
excited to have had the opportunity 
to establish a relationship with these 
young people and encourage them 
to pursue careers in computer 

IBM Corporation's Federal Sector 
Division in Gaithersburg, the 
event's primary corporate sponsor. 

provided hardware and software as 
well as much of the technical sup- 
port needed for the contest. 

Electronic Data Systems, 
Herndon, Virginia, the Department 
of Computer Science, and the Vir- 
ginia-based Computer Sciences 
Corporation all provided cash 
awards to the winning schools. In 
addition, each school received a 
copy of Borland Pascal 6.0 software. 

Among the high schools entering 
teams were: Bethesda -Chevy Chase, 
Montgomery Blair, Richard 
Montgomery, Rockville, Seneca 
Valley, Springbrook, and Thomas S, 
Wootton, Others included: Winston 
Churchill, Frederick Douglass, 
Laurel, Loyola, Mt. Hebron, 
Northern Garrett County, Northern, 
Oakland Mills, and Oxon Hill, as 
well as St, Vincent Pallotti, Eleanor 
Roosevelt, Sherwood, and Towson. 


19 9 1 




Apple's Disability Solutions Manager to Speak 

The Computer Science Center's 1991 CSC Spring Lecture Series 
will feature Alan Brightman, manager of Apple Computer, Inc.'s 
Worldwide Disability Solutions Group, Friday, March 8 at 1:30 p.m. 
in Room T of Hornbake Library's Non- Print Media room. Brightman 
will discuss how technology is changing what it means to have a 
disability — both from the point of view of the person with the dis- 
ability and how he or she is viewed by the rest of the world. The 
lecture is co-sponsored by the President's Commission on Disability 
Issues and Disabled Student Services. A sign language interpreter 
will be available on request. For details, contact Gail Miller at 405- 
2950 or call 314-7683 TDD. 

Women in Science and Technology: 

Report Reviews Trends in Degrees for Women 

This is the second part of the series 
that began last week on the prog- 
ress of women on the College Park 
campus. This special report. Wom- 
en Students in Selected Non tradi- 
tional Fields: Degree Attaimnent in 
Natural Sciences and Engineering, 
was written by Stephen Brush . 

Beginning in the 1960s, women 
entered traditionally male fields in 
increasing numbers. The role of 
higher education in this trend can 
be seen in figures for degrees 
granted, especially in the natural 
sciences and engineering. But, after 
rising steadily through the 1970s 
and early 1980s, the number of de- 
grees awarded to women in these 
fields seems to have reached a pla- 
teau. Bachelor's degrees have actu- 
ally declined in the last two or three 
years, and there are indications that 
master's and doctorates will also 

These national patterns are re- 
flected in degree statistics for Col- 
lege Park, although because of in- 
adequacies in the data base and 
small numbers in several categories, 
it is difficult to draw definite con- 
clusions from the local statistics 
alone. The accompanying graphs 
were prepared for the Commission 
on Women's Affairs by the Univer- 
sity of Maryland Systems, Office of 
Academic Affairs, Planning and 
Accountability. Data for the period 
before 1981 were supplied by the 
Maryland Higher Education Com- 
mission. The data have been assem- 
bled for departments now included 
in three university colleges: Com- 
puter, Mathematical and Physical 
Sciences (CMPS); Engineering 
(ENG) and Life Sciences (LISC). 
Note that LISC includes chemistry. 

Fig, 1 shows the overall pattern 
of bachelor's degrees awarded to 
women in the natural sciences and 
engineering at College Park during 
the 1970s and 1980s. The most re- 
markable change was in ENG, 
where a program designed to re- 
cruit young women from high 
schools during the period 1975-1983 
seems to have played a major role in 
boosting the number of B.S. degrees 
through 1988. That program was 
suspended due to lack of funding, 
but has been revived this year. 

The numbers of degrees awarded 
by CMPS declined somewhat in the 
late 1970s, possibly because of a 
switch from mathematics (which 
accounted for a large proportion of 
CMPS degrees in the early 1970s) 
into engineering or other fields. The 

revival in the 1 980s was due primar- 
ily to the popularity of computer 

The rise (in the mid-1970s) and fall 
(in the early 1980s) of LISC degrees 
is primarily due to similar changes 
in zoology, microbiology, biochem- 
istry and chemistry. Recent years 
have seen a sharp rise in general 
biology degrees. 

Figs. 2-4 compare bachelor's de- 
grees awarded to men and women 
in the three colleges during the 
1980s. In CMPS, where the numbers 
rose gradually during the decade 
for both sexes, the percentage of 
degrees awarded to women in- 
creased only slightlv (19 percent in 
1981, 33 percent in 1989). In ENG, 
doubting the number of women's 
B.S. degrees meant doubling their 
percentage of the total (nine percent 
to 18 percent) since there was no 
general increase in the number of 
degrees awarded to men. The 
restriction of entry into engineering 
programs starting in the mid-1980s 
seems to have had a greater effect 
on men than on women (Fig. 3). In 
LISC, a significant drop in the 
number of men receiving degrees 
meant that women actually got a 
majority of LISC degrees at the end 
of the decade {52 percent in 1989), 
up from 41 percent in 1981 despite 
no major increase in absolute 

Figs, 5 and 6 (Not included in this 
printing. Ed.] provide more detailed 
breakdowns by race and ethnicity of 
bachelor's degrees awarded to wo- 
men. They show a substantial in- 
crease in the number of Asians over 
the decade, and a smaller but 
significant increase in the number of 
African Americans in ENG and 

The last two figures compare the 
numbers of women and men earn- 
ing advanced degrees. Here the 
picture is less encouraging; no real 
growth in the number of women 
receiving master's and doctoral de- 
grees, during a period when the 
number of men getting those de- 
grees has been increasing. Thus the 
percentage of master's degrees to 
women has actually dropped by 28 
percent in 1981 to 20 percent in 
1989, while the percentage of doc- 
toral degrees has remained abut the 
same (18 percent in both 1981 and 
1989). Our modest success in re- 
cruitment of women into under- 
graduate engineering and natural 
science majors has not been 
matched by corresponding progress 
at the graduate level. 


Fig. 8 


Docloral Degrees 
for CMPS, ENG. and LISC 


Number of Degrt?e& 

18* _^^..„^^—^ 


. ,B ^.^^ 

J I 

85 BB 

Fi$caJ Vf^ar 


Fig, I University of Maryland College Park 
Bachelors Degrees Awarded to Women 
Total tor CMPS. ENG. and LISC 


tso - 





^^umb<sr Df OegroDS 

-i — *-^ -J-^ — 1- 




rO 71 72 T3 74 7S 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 aS BE B7 SB 69 
Frscal Year 

Fig. 2 Bachelor's Degrees 

College of Computer, Math, & Ptiys. Sci, 

2 DO 

Numbar at Degrees 

a2 B3 84 B5 B6 

Fiscal Year 

87 BB 

Fig. 3 

Bachelor's Degrees 
College of Engineering 





Number ol Degrees 

« i L. 




61 63 83 B4 35 86 

FsscaE Year 

"— M^n ♦*' Women 

87 BB 

Fig. 4 

Bachelor's Degrees 
College of Life Sciencea 

Number or Degrees 

8t BZ 63 

64 B5 68 87 SB 

Fiscal Year 


Fig. 7 

tvlasters Degrees 
Total for Cr^PS, ENG, and LiSC 



NuiDijor ol Dsgrces 



-«— i2!L 


SI 83 S4 85 86 B7 88 8^ 

FiBcal Year 

SOLiHCE Do^ree 1nf[>rrnaTiorv Svatem fllfld. 
UM?5A> or A^:Hdf^J^l^ AMjiifi, 
("iiiifiifiy. nna Accoijiii,Tiiii,f^ T/icg/eo, 

Stephen Brush is a professor in the Department of 
History and the Institute for Physical Sciences and 


19 9 1 

Doing Business in Central and Eastern Europe 

The Michael Dingman Center for Entrepreneurship and the 
Suburban Maryland Technology Council will present an evening 
session on "Doing Business in Central and Eastern Europe" Tuesday, 
March 5 at the Pooks Hill Marriott in Bethesda beginning at 6:30 
p.m. Charles O, Heller, Dingman Center director, wLU moderate a 
panel that includes Irena Zikova, Second Secretary, the Embassy of 
the Czech and Slovak Federated RepubUc, Ferenc Furulyas, Minister 
for Economic and Commercial Affairs, the Embassy of Hungary, 
Kathryn Lindquist, an international trade specialist with the Mary- 
land Department of International Trade, and Philip F. Zeidman, a 
partner with EastEuropeLaw and Brownstein, Zeidman and 

Long Way Back to the Stage 
for University Pianist 

Pianist Bradford Gowen's prep- 
arations for his performance March 
15 with cellist David Soyer as part 
of the Artists Benefit Scholarship 
Series have been the most demand- 
ing of his career. 

It's not that the repertoire^ — 
sonatas by Mendelssohn, Chopin 
and Frank Bridge — is unusually 
difficult for the veteran of 35 years 
on the concert stage. Go wen, pro- 
fessor of music and head of the 
piano division, is facing a more 
fundamental challenge: he is re- 
tearning to play the piano. 

The concert, 8 p.m. Friday, 
March 15 in Tawes Recital Hall, will 
be his most extensive performance 
since developing a performance- 
related injury more than five years 

In 1985, Gowen began exper- 
iencing severe pains in his right 
hand. The condition halted Gowen's 
routine of daily practice and forced 
him into a long process of research 
and reflection to determine whether 
and how he could play again. 

For five years, as the pain per- 
sisted, Gowen consulted doctors, 
fellow musicians and available 
literature on the subject of perfor- 
mance-related injuries. 

In searching for a cause of and a 
solution to his problem, he found 
that many fellow musicians have 
experienced similar problems to 
some degree — in a survey by the 
Internationa! Conference of 

Symphony and Opera Musicians, f 6 
percent of the musicians responding 
reported at least one medical prob- 
lem that severely affected perfor- 
mance. Unfortunately, solutions to 
serious condihons are as scarce as 
problems are plentiful. 

"A player in this situation is an 
explorer in a wilderness," Gowen 
wrote in a recent article on the sub- 

Although the symptoms of per- 
formance-related injuries are often 
easy to describe, a prescription of 
treatment that allows a performer to 
resume intensive work at a key- 
board is often, as in Gowen's case, 
elusive. Two musicians may exhibit 
identical symptoms but the cure for 
one might do nothing for the other, 
Gowen says. 

"I was evaluated and treated by 
chiropractors, an osteopath, neurol- 
ogists, a kinesiologist, hand special- 
ists, physical therapists, an acu- 
puncturist and a biofeedback tech- 
nician. ..Among those involved were 
some famous individuals and prom- 
inent institutions, but well-known 
or not, there is no doubt that I had 
some of the best helpers available. 
The level of care and sensitivity was 
often high; the amount of funda- 
mental disagreement among experts 
was sometimes dramatic. That none 
of the help I received was fully 
effective shows just how complex 
the problem is," he wrote. 

In making his way back to the 

Bradford Gowen 

stage, Gowen has worked through a 
complicated process, literally re- 
learning to play his instrument. He 
has adapted his playing technique 
and practice habits in ways de- 
signed to keep the injury in check. 

While unwelcome, the experi- 
ence has been instructive to the 

"I have found this unexpectedly 
exciting," Gowen wrote. "To believe 
that there is a way, even though it is 
unmapped, to know within myself 
that the path exists even though it is 
not yet seen — this is exhilarating. It 
puts one on the cutting edge of 
faith, of growth, of music medicine, 
and of recovery. That being so, the 
long, tiring journey cannot be re- 

Brian Busek 

University IhedXre's Major Barbara to Open March 7 

Major Barbara, George Bernard 
Shaw's classic drama about a Sal- 
vation Army worker who defies her 
father, a munitions maker, will open 
University Theatre's spring season. 

Performances of the play are 8 
p.m. March 7-9 and 14-16 and 2 p.m. 
March 10 in Tawes Theatre. 

Also in March, a University 
Theatre production originally pre- 
sented last fall will be revived for a 
regional theatrical competition in 
New York State. 

Major Barbara will be staged by 
guest director James Petosa, a 
drama faculty member at Catholic 
University and producing director 
for Olney Theatre. 

Petosa finds the play, written 
early in the 20th century, relevant to 
current events, 

"We can't ignore what we know 
today about the larger evils of war 
buildup. As long as we continue to 
produce weapons of mass destruc- 
tion, we will feel seduced and com- 
pelled to use them," he says. 

Several other guest artists are 
also working on the production. 
James Kronzer, who recently de- 
signed the sets for Unchanging Love 
at Studio Theater, is the the scene 
designer. Marjorie Slaiman, super- 
vising costumiere at Arena Stage, is 
overseeing the work of MFA stu- 

dent Mireille Key on costumes for 
the production. 

The lighHng and technical direc- 
tion for the production will be done 
by two faculty members. Helen 
Flayes Award-winner Daniel 
McLean Wagner is the light design- 
er and David Kriebs is the technical 

For ticket information call 405- 

In addition. University Theatre 

will revive its production of 
Lanford Wilson's Rimers of Eldritch 
for the American College Theatre 
festival regional competition that 
will be held March 2 in Albany, 
New York. 

The play, which focuses on the 
residents of a deteriorating Mid- 
western town, examines the mores 
of an archetypal small community 
and the actions of the righteous 
town elders. 

Guarneri String Quartet Takes Open 
Rehearsal to Baltimore 

The delights of attending an 
open rehearsal of the Guarneri 
String Quartet are well-known to 
members of the College Park com- 
munity. Indeed, an enthusiastic 
cadre of 'groupies' is generally 
found at the free event held each 
month during most of the academic 
year, when the four come to teach at 
College Park. 

This week you can share the 
pleasure of an open Guarneri re- 
hearsal with your friends in Balti- 
more as well. On Wednesday, Feb- 
ruary 27 at 8 p.m., the quartet and 

guest oboist Sara Watkins, another 
adjunct member of the music de- 
partment, will take the rehearsal to 
the spacious elegance of the Walters 
Gallery in Baltimore. 

The artists will be reading 
through two Mozart gems, the Dis- 
sonant Quartet in C major K. 465 
and the Oboe Quartet in F major K. 

No tickets are needed for the 
performance — and the price is still 
right: free. Call the concert office for 
details at 405-5548. Tell your 


19 9 1 


' Cycle Mania' Hits Campus 

Campus Recreation Services (CRS) is sponsoring a spring Bike- 
a-thon that encourages you to work out on a stationary or regular 
bicycle. To participate, you cycle at least 30 minutes a day, three 
times a week at your convenience and report your mileage to CRS. 
Those who have logged 75 miles by March 20 will receive water 
bottles and qualify for the "Tour de Terp" in April. Everyone reach- 
ing 100 miles by March 31 will be awarded T-shirts. Entries close 
Friday, March 8 for this free program. Call 314-7218 for more infor- 

Roberta Coates: Spreading Her Wings 

Rot>erta Coates 

Within the past year many 
changes have occurred at College 
Park. Until recently, both McKeldin 
and Hombake malls were hidden 
under mountain-sized piles of face- 
lift dirt and debris. But just as de- 
struction can sometimes preface 
reconstruction, Roberta Coates, 
Campus Activities Associate Direc- 
tor, believes struggles can some- 
times precede success. 

She equates her philosophy to 
the transformation of a caterpillar to 
a butterfly and has several butterfly 
pictures on her Stamp Union office 
wall to remind her of this 

"I really beUeve in the metamor- 
phosis of the butterfly," says Coates, 
"because [ came from a poor family 
and 1 remember struggling. But now 
that I have a good job and have 
made good friends, I believe you 
have to struggle before you can 
succeed. In the end you turn out to 
be a well-rounded person." 

Coates graduated in 1971 from 
Maryland State College, which is 
now the University of Maryland 
Eastern Shore. After receiving her 
social science undergraduate de- 
gree, she pursued a master's in 
counseling and shident personnel at 
College Park. 

She was hired initially as a 
housing department resident direc- 
tor. Before leaving that position, the 
Resident Housing Association 
named a typing center in Elkton 
dormitory after her. 

"They [the association] were try- 
ing hard to get a typing center," she 
says. "They had to cut through a lot 
of red tape, and when it was finally 
established, the association 
president said it would be called the 
'Roberta Coates Typing Center.'" 

In 1979 she left Resident Life to 
pursue a more fulfilling position in 
Campus Activities. Just recently, she 
was promoted from assistant 
director to associate director, which 
has a few added responsibilities 
including overseeing the office in 
the director's absence, and handling 
some budget and staff training. 

"After being in housing for eight 
years, 1 wanted something differ- 
ent," she says. "You get more expo- 
sure here, and this office deals with 
the whole campus. Housing just 
deals with students in housing. 

"What 1 like about [my position] 
is that I know a lot of students; but 1 
wish there weren't so many 
meetings. Maryland is so large you 
have to have meetings." 

In addition to her position in 

Campus Activities, Coates is 
president of the Black Faculty and 
Staff Asst)ciation. 

Coates says she is used to doing 
at least three things at a time and 
that her work day usually exceeds 
the normal required hours. But in 
spite of her busy schedule, she finds 
quality time to spend with her 

"My family is number one," says 
Coates who is married and has two 
children. "That's my source of ener- 
gy. I'm also taking care of my three- 
year-old niece because my sister-in- 
law is in Saudi Arabia." 

Coates hopes the university will 
someday have a master calendar so 
students and faculty will be aware 
of all sponsored events. She also 
hopes February will not be the only 
month achievements of blacks are 

But even with all her aspirations 
and responsibilities, Coates does not 
let success cloud her judgment. A 
plaque on her office shelf states: "It's 
nice to be important but it's more 
important to be nice." 

"You can be important today and 
be nothing tomorrow," she says, 
glancing at the wooden plaque. "I 
care an awful lot, I really do." 

Patricia Gny 

Outlook Salutes Outstanding Black 

Desmond Armstrong 

Vicky Bullett 

Last week the Department of 
Intercollegiate Athletics recognized 
in the Dianioridback a number of 
College Park's outstanding black 
student-athletes. To celebrate Black 
History Month, Outlook joins the 
Diamoudbiick in paying tribute to 
some of our notable scholar-athletes 
of the recent past. 

Desmond Armstrong, Soccer 1983- 
86; All-American; Olympian; profes- 
sional soccer player; current mem- 
ber of World Cup team 

Vicky Bullett, Basketball 1986-89; 
Kodak All-American; Olympic Gold 
Medalist; Maryland's all-time 
leading scorer and rebounder 

Len Elmore, Basketball 1972-74; 
All-American; 10- year NBA career; 
Harvard Law School graduate; tele- 
vision analyst for ACC Basketball 
Network and CBS Sports 

Paula Cirven, Track and Field 1977- 
80; first black female to receive an 
athletic scholarship at Maryland; 
ACC High Jump champion 

Bill Goodman, Track and Field 
1972-75; ACC Long Jump and Triple 
Jump Champion; vice president of 
ODK; current head coach at College 

Gordon Hawkins, Baseball 1979-82; 
Starting pitcher; currently an opera 
singer; .was lead singer at Wolf 
Trap; has sung with the New York 
Metropolitan Opera 

Robyn James, Field Hockev 1983- 
86; All-ACC; member ODK; recip- 
ient of first Marie James Award for 
outstanding conference student-ath- 
lete; following medical school, 
maintaining medical residency in 
San Diego 

Bill Jones, Basketball 1966-68; first 
black basketball player in the ACC; 
former head coach at UMBC; cur- 
rently employed by Martin Marietta 

Renaldo Nehemiah, Track and 
Field 1977-79; ACC and NCAA 
champion; two-time All-American; 
world record holder in 110 high 
hurdles; former NFL player 

Kenny Roy, Football 1973-76; All- 
ACC defensive back; started on '76 
Cotton Bowi team that finished 11-1; 
currently district manager for Xerox 

William Skinner, Track and Field 
1984-87; All-American; received 
Maryland Ring for the outstanding 
senior student-athlete from the state 
of Maryland; former Prince 
George's County Citizen of the Year 

Buck Williams, Basketball 1979-81; 
ACC Rookie of the Year; All ACC; 
Olympian; after going to NBA, re- 
turned to Maryland to complete his 

Paula Girven 


Bill Jones Buck Williams 

FEBRUARY 25, 1991 

omen 's History Month 

University of Maryland at College Park 


Spanish and Portuguese Infor- 
mal Seminar, featuring guest 
speaker Sylvia Winler, prolessor 
of Spanish and Portuguese lan- 
guages and African American 
stuflfes, Stanford U.. noon, 221 5 
Jimenez. Call 405-6441 for info. 

March 1991 

Library Display: "Women in 

Development,' through March, 
Hornbal(e Library Lobby. Call 405- 
91 17 for Info. 

Parents' Association Gallery 
Exhibition; "A Woman's 
Collection: Textiles in the Lives of 
f 91 h-Century Women," featuring 
coverlets, quilts, samplers, sewing 
implements, and fiistorical 
documents. Mar. 1-Apr, 17, the 
Parents' Association Art Gallery. 
Call Nancy Meyer at 314-ARTS 
for info. 


Women's History Month 
Inaugural Reception: 'Margaret 
Brent (c. 160f-1671); A Feminist 
Before Her Time," presented by 
the President's Commission on 
Women's Affairs. 3:30-5 p.m., 
multipurpose room of St. Mary's 
Hall. Call 7?? (or info. 



Women's Leadership Retreat: 

"Ways Women Lead, presented 
by ttie Committee on 
Lindergraduate Women's 
Leadership," 9:30 a.m. -4 p.m., 
Honors classrooms. Hornbake 
Library. Call Terry Zacker al 314- 
7174 (or info. 

Bfack Women's Council Panel 
Discussion: 'Celebrating Our 
History: Calling on Our Ancestors 
and Affirming the Present while 
Taking Responsibility of Our Fu- 
ture," noon-1 p.m., Nyumburu 
Cultural Center. Call Jennifer 
Jackson at 405-5620 lor into. 

Celebration for Mary Helen 
Washington, featuring book sign- 
ing and reading from Memofy of 
Km. presented by Germanic and 
Slavic Language and Literature, 
and the Women's Studies Pro- 
gram, 4-6 p.m,, multipurpose 
room. St. Mary's HalL Call Jevera 
Temsky at 405-6878 for info. 

Spanish and Portuguese Guest 
Lecture: 'The Caslte al Mina 
Which I have Seen: Africa, Co- 
lumbus, and Realm Beyond Rea- 
son," Sylvia Winter, professor of 
Spanish and Portuguese languag- 
es and African American studies, 
Stanford U,, 4:30 p.m.. multipur- 
pose room, St. Mary's Hall. Call 
405-6441 lor info. 


Women's Studies Program An- 
nual Research Forum: "Currents 
of Change: Feminist Research, 
1991,' coffee served 3:30 p.m., 
programs 4-6 p.m. and 7-9 p.m., 
21 ID Adult Education Center. 
Dinner available at cost from 
6:15-7:15 p.m.. Regents' Room. 
Call 405-6877 for info. 

University Theatre Production: 
Major Barbara by George Bernard 
Shaw, 8 p.m., Tawes Theatre, $8 
($6 students, seniors). Call 405- 
2201 for ticket info.' 



Unfverslly Theatre Production: 

Major Barbara by George Bernard 
Shaw, B p.m.. Tawes Theatre, $8 
(J6 students, seniors). Call 405- 
2201 lor ticket info.* 

Women's Center Film and Dis- 
cussion: "Miss Universe in Peru," 
the juxtaposilion of the 1 982 Pag- 
eant in Peru with the realities of 
Peruvian women's lives, noon-1 
p.m. (bring a brown-bag lunch). 
0109 Hornbake Library. Call the 
Women's Center at 314-8462 for 

Tfieatre Performance: "Domestic 
Snakes,' a movement perfor- 
mance written and performed by 
Karen Abromaitis, Mar. 13, 14 at 
8 p.m.; Mar. 15, 16at9pm„ 
Puglifte Theatre, $8 standard 
admission; $6 students and se- 
niors. Call 405-2201 for tickets 
and info.' 


Unlversily Theatre Production; 

Major Bamara by George Bernard 
Shaw, B p.m., Tawes Theatre, $8 
($6 students, seniors). Call 405- 
2201 for ticket info,* 


Zoology Presentations on 
Women in Science: During the 
week of March 1 8-22 individual 
instructors throughout Ihe zooiony 
department will present materiat 
on the role of women in sdence 
. as it relates to their own courses. 
Call Sue Carfer at 405-6940 lor 


University Theatre Production; 
Major Barbara by George Bernard 
Shaw, 2 p.m., Tawes Tneatre, $8 
($6 students, seniors). Call 405- 
2201 for ticket info.' 


College of Business and Man- 
agement Reception for Campus 
office Support Staff: Annual 
event helo in honor of women 
classilied office support staff cam- 
us-wide. 9:30-11 a.m., 3100 




Women's Center Film and 
discussion; "A State of Danger." 
Palestinian women and the Israeli 
military, noon-1 p.m. (bring a 
brown-bag lunch), 0109 Kornbake 
Library, Call the Women's Center 
al 314-8462 for info. 


Committee on Women of Color 
Lecture: 'Listening to Women's 
Voices: Celebrating Our Diversi- 
ty," selected readings, reftections, 
and expressions, noon-2 p.m,, 
Alrium. Art/Soc. Call Mary Coth- 
ran at 405-561 5 for info. 

University Theaire Production; 
Major Barbara by George Bernard 

Shaw, 8 p.m., Tawes Theatre, S8 
(J6 students, seniors). Call 405- 
2201 for ticket info." 

Women Faculty Writers Fiction 
Reading: Readings by Joyce 
Kombaitt, Susan lleonardl, Sibbie 
O'Suilivan and Kim Roberts, 3 
p.m., 0124 Taliaferro, Call Kim 
Roberts at 314-3873 or (202) 723- 
7141 for info. 

"ydinos. Call Rosemary Wainscoti 
af 405-2308 for info. 

Art Department Lecture: Claudia 
DeMonte will lecture on her art, 
12:30 p.m., 1309 Art/Soc. (West 
Gallery). Call Elva Eilertson at 
405-1445 for into. 

University Theatre Production; 
Major Barbara by George Bernard 
Shaw, 8 p.m.. Tawes Theatre, 58 
($6 students, seniors). Call 405- 
2201 for ticket Info.* 


Cooperative Education for 
Women Discussion: "Coopera- 
tive Education: A Key to Career 
Success for Women, former co- 
op students will discuss how co- 
operative education helped them 
with professional contacts, job 
preparation and career enhance- 
ment, 7 p.m., 4205 Hornbake. 
Call Traci Martin al 405-3956 tor 


College of Engineering Lecture: 
"Impact of Women on the Stability 
of the Engineering Profession in 
IheU.S., LiliaAbron,p resident 
and founder of PEER Consul- 
tants, an environmental and sani- 
tary enpineering firm, 2 p.m., 
Judith Resnik Lecture Hall (EGR- 
12021. Call Marilyn Berman at 
405-3871 for info. 


Women's Center Film Showing; 

'The Goddess Remembered," An 
historical film on the changes of 
women-centered religions and 
power to patriarchal institutions; 
The Burning Times." A study of 
the European Witch Burnings, 
time and location to be an- 
nounced. Call the Women's Cen- 
ter at 314-8462 for info. 

University Theatre Production: 
Mapr Barbara by George Bernard 
Shaw, 8 p.m., Tawes Tneatre, $8 
($6 students, seniors). Call 405- 
2201 for ticket info.' 


Women's Center Film and Dis- 
cussion: "Hairpiece; A Film for 
Nappy-Headeo People," Animate<) 
satire and lively discussion on the 
question of sell-image and soci- 
ety's standards of beauty, noon-1 
g,m, (bring a brown-bag lunch), 
109 Hornbake Library. Call the 
Women's Center at 314-8462 for 


University Theatre Production: 
Top Girls, by Caryl Churchill, April 
9-21. Pugliese Theatre. Call 405- 
2201 for ticket info,* 

'Admission is charged (or this 
special even/, A!t others are free. 

All telephone tistings are In Area 
301 unless otherwise noted 

Brent Memorial to be Unveiled 

innttiitH'cl fiiiii! pdj'e J 

with Calvert placed Brent at the 
center of Maryland politics during a 
period when other colonists were 
opposing Calvert rule. As part of 
the fallout from the controversy, 
Brent's original patron, the Second 
Lord Baltimore, disinherited her 
and in 1649 she and a sister left 
Maryland to establish a plantation 
in Virginia. She died in 1671. 

In becoming a home to a memo- 
riai for Brent, the university would 
resurrect a name that once held a 
prominent place in the center of the 

The building that now houses the 
Language House was named for 
Brent when it was first dedicated in 
1932, The first women's dormitory 
at the university, the building was 
renamed St, Mary's Hall in the 
1950s when all the university's 
residence halls were given the 
names of counties and towns in the 
state. The building became the Lan- 
guage House last fall after a four- 
year renovation project to convert 
the building into an academically- 
based residence hall. 

The memorial planning commit- 
tee includes Beauchamp, Weiss, 
David Fogle (architecture), Frank 
Cohn (engineering and architectural 
services), Dennis Nola (physical 
plants, grounds division), Josephine 
Withers (art history) and Cheryl 
HiJIer (career development). 

Brian Busek A model of the planned Margaret Br«nt Memorial designed by Marion Weiss, assistant professor of architecture. 


19 9 1 


' Firm and Shape' Exercise Sessions Begin 

Campus Recreation Services (CRS) is now holding noontime 
"Firm and Shape" Exercise Sessions on Mondays, Wednesdays and 
Fridays from 12:05 to 12:50 p.m. in the Reckord Armory gym. The 
45-minute workout to music will include a light aerobic warm-up 
followed by 30 minutes of muscle toning exercises. Available to all 
faculty, staff and students, the exercises cost $1 each session at the 
door, or you can use an Aerobic Express ID, which is good for all 
CRS aerobics sessions. For more information call 314-7218. Now is 
the time to get into shape: bathing suit season isn't that far away! 

The Guameri String Quartet will perform selections from Mozart at the Walters Gallery in Baltimore, Wednesday, Feb. 27 
at 8 p.m. Ttiere is no admission charge for the concert. Call the music department at 405-5546 For info. 



Art Exhibition, three concurrent 
exhibitions (eatuhng New Deal 
Images, Contemporary Prints trom 
the Private Collection, and The 
Andy Warhol Athlete Series. to- 
day-March 15, The Art Gallery, 
Call 5-2763 for info. 

Geology Seminar: 'Testing an 
Explosives-Laden Aquifier. Uma- 
tilla Army Depot. Oregon." Mark 
McBride, Dames and Moore. 
Bethesda, it am. 0105 
Hombake Library. Call 5-2783 lor 

Black Faculty and Staff Asso- 
ciation Seminar: "Personal and 

Financial Planning," L. Patrick 
flu Hedge. Rutledge and Associ- 
ates. noan-2 p.m.. Maryland 
floom, Marie Mount. Call 4-7225 
tor info. 

Campus Recreation Services 
Noonlime Exercise Session, 
12:05 p.m.-12:50 p.m., today-April 
26 [M,W,F), Reckord Armory. Call 
5-7218 for info. 

Horticulture Seminar: 'Use of 
MolecLilar Genetics and RFLP 
Happing for Crop Improvement in 
BluetJerries," Lisa Rowland, US- 
DA, ARS, Beltsville, i p.m.. 0128 
Holzapfel. Call 5-4336 for info. 

Entomology Colloquium: "New- 
er Chemistry Compatible with [PM 
in Cotton," Julius Menn, USDA- 
AHS, 4 p.m., 0200 Symons. Call 
5-3912 for into. 

German (ecture: 'Johann 
Gottfried Herder, der poeiische 
Philosoph, Oder; Wie kann ein 
irrational (St Aufklarer sein?," Hans 
Adier. U. of Wisconsin at Madi- 
son, 4 p.m.. multipurpose room. 
St. Mary's Hall. Call 5-4107 tor 

Computer Science Colloquium: 
"Dataflow Architecture Advances: 
The Monsoon Project.' An/ind, 
MFT. 4 p.m., 0111 Classroom 
BIdg. Call S-2661 for info. 

Space Science Seminar: 

"Charge- Sign Dependent Solar 
Moduiatior) of 1 -10 GV Cosmic 
Rays,' Evelyn Tuska, Barlol Re- 
search Institute, 4:30 p.m., 1 1 13 
Computer and Space Sciences. 
Call 5-4829 for info. 

Science, Technology, and Soci- 
ety Program Lecture; "Repro- 
ductive Technologies and Repro- 
ductive Choice,' Ruth Schwartz 
Cowan. State U. of New Vork at 
Sfony Brook, 4:30 p.m., 2309 
Art/Soc. Call 5-5271 for info. 


* College of Journalism Panel 
Discussion: "Blacks in Journal- 
ism: Facing the Challenges of the 
1990s." 7:30 p.m.. N^umbunj 
Cultural Center. Call 5-2398 for 

Guarnerl String Quartet Open 
Rehearsal, 8 p.m.. Walters Gal- 
lery (Baltimore). Call 5-5548 for 


* Radio, Television, and Pllin 
Department Seminar: "Minority 
Broadcasters: A New Chapter," 9 
a.m -5 p.m.. Volunteer Firemen's 
Room. Adult Education Center, 
Call 5-6261 tor info. 

Israel Committe Lecture: "Re- 
cent Developments in Soviet 

Jewry," Mordechal AHshuler, 
Hebrew U.. Jerusalem. 3 p.m., 
0102 Francis Scott Key, Call 5- 
4268 for info. 

Physics Colloquium: "Laser 
Cooling and the Coldest Atoms 

Ever," Wtlliam Phillips. National 
institute for Standards and Tech- 
nology, 4 p.m., 1410 Physics, tea 
recepton, 3:30 p.m. Call 5-5953 
for info. 

Movie: Avalon, 7:15 and 9:45 
p.m.. Hoff Theater. Call 4-HOFF 
for into.' 

* Gay and Lesbian Student 
Union Fijm/Dlscussion: Tongues 
Untied. Ron Simmons, Howard 
U.,8p.m„2309Art/Soc. Call4- 
8467 for info. 



Counseling Center Research 
and Development Meeting: "The 

Effects of Ihe Vietnam Era on the 
Conduct of the Persian Gulf War," 
Lois Vietri, Government and Poli- 
tics, noon-1 p.m.. 0106-01U 
Shoemaker. Call 4-7677 for info. 

Center for Global Change Col- 
loquium, Alan Teramura. Botany. 
noon-1 :30 p.m. (bring lunch), 
1 137 Stamp Student Union. Call 
80-4165 tor info. 

Movie: Avalon, 4:45, 7:15, and 
9:45p,m., Hoff Theater, Call 4- 
HOFF for info,* 

Architecture Lecture: "Computer 
Applications in Architecture," 
William Mrtchell, Harvard U.. 7:30 
p.m.. Auditorium, Architecture 
BIdg. Call 5-6284 for into. 

Art Department Minorities and 
Women Lecture, George Smith, 
Sculptor, 12;30p.m., 1309 Art/ 
Soc, Call 5-1442 tor into, 

Danish Lecture: "Danish Agricul- 
ture," Erik Kindt Andersen, Royal 
Danish Embassy, 12:30-1:45 
p.m., 2122 Jimenez, Call 5-4091 
for info. 

Academic Affairs Gulf Crisis 
Seminar, featuring panel discus- 
sion on aspects of Arab culture. 
12:30 -2 p,m (bring lunch), 
Maryland Room, Marie Mount 
Hall, Call 5-2844 for into. 

Graduate Student Government 
Meeting, 3 p.m., 1143 Stamp 
Student Union. Call 5-5788 for 


Meteorology Seminar: 'Biomass 
Burning in the Tropics." Yoram 
Kaufman. USRA at NASA/GSFC, 
3:30 p.m., 2114 Computer and 
Space Sciences, reception at 3 
p.m. Call 5-5392 for info. 

History and Philosophy of Sci- 
ence Colloquium: 'Why Physics 
is a Poor Model tor Physics," 
Sandra Harding, U. of Delaware. 
4 p.m., 2283 Zoo/Psych. Call 5- 
5691 for info. 

Reliability Engineertng Seminar; 
"The Concept of Variation and its 
Impact on Quality," Morgan Hall, 
GM Baltimore Assembly PlanL 
5:15-6:15 p.m. 21 15 Chemical 
and Nuclear Engineering BIdg. 
Call 5-3887 or 5-3883 tor info. 
Movie; Pacific Heights, 7:1 5 and 
9:45 p.m., Hoff Theater. Call 4- 
HOFF for into • 


Women's History Month 
Speech Communication Collo- 

quium: "Communicatton Proces- 
ses in Initial Sexual Encounters." 
Timoth/ Edgar, Speech Com- 
munication, noon, 0147 Tawes. 
Call 5-6524 for into. 

Mental Health Lunch 'n Learn: 

'Grief Counseling." Arnold 
Medvene, Counseling Center, 1-2 
p.m., 3100E Health Center. Call 
4-81 06 tor into. 

Movie: Pacific Heights, 7:15 and 
9:45 p.m., Hoff Theater. Call 4- 
HOFF tor into." 

University of Maryland Sym- 
phony Orchestra Concert, 
William Hudson, conductor. 8 
p.m., Tawes Recital Hall, 


Movie: Pacific Heights, 7;15 and 
9:45 p.m., Hoff Theater. Call 4- 
HOFF for info," 


Wanderlust: "Nationalist China: 
Taiwan," Ed Lark, 3 p,m,, Hoff 
Theatre. Call 4-HOFF for into." 


Campus Recreation Services 
"Cycle Mania" and Team 
Racquetball: sign up today. 1104 
Reckord Armory, Call 4-7218 for 

Psycliology Distinguished 
Speakers Lecture: "An Invest- 
ment Theory of Creativity," Robert 
Slernt)ef9, Yale U., 4 p.m., 1250 
Zoo/Psych, Call 5-5867 tor info. 

Horticulture Seminar; "Pesticide 
Issues: Science, the Public, and 
Regulatory Response." Nancy N, 
Ragsdale, Agriculture Experiment 
Station, 4 p.m.. 0128 Holzapfol. 
Call 5-4336 for into. 

Seminar in Ecology, Evolution, 
and Behavior: "Insect Herbivory 
and Vegetal iona! Dynamics," 
Valerie Brown, Imperial College at 
Silwood Park, 4 p,m„ 0200 
Symons, Call 5-391 2 tor into. 

Space Science Seminar: Jim 
Burch, Southwest Research Insti- 
tute. 4:30 p.m., 1113 Computer 
and Space Sciences. Call 5-4829 
for info. 

Computer Science, Philo- 
sophy Cognitive Science, and 
Institute for Advanced Comput- 
er Studies Joint Colloquium; 

"The Symbol Grounding Problem 
and Categorical Perception," 
Stephen Hamad, Psychology, 
Princeton U., 4:30 p,m,, Class- 
room BIdg., refreshments 4 p.m.. 
1152A.V. Williams BIdg. Dr. 
Harnad will be on campus March 
5 lo meet with interested individ- 
uals. Call 405-5710 for info. 
Wanderlust: "Nationalist China; 
Taiwan," Ed Lark. B p.m.. Hoff 
Theatre. Call 4-HOFF for info.* 


Personnel Services Pre-Retire- 
ment Seminar, today and tomor- 
row, 9 a.m, -4 p.m.. Prince 
Georges Room. Stamp Student 
Union, Call 5-5648 for info.' 

Seminar in Ecology, Evolution, 
and Behavior: "Plani Herbivore 
Interacttons." Valerie Brown, Im- 
perial College, UK, 2:30 p.m., 
2312 Symons. Call 5-6884 for 

Writers Here and Now Reading, 

Henri Cole, poel, 3:30 p.m.. 
Maryland Room, Marie Mount, 
Call 5-3820 tor info. 

Physics Colloquium: 'Possibili- 
ties for Bose Condensation ol 

Posilronium," Philip Platzman, 
ATST Labs, 4 p.m., 1410 Physics, 
tea reception, 3:30 p.m. Call 5- 
5953 for info. 

Spring Dance Pertormance, im- 
provisalions Unlimited, featuring 
new work by Ping Chong, today- 
March 9, 8 p.m., Studio/theater. 
Call 5-3190.* 


Molecular and Cell Biology 
Seminar: "Control ol Globin Gene 
Expression and Erythropoiesis," 
Frank Constantini, Columbia U., 
12:05 p.m., 1208 Zoo/Psych. Call 
5-6991 for into. 

Center (or Teactting Excellence 
CORE Faculty Workshop, 3-5 
p.m., Maryland Room, Marie 
Mounl. Call 5-561 1 tor into. 

Graduate School Distinguished 
Lecturer; "Oaiwinizing with a 
Vengeance," Richard Oawkins. 
Zoology. Oxford U., 3:30 p.m., 
2203 Arl'Soc, wine and cheese 
reception tollowing. Call 5-4258 
for info. 

Foreign Policy Fellows Semi- 
nar; "Perspectives on Asian Eco- 
nomic Reform and Development," 
3:30 p.m.. student tounge. Morrill 
Hall, refreshments served. Call 5- 
6330 for info. 

Architecture Lecture, David 
Chi Ids, Skid mo re. Owings, and 
Merrill, NY, 8 p.m.. Architecture 
Auditorium. Call 5-6284 for info. 

Twentieth Century Ensemble 
Concert, 8 p.m,, Tawes Recital 
Hall. Call 5-5548 for info, 


Conference: "Quality Improve- 
ment for Higher Education," in- 
cluding luncheon address by 
David Kearns, chairman. Xerox 
Corp., 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m., Stamp 
Student Union. Those interested 
should contact the President's 
office for reservations, which must 
be made by March 6, Participant 
registration is S20, Call the 
President's office, 405-5803 for 

' Admission charge lor this event 

All others are Iree. 

* Black History Monttj event 




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