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MARCH 6, 1991 

Resolution of the Board of Regents 
Authorizing Furloughs of Employees 

Major Points 

• Furlough contingency plan has 
been adopted for entire university 

• Plan could take effect only if 
further cuts were requested by the 

• There would be no reduction of 
employee benefits. 

• No classes would be cancelled 
as a result of the furlough plan. 

WHEREAS, the Board of Reg- 
ents has responsibility for the gov- 
ernance of the University of Mary- 
land System, including responsibil- 
ity for establishment of personnel 
policies, subject to applicable provi- 
sions of Article 64A of the Annotat- 
ed Code of Maryland; and 

WHEREAS, the State of Mary- 
land and the University of Mary- 
land System have recently experi- 
enced severe budgetary cutbacks 
and may face the need to institute 
additional substantial reductions 
within the remaining months of 
Fiscal Year 1991; and 

WHEREAS, a further reduction 
at this time of the fiscal year will 
require further reductions in per- 
sonnel costs; and 

WHEREAS, a furlough plan 
appears to be the most feasible 
option for achieving needed reduc- 

Statement on 
40-Hour Week 

"On January 24, 1991 this Board 
approved a Resolution which 
imposed a 40-Hour Work Week on 
all employees. This resolution cor- 
responded to an Executive Order 
issued by Governor Schaefer. Since 
that time the Governor has sus- 
pended implementation of the 40 
Hour Work Week pending further 


Roger Blunt 
Board of Regents 
February 27, 1991 

Approved February 27, 1991 

tions within the several months 
remaining in Fiscal Year 1991, 
while allowing continued progress 
and advancement of the University 

RESOLVED THAT, if an additional 
reduction in the FY 1991 budget of 
the University of Maryland System 
is requested by the Governor, the 
Chancellor, as Chief of Staff of the 
Board and Chief Executive Officer 
of the System, is authorized to 
institute a furlough plan for all 
employees of the University Sys- 
tem, including full-time and part- 
time faculty, non-faculty employees 
and staff, temporary, contractual 
and student employees, and shall 
inform the Board of the number of 
days of furlough required to satisfy 
the requested reduction; and 

THAT administering such a fur- 
lough plan shall be the responsibil- 
ity of the Chancellor and of each 
chief executive officer of the Sys- 
tem and shall be conducted within 
the following guidelines: 

A. The plan shall be imple- 
mented with maximum flexibility 
to meet the needs of each employee 
and unit and to ensure the continu- 
ation of essential services with a 
minimum of disruption. A day of 
furlough may be arranged, for 
example, within the designated pay 

Special Issue of 

This special four-page edition 
of Outlook presents some of the 
issues involved with possible fur- 
loughs and the recent 40-hour 
work week question. 

On page one the Board of 
Regents' resolution concerning 
furloughs is presented in its 
entirety. The regents' statement on 
the forty-hour work week also 
appears in its complete version. 
Both of these actions were taken 
at the regents' meeting on Febru- 
ary 27, 1991. 

On pages two and three an in- 
depth interview with President 
William E. Kirwan covers these 
and other current significant cam 
pus concerns. 

Selected campus reactions to these 
issues can be found on page four. 

period as a whole day, two half 
days, or as some other portion of a 
day (i.e., one hour per day for a 
number of days equivalent to a 
whole work day). 

B. No reduction of employee 
benefits (e.g., retirement, health, 
leave) will result from a period o 

C. Employees may not be 
required to be in their work area or 
to perform official duties during a 
period of furlough. 

D. No classes may be cancelled 
as a result of implementing the fur- 
lough plan. 

E. No new hires or promotions 
may take effect during the time any 
furlough plan is in effect. 

F. No annual or other personal 
leave may be used on or in lieu of 
a period of furlough. Employees on 
or scheduled for leave during the 
period of furlough will not be 
charged leave during the furlough 

G. No overtime or compensatory 
time may be granted to compensate 
for loss of the services of fur- 
loughed employees. 

RESOLVED THAT the Board of 
Regents takes this action with great 
reluctance and with the hope that it 
will not become necessary to 
implement it. 
Approved February 27, 1991 

Furlough Remarks 

Excerpts from Chancellor Donald 
Langenberg's Remarks to the 
Board of Regents, February 27, 

"....In order to spread the pain as 
thinly as possible, I am asking for 
your authorization to institute fur- 
loughs for ALL System employees 
as a principal cost-saving measure, 
if needed. We will not implement 
a furlough plan unless required 
[Emphasis added. Ed.). I would 
note that one day of furloughs for 
all System personnel would allow 
us to return about $1.5 million to 
the state. 

"I think it is important that the 
System be authorized to furlough 
or not to furlough based on its 
needs. With your approval, I 
intend to request the state for this 
authorization, regardless of any 
furlough policy that the Governor 
may deem necessary for other state 


O F 


A T 



Taking the Long View: An Interview 
with President William E. Kirwan 

Last week, Outlook editor Roz 
Hiebert talked with President Kir- 
wan about current problems and 
challenges for the university and 
his views on prospects for the fu- 

Q. Can you reflect on the mood of 
the campus community right now? 

A. I would describe the past 
several months as our "winter of 
discontent." I'm, of course, refer- 
ring to a celebrated novel by John 
Steinbeck, the title of which is 
derived from Shakespeare, but I 
feel as though it describes our situ- 
ation as well. In fact, I'm hard- 
pressed to recall a time when so 
much bad news has befallen this 
campus in so short a period of 

President William E. Kirwan 

But, we've seen some encourag- 
ing signs recently. These signs 
should help to remind us that win- 
ter — even a winter of discontent — 
is always followed by a spring. 

Q. Is the possibility of furlough 
days one of these misfortunes? 

A. Until recently, there seemed to 
be a distinct possibility of a signifi- 
cant third cut to our FY 1991 bud- 
get. This would have required the 
university system to impose un- 
paid furlough days on all univer- 
sity employees. 

The Board of Regents even pre- 
pared the university system for this 
possibility by putting in place a 
furlough policy. [Presented in this 
issue of Outlook.] 

However, I am now quite 

optimistic that the university will 
not be subject to any furlough days 
this year. My optimism is based on 
the fact that the governor and 
members of the state legislature are 
talking only in terms of cuts to all 
state agencies of no more than $3 
million. How much of this the gov- 
ernor might actually assign to high- 
er education — if any amount at 
all — remains unclear. But even if 
another cut is necessary this year, 
College Park will probably end up 
with a figure of between $200,000 
and $300,000. We could address 
this amount without resorting to 
any furlough days. This is good 
news and is one of those encourag- 
ing signs 1 mentioned a moment 

Q. What are some others? 

A. The reversal of the decision on 
the 40-hour week, the end of the 
war and the potential effect on our 
economy, and the fact that, despite 
our economic troubles, we continue 
to make extraordinary faculty ap- 

Q. Can you mention any of these 

A. Gene Roberts, former editor of 
the Philadelphia Inquirer and one of 
the most acclaimed journalists in 
the nation, will join the College of 
Journalism this fall, and Bonnie 
Thornton Dill, one of the nation's 
leading sociologists, will be joining 
the Women's Studies Program. 

Q, Can you discuss steps the uni- 
versity has taken to accommodate 
to the substantial cuts we've 
already incurred? 

A. Yes, hut first I'd like to look at 
what we are trying to accomplish 
through our planning process. 

We've made some very signifi- 
cant progress in the past few years 
— progress in our efforts to 
improve our undergraduate educa- 
tion program, to recruit and retain 
outstanding students and faculty, 
to make College Park a more 
vibrant and diverse community. 
We must do everything possible to 
hold on to the initiatives that have 
produced these gains. 

This is quite a challenge. We 
sustained a cut of over $20.5 mil- 
lion in general funds this year. This 
cut will carry forward into FY 1992. 
In addition, we know that the FY 
1992 budget will be cut at least an 
additional $5 million. I believe 
strongly that we cannot just prorate 
these cuts to the various units. We 
must reduce — possibly eliminate — - 
programs, services and activities in 
order to protect our priorities and 
our areas of excellence. We must 




lake whatever steps are necessary 
to maintain our momentum as an 

For this reason, I asked the four 
vice presidents to develop a plan 
that would address the assigned 
cuts in their respective divisions, 
while protecting, to the extent pos- 
sible, their areas of higher priority. 
Within academic affairs, the 
Academic Planning Advisory Com- 
mittee (APAC) is the primary 
group advising the provost on the 
cuts necessary in that division. 
APAC, in turn, has been guided by 
plans developed by the deans of 
each of the colleges in consultation 
with faculty committees. 

Q. 1 understand these recommen- 
dations were to be presented to 
you on March 1. 

A. That is correct. 1 expect to be 
able to review them over this 
weekend. Once I have studied the 
recommendations, 1 will present 
them to the Strategic Planning 
Committee (SPC). This group's 
charge is to assess the impact of the 
cuts from each of the four divi- 
sions^ — Academic Affairs, Adminis- 
trative Affairs, Student Affairs, and 
Institutional Advancement — on the 
entire institution. It will not re- 
assess priorities within any division 
or, for example, redo what APAC 
has already done. But it will advise 
me as to whether the cuts are too 
deep in any one division and, if so, 
which divisions would need to take 
additional cuts in order to undo 
excessive harm. 

Q. What's the next step? 

A. I will share the SPC's recom- 
mendations with the Campus Sen- 
ate. If there are proposals requiring 
senate action, such as a recommen- 
dation to abolish a program, the 
senate will follow its established 
procedures for consideration of a 
possible program elimination. After 
the senate's recommendations come 
back to me, 1 will forward my 
recommendations for program 
elimination, if there are any, to the 
Board of Regents for its considera- 
tion. That would be the final step. 

Q. What is the time frame for this 

A. I've asked the SPC to present its 
recommendations to me by April 2. 
In the interim, I will stay in close 
communication with the senate ex- 
ecutive committee. It is important 
that we proceed with appropriate 
deliberation, but we must also 
move in a timely manner. 

Q. What would it mean to stu- 
dents and faculty if programs 
were eliminated? 

A. That is an important question. It 
is essential that we keep this matter 
in perspective. First, it would not 
mean that existing students major- 
ing in those programs would be 
left without a major. We would 
operate as we did when the 
General Studies program was elim- 

inated — students who are majoring 
in a specific program would be al- 
lowed to complete their major. The 
elimination of the major would be 
phased out over time. It's also very 
important to note that even with 
the worst case economic projec- 
tions, we have no intention of 
declaring financial exigency. This 
means that tenured faculty in these 
programs would be assured of 
their positions at the university, 
and would, after appropriate con- 
sultation, move to some related 
program or department. 

Q, What about other full-time per- 
manent employees? 

A. They would be reassigned. In 
fact, this is one way in which we 
would be able to use program 
elimination to enhance priority pro- 

Q. What about long-range 

A. Through APAC, we've had for 
some time an effective process in 
Academic Affairs for establishing 
and funding priorities, but no com- 
parable process exists at the next 
higher organizational level of the 
university. I see this as SPC's role. 
I've given this committee the 
charge to develop a process that 
will enable the campus to reallocate 
annually one percent of our state- 
supported budget — in current dol- 
lars this amounts to about $3.5 mil- 
lion. I am doing this because I 
believe it is important for us to 
have a process that enables the 
campus to reassess itself continu- 
ally and redirect money from areas 
of lower priority to those of higher 

Q. Has the Enhancement Plan 
been put on hold? 

A. The initial state funding for the 
plan has been lost through the bud- 
get cuts, so in that sense yes. 
Nevertheless, it is still a valuable 
document for the campus because 
it articulates both a vision for the 
campus and a set of priorities. 

I've been extremely encouraged 
by the fact that both the Board of 
Regents and the Maryland Higher 
Education Commission have con- 
tinued to support the plan as the 
number one priority for the univer- 
sity system. And in Annapolis, 
both the Governor and members of 
the General Assembly have 
restated their support for higher 
education and for the Enhancement 
Plan. So I believe that the Enhance- 
ment Plan will remain the highest 
priority for the system and the 
state and, when our economy im- 
proves, it will be funded in full. 

Q. Will things get better as of 

A. It will probably be two or three 
more weeks before we have a good 
sense of what our FY 1992 budget 
will be. But, in one sense, 1 am con- 
vinced things will improve on July 
1. I believe the state's FY 1992 bud- 

get will be based on very conserva- 
tive estimates. This means that 
whatever money we have on July 1 
should be available to us for the 
full year. As of July 1, it is my in- 
tention to remove all of the oner- 
ous, temporary restrictions on our 
use of funds. We may not like the 
bottom line number but, whatever 
it is, units will have flexibility 
restored in the use of their 

I also believe we will start to see 
the economy turn around in FY 
1992. This means next year will be 
a year, hopefully, when we can 
begin to plan for increased funds. 

Q. What do you think the mood 
of the campus should be right 

A. It's inevitable that tensions, 
frustrations — even anger — should 
exist right now. There have been 
too many disappointments, too 
many setbacks, too much bad news 
coming our way. It would be un- 
natural for there not to be a sense 
of anxiety. Properly directed, I 
believe this anxiety can even be a 
healthy thing for the institution. 
We are all having to do some 
soul searching about what is truly 
important for the institution. We 
are reassessing our priorities and 
developing a stronger sense of dis- 
cipline over the use of our resour- 
ces. In some ways, I believe we are 
developing a greater commitment 
to pushing forward with those 
things that are most important. It is 
essential that we accept and under- 
stand this period for what it is — a 
lull along our march to distinction. 
We must keep our sights set on 
what our long-term goals and 
aspirations are and what our pro- 
spects for the future — despite this 
difficult time- — really are. 

Q. Have you changed your per- 
sonal vision for the future of the 

A. Absolutely not. I don't think 
there's any reason to be dis- 
couraged — disappointed, yes— but 
not discouraged. We have to hold 
on to the expectation, not just that 
we have for College Park, but that 
the state has for College Park. This 
expectation, this dream, hasn't 
gone away. What has happened is 
that there has been a momentary 
downturn in the economy. The 
economy will turn back. I believe 
that the commitment to College 
Park on the part of the state is real, 
is deep and is lasting. If we can 
prevent our short-term frustrations 
from destroying our spirit and col- 
legiality, if we can focus on our 
long-term prospects, then I believe 
we have every reason to face the 
future with a sense of confidence in 
the ultimate realization of our 
hopes and dreams for College Park. 

O O K 


Josephine Withers 


Wally Glasscock 

Roberta Coates 

Burt Leete 

Campus Community Reacts to Regents' 
Vote to Authorize Furloughs 

College Park faculty, staff and 
graduate students reacted with 
concerns, questions and tentative 
support to a Board of Regents' 
resolution passed on February 27 
that approved a contingency plan 
for System-wide furloughs in the 
event of deeper cuts in the state 
budget for higher education. 

Members of the campus com- 
munity found the furlough plan a 
better alternative to dealing with 
the budget crisis than the rescinded 
40-hour work week plan. However, 
they wondered whether other state 
employees would face furloughs as 
well and questioned whether a 
plan that maintained full service 
but at a lower cost is a good 

"It's regettable if it comes to that 
[furloughs]," said Bruce Fretz, pro- 
fessor of psychology and chair of 
the Campus Senate. "But furloughs 
are one of the lesser of the evils 
that could be used in solving the 
various difficulties that we face." 

Two themes have emerged in 
Fretz' conversations with fellow 
faculty members. 

"For faculty members, it's clearly 
a pay cut since faculty are not here 
for specific hours," he said. "You 
will do the same amount of teach- 
ing, research and writing on less 

However, a number of faculty 
members also are advocating the 
idea of higher paid faculty and 
staff members volunteering to take 
extra furlough days to assist low- 
paid staff members and teaching 
assistants who are less able to ab- 
sorb paycuts, Fretz said. 

"The suggestion speaks to a feel- 
ing of community at the university. 
In the presence of bad times, peo- 
ple are saying we should explore 
these kinds of options," Fretz said. 

"I don't see an alternative to fur- 
loughs, but there are some con- 
cerns of equity with other state 
employees," said Gerald Miller, 
professor of chemistry and chair- 
elect of the Campus Senate. "If the 
university did it and no other state 
agency did, that would be a real 
morale buster for faculty and staff." 

Miller saw the regents' provi- 
sion that no classes could be can- 
celled as a result of furloughs as 
positive news for students. 

"I have heard some comments, 
however, that there's no impact on 
the state, that we'll be offering the 
same service in terms of teaching at 
a lower cost. I would have voted 
for it [the no classes cancelled pro- 
vision), but I'm wary of the idea," 
Miller said. 

Unanswered questions about the 
plan remain, such as whether peo- 
ple and programs supported by 
outside grants would be affected, 
according to Miller. 

Josephine Withers, associate 
professor of art history and chair of 
the President's Commission on 
Women's Affairs, echoed Miller's 
concern about whether the univer- 

sities alone would absorb fur- 

"It seems fair enough, if we have 
a plan that is equitably distributed 
throughout the state [workforce], 
one that isn't just for the universi- 
ties," she said. 

Withers, a critic of the 40-hour 
work week plan, found the fur- 
lough plan more palatable. 

"This plan is a whole lot better 
than the so-called 40-hour week. 
There is less risk of this being 
instituted into a permanent 
[arrangement)," she said. 

Withers said it remains unclear 
how faculty furlough time would 
be calculated under the plan. 

Cindy Hale, director of admin- 
istration in the computer science 
department and chair of the Staff 
Committee of the Campus Senate, 
felt the regents dealt with the issue 
in a sensitive manner but hoped 
the resolution doesn't serve to 
encourage furloughs. 

"The regents certainly made an 
effort to make it as reasonable as 
possible, but they have made it eas- 
ier for the governor to put them 
into place," Hale said. 

Hale also felt furloughs 
shouldn't be exclusive to the uni- 
versity system. "If just campus 
people were furloughed, I think 
they'd feel singled out," she said. 

In general. Hale said staff mem- 
bers she's talked with would find 
furloughs unwelcome but 

"They're not horrified by the 
idea. They think they could deal 
with furloughs if they were distri- 
buted over rime," Hale says. 

Kathleen Maroney, office secre- 
tary III in McKeldin Library, 
agreed that furlough-related pay- 
cuts should be distributed over 
several paychecks. 

"While it is tough, I certainly 
could live with the furlough if it is 
applied equitably across the 
board. ..[iff everyone takes the same 
penalty and has the same percent- 
age loss of income," Maroney says. 

Joan McKee, executive aide II in 
the Office of the Vice President of 
Academic Affairs, wondered how 
workers who live "paycheck-to- 
paycheck" would handle furloughs. 

"The resolution mentions 'flexi- 
bility/ and I think that's something 
that we should keep in mind when 
we try to determine how to deal 
with individual circumstances," 
McKee said. 

Wally Glasscock, assistant 
director of human resources in 
physical plant, saw McKee's con- 
cern as a particular problem in his 
department. More than one fur- 
lough day in a single paycheck 
would cause serious problems for 
some workers, he said. 

Roberta Coates, associate 
director of campus activities and 
president of the Black Faculty and 
Staff Association (BFSA), said 
members of the latter organization 
have mixed views on the plan. 

"We want to help as much as 
possible, but there are members of 
the university community who 
have trouble making rent and day- 
care payments. I know there are 
terrible budget problems for the 
state, but we feel we are helping to 
bail out the state and having to 
bear the brunt of it," said Coates. 

On the administrative side of 
the campus, Burt Leete, associate 
dean of business and management, 
said, "I think it's probably better to 
have some modest number of fur- 
lough days than to have budget 
reductions destroy programs or 
require people to lose jobs. Having 
said this, however, I fully recognize 
that if it does become necessary to 
furlough employees, the campus' 
morale problems will only 
increase," Leete said. 

Frank Brewer, director of physi- 
cal plant, wondered whether the 
plan could be fully implemented. 

"One of physical plant's primary 
concerns is: Can the campus truly 
be shut down? The fact is there is 
an enormous amount of continuous 
ongoing research underway here 
and the researchers' expectations 
will be 'business as usual', " 
Brewer said. 

Graduate students are wonder- 
ing whether they would be includ- 
ed in a furlough program, accord- 
ing Wendy Ford, a doctoral stu- 
dent in speech communications 
and a member of the Campus Sen- 

"It'd be difficult to furlough 
graduate students unless classes 
were cut," she says, "If they do 
[apply to graduate students], many 
graduate students can't live with- 
out their graduate stipends. The 
stipend isn't much as it is." 

Brian Busek 
Tom OtweU