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SEPTEMBER 30, 1991 

Miller Wields Gavel; Lissitz Becomes 
Chair-Elect of Campus Senate 

As the incoming chair of the 
Campus Senate Gerald Miller said 
to his fellow senators, 'The last 
several years have seen an increase 
in the workload, the productivity, 
and the influence of the Campus 
Senate, and this trend will likely 
continue during the coming year." 

Miller's message was possibly 
the understatement of the year. 

The. campus is certain to face 
continuing tough budget decisions 
for this fiscal year and the next. 
The Senate will have to review 
carefully and expeditiously each of 
the forthcoming proposals for aca- 
demic program consolidations, 
reductions, or eliminations arising 
from the APAC review process 
begun last year and the work of the 
Ad Hoc committees appointed by 
Provost J. Robert Dorfman. The 
Senate will receive recommenda- 
tions from its Programs, Curricula, 
and Course Committee on each 
proposal, take action, and forward 
its recommendations to President 
William E. Kirwan. 

Senate committees and then the 
full Senate also will be considering 
other complex issues including: 

• The President's redraft of the 
policy the Senate passed in 1989 on 
tennination of faculty if financial 
exigency must be declared 

ICONS Project Simulates 
International Drug Issues 

Pilot program at College Park ^ 
sponsored by the OAS La 


University's Cable TV 
Expands into 
Montgomery County 

Flagship Channel provides 
programs for two counties . . . 

New Summer Discoveries 
at Caesarea 

Archaeologist unearths remains C 
of a temple y 

Does Skin Melanin Cause 
Hypertension in Blacks? 

New study has implications for iL 
treatment of high blood pressure . \j 

Gerald Miller 

(Faculty Affairs Committee, 
Howard Dobin, chair). 

• Early retirement options that 
may be made available to the cam- 
pus (Faculty Affairs). 

• Recommendations of the 
Mercer staff compensation study 
(Staff Affairs Committee, Pat 
Moreland, chair). 

• Implementation of the Senate- 
adopted recommendations on 
shared governance (Plan of 
Organization Review Committee 
(Paul Green, chair). Recommended 

Roliert Lissitz 

changes in the structure and opera- 
tion of the Campus Senate are a 
foundation for the discussions of 
the mandated five-year review of 
the Senate. Some other Senate- 
adopted recommendations apply to 
governance within academic units; 
others may lead to changes in cam- 
pus and Senate committees 
involved with athletics, libraries, 
and computers. 

ctmlimwd tin pttge 2 

J-School Professor Establishes New 
Press Freedom Center in Hungary 

Ray E. Hiebert, professor in the 
College of Journalism, has received 
a grant to establish the American 
Journalism Center, a training pro- 
gram in Budapest for Hungarian 

The program, under Hiebert's 
direction, will be funded by a 
$306,(K)0 grant from the Interna- 
tional Media Fund (IMF). 

The five-year program will be 
co-sponsored by the university and 
IMF with the ultimate goal being to 
create a school of journalism that 
will become part of the university 
system in Hungary. 

The center initially will offer a 
series of workshops in Hungary on 
such subjects as the press and gov- 
ernment, print and broadcast man- 
agement, advertising, and desktop 
publishing. The first workshop was 
May 10 in Budapest. 

"Hungary needs immediate help 
in establishing meaningful ways to 
train its journalists," says Hiebert, 
who has visited the country a 
number of times for interviews 
with print and broadcast media 
representatives and government 
officials. "Of all the countries of 
Eastern Europe, Hungary probably 
has the best chance for quick 

success in saving its economy, 
building a viable free-market 
system, developing a democratic 
society and securing a free press. 

"Hungarian journalists are 
highly skilled at expressing them- 
selves in print or broadcast," he 
adds. "But their publications and 
broadcasts have, in their lifetime, 
always been subsidized by the gov- 
ernment, they have not had to pro- 
duce material based on audience 
interest and appeal. They have to 
be shown that freedom of the press 
won't work unless one listens to 
the demands of the marketplace." 

The fledgling journalism and 
mass communication program at 
ELTE University in Budapest and a 
program in mass media studies at 
the English Department of Janos 
Pannonius University in Pecs will 
serve as starting points for 
Hiebert's project. As founding 
director of the American Journal- 
ism Center, he will coordinate its 
operations from the university's 

College of Journalism. Future plans 
call for an associate director in 
Budapest, interacting with univer- 

Ci»)ttiitietl nil fui^e J 


O F 


A T 




Annual Faculty and Staff Convocation to be Held Oct. 7 

All members of the College Park community are invited to 
attend the faculty and staff convocation Monday, Oct. 7 at 3 p.m. 
in Memorial Chapel, The convocation is held each year to recog- 
nize faculty and staff accomplishments and to award the Presi- 
dent's Medal, which this year will be presented posthumously to 
the late Dudley Dillard. A reception will follow on the Chapel 
Lawn. Call 405-4637 for information. 

Pugh Wins Packard 

William Pugh, assistant profes- 
sor of computer science, has won a 
prestigious David and Lucille 
Packard Fellowship for Science and 

Pugh, who also received a 1991 
National Science Foundation Presi- 
dential Young Investigator Award 
CPYl), is one of only 20 young sci- 
entists in the country out of 97 
nominated to receive a Packard 
Fellowship this year. The fellow- 
ship carries a stipend of $100,000 a 
year for five years. 

The PYl award provides a grant 
of $25,000 per year from NSF for 
five years. In addition, each dollar 
of industrial support is matched by 
NSF on a dollar-for-dollar basis up 
to a total annual grant of $K)0,000. 

Winning the Packard Fellowship 
and the PYl makes Pugh one of the 
most visible young scientists in the 
nation. He is a specialist in the area 
of programming languages and is 
known for his development of skip 

His research involves automatic 
methods for reorganizing computer 
programs to make effective use of 
massive parallelism and specialized 
programming languages designed 
for computationally intensive scien- 
tific problems such as weather pre- 
diction and air flow modeling. 

Pugh holds a Ph.D. from Cornell 
University and has been on the 
Department of Compu tor Science 
faculty at College Park since 1989. 

Wllfiam Pugh 

Campus Senate Looks Forward 
to Tough Year 

tiiiiliiiin-il frrim fliiffv I 

The Campus Senate truly faces 
one of the busiest, and most critical 
decision-making years in its his- 

At its first meeting on Septem- 
ber 16, Miller (Chemistry and Bio- 
chemistry) took over the gavel as 
chair, and the Senate chose Robert 
Lissitz (Measurement, Statistics and 
Evaluation) as chair-elect. The fol- 
lowing faculty, staff, and students 
were elected to serve on the Senate 
Executive Committee with Miller 
and Lissitz: 

Faculty: James Alexander 
(Math.), Keith Campbell (Philos- 
ophy), Christopher Davis (Electrical 
Engin.), John Haslem (Bus. and 
Mngt.), Don Piper (Govt, and Poli- 
tics), Ellin Scholnick (Psych.), and 
Nancy Struna (Kinesiology). 

Staff: Cynthia Hale (Comp. Sci.) 
and Patricia Moreland (Counseling 

Students: Shari Barsky (under- 
grad.. Govt, and Politics) and Jay 
Thomas (grad. student, Geo- 

President Kirwan or his repre- 
sentative, Marie Davidson, and 
Provost Dorfman or his representa- 
tive, David Falk, and the Executive 

Secretary of the Senate, Kathleen 
Smith, are ex officio non-voting 
members of the Executive Commit- 
tee. James Klumpp serves as Senate 

In addition to the issues listed 
above — most associated in one way 
or another with the severe budget 
reversions — a number of more 
usual issues are on the agenda for 
consideration by the Senate this 
year. These include: 

• Undergraduate advising: The 
major charge before the Education- 
al Affairs Committee {Chair, Larry 
Warren) is to develop a statement 
defining the standards and expecta- 
tions for undergraduate advising, 
to identify effective means for 
advising, to develop a procedure 
for a regular campus-wide assess- 
ment of the quantity and quality of 
advising, and to develop recom- 
mendations for fiscal, staff, and fac- 
ulty resources. 

• A report on Impediments to 
Research, based on an extensive 
survey of faculty members, is due 
this year from the Research Com- 
mittee (Frank Alt, Chair). 

• The Academic Procedures and 
Standards Committee (Chair not 
yet appointed) will continue its 

study of the Three-finals- 
scheduled-on-the-same-day issue 
that it t»egan discussing last year. 

• The Parking Report, recom- 
mending significantly increased 
parking fees, will be considered by 
the Campus Affairs Committee 
(James Alexander, Chair). 

Many issues concerning the uni- 
versity's fiscal crisis have been laid 
on top of the normal Senate agenda 
of recommending program changes 
and the institution of new or 
revised academic and campus poli- 
cies. It will be an extraordinarily 
active year for the Campus Senate 
and its committees. 


Outlook IS the weeWy faculty-staff newspaper serving 
the College Park campus community 

Journalism Training Program 
Begins in Hungary 

cf>i)ti>iin'rl frimi p'igi' I 

sities there and with the profes- 
sional Hungarian Journalists Asso- 

Hiebert is founding director of 
the Washington Journalism Center 
and founding dean of the College 
of Journalism. He has taught jour- 
nalism at the College Park since 

In 1982, Hiebert served as a con- 

sultant to the Liberian Broadcasting 
System in Africa on a Fulbright 
Fellowship. He was a visiting pro- 
fessor at Rhodes University in 
South Africa in 1984 and at the 
University of Algiers in Algeria in 
1990. He recently returned from 
Pretoria, South Africa, where he 
gave the prestigious Robert 
Codlonton Media Lecture. 

Lisa Gregory 

Kathryn Costsllo 

Vice f^eSFtlem for 

Inslitiitional Advancement 

Rdi Hiebert 

Director of Public Intormatson & 


Linda Fieemati 

Production Editor 

Lisa Oregory 

Staff Writer 

Tom Otwell 

Staff Writer 

Gary Stepfienson 

Staff Writer 

Fariss Samarral 

Staff Writer 

Jennifer Bacon 

Calendar Editor 

Judlttf Balr 

M Director 

Jofiri Consoll 

Format Designer 

Layout & Illustration 

Chris Paul 

Lavout & Illustration 

Al Danegger 


Linda Martin 


Kerstin Neteler 

Production Intern 

Letters to tfie Biitor. story suggestions, campus infor- 
mation & calendaf items are welcome. Please submit all 
material at least three weeks tiefore the tvlonday of 
publication Send it to Ro; Hiebert, Editor Outlook. 2101 
Turner Building, through campus mail or to University of 
Maryland. College Park, MD 20742 Our telephone 
number is 1301} 405-4621. Electronic mail address is 



SEPTEMBER 3 0, 1991 

Women's Forum to Hold Annual Conference Oct. 9 

The University of Maryland System Women's Forum will hold 
its second annual forum on Wednesday, Oct. 9 at Tovvson State 
University from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The conference, "Women Making 
a Difference: In the Work Place and in Our Other Roles," will 
feature a series of workshops on such subjects as communication 
and negotiation, retirement and other transitions, stress manage- 
ment, sexual harassment, and multiple family roles. Call Carla 
Gary, College Park's Women's Forum president at 405-4182 for 
information about registration and car pools. 

Maryland Wins WICI Vanguard Award 

The university has been named 
one of the top three finalists in the 

prestigious Vanguard Award com- 
petition held by Women in Com- 
munications, Inc. (WICI). 

Established in 1980, the 
Vanguard Award recognizes com- 
panies or institutions for their posi- 
tive portrayals of women and helps 
to heighten the general awareness 
of factors that enhance the image 
and status of women. 

In 1988, the university launched 
an innovative program to improve 
undergraduate women's education 
and the status of women on cam- 

pus. The program includes the 
overhaul and revision of curricu- 
lum to include scholarship on 

women in various disciplines and 
training for faculty on improving 
the classroom climate for women. 

In addition, the program includes 
the designation of positions for hir- 
ing women in fields where they are 
underrepresented and increased 
hiring, promotion and retention of 
women faculty, including senior 
administrative positions. 

"The University of Maryland at 
College Park has created an 
extraordinary program that ensures 

lasting change for the institution 
and directly advances women 
toward positions of equality," the 
WICI citation reads. 

President William E. Kirwan will 
accept the award during WlCI's 
National Professional Conference in 
Atlanta, October 12. 

The 1991 winner was IBM Cor- 
poration. The two other finalists 
were The Freedom Fonim for First 
Amendment Freedoms and the 
Gannett Co., Inc. NOW Legal 
Defense and Education Fund 
received an Award of Special 

ICONS to Simulate Negotiations on 
International Drug Issues 

The Organization of American 
States (GAS) has awarded a $27,000 
grant to Project ICONS (Interna- 
tional Communication and Negoti- 
ation Simulation) of the Depart- 
ment of Government and Politics to 
give students from universities in 
North and South America first- 
hand experience negotiating inter- 
national drug issues using the 
ICONS simulation urogram. 

By attempting to negotiate and 
resolve problems such as drug 
abuse, drug production, trafficking 
and crop substitution, the students 
will gain a better understanding of 
how these issues are linked to oth- 
er social, economic and political 
problems within their own country 
and other countries, says Jonathan 
Wilkenfeld, chair and professor of 
government and politics. 
College Park is collaborating with 
faculty at the University of 
Cordoba, Argentina, to organize 
this special pilot program. 

For three weeks this fall, begin- 
ning September 30, teams of stu- 
dents will play the roles of govern- 
ment leaders. They will research 
drug issues in their countries and . 
negotiate with each other using the 
ICONS program developed by 
Wilkenfeld and Richard Brccht, 
professor of Germanic and Slavic 
Languages and Li terature. 

Participants will come from six 
Latin American universities in 
Argentina, Chile, Venezuela, Peru, 
Columbia and Costa Rica, as well 
as from College Park and the Uni- 
versity of Ottawa in Canada, notes 
ICONS simulation director Patty 

Participants from College Park 
will include students studying gov- 
ernment and politics, foreign lan- 
guages, computer science, and 
natural resource management. 

A training program for partici- 
pating faculty members was held 
eariier this month at the University 
of Cordoba. 

In a related development, 
ICONS also recently was awarded 
a $70,000 grant from the U.S. Insti- 
tute of Peace to help establish 
regional centers at the University of 

Connecticut, Brigham Young Uni- 
versity and the Des Moines High 
School District. Another ICONS 
center is already in place at Cali- 
fornia's Whitter College. Each cen- 
ter will provide regional simulation 
services to area high schools. 

The Peace Institute grant will be 
used by College Park to train facul- 
ty members in the use of ICONS 
simulation and to provide com- 

puter support. ICONS also will 
facilitate the involvement of high 
schools in other countries in the 

The College Park-based ICONS 
continues to offer six simulations 
each year, four for high school stu- 
dents, and two for college and uni- 
versity students. 

Tom Otivell 

Nominees for Distinguished 
Scholar-Teacher Awards Sought 

Nominations for the Distin- 
guished Scholar-Teacher (DST) 
Award for the conning academic 
year are now being sought. 

Sponsored by the Office of the 
Vice Chancellor for Academic 
Affairs and Provost, the program 
recognizes faculty members for 
both their intellectual achievements 
and their abilities to franslate their 
scholarship into successful class- 
room teaching. 

Nominees must be full-time ten- 
ured faculty members who have 
distinguished themselves as teach- 
ers, especially at the undergraduate 
level, and as scholars. Each DST 
will teach an Honors course as part 
of the regular teaching load, for 
which the department will be 

reimbursed. Each DST wilt present 
a public lecture in the spring 
semester, and each will receive a 
$1,000 award for professional 

The DSTs for the current aca- 
demic year are; George Callcott, 
History; Bruce Jarvis, Chemistry 
and Biochemistry, and Raymond 
Paternoster, Criminal Justice and 

Nominations and supporting 
documents should be sent to 
Kathryn Mohrman, dean for under- 
graduate studies. Room 1115 Horn- 
bake Library not later than Friday, 
November 1 . For more details, con- 
tact Jennifer Scott at 405-9353. 

Study Compares College Park Faculty 
Salaries with AAU and Peer Universities 

The Office of Institutional 
Studies has released findings of an 
annual report comparing faculty 
salaries at College Park with those 
at 33 public and private member 
institutions of the Association of 
American Universities and nine 
"designated peer" universities that 
also appear in the AAU group. 

Relative to the 33 AAU institu- 
tions. College Park stands llth in 
the overall salary averages and 
10th in both associate professors' 
and in assistant processors" salary 

averages, the report notes. 

Fall 1990 College Park average 
salaries were above the median at 
all three faculty ranks. College 
Park's three-ranks salary average 
was also above the median. 

For a copy of "Analysis of Facul- 
ty Salaries: A Comparison of 
UMCP with AAU Public and Priv- 
ate and Designated Peer Univer- 
sities-Fall 1990," call 405-5590. Ref- 
erence copies are also in McKeldin 

SEPTEMBER 3 0. ] <i <) 1 




Lesbian and Gay Staff and Faculty Association Meets on 
First Fridays 

The Lesbian and Gay Staff and Faculty Association at College 
Park meets the first Friday each month for discussions and presen- 
tations about issues of concern to members. The group meets on 
campus at 4:30 for a social gathering, and programs begin at 5 
p.m. For information call Susan Leonard i at 405-3833 or Michael 
Marcuse at 301-585-6015. 

College Park's Flagship Channel 
Debuts in Montgomery County 

rlcig'idp ?fOr]uri\orB 

After two years of successful 
programming for cable television 
viewers in Prince George's County, 
the university's Flagship Channel is 
expected to make its debut in 
Montgomery County this month. 

Marjory Small, the university's 
coordinator of television program- 
ming, says that the expansion of 
College Park's Flagship Channel 
into Montgomery County is pro- 

"We've just had tons of phone 
calls about the channel, u'ith peo- 
ple inquiring about it and a lot of 
interest generated in it," she says. 

But Small says the interest in the 
expansion is not surprising. "In 
Montgomery County, 17 percent of 
the viewing audience watches ac- 
cess channels," she says. "The type 
of audience we appeal to is here in 
Montgomery and Prince George's 
Counties." She points out that 
many university staff members, 
alumni and commuting students — 
potential viewers — live in both 
the two Maryland counties. 

The Flagship Channel is 
operated by College Park and is 
one of several education access 
channels available to cable subscri- 
bers in the area. The Academic 
Media Technology and Telecom- 
munications Advisory Committee, 
chaired by Sue Clabaugh, oversees 
the station's opieration and pro- 

Besides Small, other Flagship 
Channel staff members include 
Kenny Holl, production coordina- 
tor, and Dan Kolb, programming 
assistant, as well as student work- 

The channel has been available 
since January 30, 1989 on Channel 
38-B to cable subscribers in Prince 
George's County. It will be avail- 
able to Montgomery County cable 
subscribers on Channel 59. 

The Flagship Channel is expand- 
ing in other ways as well. This year 
for the first time, the channel will 
offer a program guide to all faculty 
and staff who have a campus mail- 
ing address. The guide will include 
descriptions, dates and times of the 
scheduled programs. (To order a 
copy, call Dan Kolb at 314-9893.) 

Program highlights this season 
include a symposium on the Per- 

sian Gulf War, a documentary on 
Katherine Anne Porter and a cable- 
cast of the Marian Anderson Vocal 
Arts Competition semi-finals. 

Viewers can also look forward 
to an increased emphasis on 
cultural arts programming this 
year. For example, a video movie 
review show featuring Robert 
Kolker, chair of the Radio, Televi- 
sion, and Film Department, is one 
of the new cultural shows slated to 
begin this fall. The show will be 
unique fjecause Kolker, an expert 
on film, will only review movies 
that have not been released in 
movie theaters. [For other upcom- 
ing cultural events, sec box, I 

The Flagship Channel also will 
continue to deliver programming 
in the areas of community service, 
general education, lectures, docu- 
mentaries and sports to cable sub- 

jack's Story is a popular com- 
munity service program about a 

The Visitor Center : 
Did You Know... 

...that the university Visitor Cen- 
ter in Turner Lab assisted 12,196 
visitors during its first year of 
operation? About 50 people per 
day stopped by the center for infor- 

The Visitor Center opened Sept. 
4 1990 and has answered countless 
questions about the university 
while directing thousands of visi- 
tors to their campus destinations. 

According to Nick Kovalakidcs, 
director of Visitor Services, 44 per- 
cent of these people were seeking 
the Admissions office, 14 percent 
were looking for academic build- 
ings and six percent were Student 
Union bound. 

Three percent each were looking 
for the Libraries, the Adult Educa- 
tion Center, athletic facilities and 
the Administrative Services Build- 
ing. Two percent each were seeking 
arts buildings or events and the 
Campus Driving Tour. Another 20 
percent were looking for various 
other sites. 

The Center's busiest hours were 
between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. 

young man who is a quadriplegic 
because of his reckless driving. 

New this year is the lecture 
series Covering the Courts, a sympo- 
sium for journalists explaining ac- 
cess to the court system and how 
the courts work. 

Small encourages members of 
the campus community who have 
program ideas to get in touch with 
her. .She says that there is an added 
incentive for professors and resear- 
chers to become involved with the 
Ragship Channel. It may hie that 
"added tv/ist" a professor needs to 
get a grant approved, she says, 

"Because of our ability to dis- 
seminate information widely, 
because of our ability to reach 
audiences beyond campus bound- 
aries, we can sometimes make the 
difference in the award of a grant," 
she explains. "If they keep us in 
mind when they're thinking about 
a project and we can participate 
up-front in the grant-writing phase, 
we can often times create some 
programming of real value to the 
community, to our viewing audi- 
ence, and also help them increase 
what they can do with a grant." 

But grant or no grant. Small 
says that the Hagship Channel can 
still provide invaluable experience 
for faculty members. 

"When we've had faculty and 
staff involved in a project, they 
gain valuable skills because TV is 
here to stay. They Icarn how to 
work with it and around it," she 

Wendy Babbitt 

Upcoming Programming 
Specials on the Hagship 

First Vocal Arts Congress. (8 p.m. 

Marian Anderson Vocal Arts 
Competition; including the semi- 
finals, awards ceremony and an 
historical interview with Todd 
EXincan. (8 p.m., September 30) 

Women's Field Hockey vs. 
Delaware: tape delay cablecast of 
the game (1 p.m., September 30) 

SGA Elections: hourly updates 
throughout the day and continuous 
coverage to election results. 
(updates beginning at 9 a.m.; 
continuous coverage beginning at 8 
p.m., October 9) 

Minorities and Women: An Art 
Lecture Series: Guest lecturers 
discuss current topics in art. (8 
p.m., first and third week of 

8th World Food Day 
Teleconference: sponsored by the 
U,S, National Committee for World 
Food Day. (noon to 3 p.m., October 

SEPTEMBER 3 0, 1991 

University Theatre Brings Back Broadway 
Starting Oct. 10 

University Theatre will open its season with "Bring Back 
Broadway," a musical review featuring dozens of songs from the 
classic Broadway theater and showcasing the talents of many 
young College Park performers. Directed by Ronald J. O'Leary, the 
production is designed to allow audiences, particularly young 
people, to rediscover some of the great theater music of the past. 
Performances will be in Tawes Theatre Oct. 10-12 and 17-19 at 8 
p.m., with a matinee on Oct. 13 at 2 p.m. Call 405-2201 {voice and 
TDD) for ticket information, 

Archaeologist Works to Uncover 
Ancient Temple at Caesarea 

For College Park historian 
Kenneth Holum, the archaeological 
project at the ancient city of 
Caesarea in Israel grows better 
with age. Although he has worked 
at the site more than a decade, new 
treasures seem to surface each year. 

This past summer Holum and 
Avner Raban, professor at Haifa 
University's Center for Maritime 
Studies announced the apparent 
discovery of remains from a temple 
buill before the birth of Christ at 
the direction of King Herod the 
Great. Holum and Raban are co- 
directors of the Combined Caesarea 
Expeditions, a joint Israeli-North 
American excavation project which 
has b>een in progress at the ancient 
Mediterranean city for three seas- 
ons. Holum has been involved in 
projects at Caesarea since 1978 
through a series of expeditions. 

Student excavators from Trinity 
College and Wake Forest Univer- 
sity recently unearthed the three 
ancient cooking pots that archaeol- 
ogists tielieve were set in position 
in about 20 B.C. as workers tinder 
Herod's direction laid the first 
stones of the magnificent Greek- 
style temple. 

"In antiquity it was a tradition to 
bury cooking pots within the foun- 
dation of a building, much in the 
same way that modern builders 

will plant a tree on the roof of a 
building," Holum says. 

In addition, the archaeologists 
have discovered huge stone blocks 
that are believed to be part of the 
temple's foundation, 

A great deal is known about the 
temple through the work of 
Joseph us, the Third Century histor- 
ian of the Jewish people, Holum 
says. The temple was built by 
Herod as a means of emphasizing 
his loyalty to the Roman empire. It 
was dedicated to the pagan god- 
dess Roma and to Roman emperor 
Caesar Augustus, 

In future summers, archaeolo- 
gists will work to find stones that 
were part of the structure. 

"[The templej is of vast histori- 
cal and architectural importance," 
Holum says. 

The temple was among the 
many facets of Herod's grandiose 
plan to build a city with gridded 
streets, a state-of-the-art sewer sys- 
tem, theater, amphitheater, market- 
place, aqueduct and harbor, Holum 
says. Named to curry favor with 
Roman emperor Caesar Augustus, 
the city stood as a major urban cen- 
ter for more than thirteen centuries. 

It is now a popular tourist site 
in Israel and the site of a major 
archaeological project that involves 
both land and underwater excava- 

Kenneth Holum 

tion. Caesarea Maritima was the 
subject of a 1988-89 museum exhi- 
bition organized by the University 
of Maryland and the Smithsonian 
Institution. It was shown at the 
Smithsonian's Museum of Natural 
History, the Museum of Natural 
History in Los Angeles and several 
American and Canadian museums. 

Major sponsors of current 
research at Caesarea are the Uni- 
versity of Maryland, Haifa Univer- 
sity, The Rebecca Meyerhoff Foun- 
dation and the Caesarea Founda- 
tion of the Baron Edmund de 

Brian Busek 

Bonta's Computerized Bibliography Ciiarts Shiow 
the Rise and Fall of Influential Architects 

Into the art of bibliography, 
traditionally performed on dusty 
printed pages, Juan Bonta is inject- 
ing color, charts and computers, 

Bonta, professor of housing and 
design at College Park has devel- 
oped a computerized data base that 
includes bibliographical informa- 
tion on more than 2,500 American 
architects featured in more than 
300 key texts on American 

Beyond merely listing which 
architects appear where in which 
books, Bonta's system provides 
instant analysis of the bibliograph- 
ical information, Bonta's data base 
can provide a researcher with an 
idea of the rise and fall of an archi- 
tect's reputation, the professional 
relations tietween architects, the 
importance of an American archi- 
tect overseas and the relative influ- 
ence of a book within the field. 

The bibliography, known as 
"American Architect and Texts," 
delivers such information through 
a 50,000-line software program — 
written by the scholar over the past 
10 years — that sorts basic facts in 
unusual ways, Bonta points to the 
data base's historical perspective, 
its means of identifying trend -set- 
ting books and its ability to spot 
textual relationships between archi- 

tects as highlights of the system. 

The system measures the "fame" 
of architects through histograms. 
The histograms are computer-gen- 
erated charts that show a timeline 
ranging from an architect's earliest 
to most recent mention in the liter- 
ature. Graphs indicate the years in 
which the architect was cited most 
often. The implication is that an 
architect's reputation and influence 
were greatest in the period when 
he or she was receiving the greatest 
number of citations. 

Bonta's system spots trendset- 
ting texts by grouping books of 
highly similar content. The implica- 
tion is that the earliest book in the 
group influenced the others. Books 
that turn up numerous times in 
this analysis likely were unusually 
important texts at some point. Such 
books as Space, Time, and Architec- 
ture and The Golden City are at the 
top of the list in this analysis. 

The system also charts archi- 
tects' "co-textuality," The system 
notes when architects often are 
cited together in the literature, a 
circumstance that indicates some 
kind of relationship between the 
architects. This co-textuality does 
not necessarily imply that the 
architects produced simitar work. 
They may be figures whose ideas 

Juan Bonta 

were diametrically opposed. But 
they are mentioned together none- 

Bonta has written a forthcoming 
book on the system that will be 
published by the M IT Press, 
Recently he demonstrated the sys- 
tem at the National Gallery of Art 
and the Getty Museum in Los 

SEPTEMBER 3 0, 199 1 



Tufte to Deliver Computer Science Lecture 

Edward Tufte, professor of political science and statistics, lec- 
turer in law, and senior critic in design at Yale Universit)', will 
speak on "Envisioning Information" Wednesday, Oct. 9 from 10:30 
a.m. to noon in the Founder's Room of the Center of Adult Educa- 
tion. Tufte is founder of Graphics Press and author of six books 
including the widely acclaimed. The Visual Display of Quantitative 
Information. His newest book. Envisioning Information, has won six 
awards for content and design, Tufte's lecture is part of the Com- 
puter Science Center Distinguished Lecture Series. For info, call 

Hypertension in Blacks May Be 
Associated with Skin Melanin 

Researchers in the Department 
of Health Education have recently 
linked the high prevalence of 

hypertension in blacks to an abun- 
dance of norepinephrine, a vaso- 
constrictor that is produced by the 
body during stress and is associat- 
ed with the skin pigmentator mel- 
anin. Results show that the vascu- 
lar response to stress of black peo- 
ple lasts at least ten times longer 
than that of whiles, resulting in 

Based on his findings, Roger J. 
Allen, associate professor of health 
education, suggests that current 
hypertension treatments using fluid 
reducing diuretic drugs for blacks 
may be inappropriate and may, in 
fact, exacerbate their hypertension. 

"This study looks at physiologi- 
cal reasons for the prevalence of 
hypertension in blacks rather than 
at possible behavioral or cultural 
reasons such as sodium intake or 
smoking," Allen says. "We knew, of 
course, that people with darker 
skin have more melanin. Since mel- 
anin is associated with norepine- 
phrine— -a chemical that constricts 
blood vessels and is produced in 
larger quantities when a person is 
under stress^ — we saw this as the 
potential reason that hypertension 
is more common with blacks than 
whites. Our findings show that 
there is a direct relation." 

According to Allen, 38 percent 
of adult blacks in the United States 

are estimated to have chronically 
high blood pressure, compared to 
29 percent of the adult white pcipu- 
lation. Blacks are also more likely 
than whites to die of complications 
from hypertension, 

Allen and his graduate student 
Daniel L. Luxenberg have paired 40 
black and 40 white students who 
were matched by age, sex, medical 
history, diet, habits and fitness 
levels to measure their heart rates 
and pulse amplitudes while under 

"All of our subjects had normal 
blood pressure," Allen says. "We 
were trying to look into their bod- 
ies and predict what might happen 
over time." 

The researchers used a cold 
presser test — the placing of a sub- 
ject's hand in ice for 30 seconds 
under controlled conditions — to 
bring abtout the same phvsioJogicaJ 
responses one would experience in 
a stressful situation such as a job 
interview. They found that the 
black subjects would maintain ele- 
vated blood pressure at least ten 
times longer than the white stu- 

"We were observing the seeds of 
future health problems by the way 
the subjects were reacting to stress 
in their youth," Allen says. 

According to Allen, most hyper- 
tension patients are treated with 
diuretics, drugs that help the kid- 
neys remove fluid from the body. 

Roger J. Allen 

In most cases this reduces blood 
pressure, thereby decreasing the 
hypertension. In the case of blacks, 
however, with increased norepine- 
phrine causing a longer term of 
blood vessel constriction, a reduc- 
tion of body fluids from the drugs 
causes the vessels to constrict even 
further as a response. "This causes 
the blood vessels to develop a nor- 
malized state of excess constriction 
and may worsen the hypertension," 
Allen says. 

Allen's pilot study was pub- 
lished in the journal Human Stress: 
Current Selected Research. He is con- 
tinuing to pair subjects for his 
research, hoping to eventually have 
data for 100 pairs. He also plans to 
eventually stress test at various 
intervals people who are under- 
going a tanning process to see how 
this effects blood pressure. 

Fariss Samarrai 

Study Provides Clues About 
Milky Way Formation 

A recent College Park astronom- 
ical study of two globular clusters 
provides crucial information about 
the early formation of the Milky 
Way Galaxy and of the time-span 
of its collapse to a disk-shape. 

Results from the study by Roger 
A. Bell, professor and director of 
the Astronomy Program, support 
recent suggestions that the Milky 
Way took three times longer to 
evolve than once ttelievcd. 

Bell's results were published in 
the journal Nature. 

The standard theory of galaxy 
formation, based on a 1962 theoret- 
ical model, calculated the collapse 
time for the Milky Way at one bil- 

lion years. 

Bell's study is the first to suc- 
cessfully measure and compare the 
actual compositions and ages of the 
globular clusters NGC288 and 

"We provide solid evidence to 
support some previous claims of a 
three billion year age difference 
tjetween the clusters," says Bell. 
'This has implications for setting 
limits on the age of the Galaxy and 
for a better understanding of how 
it formed and collapsed." 

According to Bell, globular clus- 
ters are the oldest objects in the 
galaxy, providing an exceptional 
look at the earliest stages of galaxy 


Bell and his colleagues used a 4- 
meter optical telescope in New 
South Wales, Australia to measure 
and compare the compositions of 
the two clusters. With a high- 
resolution spectrograph they 
analyzed visible light emanating 
from the surfaces of 15 red giant 
stars in the two clusters. 

Bell and his group plan to fur- 
ther their studies by analyzing the 
chemical composition of stars in 
other globular clusters of the Milky 

fartss Samarrai 

New Book Examines National Security 
Issues in the 1990s 

The emergence of a new world 
order, based on international eco- 
nomic relations and interdepen- 
dence rather than the long-standing 
conflict lx;tween East and West 
calls for a rethinking of U.S. 
national security issues. 

Michael Nacht, dean of the 
School of Public Affairs, and 
George H. Quester, professor of 

government and politics, along 
with John J. Wei (man, a visiting 
scholar at The Johns Hopkins Uni- 
versity Paul H. Nitze School of 
Advanced International Studies, 
have co-edited a new book focus- 
ing on some of the issues raised by 
the end of the Cold War. 

Challenges to American National 
Security in the 1990s is a collection 

of essays that considers the world 
that will face American policy- 
makers in this decade. Both Nacht 
and Quester also have contributed 
chapters to the twok. Nacht writes 
on "Strategic Arms Control and 
American Security: Not What the 
Strategists Had in Mind," Quester 
writes about "Predicting the Future 
of American Commitments." 




Admissions to Hold Informational Program 
for Faculty/Staff Parents 

The Office of Undergraduate Admissions invites all faculty and 
staff parents of high school children beginning their college search 
processes to attend an informational program on Oct. 15 from 4:30 
to 6:30 p.m. in the Prince George's Room of the Stamp Student 
Union. The program will include information on the college search 
and application process, as well information on College Park. For 
information or reservations, call Tina Rollason at 314-8381 no later 
than Oct. 3. 

Kudos To... 

Patrick Perfetto 

Lfnda Mabbs 

Ashwani Gupta 

Parrls Glendening 

Mady Segal 

Patrick Perfetto (Campus Guest 
Services) for being elected presi- 
dent of the Eastern Association of 
College Auxiliary Services. The 
association includes memberships 
of 500 institutions of higher educa- 
tion throughout the eastern United 
States and the Canadian provinces 
east of Manitoba. Perfetto is the 
25th president of the association. 

David Wilt {Engineering and Phys- 
ical Sciences Library) on the publi- 
cation of his new book, Hardboikd 
in Hollifwood (Bowling Green State 
University Popular Press). The 
book details the film careers of five 
crime and mystery writers whose 
stories appeared in the famous 
Black Mask pulp mystery magazine 
from the 1920s through 1950s. 

William Magette (Agricultural 
Engineering) for being awarded the 
Soil and Water Conservation Soci- 
ety's Fellow Award. At a recent 
banquet concluding the Society's 
46th annual meeting held in Wash- 
ington, D.C., Magette was recog- 
nized for his creation and guidance 
of the SWCS student chapter at the 

John Duffy (Classics) for being 
appointed a Senior Fellow at 
Harvard University's Center for 
Byzantine Studies, located at Dum- 
barton Oaks, Washington, D.C. 
During his three-year term, Duffy 
will assist in advising the director 
of Dumbarton Oaks on academic 
matters related to the Center, and 
in selecting research fellows. 

Linda Mabbs (Music) for perform- 
ing Sept. 20-21 with the Washing- 
ton Chamber Symphony in their 
season-opening tribute to Mozart. 
As featured soprano soloist, Mabbs 
sang two arias from Mozart's little 
known opera // Re Pastore. 

John Consoli (Creative Services) 
for winning a photography award 
in the Second Annual Photo 
Awards for Photo Design Magazine 
for the University of Maryland 
Alumni Magazine Spring 1990 

Ashwani Gupta (Mechanical Engi- 
neering) for winning the "Best 
Paper Award " at a recent ASME 
Computers in Engineering Confer- 
ence that was held in Santa Clara, 
California. The award is given for 
the most outstanding paper at the 

Pairis Glendening (Political Sci- 
ence) for being elected president of 
the National Council of Elected 
County Executives. This summer, 
Glendening teamed up with local 
government leaders throughout the 
nation to release the first nation- 
wide study of the current financial 
state of large county governments. 

Valerie Jean (Non-Print Media Ser- 
vices) for winning the Artscape '91 
Literary Arts Award for Poetry. 
The award, given in conjunction 
with Artscape, the annual Balti- 
more arts festival, was presented to 
Jean for her winning manuscript. 
Woman Writing a Letter. 

Roger Davidson (Government and 
PoHtics) for delivering a series of 
lectures in the United Kingdom 
this fall as part of his Elliot/Winant 
Lecture-Fellowship at London's 
Imperial College. During his fall 
lecture tour in Britain, he will 
speak on "George Bush and Con- 
gress," "In Faint Praise of Divided 
Government," 'The Post-Reform 
Congress," and "Will the Democrats 
Ever Win the White House?" 

Mark Turner (Enghsh) on the pub- 
lication of his new book, Reading 
Minds: The Study of English in the 
Age of Cognitive Science (Princeton). 
The book will be officially 
launched on Oct. 25 from 5:30 to 
7:30 p.m. at a reception at Bick's 
Books, 2309 18th Street, NW 

Anil Gupta (Business and Manage- 
ment) for receiving the American 
Academy of Management's 1991 
Guleck Best Paper Award in Busi- 
ness Policy and Strategy. Gupta's 
paper, "Knowledge How Patterns, 
Subsidiary Strategic Rotes, and 
Strategic Control Within Multi- 
national Corporations," was one of 
225 submitted. 

Mady Wechsler Segal (Sociology 
and Center for International Secur- 
ity Studies) for being selected to 
give the keynote address at the 
Dec. 3 and 4, 1991 Conference of 
the British Military Studies Croup 
at the Royal Military Academy in 
Sandhurst. The conference theme 
will be Women in the Military. 

Jan Sengers (Institute for Physical 
Science and Technology) for being 
presented with the Y.T. Touloukian 
Award in recognition of distin- 
guished achievement in ther mo- 
physics. Sengers received the 
award at the recent National Insti- 
tute of Standards and Technology's 
Symposium on Thermodynamic 
Properties, held in Boulder, Colora- 

Ted Smith (Engineering alumnus) 
for being awarded the College of 
Engineering's 1991 Distinguished 
Alumnus Award. Smith is current- 
ly the president, chief executive 
officer and co-founder of FileNet 
Corporation, a California-based 
firm that manufactures image pro- 
cessing systems. 

University Book Center for being 
cited in a Washington Post article on 
text book prices. Through an infor- 
mal survey, the Book Center was 
found to nave lower mark-ups, and 
lower prices in general, than four 
other university bookstores in the 
D.C. area. 

20-Vear Library Employees jean 
Burless, Government Documents 
and Maps; Nancy Caldwell, Period- 
icals; and Margaret Cullings, 
Acquisitions, who received awards 
on Sept. 10 at the Libraries' Annual 
Service Awards Program. 

Architecture Students Herb 
Heiserman, Peter Noonan and 
James Solomon, who competed 
against over 500 students from 43 
architecture schools nationwide in 
the Association of Collegiate 
Schools of Architecture/ Louis Pope 
National Institute for Teaching 
Commitment Student Design 

Computer Science Staff and Stu- 
dents Raymond Ng, Degi Young, 
ChiHal GairaL Rob Crittenden, 
Brian Fuseller and David Russin, 
who under the direction of assis- 
tant professor Leo Mark performed 
volunteer work for the House of 
Ruth, a battered women's shelter in 
D.C, in creating and implementing 
a computer-designed advertisement 
for the shelter's fundraiser. 

Robert Carbone (Ed. Pol. and 
Plan,) for being named chair of the 
jury for the 1992 Staley/Robeson/- 
Ryan/St. Lawrence Prize for 
Research Fund-Raising and Phil- 
anthropy for the National Society 
of Fund Raising Executives. The 
jury is charged with selecting the 
best work on fund-raising and/or 
philanthropic behavior published 
during the past year. 

Margaret BridweU, M.D. (Student 
Health) for being elected to Fellow- 
ship in the American College 
Health Association during their 
recent annual meeting in Boston. 
Election to Fellowship recognizes 
"superior professional stature and 
performance in the field of college 
health and outstanding service to 
the association." 

Jennifer Bacon 

Margaret Bridwell 

SEPTEMBER 30, 1991 

O U 

O O 


Kinesiology Guest Speaker to Discuss Exercise and Aging 

On Oct, 4, the Department of Kinesiology will present guest 
lecturer Robert E. Dustman to speak on "Physical Exercise and the 
Aging Brain" at 10 a.m. in Room 1312 of the Health and Human 
Performance Building (North Gym). Dustman is the director of 
Neuropsychology Research at the Veteran's Administration Medi- 
cal Center in Salt Lake City, Utah. For information call Brad 
Hatfield, Kinesiology, at 405-2489. 

Ths Concert Society at Maryland presents (ts season-opening performance, The Cleveland Quartet, on OcL 5 at 8 p.m. in the Adult Education Center. The group will 
performing selections from Beethoven, Puccini, Schubert and Ravel. Call the Concert Society office at 403-4240 for Information. 



Art Gallery Exhiliition: 'Select- 
ed Works by Alfre<l C. Crimi," 
featuring paintings, watercolors, 
drawings and graphic works, 
Sept, f2-0ct. 4, The Art Gallery, 
Call 5-2763 for info. 

Parents Association Art Gallery 

Exhibit: "Honoring the Chesa- 
peake,' featuring the lithograph 
drawings of Neil Harpe, today 
through Oct, 2, Parents Associa- 
tion Gallery, Stamp Student 
Union. Call 4-2787 for info. 

Employee Developmem Seini- 
nar: "Speaking Confidently," 
Andrew Wolvin, Speech Com- 
munication, 9 a.m-noon, 0306 
Benjamin. Call 5-5651 for info.' 

Horticulture Setninar: 'Global 
Climate Changes: Effects on 
Plant Physiological Processes 
and Current Models, Ewjen Sys- 
tems and Datatiases," Basil 
Acock, USOA-ARS, Beltsville, 4 
p,m., 0128B Holzapfel. Call 5- 
4336 for info. 

Entomology Colloquium: 'Pop- 
glaton Structure, Coalescence 
Theory, Insects, Potatoes and 
Flice— Or, What 1 Did on My 
Summer Vacation," George 
Roderick, Entomology, 4 p.m., 
OaooSymons Hall, Call 5^391 1 
for info. 

Space Science Seminar: 

'Alfven: The Role of Prediction in 
Space Physics," Stephen Brush, 
CHPS, 1;3aj),m., in3 Computer 
and Space Sciences. Call 5-5691 
for info. 


Zoology Colloquium: 'Prospects 
for Testing the Tropical Mass 

Extinction Hypothesis," Pat 
Kangas, Agriculture and Exten- 
sion Education, noon. 1208 Zoo/ 
Psych. Call 5-6345 for info. 

Ecoloqy, Evolution and Behav- 
ior Colloquia; "Estimating Spe- 
cies Richness in the Tropics," 
Jonathan Coddington, Srriithson- 
tan Insiituton, noon, 1208 Zoo/ 
Psych, Call S6939 for info. 

Center for International Devel- 
opment and Cai>flict Manage- 
meni "Brown Baj" Seminar: 
"Development Depends on Insli- 

tuSons: Why Are international Dif- 
ferences in Per C^ita Income 
So Huge and Persistent?," 
Mancur Olson, Economics, 12:30 
p.m.. Mill BIdg., second floor. 
Call 4-7703 for info, 

Women's Soccer vs, Delaware, 

3 p.m.. Denton Field. Call 4-7070 
for info. 

Physics Colloquium: "Interface 
and Step Fluctuations," John 
Weeks, Institute for Physical Sd- 
e nee and Technology, 4 p.m.; 
tea, 3:30 p.m., 1410 Physics. 
Call 5-5953 for info, 

Guarneri String Quartet Open 
Rehearsal, 5 p.m., Tawes Recital 
Hall. Call S-5548 for info. 

Women's Field Hockey vs. 
Richmond, 7 p.m., Astroturf 
Field, Call 4-7070 for info. 

See ProdiKlions Lecture: "Con- 
sumer and Environmental Acton 
for the 90%: Ralph Nader, 
MaryPIRG, 7:30 p.m., Hoff 
Theater. Call 4-8341 for info. 


Employee Development Semi- 
nar: "Speaking Confidently," 
Andrew Wolvin, Speech Com- 
munication, 9 a.m,-noon, 0306 
Benjamin. Call 5-5651 for info,* 

AT&T Teaching Theatre Open 
House, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.. Engineer- 
ing Classroom Building, room 
3f40. Call 5-2950 for info. 

Molecular and Cell Biology 
Seminar: "Ubiquitin and PEST 
Sequences Target Cytosolic 
Proteins for Destruction." Martin 
Rechsteiner, U. of Utah, 12:05 
p.m., 1208 Zoo/Psych. Call 5- 
6991 for info. 

Center lor Teaching Excellence 
CORE Faculty Workshop; 

"Teaching for Crtical Thinking in 
all Disdplines,' Mark Weinstein, 
Assoc. Director, Institute for Crit- 
ic^ Thinking, Montdair, liJ, 2:30- 
5 p.m.. Maryland Room, Marie 
Mount. Call 5-2355 for info. 

Men's Soccer vs. Lafayette, 3 
-p.m., Denton Fieki. Call 4-7070 
for info. 


Women's Soccer vs, James 
Madison, 3 p.m., Denton field. 
Call 4-7070 tor info. 

Meleoralogy Seminar: "The 
Atmospheres of Titan and Triton," 
DarrelfStrobel, Earth and Plane- 
tary Sciences Department, Johns 
Hopkins U., 3:30 p,m..21U 
Computer and Space Sciences; 
refreshments, 3 p.m. Call 5-5392 
tor info. 

"Writers Here and Now" Read- 
ing; Walter Mosley, 3:30 p.m., 
1 120 Surge Building. Call 5-3819 
for info. 

Commillee on the History and 
Philosophy of Science Collo- 
quium: History and Aims of 
Molecular Biology,' Peter Mora, 
NIH, 4 p,m„ OSffll Computer and 
Space Sciences, Call 5-5691 for 

Early American Seminar: 'Puri- 
tanism and Capitalism," Stephen 
Innes, U. of Virginia, 6-10 p.m., 
1 104 Stamp Student Union, Call 
S-4325 for info. 


Employee Developmem Semi- 
nar; "Speaking Confidently,' 
Andrew Wolvin, Speech Com- 
munication, 9 a.m,-noon, 0306 
Benjamin. Call 5-5651 for info.' 

Kinesiology Lecture: "Physical 
Exerdse and the Aging Brain," 
Robert E. Dustman, Director. 
Neuropsydiology Fie search, 
Veteran's Administration Medical 
Center, 10 a.m., 1312 North 
Gym. Call 5-2489 for info. 

Geology Seminar; "Can 100 Mil- 
lion Years of Eadti's History Be 
Desaibed with Boxes and 
Arrows?," Greg Bluth, NASA/ 
GSFC, Greenbelt, 11 a.m., 0105 
Hornbake. Call 5-4089 for info. 

Mental Heatlh Service Lurtch 'n 
Learn Seminar: 'Divorce and 
Ma/it^ Stress— Helping Couples 
Cope wifri Affairs," Emily Brown, 
Key Bridge Therapy and Medita- 
tion Center, Arlington, VA, 1-2 
p,m„ 3100E Health Center. Call 
4-81 06 for into. 

First National Bank of Mary- 
tend Research Colloquium in 
Finance; "Exotic Options," Mark 
Rubinstein, U. of California at 
Berkeley, 1-2:30 p.m., 2102 
Tydings. Call 5-2256 for info. 

Lesbian and Gay Staff end 
Faculty Association Meeting; 
"Campus Climate for Lesbian and 
Gay Staff and Faculty," 4:30 
p.m.: program, 5 p.m Call Susan 
Leonardi at 5-3833 or Michael 
Marcuse at 585-6015 for info. 

Women's Volleyball vs, 
Clemson, 7:30 p,m„ Cole Field 

House, Call 4-7070 for info. 


Women's Volleyball vs. 
Georgia Tech, 1 j),m., Cole Field 
House, Call 4-7070 for info. 

Women's Field Hockey vs. 
North Carol irw. 1 p.m., Astroturf 
Field. Call 4-7070 for info. 

Concert Society at Maryland, 

Cleveland Quartet, works by 
Beethoven, Puccini, Schubert and 
Ravel, 8 p.m., Adult Education 
Center. $17 full price; $15,30 fac- 
ulty and staff; $14.50 seniors: $5 
students. Call 30-4240 for info,' 


Men's Soccer vs. Wake Forest, 

2 p,ni., Denton Field. Call 4-7070 
far info. 


Horticulture Seminar: "Sink 
Metabolism in Sucrose Accumu- 
lating Wild Tomato Species .' 
John R, Stommel, USDA-ARS, 
Beltsville, 4 p.m., 01 288 Holzap- 
fel. Call 5-4336 for info. 

"Computer Science at College 
Park" Colloquium: "Lower 
Bounds for F%rallel Computation," 
Faiti Fich, U. of Toronto, 4 p.m., 
0111 Classroom BIdg, Call 5^ 
2737 for info. 

Eighth Annual Faculty atKJ 
Staff Convocation, to inaugurate 
the 1991-92 academic year and 
to recognize faculty and staff 
accomplishments, 3 p.m., Memor- 
ial Chapel. Call 5-4^7 for info. 

Entomology Colloquium: "Phy- 
loganetic Analysis of the Motti 
Chorion Gene Family," Brian 
Wiegmann, 4 p.m., ()200 Symons 
Hall. Call S-3S1 1 for info, 


Ecology, Evolution and Behav- 
ior Colloquia: "Sex, Voles and 
Videotapes; An Analysis of Pair 
Formation in Prairie Voles," 
Jessie Williams, Zoology, noon, 
1208 Zoo/Psych. Call 5^940 for 

Physics Colloquium; 'OED and 
Nuclear Physics," Thomas 
Cohen, 4 p.m.; refreshments, 
3:30 p.m., 1410 Physics, Call 5- 
5953 for info. 

Committee on I he History and 
Philosophy of Science Collo- 
Quium; 'Species Multiplication by 
fHybridization: A Contribution to 
the History of 19th Century Evo- 
lutionary Theory," Robert Olby, 
U, of Leeds, 4 p,m„ 1238 Zoo/ 
Psych. Call 5-5691 for info. 


Women's Forum Second 
Arinual Conference; "Women 
Making a Difference," 8:30 a.m.-4 
p.m., Towson State U. Call 5- 
4182 for info. 

Computer Science Center Dis- 
tinguished Lecture; "Envisioning 
Information," Edward Tufle, 'i'ale 
U., and autfiof TTie Visual Dis- 
play of Ouanfi'taftVe Inlormaion, 
Envisioning Infofmation, 10:30 
a.m,-noon. Adult Edutation Cen- 
ter Founders Room. Call 5-2950 
for info. 

' Admission charge for this 
event. All ofriers are free. 

PfinteiJ cm 

Hocyciod Papcf 



SEPTEfVlBER 3 0, 1991