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NOVEMBER 25, 1991 

A Midpoint Checkup: 

Five-Year Middle States Self-Study Underway 

Recently, 1(),DOO questionnaires 
were distributed to members of the 
campus community. The question- 
naires are designed to collect infor- 
mation on people's attitudes about 
the quality of the learning environ- 
ment and the state of the univer- 
sity's current academic computing 
system. This data collection is part 
of the current five-year periodic 
checkup on the changes that have 
taken place at College Park since 
the last reaccreditation review of 
the College Park campus in 1985- 

As a member of the Middle 
States Association of Colleges and 
Schools, College Park is required to 
submit to a series of periodic 
reviews in order to ensure that it 
meets or exceeds the academic 
standards set by the association, 

A central part of this review 
process is the self-study conducted 
by a broad group of internal sub- 
committees. The group is ap- 
pointed by Vice President for Aca- 
demic Affairs and Provost Robert 
Dorfman, who heads the self-study 
process. The group he has appoint- 
ed is charged with checking on the 
progress College Park has made 
since the last self-study and setting 
the stage for the 1995-% full-scale 
decade Middle-States review. 
Dorfman has delegated Jim Lesher, 
who was the executive secretary for 
the 1985-86 self-study, to lead the 
self-study process once again. 

Petition Delivered to 
Board of Regents 

On Nov. 19, Campus Senate 
Chair Gerald Miller delivered a 
petition with some 9,543 College 
Park signatures on it to the Board 
of Regents. System Chancellor 
Donald Langenberg, in his capacity 
as chief executive officer of the 
board, received the petition 
between regularly scheduled Board 
of Regents committee meetings in 

The petition, which began to be 
circulated on Oct. 31, asked the 
Regents to mount "a very vigorous, 
visible, and well-coordinated public 
campaign in Annapolis and across 
Maryland for the restoration of the 
State's financial support for the 
University of Maryland System." 
The signers also pledged to work 
in partnership with the Regents to 
make the strongest possible case 
for the university system. 

Miller is pleased with the 
response and points out that about 
half of the College Park faculty, 
one third of the staff and one 
quarter of the students signed the 
petition. He will make a full report 
at the next meeting of the Campus 
Senate. (Call 405-5805 for 

Outlook editor Roz Hicbert re- 
cently interviewed Lesher on the 
status of the current review. 

Q. Why is this mid-course review 
so important? 

A. The review enables the campus 
to take stock of the many changes 
that have taken place over the past 
five years. It's also expected to 
identify new or emerging concerns 
that might need to be looked at in 

Q. Have we carried through on re- 
commendations made in the last 

A. Yes. In retrospect, the 1985-86 
review chaired by Brit Kir wan 
turned out to be a very valuable 
exercise. A number of changes on 
the campus can be traced back to 

Q. Such as? 

A. Some examples might be re- 
vamping the University Studies 
Program and the General Honors 
Program; creating new foreign lan- 
guage instructional programs; cre- 
ating a center for teaching to assist 
campus faculty improve the quality 
of teaching; providing more opera- 
tional autonomy to the campus (in 
part through giving final authority 
for tenure and promotion to the 



CoLLiiQE Park Campus 

campus and providing for institu- 
tional authority to be vested in the 
president by the 1988 Higher Edu- 
cation Act); formally recognizing 
the campus' "flagship" status; a 
new campus periodical which be- 
came Outlook and a cable TV chan- 
nel; appointing a faculty ombuds 
officer — as well as many other 

They show that the university 
not only complied with the official 
requirements for the reaccreditation 
process, but also used the review to 
institute reforms that have changed 
the character of the institution in 
perceptible ways. 

continued mi pit^v 2 

Conference Set on NSF Support 

For Science and Engineering Education 

A conference on National 
Science Foundation support for sci- 
ence and engineering education 
will be held Dec. 10 at the Univer- 
sity College Conference Center. The 
conference, sponsored by the Office 
of Research Administration and 
Advancement (ORA&A), is open to 
all members of the University of 
Maryland System who are interest- 
ed in obtaining funding for educa- 
tion programs involving science, 
mathematics or engineering from 
the kindergarten level through 
post-doctoral work. 

The conference will feature a 
plenary session by Luthur S. 
Williams, NSF assistant director for 
Education and Human Resources, 
and several other NSF officials, 
who will discuss current issues in 
science and engineering education, 
funding priorities and new pro- 
gram initiatives. 

According to Anne S. Geronimo, 
manager of the College Park Grants 
Development Unit in ORA&A, NSF 

has been appropriated almost $2.6 
billion this fiscal year, an 11 per- 
cent increase in funding over last 
year. Of this amount, science edu- 
cation has received a 44 percent 
increase to a level of $465 million. 

"There is a big concern that the 
United States is not producing 
enough American scientists and 
engineers," Geronimo says. "Ameri- 
can students at all levels are 
becoming less capable in the sci- 
ences. NSF has recognized this and 
is now providing more resources to 
help reverse these trends." 

NSF also plans a new $23 mil- 
lion initiative for predoctoral train - 
ecships. Other areas of interest 
include summer institutes and 
summer science camps. 

"There is a particular interest in 
helping educators to develop uni- 
versity and public school partner- 
ships," Geronimo says. "We have to 

continued mi /nine 


O F 


A T 



Members of the Middle 
States Periodic Review 

I. Evaluating the Current Teaching 
and Learning Environment 
Chair, Mahlon Straszheim, Ralph 
Bennett, Stewart Edelstcin, Alex 
Dragt, Dick Stimpson, Sharon 
Harlcy, Avis Cohen, Valerie 

II. Evaluating the Current 
Governance/ Administrative Struc- 

Chair, Don Piper, Janet Robertson, 
Bob Birnbaum, Irv Goldstein, Mar- 
sha Guenzler, Sylvia Stewart. 

III. Outcomes Assessment 
Chair, Kathryn Mohrman, David 
Sammons, David Segal, Chris 
Davis, Ann Wylie, Bill Hall, Patrick 
Cunniff, Bob Lissitz, Nancy 
Shapiro, Marilyn Brown. 

IV. Evaluating the Current Library 

Chair, Theresa Coletti, Victor 
Korenman, David Grimstead, Mar- 
ty Gannon, Gary Marchionini, 
Danuta Nitecki, Anne Macleod. 

V. Evaluating Campus Academic 

Chair, Sue Clabaugh, Steve Hurtt, 
Mady Segal, Joy Sircar, John 
Gentile, Glenn Ricart, John Gannon, 
Estelle Russck-Cohcn, Ron Larsen. 

VI. Evaluating the Progress in 
Diversity and Equity 

Chair, Cordell Black, Dario Cortes, 
Debra Stuart, Sandra Greer, Carol 
Prier, Deborah Rosen felt, Sharon 
Fries-Britt, Mary Cothran. 

VII. Maintaining Quality under 
Reduced Budgets 

Chair, Michael Nacht, Dick Chait, 
Jim Hyatt, Raymond Johnson, Bill 
Destler, Roger Lewis, M Scheie 
Eastman, Judy Olian. 

VIII. Steering Committee 

Chair, Bob Dorfman, Subcommittee 
chairs, Jim Lesher, Marilyn Brown, 
Gail Orgel finger. 

Maryland English Institute Awarded Contract 

The Maryland English Institute (MEI) has been awarded a con- 
tract by the Institute of Resource Development, a Macro Systems 
Company, to provide English language training for eight employ- 
ees of the Saudi Arabian military. The participants will be at MEI 
from November 4, 1991 through March 31, 1992. For more informa- 
tion, call Leslie Palmer or Lois Kleinhcnn Lanier at 405-5185. 

Five-Year Self-Study 

otHtimti'fl jHmi page I 

Q. Are there other changes in our 
academic environment that came 
out of that self-study? 

A- The Tease and Greer Commit- 
tees—both were created as an out- 
growth of the self-study review. 
The reforms that such groups intro- 
duced have changed the nature of 
the curriculum and the character of 
campus administrative operations. 
You can see that what Middle 
States says is ideal — that univer- 
sities should use these reviews not 
simply to satisfy some external 
agency requirements but as an op- 
portunity to rethink their objectives 
and effectiveness as an educational 
institution — actually happened here 
at College Park. 

Q. What is the status of the 
current committee's work? 

A. The group has been meeting 
since last spring and is heading to- 
ward a first draft deadline in 
December. A final report is due to 
be sent to the president next June. 

Q. Are any directions pursued 
now different from those of the 
previous self-study? 

A. The subcommittees have found 
that some emerging issues may 
need to be identified in a prelimi- 
nary way that perhaps may need to 
be more seriously addressed in 
1995-96. For instance, the commit- 
tee working on the quality of the 
learning environment has decided 
to focus mainly on undergraduate 
education because that's where the 
emphasis has been since the 1985- 
86 review. But the group has begun 
to think the campus needs to take a 
serious look at graduate education 
in the context of the 1995-96 
review. We are also heavily into 
'learning outcomes assessment,' 
trying to figure out what approach 
makes the best sense for UMCP. 

Q. What about budget issues? 

A. This has complicated the task 
enormously. We decided that it 
would be completely unrealistic to 
approach this review in a busincss- 
as-usual way. So a subcommittee 
was created on an entirely new 
topic, "Maintaining Quality Under 
Reduced Budgets." Even the topic 
itself is problematic because it 
raises the question, "Can you really 
maintain quality under reduced 
budgets or is this in fact a rather 
dangerous fiction that we should 
set aside very clearly? 

Q. What is this committee doing? 

A. The group is grappling with 
such issues as how well has the 
Academic Planning Advisory Com- 
mittee (APAC) process worked? 
Are there some ways to economize 
that have been overlooked? And 
other such issues. 

Q. What other important issues 
are under consideration? 

Q. Some committees arc mandated 
by Middle States — the academic 
computing and libraries commit- 
tees, the learning outcomes assess- 
ment, and progress in diversity and 

Q. Has much changed since the 
1985-86 review? 

A. When you look back at that doc- 
ument, for all its virtues, it's surpri- 
singly out of date. You cannot find 
any significant discussion of diver- 
sity or gender in that document. In 
five years, the change has been 

Q. Are there any recommenda- 
tions we did not pursue effective- 

A. One of the hallmarks of the 
1985-86 self-study was a rather stri- 
dent call for institutional auton- 
omy. You can identify a few pock- 
ets where we now enjoy a greater 
degree of operational indepen- 
dence, but it may be that on bal- 
ance College Park is no more 
autonomous then it used to be. 
And we are also probably no closer 
to a new faculty club than we were 
five years ago. 

Q. What is the next step in the 
current process? 

A. We will complete a draft and in 
February and in March the docu- 
ment wilt be distributed broadly to 
department chairs, the senate and 
administrative offices. 

tii/iliwii-tl in) page i 


Outlook is i he weekly faculty staff newspaper serving 
the College Park campus community 

Kathryn Costello 
Roi Hiebert 

Linda Freeman 
Lisa Gregory 
Tom Otwell 
Gary Stephenson 
Fariss Samarrai 
Beth Workman 
Jennifer Bacon 

Judith Bair 
John Consort 
Stephen Darrou 
Chris Paul 
A I Danegger 
Linda Martin 
K erst in Netek'i 

Vice President for 

Institutional Advancement 

Director ot Public Informal on A 


Production Editor 

Slflfl Writer 

Stofl Writer 

5 1 aft Writer 

Staff Wruer 

Stan Writer 

Calendar Fdiior 

Art Director 
format Designer 
Layout fi Illustration 

Layout & Illustration 
Product] Oh 

Production Intern 

Letters to Ihe editor, story suggestions, campus infer- 
mat i ot i A calendar items are welcome Please submit all 
material ai least three weeks before the Monday ot 
publication Send it lo Ro? Hiebert. Editor Outlook. 2101 
turner Building, through campus mail or to University ot 
Maryland College Pari-,. MD 20742 Our telephone 
number is (301)405 4621 Electronic mail address is 
uutlookt&presumdedu Fax number is (301) 314 9344 




NOVEMBER 2 5, 1991 

Big Noon Rally Planned for "Maryland At Risk Day" 

Beginning at 11 :50 a.m. on Monday, Nov. 25, staff, students 
and faculty will assemble at several campus locations to march to 
Reckord Armory for the noon "Maryland at Risk" rally. Designated 
gathering places are Ellicott Quad, Tawes Plaza, behind South 
Campus Dining Hall, Hornbake Plaza, Fraternity Row at Route #1, 
and in front of the Main Administration Building. Also on the 
day's agenda: Teach In at Stamp Union and classroom discussions. 
"Maryland at Risk Day" is sponsored by the Campus Senate, the 
Student Government Association and the Graduate Student 


Celebration Marks Publication 
Of Newspaper Guide 

A luncheon to celebrate comple- 
tion of the bibliographic phase of 
the Maryland Newspaper Project 
and publication of "A Guide to 
Newspapers and Newspaper Hold- 
ings in Maryland" was hosted at 
the Rossborough Inn on Nov. 13 by 
President William E. Kirwan. 

The significance of the publica- 
tion is that for the first time resear- 
chers have access to a complete 
listing of the holdings of all United 
States newspapers located in 87 
Maryland institutions that are open 
to the public. The guide contains 
2356 titles and more than 5,000 

In his remarks at the luncheon, 
Kirwan hailed publication of the 
guide as "a cooperative effort in- 
volving people and organizations 
throughout Maryland." 

He said: "In the present informa- 
tion age, the Maryland Newspaper 
Project calls our attention to two of 
the most important and enduring 
information institutions in history, 
namely, newspapers and libraries. 
The second reality about this pro- 
ject that is extremely significant is 
that it results in enormous and 
direct benefit to the people of 

Publishers from around the state 
as well as historians, journalists, 
and others interested in the 
development of newspapers in 
Maryland attended the luncheon. 

Guest speaker was James 
Bready, retired editorial writer for 
the Baltimore Evening Sun who still 
writes a weekly book column ap- 
pearing in the Sunday Sun and is a 
frequent contributor of articles to 
various publications. Bready is the 
author of The Home Team, 
published in 1958 and updated 
several times since. The book pro- 
vides a history of baseball in the 
city of Baltimore. 

At the luncheon, Kirwan gave 
special recognition to Jeffrey Field, 

deputy chair. Office of Preservation 
of the National Endowment for the 
Humanities, to Maurice Travillian, 
assistant supervisor, Maryland 
State Department of Education, 
Division of Library Services, and 
also to Robert Harriman, technical 
coordinator for the United States 
Newspaper program at the Library 
of Congress. 

Publication of the guide was the 
product of a three-year grant- 
funded effort based in the Mary- 
landia Department of the Univer- 
sity Libraries at the University of 
Maryland at College Park. Project 
Director was Peter Curtis, Curator 
of Marylandia at the Libraries. 

The grant was provided by the 
National Endowment for the 
Humanities and the guide was 
published by the Maryland State 
Department of Education, Division 
of Library Development and Ser- 
vices. Copies of the 412-page com- 
pilation are available at no charge 
from the division office located at 
200 W. Baltimore St., Baltimore, 
MD 21201. 

With the completion of the bibli- 
ographic phase of the project, the 
preservation phase, or microfilming 
the newspapers, is now underway 
at the Maryland State Archives. 

The Maryland Newspaper Pro- 
ject is a part of the United States 
Newspaper Program (USNP) 
funded by the National Endow- 
ment for the Humanities and sup- 
ported technically by the Library of 
Congress. The ultimate objective of 
the USNP is to locate, catalog and 
preserve, through microfilming, all 
U.S. newspapers still in existence. 
By the 21st century, all states will 
have participated in the USNP and 
over 300,000 newspapers published 
since the Nation's beginnings will 
be identified and noted on a 
national database available through 
terminals in over 6,000 libraries. 

IfflilYli i£L |IIID|PW- 

Historic Han/land Newspaper Nameplates 

Progress Continues on Middle States Study 

continued j'rmn page 2 

Q. Will people have a chance to 
voice their opinions? 

A. Absolutely. They should ask 
department chairs to read copies 
and express their opinions to the 
appropriate committee. 

Q. Are there other issues we 
haven't touched on? 

A. Personally, I have to say it is 
difficult for me to write my intro- 
ductory summary of what's hap- 
pened over the past five years — 
seeing the institutional progress 
that can be demonstrated — without 
having a rather heavy heart that 
our progress in academic terms has 
been put very much at risk by the 
current financial crisis. 

It's as if the state of Maryland 
over a period of many decades had 

assembled a magnificent machine, 
one that had received so much at- 
tention, customizing and fine 
tuning so that it really was running 
remarkably well. Then the owner 
decided not to put any oil in the 
engine and crashed the whole 
thing. We have a sense of ourselves 
as a functioning, academically heal- 
thy, successful institution, and the 
plug has just been unscrewed from 
our crankcase. 
I believe the committees feel 
strongly that we have kept our side 
of the bargain with the people of 
Maryland. We have done what the 
state wanted us to do. Wc have 
gone a long way in self improve- 
ment, reform and higher academic 
standards. To do all of this in the 
face of this current financial col- 
lapse is both disheartening and 
deeply troubling. 

The committee is committed to 
spending a lot of time and energy 
completing its charge, but it docs 
so with a somewhat heavy heart, 
because it senses that the process 
may not be nearly so useful an en- 
terprise as it was five years ago, 
because the money just may not be 
there to support the institution at 
anywhere near the level that it 
needs to function appropriately. 

But one of the things that will 
emerge from our report is finding 
that in many ways the campus has 
largely succeeded in meeting the 
objectives it set for itself five years 
ago. I think we can collectively take 
a great deal of pride in what the 
institution has managed to accom- 

NOVEMBER 2 5, 1991 




"Ask Your Delegate" at Dec. 4 Q & A Forum 

College Park's delegation to the General Assembly — Senator 
Arthur Dorman and Delegates Pauline Menes, Tim Maloney and 
Jim Rosapepe — will be on campus on Wednesday, Dec. 4 from 12 
to 2 p.m. in Tawes Recital Hall to discuss university budget cuts. 
Issues to be considered include the proposed "Higher Education 
Trust Fund" Bill, winning legislative support for the university, 
and related matters. All faculty, staff and students arc invited to 
come with questions for the legislators. The forum is sponsored by 
the Campus Senate General Committee on Governmental Affairs. 
Call 405-5805 for information. 

New Program Seeks To Serve Needs 
of Endangered Species and Humans 

Dietz and assoc- 
iates in Brazil, 
from left to 
right: Tracking 
location of Gol- 
den Lion Ta mar- 
ins in jungle by 
radio; marking 
tamarins for 
later identifica- 
tion; baby Golden 
Lion Tamarins, 

The Great Plains Wolf, the East- 
em Elk, the Carolina Parakeet, and 
the Passenger Pigeon have one 
thing in common — they all have 
joined the list of animals that have 
perished during the past 100 years. 
The common denominator in their 
disappearances? Humans. While 
these species could survive natural 
predators, disease, and all the other 
checks nature provides to control 
populations, they could not endure 

Though extinctions often occur 
naturally, more than 90 percent of 
all species that have ever lived on 
this planet are now extinct — and 
the current high rate of extinction 
is unprecedented. As the swelling 
human population crowds into 
what was once the exclusive 
domain of innumerable species in 
its quest for living space, food, and 
the raw materials of commerce, 
these species are increasingly com- 
peting with humans— and losing. 
In fact, experts predict that if the 
current rate of extinction continues 
during the next 20 years or so, we 
will witness the destruction of 
about half of the species currently 
residing on this planet. 

But College Park zoologists 
James Dietz and David [nouye 
hope to slow the rate of this terri- 
ble destruction. 

They have started a program to 
help deal with the conflict between 
the needs of an expanding human 
population and the needs of a 
diverse environment. Initiated last 
year, the program is this country's 
first master's degree program that 
trains future conservationists not 
only in science but also in the 
hard-nosed realities of public pol- 
icy and economics. 

Called the Graduate Program in 

Sustainable Development and Con- 
servation Biology, the program is 
designed to train a new generation 
of scientists who are knowledge- 
able in the human, as well as envi- 
ronmental, impacts of conservation. 

The program reflects the prag- 
matic realism of its creators. It also 
reflects their awareness that the 
needs of humans cannot be ignored 
when attempting to protect threat- 
ened species. While he remains a 
fervent crusader for preserving 
nature, Dietz is no starry-eyed 
idealist. One part visionary, one 
part pragmatist, Dietz cautions that 
the zeal exhibited by many conser- 
vationists seeking to save endan- 
gered species should not blind 
them to the needs of people. "An 
ivory tower approach to environ- 
mental conservation is doomed to 
failure," he says. "Scientists alone 
are not capable of solving conser- 
vation problems. What is needed is 
a multidisciplinary approach that 
takes into consideration each 
country's unique economic and 
political factors." 

Dietz is quick to point out that 
for nations struggling to feed their 
people or maintain their economy, 
the issue of preserving endangered 
species is likely to rank low as a 
national priority. 'Too often, the 
needs or concerns of local residents 
or governments are overlooked by 
those seeking to preserve endan- 
gered species," Dietz says. 

But by involving experts from 
various fields, both scientific and 
humanistic, the requirements of 
man and animals can be considered 
and balanced. The College Park 
program was designed expressly to 
accomplish that goal. 

The program, which was initi- 
ated this year, requires 45 total 
credits including completion of 
core courses in the areas of ecology 
and conservation biology, resource 
economics, public policy, and mul- 
tidisciplinary problem-solving. 
Also required is a thesis that ana- 
lyzes a conservation or develop- 
ment project from the viewpoint of 
biological conservation and eco- 
nomic benefits, and offers policy 
recommendations. By structuring 
the graduate program this way, 
students arc trained to consider 
conservation problems from a vari- 
ety of perspectives. 

So far, 19 students have enrolled 
in the program, which will gradu- 
ate its first class of conservation 

scientists in 1992. 

Dietz first became interested in 
conservation biology in 1983. As a 
post-doctoral student in Brazil 
studying the evolution of social 
organization of Golden Lion 
Tamarins — small monkeys that live 
in that country— Dietz made the 
unhappy discovery that there soon 
might not be enough tamarins left 
alive to study. At that time there 
were only about 450 tamarins 
remaining in the wild and only one 
protected preserve in Brazil. And 
those numbers were declining. 

"We found that the tamarins 
remaining in the wild were in 
small forest patches separated from 
their neighbors by cattle pastures 
they could never cross," Dietz 

The animals were threatened not 
only by the destruction of their 
natural habitat, but also by the in- 
breeding brought about by popula- 
tion separation. 

Dietz realized that the problem 
of preserving the tamarins and 
other endangered species would 
involve help from a variety of dis- 
ciplines, including economics, soci- 
otogy, public policy and education. 
This led Dietz to begin formulating 
his ideas on the need to train 
future conservation scientists in 
these and other specialties. 

Dietz also realized that College 
Park would be a critical factor in 
attaining his ambitious goals. 
"Universities such as ours play a 
critical role through the training of 
professionals in diverse fields rele- 
vant to development and conserva- 
tion," Dietz notes. "The same rigor 
applied to research efforts in other 
areas of science must also be 
invested in conservation. However, 
most scientists become specialists 
in a single subject and their aca- 
demic training lacks the multidis- 
ciplinary breadth necessary to 
enable them to understand and 
interact with specialists in other 
areas. Traditional academic training 
also fails to cultivate a problem-sol- 
ving team approach that is essen- 
tia] for working effectively on con- 
servation and development issues. 

Dietz' approach to bioconserva- 
tion is now receiving its second 
acid test in the steamy jungles of 
eastern Brazil. There, Dietz and his 
colleagues from the National Zoo 
are beginning efforts to forestall 
extinction of golden-headed lion 
tamarins, another species of mon- 
key found further south in Brazil. 

Dietz remains dedicated to help- 
ing find answers to the conserva- 
tion challenges of the present and 
to those of the future. In between 
his trips to Brazil to help save spe- 
cies facing the imminent threat of 
extinction, Dietz hopes that the 
future conservationists that will 
emerge from the College Park pro- 
gram will leave with the skills, 
attitudes, and knowledge necessary 
to help keep the list of species that 
have become extinct from growing 
too much longer. 

Gary M. Stephenson 

NOVEMBER 2 5, 1991 

Driskell Film to be Shown 

"Hidden Heritage: The Roots of Black American Tainting," a 55- 
minute film narrated by David Driskell, professor of art, will be 
shown at 5 p.m. on Dec. 2 in Room 2203 of the Art-Sociology 
Building. A reception will follow. Produced by the Arts Council of 
Great Britain, the film tells the story of African American art and 
its role in African American culture from the late 1700s through the 
1930s. The event is free and open to the public. For more 
information, contact Stephanie Poguo at 405-2105. 

The Stuff That Collier's Books and 
Poems are Made Of 

Beach towns, childhood memor- 
ies, deep sea dives. These are the 
things that Michael Collier's poems 
and books are made of. Collier, 
director of the English depart- 
ment's graduate Creative Writing 
Program, most recently had 
"Mission Boulevard," a poem about 
a Southern California beach town 
in the late 1960s, published in the 
November 1991 issue of The 

Several other projects are under- 
way or planned, including a third 
book of original poems. Still unti- 
tled, the book will reflect on 
Collier's childhood memories of 
people he grew up with in a 
Phoenix, Arizona neighborhood. 
Summer 1992 is the tentative com- 
pletion date. Collier's first book of 
poems, The Clasp and Other Poems, 
was published in 1986; his second 
book. The Folded Heart, was 
published in 1989. 

Also underway is a critical 
anthology of poets published in the 
Wesleyan University Press Poetry 
Series. Collier says the anthology, 
scheduled for completion in 
December 1992, will demonstrate 
the importance of these poets' 
influence on contemporary Ameri- 
can poetry of the last 30 years. 

Collier's most recent matcrial- 
making experience occurred in 
September, when he joined a group 
of about 15 scientists on a deep sea 
dive to the Juan dc Fuca Ridge, 250 
miles off the coast of Washington 
state. He was invited by John 
Delancy, a long-time acquaintance 
who is a geologist at the University 
of Washington and the expedition's 
chief scientist. 

Water plays a large part in 
Collier's life. He swims competi- 
tively with the university's Masters 
Swim Team and his sister was an 
Olympic diver. Collier also points 
to his mentor, Pulitzer- prize win- 
ning poet William Meredith, when 
explaining his interest in the water. 
One of Meredith's poems, titled 
'The Wreck of the Thresher," is 
about a submarine disaster and 
was influential on Collier as an 
undergraduate student. 

According to Collier, Delaney 
has been making dives to the Juan 
de Fuca Ridge since he located 
hydrothermal vents there in 1984. 
Collier says he was invited because 
Delaney believes the more perspec- 
tives he can get on the vents, the 
more he'll learn. Collier will pro- 
vide a fresh perspective, as well as 
Delaney's first non-scientific per- 
spective, in his planned book on 
the experience. 

Collier explains hydrothermal 
vents in a non-scientific manner: 
sea water circulates through cracks 
in the ocean floor and is heated by 
volcanic magma that lies beneath 
the earth's crust. This fluid then 
vents like hot springs along the 
mid-ocean ridges where the earth's 
plates meet. When released, the 
fluid can reach temperatures as 
high as 700° F, and contains metals 
and minerals that form into chim- 
neys, spires and flanges. "As the 
water comes out, it shimmers," says 
Collier. "Further up it hits colder 
sea water and changes to black 
smoke, which precipitates the 
metals and minerals that form 
these sparkling, colorful sulfide 

Surrounding sea water has a 
temperature of 36° F. In the area 
between the temperature gradient 
lives "a whole world of biology no 
one knew about 14 years ago," says. 
Collier. Approximately 180 species 
of animal life has been discovered 
in hydrothermal vent areas around 
the world since 1977, he says. 

"Being at the bottom of the sea 
is really like being on another 
planet," says Collier. The land- 
scape is so far outside human 
experience that we have no lan- 
guage for it. As a result, it feels 
devoid of human emotion, almost 
beyond understanding. But at the 
same time, it feels absolutely fresh, 
untouched and just discovered." 

Alvin, a 28-foot submarine 
whose seven-foot titanium sphere 
holds three people, is owned by (he 
Office of Naval Research, and was 
Collier's home for the dive. Alvin's 
mother ship is the Atlantis II, a 
Woods Hole Oceanographic Insti- 
tute vessel. 

Collier and the others, including 
biologists, chemists, seismologists, 
and geologists were on Atlantis II 
for three weeks, and took turns 
diving. A pilot and a chemist 
accompanied Collier during his 
seven-hour dive. Although Alvin 
allows only a six-inch port for each 
person to view the sights from, 
Collier says he could actually see 
quite a bit thanks to lights and 
video monitors. 

"I was completely absorbed," 
says Collier. "1 didn't want to go 
back up, except to talk about it." 

Beth Workman 

Miles Hoffman Takes Talents to Radio 

What does "allegro" mean? Why 
is "baroque" called "baroque"? For 
answers to these and other ques- 
tions about musical terms, tune in 
to WETA-FM for "Coming to 
Terms," featuring the Music 
Department's viola teacher, Miles 

On Tuesdays at 7:35 p.m., 
Hoffman helps music-loving non- 
musicians understand music termi- 
nology in a "friendly, non-stuffy" 
way. For more than two years his 
commentary has been part of 
National Public Radio's (NPR) Per- 
formance Today, a program hosted 
by Martin Goldsmith. Performance 
Today is broadcast on 1 30 stations 
nationwide, but only recently 
joined WETA's roster. WETA can 
be found at 90.9 FM on the radio 

Hoffman says that if letters are 
an indication of the "jargon bust- 
ing" program's popularity, then it's 
a success. , 

Also successful are the Ameri- 
can Chamber Players, a group of 
seven musicians headed by 
Hoffman. Since Hoffman, a former 
National Symphony member, 
organized the group in 1985, it has 

Miles Hoffman 

toured the country and received 
rave reviews along the way. 

"They have established stan- 
dards of chamber music perfor- 
mance equal to any in the world," 
said the Washington Post. The Wash- 
ington Post also called the group 

"An extraordinarily talented group 
who play beautifully together...," 
and the New York Times said, "...The 
American Chamber Players in fact 
do excellent work." 

The American Chamber Players 
were formed from a core group of 
musicians involved in the Library 
of Congress Summer Chamber 
Festival, an event founded by 
Hoffman in 1982. The group has 
recently released its fourth compact 
disc (CD) on the Koch International 
Classics label. More CDs are 

Hoffman's viola playing is 
world-elass, yet he is most proud 
of pieces he has commissioned 
from composers. "I think the great- 
est achievement for a performer is 
to somehow help contribute to the 
composition of music that will 
last," says the music professor. 

In the near future, Hoffman's 
talent can be enjoyed during a 
Special Faculty Recital on Dec. 8, 
Featured with Hoffman will be 
Robert McCoy, pianist. The recital 
will be held at 7:30 p.m. in Tawes 
Recital Hall, and is free and open 
to the public. 

NOVEMBER 2 5, 1991 

T L O O K 


Robert D. Hudson 

Christmas Concerts to Feature Old Favorites 

On Saturday, Dec. 7 at 8 p.m. and Sunday, Doc. 8 at 4 p.m., the 
University of Maryland Chorus conducted by Paul Travcr will 
present its annual Christmas Concerts in the Memorial Chapel. The 
program includes Christmas music for chorus and brass featuring 
works from the 17th and 19th centuries. The audience will be 
invited to join the chorus in singing carol favorites. Tickets are $8 
standard admission; $5 seniors, students, faculty and staff (with 
I.D.); and $3 children. Call 405-5568 for info. 

College Park "Pathfinders" Advise 

Three College Park researchers, 
Owen E. Thompson, John R. 
Townshend and Robert D. Hudson, 
are "pathfinders" by the best defini- 
tion of the term. Two of these 
scientists, Thompson and 
Townshend, are pathfinders 
according to the definition of 
NASA and NOAA: they arc mem- 
bers of an initiative to define the 
correct procedures for re-analyzing 
12 years of archived environmental 
satellite data to assess evidence of 
climate and global change. Hudson 
is at work on another project: mon- 
itoring global ozone using the 
Upper Atmosphere Research Satel- 
lite (UARS) recently launched by a 
space shuttle. 

According to Thompson, profes- 
sor of meteorology, three interna- 
tional Pathfinder Scientific Working 
Groups have been appointed by 
NASA and NOAA to advise these 
agencies of the best scientific and 
technical procedures to use for 
interpreting evidence of climate 
and global change from each of 
three environmental satellite tech- 
nologies. Thompson chairs one of 
these groups, Townshend, profes- 
sor and chair of the Department of 
Geography, chairs another. 

Thompson's group is looking at 
ways to analyze 12 years of data 
from the TIROS Operational Verti- 
cal Sounder, an observational 

instrument that measures infrared 
and microwave spectral radiance 
upwelling from the Earth-atmo- 
sphere system. The spectral wave- 
lengths of the radiation observed 
are sensitive to absorption and 
emission of radiation by atmo- 
spheric carbon dioxide, water 
vapor, ozone and the liquid water 
content of clouds. 

"From such data, one may deter- 
mine such things as the vertical 
profile of temperature and mois- 
ture around the globe which are 
variables of primary importance to 
circulations and energy transports 
in the atmosphere," Thompson 
says. "The unraveling of the radi- 
ance observations into information 
on temperature and moisture is a 
mathematically ill-posed inverse 
integral problem." 

Thompson says this is the math- 
ematician's way of saying that the 
solution to the satellite sounding 
problem is not unique, and two or 
more very different solutions, relat- 
ing to atmospheric temperature 
and moisture structure may be cal- 
culated which agree with the 
observed upwelling radiation data. 
Therefore, it was necessary for 
NASA and NOAA to create an 
advisory committee to determine 
the best ways in which to interpret 
the data. 

Townshend is chairing the 

NASA/NOAA committee that is 
looking for optimum ways to eval- 
uate data from the Advanced Very 
High Resolution Radiometer. The 
AVHRR is a radiometric instru- 
ment that is capable of scanning a 
field of view of the Earth's surface 
in each of several spectral radia- 
tional wavelength intervals (visible 
and infrared) with high horizontal 

The objective of the radiometer 
is to determine land and sea sur- 
face temperature; characteristics of 
the Earth's surface, ice pack, land- 
use characteristics; and changes in 
surface characteristics owing to 
human actions such as deforesta- 
tion, urbanization, and changes in 
agricultural practices. The AVHRR 
also provides data on surface 
changes due to droughts, floods, 
beach erosion and other factors. 

Hudson, chair of the Depart- 
ment of Meteorology, is an interna- 
tional leader or "pathfinder" in 
techniques to observe atmospheric 
ozone and other trace gases high in 
the atmosphere using satellite tech- 
nology. The Upper Atmosphere 
Research Satellite launched by a 
space shuttle in September carries 
an instrument called the Total 
Ozone Mapping Spectrometer, 
which Hudson helped design dur- 
ing prior positions at NASA. 

Nature's Poisons Studied by College 
Park Researchers 

While the personal and environ- 
mental threats of industrial toxins 
have captured the attention of the 
media and the public, less attention 
has focused on natural toxins. This 
could be a potentially dangerous 
oversight, say College Park 
researchers, because it seems 
Mother Nature is pretty adept at 
concocting her own poisons. 

Ironically, the same fungi that 
can produce life-saving antibiotics 
such as penicillin also can spawn 
deadly toxins. These poisons, called 
my co toxins, can be produced by 
most fungi, especially molds, and 
are not only poisonous, but some 
may cause cancer. 

"A number of mycotoxins have 
been identified, but the most notor- 
ious are "anatoxins," which occur 
naturally in a number of products, 
including peanut butter," explains 
George Bean, associate dean of the 
College of Agriculture and pro- 
fessor of botany. "Scientists are 
especially concerned about the 
presence of a fla toxins in food and 
animal feeds because they are a 
highly carcinogenic compound." 

To understand mycotoxins and 
aflatoxins better, Bean has spent 
the past 20 years studying these 
dangerous toxins, trying to under- 
stand why they are produced, what 
conditions enhance their produc- 
tion, and how best to prevent them 

from contaminating human and 
animal foods and feeds. 

In one recent study, Bean exam- 
ined the effects of cooking methods 
on the presence of aflatoxins in rice 
from Sri Lanka. He found that the 
commercial method of preparing 
rice, which involves presoaking the 
rice with the husk intact prior to 
cooking and milling, results in fer- 
mentation which provides ideal 
conditions for the production of 
aflatoxins. The traditional "cottage" 
methods of preparing rice, how- 
ever, appears to reduce a fla toxin 
growth because no steeping is 

The problem of natural toxins 
contaminating foods is not con- 
fined to developing Asiatic coun- 
tries like Sri Lanka. 

At a recent international sym- 
posium on mycotoxins in Mexico 
City, Bean presented data suggest- 
ing that mycotoxins in corn pose a 
potentially serious health problem 
in many Latin American countries, 
"Mycotoxicologists now recognize 
that mycotoxin occurrences are not 
rare, but can occur wherever the 
organisms producing these toxins 
are able to grow," Bean pointed 
out. He noted also that mycotoxins 
have been reported in wheat, soy- 
beans and com in Canada and the 
United States. 

This increasing concern over 
mycotoxins resulted in Bean's 
being asked to hold a symposium 
on campus last March for plant 
and animal biologists from around 
the mid-Atlantic region to hear 
Bean and three other College Park 
experts discuss the natural occur- 
rence of toxins that are often con- 
sumed by humans and animals. 
Entitled Natural Poisons in our Food 
and Feed Stuffs, an Evening of Myco- 
toxicobgy, the symposium featured 
presentations by Bean, who spoke 
on the involvement of mycotoxins 
in the pathogenicity of microorgan- 
isms, as well as presentations by 
Mary Matossian from the Depart- 
ment of History; Bruce jarvis from 
the Department of Chemistry and 
Biochemistry; and Scott Angle, 
from the Agronomy Department. 

At the meeting, Bean noted that 
his research suggests that the mold 
fungi that produce mycotoxins may 
use these same chemicals to help 
attack plant tissue, Matossian 
reported that outbreaks of myco- 
toxins in colonial New England 
had an influence on demographic 
characteristics of that area. Jarvis 
talked about the origin of natural 
toxins in Brazilian plants, and 
Angle discussed what happens in 
the environment of mycotoxins. 

Gary M. Stephenson 


NOVEMBER 2 5, 1991 

Miss Black Unity Pageant Set 

Nyumburu Cultural Center will present its 14th annual Miss 
Black Unity Pageant with the theme "14 K Gold," Sat., Dec. 7 at 
7:30 p.m. in Tawes Theatre. Admission is $6 in advance and $8 at 
the door. Tickets can be purchased in Room 3125, South Campus 
Dining Hall. For more information, call 314-7758. 

When the Weather Outside 
Is Frightful 

Armed with hundreds of 
thousands of dollars worth of 
equipment and tons of sand, salt 
and de-icer, physical plant crews 
are ready to launch an aggressive 
counter-attack when Old Man 
Winter strikes. 

Included in the arsenal are 
plows, loaders, tractors, snow 
blowers, power brooms and 
shovels and several hundred well- 
trained campus employees who 
will operate them. 

But, with 160 acres of parking 
lots, 1 1 miles of roads, 23 miles of 
sidewalks and thousands of exter- 
ior steps, the worst weather has the 
potential to challenge and some- 
times overwhelm the campus' 
snow removal capabilities. 

When this happens, the Vice 
President for Academic Affairs will 
determine whether the campus is 
open. His decision reflects a variety 
of considerations including the ob- 
served condition of the campus, 
information about roads leading to 
it, decisions made by local schools 
and governments, and the weather 

Three narrative messages are 

■ The campus is open. 

■ The campus is closed. 

• The campus is open at (time). 

During each day of a weather 
emergency, the status of the cam- 
pus is communicated to area radio 
and television stations prior to 6 
a.m. by the Office of Public Infor- 
mation to allow these stations to 

put the information on their 6 a.m. 
news programs. All employees and 
students should listen for these 

When the campus is open, it is 
open for everyone. When the cam- 
pus is closed, it is closed for all em- 
ployees and students except those 
employees designated as "essen- 
tial." Unless they have been desig- 
nated by their departments as 
"essential personnel," employees 
are urged not to come to campus. 

If the campus is closed, it is like- 
ly that its roads and sidewalks are 
unsafe or impassable. Automobile 
traffic hinders snow removal effici- 
ency and effectiveness. 

During a snowfall, snow re- 
moval priorities are as follows: 

1. Keep all major campus roads 

2. Assure access to emergency 
service agencies such as the Health 
Center, Firehouse and Campus Po- 

3. Assure access to and from res- 
idence halls, dining halls, graduate 
apartments and Greek houses 
when students are in residence. 

4. Provide access to specified 24- 
hour-a-day facilities including the 
Computer Science Center, the Aca- 
demic Computing Center and ani- 
mal research facilities. 

5. Open campus parking lots 
starting with lots 1, 11a, VI, Kl and 

6. Open main campus sidewalks. 

7. Open feeder sidewalks and 
shovel exterior steps. 

After a heavy snowfall, when 
the campus is open, returning 
employees can expect to confront 
two problems — fewer available 
spaces in parking lots and icy con- 
ditions. Hauling away snow 
plowed from 15,000 parking spaces 
would be very costly and far 
beyond the university's budget for 
snow removal. Therefore the snow 
has to be mounded up in some 
parking spaces and left to melt 
(and possibly refreeze nightly). 
These icy spots will be sanded 
daily but they could remain quite 
slippery because the sand is quick- 
ly removed by car and pedestrian 

Physical Plant offers the follow- 
ing wintertime tips. 

If you notice some icy patches 
that have not be sanded or salted, 
call Work Control (x52222) or 
Grounds Division (x53320) and a 
crew will be dispatched as soon as 

The first three or four days after 
a snowfall are typically the most 
treacherous. As your confidence 
begins to return, you are not as 
alert to those icy patches underfoot. 
The patch you fall on today might 
not have been there yesterday. It 
could have formed overnight from 
melting snow. Don't take shortcuts 
in icy weather. Stick to the main 
open roads and sidewalks. 

Tom Oiwell 

Dec. 10 Conference to Discuss Science Education Grants 

continued frtHH page I 

get kids interested in science at an 
early age and encourage them in 
the various scientific fields 
throughout their school years, 
including graduate and post-gradu- 
ate education. The increased fund- 
ing from NSF for these activities 
should help catapult American stu- 
dents into the scientific and techno- 
logical world of the 21st Century." 

Geronimo emphasizes that the 
conference is free and open to any- 
one in the university community 
who is seeking funding for science 
education, including areas of social 
science and public policy. Funds 
arc available now, and Geronimo 
recommends that people attend the 
conference and begin preparing 
proposals as soon as possible. 

"NSF officials will answer the 
questions of attendees on an indivi- 
dual basis and will provide infor- 
mation on grant proposal writing 
and submission," she says. 

Jacob K. Goldhabcr, acting dean 
of Graduate Studies and Research, 
adds: "The generally perceived 

bifurcation between research and 
teaching is false: they go hand in 
hand. As a research university, we 
have an obligation not only to excel 
in the production of knowledge, 
but also to excel in its transmission. 
The NSF received a substantial 
increment for the support of sci- 
ence education programs. I hope 
faculty on this campus will take 
full advantage of the opportunities 

The conference is the second in 
a scries on grants development 
sponsored by ORA&A-Grants 
Development Unit of the Office of 
Graduate Studies and Research. 
Registration is on a first come first 
served basis. For further informa- 
tion about the conference agenda 
and for a registration form, call 
Geronimo at 405-4178. 

Fariss Samarrai 

NOVEMBER 2 5, 1991 



Improvisation Workshop Invites Participants to "Try It" 

Improvisations Unlimited, the critically-acclaimed dance 
ensemble in residence at the university, will host a 'Try It!" work- 
shop on Thursday, Dec. 5 at 7:30 p.m. in the Dorothy Madden 
Studio/Theater. The workshop is designed to provide participants 
an opportunity to work with company members in improvisational 
movement exercises and explorations. No experience is necessary. 
Admission is $2, and participants arc asked to wear comfortable, 
loose-fitting clothing. For information and to register, call 405-3190. 



Attention: December 2 
Academic Panning Advisory 

Committee (APAC} Open Hear- 
ing lor the Department ot 
Hearing and Speech Sciences, 
concerning possible downsizing 

or elimination of the department. 
noon-2 p.m.. 2102 Shoemaker. 
Call 56820 for into. 


Art Gallery Exhibition: "Dreams, 
Lies, and Exaggerations: Photo- 
montage in America,' featuring 
1 22 works of art. including maga- 
zine lay-outs, book jackets, bro- 
chures, as well as fine art photo- 
graphy, Oct. 21 -Dec. 20. Trie An 
Gallery Call 5-2753 for info 

Systems Research Center Col- 
loquium: "Bifurcations in the 
Double Spherical Pendulum." 
Jerrold E. Marsden. U. of Cali- 
fornia at Berkeley, 10-11 a.m., 
1100 fTV Bldg. Call 5-6634 far 

Horticulture Seminar: 'Winter 
Protection of Container-Grown 
Nursery Crops." Joan Feely. Hor- 
ticulture. 4 p.m., 0128B Holzap- 
fel. Call 5-4336 for info. 

Entomology Colloquium: 
'Ixodes dammini and Lime Dis- 
ease in Maryland.' Felix 

Amerasinghe. Entomology, 4 
p.m., 0200 Symoos Hall, Call 5- 
3911 for into. 

Space Science Seminar: "Solar 
Wind Compositor: First Results 
from Ulysses." Toni Galvin, 4:30 
p.m.. 1113 Computer and Space 
Sciences. Call 5-6226 for info. 


Ecology. Evolution and Behav- 
ior Colloquium: 'Ho Sex. No 
Lies. But Good Slides.* Isabel 
B'aga. Zoology, noon. 1208 
Zoo/Psych. Call 5-6949 far info. 

Physics Colloquium: "Learning 
Patterns in Complex Data," 
Norman Packard. U. of Illinois. 4 
p.m.: tea, 3:30 p.m., 1410 Phys- 
ics. Call 5-5953 for info. 

Horticulture Seminar: "Morpho- 
logical and Physiological 
Responses of Bottomland and 
Hi pari an Tree Species to Water 
Stress." Lenore J. Nash, Horticul- 
ture, 4 p.m.. 0128B Holzapfel. 
Call 5-4336 tor info. 

Dingman Center tor Entrepre- 
neurship Seminar: The New 

Rules in Entrepreneurial Finance: 
Frrtancial Survival and Growth in 
a Recession." 6-9 p.m.. Pooks 
Hill Marriott. Bethesda. Call 5- 
2151 for info.' 

Men's Basketball vs. Maryland- 
Eastern Shore, 8 p.m.. Cole 
Field House. Call 4-7070 tor 


End of Day: Campus closes 
lor Thanksgiving break. 


Happy Thanksgiving 


Concert Society at Maryland: 
Thanksgiving Art- Song Celebra- 
tion," Judith Nelson, soprano: 
Elaine Thornburgh, forte piano 
and Randall Wong, soprano, 8 
p.m.; free seminar, 6:30 p.m., 
Center ol Adult Education, $17 
standard admission, $15.30 facul- 
ty and staff, $14.50 seniors and 
$5 students. Call 80-4240 for info 
and reservations.* 

Men's Basketball vs. American 
University. 1 p.m.. Cole Field 
House. Call 4-7070 for info." 


Academic Planning Advisory 
Committee (APAC) Open Hear- 
ing tor the Department of 
Hearing and Speech Sciences, 
concerning possible downsizing 
or elimination of the department, 
noon-2 p.m., 2102 Shoemaker. 
Call 5-682C for info. 

Horticulture Seminar: 'Morpho- 
logical and Physiological 
Responses of Bottomland and 
Riparian Tree Species to Water 
Stress." Lenore J, Nash, gradu- 
ate research assistant, Hort cul- 
ture, 4 p.m.. 0128B Holzapfel. 
Call 5-4336 'or mlo. 

Entomology Colloquium: 'Inte- 
grated Pest management in 
Crystal City Office Parks with 
Emphasis on Douglas Fir and 
Spruce Problems, Tina 
Maclntyre, Entomology, 4 p.m., 
0200 Symons Hall. Call 5-391 1 
for into. 


Ecology, Evolution and Behav- 
ior Colloquium: 'Sex. Flies and 
Videotapes: Prezygotic Sexual 

Selection in Stalk-eyed Flies," 
Pat Loreh, Zoology, noon. 1208 
Zoo/Psych. Call 5-6942 for info. 

Physics Colloquium: 'Knot 

Theory and Statistical Mechan- 
ics," Lewis H. Kauffman. Mathe- 
matics. U. of Illinois. 4 p.m.: tea, 
3:30 p.m., 1410 Physics. Call 5- 
5953 for info. 

Center tor Construction Engi- 
neering and Management Lec- 
ture: "Organized Labor in Con- 
struction m the 1990s: Challeng- 
es and Opportunities." Edward J. 
Carlough, president, Sheel Metal 
Workers' International Associa- 
tion, 6-7 p.m., Judith Resnick 
Lecture Hall, Engineering Bldg. 
Call 5-1940 tor info. 

Twentieth Century Concerts: 
Thomas Moore, pianist, B p.m., 
Tawes Recital Kail. Call 5-5548 
for into. 


Counseling Center Research 
and Development Meeting: 

'Update on Eating Disorders," 
Brenda Sigall, Counseling Center, 
noon-1 p.m., 0106-0114 Shoe- 
maker. Call 4-7691 tor info. 

Molecular and Cell Biology 
Seminar: "Biochemistry of 
Genetic Recombination in Sac- 
charomyces cerevisiae." Richard 
Kolodner, Dana- Faroe r Cancer 
Institute, Boston, MA, 12:05 p.m., 
1208 ZoofPsych. Call 5-6991 for 

Jazz Piano/Vocal Workshop 
Performance 7:30 p.m.. Tawes 
Recital Hall. Call 5-5548 for info. 

United Campus Ministry Inter- 
denominational Advent Service, 

7:30 p.m.. Memorial Chapel. Call 
5-8450 for info. 


Meteorology Seminar: "Climate 
and Dynamical Implications of 
the Antarctic Ozone Hole," J. 
Mahlman, Geophysical Fluid 
Dynamics Lab. Princeton, NJ, 
3:30 p.m., 21 14 Computer and 
Space Sciences: refreshments, 3 
p.m. Call 5-5392 for into. 

Systems Research Center Col- 
loquium: 'In tensity- Based 
Modeling of Discrete Event 
Dynamic Systems," J. George 
Shanthikumar, U of California at' 

Berkeley, 3-4 p.m.. reception to 
follow, 1100 fTV Bldg. Call 5- 
6634 tor info. 

Improvisation 'Try ft" Work- 
shop, Improvisations Unlimited. 
Dorothy Madden Studio/Theater 
Call 5-3190 tor info. 


Neuroscience Colloquium: 
"Sensorineural Deafness and Self 
Repair in Hair Cell Epithelia," 
Jeffrey Corwin. U. of Virginia, 
noon-1 p.m., 1208 Zoo/Psych. 
Call 5-7228 tor info. 

Menial Health Service Lunch 'n 
Learn Seminar: 'Non- Events: 
Nothing Happened but Everything 
Changed." Nancy Schlossberg. 
Counseling and Personnel Ser- 
vices, 1-2 p.m., 3100E Health 
Center, Call 4-8106 for info. 

First National Bank of Mary- 
land Research Colloquium in 
Finance: "Industry Level Pres- 
sures to Restructuring." Margaret 
Blair, Brookings Institute, 1 -2:30 
p.m.. 2102 Tydings. Call 5-2256 
for info. 

Mai hematics Colloquium: 'What 
is a Mathematician Like You 
Doing in a Place Like That?," 
Leon Seitelman, United Technol- 
ogies. Pratt and Whitney Aircraft, 
3 p.m., 3206 Math Building. Call 
5-5062 for into. 


Men's Basketball vs. West Vir- 
ginia, 1 p.m., Cole Field House. 
Call 4-7070 for info.' 

Faculty Club Holiday Dinner, 
(to precede Maryland Chorus 
Christmas Concert) including 
cash bar with hors d'oeuvres and 
egg nog, seated dinner $19.50. 
6-7:30 p.m., Rossborough Inn. 
Call 4-8015 far info.' 

Nyumburu Cultural Center Miss 
Black Unity Pageant: "14 Karat 
Gold." 7:30 p.m.. Tawes Theatre. 
Tickets are $6 in advance: $8 at 
the door, and may be purchased 
at 3125 South Campus Dining 
Hall. Call 4-7756 for into.' 

Maryland Chorus Christmas 
Concert, Paul Traver, director. 8 
p.m.. Memonal Chapel. Call 5- 
5571 for info.' 


Maryland Chorus Christmas 
Concert, Paul Traver, director. 4 
p.m., Memorial Chapel. Call 5- 
5571 tor info.* 

Special Faculty Recital, Miles 
Hoffman, viola; Robert McCoy, 
piano, 7:30 p.m., Tawes Recital 
Hall. Call 5-5548 for info. 


Horticulture Seminar: The 
Challenge ol Developing a Land- 
scape Contracting Program." 
Cameron Man, Mississippi State 
U., 4 p.m., Q128B Holzapfel. Call 
5-4336 tor info. 

Computer Science at College 
Park Colloquium: 'Fine-Grain 
vs. Coarse- Gram Parallel Com- 
puting" H.T. Kung. Carnegie- 
Mellon U., 4 p.m., 0111 Class- 
room Bldg. Call 5-2737 for info. 

Maryland Bends Showcase; 
Symphonic Wnd Ensemble, 
Jazz, Concert and Marching 
Bands: John Wakefield, George 
Ross and Richmond Sparks, con- 
ductors. 8 p.m., Tawes Theatre. 
Call 5-5543 for info.* 

Judith Nelson, accomplished singer of Baroque music and 
acclaimed harpsichordist and fortepianist Elaine Thorn- 
burg will accompany Randall Wong, the world's only accom- 
plished male soprano, for an evening of 'Thanksgiving 
Art-Song Celebration," presented by the Concert Society 
at Maryland on Nov. 30 at 8 p.m. See listing tor details. 


Ecology, Evolution and Behav- 
ior Colloquium: "Evolution of 
Lekking in Manakms," Mercedes 
Foster, Smithsonian Institution. 
noon, 1203 Zoo/Psych. Call 5- 
6942 for info. 

Genie r for International Devel- 
opment and Conflict Manage- 
ment "Brown-Bag" Seminar: 
'Ethnicity, Development and 
Human Rights in Guatemala," 
Nancie Gonzalez. 12:30 p.m. 
(bring lunch), second floor, Mill 
Bldg. Call 4-7703 for into. 

Center for Teaching Excellence 
"Conversations About Teach- 
ing": "Student Concerns and 
Perspectives,' 12:30-2 p.m.. 
Maryland Room, Marie Mount. 
Call 5-3154 tor info. 

Music Department Student 
Honors Recital. 12:30 p.m., 
Tawes Recital Hail. Call 5-5548 
for info. 

University Chorale Christmas 
Concert, Roger Folstrom. direc- 
tor, 8 p.m.. Memorial Chapel. 
Call 5-5548 for info. 

General Physics Colloquium; 

'Advances in He I ©seismology," 
Ken Libbrecht, Astrophysics, Cali- 
fornia Institute of Technology. 4 
p.m.: tea, 3:30 p.m., 1410 Phys- 
ics. Call 5-5953 for info. 

' Admission charged for this 
event. All others are free. 


Outlook will not be published 
Dec. 2. The next issue (and 
the last ol the fall semester) 
will be out Dec. 9. 

Prtnled on 
Recycled Paper 


NOVEMBER 2 5, 1991