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DECEMBER 9, 1991 

Architect Ralph Bennett to Address 
December Graduates 

An award- winning architect and 
College Park professor, Ralph D. 
Bennett, Jr., will deliver the com- 
mencement address on Friday, Dec. 
20 during the campuswide convo- 
cation in Tawes Theatre. The cere- 
mony begins at 9:30 a.m. 

Joining Bennett in addressing 
the approximately 3,000 graduates 
will be Anna Kathryn Gilcher, the 
student speaker who will speak on 
behalf of the graduating class. 

Gilcher, of Silver Spring, Md., 
will receive her bachelor's degree 
in French and plans to pursue a 
Ph.D. in French literature. Event- 
ually, she hopes to teach. First, 
however, the multi -linguist will 
spend the first half of 1992 in Ber- 
lin, a city she calls "the intellectual 
capital of Germany." Fluent in Ger- 
man as well as French, Gilcher, 
who received university depart- 
ment honors in French and general 
honors in German, is the recipient 
of the College of Arts and Humani- 
ties' Dean's Senior Scholar Award. 

Honors also were presented to 
Gilcher for her musical talent. An 
accomplished flutist, she won the 
music department's Homer T, 
Ulrich Award in spring 1990, 
Gilcher, who considers flute to be 
"an important part" of her life, was 
a member of the university's Sym- 
phonic Wind Ensemble for two 
years. She currently is studying 
with the assistant principal of the 

News Alert: 

Watch for a special issue of 
Outlook, with a report from Provost 
). Robert Dorfman on the impact of 
budget cuts on campus priorities. 
Also included will be a major 
overview of the APAC process for 
program mergers and 
consolidations. This special edition 
will be published later this week. 

This is the last regular issue of 
Outlook for the semester. Our 
normal, once-a-week publication 
schedule will resume at the 
beginning of next 
semester. In the 
meantime, the 
Outlook staff wishes 
you a happy 
holiday season 
and a joyful 
New Year. 

National Symphony. 

While Gilcher spent three-and-a- 
half years at the university, Bennett 
has already spent 14 productive 
years here, and his personal and 
professional influence can be felt at 
the university as well as across the 

Since conning to College Park in 
1977, the architect professor has 
served on a number of important 
task forces and committees. He 
chaired the Campus Senate in 1985- 
1986 and the Task Force to Plan the 
Future of the Adele Stamp Student 
Union in 1987-1988, and co-chaired 
the 1991 Governance Task Forces. 
He also has served as a member of 
the Academic Planning Advisory 
Committee, the Appointments, Pro- 
motion and Tenure Committee, and 

the Campus Priorities Committee. 
From 1982-1983 he was acting dean 
of the School of Architecture. 

Off campus, Bennett's expertise 
is channeled through Bennett Frank 
McCarthy Architects, Inc., based in 
Silver Spring. The firm currently is 
working on Raphael House, a 30- 
room group home for the elderly. 
Bennett also is advising the Mont- 
gomery County Executive on 
affordable housing as chair of the 
Department of Housing and Com- 
munity Development's Productivity 
Housing Advisory Committee. 

Bennett also is an accomplished 
columnist and writes a monthly 
column on the built environment 
for Warfield's, the Baltimore busi- 
ness magazine. 

Eugenie Clark to Lecture on 
Sea Monsters Dec. 14 

World renowned zoologist 
Eugenie Clark will inaugurate her 
open lecture series on marine bio- 
logy with a free lecture, "Magnifi- 
cent Sea Monsters of the Undersea 
Desert," to be held Saturday, Dec. 
14 at noon in the main auditorium 
of the Center for Adult Education, 
University College. 

Clark, known throughout the 
world as "The Shark Lady" for her 
path-breaking research on these 
often misunderstood fish, will also 
sign copies of her latest book. The 
Desert Beneath the Sea, at a brief 
reception following the lecture. 
Published by Scholastic Books, 
Desert Beneath the Sea is Clark's first 
book for children. Her two other 
books are Lady with a Spear (1953) 
and The Lady and the Sharks (1969), 

"Dr. Clark's willingness to estab- 
lish a lecture scries open to alumni 
and friends and family of campus 
faculty and staff is just another out- 
standing example of her commit- 
ment to College Park," says Arthur 
Popper, professor and chair of the 
Department of Zoology. 'Through 
this lecture series and her new 
book, a new generation of enthusi- 

astic young people will be exposed 
to Dr. Clark's work with sharks 
and the wonders of marine bio- 

Clark, who has been diving for 
more than 30 years, has discovered 
1 1 new species of fish, and four 
others have been named in her 
honor. A prolific writer, she has 
contributed more than 100 articles 
to scientific journals and popular 
magazines, including National Geo- 
graphic. Of her more than 20 tele- 
vision specials. The Sharks," a 1982 
National Geographic Special, holds 
PBS's highest-ever Nielson rating. 
Her latest documentary, filmed on 
location on the Red Sea, recently 
aired on the Discovery Channel. 

This month, the Department of 
Zoology announced that it would 
establish The Eugenie Clark Scholar 
ship to honor Clark and her 
research. The scholarship will allow 
students to advance their careers in 
zoology through direct research 
with College Park faculty. 

Call 405-7736 to reserve seats for 
the Dec. 14 lecture. 

Ralph Bennett, left, and 
Anna Kathryn Gilcher 

The schedule 
of Individual 
ceremonies Is 
on page 2. 


O F 


A T 



Call For Nominations 

The University of Maryland at College Park periodically 
awards honorary degrees to persons who have made outstanding 
contributions in academically related fields or in some other way 
significantly enriched society. Through these awfards the university 
seeks to recognize outstanding achievement and to make known its 
standards of excellence to the larger community. The Honorary 
Degree Selection committee invites nominations for persons to be 
awarded an honorary degree from the University of Maryland at 
College Park. Nominations and (where possible) supporting 
materials should be sent to: J.H. Lesher, chair, 1120 F.S. Key Hall. 

Doctoral Program in Higher Education 
Produces Future Educational Leaders 

The graduate studies program in 
the Department of Higher Educa- 
tion Administration and Policy in 
the College of Education is an 
investment in the future of higher 

"The program gave me an intro- 
duction to the higher (?ducation 
association world — where 1 now 
make my living," says Louis Albert, 
vice president of the American 
Association for Higher Education 
and a program graduate. 

"I spent 12 years in the Mary- 
land Community College System 
and never visited 1 Dupont Circle," 
adds Albert, a former dean at Essex 
Community College. "Through the 
program, I was exposed to some 
very valuable insights about the 
role of national associations." 

The doctoral program provides 
knowledge, skills, and practical 
experience relevant to leadership in 
p»ost-seeondary education, says 
Frank Schmidtlein, an associate 
professor in the Department of 
Education Administration and Pol- 
icy and the program's coordinator. 

"Graduates are prepared to 
assume significant positions in col- 
leges and universities, national and 
regional associations, state agencies 
and commissions, as well as in 
executive and legislative branches 
of both state and federal govern- 
ment," says Schmidtlein. 

"We have administrators with 
management training in higher 
education who are not acquainted 
with academic values and perspec- 
tives and administrators with aca- 
demic experience but little manage- 
ment training," says Schmidtlein. 
"Our program seeks to bridge this 

The program brings together 
doctoral students and faculty mem- 

bers who share an interest in the 
study of higher educahon and who 
are dedicated to the improvement 
of colleges and universities as 
agencies of human understanding, 
individual growth, community ser- 
vice, and social justice, adds 

The program, one of the largest 
in the nation with approximately 
1 00 doctoral students, requires stu- 
dents to take courses on higher 
education and in cognate areas 
such as business, public affairs, and 
the social sciences. 

"Students work closely with a 
large and nationally- recognized 
complement of full-time faculty 
who are experienced both as schol- 
ars and as senior practitioners," 
says Schmidtlein. 'The diversity 

and abilities of the program's stu- 
dents ensures an intellectually 
vibrant and socially supportive 
learning environment." 

Besides Albert, program gradu- 
ates include Marilyn Berman, an 
associate dean in the College of 
Education; Jane Lawrence, acting 
director of the university's Honors 
Program; and Julie Porosky, vice 
president of State Programs at Uni- 
versity College. 

Besides Schmidtlein, full-time 
faculty includes Robert Berdahl, 
Robert Bimbaum, Richard Chait, 
and Monique Clague. Part-time fac- 
ulty includes Barbara Finkelstein 
and Steven Selden, 

Lisa Gregory 

Schedule of Individual 
Commencement Ceremonies 

Thursday, December 19 

• Human Ecology, 7:30 p.m.. 
Memorial Chapel; 

Friday, December 20 

• Agriculture and Life Sciences, 
2:00 p.m.. Memorial Chapel; 

• Architecture, 11:30 a.m., Room 
nn. Architecture Building; 

• Arts and Humanities, 1:00 p.m., 
Tawes Theatre; 

• Behavioral and Social Sciences, 
2:00 p.m.. Cole Student Activities 

• Business and Management, 1 1 :30 
a.m.. Cole Student Activities 

• Computer, Mathematical and 
Physical Sciences, 11:30 a.m.. 
Memorial Chapel; 

• Education, 11:30 a.m., Reckord 

• Engineering, 2:00 p.m., Reckord 

• General and Individual Studies, 
11:30 a.m.. Colony Ballroom, Stamp 
Student Union; 

• Health and Human Performance, 
11:30 a.m.. Room 2101, Health and 

• Human Performance Building; 
Journalism, 11:30 a.m., Hoff 
Theatre, Stamp Student Union 

• Library and Information Services, 
11:30 a.m.. Room 1240, Zoology- 
Psychology Building, 

Kissinger Comments on Vietnam Lessons 

ftN 1 ■ 

rtCKV fciruf 


Outlook IS the weekly facuity-statl newspaper seruing 
the College Park campus community 

Former National Security Advisor and Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger recently joined 
honors instructor Phil Straw and the students of Honors 318 (Annerica in Vtetrtam) in a thouc|ht-pro- 
voking exchar>ge of views on issues relating to Anwrican foreign policy in Southeast Asia during the 
Vietnam War. Kiseinger accepted Straw's invitation to join the class. "His interest in the students was 
Intense and obvious," Straw says, "and his absolute dedication to theJr desire to learn about Vietnam 
from the perspective of a policy architect and global negotiator made the session an educational 
experience of immense and lasting vafue." .» 

Kathryn Costello 

Ro2 Hiebcft 

tJnda Free man 
Lisa Gregorjf 
Tom Otwetl 
Gary Stephenson 
Fariss Samarrai 
Beth Workman 
Jennifer Bacon 

Judith Bair 
John Consolt 
Stephen Uarrou 
Chris Paul 
Al Oanegger 
Linda Marttn 
Keratin Neteler 

Vice PfcsrdenI for 

fnshtutioriat Ativancemeni 

Director o1 Public Inlorfrwlion fi 


Production Editor 

Staff Writer 

SI, iff Writer 

Staft Writer 

SI a ft Writer 

St.ili WritOf 

C.ilcndflr Editor 

Art Director 
foriii.n Desigtier 
Layout & lllu!.lratioii 

layout ^ lllostration 
production Intern 

Letters to Itie edilor. story suggestions, campus infof 
matipn & calendar items are welcome Picasc submit alt 
material at lessi ittree weeks tielore the Monday o( 
i)ut)lication Send it to Roz Hieben, Editor Outlooli, 2101 
Turner Building, through campus mail OF to University of 
Maryland. Colleee Pari;, MO 2074; Our telephone 
number is (301] 405 4631 Electronic mart address is 
outlook; fu ores umd Pdu Fan number is (301) 314 93^'! 



DECEMBER 9, 1991 

Third Maryland Conference to be Held January 10 

"Empowering African- American Families in Therapy" is the 
topic of the Third Maryland Conference to be held from 8:30 a.m. 
to 1:30 p.m. on January 10 in the Maryland Room of Marie Mount 
Hall. The conference is sponsored by the Middle Atlantic Division 
of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy and 
UMCP's Department of Family and Community Development. 
Andrew Billingsley, chair of the department, will introduce his 
new book. Climbing Jacob's Ladder: The Future of Black American 
Families. Registration is $55 before December; $65 after December 
15. For more informaHon, call (301) 384-2283. 

Holiday Baskets to be Filled for 
Laid-Off University Staff: You Can Help 

In an effort to be supportive of 
those university employees who 
have lost their jobs, the Black Fac- 
ulty and Staff Association is seek- 
ing donations for a campus-wide 
effort to fill holiday gift baskets for 
all College Park employees who 
have been laid off. Non-perishable 
food and monetary donations will 
be collected through Dec. 13, 

Drop-off locations for food items 
are in the following locations: 

• Stamp Student Union Lobby 

• Engineering Classroom Build- 
ing, Dean's Office, Room 1137C 

• Lee Building, Graduate Minor- 
ity Studies, Room 2122 

• Hombake South, Career 
Development Center, Room 3121 

• Service Building, Lounge 

All monetary contributions 
should be brought to Dcnise 

Short Takes 

Libraries' Curator Named 
to Prestigious Committee 

Lauren BroviTi, Curator of His- 
torical Manuscripts and Archives at 
the University Libraries, has been 
appointed to the Joint American 
Historical Association /Organiza- 
tion of American Historians/ 
Society of American Archivists/ 
Committee of Historians and 
Archivists that meets twice a year 
to consider issues of common 
concern to historians and archivists. 
Each of these throe organizations 
appoints two representatives to the 
committee; Brown is one of two 
representatives from the Society of 
American Archivists. 

Business Professor 
Receives Top Award 

Saul Gass, professor of manage- 
ment science and statistics in the 
Business School, was honored 
recently by the Operations 
Research Society of America 
(ORSA). Gass received the George 
E. Kimball medal for a lifetime of 
distinguished service to the society 
and to the profession, Gass is a 
past president of ORSA and of 
Omega Rho, the international 
honor society for operations 
research. Among his notable 
achievements are serving as project 
manager of the Project Mercury 
Man-in-Spacc Program for IBM and 
the authoring of the widely used 
first text in linear programming. 

Gospel Choir and 
Director Receive Honors 

The Maryland Gospel Choir and 
its director Valeria Foster have had 
a good year, garnering multiple 
honors along the way. Last March 
the choir was selected as one of 
Washington's top gospel choirs by 
the Washington Afra-American news- 
paper. In April the choir was given 
a citation from County Executive 
Thomas Gulotta of Nassau County 
(Long Island), New York in appre- 
ciation of their outstanding 
achievements and significant con- 
tributions to the community. In 
May Foster received the Morgan 
State University Alumni Associa- 
tion's 1991 Special Achievement 
Award, And in September Foster 
served as assistant director for and 

soloist with a 1,100-voice choir 
assembled from Washington area 
choirs for the National Baptist Con- 
vention, U,S,A, held at the 
Washington Convention Center, 

Recent Ph.D. Grad Wins 
Allen Prize 

Zhiping Chu, a recent Ph.D. 
graduate in the chemical physics 
program, has won the 1991 Allen 
Prize of the Optical Society of 
America. The prize is presented 
annually to a person who, while a 
graduate student, has made out- 
standing contributions to atmo- 
spheric remote sensing using elec- 
tro-optical instrumentation. 

Chu was recognized for her con- 
tributions to the development of 
differential absorption lidar and its 
extension to the measurement of 
water vapor in the stratosphere and 
polar troposphere, 

Chu is now a researcher with 
the Electrical and Systems Engi- 
neering Department at the Univer- 
sity of Connecticut at Storrs. 

Electrifying "Physics is 
Phun" is Set for January 

Electricity is the subject of the 
next "Physics is Phun" lecture- 
demonstration, set for Thursday, 
Friday and Saturday, Jan. 9, 10 and 
11 (snow dates Jan. 16, 17 and 18) 
in the Physics Building Lecture 
Hall. Dick Berg, the host of this 
scries, will demonstrate some of his 
best electricity and magnetism 
experiments from ten years of 
"Physics is Phun," Doors open at 7 
p.m. The lecture-demonstration 
runs from 7:30 to 8:45 p.m. Call 

Barriers to Sponsored 
Research Eased 

Barriers to university faculty in- 
volvement in privately sponsored 
research and general economic de- 
velopment activities have been 
eased due to a new state ethics law 
recently approved by the Maryland 
General Assembly, 

The new law provides more 
flexibility than was the case under 
the old law. It enables faculty to 
work closely with programs spon- 
sored by the Engineering Research 

Hayman, Career Development Cen- 
ter, 3121 Hornbakc Library, All - 
donations not distributed through 
the holiday gift basket program 
will be given to a charitable organi- 
zation in the metropolitan area. 

Call Brandon Dula at 314-7172, 
Denise Hayman at 314-7225, 
Darlene Johnson at 405-3320 or 
Sandra Robinson at 405-3324 for 
further information. 

"Maryland at Risk Day" 

students, staff and faculty listen as President William E. 
Klrwan speaks at a noontime rally In the Reckord Armory during 
last mantti's "Maryland at Risk Day." 

"Today we gather as a community to galvanize our efforts on behalf 
of our beloved university," Kirwan said. "We gather both so that we 
may understand better the root causes of the threats to our quality 
and so that v^e may develop a unified strategy to preserve our hopes 
and dreams for College Park." 

Hundreds of faculty and staff participated In the all-day teach-ins, 
rally and classroom discussions on the impact of the budget cuts 
on higher education. 

Center (ERC), including MIPS and 
TAP. Since the new ethics law has 
taken effect, one faculty-owned 
company has been accepted into 
TAP'S business "incubator." 

The changes affect faculty mem- 
bers only. Procedures under which 
the new law will be operable are 
under development. However, fac- 
ulty-owned start-up companies 
may be accepted into TAP under a 
set of interim guidelines. 

For more information, contact 
Richard Frank, TAP director, at 


] 9 ^ \ 





Maryland Bands to be Showcased in Dec. 9 Concert 

Four different Maryland bands under the direction of three 
different conductors will be showcased in a gala concert on Dec. 9 
at 8 p.m. in Tawes Theatre. Featured on the program will be the 
Symphonic Wind Ensemble, and the Jazz, Concert and Marching 
Bands, with conductors John Wakefield, George Ross and Rich- 
mond Sparks. The music will be equally diverse, ranging from 
classical and contemporary jazz to gridiron favorites. Tickets are $7 
($5 students/ seniors). Call 405-5542 for information. 

AHDP: Much More Than a 
Playground for Young and Old 

Every Saturday morning. Cole 
Field House becomes a playground 
for the young and the old. Students 
can be seen together with senior 
citizens participating in everything 
from tricycle races to dancing. 

These activities are a part of the 
unique Adults' Health and Devel- 
opmental Program (AHDD which 
for nearly 20 years has matched 
College Park students and com- 
munity volunteers with "golden- 
aged" citizens for Saturday morn- 
ing workouts, counseling and com- 

Over the years AHDP has 
become an internationally known 
program designed to affect posi- 
tively the health, well-being, and 
physical fitness of institutionalized 
and non-institutionalized older 

One of the first organized geron- 
tological programs, AHDP has 
proved that the quality of life for 
an older adult can be improved by 
reducing health risks through par- 
ticipation in fitness and other well- 
ness programs while simultaneous- 
ly encouraging meaningful social 
interactions. The fact that adults 
aged 65 and older are the fastest 
growing segment of the United 
States population offers further 
support for the need for more pro- 
grams like AHDP. 

Founded by Dan Lcviton, pro- 
fessor of health education, the pro- 
gram is an arm of the College of 
Health and Human Performance, 
but it draws students from virtual- 
ly every academic major, giving it a 
truly interdisciplinary focus. Uni- 
versity students enrolled in the 
course receive credit for participa- 
tion, but the program includes a 
large number of volunteers and 
alumni as well. 

AHDP pairs "staffers" one-on- 
one with seniors who come to the 
program from nursing homes and 
veterans centers, as well as on the 
recommendation of doctors or fam- 
ily members. 

Volunteers are responsible for 
developing a fitness program spcxri- 
fically designed to meet the goals 
and capabilities of their senior. The 
idea is to get these individuals to 
do things they wouldn't do ordi- 
narily and in the process prove to 
them that they arc still capable 
beings with something to share. 

On a typical Saturday, staffers 
arrive at 8:30 a.m. for an hour of 
training before the seniors arrive. 
In the following hour and a half, 
participants engage in such activi- 
ties as singing, modified aerobics, 
swimming, weight training, baw- 
ling, ping pong or tennis. The list 
goes on. 

At 11 a.m., participants come 
together for an hour of health edu- 
cation where they learn about 
stress management, the proper use 
of medicine, nutrition, hyperten- 
sion, and osteoporosis. This session 
often leads to intcrgcnerational dis- 
cussions on current topicsof inter- 
est ranging from sexuality or war 
to death. TTiis reciprocal exchange 

of ideas is enlightening for all 
according to Nancy Blaney, chair of 
the board of advisors for the pro- 
gram. "There is no racism^ no 
sexism, no class discrimination. Just 
people," she says. 

Blaney is an example of a Col- 
lege Park graduate who is sold on 
the program. She first got involved 
with it nearly 19 years ago during 
the second semester of her fresh- 
man year. She served as a student 
staff member, group leader, and 
now chairs the board of advisors. 
She says many university alumni 
are involved with the program, 
some who wanted to continue par- 
ticipation after serving as student 
volunteers and others who found it 
a rewarding way to give something 
back to the university while simul- 
taneously helping others. 

Alumni interested in AHDP can 
volunteer for the actual recreational 
program, or can work behind the 
scenes on the board of directors, 
which is currently trying to raise 
funds to expand the program to 
other campuses and raise national 
awareness of the need for geronto- 
logical programs. 

Blaney says AHDP reflects the 

three missions of the university, 
"teaching, research, and community 
involvement," but she remains 
involved for another and perhaps 
more important reason. "It works," 
she says. "We have so many suc- 
cess stories like the 70-year-old 
blind woman we had jumping on a 
trampoline by the end of the sem- 
ester, or the man whose wife had 
just left him, had lost his job, and 
was on a dozen or more prescrip- 
tions when he came to us who can 
now bike 5(X) miles and takes only 
one heart medication. They show 
the strength of the program." 

AHDP gives older adults a bet- 
ter sense of power over their own 
health and well t>eing. 

The program has one other ben- 
efit as well that is not listed in the 
course description but which often 
occurs. That is the development of 
friendships that may last a lifetime. 
As Blaney says: "We bring people 

Anyone interested in getting 
involved with AHDP should con- 
tact Nancy Blaney or Dan Levi ton 
at (301)405-2528. 

Kim Neumann 

Ready for Winter 

Physical Plant's Grouirds Division rolled out an impressive array of snow. fighting equipment late last 
month. The arsenal includes dump trucks, front-end loaders, a variety ot tractors and plows, 
motorized brooms, $now-blowers and, of course, snow shovels. A recent survey of campus 
customers found that ice control and snow removal was the Grounds Division's single most 
Improved sen^ice over the past six years. 

Calendar Items Sought For Black History Month 

The Office of Campus Activities 
seeks calendar items for Black His- 
tory Month 1992 which will be 
celebrated in February. Deans, dir- 
ectors, department heads and lead- 
ers of all student organizations are 
asked to submit details about the 
events they are planning so that 
they can be included in a compre- 

hensive Black History Month calen- 

The information should be sent 
to Alethia Nancoo, graduate assis- 
tant for student involvement and 
minority affairs, the Office of Cam- 
pus Activities, Rm 1191 Stamp Stu- 
dent Union, She can be reached at 


DECEMBER 9, 1 9 9 I 

Library Loan Period is Extended for Classified Staff 

During these times of fiscal and service cuts. Libraries Director 
Joanne Hairar has announced one area of increased service to users. 
After Jan, 21, 1992, the loan period at the university Libraries for 
classified staff will become equivalent to that given to graduate 
students, or 56 days. (Excepted will be materials that have shor- 
tened loan periods for all users: the Hombake Library collection, 
reserves, Nonprint Media items, and special collections.) The 
change came from suggestions made by Libraries' staff members 
and extends to all classified pcrsoiinel in the UM System. 

RTVF's Weiss 

Gene Weiss, associate professor 
of radio-TV-film (RTVF), was 
recently awarded the 1991 Silver 
Circle Award from the Washing- 
ton, D.C, chapter of the National 
Academy of Television Arts and 

Established in 1986, the award 
honors media professionals who 
have devoted at least 25 years to 
the broadcasting industry and who 
have made a significant contribu- 
tion to the Washington, D.C. broad- 
cast community. 

According to Weiss, his contri- 
bution to the Washington, D.C. 
broadcast community has been a 
steady stream of well-trained 
media professionals graduating 
from the RTVF department. 

Weiss came to the university in 
1969. At that time, the department 
(then known as the Division of 
Speech and Dramatic Art) offered 
only radio and TV. By 1971 film 
was added, and Weiss was division 
director. Weiss says the department 
took a tremendous leap forward 
during the eight years he headed it. 
"We started to produce programm- 


ing on a fairly large scale," he says. 
"We tried to have students produce 
material that really showed what 
the possibilities were for film and 
television, and were extremely suc- 
cessful at that." 

According to Weiss, the depart- 
ment's production facility is among 
the top six in the country. One stu- 
dent produced an hour-long docu- 
mentary on the John F, Kennedy 
assassination in this facility. The 
master's thesis film, called "Reason- 
able Doubts," was then picked up 
by the Arts & Entertainment Net- 
work. This student was hired by 
Dakota Films. 

Weiss proudly notes that many 
former students now hold respon- 
sible positions all across the coun- 
try in every aspect of media; vice 
president of production for Walt 
Disney Productions; executive pro- 
ducer of "Good Morning America"; 
producer of "America's Most Want- 
ed"; head of training and informa- 
tion for Delta Airiines' in-house 
production unit. One time, Weiss 
says, he called George Lucas in San 
Francisco and ended up talking to 

Gene Weiss 

a former student who was writing 

and producing for Lucas. 

Weiss was honored along with 
22 other distinguished media pro- 
fessionals, among them Joel Albert, 
manager of news operations for 
WRC-TV; Sophie Altman, creator 
and executive producer of "It's 
Academic"; Christie Basham, senior 
producer of NBC's "Sunday Today 
and "Meet the Press"; John Barter, 
news anchor for WJLA-TV; and 
Max Schindler, director of the 
Washington segments of NBC's 
"Today Show." 

Handelman, Turner Publish Books 

"Important contribution" and 
"theoretical significance" are words 
used to describe two books written 
by English department faculty and 
published this fall. 

Susan Handelman, author of 
Fragments of Redemption: Jewish 
Thought and Literary Theory in 
Benjamin, Scholem, and Levinas, says 
in the book's preface, "...1 chose 
these three figures because each is 
a Jew engaged in mediating the 
Jewish and modern worlds, as 1 
am. More specifically, each has had 
enormous influence on contempor- 
ary ideas about language, history, 
and interpretation in a variety of 
fields from literary criticism to reli- 
gious studies, philosophy, and 
social theory." 

Jose Faur, an expert and author 
on Jewish thought and Talmudic 
literature, says of the book, "...a 
particularly important contribution 
to an understanding of the emer- 
gence of critical thought in the 20th 
century and the intercrossing of 
Jewish intellectual tradition with 
modem thinking." 

Originally published by Indiana 
University Press, the book now is 
being translated into Japanese for 
publication by Hohfei University 

Susan Handelman 


Handelman also is the author of 
The Slayers of Moses: The Emergence 
of Rabbinic Interpretation in Modern 
Literary Theory and coeditor of Psy- 
choanalysis and Religion. 

Mark Turner's new book, Read- 
ing Minds: The Study of English in 
the Age of Cognitive Science, offers a 
vision of the central role that lan- 
guage and the arts of language can 
play in the adventure of modern 
cognitive science, the discovery of 

Mark Turner 

the human mind, 

Gilles Fauconnier of the Univer- 
sity of California, San Diego, says 
'The book is of great theoretical 
significance and it is a pleasure to 

Turner also is the author of 
Death is the Mother of Beauty: Mind, 
Metaphor, Criticism and coauthor of 
More Than Cool Reason: A Field 
Guide to Poetic Metaphor. 

Applications for NEH Institute Being Accepted 

Applications are now being 
accepted for a five-week NEH 
Institute for college teachers on 
"The Encounter of Cultures in 
Brazil." Co-directed by Saul 
Sosnowksi, chair of the Spanish 
and Portuguese department and 
director of the Latin American 
Studies Center, and Phyllis 
Reisman-Butler, an expert in Afri- 
can-Brazilian cultural relations, the 
institute will focus on the continu- 

ing encounter of Native American, 
European and African civilizations 
in Brazil and on the development 
of the resulting literary and cultur- 
al practices. 

The institute, the first of its kind 
to be funded by NEH in Brazil, 
will cover such topics as The Ori- 
gins and Structure of Brazilian Cul- 
ture," "African-Brazilian Literature," 
and "Portuguese Colonial Litera- 
ture and Art in Brazil." 

Interested teachers can obtain an 
application by calling (301) 405- 
6441. Deadline for applications is 
March 1, 1992. Twenty- five teachers 
will be chosen in an open competi- 
tion to attend the summer 1992 

Those attending will have access 
to major archival and library 
resources at all three institute loca- 
tions — Sao Paulo, Ouro Preto and 
Salvador da Bahia. 


1 9 --J 1 




Safeway Presents Check to College 
of Business and Management 

Skip Casey and Vickie Ferchaz of Safeway Stores, Inc., recently 
presented Rudolph P. Lamone, professor and dean of the College 
of Business and Management, and Safeway Fellows Gabriel J. 
Biehal, associate professor, and Richard M. Durand, professor, with 
a check for $30,000 towards a $150,000 pledge for a Safeway class- 
room in the new Business School building, and for the Safeway 
Faculty Fellowship in Marketing. 

Book Focuses on Free 
Women of Color in Rural South 

JF" "^i 


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Adele Alexander 

Until well after the Civil War, 
free women of color in the rural 
south were often looked upon by 
society as non-persons. 

"Neither black nor white, afflu- 
ent nor impoverished, enslaved nor 
truly free, these women of color 
lived and died in a shadowy realm 

situated somewhere between the 
legal, social, and economic 
extremes of empowered whites and 
subjugated blacks," says Adele 
Logan Alexander, a lecturer in the 
Afro-American Studies Program. 

Alexander is the author of 
Ambiguous Lives: Free Women of 
Color in Rural Georgia, 1789-1879 
(The University of Arkansas Press). 
The book focuses on the women of 
Alexander's own family as 
representative of this subcaste of 
the African -American community. 

And while society may have 
seen them as non-persons, 
Alexander believes that their lives 
are worthy of attention because of 
the vciy ambiguities that 
surrounded their existence. 

"The intricacies, gradations, and 
subtleties of their anomalous 
experience became part of the 
tangled skein of American history 
and exemplify our country's end- 
less diversity, complexity, and self- 
contradictions," says Alexander. 
"These are the people that America 
has overlooked." 

They were also people who did 
not conform to the negative stereo- 
type of blacks as poor, ignorant 
and oppressed, says Alexander. 

"When you look at free people 
of color after emancipation, you see 
a high percentage who became 
middle class African- Americans," 

says Alexander. 

Alexander first decided to write 
the book when she became interest- 
ed in her grandmother, who was a 

"I thought to myself, 'What was 
there about this person in the 1890s 
that made her think that regardless 
of gender or race, she ought to be 
equal to everyone else?' " says 

While studying her family, she 
found that some free women of 
color often had ties to black male 
slaves, while others established 
alliances with white men. 

As far as looks were concerned 
the members of her family were, as 
she put it, often "more white than 
black," but with only a few excep- 
tions they remained closely tied to 
the black community despite the 
segregation and discriminatory pol- 
icies of ttie white South. 

"White society looked upon free 
people of color with the attitude 
that 'You folks have no real place 
in our society, so we'll treat you as 
much like slaves as we can,'" says 
Alexander, adding that free people 
of color could not vote, had few 
rights of white citizens, and could 
not purchase property except 
through a white person. 

"They were survivors," says 

Lisa Gregory 

Koblinsky and Anderson Receive 

$300,000 Grant to Study Homeless Preschoolers 

Sally Koblinksy and Elaine 
Anderson, a professor and asso- 
ciate professor in the Department 
of Family and Community Devel- 
opment in the College of Human 
Ecology, have received a $300,000 
grant from the Dcparlmenl of 
Health and Human Services to 
study homeless preschoolers. 

The three-year project will be 
conducted with United Planning 
Organization, a Washington, D.C, 
Head Start agency. The study will 
compare the development and the 
self-concept of District of Columbia 
Head Start preschoolers who are 
homeless with Head Start pro- 
schoolers in permanent housing. 

The study will also explore the 
relationship between family func- 
tioning and child outcomes in the 
two groups and examine whether 
changes in children's learning and 
behavior during the Head Start 
year are related to family variables. 

"Studies have shown that par- 
ents arc the primary educators of 
their children and have a signifi- 
cant impact on their children's cog- 
nitive, physical, and social -emo- 
tional development," says 

"Therefore," adds Anderson, "it 
is important that educational 
programs such as Head Start 
acquire greater knowledge about 
the mediating role of family vari- 
ables — such as social support 

maternal depression and family 
hardiness — in children's develop- 

In recent years, say Koblinsky 
and Anderson, single-parent famil- 
ies with children have become the 
fastest growing segment of the 
homeless population. 

The two researchers are espe- 
cially interested in observing and 
understanding better the resilience 
of families in the face of such 
adverse conditions as homelessness 
and poverty and how that, in turn, 
affects the children. 

Koblinsky and Anderson say 
that project outcomes may help 
child /family specialists. Head Start 
curriculum developers and teachers 
to design appropriate curricula/ 
teaching strategies to facilitate chil- 
dren's learning and development of 

The two also hope that Head 
Start personnel can use project 
findings to help parents to acquire 
better parenting and teaching skills, 
to build family support networks, 
to link their children to out-of- 
school community resources, and 
to obtain help for family problems 
negatively related to the children's 

"Results of this study should 
help the Head Start program to be 
more a more effective resource for 
families— an important benefit 
since Head Start may be one of the 

few community resources available 
and accessible to low-income and 
homeless families," says Koblinsky. 
"By intervening now with these 
children, we are making an invest- 
ment in the future," adds 

Lisa Gregory 

Students Contribute 
Clothing, Stuffed 

Students in the Department of 
Family and Community Develop- 
ment have contributed more than 
60 bags of warm winter clothing 
and stuffed animals to homeless 
families in two Prince George's 
County shelters and one county 
elementary school with a large 
number of homeless and poor im- 
migrant families. 

The clothing and toy drive was 
spear-hcaded by students in the 
department's Poverty and 
Affluence, Family Policy and 
Decision-making courses. 

Maggie Puchalla, volunteer 
coordinator for homeless shelter 
programs in Prince George's Coun- 
ty, thanked the students for their 
generosity and their "awareness of 
the needs of our less fortunate 


D E C E M B E K 9, 19 9 1 

University Chorale Plans Festive Seasonal Concert 

The University Chorale, Roger Folstrom, director, will present 
its annual Christmas Concert on Dec. 10 at 8 p.m. in Memorial 
Chapel. Three groups of guest musicians will also be featured in 
this year's concert: the Holton Arms School Handbell Choir, di- 
rected by College Park alumna Edith Gates; a chamber orchestra 
led by Emerson Head; and the Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School 
Madrigals, conducted by Everett Williams. Music will include a 
festive fanfare, antiphonal and seasonal music and a "Halleluja 
Chorus" finale. No tickets are needed, but a free-will offering will 
be taken. Call 405-5548 for information. 

Kudos to... 

RAir- ^1 


Glen Gordon 

Rita Cotwell 

Andrew Wolvin 

Stephen Ttiomas 

Vivian Boyd 

James Thorpe 

Glen Gordon (Chemistry) for 
being selected to receive the Ameri- 
can Chemical Society (ACS) Award 
for Creative Advances in Environ- 
mental Science and Technology. 
Gordon won the award for his de- 
velopment of "receptor modeling," 
a method of identifying air particle 
sources through trace element 
analysis. The award will be pre- 
sented at the ACS national meeting 
in April, during which a symposi- 
um will be held in Gordon's honor, 

Steve Baikin and Michael 
Gurevitch (Journalism) for co- 
authoring "Out of Work and On 
the Air: Television News of Unem- 
ployment," appearing in a new 
book. Critical Perspectives on Media 
and Society, published by Guilford 

Rita Colwell , who as national pre- 
sident of Sigma Xi, presented intro- 
ductory remarks at an international 
forum on global change held in 
Crystal City, Virginia last month. 
Sigma Xi is a society of more than 
100,000 scientists and engineers 
who are elected members because 
of outstanding research achieve- 

Andrew Wolvin (Speech Commu- 
nication) for presenting the keynote 
speech, "The Leader as Communi- 
cator" for the recent annual meet- 
ing of the National Cathedral As- 
sociation. In addition, his article, 
"When Governance is Really 
Shared: The Multi-Constituency 
Campus Senate," which offers the 
College Park Campus Senate as a 
case study in shared governance, 
appeared in the Sept.-Oct, issue of 

James and Laiiri Gninig (Journal- 
ism) for having completed the first 
major report on their study of 200 
organizations. Excellence in Public 
Relations and Communication Man- 
agement: Initial Data Analysis. The 
Grunigs have spoken to a number 
of professional groups recently 
about their results. 

The Photo Outreach Program of 
the Stamp Student Union Art 
Center for being recognized with a 
$1,000 grant at the Prince George's 
Arts Council Award Ceremony for 
its outstanding service to the cam- 
pus community. Directed by Bar- 
bara Tyroler, the program provides 

students with pre-professional ap- 
prenticeship training in camera and 
darkroom techniques, 

Stephen Thomas (Health Educa- 
tion) on his recent election as a 
trustee to the board of directors of 
the Society for Public Health Edu- 
cation, Inc. Further kudos should 
go to Thomas for being elected to 
the Governing Council of the Inter- 
national Institute for Black Re- 
search at their first meeting in Lon- 
don, England. His presentation, 
"Health Status of the Black Com- 
munity in the 21st Century: A 
Futuristic Perspective," was also 
made at the meeting. 

Gary Marchionini (Library and 
Information Services) on the publi- 
cation of his chapter on 'Techno- 
logical Trends and Implications: 
Toward the New Millennium" in 
the School Library Media Annual 

Charlotte Groff Aldridge (Lan- 
guage Center) on being elected pre- 
sident of WATESOL, the 675-mem- 
ber regional affiliate of Teachers of 
English to Speakers of Other Lan- 
guages. WATESOL's mission is to 
strengthen the effective teaching 
and learning of English, while re- 
specting the individual's language 
rights. WATESOL's 1991 conference 
was chaired by Lois Kleinhenn 
Lanier (Maryland English Insti- 

Michael Mavrovouniotis (Chem. 
Eng, and Systems Research Center) 
for being named recipient of the 
1991 Ted Peterson Paper Award 
given by the American Institute of 
Chemical Engineers. An expert in 
computer-aided engineering of 
chemical and biochemical processes 
and systems, Mavrovouniotis re- 
ceived the award for his paper, 
"Computer-Aided Synthesis of Bio- 
chemical Pathways." 

Richard Guzzo (Psychology) for 
being awarded the "Contribution to 
the Field Award — Research Paper" 
by the Family Firm Institute in re- 
cognition of his study, "Image and 
Attractiveness of Family Firms to 
Professional Managers." 

The Libraries for being selected 
from a national competition to par- 
ticipate in the National Agricultural 
Text Digitizing Project. The pur- 
pose of the project is to explore 

ways by which staff can utihze the 

latest in computer technologies to 
convert documents to machine- 
readable form and transmit them 
electronically, thereby enhancing 
service capabilities, 

Hans Griem (Plasma Research) for 
winning the 1991 James Clerk Max- 
well Prize of the American Physics 
Society for his "numerous contribu- 
tions to experimental plasma 
physics and spectroscopy, particu- 
larly in the area of improved diag- 
nostic methods for high-tempera- 
ture plasmas, and for his book on 
plasma spectroscopy." 

Vivian Boyd (Counseling Center) 
for her recent election to the Gover- 
ning Board of the Association of 
University and College Counseling 
Centers Directors. The association 
represents more than 450 counsel- 
ing center directors through-out the 
U.S. and Canada. 

James Thorpe (Housing and De- 
sign) for taking several top honors 
at the Seventh Colorado Interna- 
tional Invitational Poster Exhibition 
in Fort Collins, Colorado. The com- 
petition featured 247 posters from 
100 designers in 35 nations. Thorpe 
has recently been invited to submit 
a work for the First International 
Poster Triennial in Moscow, Russia. 

Susan Handelman (English) for 
being honored as this year's Out- 
standing Teacher by the Pan- 
hellenic Association, the governing 
body of the 19 sororities on cam- 
pus, at its 11th annual Scholarship 
Reception Nov. 20. Also nominated 
were: Eugene Robinson, Samuel 
MyerS/ Paul Haspel, William Han- 
na, Esther Liberman, James Flack, 
Garritt Verschuur, William Nick- 
els, Roger Allen, Robin Sawyer, 
Kenneth Kovach, Robyn Muncy, 
Patrick McGrath, Wayne Cole, Jim 
Forbes, Nancy Shapiro, Elizabeth 
Dale Johnson, Evelyn Canabal, 
David Hyde, Vincent Pantalone, 
Anthony Olek, John Pease, David 
Lott, Harold Herman and Virginia 

DECEMBER 9, 1991 





Tuesday, December 17 
Academic Planning Advisory 
Co mm H tee (APACf Open Hear- 
ing for the College ot Human 
Ecology, oinceming its pos- 
sible elimination ana the 
redisfibution ot its programs, 
10 a,m.-1 p.m„ 0135 Heckord 
Armory, Call 5-6820 for into. 

"What is it They 'Just Don't Understand?'" 

The next meeting of the Women's Forum will be on Thursday, 
Dec. 12 at noon in Room 0131 Reckord Armory. The featured 
speaker will be Linda Coleman, associate professor of English, who 
will discuss "Language and Gender: What is it They 'Just Don't 
Understand?'" According to Women's Forum President Carla Gary, 
the brown-bag lunch meeting will begin promptly at noon and end 
promptly at 1 p.m. Everyone is welcome to come and spend the 
lunch hour hearing about this timely topic. Call 405-4182 for infor- 

JANUARY 31, 1992 


Art Gallery Exhibition: 'Dreams. 
Lies, ard Exaggerations: Photo- 
montage in America* featuring 
122 works of art, tnduding maga- 
zine lay-outs, book jackets, bro- 
chures as well as tine art photo- 
oraphy. Oct, 21-Oec 20. The Art 
Gaflery. Call 5-2763 for info. 

Center tor Inlernalionsl Exten- 
sion Development (CIEO) 
"Brown Bag' Seminar: "U.S. 

Extension's Intern aion^ Involve- 
ment; Assistance to Poland.' Earl 
Teeter. USDA'Exiers;or Ser- 
vices. Washington, D.C., noon-1 
p.m. [bring lunch), 0115 Symons. 
Call 5-1 2S for info. 

Horticulture Seminar: The 

Challenqe of Developing a Land- 
scape Contf acting Program,' 
Cameron Man, Mississippi State 
U.. i p.m.. 0128B Holzapfei. Call 
S433^ for into. 

Computer Science at College 
Park Colloquium: 'f^ ne-Gram 
vs. Coarse- Grain Paraliel Com- 
puting." H.T, Rung, Carnegie- 
Mellon U,. 4 p,m.,Oin Class- 
room Bldg. e;all 5-2737 tor info. 

Maryland Bands Showcase: 

Symptionic Wind Ensemble, 
Jazz, Concert and Ma'Chmg 
Bands: John Wakeleld. George 
Ross and Richmond Spari(s, con- 
ductors, B p.m , Tawes Theatre. 
Call 5-5542 for info.' 


Ecology, Evolution and Behav- 
ior Colloquium: 'Evolution of 
LekK,ing .n ManaKins.' Mercedes 
Foster, Smittisonian Institution, 
noon, 1208 ZooiPsych. Call 5- 
6942 tor info. 

Ceriler for International Devel- 
opment and Conllict Manage- 
ment "Brown- Bag" Seminar; 

"Ethnicity, Development and 
Human Rights m Guatemala," 
Nancie Gonzalez. Anthropology, 
12:30 p.rv.. (bring lundi). second 
floor. Mill Bldg Call 4-7703 for 

Center for Teaching Excellence 
"Conversations About Teach- 
ing": "Student Concerns and 
Perspecl'ves." 12:30-2 p.m., 
Maryland Room. Mane Mount, 
Call 5-3154 for mfo. 

Music Department Student 
Honors Recital, I2:30p,m., 
Tawes Recital Hall, Call 5-5548 
for mfo. 

Physics Colloquium: "Advances 
in HelioseisniolOQy," Ken 
Lbbrech!, Astrophysics, California 
Institute of Tech.noiogy. 4 p,m,; 
tea. 3:30 p.m, 1410 Physics. 
Call 5-5953 for info. 

University Chorale Christmas 
Concert, Roger Folstrom, direo 
to^ 8 p.m., lilemorial Chapel, 
Call 5-5548 for info. 


Campus Qub Holiday Lunch- 
eon, 1 1 ;3C a,m„ Chesapeake 
Room, Center of Adult Education. 
Call 927-8747 for -nfo,* 


Legal Affairs Seminar: 

"Freedom of Expression," Gary 
Paveia, office of Judicial Systems 
and editor, Synthesis: Law and 
Public Policy in Higher Education. 
9:30-11:30 a.m., multi-purpose 
room, Cambridge Dining Hall, 
Call S4945 for info. 

Women's Forum Meeting: 
"What !i it They 'Just Don't 
Understand?" Linda Colemaji, 
Enolish. noon-l p.m., 0131 Reck- 
OfO Armory. Call 5-4182 tor info. 

Meteorology Semtrtar: 'Appli- 
cations of the Satellite Ocean 

A performance by pianist Ursula Oppens is a December offering from the Concert 
Society at Maryland, See listing for Dec. 15. 

Color Data," Chuck McClain, 
NASA/GSFC, 3:30 p.m., 2114 
Computer and Space Sciences; 
refreshments, 3 p,m. Call 5-5392 
for info. 

United Campus Ministries 
"Civilized Event," relaxed 
atmosphere for collegial conver- 
sation; Chancellor Lanqenberg is 
expected to attend, 4-5:30 p m., 
Rossborough Inn. C^l 5-8450 for 


Special Lecture and Book 
Signing; (for all ages and inter- 
ests) "Magnificent Sea Monsters 
of the Undersea Desert," Eugenie 
Clark, Zoology: author. The 
Desen Beneath the Sea, noon. 
Main Auditonum, Center of Adult 
Education. Call 5-7749 for info. 


Meteorology Seminar; "Wind 
Daia from Commercial Aircraft: 
US and Global Experiments," 
Joel Tenenbaum, State University 
of Mew York, 3:30 p.m., 2114 
Computer and Space Sciences: 
refreshments, 3 p.m. Call 5-5392 
for info. 


Maryland Boy Choir Winter 
Concert, 8 o,m,. Tawes Recital 
Hall. Call 5-554S for info.' 


Men's BaskelbalJ vs, Towson 
Stale, 1 p,m.. Cole Field House, 
Call 4-707D for info,' 


Concert Society at Maryland: 
Ursula oppens, piano, 7:30 p,m,; 
free seminar. 6 p.m.. Center of 
Adult Education, $17 standard 
admission, $15.30 faculty and 
staff. $14,50 seniors and $5 stu- 
dents Call 80-4240 for info and 


Entomology Colloquium: "Turf 
IPM Practices for Home Lawn 
and Sod Producers." Tim Abbey, 
Entomology, 4 p.m.. 0200 
Symons Hall, Call 5-3911 lor 

Space Science Seminar: "First 

Results from Ulysses Radio and 
Plasma Wave Experiments," 
Robert Stone. WASA'GSFC, 4:30 
p.m.. 1 1 13 Computer and Space 
Sciences. Call 5-6226 for into. 


First Furlough Day; 

Libraries closed through Jan. 1 





University dosed 


University open: Libraries open; 
second furlough day, where 


Women's Basketball vs. Rut- 
gers, 7:3Q p.m.. Cole Field 
House, Call 4-7064 for info. 


Men's Basketball vs. Duke, 8 

p.m.. Cole Field House. Call 4- 
7070 for into.' 


"Physics is Phun" Lecture/ Dem- 
onstration: "Electrtdty," Richard 
Berg, today-Jan. 1 1 . 7:30-6:45 
p.m, lecture hall. Physics Bldg. 
Call 5-5994 for info. 


Women's Basketball vs. Wake 
Forest (Alumni Game), 3p.m.. 
Cole Field House. Call 4-7064 tor 


Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 
Birthday Commemoration: 
Sixth annua] celebration. 12:30 
p,m., Memorial Chapel, Call 
X47172 for into. 


Men's Basketball vs. Florida 
State, 1 p.m., Cole Field House 

Call 4-7070 tor into." 

Women's Bastcetbali vs. North 
Carolina, 7:30 p.m.. Cole Field 
House. Call 4-7064 for into. 


Women's Basketball vs, Cfem- 
son, 7:30 p.m.. Cole Field 
House. Call 4-7064 tor into. 


Men's Basketball vs. Wake 
Forest, 8 p.m.. Cole Field 
House. Call 4-7070 tor info." 


Men's Basketball vs. Clemson, 
1:30 p.m., Cole Field House. Call 
4-7070 for info." 


Honiculture Seminar: "Bud Dor- 
mancy in Fruit Trees: fJew Physi- 
ological and Biodiemical Events," 
MilJos Faust, USDA-ARS, Belts- 
ville, 4 p,m„ 01286 Holzapfei. 
Call 5-4336 tor into. 

Women's Basketball vs. 
Georgia Tech, 7:30 p.m . Cole 
Field House Call 4-7064 for info. 


Center for International Devel- 
opment and Conflict Manage- 
ment {CIDCM) "Brown Bag 
Seminar: "Protesi Rebellion and 
Reform: The Resolution of Ethnic 
Conflicts in Western Democra- 
cies," Ted Gurr. Government and 
Politics, 12:30 p.m. (bring lunch], 
2nd floor. Mill Bldg, Call 4-7703 
tor info. 


Art Gallery Exhibition: "Images 
of America: The Painter's Eye. 
1833-1925." 53 paintings and 
water colors of landscapes, mar- 
ine views, genre scenes and still 
lifes from the collection of Dr. 
and Mrs, Baekeiand. Jan. 29- 
Mar. 1 5; opening reception. Jan. 
29, 5:30-7:30 p.m.. The Art Gal- 
lery. Call 405-2763 for into. 


"Writers Here and Now" Read- 
ing; Charles Baxter, 3:30 p.m.. 
1120 Surge Building, Call 6-3819 
for info. 


Schubert Concert; (to celebrate 
his t95th birthday) Die 
Winter eisse. James MacDonald. 
tenor: Ruth Ann MacDonald, 
piano, 8 p.m.; pre-concert sym- 
posium, Peter Sere ken, German 
Languages, 7 p.m., tawes Reci- 
tal Hall. Call 5-5548 for into. 

' Admission charged for this 
event. All others are free. 


Prtnled no 
^ecyt^ad Paper 

Sixth Annual King Birthday Comnfiemoration Planned 

The Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, Birthday Commemoration 
Program will be held in Memorial Chapel on Wednesday, January 
15, 1992, beginning at 12:3() p,m. The entire campus community is 
invited to this sixth annual celebration of Dr. King's life. It is 
sponsored by the Office of Campus Activities. Contact Brandon 
Dula at 314-7172 fof more information. 



DECEMBER 9, 199 1