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FEBRUARY 15, 1993 

New Telecommunications Master's Degree Program Links 
Industry with Education 

As a direct response to the grow- 
ing needs of the telecommunications 
industry, the university is now offer- 
ing a specially-designed master's 
degree program for telecommunica- 
tions professionals. 

Developed in collaboration with 
industry leaders, the program pro- 
vides a cross-disciplinary approach to 
telecommunications study — linking 
rigorous technical training with 
coursework in policy, management, 
protocols, regulation and internation- 
al standards. This is the only 
telecommunications program in the 
nation to merge technical training at 
the level of strong engineering and 
computer science programs with the 
study of management and policy. 

The idea for the program began 
two years ago when a vice president 
at Digital Equipment Corporation 
realized that though his company 
had solid technical people, many of 

these future managers had little train- 
ing or experience in dealing with the 
complex regulatory, policy and man- 
agement issues that are a growing 
part of the telecommunications field. 

He approached UMCP with the 
idea for a new kind of program that 
would serve the changing needs of 
the industry. 

As the idea developed, MCI and 
Bell Atlantic joined Digital with fund- 
ing and recommendations for the 
development of the master's pro- 
gram. The three companies have 
committed more than $350,000 in 
money and equipment. 

One of the initial courses in the 
program is being offered to industry 
representatives this semester on a 
pilot basis, and industry input is 
playing an integral role in evaluating 
the entire program. Four courses will 
be offered each semester beginning 
next fall. Both day and evening class- 

es will be offered to accommodate the 
work schedules of these and future 

According to William Destler, 
chair of the Department of Electrical 
Engineering, the program is the uni- 
versity's first to be created in direct 
response to industry needs. 

"Growth in the development of 
the telecommunications industry dur- 
ing the past decade has surpassed 
even the growth in the computer 
industry," hesays. "Ourmaster's 
degree program has been designed to 
meet the needs of this rapidly 
expanding industry." 

Industry representatives have 
worked closely with university facul- 
ty members in the development of 
the master's curricula and course 

"The intent," says Destler, "is to 

continued on page 2 

Study Shows Under-reporting of Drug Abuse by Young Offenders 

A new pilot study of drug use by Governor William Donald Schaefer's 
juvenile detainees in suburban Mary- Drug and Alcohol Abuse Commis- 
land reveals that drug abuse among sion, the study paints a grim picture 

youth is probably much worse than of dnjg abuse among detained youth, 

previous studies have suggested. Its major findings include: 

Conducted by College Park's Cen- • Thirteen percent of the males 

ter for Substance Abuse Research and five percent of the females felt 

(CESAR) in conjunction with the they are dependent on alcohol. 

Maryland Department of Juvenile • By age 16, over 20 percent of the 

Services and funded from Maryland youths tested positive by urinalysis. 

• Youths consistently under- 
report their recent use of illegal 
kV drugs, even in interviews conducted 

■ 1 by tra i ned mod ica 1 professionals. 

W J This finding challenges the accuracy 

and validity of national self-report 
questionnaire surveys, traditionally 

The Senate is On Line used to S au 8 e tht severity of the drug 

Standing Committees Can Now be problem in the nation. 

Reached by Email Z * ° nl y 65 P ercent of the y ouths 

who tested positive for marijuana 

German Women Writers ^™ n f usin s the dru s in the P ast 

„ ,, „ thirty days. 

Confront Hate . 0uiy iive p ercen{ D f tne youths 

Feb. 25-27 Conference to Explore who tested pos i tive f or coca irie said 

Women's Response to Fascism & ^ they used the drug in the past three 
Racism ^j days — the period covered by the 

urine test — and only 15 percent of 
The Human Relations Code those testing positive for cocaine 

College Parks Policy on Sexual / admitted using it in the past 30 days. 

Orientation TT Most drug abusers were not 

school drop-outs, but were enrolled 
Kudos to . . . in a school prior to their detention. 
A Collection of Achievements, ^ 'This study underscores the mag- 
Awards and Accomplishments y nitude of the drug problem among 

certain juvenile groups," said Eric 
Wish, CESAR's director. "These kids 
are walking time bombs. Without 
early intervention, these children will 
become the criminals of tomorrow. 
As things now stand, they are a lost 

In the study, more than 260 juve- 
niles detained in a youth center were 

continued an page 2 


O F 


A T 



Nominations Sought for Prince Georgian of the Year 

The Prince Georges County Executive and Public Relations Asso- 
ciation are now accepting nominations for the fifth annual Prince 
Georgian of the Year Awards. Nominations, due February 19, can 
be made in the humanities, education, recreation, science and tech- 
nology, communication, humanita nanism, leadership, business, 
community service, lifetime achievement, and other categories. For 
more information, call 925-9592. 

Senate Committees Are on Email 

William Lynerd. Jr. 

Lafayette A. Barnes 

All standing committees of the 
Campus Senate may now be reached 
by email. 

Members of a standing committee, 
who have submitted their email 
(umail) address to the Campus Sen- 
ate Office, will receive an electronic 
mail message when it is sent to their 
respective committee account. This 
will increase communication in and 
among committees and enable all 
electronic mail users to bring ideas or 
raise issues directly to the standing 

Senate email addresses must fol- 
low this format: Senate-committee 
abre v ia tion@u For 
example, Faculty Affairs is Senate- (do not 
include a period after edu). Below 
are the committee abbreviations: 
Academic Procedures & Standards: 

Campus Affairs: CampAffs 

CORE Liberal Arts & Sciences 
Program: Core 
Educational Affairs: EdAffs 
Elections, Representation & 

Governance: ElecRepGov 
Faculty Affairs: Faculty Affs 
Governmental Affairs: GovtlAffs 
Human Relations: HumRel 
Instructional Resources: 

Programs, Courses & Curricula: 

Research: Research 
Staff Affairs: StaffAffs 
Student Affairs: StudentAffs 
Student Conduct: StudCon 

The full email addresses are also 
published on page 14 of the current 
faculty /staff directory. 

The Executive Committee may be 
reached through Robert Lissitz, Sen- 
ate Chair,, or 
Kathleen Smith, Campus Senate sec- 
retary, at 

Lynerd, Barnes Join 
Institutional Advancement Staff 

William Lynerd, Jr., and Lafayette 
A. Barnes have joined the Office of 
Institutional Advancement as assis- 
tant vice president for development 
and advancement officer, respectively. 

Lynerd, formerly director of devel- 
opment for Columbia University's 
School of Engineering and Applied 
Science, will be working closely with 
academic and administrative divi- 
sions on campus to obtain major phi- 
lanthropic support for university 


Barnes will work closely with the 
School of Public Affairs on its devel- 
opment and public relations activi- 
ties. He comes to College Park from 
the Washington, DC office of Capi- 
tal Group, Inc., based in Los Angeles, 
where he provided analysis on policy 
issues related to global investment 
strategy and supervised numerous 
public policy research 

CESAR Looks at Juvenile Drug Abuse 

continued from page 1 

interviewed and tested for drug use 
by urinalysis. Participation in the 
study was voluntary and confiden- 

Sixty-seven percent of the tested 
youths were male, most between the 
ages of Hand 15. The majority of 
females in the study were between 
the ages uf 15 and 16. Seventy-seven 
percent of the males and 66 percent of 
the females were African-American. 

Surprisingly, 84 percent of the 
males and 71 percent of the females 
were attending school prior to their 
admission to the juvenile center. 

"Frankly, the researchers thought 
most of the drug users would be 
school drop-outs," said Wish. "But 
what this tells us is that it is not too 
late to reach these kids. By taking 
active, intervention steps now while 

they are still in school, we may be 
able to save many of these children. 
But if we wait until they are older 
and out of any structured environ- 
ment, we will have lost an entire gen- 

Wish believes that the problem of 
juvenile drug abuse is now at a criti- 
cal stage. 

"The problem of juvenile offender 
drug abuse is much greater than most 
people realize," he said. "And we 
think that our study results hold true 
for the rest of the nation. Drug test- 
ing is an important tool for determin- 
ing the extent of juvenile and adult 
offender drug abuse. I believe that 
the Clinton Administration needs to 
focus immediately on expanding test- 
ing and treatment programs for 
youthful detainees. If we don't pay 
attention to this problem now, we 
will all pay for it later." 

— Gary Stephenson 

Four Colleges Create 
New Master's Degree 

continued from page I 

make the entire program comprehen- 
sive and relevant for the real world 
problems telecommunications profes- 
sionals face in the field." 

Nearly all of the courses being 
offered are newly created, specifically 
for this master's program. Focusing 
on applications rather than theoreti- 
cal problems and research, the pro- 
gram draws on the strengths of four 
major colleges and schools at the uni- 
versity: Engineering; Business and 
Management; Computer, Mathemat- 
ics and Physical Sciences; and Public 

Because of the start-up nature of 
the program and the fact that it was 
designed specifically for industry, 
tuition will be higher than for other 
master's programs at the university. 
According to Destler, industry execu- 
tives have demonstrated a willing- 
ness to pay a tuition that is 
comparable to that of a private school 
for the specialized type of education 
being provided in this program. 

"By combining industry and aca- 
demic expertise in building this pro- 
gram, students benefit from the best 
talent and experience in the field," 
says Peter Brown, manager of corpo- 
rate telecommunications for Digital 
Equipment Corp. "We are very excit- 
ed about the potential this program 
offers for the future." 

— Parks Samarrai 


Outlook is the weekly faculty-staff newspaper serving 
the College Park campus community. 

Kathryn Costs Ho 

Vice President for 

Institutional Advancement 

Roland King 

Director of Public Information 

Judith Salr 

Director of Creative Services 

John Fritz 


Solly Granatstaln 

Staff Writer 

Heather Davis 

Student Writer 

Stephen Sobek 

Student Writer 

Laurie Gaines 

Calendar Editor 

John T. Consoll 

Format Designer 

Keratin A. Neteler 

Layout & Production 

Al Danegger 


Jennifer Grogan 

Production Interns 

Susan Heller 

Robert Henke 

Letters to the editor, story suggestions, campus infor- 
mation & calendar items are welcome. Please submit 

all material at least two weeks before the Monday of 
publication. Send it to Editor Outlook, 2101 Turner 
Building, through campus mail or to University of 
Maryland, College Park. MD 20742. Our telephone 
number is (301) 405-4621, Electronic mail address is 
jfritz@umdacc. Fax number is (301) 314-9344. 





19 9 3 

Send In Women's History Month Information 

OUTLOOK is preparing a Women's History Month special insert for 
the March 1, 1993, issue. To be included, send information about 
lectures, exhibits or workshops no later than 5 p.m. on Thursday, 
February 18, to John Fritz, editor, OUTLOOK, 2101 Turner BIdg. 
You may also fax relevant items to 314-9344. Please include a con- 
tact person and phone number. For more information call 405-4629. 

Conference Looks at 

How Germany's Women Writers Face Fascism 

Do Germany's women writers 
confront their country's fascism dif- 

Firestorm' A teioish ChitrfhiMid 

Under the Nazis, an autobiog- 


ferently from their male counter- 

raphy which won the top 

parts? That is one of the questions to 

German critics award last 

^#^ ^^^99 ^^fl L^k' 

be explored during a conference enti- 


„ iTfcJtOL-" 

tled, "German Women Writers — 

The conference will close 

From Weimar to the Present: Facing 

on February 27 at 7:30 p.m. ^ff 

Fascism and Confronting the Past" to 

by addressing the current MEr*- ^? s *^^s^^^ 3k 

be held February 25-27 at UMUC's 

rise in racist incidents in 

-^MflM^ftp — *^H^^** ''^^■bw ^*w^M I^^^^^^^^B 


Germany with Sander's film, 

■^^■^^ ^^^N^ ^^^J ~^"**^^ 

The event will feature talks by 

"Freer and Freed." 

scholars from the U.S., Denmark and 

"The question of fascism 

Germany, a reading by critically 

is so closely related to the 

M > *'m& . "^^^ »^^^^ 

acclaimed German author Ruth 

question of patriarchy," says 

Angress Kluger and a 1992 film by 

organizer Elke Frederiksen, 

Helke Sander. 

a professor in the Depart- 


Both male and female scholars will 

ment of Germanic and Slavic 

focus on numerous related issues, 

Languages and Literatures, 

including; fascism and patriarchy; 

which is sponsoring the con- 

parallels between the recent racist 

ference along with the 

Jky WA' ^k II^bm 

attacks and the rise of fascism in the 

Goethe Institut, located in 

1930s; the impact of communism on 

Washington, D.C. 

1 ^^H ^ ^| ■■■■■■ 1 u' '^ '^hI ■¥*' A ^^H 

East German women writers; and 

"Women dealt with fas- 

how Jewish writers deal with ques- 

cism very differently from 

tions of German history. 

men. For one thing, they 

Discussion will focus on such 
authors as Christa Wolf, Nelly Sachs, 

didn't go off to fight," says 

Frederiksen. "That doesn't 

Anna Seghers and Ingeborg Drewitz. 

mean they were passive. I don't buy 

Seed for the Planting Must Not Be Ground. Kathe Kollwitz, 1942, litho- 

Keynote speaker Renate 

that myth at all: they were not only 

graph. Kollwitz (1867-1945) spoke out against the Nazis and was prohib- 

Mohrmann will address the current 

victims; they were also collabora- 

ited from exhibiting her art in the 1940s, according to professor Elke 

situation of German women at the 


Frederiksen. "1 think this lithograph captures the spirit of our conference," 

start of the conference. 

Frederiksen says the conference 

Frederiksen says. 

The focus will then shift to the 

reflects the importance that "women 

past with talks considering literature 

speak; not only men." While numer- 

dealing with German history, espe- 

ous books have focused on male 

cially the Nazi period of the 1930s 

authors, he says that Christa Wolf is 

and 40s. 

the only female writer who has been 

Kluger will read from her latest 

written about in detail. 

book Growing Up in the Ei/c of the 

— Soil}/ Granatstein 

Letter to the Editor 

In a recent issue of OUTLOOK you 

raised here and has no more of an 

looking at me, said that Hitler had 

published an article relating to the 

accent than any other American 

done a great job ridding Germany of 

problem of students sometimes being 

raised in this country. 

unwanted people — I feel as strongly 

confronted, in class, by racist remarks 

— Another foreign friend was 

that in classroom discussions or in 

made by their professors. 

threatened with legal action by a 

classes dedicated to addressing 

I appreciate your efforts to high- 

Black male student who accused her 

racism there should also be a presen- 

light racism as a social disease, but I 

of giving him a bad grade because 

tation of the problem as seen from the 

wonder up to what point such an 

she was a racist. My friend did not 

professors' and teaching assistants' 

article, at some level, is not part of 

know what to do, feeling she could 

side. Some of us suffer as well. 

that disease. 

not raise his grade, because it would 

In this respect the article you pub- 

I am a foreign teaching assistant 

have been unfair to the other stu- 

lished was painfully and unfortunate- 

and I know a lot of other TA.s from 

dents. She went to her chairperson 

ly skewed. 

various departments on campus. I 

who advised her to give the higher 

— Christine Fortin 

can tell you that the problem goes 

grade so the matter could be dropped 

Department of French and Italian 

both ways: students may suffer from 

and, more importantly, so her career 

racism, but T.A.s and faculty suffer as 

would not be ruined. So it was. 

Editor's note: though uncertain, the 

well. Here are some examples: 

The list could go on, but this is just 

author of this letter confirms that the 

— -A Korean-born but American- 

to report how things are going on the 

"article" she refers to was probably 

raised friend of mine was accused of 

other side, too. 

the Campus Senate Statement on 

speaking English with an accent and 

Indeed, if I strongly feel that some 

Classroom Climate printed on page 

criticized for it by a group of students 

professors need to take a racial sensi- 

two of the January 19, 1993 issue of 

who went to her department to com- 

tivity class — I remember one mathe- 


plain about her. However, she was 

matics professor of mine who. 


19 9 3 






Sexual Harassment Train ing-of-Trai tiers Workshop 

The Office of Human Relations Programs is sponsoring its second 
Sexual Harassment Prevention training-of-trainers workshop on 
Tuesday, March 23 and Thursday, March 25. Those interested in 
becoming trainers may request an application by calling (301 ) 
405-2838. Faculty are especially encouraged to applv. 

University's Policy on Gays and Lesbians— 
No Discrimination by Sexual Orientation 

President Clinton's effort to lift the 
military ban on gays and lesbians has 
focused national attention on the use 
of sexual preference as an evaluative 
criterion. Last spring, Maryland 
addressed this issue when the Cam- 
pus Senate voted to amend the 
Human Relations Code to include 
sexual orientation among the cate- 
gories protected against discrimina- 

Approved by a near unanimous 
vote last March, the amendment has 
lead to changes in employment pro- 
cedures, as well as such university 
publications as the declaration of stu- 
dent rights, the statement on class- 
room conduct, the policy on inclusive 
language, the faculty handbook, and 
school catalogs. 

"The resolution is empowering to 
gay, lesbian and bisexual faculty and 
staff," says English professor Michael 
Ma reuse, a member of the Lesbian 
and Gay Faculty and Staff Associa- 

"We serve as role models to our 
students when we come forward and 
identify ourselves as lesbian and 
gay," Marcuse continues, "and the 
new policy provides further recourse 
to protect ourselves from discrimina- 
tion when we do come forward." 

Last spring, when Marcuse 
received threatening crank phone 
calls, he considered going to Human 
Relations, partly because of the new 
policy. "I remember thinking/ 1 have 
someplace to go with this,'" he says. 

Marcuse says he knows a number 
of faculty members who have "come 
out" as lesbian or gay since the Cam- 
pus Sena te vote. 

The policy does not apply to the 
Maryland Air Force Reserve Officers 
Training Corps, the campus branch of 
the military, because federal, state 
and county statutes take precedence 
over the university code. 

According to the Chronicle of High- 
er Education, the issue of ROTC dis- 
crimination bv sexual orientation has 
been raised at other American uni- 
versities, a number of which have 
responded by withdrawing from par- 
ticipation in ROTC. 

"As the military goes through its 
process of change, that will make it 
easier for ROTC to fall into step with 
the university," says Marcuse, allud- 
ing to President Clinton's initiative to 
lift the military ban. 

Because of Maryland state guide- 
lines, the new university policy does 
not extend benefits to partners of uni- 
versity employees who are gay and 
lesbian, according to Campus Com- 
pliance Officer Rodney Peterson in 
the Office of Human Relations Pro- 

In June, Chancellor Donald Lan- 
genberg approved the amendment in 
a letter to President William Kirwan. 

"I too am an advocate of the belief 
that individuals should not be treated 
differently because of factors unrelat- 
ed to academic or job performance," 
Langenberg wrote in the letter. "Our 
society, and especially higher educa- 
tion, cannot sanction discrimination." 

"This isn't an issue we've had to 
fight alone," Peterson notes. "The 
debate on gays in the military and the 
election year have cast a spotlight on 
gay and lesbian rights." 

— Soil}/ Grmmtstein 

The New Policy 

Below is the text of the resolution 
on nondiscrimination as to sexu- 
al orientation: 

WHEREAS, the University of 
Maryland believes that its educa- 
tional and employment decisions 
should be based on individuals' 
abilities and qualifications and 
should not be based on factors or- 
personal characteristics which 
have no connection with academic 
abilities or job performance. 

THEREFORE, be it resolved 
by the Campus Senate (1) that it 
is the policy and commitment of 
the University of Maryland at 
College Park not to discriminate 
on the basis of race, color, creed, 
sex, sexual orientation, marital 
status, personal appearance, age, 
national origin, political affilia- 
tion, physical or mental handicap 
or on the basis of the exercise of 
rights secured by the First 
Amendment of the United States 
Constitution in its education pro- 
grams, activities, admissions, or 
employment policies, and 
(2) that the President should ini- 
tiate actions to revise University 
policies and documents to reflect 
this policy. 

Pearson Receives Grammy Nomination 

Barry Lee Pearson, a university 
English professor, has been nominat- 
ed for a Grammy award for his CD, 
"The Roots of Rhythm and Blues: A 
Tribute to the Robert Johnson Era." 

The CD, which has been nominat- 
ed for Best Traditional Blues Album, 
is a compilation of Johnson's music, 
music performed by Johnson's peers, 
and modern music influenced by 
Johnson's work. 

A joint venture between the 
Smithsonian Institution and 
Columbia Records, the compilation 
was co -produced bv Pearson, Don 
DeVito, Worth Long, and Ralph Rin- 

Other nominees for Best Tradition- 
al Blues Album include: Charles 
Brown's "Someone to Love;" 
Clarence "Gatemouth" Brown's "No 

Looking Back;" John 1 lammond's 
"Cot Love If You Want It;" and Dr. 
John's "Going Back to New Orleans." 

"I'm very fortunate to be in this 
situation," Pearson says. "The other 
nominees are primarily singers, but 
since this is a compilation [the 
National Academy of Recording Arts 
and Sciencesl listed the producers. 
It's a great honor." 

Will he win? 

"! think the chances are pretty 
good," Pearson says. "The others 
want to win it for the glory. So do l. 
But I think this has a higher purpose; 
it's an excellent vehicle to learn more 
about Robert Johnson's music." 

The Grammy Awards will be held 
February 24 in Los Angeles. 






1 5 

19 9 3 

Faculty Borrowing Loan Period Shortened at Chemistry Library 

The loan period for books borrowed from the White Memorial (Chem- 
istry) Library by persons with faculty borrowing privileges is now one 
semester, rather than approximately one year as in the past, Dr. H. 
Joanne Harrar, director of Libraries, has announced. The effect of this 
new policy is that all books borrowed at any time during the current 
semester will be due May 19, the last day of the spring semester. 

Kudos To... 

From time to time, OUTLOOK runs this sec- 
tion calling attention to the accomplishments, 
awards and achievements of College Park fac- 
ulty, staff and students. Kudos to.. .is com- 
piled from memos, letters, phone calls, and 
departmental newsletters. We'd like to hear 
from you, Send information, and a black & 
white photo, if possible, to OUTLOOK, attn: 
Kudos, 2nd Floor, Turner Building. 

Victor R. Basili and Marvin V. 
Zelkowitz, Institute for Advanced 
Computer Studies, who have been 
awarded a $2 million, four-year 
NASA grant by Goddard Space 
Flight Center to carry out research on 
the evaluation of software engineer- 
ing methodologies. 

Basili also participated in a work- 
shop hosted by the Council on Com- 
petitiveness. His talk, "Continuous 
Process Improvement: Experience 
Factories," discussed business soft- 
ware requirements and problem solv- 
ing activities. 

James R. Whelan, journalism, who 
was inducted as the first associate 
professor of Finis Terrae University, a 
private university in Chile. 

Cyril Ponnamperuma, chemistry, 
and John A. Bielec, administrative 
affairs, who attended the Third 
World Academy of Sciences Fourth 
General Conference. Delegates dis- 
cussed the role of science in solving 
environmental problems both in Arab 
countries and in other parts of the 

Bielec also received the Phi Kappa 
Phi faculty recognition and mentor 
award for his work with UMUC 
graduate students. 

Rita R. Colwell, microbiology, who 
received the Phi Kappa Phi National 
Scholar Award at the honor society's 
1992 Triennial Convention. 

Harriet Presser, sociology, who was 
selected as The George Washington 
University Distinguished Alumni 
Scholar for 1992-1993. She is the first 
social scientist and first woman to be 

Simon Richter, German, whose book, 
Laoeoou's Body and the Aesthetics of 
Pain, was recently published. The 
book examines the writings of Winck- 
elmann, Lessing, Herder, Moritz, and 
Goethe on the Laocoon statue and 
why it is a representation of pain. 

Lee Majeskie, animal sciences, who 
coached the 4H Club Dairy Cattle 
Judging Team to victory in the 

Victor Basil! 

National 4H Dairy Cattle Judging 

Alan Robock, meteorology, who has 
been awarded a fellowship for 
research in Japan by the Japan Society 
for the Promotion of Science. He will 
research the effects of volcanoes on 
the climate. 

Jim Hendler, computer science, who 
has been awarded a grant from the 
Office of Naval Research to study 
Japanese efforts to use parallelism in 
the area of artificial intelligence 

Stephen Leatherman, geography, 
whose Laboratory for Coastal 
Research won the Council on Interna- 
tional Nontheatrical Events 1992 
Golden Eagle Award for its film, 
"Vanishing Lands." 

James Humphrey, professor emeri- 
tus, who has written 21 books since 
his retirement in 1981. Some titles 
include: Teaching Children to Relax; An 
Overview of Childhood Fit) jess; and 
Stress in the Nursing Profession. 

Bob Scarfo, horticulture, for winning 
the Emens Distinguished Professor 
Award from the department of land- 
scape architecture at Ball State Uni- 

Jim Roche, journalism, for being 
named to head the Exhibits Commit- 
tee of AEJMC's Visual Communica- 
tions Division for next year's 

Clara Hill, psychology, who has been 
appointed editor of the journal of 
Counseling Psychology. 

Ed Trickett, psychology, for being 
appointed editor of the American 
journal of Community Psychology . 

William F. Armstrong, procurement, 
who traveled with a delegation to 
Russia and Estonia to assess the pre- 
sent state of governmental procure- 
ment procedures and education. 

Rita Colwell 

Robin Sawyer, health education, 
who was selected as the 1992 
Doris Sands Outstanding Teacher 
of the Year by the Panhellenic 
Association and the Interfraternity 

Charles O. Heller, business and 
management, for being inducted 
into the Entrepreneur Hall of 
Fame in Chapel Hill, NC. 

Ryszard Syski, mathematics, 
whose latest book, Passage Times 
for Markov Chains, has just been 

Delia Neuman, library and infor- 
mation services, who has received 
the 1993 Special Research Award 
of the Association for Educational 
Communications and Technology. 

Seppo Iso-Ahola, kinesiology, 
who was named Distinguished 
Visiting Professor at the WLRA 
International Centre of Excellence 
in Leeuwarden, the Netherlands. 

William Magette, agricultural 
engineering, who has been award- 
ed a Fulbright grant to conduct 
research on expert systems for 
environmental protection in the 
Republic of Ireland. 

Susan Green, business and man- 
agement, who has been named 
Assistant Director of the Dingman 
Center for Entrepreneurship. 

Guangming Zhang, mechanical 
engineering, who was awarded 
the Blackall Machine Tool and 
Gage Award by the American 
Society of Mechanical Engineers. 

Stanley G. Dambroski, English, 
who was selected to serve on pan- 
els at both the Fourth National 
Basic Writing Conference and the 
17th Annual Meeting of the Semi- 
otic Society of America. 

William Magette 

Harriet Presser 

Alan Robock 

Robin Sawyer 


19 9 3 






Black History Month Free Concert Set for Feb. 19 

Guest artists Michael Dash (baritone) and composer /pianist Lee 
Hoiby will bt* at the Tawes Recital Hall on February 19 at 4:00 p.m. 
for a free concert in honor of Black History Month. They will per- 
form "1 Have a Dream," which is a 10 minute setting of the words of 
Marting Luther King to music written by Hoiby. They will also play 
Hoiby's Whitman settings, a group of Schubert songs, and a song 
from the AIDS Quilt Songbook. 







February 15-24 


University College Arts Program 
Photography Exhibit: "Impressions- 
East and West." 8-8 daily. UMUC 
Conference Center Gallery, through 
March 28. Call 985-7154 for info. 

Art Gallery Exhibition: 'Art/Nature/ 
Society," Selections from the Permanent 
Collection, through April 16. Catl 5-2763 
for info. 

Undergraduate Admissions Open 
House, including tours of the campus, 
visits to departments and residence 
halls, and an "Information Express Fair," 
9 a.m. registration. Stamp Student 
Union Lobby. Call 4-8385 for info, 

Speech and Hearing Clinic, speech/ 

language/voice/hearing screenings, 9 
a.m. -noon, 0110A LeFrak, Also held on 
Feb. 18 and 19. Call 5-4218 for info. 

Germanic and Slavic Department Black 
History Month Lecture: "Why Afro- 
German Studies?" Leroy Hopkins, 
Millersville Lk, 4-5 p.m., 3205 Jimenez. 
Call 5-5646 for info. 

Contemporary Spanish Cinema: Luna de 
Lotos, (Julio Sanchez Vaides. 1987), 4 
p.m., St. Mary's Language House. Call 
5-6441 for info. 

Horticulture Colloquium: 'White Fly 
Resistance Associated with Nicotians." 
George Buta. USDA-ARS, 4 p.m.. 1102 
Holzapfel. Call 5-1374 for info. 

Compute' Science Colloquium: "How 
Hard is it to Reason About Proposition al 
Programs.' David Harel, Weianann 
Institute. 4 p.m.. 0111 Classroom 
Building (1061- Call 5-2661 for info. 

SEE Productions Lecture: "An Evening 
With Maya Angelou." 7:30 p.m., Grand 
Ballroom, Stamp Student Union. Tickets 
available at the Stamp Union Ticket 
Office Call 4-8342 for info.* 


The Committee on Africa and Africa In 
the Americas Brown Bag Lecture: 

"Literary Illusions m Victona Matthews' 
The Value of Race Literature," Shirley 
Logan, noon, 1120N F.S. Key. Call 
5-2118 for info. 

Ecology and Evolutionary Biology 
Seminar: "Forest Dynamics and 
Conservation issues m Malaysian 
Borneo." Richard Primack, Boston II., 
noon, 1208 Zoo/Psycn. Call 5-6945 for 

Issues and Answers Discussion: "Not 
Just Black and White: Implications of 
Intercultural Relationships." 1 p.m., 
2111 Stamp Student Union. Call 
4-7174 for info. 

Graduate Student Government Meeting, 

3-5 p.m., 1143 Stamp Student Union. 
Call 4-8630 for info. 

Government and Politics Lecture: 

"African American Politics: Then and 
Now.' Linda Williams, 3:30-4:45. 2166 
LeFrak. Call 5-4156 for info. 

Celebrating Events and Achievements 
of African American Scientists and 
Inventors Lecture: "Science and 

Technology in Agriculture." in honor of 
George Washington Carver, Essex 
Finney. US ARS, 4p.m. , 0467 Animal 
Sciences. Call 5-2085 for info. 

Committee on History and Philosophy 
of Science Lecture: "Simulation via 
Parallel-Processing,' James Reggia. 
4:15-6 p.m.. 1407 Chemistry. Call 
5-5691 for info. 

Resident life video: "A Class 
Divided. ..An Experiment in Awareness," 
7 p.m., St. Mary's Multipurpose Room. 
Discussion to follow. Call 4-7343 for 



Muttl-Ethnlc Student Career and Job 
Fair, 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m., Grand Ballroom. 
Stamp Student Union. Call 4-7174 for 

Black History Month Video, the Office of 

the Bursar sponsors a documentary/ 
biography of famous Black people in his- 
tory every Wednesday in February, 
noon-2 p.m., 1138 Lee. Call 5-90C5for 

Molecular and Cell Biology Seminar: 

"Neural Control of Food Intake," Thomas 
Castonguay. 12:05 p.m., 1208 
Zoo/Psych, Call 5-6991 for info. 

Overeaters Anonymous Meeting, 1-2 
p.m.. 3100E Health Center, weekly 
meeting open to campus community, 
Call 4-8142 for info, 

UMIACS Seminar on Algorithms: Data 
Structural Bootstrapping 3nd CatenaWe 
Deques." Adam Buchshaum, Princeton. 
2 p.m.. 1112 A.V, Williams, Call 5-6761 
for info. 

Center on Population, Gender and 
Social Inequality Seminar: 'The Unifying 
Principle: Variations in the Economic 
Effect of the Female Wage on Fertility in 

the U.S.,' Diane MacUnovich. Williams 
College, 3:30 p.m.. 2115 Art/Soc. Call 
5-6403 for info. 

Entomology Colloquium: 'Phytophagous 
insects m Plant Ecology: Irrelevant or 
Influential?" Svata Loutfa, University of 
Nebraska, 4 p.m., 0200 Symons. Call 

5-3911 for info. 

Celebrating Events and Achievements 
of African American Scientists and 
Inventors Lecture: "Luminescence in 

Organized Media,' in honor of Percy 
Lavon Julian, (siah Warner, Louisiana 
State Univ.. 4 p.m.. 1315 Chemistry, 
Call 5-2085 for info. 

Astronomy Colloquium; 'Recent Results 
on the Theory of Star Formation," Fred 
Adams, U. Michigan, 4 p.m., 1113 
Computer/Space Sciences. Call 5-3001 
for info 

University College Graduate School of 
Management and Technology 
Colloquium: "Managing the Knowledge 
Worker 1993-2020: One Key to 
Competitiveness," Joseph Coates. 
Coates & Jarratt, Inc.. 5: 30-6: 30p.m., 
UMUC Conference Center. Coffee served 
from 5-5:30 p.m. Call 985-7999 for 

Movie: Mississippi Burning, sponsored 
oy Amnesty International UMCP. 6 p.m., 
4210T Hombake. Discussion to follow. 
Call 4-7174 for info. 

GMAT Workshop, offered by the 
University College Center for 
Professional Development, four 
Wednesdays: Feb. 17 and 24. March 3 
and 10. 6-9:30 p.m., UMUC Conference 
Center. $175 fee. Call 985-7195 for 
info and registration,* 

Afro-American Studies Public Policy 
Conference: "African Americans: The 
New Policy Consensus: Retreat of the 
Liberal State?" 9 a.m. -4 p.m., Maryland 
Room. Marie Mount. Topics include 
Black Intellectual ism and Black 
Economic Development; Global Industrial 
Labor Policy: African American Women 
and the Politics of Reproductive 
Technologies. Call 5-1170 for info, 

Counseling Center Open House, 11 

a.m.-2 p.m.. 1101 Shoemaker. Call 
4-7675 for info. 

Returning Students' Workshop: 

"Multiple Roles." weekly discussion and 
support group to help women manage a 
variety of roles. 11 a. m -noon, 2201 
Shoemaker, Call 4-7693 for info. 

Study Circle on Science, Technology 
and the Quest for Peace lecture: 

"Relevance of International Protection of 
Human Rights to Democratization and 
Peace." Edy Kaufman, noon. 3460 A.V. 
Williams. Call 5-4957 for info. 

Meteorology Seminar: "Structure and 
Evolution of Southern Hemisphere 
Wavelike Teleccnnections." Hugo 
Berbery, 3:30 p.m., 2114 Computer and 
Space Science. Call 5-5392 tor Info. 

Celebrating Events and Achievements 
of African American Scientists and 
Inventors Lecture: "Aetin and 
Microtubule-dependent Organelle Motility 
m Squid Axoplasm: The Dual Filament 
Model of Fast Axonal Transport.' in 
honor of Ernest Evrett Just, George 
Langtord, Dartmouth. 4 p.m.. 1208 
Zoo/Psych. Call 5-2085 for inlo. 

Committee on History and Philosophy 
of Science Lecture: "Optimiration and 

Neuro-cognitive Modeling," Frederick 
Suppe. 4:i5--6 p.m.. 1407 Chemistry. 
Call 5-5691 for info. 

Reliability Seminar: "Pnnciples and 
Practices of Reliability Centered 
Maintenance," Earl Hill. NUS Corp. 

5:15-6:15 p.m.. 2110 Chemical and 
Nuclear Engineering. Call 5-3887 for 

The Committee on Africa and Africa in 
the Americas 1993Freoerlck Douglas 
Lecture: "Race Matters,' Cornel West, 
Princeton, 7:30 p.m.. 2203 Art/Soc. Call 
5-2118 for info. 

Crossroads In Rim: Miss 4 my ana Miss 
May. 7:30 p.m., St, Mary's multipurpose 
room. Call 5-2118 for info. 


The Committee on Africa and Africa in 
the Americas Graduate Seminar: "Race 
Matters." Cornel West Princeton. 9 a.m., 
St. Mary's multipurpose room. Call 
5-2118 for info. 

Concert Society at Maryland: Tall is 
Scholars, 8 p.m., Washington National 
Cathedral, pre-concert discussion at 6 
p.m .Tickets are $17 regular admission, 
$15.30 faculty and staff. $14.50 
seniors, and $7 students. Call 
403-4240 for tickets and info.* 


Dance Department Special Program: 
'Fante Asafo Music and Dance." 1:30-3 
p.m.. lecture hall, 2nd level, National 
Museum of African Art, Call 5-3185 for 


Society at 

Maryland presents the 
Tallis Scholars, who will perform a 
cappella Renaissance sacred music at 

the Washington National Cathedral at 8 p.m. on February 19. There 
will be a pre-concert discussion at 6 p.m. Tickets are $17 regular 
admission, $15.30 faculty and staff, $14.50 seniors, and $7 stu- 
dents. Call 403-4240 for tickets and info. 

Women's Basketball vs. University of 
North Carolina, 2 p.m.. Cole Field 
House. Tickets are $6 for ad nils. $3 for 
youth and seniors. Call 4-7070 for info." 


Dingman Center for Entrepreneurshlp 
Workshop: "Managing Sales Activity for 
Fast Growth." 1-5 p.m.. UMBC. 
Catonsville. Fee is $60 Call (4101 
455-2336 to register, ' 

Returning Students' Workshop: 
"Notetaking," 2-3 p.m.. 2201 
Shoemaker. Call 4-7693 for info. 

Contemporary Spanish Cinema: Tiempo 

de Stlencio. 1 Vicente Aran da, 19861, 4 
p.m.. St. Mary's Language House. In 
Spanish with English subtitles, Call 
5-6441 for info. 

Computer Science Colloquium: 

"Transaction Logic Programming," 
Michael Kifer. SUNV Stony Brook. 4 
p.m.. 0111 Classroom Building (106). 
Call 5-2661 for info. 

Horticulture Colloquium: "Opportunities 
for Cooperation in Plant Science 
Research," Darwin Murrell. USDA-ARS. 4 
p.m., 1102 Holzapfel. Call 5-4374 for 

Space Science Seminar "Cosmic Ray 
Composition At and Above the Knee," 
Tod or Stanev. U. Delaware, 4:30 p.m., 
1113 Computer/Space Sciences. Call 
5-4855 for info. 

American Heart Association CPR Class. 

for adult, child and infant skills, today 
and March 1, 6-9:30 p.m.. 2101 Health 
Center, advance registration required. 
$20. Other class pairs held Feb. 23 and 
March 2: Feb. 24 andMarch 3; Feb. 25 
and March 4. Call 4-8132 for info." 


Minority Health Fair. 10 a.m. -4 p.m.. 
Toluga Rooms A and B, Stamp Student 
Union. Call 4-7174 for info 

Ecology and Evolutionary Biology 
Seminar: "Foraging Ecology of Bats." 
Brock Fenton. York U.. noon, 1208 
Zoo/Psych. Call 5-6942 for info. 

Committee on History and Philosophy 
of Science Lecture: "Data in Cognitive 
Neurosoence," Avis Cohen, 4:15-6 
p.m.. 1407 Chemistry. Call 5-5691 for 

Dingman Center for Entrepreneurshlp 
Seminar: "ESOPs. Stock Options, and 
Profit Sharing," 6:30-9:30 p.m.. Pooks 
Hill Marriott, Bethesda. Fee is $2b for 
faculty, staff and students. $35 for busi- 
ness school alumni, $40 for others. Call 
5-2151 for info.* 

Symphonic Wind Ensemble Concert. 

John Wakefield, conductor, 8 p.m., 
UMUC Conference Center. Call 5-5548 
for info. 


UMIACS Seminar on Algorithms: 'Fast 
Deflection Routing for Packets and 
Worms." Barucb Schieber, IBM, 2 p.m., 
1112 A.V. Williams. Call 5-6761 for 

Office of Multi-Ethnic Student 
Education Discussion: "Relationships 
Among People of African Descent and 
Other Ethnic/Racial Groups," student 
panelists. 3-5:30 p.m.. Art/Soc Atrium. 
Call 5-5616 for info. 

Astronomy Colloquium: "On the Origins 

of Milky Way Halo Glass," Laura Danly, 
STSci, 4 p.m., 1113 Computer/Space 
Sciences. Call 5-3001 for info. 

Gallery Talk: "African Images: Views of a 
Culture," Chnsta Clarke and Letty 
Bonnell. 7:30 p.m.. Art Gallery. Call 
5-2763 for info. 

Men's Basketball vs. N.C. State, 8 
p.m.. Cole Field House. Call 4-7070 for 

• Admission charged for (his event. All 
others are free. 

Note: when calling from off-campus 
phones, use the prefix 314- or 405- 
respectively for numbers listed as 4-xm 
or 5-xx«x. 




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