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Daniel Fallon Named New Vice President for 
Academic Affairs and Provost 

Daniel Fallon of Texas A&M Uni- 
versity has been named vice presi- 
dent for academic affairs and provost 
at the University of Maryland at Col- 
lege Park, 

In announcing the appointment. 
President William E. Kirvvan said, 
"Tlie university is indeed fortunate in 
having an administrator and scholar 
of Dr. Fallon's stature join us as the 
institution's top academic officer. 
His diverse skills and strong leader- 
ship will be invaluable as College 
Park soiidifies its position as one of 
the nation's preeminent research uni- 

Fallon will assume his new posi- 
tion by late Jul V, replacing Jacob 
Goldhaber who for the past year has 
served as acting vice president for 
academic affairs and provost. 

Fallon joined Texas A&M Univer- 
sity as dean of the College of Liberal 
Arts and professor of psvchologv in 
1984. In his role as dean he had full 
responsibility for budget, personnel 
and academic quality for a college 
that emplovs more than 3(10 tenure- 
track faculty in 1 1 departments and 
produced more than 14(S,(ini) credit 
hours last semester. 

In commenting on Falion's new 
appointment, E. Dean Gage, senior 
vice president and pro\'ost at Texas 
A&M, observed, "Dan Fallon will be 
greatly missed at Texas A&M Univer- 
sity and we recognize his enormous 
contributions to the College of Liber- 
al Arts and the university. He has 

provided a vision and leadership for 
our College of Liberal Arts that has 
been exemplarv." 

Fallon is past president of the 
Council of Colleges of Arts and Sci- 
ences, and is a founding member of 
the Council of Arts and Sciences in 
Urban Universities, He also is a for- 
mer member of the board of directors 
of the American Conference of Aca- 
demic Deans. With the assistance of 
a Carnegie Corporation grant, he is 
currentlv leading a national effort to 
redesign the way prospective teach- 
ers are educated at the nation's col- 
leges and universities. 

Prior to joining Texas A&M, Fal- 
lon served as dean of the College of 
Liberal Arts and Sciences and profes- 
sor of psychology at the University of 
Colorado at Denver. Earlier he held 
faculty and administrative posts at 
the State University of New York at 
Binghamton, and served as visiting 
professor of psychology at the Uni- 
versity of Dusseldorf where he was 
also a Senior Fulbright Research Fel- 

Trained as an experimental psy- 
chologist, Fallon has contributed to 
the scientific literature on the study 
of learning and mL-)tivation. He also 
has published widely on issues relat- 
ing higher education to public policy, 
including a prize-winning book on 
the German university. 

Fallon received his B.A. degree 
from Antioch College, and was 
awarded his M.A. and Ph.D. degrees 

Daniel Fallon 

by the University of Virginia, 

Fallon was born in Cartagena, 
Colombia, where his family had been 
established since 1830, His great 
grandfather was Diego Fallon, a 
national poet of Colombia and one of 
the founders of modern Latin Ameri- 
can literature, and his father was Car- 
los Fallon, who served as chief of 
staff of the Colombian navy, I laving 
arrived as an immigrant to the United 
States at age three, he grew up in 
Washington, D.C. and worked and 
studied in Germany as a college stu- 

— Kolami K'/i/c 

University Defends Race-Based Scholarships 
in Banneker Schoiarsiiip Decision/Report 

Over Here, Over There The university has determined, 

through an internal study growing 

Stniie^ic Plan Coortlinates ^ out of an appeals court decision, that 

rni\er,sity's Iniernaiioniil Programs,.:^ race-based merit scholarships remain 

a necessary and effective tool in 

Drop Out Factors attracting an equitable number of 

African American students. 

New Study I'.siahlj.shes .Nine -^ The decision and report were 

Predictors' of ,Suident lieiention ^ issued last week by President 

William E. Kirw-an. The report 

Point of View acknowledges that, because of dis- 

criminatory practices in Maryland 

,. . „ , ,,, , ,. I, , schools until the mid-1950s, negative 

hvt Heck Bids farewell /^ » 

-v, , ,, .. ,^. , l~\ perceptions lincer with some mmori- 

as Women s Studies Director W ^ f o 

ty populations. These perceptions, 

1002 q/ ritu A A ^'^^ internal study found, form a valid 

lyJ5-n trIUi Awards ^^^-^ ^^^ ^^^^^^ proactive efforts as the 

Banneker Scholarship program. 
Graduate School Announces y Banneker Scholarships are four- 

Ke,seaKh Awunls...,. / year awards given to academically- 

talented African American freshmen. 
Approximately 25 new awards are 
made each year. The scholarships 
provide full financial support for all 
four years, covering tuition, room, 
board, fees and book expenses. 

The Banneker Scholarship pro- 
gram, the report states, was foimdcd 
in 1979 on the premise that increased 
enrollment of "high achieving" 
African Americans would move the 
university toward its goal of educat- 
ing African Americans equally with 
other segments of society. 

The program, according to the 
report, "has increased the enrollment, 
retention, and graduation rates of 
African American students," and has 

contiuucti on pi\^e 2 

MAY 3, 1993 

U iN 1 V E R S I T Y 

O F 


A T 



Marcus Franda 

Ambitious Strategic Plan Develops University's 
International Programs 

With the Cold War over, Hie world 
getting smaller and the global mar- 
ketplace looming ever larger, the uni- 
versity has mounted a campus-wide 
effort to move its international pro- 
grams to a new plateau of develop- 
ment and organization. 

Along these lines, the Internation- 
al Affairs Committee (lAC), headed 
by Leslie Palmer, has spent almost 
two years gathering input from more 
than 200 faculty, staff and adminis- 
trators on an expansive "Strategic 
Plan for the Development of Interna- 
tional Activities at UMCP." 

The plan — tiriginally proposed by 
President Kirvvan in June, 1*391 and 
released in late February — recom- 
mends significant increases in foreign 
language offerings, study abroad pro- 
grams, new and visiting faculty 
appointments, and creation of a new 
international center building. 

"Very Httle, if any, of the funding 
for the plan is expected to come from 
state resources," says Marcus Franda, 
director of International Affairs. 
"Indeed, we see the plan as a way of 
attracting resources from outside the 
state, and outside the university." 

With these recommendations, 
Franda says, the university can avoid 
large outlays and raise revenue by 1 ) 
creating a synergistic effect among 
existing programs — "using what vvc 
have and getting more out of it"; 2) 

instituting programs that will gener- 
ate their own funds, such as the inter- 
national center which could provide 
accommodations, for example, to ris- 
ing numbers of guests from the 
National Archives II; and 3) attracting 
new funding sources for both new 
and existing programs. 

The plan's text points to a national 
climate in which funding for interna- 
tional programs is rapidly increasing. 
University funds from the U.S. Agen- 
cy for International Development, for 
ex am pie, have jumped from 5224,000 
in 1989 to over $7.3 million last year. 
The federal government has also just 
created the National Security Educa- 
tion Program which allocates a 
whopping $135 million — the most 
since the Fulbright Program in the 
194tls — for international programs in 
higher education. 

Under these conditions, the alter- 
native to a strategic approach to 
international activities is a critical loss 
of competitiveness far the university, 
says Franda. 

The ma}or lAC recommendations, 
which have been approved by Kir- 
vvan and Acting Provost Jacob Goid- 
haber, are listed below. For more 
informaticm, call 405-4772, 

Foreign Language Instruction 

La nguage d epa rtment s vvi 1 1 1 ) 
offer more "special-domain" foreign 

Banneker Scholars 

cotttintied from page 1 

also increased the number of peer 
mentors and role models available as 
support to the uni\'ersity's African 
American student population as a 

The report notes that since the 
mid-1950s the university has imple- 
mented a number of programs to 
recruit and retain minority students. 
A 1992 study by the magazine Black 
Issues in Higher Education, for exam- 
ple, ranked the University of Mary- 
land at College Park as number one 
nationally among non-historically 
black schools in the number of bac- 
calaureate and doctoral degrees 
awarded to black students. 

As for retention, the university's 
statistics show that the percentage of 
black students who have either grad- 
uated or are still enrolled five years 
after entering as freshman has grown 
from 35 percent in 1 98f> to 48 percent 
in 1992. The five-year retention rate 
for all students, however, was 53 per- 
cent in 1 986 and 64 percent in 1 992, 
showing that despite marked 
improvement, the university still lags 
in retaining black students when 

compared to the student population 
as a whole. 

The legal controversy over race- 
based scholarships at the university 
began in 1990 when Daniel Pod- 
beresky, then a freshman, challenged 
College Park's Banneker Scholarship 
program in District Court, on the 
basis that the scholarships were 
unfairly not available to him because 
he is not African American. The Dis- 
trict Court ruled that the Banneker 
Scholarships did not violate the law, 
but on appeal by Mr.Podberesky, the 
U.S. Court of Appeals reversed the 
lower court decision, ruling that the 
District Court erred when it "failed to 
make a specific finding" of "some 
present effect of past discrimination." 
The university's decision and report 
released today establishes that pre- 
sent effect, according to President 

The report concludes that the insti- 
tution's programmatic efforts have 
not yet succeeded in fully eradicating 
the adverse effects of the university's 
past history as it relates to African 

— Roland King 

language courses in such areas as 
business, engineering and translation; 
2) increase offerings in less common- 
ly taught languages; and 3) strength- 
en their link with study-abroad 

In addition, the university will cre- 
ate five new visiting faculty positions 

coiitiniied on page 5 

Can You Host Foreign 

The Maryland English Institute is 
looking for American hosts for two 
upcoming programs involving for- 
eign students. This summer, a group 
of Japanese university students from 
Kawasaki Prefecture (Maryland's sis- 
ter state in Japan) is coming for a 
five-week English language program. 
Hosts are needed for the weekend of 
Saturday, July 31, to take one or two 
students for an overnight stay. The 
"Welcome Home to Maryland" pro- 
ject will begin this fall. This project, 
which is partially funded by the Unit- 
ed States Information Agency, will 
pair international students at MEI 
and UMCP with "friendship fami- 
lies" who agree to have their student 
over for dinner or some other activity 
at least three times during the 
semester. If you are interested in 
either of these programs, please call 
405-8634 or 405-5188. 


Outlooh IS tlie weekly faculty-staff newspaper serving 
the College Park campus community. 

Kathryn Costs Mo 

Vice President for 

Institutional Advancement 

Roland King 

Director nf Putilic Information 

iudlth Balr 

Director cf Creative Services 

John Fritz 


Solly Granatstein 

Staff Writer 

Uufte Gotnes 

Calendar Editor 

Heather Davis 

Editorial Interns 

Stephen Sobeh 

John T. Consoll 

Format Designer 

Kerstin A. Neteler 

Layout & Production 

Al Danegger 


Jennifer Grogan 

Production Interns 

Susan Heller 

Robert Henke 

Letters to the editor, storv suggestions, campus Infor- 
mation & calendar items are welcome. Please submit 
all material at least two weeks before the fiflonday of 
publtcalton. Send il to Editor Outlook. 2101 Turner 
Building, through campus mail or to University of 
Maryland, College Park. fvflO 20742. Our telephone 
number is 13011 405-'l621. Electronic mail address is, Fax number is (301) 314-9344. 

ktrllV Lit MAKVL,V.\D Al CULl Kl 

O U T L 



M A Y 3 

1 9 V 3 

students Living Off Campus Are More Likely to Drop Out 

College students who live off cam- 
pus are more likely to drop out of 
school than students who hve on 
campus, according to a recently com- 
pleted study that identifies nine pre- 
dictors of whether a college student 
will drop out or remain in school. 

Living off campus is the strongest 
of the nine factors identified as 
adversely affecting college retention, 
followed by working more than 21 
hours a week, paying more than 30 
percent of expenses, commuting 
more than 8 minutes from home to 
campus, spending less than 2 hours 
per day socializing on campus, com- 
muting more than 13 minutes to 
work from home, having less than 2 
friends on campus, and working off 

The study, conducted by psychol- 
ogy professor Roger Mclntire, found 
that students who meet six or more of 
the nine predictors are more likely to 
drop out than students who meet five 
or less of the predictors. Most stu- 
dents who drop out meet seven of the 
predictors, while most students who 
remain in school meet only two. 

"Students who strive to take part 
in campus employment, housing and 
activities have the greatest likelihood 
f a n e n r i c hed and cti m p I e te c o 1 le ge 
education, while students consumed 
by work and trax'el find the final step 
of quitting college an easy one — a 
simple schedule adjustment," con- 
cludes the study. 

The study was based on a survey 
of 910 students, half of whom had 
declared their intention to drop out. 
According to Mcintire, only a small 
proportion of the students dropping 
out were in poor academic standing. 
Many cited finances as a reason for 
leaving college, even though they 
often were able to meet college 

"This study assesses the balance 
between value received from college 
opportiniities, as reflected in time 
and activities on campus, and 
expenses endured, as reflected in the 
work hours and percentage of 
expenses borne by the student," 
explains Mcintire. "As the balance 
deteriorates, the proportion of stu- 
dents dropping out can reach over 90 

To bring students back on campus, 
Mcintire suggests that campus job 
opportunities and convenient, attrac- 
tive and affordable housing be made 
available to students. 

"Campus employment and living 
enhances the cooperative nature of 
the campus community and the stu- 
dent d i sc o v ers m o re o f co 1 leg e 
life — its career path opportunities 
and intellectual and social diversity," 
says Mcintire. 

Some schools are already taking 
steps to make on -cam pus housing 
more convenient, attractive and 
affordable. For those students who 
leave campus housing for financial 

reasons, George Washington Univer- 
sity has decreased housing costs, 
while Towson State University allows 
housing payments 
to be made over 
the course of the 

To attract stu- 
dents who move 
off campus to 
escape the party 
atmosphere of the 
typical dorm, sub- 
stance-free hous- 
ing is now offered 
by the University 
of Michigan, Holy 
Cross College, the 
University of 
Maryland at Col- 
lege Park, and oth- 

And to lure 
those students who 
simply want addi- 
tional amenities, 
Drew University 
installed cable TV 
and computer 
modems in dorm 
rooms. College 
Park has plans to 
follow Drew's lead. 

Mcintire will present his findings 
on May 27 during a meeting of the 
Association for Behavior Analysis, in 
Chicago, 111. 

— Beth Workiiwn 

Roger Mcintire 

New Faculty-Staff Campaign Aims for Total Participation 

Does y o 11 r d e pa r t m en t n eed n e w 
lab equipment? Could it use new fur- 
niture? Is the travel budget low? 

You and your colleagues can help 
meet these needs through the univer- 
sity's Faculty-Staff Campaign. 

Although this is the eighth year of 
seeking support for College Park pro- 
grams from those who work here, it 
marks the first year of a "revised and 
revitalized approach to our col- 
leagues," according to Campaign 
Chair Jonathan Rood, director of 
Communications and Business 

Changes include a new timetable, 
with campaign materials sent early in 
the year to avoid conflicts with other 
solicitations that occur in the fall. 

The campaign also targets an 
impressive goat — $1 million, to be 
raised over three years. 

The "new" campaign kicked off 
this spring when all past donors were 
invited to inaugurate a three-year 
campaign by pledging their support 
for 1993, 94 and 95. 

Representatives of all departments 
also participated in a "working 

lunch" to brainstorm ideas for mak- 
ing the campaign successful. Some 
groups have already started to plan 
fund raising events to support specif- 
ic programs, such as a cookbook to be 
sold to benefit the Student Affairs 
Scholarship Fund. 

Donations that are unrestricted 
will be designated by President Kir- 
wan for the campus' most critical 
needs. However, gifts may also be 
designated for any campus program, 
including the donor's own depart- 
ment. In the past, departments have 
made gifts for new equipment, pro- 
grams, furniture, scholarships or 
even funds for travel. The libraries 
and specific scholarships are also 
popular choices for support. 

"Last year, more than $260,000 
was raised by the Faculty-Staff Cam- 
paign, demonstrating the exceptional 
dedication of those who already give 
so much to this campus," says Jan 
George, executive director of Annual 
Giving Programs. 

George also notes that approxi- 
mately 13 percent of the campus' 
6,200 employees supported the cam- 

paign. About 85 percent of the funds 
raised last year were designated to 
specific departments or projects. 

During the first week in May, all 
campus personnel will receive cam- 
paign packets explaining the fund 
drive and the methods for ctmtribut- 
ing to it (payroll deduction cards for 
the full three years of the campaign 
will be available). As the year pro- 
gresses, certain colleges and units 
will also be highlighting the cam- 
paign through special meetings or 
events, and all faculty and staff will 
receive periodic updates about the 
progress of the campaign. 

"This campaign is about commit- 
ment. For every one of us who works 
here, our daily commitment is the 
reason this university keeps getting 
better," says Rood. "Our financial 
support shows that same commit- 
ment. It is a message of pride in what 
we have created together here at Col- 
lege Park." 

For more information, please coji- 
tact Jan George at 405-7759. 


19 9 3 




I Itll'i'H I 

Nominations For Staff Leadership Conference Needed 

The Lainjiiis ScMiate Staff Affair:^ CtimmitU'e is SL-ekiny nominations for per- 
sons to attend the "Staff Leadership Conference: The Fundamentals of Shared 
Governance," to be held June 23. Nominees should be interested in participat- 
ing in the campus decision-making process at any level. Nominations are due 
by May 21. For more information, or to receive a nomination form, call 

Minority Achievement Award Winners Announced 

The President's Com- 
mission on Ethnic Minori- 
ty Issues is holding its 
annual award ceremony 
May 5, 1993, from 3:00 to 
5:00 p.m. in the garden of 
the Rossborough Inn. The 
Commission established 
the Minority Achieve- 
ment Awards to recog- 
nize employees, students, 
and individual units that 
have made outstanding 
contributions to the equi- 
ty efforts on campus. 

This year's winners 
were chosen from the cat- 
egories of graduate stu- 
dent, associate staff, 
faculty, classified staff, 
non-academic unit and 
academic unit. 

The individual 
awardees are Jairo 
Fuertes, doctoral student 
in counseling psychology 
and graduate assistant 
with OMSE; Rosemary 
Parker, director of the Cen- 
ter for Minorities in Science 
and Engineering; Sheri Parks, associ- 
ate professor, American Studies; and 
Delores Rogers, secretary in the Cen- 
ter for Math Education. 

The Office of the Comptroller, 
directed by Darryl Christmon, will 

Pictured left to right are Rosemary Parker, Darryl Christmon, 
and Sheri Parks 

JaIro Fuertes, Susan Komlves, Delores Rogers 

receive the non -academic unit award. 
The College Student Personnel 
Administration Graduate Program, 
coordinated by Susan Komives, will 
receive the academic imit award. 
The campus community is invited 

to the reception to join President Kir- 
wan and the Commission in recog- 
nizing these individuals and units for 
their contributions to our goal of cre- 
ating an institution of excellence 
through diversity. 

Billions Spent Unnecessarily by Consumers Looking for Best Quality 

Consumers spent an average of 
S5.3 billion more on home electronic 
products than was necessary in 1991, 
according to a study by College Park 
researchers Adriana Jannuzzi and 
Rachel Dardis. 

In their study, "Consumer Loss 
from Price Dispersion in the Con- 
sumer Electronics Market," Jannuzzi 
and Dardis found substantial price 
variations in consumer electronic 
products of similar quality. 

"Consumers, in general, equate a 
higher price with better quality," says 
Jannuzzi, a master's candidate in eco- 
nomics. "But our study shows that 
there usually is no correlation 
between the two." 

Findings of consumer loss and 
price- quality relations were based on 
data found in Cojisiiiner Reports maga- 
zine from 1982-1991. Types of home 
audio and video equipment analyzed 
included camcorders, compact disc 
players, color televisions, audio 
receivers, tape decks, television/ 
videocassette recorder combinations 
and individual videocassette 

Jannuzzi and Dardis first calculat- 
ed absolute consumer loss, or the 
amount that consumers paid unnec- 

essarily, using price and quality data. 
They found that consumers lost about 
$3.7' billion in 1990 and $5.3 billion in 
1991. Consumption of consumer 
electronics totalled approximately 
$23 billion in 1991. 

The absolute consumer loss for 
individual consumer electronic prod- 
ucts ranged from approximately $1 1 
million for tape decks in 1982 to 
approximately $2 billion for color 
television sets in 1991. 

Using Cotmiiiter Re^wrfs' quality 
ranking, Jannuzzi and Dardis also 
evaluated the association between 
price and quality. Of the products 
analyzed in their sample, only 33 per- 
cent were of a quality to warrant a 
higher price. 

"Prices of consumer electronics are 
not a reliable indicator of product 
quality," concludes Jannuzzi, who 
admits that uninformed consumers 
tend to rely on price as one of the 
means of judging product quality. 

"Our study substantiates the exis- 
tence of a consumer information gap 
and points quite emphatically toward 
the need for consumer educators and 
policymakers to make consumer 
information more accessible," says 
Dardis, professor of economics. 

From a product perspective, the 
researchers say the information gap is 
caused by the scope and diversity of 
consumer products, the increasing 
level of technology achieved by con- 
sumer products, and the rapid rate of 
change for many product characteris- 
tics. As far as consumers are con- 
cerned, Jannuzzi and Dardis point to 
the monetary and time costs associat- 
ed with information acquisition and 
an imawareness of the benefits of 
such information as causing the infor- 
mation gap. 

To help narrow this information 
gap and reduce consumer loss, Jan- 
nuzzi and Dardis recommend that 
consumer educators and policymak- 
ers develop accessible information 
programs, including simplified and 
standardized formats, and effective 
presentation techniques; that busi- 
nesses make advertising and sales 
prt)motion more informative and 
develop explicit owner's manuals 
and informative labeling; and that 
consumers take advantage of the 
information found in product testing 
magazines and on labels. 

— Belli Workiiinu 





19 9 3 

Counseling Center Helps Teachers Help Students 

Thu- Ci)unsGling Center has developt'd n guide for faculty and staff mennbers, 
"Helping Students in Distress," which can help you help your students. The 
center also operates an emergency hotline, 314-7651, and has established tbe 
Warmline, 314-7653, for advice on n on -emergency problems. For more infor- 
mation, or a copy of the guide, call the Counseling Center at 314—7651. 

International Executives Program Draws Four Distinguished 
Leaders Witli Diverse Global Experience 

Charles Miller was AT&T vice 
president for Public Affairs for 12 
years; Town send Hoopes was under- 
secretary of the Air Force in the John- 
son Administration and is an 
a ward -winning author; Ben Kreme- 
nak tried to promote democratic 
reform in South Korea; and John 
hlawes served for three decades in 
U.S. embas.siies in Italy, Fthiopia, 
India, Austria, Belgium and Morocco, 

What do these four people have in 

All are participating in the Distin- 
guished International Executives Pro- 
gram. Miller and President William 
Kir wan started the program in 1991 
to foster cross-fertilization between 
government, business and the univer- 

For these executives, says Miller, 
the university is "a place to come and 
explore areas that we had interest in, 
and at the same time be available to 
the faculty, the school and the stu- 
dents in a sort of senior ad visor status," 

The program is a return to campus 
for Miller, who graduated from 
Maryland with a B.S. in business in 
1953. In his most recent role with 
AT&T, Miller worked in Washington 
with the federal government on 
telecommunication issues. 

On campus, Miller is affiliated 
with Maryland's Center for interna- 
tional Business Education and 
Research (CIBER). For the past 20 

months, he has used his considerable 
AT&T planning experience to co- 
chair UMCP's International Strategic 
Planning effort (see article on page 
two). He is due to lead an academic- 
business delegation to Indonesia for 
CIBER in mid-June. 

Hoopes comes to the university 
from a varied career in business, gov- 
ernment and writing. 

A Marine lieutenant in WWII, 
HotJpes filled various roles in the 
Defense Department and military 
from the post-war period undl 1969. 
He went on to write numerous books, 
notably The Limits of Intervention, 
which opposed American involve- 
ment in Vietnam. 

Among his many activities at 
Maryland, Hoopes lias been chairing 
a set of conferences on arms control 
in the post-Cold War world. 

Kremenak spent a large portion of 
his professional life in South Korea, 
working with the Asia Foundation to 
support grass-roots democracy 
efforts. He has also served in the 
foundation's San Francisco headquar- 
ters and directed its office in 

Since fall 1991, Kremenak has been 
with the Center for [nternational 
Security Studies at Maryland 
(CISSM) — along with Hoopes and 
Hawes — and is writing a pair of 
papers examining the foundations of 
democracv and the roots of Korean 


President KIrwan (second from the rigfit) poses with three Distinguished 
International Executives in Residence, (left to right) Ben Kremenak, Charles 
Miller and Townsend Hoopes. John Hawes, the fourth executive In resi- 
dence, Is not pictured. 

economic prosperity. 

Hawes is the latest member of the 
program, coming to campus last fall 
after three decades as an American 
foreign service officer, Currendv, he 
is U.S. ambassador to negotiations for 
the "Open Skies" Treaty, a pact 
allowing member countries to ccm- 
duct satellite surveillance over each 
other's territories. 

When he is not on Capitol Hill, 
where the treaty is now working its 
way through Congress, Hawes can 
often be found on campus, writing 
papers on arms control and partici- 
pating in CISSM's Advanced Interna- 
tional Seminar on Foreign Policy. 

International Affairs 

coiitinneii from poge 2 

and a new masters-level foreign lan- 
guage certificate program. 

Study Abroad & Faculty Exchange 

Ten percent of the undergraduate 
graduating class should be studying 
abroad by 1998. By year 2008, that 
figure should reach 20 percent. To 
achieve these goals, the university 
will work to boost revenue for study- 
abroad scholarships, particularly for 
in-state and minority students. 

The university also plans increases 
in faculty exchanges, overseas study 
for graduate students and staffing of 
the Study Abroad Office. 

Undergraduate Education 

The university will "develop...a 
program of curriculum transforma- 
tion similar to that which so success- 
fully incorporated women's work 
and women's issues into existing 
courses," according to the plan. This 
June, faculty will participate in a 
retreat devoted to this topic and the 
creation of a new International Schol- 

ars Program. Ira Berlin, acting dean 
of Undergraduate Studies, will lead 
the meeting. 

International Faculty 

A new Distinguished Visiting Pro- 
fessor Program will draw at least six 
world-class foreign faculty members 
per year. In addition, an inter-college 
search committee is being formed to 
recruit six faculty members per year 
with foreign language skills or other 
expertise in crucial areas such as 
international business and engineer- 
ing. This program is especially criti- 
cal to maintain competitiveness with 
other universities for research fund- 
ing and students, according to Fran- 

Cross-Disciplinary Cooperation 

Funding increases for the major 
cross-disciplinary committees in 
international affairs have been recom- 
mended. Outside money is also 
being sought for annual seed or 
incentive grants of $30,000 and 
$50,000 for faculty research across 
college and departmental lines. 

An International Center Building 

A self-sustaining international 
center is being proposed. The center 
will provide accommodations for 
UMCP's 2500 annual international 
visitors and serve as a focal point for 
international programs, in addition to 
thousands of annual guests of the 
National Archives II. The center 
would be housed either in a new 
building to be constructed near Park- 
ing Lot 1 or in a presently unoccu- 
pied dorm. 

World-Wide Alumni 

A campus-based International 
Alumni Committee has already creat- 
ed an alumni organization in Taiwan. 
The plan calls for similar groups to be 
formed in other selected regions 
within five years. President Kir wan 
visited Taiwan for 10 days in January 
to charter the alumni organization. 
Taiwan was selected as a test-case 
because of its large community of 
affiliateti UMCP alumni. 

^Solly Granatstein 


19 9 3 





Women's Studies Director Reflects on Nine Year Tenure 

This article appenri'ii in the A\pri!/Mii\/ 
1993 is5r(t'(i/ Bridging, the )h-u''slettcr 
of the Women's StiiiUes Pw^miu. 

As most of you probably know 
by now, I have decided to step 
down as Director ot the Women's 
Studies Program. Since so many 
people seem to think that "step- 
ping down" means "stepping out" 
of Maryland, I hasten to assure you 
that after a semester off for renew- 
al, I plan to return to the Women's 
Studies faculty with enthusiasm, 
full of ideas for new courses and 

But the fact that this is the last 
time in which I will be writing for 
Brht^iiig as "Director" makes it 
extremclv difficult to write any- 
thing at all. 1 will therefore try to 
follow the advice 1 ha\'e always 
gi\'en to others wlien tliev were 
stuck: "Problematize the issue!" 
However, as most academics 
know, it is not so easy to translate 
theory into practice- 
Mow to begin? Several 
approaches come to mind. I could 
give an tu'ervieiv of developments 
in the program in the nine years 1 
have been its Director. In which 
case 1 would mention the growth 
of the core faculty from two to 
seven and its diversification in 
terms of cultural and disciplinary 
differences, 1 would mention the 
institutionalization of major annu- 
al events, such as the August 
retreat followed by the September 
Assembly-of-the-Whole, the 
February Research Forum, the Poi- 
yseminar Lecture Series with its 
classes and faculty/staff study- 
group, the Mav Graduation cere- 
mony; programming for Women's 
History Month, Black History 
Month and beyond; the success of the 
Graduate Certificate Program which 
has accepted sixteen students in its 
first year and is still growing; the 
"almost" major in Women's Studies 
which, if approved by the Senate 
PCC Committee and The Maryland 
Higher Education Commissit)n, will 
be a reality in September of 1994. But 
those of you who are part of our 

Evelyn Torton Beck 

I don't remember exactly when 
things began to change, but 
incrementally, with each success, I 
finally had to face the fact that we 
at Women's Studies were no longer 
entirely' "outsiders," but were grad- 
ually becoming valued members of 
the institution. 

Women's studies community know 
these details. Still, I am finding it 
rather comforting to detail them here, 
for once not as part of an effort to get 
money for the program, but just for 
the sheer pleasure of recogni;;ing our 

But the program is not the only 
entity to have developed in the time i 
have been its Director. This has been 

the most gratifying work 1 have 
ever done, and it has also been 
(pardon the expression), one of 
the most "growth producing" 
experiences 1 have ever had. In 
this job 1 have teamed to work 
within a patriarchal institution as 
a member of multiple minorities, 
and to assert what 1 believed in, 
even when it was not popular 
opinion. I have learned to ask 
forcefully for what 1 believed the 
program deserved, 1 have learned 
not to be afraid. And amid the 
many major frustrations and 
annoyances that are part of any 
administrative job, I have had the 
most wonderful colleagues and 
the most supportive staff imagin- 
able. I have also worked with 
delightful and creative students. 
One of the most surprising 
_ things 1 have had to learn was to 
accept success. 1 came to feminism 
in the early years of the Second 
Wave, and bv the time I came to 
this campus Women's Studies no 
longer had to fight for its exis- 
tence. However, in my first years 
as Director it was clear to me that 
the program was not being given 
the respect it deserved — that 
Women's Studies was still viewed 
with suspicion as a "soft" disci- 
pline, as if it itself were "a 
\yoman." In the beginning, I had 
to fight for evervthing — hard, I 
don't remember exactly when 
things began to change, but incre- 
mentally, with each success, I 
finally had to face the fact that we 
at Women's Studies were no 
longer entirely "outsiders," but 
were g ra d It a 1 1 y beco m i n g va 1 u ed 
members of the institution. Key 
_ administrators supported us and 
were proud of our program and 
said so publicly. While I certainly 
didn't win every battle, 1 feel confi- 
dent that we will keep what we have, 
and that the new director (soon to be 
named) will bring vitality and cre- 
ativity for the next phase — the devel- 
opment of a Ph.D. in Women's 
Studies — as once again we "dare to 
dream the impossible," 

— Eviii.kM. Eveh/it Torton Beck 

English Garden Tour Set For July 

The university's Center for Archi- 
tectural Design and Research, with 
the University of Maryland Study 
Center at Kiplin Hall, North York- 
shire, is sponsoring a study tour of 
historic English gardens and land- 
scapes this summer. 

The tour will be led bv John Hill, 
professor and former dean of the 
School of Architecture here, and 
Catherine Mahan, a local landscape 
architect and president of the Mary- 
land Society of Landscape Architects. 

The tour, which lasts from July 5 
througli July 18, will visit Stourhead, 
Tintinhull, Hestercomb, Fountains 
Abbey, Castle Howard, and 12 tither 
wc»rld class gardens. The itinerary 
also includes an outing to Kiplin 
Hall, the ancestral home of the first 
Lord Baltimore. 

The cost is S2912 per person, 
which includes all travel, hotel, meal, 
and admission costs. Interested par- 
ties should contact John Hill at 




I 9 9 ,1 

Last Campus Senate Meeting Set for May 6 

The Campus Senate will meet for the last time this semester on May 6 from 3:30 
to 6:30 p.m. in Room 0126 of the Reckord Armory. Aciring Provost Jacob Gold- 
haber will speak and answer questions. Other agenda items include action on 
the UMCP retention policy, staff representation on the Academic Planning 
Advisory Committee, Athletic Council membership selection, a report from the 
Campus Parking Advisory Committee and a proposal to establish a bachelor of 
arts in Women's Studies. Call 405-5805 for more information. 

Graduate School Announces Research Awards 

The Office of Graduate Studies 
and Research has announced the 
1993-94 Graduate Research Board 
Competition and Performing Arts 
Winners. Award categories include 
Distinguished Faculty, Creative and 
Performing Arts, Semester Research, 
and Summer, Fall and Spring 
Research Support. 

Because of space limitations, pro- 
ject descriptions of the semester 
awards could not be included. The 
1993-94 award winners are as fol- 

Distinguished Faculty Awards 

History: Alison Olson, "A Study 
of the Reception of Refugees in Early 
Modern England;" 

Government and Politics: Stephen 
Elkin, "Constituting Republican 

Sociology: Harriet Presser, "Work 
Schedules and Family Time: A New 
American Dilemma;" 

Physics: Jordan Goodman, 
"MILAGRO— TeV Gamma Ray 

Chemistry: John Moore, "An 
Experimental Investigation of Elec- 
tron Correlation in Atoms." 

Creative and Performing Arts 

Architecture: Matthew Bell, "An 

Urban Design Project for Baltimore;" 

Art: Terry Gips, "Mnemosyne's 
Dream: An Installation which 
Addresses the Relationship Between 
Technology and Nature;" 

Dance: Meriam Rosen, creation of 
a work for presentation on Fall '93 
Dance Department program and for 
the Spring '94 American Dance Festi- 
val Association regional meeting; 

English: Joyce Kornblatt, novel in 

Music: Thomas DeLio, 

"EQUINOX— an Opera;" Linda 
Mabbs, "The Performance of Alban 
Berg's Early Songs." 

Semester Research Awards 

English: Jonathan Auerbach, Mar- 
shall Grossman, Susan Leonard! and 
William Holton; 

French: Pierre Verdaguer; 

History: James Gilbert and 
Winthrop Wright; 

Philosophy: Raymond Martin; 

Government and Politics: Eric 

Psychology: Arie Kruglanski; 

Mathematics: Isaac Efrat; 

Physics: Howard Drew; 

Curriculum and Instruction: Beth 

Chemistry: George Helz; 

Zoology: Gerard Wilkinson. 

Summer Research Awards 

American Studies: Jo Paoletti; 

Art History: Mark Sandler; 

Classics: Judith Hallett; 

English: Susan Handelman, Mar- 
ilee Lindemann, Thomas Moser and 
William Peterson; 

French and Italian: Celeste 
Kingingerand Madeleine Therrien; 

Germanic and Slavic Languages: 
Vivian Greene-Gantzberg; 

History: William Bravman; 

Linguistics: Linda Lombardi; 

Music: Marie McCarthy; 

Spanish and Portuguese: Jose 

Theater: Catherine Schuler; 

Afro-American Studies: Marilyn 
Lashley and Francille Wilson; 

Criminology and Criminal Justice: 
Raymond Paternoster and Sally 

Economics: Plutarchos Sakellaris; 

Geography: Paul Groves, Michael 

Kearney and Robert Mitchell; 

Government and Politics: Virginia 
Hauflerand Linda Williams; 

Psychology: Paul Hanges; 

Business and Management: 
Michael Fu, Daniel Ostas and Sanjit 

Mathematics: Joel Cohen; 

Counseling and Personnel Ser- 
vices: Mary Ann Hoffman; 

Curriculum and Instruction: 
B. VanSledright; 

Human Development: Kathryn 

Policy, Planning and Administra- 
tion: Steven Selden; 

Electrical Engineering: Linda 
Milor, Yavuz Oruc; 

Kinesiokigy: Bradley Hatfield, 
Marc Rogers; 

Zoology: Dennis Goode, Richard 
High ton. 

Fall Research Support Awards 

Entomology: Robert Denno, 
Michael Ma, Pedro Barbosa; 

Community Planning: Alexander 

English: Jane Donawerth; 

Music: James McDonald; 

Psychology: Dana Plude; 

Entomology: James Linduska, 

Spring Research Support Award 

Agronomy: Scott Glenn; 

French and Italian: Madeleine 

History: Miles Bradbury, Stuart 
Kaufman, Leslie Rowland; 

Spanish and Portuguese: Ineke 

Psychology: Pamela Alexander; 

Nuclear Engineering: Ira Block; 

Botany: Elisabeth Gantt; 

Chemistry: Richard Armstrong; 

Entomology: Barbara Thorne. 

Computer World Meets Art World With Ceramic Glazes 

Since 1976, when he started using 
a mainframe computer that stored its 
memory on punch-cards, Harold 
McWhinnie has been seeking to com- 
bine the technology of the computer 
age with the finesse of art. 

McWhinnie, an associate professor 
of art education, originally started 
combining art and computers with a 
grant from the National Endowment 
for the Arts. His Ceramic Glaze 
Research Center began with 3,000 
ceramic glaze formulas stored on an 
early mainframe computer. 

Since then, the invention of the 
personal computer and several pro- 
grams that analyze ceramic glaze 
have enabled McWhinnie to offer 
glaze analysis as a free service to art 
teachers across the country. 

Along with clay, ceramic glaze is 
used to make pottery. Minerals such 
as silica and flint are mixed with 

chemicals and water, and can be 
made into an infinite number of com- 
binations. Some of these work, and 
some don't 

These formulas, which people 
without a chemistry background can 
find hard to understand, can be easily 
analyzed by computers. 

"It's a very simple use of the com- 
puter," McWhinnie says. "Just plug 
in the materials, and it will do all of 
the calculations. It will say, 'You 
don't have enough of this; you don't 
have enough of that.'" 

Ceramic glaze can be purchased 
commercially, but what a manufac- 
turer sells for $7.30 can be made from 
materials costing 25 cents. 

McWhinnie says that most of the 
computer programs available now 
range from S15-$40, are usually com- 
patible with IBM or Apple computers 
and don't require much memory. 

But teachers without computers 
who have problems with their glaze 
formulas need not fear. 

"Any art teacher can send me a 
glaze problem or formula, and 1 will 
send them back an analysis that will 
hopefully solve their problem," 
McWhinnie says. 

Through word-of-mouth and 
advertisements in such publications 
as CtTrtRi/c Month! I/, McWhinnie gets 
enough requests to keep himself 

"I've heard that there is someone 
who charges for what I do," McWhin- 
nie says. "But since I'm only offering 
my service to art teachers, 1 don't feel 
that I'm undercutting his business. 
I'm just doing what I've always 
enjoyed doing." 

— Stephen Sobek 

Alison Olson 

Harriet Presser 

Meriam Rosen 


1 <:> 9 3 








May 3-12 


Masters of Fine Aits Thesis Eichlbitlon. 

works by Fall 1992 MFA goduates and 
Spring 1993 MFA candidates, the Art 
Gallery. Exhiil^ltlon runs thrOLigli May 20 
Cail 5-3763 for info. 

Art Exhibit: 'Spnng Visions.' featuring 
works by littiogfapher Tadeus; Lapinski. 
UMUC Center of Adult Education, S 
a.m.-8 p.m. daily, tiirougti July 18, Call 
5-7154 for rnfo. 

Hispanic Faculty, Staff ani Graduate 
Student Association Colloquium: Tfie 

Nortri American Free Trade Agfeement: 
Problems and Prospects." Sergio 
fJegrete-Cardenas, noon-l p.m., 0100 
Mane Mount. Call 5-1253 for mfo. 

Jazz Ensemble and Jas Lab Concert. 

Chris Vadala, conductor, noon- 2 p.m., 
Stamp Student Union Atrium. Call 
4-3375 (or info. 

Returning Students' Worksliop: 

"Managing E*am Anxiety.' 2-3 p.m., 
2201 Stoemaker. Call 4-7693 for info, 

UM Baseball vs. Florida State, 3 p.m.. 
Sfiipiey Field. Call 4-7122 for info. 

Graduate Student Government Meeting, 

3-5 o.m , 1143 Stamp Student umor^. 
Call 4-S630 lor info. 

Horticulture Colloquium: 'Blocrtemical 
Role of Sucrose-Priosphate Synthetase 
(SPS) m the Swettening of Potato 
Tub€rs in Low Temperature Stor^e.* 
Dona llJeperuma, 'i p.m., 0128 
Holrapfel Cad 5^374 for info. 

Computer Science Colloquium: 'Some 

Contrasts in the Cunent Machine 
Translation Scene." Yorick Wiilks, New 
Mexico State, 4 p.m.. 0111 CLB 
Building 106. Call 5-2661 for mfo. 

Entomology Collo(|ufuni: 'Ecology of 
Solas Spiders: Aggressive Chemical 
Mimicry of Insect Pheromones.* Ken 
Veargan, U, of Kentucky, 4 o.m,, 0200 

Symons. Call 5-3911 for info. 

CIDCfifl lecture; 'Peace in the Laws of 
the Tfiree Traditions." Seth Mandell, 

Holly Utmer. and AlKtel Rahim Omram. 5 
p.m.. 2309 Art/Ssc, Call 4-7703 for 

American Heart Association CPR 
Course, 'o; adult, cri'id, and infant skills. 
May 3 and 4. 6-9:30 p.m. Registration 
required, S20 fee. Also offered May 5 
and 6. Call 4^132 for info,' 


Ecology and Evolutionary Biology 
Seminar: 'Vocaiizalions of a Captive 
Juvenile and Free-Ranging Adult-Calf 
Pairs of Bryde's Whales. Baiaenoptera 
edeni," Peggy Walton, noon, 1208 
Zoo /Psych. Call 5-6949 for info. 

Wrtters Here and Now, student readings 
by tvinriers of me Kathenne Anne Porter 
Fction Prize and ttie Academy of Poets 
Pnze, 3:30 p,m., U20 South Campus 
Surge, Call 5-3820 for info. 

Committee on History and Philosophy 
of Science ftoundtable Discussion: 

"Assessing the Scientific Data 

Revolution.' Michael Fisher. 4:15-6 
p.m., 1407 Chemistry. Call 5-5691 for 


Personnel Services Employee 
Development Seminar: Strategies to 

Enhance Vour Career and Image.' 9 
a.m.~4 p.m.. May 5 and 6, IIOIU 
Administrative Services, $135 fee. Call 
5-5651 foi info.' 

Counseling Center Research and 
Development Meeting, topic to Oe 
announced, noon-l p.m,, 0106 
Shoemaker. Call 4-7591 for info. 

University of Maryland Police 
Department 3rd Annual Citizen 
Appreciation Day Picinic, noon, picinic 
area by Byrd Stadium South Gate. 1 
p.m. address by Kenneth W. Krouse, 
Food and games provided. Call 5-7031 
for Infp and R,S,V.P. 

Oveteaters Anonymous Meeting, 1-2 

p.m.. 3100 E Heal tfi Center, weekly 
meeting open to campus community. 
Call 4^142 for mfo. 

UM Baseball vs, UMBC. 3 p.m., 
Field Can 4-7122 for ir>fo. 


Astronomy Colloquium; "Comets: One 
Unlike tde Other— A Comparison of 
Coma Morphologies," Rita Schult^, 
UMD/ESA. 4 p.m., 1113 
Computer/Soace Sciences. Call 5-3001 
for into, 

Latin American Studies Center Lecture: 

"Frontier Economies and Slate 

Building: Argentina. Araucania 

and Chile," t^nstina L, Jones, 5 

p.m., multipurposeroom. 

Language House. Call 5-6441 

for info. 

Masters of Fine Arts 
Candidates Opening Reception, 

,,, works Oy Fall 1992 MFA gradu- 
ates and Spring 1993 MFA can- 
didates, opening 5-7 p.m.. the 
Art Gallery, Call 5-2763 for info. 

Tadeusz Lapinski, Winter Tales 


Returning Students' Woriisdop: 

"Multiple Roles," weekly discus- 
sion and support group to help 
women manage a variety Of 
roles. 11 a.m.-noon, 2201 
Shoemakei. Call 4-7693 for 

Campus Affairs Committee 
Open Forum: 'Parking and the 
Campus Facilities Master Plan," 
1-3 p.m., Maryland Room, 
Mane Mount. Call 5-5805 to 
sign up to speak and for info. 

Campus Senate Meeting, 

3:30-6:30 p.m.. 0126 Reckord 
Armory, Call 5-5805 for info, 

fleliabiifty Seminar: 

"Nondestructive Methods for 
Materials Characterijation, 
'George Alers. NIST, 5:15-6:15 
p,m,, 2110 Chemical and 
Nuclear Engineering, Call 
5-3887 for info. 

Physics Is Phun Lecture- 
Demortstraitlon: 'Seeing the 
Light." Richard E, Berg. 7-8:45 

The Concert Society at IVIaryiand presents Sequentia on May 7. 

p.m.. May 5. 7, and 8, Physics Lecture 

Hall. Call 5-5994 for Info, 


Geology Seminar; "Volcanic Rocks and 
Kenoliths from the Mexican Basin and 
Range," Jim Lutir, Smithsonian, 11 a,m„ 
0103 Hornbake, Call 5-4089 for info, 

Flret National Bank of Maryland 
Research Colloquium in Finance: 

"Equiiy Offenngs Following the IPO: 
Theory and Evidence,' Ivo Welch, UCLA. 
1-2:30 o.m., 1203 MPA Bidg. Call 
5-2256 for info. 

Dance Department, Infomial Stwwing. 5 
p.m.. Dorothy Madden Studio..-'TTieater. 
Call 5-3180 for mfo. 

Concert Society at Maryland, Sequentia 

celebrates women musicians of the 
Middle Ages, 8 p.m.. National 
Presbyterian Cburch. Pre<oncert discus- 
sion. 6:30 p.m. Admission is $18 stan- 
dard, tl5.20 faculty and staff. 115.50 
seniors and $7 students. Call 
403-4240 for mfo.' 

University of Maryland Symphony 
Orchestra, William Hudson, conductor. 
music of Beethoven and Brahms, 8 
p,m„Tawes Recital Hall, Call 5-5548 for 


Math Stpdent-Faculty Colloquium; "How 

Do We Walk and Fish Swim' A Case 
Study in Applied Mathematics 
Modeling.' Avis Cohen, 3 p.m., 3206 
Math. Call 5-5021 for info. 

Entomology Colloquium: "Lygus. 
Lymantna and Leplinotarsa; Bringing a 
Spaciai Dimension to Insect Populations 
and 1PM Programs." Shelby Fleisher. 
Penn, State. 4 p.m.. 02OO Symons. Call 
5-3911 for info. 

UMUC Center for Professional 
Development Course: GRE Workshop. 

May 10. 13, 17, 20 and 24 (3 Mondays 
and 2 Thufsdaysi, 6-9 p.m., UMUC 

Conference Center $175. Call 
985-7195 for registration Info,' 

Reckord Armory Gym Closes until 
September. 9 p,m„ . Call 4-7218 for 




University of Maryland Chorale Annual 
Pops Concert, Roger Folstrom, director. 
8 p.m,. Tawes Recital Hall. Call 5-5548 
for info. 

Personnel Services Employee 
Developrnent Seminar: Rnancial 
Success in a Recovering Economy: 
Buying and Selling for the Speculative 
Investor," 10 a.m.-noon, UOIU 
Administrative Services. Call 5-5651 for 

Counseling Center Research and 
Development Meeting: Cniicai 
Incidents in White Racial Identity 
Developments," Jill Scarpellini, noon-1 
0,m.. 0106 Shoemaker. Call 4-7691 for 


speech Communication Colloquium: "f 

Feminist Perspective on Rhetonc: A 
Reconceptualization of Ethos,' Sonja 
Foss, Ohio State, noon. 0104 Skinner. 
Call 5-6524 for mfo. 

Calendar Guidelines 

The OUTLOOK Calendar publishes university-sponsored events, subject to space 
availability. Preference is given to free, on^campus events. The deadline Is two 
weeks before the Monday of the week in which the event occurs. Mail listings 
with date, time, title of event, speaker, sponsoring organization, location, fee iit 
any], and numtjer to call for information to: Calendar Editor, 2101 Turner Lab, or 
fax to 314-9344. Calendar phone numbers listed as 4-k);k* or 5-xx)ik stand for 
the prefix 314- or 405- respectively. Events are free and open to the public 
unless noted by an asterisk | '). For more information, call 405-7339, 





19 9 3