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SEPTEMBER 20, 1993 

State of the Campus: Fall 1993 

The following is an edited transcript 
of President William E. Kirwan's 
remarks to the College Park Senate on 
Monday, September 13, 1993: 

The traditional "State of the Cam- 
pus" address is an opportunity 1 
especially welcome at this time, not 
only because there is some good 
news to report but also because there 
are some major issues and challenges 
ahead of the campus that we need to 

Time does not permit me to do 
justice to the many examples of excel- 
lence and progress but I would like to 
cite a few. 

In one of the most notable achieve- 
ments of this or any other year, two 
doctoral students in Astronomv, 
David Davis and John Mulchaey, par- 
ticipated in the discovery of a huge 
concentration of "dark matter," thus 
advancing our understanding of x- 
ray emissions from galaxy clusters 
and the evolution of the universe. 
Their discovery was reported widely 
in scientific publications as well as in 
the popular media. 

This year, as in previous years, 
many faculty were awarded grants 
for independent study and other 
forms of recognition for outstanding 
achievement. Among the many hon- 
orees is Professor Mikhacl Gromov 
(Mathematics), co-winner of the Wolf 
Foundation Prize, an award consid- 
ered second in distinction only to the 
Nobel Prize. Professor Gromov 
becomes College Park's third Wolf 
Prize winner, joining Theodore 
Diener, professor of botany, and 
Michael Fisher, recently designated 
as Regents Professor of Physics. 

Another faculty honor of excep- 
tional distinction was the award of 
Mexico's National Prize for Literature 

to Jose Pacheco {Spanish and Por- 
tuguese). This is Mexico's most pres- 
tigious literary award. Previously, 
Professor Pacheco had won the 
equivalent prize for journalists. 

Despite the increasing competition 
for federal research dollars, this cam- 
pus' contract and grant totals rose 
from $116 million in 1991-92 to $122 
million in 1992-93. When the effect of 
research dollars going to medical 
schools is factored out. College Park's 
total places us, among public univer- 
sities, as one of the 10 largest recipi- 
ents of competitively funded federal 
grants. This is dramatic evidence of 
the quality of our faculty and 
research programs. 

Programmatic initiatives and 
intensified recruitment efforts, 
involving many faculty and staff, 
have succeeded in attracting almost 
600 entering students to our Honors 
Program. It is the largest and most 
racially diverse class in the program's 

During the past year no less than 
nine new or completely renovated 
facilities totalling more than $80 mil- 
lion in expenditures were turned over 
to academic units on the campus. The 
two largest aTe the new College of 
Business and Management/School of 
Public Affairs building and the reno- 
vated and greatly expanded McK- 
eldin Library. The library project has 
more than doubled shelving and seat- 
ing space, created a number of new 
instructional spaces, and brought 
about the modernization of a wide 
range of library services for faculty 
and students. 

Two other important campus- 
related facilities are just about to 
open. The new Archives II built by 
the federal government at a cost of 
$205 million and with 1.7 million 

square feet will open this 
fall. It will be the largest 
and most advanced 
archival research facility in 
the world, and the nation's 
most comprehensive repos- 
itory for research on Ameri- 
can public life. Its presence 
will support College Park's 
drive to become a national 
center for the study of 
American history, and 
enhance the strength of our 
already internationally rec- 
ognized public policy pro- 
grams. Similarly, with the 
headquarters of the Ameri- 
can Center for Physics soon 
to open near the universi- 
ty's Metro station, we will 
enjoy even closer working 
relations with the American 
scientific community. 

This past year also saw a dramatic 
increase in the university's fund-rais- 
ing efforts. The total of private gifts 
received in 1992-93 rose 42 percent 
from $18 million in 1991-92 to almost 
$26 million in 1 992-93. There was also 
an increase of 33 percent in member- 
ship in the Colonnade Society, our 
premier giving organization. The 
largest single gift in our his-tory — $5 
million— was made recently by Mr. 
Leo Van Munching, a 1950 alumnus. 
In recognition of his gift, the new 
College of Business and Manage- 
ment/School of Public Affairs build- 
ing will be named Van Munching 
Hail. We anticipate the announce- 
ment of an even larger gift later this 
year. I believe these examples show 
that, although our fund-raising 
efforts are still at a relatively early 

continued on page 4 

President William E. Kirwan 


~M The Maryland Center for the Per 

forming Arts takes one step closer to 
becoming reality today as interested 
Metamorphoses arch itects su bmi t letters of i nterest to 

participate in the university's in vita- 
Distinguished Lecturer Series q tional architectural design competition. 

Begins October 6th JL The competition involves several 

stages leading to the award of a con- 

Leadershio Week tract somet i me next spring. After 

participants submit statements of 
Why We Need It -> f qualifications in early October, a jury 

& Calendar J 0£ O w '" narrow me r ' e ^ to s ' x to eight 

firms to be interviewed during the 

Pi TTf» month. Three to five finalists will be 

* selected in early November and will 

, be compensated for their designs, 
Pranut* Collection Helps Scholars —7 ,. , , , . , T , 

, ' , , ' / which are due in late January. The 

Find Rare Publications / 

Art Center Architectural Design Competition Begins Today 

finalists will then present their 
designs to the jury in February, with 
the winner being announced by the 
end of the month. 

According to Roger Lewis, profes- 
sor of architecture and professional 
advisor for the design competition, 
several measures have been taken to 
ensure participation by the university 

"Many of the procedures, rules 
and evaluation criteria have been for- 
mulated by representatives from the 
departments who will actually use 
the building," says Lewis, who is 

continued on page 3 



Fall 1993 OUTLOOK Schedule 

During the Fall 1993 semester, OUTLOOK will be published every Monday 
(except Nov, 29 for Thanksgiving), Copy and calendar deadlines are two 
weeks prior to the publication date. For more information or to suggest story 
ideas, please call 405-4629, 

Distinguished Lecturer Series Will Explore Metamorphoses 

Ronald Takaki 

Well-known authors and lecturers 
Ronald Takaki and Noam Chomsky 
will present the first two lectures in 
the university's sixth annual Distin- 
guished Lecturer Series. 

The theme of this year's series, 
which is sponsored by the Graduate 
School, is "Metamorphoses." 

According to June Hargrove, chair 
of the Distinguished Lecturer Series 

Committee, the series strives to foster 
interdisciplinary interest on campus 
by inviting scholars of such outstand- 
ing reputation that, regardless of 
their field, enthusiasm is generated in 
different quarters of aeademia. 

Leading this year's series is 
Ronald Takaki, professor of ethnic 
studies at the University of Califor- 
nia, Berkeley, and scholar of race and 
culture in American historv. Takaki 
will present "Race at the Fnd of the 
Century" on Wednesdav, October 6, 
at 3:30 p.m. in Room 1400 of Marie 
Mount Hall. 

Noam Chomsky, professor of lin- 
guistics at Massachusetts Institute of 
Technology, will deliver the series' 
second lecture, "Language and the 
'Cognitive Revolution,'" on Tuesday, 
November 2, at 3:30 p.m. in Room 
0204 of the Architecture Building. 
Chomsky has written and lectured 
extensively on linguistics, philoso- 
phy, intellectual history, contempo- 
rary issues, international affairs and 
U.S. foreign policy. 

Visiting Fellows at CIDCM Announced 

The Center for International 
Development and Conflict Manage- 
ment has announced that Benjamin 
Arditi and Kang, Kwang Suk will 
serve as visiting fellows for the aca- 
demic year. 

Arditi, a Fulbright scholar and 
native of Paraguay, is an expert in 
electoral processes in Latin America 
and on civic education in his country. 
During the fall semester he will teach 

two classes in the department of gov- 
ernment and politics. 

General Kang, Kwang Suk is a 
Brigadier General in the Republic of 
Korea Armv, and has served for 27 
years with assignments primarily in 
artillery and infantry units. He will 
do independent research in conflict 
resolution with special emphasis on 
the future of North Korea- South 
Korea relations. 

Presidential biographer James 
MacGregor Burns will deliver the 
third lecture, "Can Clinton Transform 
the System?" on February 23 at 3:30 
p.m. in Room 2203 of the Art /Sociol- 
ogy Building. Recently, Burns joined 
the university's Center fur Political 
Leadership and Participation as a 
senior scholar. 

Jerrold Meinwald, professor of 
chemistry for Cornell University's 
Baker Laboratory, will give the final 
lecture, "Chemical Defense, Sexual 
Selection, and Drug Dependency in 
the Insect World," on May 1 at 3:30 
p.m in Room 2203 of the Art/ Sociolo- 
gy Building. 

For more information, call Elissa 
Auther at 405-1482. 

— Beth Workmtm 

Davis Voted Senate Chair-elect 


• In OUTLOOK'S September 7 
interview with Provost Daniel 
Fallon, a transcription error turn- 
ing "most" into "not" significant- 
ly altered his response to a 
question about teaching and ser- 
vice in tenure decisions. 

Fallon said "The complication, 
especially for research universi- 
ties, is that the validating criteria 
of a faculty member's ability to 
work at the frontier of the disci- 
pline are most readily based upon 
the intellectual activity that is 
demonstrated through research." 

• In the September 13 OUT- 
LOOK article, "Towards the 
Paperless Office," Academic Data 
Systems should have been credit- 
ed with doing most of the work in 
creating an online Academic 
Resource System. 

Christopher Davis 

At its September 1 3 
meeting, the College 
Park Senate selected 
Christopher Davis to be 
its chair-elect for the 
1993-94 academic year. 
Davis, professor and 
associate chairman of 
Electrical Engineering, 
won a second ballot 
after the first ballot 
resulted in a tie 
between Davis and 
Robert Gaines, associate professor of 
Speech Communication. Davis and 
Gaines were the only candidates. 

As chair-eiect, Davis will serve on 
the Executive Committee, the Presi- 
dent's Advisory Council, and chair 

the Governmental Affairs Committee. 
The chair-elect also chairs senate 
meetings in the chair's absence. 

According to the new Plan of 
Organization, the chair-elect also will 
chair the new Committee un Commit- 
tees — charged with making appoint- 
ments to senate committees and 
nominating candidates for chair-elect 
and the Executive Committee. The 
bylaws to form that new committee 
have not yet been written, but will be 
by spring, according to College Park 
Senate Chair Hank Dobin. 

For the last two years, Davis has 
served on the Executive Committee. 
He is also a member of the Academic 
Planning Advisory Committee. 


OUTLOOK is the weekly (acuity-staff newspaper serving 
the College Park campus community. 

Kathryn Costello 

Vice President for 

Institutional Advancement 

Roland King 

Director of Public Information 

Judith Bair 

Director of University Publications 

John Fritz 

Acting Editor 

Heather Davis 

Editorial Interns 

Stephen Sobek 

John T. Consoll 

Format Designer 

Kerstin A. Neteler 

Layout & Production 

Al Danegger 


Jennffef Grogan 

Production Interns 

Wendy Henderson 

Regan Gradet 

Letters to the editor, story suggestions, campus infor- 
mation & calendar items are welcome. Please submit 
all material at least two weeks before the Monday ot 
publication. Send it to Editor OUTLOOK. 2101 Turner 
Building, through campus mail or to University of 
Maryland. College Park, MD 20742. Our telephone 
number is (301) 405-4621. Electronic mail address is Fax number is 1301) 314-9344. 



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19 9 3 

New Faculty Handbook 

A new two- volume Faculty Handbook is being distributed, the first since 1987. This new 
edition contains changes resulting from the 1988 restructuring of the University of Mary- 
land System, ranging from redrafted faculty appointment, promotion, and tenure policies 
to conduct and facility-use policies. A two-volume format was chosen to facilitate more 
timely changes in general information, occupying Volume II, rather than force the 
reprinting of the policies contained in Volume 1, which tend not to change as often. Any 
suggestions for improvements should be sent to: Faculty Handbook Editor, Office of Aca- 
demic Affairs, 1119 Main Administration Building, or email 

Are Good Leaders Born or Raised? 

The question is an old one, but in 
trying to answer it, organizers of 
Leadership Week 1993 will be part of 
a growing interest in leadership as a 
field of study. 

One man who is helping define 
the kev issues, is political scientist 
and new scholar-in- residence James 
MacGregor Burns, who will present 
or moderate several events during 
Leadership Week from September 27 
to October 1 (see calendar on page 6). 

For Burns and other self-styled 
"students of leadership," the need fur 
leadership training is especially evi- 
dent through popular opinion polls 
that reveal decreasing confidence in 
elected officials and consistently low 
voter turnout. 

"But lack of leadership is not just a 
failure of presidents," says Burns, 
who has written aw r ard-winning 
biographies on FDR and JFK. "The 
whole system of leadership in this 
country has failed. In all fields, it's 
hard to imagine many of today's 

leaders who'll be remembered as 
great leaders in 50 years." 

In the fledgling field of leadership 
studies, Burns has defined two kinds 
of leadership: 1) transactional, which 
involves consensus building skills 
similar to those exhibited bv Presi- 
dent Bill Clinton; and 2) transforma- 
tional, which involves major changes 
to systems and structures, not unlike 
FDR's social and economic New Deal 

"Great leadership emerges from 
conflict, but our current political 
structure does not easily foster the 
transformational leadership that so 
many people are seeking," says 
Burns, who describes Clinton's 
domestic agenda (including health 
care reform) as being potentially 

Though he says President Clinton 
"shows signs of being a good transac- 
tional leader," Burns says it's too 
early to tell if he will be a transforma- 
tional leader. During his three- year 

James MacGregor Bums with students from his leadership class. 

tenure as a senior scholar with the 
Center for Political Leadership and 
Participation (sponsor of Leadership 
Week), Burns and center director 

continued on page 6 

Survey Looks at U.S. Counties' Public Health 

Public health is one of the five 
most important problems facing U.S. 
counties today, say public health offi- 
cials across the country. County gov- 
ernment leaders disagree. 

While 76 percent of public health 
officials list public health among their 
county's five most important prob- 
lems, only 38 percent of elected and 
administrative officials list it among 
the top five problems facing their 
counties today. Beating out public 
health were economic development; 
infrastructure/construction and 
maintenance; law enforcement or jail 
facilities; sewage /waste manage- 
ment; public schools; and land use 
planning/zoning. Trailing public 
health on the list were poverty, hous- 
ing, and parks and recreation. 

Onlv 15 percent of public health 
officials believe that public health is 
treated as one of the county's top five 

priorities, compared with 32 percent 
of elected and administrative officials 
who believe public health is given 

These are some of the preliminary 
findings of a recently completed 
national survey designed to deter- 
mine how public health competes at 
the county level for funding and 
other government assistance. 

The survey, conducted by Vincent 
Marando, professor of government 
and politics, and funded by the 
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, 
was sent to elected and appointed 
officials in each of the 596 counties 
randomly chosen out of a possible 
2700 U.S. counties with public health 
departments. Each county's public 
health official, governing board chair- 
person and either the elected execu- 
tive or the county administrator 
completed the survey. Response rate 

Art Center Design Competition 

continued from page 1 

coordinating the university's plan- 
ning committee. "There will even be 
representatives from Arts and 
Humanities on the final design jury." 

In addition to university and state 
representatives, the jury for the com- 
petition will include several national- 
ly-recognized architects. "My job is 
to play referee," says Lewis who is 
also a practicing architect in Wash- 
ington, DC. 

While the competition is the first 
step toward designing the new cen- 
ter, Lewis stresses that selecting a 

design team, not the final design, is 
the goal of the competition. 

"Ideally, the competition process 
will result in a design that reflects 
most people's desires for the center," 
says Lewis. "But the winning team's 
design is still subject to elaboration 
and change after the contract is 
awarded in the spring." The 283,000 
gross square foot center, which will 
house the music, theater and dance 
departments, will contain a 1,200 seat 
concert hall, a 650 seat theater, a 350 
seat recital hall, a 200 seat experimen- 
tal theater and a 200 seat dance theater. 

— John Fritz 

was 65 percent. 

"Perhaps our country's public 
health departments are doing too 
good a job, thereby receiving less 
attention than other issues," suggests 
Marando, who cautions that careful 
analysis of the survey results is need- 
ed before conclusions are drawn. 
Still, elected and administrative offi- 
cials were more likely to rate their 
health departments "very effective" 
than were the health officials. 

"Historically, public health 
departments have been tasked with 
stopping the spread of communicable 
disease, such as tuberculosis, and 
they have been hugely successful 
with this," says Marando. "Now, 
they are addressing problems that are 
of a more individualized nature and 
often provide primary care to the 

Survey respondents listed drug 
and alcohol abuse; prenatal, infant 
and maternal health; indigent care; 
and child and adolescent health to be 
the most urgent public health prob- 
lems facing their county. And, 92 per- 
cent agreed that the cost of health 
care was a serious problem, while 88 
percent were in agreement that the 
large number of uninsured patients 
was a serious problem. The availabili- 
ty and quality of health care facilities 
were not widely recognized as prob- 

Marando is beginning the second 
phase of the project. He will conduct 
case studies of 12 counties — three 
each in California, Georgia, Maryland 
and Texas. Results are due summer 
of 1994. 

— Beth Workman 



19 9 3 

O U 

O K 

Pedestrian Bridge Closed 

The pedestrian bridge between Parking Garage 2 and Hornbake Plaza will be 
closed Monday, September 20, due to construction activities at the Plant Sci- 
ences Building site. The at-grade sidewalk leading from the steps at Hornbake 
Plaza to Field house Drive will be partially closed while utility work is in 
progress (4-6 weeks). Pedestrian traffic will be redirected to the sidewalk at the 
east side of Zoo/Psych. The construction of a new pedestrian bridge is includ- 
ed in the Plant Sciences Building project. 

State of the Campus 

continued from page 1 

As Oscar Wilde once 
obsewed, "Misfortunes 
one can endure 
—they come from outside. 
They are accidents. 
But to suffer from one's 
own faults— ah! there is 
the sting of life." 

stage of development, we can take 
heart by the progress being made. 

I could go on for some time talk- 
ing about accomplishments and 
progress but, given the time avail- 
able, there are other matters I need to 
discuss. Let me just say that the 
examples 1 have given, and cither 
examples 1 could give, are indicative 
of a strong university becoming even 
better, and becoming better despite 
many obstacles in our path. 

I now want to report on the results 
of two studies, recently commissioned 
by the Board of Regents, that are of 
great importance to the campus. 

Agriculture & Continuing Education 

As you may have read in OUT- 
LOOK, the university's Board of 
Regents passed a resolution at its 
August 27th meeting that will return 
the Cooperative Extension Service 
and the Agricultural Experiment Sta- 
tion to their historic home, the Col- 
lege of Agriculture on the College 
Park campus. The board's action cor- 
rects what, in my view, has long been 
a fundamental flaw in the organiza- 
tional strucbire of agriculture within 
the University of Maryland System. 
After roughly 20 years of separate 
administration, the instruction, 
research, and service programs of 
agriculture and related fields are now 
to be recombined, effective October 1, 
1993, under the Dean of the College 
of Agriculture, 

The Regents have directed that I, 
along with President Hytche of 
UMES, the other land-grant institu- 
tion in the state, develop an imple- 
mentation plan for integrating AES 
and CES into College Park's opera- 
tions, a plan that will also recognize 
the verv important role UMES is 
expected to continue to play in the 
overall agriculture effort within the 
University of Maryland System, 

There are many people who 
deserve credit for helping to make 
this important step possible. These 
include faculty and staff on this cam- 
pus and in AES and CES, as well as 
vocal and influential persons 
throughout the state. One person, 
however, who deserves special recog- 
nition in this regard is Paul Mazzoc- 
chi. In addition to the leadership he 
has provided as interim dean of Agri- 
culture, he has also travelled 
throughout the state gaining the con- 
fidence of the agriculture community 
in College Park.. .no small feat for a 
bearded chemist from the Bronx. I 
have been told that Paul was even 
seen milking cows at the State Fair 
this past week. 

Now that the board has made its 
decision, Paul has asked to be 
relieved of his duties as interim dean 

so that he can devote full-time efforts 
to his role as dean of Life Sciences. 
Provost Fallon has reluctantly acced- 
ed to this request and, after appropri- 
ate consultation, will identify a 
person to serve as interim dean of 
Agriculture until the search for a per- 
manent dean is completed. 

I know that the manner in which 
we implement this decision and oper- 
ate our agricultural and related pro- 
grams will receive very careful 
scrutiny. Therefore, it is essential that 
we do whatever we can to ensure that 
the merger turns out to be a success 
both for the university and for the 
agriculture community throughout 

A second important Regents-initi- 
ated study concerns continuing edu- 
cation. You may recall that in this 
past session, the Maryland General 
Assembly mandated a sbidy of con- 
tinuing education within the Univer- 
sity of Maryland System, including 
the feasibility of merging University 
College with the College Park campus. 

A committee appointed by Chan- 
cellor Langenberg to study the issues 
raised by the General Assembly has 
now issued its report. Among other 
things, the report recommends 
against merger, urging instead that 
College Park significantly expand its 
continuing education offerings and, 
in effect, compete with University 
College. Provost Fallon will soon be 
appointing a campuswide committee 
to recommend an appropriate 
response to the System report. He 
will invite the Senate to suggest indi- 
viduals to serve on the committee. 

I have some difficulties with the 
report's analyses and recommenda- 
tions, difficulties shared at least in 
part by the College Park faculty who 
served as members of the committee. 
But I am in complete agreement with 
the report's conclusion that College 
Park needs to expand its continuing 
education role. 

I am personally convinced that the 
emerging telecommunication tech- 
nologies will inevitably expand the 
means by which colleges and univer- 
sities deliver their educational offer- 
ings, as well as the nature and 
locations of the audiences who will 
be receiving them. At present, our 
educational outreach efforts are limit- 
ed primarily to our [TV network, the 
College of Business and Manage- 
ment's MBA offerings at Shady 
Grove, and programs offered around 
the state by the College of Education. 
As we consider expanding our role in 
continuing education, 1 note that 
Johns Hopkins, Georgetown, George 
Washington, University of Virginia, 
and VP1, among other schools in this 
region, already have established 
significant continuing education 


Let me now turn to an unpleasant 
topic and give you some very trou- 
bling news about our — and the 
state's — present and predicted fiscal 

Based in part on information sup- 
plied by Mahlon Straszheim, chair of 
our Department of Economics and 
currently an advisor to the governor, 
the state has just issued economic 
projections and anticipated expendi- 
tures for the rest of this decade. The 
news is not good. State revenues are 
expected to grow, but on average at a 
rate of only 4 percent per year. Unlike 
earlier decades when Maryland's 
growth ran ahead of the nation's, our 
growth is projected to be slightly 
below the national average for the 
rest of this decade. In contrast to the 
slow economic growth, mandated 
medical expenses and formula fund- 
ing for the K-12 schools in Maryland 
are projected to grow at an annual 
rate of approximately 8 percent, and 
these two items presently account for 
more than half of the state's general 
fund. Consequently, all state agen- 
cies, including higher education, may 
well be competing for the remaining 
funds just to maintain a flat general 
fund budget. 

As you are probably aware, we 
would not be entering such a compe- 
tition irom .i position of strength. Not 
just in Maryland but in many other 
states as well, higher education is 
increasingly viewed with suspicion 
and skepticism by a significant por- 
tion of the general public and their 
representatives in State governments. 
No fewer than 30 states have 
passed — or are now considering — 
legislation mandating minimum 
teaching loads for college or universi- 
ty faculty. We must, therefore, not 
only continue to press for additional 
resources to achieve our legitimate 
goals but also, perhaps with equal 
energy, work to regain some of the 
public's lost confidence in universi- 
ties and their faculties. 

There are other related fiscal prob- 
lems. The FY 1995 CPS budget, the 
governor's planning budget for FY 
1995, does NOT include a number of 
items traditionally funded by the 
state. For the first time, there are no 
funds budgeted for new facilities or 
for academic revenue bonds. Without 
such funds, we would have to consid- 
er a sharp reduction or even curtail- 
ment of our capital program. Also not 
included in the FY 1995 CPS budget 
is roughly half of the normal incre- 
ment to cover inflation. A significant 
effort on the part of the Regents is 
now underway to have funds for 
these items added as part of the so- 
called "Over-the-CPS Budget" 

An especially critical need not 

O U 

O O K 


19 9 3 

Grammar Hotline is 405-3787 

If your infinitive is split or your modifier is dangling by a thread, call the Writ- 
ing Center's Grammar Hotline at 405-3787. Funded by the Center for Teaching 
Excellence and developed by the Writing Center, the Grammar Hotline's staff 
of trained writing tutors can advise you on word choice, punctuation, sentence 
structure or documentation. If they can't help you right away, they'll research 
the question and call you back. The hotline is available for all faculty, staff and 
students from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., but you can leave a message at other times. 

addressed by the CPS budget is a 
substantial merit increase for faculty 
and staff. Faculty salary compensa- 
tion relative to Carnegie Classifica- 
tion peers and other similar peer 
comparisons has fallen dramatically 
at virtually every System institution. 
In our case, we have gone from the 
80th percentile relative to Carnegie 
peers to just over the 60th percentile. 
And that's 1992-93 data. With only 
1 .25 percent merit for this year and 
no COLA, it is entirely possible that 
we are now at or below the median 
relative to our peers. The situation 
with staff salaries is equally 

I am pleased to report that the 
Regents have identified a special 
merit fund as the number one priori- 
ty for the "Over-the-CPS Request." 
This commitment from the Regents is 
very significant, and there will be an 
opportunity for the campus to work 
directly with the Regents in support 
of their effort to increase the state's 
allocation to the university's FY 1995 
budget. But the fact remains that, at 
present, the projections for the FY 
1995 budget and beyond are not good. 

Enrollment, Retention, Graduation 

If all this were not enough, some 
developments even closer to home 
have exacerbated the budget prob- 
lems. Due to a combination of factors, 
including several academic program 
closures, student retention and grad- 
uation rates, and, quite possibly, 
internal policies that complicate 
admission to various majors, the level 
of the campus' student enrollment 
has been slipping further and further 
below the targeted figures over the 
past several years. At first, it was 
thought that this problem might be 
corrected simply by intensifying 
recruiting efforts. But this past year 
has been a good year for freshman 
recruiting and admissions, and we 
are still approximately 1,200 FTE stu- 
dents below the target set in our 
enrollment reduction plan. Of partic- 
ular concern is the low retention rate 
of African American sty dents, an 
issue that 1 hope will be addressed in 
a report I have submitted to the sen- 
ate for review this fall. The shortfall 
in enrollment translates into lost rev- 
enue of roughly $5 million. 

Our fiscal problems, it is true, are 
not very different in scope and mag- 
nitude from those now faced by 
many other states and universities. 
State-supported colleges and univer- 
sities in Virginia have just started 
planning for another 15 percent cut. 
The situation facing higher education 
institutions in the state of California 
remains very bleak indeed. 

But it is important — I think very 
important — for us to realize that 
while some of the factors now 

adversely affecting us are beyond our 
control, others are not. As Oscar 
Wilde once observed, "Misfortunes 
one can endure — they come from 
outside. They are accidents. But to 
suffer from one's own faults— ah! 
there is the sting of life," 

If, for example, through some ini- 
tiatives of our own design, we were 
able to increase our five-year gradua- 
tion rate from its current 55 percent 
to just 60 percent, then — with the 
implicit increases in retention rates 
over the other four years — we would 
completely solve our underenroll- 
ment problem, and do so without 
increasing the size of entering classes. 
The departure from the campus of 
any student in good academic stand- 
ing is an unfortunate development in 
its own right — it represents in one 
way or another a lost educational 
opportunity for the student and the 
institution. But we must also recog- 
nize that the decisions made by stu- 
dents in good standing to leave have 
a direct impact on the level of funds 
available for use by our colleges and 

I remain convinced that despite 
the nation's, the state's and the uni- 
versity's economic problems, we can 
continue to make progress as an insti- 
tution, substantial progress. To do so, 
however, we must be prepared for 
the possibility of a period of econom- 
ic austerity throughout the rest of this 

I believe that we need, systemati- 
cally, as a campus, to be more respon- 
sive — where appropriate— to the 
needs and concerns of those who pro- 
vide our funding: to students, state 
agencies, alumni, and private donors. 
Examples abound of impressive indi- 
vidual and group efforts in support 
of each of these constituent groups. 
But, in all candor, 1 think we also 
should admit that the degree of our 
responsiveness and the service we 
provide are not always what they 
could be. We must become less 
bureaucratic, more efficient and effec- 
tive at decision making, more willing 
to empower people to make decisions 
at the level where the work is done, 
and more systematic in measuring 
our performance against the best 
practices in higher education. 

Some of you will recognize that 
what I am describing is related to a 
concept called continuous improve- 
ment. While some are turned off by 
the language of continuous improve- 
ment, and others may regard its 
tenets as little more than common 
sense, I believe that many of the 
strategies involved in continuous 
improvement can provide valuable 
toois for our use. 


In closing, let me mention several 

steps I have taken, or soon will take, 
to address some of the problems I 
have identified today: 

1 ) 1 will be asking the Continuous 
Improvement Council to begin a sys- 
tematic review of campus processes 
and procedures with the goal of 
improving our decision-making capa- 
bilities; placing more decisions at the 
level at which the work occurs; and 
responding better to legitimate needs 
of both our internal and external con- 

2) I have appointed a broadly 
based resource assessment commit- 
tee, chaired by Warren Kelley, acting 
director of the Office of Resource 
Planning and Budgets, to systemati- 
cally review our various revenue 
sources and to recommend actions to 
resolve our budget deficits and gen- 
erate more resources for our academ- 
ic programs. 

3) I have asked Provost Fallon to 
appoint an enrollment management 
group charged with the responsibility 
of recommending actions that will 
lead to full enrollment and that will 
improve the campus graduation and 
retention rates; and 

4) I have imposed a one percent 
recision on all campus budgets as a 
buffer against anticipated revenue 

Finally, when I made remarks at a 
meeting recently, describing our bud- 
get prospects in terms similar to the 
ones you have heard today, someone 
said that it seemed out of character 
tor me not to be more optimistic 
about the future. My response was 
and is that my characteristic opti- 
mism remains — the talent and com- 
mitment to academic excellence that 
have been hallmarks of this commu- 
nity and the basis for my faith in its 
future — remain very much in place. 
But I have also come to believe that 
our continuing progress in the years 
ahead will have to be much less 
dependent on state funding and 
much more dependent on our initia- 
tive to make internal improvements 
and our ability to generate non tradi- 
tional sources of revenue. 

What I hope we can achieve as an 
institution, over the coming 
months — perhaps years, is to collec- 
tively organize our efforts and 
improve the ways in which we con- 
duct our business so that there will be 
less of a "sting in our lives" brought 
on bv our own activities. If we can do 
this — if we can collectively achieve a 
standard of excellence in our pro- 
grams and services to our constituent 
communities comparable with the 
standards we set for ourselves as 
individuals in our own teaching, 
scholarly research, and classroom 
work — then we will have every rea- 
son to take an extra measure of pride 
in ourselves and our university. 
Thank you. 

Our continuing progress 

in the years ahead will be 

much less dependent on 

state funding and much 

more dependent on our 

initiative to make internal 

improvements and our 

ability to generate 


sources of revenue. 


19 9 3 

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O O K 


Leadership Programs 

The Leadership Office, part of the Office of Campus Programs, offers several 
programs to the university community to help develop leadership skills. The 
Peer Leadership Consultant Program provides leadership experience to juniors 
and seniors by having them give leadership training to other students. Stu- 
dents develop areas of expertise, such as conflict resolution or goal setting, 
during the training that they receive. The Leadership Office teaches an under- 
graduate course, EDCP 417, that studies group dynamics and leadership. The 
National Clearinghouse for Leadership Programs provides leadership materi- 
als, resources and assistance to leadership educators. For more information on 
the Leadership Office, call 314-7169. 

Leadership Week Calendar 

Leade rship Week '93 is co-sponsored 
in/ the Center for Political Leadership 
and Participation & the Office of 
Campus Programs. For more Leader- 
ship Week program information, call 
405-5751 ar3U-7174. 

September 27 

"Leadership and Quality: Premises, 
Paradoxes, and Promises," Judy 
Sorum Brown, 8-10 a.m., Executive 
Programs Conference Center, MP A 

Women's Leadership Brown Bag 
Lunch Discussion, noon-1 p.m., 2141 

Office of Human Relations Open 
House: presentations on diversity 
and leadership, noon-1 :30 p.m., 1107 

"How Organizations Make Leader- 
ship Difficult and Ways to Make It 
Easier," Howell Baum, 1-2:30 p.m., 
3211 Art/ Sociology. 

Opening Leadership Week Commu- 
nity Speaker: James MacGregor 
Burns, 3-4:30 p.m.. Grand Ballroom 
Lounge, Stamp Student Union. 

Conflict Resolution Workshop: 4-5 

p.m., 1139 Stamp Student Union. 

Leadership Week Reception: Presi- 
dent Kirwan, UMCP leadership book 
authors, 4:30-6 p.m.. Atrium, Stamp 
Student Union. 

Leadership and National Service 
Panel Discussion, 6:15-8 p.m., 2111 
Stamp Student Union. 

September 28 

"Total Quality Leadership," Lois 
Vietri, 9:30-10:45 a.m., 1 102 Tydings, 

"Super Leadership: Leading Others 
to Lead Themselves," Hank Sims, 1 1 
a.m. -2 p.m., 1137 Stamp Student 

Staff Leadership Conference: Funda- 
mentals of Campus Governance 
Brown Bag Lunch, 1 1:30 a.m. -1:30 
p.m., Maryland Room, Marie Mount 

Goal Setting Workshop: 1-2 p.m., 
1 143 A Stamp Student Union. 

"Wisdom for Leadership: A Discus- 
sion," 1-3 p.m., 3203 Hornbake. 

"Volunteerism: Community Service 
and Self Service," Britt Reynolds, 3-4 
p.m., 2146 Stamp Student Union. 

Student Leadership Discussion: 
"Creating a Community of Student 
Leaders at UMCP," 4:30-6 p.m.. Par- 
ent's Assoc. Lounge, Stamp Student 

September 29 

Time and Stress Management Work- 
shop: Good Morning Commuters 
Program, 7:30-8:30 a.m., Atrium, 
Stamp Student Union. 

Community Service Program Open 
House: 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m., 1195 
Stamp Student Union. 

"Maryland's Political Heritage," 9-10 
a.m., Maryland Room, McKeldin 

"March On: In Celebration of Dr. 
King's 'We Shall Overcome' 

Speech," noon-1 :30 p.m., Prince 
George's Room, Stamp Student 

"Where Do You Go To Be Heard?" 

Opportunities for student leadership 

Leadership Week 

continued from page 3 

Georgia Sorenson may co-author a 
biography on Clinton. 

While leadership is important. 
Burns admits that followership is too, 
and cites the growing political power 
of women as a form of transforma- 
tional leadership. 

"As more women participate in 
the political process, the so-called 
'leaders' are empowering the 'follow- 
ers' who then go on to lead and 
change the original leaders," says 
Burns. 'This not only addresses spe- 
cific issues of interest to women, but 
also transforms the meaning of lead- 
ership and the systems that 
cultivate it." 

In addition to his scholarship on 
politics, Burns has taught leadership 
classes at William's College in Mas- 
sachusetts and recently completed a 
three-year fellowship at the Jepson 
School of Leadership Studies at the 
University of Richmond, which 
recently established an undergradu- 
ate major in leadership. 

While at College Park, Burns will 
live in the Scholar's Suite of Anne 
Arundel Hall, the Honors Program's 
Living /Learning Center. This year, 
he'll also help teach "Presidential 
Leadership & Biography," that will 
study the leadership styles of 
Democrats (this fall) and Republicans 
(next spring). 

— John Fritz 

on campus, 1-2:30 p.m., 2146 Stamp 
Student Union. 

Communications Skills Workshop: 

3-4 p.m., 1137 Stamp Student Union. 

Student Leadership Discussion 

Series: "Increasing Diverse Member- 
ships in Student Organizations," 4- 
5:30 p.m., Parent's Assoc. Lounge, 
Stamp Student Union. 

Mobilizing Students Toward Peace: 

Negotiation and conflict transforma- 
tion simulation, 4-6 p.m.. Prince 
George's Room, Stamp Student 

"Balancing Careers and Relation- 
ships: A Panel of Partners," 4:30-6 
p.m.. Atrium, Stamp Student Union. 

Center for Political Leadership 
Alumni Reception: 6-7:30 p.m., 1126 
Taliaferro Hall. 

September 30 

"Black Survival 2000: HIV Disease 
in the African American 
Community," 8:30-10:30 a.m., 1143 
Stamp Student Union. 

"Total Quality Leadership," Lois 
Vietri, 9:30-10:45 a.m., 1 1 02 Tydings. 

The New Leadership Curriculum 
Panel Discussion: James MacGregor 
Burns, moderator, 11 a.m. -12:30 p.m., 
211 1 Stamp Student Union. 

"Make A Difference: Volunteer 
Opportunities in AIDS and HIV 
Awareness Raising and Assistance," 

noon -4 p.m., Atrium, Stamp Student 

Poster Session: multidisciplinary 
research presentations on leadership, 
1 -3 p.m., 21 1 1 Stamp Student Union. 

"The Challenge of New Leader- 
ship," James MacGregor Bums, mod- 
erator, 2-4 p.m., Rouse Room, MPA 

Group Dynamics Workshop: 3-4 

p.m., 1143A Stamp Student Union. 

"Employee's Perspectives on Stu- 
dent Leadership," 4-5:30 p.m., 2111 
Stamp Student Union. 

SGA Candidate Debate: 4:30-6:30 
p.m., Atrium, Stamp Student Union. 

October 1 

"Reflections On Leadership," James 
MacGregor Burns, 1-2 p.m., Honors 
Lounge, Anne Arundel Hall, 

O U 




19 9 3 

Campus Libraries Seek Docents 

The Libraries are seeking docents to serve in the Katherine Anne Porter Room 
of McKeldin Library. Docents will give informal tours and information to the 
public visiting the Porter room and an adjacent exhibition room and will moni- 
tor the area. The room will be open Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1 to 4:30 
p.m. For more information, contact Beth Alvarez at 405-9298. 


Chances are it's in the Prange Collection 



The Gordon W. Prange Collection 
at the Libraries is often referred to as 
the must comprehensive collection of 
Japanese-language materials dating 
from the Allied Occupation of japan, 
from 1945-52. Just how vast and com- 
prehensive this collection is has been 
dramatically illustrated in recent 

For example, consider the case of 
Professor Kenji Yamaryo from Kanda 
University of International Studies 
outside of Tokyo. In 1949, as a 15- 
year-old teenager living in Tokyo, 
Yamaryo decided to combine his 
interests in stamp collecting and writ- 
ing by serving as the chief editor for a 
newsletter entitled Kitte Kenkyu (the 
study of stamps). Eight monthly 
issues of the mimeographed publica- 
tion appeared. The circulation for 
each issue was 70 copies and the cost 
three yen, or about a penny. 

Over the years Yamaryo never 
gave much thought to this publica- 
tion until recently when he visited 
the Prange Collection and the related 
Justin Williams Papers at the College 
Park Libraries. The Japanese profes- 
sor casually mentioned Kitte Kenkyu 
to Hisayo Murakami, assistant cura- 
tor of the Prange Collection, never 
expecting that copies of a 
mimeographed newsletter on the 
subject of stamp collecting put out by 
a high-schooler back in 1949 would 
be in the collection. 

The fact that the Prange contains 
approximately 600,00(1 pages of cen- 
sorship documents suggested to the 
professor that there was a very 
remote chance his newsletter might 
be among them. During the Allied 
Occupation everything published in 
Japan had to be reviewed by the Civil 
Censorship Detachment (CCD) of the 
Supreme Commander of the Allied 
Powers. Yamaryo remembered bring- 
ing his newsletter, with considerable 
anxiety and fear, to the CCD offices 
located near the main railroad station 
in Tokyo. 

An astounded Yamaryo couldn't 
believe his eyes when Murakami pro- 
duced three issues of Kitte KettfafU. 
Thev were brittle, yellowing, not in 
the best of condition, but certainly 
legible, and probably the only known 
copies in existence. The three issues 
bore the stamped approval of the 
Civil Censorship Detachment (CCD) 
of the Supreme Commander of the 
Allied Powers, meaning they had 
undergone censorship review. The 
e 1 a te d p r o f e s so r q o ic kl y beca me a 
true believer in the comprehensive- 
ness of the Prange Collection. 

Then there's the search for back 
copies of the Nagasaki Shimlnm, a 
daily newspaper. August 9 marked 
the 48th anniversary of the dropping 
of an atomic bomb on the Japanese 
city of Nagasaki. To commemorate 
this important and sad day in 

Japanese history, NHK Japan Broad- 
casting Corporation, the country's 
largest national television network, 
made plans to telecast a one-hour 
special throughout Japan. 

In preparing for this program, the 
producers and writers decided that 
they would like to reference, for the 
period just prior to and following the 
dropping of the bomb, the Nagasaki 
SJumbun, the only newspaper in the 

Finding these newspapers, howev- 
er proved to be a formidable task. 
First, they contacted the newspaper 
itself but came up empty-banded. 
While the Nagasaki Shimbuu apparent- 
ly published during that period, the 
printing was done in other cities due 
to the devastation from the bomb and 
no copies were retained. The local 
Nagasaki Library and the prefecture, 
or state, library could not find copies 
either. Two other possible sources — 
the National Diet Library and the 
Japanese Newspaper Association — 
also had nothing. 

After drawing a blank in 
Japan, somebody from the pro- 
gram staff remembered the 
Prange Collection at the College 
Park Libraries. This individual imme- 
diately contacted Murakami, the 
assistant curator, who confirmed that 
newspapers from the period sought 
were, indeed, in the collection. 
Murakami also was able to provide 
additional information needed for the 
program. As a result, the NHK repre- 
sentatives and millions of viewers 
throughout Japan gained a much bet- 
ter understanding of the significance 
of the Prange Collection. 

Finally, in the best traditions of 
international cooperation and thanks 
to the vastness of the Prange Collec- 
tion, the College Park Libraries and 
two prestigious institutions in Lon- 
don — the British Library and the 
Imperial War Museum— have taken 
steps to insure that researchers, 
World War II historians and military 
scholars have microfilm access to 
copies of a daily newspaper that was 
published from 1946-50 for the British 
Commonwealth of Nations' Occupa- 
tion Force in Japan. 

The newspaper, entitled BCON 
(British Commonwealth Occupation 
News), was distributed without 
charge to British, Canadian, New 
Zealand, and other British Common- 
wealth troops who were serving in 
Japan during the period of occupa- 
tion. This publication was the equiva- 
lent of the Stars- ami Stripes daily that 
was distributed to the American 

The Libraries hold 211 issues of 
the 8-page BCON as part of the 
Prange Collection. Unfortunately, like 
much of the other Prange material, 
the BCON newspapers are very brit- 
tle and in deteriorating condition. 


■EX * 






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When Glenn 
Gardner in the Libraries' 
Preservation Department learned 
that the British Library and the Impe- 
rial War Museum also had BCON 
holdings in brittle condition, he con- 
tacted them and eventually it was 
agreed that all three institutions 
would microfilm their holdings and 
provide copies for the others. 

As a result, the British have sent 
seven reels of microfilm here and the 
College Park Libraries have provided 
them with two. While there is some 
duplication, what's important is that 
each institution now has nine reels of 
BCON newspapers on microfilm. 

BCON, published every day 
with the exception of Sunday, 
closely resembles a daily news- 
paper with major headlines and 
news stories appearing on page 
one, feature stories illustrated 
with pictures interspersed 
throughout the other pages, as 
well as a comprehensive sports 
section, and even a few comics 
and a daily crossword puzzle. 

Gardner reports that the 
BCON holdings soon will be 
cataloged and entered into the 
Libraries' online catalog, VIC- 
TOR, for the convenience of 
patrons interested in the Allied 
Occupation of Japan from the 
British perspective. 

— Frank Bodies 

Front page of a 
July 8, 1949 issue of 
BCON containing a 
youthful Princess 
Elizabeth holding her 
first child, Prince 

After 44 years, Kenji Yamaryo finds his newsletter 
about stamp collecting In the Prange Collection. 


19 9 3 

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Individual Studies Luncheon 

Individual Studies Program majors and their faculty advisors are invited to 
attend a "get-together" luncheon on Wednesday, September 22, from 11:30 
a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in the Maryland Room of Marie Mount Hall. A light lunch 
will be provided. To RSVP or get more information, please call Bonnie Oh at 

Sept. 20-29 


Exhibit: "Crosscurrents 
'93," featuring Linda Bills 
and Kristin Aono, 
through Oct. 17, The Art 
Gallery, Art /Sociology 
Building. Call 5-2763 for 

Exhibit: "Inspirations: 
Watercolors and Draw- 
ings by Greg Mort," 
through Dec. 5, UMUC 
Arts Program Gallerv. 
Call 985-7154 for info. 


Space Science Seminar: 

Monday. Sept. 20, "Low 
Dimensional Determinis- 
tic Modeling of Geomag- 
netic Activity," Alex 
Klimas, 4:30 p.m., 1113 
CSS Bldg. Call 5-6232 for 

Meteorology Seminar: 

Thursday, Sept. 23, "An 
Empirical Rossby Wave 
Propagation Formula," 
I luug van den Dool, 3:30 
p.m., 2114 Computer and 
Space Sciences, coffee 
and cookies will be 
served at 3 p.m. Call 5- 
5392 for info. 

Nuclear Engineering 
Seminar: Thursday, 
Sept. 23, "On the Science 
of Nanosturcture Materi- 
als," 4:00 p.m., 2110 
Chemical and Nuclear 
Engineering Bldg. Call 5- 
5208 for info. 

Undergraduate Admis- 
sions Reception: Pro- 
gram for children of 
faculty and staff, Thurs- 
day, Sept. 23, 4:30-6:30 
p.m., P.G. Room, Stamp 
Union. Call 4-8385 for 

Geology Seminar. Fri- 
day, Sept, 24, 
"History of Chesapeake 
Day's Contamination," 
George Helz, 11:00 a.m., 
4089 for info. 

Botany Seminar: Friday, 
Sept. 24, "Cell-Cell Com- 
munication Regulates Ti 
Plasmid. Transfer in 
Agroba cterium," 
Stephen Farrand, 11:30 
a.m., 2242 HJ Patterson. 
Call 4-9082 for info. 

Space Science Seminar: 
Mental Health Service 
Lunch 'N Leam Seminar: 
Friday, Sept. 24, "Recov- 
ery Issues in Sexual 
Assault," Lynn Bissett, 
Maryland Institute, noon- 
2 p.m., 3100E University 
Health Center. Call 4- 
8106 for info. 

Space Science Seminar: 

Monday, Sept. 27, "Glob- 
al MHD Simulation of the 
Magnetoshpere for the 
1STP Program: Recent 
Results," Charles 
Goodrich, 4:30 p.m., 1113 
CSS Bldg. Call 5-6232 for 

Counseling Center 
Seminar: Wednesday, 
Sept. 29, "The Case of 
Transfer Students," 
William Spann, noon-1 
p.m., 0106 Shoemaker. 
Call 4-7690 for info. 


Meeting: Monday, Sept. 
20, President's Commis- 
sion on Women's Affairs, 
noon-2 p.m., Maryland 
Room, Marie Mount Hall. 
Call 4-8090 for info. 

Peer Computer Training: 

Tuesday, Sept. 21, "Net- 
worked Resources, Part 
1," 6-9 p.m., 4352 Com- 
puter Science Center. 
Cost: $5. Call 5-2941 for 

First Look Fair, Wednes- 
day, Sept. 22, 10 a.m. -4 
p.m., and Thursday, Sept. 
23, 10a.rn.-2p.rn., McK- 
eldin Mall. Call 4-7167 for 

Overeaters Anonymous: 

Wednesdays, Sept. 22 & 
29, 4:30-6:30 p.m., 2107 
Health Center. Call (301) 
776-1076 for info. 

Peer Computer Training: 
Wednesday, Sept. 22, 
"Intro to UNIX," 6-9 
p.m., 4352 Computer Sci- 
ence Center. Cost: $5. 
Call 5-2941 for info.* 

Leadership Week, begins 
Monday, Sept. 27, 
through Friday, Oct. 1, 

1993. Call 5-5751 
for info. 

Peer Computer Training: 

Monday, Sept. 27, "Inter- 
mediate WordPerfect," 6- 
9 p.m., 3330 Computer 
Science Center. Cost: $5. 
Call 5-2941 for info.* 

Peer Computer Training: 

Wednesday, Sept. 29, 
"Networked Resources, 
Part 2," 6-9 p.m., 4352 
Computer Science Cen- 
ter. Cost: $5. Call 5 -2941 " 
for info.* 

Performing Arts 

Creative Dance Lab: Sat- 
urday, Sept. 25, 10 a.m. -2 
p.m., Dance Building. 
Call 5-7038 for info. 

Recital: Tuesday, Sept. 
28, Schubert's "Die 
Schone Miillerin," 
Michael Johnson and 
Donald Reinhold, 8 p.m., 
Tawes Recital Hall, Call 
5-6540 for info. 

Literature Reading: 

Wednesday, Sept. 29, 
Wavne Kariin and Peter 
Sacks, 7:30 p.m., Mary- 
land Room, Marie Mount 
Hall. Call 5-3820 for info. 


Student-Athlete Convo- 
cation, Monday, Sept. 20, 
7 p.m., Adult Education 
Center, Call 4-7020 for 

Aerobics Classes Begin: 

Monday, Sept. 20, 
Offered 7 days a week, in 
Preinkert Gym and North 
Gym, $20 for semester, $1 
each session, schedules 
available at 1 104 Reckord 
Armory. Call 4-5454 for 

University of Maryland 
Volleyball: Wednesday, 
Sept. 22, vs. James Madi- 
son, 5 p.m., Cole Field 
House. Call 4-7009 for 

Men's and Women's 
Golf Tournament: Mon- 
day, Sept. 27, noon, Uni- 
versity of Maryland Golf 
Course, $9 per person, 
enter by September 22, 6 
p.m. Call 4-7218 for info.* 

University of Maryland 
Women's Soccer: 
Wednesday, Sept. 29, vs. 
James Madison, 4 p.m., 
Denton Field. Call 4-7034 
for info. 

Calendar Guide 

Calendar phone (lumbers listed as 4-xxia or 5-kxxx stand for the prefix 314- or 405- 
resnectively. Events are Iree and open to the public unless noted by an asterisk (■]. 
For mote information, call 405-4628, 






George Harhalakis, 45, campus asso- 
ciate professor of mechanical engi- 
neering died of cancer Sept. 13 at his 
home in Ashton. Harhalakis, a native 
of Kythera, Greece, came to the Uni- 
versity of Maryland in 1984 with a 
dual appointment in the Department 
of Mechanical Engineering and the 
university's Institute for Systems 
Research. Aside from teaching, 
Harhalakis conducted research on 
computer-integrated manufacturing 
systems and was known as an 
authority in that field. He received an 
outstanding systems engineering fac- 
ulty award from the Institute for Sys- 
tems Research and a teaching 
excellence award from the College of 
Engineering. Survivors include his 
wife, Helen, and his mother, Aspasia 
Harhalakis of Greece. 

Arthur N. Popper (left: University of Maryland at College Park) and Michail A. 
Ostrovsky (right; Russian Academy of Sciences), organizers of the U.S.- Russian 
Workshop on Sensory Biology, are pictured with workshop presenter Galina I. 
Rozhkova (center; Russian Academy of Science). The workshop, which ran from 
September 11-13, was conducted to bring together U.S. and Russian efforts in 
the Held of sensory biology, establishing a link for use in future work and provid- 
ing a forum for development of joint research projects. 

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