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OCTOBER 18, 1993 

Nobel Prize Winner to Speak at College Park 

Wole Soyinka, the first African 
writer to receive the Nobel Prize for 
Literature, will give a lecture at the 
university on Thursday, Oct. 21, at 
7:30 p.m. in the Grand Ballroom of 
the Stamp Student Union. 

Soyinka received his Nobel Prize 
in 1986 after publishing numerous 
books, plays, poems and essays, 
many of which conjure the vivid 
sights, sounds, smells and emotions 
of the Nigeria he experienced in his 
youth. His work, usually written in 
English, often critiques the political 
and cultural failures of Africa, includ- 
ing apartheid. 

The Nobel laureate currently is 
playing an active role in the Nigerian 
political crisis with his vocal criti- 
cisms of the government's decision to 
withhold election results. He has 
become the unofficial spokesman in 
the West for pro-democracy move- 
ments in Nigeria, due in part to his 
writings in British and American 
newspapers that have brought inter- 
national attention to the complex 
political developments brewing in 
Nigeria under the leadership of the 
junta. He is one of the founding 
members of the African Democratic 
League, a human rights organization 
that campaigns for democracy in the 
African continent. 

During the Biafran war in 1967, 
Soyinka was jailed for two years, dur- 
ing which he wrote several poems on 
toilet paper that were later published 
as a collection called A Shuttle in the 
Crypt. Since 1967, he has been forced 
into exile on two different occasions 
and has received death threats for 

Diversity at UMCP 

I'ri'skleni Nets Tone for Year- long 



Shared Governance 

Senate Chair Looks at the 

Our Latin American Link 

Sosnowski Profiles College Park's 
International Efforts 


defending fellow writer Salman 
Rushdie's right to publish The Satanic 

Soyinka's most recent book, pub- 
lished in 1991, is Isara — A Voyage 
Around Essay, a fictionalization of his 
father's memoirs. Death and the King's 
Horseman is one of Soyinka's more 
popular plays. Published in 1987, it 
deals with the ritual suicide of a 
Yoruba dignitary who dances himself 
to death in the marketplace. 

The Africa and Africa in the Amer- 
icas Project at College Park is spon- 
soring Soyinka's lecture, titled 
"Africa and the Revisionists of Histo- 
ry." Africa and Africa in the Americ- 
as is a committee of approximately 70 

faculty and staff devoted to promot- 
ing understanding and knowledge of 
Africa and the African diaspora. The 
committee functions as a research 
institute to promote scholarship from 
a multi-disciplinary perspective. 

"Mr. Soyinka takes his politics into 
his art, and is as well known for his 
political efforts as he is for his literary 
achievements," says Lynn Bolles, 
director of the Africa and Africa in 
the Americas Project. "He is a cultur- 
al hero who we are extremely excited 
about welcoming to our campus." 

The lecture is free and open to the 
public. See the calendar on page eight 
for more information. 

Engineering Student Speaks at Rose Garden 
Press Conference 

Silver Spring resident and College 
Park senior Jordan Wilkerson 
received an unexpected phone call 
from his professor, David Holloway, 
on Sept. 28. 

The White House wanted a stu- 
dent knowledgeable in automotive 
engineering to speak on the implica- 
tions of a major new agreement 
between the White House and the big 
three U.S. automakers to develop an 
80-mile-per-galIon car by the year 

Wilkerson, a senior in mechanical 
engineering, jumped at the chance to 
talk about one of the topics he loves 
most — high mileage, low emission 
cars of the future. Wilkerson is the co- 
project leader of College Park's 
Hybrid -Electric Car Project and is 
intensely interested in designing 

vehicles that get high mileage while 
being environmentally friendly. 

At the press conference on Sept. 29 
announcing the agreement, Wilker- 
son shared the spotlight with Presi- 
dent Clinton, Vice President Gore, 
and the chief executive officers of 
General Motors, Ford, and Chrysler. 

"I was a little nervous, but I 
thought it was very important to 
thank the president for his obvious 
commitment to this important pro- 
ject," says Wilkerson. "Finding new 
ways to meet the transportation and 
environmental needs of our nation 
has to become a national priority." 

Wilkerson did such a good job 
during his presentation, the White 
House is planning to use his speech 
as part of a nationally distributed 
video explaining the agreement. 

\ ■ ■ 

Students contribute to the Diversity Mural during the First Look Fair on Sept. 22. The mural 
will serve as a backdrop and symbol of community for many of the events and programs 
planned for "Diversity at UMCP: Growing Toward Community," a year-long celebration being 
coordinated by the Office of Human Relations. For more Information about diversity coverage 
in OUTLOOK see page four, 

Wou So 


O F 


A T 



Department of Campus Parking Offers Help for Seminar Parking 

The Parking Information and Transportation (PIT) Section of the Department 
of Campus Parking will greet your guests, distribute informational handouts, 
issue permits, reserve parking spaces and meters for meetings, seminars and 
other events on campus. They charge $10 per hour, and $15 per hour if given 
less than one week's notice. Those interested should call Laura Miller at 314- 

Prestegaard Studies Midwest Flooding 

Graduate student Kevin Houghton stands near a bridge washed out by flood waters on a tributary 
of the South Raccoon River in Iowa. 

With a grant from the National 
Science Foundation, a campus profes- 
sor and four of her graduate students 
are studying the effects of this sum- 
mer's flood in the Midwest. 

Karen Prestegaard, associate pro- 
fessor of geology, and research assis- 
tants Brendan Shane, Kevin 

Houghton, Nancy 
Katyl, and Mike O'Con- 
nell travelled to west- 
ern Iowa in late August 
to study the record 
high water levels there. 

Working with 
Prestegaard and her 
students was Anne 
Matherne, a former stu- 
dent of Prestegaard's 
who brought some of 
her students from the 
University of Nebraska 
where she now teaches. 

Prestegaard 's 
study, "Spatial Varia- 
tions in Flood Dis- 
charges in the Raccoon 
River Basin," will use 
the collected data to 
improve future flood- 
control measures. 

Prestegaard chose the Raccoon 
River, which runs diagonally across 
the state of Iowa and empties into the 
Des Moines River, because its waters 
eventually reach the Mississippi, 
another river ravaged bv floods this 

"It was more interesting to get to 
the headwaters and get a picture of 
what was happening in the water- 
shed," she said. 

The Midwest flood was one of the 
largest in recorded history. The rising 
waters swamped the Des Moines 
water plant, Prestegaard said. The 
previous record, set in 1986, was half 
the magnitude of this year's flood. 

Local farmers were vital sources of 
information on rainfall amounts and 
the timing of floods. 

"Farmers often came and told us 
how much it had rained and when," 
she said. "They also told us how | the 
Roods] had changed the course of the 
river in the past." 

Prestegaard is no stranger to visit- 
ing far-off locales. She has studied 
floods in Wisconsin, California, 
Wyoming, Montana, Washington, 
Canada and the Himalayan country 
of Nepal. 

The first part of her study is to be 
presented to the American Geophysi- 
cal Union in December at a special 
session on the Midwest floods, she 

— Stephen Sobck 

Professor Coaches Student to Cattle Judging Championship 

Pictured, left to right, 
are Lee Majeskie and 
Jerteil Rinehart, 

Jenell Rinehart, a junior animal sci- 
ences major, has been judging dairy 
cattle since she was six years old. 
That's when she started attending 
4-H cattle judging clinics taught by 
Lee Majeskie, an associate professor 
of animal sciences, who now coaches 
her in collegiate competition. 

On Sept. 28, Rinehart received first 
place out of 114 students competing 
in the National Collegiate Dairy Cat- 
tle Judging Contest at the World 
Dairy Expo in Madison, Wisconsin. 

Cattle judging, which Majeskie 
stressed is a competitive activity, uses 
national standards of how dairy cat- 
tle should appear and ranks them 
from most to least correct. 

Professional cattle judges use 
these standards to choose cattle that 
have good survival traits to serve as 
breeders, Majeskie said. 

Judges in the contest must evalu- 
ate and place cattle, and then be able 
to give oral reasons for their deci- 

"We're not training students to be 
cow judges," Majeskie said . "We're 
teaching them communication and 
decision making skills that we hope 
they can take with them after gradua- 

Only two other Maryland students 
have ever won "high individual," or 
first place, in the contest since it start- 
ed in 1916: Barbara Riggs in 1952 and 
Jeff Myers in 1 973. 

Students who compete try out for 
a team, which consists of four people 

per university or college, but they 
also compete individually. This year, 
the university's team ranked seventh 
out of 30. 

Majeskie coached Rinehart, then 
age 16, on a 4-H team that won a 
national contest in 1989, winning the 
chance to represent the United States 
the following year at The Royal High- 
land Show in Edinburgh, Scotland. 

Rinehart, who grew up on a dairy 
cattle farm in Carroll County, has 
coached Carroll County 8-to-10-year- 
okis to state championships for the 
past four years with 4-H. 

Rinehart recently coached a 
promising new judge, her 11-year-old 
sister, Jeena. 

"She's just phenomenal," Rinehart 
said. "She has a keen eye for cattle 
and is a great public speaker." 

Majeskie said that Maryland 4-H 
teams have won the national champi- 
onship more times than any other 

"I'd like to get more of these 
youths coming to Maryland," 
Majeskie said. "Jenell has got practi- 
cal experience that adds credibility to 
our animal sciences program." 

Rinehart, who wants to be a public 
relations specialist in agriculture, 
hoped that her experiences at the 
expo will help her with her job 

"One thing about the agriculture 
industry is that we're all pretty tight- 
knit," she said. 

"It's good to get Maryland's name 

out there, so that they know we're 
producing good, well-trained people 
here," said Majeskie. 

Rine hart's father, John, competed 
on the Maryland team when he was 
in college and also won the 4-H 

"it really is a family thing," she 

— Stephen Sohek 


OUTLOOK is (lie weekly faculty-staff newspaper serving 
the College Park campus community. 

Kathryn Costello 

vice President for 

Institutional Advancement 

Rofand King 

Director of Public Information 

Judith Bali 

Director of University Publications 

Jotin Frttz 

Acting Editor 

Heather Davis 

Editorial interns 

Stephen Sobek 

John T. Consoll 

Format Designer 

Kerstin A. Neteler 

Layout & Production 

Al Daneggec 


Jennifer Grngan 

Production Interns 

Wendy Henderson 

Regan Gradet 

UM Printing 


Letters to the editor, story suggestions, campus infor- 
mation & calendar items are welcome. Piease submit 
all material at least two weeks before the Monday of 
publication. Send it to Editor OUTLOOK, 2101 Turner 
Building, through campus mail or to University of 
Maryland. College Park. MD 20742. Our telephone 
number is (301) 405-4621. Electronic mail address is Fax number is (301) 314-9344. 





19 9 3 

1993 Quality Conference Set for Oct. 26 

The 1993 Quality Conference, co-sponsored by the Maryland Center for Quality & 
Productivity (MCQP) and the American Society for Quality Control, Baltimore Sec- 
tion (ASQC), will he held on Tuesday, Oct. 26, from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Univer- 
sity College Conference Center. Highlights include presentations of the 1993 U.S. 
Senate Productivity Awards for Maryland and the first annual Maryland Award for 
Excellence. In addition to morning and afternoon workshop sessions on various 
stages of the continuous improvement process, there will also be a "resource mart" 
featuring exhibits from several organizations that create quality related information 
and services. Call 405-7099 for more information on fees and registration. 

Westinghouse Provides Tips on Continuous Improvement 

More than 100 faculty and admin- 

out the Quality Challenge. The col- 

acknowledged President Kirwan, 

istrators from the colleges of busi- 

leges met separately to identify some 

"but if you believe, as I do, that today 

ness, engineering, education, and 

areas that could benefit from the use 

academia is encountering new and 

computer, mathematical and physical 

of continuous improvement method- 

very difficult challenges, and that we 

sciences spent three days in late 

ologies and to experiment with a few 

must change the way we do business 

August learning about continuous 

CI tools and techniques in group 

if we hope to overcome these chal- 

improvement (also called Total Qual- 

problem solving. For example, the 

lenges, then we must be willing to 

ity) from the Westinghouse 

College of Business and Management 

explore and utilize more aspects of 


was divided into several groups, each 

continuous improvement that can be 

The university was participating 

of which was given an assignment: 

of assistance. 

in the Quality Challenge, a national 

develop a system of measurement 

"1 am convinced that using the 

information sharing and training pro- 

and feedback for continuous 

principles of CI we can reduce the 

gram that is conducted by several 

improvement in instruction and in 

bureaucracy, empower people at the 

U.S. corporations to help colleges and 

the administration of academic pro- 

university level to make more deci- 

universities adapt the principles of 

grams; devise ways for conveying 

sions, and become more responsive 

continuous improvement to their ad- 

faculty expertise to the corporate 

as an institution to our external and 

ministrative and academic operations. 

community; and create a life-cycle 

interna] constituents. I'm committed 

Westinghouse's Electronic Sys- 

approach to customer satisfaction, the 

to making CI work for the campus, 

tems Group, located near BWI Air- 

customer in this case being MBA 

and I ask everyone to keep an open 

port, was selected as host because it 


mind as we explore ways to use CI 

has spent the past ten years applying 

Issues discussed within other col- 

for the betterment of the university 

Total Quality to its engineering and 

leges included Cl's bearing on cur- 

community and the people we 

manufacturing processes. The com- 

riculum development, access to 


pany chose TQ when it realized that 

information, student retention, facul- 

For more information about the 

to compete successfully in the world 

ty development, redesign of recita- 

university's Continuous Improve- 

market it had to develop better meth- 

tion sections and student teaming. 

ment effort, call George Dieter or 

ods for producing its products and 

"1 realize that it will take some 

Geno Schnell at 405-3866. 

satisfying its customers. 

time for CI to be accepted and imple- 

— Mercy Coognn 

Similarlv, College Park, along with 

mented throughout the university," 

most public universities, has come 

face-to-face with two realities: ever- 

shrinking resources and stiffening 
competition for the best faculty, staff 

CESAR Shows Rapid Growth 

and students. Both of these realities 


must be treated as permanent fixtures 

Last year, the Center for Substance 

mation, statistics, conferences, treat- 

^^^ m ^ 

to the university's landscape for the 

Abuse Research (C ESAR) was award- 

ment sites and job openings. Opera t- , 


foreseeable future, said President Kir- 

ed a SI. 2 million contract from the 

eel 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, J 

w \ 

wan in his address to the Quality 

federal Center for Substance Abuse 

CESAR Board is free to Maryland 1 

! / ^ fe M^.r i 

Challenge participants. 

Treatment (CSAT) to conduct several 


mW s 

"Nevertheless, our goal remains 

studies that will measure the need for 

• CESAR Speaker Series — open to 

t^Sf ~ 

the same: to be one of the nation's 

substance abuse treahnent in Maryland. 

the general public, leading scientists 

A *\* 

finest public universities," Kirwan 

Just last month, the District of 

present current research about such ^^^k 

1 * J 

said. "To achieve this, we have to 

Columbia's Alcohol and Drug Abuse 

topics as needle exchange programs 


recruit and retain the best students 

Services Administration asked 

and drug prohibition. The presenta- 


and faculty possible by creating an 

CESAR to submit a proposal for a 

tions are videotaped and broadcast 

environment that draws the most tal- 

$750,000 contract to conduct similar 

on the university's Flagship Channel; ^^^^ 


ented people to College Park. I see 

studies for the district, largely 

• Maryland Statewide Epidemiol- Eric Wist 


continuous improvement as a means 

because of the success of the ongoing 

ogy Work Group (MD/SEWG)— a 

of achieving this goal." 

Maryland study, according to Acting 

voluntary public network of local and 

The Quality Challenge provided 

Director Eric Wish. 

state drug abuse leadership to help 

insights into both the philosophical 

Though CESAR was established 

communities develop clear indicators 

and practical aspects of continuous 

three years ago by Governor Schae- 

of drug use and baseline measures 

improvement. The former was sup- 

fer's Drug and Alcohol Abuse Com- 

for action. This project is currently 

plied in part by Westinghouse's Jack 

mission to study substance abuse in 

being piloted in 14 states by the 

West, manager of management sys- 

Maryland, CESAR is rapidly growing 

National Institute on Drug Abuse; and 

tems assessments, and Aris Melis- 

in reputation and scope as a national 

• CESAR Reports — a quarterly 

sa ratos, vice president of 

clearinghouse of substance abuse 

newsletter about current research and 

productivity and quality. 

research and information. 


Continuous improvement, they 

Since 1990, CESAR's annual con- 

Wish, who employs several gradu- 

emphasized, is not an end in itself. 

tract and grant revenue has more 

ate and undergraduate students on a 

Rather, it is a methodology that helps 

than tripled loovorSl million, and 

part-time basis, says CESAR is also a 

organizations improve the processes 

the one-person staff, consisting of 

good laboratory for criminal justice 

that are used to achieve specific 

Wish, has swelled to 20. The center 

or public policy majors because "thev 

objectives, such as the development 

has also greatly expanded its ser- 

can work on policy relevant research 

of a high caliber product or the deliv- 

vices, which include: 

and see the effect of what we're 

ery of a superior service. 

• CESAR FAX — a one-page week- 


The practical features of continu- 

ly memo about current substance 

While demand for CESAR's ser- 

ous improvement were highlighted 

abuse research and topics. More than 

vices implies a general failure of soci- 

during one-on-one meetings between 

900 subscribers worldwide (including 

ety to curb substance abuse, Wish is 

conference participants and Westing- 

300 state agency personnel) currently 

quick to point out that CESAR's suc- 

house managers who discussed how 

receive CESAR FAX every Monday 

cess "is due largely to the extraordi- 

they have incorporated CI in their 


nary support provided by the 


• CESAR Board — -an electronic 

university and the Governor's Drug 

Spirited discussion of Cl's place in 

bulletin board featuring Maryland 

and Alcohol Abuse Commission." 

higher education occurred through- 

and national substance abuse infor- 

— joim Fritz 


19 9 3 





Diversity Matching Grants Available 

The Office of Human Relations is offering matching grants of up to $300 for 
diversity-related programs that meet the following criteria: 1) show promise of 
being interdisciplinary, 2) involve collaboration between two or more units, 
departments, and /or student organizations, 3) involve a mix of faculty, staff 
and students, and 4) explore multiple areas of diversity or look at one area of 
diversity in depth. Proposals are due Nov. 10. Call 405-2838 or 405-2950 for 
guidelines or more information. 

Diversity and Unity 

President William Kirwan 

As we launch activities related to 
our Diversity Year initiative, it is 
appropriate to pause and reflect on 
where we are as a university and as a 
nation in our effort to develop pro- 
ductive, harmonious institutions and 
communities populated by people of 
different cultural heritages and racial 
backgrounds. In other words, how 
well are we living up to the ideal 
expressed bv our national motto — "E 
Pluribus Unum" — "From Many, One"? 

No one in attendance at the con- 
ference sponsored bv the School of 
Public Affairs this past spring, enti- 
tled "Race Relations in America," is 
likely to feel sanguine about the cur- 
rent state of affairs or about prospects 
for the future, The analyses present- 
ed by the distinguished speakers on 
that occasion were not encouraging: 
not only do we remain sharply divid- 
ed as a nation along racial and cultur- 
al lines, but the barriers of fear and 
animositv that divide us appear to be 
hardening. Given the dire social and 
economic consequences of these di\i- 
siuns, there are few topics, it any, 
more important for a university to 
address than the causes and cures of 
prejudice and discrimination in 

Several years ago, in my inaugural 
address to the campus, ! noted that 
over the decade of the 1990s, 85 per- 
cent of the net new entrants into our 
nation's work force would be either 
minorities or women. And, at some 
point in the next century, the tradi- 

Ifour nation is to maintain a position of strength, 

our colleges and universities must prepare a 

diverse population of students for a technologically 

complex and internationally interdependent age, 

tional "majority" will become a 
minority. Consequently, if our nation 
is to maintain a position of strength, 
our colleges and universities must 
prepare a diverse population of stu- 
dents for a technologically complex 
and internationally interdependent 
age. In my view, this cannot be done 
unless universities develop and nur- 
ture within their communities a bet- 
ter understanding of the value of 
diversity and a greater respect for 
human differences. 

In the inaugural address, I also 
expressed the hope that we at the 
University of Maryland would take 
advantage of the rich diversity of our 
campus community to develop a new 
paradigm for the comprehensive 
research universities of our nation, a 
paradigm that fosters a learning envi- 
ronment capable of preparing voung 
people — young people representing 
all segments of our society — for pro- 
ductive, meaningful lives in the 21st 
century. Some five years later, I 

Diversity Year in OUTLOOK 



Throughout this year, the Office of 
Hainan Relations is coordinating a 
year-long celebration, "Diversity at 
UMCP: Moving Toward Communi- 
ty." As part of this program, OUT- 
LOOK will begin a weekly update on 
diversity at College Park. 

Identified by the new logo at left, 
this update will include profiles of 
faculty. Diversity-related events will 
also be identified in the Calendar. 

You can help by providing story 
ideas and information about diversity 
at College Park. Todd Kliman, a 
graduate student and free-lance writ- 
er working with Human Relations, 
will be coordinating OUTLOOK'S 
coverage of diversity, so if you have 
an idea or suggestion, call him at 405- 
2838. You can also call the OUTLOOK 
office at 405-462M. 

believe this vision for the university 
is, if anything, even more compelling. 
In a real sense, however, the ideal we 
seek is not new. More than 200 years 
ago, John Stuart Mill said, "In all 
things of any difficulty and impor- 
tance those who can do them are far 
fewer than the need ... and any limi- 
tation on the available field deprives 
society of some chance of being well 
served by the competent." 

While Mill's admonition applies to 
many institutions, there are special 
reasons for this university to be con- 
cerned bv questions relating to racial 
and cultural diversity. Our task, 
unique among all the higher educa- 
tion institutions in Maryland, is to 
maintain the highest standards of 
educational and scholarly activity 
and to offer the broadest array of 
undergraduate and graduate pro- 
grams for all segments of our society. 
Honoring this mandate requires that 
we develop ways to convince those in 
traditionally under-represented 
groups that we are indeed eager for 
them to join this university as stu- 
dents, faculty, and staff and for them 
to participate fully in the life of the 
institution. The array of programs 
developed for Diversity Year is one 
way we can encourage a better 
understanding and appreciation of 
the different cultures, races and tradi- 
tions that make up our world, nation 
and community. 

As we celebrate Diversity Year, 
however, let us not forget our ulti- 
mate objective with this initiative: to 
promote understanding and unity, 
not division; to build "one" commu- 
nity based on equity and ability and 
to build it from the multi-talented, 
multi-faceted "many" of our popula- 
tion. Let us also not forget that our 
commonalities, our shared destiny, 
our mutual hopes and aspirations for 
a better world bind us together inex- 
tricably and are just as important as 
our differences. 



o o 


1 8 

19 9 3 

Newcombe Foundation Accepting Scholarship Applications 

The Charlotte W. Newcombe Foundation is accepting applications for scholar- 
ships for the spring 1994 semester. Awards range from $200 to $600. To quali- 
fy, women must be 25 years or older, admitted as undergraduates for the 
spring semester, and have completed at least half the credits necessary for their 
degrees. Special consideration is given to women with financial need or dis- 
abilities. The deadline for applications is Nov. 12. For more information, call 
314-7693 or stop by 2101 Shoemaker Building. 


Sharing Governance: the Campus, the System, the State 

"Shared governance at the University 
of Maryland at College Park means gov- 
ernance shared among Administration, 
Faculty, Staff, and Students." 

This central tenet of the 1991 joint 
task forces chaired by Professors 
Andrew Wolvin and Ralph Bennett 
has moved closer to reality with the 
adoption last spring of the revised 
Plan of Organization. Despite this suc- 
cessful effort to weave the principle 
of shared governance into the very 
fabric of our university, the campus 
community still seeks an answer to 
the basic question; "What exactly 
does shared governance mean and 
how will it work at College Park?" 

Any response must acknowledge 
at least three distinct but interlocking 
environments in which shared gover- 
nance must function: our own institu- 
tion, the University of Maryland 
System and the state of Maryland. 
Shared governance must work at all 
levels if it is to work at all. 

The word university derives from 
universitas, medieval Latin for com- 
munity or corporation. The earliest 
universities in Europe nearly 1,000 
years ago were guilds of scholars and 
teachers who governed themselves — 
collecting fees from students, design- 
ing the curriculum and establishing 
academic policy. Small, homogenous 
groups could practice collective self- 
governance, and still do at some 
small liberal arts colleges. But as the 
modern university has grown expo- 
nentially in size, diversity and com- 
plexity, a professional corps of 
managers has assumed administra- 
tive responsibility and control. The 
larger the institution, the larger and 
more powerful the bureaucratic 
superstructure. We at College Park 
find ourselves triply embedded in 
bureaucracies of increasing size and 
distance as well as progressive! v 
attenuated accountability — on cam- 
pus, in the system and in the state. 

The Campus 

On campus, we have made real 
progress toward legitimate shared 
governance. The new Plan of Organi- 
zation requires advisory committees 
at every administrative level and calls 
for the creation of university councils 
that will be more than just advisory, 
but will have genuine oversight and 
decision-making authority. 

Most important, our representa- 
tive body — the College Park Senate — 
consists of members elected by all 
three constituencies on campus, 
unlike most institutions that boast 
only a faculty senate. In the past few 
years, the senate has reaffirmed its 
commitment to sharing governance 
with all parties and has labored espe- 
cially to empower staff and students. 
Although faculty, staff and students 
may come at issues with distinct — 
even conflicting — perspectives, the 

senate has grown into a forum for 
serious, open and mutually respectful 

Yet questions remain about the 
operation and limits of shared gover- 
nance: What, if anything, should be 
off-limits to shared decision-making? 
How will the university community 
assume its share of responsibility for 
decisions as it exercises its share of 
decision-making? No one on campus 
questions the good will of our pre- 
sent administration, yet these ques- 
tions are not easily answered. How 
might the principle of shared gover- 
nance fare under a less sympathetic 
and less forthcoming administration? 

And as we play a greater role in 
university governance, a paradox 
emerges, if we retake significant poli- 
cy-setting authority from the profes- 
sional administrators (who will be 
held accountable for implementing 
poiicy and managing for quality), we 
must admit that in some respects we 
ourselves are amateurs when it 
comes to governing a huge, complex 
modern university. We may be expert 
in academic matters, but very little 
qualifies a particle physicist or a 
scholar of Dickens or a french horn 
player to manage the budgets, per- 
sonnel and facilities of a department, 
college or campus. In essence, shared 
governance means management by 
amateurs. Our amateur status 
accounts for many of our mistakes 
but even more of our successes. Yet if 
we insist on cooperative decision- 
making, especially in the face of 
increasingly difficult problems, we 
must also insist that we train our- 
selves to be better informed, smarter 
and more responsible participants in 
the process. With shared governance 
comes shared accountability. 

The System 

However, College Park does not 
exist or operate in a vacuum. Despite 
our progress on campus, shared gov- 
ernance means little if decisions made 
cooperatively at College Park are 
ignored or overturned at the system 
level. Admittedly, the board of 
regents, chancellor and system 
administration manage an unwieldy 
state-wide confederation of institu- 
tions, each with a distinct mission 
and personality. The proclivity to 
standardize and homogenize the sys- 
tem institutions, rather than attend- 
ing to the varied voices particular to 
each campus community, is evident 
and unfortunate. Debacles, such as 
last year's system-wide accelerated 
program review, are the result. There 
has been almost no consultation or 
communication with the senates of 
each individual institution. Policies 
carefully crafted through shared gov- 
ernance procedures on individual 
campuses have been disregarded or, 
worse, rewritten by executive fiat. 
Examples include College Park's own 

APT and termination of appointment 

Although advisory councils of fac- 
ulty, staff and students exist on the 
system level, their ability to represent 
the interests of the different institu- 
tions, as well as their ability to influ- 
ence policy, remains limited. As 
councils charged with system-wide 
representation, they are unable to 
tackle issues that are potentially divi- 
sive among the system institutions; 
such issues will become more fre- 
quent and more heated as resources 
diminish. The questions then become: 
How do we get the board and the 
chancellor to consult with the elected 
representative bodies on campus? 
How do we get system administra- 
tion to govern with us and on our 
behalf? How do we hold the system 
a d m i n is tra t i o n a n d board o f regen ts 

The chancellor himself has said 
that the process of governing a sys- 
tem of institutions has not yet been 
adequately theorized. But we needn't 
wait for a coherent theory before we 
can take some practical and forward- 
looking steps. First, the board and 
system administration must acknowl- 
edge the distinct missions among sys- 
tem institutions, and consult with the 
distinct constituencies on each cam- 
pus, as they set policy. For College 
Park, that means a system commit- 
ment to make the idea of a flagship 
research university a reality. Second, 
the board and svstem administration 
can support the idea of faculty repre- 
sentation on the board of regents, A 
faculty voice cannot threaten the 
independence and integrity of the lay 
board, but surely can help them 
understand the ways in which a uni- 
versity works. 

The State 

Lastly, College Park faces a special 
challenge as a public university. The 
university and system are subject to 
political and economic forces within 
the state that seem very far beyond 
our control. Yet we must work, 
through shared governance and 
cooperative problem -solving, to take 
a proactive stance on higher educa- 
tion issues such as workload, 
employee salaries, diversity and 
"political correctness." A hostile and 
misinformed press is shaping public 
opinion, and public opinion in turn 
shapes the political agenda. If we 
don't develop our own solutions to 
our own problems, then our state 
politicians will impose much less 
palatable solutions upon us. Togeth- 
er, we must make our case to the 
public and legislature clearly and 
persuasively. Together, we must 
defend what is defensible and reform 
what is not 

— Hank Dohin 

College Park Senate 
Chair Hank Dobin 


1 a 

19 9 3 





Check Out Diversity 

"Diversity at UMCP," an exhibit currently on view in the Hornbake Library 
lobby, presents books and other materials available in the UMCP libraries on 
different aspects of cultural and social diversity. Among the items featured are 
works by Ronald Takaki, a foremost author on multicultural issues, and an 
example of a magazine article written in braille. Later this year Nonprint 
Media Services (Hornbake Library, 4th floor) will be showing a series of pro- 
grams on various aspects of diversity. 

Our Latin American links Are Legion 

Because we live right here, some- 
times we take for granted the broad 
scope of knowledge generated at Col- 
lege Park vis-a-vis Latin America. Par- 
ticularly in times of crisis, we tend to 
focus on losses and on gaps yet to be 
filled. While this is certainly neces- 
sary, coming from Argentina, a coun- 
try (some might expand it to the 
region) where the term 'crisis' is sys- 
temic, I share with manv of vou the 
understanding that crises are also 
opportunities to reflect on existing 
programs, to reformulate priorities 
and to advance rapidly to achieve 
clearly focused goals. I capitalize, 
therefore, on what we have already 

As we look across the nation, we 
are relative latecomers to Latin Amer- 
ican studies. But since all the clocks 
that track the pace of knowledge are 

Sosnowski Receives Distinguished International Service Award 

Latin American Studies Center Director Saul Sosnowski received the Distinguished 
International Service Award on Wednesday, Sept. 29. The annual award Is given to a member 
of the College Park faculty who has contributed significantly to the development of interna- 
tional institutional programs, backed by a distinguished professional career. Left to right: 
Donna Hamilton, chair, International Affairs Committee, Provost Daniel Fallon, honoree Saul 
Sosnoski and President William E. Kirwan. 

not synchronized, our recent entry in 
the field also affords us unique 
opportunities. When we take stock of 
the new knowledge that over the 
years has been produced and dissem- 
inated by our university, we also 
become critically aware that we have 
been quietly positioning ourselves to 
become major players in several areas 
of the globe. 

In the Latin American case, we 
find at College Park that ground- 
breaking work has been carried out 
for years in agriculture and life sci- 
ences; that in areas as closely inter- 
linked as education and the media, 
providing expertise in public policy 

and in negotiating the intricacies of 
international finance, in human rights 
and in the study of Latin America's 
multifaceted cultures, Maryland has 
positioned itself as a major center in 
the United States. 

Since last year, for instance, the 
departments of government and poli- 
tics, sociology, economics and geog- 
raphy have brought together the 
scholarly vitality necessary to pro- 
vide core training in Latin American 
studies to both undergraduate and 
graduate students within the College 
of Behavioral and Social Sciences. In 
addition to the widely acknowledged 
leadership of the facultv in Latin 
American literatures and cultures, 
Spanish and Portuguese language 
teaching, and the new track that will 
be opened in indigenous cultures, the 
program in International Business 
and Foreign Languages (IBFL) is 
growing at a pace that NAFTA 
negotiators would certainly envy. 
The training of mid-career profes- 
sionals in U.S. policv, along with an 
increased involvement in environ- 
mental studies, in establishing pub- 
lic policy programs in Latin 
America, and in hosting Latin 
American-related activities, place 
the School of Public Affairs at still 
another tier of excellence and com- 
mitment. The existing Study 
Abroad Program and resource cen- 
ter in Mexico City, in collaboration 
with other universities in the sys- 
tem, are a tribute to the efforts of 
administrators and faculty, and 
particularly to the skills that we 
find in International Education Ser- 
vices and in the Office of Interna- 
tional Affairs. 

I am talking about vision, about 
the wisdom and the necessary con- 
viction that the leadership of the 
university from across academic 
and administrative units has had in 
making choices that will affect all of 
us for decades to come. Our linkage 
to Latin America, to its peoples and 
cultures is not a matter of choice; it 
is a matter of shared geography 
and of shared history. As we 
increase relations with Latin Amer- 
ica through active exchanges of fac- 
ulty and students and joint research 
projects, as together we seek new 
paths of knowledge, of mutual recog- 
nition and respect, we must also look 
to our closer backyard. 

In the past, Latin America has 
been referred to frequently as the 
backyard of the United States, with 
its concomitant implications of 
dependency and caring intervention. 
As one of the byproducts of the quin- 
centennial of Columbus' cartographic 
error has taught us, turning the map 
upside down serves in itself as a 
valuable lesson in cultural percep- 
tions. Those who fit that elusive cate- 
gory of being the "others" are not 

At present, and almost 
within walking distance 
of our campus, the 
growth of Hispanic com- 
munities indicates that 
our interest in interna- 
tional affairs will not 
always require a passport 
nor accrue free mileage. 

only down there, they are in our 
midst, they are us. 

For those of us who come from 
Latin America, who work on Latin 
America and on the Caribbean, Col- 
lege Park has become part of Latin 
America. At a time when many Latin 
Americans viewed with suspicion 
invitations to participate in meetings 
and conferences in this country, they 
learned that our institution was pro- 
pitious for the free exchange of opin- 
ion, for serious and constructive 
debates. Maryland is known across 
Latin America as a university where 
matters Latin American are not only 
the subject of inquiry, but as a source 
of new initiatives to be developed 
jointly with colleagues in the region. 

At present, and almost within 
walking distance of our campus, the 
growth of Hispanic communities 
indicates that our interest in interna- 
tional affairs will not always require a 
passport nor accrue free mileage. It 
points out that we have a unique 
opportunity to serve the state and 
Latin America — our shared citizen- 
ry — in still one more significant way. 
Through a recently initiated outreach 
program, we are seeking to attract the 
children of immigrants who for the 
first time in their family's history will 
graduate from high school, and who 
we hope will be the first to earn a col- 
lege degree from the University of 
Maryland. If we succeed in attracting 
even a fraction of these students, we 
will have taken another step in the 
true internationalization of our stu- 
dents' education and of daily life on 

— Saul Sosnowski 

Editor's Note: This article was adapted 
from the author's ran arks made upon 
receipt of the Disti}t$uished International 
Service Award. 






Kudos To... 

Kathryn Bartol 

From time to time, OUTLOOK runs 
this section calling attention to the 
accomplishments, awards and 
achievements of College Park facul- 
ty, staff and students. Kudos to... 
is compiled from memos, letters, 
phone calls and departmental 
newsletters. We'd like to hear from 
you. Send information, and a black 
& white photo, if possible, to OUT- 
LOOK, attn: Kudos, 2nd floor. Turn- 
er Building. 

Kathryn Bartol, business and man- 
a gem en t , wh o rece i ved t h e Sa ge 
Scholarship Award from the women 
in management division of the 
Academy of Management at its 
national meeting in August. The 
award recognizes outstanding contri- 
butions to research on gender issues 
in organizations. 

Juan Bonta, architecture, who is an 
invited speaker at the Buenos Aires 
1993 International Architecture Bien- 
nial, where he will present his soft- 
ware on the analysis of architectural 
discourse. He will also lecture at the 
University of Belgrano, Buenos Aires; 
the National University of Buenos 
Aires; and the University of the 
Republic of Uruguay. 

Jeffery Cohen, engineering and 
architectural services, who was 
appointed by the New York Stock 
Exchange to its panel of arbitrators. 

Roger Davidson, government and 
politics, who was summoned to Capi- 
tol Hill several times in recent 
months to present testimony on pro- 
posed reorganization plans. 

Amy Gardner, architecture, who 
received a Merit Award in the 
Renaissance Awards Program, a 
national competition sponsored by 
the National Association of Home- 
builders and Remodeling Magazine. 

James Gates, physics, who was 
named the 1993 Physicist of the Year 
by the National Technical Associa- 
tion, and was a co-recipient of its 
1993 National Technical Achiever 
Award. Gates received his awards in 
Houston on Sept. 11. 

Jeffery Cohen 

Juan Bonta 

Richard Herman, computer, math 
and physical sciences dean, who was 
appointed to a the National Science 
Foundation Mathematics and Physi- 
cal Sciences Directorate Advisory 
Committee on Oct. 1. 

David Inouye, zoology, whose book, 
Techniques for Pollination Biologists, 
was published in June. It was co- 
authored by Carol Kearns, of the Uni- 
versity of Colorado, who received her 
Ph.D. from the zoology department 

Arie Kruglanski, psychology, who 
was invited to deliver the fourth ]os 
Jaspers Memorial Lecture at Maas- 
tricht, the Netherlands, on Dec. 17, 
1993. Jos Jaspers was an eminent 
Dutch social-cognitive psychologist 
who headed the social psychology 
program at Oxford for many years. 

Stephen Leatherman, geography, 
whose production, "Vanishing 
Lands," won first place, the Golden 
Azor award, at the closing ceremony 
of the Mostra Atlantica de Televisao. 

Lawrence Moss, music, who has 
been chosen as an American Society 
of Composers, Authors and Publish- 
ers Award recipient. The awards are 
based on the prestige of each writer's 
catalog of original compositions and 
the recent performance of those 

Mancur Olson, economics, whose 
article, "Dictatorship, Democracy, 
and Development," published in the 
September 1993 issue of the American 
Political Science Revieio, was reviewed 
positively in Financial Times by 
prominent economics writer Samuel 

Andrew D. Wolvin, speech commu- 
nication, and Carol Coakley, faculty 
research assistant, who have pub- 
lished Perspectives on Listening, an 
edited volume of essays on listening. 

Roger Davidson 

«■ 'ji^'' 

Amy Gardner 

David Inouye 

James Gates 


19 9 3 






Exhibit: "Inspirations: Watercolors and 
Drawings by Greg Mart." through Dec. 5, 
UMUC Arts Program Gallery, Call (301] 
985-7154 for into. 

Concert Band: Tue,. Oct. 19. 8 p.m.. 
Grand Ballroom. Stamp Student Unkjn. 
Call 5-5545 for into. 

Recital: FrL, Oct. 22, Giuseppe Scotese. 
piano, 8 p.m.. Tawes Recital Hall. Call 5 
5545 for info. 

Concert Society at Maryland: Fn.. Oct. 

22. "Women & Music in the Islamic 
World.' Mural Urgulu, 8:30 p.m.. UMUC 

Auditorium. $16. students S8. Call 103- 
4240 for info.* 

Creative Dance Lab: Sat.. Oct. 23. 10 
a.m.-2p.m„ Dance Building. Call 5-7038 

tor info. 

Concert Society at Maryland: Sat.. Oct. 

23, Takacs Quartet. 8 p.m.. UMUC 
Auditonum. $18, students 18. Call 403- 
4240 for into.* 

Reading: Wed., Oct. 27, A.M. Homes, 
7:30 p.m., Maryland Room, Mane Mount 
Hall. Call 5-3820 for info. 


Public Affairs Brawn Bag Discussion: 
Mon., Oct. IS. "Planning for People and 
Parks." Katrina Eadie Brandon. World 
Wildlife Fund Senior Fellow, noon. 2277 
Zoology /Psychology, Call 5-6351 for 

Employee Development Training 
Program: Mo n.. Oct. 18. "Procurement 
information Display." 3-4:30 p.m., 

110 111 Administrative Services. Can 5 
5651 for into or to register.* 

Entomology Colloquium: Mon., Oct. 18. 
"The Roie of Mudgut Proteins in Bacillus 
Thuringiensis Town Specificity." Michael 
J. Adartg. University of Georgia, 4 p.m., 
02OO Symons, Call 5-3911 tor info. 

Computer Science Lecture: Mon,. Oct 
18. "Machine Learning in the Content of 
Real-Time Control," Donald Michie. 
University of Edinburgh. 4 p.m.. 0111 
Engineering Call 5-6634 tor info. 

Space Science Seminar: Mon., Oct 18, 
"Samples: Mission Overview and 
Science Results." Glenn Mason. 4:30 
p.m.. 1113 Computer and Space 
Science, Call 5^232 for info. 

Employee Development Training 
Program: Tue.. Oct. 19. "Stress 
Management," 9 a.m. -4 p.m., 1101U 
Administrative Services. Call 5-5651 for 
info or to register.' 

Engineering Seminar: Tue.. Oct. 19. 
'Direct Adaptive Control of Parabolic 
Systems." Joseph Bernsman, University 
of Illinois. 11 a.m.. 2168 A.V, Williams. 
Call 5-6634 for into. 

Zoology Lecture: Tue.. Oct. 19. "Fish 
Sex: Their Cries of Ecstacy on Our Deaf 
Ears." Philip Lobel, noon, 1208 
Zoology/Psychology, Call 5-6891 for 

Diversity Accountability and 
Implementation Planning Workshop: 
Tue,. Oct. 19. 'Creating a Successful 
Diversity Plan." Reginald Wilson. 
American Council on Education, 12:30-5 
p.m.. Stamp Student Union Atrium. Call 
5-2838 for info. 

Latin American Studies Brown Bag 
Presentation: Tue.. Oct. 19, "Virtual 
Public Spaces," Beniamm Arditi, 
University of Essex. 1 p.m.. 2215 
Jimenez. Call 56411 far info. 

Stress Management Workshop: Mon.. 
Oct. 19, 'Stress and a Healthy 
Lifestyle," 5-6:15 p.m., 2107 Health 
Center. Call 4-8131 tor info. 

Counseling Center Seminar: Wed., Oct. 

20. "The Honors Program and the 
Maryland Scholar's Program," Ira Berlin, 
noon-l p.m.. 0106 Shoemaker. Call 4- 
7690 for info. 

Employee Development Training 
Program: Wed.. Oct. 20, "Interviewing 
and Selecting Employees," 9 a.m. -4 
p.m.. 1101 Administrative Services. Call 
55651 for into or to register." 

Urban Studies Lecture: Wed. Oct, 20, 
"Planning Preservation in Cairo: A 
Conflict of Needs,' Abdalla Ahmed El- 
Enan, Cairo University, noon-l:15 p.m., 
1179 LeFrak Call 56798 for info. 

Center for Renaissance and Baroque 
Studies Lecture: Wed.. Oct. 20. "Or. 
Faustus and Runagate Courage: 
Theorizing Gender in Early Modern 
German Literature," Barbara Becker- 
Cantarino. 3 p.m., Maryland Room. 
Marie Mount. Call 5-6830 for info. 

Employee Development Training 
Program: Thu„ Oct. 21. 'Effective 
Business Writing," 9 a.m.4 p.m.. 1101 
Administrative Services, Call 5-5651 for 
info or to register.* 

Meteorology Seminar: Thu, Oct. 21, 
"Estuanne Plumes: The Chesapeake. 

Columbia and Mississippi,* William 
Boicourt. 3:30 p.m.. 2114 Computer 
and Space Sciences, Call 5-5392 for 


Science Colloquium: Thu.. Oct. 21. 

'Exemplars, Abstractions and Model 
Anomalies: Representation and 
Reasoning in Mendeiian and Molecular 
Genetics," Lmdtey Darden, 4 p.m., 1117 
Francis Scott Key, Call 5-5691 tor into. 

Nuclear Engineering Seminar: Thu.. Oct. 

21. "Porous Silicon: Mechanisms of 
Light Emission." S. Prokes, Naval 
Research Laboratory, 4 p.m.. 2110 
Chemical and Nuclear Engineering, Call 
55208 for into. 

Contemporary Voices of Our Latino 
Community Seminar: Thu.. Oct. 21. 
"Meeting the Challenges of Educating 

the Hispanic Community," Emilia Garcia 
Pneto. 4:30 p.m., St. Mary's Multi- 
purpose Room. Lecture conducted in 
Spanish, Call 5-6441 tor into. 

Africa and Africa in the Americas 
Lecture: "Africa and the Revisionists of 

History," Wole Soymka, Nigerian Nobel 
Laureate. 7:30 p.m., Stamp Student 
Union Grand Ballroom, reception to fol- 
low. Call 52118 for more information. 

Comparative literature Conference: Fn,. 
Oct. 22 to Sun.. Oct. 24. 'Carribean 
Conference: Expanding the Definition of 
Creolite," St. Mary's Multi-Purpose 
Room. Call 5-4024 for into. 

Mental Health Service Lunch N Learn 
Seminar: Fn., Oct. 22, "Cognitive 
Distortion in Offenders." Linda Blick. The 

Chesapeake Institute, ncon-2 p.m.. 
3100E University Health Center. Call 4- 
8106 for into. 



Geology Seminar: Fit, Oct. 22, 
"Graduate Student Day 1." Tom Williams 
and Paul Tomascak. 11 a.m., 0103 
Hornbake. Call 54089 for info. 

Speech Communication Colloquium: 
Fri.. Oct. 22. "Thought and Talk: 
implications of Theories of Message 
Design." Barbara O'Keeto, University of 
Illinois, noon. 0104 Stunner, Call 56526 
for info. 

Botany Seminar: Fn.. Oct. 22. Michael 
Dobres. Drexel University, noon, 2242 
H.J Patterson. Call 5-1597 for info. 

American Association of University 
Women Luncheon: Fn.. Oct. 22. Fatimah 

Jackson, noon- 1:00 p.m.. Carriage 
House, Rossborough Inn. $10. Call 4- 
8013 tor info 

Finance Seminar: Fn,, Oct, 22. "The 

Sale of Financial Market Information," 
Michael Fishman. Northwestern 
University, 1-2:30 p.m., 1203 Van 
Munching. Call 5-2246 for into. 

National Reading Research Center 
Seminar: Fn., Oct. 22. "How Reading 
Assessment is Communicated and 
Understood in an Elementary School," 
Peter Afflerbach. 4-5 p.m.. 2202 J.M, 
Patterson. Call 5-7437 for info. 

ED PA Graduate Student Research 
Conference: Sat.. Oct. 23. 8:30 a.m. 
1:30 p.m., 0206 Benjamin, $10 pre- 
paid, $12 at the door. Call 53714 for 

Caring Coalition Conference: Sat.. Oct. 
23, "Challenging the Campus Climate: 
Moving Beyond Alcohol, ' 9:30 a.m.4 
p.m., Tyser Auditorium. Van Munching 
Hall. Call 4-8123 tor info and to register 

Employee Development Training 
Program: Mon.. Oct. 25. "Nuts and 

Bolts of Procurement and Supply." 9 
a.m.-noon, 1101 Administrative Services. 
Call 5-5651 for info or to register.* 

Returning Student Workshop: Mon.. 
Oct. 25. "Notetaking Workshop," 2-3 
p.m., 2201 Shoemaker. Can 4-7693 for 


Entomology Colloquium: Mon., Oct. 25, 
'Nitrogen content of pomsettia. 
Euphorbia Pulcherrima, as a Host to the 
Sweetpotato Whitefly," Jo-Ann Bent;. 4 
p.m.. 0200 Symons. Call 53911 for 

Space Science Seminar: Mon . Oct. 25. 
"Recent Observations of Pickup Ions." 
George Gioeckler. 4:30 p.m.. 1113 
Computer and Space Sciences. Call 5- 
6232 for info. 

Employee Development Training 
Program: Tue.. Oct 26. "Understanding 
the Travel Office," 9 a.m.-noon. 1101 
Administrative Services. Call 5-5651 for 
info or to register,' 

Zoology Lecture: Tue.. Oct. 26. "Prey 
Selectivity and Vision of Sunfish: 
Another Grimm Tale," Bill Walton, noon, 
1208 Zoology/Psychology, Call 5-6896 
for info. 

Employee Development Training 
Program: Tue.. Oct. 26, "Financial 

Success in a Recovering Eccnomy-The 
Hidden Agenda in Your Automobile 
Insurance." 1-3 p.m.. 1101 
Administrative Services. Call 55651 for 
info or to register." 

Counseling Center Seminar: Wed.. Oct. 
27. 'Biological Research on Infants," 
Nathan Fox. noon-l p.m.. 0106 
Shoemaker. Call 4-7690 tor info. 

Core Faculty Workshop: Wed,, Oct. 27. 
'Diversity in the Disciplines," 3-4:30 
p.m.. Maryland Room. Mane Mount. Call 
5-9368 for info. 

Computer Science Lecture: Wed., Oct. 
27, "Educating a New Engineer," Peter J. 
Denning. George Mason University. 4 
p.m„ 0111 A.V. Williams. Call 5-2661 
for info. 

China Regional Seminar: Wed., Oct. 27. 
"Industry. Culture, Politics: The Taiwan 
Transformation." Chun-chieh Huang, 
National Taiwan University. 4 p.m., 
Mc Henry Room, Center for Adult 
Education. Call 5-4312 for info. 


Toastmasters: Tue., Oct. 19. General 
Meeting, 7 p.m., 1314 Van Munching. 
Call 13011 474-3410 for Into, 

Overeaters Anonymous: Wed., Oct. 20 & 
Wed.. Oct. 27. 4:306:30 p.m.. 2107 
Health Center. Call (3011 776-1076 tor 

Toastmasters Area Conference: Thu.. 
Oct, 21. 7 p.m.. 3441 Van Munching. 
Call (3011 474-3410 for into. 


Timex Fitness Week: Mon., Oct. 18- 
Mon., Oct. 25. Call 4-7218 for into. 

Field Hockey: Tue.. Oct. 19. vs. 
Bucknell, 7:30 p.m.. Astroturf Field. Call 

4-7006 for info. 

Men's Soccer: Wed,, Oct. 20, vs GWU. 
3 p.m.. Denton Field. Call 4-7005 for 

World's Largest Aerobics Class: Thu.. 
Oct. 21, 5 p.m.. Armory Gym. Call 4 
7218 for info. 

Volleyball: Fri., Oct. 22, vs. Virginia. 7 
p.m., Cole Field House. Call 4-7009 tor 

Volleyball: Sun.. Oct. 24, vs. Rhode 

Island. 1 p.m., Cote Field House. Call 4- 
7009 for info. 

Women's Soccer: Sun., Oct. 24. vs. 

Monmouth, 2 p.m., Denton Field. Call 4 
7034 for info. 

Women's Soccer: Tue., Oct. 26. vs 
Princeton. 3 p.m.. Denton Field. Call 4- 
7034 for info. 

Men's Soccer: Wed.. Oct. 27, vs. James 
Madison 3 p.m.. Denton Field. Call 4- 

7005 tor info, 


Peer Computer Tratnlng: Mon .Oct. 18. 
"Intro to NeXT," 6-9 p.m., 4352 
Computer Science Center. $5, Call 5- 
2941 for info.* 

Peer Computer Training: Tue., Oct. 19. 
WordPerfect, 6-9 p.m.. 3330 Computer 
Science Center. $5. Call 5-2941 for 

Study Abroad Fair: Wed., Oct. 20. 11 
a.m.-2 p.m., Tortuga Room, Stamp 
Student Union. Cafl 4-4776 far into. 

Peer Computer Training: Wed., Oct. 20, 
"WordPerfect for Thesis Writing. Part 2." 
69 p.m.. 3330 Computer and Space 
Sciences. $5. Call 5-2941 lor info. * 

Peer Computer Training: Thu,. Oct, 21, 
"Networked Resources. Part 1," 69 
p.m., 4352 Computer and Space 
Sciences. $5. Call 5-2941 for info. ' 

Calendar Guide 

Calendar phone numbers listed as 4 -xm or 5-JjetX stand far the prefix 314- or 405- 

respectively. Events are Iree and open to the public unless noted by an asterisk ! ' L 
For more information, call 4054628. 




19 9 3