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DECEMBER 16, 1993 

Carpe Diem! Latin Students Seize the Play 

Preppies and ravers, grunge kids 
and hip-hop fans; long hair here and 
shaved heads there; private school 
jackets and ties interspersed with 
public school basebal! caps and flan- 
nels. And all of them shared one 
thing in common: they were all stu- 
dents of Latin. 

Tawes Theatre opened its doors to 
some 1,300 middle and high school 
students on Dec. 7 for the university's 
annual Latin Day. Organized by the 
Department of Classics, Latin Day is 
"a celebration — a validation — of 
Latin, and an advertisement, in a 
sense," says Gregory Staley, profes- 
sor of classics, who prod uced this 
year's program. 

Staley has been involved with 
Latin Day since 1979 and has seen it 
go from a small, lecture-oriented pro- 
gram to an elaborate production 
based on themes — mythology, histo- 
ry, politics and elections and this 
year's theme, entertainment — that 
cycle every four years. Two new 
themes, sports and women in antiqui- 
ty, are being added in the next two 

The productions feature student 
actors from participating high 
schools, as well as two or three pro- 
fessional actors. This year's show 
included an abridged version of Plau- 
tus' play Psi'iniolos, a game in which 
contestants answered trivia questions 
and the chariot race scene from Ben 
Hut; and drew in over 35 school 
groups from as far away as Pennsyl- 
vania and Salisbury, Md. 

The program's diversity, says Sta- 
le v, is one of its most important 
aspects. Students come from all walks 
of life, from private schools and 
inner-city high schools, united by an 

High school students Heidi Peterson and Nate Stokes and professional actor Reid Sasser, right, 
performed Plautus' play Pseudolos as part of the Latin Day festivities. 

ancient language. Staley muses over 
this, smiles, and says, "To me, it's 
striking that we have so many 
schools in this area that still have a 
place for Latin. When you think 

about it, it's amazing that 2,000 vears 
after antiquity, there are people still 
studying Latin." 

— Markus Bock 

UMCP Ranks as One of the 100 Best 
Colleges for African-American Students 

When choosing a college or uni- 
Classified Information versity, African-American students 

President Kirwan addresses ^ face an added challenge of finding a 

classified staff salary issues Z* school that is supportive of their race 

and culture. W h i le t h e c h oi ce cou Id 

Winter Commencement '93 be attendin 8 one oi the predominate- 

RacfcHffe president return., to / l 7 African- American institutions, the 

oik, words of encouragement 4 reaIit y is that ** majority of the more 

than one million African- American 

From Pastels tO Pixels students in college attend predomi- 

natelv white institutions. Now, there 
Capnna brings art Irom museum /" . ' . , , , .. ,.- , . , 

f-\ is a Euideu>ook that otters advice for 

walls to computer screen \J , .. , . ,, 

selecting a school that supports 

African-American students. 

The University of Maryland at 

College Park has been named as one 

of the nation's 100 best colleges and 

universities for African-American 
students, according to a similarly 
titled book written by Erlene Wilson, 
a former TV reporter and producer 
and associate editor for Glamour mag- 
azine. At Clamour, she wrote an 
advice column for college women. 
Today, she specializes in writing and 
producing literature about colleges. 

UMCP is part of a list that encom- 
passes schools throughout the coun- 
try ranging from Ivy League and 
liberal arts to primarily African- 
American institutions. Other Mary- 
land schools included in the book are 

continued on page 6 

U N 1 

R S I T Y 

O F 


R Y 

N D 

C O 

E C 


President Kirwan Answers Classified Employee Questions 

On Pec. 9, President William E. Kinetm 
met with the editor of Outlook ft' discuss 
issues of concern to the university's clas- 
sified employees. The following is his 
response to questions asked b}/ Outlook. 

Editor: It's been three years since 
some UMCP classified employees 
have gotten a raise. In addition, 
many have experienced an increase 
in their work week to 40 hours and 
all face uncertainty surrounding the 
Mercer pay study proposal. There's 
a concern among members of the 
classified staff that they are under- 
valued and under-appreciated. 
What can you say to these concerns? 

William E. Kirwan: Given all that has 
happened, I can understand why 
thev might have these feelings. It's 
most unfortunate, however, because 
the truth is that thev are both impor- 
tant and valuable to the institution. 

Ed.: If that's the case, why haven't 
they gotten a raise? 

WEK: As much as we might wish it 
otherwise, the bottom line is that we 
cannot give raises to classified 
employees unless funds are appropri- 
ated tor that purpose by the General 
Assembly. To do so would in effect 
be a violation of the law. 

Ed.; What, if anything, has the cam- 
pus administration done to try to 
compensate for the "blows" the clas- 
sified staff have received? 

WEK: Several things. We champi- 
oned an effort to create bonuses for 
our classified employees who are at 
the top of their grade and who are 
ineligible for step increases. Although 
we have not vet been successful in 
getting final approval tor such bonus- 
es, we will continue to press this pro- 
posal. 1 believe it is imperative that 
we find some meaningful wav to rec- 
ognize this verv valuable, dedicated 
group of university employees. 

Also, the campus, not the Svstem 
or the state, set aside close to $3(10,0(10 
last year to support reclassification 
for our classified staff. These were 
funds we reallocated from our exist- 
ing budget because there were no 
appropriated funds for this purpose 
and we were determined that the lack 
of funds would not be a deterrent to 

We tried to compensate for anoth- 
er "blow" when we attempted to 
establish rules that were designed to 
make the 40-hour work week as con- 
venient as possible for our staff. 
And, when we heard our staff 
express concern over the implemen- 
tation of the Performance Manage- 
ment Process (PMP) from the Mercer 
recommendations, we interrupted the 
process, sought the opinions of staff. 

a n d proceeded to develop oui o w n 

system to respond to issues raised by 
the staff. 

Ed.: What is the situation with salary 
raises for classified employees for 

WEK: I have to begin my response 
with a note of caution. Until the gov- 
ernor sets the budget sometime in 
January, and until the General 
Assembly appropriates the funds, no 
one can be certain of what the raises 
will be. However, at this moment, the 
news is somewhat encouraging. 

First, the governor is committed to 
a 3 percent COLA (Cost of Living 
Adjustment) for all state employees. 
And our budget is expected to 
include step increases for classified 
employees. For the people who are 
not at the top of the grade, the step 
increases will average 5 1/2 percent. 

When combined with the COLA, 
this will mean an average increase of 
more than 8 percent for our classified 
employees eligible for step increases. 
This increase is, in fact, the highest 
percentage increase for any category 
of employee at the university, includ- 
ing the faculty. 

Ed.: What about classified employ- 
ees who are at the top of their grade? 

WEK: Unfortunately, for these 
employees, the 3 percent COLA is all 
we can point to, in terms of salary 
increments. 1 pledge to them, howev- 
er, that I will continue to pursue the 
concept of a bonus plan. 

Ed.: How many of the university's 
classified employees actually are at 
the top of their grade? 

WEK: Slightly more than 5(1 percent. 
It used to be well over 60 percent, but 
because of the $300,000 we set aside 
last year to fund reclassifications, the 
number has dropped significantly. 

Ed.: Is there any other hope for 
"topped out" classified employees? 

WEK: Yes. As many will recall, the 
Regents approved the Mercer Report 
recommendations in principle and 
asked that a System committee be 
appointed to consider modifications 
to our personnel system based on 
ideas in the report. This committee 
has just issued its report and, 1 think, 
has come up with some useful recom- 
mendations. For example, the com- 
mittee has proposed a new classified 
system with about 15 steps. Under 
this proposal, no current employee 
would be at top of his or her grade. 

Ed.: The Mercer study was supposed 
to have a pay for performance com- 
ponent. How does all this relate to 

merit pay and to the PMP (Perfor- 
mance Management Process) that's 
been on everyone's mind? 

WEK: This proposed new system 
would allow for merit raises through 
multiple step increases. It would be 
possible for an individual to skip 
steps based on unusuallv meritorious 
performance. PMP would be used to 
evaluate performance and determine 
merit for these step increases. 

Ed.; When might this new system be 

WEK: If approved as proposed, the 
system will be implemented in fiscal 
year 1995-96, that is, one year from 
next July 1. 

Ed.: Will classified employees have 
a chance to provide input into this 
proposed new system? 

WEK: Absolutely. As I said, the pro- 
posal has been developed by a sys- 
tem-wide committee involving 
representatives from this campus. 
The report will be circulated through- 
out the campus, to the Senate, and to 
all of our unit heads After each cam- 
pus has a chance to provide com- 
ment, the plan will go to the Board of 
Regents for approval. 

Ed.: We hear a lot about the continu- 
ous improvement initiative. Does 
that affect the classified staff at all? 

WEK: Definitely. In fact, I think the 
whole continuous improvement pro- 
cess speaks to an expanded role for 
the classified staff in the university. 

continued on page 8 


Owlook is the weekly faculty-Staff newspaper serving 
the College Park campus community. 

Kathryn Costello 

Roland King 
Judith Bali 

Jennifer Hawes 
Dlanne Burch 
Heather Davis 
Stephen Sohek 
John T. Consoll 
Kerstlrt A. Neteler 
Al Danegger 
Jennifer Grogan 
Wendy Henderson 
Regan Grade t 
lim Printing 

Vice President for 
Institutional Advancement 
Director of Public Information 
Director of University Publications 


Editorial Consultant 

Editorial Interns 

Format Designer 
Layout & Production 
Production Interns 


Letters to the editor, story suggestions, campus infnr 
mation & calendar items are welcome Please submit 
all material at least two weeks before the Monday of 
publication. Send it to Editor Outlook, 2101 Turner 
Building, through campus mail or to University of 
Maryland. College Park. MD 20742. Our teleRhone 
number is (301) 405-4621. Electronic mail address 
rs Fas number is 





9 3 

Job Referral Service Offers Community Service Opportunities 

Open to all Federal Work-Study eligible students, the Job Referral Service's 
Community Service Program provides opportunities for service to the commu- 
nity while earning a competitive salary. For more information, cail 314-8324 or 
visit the Job Referral Service in Room 0119, Hornbake Library, South Wing. 

Regents Approve Policy on Faculty Compensation 

When the University of Maryland 
Board of Regents met at its Dec. 10 
meeting, it approved a system-wide 
policy on compensation for faculty. It 

General Policy: The University of 
Maryland System seeks to provide 
salaries for faculty that are adequate 
to attract and retain individuals with 
the qualifications and level of perfor- 
mance necessary for the University of 
Maryland System and each of its con- 
stituent institutions to reach and to 
maintain the highest levels of excel- 
lence in education. 

To this end, the UM5 shall seek 
increases in funding to attain and to 
maintain a faculty salary structure for 
each of its constituent institutions 
which is merit-based and in which 
the average faculty salary is at or 
above the 85th percentile of that insti- 
tutions' classification group. 

The American Association of Uni- 
versity Professors (AAUP) annually 
conducts and publishes a national 
survey of salaries for "instructional 
faculty.™ The AAUP salarv informa- 
tion shall constitute the data base for 

implementation of this policy. How- 
ever, this policy shall apply to all per- 
sons defined as faculty by the 
University of Maryland System, 
whether or not they satisfy the AAUP 
definition of "instructional faculty. 

With the exception of the Univer- 
sity of Baltimore Law School and the 
professional schools at UM AB each 
institution's classification group shall 
be the set of all public colleges and 
universities included in its Carnegie 
classification. Placement of UM5 
institutions within a Carnegie catego- 
ry shall be made annually by the 
chancellor based on the application of 
Carnegie classification criteria to the 
most recent available data on each 

Comparisons for the University of 
Baltimore Law School and the profes- 
sional schools at UMAB shall be 
based on relevant data for each of the 
respective schools. 

Salary increases for current faculty 
shall be based on merit, and shall be 
determined on the basis of exception- 
ally effective teaching, scholarship 
and public service. Equity considera- 
tions may be taken into account in 

awarding salary increases. 

Implementation: The chance! lor, 
in consultation with the presidents, 
shall develop implementation guide- 
lines for this policy which shall be 
based on evaluation of faculty merit 
using appropriate measures of facul- 
ty productivity. Consistent with this 
policy, these guidelines may include 
a set of salary ranges for each faculty 
rank at each institution and shall 
include a common format for an 
annual report by each institution to 
the board of regents accounting for 
its use of merit funds for faculty 
salary increases. 

The policy, as implemented, estab- 
lishes compensation goals. If the fac- 
ulty compensation plan, based on 
these goals, had been fully imple- 
mented this year (excluding UMAB 
for which data are still to be ana- 
lyzed), the cost would have been 
approximately SI 2 million. The poli- 
cy establishes a rolling target based 
on an annual review of salaries at 
peer institutions around the country. 
The resulting compensation plan 
would be expected to be phased in 
over the next several years. 

Senate Approves Revisions to Advanced Studies Program 

The Dec. 6 meeting of the College 
Park Semite was long, spirited, occasion- 
ally even tumultuous, but ultimate!}/ 
very productive. The following summary 
itemizes the key Senate business, 

Revision to the CORE Advanced 
Studies Requirement: The CORE 
Committee recommended a signifi- 
cant revision of the Advanced Studies 
program that would broaden the base 
of upper-level courses that satisfy the 
t w o -co u rse A d va n ced 5 1 u d i e s 
requirement. Last year, faced with a 
drastic shortfall in the number of 
Advanced S tu d i e s sea t s n eed ed for 
students to fulfill the requirement, 
Jacob Goldhaber,then acting provost, 
temporarily reduced the requirement 
from two to one course. 

Charged by the Senate Executive 
Committee to recommend a perma- 
nent solution to Ihe problem that 
would uphold the intent of the origi- 
nal Pease Report, the CORE Commit- 
tee studied all the issues and 
conceivable remedies. The proposal it 
brought before the Senate permits 
students to fulfill the Advanced Stud- 
ies requirement bv completing any 
two upper-level courses outside their 
major (excluding internships, practi- 
ca, Professional Writing courses, and 
experiential learning activities). After 
considerable debate and parliamen- 

tary maneuvering, the original rec- 
ommendation passed the Senate as 
proposed by the CORE Committee. 

Continuing Education Resolution 
and Program Proposal: The Senate 
considered two items of business that 
concern the new College Park priori- 
ty to offer continuing education and 
professional development programs 
to the business and scientific commu- 
nities in the state. Although such pro- 
grams raise significant questions 
regarding adjunct faculty instruction 
and oversight, regular faculty partici- 
pation and compensation, differential 
tuition, fiscal oversight and academic 
standards, the university does not vet 
have a comprehensive policy or set of 
guidelines for continuing education. 

Provost Daniel Fallon has recently 
appointed a task force to develop 
such a policy by June; however, indi- 
vidual proposals for continuing edu- 
cations programs are now being 
forwarded to the Senate for approval. 
The Executive Committee presented a 
resolution, which won unanimous 
approval, requiring retroactive appli- 
cation of such a policy, once adopted, 
on all continuing education programs. 

The Senate then considered a pro- 
posal from the College of Engineer- 
ing for a new Master of Engineering 
degree, designed as a professional 
development program for practicing 

engineers. This program was 
reviewed and approved by the col- 
lege PCC, APAC, and the graduate 
PCC. Among the features of the pro- 
gram are off-campus instruction, cur- 
ricula in 17 areas of concentration 
designed especially for practicing 
engineers, instruction both by regular 
UMCPand adjunct faculty, and a 
higher differential tuition. The pro- 
posal was adopted by the Senate and 
will be transmitted for approval bv 
the university, the UM system, and 
the Maryland Higher Education 

Bylaws: The Senate continued its 
year-long reconsideration of its 
bylaws by approving a set of four 
minor amendments proposed by ihe 
Committee on Elections, Representa- 
tion and Governance. 

Draft Proposals on Teaching 
Expectations of Faculty and Post- 
Tenure Review: The Senate heard a 
brief information report from Robert 
Gaines, chair of the Faculty Affairs 
Committee, concerning two draft 
proposals on faculty workload and 
accountability. Recognizing that these 
proposals were likely to generate 
questions and discussion, the Faculty 
Affairs Committee held open hear- 
ings on Dec. 9 and Dec. 13. 

— Hunk Dobin 

Hank Dobin 


9 3 




Winter Commencement Features Radcliffe 
President Linda Wilson 

"Society lias not yet fully incorpo- 
rated women/' the new president of 
Radcliffe College, Linda Wilson, said 
in 1989. "It has neither tapped their 
talents nor responded to their needs, 
particularly those arising from their 
changing roles." Wilson, who is being 
honored with a Doctor of Letters 
degree, will share her thoughts with 
UMCP graduates in her com- 
mencement address on Thurs- 
day, Dec, 23, during the 
ca m pus- wid e con voca t i on in 
Cole Student Activities Build- 
ing, The ceremony begins at 
9:30 a.m. 

Joining Wilson in address- 
ing the more than 3,000 
degree-candidates will be 
Michael Nicoleau, a senior 
who will receive his bache- 
lor's degree in consumer economics. 
Individual college and school 
graduation ceremonies will be held at 
various locations across the campus 
throughout the day (see schedule of 
events, page 4). A reception for new 
graduates, their families and friends 
will be held in the Grand Ballroom of 
the Stamp Student Union from 1 1 
a.m. to 3 p.m. 

Wilson, who is noted for her 
efforts to develop opportunities for 
women and minorities in science, is a 
graduate of Sophie Newcomb Col- 
lege, Tulane University, and earned a 
Ph.D. in inorganic chemistry at the 
University of Wisconsin. Her ties to 

UMCP include her work as a post- 
doctoral research associate and later 
as a research assistant professor here 
from 1962 to 1967. 

"The years I spent at the Universi- 
ty of Maryland were exciting ones," 
Wilson says. "I bad the privilege of 
working closely with Ellis Lippincott, 
professor of chemistry, and with John 
Toll, physics chair, in preparing the 
university's submission for an NSF 
Science Development Grant." 

Wilson continued her research at a 
number of other institutions, includ- 
ing the University of Southampton, 

con tinned on page 5 

Linda Wilson 

Schedule of Graduation Events 

Following the Commencement, individual graduation exercises 
for colleges and schools will be held at several campus locations. 
Ceremonies are scheduled to begin at noon, 12:30 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. 
Guests are urged to be seated approximately one half hour prior to 
the designated time for the ceremonies if they wish to observe the 
student and faculty procession. 

Graduates, their families and friends, are cordially invited and 
encouraged to join with university officials and members of the fac- 
ulty at the reception to be held in the Grand Ballroom of Stamp Stu- 
dent Union. 

Shuttle bus service is available providing free transportation 
across the campus throughout the day. 

Campus- wide Commencement/9:30 a.m. 

Cole Student Activities Building 

Agriculture and Life Sciences Graduation Cerernony/2:30 p.m. 
Memorial Chapel 

Architecture Graduation Ceremony/Noon 

Architecture Auditorium 

Arts and Humanities Graduation Ceremonies/Noon 

PCOM, THET Tawes Theatre 

ARTH Art/Sociology Building, Room 2309 

ARTT/DESN Art/Sociology Building, Room 2203 

FOREIGN LANC/CLAS/LING Jimenez Hall, Room 0220 

HIST Skinner Building, Room 0200 

Behavioral and Social Sciences Graduation Ceremony/2:30 p.m. 
Cole Student Activities Building 

Business and Management Graduation Ceremony/Noon 

Cole Student Activities Building 

Computer, Mathematical and Physical Sciences Graduation 

Memorial Chapel 

Education Graduation Ceremony/Noon 

Reckord Armory 

Engineering Graduation Ceremony/2:30 p.m. 
Reckord Armorv 

Health and Human Performance Graduation Ceremony/Noon 

Health and Human Performance Building, Room 2240 

Journalism Graduation Ceremony/Noon 

Hoff Theatre 

Library and Information Services Graduation Ceremony/1 2:30 p.m. 

Zoology-Psychology Building, Room 1240 

Undergraduate Studies Graduation Ceremony/Noon 

Marie Mount Hall, Maryland Room 







Beyond Rocket Science 

Retired Electrical Engineer About to Take Turn as Rookie Accountant 

For nearly 20 years, NASA's God- 
dard Flight Center was home to Ray- 
mond Stattel who designed computer 
systems to support NASA's sounding 
rocket research effort. After retiring 
in 1980, he lent his expertise again as 
a consultant to the Naval Research 
Lab for solar research projects involv- 
ing the space shuttle and sounding 
rockets. Then, in 1990, at age 60, Stat- 
tel launched a new career path of his 

Stattel began attending classes at 
UMCP as a Golden ID student. The 
program enables Maryland residents 
age 60 or older to take three classes 
per semester, tuition-free, on a space 
available basis. It was Stattel's volun- 
teer position as treasurer of a local 
vacht club that sparked his desire to 
study accounting. 

Although Stattel enjoys sailing on 
the Chesapeake in his sailboat, "Sun- 
set Breeze," he has found little time 
for such leisure these days. Instead, 
Stattel is sailing through his studies 
{a 3.91 average as of interview time). 
"Initially, I planned to pursue a major 
in accounting," says Stattel. "Howev- 
er, if a class was unavailable I found 
myself taking classes in finance." 

Three years later, the result: a dou- 
ble degree to add to his bachelor's 
degree in engineering from Manhat- 
tan College in 1950. 

Originally from Long Island, Stat- 
tel found his way to Maryland via the 
Air Force when he was assigned here 
to the Naval Ordinance Lab in the 
early 1950s. He stayed, married and 
raised a family of seven children 
in La n ham. 

As for his UMCP experience, Stat- 
tel savs that he has found the campus 
to be very receptive to him as an 

older undergraduate. "I felt that I fit 
right in with the students." And, like 
many other undergraduate students, 
he has become involved with 
campus life. 

Stattel volunteers six to eight 
hours each week with the Concert 
Society of Maryland, where his back- 
ground in computers comes into 
play. There, he helps set up computer 
programs for surveys and assists 

"Instructors remember 

me. I have no problem 

with recognition. " 

— Raymond Stattel, 

Golden ID Student 

with mailings. In return, he gets to 
enjoy a diverse range of concerts, a 
perk he savors as a music lover. 

And, Stattel pledged Beta Alpha 
Psi, the honorary accounting society, 
where he was elected treasurer by his 
classmates, further evidence that he is 
considered an integral part of the stu- 
dent body. Again, he was tapped as 
treasurer for the Golden ID Society, 
fie also joined the Institute of Man- 
agement Accountants and the 
Finance Banking and Investment 

Stattel comments that he knows 
most of his fellow classmates and 
recounts one advantage to being a 
Golden I Der: "Instructors remember 
me. I have no problem with 


Having spent a career as a senior 
staff member and experienced con- 
sultant, he will soon be job-seeking as 
a rookie accountant. "When it comes 
to accounting, I'm just a novice," he 
adds. Stattel's goal is to work for a 
small accounting firm. "I went 
through the interview process on 
campus with the accounting firm 
recruiters and found it very beneficial." 

When he receives his double 
degree from the School of Business in 
accounting and finance on Thursday, 
Dec. 23, four generations of the Stattel 
family will be on hand for the occa- 
sion: his parents from Long Island, 
his sister, his wife and children, and 
his two grandchildren. 

Actually, attending the University 
of Maryland at College Park has been 
a family affair at the Stattel house- 
hold. Of his seven children, six can 
include UMCP on their resumes. At 
present, two children are enrolled in 
the College of Engineering: Roger, 
age 18, is a freshman; and Maria, age 
19, a sophomore. 

And, last year, son Ronald gradu- 
ated with a major in engineering. A 
daughter, Theresa, currently pursing 
a master's degree at American Uni- 
versity, earned an undergraduate 
degree in economics and plans to 
enter a UMCP doctoral program in 
agricultural economics. Another son, 
Robert, graduated with a bachelor's 
degree in music. And son, Richard, 
who works at BG&E's Calvert Cliffs 
plant, graduated from University 
College this past summer with a 
major in nuclear engineering. 

And, if their father is an example, 
UMCP hasn't seen the last of 

Winter Commencement 

continued from page 4 

England, the University of Missouri, 
the London School of Economics and 
Political Science and the University of 
Sussex, England, She then extended 
her career interest to the fostering 
and supervision of research. 

Before becoming the seventh pres- 
ident of Radcliffe College in 1989, she 
was the associate vice chancellor for 
research at the University of Illinois 
from 1 975 to 1 985 and the vice presi- 
dent for research at the University of 
Michigan from 1985 to 1989. 

Wilson has published widely, 
writing on such diverse topics as high 
pressure optics, graduate education, 

research administration, women and 
science, government and the gradu- 
ate institution, and the financing of 

Among her many professional 
memberships she counts the Ameri- 
can Chemical Society, the American 
Association for Ihe Advancement of 
Science, the National Council of Uni- 
versity Research Administrators and 
the Society of Research Administra- 
tors. She serves as chair of the 
National Research Council's Office of 
Science and Engineering Personnel 
and chaired the 1993 Commission on 
Women in Higher Education. 

Her most recent honors were a 
Doctor of 1 1 u mane Letters from New- 

comb College, Tulane University, 
and the Valerie A. Knapp Distin- 
guished Educator Award from 
the College Club of Boston. 

Also being honored at the 
Dec. 23 commencement ceremo- 
ny will be Theodore Crom, 
Class of '47, who will receive 
an honorary Doctor of Science 

Of the 3,100 degree candi- 
dates, nearly 400 are Ph.D. candidates 
and some 750 are master's degree 
candidates. Among the graduates 
will be Raymond Stattel, a 63-year- 
old double-degree senior who is pro- 
filed above. 

Raymond Stattel 


9 9 3 

O U 



Smile, Mona Lisa 

Caprina Captures Images on Computer for Art Histor)> Students 

It used to be thai art history pro- 
fessors could only test their students 
on images from textbooks. There was 
no other way for students to set 1 the 
pictures outside of class. 

Until now. 

A networked computer program 
called Caprina is changing all of that. 
Now high resolution digital images 
of slides are available at computer 
labs all across campus. 

"Now they can spend more time 
memorizing images outside of class 
and study mure of the art history part 
in class," savs Walter Gilbert, assis- 
tant director of the Computer Science 
Center and the creator of Caprina. 

To use Caprina, just click the 
mouse on the picture of the Mona 
Lisa on the main menu at any WAM 
lab workstation. There are two appli- 
cations available, Multislide and 

Multislide offers all of the slides 
for a class in the order that the 
instructor presented them, complete 
with the artist, date and period. 
Using the windows, up to three 
images at a time can be placed on the 
screen and compared. 

Quizslide uses the same images, 
but mixes up the order and only 
gives the bibliographic information 
upon request, qui /zing the student. 

So far, Caprina is onlv available 
for three classes: Art History 201, 
Honors 1 38Q and Textiles 363. Art 
1 listorv 200 was taught last semester 
using Caprina, and will be again next 

Anthony Colantuono, professor of 
art history and archaeology, is teach- 
ing Art History 201 this semester 
using Caprina. Although he sees 
Caprina as becoming central to art 

DELL wwsew 

Student's can view such works as Georges Seurat's "The Bathers" with the help of Caprina. 

history courses in the future, he is 
practicing "cautious optimism." 

"I've seen my role as trying to 
hold this back," Colantuono says. "I 
need to protect the students." 

It has been reliable so far, but 
Colantuono still worries about sys- 
tem breakdowns. 

"What if it works fine the whole 
semester, then three nights before the 
exam [it doesn't workl?" he says. "1 
can't take that risk yet." 

So far, Colantuono has only made 
students responsible for images that 
are in their texts as well as on Caprina. 

Colantuono thinks that it is a use- 
ful memorizational tool, and hopes to 
make it a key part of future courses 

that he teaches, maybe even to 
develop a class without textbooks. 

"I am amazed at how much it has 
improved," he savs. "It's only a mat- 
ter of time." 

Gilbert is continually improving 
Caprina, and each semester sees a 
new version of the program. 

"We're trying to assist the stu- 
dents in the teaching process," he 

And if you've been wondering, 
Caprina is not the name of an obscure 
Italian painter that you've never 
heard >ii 

It's the name of Gilbert's cat. 

— Stephen Sobek 

UMCP in Top 100 

continued from page I 

Goucher, Hood and St. Mary's col- 
leges; Morgan State, St. John's, and 
Towson State universities. With near- 
ly 35,000 students, UMCP is one of 
the largest universities and among 
the leaders in the number of African- 
American students graduated each 

The selected institutions were 
determined based upon results of a 
detailed survey mailed to those insti- 
tutions which had achieved top rank- 
ing for academics and education 
value in publications such as U.S. 
Neivs & World Report and Mona/ 

In the book, the author explains 
that the survey asked about the num- 
ber o/ African- American students, 
faculty and administrators; about 
scholarship and other aid programs 

available to minorities; about admis- 
sion requirements, particularly stan- 
dardized test scores, for 
African- American students; about 
provisions foi remedial training and 
about the availability of counseling 
and tutoring services. 

Wilson notes also; "The survey 
inquired about social, professional 
and cultural organizations for African 
Americans on campus, and requested 
reports on any racially motivated 
incidents, as well as the administra- 
tion's handling of them." 

The book includes brief statistical 
and narrative profiles of the 100 insti- 
tutions. Wilson's narrative about 
UMCP includes mention of universi- 
ty incidents which have involved the 
African-American community in 
recent years, such as the death of bas- 
ketball star Len Bias, departure of 
basketball coach Bob Wade and the 

court challenge of the popular Ban- 
neker minority scholarship program. 

The author point-, out that, in spite 
of these seeming setbacks, the univer- 
sity administration is sensitive to the 
needs of African- American students, 
and provides academic and cultural 
support, such as the Minority Student 
Education Office and the engineering 
department's BRIDGE program, 
which helps minority students make 
the transition from high school 
to college. 

Wilson also cites the nearly 100 
African- American faculty, many of 
whom provide one-on-one support to 
students. One of these is UMCP grad- 
uate Carmen Baithrop, Metropolitan 
Opera singer and an associate profes- 
sor of voice. Laudable African-Ameri- 
can graduates are listed in the 
statistical summary which accompa- 
nies each school's profile. 




1 4 9 3 

Family Service Center Focuses on Couple Therapy 

The Family Service Center is holding its fifth annual Maryland conference, The 
Art and Skill of Couple Therapy, on Friday, Jan. 14, from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. 
in Marie Mount Hall. The presenter, Eleanor Macklin, is professor and director 
of the Marriage and Family Therapy Program at Syracuse University- Through 
extensive work as an educator and therapist, she has developed methods to 
help couples achieve a long-term, vital relationship, using the past and present 
to aid couples in their unique journey. The cost of the conference is $35. For 
more information, call 384-2283. 


Alternative Options 

Career Center Introduces Resources for Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Job-Seekers 

Finding a job after graduation is 
hard enough. But finding a job after 
graduation, and being gay, lesbian or 
bisexual is something else altogether. 

"There are a lot of different 
options for these students, a lot of 
hard choices to make," says Robert 
1 Iradsky, program director for the 
Career Center. "Do you come out, or 
do you remain closeted? Do you go to 
work for a company that is more 
open to things, or do you go to work 
for a company where gays are 
'closeted?' These are all important 

And now, thanks to Hradsky, one 
of the recipients of a grant (see box) 
from the "Diversity at UMCP; Mov- 
ing to Community" Initiative Com- 
mittee, those students may be able to 
begin answering them. As he's 
already done at a similar center at 
5U NY- Bingham ton, Hradsky will be 
creating a career resource library for 
gay, lesbian and bisexual students. 
Among the sourcebooks he'll be buy- 
ing: The Gay YellmvpageS, The CLB 
Corporate Letter and Working It Out 

"This is a specific population with 
specific needs," says 1 Iradsky. "This 
will address those needs." 

Hradsky has made a career of 
addressing students' needs. Four 
years ago, working in career develop- 
ment at the University of Vermont, 
he and some colleagues conducted a 

survey of gay, lesbian and bisexual 
students at five colleges and universi- 
ties in the Northeast corridor, UMCP 
among them, "Sort of a needs assess- 
ment," Hradsky says of the survey. 

It wasn't nearly as simple as he 
makes it sound. Meticulously thor- 
ough, the survey attempted to get a 
handle on all manner of concerns of 
gay, lesbian and bisexual students 
about to enter the working world. 
Should participation in gay, lesbian 
or bisexual organizations, for exam- 
ple, be included on a resume? 

What the survey underscored was 
a glaring need for some resource 
books and materials to which stu- 
dents could at least turn to to begin to 
tackle their questions, if not get hard 
and fast answers, A library within a 
library was born. Two years later, a 
similar studv at Binghamton brought 
about similar results — and a similar 

They were successful, says Hrad- 
sky, not oniv in helping students to 
answer some of their own questions, 
but in opening their eyes to areas or 
issues they may never have thought 
to even consider. 

Though many may not realize it 
says Hradsky, "there are gay, lesbian 
and bisexual organizations and 
alliances in particular fields, and if 
you know where to turn, you can 
find many opportunities to 'network,' 

not to mention find various support 

Similarly, a resource library can be 
of help in learning more about a 
recent trend. One of the more hotly 
debated issues the last few years 
among gay rights activists, for exam- 
ple, is domestic partnership benefits. 
A number of colleges and universi- 
ties, as well as several major compa- 
nies including Apple and Levi- 
Strauss, have made it possible for 
same-sex couples to receive the 
spousal benefits of married couples. 

Important information when it 
comes to choosing a career. 

Case in point: Angela Iannaconi. A 
senior majoring in material and 
chemical engineering, Iannaconi says 
she's been "utilizing every employ- 
ment resource I can get my hands 
on." She had no idea such things as 
the Ga\/ YelJoifpages even existed. 
Now, she'll have them right at her 
fingertips, along with other resource 

The books have yet to arrive, but 
what they promise has already affect- 
ed her thinking. 

With jobs scarce, she's been look- 
ing "any and everywhere" she thinks 
she might find a job. Now her hopes 
are on targeting her search to find 
a more receptive company 
or organization. 

— Todd Kliman 



Matching Diversity Fund Grant Recipients 

Sponsor: Office of the Comptroller 
Project: "National Origin /Cultural Day" 

Sponsor: The Art Gallery 
Project: Panel discussion for the exhibit, 
"SOURCES: Multicultural Influences on 
Contemporary African-American Sculptors" 

Co-sponsors: Baha'i Chair for World Peace, 
Department of History, Joseph and Rebecca 
Meyerhoff Center for Jewish Studies and 
Center for international Development and 
Conflict Management 
Project: Evening event linking participants 
in the "Once Empires Fade: A Conference 
on Religion, Ethnicity, and the Possibilities 
for Peace" conference in conjunction with 
the art exhibit listed above. 

Sponsor: Department of Astronomy 
Project: Art exhibit, "Women in Astronomy: 
A Pictorial Display" 

Co-sponsors: Environmental Safety, Physi- 
cal Plant, Residential Facilities, Dining Ser- 
vices and Campus Risk Management 

Project: Translation of the "Right to Know" 
brochure into Spanish and videotaping of 
"Right to Know" training session in Spanish 

Sponsor Career Center 
Project: Creation of a specific section in the 
Career Library for career resources of inter- 
est to gays, lesbians, and bisexuals 

Sponsor: Department of Dance 
Project: An "Informance" by the Urban 
Bush Woman 

Sponsor: Police Department 
Project: "Operation Stop" campaign 

Sponsor: Chinese Student Association and 
seven other Chinese student organizations 
at UMCP 
Project: Chinese Culture Week 

Sponsor: Department of English 

Project: Lecture by Edward Kamau Braith- 


Co -sponsors: The Center for International 
Development and Conflict Management, the 
Jewish Student Union and the Arab Student 

Project: A working luncheon including 
American, Israeli and Palestinian 
students as part of a week- long conflict 
management workshop 

Sponsor: College of Library and Informa- 
tion Services 

Project: A 400-1 evel course, "Sources of 
Diversity: Materials in Archives and 
Libraries for the Studv of African-American 
Life and Culture" 

Co-sponsors: School of Public Affairs, Col- 
lege o f Bu si ness a n d M a n a ge m en t a n d A f ro- 
American Studies Department 

Project: Conference, "Breaking Down Racial 
Barriers in the Work" Place: Successful 
Models for Diversity" 

Sponsor: International House 
Project: Cultural Explosion 

Sponsor: Department of Spanish and Por- 
tugese and the Hispanic Faculty, Staff and 
Graduate Student Association 
Project: A lecture, "Race Relations Among 
Minorities," as part of a vear-long series, 
"Contemporary Voices of our Latino Com- 

Sponsor: School of Architecture 

Project: Lecture and brown bag lunch with 

Harvey Gantt 

Co-sponsors: Women's Studies Program 
and the Curriculum Transformation Project 
Project: A poly seminar, "Crossing Bound- 
aries: Women and Gender in the Era of 
Global Change" 

Sponsor: Department of Physical Plant 
Project: "We Are Family" exhibit 

Sponsor: Department of Urban Studies and 
Planning, Afro-American Studies and the 
City and Regional Planning Program, Mor- 
gan State 

Project: Colloquium, "Diversity in Our 
Cities: The Challenge for Planners" consist- 
ing of two panel discussions 


19 4 3 





Jan, 5 Deadline for Teaching Theater Proposals 

The Teaching Technologies group of the Computer Science Center announces a 
last call for proposals for use of the AT&T Teaching Theater and the IBM TQ 
Teaching Theater for Fall 1994. Proposals for Spring 1995 also will be accepted. 
The AT&T Teaching Theater, in Room 3140 of the Engineering classroom 
building, and the IBM TQ Teaching Theater, in Room 2203, Van Munching 
Hall are classrooms in which technology is used to promote teaching and 
learning. Proposals are due by Jan. 5, 1994. For more info., call Theo Stone at 




Maryland Boy Cdolr Winter Concert; 
Fri., Dec 17, 8 p.m., Tawes Fine Arts 
Buildirtg. $7 adults, $4 students and 
seniors. Calf 5-5548 for info. ' 

The Concert Society at Maryland 
Okie Mtfstcke Series: Sun. Jan. IS. 
"Voices of Women," 7:30 p.m.. 
Auditorium, UMUC Center of Adult 
Education. $18 adults. $8 students. 
Call 34240 fonrtfo.* 

Yoke Recital: Tue„ Jan. 18. James 
McDonald. Tawes Recital Half. Cart 5- 
5545 for info. 

O The Concert Society at Maryland 
Chamber Music Series: Sat.. Jan. 22, 
Minora Nqima, piano. 8 p.m.. 
Auditorium, UMUC Center of Adult 
Education, $18 adults, SS students. 
Call 34240 for info.* 


Meteorology Seminar: Thu.. Dec. 16. 
"Estimate of the Protiability that 
Contemporary Global Warming is 
Generated by Natural Climate 
Variability,* Konstantin Vmnikov. 3:30 
p.m.. 2324 Computer and Space 
Sciences. Call 55392 for info. 

Physics lecture Series: Thu.. Jan. 6. 
"Physics is Phun— Spin Control," 7:30- 
8:45 p.m., repeated Fit, Jan. 7 and 
Sat., Jan. 8. Physics Lecture Halls. Call 
5-5994 for jnfo. 

Artlsts-on-Art Lecture Series: Tue.. Jan. 
25. Gary Irby. 6-7:15 p.m.. UMUC 
Center of Adurt Education. Call (301) 
985-7154 for info. 


O Video— "Festival of American 
FoMrfe"; wort.. Dec 13 through Fri., 
Dec. 17, every ftouronthe hour, Non- 
Print Media in Hombake Library. Call f> 
9263 for info. 

National Reading Research Center 
Holiday Luncheon: Thu., Dec. 16, noon, 
2120 J.M. Patterson. Call 5-7437 for 
info or reservation. 

O Video— "Valuing Diversity: Diversity 
at Work": Sun., Dec. 9 through Wed., 
Dec. 22, every hour on the hour, Non- 
Print Media in Hom&ake Library, Can 5- 
9263 for info. 


Women's Basketball Tournament; Tue., 
Dec, 28, and Wed.. Dec. 29, Dial Soap 
Classic at UMCP, Cote Field House. Call 
4-7070 for info. 

Women's Basketbafl; Sun., Jan. 2, vs. 
Georgia Tech, 2 p.m., Cole field House. 
Caii 4-7070 for info. 

Swimming: Sal., Jan. 15, Men/Women 
vs. West Virginia and LaSalte, 11 a.m., 
Cole field House. Call 4-7030 for tnfo. 

Swimming: Fri., Jan. 21. Men/Women 
vs. George Washington, 2 p.m., Cole 
field House. Call 4-7030 for into, 

Women's Basketball: Mon.. Jab. 24. v. 
North Carolina. 7:30 p.m.. Cole field 
House, Call 4-7070 for info, 

Swimming: Wed.. Jan. 26. Men /Women 
vs. Georgetown, 4 p.m., Cole field 
House. Call 4-7030 for info. 

Women's Basketball: Fri.. Jan. 28, v. 
Flonda State. 7:30 p.m., Cole Field 
House. Call 4-7070 for info. 

Calendar Guide 

Calendar phone numbers listed as 4-xnxx or 5-joox stand for the prefix 314- or 405- 
respectrvefy. Events are free and open to the public unless noted by an asterisk {*% 
For more information, call 4054628. 
O Listings marked with this symbol have been designated as Diversity Year events 

by the Diversity Initiative Committee. 


Holidays from 

This issue of Outlook 
is the final one for the 
semester. Following a 
seven -week hiatus, the 
paper will resume its 
weekly publication 
schedule on Monday, 
Jan. 31 . Calendar items 
and articles for that particular issue should be submitted no 
later than Friday, Jan. 21 for publication. The staff of 0\it- 
look wish you happy holidays and look forward to bringing 
you more news and information about UMCP when we 
return in January. 

Kirwans Q & A 

continued from page 2 

The underlying principle is to 
empower people in the workplace, to 
delegate decision making and to pro- 
mote more efficient, effective process- 
es in the university. Most if not all of 
the continuous improvement teams 
that are at work here include mem- 
bers of the classified staff. 

Ed,: In what other ways is the uni- 
versity involving and recognizing 
classified staff? 

WEK: Increasingly, when important 
committees are formed, we are con- 
scious about putting classified staff 
un these committees. For example, a 
member of the classified staff served 
on the search committee for the new 
provost. And several are currently 
serving on search committees for 
deans. In fact, this past spring I wrote 
a letter to unit beads encouraging the 
involvement of classified staff on 
committees, as well as other facets of 
campus life. 

Another example I can cite is that 

two or three years ago we expanded 
the convocation ceremonies to 
include awards for outstanding clas- 
sified employees. 

In truth, there is a long standing 
tradition here for involving classified 
staff in the life of the university. For 
example, at many universities there is 
a faculty -only senate, but here we 
have chosen to create a campus sen- 
ate in which the classified staff — as 
well as other staff members and stu- 
dents—play an important role. 

Ed.: Any final comment? 

WEK: Our classified staff have been 
and continue to be vital to the success 
of our university. They are, in many 
instances, I he first point of entry for 
the external community to the univer- 
sity. It is essential that they under- 
stand what a valued part of the 
institution they are. Toward this end, 
I intend to devote considerable effort 
in the new year listening to and 
responding as best t can to the con- 
cerns of our classified employees. 

Calling All Women: Get Your Act Together 
for the Salute to Women's Talents 

Follow in the footsteps of notable 
female performers such as Maria 
Callas, Aretha Franklin, Whoopi 
Goldberg and Lily Tomlin. All 
women faculty, staff and students are 
invited to audition for the Salute to 
Women's Talents on Jan. 26, 27 and 
28, from noon to 2 p.m. in Tawes The- 
atre. This call for talent comes from 
the President's Commission on 
Women's Affairs which is sponsoring 
the March 1 salute and party in cele- 
bration of its 20th anniversary. 

Women's Tourney 
Comes to College Park 

The premier tournament in 
women's collegiate basketball is com- 
ing to College Park on Dec. 28-29. The 
Dial Soap Women's Basketball Clas- 
sic features the University of Mary- 
land Terrapins, Loyola (Md.) 
Greyhounds, Maryland-Eastern 
Shore 1 lawks, and the Washington 
hi u skies. Youth, ages 1 fS and under, 
bringing a Dial Soap wrapper to the 
game w ill be admitted free. Tickets 
are available at the Maryland Athletic 
Ticket office bv calling 314-7070 or 

The commission invites campus 
women to sing, dance, juggle, act, 
play a musical instrument, perform 
comedy routines or poetry /prose 
readings, or engage in some other 
form of entertainment. 

Ten acts will be selected by a panel 
of judges from individual or groups 
of performers. All subject matter is 

Performers are asked to prepare a 
three-minute performance and call 
405-2311 to schedule your audition. 



