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UPCl6 S^3..0dl 


The University of Maryuvnd Faculty and Staff ^^eekly Newspaper 

Volume J 3 •Number 17 • February 9, 1999 


page 3 


Close Enough, 


Athletics' Danita Nias 
Named Executive Director 
of Alumni Association 

Danita Nias, senior associate 
director of athletics at the 
University of Maryland since 
1995, will be the university's 
new Executive Director of the 
Alumni Association effective 
Feb. 21. Nias replaces! Joan 
Patterson, who retired recently 
after working in alumni affairs 

DanHa Nias 

since 1972, heading the associ- 
ation for the past five years. 

Nias will oversee the activi- 
ties of the Alumni Association, 
which represents more than 
200,000 graduates of the 
University of Maryland, and the 
Alumni Programs Office, 
including marketing, member- 
ship, component organiza- 
tions, merchandising, pub- 
lications and volunteer 
management. The associa- 
tion directs a network of 
alumni clubs and chapters 
across the nation and 
overseas, as weU as S[>ecial 
interest groups dedicated 
to developing and rein- 
forcing alumni support for 
the university's mission. 
Prominent on Nias's agen- 
da will be planning and 
construction of a new 
AJumni Center, for which 
the university is currently 

Continuect on page 2 

President William Jefferson Clinton kicks off a national recruiting campaign for the 
Americorps volimteer service program in a speech at the University of Maryland Wednesday 
afternoon, Feb, 10, in Ritchie Coliseum. 

Hundreds of University of Maryland students as weU as current Americorps volunteers will 
hear the president's speech on the same campus where he announced the formation of 
Americorps in 1993. The imiversity has a long history of encouraging volunteer service, and 
the state of Maryland was the first to require high school students to participate in volunteer 
community service in order to receive a diplon^. 

A limited number of tickets will be available for University of Maryland students for the 
president's speech. 

Black Student Enrollment up, but Challenges Remain 

The numt>er of Afiican- 
American students on campus 
has risen slowly but steadily 
since 1950 when the first 
black student, Parren 
Mitchell, was admitted to 
CoUege I^rk after a legal bat- 
de. In the last 10 years, the 
black undergraduate student 
body has grown from 10 per- 
cent to 14 percent, and the 
black graduate student body 
from nine percent to 13 per- 
cent. However, low retention 
and graduation rates among 
African-Americans continue to 
baffle administrators. 

"The numbers of African- 
American students on campus 
are increasing appreciably, as 
reflected in the number of 
African-American students that 
comprise tlie freshman class of 
the undergraduate student 
body," says Cordell Black, assis- 
tant vice president for academ- 
ic affairs, who finds 14 percent 
a wholesome number "We've 
also seen significant improve- 
ment in terms of skills and 
capabilities," ,says Black, 

What concerns him, howev- 
er, are the low rates of gradua- 
tion and retention among 
black students. He dcscriljcs 
these numbers as "disquieting" 

While six-year retention 
rates for African-American stu- 
dents taking 30 credits or 
more per year are 94,5 per- 
cent — just marginally below 
the 95. 1 percent average for 
students of all races— black 
students taking 20-2? cred- 
its per year have a reten- 
tion rate of 64,9 percent 
which is well below the 
75. 9 percent average. 
Tliose taking fewer than 
20 credits per year have 
the lowest retention rate 
of 10 percent, also below 
the 15.6 percent average. 

Black feels financial rea- 
sons are one of the salient 
causes of low retention of 
black students. Joel Smith, 
academic coordinator at 
the Office of Multiedmlc 
Studies (OMSE), agrees that 
financial difficulties are a 
leadit^ reason for drop- 


The University of Maryland 
does not offer any special 
monetary awards or financial 
incentives for minority stu- 
dents ever since die federal 
appeals court ruled in October 
1994 to discontinue the 
Benjamin Banneker scholar- 
ship program designed to 
attract and retain African- 
American students. 

"An African-American student 
who's trying to handle a full- 
time job, a full load of classes, 
dealing with issues at home, 
' uctional and administrative 


up with a prejudiced roommate 

is faced with quite a load." 

—Joel Smith, OMSE 

Instead, says Black, there is 
an effort to encourage diversi- 
ty when admitting students to 
the university. In Fall 1998, 36 
percent of the students -who 
enrolled at the university were 
not white, "These demograph- 
ics, I am sure, encourage 
African-American students as 
one-diird of the student popu- 
lation is made up of students 
of color." 

He points out 
that he has met some 
"incredibly gifted" 
black snidents on 
campus. "Tliey re not 
just academically gift- 
ed, but have a great 
deal of talent and the 
pcrseveiance to suc- 

Hampton, dean for 
imder^aduate stud- 
ies, agrees dial "some 
of our best and briglit- 
est students are 
African Americans." 
But he also shares 
Black's concerns 

about the low graduation rates, 
adding that the university "is 
working hard" to improve 

Most of the work in retain- 
ing and helping students of 
color adjust to university life is 
done by campus support 
^oups such as OMSE and the 
Diversity Initiadve. 

"The problems of black stu- 
dents on campus are not quali- 
tatively different from those of 
white students — they are quan- 
titatively different. And they ate 
compounded in a predomi- 
nandy white institution," says 

"An African-American stu- 
dent who's trying to handle a 
full-time job, a full load of 
classes, dealing with issues at 
. home, instrucfional and admin- 
istrative problems, and then 
lias to put up with a preju- 
diced roommate is faced with 
quite a load," says Smith. 

Felicia Curry, a journalism 
major who won Nyumburu 

Continued on page 6 

2 Outiook February 9. 1999 


Satellite Information Will Help 
Scientists Improve Weather Forecasts 

"The unusual thing about this picture is that it has always 
been there. It has simply puzzled everybody. And since nobody 
could come up with an answer to what it was, they bcgsn to 
ignore it." — Roger Reartck, eTrteriUis professor of art, in an Oct. 
19 London Times article about the (iiscot>ery that a long 
ignored painting in a Venetian chapel was in fact the work of 
l6th century master Vtttore Catpacdo. 

"That enclosed suburban environment isn't very emotionally 
or spiritually sustaining. It's an artificial enviroiunent, and it's very 
focused on consumption. Our standard of living has gone up, so 
we want to have more stuff, but you have to work a lot harder for 
it. Wc pay a big price for that; there's a burnout factor setting in," 
— Mary Corbin Sies, associate professor of American Studies, in 
an Oct. 18 Miami Herald Jfeatore about bow filmmakers view 
suburban settings. 

"The whole concept of awareness is racist; it should be 
unawareness. Instead of teaching [race] is important, we should 
be teaching the whole thing is imimportant.The focus should be 
on how to judge character." — Edwin Locke, professor of man- 
agement, in a Nov. 2 feature in Insight magazine examining 
bow President Bill Clinton has managed to maintain the over- 
whelming support of black voters in the face of the scandals 
that surround him. 

"The U.S. Senate is out of step with the American public on 
the issue of treaty ratification. The majority of Americans feel so 
strongly aix>ut the need for a global warming treaty that they are 
willing to go forward even if the developing countries do not 
join in." — Steven Kull. director of the university's Program on 
International Policy Attitudes, in a Nov. 5 U.S. Newswire story 
about a national poll on global warming issues. 

"This is really an Issue of autonomy, not feshion. Klndei^art- 
ners are developing a stronger sense of self, and choosing ^vhat 
to wear is a safe way to assert their independence.This is a key 
age at which children yearn to play a role in decision making, and 
clothing is one area they feel they can give input." — Melanie 
Killen, associate professor of human developtnent, in a 
November article in Parents Magazine about conflicts between 
parents and young children over clothing choices. 

"I feel sorry for him. Within a year after the book comes out, 
everything is exploding all over the place. He couldn't be more 
wrong. The whole thesis is absolutely implausible. It makes 
absolutely no sense." — Stephen Brush, distinguished university 
professor of the history of science, in an Oct. 19 Dallas Morning 
News article about the 1996 book "The End of Science" in which 
author fobn Morgan contended that science was dead and there 
is no new fundamental knowledge to discover. 

"TTiere are structural reasons this came about - women working, 
for example. But it's also manu£ictured by those who profit fiom it. 
Now we've gotten used to it. We have litde or no choice; it's become 
part of our ciilturc." — George Ritzer, sociology professor and author 
of "The McDonaldizcdion of Society" in an Oct. 25 article in the 
■Wlmington (Del.) Sunday News Journal, about the conveniences 
that technology has created, and Americans' dependence on them. 

"Predators eat, but w^hat meat they eat and how they obtain it 
differs from group to group. And just as in the modern world, 
hyenas go after prey one way, and leopards go after it another, so, 
too, in the Mesozoic, spinosaurs were going after one son of food 
source their own way; whereas alosaurs were pursuing food in a 
different way, and tyrannosaurus in a different way from that." — 
Thomas Holtz, professor of geology, on National Public Radio 
News Nov. 12, explaining the significance of the discovery of a 
new dinosaur species in the Sabaran Desert. 

Predicting storms and floods 
is difficult work for meteorolo- 
gists because there are so many 
factors that come into play. One 
very important factor i.s wliat 
scientists call land surface 
hydrology - the amount of 
water in soils, lakes and rivers, 
and in tlie atmosphere over 
land surfaces. 

In the past, scientists have 
been unable to get accurate 
estimates of this hydrology for 
use in weather and climate 
models. However, a team of sci- 
entists ftom the University of 
Maryland, Princeton University 
and the University of Washing- 
ton now have developed a way 
to use data fttim satellites to 
measure land surface hydrology 
over large areas. 

The availabiUty of better 
information on land surface 
hydrology means severe weath- 
er predictions can be made 
sooner, and more accurately, say 
die researchers, ivhosc work is 
supported by NASA's Earth 
Observing System. Their new 
study on the measurement of 
land surface hydrology was pre- 
sented last month at the annual 
meeting of the American 
Meteorological Society in 

"If you want improved flood 
prediction or if you're trying to 
understand the impact humans 
are having on the climate, you 

need to understand the bios- 
phere and hydrological system, 
because they're all linked 
together," says Ralph Dubayah, 
associate professor of geogra- 
phy here at the university. 

Co-researcher Eric Wood, a 
Princeton hydrologist, says in 
short-term weather prediction 
(days to weeks), current atmos- 
pheric data are added each day 
to correct models for wind, 
moisture, and temperature. 
Adding data on soil moisture 
thus will improve weather, he 

Dubayah, along with Wood 
and University of Washington 
hydrologist Dennis Lettenmaier, 
found that by studying satellite 
information on vegetation, pre- 
cipitation and surface heat, they 
could determine how much 
water flows in ftt»m streams, is 
in the soil and how much evap- 
orates into the atmosphere. 

Studying Canadian boreal 
forests and North American 
gra.sslands, the researchers were 
able to evaluate how land sur- 
face hydrology effects weather 
and climate. "Our strategy is to 
use small-scale climate experi- 
ments to understand how to 
model surface hydrological 
processes in different climate 
regimes, and than to scale these 
processes up to continental and 
global scales," says Wood. 

Human effects like deforesta- 

tion also can cause severe 
weather conditions. "If you cut 
down trees in moimtainous 
areas, a lot more water runs off 
than soaks into the soil, and a 
lot more water gets in the 
stream faster causing flash 
floods down stream," says 

Wood says that during the 
simimertime there is a strong 
cormection between soil mois- 
ture and subsequent precipita- 
tion because of the warm 
atmosphere. This has been 
demonstrated ttirough a num- 
ber of recent studies, including 
weather predictions during the 
1S>93 Mississippi Rivet" floods 
by the European Center for 
Medium Range Weather 
Forecasts. The 1993 models 
contained improved procedures 
for computing soil moisture and 
were successful at predicting 
heavy precipitation within the 
Mississippi Basin. 

In the future, new hydrologic 
data will be used to evaluate 
how land surface hydrology can 
effect climate on longer time 
scales, says Wood. The team 
plans to apply the new tech- 
niques to study Sahelian and 
Sou diern Africa and the conU- 
ncntal and tropical rainforests 
in Brazil. 

Athletics' Danita Nias Named Executive 
Director of the Alumni Association 

continued frmn page 1 

soliciting funding gifts. 

"Danita's energy, enthusiasm 
and talent will provide the 
spark to launch our alumni rela- 
tions program to the next level, 
which is crucial to the continu- 
ing advance of this institution," 
says WilUam Dcsder, interim 
vice president for University 
Advancement. "She has done a 
remarkable job in the Athletic 
r>epartment, especially in work- 
ing with volimteer leadership 
and the Terrapin Club. That 
experience wiU stand her in 
good stead to develop stronger 
relationships with our hundreds 
of thousands of alimmi." 

Prior to working in die ath- 
letic department, Nias served as 
a volunteer on the managing 

board of the Terrapin Club and 
contributed to an increase in 
membership in that athletics 
support group. She also has 
served on the Business School 
Alumni Board since 1997. She 
has a bachelor's degree in busi- 
ness from Maryland, and a mas- 
ter's of social science degree 
from Syracuse University. 

"It's an honor for me to be 
able to continue to serve the 
university in this important 
capacity," Nias says. "As an alum- 
na, I'm ready to accept the chal- 
lenge and lead the effort to rally 
our ft-icnds in support of the 

In her current position, Nias 
manages day-to-day operations in 
the Department of 
Intercollegiate Athletics, and she 
directs the development of mar- 

keting plans for the various 
teams. Her responsibilities also 
include supervising personnel 
and media relations units, direct- 
ing the department-wide 
Continuous Quality Improve- 
ment program, and working 
with a number of teams to 
ensure that competitive and aca- 
demic goals are achieved. She 
also recruits and manages volun- 
teers for Athletic Department 

Nias also has worked as a 
sales manager and senior 
account manager for Learning 
International, and as an account 
manager for Xerox Corporation. 


Outlook is the weekly fsculty-staff newspaper serving the University of Maryland campus community. William Destler, Interim Vice President for University Advancement; 
Teresa Flannery, Executive Director of University Communications and Director of Marketing; George Cathcart. Executive Editor: Jennifer Hawes, Editor; 
Londa Scott Fort#, Assistant Editor; Valshalt Honawar, Graduate Assistant: Phillip Wlrb, Editorial Intern. Letters to the editor, story suggestions and campus infor- 
mation are welcome. Please submit all material two weeks before the Tuesday of publication. Send material to Editor, OutlooK 2101 Turner Hall, College Park, WiD 
20742.Tetephone (301) 405-4629; frmail outtook®; fax (301) 314-9344. OuHookcan be found online at www.inform.umd. edu/outlook/ 

fobruary 9, 1999 Outlook 3 

Don't Leave Home 

Reading Room Offers Books Online 

The next time you feel like a date Tvlth Mr. 
Knightley, you don't need to walk as far as the 
library or the bookstore. 

Thanks to inforM, the campus-wide informa- 
tion system, Mr. Kiiightley and several literary 
character fevorites are just a few clicks away on 
your computer. And free of charge, too. 

At the Reading Room, a website hosted by 

(www. inform 
EdRes/Re adingRoom) , 
you can read hundreds 
of classics by some of 
the greatest writers 
of English literature 
and several works 
of non-fiction, plus 
access numerous 

The website has 
been created by 
inforM using 

Project Gutenbeig ( wliich 
publishes on the Internet all those books whose 
copyright laws have expired. Under the current 
law, copyright on a book expires 50 years after 
the death of its author 

"Digital text online is becoming really popu- 
lar, and several people log in to read books on 
the internet," says Lida Larsen, coordinator of 
online information resources at College Park, "I 
think we are going to see much more electronic 
publishing as publishers make more and more 
books available electronic ally." 

The number of readers is growing too, as 
more and more people across the world 
become internet- 
savvy. Last 
December, the 
Reading Room 
recorded as many as 
235,000 hits from 
readers across the 
world, including 
some from the cam- 
pus community, says 
Gina Jones, graduate 
assistant at alTs who 
w^orks on the 
Reading Room web- 

Most of the hits 
recorded are for the 
Action subsection, 

with the works of Kate Chopin being the most 
popular, followed by Jane Austen, Jones adds 
that books most popular with students include 
"Wuthering Heights," the Bronte sisters' books, 
and the plays of Aphra Behn. 

"We also get many e-mails from students ask- 
ing for help on their homework," she says with a 
laugh. "There are those who write In saying,'! 
have to read "Wuthering Heights" by Monday. 
Don't you have a condensed version?'" She is 
quick to add they try and point students to use- 
ful websites and do not do their homework for 

InforM, which converts the book into text for- 
mat, as they're available only as ASCn files and 
Zip files on the Gutenberg website, has been 
hosting the Reading Room for six years now. 

"We splice the books into chapters before 

''I fKink we are going to see 
much more electronic pub- 
lishing as publishers make 
more and more books avail- 
able electronically." 

— Liela Larsen, coordinator of 
online information resources 

putting them into the Reading Room," says 
Jones. This makes It much easier for readers to 
access books as not everyone is comfortable 
working with zipped files, or with reading it as 
one big block of text, as it appears on the 
Gutenbeig website. 

The Gutenberg Project was started in 1971 
when creator Michael Hart at the University of 
Illinois, who had received $100 million worth of 
computer time, typed into his computer the 
Declaration of Independence and sent it out to 
networks in the hope that it would become an 
electronic fixture in computer libraries. 

He later typed in books such as the Bible and 
the plays of William 
Shakespeare. Eventually, 
other books were added. By 
the year 2001, Hart hopes to 
have more than 10,000 
books online. 

Authors whose works 
are available at the Reading 
Room range from Jane Austen 
and the Bronte sisters to 
Somerset Maugham, Henry 
James and Kahlil Gibran. There 
are plays by Sophocles and 
Oscar Wilde In the drama sec- 
tion, the Book of Mormon and 
the Orations of John Qulncy 
Adams in the non-fiction sec- 
tion, and so on. 
Other reading material available in the 
Reading Room includes reviews and commen- 
tary pieces by leading writers in the world 

For the section on fiction, says Larsen, "we 
have tried to concentrate on women authors 
over the years." But she also points out what 
book goes in often depends on which book is 
picked up by the volimteer who types it in. 

While Larsen thinks the Gutenbeig Project is 
a great idea, she does point to its one fault: 
"There is no one who actually goes through the 
text and compares it to the original, and says 
every word is right," she says. But then again, 
that's not a huge worry.After all, how many 
among us would dare to tamper with the writ- 
ing of Oscar Wilde? 


^ ^ 4> ^tfc ^ ^ 

Show Closings Ni§ws$[ 

^ ^ ^ ^ 

Basking in 50-oegree weather and on aRThepls of Pun:_ 

tvtiy Phil's shadowless appearant^^stTiie»^|^it's hard to 
agine more snow or Ice on the way this winter But given 
the you-ncver-|tnow^ ^'^^i^^ weather diat is becoming com- 
mon in Mar)^^:^, it pa)%TO be prej^^^. 

So, should snow or ice come our way betw^^ now and 
the beginning of spr^j^ here is the scoop on how it affects 
the University of Maryland, its studefHs and employees. 

On snowy or icy days, Frank Bre^ef, assistant vice presi- 
dent of facilities management, arrives on campus at approxi- 
mately 4:30 a.m. to observe she. conditions of campus roads, 
parking lots, sidewalks and sTc^s. He then calls Vice President 
for Academic Affairs and Provost Greg Geoffroy by 5:30 a.m. 
to review conditions and make recommendations regarding 
closing or delaying the opening of camp us. The safety of stu- 
dents, faculty and staff is always the primary concern. 

Brewer also takes into consideration the status of major 
arteries on tlie way to campus, the condition of shutde bus 
feeder routes, the extent of physical plant mobilization and 
the weather forecast from two sources. 

In the event of snow, students, faculty and staff should 
tune into local radio and television stations (see listing 
below) beginning at 6 a.m. to hear one of the following mes- 
sages:The University of Maryland, College Park campus is 
closed, or The University of Maryland, College Park campus 
opening will be defayed for a specific nmnbcr of hours (usu- 
ally two). 

If no information is given, personnel should assume the 
campus is open, ff closed, both day and evening classes are 
canceled. The decision to close the campus or delay its open- 
ing applies to everyone, excluding those individual designat- 
ed as "essential". 

As soon as a snow emergency decision is determined, the 
University Relations office calls selected media. Although the 
university tries to ensure its message is used, it cannot con- 
trol aimouncements presented through radio or TV. 

Snow closing Information also is available on the universi- 
ty's homepage, www.umdedu, via Massmail or by calling 
405-SNOW or 405-1000 to hear a recording informing callers 
of delayed openings or closings. 

All of these informaUon sources also are used in the event 
snow or ice arrives after the campus opens and the imivers^ 
ty opts to close eariy. 

Where to Tune in for 
Snow Closing Information 

Radio Stations 



(570 AM/ 99.5 FM) 


( 105.1 FM) 


( 107.3 FM ) 


( 90.9 FM > 


C 107.7 FM/ 97,1 FM) 


(630 AM) 




( 95.5 FM ) 



( 101.9 FM) 


( 1090 AM ) 


(600 AM) 


(93.1 FM) 

Tdevision Stations 

Washington/Local : 





NewsChaimel 8 ' 








4 Outlook February' 9, 1999 

da teli ne 



Your Guide to University Events 
February 9-18 

February 9 

H 1 p.m. "How toAccessTcq) 
Online .""Holzapfcl Hall; Career 
Center Multi-Purpose Room. +7225. 

6 2 p.m.Weh Clinic (sponsored 
by aTTs). Armory', cwww, inform. 

A/^ 4 p.m. Phj'sics Department 
Lecture: "Massivf Black Holes and 
the USA Graviialional Wave 
Mission," Fttcr Bender, fellow for 
Joint Institute for Laboratory' 
Astrophysics. 1410 Physics Bldg. 

Ji 7 p.m. Concert by The Guameri 
String Quartet. An open rehearsal 
in which the quartet will be read- 
it^ throu^ Schumann's bptis 41, 
No. 3, in A Major, and Dvorak's 
String Quartet in A-flat Minor, 
Opus 105.Ulrich Recital Hall. 
Tkwes Bldg. 5-1150. 

February 10 

W 1 1 a.m. - 3 p.m. Career Scries: 
"Rcsumania," a program where 
employers critique resumes. 
Career Center, ground floor, 
Holzapfel Hall. Students call - . 
5-5616. employers call 4-7225 

^t/^ 4 pjn. Astronomy 
Colloquium: "Probing Supermasshr 
Black Holes with X-ray 
Spectroscopy," Chris Reynolds, 
I'niversity of Colorado. 2400 
Computer and Space Sciences Bldg. 

.® 7 p.m. Creative Writing at the 
University of Maryland, Writers 
Here and Now - Spring Readings: 
Paul Muldoon, author of Meeting 
tbe Bn"(/si!). Graduate Reserves 
Room, McKeldin library. 5^3820. 

1^ 8 p.m. University Theatre: 
"Picasso at the Lapin Agile" by 
Steve Martin. One of America's 
favorite comedians delivers a hilar- 
iokis taleabout the meeting of 
some of the great (and noi-so- 
gtcat minds) of the early 20th 
Cenrury. Pugliese Theatre, Tawes 
Bldg. 5-2201.' 

February 11 

^V^ 3:.W p.m. Department of 
Meteorology: "Age of Stratospheric 
Air:Theor)' Models and 
Observations," Darryn Waugh, 
Johns Hopkins University. 240C 
C<)mputcr & Space Sciences Bldg, 

W 8 p.m. University- Theatre; 

"Picasso at the Lapin Agile" by Steve 
M^irtin.Onc of America's favorite 
comedians delivers a hilarious tale 
about the meeting of some of the 
great (and not-s(^great minds) of the 
early 20th Century. Pugliese Theatre, 
Tawes Bldg. 5-2201.* 

February 12 

&^" 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. "Lessons from 
the Fast, Visions for the Future," 25th 
Annual Maryland Student AfEtirs 
Conference featuring keynote speak- 
ers Patrick Terenzini and PolleyAnn 
McClure. Stamp Student Union. 

"O 1:30 p.m. Career Series: "Market 
Yourself: How to Prepare for the 
Career and Job Fair." 1 03 Hombake 
library. South Wing. 5-5616. 

Vf- 8 p.m. University Theatre: 
"Picasso at the Lapin ^ilc" by Steve 
Martin. One of America's fevorite 
comedians delivers a hilarious talc 
about tbe meeting of some of the 
great (and not-so-great minds) of the 
early 20th Century. Pugliese Theatre, 
Tawes Bldg. 5-2201.* 

February 13 

^W 8 p.m. University Theatre: 
" ncasso at the Lapin Agile," by Steve 
Martin. One of America's favorite 
comedians delivers a hilarious tale 
about the meeting of some of the 
great (and not-so-great minds) of the 
early 20th century. Piiglicse Theatre. 

February 14 

W 2 p.m. University Theatre: 
"Picasso at the Lapin Agile," by Steve 
Martin. One of America's fcivorile 
comedians delivers a hilarious tale 
about the meeting of some of the 
great (and not-so-great minds) of the 
early 20th century. Pugliese Theatre. 

February 15 

^V^ 4 p.m. Committee on History 
and Philosophy of Science: "Classical 
Cryptography," Lawrence Washington, 
professor of mathematics. 1111 Plant 
Sciences Bldg. 

Another Side of 
Steve Martin 

University Theatre pre- 
sents the comedy "Picasso at 
the Lapin Agile" Feb. 10-21. 
Performances of the Steve 
Martin play taiie place in the 
Pugliese Theatre of the 
Tawes Building Feb. 10-13 
and 16-20 at 8 p.m. 
Afternoon performances will 
be held Feb. 14 and 21 at 
2 p.m. 

"This play is really a 
breath of fresh air" says Scot 
Reese, director of the pro- 
duction. "It's just fun. It's the 
youth of creativity. It's Steve 
Martin. He knows art, he 
knows music, he knows 
comedy. He's taken life in 
and he knows what an audi- 
ence will like." 

"Picasso at the Lapin 
Agile" is a comedy about a 
fictional meeting at a Paris 
bar between Pablo Picasso and Albert Einstein. 
Written in the early '90s, '"Picasso at the Lapin 
.^ile" represents something of a departure for 
playwright Martin, the former "wild and crazy 
guy" of the 1970s. 

Althou^ we're nearing the end of this mil- 
lenniimi, "Picasso at the Lapin Agile "takes place 
in 1904, says Reese. "Two great geniuses are on 
the threshold of their big creative achievements. 
They started in one part of the century and saw 
how everything grew," he says. "As wc enter a 
new millennitun, we can only wonder, 'Who will 
be the next Picasso or Einstein?'" 

Reese is an assistant professor in directing, 
Black theatre and movement. His most recent 
directing credits include "A Raisin in the Sun" at 
Olney Theatre Center and "Pantomime" at 
Roimd House Theatre. 

Tickets are $10 standard admission and $7 
for students and senior citizeas. For reservations 
or additional information, call University Theatre 
Box Office at 301405-2201. 

' \ 

n - «. 



February 16 


12:30 p.m. School of Music: "The 
Importance of Studying African- 
American An Song: A Lecture 
Recital," Darryl Taylor, UrUversity of 
Northern Iowa. Ufrich Recital Hall 
Tawes Fine Arts Bldg. 

&a^ 4 p.m. Physics Department: 
"Two-Photon Entanglement: From 
'Ghost Image' to 'Quantum Eraser," 
Yanhua Shih, UMBC. 1410 Hiysics 
Bldg. 5-3401. 

J^ 8 p.m. University Theatre: 
"Picasso at the Lapin Agile ," by Steve 
Martin. One of America's favorite 
comedians delivers a hilarious tale 
about the meeting of some of the 
great (and not-so-great minds) of 
the early 20th century. Pugliese 
Theatre, 5-2201.* 

February 17 

^e/^ Noon-1 : 30 p.m. CASL Speaking 
Scholarship Series: "If You Can't 
Communicate, You Can't Lead: 
Communications and Presidential 
Leadership," Martha Kumar, To wson 
University. A brown hag lunch discus- 
sion. 1102 Taliaferro Hall. 

February 18 

^V 8 p.m. University Theatre: 
"Picasso at the Lapin Agile." by Steve 
Martin. One of America's favorite 
comedians delivers a hilarious talc 
about the meeting of some of the 
great (and not-so-great minds) of 
the early 20th century. Pugliese 
Theatre. 5-2201.* 

Calendar Guide 

Calendar phone nimibers listed as 4-xxxx or 5-xxxx .stand for the 
prefix 314- or 405. Events are free and open to the public unless 
noted by an asterisk (*}. Calendar information for Outlook is com- 
piled from a combinarion of inforM's master calendar anti submis- 
sions to the Outlook office. To n:ach the calentiar editor, call 405-7615 
or e-mail OutIook@acaiiail. 

Three Cheers for the Lady Terps! 

Thursday, Feb. 11 is Facility and Staff Apprection Day at the Maryland Women's Basketball Game when the Lady Terps take on North Carolina 
(#6) at Cole Field House, 7:30 p.m. Faculty and staff arc eligible to receive four free tickets to the game by showing a fiiculty /staff l.D. at the field 
house ticket window, Ticket window hours are 8:3CM:30 p.m. Monday - Friday. 

February 9, 1999 Outlook S 

Prominent Photographers' 
Work Displayed at Art Gallery 

Photographic works by David Seymour are featured In the Cfoss 
Enou^ extiibit at the Art Gallery. 

The Art GaUciy presents 
two exhibits running through 
April 17. Close Enough displays 
the photography of David 
Seymour and Chiaroscuro 
highlights the artwork of six 
prominent photographers ftom 
the inid-20th century. 

David Seymour's (191 1- 
1956) works represent a two- 
way exchange between two 
people, the mutual project of 
both parties on both sides of 
the lens. Themes of Close 
Enough include documents of 
the ravages of war and pho- 
tographs of spontaneous 

Chiaroscuro includes the 
wforks of Berenice Abbott, 
Ansel Adams, Ruth Bemhard, 
Imogen Cunningham, I^ul 

Strand and Edward Weston. 
Many works will be familiar to 
the view^er while others have 
rarely been presented to the 
public. Chiaroscuro is an 
Italian word that translates as 
"light and dark" and has typi- 
cally been used to discuss the 
treatment or balance of light 
and shadow in paintings. Most 
of the photographs were pro- 
duced during the 1930s, '40s 
and '50s.They represent 
Modernism, tlie dominate art 
movement at the time. 

The gallery is open 1 1 a.m.- 

4 p.m. Monday through Friday. 
It also is open from 1 1 a.m. - 

9 p.m. Thursday and 11 

5 p.m. Saturday. For more infor- 
mation on the Art Gallery call 

Congressman to Address Information 
Technology for the New Millennium 

Acknowledging the achieve- 
ments and contributions of 
African Americans to the infor- 
mation technology industry, 
the College of Library and 
Information Services hosts its 
second annual "Celebration of 
African Americans in the 
Information Professions" in 
conversation with U.S. Rep. 
Major R. Owens (D-NY), the 
only hbrarian ever elected into 

The congressman will deliv- 
er the keynote address during 
a ceremony honoring the sec- 
ond annual James Partridge 
Outstanding African American 
Informarion Professional Award 
recipient. The event takes 

place Thursday, Feb. 18, in the 
Multipurpose Room of the 
Nyiunburu Cultural Center 
from 3 to 5 p.m. 

Owens' presentation, "A 
POlidcal Guide for Information 
Leaders in the 21st Century," will 
address important issues feeing 
information teclinology profes- 
sions. He challenges information 
technology leaders to be 
equipped with the necessary 
skills for functioning in tlie polit- 
ical arena. He first suggests prac- 
titioners acquire a politically 
savvy awareness and provides a 
global consideration forAMcan 
Americans working in the infor- 
mation technology industry. 

Taylor Presents History through Song 

The university celebrates Black History Month with a lecturer and a singer who are one in the 
same. Darryl Taylor, professor of voice at the University of Northern low^, addresses "The 
Importance of Studying African- American Art Song: A Lecture Recital," Tbesday, Feb. 16, at 12:15 
p.m. in Ulrich Recital Hall,Tawes Fine Arts Building. His presentation wiU combine singing and dis- 

"It's neither all lecture nor all recital," says Taylor, 
who has performed similar lectures at other promi- 
nent institutions such as Juilliard and the University 
of Micliigaji. "Tliere are a number of people doing 
lecture recitals," 

Tayfor's lecture recital includes four songs by 
George Walker and pieces by Leslie Adams. 

"It's very important because African American art 
song has been left out of the main stream," says 
Regina McConnell, professor of voice in the School 
of Music. "Anybody who's doing this needs to be 
out there and doing performances. ...[Taylor] is very 
much in demand for giving lecture tecitals on this 
subject matter" 

According to McConnell, art song is composed 
and the text is most often secular. McComiell her- 
self gives similar lectures around the country and 
invited Taylor to come to Mar>1and. She gave a simi- 
lar performance three years ago at the university 
using the works of Harry T. Burleigli. 

Taylor says his performances usually last an hour Darryl Taylor 
or more, depending on the interaction and ques- 
tions presented by the audience. "They ask a lot once it gets going," he says. 

Taylor has been presenting this program for five years. His music has taken him around the 
United States and Europe, at times appearing with an orchestra singing other material. 

He talks about the importance of art song and its impaa on Black History month, which lasts 
through February. "It is an integral pan," he says. "Black history is firmly entrenched in Western 
Classical Music. ...It is American and it is part of our heritage, to deny it would be to impoverish 

T^lor tries to inspire his audience with his unique presentation. 1 try as much as I can to embolden 
people," he explains. "Not a lot of people know what black people have done, particularty in art song." 

Taylor is founder of the African American Art Song Alliance. 

Admission to the recital is free and the public is invited to attend. The program is sponsored by 
the School of Music, the department of American Studies, the Conmiittee on Africa and the 
Americas and the Nyumburu Center. For more information on the event please call 405-1 150. 


Nyumburu Offers a Spirited Debate 
and Some Spirited Blues 

"African American Leadership for the Present 
and the Future" is the subjea of a debate 
Wednesday, Feb. 10, at 4 p.m. featuring Julianne 
Malveaux and Armstrong Williams. Sponsored by 
the Nyumburu Cultural Center, the Black Student 
Union and the NAACP, the debate takes place in 
Nyumburu's Multi-purpose room, and is moderat- 
ed by Ronald Walters, director of the African 
American Leadership Program on campus. 

Malveaux, a syndicated columnist, can be 
seen on television talk shows such as "CNN and 
Company" and PBS's 'To the Contrary," Her radio 
show "Julianne Malveaux's Capitol Report" is fea- 
tured on WUB in New York Qty. She also writes 
a monthly colmnn for USA Today, Essence maga- 
zine and Black Issues in Higher Education. 

As a scholar Malveaux has tauglit economics, 
public policy and African American studies, most 
recently at the University of California-Berkeley. 
Her research focuses on the labor market, pubUc 
policy and the impact of such policy on women 
and people of color. 

Williams has been called one of the "most 
recognized conservative voices in America" by 
the Washington Post. Focusing on issues such 
welfare reform, affirmative action and especially 
the restoration of morality in today's society, 
Williams brings an independent view with a 
refreshing twist to the central issues of the day 

His highly charged column is distributed by 

the lA. Times Syndicate, and appears regularly 
in the Wall Street, Journal, The Washington 
Times and the Detroit Free Press. The former 
legislative adviser to U.S. Sen. Strom Thurmond is 
also the host of a daily television show, "The 
Armstrong Williams Show." 

On Thursday, Feb. 1 1 , the Nyumburu Cultural 
Center invites you to a jam session featuring 
local blues artist BluesWorks and international 
blues recording artists Chicago Beau. The perfor- 
mance takes place from 6 to 9 p.m. in the 
Center's Multi-purpose Room"" 

Formed in 1991 by Paul Watson and Judy 
Luis-Watson, Blues Works is known to generate 
liigh-spirited and fun concerts for everyone. The 
trio (Akbar Sharrieff or Mark Puryear on guitar 
and vocals roimds out the group) serves up 
some well seasoned, acoustic-style Blues along 
with its original material. Add vocal harmonies 
with a touch of blues lore and you've got 

Chicago Beau is known all across the globe 
for his innovative blues style. He is one of the 
extraordinary Hues artists of his time, The 
Chicago native gives a bright and soulful inter- 
pretation of his "down home" Chicago licks that 
mesmerizes aU who hear his works. 

For more information about the debate or the 
blues program, call the Nyumburu Cultural 
Center at 314-7758. 

6 Outlook February 9. 1999 

Gelfandy Kim Receive First Faculty Research Support Award 

The Diversity Initiative (DD Faculty 
Relations Committee awarded the first 
annual Faculty Research Support Award 
to Michelc Gelfand, psychology, and 
Seung-Kyung Kim, women's studies. 
The nominees were so exceptional the 
committee decided to provide two 
awards instead of one. 

"Both recipients stood out because 
of their high quality proposals and 
[because] their research promises to 
reach us more about the impact of 
diversity In International and organiza- 
tional settings,** says Gabriele Strauch, 
co-chair of the DI Faculty Relations 

The Dl Faculty 
Relations Committee, 
witli support fnim the 
Office of Academic Affairs 
and the Office of 
Graduate Studies, began 
this award to increase the 
visibility and coherence 
of campus diversity activi- 
ties. "A lot of times peo- 
ple are not aware of what 
other people are doing 
on campus, so tliis award 
gives us a chance to high- 
light and publicize those 
activities under one 
umbrella," says Marvin 
Scott, co-chair of the Awards 

Award winners are granted feculty 
release time from one class for one 
semester. In addition, they are given an 
honorary advisory position on the 
Faculty Relations Committee for one 
academic year. 

Recipients aie asked to disseminate 
information about the project (what 

MIchele Getfand 

they were able to do during their facul- 
ty release time) at the Amiual DI 
Research Forum at the end of the 
award period. 

As recipients of this award Gelfimd 
and Kim received the honors men- 
tioned and will present the results of 
their projects at the Annu:ii DI Research 
Forum on April 7. Both have made sig- 
nificant contributions to their areas of 
expertise as well as to the University of 
Maryland and are currently receiving 
their faculty release time, which has 
provided each of them with imique 

Gelland, who has been teaching at 
the university for two 
years, says her research 
and teacliing interests all 
focus on one theme: 
incorporating elements 
of culture into theories 
of social and organiza- 
tional psychology in 
order to understand 
what is culture specific 
and universal regarding 
psychological processes 
in organizations. Over 
the last seven years 
Gelfend has conducted 
cross-cultural research 
in China, Costs Rica, 
Estonia, Greece, Japan, Turkey and the 
United States. 

Her research program focuses on 
three areas: cultural influences on nego- 
tiation, conflict resolution and justice; 
diversity in groups; and theoretical 
developments and methodological 
issues In basic cross-cultural research 
and Identifying dimensions of cultural 

"There is an amazing amount of 
work being done on diversity issues on 
this campus, and I'm very glad to have 
the opportunity to connect with peo- 
ple who are committed to these issijps,' 
Gelfand says. "And, being involved inj 
the Faculty Relations Committee ImA ' 
already exposed me to many insp: 
people,' she adds. 

applied for tlie award from South Korea 
where she was on sabbatical conduct- 
ing anthropological fieldwork last 
spring. When she returned from Korea 
she wanted to link her international 
studied to Asian American Studies. As a 
result, she established an intensive 
iii^ rhrcc^cek course titled "Asian 

' !■ 'ifbmrrfr'in Elderly Women and Poverty," 

Gelfand has used her extra release; i u i j^^eb she taught last 


time to work on two main projects 
editing a special issue on cross-cultiii^ 
and national issues in organizational 
psychology tor Applied Psychology': 
International Reiietv, as well as writ- 
ing her own paper on culttire and . - 1^ r- 
negotiation for the issue; and develop- 
ing a prospectus for a book, which she 
envisions being titled " 
Perspectives in Organizational 
Ps^ychology** (an advanced text for Ph.D. 

Kim, who has been at the university 
for eight years, teaches various courses 
directly related to diversity 
issues. She taught the first 
Asian American course, 
"Asian American Women ', 
in 1993 before the Asian 
American Studies Project 
(AASP) was established. 
Also, she served as the 
coordinator of the AASP 
for two years, Ls a member 
of the President's 
Commission on Ethnic 
Minority Issues, and serves 
as the co-chair of the 
Korea Coimcil. 

Kim says receiving this 
award gave her the oppor- 
tunity or "push" to commit herself to 
more transnational research. Kim 

Seung-Kyung Kim 

hi tlie course Kim and her students 
explored the link between immigrant 
women In the U.S. and how tliey are 
;iffccted by welfare policy. They inter- 
viewed and spent time with elderly 
•Asian American women living in two 
different low-Income apartment com- 
plexes, as well as four different service 
providers of these women in D.C. 
"I'm grateful tills award gave me the 
. impetus to get me thuiking about the 
coimections among international stud- 
ies, U.S. ethnic studies and women's 
studies," Kim adds. 

If you are interested in 
applying for the Faculty 
Support Award for 
1999-2000 or would 
like more information, 
please contact Marvin 
Scott at 405-2480 or, or 
Michele Gelfand at 405- 
6972 or mgelfand® 
Applications must be 
submitted by March 17, 


Black Student Enrollment up, but Challenges Remain 

continued from page I 
Cultural Center's Miss Black 
Unity pageant last November, 
finds racism "is definitely 
there" on campus, but believes 
in fighting any prejudice just 
by being who she is. 

"This university is no differ- 
ent from others in terms of dis- 
crimination — it's going to be 
the same everywhere, imless 
you go to a historically black 
coUe^, and there, too, you're 
going to encoimter other kinds 
of discrimination. You have to 
fight it by simply concentrating 
on the kind of person you are." 

Curry, who won tuition for 
two semesters as part of the 
Miss Black Unity pageant, also 
points out that there is finan- 
cial help available for those 
who look for it. "Tliere are tons 
of resources for black stu- 
dents—the money's out there. 
We have to do the groundwork 
and find out what these 
resources are, and that's hard, 
but if you do it, you'll come 
out on top." 

She feels students who really 
want to go to college find a 
way to do it. And while there 

may not be any incentives from 
the imiversity, organizations like 
the National Association of 
Black Journalists oifer several 
scholarships, she says. OMSE 
and Nyumburu are a ©eat help 
in finding out about such 
scholarships, she says. 

Black, meanwhile, raises 
a concern over the African- 
American faculty on cam- 
pus, which, he says, has not 
reached a presence where 
students feel they can have 
a mentoring relationship 
with and exposure to pro- 
fessors from their own 
racial ethnic bacl^round.At 
present, 6. 1 percent of the 
university faculty is African 

There is. Black says, a 
need to do more to recruit 
more African-American fac- 
ulty and central administra- 
tors. "There is, right now, an 
emphasis in Academic 
Aflairs to recruit faculty 
from diverse racial and eth- 
nic backgrounds. Central 
administration encourages 
departments to recruit 
diverse faculty and particu- 

larly those sections that are 
under-represented, but the 
final decision is largely that of 
the departments themselves." 
However, he adds, the uni- 
versity, being a state institution 

"This university is no different 
from others in terms of dis- 
crimination — it's going to be 
the same everywhere, unless 
you go to a historically black 
college, and there, too, you're 

Ing to encourrtar oUter kind 
I discrimination. You have to 
fight It by simply concentratin 
fon the kind of person you 

is reluctant to venture full- 
steam ahead into the territory 
of affirmative action recruit- 
ment. "Though it is conrniitted 
to diversifying its workforce, it 
can only go so far legally in its 
efforts to recruit 
African-American facul- 
ty and central adminis- 

Lonnie R. Gillian, assis- 
tant to the president, 
says the university has 
a series of procedures 
through wliich it 
attempts to diversify 
the workforce. Under 
federal policy, depart- 
ments are expected to 
follow specific search 
and selection proce- 
dures wliile recruiting 
staff and faculty. 
There also is a diverse 
group of people who 
screen candidates for 
various jobs, Gillian 

Black recalls that in 
1 979, the year he joined 
— Felicia Curry, the university, there was 
Journalism Student a huge drive to diversify 

and desegregate the fac- 

ulty, under pressure from the 
federal government. "The uni- 
versity recruited one of the 
largest black faculdes that they 
ever recruited, though you're 
stiU talking small numbers... like 
11-13 people who were hired 
that particular year. But today, 
the university tends to fall short 
of even diese numbers." 

He adds that retention of 
black faculty members is also 
fairly low. "The faculty hired in 
1979 was depleted in a few 
years as people moved to what 
were perceived as more hos- 
pitable, supportive universities." 

Black says it is important to 
create an environment where 
Afiican-American faculty can 
survive and thrive and have a 
sense of being valued. "It did 
not happen in the past, and it 
doesn't happen today, in cer- 
tain units," Black says. "I hap- 
pen to know there are units 
that are fundamentally homo- 
geneous in their faculty— in 
1999.YOU look around and see 
academic units where no 
progress has been made in 
diversifying the faculty." 


February 9, 1999 Outlook 7 

University System of iVIaryland News 

Task Force on Governance 
Issues Report 

Last spring, the General Assembly called 
for a Task Force to review the University 
System after its first decade of operation. 
Chaired by Admiral Charles Larson, the 
resultir^ 23-membcrTask Force met from 
September tlirough late December, visiting 
all 13 USM institutions, conducting four 
regional public meetings, and holding a 
series of hearings with key stakeholders 
and consultants inArmapolis. 

The report of the Task Force was sub- 
mitted to the legislature on Jan. 13, and its 
recommendations mdude: 

- reaffirmation of and additions to the 
goals of the USM's founding legislation; 

- support for the USM's current gover- 
nance structure; 

- greater clarity in the roles of the 
Regents and die Maryland Higher 
Education Commission; 

- greater management flexibility for the 
USM institutions; 

- formulation of a new statewide strate- 
gic plan for higher education; 

- exploration of establisliii^ the USM as 
a "public corporation " ; and, 

- enhanced state funding for the USM 

As of this writing, it remains unclear 

whether these recommendations will 
result in specific legislation during the 
current session of the General Assembly. 

Governor Names Three New Regents 

Gov, Parris Glendcning recently named 
Congressman Steny Hoyer of Prince 
George's County, Leronia Josey of 
Baltimore, and William Wood of Bediesda 
to three vacant seats on the 1 7-member 
USM Board of Regents. In annoimcing the 
appointments, Glendening said, "The addi- 
tion of these three outstanding individuals 
to an already 
excellent Board 
of Regents will 
be of tremen- 
dous benefit in 

FAST FACT: Did you know 38 
percent of USM undergraduates 
are part-time and the median age 
for part-time undergraduates is 30? 

our ongomg 
effort to build 
one of the 
world's truly 

great public institutions of higher learn- 

Campaign Reaches Haliway Mark 

Last Dec. 31 marked the halfway point 
in the seven-year fund-raising Campaign 
for the University System of Maryland. As 
of that date, some $373 million had been 
raised by the 13 USM institutions — just 

ahead of the pace to meet the $700 mil- 
lion goal. 

According to Vice Chancellor for 
Advancement John Martin, "Credit for the 
success of the Campaign to date belongs 
to the fundraising staffs at all of our insti- 
tutions and to the tens of thousands of 
donors who have recognized the impor- 
tance of private support for Maryland's 
public universities." 

New Data Journal Available 

Want to know the graduation rates for 
students at USM institu- 
tions? How about 
enrollment projections 
for the next decade or 
room and board charges 
over the last decade? All 
this and much more can 
be found in the just- 
updated USM Data 
Journal available on USM's web site at: 
<www. usmh . usmd . edu/data>. The Data 
Journal includes information for tlic acade- 
mic year 1997-1998 on students, degrees, 
employees and other interesting statistics 
such as enrollment projections, graduation 
and retention rates, and contract and grant 

At Your Convenience: Computer^Based Training Has Arrived 

Because of rapid growth m all areas of 
information technology and the deploy- 
ment of new software, most organizations, 
including the university, are finding the 
need for their employees to "re-skill" at an 
accelerated rate. End-users are confronted 
with new systems and programs while 
their current system has not yet been mas- 

With the implementation phase of the 
Business Process Redesign (BPR) Project 
underway, for example, during the next 
several years new electronic forms and 
application software will be implemented 
to support university business processes 
(personnel, payroll, budgeting, financial 
accounting, purchasing, accounts payable, 
equipment inventory and travel). 
"Employees will learn how to initiate 
nearly aU business transactions using 
dieir desktop computers," says Julie 
Phelps, the campus' comptroller. 
"Paper forms will begin to dis- 
appear, and our current cum- 
bersome, time-consuming 
manual procedures will be 
replaced by streamlined 
electronic processes." It is important aU 
employees possess basic, but updated, 
computer skills, making work more inter- 
esting and employees more productive. 

The campus rccendy completed a pilot 
program testing the viability of computer- 
based training (CRT) On this campus. As a 
result, the campus is beginning to imple- 
ment several CBT solutions for faculty and 

CBT can be distributed through CD- 
ROMs or installed on a computer desktop, 
says Marvin Pyles, assistant director for 
organizational development and training 
in the Personnel Services department. 
"You can go to a lab to take a class or stay 
in your office and go at your own pace," 
says Pyles. CBT also can be accessed via 

the Internet or through the campus 
intranet. 'That's the beauty of CBT," says 
Pyles, "It's there at your convenience," 
Eventually the campus will pursue 
each of these alternatives in one way or 
another. The campus also will offer 
more hands-on training sessions 
in the areas most important to 
computer literacy. 

Already, the campus is 
moving forward with a 
Faculty and St:tff 
Computer Training 
Facility, the Patapsco Training Facility, 
located in room 2107 of the Patapsco 
Building, scheduled for a March 1 open- 
ing. The facility will have designated walk- 
in hours where feculty and staff can 
access CBT and experienced staff will 
be on hand to assist. 

The first phase of implementation 
is the distribution of a 
CD-ROM which has 
25 computer-based train- 
ing courses on it. The 
CD-ROM courses cover 
Microsoft products such 
as Windows 95 and 98, and 
the Microsoft Office 97 suite of Word, 
Excel, Access, PowerPoint, Outiook and 
Frontl^ge. It also includes an introduction 
to basic Internet skills, and training on 
Netscape Communicator and Microsoft 
Explorer. All of this is available to campus 
departments for $20, 

"Twenty dollars buys an unlimited num- 
ber of uses, for an imlimited number of 
employees in the department," says Pyles. 
"Departments can't beat tliat for economy 
of scale. " 

Departments may order as many copies 
as needed, Wlien received, the department 
is responsible for managing the distribu- 
tion and use of the training programs 
within their imits, IT suppon for these 

software programs can be provided by 
local IT personnel, or the campus help 
desks. The distribution of the CD-ROMs 
wiU be managed by the Office of 
Information Technology, Software 
Licensing Office. 

CBT also aUows the campus to 
stay current with software rel- 
evant to campus use, as 
well as to track and mea- 
sure employee results. 
Future plans include the 
opening of a computer lab 
for faculty and staff modeled 
after the student WAM labs. Odier CBT 
products also will be deployed, such as 
professional skills courses. CBT will not 
replace instructor-led training, but 
enhance its effectiveness and supplement 
the delivery of skill development training 
and information. 

As a follow-up to CBT, more classroom- 
based training opportunities will be 
offered to feculty and staff. Current sched- 
ule and registration information can be 
found at <>, 

To order a CD-ROM including training 
products, fax an Internal Service Request 
to the alTs Software Licensing Office at 
314-9220. More information about the 
programs and how to order them can be 
found through their web page at 
<//inform . umd. edu/Software-Licensiiig> . 
For more information about computer- 
based training products and 
opportunities, please contaa Marvin Pyles 
in the Personnel Services Department at 


lieromft Donations 
[id Computer fl 
7ience Department 

The computer science 
department received two sep- 
arate donations from the 
Microsoft Corpotadon.Thc 
first gift is a donation of 20: 
PC's to the department to 
establish a Wmdows NT 
Computer Science 
Instructional Laboratory. In 
addition, Microsoft provldi 
substantial software including 
20 licenses each for Microsoft 
Windows NT 4.0. Microsoft 
Visual Studio 7.0 Professional 
Edition, Office 97 Professional 
Edition and MSDN 
Professional Subscription. 

John Gannon, chair of the 
department, has accepted the 
Microsoft gift and is in discus- 
sions with officials to identify 
space to house the 
Instructional Laboratory. 

The department also 
received a donation of 
$15,000 from Microsoft to 
support its high school pro- 
gramming contest. This highly 
successful outreach program, 
begun in 1990, has been 
instnmiental in attracting the 
very best students to the 
computer science program. 
Twenty-five teams of liigh 
school students from schools 
in the Maryland, Virginia and 
Washington. D. C, areas will 
meet on Saturday, March 13, 
to compete against one 
another to solve a set of prob- 
lems proposed by the com- 
puter science faculty. 

With the help of the 
Microsoft gift, the first prize 
will be $4,000, the second 
prize of $2,500 is being 
offered by tiic EDS 
Corporation, and the third 
prize will be $1,500. Because 
of the size of the gift from 
Microsoft there will be other 
cash prizes offered to the 
schools who finish below 
third place. 

Over the years, the popu!a^ 
ity of the contest has 
increased significantly. This 
year the department has 25 
teams participating with 25 
teams on the waitlist, a few of 
which are In other states. 
Other sponsors of the contest 
inchide the Computer 
Sciences Corporation, CDSi, 
Inc., the Institute for Advanced 
Computer Sciences (UML\CS), 
Academic Information 
Technology Services (alTs) 
and the Graduate School of 
Management andTeclinology 
of University CoUege.The EDS 
Corporation has provided a 
$2,000 education scholarship 
for a participant of the compe- 
tition who meets the academ- 
ic criteria for the computer 
science curriculum. 


8 Outlook FebruoT)- 9, 1999 

Teaching with Technology 

The Center forTeaching 
Excellence and the Office of 
hifbrmation Technology/Academic 
Information Technolc^ Services are 
sponsoring a Teacliing with 
Technology Conference, Friday,April 
30. Faculty are invited to submit pro- 
posals for presentations, poster ses- 
sions or panel discussions on topics 
involving their uses of technology to 
enhance or transform teachii^ and 
learning on campus. 

Details and on-line proposal appli- 
cation are available at: <www. inform.>.XieadIine for propos- 
als is Friday, Feb. 26. Contact the 
conference coordinator at 
dml6@uinail. if you have further ques- 

Engineering Women 

The university's Wonnen in 
Engineering Program is offering two 
one-week residential summer pro- 
grams for 60 high school women 
interested in math, science and engi- 
neering. Participants will be exposed 
to multiple options within the field 
of engineering while experiencing 
campus life for the week. 

Students also will have the oppor- 
tunity to participate in laboratory 
work, field trips, team design projects 
and meetings with professional 
female en^eers. Applicants current- 
ly must be enrolled in 10th or 11th 
grade. The application deadline is 
April 15. 

To request a brochure/application, 
please forward your name and 
address to Kris Fretz by e-mailing: 
kftetz® or calling 405-3283. 
This program is supported by the 
Engineering Information Foundation, 
the Maryland Space Grant 
Consortium and the University of 

Instant Instruction 

Need help finding the electronic 
and print resources you need? The 
Arehitecture Library Spring Series of 
Instant Instruction Workshops, "Drop- 
In Demos," are being held on Tuesday 
and Wednesday evenings, from 6 to 7 
p.m., throughout the month of 
February on the Architecture Library 
Mezzanine. Leam how to find the 
designs, pictures, photos and plans 
you need. 

Bring your topic/assignment with 
you; staff will work with you to 

choose and use the best resources 
for your answers. For more informa- 
tion, please contact Jean McEvoy at 
405-9260 (jml, or 
Anita Carrico at 405-6316 

KEYS to Science 

Sunday, March 7, the university's 
Society of Women Engineers (SWE) 
Student Chapter invites girls ages 1 1- 
13 to participate in innovative work- 
shops, hands-on lab activities and to 
interact with supportive role models. 
The goal is to help girls who are 

Outstanding Woman 

The President's Commission on 
Women's Issues is scekmg nomina- 
tions for the 1999 Outstanding 
Woman of the Year Award. The 
Commission would like to consider 
as many women as possible. 

For a nomination form, contact 
Janet TumbuU at 405^945. 
Nominations are due March 1 for 
presentation of the award on March 

Expressive Arts 

Tlie Arts Academy, College of Arts 
and Humanities, is offering a series of 
workshops in computer graphics, 
drawing and poetry writing as fol- 

Intermediate Photoshop: 
Saturday March 20,9:30 a.m.-3:30 

Intermediate Advanced 
Photoshop: Saturday, March 27, 9:30 
a.m. -3:30 p.m. 

Beginning/ 1 n term ediate 
Quark Xpress: Saturday, April 10, 
9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. 

Inter medi ate/Advanced 

International CofFee Hour 

Every Wednesday from 3-^:30 pm, in die base- 
ment of Dorchester Hall, the Office of International 
Education Services is hosting an informal social 
gathering for students, faculty members and admin- 
istrators who have an interest in international stu- 
dents. For more information, please contact Samson 
Kebede at 314-7742 or skebede@deans.umd.cdu. 



excited about science and technolo- 
gy at such a youti^ age choose sci- 
ence and engineering tracks in high 
school and beyond. 

The event takes place from 9 a.m. 
to 4 p.m. at the University of 
Maryland. Due to the popularity of 
the program, students will be select- 
ed on a first-come, first-served basis. 

For more information, please drop 
by the Women in Engineering office 
(1 106 Engineering Classroom 
Building) or contact Tao Peng at 405- 
0315 or 

Information Forums 

The Undergraduate Research 
Associate Program (URAP) 
announces two information forums 
to be held T\iesday, Feb. 9, from 
12:15-1:15 p.m. in the Maryland 
Room, Marie Mount Hall, and 
Wednesday, Feb. 10, from noon-1 p.m. 
In Room 1213 Art/Sociology building. 
Faculty are asked to armounce these 
forums to their students so they can 
find out more about how to get 
involved in undergraduate research. 
Students and faculty members who 
have participated In the URAP pro- 
gram will discuss their experiences. 

For more information, contact 
Maryam Chinisaz at 405-9342 or 

Quark Xpress: Saturday, April 17, 
9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. 

TYiition for one-day workshops is 
$100 per workshop, Tvith a 10 per- 
cent discount for three or more, $80 
per workshop for registered stu- 

Computer Imaging and the 
Intemet:Thursdays, March 29-April 
19, 6-9 p.m., $280. 

Drawing from the Figute: 
Wednesdays, March 31 -May 5, 6:30- 
9:30 p.m., $150. 

Poetry Writing and 
Appreciation for Children: 
Saturdays, April 10-May 1, 10 a.m.- 
noon, $70. 

Early registration is recommended 
as enrollment for workshops is limit- 
ed. For a brochure with complete 
information and a registration form, 
call 405 0111. 

USM FaciJty Development 

The University System of Maryland 
Faculty Development Fund has made 
$15,000 available to support projects 
addressing the development of dis- 
tance education courses, fciculty 
expertise in the use of current educa- 
tional technology, web-based instruc- 
tion or tutorial programs. 

Application forms may be request- 
ed from the Office of the Associate 
Provost for Faculty Aflairs, 1119 Main 

Administration Building. Proposals 
should be submitted, by March 26, 
to DrT.J. Bryan, USM Headquarters, 
3300 Metzerott Rd.,Adelphi,MD 

Latina Scholars Lecture Series 

The Women's Studies department 
is conducting a search for a Latina 
scholar. The candidates will be giv- 
ing public lectures during their visit 
to campus. Faculty, staff and students 
are invited to attend these lecture 
series, all of which take place on 
Wednesday afternoon, at 4: 1 5 
the Women's Studies conference 
room (2101RWoods Hall).The fol- 
lowing are the remainli^ candidates 
who are speaking this month: 
Feb. 10 

Momca Russel y Rodrigues, who is 
an anthropologist by backgroimd. 
This year she is a visiting scholar at 
Duke and University of North 
Carolina at Chapel Hill. Her work 
looks at questions of sexuality, nation- 
alism, race and gender. She will be 
speaking on"'Entre Nosottas...': 
Subversive Battles for Alternative 
Latina Womanhood." 
Feb. 17 

linda Buckley Green, assistant prc>- 
fessor, anthropology and internation- 
al and public aflairs, Columbia 
University. Her work focuses on 
Mayan women of Guatemala, and 
how violence has marked their lives. 
The title of her lecture is "Collective 
Dignity and Mutual Betrayal: The 
Complexities of Violence for Ma^n 
Widows in Rural Guatemala." 
Feb. 24 

Jane Juffer, who recently received 
her Ph.D. in Latina/o literature, 
department of English, University of 
Ulmois at Urbana-Champaign. Her dis- 
sertation and current work focuses 
on Chicana women's writings. Her 
talk is titled "Locating La Virgen and 
La Malinche: Latinas, Sexuality and 
Everyday Life." 

For more information, please call 
the Women's Studies department at 

Commuter Service Award 

Nominations and applications are 
being sought for the 1999 Michelle 
Angyelof Award for Outstanding 
Service to Commuter Students. This 
award recognizes an undergraduate 
or graduate student who has made 
significant contributions to the quali- 
ty of life for commuter students dur- 
ing the 1998-1999 academic year. 
Contributions can include, but are 
not limited to, advocacy for com- 
muter interests and 
programs, encouragement of com- 
muter student involvement, and 
addressing issues of security and 

To nominate a student or to 
receive an application form, please 
contact Haley J.Wliitlock at 314-7250 
or hwhitloc® accmail The 
nomination deadline is Feb. 1 5; the 
application deadline is March 8.