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The University of Maryland Faculty and Staff Weekly Newspaper 

Volume 13 . Number 23 . March 30, 1999 


Loan Fund, 

page 6 


page 3 

Open Invitation 

Invitations to the university's Open House on Saturday.April 24 are available for distribu- 
tion. More than 200,000 invitations have already been sent to alumni, faculty, staff, students, 
parents and others. But you can help spread the word even further if you are planning a 

local mailing that could include 




an invitation, if you work with 
groups off campus that you can 
deliver invitations to, or if you 
know of a high traffic area where 
invitations can be dropped. 
Invitations can be picked up 
from University Marketing or 
University Relations on the 2nd 
floor of the Turner Building. 
Contact Beth Workman at 405- 
4622 or bworkman@accmai] 
with questions. 

National Survey Indicates Home School 
Students' Achievements Exceed 
Public/Private School Performances 

A new study on home education in America 
indicates students taught in the home do excep- 
tionally well in every subject and at every grade 
level when compared with the national average. 
The study, which is die largest independent 
research to date on home schooling, was com- 
missioned by the Home School Legal Defense 
Association (HSLDA) and conducted by 
Lawrence Rudner, professor in the College of 
Library and Information Services and the direc- 
tor of the ERIC Clearinghouse on Assessment 
and Evaluation here at Maryland. 

The research results show that home school 
students scored significantly higher than their 
public and private school counterparts on the 
Iowa Test of Basic Skills (TBS) for grades K-8, 
and the Tests of Achievement and Proficiency 
(TAP) for grades 9-12. "The outcomes are consis- 
tent with previous smaller studies," says Rudner, 
who is quick to note the study should not be 
read as a criticism of public or private schools. 
This was not a controlled experiment. The 
study simply shows that home schooling works 
for those who make the commitment." 

Rudner notes that in any setting, students 
with affluent, well-educated parents generally do 
better academically than those with poorer, less 
educated parents. The median family income 
and parental education levels are higher for fam- 
ilies of home school children than for all U.S. 
families with chddren. 

In the 1998 survey diat involved seven times 
more families than any previous study of its kind 
on home schooling, sufficient data places home 
school students performing ahead of their age 
levels and recording higher nadonal scholastic 

achievement scores than public school students. 
More than 65,000 families witii more than 
250,000 students were a part of the indepen- 
dent survey 

To diminish the possibilities of parents 
reporting higher test scores and omitting lower 
ones, parents agreed to participate in the study 
before they knew the outcome of their child's 
test performance.Test scores were compiled 
from more than 20,000 students in nearly 
12,000 families. 

Because home education allows each student 
to progress at his or her own rate, almost one in 
four home school students are enrolled one or 
more grades above age level. "As the students 
advance, the study is conclusive that home 
school children pull further away from their 
peers in public and private schools" says 

On average, home school students in grades 
1-4 perform one grade level higher than their 
public and private school counterparts. The 
achievement gap begins to widen in grade 5; by 
eighth grade the average home school student 
performs four grade levels above the national 

Another significant finding shows that stu- 
dents who have been home schooled their 
entire academic lives have the highest scholastic 
achievement, The difference becomes especially 
pronounced during the higher grades, suggest- 
ing that students who remain in home school 
throughout their high school years continue to 

To review the study in depth via the Internet, 
log on to <>. 

University Officials Pleased with 
Graduate Programs Rankings 

University of Maryland officials say the most recent U.S. 
News & World Report rankings of top 
American graduate schools 
help reinforce 
Maryland's rapidly 
growing reputation 
as one of the major 
research institutions 
in the region and in 
the nation. Deans and 
department chairs of 
ranked departments 
say the rankings are 
evidence of the univer- 
sity's high standing, and 
vow to achieve even 
higher rankings in futtire 

Graduate programs in 
business, engineering, edu- 
cation, library science, physics, mathematics and computer 
science ranked in the top 26 nationally in the prestigious 
poll, with one education program ranking second. U.S. News 
did not publish rankings this year for programs in criminal 
justice studies and public affairs, which normally rank high at 

The rankings are based on a formula that measures reputa- 
tional polls, student selectivity, faculty resources and research 

The College of Education's program in counseling and per- 
sonnel services continued to rank second in the nation, 
behind the University of Minnesota. The College of Education 
as a whole ranked 22nd nationally. 

"This is continuing recognition of the outstanding work 
being done by our faculty and students throughout the 
College of Education," says Thomas Weible, acting dean, 
College of Education. "Our goal of becoming one of the top 
20 education schools in the country is clearly within reach. 
We couldn't be more pleased. Our counseling department 
has one of the premier programs in the country. Its reputa- 
tion and productivity consistently attract top students and 
faculty in die nation." 

The A. James Clark School of Engineering remained 17th, 
tied with Princeton and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. 

"We are gratified for the third consecutive year that our 
graduate engineering ranking remains solidly among the top 
20 institutions in the country," says Herb Rabin, interim dean 
of engineering. "We congratulate our engineering faculty, staff 
and students for their many contributions in maintaining this 
position among the nation's best. While the competition for 
high ranking is intense, and other institutions are making sig- 
nificant progress, we are committed to follow a course lead- 
ing to a ranking in the top ten." 

The Robert H. Smith School of Business MBA program 
ranked 26th nationally. "The school continues to make 
progress in its ascent to the top " says Dean Howard Frank. 
"This year we made major progress with our reputation 
among corporate recruiters and also improved our ratings by 
deans and the starting salaries of our graduates.The U.S. News 
ranking, combined with our recent number 22 rating by 
Business Week, is a strong indication of the extraordinary 
quality and value of a University of Maryland MBA." 

In the sciences, Maryland's Ph.D. program in computer sci- 

Continued cm page 5 

2 Outlook March 30, 1999 


Bill Clutter New Director of Continuing 
Education's Summer Programs 

"Maryland has been called America in miniature for its diversity of 
geography. You might say Maryland is California in miniature 
when it comes to agriculture." — Thomas Fretz, dean of 
Agriculture and Natural Resources, In a Jan. 25 Baltimore Sun 
story about the value of crops produced per acre in the Free 
State, which ranks among the top in the nation. 

"We have to put these figures on marriage, cohabitation and 
divorce in a global context. The same trends are occurring in 
Europe and in Asia. It's a common byproduct in the development 
of highly technological industrialized societies. A major compo- 
nent has to do with the fact women are becoming more educated 
and more economically independent."— Roger Rubin, associate 
professor of family studies, in a fan, 7 Washington Times article 
about the fact that more Americans are choosing to live 
together rather than marry. 

"When people say that they're Catholic or diat they're Baptist or 
that they're Presbyterian, it really doesn't mean very much. When 
you talk to them, it turns out that they believe all sorts of things." 
—Jeffrey Arnett, visiting professor of human development, in a 
Jan. 27 article in the Christian Science Monitor about the recep- 
tion given to Pope John Paul II during a recent U.S. visit. 

"On Martin Luther King Day - and every day - we should focus on 
the proper antidote to racism and the proper alternative to racial 
thinking: individualism. We need to teach our children and all our 
citizens to look beyond the superficialities of skin color and to 
judge people on what really matters, namely, 'the content of their 
character.'" — Edwin A. Locke, professor of management and a 
senior writer for tbeAyn Rand Institute, in a fan. 18 op-ed 
piece in the Providence, RI, Journal Bulletin citing King's values 
as an argument against using racial preferences in hiring. 

"The formal written plans, the 10-year plans that sit on the shelf 
and gather dust, those have gone out of vogue. In some industries, 
it's hard to plan much beyond 60 days," much less five or 10 years. 
— Kenneth G Smith, professor of strategic management, in a 
Jan. 29 story in the Baltimore Business Journal about a trend 
toward short-term, rather than long-term strategic planning. 

"If we don't take care of these global fluctuations, what is going 
to happen is that individual countries will start imposing controls 
on capital mobility. [Controls) would isolate a country from 
investment." — Guillermo Calvo, professor of economics, in a Feb. 
5 London (Eng.) Financial Times story about the importance of 
tying foreign currencies to the dollar to achieve stability. 

"If we were to keep turning out in higher and higher numbers, 
the Republicans would have to deal with what they're going to 
do with the Black vote." — Linda Faye Williams, associate profes- 
sor of government and politics, in a February panel discussion 
in Emerge: Black America's Newsmagazine about the role of 
black voters in the next election. The panel also included 
Ronald L. Walters, professor of government and politics and 
director of the African American Leadership program. 

"The important thing is clarity and consistency, not severity. Some 
schools are expelling kids for carrying pocketknives and things 
like that." — Denise Gottfredson, professor of criminal Justice 
and criminology, arguing that expelling students undermines 
schools' ability to control behavior, in a Feb. 1 article in the 
Tacoma (Wash.) News Tribune about high school violence. 

"The president is having the best of all worlds: projecting fiscal 
conservatism and spending. He is living within the caps, but twist- 
ing them.This is not the first year the president has done this." 
— s Allen Schick, professor of Public Affairs, in a Feb. 2 Wall Street 
Journal article about the administration's FY 2000 budget proposal 

Bill Clutter, who began his career in higher 
education here at the University of Maryland, 
lias been appointed assistant dean and director 
of summer programs in the Office of Contin- 
uing and Extended Education (OCEE). He 
assumed his new position earlier this month. 

Clutter, formerly executive director of adult, 
international and outreach programs and ser- 
vices and executive director of the World Trade 
Institute at Pace University, also served as dean 
of continuing education at Fairleigh Dickinson 
University. At the University of Maryland he 
worked in Student Life and Admissions and 
Registrations and has remained a lifelong 
Terrapin fan. 

"We arc delighted to welcome Dr. Clutter 
and his season Terp tickets to campus," says 
Judith Broida, associate provost and dean of 

According to Broida, Clutter brings to the 
position an outstanding record of success in 
settings that include worldwide continuing 
education, private enterprise, the community 
college system and private and public higher 
education. "His considerable accomplishments 
have included the development, delivery and 
management of credit and non-credit courses 
using traditional and non-traditional teaching 
formats encompassing distance learning, week- 
end college, summer programs, study abroad, 
international education, corporate training and 
off-campus and evening operations," she says. 

As assistant dean and director of summer pro- 
grams, Clutter oversees a summer school pro- 
gram offering more than 1,100 undergraduate 
and graduate courses in two six-week sessions. 
He also provides leadership to OCEE in the 
developing areas of continuing education and 
distance learning. 

Bill Clutter 

Clutter received his bachelor's degree from 
Midwestern State University, a master's degree in 
government and politics from the University of 
Maryland, and a counseling and adult 
development/higher education administration 
from The American University. 

A Letter to Campus in Memory of Meghan Price 

Dear University of Maryland Faculty and Staff 

During the 1998-99 winter break, the 
University of Maryland suffered a tremendous 
loss. Meghan Elizabeth Price, Student 
Government Association President, died in a car 
accident in her hometown of Swanton, Md. 

Meghan was to graduate from the university 
in May, after which she planned to attend law 
school. During her time at the university, she 
dedicated herself not only to her education, but 
also to setting an admirable example of leader- 
ship, team-work and academic scholarship. Not 
only was she a great success in her 20 short 
years, but also she inspired others to reach for 
and achieve high aspirations. 

In three and a half years, Meghan touched 
the lives of the campus community — adminis- 
trators, faculty and students. She worked dili- 
gently to establish relationships and implement 
programs that would help ensure a higher 
quality education and a stronger campus com- 

Her hard work and dedication to the univer- 
sity has inspired students, faculty and staff. In 
that light, the Price family, in conjunction with 
the James MacGregor Burns Academy of 

Leadership, have established the Meghan Price 
Scholarship. The goal is to endow two under- 
graduate scholarships, each to be awarded 
annually, so the University of Maryland can 
attract the same caliber of student Meghan 
represented. The scholarship committee is ask- 
ing for your contribution to this fund in order 
to recruit outstanding students who share in 
Meghan's commitment to academic excellence 
and leadership purpose. Contributions can be 
made to: 

University of Maryland Foundation 

c/o Meghan Price Scholarship Fund 

Attn: Mr. Ed Carp 

1 107 Taliaferro Hall 

University of Maryland 

College Park, MD 20742-7715 

Thank you for your consideration of a dona- 
tion to the Meghan Price Scholarship Fund and 
to furthering our vision of outstanding student 
scholarship and leadership at the University of 
Maryland. We thank you if you have already 
made a contribution to the scholarship fund. 

fonathan Busch and Nance Lucas, co-chairs, 
Meghan Price Scholarship Committee 


Outlook is the weekly facutty-staff newspaper serving the University of Maryland campus community. William Destler, Interim Vice President for University Advancement; 
Teresa Flannery. Executive Director of University Communications and Director of Marketing; George Cathcart, Executive Editor; Jennifer Hawes, Editor; 
Londa Scott Forte. Assistant Editor; Vaishali Honawar, Graduate Assistant; PhlHIp Wlrtz, Editorial Intern, Letters to the editor, story suggestions and campus infor- 
mation are welcome. Please submit all material two weeks before the Tuesday of publication. Send material to Editor, Outlook, 2101 Turner Hall, College Park, MD 
20 742. Tele phone (301) 405-4629; e-mail; fax (301) 314-9344. Outlook can be found online at 

March 30, 1999 OuHook 3 

Harriet Presser is Woman of the Year 

Women's Commission Celebrates 25th Anniversary 

Harriet Presser, long known through oui the 
campus for her pioneering studies into the held 
of demographics and women, is this year's 
choice for the Outstanding Woman of the Year 
Award given by the President's Commission on 
Women's Issues (PCWR- 

Presser, distinguished professor of sociology 
and director of the Center on Population, 
Gender and Social Inequality, has been with the 
university for 23 years now. 

"Many wonderful women were nominated 
this year — women who have done a lot in vari- 
ous fields — and it was very hard to make a 
selection," says Susan Bay ley, general counsel on 
the president's legal staff, who chaired the com- 
mittee that selected Presser for the award. 

According to Laura Slav in, director of core 
planning and administration and president of 
the PCWI,as many as 15-20 nominations were 
received this year. 

"The selection committee unanimously 
agreed on Presser as she has done so much to 
impact women's lives," Bay ley says. 

In the past, Presser has received numerous 
scholarly awards for her studies. She was the 
first to study the demographics of first births for 
women, and has, among other things, looked 
into issues such as childcare, women's employ- 
ment and welfare reform. 

She has conducted research into the child- 
bearing problems of women in Puerto Rico and 
has written a book about it, "Sterilization and 
Fertility Decline in Puerto Rico." She has also 
co-autiiored another book, "Female Empower- 
ment and Demographic Processes," and written 
several reports on women's issues. 

The award was presented to Presser last 
night by President Dan Mote, as part of a cele- 
bration of the PCWl's 25 years of advocacy and 
action on behalf of the women on campus. 

There was also a poster presentation high- 
lighting research by graduate and undergraduate 
students, and a panel discussion tided 
"Remembering and Looking Ahead: Women's 
Experiences at the University of Maryland." 

The PCW1 has been awarding the 
Outstanding Woman of the Year award since 
1977 to one person who has demonstrated 
excellence in either administrative achievement, 

service to women, service to the university 
community, excellence in teaching, or gained 
national recognition for her acliievements.Tlie 
first year, the award was given to Elske Smith, 
then assistant vice chancellor for academic 

Slavin, who has been chairing the PCWI 
since January, finds it an "opportunity to address 
things that are really important." 

The PCWI was established on campus in 
1974 with the charge of addressing the con- 
cerns of women on campus. It was inspired by 
the United States Women's Commission estab- 
lished in 1961 by President John Kennedy to 
study the status of women. 

In the years since its formation, die PCWI has 
advised the president on issues related to gen- 
der and diversity, investigated the needs of 
women in the campus community, suggested 
responses to problems, and, in general, educated 
the campus community about women's issues 
and accomplishments. 

One of the earliest works done by the PCWI 
was an equity study of women faculty salaries, 
in 1975. This led to the establishment the same 
year of an annual faculty salary equity review by 
the Office of Academic Affairs and the Office of 
Institutional Studies. The review was discontin- 
ued in 1990, however, due to budget con- 

The PCWI has constandy recommended the 
need to monitor the appointment of women to 
high-level positions and the need for female rep- 
resentation on search committees and other 
decision-making campus groups. 

It has also looked into issues of women's 
health. Under the direction of Margaret 
Bridwell, the University Health Center and the 
women's health clinic have been providing ser- 
vices and information on women's sexual health 
problems, eating disorders like anorexia and 
bulimia, and making available yearly mammo- 
grams at a mobile unit on campus. 

Other issues addressed by the PCWI over the 
past 25 years include safety, security and work- 
place environment issues for women, sexual 
harassment, child care and family care issues, 
affirmative action and diversity. 

Priority on Teacher Education Recommended 

A 16-member panel of college and universi- 
ty presidents, chancellors, chief academic offi- 
cers and education leaders has recommended 
institutions make improving teacher educa- 
tion a top priority. The panel, appointed by the 
American Association of State Colleges and 
Universities (AASCU) this past year in 
response to growing nadonal concern about 
teacher quality, recommended that teacher- 
training programs be closed if they fail to 
achieve recommended reforms. 

U.S. Secretary of Education Richard Riley 
praised the report while speaking at a legisla- 
tive advocacy conference sponsored by 
AASCU, CASE, the National Association of 
Independent Colleges and Universities, and 
the National Association of State Universities 
and Land-Grant Colleges. Riley has made 
teacher quality a cornerstone of his agenda for 
this year. 

AASCU 's membership of 425 public col- 
leges and universities trains nearly 60 

percent of the country's beginning school- 
teachers. The panel recommended that college 
and university presidents make teacher prepa- 
ration the responsibility of all faculty mem- 
bers and encourage professors in education 
programs to work with those in other disci- 
plines to develop curricula for teacher educa- 

The report also recommends that teacher 
education schools consider guaranteeing the 
quality of their graduates. The University 
System of Georgia and California State 
University at Long Beach already offer such 
guarantees. The report is available online at 
http ://www. aasc u . org. 

Reprinted from the Council for Advancement 
and Support of Education's (CASE) "Flash 
Points" summary of education in the news 
(March 26, 1999). 

Juan Williams 

Civility and an Individual's 

Responsibility Focus of 

Equity Conference 

The University of Maryland's 1 1th annual equity confer- 
ence, "Equity and Civility.. .an Individual's Responsibility,'' takes 
place Thursday, April 15, from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. in fheAdele 
Stamp Student Union. Workshop topics to be addressed 
include "Aftermath of the Matthew Shepard Murder," "Pushing 
Beyond the Limits ""Harassment: What Can I Do about It?" 
"Students/CivU Society ""Update on Legal Issues " and "High 
Tech Hate." 

The morning speaker for the conference is one of 
America's best-known journalists, Juan Williams, He is the 

author of "Eyes on the Prize: 
America's Civil Rights Years 
1954-1965," a companion 
book to the acclaimed PBS 
scries of the same name. His 
recent book, "Thurgood 
Marshall: A me rican 
Revolutionary" retells the 
story of Marshall's successful 
desegregation of public 
schools in the United States. 
Williams is among the 
nation's foremost political 
analysts. For 16 years he has 
been with The Washington 
Post as an editorial writer, 
columnist and White House 
correspondent. With direct access to the nation's top deci- 
sion-makers and spin-doctors, Williams lias forged his unique 
outlook in the cauldron of "inside the Beltway" power poli- 

Gregory Geoffroy, the university's senior vice president for 
academic affairs and provost, is luncheon speaker for the con- 
ference. As chief academic officer for the university, Geoffroy 
is responsible for oversee- 
ing the general goals and 
direcUons for the academic 
development of the cam- 
pus. Since arriving at 
College Park, he has demon- 
strated outstanding leader- 
ship and a strong commit- 
ment to equity and civility. 
Geoffroy began his acad- 
emic career in 1974 as assis- 
tant professor of chemistry 
at Pennsylvania State 
University, where he estab- 
lished a research and teach- 
ing program in the area of 
organometallic chemistry. 
Promotion to associate pro- 
fessor came in 1978 followed by a promotion to professor in 

Geoffroy began his administrative career in 1988 when he 
was appointed head of the chemistry department at Perm 
State. One year later, he was appointed dean of the Eberly 
College of Science at Penn State. He held that position for 
eight years before accepting his current position at the 
University of Maryland. 

All faculty, staff and students are encouraged to attend. The 
$50 fee includes registration and luncheon. Deadline for regis- 
tration is FridayApril 9- 

For more information about die conference, please contact 
your unit equity administrator or Ray Gillian, assistant to the 
president and conference chair, at 405-5795. For registration 
forms call 314*431. 

Gregory Geoffroy 

4 Outlook March 30. 1999 




Your Guide to University Events 
March 31 - April 8 

March 31 

Noon. Counseling Center's 
Research and Development 
Meetings: "CAWG & CQLWhat is 
an Assessment Specialist Anyway?" 
Deborah Moore, technical consul- 
tant. President's Office. 0106-0 1 14 
Shoemaker Bldg. 

3:30 p.m. Center for the Advanced 
Study of Leadership Lecture: 
"Global Leadership in a World 
Economy: What are Universals and 
the Uniqueness?" Robert Rosen, 
president, Healthy Companies. 
1102 Taliaferro Hall. 

4 p.m. Astronomy Colloquium: 
'Giant Planet Formation: Gas 
Accretion or Disk Instability? "Alan 
Boss, Carnegie Institution of 
Washington. 2400 Computer & 
Space Sciences Bldg. 

4:30-6 p.m. libraries' User 
Education Services: "Tangled in the 
Web?" introduces strategies for 
effectively searching the Web. 
Bring research topics with you. 
4 135 McKeldin Library; 5-9070. 

6-9 p.m. Peer Training Program: 
"Intermediate HTML," takes a more 
i 1 1 look at webpage con- 
struction. 4404 Computer Sc Space 
Sciences Bldg. 5-2940.* 

April 1 

9:30 a.m. "Fictitious Domain 
Method for Elliptic Boundary Value 
Problems with Nonlocal Boundary 
Conditions in Multiply Connected 
Domain," LA. Rukhovets, Institute 
for Economics and Mathematics at 
St. Petersburg, Russian Academy of 
Sciences. 3206 Math Bldg. 5-5117. 

3:30 p.m. Meteorology Seminar: 
"Intermediate Modeling of the 
Tropical Atmosphere-Land-Ocean 
System," Ning Zeng, department of 
atmospheric sciences, UCLA. 2400 
Computer & Space Sciences Bldg. 

4 p.m. CHPS Colloquium Series: 
"Discovering Mechanisms in 
Neurobiology," Carl Craver and 
Lindley Darden, CHPS-University of 
Maryland 1 117 Key Bldg. 

4:30 p.m. Peer Training Program: 
"Introduction to Excel." introduces 
spreadsheet basics. 4404 Computer 
& Space Sciences Bldg. 5-2940.* 

April 2 

1 p.m. Materials and Nuclear 
Engineering Speaker Series: 
"Radiation Chemistry and 
Engineering," P Neta, NIST 21 10 
Chemical & Nuclear Engineering 

April 5 

10 a.m. "National Student 
Employment Week Kick Off 
Celebration "Join the Career Center 
in recognizing the valuable contribu- 
tions of student employees. Campus 
employers are encouraged to nomi- 
nate outstanding students as 
"Employee of the Year" and student 
employees are encouraged to nomi- 
nate outstanding employers as 
"Employer of the Year." Stamp Student 
Union. <www,> 

Noon. Libraries' User Education 
Services: "Web of Science: Science 
Citation Index." explores how to use 
the Web-based Science Citation Index 
(SCI) database. ISIs Journal Citation 
Report is also featured. 4 135 
McKeldin Library. < www.Iib.umd. 

4-5:30 p.m. IGCA China Seminar: 
"Food and Water Challenges and 
Opportunities for China." Raymond 
Miller, director of international pro- 
grams. College of Agriculture and 
Natural Resources. 0106 Francis Scott 
Key Hall. 5-0213- 

4 p.m. Committee on the History and 
Philosophy of Science/Physics 
Department Lecture: "Quantum 
Versus Classical Information," 
Benjamin W. Schumacher, Kenyon 
College. 1140 Plant Sciences Bldg. 

4 p.m. Mini-Center for Teaching 
Interdisciplinary Studies of Culture 
and Society Workshop: "Linking 
Cultural Diversity: The Use of 
Websites," Paul Gorski. Human 
Relations. 3 140 Engineering Bldg. 
veghs@otal . . 

6-9 p.m. Peer Training: "Introduction 
to HTML." This class introduces the 
markup language used to create web- 
pages. 4404 Computer & Space 
Sciences Bldg. <www. inform. umd. 
edu/PT> 5-2940.' 

April 6 

4 p.m. Physics Colloquia:"Why Do We 
Think Neutrinos Have Mass? And 
Who Cares?" Boris Kayser, National 
Science Foundation. 1410 Physics 
Bldg. 5-3401. 

6-9 p.m. Peer Training: "Introduction 
to Microsoft PowerPoint, "This class 
provides an introduction to the ele- 
ments involved in designing effective 
and professional looking presenta- 
tions. 4404 Computer & Space 
Sciences Bldg. 5-2940.' 

April 7 

Noon. Counseling Center's Research 
and Development Meetings: "My Life 
with a Theory," John Ho Hand, Johns 
H< ipkins University. 01 06fl 1 1 4 
Shoemaker Bldg. 

FromApri] 12 through April I6at8p.m.thc 
department of dance presents adjudicated con- 
certs of dance works by the Maryland Dance 
Ensemble in the Dorothy Madden Theater, The 
panel of adjudicators is concert director Paul 
Jackson, professor Anne Warren and department 
chair Alcine Wilt2. 

The university and dance communities have 
come to expect a level of artistic excellence 
from the Maryland Dance Ensemble and this 
spring concert proves to be as imaginative and 
varied as any in the past. The program features a 
new work "Speaker of the House" by New York 
choreographer Terry Creach, commissioned by 
the Student Dance Association and the dance 

department. The piece is a cornucopia of intri- 
cate designs, fascinating movement patterns and 
non-conventional partnering. 

The program also showcases two dances by 
student choreographers, "Birth" and 
"Unexplained Sightings," that were selected to 
represent the university at the American College 
Dance Festival in Slippery Rock, Pa. 

The remainder of the program brings humor, 
pathos, insightful visions and beautiful move- 
ment representative of current dance in the pro- 
fessional arena. 

Admission is $8 general and $5 for students 
and senior citizens. For more information, call 

4 p.m. Astronomy Colloquium with 
guest speakers Patrick Shopbell and 
Neal Turner. 2400 Computer & 
Space Sciences Bldg. 

6-9 p.m. Peer Training: "Introduction 
to UNLX."This class introduces the 
Unix operating system. 4404 
Computer & Space Sciences Bldg. 
<> 5-2940." 

7-9 p.m. Creative Writing at the 
University of Maryland; Writers Here 
and Now Spring Readings: Julie 
Agoos, author of "Above the Land," 
Melanie Rae Thon, author of "First, 
Body." Graduate Reserves Room, 
McKeldin Library. 5-3820. 

7:30 p.m. Africa and the Americas 
Lecture: "Tracing Back the 
Ancestors: The Novels of Tom 
Morrison and Mariama," Sylvia 
Washington, University of Cheikh 
Anta Diop, Dakar, Senegal. 2309 
Art/Sociology Bldg. 5-6835 or 

April 8 

database "Academic Universe" to find 
legal and news information. 4135 
McKeldin Library. 5-9070. 

Noon-l:30 p.m. CAWG Interactive 
Forum:"Lcgal, Ethical and Policy 
Issues of Data," Susan Bayly, Robert 
Dooling, and Rodney Petersen. 1 137 
Stamp Student Union. RSVP by April 

2 to or 5-2866. 

3 :30 p.m. Meteorology Seminar:"A 
Vision for Global and Mesoscale 
Weather and Climate Forecasting in 
2025," Richard Anthcs, University 
Corporation for Atmospheric 
Research. 2400 Computer Sc Space 
Sciences Bldg. 5-5392. 

4 p.m. Physics Colloquia:"Brane World: 
Low Scale Gravity and Large Extra 
Space Dimensions," Henry Tye. Cornell 
University. 1410 Physics Bldg. 5-3401. 

4 p.m. CHPS Colloquium Series: 

"Eugenics, Popular Culture and 
American Education: Race 
Betterment Moves from the State Pau- 
lo the Public School Classroom," 
Steve Selden, College of Education. 
1 1 17 Francis Scon Key Hall. 

4-7 p.m. "Meeting the Changes and 
Challenges of the Chemical 
Industry." The Chemical Society of 
Washington will host an interactive 
session by Janis McFarland. She will 
speak about her experiences/skills 
needed for working in industry. 
1325 Chemistry Bldg.5A337. 

6-9 p.m. Peer Training: "Intermediate 
Microsoft Excel ."This class moves 
beyond the "Introduction to Excel's" 
basics. 4404 Computer Sc Space 
Sciences Bldg. 5-2940.* 

(v8 p.m. Libraries' User Education 
Services: "Introduction to CIS Using 
Arc View- Advanced," is a workshop 
on the popular ArcView GIS 
(Geographic Information Systems) 
software. 4 1 33 McKeldin Library. 
Registration required. 5-9070. 

8 p.m. School of Music Concert: 
University of Maryland Symphony 
Orchestra showcases the winners 
from its annual Concerto Compe- 
tition. Sylvia Alimena of the Eclipse 
Chamber Orchestra is the guest con- 
ductor. Tawes Theatre. 5-1 1 50.* 

Noon. Libraries' User Education 
Services: "Web of Science: Science 
Citation Index," explores how to use 
the Web-based Science Citation 
Index (SCI) database. ISI's Journal 
Citation Report is also featured. 
4135 McKeldin Library. 
inar-f.html>. 5-9070. 

Noon Libraries' User Education 
Services: "A Universe to Explore: 
Lexis-Nexis on the Web," A work- 
shop introducing Lexis-Nexis' new 

Calendar Guide 

Calendar phone numbers listed as 4-xxxx or 5-xxxx stand for the 
prefix 314- or 405. Events are free and open to the public unless 
noted by an asterisk (*). Calendar information for Outlook is com- 
piled from a combination of inforM's calendars and submissions to 
the Outlook office. To reach the calendar editor, call 405-7615 
or e-mail OutJook@accmail. 

March 30, 1999 Outlook 5 

Sterling Byrd Treasure Trove Reveals Much about Curley Byrd 

With nearly the excitement Howard Carter 
felt when he opened KingTut's tomb, University 
Archivist Anne Tiirkos and her three graduate 
assistants Jennifer Evans, James Fort andAdina 
Wachman unpacked, inventoried and rehoused 
the Sterling Byrd Collection, which arrived in 
the Libraries in late 1998. 

Sterling Byrd was one of the four children of 
Harry Clifton "Curley" Byrd, president of the 
University of Maryland from 1935 to 1954. He 
preserved many important documents, books, 
photographs and pieces of realia chronicling his 
father's life and accomplishments. 

The collection traces Curley Byrd's footsteps 
from his childhood days in Crisfield, on 
Maryland's Eastern Shore, to his exploits as a 
student at the Maryland Agricultural College (as 
the University of Maryland was known through 
1916), to his rise through 
the coaching and adminis- 
trative ranks to the presi- 
dency of his alma mater. 

Highlights of the collec- 
tion include hundreds of 
previously unknown Byrd 
family photographs and 
extensive documentation of 
Byrd family history; selec- 
tions from Byrd's personal 
library; content-rich corre- 
spondence to Byrd from 
many significant figures of 
the 20th century such as 
Franklin D. Roosevelt, 
Robert Kennedy and 
Lyndon Johnson; approxi- 
mately 20 letters sent to 
Charles Benedict Calvert, founder of the 
Maryland Agricultural College; numerous pieces 
of realia including a magnificent silver punch- 
bowl, ladle and tray presented to Governor 
Albert C. Ritchie at the dedication of Ritchie 
Coliseum and later bequeathed to Byrd by the 
governor; a silver desk caddy given to Byrd by "; 
grateful people of Maryland"; and even Harry 
Clifton Byrd's personal typewriter 

Harry Clifton "Curley" Byrd 

Many people believe the 
University of Maryland would 
not be what it is today without 
the leadership and vision of 
Harry Clifton Byrd (1889-1970). 
Byrd oversaw the university dur- 
ing a period of explosive growth 
in physical facilities and academ- 
ic programs during which there 
was a dramatic change in the 
composition of the student 
body. He took great pride in the 
university achievements in ath- 
letics, and completely dedicated 
himself to creating a fine institu- 
tion of higher learning. 

The Sterling Byrd Collection 
provides an intimate and 

detailed look 

into the Ufe of 

the man 

whose epitaph 

reads "father 

and builder of 

the modern 

University of 


The collection 

personalizes a 

leader who 

heretofore had 

remained a 

mystery. It will 

also serve as a 

rich resource 
for the study of 
the history of 
this campus. 

The collection will soon be 
available to researchers and oth- 
ers in the Maryland Room on the 
third floor of McKeldin Library. An extensive 
exhibit of the Sterling Byrd Collection will open 
when Special Collections relocates to Hornbake 
Library within the next two years. 

Curley" Byrd with President Lyndon B. Johnson 

University Officials Pleased with 
Graduate Programs Rankings 

continued from page I 

ence ranked 1 1th, with specialty rankings of 4th 
in databases, 8th in software and 9th in artificial 
intelligence. The physics Ph.D. program ranked 
14th nationally, and the mathematics depart- 
ment ranked 21st. 

"We are very pleased that our department 
lias been ranked 1 1th by U.S. News and that we 
rank in the top 10 in the categories of software, 
artificial intelligence and databases. We think the 
ranking reflects the quality of our teaching and 
research " says John Gannon, chair of the depart- 
ment of computer science. 

"We think we are doing well and are a 
department on the rise. Our U.S. News ranking 
of 14th is a reflection of this as are the honors 
and awards members of our faculty are receiv- 

ing, such as selection to the National Academy 
of Sciences or being named a distinguished pro- 
fessor by the university" says physics depart- 
ment chair Stephen Wallace. 

"We are very pleased that yet another poll 
has ranked us one of the top mathematics 
departments in the country," says Patrick M. 
Fitzpatrick, chair of the department. 

The College of library and Information 
Services (CLIS) ranked 14th, coming in 2nd in 
archives and preservation, 6th in health librari- 
ans hip, and 10th in information systems. 

"We have an internationally recognized pro- 
gram here and are very proud of it. Our archives 
is one of the oldest in die country and is closely 
affiliated with the National Archives. We are very 
pleased to be included in these rankings," says 
Anne Prentice, dean of CLIS. 

Social Comedy 'Savage in Limbo* 
Presented at Experimental Theatre 

The theatre department presents the Open/Styles production 
"Savage in Limbo," April 3-5. Performances of the John Patrick 
Shanley play will be held in the Experimental Theatre in the 
Tawes Fine Arts building, April 3 and 5 at 8 p.m. and April 4 at 6 
p.m. and 9 p.m. 

"Savage in Limbo" is a social comedy centering around the 
patrons of a Bronx bar who are desperately struggling to 
change their lives. Written in the mid-1980s by Shanley, the play 
enjoyed a successful off-Broadway run before becoming a 
regional theater favorite. 

In addition to a prolific playwriting career, Shanley has writ- 
ten several screenplays, including "The January Man," "Joe vs. 
The Volcano," and "Five Corners." In 1988, Shanley won the 
Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay for "Moonstruck." 

"John Patrick Shanley writes some terrifically colorful charac- 
ters," says Chuck Benjamin, director of the production, "And I've 
always been attracted to those types of characters who are on 
the edge, clawing and scratching at everything around diem just 
to survive. Desperate characters can make for some wonderful 
theatre and Savage in Limbo' is simply chock full of them." 

Benjamin, an MFA student in theatre management at the 
University of Maryland, is a former professional actor whose 
recent directing credits include "Loyalties,""AU in the Timing," 
and "Danny and the Deep Blue Sea." 

Experimental Theatre (Room 
0241) is on the basement level « 
of the Tawes Fine Arts Building. _j i 
Seating is extremely limited and 
is on a first-come, first-served basis. 
Admission to "Savage in Limbo" is free. 

For additional information, call the 
University Theatre Public Relations Office at 405-6693. 

6 Outlook March 30. 1999 


Jodie Biele, graduate assis- 
tant in the department of 
English, has been awarded a 
Fulbright Scholar grant. to lec- 
ture on American literature, 
1865 to Present; American 
Poetry, at the University of 
Oldenburg, Oldenburg. 
Germany, through July 1999- 
She is one of 750 U.S. faculty 
and professionals to receive 
such grants to lecture and 
conduct research abroad. 

Approximately 725 visiting 
scholars also received awards 
to come to the United States, 
primarily as researchers. The 
visiting scholars here at the 
University of Maryland this 
year include Yair Bar-Haim, 
Corneliu Craciunescu, Cecilia 
Dahlberg,Alan Davey, Luis De 
La Barra.Ameeruz Khan,Todor 
Petev.Tatiana Tchernigovskaja 
and Volker Ziegler. 

The Supply Management 
Center has been established 
in the Robert H. Smith School 
of Business to define 21st cen- 
tury best practices related to 
the efficient production and 
delivery of products and ser- 
vices, and to assist enterprises 
in applying these practices to 
profitably serve customers. 
The centers cross-functional 
approach comprises the disci- 
plines of logistics, manage- 
ment science and marketing. 

Co-directors of the center 
are Research Professor Sandor 
Boyson, who directed a three- 
year project on logistics best 
practices for the U.S. 
Department of Energy involv- 
ing more than 600 firms, and 
Professor of Logistics Thomas 
Corel, who formerly served as 
chair of the logistics and trans- 
portation department from 
1986 to 1994, during which 
time the department was rec- 
ognized by Transportation 
Journal as the most prolific fac- 
ulty group in the nation based 
on published research in the 

Housed within the Smith 
School's logistics, business and 
public policy department, the 
center has three primary mis- 
sion areas: research to identify 
and investigate best practices 
in managing the interdepen- 
dent relationships among sup- 
pliers, manufacturers, carriers 
and customers; education to 
provide business leaders with 
those competencies necessary 
to direct the global, technolo- 
gy-driven supply chain; and 
expertise and advocacy with 
business and government lead- 
ers to help position the state of 
Maryland in a leadership role 

as a hub for integrated supply 
chain management. 

Howard Frank, dean of i he 
Robert H. Smith School of 
Business, recentiy received 
tire 1999 Institute of Electrical 
and Electronics Engineers' 
(IEEE) Eric E. Sumner Award 
"for innovative contributions 
to modeling and design of 
communications networks." 
He shares the award with for- 
mer colleague IvanT Frisch, 
currently provost of Poly- 
technic University, Brooklyn. 

Established in 1995, the 
annual award is presented to 
an individual or team of not 
more than three for outstand- 
ing contributions to commu- 
nications technology. It con- 
sists of a bronze medal, certifi- 
cate and a cash prize. 

Laura Janusik and Andrew 
Wolvin, department of commu- 
nication, received the Top Two 
Paper award in the Nichols 
Research competition for their 
content analysis of the treat- 
ment of listening in basic com- 
munication texts at the recent 
International Listening 
Association conference. Wolvin 
(and two other research collab- 
orators) received the Top Three 
Paper award for their content 
analysis of the past decade of 
listening research published in 
the International Journal of 

Distinguished University 
Professor Thomas Schelling, of 
the School of Public Affairs, 
has been appointed one of 1 3 
Phi Beta Kappa Visiting 
Scholars for 1999-2000. The 
visiting scholars travel to uni- 
versities and colleges that 
shelter Phi Beta Kappa chap- 
ters, spending two days on 
each campus. During each 
visit, the scholars are expect- 
ed to meet with undergradu- 
ates on a more or less infor- 
mal footing, to participate in 
classroom lectures and semi- 
nars, and to give one major 
address open to the entire 
academic community. 

The purpose of the pro- 
gram, which was begun in 
1956, is to enrich the intellec- 
tual atmosphere of the institu- 
tion and to enable undergrad- 
uates to meet and talk with 
distinguished scholars in 
diverse disciplines. The 1999- 
2000 visiting scholars will 
make approximately 100 vis- 

Kevin McDonald Concerned with 
Welfare of Others, Making a Change 

For those faculty, staff and 
students who aren't feeling 
the warm embrace of diversi- 
ty, Kevin McDonald is the 
person to contact. New to 
the campus since January, his 
role is to help investigate, 
mediate and resolve issues of 
campus discrimination. 

As campus compliance 
officer in the Office of 
Human Relations Programs 
McDonald is responsible for 
dealing with complaints by 
faculty, staff and students 
involving discrimination on 
campus. When someone 
comes to liim with a com- 
plaint, he investigates and 
then attempts to resolve die 
situation with the parties 
involved through mediation 
and other methods. 

"If we bring these issues 
to light and show that they're 
still alive and well, then we 
can deal with them as a cam- 
pus community," he says. 

McDonald is an Ohio 
native who has spent the last 
three years in the Washington, D.C. - Maryland 
area. Before coming to the university, he worked 
for the U.S. Department of Justice's Civil Rights 
Division as a disability rights investigator. 

McDonald also worked for an Internet com- 
pany as a dispute administrator and resolved 
conflicts between parties who wanted to regis- 
ter the same internet domain names. 

With a back- 
ground in psycholo- 
gy and communica- 
tions, McDonald says 
he always took an 
interest in the wel- 
fare of others. 
Working at the 
University of 
Maryland is a unique 
opportunity to help 
people who are 
embroiled in "a wide 
array of issues: dis- 
ability, race, sexual 
orientation," he says. 
"It's a great chal- 
lenge, but it also 
allows for greater 
satisfaction when 
you reach some type 
of resolution with 
those parties." 

As the campus' Diversity Initiative celebrates 
its fifth anniversary, McDonald says one of his 
goals is to help the Office of Human Relations 
Programs take proactive approaches in dealing 
with discrimination and diversity matters. 
"There are issues out there that need to be dealt 
with— not just on a mediation and investigation 
level, but at a program standpoint as well." 

On an average, McDonald handles three cases 
each week dealing with predicaments involving 
race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation and 
disability issues. Although the cases he's handled 
thus far were resolved within three weeks each, 
he says the time it takes to resolve each case 
varies, depending on the type of complaint and 
the parties involved. 

Campus compliance officer Kevin McDonald 

"I want people to feel that they 

can walk in or call me directly. 

If there's something that has 

happened and they feel 

wronged or discriminated 

against, there's this 

avenue to go to." 

- Kevin McDonald 

McDonald says his door is always open to 
faculty, staff and students who want to discuss 
discrimination complaints. "1 want people to 
feel that they can walk in or call me directly," he 
says. "If there's something that has happened 
and they feel wronged or discriminated against, 
there's this avenue to go to." 

In his position as compliance officer, 

McDonald works 
collectively with 
staff ombudsperson 
Roberta Coates, fac- 
ulty ombudsman 
Arnold Medvene, 
plus a number of 
campus administra- 
tors and equity offi- 
cers. "All of the peo- 
ple who are involved 
[in resolving discrim- 
ination issues} are 
very determined to 
make sure that we're 
all on one accord on 
what we're trying to 
do here on campus," 
McDonald says. 

In the future, 
McDonald plans to 
strengthen ties 
between the university and off-campus 
resources like the Prince George's County 
Human Relations Commission and the Maryland 
Department of Education. "There are so many 
resources out there that are untapped. I want to 
bridge that gap and create some alliances," he 

McDonald stresses the importance in work- 
ing as a community to stamp out discrimination 
on campus. "We all have to come together 
because this affects us all. A few can't do it 

McDonald can be reached at 405-2839. 


March 30, 1999 Outlook 7 

A Campus Resource for the Cash-Strapped 

Emergency Loan Fund Holds Out Promise of Help, but Also Seeks Funds 

Some time back, Jean (not her real name), a 
university employee and a single mother of two 
kids, found herself in a financial pickle. 

Her ongoing divorce had left her strapped, 
and her car had been repossessed because she 
had defaulted on her payments. A judgment 
passed against her as part of the divorce pro- 
ceedings garnished her wages, leaving her with 
no means to reclaim her car. Friends and family 
wouldn't help out any more. 

Finally, when it seemed as if she had exhaust- 
ed every possible resource, help stepped in 
from an unexpected quarter: the Emergency 
Loan Fund at the University of 
Maryland. With a small but substan- 
tial loan, the fund helped Jean 
get her car back and tide 
through the rough phase. 

Like Jean, 171 others in 
the university community 

Loan Fund at the University of 
Maryland. With a sm;dl but substan- 
tial loan, the fund helped Jean 
get her car back and tide 
through the rough phase. 
Like Jean, 171 others in 

and faculty members have contributed to the 

"What is especially wonderful is when peo- 
ple who borrowed money come back and 
donate some," says Ruggieri. 

However, the fund has been falling short of 
funds over the past few years. There was a steep 
rise in the number of applicants, from 20 in 
1993-94 to 52 in 1996-97, before the number 
dropped to 28 in 1997-98.The drop, says 
Ruggieri, could be due to a lack of funds at the 
ELF which has led them to turn away several 
applicants in the past. 

This year, however, there is an 
upward trend again — already 
there have been 35 appli- 
cants - although there 
hasn't been a corre- 
sponding rise in 

This year, however, there is an 
upward trend again — already 
there have been 35 appli- 
cants - although there 
hasn't been a corre- 
sponding rise in 

Engineering's Penny Wars 

The Clark School of Engineering would like to start a 
war on campus. 

Not a nasty one, although they certainly would love 
some competition.The school, which was the first on cam- 
pus to start a drive to collect funds for the Emergency 
Loan Fund this year and succeeded in rais- 
ing $3,150 for it, hopes other colleges 
will follow its lead and even beat it 
with larger contributions. 

"It's a very worthy cause and we're 
hoping the rest of the university joins 
in," says Carol Prier, executive adminis- 
trative assistant to the dean, who, along 
with Sue Hickes, administrative assistant in 
the dean's office, pioneered the fund-raising project. 

The Emergency Loan Fund helps out needy members of 

"Its a very worthy cause and we're 
hoping the rest of the university joins 
in," says Carol Prier, executive adminis- 
trative assistant to the dean, who, along 
with Sue Hickes, administrative assistant in 
the dean's office, pioneered the fund-raising project. 

8 Outlook March 30, 1999 

Healthy Couch Potatoes 

The department of kinesiology 
seeks healthy male and female volun- 
teers between the ages of 50 and 70 
years to participate in an exercise 
training study. Participants must be in 
good general health and currently 
sedentary (not participating in regular 
physical activity). 

The study will examine the effects 
of genetics on exercise training- 
induced improvements in blood cho- 
lesterol levels. Qualified volunteers 
will receive: 

•"six months individualized, fully 
supervised exercise training 

••blood tests for cholesterol levels 
and diabetes 

•"a cardiovascular assessment 

•"aerobic capacity tests 

•"a general physical exam 

•"Instruction in an American Heart 
Association diet 

Volunteers will earn $200 at the 
completion of the study. Call 405-2571 
for more information. 

Clerical/Secretarial Achievers 

Each year, the President's 
Commission on Women's Issues recog- 
nizes the outstanding achievements of 
clerical and secretarial staff at the uni- 
versity.Any member of the campus 
community may nominate a staff 
member, and should send nominations 
to Gaynor Sale, 2201 Shoemaker 
Building by April 28. 

To obtain a nomination form, please 
contact Sale at 3 1 4-9685 or e-mail her 
at The award will 
be presented at the Professional 
Concepts Exchange Conference lun- 
cheon in May. 

Lexis-Nexis on the Web 

The University of Maryland 
Libraries are sponsoring an Electronic 
Information Resources Seminar for fac- 
ulty and graduate students titled, "A 
Universe to Explore: Lexis-Nexis on 
theWeb, n Thursday,April 8, from noon 
to 1 p.m. in Room 4135 of McKeldin 
Library. Lexis-Nexis has a new product 
called "Academic Universe" that pro- 
vides access to much of the content of 
traditional Lexis-Nexis in a new, easy- 
to-use form. 

The seminar is free, but registration 
is required. Register by completing 
the online registration form at 
<www. lib. umd . edu /U MC P/UE5/se mi- 
nar-f.html> or by emailing Please indi- 
cate the name of the seminar, your 
name, department, status (faculty or 
graduate student), phone number and 
e-mail address. 

For a complete list of Spring '99 
"Electronic Information Resources for 
Research and Teaching" seminars, visit 
<www. lib . um d . edu/U M CP/U ES/sc mi- 

Fulbright Scholar Program 

Opportunities for lecturing or 
advanced research in more than 130 
countries are available to college and 
university faculty and professionals 
through the 2000-2001 Fulbright 
Awards. US, citizenship and Ph.D., or 
comparable professional qualifica- 

Funding Conference 

The Office of Research 
Administration and Advancement, 
Graduate Studies and Research, is 
sponsoring the National Institutes of 
Health Funding Conference Thursday, 
April 8, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in Room 
2111, Stamp Student Union.This con- 
ference intends to make NTH funding 
more accessible to University of 
Maryland researchers by providing a 
comprehensive, up-to-date overview 
of extramural research support. 
Topics will include peer review, 
minority programming and funding, 
bioengineering, animal models, fund- 
ing trends and grant proposal writing. 
Space is limited and registration is 

For further information, contact 
Anne Geronimo 405-4178 or ageroni- 
mo ©gradschool . umd . edu . 

Keys to America's Success 

Robert H. Rosen, president of 
Healthy Companies, will lecture on 
"Global Leadership in a World 
Economy: What Are the Universals and 

Musical Notes 

The School of Music presents a Chamber Jazz Recital Tuesday, April 6 at 
7:30 p.m. in the Ulrich Recital Hall of theTawes Fine Arts Building. A combo 
from Chris Vadala's Jazz Improvisation class will present original material. Two 
student jazz combos coached by Ron Elliston also will perform. 

Admission is free; no tickets arc required. For additional information call 

The School of Music also invites the public to attend the competition finals 
of the annual Homer Ulrich Competition to be held in the Ulrich Recital Hall 
of the Tawes Fine Arts Building. The undergraduate finals will be presented 
April 10 at 7 p.m., and the graduate finals will be presented April 11 at 7 p.m. 
There will be three competitors in each of four divisions: string, piano, voice 
and instrumental. 

Admission is free. For additional information call 405-1 150. 

tions. are required. For lecturing 
awards, university or college teaching 
experience is expected. Foreign lan- 
guage skills are needed in some coun- 
tries, but most lecturing assignments 
are in English. 

Deadline: Aug. 1, for lecturing and 
research grants. For further informa- 
tion, contact James Harshman, 
Fulbright campus representative, at 
405-0456 or e-mail jh26l@umail. Online information and 
application materials can also be 
viewed at <> . 

Cellular Telephone Vendor Fair 

The Department of Communication 
8c Business Services has arranged for 
cellular telephone vendors to be avail- 
able to demonstrate equipment, 
answer questions and sign up faculty, 
staff and students with special rates 
available to the university community, 
from 1 1 a.m. to 3 p.m., Tuesday, April 
20 and Tuesday, May 18, in the 
Patuxent Building, Room 0106. 

For more information, contact Tom 
Heacock on 405-4409 or 

the Uniquenesses?" from 3:30-5 p.m., 
Tuesday.April 6 in Room 1 102 
Taliaferro Hall. Rosen is founder and 
president of Healthy Companies, a not- 
for-profit organization promoting a 
new vision of organizational health as 
the key to America's economic and 
social success. 

Rosen has authored more than 20 
articles in the field of human and orga- 
nizational development, and has 
appeared in such publications as The 
Neiv York Times, The Washington 
Post, U.S. News & World Report, and 
USA Today. His last book, "Leading 
People: Transforming Business from 
the Inside Out" (Viking-Penguin, 
1996), topped The Wall Street 
Journal's list of recommended reading 
as an "antidote for managers condi- 
tioned to neglect the 'soft side' of busi- 
ness." Rosen's clients have included 
AT&T, Citibank, GTE Corporation, The 
Kennedy Center, Motorola and the 
National Institute on Drug Abuse. 

This program is sponsored by the 
Center for the Advanced Study of 
Leadership, a program of the James 
MacGregor Burns Academy of 
Leadership. Drinks and cookies are 

provided. Contact Scott Webster at 
405-7920 or swebster@academy.umd. 
edu for more information. 

Free Faxed Articles 

The University Libraries are pleased 
to announce an expansion of their 
free faxed article delivery service. 
Faculty are eligible to order fax deliv- 
ery of articles through the UnCover 
database. The Libraries will pay for 
available articles which are not held 
by the University Libraries and wliich 
cost less than $35 (previously the limit 
was $20). 

Contact Terry Sayler at ts6@umail. with questions and com- 
ments. Further information about the 
service is available at <www.lib.umd. 
ed u/UMCP/CLMD/annou nce-s umo . 

Computer Training 

The Office of Information 
Technology is sponsoring two faculty 
and staff computer training programs, 
Intermediate Windows 98 and 
Advanced MS Excel (Office 97). The 
workshops are offered as foUows: 
Win98, Tuesday, March 30 in the 
Patapsco Staff Development Lib; and 
Advanced Excel, Wednesday, March 31 
Room 4404 of the Computer and 
Space Sciences Building. 

There is a fee of $1 10 for training 
and course materials for each course. 
Seating is limited and web-based pre- 
registration required at <www. inform, 
umd . ed u/Sho rtCourses> . Questions 
about course content can be directed 
to; ques- 
tions about registration can be direct- 
ed to the alTs Library at 4054261. 

Changes and Challenges 

Janis McFarland presents an interac- 
tive session, "Meeting the Changes and 
Challenges of the Life Sciences 
Industry," Thursday, April 8 at 4 p.m., 
in Room 1325 of the Chemistry 

RSVP by March 25 to pp59@umail. Sponsors include the depart- 
ments of chemistry and biochemistry 
and the Chemical Society of Washing- 
ton. For more information contact 
Pamela Vauglian at the above e-mail 

Competitive Research Award 

Applications are requested for the 
competitive award, Minority Health 
Research Laboratory Competitive 
Research Award, for graduate students 
attending the University of Maryland 
at College Park, who are planning to 
conduct thesis or dissertation research 
designed to improve the health status 
of racial/ethnic minorities in the 
United States. Deadline for application 
and materials is April 30. 

The award is sponsored by The 
Minority Health Research Laboratory, 
department of health education. For 
more information, contact the MHRL 
Web Site at < 
or contact Aria Crump at or 405-2468.