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Inauguration Issue 



The UNiVEitsiTY of Maryland Faculty and Staff "Weekly New^spaper 

Volume 13 • Number 26 • April 20, 1999 


Inauguration Schedule 
of Events 

The University of Maryland, College Park, celebrates 
the inauguration of Dan Mote as its 27th president with 
thiee days of activities that tiighlight tlie unique quality 
of education at the state's flagship research university. 
The public is invited to meet President Mote and learn 
about his plans to build on this strength to benefit the 
state and region. 

Wednesday, April 21 

10 a.m. - 3 p.m. "Research Performance and Practice: 
Showcasing Excellence in Undergraduate Scholarship" 
— more than 100 presentations of original works pro- 
duced by undergraduate students. Stamp Student 

Noon - 1 p.m. Ice Cream Social— femous University of 
Maryland ice cream free to all. Nyumbuni 

Thursday, April 22 

9 a.m. - 6 p.m.Graduate Research Interaction Day — 
graduate students present a broad array of cutting-edge 
research and a fine arts showcase. Stamp Student 

Friday, April 23 

9:30 - 11:50 a.m. "Research Universities at the Dawn 
of the 21st Century"— a higlier education forum witli 
the presidents of Johns Hopkins University; University 
of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; University' of 
Pennsylvania and University of Maryland. lyser 
Auditorium, Van Munching Hall. 

2-3:30 p.m. Inauguration Ceremony — formal investi- 
ture. Memorial Chapel. 

3:30-5 p.m. Campus-wide Rccepdon. Grand Ballroom, 
Stamp Student Union. 

University Celebrates Inauguration of 
President Dan Mote With Open Doors 

All members of the 
University of Maryland family 
are invited to celebrate the 
inauguration of CD. Mote Jr as 
its 27th president April 21-23. A 
series of activities spanning all 
three days will bring together 
diverse elements of campus 
life and showcase the academ- 
ic character and public com- 
mitment of the state's flagship 
research university as it enters 

a bold new era of leadership. 

During the formal inaugura- 
tion ceremony, set for 2 p.m. 
Friday, April 23 in Memorial 
Chapel, 1 50 faculty and staff, 
representing a cross-section of 
campus life and dressed in full . 
academic regalia, will partici- 
pate in the opening proces- 
sion. Joining them will be dele- 
gates representing some 50 
colleges and universities from 

across the country. 

Members of the platform 
party include Maryland's deans 
and vice presidents; Gov. Rirris 
Glcndening; Chancellor Donald 
Langenberg; representatives 
from the Board of Regents, 
Board of Visitors, College Park 
Senate, Student Goverrmient 
Association and the Alumni 
Association; two fellow univer- 
Continued on page 3 

Universities at the Dawn of the 21st Century 

Higher Education Research Forum Draws Leaders 

Dan Mote 

Drawing from his 
personal commitment 
to teaching and 
research, President 
Mote has begun to 
expand the public dia- 
logue on new ways to 
tap into the resources 
of research universi- 
ties for the benefit of 
the regions where 
they are located. 

As part of the inau- 
guration activities, he 
has invited the presi- 
dents of tliree promi- 
nent universities to join 
him in a public discussion on "The Role of 
Research Universities at the Dawn of the 21st 


Tliis forum, set 
for 9:30 a.m. on 
Friday.April 23, fea- 
tures William Brody, 
Johns Hopkins 
University; Michael 
Hooker, University of 
North Carolina, 
Chapel Hill; and 
Judith Rodin, 
University of 
Pennsylvania, in addi- 
tion to President 
Mote. Donald 
Langenberg, cliancel- 
lor of the University 

William Brody 

Judith Rodin 

System of Maryland, 
will serve as modera- 
tor The forimi will be 
held in the Tyser 
Auditorium of Van 
Munching HaL, 

Faced with new 
demands from the 
business commimity, 
elected officials, par- 
ents and others, 
research imiversities 
today are examining 
themselves and the 
traditional roles they 
have played in the 

past. Challenges of shrinking resources, increas- 
ing competition, fragmented science polic7, 
changing demographics and misperceptions 
about the relationship between teaching and 
research threaten in 
many ways their very 

The forum pro- 
vides an opportunity 
for public dialogue on 
the ways major 
research universities 
arc meeting these 
challenges and the 
outlook for the future 
of higtier education in 

For complimentary 
tickets, call 405-6813. 

Michael Hooker 

1856 1859 

March 6— Maryland Agricultural CoUege chartered October 6— Opening day and formal dedication of the college; Joseph Henry, head of the 

Snudisonian Institution b speaker; 34 students enrolled, 


1858 July 11 — 'First degrees awarded 

Site selected, 420 acres of Charles Benedict Calvert's Riverdale plantation; purchase price is 121,400 


f 'f I 
• ■ I 

I ■ 'i 'l 1 * ■ 
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2 Outlook • Inauguration Issue April 20. 1999 

The Path to the Presidency 

A "Fireside Chat" with Dan Mote 

When Clayton EJanielEJan" 
Mote Jr., is inaugurated as the 
University of Maryland's 27th 
president April 23, the occasion 
will mark yet another exciting 
stage in this life he views as an 
adventure. It's an attitude, an 
approach that has served him 
well as his career path has 
taken its share of unexpected 

From the slightly inept 
motorcycle mechanic who 
would become chair of 
mechanical engineering at UC 
Berkeley, to the "leam-on-the- 
job' billion-dollar fund-raiser 
who would become president, 
Dan Mote is a man guided as 
much by confidence as a "why 
not" attitude. 

Bom in San Francisco and 
raised in the Berkeley area, Mote 
is from a family of achievers. His 
maternal grand&ther was a 
physician, as was his lather "My 
fether was a very distinguished 
£iculty member at UC San 
Francisco," Mote says, "subse- 
quently becoming distinguished 
alumnus of the year at UCSF, and 
head of the state board of med- 
ical examiners in the state of 
California for 16 years." 

Whatever amount of awe 
such achievements inspired in 
young Mote, they also left him 
reluctant to walk in his Other's 
shadow. "Though I mi^t have 
been attracted to medicine, 
that W3S a discouraging ele- 
ment to me, I was a very inde- 
pendent person " Mote toyed 
with the possibility of becom- 
ing a veterinarian, but the bot- 
tom line was: "like many nor- 
mal yoimg people, 1 had no 
idea what 1 would do." 

Then, there he was, one day 
working on his motorcycle, a 
set of wheels that exasperated 
him as much as delighted him. 
"I hated working on this motor- 
cycle because I never had the 
right tools or the right parts," 
says Mote, "And every time I 
worked on it, it went back- 
ward. 1 broke more things than 
I fixed." 

On this particular day, a gen- 
deman came afong and struck 
up a conversation in the midst 
of the repairs. "I didn't know 
who he was, but he was nice 
and we chatted away." An hour 
later, Mote discovered the 
stranger was an engineer and a 
friend of his father's. Noting 
Mote's outstanding SAT scores 

and exceptional grades in 
physics and math, the gentle- 
man told Mote he had natural 
talents for engineering. "Well, 
okay, if you say so," he thought. 

He enroUed in Berkeley 
("because everyone I'd known 
had gone there") and on the 
basis of that conversation, 
chose mechanical engineering 
as his major. 

Even as a sophomore. Mote 
began contemplating what he 
would do with his life, yet he 
realized there was almost no 
subject in which he was not 
interested. An independent, free 
spirit, Mote says he was "sort of 
a wild kid. 1 had five wrecks on 
my motorcycle and broke 16 
pairs of skis before 1 graduated 
from college. I was always 
doing things that pushed the 
level of good sense." 

Almost immediately he 
switched his line of thinking 
away from what he would like 
to do tow^ard what sort of 
lifestyle he wanted to have. "I 
came to the conclusion that 1 
should be a professor. 1 didn't 
want to Tvork for anyone, and 
being a professor affords you 
more freedom than owning 
your own company," he saj^. 
After earning his imder- 
graduate degree from Berkeley, 
he continued on there to earn 
his master's degree and Ph.D. in 
mechanical engineering. 
CKuing his last year of graduate 
school he married Patsy Mote. 

As a postdoctoral student. 
Mote traveled to Finland with 
Patsy, spending one year in the 
Midlands living in the stable 
boy's loft on a 600-acre country 
estate, while woikii^ at the 
University of Birmingham. In 
1964, they returned to the states, 
where Mote joined the faculty at 
Cimegie Tedi (now Cam^e 
Mellon University) as assistant 
professor. Three years later, 
Berkeley came callii^, inviting 
him back to join the mechanical 
engineering department. 

Supporting and mentoring 
students is a role Mote 
embraces, having advised more 
than 50 Ph.D. students over the 
years. In fact, six of his Ph.D. 
students from Berkeley contin- 
ue to work with him, living in 
the basement of the president's 
residence when in Maryland, 
and working in Mote's lab here 
on campus. 

"People in leadersliip posi- 

tions at universities, their job is 
greatly enhanced if they have 
academic qualifications," says 
Mote. "The person you'd want 
leading this institution is the 
kind of person who wants to 
retain a strong academic inter- 
est. You can't feign this sort of 
thing. It has to be part of your 
culture, your nature," he says, 
"Keeping your hand in the aca- 
demic side is good for the 

Mote contends he followed 
a "pretty normal" academic 
career. His research into the 
biomechanics of skiing spans 
three decades, and he is inter- 
nationally recognized for his 
research on gyroscopic sys- 
tems, including high-speed 
translating and rotating systems 
such as saws, computer memo- 
ry disks and tapes. This 
research earned him numerous 
patents in the United States, 
Norway, Finland and Sweden. 

In addition to his work with 
the Ph.D. students, he was 
chairman of Berkeley's mechan- 
ical engineering department for 
five years, begitming in 1987. 

Motes shift from the stan- 
dard academic path came in 
1990 when the newly named 
chancellor of Berkeley began 
searching for a new vice presi- 
dent for university reladons. 
Mote was approached in June 
of 1991 to submit a resume for 
the position. "1 hadn't even 
thought about it," he says."I 
didn't even know where the 
development office was locat- 
ed." But the conmiittec and the 
chancellor pursued Mote. And 
when offered the job. Mote 
says, he took it only on the con- 
dition that he be allowed to 
raise a billion dollars. 

One of the greatest tilings 
Mote learned from his time as a 
development leader was the 
importance of building closer, 
more personal relationships 
with alumni, donors and friends, 
something he feels the 
University of Maryland must do. 
"Your success in a campal^ is 
based on building these relation- 
ships in the long term," he says. 

While not completely cir- 
cuitous, Mote's path to the pres- 
idency is not traditional. 
Historically, "the normal route 
has been faculty member, 
department chair, dean, provost, 
president. But in many ways, 
that route doesn't prepare you 

University of Maryland President Clayton Daniel "Dan" Mote Jr. 

properly for the job," says Mote. 

"A faculty member who has 
been on campus a long time is 
distinguished and has been very 
involved with the campus," he 
says,"but there's almost no 
trainii^ for working with the 
government, alumni and 

It was his ov^m outside-the- 
campus experience that led 
Mote to believe his work as vice 
chancellor of university relations 
was almost ideally preparing 
him for a president's job, with 
today's new emphasis on work 
beyond the academic haUs and 
administrative buildings. His aca- 
demic side was strong, he says, 
but he also had "this outside 
experience, so 1 thought 1 could 
do a president's job." 

Apparently, so did the 
University of Maryland. When 
Susan Schvrab, dean of the 
School of Public Affairs and 
chair of the presidential search 
committee, called Mote last 
spring, he considered liis meet- 
ing with the search committee 
at the DuUes Marriott more of a 
consulting arrangement. But one 
week after his first meeting with 
the committee, he found himself 
engaged in an hour-long conver- 
sation that resulted in an offer. 

Mote accepted the job with- 
out ever setting foot on cam- 
pus, knowing only what he'd 
heard about the University of 

Maryland or read on its web 
pages. "In California," says Mote, 
'Maryland is the University of 
Maryland. It and its academic 
progress are well known. AH the 
material showed great commit- 
ment to academic standards, so 
all these things were extremely 
positive signals. 

"My wife and I discussed the 
offer for about 45 seconds and 
decided let's go for it.' "A press 
conference two days later 
marked Mote's first visit to 
College Park. 

Their adjustment to East 
Coast living, he says, has not 
been difficult. But he admits 
missing his two children and 
four grandkids, all of whom 
remain in California. He also 
longs for die chance to enjoy 
more of his favorite pastimes, 
including sailing and skiing. 
Having more time to read would 
be welcome, or spending more 
time with his students in the 
lab — something this academic- 
at-heart considers recreation. 

Mote says the presidency is 
both a great job and a great 
opportunity. "It's such a fine 
place and it fits so wcL with my 
love of adventure. My wife and I 
always do things in an adventur- 
ous way. This is going to be 
great for us. It's going to be a 
success and this place is gomg 
to do very well." 



PmidcDt Lincoln si^is die Morrill Land Grant Ace providing federal support for 
state colleges to teach agriculture, mechanical artt and military cacdcs. 


Maryland legislature votes to accept Morrill grant. 



College goes bankrupt; becomes a preparatory school. 

April l*! — Gen. Ambrose E. Burnside and 6,000 men of the Union's Ninth Army Corps, 
ea route to joining Gen. Ulysses S. Grant in Virginia, camp on the college grounds. 


October — College reopeiis with eleven students 


Enrollment steady at about 100 

students; debts paid oS, 

April 20, 1999 Outlook • Inausuraflon IssiM 3 


Undergraduates Dive into Research 

Conference Showcases Top-Notch Projects 

Inauguration activities kick 
off April 21 with a day-long 
celebration of research con- 
ceived of and developed by 
undergraduate students. 
"Research, Performance and 
Practice: Showcasing 
ExceUence in Undergraduate 
Scholarship," features more 
than 100 presentations, poster 
displays, readings, dance and 
musical performances span- 
ning the sciences, the arts and 
humanities. Ail activities will 
take place in Stamp Student 
Union from 10 a,m,-5 p.m. 

As an institution committed 
to research, the University of 
Maryland encourages and sup- 
ports excellence in research, 
performance and practice at 
the undergraduate level. This 
conference, co-sponsored by 
the 1998-99 Lilly/CTE Teaching 

Fellows and the Office of the 
Dean of Undergraduate 
Studies, offers undergraduate 
students the opportunity to 
share their scholarly experi- 
ences and flndings. 

"The ideas developed by 
these young students repre- 
sent the future for our world," 
says Robert Hampton, dean of 
undergraduate studies. "Their 
undergraduate experience at 
Maryland intertwines teaching 
and research in a way that 
opens the door for all students 
to see their role in creating the 
world of tomorrow." 

Research must have been 
conducted as part of a campus 
course, internship or program. 
Each project was supported by 
a faculty member/mentor 

Projects range from "Gender 
Discrimination on Sesame 

Street," and "New Compounds 
from Toxic Fungi" to "Revising 
Deco - A Hotel Interior; 
Manhattan, 1920s" and "The 
Interpretation of Masculinity 
According to Frederick 

The potential of diese stu- 
dents' woik is profoundly 
demonstrated by a 1989 
Maryland graduate who has 
built on his experiences as an 
undergraduate engineering stu- 
dent to launch three companies 
specializing in the desi^ and 
matkedng of innovative con- 
sumer pniducts that solve prob- 
lems and proi^de entertainment. 
Brian LeGette.a partner in The 
Goi^onz Group, Inc., Gray 
Matter Holdings and Big Bang 
Products, will share his experi- 
ence as the keynote speaker at 
the opening program. 

Mentoring Focus of Graduate Researcli Day 

Graduate students will have 
their day, Thursday, April 22, to 
showcase more than 50 cut- 
ting-edge research projects. 
Graduate Research Interaction 
Day (GRID), also in Stamp 
Student Union, offers an oppor- 
tunity for budding scholars to 
share the results of their work 
with the larger community. 

This year, the Graduate 
Student (iovernment singles 
out the pivotal role that dedi- 
cated and focused mentorship 
plays in the training of out- 
standing scholars by honoring 
strong faculty members. The 
following five faculty members 

have been named Outstanding 
Mentors 1998-99: 

Millard Alexander, professor, 
chemistry and biochemistry; 
James Gimpel, associate profies- 
sor, government and politics; 
Gregory Hancock, associate 
professor, measurement and 
stadstics; Phylis Mo.ser-VeiUon, 
professor, nutrition and food 
science; and Mark TVirner, pro- 
fessor, English 

One of these individuals will 
be chosen as Faculty Mentor of 
the Year at the GRID luncheon 
with President Mote at 1 p.m. 
in the Colony Ballroom of 
Stamp Student Union. 

Graduate students from all 
disciplines will present their 
research in oral presentation 
panels or poster presentation 
sessions at the ninth aruiual 
conference. GRID is an excel- 
lent time for students to pre- 
pare for a thesis or dissertation 
defense. It also provides prepa- 
ration for presentations at pro- 
fessional meetings and confer- 
ences, says Kenyatta Dorey 
Graves, GRID director 

A fine arts showc-ase at the 
end of the day provides a venue 
for the original woiks of the imi- 
versity's promising yoimg artists. 

University Celebrates Inauguration 

continued from page I 

sity presidents, and Rita 
Col well, director of the 
National Science Foimdation 
and former professor of micro- 

Provost Gregory Gcoffroy 
will oversee the ceremonies, 
wliile Chairman of the Board 
of Regents, Lance Billingsley, 
will install the president. Dr 
Mote will then share his vision 
for the future of the university 
and its efforts to become one 
of the nation's top public 
research universities. 

Maryland's Chamber 
Ei^emble will provide pre- 

lude, processional and reces- 
sional music. Handel's 
"Coronation Anthem," sung by 
the University Chorus, wiU 
waft down from above, as 
members perform in the 
Chapel balcony 

Following the presidential 
installation, all members are of 
the university community are 
invited to a reception in the 
Grand Ballroom of Stamp 
Student Union. Approximate 
starting time is 3:30 p.m. 

As his fkst official act after 
being inaugurated, President 
Mote will open the doors of 
the university to the communi- 
ty on April 24 for Maryland 

Day 1999, featuring more than 
200 opportunities across the 
campus for citizens to get to 
know their university. Mote 
notes that as part of its land 
grant mission, the University of 
Maryland touches people's 
lives in many ways and also 
reaches beyond the campus to 
serve as a catalyst for econom- 
ic and cultural development 
across the state and region. 
Maryland Day is slated to 
become an annual event. For 
more information, see pages 4- 
6 in this issue, and 

A Change in the Chapel Chimes 

On Wednesday, April 2 1 , a campus institution will 
evolve before your very ears. At noon, the Memorial 
Chapel carillon will, for the first time ever, chime the 
Universiry of Maryland alma mater"Hail! Alma Mater" 
before tolling the noon hour. "Hail! Alma Mater" will 
become an hourly campus standard, in rotation with 
"Maryland, My Maryland." 

For more than 40 years, the carillon has chimed the 
state song to the durable tune of "Oh! Tannenbaum." 

The carillon was refiirbished as a result of a gift of the 
Senior Class of 1992. The new system includes both elec- 
tronic and manual methods of operating the carillon 

Since last Ml, sophomore history and communication 
major MarkTosso, working under the auspices of 
President Mote's Student Advisory Council, and Patrick 
Perfetto, director of conference and visitor services, have 
studied the idiosyncrasies of the carillon system. In that 
time, they have discovered die range of musical opportu- 
nities available. 

During Maryland Day 1 999, "Explore Our World," the 
carillon will play a series of popular and classical selec- 
dons on the hour, providing a melodic backgroimd for 
the day's festivities. 

Listen to the premiere Wednesday at noon, be a part 
of Maryland history, and don't be surprised if you find 
yourself humming along. 


Trustees offer college farm and Rossboiough House for use as 
experiment station. 

The college's first recorded inteicoliegiate games; baseball against St. John's College and the 
Naval Academy. (However, students had been playing baseball since the time of the Civil War.) 

jm. «, 1897 

First fiaternily established on campus, Phi S^ma Kappa, chapter Eta. 

Second Morrill Act provides direct federal funding 
for technical education "without distinction of 
race or color." 

MortiU Hall, oldest academic building stiQ in use, built for about $24,000 

4 Outlook • InauEuratton luu« April 20, 1999 

TbeJoUouHng Is Just a samplittg of 
the more than 200 efettts taking 
place during Maryland Dtiy 1999. 
A complete listing of "Explore Our 
Wbfid' events, their times and loca- 
tions is available on tbe web at 
<wurw. maryla nd. edu>. 

especiativ for families 

9 a.m.-S p.m. 

Family Ftio CamivaJ 

Visit our family carnival! Giant inflai- 

able (ibstade courses and moon 

bounces complement the traditional 

ring tosses and balloon games to 

create fun for the whole family. 

9 ji.fiid-S p^fn* 
Fun it the Foonlain 

Join Omicron Delta Kap]^ at their 
fountain on McKeldin Mall to enpoy 
games and contests for young chil- 

9 aiin^'-S p»ifi> 
Kids Fingcfprin&is 
University of Maryland police offi- 
cers proWdc free fingerprinting and 
photographs of kids (ages 2-13). 
Call -405-3555 for an appointment, 


Insect Petting Zoo 

Vet a variety of Insects provided by 

our entomolc^sts. 

10 p.m. 

Physics is Phun 
Experience entenaining and educa- 
tional ^Make and Take " demonstra- 
tions and hand»on experiments for 
kids of all s^es. 

10 a.m.-4 p.m. 
Spring Shenanigans 

Alumna Jill Kyle-Keith and Beale 
Street Puppets present a wiriety 
show for guests of all ages. 

10:30 a.m., 12;30 p.m. and 
2:30 p.m. 

Building Robots for Kids' ' 
Kids and adults worit together to 

invent new robots. 

11 a.m.-12 p.m. 

Stories Old and New 
Professional storytellers entertain 
children (ages 2-12) and adults. 

crsptit ittlly (iti rtlitititti 

9 •■nil*] p<ini 
PsTty on th« Plua 

Join your Alumni A.ssociaiion for 
information, games, prizes, live enter- 
tainment, free food and refreshments. 

liSO-B |i.m. 

TMtudo> Ttot* of Mwytwid 

Finish your day b)' joining your 
Alumni Association for a reception 
with cocktails and traditional 
Maryland fare in the gardens of the 
historic Rossborough Inn. 

f ^-.IK.'fjiiilly ffjr iifj^wly 
;i(lniiltti(l ;tr\<l |>ro<i|ioctrv/i: 

9-10:30 a-m. 

Nawty AdmKtMl Studmt 


Newly admitted students and their 
parents arc invited to join staff from 
Admissions, Financial Aid. 
Orientation, and Resident Life for 
information about enrolling. 

9 a.m.-4 p.m. 
Campus Walking Tourt 

Visitors explore campus during a 
leisurely one-hour walk led by a stu- 
dent tour guide. 

•.m.'4 p.m. 

Oradiurto Study at Marytandi 

Inflntto PmsIMIHIm 

See our specially' designed CD-ROM 
presentation about the numerous 
benefits of graduate ^udy, 

9 dm.^ Piitt. 
Sorvico* for Protpoctivo 

Ask questions about Admissions. 
Financial Aid, Resident Life, 
International Education Services,Air 
Force ROTC, Counseling Center 
Learning Assistance Center, and 
Disabled Student Services. 

9[30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. 
Roaldanco Hall Tour* 

An inside look at living on campiis 
and tours of our traditional-style 
buildings led by staff 

■.m.-i2 p.m. BIDnpial 
CampiM Tour 

Join us for a Spanish/English tour 
designed for Latino parents and 
prospective students. 

health & safety 

9 mjn,S p.n». 

CMd Safrty Seat Checks 

University of Maryland Police, 
Maryland Fire and Rescue Institute, 
and the Prince Georges County Fire 
l>epartment inspect and properly 
install your child safet)' seat. Call 
30M05-3555 fur an appointment. 

10:30 a.m.-3 p.m. 
HeaHfi Cefrter Open House 

Blood pressure screening, health 
infonnation, healthy refreshments, 
and health promotion games. 

2-2:30 p.m. 

<YMid Safety aiM) You" 

A discussion of important issues of 
food safety and what you can do to 
keep your family safe, by Dr David 
Lincback. Director of the J<nnt 
Institute for Focul Safety and Applied 
Nutrition (JTFSANl. 

musfc & dance 

Enjoy ctiltural shows. Greek Week 
talent entries, steel drum bands, jazz, 
African dance, gospel, rock and roll, 
blues, and Indian dance. 

9 a.iN.^ p.m. 
McKoHfai Music 

Performances on our main stage 
include the University of Maryland 
Symphony Orchestra, Symphonic 
Wind Ensemble, Maryland Pep Band, 
swing dancing and an African 
Drumming Ensemble. 


t T«wea 

Visit 'Htwes Plaza to see Mary'land 

Opera Studio, brass, wind and string 
ensembles, theatrical performances, 
Japanese and Spanish music and 


1-5 p.m. 
Focus on 

NjTimburu Stage will host student 
artists Including dancers and musi- 
cians who represent the diverse 
communities of the university. 

8:30-10:30 a.m. 

Power Breakfast on Economic 


A panel of state and local leaders 
discuss economic development 
based on regional cooperation and 
environmental sensitivity. 

9 a.m. -5 p.m. 
Reflections of the Spirit: 
Continuity and Change In 
African-American Spiritual 

Explore how Annapolis' African- 
American residents were able to 
preserve their cultural beliefs in the 
&ce of slavery and racial prejudice. 

10-10:45 a.m. 
"Saving the Golden Uon 

A lecture by James Dietz, Professor 

of Biology 

10-11 a.m. 

"Accelerating Learning for 
Children With Disabllilles" 

Hear about research on accelerating 
learning in writing using curricular 
and instructional interventions. 

10-11:30 a.m. 

ICONS Virtual Diplomacy 

Become a virtual diplomat. 
Participate in an ICONS Onter- 
natjonal Communications and 
Negotiation Simulations) Workshop 
and practice your international 
negotiation skiUs. 

10 a.m. -2 p.m. 

Our Changing Planet: Global 
Vogotation Studies from 

A demonstration of global mapping 
of vegetation cover, tropical defor- 
estation and wetland loss in the 

10 a.m. -4 p.m. 

Space Systems Lab Tour amJ 


Tcsi space suits and remotely con- 
trolled robiits in a simulated weight- 
less environment. 

SO i.m.-4 p.m. 
Undargradual* Art Exhlbttion 

Ail exhibition of undergraduate art 
work in painting, sculpture, print- 
making, and drawing. 

10 s.m«*5 p.m. 

Computer Graphic 

Students demonstrate original com- 
puter graphic works and ^aphics 

10:30 8.m.-12:30 p.m. 
Poetry & Prose from Latin 

Leading writers Sci^io Ramirez and 
J.E, Pacheco read from their works in 

11 a.m.f 1 p.m.T 2 p.m.^ 3 

Wind Tunnel Tours and 

Witness an aerodynamic experiment 
in a large wind tunnel. 

11 a.m., 1:30 p.m., 2:30 


Fire Safety lor Spacecraft: 

How Does Fire Burn in Space? 

See videos and experiments depict- 
ing fire safety in NASA's Space 

11-11:30 a.m. 
Nutrition for Pregnancy- 
Before, During and After 

Moser-Veillon imlocks the secrets 
for a health baby and mom, 

"Biology of Love: What 
Animals Have to Teach Us 
About Human Behavior" 

A iecture by Sue (^arter-Por^s, 
Professor of Bioli)g>'. 

tli30 a.m.-12 noon 
"Feeding Your Child 

l.ecttire on nutrition for the growing 
child by C yn thi a Tu I il e , r>e partment 
of Nutrition and Food Science. 

11:30 a.m.-t2 mxMi 

1-1:30 p.m. 

A highly ititenctive workshop on 
leadership presented by Hank Sims, 
Profcssfjr of Organ izatitmal Behavior 

11:30 a.m., 1:30 p.m., 2:30 


Tour of the Center for 

Superconductivity Research 

Tour and demonstmtion of the 
Superconductivity Quantum 
Interference Device (SQUID) and 
magtietic levitation. 

12-4 p.m. 

Pinball Redemption Machine 

Demonstration of a pinball machine 
tlesigned by engineering and com- 
puter science .students. 

12-4 p.m. 

Intelligent Senramechanisms: 

Wheeled Robot 

Dennjnstration of concepts of 
motion control using an 
autonomous wheeled robot. 

12-4 p.m. 

Engineering Student Projects 

Engineering students present their 
projects inchiding the concrete 
toboggan, steel bridge, and 

1-1:30 p.m. 
"UnderstancNng Your 

A lecture by Leigh Leslie, 
Department of Family Studies. 

1-2:30 p.m. 
"Makhig Shakespeare 
AvaOable: What We See, What 
We Hev. What We Get" 

A general lecture on the enduring 
relevance of William Shakespeare, 

1:30-2:30 p-m. 

Joumalisfn in a Ctunging WorW 


Participate in a dis< 
panel of local jourr 
on the role of joun 
na lists in a changin 

2 p.m. 

Prospects for M 

Blue sky forever? D 
technology, profess 
and the federal gov 
economic developi 

2-2:30 p.m. 
"Caring for Youi 

A lecture by Bonni 
Department of Fan 

2:30-4 p.m. 
"So You Think 1 
an Architect?" 

Architect and Profc 
Ijcwis will discuss I 
and career opporti 
of architecture. 

3-4 p.m. 
"Statewkie Ass< 
Achievement Di 

Demonstration t)f i 
based state achieve 
in planning school 

sports & re 

Tetps Ft>otiMi 

Seethe 1999Tcrps 
they scrimmage at 

10 a.m,>5 p.m. 
Cwiptis R«HTre« 

Have you seen our 
reereation building 
tours, demimstratir 
ational opportuniti 

10 a.m. -5 p.m. 

Nov. 29, 1912 

The Great Fire destroys every dormitory room, half the classrooms and 
offices and most of the college records; loss appra^ised at $250,000. 


First women students enrolled. 


First woman receives a four-yeat degree. 


State takes over full control of college, changes name to Maryland State College, 
offices and most of the college records. 


CoUege organized into seven schools; Agriculture, Engineering, Arts and Sciences, Chemistry, Education, 
Home Economics, and Graduate School (including Summer School); preparatory school abohshed. 


Sigma Delta is 

April 9, t92( 

Consolidation of L 
Albert F.Woods, in 

^rll 20, 1999 Outlook • Inauguration Issue 5 

April 24, idf 

Participate in a discussion with a 
pane! of local journalists and faculty 
on the role of journ;ilisni and jour- 
nalists in a changing democracy, 

2 p.m. 

Prospects for Maryland 


Blue skj' forever? Discuss the role of 
technoiog)', professional services, 
and the federal government in state 
economic development. 

2-2:30 p.m. 

"Cwing for Your Aging 


A lecture by Ekinnie Braun, 
Department of Family Studies. 

2:30-4 p.m. 

"So You Think You Want To Be 

an ArcMtect?" 

Architect and Professor Roger K. 
Lewis will discuss the educational 
and career opportunities in the field 
of architecture. 

3-4 p.m. 

"StatewMe Assessments off 

AcMevement Data" 

Dcniotistnition of use of the Web- 
based state achievement data for use 
in planning school improvements. 

Rock Ctit^hinsr Wntl 
Try rock climbing at the Campus 
Recreation Center Step right up. We 
will teach you how to climb. 

12 noon 

Mert'i Soccer Alumni Game 

Watch the current Terps take on the 

alumni of the soccer team. 

t p.m. 

Men's Basketball Slam Dunk 


The top-ranked Terps entertain you 
on the Court at Cole Field House 
with basketball and autographs. 

2:30 p.m. 

CHeerlffading Cfiitfr 

Let Testudo, the cheeiieaders and the 

Dance Team show you how to cheer 
on your team to victory! 

Teti><i Football Scrintnias<* 
See the 1 999 Terps FootbaU team as 
ihey scrimmage at Byrd Stadium. 

id a.m. -5 p.m. 

CaiTitMis RtHireation Center 

Have )'oii seen our fabulous new 
recreation building!' Join us for 
tours, demcmstrations. and recre- 
ational o]iportunitie-s! 

10 «.m.-S p.m. 

9 a<in>-5 p<ni< 

Information technology experts leach 
you how to create your own web 
page, solve statistical dilemmas using 
puzzles, demonstrate web-based ser- 
vices, interact with sciences across a 
high speed video Sink, create your 
own weather report, and build instru- 
ments f()r measuring wind and rain. 

9-10 a.m. 

SearcMi« ttw Web: FtnOmg 

Neetles In the World-Wde 


Uam how to search the World Wide 
Web tor common inlbrmation in this 
handSKjn session, 


A WiHHKWUe Perspective on 
the WorM-WMe Web: 

Planet UM 

t m 

^fr^ ^\ 

<IL^ JiM 


^\ 1 


Information technology exp«^s teach you how to create your own webpage, solve statistical 
dilemmas using puzzles, demonstrate web-based services, interact with scientists across a high 
speed video link, create your own weather report, and build instruments for measuring wind 
and rain. 

9 a.m. -4 p.m. 
"Ask a Scientisr 

4400 Computer & Space Sciences 


hiteract with scientists across 

a high speed, high resoiuUon video 


9 a.m. -4 p.m. 

Build- Your-Own Weather 


2nd Floor. Computer 

& Space Sciences Building 

Kids build simple instruments for 

measuring wind and rain. 

9 a.m.-4 p.m. 

"Digital Earth" Interactive 

Workstation Panorama 

2ttd Floor Atrium, Computer & 
Space Sciences Building 
Sampler of research involving visu- 
alization, modeling and high-end 
computational resources. 

9 a.m.-4 p.m. 

Digital PKture Morphing & 

BuiM-Your-Own Web Page 

4404 Computer & Space Sciences 


"Morpir your own digital 

picture and create a personal Web 


9 a.m.^ p.m. 

Do a TV Weattwr Show 

2400 Computer & Space Sciences 

Kids can deliver a weather 
report and get a videotape of them- 

9 a.m.-4 p.m. 

e-LC (Electronic Learning 


1410 Computer & Space Sciences 


Demonstration of technologies 

such as WebCT that arc changing 

the ways students and instructors 


9 a.m. -4 p.m. 
Maryland Air Chemistry 
Monitortng & Pre<Kc:tion 

^rd rtoor Teaching Ulb, 
Computer & Space Sciences 

Demonstration of low 
level ozone forecast 
operations and air 

assessment for 

9 a.m.-4 p.m. 
Probability & 
Forecasting Games 

3rd floor Hallway, 
Computer & Space 
Sciences Building 
Step right up! Beat the 

Play the notorious 
'Monty Hall Problem" 
and other statistical 

10 pjii.. 

atil a.m. and 1 

Web Worfdfor 
Currerrt and 
0121 Main 

Demonstration of web- 
based services avail- 
able to students, par- 
ents, Acuity and staff. 









'1 ■ ■'< 



^ , 

■#" ? 




' yk 

!^' ^_ ' ■ 



Sigma Delta is first sorority to be recognized. 


Graduate School awards first Ph.D. degree; of a total of 
517 students, 20 are women. 

April 9, 1920 1<»25 

Consolidation of University of Maryland links CoUege Park and Baltimore campuses; University granted accreditation by Association of 

Albert F.Woods, incumbent CoUege Park president, becomes president of the new uni- American Universities 



Raymond A. Pearson is president of the university. 


Many residence halls and classroom building;s con- 
structed; enrollment increases from 2,000 in 1935 
to 3,500 in 1940 and 4,897 in 1945. 

6 Otrtlooli • Inauguration Issue April 20, 1999 

Foreign Language Materials on 
the Internet 

Learn how to locate and use non- 
English infbrfflatjon on the web. 

10 p.m. 
Computer Visualization of 
Geometric Structures 

Interactive computer demonstrations 
depict how to use computer graph- 
ics to visualize structures. 

major attractions 

9 a.m.^ p.m. 

Come Aboard the Fl^^ip 

Ever consider wofking at Maryland? 
Explore canrer opportunities at the 
university during an employment 
fair hosted by the Department of 
Personnel Services. 

9 a.m.'S p.m. 
African Marhetplace 

In the tradition of the open-air 
African marketplace, vendors will 
sell art, arti&cts, coQectibles and 
books representing black culture. 

9 a.m. -5 p.m. 

Central Information Tent 

Need a map? A program? Some direc- 
tion? Visit our experts under the tent 
to help you plan your daj'. Find us on 
McReldin Mall. 

9 a.m.-5 p.m. 
Exhibition of Black Art and 

Local artists and collectors of black 
memorabilia wilt display their work. 

9:3&-ll;30 a.m. 

"Good Morning, Commuters!" 

Day dodgers and commtiters past 
and present, drop in for free coffee 
and donuts and a glimpse of com- 
muter life then and now. 

Hourly l»eginning at 10 a.m. 
It's Academic Quiz Game 

Play informal 'It's Academic" games and 
talk with Maryland Honors students. 

10 a.m.-2 p.m. 
Terrapin Trader 

visit the ultimate flea markctl The 
university's surplus furniture will be 
available for sale. 

10 a.m.-2:lS p.m. 

Nationai Archives and Records 

Adm I nistration 

See some of our tiation's most impor- 
tant records including maps and 
arctutectural records, photographs, 
film and paper records. Visit tabs, take 
a tour, learn how to conduct 
research, or view a film screening. 

10 a.m. -5 p.m. 

Interactive Craft Fah- 

Joln us for a pottery workshop and 

other activities led by local artisans. 

Crafts will also be available for sale. 


PMfMenttal Welcome 


President and Mrs. Mote welcome 
our visitors followed by a tentatively 
scheduled Air Force ROTC flyover. 
Presidential Honor Guard demonstra- 
ti<^, and swing dancing expo. 

Ag Day 

Agriculture Day, one of Maryland's proudest traditions, dates back to 1924 when the Livestock Club held the first student<nin 
fitting and showing contest. Sponsored annually by the College of Apiculture and Natural Resources, Ag Day is fun for fami- 
lies and kids of all ages. 

9 a.m. -4 p.m. 

Animal Fitting and Showing 

Animal Sciences Show Ring and 
Animal Sciences Bams 
Dairj' heifer, sheep and swine show- 
ing and iKef steer fitting and show- 

9 a.m.-4 p.m. 

Atttk|ue Tractor Displays 

Animal Sciences 

Vintage tractors will 
be displayed. 

9 a.m.-4 p.m. 
Disc Jockey 

Animal Sciences 


A disc jockey will 

entertain visitors. 

9 a.m. -4 p.m. 
Do You Know 
What Class Your 
Soil Is In? 

Animal Sciences 
The science of nam- 
ing and describing 
soils wdl be 
explained and partici- 
pants can test their 

9 a.m.-4 p.m. 
Growing Fish with 

Animal Sciences 

Tours available of UM atiuacutture 
facilities. Learn the latest innova- 
tions in growing fish. 

9 a.m.'4 p.m. 
Growing Gardens 

Animal Sciences Courtyard 
Master gardeners from the Home & 
Garden Information Center answer 
gardening questions. 

9 a.m. -4 p.m. 

Khis Growing With Grains 

(From Seed to Plant to Food) 

Animal Sciences Courtyard 
Learn how to grow cereals and cre- 
ate artworif from grains. 

9 a.m.'4 p.m. 
Learn About Food and 
Agriculture for Fun and 

Anitnal Sciences Courtyard 
Games such as nutrition question 
and answer, fishing for fruit, and 
penny tn a haystack, 

9 a.m. -4 p.m. 
Maryland Cooperative 
Extension Communications 

Animal Sciences Building 
Distribution of free publicatiotts 
and access to the website. 

9 a.m.'4 p.m. 
Petting Zoo 

Animal Sciences Courtyard 
Tame and cuddly mammals will be 
waiting Ibr kids to entertain them. 

9 •.m.-4 p.m. 

Plant, Food ami T-$hlrt Sales 

Animal Sciences Courtyard 

Student ot^nizations will be sell- 
ing plants, food, and t<shirts, 

9 a.m,-4 p.m. 
Power and Tractors 

Animal Sciences Courty'ard 
Cheer for yotu- favorite tractor as it 
pulls incredible weight. Get 
dynamometer power on the tractors. 

9 a.m.-4 p.m. 
Ruminating About Cows 

Animal Sciences Courtyard 
View the inside of a cow's rumen 
as you team how a cow digests. 

9 a.m. "4 p.m. 

So You Want to be a 


Animal Sciences Courtyard 
Career counseling for animal 

9 a.m. -4 p.m. 

Test Your Golf Skifls on tfie 

Putting Green 

A riiinal Sciences Courtyard 
tGds and the "young at heart" can 
test their miniature golf skills. Find 
out how to become a gotf-course 

9 a.m. -4 p.m. 

Wetlands for Waste Water 


Animal Sciences 
How man-made wet- 
lands are used to clean 
water will be demon- 

9 a.m.-4 p.m. 

Who is TTiat 


My Landscape? 

Animal Sciences 


Extension specialists will 

lead guided tours to examine 

landscape plants: learn how to 

identify and manage common pest 


9 a.m. -4 p.m. 

You Wanna See an Iguana? 

Animal Sciences Courtyard 
ExteiLsive snake and lizard collec- 
tion to see and touch. Learn about 
reptile behavior and care. 

9 a.m.-5 p.m. 

Agriculture and Natural 
Resources AJumni Citapter Ag 

A nimat Sciences Courtyard 

Join Agriculture & Natural 
Resource Alumni Chapter as ihcy 
support the college's Ag Day with 

displays, live animals, Maryland ice 
cream, and games for all ages. 

9:30 a.m. -2:30 p.m. 

fee Cream Production at the 

University of Maryland 

Animal Sciences Courtyard 
Hourly lours of the Dairy Pilot 
Processing Plant where I'M ice 
cream is made will end with an 
ice-cream treat. 

10 a.m. -12 p.m., & 2-4 p.m. 
Groundwater QuaRty and 

Animal Sciences Courtyard 
.See how what you do can affect 
what you drink. 

10 a.m.-12 p.m., 2-4 p.m. 
landscape Your Virtual 

Plant Sciences Building 
Come and try out the state-of- 
the-art graphics computers used 
by landscape architecture stu- 
dents to design landscapes. 

11 a.m. 

Sheep Shearing 

Animal Sciences Courtyard 
How to shear sheep at the 

11-11:30 a.m. 
Nutrition for Pregnancy- 
Before, During and After 

0408 Animal Sciences Building 
Dr Phylis Moser-Veilloji unlocks the 
secrets for a healthy baby and 

11:30 a.m.-t2 p.m. 
Feeding Your ChHd 

0408 Animal Sciences Building 
Dr Cynthia Tut tie will provide 
insight into nutrition for the grow- 
ing child. 

2-3 p.m. 

Teaching Your Dog to Behave 

Animal Sciences Courtyard 
Demonstrations by students on 
how to train your dog and teach 
them tricks. 

*photos courtesy of the 
College of Agriculture and 
Natural Resources 


H.G "Curlcy" Byrd is appointed actiDg university 
president on June 28, 1935; on Feb. 21, 1936, he is 
named president. 


EtuoUment increases (o 9,792 students under G.I 
Bill; three-fourths of the students live off campus. 


First A&ican- American graduate smdent enrolls at 
College Park. 

1 95 ) 

First African-American undergraduate students 
emoD at College Park. 


■WiUon H. Elfciru becomes university 

McKeldin Library completed. 

Sept. 2.^, \^yb 

University Senate officially established; althou^ an 

organizing body had been in place as early as 1923. 

1970- (974 

Ctiarles Edwin Bishop is first chancellor of the 
College Park campus. 

t f 'I « • ' 

* i I t • 

* t i 

* i « 
t • 4 . 

April 20, 1999 OuUook * Inauguration Issue 7 

Behind the Scenes 

What It Takes to Inaugurate 

It's just a week before the 
inauguration of President Dan 
Mote, and Jessica Davies, direc- 
tor of special events, is neck- 
deep in last-minute details, 

"We've mailed out 1,200 
invitations for the inauguration 
and hand-addressed thetii," she 
says. "This," she holds up the 
thick folder in her hand, "is the 
inauguration folderAnd it's 
going to get even thicker." 

By now, almost everyone on 
campus knows that the inau- 
guration-the first in 10 years 
for a president at Maryland-is 
scheduled for Friday.April 23. 

Many know the event will 
be held at the Memorial Chapel 
and there will be several other 
events during the week, includ- 
ing an Undei^raduate Research 
Day, an Ice-Cream Social and a 
Graduate Research Interaction 
Day, among others. 

But few have an idea of the 
actual time, energy and prepa- 
ration that have gone into 
organizing these events, and 
the Maryland Day 1999: 
"Explore Our World" celebra- 
tion on Saturday, April 24, 
when the doors of the univer- 
sity will be opened to the 
broad conmmnity in the first- 
ever university open house. 

Faculty, staff and students 
from across the imiversity have 
been involved in getting the 
campus ready to host these 
events. For inauguration day 
alone, as many as 1 50 volim- 
teers and staff members TviU 
join lunds to ensure everything 
proceeds smoothly and on 
schedule. Others have been 
working since last year on yw.- 
ous aspects of the events, taking 
care of details from designing 
the invitations to maiking out 
paikii^ space for the guests, to 
manicurii^ the grounds. 

Preparations for the inaugu- 
ration began on Sept. 1 last 
year, President Mote's first offi- 
cial day on campus.The inau- 
guration committee, appointed 
over tlie summer, met that day 
to chalk out a plan for the 
actual ccremony.According to 
Davies, a date for the ceremo- 
ny was set at a later meeting, 
in October. 

"The date had to be select- 
ed early so that the many peo- 
ple who really wanted to 
attend could reserve it on their 
calendars," says Cassandra 
Robinson, assistant director of 
University Relations and con- 
sultant to the inauguration 


Provost Greg Geoffrey, chair 
of the inauguration committee, 
led the discussion at the first 
few meetii^ about what 
should be part of the inaugura- 
tion activities, and dien appoint- 
ed subcommittees to take 
responsibility for each event. 

Margaret Hall, director of 
design at University 
Publications, was in charge of 
designing the invitations, pro- 
grams, banners for the open 
house, and flyers for the fiiculty 
and staff. Apart from the eye- 
catching "Explore Our World" 
logo for the open house ban- 
ners, she came up with an ele- 
gant design for the invitations 
to the inauguration ceremony. 

Hall worked with staff pho- 
tographer Jolin Consoli start- 
ing in January to come up 
with four designs for the invi- 
tation. "We had a creative one, 
an elegant one, and so on. Mrs. 
[Patsy] Mote chose the elegant 
one," says Hall, who also 
designed flyers for the faculty 
and axmoimcements in news- 
papers for the open house. 

Meanwhile, Davies and her 
staff along with staff at the 
president's office have been 
handling the nitty-gritties: 
logistics, communicating with 
the guests, drafting the invites, 
preparing guest lists, receiving 
RSVPs for the various events, 
and organizing parking passes 
and tickets for all diose 
expected to attend the inaugu- 
ration ceremony. 

At the School of Music, 
more preparations are on. And 
it won't just be music that will 
play through the various 
events during the inauguration 
and open house events, says L. 
Richmond Sparks, associate 
director of bands and a mem- 
ber of the inauguration com- 
mittee. "There is going to be 
music, theater, dance.. .non- 
stop entertainment, in fact." 

Much of this entertainment 
will happen durii^ Maryland Day 
on Satuiday, but there will be per- 
formances at the otiier events as 
well.lhe school's Pep Band, . 
Maryland Chorus, Chamber 
Winds, the Symphonic TOnd 
Ensemble, the Maryland 
Orchestra and the Univefsity 
Band are all slated to perform. 
According to Sparks, there wiU 
also be a swing dance on Friday 
n^t after the inauguration cere- 
mony, wiiere hundreds of stu- 
dents are expected to participate. 

The committee brain- 
stormed a great deal before 
coming up with the specific 
events that would make up 
inauguration week. Jonathan 
Busch, former undergraduate 
student government president, 
acted as a sounding board for 
committee members in decid- 
ing what kind of programs 
would appeal to students. 

"I \ras involved in discussions 
on what events would be hosted 
as part of inauguration celebra- 
tions," says Busch. "For instance, I 
suggested die ice-cream social as 
I knew undeigraduates loved it 
when we had one last year to 
welcome Dr. Mote." 

An attempt is also being 
made to grab the interest of 
those outside the university 
during inauguration week. 
Cassandra Robinson says: 
"We've been working to make 
sure word gets out to con- 
sUtuents beyond the campus. 
There already has been an arti- 
cle in the Washington Post 
and we're working to get 
reporters from the Baltimore 
Sun and the Washington 
Times to cover the events." 

Many of those participating 
in organizing the events say 
they've found it a rewarding 
experience, "We do events of 
this kind all the time, but an 
inauguration is a very unique 
and special occasion," Davies 
says. What has also been excit- 
ing, she says, is the reactions 
they have received ft^m the 
rest of the campus, in response 
to the inauguration prepara- 
tions. "It's been heartwarming," 

Others on the committee 
believe she deserves a large 
portion of the credit for the 
inauguration preparations. 
"Jessica Davies has been simply 
wonderful," says James Osteen, 
director of campus and imion 
programs. He is in charge of 
the subcommittee that orga- 
nized the reception for Friday 
afternoon. "We were very fortu- 
nate to have someone like 
Jessica to aid us " He also cred- 
its those in the president's 
office, like Marie Davidson, 
vrith doing a great job. 

For most, the experience 
has been rewarding in that it 
gave them a chance to interact 
with different groups on cam- 
pus.As Sparks sums it up:"It 
has been very exciting to see 
so many people on campus 
come together." 


Inaugurations of the Past \ 

While the traditions have remained the same, inauguration ; 
trends and themes continue to evolve with the changing times. Iil5 
anticipation of President Dan Mote's inauguration on April 23, ) 
Outlook (with the help of University Archivist Anne IXirkos) j 

decided to take a look back at a few of the Inaugiuations of yes- \ 
teryear, | 

Wilson Homer "Bull" Elkins } 

Elkins, the university president known for his smooth Texas 
accent, was inaugurated in the Armory on Jan. 20, 1955. A week i 
before the event, a Jan, 14 Diamondback headline proclaimed :i 
"2500 To See Elkins Inaugurated Tliursday-McKeldin, Cole to 
Speak." Even a week before the event, responses to the inaugura- 
tion invitation continued to stream into Elkins office in the j 
Administration Building. To prepare for the large nimiber of 
guests, an economics professor drew up a special seating plan- 
200 chairs for "distinguished guests," 300 chairs for guests from \ 
other colleges and universities, 400 chairs for faculty and 400 for \ 
students. In the plan, special seating areas were set up for "faculty 
wives" and representatives from embassies. \ 

A pre-inaugural limcheon was held in the University Dining » 
Hall which was decorated with U.S. and Maryland flags for the 
occasion. At 2 p.m. the ceremony commenced with a variety of 
speakers, vrith Elkins giving a 20-minute address. The entire cere- 
mony was recorded by Baltimore and Washington radio stations 
and broadcast the followii^ day. \ 

Some students weren't so thrilled with the pomp and ciicum- ■ 
stance of inauguradon the next week. A Feb. 9 Diamondback 
headline reads, "Elkins Inauguration Blamed For Grade Delivery 
Delay." It seems that Elkins' Inauguration changed the exam sched- 
ule and the registrar's office had one less day to process students' 
grades. Although the personnel in the registrar's office worked 
late into the evetung, some students did not get their grades and 
could not register for classes. 

John Brooks Slaughter 

Slaughter's ceremony on May 3, 1983, marked the first formal , 
inauguration of campus chancellor The ceremony included a I 
greeting by Clarence Mitchell, Jr School of Music faculty per- 
formed musical selections and the University of Maryland Chorus 
(conducted by PaulTraver) graced guests with a classic perfor- 
mance of Haydn's "The Creation." 

In his speech, Slaughter outlined several goals, including the 
"need to adapt to the dlffierent type of smdcnt expected by the 
year 2001-including more older, more female, more part-time and 
more minority students." 

According to the Diamondback's May 4, 1983, issue, j 

Slaughter's inauguradon cost $13,000. Following the ceremony, 
guests filled the "Main Dining Hall's Maryland Ballroom" for a 
champagne reception. Slaughter's wife, Bemice, and his 86-year- 
old mother accompanied the newly inaugurated chancellor 

"1 feel pretty good i^t now," Slaughter told a newspaper ' 

reporter who attended the reception. "I'm tired but it's going real 


William £. Klrwan 

The April 30, 1990 inauguration of Kirwan ceremoniously con- 
cluded a full week of pre-inaugural events. The week featured lec- 
ture sessions, musical performances, plus exhibits by University 
Archives and the Parents' Association Gallery. 

More than 1 ,200 people attended the inauguration, which was 
held in Tawes Theatre. Attendees included then-governor William 
Donald Schaefer and former comptroller Louis Goldstein. 

Kirwan's speech outlined Iiis vision for the imiversity. "1 see us 
as a primary intellectual resource for the state and the federal 
government, and due to our rising academic stature, a link for the 
state to valuable intellectual and cultural resources throughout 
the world," he said. 

"I think everyone should feel very confident about his leader- 
ship," Kirwan's daughter, Ann— a jimior journalism major at the 
time — told a Diamondback reporter, "He '11 give 100 percent, no 
doubt about it." 


1974-1975 1982 

Jotm W. Dorsey serves as acdng chanceUot. William E. Kirwan is interim chancellor. 


Robert L. Gluckstern serves as chancellor. 

Fill 1985 

College Park enrollment reaches 38,679, die iughest in its history. 


Jo!m B. Slaughter serves as chancellor. 


The univenity establishes its own alumni association to serve approximately 163,000 alumni. 

8 Outlook • Inauguration Issue April 20, 1999 


Matyland General Assembly 
Concludes 1999 Session 

The University of Maryland 
will have more money, more 
flexibility and more autonomy 
to pursue its goals next year, 
thanks to legislation passed in 
the waning hours of the 1999 
session of the Maryland 
General Assembly last week. 

University officials came 
back from Annapolis with 
operating appropriations total- 
ing more than S300 million 
and another $8 million in capi- 
tal appropriations for Fiscal 
Year 2000, as well as greater 
autonomy and flexibility in 
most business activities and 
the authority to establish a uni- 
versity-based foimdation to 
solicit and manage private gifts 
to the imivcrsity. 

But the amount of money 
appropriated for Fiscal Year 
200O is less than university 
officials and others say is need- 
ed to achieve tlie level of 
national distinction envisioned 
for the state's Flagship 
Institution in a reasonable 
time, said Brian Darmody, the 
university's state relations 

Although the 2000 appro- 
priation is nearly 430 million 
more than the current year's, 
an additional $24 million will 
be needed in 2001 to achieve 
the levels recommended by 
the Governor's Task Force to 
Study the Governance, 
Coordination and Funding of 
the University System of 

The task force recommen- 
dations, sometimes called the 
Larson Report, formed the 
basis of Gov. Parris 
Glendening's higher education 
le^slation this year, wliich pro- 
vided additional funding as 
well as new business autono- 
my for the university. 

The governor's legislation 
changes the university system 
from a state agency to a public 
corporation, which will aUow 
die universities within the sys- 
tem to operate more indepen- 
dently in such vital busines.s 
areas as procurement and per- 
sonnel, which are often 
bogged down in existing state 
agency procedures. 

"As we hilfill our mission 
and our goals as a major 

research institution serving the 
state, we must have flexibility 
to take advantage of opportu- 
nities as they arise," said 
President Dan Mote. "This leg- 
islation gives us that flexibUi- 

Mote w^s also pleased with 
legislation that will allow the 
university to establish its own 
foundation to manage private 
gifts and endowments. 
Currently, all gifts tq the uni- 
versity are managed by the 
University of Maryland 
Foundation, w^hich is affiliated 
with the University System of 
Maryland and manages 
accounts for most system insti- 

"It Is vitally important to us 
to have our own foimdation to 
raise private ftinds and manage 
endowments for the benefit of 
this university," Mote said. 

Mote credited Gov. 
Glcndcning, Sen, President 
Mike Miller, House Speaker 
Casper Taylor and other legisla- 
tive leaders for assigning the 
highest priority for higher edu- 
cation in Maryland to develop- 
ing the University of Maryland 
into one of the nation's best 
research imiversities and sup- 
porting legislation to help 
achieve that goal. 

"Ultimately, being one of 
the best and serving this state 
in the most effective way 
depends upon what we do in 
our classrooms, libraries and 
laboratories," Mote said. 
"Maryland is fortunate to have 
leaders who recognize that 
investing in our ability to do 
these things pays the greatest 
dividends imaginable." 

The financial investment for 
FY 2000 includes all of the 
funding proposed by the gov- 
ernor in his original budget in 
January, about $300 million, or 
$27 million more than last 
year. That figure includes $7 
million, wliich is the second- 
year installment of a four-year 
commitment to add S7 million 
each year to the university's 
base budget. 

But the legislature ultimate- 
ly provided the university with 
only $2,2 million in supple- 
ment funding, compared with 
the Larson Report recommen- 

Templeton Fellow Talks Community Service 

Maryland President Dan Mote met recently with senior Joiirnallstti major Mlchele SInunu 
(middle) and other students to discuss the university's role In encouraging students to par- 
ticipate in community service activities. SInunu was selected as the university's Templeton 
Fellow to lead a panel of students to Interview the president and report on his views on com- 
munity service to the campus. Her report Is scheduled to appear in the DIamondback next 
Wednesday, April 21. The Templeton Project is a program of the nationwide Campus 
Compact organization to raise awareness of the community service activities and opportuni- 
ties. Joining SInunu were Junior sociology major Anna Goldman, left, senior Afro-American 
studies major Joy Tarpley and senior government and politics major Paul Solomon. 

dation of an additional $9 mil- 
lion for FY 2000. The increase 
in the university's budget, less 
than nine percent, was lower 
than the 10 percent average 
increase for other state imiver- 
sities, Etarmody said. 

The Larson recommenda- 
dons, which would add anoth- 
er $10 million next year, were 
aimed at realizing the goals of 
the 1 988 legislation that desig- 
nated the University of 
Maryland the state's flagship 
university and directed the 
state to boost the university to 
be among the best in the 
nation. The Larson Report out- 
lined how much additional 
state investment would be nec- 
essary for the next four years 
to fund the university on a per- 
student basis at a rate compara- 
ble with such other major 
research institutions as the 
University of North Carolina 
and the University of Michigan, 

To get back on that sched- 
ule next year would require at 
least $24 million in additional 
funding, Darmody said. 

In other legislation, the 

Assembly agreed on a biU tliat 

allows state employees to 
engage in collective baigain- 
ing, but it does not apply to 
university staff University 
employees on both sides of the 
collective bargaining issue 
engaged in heated debate dur- 
ing the legislative session. 

The Assembly also agreed 
on an across-the-board cost of 
living adjustment of $ 1 ,275 for 
each state employee, which 
will be implemented in two 
stages, on July I and Jan. 1 .The 
assembly aiso approved a pool 
for performance-based salary 
increases amoimting to an 
average of 2,5 percent. 

Tlie Assembly approved gen- 
eral obligation bonds for con- 
struction projects, including S4 
million for an addition to the 
Robert H, Smidi School of 
Business, planning funds of 
$1,9 million for the 
Engineering and Applied 
Sciences Building and almost 
$1,4 million for the chemistry 
classroom building and more 
than $1,3 million for the 

Outlook is the weekly faculty- 
staff newspaper serving the 
University of Maryland campus 
community. Witliatn Destler. 
Interim Vice President for 
University Advancement: Teresa 
Flannery, Executive Director of 
University Communications and 
Director of Marketing: George 
Cathcart, Executive Editor; 
Janet Chistnar, Acting Editor; 
Londa Scott Fort6. Assistant 
Editor: Valshall Honawar, 

Graduate Assistant: Phillip 
Wirtz, Editorial Intern. Letters to 
the editor, story suggestions and 
campus information are wel- 
come. Please submit all material 
two weeks before the Tuesday of 
pubiication. Send material to 
Editor. Outlook, 2101 Turner 
Haii, College Park. MD 20742. 
Telephone (301) 405-4629: e- 
maii outlook@; 
fax (301) 314-9344. Outlook can 
be found online at <wwv^,inform. 
umd. edu/outlook> 


Jafy U 19S8 

The five University of Maryland campuses reorganized with die six Board of 
Trustees insritutjons to form a University of Maryland System; CoDege Park is des- 
ignated the flagjhip university of the new system. The title of chancellor is changed 
to president, 1 996 

Feb. 1, 1989 

William E. Kirwan appointed president. 


First students enter College Park Scholars Program, 

University breaks ground for the Maryland Center for 
Performing Arti 


Wilhim E, Kirwan serves as president; resigns June 30, 
L998, to assume presidency of Ohio State University, 

April 23. 1999 

Clayton Daniel "Dan" Mote, Jr. inaugurated as the 
27th president.