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The University of Maryland Faculty and Staff Weekly Newspaper 

Volume 14 • Number 7 • October 12, 1999 

Flagship Sails over 

to Journalism, 

page 3 

Zap Mama, 
page 4 

South Korean Women Get Lessons 
in Campaigns and Leadership 

Members of the Maryland Women's Caucus shared their 
experiences as women legislators earlier this month when 
the James MacGregor Burns Academy of Leadership hosted 
1 1 women leaders from its sister organization in South Korea 
for a two-day training. The women, from the Center for 
Korean Women and Politics, all were interested in either run- 
ning for the South Korean National Assembly or playing a 
leadership role in an electoral campaign. 

"Do not go up the ladder without looking back and bring- 
ing someone with you," Del. Carol Petzold told the group dur- 

These South Korean women eagerly gleaned leadership 
advice from members of the Maryland Women's 
Caucus. Pictured below are the 11 participants from 
the Center for Korean Women and Politics, with Shelly 
Wllsey, Academy of Leadership program director, Sen, 
Jean Roesser, Del. Pauline Menes and Del. Carol Petzold. 

ing a panel discussion. Petzold, along with Del, Pauline Menes 
and Sen. Jean Roesser, shared what it was like being a female 
legislator in a majority male legislature, what has changed 
over time, and what still needs to change. 

Delegates Barbara Frush.Anne Hea ley, Sharon Grosfeld and 
Sue Hecht all discussed their campaign strategies and tactics. 
The delegates explained the challenges female candidates 
face and addressed how gender factors into a campaign. 

In 1964 there were 1 1 women in the Maryland House of 
Delegates and two in the State Senate. Thirty five years later, 
47 of the 141 House seats, and nine of the 47 Senate seats, 
are held by women. "We have the numbers, we have to keep 
pushing for the power," Roesser said. 

In contrast, in 1996, only two women were elected to the 
Korean National assembly out of 237 elected seats. 

The two-day training session also looked at campaigns on 
the internet, the emerging role of women in politics, and the 
elements of a successful electoral campaign, 

Faculty and Staff Give Back to the 
University for a Bright Future 

Charles Wellford knows it's more than his job 
that excites him about the University of Mary- 
land and keeps him coming to work 
here year after year. It's his enthusi- 
asm for the university's people, pro- 
grams and progress that makes him 
feel privileged to be a part of this 

So it's no wonder the acting chair 
of the department of criminology 
and criminal justice is happy to 
chair the faculty and staff compo- 
nent of the Bold Vision • Bright 
Future Campaign. The campaign, 
says Wellford, "is as much about each 
of us as it is about raising $350 mil- 
lion in private dollars," 

Wellford firmly believes everyone 
here is committed to the university. 
For most employees, says Wellford, 
"it's more than a job. They could 
make more money elsewhere, but 
there's something they're excited 
about on campus" that keeps them 
here. That excitement, he says, often 
translates into giving, 

"Some faculty and staff love the students, so 
they give to scholarships," says Wellford, "For oth- 

ers, it's a strong attraction to their department, 
and so they designate a gift to their depart- 

Whether giving through payroll 
deduction or a one-time gift, 
Wellford says employees can 
designate their gifts in many 
ways. Non-designated gifts go 
into a fund for the areas on 
campus of greatest need, "All 
the funds are used to enhance 
the academic quality of this uni- 
versity," says Wellford. 
Wellford 's ties to the University 
of Maryland extend back to his 
days as an undergraduate stu- 
dent, when he attended the uni- 
versity on a senatorial scholar- 
ship ("my parents could not 
have afforded to send me here 
otherwise," he says). In addition, 
his wife and his children are all 
alumni of the University of 
It was only a few years after 
returning to the campus, in 1981, as a faculty 

Continued on page 2 







1999-2000 Lilly-CTE Fellows Named 

It's difficult to get 10 people to agree on any- 
thing. However, this year's LUly-Center for 
Teaching Excellence Teaching Fellows all agree 
on one conmion goal: enhancing undergraduate 

The feUows meet regularly to discuss issues 
regarding teaching and undergraduate education 
and, in past years, have sponsored symposiums 
and discussions involving faculty members from 
the campus community. As part of President 
Mote's inauguration week activities, last spring 
the fellows planned Undergraduate Research Day. 

The following is a glimpse of the 1999-2000 
Lilly-CTE Teaching FeUows and their work: 

Frank Alt, associate professor in the Smith 
School of Business, says through teaching he 
wants to "enrich the learning process," It's Alt's 
Interaction with excellent teachers as a graduate 
student, a teacher and a parent that has helped 
him develop his teaching philosophy. The LiUy- 
CTE fellowship is an opportunity to enhance his 
teaching methods through work with colleagues 
who share similar interests, and those who share 
different perspectives about education. 

For the past five years, Alt has been the 
insbiictor of BMGT290/ENES 380 in the QUEST 
Program, which brings business and engitlfeering 
students together In classes team-taught by fac- 
ulty from both schools. He also has taught basic 
business statistics, "Teaching both of these 
courses has allowed me to consider the use and 
value of technology to enrich the undergraduate 

learning process." 

With a research interest in the area of statisti- 
cal quality control, as a Lilly-CTE teaching fellow 
Alt says he's also interested in pursuing the role 
and merit of research on the undergraduate 

A faculty member since 1978, Arjang Assad 
says his work with imdergraduate teaching for 
the past seven years has provided him with 
experience that will complement Lilly-CTE fel- 

Assad, professor and chairperson in the Smith 
School of Business, is involved with the QUEST 
program as a proposal writer, curriculum design- 
er and faculty member. 

"My involvement has caused me to think 
hard and long about the learning environment 
we, as faculty, wish to create for our under^^du- 
ates," says Assad. 

As a Lilly ^TE fellow, Assad says he's looking 
forward to discussions with his colleagues about 
teaching practices and the educational experi- 
ence at the universi^. 

A faculty member since 1989, Carmen 
Coustaut, associate professor of theatre, says her 
career as a teacher and a filmmaker goes hand- 
in-hand. "I am foriunate to t>e able to teach 
courses about the work I do. And of course, the 
work I do further reinforces everything I teach," 
she says. "In fact, often while I am working, I am 

Continued on pa^ 7 

2 Outlook October 12, 1999 


In Metnoriatn 

University Names State Relations Di 


Journalism's IVIarjorie 
Ferguson Dies at 69 H 

Marjorie Ferguson, an Internationally known media scholar 
who focused on the import of rapid change in communica- 
|,tlons technology, died Oct. 4 in San Francisco. She was 69. 

Ferguson sometimes was described as a scholarly contrari- 
an because she took issue with prevailing views of what the 
worldwide reach of instant communications meant for cul- 
tures and people's sense of nationality. She thought tfie world 
would not be slirunk so easily. 

A strong feminist who wrote about journalism aimed at 
women, she also challenged some of the prevailing feminist 
views about women and media. At one time she was deputy 
editor of the most widely circulated women's magazine in 
Britain, called l^/na/i. She also had been, among other assign- 
ments, a feshion editor. One of her tx)oks was tided "Forever 
l^agazines and the 
Cult of Femininity." 

Ferguson had 
taught for more than 
\Z decade at the 
.University of Mary- 
land. She was a pro- 
;fessor in the College 
;Of Journalism and 
until recently direc- 
tor of its doctoral 
program. She taught 
^graduate and under- 
^graduate students 
and was the key men- 
tor for numerous 
. graduate students 
ftwho became faculty 
members, scholars, 
media policymakers 
and journalists here 
id abroad. 

Ferguson was a member of the Board of Editorial Advisors 
sf American Journalism Review, the national magazine pub- 
shed by the jotunalism school; a top editor of the interna- 
tional Journal of Communication; and a founding editor of a 
European journal. Culture and Communication. 

Born Maijorie Ruth McDonald on Oct. 7, 1929, in Victoria, 
iritish Columbia, she attended the University of British 
[Columbia and moved to London after her marriage to Donald 
Ferguson, a journalist, in 1949. A late-blooming scholar, she 
attained her doctor of philosophy degree in sociology from 
le University of London in 1 979. She taught at the London 
School of Economics from 1978 to 1988 and pressed the 
lool to enlarge its traditional interests with more serious 
lention to media and media policy. 
She had relatively little success with tiiis at the time and 
lose to come to the United States, where media studies were 
iiore welcome at universities. In 1988 she continued her 
i/ork at the University of Maryland while retaining her 
jndon ties and her Canadian citizenship. 
Until the late stages of cancer she lived in Washington. In 
cent weeks she had gone to California to be near members 
af her iamily. She is survived by two daughters, Laura Ann 
Perricone and Caryl Jessica Kerollls of California; three sisters; 
—A brother; and two granddaughters, 
f A memorial service will be scheduled In the future near 
Vancouver. She had asked that her ashes be scattered on the 
Pacific Coast there. The bmOy asks that any contributions in 
tiemory of Marjorie Ferguson be made to The Marksman 
Appeal, Imperial Cancer Colo-Rectal Research Unit, St. Mark's 
lospital, Northwick Place, Watford Road, Harrow HAl 30J, 
Jnited Kingdom. 

Marjorie Ferguson 


Ross Stern, formerly a legisla- 
tive officer with the Governor's 
Legislative Office in Annapolis, 
has been named assistant to the 
president for legislative and 
community relations for the 

Stern served as a legislative 
officer for Gov, Parris 
Glendening during the last leg- 
islative session, reviewing legis- 
lation and making policy rec- 
ommendations to the governor, 
as well as testifying to legisla- 
tive committees, helping to 
draft legislation and coordinat- 
ing executive branch positions 
on a wide range of legislative 


Stern also has served as a 
Governor's Policy Fellow for the 
last two years, working as a bud- 
get analyst in the Department of 
Budget and Management and as 
a special assistant and deputy 
chief of staff. 

"As a graduate of the 
University of Maryland I am 
particularly pleased to return to 
the campus," Stern says. 
"Maryland has an exciting 
future and I'm looking forward 
to representing the university 
in Annapolis and across the 

As state relations director. 

Stern will review legislation 
that might affect the University 
of Maryland, serve as a resource 
for legislators seeking informa- 
tion about the university, help 
craft legislative strategy, prepare 
and deliver testimony to legisla- 
tive committees and ensure 
that university interests are rep- 
resented in state goverimient 

Prior to his state government 
experience Stern worked in 
retail sales management. He has 
a bachelor's degree in econom- 
ics and a master's degree in 
public management from the 
University of Maryland. 

Giving Back to the University 

continued from page 1 

member in the department of 
criminology and criminal jus- 
tice, that Wellford began giving 
to the university. "It was my way 
of giving back" to a university 
that had done so much, and 
meant so much to him. 

Eighteen years later. Wellford 
is still giving to the university. 

"I hope everyone will con- 
tribute," says WeUford, noting 
that no gift is too large or too 
small. It's not necessarily the 
size of the, contribution, but 
that faculty and staff give that's 
important, says Wellford. 

He also wants faculty and 
staff to understand their giving 
is strictly voluntary. "There's no 
hard sell," he says. 

In the coming weeks, faculty 
and staff campaign volunteers 

ft'om colleges and departments 
across campus will be visiting 
with staff to update them and 
ask their support for the cam- 
paign. Contributors are 
reminded that they may desig 
nate contributions for scholar- 
ships, teaching and research 
projects, faculty/stalT asis- 
stance funds, student activities 
and facility improvements. 
"Wherever faculty and staff 
choose to make their gifts," 
says Wellfo rd, "they demon- 
strate their lielief in the 
University of Maryland — its 
missions, its programs and its 

"It's important to demon- 
strate to people outside the 
university that we care as 
much about the place as our 
external donors," says Wellford, 

Maryland Charities^ 

Campaign Kicks off 


The Maryland Charities 
Campaign also kicks off this 
month. Beginning Oct. 12 
through Nov. 5, faculty and staff 
wUl have the opportunity to 
make contributions to their 
favorite charities in the state, J 
Divisional and departmental coor^ 
dlnators soon will be distributingJ 
material to employees. ■ 

Last year the university raised , 
a collective % 1 64,000 for tf le 
Maryland Charities Campaign. 
This year, the state hopes to see a< 
lO^ercent increase in giving. J 

AIDS Response Fund Established 

The AIDS Response Fund has 
been established through the 
University Health Center. Jeffrey 
Bernstein, coordinator of HIV 
Prevention Programs at the 
health center, says the fund 
serves faculty, staff and students 
whose lives are affected by 

Financial support is distrib- 
uted confidentially, based on 
availability and need, to assist 
people living with HIV/ AIDS or 
to assist individuals whose 
friends or family members are 
living with HIV/ AIDS. A portion 
of the funds is used to provide 
education about HIV/AIDS for 
the university community. 

According to Bernstein, the 
response fiind was created to 
ease the financial burden for 
people on campus. "While the 
resources of the ftind are limit- 

ed, we hope these frmds can be 
used to provide some measure 
of relief and moral support," 
says Bernstein. The funds may 
be used for a variety of needs, 
Including transportation home 
to see a family member, long-dis- 
tance telephone bills, or funds 
to cover the cost of cleaning 
services, a home healthcare 
worker or groceries. 

The fund is governed by a 
committee of five people, all of 
whom are affiliated with 
University of Maryland, College 
Park. Of the five, at least one is a 
faculty member, one a staff 
member and one a student. 

All conununications with the 
committee are confidential. In 
most cases, the requester will 
be expected to meet with one 
or more of the committee mem- 

At least three committee 
members must approve a fund- 
ing request and agree to the 
amount of support. The commit- 
tee may partially or wholly fund 
a request. 

Individual requests will be 
accepted at any time. Individuals 
requesting funds should contact 
one of the committee members 
about information needed. Fimds 
can be used as an advance or 
reimbursements. Checks are usu- 
ally ready withinapproximately 
two weeks after the request is 
made to the committee.At the 
present time, funding up to $500 
per individual ts available. 

Educational projects may be 
addressed to specific popula- 
tions or to the campus as a 


Outlook Is the weekly faculty-staff newspaper serving the University of Maryland campus community. Brodle Remington, Vice President for Urlversfty Relations; 
Teresa Rannery, Executive Director of University Communications and Director of Marketing; George Cathcart, Executive Editor; Jennifer Hawes, Editor; 
Londa Scott Forti, Assistant Edrton David Abfsms. Graduate Assistant: Erin Madtson, Editorial Intern. Letters to the editor, story suggestions and campus infor- 
mation are welcome. Please submit all material two weeks before the Tuesday of publication. Send material to Editor. Outlook, 2101 Turner Hall, College Park, MD 
20742.Telephone (301) 405-4629; e-mail; fax (301) 314-9344. Outlook can be found online 

October 12, 1999 Outlook 3 

Flagship Channel Moving to College of Journalism 

The Flagship Channel , the decade- 
old cable TV station run by the univer- 
sity, is moving to the College of 
Journalism. According to Dean Reese 
Cleghorn, the station will be reshaped 
to showcase the university and serve as 
an "intellectual and cultural resource" 
for Maryland ers. 

The move, which became effective 
last week under an agreement signed 
by Provost Gregory Geoffroy, follows 
the recommendation of a special cam- 
pus committee charged with evaluating 
the $350,000 annual investment of uni- 
versity funds in the station. The com- 
mittee concluded the quality of 
Flagship Channel productions had 
improved considerably in recent years 
and that broadcasting licenses for both 
the Prince George's and Montgomery 
county cable systems were valuable 
assets worth keeping. But the commit- 
tee said a move to the College of 
Journalism would allow the station to 
higlilight the university's best faculty 
and programs. 

The College's proposal called for 
developing TV programming that 
would "showcase the extraordinary 
minds and programs of the College 
Park campus, and bring that program- 
ming to a statewide and — in some 
cases — ^national audience." Cleghorn 
says new programs will be developed 
to air not only on the Flagship 
Channel, but on Maryland Public 
Television and in some instances PBS 
stations nationwide, Cleghorn also says 
he plans fund-raising strategies to help 
the station and assist in underwriting 
specific new shows. 

"This is an extraordinary resource 
for our campus," says Cleghorn. 
"Flagship reaches into more than 
400,000 households throughout Prince 
George's and Montgomery counties. 

With the right kind of program 
ming, the station can be an impor- 
tant intellectual and cultural 
resource to the region." 

The College also plans to try to 
get Flagship on other Maryland 
county cable systems. The Flag- 
ship Channel airs 24 hours daily, 
with programming from 9 a.m. to 
midnight, and a computer bulletin 
board overnight in Montgomery 
County on cable channels 59 and 
12, Prince George's County cable 
channels 32 A and 3 OB and the 
university's campt^ cable channel 

An advisory council, appointed 
by the provost and dean, will pro- 
vide guidance on programming 
ideas and help represent all 
aspects of the campus communi- 
ty. Under the agreement, the 
dean of journalism will serve as 
the station's chief executive offi- 
cer. A management team that 
includes Journalism Associate 
Dean Christopher Callahan, 
University Communications and 
Marketing Executive Director Teresa 
Flannery, Professor Haynes Johnson, 
Flagship Channel General Manager 
Serena Mann, Journalism Director of 
Development Frank Quine, Journalism 
Business Services Director Patty 
Summers-Bemales and Professor Lee 
Thornton will assist the dean in strate- 
gic management of the station. Mann 
will continue to be in charge of the sta- 
tion's day-to-day operations, 

"With our planning, resources, fund- 
raising abilities and industry ties, com- 
bined with the professional staff Serena 
has put together, we believe the Flag- 
ship Channel can be an enormously 
important asset for the university today 
and in the future," Cleghorn says. The 

Pictured above ts one of the Flagship Channel's control rooms. Although the channel Is 
now under the direction of the College of Journalism, the studios will remain in tiie base- 
ment of the Tawes Building. 

takeover of Flagship will give an "enor- 
mous boost" to the college's broadcast 
journalism program, Cleghorn adds. 

"Over the past decade we have 
developed one of the top print journal- 
ism programs in the country, but our 
good broadcast journalism program has 
not been among the elite," says Cleg- 
horn. "The addition of a professional TV 
staUon with such enormous reach, 
combined with the faculty additions of 
Lee Thornton two years ago and Sue 
Kopen Katcef this year, will make us 
competitive with the best broadcast 
journalism programs in the nation." 

Maryland joins the University of 
Missouri and the University of Florida 
as one of the few journalism programs 

in the nation to operate a TV station, 
Cleghorn says program changes, and a 
possible station name change, are being 
developed this semester and will be 
launched at the beginning of spring 

The college's broadcast news opera- 
tions will be moved to the station, 
wtiich is located in the basement of the 
Tawes Fine Arts Building, between 
semesters. The Flagship Channel had 
been under the direction of the Office 
of Continuing and Extended Education 
since 1995. Prior to that it was operat- 
ed by the College of Education. 

Investor's Group Hosts Motley Fool Writer 

Bill Barker, a writer for The Motley Fool, is 
the featured speaker at the Wednesday, Oct. 
20 meeting of the Investor's Group in Room 
4137, McKeldin Library at noon. The Motley 
Fool, founded by brothers David and Tom 
Gardner in 1993, is an online investment site 
whose philosophy is to instruct, amuse and 
help you make money at the same time. 

Barker, a graduate of Yale 
(B.A„ 1987) with a 
law degree, in 1991, 
&om the University of 
Virginia, writes for The Fool's 
School, where he attempts to 
help others learn how to 
invest by avoiding the pitfalls 
he has encountered. A recovering 
attorney. Barker, along with a cast of several 
dozen, provides a systematic approach to 
help beginners understand stock market 
investing quickly with an emphasis on mak- 
ing learning fun. 

According to the Fools, investing in the 
stock market is not "rocket science." 
Ignorance and fear about the financial world 
create confusion and The Motley Fool helps 
readers accumulate financial information, dis- 
cuss investment options and do independent 

research on companies. The Fools don't give 
stock tips. Their philosophy is if you give a 
man a fish you have fed him for a day, but if 
you teach him to fish you have fed him for 

The Motley Fool administers a nationally 
syndicated, weekly newspaper colunrm that 
runs in 160 newspapers around the country, 
as well as a radio show heard every 
weekend in 80 major U.S. markets. 
The brothers Gardner have 
written four best-selling 
books, including "The 
Modey Fool Investment 
Guide" and "Rule 
Breakers, Rule Makers." 
The Investor's Group, co- 
sponsored by the Friends of the Libraries and 
the Office of Continuing and Extended 
Education, numbers more than 300 faculty, 
staff, students and friends who are interested 
in broadening their curiosity about financial 
issues. The meeting, open to all who are 
interested, is free and Barker will bring along 
a "big box of Fool stuff" for all to enjoy. 

The next meeting of the Investor's Group 
is scheduled for November 17, 

Microsoft Enterprise Agreement: ™ 
Software Now Available 

A unique licensing agreement between the University System 
of Maryland and Microsoft has given campus faculty and staff 
access to a host of Microsoft products, Including operating sys- 
tem upgrades and desktop productivity tools. Tlie licenses 
under this agreement cover alt institutionally owned desktop 
computers on which the software can be installed. In addition, 
faculty and staff may install eligible products on personal home 
computers or portable computers for work related to their 

Access to the software is currently available through; 

Departmental contacts witfiin the university: GIT has provid- 
ed CDs of 
the applicable software for distribution within campus units. 

OIT Software Licensing Office: The software is also available 
for Internal Services Request (ISR) purchases directly from the 
Software Licensing Office at a charge of $10 per CD, which cov- 
ers the media and distribution costs. 

OIT Information Technology Library: You may purchase addi- 
tional CDs of the eligible software under the work-at-home 
rights for personal home computers and portable computers at 
the OIT Information Technology Library located in the 
Computer & Space Sciences Building, Room 1400 at a cost of 
$10 per CD with cash or a personal check. 

For more information and details concerning the distribu- 
tion, contract responsibilities, departmental contacts, and a com- 
plete list of software, visit the MSEA website at website also has responses to fre- 
quently asked questions. 


4 Ihrtlooil October 12. 1999 




Your Guide to University Events 
October 12 - 21 

October 12 

9 a.m. MD Charities Kickoff 
Breakfast, sponsored by the 
Personnel Department, Colony 
Ballroom, Stamp Student Union. 

3:30 pjn."VlCTORWeb Workshop," 
an introduction to using 
VICTORWeb, the Libraries'Web- 
based catalog and online periodi- 
cal databases. 4133 McKeldtn 
library. 5-9070. 

5 p.m. "The Basics and Beyond: 
Steps in Library Research," covers 
learning how to define a research 
topic, and emphasizes selecting 
and searching databases to find 
periodical articles and other male- 
rials 4 133 McKeldln Uhrary 

5:30-7:15 p.m. Dance Classes, spon- 
sored by the Art & Leamii^ 
Center 2111 Stamp Student Union. 

6-9 p.m. "Introduction to Microsoft 
Excel," introduces spreadsheet 
basics of how to: enter values and 
text, create formulas, understand 
cell addressing in absolute and rel- 
ative modes, use pre-bullt func- 
tions, link between data, autosave 
work, customize printing and 
more. 4404 Computer & Space 
Sciences BIdg. 5-2938, or 
www.inform.tmid . edu/PX* 

October 13 

Noon. MOCB Fall 1999 Seminar 
Series: Cincinnati 'Molecular 
Actions of the DrosophUa 
Morphogenetic Protein Bicoid,"Jun 
Ma. 1208 Biology/Psychology Bldg. 
LoriPutman, 5^8422 
or LP101@umail, 

Noon, Research and Development 
Seminar Series: "Race, Culture and 
Counseling," Janet Helms, psychol- 
ogy professor.0114 Shoemaker 

2-4 p.m. MD Day 2000 Committee 
Meeting. 2111 Stamp Student 


2-3 p.m. Society of Hispanic 
Professional Engineers presents a 
lecture by Alfred Etamirez. 1202 
Engineering Bldg. 

3:30 p.m. "The Basics and Beyond: 
Steps in Library Research." covers 
learning how to define a research 
topic, and emphasizes selecting 
and searching databases to find 
periodical articles and other mate- 
rials 4133 McKeldin Library 

5 p.m.VICTORWeb Workshop," an 
introduction to using VICTORWeb, 
the Libraries' Web-b^ed catalog 
and online periodical databases. 
4133 McKeldin Library. 5 9070. 

6:30 p.m "Introduction to HTML," 
introduces the Hypertext Markup 
Language used to create web pages 
on the World Wide Web. Concepts 
covered include how to: format text, 
create lists, links and anchors, upload 
pages, and add inline images. 4404 
Computer & Space Sciences Bldg. 
5-2938, or* 

5:45 p.m. Swing Classes, sponsored 
by the Art 8i Learning Center. 21 1 1 
Stamp Student Union. 

7 p.m. Writers Here & Now Series: 
MFA faculty reading by Merle Collins 
and Joyce Kornblatt. Special Events 
Room, McKeldin Library. 

7:30-10:30 p.m. School of Music: 
"Postcard from Morocco," Ulrich 
Recital Hall. 5 5570.* 

7:30p.m. University Community 
Band. This ensemble offers both stu- 
dents and conuntinity members the 
opportunity to continue to play or 
learn new instruments. Performances 
on campus and in surrounding 
venues occur throughout the year. 
Emphasis is placed not only on lop- 
notch performance, but also on 
camaraderie and fellowship. It Is 
open to ail players who are seriously 
Interested in making music. 1 102 
Tawes Bldg. 5-5542, 
mb287@uniall.umd,edu or 
www. umd .edu/bands/ 

October 14 

3:30 p.m. Lecture Series; "The 

Internet and Civil Society," Peter 
Levine and Robert Wachbroit from 
the School of Public Affairs. 1 107 Van 
Munching Hall. 

3:30 p.m. "The Basics and Beyond: 
Steps in library Research," covers 
learning how to define a research 
topic, and emphasizes selecting and 
searching databases to find periodica] 
articles and other materials 4133 
McKeldin Library 5-9070, 

3:30 p.m. Meteorology Seminar 
Series: "The Environmental Modeling 
Center: Present Status and Future 
Plans," Steven Lord, Environmental 
ModeUng Center. NOAA. 2400 
Computer & Space Sciences Bldg, 

4:30 pm.VICTORWeb Workshop," an 
Introducdon to using VICTORWeb, 
the Libraries' Web-based catalog and 
online periodical databases. 4133 
McKeldin Library. 5-9070. 

8 p.m. Unlversi^ Theatre: "Once on 
This Island," a new musical book by 
Lymi Ahrens music by Stephen 
Flaherty based upon the novel "My 
Love, My Love' by Rosa Guy, Tawes 
Bldg. 5 2201 or 
www.inform.tund .edu/THET/plays . 


Marie Daulne is bringing her 
all-female vocal quintet Zap 
Mama to University CollegR 
Oct. 16. They quintet uses a 
variety of styles — rap, hip hop, 
R & B, reggae, blues and soul — 
to convey the songs, stoiies 
and traditions of cultures 
around the world. 

Alluding to her mixed 
Belgian/Zairian parentage, 
Daulne identifies with "that 
European desire to analyze and 
intellectualize, but also the 
African vibe is there." She says, 
"It is my gift to be able to take 
essential parts of different cul- 
tures and put them together." 
Her upcoming album, "A Ma 
Zone," reunites African music 
and hip-hop, both a significant 
part of her childhood. The 
concert will include selections 
from "A Ma Zone," recorded on 
the Luaka Bop label. 

Zap Mama has received criti- 
cal acclaim for its unique 
sound and inventive approach. 
Tune Magazine says,"Datilne 
makes music that sounds like a 
one- woman multicultural 
movement melding African percussion, 
American soul and European urbanity." 

Daulne will participate in a free pre-concert 
discussion, moderated by University of Maryland 
ethnomusicologist Carolina Robertson. Also 
scheduled to participate are Tom Bickley, Lbrari- 
an with the National Endowment for the Arts, 
and Ysaye Barnwell, member of Sweet Honey 
and the Rock. 

Zap Mama is cosponsored by graduate stud- 
ies in ethnomusicology, and the Office of Multi- 
Ethnic Student Education. 

Tickets are $22 for the general public, $19.50 , 
for senior citizens and $5 for students with a 
student ©.The pre-concert discussion starts at 
6:30 p.m., followed by the concert at 8 p,m. For 
ticket information, caU 405-7847, 

October 15 

9 a.m,- 7 p.m. "Family Weekend." 
Activities include distinguished lec- 
tures, student artist performances, 
the traditional family weekend 
brunch, football game and post- 
game tent party. Reservations 
encouraged. 4 8429 

1 1 a.m. "The Basics and Beyond; 
StefK in Library Research," covers 
learning how to define a research 
topic, and emphasizes selecting and 
searching databases to hnd period! 
cal articles and other materials 4133 
McKeldin Library 5-9070. 

Noon, Department of 
Communication Research 
ColloquiumSeries:"Cul tural 
Communication and Census 2000," 
Bey-Ling Sha, U.S. Bureau of the 
Census. 0200 Skinner Bldg. 5-6528. 

7:30 10:30 p.m. School of Music: 
"Postcard from Morocco," Ulrlcfa 
Recital Hall, 5 5570.- 

8 p.m. University Theatre: "Once on 
This Island," a new musical hook by 
Lynn Ahrens music by Stephen 
Flaherty based upon the novel "My 
Love, My Love" by Rosa Guy. Tawes 
Bldg. 5-2201 or www.inform.umd. 

October 16 

9 a.m.- 7 p.m, "Family Weekend." 
Activities include distinguished lec- 
tures, student artist performances, 
the traditional family weekend 
brunch, football game and post- 
game tent par^. Reservations 
encouraged. 4 -8429 

I p.m. "The Basics and Beyond: 
Steps in Library Research." covers 
learning how to define a research 
topic, and emphasizes selecting and 
searching databases to find periodi- 
cal articles and other materials 4133 
McKeldin Ubrary 5-9070. 

8 p.m. University Theatre: "Once on 
This Island," a new musical book by 
Lynn Ahrens music by Stephen 
Flaherty based upon the novel "My 
Love, My Love" by Rosa Guy. Tawes 
Bldg. 5-2201 or 
www, InfbrM.umd .ed u/THET/play s . 

8 p.m. The Concert Society presents 
"Zap Mamma." an a cappella group 
that blends African, American and 
European folk and popular music. 
Inn & Conference Center.* 

October 17 

2 p.m. University Theatre: "Once on 
This Island," a new musical book by 
Lynn Ahrens music by Stephen 
Flaherty based upon the novel "My 
Love, My Love" by Rosa Guy, Tawes 
Bldg, 5-2201 or 
www.lnforM .umd . edu/THET/pIays. 

October 18 

3 p.m . VICTORWfeb Workshop," an 
introduction to using VICTORWeb, 
the Libraries' Web-based catalog and 
online periodical databases. 4133 
McKeldin Library. 5 9070. 

5 p.m. "The Basics and Beyond: Steps 
in Library Research," covers learning 
how to define a research topic, and 
emphasizes selecting and searching 
databases to Ond periodical articles 
and other materials 4133 McKeldin 
Library 5-9070. 

October 19 

5 p.m, "The Basics and Beyond: 
Steps In Library Research," covers 
learning how to define a research 
topic, and emphasizes selecting and 
searching databases to find periodi- 
cal articles and other materials 4133 
McKeldin Library 5-9070. 

October 12. 19S9 Outlook 5 

6 p.m. School of Miisic presents the 
Symphonic Wind Ensemble. Chris 
Cekker. trumpet and John Wakefield, 
conductor. Colony Ballroom, Stamp 
Student Union. 

October 20 

2 p.m. "Stabilization by the Method 
on Controlled Lagrangians," Anthony 
Bloch, University of MicWgan. 2460 
A.V.Williams Bldg. www.isr.umd, 
ed u/Labs/ISL/eve n ts , html. 

2:30 p.m.VICTORWeb Workshop," 
an introduction to using 
VICTORWeb, the Libraries' Web- 
based catalog and online periodical 
databases. 4133 McKeldln Library. 

4 p, HI, Astronomy Colloquia: 
"Mapping die Accretion Structure In 
Seyfert Galaxies," Kim Weavrer, 
Goddard Space Flight Center. 2400 
Computer and Space Sciences Bldg. 

7:30p.m. University Community 
Band. This ensemble oflers both stu- 
dents and community members the 
opportunity to continue to play or 
learn new instruments. 
Performances on campus and in sur- 
rounding venues occur throughout 
the year. Emphasis is placed not only 
on top-notch performance, but also 
on camaraderie and fellowship. It is 
open to all plaryers who are serious- 
ly interested In making music. 1 102 
Tawes Bldg. 5-5542, or 

October 21 

7:30-9:30 a.m. Dlngman Center for 
Entreprenurs hip: "Profiling from 
Intellectual Property; How to 
Protect and License your 
Entrepreneurial Ideas and 
Inventions ."Andrew Sherman of 
Katten Muchin & Zavis. Renaissance 
Harborplace Hotel, Baltimore, Md. 

3:30p.m, "Evaluating a Consumer 
Health Website s Interface: Heuristic 
Evaluation and Usability Testing," 
Keigt) Cogdili, College of Library and 
Information Services and James 
Reggia, computer science depart 
ment, 2460 A.V WUliams Bldg. 

8 p.m. University Theatre: "Once on 
This Island," a new musical book by 
Lynn Ahrens music by Stephen 
Raherty based upon the novel "My 
Love, My Love" by Rosa Guy. Tawes 
Bldg. 5-2201 or 
www. inforM . umd .ed u/THET/plays . 

Calendar Guide 

Cdendar phone numben listed as 
4-x!CKX or 5-xxKX stand for the 
prefix 314- or 405. Events are 
6ee ind open to the public unless 
noted by an asterisk {*). Calendar 
information for Outlook is com- 
piled from a combination of 
inforM's master calendar and sub- 
missions to the Outlook office. 
To teach the calendar editor, call 
405-7615 or e-mail Oudook@ 

Individual Studies Program 

Campus faculty members are helping 
highly motivated students create their own 
majors to best suit their individual academ- 
ic needs. The Individual Studies Program 
(IVSP) allows them to create an interdisci- 
plinary degree sequence by drawing upon 
related course offerings from two or more 
departments and participating in non-class- 
room experiences such as internships and 
independent study projects. 

Approximately 40 students are enrolled 
in the IVSP this year, allowing the universi- 
ty to offer greater flexibility and specializa- 
tion to focused students. "Some people 
want to do something unique, or some- 
thing that the University of Maryland does- 
n't specialize in," says LisaTenley, coordina- 
tor of the program, "We are able to help 
them create it." 

rVSP undergraduates have been design- 

ing and naming their degrees since the 
early 1970s. Some recent degrees include 
sports marketing, graphic design, interna- 
tional health and internet technologies. 
Each major is unique. 

To enroll, students must And a faculty 
member to sponsor their work, write a 
proposal and then go before the Faculty 
Review Committee, The comrtuttee, head- 
ed by Associate Dean of Letters & Sciences 
Javaune Adams- Gas ton, is made up of six 
faculty members, all from different areas of 
study. They meet once a month each 
semester to review student proposals. 

The present committee includes repre- 
sentatives from cell biology and molecular 
genetics, government and politics, French, 
counseling and personnel services, journal- 
ism, kinesiology, and Spanish and Portu- 
guese. Appointments to address the com- 

mittee are on a first^ome, first-served 

"Working with IVSP is one of the most 
fiiirdling things I do on campus as a 
teacher," says Phyllis Peres, a committee 
member and Spanish and Portuguese asso- 
ciate professor, "The one-on-one sustained 
collaboration with the student provides a 
sound parallel experience to teaching 
large classes. Seeing the IVSP students 
mature inteUectually in their chosen fields 
and being a part of that process is what 
teaching is all about." 

Besides their course requirements, stu- 
dents also write a senior thesis and devote 
nine credits to internships or individual 
study. They receive their B.A. or B,S. from 
Under^duate Studies in the College of 
Letters & Sciences. 


Reexamining Race and Ethnicity for the 21st Century: 

University Holds Symposium to Build Awareness, Promote Understanding 

The Committee on Africa and the 
Americas has assembled an impressive 
group of scholars and graduate students 
from a cross-section of academic disci- 
plines to discuss the influence of African 
and African American contributions on 
higher education as the new millennium 

Topics for the two-day interdisciplinary 
symposium will challenge popular opinion 
of race and ethnicity In areas ranging from 
the arts and humanities to the behavioral 
and social sciences. The discussions, on 
Thursday, Oct, 2 1 and Friday, Oct, 22 from 
9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. in the Multipurpose 
Room of the Nyumburu Cultural Center, 
are free and open to the public. 

Although the concept of the social con- 
struction of race has been a common 
assumption in humanities and social sci- 
ence scholarship, the Idea of a biological 
deflnltion of race has reemerged in recent 
years. This resurgence comes at a time 
when the demographic profile of the 
United States rapidly is shifting. Both the 
increased immigration of people of color 
and a rise in multiracial marriages and dat- 
ing situations forecast a transformation in 
the composition of social norms through- 
out the country in the 21st century. In 
addition, the migration of populations 
across the globe are blending divergent 
groups everywhere. 

According to Carla Peterson, chair of 
the Committee on Africa and the Americas, 
which is co-sponsoring the symposlimi 
with the Consortium on Race, Gender and 
Ethnicity, there is an urgent need to reex- 
amine the varied definitions and usages of 
the term race and its relationship to eth- 
nicity, culture and biology in order to chart 
a path for the new century, 

"We want people to discuss race in an 
open and civil maimer," says Peterson, "just 
as President Clinton attempted to do with 
his Initiative on Race." 

Among the many sessions Is a panel 
titied "The Cult of Single Black 
Womanhood: An Analysis of Popular 
Fiction by Black Women Writers at the 
Millenniimi." This program defines and 
explores the body of popular fiction by 
black women that has emerged since the 
late 1 980s. It offers a critical view on the 
significance and contributions the many 
texts have contributed to understanding 
the social conditions that gave rise to their 

Throughout the symposium, sessions 
are schedtded that will cover a wide array 
of topics. Some will investigate human bio- 
diversity and its implications across the 
social, behavioral and life sciences. 
Another session will seek to comprehend 
the assimilation of cultttre and customs 
with regard to race and identic in the 

Canary Islands, Cuba and North America. 
"Black Power," reconsidered as nationalism, 
gender and Identity, Influenced African 
American politics during the 20th century 
is the focus of other lectures. Black perfor- 
mance and the shaping of messages 
through motion and action will explore 
the theater, dance and cinema. Still, other 
scholars will investigate the mystique of 
black masculinity by Incorporating a multi- 
disciplinary perspective. 

"Reexamining Race and Ethnicity" 
opens with a reception on Wednesday, 
Oct. 20 at 6:30 p.m. in the Prince George's 
Room of the Stamp Student Union featur- 
ing excerpts from the musical "Once on 
This Island." Based on the novel "My Love, 
My Love," by Rosa Guy, it is a romantic tale 
of a rich boy from the city and a peasant 
girl who saves the boy from certain death. 
The Tony-nominated production is a 
Caribbean retelling of the Hans Christian 
Andersen fable "The Little Mermaid,"and is 
directed by Scot Reese. 

For additional information, contact the 
Committee on Africa and the Americas at 
405-7856 or 405-6835. 

6 Outlook October 12. 1999 



Commercial photographer Richard Dorbin and writer Ann 
Byrnes are under contract with The Johns Hopitlns 
University Press ftor their forthcoming coffee table book, 
"Tributaries: People Woritlng for the Future of the 
Chesapeake Bay". The book, a pictorial featuring distinc- 
tive black and white portraits accompanied by commen- 
tary — often in the subject's own words — depicts Individuals 
who are actively Involved In restoration and preservation of 
the Bay. Profiles include several persons affiliated with the 
University of Maryland, such as Professor of Soil Science 
Ray WeM (shown here, "buried alive"), who is actively 
involved In restoration and preservation of the Bay water- 

HKrtO£rBph OHictian] A. Dotb\i\, Paraxon U^iU Fnc.^ 1998 

Dan Curry, a graduate 
student in the master's 
degree program in the 
School of Architecture, won 
first prize in a two-day 
design competition open to 
students from the four 
Washington -area arcliitecture 
schools: Catholic University, 
Wash ington- Alexand ria 
Architecture Consortium, 
Howard University and the 
University of Maryland. The 
competition asked for ideas 
for an urban timepiece for 
Washington, D.C., focusing 
on locations on the 1790 
L' Enfant plan for the city, 

Curry's project, one of 
seven submitted by students 
at the University of 
Maryland, consisted of a 
below-grade park and 
archives for sketchbooks to 
be solicited from visitors and 
residents of D,C. over time. 
The winning designs will be 
exhibited at the nadonal 
headquarters of the 
American Institute of 
Architects for two weelcs, 
then circulate among the 
sponsoring schools. 

In honor of William 
Mayer, disdnguished alum- 
nus and former dean of the 

Smith School, the school's 
Terrapin Fund has been 
renamed the Mayer Fund. 
The Terrapin Fund, an MBA 
student-managed investment 
portfolio, was founded by 
Mayer and originally 
endowed with a generous 
gift of $250,OOO.The hmd 
provides MBA students 
hands on experience in equi- 
ty analysis, trading strategies 
and portfolio management. 
In addition, the fund increas- 
es the marketability of Smith 
finance MBAs in industries 
such as equity research, 
Investment banking, com 
mercial banking and corpo- 
rate finance. As of last June, 
the fund had grown to 
ahnost $850,000. 

Associate Professor Foon 
Sham has completed a 
three-month residency at the 
Nordic Artists' Centre in 
Dale, Norway. He was the 
first American selected to 
participate in this program. 
The selecdon was made 
from a pool of 420 appli- 
cants from all over the 

Leadership Changes Take Place at 
James MacGregor Burns Academy 

The James MacGregor Burns 
Academy of Leadership has under- 
gone some significant leadership 
changes. Nance Lucas, former associ- 
ate director of the Academy of 
Leadership, is now the director. She 
replaces founding director Georgia 
Sorenson, who is now a senior schol- 
ar at the academy. 

In addition, David Harrington has 
been named associate director and 
Donald Clifton chairs the academy's 
Board of Advisors. 

Lucas, who holds an affiliate 
assistant professorship in the 
industrial and organizational psy- 
chology department, served as the 
first director of the College Park 
Scholars Public Leadership 
Program and director of the Center 
for Leadership Education. Prior to 
joining the academy, she served as 
the co-founder and first director of 
the Nadonal Clearinghouse for 
Leadership Programs. 

She convened the 1 997 Global 
Leadership Week Program (a worid- 
wide leadership program initiative 
that spanned five continents) , co- 
founded the National Leadership 

Nance Lucas 

Georgia Sorenson 

Executive Office of the President. In 
the last three years, she has been 
involved in leadership and civic edu- 
cation in 28 countries, including 
Uganda, Hungary, Estonia, Costa Rica, 
Austria and Russia. 

David Harrington is an experi- 
enced executive in the fields of orga- 
nizational management, motivational 
leadership, community and public 
leadership and leadership training. At 
the academy, he has served as direc- 
tor of the Center of Leadership 
Training and director for programs. 

Before coming to the academy, 
Harrington was director of educa- 
tional services at the Close Up 
Foundation. In addition, he was 
national chair of the African 
American Educators Special hiterest 
Group of the National Council for 
the Social Studies, on the board of 
the Maryland Municipal League and a 
faculty member at Harvard's summer 
institute for writing, reading and 
civic education. 

Harrington currently serves as 
mayor of Bladensburg. 

Donald Clifton is chair for the 
Gallup Organization, which, for more 
than 60 

Symposium, and 
served as past chair of 
the National 
Leadership Project. 
Her research and 
scholarship interests 
focus on moral and 
ethical leadership. 

Sorenson is a leading 
scholar in the fields of 
political science, gov- 
ernment and leader- 
ship. With presidential 
scholar James MacGregor 
Burns, she is the co-author of the forthcoming 
book Dead Center: Clinton Leadership and the 
Perils of Moderation (Scribner, 1 999) . 

Before coming tot he University of Maryland, 
Sorenson was senior policy analyst in the Carte 
White House and directed a reorganization of the 

David Harrington 

years, has been the 
world leader in the 
measurement and 
analysis of people's 
attitudes, opinions and 
behavior. In addition 
to opinion polling, 
under Clifton's leader- 
ship, Gallup now pro- 
vides marketing and 
management research. 
consulting and train- 
ing to the world's 
largest corporations 
and institutions. 

He earned a doctor- 
ate in educational psychology at the University of 
Nebraska, where he taught for 1 9 years. In 1 969 
he founded Selection Research, Inc., which 
acquired The Gallup Organization in 1988. 

Donald Clifton 

Glendening Convenes Statewide Conference 

Governor Glendening is con- 
vening a statewide conference 
on higher education Nov, 3, at 
the University of Maryland, 
College Park. 

"Planning for higher educa- 
tion today is a dynamic 
process," Glendening says. "For 
Maryland to remain competi- 
tive and for our colleges and 
universities to continue to be 
responsive to the state's needs, 
the plan must be kept up-to- 
date and must have the support 
of leaders in higher education, 
the private sector and the com- 

The governor says the con- 
ference will bring together 
stakeholders from across 
Maryland—including students, 
faculty, legislative leaders, busi- 
ness executives, community 
leaders, members of governing 
boards and boards of visitors, 
and the public. 

The conference was pro- 
posed in Senate Bill 682 and 
adopted by the General 
Assembly during the 1999 ses- 
sion as the first step in the 
strategic planning process that 
will culminate in approval of a 
new state plan for higher edu- 

cation by the Maryland Higher 
Education Commission. 

The invitation-only confer- 
ence is being hosted by the 
Secretary of Higher Education, 
Patricia Florestano and the 
Higher Education Commission. 
The commission is responsible 
for writing and updating the 
state plan. 

The conference takes place 
in the Stamp Student Union 
from 8:30 a,m, until 4 p.m. 

1999-2000 Lilly-CTE Teaching Fellows 

continued from page 1 

teaching. And often while I am teaching, I am learning 
something I can apply to my work." 

As a Lilly-CTE fellow, Coustaut is Interested in exam- 
ining how computer technologies impact undergradu- 
ate education. She says she's also interested exploring 
issues of diversity in the classroom population,"! espe- 
cially wonder how may of the dominant student popu- 
lation are actually exposed to issues of diversity in a 
way that would impact their lives," says Coustaut. 

"As a Lilly Fellow, I envision an interactive discus- 
sion with faculty from across the campus on ideas to 
help increase student interacdon, use more time effec- 
tively in and out of the classroom and motivate stu- 
dents to become active, rather than passive in their 
learning, says Geoflwy Dahl. assistant professor of ani- 
mal and avian sciences. 

Dahl says teaching at the undergraduate level is criti- 
cal to the mission of the university."! have a strong 
commitment to effective, innovative instruction," says 
Dahl, who teaches the Introductory course, "Principles 
of Animal Science," the largest course in the program 
with more than 100 students, He has also developed 
two other courses, an upper level endocrinology 
course and "Career Options in Animal Science Seminar." 

!n addition to his teaching duties, Dahl is the 
undergraduate program coordinator for animal and 
avian sciences where he advises students, assigns 
teaching assistants and coordinates course offerings. 

Allison Druin, assistant professor in the College of 
Education and the University of Maryland Institute for 
Advanced Computer Studies, considers herself an 
artist, technologist and educator. 

"When I was a student, I was an artist who used 
computers, a technologist who made educational 
technologies for children and an educator who was 
concerned with new technologies, I never found an 
educational home where ! could be all three people 
with all three concerns at the same time," says Druin. 
"I want to find a place where my students can have a 
multidisclplinary home," 

As a professor in the Human-Computer Interaction 
Lab, Druin has developed courses where students 
come together from a variety of majors including 
engineering, journalism and art. 

As a Lilly CTE fellow, Druin would like to explore 
two areas of interest: how to foster learning communi- 
ties among multidisciplinary undergraduates and how 
to support those education experiences with new 

Fiances Gulick says students are amazed to hear 
that the professor of mathematics has taught for more 
than 35 years. 

"It has been a long journey, but one that I hope is 
far hnm over," says Gulick. "I have ti^veled the road 
from student teaching to Math Z {remedial algebra), 
calculus classes and an introduction to 'modern math" 
for elementary education majors as a graduate stu- 
dent, to large lectures and small classes of many types 
here at the University of Maryland." 

Gulick is chair of Math 115, a precalculus course, 
which serves 400 to 700 students each semester. As a 
Lilly-CTE fellow, she is interested in exploring three 
topics— finding ways to bring active learning into 
large lecture classes, training and mentoring graduate 
students and facilitating student-to-student contact 
within and outside of the classroom. 

Empowering students to learn free of preconceived 
notions about literature and art is an important goal of 
Hugh Lee, associate professor of classics. After a four- 
year stint at St. Mary's College of California, he 
thought small schools were the way to go. However, 
the rest of his career has been at medium or large 
institutions like Indiana, Miami of Ohio, Howard and 
University of Maryland. The challenge at these schools 

was to foster the same academic environ- 
ment that exists at small schools, in which 
students feel social pressures to achieve at 
the highest level. Lee stresses that irmova- 
tion is the most important part of teaching 
today's students. 

Lee says a Lilly-CTE fellowship will "assist 
me to better define myself as a teacher- 
scholar in a small department with heavy 
teaching and service demands, but in a flag- 
ship university with research expectations." 

Robert Vann, professor of architecture, 
brought his extensive experience in 
archaeology to his undergraduate classes 
and noticed a lack of emphasis on the part 
of the world he studied so closely. He 
wrote two books on archaeological sites in 
Turkey and Israel and co-directed underwa- 
ter excavations in Herod's harbor at 
Caesarea Maritima (Israel) from 1980-1990. 
He also recently completed a sixth season 
of surveying Greek and Roman harbors 
along the south coast of Turkey. 

After noticing a gap in undergraduate 
architecture studies, Vann developed sepa- 
rate courses in Islamic architecture and 
the architecture of the PrfrColiunbian 
world. He then brought one of his classes 
to Sri Lanka, studying Asian architecture, 
until bland unrest made it dangerous for 

Vann praises the adoption of ARCH 220, 
221 and 223, which focus on non-western 
architecture, and cover Africa, Asia, Latin 
America, Armenia and a wide range of 
interesting places. "Although there are 
many ways to discuss buildings," he says, "1 
have always preferred presenting architec- 
ture as a reflection of cultural and environ- 
mental traditions, rather than a strictiy styl- 
istic or technical analysis." 

Veterinary medicine is best taught 
through hands-on experience volunteering 
at clinics and the sharing of ideas with oth 
ers in the profession, Mark Vamer, profes- 
sor of anirnal sciences and extension dairy 
scientist, is fostering the exchange of ideas 
through the Internet. He created the 
Extension Educational Program, which 
evolved into a "virtual community" of peo- 
ple communicating about veterinary medi- 

Another Internet tool Varner uses is 
WebChat, where students participate in 
current events discussions called 
"Physiology in the News." He was a pre- 
senter at the "Teaching with Technology" 
mini-symposium on campus, and has post- 
ed his PowerPoint lecture presentations and course 
notes on the World Wide Web for three years. 

According to Varner, "Identifying learning opportu- 
nities associated with laboratory courses, and then 
matching those opportunities with the strengths of 
selected Internet communication tools, could have 
implications for undergraduate programs in a variety 
of colleges at the university." 

Learning about the chemical reactions that make 
candles burn in sixth grade inspired Emily van Zee, 
assistant professor of curriculum and instruction, to 
devote her life to science and teaching. Over the 
course of her career, she has been developing ways to 
help students learn more effectively. She is particular- 
ly interested in fostering women's involvement in sci- 
ence and physics. As a teaching associate at the 
University of Washington in the early 1980s, she was 
"still the only female, or one of very few females, in 
my courses." 

Robert Hampton, dean of Undergraduate Studies, Emily van Zee, 1 
Carmen Coustaut and Arjang Assad. \ 

Nell Davidson, Allison Druin and James Greenberg, CTE director. 

Hugh Lee, Mark Varner, Frances Gulick and Frank Alt. The fellows 
not pictured are Geoffrey Dahl and Robert Vann. 

Van Zee hopes being a Lilly-CTE fellow will add to 
her understanding of better teaching techniques 
tfirough more involvement with her cohorts at the 
university. In the past, she experienced such interac- 
tion as a McDonnell Foundation Fellow, where she 
examined questioning processes as part of a cognitive 
approach to high school physics instruction. She was 
also involved in the National Science Foundation, 
doing case studies of physics teachers. She helped 
begin the Science Inquiry Group (SING) Ui the fall of 
1996, and recently started a similar group In 
Hyattsville made up of teachers interested in examin- 
ing more effective Uses of technology in teaching. 

"The major issue I would like to pursue is how to 
help undergraduates become more responsible for 
their own learning," she says. As a fellow, van Zee will 
continue to pursue innovative ways of reaching these 


8 OutlMk October 12. 

Flu Vaccine 

The Health Center is offer- 
ing flu vaccine again this year. 
Vaccinations will lie offered, 
by appointment only, Monday 
through Friday, 9 to 1 1 a.m. 
and 2 to 4 p.m., beginning 
Oct. 19. The appointment nimfi- 
ber is 314-8184. 

Cost is $10 for students and 
$12 for faculty and staff. Flu 
vaccine is particularly recom- 
mended for people over 65 . 
and anyone with chronic ill- 
ness such as asthma, 
diabetes or kidney disease. 

Ehrlich Nominees 

The 2000 Thomas Ehrlich 
Faculty Award for Service 
Learning (sponsored by 
Campus Compact) honors one 
faculty member annually for 
contributing to the integration 
of community service into the 
curriculum and for efforts to 
institutionalize service-learn- 
ing. The winner receives an 
award of $2,000. 

Each institution may foward 
the application of one full-time 
faculty member whose work 
in service-learning meets the 
following criteria: 

• Extensive experience in 
teaching service-learning 

• Evidence of engaged scholar- 

• Evidence of institutional 

Nominations are due to 
Marie Troppe, coordinator of 
service-learning, by Nov. 3. Self 
nominations are acceptable. 

For more information on 
selection criteria and required 
nomination materials, email: 

APT Process Workshop 

Last Sept. 30, the College 
Park Senate met to reconsider 
the campus APT process on 
appeals.A major focus of the 
report was to suggest ways to 
minimize appeals by dis- 
cussing thorny aspects of the 
review process with academic 
administrators and faculty 
members who serve as APT 
chairs. In response, the Office 
of Faculty Affairs is offering a 
workshop on conducting 
reviews, and particularly con- 
ducting the sessions in which 
faculty vote on candidates for 

The session is scheduled for 
Wednesday Oct. 27 at 3:30 
p.m. in 1102 Francis Scott Key 
Hall. Call Sheron Thomas at 

405-6803 or email her at 

Family Weekend 1999 

More than 1 ,000 fomilies 
are expected to attend Family 
Weekend 1999 activities, 
beginning the evening of 
Friday, Oct. 15 and continuing 
until early afternoon on 
Sunday, Oct, 17, Families will 
have the opportunity to attend 
a wide number of events that 
include two dining options on 
Friday night, Midnight 
Madness, and the University 
Theatre's production. "Once 
on This Island." 

Saturday morning activities 
begin with a Family Weekend 
KickOff and Breakfast fol- 
lowed by a series of open 
houses, which showcase a 
wide variety of university 
departments and programs, 
the football game and an 
"Evening of Entertainment at 
the Campus Recreation 
Center." Activities conclude on 
Sunday with a reception at the 
President's Residence hosted 
by President and Mrs. Mote. 

If you would like more 
information or if you would 
like to volunteer to help at an 
event, contact the University 
of Maryland Parents' 
Association at 314-8429 or via 

Purchasing Power 

In response to requests 
from university customers, 
purchasing cards may now be 
issued to graduate and 
research assistants when 
approved by the requesting 
unit's department head. These 
cards can be customized to 
control card activity. 

Contact Marty Newman at 
405-5834 or via email at 
m newma 
for more information. 

Purchasing Consulting 

Departments are now dele- 
gated the authority to pur- 
chase consulting services up 
to $2,500 using VISA 
Purchasing Cards and 
Delegated SM Orders without 
coming through Procurement. 
The vendor should be instruct- 
ed to process invoices for pay- 
ment only after the services 
have been completed or. In the 
case of VISA, do not sign the 
charge slip until services are 

The VISA ptirchasing card is 
available for consultants who 
are incorporated businesses 
and not coded by VISA as a 
financial Institution or tax 
preparation service. 

The SM Order may be used 
for businesses and individuals 
regularly in the business of 
providing consulting ser- 

Should you have questions, 
contact Marty Newman at 405- 

Wbrld Cup Swimmers At 

More than 200 of the 
world's best swimmers will be 
competing in the FINAAJSA 
Swimming World Cup 1999 
meet Nov. 17 and 18 at the 
Campus Recreation Center. 
Olympic level swimmers from 
all over the world and the 
United States are expected to 

Tickets are available now 
through the Meadow Brook 
Aquatic Center (410-433- 
8300). Admission for the pre- 

'^The Meeting' 

What would have happened if Martin Luther King and 
Malcolm X were locked in a hotel 
room before being gunned down 
in a hall of bullets, just three 
years apart? This intriguing ques- 
tion is the subject of the power- 
ful drama "The Meeting". 

Nyumburu Cultural Center 
invites you to Pin Points 
Theatre's presentation of "The 
Meeting," Wednesday, Oct. 13, at 7 
p.m. in Nyumburu Cultural Center's 
Multi-Purpose Room, performed by Pin Points Theatre of 
Washington, "The Meeting" has received 
the Louis B. Mayer Award, six New York 
Audelco Nominations, and eight 
NAACP Theater Awards. It has com- 
pleted tours throughout Europe and 
the United States. 

For more information email 
Christopher Page at cpl02@umail. or call 314-7758, 

Opera Special 

Additional performances of 
Maryland Opera Studio's 
"Postcard From Morocco"con- 
tinue on Wednesday, Oct. 13 
and Friday Oct. 15 at 7:30 p.m. 
In Ulrich Recital Hall.Tickets 
for the one-act opera, featuring 
members of the University of 
Maryland Symphony Orchestra 
with sets and costumes 
designed by theatre faculty are 
$16 adult, $12 seniors and $10 

Call 405-7847 for more 
information or to charge tick- 
ets by phone. 

Controlled Lagrangians 

Anthony Bloch, department 
of mathematics. University of 
Michigan, discusses 
"Stabilization by the Method 
of Controlled Lagrangians," 
Wednesday, Oct. 20, at 2 p.m. 
Room 2460 A.V Williams 
Building. His talk is part of the 
Institute for Systems 
Research's Control and 
Dynamical Systems Invited 
Lecture Series. 

For further information, go 
to: www, 

liminary events is $5 for adults 
and $3 for children 12 years 
and younger Tickets for the 
finals are $8 for adults and $5 
for children. Seating is limited, 
so early ticket purchase Is rec- 

For more information, con- 
tact Shawn Flynn at 226-4410. 

Quit Smoking 

Is it time for you to quit 
smoking? The University 
Health Center is ready to help. 
The center offers a four-class 
smoking cessation program on 
Fridays, from noon to 1 p.m. at 
the Health Center. Session II 
takes place Nov. 5, 12 and 19 
and Dec. 12. 

The class fee is $20 with 
$15 returned to those who 
attend all four dasses.This 
class really works. 

Call 314-8123 if you have 
questions. To register, stop by 
the University Health Center's 
Health Education Office 
(Room 2107). 

LGBT Speakers Bureau 

Submit requests for a panel 
of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans- 
gender and allied peer educa- 
tors to speak in your class, res- 

idence hall or other campus 
venue through the Office of 
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and 
Transgender Equity. They have 
been instructed on how to 
speak publicly in constructive 
ways about sexual orientation 
and gender identity. 

Please plan three weeks 
ahead when inviting a panel. 
Under no circumstances will 
requests with a week or less 
notice be honored. You are 
encouraged to ask for a panel 
via the web at www, inform, EdRes/provost/lgbt/ 
(click on "Speakers Bureau" 
then again on "request here"). 
You may also submit requests 
to Luke Jensen at Ijensen® or at 405,8721. 

New Walk-in Tutoring 

The walk-in tutoring service 
provided by the Electronic 
Workplace Readiness Initiative 
has changed. The new loca- 
tion, days and times are as fol- 
lows; Room 0121, Main 
Administration Building, 
Mondays: 8:30 a.m. -noon; 
Thursdays: 1-4:30 p.m.; and 
Fridays: 8:30 a.m. -noon. 

Additional information is 
available at the web site 
(www. acctrain. 
ework) or by calling 405-1101 
or via e-mail at bbattagl@acc- 

Parking Fees Rise 

In case you've not already 
received notification by your 
departmental parking coordi- 
nators, the parking fee for fac- 
ulty and staff will increase 
from $140 annually to $160. 
Those eligible for payroll 
deduction will see the deduc- 
tion amount increase by $ 1 
per pay period-from $7 to $8, 

Campus parking also wants 
to remind you that parking 
deductions for those on pay- 
roll deduction are now done 
on a pre-tax basis. If you have 
any questions concerning this 
matter contact Ellen 
Cygnarowicz at 314-7198. 

Campus parking also wishes 
to inform the campus commu- 
nity that Union Lane Garage 
will be converted to a cashier 
attended facility. Current expec- 
tations are for this conversion 
to happen in late November 
1 999. There will be some minor 
work being performed while 
the contractor installs gate 
equipment and cashiering 
booths, but this will not disrupt 
the ordinary usage of the park- 
ing meters. Union Lane Garage, 
as a cashier-attended facility, 
will be a 24-hour/7-days-per 
week operation. 

Contact Gary Neuwirth at 
314-4537 if you have any ques- 
tions concerning the conver- 