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The University of Maryland Faculty and Staff Weekly Newspaper 

Volume 14 'Number 17 • February 8, 2000 

Marathon Magic, 
page 10 



Governor Slates Campm 
Budget Increase for 2001 

The Maryland General Assembly will hold hearings on 
the University of Maryland operating and capital budgets 
next week in the midst of a time described as "the most 
propitious ever" for higher education in the Free State. 
Gov. Parris Glendening has proposed an operating bud- 
get increase of about $30 million, or ten percent, and a 
capital appropriation of more than $100 million for the 
university for fiscal year 2001. 

President Dan Mote last week said the operating 
increase is part of the state's commitment made last year 
to boost fiinding for the Flagship Campus tow^ard the 
level of such peer institutions as Michigan, North 
Carolina, Illinois, Berkeley and 

Mote said the addi- 
tional money 
would help to 
meet a number 
of university 

funding will 
go to what 
Mote termed 
initiatives," inno- 
T^tive programs 
that have been pro- 
posed by the deans and 
are now under review by the 
Academic Program Advisory Committee. 

Funds will also be provided for infrastructure needs 
to improve conditions for Uving, learning and woridng 
on campus, wliich will help with recruiting of faculty 
and graduate students. 

The university will also be making a heavy conmiit- 
ment in the biosciences and biotechnology, Mote said, as 
Maryland pushes its agenda for boosting technology 
industries in the regional economy The university's infor- 
mation technology division also will get a boost as it is 
taking a leadership role in the development of the state's 
e-commerce initiatives 

Also benefiting from additional funding will be 
libraries, need-based scholarship funding for undergradu- 
ates, fellowship funding for graduate students and faculty 
salaries, all of which are needed to remain competitive, 
Mote said. 

On the capital budget side, Glendening has proposed 
using a billion dollar surplus to fund new construction 
on campuses, and the University of Maryland will benefit 
ftom that as well, with a proposed $102 million in FY 
'0 1 . Of that, more tlian $23 million will fund a new 
chemistry teaching building, $40.5 million will go to the 
new engineering and applied sciences building, and 
more than $25 million will go to construction of the 
Comcast Center 

Mote said he is optimistic about the university's 
prospects this year "There's never been more support 
for die university and the university's value to the state," 
Mote said. "People who have watched the legislature for 
more than 30 years say they've never seen a time so pro- 
pitious for higher educadon in Maryland." 

Staffers Weather Storm, Provide 
Essential Services to Campus 

While some of us stayed up 
late Jan. 29 watching every 
newscast to find out about the 
approaching snow and ice, 
Harry Te about couldn't sleep. 
Neither could Roberto 
Romero. They knew that come 
storm or squall, Monday would 
be work as usual. 

Romero andTeabout were 
two of the hundreds of vital 
staff members on campus who 
made it to work when snow 
and ice fell on College Park, 
forcing cancellation of the first 
day of classes.They had just 
finished digging out from the 
previous week's storm that 
brought nearly a foot of snow. 

The first snow storm hit 
Jan. 20, closing the imiversity 
for that day. Less than a week 
later, almost a foot of snow 
forced cancellations on Jan. 25 
and 26, On Sunday, Jan. 30, 
another storm blanketed the 
area with a thick layer of ice. 

Whenever it snows, 
Teatxjut, director of building 
and landscape services, advises 
Provost Gregory Geoffroy on 
the conditions of campus 

The gentle snow flurries that fell last Friday were a welcome 
change from the Ice that blanketed campus eariler In the week. 

roads and walkways. The 
provost then decides whether 
or not campus will open. 

Employees like Romero can- 
not let the snow and ice deter 
them from making the morn- 
ing commute. The lead 
groundskeeper originally from 
the Dominican Republic says 
he worries about slippery 
roads, but finds a way to make 

it in despite winter weather 

But he doesn't complain. 
"You have to be aware that 
you are needed out there," 
Romero says, "because there is 
a lot of stuff to do, there are a 
lot of paths to be opened." 

When he does get to woric 

Continued on page 6 


School of Architecture Featured inside Outlook 

Inside this week's edition of Outlook you will find a 
four-page tribute to the people and programs in the 
School of Architecture. This pull-out section, found on 
pages 5-8, is the third in a scries of publications focusing 
on each college and school in the university. 

Conceived by Provost Gregory Geoffroy, the series 
of inserts is a means of building university-wide pride 
in academic activities. Many in the academic commu- 
nity are not aware of the quality of students, feculty 
and programs outside their own units. These publi- 
cations serve to raise that awareness tliroughout 
the university. 

The School of Architecture boasts many excit- 
ing programs, departments, faculty and students. 
Trying to capture til at in four pages is under- 
standably difficult. Instead, we have spotlighted 
a few of the programs and activities that reflect and 
represent the outstanding people and programs in the school, 
rather than cover them all comprehensively. 

"Wliile we hope you find this architecture issue informative, we also hope it will create a 
greater sense of commimity in the entire university. Your comments and suggestions for 
future i,ssues are welcome. 

We also wish to extend our thanks to Dean Steven Hurtt of the School of Architecture for 
his interest and attention in the development of this issue. 

2 Outlook February 8. 2000 

Smith School of Business is #2 in Information 
Technology, says Financial Times Survey 


Comments in the media by and about the campus and 
its people: 

"We know there has been no serious discussion inside Israel about 
any general compromise on Jerusalem-Jerusalem Is still kind of 
viewed as the third rail of Israeli politics, with the right claiming 
that the left will re-divide Jerusalem and the left saying that is a 
lie... When you ask people what parts of the city are important, 
only the Mount of Olives and the Old City are really important to 
both peoples." —Jerome Segal, research scholar at the Center of 
International and Seatrity Studies, wbojbunded the Peace 
Lobby a decade ago to push Israel toward negotiating with the 
Palestine Liberation Organization. (TSIew York Times, /am. 20) 

"This is the time when people with neck-snapping initiatives can 
bring them forward." — Unittersity President CD. Mote Jr., com- 
menting on the academic atmosphere emanating from the 
additional $31 million dollars In funding proposed by Gov. 
Parris Glendening. (Washington Post, Jan. 19) 

"Leadership institute director Walters says some of Bradley's diffi- 
culties on race relations may stem from his 'failure to get beyond 
good intentions.' Walters said he detected that weakness two 
years ago, when Bradley was stUl mulling a presidential run while 
serving as distinguished scholar at the University of Maryland's 
Academy of Leadership... Walters watched as Bradley brought in a 
group of scholars and minority speakers to talk to students and 
faculty about race. Walters left tlie talk unimpressed. Bradley, he 
said, seemed to be struggling to develop language on race he 
could use for a presidential nm. He was doing a lot of listening, 
but he offered no reai resolution." — Ron Walters, director of the 
African-American Leadership Institute, remembering bis fellow 
Academy of Leadership staff member, Bill Bradley. (Xos Angeles 
Times, /an. 17) 

"How, then, does the (Helmut) Kohl case relate to US voters who 
insist they want a president with strong leadership qualities'? 
Above all, this sorry saga serves as a reminder that leaders who 
prove their mettle in one arena often falter in another. Leaders 
with bold agendas often bend the rules to meet their needs. And 
leaders who have it all — complete integrity, high competence, 
and a bold agenda — arc rare. So voters will have to choose, not 
just between candidates, but among definitions of leadership. If 
those in the running don't have it all, the key question is: Which 
leadership qualities matter most on election day?" — Barbara 
Kellerman, director of the Center for the Advanced Study of 
Leadership, writing in the Christian Science Monitor, y««. 21 

"As the 20th century fades into history, some social scientists sug- 
gest the idea of imiqucly-defmed decades may wane with it. 
Historians say the packaging of time in decades was an offshoot 
of the larger mental regimentation that .spread as Western coun- 
tries became mechanized during the Industrial Age of the 19th 
century... A lot of this has to do with watches becoming more 
widely used. But the fundamental cau-sc, probably, was the com- 
plex impact of industrial imperatives. Clearly, in the age of Henry 
Ford there was a greater assumption that segmenting time into 
specific units was basic to efficiency, productivity and overall suc- 
cess.'" —J. Kirkpatrick Flack, associate professor of history, quot- 
ed in a story on what comes next after Y2K. Wijat do we call 
this decade? (Reuters English News Agency, fan. 18) 

"The greatest achievement of science in the 20th century is 
quantum mechanics." —Stephen Brush, distinguished university 
professor of history of science, nominating the work of Albert 
Einstein, Niels Bohr ami other leading scientists, who used 
quantum theory to demolish and then rebuild the foundation 
of physics, as the most far-reaching science of the century. (Cox 
News Service, fan. 4) 

The MBA program of the Robert H. Smith 
School of Business has earned second place in 
information technology, according to MBA 2000, 
the Financial Times ranking of tlic world's top 
75 international MBA programs. This placement is 
based on responses from alumni of the Smith 
Schools MBA program. 

Overall, the Smith School's full-time MBA pro- 
gram ranks 24th among U.S. schools and 31st 
among the world's top programs, according to the 
international business newspaper's survey results. 

"The recognition of the Smith School of 
Business as a leader in business education for the 
new economy is clearly on the rise," says Howard 
Frank, dean of the Smith School of Business. "It is 
especially noteworthy that the Financial Times 
survey is bringing more worldwide visibility to 
the Smith School's leadership position" 

The Financial Times based its overall rankings 
on responses from business school representa- 
tives and 1996 MBA gradiiates worldwide. A 
school's position in the final rankings was deter- 
mined by three broad factors: value and quality of 
the MBA (specifically, the degree's purchasing 
power in the marketplace), diversity (among 
members, and through MBA students' exposure 

and experiences) and research productivity. 

The Smith School of Business MBA program 
earned second place in information technology 
based on responses from its 1996 graduates. 
Giving the respondents specific program areas ■ 
ft-om which to choose, the Financial Times asked 
the graduates to indicate their school's strongest 
areas. Smith School graduates chose information 
technology as their MBA pnjgram's major 

Other Smith School of Business facts the 
Financial Times used to determine the school's 
overall ranking included the following. 

• Current average salary of the Smith MBA 
class of 1996 is $92,660, a weighted average of 
the class's 1999 and 1998 average salaries. 

• Women made up 40 percent of the ctess of 
1996, placing the Smith School fourth worldwide 
in the. percentage of female students in the stu- 
dent body. 

• Eighteen percent of Smitli School full-time 
faculty are women, 19 percent arc international, 
100 percent have Ph.D.s. 

For more information on the Financial Times 
MBA 2000 survey, visit on 
the Web. 

Academy of Leadership Accepts $50,000 Gift 

The James MacGregor 
Bums Academy of 
Leadership will award its 
first annual S 2,000 Jolm 
A. Cade Scholarship this 
spring to a student who 
has demonstrated leader- 
sliip skills and an inter- 
est in pursuing 
Leadership Studies at the 
Academy. Cade, a strong 
advocate for higher edu- 
cation, was a member of 
the Maryland Senate 
from 1975 imtil his 
death in 1996. 

Tlie §50,000 endow- 
ment for the fund comes 
from three sources. 
Thomas V. Mike Miller Jr. , 
prcsident of the 
Maryland Senate, donated 
the $10,000 award he 
rcccived from the 
Legislative Leaders 
Foundation, along with 

$10,000 from his own campaign fund. Miller is a 
University of Maryland alumnus. 

Ardath Cade, Sen. Cade's widow, donated 
$10,000. The Baldmore-based France-Mcrrick 
Foundation donated $20,000. 

In presenting the $50,000 check to David 
Harrington, associate director at the academy, 
Miller reflected on Cade's legacy 

"As much as any legislator. Jack Cade imder- 
stood that it was education that made a differ- 
ence. He wa.s a champion for higher education 
funding throughout his career," Miller said. "Since I 
share his intense commitment to our institutions 
of higher learning, I could tliink of no better way 
to honor him than through this scholarship." 

In accepting the check, HarringKm praised the 
leadership of all those involved in establishing the 

Maryland Senate President Thomas V. Mike Miller Jr. (right) Joins Ardath 
Caile, widow of the late Senator John Cade and Robert Schaefer, executive 
director of the France-Merrick Foundation, in presenting David Harrington 
(left) of the Academy of Leadership a check for $50,000 to endow a schol- 
arship in Sen. Cade's name. 

Cade Scholarship Fimd. "The greatest gift any 
leader can make is to shape the leaders of the 
next generation." 


and juniors 
interested in 
applying for 
the scholar- 
ship should 
contact the 
Academy of 
Leadership at 


In last week's Outlook (Vol. 14, 
No. 16), the article on the 
Diversity Panel incorrcctly list- 
ed Carlos Bennett as the presi- 
dent of the SGA. Bennett is the 
prcsident of the Graduate 
Student Government. 


Outlook Is the weekly faculty-staff newspaper serving the Universfty of Maryland campus community. Brodle Remington, Vice President for University Relations; 
Teresa Rannery. Executive Director of University Communications and Director of Marketing; George Cathcart, Executive Editor; Jennifer Hawes, Editor; 
Londa Scott Forte, Assistant Editor; David Abrams, Graduate Assistant. Letters to the editor, story suggestions and campus information are welcome. Please 
submit all material two weeks before the Tuesday of publication. Send material to Editor, Outlook. 2101 Turner Halt, College Park, MD 207 42. Telephone (301) 
405-4629; e-mail; fax (301} 314-9344. Outlook can be found online at' 

February 8, 2000 Outlook 3 

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New Web site Offers 
Free, Fun Terp Stuff 

Tlie Office of Internet Communications recently launched a 
new Web site that offers lots of free Terp stuff 

The site,, accessible from the main cam- 
pus homepage, allows Web surfers to send personalized virtual 
postcards to 
their friends dis- 
playing famUiar 
campus images. 
It also wUl have 
Terp screen- 
savers, video and 
soimd clips, 
games and con- 

"Tlie whole 
idea of this pro- 
ject is to give 
people some- 
thing for free," says Director of Internet Commimications Linda 
Martin. "We also have some unique shots of the campus that we 
think people will lite, being able to communicate in this unique 

"Send a Maryland Moment" is a w^ay to send customized e-mail 
greetings to your friends, with the choice of more than 30 cam- 
pus images, includijig Testudo, the Memorial Chapel, and other 
campus liigliiiglits.AU it requires is a simple three-step process 
and an e-mail address. 

The site also has Terp Concentration— a welcome alternative 
to desktop standards Minesweeper and Solitaire — designed by 

I senior computer 

sciences major 
Noah Lazar 
More games will 
foUow, such as 
campus trivia 
and a virtual 
scavenger hunt, 
where you are 
given clues to 
find hidden 
objects some- 
where in the 
thousands of 
pages in the campus Web site, sort of like "Where's Waldo.'The 
secret items could be located on the history department home- 
page or MARS, for example. 

Sound clips can be downloaded, including the school fight 
song and clips of President Dan Mote speaking. Movie clips of 
Steve Francis dunking Testudo in the snow, among others, are also 

Martin says she hopes the games will encourage people to 
browse the entire university system, rather dian navigating 
through the "search" page. 

Construction on the site continues, and Internet 
is exploring more 
^^ys to supple- 
ment it. There 
will be postcards 
for special events 
such as 
Commence ment , 
and the ACC tour- 
nament, and free 
Terp screen 

Tliere also will be a contest to get your 1 5 minutes of fame on 
the campus homepage, where actual students arc often pictured 
under the Web headlines. 




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Nyumburu Celebrates February with 

Hands-on History 

The Nyumburu Cultural Center celebrates Black History Month with "Memoirs of the 

Black Experience," a month-long exploration of the experiences ajid cultural expressions 

of Black people from Africa to the Americas. 

For "Memoirs," Nyumburu has transformed its lower levels into an experiential museum. 

The exhibit provides the university community with an opportimity to walk tlirough vari- 

ous Black historical experiences. 

According to Nyumburu 


coordinators, there are three 

goals of the exhibit: to give 
faculty, staff and students who 

Nyumburu Black History 

may not have access to nation- 

Calendar of Events: 

al black historic sites a chance 

to experience that history; to 

provide an educational oppor- 

Feb. 12 

timity outside of the class- 


room (university faculty can 

Community Service Project 

tour the facility with their 

classes); and to educate the 

Feb. 13 

community on the reasons 

9 p.m. 

why Black History Month is a 

Slow Jams Juke Joint 


Poetry, intimate club atmosphere 

"This year we have sought 

to create and execute pro- 

Feb. 14-27 

grams that will appeal to both 

Documentary Photographs 

our current students as well as 

Art Gallery 

our faculty and staff conmauni- 

ty," says Anne Reese Carswcll, 

Feb. 16 

Nyumburu director, " Wc are 
fortunate to work in an cnvi- 

7:30 p.m. 

Music Through Time 

rormient in which we can cel- 

Exploration of the various genres of Black music. 

ebrate as well as educate our- 

selves on the historical 

Feb. 19 

achievements and continued 

10 a.m.- 5 p.m. 

trailblazing of our people." , 

N^Utttburu Family Weekend/Literature 

Exhibits for "Memoirs of 


the Black Experience" include; 

Features organizadonal showcase, family dirmer 

• Memories of the 

and discussion. 

Plantation — A recreation of 

the slave ship experience, visi- 

Feb. 20 

tors will walk through the 

11 a.m. 

over-packed and horrifying 

Church Service 

experiences of the middle pas- 

West Annex Memorial Chapel 

sage. The experience leads 

into a recreation of the planta- 

Feb. 23 

don slave quarters. ; 

4 p.m. 


Cultural Dinner with Spur of the Moment 

• Memories of the 

and Three Shades 

Movement — Tlie Nyimibuni 

South Campus Dining Hall and Denton Dining 

student lounge is converted to 


a lunch coimter demonstra- 

tion. Visitors will be exposed 

Feb. 25 

to the sights and sounds of 

Get on the Bus 

the civil rights movement. 


Trip to historic Charleston, S.C. 

• The Black Maffe— Features 

Feb. 26 

black and white photos of 

9 p.m. 

racially motivated crimes and 

Nyumburu/Resident Life Cabaret 




Feb. 27 1 

• Unforgettable Images — A 

4 p.m. 1 

photo display of people. 

African American Story Quilts and Lecturer 

moments and times in Black 

Pfjyllis Stephensen ,— ^ 


Feb. 28 ^^ 

"Memoirs of the Black 

7 p.m. 1 

Experience" is free and open 

Black History Month Closing Ceremony with \ 

to the public Monday - Friday, 

Black Renaissance Theme ^^m 

9 a.m.- 5 p.m. 


For more information call 

^H For more information caU 3 1 4-7758 



4 Outlook February 8, 2000 

/4 y^4'/ylf A/% jj ^i^dscape Revisits Roaring Twenties 

\/w %/v M^^-^ %<^ 9^ §^ w^^^ The wind quintet Wlndscape presents "The Roaring TwenUes Revfeitcd" featuring 1 



- Your Guide to University Events 
February 8-17 

February 8 

4:30-7:30 p. m. Workshop: 
'Introduction to Mathematica,"* 
intRKJuccs the basic principles of a 
w^rld ctass mathematical tool that 
can perform complex mathemati- 
<:al operations such as inte^ation, 
differentiation, etc, in symbolic 
mathematicai notation. Also includ- 
ed is rendering data in cither 2D 
or 3D plots. Used in colleges and 
universities worldwide. 4404 
Computer & Space Sciences Bldg. . 
5-2938. or 
www: inform .* 

February 9 

Noon. MOCB Spring 2000 Seminar 
Series: ''Regulation of Re] Signaling 
in the Drosophila Immune 
aesponse," Louisa Wu, Center for 
^ricultura] Biotechnology. 1208 
Biology-Psychology Bldg. Lori 
Putman, 5-8422 or 
LP 1 1 © 

6-7:30 p.m. Computer Workshop: 
'Getting to Know Your WAM 
Account," is designed to introduce 
WAM account holders to the con- 
cepts involved in using their 
accounts. The class covers receiv- 
ing and sending e-maU, deleting 
mail, and participating in electron- 
ic discussion groups. Perfect for 
those who have just begun using 
their WAM accounts. 3330 
Computer & Space Sciences Bklg. 
5-2938, cwpost@umd 5, or 
,infbnn,uind. edtt/PT. 

6-9 p.m. Workshop: "Navigating 
WebCT," is for students enrolled in 
courses at the university which 
have integrated WebCT into the 
class environment, hi it students 
will leam to nav^te course con- 
tent, participate in bulletin hoards 
and chat rooms and develop pre- 
sentations in group project space. 
4404 Computer Sc Space Sciences 
Bldg. 5-2938. cwpost®umd5, or www. inform, umd. 

7-9 p.m."WMUC Spring Open 
Hotise." Semi-annual open house 
for those interested in joining or 
kaming about the campus radio 
station. 3130 South Campus Dining 
Hall. Daniel Kotrowski, 4-7867, 
ahDrtarm#wmuc . umd. edu . 

February 10 

4:30-7:30 p.m. Workshop: 
"Introduction to Mathematica," 
introduces the basic principles of a 
world class mathematical tool that 
can perform complex mathemati- 
cal operations such as integration, 
differentiation, etc. in symbolic 
mathematica] notation. Also includ- 
ed is rendering data in either 2D or 
3D plots. Used in colleges and uni- 
versities wxtrldwide. 4404 
Computer & Space Sciences Bldg. 
5-2938, cwpost@umd5.umd,edu or 
www. infbrm.umd.cdu/PT* 

7-9 p.m."WMUC Spring Open 
House," Semi-annual open house for 
those interested in joining or learning 
about the campus radio station. 3130 
South Campus Dining Hail. Daniel 
Piotrowski, 4-7867, 
shortarm^w muc , umd .edu 

February 11 

Noon. Department of Communication 
Research Colloquium: "Lasting Love; 
What Keeps Couples Tc^ether." Judy 

Pearson, Virginia Tech University. 
0200 Skinner Bldg. 5-6528 

February 13 

6-9 p.m. Workshop; "Navigating 
WebCT," is for students enrolled in 
courses at the university which have 
integrated WebCT into the class envi- 
ronment. In it students will leam to 
navigate course content, participate 
in bulletin boards and chat rooms 
and develop ptesentations in group 
project space, 4404 Computer & 
Space Sciences Bldg. 5-2938, or 
www. inform . umd . edu/PT* 

February 14 

2 p.m. Contnil and Dynamical 
Systems Invited lecture Series: "A 
Comparison of tlie Rigid Body 
Equations and the Incompressible, 
Inviscid Ideal Fluid Flow Equations 
with the Externals of Two Optimal 
Control Problems," Peter Crouch, 
Arizona State University. 2460 AV 
Labs/ISl/cvcnts. html . 

6-7:30 p.m. Computer Wo fkshop: 

"Getting to Know Your WAM 
Accoimt," is designed to introduce 
WAM account holders to the con- 
cepts involved in using their 
accounts. The class covers receiving 
and sending e-mail, deleting mail and 
participating in electronic discussion 
groups. Perfect for those who have 
just begun using their WAM accounts. 
3330 Computer & Space Sciences 
Bldg. 5-2938, cTvpost® umd 5. 
or vpww.inform. 

8-11 p.m. Event; "The Vagina 
Monolcfgues," a performance in con- 
junction with V-Day.V-Day is a cam- 
paign to end sexual violence against 
women and to proclaim Valentine's 
Day as the day to celebrate women 
and demand the end of abuse. "The 
Vagina Monologues" is a play written 
by Eve Ensler, based on interviews 
with a diverse group of hundreds of 
women, The play explores questions 
often pondered, but seldom asked; Do 
women like their vaginas? What do 
women call their vaginas? What can 
you tell about a woman by the way 
she moans when she is aroused? 

All profits from this production 
will be going to My Sister's Place, a 
battered women's shelter in 
Washington, D,C. There will be a box 
for donations at the performance as 
weU. Atrium, Stamp Student Union, 
Erica Hesch,' 

The wind quintet "Wlndscape presents "The Roaring Twenties Revfeitcd" featuring works by 
Armstrong, Stravinsky and Gershwin on Friday Feb. 11 at 8 p.m. The event, sponsored by the 
Concert Sodety, takes place at 
i University College's Inn -and 
F Conference Center. 
\ In "The Roaring 20s Revisited," 
Windscape looks at tlie dawn of 
the jazz age, when Armstrong's Hot 
Five Group was making waves, 
, Gershwin was composing forUn 
Pan Alley, an exiled Stravinsky 
rocked Paris with his avant garde 
style and Weill and Hindemith 
reflected the instability of post-war 
Germany with bold and controver- 
sial new works. 

Windscape programs combine 
masterpieces of the woodwind 
repertoire with glorious and color- 
ful arrangements of other great 
music (including jazz, classical and world miisic) to evoke a vivid cultural landscape of distant 
places in time. 

Cieated in 1994 by five leading instrumentalists, Windscape fixplores chamber music for wood- 
winds in dynamic and entertaining new ways. As Ensemble-in-Residence at the Manhattan School 
of Music, and on tour throughout North America, they have delighted audiences with spontaneous 
music-making, innovative programs and engaging commentary. 

The "Roaring 20s" was released as Windscape 's debut recording in Oct. 1999 by Arabesque 
Records. During the 1999-2000 season, Windscape will travel to New Zealand for a six-concert 
debut tour. They have been heard coast to coast as guests on National Public Radio and the 
Canadian Broadcasting Company. 

A free pre-concert discussion on Feb. 1 1 (6:30 p.m.) featuring members of ^flndscape wiB be 
moderated by university associate professor and oboist Mark Hill. Also scheduled to participate is 
university professor Robert Gibson, who is a composer and jazz bassist. 

Tickets for the concert are $18 regular admission, $15.50 senior and $5 students with LD. For 
tickets caU 405-7847. 

February 15 

12:30 p.m. School of Music: Opera 
Scenes Program. Ulrich Recital Hall, 
Tawes Bldg. 5-5570, 

4:30-7:30 p.m.Workshop: 
'Introduction to Mathematica," intro- 
duces the basic principles of a 
world class mathematical tool that 
can perform complex mathematical 
operations such as integiation, dif- 
ferentiation, etc. in symbolic mathe- 
matical notation. Also included is 
rendering data in either 2D or 3D 
plots. Used in colleges and universi- 
ties worldwide. 4404 Computer & 
Space Sciences Bldg 5-2938, 
c"wpost@imid5,umd,cdu or 
www, inform . u md.cdu/PT.* 

8-10 p.m. Dance Department Evem: 
"Travelogue," Dorothy Madden 
Theater. 5-7847.* 

8-11 p.m. Event: "The Vagina 
Monologues," a performance in con- 
jimction with V-Day,V-Day is a cam- 
paign to end sexual violence against 
women and to proclaim Valentine's 
Da)' as the day to celebrate women 
and demand the end of abuse. "The 
Vagina Monologues" is a play written 
by Eve Ensler, based on interviews 
with a diverse group of htmdrcds of 
women. The play explores questions 
often pondered, but seldom asked: 
Do women like their vaginas? What 
do women call their vaginas? What 
can you tell about a woman by the 
way she moans when she is 

All profits from this production 
will be going to My Sister's Place, a 
battered women's shelter in 
Washington, DC. There will be a box 
for donations at the performance as 
well. Atrium. Stamp Student Union. 
Erica Hesch,* 

February 16 

4-5 p.m. Astronomy Colloquium: 
"Cosmic Fireworifs — The 
Combustion Physics of Type la 
Supernova Ex plosions," Jens 
Niemeyer, University of Chicago. 
2400 Computer and Space Sciences 

4:30-7:30 p,m. Workshop: 
'Introduction to Microsoft Word," 
Introduces concepts including file 
manipulation, formatting text, head- 
ings, page numberings, spelUng, foot- 
notes and morc-4404 Computer &, 
Space Sciences Bldg. 5-2938, or 
www. inform , timd . edu/PT* 

5:30 p.m. School of Music: Opera 
Scenes Program. Ulrich Recital Hall, 
Tawes Bldg. 5-5570. 

February 17 

6-9 p.m.Workshop: "Introduction to 
Microsoft Word," introduces concepts 
including file manipulation, format- 
ting text, headings, page numberings, 
spelhng, footnotes and more. 44 04 
Computer & Space Sciences Bldg. 
5-2938, or 
www.inform . ttmd, edu/PT. * 

4:30-7:30 p.m.Workshop: 
-Intermediate MATLAB" 3330 
Computer & Space Science Bldg. 
5-2938. cwpost®umd5.umd,edu or 
www. inform . umd , edu/PT. * 

8-11 p.m. Event: "The Vagina 
Monologues," a performance in con- 
junaion with V-Day V-Day is a cam- 
paign to end sexual violence against 
women and to proclaim Valentine's 
Day as the day to celebrate women 
and demand the end of abuse, "llie 
Vagina Monologues" is a play written 
by Eve Ensler, based on interviews 

with a diverse group of himdreds of 
women. The play explores questions 
often pondered, but seldom asked: 
Do women like their vaginas? What 
do women call their vaginas? What 
can you tell about a woman by the 
way she moans when she is aroused? 

/Ul profits from this production 
™il be going to My Sister's Place, a 
battered women's shelter in 
Washington, D.C. There will be a box 
for donations at the performance as 
well, Atrium, Stamp Student Union. 
Erica Hesch,* 

Calendar Guide 

Calendar phone numbers listed 
as ^-xxxx or 5-xxxx stand for the 
prefix 314- or 405. Events are 
free and open to the public: 
unless noted h'i an asterisk (*), 
Caiendar information for Outlook 
is compiled from a combination 
of infoiW's master calendar and 
submissions to the Outlook 
office. To reach the calendar edi- 
tor, call 405-7615 or e-mail to 



ol o 



Night Oil Burns 

Design Studio Shines as Educational Mod^ 

I a 

From May rivough August 1998 Assistant Professor Melissa Weese Goodill ^led sketchbooks with notes ond drovrings of the pas- 
saget of Paris. Her drawing talents, ss seen in her wateriolor of a passage pictured i^ove, otd her reiewdi proposal to study 
these 1 9th century Poristim shopping i^cades, earned her the Westet?i Europem Archltecturd Foundation's Gdmel Priie. 

The Schcxj) of Architecture boasts two faculty 
who have won the Gabriel Prize. Awarded annually 
by the Western European Architecfural Foundation, 
the prize provides an ciward to support research 
into French architecture built circa 1 630 to 1 930. 

Associate Professor Amy Gardner won the prize 
in 1 992 for research tracing the impact of emerging 
1 8th and 1 9th century technologies on tfie ifieory 
and practice of architecture in France. 

Last spring. Assistant Professor Melissa Weese 
Goodill won the prize in recognition of her excep- 
tional drawing ability combined witti her research 
proposal to study 1 9th century Parisian shopping 
arcades. According to Goodill, these arcades are a 
manifestation of changes in French culture, includ- 
ing the development of a middle class, and an 

increase in leisure time, capital and availability of 

Paralleling these cultural changes, new iron and 
glciss technologies made a transformation of the 
shopping experience possible with the creation of 
glass -covered, street-like spaces, full of natural light. 
The passage is lined with luxury boutiques behind 
elegant uniform facades. Connecting important 
urban spaces, they became alternate routes to the 
usually un paved streets crowded with carriages, 
carts, wagons and draft animals. 

Goodill is now applying her research to teach- 
ing. This semester she is directing a graduate studio 
in which the students will design a French passage 
and its mcxiem U.S. counterpart, thereby compar- 
ing the two cultures, economies and architectures. 

"he design studio is die 
heart and soul of any 
arctiitecturai pro- 
gram," says Professor Ralph 
Bennett, recipient of the 
Association of Collegiate 
Schools of Architecture 1999 
Distinguished Teacher-Scholar 
Award. "Current educational 
theory says you want to 
engage students with 
real-world problems, deci- 
sion-making and team- 
work," says Bennett. 
"Studio education in 
architecture has been 
doing that for over 400 

Since the founding of 
the Ecole de Beaux Ans 
in the 17th century, 
design studios liave been 
central to architectural 
education. Unlike traditional 
lecture courses, design studios 
demand active student partici- 
pation. Working on simulated 
projects, the students learn by 
doing and benefit from one-on- 
one student-teacher interac- 

Des^^i studio work can 
seem all consiraiing. While the 
course meets four hours a day, 
three days a week, the students 
work late into the night, on 
weekends and holidays. Studio 

is where students integrate 
their expanding knowledge of 
history, theory, technology and 
professional practice. It is 
where they fece the challenge 
that architectural design is best 
when guided by well under- 
stood, sometimes conflicting 
values, and by intellectual ideas 

"Architecture is commonly 

thc^ht of as either a highly 

technical subject or an 

esoteric artistic endeavor. 

In reality, it is much more." 

• Dean Steven Hvrtt 

clearly expressed. 

Like art, architectural 
designs are as varied as the stu- 
dents who produce them. 
"There is rarely a dear single 
right solution," says Bcimett. 
"Rather there are a number of 
comparatively good solutions. 
You always want to rethink 
and refine an approach or 
explore an alternative, hence 
the long hours." 

• contbmed on piig« 3 

Urban Planners Get to the Heart of Successful Cities and Neighborhoods 

The city planning profes- 
sion today works closely 
with citizens and commu- 
nities in understanding what 
makes cities and neiglibor- 
hoods successful. The profes- 
sion has come a long way 
since the '505 and "605, the 
days of urban renewal, massive 
iimer city highway building 
and monolitliic public housing 

Tlie foilure of policies that 
cleared whole city blocks for 
high rise development, 
destroyed conununities to cre- 
ate space for highways and 
concentrated the poor in iso- 
lated, large-scale housing pro- 
jects, led to scholarship, 
reassessment and revisions in 
urban policy throughout the 

"Urban planners have 
learned a lot since the liigh 

profile (allures of the 1960s," 
says Marie Howland, director of 
the urban studies and planning 
program in the School of 
Architecture. "As urban plan- 
ners Tve believe there are poli- 
cies governments can adopt 
that make a difference. For 
example, govenmient policies 
can save nelgliborhoods — by 
stabilizing or turning them 
around. In tile urban studies 
and planning program we have 
conducted research that identi- 
fies the components of suc- 
cessful programs and policies 
that do just that," 

Like architects, planners are 
concerned with the built envi- 
ronment, but planners give 
more emphasis to the broader 
social, economic and political 
issues. Why are some commu- 
nities cohesive and stable, 
while others decline? What 

constitutes a nice place to live? 
Why do people want to live 
and work there? What is the 
relationship between urban 
design and architecture on 
crime and neighborhood sta- 

All graduates of the urban 
studies and planning program 
have been involved with com- 
mtuiities through student 
research projects and intern- 
ships. Faculty conduct two stu- 
dios each year in which stu- 
dents work in a community 
that has approached the imi- 
versity for help. 

In the past few years stu- 
dents have recommended city 
zoning and policy changes to 
support home-based business- 
es in Baltimore's lowest 
income neighborhoods; stud- 
ied why comer stores and city 
markets are losing customers; 

and assisted small conmiuni- 
ties to comply with the state's 
smart growth policy, among 
other things. 

"There are lots of plaiming 
programs across the country 
about the same size as [oius] ," 
says Howland. "All of them 
train people to work as plan- 
ners in local governments, but 
our students get real on-the- 
ground experience wotiting 
with commimities." 

Over the past five years 
urban studies and planning has 
had a $ 1 million grant from the 
US, Department of Education 
to study neighborhoods in 
Baltimore and Palmer Park, 
Professional degree students 
worked with feculty members 
Howell Baum, Sidney Brower, 
Alex Chen, James Cohen and 
Marie Howland to identify 
problems and solutions in 

these neighborhoods, "We 
looked at housing issues, eco- 
nomic development, education 
and neighborhood safety in 
Southeast Baltimore," says 

One area targeted by the 
grant was the decline in 
owner-occupied houses. It w 
common knowledge the ne 
borhood was changing from 
owner-occupied to renter- 
occupied residences. "We were 
invited by Baltimore's 
Southeast Coitmiunity 
Organization to work with 
them to help stabilize the 
neighborhood," Howland says 

The community assumed 
gouging landlords were get 
rich by chaining liigh rents 
while under-maintaining hous-' 
ing. "When Professor Chen's 
team did the interviews he 


• tmftimed on 


Experiencing Diversity around the Globe 


TTie School of Architecture was (bunded in 1967 with 
strong political support from the professional communi- 
ty, Eariy and sustained commitment to liiglt qualit)' sup- 
port of library resources, visual resource support, a shop 
and, more recenrty, computer labs liave created a strong 
foundation upon which to buitd a liigli quality profession- 
al degree prognua. 

Housed to a buildiug dc^j^icd for its needs, the pro- 
gram ha.s flourished. In 1988 a certificate program in his- 
toric preservation began, supported by six departments 
across die university. And tn 1992, the university's pro- 
gram in urban studies and plaiuiing was relocated to the 
School of Architecture in recognition of the compatible 
focus of our progrants. 

Other factors that have lent particular strength to the 
school include the pfedoininance of full-time faculty, 
even design fectUty with profc^ional practice commit- 
enw, as well as the iaclusion of history and technical 
;cult\' with the school's design faculty. 

All of these important decisions and commitments are 
now bearing firuit. This is perhaps most clearly evidenced 
by the Architecrurc Program's success in design competi- 
tions and the Urban Studies and Planning Program's dra- 
matic growth in funded research that is integrated botli 
with teacliing and community service. 

I hope this special Outlook insert provides a gfimpse 
into the special character of education in the School, the 
diverse array of educational opportunities provided to 
undei^aduates and graduates alike, and the kinds of con- 
tributions the school u^es to our community and our 
professions through education, reseaivh and service. 

Steven W,Hurtt,AlA 

Sovinq Buildings and Communities through 
Historic Preservation 



center. Other fieldwork for cur- 
rent students includes a histori- 
cal survey for Cottage City, 
located near Hyattsville. 

like the platming program, 
the historic preserration pro- 
gram has a lot^ record of com- 
munity projects that have con- 
tributed to community stabi- 
lization and revitalization. Such 
projects have led to Main 
Street funding and the renewal 
of downtown commercial 

Like \\^^ 

The School of Architecture's 
program in historic preserva- 
tion engages faculty and stu- 
dents in seven different disci- 
plines. Students enrolled in the 
certificate program are all mas- 
ter's degree students in 
American studies, anthropolo- 
gy, architecture, geography, his- 
tory or urban studies and plan- 
ning. Faculty from these partici- 
pating imjts and landscape 
architecture, as well as adjunct 
faculty, contribute special 
expertise to the program. 

Begun in 1988, the pro- 
gram today has approxi- 
mately 30 students. David the historic preservation 
Fogle, director of the pro- ^^^ 

gram and a Acuity mem- progrom hos O loDQ ^^brd 
ber in the school notes 
with pride, "One of our 
graduates is the leading 
preservation architect in 

In addition to elective 
course work in the vari- 
ous disciplines, the pro 
gram requires an intro- 
duction course, a preservation 
law course and an exit seminar. 
The program's participants "do 
real projects with real commu- 
nities," says Fogle. Recently, stu- 
dents surveyed the Russian 
Cultural Center in Washington, 
D.C., which has led to its 
restoration as a performance 

Most students in the School of 
Architecture participate in one of the 
many study abroad programs organized 
by the faculty. Ask any one of them what the 
experience was like and they typically exclaim, 
"It was great." 

But trying to explain the experience is some- 
thing else. There is a sharpening of the senses 
that comes from being in a foreign place, work- 
ing at an intense pace, total immersion in a pro- 
ject and blurring of the usual distinctions 
between study time and social time. The oppor- 
tunity to experience places and people other- 
wise off limits or inaccessible adds to the adven- 
ture, as does the companionship borne of learn- 
ing and living together. 

According to Associate Dean Stephen Sachs, 
the school encourages every student graduating 
from the professional degree program to partici- 
pate in at least one foreign study experience. 
Most programs are six weeks long, although a 
few, like those over winter session, may be as 
short as two weeks. 

For 1 2 years the historic preservation pro- 
gram has made Kiplin Hall in Yorkshire. England, 
its home base for six weeks of study including 
extensive field trips. During this same time, the 
architecture program has regularly offered 
intense, six-week-long summer programs in sev- 
eral different countries. Most constant has been 
a program centered in Paris that alternates every 
other summer with a program based in Rome. 

In all of these programs, architecture students 
are cnroUed in both history and drawing class- 
es," says Architecture Program Director Brian 
Keily."This isn't just the picturesque sketch," he 
says, noting the drawing classes are a means of 
architectural analysis. Kelly also notes that draw- 
ing is a universal language, bridging the lan- 
guage barrier that inhibits learning in many 
other subjeas. 

The school also has sent programs to Israel, 
Turkey TXinisia and Morocco, as well as winter 
break trips to Mexico, Nearly every simmier for 
the past 1 5 years, the programs based in Israel 
andTUrkey taught by Professor Lindley Varm and 
Sachs introduce students to the most advanced 
techniques of archaeological survey while docu- 
menting important and threatened sites. Unlike 
most of the school's programs, these are open to 
students from outside the school's programs. 

Recently, students in the urban studies and 
platming program as well as the architecture 

program studied in 
South Africa, a 
trip organized 
by Professor 
in 1996, 
three facul- 
ty led a 
unique study 
trip to Russia. 

"The Russia 
program was 
focused on planning 

and urban design problems in St. Petersburg," 
says Marie Rowland, director of urban studies 
and planning who organized and led the trip. "It 
was unique in bringing together planning and 
architecture students on a single trip and pro- 
ject, and American students and faculty worked 
together with Russian students and faculty." 

Professor William Bechhocfcr, who was intro- 
duced to Middle Eastern cultures in the Peace 
Corps, leads study trips that focus on these cul- 
tures. "My experience was a real eye opener," 
says Bechhoefer. "While 1 vras seeing a foreign 
culture for the first time, I was also seeing my 
own culture for the first time — in a critical way 
I could never have imderstood previously." 

New insights about culture, place and history, 
is an essential experience for the students that 
accompany Bechhoefer to Middle Eastern coun- 
tries, "It is the ultimate experience of diversity," 
he says. 

The students draw many lessons from their 
overseas experiences, says Bechhoefer "It puts 
them in contact with truly traditional patterns of 
living, as relevant today as tliey have been for 
centuries," he says. "They sec first hand that 
many ancient cities and towns are still desirable 
places to live and work,'" 

The experience also puts students in contact 
"with a culture truly distinct from their own, 
and opens their eyes and minds in a way that no 
other experience can equal," he says. "It also 
dearly demonstrates the tensions that exist 
between the traditions and regional influences 
that have shaped distinct cultures and the forces 
of modem globalization and internationalism 
that erode them." 

Urban Planners Get to the tteart of Successful Cities and Neighborhoods 

nning program, * tonimtied from page l 

•i6f community projects that 
have contributed to 
community stabilization 
and revitalization. 

areas. The documentadon of 
historic districts and historic 
buildings has likewise led to 
restoration, funding and revital- 

The school is looking for- 
ward to offering a master's 
degree in historic preservation 
in the near future. 

foimd a different reality," says Howland. 

"Landlords aren't getting rich. Many bought 
in the '80s and paid high prices. Now housing 
values have dropped and they have expensive 
lead pamt abatement costs. It wasn't a simple 
issue of 'it's all the absentee-landlord's fault.'" 
Chen and his students set up a training program 
for landlords to improve their management 
capabilities and operational efficiency. 

On the fUp side of the landlord issue, 
Howland says, was a misconception that renters 
make terrible tenants. "In fact, we found lai^ 
nimibers of recent homeowners were renters 
first," Howland says, 'We learned one of the best 
steps for rede vc fop ing or stabiUzing the neigh- 
borhood may be to get renters in and help turn 
those renters into home owners. Here is a group 
of potential home owners that wants to live in 
that area," 

Through projects like these, Howland 
explains, the urban stiKlies and planning pro- 

^-am educates its students, who learn to adapt 
their knowledge to a changing professional envi- 
rormient. Most importantly, they learn to work 
with cotrmaimides and neighborhoods, helping 
them identify their problems and empowering 
them with both the knowledge of solutions and 
know-how of accomplishing them. 

"We leave stronger neighborhoods in place," 
says Howland. 

Graduates with a master's degree from the 
program go on to work in local government 
planning departments as well as the private sec- 
tor. They guide the use of land for housing, trans- 
portation, open space and parks and recreation. 
They also work on smart growth issues, trying 
to contain sprawl and limit pollution. 

"Plarmers deal with the most important prob- 
leins facing us in cities and suburbs today," says 
Howland. "You really feel you can make a differ- 

Night Oil Burns: Design Studio Sliines as Educational Model 

• aatme^ from page I 

"Architecture is commonly 
thought of as cither a highly 
technical subject or an esoteric 
artistic endeavor' says Dean 
Steven Hurtt. "In reality, it is 
much more. Visitors at reviews 
of student work are usually 
astonished at the breadth of 
issues considered." 

Projects for civic buildii^s 
raise issues of commemoration 
and monumentality, the edifica- 
tion of societal values. During a 
recent focus on the design of a 
courthouse, the class was invit- 
ed into a courtroom by a judge 
who gave them an impromptu 
lecture on the cultural impor- 
tance of law in American histo- 


A chapel or memorial pro- 
ect touches on the sacred and 
lie profime, mortality and 
m mortality, and how ideas of 
spirituality are expressed spa- 
ially and materially. A housing 
sroject expresses the value 
tociety places on family and 
rommunity and the inherent 
ronflicts between promoting 
:ommunity and providing 
iccurity. Projects engaging the 
andscapc explore mankind's 
:hanging and enduring rela- 
;ionsliip with the nattual 
world, expressed in literature, 
painting and architecture. Such 
projects also link traditional 
environmental understanding 
to current ecological concerns. 
'Architecture is at once a Uber- 
il and technical education, an 
lesthetic and practical disci- 
pline," says Hurtt. 

Architecture also requires 
leadersliip, teamwork, collabo- 
ration and verbal as well as 
graphic communication skills. 
Architects must be collabora- 
tors, working with a large num- 
ber of consultants and contrac- 
tors to define and accomplish 
their goals and the goals of 
their clients," says Hurtt. 

Students not only make 
graphic representations of their 
ideas, they also regularly pre- 
sent their projects to others: 
fellow students, faculty and vis- 
itors. "The students must 
explain their projects clearly 
and with conviction," says Brian 
Kelly, director of the architec- 
ture program. "The process 
helps students learn to think 
on their feet, respond to com- 
plex inquiries, and sort out 
how to respond to diverse 
questions, suggestions and criti- 
cisms. It builds confidence as 
well as competence. Learning 
when to listen, when and why 

to discuss a point, and when to 
advocate or modify a design 
concept are skills leading 
designers perfect," says Kelly. 

The development of these 
skills is an essential component 
of the School of Architecture's 
award-winning Comprehensive 
Design Studio, Of this studio 
faculty note, "critique as a 
method of review and debate 
is also a model for collabora- 
tive learning. Consultation with 
visiting critics from other uni- 
versities and the profession... 
generates two-way discussion 
between students and review- 
ers. Students must communi- 
cate their intentions, describe 
how these intentions are mani- 
fest in their work, and respond 
to comments made by peers, 
laculty and guests.Thls interac- 
tion is not judgmental, but col- 
laborative. The student's 
progress results from a team 
effort; discussions provoke stu- 
dents to solve problems in an 
iterative fashion through recon- 
sidering assumptions and test- 
ing alternatives." 

The studio sequence culmi- 
nates with the master of archi- 
tecture thesis. Over two semes- 
ters the student selects, 
researches and designs a pro- 
ject conceptually and in detail. 
Conceptual definition com- 
monly engages other disci- 
plines. Drawings, models and 
computer simulations are used 
to explore and test ideas.The 
resulting projects often look 
like the work of a professional 

hi their Carnegie 
Foundation Report, "Building 
Community: A New Future for 
Architectural Education and 
Practice," Ernest Boyer and Lee 
Mitgang captured the essence 
of architectural education and 
its potential as an educational 

"The core elements of archi- 
tectural education — learning to 
design within constraints, col- 
laborative learning and tlie 
refining of knowledge through 
the reflective act of design — 
have relevance and power fer 
beyond the training of future 
architects. The basic canons of 
design education could be as 
enriching for students of all 
ages and interests as they are 
for the architect... what we 
have learned about design edu- 
cation might have implications 
for other professions, liigher 
education as a whole, even 
fifUi^;radc classes." 

First-yeur student Alison Parks burns Hie night oil as she works in the ordiitettfre studio. On this project her stwfio dofi 
was studying the effed of ditnale and solar orienrotion on a smafl house designed for five students. Four different tlinwte 
regions generated distaid design lesponses for eodt region. 



Restoring Ancient Stabiae 

aster's degree candidate Leonardo Varone's vision of a renewed ancient 
and modem Italian city started as a thesis project and is evolving into a 
L really. "Restoring Ancient Stabiae" is now a project directed by architec- 
ture professor Richard Etlin to restore the ancient Roman site of Stabiae. 

la 79 AD, the volcano Vesuvius erupted and buried the cities of Pompeii, Herculaneum 
and nearby Stabiae. While the first two cides were excavated and liave become worid 
&mous archaeological and tourist sites, Stabiae remains mostly buried and virtually 
unknown. The Bourbons tunneled into the buried villas of Stabiae in tlie 1 8th century, 
removed some of its artwork and reburled the site. 

Pompeii is famous for its beautifiil wall paintings (frescos), but many of the finer 
examples come from Stabiae. Furthermore, much of this extraordinary artwork remains 
on the walls of the ancient villas built on a bluff overlooking the Bay of Naples. Varone's 
vision for Stabiae is that the six vUlas be restored and become an archaeological park 
linked to his home town at the base of the bluff, Casteltammare di Stabia. 

"Varone has done a great job of promoting this project and facilitating meetings 
between the superintendent, the mayor, the Italian media and our faculty," says Brian 
Kelly, director of architecture.The first phase of the project is the planning and construc- 
tion of an ardiaeological park along with the recording and consen^tion of die Roman 
villas. The second phase involves establishing connections between ancient Stabiae and 
the adjacent modem city. 

In 1998 Etlin met with the Superintendent of Archaeology for Pomiieii, Pietro 
Giovaimi Guzzo. and his staff to develop a collaborative agreement. Ijist summer the 
Restoring Ancient Stabiae Group presented a preliminary work plan. The project was 

L recently awarded a $10,000 grant from the Samuel H. Kress Foundation to help 
finance a site survey to be conducted this summer by foculty Steve Sachs and Etta 


Space, Place & Computers 

^^V%e wide range of comput- 
I er applit^tions that have 
m' been integrated into archi- 
tecture and urban planning 
reflect the depth and breadth 
of issues addressed. "Place" and 
"space,"* the relationship 
between land-forms, land- • 
scapes and fand-uscs is a cen- 

' tial facet of planning. 

Three-dimensional visualiza- 
tion, animation, mapping, geo- 
graphic information systems, 
remote sensing, satellite 
imagery and global positioning 
systems ail have become took 
of the architect and planner 
bccaasc they can represent and 
explain architecture and the 
urban landscape graphically. 
TheAix:hitectiire Program 
emphasizes hand drawing in 
the early studios because draw- 
ing is essential to visual learn- 
ing, but computers arc integrat- 
ed into the design process iit 
the second design studio. 
Students are soon comparing 
their computer-based 3-D "digi- 
tal" computer models with 
their 3-D "analog" studio mod- 
eis using software like 
ArchView and Conmiunity 20- 
20.Today's profession needs 
graduates fluent in both design 
and computers. 

"Increasingly, most planning 
firms want you to have some 
experience in mapping, or 
what they call geographic 
information systems (GIS), and 
so it becomes part of the nor- 
mal toolbox, just like you 
should know spreadsheets, 
database packages and word 
processing," says Alexander 
Chen, professor in the urban 

studies and ptaiming program. 

The planning program has 
brought computer mapping 
into the classrooms, scholarly 
research, planning policy and 
the local community. Planners 
now map and analyze a wealth 
of spatial data accessible on 
the federal, state, and local 

"Mapping is a tool that 
allows us to look at the data 
we've gathered about a place 
and see it in a spacial tnanner," 
says Chen. "We use it to see 
how crime is related to the 
location of certain buildings or 
institutions, where a state hias 
invested money, what relation- 
ship exists between neighbor- 
hoods and schoob, and how 
eifective different bus routes 

With limited resources, gov- 
ernments must carefully tai^et 
expenditures. Mapping helps 
identify targets. 

Comprehensive mapping of 
a conmiunity's inftastructure is 
a way for residents to visualize, 
discuss and assess commimity 
strengths and weaknesses, and 
develop strategies for change. 
Mapping information allows 
the planner to imderstand and 
investigate the nature of spatial 
reladonships in the urban envi- 
ronment—providing iasight to 
better plan for the funire. 

Throu^ contracts and 
grants, research and pubhca- 
tions, outreach and training, 
the planning program is using 
computer technology to devel- 
op and plan interventions that 
will improve the quality of the 

School Initiates Institute to Stress 
Leadership and Teamwork 

■ The School of Architecture has initiated a Graduate 
Leadership Development Institute, presented in association 
with the James MacGrcgor Bums Academy of Leadership. 
Patterned after a 1998 American Institute of Architecture sem- 
inal, the institute held its first session last year. 

Topics in the curriculum included, "Finding Your 
Leadership Voice," "Assessing Your Leadership Style," "Leading 
and Building Teams," and "Ethics.'The second session is taking 
place this month. 

"The educational experiences of the school provide many 
opportunities to develop leadership and teamwork skills," says 
John Maudlin-Jeronimo, the Graduate Leadership Develop- 
ment Institute's coordinator. "TTie institute places those expe- 
riences in a conceptual framework and relates them to prac- 
tice,' he says. 

"Employers of our graduates will benefit from their having 
these abilities," .<iays Maudlin-Jeronimo. 


did you know... 

• The architecture program at Maryland began 
in 1967. The historic preservation certificate 
program was initiated in 1988.The urban stud- 
ies a^njonning program joined the school in 


: a^njonning 

• The architecture program has an extraordi- 
nary record of winning places in design com- 
petitions both regionally and nationally. last 
spring, three graduate students won first prize 
in a Baltimore competition for replacement 
housing in the inner city, in the ACSA 
International Wood Council Design 
Competition, the school has won more places 
than any other program nadonally or interna- 
tionally over the last 10 years. Other recent 
competitions in which students have won 
recognition include: the Village of Chaimahon, 
111., a new town center; The "Housing a 
Commimity" Design CompeUtion, infill hous- 
ing in Garfield/North Lawndale, Chicago; and 
the Washington, D.C. Convention Center 
Competidon. Several years ago, the school 
received an AIA Education Honors award (one 
of only three nationally) for its Comprehensive 
EJesign Studio. 

• The school has one of the largest academic 
architecture libraries in the United States 
(approximately 37,000 voliuncs, more than 
100 i>eriodicaI subscriptions).The school 
hosts the Elizabeth D. AHey Visual Resources 
Collection featuring nearly 310,000 slides, 
among the largest in the nation. 

• Kiplin Hall in Yorkshire, base of one of the 
foreign programs, is ancestral home of the 
Calvert family who were deeded the colony of 
Maryland. Several himdred years later, the 
Calvert family instigated the creation of the 
University of Maryland and gave the land at 
CoUege Park. Kiplin Hall was built in 1620 by 
George Calvert, the first Lord Baltimore. 

• Two architecture program fat^^^Kmbers 
have received the Association of couegiate 
Schools of Architecture Distinguished 
Ptofessor Award; Ralph Bennett in 1999 and 
Thomas Schumacher in 1994. 

• Professor Richard Etlin was named Wilson H. 
Elkins Professor for 1997-98, an honor 
bestowed on only one faculty member in die 
UnivctSity of Maryland System annually, 

• Professor Roger Lewis, FAIA authors a bi- 
weekly column in the Washington Post, 
"Shaping the City." The National Buildir^ 
Museum devoted a show, "City Satire" to 1 20 
of the original drawings that typically accom- 
pany Lew^is's column. 

• The School of Architecture hosts a Design 
Career Discovery siunmer program for per- 
sons considering a career in design, architec- 
ture, historic preservation or plarming 

Baniey Mansovnge, M. ARCH '99, Dean's Tfwsif Priie. 

Forging Partnerships with Major Design Firms 

•y^ rir 

The School of Architecture is building part- 
nerships with some of the area's leading archi- 
tecture and plarming firms, "The goal is to identi- 
fy and utilize strengths of both the school and 
the firm to benefit both," according to John 
Maudlin-jeronimo, the school's associate dean 
for external rclations.The pro-am, called 
Building Commimity Firm/School Partnerships, 
is named in the spirit of a 1996 Carnegie 
Foundation special report which declared that 
architecture schoob and the profession need to 
increase their shared responsibility for architec- 
tural education. 

The school has had many informal relation- 
ships with area firms. "The formal partnerships, 
designed to last three to five years, are intended 
to take advantage of each individual firm's 
expertise, and to address their interests as well, 
establishing a basis for sustained collaboration," 
says Maudlin-Jeronimo. 

The school has a partnership with KCF-SHG, 
the architecture firm designing the new Jeong 

H, Kim Engineering Building on campus. Last 
year KCFSHG established an endowed lecture in 
honor of Colden Horance. 

A partnership agreement with RTKL 
Associates, Inc., a international firm with its 
home office in Baltimore, led to a school-spon- 
sored lecture at RTKL's Baltimore office by the 
School's Kea Distinguished Visiting Professor 
Robert Allies. A partner with the award-winning 
architectural firm AUies and Morrison, in 
London, Allies spent several weeks at the 
school as a studio critic in the fall semester. The 
work of Allies and Morrison was exliibited at the 
school last year. 

The school is in the process of developing 
partnerships with Canon, CHK-Torti-G alias. 
Design Collective, EPY, Grimm and Parker, HOK 
and Lehmann Smith McLeish, among others. All 
are leading national and international firms with 
offices in the Baltimore-Washington area. 



Febniary 8, 20O() Outlook 9 


sciencePicbian arFProm the franh collecDion 

Exhibit Explores Images for 21st Century 

For centuries man has been fascinated with looking beyond 
time and place in search of distant lands and future conquests. 
Incorporating ideas of science, often mythical in origin, illustra- 
tions transform unexperienced realities, different possibilities and 
alternative futures into a new art form. An exhibition titled, 
Possible Futures: Science Fiction Aft from The Frank Collection is 
on display until March 4 in the Art Gallery. 

The Art GaLerys first show of the new mUlenniuni offers view- 
ers an opportunity to ponder what might have been. More than 
60 original paintings representing the best examples of science 
fiction illustrations from the late 1930s to present day offer images 
ranging from the ethereal and surreal to bewildering and bizarre. 
Rendered in oils, gouache and acrylics, the works display superb 
draftsmanship, extraordinary and expressive vision and remarkably 
telling iconography. 

Originally created as illustrations for science fiction paperback 
books or magazine covers, the images are bold, provocative and 
are intended to grab attention. More amazing than the art itself, 
tliese pieces are drawn from the private collection of Howard and 
Jane Frank, which includes more than 600 one-of-a-kind works of 
science fiction, horror and fantasy art pieces that span a period of 
more than 100 years. The collection is among the largest of its 
kind in the world. 

According to Howard Frank, dean of the Robert H, Smith 
School of Business, the collection typically represents the artists' 
best works. "The 
collection cov- 
ers a wide range 
of forms and 
styles," says 
Frank, "with 
pieces from 
nearly 200 
artists from the 
United States 
and Britain," 

The coUcc- 
tion is the sub- 
ject of a com- 
book, "The Frank 
Collection: A 
Showcase of the 
"World's Finest 
Fantastic Art" 
(Paper Tiger, 
Collins and 
Brown, 1999). 
The catalog is 
the first scholar- 
ly publication to 
examine science 
fiction art in rela- 
tion to fine art, art history, the sciences and American culture. The 
volume of essays excavates the slick surfaces of images from the 
various realms of science Action, probes their meanings and dis- 
rupts any simplistic understanding of the art form. 

Highly regarded by collectors and public enthusiasts of science 
fiction and fentasy alike, works from the Frank Collection have 
been in two museum shows at the Delaware Museum of Art and 
the Canton Museum of Fine Art. 

Following the closing of the exhibition on March 4, the collec- 
tion wiU travel to three otlier venues— the Society of Illustrators in 
New York, Bowling Green Fine Arts Center in Ohio and the 
Widener University Arts Collection and Gallery in Pennsylvania. 

For the Franks, who have sold or traded only three works from 
their expansive collection, a year is a long time for the works to 
be on loan. 

f ^ * ^ 

"Princess of Pakmani (1944)" by Earl Bergey. 

"Chung Kuo (1990)" by Jim Biims from "Book I: The Middle Kingdom" 
tlon and fantasy works on display In The Art Gallery. 

is one of many science flc- 


Howard and Jane Frank Share 
Treasures of Future 

Howrard and Jane Frank have been collectii^ science fiction and fantasy art for nearly 35 
years. It started after they papered the walls of their first apartment in Berkeley, Calif, (where 
Howard was an assistant professor in the department of electrical engineering and computer sci- 
ence) with pages torn from popular "fantasy" calendars and colorftiUy weird and lurid 1950s/'60s 
science fiction movie posters and lobby cards. 

The Franks later discovered science fiction, Star Trek conventions and the original art that 
often accompanied displays in late 1969 after moving bora California to New York. "Many of the 
most Tvell known illustrators in the field attended the art shows in those days," says Howard 
Frank, dean of the Robert H. Smith School of Business and owner of the science fiction art col- 
lection. "The artists used the conventions as a means for meeting fans, but more importantly per- 
suading book and magazine art directors to liirc them for future assignments," says Frank. 

It was at a typical convention where the Franks came to meet some of the more noted artists 
and illustrators in the field. Among them, Kelly Freas. Richard Powers and Michael Whelan, each 
with works in the exhibition Possible Futures; Science Fiction Art From The Frank Collection, 
currently on display mitil March 4 at the Art Gallery. 

"We are, to a lai^ extent, art groupies," admits Frank. "We are happy to liang around conven- 
tion art shows for hours at a time, engaging artists in endlessly fascinating conversations about 
their technique, careers and imagirations." In addition to befriending artists and admiring their 
ability to draw, tlie Franks are more enamored with the ability to invent such spectacular images 
riglit out of their imagination, no models possible. 

'Through their imagination, concepts and descriptions tljat formerly usually existed only in 
words could be translated into wonderful creatures, situations and scenes that had never been 
seen before," says Frank. "This talent is the special gift of a handful of professional artists who 
^1 Icwe to the top of the rarified genre of illustration art." 

jc Several of the most capable illustrators also achieve success in other popular literary genres, 
Tlncluding westerns, romances and aviation. Only an accomplished few have the genius to depict 

narratively, clearly and realistically what otherwise may exist only in the imagination. 
I Beyond conversations, there were slide shows, panel discussions and after-hours parties host- 
^|ed by publishcrs.The Fninks found themselves becoming fi-iends with niiuiy of the artists who, 
B|i turn, offered inYltations to their homes and studios. Weekend conversations became not only 
sin opportunity to meet and speak with authors, publishers, editors and art diiectors of the 
books they enjoyed, they enabled the couple to meet other fans and build lasting bonds. 

"We buy (paintings for one reason: because we like them," says Frank of he and his wite admi- 
ration of the art form, "We don't buy them because of who painted them, because of the books 
or stories tlicy illusiratc, or because critics, art experts or other collectors speak of them favor- 
ably. So, in one sense, we can -explain the acquisition of all our paintings in a simple way. But 
love can onfy explain the rationale for collecting, not the process." 



^ ). 


"' ifri ■ 

10 Outlook February S, 2000 

Brenda Salas Runs the Extra Mile in Magic Kingdom Marathon 

On Jan. 9, Brenda Salas ran for her life. 

She wasn't escaping danger, but running in 
celebration of conquering cancer more than a 
year ago. 

Salas, executive administrative assistant in the 
Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs, 
last month participated in the Walt Disney World 
Marathon and raced a scenic — but lengthy— 
26.2 mUes through Magic Kirigdom, Epcot 
Center, Animal Kingdom and Dlsney-MGM 
Studios. Finishing the marathon in four hours 
and 55 minutes represented more than the 
result of extensive training and preparation. For 
Salas, the race illustrated crossing 
the finish line of her illness 
and being victorious over 
her batde with cancer. 

An athletic person who 
enjoyed exercising regular- 
ly, Salas decided to run the 
grueling Marine Corps 
Marathon in the fall of 1998.That 
Jime, she went to the doctor for a 
regular checkup and was unexpect- 
edly diagnosed with stage two cervi- 
cal and uterine cancer The cancer had 
spread quickly to her lymphatic system 
and Salas required a radical hysterectomy 
and removal of many of her lymph nodes. 

"When you get a cancer diagnosis, it's shock- 
ing, devastating and immobilizing," says Salas. "1 
vigorously researched different treatment meth- 
ods and found an excellent oncofogist who 
agreed to work with me. rather than dictate a 
treatment method." 

3 Three months after sui^ery, Salas still wanted 
la participate in the Marine Corps Marathon, but 
^er doctor advised against putting so much 
strain on her lymph system after such an exten- 
sive operation. However, in January 1999 Salas 
got the marathon bug again. 

"I was fully recovered and 1 felt strong," she 
says. "I was ready to do this marathon." 

Salas opted to nm the Walt Disney World 
Marathon Instead of the Marine Corps race 
because she had heard Disney was a great 
marathon for first-timers. She started training last 
Summer with early momii^ nms in her Laurel 

By Jan. 9, when the Disney World shuttle 
came to pick her up from the hotel at 4 a.m.. 

Salas says she was more than ready — both physi- 
cally and emotionally — to run the marathon, 
Disney style. "It was a Disney event like only 
Disney can do it," she says. "There were fire- 
works going off, CindereUa was in her carriage. 
It was a fabulous way to run a marathon." 

The 1 5,000 runners participating were treat- 
ed to an early-morning view of the park widi 
characters cheering and waving along the entire 
route. Disney s<jngs played throughout the 
parks and marking each mile was the big 
cheese— Mickey Mouse holding a sign. 

"The first 10 miles were almost effordess," 

says Salas. "Then 1 hit mile 16 
^^^^^^ and my body said. Hello, 
4^^^^^^^ what are you doing?"' 
^^^^^^^^ During miles 16 

'^^^f^^^m; through 20, Salas says 
^V ^^W she "hit the wall" and felt 
-^ pam m each step she 

took. Despite the soreness, 
Salas says she was determined to 
run the marathon, not walk. 
"When I came up over the 
ridge and saw mile 20, 1 knew I 
could do the next six miles," she 
says. The 20-mile marker became 
her motivation and she ran the next 
miles as effortlessly as she did her first 10. 

Waiting at the finish line were her friends, 
cheering her on with a bag of chocolate treats . 
"When 1 crossed the finish line, I felt every emo- 
tion — 1 was ecstatic, joyfol and victorious. 1 was 
crying a little bit too," says Salas. "For me this 
marathon was my victory over cancen'The next 
time Salas encounters a difficult time, she ^ys 
she 11 think back to this first marathon and know- 
that with a determined and positive spirit she 
can accomplish anything. 

"1 never thought 1 could run 26 miles, but I 
did," she says. "And 26.2 miles is like firom here 
[College Park] to the middle of Baltimore." 

Salas was back to work in the Mitchell i 

Building the next day, albeit in pain and with cal- 
loused feet, but with a shiny golden Mickey 
Mouse-shaped medallion around her neck. 

In addition to running, Salas owns the ,i 

Jazzercise Fitness Center in Laurel Lakes 
Shopping Center and teaches classes there regu- 
larly. She says it was her family, as well as her stu-. 
dents, who helped her overcome the difficult 


^^V ^^^^Hh^^^. 



Brenda Salas recently ran the Disney World Marathon, a race that 
had special meaning for the cancer survivor. 

times with her cancer treatment, 

Salas often shares with her female Jazzercise students informa- 
tion about the importance of getting an annual pap smear exam 
as a first line of defense in detecting cervical cancerShe has made 
it one of her missions to inform women about healthy eating, 
exercise and getting an annual cervical exam. 

"What happened to me didn't have to happen," she says. "It 
happened to me because I missed a pap smear Fifteen-thousand 
women are diagnosed each year with cervical cancer and about 
5,000 women die each year of cervical cancer A yearly pap smear 
and early detection can literally make the difference between life 
and death." 

For Salas, the Disney World Marathon is the first of many she 
plans to run in the future. She's already making plans to nm again 
at Disney World in 2001. 


Staffers Weather Storm , Provide Essential Services to Campus 

continued from page 1 

all bundled up, he spends 12 hoiirs outside with shov- 
els, picks and heavy snow removal equipment. 

"When we hire people, we tell them that they're 
essential, that they're required to be here," says Kevin 
Brown, assistant director for grounds and mainte- 
nance. "Snow removal is one of the most important 
things we do." 

Brown says he is not aftaid of snow, but the thought 
of ice is something that sends a chill up his .spine. 

"I hate ice," he says. 

Over 300 people panicipate in snow removal from 
miles of sidewalks and roadways, thousands of steps 
and many parking lots, often begitming at daybreak. 
Campus uses four large dump trucks, two pickup 
trucks, and more than 20 snowblowers, tractors, and 
mowers equipped with rotary brooms, according to 
Teabout and Brown. 

There are also 8,350 mouths to feed In the dorms 
regardless of snow closings, according to Resident 
life. Students In the dorms, as well as other faculty 

and staff who come to work when the campus is 
closed, depend on Dining Services staff to make it in 
no matter what. 

"They know we have to open," says I^tricia 
Higgins, director of Dining Services. She says that the 
weekend of the last storm, some employees stayed at 
the nearby Best Western to be sure they would be 
ready to work. Some foimd other ways to get in, such 
as staying with friends who live near campus, carpool- 
ing, driving in or using public transportation, accord- 
ing to Hl^ins. 

Many staff members recall 1994, when campus was 
closed for a week and some of them lived at the 
University College Irm & Conference Center 
Whenever the snow attacks, they find a way 

"They just get here," says Jean Bennett, a 38-year 
campus veteran who runs the North Campus Diner 
"They're just dedicated. I fove every one of my 
employees." She says that because of her intense fear 
of ice, she and 1 1 dining hall employees stayed at the 
Best Western before the last storm so they would be 
ready to serve students who had just moved into the 

According to Bennett, everyone just made the best 
of the situation. "We just chilled and t:Uked and stuff 
like that-you know, 'hen talk."'They worked extended 
shifts each day. 

Undergraduates in town for orientation Jan, 25 and 
26, when snow also closed campus, were anxious to 
get their tour and finalize their class schedules. 
Luckily Grant Kollett, assistant (mentation director, 
made it in to greet tliree or four stragglers. The pro- 
gram registration staff came in Jan. 26 to quickly 
reschedule more than 500 students, according to 

"If anything, we really had a lot of fun during that 
time," says Kollett, "because it was kind of a goofy time 
to be here. Things were really interesting, and they 
were happeiiing at a fast pace. I think our staff really 
came away from it feeling like they not only were suc- 
cessful, but also had a pretty good time. 

"We brought in some food, played some music. We 
figured we're the ordy ones here, so we might as well 
have a good time." 


Fcbmair 8, 2000 Outlook 11 

Acclaimed Artists Watts and 
Preucil Join Music Faculty 

They have been admired by 
classical music enthusiasts for 
their extraordinary artistry and 
built legendary professional 
careers on the world's most 
famous concert stages. They 
have the charisma to captivate 
and thrill audiences, yet, they 
venture beyond their craft to 
inspire yoimg musicians the 
world over in mastering the 
classical repertoire. The inspira- 
tions for a new generation of 
performing artists, what makes 
them different is, Andre Watts is 
a femous concert pianist, while 
William Preucil is a world-class 

Beginning in fell 2000, Watts 
and PreucU will bring their 
combined professional experi- 
ences to the halls of the 
Clarice Smith Performing Arts 
Center, for a three-year artists- 
in-residence program in the 
School of Music, 

"Our students will benefit 
tremendously from exposure to 

"As we gear up for the move 
to our extraordinary new 
home at the Clarice Smith 
Performing Arts Center, we 
especially look forward to 
welcoming these two great 
artists to our faculty, joining 
the Guarneri String Quartet 
and many others." 

— Chris Kendall 

Maryland Symphony Orchestra. 
Watts burst upon the music 
world at the age of 16, when 
the late Leonard Bernstein 
chose him to make his debut 
with the New York 
Philharmonic in its Young 
People's Concerts, broadcast 
nationally on CBS-TVTwo 
weeks later, Bernstein asked 
Watts to substitute at the last 
minute for the ailing Glenn 
Gould in performances of 
Liszt's E-flat Concerto witli the 
New York Philharmonic, which 
launched his career in story- 
book fashion. 

Now, more than 30 years 
later. Watts remains one of the 
world's most celebrated and 
beloved pianists. His perfor- 
mances each year with the 
world's great orchestras and 
concertmasters, and his sold- 
out recitals and appearances at 
the most prestigious interna- 
tional festivals bring him to 
every comer of the globe. 

Preucil is dis- 
tinguished pro- 
fessor of violin 
at the 
Institute of 
Music and con- 
certmaster of 
The Cleveland 
Orchestra. He 
joined CIM's 
faculty follow- 
ing the dissolu- 
tion of The 
Quartet, where 
lie was flrst 
violinist for six 
years. During 
this same peri- 
od, he accept- 

two of the most formidable 
technicians and superb inter- 
preters of classical music cur- 
rently on the concert stage," 
says (Christopher Kendall, direc- 
tor of the School of Music. 

Watts will spend four, rwo- 
day periods each academic 
year teaching, coacliing and 
conducting master classes with 
students. In addition, he will 
perform one concert annually 
as part of the residency, either 
as a recitalist, in concert with 
the school's faculty, or in col- 
laboration with the university's 
symphony orchestra. He'll also 
offer a yearly master class for 
outstanding yoimg pianists 
from the region. 

Preucil will teach a studio of 
violin students, conduct master 
classes widi student string 
ensembles and soloists, as well 
as lead sectional rehearsals 
with students of string instru- 
ments in the University of 

cd the con- 
Director, School of Music ccnmastcr 

position with 
The Cleveland 
Orchestra. In addition to main- 
taining a demanding orchestral 
schedule, Preucil continues to 
be an active recitalist, chamber 
musician, soloist and devoted 

"During a period in which 
dramatic increases in applica- 
tions to die School of Music 
reflect growing excitement 
about its feculty and programs," 
says Kendall, 'the appointments 
of Andre Watts and William 
Preucil represent a wonderful 
additional opportunity for our 
students. As we gear up for the 
move to our extraordinary new 
home at the Clarice Smith 
Performing ArLs Center, we 
especially look forward to wel- 
coming these two great artists 
to our faculty, joining the 
Guarneri String Quartet and 
many others," 



Two professors, Richard Harvey 
Brown and Andrew Wolvin.were hon- 
ored recently at the National 
Communication Association annual con- 
vention in Chicago. "The Achievement of 
Richard Harvey Brown: The Convei^ence 
of Social and Rhetorical Theory" featured a 
panel of papers by various rhetorical 
scholars honoring sociology professor 

Wolvin, professor of communication, 
was recognized for his pioneering work as 
a teacher and researcher in the study of 
listening in a "Teachers on Teaching" ses- 

Christopher Dennis has been 
appointed associ- 
ate dean, corpo- 
rate programs and 
services for the 
Robert H. Smith 
School of 
Business. He is 
responsible for 
leading the devel- 
opment and 
expansion of the 
Smith School's Christopher Dennis 
portfolio of executive education and man- 
agement development programs. 

Prior to joining the Smith School, 
Demiis was the principal of his own firm, 
CBD Associates, a Santa Barbara, Calif., con- 
sulting company that provides innovative 
leadership and organizational develop- 
ment programs to corporate and federal 
government clients. Before launching CBD 
Associates, Dennis was senior vice presi- 
dent of human resources and organization 
development for Grace Cocoa in Stamford, 
Conn., part of W.R. Grace & Co., from 
1990 to 1997. 

In 1997, Dennis' successfulleadership 
was recognized by Grace Cocoa's receipt 
of Workforce Magazine's Optima Award 
for competitive advantage. From 1974 to 
1 990, Dennis served as vice president of 
human resources and community relations 
for WR. Grace & Co.'s Washington 
Research Center, Corporate Technical 
Group, in Columbia. 

He holds a master's degree in organiza- 
tion development from American 
University and a bachelor's degree in psy- 
chology from Wichita State University. 

Professor Dan Leviton, director of the 
Adult Health and Development Program, 
was invited to participate in die 
Wingspread conference on Civic 
Engagement in Higher Education (spon- 
sored by the Johnson Foimdation) last 
month in Racine, Wis. 

University of Maryland football coach 

Ron Vanderilniten 


! ft I 



Ron Vanderlindeo's contract has been 
extended two years to Jan. 31, 2004, athlet- 
ic director Deborali 
Yow announced last 

Vanderlinden, w^lio 
just completed the 
tiiird year of his origi- 
nal flve-year contract, 
this past season led 
Maryland to its best 
campaign since 1995. 
Maryland finished the 
season with a 5-6 

record, led the ACC in rushing (23 1 .4 ypg) 
and had a second team Ail-American in 
tailback LaMont Jordan. The Terps return 
16 starters this fall. 

The University of Maryland's home 
page, www., 
is receiving 
national recog- 
nition fixjm 
several differ- 
ent sources for 
its customer 
usability and 
design. The site 
won three 

awards, including Outstanding Web Site, 
from the Web Marketing Association, 
w^hich recognizes excellent corporate Web 
sites. Other award winners included Bell 
Atlantic and Discovery Channel. 

In 1 999, the site became one of the 
Media Metrix 500, the top 500 digital 
media sites that attract the most unique 
visitors per month. The Coimcil for the 
Advancement and Support of Education 
(CASE) awarded the site die silver medal 
nationally, and just recently recognized it 
as a higher education model (along with 
Princeton) in the January 2000 issue of 

Pierre Verdagucr, professor of 
French & Italian, was awarded the 
Millstone Prize by the Western Society of 
French history. The award is given to the 
conference paper that best exemplifies 
interdisciplinary ractliods and concepts. 
Verdaguer's paper is "Manipulating the 
Past:The Role of History in Contemporary 
French Detective Fiction." 

12 Outlook February 8, 2000 

Recognizing Campus 

O micron Delta Kappa, one 
of tlie most prestigious nation- 
al societies to recognize lead- 
ership, is looking for a few 
more leaders to bonor Sigma 
Circle of ODK at College I^rk 
began in 1927 and since then 
has initiated more than 3,000 
students, feculty and honorary 
members, ODK brings togeth- 
er junior, senior and graduate 
students with feculty members 
to recognize campus leaders 
and encourage other students 
to achieve. 

The organization currently 
seeks accomplished leaders in 
scholarship, campus or com- 
munity service, athletics, jour- 
nalism and the creative and 
performir^ arts. ODK requires 
a minimum cumulative grade 
point average of 320 for 
juniors (56-85 credits), 3-25 for 
seniors (86 credits) and 3-80 
for graduate students. 

Applications can be picked 
up in the Office of the Vice 
President for Student Affairs, 
2108 Mitchell Bldg.The appU- 
cation deadline is Friday, Feb. 

Commuter Service Award 

Nominations and applica- 
tions are bcir^ sought for the 
2000 MicheUe Y Angyelof 
Award for Outstanding Service 
to Commuter Students, This 
award rccogni2es an imder- 
graduate or graduate student 
who ha.s made significant con- 
tributions to the quality of life 
for commuter students during 
the 1999-2000 academic year. 
Contributions can include, but 
are not limited to, advocacy 
for commuter interests and 
programs, encouragement of 
commuter student involve- 
ment, and addressing i.ssues of 
security and transportation. 

To nominate a student or to 
receive an application form, 
contact Haley Whitlock at 314* 
7250 or 

The nomination deadline is 
Feb. 14; the application dead- 
line is March 6. 

Electronic Workplace 

The Division of 
Administrative Affeirs is offer- 
ing classes designed to pre- 
pare campus staff for the 

Electronic Workplace. These 
thrce-and-one-half hour class- 
es are led by industry profes- 
sionals and focus on develop- 
ing the basic Windows and 
Netscape browsing skills that 
are essential for the Electronic 
Workplace.Thc cost is $50, 
payable to die Office of 
Information Technology via an 
ISR, which can be brought to 
the class. The classe,s will be in 
the new Patapsco Training 
Facility and are being offered 
on: Wednesday, Feb. 9 from 
8:30 a.m. to noon, or 1 to 4:30 

To enroll contact Laura 
Davison at 405-4603 or via e- 
mail at ldavison@accniail. Directions to the 
Pitapsco Building will be pro- 
vided upon registration. 

Outstanding Woman of 
the Year Aivard; 

The President's 
Commission on Women's 
Issues is seeking nominations 
for the 2000 Outstanding 
Woman of the Year Award. The 
commission would like to con- 
sider as many women as possi- 

For a nomination form, con- 
tact Janet 1\imbiill at 405- 

< jtumbul@dcans . imid . edu > . 
Nominations are due March 1 
for presentation of the award 
on March 29. 

New Employee 

The Personnel Services 
Department's New Employee 
Orientation Program for regular 
employees is being offered 
once again on Monday, Feb. 14, 
from 9 a,m. to4 p.m., in IIOIU 
Chesapeake Bull ding. This 
exciting program is intended to 
provide new employees with 
the information they need to 
begin their career at Maryland 
and ^cUitate their engagement 
in the campus community. 

Employees will receive an 
overview of the university's 
mission, students and services. 
Topics will include an intro- 
duction to the history and pre- 
sent structure of the universi- 
ty, an in-depth discussion of 
university benefits and an 
introduction to the many 
other resources and services 
available to regular imiversity 
employees. Lunch will be pro- 

For more information, call 
Oi^anizational Development 
& Training at 405-565 1 . 
Register for this program on 
the Persormel Services Web 
site at 

Women & Weights Course 

Get in shape with the 
Women & Weights course. 
Learn to properly utilize free 
weights and selectorized 
equipment, and put together 
your own weight training pro- 
gram in a small group setting. 
Classes meet Mondays and 
Wednesdays from 5:30 to 7 

The course begins on Feb. 
28. Registration ends Feb. 21. 
Sign up today at the Member 
Services Desk at the Campus 
Recreation Center, The fee is 

cocktails and light farc.The 
Rossborough Inn schedule of 
events for Spring/Summer 
2000 is as follows; 

Feb. 12 Valentine's Dinner 
Feb. 25 Wine Dinner 

Mar. 10 SurfandTurf 


Mar 31 Wine Dinner 

April 23 Easter Brunch 

and Dinner 

May 5 Wine Dinner 

May 14 Mother's Day 

Brunch and Diimer 

Jun, 9 Crab Feast 

Jul, 7 Crab Feast 

Aug. 25 Crab Feast 

Check out the inn's Web 
page for menus, prices and 
times for special events 
<www. inform . imid . ed ii/muc> . 
All special events require 
advance reservations and pay- 

Keeping Couples Together 

Judy Pearson, professor at Virginia Tech University, discusses; 
"Lasting Love: What Keeps Couples Tbgether" Friday, Feb. 1 1, 
pjfrom noon to 1 p.m. in Room 0200 
[.Skinner Building, Her talk is spon- 

>red by the department of commu- 

For more information contact 
a74®uiiiail.umd,cdu or 405-6528. 

Religion and Mythology 

Professor T.P Wiseman, of 
the University of Exeter, dis- 
cusses "Rome on the Other 
Hand...: Religion and 
Mythology" Monday, Feb. 14, at 
4 p.m. in the Maryland Room 
of Marie Moimt Hall. This illus- 
trated lecture is sponsored by 
the classics department. 

For further information, 
contact the department at 
405-2013 or Judith Hallett at 

Teaching in Technology 

If you have been assigned 
to teach in one of the 45 
Technology classrooms on 
campus and would like gener- 
al information about the capa- 
bilities of the rooms, please 
check the Technology 
Classroom Web page 
(www.inform.umd. edu/Tech 

To schedule an orientation 
session, contact Trac7 Peters 
(405-01 10, tg77@umail.umd. 
edu) or your college's campus 
computing associate (www. 

Rossborough Inn 
Schedule of Events 

The University of Maryland 
Faculty/Staff Club is now open 
every Thursday afternoon 
berween 4 and 7 p.m. offering 

Learn to Swim 

Registration for Learn to 
Swim has begun. The Learn to 
Swim program has classes for 
ages 6 months to adult, and 
classes are offered either twice 
a week for four weeks or once 
a week on 

Saturdays for eight weeks. 
Each session is 30-40 minutes 
in length. 

The fee is $50 per Course 
and registration for all courses 
must be done in person at the 
Member Services Desk in the 
Campus Recreation Center. 
Registration ends on February 
1 3 or when the course is 

For more information, call 

Summer Institute for 
Women in Higher 
Education Administration 

The university is seeking 
applications for women 
administrators and faculty 
who wish to participate in the 
Summer Institute for Women 
in Higher Education 
Administration to be held at 
Bryn Mawr College June 25- 
July 21.Tlie institute seeks to 
prepare women for positicms 
in academic administration, 
including deansliips and acad- 
emic vice presidencies. 

A university committee, 
cliaired by Ellin Scholnick, will 

select and sponsor applicants 
based on their credentials, 
career plans and their plans 
for a campus project they will 
implement upon their return 
to campus. If you are interest- 
ed in applying, send your cur- 
riculum vitae and a letter of 
application that includes the 
plan for a project to Ellin 
Scholnick,Associate Provost 
fc>r Faculty Affeirs, 1119 Main 
Administration Building, by 
Feb. 19- 

KEYS to Success 

KEYS, the science and engi- 
neering program for 11 -to- 13- 
year old girls takes place on 
campus Sunday, Mar. 12, from 
9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Enroll Now, 
Tlie girls will participate in 
innovative workshops and 
hands-on lab activities, and 
interact with supportive role 

Due to die popularity of 
the program, students will be 
seleaed on a first-come, first- 
served basis. For more infor- 
mation on tlie program, drop 
by the Women in 
Engineering office (1 106 
Glenn L. Martin Hall, former- 
ly known as Engineering 
Classroom BuUding), or con- 
tact Tao Peng at 405-0315 or 

GRID Call for Abstracts 

The Graduate Student 
Government invites graduate 
students from ail disciplines to 
submit abstracts of their pre- 
sentations for the 10th annual 
Graduate Research Interaction 
Day (GRrD),April 25 from 9 
a.m. to 5 p.m. in the Stamp 
Student Union. 

GRID is a one-day event 
where graduate students from 
all disciplines at the University 
of Maryland, CoUege Park 
come together to present their 
work to each other and to the 
university community. The 
main purpose of GRID is to 
pnjmote interaction within 
and between departments at 
the university. 

This year, GRID is offering 
prize money ($300, $200 and 
$100) for the top tlirce finish- 
ers in each of 10 sessions. Tlie 
GRID committee accepts pre- 
senters on a first-come, first- 
served basis and will not 
accept abstracts after Feb. 18, 

Information and instruc- 
tions are available now from 
the Graduate Student 
Government office in Stamp 
Student Union (Room 3106): 
via e-mail (ehergthold@anth. and at GSG'sWeb 
site: www.inform.umd,edu/stu- 
de nt/Grad_Stud/G radtJ rg/gsg/