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The University of Maryland Faculty and Staff Weekly Neu^spaper 

Volume 15 • Number 12 • November 14, 2000 

2000-2001 IJLLY-CTE Fellows 
Named, page 3 

New "One Stop" Shop^ 
for Safety and Security 

The Black Faculty and Staff Association (BFSA) welcomed Robert Waters, Ph.D., the university's 
new chief of staff, at a reception on Nov. 7 at the Nyumburu Cultural Center. Waters addressed the 
standing-room only crowd after being introduced by President C. D. Mote. Standing to the left is 
Jerry Lewis, J.D., president of BFSA and director of academic achievement programs. 

A rcorgiuiization of cam- 
pus and security services, 
begun in February 1998, has 
resulted in tlie creation of a 
new Department of Public 

The new department, a 
melding of the campus 
police and building and secu- 
rity services departments, 
will coordinate all safety and 
security functions on cam- 
pus. All 105 employees of the 
two departments have been 

Univef^ity police depart- 
ment Chief Kenneth Kfouse 
has been appointed to head 
the new department. His offi- 
cial title will be Director of 

Public Safety/Chief of Police. 

The campus community 
should expect to sec a uni- 
fied command in responses 
to property and personal 
crimes, said Chailes V. Sturtz, 
vice president of administra- 
tive af^urs. 

"We sho\ild see more 
resptjnsiveness, more direct- 
edncss,' Sturtz said. "The 
coordination and focus 
should result in improved 
safety and security. 

"You obviously can't 
promise you're going to stop ^ 
violence," he added. "But you 
can improve response. We 
should appear to tlie campusj 
community to be more ] 

continued on page 6 

IRIS Marks 10 Years 
of ''Smart Growth" for 
Developing Economies 

Professor's Nontradtiiona 
Measures Boost Diversity 

Ten years ago, before the 
dust of the crumbled Berlin 
Wall could settle, a hazy opti- 
mism filled the air. 

"Perhaps it was naivete, 
but many believed that mar- 
ket economies would spring 
fully developed from the 
great, brown earth," says 
Charles "Chas" Cad well, direc- 
tor of IRIS, the University of 
Maryland's Center for 
Insdtutional Reform and the 
Informal Sector. 

The late economist Mancur 
Olson— Odwell's mentor and 
the creator of IRIS^saw 
things differently. He based 
the center on the principle 
that you need to nurture the 
soil and provide the right mix 
of institudonal supports to 
grow a market economy. 

At recent ceremonies mark- 
ing IRIS'S 10th anniversary, an 
array of speakers acknowl- 
edged Olson's vision. Sen. 
Paul Sarbanes, [>Md., who 
studied at Oxford with Olson, 
recalled his classmate's "fresh 
perspective"— that a mailcet- 
based economy could not sim- 
ply be superimposed onto for- 
mer communist states and 

expected to take. 

First, Olson said, basic eco- 
nomic, democratic and legal 
institutions needed to be put 
in place. Without commercial 
codes to protect property 
rights, for example, how could 
you hope to generate enough 
investment? You had to build 
the infrastructure from the 
inside out to achieve market 

Sarbanes bought into tlie 
idea. So did USAID, the State 
Department's Agency for 
International Development, 
and it provided the critical 
funding needed to open the 
center. The new director of 
USAIDs Office of Emerging 
Markets, Economic Growth 
and Agricultural Development, 
Stephen Hadlcy, said that 10 
years ago he too saw that eco- 
nomic development would 
require reforming the tradi- 
tions of dosed societies. "It 
was obvious to me working in 
Sri Lanka and the former 
Soviet Union. . . that changing 
the opaque to the apparent 
would build confidence." 
Today USAID is still a major 
fimder and 25 of its programs 

continued on page 6 

In the seeming intractable 
argiuient over affirmative 
action in college admissions, 
William Sedlacek believes he 
has foimd a middle way: 
Expand traditional meas- 
ures of intelligence to 
include the non-traditional, 
and apply them to every- 
one equally, 

"It's a w^y out of this 
box, this dilemma of how 
to bring in more types of 
people without looking at 
race," says Sedlacek, univer- 
sity testing director, assis- 
tant director of the coun- 
seling center and professor 
of education. "It satisfies 
conservadves' demand to 
be fair to everyone, and 
liberals' demand for diver- 

Grade-point averages, 
test scores and the quality 
of a student's high-school 
curriculum will always be 
important admissions 
tools. But Sedlacek would 
add subjective measures of stu- 
dent's creativity, adaptability, 
moti\^don and ability to work 
witliin specific systems. 

Sedlacek believes that the 
current education system and 

its reliance on standardized 
measurements tilts toward 
white males. 'But if you're not 
a white male, you have to fig- 

William Sedlacek 

ure out how to navigate the 
sj^tem," he says. "That's what 
tells how smart you are, not 
test scores." 

Sedlacek has been at the 
tmiversity since 1967, a time 

when colleges and imiversities 
were imdcr pressure to change 
or even abandon .standardized 
admissions testing. With his 
academic background in 
psychology and statistics, 
Sedlacek .set about devel- 
oping new ways to meas- 
ure student proficiencies. 

He was especially 
drawn to the work of 
Robert ). Sternberg, a psy- 
chologist at Yale, who 
argued that people show 
intelligence in three basic 

The first, which 
Sternberg called compo- 
nential or analytical intelli- 
gence, is the kind that 
standardized tests and 
grade-point averages meas- 
ure. I 
But students from less < 
tradidonal educational or 
socioeconomic back- i 
grounds are more likely to ■ 
demonstrate their actual 
abiUties in other ways. 
Instead, they show proficien- 
cies in what Sternberg called 
experiential and contextual 
intelligence, which influence a 
person's ability to be creative, 
adaptive or practical. 

continue4 on page 7 \ 


November 14, 2000 



Your Guide to University Events 
November 14-20 

november 1 

3:30-5p.m., Pand: "National 
Service Opportunities," spon- 
sored by the Career Center. 
Panelists from Appalachia 
Service Project, CORO Center 
for Gvic Leadership, Corpora- 
tion for National Service, 
Kid Pledge, and Teach for 
America will participate, 
3134 Hombake. For more 
information, contact Emily. 
Morrison at 4-7225 or 

5:30-9 p.m. Concert: "Un- 
sentimental Journeys." 
Homer UUich Recital Hall. 
Tickets available atTawes 
Theatre Box Office. For 
more information, contact 
the Chorus Box Office, 5- 

6^ p.m.. Orr Workshop: 
"Intermediate Adobe 
Photoshop. 4404 
Computer & Space Sci- 
ence. Graphic manipula- 
tion using paths and layers; 
u^Dg filters with text, and 
prepackaged macros. For 
more information, call 5- 
2938 or register online at 

november 15^ 

8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.. Conference, 
"Student Self Empowerment: 
Opportunities and Challenges." 
The Office of Multi-Ethnic Stu- 
dent Education (OMSE) hosts 
the 9th Annual RetenUon 2000 

Sherry Insley's photographs will be on 
display from Nov. 17-30 In the Stamp 
Student Union gallery. (See Nov. 20.) 

7:30 p.m., Performance: "The 
Capitol Steps" present musical 
satire on this year's election. 
Colony Ballroom, Stamp 
Student Union. Free wristbands 
needed for admittance will l)c 
distributed that day at the 
Union's Information Desk. For 
more information, contact 
David Elstein, 40209 or 

8 p.m.. Concert; "Chamber Jazz 
Combo Recital." Student jazz 
combos perform original com- 
positions as well as works by 
Charlie Parker, wynton 
Marsalis.Woody Shaw, Heibie 
Hancock and Thelonius Monk. 
Ulrich Recital Hall,Tkwes Bldg. 
For more information, call 5- 

8-9 p.m., Lecture; "Science, Poli- 
cy and Politics: A View From 
Capitol Hill." Eileen McLellan, 
w^ho spent a year as a Congres- 
sional Fellow, will talk about 
the projects she worked on, 
the role of science in public 
policy, and why scientists 
should understand politics. 
1 140 Plant Sciences. For more 
information, contact Bill 
Minarik at 5-4365 or 

Conference. Colony Ballroom, 
Stamp Student Union. 

12-1 p.m., R&D Lecture;"Hu- 
mor as Unifying and Divisive." 
With Dr. Lawrence Mintz, asso- 
ciate professor and direaor, 
American Studio. Contact 
Stacey Holmes at 4-7690 or 
seholmes@wam.umd. edu . 

2;00 p.m.. Lecture; "Media and 
Politics in France," with 
Etieime Leenhardt, correspon- 
dent for French TV station 
France 2 in Washington. Part of 
the series "Modem France: 
Aspects of the Future," spon- 
sored by the Department of 
French and Italian. Multi-pur- 
pose Room, St. Mary's HaU. For 
information, call 5-4024. 

6-9 p.m., orr Workshop: "Intro- 
duction to Adobe PageMaker." 
3332 Computer & Space Sci- 
ence. For more information, 
call 5-2938 or renter online at 
www. umd . edu/PT. * 
7 p.m., Reading: "Writers Here 
and Now" presents Jamaican 

author and poet Olive Senior, 
Special Events Room, McKeldin 
Library. (Details in For VOUT 
Interest, page 8.) 

november 16 ^ . 

10 a.m. -2 p.m.,Event:"Holiday 
Job Fair 2000," sponsored 
by the Career Center For 
more information, con- 
tact Denise Shipley at 4- 
7928 or dshipley® 

10:30 a.m.-l 2 noon, 
Presentation: "To Render 
a Life: Let Us Now Praise 
Famous Men." Race & 
Diversity and Diversity & 
The Arts PBS/ALS video 
presentation series. 4137 
McKeldin. CDetails in For 
Your Interest, page 8.) 

3:30 p.m., Lectiire: 
"Electronic Bartering." 
Michael O. Ball, professor 
of decision and informa- 
tion technologies at the 
Robert H. Smith School of 
Business, will discuss 
how the Web and ad- 
vanced decision models 
are resurrecting the old- 
est method of commerce 
for trading. Part of the 
Leveraging Corporate Know- 
ledge seminar series. Reception 
to follow. Marriott Room, Van 
Munching Hall. For information 
and registration, 5-4888 or gth- 
acker @rhsmith.umd. edu. 

3:30 p.m.. Distinguished 
Scholar- Teacher Lecture; "It's a 
Bug-Eai-Bug World; Biodiversity 
to Biocontrol," by Robert 
Denno. 14 12 Physics. 
Reception follows the lecture. 
For more uiformation, call 5- 
2509 or e-mail rmalone® 

6-9 p.m., orr Woikshop,"Peer 
Training Woritshop." 4404 Com- 
puter & Space Science. Ad- 
vance registration is required. 
For information call 5-2938 or 
register online at PT,* 

november 17 

10 a.m.-12 noon,Fonun: 
"XanEdu: A New Approach to 
Course Packets." 4404 

Computer & Space Science. 
(Details in For Your 
Interest, page 8.) 

11 a.m.-12 p.m., Lecture; 
"Development of Auditory 
System," Integrative Neurosci- 
ences Seminar by Karina 
Cramer, University of 
Washington. 1 128 Biology/ 
Psycholcjgy. Contact 

12-1:30 p.m., Seminar; "The 
Scholarship of Teaching and 
Learning: Do You Want to Try 
It?" Sponsored by the Center 
for Teaching Excellence. 
Maryland Room, Marie Mount 
Hall. (Details in For Your 
Interest, page 8.) 

2 p.m., Lecture:" Mo venient 
Dependencies in a Root-First 
Derivation," by Norvin 
Richards, Massachusetts 
Institute of Technology. Spon- 
sored by the Department of 
Linguistics. 1304 Marie Mount 
Hall. For more information, 
contact Gracieia Tesan at 
graciela @wam . umd . edu . 

PugUese Theatre, For tickets 
and information, call 5-7847.' 


ember 18 

calendar guide: 

Calendar phone numbers lisled as 4-kx)h< or S-XMOt stand for the prefix 314 or 405. Calendar Information 

foe Outksok is compiled from a combinalion of infof Ms master calendar and submissiofls to the Outlook 

office. To reach the calendar editor, call 405-7615 or e-mail to oulioo(( 

'Evants are free and open to Ihe public unless noled by an asterisk ('). 

7 p.m.. Event: "2301 Annual 
Miss Black Unity Scholarship 
Pageant. "Tawes Theatre. For 
information, call 4-7758 or 4- 

8 p,m.. Concert: "An Evening of 
Cello and Piano Masterpieces." 
Distinguished School of Music 
laculty Evelyn Elsing, cello, and 
Rita Sloan, piano, perform 
worfes by ESach, Kodaly, 
Janacek, Szymanowski and 
Mendelssohn. Ulrich Recital 
Hall.Tiiwes Fine Arts Bldg. 
Ticket proceeds provide schol- 
arship support for music stu- 
dents. For tickets and informa- 
tion, call 5-7847.* 

8 p.m.. Concert: "Eliane Elias 
Trio," blending Brazilian, classi- 
cal and jazz influences with 
piano, bass and drums. The Inn 
& Conference Center. For tick- 
ets and information, call 5- 

8 p.m., Ftrformance;°SubUibia,'' 
Eric Bogosian's taut exposure 
of the American dream. 
Pugliese Theatre. For tickets 
and information, call 5-7847.' 

november 19 

1-5 p.m., Conference; "Modern- 
ity, Jewish Women, and the Pre- 
sentation of the Self; the Case 
of Pauline Wengeroff." 2302 Art- 
Sociology. For more informa- 
tion,* contact the Meyerhoff 
Center for Jewish Studies at 5- 
4975 or | 

2 p.m.,Perfonnance:"SubUrbia," 
Eric Bogosian's taut exposure 
of the American dream. 

november 2 


4 p.m., Lecture; "It Ain't 
Necessarily So; Accuracy and 
Accountability in Television 
News." A lecture by John 
Grassie, executive producer of 
the Discovery Health Channel 
and former producer for NBC's 
"Dateline." Prince George's 
Room, Stamp Student Union. 
For more information, contact 
Brad Morse at 5-41 56 or 

4 p.m., Lecture; "Gene Flow 
and Dispersal in the Stonefly, 
Peltoperia tarteri." Entomology 
Colloquium presents Alicia 
Schultheis, Department of Bio- 
logy, Virginia Polytechnic Insti- 
tute and State University. 1 140 
Plant Sciences. Contact 5-3938 

4-6 p.m.. Reception: "Sherry 
Insley: Photograplis." Color 
photographs. Gallery, Stamp 
Student Union. The gallery is 
also open 10 a.m.-6 p,m.,Mon.- 
Sat. For more information, call 

8 p.m.. Concert; "Faculty Brass." 
Milton Stevens, trombone, and 
Chris Gekker, trumpet. 
Program featuring distin- 
guished School of Music fecul- 
ty. Ulrich Recital Hall.Tkwcs 
Fine Arts Building. For more 
information, call 5-7847. 


Outlook is tfif weekly faculty-staff 
tiewspipcr serving the University of 
Maryland campus community, 

Brodie Remington 'Vice President 
for University Relations 

TeTesa Flanneiy • Executive Director 
of University Communications anti 
Director of Marketing 

George Cathcart • Executive Editor 

Mooette AuiCin Bailey ■ EtJitor 

Cynthia Mitchel • A^tant Editor 

Patty H«iietz • Graduate Assistant 

Letters to the editor, story su^esdonj 
and campus information are welcome. 
Please submit all material two weeks 
before the Tuesday of publication. 

Send material to Editor, OitrfcDit, 2101 
Turner Hall, College Park, MD 20742 

Telephone -pOl) 405-7615 

Fax -(SO!) 314-9344 

E-mail ■ outlook@accTnail.umd,cdu 


2000-2001 Lilly-CTE Fellows Named 

This year's Lllly-CTE Fellows — from left to right, front to back: Sue Gdovln, Ellsa Klein, Jack Sullivan, 
Nell Davidson; Evelyn Torton Beck, Jim Greenberg; Karen O'Brien, Roxanne L^fltoff-Hagius, Jonathan 
Auerbach; Samuel Kersteln. Fellows pictured at right (top to bottom) are Katerina Thompson, Sandy 
KIta and Scot Reese. 

The Lilly-CTE Teaching Fellows 
Program is 10 years old, and it 
has become a hl^ily valued 
resource for bringing together talented 
and committed teaching feculty from 
across the University to consider central 
questions about teaching and learning 
in h^er education. This year's class of 
Lilly-CTE Fellows was named through a 
selective process which sought to 
choose a diverse group of teacher-schol- 
ars from a variety of disciplines, levels 
of experience, and interests. The 
Fellows receive an award of $3,000 and 
meet in a year long seminar in which 
they define issues and topics of mutual 
concern and explore ways to increase 
the quality and value of teaching and 
learning on campus. 

This year's Lilly-CTE Fellows' program is 
being coordinated by new CTE 
Associate Director Sue Gdovin and CTE 
Senior Scholar Neil Davidson. The 
Fellows have already engaged in exten- 
sive discussion of teaching issues, and 
are in the process of in-depth examina- 
tion of perspectives on diversity, evalua- 

tion of teaching, and what all university 
students should learn by the time they 
graduate. Tlieir individual backgrounds 
and research and teaching interests rep- 
resent the kind of array that has made 
this program such a rich catalyst for fac- 
ulty interchange and program develop- 

Jonathan Auerbach has been active in 
curriculum development in the English 
Department and at other institutions in 
the U.S. and abroad, including Egypt, 
Portugal and Vietnam, As director of 
undergraduate studies in English, he 
helped establish a mentoring program 
linking graduate students with feculty. 
He is interested in exploring methods of 
teacher evaluation, including peer 
review, as a way to overcome isolation 
and to encourage collaboration in the 

Evelyn Torton Beck's teaching has 
always been student-centered, but in the 
past decade she has become aware of 
die excitement generated in classes by 
several kinds of interrelated learning 

and evaluation proj- 
ects: experiential 
learning, collaborative 
learning and leamli^ 
portfolios produced 
by students. In all of 
these activides, Beck 
continues to be inter- 
ested in developing 
strategies for not only 
teaching about diver- 
sity, but also enabling 
the students to under- 
stand how those dif- 
ferences affect us in 
the classroom as a 
learning community. 

Assistant professor of 
philosophy Sam 
Kersteln, a teacher of 
large lecture classes 
for the past four 
years, is examining 
how to improve the 
training and supervi- 
sion of graduate 
teaching assistants. 
Assistants In large 
classes have respon- 
sibility for as many 
as 90 students each 
semester. The educational value of the 
class depends si^iificantly on the quali- 
ty of the instruction they give, since it is 
they, not the professor, who have the 
majority of direct contact with students, 
Kersteln hopes to develop a new pro- 
gram to promote good teaching by assis- 
tants. He is also interested in the ques- 
tion of how best to assess quality in 
teaching, Kerstein's main research inter- 
ests are in the area of moral philosophy, 
and he has just completed a book on 
the foimdations of Kantian ethics. 

EUsa Klein is an associate pro- 
fessor in the Department of 
Human Development/Institute 
for Child Study. Her research 
and teaching interests center 
on early childhood education 
and child care and its influence 
on children's social perceptions 
of their early school experiences, ^ 
as well as beginning teachers' beliefs 
about development and early educadon 
and how they translate those beliefs 
into practice. She also studies the inter- 
section between cliild social policy and 

research in child development. Klein 
views the connection between her 
scholarship and teaching as important 
to the preparation of competent, reflec- 
tive and carir^ teachers of yoimg diil- 
dren. She is interested in how students 
come to choose this path for their pro- 
fessional development, and the way in 
which beliefs about development and 
learning influence the integration of 
their college coursework and classroom- 
based practicimi experiences. Klein's 
interest in social policy for yoimg chil- 
dren and their tiimilies provides the 
larger context: the assurance of quality 
child care and early educational oppor- 
tunities for aU yoimg children In the 
United States, the preparation of teach- 
ers being an essential component of any 
comprehensive policy initiadve. 

Roxanne Lefkoff-Haglus is a Teaching 
Professor at the R.H. 
Smith School of 
Business. She is also 
associate director 
of the College 
Park Scholars 
Business, Society, 
and theEconomy 
Program. She has 
received numer- 
ous teaching 
awards. The most 
recent one is the 

Krowe Award 
for her 
work in 

the "Strategy Board 
1 Competition,- in which 

\f^M. teams of College Park 

— -^-^ Scholars students con- 
duct an in depth analysis 
of a company. Based on 
these analyses, they develop 
strategic recommendations and 
creatively display their ideas on poster 
boards in a competitive event. 
Corporate executives from the compa- 

contintted on page 5 

TV Executive: 

TKe Problem Lies Not in Our News Stars 

•w -w ^ *r* hen John 

mer producer for NBC 

newspapers, magazines, 

see, we should challenge 

^L »f i Grassie 

News' Dateline, he lias 

. and journals are held 

the news." 

^^^/ watches 

watclied the descent of 

accountable by ombuds- 

Grassie, a University 

T ▼ IT news, 

the industry's journalistic 

men and peer review, tel- 

of Maryland alum, will 

he sees a lor^ string of 


evision news organiza- 

have more to say in his 

disappointment.s. The 

The slide from the 

tions seemingly do not 

lecture "It Ain't 

nctworics' use of exit 

work of Edward R, 

embrace that same prac- 

Necessarily So; Accuracy 

polling and their cover- 

Murrow 40 years ago to 


and Accountability in 

age of the Horida 

the coverage of the Q J. 

Grassie concludes that 

Television News." He'll 

recount are just the lat- 

Simpson trial or the 

the answer lies to a large 

speak on Monday, Nov. 20 

est. As the executive pro- 

death of JonBenet 

extent witli the audi- 

ai 4 p.m. in the Prince 

ducer of the Discovery 

Ramsey is very steep, he 

ence; "Simply put, if we 

Geot^e's Room of the 

Healdi Charmel and a for- 

argues. "While many 

doubt what we hear and 

Stamp Student Union. 

November 14, 2000 


ProfiESSor Bruce I_ Gardner is the new chairperson of the 
Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics in the uni- 
versity's College of Agricutture and Natural Resources. 

Gardner has been a Acuity member at Maryland since 1981 
and director of the Maryland Center for Agricultural and 
Natural Resource Policy since 1996. He will continue in the lat- 
ter role for the present, along with his new duties as depart- 
ment chair. 

An Illinois native, Gardner received his bachelor's in i^ricul- 
tural economics £rom the University of Illinois in 1964. He 
earned his doctorate in economics at the University of Chic^o. 
Gardner was an agricultural economics faculty member at 
North Carolina State University, 1968-75, andTcxas A & M, 1977- 
81, before coming to Maryland 19 years ago. He spent two 
yeats, 1975-77, in Washington, D.C., as senior staff agricultural 
economist for the President's Council of Economic Advisors 
and another two years, 1 989-9 1 , in Washington as assistant sec- 
retary for economics in the U.S. Department of Agriculture. 

Gardner is currently president of the American Agricultural 
Economics Association (AAEA> and served several years as an 
associate editor of the American Journal of Agricultural 
Economics. He was honored as a fellow of the AAEA in 1989 
and received the Award of Excellence for Research in 1988 
from the University of Maryland's Colle^ge of Agriculture and 
Natural Resources. 

Sylvia Rosenfield, professor and former chair of the 
Counseling and Persoimel Services department of the College 
of Education, was recently honored by the American 
Psychol(^y AssocHtion. She was presented with their 
Dtetinguished Career Contribution award. Rosenfield specializes 
in the development of an instructional-consultation model in 
which school psychologists, teachers, and school teams collabo- 
rate to address classroom problems. 

John Splaine recently received recognition from two sources 
for making a difference in the lives of students. The university's 
OfiBce of the Dean for Under^aduatc Studies and University 
Cooperative Pro-ams gave him the Celebrating Teachers' 
award. Splaine, with Education Policy and Leadership, also 
received Kapfia Delta Pi's Outstanding Educator Award for 
1999-2000 and die Award of Excellence. 

The Counseling Center's Loiming Assistance Service has a new 
assistant director, Professor Marcy FaOoa. An Ohio native, she 
received her bachelor's in elementary education from Goucher 
College in Baltimore and went on to teach in Talcoma Paric. She 
then spent 1 1 years at St. Anselm's Abbey School, during which 
time she earned her master's in school counseling from the uni- 
versity's CAPS department. She stayed on to earn her doctorate 
in counselor educatioa. 

AJDJteon I>ni]n, assistant professor with the College of 
Education and member of the Human-Computer Interaction 
lab, has received a CAREER award from the National Science 
Foundation, one of the most prestigious awards for outstanding 
Acuity earty in their professional careers. The CAREER pro- 
gram recognizes and supports those fectilty members who are 
most likely to be the leaders of the 21st century. CAREER 
awardees are selected on the basis of creative research that 
builds a firm foundation for a lifetime of contributions to 
research and educadon. Druin wtU receive a five-year $400,000 
grant to research fimire classroom technology for use in early 
childhood education. She wiU work with children at both the 
University of Maryland's Center for Yoimg Children and 
Yorktown Elemenatry School in Bowie to further develop her 
work on digital libraries, robotic storytellers and other new 
technologies. Druin says her research will explore such ques- 
tions as: What (if any) are appropriate new technolo^es for 
yoimg children? What will prc-school dassnxims look like with 
new technolo^es? Will children learn differently because of 
these technologies? Will eatif childhood teachers approach 
teaching in the same way? 

Virtual Course Teaches Real Skills 


at if you, as 
a traditional 
college stu- 
dent or a 
husy "green" industry pro- 
fessional, could take a 
course without having to 
take leave from woric, fight 
trafBc on campus — or 
leave your dorm room, 
house, or office at all? 

Thanks to the develop- 
ment of an award-witming 
Web-based course called 
Water and Nutrient 
Management Platining for 
the Nursery and Green- 
house Industry (HORT 
400), upper level students 
in the Department of 
Natural Resource 
Sciences and Land- 

Architecture and 
nursery and green- 
house industry pro- 
are doing 
just that. 

undergraduate student, an 
industry professional and 
an Extension educator. 
They discussed problems 
and exchanged ideas and 
information through an 
otiline forum led by course 

Over the course of the 
semester, each team devel- 
oped a nutrient manage- 
ment plan for the nursery 
represented by their indus- 
try teammate. This plan 
was based on the nursery's 
risk profile and featured 

online learning environ- 
ment, which is used to 
deliver the course. Most 
important, five half-day 
plan-writing sessions at vai^ 
ious nurseries around the 
state were added, so that 
everyone could see how 
varied many of these pro- 
duction focilities are in 
terms of site characteris- 
tics, infrastructure and 

The idea for the 
course originated 
with the Water Quality 
Act of 1998, which 
required testing nutrient 
management plans for the 
nursery and greenhouse 
industries. The faculty 
course development team 
conducted a survey to 
assess computer skills, 
hitemet access and techno- 
logical familiarity within 
the nursery and green- 
house industry, since it was 
obvious that they needed 
to facilitate training of pro- 
fessionals at a distance. 

"The course relies not 
only on traditional teaching 
techniques involving lec- 
ture notes and illustrations, 
but also provides an 
enhanced, interactive learn- 
ing experience through the 
use of discussions and 
assignments posted online 
and a variety of group proj- 
ects," said Ellen Varley, proj- 
ect team member and 
coordinator, distance edu- 
cation outreach. Office of 
Communications and Infor- 
mation Technolt^y. 

last fall, learners who 
had never met face-to-face 
collaborated in cyberspace 
on small teams including at 
least one graduate or 


designed to reduce high- 
risk practices that lead to 
excessive nitrogen and 
phosphorus runoff. 

"By developing a set of 
tools that can be used to 
assess and manage the risk 
of nutrient nmoff, we hope 
to train nutrient manage- 
ment planners to be able 
to walk uito any nursery or 
greenhouse operation and 
write a nutrient manage- 
ment plan that will actually 
work," said John Lea-Cox, 
assistant professor, 
Department of Natural 
Resource Sciences and 
Landscape Architecture. 

The team also has decid- 
ed to include several fiice- 
to-fece meetings to the vir- 
tual course.A one-day ori- 
entation was added to 
introduce the class team 
members to each other 
and ensure that everyone 

HORT 400 has been 
peer-reviewed by content 
experts and distance learn- 
ing specialists at other 
land-grant institutions. 
Information from these 
reviews and feed- 
back from stu- 
dents in the 
1999 class 
have been used 
to update and 
refine the con- 
tent of the 

The course is one 
15 web-based courses 
created by University 
System of Maryland faculty 
under the auspices of the 
Web Initiative in Teaching 
(WIT) program. It was 
developed by an interdisci- , 
plinary team of faculty in j 
the College of Agriculture 
and Natural Resources. 
Team members included 
Valley, Lea-Cox; David Ross, 
associate professor and 
Paul Schreuders, assistant 
professor, both of the 
Department of Biological 
Resources Engineering; and 
K. Marc Teffeau, regional 
horticulture specialist with 
Maryland Cooperative 

The development team 
received a Gold Medal 
Award and the Outstanding 
Professional Skill Award for 
Distance Education and 
Instructional Design fix>m 
the national professional 
oi^anization Agricultural 
Communicators in 
Education in July 2000. The . 
course, uitroduced Fall * 
1999 with a limited enroll- 
ment of eighteen individu- 4 
als and offered again this 
semester to over 30 learn- 
ers, will be offered again I 
FaU2001. 1 

— Pamela Townsend 




2000-2001 Lilly-Center for Teaching Excellence Fellows Named 

continued from page J 

nies then judge the boards 
and provide oral and writ- 
ten feedback to the stu- 
dents. Lefkoff-Hagins 
also teaches the honors 
mtroduction to marketing 
course and the Capstone 
marketing strategy course. 
This past summer, she 
attended the American 
Association of Higher 
Education Summer Academy 
to work on a campus proj- 
ect to enhance undergradu- 
ate learning at the 
University of Maryland. 
Lefkoff-Hagius' philoso- 
phy of teaching is that 
students can learn 
through active involve- 
ment in real-world tasks. 
With the Lilly Professors, 
she continues her work 
to develop engaging, 
comprehensive exercises 
that stimulate deep learn- 
ing. Students recognize 
Lefkoff-Hagius for her 
enthusiasm and energy 
and how she brings the 
joy of learning into the 

Karen O'Brien, associ- 
ate professor in the 
Department of Psycho- 
logy, recently developed 
a service learning course 
entided "Community Inter- 
ventions: Domestic Vio- 
lence "The course educates 
undergraduate students 
about theory and research 
relevant to a community 
problem and provides them 
with an opportunity to 
serve their community and 
gain marketable skills by 
volunteering in shelters for 
battered and homeless 
women and children in 
Wasliington, D.C. O'Brien is 
interested in tlie role of 
service learning courses in 
facilitating an understanding 
of social ^ues and culture 
and in assisting students to 
develop a commitment to 
contributing to their com- 
mimities. Her research inter- 
ests include the career 
development of women, 
career counselii^ and voca- 
tional intervention with at- 
risk populations, coun- 
selor/advocate training and 
domestic violence. She is 
coauthor (with psychology 
professor Oara Hill) of 
Helping Skills: Facilitating 
Exploration, Insight, and 
Action. O'Brien received the 
American Psychological 
Association of Graduate 
Students 1997 Raymond D. 
Fowler Award in reception 
of dedicadon to the profes- 

sional development of psy- 
chology graduate students. 
She was also a recipient of 
the 1997 BSOS ExceUcnce 
in Teaching Award, and was 
named a 1998-99 BSOS 
Teachmg Fellow. 

Scot Reese received his 
M.EA. in directing from 
Northwestern Utiiverslty In 
1994. As a director he is 
interested in tcUing good 
stories, and sees his role as a 

The Fellows are in 
the process of in- 
depth examination 
of perspectives on 
diversity, evaluation 

of teaching, and 
what ail university 

students should 
learn by the time 

they graduate. 

Katerina Thompson's phi- 
losophy of teaching is tliat a 
teacher's most important 
role is not as a repository of 
knowledge to be transferred 
to students, but as a facilita- 
tor m a dynamic leamitig 
process. In her teaching, 
Tliompson incorporates 
hew technologies that give 
students access to course 
materials outside of tradi- 
tional class time. These tools 
encourage students to 
take responsibility for 
their own learning and 
provide a means for 
independent explo- 
ration. She is interested 
in working with her 
colleagues to develop 
ways of ensuring that 
emerging technologies 
enliance the teacher- 
student relationship, 
rather than replace it. 

collaborator, interpreter and 
communicator of those sto- 
ries. The life people share 
as artists is bodi exhilarating 
and devastating; Reese 
believes woik in theater and 
teaching must contain the 
same. As a teacher, he tries 
to be the humanist w^ho 
puts everything together 
with a process and experi- 
ence that enhances the 
entire academic community. 
As a professor in theatre, he 
feels fortunate to work with 
students from a variety of 
disciplines, which has led to 
his view that promoting an 
interdisciplinary culture 
between colleges is a way 
to foster learning communi- 
ties. Reese is strongly con- 
cerned with developing 
programs in undergraduate 
education that recognize 
and respect the historical 
and contemporary contribu- 
tions that people of color 
have made to America's 
multicultural society. His 
mterests in learning are con- 
nected to the diversity ini- 
tiative on campus; it is his 
objective to help the univer- 
sity gain a reputation for 
being a school where young 
students of all backgrounds 
can feel that their voices are 
represented and heard. 

Jack Sullivan's career 
has taken what some 
might perceive as two 
distinct paths. One tra- 
jectory has sent him 
explormg die potential 
of computer technolo- 
gy for improved 
instruction and learn- 
ing. In the other direc- 
tion, he has taken his stu- 
dents on missions of profes- 
sional service and intro- 
duced them to the joys of 
designing and constructing 
landscapes in partnership 
with the community. In the 
last five years Sullivan has 
moved from curious techno- 
logical neophyte to studious 
digital acolyte and promis- 
ing pioneer, achieveing 
international recognition for 
the development and use of 
electromc instructional pro- 
grams. As a consulting land- 
scape arcliitcct and design 
instructor, he offers stu- 
dents the opportunity to 
balance their focused aca- 
demic and technical work 
with service to the commu- 
tiity. He has guided them 
through projects that 
include gardens for home- 
less shelters, memorial 
parks and campus land- 
scapes. The challenge of 
communication w^th 
diverse clientele and project 
circiimstances has brought 
deeper meaning and per- 
sonal satisfaction to the stu- 
dents' learning. Sullivan's 
two paths may be more 
complementary than diver- 
gent and he is intrigued by 
the possibility of bringitig 
the two together. 

^ ^ ^ it -k ^ 


"Somethjxjg certain: The cymes are wrong about the future. If the 
students in the class I teach at the University of Maryland are any 
indication, there is no need to worry. With passion and dedication, 
the students spoke with people their age across the coimtry. They 
learned their generation is skeptical about politicians and their too- 
often-unfuliilled promises. But no, one could label the 20-somethings 
apathetic to the problems facing the nation " — Adjunct journalism 
professor Richard Pretorius tmites in the Baltimore Sun of the 
cross<ountry journey he took to find out what Americans were 
thinking about Election 2000. Accompanying him for part of the 
journey were bis students. (Nov. 1) 

"Men think this is a waste of time. They can't imderstand how we 
could have issues in the year 2000. No one ever gave them work- 
shops. It's a wimpy thing to do." — Chemistry professor Sandra 
Green speaking after a Committee on the Advancement of Women 
Chemistry held a roundtabte in Chicago. CChronide of Higher 
Education, Nov. 10) 

"The candidates we are given to choose from are only those who 
can afford to spend millions on advertising. That ri^t there elimi- 
nates all the decent choices. By votii^ you're buying mto that sys- 
tem." —Sophomore Rob Raymer participated in the IMP Seattle 
demonstration and be spends time in Washington, D.C, giving 
vegan meals to the homeless. He didn't vote, and he was Joined 
b}' many local student activists in the boycott. fWashington Post, 
Nov. 4) 

"We have millennia of history in learning how to manage an impres- 
sion in person. We know how to soften what might seem like an 
abrupt remark with a smile or a wink, but we are clumsy with the 
new tools online, and people are making blimders all over the 
place." —Patricia Wallace, executive director of the Center for 
Knowledge and Information Management in the Smith School of 
Business, explaining why e-mail socializing is filled with gaffes 
and pratfalls. (Intcmational Herald Tribtme, Nov. 1) 

"If we'd known about the Kuiper Belt when Pluto was discovered 
(in 1930), it would have been a giant Kuiper Belt Object." — Michael 
A'Heam, professor of astronomy, continues his crusade to have 
Pluto eliminated from astronomy's official list of planets. Making 
the matter more confusing is that the International Astronomical 
Union has no definition of what a planet is. Not dismayed, 
A'Heam and the lAU are again considering the notion of chang- 
ing Pluto's planetary citizenship status. (5PACE.coin, Nov. 2) 

"Whoever is going to control the House is going to have a majority 
of two or three seats. And that is a recipe for absolute stalemate." — 
Eric Uslaner, professor of government and politics, predicting polit- 
ical gridlock on the floor of the House of Representatitvs because 
of the election results of Nov 7. (Knight RidderyTribune News 
Service, Nov. 8) 

" 'It's just a mishmash of things,' said Beth Alvarez, the umversity's 
curator of literary manuscripts. 'h hasn't been weeded at all.' Alvarez 
is apologizing, but the unkempt spirit of the archive accounts for 
much of its charm. Reach into the box and tliere's no telling what 
you'll find." —A Washington Post reporter tells of the delights of 
Jinding the unexpected in McKeldin Library's Maryland Folklore 
Archive. (Nov. 8) 

"I'm an Emily Dickinson scholar, so it's not a surprise that I love 
Bruce Springsteen because they're both so spare in their poetry. 
They're deceptively simple. Tbo often we see things set out in black 
or white, good or bad. But he's not someone who gives easy 
answers." — Martha Nell Smith, professor of English, comments on 
lyrics penned by The Boss, whose star has risen in academe. 
^National Pos^ Ibronto, Oct 31) 

"It appears they were dredged, but we can't say that for sure. We 
hawe no idea how many times it was hit, whether it w^as one or 100 
times. All we can say is that the oysters are gone," —Ken Paynter, 
associate research scientist in biology, remarks on the destruction 
of years' worth of research as poachers steal 61,000 bushels of oys- 
ters from the Chesapeake Bay. Ironically Paynter's research is to 
determine bow to return the oyster to its farmer abundance in the 
Bay. (Baltimore Sim, November 1) 

November 14, 2000 

UIVI Celebrates International Education Week 

^^^^^^^ he University of 

Programs, "We want to create 

and brown bag limch by the 


8 p.m. 

H Maryland has 

a global citizen. And the better 

Institute for Global Chinese 

8 a.m.-5 p.m. 

West AMcan Dnunming 

1 taken the lead in 

educated we are about our- 

Affiairs. Speakers inchide Scott 

"GlobaUzation and Eco- 

and Dance, Diali Djtmo 

1 promoting global 

selves and our place in the 

McGiimlss fNational Foreign 

logical Security: The Next 

Kouyate and the University 

^^^ understanding 

world, the better prepared we 

Language Center, University of 

20 Years." Conference at the 

of Maryland African Drum 

with a slew of events for 

are to make decisions about 

Maryland), Linda Sahin 

Inn and Conference Center. 

Ensemble. Ulrich Recital Hall. 

America's first-ever 

everything," he said. 

(Maryland English Institute, 

Pre-registration is required. 

International Education Week 

The following is a schedule 

University of Maryland), and 


held Nov. IM7. 

of the remaining events: 

Robert Yuan (Department of 

2-4 p.m. 

Secretary of State 

Cell Biology and Molecular 

"Open your Eyes," a film 

"Globalf/ation and 

Madeleine K. Albright said 


Genetics, University of Mary- 

introduced and discussed by 

Ecological Sectirity: The 

activities will promote the 

land). OlIOT^aferroHall. 

Dr. He man Sanchez de 

Next 20 Years," conference 

benefits of international educa- 

12:30-1:45 p.m. 

Pinillos, presented by the 

continued at the Woodrow 

tion that are part of President 

Lecture by retired Ambassador 


Spanish Cinema Club. St. 

Wilson Center of the 

Bill Clinton's initiative to pre- 

Ahmad Tariq Karim. "The 

Mary's Hall, Multipurpose 

Smithsonian Institution, 

pare America for a global envi- 

Imbroglio o^er Kashmir: 

2 p.m. 


Washington, D.C. 


Onn the U.S. and the 

"Media and Politics In 

International Education 

hitematlonal Community 

France," lecture by Etlenne 

3-6 p.m. 


Week will generate awareness 

DUsuade South Asia from 

Leenhardt (Wasliington corre- 

Open House at the East- 

in the university community 

Stalking Armageddon in 

spondent for "France 2" televi- 

West Space Science Center. 

8 p.m. 

about the importance of 

the Region?" Brown bag 

sion). St. Mary's Hall multipur- 

"A New Look at Galactic 

The EUane Elias Trio blends 

knowing other languages and 

lunch. MorriU Hall. 

pose room. 

Dynamics," by Dr.Alexci 

Brazilian, jazz, and classical 

culttues, and about the role 

Friedman (Russian Academy of 

influences. Tickets: $20 for 

the university plays in the 

12-1:30 p.m. 

3:30-5 p.m. 

Sciences^ and "life Beyond the 

adults: $18 for senior citizens; 

global system, said Saul 

"Issues in International 

International Coffee Hmir 

Biosphere," by Dr. Arnold 

and $5 for students. The Iim 

Sosnowski, director of the imi- 

Education: The Chinese 

in the basement of Dorchester 

Nicogossian (NASA). 2309 

and Conference Center. 

versity's Office of International 

Factor," roundtable discussion 


Computer and Space Science. 

IRIS Maries 10 Years of "Smart Gro%vth" for Developing Economies 

continued from page 1 

U.S. San. Paul 
Sarbanes, D-Md., and 
nearly 100 others, 
mark the 10th 
anniversary of the 
IRIS Center. Sarbanes 
worked with IRIS 
creator Mancur Olson. 

ers free enterprise and 
fuels official corruption. 
Later this month, discour- 
aged Romanians may 
well go to the polls and 
turn power over to a for- 
mer Communist leader 
To remember what it 
took to launch IRIS, the 
university has placed a 
bench outside the ceti- 
ter's headquarters in 
Morrill Hall with an 
mscrip tion : " In memory 
of Mancur Olson who 
hardly ever sat down." 
With so many projects 
imdenvay in so many 
parts of the world, 
Cadwell says, "this should 
remind us that sitting still is 
not an option." 

New "One Stop" Safety and Security Shop 

continued pom page 1 

aioimd the world make use of 
IRIS researchers and advisors. 

So Ear, IRIS has worked in 64 
countries. Chas Cadwell, who 
has led the center since Olson 
died in 1998, recalLs the time 
an IRIS researcher landed in a 
muddy, isolated field m 
Mongolia as workers busily 
constructed a stock exchange. 
The problem: the country had 
no markets yet. The trading 
activity that woiJd bring the 
building to life simply did not 

Cunendy, an IRIS team is 

working in Romania trying to 
help officials saw through the 
legendary red tape of its com- 
munist past. 
Cadwell describes 
economic reform 
there as one of 
the biggest disap- 
pointments in 
Eastern Europe. 
An IRIS report 
issued this past 
summer conclud- 
ed that the 
bureaucratic maze 
in Romania smoth- 

^^^m^'o bari-i ^J^^^^ 

^H^«-^l>"' '^1 

The memorial bench Inscription. 

organized, more focused, 
more on point." 

Krouse noted that com- 
munication has been compli- 
cated by lack of ability to 
coordinate efforts across 
campus. In the police depart- 
ment alone, he said, one unit 
monitors alarms, another 
monitors video surveillance 
and yet another dispatches 
police officers. 

With the new organiza- 
tion, that will change. "This 
oi>cration center wlil be a 
one-unit operation," said 
Krouse, "It will be like one- 
stop shopping." 

Commimications will get 
a boost from a new 800 MHz 
radio s>^em.The system, 
which cost about $1.5 mil- 
lion, will be operational 
across campus by next Ml, 
Krouse said. 

The reorganization was a 
project of the Office for 
Continuous Quality 
Improvement's campus safe- 
ty and security team. The 
team was comprised of mem- 
bers of various campus disci- 
plines and departments who 
first examined existing oi^- 
nizational structures and 
then decided what could be 
changed. They came up with 
five recommendations: 

' Create a Department of 
Public Safety. 

• Facilitate integration of 
safety and security compo- 
nents in all campus plaiuiing 

t' . : 

• Provide enhancement 
and expansion of the univer- 
sity's public safety depart- 
ment resources, including 
facilities, uniformed patrol 
officers, civilian staff ibr the 
emergency telephone serv- 
ice, video surveillance, build- 
ing access and campus 

• Implement a crossK:am- 
pus training and education 

• Initiate improvements to 
the delivery of safety and 
security information. 

Tlie integration of safety 
and security services under 
the umbrella of the 
Department of Public Safety 
most notably will remove 
organizational barriers to 
responsive management, 
Sturtz said. 

An operations conmiittee 
will be comprised of heads 
of departments that Include 
safety and security programs. 
For example, said Sturtz, safe- 
ty and security are compo- 
nents of the campus paridng 
department; its director, J. 
David Allen, will be a mem- 
ber of tiie new committee, as 
will Jon Dooley, residential 
facilities director, 

Sturtz said tltere also will 
be a broad-based policy com- 
mittee that will address effec- 
tiveness of community polic- 
ing and make recommenda- 
tions to I^esidcnt CD. Mote 
on safety and security pro- 




In Memoriam 

Rhonda M. Williams, acting direc- 
tor of Afro-American Studies, died 
of cancer on Nov. 7 at her home in 
Hyattsville, She was 43- 

Williams graduated cum laude 
from Harvard-Radcliffe College in 
1978 and went on to cam her 
Ph.D. in economics from MTT in 
1983. She came to the university in 
1986 as an assistant professor of 
AfroAmerican studies and econom- 

A political economist and associ- 
ate professor, she has been widely 
published. In 1996, her empirical 
study, "A Ixjgit Decomposition 
Analysis of Occupational 
Segregation: Results for the 1970s 
and 1980s," appeared in The 
Review of Economics and 
Statistics and a second study,"The 
Way We Were?: Discrimination, 
Competition, and Inter-hidustry 
Wage Differentials in 1 970," was the 
lead essay in the June 1996 issue of 
Review of Radical Political 

In 1997, Williams co^ditcd Race, 
Markets and Social Outcomes. Also 
in that year, "Living at the 
Crossroad; Explorations in Race, 
Nationality, Sexuality and Gender," 
appeared in Wahneema Labiano's 
publication, The House that Race 
Built: Black Americans, U.S. 

Williams was active as a consult- 
ant and instructor in curriculum 
transformation. She spent nine 
years working with professor 
Sharon Harley in the Afro-American 
Studies program's Multicultural 
Teacher Education Training 
Institute for Prince George's 
County public school teachers. 

Most recenUy, she hosted a con- 
ference on race, ethnicity and 
wealth that brought scholars from 
all across the nation to College Park 
to investigate racial-ethnic wealth 
form and inequalities in the United 
States' post-industrial economy. 

Williams is survived by many 
family members and friends. 

WKat Are They Thinking? 

Your Campus Colleagues Talk About the 2000 Electoral Mess 

Though the outcome of the United 
States presidential election left many 
wondering just who would lead the 
country for the next four years, the 
Florida ballot confusion left very clear 
impressions on many citizens. 
Oudook offers a sam- 
pling of staff and facul- 
ty opinions: 

Mary Perkins, 
cashier, T\imcr 
Dairy: "I can't 
see why they 
would make a 
miscount with all 
the electronic 

Betty Suitt, coordina- 
tor of business affairs 
for the College of Arts and 
Sciences: "We're so technologically 
advanced... [but] in Howard Coimty 

wc draw lines to vote, with a special 
pen. I mean, come on. 

"There should be a recount. If peo- 
ple are very sure that they screwed up, 
they should be allowed to revote. 
However, we have to bear some of the 
responsibility as voters. It's not every- 
body else's feult. People should 
have realized what they're 

Jack Andrews, landscape tech- 
nician supervisor. Facilities 
Management, Department of 
Building & Landscape 
Services: "I watched it from 
8:30 until 4 in the morning. It 
was great, it was like a good 
football game. 
"I think it ■will all work out. . . 
I'd rather be optimistic about it." 

Trish Stemhilbcr, Ph.D, program coordi- 
nator, Natural Resource Sciences and 

Landscape Architecture: "You'd think in 
2000 we could have good elections. 
Why can't it 
be sim- 


assistant for Life Sciences: "I'm frustrat- 
ed that it's taken so long. I understand 
because it's so close, but... this just 
means our votes don't really count." 

Dear Diary: Ifs Spring in Antarctica 

As UM scientist Chris Shimian explores Antarctica's frozen secrets for clues to the 
earth's changing climate, he shares his findings — and survival tips — with visitors to his 
Web site. Check the site regularly for more news about Shuman's project: 
www. inform . umd . edii/CampusI nfo/Departments/Ins tAdv/nowand then/an tarctica/. 

Below are two excerpts fi^m his most recent diary entries; 

"After reaching McMiutlo Station on a huge all-terrain bus, we were welcomed at the National Science Foundation fl*4SF) 
Chalet. This is coordination center for all the people, equipment, and material required for life and research in this environ- 
ment. McMurdo is the largest science facility in Antarctica and is the headquarters for air operations to and from South Pole 
Station as well as other international science focilities like Russia's Vostok Station in East Antarctica." —Diary excerpt from 
Nov. 8 

Note: McMurdo Station is located on the southern end of Ross Island, the historic starting point ft>r Antarctic expeditions. 
On Sat., Nov. 11, Shuman and the rest of the US ITASE expedition were scheduled to leave McMurdo and fly inland to Byrd 
Station (SOdegS 1 20degW). Byrd Station is the expedition's Antarctic base camp in the interior of the West Antarctic ice 
sheet. "We have almost finished with our cai^o [packing for the expedition] but despite a simny afternoon, [there were] a 
whole series of canceled flights earlier today. This is not surprishig as early No'vember (Antarctic spring) weather is stUl iffy. 
We are starting to get antsy though, as more groups are stacking up, the more competition there is for the limited number of 
fl^ts the Hercs can make on the days the weather finally is good!" — Nov. 9 

Sedlacek Takes Alternative Approach to Intelligence 

continued from page 1 

In his 30 years of research 
and writing, Sedlacek has devel- 
oped a number of ways to 
measure all three types of intel- 
ligence. One of his signature 
methods, the nonco^tive 
questiomiaire, measures such 
characteristics as confidence, 
realistic self-appraisal, ability to 
negotiate the academic system, 
attention to long-range goals, 
leadership, community service, 
mentorship and culturally relat- 
ed ways of obtaining informa- 
tion and demonstrating knowl- 

"At a time when people are 
looking for alternatives, here's 
one I can offer," he says. "It's a 
good option and it doesn't real- 
ly cost anything." 

linda Clement, assistant vice 
president of academic affairs 
and director of undergraduate 

admissions, says she is a "sreat 
admirer" of Sedlacek's 

"We are looking at all sorts 
of things that ate embedded in 
his work," she says. "We sub- 
scribe to the noncognitive vari- 
ables. We just don't use the 

Sedlacek's methods have put 
him in the middle of some 
high-profile action. He is assist- 
ing the state of Maryland in its 
defense against a discrimination 
lawsuit filed gainst the univer- 
sity's medical school. He i.s an 
expert witness and consultant 
in a discrimination lawsuit filed 
over admissions policies at the 
University of California, 
Beilteley. He also is helping the 
Bill and Mellnda Gates 
Foundation to develop proce- 
dures for parceling out $ 1 bil- 

lion in scholarship lunds to 
minority college students. 

"I'm hot right now," he says 

In the Berkeley case, several 
groups, includir^ the NAACP 
Legal Defense and Education 
Fund, the Mexican-American 
Legal Defense and Education 
Fimd, and the Asian-Pacific 
Legal Center argue that since 
the 1996 passage of an anti- 
afflrmathfe action voter initia- 
tive, minorities are now severe- 
ly underreprcsented at die 
University of California. 
Sedlacek says die plaintiffs 
appear willing to setde their 
case if the university were to 
adopt his evaluation model. 

In Maryland, the state attor- 
ney general has asked Sedlacek 
to appear as an expert witness 
to defend against a suit brought 

by a white man who claims he 
was unfairly denied admission 
to the University of Maryland's 
medical school, which employs 
Sedlacek's methods and which 
accepted minority applicants 
with lower MCAT scores than 
the plaintiff. 

Both cases could go to trial 
in the next few months. 

The Gates Foundation has 
asked Sedlacek to design its 
application for the next group 
of prospective scholarship 
recipients.The program, set up 
to parcel out $1 billion to 
African American, Hispanic, 
Native American and Asian 
American students, is desired 
for those who would not get 
scholarship help elsewhere. The 
students who receive Gates 
Mlllermium Scholarships will he 
tracked through their college 

careers and beyond, 

Sedlacek last year trained 
some 300 persons of color 
around the country to evaluate 
Gates scholarship applicants. "It 
was a great paradox," he says. "I 
was the white guy telling peo- 
ple how to evaluate their own 
groups. I said, 'Look. You know 
how to evaluate. I'm just offer- 
ing a way to organize your 

Sedlacek is paid for his con- 
sulting work and speaking 
appearances, but his research 
and mctiiods are available to 
anyone free of charge via his 
Web site www.inform.imid. 
"My measure isn't for sale. 
It's free," he says. "And I never 
charge for a phone call." 

_ — Patty Henet 


November 14,2000 

R^ce & Diversity on 

In support of the campus' and the libraries' com- 
mitment to an ongoing discussion of diversity issues. 
The libraries' Nonprint Media Services, Diversity 
Committee and Staff Training & Development invite 
you to attend a Fall 2000 video scries on Race & 
Diversity and Diversity & The Arts. 

The series will run through December S, 2000 and 
will include 34 programs, varying in lengtli from 50 
minutes to two and a half hours. It is part of the PBS 
Adult Learning Service Videos via Satellite for 
Educator Series and is open to the campus communi- 

The next program in the series, "To Render a Life: 
Let Us Now Praise Famous Men," will be shown on 
Nov. 16 from 10:30 a.m.-12 noon in 4137 McKcldin. 

For more information about this video series, 
please call Usa Wheeler at 301 314-0336, Linda Sarigol 
at 301-405-9236 or Bette Ann Hubbard at 301-314- 

Detailed program descriptions are available online 
at www.pbs.ofg/als/ce or call Carleton Jackson at 

the Nov. 15 fonim, and updates will be provided at 
future community forums. Interested members of the 
commimity are encouraged to attend, gather informa- 
tion and ask questions. 

LoariT- to Speak America^ 

JajEZ Sliowcase Tonight 

Tonight's Chamber Jazz Combo Recital is sure to 
replace the autumn chill with a good dose of cool. 

Under the direction of Chris Vadala, Man Rippetoc, 
Steve Fidyk and Gerry Kunkel, university student jazz 
combos are featured in this crowd-pleasing semesterly 
showcase. The repertoire includes jazz standards by 
Charlie Parker, Wynton Mar salis. Woody Shaw, Herbie 
Hancock and Thelonius Monk as well as original com- 

The free concert takes place tonight,'I\jesday, Nov 
14 at 8 p.m. in Ulrich Recital Hall, Tawes Fine Arts 
Buildit^. For more information, call 301-405-7847. 

Arabic Adds Character to Curriculum 

Thanks to strong student demand, Arabic joins the 
ranks of languages taught in instructor-based format at 
Maryland, Instructor Shukri Abed of the Department 
of Asian and East European Languages has been a 
research fellow at the Center for International Devel- 
opment and ConfUct Management (CIDCM} since 
1993, and has taught coui^es in history including 
Islamic Civilization and Nation Building in the Middle 
East. He is also director of the Language Etepartment 
of the Middle East in Washington, D.C. , where about 
300 students a year learn Arabic, Farsi, Hebrew and 

For further information, contact Professor Abed at 

November Forum on Oucii Factor 

As noted in the September "Ouch Alert" pubU- 
cadon included m Outlook and the 
Diamondback, monthly community forimis have 
been scheduled to provide the campus with 
updated information regarding major construc- 
tion projects and disruptions to traffic, pedestri- 
an access, paridng and utilities. The next forum 
will be held on Nov. 15, from 3:30-5 p.m. in 14 12 

This forum, along with the one scheduled for 
Dec. 13 and those to be held next semester, will 
be particularly relevant to those who conduct 
their daily activities in, park in or drive through the 
northeast segment of campus. Begiiming in 
November, construction of a utility building in a por- 
tion of Lot T the demoUUon and new construction 
arotmd Chemistry, an addition to A.'V^ WilUams, and sig- 
niScant utility line Improvements will begin in this 
area of campus. 

Each project's site and scope will be presented at 

ENGUSH-American Style, a new and unusual Web 
site, announced last month that its comprehensive 
Online English Workbook is now available. The site is 
designed to provide prospective and experienced 
teachers of English as a Second Language with exten- 
sive free resources for materials, curriculum ideas and 
strategies. The site is an online study program for stu- 
dents of English as a foreign language at three levels: 
basic, intermediate and advanced. The focus of the 
programs is on American English and American histo- 
ry and culture. 

ENGUSH-American Style is imusual in that it 
charges lower fees than most comprehensive online 
learning programs. A student, or group of students, 
can pay a fee of $5.00 for ten visits and use the site 
for up to twelve hotu-s per day. 

The site provides hundreds of tutorials, lessons and 
reading and writing exercises, as well as three com- 
plete proficiency tests. Students and teachers who 
would like to check out the site can explore some 
sample programs. For those who wish a more detailed 
look, ENGUSH-American Style offers a free courtesy 
tour. For more information, visit the site at 

Examining XanEdu .^- 

The Center for Teaching Excellence and the Office 
of Information Technology will sponsor a presentation 
by XanEdu, affording faculty, staff and students an 
opportunity to examine a new approach to course 
packets. A representative from XanEdu will introduce, 
in an interactive session, a new product in higher edu- 
cation: online CoursePacks. XanEdu is a copyright- 
cleared, online content provider. 

Bring your CoursePack Title and 6-7 topics you 
want to include and search for during the workshop. 

Those interested should visit 
and take the flash tour, and then RSVP to this work- 


It's All About You 

(Hitfook would like to kiiow what is 

yoing on in your college, Uepartmcni. unit 

or field. Send us newsletters, press releases, 

or just story ideas., by placing Outlook 

on your e-mail and iradilional mailing li.sts, 

you ensure that we receive )'oiir notices 

in a timely litshion. 

We offer tlirec convenient ways to keep us 

in the know: 

Campus mail to: 



Or use e-mail: 

Or fax: 

Please RSVP to Mike MiUigan at mmilligan@xane- and e-mail Mike with questions and requests 
for pre-access to the CP system. 

The forum will be held on Friday, Nov. 17 from 10 
a.m. to 12 noon in 4404 Computer & Space Science. 
For more information, contact hiayet Sahin at 5-9980 
or is32@umaii.umd.cdu. 


The Campus Recreation Center Natatorium will be 
hosting the 2000 FINA Worid Cup Swiitmiing 
Championships on November 1 5 and 16. Preliminary 
sessions wiU be held at 10 a.m. and finals at 6:30 p.m. 
each day. Students, faculty and staff will be able to 
attend the preliminary sessior^ free of charge by pre- 
senting a valid student or facidty/staff photo ID. lb 
purchase tickets for the finals, please call 410433* 

S^^larsbip of Teaching & 

The Center for Teaching ExceUence will sponsor a 
workshop entitled "The Scholarship of Teaching and 
Learning: Do You Want to Try It? "on Nov. 17 from 12 
to 1:30 p.m. in the Maryland Room, Marie Moimt Hall. 

The university has had a significant involvement 
with the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in part- 
nership with the American Association for Higlier 
Education and the Carnegie Foundation for the 
Advancement of Teaching. Tliis seminar is desired to 
link people— faculty and graduate teaching assistants 
— who are interested in cxplorii^ the study of teach- 
ing and learning with colleagues who have some 
expertise and experience in this exciting work. 

To RSVP by phone or email, or with questions, cofr 
tact Inayet Sahin at (301) 405-9980 or at, or ooUne at www, 

Nominations Sougltt for Student 
"Who's Who*' Award ^^^....^^ 

The Office of Campus Programs is seeking nomina- 
tions for Who's Who Among Students in American 
Colleges and Universities, one of the most highly 
regarded and long standing honor programs in the 
nation. Each fall, upper-class and graduate students are 
selected by the University for this award. Criteria for 
the award include outstanding scholarship, leadership, 
campus involvement and commimity service. 

Nominations are due on Nov. 17, 2000 and should 
be returned to the Office of Campus Programs, 1 135 
Stamp Student Union or via email to bdula®union. For more information, contact Brandon Dula 
at 301-314-7174. 

Prolific Poet Comes to Campus ,^^ 

Olive Senior, a writer of poetry, short stories 
and non-fiction, will read from her works at 7 
p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 15, in the Special Events 
Room on the fourth floor of McKeldin library. 

Tlie reading is part of the Writers Here & 
Now series, sponsored by the English depart- 
ment's creative writing program. 

Senior, who was born in rural Jamaica, has 
written eight books, including three collections of 
short stories, most recendy "Discerner of Hearts." 
She draws on Jamaica's landscape and language to 
conmaent on her country's liistory and poUtics and 
the effects of colonization. Her first book of stories, 
"Summer Lightning," won the Commonwealth Writers 
Prize in 1987. New and forthcoming works include a 
poetry collection, a fourth book of stories and the 
non-fiction "Dictionary of Jamaican Heritage." She div- 
ides her time between Toronto and Kingston, Jamaica, 

For more information on the reading and the 
series, call 301-405-3820.