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The University of Maryland Faculty and Staff W^eekly Newspaper 

Volume 15 • Number 17 'February 13, 2001 

Across Two 



\Terps to Swarm 
Legislature for 
Terrapin Pride Day 

P^^mes Boiut already knows how he will 
decorate hte Terrapin red van for a trip to 
Annapoils Feb. 2 1 .The van wUJ boast red, 
black, white and gold streamers, signs and 
posters that show Bond's loyalty to the 
University of Maryland, "It has to be just 
righi," Bond, a senior and Student Govern- 
nieni Association president, said. "Terrapin Pride 
Day has always been a fantastic way of doing two 
tilings I love; showing nry love for the university and 

I sharing that love with others' 

Hundreds of University of Maryland students, staff 
and faculty vrfll visit state legislators for Terrapin 

, Pride Day. Feb. 21 , to thaajt the pots Ux their contin- 
ued support of the institution and to remind them of 
tlie vital role the university plays in the state. More 

(than 1 50 Tetps descended on the state capital last 

f^year for Terrapin Pride Day. More than 200 are 

iexpected to nieet at Governor Calvert House for the 

levent this year. 

c bvi 

Event organizers want to showcase Maryland's bur- 

continued on page 3 

Search for New 
Provost Begins 

The university's deans 
and vice presidents arc 
at the top of the list as 
the search for Senior 
Vice President and Provost Greg 
Geoffroy's replacement begins. 

Twenty-three members of the 
campus conuuimiiy sliarc respon- 
sibility for selecting the new 
Senior Vice President for 
Academic Affeirs and Provost. 
Heading the committee is 
Charles Wellfortl, Professor and 
Chair of the Department of 
Criminal Justice and Criminology. 
"The time line for recruitment 
calls for the new appointee to be 
selected by die end of this semes- 
ter," said President CD. Mote Jr "1 
wish to thank the search commit- 
tee in advance for taking on this 
challenging and key campus 

The vacancy was created by 
Gregory L. Geoffroy's acceptance 
of the presidency of Iowa State 

University, effective July 1 , 2(K) 1 . 

The Senior Vice President for 
Academic Affairs and Provost, as 
second to the President, is tlie 
chief academic officer of the uni- 
versit)' with responsibility for 
guiding ttie academic develop- 
ment and direction of the institu- 
tion in accordance witli the uni- 
versitj's mission; ensuring that 
programs and facult)' are of the 
higliest caliber; building the 
diversity of our students, faculty 
and staff; and building academic 
excellence acmss the university. 

The deans of the 1 i colleges 
and schools at the university 
report to the Senior Vice 
President/Provost as do the deans 
for undergraduate studies, gradu- 
ate studies, and continuing edu- 
cation, the dean of the libraries, 
ajid the director of international 

continued on page 3 

College of Journalism 
to be Named in Honor 
of New Major Donor 

Philip Merrill, puUlsher 
and owner of The 
Capital daily newspa- 
per in Annapolis and 
Washingtonian magazine, made 
a gift of $ 10 million to the 
University of Maryland College 
of Journalism, University 
President CD. Mote Jr. 
announced today. In recognition 
of the gift, the school will be 
renamed the Philip Merrill 
College of Journalism. 

Mote said the gift will take 
the college to a new level of 
excellence. "Phil Merrill has a 
passion for excellent higher 
education and, most fortunately 
for us, he Is truly excited about 
assisting our College of 
Journalism to achieve the high- 
est national distinction amoii^ 
imtversity journalism programs. 
"For many years Phil and his 
wife Ellie have worked with us 
to improve the stature and qtjal- 
Ity of our coUege.Through this 
magnificent gift om- achieve- 
ments in ^aduate programs and 
professional contributions will 
lift the Philip Merrill College of 
Journalism to the ultimate eche- 
lon of journalism schools in this 

Merrill, 66, said he is proud 
to be a part of the college's suc- 
cess. "In a world that's dominat- 

ed in large measure by the com- 
munications revolution, sound 
journalistic values and capabili- 
ties are more important than 
ever. The purpose of this gift is 
to help the College of Journal- 
ism achieve its goal of being the 
very best in the imdon." 

Because Merrill wants the 
$10 million gift to have immedi- 
ate impact, the multtyear gift is 
not an endowment but calls for 
the money to be spent over the 
next 15 to 18 years. It will go 
toward four major areas; 

• three new chairs in journal- 
ism and other faculty enhance- 

• graduate-level fellowships, 
assistantships and scholarships 
and undergraduate scholar- 
ships, all to be named for 
Eleanor Merrill, and general 
student recruitment; 

• upgrading the college's 
equipment and technology 

• marketing and outreach pro- 
grams at the college. 

"The main purpose of this 
fimding is to assist the college 
in achieving national preemi- 
nence in the field of journalism, 
as quickly and with as much dis- 

continued on page 4 

*^The Writer^s Tale'': Airing the Stor^ 
of the Creative Process jk 

Between lighting checks 
and the clipping on of micro- 
phones and quick run- 
throughs with theTelePromp- 
ter, Maryland journalism pro- 
fessor Judith Paterson and 
speak quiedy. 

"How do 
you like doing 
TV?" asks 
McCann, an 
English pro- 
fessor and 
author who is 
a guest on 
Paterson 's 
talk show. 

the books is 
fun," says 
"Finding the 
-waiters is 
fun. And this 
part," she says, 
indicating the 
set, the cam- 
eras, the people behind the 
cameras and the television 
monitor, "is fim." 

And endlessly Oscillating 
for Paterson, whose newest 
project, "The Writer's Tale," 
melds her professional goals 

with her writeriy aspirations. 
The show, produced at the 
university's Richard Eaton 
Broadcast Center, begins with 
an evocative introduction 
Paterson wrote with the 

wiU end until 1 am there. It's 
both the same and different 
for every writer 1 know. With 
every word, every scntehft!^ 
ei^erj' paragraph, we write our 
own story. Our own tale, nie 

Writer and professor Richard McCann, television studio floor manager William 
Moore and journalism professor and host Judith Paterson preiiare for the taping 
of "The Writer's Tale." 

show's co-producer, Sharon 

"Writing is a process. For 
me, it's as intriguing and mys- 
terious as life itself. 1 don't 
know where I'm going until I 
start. I don't know where it 

Writer's Tale." 

And with that, Paterson 
describes Ixjth her current 
professioital project and her 
ongoing creative quest. "The 
Writer's Tale," which airs on 

continued on page 5 

■J I • f ■ I > 1 

I .M.-.1 -i.t ifi .^'ii' 

February 13,2001 



Your Guide to University Events 
February 13-21 

T'w es day 
february 13 ^hi 

9 a.m.-4 p.m., OIT Shortcourse 
Training: "Intermediate MS 
Word." Learn to format text in 
columns, use tables and sort 
table data, create and use text 
styles, templates, fxx. templates, 
macros. Merge documents 
with dau to create multiple 
variations. Discuss Internet and 
Web features; create and edit a 
Web document, and preview 
in a browser. 0I21Main Admin. 
Contact the OIT Training 
Services Coordinator at W)443 
or visit www.oit. umd/sc,* 

6-9 p.m., OIT Workshop: "Intro- 
duction to Mathematica." Intro- 
duces basic principles of math- 
ematical tools that can per- 
form complex mathematical 
operations; rendering data in 
2D or 3D plots. Prerequisite: a 
WAM account. 4404 Computer 
& Space Science. Call 5-2938, 
or, or 
visit www.oit. 

8 p.m.. Performance: "Sister 
Mar}' Ignatius Explains It All 
For You" and " 'dentity Crisis," 
two pla)'5 by Christopher 
Durang. Studio Theatre, Clarice 
Smith Performing Arts Center. 
Call 5-7847. 

W e dn e s da y 
february 14 

4:30-7:30 p.m., OITWorkshop: 
"Introduction to MATLAB." 
Introduces the basic principles 
of mathematical tools that can 
perform complex mathemati- 
cal operations such as integra- 
tion and diiferentiation in sym- 
bolic mathematical notations. 
Also, rendering data in 2D or 
3D plots. Used in colleges and 
universities worldwide. Prere- 
quisite: a WAM account. 3330 
Computer & Space Science. 
Call 5-2938 or e-mail cwpost®, or visit 
www. oit. umd . edu/PT. 

7-8:30 p.m.,Yc^ Class. Parents' 
Gallery, Stamp Student Union. 
Contact AUcia Simon, 4-8492. 

8 p.m.. Performance: "Clarinet 
Music of Lawrence Moss." 
Contemporary works by facul- 
ty composer Lawrence Moss, 
performed by faculty clarinet- 
ist Edward Walters and other 
artists. Gildenhom Recital Hall, 
Qarice Smith Performing Arts 
Center. For more information, 
call 5-7847. 

8 p.m.. Performance: "Sister 
Mary Ignatius Explains It All 
For You "and" 'dentity Crisis," 
two plays by Christopher 
Durang. Studio Theatre, Clarice 

Smith Performing Arts Center. 
Call 5-7847- 

T'durs day 
february 15 

8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m., Confer- 
ence: "Preventing School 
Violence and Delinquency." Inn 
and Conference Center. Con- 
tact Sheri MeiscI at sml06® 
umail.umd. edu for registration 
materials and information. 

Karenni QM, June 1997, part of th« exhibi- 
tion of works by Chan Chao which will pro- 
vide the context for the panel discussion at 
the Art Gallery (see Feb. 15). 

II a.m., Lecture: "Italy's Contri- 
bution to Neuroscience in the 
Decade of the Brain," with 
Paolo Maria Rossini, Depart- 
ment of Neurology, Fatebene- 
fratelli Hospital, Rome; faculty 
of Medicine and Surgery, Uni- 
versity of Rome; researcher in 
the neurophysiological diagno- 
sis of Parkinson's Disease and 
Multiple .Sclerosis. St. Mary's 
Hall. Part of the Department of 
French and Italian's Lecture 
Series "Modem Italy: Aspects 
of the Future." CaU 5-4024. 

1:30-4:30 p.m., Panel Discus- 
sion: "Burma: Something Went 
Wrong," in conjunction with 
the eponymous photographic 
exhibit of Chan Chao's work. 
Featuring Philip Brookman, 
Corcoran Museum of Art's 
Curator of Photography and 
Media Arts, and photographer 
John Gossage. The focus is on 

portraiture in the context of 
the exhibit. Art Gallery (Art & 
Sociology Building). For more 
information, call the Art 
Gallery at 5-2763 or visit 
www. inform , umd . edu/EdRes/ 
CoUeges/ ARHU/Depts/ArtGaV. 

4:30-7:30p.m., OFT Woricshop: 
"Basic Computing Technolo- 
gies at Mar>'land." Introduces 
network technologies such as 
asing FTP to transfer files be- 
tween local and 
host machines, 
reading and post- 
ing on Usenet 
newsgroups, sub- 
scribing to pub- 
lic newsgroups, 
and sending 
using an e-mail 
program . Walking 
encouraged. Pre- 
requisite: a WAM 
account. 3330 
Computer & 
Space Science. 
Call 5-2938 or e- 
mail cwpost®, 
or visit www.oit.* 

8 p.m.. 
"Sister Mary 
Ignatius Explains 
It All For You" 
and" 'dentity 
Crisis," two plays 
by Christopher 
EHirang. Studio Theatre, Clarice 
Smith Performing Arts Center. 
Call 5-7847. 

Tri da y 
february IG^^bm 

8:30 a.m.-4;30 p.m., Confer- 
ence: "Preventing School 
Violence and Delinquency." Inn 
and Conference Center. Con- 
tact Sheri Meisel at sml06@ 
umail.umd. edu for registration 
materials and information. 

12:30-2 p.m., Luncheon Lecture: 
"Microflnance in Asia." Kate 
Lauer, of the Women's World 
Bank, will discuss her work 
and findings on policy matters 
related to microfinance and 
the legal/regulatory framework 
in several Asian countries. Lunch 
will be served. 1101 MorriL 
Hall. Call 5-0117 or e-mail 

calendar guide: 

Calendar phone numbers listed as A-nax or 5-xjcxx stand for the prefix 314 or 405. 

Calendar informalJon for Outlook is compiled from a combination of inforM's 

master calendar and submissions to the Outlook office. 

Submissions are due two weelts prior to the date of publication. 

To reach the calendar editor, call 405-761 5 or e-mail to 

'Events are free and open to the public unless noted by an asterisk (*), 

8 p.m.. Performance: "Ordinary 
Festivals " by Sara Pearson/ 
Patrik Wldrig and Company. 
Dance Theatre, Clarice Smith 
Performing Arts Center. For 
more information, call 5-7847,* 

8 p.m.. Performance: "Sister 
Mary Ignatius Explains It AU 
For You "and" 'dentity Crisis," 
two plays by Christopher 
Durang, Studio Theatre, Clarice 
Smith Performing Arts Center. 
Call 5-7847. 

Satu r da y 
february 17 

8-10 p.m.. Qmcert: "Benefit 
Concert In Memory of Robert 
McCoy." With acclaimed sopra- 
no Linda Mabbs, and graduate 
students from McCoy's former 
piano studio. Gildenhom Re- 
cital Hall, Clarice Smith Perfor- 
ming Arts Center. Contact 
Shawn Eigenbrode at 5-7283 or 

8 p.m.. Performance: "Ordinary 
Festivals," by Sara Pearson/ 
Patrik Widrig and Company. 
Dance Theatre, Clarice Smith 
Performing Arts Center. Call 5- 

8 p.m.. Performance: "Sister 
Mary Ignatius Explains It All 
For You" and " dcntit)' Crisis," 
two plays by Christopher 
Durang. Studio Theatre, Clarice 
Smith Performing Arts Center 
CaU 5-7847. 

S u n da y 
february 18^^ 

2 p . m . , Pc rtbrma nee : " S ister 
Mary Ignatius Explains It All 
For You" and " 'dentity Crisis," 
two plays by Christopher 
Durang. Studio Theatre, Clarice 
Smith Performing Arts Center. 
Call 5-7847. 

3 p.m.. Concert: "Maryland 
Chamber Orchestra.''With Deb- 
bie Chien, violin, and Kichung 
Bae, cellist. Works by Mozart, 
Haydn, Sarasate and Beetho- 
ven. First United Methodist 
Church, 6201 Belcrest Road, 
Hyattsville (adjacent to Prince 
George's Plaza Metro). For 
tickets, call (301) 434-1424. 
For information, visit www.* 

'M n da y 
february 19 

11 a.m.-I p.m., Workshop: 
"Introduction to GIS (UM 
Libraries)." A two-hour hands- 
on workshop that teaches the 
basic operations of ArcView 
GIS (Geographic Information 
Systems) software. 2109 
McKeldin. Free, but registration 
is required. Contact User 
Education Services at 5-9070 
or, or 
register at 

4 p.m.. Entomology Colloqui- 
um: "Spatial and Temporal Het- 
erogeneity; Implications for 
the Ecology of Low-Gradient 
Streams." With Leonard Smock, 
Department of Biolbgy, Virginia 

Commonwealth University 1 140 
Plant Sciences. Call 5-39 H. 

T'u e 5 da y 
february 20 | 

6-9 p.m., OIT Workshop:"Inter^ 
mediate MATLAB," Continues 
covering critically important 
skills in solving matrix and 
vector operations, multiple 
integrals, differential equations, 
2D & 3D plots in parametric, 
polar, spherical, cylindrical, 
implicit, contour, and mesh 
views, and much more. Prere- 
quisites: Introduction to MAT- 
LAB and a WAM account. 3330 
Computer & Space Science. 
Call 5-2938 or e-mail, or 
visit www.oit.* 

W e dn e s da y 
february 21 

3:30 p.m., Ixrcture: 'A French 
Writer in America ."With Cath- 
erine Cusset, novelist — author 
of "La blouse roumaine,""En 
toute innocence" and "Le 
Probleme avec Jane." Scholarly 
woite include "Les romanciers 
du plaisir" and "No Tomorrow: 
The Ethics of Pleasure in the 
French Enlightenment." Part of 
the Department of French and 
Italian's Lecture Series "Modern 
France: Aspects of the Future." 
St. Mary's Hall. CaU 54024. 

7 p.m., Ixcture: "Racism and 
the Black Community," with 
Andre Perry, Himian Relations, 
Sponsored by the Office of 
Campus Programs, Student 
Involvement and Community 
Advocacy and Kappa Alpha 
Psi.Call 4-8341. 

7-8:30 p.m., Yoga Class. Parents' 
Gallery, Stamp Student Union. 
Call Alicia Simon, 4-8492. 


Ottliwk is the weekly faculty-staff 
newspaper serving the University of 
Maryland campus conununity. 

Brodie Remington 'Vice President 
for University Relations 

Teresa Flannery • Executive Director 
of University CommuiiicaDons and 
Director of Marketing 

George Cathcart * Executive Editor 

Monette Austin Bailey • Editor 

Cyntfaia Mitchel * Assistant Editor 

Patty Henetz • Clisduate Assistant 

Letters to the editor, story suggiescions 
and campus inibrniation are welcome. 
Pie.ise submit all material two weeks 
before the Tuesday of publication. 

Send micertat to £ditor, Otilisok, 2101 
■nmicr Hall College Pait, MD 20742 

Telephone • (3()1) 405-7615 

Fax ■ (301) 314-9344 

E-mail ■ outlook@acaiiail.umd.cdu 


Black History Month Events 

F ebruary 1"28. 

8 a.m,-6 p.m. .African American 
Heriiage Book Fair. All African 
American Heritage related titles in 
stock at the University Book 
Center will be discounted 20%. 
University Book Center. Contact 
Ron Jett at 4-7846. 

February 13, 20, 27 , 

6:30 p.m., "SANKOFA Film 
Festival." Black film festival held 
every "Hjcsday at 6:30 p.m. Films 
and location TBA. Contact Belinda 
Wallace or Tanya Shields at 5- 


Black Student Union presents 
"Colored and White Museum." 
Stamp Student Union, Tbituga 

F^ruary I^hhhhihhh 

9:45-10:45 a.m.,Lecture:"The 
Unlevel Playing Field: A 
Documentary History of the 
African American Experience in 
Sport," with professor and author 
David Wiggins, George Mxson 
University. Sponsored by die 
Kinesiology Department. 1312 
Health and Human Performance 
Bui [ding. Contact Dr. Jane Clark at 

2-3:.^0 p.m., lecture: "Blue Notes 
and Butterflies; A Meditation on 
'the' Black Female Voice." With 
Farah Jasmine Griffin, author of 
"Who Set You Flowin'; The 
African American Migration 
Narrative" and a forthcoming 
book on Billie Holiday. Maryland 
Room, Marie Mount Hall. Contact 
iMaiy Corbin Sies at 5-1355 or at 

Feliruary 1% 

i-4 p.m.. Discussion: "Health, 
Wellness, and Research Issues 
Facing African Americans in the 
New Millennium." Cutting-edge 
research on hypertension, exer- 
cise, and genetics in African 
American Hypertensives. 
Sponsored by the Kinesiology 
Department. Health & Human 
Performance Building Lounge. 
Contact Dr. Jane Clark at 5-2450. 

3:304:30 p.m., "National 
Scholarship and Research 
Opportunities for African 
American Undei^raduate 
Students." This workshop will 
highlight national scholarship and 
research opportunides for African 
American students. Sponsored by 
Undergraduate Studies/National 
Scholarships Office. Multipurpose 
Room, Nyumburu Cultural Center. 
Contact Camillee Stillwell at 4- 

4-6 p.m.. Reception: Opening of 
Dreads Exhibit. Parents Associa- 
tion Galleiy, Stamp Student 

February 19^2^ 

6-8p.m.,'" Quilting Workshop." 
Learn to quilt, limited to 20 per- 

sons. Nyumburu Cultural Center, 
Contact Aime Carsewell at 4-7759. 

3-5 p.m. , "Fourth Aimual 
Celebration of African Americans 
in the Information Professions." 
Designed to publicize the leader- 
sliip roles of African American 
information professionals. Dr. 
Carla Hayden, Executive Director 
of the Enoch Pratt Free Library 
and University of Maryland 
Professor is the guest speaker. 
Sfronsored by the College of iofor- 
mation Studies. Nyumburu 
Cultural Center, Multipurpose 
Room. For more information con- 
tact Bill Wilson at 5-2048. 


3-5 p.m. ,"Black Histor>*:A 
Celebration of Cultural Diversity." 
Students, fiiculty and staff will 
share artifacts, fotid, music and 
anecdotes from their culture. 
Sponsored by the Office of Multi- 
Ethnic Education. 1 101 Hombake 
Library. Contact Dr. Pat Thomas at 

5:30-7 p.m., "Tribute to Blacks in 
Business and Engineering." A 
panel discussion featuring profes- 
sional businesspersons and engi- 
neers. Sponsored by Black 
Engineers Societ)' and Black 
Business Association. Location 
TBA. Contact Veronica Davis at 

7^ p.m.. Office of Campus 
Programs presents -ISMS Series: 
"Racism's effect on die Black 
Community." Location TBD. 

February ^^ 

4 p.m., Lecturei'Do Women :ind 
Minorities Learn Physics Different- 
ly?" Dr. April Hodari presents a 
lecture and discussion on her re- 
search. Sponsored by the Depart- 
ment of Physics. 1304 Physics. 
Contact Hannah Wong at 5-5945. 

4-6 p.ra.,"Armual Black Cultural 
Dinner." South Campus Dining 
Hall. Contact tlie Nyumbtiru 
Cultural Center at 4-7759. 

Time TBA, "Chickenhead 
Convention,"presented by lota Phi 
Theta. Nyiunburu Cultural Center. 

4:30-7 p.m., "Black History Month 
Dinner" A celebration featuring 
food and entertainment from the 
African Diaspora. Sponsored by 
Dining Services. South Campus 
Dining Hall & the Diner. Contact 
Patricia Higgins at 4-8054. 

6-7 p.m., Quilting Display and 
Reception, Nyumburu Cultural 
Center. Contact Anne Carswell at 
4-7759. *■ 

7:30 p.m., "The Debt: What Ameri- 
ca Owes Blacks." Lecture featuring 
writer and political activist R;md- 
aL Robinson. Sponsored by Africa 
and the Americas Committee. 
Multipurpose Room, Nyumburu 
Cultural Center. Contact Antliony 
Blasingame at 5-6835. 

Continued front page 1 

The Senior Vice 
President/Provost also 
aversees die development, 
srview, and implcmenta- 
ion of all academic poli- 
ties and regulations; con- 
jlls closely with the 
Jniversit>' Senate and 
>ther faculty.' advisory 

>ups on academic pro- 
rams and policies; and 
L'rvcs as Uaisou witli other 
plniveraity divisions in 
(Strategic and long-range 

r The Senior Vice Presi- 
Jjtlent/Provost also repre- 
^nts the campus on a 
ibcr of Universit)' 
fstem of Maryland bodies 
id other external oi^ani- 

The Senior Vice Prcsl- 
jent/Provost has budget 
:spons!billty for campits 
academic programs and 
resources, and is responsi- 
ble for ensuring I he quality 
, of all academic activities 
tthrough the coordination 
'iy{ academic progrsmi 
review, providing advisorj' 
itecommendations to the 
'5'residenl on all tenure and 
priimotion matters, review- 
ing all academic appoint- 
ments, and promo dng orga- 
nized research on campus. 
Candidates should have 
a record of schohirly 
achievement and qualifica- 
tions for appointment at 
jthe professor rank. Substan- 
Hdal acadctnic, managerial 
and administrative experi- 
ences, and qualifEcations 
Biai demonstrate excep- 
tional capacity for acadcm- 
iic leadersliip also are re- 
^quired. Candidates should 
have a record of fostering 
and achieving academic 
excellence and achieving 
diversity goals. 

In oi'der to be assured 
full consideration, applica- 
tions and nominations 
^ould be received by 
^arch 15,2(X>i.CoiTes^ 
'ptmdencc should be 
^addressed to: 

;pr. Charles RWeIlft)rd 
jChair, Senior Vice 
p*resident/Provost Search 

Office of die President 

1101 Main Administration 


University of Maryland 

College Park, MD 20742 

Review of applications and 
interviews of candidates 
are expected to beg^i dur- 
ing tile spring. 

Senior Vice President for 

Academic Affairs and 


Searcli Committee 

Dr. Charles F. Wctlford, Chair 
of Committee 
Professor and Chair, 
Department of Criminology 
and Criminal Justice 

Dr. Pedro Barbosa 
Professor, Department of 

Dr.Adele Berlin 
Robert H. Smith Chair and 
Professor, Departments of 
English, Compaiiitive 
Literatuie and Jewish 
Studies Program 

Mr. James E. Bond 
President, Student 
Government Association 

Dr. Inderjit Chopia 
Alfred Gessow Roiorcraft 
Professor, Department of 
Aero-space Engineering 

Dr. Linda M. Clement 
Vice President for Student 

Ms. Kimberly L. Davis 
Executive Administrative 
Assistant, Office of Student 
Financial Aid 

Dr. Bonnie Tliornton Dill 
Professor, Department of 

Women's Studies 

Dr. Bruce L. Gardner 
Distinguished University 
Professor and Chair, 
Department of Agricultural 
and Resource Economics 

Dr. Irwin L Goldstein 
Professor and Dean, College 

of Behavioral and Social 

Dr. Chuan Sheng Liu 




Mr. William E McLean 
Assistant Vice l*resident for 
Acatlctnjc (Budget) Aftairs 

Dr.Jolin E.Osbom 
Professor, Department of 


Dr. Edward Ott 
Distinguished University 
Professor, IX-parimeni of 
Electrical and Computer 
Engineering and 
Department of Physics 

Dr, Harriet B. Presser 
Distinguislied Universit>' 
Professor, Department of 

Dr. Thomas C. Schetling 
Distinguished University 
Professor, School of Public 

Dr. Lemma W. Scnbet 
WlUiam E. Mayer Chiur of 
Finance, Robert H. Smith 
School of Business 

Dr. Martlia Nell Smith 
Professor and Director, 
Marj'land Institute for 
TeclinoIog>' in tJie 
Humanities QVUTiD 

Dr. Kenneth A. Strike 
JProfessor and Chair, 
Departtnent (jf Education 
Policy Leitdership 

Dr. Charles ESturtz 
Vice President for 
Administrative fVffairs 


Ms. Marie ETing 
Graduate Student, Office of 
the Associate Provost for 
Equity and Divt"rsity 

Dr.WUliam B.Walters 
Professor, Department of 
Chemistrj' and 

Dr. Robert E. Waters 
Cliicf of Staff, Office of Uie 

Staff to tlie Committee 

Ms. Sapicnxa Barone 
Assistant to the President 
sbarone® deans, 
1 1 15 Main Adniintstration 



Terrapin Pride Day 

continued frctm page I 

geonii^ reputation as a leading research 
uni-rersity, the rising quality of the student 
body and the university's stellar academic 
standing. "Terrapin Pride Day is a great 
opportunity to highlight the university's 
great accomplishments to the Maryland 
legislature," said Ross Stern, assistant to the 
president for legislative and community 
relations. "Once a year we get the chance 
to impress the general assembly with the 
great things diat are happening here at 

Senior Hillary Zouck said she plans to 
participate in Terrapin Pride Day because 
building a solid relationship with legisla- 
tors is the strongest way to ensure the uni- 
versity's success. "It is absolutely essential 

that the voices of students be heard by 
our state leaders, because my education 
and iiiture are largely in their hands," 
Zouck said. 

A lunch buffet will be served from 
noon to 2 p.m. and wiU feature remarks 
from Gov. Parris Glendening, University 
President CD. Mote Jr., Senate President 
Michael Miller and House Speaker Casper 
Taylor. After the ceremony, supporters are 
encouraged to participate in informal vis- 
its to legislators in dteir offices, 

llie universitj' will provide free trans- 
portation. Buses leave (^iole Field House at 
1 1 a.m. Feb, 21 and depart from Annapolis 
at 2 p.m. and 3 p.m. 

For more information, call Tara Brown 
at (301> 314-2763, or visit 

February 13,2001 

^Good People" Give Decades of Good Work 

nncOc Sattlelll remera- 
bers when the univer- 
sity' was lieated hy coal 
unloaded from trucks 
that backed tip lo 
building loading docks Stic rcmcin* 
bcrs her office's first computer, a 
tone Apple, She has outlasted scvcf- 
al directors, 

Sardelli started working in the 
itniverslfy's physical plant payroll 
office nearly 40 years ago, but what 
she didn't see was the beginning of 

Stfe Hall and Annette Sardelli say It's the people who keep 
them here. 

' a &mily tradition. Her daughter. Sue 
Hall, will celebrate 25 years with 
the university later this year. Hall's 
brother, David, worked here as a 
mail carrier in 1979. "But he went 
to American University on a base- 
ball scholarship." sa^-s Sardelli, 

Wien asked what's kept them 
here so long, both women grin and 
say almost simultaneously, "The 

"In all the time Fve been here," 
^ys Hall, who is employed with the 
w^rk control office."! haven't met 
someone who wasn't polite." 
Adds Sardelli, 'People go work 

I somewhere else, but want to come 

i back here." 

She was not thinking of tongcvi- 
t) when she came to the univcrsttj', 
"1 onl)' plajined on working a few- 
years to help out my husband. 1 
don't remember what day of the 
week it was, but when they asked 
me when I could start, 1 sa^d 
Monday," Sardelli says. 

At the time, she was mother to 2 
1/2-ycar-old Sue and 2-month-oId 
David. Her husband, from whom 
she is divorced, was stationed at 
Fort Meade. Compared to the 

process for 
getting a 
job now, 

Sardelli, her 
search was 
then, you 
off the 
street and 
got a job. 
You didn't 
have all the 
search com- 
EEtX: get- 

like you do 
now," she 
said. "I wcnl 
througli an 
ment serv- 
ice in 

"I can't 
going our there and looking for a 
job. The competition is so great. 
People are getting degrees and all." 

Her daughter started out at 
Mary'tand pursuing a degree in inte- 
rior design. She already had taken a 
few courses at Prince George's 
County Community College. 'But 
then I got in a car accident and had 
to work to pay bills," she says with 
a bit of resignation in her voice. As 
a single mom -with twin 1 2-year-old 
boys, Hall says it's been difficult to 
finish her studies. 

However, both women seem to 
enjoy where their lives have led 
them. Sardelli, with eight other 
employees, handles all aspects of 


payroll for what is now called (acilJr 
ties management, nearly 800 work- 
ers stri>ng. Both women's offices 
are housed In the Services Building 
on Route I . On the basement level. 
Hall handles work control calls, dis- 
patching Acuities employees who 
work in three shifts, aroimd the 

"1 was here Christmas Eve," she 
says."'Wlien you're hired, you have 
to sign a paper saying that jxiu will 
work when needed." 

Her supervisor for 1 1 yeare, 
Barb^ia Roberts, sings Hall's praises. • 
"She's wonderful, TTierc's no other j 
word that describes her. She's coop- 
erative, caring, hard working. She 
just makes for a really pleasant 
atmosphere in tiic workplace." , 

Roberts also knows and has '\ 
worked with Sardelli."! worked in J 
payroll. She was my supervisor. ] 
The>''re good people." 

HaU's work ethic comes natural- 
ly. Sardelli gives her aU, especially 
during payroll week. A portion of 
l^cilities' payroll is stiL done mnnl^ 
ally, diough a computerized sj'Stem 
Is scheduled to arrive this summer. 

The changes aren't just with 
equipment, cither. Sardelli talks 
about tlie people. Of those that 
were here when she st;irted, most 
have retired. "A few people here, I 
knew dieir grandfathers." 

She makes note of die commit- 
ment of facilities employees. 

"There are people who drive 
from St. iMary's County. They leave 
at 3 a.m. to get here. People drive 
from West Virginia. Pennsylvania, 
because it's cheaper housing and 
this is a good job." 

Siirdeilt has always lived in 
GreenbcK, and because the two are 
emotionally close. Hall has always 
lived nearby "We used to live next 
door to each other. Now she lives j 
across the street from me," says 'i 
Hall, whose mom still calls her j 

-Susie Bell," ^i 

When Sardclli's not sqimrc dan* I 
cing or at the ice rink, she helps { 
Hall keep track of her sons, who 
plaj' a sport everj' season. Hall also 
serves as a board member and pub- 
licity chairperson for the Greenbclt 
Boys & Girls Club. The rest of Hall's 
time is spent with her fiance, the 
supervisor of a carpentry unit. 
Where? At the university. 

When it conies to long service records, 
the employees of the facilities manage- 
ment office lead the way. More than 
two dozen men and women have worked for the 
division for three decades or more. Only two 
people can top Annette Sardelll's 39 years: house- 
keeper John A. Jackson (41 years) and mechanic 
i Leroy Blackwell (40 years). 
I Considering that most facilities staffers are not 
in climate-controlled offices, some may wonder 
why workers stay so long. 

"Maybe that's why, it's not sitting behind a 
desk. You jice some immediate really good results 
j to your work," says Chuck Bagley, human 
I resources manager"! don't want to sound like an 
' advertisement, but this is a great department." 
I Unlike trade workers in the private sector 
I who often work seasonally, university employees 
are guaranteed a yearly salary - even though 
I many could make more "on the outside," says 
Bagley, who adds that many of his workers pos- 

sess a broad range of liighly marketable skills. 

Other impressive service records: 


John C. Benjamin, Multitiade Supervisor m, 

WiUiam A- Jones, Housekeeping Supervisor 


Frank J. Adams Sr., Multitrade Chief U, 


Joseph S. Robinson, Housekeeper 

Helen L. Nogar, Admin. Assistant 

WlllJam D. McCartan, Electrician 

Craig E. Newman, Landscape Technician 

Irving C- Neetlle, Multitrade Supervisor HI, Area 

On Your Honor 

"Essential to the fundamental purpose of 
the University is the commitment to the prin- 
ciples of truth and academic honesty." (Code of 
Academic Integrity) 

The university's Student Honor Council is 
seeking faculty members to serve on Honor 
Boards convened to resolve allegations of aca- 
demic dishonest>'. A board consists of a stu- 
dent presiding officer who guides the process, 
three students and two faculty members. Board 
members are expected to consider the evi- 
dence and testimony presented, determine if 
the student committed the alleged act of aca- 
demic dishonesty and impose an appropriate 
penalty, if necessary. Honor boards conduct 
hearings Monday through rhursday after 4 
p.m., and faculty are encouraged to volunteer 
for one or more hearings. 

For more information or to volunteer con- 
tact Andrea Goodwin, assistant director for 
student discipline, at (301) 314^206 or 
agood win® accraail 

Donor Gives J-School a New Name 

continued from page 1 

tinction as possible," said Dean Thomas Kunkel, 
who was appointed to that position last July. He 
succeeded Reese Cleghorn, who over 19 years as 
dean revamped the curriculum and built the col- 
lege's national reputation. 

Hie fiinding commitment is also the leadoff 
gift in what the College of Journalism intends to 
be a major capital campaign. A primary aim of 
the S30 million cimipaign is to spur construction 
of a new, state-tjf-the-art journalism building spa- 
cious enough to house all its print, broadcast 
news, online and professional development oper- 
ations under one roof. 

Founded as a department in 1945, the journal- 
ism program was elevated to a college in 19T2. 
Eleanor Merrill, vice president of Capital-Gazette 
Communications, Inc., parent company of the 
48,O0OK:irerulation Capital and Washingtonian, 
was named to the college's Board of Visitors 
when it was created by Dean Cleghorn in 1983. 
She has chaired the board since 1995. 

The company also publishes four weeklies: the 
Maryland Gazette, Bowie Blade-News, Crofton 
News-Crier and West County News. 

An entrepreneur and investor, Merrill has com- 
bined publishing and public service throughout 
his career Stints include serving as an assistant 
secretary-general of NATO in Brussels, as special 
assistant to the deputy secretary of state and as a 
member of the Department of Defense I^licy 
Board. He has represented the United States in 
negotiations on the Law of the Sea Conference, 
the International Telecommunications Union and 
various disarmament and exchange agreements 
with the former Soviet Union. 

The college, with 512 imdergraduate and 65 
master's and Ph.D. candidates, also publishes the 
national monthly magazine American Journalism 
Review. The 22-member feculty includes Prof 
David Broder, Pulitzer-winning syndicated col- 
umnist with the Washington Post; Prof. Haynes 
Johnson, former Pulitzer-winning Washir^on Post 
political reporter; I>rof. Gene Roberts, former man- 
aging editor of the New York Times; and Prof Lee 
Thornton, former CBS White House correspon- 
dent and CNN producer. 

The Merrill College of Journalism operates 
several professional outreach programs, including 
the Knight Center for Specialized Journalism, the 
Casey Journalism Center for Children and 
Families and the Hubert H. Humphrey Journalism 
Fellows Program, and Is home to the National 
Association of Black Journalists and the American 
Association of Sunday and Feature Editors. The 
college operates Capital News Service, a daily 
news wire staffed by students at bureaus in 
Aimapolis and Washington, D.C. that provides 
himdreds of news stories each year to newspa- 
pers across the region. The school also runs 
UMTV,the university's cable TV station that 
reaches more than 400,00 households in sub- 
urban Washington, 


Calvo Takes Key International Economic Posf^ 


•fc-WT-Tith Latin American eco 
%lt/ noniics at a critical )unc- 

▼ ▼ ture, Guillermo Calvo 
wanted to "speak with a strong 
voice." So starting in June he will 
take a year off ftoin liis teaching 
duties as distinguished university 
professor and director of the 
University of Maryland's Center 
for International Economics to 
serve as chief economist at the 
Inter-American Development Bank 
(lADB), Though less well known 
than the World Bank, in Latin 
America the lADB is a major eco- 
nomic force. 

"Low growth, low income, high 
poverty is a bad combinadon and 
could lead some coimtries back- 
ward along the road of economic 
populism," Calvo says. "It is an old 
story in Latin America — govern- 
ments clinging to power by run- 
ning up deficits they can't hope to 
pay off. The bank plays a big role 
in fighting this." 
li "Die member nations tliat own 

the LADB — including most Latin 
American coimtries, the United 
States and European nations — 
guarantee the loans made to other 
countries. This enables the hank 
to borrow money on the bond 
market at excellent rates. The 
bank has a portfolio of about $50 
billion. Most recently, it put up 
$2.5 billion to help bailotit 
Argentina's economy. 

This level of involvement gives 
the bank its powerful voice. In 
turn, as chief economist, Calvo can 
play an important role raising 
issues. "I and my staff of 20 econo- 
mists help create an intellectual 
climate," Calvo says. He has been a 
strong advocate of "dollarization," 
a policy designed to create ao 
international currency and take 
global economics to its logical 
conclusion. -ru now have a new 
platform from which to make the 

But his top priority next year 
will be to argue for "regional inte- 

gration," an effort to extend 
NAFTA-like agreements to the rest 
of I.atin America. Still, liis priorities 
will have to reflect economic con- 
ditions in the United States. 

"If the U.S. economy weakens 
further," he says, "it will have a big 
effect on tlie rest of the hemi- 
sphere." Mexico could be badly 
hurt, since it seUs so much to the 
United States, but big debtors like 
Ai^entina would benefit from 
shrinking interest rates. 

Calvo has had an eventful six 
months. Last foil he won the pres- 
tigious King Juan Carlos Inter- 
national Economics Prize, an 
award he received from the hands 
of the king at ceremonies in 
Madrid. He used that occasion to 
make the case for dollarization of 
some Latin American countries. 
Now liis voice will be amplified. 

"The president of the bank 
wants us to have a strong pres- 
ence and I promised him not to 
be shy. You can bet on that." 

I Accessible ^ 

The University of Mary- 
land libraries, in coopera- 
tion with 1 6 Universirj' 
System of Maryland and 
Affiliated institutions 
(USiVLVf) libraries, 
amiounced the award of a 
five-year, approximately 
$2.9 million contract to 
Ex Ubris USA, of Chicago, 
for an advanced "next 
generation" sfiared librar>' 
information management 
system (LIMS). 

The changeover to full 
operation is expected to 
occur as early as January 

TheALEPH 500 system 
will provide students, fac- 
ulty, researchers and other 
users a state-of-the-art, 
Intcmet-ba.sed catalog of 
both electronic and 
librarj'-houscd resources, 
;and direct access to pub- 

lished tnatcriat on a scale 
for greater than has ever 
been available. The sy^ 
lem will also integrate ' 
well with other automat- 
ed services currently 
available or under devel- 
opment, including servic- 
es developed as part of 
die various libraries' digi- 
tal initiatives. 

"Ex Libris' capability to 
accommodate die resource, 
sliaring that USMAl cur- 
rently lias in place and to 
advance die stiteof the 
art for our users With re- j 
spect to access to Hbrary 
housed resources, exter- 
nal electronic resources, ; 
and locally hosted digital 
library content represent- 
ed a powerful basis frji 
our selecUon of Ali^'I; 

continued on page 

Judith Paterson Project 

continued fr<»n page J 

UMTV at 6:30 p.m. Monday 
dirough Tliursday, will spotlight 
the region's writers and their 
most recent works. The series 
of interviews will not only 
showcase the finished product 
but delve into the mystery of 
the creative process. 

The idea for the show came 
out of a foil mal ism department 
committee that met weekly all 
last year to develop new pro- 
gramming for the cable station 
newly under the department's 

"I don't know whose idea it 
was. " says journalism professor 
Lee Thornton, who holds the 
university's Richard Eaton Chair 
in Broadcast Journalism. "But I 
was the person who called 
Judith to do a book show. She 
immediately said, You'll show 
me how?' I said, "Yes.'" 

Paterson says she is not 
much of a television watcher, 
and has litde experience with 
broadcast."!! never would have 
crossed my mind. I have been a 
print person since the fourth 
grade"she says,"But I thought, 
Hmmm.Why not try it?" 

Thornton and Paterson role- 
played as part of her training. 
"Being a moderator is harder 
than it looks," Thornton says. 
"She is a fost learner. Very, very 
last. She is Southern and has a 
lot of charm, and I've been rug- 
gijig at her to go vrith what she 

Paterson says she finishes 
reading her guest's work at 
least a week early, then makes 
up a long list of questions. She 
always wants to hear about the 
writer's source of inspiration, 
and wiU ask her guests if they 
believe writing can be taught. 

Finding on-air talent has 
been easy, she says. Over the 
years, she has made connec- 
tions with many of the writers 
who live in the Washington, 

Richard McCann anil Jutlith Paterson on the set of "The Writer's Tale." 

D.C, area. Sometimes she will 
see a book review in the 
Washington Post and get in 
touch with the reviewer And 
she knows writers on the 
Maryland campus; poet Michael 
Collier, novelist Joyce Kornblatt 
and poet-novelist Merle Collins, 
Et^sh professors who teach 
creative writing, will be guests 
on her show. 

She contacted McCann after 
reading his essay, "Tlie 
Resurrecdonist," in the 2000 
edition of the aimual collec- 
tion, "Best American Essays." The 
piece opens: 

Here is what happened: 
I was cut apart. 
The liver of a dead person 
was placed inside me so I 

might lii>e again. This took 
twelve hours and thirty-three 
units of blood. 

But who was I afterward? 

"] was so struck by that 
essay," says Paterson, who 
checked the bio at the back of 
the volume and saw McCarm 
taught at AU. Booking him for 
the show was easy. "Unlike 
movie stars, writers are always 
in the phone book," she says. 
"Waiting for someone to call so 
they can stop writing." 

She's joking, sort of. Much 
has been said about the loneli- 
ness of the writing life, the ten- 
sion inherent in expressing 
one's desire to connect deeply 
with the world but having to 
lock oneself away in order to 

do it. Paterson lived 
that diificulty while 
writing "Sweet 
Mystery: A Book of 
Remembering," her 
1996 memoir. 

Scheduled for 
paperback reissue in 
March by the 
University of Alabama 
Press Deep South 
scries,"Sweet Mystery" 
tells the story of her 
troubled family in 
Montgomery, Ala., dur- 
ing World War n. 

With her journal- 
ist's instincts and back- 
groimd, Paterson start- 
ed writing her book 
objecdvely. But with 
material so intensely 
personal, that 
approach simply could 
not w^ork. In her pref- 
ace, she writes, work- 
ing at that distance,"! 
began suffering 
epistxles of writer's 
block, insomnia, and 
migraine headaches 
like nothing 1 had ever 
experienced before. 
And when the attacks 
were over, i would find 
on the page, not social history 
and analysis, but vivid— stime- 
timcs strange, almost surrealis- 
tic — accounts of those trouble- 
some, long-ignored memories 
of my childhood." 

She realized she could not 
ignore what was happening to 
her."It was very hard," she says. 
"It was emotionally hard. It was 
intellectually hard, because 1 
had to learn to write a different 

In short, she had to learn to 
write fiiom pain. "Robert Frost 
said, 'No tears in the writer, no 
tears in the reader,'" she says. 
"Teaching yourself a new style, 
if you pull it off, is incredibly 

Paterson says she will make 
a point in each of her oo-afr 

interviews to ask her guests 
about the mysteries of their 
own creative processes. 
"Writing is an urmatiiral activi- 
ty," she says. "It's so different 
from the rest of the activities 
we all do. Wlien you tell some- 
one you're a writer, they don't 
know what you do. They usual- 
ly say something troubling, like, 
'Have you written anything I've 

"It's so solitary and Internal 
that it separates writers not 
only from other people but also 
from other parts of their own 
lives," she says, "When I wrote 
'Sweet Mystery,' I literally had 
no life other than teaching and 
writing that book. When I fin- 
ished. I was so glad to get back 
in the world." 

Paterson started her academ- 
ic life intending to be a sociolo- 
gist. Literature, she says, w^s at 
that time a hobby But by the 
time she decided to go to grad- 
uate school, she was married 
with a femily.Aubum University 
was nearby, but didn't have a 
sociology department; so, she 
switched to English. She 
secured a tenured position at a 
branch of the university, but by 
then wanted to leave Alabama. 

She also became interested 
in writing for a larger audience, 
finding literary scholarship too 
rarefied. JournaUsm beckoned. 
"And it was such an interesting 
journalistic time, the '70s and 
'80s," she says. 

By 1 984, she was teaching 
journalism at Maryland, where 
she created the campus' first lit- 
erary nonRction course. "'What I 
was interested in was extreme- 
ly well-written, stylish nonfic- 
lion," she says. Around that 
time, the new approach got its 
name: literary journalism. 

"Even when it had a name, I 
didn't expect it was going to 
blossom the way it has," she 
says. 'In a way, nonfiction now 
has taken the place of the novel. 
People seem hungry for it," 

February 13,2001 

The Communications Department's Larissa Gnmig, 
along with co-authore Elizabeth Lance Toth of Syra- 
cuse Universit)' and Linda Childers Hon of the Uni- 
versity of Florida, have written a book entitled 
"Wometi in Public Relations ' The work, which is 
being published by Guilford Publications, Inc. of New 
York, presents a comprehensive examination of the 
status of women in public relations and proposes 
concrete ways to achieve greater parity in education 
and practice. 

The Physics Department congratulates Jim Gates, 
who has been chosen as one of five "leading voices" 
participating in the American Museum of Natural 
History's "First Aimual Isaac Asimov Memorial Panel 
Debate: The Theory of Everything." The debate scries, 
which kicks off Feb. 13, will bring the finest minds in 
the world to the museum each year to discuss some 
of the most important questions at the edge of sci- 
entific discovery. For more information, visit 
www. amnh . oi^education/hayden. html#series. 

President Bill Clinton awarded a National Humanities 
Medal to I>avld C. Driskell, art professor emeritus, at 
a ceremony at D.A.R. Constitution Hall that was ftil- 
lowed by a White House diimer for recipients. The 
National Humanities Medal recognizes those who 
expand, support ;md contribute to the countr)''s 
understanding of the himnanities. Tliere are 12 
Humanities Medal recipients, including writers Toni 
Morrison and Virginia Driving Hawk Sncve. 

A leading authority on African American art, 
Driskell taught at Maryland for more than 20 years 
and has been instrumental in creating the David C. 
Driskell Center for the stud}- of the African Diaspora 
to be housed at the university. He is curator of Bill 
and Camtlie Cosby's extensive art collection, and has 
amassed an impressive collection of his own. One 
hundred of hLs acquisitions are currently in a travel- 
ing exhibit, "Narrative of African American Art and 
Identity: The Da%1d C. Driskell Collection," at die 
Museum of Art in Newark, N.J., through Februaiy. It 
will continue its run at the Vit^sinia Museum of Fine 
Arts in Richmond and the Naples Museum in Naples, 
Fla.When it ends, the exhibit will have toured the 
nation for three years since opening at Marj'land's Art 
Gallery in Dec. 1998. 

Middle East expert Shibley Telliaml, Anwar Sadat 
Chair for Peace and Development at Maryland, offi- 
cially joined the board of the U.S. Institute of Peace, 
swoni in by U.S. Supreme Court Justice Stephen 
Brcyer on Jan. 18. The Institute is the nation's peace 
academy, sponsoring research and projects designed 
to enhance the roster of peacemakers. As a member 
of the board, Telhami will help decide what research 
gets funded and shape the Institute's direction. 
Telhami has written extensively on international 
peace negotiations and ethnic conflicts, and serves on 
the American delegation of the Trilateral American/ 
Israelj/I^estinian Anti-Incitement Committee. 

Associate Professor of Mathematics SIfue Wu has 
been awarded the 2001 Ruth Lyttle Sattcr Prize by the 
American Mathematical Society, Wu is the sbrth win- 
ner of the prize, which honors outstanding contribu- 
tions to mathematics research by a woman in the pre- 
vious five years. Wu is receiving the award in recogtii- 
tion of her breakthrough woric on a longstanding 
problem in the water wave equation. The prize was 
awarded at the Joint Mathematics Meetings in New 
Orleans in January 

Millard Alexander, IPST OnsUtute for Physical 
Science andTechnology)/Chemistry and 
Biochemistry, has established a fiilly endowed gradu- 


ate fellowship in Chemical Physics. The Alexaiider 
Family Fellowship will be awarded to an outstanding 
new Ph.D. candidate in Chemical Physics. The first 
award will be made in Spring 2001 for a fall admit. 
Alexander is a distinguished university professor 
whose tesearch interests include the theoretical study 
of inelastic and reactive molecular collisions. 

Several Maryland researchei^ are proud recipients of 
some of the $45 million in awards recendy aimounced 
by the Department of Defense, which has distributed 
the fiinds among researchers at 99 academic institu- 
tions for the purchase of research equipment. Four 
offices are awarding the grants: the Army Research 
Office, the Office of Naval Research, the Air Force 
Office of Scientific Research and the Research and 
Engineering Directorate of the Ballistic MLssile 
Defense Ot^anization. Maryland recipients (and the 
awarding offices) include: Balakumar 
Balachandran, Mechanical Engineering (Nav>0; Don 
DeVoc, Mechanical Engineering (Navj); Ashwanl 
Gupta, Mechanical Engineering (Navy); Wolfgang 
Lc»sert. Physics (Nav)); John Rodgers, Institute for 
Plasma Research (Air Force); and Norman Werely, 
Aerospace Engineering (Army). 

Dr. Vivian S. Boyd. Director of the University 
Counseling Center, has been elected President of the 
International Association of Accredited Counseling 
Services (lACS). In this role, she chairs the accredita- 
tion board that has oversight responsibilities for coun- 
seling services in colleges and universities, as well as 
agencies in the private sector, throughout the country' 
and abroad. 

The American Library Association's division on 
Academic and Research Libraries has chosen the 
book "Civic Education Across Countries; Twenty-four 
National Case Studies From the lEA Civic Hducadon 
Study" as one of its "Outstanding Academic Books of 
2000." Edited by Judith Tomey-Purta and Jo-Ann 
Amadeo of Maryland's Education and Human 
Development Department, along with John Schwille 
of Michigan State University, the book received this 
honor from Choice Magazine. A companion volimoe, 
"Citizenship and Education in Twenty-eight Coimtries: 
Civic Knowledge and Engagement atJ^e Fourteen," 
reporting a smrey of 90,(X)0 students, will appear in 

A strong commitment to undergraduate education 
has led James Yorke, IPST/Mathematics and Scott 
Woi{>ert, Mathematics, to establish an imde [graduate 
scholarship hmd, called the Professor's Fund, for CMPS 
undergiaduates with demonstrated financial need. 
Yorke is a member of the university's Chaos Research 
Group and a distinguished university professor; Wol- 
pert, a distinguished scholar-teacher whose research 
interests include the intricacy of Riemann surfaces, is 
also associate dean of undergraduate education. 

In receiving sabbatical leave to pursue woric on the 
architectural firm of Allison & Allist^n, Sally Stokes, 
Curator of the National Trust Library Collection, has 
become the first library staff member to receive sab- 

batical leave since campus librarians were granted 
non-tenured faculty status this past July. Stokes, who 
has been collecting information for neariy two decades 
on the firm that originated in Pittsburgh and flour- 
ished in Los Angeles from 1910 to 1940, will be a con- 
sulting scholar to a traveling exhibit and write a mono- 
graph on the Allison brothers during her sabbatical. 

From the History Etepartment: Distinguished universi- 
ty professor and award-winning author Ira Berlin has 
been elected president of the Organization of 
American Historians for 2002-2003. His colleague 
Jim Gilbert, also a distinguished professor, has 
received a distinguished faculty research award for 
20(X)-2001. And professor Keith Olson became the 
first U.S. scholar to receive an honorary doctoral 
degree from the Humanities faculty of Finland's 
University of Tampere. 

Gloria Gihson, demographer and lecturer in the 
Department of Sociology since Ml 1999, recently 
received a three-year grant from the National Institute 
on Aging (NIA) to study health disparities among 
older African Americans. A faculty research assocLite, 
Gibson Is the first University of Maryland scientist in 
the last decade to receive NIA fiinding from a pro- 
gram specifically designed to create mentoring rela- 
tionships for promising minority researchers. Gibson's 
mentor, Leonard Pearlin, is a senior social scientist 
in the College of Behavioral and Social Sciences. He 
recently received $2.5 million from the National 
Institute on Aging to study stress and health among 
older adults and has agreed to supervise Ciibson's 
development of im independent research career 
In addition to working with the eight-member 
Peariin research te:im, Gibson will also ctjnduct sepa- 
rate analyses of data gathered from older adults in the 
District of Columbia, and Prince George's and 
Montgomery Counties, Before coming to die imiversi- 
ty, Gibson completed a two-year post-doctoral fellow- 
ship in the demography of aging at Johns Hopkins 
University'. In addition to being a support group 
leader for the Alzheimer's A'wociation, Gibson is a 
member of die Community Care Partnership 
Committee for the Department of Aging in Anne 
Arundel County. 

Thomas M. Downs, a senior executive with exten- 
sive experience in transportation, home building and 
government, has t>een selected by the University of 
Maryland to head the new National Center tor Smart 
Growth Education and Research at the state's flagship 

During a diverse career in top management, 
Downs has served as Chairman and CEO forAmtrak, 
CEO of the National Association of Home Builders, 
Commissioner of Transportation for the State of New 
Jersey, President of theTriborough Bridge &Tunnel 
Authority in New York City, and City Administrator for 
Washington, D.C. 

launched last year, the National Center for Smart 
Gro'wah will examine the fiscal, environmental and 
social impact of alternative development patterns, 
conduct researcli and evaluate land-use programs, and 
develop educational materials for decision-makers to 
enhance "smart growth" efforts in Maryland and 
nationwide. The center is a collaborative effort initial- 
ly involving the Maryland's School of Architecture, 
School of Public Affairs, A.James Clark School of 
Engineering, and College of Agriculture and Natural 
Resources, with plans to expand to other schools and 
other institutions in the University System of 

The center is already conducting a national Smart 
Growth Leadership Course and this spring will offer 
a Maryland-specific Smart Growth Leadership Course. 


continued from page 5 

tmd Ex IJbris, " said Charles B. Lowr)', 
Dean of libraries at the tfniversity of 
Mar)'fand and Chair of the USMAl 
Council of Librar)' Directors. 

It will take users no time to learn to 
use the new system, said Cad Grant, 
president of Ex Ubris (IfSA), The new 
1ai,EPH 500 system will "grcatlj' improve 

the qualit)- of education, research, and 
economic developmeflt in Maryland by 
connecting people, libraries, and infor- 
mation in a network of unparalleled 
sophistication and efficiency," he said. 

ALEPII ^(K) will replace a shared and 
rapidly aging librarj' sjstcm in u,sc by a 
number of USMAl libraries as well as 
library systems ai the Universit)- of 
Maryland Healdi Sciences ami Himian 
Services Library, and the Library of St, 

Mary's College of Maryland. 

Ex IJbris is a leading worldwide 
developer of high performance applica- 
tions for libraries and information cen- 
ters. <:urrently 5 million clients use the 
ALI-PH system in more ihsm 530 installa- 
tions in 41 c«>untries. Some of Ex libris's 
clients include Notre Dame Universit)', 
University of Iowa, McGitl Uni\'ersity. tlie 
State University of New York, Hamirtl 
University, Ma-ssachusetts Institute of 

Icchnology, Minnesota Library Informa^d 
tion Networii, Max-Planck Society for il 
ihc Advancement of Science, Mississippi 
Department of Archives and History, Uie 
Art and Museum Ubrarj' in Cologne, 
C»erniany and Brandon University in 
Manitoba, (Canada. 

For more information, call Howard 
Harris, Director for Informadon 
Technology' at University of Maryland 
Libraries at (301) 405-9194. 

' \ \iii 1 • V N ' 

.-^ -T'^i i fV T-. ^ 



ere is a list of faculty Semester General Research Board awardees for 2001-2002. Grants will 
allow instructors to devote full time to a research project of their choice during a semes- 
ter. The competition is run by the Division of Research and Graduate Studies. 


Animal & Avian Sciences 

Ottinger, Mary: Comparative Studies on 
the Biology of Aging 



Auerfaach, Jonathan: The Dream of a 
Century: Earfy Cinema's Special Effects 
Berlin, Adele: Biblical Allusions in the 
Dead Sea Scrolls 

Sherman, William: Used Books: Essays 
on English Renaissance Readers 

French & Italian 

Brami, Joseph: Marcel Proust's 
Discourse on Jewish Identity 


David-Fox, Michael: Western 
Intellectual Visitors to the Soviet 
Union, 1922-1939 
Eckstein, Arthur: Monograph: Pome 

Enters the Greek East: frotn Anarchy 
to Hierarchy in the Hellenistic Medi- 
terranean, ca. 23O-I88 B.C. 
Weinstein, Barbara; Region vs. Nation: 
Sao Paulo and the Formation of 
Brazilian National Identities 


hub,)cffTcy: Quantum Information 
Levinson.Jerrold: The Parmenidean 
Eye: Metaphysics in Cinenm 
Slote, Michael: The Ethics of Empathy 
Beck, Evelyn: Wounds of Gender:The 
Life and Works of Franz Kafka and 
Frida Kahlo — The Intersection of 
Their Works 



Benedetto, John: Wavelet Theoretic 
Harmonic Analysis and Signal 
Processing AppUcations 


Jawahery,Abolhassan: Study of Violation 
of CP Symmetry in Decays of Particles 
Containing the Bottom Quark 



Neustadtl.Alan: UnderstaneUng the 
Social Impact of the Internet: A Mtdti- 
faceted, Multidisciplinary Approach 


Materials & Nuclear Engineering 

Kidder, John: .(4 tom^c Layer Chemical 
Vapor Deposition 



Boi^ia, Gerald: The Role of light in 
Shaping Sexual Display in Bowerbirds 
Inouye, David: Ecological 
Cotisequences of Spring and Fall 

Frosts pr High-Altitude Plants 
Chemistry & Blochranlstry 

Helz, George: Cooperative Mobilization 
of Hazardous Elements in the 




Sham, Foon; Solo Exhibition at Stiftel- 
sen Kulturhuset, USE, Bergen, Norway 


Rosen, Meriam: Interruption 


Gibson, Robert: Through the Ear of a 
Raindrop for Large Orchestra 
Rodriguez, Santiago: Danzas and Other 
Compositions by Ren€e Totd^t 


C^bot, Adele: Simone at See Level 

These are the winners of the summer awards for general research, and creative and performing arts. 


Agricultuiral and Resource 

Olson, Lars: The Economics of 
Controlling a Biological Invasion 

Nutrition and Food Science 

TYittle, Cynthia Reeves: Identification 
and Assessment of Food Insecurity in 
High-Risk Maryland Populations 


Art History & Archaeology 

Venit, Marjorie: The "Main Tomb" at 
Kom el'Sbogafa: Multiculturalism in 
Roman-period Alexandria 

Asian & East Eiuopean Languages 
and Cultures 

Branner, David: Database of Chinese 

Historical Phonology 

Gor, Kira: The Processing of Complex 

Verbal Morphology in Second 

Language Acquisition 

Papazian, Elizabeth: Life with the Yellow 

Star: Karel Polacek in the HS^Os, 

Communlcatlon/Wom^en's Studies 

Parry-Giles, Shawn: Mediating HiUaty 
Rodham Clinton: Image-Making, 
Ideology, and the First Lady 

French & Italian 

Letzter, Jacqueline: La Montansier in 
Brussels: Theatre as French Revo- 
lutionary Propaganda 
Wells, Brett: The French-Canadian 
Shield: Language Planning in Quebec 


Como, David; Radical Religion and 

Political Change in Revolutionary 


Gao, James: The "Outsiders" of the 

Revolution: Yang Siyi's Diary and the 

Inner World of Revolutionary 



King, Richard: A Catalogue of the 
Ponds Schoelcher 

Spanish & Portuguese 

Bouvier, Virginia: Visions of Justice In 
Colonial Mexico: The Works ofSor 
Juana Ines de La Cruz 


Burbank, Carol; Ladies Against Women: 
Activist Theatre, Satire and the 
De/Construction of Citizenship at the 
End of the 20th Century 

Nathans, Heather: Into the Hands of the 
People: The Early National Theatres of 
Boston, New York and Philadelphia 


Afro- American Studies 

Wilson, Francille Rusan; "Mamma didn't 
come thatfastj enjoyed working": 
Race, Class, Work, and Getuter in the 
Life of Dr. Sadie T. M.Alexander, 
Esquire, 1898-1989 / ^^ 

Anthropology , ^^^/ 

Chambers, Brvc: Delmarva: Tourism, 
Heritage, and the Recreation of Place 

^ r - K/V 

Hearing and Speech Sciences 

Hoarmann, Henk ; .Synchronization of 
BraiTi Activity During Sentence 



Greenberg, Leon; Spectral 
Problems for Block 
Operators: Numerics and 


Human Devektpment 

Wentzel, Y^thryn: Relations of 
School Climate to School 

Special Education 

Malmgren, Kimber 

Assessing and Improving Social Skills 
of Students with Emotional or 
Behavioral Disorders: An Examination 
of the Hostile Attribution Bias 
Speece, Deborah: The Early 
Identification of Reading Disabilities 


Civil & Environmental Engineering 

Gabriel, Steven; Methods for Risk 
Management in the Electrical Power 


Materials & Nuclear En^neerlng 

Martinez-Miranda, Luz: Transitions in 
Al/FeOOH: A Way to Understand Bone 



Hare, Matthew; A Genetic Test for 
Vulnerability to Inbreeding Depression 
in Right Whales and Elephant Seals 
Quinlan, Elizabeth: Experience-depend- 
ent Regulation of Synaptic Com- 
position in the Developing Visual Cortex 

Shaw, Kerry: The Genetics ofSpeciation 

Cell Biology & Molecular Genetics 

Mount, Stephen: CoH.rfr(itr«OM of an 
Exon Database for the Fruit Fly 
Drosophiiia melanogaster 

Chemistry & Biochemistry 

Munoz, Victor; A Building Blocks 
Appfxtacb to Study the Mechanisms of 
Protein folding 


Decision and Information 

Souza, Gilvan: Production Planning 
and Control for Remanufacturing 
Stewart, Katherine: Trust Transfer on 
the World Wide Web 


Avramov, Doron: Stock-Return 
Predictability and Rational Investors 
Wermers, Russell: The Behavior attd 
Characteristics of Mutual Fund 

Chen, Mark: Corporate Payout Policy, 
Internal Governance, and Boards of 

Logistics, Business & Public PoUcy 

Newbetg, Joshua: The Microsoft Case 
and the Future of Antitrust 

Management & Organization 

Katila, Riitta: New Product Search: 
flxploratton in Space and Time 


Balachander, Subramanian; Implications 
of Internet Marketing for Distribution 
Channel Structure 
Hamilton, Rebecca: Why Do People 
Suggest What They Don 't Want? Using 
Menus to Strategically Influence 
Others ' Choices 


Historic Preservation Pro-am 

Mason, Randall: Roots of American 
Historic PresertJation 


February 13, 2001 

bur In 

Choreographing Community 

Sara Pcarson/Pvitrik Witlrig and Company's 
"Ordinary Festivals" will be the first 2001 perform- 
ance in the Clarice Smith Performir^ Arts Center 
Dance Theatre. The work, performed by 16 dancers to 
Italian folk music, is a ptayful exploration of the rituals 
we use to express community. 

Performances of the work will take place on Friday 
and Satmtlay, Feb. 16 and 17 at 8 p.m. Excerpts from 
the woik will also be performed, along with a new 
section designed by Pearson and Widrig expressly for 
the students, at the Kennedy Center's JWillenium Stage 
on Thursday, Feb. 15 at 6 p.m. 

For tickets to the Dance Theatre performance, call 
(301) 405-7847. To reach the Kennedy Center ticket 
sales office, call (202) 467-4600 or (800) 4441324. 

weeks, begiiming Feb. 21, at The Art and Learning 
Center. For more information, contact Alicia Simon at 
(301) 314-8492 or at, or visit 

Sharing is Caring^ 

The Office of Campus Programs and Coitimuter 
Affoirs and Commimity Service \^11 be collecting gra- 
nola bars and juice b<jxes throught Febrtiary and 
March for the CABJNG Project. 

Donations will be accepted in the graduate office 
of the Office of Campus Programs in 1 143B Stamp 
Student Union. 

Writers Here & Novb 

Beatific Brush 

Oriental art can foster a harmonious and spiritual 
attitude toward life. The class "Oriental Brush 
Painting" offers an introduction to the histor>', philoso- 
phy and fundamental techniques of an ancient disci- 
pline. Subjects will include bamboo, flowers and the 
basics of Korean calligraphy. ln.structor Grace Psirk is 
nationaUy renowned for her brush painting and callig- 
raphy, and has exhibited at the Smithsonian, the 

Poets Brigit Pegeen Kelly and Agha Shalid Ali will 
read from their works on Feb. 14 at 7 p.m. in the Spe- 
cial Events Room on the fourth floor of McKeldin Lil> 
rar}'. The readings are part of the Writers Here & Now 
series sponsored by the Creative Writing department. 
Kelly teaches creative writing at the University of 
Illinois Urbana-Chanipaign, She has published two vol- 
umes of poetry, "To the Place of Trumpets" and "Scing." 
The latter collection was awarded tlie Ijimont Poetry 
Prize fixjm the Academy of American Poets. 

Ali is on the 
poetry faculty of 
the MFA and PhD 
creative writing 
programs at the 
University of Utah. 
His seven collec- 
tions of poetry 
include "The 
Beloved Witness: 
Selected Poems" 
and most recently, 
"The Country 
Without a Post 
Office," a collection 
on the the current 
turmoil in 
Kashmir. He is a 
recipient of nimier- 
ous awards, in- 
cluding Guggen- 
heim and Ingram- 
MerriU fellowships. 
A book signing 
will follow the 
reading. For infor- 
mation, call (301) 

Museum of Natural History and the Korean Embas,sy. 

Class meets Tuesdays, beginning Feb. 13, for 4 
weeks, from 5-7 p.m. at tlie Art & Learning Center, 
0232 Stamp Student Union, For more information, 
contact Alicia Simon at 4-8492 or at, or visit 

Women & Weights 

liling to Submit4 

The President's Commission on Lesbian, Gay, 
Bisexual and Tran.sgender Issues invites papers, panels, 
posters and performances from students, faculty and 
staff for its one-day symposium at the Nyumburu 
Center on March 30, entitled "Sex and the University." 

Submit proposals by Mar. 1 5 to Liora Moriel, 
Comparative Literature Program, 2107 Susquehanna. 
For more information, email 

Campus Recreation Services is offering a Women & 
Weights course. Learn to train with free weights and 
selectorized equipment and put together your own 
strength training program. Classes will be held 
Mondays and Wednesdays, 5:30-7 p.m. beginning Feb. 
26 and ending Apr. 1 1 . All classes will be held in the 
HHP building. Participants must register at the 
Member Services Desk in the Campus Recreation 
Center by February 19 to avoid a late registration fee. 
For more information, caU (301) 405-PLAY 

Serious Fiddling 

Art Class 

The Art Center's Modernist and Impressionist 
Painting Class will explore the ideas and methods of 
late 19th- and early 20th-century European painting. 
Guided by instructor Damon McArthur, students will 
examine the work of painters including Cezanne, Van 
Gogh, Monet, Pissaro and others. Focus will be 
placed on color relationships, composition and self- 

Classes meet Wednesdays from 6:30-8:30 p.m. for 8 

As part of the Maryland Presents series, Hesperus 
and Scottish fiddler Bonnie Rldeout collaborate on an 
evening of Scottish-Irish traditional music from their 
popular CD Celtic Roots. With an ensemble of fiddles, 
hammered dulcimer, lute, recorders and vtola de 
gambit, the musicians uncover the living roots of the 
jigs, reels, hornpipes and airs so popular in the cur- 
rent Celtic revival. 

The concert will highlight dances from classic col- 
lections by Bunting, O' Riley, Gow, Hume and Play ford; 
specific works include Walsh's "Division Violin and 
Division Flute," and "Variations on Favorite Airs" by 
Thumoth. Special treasures from the Panmure, Skene, 
Rogers, Ker and Manchester manuscripts will also be 


The performance will be held on Saturday, Feb. 24 
at 8 p.m. at the Inn and Conference Center. The artists 
vrill also participate in a prec-concert discussion ftom 
6:30-7:30 p.m. For ticket information, call the Clarice 
Smith Performing Arts Center ticket office at (301) 
405-7847 or visit 

Vine & Dine 

The Golf Course wUl be hosting a dinner featurii^ 
the wines of the Beaulieu vineyards on Thursday, Feb. 
22 at 6 p.m. A representative from the vineyard will 
be in attendance to discuss each wine. The evening 
begins with a cocktail reception foUow^cd by a four 
course meal of fresh field greens; Chesapeake Bay 
Crab "sandwich"; herb-crusted rack of lamb and the 
grand dessert of chocolate mousse towers in gingered 
creme. Each course will be paired with a wine from 
the vinej'ard. A vegetarian entree of Polenta topped 
with Wild Rice iWushroom Ragout may be substitied 
for the rack of lamb. The cost is $50 per person plus 
tax and gratuity. Advance reservations required. 

For more information, contact Nancy Loomis at 
(301) 403-4240 or nloomls®dining,umd,edu. 

Swing into Spring 

Learn the basic moves for your big day, or gain con- 
fidence so you can get out on to the dance floor at 
your next social event, with the class Basic Moves for 
Weddings & Other Social Events. Patterns covered 
include Waltz, Fox Trot, Swing, Husde, and Latin 
dances. No partner or prior experience is required. 

The class meets Wednesdays from 6-7 p.m. for 10 
weeks, begiiming Feb. 21, in 2 1 1 i Stamp Student 
Union. For more information, contact Alicia Simon at 
(301) 314-8492 or at, or visit 

Getting Committed 

Commitment to seek change is often a difficult 
path which takes its toll in time, enei^ and fiiistra- 
tton. The Rebecca Williams Award for Coounitment to 
Social Change is a tribute to Williams, who has main- 
tained an active and responsible coitmiitment to 
issues of conscience of concern to many. Her areas of 
activity have Included world peace, women's rights, 
nuclear power, environmental protection and equal 

This award is to be given to a University of 
Maryland, College Park imdergraduate or graduate stu- 
dent who has demonstrated by actions and beliels a 
personal conunltment to advocating chai^ in issues 
and values such as those which have concerned 
Williams; change either on or off the university cam- 
pus. This coimnltment may be demonstrated througb 
individual or organizational leadership and may have 
been shown across varying amounts of time. The indi- 
vidual's efforts may or may not have brought about 
change, but as a role model, the student will have had 
positive impact on others. 

Please submit nominations, including student name 
and address and a rationale for the nomination, by 
March 9 to Bill Sedlacefc, 
Counseling Center, by 
mail or by e-mail at 

Clowning Around-^a 

If you've got any clown art tying 
aroimd, the Acme Clown Company 
and the Greenbelt Arts Center want you! 
Any artwork relating to clowns, the circus 
or circus arts is eligible for inclusion in 
their exhibit honoring Acme Clown Month, 
a celebration featuring clown-related arts 
and activities to be held at the center from 
Apr. 1-May 13. 

The deadline for submissions is Feb. 
15. For details, contact the Acme 
Clown Company at (401) 351-2596 