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The University of Maryland Faculty and Staff Weekly Newspaper 

Volume 15 • Number 18 • February 20, 2001 

9:30^3:30 PM ST 

Pamela Allen and Dottie Bass, co-chairs of the 24th Annual Multi-Ethnic Student Career and Job Fair 
sponsored by the Office of Multi-Ethnic Student Education and the Career Center, pose during the event at 
the Student Union on Wednesday, Feb. 14. More than 100 employers attended the fair; 460 students had 
preregistered and approximately 1,000 attended the event. 

Board of Regents 
Votes on Two Collective 
Bargaining Bills 

The University System of Maryland 
(TJSM) Board of Regents on Feb. 9 
voted to support legislation provid- 
ing certain employees of USM institu- 
tions the right to select an exclusive represen- 
tative for purposes of collective bargaining on 
matters relating to wages, hours, and other 
terms and conditions of employment. 

The legislation (Senate Bill 207 and House 
Bill 300) was introduced in the Maryland 
General Assembly on behalf of Governor Parris 
N. Glendening. 

The Senate Committee on Finance lias 
scheduled a hearing on SB 207 on Thursday, 
March 1 at 1 p.m. 

Today, Feb. 20, at 2 p.m., the university's 
chapter of the American Association of 
University Professors will hold a legislative 
briefing on the bills at the Language House/St 
Mary's Hall. 

The full text of the legislation is available on 
the Maryland General Assembly Web site at 
httpy/ Follow the 
instructions for Bill Information and Status. 

Physics Nobel Laureate 
to Establish World-Class 
Research Group 

The University of Maryland and the National 
Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) 
announced that NIST physicist and 1997 Nobel 
laureate William Phillips will lead the formation of 
a world-class atomic, molecular and optical (AMG) 
physics group at Maryland. 

Aldiough Phillips has been an adjunct professor 
for some time, he is the first Nobel Laureate to be 
appointed to a full faculty position at the university. 
Phillips will spearhead the hiring of top AMO scien- 

Pulitzer Winner Jon Franklin 
Returns to Journalism School 

William Phillips 

lists to join the university group and will lead its 
formation and development while continuing to 
work in the NIST Physics Laboratory as a NIST 
Fellow and head of its laser cooling and trapping 
group. His appointment as a faculty member in the 
university's Department of Physics begins July I . 
According to Phillips, the group's research will 
explore the newest areas of AMO physics and also 
will focus on fundamental questions. In recent 
years, studies of the interaction of light with matter 
have led to ways to "trap" atoms and molecules and 
cool them to near absolute zero, revealing funda- 

continued on page 4 


wo- time Pulitzer Prize- 
winning journalist Jon 
Franklin, a pioneer in 
literary nonfiction 
writing and an expert 
in unraveling complex scientific 
advancements for the masses, is 
returning to the University of 
Maryland faculty. 

Franklin is the Philip Merrill 
College of Journalism's first Merrill 
Chair in Journalism, returning to 
die school where he graduated 
with high honors in 1 970 and 
taught from 1986 to 1989.The 
appointment is effective immedi- 
ately and he will begin teaching 
this summer. 

Franklin won Pulitzer Prizes for 
feature writing in 1979 and for 
explanatory writing in 1 985 — the 
first Pulitzers ever awarded in 
those categories — for his work at 
The (Baltimore) Evening Sun, 
where he was an innovator in liter- 
ary techniques in journalism. 

"He is one of the greatest practi- 
tioners and teachers of feature 
writing in all of journalism," said 
Professor Gene Roberts, former 
managing editor of the New York 
Times. "Having him return to 
Maryland is another great step in 
making the Philip Merrill College 
of Journalism at die University of 
Maryland the finest in the nadon." 
Franklin returns to the universi- 
ty from Raleigh, where he has 
been a narrative writer, special 
assignments editor and writing 

coach for The News and Observer 
since 1998. Between his Maryland 
stints, Franklin was chairman of 
the journalism program at Oregon 
State University and director of the 
creative writing program at the 
University of Oregon. 

"It feels very much like coming 
home," Frank! in said. "1 watched 
from afar while f former] Dean 
[Reese] Cleghorn built the college 
into what I think is the finest jour- 
nalism institution in all of higher 
education. I'm deeply thrilled to 
rejoin the best journalism faculty 
in the country, and took forward lo 
all the creadve things it has been 
empowered to do." 

Merrill College Dean Thomas 
Kunkel said Franklin will teach 
courses on science writing and 
writing complex stories. Kunkel 
said the college also hopes to 
build a center for science and 
communications around Franklin. 

"We're thrilled to welcome Jon 
back to Maryland," Kunkel said. 
"He's one of the best writers of 
science and medicine in the 
world. Not only will he teach jour- 
nalism, but also he looks forwaid 
to teaching top science students 
how to better communicate their 
work and research. We envision 
the center as a real interdiscipli- 
nary effort." 

Both of Franklin's Pulitzers 
were on scientific topics — a series 
on brain surgery and a series 
exploring molecular psychiatry. He 

also has written four books on sci- 
ence topics: "Molecules of the 
Mind," which details the revolution 
in neurochemistry and predicted 
the Prozac class of mind-healing; 
"Guinea Pig Doctors," about scien- 
tists who experimented on them- 
selves; "Not Quite a Miracle,' about 
brain surgeons and their patients; 
and "Shocktrauma," about the flrsl 
shock-trauma unit. 

Another Franklin book, "Writing 
for Story," is widely used in ad- 
vanced journalism classes around 
the world. He also has been an 
innovator in using the Internet to 
help teach writing. He created 
Write rL, a popular electronic mail- 
ing group for narrative writers, and 
has experimented with writing 
courses on the Internet. 

Franklin joins the college just 
days after announcements that 
The Washington Post's David S. 
Broder is joining the faculty and 
that publisher Philip Merrill is giv- 
ing $10 million to the school that 
now bears his name. 

Franklin, 59, will be die fifth 
Pulitzer Prize winner at Maryland, 
joining presidential historian James 
MacGregor Burns of the universi- 
ty's Academy of Leadership and 
three others from the College of 
Journalism — Broder, Knight Chair 
Professor Haynes Johnson and 
Wdliam Eaton, curator of the 
school's Hubert H. Humphrey 
Fellowship program for interna- 
tional journalists. 

February 20, 2001 


T'ue 5 da 

9 a.m.-I2 noon, Workshop: 
"Accounting for Contracts and 
Grants." Foe uses on issues 
directly related to managing 
sponsored programs in the 
university accounting system. 
Contact the Organizational 
Development & Training Office 
at 5-5651 , or visit www. person- 

9 a.m.-i p.m., OIT Shortcourse 
Training: "Intermediate MS 
Excel."012l Mam Admin, lb 
register, visit www.olt.umd. 
edu/sc, or call 5-0443.* 

12-1:30 p.m., Brown Bag 
Lunch: "Web Interest. Group 
Meeting." 0467 ANS/building 
142. Discuss Web accessibility 
issues and what the Federal 
information Technology 
Accessibility Initiative, Section 
508 means to the university 
Web development community. 
Contact Gina Jones at 5-3026 
or at, or visit 

4 p.m.. Physics Colloquium: 
"Human-Caused Climate 
Warming: Implications For 
Practically Everything." With 
jerry D. Mahlman, Former 
Director, NOAA Geophysical 
Fluid Dynamics Lab, Princeton 
University. Physics Lecture Hall 
(14 10 Physics). Call 5-5946. 

5-8 p.m., Dinner: "Steak and 
Salmon Tuesdays." Golf Course 
Clubhouse. (Details in For 
Your Interest, page 8.) 

6-9 p.m., OIT Workshop: "Inter- 
mediate MATLAB." Continues 
covering critical skills in solv- 
ing matrix and vector opera- 
tions, multiple integrais, differ- 
entia] equations, 2D & 3D plots 
in parametric, polar, spherical, 
cylindrical, implicit, contour, 
and mesh views, and more. 
Prerequisites: Introduction to 
MATLAB and a WAM account. 
3330 Computer & Space 
Science. Call 5-2938 or e-mail, or 
visit www.oit.* 

W e dn e s da u 

3:30 p.m.,Lecture:"A French 
Writer in America." Catherine 
Cusset, novelist, whose scholar- 
ly works include "Les roman- 
ciers du plaisir" and "No 
Tomorrow; The Ethics of 
Pleasure in the French Enlight- 
enment." Part of the series 
Modern France: Aspects of the 
Future, sponsored by the De- 
partment of French and Italian. 
St. Mary's Hall. Call 5-4024. 

Your Guide to University Events 
February 20-28 

4:30-6 p.m., Discussion; "Life 
Sciences: A Common Agenda 
for Research in Health and 
Agriculture in the LI.S. and 
China." Hosted by the Institute 
for Global Chinese Affairs as 
part of die "Our Common 
Global Agenda" series, the goal 
is to focus on and build a com- 
mon agenda for the future in 
health and agriculture in the 
U.S. and China. 0106 Key Hall. 
To register, call 5-0213 or e- 

5:306:30 p.m., Workshop: 
"The Diet Dilemma." Center for 
Health & Wellbeing, Campus 
Recreation Center. (Details in 
For Your Interest, page 8.) 

5:306:30 p.m., Workshop: 
"Acupuncture." Center for 
Health & Wellbeing, Campus 
Recreation Center. (Details in 
For Your Interest, page 8.) 

6-7:30 p.m., OIT Workshop: 
"Navigating WebCT." For infor- 
mation, call 5-2938 or e-mail, or 
visit www.oit.' 

7 p.m., Lecture: "Racism and 
the Black Community," with 
Andre Perry, Human Relations. 
Sponsored by the Office of 
Campus Programs, Student 
Involvement and Community 
Advocacy and Kappa Alpha 
Psi. Call 4-8341. 

7-8:30 p.m.,Yoga Class. Parents 7 
Gallery, Stamp Student Union. 
Call Alicia Simon, 4-8492. 

I'd u rs day 
f ebruary 2 


3:30 p.m.. Seminar: "Globaliza- 
tion at Internet Speed: Impera- 
tives and Challenges " with Anil 
K. Gupta, R. H. Smith School of 
Business. Part of the Leveraging 
Corporate Knowledge Seminar 
series. Rouse Room, Van Mun- 
ching Hall. Visit 

4:30-7:30 p.m., OIT Workshop: 
"Intermediate Mathematica." 
Prerequisites: Introduction to 
Mathematica and a WAM 
account. 4404 Computer & 
Space Science. For informa- 
tion, call 5-2938 or e-mail 
cwpost@umd5 ., or 

5:30-6:30 p.m., Workshop: 
"Reflexology." Center for 

Health & Wellbeing, Campus 
Recreation Center, (Details in 
For Your Interest, page 8.) 

6:30-8 p.m., Seminar'Pro- 
fcssional Imaging." Campus 
Recreation Center. (Details in 
For Your Interest, page 8.) 

7:30 p,m.,Lecture:"The Debt: 
What America Owes Blacks." 
Randall Robinson, President of 
TransAfrica, makes a case for 
reparations to African Ameri- 
cans for slavery and the need 
for increased American sup- 
port of African countries. A 
reception follows the talk. (See 
article on page 7 for details.) 
Multipurpose Room, Nyum- 
buru Cultural Center. Contact 
the Committee on Africa and 
the Americas at 5-6835. 

7 rid a 


12-1 p.m., Seminar: "Methodo- 
logical and Conceptual Issues 
in Bilingualism Research." With 
Francois Grosjean, Language 
and Speech Processing Labora- 
tory. Part of the Ncuroscience 
and Cognitive Science Program 
Seminar Series. 1 208 Biology- 
Psychology. For information, 

6-8 p.m., Dinner:"Bull and 
Oyster Roast." Join your friends 
and feast on a buffet of fried 
oysters, steamed oysters, fresh- 
ly-shucked oysters on the half 
Midi , oyster stew, chef-carved 
roast beef, Seafood Imperial, 
BBQ chicken and more. Full 
bar available with $1.25 draft 
beer and house wine. $19.99 
per person plus tax and gratu- 
ity. Advance reservations and 
payment required. University 
Golf Course. Contact Nancy 
Loomis at (301) 403-4240 or at 
nloomis@dining . umd . edu. 

8 p.m., Faculty Recital: "Mikhail 
Volchok, Piano." Featuring 
Beethoven sonatas and "Pic- 
tures at an Exhibition" by 
Musorgsky. Gildenhorn Recital 
Hall, Clarice Smith Performing 
Arts Center. Call 5-7847. 

S a turday 

8-10 p.m.,Performance:"Hes- 
perus with Bonnie Rideout." 
An evening of Scottish-Irish 
traditional music; part of 

calendar guide: 

Calendar phone numbers listed as 4-xxxx or 5-xxxx stand for the prefix 314 or 405. 

Calendar information for Outlook is compiled from a combination of inforM's 

master calendar and submissions to the Outlook office. 

Submissions are due two weeks prior to the date of publication. 

To reach the cafendar editor, call 405-7615 or e-mail to 
'Events are free and open to the public unless noted by an asterisk (*). 

It's the Big Ouch! 

Be sure to check out the OUCH! pull-out included 

In this Issue of Outlook and In the Feb. 20 

Diamondback. Clarification: Please note that in 

the "Fees for FY '02" section on the back panel; 

the new garage mentioned is currently planned for 

the south section of LOT 1. While supplies last, 

additional copies may be requested from 

Ed Burgan, Facilities Management 5-3206. 

"Maryland Presents." Inn & 
Conference Center. See page 3 
for details. For ticket informa- 
tion, call 5-7847 or visit www. 
claricesmithcenter. umd . edu . * 


3:30 p.m., lecture: "Ethnic 
Prejudice in Tacitus." 1 102 
Tydings Hall. (Details in For 
Your Interest, page 8.) 

4 p.m., Colloqui urn : " Cultiva- 
tion, Sporulation and Phylo- 
genctic Analysis of Neozygites 
parvispora and Entomophthora 
thripidum,Two Fungal 
Pathogens ofThrips.'With 
Florian Freimoser, Department 
of Entomology. Call 5-3795. 

4:306 p.m., Lecture: "Why Are 
There No Black Soldiers in 
'Saving Private Ryan? Race and 
Nation in Twentieth-Century 
America." Professor Gary Ger- 
stle will discuss his forthcom- 
ing book on American national- 
ism for this semester's Student- 
Faculty Forum in the Depart- 
ment of History. Everyone is 
welcome. Pizza afterward, 
0106 Key Hall. Call 5-4272 or 
rm87@um ail, 

6-9 p.m., OIT Workshop: 
"Microsoft Word: ABCs of Word 
Processing." Prerequisites: 
Windows 98 and a WAM 
account. 4404 Computer & 
Space Science. For informa- 
tion, call 5-2938 or e-mail, or 
visit www.oit,* 


2-3:30 p.m.,Workshop:"The 
Basics of Financial Planning." 
Provides a general understand- 
ing of personal finance man- 
agement. Determining your net 
worth, cash flow, budgeting, 
managing credit and setting 
financial goals will be dis- 
cussed. Contact the Organiza- 
tional Development & Training 
Office at 5-565 1 , or visit 
www. personnel . 

4 p.m., Physics Colloquium: 
"A New Method For Nonlinear 
And NonstationaryTime Series 
Analysis:The Hilbert Spectral 
Anatysis."With Norden E. 
Huang, Chief Scientist, Labora- 
tory for Hydrospheric Process, 
NASA Goddard Space Flight 
Center. Physics Lecture Hall 
(1410 Physics). Call 5-5946. 

6-9 p.m., OIT Workshop: "Basic 
Computing Technologies at 
Maryland." Introduces network 
technologies such as FTP 
transfer, reading and posting 

on Usenet newsgroups, sub- 
scribing to public newsgroups, 
and sending attachments using 
an e-mail program. Prerequi- 
site: a WAM account. 3330 
Computer & Space Science, 
Call 5-2938 or e-mail cwpost®, or visit 

8 p.m., Performance: "Chamber 
Winds," by the University of 
Maryland Symphonic Wind 
Ensemble. Conductor John E. 
Wakefield leads the ensemble 
in a concert featuring "La Peri 
Fanfare" by Dukas, "Serenade in 
E-flat" by Strauss, "Notturno for 
Turkish Band" by Spohr, and 
"Good Soldier Suite" by Kurka. 
Call 5-7847. 

W ednesday 
f ebruary ' 

9 a.m.-12 noon, Workshop: 
"The Three P's of Payroll: 
Policies, Procedures and Prac- 
tices." Designed for those who 
arc responsible for payroll 
within their unit. Covers man- 
datory internal controls, what's 
needed to get a person on pay- 
roll, and what to do if a new 
employee doesn't get paid. 
Contact the Organizational 
Development & Training Office 
at 5-5651, or visit www. person- 
nel, umd. edu. 


Outlook is the weekly faculty--5taff 
newspaper serving the University of 
Maryland campus community. 

Brodie Remington 'Vice President 
for University Relations 

Tcresil Flannery • Executive Director 
of University Communications and 
Director of Marketing 

George Cathcart * Executive Editor 

Monerte Austin Bailey * Editor 

Cynthia Mitchel * Assistant Editor 

Patty Henetz • Graduate Assistant 

Letters to the editor, story suggestions 
and campus information arc welcome. 
Please submit all material two weeks 
before the Tuesday of pubbcation. 

Send material to Editor, OwrfooJIr, 2101 
Turner Hall, College Park, MD 20742 

Telephone • [Ml) 405-7615 

Fax ■ (301) 314-9344 

E-mail ' 



Clarice Smi 

CENTERAT Maryiand 

A Partnership in the Literacy 
Challenge: America Reads 

On March 2, the Clarice 
Smith Performing Arts 
Center will play host to 
more than 350 elementary 
school students from Prince 
George's County and an equal 
number of volunteers from 
across the campus for Read 
Across America Day. 

The national reading celebra- 
tion day was established in 
1997 when research found that 
nearly 40 percent of our 
nation's fourth-graders failed to 
attain the most basic level of 
reading on the National 
Assessment of Educational 
Progress. President Clinton pre- 
sented The America Reads 
Challenge, asking all Americans 
to help every child learn to 
read well and independendy by 
the end of the third grade. 

The federal government 
supported these initiatives 
with increased funding of the 
Federal Work-Study student 
employment program for col- 
leges and universities to partici- 
pate in America Reads. America 
Reads at the University of 
Maryland, coordinated by Greg 
Zick, partners Prince George's 
County elementary school stu- 
dents with college students and 
this year adds the Clarice Smith 
Performing Arts Center and its 
staff to the collaboration. 

On March 2, each America 
Reads student visiting The 
Clarice Smith Performing Arts 
Center from one of nine area 

elementary schools will be 
assigned a volunteer reading 
friend for the day. 

Literature and performing 
arts-focused events include a 
reading of "The Three Litde 
Pigs" by a special guest fol- 
lowed by a theatrical perform- 
ance by the Blue Sky Puppet 
Theatre of "The Three (Not So 
Litde) Pigs " The purpose is to 
demonstrate how literature can 
be interpreted and translated in 
different ways in performance. 

After a lunch break, students 
will listen to a reading of a Dr. 
Seuss' "The Sneetches," with gift 
books donated by Barnes & 
Noble. Students will participate 
in performance activities, sepa- 
rating into small groups to 
explore music, dance, and the- 
atre, with the assistance of 
College Park Scholars. 

"This event is at the heart of 
the Clarice Smith Performing 
Arts Center's mission — collabo- 
rating through the arts experi- 
ence with other campus units 
and the community, not only to 
create new synergy, but to 
helps us all meet shared and 
individual goals — in this case, 
taking on the literacy chal- 
lenge," saysTerrie Hruzd, 
Education Coordinator for the 
Clarice Smith Performing Arts 

For more information about 
America Reads, visit the Web 
careads or call 301-314-READ. 

Life is a 


at University Theatre 

Pictured, left to right: Anne Gultedge, Erika Rose and Gordon Parks III in "Life Is A Dream. 


dele Cabot was 
fascinated by 
"Life Is A 
Dream," by 
Spanish play- 
wright Pedro Calderdn de la 
Barca. Written during Spain's 
Golden Age, "Life IsA Dream- 
is a fantastical journey 
steeped in archetypal myth 
and fairy tale, which follows a 
prince and his struggle to 
move from oppression to a 
life of freedom and integrity. 

Cabot was struck by a new 
translation by John Clifford 
which she felt made the play 
meaningful to contemporary 
audiences without diluting 
the rhythms in its original 
language or the beauty of its 

Knowing that she wanted 
to mount the masterpiece at 
University Theatre, where she 
serves as assistant professor 
in the Department of Theatre, 
Cabot recognized that she 
faced a daunting challenge: 
How could she translate her 
excitement for a Spanish play 
written in the 16th century 
to students raised in a very 
different time, with 21st cen- 

tury sensibilities? 

Cabot used the power of 
language and experience to 
remove die barriers of time 
and culture."! continually 
bring it back to the student — 
how can they relate to the 
character, to the situation? 
How can they make this 
400 year-old story their 
own?" asks Cabot. "To make 
this happen, in rehearsal we 
talk about and experience 
the words: the feelings, 
sound, and images of the 
words the text gives us: 
betrayal, honor, freedom, 
reason, duty, murder" 

The student actors are 
asked to define and experi- 
ence the concepts for them- 
selves by putting them in a 
context they can understand: 
their own lives. 

"For example, how does a 
twenty year-old define and 
feel honor?," says Cabot. "We 
explore their experience of 
betrayal, of honor, of freedom." 

Through the process of 
giving personal meaning to 
these words, the young actors 
learn to express what they 
know out to an audience. 

through the vibrancy of 
Calderon de la Barca's text. 

Did she feel that her stu- 
dents were up to the chal- 
lenge? Cabot answers widi 
resounding "yes " 

And, as is the case with 
the most satisfying teaching 
experiences, Cabot feels that 
she gained as much as her 
students did from the pro- 
cess. "I have learned much 
from them while they learn 
about themselves and how 
they can express, in some 
way, what it means to be 
human through the art of 

"life Is A Dream" will be 
the first performance in the 
new Ina and Jack Kay Theatre 
at the Clarice Smith Perform- 
ing Arts Center, March 1-4 
and 8-10 at 8 p.m. Tickets are 
$ 10 genera) admission and $7 
for students and senior citi- 
zens, with special rates for 
groups or more. For more In- 
formation, contact the Clarice 
Smith Performing Arts Center 
ticket office al (301) 405- 
7847 or visit their Web site at 
www. claricesmithcente r. 

"Whooping it Up" with 
Hesperus and Bonnie Rideout 

Celtic music is enjoying a 
strong revival and Clarice Smith 
Performing Arts Center's 
Maryland Presents series capital- 
izes on its popularity by bringing 
one of the finest early music 
ensembles, Hesperus, to perform 
at the Inn and Conference Center 
on Saturday, Feb. 24 at 8 p.m. 

Featuring as guest artist the 
fiery, three-time Scottish fiddle 
champion Bonnie Rideout, the 
locally-based Hesperus play from 
their "Celtic Roots" CD, which 
explores the deep connections 
between Scottish and Irish tradi- 
tional folk music and the music 
of England and America. 

Telling the stories about the 
music, who played it and why it 
was played, helps them to create 
"cultural portraits," giving a vision 
of the culture connecting early 
music and modem traditional 
music. Scott of 
Hesperus' founding members, 
"The music is fun. This is not 
your typical early music concert. 
We like to talk in concert, and we 
stamp our feet. It's definitely foot- 
stomping whistie music, and I've 
learned how to whoop." 

For ticket information, contact 
the Clarice Smith Performing Arts 
Center ticket office at (301) 405- 

/ \ 

The box office hours 

for the Clarice Smith 

Performing Arts 

Center have been 


The new hours 

are Monday-Saturday 

from 11 a.m.-9 p.m. 

and Sunday from 

11 a.m.-5 p.m. 

V , 

February 20,2001 

Disease Detective Addresses Mad Cow Syndrome 

Between teaching a 
graduate course and 
two veterinary medi- 
cine courses and 
overseeing day-to-day opera- 
tions at the Avrum Gudelsky 
Center, Dr. Will Hueston, associ- 

sored by the World Health 

Hueston, a veterinary epi- 
demiologist who describes him- 
self as a "disease detective * has 
longstanding acquaintance with 
this degenerative neurological 

the first non-Briton on their 
Spongiform Encephalopathy 
Advisory Committee. Their 
charge: to provide scientific 
information and guidance to 
UK government officials strug- 
gling to develop policies in the 

Will Hueston 

ate dean for the Maryland- 
Virginia Regional College of 
Veterinary Medicine, doesn't 
have much free time to call his 

And for the past several 
months his schedule has 
become even more hectic, 
thanks to events taking place 
thousands of miles away. 

With the recent outbreak of 
bovine spongiform encephalo- 
pathy (BSE)— dubbed "mad 
cow disease" by the ever-color- 
ful British press— in cattle in 
France, Portugal, Belgium, 
Germany and Italy, Hueston has 
been called upon to comment 
on the disease by such 
American news ouUets asia 
CNN and U.S. News St World 
Report. And while most of us 
were preparing to celebrate 
the winter holiday season, he 
was flying to Geneva to partici- 
pate in a meeting on BSE spon- 

disease. Following its original 
appearance in Britain in 1986, 
he and colleagues at the U.S. 
Department of Agriculture's 
National Animal Health 
Monitoring System evaluated 
the potential risk of a BSE epi- 
demic in the United States. 

Their report — the first 
national risk assessment of BSE 
anywhere — was published in 
1990. And while the authors 
concluded that the United 
States' animal production and 
processing system is sufficient- 
ly different from that of Britain 
to make a similar epidemic 
highly unlikely, their analysis set 
the stage for additional controls 
that reduced the risk even fur- 

In 1991 Hueston spent six 
months in England as part of 
the British government's epi- 
demiology unit investigating 
BSE. Two years later he became 

face of a rapidly escalating pub- 
lic health scare with economic 
and political overtones. 

"Suspicions had arisen that 
BSE might be linked to a similar 
brain-wasting illness in 
humans," says Hueston. "Beef 
sales plummeted and consumer 
confidence was shaken." 

Following intense medical 
and scientific investigations, the 
British government publicly 
acknowledged a strong link 
between BSE and a new form 
of a human neurological malady 
called Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease 
in March 1996. The media spot- 
light focused on Hueston once 
more. As the U. S. spokesperson 
on BSE, he appeared on or was 
quoted by Reuters, Dateline, the 
McNeil Leher Report, CBS, 
NBC — even the Oprah Winfrey 

"There was, and continues to 
be, intense public concern 

regarding this disease, despite 
its limited impact on human 
populations," Hueston says. 
"From 1996 to early December 
2000, some 90 cases of new 
variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob dis- 
ease were reported, compared 
to 180,000 cases of lung cancer 
that appear annually in the 
United States alone. The differ- 
ence is that some people sur- 
vive lung cancer, while nobody 
survives Creutzfeldt-Jakob dis- 

Scientific data indicate that 
BSE is spread to humans 
through consumption of con- 
taminated beef products, prima- 
rily brain and nerve tissue. 
Neither muscle meat nor high- 
quality ground beef are a prob- 
lem, according to Hueston. 

"We've never been able to 
identify any BSE infectivity in 
muscle meat, and only one odd 
finding in bone marrow," he 
says. That means that even resi- 
dents of and travelers to Britain 
and Europe can enjoy some 
filet mignon, New York strip 
steaks, or high-quality hamburg- 
ers. Less safe are sausages and 
other processed meat products, 
which are more likely to 
include brain or nerve tissue. 
"Basically, the less identifiable it 
is as meat, the less comfortable 
I am," says Hueston. 

Although the origins of 
BSE are still unclear, many 
researchers believe that cattle 
developed BSE after eating ren- 
dered meat and bone meal pro- 
duced from sheep infected 
with scrapie, another transmis- 
sible spongiform encephalopa- 
thy, which has been around for 
more than 250 years without 
causing illness to humans or 
other animals. The problem 
was exacerbated when animal 
protein meal derived from 
infected cattle was then added 
to animal feed. 

Given these facts, the British 
government has taken drastic 
measures to eradicate BSE, 
slaughtering nearly 5 million 
cattle, forbidding cows more 

than 30 months old from enter- 
ing the food chain, and pro- 
hibiting the use of rendered 
meat and bone meal in feed for 
cattle, sheep and goats. 

Hueston believes the battle 
against BSE in Europe is just 
beginning and that millions 
more cows will have to be 

But he also thinks efforts 
there will ultimately be success- 
ful, and that BSE will disappear 
in the United Kingdom and die 
rest of Europe. He also is quite 
confident that given the scien- 
tific surveillance and govern- 
ment regulations currently in 
place, the United States will 
keep BSE at bay, although he 
warns against complacency. 

"There is a tendency to 
think that if it isn't broken, 
don't fix it," he says. "The cur- 
rent situation in Europe demon- 
strates the fallacy of that atti- 
tude. You always have to pre- 
pare for the worst, or else you 
can be caught off guard." 

Hueston 's biggest concern 
involves the rest of the world. 
Given the global nature of the 
food trade, he believes it's likely 
that foods made with contami- 
nated beef have already been 
distributed to many countries 
around the world, many of 
which lack the resources neces- 
sary for adequate surveillance 
and prevention programs, 

"There are other countries 
with BSE," he says.Td stake my 
career on it." 

NOTE; Transmissible 
Spongiform Encephalopathies 
in the United States (Report 
136) is available on the web in 
PDF format. Printed copies can 
be purchased for $20 plus $3 
shipping. Individual and stu- 
dent members of CAST may 
request a free copy; please 
include $3 postage and han- 
dling. Contact CAST, 4420 West 
Lincoln Way, Ames, 1A 50014- 
3447; tel. (5 1 5) 292-2125; e-mai); or visit 
www.cast-science .org . 

Physics Nobel Laureate to Establish World-Class Research Group 

continued from page I 

mental quantum properties and new states of matter, 
and opening up potential applications in high-resolu- 
tion spectroscopy, atomic clocks, quantum information 
systems and atomic-scale and nano-scale fabrication. 

"Research in the fields of laser cooling, Bose- 
Einstein condensation, atom optics, quantum informa- 
tion, and related areas is expanding so rapidly that 
opportunities for new directions abound," Phillips 
said. "The new AMO physics group ar the university is 
an exciting, important expansion of our interactions 
with die University of Maryland, and I have great 

rpectations for the future of this collaboration." 
The group will include three new faculty members 
who arc leaders in experimental and theoretical AMO 
physics Phillips will assist the group in determining 
research directions, developing research collabora- 
te and recruiting graduate students 


"The university is excited to welcome such an 
accomplished, exciting and leading physicist to our 
campus," said President CD. Mote, Jr. "Bill Phillips and 
the group he will lead will strengthen both our 
already top-class department of physics and the world- 
class laboratory at NISI? 

Phillips and two co-recipients, Steven Chu of 
Stanford University and Claude Cohen-Tannoudji. 
College de France and Ecole Normale Superieure, 
Paris, France, won the 1997 Nobel Prize in Physics for 
their work in the field of laser cooling and trapping of 
atoms. According to the Royal Swedish Academy for 
the Sciences, their work "has meant a breakthrough 
for both theory and experiment within the field and 
has led to a deeper understanding of the interaction 
between light and matter." 

The NIST Physics Laboratory is an internationally 

recognized center of research in atomic, molecular 
and optical physics. Accomplishments include the ere 
ation of a Bose-Einsteiu condensate, a new form of 
matter; the demonstration of non-linear atom optics, a 
new field of physics: and the development of NIST F- 
1 , one of the most accurate atomic clocks in the 

"Dr, — now also Professor — Phillips and the new 
atomic, molecular and optical group are building on a 
long and fruitful history of interactions between die 
I )qiart ment of Physics and NIST," said NIST Physics 
laboratory director Katharine Gebbie. "We're very 
pleased to have this chance to expand both our part- 
nership and our mutual opportunities to explore this 
rapidly moving field of science, especially since AMO 
physics continues to have a very large impact on 
metrology and standards and on the LIS. economy," 


Working for the People 

Identify a need and fill it. It is 
how Toby Jenkins created her 
current, satisfying position and 
how she intends to help others 
find fulfillment as well. 

As Coordinator of 
Campus/Community Outreach and 
Public Relations for the Nyumburu 
Cultural Center, Jenkins makes sure 
those on campus not affiliated with a 
group find a place to serve. She also 
encourages established groups to pool 
their efforts at least once or twice a 
semester to do good on a larger scale. 
In trying to create large scale, broad 
interest community efforts, Jenkins cre- 
ated the Joint Service Project. 

"I was finding that you don't hear 
about programs that are open to every- 
one," she says. "And we're providing 
opportunities for faculty and staff to 
interact with students outside of the 

The first two projects focused on 
organizations. Forty students from 1 1 
campus groups did maintenance work 
for Friendship House in 
Washington, DC, in November 
and also for Sasha Bruce 
House and Youth work, also 
in Washington, in 
December. Friendship 
House supports indi- 
viduals, families and 
community devel- 
opment at 15 loca- 
tions. Sasha Bruce 
is also a multi- 
service facility, 
though it focus- 
es on those ages 
11-1 8. There are 
residential and 
outreach com- 

"It went real- 
ly well," says 
Caroline Byrd, 
volunteer coordi- 
nator at Sasha 
Bruce. "The stu- 
dents seemed really 
enthusiastic. Most 
groups are a one-time 
only, butToby was inter- 
ested in coming back." 

Though Byrd says the 
organization usually works 
with smaller groups — there 
were 40 with Jenkins — there was 
enough work to accommodate the 
larger number. For Jenkins, this is one 
of the hardest parts of her project: 
finding organizations that have the 
staff, needs and time to work with 
large groups. She is trying to find a 
way to break her project into smaller 

"This semester we want to work 
more with people," says Jenkins. 

The March project is a trip for area 
middle schoolers to see African drum- 
ming at the new Clarice Smith 
Performing Arts Center, followed by a 
pizza party at Nyumburu. Jenkins is 
collaborating with a campus mentor- 
ship program that works with students 
from several Prince George's County 
schools. She is hoping for a three stu- 
dents to one volunteer ratio. 

For spring break, Jenkins is planning 
to take 10 Jewish middle school stu- 
dents and 10 black middle school stu- 
dents to Mem phis. The idea is to show 
the history of each group and how 
they collaborated on civil rights issues. 

The desire to work with, and for, 
people is what brought Jenkins to the 
university as a full-time employee. 

Using her journalism/mass communi- 
cations/public relations bachelor's 
degree from the University of South 
Carolina, Jenkins worked as a 
spokesperson for Oscar Meyer and 
then an event planner for Coca-Cola. 

"They were great jobs and I was 
making good money," she says, sitting 
in her small office, decorated with a 
small Weinermobile, Coca-Cola memo- 
rabilia and Delta Sigma Theta paraphre- 
nalia."But I wasn't happy So I asked 
myself, when was I the most happy? It 
was when I was a student, working for 
student organizations for free," 

So she switched her focus, came to 
Maryland as a graduate student study- 
ing college student personnel adminis- 
tration and worked part time in 
Nyumburu. Her efforts turned into a 
full-time job upon graduation last May. 

"I have had minimal supervision of 
her," remarks Ron Zeigler, interim 

director of Nyumburu since last May 
"She pretty much creates her own ini- 

Because the center functioned with 
only two full-time staff members for a 
time, Zeigler says that community and 
campus outreach efforts weren't as 
formal as they have become. With the 
addition of Jenkins and Clayton 
Walton, coordinator of student involve- 
ment and leadership, a whole host of 
ventures are "in the pipeline," says 

Jenkins has high hopes for her Joint 
Service Project. By structuring an edu- 
cational session before volunteers get 
started and a reflection period when 
it's over, she hopes participants see 
these opportunities as more than just a 
one-shot feel-good activity. 

"Students will begin to see the link 
between their studies and the commu- 
nity. That being a good citizen means 
being educated and having it in you to 
share your knowlege." 

The RuleSy They are a-Changin' 

New borrowing policies are now in effect for the campus, with special 
rules for faculty and staff. 
Some of the policies that specifically affect faculty and staff: 

• Faculty may borrow noncirculating or restricted materials in some 
cases, with permission from the unit, 
department or branch library where 
the material is located is required. If 
permission is granted, the fine rules for 
reserve room materials apply if the 
item is returned after the specified 
loan period. 

• Faculty and staff may keep a bor- 
rowed item for a year roughly to a 
specified date in the same semester of 
the next year. The exception is material ' 
borrowed from the White Memorial 
(Chemistry) Library which has a shorter loan period. 

• Faculty and staff are not charged fines on normal overdue items. They 
are charged for overdue recalled items. They are also charged for lost and 
damaged items and a denial of use fee. 

More general changes: 

• The charge for a lost book has been set at $205. If a replacement copy 
is provided by the patron, the charge will be $35- 

• Faculty members may obtain separate borrowers cards for official use 
by their assistants; however, the faculty member is responsible for all items 
borrowed on these cards, which may be obtained by inquiring at McKeldin 

The full text of the new document, "Borrowing from University of Mary- 
land Ijbraries," is available in print from McKeldin Circulation and on die 
Web at Questions about cir- 
culation policies may also be addressed to Terry Sayler, Access Service 
Manager, at (301) 405-9177 or via e-mail at 

Kirwan Prize Nominees Sought 

Dr. William Destler is seeking nominations of faculty members 
for the Kirwan Faculty Research and Scholarship Prize. 
The deadline has been extended to Wednesday, Feb. 28. 

For more information, contact E.Weingaertner at 
(301) 405-4175 or ewemgaettner@ujnresearch. 

There's No Place 
Like a College Park Home 

For several years, the university has been participating with the City of 
College Park and the Maryland Department of Housing and Community 
Development to offer employees financial assistance in purchasing a 
home within the City of College Park. The program, called live Near Your 
Work, is part of Maryland's Neighborhood Conservation and Smart 
GrowUi Initiative aimed at strengthening local communities, 

lite Live Near Your Work Program provides a S3, 000 cash grant to uni- 
versity employees who purchase a home within the city. The university, 
the city of College Park and the state share in the cost of this grant. This 
grant can be used for a down payment and/or closing cost assistance 
toward to purchase of a home in targeted neighborhoods. 

Dick Bosstick, the Assistant Director of Benefits, coordinates the pro- 
gram in conjunction with die city's Planning Department. Bosstick indi- 
cated that the university, College Park and The Washington Post are the 
three major employers that participate in this program. 
However, die program is 
expanding, University of 
Maryland, University 
c lollege and Trigen, a utit 
ity company in contract 
with the university, have 
agreed to participate, 
Bosstick said tliat the city 
has issued a total of 33 
grants through this pro- 
gram and 27 of these grants 
have been given to College 
Park campus employees. 
Grants arc still available for 
the current fiscal year 

More information concerning this program, as well as all necessary 
application forms, can be found on the Campus Benefits office web page 
at www. personnel,'[icfits/beiiefits20O I / n i. or cult 
Bosstick In the Benefits Office at (301) -105-5651. ihe contact with the 
City of College Park is Dorothy Freklman,(301) 277-3 

February 20, 2001 

Providing a Link for Latin American Students 


'In a world that is dominated in Large meas- 
ure by the communications revolution, 
sound journalistic values and capabilities arc 
more important than ever, The purpose of 
this gift is to help the College of Journalism 
at the University of Maryland achieve its goal 
of being the very best in the nation." 
—Phillip Merrill, publisher of Washington 
tan magazine and Annapolis Capital news- 
paper, reflects on why be provided the uni- 
versity with one of its great monetary gifts, 
$10 million to tbe College offoumalism. 
(Annapolis Capital, Feb. 9) 

"It's really sad the whole thing is going to 
end Monday. Are we going to be happy it 
lands or are we going to cry? 1 don't know." 
— Lucy McFadden, associate faculty 
researcher in the department of astronomy, 
watched history made Feb, 12 as a member 
of the Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous 
(NEAR) Shoemaker research team. 
McFadden and cohorts successfully landed 
a spacecraft on an asteroid 196,000,000 
miles from earth after years of work. 
(, Feb. 12) 

"Black Americans, and black women in par- 
ticular, are not well-represented in graduate 
education; in mathematics, their numbers are 
particularly dismal. Out of 1,085 math Ph.D.'s 
conferred nationally in 1999, only 10 went 
to black Americans. Of those 10, six were 
women. In 1998, seven of 12 were women. 
All told. African Americans typically receive 
just 0.5 percent of all math Ph.D.'s awarded 
each year, and for a decade now, the number 
of black Ph.D.'s has stagnated." 
— In a feature story on the unprecedented 
graduation of three black women math 
Ph.D.'s from Maryland in December, the 
Chronicle of Higher Education underlines 
the unique feat by reviewing the quantita- 
tive failure of universities to attract African 
Americans to mathematics. (Feb. 16) 

"To justify their broadside against Maryland's 
higher education governance system, the 
authors imply Maryland's public higher edu- 
cation institutions are inferior to those in 
neighboring states despite higher funding 
levels. Nothing could be further from the 

— William Destler, vice president for 
research and dean of graduate studies, 
replies to a Baltimore Sun opinion/editorial 
piece that downgraded Maryland higher 
education efforts because of tbe system 
under which tbey were accomplished. 
Destler points out Maryland has two 
American Association of University institu- 
tions, Virginia one. And tbe authors missed 
tbe obvious: Tbe university bos become 
one of tbe nation's elite public research 
universities. (Feb. 12) 

"1 was trying to think of the most offensive 
show of the '50s, something to show that TV 
in the '50s wasn't all golden age and that it 
had some things that might be considered 
just as offensive as Springer or (Howard) 

— Douglas Gomery, professor of journalism 
and film/television expert, was co-curator 
of a National Gallery of Art film and lec- 
ture series, "TV Before Video: Television 
Preservation at tbe Library of Congress." 
Gomery 's selection as television evil com- 
parable to today's reality TV. Queen for a 
Day. This is harsh judgement, surety, for 
something our mothers and grandmothers 
might have watched. Or is it? (The 
Washington Post, Feb. 10) 

fiTu hablas espanol? 
Fluency in languages is an 
advantage in today's job market, 
for non- and native speakers 
alike. And with the Latino 
community growing so 
quickly in this country, it 
is important to under- 
stand not only their Ian* 
guage, but their culture 
as well. 

Carmen Roman, a 
joint professor in die 
Spanish and 
Portuguese and Latin 
American Studies 
departments, realized 
that one of the best 
ways to foster under- 
standing is to start 
encouraging first genera- 
tion Latin Americans to 
attend college. 

Being a first generation 
Latin American herself, Roman 
knows the Issues these students 
face when attending college. She 
started the Community Outreach 
Program in association with the 
two departments. This program 
supports the Latino student popu- 
lation at the university. Currendy, 
46 students are involved. 

"The [latino] population is 6 
percent and growing at Maryland. 
There is always friction when a 
new minority group comes in," 
said Roman, meaning that it is an 
adjustment for Latino students and 

Carmen Roman 

the greater university population. 

To recruit students into the pro- 
gram, she visits high school Latino 
groups and Spanish classes. Once 
the students are accepted to the 
university, the real work begins. 
"My job is part counselor, part 
advisor, part mentor and part 
cheerleader," said Roman. 

One of the main problems she 
encounters is with the parents, 
who often speak little or no 
English. Imagine, for example, 
the difficulty of the financial 
L aid application and process 
when there is a language 

"Since the families are 
not acquainted with high- 
er education, I keep 
them informed as to 
what is happening here," 
Roman said."This makes 
the family feel comfort- 
able knowing that there 
is someone here to give 
| their student] a lecture if 
they arc not pulling their 
weight, and a hug to 
applaud their success." 
Roman also tries to 
instill good time management 
and study techniques in her stu- 
dents. She acts as an intermediary 
between students and faculty, 
helps find internship opportunities 
and tracks each student's progress 
to ensure timely graduation. 
The Community Outreach 
Program has been successful with 
a 98 percent graduation rate. 
Roman, who has taught lower 
level and conversational Spanish, 
decided not to teach this semester 
so that she can dedicate all her 
time to the program. 

— Megan Holmes 

TransAfrica's Randall Robinson Makes 
a Case for Reparations 

Randall Robinson, founder 
and president ofTransAfrica, 
will give a talk tided "The 
Debt: What America Owes Blacks" 
on Thursday, Feb. 22 at 7:30 pm in 

Randall Robinson 

the Multipurpose Room of the 
Nyumburu Cultural Center. The lec- 
ture is sponsored by the University 
of Maryland's Committee on Africa 

and the Americas. 

A widely known advocate for 
human rights and democracy, 
Robinson will address the issue of 
black reparations, a public policy 
initiative pushed 
by an increasing 
number of ana- 
lysts who argue 
that reparations 
are a necessary 
remedy for the 
continuing con- 
sequences of 

Suggesting that 
programs like 
affirmative action 
are more of a 
"palliative'' than a 
Robinson makes 
the case that 
only reparations 
can begin to 
Americans for 
the economic 
they have suf- 
fered as a result 
of slavery and 
racial segrega- 
Robinson's talk builds upon the 
fall lecture by Judge Dumisa 
Ntsebeza on racial reconciliation in 
South Africa, suggesting that the 

issue of reparations is of vital 
importance to formerly colonized 
black populations throughout the 

Robinson has worked on behalf 
of black people internationally. He 
is considered to be the American 
most responsible for helping end 
apartheid and bringing about dem- 
ocratic elections in South Africa. 
After Robinson was jailed because 
of a protest he led at the South 
African Embassy, the Congressional 
Black Caucus launched a campaign 
against U.S. policy in South Africa 
that grew into a nationwide move- 
ment to boycott South Africa and 
eventually help end apartheid. 
More recently, Robinson went on a 
hunger strike to force the Clinton 
administration to change its poli- 
cies toward Haiti. 

The lecture is part of the 
Committee on Africa and the 
Americas' yearlong program tided 
"Resistance and Social Justice in 
Africa and the Diaspora." The 
Committee is a joint project of the 
College of Arts and Humanities and 
the College of Behavioral and Social 
Sciences. It combines an informal 
cluster of courses drawn from sev- 
eral departments in different col- 
leges and a series of extracurricular 
events designed to complement 
student's classroom study. 

A reception will follow the lec- 
ture. For more information, call 
(30 1) 405-O835. 

SPECIAL ALERT: The Northeast Quadrant Is Where You'll Really Feel the Pinch 

efore you even consider traveling from Point A to Point B, particularly 
in the Northeast Quadrant from March to August as Paint Branch 
Drive is realigned and widened, visit the OUCH! Web site at for the latest on construction updates. Bookmark the site 

and check it often. 
When you're feeling most , put on those rose-colored glasses you 

keep handy for such occasions and visualize THE BIG PICTURE 


Community Forums will be held throughout the academic year. 
It's your chance to ask questions and get answers from those in 
the know about construction and disruptions. 

TIME: Wednesdays, 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. 

PLACE: Physics Lecture Hall (Room 1412), Physics Building 

DATES: Feb. 21 Apr. 18 

Mar. 28 May 16 

Look too for 
•Periodic OUCH! ALERTS like this in Outlook and the Diamondback 
•Postings in FYI Digest (also available on the Web) 
•OUCH! ALERT signage to help steer your course on campus 

Marytand is building on its tradition of 


Turn inside for the low-down on current construction 
projects in the Northeast Quadrant of campus. 

A flurry of construction activity in the Northeast 

Quadrant (see map) is part of the university's biggest 
construction boom since the '50s. The number at the 
beginning of die project name refers to its location on 
the Northeast Quadrant Map. 

© Paint Branch Drive Realignment and Widening 

March 2001-August 200 1 

Tbe long overdue realignment will eliminate the dog-leg In this heavi- 
ly traveled road and widening of Paint Branch Drive from Rte. 193 to 
Regents Drive North will ease congestion and accommodate heavier 
traffic volumes. In addition, a concurrent Maryland Sate Highway 
Administration project will help improve University Boulevard (Md. 
Rte. 193) traffic in the area of Metzorott Road For example, two 
green arrow turning lanes equipped with traffic-sensing devices will 
help regulate traffic onto campus. In addition, curbs, gutters, side- 
walks and bike lanes will be added to the length of the road. 

However, before the road improvements are completed in August, 
your best bet is to find an alternate route during periods of construc- 
tion. Paint Branch Drive roadwork will extend from just beyond the 
bridge over Campus Creek (north of the Ag/Life Sciences Surge 
Building) to and including the intersection with University Boulevard. 
From the beginning of construction, traffic flow will be limited. At 
times, traffic will be stopped as construction workers maneuver 
heavy equipment, fill and other materials associated with roadwork. 
During the months of June and July, the road between the bridge at 
Campus Creek and Chesapeake Building will be closed to traffic. 
The project will be constructed in three phases: 
Phase I: March/July— Realign and widen the northern section 
from Chesapeake Building to Rte. 193 

Phase II: June/ mid-July — Widen roadway between Chesapeake 
and the new section of Regents Drive 

Phase III: mid-July/early August— Lay top coat of paving in off- 
peak hours 
Disruptions: During Phase I, two-way traffic will be maintained, but 
it's apt to be slow going During Phase II, Paint Branch Drive will be 
closed from Chesapeake to new section of Regents Drive at Lot 1 1 . 
Parking Impact: Limited access to Lots 1 1 and 4. 

© Comcast Center 
Opening 2002 

The new arena will boast roomier seating for more than 17,000 proud 
spectators, dedicated seating for the disabled, convenient parking for 
6.000 cars and easy access to and from campus. Among the arena's 
features are an academic support and career development center, 
wrestling and weight-training rooms for other collegiate sports and a 
large practice gym. But the best feature of all: air conditioning! 
Disruptions: The primary construction entrance eliminated the existing 
pull-in parking courier/meter spaces on Regents Drive in front of the 
Chesapeake Building. The associated road work to widen and realign 
Paint Branch Drive will start in March, causing further traffic delays. 
Parking Impact: Continued closure of much of Lot 4B. 

© Parking Garage 4 

Completion August 2001 

Construction of a 1.180-space garage adjacent to the Comcast 
Center began last October Designed primarily for student parking, 
it's slated to open in August 2001 It will be primarily available on a 
first-come, first-served basis in accordance with established com- 
muter student parking guidelines. In fall 2002, it will continue to 
serve commuters. 
Disruptions: None anticipated. 

© Pedestrian Bridge from PG4 to Campus Recreation Center 

Completion August 200 1 

The well-lit pedestrian bridge, equipped with emergency blue light 
phones and surveillance cameras, will permit safe and easy travel 
between PG4 and the Campus Recreation Center/La Plata Beach area 
of campus. 
Disruptions: None anticipated. 

© Chemistry Teaching Building 

Opening 2002 

The building will serve programs of the College of Life Sciences and 

the Department of Chemistry. One wing of the existing building will 

be replaced by a new wing that will include teaching labs, offices 

and research space. Nearby, a Satellite Central Utility Building 

(SCUB) will include equipment to heat and cool the new wing, with 

connections to the existing Chemistry Building. 

Disruptions: For those in the immediate vicinity, noise, dust and 

vibrations will be the primary disruptions. 

+ A 24-hr. Webcam, updated every 30 seconds, offers an up-close 
look at the demolition of the wing. Chech it out on the OUCH! 
Web site: 

©North Campus Satellite Central Utility Building (SCUB) 

Completion April 2002 

A Satellite Central Utility Building ISCUB) will include equipment to 

cool facilities in this area of campus. 

Disruptions: Expect road/lane closures in the vicinity of Stadium Drive. 
Parking Impact: The construction site has resulted in the loss of 
approximately half of the parking spaces in Lot T 

© Computer Science Instructional Center 

Completion June 2002 

This addition to the A.V. Williams Building will provide instructional 
space for the Department of Computer Science. It will contain one 
125-seat lecture hall, two 90-seat classrooms, seven midsize class- 
rooms, a WAM lab and support space 

Parking Impact: The construction site has resulted in the loss of 
approximately 130 parking spaces and the internal realignment of 
traffic within lots G1 and G2. 

© Stamp Student Union Renovation 

Completion June 2002 

When the renovation is complete, improvements include a two-story 
bookstore, additional office space for student organizations, new 
conference and meeting facilities, a restaurant overlooking campus, 
a game center featuring bowling, billiards and video games and a 

While all of these initiatives represent more of an 
OUCH! right now as we experience the disruptions 
and inconveniences associated with them... 

redefined atrium food court. Count on spruced-up Grand and Colony 
Ballrooms and the Hoff Theater in their familiar locales. 
Disruptions; Visitors to the union can expect noise and rerouting as 
the primary annoyances. 

© Research Greenhouse Complex 

Start July 2001 /Completion September 2002 

This 66,360 sq. ft. project will replace the antiquated Harrison Lab 

Facility (currently located on U.S. Route 1| and support research in 

plant science and related areas It will be built on the site of Parking 

Lot P northwest of Comcast Center. 

Parking Impact: To permit construction of the new greenhouse, 

parking lot P will be replaced by a new lot (same number) and an 

expansion of Lot P* 

® New Parking Lot P 

March start/Completion July 2001 

A 70-space replacement parking lot north of Chesapeake Building 
Parking Impact: New spaces will ease shortage Completion date 
will coincide with work on Paint Branch Drive. 

© Parking Lot P* Expansion 

Begin May/Completion July 2001 

Disruptions: None anticipated 

Parking impact: New spaces will ease shortage. Completion date 

will coincide with work on Paint Branch Drive. 

@ North Campus ICA Softball Field Replacement 

May 2001 '/April 2002 

The new facility will meet the requirements for NCAA's women's 

Softball. It will include a 1,200-seat stadium, lighted competition 

field, scoreboard, press box, batting cages, dugouts, restrooms, 

concession stands, storage and security fencing. Sounds like a field 

of dreams! 

Disruptions: None anticipated. 

Energy Project Utility Renewal 


While unseen, the utility infrastructure located underground has 
been aging dramatically. As a result, periodic repairs and improve- 
ments can no longer be expected to ensure adequate delivery of 
water, electricity, heat and air conditioning to meet our expanding 
energy needs. For that reason the university has initiated a program 
of renewal and modernization for the antiquated steam and high volt- 
age distribution systems. 

Trigen-Cinergy, our energy services contractor, will be installing 
new underground electrical cables, steam and chilled water (air con- 
ditioning) piping throughout campus. During the summer of 2001 the 
most significant disruption will be the closure of Stadium Drive from 
the intersection at Regents Drive to the western end of Parking Lot T 
to accommodate construction of new chilled water and other utilities 
needed by the Chemistry Teaching Building, 

Various campus vehicular and pedestrian thoroughfares will be 
closed for short periods of time and steel plates will be placed on 
roadways during the modernization process. These disruptions will 
be intermittent and short-lived in any one particular area, but likely to 
affect just about everyone on campus at one time or another. 

As work areas are known, the latest word will be found at the 
OUCH! Web site: 

Construction Under Way: Spring/Summer 2001 

(T) Paint Branch Drive Realignment and Widening 

@ Comcast Center 

(3) Parking Garage 4 

(*) Pedestrian Bridge 

@ Chemistry Teaching Building 

(§) North Campus Satellite Central Utility Building (SCUB) 

@ Computer Science Instructional Center 

@ Stamp Student Union Renovation 

(9) Research Greenhouse Complex 

® Parking Lot P 

Ql) Parking Lot P* Expansion 

@ ICA Softball Field Replacement 

...the big picture promises an even-better 
landscape in keeping with a national public 
research university that's on the rise. AHH 


We do take a lot (pun intended) for granted at this university, and one of the gritty issues 
that our construction boom surfaces is: Where will I park? Believe us, more thought and 
care has been given to this issue than perhaps any other. 

The university currently provides 18.50(1 parking spaces for 
faculty, staff and students. The guiding philosophy of the 

Department of Campus Parking has always been to provide 
reasonably convenient parking as space allows. At the moment 
however, our construction boom is putting a squeeze on that 
space for all concerned. 

The assignment of faculty and staff parking spaces is 
decentralized, handled by 140 parking coordinators in the 
administrative and academic units. Each unit designs its 
own system for prioritizing parking 
assigning spaces allocated to it. 
Student parking is based on class 
standing and campus residency. 

Parking spaces have been lost 
to new construction. But WAIT 
New parking spaces will replace 

them. In fact, the Department of Campus Parking — with 
the advice of the Campus Parking Advisory Council (CPAC) 
that is comprised of faculty, staff and students — is planning to 
ensure that parking spaces being lost will be replaced as two 
new garages are completed, one by fall 2001 and another the 
following academic year. 

Of more immediate concern are the parking spaces that 
will be temporarily lost due to construction staging areas, both 
on North Campus and South Campus, and this is where your 
patience may be tried. During this period, faculty and staff will 
have priority in reassignment to lots and spaces closest to their 
workplace, but it may require a longer walk to the office for 
some. Students will have to factor in the problems of scarcer 
and more distant parking in getting to class on time, Those 
who use Lot 4 and Lot 1 1 for parking will experience the 
most inconvenience during the construction of the new sports 
arena and the realignment of Paint Branch Drive on North 

But these inconveniences wiD be short-lived and seasonal, as 
plans go forward for replacement parking. The university also 
will be working on alternatives to on-campus parking, such as 
encouraging shuttle bus use, park-and-ride arrangements and 
incentives for car-pooling to ease these short-term problems. 

"^ V\(t'IUllllHl-.,l in lilt. ^u\v i .' VCUJ 

Each unit designs its 

^^ m ■ 1 


New parking garages: There's no easy way to say this: Yes, the 
fees. Did you know that each garage space costs $I2.UIIU to 
create? Those figures might help you appreciate how careful 
the administration has been in calculating parking fee increases 
for the next several years. First, increases have been spread over 
the longest possible time period to lessen the impact in any 
given year. Second, fees paid through payroll deduction will be 
taken out of pretax dollars. 

When pretax savings are taken into account, the 
actual dollar increase is much less. In the current 
year, for example, an employee who makes 
$25,000 a year and pays $9.51) per check in 

parking fees over 2d pay periods, 
the total pretax savings is S5K.00 
against the total $190.(11) fee. For 
someone making $50,000. the 
savings is $83.(10*. The tax savings 
for all will increase proportionately as the fees go up. 
*An individual'* u\ saving will vary depending upon status, county/city 
eftessdance, .mil other fattens 


As our population and facilities requirements grow, space does 
become a premium. As communicated at the first community 
forum in Fall '99 and in the OUCH! tabloid distributed in 
Outlook and the Diiwtoiidhick at the same time, the parking 
fees for next fiscal year are projected to be: 

Academic Resident Commuter Faculty/Staff 

Year Student Student Annual Per Check 

2001-2002 $191 




Fees for the following years will be determined as the cost for 
the new garage (currently planned for the south section of 
Lot 2) is finalized. All permit holders will be notified later this 
spring of the projected permit fees for future years. 

Be sure to weigh in with your ideas for encouraging 
car-pooling, using public transportation and 
other alternatives to relieve the temporary 
pain of traffic and parking problems 
'\ during our growth spurt, at 




Produird by Division nl" UnivL-rsity Relations 
Printed February 200 I /29M 


Author/Activist bell hooks Tells it Like She Sees it at Nyumburu Center 

Author/activist bell hooks takes 
issue with the idea thai black 
people can't love. 
Her new book, "Salvation: Black 
People and Love* shows how late 19th 
century racist ideas shape our under- 
standing of today's black experience, 
Appearing at Nyumburu Cultural Center 
last week, hooks read from her new 
book to a standing room-only crowd, 
hooks delivered rough, accusatory 
words that seemed to stand in contrast 
to her soft voice and open, friendly 
face. With a lone more corrective auntie 
than angry revolutionary, she acknow- 
ledged that yes, many black people still 
need to learn how to love — especially 
themselves — but as with anyone else, 
they are capable of doing so. 

She urged black people to start exer- 
cising more control of their images as a 
means to begin the self-love process. 
Using "Scary Movie" as an example, she 
asked why weren't there black people 
protesting the movie for a scene in 
which a black woman is attacked by 


whitc people in a suburban theater, 
whereas ail the other direatencd cr 
ters are killed by monsters. 

"How deep is that?" she asked rhetor- 

When it comes to black men, mascu- 
linity and love, books said with a wink 
ihm if men just followed "visionary fc 
inist theory," they would see that the 
masculinity is "divinely given." Thej 
wouldn't ted a need to assert them- 
selves using the "told death maseulir 
ty" example set out by most popular 

And she questioned society's con- 
demnation of young hoys who are : 
ally irresponsible 

"Now, my mother told me not to get 
up and say a t lung about Jesse Jackson, 
'cause I don't know him," she said, "but 
how can we expect 1 2-year-old black 
boys to t:ike responsibility for their lives?" 

hooks also addressed gay and inter- 
racial love, saying that since love is such 
a hard commodity to find, one should 
hold onto it in whatever form it comes. 

Author/activist bell hooks signs a copy of "Salvation: Black People and Love" 
for fan Dorothy Menelas at Nyumburu Cultural Center last week (right). Above, 
hooks reads from and discusses her new book with a standing room-only crowd. 


Professor Kyu Yong Choi of 

Chemical Engineering has 
been elected to membership 
in the Korean Academy of 
Science and Technology. This is 
in addition to his election to 
the National Academy of 
Engineering of Korea last year. 
This is a significant recognition 
and a tribute to Dr. Choi's 
research and scholarly accom- 

A team from the university's 
Center for Advanced 
Transportation Technology 

(CATT) was selected by U.S. 
Transportation Secretary 
Norman Mineta as one of nine 
Intelligent Transportation 

System (ITS) projects to 
receive a portion of $ 1 .665 
million dollars in funding. The 
other sites are: Delaware; 
Idaho; Greater Yellowstone, 
Montana; Reno/South Tahoe, 
Nevada; Portland, Oregon; 
Grand Forks, North Dakota; 
Port of New York/New Jersey 
and Houston, Texas. The CATT 
team will study the Greater 
Metro Capita] Region. 

The sites were selected 
from 93 sites that receive fund- 
ing from the ITS Integration 
Program. The nine sites were 
selected as the most promising 
for filling information gaps 
regarding the benefits and 
costs of emerging and existing 

ITS technologies and/or for 
documenting newer, successful 
ways of doing business. 

The evaluations are 
designed to increase the 
understanding of the benefits 
and impacts of deploying and 
integrating ITS infrastructure 
in metropolitan and rural set- 
tings. Independent consultants 
will perform all evaluations. 
Some evaluations will focus on 
obtaining system impact meas- 
urements, whereas others will 
focus on documenting lessons 
learned and providing qualita- 
tive information to others in 
the ITS arena to help ensure 
success of their projects. 

The CapWIN (Capital 
Wireless Integrated Network) 
project looks at the integration 
of transportation and public 
safety data and voice commu- 
nication systems in Maryland, 
the Commonwealth of Virginia 
and the District of Columbia. 
It is the first multi-state trans- 
portation and safety integrated 
wireless system in the U.S. The 
project seeks to improve com- 
munications between safety 
and transportation officials 

within the region to reduce 
secondary crashes, reduce 
response time to crash victims, 
and improve travel conditions 
for the general public. 

Three teams from the Clark 
School of Engineering have 
been selected for this year's 
Department of Defense (DoD) 
Mul tidiscip Unary University 
Research initiative (MURI) 
Awards. MURI is a highly com- 
petitive program designed to 
address large multidisciplinary 
topic areas representing excep- 
tional opportunities for future 
DoD applications and technol- 
ogy options. The average 
award will be $ 1 million per 
year over a three-year period; 
two additional years of funding 
will be possible as options to 
bring the total award to five 
years. The three projects are: 

Microwave Effects and 
Chaos in 21st Century 
Analog and Digital 
Electronics. There also is par- 
ticipation from Boise State 
University. The project is 
aimed at investigating the 

threats and opportunities asso- 
ciated with the introduction of 
microwave pulse energy into 
modern and future electronics. 

Mult iferroic Materials for 
Smart Structures and 
Devices. There also is partici- 
pation from University of 
Minnesota, University of Rhode 
Island and Cai State at 
Northridge. The project is 
aimed at identifying and 
enhancing the design and per- 
formance characterization of 
new classes of hybrid smart 
materials and developing 
enhancements to the use of 
such materials in macro-struc- 
tures capable of both actuation 
and sensing. 

Communicating Networked 
Control Systems. In this proj- 
ect, Boston University is prime 
and there is participation from 
UMCP, Harvard and the 
University of Illinois (Urbana). 
This project aims at develop- 
ing mathematical foundations 
to support the integration of 
control and communications 

February 20, 2001 

Investors Group Meets Again 

"Investing in the Internet Economy Today: Oppor- 
tunity or Disaster?" will be the topic at this month's 
Investors Group meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 21 , at 
noon. Alan M. Meckler, Chairman and CEO of Inter- Corporation, will be the featured speaker., based in New York City, is a leading 
provider of global real-time news and information 
about the Internet industry and also has two venture 
funds looking to make deals in the Internet world. operates a network of 97 Web sites, 
75 e-mail newsletters, 101 online discussion forums, 
and 75 moderated e-mail discussion lists with over 
two million unique visitors that generate more than 
170 mill kin page views monthly. 

The Investors Group is a no-fee, monthly open 
forum and is cosponsored by the Friends of the 
Libraries and the Department of Personnel Services. 
The program will be held in Room 4137, McKeldin 
Library. For furdier information, contact Jennifer 
Royall at (301) 314-5674. 

A Classic Experience 

The Department of Classics continues its spring 
2001 lecture series, "Domitian: Tyrant and Tyrannized " 
with a lecture by Ronald Mellor, Professor of History, 
University of California at Los Angeles, entitled "Ethnic 
Prejudice in Tacitus?" 

The lecture will be held on Monday, Feb. 26 at 3:30 
p.m. in 1 102Tydings Hall. A reception will follow in 
2407 Marie Mount Hall. For further information about 
this lecture and others in the series (March 8: 
Kathleen Coleman, Harvard University and April 30; 
Victoria Pagan, University of Wisconsin), contact the 
Department of Classics at (301) 405-2013 or 

Surf or Turf 

Bring your family and friends to the Golf Course 
Clubhouse tonight! The Golf Course is hosting a 
"Family Night" steak and salmon dinner from 5-8 p.m. 
The feast includes salad, a choice of grilled steak or 
salmon and dessert, all for $12.95 per person. 

The surf/turf extravaganza is going on every Tues- 
day evening through spring break. No reservations are 
required. For information, contact Nancy Loomis at 
(301) 403-4240 or at 

Spiff Up Your Image 

On Thursday. Feb. 22 from 6:30-8 p.m. the Alumni 
Association will sponsor a free seminar, "Professional 
Imaging," at the Campus Recreation Center. Represen- 
tatives from Nordstrom and Paul Mitchell will provide 
participants with the information to help them look 
their professional best. All arc welcome. 

For more information, contact I.latetra Brown, 
Director of Student Programs and Advocacy, at (301) 
403-2728 ext. 1 1 or, or visit 
Al u m niAc t io n/EventCal endar. html . 

Being WeU 

The Center for Health & Wellbeing is offering a 
series of health and wellness programs, including "The 
Diet Dilemma" on Wednesday, Feb. 21 from 5:306:30 
p.m. Low-fat, low-carb, high protein.. .What to believe? 
Come hear the latest research on the various fad diets. 

Acupuncture will be another topic of discussion 
on Wednesday, Feb. 21 from 12-1 p.m. Acupuncture is 
an alternative method of encouraging the body to 
promote natural healing. A hands-on demonstration 
will help participants discover whether it can work 
for them. 

Reflexology is a type of massage therapy that tar- 
gets the feet to promote relaxation and healing. On 
Thursday, Feb. 22 from 5:306:30 p.m., this method 
will be presented at a hands-on demonstration. 

All programs will be held at the Center for Health 
& WeHbeing, Room 0121 Campus Recreation Center. 
For information or to register, call (301) 314-1493 or 

Amsterdam Loeki Stardust Quartet 

Recorder Ensemble Delights & Delivers Unconventional Program 

The Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center's Maryland Presents series presents the Amsterdam Loeki 
Stardust Quartet at The Inn and Conference Center, University of Maryland University College, Adelphi 
Road and University Boulevard, College Park on Sunday, March 4 at 7:30 pm. Their program, "Day in 4," is 
a blend of the classical "con- 
sort" and the contemporary 
quartet. A pre-concert dis- 
cussion with the artists will 
take place from 6-7 pm, mod- 
erated by WETA's Robert 
Aubry Davis. 

Although one often thinks 
of the recorder as an instru- 
ment reluctantly played and 
enthusiastically abandoned 
in elementary school, in the 
hands of this talented ensem- 
ble— Daniel Brueggen, 
Bertho Driever, Paul 
Leenhouts, and Karel van 
Steenhoven — the recorder is 
elevated to new status as a 
versatile instrument. The four 
musicians create diverse 
musical programs that range 
from "Pink Panther" to 
Purcell, with even a little 
Stevie Wonder thrown in. 

Tickets are $20 regular 

admission; $18 for seniors and $5 for full-time students with proof of student status. For more in formal im 
or to order tickets, please contact the Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center Ticket Office at (301) 405- 
7847 or visit the Web site at www.claricesmithcenter. 

The Amsterdam Loeki Stardust Quartet will perform their vlrtuosic pro- 
gram "Day In Four" at the Inn and Conference Center on March 4. 

Black History Month Events 

February 1-28 

8 a.m.-6 p.m., African American 
Heritage Book Fair. All African 
American Heritage related titles in 
stock at the University Book Cen- 
ter will be discounted 20%. Uni- 
versity Book Center. Call 4-7846. 

February 20, 27 

6:30 p.m.,"SANKOFA Film Festi- 
val." Black film festival. Feb. 20: 
"Watermelon Woman." Feb. 27: a 
series of shorts from around the 
world on the theme of "Expand- 
ing the Diaspora." II 40 Plant 
Sciences. Call 5-9253- 

February 20-22 

68p.m., "Quildng Workshop." 
[.earn to quilt. Limited to 20 per- 
sons. Nyumburu Cultural Center. 
Contact Anne Carsewell, 4-7759. 

February 20 

3-5 p.m. ."Fourth Annual 
Celebration of African Americans 
in the Information Professions." 
Designed to publicize the leader- 
ship roles of African American 
information professionals. Caria 
Hayden, Executive Director of the 
Enoch Pratt Free Library and 
University of Maryland Professor 
is the guest speaker. Sponsored by 
the College of information 
Studies. Nyumburu Cultural 
Center, Multipurpose Room. 
Contact Bill Wilson at 5-2048. 

February 21 

3-5 pm. ."Black History: A 
Celebration of Cultural Diversity." 
Students, faculty and staff will 
share artifacts, food, music and 
anecdotes from their culture. 
Sponsored by the Office of Multi- 
Ethnic Education. 1101 Hornbake 
Library. For information, contact 
Pat Thomas at 5-5616. 

5:30-7 p.m. ."Tribute to Blacks in 
Business and Engineering." A 
panel discussion featuring profes- 
sional businesspersons and engi- 
neers. Sponsored by Black 
Engineers Society and Black 
Business Association. 2309 Art- 
Sociology Building. Contact 
Veronica Davis at (301) 233-001 1. 

7-8 p.m., Office of Campus Pro- 
grams presents -ISMS Series: 
"Racism's effect on the Black 
Community." 1 137 Stamp Union. 

February 22 

Time TBA, "Chickenhead 
Convention ."presented by Iota 
Phi Theta. Nyumburu Cultural 
Center. Call Raymond Braxton at 
(301) 864-4477. 

4 p.m., Lecture:"Do Women and 
Minorities l^arn Physics Differ- 
endy?" April Flodari presents a 
lecture and discussion on her re- 
search. Sponsored by the Depart- 
ment of Physics. 1 304 Physics. 
Contact Hannah Wong at 5-5945. 

4-6 p.m., "Annual Black Cultural 
Dinner," South Campus Dining 
Hall. Contact the Nyumburu 
Cultural Center at 4-7759- 

4:30-7 p.m., "Black History Month 
Dinner." A celebration featuring 
food and entertainment from the 
African Diaspora. Sponsored by 
Dining Services. South Campus 
Dining Hall & the Diner. Contact 
Patricia Higgins at 4-8054. 

67 p.m., Quilting Display and 
Reception, Nyumburu Cultural 
Center. For information, contact 
Anne Carswell at 4-7759- 

7:30 p.m., "The Debt: What Ameri- 
ca Owes Blacks." Lecture featuring 
writer and political activist Rand- 
all Robinson. Sponsored by Africa 
and the Americas Committee. 
Multipurpose Room, Nyumburu 
Cultural Center. Contact Anthony 
Blasingamc at 5-6835. 

February 28 

2-5 p.m. .Film and discussion: 
"Tutu and Franklin: A Journey 
Towards Peace." Award- winning 
broadcast journalist Renee Pous- 
saint will introduce her latest 
documentary on racial reconcilia- 
tion and leadership and answer 
questions. Sponsored by the 
Academy of Leadership and the 
College Park Scholars. Nyumburu 
Cultural Center multipurpose 
room. Contact Marie Cini at 