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Page 6 


Putting It 
All Together 

Thornton Pours 
Talents Into 
Television Show 

The idea: one journalist on 
eacli show ■with a half- 
hour conversation. 
It was a vision that journalism 
professor Lee Thornton wanted 
to bring to UMTV and last 
semester she did so, taping 
eight episodes of "Front and 
Center" featuring prominent 

Lee Thornton 

area journalists. 

Although Thornton, who 
holds the Richard Eaton Chair 
in Broadcast Journalism, has 
been at the university since 
1 996, she said her first priority 

See THORNTON, page 5 

Culture, Friends and Learning 

Hope Chinese School at College Park 


Janet He, a senior systems engineer witli UMEACS, worlts with her son, Andrew Hu, on his Chinese 
homeworlc. The 7 -year-old attends Hope Chinese Schooi held in Jimenez HatI on Sundays. 

On Sunday, the Juan 
Ramon Jimenez 
building buzzes 
with activity as students take 
language, dance, math and 
drawing classes. 

The Hope Chinese School 
at College ParkCHCSCP) 
offers ^lilies an opportuni- 
ty to teach their children the 
culture and traditions many 
Chinese young people may 
lose by being raised in the 

United States. Since the 
opening of the country's 
doors Iti the 1980s, many 
came to America universities 
to pursue, further education- 
al advances. 

"Many came vrith their 
children, but the cliildren 
learned to speak En^sh, and 
forgot Chinese," explains 
Janet He, a senior systems 
engineer vrith UMIACS and 
the principal for Hope Chi- 

nese School at College Park. 
A group of students got 
together in June 1993 and 
established Hope Chinese 
School in Auguest that year. 
They started with ,^3 stu- 
dents. "That fell, enrollment 
went up to 96, mostly chil- 
dren of miiversity students, 
feculty and staff." 

Ms. He said the imiversi- 

See HOPE SCHOOL, page 7 

School of Music Enjoy Sy 
Often BestSy its Competition 


a tie Nicely and Lois 
Ash can usually tell 
when the universi- 
ty's moved up on a 
prospective student's list of 
schools. The moment comes 
when the individual walks into 
the front lobby of the Clarice 
Smith Performing Arts Center 

"They look up and all aroimd 
and their eyes get wide," says 
Ash, assistant director of admis- 
sions for the School of Music. 

The school's applications 
jumped from 356 in 1996 to 
846 this year. Undergraduate 
and graduate student enroll- 
ment was up to 532 last year, 
from 318 in 1996. Ash's posi- 
tion was created in September 
to help handle the latter 
demand. Nicely, director of 
admissions, says the increased 
interest is due to a number of 
factors; not the least of which 
are the caliber of instructors 
and the music's new home in 

tlie center When Maryland 
makes the list with other highly 
regarded programs such as Bal- 
timore's Peabody Institute or 
even New York's femous JuU- 
liard School, it is a reason to 
toot one's own horn. 

"[First] there's the liaculty 
they're going to study with," says 
Nicely. "Our faculty members are 
renowned musiclatis in their 
own right.' Prime examples of 
the more than 100 instructors 
Include Chris Gekker, who 
plays the trumpet heard during 
the recognizable opening score 
of ABC's"Nighdine,"and saxp- 
phonist Chris Vadala, director of 
jazz studies. Vadala is consid- 
ered one of the country's top 
woodwind artists. Then there's 
the adjunct fiiculty. 

"The trombone section of 
the National Symphony Orches- 
tra serves as adjuncts," lists 

See MUSIC, page 7 

Going Mobile at Maryland: 
Wirelesss Access Networks 

No cords, cables, or data 
lines are needed for university 
computer users to access the 
extensive data network at 
Maryland. Since last summer, 
the Office of Information 
Technology has been deploy- 
ing wireless data network 
access throughout the cam- 

No longer are users locked 
into waiting for available com- 
puters at labs. Faculty and 
staff, as well as students, can 
now check their e-mail on 
their laptop while eating 
lunch on Hombake Mall. 

Through the wireless local 
area network, coined Mobile 
at Maryland CMAM), users will 
have the functionality of tradi- 
tional networks without the 
physical constraints of wires. 
MAM can help provide 
increasingly mobile students 
and faculty with easy and con- 
sistent access to the Internet 
and the university network 

with maximum flexibility. 

"Once you get used to it, 
you don't want to use any- 
thing else," said Leali Gold- 
man, a network engineer, who 
routinely surfs the Web 
through her personal digital 

To access the network, 
Goldman, who helped design 
and deploy MAM, said univer- 
sity computer users only need 
to purchase a wireless card 
and register the card at the 
Office of Information Technol- 
ogy (OIT). Prospective wire- 
less users can either register 
by calling the OIT Computer 
Help Desk or on-line at the 
MAM Web site. Wireless cards 
can be found at any electron- 
ics store like Best Buy or Cir- 
cuit City, and they cost around 

Many of the university's 
buildings are equipped with 

See WIRELESS, page 5 

USM Board 
of Regents 
Names Interim 

Nathan A. Chapman, 
Jr, chairman of the 
University System of 
Maryland GJSM) Board of 
Regents, announced the 
appointment of Joseph E 
Vivona as interim USM chan- 
cellor effective May 1 . 
Vivona, currently the USM's 
vice chancellor for adminis- 
tration and finance, will suc- 
ceed Donald N. Langenbci^, 
who will retire as chancellor 
on April 30. Vivona will serve 
as interim chancellor until 
Langen berg's permanent suc- 
cessor takes office. 

"Joe Vivona is an invalu- 
able member of the USM 
management team and has 
earned the respect of the 
regents, the presidents, and 
state leaders in Annapolis," 
said Chapman. "We are fortu- 
nate to have someone with 
his experience and abUity to 
lead the system during this 
transition period." 

"I'm delighted at the 
opportunity to serve the sys- 
tem as interim chancellor," 
said Vivona."! look forward 
Eo working with my col- 
leagues in this new role. With 
their help, the USM will con- 
tinue on the course set by 
Don Langenbeig." 

Vivona stated that he 
would not be a candidate for 
the position of chancellor, 
which is the subject of a 
nationwide search.A search 
and screening committee is 
reviewing candidates for the 
position and will forward 
three to five names to the 
full board for its considera- 
tion. The board has indicated 
that a new chancellor should 
be in place by Sept. 1, the 
beginning of the new aca- 
demic year. 

Vivona, 50, was appointed 
vice chancellor for adminis- 
tration and finance in 1996 
after having served as the 
chief financial officer of the 
U.S. Department of Energy 
(DOE). Prior to his DOE serv- 
ice,Vivona was the deputy 
budget director and deputy 
comptroller for the state of 
New Jersey. He was also a 
vice chancellor at the City 
Utiiversity of New York, and 
an assistant commissioner for 
the New Jersey Department 
of Human Services. 

Vivona earned his bache- 
lor's degree from St. John's 
umversity and did his gradu- 
ate woric at New York Univer- 

See CHANCELLOR, page 7 

PEBHUARY 19, 2002 



february 19 

12:30-1:45 p.m., Works-In- 
Prog ress Series: Founda- 
tions for Music in 15th- 
Centurv Ghent With Barbara 
Haggh-Huglo, School of Music. 
Taliaferro Hall, Room 0135. 
Contact Karen Nebon at 
5-6830 or knl5@uniaU.umd. 
edu, or visit www.inform.umd. 

7 p.m., Chinese Film Series: 
Eat Drink Man Woman Ba.sC' 
ment.St. Mary's HaU, Directed 
by Ang Lee; this film is subti- 
ded in English. The screening 
is free and light refreshments 
will be served. For more infor- 
mation, visit www.inform.umd. 

7:30 p.m.. Problem Child 

Kogod Studio Theatre, Clarice 
Smith Performing Arts Center. 
A comedy of razor-edged humor 
Contains adult themes and lan- 
guage. Tickets are $ 1 3. For 
more information, call (301) 
405-ARTS or visit www. 


february 20 

9:30-11:30 a.m.. Depart- 
ment of Environmental 
Safety Laboratory Safety 
Orientation 4103 Chesapeake 
Bldg. The training is offered to 
assure regulatory compliance. 
Space is limited. Contact 
Jcanette Cartronat 5-2131 or to 
reserve a seat. 

11 a.m. -12 p.m.. The State, 
Conflict Resolution, and 
Democratic Rule in Latin 
America Multipurpose Room, 
St. Mary's Hall. The Latin Ameri- 
can Studies Center and the 
Department of Sociology spon- 
sor a presentation by Fernando 
Lopez-Alves, research fellow at 
the Center of International 
Studies at Princeton University 
and associate professor of 
Political Science at the Univer- 
sity of California at Santa Bar- 
bara. For more information, 
contact Tanya Huntington at 5- 
8933 or 

2:15-4:15 p.m.. Mentor & 
Mentee Training Workshop 

421 or Hombake Ubrary.With 
David James, dean of Degree/ 
Extenstion Centers and Special 
Programs, Prince George's 
Community College and Presi- 

WG N3VG 3 


Forty-six members of 
t)ie campus tommuni- 
ty responded to !ast 
week's mystery photo con- 
test. Most guessed corcectly; 
the windows of the Reckord 
Armory reflected on its floor. 
A few guessed Preinkert 
Gym. Some went into great 
detail, even giving approxi- 
mate time of day. One 
guessed correctly, but refer- 
enced "the photo in the Dia- 
mondback," Alas, only one 
could be drawn to claim the 

Deirdre Francis, assistant 
to the dean for the Office of 
i Contmuing and Extended 
Education, come on down to 
the Turner Building and 
claim your free double-scoop 
ice cream cone! Call Monette 
A. Bailey at (301) 405-4629 to 
set up a time. 

Look for another photo in 
next week's issue of Outlook. 

dent of the National Mentoring 
Association. For more informa- 
tion, call Dottie Bass at 5-5618. 

3:30-5 p.m.. Lecture by the 
Brazilian Ambassador Multi- 
purpose Room, St, Marys HaU. 
The Brazilian Ambassador, His 
Excellency Rubens A. Barbosa, 
will speak on "Brazil and the 
U.S. in an Interdependent 
World:WTO,FrAA,and Bilater- 
al Relations." A question-and- 
answer session will follow. For 
more information, contact 
Lucie Covey at 5-8535 or 

7:30 p.m.. Problem Child 

Kogod Studio Theatre, Clarice 
Smith Performing Arts Center. 
See Feb. 19.* 

8 p.m., Electro-Acoustic 
Music: The Continuing 
Tradition of Music on Tape 

Gildenhorn Recital Hall, 
Clarice Smith Performing Arts 
Center. See page 3- 

8 p.m.. University of Mary- 
land Symphony Orchestra 

Concert Hall, Clarice Smith 
Performing Arts Center Buck- 
ner's 5tli Symphony paired 
with the worid premiere of 
"From Dawn to Dawn" by fac- 
ulty composer Lawrence Moss. 
James Ross conducts. Call 
(301) 405-ARTS or visit www. 
claricesmithcenter imid . edu . 

february 21 

11:30 a.m.. Art Department 
Lecture Series West Gallery, 
Art-Sociology Buildir^.John 
Beardsley, Curator and authori- 
ty on outsider art, will speak 
on African American yard in- 
stallations in the U.S. South. For 
more information, call 5-2763- 

3-5 p.m., rrv Satellite 
Course: Women in Engi- 
neering: It's a Materials 
World Instructional Television 
Engineering. A live panel dis- 
cussion witii women feculty 
and students in tiic Materials 
Science and Engineering 
Department at the University 
of Illinois at UriDana-Chsim- 
paign as pan of National Engi- 
neers Week. For more informa- 
tion, contact Guy Bagley at 5- 
4901 or gb89@umail, 
or visit\'.umd.cdu/ 

5-6:30 p.m.. Revising the 
Past in Eighteenth-Century 
Britain: John Hamilton Mor- 
timer and Francis William 
as Case Studies Room 0135 
Taliaferro Hall. The Works-in- 
Progress Series presents "Mor- 
timer's History Paintings at 
Radburne Hall: Rethinking the 
Classical Tradition ' with 
William Pressly, Department of 
Art History and Archaeology; 
and "Would the Real Francis 
William Please Stand Up?" with 
Vincent Carretta, Department 
of English. Call 5-6830. 

8 p.m., Electro-Acoustic 
Music: The Continuing 
Tradition of Music on Tape 

Gildenhorn Recital Hall, 
Clarice Smith Performing Arts 
Center See page 3. 

february 22 

12-12:50 p.m.. Entomology 
Colloquium 1140 Plant Sci- 
ences. Don Weber of the Insect 
Biocontrol Laboratory, USDA- 
ARS will present "Cranberry 
pest management: limovadons 
for a native perennial crop." A 
reception wiJl follow in 4102 
Plant Sciences. For more infor- 
mation, call 5-391 1 or visit 

8 p.m., Electro-Acoustic 
Music: The Continuing 
Tradition of Music on Tape 

Gildenhorn Recital Hall, 

Clarice Smith Performing Arts 
Center See page 3- 

february 23 

8 p.m., St. Petersburg 
Quartet Gildenhorn Recital 
Hall, Clarice Smith Performing 
Arts Center The program 
includes: Borodin, Quartet in A 
Major; Shostakovich, Quartet 
No. 7; Brahms, Quartet in c 
minor, Op. 51, No, l.Thc single 
ticket price is $25 and the sub- 
scription price is $20. For 
more information, call (301) 
405-ARTS or visit www.clarice- 
smith center, umd. edu.* 

february 24 

8 p.m., Cyrus Chestnut Trio 

Gildenhorn Recital Hall, 
Clarice Smith Performing Arts 
Center. Chestnut is known for 
complex and exciting jazz 
explorations that tap a wealth 
of musical traditions. Tlie sin- 
gle ticket price is $25 and the 
subscription price is $20. For 
more information, call (301) 
405-ARTS or visit www.clarice-* 

february 25 

8:45 a.m. -4 p.m., OIT Short- 
course Training: Designing 
a Relational Database 4404 
Computer & Space Science. 
Tliis one-and-a-half -day course 
will deal with issues surroimd- 
ing database design. The fee , 
for the class is $ 175. To regis-* 
ter, visit 
For more information, contact 
the OFF Training Services Coor- 
dinator at 5-0443 or oit-train-, or visit 
www. oit . umd . edu/sc .* 

1-3:30 p.m.. Spatial Analy- 
sis of ArcView GIS 2109 

McKeldin Library. A hands-on 
workshop exploring the more 
complex query and spatial 
analysis of ArcView GIS. Famil- 
iarity with ArcView is required. 
The class is free, but advance 
fcgistradon is required at www., html. For 
more information, contact User 
Education Services at 5-9070 
or, or visit 
www.lib . umd. edu/UK/gis.html. 

february 26 

1 1:30 a.nn.. University of 
Maryland Retirees Associa- 
tion Luncheon Series Uni- 
versity Golf Clubhouse. Henry 
R Sims, Jr. , a professor of man- 
agement and organization in 
the Robert H, Smith School of 
Business will speak on "The 
New SuperLeadership: Leading 
Others to Lead Themselves." 
The cost is $13 and the dead- 
line for reservations is Feb. 20. 

For more infonuation, contact 
Lynne ReiUy at 5-2469.* 

12:45-4 p.m., OIT Short- 
course Training: Make a 
Simple Web Page 4404 Com- 
puter & Space Science. Intro- 
duces Netscape's Web page 
editing and development tool. 
Familiarity with the World 
Wide Web and Netscape is 
required; a WAM account is 
recommended. To register, visit 
www.oit. The fee 
is $40. For more information, 
contact OIT Training Services 
Coordinator at 5-0443 or oit- 
training@umail.umd,edu, or 

4-6 p.m. Worldly Goods, 
Envy, and the Rise of Com- 
petition Room 01 35, Taliaferro 
Hall. With Dennis Romano, pro- 
fessor of History, Syracuse Uni- 
versity. Sponsored by the Cen- 
ter for Renai.ssance & Baroque 
Studies. Liglit refreshments will 
be served. For more informa- 
tion, call 5-6830. 

8 p.m.. University of 
Maryland Symphonic Wind 
Ensemble Concert Hall, 
Clarice Smith Performing Arts 
Center. Performance by the 
premier ensemble of the Mary- 
land Bands program. For more 
information, call (301) 405- 
ARTS or visit www. 
daricesmithcente r umd . edu . 

february 27 

3-5 p.m.. Black History: A 
Multi-Ethnic Celebration 

1101 Hornbake Library. For 
more informadon, call 5-5622. 

calendar guide 

Calendar phone numbers listed as 4-«ow or S-xxxx stand for the prefix 314 or 405. Calendar Information for OullooH Is corrplled from a combination of InforM's master 
calendar and submissions to the Outlook office. Submlssiorw are due two weeks prior to the date of pubtteatlon. To reach the calendar editor, call 405-7615 or e-mail to 
nutfoot(@accmail. 'Events are free and open to the public unless noted by an asterisk (*). 


Ou^loak IS the weekly latulty-sLifT 
nt'wspLijicr serving die Uriivcnticj' of 
Maryland fampus community. 

Brodie Remington • Vice 

PrcsiiienL tor University Relations 

Teresa Flanncry • Exfcnrive 
Diti'ttor ot'Univctsity 
CoiiimuiiiLariotis and Direccor csl' 

George Cathcart • Executive 


Monette Austin Bailey • F.ditor 

Cynthia fHitchel • Art Diiettor 

Laura Lee ■ Grjiiiiacc Assistant 

Robert K. Gardner • Editorial 

Letters to the editor, story sugges- 
dons and campus inforniadoti arc 
welcome. Please submit all material 
two weeks before the Tuesday of 

Send material to Editor, Outhok, 
2101 Tumor Hall, College l>ark, 
MD 20742 

Telephone •(301) 405-4629 

Fax -qoi) -114-9344 

E-mail • oiitlook@acttnail.uind,c{lu 





A New Way to Discover 
Yourself at the Center 



A journey of sclf-discoveiy 
will begin in March at the 
Clarice Smith Performing 
Arts Center. Three extraor- 
dinary groups of ivomen performers 
will bring the "Identity and Other 
Risks" collection to the stage. The 
performances feature artists who will 
explore gender stereotyping, wealth 
and class and cultural identity. Artists 
will take a journey through their per- 
sonal lives, hoping that their revela- 
tions will connect to audience mem- 

Spiderwoman Theater Company (above); 
Rogers (below). 

tiers' own personal experiences. On 
Sunday, March 3 at 7:30 p.m., New 
York's Spiderwoman Theater Compa- 
ny will kick off the series with a per- 
formance of "Persistence In 

Taking their name from the 
Hopi goddess Spiderwoman, 
the group is North America's 
oldest continually running 
women's theatre company. 
Spiderwoman Theater was 
formed 25 years ago to 
produce theatre pieces by, 
for and about indigenous 


women. The company uses story- 
telling to interconnect and weave 
stories and fragments of stories with 
words, song, music, fdm, dance and 

"Persistence of Memory" is written 
and performed by three members of 
the group, Lisa Mayo and sisters Glo- 
ria and Muriel Miguel It focuses on 
the healing aspects of storytelling. 
Through acting, talking and singing, a 
collection of stories spans the 
group's 25-year history and follows 
the lives of three sisters and 
their changing roles as 
mother, daughter and sister. 
In addiUon to their live 
pe rformance .Spiderwoman 
Theater will combine video 
projection, slides and a live 
camera for a visual perform- 
ance. The slides will include 
performances of past Spider- 
woman members, commen- 
tary and interviews with 
designers and stage man- 
agers who have been a parf* ' 
of Spiderwoman 's remark- 
able history. 

The "Identity and Other 
Risks " collection continues 
on April 15 with "Women in 
Theatre," where Magdclena 
Gomez, Marty Pottenger and 
Alva Rogers perform vignet- 
tes about culture, wealth nnd 
gender and slavery. The 
scries will conclude on Mon- 
day, April 29 with a perform- 
ance by Alina Troyano as the 
colorful Carmelita Tropi- 
cana, in a hilarious perform- 
ance on what it means to be 
latina and lesbian. 

For tickets or more infor- 
mation on the performances 
in the "Identity and Other 
Risks 'collection, call the Ticket 
Office at (301) 405-ARTS, or visit 

For ticket information or to 
request a season brocliure, 
contact the Ticket OflBce at 
301 .405, ARTS or visit www. 

Clarice Smith 


Cent^rat Maryi^nd 



77« Caribbean-influenced sounds of ska mU Jill the Joseph and 

Alma Gildenhorn Recital Hall oj the Clarice Smith Performing Arts 
Center with Eastern Standard Time (EST), a favorite 
on the local ska scene. The group specializes in a distinc- 
tive mix of jazz and ska, a musical union of soul and 
jazz tvith Caribbean rhythms. EST tvill offer an up- 
close glimpse into their music as part of the "Take Five 
on Tuesdays" series on Feb. 19 at 5:30 p.m. 
Eastern Standard Time, 

formed in 1995, fuses 

diverse backgrounds of 

its members to create 

a unique take on 

the traditional ska 

sound. With mem- 
bers drawn j'rom 

the Washington, 

D.C., music scene, 

the group has won 

acclaim both locally 

and internationally, 

due in part to ivell- 

received tours in the 

United States and Europe. 

Their debut full-length CD, "Second Hand," is regarded as one of 

the most groundbreaking records in ska-oriented music and their latest 

release, "Time is Tight," picks up where the first left off. 

For more information about this free event, call the Clarice Smith 

Performing Arts Center Ticket Office at (301) 40S-ARTS or visit 

unvw. claricesmithcenter. umd. edu. 

TAKE FIVE events are every other Tiiesday, 
Performance are informal andfieet 

Seldom-Heard Sounds 

On most 
evenings, con- 
certs in the 
Gildenhorn Recital Hall 
engage tlie senses of 
both sight and sound. 
However, on the 
evenings of Feb, 20-22, 
audience members will 
be treated to a feast for 
just the ears as "Music 
of ourTime: A Discov- 
ery Series" continues 
with "Electro-Acoustic 
Music; The Continuing 
Tradition of Music on 

Created more than 
50 years ago, electro- 
acoustic music is a 
branch of artificial intel- 
ligence that uses com- 
puters to generate new 
types of sound. This 
innovative way of com- 
posing has changed the 
world of music by mak- 
ing it an exact science. 
No longer can human 

influence be a factor 
because it Ls generated 
completely by comput- 

music is wonderful," 
said Thomas DeLio, pro- 
fessor and concert 
organizer, "The audi- 
ence experiences differ- 
ent types of sounds 
bouncing from all cor- 
ners of the room. 1 
often think of the hall 
as an additional instru- 
ment in the concert." 

To a trained musical 
ear, electronic music 
opens the door to 
sounds and elements 
that could never be cre- 
ated by a musical 
instrument. For exam- 
ple, the basic idea of 
one of the concert's 
works was to gather 
sounds from recordings 
of dancers breathing. 
The composer's hope 

■was to duplicate the 
rhythm, pitch and inten- 
sity of the dancers' actu- 
al breathing. The wide 
range of breathing 
eflfects are recorded 
into a computer's mem- 
ory and manipulated to 
transform the original 
female voices into rapid 
sequences of gritty, cut- 
ting sounds. 

The free, public per- 
formances of "Electro- 
Acoustic Music; The 
Contintiing Tradition of 
Music on'Pipe"will be 
held Wednesday-Friday, 
at 8 p.m. In addition to 
die concert, lectures 
will occur on Feb. 21 
and 22 from 9a,m- 
12;30 p.m, in room 
2200 of tlie center. For 
more information, call 
the Ticket Office at 
(301) 405-ARTS or visit 
www. claricesmithcen- 

FEBRUARY I9, 2002 

^^What Matters^^ Forum Aiming 
to Gain Campus FoUomng 


a TT have no words. My 
voice is a sword," 
began English profes- 
sor Maynard "Sandy" Mack Jr. 
as the first speaker of the 
"What Matters to Me and 
Why" forum last week. 

Quoting from Shakespeare's 
"MacBeth," Mack was making 
a point about what happens 
when one does not have the 
words to express oneself: 
there is blood, there is vio- 
The forum, which is spon- 

idea, I just couldn't go any- 
where wiUt it," Mack said. "1 
simply didn't have the time or 

Last fell, die idea was in the 
works again and the program 
has finally taken ofT. Coon said 
they hope to have four or five 
fonuns a year, with the next 
being sometime this April or 

There is an informal selec- 
tion committee that will 
determine the speakers. In the 
ftjture, the committee will 


Justin Coon presents Maynard "Sandy" Mack, director of the 
Universitv Honors Program, with a plaque from the Student Honor 
Council. The council sponsors the What Matters to Me and Why forum, 
for which Macl< gave the first lecture in the series. 

sored by the Student Honor 
Council, is designed to give 
distinguished university and 
community leaders an oppor- 
tunity to speak about the 
guiding principles in their 
lives, and how those princi- 
ples were formed. The fortmi 
aims to promote the discus- 
sion of matters that are more 
broadly philosophical or spiri- 
tual than normally encoun- 
tered in the classroom. The 
idea started at Stanford Uni- 
versity several years ago when 
students wanted to bridge the 
gap between intellectual life 
and personal and spiritual 

"You can't really bring 
these things up in a physics 
lecture," said Justin Coon, a 
senior business student and 
chair of the Student Honor 
Council. "As a whole, they can 
be difficult to talk about.' 

Coon gives much of the 
credit for the creation of the 
forum at Maryland to Gary 
Pave la, director of judicial pro- 
grams. "It's really Gary's brain- 
child," Coon said. 

Mack, director of the Uni- 
versity Honors Prf>gram, said 
that Pavela approached him 
about seven years ago, pro- 
posing that the Honors Pro- 
gram get involved. Mack, who 
took to the idea, said the tim- 
ing was off. 

"I thought it was a great 

accept nominations from stu- 
dents suggesting who they 
would like to hear. "We're 
looking for anybody in the 
communit>' that we feci 
would have something to say," 
Coon said. 

The call may seem broad, 
but .so is the subject matter. 
Coon said that future forums 
could focus on anything. If 
he were giving a talk, Coon 
said he would stress the 
value of understanding how 
transient life can be. "Things 
always change," Coon said. 
He would focus on "the 
importance of taking a hold 
of some of the things you 
might consider routine. 
Looking around you rather 
than going through life with 
your eyes closed." 

What mattered to Mack? 
The creative imaginative use 
of language: poetry. 

"It's what I love. It's what 
makes us human," Mack said 
before his talk. "All of the 
genetic stuff makes us alive, 
but it doesn't make us 

Mack spent a few moments 
talking about what isn't 
important, such as shattering 
civility to get tickets to the 
Duke basketball game, fame 
and taking on the impossible 
task of perfection. Claiming 

See MATTERS, pa^ 6 

Atoms: Coolest Things in tlie Universe 


Nobel laureate and physics faculty member Bill Phillips, above left, explains (above right) his prize-win- 
ning research to a capacity crowd In 1201 Physics last w«ek. 

A capacity audience listened to physicist Bill Phillips explain the work that 
won he and his teani the Nobel Prize during a lecture sponsored by the 
Society for Physics Students last week. In very simple terms, PhilHps' work 
concentrated on laser trapping and cooUng atoms. Slowing atoms down to 
the point of being the coldest matter in the universe allowed scieiitists to learn about a 
new state of matter. 

An adjunct faculty member for some time, Phillips became a full faculty member 
of the Department of Physics last summer, though he is still working with the National 
Institute of Standards and Technology. Pliillips will lead the formation of a world-class 
atomic molecular and optical (AMO) physics group on campus. The group will con- 
tinue tlie work he began, and a 2001 Nobel team built upon, trapping atoms and mol- 
ecules to reveal flmdamental quantum properties and new matter. Potential applications 
include liigh-resolution spectroscopy, atomic clocks, quanttmi information systems and 
atomic-scale and non-scale fabrication. 

Madarang Says Goodbye After 32 Years 


Manuel Madarang has worked with both Gabriela Orban, left, and Helen Nogar for more than 30 years. 

After .spending 32 years with the univenity, Manuel Madarang decided it was 
time to retire. His wife of 39 years, Martha, also works for the university, at 
the College ofVeterinary Medicine. Frank Marcellino, who worked "side by 
side" with Madarang for 23 y^ars, organized the retirement party at the 
University Golf Course. 

Hired as an engineering associate III in what was then called the Physical Plant's 
Departmental Improvements Division, Madarang was promoted to draftsman II a htde 
over one year later. Several title changes and promotions later, he became supervisor, 
contruction contracts. Hundreds of projecte came under his responsibihty that included 
managing money, customer service, contractors and meetings, 

A U.S. Navy veteran, Madarang came to America ftom the Philippines in 1961 
when he vras 22 and became a citizen in 1973. He graduated from the University of 
Santo Thomas, Philippines with a degree in pre-medicine. 

The couple have two grown children and one grandchild. Madarang says he'll plan 
his retirement days once his wife stops working as well. 


Music School: Facilities, Faculty Attract More Students 

Continued from page 1 

Nicely. "WUliani PrcucU.who is 
with the Cleveland Symphony 
Orchestra, tlie Guarneri String 
Quartet and Antlre Watts arc 

Nicely and Ash, both classi- 
caLy trained French horn play- 
ers, know diat many aspiring 
musicians choose where they'll 
study based on who teaches at 
die institution.Tliere arc 38 
undergraduate and graduate 
degiee programs. Also, since 
music can he a hard life, many 
students will look for a strong 
academic base. Unlike conser- 
vatories. Maryland offers a 
strong academic environment 
so it becomes more attractive 
to a wider pool of applicants. 

"So tlien we can be more 
selective," says Nicely. Being 
selective aUows them to main- 
tain a better student/fiiculty 
ratio, wliich is five to one. 

Another advantage Maryland 

may have over tradi- 
tional schools of 
music is its accept- 
ance of non-music 
majors in ensembles. 
Students don't even 
have to major in the 
arts to participate, 
which attracts stu- 
dents to the universi- 
ty when faculty 
members perform 
concerts and work 
with schools around 
the country. 

As they compete 
with each other to 
talk about the school 
and the Clarice 
Smith Center, it is 
clear Nicely and Ash 
like what they do, 
thougli it may mean long hours 
and lots of out-of-town recruit- 
ing. Nicely, who's been with the 
school for five years, says it all 

1 ■ 


R.^ '^^^H m 


f • 


Kathleen Nicely, left, and Lois Ash welcome cellist Vassily Popov, an applicant for the 
doctor of musical arts, to the Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center for an audition. 

pays off when you see some- 
one from a recruiting trip hap- 
pily enrolled as a student, 
"The first student I ever 

recruited graduated last year," 
she says proudly. "Now he's an 
oboist at Yale in the graduate 


Thornton; Filling Several Roles to Make Show a Success 

Continued from page 1 

was working widi her students in helping 
them get their own work up and running. 
She was also still working part time at CNN 
as the producer of Jesse Jackson's show. 

Now Thornton has "Front and Center," a 
veliicle for her vision. On the show, she 
interviews journalists on the practice, 
issues, ethics and politics of journalism. 
Guests have included CNN's Wolf Blitzer, 
WRC-TV anchors Jim 'Vance and 'Wendy 
Rieger, Pulitzer Prize winner Haynes John- 
son and CNN White House correspondent 
KeUy 'Wallace. 

"Journalists are not well-loved in Ameri- 
can society, but they do prove to be very 
interesting people," Tliomton said. "Any- 
body's who's interested in journalism - 
they've heard of these people, they've seen 
these people." 

Thornton had to do much of the work to 
get "Front and Center" started. She worked 
widi a composer to develop the show's 
music and a video editor to create graphics 
and an introduction. She books the guests, 
hosts and writes the show as well Thorn- 
ton said that at a network, sill of those jobs 
would be delegated to a staff, but at UMTV, 

Tliornton takes on those responsibilities 

"Tliat's a lot of roles to fill," she said. "It's 
also gradfying to pull it ofT 

Thornton, who was born in Leesburg,Va. 
but raised in the Washington D.C. area, has 
an array of experience to draw on. She's 
worked in the field of broadcast journalism 
as an anchor, reporter and producer at 
news agencies such as CNN and CBS. 

Thornton's work has paid off "Front and 
Center" won an Award of Distinction in the 
Cable TV/Talk Show category of the nation- 
al Communicator Awards. The award-win- 
ning episode featured fellow journalism 
professor David Erode r who is also a politi- 
cal columnist for Tlie Washington Post. The 
show was also cited for a quote in the Janu- 
ary 28 issue of US News & World Report. 

Although she said she will do a Lttle 
tweaking to the program tliis semester, for 
the most part she said she is pleased witli 
its debut last semester "I'm not a perfec- 
tionist. 1 know there's futility in that," 
Thornton said. "But 1 want to get it to look 
as good as possible." 

Widi that said, there will be a few clianges 

to this semester's shows. Along with a re- 
design of the set, Thornton plans on slight- 
ly altering the format of the show. Last fiill, 
some of her students were featured on the 
final segment of the three-segment show, 
but she feels as ttiougli the break Impeded 
on the enci^ of the interview. 

"There is a certain momentum in a con- 
versation, "Thornton said. "If you break . . . 
you interrupt the flow. It's like starting aU 
over again " This semester Thornton said 
she will conduct the interview throughout 
its entirety. 

Taping dates are scheduled for March, 
April and May. Hcllen Thomas, long-time 
white house correspondent, is expected to 
do a show. 

Thornton said the show is a good fit for 
the journalism school and UMTV. Her stu- 
dents will continue to have access to and 
learn from the visiting journalists and the 
station gets programming. There's some- 
thing in it for her as well. 

I've always wanted to do a one-on-one 
interview show," Thornton said. "It was nat- 
ural for me of making use of my contacts in 
the journalism world. " 

Wireless: Campus Web Network Expands for More Users 

Continued from page 1 

wireless access points in public 
areas. A map of wireless net- 
worii coverage can also be 
accessed at the Web site. 

Goldman also stressed that 
MAM is being implemented as 
an extension to the current 
wired network, not as a replace- 
ment. It will operate in almost 
the same way as a wired net- 
work, using the same network- 
ing protocols and supporting 
most of the same appUcations; 
however, tlie re is a difference 
between MAM and the tratll- 
tional wired network.That dif- 
ference, aside from the obvious, 
is mosdy in security and per- 

Security issues can arise 

because an intruder docs not 
need physical access to the 
wired network in order to gain 
access to shared files. Perfor- 
mance is dependent upon the 
proximity of the user to the 
wireless access point.There is a 
finite range within which a 
wireless connection can be 
maintained. The actual distance 
varies dependmg upon the envi- 
ronment. When operating at the 
limits of the range, performance 
and speed may drop, and in 
extreme circumstances the con- 
nection can be lost. 

The numerous capabiUtles 
that wireless offers university 
computer users far outweigh 
the negative. Network access 

set up in Van Munching Hall for 
the Robert H. Smitli School of 
Business has seen students, fac- 
ulty and staff take advantage of 
the new capabilities. 

"Thus far, all I have heard was 
positive feedback from students," 
said David Cantor, project man- 
ager m the Office of Teclinology 
Resources at the business school. 
"Students really like it because 
it allows them to access the 
Internet as well as print from 
their wireless laptops," 

Wireless access in the school 
has been around for some time. 
About a year ago, approximately 
20 master' s of business admin- 
istration students volunteered 
to test out wireless access in 

the school. Since the success of 
the imiial program. Smith 
expanded wireless service with 
the help of OfT. "We have been 
moving forward ever since," said 
Cantor. The rest of the universi- 
ty is sure to follow. 

Like all networi: cormections, 
administrators must coordinate 
deployment of wireless access 
with the Office of Information 
Technology.The OIT Computer 
Help Desk can be reached at 
(301) 405-1500. For more infor- 
mation on Mobile at Maryland, 
to register or to view coverage 
areas, visit 

—Bobby 'White, 
OIT graduate assbtant 


Albert H. Szal recently 
joined the new IRIS/Bangla- 
desh Judicial Project team as 
a court reform specialist. He 
brings vast experience in 
court administration, indud- 
mg work for the USAID in 
Bulgaria and Egypt. Darin 
Daltnat also joined IRIS' 
team as program manager for 
the Fonmis Project, where 
he develops and monitors 
project budgets and coordi- 
nates logistics., an 
online gateway that collects 
the publication and achieve- 
ment records of preeminent 
researchers woridwide, named 
three faculty members among 
its most highly cited authors. 
Professor Emeritus and foun- 
ding director for the Center 
for Automation Research 
Azrlel Rosenfeld, and 
Thirumalia Venkatesan 
and Edward Ott, both with 
physics, were named. Rita R. 
Colwell, now head of the 
National Science Founda- 
tion, was also named as a 
highly cited researcher dur- 
ing her time on campus. 

Slba Samal has been appoin- 
ted associate dean of the Vir- 
ginia-Maryland Regional Col- 
lege of Veterinary Medicine 
and Chair of the Department 
of Veterinary Medicine m the 
College of Agriculture and 
Natural Resources. Samal is a 
veterinary virologist who 
joined the campus as an 
assistant professor in 1988. 

Rodney Petersen, director 
of policy and platining at 
OIT, will begin serving part 
time as staff director of the 
EDUCAUSE Computer and 
Network Security Task Force. 
EDUCAUSE is a nonprofit 
association whose mission is 
to advance higher education 
by promoting the intelligent 
use of information technolo- 
gy. The IT security' initiative 
is affUiated with die EDU- 
CAUSE policy office in D.C, 
where he will work closely 
with the new Office of 
Homeland Security, other 
higher education associa- 
tions and colleges and uni- 
versities across the country 
to develop and implement a 
national strategy to improve 
IT security. 

Howard Frank, dean of die 
Smith School of Buslne^, 
was elected to the National 
Academy of Engineering. He 
is one of 74 members and 
seven foreign associates. 
Election to the Academy is 
one of the highest profes- 
sional distinctions that can 
be accorded an engineer 

FEBRUARY I9, 2002 

University Researchers Show Technology's Future 


fl-r) CASE fetlow IVflks Stroh, with the Baltimore Sun; CASE fellow Mike Goldfein, with Belo Broadcasting; 
and university researcher Allison Oruin participate in a workshop with young researchers (l-r) Carl White, 
Abby Lai and Alex KruskaF. In the back, Sante Simms waits for Cassandra Cousins, left, to get some help 
from Allison Fartier. 

Four journalists visiting the campus 
last week during a fellowship pro- 
grain glinipsed into the fliture of 
robotics and artificial intelligence. Tliey 
also learned how to make a heffalump. 

"Where is HAL? Todays Computers 
and Robots are Doing Less and Mote 
Than Ever Imagined," a CASE News 
Medis Fellowship, gave the university an 
opportunity to demonstrate its technolog- 
ical expertise. The short but intense pro- 
gram featured two fiill and one half days 
of presentations and demonstrations 
designed to show the journalists various 


Abby explains her ideas to Goldfein, who hoped to 
broaden his knowledge of technological fields by 
partidpatins in the program. 

aspects of the university's research. 
Computer sight and hearing, virtual reality 
and robotics in health research were some 
of the topics covered. 

Allison Druin, assistant professor with 
the College of Education and the Institute 
for Advanced Computer Studies/Human 
Computer Interaction Lab, led the first 
worksliop Friday evening, "Robots for 
Play and Learning: Computers and 
Robots Designed by and for Children." 
It was her normally scheduled lab time in 
which children help design usefiil, often 
fiin, products. 

She explained how first observing 
existing items helps her teams think of 
ideas for their designs. Jesterbot, an award- 
winning storytelling robot Druin and her 
kids helped design for use in pediatric 
rehabilitation, was created this way. 

"The next phase is the low-tech pro- 
totyping phase," said Druin, addressing fel- 

lows and children, all seated on bean bags 
or the floor. "Now make sketches of great 
ideas for fiititre toys." 

Plastic bags filled with plastic foam, 
pipe cleaners, paper, crayons and other 
items were divided among the group, 
which had been divided into three teams. 
Reporter Mike Goldfein, with Belo 
Broadcasting, worked v^dth the group 
designing a game system that looked a lot '" 
like an elephant with a peg leg, the hef- 
falump. Team member Carl White 
explained that the toy would play several 
games, much like a PlayStation or 
Nintendo system, and could also talk. 

It was clear that the unorthodox pres- 
entation format didn't ruffle the journal- 
ists. At one point, Chris Joyce, a National 
Public Radio editor, could be seen with 
an orange dot sticker on his forehead 
while sitting cross-le^ed in a hallway. 

"One is much more creative sitting on 


Santa Simms helps Jade pull a sock onto the 
group's project. It is a heffalump, a sort of ele- 
phant, that would play muHipie games. 

the floor," he said. "I think Til go home 
and put my computer on the floor." 

CASE, or the Council ibr the 
Advancement and Support of Education, 
sponsors these in-depth sessions with, sen- 
ior faculty, who are recognized as experts 
in their fields. The sessions also provide 
field trips and other opportimides for 
active participation. Selection is competi- 
tive for both fellows and universities 
wishing to host them. The university's last 
CASE fellowship on global climate 
change was held in March. Its next, 
"Globalization From Both Sides of the 
Barricade," will be held April 15-18. 

Job Fair Celebrates 25 
Years of Helping Students 

In an effort to bring employers to campus seeking non- 
white employees in 1977, Black Faculty and Staff Associa- 
tion members and the Office of Minority Student Education 
(OMSE) created the Minority Student Job Fair. Tomorrow, 
organizers celebrate 25 years of extending career opportuni- 
ties to the campus' minority population. 

Now called the Multi-Ethnic Student Career and Job Fair, 
the event has been co-sponsored by the Career Center since 
1978. Fellow sponsor OMSE is now tfie Office of Multi-Ethric 
Student Education, This year's fair will be held from 9:30 a,m.- 
3:30 p.m. on Feb. 21 in the newly renovated Student Union 
Grand Ballroom. It will be preceded by seminars on resume 
writing, job search strategies and finding a job in tough eco- 
nomic times. Also, employers will be invited to a silver 
anniversary dinner the night before with campus administra- 
tors who have supported the event. It will also showcase 
alumni who have benefitted from the fair. 

More than 80 employers are expected to attend. For more 
information, visit 
ments/OMSE or Or call Dottie 
Bass at (301) 405-5616 or Pamela Allen at (301) 3U-7225. 

Attention CYC Alvimni 

The Center for Young 
CMdren needs your 
help. Alumni records 
were destroyed in the Sept. 
24 tornado, and the center 
is in the process of plan- 
ning a Maryland Day CYC 
alumni event. To receive an 
invitation, prtjvide: 
—Your name and the 
nameCs) of your CYC alum- 
ni diild/childten 
— Years in attendance at 
the CYC 

— Mailing address (es) 
— Phone number (s) 
— E-mail address (es) 

We arc also compiling 
a CYC alumni direc- 
tory and would Uke to 
include your child's: 
— DateCs) of birth 

— Teachers' names/class- 

— Wliere your child is now 
— A photo of yotir 
— Any successes or 
thoughts you would like to 
share regarding your 
child/children and their 
time at die CYC. 

Plexse send this informa- 
tion by March 1 5. 2002 
to jc323@iim ail; 
or by mail to: Jennifer Car- 
roll, Center for Young Cliil- 
dren, Bldg. 38 1 , VaUey Drive, 
University of Maryland, Col- 
lege Park, MD 20742. 

For more information, 
contact Ken Carter at (301) 
405-6296 or kjcaner® 

Matters: Poets, Perfection 

Continued from page 5 

that he was slightly unpre- 
pared tor the talk, he took up 
the suggestion of a friend 
who told Mack to tell us why 
he wasn't prepared: family, a 
Shakespeare gig, his students. 
"Tliose are the things that 
finally really do matter," Mack 

Then he got into what 
seemed to be a lecture on 
poetry, with subtle weavings 
of les.sons of life mixed in his 
words. Mack asserted that the 
audience should attempt to 
understand the power of lan- 
guage and the importance of 
it when it is used creatively 
and imaginatively. 

Although the fu-st forum 
appeared to be aimed mostly 
at students, the audience of 
about 30 was mixed. Coon 
said he felt the discussions 
were universal and could 
engage everyone's Interest, 
The Honor Council plans to 
hstve the transcriptions of all 

the speeches available at a 
Web site, which is now under 
construction. The site will 
hold the collection as a 
resource for use over time. 

Mack said he just hopes 
that the campus will catch on 
to the forum. He worries 
about the campus actually 
coming out for these types of 
events. At the end of liis talk, 
there were about 45 minutes 
left for discussion, but the 
room was initially silent. Mack 
had moved from behind the 
podium and was kneeling on 
a chair in the second row, 
inviting his audience to pick 
his brain, to disagree, to sim- 
ply comment. Finally, a discus- 
sion began to grow about the 
pursuit of perfection and goal 
setting. Mack answered that 
one should always strive, but 
be clear on what one strives 
to do. 

"Perfection exists in books," 
he said, "not in human life." 


CKancellor: Regents Choose Interim 

Continued Jrom page 1 

sity.Vivona and his wife, Bar- 
bara, have two children and 
reside in Chevy Chase, Md, 
The University System of 
Maryland is governed by a 17- 
member Board of Regents 
and includes 13 distinct and 
complementary institutions: 

Bowie State University, Cop- 
pin State College, Frostburg 
State University, Salisbury Uni- 
versity.Towson University, 
University of Baltimore, Uni- 
versity of Maryland, Bald- 
more; University of Maryland, 
Baltimore County; University 

of Maryland Biotechnology 
Institute, University of Mary- 
land Center for Environmen- 
tal Science, University of 
Maryland, College Park; Uni- 
versity of Maryland Eastern 
Shore and University of Mary- 
land University College. 

Hope School: Welcomes All Students 

Continued from page t 

ty's foreign lan- 
guage department 
offered Jimenez 
Hall as a site for the 
growing school. 
James Lcsher, acting 
director of the 
School of Foreign 
Languages and Lit- 
eratures, welcomes 
the chance to sup- 
port the communi- 
ty-based effort."It's 
an important pro- 
gram for the cam- 
pus coram imity. 
We're putting some- 
thing on the 
school's Web page 
to let people know 
how they can make 
contact with the 
school," he says. 

The popularity 
of Hope classes is 
evident by the 
school's growth, 
HCSCP has now 
evolved to become 
a five-campus 
school system in 
the greater Wash- 
ington metropoli- 
tan area with more 
dian 1,800 regis- 
tered students. 

Til ere are official graduation 
ceremonies and programs 
for students to show off 
their new skills. Operated by 
a largely volunteer board, 
the school is also open to 
non-native students looking 
to broaden their cultural 
horizons. Currently, there are 
two bihngual classes at 
HCSCP,"! think the parents 
are learning more some- 
times," says He about the 
bilingual classes. 

He says university students 
are welcome to use those 
Sundays to practice their Chi- 
nese conversational skills. "If 
students would like to come 
to HCSCP to practice their 
Chinese language, our parents 
will be very happy to talk 
with students while they wait 
for their children." says He, 
whose two young sons speak 
English at their regular 
school, but are spoken to and 
encouraged to speak in Chi- 
nese at home. 

She would like the univer- 
sity commimity to know^ that 
HCSCP is eager to be a bene- 
fit to the university communi- 
ty. Based on requests, the 
school is considering offering 
a course in practical Chinese 


Guests, teachers and staff at the Hope Chinese 
School at College Park's Fall 2001 commencement 


First- grade students pBrform at the Hope Chinese 
School at College Park's Fall 2001 commencement, 

for business students. Anoth- 
er service Hope could offer 
would be its resources for 
researchers interested in Chi- 
nese language and culture. 

Since parents, and other 
adults, do spend two hours 
waiting for children, HCSCP 
offers Chinese traditional 
dance/fitness classes to 
adults. There are also Tal Chi, 
singing and investment 
groups, and even a basketball 
team for the parents. The 
school also arranges seminars 
for the parents including sub- 
jects on finance, children's 
education, career develop- 
ment, health and beauty, "And 
we show movies, both in Eng- 
lish and Chinese, when there 
is no seminar arranged for the 
Simday," says He. 

Jing Lin, who teaches sever- 
al courses for the College of 
Education and is enrolled in 
one of Hope's fitness classes, 
has been bringing her 1 1- and 
7-year-old daughters to the 
school since last September 
A recent transplant from 
Montreal, Canada, Lin heard 
about the school from a 
friend. She likes the coopera- 
tive nature of the school, its 
dual functions as a social out- 

let and is impressed 
with the teaching 

"The teachers 
are very hard work- 
ing and responsible 
Tiiey give assign- 
ments every week," 
she says. "They 
remind parents to 
coach their chil- 

Ms, He says their 
textbooks come 
from China, and 
teachers also pre- 
pare materials. Stu- 
dents do need to 
pay tuition and reg- 
istration fees each 
semester, but He 
stresses many of 
Hopes instructors 
and parents, like 
her, come out of a 
desire to share their 
culture, knowledge 
and time. 

"We have Ph.Ds 
teaching and those i 
with master's," says 
He. "The teachers 
we hire have a lot of 

When interview- 
ing teachers. He says 
school board members and 
parent representatives place 
importance on professional 
knowledge, professional 
appearance, personality, hand- 
writing, pronunciation and 
the individual's ability to 
communicate with various 
ages of students. "We send 
them materials, telling them 
what to expect during die 
interview," says He, adding 
that a doctoral student once 
showed up in a T-shirt and 
sneakers. He didn't think that 
it was "tlwt serious" — and he 
wasn't offered a position, 

Lin, whose children speak 
French as well as Chinese and 
English, appreciates the 
emphasis on quality. It is in 
line with her admonitions to 
her children to do well in 
school. "If you do well in edu- 
cation, you have a future "she 
teUs them. 


or more informa- 
tion about Hope 
Chinese School, 
contact Janet He at 
(301)405-5114 or 


Many parents asstmie skills such as rolling, sitting and walking 
will just come nattirally as babies ^t>w, said guideline co-author 
Jane Clark, a movement specialist at the University of Maryland. 
But "you have to provide diat enviromncnt that hooks the brain 
up to the muscles," she said. "We 'containerize' kids" to keep 
Uiera safe while parents are busy, itdded Michigan State Univer- 
sity exercise physiologist Jim Pivarnik, a co-author of tlie guide- 
lines. Give them a safe envirotoment and "let them out, let them 
cxj>lore, let them move." (Jane C^ark, professor and diair of 
kinesiology, and a co-resca(x;hcr advise parents to let their chil- 
dren have enougli room to physically develop. Associated 
Press, Feb. 7) 

Charles Christian, a social geographer at the University of Mary- 
land, says high immigration rates will undoubtedly continue, 
although they may taper off if proposals to tighten border and 
visa controls in the wake of the Sept. 1 1 attacks actually arc 
enacted. "People will keep coming here because for many in the 
world the streets of major U.S. cities are still paved with gold — 
not real gold but real opportunity — and America has repeatedly 
demonstrated its tolerance," he said. "Although the mosl compas- 
sionate nation can't harbor all who wish to come," he added, 
"America is hardly likely to impose the kind of quotas enacted in 
the 1920s to reduce the alien population," (Washington fimes, 

Researchers concede they misjudged the challenge of improving 
the internet... "Wc underestimated the complexity "of the task. 
says Donald Riley, chief information officer at the University of 
Maryland. "It's like saying we're gotjig to transform the entire 
phone system." Riley, while holding a .similar position at the Uni- 
versity of Minnesota in 1 996, was among the architects of Inter- 
net!... 'We weren't getting the kind of bandwidth we needed," 
Mr Riley says. Wlien he and others would complain to commer- 
cial network operators, "the only response ... was you need to 
buy more" bandwidth Over late-night beers at technology con- 
ferences, the administrators decided to build their own high- 
speed network. (Wall Street Journal, Feb. 11) 

What do smart, articulate, no-nonsense women do as they break 
through the glass ceiling of their profession? ff television talk 
show host Greta Van Susteren is any indication, they change 
their iaces, literally. 'Van Susteren is the latest high-profile exam- 
ple of a low-profile cultural truth: How women look is more 
ijnportant than how they think. (Robin Garber, senior feUow at 
the Burns Academy of Leadership, wrote an op/ed column for 

Thou^ Mr. Andersen did not lose his job, many whisde-blowcrs 
do, C, Fred AJford, a government professor at the University of 
Maryland and author of "Whistieblowers: Broken Lives and (>t^- 
nizational Power" (Cornell Univei-sity Press, 2001), says that even 
though retaliation is illegal, it is easy for organizations to piinLsh 
troublemakers by firing them long enough afterward to obscure 
the coimection between the wlilstlc-blowing and die termina- 
tion. He found that many whistle-blowers lost their families and 
homes as well as their jobs and often turned to alcohol it)r sol- 
ace. Most surprising, he found, colleagues and even professional 
organizations usually turned their backs on whistle-blowers. 
(New York Times, Feb, 10) 

The University of Maryland's graduate programs have received 
8,700 applications from international students, 1,500 more than 
last year. Valeria Woolaton, director of international education 
services, said it suggests dial the rest of the world has a more 
sanguine ^iew about die risks of life than most Americans. "Ter- 
rorism is a part of life in so many countries," she said. "It's Ameri- 
cans who haven't experienced it before." (International Herald 
Tribune, Feb, 12) 

Osama bin Laden's horrible message to potential terrorists was 
not so much a call to join liis group but to demonstrate the vul- 
nerability of even the largest power on Earth to the acts of a few 
men with box cutters. In diis he succeeded, even as we have 
fortunately destroyed mucli of his power Tlic danger tliat 
remains is too great to allow ourselves to be blindsided by our 
obsession with Saddam Hussein. (Shibley Telhanti, Anwar Sadat 
Chair for Peace and Development, warns about letting Iraq dic- 
tate our foreign policy, Los Angeles Times, Feb. 13) 




9 , 2 2 

It's Free and Ifs Good 
for Vbu 

The Health Center is holding 
free Smoking Cessation Classes. 
Lunchtime classes will be held 
Wednesdays from 12-1 p.m. on 
Feb. 20, 27 and March 6, 13. 
Evening Classes will be held 
Thursdays from 4-5 p.m. on 
Feb. 21,28 and March 7,14. All 
classes are in room 2101, Uni- 
versity Health Center. 

For information and to regis- 
ter, call (301) 314-8123 or 314- 
8128, or e-mail dolan ©health. 

2002 Michelle Y. 
Angyelof Avward for 
Outstanding Service to 
Commuter Students 

Nominations are sought for this 
award, which recognizes an 
undergraduate or graduate stu- 
dent whose activities and 
involvement have directly or 
indirecdy provided benefits to 
other coomiuters during the 
2001-2002 academic year. 
Advocacy for commuter issues, 
encouragement of commuter 
involvement on campus, pro- 
moting understanding of com- 
muter life and developing ini- 
tiatives which serve commuter 
students are examples of spe- 
cific contributions. 

Faculty and staff interested in 
nominating a student can send 
submissions to 
CACS. For more information, 
contact Leslie Perkins at or 
(301) 314-7250. The deadline 
date for nominations is Friday, 
Feb. 22. Student applications 
for the award are due by Friday, 
March 8. 

Non-CredH Adult CPR 

Learn how to act in emergency 
situations and how to recog- 
nize and care for life-threaten- 
ing respiratory or cardiac emer- 
gencies in adults. This four- 
hour course offered by Campus 
Recreation Services includes 
CPR for adults only. 

CRS offers four courses 
throughout the Spring 2002 
semester: March 5, April 3 and 
23, and May 8. Registrations for 
all classes are currently being 
accepted online at until 1 week prior to 
class. Payments for courses can 
be made by credit card. The 
cost is $35. 

For more information, con- 
tact Laura Sutter at (301) 405- 
PLAY or, 
or visit 

Call For Papers: 
Philosophy of Chemistry 

The Sixth Annual Summer Sym- 
posium of the International 
Society for the Philosophy of 
Chemistry OSPO wiU be held 
Aug. 4-8 at Georgetown Univer- 
sity in Washington, D.C. 

Abstracts (one half page) 
and/or prospectuses (up to 

three pages) are being solicited 
for papers to be presented at 
the symposium. As at prior 
ISPC symposia, bodi longer (50- 
60 minute) and shorter (15-30 
minute) presentations will be 

Papers related to chemistry 
or biochemistry that have been 
discussed in the recent philo- 
sophical literature, especially 
the journals Foundations of 
Chemistry ( 
prod/j/1 386-4238) and Hyle 
(www., are preferred. 

There is no registration fee. 
Accommodations will be avail- 
able on campus, at the Holiday 
Inn Rosslyn and at tlie Best 
Western Key Bridge (both 
located in Arlington). 

Abstracts, prospectuses and 
conference pre-rcgistration 
forms should be sent by March 
15 to 

For more information, visit 
www. georgeto wn . edu/earley j/ 
lSPC.html, or call (703) 532- 
5238 or fox (202) 687-6209. 

Exploring Both Sides of 

Catharine Stimpson will be the 
first guest lecturer of the Grad- 
uate School's Distinguished 
Lecturer Series (DLS), on Feb. 
26 at 4 p.m. in room 2203 of 
the Art Sociology Building. 

Stimpson is dean of the Grad- 
uate School of Arts and Sciences 
at New York University. Her lec- 
ture is titled "Genius: Evil and 
Otherwise." The lecture will 
explore the question t)f genius 
and ask about its vitality for a 
democratic society. 

From 1994 to 1997, she was 
director of the MacArthur 
Foundation Fellows program, 
also known as the "genius 
grants." She has been quoted in 
the Chicago Tribime as saying 
that as the director "one of my 
responsibilities is to make sure 
activists are as much represent- 
ed as academics." Her commit- 
ment to activism has been an 
enduring trait throughout her 
academic and philanthropic 

For more information, call 
Anna Salajegheh, assistant to 
the Chair of DLS, at (301) 405- 
8140 or send an e-mail to her at 

Mon-GredK Insteuction: 
Women & Weights 

Campus Recreation Services is 
offering a Women & Weights 
course for the Spring 2002 
semester The course will focus 
on how to properly utilize free 
weiglits and sclectorlzed equip- 
ment, and will help you put 
together your own weight 
training program. 

The course is offered Mon- 
days & Wednesdays from March 
4-ApriI 17, 5:30^:.30 p.m. in the 
the Health and Himian Perfor- 
mance Buiding, room 0103. 

Registration is ongoing until 
Feb, 25 and costs $60. Space is 
limited .so please register early. 
Registration can be made on 
the CRS Web site at and payment can be 

made by VISA/MasterCarti/Dis- 
cover. For more information, 
contact Laura Sutter at (301) 
405-PLAY or ls220@umail.umd. 
edu, or visit 

Rebecca Williams Award 
for Commitment to 
Social Change 

This award is to be given to a 
University of Maryland, College 
Park imdet^raduate or graduate 
student who has demonstrated 
by his or her actions and 
beliefs a personal commitment 
to advocating change in issues 
and values — change either on 
or off the campus — such as 
those that have concerned 
Becky Williams. This commit- 
ment may be demonstrated in 
many ways, through individual 
or organizational leadership, 
and may have been shown 
across varying amounts of time. 
The individuars efforts may or 
may not have brought about 
change. In any event, the the 
student will have had an 
impact upon many of us. 

Please submit nominations, 
including student name, 
address and description of your 
reasons for the nomination by 
March 8 to Bill Sedlacek, Coun- 
seling Center, by campus mail 
or email at wsl2@umail.umd. 
edu. For more information, con- 
tact BUI Sedlacek at (301) 314- 
7677 orwsl2@umail, 

Spring 2002 Guide for 
Academic Adminisfrators 

Copies of the Spring 2002 
Guide for Academic Administra- 
tors are now available. The 
Guide contains an updated 
directory of deans, chairs and 
academic directors, as well as 
information on "Whom to Call 
for Wliat," college organization- 
al charts and more. Academic 
administrators and their assis- 
tants who have not already 
received a copy may obtain 
one from their dean, chair or 

For more information, con- 
tact Rhonda Malone at (301) 
405-2509 or rmalonc ©deans. 

Crossroads: Intersections 
of Race, Ethnicity, Place, 
and Life Histories 

The conference will be held 
March B-10, in the Clarice 
Smith Performing Arts Center 
on Campus. Featured guests 
include keynote speakers 
Michael Cowan of UC-Santa 
Cruz; Spencer Crew, CEO of the 
Underground Railroad Freedom 
Center; and Kevin Mumford of 
Towson State University. Panels 
will discuss issues of multi- 
racial movements, cybercul- 
ture, popular culture and mate- 
rial culture. 

The Chesapeake American 
Studies Assfjciation (CHASA); 
The University of Maryland, 
College Park; the Departments 
of American Studies and The- 
atre; and the Consortium on 
Race, Gender, and Ethnicity will 

host the conference. 

Friday night there will be a 
performance of "Fashion," 
which is connected with the 
conference. Saturday night 
there will be a dinner for any- 
one interested, and Simday 
there will be a CHASA business 
meeting to nominate and elect 
officers. All arc welcome. 

Registration is $45 for faculty 
and $30 for students before 
Feb. 22. After that date there 
will be a $15 late fee. For more 
information or to register, con- 
tact Ed Martini at e martini®, or visit http:// 
amst . umd . edu/chasa/. 

Honoring AfriiMn 
American Uhrarians 

Tlie College of Information 
Studies will sponsor its fifth 
annual Celebration of African 
Americans in the Information 
Profession on Feb. 26. llic 
event provides an opportunity 
to recognize and celebrate out- 
standing achievement and lead- 
ersliip in the field. The event 
will be held from 3-5 p.m. in 
the Multipuqjosc Room of the 
Nyumburu Cultural Center. 

The high point of the cele- 
bration is the presentation of 
the annual James Partridge 
Outstanding African American 
Intbrmation Professional 
Award, named in honor of its 
first recipient four years ago. 

This year's ftirtridge Award 
wiU be given to Nettie Scaber- 
ry, director of the Minority Busi- 
ness Information Center at the 
National Minority Supplier 
Development Council in New 
York City 

Seaberry is responsible for 
development and administra- 
tion of die center, establishing 
policies, information technolo- 
gy management, collection 
development and management, 
research and supervision of 
staff- Since 1988, she has been 
an active member of the Spe- 
cial Libraries Association (SLA), 
where she held several leader- 
ship positions at the state and 
national levels. She created the 
Diversity Leadership Develop- 
ment Program for the SLA in 
1994-1996. Additionally, Seaber- 
ry has mentored several librari- 
ans who have gone on to 
receive SLA leadership awatds. 

The award committee cited 
Seaberry s energy, innovation, 
leadership, effectiveness in fur- 
thering professional practices 
and tireless efforts in mentor- 
ing and developing leadership 
skills in others. 

The main speaker at the 
event will be Hiram L. Davis, 
dean of Library Services at the 
California Polytechnic Universi- 
ty in San Luis Obispo. Prior to 
joining Cal Poly, he served from 
1994-1996 as the senior advisor 
to the Librarian of Congress 
and was the deputy librarian. 
He has titled his remarks "From 
Pioneers to Cultural Keepers: A 
Personal Reflection." 

For more information on 
the event, or to confirm atten- 
dance, contact William Wilson 
at (301) 405-2048 or wwl7®