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Page 7 


Volume ly 

Number 7 • March 1 g , 2002 


Tumor Tests 

As a professor, Saundra 
Murray Nettles Stud- 
ies psychological 
resilience; what malces chil- 
dren and adolescents thrive 
despite adversity. A few 
years ago, Nettles drew on 
that work to tap a well of 
biological resilience within 

Saundra Murray Nettles started 
out studying psychological 
resilience in young people, then 
became a case study in physical 


Nettles, an associate pro- 
fessor in the CoUege of Edu- 
cation, was diagnosed with a 
brain tumor in January 1995 
that had apparently been 
growing since her own ado- 
lescence or young adult- 
hood. It began to manifest 
itself by robbing Nettles of 
her cognitive and motor 

"I had not considered 
resilience in folks at mid-life 
and above. What is biological 
resilience all about?" she 
asked herself "Am I going to 
be able to recover physically 
the way I'd learned that indi- 
viduals can recover socially 
and psychologically? I began 
reading things on the plastic- 
ity of the biain." 

Just as she poured herself 
into preparii^ for classes 
and her research, Nettles 
began fully exploring brain 
timiors. She also began look- 
ing for survivor stories. She 
only found two that came 
close: John Gunther's "Death 
Be Not Proud" about his 
son's batde with and eventu- 
al loss to a brain tumor, and 

See NETTLES, page 4 

Taking Theater to the People 

After-School Program Introduces Plays to High Schoolers 




Students from Forest Park High School in Baitimore waft to see a performance of "Fashion" last week. 
Their teacher, Helen DeVinney, is on ^e far right. 

■^p atrell Wilder wants to Smith Performing Arts Center Studies, is an after-school pro- 
1 be an actress. She one day last week, with sever- gram that gives high school 
1 quickly, and with a al of her cla^mates, waiting students the opportunity to 
Wk m flourish of arms, for a performance of "Fash- explore the theater arts with 
steps forward when asked if ion," a 1 9th century comedy a university professor. Once a 
she's interested in being inter- written by of the first sue- week for 10 weeks, students 
viewed about the From Page eessfiil women playwrights. meet to ptay theater games, 
to Stage program. From Page to Stage, nm by disciis,s texts with personal 
The 14-year-old ninth grad- the university's Center and cultural relevance and 
er is from Forest Park High Alliance for School Teachers create works of their own. 
School in Baltimore and was (CAST) and the Center for 
in the lobby of the Clarice Renaissance and Baroque See CASi, page 4 

Labs to 
Think Green 

Of all the hazardous 
materials handled in 
campus laboratories, 
mercury may not be thought 
of as a danger. However, uni- 
versity hazardous waste 
experts warn people not to 
be fooled by the element's 
quiet nature. 

Following the federal gov- 
errmient's lead, the universi- 
ty's Department of Environ- 
mental Safety (DBS) is 
encouraging those working 
with mercury instruments to 
exchange them for non-haz- 
ardous ones. 

'When released, it creates 
a potentially hazardous 
indoor environment," said 
Scott Lupin, associate direc- 
tor of DBS. "It can be hard to 
clean. If it is released into tlie 
environment, it's persistent 
and can bioaccimiulate in liv- 
ing organisms. The concen- 
trations can go to higher lev- 
els as it goes up the food 

Mercury can enter the 
environment and waterways 
through drains after spills. A 
specially trained crew and 
equipment are needed to 
clean up a lab spill. Cleveland 

See MERCURY, page 5 

Dissertation Goes Transatlantic 
uHth Videoconferencing Technology 

Last month, for the first 
time at the College of 
Agriculture and Natural 
Resources — and perhaps the 
entire university — a doctoral 
dissertation was defended in 
two coimtrics at once. 

Jane Froese, a student in natu- 
ral resource sciences, defended 
her dissertation on technology 
transfer between analogous 
agro-climatic zones via Internet 
videoconference technology 
with one member of her adviso- 
ry committee an ocean away. 
The Maryland-based committee 
included Froese's advisor, Ray- 
mond Miller, a professor in nat- 
ural resource sciences and land- 
scape architecture and director 
of International Programs in 
Agriculture and Natural 
Resources; Scott Glenn and 
Robert Hill, both from natural 
resource sciences and land- 
scape architecture andAdel 
Shirmohammadi, from biologi- 
cal resources engineering. The 
fifth member of Froese's com- 
mittee, Pavel Sorokin, was locat- 

ed at Moscow State Agro-Engi- 
neering University. Before mov- 
ing to Moscow, Sorokin was the 
Russian Agricultural Counselor 
inWashii^tonD.C, at which 
time he joined Froese's commit- 

The videoconference started 
at 3 p.m. on February 20 in 
Moscow and at 7 a.m. EST. "Not 
the best time if you want your 
conmiittee to be in a good 
mood," Froese says. However, 
the reason for this was logical: 
mid-morning East Coast e-mail 
traffic could cause cormeetion 
problems and interfere with the 
videoconference. In the end, 
the time was fine for partici- 
pants in both the United States 
and Russia. 

Brad Paleg, distance learning 
specialist in the College of Agri- 
culture and Natural Resources, 
conducted several trial runs to 
address problems associated 
with the language barrier and 
make sure that conrnnmication 


Walking Toward Wellness 


Joan Bellsey, assistant coordinator of the Faculty Staff Assistance 
Program, and Jennifer Treger, director of the Center for Health and 
Wellbeing, want campus members to join them on the road to better 

All you need is a pair 
of teimis shoes. 
That's what Jen- 
nifer Treger, direc- 
tor of the Center for Health 
and Wellbeing, is telling any- 
one who is thinking about 
joining a new university 
walking club. 

Treger and Joan Bellsey, 
assistant coordinator of the 
Faculty Staff Assistance Pro- 
gram, firmly believe in the 
benefits of a good daily walk. 
When BeUsey brought her 
idea to start a walking club to 

See WALKING, page 6 

MARCH 19, 2002 



march 19 

9 p.m.. Effective 
Meeting Facilitation for 
Groups, Teams and Com- 
mittees IIOIU Chesapeake. 
Learn effective facilitation 
strategies to counteract com- 
mon meeting problems. Regis- 
tration is $ 100. For more infor- 
mation or to register, contact 
Natalie Torres at 5-5651 or, or 
see www.persoimel, umd .edu . ' 

12-1:30 p.m.. Leveraging 
Corporate Knowledge Sem- 
inar 1412 Rouse Auditoriimi, 
Van Mimching Hall. "Building a 
Global Information Technology 
Platform: The World Bank's 
Experience" with Mbhamed Y 
MuhsiQ,Vice President and 
CIO, the World Bank Group. 
For more information, contact 
Chris Williamson at 5-8502 or 
chwilliam@rhsmith . umd . edu , 
or visit http://rhsmitb.umd. 

12:15 p.m., Motlter Tongue 
and Fatherland: The Dilem- 
ma of German -Speaking 
Jews In Prague From Mau- 
thner to Katfa 1 102 Francis 
Scott Key. With Scott Spector, 
University of Michigan. Part of 
the Joseph & Rebecca Meyer- 
hoff Center for Jewish Studies. 
To reserve lunch, call 5-4975. 

12:30-1:45 p.m., Works-in- 
Progress Series 0135Taiiafer< 
ro Hall. Perceptions and Depic- 
tions of Women on the French 
Renaissance and English 
Restoration Stages presented 
by Heidi Castle-Smith, Carrie 
Cole, Ben Fisler, Department of 
Theatre. For more infonnation, 
contact Karen Nelson at 5- 
6830 or, 
or visit 

4 p.m.. Physics Colloquium 

1410 Physics Lecture Hall. With 
Eugene Bcier, University of 
Pennsylvania; 'Solar Neutrino 
Results From SNO." For more 
information, contact Sheldon S. 
Smith at 5-5945 or sheldon®, or visit 
htlp ://dept. physics . upenn. edu 
or wivw, physics, umd. edu. 

4:15-0 p.m., Qualitv of 
Teachers and Academic 
Achievement 1121 Benjamin. 
F^clists will gather to discuss 
the topic as part of the Mary- 
land Institute for Minority 

We Have a Winner! 

Though we received quite a few entries for this week's photo 
contest, only about half correctly guessed as to 'What is it — 
Where is it"in the March 12 issue of Outiook: the West 
Chapel, as seen from the courtyard. Michelle M. Moore, with Collec- 
tion Managerrient & Special Collections iri McKeldin Library, won 
the drawing and a free beverage from the Union Coffee Bar, Extra 
points for identifying the magnolia trees reflected iri the windowt 
Michelle, ptease call 5-4629 to claim your prize coupon. Outlook will 
take a spring break and not pub! ish next week. However, look for a 
new photo in an upcoming issue. 

Achievement and Urban Edu- 
cation colloquium scries. A 
summary of each speaker's 
presentation can be found at 
www. education . umd. edu/ 
MIMAUE. For more informa- 
tion, contact Martin L. Johnson 

5:30 p.m., -John Fuegi: 
Women of Power Series: 
Virginia Wooff laboratory 
Theater Clarice Smith Per- 
forming Arts Center. This com- 
parative literature professor 
presents an installment of his 
Women of Power film series. 
For more infonnation, call 
(301) 405-ARTS or visit www. 



12 p.m.. Books in Print and 
Books in Progress aliout 
the U.S.M.C. Lecture Room 
D, National Archives at College 
Park, 8601 Adelphl Road, Col- 
lege Park. Brig. Gen. Ed Sim- 
mons, USMC (Ret.) will draw 
upon his previous books "The 
United States Marines: A Histo- 
ry," "The Marines" and "Dog 
Company Six," as well as his 
upcoming worir "Frozen 
Chosin: The U.S. Marines at 
Changjin Reservoir," Reserva- 
tions are recommended; call 
(301) 713-6274 ext. 239. 

12-1 p.m.. Rural Families 
Speak: Life in a State of 
Poverty 1216 Marie Moimt. 
As part of Women's History 
Month, the Department of 
Family Studies presents an 
interactive exploration of low- 
income, rural femilies in Mary- 
land and 14 other states partic- 
ipating in an Extension study. 
For more information, contact 
Bonnie Braun at 5-3581 or, 

12-1:30 p.m.. Scholarship 
of Teaching and Learning: 
Exploring the Nature and 
Benefits of Undergraduate 

Research Maryland Room, 
Marie Mount Hall, Individuals 
will present their work. Light 
rcfresliments will be served. 
Sponsored by the Center for 
Teaching Excellence, For more 
information, visit www, umd, 
edu/cte. RSVP requested; call 
Mary Wesley at 5-9356 or RSVP 

5:30-6:30 p.m.. Meditation 

0121 CRC.The Center for 
Health & Wellbeing presents a 
session on meditation: What is 
it? How is it done? And will it 
relieve my stress? For more 
Information, call 4-1493 or e- 
mail treger® health, umd, edu, 

8 p.m., Univei^ity of Mary- 
land Symphony Orchestra 

Concert Hall, Clarice Smith 
Performing Arts Center World- 
famous pianist Andre Watts 
joins the UMSO to perform 
MacDowell's Piano Concerto 
in D Minor, op, 23, no, 2, For 
more information, contact 
(301) 405-ARTS, or visit www, 
daricesmithcenter. umd .edu. 

march 21 

9:30-11 a.m.. Laboratory 
Safety Orientation Training 
Session 3104 Chesapeake 
Building. Hosted by the 
Department of Environmental 
Safety, this training b offered to 
assure regulatory compliance. 
Space is limited. Contact 
Jeanette Cartron at 5-2131 or 
jcartron@acc mail , umd. edu , 

12-2 p.m.. Literary Cartog- 
raphy of the Americas: The 
Politics of Translation and 
the Translation of Poetry 

2123 Susquehanna Hall, The 
Caribbean Research hiterest 
Group presents die first hmch- 
timc talk of its Spring 2002 
Brown Bag Series with Carlos 
Schroeder, instructor, compara- 
tive literature and Tanya Shields, 
Ph,D, student, comparative lit- 
erature. For more information, 

contact Belinda Wallace at 
bwalla@ warn, umd. edu or Bar- 
bara Shaw Ptrry at 5-8279. 

4:15-5:30 p.m.. Talk About 
Teaching: The Wife of Bath 
and Her Sisters 0135 Taliafer- 
ro Hall. The Center Alliance for 
School Teachers (CAST^ hosts 
Charles Rutherford, Associate 
Dean for Faculty Af&irs in the 
College of Arts and Humanities, 
in an informal conversation 
and sharing of ideas. Light 
refreshments will be served. 
For more information, contact 
Nancy Traubitz at 5-6830 or, or visit 

7-10 p.m.. Yoga for Stress 
Workshop Ritdiie Coliseum 
Campus Recreation Services 
offers tliis one-day (non-credit) 
workshop to help participants 
cope with stresses they may be 
experiencing, created by woik, 
sdiool, home or roommates. 
The fee is $20. Payment can be 
made by credit card (VISA/MC/ 
Discover). For more informa- 
tion, contact Laura Sutter at 5- 
PLAY or, 
or visit* 

8 p.m.. Faculty Spotlight 
Recital Gildcnhorn Recital 
Hall, Clarice Stnith Performing 
Arts Center A new recital sc- 
ries showcasing the talents of 
faculty artists at the Universit>' 
of Maryland School of Music. 
For more information, call 
(301) 405-ARTS or visit www. 

8 p.m.. University of Mary- 
land African Drum Ensem- 
ble Concert Hall, Clarice Smith 
Performing Arts Center. Diali 
Djimo Rouyate, oral historian 
and musician of Manding cul- 
ture, leads the ensemble in an 
evening of song and dance fea- 
turing West African percussion 
and string instruments. For 
more information, call (301) 
405-ARTS or visit www. 
dar icesmithcen ter umd . edu . 

march 22 

12 p.m.. Song of Song: Rid- 
dle of Riddles 1 102 Francis 
Scott Key. With Yair Zakovitch, 
Hebrew University. Part of the 
Joseph & Rebecca Meyerhoff 
Center for Jewish Studies. To 
reserve lunch, call 54975. 

12-12:50 p.m.. Entomology 
Colloquium 1140 Plant Sci- 
ences Building. David Sever- 
son, University of Notre Dame, 
will speak on "Genes to Geno- 
mics in Culicine Mosquitoes ."A 
reception will follow in 4 102 
Plant Sciences Building. For 
more information, call 5-39 1 1 
or visit 

8 p.m., Zvi Gotheiner Dance 

Kay Theatre, Clarice Smith Per- 
forming Arts Center. Zvi 
Gotheiner newly recreates The 

Amber Room for Washington- 
area audiences, following its 
successful rtm in New Yotk. 
Tickets are $25. Call (301) 405- 
ARTS or visit www.clarice 

march 23 

9 a.nt.-4 p.m.. Black Saga 
Competition Stamp Student 
Union. Sec page 7. 

8 p.m., Zvi Gotheiner Dance 

KayTheatre, Clarice Smith Perfor- 
mingArts Center. See March 22. 


4 p.m.. Physics Colloi|uium 

1410 Physics Lecture Hall. With 
Lawrence Cardman, Jefferson 
Laboratory, Newport News, VA: 
'CEBAF and Jefferson Lab: 
recent results and future plans." 
For more information, contact 
Sheldon S. Smith at 5-5945 or, or 
visit or 


apHI 3 

3:30-4:30 p.m.. Lecture by 
the Ambassador of Argenti- 
na Multipurpose Room, St. 
Mary's Hall. Ambassador Diego 
Guelar will speak at the Lan- 
guage House as pari of the 
Office of International Pro- 
grams' Ambassadorial Lecture 
Series. For more information, 
contact Tanya Huntington at 
5-8933 or thunting@wam. 

calendar guide 

Calendar phone numbers listed es 4-xxx)c or 5-xjtxx stand for the prefix 314 or 405. Calendar Information for Outlook Is compiled from a comBlnation Of infbrM's mastef 
calendar and submissions to the Outlook office. SubmtMfons are due two weeks prior to the date of publication. To reach the calendar editor, call 405-7615 or e-mail to 
outloof(@accmail.umd,edu. 'Events are free and open to the putjilc unless noted by an asterisk (*). 


Oallmk is the wtekly faculty-staff 
newspaper serving the University of 
MaryLind eanipus community. 

Brodie Remington 'Vice 
President for University R.ctatiom 

Teresa Flannery • Executive 
Direttor of UniVL-rsits' 
Communications and Ditector of 

George Catbcart * Executive 


Mqnette Austin Bailey ■ Editor 

Cynthia Mitchel ' Art Director 

Laura Lee ■ Graduate Assistant 

Robert K. Gardner • Editorial 
A^^istanE &' C'ontribu ting Writer 

Letters to the editoti story sugges- 
tions and campus infortnatiDn art 
welcome. Please submit all material 
two weeb bcfott the Tuesday of 

Send material to Editor, Outlook. 
2101 Turner HaU, College Park, 
MD 20742 

Telephone * (,101) 40,S-4629 
Fax- (.TO t) ,114-9.144 
E-mail ' outlook(^3ccni^il.umd,edu 
www. colic gepubl / oudook 



Ellen Laursn portrays Virginia Woolf in director Anna Bogarfs 



An Evening mth Langston, 
Martin and Danny Glover 

Actor Danny 
Glover will per- 
form at the 
Clarice Smith Perform- 
ing Arts Center in a 
special evening of per- 
formance and theatri- 
cal readings. Glover 
will be joined by 
actor/director Felix 
Justice for "An Evening 
with Langston and 
Martin," an event com- 
memorating Martin 
Luther King J r and 
Langston Hughes. Pre- 
sented by The Demo- 
cracy Collaborative, the 
Clarice Smitli Perform- 
ing Arts Center and the 
Afro-American Studies Pro- 
gram , "An Evening" will be 
held in the Ina and Jack Kay 
Theatre on Tliesday, April 9 
at 7:30 p.m., followed by a 
post performance question 
and answer segment with 
both actors. 

The program begins with 
Justice deliveting a portray- 
al of Martin Luther King Jr 
Armed with nothing but 
himself and two of King's 
most memorable and inspir- 
ing speeches, Justice virtual- 
ly becomes the legendary 
civil rights leader, delivering 
an oration in the heart of 
the Civil Rights era. Momen- 
tarily recreating the power 
of the man and his message, 
Justice performs the last 
speech King ever delivered 
on April 3, 1968 in Mem- 
phis, Tenn. Justice specifi- 
cally chose this speech 
because he felt it was "the 
sum of King's concerns in 
his last hours." 

Pertbrming theatrical 
readings from the works of 
Langston Hughes, Glover 
brings to life the uniquely 
African-American words 
and rhythms of one of our 
country's most celebrated 
writers. Along the way, he 
shares insights into the var- 
ied ways Hughes' writings 
have touched him during 

Danny Glover and Felix Justice give 
moving portrayals of Langston Hughes 
and Martin Luther King Jr, in "An 
Evening with Langston and Martin." 

his own life. Glover runs the 
gamut of Hughes' collec- 
tion, spanning from his first 
poem, "The Negro Speaks 
of Rivers," to one of his last, 
"Birmingham Sunday," a 
response to the tragic death 
of four girb in a church 
bombing in 1963. 

For Glover and Justice, 
"An Evening with Langston 
and Martin" is the result of a 
long history of friendship. 
Often performed in honor 
of Black History month, 
Glover brings the produc- 
don back to college cam- 
puses for the students "to 
hear their voices and the 
issues prevalent to them." 
Tickets are $ 30, $ 1 for full- 
time students with ID. Con- 
tact the Ticket Office at 
(301) 405-ARTS. 

Dance Festival Conies to Maryland 

While many students 
will be heading 
south for spring 
break this year, hun- 
dreds of others will be heading to 
College Park for the four-day Ameri- 
can College Dance Festival Associa- 
tion's Mid-Atlantic Regional 
FesUval (ACDFA) March 23- 
26. Although this is the third 
time the festival will be held at 
Maryland, it is the first year 
activldes will be held in one 
building, the Clarice Smith 
Performing Arts Center. 

The ACDFA promotes the 
talent and creativity promi- 
nent throughout college and 
imiversity dance depart- 
ments. Every two years regional 
festivals take place where stu- 
dents engage in three days 
of workshops, lectures, 
demonstrations and master 
classes. The festivals also pro- 
vide an opportunity for students 
and faculty to have their dance works 
adjudicated by a panel of nationally 
recognized dance professionals. A 
selection of the adjudicated works 
are recommended for presentation at 
the National Festival, held at die Kcimedy 
Center in May. 

Department of Dance Co-cooitlinators Mim 
Rosen andAlclneWiltz have been working 
with committee members, Anne Warren, Alvin 
Mayes and Paul D.Jackson to bring this event 
to the Center. With the help of 4 1 under- 
graduates and graduates, the festival will pre- 
sent" extraordinary students from all over the 

This year, the fesdval features 37 schools 
from around the region and nation. Three pro- 
fessional dance adjudicators, Mailt Halm, Zvi 
Gotheiner and MarliesYeatt>y,w{U review 58, 
12-minute works in an effon to select the cul- 
minating gala program that completes the festi- 

val. Each school may present two works for 
adjudication, one choreographed by a faculty 
member or guest artist and one by a student. 
Additionally, each scliool may present one non- 
adjudicated work for review. 
In addition to'the adjudicated worics, the fes- 
tival will offer a fiill range of class- 
es for pardci pants includ- 
ing technique, 
pilates and other 
mind/body meth- 
ods plus an array 
of lectures on 
video dance, dance 
management and dance 
preservation. "The class- 
es serve as a great opportuni- 
ty for students to be exposed 
to faculty and teachers from all 
over the country," said Rosen, pro- 
fessor of dance. 
The festival will kick off with a 
performance by Zvi Gotheiner Dance 
on Friday and Saturday March 22 and 
23 at 8 p.m. in the Ina and Jack Kay 
Theatre. Gotheiner presents an area pre- 
miere of "The Amber Room." This dance- 
theater work was inspired by the myste- 
rious dfeappearance of what was regard- 
ed as the Eighth Wonder of the Modem 
World. A gift from Wilhelm I of Prussia to 
Russia's Peter the Great, the Amber 
Room was composed of walls carved 
from the golden stone and was installed in the 
Catherine Palace, outside St. Petersburg. During 
World War fi, the Nazis dismanded the room 
and shipped it to Kbenisbur^, where it van- 
ished. ITie Amber Room became the best- 
known sjrmbol of the cultural treasures 
destroyed by the Germans in Russia. Gothein- 
er s "The Amber Room" uses this story to 
explore issues such as the creation and owner- 
ship of art and the body as an art object. 

The final gala program will be presented on 
March 26 at 8 p.m. in the Kay Theatre. Follow- 
ing the program, awards and the works select- 
ed for the National Festival will be announced. 

Finding the Room to Move, to Breathe, to Create 

For ticket information or to 
request a season brochure, 
contact the Ticket Office at 
301.40S.ARTS or visit www. 
claricesmithcenter. . 

Qarjce Smith 

Centerat MARYIi\ND 

"I must ask you to imag 
ine a room. Any room. But 
must be your room.... Do 
you have such a room? I pi 
you if you do not. A room 
one's own is not a luxury b 
a necessity." 

Conceived by award-wir 
tiing director Anne Bogart, 
"Room" is a one-woman - 
play sampled from a lifetime | 
of writfngs by the remark- , 

able anist Virginia Woolf. 
Making its area premiere, 
"Room" wil! be held in the i 
Ina and Jack Kay Theatre of 
the Oarice Smith Performing -flo 
Arts Center from April 3-6 pt 
8 p.m. and April 7 at 3 p.m. 

Starring Ellen Lauren, "Room" 
traces the movement of a creative spir 
it in crisis. The play is about the room 
to move, breathe and imagine, emo- 
tional room and creative room. "A rig- 
orous exploration of Woolf's life work 

and imagination," Lauren says, 
"Room" weaves childhood memories 
and mature observations about writing 
into a stream of consciousness. "Woolf 
wrote in a way that showed everything 
happening at once — scratching your 
leg, obsessing over the past, panicking 

ise of something you did 
you were 5. Through 

ise of language, Woolf 
rbirth to an original artis- 
ording to director Boga- 
loom' does not attempt 
tray or embody Woolf, 
sr, Lauren Is an American 
js, also in a room, who 
inters Into the world, 
houghts and writing of Vtr- 
,ir>ia Woolf. She is our guide 
nto the mind and experience 
)f this extraordinary English 
. The work is an adaptation 

of her observations of the 21st 
century, where her issues remain as 
relevant as ever. 

In conjunction with the play, Bogart 
will be participating in residency activi- 
ties with (he university's Department of 
Theatre, For more information, contact 
the Ticket Office at (301) 405-ARTS, 

MARCH 19, 2002 

Major Improvements 
to the OIT Help Desk 

II i n. r*»n ' 

In a continuing effort 
to provide superior 
support to the Univer- 
sity of Maryland com- 
munity, the Office of Infor-" 
mation Technology (OIT) 
Help Desk is creating a 
more efficient and robust 
operation. Two recent 
changes invoKing staffing 
and the provisioning of 
services will promote 
enhanced support to facul- 
ty, staff and stu- 

The OIT Help 
Desk is now 
staffed entirely by 
full-time profes- 
sional employees, 
rather than by a 
mix of ftiU-time 
and student staff. 
This should result 
in reduced hold 
times and 
increase the like- 
lihood that the 
first person to 
receive a query 
will be able to 
fully resolve the 
issue. Although 
the staff is new, 
customers will 
most likely expe- 
rience an immedi- 
ate improvement 
in service. Fur- 
thermore, the service is 
anticipated to improve 
throughout the spring 
semester as the new staff 
members become more 
acclimated to the universi- 
ty's computing environment 
and needs. 

"These are exciting times. 
We have the rare opportuni- 
ty to define our role in the 
university community, facili- 
tate change and build to our 
customer's needs," said 
I>awn TeboMatlock, the new 
Help Desk manager. "We're 
focusing now on determin- 
ing our core competencies 
and procedural documenta- 
tion. I'm very confident and 
extremely optimistic about 
the improvements within 
the Help Desk." 

One problem traditionally 
faced at the Help Desk has 
been obtaining adequate 
student stafflng during the 
busiest times, which coin- 
cide with the times students 
are most likely to be in 
classes. Switching to a pro- 
fessional staff eliminates 
this problem so the Help 
Desk is now able to provide 
increased staffing during 
the times customers are 
most likely to call. 

There arc two major rea- 
sons why customers should 
now receive ans'wers more 
quickly from the first per- 
son they talk with at the 
Help Desk. First, it will no 
longer be necessary for cer- 
tain calls to be escalated to 
a supervisor. Previously, stu- 
dent staff could not be 
granted access to systems 

containing critical financial 
and student data, so many 
problems and questions 
related to those systems 
required a supervisor's 
attention. Now, any member 
of the staff can perform a 
greater range of tasks on 
these systems. This will 
result in more inmiediate 
service to the customer. 

Second, employees who 
work fiiU time at the Help 


Tim Byrne (standing, rear) with (seated l-f) 
David Arnold, Mike Schilingno, Bernard Hill 
and Eric Byrd are part of the new full-time 
Help Desk staff in the Office of Information 
Technology (OIT). 

Desk win become more 
knowledgeable as a result of 
increased training opportu- 
nities and on-the-job experi- 
ence. Because of the dramat- 
ic growth of information 
technology over the last 10 
years, it is no longer possi- 
ble for student staff working 
part time to keep up with 
the diverse range of applica- 
tions and systems the Help 
Desk is tasked with support- 

In addition to the staffing 
changes, the OIT Help Desk 
and the IT Library recendy 
joined forces. The merger 
will allow OIT to intensify 
its "customer first" focus. 
Most of the technical book 
collection will be reallocat- 
ed to the University Library 
system. Therefore, OIT will 
no longer provide book and 
tutorial check-out services. 
However, the Help Desk will 
continue to provide hard- 
ware rental, software licens- 
ing and Peer Training pay- 
ments, documentation dis- 
tribution and research 

The Orr Help Desk wiU 
continue to be located in 
room 1400 of the Computer 
and Space Sciences Build- 
ing. For more information, 
go to www.helpdesk., contact the desk 
through e-mail at helpdesk®, call 
(301) 405-1500 or stop by. 
Associates are available 
from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., Mon- 
day through Friday. 

— by Sonja Kueppers 

CAST^ Program Makes Drama Accessible 

Continued Jrom page t 

"We do a lot of 
things. We act, sing. 
We just have fun," 
said Utrell. "We 
meet every Thurs- 
day from 4 to 5 p.m. 
and we have pizza," 
The students also 
attend live perform- 
ances at Clarice. 

"We study how 
plays come from 
page to stage," said 
Nancy Traubitz, 
CAST program 
director. "We give 
them a reason to 
want to read chal- 
lenging, rich mate- 

As the students 
loitered in the lobby 
of the performing arts center, 
alternating between looks of 
extreme boredom and barely 
disguised enthusiasm, teacher 
and Stage site coordinator 
Helen DeVinney attempted to 
impart last minute instruc- 
tions. No gum, book bags are 
to be kept at the feet, no talk- 
ing. Her words are stern, but 
she knows that many of these 
kids really enjoy their theater 

"I teach Shakespeare and 
Sophocles, but during class we 
don't have time to do too 
much," she said. "This is the 
first opportunity they have to 
experience drama," 

The after-school wotkshops, 
led by Catonsville Community 
College instructor Drew Kahl, 
build self-confidence, said 
De^^ney. "We have several 


Nancy Traubftz, director of the Center Alliance for School 
Teachers (CAST), feels bringing kids to the theater Is a good 
way to create interest in reading drama. 

divas in the makii^." 

Activides center around one 
play, usually Shakespeare, with 
students reading and often giv- 
ir^ modem interpretations of 
the works. Thfe session the 
kids are reading "A Midsimmaer 
Night's Dream ."Ttaubitz says 
the pro^'am has nm, on and 
off and in various forms, for 
approximately a dozen years. 
She looks for recreation CCI^ 
ters and schools that are will- 
ing to host "a challenging pro- 

Alonzo Hester may not be 
ready for the stage, but he's 
one of Traubitz's stars. During 
an early visit to Forest Park, 
Traubitz noticed 11 th grader 
Alonzo on the basketball 
court, as he frequently peeked 
into the room where the kids 
were working. She invited him 

to stay. Thougli he 
initially declined, 
he soon was there 
every Thursday. 

"I told him that 
he couldn't just 
peek in. He had to 
get involved. It's a 
wonderful pro- 
gram, but it's hard 
work," said Traub- 
itz. Although 
Alonzo did join, it 
was hard to dis- 
cern his level of 
enthusiasm. He 
shrugged his 
shoulders and 
looked skyward 
when asked what 
he likes about the 
Jashen Alston, a ninth grader, 
was less reserved and asked if 
he could talk about From Page 
to Stage. He likes reading 
scripts and learning about the 
theater. "It's fun." He credits 
Kalil with keeping the stu- 
dents on track when their silli- 
ness takes over. 

Traubitz, who travels to Bal- 
timore to participate almost 
every week, appreciates that 
the kids enjoy themselves 
while learning. The skills are 
academically transferable to 
lots of other areas, she said. 
She credits many organiza- 
tions, such as Pizza Hut, the 
Travelers Foimdation and Eled- 
fond Press, with keeping From 
Page to Stage running, 

"It's bits and pieces of fund- 
ing for a wonderful program," 
she said. 

Nettles! A Study in Recovery, Resilience 

Continued jrom page 1 

an edited book of vignettes 
about patients and caregivers. So 
Nettles began to write her own 
book, not knowing how much 
time she'd have to get the words 
down before she could no 
longer recall them. Netties 
already belonged to a communi- 
ty writers' group and took some 
notes for an assignment that 
turned into 20 pages. A short 
story writer and published poet, 
Netties knew she had to try to 
keep writing. 

"It was my way of healing my 
brain," she says. "It forced me to 
start making connections. Hav- 
ing had that kind of neurological 
disorder affects your creativity." 

A journal keeper from way 
back, Netties became fttistrated 
with her growing Inability to 
count on notes to herself and 
journal entries. Depression set- 
tled in. A single mother of col- 
lege-age twin girls, Nettles want- 
ed to get back to the full life she 
had led. It was old journals, 
however, that helped Nettles 
recreate her life during what she 
calls her-timiorous years." 

In her book, "Crazy Visitation: 
A Chronicle of Illness and 

Recovery" (University of CJeoi^a 
Press, 2001), she writes, "My 
resume, appointment calendars, 
bank statements, marriage 
licenses, divorce papers, voter 
registration card — all the other 
documents of my life tell the 
story of the person who tried to 
be a good mother and citizen. 
The joumab tell the story of the 
person, the self, who was dying," 

Nettles says she spent two 
years writing the "Nourished on 
Nightmare" chapter from which 
the above quote comes. She 
went through 40 journals from a 
1 5-year period, doing a thorough 
content analysis so that she 
could provide an honest, "nitty- 
gritty " account of her life. She 
felt the book wouldn't have 
offered a true experience with- 
out it. 

It's been six years since the 
large tumor was removed, 
and Nettles says on a 1-10 
scale of capacity she is at 8. "If I 
had to graph my life, I would say 
I started off as a 9 when I was 
25; I'd gone down to a 1 when 
the tumor was diagnosed and 
now I'm at an 8," 

This semester she teaches one 
coiu^e in human development 
and is working on a research 
projea with colleagues at Johns 
Hopkins and the University of 
Texas that looks at how neigh- 
borhoods and family affect 
adjustment in elementary school 
students. She Is also working on 
a paper with a colleague on 
"zones of narrative safety," which 
she credits with her resUience. 
In safe places, she was able to 
tell her story through writing, in 
therapy and in other forms of 
expression. "We are looking for 
youth programs that feature nar- 
rative expression as a vehicle for 
fostering resilience," she says. 

Friend Lynn Bolles, acting 
director of the Afro-American 
Studies Program and professor 
of women's studies, ^ys Netties' 
recovery is "absolutely amazing." 
Netties, who still says she has 
work to do, feels regaining full 
capacity isn't optional. 

"I had a choice. I could have 
gone home after the surgery 
with my mom and dad and veg- 
ged out. But I had to tell this 
story. . . about coming out on 
the other side of trauma." 


Makes Pact 
to Improve 

The University of Mary- 
land and the Anacostia 
Watershed Restoration 
Committee (AWRQ joined in a 
partnership last weelc to work 
to improve the condition of the 
Anacostia Watershed. 

Last Tuesday, President Dan 
Mote and Cameron Wiegand of 
AWRC, signed a Memorandum 
of Understanding stating their 
common goals for the area, in 
which the university is centrally 
located. William Desder, vice 
president of academic aflairs 
and provost said the agreement 
is a commitment for the two 
organizations "to work together 
in a coordinated foshion to 
clean up the wathershed." They 
will also share information and 

"We have an impact on the 
ecological region," Desder said. 
"We want to work with others 
in trying to improve the ecolo- 
gy of the region." 

The AWRC's main goal is 
restoring the Anacostia River 
and its tributaries. Members of 
the committee include the Dis- 
trict of Columbia, Montgomery 
County, Prince George's Coiui- 
ty, the state of Maryland, U.S. 
Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. 
Environmental Protection 
Agency and the U.S. National 
Park Service. 

The agreement was originally 
initiated by Thomas Fretz, dean 
of the College of Agriculture 
and Natural Resources. Desder 
said he re-worked the draft in 
January to a point where both 
parties were happy. The agree- 
ment is in line with the campus' 
overall goal to work on the 
environmental impact of the 
campus, Destier added. 

The university can pose 
problems to the area with 
issues such as run-off from 
paved parking lots. After a rain, 
toxic chemicals are fed into the 
watershed. This partnership 
will work to aUeviate such 

"We are instituting a rain gar- 
den, in a parking lot, designed 
to capture chemicals before 
they spill into the watershed," 
Desder said. The AWRC will 
assist in the design, implementa- 
tion and evaluation of such 
projects. A fish ladder is on the 
agenda, to correct the erosion 
of the water bed so that fish can 
migrate and move about. 

The university can benefit 
from a relationship with the 
AWRC, which unites several 
groups to work toward the 
improvement of the Anacostia 
River, by helping with the coor- 
dination of the university's 
activities with the many other 

"This will incite an even 
new and broader collaboration 
on these kinds of problems," 
Desder said about the partner- 

Maryland Places First in Student 
Affairs Conference Case Competition 

^^— ^ laire Williams and 
M Clark Dawood, 

M from the Depart- 

^^^^ ment of Resident 
Life, won first place in the 
first annual Maryland Student 
Affiiirs Case Competition held 
last month. 

Tlie Maryland Conference 
is the largest Student Afelrs 
conference in the region, 
with more than 450 partici- 
pants. Those taking part in 
the competition were given a 
hypothetical situation to 
solve, and given five days to 
prepare a case (or suggested 
plan of action) for a three- 
judge panel. The situation, in 
this instance, was a complex 
case that involved race, gen- 
der, ethnicity, campus climate, 
faculty/staff/student relations 
and public image. Participants 
•were rewarded for compre- 
hensive analysis, thorough- 
ness and originality in solu- 

Competitors presented 
their case on the Friday of the 
conference. Participation was 
limited to the first eight 
teams who responded; the 
maximum team size was 

"The case competition 
provides a wonderful oppor- 
timity lor young profession- 
als in our field to combine 

Claire Willtams and Clark Dawood took first place in the competition. 

theory with practice. In the 
case competitions that 1 have 
judged, I've often found truly 
innovative ideas presented; 
the judges may walk away 
getting as much as the par- 
ticipants out of the experi- 
ence," said Linda Clement, 
vice president of Student 

The wiimers were 
annoimccd during the recep- 
tion at the close of the con- 
ference. Second place went 
to Christine McGill and Terry 
Dade of the University of Vir- 
ginia; and third place went to 
Mvian Gatay, Ashley Mouber- 

ry and Dharma Naik of the 
University of Maryland. The 
flrst-placc finishers received 
$500 in professional develop- 
ment funds; second-place, 
$250 and third-place, $150. 

Michael Freeman, vice pres- 
ident for student affairs at St. 
Mary's College of Maryland, 
Matt Wawrzynski, assistant 
director of orientation at 
Maryland, and Cindy Felice, 
associate director for resident 
life at the university, served as 

The 2003 Maryland Student 
Affairs Conference has been 
scheduled for Feb. 14. 


Gary Williams was voted Asso- 
ciated Press Coach of the Year 
in the Atlantic Coast Confer- 
ence. Williams led Maryland to 
its first regular season Atiantic 
Coast Conference champion- 
ship in 22 years. He received 44 
out of 84 possible votes from 
the Atlantic Coast Sports Writers 
Association, beating out North 
Carolina State's Herb Sendek, 
who had 35 votes. Maryland fin- 
ished the regular season 27-4 
and earned a first ever No. 1 
seed in the NCAA tournament. 

The March 18 issue of U.S. News 
&Worid Report listed the Uni- 
versity of Maryland on its 

Honor Roll for college sports. 
The university was evaluated on 
sanctions, gender equity, 
win/loss, number of athletic 
programs and graduation rates. 
The honor roll recognizes 
schools that fored well in sever- 
al areas. Only 20 out of 321 
NCAA Division 1 schools were 
named to the list. Other schools 
on the honor roll include Duke, 
Georgetown, Stanford and the 
University of Utah. 

MercuiY- New Options to Replace Hazardous Element 

Continued from page 1 


Cleveland Taylor, project manager of the pollution prevention program, 
displays one of several no n -mercury thermometers recommended by DES. 
Unlike mercury thermometers, the type above does not require special 
disposal procedures; if H breaks, it can simpty be thrown away. 

Tkylor, an environmental 
safety specialist with DES, 
said his group frequendy 
responds to mercury spills, 
with each one considered 
an emergency response. If 
they can't dean or contain 
it, an outside contractor is 
brought in, after which an 
industrial hygienist needs 
to test the air quality of the 

Taylor is the project 
manager of the pollution 
prevention program for 
DES and is coordinating a 
thermometer exchange 
program to encourage cam- 
pus labs to "think green." As 
long as funds allow, DES 
will offer free exchanges to 
those bringing in mercury 
thermometers. Department 
environmental compliance 
officers, who received 
notice of the program earli- 
er in the month, are asked 
to take the lead on the pn> 

"We have an arrange- 
ment with the Chemistry 
Stores to actually make the 
exchange. First, you have 
to put in an electronic 
request for a particular 
item," explained Taylor. 
Once we get enough, we 
put an order in. Yon take 
your old thermometer to 
the store and they'll 
exchange it." 

The mercury-free ther- 

mometers are made by HB 
Instnmient Company and sold 
to DES by VWR International, a 
trusted campus vendor. Each 
one is calibrated to NIST stan-. 
dards and comes with a state- 
ment of accuracy. Individuals 
may see what is offered by 
going to 
mercury/mercury, cfm 

Lupin stressed that the 
exchange will not upgrade 
equipment and that it is one 
for one. The Chemistry Stores, 
in 0202 Chemistry, will begin 
to stock more non-hazardous 
items to sell once the 
exchange is underway. Both 
men feel that with support, 
the campus can minimize an 
environmental danger. 

"We've gotten some positive 
feedback from otir campus 
survey and have foimd some 
funding to support the pro- 
gram," said Taylor 

A VWR International 
trade show will be 
held from 9 a.m. to 
1 p.m. on April 3 in room 
0104 Plant Sciences Build- 
ing. Representatives from 
HB Instruments and other 
laboratory safety equipment 
vendors will display their 
products. Refreshments will 
be provided. For more infor- 
mation, call Cleveland Tay- 
lor at (301) 405-7535. 

MARCH 19, 2002 

MFRI Director 
Participates in Exchange 

Maryland Fire and 
Rescue Institute 
Director Steven 
T Edwards 
recently accepted an invita- 
tion to participate as a mem- 
ber of the People to Ptople 
Fire Chiefs Delegation to the 
People's Republic of China. 

The goodwill, cultural 
exchange trip included visits 
to the cities of Beijing, Shang- 
hai and Hong Kong. While in 
China, Edwards toured fire 
departments, fire apparatus 

their American counterparts. 
"You could place the Shanghai 
Fire Training Center in College 
Park and we could hmction 
from it very well " said 
Edwards, who recently served 
as president of the North 
American Fire Training Direc- 
tors. As such, he has visited 
numerous state tiaintng focUl- 
tics throughout the country. 

During the 1 2-day China 
visit, many discussions turned 
to the terrorist attacks on the 
World Trade Center towers 


Director Steve Edwards (center) is pictured with two firefighters from 
Fire Station #27 in Beijirtg, This single fire station protects a vast popu- 
lation of 640,000 people wKhin i^ first due response area. 

manufecturers, fire research 
focilities and training acade- 
mies. Recent advances in the 
Chinese government's opert 
market economy were instru- 
mental to the program's deci- 
sion to travel to China.The 
exchange was beneficial for 
both countries, since they 
have significantly different 
methods of operation. The 
number of fire incidents and 
fire deaths are very low in 
China as compared to the 
United States. This difference 
is attributed to widespread 
proactive fire prevention and 
fire education programs. In 
addition, Chinese society 
places greater emphasis on 
individual responsibility for 

Surprisingly, Edwards found 
few differences between the 
Chinese training centers and 

and the Pentagon. Chinese 
firefighters, officers and train- 
ing personnel all wanted to 
talk about the heroic actions 
of America's fire service per- 
sonnel both during and after 
die tragedies. Deep sympathy 
for the great number of Ameri- 
can losses was continually 

Two Beijing Fire Depart- 
ment fire officers have already 
received reciprocal invitadons 
to visit America. They will 
attend MFRl's annual National 
Staff and Command Course to 
be held this year in Dallas. 
While reports that the squid 
egg soup and ox stomach 
served In China were excel- 
lent, Beijiing's fire officers will 
more likely be treated to a 
Texas-style barbecue. 

— by April Walker 

State, University Coflaborate for Kids 

The university is joining 
a state-wide effon to 
recruit mentors, initiat- 
ed by Attorney General J. 
Joseph Curranjr.'s office. 

The office has partnered 
with Big Brothers Big Sisters 
of both Central Maryland and 
the National Capital Area to 
create a new mentoring 
recruitment program called 
Mentor Maryland. The pro- 
gram challenges Maryland 
businesses, colleges and Mth 
institutions to help enlist 
2,002 mentors for 2002. 

Those woricii^ with the 
effort at the university 
include Barbara Jacoby, direc- 
tor of Commuter Affeirs and 
Community Service. "The 
attorney general's office is 
interested in getting the 
whole university coiimiunity 
involved," Jacoby said. 

With all of the students, fac- 
ulty, staff and oi^anizations 
on campus, Jacoby said the 
univereity is a good resource 
to tap for mentors. Many fee- 
tilty and staff members come 
into her office looking for 
service opportunities, often 
with an interest in working 
with children, she said. 

Mentoring is a one-on-one 
relationship between a caring 
adult and a child in need. The 
attorney general's office has 
focused the program as a pre- 

ventive effort to reach out to 
youth before diey get into 
trouble. A quarter of Mary- 
land's school children are 
considered at risk by the 
attorney general's office. 

'There are a lot of youth in 
the state that do not have reg- 
ular contaa with a caring 
adult," Jacoby said. As a result, 
cMdren who do not have 
this kind of relationship are 
more likely to become at risk. 

Mentor Maryland allows 
individuals, companies and 
organizations to enter a struc- 
tured program of Big Broth- 
ers Big Sisters to wotk with 
children. Big Brothers Big Sis- 
ters, which has been acdvely 
involved in mentoring since 
1904, wiU screen and place 
prospective mentors recruit- 
ed by the inidativc. 

"This is a terrific opportu- 
nity," said Jacoby. "It's very 
flexible and yet it comes with 
excellent training." Jacoby 
said there are several vrays 
the univer^ty can get 
involved: one-on-one mentor- 
ing, school-based mentoring, 
workplace mentoring and 
iaith-bascd mentoring. Offices 
and departments can also 
work together in a mentoring 
effort. "Those who feel as 
though they cannot spare the 
time can commit to as Uttle as 
four hours a month to spend 

with a child. 

Jacoby said they want to 
put the word out to the cam- 
pus commimity that mentors 
are needed. Mentor Maryland 
is expected to have a table at 
Maryland Day with represen- 
tatives recruiting and 
answering questions about 
the program. 


nyone interested 
in becominy a 
1 mentor can get 
more information and 
apply online by visiting 
ttie Office of Attorney 
General's Web site (www, 
oag. state. md.Lts) or by 
calling 1-888-743-0023. 


It's a very special time at the 
University of Maryland. 
Every day there are new 
and exciting things happen- 
ing, and we want to make sure 
you know about all the good 
news... all the accomplish- 
ments... all the things that 
make us ZOOM. 

For inatance, hav« you 

The Robert H. Smith School 
of Business is ranked No. 6 in 

the world in research by the 
Financial Times, And, it doesn't 
stop there. The Smith School 
also earned these top-25 rank- 

No. 3 - Value for the money of 
top U.S. schools 

No. 6 - U.S. public business 

No. 7 - Entrepreneurship 

No. 8 - Information technology 

No. 21 - U.S. school overall 

And did you know? 

The university is one of 
America's Best College Sports 
Programs. The U.S. News Col- 
lege Sports Honor Roll recog- 
nizes University of Mar/land 
as one of 20 schools with the 
best overall rankings across 
four categories of achieve- 
ment. U.S. News based its 
rankings on the overall success 
of the athletic program includ- 
ing expanding opportunities 
for women, the quality of edu- 
cation received by student ath- 
letes and the ability of the insti- 
tution and its athletes to play 
by the rules and stay off proba- 
tion. We're ZOOM Ing on and 
off the field. 

Walking: Club Aims to Help Participants Make Time for Health, Well-being 

Continued Jwtn page i 

Trcger, there was immediate 
agreement. It seems Treger was 
thutking the same thing. 

"Most of my clients under 
stress need it,''said Bellsey. "It's 
a great way to relieve strc^." 

Tve done so many programs 
where people say they do not 
have time to exercise, but exer- 
cise is the key to everything," 
said Treger. 

The six-week club will nm 
through May 9, meeting every 
Thursday for 3CN5 minutes of 
walking followed by 1 5 min- 
utes of stretching led by 

Treger's health education 
intern Jessica Blake. All levels 
of walkers are welcome and 
the success of this pilot phase 
will determine if the club con- 
tinues. "We want to get people 
excited about this," said 

If their enthusiasm thus fer is 
any indication, the club should 
be a success. Bellsey, who also 
runs, hopes that the com- 
raderie formed will motivate 
people to see walking as an way to improve their 
health.c Treger, a new mom. 

The first meeting of 
the walking club will 
be from 12:15 to 1:15 
p.m. on April 4 in room 
3100E of the Health Center. 
For more information, call 
Jennifer Treger at (301) 314- 
1493 or Joan Bellsey at (301) 
314-8099, or send an e-mail 

also sees this as a way to moti- 
vate herself to stay in shape. In 

weight management classes she 
hosts, people ask for support 
groups to help them maintain 
healthy habits. 

The women arc still working 
out some of the club's details, 
but would like to offer incen- 
tives to walkers, such as recog- 
nition for meeting certain 
goals. Perhaps they'll calculate 
the distance to certain area 
landmarks, said Treger, and then 
tell participants their cumula- 
tive mileage got them to, say, 
Fredericksburg, "Also, they 
could meet with me to set 

goals or talk about barriers. I 
would love to see people who 
haven't been active in a while." 

The bottom line: just start 
walking, for as much time as 
possible on as many days as . 
possible, "They should not not 
come because they have to 
get back to work," said Bellsey. 
'Any amount is worth it to get 
them started. Men, too. This 
isn't the women's walking 

"If you can only do 1 5 min- 
utes, fine," added Treger, "Then 
do 15 more later. It all adds up," 


Black Saga Competition Returns 

It's Black Sa^ time 
again. This Saturday, 
hundreds of fourth- 
tfarough eighth-grade 
students will head to the 
university to compete for 
the state championship in 
African-American history. 

The btaincliild of univer- 
sity geology professor 
Charles Christian, the Black 
Saga Competition gets stu- 
dents to learn more about 
black history than is often 
taught in school. 

Using the quiz below, 
test your knowledge. The 
answers can be found at 
the bottom of the test. 

For more of a challenge, 
visit wTvw.coUegepublish- Click on 
the Black Saga story in this 
week's online edition and 
find 15 different questions 
on more current history. 
The first five respondents 
to get the most correct 
answers will get a copy of 
"Black Saga: The African 
American Experience: A 
Chronology." The book is 
a survey of the people, 
events and places of black 
history from 1492 to the 
present. It features forgot- 
ten stories of escaped 
slaves and little-known 
entrepreneurs, all of which 
arc complemented by 
more than 200 illustra- 

Entries will be graded by 
Christian. Winners wiU be 
announced in a future 
issue of Outlook. 

1 .What major river valley 
contributed to the growth 
of three great ancient West 
African empires — JVfall, 
Ghana, Songhai? 

2. In 1 64 1 , what colony 
became the first to recog- 
nize slavery as a legal insti- 

S.Jean Baptiste Pointe du 
Sable was the first whole- 
saler, the first merchant and 
the first settier in this area 
when he set up permanent 
residence and a fur trading 
business along a river near 
Lake Michigan, Name the 
city that was founded at 
this site. 

4. Between 1770 and 1775, 
Charleston, South Carolina 
was receiving 4,000 
enslaved Africans per year 
All of them were held for 
several weeks at the so- 
called "pest house" on Sulli- 
van's Island, a quarantine 
station deseed to prevent 
the spread of epidemics 
Irom overseas. So many 
people arrived here that 
Sullivan's Island became 
known as what? 

5. In 1781, a group of 44 
men and women (26 of 
whom were of African 
descent) founded the sec- 
ond settlement in Califor- 
nia. Today, it is the lai^est 
city in the state. Name this 

6. In 1793, the United 
States Congress passed an 
act making it a crime to 
harbor an escaped enslaved 
African or to interfere with 
his capture or arrest. Name 
the act. 

7.The United States Con- 
gress passed legislation 
that prohibited the impor- 
tation of enslaved Africans 

into the United States. 
When did the actual ban 
on importing enslaved 
Africans into the country 
take effect? 

8. This Black American 
patented a device for han- 
dling sails and later owned 
a sail-making factory in 
Philadelphia in the mid- 

1 800s. He was one of the 
richest men in Philadelphia 
and supported many aboli- 
tionist causes. Name him. 

9. On March I6, 1827, two 
African American leaders, 
Samuel Cornish and John 
Russwurm, published the 
first Black newspaper in 
this country. What was the 
name of this newspaper? 

10. On January 1,1831, 
William Lloyd Garrison 
published the first issue of 
his militant anti-slavery 
newspaper in Boston. It 
quickly became a leading 
newspaper for African 
Americans in Boston and 
throughout the East. He 
relied heavily on Blacks for 
support of his paper Name 
the newspaper. 

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Continued from page i 

Gets Global Defense 


and understanding on 
both sides of the 
Atlantic were perfect 
before the actual con- 
ference. A one-second 
difference between 
the audio and video 
s^nals coming from 
Russia seemed to be 
the biggest problem. 

The videoconfcr- 
ence was conducted 
using H.323 technolo- 
gy, the standard for 
video over the Inter- 
net. A room videocon- 
ferencing unit was 
used at Maryland, and 
a smaller desktop system was sent to 
Moscow and attached to a computer there. 
The set up on both ends was "relatively 
simple," according to Paleg. And the excel- 
lent clarity of the video and audio, along 
with the ability of the cameras to focus on 
whoever was speaking, were key to the 
success of the session. "It was almost like 
we were all at one table," Froese says. 

A big advantage, according to Froese and 
Paleg, is the free connection. There are no 
fees to use videoconferencing over the 

Ithough the idea of 
using videoconferenc- 
. ing for a dissertation 
defense is novel, ttie College of 
AgricuSture and Natufal 
Resources fies a rich history of 
using videoconferencing to 
enable its statewide faculty 
and staff to meet witli out 
incurring the high costs and 
downtime due to traveling. 
Two hundred and seventy fac- 
ulty and staff recently partici- 
pated in vide oc on fere nee - 
based learning opportunities 

on various subjects, including 
digital photography, planning 
and organization of Web 
pages, online learning environ- 
ments and PowerPoint presen- 
tations without traveling to 
College Park. By helping create 
an environment that enables 
participants to be actively 
engaged, videoconferencing 
can be used effectively for pre- 
sentations, virtual meetings, 
video conference-based learn- 
ing... and now dissertation 

Internet, as opposed to toll calls to Russia. 
"1 wish videoconference technology had 
been available durii^ tlie two summers I 
spent conducting research in Siberia," says 
Froese, who communicated with Miller, and 
the other members of her committee, pri- 
marily using e-mail. "It's faster than writing 
e-mail messages and avoids costly phone 
bills. It would have really helped in my 

— By Jeuni Chew, sophotnoie. Journalism 


Budget cuts have prompted the 
Uni\'ersity of Maryland agricul- 
ture school to cancel tuna field 
days across the state this sum- 
mer wh^e it ponders the value 
of the annual ^the rings. Thomas 
Freo, dean of the College of Agri- 
culture and Natural Resources, 
led the field days last 
ith, staff member Eilaen Bar- 
natt said Thursday. The events 
were scheduled for July and 
Augtist in five locations to 
expose farmera and equipment 
dealers to new research and 
tecliniques. Fretz, whose budget 

trimmed by $800,000 this 

year, said declining farmer 
attendance at some of the field 
days prompted imiversity offi- 
cials to apix>int a task force to 
study the future of the program. 
Even in Washington County, 
where attendance has held 
steady at 500 to 700 in recent 
iyears, Fretz said he wondered, 
^Do we need to do it every 
3fear?' (Associated Press, Hager- 
, March 7) 

Itorixtf and Worid War 
ed American society 
ig more than 16 million 
women into the armed 
. This war is being fought 
military of 1 .4 million, less 
than one-hatf of i percent of the 
population. (And only about 
00 of those troops are actual- 
or around Afghanistan.) 
Imagine Pearl Harbor if it hadn't 
been followed by World War 11," 
William A. Gaitton, a politi- 
entlst at the University of 
land. "What transformed the 
Worid War II generation wasn't 
the shock of the [Pearl Harbor] 
;ck but tlie comprehensive 
nal mobilization that fol- 
," he said. "Well, we've had 
but nor the mobiliza- 
Lt is most dramatic 
ahout the six months since Sept. 
1 1 is not how much our lives 
have changed but ratlier how lit- 
l(WiUiam Galston Ls a profes- 
s Scliool of Public 
timore Sun , Mardi 11) 

Another military euphemism, 
collateral damage, was used 
above. This was not a subliminal 
plug for Arnold Schwarzeneg- 
ger's latest movie epic of vigi- 
lante revenge. It was an intro- 
duction to a phrase used in 
restrained apology for casualties 
among civilians or to destruc- 
tion of other than military tar- 
gets. It was also used by the 
mass murderer Timothy McVeigh 
-— "there's always collateral dam- 
age" — in dismi.ssing contrition 
for tlie children his truck bomb 
killed in Oklahoma City. The 
adjective collateral, "parallel," 
came to mean "ancillary, subotdi- 

tiate'iasa noun, it is a pledge of 
.security alongside a debt to 
ensure its payment. The essential 
meaning is now "on the side of." 
Where the adjective is used to 
modify damage, the meaning 
becomes "imiBtended, inadver- 
tent," It is in the same league of 
hesitant regret as friendly fire. 
Tlie phrasedick Fred Shapiro at 
Yale tracked it back in its cur- 
rent sense to a 196I usage by 
Thomas Schilling in Operations 
Research magazine: "Measures to 
locate and design our strategic 
forces so as to minimize collater- 
al damage." Reached at tlic Uni- 
versity of Maryland, where he is 
now a distinguished professor, 
Schelling says, "I used It because 
it seemed to be tlie common ter- 
minology." He disclaims coinage 
of that and of countciforcc and 
second strike, also often attrib- 
uted to him; such modesty is 
rare. (When I coin something,! 
make sure all the nattering 
nabobs of negativism know it.) 
(Coliminist and wordsmitli 
William Safire writes about 
Thomas Schelling, a professor in 
the School of Public Affairs, New 
York Times, March 10) 

Carol Paarson, author of "The 
Hero Witliin," expands, T see 
heroes as people who are coha- 
mitted to making a difference 
and to developing their real 
inner strengths." Pearson, an 
executive coach and leadership 
scholar at tlie University of Mary- 
land, gives an unconventional 
example of a hero. Consider the 
man who has a metiial job — 
and an ailing wife and children 
to support at home. "He hates it, 
but he shows up for woric each 
morning, lliere's real courage In 
that," she says. (Carol Pearson is a 
senior fellow at the Bums Acade- 
my of Leadership. Syracuse Her- 
ald Standard, Mardi 10) 

The cheers die down to a dull 
murmur as fans begin to filter 
out, many looking back one last 
time at "Old King Cole," as The 
Washington Post had dubbed it 
that morning. Mx. Callahan is 
relieved that theTerps won so 
easily. He is more pleased that 
he has only had to nail one 
group of miscreants who would 
dishonor Cole on its last great 
night. 'Those Im)Zos tried to steal 
these chairs from off the coun," 
he says, lugging rwo chairs back 
onto the court and gesturing 
toward a couple of dazed-look- 
ing kids surrounded by cops. 
"Just tried to walk out witli 
them under tlielr coats." (Curt 
Callahan is assistant atliletlcs 
director for operations and faci^ 
ities. Chronicle of Higher Educa- 
tion, March 15) 

MARCH 19, 2002 

The Unhrvrslties at Shady 
Grove Open House 

The Universities at Shady Grove 
will host an open house Thurs- 
day, March 21 from 1:30 to 4 
p.m., for those interested in 
upper-level, undergraduate pro- 
grams or graduate programs. 

Daytime, evening and week- 
end classes are offered at USG 
from nine of the University Sys- 
tem of Maryland's institutions. 
Admission and transfer coun- 
selors will be on hand to answer 
questions. Complimentary 
refreshments will be served. 

The address is 963O Gudel- 
sky Drive, Rockville. For direc- 
tions, visit www.shadygrove. 
For more information, call 
(301) 783-6023- 

At Your Service 

The Department of Business 
Services (DBS) wil offer a free 
"At Your Service" seminar to 
educate participants about the 
services DBS provides to the 
campus community. Those 
interested may attend Wednes- 
day, April 10 firom 11 12 
p.m. or from 2 to 3 p.m. DBS 
unit representatives — from 
Docimient, Mail, Motor Trans- 
portation, Printing, Travel and 
Terp Services — will be on 
hand from 10:30 a.m. to 3:30 
p.m. to discuss individual needs, 
display samples and offer tips 
for the use of services. 

The registration deadline is 
March 22. For more informa- 
tion, contact Maria Goodlatte at 
(301) 405-9271 or mgoodlat® 

Study South off the 
Bonier This Summer 

This summer, from July 15 to 
Aug, 2, the University of Mary- 
land in collaboration with the 
Centro de Ensenanza para 
Extranjeros of the Universidad 
Autonoma de Mexico will offer 
a study abroad program 
designed for ESOL (English as a 
Second Language) teachers and 

Offered through the College 
of Education, Department of 
Curriculum and Instruction, the 
course is EDCI 798, "Interna- 
tional Perspectives on Language, 
Schooling and Culture: Cultural 
and Ungubtic Immersion for 
Teachers of ESOL." This study 
abroad opportimity will pro- 
vide an intense cultural and lin- 
guistic immersion experience. 

Participants will attend Span- 
ish lessons, assist as an EFL 
(English as a Foreign Language) 
teacher, discuss second lan- 
guage pedagogy with local EFL 
teachers and participate in a 
graduate seminar comprising 
CTOSS<ultura] and pedagogical 
topics. There also will be cul- 
tural tours, possibly with trips 
to local schools. Graduate cred- 
it is available. 

The program will be held in 
Taxco de Alarcon, one of Mexi- 
co's most famous silver cities, 
in the mountains located about 

three hours south of Mexico 
City. The campus is at the 
Hacienda El Chorrillo, a refur- 
bished colonial estate with 
classrooms, a library, garden, 
swimming pool and cafe, just 
10 minutes from the city of 
Taxco. Participants will be 
housed with host families as 
part of the program. 

For more information, con- 
tact College of Education 
TESOL faculty member Debra 
Suarez at ds315@umail.umd. 
edu. Also see the study abroad 
program Web site, www.umd, 
cdu/.study abroad. The applica- 
tion deadline is April 1. 

Where Man and 
Machines Meet 

Andrew DePristo, president of 
Gene Data AC, a bio informatics 
solutions company, will present 
the seventh annual Fischell Lec- 
ture, "Traveling from Physics to 
Chemistry to Biology by Com- 
puter," on Monday, April 1 at 3 
p.m. in 1 201 Physics. A recep- 
tion will be held at 2:30 p.m. in 
the Toll Room (on the first 
floor of the Physics Building). 

GeneData AC develops bioin- 
formatics systems and provides 
related consulting and cus- 
tomizaiions services in die in- 
silico functional genomics 
arena. DePristo has been a visit- 
ing professor at the imiversity 
and he earned his doctorate 
(I976) in chemical physics 
(theory) from Maryland. 

DePristo will talk about the 
goals and uses of computers in 
the three sciences and describe 
the challenges in industrial bio- 
logical science brought about 
by the development and imple- 
mentation of high-throughput 
genomic, transcriptomic and 
proteomic technologies. 

The Fischell lecture was 
established by Robert Fischell 
to promote university collabo- 
ration with industry to help 
industry meet its needs. Fischell 
is an alumnus of the College of 
Computer, Mathematical and 
Physical Sciences. For more 
information, call the CMPS 
Dean's Office, External Rela- 
tions, at (301) 405-8296. 

SayVbs to Yoga 

Campus Recreation Services 
offers non-credit courses in 
Yoga with three levels of abiUty 
to choose from: Beginning Yoga 
I, n and Intermediate. Courses 
begin the first week of April 
and nm into May. The fee is 

Beginning Yoga 1 teaches 
basic yoga poses (asanas) and 
breathing techniques (pranaya- 
ma) to increase flexibility, 
strength and relaxation. Begin- 
ning Yoga 11 teaches how to 
deepen both yoga practice and 
understanding of techniques 
learned in Basic Yo^ I. The 
Intermediate Yoga course Is a 
more rigorous yoga course that 
requires yoga experience. 
Explore a range of challenging 
poses practiced in isolation and 
in dynamic sequences with 
other poses. 

Registration deadlines vary, 
so check the Web site for 
specifics ( 

For more information, con- 
tact Laura Sutter at (301) 405- 
PLAY or, 
or visit 

BFSA Spring Dance 

Put on those dancing shoes 
because Roberta Coates will be 
giving lessons on 1\iesday, 
March 1 9 in the Nyumburu Cul- 
tural Center, Multipurpose 
Room and Wednesday, March 
20 in 01 54 Tawes Fine Arts 
Building. Both sessions go from 
5 to 6 p.m., and will be an 
opportunity to learn the 
newest dance steps. 

The BFSA Spring Dance will 
be held Saturday April 6 from 
8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. in the 
Grand Ballroom, Stamp Student 
Umon, Tickets arc $20 in 
advance and $25 at the door.' 
Contact TakeyahYotmg at 
youngta@wam . umd .edu. 

Gitner Center Award for 
Contributions to Humor 

The Art Gliner Center for 
Humor Studies is delighted to 
announce that its second annu- 
al award for a contribution to 
society through humor will go 
to Art Buchwald. The award 
will be presented on March 21 
at 6 p.m. at the National Press 
Club in Washington, D.C. 

Buchwald has been produc- 
ing important humor and satire 
for more than 50 years. He has 
been called "probably the great- 
est satirist in EngUsh since 
Pope and Swift." 

The Glmer Center's first 
award was given to the late 
cartoonist Herbert Block 
(Herblock) last year. A letter 
from then-President Clinton 
saluting Herblock and the 
award was presented at the 

Additional information about 
the award and about the Art 
Gliner Center is available from 
the center's director, Lawrence 
E.Mint2,at (301) 405-1360 or 
LM3 6® umail . umd . edu . 

Online 5upervis<»r Safety 
Itaining Course 

Are you a supervisor? Do 
employees who report to 
you — such as staff personnel, 
teaching assistants, researchers 
or students — work with haz- 
ardous chemicals or materials 
or perform hazardous duties or 
work in hazardous operations? 

If you answered yes or maybe 
to any of these questions, it is 
your responsibility to take the 
online Supervisor Safety Train- 
ing course to ensure you have a 
thorough understanding of 
your safety responsibilities as a 
supervisor to your staff. 

The online Supervisor Safety 
Training course will ask more 
specific questions and provide 
detailed supporting informa- 
tion to increase your under- 
standing and awareness of the 

hazards your employees are 
exposed to and your safety obli- 
gations as their supervisor. 

Take the on-line Supervisor 
Safety Training course at www. 
inform, umd . edu/CampusInfo/ 

For guidance on other safety 
training, refer to the Safety 
Training Guide at www.inform. 
edu/guide/index .htm. 

Pace and Race Running 

Campus Recreation Services 
will offer a six-week, non-credit 
course for the beginning run- 
ner who hopes to complete a 
first 5K run, as well as for the 
more experienced recreation 
rutmer interested in being chal- 
lenged to nm faster and longer. 
Learn run/walk combinations, 
interval workouts and tempo 
tuns. Long slow runs will be 
used, as well as running drills 
and sport-spec ific exercises 
and stretches. 

The course will meet from 
April 3-May 12 on Sundays, 10 
to 1 1 : 1 5 a.m. (at the CRC) and 
Wednesdays, 12 to 1 p.m. (at 
Ludwig Field/Kehoe Track). 

The fee is $50 For more 
information or to register, con- 
tact Laura Sutter at (301) 405- 
PLAY or, 
or visit 

Valuing Our Bodies 

The Student Entertainment 
Enterprise (SEE) Review Board 
is sponsoring "Fads, Ads, and 
Actors: What They Tell Us 
About Our Selves, Our Bodies, 
and Our Relationships" "with 
Joe Kelly on April 1 at 7 p.m. in 
the Grand Ballroom of Stamp 
Student Union. 

The program will examine 
the media myths and messages 
that pervade our lives and 
impact bodi males and females 
in ways that cause us to deval- 
ue ourselves and each other 
and engage in destructive 
behaviors in order to emulate 
^se and misleading cultural 

The event is being or^ganized 
by the PanhellenicTask Force 
on Eating Disorders, the Coun- 
seling Center and the Health 
Center Brenda Alpert Sigall and 
Julie Parsons, providers of cam- 
pus eating disorders programs 
and services and co-directors of 
the task foree, have coordinat- 
ed the event in conjunction 
with the university's obser- 
vance of national Eat 11^ Disor- 
ders Awareness Week. 

An author, journalist and fea- 
tured speaker, Kelly is execu- 
tive director of Dads and 
Daughters, a national nonprofit 
organization whose philosophy 
and mission are reflected in 
Kelly's statement: "Those who 
tell [my daughters] that 'inner 
beauty only goes so far' — to 
quote one ad slogan — are sim- 
ply lying. It's a dangerous lie 
and one we shouldn't let any- 
one sell to us anymore."