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In Search 
of Sushi? 

Page 5 


Maryland Day 
Offers Easy- 
to-Find Fun 

In order to offer Maryland 
Day visitors opportunities 
to enjoy even more of what 
the university has to offer dur- 
ing the annual one-day open 
house, organizers divided the 
campus into six themed learn- 
ing zones, much like an educa- 
tional amusement park. 

On April 27 from 10 a.m. to 4 
p.m., guests may visit Terp Town 
Center, Ag Day Avenue, Arts 
Alley, Biz & Society Hill, Sports 
and Rec Row or Science and 
Tech Way. Each area is color- 

coded on maps so as to be easi- 
ly identifiable, making naviga- 
tion smoother. 

"Out of approximately 145 
evaluations we received last 
year, the two most common 
comments we received were, 
'We love Maryland Day, but if 
we would ask for anything, it 
would be a way to help us scan 
the 300-plus event selection for 
activities that would make my 
group happy' and a way to 
more easily navigate the cam- 
pus,' " said Melissa Sweeney, 
assistant director of university 

There will also be two shuttie 
routes, instead of the one large 
loop tike last year, splitting the 
campus into halves so people 
can get from Biz & Society Hill, 
say, to Cole Field House for the 
Great Cole Shootout in a short- 
er time. Information booths will 
be placed in strategic spots so 
people can ask questions. 

Other highlights for Maryland 
Day 2002 include: 

The Mid-Atlantic Tree Climbing 
Championships will be held in 
the Biz & Society Hill zone, in 
the area bordered by Morrill, 
Ty dings, Taliaferro and Lefrak 
Halls. Thirty professionals will 
compete for a chance at nation- 
al competition, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. 

Bob the Vid Tach and Brianna 
from Maryland Public Television 
return after a one-year hiatus. 
They can be found in the Terp 
Town Center at 1 p.m. The 
town center will also feature a 
wide variety of activities and 
booths. Visitors can pick up 

See MARYLAND DAY, page 6 

Senior Legislative Interns Recognized 

— — — — — — — ' — — — — — i 


Senior Leadership 
Maryland was 
recognized on 
the floor of the 
Maryland House of 
Delegates and a resolution 
was passed in the interns' 
honor for their volunteer 
efforts on behalf of the 
state during the 2002 

Legislative Session. The 
university-based program 
bridges the needs of gov- 
ernment with the expert- 
ise of Maryland residents 
ages 50 and above seek- 
ing volunteer service 

Pictured, 1-r, are Del. 
Mary Conroy, whose 

office hosted the first 
intern; Senior Intern 
Coordinator Gloria 
Kovnot; Speaker of the 
House Del. Casper Taylor; 
Director of the Center 
on Aging Laura Wilson; 
and Del. Rushern Baker, 
chair of Prince George's 
County delegation. 

Graduate Students Showcase Their Work 

If the graduate students who participated in 
the recent 1 2th annual Graduate Research 
Interaction Day are any indication, the univer- 
sity is grooming a dizzying array of researchers 
poised to be leaders on several fronts. 

One of the day's goals was to celebrate the 
diversity of graduate research programs. More 
than 170 master's and doctoral students spent 
1 5 minutes each in front of their peers and 
panels of judges explaining what they've been 
studying. Projects included relatively accessi- 
ble subjects such as Susanna Gallor's explo- 
ration of the "Role of Social Support in the 

Lives of Lesbian and Gay People of Color" to 
Xianying Wei's more complicated "Cloning 
Nonribosomal Peptide Synthetases in the Bio- 
control Fungus GhoeladiumVirens" presenta- 
tion. In his midday remarks during a keynote 
speech, physicist Bill Phillips addressed the 
range and volume of projects. 

"We're kids who have never grown out of 
that childhood curiosity, that thirst for learn- 
ing," he said, while sprinkling liquid nitrogen 
around the stage to demonstrate how he tries 

See GRID, page 4 

Interdisciplinary Researcher Earns Prestigious 


In his enthusiasm, Victor 
Munoz makes his research 
sound so accessible to a lay 
person, as if the folding of 
proteins and that process' 
relation to diseases such as 
Alzheimer's and diabetes II 
can be grasped by any non- 
biophysiclst chemist. 

But Munoz's work isn't 
that simple and its impor- 
tance has earned him three 
prestigious foundation 
grants that many scientists 

snag only one of in their 
careers. His 2002 Searle 
Scholar award comes on the 
heels of winning a Packard 
Fellowship in 2001 and a 
Camille and Henry Dreyfus 
Scholar/Fellowship for 
2000. Only 10 Dreyfus, 1 5 
Searlcs and 24 Packards are 
awarded annually. 

"I feel lucky," says Munoz. 
"They are giving me the 
opportunity ... to buy the 
specific equipment I need 

and hire people to help 
with research." 

"The odds of anyone 
becoming both a Packard 
Fellow and a Searle Scholar 
are very slim," says Norma 
Allewell, dean of College of 
Life Sciences. "We are 
extremely proud of Victor's 
accomplishments and look 
forward to watching his 
research program develop 

See MUNOZ, page 4 

Coming to 

Parking fees are going up. 
Parking spaces are get- 
ting harder to Find. As 
part of its master plan, the 
University of Maryland wants to 
drastically reduce the number 
of cars on campus in the com- 
ing years. Everyone has felt the 
crunch. But there are alterna- 
tives, and a new ad hoc com- 
mittee in the Department of 
Student Affairs wants to tell you 
about them. 

Made up of eight members 
from Shuttle-UM and the Depart- 
ments of Campus Parking, Resi- 
dent Life and Commuter Affairs, 
the Commuting Alternatives 
Brochure Committee has begun 
gaUiering information on the 
currently available alternatives 
for publication in a single com- 
prehensive brochure. 

Committee chairwoman 
Maria Longsbury, project spe- 
cialist in student affairs, says 
that the committee's goal is to 
not only list as many commut- 
ing alternatives as possible, but 
to motivate people to try them, 
"to see if they'll do something 
other than single-occupancy 
vehicle commuting." 

Longsbury emphasizes that 
the committee is not making 
any programmatic or service 
changes and that the informa- 
tion is for the entire communi- 
ty: faculty, staff and students, 
both graduate and undergradu- 
ate. The information the com- 
mittee is gathering has been 
available through student 
affairs, but lacks cohesive ness 
in its presentation. 

"Shuttle-UM puts out their 
information, and then there's 
information about Metro and 
the MARC trains from com- 
muter affairs, and some people 
know about the van pool initi- 
ated by campus parking," she 
says. "We try to be collabora- 
tive, but we still end up being 

The idea of consolidating this 
information is something she 
has discussed informally with 
committee members in the 
past. Creating the committee is 
the first formal effort toward 
making information consolida- 
tion a reality. 

Longsbury would also like to 
include testimonials in the 
brochure from people already 
using some of these alterna- 
tivcs."Right now,people usually 
only utilize alternatives when 
their car breaks down, or it's icy 


APRIL I 6 , 2002 



april 16 

12:30-1:45 p.m., Works-in- 
Progress Series 0135 Talia- 
ferro. "'Diverse Bookes of 
Diverse Sortes'; A Gentry Fami- 
ly and Its Reading in Early Sev- 
enteenth-Century England." 
The Center for Renaissance & 
Baroque Studies hosts a round- 
table discussion group with 
Eric Lindquist. To facilitate dis- 
cussion, participating faculty 
circulate working drafts one 
week before their colloquium. 
For more information, contact 
Karen Nelson at 5-6830 or, or visit 
www. info rm . umd . edu/crbs . 

4-6 p.m., Ada Maria Isa si- 
Diaz Multipurpose Room, 
Nyumburu Cultural Center. As 
part of the Diversity Initiative's 
Diversity Showcase, liberation 
theologist Ada Maria Isasi-Diaz 
of Drew Theological Seminary 
will give a talk focused on the 
role of faith and faith commu- 
nities in addressing issues of 
social justice and equity with a 
particular focus on Latina femi- 
nist (mujerista) theology. For 
more information, contact 
Christine Clark at 5-2841 or 
ceclark@deans . umd. edu . 

4-9 p.m., Political Violence 
Seminar Dean's Conference 
Room, Francis Scott fey HaU, 
The Center for Historical Stud- 
ies presents Laszlo Konder, 
Central European University, 
speaking on "Monstrous Regi- 
ments? Robertson and Burke 
on Women and the Public 
Scene." For more information, 
call 5S759. 

5:30 p.m.. Take Five; KiLA 

Laboratory Theatre, Clarice 
Smith Performing Arts Center. 
An Irish band with a contem- 
porary take on Celdc music. 
For more information, see arti- 
cle on page $, 

8 p.m., Symphonic Wind 
Ensemble Concert Hall, 
Clarice Smith Performing Arts 
Center. The university's pre- 
miere woodwind, brass and 
percussion ensemble performs. 
For more information, see arti- 
cle on page 3. 


april 17 

9:30-11:00 a.m., Laboratory 
Safety Training 3104 Chesa- 
peake Building. The Depart- 

Can We Re-engage the Disengaged? 

Curtis Gans, Committee for the Study of the American Elec- 
torate (CSAE), will give a lecture on Tuesday, April 16 from 7 
to 9 p.m. in 0200 Skinner. As part of his work with the CSAE, 
Gans will discuss his research related to the 2000 election cycle and 
share his growing concern over the disengagement of the U.S. elec- 
torate. For the last 25 years, Gans has examined data related to 
voter turnout and participation, which has appeared in national 
newspapers, magazines and wire services (e.g., McNeil-Lehcer 
Report, The New Republic, The Washington Monthly). 

The lecture is sponsored by the Center for Political Communica- 
tion and Civic Leadership (housed in the Department of Communi- 
cation). For more information, contact Shawn J. Parry-Giles at 5- 
6527 or, or visit 

ment of Environmental Safety 
(DES) hosts a laboratory safety 
orientation training session 
held each month. The training 
is offered to assure regulatory 
compliance. Contact Jeanette 
Cartron at 5-2131 or jcartron® as soon as 
possible to reserve a seat. 

12-1 p.m.. Manage Your 
Time 0121 Campus Recreation 
Center. So much to do and so 
little time! Not to fear, there are 
ways to manage the little time 
you do have. Come to this ses- 
sion and discover how you can 
make better use of your time. 
For more information, contact 
Jennifer Treger at 4-1493 or 


april 18 

10 a.m.- 12 p.m.. Textual to 
Spatial Analysis Using 
ArcView 2109 McKeldin 
Library. A hands-on workshop 
on the conversion of text infor- 
mation to geographic informa- 
tion. Geocoding and conver- 
sion of latitude and longitude 
will be covered. Prerequisite: 
familiarity with ArcView. The 
workshop is free; advance reg- 
istration is required at www. For 
more information, contact User 
Education Services at 5-9070 
or, or visit 
the above-mentioned Web site. 

12-1:30 p.m.. Center for 
Teaching Excellence: Mak- 
ing the Grade 0100 Marie 
Mount. Managing the grading 
process is a challenge to all 
teachers. Despite its complexi- 
ty, grading can be used as a 
powerful tool in the class- 
room. RSVP is requested. For 
more information, contact 
Mary Wesley at 5-9356 or 
mwesley@deans.umd,edu, or 


4 p.m.. Distinguished Lec- 
turer Series: Kwame Antho- 
ny Appiah 2203 Art Sociology 
Building. Kwame Anthony 
Appiah, professor of Afro- Amer- 
ican studies and philosophy at 
Harvard University, is the guest 
lecturer at this year's final Uni- 
versity of Maryland Graduate 
School Distinguished Lecturer 
Series. Appiah s lecture is en ti- 
ded "Making a life fThe' Ethics 
and Politics of Individuality." 
Appiah was raised in Ghana 
and educated at Cambridge. 
His teaching interests include 
African and African-American 
intellectual history and literary 
studies, ethics, and philosophy 
of mind and language. He has 
published three novels and a 
variety of widely discussed 
papers and books. 

4 p.m., Shorb Lecture: 
Mar go Denke 0408 Animal 
Sciences. With Margo Denke, 
M.D., of the Center for Human 
Nutrition, University of Texas 
Southwestern Medical Center 
at Dallas. Denke's lecture is 
tided "The Wisdom and Whims 
of Nutrients: Is it Possible to 
Get Too Much of a Good 
Thing?*' There will be a recep- 
tion at 3:15 p.m. in the Animal 
Sciences Concourse, Sponsored 
by the Graduate Program in 
Nutrition. For more informa- 
tion, contact Rose Santellano- 

april 19 

12-12:50 p.m.. Entomology 
Colloquium 1140 Plant Sci- 
ences Building. With George 
Kennedy, North Carolina State 
University, Topic:"Pest Life Sys- 
tems in Temporarily Unstable 
Cropping Systems." For more 
information, call 5-391 1 or visit 

3-6 p.m.. Staging Slavery: 
The Collision of Fact and 
Fiction Laboratory Theatre, 
Clarice Smith Performing Arts 
Center. For information, call 
(301) 405-ARTS or visit www. 
claricesmi thcenter. umd .edu . 

8 p.m.. Scholarship Benefit 
Series: Gusrneri String 

Quartet Concert HaU, Clarice 
Smith Performing Arts Center. 
An evening of world-class 
chamber music with the 
Guarneri String Quartet, resi- 
dent ensemble at the universi- 
ty since 1982. Proceeds from 
the performance provide 
tuition support for music stu- 
dents. The single ticket price is 
$20. For more information, call 
(301) 405-ARTS or visit www. 
claricesmithcenter.umd ,edu. 


april 20 

1-6 p.m.. Preliminaries, 
UMSO 2002-03 Concerto 
Competition Gildenhorn 
Recital Hall, Clarice Smith Per- 
forming Arts Center. Students 
of the School of Music com- 
pete to perform next season as 
soloists with the University of 
Maryland Symphony Orches- 
tra. For more information, call 
(301) 405-ARTS or visit www. 

8 p.m., Istanbul Oriental 
Ensemble Concert Hall,' 
Clarice Snuf^'TCrrorming'Arts 
Center. See page 3. 

april 21 

3 p.m.. University Chorale 
and University Chamber 
Singers Concert Hall, Clarice 
Smith Performing Arts Center. 
With guest Chris Gekker on 
trumpet and Edward Maclary 
and Colin Durrant, conductors. 
For more information, call 
(301) 405-ARTS or visit www. 
cl a ricesmithcenter. umd .edu . 

april 23 

8:45 a.m. -4 p.m., OIT Short- 
course: Introduction to MS 

Excel 4404 Computer & Space 
Science. The class fee is $90. 
For more information, contact 
the OIT Training Services Coor- 
dinator at 5-0443 or oit-training 
@, or visit 
www, oit . umd . cdu/sc . * 

4 p.m., Shih-I Pai Lecture: 
Grigory Barenblatt 1410 
Physics Bldg. The Institute for 
Physical Science and Technolo- 
gy presents its annual Shih-I 
Pai lecture titled "Turbulence: 
The Last Problem of Classical 
Physics — New Approach and 
Perspectives." Grigory Baren- 
blatt of UC at Berkeley and 
Lawrence Berkeley National 

Laboratory is the scheduled 
speaker. A reception will be 
held before the lecture from 
3:15 to 3:55 p.m. in the Toll 
Lounge, 1204 Physics. Call 5- 
4877 for more information. 

4:15-6 p.m.. Parents and 
Their Involvement in Edu- 
cation 1121 Benjamin. As 
part of the Minority Achieve- 
ment and Urban Education 
(MIMAUE) Colloquium Series 
with Charles Flatter, Al Porter 
and Steve Pyles. For a summary 
of each speaker's presentation, 
MIMAUE. For more informa- 
tion, contact Martin L. Johnson 

5:30 p.m., Ralph Lee Smith, 
Dulcimer Laboratory Theatre, 
Clarice Smith Performing Arts 
Center. This Take Five on Tues- 
days series presents this dul- 
cimer expert. For more infor- 
mation, call (301) 405-ARTS or 
visit www. claricesmi thcenter, 

8 p.m.. University of Mary- 
land Brass Ensemble Con- 
cert Hail, Clarice Smith Perfor- 
ming Arts Center. Conducted 
by Milton Stevens, university 
faculty artist and principal 
trombone of the National Sym- 
phony Orchestra. For more in- 
formation, call (301) 405-ARTS 
or visit www.claricesmithcenter. 

or additional event 
1 listings, visit the 
Outlook Web site 
at www.collegepub- 

■ ; - — ^ 

calendar guide 

Calendar phone numbers listed as 4-xxxx or 5-xxxx stand for the prefix 314 or 405. Calendar information for Outlook is compiled from a combination of inforM's master 
calendar and submissions to the Outlook office. Submissions are due two weeks prior to the date of publication. To reach the calendar editor, call 405-7615 or e-mail to, * Events are free and open to the public unless noted by an asterisk [*). 


Outlook is the weekly faculty-staff 
newspaper serving the University of 
Maiyttnii campus community. 

Brodie Remington ■Vice 
President for University Relations 

Teresa P tannery • Executive 
Director, University 
Communications and Marketing 

George Catlicart • Executive 

Monette Austin Bailey • Editor 

Cynthia Mitchel • Art Director 

Laura Lee • Graduate Assistant 

Robert K. Gardner • Editorial 
Assistant & Contributing Writer 

Letters to the editor, story sugges- 
tions and campus information arc 
welcome, I'lease submit all material 
two weeks before the Tuesday of 

Send material to Editor, Outlook, 
2101 Turner Hall, College Park, 
MD 20742 

Telephone • (301) 405^629 

Fax '(301) 314-9344 

E-mail • uudook@accmail.uuid-edu 

f ^YLt° 





Dance Students, Guest Choreographer Debut Works 

Spring offers a time for 
the Department of 
Dance to showcase its 
talented student cho- 
reographers. Nine will debut 
new works at the Maryland 
Dance Ensem- 
ble's spring 
concert being 
held Thursday, 
Friday and 
Monday, April 
25, 26 and 29 
at 8 p.m., and 
Sunday, April 
28 at 7:30 
p.m. in the 
Dance The- 
atre. In addi- 
tion to the 
works, New 
York choreog- 
rapher and 
guest artist 
will present 
"Bench Music 
Quartet" and 

An audition process to 
select the works for the spring 
concert began several months 
ago. Both undergraduate and 
graduate students presented 
works to a panel of three fac- 
ulty members for inclusion in 
the program. 

Opening the show will be 
one of two works by Varone. 
Created in 1986, "Bench 
Music" is a lyric piece selected 
because it adds choreography 
for students that they are not 
usually exposed to, "It is a very 
melodic and classical work," 
says Alvin Mayes, director of 
the program."It is also quite 

different from the other 
Varone piece, 'Aperture,' which 
has a dramatic quality to it." 

The additional works in the 
program feature a combina- 
don of graduate and under- 

"Meeting Falling In," was selec- 
ted for the National ACDFA 
festival at the Kennedy Center 
this May. 

"The most important part 
of this concert is that the stu- 


The Maryland Dance Ensemble will feature many student choreographers in its Spring 

graduate dances by Eucrita 
Darcia Willis, Connie Fink, Stef- 
.faqy Hazz, Jennifer Katz, ' - , 
Zoltan Nagy and Linda Dultz. 
A work by MFA candidate 
Jennifer Martinez will con- 
clude the showcase. Her 
piece, "Tasks Inflnitate," fea- 
tures a quartet of dancers in a 
clever and humorous perform- 
ance of traditional and mod- 
ern dance with a melodic feel. 
Martinez is no stranger to cho- 
reography. Her works have 
been presented at the Ameri- 
can College Dance Festivals 
for the past two years and her 
most recent submission, 

dents get to see and experi- 
ence all levels of producing a 
show," says Mayes. "Students 
will work with professionals, 
graduate students and up-and- 
coming choreographers to 
experience different levels of 
expertise and creativity. Also, 
our students will have an 
opportunity to participate in 
every aspect of the perform- 
ance, from production and 
costumes to make-up and 

Tickets for the Maryland 
Dance Ensemble are available 
by calling the Ticket Office at 
(301) 405-ARTS. 

Premier Program by Symphonic Wind Ensemble 

The University of Maryland 
Symphonic Wind Ensem- 
ble, conducted by John E. 
Wakefield, is the premier per- 
formance unit of the School of 
Music's Maryland Bands pro- 
gram. A 40-piece band of 
woodwinds, brass and percus- 
sion, the ensemble will be per- 
forming on Tuesday, April 16 
at 8 p.m. in the Concert Hall. 

For ticket information or to 
request a season brochure, 
contact the Ticket Office at 
301.405.ARTS or visit www. 
claricesmi thcente r. umd . edu . 

Clarice Smith 
Performing Arts 

Onterat Maryland 

The ensemble will perform 
a program featuring Bergsma's 
"March with Trumpets," Han- 
son's"Suite from Merry Mount," 
Gershwin's "Prelude II" from 
"Three Preludes," Granthum's 
"Fantasy Variations on Gersh- 
win's Prelude FT and Sousa's 
"New York Hippodrome March." 

Membership in the Sym- 
phonic Wind Ensemble is by 
audition only and earns its 
musicians course credit. The 
select group strives for the 
highest standards in perform- 
ance of the finest and most 
challenging works written for 
small wind and percussion 
ensembles, as well as composi- 
tions from the traditional band 
repertoire. Participants in the 
ensemble are given experi- 
ence in performing 20th-cen- 
tury works as well as master 
wind works from the 18th and 

19th centuries. According to 
Wakefield, "The music of the 
Symphonic Wind Ensemble is 
of a quality that will appeal to 
those who already enjoy or are 
learning to enjoy fine music." 

Recently the ensemble 
appeared at the Maryland 
Music Educators Association 
convention. In April 1 993, their 
compact disc recording from 
Toshiba/EMI was released in 
Japan. The ensemble has even 
performed under the baton of 
such famous conductors as 
William D. Revelli, Frederick 
Fennell and Vincent Persichetti. 

In addition to tonight's free 
performance, tickets are avail- 
able to the Annual "Pops" Con- 
cert on Saturday, May 1 1 fea- 
turing the Ensemble and the 
University Concert Band. For 
more information, contact the 
Ticket Office. 



Irish band KiLA will bring its contemporary take on 
traditional Celtic music to the Clarice 
Smith Performing Arts Center as part 
of the "Take Five on Tuesdays" series 
Tuesday, April 16 at 5:30 p.m. in the 
Laboratory Tlieatre. The unique back- 
grounds of the members of this seven- 
piece band meld to create a powerful sound that mixes 
not only traditional Irish music and rock, but also 
influetices from jazz 
and world 

in 1987, the 

group uses traditional instruments yet manages to cre- 
ate a modern, innovative sottnd that is largely instru- 
mental, hut incorporates occasional Gaelic lyrics. With 
their latest recording, "Monkey," the group continues to 
carve out its own niche in the world of Irish music 
with a vitality and style all its own. 

TAKE FIVE events are every other Tuesday. 
Performances are informal and free. 

What? Ha vent you ever seen a "darbouka" before? 
See the world's greatest darbouka (that's Turkish 
for finger drum) player: Burhan Oca! and his gypsy 
band the Istanbul Oriental Ensemble perform a dizzying array 
of traditional Turkish tunes fit for a sultan at the Clarice 
Smith Center Concert Hall on Saturday, April 20 at 8 p.m. 

APRIL l6, 2002 

National Rankings Not Just 
for Athletics, Academics 

When it comes to 
rankings, the uni- 
versity shows that 
it has what it takes to make a 
national mark. Academics, ath- 
letics and, most recendy, com- 
munications are celebrating 
top honors. Now it's Dining 
Services' turn. 

Foodservice Director, a 
national trade magazine, 
ranked the campus dining 
service 12th in a look at 
increased sales by self-operat- 
ed college and university 
foodservice operations during 
its 2000-01 Performance 
Report. The magazine cites 
greater efforts by all schools 
in this listing to attract cus- 
tomers as a reason for a 
national jump in sales. 

"We've increased sales by 
changing our marketing strate- 
gy, adding the convenience 
shops and increased catering," 
said Jennifer Pfeiffcr, market- 
ing and public reladons man- 
ager. Since Pat Higgins became 
director in 1995, sales have 
jumped 113 percent, said 

Higgins attributes the uni- 
versity's high sales, which 
totaled $27,627,174 in 2001, 
"to innovative strategy, quality 
and performance. We are 
opening new locations, for 
example, the Commons Shop 
in South Campus Dining Hall, 

to be more accessible to all of 
our guests, faculty, staff and 

The ranking "is an indicator 
of gross sales, and shows how 
we rate with our peers: Penn 
State, Michigan State, Harvard, 
Purdue, U Mass, Rutgers, Syra- 
cuse, Brigham Young, Univer- 
sity of Michigan, University of 
Notre Dame," Higgins said. 
"The top schools stay about 
the same, and move up and 
down on the scale a littie 
each year. We are prominent 
among our peers and have 
consistentiy ranked among 
the top 1 5 in terms of gross 
sales." Last year, the university 
ranked eighth. 

The foodservice market is 
experiencing an upswing in 
several areas, according to the 
trade publication. Overall food 
purchases went from $421 
million to $441.7 million. The 
magazine also looks at airline 
and airport foodservice. The 
continuing success of grab- 
and-go offerings in airports 
didn't affect the numbers of 
meals served on board air- 

Also, the campus' revamped 
Adele's caught the attention 
of Nation's Restaurant News 
recently. The article men- 
tioned the restaurant's "cut- 
ting edge menu" and "bright 
and airy" dining room. 

What is it — Where is it? 


Identify the image in this photo and get a chance 
to win a prize! Send your guess to: Mystery 
Photo, Outlook, 2101 Turner Hall or to 
oudook@accmail, All correct entries 
will be placed in a drawing. The deadline for entries is 
5 p.m., April 18 and the winner will be announced in 
next week's issue of Oudook. 

Munoz: Many Discplines, Many Rewards 

Continued from page 1 



Victor Munoz (pictured above in his lab) was one of two 2001 Packard Faculty Fellowship winners, along 
with Sarah Tishkoff, also from the College of Life Sciences. Maryland is one of only two institutions to 
have morethanone winner for that year. 

and mature at the University 
of Maryland." 

Munoz says he picked 
Maryland as the base for his 
research two years ago, in 
part, because of its reputation 
for interdisciplinary study. He 
appreciates the ability to col- 
laborate with researchers 
from different departments. 
"It helps to promote creativi- 
ty in a way that triggers your 
thinking," says Munoz. "You 
think of new ways of doing 

What he does, in simple 
terms, is explore why pro- 
teins sometimes fold wrong, 
or aggregate, which means 
that they don't function prop- 
erly. Aggregates can't be 
cleaned out of the system 
during the body's routine 
cleansing, and they grow, 
depleting cells of functional 
proteins and often becoming 
toxic. This abnormality is also 
linked to Alzheimer's and 
even "mad cow" diseases. In 
normal conditions, protein 
sequences fold into certain 
structures, which in turn 
determine specific functions. 
Munoz's team is trying to 
leaf die rules that dictate 
this process of folding. With 
such knowledge, they expect 
to find ways of predicting 
protein structure from 

sequence and to discover 
how proteins fold wrong 
resulting in aggregation. 

"It could take three to four 
years to figure this out... there 
are three groups interested in 
this problem. People looking 
at it at the cellular level, the 
physical chemists and my 
team, the biochemists, physi- 
cists," says Munoz,. who 
describes himself as a bio- 

When asked why he thinks 
he was so generously award- 
ed, Munoz again speaks to the 
interdisciplinary nature of 
what his team does,"Normal- 
ly.if you get a Packard, you 
don't get a Searie" because 
the Packard award focuses 
more on the harder sciences. 
The Searie program, on the 
other hand, was most interest- 
ed in his basic protein work. 
Munoz began melding all of 
this together as a doctoral stu- 
dent at the European Molecu- 
lar Biology Laboratory in Hei- 
delberg, Germany. He'd 
already earned a bachelor's in 
biology from the Universidad 
de Aicala de Henares in Spain 
and a master's in biochem- 
istry from the Universidad 
Autonoma de Madrid. It is not 
the road on which he started, 

"When I was at high 

school, I always liked the arts 
better, literature. I paint. And I 
always liked biology. When I 
had to decide, 1 decided to go 
for the sciences," says Munoz. 
"I had a good chemistry pro- 
fessor." The stimulating envi- 
ronment in Germany piqued 
his interest in protein folding 
and he began to see how dif- 
ferent disciplines could feed 
into one another. 

"Most biophysiclsts come 
from a physics background. 
I learned that if 1 want to 
approach biochemistry in a 
deeper way, I have to go into 
physics. The basic ideas are 
similar. I find it very enter- 

Munoz, whose wife Eva de 
Alba is a biochemist at NLH, 
doesn't find time to work 
with his oil paints as often as 
he'd like, but he enjoys his 
work. He teaches a graduate 
course in biophysics and will 
teach an undergraduate 
course in biochemistry next 
semester. Knowing how 
much a professor can make a 
difference in a student's 
direction, Munoz takes his 
position on campus seriously. 

"Mentors are very impor- 
tant, and it can work both 
ways.A terrible instructor can 
have an influence just like a 
good one." 

>S "Deliciously Interesting" Research 

Continued from page 1 

to spark an interest in physics 
in schoolchildren. He also froze 
a flower "that I stole from the 
garden out there" with the 
supercooled liquid. Just as he 
was paired with campus music 
professor and opera singer Car- 
men Balthrop for the midday 
speech, Phillips said commonal- 
ities may not be readily appar- 

ent, but participants share a 
love of things "deliciously inter- 

Balthrop, who said hearing 
opera singer Leontyne Price as 
an 8-year-old inspired her career 
choice, discussed the interdisci- 
plinary nature of music. She 
invited the" audience to partici- 
pate in an exercise that demon- 

strated how the body's compo- 
sition affected sound. 

Just as for the morning ses- 
sions, judges evaluated after- 
noon presentations and top 
presenters received cash prizes 
at an awards banquet later In 
the day. The event was held as 
part of Graduate Student Appre- 
ciation Week. < 


Spring 2002 
Foreign Film 
on Campus 

Aficionados of film, lan- 
guage and culture have 
numerous opportunities to 
see foreign films at the university 
this spring. Highlighted here are 
series focusing on Italian, Chinese 
and Korean cinemas. While many 
of the series are already underway, 
there are still several screenings to 

Italian Film Series 

These film screenings take place 
as part of Giuseppe Falvo's Italian 
473/474 class: The Italian Cinema II: 
The New Generation of Filmmak- 
ers. Films are screened at 2 p.m. in 
1164 Plant Sciences Building. For 
more information, contact Faivo at 
(301)405-4031 or 

Monday, April 22: Una Wertmul- 
ler, Ciao, Professors ! (1993) 

Monday, April 29: Gianni Ame- 
No, Lamerica (19949 

Monday, May 6: Roberto Benig- 
ni, Life ts Beautiful ( 1997; 

Chinese Film Series 

Co-sponsored by the Institute 
for Global Chinese Affairs (IGCA) 
and the Chinese cluster of the Lan- 
guage House. Films are screened 
in the St. Mary's Hall basement at 
7 p.m. For more information, visit or con- 
tact Laura Reznick at (301) 405-1017 

Tuesday, April 23: Tian Zhuang- 
zhuang, The Blue Kite (1993) 

Tuesday, May 7: Chen Kaige, 
Farewell My Concubine 


Korean Film Series 

The third Korean Film Festival is 
titled "Korean Nationhood and 
Masculinity." Films are subject to 
change. Films are screened in 2203 
Art-Sociology Building at 6:30 p.m., 
with the exception of the event on 
Friday, April 19, which begins at 12 
p.m. For more information, contact 
Seung-kyung Kim at (301) 405-7293 

Tuesday, April 16: Friends 
(Chingu, 2001) 

Wednesday, April 17: Last 
Witness {Huksuseon, 2001) 

Thursday, April 18; Fallen (2001} 

Friday, April 19: Closing Recep- 
tion and Waikiki Brothers 

Campus Offers Sushi Options 


Byung Moon Lee (I) and Ho Park are two of the SushiCo chefs who come to campus daily to prepare the 
fresh sushi sold in campus convenience stores. Sushi, which began being sold regularly on campus this past 
winter, can also be found in the Food Co-op. 

Amy Ginther used to 
"buzz over" to 
Shoppers Food 
Warehouse to pick 
up sushi lunches for herself 
and her Office of Information 
Technology co-workers. That 
was until she walked into a 
campus convenience store a 
few months ago and saw 
sushi for sale. 

"we quickly found it on the 
shelf," Ginther said, "and 
thought it was terrific." 

Sushi made its way to cam- 
pus this past winter, showing 
up in both the Maryland Food 
Co-op and Dining Services 
campus convenience stores. 
Both were approached by 
SushiCo, a local sushi produc- 
ing and distributing company, 
and decided that it would be a 
good idea to offer it to the 
campus community. 

"We have tried different 
ways to bring sushi on cam- 
pus," said Bart Hippie, conven- 
ience store administrator. "It's 
a very specialized art." 

Dining Services started car- 
rying sushi in its convenience 
stores in February, but 
because of distribution prob- 
lems, had to suspend sales. 
Sushi has since returned this 

Where to Get 
Sushi on Campus 

Food Co-op 
Applause Cafe 
. Sneakers Cafe 
North Campus Snack Shop 
Union Shop 
Commons Shop 
E&M Deli 
Rudi's Cafe 

month and Hippie said he 
hopes the distribution issues 
will be solved by having the 
SushiCo chef in a Dining Ser- 
vices kitchen, making die sushi 
fresh, on-site, on a daily basis. 

Currently five different 
items are being offered in 
campus convenience stores: 
Philadelphia roll, California 
roll, salmon roll, vegetarian roll 
and eel roll. 

"It's basic fish and vegeta- 
bles or just vegetables put into 
a case of sticky rice and sliced 
into short tubes," Hippie said. 
"They are served with slices of 
fresh ginger and green mus- 
tard sauce (wasabi)." 

The co-op, which initially 
sold SushiCo products in 

December, switched to The 
Vegetable Garden, a vegan 
restaurant in Rockville, when 
it moved to its location in the 
new addition to the Stamp 
Student Union. The co-op 
carries a-vegan sushi with 
cucumber, avocado, carrots, 
tofu and either brown or 
white rice. Shipments come 
in every other day. 

"We just wanted to expand 
a littie bit," said Grace Lichaa, a 
co-op worker. "People seem to 
like it. It's a nice change from 
the sandwich thing people 
usually do for lunch." 

Hippie said that he has got- 
ten a lot of response from sat- 
isfied customers. 

"I'm getting die most posi- 
tive feedback from the faculty 
and staff ," Hippie said. "They're 
the most outwardly apprecia- 

Ginther, a coordinator for 
the Project Methods Group, 
said she was delighted to see 
sushi on campus. "It's a good, 
healthy food choice." 

Ginther, who first discov- 
ered sushi about five years 
ago, prefers the standard Cali- 
fornia roll. "My quality of life 
just rose a lot because I love It 
so much." 

Transportation: Consolidating Information on Alternatives 

Continued from page 1 

and they don't want to drive. 
[Testimonials] will help show 
that this is how many people 
get to work and school every 

Longsbury 'would get an 
enthusiastic testimonial on the 
vanpool program from fellow 
committee member Mary Gib- 
son, executive administrative 

assistant in resident life. Gibson 
uses the program to come to 
campus from Skaggsville. When 
Longsbury asked each commit- 
tee member at the first meeting 
to gather information and ideas 
on alternatives, Gibson chose 
the vanpool "becauseit's my 
passion; I really think it's a 
great Idea." 

Having worked at Maryland 
for more than 30 years, Gibson 
can remember 'when parking 
was free. "I remember there 
was quite an uproar at the first 
parking fee. It was like $25 
dollars a year," she says, laugh- 

Looking ahead she says, "It's 
my understanding that as time 

goes on, parking is just going to 
get tighter and more costly." 
The continued expansion of 
the university and the dictates 
of the master plan virtually 
guarantee this. 

The committee looks to 
publish the brochure in late 
June or July for those consider- 
ing leaving their cars at home. 


Dziiba Shaw-Taylor has 

Joined the Research & Data- 
base Administration staff as a 
research assistant for 
prospect data. She will be the 
point person for all assign- 
ment requests, PEG board 
postings and contact report 
dissemination. Greg Johnson 
is now on Barbara Humora's 
Development Information 
Systems staff. He is the pri- 
mary contact for BSR train- 
ing, new user accounts, desk- 
top reporting and general 
help-desk questions. 

Martha Morris is die new 
associate director of develop- 
ment for the Clarice Smith 
Performing Arts Center devel- 
opment team. She comes 
with many years of arts 
fundraising and administra- 
tion experience in the Wash- 
ington area. Most recently, she 
has worked with Olney The- 
atre and the Cathedral Choral 
Society where she dramatical- 
ly increased their revenue in 
a short period of time. With 
her arrival, the fundraising 
team for the center is com- 

Entries by University Commu- 
nications Media Relations 
Associates Lee Tune and 
Ellen Ternes earned them 
the Silver Award for Research, 
Medicine and Science News 
Writing in a recent Council 
for the Advancement and 
Support of Education (CASE) 
competition. They also had 
entries in die General News 
Writing Category, along with 
Cassandra Robinson and 
Nell Tlckner, to capture the 
Silver Award there as well. 
The Silver was the highest 
honor accorded this year in 
both categories. 

The University of Maryland 
Office of Continuing and 
Extended Education 
(OCEE) is the recipient of a 
gold award of excellence in 
marketing from the Universi- 
ty Continuing Education 
Association (UCEA). Taking 
top honors In the publica- 
tions category was the eth- 
nomusicology program 
brochure, created to pro- 
mote Maryland's School of 
Music online Master of Arts 
in Ethnomusicology. The 
competition, which annually 
recognizes outstanding colle- 
giate marketing and commu- 
nications work, drew more 
than 400 entries from col- 
leges and universities 
throughout the U.S. and 
Canada. The award will be 
presented at UCEA's 87th 
annual conference in Toron- 
to, Canada. 

APRIL 16, 2002 

"rofessors Win Black Saga Quiz 

arcus Peanort, an academic advisor in the 
College of Education, won the Black 
Saga Outlook Online quiz, getting 13 out 
)£ 15 answers correct. He will receive a copy of 

Jlack Saga: The African American Experience: A 

Francille R.Wilson, professor in Afro-American 
Studies, was the first to identify a mistake in the 
answers that ran for questions in the March 19 issue 
of Outlook. The answer to the first question should 
have been the Niger River Valley, not the Nile River 
Valley. She also received a copy of the book. 

The correct answers for the online quiz are: 

1. North Star 

2. Isaac Myers 

3- Major General Benjamin F. Butler 

4. Oscar Dunn 

5. Norbert Rillieux 

6. Shoe lasting machine 

7. Dr. Daniel Hale Williams 

8. Robert Abbott 
9- General Electric 

10. Sleeping Car Porters of the Railroad Industry 

1 1 . George Washington Carver 

12. Daniel "Chappie" James 

13. Alice Walker and Toni Morrison 

14. Percy Lavon Julian and George Washington Carver 

15. August Wilson 


Did you see us on... 

The April 8 cover of Sports Illustrated proclaimed us 
"Mighty Maryland." Congratulations to Coach Gary 
Williams and his Terps for reaching the top of the basket- 
ball world. For the first time in Maryland basketball histo- 
ry, a National Championship banner will hang in storied 
Cole Field House. Come fall, it will move to a place of 
honor in the brand new 17,100-seat Comcast Center where 
the Terps will start the 2002-03 season. It just goes to 
show, we're ZOOMing on and off the field. 

Did you hear that... 

A University of Maryland journalism alumna and part- 
time faculty member won the Pulitzer Prize for investiga- 
tive reporting, less than 10 years after graduating from 
Maryland's journalism program. Sarah Cohen, a May 1992 
master's graduate of the Philip Merrill College of Journal- 
ism and a frequent adjunct professor, was part of a three- 
person team from The Washington Post that won the 
Pulitzer for a series exploring the deaths of children in the 
District of Columbia. 

OIT Upgrades Telecorrtmunications 
Systems with Emerging Technology 

The Office of Infor- 
mation Technology, 
Networking and 
Services (OIT-NTS) recendy 
completed the year-long 
process of upgrading the uni- 
versity voice communications 
system. This improvement con- 
tributes to the progress of the 
university's initiative to 


The new system incorporates 
recent technological advances 
and operates on a state-of-the- 
art digital platform that has 
increased the capacity and reli- 
ability of voice communication 
at the university. 

"The new system begins to 
blur the line between network- 
ing and telecommunicadons - 

enabling users to customize 
their own telecommunications 
services online. 

A more immediate improve- 
ment that users notice is that 
all display phones and voice 
mailboxes can receive caller ID 
on incoming calls. OIT-NTS also 
has an increased ability to pro- 
vide technologically advanced 
call centers to university 


Clay Gump, OIT telecommunications engineer; Tommy Mast, OIT telecommunications specialist; and Dave 
Donoho, OIT telecommunications engineer, examine one of Avaya's switching machines. 

"ensure an administrative, 
operational and physical infra- 
structure that fully supports a 
first-class university," as stated 
in the University Strategic 

According to Mark Hender- 
son, assistant vice president and 
chief operating officer for the 
Office of Information Technolo- 
gy, "This upgrade is a part of 
OIT's continuing efforts to pro- 
vide the best possible service 
to the university, and to be 
responsive to both the current 
and future needs of the univer- 
sity community." 

The upgrade involved replac- 
ing the central equipment con- 
trolling the voice communica- 
tion system; logistics were 
arranged with departmental 
telecommunications represen- 
tatives in every university 
department to ensure that 
interruptions to service were 
minimal. As a result, the transi- 
tion was transparent for most 

our challenge, now, is to ex- 
plore the opportunities created 
by that convergence" explained 
John Romano, director of engi- 
neering for OiT-NTS. 

Much of that exploration will 
take place as a part of OIT's 
technological partnership with 
Avaya. This partnership allows 
OIT to collaborate on a multi- 
tude of projects, participating 
in research and development 
in areas such as video tech- 
nologies, unified messaging 
and Web-enabled phone admin- 

As a result, some possibilities 
that could be realized in the 
future include broadcasting uni- 
versity news and important 
announcements over Web- 
enabled voiceover IP phones to 
the university community, inte- 
grating university telecommuni- 
cations and cellular phone serv- 
ices so that calls to an office 
phone could also ring to a cor- 
responding cell phone, and 

departments. Some call center 
features OIT-NTS will offer in 
the near future are skill-based 
call routing, service observing, 
music on hold and custom 
announcements that callers 
hear while waiting to let them 
know that the lines are busy 
and inform them of an estimat- 
ed wait time. These features 
will allow departments to cus- 
tomize their call centers and to 
serve their customers more 

Information about any new 
telecommunications services 
and features will be posted on 
the OIT-NTS Web site and 
announced to the university 
community when they 
become available. Answers 
to frequently asked questions 
about the upgrade are avail- 
able at the OIT-NTS site, 

— Megan Speakes, OIT 

Maryland Day: Changes to Improve Navigation Through Campus Activities 

Continued from page i 

information about Senior Uni- 
versity or studying abroad, par- 
ticipate in a scavenger hunt, 
hear African drumming, finger- 

print the kids or learn how to 
finance a college education. 

See how many 3-pointers or 

or more information on Maryland Day, visit 

layups you can do in 30 sec- 
onds for prizes at The Groat 
Cole Shootout in Cole Field 
House, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. 

Visit the Insect Expo, a joint 
project between the Colleges 
of Life Sciences and Agriculture 
and Natural Resources. Taste 
honey, learn about pest man- 

agement and more. The expo is 
located in Science & Tech Way, 
1 161 Plant Sciences Bldg., 10 
a.m.-i p.m. 

Join in a Celebration of Black 
Visual Arts featuring a collec- 
tion including works by the 
university's own David Driskell. 
Explore printmaking through a 

hands-on workshop or enjoy a 
guided tour of the gallery. In 
Arts Alley, 2202 Art Gallery 
(Art/Sociology Building), 10 
a.m.-4 p.m. 

Enjoy free samples of the uni- 
versity's famous made-on-site 
ice cream onAg Day Avenue, 
Pilot Plant, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. 


Directors, fundraisers and Fun Baked-Goods Makers 


University Relations employees celebrated spring with a semi-annual bake-off last week. An imagi- 
native and detailed Homage to Cole created by Development Relations, pictured, won in the 
Butcher, Baker, Candlestick Maker — Which One Made This? category. At right. University Rela- 
tions Vice President Brody Remington, Director of Uni- 
versity Relations Barbara Quinn and Exective Director 
of Constituent Programs Valerie Broadie admire the m 

the Homage's humorous details. Other winners: 

* Mystery Ingredient: Bob Harrison's Snickerdoodle 
Cake (made by his wife, Kate Harrison) 

* World Tour International Sweets: Jessica Da vies' 
Tiger Bark 

* It's Monday — What did you expect?: Becky Wid- 
man's Out of the Box Brownies 

* Terp-a-llcious: Suzanne Beicken's Hoosier Blood 

* Emeril's Prodigy: Brian Shook's Sticky Buns 

S»'< ~ l)ll« -''■ "■ '•' ■ 


i I 

Recogniiing Efforts to Meld Teaching, Technology 


Deans Bob Hampton and Norma Atlewell present awards to the winners. 

The ninth annual Teaching With Technology Conference not only introduced faculty and staff to 
new technology for the classroom, but afso congratulated faculty who have already begun using 
innovative alternatives. 
Donald Riley, vice president and CIO for OIT, and Robert Hampton, dean of undergraduate studies, 
awarded faculty and staff for integrating technology into the classroom. The event is sponsored by the 
Office of Information Technology along with the Center for Teaching Excellence. 

Jennifer Sterling from the School of Music and Lida Tang from the Department of Computer Sciences 
were awarded for developing an interactive Web-based program for music theory classes. Ann Smith, 
Richard Stewart and Robert Yuan from the Department of Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics were rec- 
ognized for incorporating multi-media and Web-based technology into their large lecture lab course. With 
approximately 600 students each year and an ever-increasing amount of material to cover, the three 
turned to a Web-based program called WebCT to aid them in the classroom. 

"The challenge is to overcome a kind of information overload, where students are bombarded with 
concepts and ideas that they are not as familiar with," said Smith about her General Microbiology class. 
"We turned to technology to reduce the difficulty students were having." 

WebCT, an integrated Web-based software package, facilitates a wide range of classroom activities. 
The system posts students' assignments and exam grades, allowing access to each individual student's 
information any time and from anywhere. Smith used the online discussion tool to create private chat- 
rooms where students discussed case studies. Lecture notes can be placed in Word format and posted in 
the program for students to view. The wide range of possibilities for WebCT makes it a very attractive 
tool for professors, but the usefulness of it depends on an instructor's vision. 

"Not every task or every lesson can be facilitated by technology," said Roberta Lavine, acting 
associate director for academic affairs in the School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures. "The medi- 
um is not the message. It is how you integrate the technology into your lesson plan." 

— Bobby White, OIT graduate assistant 


O'Connor, 60, a biologist who has held iiis current position 
for two years, said his reason for leaving was simple: "It's just 
a great opportunity." O'Connor said he was not unhappy at 
the Smithsonian but missed the intellectual rigor of campus 
life. "It's an environment where I'm just more at home," he 
said. "There's a comfort level." (J. Dennis O'Connor explains to 
The Washington Post why he is leaving the Smithsonian, 
where he was undersecretary for science and acting director 
of the National Museum for Natural History, for his new post 
at the University of Maryland. April 4) 

The widow of slain Egyptian President Anwar Sadat believes a 
lasting peace will eventually win out in the Middle East, and 
that the United States could hasten that outcome by treating 
the region's Arabs better. Jehan Sadat said Wednesday that the 
U.S. government has sided too much with Israel in the esca- 
lating violence between Israelis and Palestinians that has left 
dozens dead in recent weeks. "You are too much biased to 
Israel," she said, speaking about the Bush administration. "You 
are the strongest country in the world — you have to be fair 
with both." Sadat said terrorism should not be allowed to 
derail Middle East peace efforts championed by her husband, 
who was assassinated in 1981 by a group believed to have 
close ties to Osama bin Laden. "I always feel what my husband 
started will never ever go in vain," she said. "I still believe the 
day will come when we see peace prevail.'* (Jehan Sadat is sen- 
ior fellow at the Center for International Development and 
Conflict Management. Associated Press, San Antonio, April 4) 

The group has been meeting every few months for about two 
years; another meeting is scheduled this month. University of 
Maryland political scientist and committee member Ronald 
Waiters said. "This group came together because they wanted 
to bring the full force of the African- American leadership 
behind this effort," Walters said. Last week, three slave descen- 
dants filed suit against Aetna insurance company, FleetBoston 
Financial Corp. and railroad giant CSX on behalf of them- 
selves and millions of other blacks, claiming the companies or 
their corporate predecessors unjustly profited from slavery. 
(Walters is professor of government and politics, and a board 
member of a group of black leaders who are pushing for 
reparations against companies which benefitted by slavery. 
Associated Press, April 5) 

However, some analysts say it is not because of a deep con- 
cern over the plight of either Palestinians or Israelis, but 
because Mr. Bush wants to go after Saddam Hussein in Iraq 
and knows that as long as the region is embroiled in deadly 
violence, there is little chance of winning international, par- 
ticularly Arab, support for such an operation."Previous presi- 
dents, Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, even Bush Sr., have seen 
bringing peace to Jerusalem as almost a transcendental exer- 
cise," says Jerome Segal, a Middle East specialist at the Univer- 
sity of Maryland. "For this president and this administration, it 
is something different. It is something that is defined by 
America's national interests. Central to that is Iraq and terror- 
ism and weapons of mass destruction." (Segal is a research 
scholar in the School of Public Affairs and is Director of the 
Jerusalem Project, which has tested the attitudes of Israeli 
Jews and Palestinians about Jerusalem in order to identify 
options for resolving the city's final status. Ottawa Gazette, 
April 4) 

While the Maryland School Assessment Program's change in 
focus marks the end of an era, the testing program managed 
to last a decade— longer than any other such test — and to 
have a significant impact on instruction. Maryland hired 
teachers to score the tests, giving them the opportunity to 
see what kind of student work the state expected of stu- 
dents. They often changed the way they taught to include 
mote performance-driven tasks in their classrooms, as archi- 
tects of the testing program had hoped. "It's easy to visualize 
what Hugh performance looks like," said William D. Schafer, a 
professor emeritus of measurement, statistics, and evaluation 
at the University of Maryland College Park and the state's test- 
ing director from 1 997 to 1999. "It's very difficult to visualize 
what high performance looks like in a multiple-choice for- 
mat." (Education Week, April 3) 

APRIL I 6 , 2002 

Africas of the Americas 

The Committee on Africa and 
the Americas, the David C. 
Driskell Center for the Study of 
the African Diaspora and the 
Center for Historical Studies 
announce an international sym- 
posium, "Africas of the Americ- 
as," which will take place on 
the University of Maryland 
campus April 18-20. 

The symposium explores the 
historical and contemporary 
creation and use of representa- 
tions of Africa in New World 
societies. It will address the 
question of whether Africa and 
Africanness can be taken as 
unproblema tic, self-evident and 
historically invariable concepts, 
or whether these terms carry 
multiple and changing mean- 
ings that are the products of 
complicated and conflict-rid- 
den histories. 

Speakers include K.Anthony 
Appiah, Herman Bennett, Vin- 
cent Carretta, Christopher 
Davis Jualynne Dodson, Alejan- 
dro Frigerio, Katrin Hansing, 
Robert A. Hill, Fatimah Jackson, 
Eileen Julie n, David Chioni 
Moore, Stephan Palmie,Jcan 
Muteba Rahier, Livio Sansone 
and Ibrahim K. Sundiata. 

For a complete description, 
program details, dates and loca- 
tions, visit www.africaamericas. The symposium is 
free and open to the public. 
Registration is not required. 

Blues Performance 

The Department of English 
Bebe Koch Petrou Lecture will 
feature John Cephas and Phil 
Wiggins. Called by Living Blues 
"today's premier Piedmont 
blues guitar and harmonica 
duo," Cephas and Wiggins are 
distinguished performers, pre- 
senters and students of tradi- 
tional music; they have toured 
the world under the auspices 
of the U.S. State Department, 
and they are highly active in 
the national traditional arts 

For their lecture, Cephas and 
Wiggins will both perform and 
discuss their music. Cephas 
serves on the Executive Com- 
mittee of the National Council 
for the Traditional Arts, and in 
1989 received a national Heri- 
tage Fellowship Award. 

The event will be held on 
Thursday, April 18 at 2 p.m. in 
1 140 Susquehanna Hall, It is 
free and open to the public. 
For more information, contact 
Betty Fern at (301) 405-3805. 

Flower Arranging with 

Learn the an of arranging flow- 
ers for special occasions or to 
beautify your home. Demon- 
stration and hands-on training 
will be provided by the Art and 
Learning Center on three Tues- 
days: April 23, April 30 and May 
7, from 6 to 8 p.m. All materials 
are included in the cost of the 
class, which is $40. Fre-register. 
Classes will be held in B0I07 

Stamp Student Union. For more 
information, contact Alicia 
Simon at (301) 314-ARTS or 

Take Back the Night 
Women's Music Festival 

Join Women's Circle on April 21 
for Take Back the Night, a 
music festival, rally, march and 
vigil that aims to end violence 
against women. The event will 
be held in the Nyumburu Cen- 
ter amphitheater from 2 to 10 
p.m. with performances from 
Alix Olson, the Rhythm Work- 
er's Union, Deirdre Flint, Lea, 
Ren Rick and Kris Delmhorst. 
Loung Ung, a Cambodian sur- 
vivor of the Khmer Rouge, is 
the keynote speaker at 7:30. 
The show is free. 

For more information, contact 
Kim at (301) 226-2021 orkls®, or visit www. 

Making the Grade 

The Center for Teaching Excel- 
lence presents a Teaching and 
Learning Conversation: "Making 
the Grade," on Thursday, April 
18 from 12 to 1:30 p.m. in the 
Maryland Room, 0100 Marie 
Mount Hall. 

Managing the grading 
process is a challenge to all 
teachers. Grade distributions 
and curves, grade inflation and 
+/- grading are just a few of the 
issues to be faced in the com- 
plicated process of evaluating 
student work. Despite its com- 
plexity, grading can be used as 
a powerful tool in the class- 
room. The workshop will fea- 
ture a panel: Nora Bellows 
(English), David Bigio (Mechan- 
ical Engineering), Denny Gulick 
(Mathematics) and Allen Stairs 

All members of the universi- 
ty community are invited. Light 
refreshments will be served. 
RSVP to Mary Wesley at (301) 
405-9356 or mwesley® deans., or online at www. 
umd .edu/CTE/rsvp . h tml . 

Terrapin Expeditions 

Do you enjoy backpacking, 
rock climbing or canoeing? Are 
you looking for more informal 
and meaningful opportunities 
to relate to students? If so, con- 
sider joining one of five three- 
to six-day T.E.N.T.S. trips as a 
faculty or staff member. 

TENTS. (Terrapin Expedi- 
tions for New andTransfer Stu- 
dents) is a joint venture 
between the Orientation Office 
and Campus Recreation Ser- 
vices. The program consists of 
five separate wilderness expe- 
ditions varying by length and 
activity to take place this sum- 
mer. All trips include food while 
at the trip location, transporta- 
tion from the university to the 
trip site, outdoor equipment 
required for the activity, and 
experienced student trip lead- 
ers. No wilderness experience 
is necessary. Expeditions are 
free for faculty team members. 

Each expedition is designed 
to allow participants to make 
lasting friendships, ease the 
transition to college life and 
have fun while experiencing 
new activities. Faculty members 
form an integral part of the 
experience. Students will have 
opportunities to talk informally 
with faculty and staff about 
their questions and concerns as 
they enter the university. 

For more information, con- 
tact student coordinator Elie 
Teichman at (301) 314-5641 or 

Turkish Belly Dance 

Experience the ancient art of 
Middle Eastern dance while 
enjoying a great low-impact 
workout. Experiment with vie 
work and finger cymbals in 
addition to learning a range of 
basic moves. 

The class is offered by the 
Art and Learning ('enter and 
will be held for six weeks 
beginning April 16. The class 
will be 6 to 7:30 p.m. and will 
be held in BO 107 Stamp Stu- 
dent Union. The cost is $50 for 
students, $55 for faculty and 
staff and $60 for the general 
public. For more information, 
contact Alicia Simon at (301) 
314-ARTS or 
asimon @ union . umd . edu . 

Suzuki violin Program 
Seeks Beginners 

The School of Music is now 
accepting applicants age 3 to7 
for its beginner's Suzuki Violin 
program. The renowned Suzuki 
Method operates on the princi- 
ple that every child has the 
capacity to develop musical 
ability during their early years. 
Suzuki seeks to nurture not just 
musical ability, but also the 
development of the whole 

Graduate-level instructors 
lead individual and group les- 
sons under the direction of 
master teacher and faculty 
member, Ronda Cole. Private 
lessons are scheduled individu- 
ally and group classes are held 
on Thursdays from 5 to 6 p.m. 
and 6 to 7 p.m. 

Parental involvement is vital 
in the Suzuki Method. A month- 
ly parents' meeting Ls facilitated 
by Suzuki trainer Martha Shack- 

Monthly tuition is $152. For 
more information or to apply, 
contact the Suzuki Violin 
Administrator at (301) 405- 
8347 or, 
or visit 

Call for Teaching Theater 
Proposals, Spring 2003 

Proposals for use of the Teach- 
ing Theaters, both full-semester 
and partial-semester, for the 
Spring 2003 semester are cur- 
rently being accepted. Propos- 
als are due by midnight on 
April 18. To submit a proposal, 
visit www.oit, 
sch_proposals. htm. 

Sponsored by Technology 
Enhanced Learning, the Office 
of Information Technology and 
the Center for Teaching Excel- 
lence. For more information, 
contact Chris Higgms at (301) 
405-5190 or chiggins@deans., or visit www.oit.umd. 

Craft Fair 

The Art and Learning Center 
invites you to participate in the 
craft fair at the 19th annual Art 
Attack Craft Fair. The fair will 
be held from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. 
on Friday, May 3 on McKeldin 
Mall. Join in a full day of live 
music, games, craft fair, and stu- 
dent and community booths. 
Interested vendors should con- 
tact the Art and Learning Cen- 
ter for application information. 
For more information, contact 
Wendy Wang at (301) 314-9814 

Remembering Vietnam 

Historian Lewis Sorley, drawing 
on his book "A Better War: The 
Unexamined Victories and Final 
Tragedy of America's Last Years 
in Vietnam" and on his biogra- 
phies of Generals Creighton 
Abrams and Harold K.Johnson, 
will compare and contrast the 
earlier and later years of Ameri- 
can involvement in the war, dis- 
cuss major U.S. and Vietnamese 
personalities, evaluate the 
impact of technology on the 
conduct of the war, document 
the true nature and accom- 
plishments of the Vietnam vet- 
eran, and appraise the contri- 
butions of expatriate Viet- 
namese to America's economy 
and culture. 

The lecture and book signing 
will take place Tuesday, April 30 
at 12 p.m. in Lecture Room Dat 
the National Archives at College 
Park, 8601 Adelphi Road, Col- 
lege Park. 

Copies of the books will be 
available for sale, and there is 
parking on site. Call (202) 208- 
7345 for reservations or more 

Nominees Sought for 
Professional Award 

Each year, the President's Com- 
mission on Women's Issues 
recognizes the outstanding 
achievements of administrative 
support professionals at the 
University of Maryland. Any 
member of the campus com- 
munity may submit a nomina- 

To obtain instructions and a 
nomination form, contact Rita 
Phelps at (301) 405-6694 or Forms 
may also be found at www. 
RPhelps. Completed nomina- 
tions must be received by April 
30. Recipients will be honored 
at the Professional Concepts 
Exchange Conference Luncheon 
oh June 3.