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,^^^lTy Faculty 
^^ & Staff 

^^fh^" Awards 

Page 6 


Vol HI 

iS • Number 6 • October S, zooz 

Meeting Two 

Campus Officials Want 
to Minimize Traffic 
Hassles on Game Day 

In an effort to minimize 
what will be an inconven- 
ient situation for many next 
Thursday, several campus 
offices are woridng hard to give 
the campus community infor- 
mation and alternatives. 

Maryland football will square 
off against Georgia Tech at Byrd 
Stadium on Oct. 17. Tlic game, 
scheduled to start at 7:45 p.m., 
is expected to draw thousands 
of tailgating fans to the campus 
beginning around 4 p.m. It is 
about the time many campus 
employees head home and 
some evening classes begin. 
Classes will not be canceled, 
but non-essential employees, as 
designated by their individual 
department heads, will be 
excused at 3 1 30 p.m. to help 
ease some of the congestion. 

"The academic mission of the 
university is paramount," says 
George Cathcart, director of 
university communications, "but 
we will do everything we can 
to minimize inconvenience." 

"We are trying to help people 
understand that we are an insti- 
tution with multiple missions 
and constituencies," says 
Richard Stimpson, assistant vice 
president of student af£^s. "It 
will be inconvenient, but we're 
working hard to make it as man- 

See GAME DAY, page 5 

Driskell Gala a Sensory Feast 


It was a night of friends and fundraising for the David C. Driskell Center for the Study of the African 
Diaspora. From left, gala co-chairs C. Sylvia and Ed Brown, Bill Cosby, President Dan Mote and gala co< 
chair Patsy Mote and David and Thelma Driskell. 

Guests attending a fundiaising 
event for the David C. 
Driskell Center for die Study 
of the African Diaspora last 
week enjoyed rich African fabrics, aro- 
matic foods, rhythmic sounds from drums 
and laughter at the Clarice Smith 
Performing Arts Center. Bill Cosby pro- 
vided the humor, tnusicians from campus 
instructor Djimo Kouyate's Memory of 
African Culture, Inc., campus opera star 

Carmen Balthrop and the Maryland 
Gospel Choir provided the music. 

Mark McEviren, a member of CBS 
Newts' "The Early Show" team and a 
Maryland alimmus, served as master of 
ceremonies. Several guests of local and 
national fame attended the event includ- 
ing National CouncO of Negro Women 
founder Dorothy Height and former 

See DRISKBI±, page S 

University Lab 
Tech Gives to 

Simon Mugerwa knows what 
conditions feUow Ugandans 
Gordon and Margaret Onziga 
will face once they return to their 
village with their twin daughters. 
So he is raising money to ensure 
their situation is improved. 

Mugerwa, a lab technician with 
the imiversity's Health Center, 
heard about the femil)' through 
stories m The Washington Pt>st. 
The girls, Christina and Loice, were 
born conjoined at the chest, a rare 
if not first-time time event in that 
coimtry. Through generous dona- 
tions from the University of Mary- 
land medical center and others, 
the girls and their parents came to 
the United States so that Christina 
and Loice could be separated. It 
was a successftil operation, though 
Loice will need to have a smaU 
hole in her heart closed before 
they return. The girls will celebrate 
their first birthday later this month. 

Since most of their immediate 
needs were being seen to, Muger- 
wa began thinking about what he 
and the local Ugandan community 
could do for the long term. 

"I called a meeting at my house 
and we starting talking about what 
we could do. Once they leave the 
United States, those kids and their 
parents are entirely on their own " 
he says. "What they have for a 
house is a mud strucUire with a 
grass roof, like many in that part of 
Africa. They are farmers. The per 

See MUGERJVA, gage S 

Traffic Radioes New Face 

A soothing, well-mod- 
ulated voice now offers 
those headed to cam- 
pus, for class or events, 
regular updates on the 
traffic situation and 
alternate routes should 
the roads get ugly, 

Patty Candclla is the 
new part-time radio 
coordinator for 1640 
AM, The station Is main- 
ly a traffic and informa- 
tion outlet designed to 
give Lsteners within a 
five-mile radius the lat- 
est on road conditions 
leading up to campus. 

"We're also using it in 
the event of emergen- 
cies, for directing and 
redirecting traffic," says 
Candella, who reports to 
George Cathcart, director of 
University Communications. 

With daily updates, the sta- 
tion is a regular way for driv- 
ers to hear what is going on 


Patty Candelta is the voice behind 1640 
AM radio. The station offers traffic Infor- 
mation to the university comrnunity. 

and how it affects traffic. Can- 
della checks university calen- 
dars throughout the day for 

See CANDELLA, page 4 

Making Work 

People should love their 
work and they should feel val- 
ued, says a new organizational 
development specialist on cam- 
pus — so she'll work to help 
campus employees reach that 

"You spend [a good part of] 
your life at work. If you spend 
that time banging your head 
against the wall, how is tliat 
helping tlic human condition?" 
asks I-aura Scott, the Office of 
Otganlzational Effectiveness 
(OOE)'s newest team member 

Scott looks forward to bring- 
ing her experience with Con- 
gress, nonprofit oi^anizations 
and government agencies to 
Maryland, tn that the university 
is, in organizational develop- 
ment terms, a loosely bounded 
system of people who associate 
more with departments, col- 
leges or administrative units, it 

See SCOTT, page 4 

Focus: Student Success 

First, the work focused on 
getting non-white young 
people into college in 
representative numbers. Now, 
it's about ensuring their aca- 
demic success. 

The Office of Multi-Ethnic 
Student Education (OMSE)'s 
annual educational confer- 
ence, "Success 2002: Rethink- 
ing Strategies to Promote Stu- 
dent Achievement," will look at 
teaching methods, mentoring 
and other techniques that are 
key to better outcomes. Paper 
proposals for the Nov. 13 
event are expected to cover a 
wide range of related topics, 
including several on sports. 

"Some may denounce the 
exploitive natiu^e of sports, but 
some look at the discipline 
and its applications," says Pat 
Thomas, assistant director of 

A 14-mcmber student sub- 
committe is woiking to in- 
crease undergraduate involve- 

ment in the conference this 
year, something organizers say 
is key to its succcess. Students 
will address attendees during 
a panel after lunch. 

"Historically, snidents have 
always been the focus," says 
Mary Cothran, director of 
OMSE. "Since its inception, 
this conference has been 
designed to target people 
we're responsible for, the 
undergraduates. They know 
better than anyone else what 
helps them. Hearing their per- 
spective is very important. 
They've generally drawn the 
largest audience for an after- 
lunch session." 

Faculty are asked to encour- 
age their students to attend, as 
the conference fee will be 
waived for them. Organizers 
would also like deans and 
provosts to sponsor students 
for the keynote limcheon. 

See SUCCESS, page 4 

OCTOBER 8, 2002 




Revised Literacy Conference Dates 

September 24's Outlook repotted that the Uofversity of Mary- 
land's international conference on "Improving Learning 
Strategies for Literacy: Research and Practice" will be held 
Nov. 1-3. The revised dates are Nov. 1-2. The final dale for early 
registration at reduced rates is Oct. 1 1 , 2D02. 

Michael Pressley, internationally known reading comprehension 
researcher, will present Saturday's keynote. Featured speakers and 
workshop presenters from the university include faculty members 
Peter Afflerbach, Patricia Alexander, Teresa Cabal-Kraste!, Steve 
Graham, Karen Harris, Roberta Lavine and Rebecca Oxford. Other 
presenters are coming from as far av^^ay as New Zealand, South 
Africa and Japan. The College of Education, the Graduate School, 
and the Office of International Programs are conference co-spon- 
sors. For more information, see 
info/I nt I Co nf 2002 or e-mail for details. 

October 8 

8:30-10 a.m.. Diversity Inrtia- 
tive: Meeting of tlie Wlioie 

Multipurpose Room, St. Mary's 
Hall. The Office of Human 
Relations Program invites all to 
attend the aimual Diversity kii- 
tiative Meeting of the Whole . 
RSVP to Marie Osafo at 5-2843 
or mosafo® 
For more information, contact 
Christine Clark at 5-2841 or 
ceclarfc® dcan§ 

6-9 p.m., Microsoft Access: 
Easy Start to a Database 

4404 Computer and Space Sci- 
ence. Tables are the ccntial 
point for any database. This 
class will show you how to 
create and edit tables, create a 
mlsk, design a form that allows 
for easy data entry, and pull the 
data from the tables via a 
query to apply the retrieved 
information into a report. Pre- 
requisite; Excel I & n. For more 
information, contact Carol War- 
rington at 5^2938 or 
cwpost@umd5.umd.cdii, or 

7-9 p.m.. Guest Speaker 
U.S. Treasurer Rosario 
Marin 0204 Architecture Build- 
ing. The Latino Student Union 
will host guest speaker Marin 
to promote this year's Hispanic 
Heritage Month theme, 
"Strength in Unity, Faith and 
Diversity." Everyone is wel- 
come to attend. For more infor- 
mation, contact the Latino Stu- 
dent Union at 4-8348. 

8 p.m.. University of Mary- 
land Symphonic Wind 
Ensemble Dekelboum Con- 
cert Hall, Clarice Smith Per- 
forming Arts Center. The 

ensemble's first concert of the 
season will feature Amercian 
composer Peter Mennin's only 
work for band,"Can2ona°; 
Joaquin Rodrigo's "Adagio for 
Wind Orchestra"; and Gordon 
Jacob's British folk collection, 
"Old Wine in New Bottles." 
Free. For more information, call 
(301) 405-ARTS or visit www. 
claricesmithcenter.umd .edu. 


October 9 

8:45-4 p.m., OfT Short- 
course Training: Introduc- 
tion to MS Excel 4404 Com- 
puter & Space Science. Partici- 
pants Mfill learn; the advantages 
of electronic spreadsheets; to 
create a basic worksheet by 
entering text, values and for- 
mulas; to create formulas using 
Excel's built-in functions; to 
change the appeanmce of 
worksheet data using a variety 
of formatting techniques, and 
more. For more information, 
visit The 
cost of the class is $90. For 
more information, contact Jane 
S.Wieboldt at 5-0443 oroit-, or 
visit www.oit.umd, edu/sc. 

12-1 p.m.. Counselor Self 
Awareness: What is it and 
Does it Matter? 0114 Shoe- 
maker Building. See For Your 
Interest, page 8. 

12:30 p.m.. Women and 
Minority Lecture Series 
Features Lydia Dona West 

Gallery, Art and Sociology 
Building. The internationally 
rcco^ized abstract painter 
will speak on her work. For 
more itiformation, contact the 
Department of Art at 5-1445 or 
artdept@umail . umd . edu. 

4:30 p.m.. Journeys in 
Health Care Workshop 
Series 1112 Hornbake Library. 
Can da nee Edwards, admissions 
coordinator of the Maryland 
School of Nursing, will speak. 
Sponsored by the Division of 
Letters and Sciences. For more 
information, call 5-2793 or e- 
mail preprof@deans,umd,edu. 

6-8 p.m.. Massage Work- 
shop BO 107 Stamp Student 
Union. See For Your Interest, 
page 8. 

October 10 

10 8.m.-4 p.m.. National 
Depression Screening Day 

Nanticoke Room, Stamp Stu- 
dent Union. The University 
Counseling Center will spon- 
sor a free screening for depres- 
sion and bipolar disorder. Par- 
ticipants will fiU out a short 
questiomiaire and then discuss 
the results with a mental 
health professional. For more 
information, contact Linda 
Tipton at 4-7651 or 
ltipton@ wam . umd . edu . 

10 a.m.-l p.m., Apple Cor- 
poration OSX Presentation 

1203 Van Munching. Apple 
Corporation's representative to 
the university and an Apple 
system engineer will demon- 
strate Apple's OSX and follow 
with a question-and-answcr 
session. This event is open to 
all. The presentation is spon- 
sored by Apple and the College 
of Life Sciences. For more infor- 
mation, contact Mike Landavere 
at 5-2991 or, 
or visit 

4:15-5:30 p.m.. Talk About 
Teaching Writing: Rubric- 
based Assessment 0135 Tali- 
aferro Hall. Center Alliance for 
School Teachers (CAST) pres- 
ents a discussion led by Betsy 
Brown, program supervisor, 
secondary English language 
arts for Montgomery County 
Public Schools, and Leigh 
Ryan, director of theWriting 
Center at the university. Eng- 
lish professor Jackson Bryer, 
and Charles Rutherford, associ- 
ate dean of the College of Arts 
and Himianitics, will offer 
insights on the use of scoring 
guides. All are invited to join 
the informal conversation and 
sharing of ideas. Participants 
are asked to bring a dozen 
copies of a writing lesson plan 

CO share with school and uni- 
versity colleagues. For more 
information, contact Nancy 
Traubitz at 5-6830 or, or visit 
www, inform, umd,edu/EdRes/ 

October 1 1 

12-1:15 p.m.. Department 
of Communication Collo- 
quium Series 0200 Skinner. 
Michael E Meffcrt, Sungeim 
Chung and Amber Joiner pre- 
sent "Searching for Political 
Information; The Role of Nega- 
tivity and Confirmation Biases." 
For additional information, 
contact Trevor Parry-Giles at 5- 
8947 or 

2:30-4:30 p.m.. Represen- 
tation and Reparation: 
'Comfort Women' and the 
(Im)possibility of Justice 

1 154Tawes Fine Arts. See For 
Your Interest, page 8, 


October 12 

1 1 a.m.-7 p.m.. The Univer- 
sity of Maryland Equestrian 
Team Intercollegiate Horse 
Show Clay HiU Stables, 991 1 
OldArdwick-Ardmore Road, 
Springdale, .MD 20774. See For 
Your Interest, page 8. 

October 14 

4 p.m. .The Body and the 
Body Politic 3121 Symons 
Hall. See For Your Interest, 
page 8. 

6:30-7 p.m.. Terrapin Trail 
Club Meeting Outdoor Recre- 
ation Center, Campus Recre- 
ation Center. The Terrapin Trail 
Club is a student organization 
that sponsors various outdoor 
recreational activities, such as 
hiking, backpacking, camping, 
mountain biking, caving, 
canoeing, rock climbing and 
kayaking. The club is student 
run and activities are available 
to all registered students, facul- 
ty and staff. For more informa- 
tion, contact club officers at 
(301) 226-4453 or 
officers® ttc. umd, edu, or visit 
www, ttc , umd . edu . 

October 15 

12:30-1:45 p.m., Works-in- 
Progress Presentation: 
Hamlet and Me 0155 Taliafer- 
ro Hall, See For Your Interest, 
page 8, 


October 16 

4:15-6 p.m.. Stimulating 
High Achievement Among 

Minority Learners 1315 Ben- 
jamin Building (College of Edu- 
cation), The Maryland Institue 
for Minority Achievement and 
Urban Education (MIMAUE) 
will host a colloquium, "Focus 
on School Reform; Improving 
Among Poor and Minority Stu- 
dents." Director of Academic 
Reform Jacqueline Brown of 
Howard Coimty Public Schools 
will be among the panelists. 
For more information, contact 
Martin L.Johnson at mjl3® or visit www. 
education. umd. ed u/MIMAUE. 



A grant source in a cut- 
line for ttie Sept. 10 
story, "Director Feels 
Students Deserve Credit fof 
(Mew Grant," should have 
been the Howard Hughes 
Medical Institute, not NIH. 

Two sentences in an 
Oct. 1 Outlook story, 
"Hillel, Dining Ser- 
vices Create Eatery," should 
have read: "Some basic 
kosher guidelines require 
that meat and dairy not be 
served at the same time and 
that meat not contain any 
blood. Also, any animal that 
does not both have cloven 
hooves and chew its cud is 

or additional event list- 
ings, visit 

calendar guide 

Calendar phone numt>ers listed as 4-)ixxx or 5-xxxx stand for the prefix 314 or 405. Calendar information for Outlook is compiled from a combination of InforM's 
master calendar and submissions to the Outlook office. Submissions are due two weeks prior to the date of putrilcatlon. To reach the calendar editor, call 
405-7615 or send e-mail to outlook@> 


Outlcak is tht weekly faculty-staff 
ncuTpapcr serving the University of 
Maryland campus community. 

Brodie Remington "Vice 
Pa^sidcnt for University Relations 

Tenia Flatmery * Exetnitive 
Director, University 
Communications and Moikf^dng 

George Catiicatt • Executive 

Monette Austin Bailey • Editor 

Cynthia Micchei • Art l!)irccior 

Robert K. Gardner < Graduate 


Lettcn to the editor, story sugges- 
tions and campus inlbri nation are 
welcome. Please submit all material 
tvrt) weeks before the Tuesday of 

Send material to Editor, (Jullouk. 
2HJI Tiirnet Hall, College Patk, 
MD 20742 

Telephone • (301) 405-4629 

Fax • {.Ml) 314-9344 

E-mail • outl9pk@^ 






Zany Comedy Full of Life Lessons 

You Can 't Take it With 
Pulitzer Prize-win- 
ning piay by George 
S. Kaufman and Moss Hart, will 
kick off the Department of 
Theatre's 2002-03 season. Set in 
New York City, the classic Amer- 
ican comedy is about two fami- 
lies of eccentrics — one feirly 
off-kilter and delightfully anar- 
chistic and 
the other 

— who 

your life however you like, 
even if it's not by society's tra- 
ditional standards of making 
money and living in the 'rat 
race.' Grandpa believes you 
should do what you want to do 
to be happy, regardless of the 
consequences," says guest 
director John Vreeke. 

The cast of 1 9 features 
Natasha E Rothwell, Jamie Klas- 
sel, Meg Yednock, Joshua Paul 
Segovia, Aldcn Michels, Richard 
Alexander, Jon Shalvi, Michael 
IfeUey, Brianne Cobuzzi, 
I Sean Hoagland, Ben 

4^ Parker, Matthew 

vflHk Gottlieb, Marissa 

^^^B Troeschel, 

^H Nathaniel R Claii- 

V dad, Sarah 

Lovelace Smith, 
Matt Corbi, Nick 

to learn a litde bit about 
themselves when their chil- 
dren MI in love. 

Martin Vanderof, aka Grand- 
pa, reigns over the delightful 
madhouse filled by his chil- 
dren, grandchildren and their 
spouses, and assorted societal 
disconnects, such as immi- 
grants, milkmen and a Grand 
Duchess, who come for a visit 
and never leave. As the roman- 
tic relationship between the 
children develops, fireworks lit- 
erally erupt as members of the 
family begin to find them- 
selves.' The moral of the story, 
however, is a serious one: find 
in yourself the courage to do 
w^itli your life what you really 
want to do. 

Written just after the Depres- 
sion, "You Can't Take it With 
You" offered people the type of 
entertainment they didn't need 
to tliink about. An uplifting 
tale, "the premise is simple: live 

For ticket information or to 
request a season brochure, 
contact the Ticket Office at 
301.405.ARTS or visit www. 

Qai^ce Smith 

Centerat marjiand 

Talcro and 
ing the play as 
a period piece 
has been challenging for some 
of the students involved. Many 
of them have slowed down 
their speech considerably and 
others have acquired dialects. 
Additionally, saxophone music 
will be played in between 
scenes to keep audiences in 
the 1930s mindset. 

"I've been fortunate to have 
a long rehearsal period to woric 
with the students involved in 
the play," said Vreeke. "Since it's 
a revival piece, the students 
need to understand the play's 
moral implications today as 
they are different from the time 
when the piay was originally 

"You Can'tTake it'With You" 
will be performed in the hia 
and Jack Kay Theatre of the 
Clarice Smith Performing Arts 
Center from Oct. 18 through 
Oct. 26. Single tickets for $20 
and $5 student tickets are avail- 
able at the Ticket Office by call- 
ing (301) 405-ARTS. 

Dance Program Examines 
Friendships Through Comedy 

Three comic 
duets will examine 
the topics of rivalry, 
love and the ever- 
changing nature of 
friendship as two 
talented modem 
dancers take the 
stage at the Clarice 
Smith Performing 
Arts Center in a per- 
formance called, 
"Live Sax Acts." 
pher David Dorf- 
man and compos- 
er/dancer Dan 
Froot, in 56-min- 
utes, will showcase 
their talents and style 
through a combination of 
attiletics, slapstick, theatri- 
cal improvisation, dance 
and miLSic. 

Keeping the theme of 
friendship central in all of 
the dance pieces, the 
works were individu- 
ally created over the 
course of six years. 
The pieces chronicle 

the sometimes stormy 

evolution of the friend- 
ship between Dorfman 
and Froot and their artistic 
alliance. Their goal, say 
Etorfiman and Froot, Is 
always to communicate 
through the complexity of 


Dorfman and Froot turn stereotypes upside down in "Live Sax Acts.' 

their own relationship, how 
relationships are made, why 
they last and why they are 
so powerful. 

The vrarks,"Hom,'"'BuU" 
and "Job," show off the 
dancers' athleticism, as they 
fece off in a slapping con- 
test and wheel and deal as 
if they were in a vaudeville 

Dorfman and Froot will 
perform "Live Sax Acts" on 
Friday and Saturday, Oct, 1 1 
and 1 2, at 8 p.m. in the 
Dance Theafre of the 
Clarice Smith Petforming 
Arts Center. Tickets are $25 
for the general public, $5 
for full-time students. 

Knees and Navels: Teatro Hugo & Ines 

Transforming the ordinary into 
the extraordinary, Teatro Hugo & 
Ines combine mime, dance and 
puppetry to create a host of characters 
composed of knees, feet, hands, elbows 
and a handful of props. "Short Stories," a 
series of vignettes taken from ordinary 
life, will come to the Robert and Arlene 
Kogtxl Theatre of the Clarice Smith Per- 
forming Arts Center on Oct. 18 and 19 
at 8 p.m. and Oct. 20 at 3 p.m. 

Playing out the poetic moments off 
everyday life, the pair of street mimes " 
— Hugo Suarez of lima, Peru and Saraje- 
vo-trained pianist Ines Pasic of Mostar,i 
Bosnia-Herzogovina — thrill audiences 
with amazing dexterity and delightful 
crcatrvit>'. With few spoken words and 
few props used, their focus is on artistry 
and music. 

Appropriate for audiences ages 10 
and up, Teatro Hugo & Ines creates 
remarkable transformations: a belly but- 
ton becomes a himgry woman's mouth, 
and a knee turns into a baldfng guitarist. 

Loved all over the world, Teatro 
Hugo & Ines formed in 1986 and have 
performed throughout the Americas 
and Canada, in Europe and in Asia. Tick- 
ets for the hour-long performance are 
$15, $5 for children and students. 

Teatro Hugo and Ines turn their hands, feet, hnees 
and elbows into characters in "Short Stories." 

OCTOBER 8, 2 002 


Scotts Looks Forward to Challenges 

Continued from page 1 

Passion and a Knack for Winning 

Malcolm Commer.a Maryland 
Cooperative Extension 
equine economist, knows a 
good deal when he sees one. So it is no 
surprise that when his horsenicing 
hobby began to show profit, he turned 
it into a successful business. 

By day, Commcr teaches and con- 
ducts economic impaa studies. He also 
works with various state agencies on 
tax and revenue issues related to the 
equine industry. Later in the day, Com- 
mer heads home to Ellicott City, Md. to 
feed and care for eight of 29 horses 
that currently comprise his Contrarian 
Stables. Commer buys, breeds and 

acutely on his end. "No other co-owner 
owns more than 10 percent of any 
horse," he says, adding that he keeps 30 
percent interest in all geldings. He 
doesn't co-own marcs or fillies because 
it is a more complicated arrangement. 

He also makes sure investors know 
what they're getting into. "In the con- 
tract, there's a clause that says they 
have seven day.s to get an expert to 
come look at the horse. If they don't 
like it, they can get out of the contract. 
No one has invoked that clause." 

He says that many people invest in 
horses as they would the stock market. 
They are not "horse people," just those 


0. flk^^^it L.\ 



Malcolm Commer, third from left, accepts the trophy for hts horse's win at races irt 
Saratoga. Jocfcev David Bentley. far right, rode Tres Touch e to victory. 

races thoroughbreds. The other ani- 
mals are in five other states and in 
eight boarding places, based on their 
gender and training status. 

"I've pretty much owned horses all 
my life. I started with racehorses three 
yearsiafter I came to Maryknd," he 
says. His business grew out of advice 
he'd dole out to people interested in 
buying horses. "1 figured I might as weL 
put my money where my mouth is," 

As the manager of multiple syndi- 
cates, Coimner selects the trainers, 
jockeys and where his horses run. If it 
weren't for computers, he laughs, he 
wouldn't be able to keep up with the 
details. He is a rarity in the steeple 
chasing and horseracing worid in that 
he knows horses and the horse busi- 
ness from several angles. He also focus- 
es most of his efforts toward steeple- 
chase racing. 

"There are an awfiil tot of people 
that arc good with horses and not 
good with business and people," he 
says. "You have to be able to talk to 
people and take care of business 
details, You spend as much time deal- 
ing with investors as you do horses." 

Commer must be quite good. In the 
last two years alone, he's sold $250,000 
worth of horses sight luiscen. Because 
he puts up more money than those 
he's partnering with, he can assure 
them that any losses will be felt more 

in search of a good place to put their 
money. A colleague whom Commer 
sold his first horse to probably said it 
best when Commer asked if he wanted 
to see the horse he was buying. The 
colleague replied,"! wouldn't know 
what I'm looking at anyway and you're 
putting up your money too, right?" 

Commer's intuition often pays off 
for all involved. According to 2001 fig- 
ures, Contrarian Stables horses earned 
a check 97.2 percent of the time and 
earnings from racing top topped 
$200,OOO.The stable's standout is Tres 
Touche, a 5-year-old gelding Commer 
bought as a yearling for $4,000. He has 
won in excess of $230,000 and is now 
insured for $ 1 50,000 because of his 
wiiming style. He recently returned 
from England where he placed third in 
the International Sport of Kings Chal- 
lenge, which is an accomplishment for 
an American-trained horse in that coun- 
try. Trcs Touche currently ranks in the 
top 1 horses in North America for 
steeplechase racing. 

Should anyone think, though, that 
Commer merely buys and sells without 
regard for the animals, think again. His 
demeanor switches from businessman 
to caring horseman when asked about 
having to cut losses, 

"One of the hardest things is to man- 
age each horse as an individual and not 
fall in love with the horse," he says. 

Editor's pote: Outlook's feature, extracurtiattar, will take occasional glimpses Into 
university employees' lives outside oftbeir day Jobs. We welcome story suggestions; call 
Monette Austin Bailey at (301) 405'4629 or send tbetn to 


Laura Scott, the Office of Organizational Effectiveness' 
new organizational development specialist, finds simiiari 
ties between the university environment and Congress. 

works much like Congress, says Scott. 
And everyone is held togedier, more or 
less, by a common set of ideals. It is this 
common goal of learning and teaching 
that Scott enjoys. 

"Many of tlie people at this university 
are really smart, committed and love 
what they do. I really love the diversity, 
and I don't just mean in the ethnic 
sense. Tliere's a huge amount of variet)' 
in the kinds of work people do." 

She is also excited about working with 
a team. OOE'S Peer Consulting Network 
attracted her to the position. She says 
the opportunity to coach, train, learn 
from and co-consult with 20 or so talent- 
ed feculty and staff was appealing. 
"When you're an independent consult- 
ant, you woric alone. Your professional 
growth suffers. Feedback, especially in 
this field, is really important." 

Scott began working in the Washing- 
ton Metropolitan Area on Capitol Hill in 
a senator's office from her home state of 
New Mexico, Eight years and a daughter 

later, she left to work as a 
management consul rant for a 
nonprofit oi^anization.Once 
she earned her master's 
degree in organizational 
development from American 
University's highly regarded, 
personally transforming 
National Training Labs, she 
felt it was time to go inde- 
pendent. She now wants to 
focus her energy, though, on 
helping university imits func- 
tion more smoothly and 
effectively. People often woik 
without benefit of positional 
power, she says, so a depart- 
ment chair cannot make de- 
cisions without a committee. 
"Which is one rcason why 
therc are so many meetings. 
One way we can be more 
effective is to make meetings 
more effective. Meetings are 
one of the least productive 
uses of ..time and one of the 
easiest to fix " 

Another area Scott wants 
to work with is the commu- 
nication complexities that arise as a 
result of the university's many cross- 
departmental teams. "I want to help peo- 
ple structure conversations so that their 
groups work better." 

On an individual level, Scott wants to 
encourage people to pursue avenues 
that will help them achieve job satisfac- 
tion."! want to help people see what's 
possible. Worif through their assump- 
tions and discovery realities, instead of 
'I'm assuming that because this was 
assigned to me, 1 have to do it.' The very 
process of asking questions causes 

As a self-designated "change wrangler," 
Scott wants to get people talking about 
what they want, and then moving in that 
direction. She acknowledges that in the 
imiversity setting, change may take a bit 
longer, though, than it does on Capitol 
Hill. "In a congressional office, you have 
two years to get it right. (Here] the pace 
is deliberative. Therc are no 90 degree 
turns, which has a lot of plusses to it." 

: Students are the Focus 

Continued from page 1 

Cothran and Thomas 
also feel keynote speakers 
Chancellor William Kfr- 
wan (morning) and multi- 
cultural education leader 
Ronald Takaki (luncheon) 
will interest conference 
goers. Kirwan is known 
for his work on, and his 
success at, excellence in 
diversity on the College 
Park campus. Takaki is a 
professor of ethnic stud- 
ies at the University of 

California, Berkeley where 
he designed and directed 
the nation's first ethnic 
studies graduate program. 
His work focuses on the 
reasoning behind multi- 
cultural study and \^^ys to 
integrate these principles 
into the classroom. 

"We hope people go 
avray with something 
practical and applicable 
to their work, to bettet 
help their students," says 


"I want all of us to leave 
widi a greater commit- 
ment. . .so that we're capa- 
ble of supporting students 
in being successful," says 

The confercnce wiU be 
held from 8 a.m. -5 p.m., 
with a networking rccep- 
tion during the last hour 
For more information and 
to register, go to www, 

Candella: Guiding Voice for Drivers 

Continued from page 1 - w'ln, . 

events and calls in new information from 
home. She blocks off time in the evening 
to record new updates. This flexibility is 
perfect for Candella, an award-winning 
public radio reporter from Phoenix who 
has worked for National Public Radio. 
She now spends most of her days keep- 

ing up with 4-year-old liam, 2-year-old . 
Scth and 3-month-old Aidan. Their dad, 
Brian Jose, is director of marketing and 
communication at the Clarice Smith Per- 
forming Arts Center. 

"I am enjoying it," says Candella of her 
new assignment. 


Driskell: Cosby Helps Out 

Continued Jhm page 1 

Maryland basketball star 
Tom McMillan. 

The cultural and aca- 
demic center, housed in 

Tawes Theatre, provides 
opportunities to explore 
the presence of Africa 
and the diaspora in 
modern culture. The 
fundraiser was for its 
Summer Arts Institute, 
which offers students, 
especially those from 
historically black col- 
leges and universities, an 
opportunity to explore 
graduate work in arts 
and hmnanities. 
Speaking about the 
centers importance in a 
video presentation, 
President Dan Mote 
said, "Tliis is the right 
place, the right state and 
the right tune." 


Comedian and African art coWwctot Bill 
Cosby hugs Dorothy Height, founder of the 
Nartional Council of Negro Women. The 
two posed for a photo in the VIP area of 
the Oriskell gala reception. 

Game Day: Minimizing Snafus 

Continued Jrom page 1 

ageable as possible. The communi- 
ty's help is appreciated." 

Since February, administrators 
from Transportation Services, cam- 
pus police, Dining Services, inter- 
collegiate athletics, University Rela- 
tions, Office of the Registrar and 
the city have worked to increase 
awareness of the game and its 
effects on parking and transporta- 
tion. Deans and chairs received let- 
ters about the game in February. In 
late July, Mary Ann Granger, associ- 
ate registrar, began contacting all 
faculty and instructors holding 

Other Suggestions 

■ Form carpools for that day 

• Ride Metro or Shuttle-UM 

• Tune to 1640 AM for traffic advi- 


For updates and more informa- 
tion, call (3011 314-PARK or 
visit www.parking.umd.6du. 


classes or labs at 3 p.m. or later to 
alert them to the game and offer 
scheduling alternatives for those 
who want them. She did so again in 
mid-September All permit holders 
received a letter informing them of 
the game. Letters were sent on Oct. 
3 to parking permit holders in lots 
lb, Id, le, Z,JJ,AA, Q and Stadium 
Drive Garage offering them access 
to other lots on that date. 

"They may be less convenient, 
but no one will be denied campus 
parking," says David Allen, director 
of Transportation Services. 

Thursday night games happen 
approximately once every other 
year. It is part of an agreement 
between the ACC and ESPN, which 
broadcasts tlie Tliursday games. 
The odd night provides greater 
exposure for each game and all 
conference schools hold games on 
alternating Thursdays so that the 
entire group benefits, 

"We can't avoid traffic conges- 
tion, but we can minimize it," says 


Continued from page 1 



Simon Mugerwa says he is not alone in his efforts to raise 
money for recently separated conjoined twins returning to 
poor conditions in his homeland of Uganda. 

capita income is no more than $200. We were not going 
to allow them to teturn to those conditions." 

For approximately $15,000, the Onzigas can build a 
home with running water and electricity nearer a hospi- 
tal, in case the girls need mote care, and have money left 
over to set aside for private schools. Mugerwa is also hop- 
ing to provide funds for a vehicle. The parents also have 
a 4-year-old daughter still in Uganda. 

"I'm calling on anybody and everybody touched by 
their story to help. We have a population of more than 30 
thousand students. If everyone gave one dollar, that's 
more than a house," he says. "And what better present 
would there be than the imiversity saying, 'You have two 
ftiU scholarships good for 17 years'? But first they have to 
have a chance to survive." 

Mugerwa stresses that this fundraising effort is not his 
doing alone. Woods Memorial Presbyterian Church in 
Sevema Park has adopted the family. It set up the Onziga 
fund and administers it with the parents, who are staying 
at the Ronald McDonald Fiouse in Baltimore. Mugerwa 
and friends are also mailing more than 3,000 brochures 
to friends and those on a charitable contributions mail- 
ing list asking for donations. So far, Mugerwa estimates 
$10,000 has been raised toward their $20,000 goal. The 
brochure cover states, "What God has joined together, let 
no man put asunder — except in this case. . . " 

A father of four, Mugerwa thinks about doing more for 
his home country once his last son finishes college in 
four years. "I wouldn't have very much tyii^ me down 
here and the need is tremendous. There are so many 
things I can do there that I can't do from here," 

He would like to set up trade schools so that Ugandans 
could learn practical skills, such as building a home. He 
also thinks about training 

lab workers, "Something 
where people could pick 
up a skill and be gainfully 

For now, though, he 
focuses on getting the 
Onzigas back home and 
into a house where their 
kids can grow up safe and 

"I know what it is to 
grow up without," he says. 
"They wouldn't have made 
it without some help. I'm 
so glad things ended up 
the way they did," 


fundraising din- 
ner and dance 
. for theOnziga 
family will be held Oct. 
12, from 8 p,m-1:30 a.m. 
at Hollywood Ballroom 
in Silver Spring. The 
family and the physi- 
cian that performed the 
operation will attend. 
Tickets are $30, For 
more information, call 
Simon Mugerwa at 



Sijue Wu, associate professor 
of matliemattcs, was awarded 
a 2003 fellowship from the 
Radcliffe Institute for Advan- 
ced Study at Harvard Univer- 
sity. As a fellow, she will con- 
tinue her study of vortex 
sheet dynamics, a phenome- 
non that arises from the mix- 
ing of fluids, such as that 
which occurs during aircraft 

B«n Hurlay was elected a fel- 
low of the American Acade- 
my of Kinesiology and Physi- 
cal Education. The Academy 
is an honorary society of 1 25 
scholars who have made sub- 
stantial and continuing con- 
tributions to the field of kine- 
siolog)'. Huriey was honored 
for his worit on muscle 
strength, exercise and agii^. 
The Department of Kinesiol- 
ogy now has live active fel- 
lows in the academy making 
it one of only 6ve depart- 
ments in the nation widi this 
nimiber of active fellows. 

Thomas Fretz, dean of the 
College of Agriculture and 
Natural Resoiirces, was 
appointed to U.S.Agricultiu« 
Sec retary Ann M . Ve neman 's 
National Agricultural 
Research, Extension, Educa- 
tion and Economics Advisory 
Board. The 1 1 -member group 
advises the secretary, land 
grant colleges and universi- 
des and House and Senate 
agriculture committees on 
USDA research, education 
and extension policies. 

IRIS' Visiting Scholar Program 
welcomes Peter Wehrheim. 
His stay at IRIS is funded by a 
Heisenbetg scholarship 
through the German Research 
Foundation. Before coming to 
IRIS, Wehrheim was an associ- 
ate professor for economic 
and agricultural policy at the 
University of Bonn, Germany. 

The Office of Continuing and 
Extended Education (OCEE) 
recently named Toirie Hruzd 
program manager in Summer 
Sessions. FIruzd has been at 
the university for 17 years, 
most recently at the Clarice 
Smith Performing Arts Center 
where she coordinated edu- 
cation programs for faculty, 
staff, students and K-12 teach- 
ers. She has both a bachelor's 
in history and a master's in 
American history from Mary- 

Laura M(ior« was named 
assistant director of Market- 
ing and Communications, 
Moore has seven years of 
sales and marketing experi- 
ence in both the private sec- 
tor and higher education. 



2 2 

19th Annual 



Tfiis prisf is presented cmniially in recognitiott of the faculty or staff member who has 
male exceptional ccntrilmtiotts to the quality of unHergiaduate education at the university' 


Arjang a. Assad 

Professor, MANAGEME>fT Science 
Chair., Decision and Information 

A member of the Smith School of 
Business faculty since 1978, Arjang 
Assdd is an innovative designer of new 
courses, new curricula and new under- 
graduate programs. His most notable 
and sustained contribution to under- 
graduate education ai the Smith School 
has been his leadership of the QUEST 
Program, an honors-level undergradu- 
ate certificate program led by the 
schook of business and engineering, 
writes Burt Leete, associate dean for 
academic afiaits. Leete notes that Assad 
was involved in all aspects of the pro- 
gram, firom admission to orientation 
field trips, advising and placement. 

Writes Dean Howard Frank, 
"Arjang has a passionate and sincere 
interest in serving the students in all of 
his rol« as teacher, administrator, advi- 
sor and mentor." 

As a result of his work as a LUly- 
CTE Teaching Fellow during the 
1 999-2000 academic year, Assad pro- 
posed the formation of the Academy 
for Excellence in Teaching and 
Learning. Although on the Maryland 
campus the Lilly-CTE Teaching 

Fellows, Distinguished Scholar Teachers 
and others represent consistent com- 
mitment to identifying, honoring, and 
engaging faculty, CTE Director James 
Greenbetg says, "There is no perma- 
nent body to join these faculty togeth- 
er in ongoing and regular pursuit of 
new ways to improve the quahty of 
education at the University of 
Maryland. The academy may well 
become a major force in ongoing 
undergraduate education improve- 

In an effort to share best teaching 
practices, Assad initiated, sponsored and 
produced the coilectioii Essays for 
Quality Learning representing the teflec- 
dons of master teachers on this campus 
regarding their classroom practices. 

He Ls also a two-time winner (1999 
and 20O1) of the Smith School's presti- 
gious Krowe Teaching Award for 
Innovation and has ranked in the top 
15 percent of all professorial instructors 
on several occasions. 

Assad's alma mater, undergraduate 
through doctorate, is the Massachusetts 
Institute of Technology. His degrees 
reflect his broad range of interests; a 
B.S. in mathematics; a chenucal engi- 
neer's degree; a master's in operations 
research; and a doctorate in manage- 
ment science. 


Presented annually to a member of the faculty in recognition of a highly significant ivork of 
research, scholarship or artistic creatifity that has been achiewd within the past three years. 

Sally M. Promey 

Professor., Department of Art History 


As an art historian, Sally Promey has 
paved the way to developing a new 
area of concentration \n the field of 
American artistic and cultural history: 
the study of the complex intercections 
of rehgion and visual arts. Her pioneer- 
ir^ scholarly strategy focuses on the 
role of images and objects in the prac- 
tice of American rehgion and on inves- 
tigating religion's part in the produc- 
tion, reception and theorization of 
American art. 

"For historians, these are tasks of 
critical importance, long-neglected 
enterprises that will reshape the way 
we conceive the histories and founda- 
tions of both art and belief in the 
United States," says June Hargrove, 
chair of the Department of Art History. 

Promey's book, Painting Religion in 
Public: John Singer Sargent's "Triumph of 
Religion" at the Boston Public Library 
(Princeton University Press, 1999) 
received the American Academy of 
Rehgion Award for Excellence in 
Historical Study of Rehgion, 2000. 
Praise for the book in the press includ- 
ed reviews by art critics for major 
papers Uke Tlie New York Times and 
Boston Globe as well as major pubhc 

lecmres and keynote addresses. 

Most recendy, she served a.s co-edi- 
tor for another landmark pubhcation, 
Tlie Visual Culture of American Religion 
(University of California Press, 2001), 
which traces the influence of rehgion 
fism the 18th century to the present. 

Promey also is highly regarded as a 
mentor. She was instrumental in inau- 
gurating an art history track in the 
doctoral program at Maryland and is 
the principal advisor to a dozen gradu- 
ate students. 

Among her numerous honors, in 
2001 Promey received the University 
System of Maryland Regents Faculty 
Award for Excellence in Research, 
Scholarship and Creative Activity and 
the same year was one of 20 to garner 
a prestigioiw residential fellow award 
from the Woodrow Wilson 
International Center for Scholars. 

Promey earned a Ph.D., History of 
Culture, from the University of 
Chicago; a M.Div, degree fiomYale and 
3 B.A. from Hiram College. She has 
been an art history faculty member at 
Mary bnd since 1991, 

The Kiru'an prizes were established as a 
gift to the University of Maryland by former 
President William E. Kirwan and his wife, 
Patricia Harper Kirwan, in 1998, with the 
first honorees selected in Fall 1999. 


Stephen R. Adams 

AssifTANT Director of Operations 
AflELE H. Stamp ST1JI>E^JT Union 

Stephen Adams has excelled for 22 years in 
maintaining the day-to-day operations of the 
Stamp Student Union with a simple yet 
steadfast philosophy: "make the customer 
happy." As assistant director of operations for 
the busiest building on campus, Adams leads 
by example in providing exemplary service 
to the thousands of students, faculty, staff and 
guests who visit the Scamp Union daily. 

Adams is often on the job at 5 a.m. — 
two hours before the building opens for 
rjormal business hours — walking through the 
facility to make sure it's ready for daily oper- 
ations. He is directly responsible for supervi- 
sion of campus reservations and event man- 
agement, audio-visual services, the campus 
information desk, as well as managing all of 
the student club and organization offices 
located in the union and the south campus 
dining hall. He also coordinates summer 
conferences held in the union, including 
such major events as National History Day 
and Odyssey of the Mind. 

This past year, Adams helped bring 
together the leader of the Mushm Student 
Association and the Jewish Student Union 
for open and meaningfid discussion. He also 
helped the Mushm students find open and 
available space on campus to conduct their 
daily prayers. 

An advocate for students and student 
organizations, Adams works directly vrith 
Student leaders to ensure that the Stamp 
Student Union provides the highest level of 
services, programs and 6cihties to meet the 
needs of students at the university. "Steve is a 
true behever in the idea that students learn 
from doing, and that the out-of-the-class- 
room experience is important in developing 
a well-balanced individual," says Stephen 
Gnadt, associate director of the Union. 

Monica Herrera 

Account AssoaATE, School or Languages, 


Some of those on campus touched by 
Monica Herrera can be discerned from a 
quick scan of the letterheads of people writ- 
ing to support her nomination: the 
Deparnnent of Spanish and Portuguese, 
Center for Young Childrcti, Office for 
Organizational Effectiveness, Personnel 
Services Department, Landscape Division. 

"Serving others seems to be Monica's 
greatest joy," says Sandra Gyp ess, chair of the 
Department of Spanish and Portuguese. "She 
recently administered an examination in 
Spanish 301 to a deaf-mute smdent by writ- 
ing the questions on his hand vntii the tip of 
her finger. He answered by writing on her 
hand. The student passed the course. Literally 
and figuratively, Monica Herrera has bec[] 
and always seems ready to offer a helping 

As secretary and office supervisor in 
Spanish and Portuguese from 1991 to 2000, 
she performed tasks now assigned Co three 
or more persons, says Cypess. She has 
become a consultant and facihtator in serv- 
ice to graduate students facing serious 
immigration and health issues, new faculty 
during times of medical crisis, and staff 
whose lack of Engfish-language skills led to 
communications difficulties. 

Beyond the school, Herrera helped design 
and conduct survival Spanish classes for 
Physical Plant personnel as well as instruction 
for employees on how to best express them- 
selves in Ei^sh. She continues to work 
today with Spanish-speaking workers. 

Darlene King 

Program Management Specialist 
Department of History 

Darlene King is a 23-year employee of the 
Department of History whose instiwtional 
memory is legendary and who is much 
depended upon by staff, faculty and students. 

Equal in value, however, are King's dedi- 
cation, abihry to rise to every occasion, and 
wilhngness to learn. "I struggle to find 
enough superlatives to describe the kind of 
employee that Darlene has been for us every 
day without tail," says John R. Lampe, chair 
of the Department of History. 

King continues to keep everyone up to 
date on software and hardware. Most recent- 
ly she has undertaken Web design, maintain- 
ing the department site that serves as a prin- 
cipal informational hiJc for students and the 
general pubUc. 

Tliis summer the department moved 
fi:om Francis Scott Key to Tahaferro. It coin- 
cided with the vacation of key administrators 
Srom the deparmient and the dean's office. 
And when the movers botched the job, it 
was Darlene — <:hpboard in hand- — -who pre- 
vented disaster from, becoming catastrophe. 
"To say that Darlene King is a devoted 
employee is to declare the obvious. She has 
given more than anyone could reasonably 
ask and in the process has made us all bet- 
ter," said Ira BedirL 

Col. Michael D. McNair 
Deputy Director 
Department of Pubuc Safetv 

Since joining the university pohce depart- 
ment in 1971, Col Michael McNair 's disci- 
pline, work ethic, professional knowledge 
and integrity have precipitated a steady chmb 
through the ranks of the department to his 
present position as deputy chief of pohce. 

"The quahty of life we take for granted 
at this institution is at least pardy attributable 
to the outstantling effort put forth by Col. 
McNair and the men and women under his 
command," says Kenneth Krouse, uruversity 
chief of pohce. 

McNair's forward thinking has been 
mstriunental in the implementation of many 
technological advances currcndy used for 
law enforcement and pubUc safety at the 
university. For example, McNair requested 
the use of university-wide e-mail notifica- 
tions on crime incidents and cruninal activi- 
ty on campus. 

He also designed and implemented the 
first closed-circuit television cameras to 
patrol and record activities in exterior areas 
of the university. At the time, Maryland was 
one of only three universities nationwide to 
have such a system; today hundreds of uni- 
vereities now use a similar system based on 
the success of the university's pilot project. 
McNair also brought about a direct-campus 
911 system, replacing the previous procedure 
of re-routing 911 calls from the countywide 
system to the university pohce department. 

continued ott next page 





Eath year, the universily chooses a select group of tenured Jmulty ivho are leaders in scholarship and teaching. 
Tlieir zest for learning is an inspiration not only to their students, but to their colleagues as welt. 

Robert Dooling 

PROFEsst>B., Department of 


Robert Dooling is world 
renowned for his research in 
auditory neuroscience. He was 
the first scientist to show that 
when sensory cells in birds regen- 
erate, the animals also recover 
their full hearing capabihties — a 
discovery that could have impor- 
tant implications for improving or 
repairing hearing in humans. 

Doohng has received numer- 
ous awards for research, inchiding 
two prestigious National Institutes 
of Health Career Scientist Awards 
and the Alexander von Hiunbolt 
Senior Scientist Award. He has 
had more than 1 00 papers pub- 
lished in top scientific journals, 
including Hearing Research, Animal 
Behavior and the Journal of 
Comparative Psychology. 

Dooling, who came to the 
university in 1981, has established 
himself as a successful teacher and 
mentor. He "is as wonderfiil a 
teacher as he is an investigator," 
says Arthur Popper, director of the 
neuroscience and cogjiirive science 
program. DooUng and Popper 
team teach an NIH -mandated 
graduate course in ethics and sci- 
entific research. "He motivates, 
quesdoa";, probes and leads stu- 
dents to think about issues and 
the consequence of issues," says 

DooUng has mentored both 
graduate and post-doctoral stu- 
dents during his tenure at the uni- 
versity, but he also teaches at the 
undergraduate level. For the past 
six years, DooUng has extended 
his mentoring to area high school 
smdents, placing them in his lab 
for senior science projects, 

Dooling became the acting 
associate vice president for 
research in the Graduate School 
this fall and is co-chairing a com- 
mittee on mentoring for the 
Graduate School. 

Sylvester James Gates Jr. 

jtiHN S. Toll Professor, of Physics 

Professor Sylvester James Gates Jr. 
has been called "one of the five 
best minds in America" by the 
prestigious Isaac Asimov 
Memorial Panel Debate. He 
earned the tide for his contribu- 
tions to the physics subfields of 
sup ersymme trie particles, fields 
and strings. 

His research in superstrmg 
theory is considered an important 
extension of Einstein's theory of 
relativity. A book he co-wrote in 
1983, Superspace or 1001 Lessons 
in Supersymntetry, remains the 
standard in the field. 

Gates, who has also taught at 
Howard University and the 
Massachusetts Insdmte of 
Technology, is the first African 
American to hold an endowed 


continued from previous page 


McNair has strong ties to 
the university beyond his pro- 
fessional rcsponsibiUties; he 
graduated with both an under- 
graduate and graduate degree 
fiom Maryland, and aU diree of 
is children are aJumni as weU. 


Assistant it) the Vice President 


Graduate STUDtES 

In May 2000, Eleanor 
Weingaertner was elected chair 
of the University Senate— the 
first staff member ever to lead 
the senate and only the fourth 
man to do so. 
History was matle, but it 
was no accident that 
Weingaertner made it, says 
Kent Cartwright, professor of 
English and now chair of the 
University Se nate . Through ou t 
her career at the university, 
beginning with a clerical posi- 
tion in psychology and now as 
assistant to the vice president 
for research and dean of grad- 
ate studies, Weingaertner has 


proved agile in her thought 
and consistent in her dedica- 
tion to the university. 

She be^n her tenure at the 
senate in 1999, representing 
Don-exempt staff and chairir^ 
the Senate Staff Affairs Com- 
mittee. An overwhelming plu- 
raUty of votes propelled 
Weingarmer to the chair. Her 
tenure vras characterized by 
vigor and wide-ranging activi- 
ties, fiom encouraging students 
to become effective legislators 
and advocates, to passage of 
crucial legislation regarding 
academic probation and a«- 
deniic withdrawals, to gracious 
and professional representation 
of the senate. She encouraged 
an open and lively exchange of 
ideas while also moving the 
body forward in a focused and 
purposeful way. 

Mark P. Leone, professor of 
anthropology, says 
Weingaertner is a logical 
choice for this award, which 
recognizes those who break 
new ground, lead the entire 
institution, aiid are loyal and 

chair in physics at a major 
research institution in the United 
States. His teaching load ranges 
from introductory courses hke 
Physics 104, "How Things Work," 
to upper-level graduate courses in 
advanced topics. He has also 
served as a lecturer in the College 
Park Scholars program and taught 
pre-coUege courses in math and 
science through the Upward 
Bound program. Students often 
note his remarkable patience and 
masterful ways of explaining diffi- 
cult concepts. "Professor Gates 
made the diflScult world of 
physics make sense to my liberal 
arts mind," wrote one former 
Physics 104 student. 

Gates holds numerous aca- 
demic awards and hororaries, 
including the Martin Luther King 
Jr. Award fitjm M.I.T. for con- 
tributing to the education of 
minority students; the 1993 
"Technical Achiever of the Year" 
award and "Physicist of the Year" 
award from the National 
Tecluiical Association; and the 
University of Maryland's 
"Outstanding Teacher Award" in 
physics through the Celebrating 
Teachers Program. 

James Glass 

Professor, Department of 
Government and PoLrncs 

James Glass has spent a career 
buUding bridges between the dis- 
ciplines of poUtics and psychology. 
A prohfic scholar, he has written 
five books and scores of papers on 
subjects that seek to explain the 
unexplainable in human behavior. 
In 32 years on the Maryland fac- 
ulty, he has probed into the 
thinking of the mentaUy iU and 
the criminally insane to iOumi- 
nate the complex nature of deci- 
sion making and poUtical organi- 

His 1993 book Shattered 
Selves, an examination of multiple 
personaUry disorder, was nominat- 
ed for a Gradiva award, the high- 
est honor for a pubUcation draw- 
ing upon the insiglits of psycho- 
analysis. In 1 997, he pubUshed a 
landmark work. Life Unworthy of 
Life, an examination of Germany's 
Third Reich and the psychologi- 
cal factors that permitted an 
entire society to support ethnic 
cleansing and genocide. 

Irwin Goldstein, dean of the 
CoUege of Behavioral and Social 
Sciences, notes that Glass "has 
spent an academic Ufe dedicated 
to a set of questions that are now 
high on the academic and pubUc 
agenda," particularly after the 
events of Sept. 11,2001. 

Glass also enjoys a reputation 
as a gifted teacher whose classes 
are always full and often w^tUst- 
ed. CoDe agues note that his 
courses are always diverse and 
innovative, drawing ftom psychol- 

ogy, Uteramre and social theory in 
a way that broadem students' un- 
dentanding of the poUtical world. 

James M. Hagberg 

Professor, Department of 


Assistant Dean for Research, 
CoLtEGE OP Health and Human 

An impressive array of scholastic 
accomplishments combined widi a 
high regard for smdent researchers 
are testament to James M. 
Hagberg's honor as a 
Distinguished Scholar-Teacher. 
Internationally recognized in the 
field of kinesiology, Hagberg has 
contributed substantially to the 
understanding of the effects of 
exercise on a variety of human ail- 
ments, including heart disease, 
hypertension and diabetes. 

Since joining the Maryland 
faculty in 1 996, Hagberg has filed 
more than 20 invention disclosures 
for ivork using genetic markers to 
indicate the improvement in 
health conditions of people who 
exercise. He has written more 
than 150 articles and serves on the 
editorial boards of the Jo Hma/ of 
Applied Physiology and the 
International Journal of Sports 

Hagbet^'s honors include the 
"New Investigator Award" fi«m 
the American College of Sports 
Medicine and the University of 
Maryland's "Life Sciences Inventor 
of the Year" award. He is also a fel- 
low of the American Heart 
Association, the Council for H^h 
Blood Pressure Research as well as 
die American CoUege of Sports 

In her letter nominating 
Hagberg for the award, Jane E. 
Clark, professor and chair of the 
Department of Kinesiology, wrote, 
"To his graduate smdents, he is 
simply "the BEST.' " He is credited 
by his students for al-wrays being 
available to them, inspiring them 
and encouraging their growth as 
independent scholars and 

M. Susan Taylor 

Professor, Robert H. Smith 
School of Business 

M. Susan Taylor has dedicated 
much of her academic career to 
improving relationships between 
employees and managers. Along 
the -WAY, she has shown equal skiU 
and dedication building positive 
relationships with hundreds of stu- 
dents who have worked with or 
been advised by her. 

A professor of management 
and organization in the Robert H. 
Smith School of Business, Taylor's 
research focuses on human 
resource networks and how proce- 
dural and interactive justice affect 
workplace relationships. 

In 19 years on the facidty^ 
Taylor has readily adapted her 
teaching style and course curricu- 
lum to different learning groups, 
whether they be corporate execu- 

tives, M.B.A. students or theory- 
based doctoral candidates. Taylor is 
known for fostering a decorum of 
respect and fairness in her class- 
room discussions, permitting 
teacher and students "to have 
strong disagreements over theo- 
ries, findings and management 
practices, while maintaining a 
healthy regard for the capabilities 
of one another." 

An author of two books, four 
book chapters, 42 refereed publi- 
cations and 53 invited presenta- 
tions, Taylor is recognized world- 
wide for the high quality and 
irmovation of her scholarship. In 
1999, she was named a feUow of 
the Society of Industrial/ 
Organizational Psychology! 
American Psychological Society. 
She also serves as director of the 
umversity's Center for Human 
Capital, Innovation Be Technology 
and is a board member of the 
Academy of Management. 

Allan L.Wigfield 
Professor, Department of 
Human DevEtoPMENT/lNSTiTurE 
FOR Child Study 

AUan Wigfield is a preeminent 
researcli scholar in educational and 
developmental psychology. His 
work on the development of 
motivation in children has been 
consistendy supported through 
grants from the National Institute 
of Child Health and Human 
Development and the Spencer 
Foundation. Most recendy, he was 
awarded a prestigious five-year 
grant fiom the National Science 
Foundation to support research on 
motivation for literacy. 

Wigfield has pubUshed more 
than 70 peer-reviewed joiunal arti- 
cles and book chapters. He is cur- 
re ntiy the associate editor of the 
Jcunutl of Educational Psychology and 
Child Development. 

Wigfield is a "iveU-received 
advisor, mentor and teacher," says 
Charles H. Flatter, chair of the 
Department of Human Develop- 
ment/Institute for Child Study. 
He has consistendy garnered high 
rating for teaching, and his stu- 
dents note his "exacting standanls," 
"honest criticism," "in^eccd}le 
professional example" and "consB- •■ 
tent support." 

During his 13-year tenure at 
the University of Maryland, 
Wigfield rapidly ascended the 
ranks to become a fiiU professor. 
In his role as director of graduate 
smdies for the department, he 
helped develop and implement a 
revised doctoral program and has 
provided leadership and mentor- 
ing to the entire faculty. 

Wigfield has been "instrumen- 
tally involved" in the development 
of a master's degree program for " 
middle school teachers in 
Montgomery County. His recog- 
nitions finm the university, includ- 
ing an Outstanding Service to 
Schools Award (2001) and the 
Vernon E.Anderson Distinguished 
Faculty Award (1998), reflect his 
dedication to teaching and service. 

OCTOBER 8, 2002 



2002 Yearbook Sought 

Through an unfortunate 
bureaucratic snafii, the Archives 
has missed out on obtaining a 
copy of the 2002 yearbook. 
University Archivist Anne 
'Hirkos hopes someone on cam- 
pus might be willing to part 
with their most recent Ter- 
rapin, so that there is at least 
one copy in the Archives. She 
has all the yearbooks printed 
since 1897 and doesn't want to 
break the string. Yearbooks arc 
an important resource for the 
Libraries. To donate a yearbook, 
contact Turkos at (301) 405- 
9060 or atl7@umail.umd,cdu. 

The Center for Historical 
Studies Seminar Series 

Seth Koven of Villanova Univer- 
sity will give the second semi- 
nar in the center's 2002-2003 
series on "The Body and the 
Body Politic " Monday, Oct, 14 at 
4 p.m. in 3121 Symons Hall. 

Koven is an expert on 19th- 
and 20th<entury British histo- 
ry who has published critically 
important woiks on questions 
of gender, sexuality and social 
reform. His paper, "Dirty Bodies 
and Dirty Desires: Sex, Sister- 
hood, and Social Politics in Lon- 
don, 1848-1948," is drawn from 
a forthcoming book to be pub- 
lished by Princeton University 
Press. Discussion will be based 
on Koven 's pre-circulated paper. 

To request a copy of the 
paper or for more information, 
contact the Center for Histori- 
cal Studies at (301) 405-8739 or 
historycen ter@umail . um d . cd u , 

Comfort Women and the 
Pni)possibiiitv of Justice 

Free colloquium diversity semi- 
nar on "comfort women," a ref- 
erence to the thousands of 
women held captive tn sex- 
based servitude to the Japanese 
army during World War 11. Laura 
Hyun Yi Kang (UC, Irvine) and 
Lisa Yoneyama (UC, San Diego) 
will present their respective 
work on this subject at the col- 
loquium. Asian Amercian Stud- 
ies offers this program with the 
support of the Departments of 
Comparative Literature, EngLsh 
and Women's Studies, the Con- 
sortium on Race, Gender, and 
Ethnicity, and the Curriculimi 
Transformation Project. 

The colloquium will take 
place Friday Oct. 1 1 from 2:30 
to 4:30 p.m. in 1 1 54 Tawes Fine 
Arts. A reception will follow. 
For more information, contact 
the Asian American Studies Pro- 
gram at (301) 405-0996 or 
cliang@wam . umd . edu . 

The University of Maryland 
Equestrian Team Intercollegiate 
Horse Show Competition will 
be held at the Clay Hill Stables, 
9911 OldArdwick-Ardmore 
Road in Springdale, on Oct. 1 2 
from 1 1 a.m. to 7 p.m. An Eng- 
lish Show wU be presented at 

Alumni Donors Remember Roots, Help Scholars 


The newest class of Baltimore Incentive Award Scholars gets friendlv with their new mascot. From left, 
Misbha Qureshi, Kelly Smith, Karem Branch, Oontay Jackson. James Brockington, Christopher Brown, Inga 
F«rguBon, Jennifer Lewis and Ja-Nee Jacksort. 

TWO Students in the two-)«ar-old Baltunore Incenrive Awards Program will be 
fiilly sponsored by private donors, a first for the scholarship program. 
Baltimore high school alums Murray Valenstein, who is a Maryland class of 
1 940 alumnus, and his wife Suzanne, wanted to ensure that the program continued to 
provide opportunities. Incentive Awards provide fiill financial support for four years at 
College Park. Each student has excelled in school, despite tough life circumstances. 
Mentors and advisors encourage personal development and academic success. 
Students must maintain a connection with titeir former high schools, returning each 
semester to share their college experiences and encourage other students to see col- 
lege as a viable option. 

1 1 a.m and a western show at 5 
p.m. Additional shows will take 
place on Sunday. Over 200 rid- 
ers and teams from 12 colleges 
will compete. Entry is free. 

For directions, call (301) 773- 
0444. For more information 
about the show, contact Dara 
or Erika at (301) 779-9236 or 

Mappinis African 
Influence on Capital City 

A new program series spon- 
sored by the Nyumburu Cultur- 
al Center will take three groups 
on African-centered tours of 
Washington, D,C. Graduate stu- 
dents, faculty and staff, under- 
graduates and high .school stu- 
dents can take a free tour fol- 
lowed by a dinner discussion. 

"From the Nile to the Chesa- 
peake Part I: Uncovering the 
African Culture Hidden in 
Washington, D.C.'s Architecture" 
introduces participants to the 
African influences and Nile Val- 
ley contributions that motivat- 
ed many structural components 
of the District's layout. 

The tour for feculty, staff and 
graduate students will be held 
SimdayOct. 13- Participants 
will meet in the Nyumburu 
Multipurpose Room at 2 p.m. 
There arc 40 seats available. To 
reserve a seat, contactToby Jen- 
kins, assistant director of cam- 
pus/community outreach, at 
(301) 314^8439 or tjenkins®, or Clayton 
Walton at (301) 314-1485 or 

OnAprii 16, there will be an 

additional lecture and discus- 
sion led by Molefi Asante from 
Temple University, a prominent 
scholar in African diaspora 
studies. He will highlight 
Africans' experience in Ameri- 
ca, their knowledge of Africa 
and their overall contributions 
to the building of America. 

Massage Workshop 

Anyone can learn the rewarding 
and helpful benefits of massage. 
This four-week course, held 
Wednesdays from 6 to 8 p.m., 
will teach participants the 
basics. Tlie first class will be 
held in BO 107 Stamp Student 
Union on Oct, 9. The student 
price is $75, faculty and staff 
$85, and general public $95. 
For more information, call 
(301) 314-ARTS or e-mail asi- 
mon® union. umd. edu, or visit 
the Art and Learning Center Web 
site at 

Counselor's Role 

The Counseling Center's next 
Research and Development 
presentation, "Counselor Self 
Awareness: What is it and Does 
it Matter?" will be held Oct. 9 
from 12 to 1 p.m. in 01 14 Shoe- 
maker Building. Dennis Kiv- 
lighan, professor and chair of 
the Department of Counseling 
and Personnel Services, will 
speak from 12 to 12:30 and 
answer questions afterward. 
Bag lunches arc welcome. 

For more information, contact 
Vhdan Boyd at (301) 314-7675. 

Hamlet and Me 

The Works-ln-Progress series, 
begun in 1998, enables scholars 
who study the early modern 
period to share their latest 
research and to benefit from an 
informal round-table discussion 
of their current projects. 

On TYiesday, Oa. 1 5, Marshall 
Grossman of the English 
department will present "Ham- 
let and Me." The discussion pro- 
poses to examine the role of 
the chiasmus— a reversal in the 
order of words in two other- 
wise parallel phrases— in medi- 
ating the relationship between 
the character of Hamlet and 
other characters in and specta- 
tors to Shakespeare's play. As 
Hamlet's anger, pity, madness 
and grief are transmuted from 
one emotion to another, the 
chiasmus doubles and reverses 
these emotions. When his cou- 
pling and reversing rhetoric 
extend.s across the mirroring 
boundary between stage and 
audience, Hamlet's emotions 
are circulated through the 
attended spectators, to work 
upon the consciences of "guilty 
cream res sitting at a play" 
01. ii. 585-86). 

To facilitate discussion, fac- 
ulty participating in the Works- 
ln-Progress series are asked to 
circulate working drafts one 
week before their colloquium. 
For more information, con- 
tact Karen Nelson at (301) 405- 
6830 or, 
or visit the Center for Renais- 
sance and Baroque Studies Web 
site at 