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Professor Seeks 
Based Cures 
For Disease 

Page 7 


V0 turn e tS • Number ii • Not' ember 19, zoo 2 

Rich Academic 
Setting Linked 
to Success 

With graduation rates of non- 
white students up an average 8 
percent, it is imperative that fac- 
ulty and administi^tors find 
ways to sustain individual suc- 
cess, and in turn, the universi- 
ty's success, said President Dan 
Mote at a conference last week, 

"Success 2002: Rethinking 
Strategies to Promote Student 
Achievement," sponsored by the 
Office of Multi-Ethnic Education 
(OMSEi.was held in the Stamp 
Student Union. It viras a chance 
for faculty and staff to gather 
and discuss ideas for improving 
student success at their respec- 
tive colleges. Organizer Dottle 
Bass, OMSE's director of out- 
reach and programming, said 
approximately 300 people regis- 
tered for the day, which fea- 
tured interest sessions on topics 
such as early intervention, inter- 
university cooperation, defming 
and practicing multiculturalism 
and athletes and academics. 
1 Keynote speakers were Chan- 
cellor William Kirwan and 
author Ronald Tkkaki, professor 
of ethnic studies at the Unlwrsi- 
ty of California-Berkeley. Kir- 
wan, who spoke in the morn- 
ing, delivered an energetic 
speech urging conference atten- 
dees to combat the new ortho- 
doxy "infecting" education. 

"It says that race and gender 
don't matter," said Kirwan, 
adding that not otily does it 
matter, diversifying education 

See SUCCESS, page 5 

Peace Will Come Through Coiirage 


Kofi Annan (second fronri right) is welcomed to Cole Student Activitifis Center bv (i to r) Maryland Gov. 
Parris Glendening, Sadat Chair for Peace and Development Shibley Telhamt and University Marshal 
Ralph Bennett, along with a large campus audience. 

At a time when President George 
Bush contemplates war and Middle 
Eastern leaders try to establish 
peace, United Nations Secretaty- 
General Kofi Annan delivered a speech to the 
campus community calling for world leaders 
- and individuals - to have the courage of for- 
mer Egyptian President Anwar Sadat. 

The occasion for his remarks was the fifth 
Anwar Sadat Lecture for Peace, presented by 
Professor Shibley Telhami who holds the uni- 
versity's Sadat Chair for Peace and Develop- 

ment. Established by Sadat's widow,Jehan 
Sadat, a senior fellow at Maryland's Center for 
International Development and Conflict Man- 
agement, the position seeks to further dia- 
logue toward peace in tlie Middle East. 

Annan recalled President Sadat's historic 
trip to Jerusalem 25 years ago, saying that it 
showed "decisiveness and extraordinary polit- 
ical insight when he did what until then had 
seemed unthinkable for any Arab leader: He 

See SADAT LECTURE, page 6 

Study Explores Welfare Reform's 
Effect on Rural Poverty 

Many times when peo- 
ple think of poverty, 
urban poverty comes 
to mind, and the foct that rural 
poverty even exists comes as 
something of a shock to many, 
says Elonnie Braun, a Coopera- 
tive Extension family life spe- 
cialist in the Department of 
Family Studies. 

She is one of the researchers 
in a program studying rural 
poverty, where she is in charge 
of the Maryland component 
while there are almost identical 
parts of the same study going 
on across the country. "People 
felt that someone needed to 
examine the conditions of rural 
poverty in the context of wel- 
bre reform," Braun said. 

The study, which began in 
1998, is taking place across 1 5 
states and involves 433 rural 
families. The 35 Maryland &ml- 
lies were chosen from Dorch- 

ester County on the Eastern 
Shore and in the Motmtains of 
Garrett County, Md. 

The statistics of the families 
are as follows: The average age 
of the mothei^ is 28. Fifty-seven 
percent of them live with a part- 
ner, and, on average, they have 
two children. Thirty-one per- 
cent of these women have not 
completed their high school 
educations, 20 percent have 
graduated high school or the 
GED, and a further 49 percent 
have achieved schooling beyond 
the secondary level. Fifty-four 
percent of the women studied 
were white, 34 percent were 
black, 9 percent were Native 
American, and 2.9 percent were 
identified as multiracial. 

The fomilies provided demo- 
graphic, economic, mental and 
physical heath, housing, chlld- 

See POVERTY, page 4 

Online Library Brings 
New Worlds to Children 

The world's lai^est inter- 
national digital library for 
children will be launched 
tomorrow, Wednesday, led 
by the University of Mary- 
land and the Internet 
Archive working with a 
partnership of government, 
non-profit, industry and aca- 
demic oiganizations. 

The Intemadonal Child- 
ren's Digital Library (www. 
Icdlbooks.otg) is designed 
to provide children ages 3 
to 1 3 with an tmparalleled 
opportunity to experience 
different cultures through 
literature and an unequaled 
ease in accessing online 
books. The new digital 
library will begin with 200 
books in 1 5 languages rep- 
resenting 27 cultures, with 
a five-year plan to grow to 
10,000 books representing 
100 different cultures. 

Access to the library initial- 
ly will require a direct Inter- 
net connection, such as a 
cable modem or DSL line. 
Access for those who con- 
nect to the Internet via 
phone modems will come 
online next summer (2003)- 
The launch will occur at 
the United States Library of 

"We believe that the 
International Children's 
Digital Library can provide 
an important new digital 
avenue and exciting new 
software tools through 
which children can experi- 
ence new books and 
explore other cultures, 
while having a great deal of 
fun," said Allison Druin, 
leader of Maryland's design 
team and an assistant pro- 

See LIBRARY, pt^ 5 

Ritter Speaks 
about Regime 
Removal and 
Sanctions in Iraq 

Scott Ritter, a former United 
Nations chief weapons 
inspector in Iraq, sptjke 
about his anti-war sentiments, his 
experiences as a weapons inspec- 
tor and his reasons for not sup- 
porting a war. He spoke last Mon- 
day in the Stamp Student Union to 
a laige, enthusiastic audience filled 
with students and faculty. 

The point of disarmament, said 
Ritter, is to compel Iraq to cooper- 
ate. Sanctions are coercive meas- 


Scott Ritler 

ures adopted usually by several 
nations acting together against a 
nation violating international law. 
He said sanctions should have 
been lifted after Iraq cooperated 
with weapons inspectors. 

"The deal was that if Iraq coop- 
erated with the weapons inspec- 
tors and did everything they were 
supposed to do, sanctions would 
be lifted," Ritter said. According to 
Ritter, this did not happen despite 
Iraq's cooperation, 

Ritter said sanctions deny a 
nation the ability to feed itself, to 
have adequate medical care, to 
exist as a modem state. The bombs 
the United States dropped on Iraq 
fell on water purification centers, 
power plants and other vital loca- 

"Everything about weapons 
inspections has t)cen just a force. 
We have no intention of allowing 
weapons inspections to woric in 
Iraq. . .because our policy is regime 
removal. We want Hussein out of 

According to Ritter, weapons 
inspections help facilitate the U.S. 
policy of regime removal by justi- 
fying the continuation of econom- 
ic sanctions. As long as Iraq Is 

See RTTJER, p^ge 5 

NOVEMBER I g , 2002 




november 19 

9 a.m.-12:15 p.m.. The Mid- 
dle East in Crisis ftoom 6137 

McKeldin Library. As part of 
International Education Week, 
the Office of International Pro- 
grams will be hosting this sem- 
inar, part of OIP's Regional 
Seminar Series and held in 
cooperation mth the Anwar 
Sadat Chair for Peace. For more 
information, contact Christine 
Moritz at cm227@umail.umd. 
edu or visit www.intprog.umd. 
edii/regionalsem. html. 

9 a.m.-4 p.m.. Team Build- 
ing for Managers See For 

Your Interest, page 8. 

12:30-1:45 p.m.. Memory 
and Oblivion in Don 
Quixote's Final Chapter 

0135 Taliaferro Hall. Presented 
l^y Heman Sanchez M. de Pinil- 
los, Department of Spanish and 
Portugese, as part of the Works- 
in-Progress Seminar Series at 
the Center for Renaissance & 
Baroque Studies .-The series, 
begun in 1998, enables schol- 
ars who study the early mod- 
em period to share their latest 
research. To facilitate discus- 
sion, participating fiicuity cir- 
culate woridng drafts one 
week before their colloquitmi. 
For more information, contact 
Karen Nelson at kn 1 5@umail. or visit http://inform. 
umd .ed u/c rbs/cal endar. 

4 p.m.. Why Einstein Would 
Love Spaghetti in Funda- 
mental Physics 1412 Physics 
Building. Lecture by S.James 
Gate followed by a reception. 
For more information, visit 

4-5 p.m.. Insider Tips on 
Becoming a Published 
Author 3237 Benjamin Bldg. 
Come hear Maryland alumnus 
Jan Pottker, Ph.D. CM.A. Educa- 
tion, 71) discuss how she 
became a successftil published 
author of trade and popular 
books. Pottker will share 
insights on the ins and outs of 
getting published. She will also 
talk about her recent highly- 
acclaimed book,"Janet and 
Jackie: The Story of a Mother 
and her Daughter, Jacqueline 
Kennedy Onassis." This pro- 
gram is part of the celebration 
of American Education Week, 
sponsored by the College of 
Education and the Education 

Commencement Regalia Deadline 

Today is the deadline to rent your regalia for the 
December commencement. The University Book 
Center Web site now has the link set up at At the top of the page, click on 
'graduation" and then follow the instructions. For more 
information, e-mail caps&gowns@ubcmail., 
or contact Meghan Cadden at (301) 314-7839 or 
megeals@hotmaiLcom, or visit 


Alumni Chapter. For more 
information, contaa Judy 
Deshotels at 50904 or 
deshotel® wam . umd . edu . 

4-6 p.m. Drishell Center 
Calloquium 6137 McKeldin 
Ubrary. Tlie David C. Driskell 
Center CoUoquium Series fea- 
tures innovative research on 
Africa and the African diaspora 
by scholars and practitioners 
of distinction. Virtor Ekpuk, 
independent Washington, 
D.C.-area artist, wiO discuss 
"Ancient Scripts/Contempo- 
rary Forms." For more informa- 
tion, contact Daryie Williams 
at 4-2615 or driskellccnter®, or visit www. 
driskellcenter. umd .edu. 

6-8 p.m., JSU Presents 
Jews in the Mafia Hillel. A 
look at Jewish involvement in 
the mafia, followed by a 
Kosher Italian dinner and "The 
Sopranos," Admission is free 
with reservations. For more 
information, contaa JSU at 4- 
9444 or, or 

6-9 p.m., Macromedia 
Flash: Creating Animation 
for Web Sites 4404 Comput- 
er & Space Science. This class 
uses the Macromedia Flash 
software program to create ani- 
mations for Web sites. This is 
not an in-depth tutorial of pro- 
gramming. Prerequisite: HTML 
11 & III. For more information, 
contact Carol Warrington (301) 
405-2938 or cwpost@umd5., or visit www.oit. 


november 20 

8:45 a.m.-4 p.m., OIT Short- 
course Training: Introduc- 
tion to MS Word 4404 Com- 
puter & Space Science. Partici- 
pants will learn to: create and 
save a document; open an 
existing document; use simple 
editing techniques; copy text 

within a document and 
between documents and more. 
Prerequisite: experience work- 
ing in the Windows operating 
system (which includes famil- 
iarity with such terms as mem- 
ory, files, and storage devices 
and so on). Training received 
through the Electronic Work- 
place Readiness Training Pro- 
gram is sufficient. The class fee 
is $90. To register for the class, 
visit For 
more information, contact Jane 
S.Wieboldt at 50443 or •"-. 
oit-training@umail . umd, edu ; br 

10 a.m.-5 p.m., GIS Day 
Open House McKeldin 
Library and LeFrak Hall. See 
For Your Interest, page 8. 

noon-1 p.m.. Client's Per- 
ception of Seeking Coun- 
seling as a Function of 
Counseor Gender and 
Client Gender 01 14 Shoe- 
maker Building. Scott liu, psy- 
chological intern at the coun- 
seling center, will be speaking. 
Part of the Counseling Center's 
Brown Bag Lunch Series. For 
more information, contact 
Vivian S. Boyd at 4-7675 or 
vb 1 4@umail. umd ,edu. 

2-4 p.m.. From Mao's Sup- 
porters to Mao's Enemies: 
Student Activism during 
China's Cultural Revolution 

1243 Biology/Psychology.A 
leading researcher of China's 
Cultural Revolution, Dr.Yongyi 
Song wiU talk about student 
activism during that period 
(1966-1976). He did intensive 
field work on the Cultural Rev- 
olution obtaining much "sensi- 
tive material" the Chinese gov- 
ernment did not want known, 
which resulted in his arrest in 
1999.Thanks to the work of 
the international conamunity, 
he was released after a six- 
month imprisonment. A Senior 
Librarian in Foreign Languages 
and Area Studies at Dickinson 
College, Song has published on 
the Cultural Revolution, stu- 

dent movements, academic 
freedom and human rights in 
China. For more information 
contact Aijun Zhu at 5-2855 or 
aij unzhu@yahoo .com. 

3:30-5p.m., Office of Inter- 
national Programs, Ambas- 
sadorial Lecture Series 

6137 McKeldin Library. Ambas- 
sador of Afghanistan to the 
United States Ishaq Shahryar 
will be speaking. Refreshments 
will be provided at the event. 
For more information, visit 

4-5:30 p.m.. Are you Inter- 
ested in Developing Your 
Leadership Skills? 0105 

Jimenez. For more information, 
contact ckelly® 

6:30 p.m., American 
Democracy In the War on 
Terrorism 0200 Skinner. See 
ForYour Interest, page 8. 

1 H U R S DA V 

november 21 

8:45 a.m.-4 p.m., OIT Short- 
course Training: Introduc- 
tion to MS Access 4404 

Computer & Space Science. 
This woricshop is intended for 
those with some experience 
using spreadsheets, but with 
no experience creating or 
manipulating databases. Partici- 
pants wiU learn to; understand 
database concepts and termi- 
nology in AcceSvS; design and 
create tables; use Access 
queries to select and analyze 
information in a table; create 
data forms for viewing and 
inputting data; create reports 
that summarize and group data 
and more. The class fee is $90. 
For more information, contact 
Jane S.Wicboldt at 5-0443 or, or 
to register visit www.oit. umd. 

4:30 p.m., Ben Jonson and 
the Politics of Roman 
(Catholic) Virtue 1 1 17 Suse- 
quehanna. Presented by Peter 
Lake of Princeton University, 
For additional information, 
contact William Sherman of 
the English Department at 
ws76@ umail . umd .edu. 

8-10 p.m.. Distinguished 
Guest Lecture by Professor 
Marimba Ani Multipurpose 
Room, Nyimiburu Cultural 
Center. The Black Graduate 
Student Association, the Black 
Student Union, and the David 
C. Driskell Center present 
Marimba Ani, noted scholar 
and author of "Yurugu: An 
African Centered Critique of 
European Cultural Thought 
and Behavior." For more infor- 

or additional event list- 
ings, visit www.cottege 

mation, contact Cameron Poles 

at 5-4743 or 

r It IDAV 

november 22 

5 p.m.. Deadline to nomi- 
nate a student (graduate or 
undergraduate) for inclu- 
sion in Who's Who Among 
Students in American Col- 
leges and Universities Nom- 
inees should have high grades, 
contribute to the campus 
commimity and the surround- 
ing community, and exhibit 
leadership among his or her 
peers. Who's Who is the 
nation's longest standing and 
highly regarded honor pro- 
grams. For nomination forms 
and more information, contact 
Katy Casserly at 5-0838 or 
kcasse rly@ tmion. umd .edu. 

november 25 

6:30-7 p.m.. Terrapin Trail 
Club Meeting Campus Recre- 
ation Center, Outdoor Recre- 
ation Center. The Terrapin Trail 
Club is a student organization 
that .sponsors various outdoor 
recreational activities, such as 
hiking, backpacking, camping, 
moimtain biking, caving, 
canoeing, rock climbing, and 
kayaking. The organization is 
student run; activities are open 
to all registered students, facul- 
ty and staff. The object is to 
meet fellow outdoor enthusi- 
asts and share a love for the 
outdoors. For more informa- 
tion, contact the TTC Officers 
at (301) 2264453 or officers®, or visit www.ttc. 
umd, edu. 

calendar guide 

Calendar phone numbers listed as 4-xxxx or 5-xxxx stand for the prefiit 314 or 405. Calendar Information for Outlook is compiled from a combination of inforM's 
master calendar and submissions to the Outlook office. Submissions are due two weehs prior to the date of publication. To reach the calendar editor, call 
405-7615 or send e-mail to 


Oiithok is the weekiy faculty-siafT 
newspaper serving (he University of 
Maryland campiii comnlunjcy. 

Brodie Remington •Via 
President for University Relations 

Teresa Flannery ' Ekccuuvc 
Director, Univenity 
Communications and Marketing 

George Cathcart ■ Executive 

Monette Austin Baiiey • Editor 

Cynthia Mitchel * Art Director 

Robert K. Gardner * Gnditate 

Letters to the editor, story sugges- 
tions and campus inforniation are 
welcome. Please submit ill material 
two weeks before the Tuesdiiy of 

Send nuterial to Editor, Outlook, 
2101 Turner Hal!, College Park, 

MID 2(1742 

Telephone ■ (301) 405-4629 
Fax • (301) 314-9344 
E-mail • outlook@accin3il.umd,edu 
www. coUegepublish c r.i:om/ou tlook 




Tokyo String Quartet Creates Musical Synergy 





'eiighting audiences 
for more than 30 
years, the masterftil 
Tokyo String Quar- 
tet takes the stage 
at the Clarice Smith Ftrforming 
Arts Center, Friday, Nov. 22, at 8 
p.m. at the Dekelboimi Concert 
Hall. Legendary pianist and Gram- 
my winner Alicia dc Laroccha will 
join die quartet, showcasing a per- 
formance featuring Mozart's Piano 
Concerto inAMajor, D.414, in 
addition to works by Schubert and 

With its roots based in Tokyo's 
Toho School of Music, the Tokyo 
String Quartet began in 1969 at 
the Juilliard School of Music and is 
today regarded as one of the 
world's premier chamber ensem- 
bles. Its members include founding 
member and violist Kazuhidc Iso- 
mura; second violinist Kikuei 
Ikeda, who joined the group in 
1974; cellist Clive Greensmith, for- 
merly principal cellist of London's 
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, 
who joined in 1 999; and iirst vio- 
linist Martin Beaver, who joined 
the ensemble this year. 

In a July 2001 interview with 
Strings Magazine, Isomura and 
Ikeda reflected on their early inspi- 
rations. Isomura, who first played 
the violin at the age of 5, began his 
love aAair with chamber music at 
the Toho School, where the school's 
director. Professor Hideo Saito, pro- 
foundly influenced him. It was 
under Saito's tutelage that Isomura 
discovered the Beethoven quartets 
and began to nurture his dreams 
of playing quartets. According to 
co-performer Ikeda, Saito stroi^y 
believed that chamber music — 
especially string quartet litera- 
ture—was the essence of whatev- 
er you played, solo or orchestra. 

The group's commitment to 
chamlier music is reflected in their 
dedication to music education and 
participation in master classes at 

universities around the country. 
Since 1976, the quartet has served 
as quartet-in-residence at the Yale 
School of Music and pariicipated 
in the prestigious Norfolk Cham- 
ber Music Festival in the summer. 

The quartet's broad repertoire 
spans classic works for string quar- 
tets by Mozart, Beethoven, Schu- 
bert and Mendelssohn to works by 
Shostakovich, We bem, Ravel and 
others. They have released more 
than 30 landmark recordings, 
including the complete quartets 
of Beethoven, Schubert and Bar- 
tok. For the last several years, the 
quartet has performed on a set of 
renowned Stradivari us instru- 
ments played by legendary virtu- 
oso Niccolo Paganini diuing the 
19th century. i; 

Alicia de Laroccha has per- 
formed for more than 70 years, 
since she made her concert debut 
at the age of 6 in her native 
Barcelona. She made her American 
debut in 1955 with the Los Ange- 
les Philharmonic, with the New^ 
York Philharmonic in 1965 and 
went on to receive critical acclaim 
for her performances and record- 
ings. She continues to amaze audi- 
ences with her technical artistry. 

Tickets for the performances are 
$2O-$40, $5 for students. For ticket 
information, caU (301) 405-ARTS. 


They've got the beat, the rhythm, the 
coolest of moves and can Hp-sync the 
words, yet they've never 
heard the musk. For 
the Wild Zappers, an 
all-male deaf dance 
troupe, interpreting the 
power of music comes 
from within. 
If you're looking for an upbeat 
evening that celebrates the deaf experi- 
ence, take in the Wild Zappers on 
Tuesday, Nov. 19, part of the Clarice 
Smith Performing Arts Center's Take 
Five Series held on selected Tuesdays 
from 5:30 to 7 p.m. 

Founded by 
Irvine Stewart, 
the Wild 
was cre- 
ated to 
a chance 
to dance 
together and to 
promote cultural 
and educational aware- 
ness through entertainment 
within the deaf and hearing communi- 
ties. It is today part of the National 
Deaf Dance Theater founded in 1988. 
Fred Beam, director; Warren Snipe, 
assistant director; and member Ronnie 
Bradley head a troupe that brings audi- 
ences a powerhouse of jazz, pop, hip 
hop andfiink routines. 

Georgia native Beam, who lost his 

hearing at the age of three, discovered a 
love of dance after a dance professor's 
insistence that he join a dance class 
while attending the Rochester Institute 
of Technology's National Technical 
Institute for the Deaf Beam continued 
his education, at the Tampa Technical 
Institute in Florida, and hasn't stopped 
dancing since. In addition to performing, 
Beam is a producer, director, choreogra- 
pher and sign language educator 

Members of the Wild Zappers have 
performed to critical acclaim in the 
United States and around the tvorld, 

from Harlem's Apollo Theatre 
and Walt Disney 
World in 

Orlando, to 
Gallaudet Univer- 

M.- ii -.1.. 

sity and the Kamedy Center in 
Washington, D.C. Deeply committed to 
enriching professional arts for the deaf, 
the Wild Zappers are actively involved 
in educational dance and theatre tvork- 
shops in many states. 

For more information, call (301) 
405-ARTS, or visit ivunv.claricesmith 

TAKE FIVE events are every other Tuesday. 
Performances are informal and free! 

World-Renowned Vocalists Present An Evening of Duets & Solos 

They're long-time friends 
and gifted world-class 
vocalists. Soprano Linda 
Maabs and mezzo-soprano 
Delores Ziegler are joining 
forces in "Bosom Buddies: An 
Evening of Duets and Solos,' 

For tteKet infonnadon or to 
request a season brochure, 
contact the Ticket Office at 
301. 405. ARTS or visit www. 
claricesmitlicenter. . 

Clarice Smith 

Centerat Maryiand 

part of the School of Music's 
Scholarship Benefit Series, at 
the Clarice Smith Performing 
Arts Center, Friday, Nov 22 at 8 
p.m. in the Gildenhom Recital 
Hall. Maabs and Ziegler will be 
accompanied by pianist John 
Greer in an evening of vocal 

The program will feature a 
repertoire of chamber works 
by Britten, Purcell, Rossini, 
Mendelssohn and others, to 
selections from Noel Coward's 
"The Girl Who Came to Din- 
ner," antl Leonard Bernstein's 
"West Side Story" and "Can- 
dide." Proceeds benefit schol- 
arship support for students of 
the School of Music. 

Mabbs is recognized inter- 
nationally for her perform- 

ances of Mahler's "Symphony 
No. 8" with symphonies 
including the Royal Concert- 
gebouw, Vancouver, Bilbao 
and Columbus Symphonies. 
She has performed recitals 
worldwide and has sung with 
the orchestras of Chicago, 
Baltimore, St. Louis, Dallas and 
Washington, D.C, collaborat- 
ing with such esteemed con- 
ductors as Sir Neville Mar- 
riner, Mstislav Rostropovich, 
Robert Shaw and Leonard 
Slatkin. Her chamber music 
performances have included 
appearances with the 
Guarneri String Quartet, the 
Twentieth Century Consort 
and the Smithsonian Cham- 
ber Orchestra. 

Geotfjia native Ziegler has 

performed in the world's 
greatest opera houses includ- 
ing the Vienna Staatsoper, 
Teatro alia Scala and the 
Bastille in Paris. In America 
she has sang with virtuaUy 
every major U.S. opera compa- 
ny including the Metropolitan 
Opera, Chicago's Lyric Opera 
and the San Francisco Opera. 
She has made more than 20 
recordings with orchestras 
including the Berlin Philhar- 
monic, the Philadelpliia 
Orchestra and the Atlanta Sym- 
phony and was also featured 
in the PBS television special, 
"Pavarotti, Plus! Live from Lin- 
coln Center." 

An honored music graduate 
of the University of Manitoba 
and the University of South- 

em California, John Greer is 
an active vocal coach, accom- 
panist, conductor, arranger 
and composer and is heard 
throughout Canada and 
abroad. As a visiting faculty 
member of the University of 
Toronto's opera division, 
Greer has conducted numer- 
ous operas there, as well as 
works for Victoria's Opera Pic- 
cola, Ottawa's Opera Lyra and 
the Toronto Gilbert and Sulli- 
van Society. Greer is a profes- 
sor and member of the Col- 
laborative Piano Faculty at the 
School of Music. 

Tickets for an Evening of 
Duets and Solos are $20 and 
$5 for students. For more 
information, call (301) 405- 

NOVEMBER 19, 2002 

Fellows Share Love of Science, Engineering with Children 


Continued from page t 

care, transportation, food security, 
family support information, and 
mental and physical heath support 
information. For three years after 
the study started, until 2003, the 
researchers will interview the 
same fomllies to track their welt 
being over time. 

The criteria for the lamilies in 
the study were that they had to be 
low income, measured by tJieir 
need for food stamps and their 
dependency on the Supplemental 
Nutrition Program for Women, 
Infants and Children CWIC). Also, 
there had to be a child in the 
home under the age of 12 because 
child care issues were important 
in the study. 

The intent of the research is to 
provide current information to citi- 
zens, public policy makers and 
program directors ai a basis for 
decision making about the well- 
being of these families. 

According to the study, many 
mothers arc working two or three 
jobs. Despite this, they live at or 
below the poverty level. There 
were 15 sources of public assis- 
tance used by the various femilies. 
School lunch, food stamps and the 
WIC program topped the list. 

For assistance, most of the peo- 
ple in the study turn to their fami- 
lies fi^^khtlH^^e co'mihunity. 
However, even with programs 
such as these, 43 percent of the 
Maryland families in the study 
were food insecure — lacking the 
ability to access at aU times 
enough food to meet the nutrition- 
al requirements of a healthy life. 
This figure is based in a standard- 
ized USDA food insecurity scale. 

Wiffitoiit pmjsa nutrflStfo, it is 
difficult to maintain good heath, 
says Braun. The study showed that 
mothers reported having five 
health problems while their part- 
ners and children had three. Half 
the mothers show depressive 
symptoms, which is well beyond 
the numbers found in the general 
popufation. The most significant 
finding was, "the reladonship 
between the adequacy of food and 
mental and physical health of the 
families," Braun said. The more food 
itisccure families are, the more de- 
pressed they are and that is critical 
to their performance as employees. 

Other than Maryland, other 
states in the study include: Califor- 
nia, Colorado, Indiana, Kentucky, 
Louisiana, Massachusetts, Michi- 
gan, Mimiesota, Nebraska, New 
Hampshire, New York, Ohio, Ore- 
gon and Wyoming. 

There is constant contact 
between the researchers to ensure 
there is consistency acroK the 
board in terras of their research 
methods and the questions that 
are asked. The specifics of the 
study are discussed on a regular 

As a result of the study, acdons 
are being taken. Findings are 
shared with Congress and other 
organizations. People in the com- 
munities where the studies are tak- 
ing place are asking for details 
about the study and what can be 
done to help their families. 

— Jenni Chew, 
jumor, journalism 

The Materials Research Sci- 
ence and Engineering 
Center (MRSEQ is sending 
Maryland math, science and 
engineering students back to 
high school. Through its Grad- 
uate Teaching Fellows in K-12 
Education Program (GK-12), 
graduate and advanced under- 
graduate students arc going to 
public schools to give demon- 
strations designed to get kids 
excited about science. 

The Maryland program is 
one of several GK-12 programs 
funded by the National Sci- 
ence Foundation (NSF) in its 
effort to stimulate interest in 
science and technology in 
American public schools. 
Refining the commimicadon 
and teaching skills of college 
students is anotlter part of the 
program's mission. Last year 
the Maryland program sent its 
first batch of fellows to schools 
in Montgomery and Prince 
George's counties. 

"I wanted to start in the 
backyard of the university. I 
really wanted to start with our 
commimity," says Donna Ham- 
mer, MRSEC assistant director 

GK-12 recruits juniors, sen- 
iors and graduate students 
studying mathemaUcs, physics, 
chemistry and engineering. 
Students submit applications 
with recommendadons from 
their advisors. The fellowship 
is for an academic year and 
provides a compctidve stipend 
and tuidon remission. 

Fellows spend 20 hours per 
week planning, developing 
and presenting classroom 
demonstrations. Hammer says 
fellows usually divide their 
time evenly between planning 
and the classroom. They also 
attend a weekly seminar to 
brainstorm presenution ideas 
and receive pointers and feed- 
back on their technique. To 
help them manage the demands 
of course and fellowship worif , 
Hammer says she tries to pair 
fellows — an undergraduate 
with a graduate student. 


The current class of fellows are: Front row (I to r): Anita Bhushan, David Saranchak, IVIarcia Golub, Violeta 
Prieto-Gortcfieva, Lynda Graen (coordinator). Back row (I to r): Jimmy McErlain, Kevin McCarthy, Chris 
Fleming, Corey Gonzalez, Sid Muthtah, Jeff Simpson, 

"They're all taking classes 
and doing all these other 
things; there needs to be a bal- 
ance," she says. 

In choosing fellows, Hammer 
says a certain level of subject 
mastery and interest in teach- 
ing is sought. She says former 
teaching experience does not 
weigh heavily in the decision. 

"Some of the fellows who 
have vdry little background [in 
education] , who weren't 
tutors or had teaching experi- 
ence, turn out to be wonderful 
in the classroom," she says. 

Fellows keep a journal, a 
portfolio of their work and a 
calendar to help MRSEC in the 
evaluation process; Hammer 
says evaluation is a difficult, 
highly subjective process 
because fellows do not test 
the students' knowledge of the 
presented material." [The fel- 
lows] are there to augment 
the teachers, enhance the pro- 
gram and support what's 
already there," says Hammer. 

As part of the evaluation 
process she sends Lynda 

Gift from Unlikely Donor Awarded 

A university can nomi- 
nate only one student 
for a major national 
schotarship from the Jack 
Kent Cooke Foundation. 

Raymond L Flandez, a jun- 
ior journalism major, Is Mary- 
land's one, and one of 79 
undergraduates nationwide to 
receive a scholarship that will 
cover alt tuition, room and 
board up to $30,000 a year. 
The awards go to juniors and 
seniors at four-year colfeges 
and to students transferring 
from community colleges. 

Flandez, of West Orange, 
N.J., Is in Annapolis this 
semester as a statehouse cor- 
respondent for the college's 
Capital News Service public 
affairs reporting program. He 
spent last summer as an 
Intern business reporter at 

The Tennessean in Nashville 
and has served as editor in 
chief of The Public Asian, a 
campus newspaper. 

"Raymund nurtures his 
curiosity," said Greig Stew- 
art, associate dean of the 
Philip Merrill College of Jour- 
nalism. 'As he recently 
explained to rne, a career in 
journalism allows hirn to be a 
life-long learner. Each story 
he reports and writes pro- 
vides him the opportunity to 
learn about history, people, 
their lives and experiences." 

Flandez plans to graduate 
in May 2004. The Cooke 
scholarship wilt cover both 
his junior and senior years. 
The foundation was endowed 
by Jack Kent Cooke, the 
owner of the Washington 
Redskins, who died in 1997. 

Green, coordinator of GK-12, 
to observe the fcUow in the 
classroom, get student feed- 
back, and give the teachers 
written evaluation forms. 
Green says it's all to help the 
fellow refine his or her presen- 
tation style and to see if the 
kids understand the material. 

"The main thing is for the 
students in elementary and 
high school to have an appre- 
ciation for science... and I feel 
it's my job to make the fellows 
spark that appreciation," says 

Anita Bhushan, a second 
year master's student in elec- 
trioal engineering, had an 
unusual journey to her eighth 
grade class at Ernest Everett 
Just Middle School in Prince 
George's County. As a Univer- 
siry of Virginia undergraduate 
she studied French literature 
for two years before switching 
to engineering. She says she 
had always done well in math 
and science classes, but didn't 
realize the material moved her 
until she got to college. This is 
her first year as a fellow and she 
says the most rewarding aspect 
of the program is nurturing a 
love of math science in kids. 

"It really distresses me that 
so many young people are 
afraid of and deficient in. . . 
science and math, and don't 
even consider pursuing pro- 
fessions like [electrical engi- 
neering] . I approach science, 
math and engineering with 
the idea that if I can do it, any- 
one can," she says. 

Bhushan and her partner 
Kevin McCarthy, a materials 
science and engineering mas- 
ter's candidate, have designed 
a series of demonstrations 
introducing aeronautics to the 
class and have given a demon- 
stration on aerodynamics. 
Future demonstrations will 
introduce Newton's third law 
of mechanics and Bernoulli's 
principle of fluid flow. The 
curriculum will conclude with 
the students applying what 
they've learned in designing 
simple paper airplanes and 
then tackling more complicat- 

ed designs. 

Bhushan has enjoyed her 
experience and is planning to 
change her graduation date to 
continue with the program. 

"I have been extraordinarily 
pleased with the program, and 
am even going to postpone my 
graduation from this Decem- 
ber to next May so that I may 
work with it one more semes- 
ter," she says. 

In its second year of a thrce*> ^ 
year renewable grant, GK-1 2 
recently added a high school 
in Howard County to the Est 
of participating schools. "When 
she was trying to get schools .^^ 
involved at the program's 'T 
inception. Hammer says it 
wasn't easy. 

"There was no network in 
place. I went to the school 
and I knocked on the door," 
she says. 

Through meeting with prin- 
cipals, teachers and county 
officials. Hammer got schools 
in Prince George's and Mont- 
gomery Counties involved. 
She says she believes her rc>le 
in this process was to get peo- 
ple excited about the 
resources she had available at 
the university. 

"1 sec [GK-12] as us acting 
as a Eaison between the uni- 
versity, with all its resources, 
and the K-12 schools," she says. 

Hanmier says there are 
many intangible benefits in 
addition to the stipend and 
tuition remission for the grad- 
uate fellows going into the 

"When you coimect w^ith 
kids, there is just something 
you cannot really explain.'s 
in your heart," she says. "You say 
'OK, I made it. I got through!'" 

GK-12 is currentiy accept- 
ing applications for Spring 
2003, Graduate students and 
junior and senior imdergradu- 
ates in the sciences, mathe- 
matics or engineering with an 
interest in teaching are 
encouraged to apply. For more 
information, contact Lynda 
Green at (301) 405^349 or 
visit .qi 
GK-12/GK-12.htinl. ilti 


Ritter: War is Not the Answer 

Continued from page 1 

found to be noo-compliant, right- 
fully so or not, sanctions will be 

"It is the United States and the 
United States alone that has said 
from the very beginning 'we don't 
give a damn for international law, 
we want Saddam gone or we are 
going to contain him through the 
vehicle of economic sanctions 
until which time he is removed 
from power,'" said Ritter 

People expected Saddam Hus- 
sein to be out of power within six 
months after Desert Storm. How- 
ever, he was not. So the United 
States used "containment" to keep 
him under control, said RJtcer. 
Containment is the government 
stalling until what really needs to 
be done can be figured out, he 

The elected representatives real- 
ize that there is a policy failure 
that results not only in the deaths 
of hundreds of thousands of inno- 
cent Iraqis, but the potential 
deaths of thousands of Americans. 
But, Rjtter said, they are not doing 
anything about it because they are 
scared the American people are 
not going to re-elect them. 

Congress voted to abandon the 
system of checks and balances and 
allow President George Bush (and 
Bush alone) war power. We are not 
a democracy anymore when it 
comes to Iraq, we arc a 'dictator- 
ship of one," Ritter said. 

Americans do not understand 
what wsr is, Ritter said, this gener- 
ation thinks it's "like a Nintendo 

Ritter stressed that war is real. 
He wants people to think long and 
hard about the consequences of 
sending people to war. He wants 
people to realize there will be 
causalities on both sides, 

"The only reason to go to war 
against Iraq, ladies and gendemen, 
is if Iraq presented a threat to the 
United Sates, worthy of war," Ritter 

said. Throughout his speech, Ritter 
made clear that there was no 
threat. Instead, America seemed to 
almost want to pick a figlit. There 
were times when America ignored 
that Iraq was willing to comply 
and publicized that they were 
resisting and needed to be dealt 

Ritter, who was in the Marine 
Corps, has obviously not always 
been against war. He believes 
there are times that call for war, he 
just said this is not one of them. 

"Marines don't kill kids," Ritter 
said after giving the example that 
if a Marine was given an order to 
shoot kids (even if it was an order 
that was intended to make Saddam 
Hussein cooperate, the Marines 
would not fire on children.) 

However, Ritter added," [but] we 
do kill kids. We just don't shoot 
them; we starve them to death, 
make them die of treatable dis- 
eases, Tve let them waste away, 
silendy, over there, beyond the 
range of the TV camera, beyond 
the range of American heart- 

The deaths of these children are 
a "collective responsibility," Ritter 
said. "We are the goverrmient, what 
are we doing to hold our elective 
representatives responsible?" 

Bush said that Iraq has weapons 
of mass destruction : chernjcal ■-j\ i > n 
weapons, biological weapons, 
nuclear weapons and long range 
ballistic missiles. He says we are 
going to lead a coalition to go to 
Iraq and disarm them by force. 
"Well, Mr, President," said Ritter, 
"why don't you just call it what it. 
is? War." ■"■■ Tjfn|t 

Disarming Iraq is not the 
answer, Ritter said. Optimally, it 
would take two years to deter- 
mine the seriousness of the 
weapons inside of Iraq and Bush 
wants it done in two months, 

— Jenni Chew, 
jutiior. journalism 

: Students first 

Cotilinued from page 1 


Chancellor Wiliiam KIrwan delivered the morning keynote 
address at the Success 2002 conference last week. 

and ultimately the workforce affects the nation's future 
economic weUfjeing and global competitiveness. Diver; 
ifiity won't be a goal, he said, it would soon be a reality, 
especially among those of college age. 

"Unless things change, we will have greater numbers 
of African Americans and Latinos unprepared for col- 
lege," he said. 

Kirwan pointed out several examples of how educa- 
tional disparities affect the success of students, includ- 
ing several reports on the reduction of need-based finan- 
cial aid-and Georgia's HOPE scholarship program that is 
funded for the most part by lottery money coming from 
those in the state's lowest income level. 

University faculty, staff and administrators should 
focus on the value diversity adds to each student's edu- 
cational experience, said Kirwan, especially those 
who've lived mainly in a homogenous "cultural orbit " 

"Our diversity is our strength and our differences can 
be the essence of our excellence," said Kirwan. 

Library- *'Exciting" Tool Created With and For Children 

Continued fivm page 1 

fessor in the College of bifbrma- 
don Studies and its Institute for 
Advanced Computer Studies. 

Druin and her unique tech- 
nology design team created the 
graphic search mterface tools 
and iimo\^tive book readers 
that the new digital library's 
young visitors will use. Since 
1998, this team has included 
children as equal technology 
design partners with feculty 
and student researchers in the 
university's Human<;omputer 
Intetaction Lab. 

"Children should construct 
their own paths to knowledge, 
and computer tools should 
support, and be a product of, 
children's worif as builders, 
designers and researchers," 
Dniin said. "Through the cre- 
ation of the International Chil- 
dren 's Digital library we want 
to expand access to world liter- 
ature, white also pushmg devel- 
opment of better software for 
children's digital libraries and 

helping to change the para- 
digm of how software for chil- 
dren is developed." 

The library is being built 
principally by the university 
and by Internet Archive, the 
largest library of the Internet. 
The Library of Congress and 
the American Library Associa- 
tion are also participants. The 
National Science Foundation 
(NSF) provides primary fund- 
ing, with added suppon from 
the Institute of Museimi and 
library Services, the KahJe/ 
Austin Foundadon, Adobe Sys- 
tems Inc. and the Markle Foun- 

Principal investigator Druin 
is joined on the project by co- 
principals Ann Carlson Weeks, 
professor of practice in the 
College of Information Studies, 
and Benjamin Bederson, direc- 
tor of the Human-Computer 
Interaction Lab. 

"This is the bcgirming of a 
long-term project to provide 

children aroimd the world with 
access to literature from differ- 
ent cultures in a way that is 
intuidve and accessible," said 
Jane White, director of the new 
library. "This collaborative 
effort by government, commer- 
cial, academic and non-profit 
organizations will change the 
way children learn about other 
cultures and strengthen 
libraries worldwide." 

Maryland's work on the new 
library is an outgrowth of earli- 
er NSF-supported research by 
Druin and her team into the 
unique needs of children in 
digital library environments. 
For that precursor project, the 
Maryland team worked with 
elementary school teachers 
and children aged 5-10 from 
Yorktown Elementary School 
in Bowie. Together, they con- 
sidered the luiique ways that 
children access, explore and 
organize digital learning mate- 
rials. One of the results of their 

work that has been applied to 
the design of the library is the 
finding that children under the 
age of 9 do much better with a 
visually based computer inter- 
face than with one that relies 
on text. 

Other products produced 
by Drain's Intergenerational 
Design Team include story- 
telling robots, collaborative 
zooming software for author- 
ing stories and kits for design- 
hig room-size storytelling envi- 
ronments. One of the team's 
other current projects is "Class- 
room of the Future," a five-year 
NSF-fimded project to foster 
innovation m the development 
and use of new educational 
technologies. Druin and other 
members of her design team, 
including its 1 1 children ages 7 
to 11, will demonstrate the 
interface they designed for the 
new International Children's 
Digital Library during the kick- 
off at the Library of Congress. 


Michael Olmert, a lecturer in the 
English Department, who won 
an Emmy Award last year, has 
won a second Award this year. 
The show was called "Walking 
with Prehistoric Beasts," a tliree- 
hour special that was broadcast 
last December on the Discovery 
Channel and which turned out 
to be the third-most-watched 
program in Discovery history. It 
was a BBC/Discovery co-pro- 
duction. Olmert received his 
statuette for co-writing, with 
Jasper James and Kate Bartlett 
of the BBC. 

Harrist Prausr, distinguished 
imiversity professor of sociolo- 
gy, has been elected a fellow of 
the American Association for 
the Advancement of Science. 
She is one of oniy seven new 
fellows in the social, economics 
and political sciences section. 

Dining Jfifyicc^ 'S'^Pfltfy Pf9^ —n 
moted several employees: Curtis 
Lockarmsn was promoted to 
food service specialist of central 
stores; Mallssa Banjamin 
became unit adminstrator of 
Hillel; Taresa Dya was promoted 
to business service specialist; 
Joseph Undae was promoted to 
operations manager bi mainte- 
nance; Twrence Panv Vfas ps^w 
moted to cook; Virginia 
Alburquaqua became a class HI 
account cletic; and Pam Maoro 
was promoted to food court 

IRIS welcomes a few new faces: 

John Andrew Bonama is the 
chief of party for IRIS's Bosnia- 
Herzegovir^ Administrative Law 
Project. Boname comes to IRIS 
from the United Nations Mis- 
sion in Bosnia-Herzegovina 
(UNMEBH) where he wbs the 
Special Projects/Strategic Plan- 
ning Officer for the Criminal 
Jusdcc Advisory Unit. 

Alice Thomas is the deputy 
chief of party for IRIS's Bosnia- 
Herzegovina Administtadve Law 
Project. Thomas is a lawyer 
with 10 years' experience woric- 
hig in both the public and pri- 
vate sectore. She designed and 
implemented a project to 
enhance the implementation of 
recently enacted freedom of 
information legislation among 
mimicipalities for USAID's Mis- 
sion to Bosnia and Herzegovina. 
Lori Hill is events planner for 
die PPC IDEAS project. Hill is a 
graduate of the University of 
Maryland's Robert H, Smith 
School of Business and the 
Event Management Program at 
The George Washington Univer- 
sity. She previously served as 
the university Alumni Associa- 
tion's director of alimuii special 

NOVEMBER 19, 2002 

Book Bag 

Welcome to Outlook's newest feature, Book Bag, Every 
third issue of tlie month, we'll feature new works by 
faculty and staff. Here is this month's offering: 

"Images & Empires: 
VisualitY in Colonial and 
Postcolonial Africa' 

Paul S. Landau, 
Department of History, and 
Deborah D. Kaspin, inde- 
pendent scholar 

(University of Califorrtia 
Press, 2002) 

Summary; Visual images 
in colonized Africa — car- 
toons, cinema, tombstones, 
photographs and body art - 
as modes by which people 
{misjcommunicated with 
each other 

'Leadership the Eleanor 
Rooseveft Way" 

Robin Gerber, senior 
scholar. Academy of 

October 2002) 

Summary; This engaging 
book draws critical lessons 
from the remarkable life 
and leadership legacy of 
Eleanor Roosevelt, 

'Constructing Clinton: 
Hyperreaiity and 
Presidential Image- 
Making in Postmodern 

Shawn J, Party-GflfeS,'^^ 
assistant professor, 
Department of Communi- 
cation, affiliate assistant 
professor of Women's 
Studies; director, Center for 
Political Communication & 
Civic Leadership and Trevor 
Parry-Giles, assistant pro- 
fessor, Department of 
Communication, affiliate 
faculty member. Center for 
Political Communication & 
Civic Leadership 

(Peter Lang, April 2002) 
Summary; Constructing 
Clinton examines compe- 
ting images of President Bill 
Clinton occurring in politi- 
cal, fictional and journalistic 

Communications, Vol. 16" 

Arthur N. Popper, 
Department of Biology, and 
Richard R, Fay, Loyola 
University of Chicago 
(Springer-Verlag, 2003) 
Summary: A strong 
emphasis is placed on the 
neuroethological basis for 
acoustic communication in 
a wide range of species. 

"Breach of Faith: A Crisis 
of Coverage in the Age of 
Corporate Journalism" 

Gene Roberts and 
Thomas Kunkel, Philip 
Merrill College of 

(University of Arkansas 
Press, 2002) 

Summary: An attempt to 
document the impact of a 
profit-driven mindset on 
good journalism, 

'The Friendship Factor" 

Kenneth H. Rubin, 
Department of Human 

(hardcover release, 
Viking, April 2002; paper- 
back release, Penquin, June 

Summary: A book to help 
parents, teachers and pro- 
fessionals understand and 
guide children's social and 
emotional intelligence. 

To submit your book to Book Bag, send an e-mail In the above 
format to outlook@accmati.umd,edu. Cover images can be 
accepted as scanned jpeg files, which can be sent to cmitchel@ 
accfflail.umd,edu. The next Book Bag will appear Dec. 17. 

Sadat Lecture: Annan Pushes Land for Peace 

Continued from page 1 

went to Jerusalem and declared, 
directly to the Israeli parliament 
and people, that we welcome you 
among us with full security and 

It is this kind of openness and 
trust the secretary-general said is 
necessary for a peaceful resolution 
between Israelis and Palestinians. 
"Land for peace" was the term he 
used to describe the process. 

"The only way to settle titis con- 
flict remains the solution envi- 
sioned by the United Nations Secu- 
rity Council, and indeed by Anwar 
Sadat in that historic speech to the 
Knesset 25 years ago: two states, 
Israel and Palestine, living side by 
side within secure and recognized 

Protestors representing both 
sides of the conflict demonstrated 
quietly outside Cole Field House. 
Others inside wore flags or arm- 
bands representing their countries 
and causes. 

Annan was even-handed in his 
remarks concerning how Israel 
and Palestine are affected by the 
region's civil unrest. He talked of 
the "horrible toll of civilian life" 
Israelis suffered during terrorist 
attacks and the more than one mil- 
lion Palestinians living below the 
poverty' line because of "draconian 
security measures." He said,"the 
majority of Palestinians accept the 
continued existence of Israel, and 
are ready to live alongside it in 
their own state. And the majority 
of Israelis accept that peace 
requires the establishment of a 
Palestinian state in nearly all of the 
territory' occupied in 1967." But a 
lack of trust prevents this from 
happening, he said. 

"And without that trust, the 
hope of peace becomes hard to 

He went on to say that without 
a clear promise of an end and visi- 
ble political progress, "neither side 
is likely to summon the will to 
take the risks that each must take 
. . .to improve the security and liv- 
ing conditions of the other. That is 
why we say that the process must 
be hope-driven as well as perform- 

It is this belief in hope as an 
impetus for change that President 
Sadat practiced, said Annan, and it 
is his example all parties should 
follow. The international commu- 
nity is ready to help, he said, but 
can only do so for those willing to 
receive it. "True leadership" is 
needed, said Aiman." Let us pray 
they find it before it is too late." 

After his speech, Annan 

The first four Sadat Lec- 
tures for Peace were 
delivered by Israeli Presi- 
dent Ezer Weizman (1997), for- 
mer President Jimmy Carter 
(1998), former Secy, of State 
Henry Kissinger (2000) and 
South African President Nelson 
Mandela (2001). U.N. Secretary- 
General Kofi Annan's speech can 
be heard and seen at www.dis- 
Also, the text of his speech and 
the event program are available. 


Top; President Dan Mote applauds after U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan 
received his honorary doctorate of public service. Universitv Marshal Ralph 
Bennett, in back, placed the academic collar on Annan. Above: Annan receives 
from Shibley Telhami "First Stone," the first-place vuinner in sculpture of the 
Sadat Art for Peace competition. The work is by Marilee Schumann. 

announced the winners of the 
Sadat Essay for Peace Competition, 
which is open to all state high 
school students. He was followed 
by Telhami who presented Annan 
with the works of the first place 
winners in the Sadat Art for Peace 
competition sponsored in part by 
the art department. First prize in 
sculpture was won by Marilee 
Schumann for her work "First 
Stone ."Second prize in sculpture 
went to Jin-Nefer-Lee for "War's 
Bounty." First prize for work on 

paper went to Ruth Bowler for 
"Overlap" and second went to Jef- 
ferson Finder for "Peaceable King- 

Earlier in the program, Annan 
was awarded a Maryland Distin- 
guished Citizen Award from Gov. 
Parris Glendening and later 
received an honorary doctorate of 
public service. Annan joked that 
after experiencing Maryland's gen- 
erousity, he would come back 
every month. 


Creating Foods to Improve Health 

Iqbal Hamza hopes 
tliat one day his 
work will lead to 
treatments for dis- 
ease that include "nutra- 
ccuticals"— food that 
has been genetically 
developed to improve 

Hamza, who recently 
joined the Department 
of Animal and Avian Sci- 
ences, is studying cop- 
per and iron deficiency. 
Several weeks ago the 
United Nations listed 
dietary iron deficiency 
among tlie world's top 
10 preventable health 

"The two major nutri- |qt,ai 
tional problems in the 
world are vitamin A deficien- 
cy and iron deficiency, espe- 
cially in developing coun- 
tries," said Hamza. "Even in the 
United States, iron deficiency 
is a huge problem. Although 
iron is one of the most abun- 
dant metals in the Earth's 
crust, it does not get absorbed 
in the intestines because it 
competes with other metals." 

Hamza, who has previously 
researched how human cells 
handle copper, will be study- 
ing how iron is absorbed by 
the human body. "We don't 
know how iron is transported 
^to the intestine." 

Iron contained in hemoglo- 
bin — heme-iron— is a major 
dietary source of the metal 
and comes primarily from red 
meat. Hamza explained that in 
tf^e typical western diet about 
one-third of the iron we eat 
comes from heme-iron; how- 
ever, two-thirds of the iron 
our bodies are able to absorb 



is from heme-iron. Hamza said 
this indicates that Iron from 
red meat is more easily 
absorbed than from other 
sources. This might seem like 
bad news to vegetarians, but 
Hamza's research may lead to 
vegetables with iron that is 
easier for our bodies to 
absorb and therefore help 
people that don't get enough 
iron in their diets. 

Hamza plans to find tlie 
gene responsible for the pro- 
tein tliat transports heme-iron 
in mutants of Caenorhabditis 
elegans, a microscopic worm 
that has about 74 percent of ' 
all himian genes. Researchers 
use the worm for rapid genet- 
ic screening, because thou- 
sands of them can be studied 
at once. The tiny worms are 
also inexpensive and easy to 
work with. It would be Jp;- 

impractical to keep the same 
number of mice. 

When the gene encoding 

the protein that trans- 
ports iron is found, it 
may be possible to 
develop more effect 
treatments for anemia 
caused by improper 
functioning of the gene. 
It may also be possible 
to genetically engineer 
vegetables that give us 
more iron. 

Previous work by 
Hamza and other 
researchers at Washing- 
ton University School of 
Medicine in St. Louis has 
shed light on how cells 
transport copper The 
research show^ed that 
copper is vital to early 
development of fetuses 
and helped explain what 
happens at a molecular level 
to patients suffering from Wil- 
son's disease and Menkes dis- 
ease. Patients suffering from 
these diseases do not metabo- 
lize copper correctly. Faulty 
copper metabolism has been 
implicated in other diseases 
such as Alzheimer's, Paricin- 
son's Lou Gehrig's and Prion 
or mad cow disease, 
"Dr. Hamza's work is a terrific 
illustration of the modern 
trend in cell biology toward 
integrated approaches at all 
levels, from molecule to man," 
said Jason Kahn in the Depart- 
ment of Chemistry and Bio- 
chemistry. "He will be a val- 
ued member of the UMCP 
cell biology community." 
Hamza will be teaching 
genetics in the spring of 2004 
and hopes to inspire the next 
generation of cell biology 
researchers. ^ ' 

— Stephen Mather, 
— , journalism 

, xi-** 3r-«^--<-T 

Dear University of Maryland Faculty and Staff, 

What an exciting time to be a part of such a 
wonderful University and athletic department. 
I am honored to be the new head women's 
basketball coach here and am looking forward 
to the beginning of a new era with our team. 
With an entirely new staff and a lot of new- 
comers to our team, we are all working many 
hours to get the word out on the street that 
this University is one of the best in the coun- 
try. There is no better time to be a Terrapin 
than the pre sent I 

We have been practicing for almost 8 
month in the #1 facility in the country, the 
Comcast Center. If you haven't had the 
chance to see this magnificent building, we 
hope you'll be out soon to see it for yourself 
first hand. We have been bringing potential 
student-athletes in all summer and they have 
been very impressed with our new facility. 
With the great success that Coach Williams 
and the men's team have had and a state-of- 
the art facility, it's no wonder that everyone 
wants to be a part of this excitement. I person- 
ally want to invite all of you to come and see a 
game. We would love to have you come be a 
part of our women's basketball program as it 
starts to take off. 

This season's team will feature three sen- 
iors: Renneika Razor, Terri Daniels and Brie 
Jackson. These three young ladies have 
worked very hard over the past three years 
and plan on making this one their best yet. 
To go along with those three seniors, we have 

juniors Crystal Washington and Vicki Brick; 
sophomore Anesia Smith; and five newcom- 
ers: freshmen Chrissy Fisher, Angel Ross, 
Charmaine Carr and Vanessa Ruffin, and one 
junior college transfer, Delvona Oliver. This 
group of young tadies has been putting great 
effort out every day at practice and can't wait 
to get the season under way. In addition, we 
have a very tough non-conference schedule 
with road games at Penn State and Miami, Fl, 
We will be playing the likes of Virginia Tech, 
Rhode Island, Rider and Richmond in the 
Comcast Center. Come see these young ladies 
in action and show them that great Terrapin 

1 am excited to be apart of this great Mary- 
land tradition and can't wait to see everyone 
at the various athletic events. Thanks for 
being such an important part of our program. 
We look forward to seeing you this season in 
the Comcast Center. 

Brenda Frese 

Head Women's Sasketball Coach 

P,S. Faculty and staff can receive four free tick- 
ets per ID for the Loyola game on Fri, tiov. 22, 
opening night for bur women's hoops team. 

When a Turtle is More than a Tbrtle 

Conservationist Talks About Preserving Testudo 

"Never call a terrapin a turtle," 
said Harry Hasslinger, a 1933 Uni- 
versity of Maryland graduate and 
the last surviving member of the 
committee that helped to finance 
and donate the bronze repUca of 
the school mascot that now sits 
in front of McKeldin Library. 

Hasslinger, along with four 
classmates, gathered on Nov. 7, at 
Hornbake Library for the library's 
fourth showcase event~''Con- 
serving Testudo"— where conser- 
vator Cathy Hawks discussed her 
analysis and treatment of the ' 
original Testudo, the diamond- 
back terrapin that served as a 
model for the bronze statue 
donated by the Class of 

Charles Lowry, dean of 
libraries, opened the dis- 
cussion by thanking the 
alumni tot their contribu- 
tions. . " -f 

Hawks, who has 20 
years of experience in 
natural history conserva- 
tion, said her goal with 
any project she works on 
is to extend the life of a 
specimen, but sdll allow- 
ing it to serve its viewing 
and research purposes. 

"1 can't say our efforts 
have outwitted time, but 
we greatly enhanced 
potential for future view- 
ing," Haw^ks said. 

Concerned about the condi- 
tion of the once-hving Testudo, 
AnneT\irkos, university archivist, 
and Yvonne Carignan, head of the 
university preservation depart- 
ment, hired Hawks in 1999 to 
_help preserve the 69-year-old ter- 

Hawks said she had many 
things to consider before treating 
the specimen, including identifi- 
cation of the species, the damage 
Testudo sustained in life and after 
the original taxidermy, and the 
need for long-term care. 

As a surprise to many, the uni- 
versity's Testudo is actually a 
female. Hawks said. Testudo is of 
the genljs Malaclemys, a species 
native to Maryland's western and 
eastern shores. This specimen 
was collected in Crisfield, Md. 
around 1933. 

Hawks explained she did not 
want to interfere with any dam- 
age sustained during either Testu- 
do's life or the original taxidermy. 
Instead, she said she only treated 
the damage to Testudo that had 
occurred over the years after the 
original taxidermy The treatment 
included cleaning, repairing dam- 
age and long-term care and pro- 

Dust engrained in the terrapin's 
skin, feet and shell were cleaned 
with a HEPA low-suction vacutmi, 
a soft brush, lint-free wipes and 
95 percent undenatured ethanol 
swabs. A small void in the left 
side of the head and large cracks 
caused by himiidity and handling 
were repaired using plaster and a 
synthetic cellulose gel. Acrylic 
paints were used for tinting and 
color repairs on the shell. 

While Hawks said the actual 
repairs were "fairly easy," she said 
the hardest part was dealing with 

Testudo "s long-term protection. 
Small Corp., a company specializ- 
ing in conservation display cases, 
was hired to design a cus- 
tomized, sealed display case for 
the mascot. 

"Rirkos and Hawks chose the 
aluminum display case together. 
Its design allows it to maintain a 
constant 55 percent humidity 
level and accommodate changes 
in barometric pressure. The dis- 
play case also has security fea- 

After the slide show presenta- 
tion on the conservation project, 
' the event turned to honor the 
five members of the Class of 


1933. When l\irkos asked the 
panel to discuss with the audi- 
ence the experiences they had at 
the university in 1933, the discus- 
sion became light-hearted and 
friendly as tlic five reminisced 
about their own life at the imiver- 
sity. It was extremely, import^t 
to have the Class of 1933 in 
attendance at the event to recog- 
nize their contributions, said 

In 1932, football coach Harry 
'Curley" Byrd recommended that 
the diamond back terrapin be the 
university mascot. Before, athletic 
teams at Maryland were called 
the Old Liners. Student Govern- 
ment Association President Ralph 
L Williams suggested the Class of 
1933 donate a bronze replica of 
Testudo as a graduation gift. The 
class raised money for the sculp- 
ture by holding its senior prom 
on campus instead of at a ritzy 
hotel and by saving money from 
the school yearbook, the Reveille. 
The 300-pound Testudo was 
unveiled to the university on May 
23, 1933, where it sat in ftnntof 
Ritchie Coliseum. 

After numerous rival imiversi- 
ties' pranks, the bronze Testudo 
was filled with cement and relo- 
cated to the front of McKeldin 
Library overlooking the mall. 
Today, the school mascot is con- 
sidered a symbol of good luck. 
Students often rub the statue's 
nose when walking past and 
leave "peace offerings" during 
exam times. 

Testudo will be on display 
beginning in January in the 
exhibit "Treasures of Special Col- 
lections" in the Hornbake Library 
Exhibition Gallery. 

— Meglian Hirst, 
junior, journalism 


NOVEMBER 19, 2002 

Crisp, Sunny Days of Autumn 


hose fortunate enough to have the time enjoyed a beautiful, warm November day on McKeldin Mall last 
m Thursday. After a rainy month that made significant headway in reducing our region s drought, the clear blue 
-M^ sky and sunshine were a welcome sight. 


Postw Contest 

The University of Maryland 
Research Facility Security Com- 
mittee announces a contest for 
design of posters incorporating 
laboratory security tips, which 
will be used to prt^mote labora- 
tocy security on campus. Sam- 
ple security tips that might be 
used include: 

• Keep the laboratory locked 
when unoccupied 

• Do not prop exterior doors 

• Report all losses immediately 

• Keep keys and access cards 
in your possession 

The contest is open to Uni- 
versity of Maryland faculty, staff 
and students. Submit entries as 
.pdf or .jpeg files, 3 MB or 
smaller, to safety ©accmail.umd. 
edu before Dec. 15. Winners 
will be announced Jan. 1 5. First 
prize: $ 100, runners up: $50. 
Entries become the property of 
the committee. 

GIS Day OiMn House 

McKeldin Library and the 
Geography Department will 
each host a GIS CGcographic 
Information System) Day 20O2 
open house as part of a global 
event that celebrates GIS, ao 
evoling technology that uses 
geography to change the world. 
GIS Day is a grass roots event 
aimed at making people aware 
of GIS applications and their 
important contributions to the 
fields of science, technology, 
business, information and the 
hiunanities. The following are 
the scheduled activities: 

• 10 a.m.-l p.m., Govern- 
ment Documents and Maps 
room fourth floor McKeldin 

• 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Geography 
Department, 1 124 LeFrak Hall 

For more information about 
McKeldin Library activities, 
contact Kathy Stroud at (301) 
405-9167 or kstroud@wam. For more information 
about the Geography Depart- 

ment's activities, contact 
Jochen Albrecht at (301) 405- 

Teddy Bear Drive 

For the past twelve years, the 
Department of Dining Services 
has participated in the Bormie 
Johns Children's FuhtlTed^ 
Bear Drive. Last year Dining Ser- 
vices collected over 1 ,000 new 
teddy bears of the 1,400 bears 
donated from the imiversity. 
Joann Mouzon is the chairper- 
son for Dining Services bear 
drive, Mouzon encourages all 
Dining Services employees to 
donate at least one bear to help 
build the teddy bear tree in the 
lobby of the Greenbelt Mar- 
riott. The teddy bear tree will 
be on display beginning Nov. 
23. These bears are then donat- 
ed to the Bonnie Johns Chil- 
dren's Fund and are given to 
children entering homeless 
shelters, foster care or other at- 
risk youth programs through- 
out the entire year. 

Teddy bear donations will be 
accepted through Nov. 21. 
Teddy bears donated afterward 
wiil still make their way to the 
Bonnie Johns Children's Fund. 
Anyone interested in participat- 
ing, may bring new teddy bears 
to 1 150 South Campus Dining 
Hall, Monday throi^ Friday, 9 
a.m. to 4 p.m. 

For more information, con- 
tact Jennifer Pfciffer at (301) 
314-8042 or Pfeiffer®dining. 

Breakfast wtHh Santa 

Have you been naughty or 
nice? Let Santa know at our 
annual Breakfast with Santa at 
the University of Maryland Golf 
Course on Sunday, Dec. 8. Bring 
your camera and enjoy a break- 
fest buffet featuring French 
toast with maple syrup, hash 
browns, Moo Moos Breaker 
Bake and Santa's favorite: hot 

The cost is $ 10.95 per person 
for university Golf Club mem- 
bers and their guests; $8.25 for 
feculty and staff; $4.25 for chil- 
dren 6 to 14; and $1.99 for chil- 
dren 1 to 5. Tax and gratuity is 
not included. Two seatings are 
available: 8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. 
Reservations are required; call 

(301) 314-6631. 
:ui[f , ... T-- I 

The School of Music is giving 
concerts throughout Nov. All 
events are held in the Clarice 
Smith Performing Arts Center at 
Maryland and unless noted oth- 
erwise, are free. 

• Wednesday, Nov. 20, 8 p.m., 
Virtuoso Brass: University of 
Maryland Brass Ensemble at 
Dekelboum Concert Hall The 
ensemble will be playing music 
spanning the Renaissance, 20th 
century and Big Band Jazz. Fea- 
turing guest percussionists and 
hosted by Milton Stevens, prin- 
cipal trombonist of the Nation- 
al Symphony Orchestra. 

• Thursday Nov 21,7:30 
p.m., University of Maryland 
African Drum Orchestra at 
Dekelboum Concert Hall. Diali 
Djimo Kouyate leads this 
ensemble of the School of 
Music's Ethnomusicology pro- 
gram, showcasing the popular 
West African djcmbc drum. 

• Thursday, Nov. 21,8 p.m.. 
An Evening in Fritz Kretsler's 
Vienna at Gildenhom Recital 
Hall. Outstanding students of 
the School of Music celebrate 
the art and genius of the great 
violin master, Fritz Kreisler, 
with performances of his most 
charming arrangements, tran- 
scriptions and original compo- 

• Friday, Nov. 22, 8 p.m., 
Bosom Buddies: An Evening of 
Duets and Solos at Gildenhom 
Recital Hall. Linda Mabbs, 
soprano, Delores Zieglcr, 
mezzo-soprano, John Greer, 
piano. (See article page 3) 

• Sunday, Nov. 24, 3 p.m., Uni- 
versity of Maryland Men's and 

Women's Choruses at Dekel- 
boum Concert Hall, These pop- 
ular en.sembles sing Biebl's "Ave 
Maria," Rodgers and Hammer- 
stein's "There's Nothing Like a 
Dame, "American and English 
folk songs, hymns from Hoist's 
Rig Veda, and songs of Shakes- 
peare texts. Patrick Walders and 
PoUy Edmonds, conductors. 

• TXiesday, Nov. 26 at 8 p.m. c 
University of Maryland Perciis- 
sion Ensemble at Dekelboum 
Concert Hall. Faculty member 
John Tafoya, principal timpanist 
of the National Symphony 
Orchestra, leads undergraduate 
and graduate percussionists in 

For more information, contact 
Amy Harbison at (301) 405^169 
or, or 
visit For 
ticket information, call (301) 

Anieri«»n Democracy In 
the War on Tarrorism 

History Honor Society Phi 
Alpha Theta and Government 
Honor Society Pi Sigma Alpha 
present a moderated discussion 
featuring David Grimsted and 
Keith Olson of the History 
Department, and Martin 
Heisler, George Quester and 
Joe Oppenheimer of the 
Department of Government 
and Politics, 

This moderated discussion 
^vilt cover questions such as are 
the ends worth the means in 
today's war on terrorism? What 
are the effects on civil liberties, 
the press, the electoral process, 
immigration law, and the rela- 
tionship berween the president 
and Congress? 

Co-sponsored by the Center 
for Historical Studies, J ANUS— 
the Undergraduate History Web 
Journal, History Undergraduate 
Association, and the History 

For more information, e-mail 
or visit www.inform. 