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Life with 

Science at 


Review Day 

Page 3 


Afghans Want Senator Wante ta jump-Start College for All 

Peace, Says 


Tin- Afghan ambassador to 
the United States told an 
audience of 50 in McK- 
eldin library Nov. 20 that the 
Afghan people view U.S. troops 
as liberators, not conquerors. 
Ishaq Shahryar, the first recog- 
nized ambassador since 1978, 
contrasted the U.S. presence 
with the Soviet invasion of 
1979, which he claimed was an 
effort to capture Afghanistan's 
wealth of natural resources. 

"The United States helped lib- 
erate us from the Soviet forces 
then... and today they liberated 
us from the hands of terrorists." 

Referring to the 23 years of 
conflict that have ravaged his 
country, Shahryar spoke on his 
efforts to rebuild the Afghan 
economy, saying American finan- 
cial support and the peacekeep- 
ing efforts of the International 
Security Assistance Force (ISAF) 
were vital. 

"Security of the state and 
security of the individual will 
bring businesses and prosperity 

See AMBASSADOR, page 3 



en. John Edwards, D-N.C, used the Stamp Student Union Nov. 21 to give a 
major policy speech on education. The presidential hopeful proposed a gov- 
ernment program that would pay the first year's college tuition for a student 
who also works 10 hours a week at a job or community service. 

Task Force to Seek 
Solutions to Crime 
Near University 

Concerns about the safety and security of 
University of Maryland students in the 
Route 1 corridor adjacent to the university 
prompted Maryland President Dan Mote to 
appoint a seven-person task force to develop 
long-term solutions to violent crime in the area. 

Mote asked Col. David Mitchell, superintend- 
ent of the Maryland State Police, to head the task 
force, which will include representatives from 
the university, College Park and Prince George's 

Mote announced the task force last week dur- 
ing an open forum on safety and security hosted 
by Kenneth W. Krouse, director of public safety 
for the university, and Gerald Wilson, police 
chief for Prince George's County. 

"Ensuring the safety of our students is one of 
our most important jobs," Mote said. "The recent 
tragic murder of a u niv e rsi ty student in College 
Park, as well as other reported violent crimes in 
the Route 1 corridor near the university, makes 
clear that we must all do more to make the uni- 
versity and its immediate environs a community 
where all can feel secure and free from fear." 

The task force will make recommendations by 
the end of the year for long-term strategies to 
halt violent crime in that area of College Park. 

In addition to Mitchell, members of the task 
force are: Chiefs Krouse and Wilson; College Park 
City Manager Sam Finz; Student Affairs Vice Presi- 
dent Linda Clement; John Farley, assistant vice 
president for administrative affairs; Brandon De- 
Frehn, Student Government Association president; 
and a county representative to be named later 
by incoming County Executive Jack Johnson. 

Seminar Addresses 
Iraq Crises 

Discussing how the intifada that 
began two years ago had started as a 
simple, localized conflict and then 
mushroomed into an international 
crisis, Khaliljahshan, vice president 
of the American Arab Anti-Discrimi- 
nation Committee, posited a number 
of reasons. Among them was that the 
intifada had unified Arab public opin- 
ion and intensified the politiclzation 
and radicalization of Arab youth. 

Jahshan spoke as part of an Office 
of International Programs (OIP) sem- 
inar, "The Middle East in Crisis," held 
recently during International Educa- 
tion Week.The event was pan of 
OIP's Regional Seminar Series, and 
was held in cooperation with the 
Anwar Sadat Chair for Peace and 

The first of the two panels, "The 
Palestinian-Israeli Crisis," was moder- 
ated by Jonathan Wilkenfeld, director 
of Center for International Develop- 
ment and Conflict Management and 
former chair of the Department of 
Government and Politics. Panelists 
were Jahshan and David Makovsky, 
senior fellow at the Washington Insti- 
tute for Near East Policy. 

Jahshan also articulated the 
Palestinian viewpoint that Israel's 
conduct during the intifada amount- 

See SEMINAR, page 3 

Life Sciences 
Provides Personal 
Touch for 
Diversity Effort 

Guests from 10 college insti- 
tutions came to the uni- 
versity, at an invite from 
the College of Life Sciences, for a 
day-long workshop last Friday to 
encourage the continued success 
of the school's Graduate Diversity 
Partners Program. 

"We were quite pleased with 
the turnout," said Amel Anderson, 
assistant dean of the College of 
Life Sciences and director of the 
Graduate Diversity Partners Pro- 

This is the second year of the 
partnership program, which aims 
to increase the diversity profile of 
the graduate students in the col- 
lege The program involves making 
contact with other college institu- 
tions, faculty visits and a summer 
program at the university for stu- 
dents and faculty. 

The persona] touch of the 
events on Friday allow faculty 
from the other colleges to see the 
campus, its facilities and what the 
university has to offer, Anderson 

Friday's event began with a con- 
tinental breakfast at 8 a.m. hosted 
by Dennis O'Connor, vice presl- 

See LIFE SCIENCES, page 4 

Libraries, Archives 
and Museums in a 
Post-9 /U World 

Immense amounts of informa- 
tion flooded libraries, archives 
and museums after Sept. 11. 
An archivist recently discus- 
sed how this challenged the nature 
and meaning of these institutions. 

Richard Cox, a professor at the 
School of Information Science at 
the University of Pittsburgh, spoke 
about the affects of book publish- 
ing, archival documentation proj- 
ects, planning for memorials and 
developing of museum exhibits on 
the roles of libraries, archives and 
museums after the attacks. 

"I have no doubts that events of 
September 11,2001 will have a 
long term effect on America," Cox 
said. Cox likened the events of that 
day to the assassination of John E 
Kennedy and the explosion of the 
Challenger in that people will 
never forget were they were when 
they heard the news of the attack. 

The war on terror is more like 
the war on poverty drugs or can- 
cer, Cox said. It is more of a meta- 
phor than a real war. 

The attacks of 9/1 1 have already 
inspired many memorials and doc- 
umentary projects that in the past 
would not have occurred until 
years or even decades later, said 
Cox. "9/1 1 may be the first digital- 
age tragedy in the Western World. 

"Who would have expected that 
the heavy global symbolism of the 
shimmering spires of the World 
Trade Center would be obliterat- 
ed? The vulnerability of civilization 
and our way of life which we often 
seem to equate seemed more pos- 
sible," Cox said. 

He felt a double embarrassment 
about the attack, he said. The 
intense focus on 9/1 1 was far out 
of proportion to other things 
going on in other parts of the 
world. Some felt there was a huge 
amount of self-absorption in the 
coverage. "Even with the large loss 
of life and apparent surprise of it 
all," Cox said. 

He was also embarrassed when 
he saw the tons of paper floating 
in New York City. He talked about 
"the disruptions to telecommuni- 
cations and information networks 
and the sure loss of recorded and 
human held Information. 

"In the meaning and memory 
inducing projects comes confu- 
sion about archives, museums and 
libraries, all keepers of societal 
memory," Cox said. 

Cox questioned how the event 
should be recorded. "Grieving Is 
important," Cox said, "but is this 
the appropriate representation of 
what archives, libraries and muse- 
ums are intended to do?" 

He reflected on the long-term 
impact on the public perception 
of these institutions and the impli- 

See ARCHIVES, page 2 

DECEMBER J , 2002 

- ^<>>>- 



11:45 a.m. -1:30 p.m.. Hong 
Kong in Transition: Tha 
Next Five Years 25 17 Van 

Munching. The Institute for 
Global Chinese Affairs will host 
a special luncheon with Hong 
Kong's senior representative in 
North America, Jacqueline Ann 
Willis. She will address current 
trade and cultural relations 
between Hong Kong and the 
United States. Tickets include 
lunch and are $5 for students, 
$ 10 for faculty and others. For 
more information, call Rebecca 
McGinnis at 5-0213. 

4-6 p.m.. Shaker Song: 
The Rhythms of American 
Equality and Community 

0200 Skinner. A lecture/concert 
given by David Grimstead and 
featuring an historical analysis 
of Shaker music interwoven 
with the actual performance 
of Shaker songs. Pizza and 
conversation will follow. For 
more Information, contact 
Ann Jimenez at 5-4268 or 
aj 1 

5:30 p.m., Chamber Music 
at Maryland, Parts I ft II 

Gildenhom Recital Hall, Clarice 
Smith Performing Arts Center. 
Presented by the Chamber 
Music Program of the School 
of Music. A two-part recital fea- 
turing music for strings, winds 
and piano performed by a vari- 
ety of student ensembles. Free. 
For more information, call 
(301) 405-ARTS or visit www 


december 4 

noort-1 p.m., Lesbian, Gay, 
Bisexual and Transgender 
Students: Issues and 
Updates 0114 Counseling 
Center. Director of the Office 
of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and 
Transgender Equity Luke Jen- 
sen will speak. For more infor- 
mation, contact Vivian Boyd, 4- 

noon-1 p.m.. How Much 
Service is Enough? Service- 
Learning Curriculum Devel- 
opment 2144 Stamp Student 
Union. When faculty develop 
or redesign courses to include 
service-learning, the question 
arises, how much service is 
enough? This session explores 
the issue in light of faculty 

Holiday Craft Fair (today!) 

The Art and Learning Center's craft fair will feature unique 
handcrafted items, perfect for holiday gift giving. Live enter- 
tainment by both on- and off -campus groups will also be 
featured. For more information, call (301) 314-ARTS. The event 
takes place today, Tuesday, Dec, 3, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the 
Grand Ballroom, Stamp Student Union. 

learning goals for courses and 
the elements of service-learn- 
ing curriculum development 
For more Information, contact 
Jennifer Pigza at 4-2895 or 
jpigza@accmail . umd . ed u . 

7 p.m.. Creative Writing 
Faculty Reading: Howard 
Norman Special Events Room, 
McKeldin Library. Part of the 
"Writers Here and Now" series. 
For more information, contact 
Don Berger at 5-3820 or 
db 1 88@umail . umd. edu . 


december 5 

7 p.m.. Looking for The 
Perfect Bra RiversdaJe House 
Museum. Lecture given by 
Colleen Gau. The museum is 
located 15 miles from campus 
in Riverdale Park. For more in- 
formation, call C.J1) 864-0420 
or visit 

8 p.m.. University of Mary- 
land Symphony Orchestra 

Dekelboum Concert Hall, 
Clarice Smith Performing Arts 
Center. Featuring Shostako- 
vich's Violin Concerto no.l, 
Symphonic Variations by Lutos- 
lawski, and a rare performance 
of Don Quixote by Richard 
Strauss. Free. For more informa- 
tion, call (30 1 ) 405-ARTS or visit 
www. umd .edu/music/calendar. 

december 6 

9:30 a.m.-5 p.m., Poinsett! a 
Sale Harrison Lab Greenhous- 
es. Over 80 varieties with bract 
colors or white, shades of red 
and pink, and bi-colors. For 
more information, call 5-4376. 

noon-1 :15 p.m.. Department 
of Communication Colloqui- 
um Series 0200 Skinner. James 
R. Andrews, Indiana University, 
will present "History, Race, and 
Presidential Rhetoric: Woodrow 
Wilson and the Ceremonial 
Discourse of National Unity." 
For more information, contact 
Trevor Parry-Giles at 5-8947 or 

7:30 p.m., Maryland Opera 
Studio: Riders to the Sea 
and Monsieur Choufleuri 

Kay Theatre, Clarice Smith Per- 
forming Arts Center. Directed 
by Paul Douglas Michnewicz 
and Nicholas Olcott; John Greer 
conducts. In English with music 
by Ralph Vaughn Williams and 
Jacques Offenbach. Free. For 
more information, call (301) 
405-ARTS or visit www umd. 
edu/music/eale ndar. 

8 p.m., Festival of Nine 
Lessons And Carols Memori- 
al Chapel. Presented by the 
Department of Choral Activi- 
ties and modeled after the 
Christmas Eve tradition pre- 
sented annually in King's Col- 
lege, Cambridge, England. Tick- 
ets are $10; $5 for students. For 
more information, call 5-5571. 


december 7 

3 p.m., Maryland Opera 
Studio: La Votx Humaine 
and Scenes from Thais and 
Cendrillon Kogod Theatre, 
Clarice Smith Performing Arts 
Center. Directed by Leon 
Major, conducted by John 
Greer. Performed in French 
with the music of Francois 
Poulenc and Jules Massenet. 
Free. For more information, call 
(301) 405-ARTS or visit www. 
umd . edu/music/calendar. 

8 p.m., Maryland Chorus 
Annual Holiday Concert 

Dekelboum Concert Hail, 
Clarice Smith Performing Arts 
Center. The Chorus celebrates 
the holidays with stirring sea- 
sonal favorites. Tickets are $20 
adults; $18 seniors; $5 students. 
(Repeat performances on Sun- 
day, Dec. 8 at 3 and 7:30 p.m.) 
For more information, call (301) 
405-ARTS or visit www.umd. 
edu/music/cale ndar. 

8 p.m.. Taking Chances 

Dance Theatre, Clarice Smith 
Performing Arts Center, This 
program highlights the chore- 

Archives: New Meaning 

Continued from page 1 

cations for schools educating 
the professionals who work 
in such places. 

"Are we interested in 
memorializing those who lost 
their lives on that day or are 
we merely witnessing a mix- 
ing of grief and sentiment 
with a national thirst for her- 
itage?" Cox said. 

"Capturing such messages 
[as the e-mails sent in the last 
moments before the towers 
collapsed] may be causing a 
fundamental shift in the way 
we imagine archives.... In 
some ways, the tragic destruc- 
tion of the World Trade tow- 
ers suggests that digital sys- 
tems are superior to paper 
systems — reversing the trend 
we have witnessed and debat- 
ed since the advent of the 
personal computer," Cox said. 

The images of paper float- 
ing through the skies made 
many reevaluate the effective- 
ness of the "paper system" of 
record keeping, he said. 

"The events of September 
1 1 brought with them a con- 
siderable amount of econom- 
ic instability, especially 
reflected by the close of the 
New York Stock Exchange," 
said Cox. There is an image 
associated with September 11 
of destroyed corporate head- 
quarters (Cox sited Enron and 
Arthur Anderson) and scat- 
tered paper documents. 

"What wUl take longer to 
rebuild," Cox asked, "the Twin 
Towers or credibility in mod- 

ern American businesses? 

"The emergence of interest 
in documenting every aspect 
of an event. clearly the by- 
product of a vast information 
charting and storing device of 
our digital age," Cox said. We 
feel we were witnesses to the 
events of 9/1 1 regardless of 
where we were, said Cox. 

"Archives need to be able 
to hold all the records- ones 
that comfort us, ones that dis- 
turb us," said Cox. Many peo- 
ple feel that the problem with 
this is terrorists can use such 
extensive records as a study 
guide, he said, 

"The irony of the ongoing 
effort to create 9/11 archives 
and museums while access to 
government information is 
decreased as part of a reac- 
tion to and efforts to protect 
the nation from terrorism 
should be obvious to most.... 
Perhaps less understood are 
the misconceptions of 
archives and the more perva- 
sive values of records that are 
being perpetrated by the vari- 
ous 9/1 1 projects," Cox said. 

The University of Maryland's 
College of Information Stud- 
ies, University of Maryland 
Libraries, Student Archivists at 
Maryland, the Mid-Atlantic 
Regional Archives Conference 
(MARAC) and Maryland Cau- 
cus and MARAC Washington 
DC Caucus organized the 

— -Jenni Chiw, 
junior, journalism 

ography talents of Department 
of Dance graduate students. 
Tickets are $8, $5 students. For 
more information, call (301) 
405-ARTS or visit www.umd. 
e du/m usic/cale ndar. 

december 9 

4 p.m., Footbinding and 
State Power in Traditional 
China 3121 Symons. Dorothy 
Ko of Barnard College will pre- 
sent this fifth seminar in "The 
Body and Body Politic" series 
sponsored by the Center for 
Historical Studies. Ko is author 
of two books and many articles 
on gender, sex and women in 
traditional China. Discussion at 
the seminar will be based on a 
pre-circulated paper; to request 
a copy of the paper or for more 
information, contact the Center 
at 5-8739 or historycenter® 

or additional event list- 
ings, visit www. college 

calendar guide 

Calendar phone numbers listed as 4-xxxx or 5-xxwt stand for the prefix 314 or 405. Calendar Information for Outlook is compiled from a combination of InforM's 
master calendar and submissions to the Outlook office. Submissions are due two weeks prior to the date of publication. To reach the calendar editor, call 
405-7615 or send e-mail to 


Outlouk is the weekly faculty-staff 
newspaper serving the University of 
Maryland campus community, 

Brodie Remington *Vice 
President for University Relations 

Teresa Flannery ■ Executive 
Director, University 
Communications and Marketing 

George Cathcart • Executive 

Monette Austin Bailey * Editor 

Cynthia Mitchel • Art Director 

Robert K. Gardner * Graduate 

Letters to the editor, story sugges- 
tions and campus information are 
welcome. Please submit a!l materia] 
two weeks before the Tuesday of 

Send materia! to Editor, Oullcalt, 
2101 Turner Hall, College Park, 
MD 20742 

Telephone • (301) 405-4629 
Fax ■ (301) 314-9344 
E-mail * 
www.collcgepublisher, com /ou tlook 


. . ' r ' , 


Ambassador: Has Hope 

Continued from page 1 


Afghan Ambassador Ishaq Shahryar spoke at McKeldin Library. 

to Afghanistan. . . . Most of the 
country is safe, but there are 
still pockets." 

Shahryar praised the con- 
gressional bill passed on Nov. 
15 authorizing $2.3 billion to 
rebuild the country and $ 1 bil- 
lion to expand the Kabul- 
based ISA F He also noted the 
United States' role in financing 
the planned 600-mile-long 
road linking the major cities 
Kabul and Khandahar. 

With billions of dollars of aid 
coming in, Shahryar said Presi- 
dent Hamid Karzai, whose inte- 
rim government was installed 
last December to replace the 
Taliban, was working to erase 
the former regime's legacy of 
terror. He said many of the Tali- 
ban were trained outside the 
country, in Pakistan mosdy, 
and weren't considered true 
Afghans by his compatriots. 

"The Taliban terrorized 
Afghanistan. Afghans by nature 
are not terrorists. In the Soviet 
invasion you never heard of an 
Afghan bombing an airplane 
or an embassy." 

After the fall of the Taliban, 
he said all the ethnic groups in 
Afghanistan were weary of 
fighting and wanted to live in 
peace. Neighboring countries 
too, he claimed, had learned 
the lesson of interfering with 
Afghanistan's internal affairs 
and would choose peaceful 

"Before the Soviet invasion, 
Afghanistan was peaceful for 
many years," he said. 

Part of his government's 
work in restoring that peace 
includes addressing human 
rights violations. Shahryar 
admitted there was still a long 
way to go. 

"If I tell you human rights 
[in Afghanistan] are wonderful 
they are not. They are maybe 
20 percent better than they 
were, but they are improving" 
Shahryar said. 

He did note that girls were 
welcomed in schools now and 
that women had voted in 
recent elections. 

Throughout his speech 
Shahryar repeated his hope of 
using new technology to 
resuscitate agriculture and 
industry in Afghanistan in its 
growing relationship with the 

United States. 

This relationship was tested 
last summer in the wake of a 
U.S. bomb hitting a wedding 
party. Saying an investigation 
showed Taliban had used the 
party as cover to fire at U.S. 
aircraft, Shahryar said there 
hadn't been a major shift in 
feeling against America. 

"Sometimes in a war this 
happens, unfortunately. The 
average Afghan is very happy 
to have the U.S. troops here," 
he said. 

Shahryar said he was confi- 
dent the relationship will 
remain close and that he's 
received assurances from Pres- 
ident Bush that the United 
States wouldn't neglect 
Afghanistan in the event of 
war with Iraq. 

"The world has realized 
recently that you cannot for- 
get about Afghanistan," he said. 

Shahryar came to this coun- 
try in 1956 to study at the Uni- 
versity of California, earning a 
bachelor's degree in physical 
chemistry and a master's de- 
gree in international relations. 

Shahryar is credited with 
making solar cell technology 
feasible and worked at NASA 
and in a division of Hughes 
Aircraft. In 1976 he started his 
own company Solec Interna- 
tional, which he later sold. 

He was granted U.S. citizen- 
ship, but had to give it up to 
become ambassador. 

Despite his absence, 
Shahryar remained active in 
Afghanistan's affairs, serving as 
an informal adviser to former 
King Zahir Shah, during his 
long exile in Italy. 

Shahryar spoke as part of 
the Office of International Pro- 
gram (OIP)'s Ambassadorial 
Lecture Series. He was intro- 
duced by OIP Director Saul 
Sosnowski and spoke briefly 
before inviting questions from 
the audience. 

After taking the final ques- 
tion, he told the audience that 
many student volunteers had 
signed up to help in hospitals 
and teach English in Afghani- 
stan. He invited those present 
to join them. 

"Or perhaps in a few years 
you will come as tourists and 
visit theTora Bora area," he said. 

Connecting Life and the Sciences 


Venroy Joseph, a graduate student in the College Life Sciences, explains Prof. 
Michele Dudash's work in genetic evolution during the poster session at the 
recent Bioscience Research & Technology Review Day The event featured 
research talks, presentations, mini-symposia and demonstrations by university scientists. 
The program provided, among other things, an opportunity for executives and profes- 
sionals in industry and government to discover the most recent advances in bioscience 
and biotechnology at the university and to recruit employees and investigate job 

Seminar: Israeli Occupation is the Issue 

Continued from page 1 

ed to "state-sponsored terror." 
He traced the changes in the 
Bush administration's position 
on the Palestinian-Israeli peace 
process, and detailed Palestinian 
objections to the Bush 
"roadmap" for a two-state solu- 
tion. Addressing Bush's calls for 
the removal of Palestinian 
leader Yasser Arafat, Jahshan 
said, "Arafat is not the issue. 
Israeli military occupation is 
the issue." 

Makovsky outlined the Israeli 
point of view with regard to the 
crisis. He noted that conditions 
now are less favorable than dur- 
ing the 1990s peace process; 
Arafat is now "discredited for 
his refusal to repudiate terror- 
ism," and the Israeli government 
has shifted rightward. Makovsky 
emphasized the Israeli insis- 
tence on its security and on 
Palestinian recognition of the 
country's moral legitimacy. He 
stated that the Palestinian side 
must constrain its militants if it 
wishes to succeed in the peace 
process, and castigated the Arab 
world for not condemning the 
use of terrorism. Makovsky 
acknowledged that Israel's mov- 
ing forward with settlements in 
the West Bank had violated the 
"spirit, but not the letter" of its 
agreement with the Palestini- 
ans; in the question-and-answer 
session after the panel, he and 
Jahshan agreed that an aggres- 
sive settlement policy is incom- 
patible with seeking peace. 

The other panel, "The Iraq 

Crisis," was moderated by Jillian 
Schwedler of the Department of 
Government and Politics. The 
panelists were Geoffrey Kemp, 
director of regional strategic 
programs at the Nixon Center; 
and Hafez Mirazi, Washington 
bureau chief of the Arabic satel- 
lite TV news channel Al-Jazeera. 
Kemp spoke on several differ- 
ent scenarios of a postwar Iraq. 
He faulted analogies between 
Iraq and the post-WWU occupa- 
tion and reconstruction of 
Japan, saying that they do not 
take into account that Iraq, 
unlike Japan, is not a homoge- 
neous society, and there is no 
figurehead such as the emperor 
whom an American occupying 
force could hold up as a symbol 
of continuity amid transition. 
Kemp also discussed some "seri- 
ous considerations" with regard 
to a war in Iraq, such as the pos- 
sibility that Saddam Hussein 
might employ weapons of mass 
destruction or that a siege of 
Baghdad (with its population of 
five million people) might be 
necessary. Theorizing how 
Iraq's neighbors might react to 
a U.S. war with Iraq, he specu- 
lated that a "quick, successful 
war" might send a message to 
Syria and Iran to rethink their 
associations with the terrorist 
group Hezbollah, and noted that 
Turkey is concerned that an 
independent Kurdish state in 
northern Iraq would set a bad 
precedent for its own restive 
Kurdish population. 

Mirazi 's presentation focused 
extensively on Arab public opin- 
ion with regard to U.S. -Arab 
relations and the crisis in Iraq. 
He said that many Arabs were 
offended that the Bush govern- 
ment had waited rather than 
immediately repudiating the 
anti-Islamic remarks made by 
powerful members of the Chris- 
tian right. He discussed his net- 
work and how, while it is criti- 
cized by many in America for 
airing tapes of Osama bin 
Laden, in the Arab world it is 
often perceived as excessively 
pro-U.S. or pro-Israel. Like 
Makovsky, who noted that the 
Israeli settlement issue is a 
volatile one more for Its symbol- 
ism than for the actual percent- 
age of land involved, Mirazi 
mentioned the significance of 
psychology in U.S. -Arab rela- 
tions, and how the perception 
among some Arabs that they 
have been stripped of their dig- 
nity leads to resentment toward 
the United States. 

The event was organized by 
ShibleyTelhami, who holds the 
Anwar Sadat Chair. At a lunch- 
eon following the seminar; Tel- 
hatni emphasized the impor- 
tance of combating not just ter- 
rorism, but also the circum- 
stances that foster terrorism, 
and giving a nuanced picture of 
the complex issues at hand in 
the Middle East. 

— Christine Moritz, Office of 
International Programs 

DECEMBER 3, 2002 

2003 Student Affairs 

The 29th annual Student Affairs 
Conference , " Flo urishing in 
Extraordinary Times," scheduled 
for Feb. 14, 2003, will examine 
the current climate in higher 
education and consider ways to 
flourish iti that environment. 
Program proposals may address 
campus environment, ways to 
respond to these extraordinary 
times, or a combination of both. 

Send program proposals to 
Andrea Goodwin at agoodwin® or to 2 1 18 
Mitchell Building by Dec. 9- The 
tide should be a maximum of 
12 words and the abstract a 
maximum of 50. Include formal 
objectives, presentation format, 
audio/visual requirements and 
intended audience. For more 
information, contact Andrea 
Goodwin at (301) 3148206 or 





In a special event for World 
AIDS day, panelists from the 
worlds of business, nonprofits 
and government will discuss the 
economic impact of HIV/AIDS 
and its effects on, and the res- 
ponse of, the business commu- 
nity.The round table discussion 
will take place Tuesday, Dec. 3 
from 5:30 to 7 1524 Van 
Munching Hall. 

For more information, contact 
Paul Dowling at (301) 405-9464 
or pdowling2003@rhsmith. 

Celebrate the season with spe- 
cial menu selections from 
around the world. Menu selec- 
tions vary daily through Dec. 
20. Our grand holiday buffet 
will be available each Friday. 

• Tuesday, Dec. 3: Italian 
■ Wednesday, Dec. 4: 

El Salvadorian 

• Thursday, Dec. 5: Greek 

• Friday, Dec. 6: 
Williamsburg Buffet 

The Rossborough's regular 
restaurant menu is available 
Monday through Thursday in 
addition to the daily specials. 
Reservations are required. For 
more information, contact Pam 
Whidow at (301) 314-8013 or 
p whitlow® din ing . umd . edu . 

The Stamp Student Union will 
host two activities focused on 
the giving of gifts. 

The Art and Learning Center 
will hold a Holidady Craft Fair 
with gifts for Christmas, Hanuk- 
kah and Kwanzaa on Monday 
and Tuesday, Dec. 2 and 3, from 
10 a.m. to 5 p.m. The event will 
be held in the Grand Ballroom. 
For more information, call (301) 

House Science Committee Visits Campus 

Members of the House Science Committee toured various campus facilities last 
week, including the Geoscience Isotope facility, the new Chemistry wing, the 
Neutral Buoyancy Lab and the Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center. The 
group concluded the day at the Comcast Center with a tour led by Tracy Gletow of 
Intercollegiate Athletics (second from, right, above). The event was organized by Rae 
Grad, director of federal relations for the university, in conjunction with Diane Jones, 
assistant staff director for the House Science Committee. 

Life Sciences: Creating Diverse Bonds 

Continued from page 1 

dent for research and dean of 
the graduate school. From 10 
a.m. to 1:30 p. m.,the guests 
visited various graduate 
departments and programs. 
After the tours, a Research 
Forum was held in the Balti- 
more Room of the Stamp Stu- 
dent Union, followed by a din- 
ner hosted by the Norma 
Allewell, dean of the College 
of Life Sciences. 

"It is our hope that the facul- 
ty who visit the university will 
return to their respective 
schools and encourage their 
top students to attend our six- 
week summer research pro- 
gram for minority life science 
students and later apply to 
graduate school at the Universi- 
ty of Maryland "Anderson said. 

In the fall of 2002, Anderson 
and Earlene Armstrong, assis- 
tant professor in the Depart- 
ment of Entomology, visited 
Howard University, Lincoln 
University, Hampton Universi- 
ty, Norfolk Universiry.Tougaloo 
College, Hunter College, York 
College, Clark Atlanta Universi- 
ty and Spelman College. 

The diversity program 
began in the fall of 2001 with 
visits to Morgan State Universi- 
ty, Maryland Eastern Shore 
(UMES), North Carolina Cen- 
tral University, North Carolina 
A&T State University, Jackson 
State University, Alcorn State 
University, Morehouse College 
and Spelman College. Ten 
additional universities will be 
visited in 2003. 

Anderson said since the pro- 
gram is still young it is difficult 
to measure its success. 
"We're getting on the map 
now," Anderson said. 

Armstrong agrees the pro- 
gram has not been In exis- 
tence long enough to measure 
success, but added the partici- 
pating institutions seem to 
have a positive view on form- 
ing a collaborative effort to 
diversify the graduate student 

"The more exposure the 
people have to the campus, 
the more positive feelings they 
have," which will in turn bene- 
fit the diversity program, Arm- 
strong said. 

— Meghan Hirst, 
junior, journalism 

Also, the Jewish Social Action 
Committee will be collecting 
old, unused cell phones to be 
donated to victims of domestic 
abuse. Phones can be dropped 
off Monday to Thursday, Dec. 2 
to 5, outside the union. For 
more information, e-mail 
wsabow@wam . umd . edu . 

tact Alicia Simon at (301) 314- 
ARTS or asimon@unlon.umd. 

Sponsored by Weekends® 
Maryland and the Art & Learn- 
ing Center, this free event gives 
participants the opportunity to 
make their own handcrafted 
gifts, cards and giftwrap. The 
event will take place on Friday, 
Dec. 6. from 2 to 5 p.m. in the 
Art & Learning Center (room 
B0107 in the Stamp Student 
For more information, con- 

The university observatory has 
open house evenings on the 
5th and 20th of each month. 
From November through April, 
the program begins at 8 p.m. 
with a short lecture followed 
by observation through the tel- 
escopes if the weather permits. 

On Thursday, Dec. 5 at 8 p.m., 
Derek Richardson will present 
"Using Earth's Tides to Make 
Asteroid Moons." 

For more information, con- 
tact Elizabeth warner at (301) 
405-6555 or warnerem@astro., or visit www.astro. 

The university golf course is fill- 
ing up quickly for December 
events. Those planning a holi- 
day party for their department, 
family, friends, etc., should call 
soon to reserve space. 

The following dates are still 

• Monday, Dec. 2 (any time) 

• Tuesday, Dec. 3 (any time) 

• Saturday, Dec. 7 (night only) 

• Sunday, Dec. 15 (any time) 

• Thursday, Dec. 19 (7 P-m. or 


For information regarding 
catering or to book space, con- 
tact Nancy Loomis at (301) 314- 
6631 or nloomis@dining.umd. 