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Page 8 


Vol tune lg • Number i 'January 28, 1003 

Race, Geography 
Factors in Md. 
Death Penalty 

Race affects the way 
death penalty cases are 
handled in Maryland, 
mainly influencing prosecutors' 
decisions early in the process, 
says a study from a university 
criminologist and statistician. 
The study also finds substantia! 
variations in the way Maryland 
jurisdictions deal with capital 

"Disparities in treatment start 
at the earliest stages of prosecu- 
tion " says Raymond Paternoster, 
the study's principal investiga- 
tor. "These differences are not 
exacerbated at trial or actual 
sentencing phases, but they aJso 
don't get corrected then. So dis- 
parities persist." 

Conducted over two and a 
half years, this statistical analysis 
of thousands of public records 
is the most exhaustive study 
ever of Maryland's application 
of the death penalty. The 
researchers examined records 
of every homicide prosecution 
in which the death penalty 
might have been applied 
between 1978, when the law 
took effect, and 1999. They 

See DEATH PENALTY, page 5 

Baby, It's 
Cold Outside 

When weather forecasters 
begin making snow and ice pre- 
dictions, Harry Teabout loses 
sleep. He frets and looks out the 
window a lot. It bothers his 

"She says she doesn't sleep 
either," jokes Teabout, director 
of building and landscape serv- 

It isTeabout's job, with the 
help of an early-rising crew, to 
determine if the campus can 
open after one of nature's dust- 
ings or dumpings of frozen pre- 
cipitation. He knows that at 4 
a.m. , just after snow falls or dur- 
ing, he and assistant director 
Kevin Brown need to walk the 
campus to assess its condition. 
By 5 a.m.,they can call Vice 
President for Academic Affairs 
and Provost William Destler to 
make their recommendation. He 
then calls George Cathcart, 
director of university communi- 
cations, who will make sure 
news outlets, the university Web 
site and weather hotline have 
the correct information. 

Back outside, the broom crew 

See SNOW, page 6 

Taking Safety to New Depths 


University Diving Safety Officer Bill Sarro (left) oversees the process as aerospace engineering under- 
graduate student John Mularski helps graduate student Jeffrey Smithanik suit up for diving. 

Few people on cam- 
pus can boast a job 
description that 
includes getting into 
a wetsuit and diving into a 
body of water. However, 
there are actually several 
underwater projects that 

involve university 
researchers. It is Bill Sarro s 
job to make sure the work is 
both productive and safe. 

As Maryland's dive safety 
officer, Sarro works through 
the Department of Environ- 
mental Safety (DES). He 

approves dive plans that 
must answer — in accordance 
with national standards — 
several questions that include 
where will diving take place, 
are divers going in the water 

See DIVERS, page 6 

Union Wins Right to Bargain for Employees 


ith a 64 


turnout rate in 
last week's elec- 
tion, eligible 
exempt employ- 
ees voted for 
the American 
Federation of 
State, County 
and Municipal 
(AF SCME) to 
represent them 
in collective 
issues with the 

A small 
crowd watched 
as State Higher 
Education Labor 

Relations Board (SHELRB) officials and uni- 
versity administrators counted absentee bal- 
lots and pulled totals from each of the four 
voting machines in the Grand Ballroom of the 
Stamp Student Union. Six hundred and forty 
ballots were cast, with 435 voting for Univer- 
sity Professionals United/ AFSCME representa- 
tion and 205 voting against it. 

"Participation is about what I anticipated," 
said Dale Anderson, director of personnel. 
"We wanted everyone involved to vote." 

Karl Pence, executive director of SHELRB, 

Director of Personnel Services 
Executive Director Karl Perce 

read the totals 
and congratu- 
lated the uni- 
versity on a 
smooth elec- 
tion. Union 
cheered and 
hugged each 
other after 
hearing that 
their months of 
had paid off. 
"I was sur- 
prised to see 
how many 
people were 
engaged in the 
process and 
had such excel- 
lent ideas," said 
Greg Johnson of University Relations. 

Next steps include a ratification of the vote 
by SHELRB and "down the road, sitting down 
with representatives from the exempt catego- 
ry to... create a memorandum of understand- 
ing," said Anderson. 

Non-exempt employees voted for the 
union in an election held last fall. Their bar- 
gaining team is in the process of working 
with university administration on a number 

See UNION, page 2 


Dale Anderson Heft) and SHELRB 
tally votes on election day. 

Study Begins 
at University 

Shortly before four hijacked 
airplanes slammed into the 
twin towers of the World 
Trade i Center, the Pentagon and a 
field in Pennsylvania, criminology 
and criminal justice professor Gary 
LaFree learned about a database 
composed of 74,000 terrorist 
events recorded for the entire 
world from 1970 to 1997. 

This unique database was origi- 
nally collected by the Pinkerton 
Corporation's Global Intelligence 
Service (PGIS). After a series of dis- 
cussions, officials at PGIS agreed to 
allow LaFree and colleagues to do 
a systematic study of their terror- 
ism database. With the help of 
Laura Dugan, also in the depart- 
ment, LaFree moved the PGIS data 
to the offices of the Democracy 
Collaborative at the university and 
obtained a grant from the National 
Institute of Justice to code and 
analyze them. 

"We believe that this is the most 
comprehensive data set on terror- 
ism that has ever been available to 
researchers," LaFree said. "Unlike 
most other databases on terrorism, 
the PGIS data includes political, as 
well as religious, economic and 
social acts of terrorism. Moreover, 
because the PGIS data were col- 
lected by a private business rather 
than a government entity, the data 
collectors were under no pressure 
to exclude some terrorist acts be- 
cause of political considerations. 

"And finally, unlike any other 
publicly available database, the 
PGIS data include both instances 
of domestic and international ter- 
rorism. These differences make 
the PGIS database approximately 
seven times larger than any of the 
other publicly available terrorism 

For the past two months, the 
research team at Maryland has 
been developing a plan for coding 
and analyzing these data and pre- 
testing data coding instruments. 
The official coding of the data is 
scheduled to begin in January 
2003- Because the project requires 
a substantial amount of data cod- 
ing, LaFree thought it provided a 
perfect opportunity to involve stu- 
dents in an ongoing research proj- 
ect. Accordingly, the team has 
been recruiting a large group of 
undergraduate students to help 
work on the project. There are 
plans to involve students in the 
project both by offering a three- 
hour research course (CCJS 399) 
and by hiring undergraduates as 
paid staff members. All student 
participants will be required to 
attend an extensive training ses- 
sion. Students who sign up for the 
three-hour course will also be 

See TERRORISM, page 7 

JANUARY 28, 2003 



January 28 

8-10 p.m., MacHomer Ina 

and Jack Kay Theater, Clarice 
Smith Performing Arts Center. 
Student tickets are $5 and all 
others $25. Featuring Rick 
Miller. For more information, 
contact the Clarice Smith Per- 
forming Arts Center at (301) 
405-ARTS, or visit www. 


January 29 

11 a. m.-12:1 5 p.m.. Lecture 
by Benjamin R. Barber Ren- 
nte Forum, Prince George's 
Community College. The 
author of "Jihad vs. McWorld" 
will speak on "What the Future 
Holds: Jihad, McWorld or Glob- 
al Democracy?" Reception and 
book signing immediately fol- 
lowing the lecture. For more 
information, contact Alan Mick- 
elson at (301) 322-0464 or 


January 30 

5:30 p.m.. The Mystery of 
Sesame Street Broadcasting 
Archives Reading Room, 3rd 
floor, Hornbake Library. Lec- 
ture and reception hosted by- 
Friends of the Libraries and the 
Department of History, featur- 
ing a discussion by Robert 
Morrow of the Department of 
History about what happened 
when the makers of Sesame 
Street tried to reform chil- 
dren's television. RSVP to 
Friends of the Libraries at 4- 
5674. For more information, 
contact Lori Hill at (301) 549- 
3249 or 

January 31 

7 p.m.. Oboe Masterclass 
with William McMullen 
Ulrich Recital Hall,Tawes Fine 
Arts Building. McMullen is a 
distinguished faculty artist at 
the University of Nebraska and 
former player with the New 
York Philharmonic. Free of 
charge. For more information, 
call (301) 405-5524. 

8 p.m.. Asphalt: Urban 
Dance/Opera Ina and Jack 
Kay Theatre, Clarice Smith Per- 
forming Arts Center. Presented 

Faculty Spotlight Recital 

Flights of Fancy: A Faculty Spotlight Recital will take place Fri- 
day, Jan. 31 at 8 p.m. in the Gildenhorn Recital Hall, Clarice 
Smith Performing Arts Center. School of Music faculty violin- 
ist James Stern and guest pianist Audrey Andrtst will perform a 
program of fantasias by Chopin, Schoenbecg, Schubert, Telemann 
and ViBuxtemps. Free. For more information, call (301) 405-ARTS. 

by Jane Comfort and Company. 
Tickets are $5 for full-time stu- 
dents and $25 for the public. 
Call (301) 405-ARTS for tickets 
and information, or visit www. 
cl aricesmi th center, 
(or see Stages, page 3)- 


february 1 

9 a.m.-1:30 p.m.. Girl Scout 
Engineering Saturday 3201 
J.M. Patterson. Cadette and 
Senior Girl Scout Troops can 
earn the Inventions and 
Inquiries interest project patch 
(Skill Builders 3,4,5; Technolo- 
gy 5; Service 2; Career Explo- 
ration 1,3). Space is limited to 
25 Scouts and advance registra- 
tion is required. Free. Scouts 
should bring lunch or money 
to purchase lunch at the Stamp 
Student Union. Sponsored by 
the Women In Engineering Pro- 
gram and facilitated by univer- 
sity RISE students. For more 
information, contact Paige 
Smith at 5 3931 or 

10 a.m. -4 p.m., Mark Hill 
Oboe Workshop for Middle 
& High School Students 

Gildenhorn Recital Hall, Cla- 
rice Smith Performing Arts 
Center. Featuring guest artist/ 
clinician William McMullen of 
the University of Nebraska. 
Workshop includes masterclass 
and recital performances by 
faculty artists. Registration fee 
is $25. For more information, 
call 5-5524. 

2 p.m., Hippolyte Et Aricie 
Performed by Opera La- 
fayette, Deketboum Concert 
Hall. Tickets are $5 for full-time 
students and $20-$40 for the 
public. Discounts available for 
seniors and groups. For more 
information and tickets, call 
(301) 405-ARTS or visit www. 

8 p.m., Happy Birthday, 
Mozart: Variations on a 
Theme by Mozart Gilden- 
horn Recital Hall, Clarice Smith 
Performing Arts Center. The 

School of Music's annual cele- 
bration of Mozart marks its 
20th year with a special pro- 
gram of music by other com- 
posers based on works of 
Mozart. A concert of the Schol- 
arship Benefit Series, proceeds 
provide scholarship support 
for students of the School of 
Music. Tickets are $20 for 
adults, $18 for seniors and $5 
for students. For more informa- 
tion, call (301) 405-ARTS. 

8 p.m.. Asphalt: Urban 
Dance/Opera See Jan. 31- 

february 2 

3 p.m., Happy Birthday, 
Mozart: Variations on a 
Theme by Mozart See Feb. 1. 

7:30 p.m., Ars Nova Choir 
Performance Dekelboum 
Concert Hall. Denmark's pre- 
meir chamber music choir per- 
forms. A discussion, moderated 
by WETA's Robert Aubry Davis, 
at 6:30 p.m. precedes the per- 
formance. Tickets are $5 for 
full-time students and $30 for 
the public. Discounts are avail- 
able for seniors and groups. 
For tickets and more informa- 
tion, call (301) 405-ARTS or 
visit www. claricesmithcen- (or see Stages, 
page 3). 

february 3 

RSVP by today for the 
Institute for Global Chinese 
Affairs Spring Reception in 

honor of three delegations of 
Chinese executives. See For 
Your Interest, page 8. 

RSVP by today for the 
Institute for Global Chinese 
Affairs Spring Symposium 

titled "S in o- American Relations 
in the News: Does the Media 
Reflect a Balance?" See For 
Your Interest, page 8. 

9:30 a.m. -noon, Spatial 
Analysis with ArcView GIS 

Union: Bargaining Begins 

Continued from page t 

of issues, including parking 
rates, tuition remission and 
health benefits. 

With the union victory, 
plans are being made for sur- 
veying exempt employees on 
the issues of most concern to 
them, said Carol Prier, assis- 
tant to the dean of the Clark 
School of Engineering. Park- 
ing rates, union remission and 
health benefits are sure to be 
among them. 

" Performance eva I uatio ns 
could be more fair," Prier 
added. "I'd like to see a system 
where employees evaluate 

A critical issue for Betty 
Wtneke, program manage- 
ment coordinator in the Eng- 
lish department, was whether 
tution remission benefits for 
her daughter will be transfer- 
able to other university sys- 
tem institutions. In general 
she said she is looking for- 

ward to having "a democratic 
discussion about our work 

Just over 1 ,000 exempt 
employees (1,018) were eligi- 
ble to vote. Reminders were 
sent through campus broad- 
cast e-mail encouraging all 
who could to do so, because 
the majority of ballots cast 
would decide the outcome. 
Since all eligible employees 
would be covered under any 
bargaining agreements if a 
union were elected, a few 
people could have decided 
the professional fates of all. 

In July 2001 , Gov. Parris 
Glendening approved a state 
senate bill that extended col- 
lective bargaining rights to 
University' System of Mary- 
land institutions. CurrenUy, 
nine institutions in the uni- 
versity system have voted 
AFSCME as their bargaining 

2109 McKeldin Library, The 
UM Libraries are holding a 
series of workshops onArcVlew 
this semester in 2109 McKel- 
din. They are free, but advance 
registration is required at 
www. I i b . umd . ed u /UES/gi s . 
html. The workshops explore 
the more complex query and 
spatial analysis. Prerequisite: 
familiarity using ArcView. For 
more information, contact User 
Education Services at 5-9070 
or, or visit 
www.lib. html. 

8 p.m.. University of Mary- 
land Symphony Orchestra 
Concert Dekelboum Concert 
Hall, Clarice Smith Performing 
Arts Center. The university's 
critically acclaimed symphony 
orchestra presents its first con- 
cert of the new year. The pro- 
gram includes Shostakovich's 
Violin Concerto no. 1 featuring 
Nathan Bartley, winner of the 
UMSO 2002-2003 Concerto 
Competition. Also, a rare per- 
formance of Straus's Don 
Quixote and Lutoslawski's 
Symphonic Variations conduct- 
ed by Ruben Gimeno. Free. For 
more information, call (301) 
405-ARTS or visit www. 

february 4 

12:45-4 p.m., OIT Short- 
course Training: Introduc- 
tion to HTML 4404 Computer 
& Space Science. Participants 
will learn how to format a 
basic Web page, including text 
and paragraph formatting, spe- 
cial text characters hyperlinks 
and graphics. Other topics like 
proper use of graphics, sounds 
and general practices will also 

be discussed. The prerequisites 
for the class are familiarity 
with the Web and Netscape. 
The class fee is $40. To regis- 
ter, visit 
For more information, contact 
Jane S.Wieboldt at 5-0443 or 

or additional event list- 
ings, visit www college 

calendar guide 

Calendar phone numbers listed as 4-xxxx or 5-xxxx stand for the prefix 314 or 405. Calendar information for Outlook is complied from a combination of InforM's 
master calendar and submissions to the Outlook office. Submissions are due two weeks prior to the date of publication. To reach the calendar editor, cat! 
405-7615 or send e-mail to outtooS<@accmail. 


Owbek is the weekly faculty-stiff 
newspaper serving the University of 
Maryland campus community, 

Brodie Remington '■Vice 
President for University Relations 

Teresa Flannery • Execunvc 
Director, University 
Communications and Marketing 

George Cathcart ■ Executive 

Monecte Austin Bailey ■ Editor 

Cynthia Mitchel * An Director 

Robert K. Gardner ■ Graduate 

Letters to the editor, story sugges- 
tions and campus information are 
welcome. Please submit .ill material 
two weeks before the Tuesday of 

Send material to Editor, Oiiffooi'. 
21U1 Turner Half, College Park, 
MD 20742 

Telephone* (301) 405-4629 
Fax • (301) 314-9344 
E-mail • 





Capturing the Nordic Spirit 

Here on their debut 
American tour, Scan- 
dinavia's foremost 
chamber music choir, Ars 
Nova, will present "Nordic 
Voices," an evening of 
Renaissance and contempo- 
rary Scandinavian music at 
the Clarice Smith Perfor- 
ming Arts Center Sunday, 
Feb. 2 at 7:30 p.m. in the 
Dekelboum Concert Hall. 
Internationally renowned 
British choral conductor 
Paul Hiliier, a co-founder and 
artistic director of the 

wondrous performances of 
early music, but also with 
modem music from the past 
25 years. Ars Nova has 
showcased the works of 
leading Scandinavian classi- 
cal and jazz composers such 
as Poul Ruders, Hans Abra- 
hamscn and Palle Mikkel- 
borg and has also given the 
premieres of more than 150 
new choral compositions 
including an experimental 
stage work by Danish Hotel 
Pro Forma and choreogra- 
pher Bill Forsythe of the 

acclaimed Hilliard Ensem- 
ble, will lead the choir. The 
performance will be preced- 
ed by a discussion at 6:30 
p.m. moderated by WETA's 
"Around Town" host Robert 
Aubry Davis. 

A pioneering group in 
Renaissance vocal music, 
Ars Nova brings a musical 
program of richly sung 
ancient melodies and avant- 
garde selections from com- 
posers including Obrecht, 
Byrd, Nielsen, Per Norgard, 
and Arvo Part. The Ottawa 
Citizen says that Ars Nova is 
"extremely musical, and 
both serious and adventure- 
some in programming." The 
New York Times praised Ars 
Nova at Danish Wave '99, a 
festival of Danish art and 
culture, noting that "Paul 
Hiliier drew a consistently 
ravishing sound from the 

The group has enthralled 
audiences not only with its 

For ticket information or to 
request a season brochure, 
contact the Ticket Office at 
301 .405. ARTS or visit www. 
clar ice smithce titer, u n id . edu . 

Qarice Smith 
Performing Arjs 

CeNTERAT Maryiand 

'A Danish ensemble 
that seems to have 
perfected matters of 
blend, intonation and 
clarity."— Fanfare 

Stuttgart Ballet. 

The charismatic 12- voice 
choir has presented more 
than one thousand concerts 
and broadcasts throughout 
Scandinavia and Europe and 
has toured in Israel, Japan, 
Brazil and Ghana. The group 
began performing in 1979. 
The 1 2 singers have worked 
with Peter Philips of The 
Tallis Scholars, Bruno Turner 
of Pro Cantione Antiqua, the 
Dutch recorder and viella 
player Kees Boeke, who spe- 
cializes in medieval reper- 
toire, and Gary Bertini of the 
Jerusalem Symphony 

A recipient of the Danish 
equivalent of a Grammy 
award for their Nicolas 
Gombert recording, "Sacred 
Music" and a Diapason d'Or 
in France ("Best Classical 
CD") forjosquin des Prez: 
"Motets & Chansons," Ars 
Nova is sponsored by the 
Danish Ministry of Cultural 
Affairs, the Organization of 
Danish Professional Choirs 
and private foundations. 

Tickets for Ars Nova are 
$30. For more information, 
call (301) 405-ARTS. 

Takin' It to the Streets 

Jane Comfort & Company Present Area Debut of "Asphalt" 

/^~/ a2z, classical, hip- 
jVj hop, Latin and 
^^-f^ African rhythms 
\-~s intertwine with 

fragments of poetry, song and 
visuals in the compelling land- 

dreamlike mission on the 
streets of New York City. There 
he begins to unlock his past, 
escaping into a world made 
right by music. 
"Asphalt" was bom after 

scape of Jane Comfort's dance 
opera "Asphalt," making its area 
debut at the Clarice Smith Per- 
forming Arts Center, Friday, 
Jan. 31 and Saturday, Feb. 1 at 8 

With the book and lyrics by 
poet and dramatist Carl Han- 
cock Rux, "Asphalt" is an urban 
dance opera work that blends 
the worlds of club raves, DJ 
sampling, jazz and Latin/ 
African rhythms. Commis- 
sioned by the American Dance 
Festival and the Joyce Theatre, 
it tells the story of Racine, an 
artist abandoned as a child and 
unable to recall his past, who 
sets out on a strange and 

Comfort saw one of Rux's 
"amazing, fiery performances 
in which he sang the words as 
much as spoke them.'While 
for years she wrote her own 
texts, she sought a playwright 
to collaborate with after work- 
ing on Tennessee Williams' 
play"The Glass Menagerie." 
Friends recommended Rux. 
After she got a book of his 
poetry, she was hooked. "The 
piece in the book that attract- 
ed me the most was a short 
story version of 'Asphalt,' and 
when I proposed making it 
into a music theatre piece, 
Rux said that he had been 
thinking the same thing for a 

while. And so we began," 

"Asphalt" is one of several 
contemporary works by 
visionary choreographer, 
writer and director Jane Com- 
fort, who takes on current cul- 
tural and social issues 
with a unique mix of 
empathy, humor and 
experimentation. Her 
recent works include: 
"Underground River," 
which received the 
1998 Bessie Award as a 
"risk taking and pro- 
found theatrical tour 
de force" in 1998; 
"Three Bagatelles for 
the Righteous "a series 
of three dances to 
music that weave 
together sound bites of 
political and religious 
leaders like Newt Gin- 
grich and Pat Robert- 
son; and "S/he ," a work 
that uses gender and 
racial reversals to 
make a statement about politi- 
cal and social issues. 

The New York Times has 
called Comfort "a post-mod- 
ernist pioneer in the use of 
verbal material in dance." Jane 
Comfort & Company uses "a 
huge range of resources — 
singing, dancing, acting, film, 
puppetry, ballroom dancing, 
boxing, cross dressing, roller 
skating and sign language that 
creates deeply layered works 
that push the limits of what is 
normally called dance or 

Tickets for "Asphalt" are $25. 
For more information call, 
(301) 405-ARTS. 

Theatre Department Hosts Regional Festival 

"Lan u 1 1 k Project ' ' Showcased 

he University of Maryland recently 
hosted the Region II festival of the 
Kennedy Center/American College The- 
atre Festival (KC/ACTF). Started in 1969, the 
ACTF is a national theatre program that cele- 
brates the finest theater at colleges and tini 
versifies throughout the nation, organized 
through eight regional festivals. 

Region II encompassed New York, New Jer- 
sey, Pennsylvania, Delaware and the District 
of Columbia, One thousand students and fac- 
ulty gathered for theatre performances, work- 
shops, symposia and scholarship competi- 
tions in theatrical design, stage directing and 
performance. University of Maryland faculty 
and recent theatre graduates participated in a 
third of the presented workshops. 

Participants in the regional festival included 
the University of Maryland, Goucher College, 
Towson University, New York University, 
Syracuse University, Juniata College, Rowan 
University, Montclair State University, Indiana 

University of Pennsylvania, John Jay College 
of Criminal Justice, Long Island University 
and Slippery Rock University. 

One of Maryland's own productions, "The 
Laramie Project," was showcased at the 
regional festival and considered for entry into 
the national competition held at the Kennedy 
Center in the spring. Theatre student Pegi 
Marhsall-Amundsen was nominated for the 
Barbizon Award for Theatrical Design for her 
set design for "The Laramie Project." Zuanna 
Sherman, Eve Rounds, Martin Kivlighan and 
Wil Green were nominated for the Irene Ryan 
Acting Award Category. "Laramie" was also 
nominated in the ensemble category. 

"We were honored to host the regional fes- 
tival and to showcase the Clarice Smith Per 
forming Arts Center, the Department of The- 
atre, the College of Arts and Humanities and 
the University on a national level," said 
Daniel McLean Wagner, acting chair of the 
Department of Theatre. 

JANUARY 28, 2003 

Bringing History into Focus 

Cathy Gorn laughs easily 
and loves what she 
does. Good thing. Last 
fall, Gorn, who is exec- 
utive director of the ever-grow- 
ing National History Day Inc. pro- 
gram, was tapped by President 
George Bush for a leading role in 
a national educational history 

Gorn, who learned of her 
involvement just two months 
before it was announced last Sep- 
tember, realizes that she's inherit- 
ed quite a task, but looks forward 
to helping impart the importance 
of history and active citi- 
zenship to Americans. 

"Our Documents; A 
National Initiative on Amer- 
ican History, Civics and Ser- 
vice," is a collection of 100 
documents spanning from 
1776 to 1965 that are con- 
sidered milestones of the 
nation's heritage. The initia- 
tive asks teachers to help 
students look at how rights 
and responsibilities have 
changed over time. A Web 
site, www.ourdocuments. 
gov, includes high resolu- 
tion scans and full texts of 
the documents, details 
about competitions for stu- 
dents and teachers, cur- 
riculum ideas and more. 

This is a very substan- 
tive program that we hope 
will make a huge differ- 
ence on how people think 
of themselves as citizens," 
says Gom.Tm not sure 
enough people understand 
that while we have all 
these rights, what do we 
owe in terms of those rights?" 

Some of the documents may 
be familiar in this discussion, 
such as the Bill of Rights or the 
Declaration of Independence, 
while others are less known, like 
the Dawes Act of 1887 that 
helped break up tribally held 
Native American reservations into 
parcels for individuals. In any 
case, intense research and 
thought went into the final selec- 
tion, individuals from the Nation- 
al Archives, the Corporation for 
National & Community Service 
and USA/Freedom Corps all 
worked to create an accessible, 
informative and interesting initia- 
tive. The time period was chosen 
because of its significance in 
America's development (and, as 
Gorn explains, because it is easier 
to help students analyze history 
than it is to work through the sig- 
nificance of currerit events). Doc- 
uments produced during that 
189-year period mark America's 
defining of itself. 

"From the time when we 
declared ourselves a country to 
the Voting Rights Act of 1 965," 
says Gorn, admitting that it was 
difficult to decide what should 
and shouldn't be in this initial 
effort. The public will be asked 
to vote on the top 10 most signif- 
icant documents this fall through 
the Web site. Gorn looks forward 
to reading the reasoning behind 
people's choices. She also has a 
few more current documents 
she'd like to add to the list. 

"Nixon's resignation letter, the 
'" " Roe v. Wade decision," she says. 

It would be great, Gorn and 
colleagues believe, if state 
archivists created similar lists on 
a more local level. 

Her work on the "Our Docu- 
ments" project perfectly comple- 
ments what Gam's been doing 
with National History Day 
(NHD). This year's NHD theme is 
"Rights and Responsibilities in 
History." In its 29th year and its 
22nd year based on campus, 
NHD is a year-long competition 
that combines the efforts of 
teachers, students, historians, 
archivists and institutions of high- 


Cathy Gorn, executive director of National 
History Day Inc., believes that educating 
American schoolchildren on the importance 
of their rights and responsibilities creates a 
more civically involved adult. 

er education in an effort to create 
better prepared, more knowl- 
edgeable citizen s.Young people 
from grades six through 12 
research topics in either "local, 
national or world history and 
investigate its historical signifi- 
cance and relationship to the 
theme," according to this year's 
NHD sourcebook. Exhibits, per- 
formances and papers demon- 
strate their findings, which are 
then evaluated by historians and 
educators. Competitions, where 
students are divided into a junior 
division (grades 6-8) and a senior 
division (grades 9-12), are held at 
the district, state and national 
level, with the final contest held 
at Maryland every summer. This 
year's competition will be held 
June 15-19. More than 700,000 
students and 40,000 teachers 
annually take part. 

"For the first time, there's a 
teacher competition due in 
March. They have to develop a 
lesson plan on a document or 
related topic," says Gorn."They 
have to pilot it in the classroom 
and get letters of recommenda- 
tion from students. 

"It's very important to give 
teachers recognition and encour- 
agement. There are some really 
good things happening in the 

Gorn says the umbrella theme 
for both NHD and "Our Docu- 
ments" is to get people talking 
about citizenship through the 
lens of history. "You will find the 
good, the bad and the ugly in 
these discussions, but that's OK." 

Center on Aging Program Aids National Efforts 


Pam Parker, of Minnesota Senior Health Options; Mark Meiners, associate director of the university's 
Center on Aging and William Clark, with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, receive recogni- 
tion for their achievements in advancing Medicare and Medicaid integration. 

The university's Center 
on Aging continues its 
leadership in national 
health and long-term care 
policy through ongoing initia- 
tives such as the Medicare/ 
Medicaid Integration Program 

Formed to address prob- 
lems created by a lack of inte- 
gration between the two giant 
health programs, the Robert 
Wood Johnson Foundation 
(RWJF>sponsored MMIP has 
provided 1 3 states with grant 
support and technical assis- 
tance to restructure the way 
they finance and deliver acute 
and long-term care. They are: 
Colorado, Connecticut, Flori- 
da, Maine, Massachusetts, Min- 
nesota, New Hampshire, New 
York, Oregon, Rhode Island, 
Texas , Ve rmo nt , Wash ington 
and Wisconsin. 

"We set the stage for open- 
ing people's minds to what 
integrated long-term care is all 
about," says Center Associate 
Director Mark Meiners. Mein- 
ers, who was just awarded a 
$640,000 grant from the John- 
son Foundation to continue 
his work as MMIP's national 
program director, also recendy 
received a recognition award 
from the MMIP noting his 
"dedication and achievements 
in advancing Medicare and 
Medicaid integration." Despite 
tough economic times in 
almost every state, Meiners is 
confident the program will 
continue to help states find 
ways to serve an "emerging 
large population of elderly 
and disabled clients." 

"We're in the phase I call 
lessons learned," says Meiners. 
"We're focusing on issues of 
private care, case manage- 
ment and private care case 
coordination .... How do we 
go about developing provider 

At a MMIP Technical Assis- 
tance Workshop in December, 
officials from the federal Cen- 
ters for Medicare and Medic- 

aid Services (CMS) along with 
state and other policymakers 
gathered to discuss issues 
related to managing and 
improving health and long- 
term care for the primarily 
low-income and aged, blind or 
disabled individuals who are 
eligible for both federal health 
programs (dual eligibles). 
Meiners says streamlining 
these systems is often a chal- 
lenging, difficult process. 

CMS officials reported that 
they had already been suc- 
cessful in putting state and 
federal officials "all in the 
same place." They also have 
begun to find solutions to the 
problems created by the frag- 
mentation of financing, case 
management and service 
delivery inherent in the exist- 
ing system. Attesting to 
MMIP's value to the integra- 
tion movement, Judy Berek, 
CMS principal advisor to the 
administrator of national poli- 
cy implementation, told atten- 
dees that CMS was looking for 
input from the program direc- 
tors. "What do you want from 
us?" she asked, saying that 
CMS wants to identify things 
that they can do in the future 
with MMIP participants that 
don't require changes in law 
or regulation, but do solve sys- 
temic problems. 

During 2002, the MMIP also 
published technical papers on 
topics such as using managed 
care models to improve care 
and survey methods to use in 
getting feedback from this 
population. Last March, it 
sponsored a campus confer- 
ence at which CMS Adminis- 
trator Thomas Scully 
announced the formation of a 
technical advisory group to 
provide a forum for solutions 
to the fragmentation that the 
MMIP has not only studied, 
but also frequently spodight- 
ed in reports and press releas- 
es during the past few years. 

In looking to the future, 
Meiners noted that because of 

the groundwork already laid 
by MMIP programs, other 
states wanting to join in the 
integration movement "won't 
have to start at square one." 
The Program for All Inclusive 
Care for the Elderly (PACE), 
now an official Medicare pro- 
gram and perhaps the most 
well known, leading edge pro- 
gram providing integrated 
care for dual eligibles, contin- 
ues to grow while both shar- 
ing lessons learned with other 
MMIP participants and gain- 
ing knowledge from its pro- 

What may slow such 
progress is timing. "These are 
tough public policy issues and 
now we're in tough economic 
times. These were challenging 
topics to address before, with 
the backlash on managed 
care," says Meiners. 

As of 2002, there are 6.2 
million dually eligible individ- 
uals. They represent 17.2 per- 
cent of the Medicare popula- 
tion and 24 percent of 
Medicare costs. In addition, 
they represent 18.9 percent 
of Medicaid beneficiaries and 
35 percent of Medicaid costs. 

Center on Aging researchers 
are involved with many of the 
health, economic and social 
policy issues that concern us 
as we grow older. Besides the 
MMIP, among the issues the 
center is focusing on are the 
costs and liabilities of private 
insurance coverage for long- 
term care, and giving con- 
sumers who require personal 
assistance services greater 
choice and control concern- 
ing who, when and how these 
services are provided. 

"This is interesting stuff and 
fun stuff," says Meiners, adding 
that a next step is to help lay 
people understand and apply 
what's being learned to every- 
day care. 

For more information about 
the program and the center, 
visit the MMIP Web site at 



Network Develops Skills, Fosters Unity 

Seven staff members joined 
the Peer Consulting Net- 
work last month and spent two 
winter break days in a work- 
shop on process consolation 
skills and leadership coaching. 
Their formal orientation was 
held in Dececmber.The volun- 
teer network works out of the 
Office for Organizational Effec- 
tiveness (OOE). 

The new members work in 
teams with more experienced 
consultants on campus proj- 
ects. For many, it is a chance to 
complement their full-time 
positions with skills learned 
while working as group facilita- 
tors and process consultants. 

"It's a chance to get to know 
a lot of different people and 
parts of the university," says 
Wallace Eddy, assistant to the 
director of Campus Recreation 
Services/It leis us expand our 

Consultations vary by time, 
length and intensity, Eddy says 
he appreciates the program's 
flexibility and looks forward to 
the work. 

"Everyone I've met seems so 
committed to the university. 
It's an energizing kind of 
thing," he says, adding that it's 
especially encouraging to see 
this kind of cohesion when the 
campus faces tough times. 

Vicky Foxworth, director of 
OOE, says a new class of con- 
sultants comes aboard approxi- 
mately once a year. "We try to 
keep it close to four or five 


Back row, from left: Jackie Wheeler, director of Baltimore Incentive Awards; Gloria Aparicio, assistant to the 
vice president for administrative affairs; Joelle Davis Carter, program director for diversity, recruitment and 
retention for the College of Mathematical and Physical Sciences; and Makeba Clay, associate director of stu- 
dent affairs, School of Public Affairs and director of the Maryland Leadership Institute. Front row: Andre 
Nottingham, associate director of the Academic Achievement Program; Jane Fines, a director at the Clark 
School of Engineering; and Wallace Eddy, assistant to the director of Campus Recreation Services. 

people, but we had such a 
great group of interested and 
talented folks this year. Right 
now, we have 25 total," she 
says."We feel that that's the 
largest number of people we 
can have in the network, so 
that we can give them ade- 
quate training and coaching to 

be able to best serve the cam- 
pus community." 

This month's workshop 
paired members of the net- 
work to strengthen skill areas 
in which each identified an 
interest. Members will then be 
matched with consultations 
that help them work on those 

skill sets. OOE staff will meet 
with those pairs to go over 
their process consultation and 
professional and organizational 
development plans. 

For more information on the 
network, call Laura Scott at 
(301) 405 7584 or Foxworth at 
(301)405-5249. . . 

Death Penalty: Bias Seen in State's Judicial System 

Continued from page 1 


* By itself, the offender's race 
does not play a clear role in the 
way cases are handled, but the 
victim's race does make a dif- 
ference. Defendants accused of 
killing white victims are signifi- 
cantly more likely to face the 
death penalty than cases with 
non- white victims. 

■ When the race of the offend- 
er and victim are examined 
together, the study finds: Black 
offenders who kill blacks are 
significantly less likely to face 
the death penalty, while black 
offenders who kill whites are 
significantly more likely to face 
a death sentence than all other 
racial combinations. 

• Prosecutors in different juris- 
dicdons exhibit considerable 
variation in the extent to 
which they seek the death 

■ These trends are detected in 
the early stages of prosecution 
when state's attorneys decide 
whether to seek a death sen- 
tence. They are not detected 
later— after conviction when 
prosecutors make a final deci- 
sion whether to pursue a death 
sentence, or in the final judg- 
ment by judges or juries. But 

the initial disparity is not cor- 
rected at these later stages, so 
its effects persist. 

"It would be incorrect to 
conclude that these results 
point to racial animus in the 
death penalty system," Pater- 
noster says ."Other explana- 
tions are possible and this 
study doesn't allow us to get 
inside prosecutors' heads. But it 
does systematically allow a 21- 
year record of homicide prose- 
cutions to speak. The record 
says race and geography do 
play a role in prosecutors' deci- 
sions to pursue a death sen- 
tence." ? j 


Since 1987, four studies have 
examined charges of racial 
disparity and arbitrary jurisdic- 
tional differences in the han- 
dling of Maryland death penal- 
ty cases. All have suffered from 
two deficiencies: They did not 
look at every case in which the 
death penalty could have been 
sought, and they failed to con- 
sider the effects of various case 
characteristics that might mas- 
querade as racial effects and 
lead to false conclusions. 

This study was designed to 
correct these inadequacies. 
Based on prison and prosecu- 

tion records, researchers con- 
cluded there were nearly 6,000 
homicide prosecutions in 
Maryland between 1978 and 
1999. They then determined 
which of these cases were 
death eligible — met the mini- 
mum legal requirements for 
application of the death penal- 
ty. In all but 300 cases, this 
determination was clear-cut. To 
handle the ambiguous cases, 
researchers convened a panel 
of expert defense and prosecu- 
tion lawyers. All together, 1 ,3 1 1 
cases between 1978 and 1999 
met the definition of death eli- 

Researchers then combed 
the prison, court, prosecution, 
defense, police and public 
health records of these 1,311 
cases looking for detailed infor- 
mation about characteristics of 
the defendants, victims and 
crimes. This yielded about 100 
pages of details on each case, 
which researchers translated 
into data on 123 possible 
explanatory case factors. 

In their analysis, researchers 
examined how these case fac- 
tors correlated with the way 
cases were handled at four crit- 
ical decision points: 1) prosecu- 
tors' initial decision on whether 
to seek a death sentence, by fil- 
ing a notice of intent; 2) subse- 
quent decisions on whether to 

retract this notice or let it 
"stick"; 3) prosecutors' decisions 
to press for a death sentence 
after conviction; 4) judges' or 
juries' actual sentences. 

Paternoster analyzed the data 
in two stages. When he found 
an apparent race and geograph- 
ic effect, as most earlier studies 
had, he then statistically "con- 
trolled" for the 123 variables — 
to see whether the effects 
were real. Could other case 
characteristics explain what 
first appeared to be the effects 
of race and jurisdiction? 

"Statistically, I threw the 
kitchen sink at these initial 
findings," Paternoster says. "My 
hunch was other case charac- 
teristics could at least knock 
out the race effect. But it did- 
n't. The race and geography 
effects are very robust." 

Specific Findings 
(Final Analysis) 

The Maryland Department 
of Public Safety and Cor- 
rectional Services sponsored 
the study through a research 
grant to the university at the 
direction of the Maryland Gen- 
eral Assembly, A copy of the 
final report and an executive 
summary are available online 


Spencer Benson, Department of 
Oil Biology and Molecular 
Genetics, College of Life Sci- 
ences, has won the 2002 State 
Professor of the Year Award 
given by the Carnegie Founda- 
tion for the Advancement of 
Teaching, in partnership with 
the Council for the Advance- 
nuiit and Support ol Education, 

Electrical and Computer Engi- 
neering Professor Victor Granat- 
atein has received a Fulbright 
Senior Specialists grant in Infor- 
mation Technology at the Tel 
Aviv Univeristy, The Fulbright 
Senior Specialists Program 
offers two- to six-week grants to 
leading U.S. academics and pro- 
fessionals to support curricular 
and faculty development and 
institutional planning at aca- 
demic institutions in 140 coun- 
tries around the world. 

Debbie Yow is being inducted 
into the Maryland Women's Hall 
of Fame. The ceremony is in 
March. Established in 1985, the 
Maryland Women's Hall of Fame 
seeks to honor Maryland 
women "who have made unique 
and lasting contributions to the 
economic, political, cultural and 
social life of the state, and to 
provide visible models of 
achievement for tomorrow's 
female leaders." The Hall of 
Fame is located in the Maryland 
Law Library in Annapolis. 

Criminology chair Charles Wall- 
ford has been named a lifetime 
National Associate of the 
National Academy of Sciences 
(NAS) "in recognition of extraor- 
dinary service to the National 
Academies in its role as advisor 
to the nation in matters of sci- 
ence, engineering and health." 
He is the only criminologist to 
have received this honor. Well- 
ford has also been reappointed 
to a second three-year term as 
chair of the NAS Committee on 
Law and Justices. 

Chris Abaft is University Video's 
new video editor. He's worked 
at the Rockville Channel and at 
Ogilvy Public Relations World- 
wide, where he was responsible 
for video editing, creating 
graphic elements and anima- 
tion. In addition, he has done 
production work (lighting, 
sound, etc.) and some writing 
and set design. 

Alice Middieton joined the Uni- 
versity Relations' principal gifts 
staff. She comes from University 
of Maryland University College, 
where she was an executive 
administrative assistant to the 
vice president for government 

JANUARY 28, 2003 

Snow: Campus is Ready 

Continued from page 1 

is the first mobilized. Sand is 
the first defense. 

Then "the road and parking 
crew start at 6 a.m.," says 

"Or from quitting time 
until ..." adds Brown. "The 
next crew will follow., .in 12- 
hour shifts until it's all done. 
The sidewalk crew starts with 
eight-hour shifts." 

AJ Thompson, director of 
the loss prevention 
division, mans a 
Doppler radar mon- 
itor and helps keep 
track of weather 
reports broadcast 
on four television 
monitors in the 
division's offices in 
the Service Build- 
ing. He keeps track 
of other closings 
and delays and has 
also pulled dough- 
nut duty, picking up 
the 40 dozen 
sweets that help 
motivate the 
approximately 400 
men and women 
who "can make an 
all-you-can-eat buf- 
fet look like a 
snack," jokes 

Also at 6 a.m., 
Brown and Teabout 
meet with the 
seven zone supervi- 
sors to relay the 
university's deci- 
sion and check on 
work progress. 

The last crew to 
roll in — at about 
7:30 a.m.— is the 
shovelers who take 
care of the steps. 
All trade shop 
employees work on 
this team, taking care of all 
handicapped areas, small 
walks where brushes cant 
reach and some off-campus 

Crews work with anti-icing 
solutions made of campus-pro- 
duced salt brine to keep ice 
from adhering to pavements. 
Because nearby plant life will 
be harmed if salt is used on 
sidewalks, crews are also test- 
ing a solution made from 
"brewery sludge," says Brown. 
"It's mixed with calcium chol- 
ride and has been refined. It 
smells good and looks like 
molasses." But it's expensive. 

costing $350 per 55 gallon 
drum. However, money was 
well spent on eight new cov- 
ered, heated cab tractors, "It 
makes a huge difference for 
our guys." 

This winter's frequent 
snows are great practice, says 
Brown. Improved efficiency 
means that the campus stays 
open more often, though it's 
never really closed. Residents 

Well. At Least She's 
Nice About it 

The campus' snow phone line must 
ring dozens of times on wintry morn- 
ings as callers check on the university's 
status. Closed? Open? A two-hour 
delay? A pleasant, warm recorded voice 
answers the questions, and maybe 
takes some of the sting out of bad news. 

"Sonja Kueppers, with OIT, is respon- 
sible for the message, which she leaves 
after receiving a 5 a.m. call from George 
Cathcart, director of university commu- 
nications, telling her the university's 
decision. It must be tough. 

"I try to be cheerful," she says, with a 
laugh. "I don't think it helps to be 

How did Kueppers get picked for 
phone duty? "I'm the manager of cam- 
pus information personnel and I believe 
that you shouldn't ask your staff to do 
something you're not willing to do." 

So this Takoma Park resident, who 
spent some time in Minnesota as a 
child, knows to sleep light on snow 
mornings. Though she loves this area, 
she also loves cold weather and wishes 
temperatures dropped tow more often. 
When asked what she does with her 
snow days, Kueppers answers, "Oh, my 
husband's also a university employee. 
We watch DVD movies and snuggle on 
the couch." 

need to eat, games are held. 
the Health Center is open and 
research is being conducted. 
Plus, if crews don't stay on top 
of snow removal, it just gets 
more difficult. Brown, who 
braves the cold to bike to 
work and around campus, says 
he can only remember once in 
his 26 years when workers 
were trapped on campus dur- 
ing an ice storm. 

"We were trapped here for 
four days in the late '90s. No 
one could get home. We put 
everyone up in hotels and just 
kept doing snow [and ice] in 

Winter Weather Tips 




rown offers the following tips to help 
the campus community weather winter 

"Wear wool socks over the tops of your shoes. It will keep you 
from slipping. It may look funny, but it works." He also cautions 
against people trying to navigate slippery sidewalks in heels or 
plastic soled shoes; "greased lightening," he calls them. 

To help lot plowers, park your car where there are other cars. 
When cars park all over, usually to get closer to a building, plows 
can't clear a lot well. 

University Research Shows Overdose Deaths Increasing 

As part of a unique program to help state 
and local officials address problems 
related to drug use, university research- 
ers have observed a sharp rise in the 
number of deaths attributable to drug overdoses 
in Maryland since 1997. 

A new study by the Center for Substance 
Abuse Research (CESAR) shows a 16 percent 
increase in Maryland deaths from drug or alco- 
hol overdoses between 1997 and 2001. In 2001 
alone, 559 people died this way. 

CESAR conducted the study for Maryland's 
Drug Early Warning System (DEWS), which has 
been tracking statistics on overdoses for several 
years because it helps give authorities a glimpse 
into the state's changing drug abuse problem. 
Once DEWS detects an emerging drug-use trend, 
it quickly disseminates the information to state, 
county and local governments. 

Among the striking trends revealed in the new 
study is a 76 percent increase in the number of 
women who died from drug overdoses during 
the five-year period. Still, four times as many men 
died from overdoses as women, the study shows. 
The study also turned up a tenfold increase in 
deaths from methadone overdoses, though the 
number of cases is small; two people in 1997 

versus 2 1 in 2001 . Similar increases in methadone 
deaths were reported in states across the nation. 

The racial profile of overdose victims also shift- 
ed. Overdose deaths rose by 27 percent among 
whites, but by less than five percent among 
African Americans. In 1 997, the number of 
African American overdose victims was slightly 
higher than whites. But by 2001, the figures had 
nearly reversed. Whites represented 52 percent of 
all deaths that year, African Americans 46 percent. 

Eighty percent of all overdose deaths occurred 
in Baltimore City and Central Maryland, which 
has one of the highest rates of heroin addiction in 
the nation. Most of the overdoses looked at in the 
study resulted from use of a single drug, not a 
combination of drugs. Narcotics contributed to 
82 percent of the deaths. 

"This kind of information can give authorities 
and practitioners the first indication that some- 
thing's changed in the drug scene," says Eric Wish, 
director of CESAR and a professor of criminology 
at the university. "But interpreting the numbers 
can be tricky — we can't just assume drug use 
itself is rising. Changes in the purity of street 
drugs, for example, can influence overdose rates." 

The DEWS report is available at www.dewson-' 

Divers: University Program Safe, Thorough 

Continued from page I 

lating the weighdessness of 
space in water. The re's even a 
professor, Mario ri Erickson- 
Natishan, who participates in 
underwater submarine races 
every year at Carderock.At least 
seven projects are underway. 

"A lot of what I do is paper- 
work, sending reminders of 
license renewals and certifica- 
tions," says Sarro. He administers 
some of the training himself, 
such as HAZMAT, CPR and first 
aid. In his free time, he does 
dive charters and some outside 

"We're very fortunate to get 
Bill," says McMahon,"because of 
all his experience." 


Sarro {right) supervises students Smhhanik and Mularski during a rescue 
demonstration at the Neutral Buoyancy Facility. 

from a boat or the beach, who 
are the dive buddies, what is the 
emergency plan, how deep in 
the dive and for how long, how 
many dives will there be? 

"If they're missing any data, 
then no dive," says Sarro, who 
has been in the diving industry 
for at least 30 years and started 
with the Oyster Recovery Part- 
nership, a network of local, state 
and federal agencies dedicated 
to bringing oysters back to 
Maryland's Chesapeake Bay. 

University science divers fol- 
low, and Sarro says exceed, rec- 
ommendations made by the 
American Academy of Underwa- 
ter Sciences (AAUS), of which 
the university is a member. 
According to the AAUS Web site, 
scientific diving is different 
from commercial diving in that 
participants "engage in under- 
water research activities to 
express exemption from the 
Occupational Safety and Health 
Administration (OSHA) regula- 
tions that govern other types of 
diving." These exemptions are 
not a lessening of the standards, 
just a reflection of the differ- 
ences. Scientific divers don't, for 
example, need to worry about 

construction or demolition. 

"Being members of AAUS 
brings diversity to the dive pro- 
gram," says Donna McMahon, 
assistant director of DES. Several 
universities and research institu- 
tions claim membership, which 
makes working in other loca- 
tions easier. 

"There's such good oversight 
that it gives a feeling of confi- 
dence to people you're working 
with," she says. 

"It adds credibility to this pro- 
gram," adds Sarro, who also 
works for the university's Cen- 
ter for Environmental Science 
Horn Point Laboratory in Cam- 
bridge, Md. 

To gain AAUS membership, an 
organization must fulfill three 
main requirements: have a quali- 
fied safety officer in place, have 
a diving control board (of 
which members are individually 
approved by AAUS) and have a 
dive safety manual. 

Some of the university's proj- 
ects include historical work 
being done with the Unviersity 
of Haifa in Israel and work in 
the Chesapeake Bay. Sarro also 
works with divers in the neutral 
buoyancy facility, who are simu- 

For those interested In 
recreational diving. 
Campus Recreation 
Services offers a non-credit 
scuba instruction course. Its 
next session will begin Feb. 
25, with registration begin- 
ning today, Jan. 28. The 30- 
hour course will meet on 
Tuesdays from 6:30 to 9:30 
p.m. Participants must regis- 
ter in person at the Campus 
Recreation Center member 
services desk. The cost is 
$275 and individuals must 
have a physical examination 
before registering for class. 
Health forms can be picked 
up at the desk. 

The course is taught by 
Bob Landers, who also 
teaches scuba kinesiology at 
the university. Participants 
will go on a certification dive 
following the end of the 
class at Willow Springs 
Quarry in Pennsylvania. Cer- 
tification is through the 
National Association of 
Underwater Instructors. All 
other classwork is done at 
the university. 

For more information, call 
(301) 405-PLAY or visit 


Career Center Expands Its Offerings 

Graduate Students Are Focus 


Travis Sheffler (above right] wants to help provide comprehensive career guidance and counseling for graduate stu- 
dents. Sheffler's colleague Chris Irwin (above background), PR and marketing coordinator for the center, chats with 
administrative assistant Lattisha Hawkins (not visible! in the recently renovated space. 

Over the next two years, 
Travis Sheffler will work 
hard to ensure that graduate stu- 
dents looking for career guid- 
ance find a welcoming, helpful 
place at die Career Center. 

Sheffler is the centers new 
program director for graduate 
student career services. It is a 
pilot, contract position created 
to work in tandem with Jason 
Pontius, the new coordinator of 
graduate student involvement. 
The two conducted a survey last 
spring to gauge graduate stu- 
dents' satisfaction and needs. 

Sheffler wants to overcome a 
common misconception - that 
the Career Center's resources are 
just for undergraduate students. 
Not so, says Sheffler, though it is 
true that many colleges and uni- 
versities don't have a position 
dedicated to graduate student 
employment needs at a time 
when it seems needed. 

"With the state of the econo- 
my, there are a number of people 
in graduate programs. [The econ- 
omy] has forced people to look 
outside of the box, look for other 
options,™ he says. However, "there 
aren't a lot of programs out there 

to use as models, or for bench- 
marking purposes." 

He is enlisting help in order to 
serve the diverse needs of a 
9,000-strong graduate popula- 
tion. He wants to encourage col- 
laboration between other cam- 
pus units and his office so that 
students receive as much assis- 
tance as possible in their search 
for employment. Faculty mem- 
bers, for example, he says, are a 
great source for job leads, espe- 
cially in academia. He would like 
to help students look for work 
outside of education, as well. 

"I'm looking to work in collab- 
oration with faculty; for their par- 
ticipation in programs, to market 
the programs and services in the 
center and for contacts in indus- 
try" he says, adding that he'd like 
to address classes to talk about 
the center's offerings. 

Because there arc so many 
needs and interests, Sheffler 
wants to plan a variety of activi- 
ties to meet them. He'd like to 
conduct a workshop, for exam- 
pie, on employment trends and 
emerging opportunities. As 
workplaces become more inter- 
disciplinary, there is "a breadth of 

opportunities and a lot in the sci- 
ences," says Sheffler, who comes 
to Maryland from a similar posi- 
tion at Arizona State University's 
Career Management Center, 
where he was director of stu- 
dent/corporate relations for the 
Department of Accountancy and 
Information Systems. The Mary- 
land campus' location, he says, 
provides access to interesting 
employment opportunities. 

"There are a lot of connec- 
tions with the federal govern- 
ment, such as professional associ- 
ations. I want graduate students 
to see them as an option for 

Other plans Sheffler has for 
serving graduate students 
include networking activities 
geared to international students, 
a career services Web site, disci- 
pline-specific panels and skill 
development workshops. 

Sheffler brings a long-standing 
enthusiasm for the university to 
his position. A Northern Virginia 
native whose dad and uncle are 
alumni, he remembers listening 
toTerps football games on the 
radio at 4 or 5 years old. "I've 
always been aTerp fan," he says. 

Terrorism: Database Helps Connect Events 

Continued from page 1 

expected to attend a series of 
lectures relating to methodologi- 
cal and conceptual difficulties of 
doing research on terrorism and 
violent crime. 

"Once coding of the terrorism 
data is completed, we plan to 
use the data to answer a series of 
questions about the nature of 
terrorism. Our analysis will begin 
by examining changing charac- 
teristics of terrorist events (e.g., 
targets, methods) over time, map- 
ping and spatial analysis, geogra- 
phical diffusion of terrorist 
methods, trend analysis (includ- 
ing the detection of "booms" and 

"busts"), and the distribution of 
specific forms of terrorist activi- 
ty such as kidnappings and 
hijackings," said LaFree. "We also 
plan to merge the terrorism data 
base with several important 
international data bases. This will 
allow us to examine how terror- 
ist events are related to a wide 
variety of other economic, politi- 
cal and social variables, including 
economic stress, political legiti- 
macy and population growth." 

The team expects that it will be 
especially useful to use these data 
to analyze the extent to which 
democratic transitions are associ- 

ated with particular changes in 
rates and types of terrorist events. 
It can also be used to examine 
how terrorism is related to glob- 
al changes including state fail- 
ures and coups, ethnic conflicts 
and other international crises. 

"With the support of university 
staff and students, our goal is to 
create a more inclusive database 
on terrorist events than any of 
the other publicly available data 
sets that now exist. We hope 
these data will eventually provide 
a more complete understanding 
of terrorist violence and how it 
may be combatted," said LaFree. 

Diversity Initiative Sponsors 
Cutting-Edge Prograrnrning 

When students 
encounter a com- 
munity of others 
different from themselves, 
they are provided opportuni- 
ties for new ways to under- 
stand and interpret the 
world. A research study com- 
missioned by the Ford Foun- 
dation revealed that today's 
college graduates will have 
to communicate with people 
from different cultures and 

University faculty mem- 
bers play a key role in edu- 
cating college youth about 
diversity issues. The Faculty 
Relations Committee of the 
Diversity Initiative has grown 
from a one-day program to 
an on-going institutionalized 
effort recognized as a nation- 
al model by the Ford Founda- 
tion, American Council on 
Education, Association of 
American Colleges and Uni- 
versities and the White 
House Initiative on Race. 

Connected to the Office of 
Human Relations Programs 
(OHRP), the initiative helps 
faculty of all ranks, disci- 
plines and academic appoint- 
ments to develop and imple- 
ment cutting-edge diversity 
programming. The commit- 
tee works to make diversity a 
central value of our educa- 
tional enterprise by: 

Increasing faculty aware- 
ness of campus climate and 
intergroup relations; 

Sponsoring innovation in 
diversity pedagogy and cur- 
riculum development; 

Supporting innovative 
diversity research projects 
that enhance student learn- 
ing and involve diverse 
teams of researchers; 

Creating successful univer- 
sity-community partnerships 
that focus on diversity, social 
justice, and improved quality 
of life; 

Publicizing successful 
diversity practices; and, 

Bringing new energy and 
resources to the campus dia- 
logue on diversity. 

Each year, the committee 
awards one to three Faculty 
Support Awards to encour- 
age teaching, research, or 
service projects aimed at 
building a more inclusive 
campus community. Winning 
recipients receive course 
"buy-outs" to implement 
their projects. The Diversity 
Initiative, the Office of the 
Associate Provost for Equity 
and Diversity and the Office 
of Research and Graduate 
Studies, collaboratively spon- 
sor this award program. The 
research of the most current 
winner of the Faculty Sup- 
port Awards is presented 

Two new chairs sit on the 
committee, Journalism Pro- 
fessor Maurine Beasley and 
Kinesiology Professor Marvin 
Scott. Beasley, a specialist in 
the subject of women's por- 
trayal and participation in 

journalism, focuses on Wash- 
ington women journalists, 
including their coverage of 
First Ladies. Her books,"The 
Eleanor Roosevelt Encyclope- 
dia," and "Taking Their Place: 
A Documentary History of 
Women and Journalism," are 
read by journalists and jour- 
nalism students nationwide. 
Beasley teaches on women 
in the media, journalism his- 
tory and reasearch methods, 

Scott has been on the fac- 
ulty in the Department of 
Kinesiology for 13 years. He 
serves as an instructor and 
coordinator of the kinesio- 
logical science program. He 
has extensive involvement 
with diversity issues, which 
includes representing the 
university at the Association 
of American Colleges and 
Universities conferences as 
well as participating in a 
Classroom Climate Training 
Workshop, and the Summer 
Institute on Race and Gender 
sponsored by Maryland, Also, 
he teaches a course for the 
department that fulfills the 
institution's general educa- 
tion diversity requirement . 
He curriculum and instruc- 
tion training focuses on insti- 
tutional culture, multicultural 
education and at-risk stu- 

The Faculty Relations 
Committee also sponsors an 
annual Diversity Initiative 
Faculty Research Forum 
every spring.This year's 
forum, to be held on April 8, 
will showcase the work of 
the award recipients. 

Awardee for 2002-2003 
Maria Mcintosh, professor, 
Natural Resource Science 
and Landscape Architecture, 
Maria Mcintosh will use her 
award to study the participa- 
tion and roles of women in 

academic sector of agricul- 
tural sciences.The goal of 
her research is to identify 
causes and suggest solutions 
to the pervasive gender 
imbalance among agricultur- 
al professionals and academ- 
ics, particularly among high- 
level positions. For example, 
Mcintosh is the only female 
full professor in a depart- 
ment of 40 tenure-track fac- 
ulty. Using national databas- 
es, she 

will analyze data to deter- 
mine the extent of a 
"pipeline" effect where the 
proportion of women "leaks" 
at each level throughout the 
professional pipeline. She 
will also investigate where 
women who leave academia 
are going and why they are 
leaving. Results of her study, 
which include 1,700 
responses to a survey of 
members of the American 
Society of Agronomy, are 
planned to be published. 
Also, she intends to submit 
her study and recommenda- 
tions to OHRP 

JANUARY 28, 2003 

Teaching, Learning, 

The "Teaching, Learning, Tech- 
nology?" speaker series, spon- 
sored by the Office of Informa- 
tion Technology and the Uni- 
versity Libraries, hrings inter- 
national experts to campus to 
discuss integrating technology 
into the learning process, 

"Finding Materials and Build- 
ing Learning Communities: 
MERLOT" wilt be the first pres- 
entation of the semester. The 
featured speaker wit! be Laura 
Franklin, professor of French 
and assistant division chair of 
Foreign Languages and History 
in the Humanities and Social 
Sciences Division for Northern 
Virginia Community College. 
Franklin also co-edits the 
World Languages collection of 
the Multimedia Educational 
Resource for Learning and 
Online Teaching (MERLOT) 
project, a collaborative acade- 
mic community whose prima- 
ry goal is to increase its mem- 
bers' knowledge, productivity 
and professional effectiveness 
in academic technology servic- 
es. Franklin will demonstrate 
her work with the MERLOT 
project and discuss how it 
applies to teaching and learn- 
ing in the languages. 

Franklin will speak on Thurs- 
day, Feb. 6 at 2 p.m. in 6137 
McKeldin Library. For more in- 
formation, visit www.oit.umd. 
edu/as/speakerse ri e s . h t m I . 

IGCA Spring Reception 

The Institute for Global Chi- 
nese Affairs (IGCA) will hold a 
reception on Thursday, Feb, 6, 
from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. in 01 30 
Nyumburu Cultural Center, to 
recognize three Chinese dele- 
gations participating in IGCA 
executive training programs. 
This includes the Beijing 
Finance Delegation, Jiangsu 
World Trade Organizatin 
(WTO) Research Delegation 
and Zhejiang Science and Tech- 
nology Delegation. 

RVSP by Monday, Feb. 3 by 
contacting Linda Zhao at (301) 
405-0209 or Iz45@umail.umd 
edu. For more information 
about the event, visit www. 

IGCA Symposium 

The Institute for Global Chi- 
nese Affairs (IGCA) invites the 
campus community to a sym- 
posium on U.S. -China relations 
on Wednesday, Feb. 5 from 
noon to 4:30 p.m. in 0105 St. 
Mary's Hall. "Sino- American 
Relations in the News: Does 
the Media Reflect a Balance?" 
will feature a luncheon and 
afternoon panels on media 
coverage of U.S.-China rela- 
tions. Several experts will 
reflect on whether and how 
the Chinese and U.S. media 
may affect public opinion on 
the subject. 

Robert A. Kapp, president, 
U.S.-China Business Council, 
will give the keynote speech. 

Spinners, University Welcome New Governor 

JObb 1 





ov. Bob Ehrlich, President Dan Mote and Lt..Gov. Michael Steele attended an 
Inaugural Concert, which featured the Spinners, at the Clarice Smith 
Performing Arts Center on Jan. 14, 

Club Recognizes Members' Contributions 


The university's Center for International Development and Conflict Management 
(CIDCM) recently hosted a Club of Budapest luncheon honoring Vinod Bhalla 
(inset), Club of Budapest ambassador to the United States, and Peter Spiegel (at 
left in photo, top), secretary general to the Club of Budapest International. The event 
was organized by Suheil Bushrui (top right), Baha'i Chair for World Peace and a creative 
member of the Club of Budapest, whose philosophy is that humanity can overcome 
the challenges it faces through the development of a global cultural consciousness. The 
club's mission is to be a catalyst for transformation into a sustainable world. It was 
founded in 1978 by its president, Ervin Laszlo, who believes "the challenge is to create 
a positive future. And that is up to you and me." 

Panelists from the Department 
of Communication and the 
Department of Government & 
Politics and several noted off- 
campus scholars will offer 
their insights on economic, 
political and military issues 
and press coverage. Open-floor 
discussions and question-and- 
answer periods will be held. 
RSVP by Monday, Feb. 3 to 
Rebecca McGinnis at (301) 
405-0213 or rml65@umail. For more informa- 
tion, visit www.inform.umd. 

Reduced Charges 
lor Departmental 
Wireless LANs 

Effective Jan. 1, the Office of 
Information Technology (OIT) 
has restructured wireless pric- 
ing for departments to reflect 

better discounts from its ven- 
dor. The restructuring reduces 
maintenance fees to $4 per 
month per access point. The 
one-time charges associated 
with the new options range 
from $610 to $910 per access 
point. There is no charge for 
use of the wireless network. 
For more information or to 
arrange a site visit, contact or visit 